تازه‌های مقالات خارجی بهمن 1401

تازه‌های مقالات خارجی بهمن 1401




136093 Monsters and Horror in the Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse/Penny Crofts.- Law and Literature. 2018; Vol.30, No.1: 123-148.
136094 How a Body becomes a Boat: The Asylum Seeker in Law and Images/Justine Poon.- Law and Literature. 2018; Vol.30, No.1.
136095 Fear & loathing in Sydney: Law, Justice and the Experience of Fear in a Hashtag World/Cassandra Sharp.- Law and Literature. 2018; Vol.30, No.1: 29-52.
136096 Complicity as Legal Responsibility/Honni van Rijswijk.- Law and Literature. 2018; Vol.30, No.1: 149-165.
136097 The Genres and Politics of Refugee Testimony/Anthea Vogl.- Law and Literature. 2018; Vol.30, No.1: 81-104.
136098 Completeness versus Incompleteness: Binary Codification of the Pop Song Que Marianne etait jolie/Anne Wagner.- Law and Literature. 2018; Vol.30, No.1: 53-80.
136099 Complicated Refugees: A Study of the 1951 Geneva Convention Grounds in Aleksandar Hemon’s Life Narrative/Jessy Carton.- Law and Literature. 2018; Vol.30, No.2: 331-347.
136100 How is the EU like the Marvel Universe? Legal Experientialism and Law as a Shared Universe/Daniel Davison-Vecchione.- Law and Literature. 2018; Vol.30, No.2: 185-220.
136101 The Bildungsroman and Biafran Sovereignty in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun/Michael A. Donnelly.- Law and Literature. 2018; Vol.30, No.2: 245-266.
136102 The Spectacle of Divorce Law in Evelyn Waugh’s A Handful of Dust and A. P. Herbert’s Holy Deadlock/Henry Kha.- Law and Literature. 2018; Vol.30, No.2: 267-285.
136103 Theatricalizing Law/Marett Leiboff.- Law and Literature. 2018; Vol.30, No.2: 351-367.
136104 Legal Translation and the Specter of Race: The Worldly Context of Somerset v. Stewart/Mollie McFee.- Law and Literature. 2018; Vol.30, No.2: 287-308.
136105 Law Imprisons, Love Liberates/Joshua Neoh.- Law and Literature. 2018; Vol.30, No.2: 221-244.
136106 From the Treaty of Nanking to the Joint Declaration: The Struggle for Equality through State Documents/John D. Wong.- Law and Literature. 2018; Vol.30, No.2: 309-329.
136107 On the Possibility of Legal Form in Mieville’s Speculative Fictions/Daniel Hourigan.- Law and Literature. 2018; Vol.30, No.2: 167-184.
136108 Exemplarity in Contemporary Arts/Tiziana Andina.- Law and Literature. 2018; Vol.30, No.3: 423-435.
136109 Exemplarity: Story, Time and Gesture of a Threshold/Angela Condello.- Law and Literature. 2018; Vol.30, No.3: 437-448.
136110 7 March 1943. Exemplary Action/Maurizio Ferraris.- Law and Literature. 2018; Vol.30, No.3: 401-408.
136111 The Example of Undressing: Obnubilations on the Empty Space of the Rule/Peter Goodrich.- Law and Literature. 2018; Vol.30, No.3: 409-422.
136112 Be Like This. Norms, Examples, Documents and Indexicals from a Neo-Aristotelian Perspective.- Law and Literature. 2018; Vol.30, No.3: 449-463.
136113 Towards Exemplarity: When the Particular Matters/Tiziano Toracca.- Law and Literature. 2018; Vol.30, No.3: 45-477.
136114 Exemplarity in the Public Realm/Alessandro Ferrara.- Law and Literature. 2018; Vol.30, No.3: 387-399.
136115 Translating Mein Kampf: Arnon Grunberg’s Profanations/Michiel Bot.- Law and Literature. 2019; Vol.31, No.1: 95-112.
136116 Copyright and Hypernarrative/Dan L. Burk.- Law and Literature. 2019; Vol.31, No.1: 1-20.
136117 On Frivolity and Contempt The Reception of Caryl Chessman’s Prisoner Litigation/Nathaniel Heggins Bryant.- Law and Literature. 2019; Vol.31, No.1: 49-70.
136118 Specters and Psychoanalysis in the Turn to Law and Affect/Daniel Hourigan.- Law and Literature. 2019; Vol.31, No.1: 129-145.
136119 The Exercise of Jurisdiction and the Absent Author of Law’s Speech/Victoria L. Ridler.- Law and Literature. 2019; Vol.31, No.1: 71-93.
136120 In Cold Blood, the Expansion of Psychiatric Evidence, and the Corrective Power of True Crime/Sara Sligar.- Law and Literature. 2019; Vol.31, No.1: 21-47.
136121 Crimes and War Crimes: William Hodge & Co. and the Public Understanding of the Holocaust in Post-World War II Britain/Victoria Stewart.- Law and Literature. 2019; Vol.31, No.1: 113-127.
136122 Linkability, Personhood and State Modernity: Understanding the Affordances of Personal Identity across Different Legal Regimes/Christopher Hutton.- Law and Literature. 2019; Vol.31, No.2: 239-257.
136123 Crafting Testimony: The Qing Homicide Reports and Narrative Structure/Yoojin Soh.- Law and Literature. 2019; Vol.31, No.2: 191-219.
136124 Literature as Law? The Confucian Classics as Ultimate Sources of Law in Traditional China/Norman P. Ho.- Law and Literature. 2019; Vol.31, No.2: 173-190.
136125 Black and White versus Yin and Yang/Anthony Carty, Anqi Yu, Jun Wang.- Law and Literature. 2019; Vol.31, No.2: 277-288.
136126 Interpretive Violence and the Nationalization of Hong Kong Law: Notes on the Oath-taking Controversy/Janny H. C. Leung.- Law and Literature. 2019; Vol.31, No.2: 221-238.
136127 Punishment and Ethical Self-cultivation in Confucius and Aristotle/Matthew D. Walker.- Law and Literature. 2019; Vol.31, No.2: 259-275.
136128 Free like sheep: Law, Humor, and Roman Political Culture (Cicero, De Oratore 2.284)1/Cynthia J. Bannon.- Law and Literature. 2019; Vol.31, No.3: 469-486.
136129 The Problem of Female Birthright in Chancery and the Eighteenth-Century Novel/Jolene Zigarovich.- Law and Literature. 2019; Vol.31, No.3: 487-508.
136130 Prolegomenon on the Role of the Polyphonic Novel for (Animal) Law: J.M. Coetzee’s The Lives of Animals, the Voice of Refusal, and the Subversive Performativity of the Novel/Jan-Harm de Villiers.- Law and Literature. 2019; Vol.31, No.3: 443-468.
136131 Thinking Human Rights Through Metaphor/Ben Golder.- Law and Literature. 2019; Vol.31, No.3: 301-332.
136132 Justice Deferred: Legal Duplicity and the Scapegoat Mentality in Paul Laurence Dunbar’s Jim Crow America/Rebecca Ruth Gould.- Law and Literature. 2019; Vol.31, No.3: 357-379.
136133 Colonial Subjectivities and Shifting Legalities in Amitav Ghosh’s Sea of Poppies/Preet S. Aulakh.- Law and Literature. 2019; Vol.31, No.3: 415-441.
136134 The Sword and the Shield: The Uses of Poetry at the War Crimes Trial of Radovan Karadzic, the Poet-Warrior1/Jay Surdukowski.- Law and Literature. 2019; Vol.31, No.3: 333-355.
136135 Marriage and Private Property in Edith Wharton’s Summer/Abigail Dallmann.- Law and Literature. 2019; Vol.31, No.3: 381-413.
136136 From the Odyssey Onwards: Law’s Long and Winding Road/Shulamit Almog.- Law and Literature. 2020; Vol.32, No.1: 47-74.
136137 CLS is Haunted! A Perspective on Contemporary Critical Legal Studies/James Gilchrist Stewart.- Law and Literature. 2020; Vol.32, No.1: 135-154.
136138 Sex, Consent, and the Unconscious Female Body: Reading Tess of the D Urbervilles Alongside the Trial of Brock Allen Turner/Elissa Gurman.- Law and Literature. 2020; Vol.32, No.1: 155-170.
136139 The Image of Law in Polish Literature (from the Beginning of the 19th Century up to 1939)/Marek Wasowicz.- Law and Literature. 2020; Vol.32, No.1: 171-183.
136140 The Substance of Poetic Procedure: Law & Humanity in the Work of Lawrence Joseph/Frank Pasquale.- Law and Literature. 2020; Vol.32, No.1: 1-46.
136141 Outlawing the Myth: Legouve’s Medea in Victorian England from the Lens of Feminist Literary Jurisprudence/Marta Villalba-Lazaro.- Law and Literature. 2020; Vol.32, No.1: 107-103.
136142 De(Re)Constructing Narratives in Intellectual Property Law: Transformative Play, Culture Jamming, and Poststructural Disruptions/David Tan.- Law and Literature. 2020; Vol.32, No.1: 75-106.
136143 Actor, Orator, Person: The Representation of Passion and the Passion of Representation in Hobbes Leviathan/Rudiger Campe.- Law and Literature. 2020; Vol.32, No.2: 207-221.
136144 Nature as a Legal Person: Proxy Constellations in Law/Andreas Fischer-Lescano.- Law and Literature. 2020; Vol.32, No.2: 237-262.
136145 Why Non-Human Rights?/Malte-Christian Gruber.- Law and Literature. 2020; Vol.32, No.2: 263-270.
136146 Why Rights? A Commentary on Malte-Christian Gruber/Christoph Menke.- Law and Literature. 2020; Vol.32, No.2: 271-276.
136147 The Semantics of Autonomy, the Pathos of Decision, and Dispositifs of Representation at the End of Life/Petra Gehring.- Law and Literature. 2020; Vol.32, No.2: 291-302.
136148 Writing for Others in South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission/Anne Fleckstein.- Law and Literature. 2020; Vol.32, No.2: 277-299.
136149 Speaking-For and the Lack of Representation: Advocacy in Hobbes and Rousseau/Friedrich Balke.- Law and Literature. 2020; Vol.32, No.2: 223-236.
136150 Representing Agency: An Introduction/Katrin Trustedt.- Law and Literature. 2020; Vol.32, No.2: 195-206.
136151 Standing Up for Trees: Rethinking Representation in a Multispecies Context/Alyse Bertenthal.- Law and Literature. 2020; Vol.32.
136152 Original Intent: The Limits of Legal Imagination in Colm Toibin’s The Heather Blazing/Eugene McNulty.- Law and Literature. 2020; Vol.32, No.3: 399-413.
136153 Jerusalem, 1961: Muriel Spark’s Cold War Intrigue/Carolyn Ownbey.- Law and Literature. 2020; Vol.32, No.3: 437-455.
136154 The Comedic Governance of Indigenous Land Rights in Delgamuukw v. British Columbia and Marie Clements Burning Vision/Christina Turner.- Law and Literature. 2020; Vol.32, No.3: 375-395.
136155 At the Crossroads of Law and Literature; On the Role of Fiction in Jeremy Bentham’s Penal Theory/Claire Wrobel.- Law and Literature. 2020; Vol.32, No.3: 415-435.
136156 A Poetics for Spatial Justice: Gaston Bachelard, Walter Benjamin, and the Return to Historical Materialism/Christopher Tomlins.- Law and Literature. 2020; Vol.32, No.3: 319-353.
136157 Censorship, Obscenity and Courtroom Drama: Reading Ismat Chughtai’s Lihaaf and The Lihaaf Trial/Nandi Bhatia.- Law and Literature. 2020; Vol.32, No.3: 457-475.
136158 Opera and Law: Critical Notes/Filippo Annunziata, Giorgio Fabio Colombo.- Law and Literature. 2021; Vol.33, No.1: 141-157.
136159 Time Framing in the Rhetoric of Constitutional Preambles/Nomi Claire Lazar.- Law and Literature. 2021; Vol.33, No.1: 1-21.
136160 The Image of Law in Stephen R. Donaldson’s Reave the Just: Agency, Blame, and Sexual Assault/Dennis Wilson Wise.- Law and Literature. 2021; Vol.33, No.1: 73-92.
136161 Reading Faust into International Criminal Law/Edwin Bikundo.- Law and Literature. 2021; Vol.33, No.1: 93-118.
136162 Figures of Exclusion in Mucedorus (c. 1591)/Alexander Thom.- Law and Literature. 2021; Vol.33, No.1: 49-72.
136163 A Series of Unfortunate Events or the Common Law/Thomas Giddens.- Law and Literature. 2021; Vol.33, No.1: 23-48.
136164 Zombies as an Allegory for Terrorism: Understanding the Social Impact of Post 9/11 Security Theatre and the Existential Threat of Terrorism through the Work of Mira Grant/Tamsin Phillipa Paige.- Law and Literature. 2021; Vol.33, No.1: 119-140.
136165 Legal Perspectives on the Method of Myth/Alessandro Campo.- Law and Literature. 2021; Vol.33, No.2: 239-254.
136166 In Quest of Sense. The Way Towards an Aesthetics of Law through Law and Humanities/M. Paola Mittica.- Law and Literature. 2021; Vol.33, No.2: 171-187.
136167 The Reflexivity of Law and of Literature/Tommaso Gazzolo.- Law and Literature. 2021; Vol.33, No.2: 315-332.
136168 Transgression and Individuation. Proximities between Law and Literature/Angela Condello.- Law and Literature. 2021; Vol.33, No.2: 255-273.
136169 Force of Wall/Desmond Manderson.- Law and Literature. 2021; Vol.33, No.3.
136170 The Arena of Suspension: Carrie Mae Weems, Bryan Stevenson, and the Ground in the Stand Your Ground Law Era/Sarah Elizabeth Lewis.- Law and Literature. 2021; Vol.33, No.3: 487-518.
136171 The Animal Question via Art and Law/Joan Kee.- Law and Literature. 2021; Vol.33: 435-459.
136172 Imperfect Facsimiles: The Library and the Museum/Winnie Wong.- Law and Literature. 2021; Vol.33, No.3: 413-434.
136173 Listening for Silence/Jeremy Pilcher.- Law and Literature. 2021; Vol.33, No.3.
136174 Beyond the Corpse-Barbarian: The Radical (Mexican) Grammar of Death in the Works of Teresa Margolles and Sergio Gonzalez Rodriguez/Luis Gomez Romero.- Law and Literature. 2021; Vol.33, No.3: 519-545.
136175 Federalism and the Adjudication of Constitutional Issues: The Ethiopian Experience/Assefa Fiseha.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2005; Vol.52, No.1: 1-30.
136176 The Chinese Universal Jurisdiction Clause: How Far Can it Go?/Zhu Lijiang.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2005; Vol.52, No.1: 85-107.
136177 Civil Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Europe/P. VlasM. Zilinsky, F. Ibili.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2005; Vol.52, No.1: 109-129.
136178 The Gatt/WTO Regime, Economic Rights and Sub-Saharan Africa: The Musings of a Heretic/Ubong E. Effeh.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2005; Vol.52, No.2: 221-248.
136179 Social Science Experts and Amicus Curiae Briefs in International Courts and Tribunals: The WTO Biotech Case/Caroline E. Foster.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2005; Vol.52, No.3: 433-459.
136180 Reforming the United Nations: New Proposals in a Long-Lasting Endeavor/Peter Hilpold.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2005; Vol.52, No.3: 389-431.
136181 Reclaiming (Wo)manity: The Merits and Demerits of the African Protocol on Women’s Rights/Danwood Mzikenge Chirwa.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2006; Vol.53, No.1: 63-96.
136182 Principles as Sources of International Law (with Special Reference to Good Faith)/Robert Kolb.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2006; Vol.53, No.1: 1-36.
136183 Assessing Asylum Claims in Africa: Missing or Meeting Standards?/Edwin Odhiambo Abuya, George Mukundi Wachira.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2006; Vol.53, No.2: 171-204.
136184 The Notion of Free Trade and the First Ten Years of the World Trade Organization: How Level is the Level Playing Field?/Surya P. Subedi.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2006; Vol.53, No.2: 273-296.
136185 The Report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur & Genocidal Intent-A Critical Analysis/Mathilde K. van Haren.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2006; Vol.53, No.2: 205-245.
136186 Abolishing Exequatur in the European Union: The European Enforcement Order/Marek Zilinsky.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2006; Vol.53, No.3: 471-492.
136187 The Changing Status of International Law in English Domestic Law/Katherine Reece Thomas.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2006; Vol.53, No.3: 371-398.
136188 Enforcement of International Human Rights Law by Domestic Courts: A Theoretical and Practical Study/M. Shah Alam.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2006; Vol.53, No.3: 399-438.
136189 The Limits of the Judicial Function and the Conflict of Laws/Cathalijne G. van der Plas.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2006; Vol.53, No.3: 439-470.
136190 The Role of Security Council Arms Embargoes in Stemming Destabilizing Transfers of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW): Recent Developments and Challenges/Zeray W. Yihdego.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2007; Vol.54, No.1: 115-132.
136191 Towards a True Incarnation of the Rule of Law in War-Torn Territories: Centering Peacebuilding in the Will of the People/Kristen Daglish, Hitoshi Nasu.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2007; Vol.54, No.1: 81-114.
136192 The International Criminal Court and the Lord’s Resistance Army Leaders: Prosecution or Amnesty?/Manisuli Ssenyonjo.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2007; Vol.54, No.1: 51-80.
136193 Is the Hierarchical Structure of Article 31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention Real or Not? Interpreting the Rules of Interpretation/Ulf Linderfalk.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2007; Vol.54, No.1: 133-154.
136194 You Will Receive a Fair Trial Elsewhere The Ad Hoc International Criminal Tribunals Acting as Human Rights Jurisdictions/Lorenzo Gradoni.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2007; Vol.54, No.1: 1-49.
136195 From Belligerents to Fighters and Civilians Directly Participating in Hostilities-On the Principle of Distinction in Non-International Armed Conflicts One Hundred Years After the Second Hague Peace Conference/Jann K. Kleffner.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2007; Vol.54, No.2: 315-336.
136196 The Impossibility of Maritime Neutrality During World War/Elizabeth Chadwick.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2007; Vol.54, No.2: 337-360.
136197 A Highly Critical Moment: Role and Record of the 1907 Hague Peace Conference/Arthur Eyffinger.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2007; Vol.54, No.2: 197-228.
136198 Declarations of War and Belligerent Parties: International Law Governing Hostilities Between States and Transnational Terrorist Networks/Avril McDonald.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2007; Vol.54, No.1: 279-314.
136199 The Mosaic of International Dispute Settlement Procedures: Complementary or Contradictory?/J.G. Merrills.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2007; Vol.54, No.2: 361-393.
136200 Threats of Armed Force and Contemporary International Law/Marco Roscini.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2007; Vol.54, No.2: 229-277.
136201 The Revitalization of the Permanent Court of Arbitration/Jacomijn J. van Haersolte-van Hof.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2007; Vol.54, No.2: 395-413.
136202 Judicial Decisions Involving Questions of Public International Law/Fiona de Londras.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2007; Vol.54, No.3: 539-550.
136203 Judicial Decisions Involving Questions of Private International Law/Guangjian Tu.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2007; Vol.54, No.3: 539-570.
136204 The United Nations, the African Union and the Darfur Crisis: Of Apology and Utopia/Ademola Abass.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2007; Vol.54, No.3: 415-440.
136205 The Legality of Anticipatory Self-Defence in the 21st Century World Order: A Re-Appraisal/Abdul Ghafur Hamid.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2007; Vol.54, No.3: 441-490.
136206 Can the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty be Implemented before Entry into Force?/Anguel Anastassov.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2008; Vol.55, No.1: 73-91.
136207 Complementary Protection in International Refugee Law/Hemme Battjes.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2008; Vol.55, No.1: 101-105.
136208 La Charte des Nations Unies: Commentaire article par article/Niels Blokker.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2008; Vol.55, No.1: 105-111.
136209 Compulsory Licensing and Access to Medicines in Post Doha Era: What Hope for Africa?/Ebenezer Durojaye.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2008; Vol.55, No.1: 33-71.
136210 From Seoul with Love The Continuing Relevance of the 1986 Seoul ILA Declaration on Progressive Development of Principles of Public International Law Relating to a New International Economic Order/Duncan French.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2008; Vol.55, No.1: 3-32.
136211 Compendium of Key Human Rights Documents of the African Union/Siobhan McInerney-Lankford.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2008; Vol.55, No.1: 99-101.
136212 Force by Armed Groups as Armed Attack and the Broadening of Self-Defence/Constantine Antonopoulos.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2008; Vol.55, No.2: 159-180.
136213 Self-Defence: A State of Mind for States?/James A. Green.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2008; Vol.55, No.2: 181-206.
136214 Participatory Rights in Africa: A Brief Overview of an Emerging Regional Custom/Ndiva Kofele Kale.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2008; Vol.55, No.2: 233-259.
136215 Between Impunity and Accountability for Serious International Crimes: Legal and Policy Approaches/Alexander Orakhelashvili.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2008; Vol.55, No.2: 207-232.
136216 Who are The Parties? Article 31, Paragraph 3(C) of the 1969 Vienna Convention and the Principle of Systemic Integration Revisited/Ulf Linderfalk.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2008; Vol.55, No.2: 343-364.
136217 Transitional Justice in Transit: Why Transferring a Special Court for Sierra Leone Trial to the Hague Defeats the Purposes of Hybrid Tribunals/Padraig McAuliffe.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2008; Vol.55, No.3: 365-393.
136218 Custodial Sovereignty: Reconciling Sovereignty and Global Environmental Challenges amongst the Vestiges of Colonialism/Werner Scholtz.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2008; Vol.55, No.3: 323-341.
136219 Preferential Trade Agreements and the Scope of Gatt Article XXIV, Gats Article V and the Enabling Clause: An Appraisal of Gatt/WTO Jurisprudence/Md. Rizwanul Islam, Shawkat Alam.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2009; Vol.56, No.1: 1-34.
136220 The House of Lords in Al-Jedda and Public International Law: Attribution of Conduct to Un-Authorized Forces and the Power of the Security Council to Displace Human Rights/Francesco Messineo.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2009; Vol.56, No.1: 35-62.
136221 The Invocation of Necessity in International Law/Maria Agius.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2009; Vol.56, No.2: 95-135.
136222 Establishing State Responsibility for Breaching Human Rights Treaty Obligations: Avenues under Un Human Rights Treaties/Ineke Boerefijn.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2009; Vol.56, No.2: 167-205.
136223 Soft Law, Diplomatic Assurances and the Instrumentalisation of Normativity: Wither a Liberal Promise?/Vassilis Pergantis.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2009; Vol.56, No.2: 137-166.
136224 Civil Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Europe/P. Vlas, F. Ibili, M. Zilinsky, J. F. Vlek.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2009; Vol.56, No.2: 245-272.
136225 The Purpose of Uniform Choice-of-Law Rules: The Rome II Regulation/Th M. de Boer.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2009; Vol.56, No.3: 295-332.
136226 Combating Pirates Off the Coast of Somalia: Current Legal Challenges/M. D. Fink, R. J. Galvin.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2009; Vol.56, No.3: 367-395.
136227 Corporate Criminal Liability and the ICC Statute: The Comparative Law Challenge/Joanna Kyriakakis.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2009; Vol.56, No.3: 333-366.
136228 Reflections on Maritime Delimitation in the Romania/Ukraine Case Before the International Court of Justice/Yoshifumi Tanaka.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2009; Vol.56, No.3: 397-427.
136229 Self-Determination, Recognition and the Problem of Kosovo/Gary Wilson.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2009; Vol.56, No.3: 455-481.
136230 Self-Determination Through the Lens of the International Court of Justice/Gentian Zyberi.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2009; Vol.56, No.3: 429-453.
136231 Energy and Poverty: A Proposal to Harness International Law to Advance Universal Access to Modern Energy Services/Adrian J. Bradbrook, Judith G. Gardam.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2010; Vol.57, No.1: 1-28.
136232 Pro-Democratic Intervention and the Right to Political Self-Determination: The Case of Operation Iraqi Freedom/Simone van den Driest.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2010; Vol.57, No.1: 29-72.
136233 Living Apart Together: The Relationship Between Public and Private International Law/Th M. de Boer.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2010; Vol.57, No.2: 183-207.
136234 A Caravan Passes By The Centenary of the Netherlands Society of International Law/Arthur Eyffinger.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2010; Vol.57, No.2: 143-166.
136235 The Application of Public International Law by Dutch Courts/Joseph Fleuren.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2010; Vol.57, No.2: 245-266.
136236 International Organisations in The Netherlands: Immunity from the Jurisdiction of the Dutch Courts/Thomas Henquet.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2010; Vol.57, No.2: 267-301.
136237 The Netherlands and a Century of International Environmental Law/Ellen Hey.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2010; Vol.57, No.2: 323-346.
136238 A Missionary Burden or Enlighthened Self-Interest? International Law in Dutch Foreign Policy/Nico J. Schrijver.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2010; Vol.57, No.2: 209-244.
136239 The Dutch Engagement with the Project of International Criminal Justice/Larissa van den Herik.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2010; Vol.57, No.2: 303-322.
136240 On the Development of Private International Law in The Netherlands: From Asser’s Days to the Codification of Dutch Private International Law (1910-2010)/P. Vlas.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2010; Vol.57, No.2: 167-182.
136241 The EU Insolvency Regulation: Some Capita Selecta/Andre J. Berends.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2010; Vol.57, No.3: 423-442.
136242 The International Court of Justice 1989-2009: At the Heart of the Dispute Settlement System?/Hugh Thirlway.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2010; Vol.57, No.3: 347-395.
136243 Operation Cast Lead: Jus in Bello Proportionality/Michael Wells-Greco.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2010; Vol.57, No.3: 397-422.
136244 Transnational Investment Law and Environmental Protection: Russian State Intervention in the Sakhalin II Project-The Empire Strikes Back?/David M. Ong.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2011; Vol.58, No.1: 1-42.
136245 The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), Water, and Human Rights from the Perspective of Developing Countries/Shawkat Alam, Pundarik Mukhopadhaya, David Randle.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2011; Vol.58, No.1: 43-75.
136246 UN Peace-Building, Transitional Justice and the Rule of Law in East Timor: The Limits of Institutional Responses to Political Questions/Padraig McAuliffe.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2011; Vol.58, No.1: 103-135.
136247 The Role and Place of Human Rights in the Mandate and Works of the Peace and Security Council of the AU: An Appraisal/Solomon A. Dersso.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2011; Vol.58, No.1: 77-101.
136248 The International Law of Naval Blockade and Israel s Interception of the Mavi Marmara/Russell Buchan.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2011; Vol.58, No.2: 209-241.
136249 The Legal Characterization of the Armed Conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq: Implications for Protection/Siobhan Wills.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2011; Vol.58, No.2: 173-208.
136250 The Application of International Legal Norms Over Time: The Second Branch of Intertemporal Law/Ulf Linderfalk.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2011; Vol.58, No.2: 147-172.
136251 Begging the Question? The Kosovo Opinion and the Reformulation of Advisory Requests/Jorg Kammerhofer.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2011; Vol.58, No.3: 409-424.
136252 Is There an International Obligation to Prosecute Pirates?/Saiful Md. Karim.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2011; Vol.58, No.3: 387-407.
136253 Reforming United Nations Human Rights Treaty Monitoring Reform/John Morijn.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2011; Vol.58, No.3: 295-333.
136254 Recent Changes in the Nile Region May Create an Opportunity for a More Equitable Sharing of the Nile River Waters/Nadia Sanchez, Joyeeta Gupta.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2011; Vol.58, No.3: 363-385.
136255 Cultural Property Aspects in International Law: The Case of the (Still) Inadequate Safeguarding of Indigenous Peoples (Tangible) Cultural Heritage/Athanasios Yupsanis.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2011; Vol.58, No.3: 335-361.
136256 The Proposed International Criminal Jurisdiction for the African Court: Some Problematical Aspects/Ademola Abass.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2013; Vol.60, No.1: 27-50.
136257 Positive Obligations and the International Criminal Tribunals Law of Detention: Funding Family Visits and the ICC Presidency’s Ngudjolo Decisio/Denis Abels.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2013; Vol.60, No.1: 51-72.
136258 Mapping the Approaches to the Question of Exemption from International Responsibility/Cliff Farhang.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2013; Vol.60, No.1: 93-120.
136259 Maritime Embargo Operations: Naval Implementation of un Sanctions at Sea Under Articles 41 And 42 of the un Charter/M. D. Fink.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2013; Vol.60, No.1: 73-92.
136260 Rethinking Jus Cogens After Germany v. Italy: Back to Article 53?/Jure Vidmar.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2013; Vol.60, No.1: 1-25.
136261 Human Rights and the Regulation of Privatized Essential Services/Antenor Hallo de Wolf.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2013; Vol.60, No.2: 165-204.
136262 International Jurisdiction of Japanese Courts in a Comparative Perspective/Yuko Nishitani.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2013; Vol.60, No.2: 251-277.
136263 Obligations and Liability of Sponsoring States Concerning Activities in the Area: Reflections on the Itlos Advisory Opinion of 1 February 2011/Yoshifumi Tanaka.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2013; Vol.60, No.2: 205-230.
136264 Status of Forces and Criminal Jurisdiction/Joop Voetelink.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2013; Vol.60, No.2: 231-250.
136265 Shared Responsibility Before the European Court of Human Rights/Maarten den Heijer.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2013; Vol.60, No.3: 411-440.
136266 Cross-Border Enforcement and the Brussels I-Bis Regulation: Towards a New Balance Between Mutual Trust and National Control over Fundamental Rights/Xandra E. Kramer.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2013; Vol.60, No.3: 343-373.
136267 Least Developed Countries in the WTO Dispute Settlement System/Sharmin J. Tania.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2013; Vol.60, No.3: 375-409.
136268 Institutional Reactions to the Flag State that has Failed to Discharge Flag State Responsibilities/Yoshinobu Takei.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2012; Vol.59, No.1: 65-90.
136269 The Territorial Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court-A Jurisdictional Rule of Reason for the ICC?/Michail Vagias.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2012; Vol.59, No.1: 43-64.
136270 National Courts, International Crimes and the Functional Immunity of State Officials/Rosanne van Alebeek.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2012; Vol.59, No.1: 5-41.
136271 Uniform Rules for Contract Disputes: Putting Activity-Related Jurisdiction on the Agenda/Helene van Lith.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2012; Vol.59, No.1: 91-118.
136272 Is Turkey the Continuing State of the Ottoman Empire Under International Law?/Patrick Dumberry.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2012; Vol.59, No.2: 235-262.
136273 The World Bank Inspection Panel’s Normative Potential: A Critical Assessment, and a Restatement/Andria Naude Fourie.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2012; Vol.59, No.2: 199-234.
136274 The African Union, Responsibility to Protect and the Libyan Crisis/Eki Yemisi Omorogbe.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2012; Vol.59, No.2: 141-163.
136275 Provisional Measures: Binding and Persuasive? Enabling Human Rights Adjudicators to Follow up on State Disrespect/Eva Rieter.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2012; Vol.59, No.2: 165-198.
136276 The Meaning and Protection of Cultural Objects and Places of Worship Under the 1977 Additional Protocols/Marina Lostal Becerril.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2012; Vol.59, No.3: 455-472.
136277 Freedom of Opinion and Freedom of Expression: Some Reflections on General Comment No. 34 of the Un Human Rights Committee/Alfred de Zayas, Aurea Roldan Martin.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2012; Vol.59, No.3: 425-454.
136278 Comments on Illegal War and Illegal Conduct: Are the Two Related?/Charles Garraway.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2012; Vol.59, No.3: 473-492.
136279 Global Values in the United Nations Charter/Otto Spijkers.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2012; Vol.59, No.3: 361-397.
136280 Why Overriding Mandatory Provisions that Protect Financial Stability Deserve Special Treatment/Andre J. Berends.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2014; Vol.61, No.1: 69-106.
136281 China, the International Criminal Court, and International Adjudication/Zhu Dan.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2014; Vol.61, No.1: 43-67.
136282 Responsibility in Peace Support Operations: Revisiting the Proper Test for Attribution Conduct and the Meaning of the Effective Control Standard/Omer Faruk Direk.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2014; Vol.61, No.1: 1-22.
136283 The Kadi Saga as a Tale of Strict Observance of International Law: Obligations under the un Charter, Targeted Sanctions and Judicial Review in the European Union/Joris Larik.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2014; Vol.61, No.1: 23-42.
136284 Denunciation Followed by Re-Accession with Reservations to a Treaty: A Critical Appraisal of Contemporary State Practice/Bjorn Arp.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2014; Vol.61, No.2: 141-165.
136285 The Prohibition of the Use of Force as Jus Cogens: Explaining Apparent Derogations/Sondre Torp Helmersen.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2014; Vol.61, No.2: 167-193.
136286 The Security Council and the International Criminal Court: The Unsolved Puzzle of Article 16/Abel S. Knottnerus.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2014; Vol.61, No.2: 195-224.
136287 Do we Need a Rome 0 Regulation?/Rolf Wagner.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2014; Vol.61, No.2: 225-242.
136288 International Organisations and States Within an Agency Relationship: The Distribution of Responsibility/Irene Couzigou.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2014; Vol.61, No.3: 335-364.
136289 Terrorism Too Elusive a Term for an International Legal Definition?/Rumyana Grozdanova.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2014; Vol.61, No.3: 305-334.
136290 Armed Opposition Groups and the Right to Exercise Control over Public Natural Resources: A Legal Analysis of the Cases of Libya and Syria/Daniella Dam-de Jong.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2015; Vol.62, No.1: 3-24.
136291 Sharing Responsibility Between Non-State Actors and States in International Law: Introduction/Jean dAspremont, Andre Nollkaemper, Ilias Plakokefalos, Cedric Ryngaert.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2015; Vol.62, No.1: 49-67.
136292 Private Security Companies and Shared Responsibility: The Turn to Multistakeholder Standard-Setting and Monitoring through Self-Regulation-Plus/Sorcha MacLeod.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2015; Vol.62, No.1: 119-140.
136293 Before It’s Too Late: Preventing Genocide by Holding the Territorial State Responsible for Not Taking Preventive Action/Etienne Ruvebana, Marcel Brus.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2015; Vol.62, No.1: 25-47.
136294 Shared Responsibility and Multinational Enterprises/Markos Karavias.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2015; Vol.62, No.1: 91-117.
136295 Shared Responsibility and Non-State Terrorist Actors/Kimberley N. Trapp.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2015; Vol.62, No.1: 141-160.
136296 Armed Opposition Groups and Shared Responsibility/Veronika Bolkova.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2015; Vol.62, No.1: 69-89.
136297 Accountability Through Fact-Finding: Appraising Inquiry in the Context of Srebrenica/Larissa van den Herik.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2015; Vol.62, No.2: 295-311.
136298 Addressing the Accountability Gap in Peacekeeping: Law-Making by Domestic Courts As a Way to Avoid UN Reform?/Heike Krieger.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2015; Vol.62, No.2: 259-277.
136299 Lessons Learned from the Srebrenica Massacre: From UN Peacekeeping Reform to Legal Responsibility/Cedric Ryngaert, Nico Schrijver.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2015; Vol.62, No.2: 219-227.
136300 Attributing the Conduct of Dutchbat in Srebrenica: the 2014 Judgment of the District Court in the Mothers of Srebrenica Case/Paolo Palchetti.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2015; Vol.62, No.2: 279-294.
136301 Preserving the Gordian Knot: UN Legal Accountability in the Aftermath of Srebrenica/Kirsten Schmalenbach.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2015; Vol.62, No.2: 313-328.
136302 Srebrenica: On Joint Criminal Enterprise, Aiding and Abetting and Command Responsibility/Harmen van der Wilt.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2015; Vol.62, No.2: 229-241.
136303 Crimea’s Separation from Ukraine: An Analysis of the Right to Self-Determination and (Remedial) Secession in International Law/Simone F. van den Driest.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2015; Vol.62, No.3: 329-363.
136304 The European Court of Human Rights and the Hague Child Abduction Convention: Prioritising Return or Reflection?/Peter McEleavy.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2015; Vol.62, No.3: 365-405.
136305 The Relationship between Jurisdiction and Attribution after Jaloud v. Netherlands/Jane M. Rooney.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2015; Vol.62, No.3: 407-428.
136306 Does One Size Fit All? Patents, the Right to Health and Access to Medicines/Jennifer Anna Sellin.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2015; Vol.62, No.3: 445-473.
136307 G. I. Hernandez, The International Court of Justice and the Judicial Function/Robert Kolb.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2016; No.1: 75-83.
136308 General Principles of Public Order and Morality and the Domain Name System: Whither Public International Law?/Adamantia Rachovitsa.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2016; No.1: 23-49.
136309 Little Weapons of War: Reasons for and Consequences of Treating Child Soldiers as Victims/Alexandre Andrade Sampaio, Matthew McEvoy.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2016; No.1: 51-73.
136310 Non-State Actors: Carving out a Space in a State-Centred International Legal System/Cedric Ryngaert.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2016; No.2: 183-195.
136311 The Application of Human Rights Law to Everyday Civilian Life Under Rebel Control/Katharine Fortin.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2016; No.2: 161-181.
136312 The New SADC Tribunal: Or the Emasculation of an International Tribunal/Gino J. Naldi, Konstantinos D. Magliveras.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2016; No.2: 133-159.
136313 Beyond State Consent? International Legal Scholarship and the Challenge of Informal International Law-Making/Eva Kassoti.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2016; No.2: 99-131.
136314 State Responsibility for International Humanitarian Law Violations by Private Actors in Occupied Territories and the Exploitation of Natural Resources/Marco Longobardo.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2016; No.3: 251-274.
136315 Financial Torts and Investor Protection: Is the Europeanisation of Third State Cases a Viable Solution?/Giorgio Risso.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2016; No.3: 313-334.
136316 Some Observations on Wrongfulness, Responsibility and Defences in International Law/Jure Vidmar.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2016; No.3: 335-353.
136317 Lis Pendens, Choice of Court Agreements and Abuse of Law Under Brussels Ibis/Jochem Vlek.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2016; No.36: 297-311.
136318 The Right to Development in International Law: New Momentum Thirty Years Down the Line?/Karin Arts, Atabongawung Tamo.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2016; No.3: 221-249.
136319 Drone Use Outside Areas of Active Hostilities: An Examination of the Legal Paradigms Governing US Covert Remote Strikes/Max Brookman-Byrne.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2017; Vol.64, No.1: 3-41.
136320 The Future of International Investment Regulation: Towards a World Investment Organisation?/Nicolette Butler, Surya Subedi.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2017; Vol.64, No.1: 43-72.
136321 Judicial Decisions on Private International Law/Jacobien Rutgers.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2017; Vol.64, No.1: 163-175.
136322 Non-State Actors in International Law: A Rejoinder to Professor Thirlway/Cedric Ryngaert.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2017; Vol.64, No.1: 155-162.
136323 Mutual Trust and Cross-Border Enforcement of Judgments in Civil Matters in the EU: Does the Step-by-Step Approach Work?/Marek Zilinsky.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2017; Vol.64, No.1: 115-139.
136324 Amicus Acceptance and Relevance: The Distinctive Example of Philip Morris v. Uruguay/Farouk El-Hosseny, Ezequiel H. Vetulli.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2017; Vol.64, No.1: 73-94.
136325 The European World of Insolvency Tourism: Renewed, But Still Brave?/Peter Mankowski.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2017; Vol.64, No.1: 95-114.
136326 The Role of Non-State Actors: A Response to Professor Ryngaert/Hugh Thirlway.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2017; Vol.64, No.1: 141-153.
136327 International Crimes Exception to the Immunity of State Officials from Foreign Criminal Jurisdiction: The Russian Perspective on the Work of the International Law Commission/Aslan Abashidze, Svetlana Shatalova.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2017; Vol.64, No.2: 213-236.
136328 Naval Blockade and the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen/Martin D. Fink.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2017; Vol.64, No.2: 291-307.
136329 Recognising Victimhood: Lessons from the International Criminal Court and Mass Claim Programmes for the Compensation Procedure Parallel to the Trial of International Crimes in the Netherlands/Pauline Janssen, Renee Kool.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2017; Vol.64, No.2: 237-257.
136330 The Influence of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Africa/Manisuli Ssenyonjo.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2017; Vol.64, No.2: 259-289.
136331 The International Court of Justice, Back to the Future: Keeping the Dream Alive/Karel Wellens.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2017; Vol.64, No.2: 193-212.
136332 Comparison of E-commerce Regulations in Chinese and American FTAs: Converging Approaches, Diverging Contents, and Polycentric Directions?/Jie Huang.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2017; Vol.64, No.2: 309-337.
136333 The Effects of Paradigm Shifts on the Rules on the Use of Force in Military Operations/J. F. R. Boddens Hosang.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2017; Vol.64, No.3: 353-373.
136334 Peacekeepers Facilitating Human Rights Violations: The Liability of the Dutch State in the Mothers of Srebrenica Cases/Cedric Ryngaert.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2017; Vol.64, No.3: 435-453.
136335 Human Trafficking in International Law Before the Palermo Protocol/Nicole J. Siller.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2017; Vol.64, No.3: 407-452.
136336 The Non-Compliance Mechanism Under the Aarhus Convention as Soft Enforcement of International Environmental Law: Not So Soft After All!/Elena Fasoli, Alistair McGlone.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2018; Vol.65, No.1: 27-53.
136337 Ascertaining Customary International Law: An Inquiry into the Methods Used by Domestic Courts/Cedric M. J. Ryngaert, Duco W. Hora Siccama.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2018; Vol.65, No.1: 1-25.
136338 The Scope for and the Significance and Desirability of the Use of the Term Genocide by Politicians: Joint Advisory Report by the Netherlands Advisory Committee on Issues of Public International Law/Menno T. Kamminga.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2018; Vol.65, No.1: 83-101.
136339 Determination of Habitual Residence in Chinese Private International Law: Lessons from Extraterritorial Experience/Renshan Liu.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2018; Vol.65, No.1: 55-77.
136340 Mutual Trust Under Pressure: Civil Justice Cooperation in the EU and the Rule of Law/Monique Hazelhorst.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2018; Vol.65, No.2: 103-130.
136341 Blurring Public and Private Security in Indonesia: Corporate Interests and Human Rights in a Fragile Environment/Nigel D. White …[et al.].- Netherlands International Law Review. 2018; Vol.65, No.1: 217-252.
136342 Universal Civil Jurisdiction and Forum Necessitatis: The Confusion of Public and Private International Law in Na‎گt-Liman v. Switzerland/Paul David Mora.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2018; Vol.65, No.1: 155-183.
136343 Climate Change and State Responsibility for Human Rights Violations: Causation and Imputation/Ottavio Quirico.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2018; Vol.65, No.2: 185-215.
136344 Separation from the Abducting Parent and the Best Interests of the Child: A Comparative Analysis of Case Law in Belgium, France and Switzerland/Tine Van Hof, Thalia Kruger.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2018; Vol.65, No.2: 131-153.
136345 Epilogue: International Norms for Nationality: An Elusive Goal?/Rainer Baubock.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2018; Vol.65, No.3: 497-506.
136346 Global Birthright Citizenship Laws: How Inclusive?/Iseult Honohan, Nathalie Rougier.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2018; Vol.65, No.3: 337-357.
136347 Recent Trends in Nationality Requirements in Olympic Sports/Anna Sabrina Wollmann.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2018; Vol.65, No.3: 359-390.
136348 The Next Frontier: Dual Nationality as a Multi-layered Concept/Patrick Wautelet.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2018; Vol.65, No.3: 391-412.
136349 Acquisition of Nationality by Birth on a Particular Territory or Establishment of Parentage: Global Trends Regarding Ius Sanguinis and Ius Soli/Gerard-Rene de Groot, Olivier Vonk.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2018; Vol.65, No.3: 319-335.
136350 Nationality and Diplomatic Protection/Eileen Denza.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2018; Vol.65, No.3: 463-480.
136351 The Shifting Parameters of Nationality/Kristin Henrard.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2018; Vol.65, No.3: 269-297.
136352 On the Right to Have Nationality Rights: Statelessness, Citizenship and Human Rights/David Owen.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2018; Vol.65, No.3: 299-317.
136353 The Triangular Relationship Between Nationality, EU Citizenship and Migration in EU Law: A Tale of Competing Competences/Helen Oosterom-Staples.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2018; Vol.65, No.3: 431-461.
136354 State Nationality and Religious Family Law: Some Notes/A. V. M. Struycken.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2018; Vol.65, No.3: 481-496.
136355 All Citizens are Created Equal, but Some are More Equal Than Others/Laura van Waas, Sangita Jaghai.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2018; Vol.65, No.3: 413-430.
136356 Narratives of Force: The Presence of the Writer in International Legal Scholarship/Lianne J. M. Boer.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2019; Vol.66, No.1: 1-20.
136357 Non-Disputing Party Participation in ICSID Disputes: Faux Amici?/Nicolette Butler.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2019; Vol.66, No.1: 143-178.
136358 The Effect of Stabilization in the Mandates and Practice of UN Peace Operations/Alexander Gilder.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2019; Vol.66, No.1: 47-73.
136359 May the Force Be with You: The Legal Classification of Intervention by Invitation/Laura Visser.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2019; Vol.66, No.1: 21-45.
136360 Mali and the Sahel: Making Peace in Another Rough Neighbourhood/Hennie Strydom.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2019; Vol.66, No.1: 75-99.
136361 Prolonged Impunity as a Continuing Situation of Torture or Ill-Treatment? Applying a Dignity Lens to So-Called Historical Cases/Maeve ORourke.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2019; Vol.66, No.1: 101-141.
136362 The Role of Principles and General Principles in the Constitutional Processes of International Law/Craig Eggett.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2019; Vol.66, No.2: 197-217.
136363 The Crisis of International Criminal Law in Africa: A Regional Regime in Response?/Eki Yemisi Omorogbe.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2019; Vol.66, No.1: 287-311.
136364 Global Constitutionalism and the International Legal Personality of the Individual/Astrid Kjeldgaard-Pedersen.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2019; Vol.66, No.2: 271-286.
136365 Tobias Asser’s Legacy: The Pertinence of the Institut de droit international to The Hague/Arthur Eyffinger.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2019; Vol.66, No.2: 313-351.
136366 Conflicting Conceptions of Constitutionalism: Investment Protection from the European Union and International Perspectives/Emily Sipiorski.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2019; Vol.66, No.2: 219-236.
136367 A Public Law View of the New Generation of FTAs/David Haljan.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2019; Vol.66, No.2: 237-270.
136368 The Process of Strengthening the Human Rights Treaty Body System: The Road towards Effectiveness or Inefficiency?/Aslan Abashidze, Aleksandra Koneva.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2019; Vol.66, No.3: 357-389.
136369 The End of the Road: State Liability for Acts of UN Peacekeeping Contingents After the Dutch Supreme Court s Judgment in Mothers of Srebrenica (2019)/Cedric Ryngaert, Otto Spijkers.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2019; Vol.66, No.3: 537-553.
136370 The Group Insurance Contract in Private International Law/Mariusz Fras.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2019; Vol.66, No.3: 507-535.
136371 The Withdrawal of African States from the ICC: Good, Bad or Irrelevant?/Konstantinos D. Magliveras.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2019; Vol.66, No.3: 419-439.
136372 Re-thinking the Authority of the UN Security Council to Refer Nationals of Non-party States to the ICC/John-Mark Iyi.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2019; Vol.66, No.3: 391-417.
136373 Primal Scene to Anthropocene: Narrative and Myth in International Environmental Law/Justin Rose, Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh, Jessica Miranda.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2019; Vol.66, No.3: 441-473.
136374 Revisiting the Matthew and Hunter Islands Dispute in Light of the Recent Chagos Advisory Opinion and Some Other Relevant Cases: An Evaluation of Vanuatu’s Claims relating/Morsen Mosses.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2019; Vol.66, No.3: 475-506.
136375 Judgments Convention: Application to Governments/Paul R. Beaumont.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2020; Vol.67, No.1: 121-137.
136376 Jurisdiction and Judgments Recognition at the Hague Conference: Choices Made, Treaties Completed, and the Path Ahead/Ronald A. Brand.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2020; Vol.67, No.1: 3-17.
136377 Article 14 of the Judgments Convention: The Essential Reaffirmation of the Non-discrimination Principle in a Globalized Twenty-First Century/Marcos Dotta Salgueiro.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2020; Vol.67, No.1: 113-120.
136378 Consumer Protection Under the HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention/Nadia de Araujo, Marcelo De Nardi.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2020; Vol.67, No.1: 67-79.
136379 The Public Policy Exception Under the New 2019 HCCH Judgments Convention/Junhyok Jang.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2020; Vol.67, No.1: 97-111.
136380 Notification as a Ground for Refusal.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2020; Vol.67, No.1: 81-95.
136381 The Exclusion of Privacy Matters from the Judgments Convention/Cara North.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2020; Vol.67, No.1: 33-48.
136382 The International Obligation of the Uniform and Autonomous Interpretation of Private Law Conventions: Consequences for Domestic Courts and International Organisations/Joao Ribeiro-Bidaoui.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2020; Vol.67, No.1: 139-168.
136383 Submission as a Jurisdictional Basis and the HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention/Genevieve Saumier.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2020; Vol.67, No.1: 49-65.
136384 The Judgments Convention: Some Open Questions/Francisco Garcimart‎کn.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2020; Vol.67, No.1: 19-31.
136385 Whose Cultural Objects? Introducing Heritage Title for Cross-Border Cultural Property Claims/Evelien Campfens.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2020; Vol.67, No.2: 257-295.
136386 Competing Climate Change Responses: Reflections on EU Unilateral Regulation of International Transport Emissions in Light of Multilateral Developments/Natalie L. Dobson.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2020; Vol.67, No.2: 183-210.
136387 The Nomination of International Judges by the Enlightened Few: A Comment on the Royal Decree of 23 January 2020 Concerning the Establishment of a Dutch National Group at the Permanent Court of Arbitration/Remy Jorritsma.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2020; Vol.67, No.2: 297-313.
136388 Fair and Equitable Treatment and Investor’s Due Diligence Under International Investment Law/Yulia Levashova.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2020; Vol.67, No.2: 233-255.
136389 The Strongest Climate Ruling Yet: The Dutch Supreme Court’s Urgenda Judgment/Jaap Spier.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2020; Vol.67, No.2: 319-391.
136390 Article 75 of the Rome Statute: Reparations and Their Implementation in the Dutch Legal System/Ruth A. van der Pol.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2020; Vol.67, No.2: 211-232.
136391 Allies or Foes? A Review of the Relationship between the International Criminal Court and the United Nations Security Council/Lloyd T. Chigowe.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2020; Vol.67, No.3: 403-425.
136392 China s Stance on Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Evolution, Challenges, and Reform Options  Authors/Yuwen Li, Cheng Bian.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2020; Vol.67, No.3: 503-551.
136393 Necessary in Non-Precluded Measures Provisions in Bilateral Investment Treaties: The Indian Contribution/Prabhash Ranjan.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2020; Vol.67, No.3: 473-501.
136394 The Obligation to Provide Reparations by Armed Groups: A Norm under Customary International Law?/Laura inigo Alvarez.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2020; Vol.67, No.3: 427-452.
136395 Green Shoots in a Barren World: Recent Developments in International Investment Law/Jason Rudall.- Netherlands International Law Review. 2020; Vol.67, No.3: 453-471.
136396 With all the Impressiveness and Substantial Value of Truth/Lindsay Farmer.- Law and Humanities. 2007; Vol.1, No.1: 57-78.
136397 Druids and Common Lawyers: Notes on the Pythagoras Complex and Legal Education/Peter Goodrich.- Law and Humanities. 2007; Vol.1, No.1: 1-30.
136398 Terrorists and Equivocators/Ian Ward.- Law and Humanities. 2007; Vol.1, No.1: 111-131.
136399 Sovereignty before the Law: Agamben and the Roman Republic/Michele Lowrie.- Law and Humanities. 2007; Vol.1, No.1: 31-55.
136400 Strange Love: Or, Holding Lands/Bradin Cormack.- Law and Humanities. 2007; Vol.1, No.2: 221-238.
136401 Shakespeare and Specific Performance/Mark Fortier.- Law and Humanities. 2007; Vol.1, No.2: 209-219.
136402 Consideration, Contract, and the End of The Comedy of Errors/Andrew Zurcher.- Law and Humanities. 2007; Vol.1, No.2: 145-165.
136403 But is this Law? The Nature of Law, Sovereign Power and Justice in Hamlet/Suzanne Ost.- Law and Humanities. 2007; Vol.1, No.2: 183-208.
136404 The Tragedy of Law in Shakespearean Romance/Katrin Trustedt.- Law and Humanities. 2007; Vol.1, No.2: 167-182.
136405 Sir Thomas More’s Final Years: Silence, Silencing, and Constitutional Change/Oliver Moore.- Law and Humanities. 2008; Vol.2, No.1: 79-98.
136406 Political Theology and the Courts: A Survey of Assize Sermons c1600-1688/Barbara Shapiro.- Law and Humanities. 2008; Vol.2, No.1: 1-28.
136407 Emergency Continued/Adam Sitze.- Law and Humanities. 2008; Vol.2, No.1: 49-73.
136408 The Rochester Wives/Ian Ward.- Law and Humanities. 2008; Vol.2, No.1: 99-130.
136409 Examining Law through the Lens of Literature: The Formation of Marriage in Eighteenth-century England/Rebecca Probert.- Law and Humanities. 2008; Vol.2, No.1: 29-47.
136410 Performing Injustice: Human Rights and Verbatim Theatre/Harry Derbyshire, Loveday Hodson.- Law and Humanities. 2008; Vol.2, No.2: 191-211.
136411 Visive Powers: Colours, Trees and Genres of Jurisdiction/Peter Goodrich.- Law and Humanities. 2008; Vol.2, No.2: 213-231.
136412 Desert Island Discs (Ten reveries on pedagogy in law and the humanities)/Desmond Manderson.- Law and Humanities. 2008; Vol.2, No.2: 225-270.
136413 The Beyond Reasonable Doubt Doctrine: Moral Comfort or Standard of Proof?/Barbara Shapiro.- Law and Humanities. 2008; Vol.2, No.2: 149-173.
136414 Fetishistic Reading, Intertextual Reading: Law, Literature and Androgyny in the Madame Bovary Trial/Marco Wan.- Law and Humanities. 2008; Vol.2, No.2: 233-254.
136415 Response to Shapiro/James Q Whitman.- Law and Humanities. 2008; Vol.2, No.2: 175-189.
136440 A Logic of Appropriation: Practical Relationships between Law and Literature in the Middle Ages/Joel Blanchard.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 97-101.
136441 Equity: Assessing the Results of a Project/Daniela Carpi.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 221-228.
136442 Before the Temple of Justice: Reading Roman Law Reading/Leif Dahlberg.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 23-39.
136443 Creating an International Court: A Movie Project/Christian Delage.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 177-183.
136444 Appearing, or Face-to-Face Dialogue/Sandra Travers de Faultrier.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 251-258.
136445 The Experience of Law and Art Literature in the Sixteenth Century: Benvenuto Cellini’s La Vita/Romain Descendre, Jane Gillon.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 113-120.
136446 Law and Literature: A Conjunction Revisited/Barbara Villez.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 209-219.
136447 The To Be Of And: Reflections on the Bridge/Gary Watt.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 229-240.
136448 Piracy as Method: Nine Theses on Law and Literature/Laurent de Sutter.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 63-72.
136449 The Future of Literary-Legal Jurisprudence: Mere Theory or Just Practice?/Jeanne Gaakeer.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 185-196.
136450 Schools of Law, School of Drama/Dominique Goy-Blanquet.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 129-139.
136451 From Obsessive Metaphors to Juridical Myth: Some Proposals for a Metaphorical Reading of Early Modern Law and Literature/Romain Jobez.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 121-127.
136452 Crime Stories: The Polish Secret Police File and the Conflation of the Legal and the Literary/Anna Krakus.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 197-207.
136453 Law & Literature (as an epistemological break in legal theory)/Gilles Lhuilier.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 3-9.
136454 Freedom of the Theatre: A Matter of Law?/Stephanie Loncle.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 155-164.
136455 Slot-thinking, or Categorisation, in Law and Literature/Sebastian McEvoy.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 53-62.
136456 For Extending the Domain of Research between Law, Economics and Literature/Martial Poirson.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 165-175.
136457 The Oneiric Imagination and the Dream of Law/Paul Raffield.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 241-249.
136458 Judicial Spectacle Events as Reality and as Fiction/Guy Spielmann.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 259-270.
136459 Law and (which?) Literature: New Directions in Post-Theory?/Klaus Stierstorfer.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 41-51.
136460 Narrative and the Origins of Law/Allison Tait, Luke Norris.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 11-22.
136461 Legal Theory, Legal Practice and Drama (1200-1600)/Marie Bouhaik-Girones, Simon Gabay, Jelle Koopmans, Katell Laveant.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 75-95.
136462 A Possible Co-Constitution of Theatre, Literature and Law, through the Example of Seventeenth-Century England/Natacha Israel.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 141-152.
136463 Justice Imagined: Albert Camus Politics of Subversion/Lissa Lincoln.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 271-287.
136464 Law, Literature, Theatre: The Fiction of Common Judgment/Christian Biet.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.2: 281-292.
136465 The Splendour of Form: Scholastic Jurisprudence and Irrational Formality/Helge Dedek.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.2: 349-383.
136466 What is the Significance of the Mortgage in Love’s Labour’s Lost?/Catrin Fflur Huws.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.2: 385-399.
136467 Education, Aesop, Roger L’Estrange, and Equity/Mark Fortier.- Law and Humanities. 2011; Vol.5, No.2: 293-302.
136468 Continuing Professional Education in Legal Ethics through Literature: An Example Using Dickens’s Bleak House/Kieran Dolin.- Law and Humanities. 2012; Vol.6, No.1: 111-121.
136469 Comics, Law, and Aesthetics: Towards the Use of Graphic Fiction in Legal Studies/Thomas Giddens.- Law and Humanities. 2012; Vol.6, No.1: 85-109.
136470 Edmund Spenser and Chancery in 1597/Andrew Hadfield, Simon Healy.- Law and Humanities. 2012; Vol.6, No.1: 57-74.
136471 Wittgenstein’s Tractatus and the Law/Ben Herzberger.- Law and Humanities. 2012; Vol.6, No.1: 65-83.
136472 Between the Nihilism of the Young and the Positivism of the Old: Justice and the Novel in DH Lawrence/Desmond Manderson.- Law and Humanities. 2012; Vol.6, No.1: 1-23.
136473 Screening the Law in China: Law, Image and Evidence in Three Documentaries on HIV/AIDS Cases by Ai Xiaoming/Marco Wan.- Law and Humanities. 2012; Vol.6, No.1: 25-40.
136474 Human Rights and Radical Universalism: Aime Cesaire’s and CLR James’s Representations of the Haitian Revolution/Philip Kaisary.- Law and Humanities. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 197-216.
136475 Observe how parts with parts unite In one harmonious rule of right: William Blackstone’s Verses on the Laws of England/Matthew Mauger.- Law and Humanities. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 179-196.
136476 Oaths, Credibility and the Legal Process in Early Modern England: Part One/Barbara J Shapiro.- Law and Humanities. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 145-178.
136477 Truth, Law and Forensic Psychiatry in Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood/Svein Atle Skalevag.- Law and Humanities. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 243-259.
136478 Lost for Words: Embodying Law through Tanztheater/Miriam Aziz.- Law and Humanities. 2013; Vol.7, No.1: 91-106.
136479 Towards a Critique of Narrative Reason/Francois Ost.- Law and Humanities. 2013; Vol.7, No.1: 55-76.
136480 Oaths, Credibility and the Legal Process in Early Modern England: Part Two/Barbara J Shapiro.- Law and Humanities. 2013; Vol.7, No.1: 19-54.
136481 The Cutting Edge of Cocking About: Top Gear, Automobility and Law/Kieran Tranter, Damien Martin.- Law and Humanities. 2013; Vol.7, No.1: 1-18.
136482 Recovering the Lost Human Stories of Law: Finding Mrs Burns/Dawn Watkins.- Law and Humanities. 2013; Vol.7, No.1: 68-90.
136483 Forensic Representations of Identity: The Imago, the X-Ray and the Evidential Image/Piyel Haldar.- Law and Humanities. 2013; Vol.7, No.1: 129-150.
136484 Representations of Governance in Sixteenth-and Seventeenth-Century Europe: The Iconography and Dramatic Presentation of the Sovereign Ruler/Christopher Harding, Nicola Harding.- Law and Humanities. 2013; Vol.7, No.2: 170-192.
136485 The Deception of Cadence: Toward a Dissonant Law/M Paola Mittica.- Law and Humanities. 2013; Vol.7, No.2: 151-169.
136486 Pigoons, Rakunks and Crakers: Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake and Genetically Engineered Animals in a (Latourian) Hybrid World/Jay Sanderson.- Law and Humanities. 2013; Vol.7, No.2: 218-239.
136487 Beyond Reasonable Doubt: The Neglected Eighteenth-Century Context/Barbara J Shapiro.- Law and Humanities. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 19-52.
136488 The Trials of Shakespeare: Courtroom Drama and Early Modern English Law/Paul Raffield.- Law and Humanities. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 53-76.
136489 Impressions of Bagehot: A Review of Frank Prochaska, The Memoirs of Walter Bagehot (Yale University Press, 2013)/Ian Ward.- Law and Humanities. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 96-103.
136490 Struggle Music: South African Politics in Song/Andra le Roux-Kemp.- Law and Humanities. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 247-268.
136491 Hamlet’s Ordeals/Maria Mendes.- Law and Humanities. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 269-289.
136492 The Shaping and Misshaping of Identity through Legal Practice and Process: (Re)discovering Mr Kernott/Dawn Watkins.- Law and Humanities. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 192-216.
136493 The Law of Dress in Lord of the Flies/Gary Watt.- Law and Humanities. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 174-191.
136494 Warring Sovereigns and Mimetic Rivals: On Scapegoats and Political Crisis in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies/Eric Wilson.- Law and Humanities. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 147-173.
136495 Imagining and reimagining Waitangi: an encounter with James Boyd White/Richard Dawson.- Law and Humanities. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 3-28.
136496 Decentring the law in Hamlet/Derek Dunne.- Law and Humanities. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 55-77.
136497 Anatomy of a judge/Ruth Herz.- Law and Humanities. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 123-135.
136498 When the world was mousike: on the origins of the relationship between law and music/M. Paola Mittica.- Law and Humanities. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 29-54.
136499 Answering the call of duty: the phenomenology of justice in twenty-first-century video games/Craig John Newbery-Jones.- Law and Humanities. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 78-102.
136500 International law, literature and interdisciplinarity/Ekaterina Yahyaoui Krivenko.- Law and Humanities. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 103-122.
136501 Gossip, hearsay, and the character exception in Victorian law and literature/Cathrine O. Frank.- Law and Humanities. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 172-202.
136502 A History of Aesthetics from Homer to Digital Mash-ups: Cumulative Creativity and the Demise of Copyright Exclusivity/Giancarlo F. Frosio.- Law and Humanities. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 262-296.
136503 Law and Love in Abraham’s Binding of Isaac/Joshua Neoh.- Law and Humanities. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 237-261.
136504 Dennis, Alan and Arthur x 3: Literary Legacies of the Blazing Car Murder of 1930/Gerry R. Rubin.- Law and Humanities. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 203-236.
136505 In the hypothetical matter of Hamlet v Abaddon/Diego F. Soto-Miranda.- Law and Humanities. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 139-171.
136506 The omina in nomina/Peter Goodrich.- Law and Humanities. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 4-30.
136507 Whispers in a bottle: the language of liquor and the politics of prohibition in nineteenth-century New Zealand/Taylor Gray.- Law and Humanities. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 90-114.
136508 Legal consciousness and Hong Kong cinema/Marco Wan.- Law and Humanities. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 161-173.
136509 Stasis: Civil War as a Political Paradigm/Professor Ian Ward.- Law and Humanities. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 174-176.
136510 The ballad of Ed and Lewis: conflictual mimesis and the revocation of the social contract in James Dickey’s Deliverance/Eric Wilson.- Law and Humanities. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 115-160.
136511 Coke Habit/Bethany Adams, Rozel Arora, Euan Kitson,  Harry Wilson.- Law and Humanities. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 188-199.
136512 Making a genre: the case of the contemporary true crime documentary/Stella Bruzzi.- Law and Humanities. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 249-280.
136513 The articles of law: Renaissance theories of evidence and the poetic life of facts/Piyel Haldar.- Law and Humanities. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 281-299.
136514 Human no like smart ape: figuring the ape as legal person in Rise of the Planet of the Apes/Sheryl N. Hamilton.- Law and Humanities. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 300-321.
136515 A Commentary on Coke Habit and Shakespeare and the Law/Euan Kitson.- Law and Humanities. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 183-187.
136516 Coke Habit and Little Venice: A Commentary on Shakespeare and the Law/Paul Raffield.- Law and Humanities. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 180-182.
136517 The Final Act/Ben Wadey.- Law and Humanities. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 210-248.
136518 Obscenity and marginality/F.L. Blumberg.- Law and Humanities. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 7-23.
136519 L’Interdiction, or, Balzac on the margins of law and realism/Andrew J. Counter.- Law and Humanities. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 24-43.
136520 Veritie hidde: amity, law, miscellany/Peter Goodrich.- Law and Humanities. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 137-155.
136521 Legal sex, self-classification and gender self-determination/Christopher Hutton.- Law and Humanities. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 64-81.
136522 Publicity stunts, power play, and information warfare in mediatized public confessions/Janny H.C. Leung.- Law and Humanities. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 82-101.
136523 Margins of justice in colonial Hong Kong: extrajudicial power, solicitors clerks, and the case of Li Hong Mi, 1917-1920/Christopher Munn.- Law and Humanities. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 102-120.
136524 The law of persons today: at the margins of jurisprudence/Edward Mussawir, Connal Parsley.- Law and Humanities. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 44-63.
136525 Lawfinding, duality and irrationality: rethinking trial by ordeal in Weber’s Economy and Society/Lindsey Bell.- Law and Humanities. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 266-285.
136526 From presence to participation the role of the juror reimagined./Jenny Scott.- Law and Humanities. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 286-308.
136527 Scary monsters: the hopeful undecidability of David Bowie (1947-2016)/Alex Sharpe.- Law and Humanities. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 228-244.
136528 A Missouri author in a Roman law court: Pudd’nhead Wilson as an allegory of colourblind empire/Albert Stabler.- Law and Humanities. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 245-265.
136529 When evil deeds have their permissive pass: broken windows in William Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure/Jeffrey R. Wilson.- Law and Humanities. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 160-183.
136530 When law became mobile: the birth of the haptic gaze between Van Eyck’s Man in a Red Turban (1433) and da Messina’s male Portrait series (1474-1478)/Ronnie Lippens.- Law and Humanities. Vol.12, No.1: 42-51.
136531 Literary forensic rhetoric: maps, emotional assent, and rhetorical space in Serial and Making a Murderer/Lili Paquet.- Law and Humanities. Vol.12, No.1: 71-92.
136532 Private pain versus public shame: Gonz‎عlez Sinde’s female lawyer in La suerte dormida/Sleeping Luck (2003)/Anja Louis.- Law and Humanities. Vol.12, No.1: 17-41.
136533 Embodying law in Diderot’s La Religieuse/Adam Schoene.- Law and Humanities. Vol.12, No.1: 5-16.
136534 The art of advocacy: renaissance of rhetoric in the law school/Gary Watt.- Law and Humanities. Vol.12, No.1: 116-137.
136535 Challenging the supernatural in Chinese traditional law comparison of Judge Dee and van Gulik’s translation/Lung-Lung Hu.- Law and Humanities. Vol.12, No.1: 52-70.
136536 Popular justice and the regulation of trade: muckraking, rough music, political cartoons and the vilification of entrepreneurial heroes/Christopher Harding.- Law and Humanities. Vol.12, No.2: 204-228.
136537 Questioning culpability: lessons from soterial-legal history/Chloe Kennedy.- Law and Humanities. Vol.12, No.2: 159-183.
136538 Re-affirming and rejecting the rescue narrative as an impetus for war: to war for a woman in a Song of Ice and Fire/Lynsey Mitchell.- Law and Humanities. Vol.12, No.2: 229-250.
136539 Carey Young’s Palais de Justice/Jeanne Gaakee …[et al.].- Law and Humanities. Vol.12, No.2: 278-310.
136540 The property of contemporary Chinese art/Joan Kee.- Law and Humanities. Vol.12, No.2: 251-277.
136541 Drawing on genocide/Hannah Baumeister.- Law and Humanities. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 3-28.
136542 Marriage, dispensation and divorce during the years of Henry VIII’s great matter: a local case study/Gwilym Owen, Rebecca Probert.- Law and Humanities. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 76-54.
136543 Hieros anthropos an inquiry into the practices of archaic Greek supplication/Thanos Zartaloudis.- Law and Humanities. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 52-75.
136544 Dehumanized and demonized refugees, zombies and World War Z/Penny Crofts, Anthea Vogl.- Law and Humanities. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 29-51.
136545 J G Ballard and the phenomenology of the absence of law/James Gray.- Law and Humanities. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 148-176.
136546 Drawing on genocide/Hannah Baumeister.- Law and Humanities. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 3-28.
136547 Hell has no flames, only windows that won’t open: justice as escape in law and literature/David Gurnham.- Law and Humanities. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 269-293.
136548 Murder without motive: Eichmann in Jerusalem and In Cold Blood/Stewart Justman.- Law and Humanities. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 223-246.
136549 The art of government/Nofar Sheffi.- Law and Humanities. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 223-246.
136550 Searching for the author: a performative reading of legal subjection in David Foster Wallace’s The Pale King/Stephen Young.- Law and Humanities. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 247-268.
136551 Inside a frame, behind a glass. A preliminary inquiry on law and film in Japan/Giacomo Calorio, Giorgio Fabio Colombo.- Law and Humanities. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 83-112.
136552 Charles Macklin and Arthur Murphy: theatre, law and an eighteenth-century London Irish diaspora/David Worrall.- Law and Humanities. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 113-130.
136553 Narratives of justice: Robert Cover’s moral creativity/Gal Hertz.- Law and Humanities. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 3-25.
136554 Law making music/Gary Watt.- Law and Humanities. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 26-56.
136555 Critical legal spectatorship and the affect of violence: a cultural legal reading of Netflix’s The Punisher/Jordan A. Belor, Timothy D. Peters.- Law and Humanities. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 108-186.
136556 Ventilators, missiles, doctors, troops  the justification of legislative responses to COVID-19 through military metaphors/Matilda Gillis.- Law and Humanities. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 135-159.
136557 Marriage plots: a new narratological approach to the Augustan marriage laws/Genevieve Liveley, Rebecca Shaw.- Law and Humanities. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 244-266.
136558 Law in stateless societies: scapegoats, curses and punishers in Greek literature/Mary Marcel.- Law and Humanities. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 187-211.
136559 The Justice Syndicate: how interactive theatre provides a window into jury decision making and the public understanding of law/Dan Barnard, Kris De Meyer.- Law and Humanities. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 212-243.
136560 Schmitt’s Critique of Kelsenian Normativism/Sylvie Delacroix.- Ratio Juris. 2005; Vol.18, No.1: 30-45.
136561 Some Meta-Theoretical Questions for Restorative Justice/Theo Gavrielides.- Ratio Juris. 2005; Vol.18, No.1: 84-106.
136562 Kelsen’s Development of the Fehlerkalkul-Theory/Christoph Kletzer.- Ratio Juris. 2005; Vol.18, No.1: 46-63.
136563 Rights, Performatives, and Promises in Karl Olivecrona’s Legal Theory/Martin p. Golding.- Ratio Juris. 2005; Vol.18, No.1: 16-29.
136564 On Giving Legal Form Its Due. A Study in Legal Theory/Robert s. Summers.- Ratio Juris. 2005; Vol.18, No.2: 129-143.
136565 Gustav Radbruch vs. Hans Kelsen: A Debate on Nazi Law/Frank Haldemann.- Ratio Juris. 2005; Vol.18, No.2: 162-178.
136566 Beyond the Janus Face of Zionist Legalism: The Theo-Political Conditions of the Jewish Law Project/Joseph e. David.- Ratio Juris. 2005; Vol.18, No.2: 206-235.
136567 Darker Legacies of Law in Europe. The Shadow of National Socialism and Fascism over Europe and Its Legal Traditions/Thomas Mertens.- Ratio Juris. 2005; Vol.18, No.2: 285-291.
136568 Jurisprudence in the Snare of Vagueness/Pierluigi Chiassoni.- Ratio Juris. 2005; Vol.18, No.2: 285-270.
136569 From Demos to Demoi: Democracy across Borders/James Bohman.- Ratio Juris. 2005; Vol.18, No.3: 293-314.
136570 Authority, Equality and Democracy/Andrei Marmor.- Ratio Juris. 2005; Vol.18, No.3: 315-345.
136571 Politics and Rights: The Future of the EU from a European Perspective/Gianluigi Palombella.- Ratio Juris. 2005; Vol.18, No.3: 400-409.
136572 Europe’s Constitutional Engagement/Neil Walker.- Ratio Juris. 2005; Vol.18, No.3: 387-399.
136573 Two Types of Liberal Perfectionism/Francesco Biondov.- Ratio Juris. 2005; Vol.18, No.4: 519-535.
136574 How Kant’s View of Perfect and Imperfect Duties Resolves an Alleged Moral Dilemma for Judges/Lawrence Masek.- Ratio Juris. 2005; Vol.18, No.4: 415-428.
136575 The Methodological Problem in Legal Theory: Normative and Descriptive Jurisprudence Revisited/Veronica Rodriguez Blanco.- Ratio Juris. No.1: 26-54.
136576 Multicultural Justice: Will Kymlicka and Cultural Recognition/Andrea Cassatella.- Ratio Juris. No.1: 80-100.
136577 Means and Capabilities in the Discussion of Distributive Justice/Gustavo Pereira.- Ratio Juris. No.1: 55-79.
136578 Legisprudence as a New Theory of Legislation/Luc j. Wintgens.- Ratio Juris. No.1: 1-25.
136579 Effects of Defects-Action or Argument? Thoughts about Deryck Beyleveld and Roger Brownsword’s Law as a Moral Judgment/Robert Alexy.- Ratio Juris. No.2: 169-179.
136580 Principle, Proceduralism, and Precaution in a Community of Rights/Deryck Beyleveld, Roger Brownsword.- Ratio Juris. No.2: 141-168.
136581 The Sheffield School and Discourse Theory: Divergences and Similarities in Legal Idealism/Anti-Positivism/Bev Clucas.- Ratio Juris. No.2: 230-244.
136582 The Concept of Law and Its Conceptions/Peter Koller.- Ratio Juris. No.2: 180-196.
136583 Two Schools of Legal Idealism: A Positivist Introduction/Tony Ward.- Ratio Juris. No.2: 127-140.
136584 A Realist View of Hindu Law/Donald r. Davis jr..- Ratio Juris. No.3: 287-313.
136585 Argument from Expert Opinion as Legal Evidence: Critical Questions and Admissibility Criteria of Expert Testimony in the American Legal System/David m. Godden,  douglas walton.- Ratio Juris. No.3: 261-286.
136586 The Mental Path of Norms/Rosaria Conte, Cristiano Castelfranchi.- Ratio Juris. No.4: 501-517.
136587 A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence/Enrico Pattaro.- Ratio Juris. No.4: 489-500.
136588 Moral Realism and Kantian Constructivism/James a. Stieb.- Ratio Juris. No.4: 402-420.
136589 Form and Formalism: The View from Legal Theory/Brian Bix.- Ratio Juris. 2007; Vol.20, No.1: 45-55.
136590 On Legal Inferentialism. Toward a Pragmatics of Semantic Content in Legal Interpretation?/Damiano Canale,  Giovanni Tuzet.- Ratio Juris. 2007; Vol.20, No.1: 32-44.
136591 Epinomia: Plato and the First Legal Theory/Eric Heinze.- Ratio Juris. 2007; Vol.20, No.1: 97-135.
136592 Comments on the Comments/Robert s. Summers.- Ratio Juris. 2007; Vol.20, No.1: 66-76.
136593 On Two Juxtapositions: Concept and Nature, Law and Philosophy. Some Comments on Joseph Raz’s Can There Be a Theory of Law?/Robert Alexy.- Ratio Juris. 2007; Vol.20, No.2: 162-169.
136594 Is You Is or Is You Ain’t Hart’s Baby? Epstein’s Minimum Content of Natural Law/James Allan.- Ratio Juris. 2007; Vol.20, No.2: 213-329.
136595 Rhetoric, Harm, and the Personification of Progress in Mill’s On Liberty/Brian Donohue.- Ratio Juris. 2007; Vol.20, No.2: 196-212.
136596 On the Theory of Legal Sources. A Continental Point of View/Riccardo Guastini.- Ratio Juris. 2007; Vol.20, No.2: 302-309.
136597 Autonomy and the Rule of Law/Ricardo Garcia Manrique.- Ratio Juris. 2007; Vol.20, No.2: 280-301.
136598 On the New Frontiers of Justice. A Dialogue/Martha c. Nussbaum, carla faralli.- Ratio Juris. 2007; Vol.20, No.2: 145-161.
136599 A Theory or a Dogmatics of Legal Sources? Reply to Riccardo Guastini/Antonino Rotolo.- Ratio Juris. 2007; Vol.20, No.2: 325-334.
136600 Strictly Institutionalized Sources of Law: Some Further Thoughts/Roger a. Shiner.- Ratio Juris. 2007; Vol.20, No.2: 310-324.
136601 Green Constitutionalism: The Constitutional Protection of Future Generations/Kristian Skagen Ekeli.- Ratio Juris. 2007; Vol.20, No.3: 378-401.
136602 The Deliberative Model of Democracy: Two Critical Remarks/Raf Geenens.- Ratio Juris. 2007; Vol.20, No.2: 355-377.
136603 Contemporary Feminist Perspectives on Social Contract Theory/Janice Richardson.- Ratio Juris. 2007; Vol.20, No.3: 402-423.
136604 Democratic Deliberation as the Open-Ended Construction of Justice/Stefan Rummens.- Ratio Juris. 2007; Vol.20, No.3: 335-354.
136605 Modeling the Evolution of Legal Discretion. An Artificial Intelligence Approach/Ruth Kannai, Uri Schild, John Zeleznikow.- Ratio Juris. 2007; Vol.20, No.4: 530-558.
136606 The Paradox of Constituent Power. The Ambiguous Self-Constitution of the European Union/Hans Lindahl.- Ratio Juris. 2007; Vol.20, No.4: 485-505.
136607 A Suggested Basis for Legal Ontology/Anthony Amatrudo.- Ratio Juris. 2008; Vol.21, No.1: 19-38.
136608 What Can One Expect from Logic in the Law?/Eugenio Bulygin.- Ratio Juris. 2008; Vol.21, No.1: 150-156.
136609 Legitimacy, Political Equality, and Majority Rule/Wojciech Sadurski.- Ratio Juris. 2008; Vol.21, No.1: 39-65.
136610 Relativism in Legal Thinking: Stanley Fish and the Concept of an Interpretative Community/Torben Spaak.- Ratio Juris. 2008; Vol.21, No.1: 157-171.
136611 Law-Linked Justice and Existence-Linked Justice/Peter Van Schilfgaarde.- Ratio Juris. 2008; Vol.21, No.1: 125-149.
136612 On the Wrong Track: Andrei Marmor on Legal Positivism, Interpretation, and Easy Cases/Pierluigi Chiassoni.- Ratio Juris. 2008; Vol.21, No.2: 248-267.
136613 The Nature and Basis of Human Dignity/Patrick lee,  robert p. George.- Ratio Juris. 2008; Vol.21, No.2: 173-193.
136614 On the Concept and the Nature of Law/Robert Alexy.- Ratio Juris. 2008; Vol.21, No.3: 281-299.
136615 On the Foundations of Law: Religion, Nature, Morals/Jan Rothkamm.- Ratio Juris. 2008; Vol.21, No.3: 300-311.
136616 The Rational Reconstruction of Weighing and Balancing on the Basis of Teleological-Evaluative Considerations in the Justification of Judicial Decisions/Eveline t. Feteris.- Ratio Juris. 2008; Vol.21, No.4: 481-495.
136617 The Pluralistic Universe of Law: Towards a Neo-Classical Legal Pragmatism/Susan Haack.- Ratio Juris. 2008; Vol.21, No.4: 453-480.
136618 Some Varieties of Linguistic Argumentation/Carel e. Smith.- Ratio Juris. 2008; Vol.21, No.4: 507-517.
136619 The Pragmatics of Legal Language/Andrei Marmor.- Ratio Juris. 2008; Vol.21, No.4: 423-452.
136620 Common Law and Common Sense/Michael Lobban.- Ratio Juris. 2008; Vol.21, No.4: 541-546.
136621 The Strategic Use of Formal Argumentation in Legal Decisions/Harm Kloosterhuis.- Ratio Juris. 2008; Vol.21, No.4: 496-506.
136622 The Structure of Social Practices and the Connection between Law and Morality/Giorgio Bongiovanni,  Antonino Rotolo,  Corrado Roversi,  Chiara Valentini.- Ratio Juris. 2009; Vol.22, No.1: 1-23.
136623 Positivism and Interpreting Legal Content: Does Law Call for a Moral Semantics?/Kenneth Einar Himma.- Ratio Juris. 2009; Vol.22, No.1: 24-43.
136624 Injustice in Robes: Iniquity and Judicial Accountability/Raymond Wacks.- Ratio Juris. 2009; Vol.22, No.1: 128-149.
136625 Practice, Reasons, and the Agent’s Point of View/George Pavlakos.- Ratio Juris. 2009; Vol.22, No.1: 74-94.
136626 Moral Principles and Legal Validity/Matthew h. Kramer.- Ratio Juris. 2009; Vol.22, No.1: 44-61.
136627 Between Law and Social Norms: The Evolution of Global Governance/Gralf-Peter Calliess,  Moritz Renner.- Ratio Juris. 2009; Vol.22, No.2: 260-280.
136628 Consequences of Pragmatic Conceptualism: On the Methodology Problem in Jurisprudence/Damiano Canale.- Ratio Juris. 2009; Vol.22, No.2: 171-186.
136629 Federalism and Cultural Identities. Some Remarks on the Naturalisation Procedure in Switzerland/Flora Di Donato,  Pascal Mahon.- Ratio Juris. 2009; Vol.22, No.2: 281-294.
136630 Secret Law and the Value of Publicity/Christopher Kutz.- Ratio Juris. 2009; Vol.22, No.2: 197-207.
136631 Legality Policies and Theories of Legality: From Bananas to Radbruch’s Formula/Giovanni Sartor.- Ratio Juris. 2009; Vol.22, No.2: 218-243.
136632 A Cautionary Note against Precautionary Reasoning in Action Guiding Morality/Soren Holm,  John Coggon.- Ratio Juris. 2009; Vol.22, No.2: 295-305.
136633 The Relevance of Coercion: Some Preliminaries/Nicos Stavropoulos.- Ratio Juris. 2009; Vol.22, No.3: 339-358.
136634 Habermas and Ackerman: A Synthesis Applied to the Legitimation and Codification of Legal Norms/Antoni Abad I Ninet,  Josep Monserrat Molas.- Ratio Juris. 2009; Vol.22, No.4: 510-531.
136635 The A Simili Argument: An Inferentialist Setting/Damiano Canale,  Giovanni Tuzet.- Ratio Juris. 2009; Vol.22, No.4: 499-509.
136636 Legal Positivism and the Separation of Existence and Validity/Matthew Grellette.- Ratio Juris. 2010; Vol.23, No.1: 22-40.
136637 Understanding Blended Multi-Source Arguments as Arguments from Partial Analogies/Marcello Guarini.- Ratio Juris. 2010; Vol.23, No.1: 65-100.
136638 Three Models of Balancing (in Constitutional Review)/Marko Novak.- Ratio Juris. 2010; Vol.23, No.1: 101-112.
136639 Why Majority Rule Cannot Be Based only on Procedural Equality/Ben Saunders.- Ratio Juris. 2010; Vol.23, No.1: 113-122.
136640 Was Austin Right After All? On the Role of Sanctions in a Theory of Law/Frederick Schauer.- Ratio Juris. 2010; Vol.23, No.1: 1-21.
136641 The Dual Nature of Law/Robert Alexy.- Ratio Juris. 2010; Vol.23, No.2: 167-182.
136642 Defending Moral Precaution as a Solution to the Problem of Other Minds: A Reply to Holm and Coggon/Deryck beyleveld,  shaun d. Pattinson.- Ratio Juris. 2010; Vol.23, No.2: 258-273.
136643 Politics and Culture: From the Twentieth Century to the New Millenniumb/Remo Bodei.- Ratio Juris. 2010; Vol.23, No.2: 157-166.
136644 Dichotomies and Oppositions in Legal Argumentation/Fabrizio Macagno,  Douglas Walton.- Ratio Juris. 2010; Vol.23, No.2: 229-257.
136645 Transitional Justice and the Quest for Democracy: A Contribution to a Political Theory of Democratic Transformations/Mihaela Mihai.- Ratio Juris. 2010; Vol.23, No.2: 183-204.
136646 Shadow of a Gunman? Legal Obligations, Wizards, and the Persistence of Evil Systems/John r. Morss.- Ratio Juris. 2010; Vol.23, No.2: 274-281.
136647 Please Don’t Use Science or Mathematics in Arguing for Human Rights or Natural Law/Alberto Artosi.- Ratio Juris. 2010; Vol.23, No.3: 311-332.
136648 The Concept of Rights in Contemporary Human Rights Discourse/Christine Chwaszcza.- Ratio Juris. 2010; Vol.23, No.3: 333-364.
136649 Reconciling Constitutionalism with Power: Towards a Constitutional Nomos of Political Ordering/Ming-Sung Kuo.- Ratio Juris. 2010; Vol.23, No.3: 390-410.
136650 Some Myth about Realism/Thomas Mautner.- Ratio Juris. 2010; Vol.23, No.3: 411-427.
136651 Tolerance and Liberal Justice/Daniel Augenstein.- Ratio Juris. 2010; Vol.23, No.4: 437-459.
136652 Is Legal Positivism as Worthless as Many Italian Scholars of Public Law Depict It?/Stefano Civitarese Matteucci.- Ratio Juris. 2010; Vol.23, No.4: 505-539.
136653 Form and Substance in Legal Reasoning: Two Conceptions/Matti Ilmari Niemi.- Ratio Juris. 2010; Vol.23, No.4: 479-492.
136654 The Kelsen/Schmitt Controversy and the Evolving Relations between Constitutional and International Law/Cesare Pinelli.- Ratio Juris. 2010; Vol.23, No.4: 493-504.
136655 Constitutional Conflicts, Moral Dilemmas, and Legal Solutions/Silvina Alvarez.- Ratio Juris. 2011; Vol.24, No.1: 59-74.
136656 Responding to Trust/Matthew Harding.- Ratio Juris. 2011; Vol.24, No.1: 75-87.
136657 The Ethics of Care, Dependence, and Disability/Eva Feder Kittay.- Ratio Juris. 2011; Vol.24, No.1: 49-58.
136658 Rawls’s Political Liberalism. A Reassessment/Martha Nussbaum.- Ratio Juris. 2011; Vol.24, No.1: 1-24.
136659 Habermas, Feminism, and Law: Beyond Equality and Difference?/Sarah Sorial.- Ratio Juris. 2011; Vol.24, No.1: 25-48.
136660 Lost in the System or Lost in Translation? The Exchanges between Hart and Ross/Svein Eng.- Ratio Juris. 2011; Vol.24, No.2: 194-246.
136661 Neil MacCormick’s Second Thoughts on Legal Reasoning and Legal Theory. A Defence of the Original View/Aldo Schiavello.- Ratio Juris. 2011; Vol.24, No.2: 140-155.
136662 Karl Olivecrona’s Legal Philosophy. A Critical Appraisal/Torben Spaak.- Ratio Juris. 2011; Vol.24, No.2: 156-193.
136663 Legal Justification by Optimal Coherence/Amalia Amaya.- Ratio Juris. 2011; Vol.24, No.3: 304-329.
136664 A Fullerian Challenge to Legal Intentionalism?/Brian Flanagan.- Ratio Juris. 2011; Vol.24, No.3: 330-334.
136665 Constitutional Dilemmas and Balancing/David Martinez Zorrilla.- Ratio Juris. 2011; Vol.24, No.3: 347-363.
136666 Multi-Level Democracy/Christoph Mollers.- Ratio Juris. 2011; Vol.24, No.3: 247-266.
136667 Corporate Personality: A Politico-Jurisprudential Argument/Anthony Amatrudo.- Ratio Juris. 2011; Vol.24, No.4: 471-493.
136668 Legislative Intent in Law’s Empire/Richard Ekins.- Ratio Juris. 2011; Vol.24, No.4: 435-460.
136669 Who is Afraid of Radical Pluralism? Legal Order and Political Stability in the Postnational Space/Nico Krisch.- Ratio Juris. 2011; Vol.24, No.4: 386-412.
136670 The Inevitability of Moral Evaluation/Peter Rijpkema.- Ratio Juris. 2011; Vol.24, No.4: 413-434.
136671 Reconciling MacCormick: Constitutional Pluralism and the Unity of Practical Reason/Neil Walker.- Ratio Juris. 2011; Vol.24, No.4: 369-395.
136672 Equality and Marriage in Vico/Gianfrancesco Zanetti.- Ratio Juris. 2011; Vol.24, No.4: 461-481.
136673 The Ties that Bind: An Analysis of the Concept of Obligation/Kenneth Einar Himma.- Ratio Juris. 2013; Vol.26, No.1: 16-46.
136674 The Innocent in the Just War Thinking of Vitoria and Suarez: A Challenge Even for Secular Just War Theorists and International Law/Vicente Medina.- Ratio Juris. 2013; Vol.26, No.1: 47-64.
136675 Politics in a State of Nature/William A. Edmundson.- Ratio Juris. 2013; Vol.26, No.2: 149-186.
136676 Eyes Wide Shut: On Risk, Rule of Law and Precaution/Lyana Francot-Timmermans,  Ubaldus De Vries.- Ratio Juris. 2013; Vol.26, No.2: 282-301.
136677 The Objectivity of Beliefs, Reasonable Disagreement and Political Deliberation/Felipe Oliveira De Sousa.- Ratio Juris. 2013; Vol.26, No.2: 262-281.
136678 Is Secularism Neutral?/Rex Ahdar.- Ratio Juris. 2013; Vol.26, No.3: 404-429.
136679 The Political Obligation To Donate Organs/Govert Den Hartogh.- Ratio Juris. 2013; Vol.26, No.3: 378-403.
136680 A Moral Equivalent of Consent of the Governed/Jeffrey Reiman.- Ratio Juris. 2013; Vol.26, No.3: 358-377.
136681 What Is Law, if the Law Is not Something that Is? A Modest Contribution to a Major Question/Dan Jerker B. Svantesson.- Ratio Juris. 2013; Vol.26, No.3: 456-485.
136682 Darwall, Habermas, and the Fluidity of Respect/Andrew Koppelman.- Ratio Juris. 2013; Vol.26, No.4: 523-537.
136683 Justificatory Liberalism and Same-Sex Marriage/Francis J. Beckwith.- Ratio Juris. 2013; Vol.26, No.4: 487-509.
136684 The Role of the Jurist: Reflections around Radbruch/Roger Cotterrell.- Ratio Juris. 2013; Vol.26, No.4: 510-522.
136685 Rules as Icons: Wittgenstein’s Paradox and the Law/Bert Van Roermund.- Ratio Juris. 2013; Vol.26, No.4: 538-559.
136686 Should Empathy Play any Role in the Interpretation of Constitutional Rights?/Lucia Corso.- Ratio Juris. 2014; Vol.27, No.1: 94-115.
136687 Making Sense of Discrimination/Reem Segev.- Ratio Juris. 2014; Vol.27, No.1: 47-78.
136688 Why Reflective Equilibrium: Following Up on Rawls’s Comparison of His Own Approach with a Kantian Approach/Svein Eng.- Ratio Juris. 2014; Vol.27, No.2: 288-310.
136689 On the Nature of Norms/Peter Koller.- Ratio Juris. 2014; Vol.27, No.2: 155-177.
136690 Virtuous Circularity: Positive Law and Particular Justice/Claudio Michelon.- Ratio Juris. 2014; Vol.27, No.2: 271-287.
136691 A Typological Reading of Prevailing Legal Theories/Marko Novak.- Ratio Juris. 2014; Vol.27, No.2: 218-235.
136692 Rhetoric Meets Rational Argumentation Theory/Mirjami Paso.- Ratio Juris. 2014; Vol.27, No.2: 236-251.
136693 Positivism, Legal Validity, and the Separation of Law and Morals/Giorgio Pino.- Ratio Juris. 2014; Vol.27, No.2: 190-217.
136694 Theorizing Sovereignty and European Integration/Matej Avbelj.- Ratio Juris. 2014; Vol.27, No.3: 344-363.
136695 Starting Points: Kantian Constructivism Reassessed/Carla Bagnoli.- Ratio Juris. 2014; Vol.27, No.3: 311-329.
136696 Why Reflective Equilibrium?: Reflective Equilibrium as a Heuristic Tool/Svein Eng.- Ratio Juris. 2014; Vol.27, No.3: 440-459.
136697 The Intergenerational Case for Constitutional Rigidity/Axel Gosseries.- Ratio Juris. 2014; Vol.27, No.4: 528-539.
136698 Participation, Deliberation, and Constitutional Rigidity/Inigo Gonzalez Ricoy.- Ratio Juris. 2014; Vol.27, No.4: 521-527.
136699 Alf Ross on the Concept of a Legal Right/Torben Spaak.- Ratio Juris. 2014; Vol.27, No.4: 461-476.
136700 Tracing an Outline of Legal Complexity/Thomas E. Webb.- Ratio Juris. 2014; Vol.27, No.4: 477-495.
136701 Constitutional Rigidity and the Default Rule/Sebastian Linares Lejarraga.- Ratio Juris. 2014; Vol.27, No.4: 540-549.
136702 Is Constitutional Rigidity the Problem? Democratic Legitimacy and the Last Word/Jose Luis Marti.- Ratio Juris. 2014; Vol.27, No.4: 550-558.
136703 Political Equality by Precedent/Hilliard Aronovitch.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.1: 110-126.
136704 The Politics of Jurisprudence Revisited: A Swedish Realist in Historical Context/Roger Cotterrell.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.1: 1-14.
136705 Natural Law and Normative Inclinations/Jonathan Crowe.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.1: 52-67.
136706 Contract Law as Fairness/Josse Klijnsma.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.1: 68-88.
136707 Beyond the Law-State: The Adequacy of Raz’s Account of Legal Systems in Explaining Intra-State and Supra-State Legality/Jennifer W. Primmer.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.1: 149-158.
136708 Sources of Law Are not Legal Norms/F‎عbio Perin Shecaira.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.1: 15-30.
136709 Agency, Authority, and the Logic of Mutual Recognition/Stuart Toddington.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.1: 89-109.
136710 Asking the Sovereignty Question in Global Legal Pluralism: From Weak Jurisprudence to Strong Socio-Legal Theories of Constitutional Power Operations/Jiri Priban.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.1: 31-51.
136711 Machiavelli and the Problem of Dictatorship/Marco Geuna.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.2: 226-241.
136712 Raz, Practical Inferences, Promising, Legal Reasoning/Mark McBride.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.2: 286-292.
136713 Of Tribunes and Tyrants: Machiavelli’s Legal and Extra-Legal Modes for Controlling Elites/John P. McCormick.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.2: 252-266.
136714 Machiavelli, Guicciardini and the Governo Largo/Cesare Pinelli.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.2: 267-285.
136715 Equal Chances and Equal Options: Two Conceptions of Equality of Opportunity/Nicola Riva.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.2: 293-306.
136716 The Crime of Self-Solicitation/Benjamin Sachs.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.2: 180-203.
136717 Niccolo Machiavelli: Father of Modern Constitutionalism/Mortimer N. S. Sellers.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.2: 216-225.
136718 Hannah Arendt’s Moral Ontology: Comments on David Luban’s Arendt on the Crime of Crimes/Luis Pereira Coutinho.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.3: 326-329.
136719 Carl Schmitt on Hostis and Inimicus: A Veneer for Bloody-Mindedness/David Lloyd Dusenbury.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.3: 431-439.
136720 Arendt on the Crime of Crimes/David Luban.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.3: 307-325.
136721 Paying a Price, Facing a Fine, Counting the Cost: The Differences that Make the Difference/Mark Migotti.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.3: 372-391.
136722 Rights: Concept and Justification/Adina Preda.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.3: 408-415.
136723 Constitutionalism, Resistance and Militant Democracy/Jose-Antonio Santos.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.3: 392-407.
136724 For a General Legal Theory of Conscientious Objection/Michele Saporiti.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.3: 416-430.
136725 Authority, Nationality, and Minorities/Alex Schwartz.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.3: 354-371.
136726 Some Conceptual Aspects of Temporality and the Ability to Possess Rights/Sandeep Sreekumar.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.3: 330-353.
136727 Legal Certainty and Correctness/Robert Alexy.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.4: 441-451.
136728 The Legality of Self-Constitution/Christoph Hanisch.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.4: 452-469.
136729 Kelsen’s Theory on International Law during His Exile in Geneva/Mario G. Losano.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.4: 470-485.
136730 The Right to Culture, the Right to Dispute, and the Right to Exclude. A New Perspective on Minorities within Minorities/Meital Pinto.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.4: 521-539.
136731 Public Reason Liberalism and Sex-Neutral Marriage A Response to Francis J. Beckwith/Greg Walker.- Ratio Juris. 2015; Vol.28, No.4: 486-503.
136732 Legal Speech and Implicit Content in the Law/Luke William Hunt.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.1: 3-22.
136733 In the Shadow of Judicial Supremacy: Putting the Idea of Judicial Dialogue in Its Place/Ming-Sung Kuo.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.1: 83-104.
136734 Conversational Implicatures and Legal Texts/Brian G. Slocum.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.1: 23-43.
136735 Renzo’s Attempt to Ground State Legitimacy on a Right to Self-Defence, and the Uselessness of Political Obligation/Uwe Steinhoff.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.1: 122-155.
136736 Staging Law’s Existence: Using Pretense Theory to Explain the Fiction of Legal Validity/Olaf Tans.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.1: 136-154.
136737 An Argumentation Interface for Expert Opinion Evidence/Douglas Walton,  Nanning Zhang.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.1: 59-82.
136738 On Normative Discourse/Gianfrancesco Zanetti.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.1: 44-58.
136739 Introduction to Schauer and The Force of Law/Damiano Canale,  Giovanni Tuzet.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.2: 160-163.
136740 Schauer on Coercion, Acceptance, and Schizophrenia/Jose Juan Moreso.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.2: 215-222.
136741 The Role of Defenders Beliefs in Aggressors Forfeiture of Rights against Self-Defensive Force/Michael Da Silva.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.2: 264-279.
136742 The Forces of Law: Duty, Coercion, and Power/Leslie Green.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.2: 164-181.
136743 Freedom of Conscience and the Value of Personal Integrity/Patrick Lenta.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.2: 246-263.
136744 On Alexy’s Argument from Inclusion/Peng-Hsiang Wang.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.2: 288-305.
136745 On Some Presuppositions of Judgments of Legal Validity/Philippe Gerard.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.2: 280-287.
136746 Can There Be an Artifact Theory of Law?/Luka Burazin.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.3: 385-401.
136747 After Exception: Carl Schmitt’s Legal Institutionalism and the Repudiation of Exceptionalism/Mariano Croce,  Andrea Salvatore.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.3: 410-426.
136748 The Ambiguity of Force/David Dyzenhaus.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.3: 323-347.
136749 Kelsen on Validity (Once More)/Riccardo Guastini.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.3: 402-409.
136750 Kant’s Politics of Freedom/Paul Guyer.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.3: 427-432.
136751 The Ultimate Force of the Law: On the Essence and Precariousness of the Monopoly on Legitimate Force/Ralf Poscher.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.3: 311-322.
136752 A Reply to Five Friends/Frederick Schauer.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.3: 348-363.
136753 The Intensionality behind Legal Concepts and Their Extensional Boundaries: Between Conventionalism and Interpretivism/Alexandra Arapinis,  Angela Condello.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.4: 439-459.
136754 Getting Real or Staying Positive: Legal Realism(s), Legal Positivism and the Prospects of Naturalism in Jurisprudence/Jakob v. H. Holtermann.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.4: 535-555.
136755 Justice and Well-Orderedness: Saving Rawls from Luck Egalitarianism/Jahel Queralt.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.4: 519-534.
136756 Does Empirical Legal Studies Shed more Heat than Light? The Case of Civil Damage Awards/Jeffrey J. Rachlinski.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.4: 556-561.
136757 An Inquiry into a Normative Concept of Legal Efficacy/Andre Santos Campos.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.4: 460-477.
136758 Is there only One Correct Legal Answer to a Question of Fact? Three Talmudic Answers to a Jurisprudential Dilemma/Yuval Sinai,  Martin P. Golding.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.4: 475-505.
136759 Remarks on the Normativity of International Legal Rules and Global Constitutionalism/Tomasz H. Wid ak.- Ratio Juris. 2016; Vol.29, No.4: 506-518.
136760 Theory of Custom, Dogmatics of Custom, Policy of Custom: On the Threefold Approach of Polish-Russian Legal Realism/Edoardo Fittipaldi,  Elena Timoshina.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.1: 105-122.
136761 From a Pluralism of Grounds to Proto-Legal Relations: Accounting for the Grounds of Obligations of Justice/George Pavlakos.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.1: 59-74.
136762 Responsibility and Global Justice/Mathias Risse.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.1: 41-58.
136763 Realism about the Nature of Law/Torben Spaak.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.1: 75-104.
136764 Necessary and Universal Truths about Law?/Brian Z. Tamanaha.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.1: 3-24.
136765 Raz on Rights: Human Rights, Fundamental Rights, and Balancing/Aleardo Zanghellini.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.1: 25-40.
136766 Some Remarks about Social Ontology and Law: An Interview with John R. Searle/Angela Condello,  John R. Searle.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.1: 226-231.
136767 The Discourse of International Law and Humanitarian Intervention/Gustavo Gozzi.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.2: 186-204.
136768 Luck Egalitarianism and the Rights of Immigrants/Nils Holtug.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.2: 127-143.
136769 Legal Power: The Basic Definition/Lars Lindahl,  David Reidhav.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.2: 158-185.
136770 Immigration and Equal Ownership of the Earth/Kieran Oberman.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.2: 144-157.
136771 I Should Not Be a Free Rider, nor Am I Obligated to Obey/Luo Yizhong.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.2: 205-225.
136772 Self-Determination and Sovereignty over Natural Resources/Oliviero Angeli.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.3: 290-304.
136773 A Rational Reconstruction of United Nations Human Rights Law/Gustavo Arosemena.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.3: 372-386.
136774 What Is the Opposite of Injustice?/Eric Heinze.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.3: 353-371.
136775 Risk, Precaution, Responsibility, and Equal Concern/Alexia Herwig,  Marta Simoncini.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.3: 259-272.
136776 The Distinctive Significance of Systemic Risk/Aaron James.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.3: 239-258.
136777 Law and Precaution in the European Risk Society: The Case of EU Environmental Policy/Joseph D. Mathis,  Luigi D.A. Corrias.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.3: 322-340.
136778 Legal Arguments from Scholarly Authority/F‎عbio Perin Shecaira.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.3: 305-321.
136779 When Trumps Clash: Dworkin and the Doctrine of Proportionality/Jacob Weinrib.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.3: 341-352.
136780 Replies to Critics/Amalia Amaya.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.4: 529-548.
136781 The Arendtian Dread: Courts with Power/Or Bassok.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.4: 417-432.
136782 The Promise and Problems of Universal, General Theories of Contract Law/Brian H. Bix.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.4: 391-402.
136783 More Reasons Why Jurisprudence Is Not Legal Philosophy/Michael Robertson.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.2: 403-416.
136784 The Tapestry of Reason: Generality, Specificity and Legal Philosophy/William Lucy.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.4: 522-558.
136785 Civic Conscience, Selective Conscientious Objection and Lack of Choice/Yossi Nehushtan.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.4: 433-450.
136786 The Syntax of Principles: Genericity as a Logical Distinction between Rules and Principles/Pedro Moniz Lopes.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.4: 471-490.
136787 Legal Reasoning for Hedgehogs/Grant Lamond.- Ratio Juris. 2017; Vol.30, No.4: 507-521.
136788 Law, Morality, and the Existence of Human Rights/Robert Alexy.- Ratio Juris. 2012; Vol.25, No.1: 2-14.
136789 Belief-Based Exemptions: Are Religious Beliefs Special?/Gemma Cornelissen.- Ratio Juris. 2012; Vol.25, No.1: 85-109.
136790 Ways of Solving Conflicts of Constitutional Rights: Proportionalism and Specificationism/Jose Juan Moreso.- Ratio Juris. 2012; Vol.25, No.1: 31-46.
136791 Correctness and Cognitivism. Remarks on Robert Alexy’s Argument from the Claim to Correctness/George Pavlakos.- Ratio Juris. 2012; Vol.25, No.1: 15-30.
136792 Legislating Morality: Scoring the Hart-Devlin Debate after Fifty Years/Gregory Bassham.- Ratio Juris. 2012; Vol.25, No.2: 117-132.
136793 Moral Harm and Moral Responsibility: A Defence of Ascriptivism/Pietro Denaro.- Ratio Juris. 2012; Vol.25, No.2: 149-179.
136794 The Embedded Epistemologist: Dispatches from the Legal Front/Susan Haack.- Ratio Juris. 2012; Vol.25, No.2: 206-235.
136795 The Moral Foundation of Law and the Ethos of Liberal Democracies/Didier Mineur.- Ratio Juris. 2012; Vol.25, No.2: 133-148.
136796 The Paradox of the Moral Irrelevance of the Government and the Law: A Critique of Carlos Nino’s Approach/Juan Cianciardo.- Ratio Juris. 2012; Vol.25, No.3: 368-380.
136797 Social and Justified Legal Normativity: Unlocking the Mystery of the Relationship/Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco.- Ratio Juris. 2012; Vol.25, No.3: 409-433.
136798 The Persistent Significance of Jurisdiction/Dimitrios Kyritsis.- Ratio Juris. 2012; Vol.25, No.3: 343-367.
136799 Secret Laws/Claire Grant.- Ratio Juris. 2012; Vol.25, No.3: 301-317.
136800 Dworkin and Phenomenology of the Pre-Legal?/Dean Goorden.- Ratio Juris. 2012; Vol.25, No.3: 393-408.
136801 Comparative vs. Transcendental Approaches to Justice: A Misleading Dichotomy in Sen’s The Idea of Justice/Francesco Biondo.- Ratio Juris. 2012; Vol.25, No.4: 555-577.
136802 Retributivism and Legal Moralism/David O. Brink.- Ratio Juris. 2012; Vol.25, No.4: 496-512.
136803 Michael Moore on Torture, Morality, and Law/Matthew H. Kramer.- Ratio Juris. 2012; Vol.25, No.4: 472-495.
136804 The Compatibility Dialectic: Mediating the Legitimate Coexistence of Islamic Law and State Law/Abdullahi Ahmed An-Nacim.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.1: 1-29.
136805 A-Legality: Postnationalism and the Question of Legal Boundaries/Hans Lindahl.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.1: 30-56.
136806 Forced Marriage as a Harm in Domestic and International Law/Catherine Dauvergne, Jenni Millbank.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.1: 57-88.
136807 Harmonisation by Example: European Laws against Unfair Commercial Practices/Hugh Collins.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.1: 89-118.
136808 The Construction of Terms of Facultative Reinsurance Contracts: is Wasa v Lexington the Exception or the Rule?/Ozlem Gurses.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.1: 119-130.
136809 Property Interests in Body Parts: Yearworth v North Bristol NHS Trust/Cynthia Hawes.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.1: 130-140.
136810 The Anti-Political Polity/Neil Walker.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.1: 141-154.
136811 The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act (2008) and the Tenacity of the Sexual Family Form/Julie McCandless, Sally Sheldon.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.2: 175-207.
136812 Natural Intellectual Property Rights and the Public Domain/Hugh Breakey.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.2: 208-239.
136813 Fair Copy: Protecting Access to Scientific Information in Post-War Britain/Brad Shermann, Leanne Wiseman.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.2: 240-261.
136814 The Parliamentary Standards Act 2009: A Constitutional Dangerous Dogs Measure?/Neil Parpworth.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.2: 262-281.
136815 Because You’re Worth It: L’Oreal and the Prohibition on Free Riding/Dev Gangjee, Robert Burrell.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.2: 282-295.
136816 Disobedience to Law – Debbie Purdy’s Case/Richard Nobles, David Schiff.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.2: 295-304.
136817 The End of Posnerian Law and Economics/David Campbell.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.2: 305-330.
136818 Choice, Privacy and Publicly Funded Legal Advice at Police Stations/Rosemary Pattenden, Layla Skinns.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.3: 349-370.
136819 Legal Advice Privilege and its Relevance to Corporations/Andrew Higgins.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.3: 371-398.
136820 Top-up Payments for Expensive Cancer Drugs: Rationing, Fairness and the NHS/Emily Jackson.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.3: 399-427.
136821 The Challenges of Ambient Law and Legal Protection in the Profiling Era/Mireille Hildebrandt, Bert-Jaap Koops.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.3: 428-460.
136822 Reversing the Tragedy of the Commons? Sustainable Management and the Commons Act 2006/Christopher Rodgers.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.3: 461-486.
136823 Stone and Rolls Ltd v Moore Stephens: An Unnecessary Tangle/David Halpern.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.3: 487-493.
136824 Myths of Nation, Law, and Agency/Kristen Rundle.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.3: 494-509.
136825 Parallel Proceedings in Investor-State Treaty Arbitration: Responses for Treaty-Drafters, Arbitrators and Parties/Robin F. Hansen.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.4: 523-550.
136826 Gov 2.0: Towards a User Generated State?/John Morison.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.4: 551-577.
136827 Joint Criminal Enterprise/Beatrice Krebs.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.4: 578-604.
136828 The European Commission’s Guidance on Article 102TFEU: From Inferno to Paradiso?/Pinar Akman.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.4: 605-630.
136829 Deportation of Suspected Terrorists with Real Risk of Torture: The House of Lords Decision in Abu Qatada/Matthew Garrod.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.4: 631-646.
136830 Uncertainty Over Causal Uncertainty: Karen Sienkiewicz (Administratrix of the Estate of Enid Costello Deceased) v Greif (UK) Ltd/Sandy Steel.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.4: 646-655.
136831 Rethinking Constitutional Design and the Integration/Accommodation Dichotomy/Jeffrey B. Meyers.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.4: 656-678.
136832 What Conversation? Free Speech and Defamation Law/Andrew T. Kenyon.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.5: 697-720.
136833 Trust, Distrust and Reassurance: Diversion and Preventive Orders Through the Prism of Feindstrafrecht/Daniel Ohana.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.5: 721-751.
136834 An American Future? Contingency Fees, Claims Explosions and Evidence from Employment Tribunals/Richard Moorhead.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.5: 752-784.
136835 Copyright and Parody: Taking Backward the Gowers Review?/Ronan Deazley.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.5: 785-807.
136836 Section 199 of the Equality Act 2010: How Not to Abolish the Presumption of Advancement/Jamie Glister.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.5: 807-823.
136837 European Arrest Warrant Cases and the Principles of Non-discrimination and EU Citizenship/Ester Herlin-Karnell.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.5: 824-835.
136838 Special Advocates, Control Orders and the Right to a Fair Trial/Aileen Kavanagh.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.5: 836-857.
136839 Between Law and Language: When Constitutionalism Goes Plural in a Globalising World/Ming-Sung Kuo.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.5: 858-882.
136840 How to Make Bad Law: Lessons from Cyberspace/Chris Reed.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.6: 903-932.
136841 The Anatomy of Civic Integration/Dora Kostakopoulou.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.6: 933-958.
136842 Labour Law in a Service World/Einat Albin.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.6: 959-984.
136843 Eliminating Poverty? Financial Inclusion, Access to Land, and Gender Equality in International Development/Ambreena Manji.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.6: 985-1004.
136844 The Stewardship Code’s Achilles’ Heel/Brian R. Cheffins.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.6: 1004-1025.
136845 A Negligent Blow to Children at Risk: MAK and RK v United Kingdom (European Court of Human Rights)/Kate Greasley.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.6: 1026-1035.
136846 Auctioneers and Misdescription: Between Scylla and Charybdis/Frank Meisel.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.6: 1036-1047.
136847 In Search of Rationality in Company Law/Carsten Gerner-Beuerle.- The Modern Law Review. 2010; Vol.73, No.6: 1048-1075.
136848 Ignorance of the Criminal Law, and Duties to Avoid it/Andrew Ashworth.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.1: 1-26.
136849 Civic Integration, Migrant Women and the Veil: at the Limits of Rights?/Siobhan Mullally.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.1: 27-56.
136850 Human Rights and Root Causes/Susan Marks.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.1: 57-78.
136851 The Law Lords and Human Rights/Thomas Poole, Sangeeta Shah.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.1: 79-105.
136852 Unfair Contract Terms, Unfair Prices and Bank Charges/Simon Whittaker.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.1: 106-122.
136853 Buckland v Bournemouth University Higher Education Corp: Statutory Constructive Dismissal and the Implied Term of Mutual Trust and Confidence/David Cabrelli.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.1: 122-134.
136854 International Law and the Spirit of Anti-Colonialism: Europe Fights Back/Anthony Carty.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.1: 135-149.
136855 The White and Carter Principle: A Restatement/Qiao Liu.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.2: 171-194.
136856 How Successful and Distinctive is the Human Rights Act? An Expatriate Comparatist’s Assessment/Stephen Gardbaum.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.2: 195-215.
136857 Truancy and the Prosecution of Parents: An Unfair Burden on Mothers?/Jane Donoghue.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.2: 216-244.
136858 The Legal Profession as Gatekeeper to the Judiciary: Design Faults in Measures to Enhance Diversity/Lizzie Barmes, Kate Malleson.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.2: 245-271.
136859 Litigation Costs and Before-the-Event Insurance: The Key to Access to Justice?/Richard Lewis.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.2: 272-286.
136860 Personal Religious Beliefs in the Workplace: How Not to Define Indirect Discrimination/Nicholas Hatzis.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.2: 287-305.
136861 Sentencing Derrida/Simon Glendinning.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.2: 306-321.
136862 The Scope of Conversion: Property and Contract/Simon Douglas.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.3: 329-349.
136863 What Did the Lawyers Do During the War? Neutrality, Conflict and the Culture of Quietism/Kieran McEvoy.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.3: 350-384.
136864 Incapacity, the Labour Market and Social Security: Coercion into Positive Citizenship/Philip M. Larkin.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.3: 385-409.
136865 London 2012 and the Impact of the UK’s Olympic and Paralympic Legislation: Protecting Commerce or Preserving Culture?/Mark James, Guy Osborn.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.3: 410-429.
136866 Marriage and Divorce in the Supreme Court and the Law Commission: for Love or Money?/Joanna Miles.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.3: 430-444.
136867 Extending the Confusion About Bayes/Bernard Robertson, G. A. Vignaux, Charles E. H. Berger.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.3: 444-455.
136868 UN Sanctions: Where Public Law Meets Public International Law/Nigel D. White.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.3: 456-478.
136869 Creative Commons Licences, the Copyright Regime and the Online Community: Is there a Fatal Disconnect?/Susan Corbett.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.4: 503-531.
136870 The Death of Socio-Economic Rights/Paul O’Connell.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.4: 532-554.
136871 Safety, Regulation and Tort: Fault in Context/Maria Lee.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.4: 555-580.
136872 Does the Emperor Have Financial Crisis Clothes? Reflections on the Legal Basis of the European Banking Authority/Elaine Fahey.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.4: 581-595.
136873 Guiding Principles for Directorial Conflicts of Interest: Re Allied Business and Financial Consultants Ltd; O’Donnell v Shanahan/Deirdre Ahern.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.4: 596-607.
136874 Public or Personal Character in Election Campaigns: A Review of the Implications of the Judgment in Watkins v Woolas/Francis Hoar.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.4: 607-616.
136875 Administrative Justice in Context: Mapping the Terrain for Further Study/Richard Kirkham.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.4: 617-630.
136876 Delegated Legislation in the (new) European Union: A Constitutional Analysis/Robert Schutze.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.5: 661-693.
136877 Deference on Questions of Law/Paul Daly.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.5: 694-720.
136878 When Should a Retrial be Permitted After a Conviction is Quashed on Appeal?/James Chalmers, Fiona Leverick.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.5: 721-749.
136879 Introducing a New Diminished Responsibility Defence for England and Wales/Louise Kennefick.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.5: 750-766.
136880 Complicating Complicity: Aiding and Abetting Causing Death by Dangerous Driving in R v Martin/Sally Cunningham.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.5: 767-777.
136881 Sienkiewicz v Greif (UK) Ltd and Willmore v Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council: A Material Contribution to Uncertainty?/Per Laleng.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.5: 777-793.
136882 The Problem of Global Law/Patrick Capps, Dean Machin.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.5: 794-810.
136883 Governing Climate Change: Towards a New Paradigm for Risk Regulation/Veerle Heyvaert.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.6: 817-844.
136884 Libel: Its Purpose and Reform/David Howarth.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.6: 845-877.
136885 Horizontal Effect and the Constitutional Constraint/Gavin Phillipson, Alexander Williams.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.6: 878-910.
136886 On Her Majesty’s Commercial Service: Bribery, Public Officials and the UK Intelligence Services/Jeremy Horder.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.6: 911-931.
136887 Distorting Vicarious Liability/Phillip Morgan.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.6: 932-946.
136888 Are Children’s Best Interests Really Best? ZH (Tanzania) (FC) v Secretary of State for the Home Department/Jane Fortin.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.6: 947-961.
136889 The Degenerative Constitutional Moment: Bruce Ackerman and The Decline and Fall of the American Republic/Emilios Christodoulidis.- The Modern Law Review. 2011; Vol.74, No.6: 962-973.
136890 Coordination Cannot Establish Political Authority/Matthias Brinkmann.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.1: 49-69.
136891 Why Dictatorial Authority Did Good, and not Harm, to the Roman Republic. Dictatorship and Constitutional Change in Machiavelli/Marc de Wilde.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.1: 86-99.
136892 Antagonism, Natality, A-Legality: A Phenomenological Itinerary on the Democratic Transgression of Politico-Legal Orders/Ferdinando G. Menga.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.1: 100-118.
136893 Legal Positivism and Deontic Detachment/Robert Mullins.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.1: 4-8.
136894 The People and Populism/Giuseppe Zaccaria.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.1: 33-48.
136895 Overcoming Doctrinal School Thought: A Unifying Approach to Human Dignity/Philipp Gisbertz.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.2: 196-207.
136896 Human Rights: Existential, Not Metaphysical/Massimo La Torre.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.2: 183-195.
136897 Toward a Theory of Reasonableness/Michele Mangini.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.2: 208-230.
136898 Two Rights of Free Speech/Andrei Marmor.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.2: 139-159.
136899 Time in Law’s Domain/Gerald J. Postema.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.2: 160-182.
136900 Ownership, Use, and Exclusivity: The Kantian Approach/Ernest J. Weinrib.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.2: 123-138.
136901 The Special Case Thesis and the Dual Nature of Law/Robert Alexy.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.3: 254-259.
136902 The Possibility of Interimperial Law/Karol Dobrzeniecki.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.3: 364-374.
136903 Why Be Just? The Problem of Motivation in Hegel and Rawls/Carsten Fogh Nielsen,  Emily Hartz.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.3: 326-345.
136904 Is International Law a Hartian Legal System?/Carmen E. Pavel.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.3: 307-325.
136905 On the Role of Normative Hierarchies in Constitutional Reasoning: A Survey of Some Paradigmatic Cases/Orlando Scarcello.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.3: 346-363.
136906 Theoretical Disagreement, Legal Positivism, and Interpretation/Dennis Patterson.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.3: 260-275.
136907 Hart and the Metaphysics and Semantics of Legal Normativity/Matthew H. Kramer.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.4: 396-420.
136908 Constitution (Written or Unwritten): Legitimacy and Legality in the Thought of John Rawls/Frank I. Michelman.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.4: 379-395.
136909 Why Legal Formalism Is Not a Stupid Thing/Paul Troop.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.4: 428-443.
136910 Representative Legislatures, Grammars of Political Representation, and the Generality of Statutes/Dimitris Tsarapatsanis.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.4: 444-459.
136911 Raz’s Definition of a Right/Mark Mcbride.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.4: 460-468.
136912 Group Vulnerability, Asymmetrical Balance, and Multicultural Recognition/Fabio Macioce.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.4: 469-484.
136913 Apology for the Theory of the State and Law: A New Concept of Law and Justice in Modern Legal Communication/Werner Krawietz.- Ratio Juris. 2018; Vol.31, No.4: 421-427.
136914 Legitimacy as Public Willing: Kant on Freedom and the Law/Jakob Huber.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.1: 102-116.
136915 The Senility of Group Solidarity and Contemporary Multiculturalism: A Word of Warning from a Medieval Arabic Thinker/Annalisa Verza.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.1: 76-101.
136916 Legal Hypocrisy/Ekow N. Yankah.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.1: 2-20.
136917 Whose Constitution? Constitutional Self-Determination and Generational Change/Jorg Tremmel.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.1: 49-75.
136918 A Pragmatic Reconstruction of Law’s Claim to Authority/Horacio Spector.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.1: 21-48.
136919 Flaws and Virtues of An Artifact Theory of Law/Miguel Angel Garcia-Godinez.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.1: 117-131.
136920 Global Luck Egalitarianism and Border Control/Kim Angell,  Robert Huseby.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.2: 177-192.
136921 Traditional Local Justice, Women’s Rights, and the Rule of Law: A Pluralistic Framework/Alessandra Facchi.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.2: 210-232.
136922 The Intrinsic Good of Justice/Brian Rosebury.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.2: 193-209.
136923 The Medical Exception to the Prohibition of Killing: A Matter of the Right Intention?/Govert Den Hartogh.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.2: 157-176.
136924 Affirmative Action: Well-Being, Justice, and Qualifications/Reem Segev.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.2: 138-156.
136925 Against Parochialism in Contract Theory: A Response to Brian Bix/Felipe Jimenez.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.2: 233-250.
136926 Outsiders Responsibility to Answer for Crime/Kenneth S. Gallant.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.3: 256-277.
136927 The Common Core between Human Rights Law and International Criminal Law: A Structural Account/Alain Zysset.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.3: 278-300.
136928 International Crimes and the Right to Punish/Luise K. Muller.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.3: 301-319.
136929 The Force of Norms? The Internal Point of View in Light of Experimental Economics/Leonard Hoeft.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.3: 339-362.
136930 The Inner Logic of Exclusivism (and Inclusivism): Shapiro’s Shadowing/Mark Mcbride.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.3: 363-389.
136931 In Defense of the Practice Theory/Frank Lovett.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.3: 320-338.
136932 Debating Sociological Jurisprudence: A Reply/Roger Cotterrell.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.4: 521-528.
136933 Durkheim in World Society: Roger Cotterrell s Concept of Transnational Law/Julia Eckert.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.4: 498-508.
136934 What Is the Will Theory of Rights?/David Frydrych.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.4: 455-472.
136935 Secret Law Revisited/Benjamin L. S. Nelson.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.4: 473-486.
136936 Impunity and Hope/Tony Reeves.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.4: 415-438.
136937 Human Dignity as a Sui Generis Principle/Stephen Riley.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.4: 439-454.
136938 Soldiers as Public Officials: A Moral Justification for Combatant Immunity/Malcolm Thorburn.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.4: 395-414.
136939 Thoughts on Sociological Jurisprudence: Juristic Thought and Social Inquiry (Roger Cotterrell)/Mauro Zamboni.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.4: 487-497.
136940 How to Be a Transnational Jurist: Reflections on Cotterrell s Sociological Jurisprudence/Sanne Taekema.- Ratio Juris. 2019; Vol.32, No.4: 509-520.
136966 The Causal Mechanism Theory of Legal Causation/Peter Bach-y-Rita.- Ratio Juris. 2021; Vol.34, No.1: 57-73.
136967 Law and Coercion: Some Clarification/Lucas Miotto.- Ratio Juris. 2021; Vol.34, No.1: 74-87.
136968 Migrants, State Responsibilities, and Human Dignity/Roger Brownsword.- Ratio Juris. 2021; Vol.34, No.1: 6-28.
136969 European Freedoms: A Critical Analysis/Catherine Audard.- Ratio Juris. 2021; Vol.34, No.1: 29-44.
136970 European Values in the Charter of Fundamental Rights: An Introduction/Alessandra Facchi,  Nicola Riva.- Ratio Juris. 2021; Vol.34, No.1: 3-5.
136971 Overcoming Judicial Supremacy through Constitutional Amendment: Some Critical Reflections/Mariano C. Melero De La Torre.- Ratio Juris. 2021; Vol.34, No.2: 161-179.
136972 Access to Justice: Dynamic, Foundational, and Generative/Gianluigi Palombella.- Ratio Juris. 2021; Vol.34, No.2: 121-138.
136973 What Is Left of European Citizenship?/Justine Lacroix.- Ratio Juris. 2021; Vol.34, No.2: 106-120.
136974 Uncommon Legislative Attitudes: Why a Theory of Legislative Intent Needs Nontrivial Aggregation/David Tan.- Ratio Juris. 2021; Vol.34, No.2: 139-160.
136975 Test of the arson action system model in an incarcerated population/Louise Almond, Lorna Duggan, John Shine, David Canter.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.1: 1-15.
136976 Disordered personalities at work/Belinda Jane Board, Katarina Fritzon.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.1: 17-32.
136977 Beyond columbine: a faceted model of school-associated homicide/Katarina Fritzon, Andrea Brun.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.1: 53-71.
136978 A forensically valid comparison of facial composite systems/Charlie D. Frowd.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.1: 33-55.
136979 Familiar face recognition as a function of distance and illumination: a practical tool for use in the courtroom/Marloes De Jong, Willem A. Wagenaar, Gezinus Wolters, Ilse M. Verstijnen.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.1: 87-97.
136980 The detection of deception with the reality monitoring approach: a review of the empirical evidence/Jaume Masip, Siegfried L. Sporer, Eugenio Garrido, Carmen Herrero.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.1: 99-122.
136981 Birth order and youth delinquent behaviour testing the differential parental control hypothesis in a french representative sample/Laurent Begue, Sebastian Roche.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.1: 73-85.
136982 The Cognitive Interview: Effects on the realism in witnesses  confidence in their free recall/Carl Martin Allwood, Karl Ask, Par Anders Granhag.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.2: 183-198.
136983 Sequential angulation, spatial dispersion and consistency of distance attack patterns from home in serial murder, rape and burglary/Alasdair M. Goodwill, Laurence J. Alison.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.2: 161-176.
136984 Non-biased lineup instructions do matter a problem for older witnesses/Rachel A. Rose, Ray Bull, Aldert Vrij.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.2: 147-159.
136985 Appearing credible? Swearing helps!/Eric Rassin, Simone Van Der Heijden.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.2: 177-182.
136986 Generalizability of a two-factor measure of young children’s suggestibility in Norway and the USA/Annika Melinder, Matthew H. Scullin, Vita Gunnerod, Elisabeth Nyborg.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.2: 123-145.
136987 Affect assessment in crisis negotiation: An exploratory case study using two distinct indicators/Wolfgang Bilsky, Julia Muller, Anke Voss, Everhard Von Groote.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.3: 275-287.
136988 A face in the crowd: The influences of familiarity and delay on preschoolers recognition/Whitney J. Cain, Lynne Baker-Ward, Kimberly L. Eaton.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.3: 315-327.
136989 Law enforcement officers serving as jurors: Guilty because charged?/Scott E. Culhane, Harmon M. Hosch.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.3: 305-313.
136990 The association between the offender victim relationship, severity of offence and attribution of blame in mentally disordered offenders/Simone Fox, Sharon Leicht.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.3: 255-264.
136991 Deviant identity, negative self-feelings, and decreases in deviant behavior: The moderating influence of conventional social bonding/Howard B. Kaplan, Cheng-Hsien Lin.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.3: 289-303.
136992 Hope in the treatment of sexual offenders: the potential application of hope theory/H. M. Moulden, W. L. Marshall.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.3: 329-342.
136993 Evaluation of a Norwegian postgraduate training programme for the implementation of Aggression Replacement Training/Knut Gundersen, Frode Svartdal.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.4: 435-444.
136994 Evaluation of Aggression Control Therapy for violent forensic psychiatric patients/Ruud H. J. Hornsveld.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.4: 403-410.
136995 Differences between violent male and violent female forensic psychiatric outpatients: Consequences for treatment/P. E. M. Leenaars.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.4: 445-455.
136996 Preliminary results of Aggression Replacement Training for Norwegian youth with aggressive behaviour and with a different diagnosis/Luke Moynahan, Borge Strpomgren.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.4: 411-419.
136997 A treatment programme for sexually violent forensic psychiatric inpatients: Development and first results/Chijs Van Nieuwenhuizen.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.4: 467-477.
136998 A useful evaluation design, and effects of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program/Dan Olweus.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.4: 389-402.
136999 The relationship between moral reasoning and aggression, and the implications for practice/Emma J. Palmer.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.4: 353-361.
137000 Pharmacological treatment of sexually aggressive forensic psychiatric patients/M. A. Polak, H. Nijman.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.4: 457-465.
137001 Interactional aspects of violent behaviour on acute psychiatric wards/Richard Whittington, Dirk Richter.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2005; Vol.11, No.4: 377-388.
137002 Text Matters: Some Reflections on the Forging of a New Constitutional Jurisprudence in South Africa/Kate O’Regan.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.1: 1-32.
137003 Transgender Marriage and the Legal Obligation to Disclose Gender History/Alex Sharpe.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.1: 33-53.
137004 In Defence of Quasi-Contract/Dan Priel.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.1: 54-77.
137005 Yeah but, no but – Pinnock and Powell in the Supreme Court/Dave Cowan, Caroline Hunter.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.1: 78-91.
137006 Reluctant Bedfellows: Want of Authority and Knowing Receipt/Rebecca Lee, Lusina Ho.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.1: 91-100.
137007 Using the Citizen to Bring the Refugee In: Gerardo Ruiz Zambrano v Office national de l’emploi (ONEM)/Iyiola Solanke.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.1: 101-111.
137008 Good Faith, Flawed Assets and the Emasculation of the UK Anti-Deprivation Rule/Sarah Worthington.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.1: 112-121.
137009 Nudge as Fudge/Karen Yeung.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.1: 122-148.
137010 Does Control Make a Difference? The Moral Foundations of Shareholder Liability for Corporate Wrongs/Jonathan Crowe.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.2: 159-179.
137011 The Recognition, and Res Judicata Effect, of a United States Class Actions Judgment in England: A Rebuttal of Vivendi/Rachael Mulheron.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.2: 180-211.
137012 A Tale of Two Debtors: Responding to the Shock of Over-Indebtedness in France and England – a Story from the Trente Piteuses/Iain Ramsay.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.2: 212-248.
137013 The Irreducible Core of the Duty of Care, Skill and Diligence of Company Directors: Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Healey/John Lowry.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.2: 249-261.
137014 Brown, Governor of California v Plata/Mary Rogan.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.2: 261-274.
137015 Europe Reconstructed/Anne Orford.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.2: 275-286.
137016 Tort, Insurance and Ideology: Further Thoughts/Rob Merkin.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.3: 301-323.
137017 Sentencing Councils and Victims/Ian Edwards.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.3: 324-346.
137018 Street-Level Tort Law: The Bureaucratic Justice of Liability Decision-Making/Simon Halliday, Jonathan Ilan, Colin Scott.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.3: 347-367.
137019 Arresting Developments? Restricting the Enforcement of the UK’s Universal Jurisdiction Provisions/Sarah Williams.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.3: 368-386.
137020 The Supreme Court on Compensation for Miscarriages of Justice: Is it better that ten innocents are denied compensation than one guilty person receives it?/Hannah Quirk, Marny Requa.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.3: 387-400.
137021 Certainty of Terms and Leases: Curiouser and Curiouser/Kelvin F. K. Low.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.3: 401-412.
137022 Rectifying the Course of Rectification/Paul S. Davies.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.3: 412-426.
137023 A Purposive Approach to Employment Protection or a Missed Opportunity?/Julie McClelland.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.3: 427-436.
137024 Negotiable Rights, What Rights?/Tom Hickman.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.3: 437-454.
137025 Laboratories of Statehood: Legal Intervention in Colonial Africa and Today/Stephen Humphreys.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.4: 475-510.
137026 Local Authorities and the Accountability Gap in a Fragmenting Schools System/Neville Harris.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.4: 511-546.
137027 Tax Disputes under Institutional Instability: Theory and Implications/Eduardo Baistrocchi.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.4: 547-577.
137028 The Proposed Common European Sales Law: Legal Framework and the Agreement of the Parties/Simon Whittaker.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.4: 578-605.
137029 Al Rawi, Tariq, and the Future of Closed Material Procedures and Special Advocates/John Ip.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.4: 606-623.
137030 Independent Schools Council v Charity Commission for England and Wales [2011] UKUT 421 (TCC)/Mary Synge.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.4: 624-639.
137031 Lord Mustill and the Courts of Tennis – Dallah v Pakistan in England, France and Utopia/Jan Kleinheisterkamp.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.4: 639-654.
137032 Henry Maine and the Re-Constitution of the British Empire/Coel Kirkby.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.4: 655-673.
137033 Compassionate Killings: The Case for a Partial Defence/Heather Keating, Jo Bridgeman.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.5: 697-721.
137034 The Territorial Scope of Employment Legislation and Choice of Law/Ugljesa Grusic.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.5: 722-751.
137035 The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Mental Health Law/Peter Bartlett.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.5: 752-778.
137036 Standard Form Contracts as Transnational Law: Evidence from the Derivatives Markets/Joanne P. Braithwaite.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.5: 779-805.
137037 A Behavioural Understanding of Privacy and its Implications for Privacy Law/Kirsty Hughes.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.5: 806-836.
137038 Substantial and Radical Change: A New Dawn for Scottish Criminal Procedure?/James Chalmers, Fiona Leverick.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.5: 837-864.
137039 Hearsay and Human Rights: Al-Khawaja in the Grand Chamber/Mike Redmayne.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.5: 865-878.
137040 European Union Soft Law: New Developments Concerning the Divide Between Legally Binding Force and Legal Effects/Oana Stefan.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.5: 879-893.
137041 Is Public Law Ordinary?/Mark D. Walters.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.5: 894-913.
137042 Judging and Jurisprudence in the USA/Richard Mullender.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.5: 914-935.
137043 Regulating Political Donations by Companies: Challenges and Misconceptions/Richard Williams.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.6: 951-980.
137044 The Normativity of the Private Ownership Form/Avihay Dorfman.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.6: 981-1009.
137045 Nuisance Law and the Industrial Revolution: A Reinterpretation of Doctrine and Institutional Competence/Ben Pontin.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.6: 1010-1036.
137046 Paradoxes and Failures: New Governance Techniques and the Financial Crisis/Julia Black.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.6: 1037-1063.
137047 Post-Secularism and the European Court of Human Rights: Or How God Never Really Went Away/Ian Leigh, Rex Ahdar.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.6: 1064-1098.
137048 That wicked rule, that evil doctrine …: Reforming the Law on Disclosure in Insurance Contracts/John Lowry, Philip Rawlings.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.6: 1099-1122.
137049 Section 994 of the Companies Act 2006 and the Primacy of Contract/Harry McVea.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.6: 1123-1136.
137050 Adoption, Homosexuality and the European Convention on Human Rights: Gas and Dubois v France/Paul Johnson.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.6: 1136-1149.
137051 The Pitcairn Prosecutions and the Rule of Law/Stephen Allen.- The Modern Law Review. 2012; Vol.75, No.6: 1150-1174.
137052 The Tragedy of the Anticommons: A Concise Introduction and Lexicon/Michael Heller.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.1: 6-25.
137053 Consequential Responsibility for Client Wrongs: Lehman Brothers and the Regulation of the Legal Profession/David Kershaw, Richard Moorhead.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.1: 26-61.
137054 Title by Registration: Rectification, Indemnity and Mistake and the Land Registration Act 2002/Emma Lees.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.1: 62-82.
137055 The Legislative Origins of the MPs’ Expenses Scandal/Gavin Little, David Stopforth.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.1: 83-108.
137056 Rape, Defendant Anonymity and Evidence-Based Policy Making/Philip N.S. Rumney, Rachel Anne Fenton.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.1: 109-133.
137057 Edwards v Chesterfield Royal Hospital – Parliamentary Intention and Damages Caused by Maladministration of a Contractual Dismissal Procedure/Kevin Costello.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.1: 134-145.
137058 Woodcock v Cumbria Primary Care Trust: The Objective Justification Test for Age Discrimination/Jackie Lane.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.1: 146-157.
137059 Israel’s Legal Right to Exist and the Principle of the Self-determination of the Palestinian People?/Anthony Carty.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.1: 158-177.
137060 Political Constitutionalism and the European Union/Michael A. Wilkinson.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.2: 191-222.
137061 The Regionalisation of Judicial Review: Constitutional Authority, Access to Justice and Specialisation of Legal Services in Public Law/Sarah Nason, Maurice Sunkin.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.2: 223-253.
137062 EU Accession to the ECHR: Between Autonomy and Adaptation/Christina Eckes.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.2: 254-285.
137063 Negligence and Human Rights Law: The Case for Separate Development/Donal Nolan.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.2: 286-318.
137064 Environmental Enforcement Undertakings and Possible Implications: Responsive, Smarter or Rent Seeking?/Ole W. Pedersen.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.2: 319-345.
137065 Wiping the Slate Clean: Reforming Scots Law’s Approach to Evidence of the Accused’s Bad Character/Findlay Stark.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.2: 346-369.
137066 Guler and Ongel v Turkey: Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Strasbourg’s Discourse on the Justified Use of Force/Natasa Mavronicola.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.2: 370-382.
137067 Another type of Other in EU Law? AB (2) MVC v Home Office and Rahman v Secretary of State for the Home Office/Iyiola Solanke.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.2: 383-400.
137068 Legality and the Liberal Order/Sean Coyle.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.2: 401-418.
137069 Restitutionary Remedies in the Contractual Context/Peter Jaffey.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.3: 429-463.
137070 Property as Governance: Time, Space and Belonging in Australia’s Northern Territory Intervention/Sarah Keenan.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.3: 464-493.
137071 On The Outside Looking In: Reflections on the Role of Inspection in Driving Up Quality in the Criminal Justice System/Stephen Shute.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.3: 494-528.
137072 The Mandatory Bid Rule: Efficient, After All?/Edmund-Philipp Schuster.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.3: 529-563.
137073 This Time, it’s for Real: The Health and Social Care Act 2012/A.C.L. Davies.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.3: 564-588.
137074 Relatively Absolute? The Undermining of Article 3 ECHR in Ahmad v UK/Natasa Mavronicola, Francesco Messineo.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.3: 589-603.
137075 Assumption of Responsibility in Corporate Groups: Chandler v Cape plc/Martin Petrin.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.3: 603-619.
137076 Pulling Back from the Edge?/Richard Nobles, David Schiff.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.3: 620-638.
137077 A Riddle Whose Answer is Tort: A Reassessment of International News Service v Associated Press/Christopher Wadlow.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.4: 649-680.
137078 Criminal Labels, the European Convention on Human Rights and the Presumption of Innocence/Liz Campbell.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.4: 681-707.
137079 Rationalism in Public Law/Graham Gee, Gregoire Webber.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.4: 708-734.
137080 Case Comment: The Legality of Kettling after Austin/Naomi Oreb.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.4: 735-742.
137081 Interpreting Statutory Purpose – Lessons from Yemshaw v Hounslow London Borough Council/Chris Bevan.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.4: 742-756.
137082 A Sea-Change for (International) Legal Theory/Deborah Whitehall.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.4: 757-777.
137083 Why Shareholders Shouldn’t Vote: A Marxist-progressive Critique of Shareholder Empowerment/Lorraine Talbot.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.5: 791-816.
137084 Constitutional Balance in the EU after the Euro-Crisis/Mark Dawson, Floris de Witte.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.5: 817-844.
137085 Two Meanings of Reasonableness: Dispelling the Floating Reasonable Doubt/Federico Picinali.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.5: 845-875.
137086 Designing ETPIMs around ECHR Review or Normalisation of Preventive Non-Trial-Based Executive Measures?/Helen Fenwick.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.5: 876-908.
137087 Redfearn v UK: Political Association and Dismissal/Hugh Collins, Virginia Mantouvalou.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.5: 909-923.
137088 Richall Holdings v Fitzwilliam: Malory v Cheshire Homes and the LRA 2002/Emma Lees.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.5: 924-934.
137089 Don’t Mention the War: The Court of Appeal, the Criminal Cases Review Commission and Dealing with the Past in Northern Ireland/Hannah Quirk.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.6: 949-980.
137090 Sex and Capacity: The Management of Monsters?/Ralph Sandland.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.6: 981-1009.
137091 The Symbiosis of Property and English Environmental Law – Property Rights in a Public Law Context/Eloise Scotford, Rachael Walsh.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.6: 1010-1045.
137092 Theorising Children’s Rights in Youth Justice: The Significance of Autonomy and Foundational Rights/Kathryn Hollingsworth.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.6: 1046-1069.
137093 The Succession to the Crown Act 2013: Modernising the Monarchy/Neil Parpworth.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.6: 1070-1093.
137094 Challenging the Ongoing Injustice of Imprisonment for Public Protection: James, Wells and Lee v The United Kingdom/Vanessa Bettinson, Gavin Dingwall.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.6: 1094-1105.
137095 The Elective and Automatic Theories of Termination in the Common Law of the Contract of Employment: Conundrum Resolved?/David Cabrelli, Rebecca Zahn.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.6: 1106-1119.
137096 Constitutional Conventions and the Prince of Wales/Adam Perry.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.6: 1119-1128.
137097 Contract Theory and Gain-Based Recovery/David Winterton.- The Modern Law Review. 2013; Vol.76, No.6: 1129-1155.
137098 Challenging Executive Dominance in European Democracy/Deirdre Curtin.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.1: 1-32.
137099 Understanding Intimidation/John Murphy.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.1: 33-59.
137100 Must the Surgeon Take the Pill? Negligence Duty in the Context of Cognitive Enhancement/Imogen Goold, Hannah Maslen.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.1: 60-86.
137101 Tilting at Windmills: the Defamation Act 2013/Alastair Mullis, Andrew Scott.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.1: 87-109.
137102 Hands-Off or Hands-On?: Deconstructing the Test-Case of Re G within a Culture of Children’s Rights/Tamara Tolley.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.1: 110-123.
137103 Confronting Religion: Veiled Witnesses, the Right to a Fair Trial and the Supreme Court of Canada’s Judgment in R v N.S./Karl Laird.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.1: 123-138.
137104 Legal Positivism and Faith In Law/Thom Brooks.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.1: 139-147.
137105 Factual causation and scope of liability: What’s the difference?/David Hamer.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.2: 155-188.
137106 Food Security and Agri-Foreign Direct Investment in Weak States: Finding the Governance Gap to Avoid Land Grab/Christian Haberli, Fiona Smith.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.2: 189-222.
137107 Accommodating Religious Beliefs: Harm, Clothing or Symbols, and Refusals to Serve Others/Robert Wintemute.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.2: 223-253.
137108 Recasting Competition Concurrency under the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013/Niamh Dunne.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.2: 254-276.
137109 Religion in the Workplace: Eweida and Others v United Kingdom/Ronan McCrea.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.2: 277-291.
137110 Inhuman and Degrading Punishment, Dignity, and the Limits of Retribution/Natasa Mavronicola.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.2: 292-307.
137111 Private Law: Commutative or Distributive?/Dan Priel.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.2: 308-331.
137112 Hidden Law-Making in the Province of Medical Jurisprudence/Jonathan Montgomery, Caroline Jones, Hazel Biggs.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.3: 343-378.
137113 Assuming Free Speech/Andrew T Kenyon.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.3: 379-408.
137114 The Presumption of Proportionality/Julian Rivers.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.3: 409-433.
137115 Strict Liability for Police Nonfeasance? The Kinghan Report on the Riot (Damages) Act 1886/Jonathan Morgan.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.3: 434-459.
137116 Animal Defenders International v United Kingdom: Sensible Dialogue or a Bad Case of Strasbourg Jitters?/Tom Lewis.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.3: 460-474.
137117 Good Faith and the Ubiquity of the Relational Contract/David Campbell.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.3: 475-492.
137118 Tort Law Defences: A Defence of Conventionalism/Eric Descheemaeker.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.3: 493-512.
137119 Plays, Performances and Power Struggles – Examining Copyright’s Integrity in the Field of Theatre/Luke McDonagh.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.4: 533-562.
137120 Gender Hostility, Rape, and the Hate Crime Paradigm/Mark Austin Walters, Jessica Tumath.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.4: 563-596.
137121 Contractual Interpretation, Registered Documents and Third Party Effects/Matthew Barber, Rod Thomas.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.4: 597-618.
137122 Delfi AS v Estonia: The Liability of Secondary Internet Publishers for Violation of Reputational Rights under the European Convention on Human Rights/Neville Cox.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.4: 619-629.
137123 Adolescent Refusal of MMR Inoculation: F (Mother) v F (Father)/Emma Cave.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.4: 630-640.
137124 The Truth of Unmarried Cohabitation and the Significance of History/Craig Lind.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.4: 641-668.
137125 Propertisation and Commercialisation: On Controlling the Uses of Human Biomaterials/Muireann Quigley.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.5: 677-702.
137126 Tort Law for Cynics/Dan Priel.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.5: 703-731.
137127 Accountability and the Regulation of the Large Law Firm Lawyer/Joan Loughrey.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.5: 732-762.
137128 The Land Registration Act 2002 – the Show on the Road/Simon Gardner.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.5: 763-779.
137129 The Quest for a Satisfactory Definition of Terrorism: R v Gul/Alan Greene.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.5: 780-793.
137130 Attribution in Company Law/Ernest Lim.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.5: 794-807.
137131 The Way Forward for Social Europe: How Do We Get There from Here?/Judy Fudge.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.5: 808-822.
137132 From Regulation to Behaviour Change: Giving Nudge the Third Degree/Robert Baldwin.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.6: 831-857.
137133 Public Rewards and Innovation Policy: Lessons from the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries/Robert Burrell, Catherine Kelly.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.6: 858-887.
137134 Welfare Reform and the Shifting Threshold of Support for Disabled People/Neville Harris.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.6: 888-927.
137135 Reforming the Role of Magistrates: Implications for Summary Justice in England and Wales/Jane C. Donoghue.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.6: 928-963.
137136 The Localism Act 2011: The Hollow Housing Law Revolution/Chris Bevan.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.6: 964-982.
137137 Unjust Enrichment and Contract/Peter Jaffey.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.6: 983-993.
137138 What does it mean to suffer loss? Haxton v Philips Electronics/Achas K. Burin.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.6: 994-1008.
137139 Bridging the Gaps in Property Theory/Adam J. MacLeod.- The Modern Law Review. 2014; Vol.77, No.6: 1009-1029.
137140 False confessions in the lab: Do plausibility and consequences matter?/Robert Horselenberg, Harald Merckelbach, Tom Smeets, Dirk Franssens, Gjalt-Jorn Ygram Peters, Gwenny Zeles.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.1: 61-75.
137141 How effective is the Reasoning and Rehabilitation programme in reducing reoffending? A meta-analysis of evaluations in four countries/L.S. Joy Tong, David P. Farrington.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.1: 3-24.
137142 Addicted to joyriding? An exploration of young offenders accounts of their car crime/Sue Kellett, Harriet Gross.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.1: 39-59.
137143 Eyewitnesses under influence: How feedback affects the realism in confidence judgements/Carl Martin Allwood, Jens Knutsson, Par Anders Granhag.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.1: 25-38.
137144 Identification of five fundamental implicit theories underlying cognitive distortions in child abusers: A preliminary study/Vincent Marziano, Tony Ward, Anthony R. Beech, Philippa Pattison.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.1: 97-105.
137145 Improving the quality of investigative interviews for suspected child abuse: A case study/Helen L. Westcott, Sally Kynan, Chris Few.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.1: 77-96.
137146 Differentiating sexual violence: A comparison of sexual homicide and rape/C. Gabrielle Salfati, Paul Taylor.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.2: 107-125.
137147 Police and carers views on reporting alleged offences by people with intellectual disabilities/Judith McBrien, Glynis Murphy.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.2: 127-144.
137148 How the detection of insurance fraud succeeds and fails/Nicola J. Morley, Linden J. Ball, Thomas C. Ormerod.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.2: 163-180.
137149 Co-witnesses talk: A survey of eyewitness discussion/Helen M. Paterson, Richard I. Kemp.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.2: 181-191.
137150 Effects of remorse and shame and criminal justice experience on judgements about a sex offender/Michael J. Proeve, Kevin Howells.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.2: 145-161.
137151 Challenging interviewees during interviews: The potential effects on lie detection/Aldert Vrij.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.2: 193-206.
137152 To act truthfully: Nonverbal behaviour and strategies during a police interrogation/Leif A. Stromwall, Maria Hartwig, Par Anders Granhag.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.2: 207-219.
137153 Psychosexual characteristics of sexual offenders and the relationship to sexual reconviction/Leam A. Craig, Kevin D. Browne, Anthony Beech, Ian Stringer.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.3: 231-241.
137154 Structured professional judgment of violence risk in forensic clinical practice: A prospective study into the predictive validity of the Dutch HCR-20/Vivienne De Vogel, Corine De Ruiter.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.3: 321-336.
137155 An analysis of multiple choices in MSL lineups, and a comparison with simultaneous and sequential ones/A. M. Levi.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.3: 273-285.
137156 Police officers judgements of veracity, tenseness, cognitive load and attempted behavioural control in real-life police interviews/Samantha Mann, Aldert Vrij.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.3: 307-319.
137157 Simulating amnesia and memories of a mock crime/Kim Van Oorsouw, Harald Merckelbach.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.3: 261-271.
137158 How do drug-involved incarcerated and recently released offenders and correctional treatment staff perceive treatment? A qualitative study on treatment needs and motivation in Belgian prisons/Stijn Vandevelde, Vicky Palmans, Eric Broekaert, Kathy Rousseau, Kelly Vanderstraeten.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.3: 287-305.
137159 Developing a categorization system for rapists speech/Jessica Woodhams, Tim Grant.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.3: 245-260.
137160 Identifying composites of famous faces: Investigating memory, language and system issues/N. A. Brace, G. E. Pike, P. Allen, R. I. Kemp.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.4: 351-366.
137161 The development of a filter model for prioritising suspects in burglary offences/Alasdair M. Goodwill, Laurence J. Alison.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.4: 395-416.
137162 Personality predictors of self-reported offending in Icelandic students/Gisli H. Gudjonsson, Emil Einarsson, Olafur Orn Bragason, Jon Fridrik Sigurdsson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.4: 383-393.
137163 Comparing identification procedures when the perpetrator has changed appearance/Joanna D. Pozzulo, Siobhan Marciniak.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.4: 429-438.
137164 Criteria-Based Content Analysis: An empirical test of its underlying processes/Aldert Vrij, Samantha Mann.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.4: 334-349.
137165 Inter-rater reliability of dynamic risk assessment with sexual offenders/Stephen D. Webster …[et al.].- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.4: 439-452.
137166 Accuracy of eyewitnesses with a two-culprit crime: Testing a new identification procedure/Elisabeth C. Wells, Joanna D. Pozzulo.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.4: 417-427.
137167 Interviewer practice in investigative interviews for suspected child sexual abuse/Helen L. Westcott, Sally Kynan.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.4: 367-382.
137168 Predicting dropout of court-mandated treatment in a British sample of domestic violence offenders/Erica Bowen, Elizabeth Gilchrist.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.5: 573-583.
137169 US police officers knowledge regarding behaviors indicative of deception: Implications for eradicating erroneous beliefs through training/Lori H. Colwell, Holly A. Miller, Rowland S. Miller, Phillip M. Lyons.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.5: 489-503.
137170 The process of change in offender rehabilitation programmes/Andrew Day, Janet Bryan, Linda Davey,  Sharon Casey.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.5: 473-487.
137171 Are the same factors related to participation and frequency of offending by male and female prisoners?/Karen M. Ramoutar, David P. Farrington.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.5: 557-572.
137172 Use of facial composite systems in US law enforcement agencies/Dawn McQuiston-Surrett, Lisa D. Topp, Roy S. Malpass.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.5: 505-517.
137173 Suggestibility and children with mild learning disabilities: The use of the cognitive interview/Julie Robinson, James McGuire.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.5: 537-556.
137174 Using an expanded measure of self-control to predict delinquency/Richard P. Wiebe.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.5: 519-536.
137175 ADHD symptomatology and its relationship with emotional, social and delinquency problems/Susan Young, Gisli H. Gudjonsson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.5: 463-471.
137176 The relationship between risk, deviance, treatment outcome and sexual reconviction in a sample of child sexual abusers completing residential treatment for their offending/Professor Anthony Beech, Hannah Ford.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.6: 685-701.
137177 The cognitive interview and its effect on misleading postevent information/Antoni T. Centofanti, John Reece.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.6: 669-683.
137178 Teenagers difficulties with key words regarding the criminal court process/Emma Crawford, Ray Bull.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.6: 653-670.
137179 Differences in personality and mental state between suspects and witnesses immediately after being interviewed by the police/Jon Fridrik Sigurdsson, Professor Gisli H. Gudjonsson, Emil Einarsson, Gudmundur Gudjonsson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.6: 619-628.
137180 An investigation into the applicability of the Ward and Siegert Pathways Model of child sexual abuse with Internet offenders/David Middleton, Ian A. Elliott, Rebecca Mandeville-Norden, Professor Anthony R. Beech.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.6: 589-603.
137181 The influence of eyewitness identification decisions and age of witness on jurors verdicts and perceptions of reliability/Joanna D. Pozzulo , Julie M. T. Lemieux, Elisabeth Wells, Heather J. McCuaig.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.6: 641-652.
137182 Gang activity in English prisons: The prisoners perspective/Jane Wood.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2006; Vol.12, No.6: 605-617.
137183 Personality disorder and psychopathy: Conceptual and empirical integration/Ronald Blackburn.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.1: 7-18.
137184 Personality change and personality disorder: Some initial thoughts on the application of McAdams triarchic model to the treatment of personality disorder/Andrew Day, Janet Bryan.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.1: 19-26.
137185 To move or not to move-that is the question! Some reflections on the transfer of DSPD patients in the face of uncertainty/Conor Duggan.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.1: 113-121.
137186 Assessment implications of What Works research for Dangerous and Severe Personality Disorder (DSPD) service evaluation/Calvin M. Langton.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.1: 97-111.
137187 The measurement of individual change: A didactic account of an idiographic approach/Sean Hammond, Margaret ORourke.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.1: 81-95.
137188 The relevance of an integrated approach to the treatment of personality disordered offenders/W. John Livesley.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.1: 27-46.
137189 Readiness for treatment in high risk offenders with personality disorders/Kevin Howells, Andrew Day.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.1: 47-56.
137190 The Peaks: A clinical service for those with dangerous and severe personality disorder/Todd E. Hogue, Lawrence Jones, Kirsty Talkes, Allison Tennant.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.1: 57-68.
137191 The usefulness of measuring spatial opportunity structures for tracking down offenders: A theoretical analysis of geographic offender profiling using simulation studies/Wim Bernasco.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.2: 155-171.
137192 The roles of interrogation, perception, and individual differences in producing compliant false confessions/J. P. Blair.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.2: 173-186.
137193 Heuristics in causal reasoning and their influence on eyewitness testimony/Caroline A. C. Remijn, Hans F. M. Crombag.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.2: 201-211.
137194 Guilty and innocent suspects strategies during police interrogations/Maria Hartwig, Par Anders Granhag, Leif A. Stromwall.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.2: 213-227.
137195 Automation of a screening polygraph test increases accuracy/Charles R. Honts, Susan Amato.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.2: 187-199.
137196 Vehicle-related crime and the gender gap/Claire Corbett.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.3: 245-263.
137197 Influences of accent and ethnic background on perceptions of eyewitness testimony/Lara Frumkin.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.3: 317-331.
137198 Stereotyping, congruence and presentation order: Interpretative biases in utilizing offender profiles/Benjamin C. Marshall, Laurence J. Alison.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.3: 285-303.
137199 The features of a good offender treatment programme manual: A Delphi survey of experts/Anna McCulloch, Mary McMurran.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.3: 265-274.
137200 The relationships between alcohol-aggression proneness, general alcohol expectancies, hazardous drinking, and alcohol-related violence in adult male prisoners/Mary McMurran.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.3: 275-284.
137201 The education of jury members: Influences on the determinations of child witnesses/Crissa Sumner-Armstrong, Peter A. Newcombe.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.3: 229-244.
137202 Is treatment non-completion associated with increased reconviction over no treatment?/Mary McMurran, Eleni Theodosi.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.3: 333-343.
137203 Why don’t offenders complete treatment? Prisoners reasons for non-completion of a cognitive skills programme/Mary McMurran, Anna McCulloch.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.4: 345-354.
137204 Characteristics associated with rape attrition and the role played by scepticism or legal rationality by investigators and prosecutors/Jennifer M. Brown, Carys Hamilton, Darragh ONeill.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.4: 355-370.
137205 Different crime types and moral reasoning development in young offenders compared with non-offender controls/Chien-An Chen, Dennis Howitt.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.4: 405-416.
137206 The parenting possible selves of young fathers in prison/Rosie Meek.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.4: 371-382.
137207 The effect of playing violent video games on adolescents: Should parents be quaking in their boots?/Gabrielle Unsworth, Grant J. Devilly, Tony Ward.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.4: 383-394.
137208 The impact of bullying and coping strategies on the psychological distress of young offenders/Susie Grennan, Jessica Woodhams.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.5: 487-504.
137209 Alcohol as drug of choice; Is drug-assisted rape a misnomer?/Miranda Horvath, Jennifer Brown.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.5: 417-429.
137210 The role of cognitive distortions in paedophilic offending: Internet and contact offenders compared/Dennis Howitt, Kerry Sheldon.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.5: 469-486.
137211 An investigation into maladaptive personality functioning in Internet sex offenders/Sarah Laulik, Jane Allam, Lorraine Sheridan.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.5: 523-535.
137212 The measurement and influence of child sexual abuse supportive beliefs/Ruth Mann, Stephen Webster, Helen Wakeling, William Marshall.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.5.
137213 A psychometric study of six self-report measures for use with sexual offenders with cognitive and social functioning deficits/Fiona Williams, Helen Wakeling, Stephen Webster.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.5: 505-522.
137214 Recognition of previous eyewitness testimony from an altered interrogation protocol: Potential effects of distortions/Sven A. Christianson, Elisabeth Engelberg, Asa Gustafson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.6: 583-589.
137215 Effects of collaborative recall: Denying true information is as powerful as suggesting misinformation/Harald Merckelbach, Hugo Van Roermund, Ingrid Candel.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.6: 573-581.
137216 Post-decision confidence, decision time, and self-reported decision processes as postdictors of identification accuracy/Melanie Sauerland, Siegfried L. Sporer.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.6: 611-625.
137217 Deciding mental retardation and mental illness in capital cases: The effects of procedure, evidence, and attitudes/Margaret C. Reardon, Kevin M. ONeil, Lora M. Levett.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2007; Vol.13, No.6: 537-557.
137219 Credibility of the emotional witness: A study of ratings by police investigators/Guri C. Bollingmo, Ellen O. Wessel, Dag Erik Eilertsen, Svein Magnussen.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.1: 29-40.
137220 Aggression Control Therapy for violent forensic psychiatric patients: First results/Ruud H. J. Hornsveld, Henk L. I. Nijman, Floor W. Kraaimaat.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.1: 1-18.
137221 Failing to keep it simple: Language use in child sexual abuse interviews with 3-8-year-old children/Julia Korkman, Pekka Santtila, Tove Drzewiecki, N. Kenneth Sandnabba.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.1: 41-60.
137222 Psychopathy and verbal indicators of deception in offenders/Zina Lee, Jessica R. Klaver, Stephen D. Hart.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.1: 73-84.
137223 The weapon focus effect in child eyewitnesses/Kerri L. Pickel, Dana B. Narter, Molly M. Jameson, Thomas T. Lenhardt.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.1: 61-72.
137224 Is newer better? A cross-validation of the Static-2002 and the Risk Matrix 2000 in a Danish sample of sexual offenders/Susanne Bengtson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.2: 85-106.
137225 What skills are required for effective offender profiling? An examination of the relationship between critical thinking ability and profile accuracy/Craig Bennell, Shevaun Corey, Alyssa Taylor, John Ecker.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.2: 143-157.
137226 A multidimensional scaling analysis of the Hare PCL-R: Unfolding the structure of psychopathy/Daz Bishopp, Robert D. Hare.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.2: 117-132.
137227 Anger control and alcohol use: Appropriate interventions for perpetrators of domestic violence?/Mary Mcmurran, Elizabeth Gilchrist.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.2: 117-116.
137228 Personal, background and treatment characteristics associated with offending after residential treatment: A 13-year follow up in adolescent males/Victor Van Der Geest, Catrien Bijleveld.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.2: 159-176.
137229 Objection, Your Honor! Television is not the relevant authority. Crime drama portrayals of eyewitness issues/Sarah L. Desmarais, Heather L. Price, J. Don Read.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.2: 225-243.
137230 A new theoretical perspective on deception detection: On the psychology of instrumental mind-reading/Par Anders Granhag, Maria Hartwig.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.3: 189-200.
137231 What do prisoners want? Current concerns of adult male prisoners/Mary McMurran, Eleni Theodosi, Anna Sweeney, Joselyn Sellen.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.3: 267-274.
137232 Perceptions of children during a police interrogation: Guilt, confessions, and interview fairness/Allison D. Redlich, Jodi A. Quas, Simona Ghetti.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.3: 201-223.
137233 Behavioural crime linking in serial homicide/Pekka Santtila, Tom Pakkanen, Angelo Zappalaa, Dario Bosco, Maria Valkama, Andreas Mokros.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.3: 245-265.
137234 Early adolescence and delinquency: Levels of psychosocial development and self-control as an explanation of misbehaviour and delinquency/M.A.J. Ezinga, F.M. Weerman, P.M. Westenberg, C.C.J.H. Bijleveld.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.4: 339-356.
137235 What were they thinking? An exploration of child sexual offenders beliefs using a lexical decision task/Kirsten Keown, Theresa A. Gannon, Tony Ward.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.4: 317-337.
137236 Stance-shifting in language used by sex offenders: Five case studies/Vivian B. Lord, Boyd Davis, Peyton Mason.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.4: 357-379.
137237 Rape myth in true and false rape allegations/Russell Norton, Tim Grant.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.4: 275-285.
137238 Deja vu! The effect of previewing test items on the validity of the Concealed Information polygraph Test/Bruno Verschuere, Geert Crombez.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.4: 287-297.
137239 Distinguishing accurate from inaccurate eyewitness identifications with an optional deadline procedure/Neil Brewer, Nathan Weber, Abigail Clark, Gary L. Wells.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.5: 397-414.
137240 Dionysius’s brutal sense of entitlement: Plato’s contribution to criminogenic needs/Sofia Fisher, Guy Hall, Jaimie Beven.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.5: 451-459.
137241 Interrogation techniques and memory distrust/Saskia van Bergen, Marko Jelicic, Harald Merckelbach.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.5: 425-434.
137242 An investigation of the relationship between anger and offence-related shame and guilt/Kim Wright, Gisli H. Gudjonsson, Susan Young.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14.
137243 The impact of interpersonal style on aggression and treatment non-completion in patients with personality disorder admitted to a medium secure psychiatric unit/Michael Daffern, Conor Duggan, Nick Huband, Stuart Thomas.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.6: 481-492.
137244 Jurors reactions to recanted confessions: Do the defendant’s personal and dispositional characteristics play a role?/Linda A. Henkel.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.6: 565-585.
137245 The application of multiple lineups in a field study/Melanie Sauerland, Siegfried L. Sporer.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.6: 549-564.
137246 The prevalence of co-witnesses and co-witness discussions in real eyewitnesses/Elin M. Skagerberg, Daniel B. Wright.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.6: 513-521.
137247 Symptom Validity Testing for the detection of simulated amnesia: Not robust to coaching/Bruno Verschuere, Ewout Meijer, Geert Crombez.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.6: 523-528.
137248 Children’s and adults realism in their event-recall confidence in responses to free recall and focused questions/Carl Martin Allwood, Ase Helene Innes-Ker, Jessica Homgren, Gunilla Fredin.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2008; Vol.14, No.6: 529-547.
137249 The Constitutional Imagination/Martin Loughlin.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.1: 1-25.
137250 The Law of the Land/Neil Duxbury.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.1: 26-54.
137251 What Can We Expect to Gain from Reforming the Insolvent Trading Remedy?/Richard Williams.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.1: 55-84.
137252 Proprietary Estoppel and Responsibility for Omissions/Irit Samet.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.1: 85-111.
137253 Social Citizenship, Housing Wealth and the Cost of Social Care: Is the Care Act 2014 Fair?/Nicholas Hopkins, Emma Laurie.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.1: 112-139.
137254 Where There’s a Will There’s a Way: Marley v Rawlings and Another/James Goodwin, Edward Granger.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.1: 140-150.
137255 O’Keeffe v Ireland: The Liability of States for Failure to Provide an Effective System for the Detection and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse in Education/James Gallen.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.1: 151-163.
137256 Intending to Legislate/Dimitrios Kyritsis.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.1: 164-175.
137257 Are Older Workers Past Their Sell-by-Date? A View from UK Age Discrimination Law/Elaine Dewhurst.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.2: 189-215.
137258 The Chimera of Proportionality: Institutionalising Limits on Punishment in Contemporary Social and Political Systems/Nicola Lacey, Hanna Pickard.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.2: 216-240.
137259 Commercial Choice of Law in Context: Looking Beyond Rome/Manuel Penades Fons.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.2: 241-295.
137260 Better than Fuller: A Two Interests Model of Remedies for Breach of Contract/David Campbell.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.2: 296-323.
137261 The Human Transplantation (Wales) Act 2013: an Act of Encouragement, not Enforcement/James F. Douglas, Antonia J. Cronin.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.2: 324-348.
137262 The Rule in Wilkinson v Downton: Conduct, Intention, and Justifiability/Ying Khai Liew.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.2: 349-360.
137263 Rectification of the Register – Prospective or Retrospective?/Emma Lees.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.2: 361-371.
137264 The Ongoing Search for Legitimacy: Can a Pragmatic yet Principled Deliberative Model Justify the Authority of Constitutional Courts?/Thomas Bustamante.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.2: 372-393.
137265 From Nomos to Hegung: Sovereignty and the Laws of War in Schmitt’s International Order/Johanna Jacques.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.3: 411-430.
137266 The Adaptive Capacity of Markets and Convergence in Law: UK High Yield Issuers, US Investors and Insolvency Law/Sarah Paterson.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.3: 431-460.
137267 Supportive Parenting, Responsibility and Regulation: The Welfare Assessment under the Reformed Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act (1990)/Sally Sheldon, Ellie Lee, Jan Macvarish.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.3: 461-492.
137268 Section 47 of the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013: A Flawed Reform of the UK Cartel Offence/Peter Whelan.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.3: 493-521.
137269 Control over Personal Data in a Digital Age: Google Spain v AEPD and Mario Costeja Gonzalez/Orla Lynskey.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.3: 522-534.
137270 Privacy, Data Retention and Domination: Digital Rights Ireland Ltd v Minister for Communications/Andrew Roberts.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.3: 535-548.
137271 Defending and Contesting the Sovereignty of Law: The Public Lawyer as Interpretivist/Stuart Lakin.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.3: 549-570.
137272 Authority after Emergency Rule/Jonathan White.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.4: 585-610.
137273 Reforming Non-Possessory Secured Transactions Laws: A New Strategy?/Giuliano G. Castellano.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.4: 611-640.
137274 Mapping Defamation Defences/Eric Descheemaeker.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.4: 641-671.
137275 Koushal v Naz: Judges Vote to Recriminalise Homosexuality/Tarunabh Khaitan.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.4: 672-680.
137276 Remedies for Breach of Trust/Paul S. Davies.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.4: 681-694.
137277 Justifying Exceptions to Proof of Causation in Tort Law/Sandy Steel.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.5: 729-758.
137278 The Politics of Jurisdiction/Asha Kaushal.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.5: 759-792.
137279 Investment Treaty Law and the Fear for Sovereignty: Transnational Challenges and Solutions/Jan Kleinheisterkamp.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.5: 793-825.
137280 The Devilish Details: Key Legal Issues in the 2015 Climate Negotiations/Lavanya Rajamani.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.5: 826-853.
137281 The ex turpi causa principle in Hounga and Servier/James C. Fisher.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.5: 854-870.
137282 Mental Capacity Act, Anorexia Nervosa and the Choice Between Life-Prolonging Treatment and Palliative Care: A NHS Foundation Trust v Ms X/Daniel Wei L. Wang.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.5: 871-882.
137283 European Human Rights Law and the Normalisation of the Closed Material Procedure: Limit or Source?/Eva Nanopoulos.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.6: 913-944.
137284 The Rise of Statutory Wills and the Limits of Best Interests Decision-Making in Inheritance/Rosie Harding.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.6: 945-970.
137285 Taking Silk: An Empirical Study of the Award of Queen’s Counsel Status 1981-2015/Michael Blackwell.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.6: 971-1003.
137286 The Insurance Act 2015: Rebalancing the Interests of Insurer and Assured/Rob Merkin, Ozlem Gurses.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.6: 1004-1027.
137287 Intimations of Unconstitutionality: The Supremacy of International Law and Judgment 238/2014 of the Italian Constitutional Court/Massimo Lando.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.6: 1028-1041.
137288 Withdrawal of Parental Responsibility: Lost Authority and a Lost Opportunity/Stephen Gilmore.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.6: 1042-1056.
137289 Ideals of the Corporation and the Nexus of Contracts/Ewan McGaughey.- The Modern Law Review. 2015; Vol.78, No.6: 1057-1070.
137290 The effect of biased and non-biased information on judgments of witness credibility/Guri Bollingmo, Ellen Wessel, Yvonne Sandvold, Dag Erik Eilertsen, Svein Magnussen.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.1: 61-71.
137291 The effect of suggestion on children’s recognition memory for seen and unseen details/Ingrid Candel, Harlene Hayne, Deryn Strange, Ellen Prevoo.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.1: 29-39.
137292 Procedural justice, legitimacy, and prisoner misconduct/Michael D. Reisig, Gorazd Mesko.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.1: 41-59.
137293 The effects of different presentation methods on multi-ethnicity face recognition/Kristjan Kask, Ray Bull.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.1: 73-89.
137294 Cross-racial lineup identification: assessing the potential benefits of context reinstatement/Jacqueline Renee Evans, Jessica L. Marcon, Christian A. Meissner.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.1: 19-28.
137295 Empathy and social desirability: a comparison of delinquent and non-delinquent participants using direct and indirect measures/Nicole Kampfe, Jan Penzhorn, Julia Schikora, Julia Dunzl, Jane Schneidenbach.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.1: 1-17.
137296 Assessing female sexual offenders motivations and cognitions: an exploratory study/Anthony R. Beech, Natalie Parrett, Tony Ward, Dawn Fisher.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.2-3: 201-216.
137297 Gender-role identity and hypermasculinity in violent offending/Francis Beesley, James McGuire.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.2-3: 251-268.
137298 The impact of disrespect on prisoners aggression: outcomes of experimentally inducing violence-supportive cognitions/Michelle Butler, Shadd Maruna.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.2-3: 235-250.
137299 Offender emotion and self-regulation: implications for offender rehabilitation programming/Andrew Day.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.2-3: 119-130.
137300 Social cognition in violent and sexual offending: an overview/Theresa A. Gannon.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.2-3: 97-118.
137301 Implicit thinking about implicit theories in intimate partner violence/Elizabeth Gilchrist.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.2-3: 131-145.
137302 Cognitive skills programmes for offenders/Clive R. Hollin,  Emma J. Palmer.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.2-3: 147-164.
137303 Recent developments and future directions in understanding cognition and emotion in offenders: a commentary/Kevin Howells.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.2-3: 285-292.
137304 Self-esteem, shame, cognitive distortions and empathy in sexual offenders: their integration and treatment implications/W.L. Marshall, L.E. Marshall, G.A. Serran, M.D. OBrien.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.2-3: 217-234.
137305 It’s your round female aggression in licensed premises/Claire E. Spence, Sian E. Williams, Theresa A. Gannon.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.2-3: 269-284.
137306 Surfaces and depths: evaluating the theoretical assumptions of cognitive skills programmes/Tony Ward, Claire Nee.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.2-3: 165-182.
137307 Is sexual offender denial related to sex offence risk and recidivism? A review and treatment implications/Pamela M. Yates.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.2-3: 183-99.
137308 Estimating the speed of vehicles: the influence of stereotypes/Graham M. Davies.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.4: 293-312.
137309 A psychological perspective on vulnerability in the fear of crime/Jonathan Jackson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.4: 365-390.
137310 Do members of shooting associations display higher levels of aggression?/Maria Helena Nagtegaal, Eric Rassin, Peter E.H.M. Muris.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.4: 313-325.
137311 Examining the process of offender change: the transition to crime desistance/Ralph C. Serin, Caleb D. Lloyd.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.4: 347-364.
137312 Fashion conscious burglars? Testing the principles of offender profiling with footwear impressions recovered at domestic burglaries/Matthew Tonkin, John W. Bond, Jessica Woodhams.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.4: 327-345.
137313 An interpersonal comparison of lone and group rape offences/Sarah Hauffe, Louise Porter.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.4: 469-491.
137314 Offences involving indecent photographs and pseudo-photographs of children: an analysis of sentencing guidelines/Bill Hebenton, Daniel Shaw, Ken Pease.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.5: 425-440.
137315 Examining the relation between eyewitness recall and recognition for children and adults/Joanna D. Pozzulo, Julie L. Dempsey, Charmagne Crescini, Julie M.T. Lemieux.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.5: 409-424.
137316 Validity of the offender version of the Personal Concerns Inventory with adult male prisoners/Joselyn Liza Sellen, Mary McMurran, Eleni Theodosi, Miles Cox, Eric Klinger.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.5: 451-468.
137317 MMPI profiles of males accused of severe crimes: a cluster analysis/Marleen Spaans, Marko Barendregt, Eline Muller, Edwin de Beurs, Henk Nijman,Thomas Rinne.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.5: 441-450.
137318 Recidivism in subgroups of severe male juvenile offenders/Jeanette Taylor, Therese Skubic Kemper, Bryan R. Loney, Janet A. Kistner.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.5: 395-408.
137319 In defence of multidimensional scaling for the analysis of sexual offence behaviour: cautionary notes regarding analysis and interpretation/Michael R. Davis.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.6: 507-515.
137320 The effects of different paraphrasing styles on the quality of reports from young child witnesses/Angela D. Evans, Kim Roberts.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.6: 531-546.
137321 Multidimensional scaling and the analysis of sexual offence behaviour: a reply to Sturidsson et al./Alasdair M. Goodwill, Laurence J. Alison, Michael Humann.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.6: 517-524.
137322 Testing assumptions about naivety in insurance fraud/Marek Palasinski.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.6: 547-553.
137323 Getting the story from child witnesses: exploring the application of a story grammar framework/Pamela C. Snow, Martine B. Powell, Romana Murfett.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.6: 555-568.
137324 What really happens in police interviews of suspects? Tactics and confessions/S. Soukara, R. Bull, A. Vrij, M. Turner, J. Cherryman.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.6: 493-508.
137325 MDS use with crime scene data replicates poorly: response to Goodwill, Alison, and Humann (this issue) and Davis (this issue)/Knut Sturidsson, Niklas Langstrom, Martin Grann, Gabrielle Sjostedt, Ulf asgard, Ewa-Marie Aghede.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.6: 525-529.
137326 Prisoners gang-related activity: the importance of bullying and moral disengagement/Jane Wood, Alice Moir,  Mark James.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.6: 569-581.
137327 Are you talking to me? Influencing behaviour and culture in police interviews/Karlijn Beune, Ellen Giebels, Karin Sanders.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.7: 597-617.
137328 Prediction of institutional aggression among personality disordered forensic patients using actuarial and structured clinical risk assessment tools/Calvin M. Langton, Todd E. Hogue, Michael Daffern, Aisling Mannion, Kevin Howells.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.7: 635-659.
137329 Predicting guilt judgments and verdict change using a measure of pretrial bias in a videotaped mock trial with deliberating jurors/Len B. Lecci, Bryan Myers.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.7: 619-634.
137330 Expert witness in international war crimes tribunals/W.A. Wagenaar.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.7: 583-596.
137331 What works for offenders and staff: comparing two multi-agency approaches to offender resettlement/Jane Wood, Cassandra Kade, Mamta Sidhu.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.7: 661-678.
137332 Alexithymia, empathic concern, goal management, and social problem solving in adult male prisoners/Gary Christopher, Mary McMurran.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.8: 697-709.
137333 The Cognitive Interview: novice police officers witness/victim interviewing practices/Coral Dando, Rachel Wilcock, Rebecca Milne.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.8: 679-696.
137334 Interrogation and false confessions among adolescents in seven European countries. What background and psychological variables best discriminate between false confessors and non-false confessors?/Gisli Hannes Gudjonsson, Jon Fridrik Sigurdsson, Inga Dora Sigfusdottir.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.8: 711-728.
137335 How do psychiatric patients on prison healthcare centres differ from inpatients in secure psychiatric inpatient units?/Stuart Thomas, Paul McCrone, Tom Fahy.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.8: 729-742.
137336 The relationship between antisocial stereotypes and public CCTV systems: exploring fear of crime in the modern surveillance society/Dave Williams, Jobuda Ahmed.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2009; Vol.15, No.8: 743-758.
137337 Cognitive distortions as social practices: an examination of cognitive distortions in sex offender treatment from a discursive psychology perspective/Timothy Auburn.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.1-2: 103-123.
137338 Characteristics of non-serial sexual homicide offenders: a review/Adam J. Carter, Clive R. Hollin.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.1-2: 25-45.
137339 Principles, virtues and care: ethical dilemmas in research with male sex offenders/Malcolm Cowburn.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.1-2: 65-74.
137340 Controversies in assessing risk and deviancy in sex offenders with intellectual disabilities/Leam A. Craig.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.1-2: 75-101.
137341 Sexually deviant juveniles: comparisons between the offender and offence characteristics of child abusers and peer abusers/Clare Gunby, Jessica Woodhams.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.1-2: 47-64.
137342 Working with sex offenders: the impact on Australian treatment providers/Ruth Hatcher, Sarah Noakes.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.1-2: 145-167.
137343 What’s in a measure? A multi-method study of child sexual offenders beliefs/Kirsten Keown, Theresa A. Gannon, Tony Ward.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.1-2: 125-143.
137344 Does unrestricted sociosexual behaviour have a shared genetic basis with sexual coercion?/Minja Westerlund …[et al.].- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.1-2: 5-23.
137345 Doing time after time: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of reformed ex-prisoners experiences of self-change, identity and career opportunities/Andreas Aresti, Virginia Eatough, Belinda Brooks-Gordon.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.3: 169-190.
137346 Asymmetries in prior conviction reasoning: truth suppression effects in child protection contexts/Michelle Cowley, Juliette B. Colyer.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.3: 211-231.
137347 Mock jurors perceptions of identifications made by intoxicated eyewitnesses/Jacqueline Renee Evans, Nadja Schreiber Compo.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.3: 191-210.
137348 Diffusion of treatment interventions: exploration of secondary treatment diffusion/Knut Gundersen, Frode Svartdal.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.3: 233-249.
137349 Attitudes towards sex offenders regarding competency, liability, voluntariness of offence, and disposal: the influence of being classified as having a learning disability/Daniel William Price-Jones, Alastair Barrowcliff.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.3: 251-263.
137350 The occurrence of eye blinks during a guilty knowledge test/Sharon Leal, Aldert Vrij.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.4: 349-357.
137351 Look into my eyes: can an instruction to maintain eye contact facilitate lie detection?/Aldert Vrij, Samantha Mann, Sharon Leal, Ronald Fisher.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.4: 327-348.
137352 Sexually abusive youth: what are the background factors that distinguish them from other youth?/Jon Fridrik Sigurdsson, Gisli Gudjonsson, Bryndis Bjork Asgeirsdottir, Inga Dora Sigfusdottir.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.4: 289-303.
137353 Student/trainee-professional implicit theories of paedophilia/Kieran Francis McCartan.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.4: 265-288.
137354 The assessment of offending-related stage of change in offenders: psychometric validation of the URICA with male prisoners/Devon L.L. Polaschek, Brendan Anstiss, Marc Wilson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.4: 305-325.
137355 Mental reinstatement of context with child witnesses: does it matter whether context is reinstated out loud?/Paul M. Dietze, Martine B. Powell, Donald M. Thomson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.5: 439-448.
137356 Pathways to female sexual offending: approach or avoidance?/Theresa Gannon, Mariamne R. Rose, Tony Ward.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.5: 359-380.
137357 A sequential examination of offenders verbal strategies during stranger rapes: the influence of location/Claire Lawrence, Julia Fossi, David Clarke.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.5: 381-400.
137358 Professional response and attitudes toward female-perpetrated child sexual abuse: a study of psychologists, psychiatrists, probationary psychologists and child protection workers/David Mellor, Rebecca Deering.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.5: 415-438.
137359 The enhancement effect of social and employment integration on the delay of recidivism of released offenders trained with the R & R programme/Ana M. Martin, Bernardo Hernandez, Estefania Hernandez-Fernaud, Jose L. Arregui, Juan A. Hernandez.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.5: 401-413.
137360 Linkage analysis in cases of serial burglary: comparing the performance of university students, police professionals, and a logistic regression model/Craig Bennell, Sarah Bloomfield, Brent Snook, Paul Taylor, Carolyn Barnes.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.6: 507-524.
137361 Maintaining change programmes for offenders: some suggestions for practice/Andrew Day, Sharon Casey.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.6: 449-458.
137362 Treatment non-completion in high-risk violent offenders: looking beyond criminal risk and criminogenic needs/Devon L.L. Polaschek.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.6: 525-540.
137363 Dangerous decisions: the impact of first impressions of trustworthiness on the evaluation of legal evidence and defendant culpability/Stephen Porter, Leanne ten Brinke, Chantal Gustaw.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.6: 477-491.
137364 Size doesn’t matter: emotional content does not determine the size of objects in children’s drawings/Deryn Strange, Heleen Hoynck Van Papendrecht, Emily Crawford, Ingrid Candel, Harlene Hayne.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.6: 459-476.
137365 Camera perspective and trivial details interact to influence jurors evaluations of a retracted confession/Todd C. Warner, Kerri L. Pickel.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.6: 493-506.
137366 How do sex offenders think the police should interview to elicit confessions from sex offenders?/Mark Kebbell, Laurence Alison, Emily Hurren, Paul Mazerolle.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.7: 567-584.
137367 Differentiating between children’s true and false memories using reality monitoring criteria/Henry Otgaar, Ingrid Candel, Amina Memon, Jehanne Almerigogna.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.7: 555-566.
137368 Examination of the consistency of interviewer performance across three distinct interview contexts/Martine B. Powell, Cristina Cavezza, Carolyn Hughes-Scholes, Mark Stoove.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.7: 585-600.
137369 Sexual fantasies and sensation seeking among psychopathic sexual offenders/Leah C. Skovran, Matthew T. Huss, Mario J. Scalora.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.7: 617-629.
137370 Sexual and violent recidivism by offender type and actuarial risk: reoffending rates for rapists, child molesters and mixed-victim offenders/James Vess, Alex Skelton.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.7: 541-554.
137371 Incapacitation and imprisonment: prisoners involvement in community-based crime/Jane Wood, Graham Ross Williams, Mark James.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.7: 601-615.
137372 Using social norms to reduce men’s rape proclivity: Perceived rape myth acceptance of out-groups may be more influential than that of in-groups/Gerd Bohner, Afroditi Pina, G. Tendayi Viki, Frank Siebler.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.8: 671-693.
137373 Moving beyond Ford, Atkins, and Roper: jurors attitudes toward the execution of the elderly and the physically disabled/Brooke Butler.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.8: 631-647.
137374 Female prisoners understanding of bullying and their methods of coping: a multinational perspective/Allison Nelson, Jessica Woodhams, Ruth Hatcher.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.8: 649-670.
137375 An analysis of police officers decisions about whether to refer cases of child abuse for prosecution/Martine Powell, Romana Murfett, Donald M. Thomson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.8: 715-724.
137376 A comparison of Chinese judges and US judges knowledge and beliefs about eyewitness testimony/Richard A. Wise, Xiaoling Gong, Martin A. Safer, Yueh-Ting Lee.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2010; Vol.16, No.8: 695-713.
137377 Concurrent Duties/Aaron Taylor.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.1: 17-45.
137378 UK Abortion Law: Reform Proposals, Private Members’ Bills, Devolution and the Role of the Courts/Robert Brett Taylor, Adelyn L.M. Wilson.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.1: 71-104.
137379 Reducing Homelessness or Re-ordering the Deckchairs?/Dave Cowan.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.1: 105-128.
137380 The End of Innocence: Open Justice, Free Speech and Privacy in the Modern Constitution – Khuja (formerly PNM) v Times Newspapers Limited/Robert Craig.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.1: 129-145.
137381 Marr v Collie: The Ballooning of the Common Intention Constructive Trust/Alexander Y.S. Georgiou.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.1: 145-158.
137382 The Promise and Conundrums of Pluralist Jurisprudence/Brian Z. Tamanaha.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.1: 159-179.
137383 Regulation by Blockchain: the Emerging Battle for Supremacy between the Code of Law and Code as Law/Karen Yeung.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.2: 207-239.
137384 The Network of Law Reviews: Citation Cartels, Scientific Communities, and Journal Rankings/Oren Perez … [et al.].- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.2: 240-268.
137385 Statistical Evidence, Assertions and Responsibility/Liat Levanon.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.2: 269-292.
137386 Justice, Legitimacy and the Authority of Legislation within the European Union/Martijn van den Brink.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.2: 293-318.
137387 Constitutional Principle, the Rule of Law and Political Reality: The European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018/Paul Craig.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.2: 319-350.
137388 So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu: Brexit and the Charter of Fundamental Rights/Catherine Barnard.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.2: 350-366.
137389 Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: One Step (Support) LTD v Morris-Garner and Another/Caspar Bartscherer.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.2: 367-376.
137390 Fog in the Gateway: Brownlie v Four Seasons Holdings Inc/Joseph Crampin.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.2: 376-388.
137391 Government Companies as Regulators/Terence Daintith.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.3: 397-424.
137392 The Rule of Law and Automation of Government Decision-Making/Monika Zalnieriute, Lyria Bennett Moses, George Williams.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.3: 425-455.
137393 Fiduciary Duty under the Microscope: Stewardship and the Spectrum of Pension Fund Engagement/Anna Tilba, Arad Reisberg.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.3: 456-487.
137394 The UK Domestic Gas Electricity (Tariff Cap) Act: Re-regulating the Retail Energy Market/Maria Ioannidou, Despoina Mantzari.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.3: 488-507.
137395 The Georgia State Litigation: Literal Copying in Education/Emily Hudson.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.3: 508-524.
137396 Standing and the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission/Jane M. Rooney.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.3: 525-548.
137397 There is No Such Thing as a Safe Space/Richard Mullender.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.3: 549-576.
137398 Constitutional Directives: Morally-Committed Political Constitutionalism/Tarunabh Khaitan.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.4: 603-632.
137399 Just Cognition: Scientific Research on Bias and Some Implications for Legal Procedure and Decision-Making/Gary Edmond, Kristy A. Martire.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.4: 633-664.
137400 From Global to Anthropocenic Assemblages: Re-Thinking Territory, Authority and Rights in the New Climatic Regime/Daniel Matthews.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.4: 665-691.
137401 Thinking Outside the Box – Eliminating the Perniciousness of Box-Ticking in the New Corporate Governance Code/Bobby V. Reddy.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.4: 692-726.
137402 Reconsidering Transferred Loss/Andrew Trotter.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.4: 727-736.
137403 Dryden v Johnson Matthey: The Boundaries of Actionable Damage/Jarret J. Huang.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.4: 737-750.
137404 Trust Parties’ Uniquely Easy Access to Rescission: Analysis, Critique and Reform/Adam Hofri-Winogradow, Gadi Weiss.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.5: 777-799.
137405 The Pension Trust: Fit For Purpose?/M. Scott Donald.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.5: 800-832.
137406 From Planning to Prototypes: New Ways of Seeing Like a State/Fleur Johns.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.5: 833-863.
137407 Religious Freedom and Religious Antidiscrimination/Ilias Trispiotis.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.5: 864-896.
137408 Improving Housing Conditions in the Private and Social Rented Sectors: The Homes (Fit for Human Habitation) Act 2018 – Fit for Habitation but Fit for Purpose?/Chris Bevan.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.5: 897-921.
137409 Equal Civil Partnerships, Discrimination and the Indulgence of Time: R (on the application of Steinfeld and Keidan) v Secretary of State for International Development/Andy Hayward.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.5: 922-935.
137410 Levola Hengelo BV v Smilde Foods BV: The Hard Work of Defining a Copyright Work/Jani McCutcheon.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.5: 936-950.
137411 The Non-existence of Markets in the Economic Analysis of Law a la Mode/David Campbell.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.5: 951-965.
137412 Reason-Giving in Administrative Law: Where are We and Why have the Courts not Embraced the General Common Law Duty to Give Reasons?/Joanna Bell.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.6: 983-1008.
137413 The Authority and Interpretation of Regulations/Andrew Edgar, Kevin M. Stack.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.6: 1009-1033.
137414 The Chinese Social Credit System: A Model for Other Countries?/Daithi Mac Sithigh, Mathias Siems.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.6: 1034-1071.
137415 When Women’s Rights are Not Human Rights – the Non- Performativity of the Human Rights of Victims of Domestic Abuse within English Family Law/Shazia Choudhry.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.6: 1072-1106.
137416 Tackling Voyeurism: Is The Voyeurism (Offences) Act 2019 A Wasted Opportunity?/Alisdair A. Gillespie.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.6: 1107-1131.
137417 For the Want of Certainty: Vnuk, Juliana and Andrade and the Obligation to Insure/James Marson, Katy Ferris.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.6: 1132-1145.
137418 Wiltshire Council v Cooper Estates Strategic Land Ltd: Development Plans and the Restriction of Town and Village Green Applications/Harley Ronan.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.6: 1146-1156.
137419 In Search of Foundations: Ethics and Metaethics in Constitutional Adjudication/Justin Lindeboom.- The Modern Law Review. 2019; Vol.82, No.6: 1157-1175.
137420 Consent, Legitimation, and Dysphoria/Robin West.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.1: 1-33.
137421 Towards a Contextual Definition of Rape: Consent, Coercion and Constructive Force/Eithne Dowds.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.1: 35-63.
137422 Between the Bank Screw and Affording Assistance. Rules, Standards, and the Bank Charter Act of 1844/Iain Frame.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.1: 64-90.
137423 Ethno-National Narratives of Human Rights: The Northern Ireland Policing Board/Richard Martin.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.1: 91-127.
137424 Post-Brexit Financial Governance: Which Dispute Settlement Framework Should Be Utilised?/Elizabeth Howell.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.1: 128-162.
137425 Executive Environmental Law/Elizabeth Fisher.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.1: 163-189.
137426 Lee v Ashers Baking Company Ltd and Others: The Inapplicability of Discrimination Law to an Illusory Conflict of Rights/Eugenio Velasco Ibarra.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.1: 190-201.
137427 A New Chapter in the Normalisation of Closed Material Procedures/Daniella Lock.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.1: 202-216.
137428 Regulating Gigs/Ruth Dukes.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.1: 217-228.
137429 Corporations as Moral Agents: Trade-Offs in Criminal Liability and Human Rights for Corporations/Nick Friedman.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.2: 255-284.
137430 Indeterminacy, Disagreement and the Human Rights Act: An Empirical Study of Litigation in the UK House of Lords and Supreme Court 1997-2017/Michael Blackwell.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.2: 285-320.
137431 The Evolution of EU Antitrust Policy: 1966-2017/Pablo Ibanez Colomo, Andriani Kalintiri.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.2: 321-372.
137432 Covenanting for Nature: A Comparative Study of the Utility and Potential of Conservation Covenants/Christopher Rodgers, David Grinlinton.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.2: 373-405.
137433 The Problematic Development of the Stalking Protection Order/Rory Kelly.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.2: 406-427.
137434 Kwok Cheuk Kin v Lam Cheng Yuet Ngor: Government Chastisement of Dissidents and Judicial Review That Never Was?/Kai Yeung Wong.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.2: 428-442.
137435 Reasonable Offers As a Defence to Unfair Prejudice Petitions: Prescott v Potamianos/Anthony Pavlovich.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.2: 443-450.
137436 System, Order, and History as a Conceptual Repository in International Law/Alexis Galan.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.2: 451-476.
137437 Border Problems: Mapping the Third Border/Jason Grant Allen, Rosa Maria Lastra.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.3: 505-538.
137438 Will Gender Self-Declaration Undermine Women’s Rights and Lead to an Increase in Harms?/Alex Sharpe.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.3: 539-557.
137439 It Ain’t Necessarily So: A Legal Realist Perspective on the Law of Agency Work/Amir Paz-Fuchs.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.3: 558-582.
137440 Citizenship and Unauthorised Migration: a Dialectical Relationship/Stefan Salomon.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.3: 583-613.
137441 Critical Reflections on the Proposal for a Mediation Act for Scotland/Masood Ahmed.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.3: 614-636.
137442 Durie v Gardiner: Public Libel Law and Stare Non Decisis/Randall Stephenson.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.3: 637-651.
137443 RR v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: Empowering Tribunals to Enforce the Human Rights Act 1998/Joe Tomlinson, Alexandra Sinclair.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.3: 652-660.
137444 Taking the Complexity of Complex Systems Seriously/Richard Nobles, David Schiff.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.3: 661-685.
137445 Where the Action Is: Macro and Micro Justice in Contract Law/Zhong Xing Tan.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.4: 725-760.
137446 Too Much, too Indigestible, too Fast? The Decades of Struggle for Abortion Law Reform in Northern Ireland/Sally Sheldon … [et al.].- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.4: 761-796.
137447 The Managerial Ombudsman/Chris Gill, Tom Mullen, Nial Vivian.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.4: 797-830.
137448 Who is steering the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice? The influence of Member State submissions on copyright law/Marcella Favale, Martin Kretschmer, Paul L. C. Torremans.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.4: 831-860.
137449 When a Like Is Not a Like: A New Fragmented Approach to Data Controllership/Monika Zalnieriute, Genna Churches.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.4: 861-876.
137450 Kogan v Martin: A New Framework for Joint Authorship in Copyright Law/Daniela Simone.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.4: 877-892.
137451 Gender and the Analytical Jurisprudential Mind/Leslie Green.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.4: 893-912.
137452 Welfare-to-Work, Structural Injustice and Human Rights/Virginia Mantouvalou.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.5: 929-954.
137453 Unpopular Sovereignty?/Alexander Somek, Michael A. Wilkinson.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.5: 955-978.
137454 Commodity or Propriety? Unauthorised Transfer of Intangible Entitlements in the EU Emissions Trading System/Bonnie Holligan.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.5: 979-1007.
137455 Failures for Consideration: Re-Analysing Jurisdiction in Unjust Enrichment Claims/Matthew Hoyle.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.5: 1008-1029.
137456 This case is about you and your future: Towards Judgments for Children/Helen Stalford, Kathryn Hollingsworth.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.5: 1030-1058.
137457 Disability, Reasonable Accommodation and the Employer’s Obligations: Nano Nagle School v Daly/Desmond Ryan, Mark Bell.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.5: 1059-1071.
137458 The Heathrow Case: Polycentricity, Legislation, and the Standard of Review/Joanna Bell, Elizabeth Fisher.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.5: 1072-1085.
137459 The Romantic Allure of Old Europe: Pertinent Questions and Non-Responses/Johan van der Walt.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.5: 1086-1100.
137460 Northern Ireland Dimensions to the First Decade of the United Kingdom Supreme Court/Brice Dickson, Conor McCormick.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.6: 1133-1167.
137461 The Politics of Rule of Law Reform: From Delegation to Autonomy/Deval Desai.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.6: 1168-1187.
137462 Private Law and Housing Justice in Europe/Irina Domurath, Chantal Mak.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.6: 1188-1220.
137463 Why Fair Procedures Always Make a Difference/Conor Crummey.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.6: 1221-1245.
137464 A Case Against Crippling Compensation in International Law of State Responsibility/Martins Paparinskis.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.6: 1246-1286.
137465 Fingerprint Comparison and Adversarialism: The Scientific and Historical Evidence/Gary Edmond, Emma Cunliffe, David Hamer.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.6: 1287-1327.
137466 Re-Evaluating Best Interests in the Wake of Raqeeb v Barts NHS Foundation Trust and Anors/Cressida Auckland, Imogen Goold.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.6: 1328-1342.
137467 Mistakes in Algorithmic Trading of Cryptocurrencies/Alexander Loke.- The Modern Law Review. 2020; Vol.83, No.6: 1343-1353.
137468 The Standardisation of Tort Damages/Eric Descheemaeker.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.1: 2-29.
137469 Confessions in the Criminal Process/Hock Lai Ho.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.1: 30-60.
137470 Sorting Out Mixtures of Property at Common Law/Alexander Waghorn.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.1: 61-88.
137471 Guilt Beyond Guilt: From Political Theory to Metaphysics with Herbert Morris/Amanda Wilson.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.1: 89-117.
137472 British Torture, Then and Now: The Role of the Judges/Conor Gearty.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.1: 118-154.
137473 Investors’ Rights in (Crypto) Custodial Holdings: Ruscoe v Cryptopia Ltd (in Liquidation)/Matteo Solinas.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.1: 155-167.
137474 Proving the Dough: National Crime Agency v Baker and Ors/Aine Clancy.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.1: 168-180.
137475 Maitland’s Challenge for Administrative Legal Theory/Jacob Weinrib.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.2: 207-229.
137476 Fairness and the Challenge of Making Markets Work Better/Niamh Dunne.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.2: 230-264.
137477 What Makes an Administrative Decision Unreasonable?/Hasan Dindjer.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.2: 265-296.
137478 The Problem with Provocation in Trespass/Iain D. Field.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.2: 297-333.
137479 Unwanted Distribution of Children’s Images and the Right to Development/Anna Bunn.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.2: 334-370.
137480 Failure of Condition or Implied Term?/Timothy Pilkington.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.2: 371-382.
137481 Lehtimaki v Cooper: Duty and Jurisdiction in Charity Law/John Picton.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.2: 383-393.
137482 Liberalism and the Reason of Law/Alexander Somek.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.2: 394-409.
137483 Criminal Law at the Limit: Countering False Claims in Elections and Referendums/Jeremy Horder.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.3: 429-455.
137484 Strip-Searching for Nationality Documents/Amanda Spalding.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.3: 456-476.
137485 Varieties of Constitutionalism in the European Union/Signe Rehling Larsen.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.3: 477-502.
137486 The Chimera of Parenthood/Brian Sloan.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.3: 503-531.
137487 Implied Terms in Undisclosed Agency/Cheng-Han Tan.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.3: 532-552.
137488 Executive Accountability and National Security/Lorna Woods Obe, Lawrence McNamara, Judith Townend.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.3: 553-580.
137489 Attribution: A New Controversy?/Ernest Lim.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.3: 581-592.
137490 Tracing, Mixing, and Innocent Claimants/Jordan English, Mohammud Jaamae Hafeez-Baig.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.3: 593-607.
137491 Why Should Competition Lawyers Care about the Formal Rule of Law?/Ryan Stones.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.3: 608-635.
137492 Combatting Corruption and Collusion in UK Public Procurement: Proposals for Post-Brexit Reform/Alison Jones.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.4: 667-707.
137493 The Presumption of Innocence: A Deflationary Account/Federico Picinali.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.4: 708-739.
137494 The Challenges of Implementing Anti-Money Laundering Regulation: An Empirical Analysis/Ilaria Zavoli, Colin King.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.4: 740-771.
137495 The Delegation Theory of Judicial Review/Farrah Ahmed.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.4: 772-810.
137496 What the Fair Minded Observer Really Thinks About Judicial Impartiality/Andrew Higgins, Inbar Levy.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.4: 811-841.
137497 The Emperor’s New Code? Time to Re-Evaluate the Nature of Stewardship Engagement Under the UK’s Stewardship Code/Bobby V. Reddy.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.4: 842-873.
137498 Being Conscious of Unconscionability in Modern Times: Heller v Uber Technologies/Jodi Gardner.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.4: 874-885.
137499 Automatic Facial Recognition and the Intensification of Police Surveillance/Bernard Keenan.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.4: 886-897.
137500 On Justice in Transactions/Nick Sage.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.4: 898-922.
137501 Reconceptualising Homelessness Legislation in England/Chris Bevan.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.5: 953-973.
137502 Cloud Crypto Land/Edmund Schuster.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.5: 974-1004.
137503 Collective Action in the Digital Reality: the Case of Platform-Based Workers/Tammy Katsabian.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.5: 1005-1040.
137504 Contested Subjects of Human Rights: Trans- and Gender-variant Subjects of International Human Rights Law/Sandra Duffy.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.5: 1041-1065.
137505 Abuse of Rights in English Contract Law: Hidden in Plain Sight?/Solene Rowan.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.5: 1066-1092.
137506 Expanding the Right to Remain as a Trafficked Person under Article 4 ECHR and the ECAT/Maja Grundler.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.5: 1093-1104.
137507 The Overpaid Tax Litigation: Roadblocked/Samuel Beswick.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.5: 1105-1121.
137508 Gray Areas in Tort: Illegality and Authority after Patel v Mirza/James C. Fisher.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.5: 1122-1136.
137509 Examining the Structure of Remedial Law/David Winterton, Timothy Pilkington.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.5: 1137-1158.
137510 Medicinal Cannabis Prescribing: A Study of Boundary Work and Medico-Legal Risk/Paula Case.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.6: 1189-1226.
137511 Brexit, Covid-19, and Possible Frameworks for Future UK/EU Financial Governance Cooperation/Elizabeth Howell.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.6: 1227-1256.
137512 Punitive Damages and the Place of Punishment in Private Law/James Goudkamp, Eleni Katsampouka.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.6: 1257-1293.
137513 Islands and the Ocean: Three Models of the Relationship between EU Market Regulation and National Private Law/Olha O. Cherednychenko.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.6: 1294-1329.
137514 Constitutive Powers of Executive Bodies: a Functional Analysis of the Single Resolution Board/Joana Mendes.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.6: 1330-1359.
137515 Cart Challenges, Empirical Methods, and Effectiveness of Judicial Review/Mikolaj Barczentewicz.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.6: 1360-1384.
137516 Haley v Haley: Family Law Arbitration and the New Frontier of Private Ordering/Anna Heenan.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.6: 1385-1398.
137517 Citizenship Stripping, Fair Procedures, and the Separation of Powers: A Critical Comment on Damache v Minister for Justice/Conor Casey.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.6: 1399-1413.
137518 The Unsuccessful Bid of the British Advocate-General to Remain on the Bench Despite Brexit/Serhii Lashyn.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.6: 1414-1426.
137519 What Makes Property Liberal?/Adam J. MacLeod.- The Modern Law Review. 2021; Vol.84, No.6: 1427-1446.
137520 Fat Cats, Production Networks, and the Right to Fair Pay/Hugh Collins.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.1: 1-24.
137521 Safeguarding Access to Justice in the Age of the Online Court/Catrina Denvir, Amanda Darshini Selvarajah.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.1: 25-68.
137522 Boycott, Resistance and the Law: Cause Lawyering in Conflict and Authoritarianism/Kieran McEvoy, Anna Bryson.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.1: 69-104.
137523 Falling into Line? The Hostile Environment and the Legend of the Judges Revolt/Christopher Rowe.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.1: 105-132.
137524 Guilty Plea Decisions: Moving Beyond the Autonomy Myth/Rebecca K. Helm, Roxanna Dehaghani, Daniel Newman.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.1: 133-163.
137525 The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement – Exceptional Circumstances or a new Paradigm for EU External Relations?/Christina Eckes, Paivi Leino-Sandberg.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.1: 164-197.
137526 A Struggle for Competence: National Security, Surveillance and the Scope of EU Law at the Court of Justice of European Union/Monika Zalnieriute.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.1: 198-218.
137527 Citizen Led Policing in the Digital Realm: Paedophile Hunters and Article 8 in the case of Sutherland v Her Majesty’s Advocate/Allison M. Holmes.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.1: 219-231.
137528 Sevilleja v Marex Financial Ltd: Reflective Loss and the Autonomy of Company Law/Jonathan Hardman.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.1: 232-246.
137529 AV Dicey as Legal Theorist/Peter Cane.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.1: 247-267.
137530 Undue Influence and Will Substitutes: Vitiating Transactions that Blur the Boundaries between Life and Death/Ben Chen, Natalie Silver.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.2: 295-325.
137531 Are Litigants, Trials and Precedents Vanishing After All?/Linda Mulcahy, Wendy Teeder.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.2: 326-367.
137532 The Independence of Justice in the Cauldron of International Relations/Frederic Megret.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.2: 368-400.
137533 The Law of Central Bank Reserve Creation/Will Bateman, Jason Allen.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.2: 401-434.
137534 The Market in Criminal Law Theory/Lindsay Farmer.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.2: 435-460.
137535 Rights-Restricting Rhetoric: The Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Act 2021/Conall Mallory.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.2: 461-487.
137536 X-GmbH v Finanzamt Stuttgart – Korperschaften: The Evolution of the EU Standard of Abuse of Tax Law and the Role of the Genuine Exchange of Tax Information between Member States and Third Countries/Blazej Kuzniacki.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.2: 488-506.
137537 Recognising What is Lost in Reproductive Harms: Whittington Hospital NHS Trust v XX/Imogen Goold.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.2: 507-525.
137538 The Presumption Against Extraterritoriality, Mutual Legal Assistance, and the Future of Law Enforcement Cross-Border Evidence Collection/Tim Cochrane.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.2: 526-538.
137539 Law School 2061/William Lucy.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.2: 539-553.
137540 Is Interference with a Corpse for Procreative Purposes a Criminal Offence?/Lisa Cherkassky.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.1: 577-597.
137541 Between Microeconomics and Geopolitics: On the Reasonable Application of Competition Law/Oles Andriychuk.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.3: 598-634.
137542 The Governance of Economic Unionism after the United Kingdom Internal Market Act/Kenneth A. Armstrong.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.3: 635-660.
137543 Consumer Value as the Key to Trade Mark Functionality/Ilanah Fhima.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.3: 661-696.
137544 Two Ways of Looking at a Printed Book/Benjamin Goh.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.3: 697-725.
137545 UK Withdrawal from the EU: Supremacy, Indirect Effect and Retained EU Law/Asif Hameed.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.3: 726-754.
137546 Adieu to Attribution/Qinhao Zhu.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.3: 755-772.
137547 The CJEU in Commission v Hungary Higher Education Defends Academic Freedom Through WTO Provisions/Andi Hoxhaj.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.3: 773-786.
137548 Beyond Doubt: The Case Against Not Proven/James Chalmers, Fiona Leverick, Vanessa E. Munro.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.4: 847-878.
137549 Why Offences Specific to Prostitution are Unjustified/Amit Pundik.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.4: 879-905.
137550 The Evolution Of Elucidation: The Snowden Cases Before The Investigatory Powers Tribunal/Bernard Keenan.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.4: 906-937.
137551 Governing Intersystemic Systemic Risks: Lessons from Covid and Climate Change/Veerle Heyvaert.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.4: 938-967.
137552 The Rights and Wrongs of No-Platforming/Victor Tadros.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.4: 968-996.
137553 e-Evidence Cooperation in Criminal Matters from an EU Perspective/Marcin Rojszczak.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.4: 997-1028.
137554 The Electrical Contractors Case: Irish Supreme Court Illuminates Collective Bargaining and Delegated Legislation/Alan Eustace.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.4: 1029-1043.
137555 The OMC, Intelligent Accountability and the Monitoring of National Tax Authorities/Stephen Daly.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.5: 1109-1135.
137556 Public Nuisance and Climate Change: The Common Law’s Solutions to the Plaintiff, Defendant and Causation Problems/David Bullock.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.5: 1136-1167.
137557 Brexit, food law and the UK’s search for a post-EU identity/Emily Lydgate, Chloe Anthony.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.5: 1168-1190.
137558 False Beliefs and Consent to Sex/Mark Dsouza.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.5: 1191-1217.
137559 Authorising Crime: The Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Act 2021/Paul F. Scott.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.5: 1218-1244.
137560 Proof of Foreign Nationality and Citizenship Deprivation: Pham and Competing Approaches to Proof in the British Courts/Rayner Thwaites.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.6: 1301-1328.
137561 The Right to Inclusive Education/Gauthier de Beco.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.6: 1329-1356.
137562 The International Extension of Denial of Justice/Jarrod Hepburn.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.6: 1357-1386.
137563 Gendered Capital and Litigants in EU Equality Case-Law/Konstantinos Alexandris Polomarkakis.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.6: 1387-1418.
137564 Undermining loyalty to legality? An empirical analysis of perceptions of  lockdown  law and guidance during COVID-19/Naomi Finch … [et al.].- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.6: 1419-1439.
137565 Is the Senior Managers and Certification Regime Changing Banking for Good?/Eleanore Hickman.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.6: 1440-1462.
137566 Parliament, the Pandemic, and Constitutional Principle in the United Kingdom: A Study of the Coronavirus Act 2020/Pablo Grez Hidalgo, Fiona de Londras, Daniella Lock.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.6: 1463-1503.
137567 (Un)reasonable excuses – On R v Dunleavy, R v Copeland, and Section 58/Kajsa E. Dinesson.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.6: 1550-1561.
137568 Unreasonably Limiting Recourse to the Courts? R (on the application of Haworth) v HMRC/Michael Blackwell.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.6: 1562-1575.
137569 Joseph Raz as a Political Philosopher/David Owens.- The Modern Law Review. 2022; Vol.85, No.6: 1576-1591.
137570 Lex Cryptographi(c)a, Cloud Crypto Land or What? – Blockchain Technology on the Legal Hype Cycle/Michael Anderson Schillig.- The Modern Law Review. 2023; Vol.86, No.1: 31-66.
137571 If I Would Stay Alive, I Would Be Their Voice: On the Legitimacy of International People’s Tribunals/Aldo Zammit Borda, Stefan Mandelbaum.- The Modern Law Review. 2023; Vol.86, No.1: 67-84.
137572 Equity before Equity/Stephen Humphreys.- The Modern Law Review. 2023; Vol.86, No.1: 85-121.
137573 Plainly Wrong/Adam Perry.- The Modern Law Review. 2023; Vol.86, No.1: 122-143.
137574 Directly Discriminatory Algorithms/Jeremias Adams-Prassl, Reuben Binns, Aislinn Kelly-Lyth.- The Modern Law Review. 2023; Vol.86, No.1: 144-175.
137575 Will Listing Rule Reform Deliver Strong Public Markets for the UK?/Brian R. Cheffins, Bobby V. Reddy.- The Modern Law Review. 2023; Vol.86, No.1: 176-213.
137576 The Heathrow Case in the Supreme Court: Climate Change Legislation and Administrative Adjudication/Joanna Bell, Elizabeth Fisher.- The Modern Law Review. 2023; Vol.86, No.1: 226-237.
137577 The Possibility of Lawful Act Economic Duress: Pakistan International Airlines Corp v Times Travel (UK) Ltd/Timothy Pilkington, David Winterton.- The Modern Law Review. 2023; Vol.86, No.1: 238-248.
137578 Cautious scrutiny: The Federal Climate Change Act case in the German Constitutional Court/Stefan Theil.- The Modern Law Review. 2023; Vol.86, No.1: 263-275.
137579 Knowing receipt: continuing trusts and conscionability Byers v Saudi National Bank/Alexander Georgiou.- The Modern Law Review. 2023; Vol.86, No.1: 276-288.
137580 The assessment of dynamic risk and recidivism in a sample of special needs sexual offenders/Janine Blacker, Anthony R. Beech, Daniel T. Wilcox, Douglas P. Boer.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.1: 75-92.
137581 Appraising the risk of sexual and violent recidivism among intellectually disabled offenders/Joseph A. Camilleri, Vernon L. Quinsey.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.1: 59-74.
137582 Risk factors for recidivism in offenders with intellectual disabilities/Suzanne Fitzgerald, Nicola S. Gray, John Taylor, Robert J. Snowden.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.1: 43-58.
137583 Intellectual disability in the Victorian prison system: characteristics of prisoners with an intellectual disability released from prison in 2003-2006/Shasta Holland, Peter Persson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.1: 25-41.
137584 The clinical profile and service needs of psychiatric inpatients with intellectual disabilities and forensic involvement/Y. Lunsky, C. Gracey, C. Koegl, E. Bradley, J. Durbin, P. Raina.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.1: 9-23.
137585 Moral reasoning theory and illegal behaviour by adults with intellectual disabilities/Peter E. Langdon, Isabel C.H. Clare, Glynis H. Murphy.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.2: 101-115.
137586 Forensic research in offenders with intellectual & developmental disabilities 2: assessment and treatment/William R. Lindsay, Richard P. Hastings,  Anthony R. Beech.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.2: 97-100.
137587 Antisocial and psychopathic personality disorders in forensic intellectual disability populations: what do we know so far?/Catrin Morrissey, Clive Hollin.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.2: 133-149.
137588 Self-reported impulsivity in male offenders with low cognitive ability in New South Wales prisons/Phillip Snoyman, Berindah Aicken.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.2: 151-164.
137589 Assessment of capacity to participate in court proceedings: a selective critique and some recommendations/Paul Willner.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.2: 117-131.
137590 Examination of systematic variations in burglars domain-specific perceptual and procedural skills/Joseph Clare.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.3: 199-214.
137591 Assessing socially desirable responding and its impact on self-report measures among sexual offenders/Nicola L. Mathie, Helen C. Wakeling.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.3: 215-237.
137592 Why were millions of people not obeying the law? Motivational influences on non-compliance with the law in the case of music piracy/Twila Wingrove, Angela L. Korpas, Victoria Weisz.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.3: 261-276.
137593 Jurors believe interrogation tactics are not likely to elicit false confessions: will expert witness testimony inform them otherwise?/Iris Blandon-Gitlin, Katheryn Sperry, Richard Leo.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.3: 239-260.
137594 Effects of the EQUIP peer intervention program on self-serving cognitive distortions and recidivism among delinquent male adolescents/Daniel Brugman, Martine D. Bink.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.4: 345-358.
137595 Measuring life-long patterns of instrumental aggression: a methodological note/David Cooke, Christine Michie, Stephane Alexandre De Brito, Sheilagh Hodgins, Lynda Sparkes.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.4: 319-329.
137596 What self-report impulsivity measure best postdicts criminal convictions and prison breaches of discipline?/Vicki Gordon, Vincent Egan.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.4: 305-318.
137597 Another look at across-crime similarity coefficients for use in behavioural linkage analysis: an attempt to replicate Woodhams, Grant, and Price (2007)/Tamara Melnyk, Craig Bennell, Donna J. Gauthie, Donald Gauthier.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.4: 359-380.
137598 Reasonable perceptions of stalking: the influence of conduct severity and the perpetrator-target relationship/Adrian J. Scott, Lorraine Sheridan.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.4: 331-343.
137599 Difficulty among young children in remembering bystanders: young children’s omission errors in eyewitness memory for a real-life event/Tomoko Sugimura.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.4: 293-303.
137600 Retribution or restoration? Anglo-Australian’s views towards domestic violence involving Muslim and Anglo-Australian victims and offenders/Krista de Castella, Michael J. Platow, Michael Wenzel, Tyler Okimoto, Norman T. Feather.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.5: 403-420.
137601 Testifying in the Special Court for Sierra Leone: witness perceptions of safety and emotional welfare/Rebecca Horn, Saleem Vahidy, Simon Charters.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.5: 435-455.
137602 Predictors of sex offender treatment dropout: psychopathy, sex offender risk, and responsivity implications/Mark E. Olver, Steve Wong.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.5: 457-471.
137603 Gender, fear of crime, and self-presentation: an experimental investigation/Robbie M. Sutton, Beverley Robinson, Stephen D. Farrall.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.5: 421-433.
137604 Are Internet offenders emotionally avoidant?/Gemma K. Wall, Emma Pearce, James McGuire.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.5: 481-401.
137605 Differential effectiveness of the cognitive interview in a simulation of testimony/Judit Bembibre, Lorenzo Higueras.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.6: 473-489.
137606 Modifying the cognitive interview: countenancing forensic application by enhancing practicability/Coral J. Dando, Rachel Wilcock, Claudia Behnkle, Rebecca Milne.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.6: 491-511.
137607 The role of imagery rehearsal with and without eye movements in the creation of false memories/Grant J. Devilly, Lauren Brown.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.6: 529-543.
137608 Children’s false memories: different false memory paradigms reveal different results/Henry Otgaar, Ingrid Candel.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.6: 513-528.
137609 Moroccan adolescent suspect offenders in the Netherlands: ethnic differences in offender profiles/Violaine C. Veen, Gonneke Stevens, Theo Doreleijers, Wilma Vollebergh.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.6: 545-561.
137610 No-one in the world would ever wanna speak to me again: an interpretative phenomenological analysis into convicted sexual offenders accounts and experiences of maintaining and leaving denial/Nicholas J. Blagden, Belinda Winder, Karen Thorne, Mick Gregson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.7: 563-585.
137611 The effects of target discriminability and criterion placement on accuracy rates in sequential and simultaneous target-present lineups/Heather Flowe, Anneka Bessemer.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.7: 587-610.
137612 Detecting deception in suspects: verbal cues as a function of interview strategy/Maria Hartwig, Par A. Granhag, Leif Stromwall, Ann G. Wolf, Aldert Vrij, Emma Roos af Hjelmsater.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.7: 643-656.
137613 Citizen’s psychological knowledge, legal knowledge, and attitudes toward participation in the new Japanese legal system, saiban-in seido/Makiko Naka, Yoshinori Okada, Masahiro Fujita, Yuko Yamasaki.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.7: 621-641.
137614 Lying about flying: the first experiment to detect false intent/Aldert Vrij, Par A. Granhag, Samantha Mann, Sharon Leal.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.7: 611-620.
137615 A brief motivational interviewing intervention with prisoners: when you lead a horse to water, can it drink for itself?/Brendan Anstiss, Devon L.L. Polaschek, Marc Wilson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.8: 689-710.
137616 Individual differences in interrogative suggestibility: life adversity and field dependence/Kim Drake, Ray Bull.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.8: 677-708.
137617 Verbalization effects in facial composite production/Charlie D. Frowd, Stephen Fields.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.8: 731-744.
137618 A field evaluation of the VIPER system: a new technique for eliciting eyewitness identification evidence/Amina Memon, Catriona Havard, Brain Clifford, Fiona Gabbert, Moray Watt.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.8: 711-729.
137619 Juror decision making for juveniles tried as adults: the effects of defendant age, crime type, and crime outcome/Charity M. Walker, William D. Woody.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2011; Vol.17, No.8: 659-675.
137620 Beliefs and expectancies in legal decision making: an introduction to the Special Issue/Bradley D. McAuliff, Brian H. Bornstein.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.1: 1-10.
137621 Attorney and lay beliefs about factors affecting jurors perceptions of juvenile offender culpability/Catherine R. Camilletti, Matthew H. Scullin.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.1: 113-128.
137622 Beliefs about alibis and alibi investigations: a survey of law enforcement/Jennifer E. Dysart, Deryn Strange.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.1: 11-25.
137623 Perceptions of sexual assault: expectancies regarding the emotional response of a rape victim over time/Marc A. Klippenstine, Regina Schuller.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.1: 79-94.
137624 Terminating parental rights: the relation of judicial experience and expectancy-related factors to risk perceptions in child protection cases/Alicia Summers, Sophia Gatowski, Shirley Dobbin.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.1: 95-112.
137625 The effects of mock jurors beliefs about eyewitness performance on trial judgments/Tess M.S. Neal, Ashley Christiansen, Brian H. Bornstein, Timothy R. Robicheaux.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.1: 49-64.
137626 Gender-responsive programming: a qualitative exploration of women’s experiences of a gender-neutral cognitive skills programme/Georgia D. Barnett.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.2: 155-176.
137627 Understanding of forensic expert reports by judges, defense lawyers and forensic professionals/Jan de Keijser, Henk Elffers.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.2: 191-207.
137628 Interviewing women bereaved by homicide: assessing the impact of trauma-focused research/Anna Gekoski, Jacqueline M. Gray, Joanna R. Adler.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.2: 177-189.
137629 Ward and Siegert’s Pathways Model of child sexual offending: a cluster analysis evaluation/Theresa Gannon, Rebecca Terriere, Tirza Leader.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.3: 129-153.
137630 A study of psychotic disorders among female homicide offenders/Debra Bennett, Jim Ogloff, Paul Mullen, Stuart Thomas.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.3: 231-243.
137631 Transitional justice and truth commissions: exploring narratives of repair and healing in the post-Holocaust era/Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.3: 275-295.
137632 Police interviews with suspected child sex offenders: does use of empathy and question type influence the amount of investigation relevant information obtained?/Gavin Oxburgh, James Ost, Julie Cherryman.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.3: 259-273.
137633 The effect of eye closure on children’s eyewitness testimonies/Serena Mastroberardino, Valeria Natali, Ingrid Candel.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.3: 245-257.
137634 Confession evidence in Canada: psychological issues and legal landscapes/Steven Smith, Veronica Stinson, Marc Patry.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.3: 317-333.
137635 Crime as risk taking/Mandeep K. Dhami, David R. Mandel.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.4: 389-403.
137636 Biased evaluation of incriminating and exonerating (non)evidence/Anita Eerland, Eric Rassin.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.4: 351-358.
137637 Forensic age progression and the search for missing children/James Lampinen, Jack D. Arnal, Jennifer Adams, Kady Courtney, Jason L. Hicks.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.4: 405-415.
137638 Interviewing behaviors in police investigators: a field study of a current US sample/Nadja Schreiber Compo, Amy Hyman Gregory, Ronald Fisher.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.4: 359-375.
137639 Is anyone there? Drawings as a tool to detect deceit in occupation interviews/Aldert Vrij, Samantha Mann, Sharon Leal, Ronald Fisher.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.4: 377-388.
137640 How reliable are eyewitness memories? Effects of retention interval, violence of act, and gender stereotypes on observers judgments of their own memory regarding witnessed act and perpetrator/Angela Ahola.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.5: 491-503.
137641 Effects of exposure time and cognitive operations on facial identification accuracy: a meta-analysis of two variables associated with initial memory strength/Brian H. Bornstein, Kenneth A. Deffenbacher, Steven D. Penrod, E. Kiernan McGorty.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.5: 473-490.
137642 But can you prove it? examining the quality of innocent suspects alibis/Elizabeth A. Olson, Steve D. Charman.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.5: 453-471.
137643 Behind closed doors: the effect of pretrial publicity on jury deliberations/Christine L. Ruva, Michelle A. LeVasseur.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.5: 431-452.
137644 The emotional witness effect: story content, emotional valence and credibility of a male suspect/Ellen M. Wessel, Guri C. Bollingmo, Carina Sonsteby, Linda M. Nielsen, Dag E. Eliersten, Svein Magnussen.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.5: 417-430.
137645 Identification of mental illness in police cells: a comparison of police processes, the Brief Jail Mental Health Screen and the Jail Screening Assessment Tool/Gennady N. Baksheev, Jim Ogloff, Stuart Thomas.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.5: 529-542.
137646 Agency and outcome expectancies for crime desistance: measuring offenders personal beliefs about change/Caleb D. Lloyd, Ralph C. Serin.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.6: 543-565.
137647 Elaborations on credibility judgments by professional lie detectors and laypersons: strategies of judgment and justification/Galit Nahari.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.6: 567-577.
137648 Can a witness report hearsay evidence unintentionally? The effects of discussion on eyewitness memory/Helen M. Paterson, Richard Kemp, Sarah McIntyre.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.6: 505-527.
137649 Imposing cognitive load to elicit cues to deceit: inducing the reverse order technique naturally/Aldert Vrij, Sharon Leal, Samantha Mann, Ronald Fisher.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.6: 579-594.
137650 Self-serving aspects of social cognition among adult offenders/Chien-An Chen, Dennis Howitt.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.7: 595-611.
137651 Written records of police interrogation: differential registration as determinant of statement credibility and interrogation quality/Jan de Keijser, Marijke Malsch, Robin Kranendonk, Madeleine de Gruijter.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.7: 613-629.
137652 Much better than the sequential lineup: a 120-person lineup/Avraham M. Levi.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.7: 631-640.
137653 Clothed and unclothed human figure drawings lead to more correct and incorrect reports of touch in children/Henry Otgaar, Robert Horselenberg, Ris van Kampen, Karina Lalleman.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.7: 641-653.
137654 Examining the forensic quality of police call-centre interviews/David G. Leeney, Katrin Mueller-Johnson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.7: 669-668.
137655 Gang affiliation, aggression, and violent offending in a sample of youth offenders/Rebecca P. Ang, Vivien S. Huan, Sok Hoon Chua, Si Huan Lim.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.8: 703-711.
137656 Effectiveness of deception detection training: a meta-analysis/James E. Driskell.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.8: 713-731.
137657 Mechanisms underlying response bias in deception detection/Melanie Hurst, Margit Oswald.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.8: 459-778.
137658 Measuring the subjective perceptions of risks and rewards of Chinese juvenile thieves/Jessica C.M. Li, T. Wing Lo, Christopher H.K. Cheng, Joseph Wu.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.8: 689-701.
137659 HCR-20 violence risk assessments as a guide for treating and managing violence risk in a forensic psychiatric setting/Liselotte Pedersen, Kirsten Ramussen, Peter Elsass.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.8: 733-743.
137660 Protective processes: the function of young people’s implicit theories of crime in offending behaviour/Sarah-Jane Gerber, Michael OConnell.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.9: 781-795.
137661 Alexithymia in Dutch violent forensic psychiatric outpatients/R.H.J. Hornsveld, F.W. Kraaimaat.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.9: 833-846.
137662 Predicting verdicts, adherence to judge’s instructions, and assumptions about the disposition of the defendant in a case involving the insanity defense/M. Peters, L. Lecci.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.9: 817-831.
137663 Identifying and measuring juror pre-trial bias for forensic evidence: development and validation of the Forensic Evidence Evaluation Bias Scale/Lisa L. Smith, Ray Bull.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.9: 797-815.
137664 Comparative analysis of true or false statements with the source monitoring model and the cognitive interview: special features of the false accusation of innocent people/Judit Bembibre, Lorenzo Higueras.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.10: 913-928.
137665 Own-age bias in video lineups: a comparison between children and adults/Catriona Havard, Amina Memon, Phyllis Laybourn, Clare Cunningham.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.10: 929-944.
137666 Integration information in the judicial field: adding versus averaging models/Raffaella Nori, Luca Bensi, Elisa Gambetti, Fiorella Giusberti.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.10: 875-895.
137667 Note takers who review are less vulnerable to the influence of stereotypes than note takers who do not review/Tanya Strub, Blake McKimmie.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2012; Vol.18, No.10: 859-878.
137668 Does change in psychometric test scores tell us anything about risk of reconviction in sexual offenders?/Georgia D. Barnett, Helen Wakeling, Rebecca Mandeville-Norden, Janine Rakestrow.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.1: 85-110.
137669 Of guns and geese: a meta-analytic review of the weapon focus literature/Jonathan M. Fawcett, Emily J. Russell, Kristine A. Peace, John Christie.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.1: 35-66.
137670 Assessing the internal structure of the COPINE scale/Hannah L. Merdian, Jo Thakker, Nick Wilson, Doug Boer.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.1: 21-34.
137671 Are they different? A comparison of risk in Dangerous and Severe Personality Disordered and Personality Disordered hospitalized populations/Kerry L. Sheldon, Amanda C. Tetley, Claire Thompson, Gopi Krishnan.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.1: 67-83.
137672 Police-induced confessions: an empirical analysis of their content and impact/Sara C. Appleby, Lisa E. Hasel, Saul M. Kassin.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.2: 111-128.
137673 Evaluating script-like knowledge in offenders and a small group of non-apprehended offenders/David Hockey, R.C. Honey.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.2: 161-178.
137674 Victim impact statements and crime heinousness: a test of the saturation hypothesis/Bryan Myers, Allison Roop, Deborah Kalnen, Andre Kehn.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.2: 129-143.
137675 Pretrial publicity and juror age affect mock-juror decision making/Christine L. Ruva, Elizabeth M. Hudak.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.2: 179-202.
137676 Interviewer demeanor in forensic interviews of children/Yee San Teoh, Michael Lamb.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.2: 145-159.
137677 The relative influence of leading questions and negative feedback on response change on the Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale (2): Implications for forensic interviewing/James Baxter, Kathy Charles, Michelle Martin, Allan McGroarty.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.3: 277-285.
137678 Reconstructing and sequencing behaviours in multiple perpetrator rape/Jemma C. Chambers, Miranda A.H. Horvath, Liz Kelly.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.3: 253-285.
137679 The effectiveness of calibrated versus default distance decay functions for geographic profiling: a preliminary examination of crime type/Karla Emeno, Craig Bennell.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.3: 215-232.
137680 Cautioning jurors regarding co-witness discussion: the impact of judicial warnings/Helen M. Paterson, David W.M. Anderson, Richard I. Kemp.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.3: 287-304.
137681 Presence bias and the insensitivity to the diagnosticity of nonidentifications/Eric Rassin.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.3: 203-214.
137682 Can the quality of high-risk violent prisoners release plans predict recidivism following intensive rehabilitation? A comparison with risk assessment instruments/Sophie R. Dickson, Devon L.L. Polaschek, Allanah R. Casey.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.4: 371-389.
137683 The suicidal process in male prisoners making near-lethal suicide attempts/Adrienne Rivlin, Seena Fazel, Lisa Marzano, Keith Hawton.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.4: 305-327.
137684 The reliability and validity of self, peer and staff reports of bullying and victimisation in correctional and care institutions/Ivana Sekol, David P. Farrington.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.4: 329-344.
137685 The effects of marital breakdown on offending: results from a prospective longitudinal survey of males/Delphine Theobald, David P. Farrington.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.4: 391-408.
137686 Resettle: a significant new step in an emerging pathway that manages risk and addresses need in high-risk personality disordered offenders on their release into the community/V. Baker, D. Johnson, S. Oluonye.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.5-6: 449-460.
137687 A description and research review of the Clearwater Sex Offender Treatment Programme/Mark E. Olver, Stephen C.P. Wong.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.5-6: 477-492.
137688 How to train your dragon: an introduction to the special issue on treatment programmes for high-risk offenders/Devon L.L. Polaschek.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.5-6: 409-414.
137689 Delivering effective therapeutic interventions for men with severe personality disorder within a high secure prison/Jacqui Saradjian, Naomi Murphy, Des McVey.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.5-6: 433-447.
137690 The Chromis programme: from conception to evaluation/J. Tew, R. Atkinson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.5-6: 415-431.
137691 Challenging the urban myth of psychopathy untreatability: the High-Risk Personality Programme/Nick J. Wilson, Armon Tamatea.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.5-6: 493-510.
137692 Gang-related crime: the social, psychological and behavioral correlates/Emma Alleyne, Jane L. Wood.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.7: 611-627.
137693 A non-standard method for estimating accuracy of lie detection techniques demonstrated on a self-validating set of field polygraph examinations/Avital Ginton.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.7: 577-594.
137694 Does providing a written version of the police caution improve comprehension in the general population?/Mary Hughes, Stella A. Bain, Elizabeth Gilchrist, Jack Boyle.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.7: 549-564.
137695 Memory conformity and suggestibility/Craig Thorley.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.7: 565-575.
137696 It is better, but does it look better Prosecutor perceptions of using rape complainant investigative interviews as evidence/Nina J. Westera, Mark R. Kebbell, Becky Milne.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.7: 595-610.
137697 Economically disadvantaged juvenile offenders tried in adult court are perceived as less able to understand their actions, but more guilty/Katlyn S. Farnum, Margaret C. Stevenson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.8: 727-744.
137698 Are the misinformed more punitive? Beliefs and misconceptions in forensic psychology/Julia Shaw, Michael Woodworth.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.8: 687-706.
137699 Children’s disclosure of child sexual abuse: how motivational factors affect linguistic categories related to deception detection/Megan P.Y. Sim, Michael E. Lamb.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.8: 649-660.
137700 True and false intentions: asking about the past to detect lies about the future/Tuule Sooniste, Par Anders Granhag, Melanie Knieps, Aldert Vrij.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.8: 673-685.
137701 Exploring sexual harassment and related attitudes in Beninese high schools: a field study/Berenike Waubert de Puiseau, Janin Roessel.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19: 707-726.
137702 Perceptions of male victim blame in a child sexual abuse case: effects of gender, age and need for closure/Catherine Esnard, Rafaele Dumas.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.9: 817-844.
137703 An exploration of burglary in the criminal histories of sex offenders referred for civil commitment/Danielle A. Harris, Amelie Pedneault, Raymond A. Knight.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.9: 765-781.
137704 Propensity to support prison gangs: its relationship to gang membership, victimisation, aggression and other disruptive behaviours/Jane L. Ireland, Christina L. Power.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.9: 801-816.
137705 Beyond Rational Choice: the Hot/Cool Perspective of Criminal Decision Making/Jean-Louis Van Gelder.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.9: 745-763.
137706 The impact of abuse allegations in perceiving parricide in the courtroom/Nesa E. Wasarhaley, Jonathan M. Golding, Kellie Rose Lynch, Peggy S. Keller.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.9: 783-793.
137707 Cost and benefit of a new instruction for the cognitive interview: the open depth instruction/Maite Brunel, Jacques Py, Celine Launay.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.10: 845-863.
137708 Does free recall moderate the effect of mental context reinstatement instructions on children’s cued recall?/Paul M. Dietze, Stefanie J. Sharman, Martine B. Powell, Donald M. Thomson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.10: 881-891.
137709 The association between early maladaptive schema and personality disorder traits in an offender population/Flora Gilbert, Michael Daffern.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.10: 933-946.
137710 I saw the man who killed Anna Lindh! An archival study of witnesses offender descriptions/P‎عr A. Granhag, Karl Ask, Anna Rebelius, Lisa Ohman, Erik Mac Giolla.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.10: 921-931.
137711 Ambivalent sexism, empathy and law enforcement attitudes towards partner violence against women among male police officers/Marisol Lila, Enrique Gracia, Fernando Garcia.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.10: 907-919.
137712 Eye-closure improves memory for a witnessed event under naturalistic conditions/Annelies Vredeveldt, Steven D. Penrod.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2013; Vol.19, No.10: 893-905.
137713 Social disruption, state priorities, and minority threat: A cross-national study of imprisonment/Rick Ruddell.- Punishment and Society. 2005; Vol.7, No.1: 7-28.
137714 Criminogenic needs and the transformative risk subject: Hybridizations of risk/need in penality/Kelly Hannah-Moffat.- Punishment and Society. 2005; Vol.7, No.1: 29-51.
137715 The detention of asylum seekers in the UK: Representing risk, managing the dangerous/Margaret S. Malloch, Elizabeth Stanley.- Punishment and Society. 2005; Vol.7, No.1: 53-71.
137716 If we are tough on crime, if we punish crime, then people get the message: Constructing and governing the punishable young offender in Canada during the late 1990s/Bryan R. Hogeveen.- Punishment and Society. 2005; Vol.7, No.1: 73-89.
137717 Delivering demons, punishing wives: False imprisonment, exorcism and other matrimonial duties in a late 20th-century manslaughter case/Adrian Howe, Sarah Ferber.- Punishment and Society. 2005; Vol.7, No.2: 123-146.
137718 The penitentiary system in Spain: The use of imprisonment, living conditions and rehabilitation/Jose Cid.- Punishment and Society. 2005; Vol.7, No.2: 147-166.
137719 State form, labour market and penal system: The new punitive rationality in context/Inaki Rivera Beiras.- Punishment and Society. 2005; Vol.7, No.2: 167-182.
137720 Women’s imprisonment in Spain/Elisabet Almeda.- Punishment and Society. 2005; Vol.7, No.2: 183-199.
137721 The prison furlough programme in Greece: Findings from a research project in the Male Prison of Korydallos/Leonidas K. Cheliotis.- Punishment and Society. 2005; Vol.7, No.2: 201-215.
137722 Beyond populist punitiveness?/Neil Hutton.- Punishment and Society. 2005; Vol.7, No.3: 243-258.
137723 The impact of medical issues on the job stress and job satisfaction of jail staff/Eric G. Lambert, Eugene A. Paoline.- Punishment and Society. 2005; Vol.7, No.3: 259-275.
137724 Modelling penal transformation/Lesley Mcara.- Punishment and Society. 2005; Vol.7, No.3: 277-302.
137725 Penal populism in New Zealand/John Pratt, Marie Clark.- Punishment and Society. 2005; Vol.7, No.3: 303-322.
137726 Huddled masses: Immigrants in detention/Ann M. Lucas.- Punishment and Society. 2005; Vol.7, No.3: 323-329.
137727 Capital punishment and American culture/David Garland.- Punishment and Society. 2005; Vol.7, No.4: 347-376.
137728 Reaction to David Garland on capital punishment/Eric Monkkonen.- Punishment and Society. 2005; Vol.7, No.4: 385-387.
137729 Detention of asylum seekers in the UK and USA: Deciphering noisy and quiet constructions/Michael Welch, Liza Schuster.- Punishment and Society. 2005; Vol.7, No.4: 397-417.
137730 The reduction of women’s imprisonment in England and Wales: Will the reform of short prison sentences help?/Elaine Player.- Punishment and Society. 2005; Vol.7, No.4: 419-439.
137731 Thinking about penal equivalents/Voula Marinos.- Punishment and Society. 2005; Vol.7, No.4: 441-455.
137732 Prisoner society in the era of hard drugs/Ben Crewe.- Punishment and Society. 2005; Vol.7, No.4: 457-481.
137733 The politics of punishing: Building a state governance theory of American imprisonment variation/Vanessa Barker.- Punishment and Society. 2006; Vol.8, No.1: 5-32.
137734 The theory and practice of supermax prisons/Daniel P. Mears, Michael D. Reisig.- Punishment and Society. 2006; Vol.8, No.1: 33-57.
137735 Reality-based television and police-citizen encounters: The intertextual construction and situated meaning of mental illness-as-punishment/Phillip Chong Ho Shon, Bruce A. Arrigo.- Punishment and Society. 2006; Vol.8, No.1: 59-85.
137736 Prison buildup and disorder/Bert Useem, Anne M. Piehl.- Punishment and Society. 2006; Vol.8, No.1: 87-115.
137737 Looking beyond the walls/Alex Lichtenstein.- Punishment and Society. 2006; Vol.8, No.1: 117-123.
137738 Mad Max/Robert Perkinson.- Punishment and Society. 2006; Vol.8, No.1: 125-130.
137739 Negotiating conditional release: Juvenile narratives of repeat incarceration/Mark J. Halsey.- Punishment and Society. 2006; Vol.8, No.2: 147 181.
137740 Politics of crime in Spain, 1978-2004/Juanjo Medina-Ariza.- Punishment and Society. 2006; Vol.8, No.2: 183-201.
137741 Tough-mindedness and fair play: Personality traits as predictors of attitudes toward the death penalty – an exploratory gendered study/Monica Robbers.- Punishment and Society. 2006; Vol.8, No.2: 203-222.
137742 Punishing youth crime in Canada: The blind men and the elephant/Anthony N. Doob, Jane B. Sprott.- Punishment and Society. 2006; Vol.8, No.2: 223-233.
137743 Where the state kills in secret: Capital punishment in Japan/David T. Johnson.- Punishment and Society. 2006; Vol.8, No.3: 251-285.
137744 The dog that did not bark: Punitive social views and the professional middle classes/Elizabeth K. Brown.- Punishment and Society. 2006; Vol.8, No.3: 287-312.
137745 How iron is the iron cage of new penology?: The role of human agency in the implementation of criminal justice policy/Leonidas K. Cheliotis.- Punishment and Society. 2006; Vol.8, No.3: 313-340.
137746 Is there a deterrent effect of pains of imprisonment?: The impact of social costs of first incarceration on the hazard rate of recidivism/Michael Windzio.- Punishment and Society. 2006; Vol.8, No.3: 341-364.
137747 A critique of contemporary death penalty abolitionism/Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn.- Punishment and Society. 2006; Vol.8, No.3: 365-383.
137748 Male prisoners’ orientations towards female officers in an English prison/Ben Crewe.- Punishment and Society. 2006; Vol.8, No.4: 395-421.
137749 Geographic location, death sentences and executions in post-Furman Virginia/Tony G. Poveda.- Punishment and Society. 2006; Vol.8, No.4: 423-442.
137750 Countering catastrophic criminology: Reform, punishment and the modern liberal compromise/Steven Hutchinson.- Punishment and Society. 2006; Vol.8, No.4: 443-467.
137751 Memoir of a/the blind: A reply to Doob and Sprott/Bryan Hogeveen.- Punishment and Society. 2006; Vol.8, No.4: 469-475.
137752 Assessing punitiveness in Canadian youth justice: A response to Hogeveen/Anthony N. Doob, Jane B. Sprott.- Punishment and Society. 2006; Vol.8, No.4: 477-480.
137753 When the policy becomes the problem: Criminal justice in the new millennium/Sara Steen, Rachel Bandy.- Punishment and Society. 2007; Vol.9, No.1: 5-26.
137754 Coercive confinement in the Republic of Ireland: The waning of a culture of control/Eoin O’Sullivan, Ian O’Donnell.- Punishment and Society. 2007; Vol.9, No.1: 27-48.
137755 Public-empowering justice: Arguments from effectiveness, legitimacy and democracy, and the South African case/Diana R. Gordon.- Punishment and Society. 2007; Vol.9, No.1: 49-66.
137756 Creating the responsible prisoner: Federal admission and orientation packs/Mary Bosworth.- Punishment and Society. 2007; Vol.9, No.1: 67-85.
137757 Risk analysis and the new practitioner: Myth or reality?/Diana Wendy M. Fitzgibbon.- Punishment and Society. 2007; Vol.9, No.1: 87-97.
137758 The cultural context of women prisoners’ mental health: A comparison of two prison systems/Candace Kruttschnitt.- Punishment and Society. 2007; Vol.9, No.2: 115-150.
137759 Punishment and democracy: The role of public deliberation/Albert W. Dzur, Rekha Mirchandani.- Punishment and Society. 2007; Vol.9, No.2: 151-175.
137760 Criminal disenfranchisement reform in California: A deviant case study/Michael C. Campbell.- Punishment and Society. 2007; Vol.9, No.1: 177-199.
137761 Stalking: Do criminalization and punishment help?/Marijke Malsch.- Punishment and Society. 2007; Vol.9, No.2: 201-209.
137762 Inside a maximum-security juvenile training school: Institutional attempts to redefine the American Dream and normalize incarcerated youth/Michelle Inderbitzin.- Punishment and Society. 2007; Vol.9, No.3: 235-251.
137763 Prison officer training and practice in Nigeria: Contention, contradiction and re-imagining reform strategies/Andrew M. Jefferson.- Punishment and Society. 2007; Vol.9, No.3: 253-269.
137764 The emergence of sentencing hearings/Anat Horovitz.- Punishment and Society. 2007; Vol.9, No.3: 271-299.
137765 The enemy on the border: Critique of a programme in favour of a preventive state/Susanne Krasmann.- Punishment and Society. 2007; Vol.9, No.3: 301-318.
137766 Engaging with penal populism: The case of France/Tom Daems.- Punishment and Society. 2007; Vol.9, No.3: 319-324.
137767 The implementation of youth imprisonment and constitutional law in Germany/Frieder Dunkel, Dirk van Zyl Smit.- Punishment and Society. 2007; Vol.9, No.4: 347-369.
137768 Youth sex offenders in court: An analysis of judicial sentencing remarks/Brigitte Bouhours, Kathleen Daly.- Punishment and Society. 2007; Vol.9, No.4: 371-394.
137769 In the shadow of penal law: Victim-offender mediation in Germany and France/Stefanie Trankle.- Punishment and Society. 2007; Vol.9, No.4: 395-415.
137770 Politics and punishment in the PRC and Japan: An introduction to the mini-symposium on East Asia/Setsuo Miyazawa.- Punishment and Society. 2008; Vol.10, No.1: 5-8.
137771 Arrest as punishment: The abuse of arrest in the People’s Republic of China/Yanyou Yi.- Punishment and Society. 2008; Vol.10, No.1: 9-24.
137772 Japanese criminal justice: Was reintegrative shaming a chimera?/Koichi Hamai, Thomas Ellis.- Punishment and Society. 2008; Vol.10, No.1: 25-46.
137773 The politics of increasing punitiveness and the rising populism in Japanese criminal justice policy/Setsuo Miyazawa.- Punishment and Society. 2008; Vol.10, No.1: 47-77.
137774 The death penalty in Asia: Introduction to a Special Issue of Punishment and Society/David T. Johnson.- Punishment and Society. 2008; Vol.10, No.2: 99-102.
137775 Law, society, and capital punishment in Asia/Franklin E. Zimring, David T. Johnson.- Punishment and Society. 2008; Vol.10, No.2: 103-115.
137776 The political origins of death penalty exceptionalism: Mao Zedong and the practice of capital punishment in contemporary China/Zhang Ning.- Punishment and Society. 2008; Vol.10, No.2: 117-136.
137777 The death penalty and society in contemporary China/Wang Yunhai.- Punishment and Society. 2008; Vol.10, No.2: 137-151.
137778 From seventy-eight to zero: Why executions declined after Taiwan’s democratization/Fort Fu-Te Liao.- Punishment and Society. 2008; Vol.10, No.2: 153-170.
137779 South Korea’s changing capital punishment policy: The road from de facto to formal abolition/Byung-Sun Cho.- Punishment and Society. 2008; Vol.10, No.2: 171-205.
137780 Views on the death penalty among college students in India/Eric G. Lambert … [et al.].- Punishment and Society. 2008; Vol.10, No.2: 207-218.
137781 Methods of execution as institutional fads/Megan Denver, Joel Best, Kenneth C. Haas.- Punishment and Society. 2008; Vol.10, No.3: 227-252.
137782 Sentencing young minority males for drug offenses: Testing for conditional effects between race/ethnicity, gender and age during the US war on drugs/Theodore R. Curry, Guadalupe Corral-Camacho.- Punishment and Society. 2008; Vol.10, No.3: 253-276.
137783 The mismeasure of punishment: Alternative measures of punitiveness and their (substantial) consequences/Natasha A. Frost.- Punishment and Society. 2008; Vol.10, No.3: 277-300.
137784 Dangerous liaisons: Personality disorder and the politics of risk/Toby Seddon.- Punishment and Society. 2008; Vol.10, No.3: 301-317.
137785 Fear and punishment in Sweden: Exploring penal attitudes/Marie Demker … [et al.].- Punishment and Society. 2008; Vol.10, No.3: 319-332.
137786 Terrorism and risk management: The Israeli case/Mimi Ajzenstadt, Ariel Barak.- Punishment and Society. 2008; Vol.10, No.4: 355-374.
137787 The Republican ideal?: National minorities and the criminal justice system in contemporary France/Devah Pager.- Punishment and Society. 2008; Vol.10, No.4: 375-400.
137788 Punishment and the cultural limits to state power in late 18th-century Britain/James J. Willis.- Punishment and Society. 2008; Vol.10, No.4: 401-428.
137789 Late-modern rehabilitation: The evolution of a penal strategy/Gwen Robinson.- Punishment and Society. 2008; Vol.10, No.4: 429-445.
137790 Measurement of prison social climate: A comparison of an inmate measure in England and the USA/Michael W. Ross … [et al.].- Punishment and Society. 2008; Vol.10, No.4: 447-474.
137791 Governing through crime as commonsense racism: Race, space, and death penalty reform in Delaware/Benjamin D. Fleury-Steiner, Kerry Dunn, Ruth Fleury-Steiner.- Punishment and Society. 2009; Vol.11, No.1: 5-24.
137792 Punitive attitudes toward criminals: Exploring the relevance of crime salience and economic insecurity/Michael T. Costelloe, Ted Chiricos, Marc Gertz.- Punishment and Society. 2009; Vol.11, No.1: 25-49.
137793 Anger about crime and support for punitive criminal justice policies/Devon Johnson.- Punishment and Society. 2009; Vol.11, No.4: 51-66.
137794 Theorizing fines/Pat O’Malley.- Punishment and Society. 2009; Vol.11, No.1: 67-83.
137795 Accountable to what?: Professional orientations towards accountability-based juvenile justice/Geoff Ward, Aaron Kupchik.- Punishment and Society. 2009; Vol.11, No.1: 85-109.
137796 The transfer of sentenced persons in Europe: Much ado about reintegration/Eveline De Wree, Tom Vander Beken, Gert Vermeulen.- Punishment and Society. 2009; Vol.11, No.1: 111-128.
137797 Is a conservative just a liberal who has been mugged?: Exploring the origins of punitive views/Anna King, Shadd Maruna.- Punishment and Society. 2009; Vol.11, No.2: 147-169.
137798 The subjects of criminal identification/George Pavlich.- Punishment and Society. 2009; Vol.11, No.2: 171-190.
137799 Heuristic influences over offense seriousness calculations: A multilevel investigation of racial disparity under sentencing guidelines/Paula Kautt.- Punishment and Society. 2009; Vol.11, No.2: 191-218.
137800 Sex offender as homo sacer/Dale Spencer.- Punishment and Society. 2009; Vol.11, No.2: 219-240.
137801 Ice cream and incarceration: On appetites for security and punishment/Ian Loader.- Punishment and Society. 2009; Vol.11, No.2: 241-257.
137802 Things are tough all over: Race, ethnicity, class and school discipline/Aaron Kupchik.- Punishment and Society. 2009; Vol.11, No.3: 291-317.
137803 When is an offender not an offender?: Power, the client and shifting penal subjectivities/Erin Donohue, Dawn Moore.- Punishment and Society. 2009; Vol.11, No.3: 319-336.
137804 Executing Charles Starkweather: Lethal punishment in an age of rehabilitation/Daniel Lachance.- Punishment and Society. 2009; Vol.11, No.3: 337-358.
137805 Policing after the crisis: Crime, safety and the vulnerable public/Stuart Waiton.- Punishment and Society. 2009; Vol.11, No.3: 359-376.
137806 Explanations of American punishment policies: A national history/Michael Tonry.- Punishment and Society. 2009; Vol.11, No.3: 377-394.
137807 Risk, responsibility and reconfiguration: Penal adaptation and misadaptation/Fergus McNeill … [et al.].- Punishment and Society. 2009; Vol.11, No.4: 419-442.
137808 The political economy of risk and the new governance of youth crime/Patricia Gray.- Punishment and Society. 2009; Vol.11, No.4: 443-458.
137809 The relevance of inmate race/ethnicity versus population composition for understanding prison rule violations/Benjamin Steiner, John Wooldredge.- Punishment and Society. 2009; Vol.11, No.4: 459-489.
137810 Constructing crime, framing disaster: Routines of criminalization and crisis in Hurricane Katrina/Dan Berger.- Punishment and Society. 2009; Vol.11, No.4: 491-510.
137811 Ontological insecurity and terror management: Linking two free-floating anxieties/Fenna Van Marle, Shadd Maruna.- Punishment and Society. 2010; Vol.12, No.1: 7-26.
137812 French prisons of yesteryear and today: Two conflicting modernities – a socio-historical view/Gilles Chantraine.- Punishment and Society. 2010; Vol.12, No.1: 27-46.
137813 Pastoral power as penal resistance: Foucault and the Groupe d’Information sur les Prisons/Michael Welch.- Punishment and Society. 2010; Vol.12, No.1: 47-63.
137814 To max or not to max: Dealing with high risk prisoners in the Netherlands and England and Wales/Roy D. King, Sandra L. Resodihardjo.- Punishment and Society. 2010; Vol.12, No.1: 65-84.
137815 Victim movements at a crossroad/Nils Christie.- Punishment and Society. 2010; Vol.12, No.2: 115-122.
137816 Detained in occupied Iraq: Deciphering the narratives for neocolonial internment/Michael Welch.- Punishment and Society. 2010; Vol.12, No.2: 123-146.
137817 Immigration control, post-Fordism, and less eligibility: A materialist critique of the criminalization of immigration across Europe/Alessandro De Giorgi.- Punishment and Society. 2010; Vol.12, No.2: 147-167.
137818 Return to sender?: Administrative detention of irregular migrants in Germany and the Netherlands/Dennis Broeders.- Punishment and Society. 2010; Vol.12, No.2: 169-186.
137819 Never too late: Public optimism about juvenile rehabilitation/Alex R. Piquero … [et al.].- Punishment and Society. 2010; Vol.12, No.2: 187-207.
137820 Invisible inequality, million dollar blocks, and extra-legal punishment: A review of recent contributions to mass incarceration scholarship/Sara Wakefield.- Punishment and Society. 2010; Vol.12, No.2: 209-215.
137821 Connecting legal and social justice in the neo-liberal world? The construction, interpretation and use of pre-sentence reports/Stewart Field, Cyrus Tata.- Punishment and Society. 2010; Vol.12, No.3: 235-238.
137822 A sense of justice: The role of pre-sentence reports in the production (and disruption) of guilt and guilty pleas/Cyrus Tata.- Punishment and Society. 2010; Vol.12, No.3: 239-261.
137823 Re-contextualizing pre-sentence reports: Risk and race/Kelly Hannah-Moffat, Paula Maurutto.- Punishment and Society. 2010; Vol.12, No.3: 262-286.
137824 Reading and writing youth justice in Italy and (England and) Wales/Stewart Field, David Nelken.- Punishment and Society. 2010; Vol.12, No.3: 287-308.
137825 Encounters of a different kind: Social enquiry and sentencing in Belgium/Kristel Beyens, Veerle Scheirs.- Punishment and Society. 2010; Vol.12, No.3: 309-328.
137826 Resisting risk assessment? Pre-sentence reports and individualized sentencing in Denmark/Rasmus H. Wandall.- Punishment and Society. 2010; Vol.12, No.3: 329-347.
137827 Pre-sentence reports, magisterial discourse and agency in the Youth Courts in England and Wales/Jo Phoenix.- Punishment and Society. 2010; Vol.12, No.3: 348-366.
137828 The costly consequences of populist posturing: ASBOs, victims, rebalancing and diminution in support for civil liberties/Michael Tonry.- Punishment and Society. 2010; Vol.12, No.4: 387-413.
137829 Remorse and the production of truth/Joane Martel.- Punishment and Society. 2010; Vol.12, No.4: 414-437.
137830 The conditional effects of victim and offender ethnicity and victim gender on sentences for non-capital cases/Theodore R Curry.- Punishment and Society. 2010; Vol.12, No.4: 438-462.
137831 Global support for the death penalty/James Unnever.- Punishment and Society. 2010; Vol.12, No.4: 463-484.
137832 Government policy on women offenders: Labour’s legacy and the Coalition’s challenge/Carol Hedderman.- Punishment and Society. 2010; Vol.12, No.4: 485-500.
137833 Reentry as a rite of passage/Shadd Maruna.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.1: 3-28.
137834 Conditions of a successful status graduation ceremony: Formerly incarcerated urban youth and their tenuous grip on success/Jamie J Fader.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.1: 29-46.
137835 The hidden food: Mealtime resistance and identity work in a Norwegian prison/Thomas Ugelvik.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.1: 47-63.
137836 Neighborhood context of attitudes toward crime and reentry/Andrea Leverentz.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.1: 64-92.
137837 Review Symposium on Nicola Lacey, The Prisoners’ Dilemma: Political Economy and Punishment in Contemporary Democracies/Nicola Lacey.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.1: 93-120.
137838 Global politics and local culture: A response to Nicola Lacey/Lesley McAra.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.1: 96-104.
137839 Explaining differences in European prison rates: A comment on Lacey’s The Prisoners’ Dilemma/David Nelken.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.1: 104-114.
137840 Against penal inflation Comment on Nicola Lacey’s The Prisoners’ Dilemma/David Downes.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.1: 114-120.
137841 Human rights as risk: UK prisons and the management of risk and rights/Noel Whitty.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.2: 123-148.
137842 Gaining insight, changing attitudes and managing risk: Parole release decisions for women convicted of violent crimes/Kelly Hannah-Moffat, Carolyn Yule.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.2: 149-175.
137843 Psychological well-being of incarcerated women in the Netherlands: Importation or deprivation?/Anne-Marie Slotboom … [et al.].- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.2: 176-197.
137844 Punitive penal preferences and support for welfare: Applying the governance of social marginality thesis to the individual level/Ashley T. Rubin.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.2: 198-229.
137845 Reflections on social values, offending and desistance among young adult recidivists/Joanna Shapland, Anthony Bottoms.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.3: 256-282.
137846 Are there still Contrasts in Tolerance? Imprisonment in the Netherlands and England 20 years later/Candace Kruttschnitt, Anja Dirkzwager.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.3: 283-306.
137847 Imprisonment and internment: Comparing penal institutions North and South/Christopher Birkbeck.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.3: 307-332.
137848 Citizenship and punishment: Situating death penalty jury sentencing/Sarah Beth Kaufman.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.3: 333-353.
137849 Support for the death penalty: Chinese and American college students compared/Yuning Wu, Ivan Y. Sun, Zongxian Wu.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.3: 354-376.
137850 Secondary narratives in the aftermath of crime: Defining family members’ relationships with prisoners/Johnna Christian, Leslie W. Kennedy.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.4: 379-402.
137851 Traumatization and mental distress in long-term prisoners in Europe/Manuela Dudeck … [et al.].- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.4: 403-423.
137852 Constructing the public will: How political actors in New York State construct, assess, and use public opinion in penal policy making/Elizabeth K. Brown.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.4: 424-450.
137853 The polysemy of punishment memorialization: Dark tourism and Ontario’s penal history museums/Kevin Walby, Justin Piche.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.4: 451-472.
137854 Crime or insecurity: Who is the state? And what is it responding to?/Heather Schoenfeld.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.4: 473-479.
137855 Class and criminal justice in neoliberal times: Wacquant dissects the penal state/Ron Levi.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.4: 480-488.
137856 Depth, weight, tightness: Revisiting the pains of imprisonment/Ben Crewe.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.5: 509-529.
137857 Moral performance, inhuman and degrading treatment and prison pain/Alison Liebling.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.5: 530-550.
137858 Women’s survival post-imprisonment: Connecting imprisonment with pains past and present/Bree Carlton, Marie Segrave.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.5: 551-570.
137859 Narratives of self and identity in women’s prisons: Stigma and the struggle for self-definition in penal regimes/Abigail Rowe.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.5: 571-591.
137860 Doing the programme or doing me? The pains of youth imprisonment/Alexandra Cox.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.5: 592-610.
137861 Architectures of incarceration: The spatial pains of imprisonment/Philip Hancock, Yvonne Jewkes.- Punishment and Society. 2011; Vol.13, No.5: 611-629.
137862 Are criminal convictions a public matter? The USA and Spain/James B. Jacobs, Elena Larrauri.- Punishment and Society. 2012; Vol.14, No.1: 3-28.
137863 Unsettling the discourse of punishment? Competing narratives of reentry and the possibilities for change/Sara Steen, Traci Lacock, Shelby McKinzey.- Punishment and Society. 2012; Vol.14, No.1: 29-50.
137864 It ain’t nothing like America with the Bloods and the Crips: Gang narratives inside two English prisons/Coretta Phillips.- Punishment and Society. 2012; Vol.14, No.1: 51-68.
137865 Making the criminal addict: Subjectivity and social control in a strong-arm rehab/Teresa Gowan, Sarah Whetstone.- Punishment and Society. 2012; Vol.14, No.1: 69-93.
137866 Taking rehabilitation seriously: Creativity, science, and the challenge of offender change/Francis T. Cullen.- Punishment and Society. 2012; Vol.14, No.1: 94-114.
137867 State monopoly of permitted violation of human rights: The decision of the Supreme Court of Israel prohibiting the private operation and management of prisons/Richard Harding.- Punishment and Society. 2012; Vol.14, No.2: 131-146.
137868 A matter of judgement: The effect of information and deliberation on public attitudes to punishment/David Indermaur … [et al.].- Punishment and Society. 2012; Vol.14, No.2: 147-165.
137869 The governance of sexual offending across Europe: Penal policies, political economies and the institutionalization of risk/Anne-Marie McAlinden.- Punishment and Society. 2012; Vol.14, No.2: 166-192.
137870 Less interest, less treatment: Mexican-American youth and the Los Angeles Juvenile Court in the Great Depression era/Michael B. Schlossman.- Punishment and Society. 2012; Vol.14, No.2: 193-216.
137871 A contemporary study of the decision to incarcerate white-collar and street property offenders/Shanna Van Slyke, William D. Bales.- Punishment and Society. 2012; Vol.14, No.2: 217-246.
137872 Structured sentencing: Lessons from England and Wales for common law jurisdictions/Julian V. Roberts.- Punishment and Society. 2012; Vol.14, No.3: 267-288.
137873 Social instability and reaction to deviance: A multilevel analysis of the Swiss lifelong detention initiative/Vincent Garin.- Punishment and Society. 2012; Vol.14, No.3: 289-314.
137874 Putting a price on prisoner release: The history of bail and a possible future of parole/Shadd Maruna, Dean Dabney, Volkan Topalli.- Punishment and Society. 2012; Vol.14, No.3: 315-337.
137875 Father and son: Two generations through prison/Mark Halsey, Simone Deegan.- Punishment and Society. 2012; Vol.14, No.3: 338-367.
137876 Empathy and punishment/Michelle Brown.- Punishment and Society. 2012; Vol.14, No.4: 383-401.
137877 Civil death: An examination of ex-felon disenfranchisement and reintegration/Bryan Lee Miller, Joseph F Spillane.- Punishment and Society. 2012; Vol.14, No.4: 402-428.
137878 The children of immigrants’ diminishing perceptions of just and fair punishment/Anthony A Peguero.- Punishment and Society. 2012; Vol.14, No.4: 429-451.
137879 Emotions about crime and attitudes to punishment/Timothy F Hartnagel, Laura J Templeton.- Punishment and Society. 2012; Vol.14, No.4: 452-474.
137880 The state of the job: An embedded work role perspective on prison officer attitudes/Amy E Lerman, Joshua Page.- Punishment and Society. 2012; Vol.14, No.5: 503-529.
137881 Parole, snitch, or die: California’s supermax prisons and prisoners, 1997-2007/Keramet A Reiter.- Punishment and Society. 2012; Vol.14, No.5: 530-563.
137882 Prisoner reintegration and the stigma of prison time inscribed on the body/Dominique Moran.- Punishment and Society. 2012; Vol.14, No.5: 564-583.
137883 Penal tourism and the dream of order: Exhibiting early penology in Argentina and Australia/Michael Welch.- Punishment and Society. 2012; Vol.14, No.5: 584-615.
137884 The impact of timing and frequency of parental criminal behaviour and risk factors on offspring offending/Sytske Besemer.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.1: 78-99.
137885 The sexual lives of sexual offenders: the link between childhood sexual victimization and non-criminal sexual lifestyles between types of offenders/Jesse Cale, Benoit Leclerc, Stephen Smallbone.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.1: 37-60.
137886 The mediating role of moral disengagement in the developmental course from peer rejection in adolescence to crime in early adulthood/Reid Griffith Fontaine, Roberta Fida, Marinella Paciello, Marie S. Tisak, Gian Vittorio Caprara.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.1: 1-9.
137887 Treatment perspectives on interned mentally ill offenders in a forensic psychiatric center (FPC): a Delphi study on experts opinions/Wing Ting To, Stijn Vandevelde, Veerle Soyez, Stefaan De Smet, Anja Boers, Stijn Vanheule.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.1: 61-77.
137888 Detecting concealed information: The role of individual differences in executive functions and social desirability/George Visu-Petra, Mircea Miclea, Ioan Bus, Laura Visu-Petra.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.2: 20-36.
137889 Potential labeling effects: influence of psychopathy diagnosis, defendant age, and defendant gender on mock jurors decisions/Julie Blais, Adelle E. Forth.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.2: 116-134.
137890 Empathy as a predictor of recidivism among young adult offenders/Eva M. Bock, Daniela Hosser.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.2: 101-115.
137891 Typologies, risk and recidivism in partner-violent men with the B-SAFER: a pilot study/Ismael Loinaz.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.2: 183-198.
137892 The Good Lives Model new directions for preventative practice with children?/Lucy Wainwright, Claire Nee.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.2: 166-182.
137893 A social psychological critique of the Saudi terrorism risk reduction initiative/Michael J. Williams, Samuel C. Lindsey.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.2: 135-151.
137894 Criminal attitudes and psychopathic personality attributes of youth gang offenders in Singapore/Chi Meng Chu, Michael Daffern, Stuart D.M. Thomas, Yaming Ang, Mavis Long.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.3: 284-301.
137895 The online dating romance scam: causes and consequences of victimhood/Tom Buchanan, Monica T. Whitty.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.3: 261-283.
137896 The effects of mortality salience and evidence strength on death penalty sentencing decisions/Joel D. Lieberman, Jared Shoemaker, Daniel A. Krauss.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.3: 199-221.
137897 Plea bargaining and appraisals of eyewitness evidence by prosecutors and defense attorneys/Kathy Pezdek, Matthew OBrien.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.3: 221-242.
137898 Framing and perceptions of stalking: the influence of conduct severity and the perpetrator target relationship/Adrian J. Scott, Nikki Rajakaruna, Lorraine Sheridan.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.3: 242-260.
137899 Equipping witnesses with transferable skills: the Self-Administered Interview‎ش/Julie Gawrylowicz, Amina Memon, Alan Scoboria.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.4: 315-325.
137900 Are individuals familiarity judgments diagnostic of prior contact?/Kathy Pezdek, Stacia Stolzenberg.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.4: 302-314.
137901 You shouldn’t feel that way! Extending the emotional victim effect through the mediating role of expectancy violation/Kim M. E. Lens, Janne van Doorn, Antony Pemberton, Stefan Bogaerts.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.4: 326-338.
137902 Geographical profiling in a novel context: prioritising the search for New Zealand sex offfenders/Laura Hammond.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.4: 358-371.
137903 Are children less reliable at making visual identifications than adults?/Catriona Havard.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.4: 372-388.
137904 On the power of secondary confession evidence/Stacy Ann Wetmore, Jeffrey S. Neuschatz, Scott D. Gronlund.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.4: 339-357.
137905 Children’s reporting patterns after witnessing homicidal violence the effect of repeated experience and repeated interviews/Azade Azad, Sven-Ake Christianson, Heidi Selenius.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.5: 407-429.
137906 A new conceptual framework for revenge firesetting/Magali Barnoux, Theresa A. Gannon.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.5: 497-513.
137907 SCAN is largely driven by 12 criteria: results from sexual abuse statements/Glynis Bogaard, Ewout H. Meijer, Aldert Vrij, Nick J. Broers, Harald Merckelbach.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.5: 430-449.
137908 Deceptive behaviour and instrumental violence among psychopathic and non-psychopathic violent forensic psychiatric patients/Jenny Laurell, Henrik Belfrage, Ake Hellstr‎نm.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.5: 467-479.
137909 Terrorists planning of attacks: a simulated red-team investigation into decision-making/David Romyn, Mark Kebbell.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.5: 480-496.
137910 Validation of the factor structure and predictive validity of the Forensic Evidence Evaluation Bias Scale for robbery and sexual assault trial scenarios/Lisa L. Smith, Ray Bull.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.5: 450-466.
137911 Offender demographics and geographical characteristics by offender means of transportation in serial residential burglaries/Shumpei Haginoya.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.6: 515-534.
137912 Might informative media reporting of sexual offending influence community members’ attitudes towards sex offenders?/Sanna Malinen, Gwenda M. Willis, Lucy Johnston.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.6: 535-552.
137913 Assessment of public attitudes towards sex offenders in an Australian population/Michaela Shackley, Carlye Weiner, Andrew Day, Gwenda M. Willis.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.6: 553-572.
137914 A systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of European drug treatment programmes on reoffending/Johann A. Koehler, David K. Humphreys, Thomas D. Akoensi, Olga Sanchez de Ribera, Friedrich Losel.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.6: 584-602.
137915 Are you as good as me at telling a story? Individual differences in interpersonal reality monitoring/Galit Nahari, Aldert Vrij.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.6: 573-583.
137916 Comparing the effects of explicit and implicit false-evidence ploys on Mock Jurors verdicts, sentencing recommendations, and perceptions of police interrogation/William D. Woody, Krista D. Forrest, Sarah Yendra.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.6: 603-617.
137917 Press articles and influence processes: the different effects of incriminating information and crime story information on judgments of guilt/Rafa‎قle Dumas, Nadia Lepastourel, Benoit Teste.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.7: 659-672.
137918 I’d know a false confession if I saw one: a constructive replication with juveniles/Charles R. Honts, Saul M. Kassin, Ronald A. Craig.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.7: 695-704.
137919 The attribution of responsibility in cases of stalking/Adrian J. Scott, Jeff Gavin, Emma Sleath, Lorraine Sheridan.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.7: 705-721.
137920 Police interviewing styles and confessions in Japan/Taeko Wachi, Kazumi Watanabe, Kaeko Yokota, Yusuke Otsuka, Hiroki Kuraishi, Michael Lamb.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.7: 673-694.
137921 The effects of immediate recall on eyewitness accuracy and susceptibility to misinformation/Emyo Wang, Helen Paterson, Richard Kemp.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.7: 619-634.
137922 What can social and environmental factors tell us about the risk of offending by people with intellectual disabilities?/Jessica R. Wheeler, Isabel C.H. Clare, Anthony J. Holland.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.7: 635-658.
137923 Female perpetrators of child sexual abuse: characteristics of the offender and victim/Ashling Bourke, Sally Doherty, Orla McBride, Karen Morgan, Hannah McGee.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.8: 769-780.
137924 Feeling guilty to remain innocent: the moderating effect of sex on guilt responses to rule-violating behavior in adolescent legal socialization/Lindsey M. Cole, Ellen S. Cohn, Cesar J. Rebellon, Karen T. Van Gundy.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.8: 722-740.
137925 Psychological effects of criminal proceedings through contact with the judge: the moderating effect of legal system structure/Malini Laxminarayan.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.8: 781-797.
137926 Remembering remotely: would video-mediation impair witnesses memory reports?/Robert A. Nash, Kate A. Houston, Kate Ryan, Nigel Woodger.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.8: 756-768.
137927 Recent Supreme Court of Canada rulings on criminal defendants right to counsel/Marc W. Patry, Steven M. Smith, Nicole M. Adams.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.8: 741-755.
137928 Expectations about victim and offender behaviour during stranger rape/Emma Sleath, Jessica Woodhams.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.8: 798-820.
137929 Practitioner perspectives on rapport building during child investigative interviews/Kimberly Collins, Gwyneth Doherty-Sneddon, Martin J. Doherty.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.9: 884-901.
137930 Can order of general and specific memory prompts help children to recall an instance of a repeated event that was different from the others?/Deborah A. Connolly, Heidi M. Gordon.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.9: 852-864.
137931 Posttraumatic stress disorder symptom severity and fear of personal crime: exploring their interrelationship as a function of risk estimation/M.J.J. Kunst, B.W.C. Zwirs.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.9: 921-932.
137932 Individual differences in the Enhanced Cognitive Interview: the role of imagery/Raffaella Nori, Luca Bensi, Elisa Gambetti, Fiorella Giusberti.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.9: 833-855.
137933 Accumulating meaning, purpose and opportunities to change drip by drip: the impact of being a listener in prison/Christian Perrin, Nicholas Blagden.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.9: 902-920.
137934 Assessing psychopathy in young people: the validity of the Psychopathic Checklist: Youth Version for a sample of Spanish offenders/P. Villar-Torres, M.A. Luengo, E. Romero, J. Sobral, X.A. Gomez-Fraguela.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.9: 865-883.
137935 Reducing the risk of insurance fraud by appearances of online surveillance/Marek Palasinski, Sonia Svoboda.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.9: 821-832.
137936 Cyberstalking versus off-line stalking in a forensic sample/Cristina Cavezza,Troy E. McEwan.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.10: 955-970.
137937 Who made the disclosure? Recorded discussions between children and caretakers suspecting child abuse/Julia Korkman, Aino Juusola, Pekka Santtila.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.10: 994-1004.
137938 Providing eyewitnesses with initial retrieval support: what works at immediate and subsequent recall?/Alana C. Krix, Melanie Sauerland, Fiona Gabbert, Lorraine Hope.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.10: 1005-1027.
137939 The endorsement of cognitive distortions: comparing child pornography offenders and contact sex offenders/Hannah L. Merdian, Cate Curtis, Jo Thakker, Nick Wilson, Douglas P. Boer.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.10: 971-993.
137940 Maladaptive emotion regulation and aggression in adult offenders/Terri Roberton, Michael Daffern, Romola S. Bucks.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2014; Vol.20, No.10: 933-954.
137941 Identification on the street: a field comparison of police street identifications and video line-ups in England/Josh P. Davis, Tim Valentine, Amina Memon, Andrew J. Roberts.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.1: 9-27.
137942 The influence of defendant race and victim physical attractiveness on juror decision-making in a sexual assault trial/Evelyn M. Maeder, Susan Yamamoto, Paula Saliba.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.1: 62-79.
137943 Psychologists and psychiatrists serving as expert witnesses in court: what do they know about eyewitness memory?/Annika Melinder, Svein Magnussen.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.1: 53-61.
137944 Simulations of child sexual abuse interviews using avatars paired with feedback improves interview quality/Francesco Pompedda, Angelo Zappala, Pekka Santtila.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.1: 28-52.
137945 Assessing dynamic risk and protective factors in the community: examining the validity of the Dynamic Risk Assessment for Offender Re-entry/Julia A. Yesberg, Devon L.L. Polaschek.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.1: 80-99.
137946 Commitment, crime, and the responsive bystander: effect of the commitment form and conformism/Nicolas Gueguen, Mickael Dupre, Patrice Georget, Cecile Senemeaud.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.1: 1-8.
137947 Stigma and wrongful conviction: all exonerees are not perceived equal/Kimberley A. Clow, Amy-May Leach.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.2: 172-185.
137948 I’m a photographer, not a terrorist: the use of photography to detect deception/Shyma Jundi, Aldert Vrij, Samantha Mann, Jackie Hillman, Lorraine Hope.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.2: 114-126.
137949 Criminal defendants satisfaction with lawyers: perceptions of procedural fairness and effort of the lawyer/E. Raaijmakers, J.W. de Keijser, P. Nieuwbeerta, A.J.E. Dirkzwager.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.2: 186-201.
137950 The importance of looking credible: the impact of the behavioural sequelae of post-traumatic stress disorder on the credibility of asylum seekers/Hannah Rogers, Simone Fox, Jane Herlihy.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.2: 139-155.
137951 Dynamic risk factors: a theoretical dead-end?/Tony Ward, Anthony R. Beech.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.2: 100-113.
137952 High stakes lies: police and non-police accuracy in detecting deception/Clea Wright Whelan, Graham Wagstaff, Jacqueline M. Wheatcroft.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.2: 127-138.
137953 Procedural justice policing and citizen compliance behaviour: the importance of emotion/Julie M. Barkworth, Kristina Murphy.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.3: 254-273.
137954 Participant gender, stalking myth acceptance, and gender role stereotyping in perceptions of intimate partner stalking: a structural equation modeling approach/Emily E. Dunlap, Kellie Rose Lynch, Jennifer A. Jewell, Nesa E. Wasarhaley, Jonathan M. Golding.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.3: 234-253.
137955 Investigating mug shot commitment/Charles A. Goodsell, Scott D. Gronlund, Jeffrey S. Neuschatz.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.3: 219-233.
137956 Cops and robbers (and eyewitnesses): a comparison of lineup administration by robbery detectives in the USA and Canada/Edie Greene, Andrew J. Evelo.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.3: 297-313.
137957 A critique of current child molester subcategories: a proposal for an alternative approach/W.L. Marshall, S. Smallbone, L.E. Marshall.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.3: 205-218.
137958 Young children’s responses to cross-examination style questioning: the effects of delay and subsequent questioning/Saskia Righarts, Fiona Jack, Rachel Zajac, Harlene Hayne.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.3: 274-296.
137959 Personality traits and coping styles in UK police officers. Do negotiators differ from their non-negotiator colleagues?/Amy Grubb, Sarah Brown, Peter Hall.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.4: 347-374.
137960 An examination of program integrity and recidivism of a cognitive-behavioral program for incarcerated youth in The Netherlands/Petra Helmond, Geertjan Overbeek, Daniel Brugman.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.4: 330-346.
137961 The relationship between aggressive behaviour in prison and violent offending following release/Jessica L. Mooney, Michael Daffern.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.4: 314-329.
137962 Perceptions and personal experiences of unwanted attention among Portuguese male students/Filipa Pereira, Marlene Matos, Lorraine Sheridan, Adrian J. Scott.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.4: 398-411.
137963 How do offenders move through the stages of change?/Abigail Dawn Yong, Mei Wah M. Williams, Hagan Provan, Dave Clarke, Gordon Sinclair.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.4: 375-395.
137964 How do offenders move through the/Oliver Genschow, Thomas Noll, Michaela W‎عnke, Robert Gersbach.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.5: 482-489.
137965 Measuring public perceptions of sex offenders: reimagining the Community Attitudes Toward Sex Offenders (CATSO) scale/Craig A. Harper, Todd E. Hogue.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.5: 452-470.
137966 New methods for examining expertise in burglars in natural and simulated environments: preliminary findings/Claire Nee, Martin White, Kirk Woolford, Tudor Pascu, Leon Barker, Lucy Wainwright.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.5: 507-513.
137967 Low self-control, gender, race, and offending in late life/Scott E. Wolfe.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.5: 426-451.
137968 Age and lineup type differences in the own-race bias/Lindsey E. Wylie, Shaina Bergt, Joshua Haby, Eve M. Brank, Brian H. Bornstein.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.5: 490-506.
137969 Cigarette cravings impair mock jurors recall of trial evidence/Daniel V. Zuj, Matthew A. Palmer, Eva Kemps.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.5: 413-425.
137970 The effect of odour reinstatement on children’s episodic memory/Emma Roos af Hjelms‎عter, Sara Landstrom, Maria Larsson, Par Anders Granhag.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.5: 471-481.
137971 Adult-perpetrated animal abuse: development of a proclivity scale/Emma Alleyne, Laura Tilston, Charlotte Parfitt, Roxanne Butcher.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.5: 570-588.
137972 Testing the impact of group offending on behavioural similarity in serial robbery/Amy Burrell, Ray Bull, John Bond, Gary Herrington.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.6: 551-569.
137973 Predicting individual differences in criminal attitudes from offender characteristics: a study among Dutch prisoners/Veroni I. Eichelsheim, Paul Nieuwbeerta, Anja J.E. Dirkzwager, Joni Reef, Ruben De Cuyper.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.6: 531-550.
137974 Detecting truth in suspect interviews: the effect of use of evidence (early and gradual) and time delay on Criteria-Based Content Analysis, Reality Monitoring and inconsistency within suspect statements/Alice Jennifer McDougall, Ray Bull.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.6: 514-530.
137975 The role of moral disengagement in street gang offending/Rebecca Niebieszczanski, Leigh Harkins, Sian Judson, Kenny Smith, Louise Dixon.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.6: 589-605.
137976 Examining the psychopathology of incarcerated male firesetters using the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III/Caoilte O Ciardha, Emma K.A. Alleyne, Nichola Tyler, Magali F.L. Barnoux, Katarina Mozova, Theresa A. Gannon.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.6: 606-616.
137977 Risky remote purchasing and identity theft victimization among older Internet users/Kristy Holtfreter, Michael D. Reisig, Travis C. Pratt, Robert E. Holtfreter.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.7: 681-698.
137978 Automated insights: verbal cues to deception in real-life high-stakes lies/Sarah M. McQuaid, Michael Woodworth, Erin L. Hutton, Stephen Porter, Leanne ten Brinke.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.7: 617-631.
137979 Adaptation of the Basic Empathy Scale among a Portuguese sample of incarcerated juvenile offenders/Pedro Pechorro, James V. Ray, Christopher P. Salas-Wright, Joao Maroco, Rui Abrunhosa Goncalves.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.7: 699-714.
137980 Deficits in Theory of Mind, empathic understanding and moral reasoning: a comparison between young offenders and non-offenders/Karin A. Spenser, Lucy R. Betts, Mani Das Gupta.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.7: 632-647.
137981 Interviewing suspects: examining the association between skills, questioning, evidence disclosure, and interview outcomes/Dave Walsh, Ray Bull.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.7: 661-680.
137982 Encouraging eyewitnesses to falsely corroborate allegations: effects of rapport-building and incriminating evidence/Deborah S. Wright, Robert A. Nash, Kimberley A. Wade.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.7: 648-660.
137983 Old and very old adults as witnesses: event memory and metamemory/Mats Dahl, Carl Martin Allwood, Benjamin Scimone, Mikael Rennemark.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.8: 764-775.
137984 The observation of mental disorder and dangerousness in arsonists: a contemporary appraisal of changes in Dutch forensic mental health cases/Lydia Dalhuisen, Frans Koenraadt.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.8: 734-764.
137985 Delusional infestation/parasitosis and the law: a review/Matan Shelomi.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.8: 747-763.
137986 Characteristics that predict firesetting in male and female mentally disordered offenders/Nichola Tyler, Theresa A. Gannon, Geoffrey L. Dickens, Lona Lockerbie.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.8: 776-797.
137987 Evaluating the probative value of facial composites by laypeople and prosecutor apprentices/Joanna Kabzinska.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.8: 715-733.
137988 Field study of response accuracy and decision confidence with regard to lineup composition and lineup presentation/Ines Sucic, Danijela Tokic, Miljana Ivesic.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.8: 798-819.
137989 The characteristics of un-apprehended firesetters living in the UK community/Emma R. Barrowcliffe, Theresa A. Gannon.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.9: 836-853.
137990 The effects of harm to and sympathy for the victim on punitive attitudes: evidence from a factorial survey/Michael Hanslmaier, Dirk Baier.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.9: 890-900.
137991 Psychometric properties of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale version 11 among a Portuguese sample of incarcerated juvenile offenders/Pedro Pechorro, Joao Maroco, James V. Ray, Rui Abrunhosa Goncalves.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.9: 854-870.
137992 Problems in expert deception detection and the risk of false confessions: no proof to the contrary in Levine et al. (2014)/Aldert Vrij, Christian A. Meissner, Saul M. Kassin.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.9: 901-909.
137993 Generalized linear mixed models for deception research: avoiding problematic data aggregation/Ian J. Watkins, Kristy A. Martire.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.9: 821-835.
137994 Examining legal authoritarianism in the impact of punishment severity on juror decisions/Angela M. Jones, Shayne Jones, Steven Penrod.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.10: 639-651.
137995 Mighty Morphin age progression: how artist, age range, and morphing influences the similarity of forensic age progressions to target individuals/James Michael Lampinen, William Blake Erickson, Charlie Frowd, Gregory Mahoney.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.10: 952-967.
137996 Disturbed sleep as a risk factor for aggression in prisoners with a psychotic illness: a brief report/Jesse Meijers, Joke M. Harte, Frederique V. Scherder.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.10: 968-972.
137997 Can someone fabricate verifiable details when planning in advance? It all depends on the crime scenario/Galit Nahari, Aldert Vrij.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.10: 987-999.
137998 Reinforced self-affirmation as a method for reducing the eyewitness misinformation effect/Malwina Szpitalak, Romuald Polczyk.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.10: 911-938.
137999 Implementing violence and incident reporting measures on a forensic mental health unit/Phil Woods, Mark Olver, Marelize Muller.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2015; Vol.21, No.10: 973-986.
138000 Dynamic risk factors: scientific kinds or predictive constructs/Tony Ward.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.1-2: 2-16.
138001 Putting risk factors in their place: an evolutionary-developmental approach to understanding risk/Russil Durrant.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.1-2: 17-32.
138002 A conceptual kaleidoscope: contemplating dynamic structural risk and an uncoupling of risk from need/Kelly Hannah-Moffat.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.1-2: 33-46.
138003 Dysfunctional expertise and its relationship with dynamic risk factors in offenders/Zarah Vernham, Claire Nee.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.1-2: 47-67.
138004 Problems in the measurement of dynamic risk factors in sexual offenders/Anthony R. Beech, Helen C. Wakeling, Filip Szumski, Nick Freemantle.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.1-2: 68-83.
138005 Challenges for the theory and application of dynamic risk factors/Jacinta R. Cording, Sarah M. Beggs Christofferson, Randolph C. Grace.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.1-2: 84-103.
138006 Dynamic risk and sexual offending: the conundrum of assessment/Sharon Casey.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.1-2: 104-123.
138007 Understanding dynamic risk factors for violence/Gabrielle Klepfisz, Michael Daffern, Andrew Day.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.1-2: 124-137.
138008 Developing a theory of dynamic risk/David Thornton.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.1-2: 138-150.
138009 Dynamic risk and protective factors/Ralph C. Serin, Nick Chadwick, Caleb D. Lloyd.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.1-2: 151-170.
138010 Desistance and dynamic risk factors belong together/Devon L. L. Polaschek.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.1-2: 171-189.
138011 The making of an expert detective: the role of experience in English and Norwegian police officers investigative decision-making/Ivar Fahsing, Karl Ask.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.3: 203-223.
138012 Perceived police legitimacy: investigating its association with college-based informal social controls/Frank Valentino Ferdik, Jon Gist, Nick Blasco.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.3: 252-275.
138013 Exploring the residual effects of malingering in mock victims of violent crime: an experimental vignette study/M. J. J. Kunst, M. Aarts, J. Frolijk, R. Poelwijk.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.3: 238-251.
138014 Can you keep a secret? Introducing the RT-based Concealed Information Test to children/Laura Visu-Petra, Ovidiu Jurje, Oana Ciornei, George Visu-Petra.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.3: 276-301.
138015 Characteristics and offences of women with borderline personality disorder in forensic psychiatry: a multicentre study/Julie Karsten, Vivienne de Vogel, Marike Lancel.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.3: 224-237.
138016 The effect of choice reversals on blindness for identification decisions/Anna Sagana, Melanie Sauerland, Harald Merckelbach.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.4: 303-314.
138017 Coercion, competence, and consent in offenders with personality disorder/J. Zlodre, J. Yiend, T. Burns, S. Fazel.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.4: 315-330.
138018 Intensive psychological treatment of high-risk violent offenders: Outcomes and pre-release mechanisms/Devon L. L. Polaschek, Julia A. Yesberg, Rebecca K. Bell, Allanah R. Casey,  Sophie R. Dickson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.4: 344-365.
138019 The enhanced cognitive interview: expressions of uncertainty, motivation and its relation with report accuracy/Rui M. Paulo, Pedro B. Albuquerque, Ray Bull.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.4: 366-381.
138020 Comparing the psychological characteristics of un-apprehended firesetters and non-firesetters living in the UK/Emma R. Barrowcliffe, Theresa A. Gannon.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.4: 382-404.
138021 Police interrogation practice in Slovenia/Igor Areh, Dave Walsh, Ray Bull.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.5: 405-419.
138022 True and false memories in middle childhood: the relationship with cognitive functioning/Claudia Caprin, Laura Benedan, Donatella Ciaccia, Eleonora Mazza, Sara Messineo, Elisa Piuri.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.5: 473-494.
138023 Adaptation of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory among a Portuguese sample of incarcerated juvenile offenders/Pedro Pechorro, Brittany Gentile, James V. Ray, Cristina Nunes, Rui Abrunhosa Goncalves.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.5: 495-511.
138024 Socially desirable responding and psychometric assessment of dynamic risk in sexual offenders against children/Christopher D. J. Stevens, Lavinia Tan, Randolph C. Grace.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.5: 420-434.
138025 Psychiatric symptoms and mental health court engagement/Kelli E. Canada, Greg Markway, David Albright.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.6: 513-529.
138026 Validity and reliability of the VRAG in a forensic psychiatric medium security population in Flanders/Ben van Heesch, Inge Jeandarme, Claudia Pouls, Geert Vervaeke.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.6: 530-537.
138027 The influence of personality on violent victimization a study on police officers/Karoline Ellrich, Dirk Baier.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.6: 538-560.
138028 Taking stock: evaluating the conduct of forensic interviews with children in New Zealand/Missy Wolfman, Deirdre Brown,  Paul Jose.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.6: 581-598.
138029 Juror adjustments to the reasonable doubt standard of proof/Kwangbai Park, Yoori Seong, Minchi Kim, JongHan Kim.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.6: 599-618.
138030 The saliency of gestural misinformation in the perception of a violent crime/Daniel J. Gurney, Louise R. Ellis, Emily Vardon-Hynard.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.6: 651-665.
138031 The relationship between mental illness and violence in a mentally disordered offender sample: evaluating criminogenic and psychopathological predictors/Drew A. Kingston, Mark E. Olver, Melissa Harris, Brad D. Booth, Sanjiv Gulati, Colin Cameron.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.7: 678-700.
138032 Traits and states at work: lure, risk and personality as predictors of occupational crime/Jean-Louis van Gelder, Reinout E. de Vries.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.7: 701-720.
138033 On the measurement of low self-control in Add Health and NLSY79/Scott E. Wolfe, John P. Hoffmann.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.7: 619-650.
138034 Punitive attitudes and causal attribution of crime among Israeli police officers: is there a gender gap?/Gila Chen.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.8: 758-706.
138035 Soldier, civilian, criminal: identifying pathways to offending of ex-armed forces personnel in prison/Verity Wainwright, Sharon McDonnell, Charlotte Lennox, Jenny Shaw, Jane Senior.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.8: 741-757.
138036 Juror perceptions of the interpersonal-affective traits of psychopathy predict sentence severity in a white-collar criminal case/Jennifer Cox, John F. Edens, Allison Rulseh, John W. Clark.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.8: 721-740.
138037 If you’d had my life, you’d have done it too: exploring the experiences of adult males who rape elderly females/Rosanna Murphy, Belinda Winder.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.8: 798-816.
138038 Brief motivation enhancing intervention to prevent criminal recidivism in substance-abusing offenders under supervision: a randomized trial/Lilach Shaul, Maarten W. J. Koeter, Gerard M. Schippers.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.9: 903-914.
138039 Increasing pressure does not benefit lie detection: a reply to Ten Brinke et al/Bruno Verschuere, Ewout Meijer, Aldert Vrij.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.9: 915-920.
138040 An investigation into the risk perceptions held by maximum security correctional officers/Frank Valentino Ferdik.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.9: 832-857.
138041 Preparing children for cross-examination: do the practice questions matter?/Bridget Irvine, Fiona Jack, Rachel Zajac.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.9: 858-878.
138042 Factors associated with stalking persistence/Emma F. Johnson, Carleen M. Thompson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.9: 879-902.
138043 Individual values and delinquency: on considering universals in the content and structure of values/Wolfgang Bilsky, Dieter Hermann.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.10: 921-944.
138044 Attribution of crime motives biases eyewitnesses memory and sentencing decisions/Deborah F. Hellmann, Amina Memon.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.10: 957-976.
138045 When the long road is the shortcut: a comparison between two coding methods for content-based lie-detection tools/Galit Nahari.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.10: 1000-1041.
138046 An exploratory examination of practitioners and offenders perceptions of the effectiveness of an individual workbook approach for treating intimate partner violence offenders/Kate Walker, Sarah Brown, Katy Hicks.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.10: 977-999.
138047 Testing the construct validity of the PICTS proactive and reactive scores against six putative measures of proactive and reactive criminal thinking/Glenn D. Walters, Erica Yurvati.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.1: 1-14.
138048 Sexual assault complainants on the stand: a historical comparison of courtroom questioning/Nina Westera, Sarah Zydervelt, Andy Kaladelfos, Rachel Zajac.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.1: 15-31.
138049 Why longer prison terms fail to serve a specific deterrent effect: an empirical assessment on the remembered severity of imprisonment/Ellen A. C. Raaijmakers, Jan W. de Keijser, Paul Nieuwbeerta, Anja J. E. Dirkzwager.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.1: 32-55.
138050 Self-reported personality traits in forensic populations: a meta-analysis/Marleen Spaans, Marc L. Molendijk, Edwin de Beurs, Thomas Rinne, Philip Spinhoven.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.1: 56-78.
138051 Justifying violence: legitimacy, ideology and public support for police use of force/Monica M. Gerber, Jonathan Jackson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.1: 79-95.
138052 Inconsistencies across repeated eyewitness interviews: supportive negative feedback can make witnesses change their memory reports/Linda A. Henkel.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.2: 97-117.
138053 Press coverage as a heuristic guide for social decision-making about sexual offenders/Craig A. Harper, Todd E. Hogue.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.2: 118-134.
138054 Driving under the influence of alcohol: a sequence analysis approach/D. A. Keatley, A. D. Barsky, D. D. Clarke.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.2: 135-146.
138055 Religious fundamentalism, religiosity, and priming: effects on attitudes, perceptions, and mock jurors decisions in an insanity defense case/Logan A. Yelderman, Monica K. Miller.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.2: 147-170.
138056 The effect of the presence and seating position of an interpreter on eliciting information and cues to deceit/Sarah Ewens, Aldert Vrij, Samantha Mann, Sharon Leal, Eunkyung Jo, Kate Houston.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.2: 180-200.
138057 So what about the stories? An exploratory study of the definition, use, and function of Narrative Child Sexual Exploitation Material/Rebecca L. Crookes, Hannah L. Merdian, Charlotte L. Hassett.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.2: 171-179.
138058 Psychometric properties of the inventory of callous-unemotional traits short version (ICU-12) among detained female juvenile offenders and community youths/Pedro Pechorro, Samuel W. Hawes, Rui Abrunhosa Goncalves, James V. Ray.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.3: 221-239.
138059 Self-reported and performance-based measures of executive functions in interned youth/Olov Nordvall, Bert Jonsson, Anna Stigsdotter Neely.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.3: 240-253.
138060 Mock jurors expectations regarding the psychological harm experienced by rape victims as a function of rape prototypicality/Kerri L. Pickel, Rachel H. Gentry.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.3: 254-273.
138061 I know how you feel: the influence of psychopathic traits on the ability to identify micro-expressions/Sabrina Demetrioff, Stephen Porter, Alysha Baker.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.3: 274-290.
138062 Implicit judgments of rape cases: an experiment on the determinants and consequences of implicit evaluations in a rape case/Philipp Sussenbach, Svenja Albrecht, Gerd Bohner.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.3: 291-304.
138063 Field validity of the HCR-20 in forensic medium security units in Flanders/Inge Jeandarme, Claudia Pouls, Jan De Laender, T. I. Oei, Stefan Bogaerts.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.4: 305-322.
138064 Validation of the Child Sexual Abuse Knowledge Questionnaire/Jane Goodman-Delahunty, Natalie Martschuk, Annie Cossins.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.4: 391-412.
138065 Attributions in the courtroom: the influence of race, incentive, and witness type on jurors perceptions of secondary confessions/Evelyn M. Maeder, Susan Yamamoto.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.4: 361-375.
138066 Examining gender as moderating the association between psychopathy and substance abuse/Martin Sellbom, Kylie M. Donnelly, Rachel C. Rock, Tasha R. Phillips, Yossef S. Ben-Porath.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.4: 376-390.
138067 Eyewitness susceptibility to co-witness misinformation is influenced by co-witness confidence and own self-confidence/Craig Thorley, Devvarta Kumar.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.4: 342-360.
138068 The indirectly generated tainted truth effect: warning is not necessary to worsen the testimony of non-misled persons/Malwina Szpitalak.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.4: 323-341.
138069 Police perceptions of ADHD in youth interviewees/Kimberley J. Cunial, Mark R. Kebbell.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.5: 509-526.
138070 Any friend of yours is a friend of mine: investigating the utilization of an interpreter in an investigative interview/Kate A. Houston, Melissa B. Russano, Elijah P. Ricks.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.5: 413-426.
138071 Verbal ability, depression, and anxiety as correlates of interrogative suggestibility in children exposed to life adversities/Antonietta Curci, Antonella Bianco, Gisli H. Gudjonsson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.5: 445-458.
138072 The sexual objectification of girls and aggression towards them in gang and non-gang affiliated youth/Eduardo A. Vasquez, Kolawole Osinnowo, Afroditi Pina, Louisa Ball, Cheyra Bell.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.5: 459-471.
138073 Testing the three- and four-factor models of the Korean version PCL-R as predictors of two antisocial outcomes-recidivism and risk/Ji Seun Sohn, Phillip Lyons, Scott Menard, Soo Jung Lee.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.5: 472-486.
138074 Judging guilt and accuracy: highly confident eyewitnesses are discounted when they provide featural justifications/Chad S. Dodson, David G. Dobolyi.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.5: 487-508.
138075 Trauma-exposed young victims: possibilities and constraints for providing trauma support within the investigative interview/Kristina Kepinska Jakobsen, Ase Langballe, Jon-HAkon Schultz.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.5: 427-444.
138076 Situational variables or beliefs? A multifaceted approach to understanding blame attributions/Kerstin Adolfsson, Leif A. Str‎نmwall.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.6: 527-552.
138077 The provenance of emigres: the validity of measuring knowledge of places/Tanja S. van Veldhuizen …[et al.].- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.6: 553-574.
138078 Factors associated with desistance from violence in prison: an exploratory study/Sophie Ellis, Erica Bowen.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.6: 601-619.
138079 Educator of the court: the role of the expert witness in cases involving autism spectrum disorder/Colleen M. Berryessa.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.6: 575-600.
138080 A descriptive account of victims behaviour and responses in sexually exploitative interactions with offenders/Juliane A. Kloess, Catherine E. Hamilton-Giachritsis, Anthony R. Beech.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.7: 621-632.
138081 Beyond retribution, restoration and procedural justice: the Big Two of communion and agency in victims perspectives on justice/A. Pemberton, P. G. M. Aarten, E. Mulder.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.7: 682-698.
138082 A research note on the association between work family conflict and job stress among Chinese prison staff/Jianhong Liu, Eric G. Lambert, Shanhe Jiang, Jinwu Zhang.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.7: 633-646.
138083 Evaluating interviews which search for the truth with suspects: but are investigators self-assessments of their own skills truthful ones?/Dave Walsh, Mick King, Andy Griffiths.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.7: 647-665.
138084 Gathering human intelligence via repeated interviewing: further empirical tests of the Scharff technique/Simon Oleszkiewicz, Par Anders Granhag, Steven M. Kleinman.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.7: 666-681.
138085 Are reality monitoring differences between truthful and deceptive autobiographical accounts affected by standardisation for word-count and the presence of others?/Stamatis Elntib, Graham Wagstaff.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.7: 699-716.
138086 The Verifiability Approach to detection of malingered physical symptoms/Irena Boskovic, Glynis Bogaard, Harald Merckelbach, Aldert Vrij, Lorraine Hope.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.8: 717-729.
138087 Practice narratives enhance children’s memory reports/Brittany F. Whiting, Heather L. Price.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.8: 730-747.
138088 Treatment effectiveness for offenders with autism spectrum conditions: a systematic review/Clare L. Melvin, Peter E. Langdon, Glynis H. Murphy.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.8: 747-806.
138089 Parents knowledge and attitudes about youths interrogation rights/Hayley M. D. Cleary, Todd C. Warner.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.8: 777-793.
138090 Differential effects of general versus cued invitations on children s reports of a repeated event episode/Meaghan C. Danby, Stefanie J. Sharman, Sonja P. Brubacher, Martine B. Powell, Kim P. Roberts.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.8: 794-811.
138091 Applying the Verifiability Approach in an international airport setting/Louise M. Jupe, Sharon Leal, Aldert Vrij, Galit Nahari.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.8: 812-825.
138092 Stereotypes influence beliefs about transfer and sentencing of juvenile offenders/Edie Greene, Lauren Duke, William Douglas Woody.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.9: 841-858.
138093 Influence of acculturation strategies on the judgement and punishment of an offender of North African descent/Anne Taillandier-Schmitt, Nicolas Combalbert.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.9: 859-873.
138094 Ageism in the courtroom: mock juror perceptions of elder neglect/Nesa E. Wasarhaley, Jonathan M. Golding.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.9: 874-898.
138095 Don’t stop believing: the relative impact of internal alibi details on judgments of veracity/Zak Keeping, Joseph Eastwood, Christopher J. Lively, Brent Snook.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.9: 899-913.
138096 Intellectual and developmental disabilities and Ontario’s forensic inpatient system: a population-based cohort study/Elizabeth Lin, Howard Barbaree, Avra Selick, Elke Ham, Andrew S. Wilton, Yona Lunsky.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.9: 914-926.
138097 Can training improve eyewitness identification? The effect of internal feature focus on memory for faces/Helen M. Paterson, Daniella Luppino, Clare Calderwood, Hamish G. MacDougall, Jessica Taubert, Richard I. Kemp.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.10: 927-945.
138098 Initial evidence for the assimilation hypothesis/Eric Rassin.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.10: 1010-1020.
138099 Enhancing the cognitive interview with an alternative procedure to witness-compatible questioning: category clustering recall/Rui M. Paulo, Pedro B. Albuquerque, Fabiana Vitorino, Ray Bull.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.10: 967-982.
138100 Attitudes, anger, and nullification instructions influence jurors verdicts in euthanasia cases/Liana C. Peter-Hagene, Bette L. Bottoms.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.10: 983-1009.
138101 Jury instructions and mock-juror sensitivity to confession evidence in a simulated criminal case/Christina M. ODonnell, Martin A. Safer.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.10: 946-966.
138102 Beliefs about secondary confession evidence: a survey of laypeople and defense attorneys/Kylie N. Key …[et al.].- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.1: 1-13.
138103 Examining the good lives model and antisocial behaviour/Danielle M. Loney, Leigh Harkins.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.1: 38-51.
138104 Not separate but equal? The impact of multiple-defendant trials on juror decision-making/Miko M. Wilford, Monica C. Van Horn, Steven D. Penrod, Sarah M. Greathouse.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.1: 14-37.
138105 Communication error management in law enforcement interactions: a receiver’s perspective/Miriam S.D. Oostinga, Ellen Giebels, Paul J. Taylor.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.2: 134-155.
138106 Perceptions of suspect statements: a comparison of exposed lies and confessions/Laure Brimbal, Angela M. Jones.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.2: 156-176.
138107 Improving the effectiveness of the Henderson instruction safeguard against unreliable eyewitness identification/Angela M. Jones, Steven Penrod.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.2: 177-193.
138108 Empirical evidence for AMBER alert as crime control theater: a comparison of student and community samples/Monica K. Miller, Mauricio J. Alvarez, Jordan Weaver.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.2: 83-104.
138109 Effects of judicial instructions and juror characteristics on interpretations of beyond reasonable doubt/Katrin Mueller-Johnson, Mandeep K. Dhami, Samantha Lundrigan.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.2: 117-133.
138110 Judges sentencing decisions with older offenders/Martha S. Smith, Jennifer L. Schriver.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.2: 105-116.
138111 The neural basis of reactive aggression and its development in adolescence/Rachael A. Lickley, Catherine L. Sebastian.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.3: 313-333.
138112 Judging mechanistic neuroscience: a preliminary conceptual-analytic framework for evaluating scientific evidence in the courtroom/Emily Baron, Jacqueline Sullivan.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.3: 334-351.
138113 Forensic neuroscience: problems and promises/Russil Durrant.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.3: 352-360.
138114 Methods in cognitive neuroscience: a primer for forensic psychologists/Hedwig Eisenbarth.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.3: 228-242.
138115 Self-regulation and aggressive antisocial behaviour: insights from amygdala-prefrontal and heart-brain interactions/Steven M. Gillespie, Artur Brzozowski, Ian J. Mitchell.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.3: 243-257.
138116 Affective neuroscience: a primer with implications for forensic psychology/Gina M. Grimshaw.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.3: 258-278.
138117 The neuroscience of psychopathy and forensic implications/Shichun Ling, Adrian Raine.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.3: 296-312.
138118 Neurobiology for forensic psychologists/Ian J. Mitchell, Anthony R. Beech.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.3: 210-227.
138119 The contribution of neuroscience to forensic explanation/Tony Ward, Carolyn Wilshire, Lucy Jackson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.3: 195-209.
138120 The neuroscience of morality and social decision-making/Keith J. Yoder, Jean Decety.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.3: 279-295.
138121 Adapting measures of social climate for use with individuals with intellectual developmental disability in forensic settings/Natalie Bell, Matthew Tonkin, Verity Chester, Leam Craig.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.4: 362-378.
138122 Traumatic brain injury in a forensic intellectual disability population/Verity Chester, Ginny Painter, Lucy Ryan, Jason Popple, Kudzanai Chikodzi, Regi T. Alexander.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.4: 400-413.
138123 The reliabilty and validity of a revised version of the How I Think Questionnaire for men who have intellectual disabilities/Matthew R. Daniel, Susan A. Sadek, Peter E. Langdon.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.4: 379-390.
138124 Qualitative analysis of qualitative evaluation: an exploratory examination of investigative interviewers reflections on their performance/Andrew Griffiths, David Walsh.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.4: 433-450.
138125 Predictive validity of the dynamic risk assessment and management system in individuals with intellectual disability residing in the community/William R. Lindsay, Caroline Finlay, Lesley Steptoe, Fabian Haut, Eleanor Brewster.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.4: 391-399.
138126 Criminal defense and judicial sentencing in China’s death penalty cases/Moulin Xiong, Siyu Liu, Bin Liang.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.4: 414-432.
138127 The psychology of animal cruelty: an introduction to the special issue/Emma Alleyne, Bill Henry.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.5: 451-457.
138128 A social-cognitive model of animal cruelty/Bill Henry.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.5: 458-478.
138129 Parent and child reports of animal cruelty and their correlations with parent and child reports of child delinquency/Glenn D. Walters.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.5: 479-488.
138130 Exploring the social and emotional context of childhood animal cruelty and its potential link to adult human violence/Christopher Hensley, John A. Browne, Caleb E. Trentham.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.5: 489-499.
138131 Associations between different motivations for animal cruelty, methods of animal cruelty and facets of impulsivity/Michelle Newberry.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.5: 500-526.
138132 Animal abuse proclivity: behavioral, personality and regulatory factors associated with varying levels of severity/Charlotte Hannah Parfitt, Emma Alleyne.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.5: 538-557.
138133 The role of beliefs about aggression in cyberbullying and animal abuse/Cheryl E. Sanders, Bill C. Henry.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.5: 558-571.
138134 Pampered or pariah: does animal type influence the interaction between animal attitude and empathy?/T. Signal, N. Taylor,  A.S. Maclean.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.5.
138135 Restorative justice and probation decisions-an analysis of intentional assault cases in China/Hong Lu, Yudu Li, Bin Liang.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.6: 573-588.
138136 The construction of allegedly abused children’s narratives in Scottish criminal courts/Eleanor R. Prince, Samantha J. Andrews, Michael E. Lamb, Juliet L. H. Foster.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.6: 621-651.
138137 Mock terrorists decisions concerning use of the internet for target selection: a red-team approach/David J. Romyn, Mark R. Kebbell.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.6: 589-602.
138138 Assessing criminal thought content: preliminary validation of the criminal thought content inventory (CTCI)/Glenn D. Walters,  Robert D. Morgan.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.6: 603-620.
138139 Detecting children’s false allegations and recantations of a crime/Joshua Wyman, Ida Foster, Jennifer Lavoie, Donia Tong, Victoria Talwar.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.6: 652-671.
138140 Taking the stand: defendant statements in court cases of alleged sexual abuse against infants, toddlers and preschoolers/Mikaela Magnusson, Emelie Ernberg, Sara Landstrom, Par Anders Granhag.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.7: 744-759.
138141 Why call someone by what we don’t want them to be? The ethics of labeling in forensic/correctional psychology/Gwenda M. Willis.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.7: 727-743.
138142 Methodology matters: comparing sample types and data collection methods in a juror decision-making study on the influence of defendant race/Evelyn M. Maeder, Susan Yamamoto, Laura A. McManus.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.7: 687-702.
138143 When a corporation rapes: perceptions of rape in civil court for corporate defendants/Anne Lippert, Jonathan Golding, Kellie Lynch, Eric Haak.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.7: 703-726.
138144 Mental illness in the eyes of the law: examining perceptions of stigma among judges and attorneys/Ashley B. Batastini, Michael E. Lester, R. Alan Thompson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.7: 673-686.
138145 Gender differences in the evaluation of aggravating and mitigating circumstances: the mediating role of attributional complexity/Matthew P. West, Logan A. Yelderman, Monica K. Miller.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.8: 761-789.
138146 Risk-Need-Responsivity applications of the MMPI-2 in sexual offender assessment/Mark E. Olver, Richard B. A. Coupland, Tyson J. E. Kurtenbach.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.8: 806-830.
138147 An analysis of how the police caution is presented to juvenile suspects in England/Megan Pei Ying Sim, Michael E. Lamb.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.8: 851-872.
138148 Relationship between victimization and substance use treatment motivation in a jail-based sample: the role of adult attachment and peer support/Yang Yang, D. Rick Perkins.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.8: 831-850.
138149 Avoiding blame when violating traffic rules: the development and validation of the justifications of traffic violations scale/Andrei C. Holman, Simona A. Popusoi.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.9: 873-894.
138150 Job satisfaction among frontline police officers in China: the role of demographic, work-related, organizational and social factors/Zheng Chen.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.9: 895-914.
138151 Limitations on the ability to negotiate justice: attorney perspectives on guilt, innocence, and legal advice in the current plea system/Rebecca K. Helm, Valerie F. Reyna, Allison A. Franz, Rachel Z. Novick, Sarah Dincin, Amanda E. Cort.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.9: 915-934.
138152 Accusatorial and information-gathering interview and interrogation methods: a multi-country comparison/Jeanee C. Miller, Allison D. Redlich, Christopher E. Kelly.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.9: 935-956.
138153 Intoxicated eyewitnesses: prevalence and procedures according to England’s police officers/Deborah Crossland, Wendy Kneller, Rachel Wilcock.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.10: 979-997.
138154 The enhanced cognitive interview: could individual differences in visuo-spatial working memory explain differences in recalling an event?/Raffaella Nori, Massimiliano Palmiero, Alessia Bocchi, Laura Piccardi.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.10: 998-1015.
138155 An archival analysis of sexual assault victims age estimation accuracy when describing stranger offenders/Craig Thorley, Louise Almond, Adam Gregory, Vanessa McAlonan, Amy McLoughlin.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.10: 1030-1049.
138156 Traumatic brain injury, temperament, and violence in incarcerated youth: a mediation analysis based on Delisi and Vaughn’s theory of temperament and antisocial behavior/Christopher A. Veeh, Tanya Renn, Michael G. Vaughn, Matt DeLisi.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.10: 1016-1029.
138158 The Mr. Big technique on trial by jury/Christina J. Connors, Marc W. Patry, Steven M. Smith.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.1: 1-22.
138159 Considering forensic science: individual differences, opposing expert testimony and juror decision making/Charlotte Scobie, C. Semmler,  M. Proeve.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.1: 23-49.
138160 Prior knowledge influences interpretations of eyewitness confidence statements: The witness picked the suspect, they must/Jesse H. Grabman, Chad S. Dodson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.1: 50-68.
138161 Investigating the demographic and attitudinal predictors of rape myth acceptance in U.K. Police officers: developing an evidence-base for training and professional development/Anthony Murphy, Benjamin Hine.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.1: 69-89.
138162 How pedophilic men think about adult-child sex: effects of child gender and physical maturity/Sara Jahnke, Agustin Malon.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.1: 90-107.
138163 Jail inmates perspectives on police interrogation/Hayley M. D. Cleary, Ray Bull.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.2: 157-170.
138164 Detecting deception: does the cognitive interview impair discrimination with CBCA criteria in elderly witnesses?/Karolina Dukala, Siegfried Ludwig Sporer, Romuald Polczyk.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.2: 195-217.
138165 Trojan horse policies: sexual predators, SORN laws and the American experience/Patrick Lussier, Jeffrey Mathesius.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.2: 133-156.
138166 The multifinality of vulnerability indicators in lone-actor terrorism/Emily Corner, Noemie Bouhana, Paul Gill.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.2: 111-132.
138167 Effect of public safety realignment variables on the perceived employability of former offenders: public perception of the role of type of custody and program participation/Jessica A. Cerda, Douglas M. Stenstrom, Mathew Curtis.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.3: 298-318.
138168 Credibility judgments in context: effects of emotional expression, presentation mode, and statement consistency/Sara Landstrom, Karl Ask, Charlotte Sommar.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.3: 279-297.
138169 Predictive accuracy of static risk factors for Canadian Indigenous offenders compared to non-Indigenous offenders: implications for risk assessment scales/Bronwen Perley-Robertson, L. Maaike Helmus, Adelle Forth.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.3: 248-278.
138170 Jury diversity in the age of mass incarceration: an exploratory mock jury experiment examining felon-jurors potential impacts on deliberations/James M. Binnall.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.4: 345-363.
138171 The influence of contextual information regarding the breakdown of relationships and perpetrator-target sex composition on perceptions of relational stalking/Adrian J. Scott, Simon C. Duff, Lorraine Sheridan, Nikki Rajakaruna.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.4: 364-380.
138172 Perceptions and experiences of intrusive behavior and stalking within a culture/Lorraine Sheridan, Joshua Arianayagam, Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.4: 381-395.
138173 Adult missing persons: a concept analysis/Claire Taylor, Penny S. Woolnough, Geoffrey L. Dickens.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.4: 396-419.
138174 Once a sex offender always a sex offender? Essentialism and attitudes towards criminal justice policy/Melissa de Vel-Palumbo, Laura Howarth, Marilynn B. Brewer.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.5: 421-439.
138175 The guy might not even be able to remember why he’s here and what he’s in here for and why he’s locked in: residents and prison staff experiences of living and working alongside people with dementia who are serving prison sentences for a sexual offence/Gayle Dillon, Luke P. Vinter, Belinda Winder, Lela Finch.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.5: 440-457.
138176 The disclosure of alleged child sexual abuse: an investigation of criminal court transcripts from Scotland/Guy C. M. Skinner, Samantha J. Andrews, Michael E. Lamb.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.5: 458-481.
138177 Establishing the most effective way to deliver the sketch procedure to enhance interviewee free recall/Joseph Eastwood, Brent Snook, Kirk Luther.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.5: 482-493.
138178 The importance of scientific method for psychological science/Brian D. Haig.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.6: 527-541.
138179 The classification of offending and crime related problems: a functional perspective/Tony Ward, Ethan Carter.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.6: 542-560.
138180 Achieving cumulative progress in understanding crime: some insights from the philosophy of science/Jacqueline A. Sullivan.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.6: 561-576.
138181 Evolutionary approaches to understanding crime: explaining the gender gap in offending/Russil Durrant.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.6: 589-608.
138182 Developmental and life-course explanations of offending/Tara Renae McGee, David P. Farrington.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.6: 609-625.
138183 Understanding desistance: a critical review of theories of desistance/Beth Weaver.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.6: 641-658.
138184 The psychology of criminal conduct: a consideration of strengths, weaknesses and future directions/Clare-Ann Fortune, Roxanne Heffernan.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.6: 659-674.
138185 The borders of criminal responsibility: difficult cases for the law’s default understanding of people/Emily T. Baron.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.6: 693-708.
138186 Mock jurors perceptions of a child witness: the impact of the presence and/or intervention of a registered intermediary during cross-examination/S. Krahenbuhl.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.7: 713-728.
138187 Gender differences in violent offending: results from a multicentre comparison study in Dutch forensic psychiatry/Vivienne de Vogel, Eva de Spa.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.7: 739-751.
138188 The devil is in the detail: deception and consistency over repeated interviews/Charlotte A. Hudson, Aldert Vrij, Lucy Akehurst, Lorraine Hope.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.7: 752-770.
138189 How to induce resistance to the misinformation effect? Characteristics of positive feedback in the reinforced self-affirmation procedure/Malwina Szpitalak, Romuald Polczyk.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.7: 771-791.
138190 Risk assessment for intimate partner violence: how can the police assess risk?/Mark Rhys Kebbell.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.8: 829-846.
138191 Impairment in the processing of fear gaze in adolescents with callous-unemotional traits/Lucia Halty.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.8: 792-802.
138192 Dialect on trial: use of African American Vernacular English influences juror appraisals/Courtney A. Kurinec, Charles A. Weaver.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.8: 803-828.
138193 Extending the general aggression model: contributions of DSM-5 maladaptive personality facets and schema modes/Ashley L. Dunne, Stuart Lee, Michael Daffern.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.9: 875-895.
138194 Children’s identification of unfamiliar voices on both target-present and target-absent lineups/L. Calderwood, D. R. McKay, S. V. Stevenage.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.9: 896-910.
138195 Exonerees in Black and White: the influence of race on perceptions of those who falsely confessed to a crime/Simon Howard.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.9: 911-924.
138196 Innocent of the crime under investigation: suspects  counter-interrogation strategies and statement-evidence inconsistency in strategic vs. non-strategic interviews/Franziska Clemens, Tuule Grolig.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.10: 945-962.
138197 Perceptions of police-juvenile contact predicts self-reported offending in adolescent males/Hannah Walsh …[et al.].- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.10: 963-976.
138198 A brief measure of the triarchic model of psychopathy among community youths: psychometrics and measurement invariance/Pedro Pechorro, Matt DeLisi, James V. Ray, Isabel Alberto, Mario R. Simoes.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.10: 977-991.
138199 Lawyers question content and children’s responses in Scottish criminal courts/Samantha J. Andrews, Michael E. Lamb.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2019; Vol.25, No.10: 1008-127.
138200 Terror carceralism: Surveillance, security governance and de/civilization/Jeffrey Monaghan.- Punishment and Society. 2013; Vol.15, No.1: 3-22.
138201 The surveillance of prolific offenders: Beyond docile bodies/Michael McCahill, Rachel L Finn.- Punishment and Society. 2013; Vol.15, No.1: 23-42.
138202 Does law matter? An old bail law confronts the New Penology/Lila Kazemian, Candace McCoy, Meghan Sacks.- Punishment and Society. 2013; Vol.15, No.1: 43-70.
138203 Buffers against crime? Exploring the roles and limitations of positive relationships among women in prison/Emily M Wright … [et al.].- Punishment and Society. 2013; Vol.15, No.1: 71-95.
138204 Moral panic as racial degradation ceremony: Racial stratification and the local-level backlash against Latino/a immigrants/Jamie G Longazel.- Punishment and Society. 2013; Vol.15, No.1: 96-119.
138205 Penal optimism and second chances: The legacies of American Protestantism and the prospects for penal reform/David A Green.- Punishment and Society. 2013; Vol.15, No.2: 123-146.
138206 Early desistance narratives: A qualitative analysis of probationers’ transitions towards desistance/Sam King.- Punishment and Society. 2013; Vol.15, No.2: 147-165.
138207 Beyond criminocentric dogmatism: Mapping institutional forms of punishment in contemporary societies/Joao Gustavo Vieira Velloso.- Punishment and Society. 2013; Vol.15, No.2: 166-186.
138208 The construction and stewardship of responsible yet precarious subjects: Punitive ideology, rehabilitation, and  tough love  among parole personnel/Robert Werth.- Punishment and Society. 2013; Vol.15, No.3: 219-246.
138209 Neoliberal capitalism and middle-class punitiveness: Bringing Erich Fromm’s materialistic psychoanalysis to penology/Leonidas K Cheliotis.- Punishment and Society. 2013; Vol.15, No.3: 247-273.
138210 Gendered representations of parents behind bars: An analysis of newspaper reports/Janani Umamaheswar.- Punishment and Society. 2013; Vol.15, No.3: 274-303.
138211 Longtermer blues: Penal politics, reform, and carceral experiences at Angola/Liam Kennedy.- Punishment and Society. 2013; Vol.15, No.3: 304-322.
138212 The rule of law and the political economy of criminalisation: An agenda for research/Nicola Lacey.- Punishment and Society. 2013; Vol.15, No.4: 349-366.
138213 Social structure and crime policy: The German case/Fritz Sack.- Punishment and Society. 2013; Vol.15, No.4: 367-381.
138214 Is the idea of a sovereign authority based on legal rules and human rights outdated?/Karl-Ludwig Kunz.- Punishment and Society. 2013; Vol.15, No.4: 382-396.
138215 Late modernity: Human rights under pressure?/Walter Kalin.- Punishment and Society. 2013; Vol.15, No.4: 397-411.
138216 The normative content of the notion of Rechtsstaat in late modernity/Martino Mona.- Punishment and Society. 2013; Vol.15, No.4: 412-419.
138217 Policy convergence, politics and comparative penal reform: Sex offender notification schemes in the USA and UK/Trevor Jones, Tim Newburn.- Punishment and Society. 2013; Vol.15, No.5: 439-467.
138218 Which penology for decision making in French prisons?/Gaetan Cliquennois.- Punishment and Society. 2013; Vol.15, No.5: 468-487.
138219 Did the Coroners and Justice Act 2009 get it right? Are all honour killings revenge killings?/Recep Dogan.- Punishment and Society. 2013; Vol.15, No.5: 488-514.
138220 The rule of law, security-development and penal aid: The case of detention in Haiti/Kara Brisson-Boivin, Daniel O’Connor.- Punishment and Society. 2013; Vol.15, No.5: 515-533.
138221 Reclaiming crime prevention in an age of punishment: An American history/Brandon C Welsh, Rebecca D Pfeffer.- Punishment and Society. 2013; Vol.15, No.5: 534-553.
138222 The resurrection after the old has gone and the new has come: understanding narratives of forgiveness, redemption and resurrection in Christian individuals serving time in custody for a sexual offence/Nicholas Blagden, Belinda Winder, Rebecca Lievesley.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.1: 34-52.
138223 Re-evaluating how to measure jurors comprehension and application of jury instructions/Chantelle M. Baguley, Blake M. McKimmie, Barbara M. Masser.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.1: 53-66.
138224 The unseen cost of justice: post-traumatic stress symptoms in Canadian lawyers/Marie-Eve Leclerc, Jo-Anne Wemmers, Alain Brunet.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.1: 1-21.
138225 Predicting the criminal record of Hungarian homicide offenders from crime scene behaviours/Krisztian Ivaskevics, Louise Almond.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.1: 22-33.
138226 You can believe your eyes: measuring implicit recognition in a lineup with pupillometry/Camilla E. J. Elphick, Graham E. Pike, Graham J. Hole.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.1: 67-92.
138227 Latent constructs in the measurement of risk and protective factors for violent reoffending using the HCR-20v3 and SAPROF: implications for conceptualizing offender assessment and treatment planning/Gabrielle Klepfisz, Michael Daffern, Andrew Day, Caleb D. Lloyd, Yilma Woldgabreal.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.1: 93-108.
138228 More than meets the eye: the role of psychopathic traits in attention to distress/Kimberley Kaseweter, Katherine Rose, Sydney Bednarik, Michael Woodworth.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.2: 109-127.
138229 Impressions of ineffectiveness: exploring support partners attitudes toward sex offender registration and notification/David Patrick Connor.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.2: 128-147.
138230 Environmental predictability influences the relationship between virtues and antisocial/delinquent behavior/Victor Corral-Verdugo, Anais Ortiz-Valdez, Martha Frias-Armenta, Cear Tapia-Fonllem, Blanca Fraijo-Sing.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.2: 148-166.
138231 Police officers and Registered Intermediaries use of drawing during investigative interviews with vulnerable witnesses/Michelle L. A. Mattison, Coral J. Dando.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.2: 167-185.
138232 Mock-juror reactions to multiple interview presentation and rapport-building/Genevieve F. Waterhouse, Anne M. Ridley, Ray Bull, Rachel Wilcock.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.2: 186-205.
138233 Role call: sex, gender roles, and intimate partner violence/Marissa Stanziani, Andrea K. Newman, Jennifer Cox, C. Adam Coffey.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.3: 208-225.
138234 Children’s attitudes towards animal cruelty: Exploration of predictors and socio-demographic variations/Roxanne D. Hawkins,  Joanne M. Williams.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.3: 226-247.
138235 Officers memory and stress in virtual lethal force scenarios: Implications for policy and training/Kimberley A. McClure, Katherine L. McGuire,  Elizabeth F. Loftus.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.3: 248-266.
138236 Criminal thinking as a moderator of the perceived certainty-offending relationship: age variations/Glenn D. Walters.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.3: 267-286.
138237 When context matters: how false, truthful, and genre-related communication styles are revealed in language/David M. Markowitz, Darrin J. Griffin.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.3: 287-310.
138238 The interaction of truthful and deceptive information/Brianna L. Verigin, Ewout H. Meijer, Aldert Vrij, Leonie Zauzig.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.4: 367-383.
138239 Their life in your hands: the experiences of prison-based psychologists conducting risk assessments with indeterminate sentenced prisoners in the United Kingdom/Jo Shingler, Stefanie J. Sonnenberg, Adrian Needs.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.4: 311-326.
138240 Fading lies: applying the verifiability approach after a period of delay/Louise Marie Jupe, Aldert Vrij, Sharon Leal, Galit Nahari.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.4: 327-342.
138241 Seeking or controlling the truth? An examination of courtroom questioning practices by Canadian lawyers/Christopher J. Lively, Laura Fallon, Brent Snook, Weyam Fahmy.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.4: 343-366.
138242 Perceptions of coercion in interrogation: comparing expert and lay opinions/Jeffrey Kaplan, Brian L. Cutler, Amy-May Leach, Stephanie Marion, Joseph Eastwood.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.4: 384-401.
138243 The Scharff technique: training military intelligence officers to elicit information from small cells of sources/Par Anders Granhag, Simon Oleszkiewicz, Marthe Lefsaker Sakrisvold, Steven M. Kleinman.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.5: 438-460.
138244 The role of prior punishment in preventive detention decisions/Mickael N. Bojczenko, Diane Sivasubramaniam.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.5: 479-506.
138245 Does procedural fairness matter for drug abusers to stop illicit drug use? Testing the applicability of the process-based model in a Chinese context/Jianhong Liu, Guangzhen Wu, Francis D. Boateng.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.5: 507-526.
138246 Barriers to safety for victims of domestic homicide/Natalia Musielak, Peter Jaffe, Natalia Lapshina.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.5: 461-478.
138247 The effect of ambiguous question wording on jurors presumption of innocence/Kristy A. Martire, Christian Dahlman.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.5: 419-437.
138248 Plea decision-making: the influence of attorney expertise, trustworthiness, and recommendation/Kelsey S. Henderson, Reveka V. Shteynberg.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.6: 527-551.
138249 Incremental validity of ambulatory assessment of acute dynamic risk in predicting time to recidivism among prisoners on parole/Zoran Vasiljevic, Agneta Ojehagen, Claes Andersson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.6: 614-630.
138250 Perceptions and use of videoconferencing in forensic mental health assessments: A survey of evaluators and legal personnel/Ashley B. Batastini, Madison Pike, Megan A. Thoen, Ashley C. T. Jones, Riley M. Davis, Esteisy Escalera.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.6: 593-613.
138251 The CSI Effect and the impact of DNA evidence on mock jurors and jury deliberations/Bonnel A. Klentz, Georgia M. Winters, Jason E. Chapman.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.6: 552-570.
138252 Psychologists as the quiet ones with the power: understanding indeterminate sentenced prisoners experiences of psychological risk assessment in the United Kingdom/Jo Shingler, Stefanie J. Sonnenberg, Adrian Needs.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.6: 571-592.
138253 The role of ulterior motives, inconsistencies, and details in unreliable jailhouse informant testimony/Danielle K. DeLoach, Jeffrey S. Neuschatz, Stacy A. Wetmore, Brian H. Bornstein.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.7: 667-686.
138254 Prosecutors experiences investigating alleged sexual abuse against pre-schoolers/Emelie Ernberg, Mikaela Magnusson, Sara Landstrom.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.7: 687-709.
138255 Applying classification methodology to high-consequence firesetting/Vindya Nanayakkara, James R. P. Ogloff, Troy E. McEwan, Michael R. Davis.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.7: 710-732.
138256 Perceptions of older adult jurors: the influence of aging stereotypes and jury laws/Alison M. OConnor, Angela D. Evans.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.7: 648-666.
138257 Virtual reality: a use case for criminal justice practice/Liza J. M. Cornet, Jean-Louis Van Gelder.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.7: 631-647.
138258 Mental health characteristics of exonerees: a preliminary exploration/Benjamin Alexander-Bloch, Molly A. Miller, Megan M. Zeringue, Sonia L. Rubens.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.8: 768-775.
138259 The predictive validity of youth violence risk assessment tools: a systematic review/Li Lian Koh, Andrew Day, Bianca Klettke, Michael Daffern, Chi Meng Chu.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.8: 776-796.
138260 Who do you believe? Assessing student and community member perceptions of bystander and victim witnesses/Angela M. Jones.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.8: 745-767.
138261 JUST: a measure of jury system trustworthiness/Brian H. Bornstein, Joseph A. Hamm, Kimberly S. Dellapaolera, Amy Kleynhans, Monica K. Miller.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.8: 797-822.
138262 Perceptions of drink driving legal limits in England: a qualitative investigation/D. A. Keatley, C. ODonnell, T. Joyce.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.8: 733-744.
138263 Family negativity and delinquent behavior in adolescence: a predictive multivariate latent growth analysis/Kirsten L. Buist, Veroni I. Eichelsheim, William L. Cook, Pol A. C. van Lier, Hans M. Koot, Wim H. J. Meeus.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.9: 849-867.
138264 The impact of extralegal factors on perceived credibility of child victims of sexual assault/Ashmyra Voogt, Bianca Klettke, Donald M. Thomson, Angela Crossman.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.9: 823-848.
138265 Taking the bait: interrogation questions about hypothetical evidence may inflate perceptions of guilt/William E Crozier, Timothy J Luke, Deryn Strange.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.9: 902-925.
138266 Examining the judgments of pedophiles in relation to a non-sexual offense/Abbie Marono, Ross M. Bartels.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.9: 887-901.
138267 Determining security level in forensic psychiatry: a tug of war between the DUNDRUM toolkit and the HoNOS-Secure/Petra Habets, Inge Jeandarme, Harry G. Kennedy.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.9: 868-886.
138268 Opinions, actions and emotions: does the content of lies affect their detectability?/Geoffrey Duran, Sara Dochez, Isabelle Tapiero, George A. Michael.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.10: 927-949.
138269 Perceptions of plea bargains for driving under the influence (DUI) cases involving alcohol and marijuana/J. Matthew Webster, Jonathan M. Golding, Sarah E. Malik, Andrea M. Riederer.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.10: 950-966.
138270 Forensic interviewers experiences of interviewing children of different ages/Mikaela Magnusson, Emelie Ernberg, Sara Landstrom, Lucy Akehurst.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.10: 967-989.
138271 Differential mnemonic consistency differs between experienced and fabricated incidents/Thorsten Lange, Raoul Bell, Axel Buchner.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.10: 990-1005.
138272 The good, the bad and the ugly of eyewitness identification practice in police officers-a self-report survey study/Ching-Yu Huang, Chih-Hung Shih.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.10: 1006-1026.
138273 Growing up in single-parent families and the criminal involvement of adolescents: a systematic review/Janique Kroese, Wim Bernasco, Aart C. Liefbroer, Jan Rouwendal.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.1: 61-75.
138274 Ingroup biases of forensic experts: perceptions of wrongful convictions versus exonerations/Kyle C. Scherr, Itiel E. Dror.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.1: 89-104.
138275 How much damage do serial homicide offenders wrought while the innocent rot in prison? A tabulation of preventable deaths as outcomes of sentinel events/Enzo Yaksic.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.1: 76-88.
138276 Judging memory: strong verbal confidence and lineup context influence inferences about eyewitnesses/Daniella K. Cash, Sean M. Lane.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.1: 40-60.
138277 Optimizing CBCA and RM research: recommendations for analyzing and reporting data on content cues to deception/Siegfried L. Sporer, Antonio L. Manzanero, Jaume Masip.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.1: 1-39.
138278 The potential effect of neurobiological evidence on the adjudication of criminal responsibility of psychopathic defendants in involuntary manslaughter cases/Colleen M. Berryessa, Federica Coppola, Gerardo Salvato.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.2: 140-158.
138279 Experiences and psychological health among children exposed to online child sexual abuse-a mixed methods study of court verdicts/Malin Joleby, Sara Landstrom, Carolina Lunde, Linda S. Jonsson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.2: 159-181.
138280 Changes in offender-rated working alliance in probation supervision as predictors of recidivism/Annelies Sturm, Vivienne de Vogel, Anneke Menger, Marcus J. H. Huibers.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.2: 182-200.
138281 Offence characteristics: a comparison of lone, duo, and 3+ perpetrator robbery offences/Sarah Wullenweber, Amy Burrell.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.2: 122-139.
138282 Right place, wrong time: the limitations of mental reinstatement of context on alibi-elicitation/Stephanie Aurora Cardenas, William Crozier, Deryn Strange.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.3: 201-230.
138283 The effects of distance and age on the accuracy of estimating perpetrator gender, age, height, and weight by eyewitnesses/Thomas J. Nyman, Jan Antfolk, James Michael Lampinen, Julia Korkman, Pekka Santtila.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.3: 231-252.
138284 Feeling guilty: little effect on false confession rate/Teresa Schneider, Melanie Sauerland, Laura Grady, Aniek Leistra, Stephanie van Lier, Harald Merckelbach.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.3: 265-81.
138285 Guilt by association: mock jurors perceptions of defendants and victims with criminal family members/Peter O. Rerick, Tyler N. Livingston, Monica K. Miller.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.3: 252-305.
138286 Pathways to incarceration: an examination of childhood maltreatment and personality psychopathology in incarcerated adults/Jennifer Boland, Rachel Rock, Alexandria K. Johnson, Michelle A. Jones, Randall T. Salekin,  Jaime L. Anderson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.3: 253-264.
138287 Examining the effect of case and trial factors on defense attorneys plea decision-making/Kelsey S. Henderson.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.4: 357-382.
138288 Inconsistencies in complainant’s accounts of child sexual abuse arising in their cross-examination/Anne Sophie Pichler, Martine Powell, Stefanie J. Sharman, Sarah Zydervelt, Nina Westera, Jane Goodman-Delahunty.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.4: 341-356.
138289 Do deliberate firesetters hold fire-related scripts and expertise? A quantitative investigation using fire service personnel as comparisons/Helen Butler, Theresa A. Gannon.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.4: 383-403.
138290 A descriptive model of the offence process for animal abusers: evidence from a community sample/Jade Ford, Emma Alleyne, Emily Blake, Amanda Somers.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.4: 324-340.
138291 Institutional adjustment of young adults undergoing forensic assessment/N. Zoe Hilton, Carla Cesaroni, Elke Ham, Tracey Skilling.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.4: 307-323.
138292 Simulated memory error and blame attribution in cases of child sexual abuse/Maxwell R. Hong, Sue D. Hobbs.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.5: 494-516.
138293 Procedurally just organizational climates improve relations between corrections officers and incarcerated individuals/Danieli Evans Peterman …[et al.].- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.5: 456-475.
138294 Can the triarchic model of psychopathy predict youth offender recidivism?/Pedro Pechorro, Jorge Quintas, Matt DeLisi, Rui Abrunhosa Goncalves.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.5: 443-455.
138295 Content vs. age: perceived credibility of older and young adult eyewitnesses with confidence inflation/Ryosuke Iida, Yukio Itsukushima.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.5: 476-493.
138296 Perceptions of victim and offender culpability in non-consensual distribution of intimate images/Liza Zvi, Mally Shechory Bitton.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.5: 427-442.
138297 A trifactorial model of detection of deception using thermography/G. Galvez-Garcia …[et al.].- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.5: 405-426.
138298 An uncalculated risk: ego-depletion reduces the influence of perceived risk but not state affect on criminal choice/William P. McClanahan, Sander van der Linden.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.6: 517-538.
138299 Integrating structured individual offending pathway analysis into group treatment for individuals who have accessed, shared, and/or distributed child sexual exploitation material: a feasibility study and preliminary outcome evaluation/Hannah L. Merdian, Derek Perkins, Darragh McCashin, Jelena Stevanovic.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.6: 579-605.
138300 Juror motivations: applying procedural justice theory to juror decision making/Stacey Politis, Diane Sivasubramaniam, Bianca Klettke, Mark Nolan, Jacqueline Horan, Regina Schuller.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.6: 606-629.
138301 Developmental perspectives on the behaviour of missing children: exploring changes from early childhood to adolescence/Penny S. Woolnough, Sheila Cunningham.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.6: 539-561.
138302 Satisfaction with life and crime: testing the link/Jeremy Olson, Randy L. Martin, Nadine M. Connell.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.7: 631-655.
138303 The use and efficacy of question type and an attentive interviewing style in adult rape interviews/William S. Webster, Gavin E. Oxburgh, Coral J. Dando.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.7: 656-677.
138304 Development and validation of the Good Lives Questionnaire/Craig A. Harper, Rebecca Lievesley, Nicholas Blagden, Geraldine Akerman, Belinda Winder, Eric Baumgartner.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27.
138305 Detailed information mitigates confidence inflation/Ryosuke Iida, Yukio Itsukushima, Eric Y. Mah.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.7: 704-728.
138306 Development and validation of a general legal moral disengagement scale/Jacqueline M. Kirshenbaum, Monica K. Miller, Tatyana Kaplan, Robert J. Cramer, Sarah A. Trescher, Tess M. S. Neal.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.8: 751-778.
138307 Association between childhood adversity and criminal thinking: the role of attachment/Yang Yang, David Rick Perkins.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.8: 796-814.
138308 Activism and radicalism in adolescence: an empirical test on age-related differences/Michaela Pfundmair, Markus Paulus, Elisabeth Wagner.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.8: 815-830.
138309 Memory of people from missing person posters: the number of posters seen, the number of times they are seen, and the passage of time matter/Freya OBrien, Craig Thorley.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.8: 779-795.
138310 Success within a UK open prison and surviving the pains of freedom/Bethany May Statham, Belinda Winder, Daniel Micklethwaite.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.8: 729-750.
138311 What can we remember after complex denials? The impact of different false denials on memory/Fabiana Battista, Antonietta Curci, Ivan Mangiulli, Henry Otgaar.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.9: 914-931.
138312 The experience of delivering Rehabilitative Adjudications in English prisons/Flora Fitzalan Howard, Helen Wakeling.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.9: 831-848.
138313 To tip off or not? Predicting gatekeepers reporting intentions of a deviant close-other through desirability and feasibility/Minzheng Hou, Lile Jia, Jethro Tan.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.9: 890-913.
138314 The effectiveness of free-recall, cognitive instruction and closed-ended questions when students with and without disabilities provide eyewitness reports of another’s transgression/Joshua Wyman, Christine Saykaly, Victoria Talwar.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.9: 849-868.
138315 Body dismemberment in sexual homicide cases: lust murder or rational decision?/Julien Chopin, Eric Beauregard.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.9: 868-889.
138316 Judge, jurors, and gendered instructions to disregard evidence: stereotype-congruent judicial instructions increase compliance/Mark A. Oakes, Catherine A. Crosby, Kathleen McCallops, Brittany R. McDonald, Anna C. Schwarz.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.10: 933-955.
138317 Elder neglect in civil versus criminal court: legal decision-making in cases of overmedication/Alexis M. Le Grand, Baylee D. Jenkins, Jonathan M. Golding, Andrea M. Pals.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.10: 956-972.
138318 Online groomer typology scheme/Evianne L. van Gijn-Grosvenor, Michael E. Lamb.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.10: 973-987.
138319 Evaluating the impact of rehabilitative adjudications in four English prisons/Flora Fitzalan Howard, Helen Wakeling.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.10: 1010-1031.
138320 An examination of the prevalence and characteristics of UK community males who hold a sexual interest in children using the revised interest in child molestation scale/Alisha OConnor, Theresa A. Gannon.- Psychology, Crime and Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.10: 988-1009.
138321 Penal reform Canadian style: Fiscal responsibility and decarceration in Alberta, Canada/Cheryl Marie Webster, Anthony N Doob.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.1: 3-31.
138322 Wrongful convictions and the Blackstone ratio: An empirical analysis of public attitudes/Jan W de Keijser, Evianne GM de Lange, Johan A van Wilsem.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.1: 32-49.
138323 Legal protections against criminal background checks in Europe/Elena Larrauri Pijoan.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.1: 50-73.
138324 Are prisons really schools for terrorism? Challenging the rhetoric on prison radicalization/Clarke R Jones.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.1: 74-103.
138325 The pains of freedom: Assessing the ambiguity of Scandinavian penal exceptionalism on Norway’s Prison Island/Victor Lund Shammas.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.1: 104-123.
138326 Gender at the border: Nationalism and the new logic of punishment/Emma Kaufman.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.2: 135-151.
138327 Paternal pains of imprisonment: Incarcerated fathers, ethnic minority masculinity and resistance narratives/Thomas Ugelvik.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.2: 152-168.
138328 In search of recognition: Gender and staff-detainee relations in a British immigration removal centre/Mary Bosworth, Gavin Slade.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.2: 169-186.
138329 Floating carceral spaces: Border enforcement and gender on the high seas/Sharon Pickering.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.2: 187-205.
138330 Gendered discipline and protective custody of trafficking victims in Asia/Maggy Lee.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.2: 206-222.
138331 Hanging in Japan: What Occupation-era documents and a lay judge trial reveal about executions in the state that still kills in secret/David T Johnson, Kenji Nagata.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.3: 227-257.
138332 The delayed emergence of penal modernism in Florida/Heather Schoenfeld.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.3: 258-284.
138333 Changing narrative accounts: How young men tell different stories when arrested, enduring jail time and navigating community reentry/Valli Rajah, Ronald Kramer, Hung-En Sung.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.3: 285-304.
138334 Devolving the carceral state: Race, prisoner reentry, and the micro-politics of urban poverty management/Reuben Jonathan Miller.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.3: 305-335.
138335 A culture of sharing: Drug exchange in a Norwegian prison/Kristian Mjaland.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.3: 336-352.
138336 What is a history of the present? On Foucault’s genealogies and their critical preconditions/David Garland.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.4: 365-384.
138337 Aboriginalising the parole process: Culturally appropriate adaptations and the Canadian federal parole system/Sarah Turnbull.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.4: 385-405.
138338 Death by family: Honor violence as punishment/Mark Cooney.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.4: 406-427.
138339 Encoding risk: Probation work and sex offenders’ narrative identities/Leon Digard.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.4: 428-447.
138340 Decarceration and its possible effects on inmates, staff, and communities/Brett Garland … [et al.].- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.4: 448-473.
138341 Democratising punishment: Sentencing, community views and values/Julian V Roberts, Jan W de Keijser.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.4: 474-498.
138342 Two hundred and fifty years since the publication of On Crimes and Punishments: The currency of Cesare Beccaria’s thought/Luigi Ferrajoli.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.5: 501-519.
138343 Bordered penality: Precarious membership and abnormal justice/Katja Franko Aas.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.5: 520-541.
138344 From punishment to rewards? Treatment dilemmas at a youth detention home/Anna G Franzen, Rolf Holmqvist.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.5: 542-559.
138345 From punishment to protection: Containing and controlling the lives of people with disabilities in human rights/Claire Spivakovsky.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.5: 560-577.
138346 Punishment as moral communication: The experiences of long-term prisoners/Marguerite Schinkel.- Punishment and Society. 2014; Vol.16, No.5: 578-597.
138347 One cannot legislate kindness: Ambiguities in European legal instruments on non-custodial sanctions/Dirk van Zyl Smit, Sonja Snacken, David Hayes.- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.1: 3-26.
138348 Economic individualism and punitive attitudes: A cross-national analysis/Ryan Kornhauser.- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.1: 27-53.
138349 Crime, punishment and the moral emotions: Righteous minds and their attitudes towards punishment/Rob Canton.- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.1: 54-72.
138350 Disparate risks of conviction under Michigan’s felony HIV disclosure law: An observational analysis of convictions and HIV diagnoses, 1992-2010/Trevor Alexander Hoppe.- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.1: 73-93.
138351 Attitudes of the Hong Kong Chinese public towards sex offending policies: The role of stereotypical views of sex offenders/Wing Hong Chui, Kevin Kwok-yin Cheng, Rebecca Yoke-chan Ong.- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.1: 94-113.
138352 Penal subjectivities: Developing a theoretical framework for penal consciousness/Lori Sexton.- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.1: 114-136.
138353 Crime, justice and the legitimacy of military power in the international sphere/Teresa Degenhardt.- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.2: 139-162.
138354 The price of prevention: The preventative turn in crime policy and its consequences for the role of the state/Rik Peeters.- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.2: 163-183.
138355 What’s violence got to do with it? Inequality, punishment, and state failure in US politics/Lisa L Miller.- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.2: 184-210.
138356 Why should criminology care about literary fiction? Literature, life narratives and telling untellable stories/Sarah Colvin.- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.2: 211-229.
138357 A macro-level perspective on prison inmate deviance/John Wooldredge, Benjamin Steiner.- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.2: 230-257.
138358 US penal-reform catalysts, drivers, and prospects/David A Green.- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.3: 271-298.
138359 US punitiveness Canadian style? Cultural values and Canadian punishment policy/Cheryl Marie Webster, Anthony N Doob.- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.3: 299-321.
138360 Inspector Wallander’s angst, social change and the reconfiguration of Swedish exceptionalism/John Pratt, Thomas McLean.- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.3: 322-344.
138361 Penal diversity within Australia/Hilde Tubex … [et al.].- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.3: 345-373.
138362 Cultural peers and penal policies: A configurational approach toward mapping penal landscapes/Susanne Karstedt.- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.3: 374-396.
138363 Punishment, legitimate policies and values: Penal moderation, dignity and human rights/Sonja Snacken.- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.3: 397-423.
138364 Hindering the deportation machine: An ethnography of power and resistance in immigration detention/Giuseppe Campesi.- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.4: 427-453.
138365 Crime, punishment and segregation in the United States: The paradox of local democracy/Nicola Lacey, David Soskice.- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.4: 454-481.
138366 Nobody’s better than you, nobody’s worse than you: Moral community among prisoners convicted of sexual offences/Alice Ievins, Ben Crewe.- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.4: 482-501.
138367 The structure of public opinion on crime policy: Evidence from seven Caribbean nations/Edward Maguire, Devon Johnson.- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.4: 502-530.
138368 The hidden role of racial bias in support for policies related to inequality and crime/Kevin M Drakulich.- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.5: 541-574.
138369 Have community sanctions and measures widened the net of the European criminal justice systems?/Marcelo F Aebi, Natalia Delgrande, Yann Marguet.- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.5: 575-597.
138370 Punishment, authority and political economy: Italian challenges to western punitiveness/Zelia A Gallo.- Punishment and Society. 2015; Vol.17, No.5: 598-623.
138371 Wounded healers: How formerly incarcerated women help themselves by helping others/Gretchen Heidemann … [et al.].- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.1: 3-26.
138372 You are what you eat: Exploring the relationship between women, food, and incarceration/Kaitlyn de Graaf, Jennifer M Kilty.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.1: 27-46.
138373 Minimum sentencing for murder in England and Wales: A critical examination 10 years after the Criminal Justice Act 2003/Kate Fitz-Gibbon.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.1: 47-67.
138374 Civic commitment: Promoting desistance through community integration/Kathryn J Fox.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.1: 68-94.
138375 The Cinderella complex: Punishment, society and community sanctions/Gwen Robinson.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.1: 95-112.
138376 Offender and/or client? Fuzzy institutional identities in prison-based drug treatment in Denmark/Bjarke Nielsen, Torsten Kolind.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.2: 131-150.
138377 Hell to pay: Religion and punitive ideology among the American public/Joseph O Baker, Alexis L Booth.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.2: 151-176.
138378 It’s for their own good: Techniques of neutralization and security guard violence against psychiatric patients/Matthew S Johnston, Jennifer M Kilty.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.2: 177-197.
138379 Missing the moral: Excited delirium as a negative case study of a moral panic/Jesse SG Wozniak.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.2: 198-219.
138380 Clothing makes the man: Impression management and prisoner reentry/Calvin John Smiley, Keesha M Middlemass.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.2: 220-243.
138381 Punishment and political systems: State punitiveness in post-dictatorial Greece/Leonidas K Cheliotis, Sappho Xenakis.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.3: 268-300.
138382 Democratization, politics and punishment in Argentina/Maximo Sozzo.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.3: 301-324.
138383 Punishment, violence, and grassroots democracy in South Africa – The politics of populist punitiveness/Gail Jennifer Super.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.3: 325-345.
138384 Prisons of the past: Penal nationalism and the politics of punishment in Central Europe/Lynne Haney.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.3: 346-368.
138385 Beyond punitiveness? Governance of crime and authoritarian heritage in Serbia/Milena Tripkovic.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.3: 369-386.
138386 A matter of degree: A justice framework for penal legitimacy/Joao Pedro Costa.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.4: 389-399.
138387 Genocidal carcerality and Indian residential schools in Canada/Andrew Woolford, James Gacek.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.4: 400-419.
138388 Penal change as penal layering: A case study of proto-prison adoption and capital punishment reduction, 1785-1822/Ashley T Rubin.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.4: 420-441.
138389 Short-timing: The carceral experience of soon-to-be-released prisoners/Josh Seim.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.4: 442-458.
138390 Families coming together in prison: An examination of visitation encounters/Melinda Tasca, Philip Mulvey, Nancy Rodriguez.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.4: 459-478.
138391 Decarceration and justice disinvestment: Evidence from New York State/William G Martin.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.4: 479-504.
138392 Placing the criminalization of school discipline in economic context/John J Brent.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.5: 521-543.
138393 We’re like community: Collective identity and collective efficacy among transgender women in prisons for men/Lori Sexton, Valerie Jenness.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.5: 544-577.
138394 Devolution, not decarceration: The limits of juvenile justice reform in Texas/Sarah Cate.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.5: 578-609.
138395 The role of ethnic divisions in people’s attitudes toward the death penalty: The case of the Albanians/Ridvan Peshkopia, D Stephen Voss.- Punishment and Society. 2016; Vol.18, No.5: 610-630.
138396 The collision of care and punishment: Ageing prisoners’ view on compassionate release/Violet Handtke … [et al.].- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.1: 5-22.
138397 Erasing the mark of a criminal past: Ex-offenders’ expectations and experiences with record clearance/Ericka B Adams, Elsa Y Chen, Rosella Chapman.- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.1: 23-52.
138398 Mass probation: Toward a more robust theory of state variation in punishment/Michelle S Phelps.- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.1: 53-73.
138399 Honour and respect in Danish prisons: Contesting cognitive distortions in cognitive-behavioural programmes/Julie Laursen, Ben Laws.- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.1: 74-95.
138400 Rethinking mobility in criminology: Beyond horizontal mobilities of prisoner transportation/Jennifer Turner, Kimberley Peters.- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.1: 96-114.
138401 Somali piracy prisoners and biopolitical penal aid in East Africa/Brittany V Gilmer.- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.1: 115-131.
138402 From prison to detention: The carceral trajectories of foreign-national prisoners in the United Kingdom/Sarah Turnbull, Ines Hasselberg.- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.2: 135-154.
138403 The mirror image of asylums and prisons: A study of institutionalization trends in France (1850-2010)/Sacha Raoult, Bernard E Harcourt.- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.2: 155-179.
138404 Measuring jurors’ views on sentencing: Results from the second Australian jury sentencing study/Kate Warner … [et al.].- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.2: 180-202.
138405 Moving beyond punitivism: Punishment, state failure and democracy at the margins/Insa Koch.- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.2: 203-220.
138406 Carceral framing of human rights in Russian prisons/Laura Piacentini, Elena Katz.- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.2: 221-239.
138407 Hungry on the inside: Prison food as concrete and symbolic punishment in a women’s prison/Amy B Smoyer, Giza Lopes.- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.2: 240-255.
138408 Why prisons are not The New Asylums/Liat Ben-Moshe.- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.3: 272-289.
138409 I feel like I failed him by ringing the police: Criminalising disability in Australia/Ruth McCausland, Eileen Baldry.- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.3: 290-309.
138410 Madness and penal confinement: Some observations on mental illness and prison pain/Craig Haney.- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.3: 310-326.
138411 Disabling forensic mental health detention: The carcerality of the disabled body/Linda Steele.- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.3: 327-347.
138412 Unexpected spaces of confinement: Aversive technologies, intellectual disability, and bare life/DL Adams, Nirmala Erevelles.- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.3: 348-365.
138413 Governing freedom through risk: Locating the group home in the archipelago of confinement and control/Claire Spivakovsky.- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.3: 366-383.
138414 The hidden subsidies of rural prisons: Race, space and the politics of cumulative disadvantage/Hannah L Walker … [et al.].- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.4: 393-416.
138415 Moral shocks and small wins: Encouraging firms based in liberal societies to behave integratively towards former prisoners/Prue Burns … [et al.].- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.4: 417-439.
138416 New abolition, criminology and a critical carceral studies/Michelle Brown, Judah Schept.- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.4: 440-462.
138417 Socioeconomic marginality in sentencing: The built-in bias in risk assessment tools and the reproduction of social inequality/Gwen van Eijk.- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.4: 463-481.
138418 Managing rehabilitation: Negotiating performance accountability at the frontlines of reentry service provision/John Halushka.- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.4: 482-502.
138419 Pre-trial detention and guilty pleas: Inducement or coercion?/Elsa Euvrard, Chloe Leclerc.- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.5: 525-542.
138420 A rhetorical balancing act: Popular punitivism in the Netherlands/Christopher M Campbell, David A Makin, Sanne AM Rijkhoff.- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.5: 543-567.
138421 The offender personality disorder pathway and its implications for women prisoners in England and Wales/Elaine Player.- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.5: 568-589.
138422 Bifurcation nation: American penal policy in late mass incarceration/Christopher Seeds.- Punishment and Society. 2017; Vol.19, No.5: 590-610.
138423 Theoretical advances and problems in the sociology of punishment/David Garland.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.1: 8-33.
138424 Punishment, globalization and migration control: Get them the hell out of here/Mary Bosworth, Katja Franko, Sharon Pickering.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.1: 34-53.
138425 Reimagining the sociology of punishment through the global-south: postcolonial social control and modernization discontents/David S Fonseca.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.1: 54-72.
138426 Punitive turn and justice cascade: Mutual inspiration from Punishment and Society and human rights literatures/Joachim J Savelsberg.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.1: 73-91.
138427 Theoretical and empirical limits of Scandinavian Exceptionalism: Isolation and normalization in Danish prisons/Keramet Reiter, Lori Sexton, Jennifer Sumner.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.1: 92-112.
138428 Digital degradation: Stigma management in the internet age/Sarah E Lageson, Shadd Marun.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.1: 113-133.
138429 Risky business, risk assessment, and other heteronormative misnomers in women’s community corrections and reentry planning/Erin M Kerrison.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.1: 134-151.
138430 Virtuous profits: Pay for success arrangements and the future of recidivism reduction/Randolph R. Myers, Tim Goddard.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.2: 155-173.
138431 When work is punishment: Penal subjectivities in punitive labor regimes/Erin Hatton.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.2: 174-191.
138432 The prehistory of innovation: A longer view of penal change/Ashley T Rubin.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.2: 192-216.
138433 Why punishment pleases: Punitive feelings in a world of hostile solidarity/Henrique Carvalho, Anastasia Chamberlen.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.2: 217-234.
138434 Proximity, pain, and State punishment/David Hayes.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.2: 235-254.
138435 Penal reform, anti-carceral feminist campaigns and the politics of change in women’s prisons, Victoria, Australia/Bree Carlton.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.3: 283-307.
138436 An enduring sovereign mode of punishment: Post-dictatorial penal policies in Spain/Jose A Brandariz-Garcia.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.3: 308-328.
138437 Expansion, standardization, and densification of the criminal justice apparatus: Recent developments in Brazil/David S Fonseca.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.3: 329-350.
138438 It will crush you like a bug: Maternal incarceration, secondary prisonization, and children’s visitation/Brittnie L Aiello, Jill A McCorkel.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.3: 351-374.
138439 Underground penality: The IRA’s punishment of informers/Ron Dudai.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.3: 375-395.
138440 Women’s voices made visible: Photovoice in visual criminology/Wendy Fitzgibbon, Camille M Stengel.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.4: 411-431.
138441 The death penalty and homicide deterrence in Japan/Kanji Muramatsu, David T Johnson, Koiti Yano.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.4: 432-457.
138442 Responsibilisation and female imprisonment in contemporary penal policy: Respect Modules (Modulos de Respeto) in Spain/Ana Ballesteros-Pena.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.4: 458-476.
138443 Subjects in criminality discourse: On the narrative positioning of young defendants/Bernd Dollinger.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.4: 477-497.
138444 Mitigation for minors: Exploring the nuances of social constructs and legal status in structuring sentences for youthful offenders/Megan C Kurlychek.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.4: 498-522.
138445 Does the last chance sentence work? Ten years of failures and successes under a juvenile intermediate sanction in Canada/Isabelle F.-Dufour, Marie-Pierre Villeneuve, Denis Lafortune.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.5: 539-561.
138446 The role of emotion, space and place in police custody in England: Towards a geography of police custody/Andrew Wooff, Layla Skinns.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.5: 562-579.
138447 Space and ethnic identification in a Danish prison/Mie B Haller, Torsten Kolind.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.5: 580-598.
138448 Indigenous perspectives on violence risk assessment: A thematic analysis/Stephane M Shepherd, Cynthia Willis-Esqueda.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.5: 599-627.
138449 Inside or outside? Expanding the narratives about life-sentenced prisoners/Steve Herbert.- Punishment and Society. 2018; Vol.20, No.5: 628-645.
138450 Conflicted conservatives, punitive views, and anti-Black racial bias 1974-2014/Elizabeth K Brown, Kelly M Socia, Jasmine R Silver.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.1: 3-27.
138451 Men and women’s prisons in the Portuguese press: The gender of punishment/Luisa Saavedra … [et al.].- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.1: 28-46.
138452 The demographic divide: Population dynamics, race and the rise of mass incarceration in the United States/Michael C Campbell, Matt Vogel.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.1: 47-69.
138453 Making sense of life without parole in China/Tobias Smith, Su Jiang.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.1: 70-88.
138454 Yes, I can still parent. Until I die, he will always be my son: Parental responsibility in the wake of child incarceration/Daniel McCarthy, Maria Adams.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.1: 89-106.
138455 The right way to be a woman: Negotiating femininity in a prison-based drug treatment programme/Torsten Kolind, Jeanett Bjonness.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.1: 107-124.
138456 Good governance, political experiences, and public support for mandatory sentencing: Evidence from a progressive US state/Jody Sundt, Kathryn Schwaeble, Cullen C Merritt.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.2: 141-161.
138457 Contesting market rationality: Discursive struggles over prison privatization/Brett Burkhardt.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.2: 162-186.
138458 Whither neoliberal penality? The past, present and future of imprisonment in the US/Sappho Xenakis, Leonidas K Cheliotis.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.2: 187-206.
138459 Mass supervision, misrecognition and the Malopticon/Fergus McNeill.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.2: 207-230.
138460 The prisoner’s dilemma: How male prisoners experience and respond to penal threat while incarcerated/Katharina H Maier, Rosemary Ricciardelli.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.2: 231-250.
138461 Punishment and Welfare revisited/David Garland.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.3: 267-274.
138462 How fathers construct and perform masculinity in a liminal prison space/Tess S Bartlett, Anna Eriksson.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.3: 275-294.
138463 Bordered penal populism: When populism and Scandinavian exceptionalism meet/John Todd-Kvam.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.3: 295-314.
138464 Privatizing criminal stigma: Experience, intergroup contact, and public views about publicizing arrest records/Sarah E Lageson, Megan Denver, Justin T Pickett.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.3: 315-341.
138465 Ambiguous publicities: Cultivating doubt at the intersection of competing genres of risk evaluation in Catalan Prisons/Johanna Romer.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.3: 342-363.
138466 Nongovernmental organizations and postprison life: Examining the role of religion/Nicole Kaufman.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.4: 393-416.
138467 Dangerous positions: Male homosexuality in the new penal code of Iran/Ahmad Karimi, Zohreh Bayatrizi.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.4: 417-434.
138468 The Carceral Web we weave: Carceral citizens’ experiences of digital punishment and solidarity/Susila Gurusami.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.4: 435-453.
138469 The prison as a therapeutic music scene: Exploring musical identities in music therapy and everyday life in a prison setting/Kjetil Hjornevik, Leif Waage.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.4: 454-472.
138470 Public support for the death penalty in a red state: The distrustful, the angry, and the unsure/Lisa A Kort-Butler, Colleen M Ray.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.4: 473-495.
138471 The epistemology of algorithmic risk assessment and the path towards a non-penology penology/Yoav Mehozay, Eran Fisher.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.5: 523-541.
138472 Affect and authority in immigration detention/Mary Bosworth.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.5: 542-559.
138473 The return of the suppressed: Exploring how emotional suppression reappears as violence and pain among male and female prisoners/Ben Laws.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.5: 560-577.
138474 Beyond personal reform: Adolescent drug-law offenders and the desistance process/Thomas Anton Sandoy.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.5: 578-595.
138475 You don’t respect me, but I’m worthy of respect. Paramilitaries’ prison experience and conflict transformation in Colombia/Libardo J Ariza, Manuel Iturralde.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.5: 596-615.
138476 De-constructing risk, therapeutic needs and the dangerous personality disordered subject/Ailbhe O’Loughlin.- Punishment and Society. 2019; Vol.21, No.5: 616-638.
138477 Difference and punishment: Ethno-political exclusion, colonial institutional legacies, and incarceration/Andrew P Davis, Michael Gibson-Light.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.1: 3-24.
138478 Always gotta be two mans: Lifers, risk, rehabilitation, and narrative labour/Jason Warr.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.1: 28-47.
138479 Three warnings and you’re out: Banishment and precarious penality in South Africa’s informal settlements/Gail Super.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.1: 48-69.
138480 Probation practice in a velvet cage? Specialist court work after probation privatisation in England and Wales/Gwen Robinson.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.1: 70-89.
138481 Punitive reform and the cultural life of punishment: Moving from the ASBO to its successors/Kevin J Brown.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.1: 90-107.
138482 Transforming Rehabilitation: The micro-physics of (market) power/Matt Tidmarsh.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.1: 108-126.
138483 God’s penology: Belief in a masculine God predicts support for harsh criminal punishment and militarism/Joseph O Baker, Andrew L Whitehead.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.2: 135-160.
138484 Inside the penal voluntary sector: Divided discourses of helping criminalized women/Kaitlyn Quinn.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.2: 161-180.
138485 Economic anxieties, fear of crime, and punitive attitudes in Latin America/Alexa J Singer … [et al.].- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.2: 181-206.
138486 Outlaw girls escape from prison: Gender, resistance and playfulness/Fabienne Emmerich.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.2: 207-226.
138487 Neoliberal security provision: Between state practices and individual experience/Magnus Hornqvist.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.2: 227-246.
138488 Neoliberal politics and state modernization in Chilean penal evolution/Javier Wilenmann.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.3: 259-280.
138489 Indefinite stuckness: Listening in a time of hyper-incarceration and border entrapment/Emma K Russell, Maria Rae.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.3: 281-301.
138490 Public opinion on crime, punishment and the death penalty in Barbados/Lynsey Black, Lizzie Seal, Florence Seemungal.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.3: 302-320.
138491 Penal controls and social controls: Toward a theory of American penal exceptionalism/David Garland.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.3: 321-352.
138492 Familiarity and strangeness: Seeing everyday practices of punishment and resistance in Holloway Prison/Carly Guest, Rachel Seoighe.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.3: 353-375.
138493 Same old song and dance? An analysis of legislative activity in a period of penal reform/Michael Campbell, Heather Schoenfeld, Paige Vaughn.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.4: 389-412.
138494 Polluting our prisons? An examination of Oklahoma prison locations and toxic releases, 2011-2017/Maggie L Corwin … [et al.].- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.4: 413-438.
138495 State variation in the drug felony lifetime ban on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families: Why the modified ban matters/Brittany T Martin, Sarah KS Shannon.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.4: 439-460.
138496 Secondary ensnarement: Surveillance systems in the service of punitive immigration enforcement/Ana Muniz.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.4: 461-482.
138497 Playing games to re-story troubled family narratives in Danish maximum-security prisons/Thomas Markussen, Eva Knutz.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.4: 483-508.
138498 A kinder, gentler drug war? Race, drugs, and punishment in 21st century America/Katherine Beckett, Marco Brydolf-Horwitz.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.4: 509-533.
138499 The pains of being unauthorized in the Netherlands/Mieke Kox, Miranda Boone, Richard Staring.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.4: 534-552.
138500 Public opinion and the death penalty in Japan/Viviana Andreescu, Tom Tad Hughes.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.5: 573-595.
138501 Exceptional states: The political geography of comparative penology/Louise Brangan.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.5: 596-616.
138502 Enhancing the legitimacy of sentences in the minds of the public: Evidence from a public opinion survey in Hong Kong/Kevin Kwok-Yin Cheng, Natasha Pushkarna, Sayaka Ri.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.5: 617-636.
138503 Evaluating voluntary sector involvement in mass incarceration: The case of Samaritan prisoner volunteers/Philippa Tomczak, Christopher Bennett.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.5: 637-657.
138504 Discipline that hurts: Punitive logics and governance in sport/Liam Kennedy, Derek Silva.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.5: 658-680.
138505 Sanctifying the expansion of carceral control: Spiritual Supervision in the religious lives of criminalized Latinas/Melissa Guzman.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.5: 681-702.
138506 Bordered penality in the Netherlands: The experiences of foreign national prisoners and prison officers in a crimmigration prison/Jelmer Brouwer.- Punishment and Society. 2020; Vol.22, No.5: 703-722.
138507 Penal welfarism gone global? Comparing international criminal justice to The Culture of Control/Kjersti Lohne.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.1: 3-23.
138508 Broke people, broken rules: Explaining welfare fraud investigators’ attributions/Spencer Headworth.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.1: 24-46.
138509 Tightness, recognition and penal power/Ben Crewe, Alice Ievins.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.1: 47-68.
138510 And you will wait …: Carceral transportation in electronic monitoring as part of the punishment process/Erin Eife, Gabriela Kirk.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.1: 69-87.
138511 Comparing electronic monitoring regimes: Length, breadth, depth and weight equals tightness/Anthea Hucklesby, Kristel Beyens, Miranda Boone.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.1: 88-106.
138512 Theorizing financial extraction: The curious case of telephone profits in the Los Angeles county jails/Armando Lara-Millan.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.1: 107-126.
138513 Civic death as a mechanism of retributive punishment: Academic purges in Turkey/Seckin Sertdemir Ozdemir.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.2: 145-163.
138514 Theorizing the drop in white-collar crime prosecutions: An ecological model/Joe McGrath, Deirdre Healy.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.2: 164-189.
138515 Public opinion and the politics of collateral consequence policies/Travis Johnston, Kevin H Wozniak.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.2: 190-217.
138516 Diminished citizenship in the era of mass incarceration/Susan Starr Sered.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.2: 218-240.
138517 Sex logics: Negotiating the prison rape elimination act (PREA) against its’ administrative, safety, and cultural burdens/Danielle S Rudes … [et al.].- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.2: 241-259.
138518 Performing the enemy? No-risk logic and the assessment of prisoners in radicalization assessment units in French prisons/Gilles Chantraine, David Scheer.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.2: 260-280.
138519 Decolonizing the criminal question/Ana Aliverti … [et al.].- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.3: 297-316.
138520 Martyrdom, collective memory, and the contested penal authority of racial state institutions/Bonar Buffam.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.3: 317-334.
138521 The depth of imprisonment/Ben Crewe.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.3: 335-354.
138522 The social meaning of snitching in Chinese drug detention centers/Vincent S Cheng, Florence K Lapto.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.3: 355-375.
138523 From rehabilitation to penal communication: The role of furlough and visitation within a retributivist framework/William Bulow, Netanel Dagan.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.3: 376-393.
138524 Liminality revisited: Mapping the emotional adaptations of women in carceral space/Yvonne Jewkes, Ben Laws.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.3: 394-412.
138525 State supervision, punishment and poverty: The case of drug bans on welfare receipt/Amanda Sheely.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.3: 413-435.
138526 Rights protection in prisons: Understanding recommendations-making by prison inspection and monitoring bodies in the European Union/Eva Aizpurua, Mary Rogan.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.4: 455-477.
138527 The politics of prison air: Breath, smell, and wind in Myanmar prisons/Tomas Max Martin.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.4: 478-496.
138528 Panopticon, Inc.: Jeremy Bentham, contract management, and (neo)liberal penality/Spencer J Weinreich.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.4: 497-514.
138529 Penal nationalism in the settler colony: On the construction and maintenance of national whiteness in settler Canada/Jessica Evans.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.4: 515-535.
138530 Neo-colonial penality? Travelling penal power and contingent sovereignty/Eva Magdalena Stambol.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.4: 536-556.
138531 Reparative justice: The final stage of decolonization/Biko Agozino.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.5: 613-630.
138532 Carceral urbanism: Reconstructing the architecture of punitive space in post-genocide Rwanda/Shakirah E Hudani.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.5: 631-649.
138533 The rise and ongoing legacy of localism as collective identity in Hong Kong: Resinicisation anxieties and punishment of political dissent in the post-colonial era/Michael Adorjan, Paul Vinod Khiatani, Wing Hong Chui.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.5: 650-674.
138534 Imperial legacies and southern penal spaces: A study of hunting nomads in postcolonial India/Mark Brown … [et al.].- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.5: 675-696.
138535 Carcerality and the legacies of settler colonial punishment in Nairobi/Annie Pfingst, Wangui Kimari.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.5: 697-722.
138536 Coloniality, just war and carceral injustice in Brazil/Sacha Darke, Omar Phoenix Khan.- Punishment and Society. 2021; Vol.23, No.5: 723-740.
138537 Long sentenced women prisoners: Rights, risks and rehabilitation/Elaine Genders, Elaine Player.- Punishment and Society. 2022; Vol.24, No.1: 3-25.
138538 Managing drugs in the prisoner society: heroin and social order in Kyrgyzstan’s prisons/Gavin Slade, Lyuba Azbel.- Punishment and Society. 2022; Vol.24, No.1: 26-45.
138539 Religious perceptions of crime and implications for punitiveness/Christopher H Seto, Iman Said.- Punishment and Society. 2022; Vol.24, No.1: 46-68.
138540 Peculiar responsibilization? Exploring a governing strategy in an atypical prison in the Global South/Fernando Avila, Maximo Sozzo.- Punishment and Society. 2022; Vol.24, No.1: 69-94.
138541 The quadruple burden: Reproductive labor and prison visitation in Venezuela/Cory Fischer-Hoffman.- Punishment and Society. 2022; Vol.24, No.1: 95-115.
138542 Welfare state development and Finnish criminal justice reform from the 1910s to the 1960s/Esko Hakkinen.- Punishment and Society. 2022; Vol.24, No.1: 116-135.
138543 Carceral churn: A sensorial ethnography of the bail and remand court/Emma K Russell, Bree Carlton, Danielle Tyson.- Punishment and Society. 2022; Vol.24, No.2: 151-169.
138544 Punishing status and the punishment status quo: Solitary confinement in U.S. Immigration prisons, 2013-2017/Konrad Franco, Caitlin Patler, Keramet Reiter.- Punishment and Society. 2022; Vol.24, No.2: 170-195.
138545 The moral foundations of crime control in American presidential platforms, 1968-2016/Elizabeth K Brown, Jasmine R Silver.- Punishment and Society. 2022; Vol.24, No.2: 196-220.
138546 Under the punitive aegis: Dependency and the family justice center model/Victoria Piehowski.- Punishment and Society. 2022; Vol.24, No.2: 221-240.
138547 Stories of the good father: The role of fatherhood among incarcerated men in Mexico/Sveinung Sandberg, Carolina Agoff, Gustavo Fondevila.- Punishment and Society. 2022; Vol.24, No.2: 241-261.
138548 Desistance, persistence, resilience and resistance: A qualitative exploration of how Black fathers with criminal records navigate employer discrimination/Abigail Henson.- Punishment and Society. 2022; Vol.24, No.2: 262-283.
138549 Preventive justice: Exploring the coercive power of community protection notices to tackle anti-social behaviour/Vicky Heap, Alex Black, Zoe Rodgers.- Punishment and Society. 2022; Vol.24, No.3: 305-323.
138550 A vulnerability inspired Universal Design of Justice/Jennifer C Sarrett.- Punishment and Society. 2022; Vol.24, No.3: 324-345.
138551 Predicting support for community corrections: Crime type and severity, and offender, observer, and victim characteristics/Inna Levy, Keren Cohen-Louck, Sergio Herzog.- Punishment and Society. 2022; Vol.24, No.3: 346-366.
138552 Punitive ambiguity: State-level criminal record data quality in the era of widespread background screening/David McElhattan.- Punishment and Society. 2022; Vol.24, No.3: 367-386.
138553 The role of storylines in penal policy change/Harry Annison.- Punishment and Society. 2022; Vol.24, No.3: 387-409.
138554 Prison official perceptions of technology in prison/Andrea Mufarreh, Jason Waitkus, Teresa A Booker.- Punishment and Society. 2022; Vol.24, No.3: 410-432.
138555 The Struggle is Real: Punitive assessment in community services/Marianne Quirouette.- Punishment and Society. 2022; Vol.24, No.3: 433-456.
138556 The policing of subway fare evasion in postindustrial Los Angeles/Lallen T Johnson, Evelyn J Patterson.- Punishment and Society. 2022; Vol.24, No.3: 457-476.
138557 Investigating prison suicides: The politics of independent oversight/Dominic Aitken.- Punishment and Society. 2022; Vol.24, No.3: 477-497.
138558 Introduction to Sexual Movements and Gendered Boundaries: Legal Negotiations of the Global and the Local/Doris Buss … [et al.].- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.1: 5-15.
138559 Stages of Development: Marriage of Girls and Teens as an International Human Rights Issue/Annie Bunting.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.1: 17-38.
138560 White Slaves in a Colonial Nation: the Dutch Campaign Against the Traffic in Women in the Early Twentieth Century/Petra de Vries.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.1: 39-60.
138561 Now You See Her, Now You Don’t: Sex Workers at the UN Trafficking Protocol Negotiation/Jo Doezema.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.1: 61-89.
138562 A Tale of Two Servitudes: Defining and Implementing a Domestic Response to Trafficking of Women for Prostitution in the UK and Australia/Vanessa E. Munro.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.1: 91-114.
138563 A Preoccupation with Perversion: the British Response to Refugee Claims on the Basis of Sexual Orientation, 1989-2003/Jenni Millbank.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.1: 115-138.
138564 Reforming Land Rights: The World Bank and the Globalization of Agriculture/Elizabeth Fortin.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.2: 147-177.
138565 On Mothers, Babies and Bathwater: Distributive Justice, Tort Law and Prenatal Duties/Tsachi Keren-Paz.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.2: 179-196.
138566 The Mysteries of Human Dignity and the Brave New World of Human Cloning/David Gurnham.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.2: 197-214.
138567 Zoora Shah: An Unusual Woman/Anna Carline.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.2: 215-238.
138568 Criminalizing War: Criminology as Ceasefire/Vincenzo Ruggiero.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.2: 239-257.
138569 The Law School, the Legal Academy and the Global Knowledge Economy – Reflections on a Growing Debate: Introduction/Richard Collier.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.2: 259-265.
138570 Gothic Horror in the Legal Academy/Margaret Thornton.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.2: 267-276.
138571 Gothic Horror? A Response to Margaret Thornton/Fiona Cownie, Anthony Bradney.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.2: 277-285.
138572 Corporatism and Legal Education in Canada/Susan B. Boyd.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.2: 287-297.
138573 Genealogies of the Land: Aboriginality, Law, and Territory in Vancouver’s Stanley Park/Renisa Mawani.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.3: 315-339.
138574 As Nearly as May be: Debating Women’s Human Rights in Pakistan/Siobhan Mullally.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.3: 341-358.
138575 Misguided Retribution: Criminalization of Pregnant Women Who Take Drugs/Vicki Toscano.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.3: 359-386.
138576 Someone to Watch over Me: Making Supported Housing Work/Helen Carr.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.3: 387-408.
138577 Motherhood, Fatherhood and Law: Child Custody and Visitation in Israel/Daphna Hacker.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.3: 409-431.
138578 John Bolton and the United States’ Retreat from International Law/Wade Mansell, Emily Haslam.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.4: 459-485.
138579 The Third World and Socio-Legal Studies: Neo-Liberalism and Lessons from India’s Legal Innovations/Radha D’Souza.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.4: 487-513.
138580 Beauty and the Beast: Gendered and Raced Discourse in the News/Paula Wilcox.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.4: 515-532.
138581 Unconscious Racism: Scrutinizing Judicial Reasoning in Stolen Generation Cases/Elena Marchetti, Janet Ransley.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.4: 533-552.
138582 Empires of Law: Discipline and Resistance within the Transnational System/Mark Goodale.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.4: 553-583.
138583 Being Hated: Stranger or Familiar?/Gail Mason.- Social and Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.14, No.4: 585-605.
138584 Taxonomies of Inequality: Lawyers, Maps, and the Challenge of Hybridity/Emily Grabham.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.1: 5-23.
138585 Introduction: Harmony or Dissonance? Copyright Concepts and Musical Practice/Anne Barron.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.1: 25-51.
138586 Digital Sampling and Cultural Inequality/David Hesmondhalgh.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.1: 53-75.
138587 Copyright, the Work and Phonographic Orality in Music/Jason Toynbee.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.1: 77-99.
138588 Copyright Law’s Musical Work/Anne Barron.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.1: 101-127.
138589 R.I.A. to R.A.E.: Aporia and Amour Propre in the Legal Academy/Peter Goodrich.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.1: 129-143.
138590 Difference in the House of Lords/Erika Rackley.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.2: 163-185.
138591 Male Rape and the Careful Construction of the Male Victim/Ruth Graham.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.2: 187-208.
138592 Private Legal Orders: Professional Markets and the Commodification of Financial Governance/James W. Williams.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.2: 209-235.
138593 The Insanities of Reproduction: Medico-legal Knowledge and the Development of Infanticide Law/Kirsten Johnson Kramar, William D. Watson.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.2: 237-255.
138594 Narrating Political Reconciliation: Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa/Claire Moon.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.2: 257-275.
138595 Surveying Deviance, Figuring Disgust: Locating the Homocriminal Body in Time and Space/Derek Dalton.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.2: 277-299.
138596 Other Inhumane Acts: Forced Marriage, Girl Soldiers and the Special Court for Sierra Leone/Augustine S. J. Park.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.3: 315-337.
138597 Setting Em Up: Personal, Familial and Institutional Grooming in the Sexual Abuse of Children/Anne-Marie Mcalinden.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.3: 339-362.
138598 The Ordeal of St. Sepulchre’S: A Campaign Against Organized Prostitution in Early 19th-Century London and the Emergence of Lower Middle-class Consciousness/Antony E. Simpson.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.3: 363-387.
138599 Homophobic Violence, Cultural Essentialism and Shifting Sexual Identities/Stephen Tomsen.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.3: 389-407.
138600 Cross-cultural Brokering in the Legal, Institutional and Normative Domains: Intercultural Mediators Managing Immigration in Catalonia/Jordi Agusti-Panareda.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.3: 409-433.
138601 The Acceptable Face of Intervention: Intellectual Property in Posnerian Law and Economics/David Campbell, Sol Picciotto.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.3: 435-452.
138602 I’m Not One of Those Women’s Libber Type People but …: Gender, Class and Professional Power within the Third Branch of the English Legal Profession/Andrew Francis.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.4: 475-493.
138603 Genetics, Fathers and Families: Exploring the Implications of Changing the Law in Favour of Identifying Sperm Donors/Catherine Donovan.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.4: 494-510.
138604 Dogs Are Registered, People Shouldn’t Be: Legal Consciousness and Lesbian and Gay Rights/Rosie Harding.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.4: 511-533.
138605 Unicorn among the Cedars: On the Possibility of Effective Smart Regulation of the Globalized Shipping Industry/Michael Bloor … [et al.].- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.4: 534-551.
138606 The Scene of the Crime: Inventing the Serial Killer/Alexandra Warwick.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.4: 552-569.
138607 Law and Knowledge/Law as Knowledge/David Nelken.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.4: 570-573.
138608 Law’s Autonomy in Action: Anthropology and History in Court/Robert van Krieken.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.4: 574-590.
138609 The Sociology of Law as a Means against Struggle Itself/Mariana Valverde.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.4: 591-597.
138610 Getting at Law’s Boundaries/David Nelken.- Social and Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.15, No.4: 598-604.
138611 Framing Same-sex Marriage in Canada and the United States: Goodridge, Halpern and The National Boundaries of Political Discourse/Miriam Smith.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 5-26.
138612 Governance and Susceptibility in Conflict Resolution: Possibilities Beyond Control/Morgan Brigg.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 27-47.
138613 In the Shadow of Canada’s Camps/Martin French.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 49-69.
138614 Mixed Messages: Housing Associations and Corporate Governance/Morag McDermont.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 71-94.
138615 Poets, Revolutionaries and Shoemakers: Law and the Construction of National Identity in Central Europe During the Long 19th Century/Istvan Pogany.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 95-112.
138616 Coercive Normalization and Family Policing: The Limits of the Psy-Complex in Australian Penal Systems/David McCallum.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 113-129.
138617 Relocating the Master’s Domain: Social and Legal Locations of Gender from Post-Disaster to Everyday Life/Jane Krishnadas.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 131-147.
138618 Politicizing the Past: Indigenous Scholarship and Crown-Maori Reparations Processes in New Zealand/Richard S. Hill, Brigitte Bonisch-Brednich.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 163-181.
138619 Islamic Headscarves and the European Convention On Human Rights: an Intersectional Perspective/Anastasia Vakulenko.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 183-199.
138620 Constructing the Right To the City in Brazil/Edesio Fernandes.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 201-219.
138621 Mediator Neutrality: Making Sense of Theory and Practice/Hilary Astor.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 221-239.
138622 Reframing Medical Injury? Viewing People With Hemophilia as Victims of Cultural Injustice/Michael Orsini.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 241-258.
138623 Demobilization and Reintegration of Ex-Combatants: the Irish Case in International Perspective/Bill Rolston.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 259-280.
138624 Not in Our Name? On Responsibility and Its Disavowal/Scott Veitch.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 281-300.
138625 Becoming a War Criminal: Insights From the Hague/Ron Dudai.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 301-309.
138626 Judgecraft: an Introduction/Richard Moorhead, Dave Cowan.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.3: 315-320.
138627 Toward a Theorization of Craft/Herbert M. Kritzer.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.3: 321-340.
138628 Getting Through the List: Judgecraft and Legitimacy in the Lower Courts/Kathy Mack, Sharyn Roach Anleu.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.3: 341-361.
138629 Pretty Boring Stuff: District Judges and Housing Possession Proceedings/Dave Cowan, Emma Hitchings.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.3: 363-382.
138630 Architects of Justice: the Politics of Courtroom Design/Linda Mulcahy.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.3: 383-403.
138631 The Passive Arbiter: Litigants in Person and the Challenge To Neutrality/Richard Moorhead.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.3: 405-424.
138632 Sentencing as Craftwork and the Binary Epistemologies of the Discretionary Decision Process/Cyrus Tata.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.3: 425-447.
138633 Masculinity in the Dock: Legal Responses To Male Violence and Female Retaliation in England and Wales, 1900-1965/Anette Ballinger.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.4: 459-481.
138634 In the Midst of Death We Are in Life … Biopolitics and Beginning Again in Rwanda/Eugene Mcnamee.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.4: 483-508.
138635 Understanding Disadvantage Partly Through an Epistemology of Ignorance/Dermot Feenan.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.4: 509-531.
138636 Security and Migration Law in the Less Brave New World/Catherine Dauvergne.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.4: 533-549.
138637 Contributions to a Post-Sovereigntist Understanding of Law: Foucault, Law as Governance, and Legal Pluralism/Kevin Walby.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.4: 551-571.
138638 Utilitarianism and the Painful Orient/Piyel Haldar.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.4: 573-590.
138639 The Demon Drink and the Demonized Woman: Socio-Sexual Stereotypes and Responsibility Attribution in Rape Trials Involving Intoxicants/Emily Finch, Vanessa E. Munro.- Social and Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.16, No.4: 591-614.
138640 Postcard from the Edge (of Empire)/Elizabeth Adjin-Tettey … [et al.].- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.1: 5-38.
138641 Swallows and Amazons, or the Sporting Exception To the Gender Recognition Act/David Mcardle.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.1: 39-57.
138642 The Sovereign Exceptions: Colonization and the Foundation of Society/Paul Muldoon.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.1: 59-74.
138643 Democracy Captured By Its Imaginary: the Transition as Memory and Discourses of Constitutionalism in Spain/Vincent Druliolle.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.1: 75-92.
138644 Law and the Possibility of Discourse: Introduction/Emmanuel Melissaris.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.1: 93-95.
138645 The Point of Discourse/Maeve Cooke.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.1: 97-103.
138646 Alexy Ad Iustitium/Peter Goodrich.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.1: 105-108.
138647 The Concept of Validity in a Theory of Social Action/Carsten Heidemann.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.1: 109-114.
138648 Intersectional Race and Gender Analyses: Why Legal Processes Just Don’t Get It/Elena Marchetti.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.2: 155-174.
138649 Risk in Action: the Practical Effects of the Youth Management Assessment/Dale Ballucci.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.2: 175-197.
138650 Border Control and the Limits of the Sovereign State/Mary Bosworth.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.2: 199-215.
138651 Towards a Fiscal Sociology of Tax Credits and the Fathers’ Rights Movement/Ann Mumford.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.2: 217-235.
138652 Demystifying Deaths in Police Custody: Challenging State Talk/Simon Pemberton.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.2: 237-262.
138653 Trips and Pharmaceutical Patents in Djibouti: an ANT Analysis of Socio-Legal Objects/Emilie Cloatre.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.2: 263-281.
138654 Emerging Commons/Jane B. Holder, Tatiana Flessas.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.3: 299-310.
138655 Enclosure, Common Right and the Property of the Poor/Nicholas Blomley.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.3: 311-331.
138656 Crofter Forestry, Land Reform and the Ideology of Community/Alison P. Brown.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.3: 333-349.
138657 What Public Presence? Access, Commons and Property Rights/Jonathan Mitchell.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.3: 351-367.
138658 Governing Global Fisheries: Commons, Community Law and Third-Country Coastal Waters/Emma Witbooi.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.3: 369-386.
138659 The Repatriation Debate and the Discourse of the Commons/Tatiana Flessas.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.3: 387-405.
138660 I do not Attach Great Significance to it: Taking Note of The Holocaust in English Case Law/Didi Herman.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.4: 427-452.
138661 Children and Domestic Violence: Constructing a Policy Problem in Australia and New Zealand/Anastasia Powell, Suellen Murray.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.4: 453-473.
138662 Critique of Abel on Popular Justice and the Alexandra Treason Trial/John Hund.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.4: 475-489.
138663 Sacred Mountains and Profane Dollars: Discourses about Snowmaking on the San Francisco Peaks/Ophir Sefiha, Pat Lauderdale.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.4: 491-511.
138664 Feeling Good: the Ethopolitics of Pleasure; Psychoactive Substance Use and Public Health and Criminal Justice Governance: Therapeutic Jurisprudence and the Drug Courts in the USA/Robin Mackenzie.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.4: 513-533.
138665 Multiculturalism, Multiple Groups and Inequalities/Judith Squires.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.4: 535-542.
138666 Multiculturalism without Multiple Cultures?/Simon Thompson.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.4: 543-547.
138667 Multiculturalism and Groups/Tariq Modood.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.4: 549-553.
138668 More on Culture and Representation/Anne Phillips.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.4: 555-558.
138669 On a Cosmopolis to Come/Narnia Bohler-Muller.- Social and Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.17, No.4: 559-571.
138670 The Screen of the Crime: Judging the Affect of Cinematic Violence/Alison Young.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.1: 5-22.
138671 From Incarceration to Restoration: National Responsibility, Gender and the Production of Cultural Difference/Carmela Murdocca.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.1: 23-45.
138672 Being and Doing: The Judicial Use of Remorse to Construct Character and Community/Richard Weisman.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.1: 47-69.
138673 Beyond the Dislocation(s) of Human Rights/Warwick Tie.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.1: 71-91.
138674 Love, Freedom and Governance: Same-Sex Marriage in Canada/Katherine Osterlund.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.1: 93-109.
138675 Unknowable Bodies, Unthinkable Sexualities: Lesbian and Transgender Legal Invisibility in the Toronto Women’s Bathhouse Raid/Sarah Lamble.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.1: 111-130.
138676 Jurisdiction and Scale: Legal Technicalities as Resources for Theory/Mariana Valverde.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 139-157.
138677 Underage Sex and Romance in Japanese Homoerotic Manga and Anime/Aleardo Zanghellini.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 159-177.
138678 Accommodating Power: the Common Sense of Regulators/Laureen Snider.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 179-197.
138679 Lawless Sovereignty: Challenging the State of Exception/Susan Dianne Brophy.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 199-220.
138680 What’s in a Handshake? Legal Equality and Legal Consciousness in the Netherlands/Marc Hertogh.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 221-239.
138681 Gender Recognition in the UK: a Great Leap Forward/Andrew N. Sharpe.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 241-245.
138682 Looking Back (To)wards the Body: Medicalization and the GRA/Sharon Cowan.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 247-252.
138683 Running To Stand Still/Ralph Sandland.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 253-257.
138684 A Return To The Truth Of The Past/Andrew N. Sharpe.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 259-263.
138685 Of Normal Sex and Real Rape: Exploring The Use of Socio-Sexual Scripts in (Mock) Jury Deliberation/Louise Ellison, Vanessa E. Munro.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.3: 291-312.
138686 Critical Legal Studies and the Politics of Space/Chris Butler.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.3: 313-332.
138687 Gay Couple’s Break Like Fawlty Towers: Dangerous Representations of Lesbian and Gay Oppression in an Era of Progressive Law Reform/Neil Cobb.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.3: 333-352.
138688 Racial Ideas and Gendered Intimacies: the Regulation of Interracial Relationships in North America/Debra Thompson.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.3: 353-371.
138689 Imperialism and Nationalism in Early Modernity: The Cosmopolitan and The Provincial in Shakespeare’s Cymbeline/Eric Heinze.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.3: 373-396.
138690 Vanquishing the Enemy or Civilizing the Neighbour? Controlling the Risks from Hazardous Industries/Fiona Haines.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.3: 397-415.
138691 Promoting Equality? Gendered Messages in State Materials for New Immigrants/Shauna Wilton.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.4: 437-454.
138692 Parrhsia and Credibility: The Sovereign of Refugee Status Determination/Jennifer Beard, Gregor Noll.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.4: 455-477.
138693 The Politics of Global Information Sharing: Whose Cultural Agendas Are Being Advanced?/Kathy Bowrey, Jane Anderson.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.4: 479-504.
138694 Signs of the Surveillant Assemblage: Privacy Regulation, Urban CCTV, and Governmentality/Randy Lippert.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.4: 505-522.
138695 Welcome to Malaya Rodina (Little Homeland): Gender and Penal Order in a Russian Penal Colony/Laura Piacentini, Judith Pallot, Dominique Moran.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.4: 523-542.
138696 Access to Opportunities in Multicultural Societies and the Relevance of Public Expression/Silvina Alvarez.- Social and Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.18, No.4: 543-559.
138697 Vetting Sexual Offenders: State Over-Extension, the Punishment Deficit and the Failure to Manage Risk/Anne-Marie McAlinden.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 25-48.
138698 (M)Others in Altered States: Prenatal Drug-Use, Risk, Choice, and Responsible Self-Governance/Julie Gregory.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 49-66.
138699 Law, Ideology and Modernization in Turkey: Kemalist Legal Reforms in Perspective/Aylin Ozman.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 67-84.
138700 Regret, Remorse and the Work of Remembrance: Official Responses to the Rwandan Genocide/Nesam McMillan.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 85-105.
138701 Governing Permanence: Trans Subjects, Time, and the Gender Recognition Act/Emily Grabham.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 107-126.
138702 GMOs and the Crisis of Objectivity: Nature, Science and the Challenge of Uncertainty/Donatella Alessandrini.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 3-23.
138703 Law, Morality and Disgust: The Regulation of Extreme Pornography in England and Wales/Paul Johnson.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.2: 147-163.
138704 The Legal Academic of Max Weber’s Tragic Modernity/Panu Minkkinen.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.2: 165-182.
138705 Arabic-Arabic Courtroom Translation in Lebanon/Victor A. Khachan.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.2: 183-196.
138706 A Tragedy of Monumental Proportions: Indigenous Australians and the Sentencing Process/Heather Douglas, Jennifer Corrin.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.2: 197-215.
138707 Dialogue and Debate: Labour, Constitution and A Sense of Measure: A Debate with Alain Supiot/Emilios Christodoulidis, Ruth Dukes.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.2: 217-252.
138708 Law, Boundaries and the Production of Space/Sarah Blandy, David Sibley.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.3: 275-284.
138709 Waiting Before the Law: Kafka on the Border/Henk van Houtum.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.3: 285-297.
138710 Moral Entrepreneurs and Moral Geographies on the US/Mexico Border/Lawrence J. Taylor.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.3: 299-310.
138711 Burying Indigeneity: The Spatial Construction of Reality and Aboriginal Australia/Rowland Atkinson, Elizabeth Taylor, Maggie Walter.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.3: 311-330.
138712 The Right to Pass Freely: Circulation, Begging, and The Bounded Self/Nicholas Blomley.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.3: 331-350.
138713 Common Law, Mountain Music, and the Construction of Community Identity/David Jenkins.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.3: 351-369.
138714 It is Not for Me to Say Whether Consent Was Given or Not: Forensic Medical Examiners’ Construction of Neutral Reports in Rape Cases/Gethin Rees.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.3: 371-386.
138715 The Constitutionalization of Employment Relations: Multiple Models, Pernicious Problems/Harry Arthurs.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.4: 403-422.
138716 Subversive Property: Reshaping Malleable Spaces of Belonging/Sarah Keenan.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.4: 423-439.
138717 The Laws of Foreign Buildings: Flat Roofs and Minarets/Michael Guggenheim.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.4: 441-460.
138718 Between a Hunch and a Hard Place: Making Suspicion Reasonable at the Canadian Border/Anna Pratt.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.4: 461-480.
138719 Multi-Disciplinary Definitions and Understandings of Paedophilia/Karen Harrison, Rachel Manning, Kieran McCartan.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.4: 481-496.
138720 Embryonic Hopes: Controversy, Alliance, and Reproductive Entities in Law and the Social Sciences/Marie-Andree Jacob, Barbara Prainsack.- Social and Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.19, No.4: 497-517.
138721 Widening access and the use of ICT in legal education/Sefton Bloxham.- The Law Teacher. 2005; Vol.39, No.1: 93-105.
138722 Developing the reflective practitioner online (in law)/Mj Le Brun, Anne Macduff, Richard Vuckovic, David Catanzariti.- The Law Teacher. 2005; Vol.39, No.1: 16-28.
138723 Unplugging blackboard/Antoinette J. Muntjewerff, Jeroen J. Leijen.- The Law Teacher. 2005; Vol.39, No.1: 57-69.
138724 Cornell’s experience running online, inter school law courses-an FAQ/Peter W. Martin.- The Law Teacher. 2005; Vol.39, No.1: 70-81.
138725 Codec: Lowering the barriers to inter institutional distance legal education/John Mayer.- The Law Teacher. 2005; Vol.39, No.1: 82-92.
138726 Virtual learning environments: The alternative to the box under the bed/Patricia Mckellar, Paul Maharg.- The Law Teacher. 2005; Vol.39, No.1: 43-56.
138727 Use of ICT in the training of legal skills/Rob Nadolski, Jurgen W‎نretshofer.- The Law Teacher. 2005; Vol.39, No.1: 29-42.
138728 E learning and culture change: The Iolis story/Abdul Paliwala.- The Law Teacher. 2005; Vol.39, No.1: 1-15.
138729 Encounters with the volcano: Strategies for emotional management in teaching the law of rape/Mary Heath.- The Law Teacher. 2005; Vol.39, No.2: 129-149.
138730 Information literacy in the law curriculum: Experiences from Cardiff/Jackie Davies, Cathie Jackson.- The Law Teacher. 2005; Vol.39, No.2: 150-160.
138731 Teaching common law method and Confucian heritage students/David J. Brennan.- The Law Teacher. 2005; Vol.39, No.2: 181-190.
138732 Legal skills for first year law students: Too little, too late?/Anton Kok, Annelize Nienaber.- The Law Teacher. 2005; Vol.39, No.2: 161-180.
138733 The Academy as Kitchen-Mrs Beeton comes to law school/Rosalind F. Croucher.- The Law Teacher. 2005; Vol.39, No.3: 243-258.
138734 Part time law students: The forgotten cohort?/Andrew M. Francis, Iain W. McDonald.- The Law Teacher. 2005; Vol.39, No.3: 277-298.
138735 A survey of law schools in the United Kingdom/Phil Harris, Sarah Beinart.- The Law Teacher. 2005; Vol.39, No.3: 299-366.
138736 Legal education in Welsh-An empirical study/Glenys Williams.- The Law Teacher. 2005; Vol.39, No.3: 259-276.
138737 Economic torts in the twenty first century/Dame Mary Arden.- The Law Teacher. 2006; No.40: 1-22.
138738 The use of a virtual learning environment: The Hong Kong experience/Wing Hong Chui.- The Law Teacher. 2006; No.40: 59-69.
138739 Using student feedback to improve the quality of teaching law to non law students/Alice Christudason.- The Law Teacher. 2006; No.40: 41-58.
138740 Peer mentoring for law students-improving the first year advocacy experience/Jenny Finlay Jones, Nicola Ross.- The Law Teacher. 2006; No.40: 23-39.
138741 Feedback on assessment: Can we provide a better student experience by working smarter than by working harder?/Vera Bermingham, John Hodgson.- The Law Teacher. 2006; No.40: 151-172.
138742 Lost in translation? Teaching law to non lawyers: Reviewing the evidence from social work/Suzy Braye, Michael Preston Shoot, Robert Johns.- The Law Teacher. 2006; No.40: 131-150.
138743 Assessment and reflection in the service learning arena: An application to the area of revenue law/Michael Blissenden.- The Law Teacher. 2006; No.40: 173-194.
138744 The lecturer, the law student and the transmission of legal culture/Nick Johnson.- The Law Teacher. 2006; No.40: 117-130.
138745 Legal education: Then and now/Philip Thomas.- The Law Teacher. 2006; No.40: 239-253.
138746 From ownership to access: The changing role of law libraries in UK legal education/Peter Clinch.- The Law Teacher. 2006; No.40: 254-278.
138747 Pro bono legis doctorum: Forty years of the law teacher/Nigel Duncan.- The Law Teacher. 2006; No.40: 313-330.
138748 Comparing commonwealth laws: The role of the commonwealth legal education association in meeting some of the challenges and opportunities/Selina Goulbourne.- The Law Teacher. 2006; No.40: 299-312.
138749 Celebrating 40 years of research into legal education in The Law Teacher/Patricia Leighton.- The Law Teacher. 2006; No.40: 279-298.
138750 Group work and assessment-benefit or burden?/Elspeth Berry.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41, No.1: 19-36.
138751 Reflective narratives: A useful learning activity and assessment for first year law students/Joanne Roebuck, Lisa Westcott, Dominique Thiriet.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41, No.1: 37-49.
138752 This house regrets the increasing privatisation of legal education/Tracey Varnava, Patricia Leighton.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41, No.1: 67-73.
138753 This house regrets the increasing privatisation of legal education/Nick Johnson, Kat Fletcher, Sally Wheeler.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41.
138754 Administrative law: No conflict arising in dual roles for medical members of a tribunal: Gillies v. Secretary of state for work and pensions [2006] UKHL 2/Edwina Higgins, Laura Tatham, Michael Rodney, David Barraclough.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41, No.1: 89-96.
138755 Torts: Wilkinson v. Downton: A final curtain call for an old favourite? C v. D [2006] EWHC 166/Alan McKenna.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41, No.1: 102-108.
138756 Contract law: Claiming damages in contract law-a useful teaching AID: Wiseman v. Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd. [2006] EWHC 1566/Vivien Pickford.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41, No.1: 97-101.
138757 Two birds, one stone: Combining student assessment and socio legal research/Garfield (Gary) Potter, Catherine Williams.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41, No.1: 1-18.
138758 The challenges of teaching law differently: Tales of spiders, sawdust and sedition/Narnia Bohler Muller.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41, No.1: 50-66.
138759 From Baghdad to Sunderland: Weblogs and reflective learning, or how i Learned to stop worrying and love the Blog/Chris Ashford.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41, No.2: 206-219.
138760 Looking back: Analysing experiences of legal education and training/Andrew Boon, Avis Whyte.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41, No.2: 169-190.
138761 Anglo American conceptions of professional responsibility and the reform of Japanese legal education: Creating a virtuous circle?/Kim Economides.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41, No.2: 155-168.
138762 First year law students, legal research skills & electronic resources/Sandra Meredith.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41, No.2: 191-205.
138763 Freedom of expression and privacy/Roger Toulson.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41, No.2: 139-154.
138764 Developing skills in the justice sector/Tracey Varnav, Steve Batty.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41, No.2: 220-223.
138765 We the people and other constitutional tales: Teaching constitutional meaning through narrative/Paula Abrams.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41, No.3: 247-259.
138766 Using storytelling as a teaching model in a law school: The experience in an Australian context/Michael Blissenden.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41, No.3: 247-259.
138767 The ethical obligations of lawyers, law students and law professors telling stories on web logs/Anna P. Hemingway.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41, No.3: 257-302.
138768 Employment law: Employment rights agency workers: James v. Greenwich London Borough Council [2007] ICR 577, [2007] IRLR 168 and subsequent cases/Edwina Higgins, Laura Tatham, Jackie Lane.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41.
138769 Cinderella goes to the ball an examination of the professional recognition scheme/Helen James.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41, No.3: 335-340.
138770 Can successful lawyers think in different languages?: Incorporating critical strategies that support learning lawyering skills for the practice of law in a global environment/Katerina P. Lewinbuk.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41, No.3: 275-286.
138771 Equity and trusts: The international fallacy? Stack v. Dowden [2007] UKHL 17/Robin Lister.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41, No.3: 350-362.
138772 Fitting stories into professional legal education-the missing ingredient/Robert McPeake.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41, No.3: 303-313.
138773 Wands away (or preaching to infidels who wear earplugs)/Laura Spitz.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41, No.3: 314-329.
138774 The National Student Survey/Tracey Varnava, Graeme Broadbent.- The Law Teacher. 2007; Vol.41, No.3: 330-334.
138775 Kuwait University, civil law and the internet: Genesis of a dedicated civil law teaching website/Mashael A. Alhajeri.- The Law Teacher. 2008; Vol.42, No.1: 9-28.
138776 An accessible legal profession working in the public interest: Dream or reality?/Geoffrey Vos.- The Law Teacher. 2008; Vol.42, No.1: 1-8.
138777 Legal ethics in Australian law schools/Gonzalo Villalta Puig.- The Law Teacher. 2008; Vol.42, No.1: 29-59.
138778 Rite of passage: The impact of teaching methods on first year law students/Maureen F. Fitzgerald.- The Law Teacher. 2008; Vol.42, No.1: 60-84.
138779 Lawyers wellbeing and professional legal education/Colin James.- The Law Teacher. 2008; Vol.42, No.1: 85-97.
138780 Government of Wales Act 2006/Richard Owen.- The Law Teacher. 2008; Vol.42, No.1: 103-106.
138781 EU LAW Privileged few-the CFI continues to exclude in house lawyers from confidentiality protection in EU competition cases. Akzo Nobel Chemicals Ltd. and Akcros Chemicals Ltd v. Commission/Walter Cairns.- The Law Teacher. 2008; Vol.42, No.1: 107-115.
138782 Education, education, education: Legal, moral and clinical/Donald Nicolson.- The Law Teacher. 2008; Vol.42, No.2: 145-172.
138783 The need for teaching media literacy at the university level: The case of legal education/Julian Hermida.- The Law Teacher. 2008; Vol.42, No.2: 173-179.
138784 The use of multiple choice questions as a form of formative assessment on an undergraduate law module/Greg Allen.- The Law Teacher. 2008; Vol.42, No.2: 180-199.
138785 Students self assessment in law/Benjamin Andoh, Phil Jones.- The Law Teacher. 2008; Vol.42, No.2: 200-212.
138786 Recent reforms to German legal education/Thomas Lundmark.- The Law Teacher. 2008; Vol.42, No.2: 213-218.
138787 It’s all go north of the border! an update on current quality enhancement developments in Scotland/Alastair Robertson.- The Law Teacher. 2008; Vol.42, No.2: 224-227.
138788 Human rights: A rare example of parent power in the classroom: R (on the application of Dimmock) v. secretary of state for education and skills/Karen Hadley.- The Law Teacher. 2008; Vol.42, No.2: 236-241.
138789 The values of common law legal education reprised/Roger Burridge, Julian Webb.- The Law Teacher. 2008; Vol.42, No.3: 263-269.
138790 Legal education’s mission/W. Wesley Pue.- The Law Teacher. 2008; Vol.42, No.3: 270-290.
138791 (Re) Evaluating values: A response to Burridge and Webb/Fiona Cownie.- The Law Teacher. 2008; Vol.42, No.3: 302-311.
138792 How can we give up our child? A practice based approach to teaching legal ethics/Clark D. Cunningham.- The Law Teacher. 2008; Vol.42, No.3: 312-328.
138793 Southern exposure: Post liberalism and moral recovery in Australian legal education/Adrian Evans.- The Law Teacher. 2008; Vol.42, No.3: 329-338.
138794 Criminal law causation in the heroin cases: R v. Kennedy/Edwina Higgins, Laura Tatham, Richard Lee.- The Law Teacher. 2008; Vol.42, No.3: 359-365.
138795 The student contract/Ruth Deech.- The Law Teacher. 2009; Vol.43, No.1: 3-13.
138796 Teaching legal ideals through jurisprudence/Seow Hon Tan.- The Law Teacher. 2009; Vol.43, No.1: 14-36.
138797 Training lawyers for the sub-Saharan African market: what role for academics? Perspectives from Kenya/Robert Machatha Kibugi.- The Law Teacher. 2009; Vol.43, No.1: 37-48.
138798 Film and literature in the legal classroom/Mark Pawlowski, Sarah Greer.- The Law Teacher. 2009; Vol.43, No.1: 49-61.
138799 Policy and Education Developments/Tracey Varnava.- The Law Teacher. 2009; Vol.43, No.1: 82-90.
138800 A bottom-up approach to developing LLB course outcomes and an integrated curriculum/Normann Witzleb, Natalie Skead.- The Law Teacher. 2009; Vol.43, No.1: 62-81.
138801 The impact of empirical facts on legal scholarship and legal research training/Kylie Burns, Terry Hutchinson.- The Law Teacher. 2009; Vol.43, No.2: 153-178.
138802 Engaging new law lecturers and reflections on the engagement/Lisa Cherkassky, Jessica Guth, Chris Gale.- The Law Teacher. 2009; Vol.43, No.1: 179-184.
138803 Fact management and decision-making skills: adapting the Wigmorean chart for business law students/Michael Connolly.- The Law Teacher. 2009; Vol.43, No.2: 114-152.
138804 The legal educational continuum that is visible through a glass Dewey/Graham Ferris.- The Law Teacher. 2009; Vol.43, No.2: 102-113.
138805 The case for time turners-the practicalities of being a new law lecturer/Jessica Guth.- The Law Teacher. 2009; Vol.43, No.2: 185-199.
138806 Recent Legal Developments Human rights The national DNA database and a step too far S. and Marper v. United Kingdom, ECHR, 4 December 2008/Edwina Higgins, Laura Tatham.- The Law Teacher. 2009; Vol.43, No.2: 209-217.
138807 Supporting new law teachers-a study to determine needs/Helen James.- The Law Teacher. 2009; Vol.43, No.2: 200-208.
138808 The internationalisation of law degrees and enhancement of graduate employability: European dual qualification degrees in law/Grete S. Bosch.- The Law Teacher. 2009; Vol.43, No.3: 284-296.
138809 The twenty-first century law student/Alison Bone.- The Law Teacher. 2009; Vol.43, No.3: 222-245.
138810 Engaging and motivating students: assessment to aid student learning on a first year core law module/Lisa Claydon.- The Law Teacher. 2009; Vol.43, No.3: 269-283.
138811 The role of an International Student Tutor in a UK law school: a case study/Shamini K. Ragavan.- The Law Teacher. 2009; Vol.43, No.3: 246-268.
138812 Career development in the LLB/Philip Roberts.- The Law Teacher. 2009; Vol.43, No.3: 297-309.
138813 Innovation in Inclusion a financial m-learning game: part one/Clare Chambers, Mark Shufflebottom.- The Law Teacher. 2010; Vol.44, No.1: 17-31.
138814 Discrimination law to equality law/Edwina Higgins,Laura Tatham.- The Law Teacher. 2010; Vol.44, No.1: 87-98.
138815 Online enhanced problem-based learning: assessing a blended learning framework/Ian McCall.- The Law Teacher. 2010; Vol.44, No.1: 42-58.
138816 Health care law curriculum and scholarship in Canada, USA and England: lessons for Nigeria/Remigius N. Nwabueze.- The Law Teacher. 2010; Vol.44, No.1: 32-41.
138817 The view at the start of the decade/Richard Owen.- The Law Teacher. 2010; Vol.44, No.1: 75-86.
138818 Quality assurance: is the jury still out?/Peter Williams CBE.- The Law Teacher. 2010; Vol.44, No.1: 4-16.
138819 Teaching ethics in financial services law/Peter Yeoh.- The Law Teacher. 2010; Vol.44, No.1: 59-74.
138820 Innovation in inclusion a financial m-learning game: part two/Clare Chambers, Mark Shufflebottom.- The Law Teacher. 2010; Vol.44, No.2: 117-136.
138821 The design of an international mobility programme for PG law students at Brunel Law School: putting theory and policy into practice/Federico Ferretti.- The Law Teacher. 2010; Vol.44, No.2: 181-194.
138822 Can the new A-Level curriculum meet the demands of higher education? The startling case of Professor Buckland: or what can happen if you claim you are protecting academic standards!/Birju Kotecha, Noel Inge, Patricia Leighton.- The Law Teacher. 2010; Vol.44, No.2: 195-217.
138823 The legal questing beast: vocational students research strategies, motivations and emotions/Marcus Soanes.- The Law Teacher. 2010; Vol.44, No.2: 149-168.
138824 Plagiarism detection software: legal and pedagogical issues/Paul Todd.- The Law Teacher. 2010; Vol.44, No.2: 137-148.
138825 Podcasting: a lawyer’s tale/Dawn Watkins.- The Law Teacher. 2010; Vol.44, No.2: 169-180.
138826 Speaking the same language? Perceptions of feedback amongst academic staff and students in a school of law/Andy Adcroft.- The Law Teacher. 2010; Vol.44, No.2: 250-266.
138827 Governmentality and the reflection of legal educators: assessment practices as a case study/Matthew Ball.- The Law Teacher. 2010; Vol.44, No.2: 267-282.
138828 Inclusive team assessment of off-campus and on-campus first year law students using instantaneous communication technology/Pauline Collins.- The Law Teacher. 2010; Vol.44, No.2: 309-333.
138829 Innovations in assessment: an investigation into the role of blended learning as a support mechanism for assessment/Sarah Field, Lucy Jones.- The Law Teacher. 2010; Vol.44, No.2: 378-390.
138830 Visualising contracts and legal rules for greater clarity/Helena Haapio.- The Law Teacher. 2010; Vol.44, No.2: 391-394.
138831 Online tests and exams: lower standards or improved learning?/Andrew Hemming.- The Law Teacher. 2010; Vol.44, No.2: 283-308.
138832 The Sunday Times Festival of Education-a personal experience/Richard Owen.- The Law Teacher. 2010; Vol.44, No.2: 394-397.
138833 Exceeding the boundaries of formulaic assessment: innovation and creativity in the law school/Edward Phillips, Sandra Clarke, Sarah Crofts, Angela Laycock.- The Law Teacher. 2010; Vol.44, No.2: 334-364.
138834 Using oral assessment in law: opportunities and challenges/Chloe J. Wallace.- The Law Teacher. 2010; Vol.44, No.2: 365-377.
138835 Looking to the past to plan for the future: a decade of practical legal training/Maxine Evers, Bronwyn Olliffe, Robyn Pettit.- The Law Teacher. 2011; Vol.45, No.2: 18-44.
138836 Reflections on learning: students insights on their learning in a legal research skills course in the core curriculum/Mary-Rose Russell.- The Law Teacher. 2011; Vol.45, No.1: 45-65.
138837 Providing a law degree for the real world: perspective of an Australian law school/Amanda Stickley.- The Law Teacher. 2011; Vol.45, No.1: 63-86.
138838 Intensive teaching in law subjects/Ian Ramsay.- The Law Teacher. 2011; Vol.45, No.1: 87-100.
138839 Teaching international commercial arbitration at postgraduate level-techniques for enhancing students learning/Mihail Danov.- The Law Teacher. 2011; Vol.45, No.1: 101-113.
138840 Complaints against higher education establishments an evaluation of recent reform/Gwen Dalziel.- The Law Teacher. 2011; Vol.45, No.1: 114-120.
138841 The Browne Review and the future of dispute resolution in higher education/G. R. Evans.- The Law Teacher. 2011; Vol.45, No.1: 121-130.
138842 UK Courts, balloting requirements and the right to strike: recent developments/Charles Barrow.- The Law Teacher. 2011; Vol.45, No.1: 132-144.
138843 European legal education, or: how to prepare students for global citizenship?/Jan M. Smits.- The Law Teacher. 2011; Vol.45, No.1: 163-180.
138844 Embracing Wikipedia as a research tool for law: to Wikipedia or not to Wikipedia?/Eola Barnett, Roslyn Baer.- The Law Teacher. 2011; Vol.45, No.2: 194-213.
138845 Underpinning success in the real world of corporations law/Catherine Clarke, Ingrid Wijeyewardene, Brian Landrigan, Iain Mackay, Helen Fraser, Kip Werren.- The Law Teacher. 2011; Vol.45, No.2: 214-230.
138846 A handful of dust? Some thoughts on the future funding of legal education and allied matters/Graeme Broadbent, Vida Allen.- The Law Teacher. 2011; Vol.45, No.2: 231-240.
138847 Developments in international clinical legal education: Bridges Across Borders Southeast Asia Community Legal Education (BABSEA CLE) Legal Studies Internship Program/Richard Owen.- The Law Teacher. 2011; Vol.45, No.2: 240-242.
138848 The investigation of abuse, the right to family life and effective domestic remedies: the cases of MAK and RK v United Kingdom and AD and OD v United Kingdom/Steve Foster, Angela Stanhope.- The Law Teacher. 2011; Vol.45, No.2: 243-255.
138849 Promoting feedback through second chance assessment: the Hong Kong experience/Richard Wu, Michael Dilena.- The Law Teacher. 2011; Vol.45, No.2: 181-193.
138850 The education and training of solicitors: time for change/Stephen Mayson.- The Law Teacher. 2011; Vol.45, No.3: 278-293.
138851 What is the Q for?/Rebecca Huxley-Binns.- The Law Teacher. 2011; Vol.45, No.1: 294-309.
138852 Legal education for the professions in two jurisdictions: comparison, consolidation or fragmentation/Andrea Nollent, Jane Ching.- The Law Teacher. 2011; Vol.45, No.3: 310-327.
138853 On-line legal services and the changing legal market: preparing law undergraduates for the future/Caroline Strevens, Christine Welch, Roger Welch.- The Law Teacher. 2011; Vol.45, No.3: 328-347.
138854 Enhancing employability for LLB law graduates-nitiatives with ILEX and Clinic at London South Bank University/John Russell.- The Law Teacher. 2011; Vol.45, No.3: 348-360.
138855 The Legal Education and Training Review (LETR), 2011-2012/Patricia Leighton.- The Law Teacher. 2011; Vol.45, No.3: 361-364.
138856 The continuing saga of the agency worker’s plight/Jackie Lane.- The Law Teacher. 2011; Vol.45, No.3: 365-378.
138857 The Annual Lord Upjohn Lecture 11 November 2011 Widening participation in a changing educational landscape/Wes Streeting.- The Law Teacher. 2012; Vol.46, No.1: 3-14.
138858 Acquiring skills for a globalised world through a peer mentoring scheme: a UK law school experience/Shamini K. Ragavan.- The Law Teacher. 2012; Vol.46, No.1: 15-37.
138859 Assessment of the use of English in undergraduate law degrees: are law schools complying with the QAA subject benchmark?/Peter Breakey.- The Law Teacher. 2012; Vol.46, No.1: 38-49.
138860 Defining pedagogical standards and benchmarks for teaching performance in law schools: contrasting models in New Zealand and the United Kingdom/Peter Devonshire, Ian Brailsford.- The Law Teacher. 2012; Vol.46, No.1: 50-64.
138861 Are we using technology for technology’s sake? An evaluation of a simulated employment exercise at undergraduate level/Amy Musgrove, Vicky Thirlaway.- The Law Teacher. 2012; Vol.46, No.1: 65-74.
138862 The evolution of European Union citizenship-where does Zambrano take us?/Jessica Guth, Edward Mowlam.- The Law Teacher. 2012; Vol.46, No.1: 75-82.
138863 Legal education in Scotland: update from the Higher Education Academy/Michael Bromby, Dale McFadzean.- The Law Teacher. 2012; Vol.46, No.1: 92-95.
138864 Thinking like a lawyer/acting like a professional: communities of practice as a means of challenging orthodox legal education/Paula Baron, Lillian Corbin.- The Law Teacher. 2012; Vol.46, No.2: 100-119.
138865 Professionalism in pre-practice legal education: an insight into the universal nature of professionalism and the development of professional identity/Margie Rowe, Moira Murray, Fiona Westwood.- The Law Teacher. 2012; Vol.46, No.2: 120-131.
138866 The Qualified Lawyers Transfer Scheme: innovative assessment methodology and practice in a high stakes professional exam/Eileen Fry, Jenny Crewe, Richard Wakeford.- The Law Teacher. 2012; Vol.46, No.2: 132-145.
138867 Teaching without authority/Hin-Yan Liu.- The Law Teacher. 2012; Vol.46, No.2: 146-164.
138868 Field trips as short-term experiential learning activities in legal education/Noelle Higgins, Elaine Dewhurst, Los Watkins.- The Law Teacher. 2012; Vol.46, No.2: 165-178.
138869 Plus ca change, plus c’est la m‎فme chose/Vida Allen, Graeme Broadbent.- The Law Teacher. 2012; Vol.46, No.2: 179-189.
138870 Charting the role of professional legal education in developing and strengthening the justice sector in post-genocide Rwanda/Nick Johnson, Dan Hill.- The Law Teacher. 2012; Vol.46, No.2: 190-196.
138871 Unfairness and confusion: inherent features of floating charge security/Chrispas Nyombi.- The Law Teacher. 2012; Vol.46, No.2: 197-203.
138872 Introduction: feminist judgments as teaching resources/Rosemary Hunter.- The Law Teacher. 2012; Vol.46, No.3: 214-226.
138873 Using feminist judgments in the property law classroom/Rosemary Auchmuty.- The Law Teacher. 2012; Vol.46, No.3: 227-238.
138874 Learning legal reasoning while rejecting the oxymoronic status of feminist judicial rationalities: a view from the law classroom/Anna Grear.- The Law Teacher. 2012; Vol.46, No.3: 239-254.
138875 Research-led teaching, vehicular ideas and the Feminist Judgments Project/Helen Carr, Nick Dearden.- The Law Teacher. 2012; Vol.46, No.3: 268-280.
138876 Social mobility and the Bar/Anthony Dursi.- The Law Teacher. 2012; Vol.46, No.3: 283-287.
138877 Lord Upjohn Lecture 2012: Reforming legal education/Lord Neuberger.- The Law Teacher. 2013; Vol.47, No.1: 4-17.
138878 Teaching Islamic law in opposing jurisdictions: UK and Nigeria/Mamman Lawan.- The Law Teacher. 2013; Vol.47, No.1: 18-31.
138879 Collaborating with students as co-authors/Wendy B. Davis.- The Law Teacher. 2013; Vol.47, No.1: 32-43.
138880 Great expectations? Law schools, websites and the student experience/Graeme Broadbent, Pamela Sellman.- The Law Teacher. 2013; Vol.47, No.1: 44-63.
138881 Enhancing the QLD: internationalisation and employability: the benefits of Erasmus Intensive Programmes/Cherry James.- The Law Teacher. 2013; Vol.47, No.1: 64-82.
138882 Calculating the cost of cohabitation: a consideration of Gow v Grant (Scotland)/Rebecca J. Kelly.- The Law Teacher. 2013; Vol.47, No.1: 102-109.
138883 Law teaching: a true vocation or mere prostration?/Gail Kotze, Sarah J. Gravett.- The Law Teacher. 2013; Vol.47, No.1: 83-96.
138884 Taking up the challenge: embedding, mapping and maintaining threshold learning outcomes in the transition to the JD-the UWA experience/Natalie Skead, Sarah Murray, Penny Carruthers.- The Law Teacher. 2013; Vol.47, No.2: 130-158.
138885 Language, law and identity: a language and learning response to the challenges of widening participation of students in law subjects/Peter Moraitis, Helen Murphy.- The Law Teacher. 2013; Vol.47, No.2: 159-191.
138886 Peer assisted learning and the creation of a learning community for first year law students/Amanda Zacharopoulou, Catherine Turner.- The Law Teacher. 2013; Vol.47, No.2: 192-214.
138887 Engaging school pupils in university study to inform degree intention/Adelyn L.M. Wilson.- The Law Teacher. 2013; Vol.47, No.2: 215-233.
138888 Using multiple choice questions to examine the content of the qualifying law degree accurately and reliably: the experience of the Qualified Lawyers Transfer Scheme/Eileen Fry, Jenny Crewe, Richard Wakeford.- The Law Teacher. 2013; Vol.47, No.2: 234-242.
138889 Well there’s your problem-the case for using PBL to teach law to business students/Rob Batty.- The Law Teacher. 2013; Vol.47, No.2: 243-260.
138890 Widening participation in higher education: the legacy for legal education/Ben Waters.- The Law Teacher. 2013; Vol.47, No.2: 261-269.
138891 Balloting requirements and the right to strike: the retreat from Metrobus/Charles Barrow.- The Law Teacher. 2013; Vol.47, No.2: 271-278.
138892 Ruby’s Music Festival: developing problem-solving skills using online scenarios and creating opportunities to feed forward/Michelle Backstrom, Donna Cooper.- The Law Teacher. 2013; Vol.47, No.3: 300-318.
138893 Feedback engagement: forcing feed-forward amongst law students/Carol Withey.- The Law Teacher. 2013; Vol.47, No.3: 319-344.
138894 Assessing student group work: is there a right way to do it?/Sandra Clarke, Michael Blissenden.- The Law Teacher. 2013; Vol.47, No.3: 368-381.
138895 Law studies and active learning: friends not foes?/Rohan Havelock.- The Law Teacher. 2013; Vol.47, No.3: 382-403.
138896 Embedding employability in assessment: searching for the balance between academic learning and skills development in law: a case study/David Rigg.- The Law Teacher. 2013; Vol.47, No.3: 404-420.
138897 The external examiner’s Bible?/Vera Bermingham, Mike Cuthbert, John Hodgson, Graeme Broadbent.- The Law Teacher. 2013; Vol.47, No.3: 423-429.
138898 Justice, Dignity, Torture, Headscarves: Can Durkheim’s Sociology Clarify Legal Values?/Roger Cotterrell.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.1: 3-20.
138899 The Democratic Potential of Public Participation: Healthcare Governance in England/Caroline Mullen, David Hughes, Peter Vincent-Jones.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.1: 21-38.
138900 The Commodification of Compensation? Personal Injuries Claims In an Age of Consumption/Jonathan Ilan.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.1: 39-55.
138901 On Silence, Sexuality and Skeletons: Reconceptualizing Narrative in Asylum Hearings/Toni A.M. Johnson.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.1: 57-78.
138902 Interpreting Multi-Agency Partnerships: Ideology, Discourse and Domestic Violence/Peter Harvie, Tony Manzi.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.1: 79-95.
138903 Judges and Their Work/Nigel G. Fielding.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.1: 97-115.
138904 Governing (Through) Rights: Statistics as Technologies of Governmentality/Bal Sokhi-Bulley.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 139-155.
138905 Spatio-Therapeutics: Drug Treatment Courts and Urban Space/Dawn Moore, Lisa Freeman, Marian Krawczyk.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 157-172.
138906 Disability Discrimination by Association: A Case of the Double Yes?/Ann Stewart, Silvia Niccolai, Catherine Hoskyns.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 173-190.
138907 A Brighter and Nicer New Life: Security as Pacification/Mark Neocleous.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 191-208.
138908 Constitutionalizing Polycontexturality/Emilios Christodoulidis.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 209-252.
138909 The Province of Jurisprudence Demolished/David Campbell.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 253-262.
138910 Foucault’s Critical (Yet Ambivalent) Affirmation: Three Figures of Rights/Ben Golder.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.3: 283-312.
138911 Labelling the Victims of Sex Trafficking: Exploring the Borderland between Rhetoric and Reality/Carolyn Hoyle, Mary Bosworth, Michelle Dempsey.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.3: 313-329.
138912 Law Reform, Lesbian Parenting, and the Reflective Claim/Robert Leckey.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.3: 331-348.
138913 Challenging the Heteronormativity of Marriage: The Role of Judicial Interpretation and Authority/Paul Johnson.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.3: 349-367.
138914 Getting the Bingo Hall Back Again? Gender, Gambling Law Reform, and Regeneration Debates in a District Council Licensing Board/Kate Bedford.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.3: 369-388.
138915 The Murmur of Being and the Chatter of Law/Johan van der Walt.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 389-400.
138916 Contesting the Bureaucracy: Examining Administrative Appeals/Vicki Lens.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.4: 421-439.
138917 Regulating Financial Derivatives? Risks, Contested Values, and Uncertain Futures/Donatella Alessandrini.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.4: 441-462.
138918 Girl Interrupted: Citizenship and the Irish Hijab Debate/Mairead Enright.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.4: 463-480.
138919 Ensuring that Others Behave Responsibly: Giddens, Governance, and Human Rights Law/Alison Mawhinney, Iorwerth Griffiths.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.4: 481-498.
138920 Climate Change Law: Creating and Sustaining Social and Economic Insecurity/Angela Williams.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.4: 499-513.
138921 Satisfying Claims? Money, Tort, and Consumer Society/Jenny Steele.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.4: 516-527.
138922 How Sensible is the Left-wing Criticism of Money, Exchange and Contract?/David Campbell.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.4: 528-539.
138923 Money, Discipline, and Liberal Political Reason/David McCallum.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.4: 540-545.
138924 The Currency of Freedom?/Pat O’Malley.- Social and Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.20, No.4: 546-556.
138925 The Crown in a Multicultural Age: The Changing Epistemology of (Post)colonial Sovereignty/Mariana Valverde.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.1: 3-21.
138926 Contextualised Equality and the Politics of Legal Mobilisation: Affirmative Action in Northern Ireland/Colin Harvey.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.1: 23-50.
138927 Taking Exception: The Cases of Financial and Urban Governance/Randy K. Lippert, James W. Williams.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.1: 51-72.
138928 Are Judicial Approaches to Adult Social Care at a Dead-End?/Helen Carr, Caroline Hunter.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.1: 73-92.
138929 Auctoritatis Interpositio: How Systems Theory Deconstructs Decisionism/Andreas Fischer-Lescano, Ralph Christensen; Translated by Michelle Everson.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.1: 93-119.
138930 Europe’s Last Colony: 1918 Palestine’s Arab Majority, Jewish Immigration, and the Justice of Founding Israel Outside Europe/Robert Wintemute.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.1: 121-134.
138931 Anticipating the Past: Transitional Justice and Socio-Economic Wrongs/Lars Waldorf.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.2: 171-186.
138932 Who’ll Pay Reparations on My Soul? Compensation, Social Control and Social Suffering/Claire Moon.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.2: 187-199.
138933 Overcoming Past Wrongs Committed by States: Can Non-state Actors Facilitate Reconciliation?/Shogo Suzuki.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.2: 201-213.
138934 Is Political Apology a Sorry Affair?/Janna Thompson.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.2: 215-225.
138935 Repairing Historical Wrongs and the End of Empire/Daniel Butt.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.2: 227-242.
138936 Repairing Historical Wrongs: Public History and Transatlantic Slavery/John Richard Oldfield.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.2: 243-255.
138937 Hearing the Right Gaps: Enabling and Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence within the UK Asylum Process/Helen Baillot, Sharon Cowan, Vanessa E Munro.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.3: 269-296.
138938 Checkpoint Watch: Bureaucracy and Resistance at the Israeli-Palestinian Border/Irus Braverman.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.3: 297-320.
138939 The Occupation of Public Space in Bogota: Internal Displacement and the City/Carolina Olarte Olarte, Illan rua Wall.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.3: 321-339.
138940 Tale of Two Citizenships? Citizenship, Migration and Care in the European Union/Heli Askola.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.3: 341-356.
138941 Are Gay Rights Islamophobic? A Critique of Some Uses of the Concept of Homonationalism in Activism and Academia/Aleardo Zanghellini.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.3: 357-374.
138942 Pariah Peoples: Roma and the Multiple Failures of Law in Central and Eastern Europe/Istvan Pogany.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.3: 375-393.
138943 Deviant Disabilities: The Exclusion of Drug and Alcohol Addiction from the Equality Act 2010/Simon Flacks.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.3: 395-412.
138944 Legal Pluralism: The Many Books on Europe’s Many Constitutions/Chris Thornhill.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.3: 413-423.
138945 A Muted Voice from the Past: The Silent Silencing of Ruth Ellis/Anette Ballinger.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.4: 445-467.
138946 Internalities and the Foundations of Corporate Governance/Ciaran O’Kelly, Sally Wheeler.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.4: 469-489.
138947 Interracial Violence, Western Racialized Masculinities, and the Geopolitics of Violence Against Women/Hijin Park.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.4: 491-509.
138948 Exploring the Function of Criminal Law in the Policing of Foreigners: The Decision to Prosecute Immigration-related Offences/Ana Aliverti.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.4: 511-527.
138949 Expanding Acts of Citizenship: The Struggles of Sinpapeles Migrants/Iker Barbero.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.4: 529-547.
138950 Towards a Transformative Paradigm in the UK Response to Forced Marriage: Excavating Community Engagement and Subjectivising Agency/Fauzia Shariff.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.4: 549-565.
138951 English Law and the Dilemmas of Assimilation/David M Seymour.- Social and Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.21, No.4: 567-585.
138952 Satire and the Politics of Corruption in Kenya/John Harrington, Ambreena Manji.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.1: 3-23.
138953 Powers of Reach: Legal Mobilization in a Post-apartheid Redress Campaign/Akin Akinwumi.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.1: 25-41.
138954 STOP in the Name of Who’s Law? Driving and the Regulation of Contested Space in Central Australia/Thalia Anthony, Harry Blagg.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.1: 43-66.
138955 Sex, Crime and the City: Municipal Law and the Regulation of Sexual Entertainment/Phil Hubbard, Rachela Colosi.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.1: 67-86.
138956 Regretting it After? Focus Group Perspectives on Alcohol Consumption, Nonconsensual Sex and False Allegations of Rape/Clare Gunby, Anna Carline, Caryl Beynon.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.1: 87-106.
138957 Linking Corporate Power to Corporate Structures: An Empirical Analysis/Andrea Boggio.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.1: 107-131.
138958 Interpreters of the Dead: Forensic Knowledge, Human Remains and the Politics of the Past/Claire Moon.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.2: 149-169.
138959 Room for Manoeuvre? Regulatory Compliance in the Global Shipping Industry/Michael Bloor … [et al.].- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.2: 171-189.
138960 Abortion Law and Professional Boundaries/Michael Thomson.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.2: 191-210.
138961 Pregnant Men: Repronormativity, Critical Trans Theory and the Re(conceive)ing of Sex and Pregnancy in Law/Lara Karaian.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.2: 211-230.
138962 Look, a Faggot!: The Scopic Economies of Cruising, Queer Bashing and Law/Allyson M Lunny.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.2: 231-245.
138963 The Laws of Memory: The ICTY, the Archive, and Transitional Justice/Kirsten Campbell.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.2: 247-269.
138964 Copyleft Reconsidered: Why Software Licensing Jurisprudence Needs Insights from Relational Contract Theory/Chen Wei Zhu.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.3: 289-308.
138965 Love Suspended: Demography, Comparative Law and Palestinian Couples in the Israeli Supreme Court/Mazen Masri.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.3: 309-334.
138966 Out of Place, Still in Motion: Shaping (Im)Mobility Through Urban Regulation/Rodrigo Meneses-Reyes.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.3: 335-356.
138967 Living Apart Together (LAT) and Law: Exploring Legal Expectations Among LAT Individuals in Belgium/Vicky Lyssens-Danneboom, Sven Eggermont, Dimitri Mortelmans.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.3: 357-376.
138968 The Distinction Between the Freedom of Religion and the Right to Manifest Religion: A Legal Medium to Regulate Subjectivities/Esra Demir Gursel.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.3: 377-393.
138969 Politics as Legal Action/Lawyers as Political Actors: Towards a Reconceptualisation of Cause Lawyering/Christos Boukalas.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.3: 395-420.
138970 Penal Statecraft in the Latin American City: Assessing Mexico City’s Punitive Urban Democracy/Markus-Michael Muller.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.4: 441-463.
138971 Unmanageable Work, (Un)liveable Lives: The UK Sex Industry, Labour Rights and the Welfare State/Katie Cruz.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.4: 465-488.
138972 Victims and Transitional Justice: Voice, Agency and Blame/Kieran McEvoy, Kirsten McConnachie.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.4: 489-513.
138973 Justice Through Bureaucracy: The Ukrainian Model/Marina Kurkchiyan.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.4: 515-533.
138974 What Part of Illegal Don’t You Understand? The Social Consequences of Criminalizing Unauthorized Mexican Migrants in the United States/Daniel Martinez, Jeremy Slack.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.4: 535-551.
138975 Crushing a Walnut With a Sledge Hammer? Analysing the Penal Response to the Social Supply of Illicit Drugs/Leah Moyle, Ross Coomber, Jason Lowther.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.4: 553-573.
138976 A Land of Rock, Marshes and Sand? Forests, Orchards and Legal Inequality in Israel/Palestine/Tobias Kelly.- Social and Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.22, No.4: 575-581.
138977 A Special Delivery? Exploring the Impact of Screens, Live-Links and Video-Recorded Evidence on Mock Juror Deliberation in Rape Trials/Louise Ellison, Vanessa E Munro.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.1: 3-29.
138978 Spatializing Religious Freedom: Inhabiting the Legal Frontier Between Ethnic and National Rights/Diana Bocarejo.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.1: 31-53.
138979 Criminal Justice and Cape Law’s Persons/George Pavlich.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.1: 55-72.
138980 Knowing Women: Translating Patriarchy in International Criminal Law/Doris E Buss.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.1: 73-92.
138981 The Fixation on Wartime Rape: Feminist Critique and International Criminal Law/Nicola Henry.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.1: 93-111.
138982 The Synthetic Necessary Truth Behind New Labour’s Criminalisation of Incest/James A Roffee.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.1: 113-130.
138983 The Silenced Citizens of Russia: Exclusion of Non-heterosexual Subjects From Rights-Based Citizenship/Alexander Kondakov.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.2: 151-174.
138984 The Right to a Privilege? Homonormativity and the Recognition of Same-Sex Couples in Europe/Francesca Romana Ammaturo.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.2: 175-194.
138985 Caveat Emptor Under Prudentialism: The Case of the Canadian Home Inspection Industry/Jon Frauley.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.2: 195-213.
138986 Do Human Rights Transcend Citizenship? Lessons from the Buduburam Refugee Camp/Tehila Sagy.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.2: 215-236.
138987 Watchful Citizens: Immigration Control, Surveillance and Societal Participation/James P Walsh.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.2: 237-259.
138988 Dealing with Law in Migration Control: The Powers of Street-level Bureaucrats at French Consulates/Maybritt Jill Alpes, Alexis Spire.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.2: 261-274.
138989 The Hate Threshold: Emotion, Causation and Difference in the Construction of Prejudice-motivated Crime/Gail Mason.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.3: 293-314.
138990 Activism and Legitimation in Israel’s Jurisprudence of Occupation/Nimer Sultany.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.3: 315-339.
138991 Indigenous Rights as Tactics of Neoliberal Governance: Practices of Expertise in the United Nations/Marjo Lindroth.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.3: 341-360.
138992 Holding on to Legalism: The Politics of Russian Litigation on Torture and Discrimination Before the European Court of Human Rights/Freek van der Vet.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.3: 361-381.
138993 Making Headway? Regulatory Compliance in the Shipping Industry/Helen Sampson … [et al.].- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.3: 383-402.
138994 World Trade Law After Neo-liberalism/Akbar Rasulov.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.3: 403-407.
138995 The Destiny of a Great Power: Russian Messianism and the Quest for a Balance of Power in International Law and Relations/Victor Kattan.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.3: 457-467.
138996 Legal Revolutions and the Sociology of Law/Chris Thornhill.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.4: 491-516.
138997 World State: Brunkhorst’s Cosmopolitan State and Varieties of Differentiation/Mathias Albert.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.4: 517-531.
138998 Hauke Brunkhorst’s Critical Theory of Legal Revolutions: Some Comments on Theory Construction/Jurgen Habermas.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.4: 533-546.
138999 Hauke Brunkhorst: Reflections on the Idea of Normative Progress/Robert Fine.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.4: 547-563.
139000 The Cunning of Law: Remarks on Brunkhorst’s Critical Theory of Legal Revolutions/Cristina Lafont.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.4: 565-575.
139001 Reply to Critics/Hauke Brunkhorst.- Social and Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.23, No.4: 577-605.
139002 The Legal Education and Training Review: regulating socio-legal and liberal legal education?/Jessica Guth, Chris Ashford.- The Law Teacher. 2014; Vol.48, No.1: 5-19.
139003 Values ethics and legal ethics: the QLD and LETR Recommendations 6, 7, 10, and 11/Graham Ferris.- The Law Teacher. 2014; Vol.48, No.1: 20-32.
139004 Professionalism in higher education: important not only for lawyers/Egle Dagilyte, Peter Coe.- The Law Teacher. 2014; Vol.48, No.1: 33-50.
139005 The gap between law student career aspirations and employment opportunities/Penny Childs, Nigel Firth, Hugo de Rijke.- The Law Teacher. 2014; Vol.48, No.1: 51-68.
139006 To prescribe or not to prescribe? That is the question/Melissa Hardee.- The Law Teacher. 2014; Vol.48, No.1: 69-78.
139007 Back from the future: did the LETR really prepare us for the future?/Patricia Leighton.- The Law Teacher. 2014; Vol.48, No.1: 79-93.
139008 In an ever-changing legal landscape, paralegals are the way forward/Amanda Hamilton.- The Law Teacher. 2014; Vol.48, No.1: 104-113.
139009 LETR: the role of academics in legal education and training: 10 theses1/William Twining.- The Law Teacher. 2014; Vol.48, No.1: 94-103.
139010 Duty to rescue? Exploring legal analysis through the lens of photojournalists storytelling dilemmas/Iselin M. Gambert.- The Law Teacher. 2014; Vol.48, No.2: 140-153.
139011 Law, culture and Euro-crime: using Spiral to teach French law/Chloe J. Wallace.- The Law Teacher. 2014; Vol.48, No.2: 154-165.
139012 Non-traditional narrative techniques and effective client advocacy/Kimberly Y.W. Holst.- The Law Teacher. 2014; Vol.48, No.2: 166-180.
139013 Training the Dragon: the use of voice recognition software in the legal writing classroom/Maureen B. Collins.- The Law Teacher. 2014; Vol.48, No.2: 181-195.
139014 The well-educated witness: witness familiarisation training in England and Wales/Marcus Soanes.- The Law Teacher. 2014; Vol.48, No.2: 196-208.
139015 The Higher Education Academy and law teaching: what do we now want and need?/Pat Leighton.- The Law Teacher. 2014; Vol.48, No.2: 209-212.
139016 Legal academics, our creativity and why we do it: insights from Foucault/Chris Dent.- The Law Teacher. 2014; Vol.48, No.3: 228-247.
139017 A qualitative study of the impact of law clinics on students perceptions of emotional labour expectations/C. Westaby.- The Law Teacher. 2014; Vol.48, No.3: 248-280.
139018 Selling intra-curricular clinical legal education/Malcolm M. Combe.- The Law Teacher. 2014; Vol.48, No.3: 281-295.
139019 Exploring legal ethics using student generated storyboards/Stephen Colbran, Anthony Gilding.- The Law Teacher. 2014; Vol.48, No.3: 296-320.
139020 Educating Humpty Dumpty: statutory interpretation in the first year of Australian law/Gina Curro, Michael Longo.- The Law Teacher. 2014; Vol.48, No.3: 321-345.
139021 Using virtual learning environments to add community to content/Mohsen al Attar.- The Law Teacher. 2014; Vol.48, No.3: 346-358.
139022 Information, information, information overload?/Graeme Broadbent, Pamela Sellman.- The Law Teacher. 2014; Vol.48, No.3: 359-366.
139023 Is there an elephant in the room? Fee-charging McKenzie Friends, university law clinics and the Legal Services Consumer Panel/Richard Owen.- The Law Teacher. 2014; Vol.48, No.3: 367-371.
139024 From affirmative action hiring to the globalisation of legal academia/Amy Lai.- The Law Teacher. 2015; Vol.49, No.1: 3-21.
139025 Is scholarship of teaching and learning in practical legal training a professional responsibility?/Kristoffer Greaves.- The Law Teacher. 2015; Vol.49, No.1: 22-38.
139026 The international summer school experience: a worthwhile challenge/Fidelma White, Louise Crowley.- The Law Teacher. 2015; Vol.49, No.1: 39-59.
139027 Speaking in the classroom: the impact of gender and affective responses on oral participation/Roseanne Russell, Rachel Cahill-OCallaghan.- The Law Teacher. 2015; Vol.49, No.1: 60-72.
139028 Using self- and peer assessment at honours level: bridging the gap between law school and the workplace/Jim Murdoch.- The Law Teacher. 2015; Vol.49, No.1: 73-91.
139029 Can you learn to lawyer online? A blended learning environment case study/Anne Hewitt.- The Law Teacher. 2015; Vol.49, No.1: 92-121.
139030 Litigants in person: is there a role for higher education?/Paul McKeown, Sarah Morse.- The Law Teacher. 2015; Vol.49, No.1: 122-129.
139031 Mark Harper, S. Chelvan, Martin Downs, Katharine Landells and Gerald Wilson, Same Sex Marriage and Civil Partnerships: The New Law/Andrew Worthley.- The Law Teacher. 2015; Vol.49, No.1: 130-132.
139032 An overture for well-tempered regulators: four variations on a LETR theme/Jane Ching, Paul Maharg, Avrom Sherr, Julian Webb.- The Law Teacher. 2015; Vol.49, No.2: 143-164.
139033 A dangerous method? Defending the rise of business law clinics in the UK/Elaine Campbell.- The Law Teacher. 2015; Vol.49, No.2: 165-175.
139034 Oh the irony! A reflective report on the assessment of reflective reports on an LLB programme/Jenny Gibbons.- The Law Teacher. 2015; Vol.49, No.2: 176-188.
139035 Scale-Up! Classroom design and use can facilitate learning/Debra D. Burke.- The Law Teacher. 2015; Vol.49, No.2: 189-205.
139036 Innovative methods of assessment in law: the value of open-book exams as a catalyst for improving teaching and learning in the law school/Amanda Cahill-Ripley.- The Law Teacher. 2015; Vol.49, No.2: 206-218.
139037 Are we ethically bound to use student engagement technologies for teaching law?/Elizabeth Anne Kirley.- The Law Teacher. 2015; Vol.49, No.2: 219-241.
139038 Measuring competence in legal education: a view from the bridge/Cath Sylvester.- The Law Teacher. 2015; Vol.49, No.2: 242-256.
139039 Evaluating the effectiveness of problem-based learning as a method of engaging year one law students/Joanne Clough, Gillian W. Shorter.- The Law Teacher. 2015; Vol.49, No.3: 277-302.
139040 Mobile professional learning for the legal profession in Ireland-a student-centred approach/Freda Grealy.- The Law Teacher. 2015; Vol.49, No.3: 303-322.
139041 Reflections on a high school mooting competition: bridging the gap between secondary and tertiary education/Luke Marsh, Michael Ramsden.- The Law Teacher. 2015; Vol.49, No.3: 323-335.
139042 Educating towards ethical lawyers: a progress report/Clare Sandford-Couch, Jonathan Bainbridge.- The Law Teacher. 2015; Vol.49, No.3: 336-352.
139043 The role of serendipity in legal education: a living curriculum perspective/Gerard Kelly.- The Law Teacher. 2015; Vol.49, No.3: 353-371.
139044 Problem-based approach in property law a university’s strategy in focus/Peter I. Orji.- The Law Teacher. 2015; Vol.49, No.3: 327-387.
139045 Tripping over thresholds: a reflection on legal andragogy/Rebecca Huxley-Binns.- The Law Teacher. 2016; Vol.50, No.1: 1-14.
139046 Computer-aided qualitative data analysis of social media for teachers and students in legal education/Kristoffer Greaves.- The Law Teacher. 2016; Vol.50, No.1: 24-43.
139047 Seeing is believing: we are all converging/Emily Allbon.- The Law Teacher. 2016; Vol.50, No.1: 44-60.
139048 Ethical experiments with the D-pad: exploring the potential of video games as a phenomenological tool for experiential legal education/Craig Newbery-Jones.- The Law Teacher. 2016; Vol.50, No.1: 61-81.
139049 Human-centered legal tech: integrating design in legal education/Dan Jackson.- The Law Teacher. 2016; Vol.50, No.1: 82-97.
139050 Story interface and strategic design for new law curricula/Craig Collins.- The Law Teacher. 2016; Vol.50, No.1: 98-113.
139051 Disintermediation/Paul Maharg.- The Law Teacher. 2016; Vol.50, No.1: 114-131.
139052 Ethical experiments with the D-pad: exploring the potential of video games as a phenomenological tool for experiential legal education/Craig Newbery-Jones.- The Law Teacher. 2016; Vol.50, No.1: 61-81.
139053 Teaching professional ethics through popular culture/Mitchell Travis.- The Law Teacher. 2016; Vol.50, No.2: 147-159.
139054 Teaching company law to business students: an effective framework/Nicolette Butler, Omar Madhloom.- The Law Teacher. 2016; Vol.50, No.2: 160-171.
139055 A part to play: the value of role-play simulation in undergraduate legal education/Ben Waters.- The Law Teacher. 2016; Vol.50, No.2: 172-194.
139056 Working with law students to develop legal literacy materials/Dawn Watkins, Maribel Canto-Lopez.- The Law Teacher. 2016; Vol.50, No.2: 195-208.
139057 I believe that it will be an amazing experience: pre-departure impressions of students on an Erasmus exchange programme/Eric Jeanpierre, Graeme Broadbent.- The Law Teacher. 2016; Vol.50, No.2: 209-229.
139058 Uncle Jack, Jaycee and the equitable doctrine of estoppel: using Second Life to support the development of advanced oral communication skills in law students/Natalie Skead.- The Law Teacher. 2016; Vol.50, No.2: 230-241.
139059 Screencasting ethics and values: teaching contemporary legal issues and collective legal values through live screencasting/C.J. Newbery-Jones.- The Law Teacher. 2016; Vol.50, No.2: 242-254.
139060 The state of the nation: diversity and the British legal academy/Steven Vaughan.- The Law Teacher. 2016; Vol.50, No.2: 255-263.
139061 Prospects for integrating an environmental sustainability perspective within the university law curriculum in England/David Mohan Ong.- The Law Teacher. 2016; Vol.50, No.3: 276-299.
139062 Education for sustainable development and the professional curriculum/Colin T. Reid.- The Law Teacher. 2016; Vol.50, No.2: 300-306.
139063 Embedding sustainability literacy in the legal curriculum: reflections on the Plymouth model/Jason Lowther, Joanne Sellick.- The Law Teacher. 2016; Vol.50, No.3: 307-320.
139064 The use of scenarios in legal education to develop futures thinking and sustainability competencies/Michelle Lim, Andrew Allan.- The Law Teacher. 2016; Vol.50, No.2: 321-340.
139065 Head, hand and heart: immersive learning for a demanding new climate at Queen’s University Belfast’s School of Law/Peter Doran.- The Law Teacher. 2016; Vol.50, No.3: 341-351.
139066 Beyond criminal justice: connecting justice and sustainability/K.M. Hallenberg, C. Haddow.- The Law Teacher. 2016; Vol.50, No.3: 352-370.
139067 Preparing law graduates for a globalised world/Joan Squelch, Duncan Bentley.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.1: 2-16.
139068 The importance of ethics in the law curriculum: essential or incidental?/Maxine Evers, Lesley Townsley.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.1: 17-39.
139069 Research-informed teaching: a clinical approach/Alex Nicholson.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.1: 40-55.
139070 One size fits all? Multiple intelligences and legal education/Emma Jones.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.2: 56-68.
139071 The impact of student-generated digital flashcards on student learning of constitutional law/Stephen Colbran, Anthony Gilding, Samuel Colbran, Manuel Jose Oyson, Nauman Saeed.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.1: 69-97.
139072 Can we really have confidence in a centralised Solicitors Qualifying Exam? The example of the Qualified Lawyers Transfer Scheme/Eileen Fry, Richard Wakeford.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.1: 98-103.
139073 Is the legal landscape changing? Reflections from the UK and South Africa/Hon. Dame Linda Dobbs DBE.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.2: 112-122.
139074 Getting the fish to see the water: an investigation into students perceptions of learning writing skills in academic modules and in a final year real client legal clinic module/Carol Boothby, Cath Sylvester.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.2: 123-137.
139075 Teaching collaborative problem-solving skills to law students/Philippa Ryan.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.2: 138-150.
139076 Law’s not hard; it’s just hard to get into: a study of alternative entry students to law school/Maxine Evers, Bronwyn Olliffe, Angela Dwyer.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.2: 151-169.
139077 Student-led law reviews: what every UK law school needs?/C.R.G. Murray, Lida Pitsillidou, Catherine Caine.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.2: 170-187.
139078 A common law fly on the transsystemic wall: observing the integrated method at McGill Faculty of Law/Helena Whalen-Bridge.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.2: 188-202.
139079 It is the worst time in living history to be a law graduate: or is it? Does Australia have too many law graduates?/Angela Melville.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.2: 203-226.
139080 The importance of teaching dispute resolution in a twenty-first-century law school/Ben Waters.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.2: 227-246.
139081 Student-led law reviews: what every UK law school needs?/C.R.G. Murray, Lida Pitsillidou, Catherine Caine.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.2: 170-187.
139082 Animation and multiple-choice questions as a formative feedback tool for legal education/Stephen Colbran, Anthony Gilding, Samuel Colbran.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.3: 249-273.
139083 Meeting the challenges of globalisation in legal education/Anil Balan.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.3: 274-286.
139084 Notes on the SRA report of the consultation on the Solicitors Qualifying Exam: Comment is free, but facts are sacred/Elaine Hall.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.3: 364-372.
139085 Global standards and outcomes of a legal education: how rubrics can help to deliver objectivity, transparency, verifiability and consistency/Myra E.J.B. Williamson.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.3: 287-311.
139086 Writing Workshops for First Year Law: my contribution as an applied linguist/Gina Curro.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.3: 312-326.
139087 Socrates behind bars: a report on an experimental course on justice and philosophy/Sira Abenoza, Cesar Arjona.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.3: 327-348.
139088 Use of reading quizzes to foster learning: evidence from teaching company law in business programmes/Felix E. Mezzanotte.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.3: 349-363.
139089 Complicating the holy grail, simplifying the search: a critique of the conventional problematisation of social immobility in elite legal education and the profession/Lucinda Ferguson.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.4: 377-400.
139090 Advocacy 20 years on from Hampel: is it time we revisited the postgraduate teaching of advocacy?/Gemma Louise Davies, James Welsh.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.3: 401-410.
139091 Delaney and the Motor Vehicle Insurance Directives: lessons for the teaching of EU law/James Marson,  Katy Ferris.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.4: 411-427.
139092 Enhancing student performance and employability through the use of authentic assessment techniques in extra and co-curricular activities (ECCAs)/Dan Berger,  Charles Wild.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.4: 428-439.
139093 Rethinking Property Law modules: putting theory into practice/Nicolette Butler, Omar Madhloom.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.4: 440-452.
139094 Emotions and the frontiers of legal education/Sira Abenoza, Cesar Arjona.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.4: 453-468.
139095 Law clinics in England and Wales: a regulatory black hole/Linden Thomas.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.4: 469-475.
139096 Authentic assessment in contract law: legal drafting/Noeleen McNamara.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.4: 486-498.
139097 Bringing the battlefield into the classroom: using video games to teach and assess international humanitarian law/Luke Moffett, Dug Cubie, Andrew Godden.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.4: 499-514.
139098 Teaching terrorism: the impact of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 on academic freedom/Joanna Gilmore.- The Law Teacher. 2017; Vol.51, No.4: 515-524.
139099 Reasons why law students should have access to learning law through a skills-based approach/Juliet Turner, Alison Bone, Jeanette Ashton.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.1: 1-16.
139100 Problem-based learning and international commercial dispute resolution in the Indian Ocean/Ronan Feehily.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.1: 17-37.
139101 Exploring conceptual legal knowledge building in law students reflective reports using theoretical constructs from the sociology of education: what, how and why?/Jenny Gibbons.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.1: 38-52.
139102 Understanding Dworkin through art: object-based learning and law/Lydia Morgan.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.1: 53-67.
139103 The EU law core module: surviving the perfect storm of Brexit and the SQE/Cherry James, John Koo.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.1: 68-84.
139104 Online collaboration as a pedagogical approach to learning and teaching undergraduate legal education/Lisa Bugden, P. Redmond, J. Greaney.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.1: 85-99.
139105 Changes to the training of English and Welsh lawyers: implications for the future of university law schools/Mark Davies.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.1: 100-125.
139106 You must be joking: the role of humour in the law classroom/Kate Offer, Natalie Skead, Angelyn Seen.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.2: 135-153.
139107 Bridging the gap: online materials to equip graduate entrants to a law degree with essential subject knowledge and skills/Stephanie M. Pywell.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.2: 154-170.
139108 Reviewing the effectiveness of the Oxford tutorial system in teaching an undergraduate qualifying law degree: a discussion of preliminary findings from a pilot study/Anil Balan.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.2: 171-189.
139109 Using the role-play at the lectern: developing work-ready and confident professionals/Jill Howieson, Shane Rogers.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.2: 190-200.
139110 Comparative law in legal education-building a legal mind for a transnational world/Jaakko Husa.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.2: 201-215.
139111 Fitting in and opting out: exploring how law students self-select law firm employers/Eleanor Rowan, Steven Vaughan.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.2: 216-230.
139112 Hungarian legal ethics education: changes in accreditation standards/Gabor Andrasi.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.2: 231-235.
139113 The pedagogy of legal reasoning: democracy, discourse and community/Chloe J. Wallace.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.3: 260-271.
139114 Socialisation to interdisciplinary legal education: an empirical assessment/Werner Schafke, Juan A. Mayoral Diaz-Asensio, Martine Stagelund Hvidt.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.3: 273-294.
139115 Experiential training for real-life professional impact: the formation of professional identity in trainee solicitors through a discrete intervention course on ethics and lawyering skills/Freda Grealy.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.3: 295-315.
139116 Lecture recording: a new norm/Michael J. Draper, Simon Gibbon, Jane Thomas.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.3: 316-334.
139117 Rethinking legal education/William Twining.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.3: 241-260.
139118 Perceptions of psychological well-being in UK law academics/J. Clare Wilson, Caroline Strevens.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.3: 335-349.
139119 SQEezing the jurisprudence out of the SRA’s super exam: the SQE’s Bleak Legal Realism and the rejection of law’s multimodal truth/Luke Mason.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.4: 409-424.
139120 Legal Education and Training Review: a five-year retro/prospective/Jane Ching, Paul Maharg, Avrom Sherr, Julian Webb.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.4: 384-396.
139121 The Legal Education and Training Review 5 years on: the view from the regulators/Julie Brannan, Vicky Purtill, Victoria Stec.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.4: 397-408.
139122 SQE-ezed out: SRA, status and stasis/Jessica Guth, Kathryn Dutton.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.4: 425-438.
139123 Clinical legal education as qualifying work experience for solicitors/Rachel Dunn, Victoria Roper, Vinny Kennedy.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.4: 439-452.
139124 Glass houses: how might we decide on a good enough assessment to become a solicitor?/Elaine Hall.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.4: 453-466.
139125 The SQE and creativity: a race to the bottom?/Doug Morrison.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.4: 467-477.
139126 Affective or defective? Exploring the LETR’s characterisation of affect and its translation into practice/Emma Jane Jones.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.4: 478-489.
139127 The success of university law schools in England and Wales: or how to fail/Anthony Bradney.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.4: 490-498.
139128 The Solicitors Qualification Examination: something for all? Some challenges facing law schools in England and Wales/Ben Waters.- The Law Teacher. 2018; Vol.52, No.4: 516-527.
139129 An authentic constructionist approach to students  visualisation of the law/Stephen Edward Colbran, Anthony Gilding.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.1: 1-34.
139130 Legal skills and the SQE: confronting the challenge head on/Dawn Jones.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.1: 35-48.
139131 The world at their fingertips? The mental wellbeing of online distance-based law students/Emma Jones, Rajvinder Samra, Mathijs Lucassen.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.1: 49-69.
139132 Paradigm shift: motivations for qualified legal professionals to undertake academic study/Gabriel Brennan, Rory OBoyle, Jan Cookson, Mark Brewer.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.1: 70-89.
139133 Embedding employability skills for the legal professionals of the future/Jenny Knox, Melanie Stone.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.1: 90-101.
139134 Teaching public law in a comparative paradigm: virtues and vices/Danielle Ireland-Piper.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.1: 102-118.
139135 Scottish legal education after Brexit/Sylvie Da Lomba, Maria Fletcher, Rebecca Zahn.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.2: 138-147.
139136 Northern Irish legal education after Brexit/Mark L. Flear, Daithi Mac Sithigh.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.2: 148-159.
139137 Extra Unionem nulla salus? Teaching and researching EU law in Norway and Switzerland/Francesco Maiani, Alla Pozdnakova, Sarah Progin-Theuerkauf.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.2: 160-172.
139138 Lessons from Roman law: EU law in England and Wales after Brexit/John Cotter,  Elaine Dewhurst.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.2: 173-188.
139139 The impact of Brexit on the careers of EUI law graduates/Marise Cremona, Angelos Dimopoulos.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.2: 189-196.
139140 Rethinking legal methods after Brexit/Carl F. Stychin.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.2: 212-220.
139141 Reflections on law and impact in the light of Brexit/Michael Dougan, Charlotte OBrien.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.2: 197-211.
139142 Succeed, question, repeat: threshold concepts and variation theory in understanding how law students build competency/Alex Steel.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.2: 231-244.
139143 Professionalism in the legal profession-can you teach it? A phenomenographic study of Irish legal education stakeholders perceptions/Rachael Hession.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.3: 245-262.
139144 Addressing the challenges of teaching legal ethics to take account of the widening participation agenda/Anil Balan.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.3: 263-278.
139145 Facebook debate: facilitating international, intercultural knowledge exchange and collaboration in the field of international intellectual property law/Bronwen Jones, Yasser Gadallah, Shaimaa Lazem.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.3: 279-297.
139146 Exploring the fairness of new legislation and legal proceedings through the use of a theatricalised court/C. F. Huws.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.3: 298-308.
139147 Podcast as assessment: entanglement and affect in the law school/Illan rua Wall.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.3: 309-320.
139148 Shattering the glass ceiling: the world’s first Chinese PhD graduate/Li Chen.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.3: 321-337.
139149 Mapping the effects of Brexit on legal education in Wales: proposals for addressing students  concerns/Stephen Clear, Dermot Cahill, Gary Clifford.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.3: 338-363.
139150 Narcissus in peril: weighing the risks of unthinking practice and excellent practice against the cognitive and emotional load of reflection/Elaine Hall.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.4: 399-400.
139151 How is reflection framed for legal professional identity? Using Bernstein and Leering to understand the potential for reflection in our curriculum as written, experienced and assessed/Jenny Gibbons.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.4: 401-415.
139152 A normative approach to developing reflective legal practitioners: Kant and clinical legal education/Omar Madhloom.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.4: 416-430.
139153 Perils, pitfalls and possibilities: introducing reflective practice effectively in legal education/Michele M. Leering.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.4: 431-445.
139154 Advancing rigorous reflective practice in legal education through assessment: a guide for educators/Brea Lowenberger.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.4: 446-457.
139155 Reflecting on reflection: a dialogue across the hemispheres on teaching and assessing reflective practice in clinical legal education/Rachel Spencer, Susan L. Brooks.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.4: 458-474.
139156 What we did over the summer: updates on proposed reforms to legal education and training in England and Wales and in the Republic of Ireland/Elaine Hall, John Hodgson, Caroline Strevens, Jessica Guth.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.4: 536-546.
139157 Exploring the role of emotions in clinical legal education: inquiry and results from an international workshop for legal educators/Kate Seear, Lisa Bliss, Paula Galowitz, Catherine F. Klein.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.4: 487-499.
139158 Yarning shares knowledge: Wiradyuri storytelling, cultural immersion and video reflection/Annette Gainsford, Su Robertson.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.4: 500-512.
139159 The hall of mirrors: a teaching team talking about talking about reflection/Callum Thomson, Lyndsey Bengtsson, Tribe Mkwebu.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.4: 513-523.
139160 You are about to jump out of a plane/Katherine Langley.- The Law Teacher. 2019; Vol.53, No.4: 524-535.
139161 Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: Local Explanations for Forestry Law Compliance/Caroline A Schmidt, Constance L McDermott.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.1: 3-24.
139162 Gendered Experiences of Subsistence Harms: A Possible Contribution to Feminist Discourse on Gendered Harm?/Diana Sankey.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.1: 25-45.
139163 Belonging to Law: Religious Difference, Secularism, and the Conditions of Civic Inclusion/Benjamin L Berger.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.1: 47-63.
139164 Constitutional Property Rights and Elision of the Transnational: Foucauldian Misgivings/David Schneiderman.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.1: 65-87.
139165 Persecution or Play? Law and the Ethical Significance of Sadomasochism/Theodore Bennett.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.1: 89-112.
139166 Individual Rights and the Negotiation of Governmental Power: The Risk of HIV Transmission and Canadian Criminal Law/Diana Young.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.1: 113-134.
139167 Tax Law: Complexity, Politics and Policymaking/John Snape.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.2: 155-163.
139168 Indeterminacy, Complexity, Technocracy and the Reform of International Corporate Taxation/Sol Picciotto.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.2: 165-184.
139169 Tax Complexity, Tax Salience and Tax Politics/Ann Mumford.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.2: 185-201.
139170 Tax Prats and Citizen Stakeholders: Professionalism in the Gap Between Tax Priority Setting and Tax Policymaking/Wendy Bradley.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.2: 203-224.
139171 Corporate Social Responsibility and Tax Planning: Not by Rules Alone/Hans Gribnau.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.2: 225-250.
139172 A Changing Role for the Administrative Law of Taxation/Dominic de Cogan.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.2: 251-270.
139173 Does the Financial Crisis Create Opportunities for Taxing Wealth? A Study of Tax Policy Debates in the United Kingdom/Rajiv Prabhakar.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.2: 271-287.
139174 Towards a General Theory of Tax Practice/Jane Frecknall-Hughes, Erich Kirchler.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.2: 289-312.
139175 Patrick McAuslan: An Appreciation/Ambreena Manji.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.3: 331-337.
139176 Property and Empire: From Colonialism to Globalization and Back/Patrick McAuslan.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.3: 339-357.
139177 Spacing Minority Relations: Investigating the Tribal Areas of Pakistan Using a Spatio-Historical Method of Analysis/Sabrina Gilani.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.3: 359-380.
139178 Roberto Esposito and the Biopolitics of Property Rights/Matthew Stone.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.3: 381-398.
139179 How UK Climate Change Policy Has Been Made Sustainable/David Campbell.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.3: 399-418.
139180 In Your Face: Piercing the Veil of Ignorance About Niqab-Wearing Women/Natasha Bakht.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.3: 419-441.
139181 Troubling Times for Young People and Families With Troubles – Responding to Truancy, Rioting and Families Struggling With Adversity/Raymond Arthur.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.3: 443-464.
139182 Socio-Economic Rights Versus Social Revolution? Constitution Making in Germany, Mexico and Ireland, 1917-1923/Thomas Murray.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.4: 487-508.
139183 Copyright and Mass Social Authorship: A Case Study of the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary/Elena Cooper.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.4: 509-530.
139184 Reframing the Universalist Republic: Legal Pluralism in the French Periphery/Eoin Daly.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.4: 531-553.
139185 Law on a Slanted Globe: Traveling Models of Criminal Responsibility for State Violence/Christiane Wilke.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.4: 555-576.
139186 Providing Justice for Low-Income Youths: Publicly Funded Lawyers and Youth Clients in Hong Kong/Kevin Kwok-yin Cheng, Wing Hong Chui, Rebecca Ong.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.4: 577-593.
139187 Social Rights and Markets: A Debate on Continuity and Contradiction/Emilios Christodoulidis.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.4: 595-636.
139188 Social Rights, Social Contract, Socialism/Fernando Atria.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.4: 598-613.
139189 Social Rights and Complex Freedom: A Comment on Fernando Atria/John Holmwood.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.4: 614-618.
139190 Individual Rights as Social Rights/Russell Keat.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.4: 618-621.
139191 On the Concept of Social Rights/David Garland.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.4: 622-628.
139192 Social Rights: A Reply/Fernando Atria.- Social and Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.24, No.4: 628-636.
139193 The (Il)legal Indian: The Tupinamba and the Juridification of Indigenous Rights and Lives in North-Eastern Brazil/Peter Anton Zoettl.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.1: 3-21.
139194 A Criminological Reading of the Concept of Vulnerability: A Case Study of Brazilian Trafficking Victims/Julie Lima de Perez.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.1: 23-42.
139195 Cause Lawyering and Resistance in Israel: The Legal Strategies of Adalah/Elian Weizman.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.1: 43-68.
139196 Weighing Words: On the Governmentality of Free Speech/Muhammad Ali Nasir.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.1: 69-92.
139197 Understanding Politically Motivated Sexual Assault in Protest Spaces: Evidence from Egypt (March 2011 to June 2013)/Mariz Tadros.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.1: 93-110.
139198 The Legal Question of Morality: Seal Hunting and the European Moral Standard/Nikolas P Sellheim.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.2: 141-161.
139199 Imagining the International: The Constitution of the International As a Site of Crime, Justice and Community/Nesam McMillan.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.2: 163-180.
139200 The Symbolic Power of Legal Kinship Terminology: An Analysis of Co-motherhood and Duo-motherhood in Belgium and the Netherlands/Frederik Swennen, Mariano Croce.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.2: 181-203.
139201 Human Trafficking Heroes and Villains: Representing the Problem in Anti-Trafficking Awareness Campaigns/Erin O’Brien.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.2: 205-224.
139202 Legislating Consent: Creating an Empowering Definition of Consent to Sex That Is Inclusive of People With Cognitive Disabilities/Anna Arstein-Kerslake, Eilionoir Flynn.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.2: 225-248.
139203 We Are the Monitors Now: Experiential Knowledge, Transcorporeality and Environmental Justice/Dayna Nadine Scott.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.3: 261-287.
139204 Problematizing Prostitution in Law and Policy in the Republic of Ireland: A Case for Reframing/Sharron FitzGerald, Kathryn McGarry.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.3: 289-309.
139205 Governed by marriage law: An Irish genealogy/Deirdre McGowan.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.3: 311-331.
139206 Legislating Hierarchies of Victimhood and Perpetrators: The Civil Service (Special Advisers) Act (Northern Ireland) 2013 and the Meta-Conflict/Kevin Hearty.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.3: 333-353.
139207 Discourses of Victimization in Sri Lanka’s Civil War: Collective Memory, Legitimacy and Agency/Rachel Seoighe.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.3: 355-380.
139208 Sexual Violence in the Digital Age: The Scope and Limits of Criminal Law/Nicola Henry, Anastasia Powell.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.4: 397-418.
139209 Legal Knowledges and Surveillance in the Condo World/Randy K Lippert, Stefan R Treffers.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.4: 419-440.
139210 Forensic Technologies in Music Copyright/Jose Bellido.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.4: 441-459.
139211 Anti-Trafficking (ILL-)Efforts: The Legal Regulation of Women’s Bodies and Relationships in Cambodia/Clara Bradley, Natalia Szablewska.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.4: 461-488.
139212 Who Dares Fine a Murderer? The Changing Meaning of Money and Fines in Western European Criminal Systems/Patricia Faraldo-Cabana.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.4: 489-507.
139213 Cohabitation’s boundaries and the confines of tradition/Robert Leckey, Yann Favier.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.5: 525-543.
139214 After the War: Displaced Women, Ordinary Ethics, and Grassroots Reconstruction in Colombia/Julieta Lemaitre.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.5: 545-565.
139215 Reading Class in International Law: The Labor Question in Interwar Egypt/Mai Taha.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.5: 567-589.
139216 Intersexuality and the Right to Bodily Integrity: Critical Reflections on Female Genital Cutting, Circumcision, and Intersex  Normalizing Surgeries  in Europe/Francesca Romana Ammaturo.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.5: 591-610.
139217 I Think it’s Rape and I Think He Would be Found Not Guilty: Focus Group Perceptions of (un)Reasonable Belief in Consent in Rape Law/Wendy Larcombe … [et al.].- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.5: 611-629.
139218 Regulating Abortion: Dissensus and the Politics of Rights/Siobhan Mullally, Claire Murray.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.6: 645-650.
139219 Talking About Abortion/Carol Sanger.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.6: 651-666.
139220 The Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act 2013: Suicide, Dignity and the Irish Discourse on Abortion/Claire Murray.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.6: 667-698.
139221 Gender in Constitutional Discourses on Abortion: Looking at Spain from a Comparative Perspective/Blanca Rodriguez-Ruiz.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.6: 699-715.
139222 Advocating Abortion Rights in Northern Ireland: Local and Global Tensions/Catherine O’Rourke.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.6: 716-740.
139223 Killing Unborn Children? The Catholic Church and Abortion Law in Poland Since 1989/Dorota Szelewa.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.6: 741-764.
139224 Abortion Rights as Human Rights/Rachel Rebouche.- Social and Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.25, No.6: 765-782.
139225 Review of Comparative Law/Robert Leckey.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.1: 3-24.
139226 Narrative, Space and Atmosphere: A Nomospheric Inquiry into Hong Kong’s Pro-democracy Umbrella Movement/Daniel Matthews.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.1: 25-46.
139227 Marwan Barghouti in Tel Aviv: Occupation, Terrorism, and Resistance in the Courtroom/Awol Allo.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.1: 47-68.
139228 The Constructed Truth: The Making of Police Dossiers in China/Yu Mou.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.1: 69-88.
139229 Teaching British Values in Our Schools: But Why not Human Rights Values?/Alison EC Struthers.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.1: 89-110.
139230 The Implementation of Feminist Law Reforms: The Case of Post-provocation Sentencing/Rosemary Hunter, Danielle Tyson.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.2: 129-165.
139231 She, of Course, Holds No Political Opinions: Gendered Political Opinion Ground in Women’s Forced Marriage Asylum Claims/Nora Honkala.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.2: 166-187.
139232 Affective Governmentality: Governing Through Disgust in Uganda/Michael Ashworth.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.2: 188-207.
139233 Derrida’s Law: The Socio-Historical and the Meta-Ethical; La and Le Politique/Chris Lloyd.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.2: 208-229.
139234 Where Nothing Happened: The Experience of War Captivity and Levinas’s Concept of the There Is/Johanna Jacques.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.2: 230-248.
139235 The Political De-determination of Legal Rules and the Contested Meaning of the No Bailout Clause/Pablo Jose Castillo Ortiz.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.2: 249-272.
139236 An Equal Right to Inherit? Women’s Land Rights, Customary Law and Constitutional Reform in Tanzania/Helen Dancer.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.3: 291-310.
139237 Jurisdiction as Sovereignty Over Occupied Palestine: The Case of Khan-al-Ahmar/Alice M Panepinto.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.3: 311-332.
139238 Indefinite Detention Meets Colonial Dispossession: Indigenous Youths With Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in a White Settler Justice System/Harry Blagg, Tamara Tulich, Zoe Bush.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.3: 333-358.
139239 Remorse in Context(s): A Qualitative Exploration of the Negotiation of Remorse and Its Consequences/Irene van Oorschot, Peter Mascini, Don Weenink.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.3: 359-377.
139240 Participatory Research and the Medicalization of Research Ethics Processes/Tehseen Noorani … [et al.].- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.3: 378-400.
139241 Shifting Sands? Consent, Context and Vulnerability in Contemporary Sexual Offences Policy in England and Wales/Vanessa E. Munro.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.4: 417-440.
139242 How Rape Myths Are Used and Challenged in Rape and Sexual Assault Trials/Olivia Smith, Tina Skinner.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.4: 441-466.
139243 No Malicious Incidents: The Concern for Stability in China’s Divorce Law Practice/Xin He.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.4: 467-489.
139244 Discipline, educate and punish: Law, discourse and praxis in a Portuguese youth detention centre/Peter Anton Zoettl.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.4: 490-510.
139245 Criminalizing Vulnerability: Protecting Vulnerable Children and Punishing Wicked Mothers/Sarah Singh.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.4: 511-533.
139246 (Trans)Forming Single-Gender Services and Communal Accommodations/Peter Dunne.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.5: 537-561.
139247 The Victim of Historical Child Sexual Abuse in the Irish Courts 1999-2006/Sinead Ring.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.5: 562-580.
139248 Legal Dimensions to Valuing Aesthetics in World Heritage Decisions/Alice Palmer.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.5: 581-605.
139249 Older Lesbians, Gay Men and the Right to Die Debate: I Always Keep a Lethal Dose of Something, Because I don’t Want to Become an Elderly Isolated Person/Sue Westwood.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.5: 606-628.
139250 The Mysterious Case of Disappearing Family Law and the Shrinking Vulnerable Subject: The Shifting Sands of Family Law’s Jurisdiction/Jess Mant, Julie Wallbank.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.5: 629-648.
139251 Regulation: Managing the Antinomies of Economic Vice and Virtue/Sol Picciotto.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.6: 676-699.
139252 The Limits of Socio-Legal Radicalism: Social and Legal Studies and Third World Scholarship/John Harrington, Ambreena Manji.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.6: 700-715.
139253 In This Interregnum: Dialectical Themes in the Critique of Criminal Justice/Henrique Carvalho, Alan Norrie.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.6: 716-734.
139254 Looking Back, Looking Forward: Feminist Legal Scholarship in SLS/Susan B Boyd, Debra Parkes.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.6: 735-756.
139255 Esthetics and Methods in the Study of Sexual Rights/Jonathan Goldberg-Hiller.- Social and Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.26, No.6: 757-775.
139256 Using soft skills courses to inspire law teachers: a new methodology for a more humanistic legal education/Aspasia I. Tsaoussi.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.1: 1-30.
139257 The role of student evaluations in a PBL centred law curriculum: towards a more holistic assessment of teaching quality/Sjoerd J.F.J. Claessens.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.1: 43-54.
139258 There is no I in a team of lawyers: an evaluation of student perceptions of group assessment within legal higher education/Gareth Bramley.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.1: 55-68.
139259 Academic perspectives on teaching international family law in higher education institutions in England and Wales/Ana Speed.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.1: 69-102.
139260 A field trip in the first week at university: perspectives from our LLB students/Gayani Samarawickrema, Kathleen Raponi.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.1: 103-115.
139261 Investigating the feasibility of using student reflective journals to understand how clinical legal education can develop the ethical competence of law students/Anil Balan.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.1: 116-128.
139262 An examination of the effectiveness of Readers Theatre as a teaching strategy in legal education/Kelly VanBuskirk & George Filliter.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.1: 129-148.
139263 Creative podcasting as a tool for legal knowledge and skills development/Rachel Killean, Richard Summerville.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.1: 31-42.
139264 Enabling law students to understand business concepts: reflections on developing a business case study for corporate law/Robin Bowley.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.1: 169-193.
139265 The value of a law degree/Alex Nicholson.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.1: 194-208.
139266 Integrating technology in contemporary legal education/Marcus Smith.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.2: 209-221.
139267 Non-law graduates: an uncommon route to qualification?/John Koo.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.2: 222-236.
139268 A virtual law clinic: a realist evaluation of what works for whom, why, how and in what circumstances?/Francine Ryan.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.2: 237-248.
139269 Learning achievement goal theory and teaching students legal problem solving/Hazel Dawe.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.2: 249-260.
139270 Reshaping the teaching research nexus: connecting with students through research blogging (with an autoethnographic perspective) before they become lawyers/Barry Yau.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.2: 261-284.
139271 The liberal, the vocational and legal education: a legal history review-from Blackstone to a law degree (1972)/Susanna Menis.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.2: 285-299.
139272 They just have more of a vibe of being one of us: undergraduate law student perceptions of PhD tutors/Victoria Ball, Arwen Joyce, Charlotte Mills.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.2: 327-348.
139273 If you record, they will not come-but does it really matter Student attendance and lecture recording at an Australian law school/Natalie Skead, Liam Elphick, Fiona McGaughey, Murray Wesson, Kate Offer, Michael Montalto.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.3: 349-367.
139274 The teaching of (another) international law: critical realism and the question of agency and structure/Luis Eslava.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.3: 368-384.
139275 After the TEF and consumer law-based interventions-are prospective HE students now able to make informed choices?/Sally Weston, Sarah McKeown.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.3: 414-425.
139276 Unpacking precarious academic work in legal education/Alysia Blackham.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.3: 426-442.
139277 The intrinsic value of formative assessment and feedback as learning tools in the acquisition and improvement of a practical legal skill/Dawn Jones.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.3: 443-454.
139278 Trust, courage and silence: carving out decolonial spaces in higher education through student-staff partnerships/Ahmed Raza Memon, Suhraiya Jivraj.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.4: 475-488.
139279 Law, order, justice, crime: disrupting key concepts in criminology through the study of colonial history/J.M. Moore.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.4: 489-502.
139280 Creating the law school as a meeting place for epistemologies: decolonising the teaching of jurisprudence and human rights/Sophie Rigney.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.4: 503-516.
139281 Researching colonialism and colonial legacies from a legal perspective/Nandini S. Boodia-Canoo.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.4: 517-531.
139282 Why is it my problem if they don’t take part? The (non)role of white academics in decolonising the law school/Nick Cartwright, T.O. Cartwright.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.4: 532-546.
139283 Decolonising the master’s house: how Black Feminist epistemologies can be and are used in decolonial strategy/Oluwaseun Matiluko.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.4: 547-561.
139284 The ignored heritage of Western law: the historical and contemporary role of Islamic law in shaping law schools/Imranali Panjwani.- The Law Teacher. 2020; Vol.54, No.4: 562-577.
139285 Vulnerability theory and higher education/Risa L. Lieberwitz.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.1: 5-23.
139286 Undermining resilience: how the modern UK university manufactures heightened vulnerability in legal academics and what is to be done/Graham Ferris.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.1: 24-41.
139287 Rethinking the neoliberal university: embracing vulnerability in English law schools?/Doug Morrison, Jessica Guth.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.1: 42-56.
139288 Vulnerability, the future of the criminal defence profession, and the implications for teaching and learning/Nicola Harris, Roxanna Dehaghani, Daniel Newman.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.1: 57-67.
139289 Vulnerability theory as a tool against a banking model of legal education/Fabrizia Serafim.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.1: 68-78.
139290 The positive and negative roles of grant funding as mechanisms for societal transformation and the development of community resilience/M. Joan Wilson, W.R. Sexson.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.1: 79-87.
139291 The university’s fragile role in fostering societal resilience by facilitating the development of community-engaged professionalism/W.R. Sexson, M.J. Wilson.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.1: 88-100.
139292 Teaching feeling: bringing emotion into the law school/Senthorun Raj.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.2: 128-142.
139293 Students emotions in clinical legal education: a study of the Helsinki Law Clinic/Magdalena Kmak, Ketino Minashvili.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.2: 143-154.
139294 When is a word not just a word? An investigation into the dissonance and synergy between intention and understanding of the language of feedback in legal education/Dawn Jones, Lynn Ellison.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.2: 155-168.
139295 Visible learning at law school: an Australian approach to improving teacher impact in intensive and online courses/Sarah Moulds.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.2: 169-185.
139296 Moving beyond text, embracing the visual: the Virtual Land Law Field Trip Project @ Sussex/Verona Ni Drisceoil.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.2: 186-197.
139297 Making the case for virtual law cases: introducing an innovative way to teach law/Cormac McGrath, Annelie Gunnerstad, Christine Storr, Asa Ornberg.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.2: 198-212.
139298 The value of a law degree-part 2: a perspective from UK providers/Alex Nicholson.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.2: 241-257.
139299 Ratio! A Game of Judgment: using game-based learning to teach legal reasoning/David Yuratich.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.2: 213-226.
139300 Meet the winner of the Teaching Law with Technology Prize 2020/Linda Chadderton.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.3: 279-282.
139301 A comparative study into legal education and graduate employability skills in law students through pro bono law clinics/Francina Cantatore, David McQuoid-Mason, Valeska Geldres-Weiss, Juan Carlos Guajardo-Puga.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.3: 314-336.
139302 Reality check: supporting law student diversity and achievement through a novel model of support and assessment of academic literacy: student perceptions, retention and performance/Sandra Noakes.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.3: 337-363.
139303 Cultivating humility/Phil Lord.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.3: 364-376.
139304 The law schools easy win? Improving law students experience through embedded and non-embedded writing support/Cerian Griffiths.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.3: 377-391.
139305 Rage against the machine? Incorporating legal tech into legal education/Francine Ryan.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.3: 392-404.
139306 The value of a law degree-part 3: a student perspective/Alex Nicholson, Paul Johnston.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.4: 431-447.
139307 Defining the role of the university law clinician: perspectives from Kenya/Anne Kotonya.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.4: 448-466.
139308 Using interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA) to understand the development of legal ethical competence through reflection in a clinical learning environment/Anil Balan.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.4: 467-496.
139309 A study on the learning styles of law students at a Caribbean tertiary institution/Ronnie R.F. Yearwood, Rashad L. Brathwaite.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.4: 497-510.
139310 Lemons to lemonade: experiential learning by trial and error/Amy Lawton.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.4: 511-527.
139311 Development and challenges of teaching law and economics online/Feler Bose.- The Law Teacher. 2021; Vol.55, No.4: 528-543.
139312 Nations hospitable to organized crime and terrorism/Glenn E. Curtis, John N. Gibbs, Ramon Miro.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2004-2005; Vol.8, No.1: 5-23.
139313 The use of corruption by Russian organized crime in the United States/Alexander Sukharenko.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2004-2005; Vol.8, No.2: 118-129.
139314 Hong Kong triads after 1997/Yiu Kong Chu.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2004-2005; Vol.8, No.3: 5-12.
139315 Problems of definition: What is organized crime?/James O. Finckenauer.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2004-2005; Vol.8, No.3: 63-83.
139316 Fraud: The Characteristic Crime of the Twenty-First Century/Jay S. Albanese.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2004-2005; Vol.8, No.4: 6-14.
139317 Intellectual Property Theft and Organized Crime: The Case of Film Piracy/Jeffrey Scott Mclllwain.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2004-2005; Vol.8, No.4: 15-39.
139318 Causes and Prevention of Intellectual Property Crime/Nicole Leeper Piquero.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2004-2005; Vol.8, No.4: 40-61.
139319 Intellectual property and white-collar crime: report of issues, trends, and problems for future research/Annette D. Beresford, Christian Desilets, Sandra Haantz, John Kane, April Wall.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2004-2005; Vol.8, No.4: 62-87.
139320 Intellectual property and white-collar crime: report of issues, trends, and problems for future research/Annette D. Beresford, Christian Desilets, Sandra Haantz, John Kane, April Wall.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2004-2005; Vol.8, No.4: 62-78.
139321 Addressing the Global Scope of Intellectual Property Crimes and Policy Initiatives/Hedieh Nasheri.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2004-2005; Vol.8, No.4: 79-108.
139322 One percent bikers clubs: A description/Tom Barker.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2005-2006; Vol.6, No.1: 101-112.
139323 Organized crime and the theft of Iraqi antiquities/Andrew McCalister.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2005-2006; Vol.6, No.1: 24-37.
139324 Crimes committed by terrorist groups: Theory, research, and prevention/Mark S. Hamm, Cecile Van de Voorde.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2005-2006; Vol.6, No.2: 18-50.
139325 Assessing organized crime: Provisional situation report on trafficking in contraband cigarettes/Klaus von Lampe.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2005-2006; Vol.6, No.2: 8-15.
139326 Forward to the past: Organized crime and Cuba’s history, present and future/Mark Galeotti.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2005-2006; Vol.6, No.3: 45-60.
139327 Organized crime in South Korea/Seungmug Lee.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2005-2006; Vol.6, No.3: 61-76.
139328 RICO: The genesis of an idea/G. Robert Blakey.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2005-2006; Vol.6, No.4: 8-34.
139329 Symptoms of corruption and union denial/Charles A. Carberry.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2005-2006; Vol.6, No.4: 35-38.
139330 The independent private sector inspector general program as a therapeutic approach for undemocratic unions: An addendum to Professor Jacobs diagnosis/Ronald Goldstock.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2005-2006; Vol.6, No.4: 39-42.
139331 Organized crime and organized crime: Indeterminate problems of definition/Frank E. Hagan.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2005-2006; Vol.6, No.4: 127-137.
139332 Human trafficking in the Russian federation/Root Causes, At-Risk Groups, High Risk Regions.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2006-2007; Vol.10, No.1: 39-41.
139333 2006 Annual report on organized crime in Canada.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2006-2007; Vol.10, No.1: 49-51.
139334 Partners in organized crime.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2006-2007; Vol.10, No.1: 58-60.
139335 State and local law enforcement response to transnational crime/Kevonne Small, Bruce Taylor.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2006-2007; Vol.10, No.2: 5-17.
139336 Countering narcotics and organized crime in the Baltic region/Klas Karrstrand, Anna Jonsson.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2006-2007; Vol.10, No.3: 3-18.
139337 Organized Crime in California.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2006-2007; Vol.10, No.3: 37-49.
139338 OCTA 2006: the unfulfilled promise/Petrus C. van Duyne.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2006-2007; Vol.10, No.3: 120-128.
139339 2006 Annual Report on Organized Crime in Canada.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2006-2007; Vol.10, No.3: 76-78.
139340 Clans, politics and organized crime in Central Asia/Alessandra Ceccarelli.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2006-2007; Vol.10, No.4: 19-36.
139341 The search for the Russian Mafia/Anton Weenink, Franca van der Laan.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2006-2007; Vol.10, No.4: 57-76.
139342 Methodological aspects of the Dutch National Threat Assessment/Peter Klerks.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2006-2007; Vol.10, No.4: 91-101.
139343 Mafia markers: assessing organized crime and its impact upon societies/Jan Van Dijk.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2006-2007; Vol.10, No.4: 39-56.
139344 Update of the 2006 situation report on organised and economic crime in South-eastern Europe.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2006-2007; Vol.10, No.4: 102-121.
139345 Out of Africa: The human trade between Libya and Lampedusa/Salvatore Coluccello, Simon Massey.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2006-2007; Vol.10, No.4: 77-90.
139346 What did Apalachin prove? Mafia skepticism in cold war politics and culture/Lee Bernstein.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2006-2007; Vol.10, No.4: 3-15.
139347 Never a final design: interviewing Norwegian alcohol smugglers/Per Ole Johansen.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2008; Vol.11, No.1: 5-11.
139348 Conversations with Russian mafiosi/Dina Siegel.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2008; Vol.11, No.1: 21-29.
139349 Interviewing serious offenders: Ms. Egghead meets Mr. Gumshoe/Jana Arsovska.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2008; Vol.11, No.1: 42-85.
139350 Sex trafficking: an exploratory study interviewing traffickers/Emily I. Troshynski, Jennifer K. Blank.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2008; Vol.11, No.1: 30-41.
139351 Measuring the impact of law enforcement on organized crime/Allan Castle.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2008; Vol.11, No.2: 135-156.
139352 The prosecution of Chinese organized crime groups: the Sister Ping case and its lessons/Andrew J. Sein.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2008; Vol.11, No.2: 157-182.
139353 From Apalachin to the Buffalo Project: Obstacles on the path to effective federal responses to organized crime, 1957-1967/James D. Calder, William S. Lynch.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2008; Vol.11, No.3: 207-269.
139354 Organised crime groups in cyberspace: a typology/Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2008; Vol.11, No.3: 270-295.
139355 Mortgage fraud and organized crime in Canada: strategic intelligence brief/Klaus von Lampe.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2008; Vol.11, No.3: 301-308.
139356 Aspects of the evolution of extra-legal protection in Bulgaria (1989-1999)/Marina Tzvetkova.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2008; Vol.11, No.4: 326-351.
139357 Illicit arms trafficking and the limits of rational choice theory: the case of the Balkans/Jana Arsovska, Panos A. Kostakos.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2008; Vol.11, No.4: 352-378.
139358 UNICRI (2008) The fight against organised crime in Serbia: from the existing legislation to a comprehensive reform proposal. Turin: UNICRI.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2008; Vol.11, No.4: 437-455.
139359 Organized transnational crime in the Black Sea Region: a geopolitical dilemma?/Lada L. Roslycky.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2009; Vol.12, No.1: 21-29.
139360 Counterfeiting: a global spread, a global threat.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2009; Vol.12, No.1: 59-77.
139361 Chinese human smuggling organizations. Families, social networks and cultural imperatives/Dina Siegel.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2009; Vol.12, No.1: 81-83.
139362 Drug Smugglers on Drug Smuggling: Lessons from the Inside/Klaus von Lampe.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2009; Vol.12, No.1: 84-87.
139363 Organised crime in the Czech Republic in 2006 compared with developments between 1993 and 2005.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2009; Vol.12, No.1: 30-58.
139364 The networks of drug offenders/Anita Heber.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2009; Vol.12, No.1: 1-20.
139365 Human capital and social capital in criminal networks: introduction to the special issue on the 7th Blankensee Colloquium/Klaus von Lampe.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2009; Vol.12, No.2: 93-100.
139366 Introduction to Social Network Analysis (SNA) as an investigative tool/Renee C. van der Hulst.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2009; Vol.12, No.2: 101-121.
139367 Networks of organised black market labour in the building trade/Anita Heber.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2009; Vol.12, No.2: 122-144.
139368 Understanding individual behaviors within covert networks: the interplay of individual qualities, psychological predispositions, and network effects/Garry Robins.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2009; Vol.12, No.2: 166-187.
139369 Using social network analysis to target criminal networks/Daniel M. Schwartz, Tony (D.A.) Rouselle.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2009; Vol.12, No.2: 188-207.
139370 National Gang Threat Assessment 2009.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2009; Vol.12, No.3-4: 385-391.
139371 Illegal trade in tobacco in MERCOSUR countries.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2009; Vol.12, No.3-4: 267 – 306.
139372 Gangsters Encyclopaedia: the world’s most notorious mobs, gangs and villains/Georgios A. Antonopoulos.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2009; Vol.12, No.3-4: 399-401.
139373 Organized crime and regional development. A review of the Italian case/Vittorio Daniele.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2009; Vol.12, No.3-4: 211-234.
139374 Traffick jam: a policy review of the United States Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000/Alese C. Wooditch, M. A. DuPont-Morales, Don Hummer.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2009; Vol.12, No.3-4: 235-250.
139375 Drug markets in the community: a London borough case study/Gavin Hales, Dick Hobbs.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2010; Vol.13, No.1: 13-30.
139376 Narcophobia: drugs prohibition and the generation of human rights abuses/Fernanda Mena, Dick Hobbs.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2010; Vol.13, No.1: 60-74.
139377 The international drug control regime’s straight jacket: are there any policy options?/Francisco E. Thoumi.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2010; Vol.13, No.1: 75-86.
139378 Crime and instability: Case studies of transnational threats.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2010; Vol.13, No.2-3: 231-239.
139379 Methamphetamine: a European Union perspective in the global context.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2010; Vol.13, No.2-3: 240-248.
139380 Report on the prevalence of human trafficking in Ohio to Attorney General Richard Cordray.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2010; Vol.13, No.2-3: 192-218.
139381 The economics of agricultural and wildlife smuggling.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2010; Vol.13, No.2-3: 219-230.
139382 Human trafficking in the Philippines: the need for an effective anti-corruption program/Andrew P. Guth.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2010; Vol.13, No.2-3: 147-166.
139383 Gangs as contractors: the social organization of American Taiwanese youth gangs in Southern California/Kay Kei-ho Pih, Akihiko Hirose, KuoRay Mao.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2010; Vol.13, No.2-3: 115-133.
139384 Examining the links between organised crime and corruption.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2010; Vol.13, No.4: 326-359.
139385 A mountain or a molehill: is the illicit trade in cigarettes undermining tobacco control policy in South Africa?/Evan Blecher.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2010; Vol.13, No.4: 299-315.
139386 Organised crime in New Zealand 2010.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2011; Vol.14, No.1: 73-84.
139387 Research note: challenges of identifying female human trafficking victims using a national 1-800 call center/Andrea Lange.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2011; Vol.14, No.1: 47-55.
139388 Human trafficking revisited: legal, enforcement and ethnographic narratives on sex trafficking to Western Europe/Brenda Carina Oude Breuil, Dina Siegel, Piet van Reenen, Annemarieke Beijer, Linda Roos.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2011; Vol.14, No.1: 30-46.
139389 Expanding the domain of human trafficking research: introduction to the special issue on human trafficking/Edward R. Kleemans.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2011; Vol.14, No.2-3: 95-99.
139390 The nature and extent of human trafficking in Northern Ireland: a scoping study.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2011; Vol.14, No.2-3: 198-223.
139391 Trafficking in persons & transit countries.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2011; Vol.14, No.2-3: 235-264.
139392 Determinants of the willingness to make a statement of victims of human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation in the triangle offender-police-victim/Cornelia Helfferich, Barbara Kavemann, Heike Rabe,  Claudia Toll, Gerhard Flach.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2011; Vol.14, No.2-3: 125-147.
139393 Human trafficking and criminal investigation strategies in the Amsterdam Red Light District/Maite Verhoeven, Barbra van Gestel.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2011; Vol.14, No.2-3: 148-164.
139394 The appeal of dangerous men. On the role of women in organized crime/Marion van San.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2011; Vol.14, No.4: 281-297.
139395 The importation and re-exportation of organized crime: explaining the rise and fall of the Jamaican posses in the United States/Carl Williams, Mitchel P. Roth.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2011; Vol.14, No.4: 298-311.
139396 Conceptualising and combating transnational environmental crime/Glen Wright.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2011; Vol.14, No.4: 332-346.
139397 The Mexican judiciary & the prosecution of organized crime: the long road ahead/Sara Schatz.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2011; Vol.14, No.4: 347-360.
139398 Fifty years of research on illegal enterprise: an interview with Mark Haller/Matthew G. Yeager.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2012; Vol.15, No.1: 1-12.
139399 Listening to the wire: criteria and techniques for the quantitative analysis of phone intercepts/Paolo Campana, Federico Varese.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2012; Vol.15, No.1: 13-30.
139400 Costs and revenues in street-level cannabis dealing/Kim Moeller.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2012; Vol.15, No.1: 31-46.
139401 The making of Narco bosses: hard drug dealing crimes among Mexican students/Carlos J. Vilalta, Juan M. Martinez.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2012; Vol.15, No.1: 47-63.
139402 Organized crime, situational crime prevention and routine activity theory/Edward R. Kleemans, Melvin R. J. Soudijn, Anton W. Weenink.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2012; Vol.15, No.2-3: 87-92.
139403 Anatomy of a dark network: the case of the Turkish Ergenekon terrorist organization/Fatih Demiroz, Naim Kapucu.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2012; Vol.15, No.4: 271-295.
139404 Phoney war or appeasement? The policing of organised crime in the UK/Peter A. Sproat.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2012; Vol.15, No.4: 313-330.
139405 The extent to which demographic characteristics determine international drug couriers  profiles: a cross-sectional study in Istanbul/Ali Unlu, Behsat Ekici.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2012; Vol.15, No.4: 296-312.
139406 The Dragon’s shadow: an introduction to the special issue on Chinese organized crime/Georgios A. Antonopoulos.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2013; Vol.16, No.1: 1-12.
139407 Taking loan sharking into account: a case study of Chinese vest-pocket lenders in Holland/Melvin R. J. Soudijn, Sheldon X. Zhang.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2013; Vol.16, No.1: 13-30.
139408 China’s stolen children: internal child trafficking in the People’s Republic of China/Anqi Shen, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Georgios Papanicolaou.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2013; Vol.16, No.1: 31-48.
139409 Anti-triad legislations in Hong Kong: issues, problems and development/Sharon Ingrid Kwok, T. Wing Lo.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2013; Vol.16, No.1: 74-94.
139410 Introduction: the Mexican cartels-organized crime vs. criminal insurgency/Robert J. Bunker.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2013; Vol.16, No.2: 129-137.
139411 The unintended consequences of kingpin strategies: kidnap rates and the Arellano-Felix Organization/Nathan Jones.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2013; Vol.16, No.2: 156-176.
139412 Drug trafficking, corruption, and violence in Mexico: mapping the linkages/Stephen D. Morris.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2013; Vol.16, No.2: 195-220.
139413 On Organized Crime in the illicit antiquities trade: moving beyond the definitional debate/Jessica Dietzler.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2013; Vol.16, No.3: 329-342.
139414 Using friends for money: the positional importance of money-launderers in organized crime/Aili Malm, Gisela Bichler.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2013; Vol.16, No.4: 365-381.
139415 Reducing the offending of a UK organized crime group using an opportunity-reducing framework-a three year case study/Stuart Kirby, Laura Nailer.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2013; Vol.16, No.4: 397-412.
139416 Tuckers firm: a case study of British organised crime/James Windle.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2013; Vol.16, No.4: 382-396.
139417 Introduction: women and transnational organized crime/Jana Arsovska, Felia Allum.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2014; Vol.17, No.1-2: 1-15.
139418 Of bogus hunters, queenpins and mules: the varied roles of women in transnational organized crime in Southern Africa/Annette Hubschle.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2014; Vol.17, No.1-2: 31-51.
139419 Not all madams have a central role: analysis of a Nigerian sex trafficking network/Marina Mancuso.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2014; Vol.17, No.1-2: 66-88.
139420 From West Africa to the Balkans: exploring women’s roles in transnational organized crime/Jana Arsovska, Popy Begum.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2014; Vol.17, No.1-2: 89-109.
139421 Victims, sex workers and perpetrators: gray areas in the trafficking of nigerian women/Eva Lo Iacono.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2014; Vol.17, No.1-2: 110-128.
139422 Using strangers for money: a discussion on money-launderers in organized crime/M. R. J. Soudijn.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2014; Vol.17, No.1-2: 199-217.
139423 Violent disorder in Ciudad Juarez: a spatial analysis of homicide/Carlos Vilalta, Robert Muggah.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2014; Vol.17, No.3: 181-180.
139424 Internet-mediated drug trafficking: towards a better understanding of new criminal dynamics/Anita Lavorgna.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2014; Vol.17, No.4: 250-270.
139425 Cybercrime and social ties/E. R. Leukfeldt.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2014; Vol.17, No.4: 231-249.
139426 Italian mafias in Europe: between perception and reality. A comparison of press articles in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands/Federica Sarno.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2014; Vol.17, No.4: 313-341.
139427 Articulations of Aboriginal Title, Indigenous Rights, and Living Customary Law in South Africa/Daniel Huizenga.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.1: 3-24.
139428 Hegel’s Hipsters: Claiming Ownership in the Contemporary City/Amelia Thorpe.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.1: 25-48.
139429 The Limits of Procedural Discretion: Unequal Treatment and Vulnerability in Britain’s Asylum Appeals/Nick Gill … [et al.].- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.1: 49-78.
139430 The Social Organization of Access to Justice for Youth in Unsafe Urban Neighbourhoods/Naomi Nichols.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.1: 79-96.
139431 From Offender Rehabilitation to the Aesthetic of the Victim/Yoav Mehozay.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.1: 97-113.
139432 Governing Migration from the Margins/Cetta Mainwaring, Margaret Walton-Roberts.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.2: 131-141.
139433 Exclusion Through Imperio: Entanglements of Law and Geography in the Waiting Zone, Excised Territory and Search and Rescue Region/Pauline Maillet, Alison Mountz, Kira Williams.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.2: 142-163.
139434 Relived Vulnerabilities of Palestinian Refugees: Governing Through Exclusion/Maissaa Almustafa.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.2: 164-179.
139435 Non-Citizen Rights in ASEAN: The Need to Chart a New Course/Pranoto Iskandar.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.2: 180-199.
139436 What’s in a Category? The Politics of Not Being a Refugee/Diana Thomaz.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.2: 200-218.
139437 Dream of a World Without Borders: A Century After the Komagata Maru/Anjali Gera Roy.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.2: 219-235.
139438 Temporary Foreign Workers in Canada: Reconstructing Belonging and Remaking Citizenship/Ethel Tungohan.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.2: 236-252.
139439 Sexuality and Citizenship in Europe: Sociolegal and Human Rights Perspectives/Nuno Ferreira.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.2: 253-265.
139440 Human Rights and the Excess of Identity: A Legal and Theoretical Inquiry into the Notion of Identity in Strasbourg Case Law/Yussef Al Tamimi.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.3: 283-298.
139441 Too Drunk to Consent? Exploring the Contestations and Disruptions in Male-Focused Sexual Violence Prevention Interventions/Anna Carline, Clare Gunby, Stuart Taylor.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.3: 299-322.
139442 Gender-Aware and Place-Based Transitional Justice in Guatemala: Altering the Opportunity Structures for Post-Conflict Women’s Mobilization/Tine Destrooper, Stephan Parmentier.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.3: 323-344.
139443 Gununa peacemaking: Informalism, cultural difference and contemporary Indigenous conflict management/Morgan Brigg … [et al.].- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.3: 345-366.
139444 The Ombuds Watchers: Collective Dissent and Legal Protest Among Users of Public Services Ombuds/Chris Gill, Naomi Creutzfeldt.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.3: 367-388.
139445 Introduction to Special Issue on Labour Laws and Labour Markets: New Methodologies/Ruth Dukes.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.4: 407-413.
139446 Modern Slavery, Unfree Labour and the Labour Market: The Social Dynamics of Legal Characterization/Judy Fudge.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.4: 414-434.
139447 Theorizing the Relationship Between Social Law and Markets in Regional Integration Projects/Diamond Ashiagbor.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.4: 435-455.
139448 The Use of Quantitative Methods in Labour Law Research: An Assessment and Reformulation/Simon Deakin.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.4: 456-474.
139449 Using Mixed Methods to Study Labour Market Institutions: The Case of Better Factories Cambodia/Shelley Marshall.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.4: 475-492.
139450 Normative Distortions in Labour Law: Exploring the Field of Parental Rights in Working Life/Jenny Julen Votinius.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.4: 493-511.
139451 Labour Constitutions and Market Logics: A Socio-Historical Approach/Robert Knegt.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.4: 512-528.
139452 The Market in the Theory of Regulation/David Campbell.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.5: 545-571.
139453 Presenting the (Dictatorial) Past in Contemporary Argentina: Truth Forums and Arts of Dramatization/Vikki Bell, Mario Di Paolantonio.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.5: 572-595.
139454 The Governmentalization of the Trade Union and the Potential of Union-Based Resistance. The Case of Undocumented Migrant Domestic Workers in the Netherlands Making Rights Claims/Anja Eleveld, Franca Van Hooren.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.5: 596-615.
139455 The Terms of Ethnoracial Equality: Swedish Courts’ Reading of Ethnic Affiliation, Race and Culture/Leila Brannstrom.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.5: 616-635.
139456 Online Sexual Violence, Child Pornography or Something Else Entirely? Police Responses to Non-Consensual Intimate Image Sharing among Youth/Alexa Dodge, Dale C. Spencer.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.5: 636-657.
139457 Recognizing the Full Costs of Care? Compensation for Families in South Africa’s Silicosis Class Action/Beth Goldblatt, Shirin M Rai.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.6: 671-694.
139458 Justice for Ms Dhu: Accounting for Indigenous Deaths in Custody in Australia/Pauline Klippmark, Karen Crawley.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.6: 695-715.
139459 The Absent Present Law: An Ethnographic Study of Legal Violence in Turkey/Deniz Yonucu.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.6: 716-733.
139460 Exceptional Sexual Harms: The Catholic Church and Child Sexual Abuse Claims in Australia/Kate Gleeson.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.6: 734-754.
139461 The Pharmakon of Democracy: General Will and the People in the Context of the Greek Referendum/Dimitrios Kivotidis.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.6: 755-775.
139462 Distributed Ownership in Music: Between Authorship and Performance/Ananay Aguilar.- Social and Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.27, No.6: 776-798.
139463 Love in Law’s Shadow: Political Theory, Moral Psychology and Young Hegel’s Critique of Punishment/Alan Norrie.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.1: 10-30.
139464 What Punishment Expresses/Craig Reeves.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.1: 31-57.
139465 Critical Junctures and Conditions of Change: Exploring the Fall of Prison Populations in US States/Susanne Karstedt, Tiffany Bergin, Michael Koch.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.1: 58-80.
139466 Immigration Detention, Punishment and the Transformation of Justice/Mary Bosworth.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.1: 81-99.
139467 The Thrill of the Chase: Punishment, Hostility and the Prison Crisis/Anastasia Chamberlen, Henrique Carvalho.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.1: 100-117.
139468 A Chance to Reimagine Punishment and Penality?/Anita Dockley.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.1: 118-123.
139469 Transformative Justice, Reparations and Transatlantic Slavery/Matthew Evans, David Wilkins.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.2: 137-157.
139470 Securitization and Community-Based Protection Among Chin Refugees in Kuala Lumpur/Kirsten McConnachie.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.2: 158-178.
139471 Kaleidoscopic Justice: Sexual Violence and Victim-Survivors’ Perceptions of Justice/Clare McGlynn, Nicole Westmarland.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.2: 179-201.
139472 Witchcraft Accusations as Gendered Persecution in Refugee Law/Sara Dehm, Jenni Millbank.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.2: 202-226.
139473 A Gossamer Consensus: Discourses of Vulnerability in the Westminster Prostitution Policy Subsystem/Rebecca MF Hewer.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.2: 227-249.
139474 Impressed by Feelings – How Judges Perceive Defendants’ Emotional Expressions in Danish Courtrooms/Louise Victoria Johansen.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.2: 250-269.
139475 Law, Nation and Race: Exploring Law’s Cultural Power in Delimiting Belonging in English Courtrooms/Ana Aliverti.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.3: 281-302.
139476 The Vulnerability of Heterosexuality: Consent, Gender Deception and Embodiment/Mitchell Travis.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.3: 303-326.
139477 Theorizing the Performative Effects of Penal Risk Technologies: (Re)producing the Subject Who Must Be Dangerous/Robert Werth.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.3: 327-348.
139478 Found and Lost in Translation: Exploring the Legal Protection of Women from the Domestic Violence Act 2005 Through the Social Public Space of Kolkata/Amrita Mukhopadhyay.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.3: 349-369.
139479 How Co-Production Regulates/Martin Innes, Bethan Davies, Morag McDermont.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.3: 370-391.
139480 What’s Law got to do with Good Science?/Ilke Turkmendag … [et al.].- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.3: 392-413.
139481 A Crime of Almost Unspeakable Cruelty and Wickedness: Gender, Agency and Murder in Scotland – The Case of Jeannie Donald/Anette Ballinger.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.4: 429-449.
139482 Testimonial Injustice and Vulnerability: A Qualitative Analysis of Participation in the Court of Protection/Jaime Lindsey.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.4: 450-469.
139483 Action Between the Legal and the Illegal: A-Legality as a Political-Legal Strategy/Carys Hughes.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.4: 470-492.
139484 Prosecuting Domestic Abuse in England and Wales: Crown Prosecution Service Working Practice and New Public Managerialism/Antonia Porter.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.4: 493-516.
139485 Mods as Lightning Rods: A Typology of Video Game Mods, Intellectual Property, and Social Benefit/Harm/Mark Kretzschmar, Mel Stanfill.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.4: 517-536.
139486 In the Absence of the Rule of Law: Everyday Lawyering, Dignity and Resistance in Myanmar’s Disciplined Democracy/Alex Batesmith, Jake Stevens.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.5: 573-599.
139487 Political Violence as a Time That is Past? Engaging With Non-Participation in Transitional Justice in Cambodia/Julie Bernath.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.4: 600-624.
139488 Human Rights and the Grammar of Corporate Social Responsibility/Ciaran O’Kelly.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.5: 625-649.
139489 The Restorative Justice Apparatus: A Critical Analysis of the Historical Emergence of Restorative Justice/Giuseppe Maglione.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.5: 650-674.
139490 Polyphonic Legality: Power of Attorney Through Dialogic Interaction/Rosie Harding, Elizabeth Peel.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.5: 675-697.
139491 Performing Expertise: The Design of Audiovisual Links and the Construction of the Remote Expert Witness in Court/Emma Rowden, Anne Wallace.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.5: 698-718.
139492 Consent, Conjugality and Crime: Hegemonic Constructions of Rape Laws in India/Arushi Garg.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.6: 737-754.
139493 Interpretations of Justice: Conceptions of Family and Gender Justice at a Nari Adalat (Women’s Court) in South India/Sarah Potthoff.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.6: 755-773.
139494 Standardization and the Production of Justice in Summary Criminal Courts: A Post-Human Analysis/Lucy Welsh, Matt Howard.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.6: 774-793.
139495 Managing Risk and Preempting Immorality in Private Employment of Public Police/Randy K Lippert, Kevin Walby, Mathew Zaia.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.6: 794-816.
139496 Are Rights Out of Time? International Human Rights Law, Temporality, and Radical Social Change/Kathryn McNeilly.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.6: 817-838.
139497 Legal Silencing of Minority Legal Culture: The Case of Roma in Swedish Criminal Courts/Ida Nafstad.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.6: 839-858.
139498 After Hegemony: The Varieties of Legal Consciousness Research/Simon Halliday.- Social and Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.28, No.6: 859-878.
139499 The analysis and containment of organized crime in New York City and beyond: an interview with James B. Jacobs/Michael Woodiwiss.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2015; Vol.18, No.1-2: 86-93.
139500 Enterprise not ethnicity: an interview with Dwight C. Smith Jr/Michael Woodiwiss.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2015; Vol.18, No.1-2: 41-55.
139501 On the importance of being John Landesco/Matthew G. Yeager.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2015; Vol.18, No.1-2: 143-156.
139502 Fair play? Not so much: Corruption in the Italian football/Anna Di Ronco, Anita Lavorgna.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2015; Vol.18, No.3: 176-195.
139503 Jumping into Fixing/Declan Hill.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2015; Vol.18, No.3: 212-228.
139504 Understanding the organization, operation, and victimization process of labor trafficking in the United States.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2015; Vol.18, No.4: 348-354.
139505 Why is cash still king? A strategic report on the use of cash by criminal groups as a facilitator for money laundering.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2015; Vol.18, No.4: 355-379.
139506 Big business: scale of operation, organizational size, and the level of integration into the legal economy as key parameters for understanding the development of illegal enterprises/Klaus von Lampe.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2015; Vol.18, No.4: 289-310.
139507 Albanian criminal groups.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2015; Vol.18, No.4: 329-347.
139508 The illegal trade in black caviar/Daan van Uhm, Dina Siegel.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2016; Vol.19, No.1: 67-87.
139509 Understanding the illegal trade of live wildlife species in Peru/Antony C. Leberatto.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2016; Vol.19, No.1: 42-66.
139510 Exploring the dynamics of South Africa’s illegal abalone trade via routine activities theory/Greg Warchol, Michael Harrington.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2016; Vol.19, No.1: 21-41.
139511 Building NESTs to combat environmental crime networks/Rob White.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2016; Vol.19, No.1: 88-120.
139512 Praxis and the disruption of organized crime groups/Stuart Kirby, Nicki Snow.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2016; Vol.19, No.2: 111-124.
139513 What effect did the mob have on Chicago neighborhoods? Explicating the relationship between racket subcultures and informal social control/Hollianne Marshall, Robert M. Lombardo.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2016; Vol.19, No.2: 125-148.
139514 A qualitative reading of the ecological (dis)organisation of criminal associations. The case of the Famiglia Basilischi in Italy/Anna Sergi.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2016; Vol.19, No.2: 149-174.
139515 An exploratory analysis of prosecutorial attitudes of sex trafficking in Bosnia and Herzegovina/Jonathan A. Grubb, Lisa R. Muftic, Irma DeljkiC.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2016; Vol.19, No.2: 175-194.
139516 Where there’s smoke, there’s money: an introduction to the special issue on the illicit tobacco market/Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Klaus von Lampe.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2016; Vol.19, No.3-4: 211-217.
139517 Cigarette smuggling for greenhorns: Recent patterns of illegal tobacco trade in the Czech Republic/Petr Kupka, Katerina Tvrda.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2016; Vol.19, No.3-4: 218-235.
139518 Understanding the U.S. Illicit tobacco market: characteristics, policy context, and lessons from international experiences.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2016; Vol.19, No.3-4: 351-386.
139519 An European outlook on the illicit trade in tobacco products.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2016; Vol.19, No.3-4: 300-328.
139520 The illegal cigarette trade in New York City/Klaus von Lampe, Marin Kurti.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2016; Vol.19, No.3-4: 329-350.
139521 The Addio Pizzo movement: exploring social change using agent-based modelling/Corinna Elsenbroich.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2017; Vol.21, No.1-2: 120-138.
139522 The shaping of covert social networks: isolating the effects of secrecy/Nigel G. Fielding.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2017; Vol.21, No.1-2: 16-30.
139523 Corrado Alvaro and the Calabrian mafia: a critical case study of the use of literary and journalistic texts in research on Italian organized crime/Amber Phillips.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2017; Vol.21, No.1-2: 179-195.
139524 By investigation, I mean computation/Nicola Lettieri, Delfina Malandrino, Luca Vicidomini.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2017; Vol.21, No.1-2: 31-54.
139525 Loan-sharking in a time of crisis: lessons from Rome’s illegal credit market/Isabella Clough Marinaro.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2017; Vol.21, No.1-2: 196-215.
139526 Mafia war: simulating conflict escalation in criminal organizations/Martin Neumann, Ulf Lotzmann, Klaus G. Troitzsch.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2017; Vol.21, No.1-2: 139-178.
139527 Introduction: the societal dimensions of organized crime/Martin Neumann, Corinna Elsenbroich.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2017; Vol.21, No.1-2: 1-15.
139528 An engineering perspective for policy design: self-organizing crime as an evolutionary social system/Camilo Olaya, Laura Guzman, Juliana Gomez-Quintero.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2017; Vol.21, No.1-2: 55-84.
139529 Can agent-based simulation models replicate organised crime?/Klaus G. Troitzsch.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2017; Vol.21, No.1-2: 100-119.
139530 A script analysis of the distribution of counterfeit alcohol across two European jurisdictions/Nicholas Lord, Jon Spencer, Elisa Bellotti, Katie Benson.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2017; Vol.21, No.3-4: 252-272.
139531 Illicit pharmaceutical networks in Europe: organising the illicit medicine market in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands/Alexandra Hall, Rosa Koenraadt, Georgios A. Antonopoulos.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2017; Vol.21, No.3-4: 296-315.
139532 No banquet can do without liquor: alcohol counterfeiting in the People’s Republic of China/Anqi Shen, Georgios A. Antonopoulos.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2017; Vol.21, No.3-4: 273-295.
139533 An empirical examination of product counterfeiting crime impacting the U.S. military/Brandon A. Sullivan, Jeremy M. Wilson.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2017; Vol.21, No.3-4: 316-317.
139534 Assessing the developing knowledge-base of product counterfeiting: a content analysis of four decades of research/Brandon A. Sullivan, Fiona Chan, Roy Fenoff, Jeremy M. Wilson.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2017; Vol.21, No.3-4: 338-369.
139535 An introduction to the special issue on counterfeiting/Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Alexandra Hall, Joanna Large, Anqi Shen.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2017; Vol.21, No.3-4: 247-251.
139536 Personal use, social supply or redistribution? cryptomarket demand on Silk Road 2 and Agora/Jakob Demant, Rasmus Munksgaard, Esben Houborg.- Trends in Organized Crime. Vol.21, No.1: 79-81.
139537 Email spam origins: does the CAN SPAM act shift spam beyond United States jurisdiction?/Alex C. Kigerl.- Trends in Organized Crime. Vol.21, No.1: 62-78.
139538 Changing representations of organized crime in the Italian press/Anna Di Ronco, Anita Lavorgna.- Trends in Organized Crime. Vol.21, No.1: 1-23.
139539 An introduction to the special issue on Organised crime and illegal markets in the UK and Ireland/Klaus von Lampe, Georgios A. Antonopoulos.- Trends in Organized Crime. Vol.21, No.2: 99-103.
139540 Diamonds, gold and crime displacement: Hatton Garden, and the evolution of organised crime in the UK/Paul Lashmar, Dick Hobbs.- Trends in Organized Crime. Vol.21, No.2: 104-125.
139541 Crime in Ireland north and south: Feuding gangs and profiteering paramilitaries/Niamh Hourigan, John F. Morrison, James Windle, Andrew Silke.- Trends in Organized Crime. Vol.21, No.2: 126-146.
139542 Situating gangs within Scotland’s illegal drugs market(s)/Robert McLean, James A. Densley, Ross Deuchar.- Trends in Organized Crime. Vol.21, No.2: 147-171.
139543 Examining the demographic profile and attitudes of citizens, in areas where organized crime groups proliferate/Stuart Kirby, Michelle McManus, Laura Boulton.- Trends in Organized Crime. Vol.21, No.2: 172-188.
139544 Illegal gambling businesses & organized crime: an analysis of federal convictions/Jay S. Albanese.- Trends in Organized Crime. Vol.21, No.3: 262-277.
139545 Fragmentation and cooperation: the evolution of organized crime in Mexico/Laura H. Atuesta, Yocelyn Samantha Perez-Davila.- Trends in Organized Crime. Vol.21, No.3: 235-261.
139546 Social network analysis as a tool for criminal intelligence: understanding its potential from the perspectives of intelligence analysts/Morgan Burcher, Chad Whelan.- Trends in Organized Crime. Vol.21, No.3: 278-294.
139547 When elites and outlaws do philanthropy: on the limits of private vices for public benefit/Tereza Kuldova.- Trends in Organized Crime. Vol.21, No.3: 295-309.
139548 Merely a transit country? Examining the role of Uganda in the transnational illegal ivory trade/Siv Rebekka Runhovde.- Trends in Organized Crime. Vol.21, No.3: 215-234.
139549 Criminal organizing applying the theory of partial organization to four cases of organized crime/Amir Rostami, Hernan Mondani, Fredrik Liljeros, Christofer Edling.- Trends in Organized Crime. Vol.21, No.4: 315-342.
139550 Gangs in the DRC and El Salvador: towards a third generation of gang violence interventions?/Ellen Van Damme.- Trends in Organized Crime. Vol.21, No.4: 343-369.
139551 EULEX and the fight against organised crime in Kosovo: what’s the record?/Joschka J. Proksik.- Trends in Organized Crime. Vol.21, No.4: 401-425.
139552 Human trafficking and criminal proceedings in Portugal: discourses of professionals in the justice system/Marlene Matos, Mariana Goncalves, Angela Maia.- Trends in Organized Crime. Vol.21, No.4: 370-400.
139553 Public nuisance, public enemy, public servant? Introduction to the special issue on outlaw bikers in Europe/Klaus von Lampe.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2019; Vol.22, No.1: 1-9.
139554 Not your average biker; criminal careers of members of Dutch outlaw motorcycle gangs/Arjan Blokland, Lonneke van Hout, Wouter van der Leest, Melvin Soudijn.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2019; Vol.22, No.1: 10-33.
139555 Organizing on two wheels: uncovering the organizational patterns of Hells Angels MC in Sweden/Amir Rostami, Hernan Mondani.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2019; Vol.22, No.1: 34-50.
139556 Policing bikers: confrontation or dialogue?/Paul Larsson.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2019; Vol.22, No.1: 66-53.
139557 Preventing organised crime originating from outlaw motorcycle clubs/Tore Bjorgo.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2019; Vol.22, No.1: 84-122.
139558 Organised crime in Latin America: an introduction to the special issue/Damian Zaitch, Georgios A. Antonopoulos.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2019; Vol.22, No.2: 141-147.
139559 Brazilian criminal organizations as transnational violent non-state actors: a case study of the Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC)/Marcos Alan S. V. Ferreira.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2019; Vol.22, No.2: 148-165.
139560 Accounting for turbulence in the Colombian underworld/Krzysztof Krakowski, Gladys Zubiria.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2019; Vol.22, No.2: 166-186.
139561 Mexican cartel negotiative interactions with the state/Adam Dulin.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2019; Vol.22, No.2: 210-230.
139562 Violence and electoral competition: criminal organizations and municipal candidates in Mexico/Aldo F. Ponce.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2019; Vol.22, No.2: 231-254.
139563 Organized crime, violence, and territorial dispute in Mexico (2007-2011)/Maria del Pilar Fuerte Celis, Enrique Perez Lujan, Rodrigo Cordova Ponce.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2019; Vol.22, No.2: 188-209.
139564 Illegal fishing and fisheries crime as a transnational organized crime in Indonesia/Ioannis Chapsos, Steve Hamilton.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2019; Vol.22, No.3: 255-273.
139565 Structure, multiplexity, and centrality in a corruption network: the Czech Rath affair/Tomas Diviak, Jan Kornelis Dijkstra, Tom A. B. Snijders.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2019; Vol.22, No.3: 274-296.
139566 Criminal networks in a digitised world: on the nexus of borderless opportunities and local embeddedness/E. Rutger Leukfeldt, Edward R. Kleemans, Edwin W. Kruisbergen, Robert A. Roks.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2019; Vol.22, No.3: 324-345.
139567 Corruption among mayors: evidence from Italian court of cassation judgments/Annamaria Nese, Roberta Troisi.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2019; Vol.22, No.3: 298-323.
139568 Criminal markets: the dark web, money laundering and counterstrategies-An overview of the 10th Research Conference on Organized Crime/Julia Weber, Edwin W. Kruisbergen.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2019; Vol.22, No.3: 346-356.
139569 Cyber-organised crime. A case of moral panic?/Anita Lavorgna.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2019; Vol.22, No.4: 357-374.
139570 An anatomy of Turkish football match-fixing/Serhat Yilmaz, Argyro Elisavet Manoli, Georgios A. Antonopoulos.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2019; Vol.22, No.4: 375-393.
139571 Is drawing from the state state of the art?: a review of organised crime research data collection and analysis, 2004-2018/James Windle, Andrew Silke.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2019; Vol.22, No.4: 394-413.
139572 Business cartels and organised crime: exclusive and inclusive systems of collusion/J. D. Jaspers.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2019; Vol.22, No.4: 414-432.
139573 Tackling local organised crime groups: lessons from research in two UK cities/Ruth Crocker, Sarah Webb, Michael Skidmore, Sarah Garner, Martin Gill, John Graham.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2019; Vol.22, No.4: 433-449.
139574 The Negative Dialectics of Law: Luhmann and the Sociology of Juridical Concepts/Rodrigo Cordero.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 3-18.
139575 Examining Male Wartime Rape Survivors’ Perspectives on Justice in Northern Uganda/Philipp Schulz.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 19-40.
139576 The South African TRC as Neoliberal Reconciliation: Victim Subjectivities and the Synchronization of Affects/Josh Bowsher.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 41-64.
139577 Homophobia and Homonationalism: LGBTQ Law Reform in Canada/Miriam Smith.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 65-84.
139578 When a Single Man Wants to Be a Father: Revealing the Invisible Subjects in the Law Regulating Fertility Treatment/Atina Krajewska, Rachel Cahill-O’Callaghan.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 85-106.
139579 Pursuing Democracy in an Authoritarian State: Protest and the Rule of Law in Hong Kong/Benny Tai … [et al.].- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 107-145.
139580 Victimization Devices: Exploring Challenges Facing Litigation-Based Transnational Environmental Justice/Sebastian Ureta, Patricio Flores, Linda Soneryd.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 161-182.
139581 The European Pillar of Social Rights and the Quest for EU Social Sustainability/Konstantinos Alexandris Polomarkakis.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 183-200.
139582 Precarious Workers and Probationary Wives: How Immigration Law Discriminates Against Women/Catherine Briddick.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 201-224.
139583 Visions of Public Safety, Justice, and Healing: The Making of the Rape Kit Backlog in the United States/Andrea Quinlan.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 225-245.
139584 Quiet Transitional Justice: Publicness, Trust and Legitimacy in the Search for the Disappeared/Lauren Dempster.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 246-272.
139585 Perversion and Perpetration in Female Genital Mutilation Law: The Unmaking of Women as Bearers of Law/Maree Pardy, Juliet Rogers, Nan Seuffert.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 273-293.
139586 Markets, Regulation and Drug Law Reform: Towards a Constitutive Approach/Toby Seddon.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.3: 313-333.
139587 Problematising Symbolic Reparation: Complex Political Victims, Dead Body Politics and the Right to Remember/Kevin Hearty.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.3: 334-354.
139588 Finding a Voice: Silence and its Significance for Transitional Justice/Janine Natalya Clark.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.3: 355-378.
139589 Recognising an Ecological Ethic of Care in the Law of Everyday Shared Spaces/Jane Holder, Donald McGillivray.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.3: 379-400.
139590 A Question of Sacrifice: The Deep Structure of Deaths in Police Custody/Ian Loader.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.3: 401-420.
139591 Fighting Corruption in Russia: Its Characteristics and Purpose/Leanid Kazyrytski.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.3: 421-443.
139592 Terra Nullius? Temporal Legal Pluralism in an Australian Colony/Shane Chalmers.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.4: 463-485.
139593 White-Collar Crime: The Privileging of Serious Financial Fraud in New Zealand/Lisa Marriott.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.4: 486-506.
139594 Gay and Lesbian Collaborative Co-Parenting in New Zealand and the United Kingdom: The Law Doesn’t Protect the Third Parent/Nicola Surtees, Philip Bremner.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.4: 507-526.
139595 Genealogies of Immigration Detention: Migration Control and the Shifting Boundaries Between the Penal and the Preventive State/Giuseppe Campesi.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.4: 527-548.
139596 Yelling Fire in a Crowded Occupation: Cynical Fire Hazard Claims and the Technocratic Containment of Dissent/Honor Brabazon.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.4: 549-573.
139597 The Banishment of the Poor From Public Space: Promoting and Contesting Neo-Liberalisation at the Municipal Level/Kevin J Brown.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.4: 574-595.
139598 Inutilious Propaedeutics: Performances in Theatre and Law/Peter Goodrich.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.4: 596-606.
139599 Towards a Post-Social Right to Life, Liberty and Security of the Person Through Markets? Conceptions of Citizenship and the Implications for Health Law as Governance/Karl Guebert.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.5: 609-628.
139600 Status (Im)Mobility and the Legal Production of Irregularity: A Sociolegal Analysis of Temporary Migrants’ Lived Experiences/Jean-Baptiste Farcy, Sarah Smit.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.5: 629-649.
139601 Between Freedom and Justice: Popular Protest and Jurisdictional Contestation of Militarized Governance in Indian-Controlled Kashmir/Bruce Hoffman, Haley Duschinski.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.5: 650-678.
139602 Objects of Crime: Bodies, Embodiment and Forensic Pathology/Imogen Jones.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.5: 679-698.
139603 Attachments to Victimhood: Anti-Trafficking Narratives and the Criminalization of the Sex Trade/Marcus A Sibley.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.5: 699-717.
139604 Injustice Disrupted: Experiences of Just Spaces by Victim-Survivors of Sexual Violence/Hildur Fjola Antonsdottir.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.5: 718-744.
139605 The Ubiquity of State Fragility: Fault Lines in the Categorisation and Conceptualisation of Failed and Fragile States/Raza Saeed.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.6: 767-789.
139606 Culture, Milieu, Phenotype: Articulating Race in Judicial Sense-making Practices/Irene van Oorschot.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.6: 790-811.
139607 On Judgment: Managing Emotions in Trials of Crimes Against Humanity in Argentina/Noa Vaisman, Leticia Barrera.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.6: 812-834.
139608 Enhancing Participatory Strategies With Designerly Ways for Sociolegal Impact: Lessons From Research Aimed at Making Hate Crime Visible/Amanda Perry-Kessaris, Joanna Perry.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.6: 835-857.
139609 Contesting Visions of Hong Kong’s Rule of Law and Young People’s Political Discontent/Man Yee Karen Lee, Yan Lam Lo.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.6: 858-880.
139610 Decentred Deterrence and the Effects of Social Relations: Explaining Pesticide Regulatory Compliance in China/Huiqi Yan, Juan Li.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.6: 881-902.
139611 Are Conflicts Property? Re-Examining the Ownership of Conflict in Restorative Justice/William R Wood, Masahiro Suzuki.- Social and Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.29, No.6: 903-924.
139612 Special Issue: Genealogies of Indefinite Detention/Mehera San Roque.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.1.
139613 Vitoria’s On the Indians, Legal Subjectivity and the Right to Travel/Nan M Seuffert.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.1.
139614 Indefinite Detention, Colonialism, and Settler Prerogative in the United States/Natsu Taylor Saito.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.1.
139615 Sexual Violence and the Border: Colonial Genealogies of US and Australian Immigration Detention Regimes/Suvendrini Perera, Joseph Pugliese.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.1.
139616 Troubling Law’s Indefinite Detention: Disability, the Carceral Body and Institutional Injustice/Linda Roslyn Steele.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.1.
139617 Medicalizing the Detention of Aboriginal People in the Northern Territory: A New/Old Regime of Control?/Janet Ransley, Elena Marchetti.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.1.
139618 Perverts, Terrorists, and Business as Usual: Pether and Preventive Justice Scholarship/Tamara Tulich.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.1.
139619 Brexit, the Press and the Territorial Constitution/Gregory Davies, Daniel Wincott.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.2.
139620 Compensation Funds, Trials and the Meaning of Claims: The Example of Asbestos-Related Illness Compensation in France/Heloise Pillayre.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.2.
139621 The Role of Patents as a Gendered Chameleon/Jessica C Lai.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.2.
139622 Cont(r)actualisation: A Politics of Transformative Legal Recognition of Adult Unions/Mariano Croce, Frederik Swennen.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.2.
139623 Interrogating Vulnerability: Reframing the Vulnerable Suspect in Police Custody/Roxanna Dehaghani.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.2.
139624 It’s Wrong, but that’s the Way it is. Youth, Violence and Justice in North-Eastern Brazil/Peter Anton Zoettl.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.2.
139625 Katharina Pistor’s The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.2.
139626 Securing the Future: Transformative Justice and Children Born of War/Erin Baines, Camile Oliveira.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.3.
139627 A Most Astonishing Circumstance: The Survival of Jewish POWs in German War Captivity During the Second World War/Johanna Jacques.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.3.
139628 States of Exception: Legal Governance of Trans Women in Urban Turkey/Ezgi Tascioglu.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.3.
139629 Do the Challenges of LGBTQ Asylum Applicants Under Dublin Register With the European Court of Human Rights?/Raoul Wieland, Edward J Alessi.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.3.
139630 Punitive Welfare on the Margins of the State: Narratives of Punishment and (In)Justice in Masiphumelele/Gail Super.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.3.
139631 Trading Nudes Like Hockey Cards: Exploring the Diversity of Revenge Porn Cases Responded to in Law/Alexa Dodge.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.3.
139632 Staying with the Social Project: A Review of Feminist Criminology/Katharine Dunbar Winsor.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.3.
139633 The Constitution of Non-Monetary Surplus Values/Gunther Teubner.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.4.
139634 It’s All or Nothing: Consent, Reasonable Belief, and the Continuum of Sexual Violence in Judicial Logic/Ashlee Gore.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.4.
139635 It’s Torture for the Soul: The Harms of Image-Based Sexual Abuse/Clare McGlynn … [et al.].- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.4.
139636 Queer Temporalities and Transgender Rights: A Hong Kong Case Study/Marco Wan.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.4.
139637 In the Name of Prevention? Policing Social Dangerousness Through Arrest in China/Enshen Li.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.4.
139638 In Ambiguous Times and Spaces: The Everyday Assemblage of Lay Participation to Argentine Courthouses/Santiago Abel Amietta.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.4.
139639 It Is Not 30 Pesos, It Is 30 Years: Reflections on the Chilean Crisis: Introduction/John Charney, Pablo Marshall, Emilios Christodoulidis.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.4.
139640 The Travels of a Set of Numbers: The Multiple Networks Enabled by the Colombian Estrato System/Fernando Leon Tamayo Arboleda, Mariana Valverde.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.5.
139641 Napoleonic Legacies, Postcolonial State Legitimation, and the Perpetual Myth of Non-Intervention: Family Code Reform and Gender Equality in Mali/Brenda K. Kombo.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.5.
139642 Rightificating Coercion – A Critical Perspective on the Transformation of State-Driven Coercive Care/Jonna Rennerskog.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.5.
139643 Restorative Justice, Crime Victims and Penal Welfarism. Mapping and Contextualising Restorative Justice Policy in Scotland/Giuseppe Maglione.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.5.
139644 Body Memories as a Neglected Legacy of Human Rights Abuses: Exploring Their Significance for Transitional Justice/Janine Natalya Clark.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.5.
139645 The International Criminal Trial as a Site for Contesting Historical and Political Narratives: The Case of Dominic Ongwen/Filip Strandberg Hassellind.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.5.
139646 Categorising the Gendered Harms to Caregivers During Humanitarian Emergencies: An Analysis of Law and Practice During Ebola Crises/Sharifah Sekalala.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.6.
139647 Beyond Carceral Expansion: Survivors’ Experiences of Using Specialised Courts for Violence Against Women in Ecuador/Silvana Tapia Tapia.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.6.
139648 Juridical Message in the Shadow of the Carceral: Prison Discipline, Additional Days and the Feasibility of Penal Communication/Netanel Dagan.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.6.
139649 Let Me Tell You: Transitional Justice, Victimhood and Dealing with a Contested Past/Cheryl Lawther.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.6.
139650 The Culture of Emergency in Italy and Spain: State Antiterrorism/Gemma Ubasart-Gonzalez.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.6.
139651 Multiple Discrimination: From Perceptions and Experiences to Proposals for Anti-Discrimination Policies/M Angeles Cea D’Ancona, Miguel S Valles Martinez.- Social and Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.30, No.6.

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