تازه‌های مقالات خارجی شهریور 1401

تازه‌های مقالات خارجی شهریور 1401




121961 Tort Liability and the Risk of Discriminatory Government/Ehud Guttel, Ariel Porat.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.1: 2-60.
121962 The Limits of Good Law: A Study of Housing Court Outcomes/Nicole Summers.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.1: 147-218.
121963 Exclusionary Advertising? The Case for Cautious Enforcement of 42 USC 3604(c) Against Minority-Language Housing Advertisements/Emily A. Vernon.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.1: 223-261.
121964 The Common Ownership Trilemma/Jose Azar.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.2: 263-295.
121965 The Chicago School’s Limited Influence on International Antitrust/Anu Bradford, Adam S. Chilton, Filippo Maria Lancieri.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.2: 297-329.
121966 Startup Acquisitions, Error Costs, and Antitrust Policy/Kevin A. Bryan, Erik Hovenkamp.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.2: 331-356.
121967 The Case for Unfair Methods of Competition Rulemaking/Rohit Chopra, Lina M. Khan.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.2: 357-379.
121968 Labor Antitrust’s Paradox/Hiba Hafiz.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.2: 381-411.
121969 The Chicago School and the Forgotten Political Dimension of Antitrust Law/Ariel Katz.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.2: 413-458.
121970 The Chicago Obsession in the Interpretation of US Antitrust History/William E. Kovacic.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.2: 459-494.
121971 The Arc of Monopoly: A Case Study in Computing/Randal C. Picker.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.2: 523-551.
121972 What’s in Your Wallet (and What Should the Law Do About It)/Natasha Sarin.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.2: 553-594.
121973 The Effective Competition Standard: A New Standard for Antitrust/Marshall Steinbaum, Maurice E. Stucke.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.2: 595-623.
121974 The Architecture of a Basic Income/Miranda Perry Fleischer, Daniel Hemel.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.3: 627-708.
121975 Some Doubts About Democratizing Criminal Justice/John Rappaport.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.3: 713-809.
121976 The Origins of Substantive Due Process/Ilan Wurman.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.3: 816-880.
121977 The Spectrum of Procedural Flexibility/Ronen Avraham, William H.J. Hubbard.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.4: 884-951.
121978 The Case for Noncompetes/Jonathan M. Barnett, Ted Sichelman.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.4: 954-1039.
121979 The Golden Share: Attaching Fiduciary Duties to Bankruptcy Veto Rights/Yiming Sun.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.4: 1110-1146.
121980 The Executive Judgment Rule: A New Standard of Dismissal for Qui Tam Suits Under the False Claims Act/Nathan T. Tschepik.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.4: 1053-1106.
121981 Does the Tax Code Believe Women: Reexamining 26 USC 104(a)(2) in the MeToo Era/Simon de Carvalho.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.5: 1346-1390.
121982 A Mission Statement for Mutual Funds in Shareholder Litigation/Sean J. Griffith, Dorothy S. Lund.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.5: 1151-1239.
121983 Penalty Default Rules for Digital Searches: Why Courts Should Spur Legislative Action via Second-Order Regulation/Meghan Holloway.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.5: 1396-1435.
121984 Available, Granted, Revoked: A New Framework for Assessing Unauthorized Access Under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act/Samuel Kane.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.5: 1439-1476.
121985 The First Amendment’s Real Lochner Problem/Genevieve Lakier.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.5: 1242-1342.
121986 Political Questions and the Ultra Vires Conundrum/Richard H. Fallon.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.6: 1482-1549.
121987 The Scope of Tribal Immunity in Real Property Disputes/Sean Frazzette.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.6: 1606-1646.
121988 An Institution at Arm’s Length: Reconsidering Supervisory Power over the Federal Grand Jury/Rebecca Gonzalez-Rivas.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.6: 1648-1692.
121989 Statutes and Spokeo: The Case of the FDCPA/Jason R. Smith.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.6: 1696-1736.
121990 The Adjudicative Model of Precedent/Charles W. Tyler.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.6: 1552-1603.
121991 California’s Proposition 47 and Effectuating State Laws in Federal Sentencing/Brenna Ledvora.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.7: 1800-1843.
121992 Litigating the Line Drawers: Why Courts Should Apply Anderson-Burdick to Redistricting Commissions/Andrew C. Maxfield.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.7: 1846-1891.
121993 Simplifying Patent Venue/Micah Quigley.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.7: 1894-1934.
121994 Exhaustion of Local Remedies and the FSIA Takings Exception: The Case for Deferring to the Executive s Recommendation/Ikenna Ugboaja.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.7: 1938-1974.
121995 Frankfurter, Abstention Doctrine, and the Development of Modern Federalism: A History and Three Futures/Lael Weinberger.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.7: 1739-1796.
121996 Necessary Procedures: Making Sense of the Medicare Act’s Notice-and-Comment Requirement/Josh Armstrong.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.8: 2176-2218.
121997 The Myth of Creditor Sabotage/Vincent S.J. Buccola, Jameson K. Mah, Tai Zhang.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.8: 2030-2086.
121998 A (Very) Unlikely Hero: How United States v Armstrong Can Save Retaliatory Arrest Claims After Nieves v Bartlett/Brenna Darling.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.8: 2222-2270.
121999 What Shall I Give My Children: Installment Land Contracts, Homeownership, and the Unexamined Costs of the American Dream/Caelin Moriarity Miltko.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.8: 2274-2318.
122000 Exporting American Discovery/Yanbai Andrea Wang.- Exporting American Discovery. 2020; Vol.87, No.8: 2091-2166.
122001 The Comparative Constitutional Law of Presidential Impeachment/Tom Ginsburg, Aziz Huq, David Landau.- University of Chicago Law Review. 2021; Vol.88, No.1: 83-163.
122002 Proximate Cause Explained: An Essay in Experimental Jurisprudence/Joshua Knobe, Scott Shapiro.- University of Chicago Law Review. 2021; Vol.88, No.1: 166-235.
122003 A Class of One: Multiracial Individuals Under Equal Protection/Desiree D. Mitchell.- University of Chicago Law Review. 2021; Vol.88, No.1: 238-272.
122004 Stickiness and Incomplete Contracts/Julian Nyarko.- University of Chicago Law Review. 2021; Vol.88, No.1: 2-76.
122005 The Corpus and the Critics/Thomas R. Lee, Stephen C. Mouritsen.- University of Chicago Law Review. 2021; Vol.88, No.2: 276-361.
122006 Competing Algorithms for Law: Sentencing, Admissions, and Employment/Saul Levmore, Frank Fagan.- University of Chicago Law Review. 2021; Vol.88, No.2: 368-411.
122007 Classaction.gov/Amanda M. Rose.- University of Chicago Law Review. 2021; Vol.88, No.2: 487-530.
122008 The Missing Indian Affairs Clause/Lorianne Updike Toler.- University of Chicago Law Review. 2021; Vol.88, No.2: 414-485.
122009 Rethinking Nudge: An Information-Costs Theory of Default Rules/Oren Bar-Gill, Omri Ben-Shahar.- University of Chicago Law Review. 2021; Vol.88, No.3: 533-600.
122010 Organizational Rights in Times of Crisis/Katerina Linos.- University of Chicago Law Review. 2021; Vol.88, No.3: 729-755.
122011 Qualified Immunity’s Boldest Lie/Joanna C. Schwartz.- University of Chicago Law Review. 2021; Vol.88, No.3: 606-683.
122012 Situated Justice: A Contextual Analysis of Fairness and Inequality in Employment Discrimination Litigation/Ellen Berrey, Steve G. Hoffman, Laura Beth Nielsen.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.1: 1-36.
122013 Children of the American Prison Generation: Student and School Spillover Effects of Incarcerating Mothers/John Hagan, Holly Foster.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.1: 37-69.
122014 Indicators as a Technology of Global Governance/Kevin E. Davis, Benedict Kingsbury, Sally Engle Merry.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.1: 71-104.
122015 Tort Tales and TV Judges: Amplifying, Modifying, or Countering the Antitort Narrative?/Joshua C. Wilson, Erin Ackerman.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.1: 105-135.
122016 The Fluid Jurisprudence of Israel’s Emergency Powers: Legal Patchwork as a Governing Norm/Yoav Mehozay.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.1: 137-166.
122017 Making Way: Legal Mobilization, Organizational Response, and Wheelchair Access/Jeb Barnes, Thomas F. Burke.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.1: 167-198.
122018 Looking for Race in All the Wrong Places/Laura E. Gomez.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.2: 221-245.
122019 Listening for Stories in All the Right Places: Narrative and Racial Formation Theory/Charles Lawrence.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.2: 247-258.
122020 Looking and Seeing, Meanwhile/Carol J. Greenhouse.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.2: 259-263.
122021 Using Systems Theory to Study Legal Pluralism: What Could Be Gained?/Richard Nobles, David Schiff.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.2: 265-296.
122022 Ignorance in Bliss: Modeling Knowledge of Rights in Marriage and Cohabitation/Pascoe Pleasence, Nigel J. Balmer.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.2: 297-333.
122023 Gendered Paths to Legal Citizenship: The Case of Latin-American Immigrants in Phoenix, Arizona/Olivia Salcido, Cecilia Menjivar.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.2: 335-368.
122024 Specters of Indigeneity in British-Indian Migration, 1914/Renisa Mawani.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.2: 369-403.
122025 Motivating Environmental Action in a Pluralistic Regulatory Environment: An Experimental Study of Framing, Crowding Out, and Institutional Effects in the Context of Recycling Policies/Yuval Feldman, Oren Perez.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.2: 405-442.
122026 How Dispute Resolution System Design Matters: An Organizational Analysis of Dispute Resolution Structures and Consumer Lemon Laws/Shauhin A. Talesh.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.3: 463-496.
122027 Judges, Litigants, and the Design of Courts/Paul Brace, Jeff Yates, Brent D. Boyea.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.3: 497-522.
122028 Legal Opportunity Structures and the Paradox of Legal Mobilization by the Environmental Movement in the UK/Lisa Vanhala.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.3: 523-556.
122029 Choice, Discrimination, and the Motherhood Penalty/Tamar Kricheli-Katz.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.3: 557-587.
122030 I’ll Make Them Shoot Me: Accounts of Death Row Prisoners Advocating for Execution/Meredith Martin Rountree.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.3: 589-622.
122031 No Country for Made Men: The Decline of the Mafia in Post-Soviet Georgia/Gavin Slade.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.3: 623-649.
122032 Black Hole of Responsibility: The Adjudication Committee’s Role in a Chinese Court/Xin He.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.4: 681-712.
122033 Pragmatic Resistance, Law, and Social Movements in Authoritarian States: The Case of Gay Collective Action in Singapore/Lynette J. Chua.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.4: 713-748.
122034 Replacing and Amending Constitutions: The Logic of Constitutional Change in Latin America/Gabriel L. Negretto.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.4: 749-779.
122035 Translating Human Rights of the Enemy: The Case of Israeli NGOs Defending Palestinian Rights/Daphna Golan, Zvika Orr.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.4: 781-814.
122036 The Unintended Consequences of Penal Reform: A Case Study of Penal Transportation in Eighteenth-Century London/Ashley T. Rubin.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.4: 815-851.
122037 Performing Regulation: Transcending Regulatory Ritualism in HIV Clinics/Carol A. Heimer, J. Lynn Gazley.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.4: 853-887.
122038 Executive Branch Socialization and Deference on the U.S. Supreme Court/Rob Robinson.- Law and Society Review. 2012; Vol.46, No.4: 889-921.
122039 Real Interrogation: What Actually Happens When Cops Question Kids/Barry C. Feld.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.1: 1-35.
122040 Symbol and Substance: Effects of California’s Three Strikes Law on Felony Sentencing/John R. Sutton.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.1: 37-71.
122041 Facing Your Criminal Record: Expungement and the Collateral Problem of Wrongfully Represented Self/Amy Myrick.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.1: 73-104.
122042 Judicial Independence across Democratic Regimes: Understanding the Varying Impact of Political Competition/Aylin Aydin.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.1: 105-134.
122043 Liberalism and Its Other: The Politics of Primitivism in Colonial and Postcolonial Indian Law/Uday Chandra.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.1: 135-168.
122044 The Indirect Influence of Politics on Tort Liability of Public Authorities in English Law/Dan Priel.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.1: 169-198.
122045 An Analysis of Policy-Based Congressional Responses to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Constitutional Decisions/Bethany Blackstone.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.1: 199-228.
122046 New Perspectives from the Oldest Profession: Abuse and the Legal Consciousness of Sex Workers in China/Margaret L. Boittin.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.2: 245-278.
122047 Pragmatic Discourse and Gender Inequality in China/Xin He, Kwai Ng.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.2: 279-310.
122048 Bright-Line Fever: Simple Legal Rules and Complex Property Customs among the Fataluku of East Timor/Daniel Fitzpatrick, Andrew McWilliam.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.2: 311-343.
122049 Signaling Environmental Stewardship in the Shadow of Weak Governance: The Global Diffusion of ISO 14001/Daniel Berliner, Aseem Prakash.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.2: 345-373.
122050 Militarized Justice in New Democracies: Explaining the Process of Military Court Reform in Latin America/Brett J. Kyle, Andrew G. Reiter.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.2: 375-407.
122051 Institutional Paths to Policy Change: Judicial Versus Nonjudicial Repeal of Sodomy Laws/Udi Sommer … [et al.].- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.2: 409-439.
122052 Legal Emotions: An Ethnography of Distrust and Fear in the Arab Districts of an Israeli City/Silvia Pasquetti.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.3: 461-492.
122053 Paradoxes of Urban Housing Informality in the Developing World/Jean-Louis van Gelder.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.3: 493-522.
122054 Taking Hold of the Wheel: Automobility, Social Order, and the Law in Mexico’s Public Registry of Vehicles (REPUVE)/Keith Guzik.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.3: 523-554.
122055 Conceptualizing Semi-Legality in Migration Research/Agnieszka Kubal.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.3: 555-587.
122056 When Do Laws Matter? National Minimum-Age-of-Marriage Laws, Child Rights, and Adolescent Fertility, 1989-2007/Minzee Kim … [et al.].- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.3: 589-619.
122057 The Privatization of Public Safety in Urban Neighborhoods: Do Business Improvement Districts Reduce Violent Crime Among Adolescents?/John MacDonald … [et al.].- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.3: 621-652.
122058 Basketball in the Key of Law: The Significance of Disputing in Pick-Up Basketball/Michael DeLand.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.3: 653-685.
122059 Above the Roof, Beneath the Law: Perceived Justice behind Disruptive Tactics of Migrant Wage Claimants in China/Xin He, Lungang Wang, Yang Su.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.4: 703-738.
122060 Primetime Dispute Resolution: Reality TV Mediation Shows in China’s Harmonious Society/Colin S. Hawes, Shuyu Kong.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.4: 739-770.
122061 Liberal Rights versus Islamic Law? The Construction of a Binary in Malaysian Politics/Tamir Moustafa.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.4: 771-802.
122062 Legislating Change? Responses to Criminalizing Female Genital Cutting in Senegal/Bettina Shell-Duncan … [et al.].- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.4: 803-835.
122063 What Happens to Law in a Refugee Camp?/Elizabeth Holzer.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.4: 837-872.
122064 Human Rights Prosecutions and the Participation Rights of Victims in Latin America/Veronica Michel, Kathryn Sikkink.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.4: 873-907.
122065 Addition by Subtraction? A Longitudinal Analysis of the Impact of Deportation Efforts on Violent Crime/Jacob I. Stowell.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.4: 909-942.
122066 The Hand of the Ancestors: Time, Cultural Production, and Intellectual Property Law/Boatema Boateng.- Law and Society Review. 2013; Vol.47, No.4: 943-973.
122067 Buckley is dead, long live buckley: the new campaign finance incoherence of mcconnell v. Federal election commission/Richard l. Hasen.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.1: 31-72.
122068 Democracy in the wake of the california recall/Elizabeth garrett.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.1: 239-284.
122069 False campaign speech and the first amendment/William p. Marshall.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.1: 285-323.
122070 Judicial campaign codes after republican party of minnesota v. White/Richard briffault.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.1: 181-238.
122071 Latinos, anglos, voters, candidates, and voting rights jonathan nagler/R. Michael alvarez.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.1: 393-432.
122072 Lost in the political thicket: the court, election law, and the doctrinal interregnum/Heather k. Gerken.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.1: 503-540.
122073 Perceptions of corruption and campaign finance: when public opinion determines constitutional law nathaniel persily/Kelli lammie.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.1: 19-178.
122074 Reapportionment and party realignment in the american states stephen ansolabehere/James m. Snyder.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.1: 433-457.
122075 Resurrecting the white primary/Ellen d. Katz.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.1: 325-392.
122076 The donor class: campaign finance, democracy, and participation/Spencer overton.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.1: 73-112.
122077 When the pols make the calls: mcconnell’s theory of judicial deference in the twilight of buckley/Robert f. Bauer.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.1: 5-30.
122078 Where to draw the line: judicial review of political gerrymanders/samuel issacharoff, Pamela s. Karlan.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.1: 541-578.
122079 Cross-border judgments and the public policy exception: solving the foreign judgment quandary by way of tribal courts/Lindsay loudon vest.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.2: 797-824.
122080 Same struggle, different difference: ada accommodations as antidiscrimination/Michael ashley stein.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.2: 581-671.
122081 Simplicity at the cost of clarity: appellate review of claim construction and the failed promise of cybor/William h. Burgess.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.2: 763-796.
122082 War everywhere: rights, national security law, and the law of armed conflict in the age of terror/Rosa ehrenreich brooks.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.2: 676-760.
122083 Beyond economic fatherhood: encouraging divorced fathers to parent/Solangel maldonado.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.3: 922-1009.
122084 Enforceable rights, no child left behind, and political patriotism: a case for open-minded section 1983 jurisprudence/Sarah d. Greenberger.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.3: 1012-1055.
122085 Raining on the parade of horribles: of slippery slopes, faux slopes, and justice scalia’s Dissent in lawrence v. Texas/Ruth e. Sternglantz.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.3: 1097-1120.
122086 State courts and the making of federal common law/Anthony j. Bellia.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.3: 826-920.
122087 Within each lawyer’s conscience a touchstone: law, morality, and attorney civil disobedience/Robert m. Palumbos.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.3: 1057-1096.
122088 Admitting mental health evidence to impeach the credibility of a sexual assault complainant/Tess wilkinson-ryan.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.4: 1373-1397.
122089 Against individual risk: a sympathetic critique of risk assessment/Matthew d. Adler.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.4: 1122-1246.
122090 Can judges ignore inadmissible information? The difficulty of deliberately disregarding/Andrew j. Wistrich, chris guthrie, jeffrey j. Rachlinski.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.4: 1251-1343.
122091 Remembering those still with us: protecting september eleventh survivors from their future/M. Nell mccarthy.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.4: 1347-1371.
122092 Frequency and success: an empirical study of criminal law defenses, federal constitutional evidentiary claims, and plea negotiations/Stephen g. Valdes.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.5: 1709-1814.
122093 Jurisdiction stripping, constitutional supremacy, and the implications of ex parte young/Theodore j. Weiman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.5: 1677-1708.
122094 The essential relationship spectrum: a framework for addressing choice of procedural law in the federal circuit/Sean m. Mceldowney.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.5: 1639-1676.
122095 The surprisingly strong case for tailoring constitutional principles/Mark d. Rosen.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.5: 1515-1636.
122096 What happened in delaware corporate law and governance from 1992-2004? A retrospective on some key developments/E. Norman veasey, christine t. Di guglielmo.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.5: 1401-1509.
122097 Abu ghraib/Diane marie amann.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.6: 2085-2141.
122098 Choice of law for internet transactions: the uneasy case for online consumer protection/Erin ann ohara.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.6: 1883-1950.
122099 Commentary on class settlements under attack/Catherine t. Struve.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.6: 2149-2149.
122100 Elephants and mice revisited: law and choice of law on the internet/Peter p. Swire.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.6: 1975-2001.
122101 Extraterritorial rights and constitutional methodology after rasul v. Bush/Gerald l. Neuman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.6: 2073-2083.
122102 Application of the constitution to guantanamo bay guantanamo and the conflict of laws: rasul and beyond/Kermit roosevelt.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.6: 2017-2071.
122103 Interest analysis in interjurisdictional marriage disputes/Tobias barrington wolff.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.6: 2215-2250.
122104 Interstate recognition of same-sex marriages and civil unions: a handbook for judges/Andrew koppelman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.6: 2143-2194.
122105 Parochialism and pluralism in cyberspace regulation/Allan r. Stein.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.6: 2003-2016.
122106 Same-sex marriage: refining the conflict of laws analysis/Linda silberman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.6: 2195-2214.
122107 Technology and internet jurisdiction/Joel r. Reidenberg.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.6: 1951-1974.
122108 Towards a cosmopolitan vision of conflict of laws: redefining governmental interests in a global era/Paul schiff berman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.153, No.6: 1819-1882.
122109 Karl Renner and (Intellectual) Property – How Cognitive Theory Can Enrich a Sociolegal Analysis of Contemporary Copyright/Stefan Larsson.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.1: 3-33.
122110 The (Dis)Advantage of Certainty: The Importance of Certainty in Language/Pamela C. Corley, Justin Wedeking.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.1: 35-62.
122111 The Impact of Supreme Court Activity on the Judicial Agenda/Douglas Rice.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.1: 63-90.
122112 The Costs and Benefits of American Policy-Making Venues/Aaron J. Ley.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.1: 91-126.
122113 Jurisdiction, Crime, and Development: The Impact of Public Law 280 in Indian Country/Valentina Dimitrova-Grajzl, Peter Grajzl, A. Joseph Guse.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.1: 127-160.
122114 Unfounding Sexual Assault: Examining the Decision to Unfound and Identifying False Reports/Cassia Spohn, Clair White, Katharine Tellis.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.1: 161-192.
122115 Do Rich and Poor Behave Similarly in Seeking Legal Advice? Lessons from Taiwan in Comparative Perspective/Kuo-Chang Huang, Chang-Ching Lin, Kong-Pin Chen.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.1: 193-223.
122116 The Unbearable Lightness of Rights: On Sociolegal Inquiry in the Global Era/Michael McCann.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.2: 245-273.
122117 Of Rights and Favors/David Nelken.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.2: 275-284.
122118 Inequality and Rights: Commentary on Michael McCann’s The Unbearable Lightness of Rights/Sally Engle Merry.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.2: 285-295.
122119 The Availability of Law Redux: The Correlation of Rights and Duties/Susan S. Silbey.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.2: 297-310.
122120 Human Rights as a Security Threat: Lawfare and the Campaign against Human Rights NGOs/Neve Gordon.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.2: 311-344.
122121 The Supreme Court and the Social Conception of Abortion/Vincent Vecera.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.2: 345-375.
122122 The Emergence of Penal Extremism in California: A Dynamic View of Institutional Structures and Political Processes/Michael C. Campbell.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.2: 377-409.
122123 Legal Change and Sentencing Norms in the Wake of Booker: The Impact of Time and Place on Drug Trafficking Cases in Federal Court/Mona Lynch, Marisa Omori.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.2: 411-445.
122124 The New Face of Legal Inequality: Noncitizens and the Long-Term Trends in Sentencing Disparities across U.S. District Courts, 1992-2009/Michael T. Light.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.2: 447-478.
122125 Everyone Knows the Game: Legal Consciousness in the Hawaiian Cockfight/Kathryne M. Young.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.3: 499-530.
122126 Restorative Justice, Policing and Insurgency: Learning from Pakistan/John Braithwaite, Ali Gohar.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.3: 531-561.
122127 Leprosy, Legal Mobilization, and the Public Sphere in Japan and South Korea/Celeste L. Arrington.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.3: 563-593.
122128 How Do Cause Lawyers Decide When and Where to Litigate on behalf of Their Cause?/Scott Barclay, Daniel Chomsky.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.3: 595-620.
122129 Deciding Not to Decide: The Politics of Recusals on the U.S. Supreme Court/Robert J. Hume.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.3: 621-655.
122130 State Solicitors General, Appellate Expertise, and State Success Before the U.S. Supreme Court/Ryan J. Owens, Patrick C. Wohlfarth.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.3: 657-685.
122131 The Humdrum of Legality and the Ordering of an Ethic of Care/Prashan Ranasinghe.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.4: 709-739.
122132 Trapped in Resistance: Collective Struggle through Welfare Fraud in Israel/Shiri Regev-Messalem.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.4: 741-772.
122133 The Loss of Property Rights and the Construction of Legal Consciousness in Early Socialist Romania (1950-1965)/Mihaela Serban.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.4: 773-805.
122134 Justice, Context, and Violence: Law Enforcement Officers on Why They Torture/Rachel Wahl.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.4: 807-836.
122135 Losing, but Accepting: Legitimacy, Positivity Theory, and the Symbols of Judicial Authority/James L. Gibson, Milton Lodge, Benjamin Woodson.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.4: 837-866.
122136 Enforcing Desegregation: A Case Study of Federal District Court Power and Social Change in Macon County Alabama/Brian K. Landsberg.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.4: 867-891.
122137 Scientizing Food Safety: Resistance, Acquiescence, and Localization in India/Jessica Epstein.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.4: 893-920.
122138 The Influence of Congressional Preferences on Legislative Overrides of Supreme Court Decisions/Alicia Uribe, James F. Spriggs, Thomas G. Hansford.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.4: 921-945.
122139 Public Perceptions of the Legitimacy of the Law and Legal Authorities: Evidence from the Caribbean/Devon Johnson, Edward R. Maguire, Joseph B. Kuhns.- Law and Society Review. 2014; Vol.48, No.4: 947-978.
122140 Shifting Frames, Vanishing Resources, and Dangerous Political Opportunities: Legal Mobilization among Displaced Women in Colombia/Julieta Lemaitre, Kristin Bergtora Sandvik.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.1: 5-38.
122141 The Real Dirt on Responsible Agricultural Investments at Rio+20: Multilateralism versus Corporate Self-Regulation/Birgit Muller, Gilles Cloiseau.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.1: 39-67.
122142 Gendered Genocide: The Socially Destructive Process of Genocidal Rape, Killing, and Displacement in Darfur/Joshua Kaiser, John Hagan.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.1: 69-107.
122143 Classing Sex Offenders: How Prosecutors and Defense Attorneys Differentiate Men Accused of Sexual Assault/Jamie L. Small.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.1: 109-141.
122144 The Legalization of Emotion: Managing Risk by Managing Feelings in Contracts for Surrogate Labor/Hillary L. Berk.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.1: 143-177.
122145 Internalizing Legal Norms: An Investigation into the Legitimacy of Payback Killings in the New Guinea Islands/Shaun Larcom.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.1: 179-208.
122146 Leveling the Odds: The Effect of Quality Legal Representation in Cases of Asymmetrical Capability/Banks Miller, Linda Camp Keith, Jennifer S. Holmes.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.1: 209-239.
122147 Crimmigration at the Local Level: Criminal Justice Processes in the Shadow of Deportation/Katherine Beckett, Heather Evans.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.1: 241-277.
122148 The Vernacular Mobilization of Human Rights in Myanmar’s Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Movement/Lynette J. Chua.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.2: 299-332.
122149 Work Rules: How International NGOs Build Law in War-Torn Societies/Mark Fathi Massoud.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.2: 333-364.
122150 A Neo-Institutional Account of Prison Diffusion/Ashley T. Rubin.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.2: 365-399.
122151 If You Build It, They Will Fill It: The Consequences of Prison Overcrowding Litigation/Joshua Guetzkow, Eric Schoon.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.2: 401-432.
122152 Shared Race/Ethnicity, Court Procedural Justice, and Self-Regulating Beliefs: A Study of Female Offenders/Thomas Baker … [et al.].- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.2: 433-465.
122153 Hidden Disparities: Decomposing Inequalities in Time Served in California, 1985-2009/Evelyn J. Patterson.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.2: 467-497.
122154 Questioning Blackmun’s Thesis: Does Uniformity in Sentencing Entail Unfairness?/Ben Grunwald.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.2: 499-534.
122155 Contesting Legality in Authoritarian Contexts: Food Safety, Rule of Law and China’s Networked Public Sphere/Ya-Wen Lei, Daniel Xiaodan Zhou.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.3: 557-593.
122156 State Transformation and the Role of Lawyers: The WTO, India, and Transnational Legal Ordering/Gregory Shaffer, James Nedumpara, Aseema Sinha.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.3: 595-629.
122157 The Effects of Civil Hate Speech Laws: Lessons from Australia/Katharine Gelber, Luke McNamara.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.3: 631-664.
122158 Trailblazers and Those That Followed: Personal Experiences, Gender, and Judicial Empathy/Laura P. Moyer, Susan B. Haire.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.3: 665-689.
122159 Making Rights Work: Legal Mobilization at the Agency Level/Jennifer Woodward.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.3: 691-723.
122160 The Electronic Pillory: Social Time and Hostility Toward Capital Murderers/Scott Phillips, Mark Cooney.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.3: 725-759.
122161 Lawyers’ Perceptions of the U.S. Supreme Court: Is the Court a Political Institution?/Brandon L. Bartels, Christopher D. Johnston, Alyx Mark.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.3: 761-794.
122162 Policing the Anticommunity: Race, Deterritorialization, and Labor Market Reorganization in South Los Angeles/Aaron Roussell.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.4: 813-845.
122163 The Law-Before: Legacies and Gaps in Penal Reform/Anjuli Verma.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.4: 847-882.
122164 Sentencing and State-Level Racial and Ethnic Contexts/Xia Wang, Daniel P. Mears.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.4: 883-915.
122165 The Influence of Amicus Curiae Briefs on U.S. Supreme Court Opinion Content/Paul M. Collins, Pamela C. Corley, Jesse Hamner.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.4: 917-944.
122166 Birth Order, Preferences, and Norms on the U.S. Supreme Court/Kevin T. McGuire.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.4: 945-972.
122167 Seasonal Affective Disorder: Clerk Training and the Success of Supreme Court Certiorari Petitions/William D. Blake, Hans J. Hacker, Shon R. Hopwood.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.4: 973-997.
122168 Faith in the Court: Religious Out-Groups and the Perceived Legitimacy of Judicial Decisions/Andre P. Audette, Christopher L. Weaver.- Law and Society Review. 2015; Vol.49, No.4: 999-1022.
122169 The Two Faces of Law and Inequality: From Critique to the Promise of Situated, Pragmatic Policy/Carroll Seron.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.1: 9-33.
122170 Commentary on Carroll Seron’s Presidential Address: Embrace Disciplinarity and Talk across It/Rebecca L. Sandefur.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.1: 34-39.
122171 Commentary on Carroll Seron’s Presidential Address: Taking Policy Seriously/Charles R. Epp.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.1: 40-50.
122172 Commentary on Carroll Seron’s Presidential Address: Pragmatic Policy Analysis and its Pitfalls/Malcolm M. Feeley.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.1: 51-56.
122173 Measuring Precedent in a Judicial Hierarchy/Matthew P. Hitt.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.1: 57-81.
122174 Mobilizing Migrant Workers’ Rights in Non-immigration Countries: The Politics of Resonance and Migrants’ Rights Activism in Israel and Singapore/Adriana Kemp, Nelly Kfir.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.1: 82-116.
122175 Detained: A Study of Immigration Bond Hearings/Emily Ryo.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.1: 117-153.
122176 Legitimacy Chains: Legitimation of Compliance with International Courts Across Social Fields/Joseph A. Conti.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.1: 154-188.
122177 Exploring Citizen Assessments of Unilateral Executive Authority/Eileen Braman.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.1: 189-223.
122178 The Boundaries of Property: Complexity, Relationality, and Spatiality/Nicholas Blomley.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.1: 224-255.
122179 Becoming Copwise: Policing, Culture, and the Collateral Consequences of Street-Level Criminalization/Forrest Stuart.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.2: 279-313.
122180 Situational Trust: How Disadvantaged Mothers Reconceive Legal Cynicism/Monica C. Bell.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.2: 314-347.
122181 Facts, Preferences, and Doctrine: An Empirical Analysis of Proportionality Judgment/Raanan Sulitzeanu-Kenan, Mordechai Kremnitzer, Sharon Alon.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.2: 348-382.
122182 Strategic Anticipation of En Banc Review in the U.S. Courts of Appeals/Rachael K. Hinkle.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.2: 383-414.
122183 Privacy, CCTV, and School Surveillance in the Shadow of Imagined Law/Lotem Perry-Hazan, Michael Birnhack.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.2: 415-449.
122184 Volatile Sovereignty: Governing Crime through the Community in Khayelitsha/Gail Super.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.2: 450-483.
122185 Reclaiming the Power to Punish: Legislating and Administrating the California Supermax, 1982-1989/Keramet Reiter.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.2: 484-518.
122186 Gendering Justice in Humanitarian Spaces: Opportunity and (Dis)empowerment Through Gender-Based Legal Development Outreach in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo/Milli Lake, Ilot Muthaka, Gabriella Walker.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.3: 539-574.
122187 Memory Laws: An Escalation in Minority Exclusion or a Testimony to the Limits of State Power?/Yifat Gutman.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.3: 575-607.
122188 Is It the What or the How? The Roles of High-Policing Tactics and Procedural Justice in Predicting Perceptions of Hostile Treatment: The Case of Security Checks at Ben-Gurion Airport, Israel/Tal Jonathan-Zamir, Badi Hasisi, Yoram Margalioth.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.3: 608-636.
122189 The Role of Courtroom Workgroups in Felony Case Dispositions: An Analysis of Workgroup Familiarity and Similarity/Christi Metcalfe.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.3: 637-673.
122190 Time and Transcendence: Narrating Higher Authority at the Caribbean Court of Justice/Lee Cabatingan.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.3: 674-702.
122191 The Influence of Public Sentiment on Supreme Court Opinion Clarity/Ryan C. Black … [et al.].- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.3: 703-732.
122192 Double Whammy: Lay Assessors as Lackeys in Chinese Courts/Xin He.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.3: 733-765.
122193 Undermining Gender Equality: Female Attrition from Private Law Practice/Fiona M. Kay, Stacey L. Alarie, Jones K. Adjei.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.3: 766-801.
122194 Judicial Impartiality and Independence in Divided Societies: An Empirical Analysis of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia-Herzegovina/Alex Schwartz, Melanie Janelle Murchison.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.4: 821-855.
122195 Legally Queer: The Construction of Sexuality in LGBQ Asylum Claims/Stefan Vogler.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.4: 856-889.
122196 The European Court of Human Rights, Amicus Curiae, and Violence against Women/Rachel A. Cichowski.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.4: 890-919.
122197 Relational Embeddedness and Socially Motivated Case Screening in the Practice of Law in Rural China/Ke Li.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.4: 920-952.
122198 Infusing Public Law into Privatized Welfare: Lawyers, Economists, and the Competing Logics of Administrative Reform/Avishai Benish, Asa Maron.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.4: 953-984.
122199 Dispute Resolution Outside of Courts: Procedural Justice and Decision Acceptance Among Users of Ombuds Services in the UK/Naomi Creutzfeldt, Ben Bradford.- Law and Society Review. 2016; Vol.50, No.4: 985-1016.
122200 Patent portfolios gideon parchomovsky/R. Polk wagner.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.1: 4-77.
122201 Remedying a particularized form of discrimination: why disabled plaintiffs can and should bring claims for police misconduct under the americans with disabilities act/Rachel e. Brodin.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.1: 157-199.
122202 The underprivileged profession: the case for supreme court recognition of the journalist s privilege/Jeffrey s. Nestler.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.1: 201-256.
122203 Trial distortion and the end of innocence in federal criminal justice/Ronald f. Wright.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.1: 80-156.
122204 A new approach to insanity acquittee recidivism: redefining the class of truly responsible recidivists/Maura caffrey.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.2: 399-432.
122205 Fair notice and fair adjudication: two kinds of legality/Paul h. Robinson.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.2: 336-398.
122206 Horizontal federalism in an age of criminal justice interconnectedness/Wayne a. Logan.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.2: 257-332.
122207 Quality, not quantity: an analysis of confidential settlements and litigants economic incentives/Alison lothes.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.2: 433-475.
122208 A taxonomy of privacy/Daniel j. Solove.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.3: 479-558.
122209 Executive review in the fragmented executive: state constitutionalism and same-sex marriage/Norman r. Williams.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.3: 565-648.
122210 Gone broke: sovereign debt, personal bankruptcy, and a comprehensive contractual solution/Adam brenneman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.3: 649-704.
122211 Limited times: rethinking the bounds of copyright protection/Kevin a. Goldman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.3: 705-740.
122212 Retroactivity and immigrant crimes since st. Cyr: emerging signs of judicial restraint/Vashti d. Van wyke.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.3: 741-787.
122213 For all intents and purposes: what collective intention tells us about congress and statutory interpretation/Abby wright.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.4: 983-1024.
122214 Principles, practices, and social movements/Jack m. Balkin, reva b. Siegel, i. Principles practices.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.4: 927-950.
122215 The competence of students as editors of law reviews: a response to judge posner/Natalie c. Cotton.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.4: 851-982.
122216 The disability integration presumption: thirty years later/Ruth colker.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.4: 789-862.
122217 The forgotten constitutional law of treason and the enemy combatant problem/Carlton f.w. Larson.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.4: 863-926.
122218 Personal jurisdiction in tribal courts/David a. Castleman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.5: 1253-1282.
122219 Private debt and the missing lever of corporate governance/Douglas g. Baird, robert k. Rasmussen.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.5: 1209-1251.
122220 Tax and disability: ability to pay and the taxation of difference/Theodore p. Seto, Sande l. Buhai.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.5: 1055-1144.
122221 The illusion of offer to sell patent infringement: when an offer is an offer but is not an offer/Larry s. Zelson.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.5: 1283-1321.
122222 Uncovering a gatekeeper: why the sec should mandate disclosure of details concerning directors and officers liability insurance policies/Sean j. Griffith.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.5: 1148-1207.
122223 The selection, tenure, and extrajudicial authority of the chief justice and other justices alternative career resolution ii: changing the tenure/Stephen b. Burbank.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.6: 1511-1550.
122224 Assessing chief justice william rehnquist/Erwin chemerinsky.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.6: 1331-1364.
122225 Defining the office: john marshall as chief justice/Charles f. Hobson.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.6: 1421-1461.
122226 Guardians of the constitution: constitutional court presidents and the struggle for the rule of law in post-soviet europe/Kim lane scheppele.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.6: 1757-1851.
122227 Hail, no: changing the chief justice/Edward t. Swaine.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.6: 1709-1728.
122228 How not to be chief justice: the apprenticeship of william h. Rehnquist/Linda greenhouse.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.6: 1365-1372.
122229 In the beginning: the first three chief justices/Natalie wexler.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.6: 1373-1419-
122230 Leading a constitutional court: perspectives from the federal republic of germany/Peter e. Quint.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.6: 1853-1878.
122231 Responding to a democratic deficit: limiting the powers and the term of the chief justice of the united states/Judith resnik, lane dilg.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.6: 1575-1664.
122232 Strategy and constraints on supreme court opinion assignment/Paul j. Wahlbeck.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.6: 1729-1755.
122233 The case for managed judges: learning from japan after the political upheaval of 1993/J. Mark ramseyer, eric b. Rasmusen.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.6: 1879-1930.
122234 The chief justice’s special authority and the norms of judicial power/Theodore w. Ruger.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.6: 1551-1574.
122235 The decisional significance of the chief justice/Frank b. Cross, Stefanie lindquist.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.6: 1665-1707.
122236 The internal powers of the chief justice: the nineteenth-century legacy/G. Edward white.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006; Vol.154, No.6: 1463-1510.
122237 An open door to ending exploitation: accountability for violations of informed consent under the alien tort statute/Erin talati.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.1: 232-277.
122238 Exploding the class action agency costs myth: The social utility of entrepreneurial lawyers/Myriam gilles, gary b. Friedman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.1: 103-164.
122239 Judge, teacher, friend/Samuel a. Alito.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.1: 5-10.
122240 On the supposed jury-dependence of evidence law/Frederick schauer.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.1: 165-202.
122241 Towards environmental entrepreneurship: restoring the public trust doctrine in new york/Michael seth benn.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.1: 203-230.
122242 Between rights and contract: arbitration agreements and non-compete covenants as a hybrid form of employment law/Cynthia l. Estlund.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.2: 380-444.
122243 Inequality and uncertainty: theory and legal applications/Matthew d. Adler, chris william sanchirico.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.2: 282-376.
122244 It’s about time: a systems thinking analysis of the litigation finance industry and its effect on settlement/Mariel rodak.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.2: 503-535.
122245 The doctrinal unity of alternative liability and market-share liability/Mark a. Geistfeld.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.2: 448-499.
122246 Copyright and public good economics: a misunderstood relation/Christopher s. Yoo.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.3: 637-614.
122247 Information markets as games of chance/Ryan p. Mccarthy.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.3: 749-776.
122248 Labor unions: a corporatist institution in a competitive world/Michael l. Wachter.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.3: 582-631.
122249 The puzzle of complete preemption/Gil seinfeld.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.3: 537-579.
122250 Waivers of erisa plan benefits: preventing judicial interpretations of a complex statute from frustrating the statute’s simple purpose/Jeffrey m. Gorris.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.3: 717-747.
122251 After bridgeman: copyright, museums, and public domain works of art/Robin j. Allan.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.4: 961-989.
122252 Between home and school/Laura a. Rosenbury.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.4: 833-898.
122253 Copyright as trade regulation/Sara k. Stadler.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.4: 900-954.
122254 Freedom by design: objective analysis and the constitutional status of public broadcasting/Jonathan m. Phillips.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.4: 991-1020.
122255 Paying for performance in bankruptcy: why ceos should be compensated with debt/Yair listokin.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.4: 779-832.
122256 Biting without teeth: the citizen submission process and environmental protection/Bradley n. Lewis.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.5: 1229-1268.
122257 Ipo liability and entrepreneurial response/James c. Spindler.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.5: 1188-1228.
122258 Property outlaws/Eduardo moises penalver, sonia k. Katyal.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.5: 1097-1186.
122259 The ncaa as state actor: tarkanian, brentwood, and due process/James potter.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.5: 1269-1304.
122260 Voip and pay-to-play: broadband’s attempt to push away direct competition/Mark l. Silverstein.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.5: 1305-1351.
122261 Allocating responsibility for the failure of global warming policies/Joni hersch, w. Kip viscusi.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.6: 1657-1694.
122262 Basic compensation for victims of climate change/Daniel a. Farber.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.6: 1605-1656.
122263 Climate change and animals/Wayne hsiung, cass r. Sunstein.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.6: 1696-1739.
122264 Climate change and international human rights litigation: a critical appraisal/Eric a. Posner.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.6: 1925-1945.
122265 Climate change, insurability of large- scale disasters, and the emerging liability challenge/Howard c. Kunreuther, erwann o. Michel-kerjan.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.6: 1795-1842.
122266 Corrective justice and liability for global warming/Matthew d. Adler.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.6: 1859-1867.
122267 Desperately seeking numbers: global warming, species loss, and the use and abuse of quantification in climate change policy analysis/Jason scott johnston.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.6: 1901-1924.
122268 Global climate change control: is there a better strategy than reducing greenhouse gas emissions?/Alan carlin.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.6: 1403-1485.
122269 Harmonizing regulatory and litigation approaches to climate change mitigation: incorporating tradable emissions offsets into common law remedies/Kirsten h. Engel.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.6: 1563-1603.
122270 Insurability of damage caused by climate change: a commentary/Michael g. Faure.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.6: 1875-1899.
122271 Legal liability as climate change policy/Hilary sigman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.6: 1953-1959.
122272 Liability for climate change: the benefits, the costs, and the transaction costs/Reimund schwarze.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.6: 1947-1952.
122273 Negligence in the air: the duty of care in climate change litigation/David hunter, james salzman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.6: 1741-1794.
122274 Reasonable emissions of greenhouse gases: efficient abatement for a stock pollutant/Howard f. Chang.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.6: 1869-1874.
122275 Scientific challenges in the attribution of harm to human influence on climate/Myles allen…[et al.].- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.6: 1353-1400.
122276 The case for a sustainable climate policy: why costs and benefits must be temporally balanced/Roger a. Pielke.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.6: 1843-1857.
122277 Think globally, act globally: the limits of local climate policies/Jonathan b. Wiener.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.6: 1963-1979.
122278 Timing and form of federal regulation: the case of climate change/J.r. Deshazo, jody freeman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.6: 1500-1558.
122279 Unraveling the global warming regime complex: competitive entropy in the regulation of the global public good/Erik b. Bluemel.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.155, No.6: 1983-2045.
122280 Antitrust and nonprofit hospital mergers: a return to basics/Barak d. Richman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.1: 121-148.
122281 Expanding the scope of the hatch-waxman act’s patent carve-out exception to the identical drug labeling requirement: closing the patent litigation loophole/Julie dohm.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.1: 151-196.
122282 International consensus as persuasive authority in the eighth amendment/Youngjae lee.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.1: 64-116.
122283 The short and puzzling life of the implicit minority discount in delaware appraisal law/Lawrence a. Hamermesh, michael l. Wachter.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.1: 1-62.
122284 Third-party ratings as modern reputational information: how rules of professional conduct could better serve lower-income legal consumers/Colleen petroni.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.1: 197-227.
122285 Appended post-passage senate judiciary committee report: unlikely legislative history for interpreting section 5 of the reauthorized voting rights act/Erica lai.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.2: 454-480.
122286 Causing, aiding, and the superfluity of accomplice liability/Michael s. Moore.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.2: 396-448.
122287 Law and the market: the impact of enforcement/John c. Coffee.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.2: 230-308.
122288 Making sense of section 2: of biased votes, unconstitutional elections, and common law statutes/Christopher s. Elmendorf.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.2: 379-456.
122289 The constitutionality of federal restrictions on the indemnification of attorneys fees/Nishchay h. Maskay.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.2: 492-543.
122290 An empirical study of u.s. Copyright fair use opinions/Barton beebe.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.3: 551-623.
122291 Equity and debt decoupling and empty voting ii: importance and extensions/Henry t. C. Hu, bernard black.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.2: 625-739.
122292 Stacking the deck: futility and the exhaustion provision of the prison litigation reform act/Eugene novikov.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.3: 817-838.
122293 Successor liability under cercla: it s time to fully embrace state law/Michael carter.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.3: 767-816.
122294 Culture, cognition, and consent: who perceives what, and why, in acquaintance-rape cases/Dan m. Kahan.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.2: 731-807.
122295 Constitutional showdowns/Eric a. Posner, adrian vermeule.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.4: 991-1048.
122296 Deadlines in administrative law/Jacob e. Gersen, anne joseph oconnell.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.4: 924-979.
122297 Dismantling the felony-murder rule: juvenile deterrence and retribution post-roper v. Simmons/Erin h. Flynn.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.4: 1049-1076.
122298 Flashback to the federal analog act of 1986: mixing rules and standards in the cauldron/Gregory kau.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.4: 1078-1115.
122299 Integrating accommodation/Elizabeth f. Emens.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.4: 841-921.
122300 Assessing the proper relationship between the alien tort statute and the torture victim protection act/Philip mariani.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.5: 1384-1437.
122301 Excluding religion/Nelson tebbe.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.4: 1264-1335.
122302 Indigenous peoples courts: egalitarian juridical pluralism, self-determination, and the united nations declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples/Christopher j. Fromherz.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.5: 1342-1381.
122303 Punishing the innocent/Josh bowers.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.5: 1119-1178.
122304 Relational tax planning under risk-based rules/Alex raskolnikov.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.5: 1182-1262.
122305 Assessing cafa’s stated jurisdictional policy/Richard l.marcus.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.6: 1765-1820.
122306 Cafa judicata: a tale of waste and politics/Kevin m. Clermont, theodore eisenberg.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.6: 1554-1592.
122307 Cafa settlement notice provision: optimal regulatory policy/Catherine m. Sharkey.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.6: 1971-1998.
122308 Cafa’s impact on class action lawyers/Howard m. Erichson.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.6: 1593-1627.
122309 Class settlements under attack/Samuel issacharoff, richard a. Nagaredatpf.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.6: 1650-1709.
122310 Federal jurisdiction and due process in the era of the nationwide class action/Tobias barrington wolff.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.6: 2035-2131.
122311 Has the erie doctrine been repealed by congress?/Geoffrey c. Hazard.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.6: 1629-1648.
122312 Lessons in federalism from the 1960s class action rule and the 2005 class action fairness act:the political safeguards of aggregate translocal actions/Judith resnik.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.6: 1930-1966.
122313 Overruling erie: nationwide class actions and national common law/Suzanna sherry.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.6: 2135-2142.
122314 Procedure, politics, prediction, and professors: a response to professors burbank and purcell/Stephen n. Subrin.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.6: 2151-2160.
122315 The class action fairness act in perspective: the old and the new in federal jurisdictional reform/Edward a. Purcell.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.6: 1823-1926.
122316 The class action fairness act of 2005 in historical context: a preliminary view/Stephen b. Burbank.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.6: 1440-1544.
122317 The impact of the class action fairness act on the federal courts: an empirical analysis of filings and removals/Emery g. Lee, thomas e.willging.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.6: 1724-1762.
122318 The role of choice of law in national class actions/Linda silberman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.156, No.6: 2001-2034.
122319 Dynamic Incorporation Of Foreign Law/Michael c. Dorf.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.1: 103-169.
122320 International tribunals: a rational choice analysis/Andrew t. Guzman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.1: 173-234.
122321 Jurisdiction and the federal rules: why the time has come to reform finality by inequitable deadlines/Christopher w. Robbins.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.1: 285-339.
122322 Making credit safer/Oren bar-gill, elizabeth warren.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.1: 3-100.
122323 The rights of others: protection and advocacy organizations associational standing to sue/Kelsey mccowan heilman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.1: 237-278.
122324 Federal hate crime laws and united states v. Lopez: on a collision course to clarify jurisdictional-element analysis/Christopher dipompeo.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.2: 618-670.
122325 How the merits matter: directors  and officers  insurance and securities settlements/Tom baker, sean j. Griffith.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.2: 756-831.
122326 Immigration law’s organizing principles/Adam b. Cox.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.2: 342-398.
122327 Laboratories of destitution: democratic experimentalism and the failure of antipoverty law/David a. Super.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.2: 543-613.
122328 Mapping the limits of repatriable cultural heritage: a case study of stolen flemish art in french museums/Paige s. Goodwin.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.2: 674-694.
122329 Saving lives through administrative law and economics/John d. Graham.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.2: 397-538.
122330 Unilateral settlements and retroactive transfers: a problem of copyright co-ownership/James k. Rothstein.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.2: 882-920.
122331 Based upon: deriving plain meaning from the false claims act’s jurisdictional bar/Jonathan peirce ursprung.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.3: 924-956.
122332 Circuit effects: how the norm of federal judicial experience biases the supreme court lee epstein, andrew d.martin/Kevin m. Quinn,  jeffrey a. Segal.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.3: 834-877.
122333 Hope for the future? The asylum claims of women fleeing sexual violence in guatemala/Allison w. Reimann.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.4: 1199-1261.
122334 Probably? Understanding tax law’s uncertainty/Sarah b. Lawsky.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.4: 1019-1074.
122335 Prosecutorial regulation versus Prosecutorial accountability/Stephanos bibas.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.4: 960-1015.
122336 The river runs dry: when title vitrumps state anti affirmative action laws/Kimberly west-faulcon.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.4: 1078-1159.
122337 What is the rule of recognition in the united states?/Stephen v. Carey.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.4: 1162-1197.
122338 Deliberation and strategy on the united states courts of appeals: an empirical exploration of panel effects/Pauline t. Kim.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.4: 1320-1375.
122339 How should punitive damages work?/Dan markel.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.5: 1386-1482.
122340 Language, national origin, and employment discrimination: the importance of the eeoc guidelines/Andrew j. Robinson.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.5: 1514-1539.
122341 Sticks and stones: the ability of attorneys to appeal from judicial criticism/Matthew funk.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.5: 1486-1511.
122342 The elusive quest for global governance standards/Lucian a. Bebchuk, assaf hamdani.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.5: 1266-1316.
122343 Did trips spur innovation? An analysis of patent duration and incentives to innovate/David s. Abrams.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.6: 1614-1643.
122344 Ending the patenting monopoly/Michael abramowicz, john f. Duffy.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.6: 1543-1609.
122345 Fence posts or sign posts? Rethinking patent claim construction/Dan l. Burk, mark a. Lemley.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.6: 1744-1799.
122346 Growing pains in the administrative state: the patent office’s troubled quest for managerial control/Arti k. Rai.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.6: 2052-2081.
122347 Institutions and indirectness in intellectual property/Henry e. Smith.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.6: 2083-2133.
122348 Is intellectual property trivial?/Jonathan m. Barnett.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.6: 1692-1737.
122349 Law and the boundaries of technology-intensive firms/Oren bar-gill, gideon parchomovsky.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.6: 1650-1688.
122350 Nonrivalry and price discrimination in copyright economics/John p. Conley, christopher s. Yoo.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.6: 1801-1828.
122351 Reinventing discovery: patent law’s characterizations of and interventions upon science/Ariel simon.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.6: 2177-2232.
122352 The case for preferring patent-validity litigation over second-window review and gold-plated patents: when one size doesn’t fit all/F. Scott kieff.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.6: 1938-1963.
122353 The pto and the market for influence in patent law/Clarisa long.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.6: 1965-1997.
122354 The use and abuse of ip at the birth of the administrative state/Adam Mossoff.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.6: 2001-2049.
122355 Understanding patent-quality mechanisms/R. Polk wagner.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.6: 2136-2172.
122356 Using social norms to regulate fan fiction and remix culture/Steven a. Hetcher.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.157, No.6: 1869-1934.
122357 Six unconstitutional homicide statutes: rational basis review and the problem of harsher punishment for less culpable offenders/Justin v. Rodriguez.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.1: 232-258.
122358 The constitutionality of international courts: the forgotten precedent of slave-trade tribunals/Eugene kontorovich.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.6: 39-115.
122359 The inexorable radicalization of textualism/Jonathan r. Siegel.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.1: 118-178.
122360 Vows to collide: the burgeoning conflict between religious institutions and same-sex marriage antidiscrimination laws/Fredric j. Bold.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.1: 180-229.
122361 Classifying constructive amendment as trial or structural error/Kendra oyer.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.2: 610-646.
122362 Procedure as palimpsest/Catherine t. Struve.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.2: 421-439.
122363 Freedom from religion: rluipa, religious freedom, and representative democracy on trial/Anthony lazzaro minervini.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.2: 572-608.
122364 Taming twombly, even after iqbal/Edward a. Hartnett.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.2: 473-516.
122365 The changing shape of federal civil pretrial practice: the disparate impact on civil rights and employment discrimination cases/Elizabeth m. Schneider.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.2: 518-569.
122366 The right to abandon/Lior jacob strahilevitz.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.2: 356-419.
122367 Rationality analysis in antitrust/Christopher r. Leslie.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.2: 262-352.
122368 Interest groups and the problem with incrementalism/Saul levmore.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.3: 816-857.
122369 Preserving facts, form, and function when a deaf witness with minimal language skills testifies in court/Brandon m. Tuck.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.3: 906-955.
122370 In memoriam/Remembering ed baker.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.3: 647-651.
122371 The case against shareholder empowerment/William w. Bratton, michael l. Wachte.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.3: 655-726.
122372 Want less ideology on the federal bench? Pay judges more/Thomas j. Forr.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.3: 860-891.
122373 Contracting over liability: medical malpractice and the cost of choice/Jennifer arlen.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.4: 959-1022.
122374 From the greenhouse to the poorhouse: carbon-emissions control and the rules of legislative joinder/David a. Super.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.4: 1096-1196.
122375 Racing to settlement: the applicability of federal rule of evidence 408 to nonparty settlement communications/Chad albert.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.4: 1200-1223.
122376 The irrelevance of writtenness in constitutional interpretation/Andrew b. Coan.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.4: 1026-1088.
122377 The plain meaning of section 365(c): the tension between bankruptcy and patent law in patent licensing/Jennifer ying.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.4: 1226-1280.
122378 A time-honored model for the profession and the academy/Michael fitts.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.5: 1289-1293.
122379 A wise man of the law/Anthony j. Scirica.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.5: 1301-1305.
122380 Cashing in on capitol hill: insider trading and The use of political intelligence for profit/Bud w. Jerke.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.4: 1453-1520.
122381 Equal access and the right to marry/Nelson tebbe, deborah a. Widiss.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.5: 1376-1449.
122382 Geoffrey c. Hazard, jr.a curious american/Michele taruffo.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.5: 1312-1316.
122383 Geoffrey c. Hazard, jr.: director exemplar of the american law institute/Michael traynor.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.5: 1317-1322.
122384 Geoffrey c. Hazard, jr.: scholar, law reformer, Teacher, and mentor/Catherine t. Struve.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.5: 1307-1311.
122385 Geoffrey c. Hazard, jr., and the lessons of history/Tobias barrington wolff.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.5: 1323-1327.
122386 Hazard/Harold hongju koh.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.5: 1295-1300.
122387 Temporal imperialism/Alison l. Lacroix.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.5: 1339-1372.
122388 Not since thomas jefferson dined alone: For geoff hazard at eighty/Stephen b. Burbank.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.5: 1283-1287.
122389 When should discovery come with a bill? Assessing cost shifting for electronic discovery/Vlad vainberg.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.5: 1524-1574.
122390 A free labor approach to human trafficking/James gray pope.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.6: 1349-1375.
122391 A response to sex trafficking chicago style: follow the sisters, speak out/Kaethe morris hoffer.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.6: 1831-1846.
122392 Key issues in the resettlement of formerly trafficked persons in the united states/Denise brennan.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.6: 1581-1607.
122393 Lessons from bosnia’s arizona market: harm to women in a neoliberalized postconflict reconstruction process/Dina francesca haynes.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.6: 1720-1827.
122394 Rescuing trafficking from ideological capture: prostitution reform and anti-trafficking law and policy/Janie a. Chuang.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.6: 1653-17253.
122395 Sex trafficking and criminalization: in defense of feminist abolitionism/Michelle madden dempsey.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.6: 1730-1777.
122396 Tensions and trade-offs: protecting trafficking victims in the era of immigration enforcement/Jennifer m. Chacon.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.6: 1609-1650.
122397 Credit default swap spreads as viable substitutes for credit ratings/Mark j. Flannery, joel f. Houston, frank partnoy.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.7: 2095-2115.
122398 Do class action lawyers make too little?/Brian t. Fitzpatrick.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.7: 2043-2082.
122399 Lying and getting caught: an empirical study of  The effect of securities class action Settlements on targeted firms/Lynn bai, james d. Cox, randall s. Thomas.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.7: 1878-1912.
122400 Paying for long-term performance/Lucian a. Bebchuk,  jesse m. Fried.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.7: 1916-1958.
122401 Reading stoneridge carefully: a duty-based Approach to reliance and third-party Liability under rule/Donald c. Langevoort.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.7: 2126-2170.
122402 Rethinking the regulation of securities intermediaries/Jill e. Fisch.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.7: 1962-2040.
122403 The multienforcer approach to Securities fraud deterrence: A critical analysis/Amanda m. Rose.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.158, No.7: 2174-2229.
122404 Crime Data, the Internet, and Free Speech: An Evolving Legal Consciousness/Sarah Esther Lageson.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.1: 8-41.
122405 Violence Prevention and Targeting the Elusive Gang Member/Tony Cheng.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.1: 42-69.
122406 Punishment within Prison: An Examination of the Influences of Prison Officials’ Decisions to Remove Sentencing Credits/Benjamin Steiner, Calli M. Cain.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.1: 70-98.
122407 Legal Attitudes of Immigrant Detainees/Emily Ryo.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.1: 99-131.
122408 Intersectional Coalitions: The Paradoxes of Rights-Based Movement Building in LGBTQ and Immigrant Communities/Erin M. Adam.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.1: 132-167.
122409 The Elastic Ceiling: Gender and Professional Career in Chinese Courts/Chunyan Zheng, Jiahui Ai, Sida Liu.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.1: 168-199.
122410 Turning the Witness Stand into a Speaker’s Platform: Victim Participation in the Norwegian Legal System as Exemplified by the Trial Against Anders Behring Breivik/Solveig Laugerud, Ase Langballe.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.2: 227-251.
122411 A Disruptive Influence? Prevent-ing Problems and Countering Violent Extremism Policy in Practice/Martin Innes, Colin Roberts, Trudy Lowe.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.2: 252-281.
122412 Disqualified Bodies: A Sociolegal Analysis of the Organ Trade in Cairo, Egypt/Sean Columb.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.1: 282-312.
122413 Local Governance and Redistributive Policy: Explaining Local Funding for Public Defense/Andrew Lucas Blaize Davies, Alissa Pollitz Worden.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.2: 313-345.
122414 The Hidden Arm of the Law: Examining Administrative Justice in Gun Carry Licensing/Jennifer Carlson.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.2: 346-378.
122415 I’m Giving You a Lawful Order: Dialogic Legitimacy in Sandra Bland’s Traffic Stop/Belen V. Lowrey-Kinberg, Grace Sullivan Buker.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.2: 379-412.
122416 Moral Foundations, Intuitions of Justice, and the Intricacies of Punitive Sentiment/Jasmine R. Silver.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.2: 413-450.
122417 Trial by Jury: Story of a Legal Transplant/Valerie P. Hans.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.3: 471-499.
122418 Can Juries be Lost in Translation?/Mary R. Rose.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.3: 500-509.
122419 The Dissemination of Jury Trials: A Reading from Argentina/Maria Ines Bergoglio.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.3: 510-516.
122420 The Jury as a Translation of Democratic Participation and Political Conflict/Lee Demetrius Walker.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.3: 517-524.
122421 Learning from Precursors, Shaping It from Experiences/Masayuki Murayama.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.3: 525-532.
122422 The Difference Law Makes: Domestic Atrocity Laws and Human Rights Prosecutions/Mark S. Berlin, Geoff Dancy.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.3: 533-566.
122423 Crossing Borders and Criminalizing Identity: The Disintegrated Subjects of Administrative Sanctions/Keramet Reiter, Susan Bibler Coutin.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.3: 567-601.
122424 The Effect of Paramilitary Protest Policing on Protestors’ Trust in the Police: The Case of the  Occupy Israel  Movement/Gali Perry, Tal Jonathan-Zamir, David Weisburd.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.3: 602-634.
122425 Networking in the Shadow of the Law: Informal Access to Legal Expertise through Personal Network Ties/Erin York Cornwell, Emily S. Taylor Poppe, Megan Doherty Bea.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.3: 635-668.
122426 Race and Determinations of Discrimination: Vigilance, Cynicism, Skepticism, and Attitudes about Legal Mobilization in Employment Civil Rights/David McElhattan, Laura Beth Nielsen, Jill D. Weinberg.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.3: 669-703.
122427 Friends You Can Trust: A Signaling Theory of Interest Group Litigation Before the U.S. Supreme Court/Lucia Manzi, Matthew E.K. Hall.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.3: 704-734.
122428 End Impunity! Reducing Conflict-Related Sexual Violence to a Problem of Law/Anette Bringedal Houge, Kjersti Lohne.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.4: 755-789.
122429 Competition and Cooperation in International Commercial Arbitration: The Birth of a Transnational Legal Profession/Florian Grisel.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.4: 790-824.
122430 Courting Custom: Regulating Access to Justice in Rural South Africa and Malawi/Janine Ubink, Sindiso Mnisi Weeks.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.4: 825-858.
122431 Neoliberal Penality and State Legitimacy: Politics of Amnesty in Turkey during the AKP Period/Irem Yildirim, Tuna Kuyucu.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.4: 859-894.
122432 Pressured into a Preference to Leave? A Study on the Specific Deterrent Effects and Perceived Legitimacy of Immigration Detention/Arjen Leerkes, Mieke Kox.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.4: 895-929.
122433 Making Strategic Choices: How and Why Indian Groups Advocated for Federal Recognition from 1977 to 2012/Kirsten Matoy Carlson.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.4: 930-965.
122434 The Effect of Gender and Relational Distance on Plaintiff Decision Making in the Litigation Process/Claire B. Wofford.- Law and Society Review. 2017; Vol.51, No.4: 966-1000.
122435 Cultural Spillovers: Copyright, Conceptions of Authors, and Commercial Practices/Heather A. Haveman, Daniel N. Kluttz.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.1: 1-34.
122436 It Depends on the Outcome: Prisoners, Grievances, and Perceptions of Justice/Valerie Jenness, Kitty Calavita.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.1: 41-72.
122437 Why Police Couldn’t or Wouldn’t Submit Sexual Assault Kits for Forensic DNA Testing: A Focal Concerns Theory Analysis of Untested Rape Kits/Rebecca Campbell, Giannina Fehler-Cabral.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.1: 73-105.
122438 The Role of Emotion in Land Regulation: An Empirical Study of Online Advocacy in Authoritarian Asia/John Gillespie.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.1: 106-139.
122439 Europeanization or National Specificity? Legal Approaches to Sexual Harassment in France, 2002-2012/Abigail C. Saguy.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.1: 140-171.
122440 Disaggregating LWOP: Life Without Parole, Capital Punishment, and Mass Incarceration in Florida, 1972-1995/Christopher Seeds.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.1: 172-205.
122441 The Global Adoption of National Policies Protecting Children from Violent Discipline in Schools and Homes, 1950-2011/Hollie Nyseth Brehm, Elizabeth Heger Boyle.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.1: 206-233.
122442 How Litigants in Dutch Courtrooms Come to Trust Judges: The Role of Perceived Procedural Justice, Outcome Favorability, and Other Sociolegal Moderators/Hilke A. M. Grootelaar, Kees van den Bos.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.1: 234-268.
122443 When They Come for You: Legal Mobilization in New Authoritarian Russia/Freek van der Vet.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.2: 301-336.
122444 Ambivalent Legal Mobilization: Perceptions of Justice and the Use of the Tutela in Colombia/Whitney K. Taylor.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.2: 337-367.
122445 A Multidimensional View of Legal Cynicism: Perceptions of the Police Among Anti-harassment Teams in Egypt/Magda Boutros.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.2: 368-400.
122446 That’s How She Talks: Animating Text Message Evidence in the Sexual Assault Trial/Heather R. Hlavka, Sameena Mulla.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.2: 401-435.
122447 Hierarchy and Stratification in the Israeli Legal Profession/Tamar Kricheli-Katz, Issi Rosen-Zvi, Neta Ziv.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.2: 436-470.
122448 The Extent and Correlates of Public Support for Deterrence Reforms and Hot Spots Policing/Christi Metcalfe, Justin T. Pickett.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.2: 471-502.
122449 Representing Immigrants: The Role of Lawyers in Immigration Bond Hearings/Emily Ryo.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.2: 503-531.
122450 Law and Society Review Special Issue Introduction: Islamic Law, Society, and the State/Tamir Moustafa, Jeffrey Adam Sachs.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.3: 560-573.
122451 Law, the State, and Public Order: Regulating Religion in Contemporary Egypt/Mona Oraby.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.3: 574-602.
122452 Sharia Courts and Muslim Personal Law in India: Intersecting Legal Regimes/Katherine Lemons.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.3: 603-629.
122453 Seeing Like an Islamic State: Shari’a and Political Power in Sudan/Jeffrey Adam Sachs.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.3: 630-651.
122454 Are Women Getting (More) Justice? Malaysia’s Sharia Courts in Ethnographic and Historical Perspective/Michael G. Peletz.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.3: 652-684.
122455 The Judicialization of Religion/Tamir Moustafa.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.3: 685-708.
122456 Legality with a Vengeance: Reclaiming Distribution for Sociolegal Studies/Sandra R. Levitsky, Rachel Kahn Best, Jessica Garrick.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.3: 709-739.
122457 Pop-Up Property: Enacting Ownership from San Francisco to Sydney/Amelia Thorpe.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.3: 740-772.
122458 Crack as Proxy: Aggressive Federal Drug Prosecutions and the Production of Black-White Racial Inequality/Mona Lynch, Marisa Omori.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.3: 773-809.
122459 Higher Law: Can Christian Conservatives Transform Law Through Legal Education?/Joshua C. Wilson, Amanda Hollis-Brusky.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.4: 835-870.
122460 The Role of Nominee Gender and Race at U.S. Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings/Christina L. Boyd, Paul M. Collins, Lori A. Ringhand.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.4: 871-901.
122461 Relieving the Tension: Lay Immigration Lawyering and the Management of Legal Violence/Jamie Longazel.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.4: 902-927.
122462 Federalism and Subnational Legal Mobilization: Feminist Litigation Strategies in Salta, Argentina/Alba Ruibal.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.4: 928-959.
122463 Stop, Frisk, and Assault? Racial Disparities in Police Use of Force During Investigatory Stops/Rory Kramer, Brianna Remster.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.4: 960-993.
122464 Disputing the Global Land Grab: Claiming Rights and Making Markets Through Collaborative Governance/Matthew C. Canfield.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.4: 994-1025.
122465 Landless and Childless in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: High School Students’ Perceptions of Gendered Constitutional Rights/Maroyi Mulumeoderhwa.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.4: 1026-1059.
122466 Rural Land Registration in Ethiopia: Myths and Realities/Mekonnen Firew Ayano.- Law and Society Review. 2018; Vol.52, No.4: 1060-1097.
122467 The Mechanisms behind Litigation’s Radiating Effects: Historical Grievances against Japan/Celeste L. Arrington.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.1: 6-40.
122468 How Their Laws Affect our Laws: Mechanisms of Immigration Policy Diffusion in the Americas, 1790-2010/David Cook-Martin, David Scott FitzGerald.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.1: 41-76.
122469 Assessing the Direct and Indirect Effects of Legitimacy on Public Empowerment of Police: A Study of Public Support for Police Militarization in America/Richard K. Moule … [et al.].- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.1: 77-107.
122470 Just Like Global Firms: Unintended Gender Parity and Speculative Isomorphism in India’s Elite Professions/Swethaa S. Ballakrishnen.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.1: 108-140.
122471 Irony of Citizenship: Descent, National Belonging, and Constitutions in the Postcolonial African State/Bettina Ng’weno, L. Obura Aloo.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.1: 141-172.
122472 The Paper Case: Evidence and Narrative of a Terrorism Trial in Delhi/Mayur Suresh.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.1: 173-201.
122473 Judicial Stereotyping Associated with Genetic Essentialist Biases toward Mental Disorders and Potential Negative Effects on Sentencing/Colleen M. Berryessa.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.1: 202-238.
122474 The Path of the Law Review: How Interfield Ties Contribute to Institutional Emergence and Buffer against Change/Daniel N. Kluttz.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.1: 239-274.
122475 The Price of Civil Rights: Black Lives, White Funding, and Movement Capture/Megan Ming Francis.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.1: 275-309.
122476 Investigating Legal Consciousness through the Technical Work of Elite Lawyers: A Case Study on Tax Avoidance/Pascale Cornut St-Pierre.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.2: 323-352.
122477 Naming Names: The Impact of Supreme Court Opinion Attribution on Citizen Assessment of Policy Outcomes/Scott S. Boddery, Laura P. Moyer, Jeff Yates.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.2: 353-385.
122478 Medical Malpractice Appeals in a Civil Law System: Do Administrative and Civil Courts Award Noneconomic Damages Differently?/Sofia Amaral-Garcia.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.2: 386-419.
122479 Technological Innovation and Police Officers’ Understanding and Use of Force/Michael Sierra-Arevalo.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.2: 420-451.
122480 The Making and Unmaking of Feminicidio/Femicidio Laws in Mexico and Nicaragua/Paulina Garcia-Del Moral, Pamela Neumann.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.2: 452-486.
122481 Retracted: A Legacy of Lynchings: Perceived Black Criminal Threat Among Whites/Daniel P. Mears … [et al.].- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.2: 487-517.
122482 Punishment’s Legal Templates: A Theory of Formal Penal Change/Ashley T. Rubin.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.2: 518-553.
122483 Mass Atrocity, Mass Testimony, and the Quantitative Turn in International Law/Renana Keydar.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.2: 554-587.
122484 Dissent, Legitimacy, and Public Support for Court Decisions: Evidence from a Survey-Based Experiment/Henrik Litlere Bentsen.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.2: 588-610.
122485 Relational Legal Consciousness of U.S. Citizenship: Privilege, Responsibility, Guilt, and Love in Latino Mixed-Status Families/Leisy J. Abrego.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.3: 641-670.
122486 Moving Children through Private International Law: Institutions and the Enactment of Ethics/Sonja van Wichelen.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.3: 671-705.
122487 Race, Ethnicity, and Perceived Minority Police Presence: Examining Perceptions of Criminal Injustice Among Los Angeles Residents/Xia Wang, Justin Ready, Garth Davies.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.3: 706-739.
122488 Across the Sloping Meadow Floor: An Empirical Analysis of Preremoval Detention of Noncitizens/Joan-Josep Vallbe, Markus Gonzalez-Beilfuss, Barak Kalir.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.3: 740-763.
122489 Justice, Emotion, and Belonging: Legal Consciousness in a Taiwanese Family Conflict/Hsiao-Tan Wang.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.3: 764-790.
122490 Allies Already Poised to Comply: How Social Proximity Affects Lactation at Work Law Compliance/Elizabeth A. Hoffmann.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.3: 791-822.
122491 Adjudicating Executive Privilege: Federal Administrative Agencies and Deliberative Process Privilege Claims in U.S. District Courts/Gbemende E. Johnson.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.3: 823-850.
122492 From Marx to Market: Lawyers, European Law, and the Contentious Transformation of the Port of Genoa/Tommaso Pavone.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.3: 851-888.
122493 Compensation and Compliance: Sources of Public Acceptance of the U.K. Supreme Court’s Brexit Decision/Ezequiel Gonzalez-Ocantos, Elias Dinas.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.3: 889-919.
122494 Realizing the Right to Access in France: Between Implementation and Activation/Anne Revillard.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.4: 950-982.
122495 Workers with Disabilities Between Legal Changes and Persisting Exclusion: How Contradictory Rights Shape Legal Mobilization/Aude Lejeune, Julie Ringelheim.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.4: 983-1015.
122496 Disability, Rights, and the Construction of Sexuality in Tort Claims/Sagit Mor, Rina B. Pikkel.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.4: 1016-1050.
122497 Fear of the Disability Con: Perceptions of Fraud and Special Rights Discourse/Doron Dorfman.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.4: 1051-1091.
122498 The Will to Change: Lessons from Canada’s Successful Decarceration of Youth/Cheryl Marie Webster, Jane B. Sprott, Anthony N. Doob.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.4: 1092-1131.
122499 Regulatory Pragmatism, Legal Knowledge and Compliance with Law in Areas of State Weakness/Susan L. Ostermann.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.4: 1132-1166.
122500 Toward the Implementation of Intersectionality in the European Multilevel Legal Praxis: B. S. v. Spain/MariaCaterina La Barbera, Marta Cruells Lopez.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.4: 1167-1201.
122501 The Diffusion of the Concept of Public Figure in China/Yi Zhao, Mark Richards.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.4: 1202-1232.
122502 The Differential Management of Financial Illegalisms: Assigning Responsibilities in the Libor Scandal/Thomas Angeletti.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.4: 1233-1265.
122503 Critical Mass for Affirmative Action: Dispersing the Critical Cloud/Jessica Rose Kalbfeld.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.4: 1266-1304.
122504 Examining the Paradox of Crime Reporting: Are Disadvantaged Victims More Likely to Report to the Police?/Heather Zaykowski, Erin Cournoyer Allain, Lena M. Campagna.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.4: 1305-1340.
122505 Flexibility and Authority: Resolving Labor Disputes in A County Government in Western China/Xin He, Yang Su.- Law and Society Review. 2019; Vol.53, No.4: 1341-1376.
122506 Denied and disparaged: applying the federalist ninth amendment/Seth rokosky.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 276-333.
122507 Judge henry friendly and the craft of judging/Michael boudin.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 1-15.
122508 Redeeming the missed opportunities of shady grove/Stephen b. Burbank, tobias barrington wolff.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 18-74.
122509 The shadow of state secrets/Laura k. Donohue.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 78-213.
122510 Uniformity, federalism, and tort reform: the erie implications of medical malpractice certificate of merit statutes/Benjamin grossberg.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 218-273.
122511 Bapcpa and bankruptcy direct appeals: the impact of procedural uncertainty on predictable precedent/Lindsey freeman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 548-581.
122512 Collateral review of remand orders: reasserting the supervisory role of the supreme court/James e. Pfander.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 493-541.
122513 Illiberal construction of pro se pleadings/Rory k. Schneider.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 586-632.
122514 Pervasive image capture and the first amendment: memory, discourse, and the right to record/Seth f. Kreimer.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 337-408.
122515 Wall street as community of fate: toward financial industry self-regulation/Saule t. Omarova.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 412-492.
122516 Advocacy revalued/Geoffrey c. Hazard, dana a. Remus.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 752-780.
122517 After deference: formalizing the judicial power for foreign relations law/Deborah n. Pearlstein.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 784-851.
122518 Establishing rights without remedies? Achieving an effective civil gideon by avoiding a civil strickland/Mark c. Brown.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 839-326.
122519 The failure of mandated disclosure/Omri ben-shahar, carl e. Schneider.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 649-746.
122520 The monstrous heresy of punitive damages: a comparison to the death penalty and suggestions for reform/Jeremy c. Baron.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 854-890.
122521 Lasting legislation/Rebecca m. Kysar.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 1008-1068.
122522 Mixing up the medicine: a remedy for constitutional inter-clause conflicts and the case of the anti-bootlegging statutes/Altin sila.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 1142-1186.
122523 Randomizing law/Michael abramowicz, ian ayres, yair listokin.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 931-1005.
122524 Section 363(b) restructuring meets the sound business purpose test with bite: an opportunity to rebalance the competing interests of bankruptcy law/Jessica uziel.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 1190-1232.
122525 Making indians white: the judicial abolition of native slavery in revolutionary virginia and its racial legacy/Gregory ablavsky.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 1458-1530.
122526 Running the gamut from a to b: federal trademark and false advertising law/Rebecca tushnet.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 1305-1383.
122527 The criminal class action/Adam s. Zimmerman, david m. Jaros.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 1387-1454.
122528 Brand new law! The need to market health care reform/William m. Sage.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 2123-2146.
122529 Commerce clause challenges to health care reform/Mark a. Hall.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 1825-1871.
122530 Convicts and convictions: some lessons from transportation for health reform/David a. Hyman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 2000-2041.
122531 From health care law to the social determinants of health: a public health law research perspective/Scott burris.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 1649-1666.
122532 Health care reform’s wild card: the uncertain effectiveness of comparative effectiveness research/Richard s. Saver.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 2149-2206.
122533 Health insurance reform and intimations of citizenship/Nan d. Hunter.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 1956-1997.
122534 Health insurance, risk, and responsibility after the patient protection and affordable care act/Tom baker.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 1578-1621.
122535 Health reform and public health: will good policies but bad politics combine to produce bad policy?/Harold pollack.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 2063-2078.
122536 Of stars and proper alignment: scanning the heavens for the future of Health care reform/Arnold j. Rosoff.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 2083-2117.
122537 Reflections on the national association of insurance commissioners and the implementation of the patient protection and affordable care act/Timothy stoltzfus jost.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 2043-2060.
122538 Restoring health to health reform: integrating medicine and public health to advance the population’s well-being/Lawrence o. Gostin, peter d. Jacobson, katherine l. Record, lorian e. Hardcastle.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 1778-1821.
122539 The freedom of health/Abigail r. Moncrieff.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 2210-2251.
122540 The individual mandate, sovereignty, and the ends of good government: a reply To professor randy barnett/Patrick mckinley brennan.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 1623-1645.
122541 Three models of health insurance: the conceptual pluralism of the patient protection and affordable care act/Allison k. Hoffman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2010-2011; No.159: 1875-1951.
122542 Constraining certiorari using administrative law principles/Kathryn a. Watts.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.1: 3-68.
122543 Exempt executives? Dollar general store managers embattled quest for overtime pay under the fair labor standards act/Drew frederick.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.1: 278-928.
122544 The jurisprudence of dignity/Leslie meltzer henry.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.1: 171-230.
122545 The political economy of fraud on the market/William w. Bratton, michael l. Wachter.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.1: 72-167.
122546 All alone in arbitration: at&t mobility v. Concepcion and the substantive impact of class action waivers/Frank blechschmidt.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.2: 542-584.
122547 Facebook, twitter, and the uncertain future of present sense impressions/Jeffrey bellin.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.2: 332-374.
122548 Freedom for the press as an industry, or for the press as a technology? From the framing to today/Eugene volokh.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.2: 461-538.
122549 Navigating a legal dilemma: a student’s right to legal counsel in disciplinary hearings for criminal misbehavior/Ellen l. Mossman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.2: 586-690.
122550 Structuring judicial review of electoral mechanics: explanations and opportunities/Christopher s. Elmendorf.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.2: 314-394.
122551 Allocating the costs of harm to whom they are due: modifying the collateral source rule after health care reform/Rebecca levenson.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.3: 922-952.
122552 Chevron corp. V. Berlinger and the future of the journalists privilege for documentary filmmakers/Tom isler.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.3: 866-919.
122553 Congress’s constitution/Josh chafetz.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.3: 716-778.
122554 Pills and partisans: understanding takeover defenses/Jordan m. Barry,  john william hatfield.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.3: 635-711.
122555 Prison vouchers/Alexander volokh.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.3: 781-859.
122556 Codifying custom/Timothy meyer.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.4: 997-1068.
122557 Getting more by asking less: justifying and reforming tax law’s offer-incompromise procedure/Shu-yi oei.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.4: 1073-1126.
122558 Scaling the wall and running the mile: the role of physical-selection procedures in the disparate impact narrative/Yiyang wu.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.4: 1196-1237.
122559 To copy or not to copy, that is the question: the game theory approach to protecting fashion designs/Tedmond wong.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.4: 1140-1192.
122560 Triaging appointed-counsel funding and pro se access to justice/Benjamin h. Barton, stephanos bibas.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.4: 968-994.
122561 When 10 trials are better than 1000: an evidentiary perspective on trial sampling/Edward k. Cheng.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.4: 955-965.
122562 Adaptable due process/Jason parkin.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.5: 1311-1376.
122563 Construing crane: examining how state courts have applied its lack-of-control standard/Janine pierson.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.5: 1528-1559.
122564 Redistricting and the territorial community/Nicholas o. Stephanopoulos.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.5: 1381-1474.
122565 Searching secrets/Nita a. Farahany.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.5: 1241-1305.
122566 Toward a constitutional chevron: lessons from rapanos/Cory ruth brader.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.5: 1480-1528.
122567 Booker rules/Amy baron-evans, kate stith.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.6: 1632-1741.
122568 On competence, legitimacy, and proportionality/Nancy gertner.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.6: 1585-1597.
122569 Proportionality and parole/Richard a. Bierschbach.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.6: 1746-1788.
122570 Sentencing: a role for empathy/Denny chin.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.6: 1562-1582.
122571 Sentencing guidelines at the crossroads of politics and expertise/Rachel e. Barkow.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.6: 1599-1630.
122572 The new civil death: rethinking punishment in the era of mass conviction/Gabriel j. Chin.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.6: 1790-1832.
122573 Why proportionality matters/Youngjae lee.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.6: 1835-1851.
122574 Absolute preferences and relative preferences in property law/Lior jacob strahilevitz.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.7: 2157-2187.
122575 Beyond coase: emerging technologies and property theory/Christopher s. Yoo.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160: 2190-2225.
122576 Governance property/Gregory s. Alexander.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.7: 1854-1887.
122577 Governing through owners: how and why formal private property rights enhance state power/Larissa katz.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.7: 2030-2058.
122578 Lumpy property/Lee anne fennell.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.7: 1956-1992.
122579 Managing the urban commons/Nicole stelle garnett.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.7: 1995-2025.
122580 On the economy of concepts in property/Henry e. Smith.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.7: 2098-2128.
122581 Quasi-property: like, but not quite property/Shyamkrishna balganesh.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.7: 1890-1924.
122582 Strict liability and negligence in property theory/Stewart e. Sterk.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.7: 2129-2156.
122583 The case for imperfect enforcement of property rights/Abraham bell, gideon parchomovsky.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.7: 1927-1953.
122584 The property strategy/Thomas w. Merrill.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.160, No.7: 2062-2094.
122585 Can the states keep secrets from the federal government?/Robert a. Mikos.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.1: 105-177.
122586 Information issues on wall street 2.0/Elizabeth pollman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.1: 180-241.
122587 Leaving the bench, 1970-2009: the choices federal judges make, what influences those choices, and their consequences/Stephen b. Burbank, s. Jay plager, gregory ablavsky.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.1: 3-91.
122588 Tailoring discovery: using nontranssubstantive rules to reduce waste and abuse/Joshua m. Koppel.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.1: 244-287.
122589 Take care that the laws be faithfully litigated/Parker rider-longmaid.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.1: 292-364.
122590 Escaping battered credit: a proposal for repairing credit reports damaged by domestic violence/Angela littwin.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.2: 365-428.
122591 Federalism, regulatory lags, and the political economy of energy production/David b. Spence.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.2: 433-506.
122592 Preserving judicial supremacy come heller high water/Benjamin s. Softness.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.2: 623-650.
122593 Rethinking the cooperation clause in standard liability insurance contracts/Nicholas j. Giles.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.2: 586-620.
122594 State law, the westfall act, and the nature of the bivens question/Carlos m. Vazquez, stephen i. Vladeck.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.2: 510-582.
122595 Delay in considering the constitutionality of inordinate delay: the death row phenomenon and the eighth amendment/Kara sharkey.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.3: 862-896.
122596 Four conceptions of insurance/Kenneth s. Abraham.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.3: 655-697.
122597 Reducing crime by shaping the built environment with zoning: an empirical study of los angeles/James m. Anderson, john m. Macdonald, ricky bluthenthal,  j. Scott ashwood.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.3: 701-754.
122598 Soul of a woman: the sex stereotyping prohibition at work/Kimberly a. Yuracko.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.3: 758-803.
122599 Up for grabs: a workable system for the unilateral acquisition of chattels/Matt corriel.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.3: 807-859.
122600 Localist statutory interpretation/Ethan j. Leib.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.4: 898-932.
122601 Neighborhood empowerment and the future of the city/Kenneth a. Stahl.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.4: 941-1003.
122602 The conditions of pretrial detention/Catherine t. Struve.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.4: 1010-1078.
122603 The property matrix: an analytical tool to answer the question, is this property/Francisco j. Morales.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.4: 1126-1162.
122604 The state and the psycho ex-wife: parents rights, children’s interests, and the first amendment/Kelly kanavy.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.4: 1082-1122.
122605 An empirical study of patent litigation timing: could a patent term reduction decimate trolls without harming innovators?/Brian j. Love.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.5: 1310-1359.
122606 Confusing the means for the ends: how a pro-settlement policy risks undermining the aims of title vii/Robert d. Friedman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.5: 1362-1407.
122607 Exorcising mcculloch: the conflict-ridden history of american banking nationalism and dodd-frank preemption/Roderick m. Hills.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.5: 1237-1307.
122608 Suboptimal social science and judicial precedent/Ben k. Grunwald.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.5: 1410-1442.
122609 The geography of the battlefield: a framework for detention and targeting outside the hot conflict zone/Jennifer c. Daskal.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.5: 1167-1233.
122610 Algorithms and speech/Stuart minor benjamin.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.6: 1446-1492.
122611 Information privacy in the cloud/Paul m. Schwartz.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.6: 1624-1661.
122612 Information, innovation, and competition policy for the internet/Howard a. Shelanski.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.6: 1664-1705.
122613 Machine speech/Tim wu.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.6: 1496-1533.
122614 Owning e-sports: proprietary rights in professional computer gaming/Dan l. Burk.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.6: 1537-1577.
122615 Protocol layering and internet policy/Christopher s. Yoo.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.6: 1709-1770.
122616 Trust and online interaction/Justin (gus) hurwitz.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.6: 1580-1620.
122617 A theory of preferred stock/William w. Bratton, michael l. Wachter.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.7: 1817-1905.
122618 Adapting to the new shareholder-centric reality/Edward b. Rock.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.7: 1909-1988.
122619 Exploring the limits of contract design in debt financing/George triantis.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.7: 2041-2061.
122620 How to avoid implementing today’s wrong policies to solve yesterday’s corporate governance problems/Colin mayer.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.7: 1990-2002.
122621 Music piracy and diminishing revenues: how compulsory licensing for interactive webcasters can lead the recording industry back to prominence/Neil s. Tyler.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.7: 2102-2149.
122622 Poor pitiful or potently powerful preferred?/Leo e. Strine.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.7: 2025-2040.
122623 Protecting search terms as opinion work product: applying the work product doctrine to electronic discovery/Sean grammel.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.7: 2067-2098.
122624 The technology of creditor protection/Barry e. Adler, marcel kahan.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.7: 1774-1813.
122625 The toxic side effects of shareholder primacy/Lynn a. Stout.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2013; Vol.161, No.7: 2003-2019.
122626 Reassessing Gender Neutrality/Abigail C. Saguy, Juliet A. Williams, Mallory Rees.- Law and Society Review. 2020; Vol.54, No.1: 7-32.
122627 Legal Consciousness and Cultural Capital/Kathryne M. Young, Katie R. Billings.- Law and Society Review. 2020; Vol.54, No.1: 33-65.
122628 Jailing Immigrant Detainees: A National Study of County Participation in Immigration Detention, 1983-2013/Emily Ryo, Ian Peacock.- Law and Society Review. 2020; Vol.54, No.1: 66-101.
122629 Reconfiguring the Deserving Refugee: Cultural Categories of Worth and the Making of Refugee Policy/Talia Shiff.- Law and Society Review. 2020; Vol.54, No.1: 102-132.
122630 On the Radar: System Embeddedness and Latin American Immigrants’ Perceived Risk of Deportation/Asad L. Asad.- Law and Society Review. 2020; Vol.54, No.1: 133-167.
122631 Realizing the Right to Be Cold? Framing Processes and Outcomes Associated with the Inuit Petition on Human Rights and Global Warming/Sebastien Jodoin, Shannon Snow, Arielle Corobow.- Law and Society Review. 2020; Vol.54, No.1: 168-200.
122632 Repeat Players, the Law, and Social Change: Redefining the Boundaries of Environmental and Labor Governance Through Preemptive and Authoritarian Legality/Annabel Ipsen.- Law and Society Review. 2020; Vol.54, No.1: 201-232.
122633 Elite Mobilization: A Theory Explaining Opposition to Gay Rights/Benjamin G. Bishin … [et al.].- Law and Society Review. 2020; Vol.54, No.1: 233-264.
122634 The Role of Military Law and Systemic Issues in the Military’s Handling of Sexual Assault Cases/Carolyn M. Warner, Mia A. Armstrong.- Law and Society Review. 2020; Vol.54, No.1: 265-300.
122635 The Power of Second-Order Legal Consciousness: Authorities’ Perceptions of Street Policy and Welfare Fraud Enforcement/Spencer Headworth.- Law and Society Review. 2020; Vol.54, No.2: 320-353.
122636 Different Ways of Losing: Public Defenders (and Private Counsel) at the Supreme Court of Argentina/Juan F. Gonzalez-Bertomeu.- Law and Society Review. 2020; Vol.54, No.2: 354-390.
122637 Police Ambassadors: Student-Police Interactions in School and Legal Socialization/Aaron Kupchik … [et al.].- Law and Society Review. 2020; Vol.54, No.2: 391-422.
122638 From a Spouse to a Citizen: The Gendered and Sexualized Path to Citizenship for Marriage Migrants in South Korea/Nora Hui-Jung Kim, Hyemee Kim.- Law and Society Review. 2020; Vol.54, No.2: 423-452.
122639 International Criminal Accountability and the Domestic Politics of Resistance: Case Studies from Kenya and Lebanon/Courtney Hillebrecht.- Law and Society Review. 2020; Vol.54, No.2: 453-486.
122640 Pre-emptive Constitution-Making: Authoritarian Constitutionalism and the Military in Myanmar/Melissa Crouch.- Law and Society Review. 2020; Vol.54, No.2: 487-515.
122641 Coping with Precariousness: How Social Insurance Law Shapes Workers’ Survival Strategies in Vietnam/Tu Phuong Nguyen.- Law and Society Review. 2020; Vol.54, No.3: 544-570.
122642 Interpreters of International Economic Law: Corporations and Bureaucrats in Contest over Chile’s Nutrition Label/Tim Dorlach, Paul Mertenskotter.- Law and Society Review. 2020; Vol.54, No.3: 571-606.
122643 The Fight to Globalize Labor: Understanding the Role of Activists in the Spread of International Norms/Andrew B. Wolf.- Law and Society Review. 2020; Vol.54, No.3: 607-642.
122644 Speaking of Justice: A Qualitative Interview Study on Perceived Procedural Justice Among Defendants in Dutch Criminal Cases/Lisa F. M. Ansems, Kees van den Bos, Elaine Mak.- Law and Society Review. 2020; Vol.54, No.3: 643-679.
122645 Binding Morality and Perceived Harm as Sources of Moral Regulation Law Support Among Political and Religious Conservatives/Jasmine R. Silver.- Law and Society Review. 2020; Vol.54, No.3: 679-718.
122646 Collective Liminality: The Spillover Effects of Indeterminate Detention on Immigrant Families/Mirian G. Martinez-Aranda.- Law and Society Review. 2020; Vol.54, No.4: 755-787.
122647 The Institutional Hearing Program: A Study of Prison-Based Immigration Courts in the United States/Ingrid Eagly, Steven Shafer.- Law and Society Review. 2020; Vol.54, No.4: 788-833.
122648 On Shared Suffering: Judicial Intimacy in the Rural Northland/Michele Statz.- Law and Society Review. 2021; Vol.55, No.1: 5-37.
122649 The Role of Place and Sociodemographic Characteristics on the Issuance of Temporary Civil Protection Orders/Anne Groggel.- Law and Society Review. 2021; Vol.55, No.1: 38-69.
122650 American Policing and the Danger Imperative/Michael Sierra-Arevalo.- Law and Society Review. 2021; Vol.55, No.1: 70-103.
122651 Unfamiliarity and Procedural Justice: Litigants’ Attitudes Toward Civil Justice in Southern China/Xin He, Jing Feng.- Law and Society Review. 2021; Vol.55, No.1: 104-138.
122652 Contentious Politics in the Courthouse: Law as a Tool for Resisting Authoritarian States in the Middle East/Steven D. Schaaf.- Law and Society Review. 2021; Vol.55, No.1: 139-176.
122653 How Migrations Affect Private Orders: Norms and Practices in the Fishery of Marseille/Florian Grisel.- Law and Society Review. 2021; Vol.55, No.1: 177-202.
122654 Whose lives mattered? How White and Black Americans felt about Black Lives Matter in 2016/Kevin Drakulich … [et al.].- Law and Society Review. 2021; Vol.55, No.2: 227-251.
122655 Marginalized legal categories: Social inequality, family structure, and the laws of intestacy/Megan Doherty Bea, Emily S. Taylor Poppe.- Law and Society Review. 2021; Vol.55, No.2: 252-272.
122656 Civil rights as patient experience: How healthcare organizations handle discrimination complaints/Anna Kirkland, Mikell Hyman.- Law and Society Review. 2021; Vol.55, No.2: 273-295.
122657 Rights-in-between: Resident perceptions of and accessibility to rights within restricted housing units/Danielle S. Rudes … [et al.].- Law and Society Review. 2021; Vol.55, No.2: 296-319.
122658 Individual characteristics and community context in decisions to divert or arrest/Melissa R. Nadel … [et al.].- Law and Society Review. 2021; Vol.55, No.2: 320-342.
122659 Sacred distinctions: Law and the political regulation of Sikh Gurdwaras in British Columbia/Bonar Buffam.- Law and Society Review. 2021; Vol.55, No.2: 343-358.
122660 Procedural convergence/Brian A. Pappas.- Law and Society Review. 2021; Vol.55, No.3: 381-404.
122661 Income and poverty status among women experiencing intimate partner violence: A positive social return on investment from civil legal aid services/James Teufel … [et al.].- Law and Society Review. 2021; Vol.55, No.3: 405-428.
122662 Gendered racial vulnerability: How women confront crime and criminalization/Amber Joy Powell, Michelle S. Phelps.- Law and Society Review. 2021; Vol.55, No.3: 429-451.
122663 All eyes are on you: Gender, race, and opinion writing on the US Courts of Appeals/Laura P. Moyer … [et al.].- Law and Society Review. 2021; Vol.55, No.3: 452-472.
122664 Police fairness and legitimacy across the post-communist divide in Europe/Valerio Bacak, Robert Apel.- Law and Society Review. 2021; Vol.55, No.3: 473-495.
122665 Moral career of migrant il/legality: Undocumented male youths in New York City and Paris negotiating deportability and regularizability/Stephen P. Ruszczyk.- Law and Society Review. 2021; Vol.55, No.3: 496-519.
122666 Deciding by default/Cass r. Sunstein.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 3-56.
122667 Factual precedents/Allison orr larsen.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 60-115.
122668 Reuniting is and ought in empirical legal Scholarship/Joshua b. Fischman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 118-128.
122669 Solar-backed securities: opportunities, risks, and the specter of the subprime mortgage crisis/Samantha jacoby.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 203-237.
122670 To benefit or not to benefit: mutually induced consideration as a test for the legality of unpaid internships/craig durrant.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 170-201.
122671 Patent nonuse and technology suppression: the use of compulsory licensing to promote progress/Neil s. Tyler.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 452-473.
122672 Read my lipsky: reliance on consent orders in pleadings/Kevin levenberg.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 422-450.
122673 Selling state borders/Joseph blocher.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 242-305.
122674 The first disestablishment: limits on church power and property before the civil war/Sarah barringer gordon.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 308-370.
122675 The next generation communications privacy act/Orin s. Kerr.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 375-418.
122676 Constitutional colorblindness and the family/Katie eyer.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 538-601.
122677 Funding terror/Shima baradaran, michael findley, daniel nielson, jason sharman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 477-536.
122678 Putting plea bargaining on the record/Joel mallord.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 684-718.
122679 Why do retail investors make costly mistakes? An experiment on mutual fund choice/Jill e. Fisch, tess wilkinson-ryan.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 606-646.
122680 Bureaucracy at the boundary/Anne joseph oconnell.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 843-926.
122681 Collateral compliance/Joshua d. Blank.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 722-799.
122682 Insider trading via the corporation/Jesse m. Fried.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 803-839.
122683 The applicability of state appeal bond caps in suits brought in federal courts pursuant to diversity jurisdiction/Jesse wenger.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 980-1008.
122684 Twenty years of shareholder proposals after cracker barrel: an effective tool for implementing lgbt employment protections/Neel rane.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 931-977.
122685 Cartels by another name: should licensed occupations face antitrust scrutiny?/Aaron edlin, rebecca haw.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 1095-1161.
122686 Ghost in the network/Derek e. Bambauer.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 1013-1090.
122687 Letters of intent in corporate negotiations: using hostage exchanges and legal uncertainty to promote compliance/J. Andrew holten.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 1238-1259.
122688 The function of article/Aziz z. Huq.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 1166-1235.
122689 Towards a unified theory of reverse-erie/Omar k. Madhany.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 1262-1309.
122690 Litigating article iii standing: a proposed solution to the serious (but unrecognized) separation of powers problem/Martin h. Redish, sopan joshi.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 1374-1417.
122691 May contain: allergen labeling regulations/Sarah besnoff.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 1466-1492.
122692 Standing outside of article/Tara leigh grove.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 1313-1371.
122693 Structural corporate degradation due to too-big-to-fail finance/Mark j. Roe.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 1420-1461.
122694 You can’t sell your firm and own it too: disallowing dual-class stock companies from listing on the securities exchanges/Tian wen.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 1496-1516.
122695 Attorneys  fees in a loser-pays system/Theodore eisenberg, talia fisher, issi rosen-zvi.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 1622-1660.
122696 Discretion in class certification/Tobias barrington wolff.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 1897-1951.
122697 From the particular to the general: three federal rules and the jurisprudence of the rehnquist and roberts courts/Edward a. Purcell.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 1731-1764.
122698 The just, speedy, and inexpensive determination of every action?/Harold hongju koh.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 1525-1541.
122699 Litigation reform: an institutional approach/Stephen b. Burbank, sean farhang.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 1544-1615.
122700 Looking backward to 1938/Richard marcus.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 1691-1729.
122701 Opening address/Sheldon whitehouse.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 1517-1524.
122702 Rethinking summary judgment empirics: the life of the parties/Jonah b. Gelbach.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 1663-1687.
122703 The burdens of pleading/Alexander a. Reinert.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 1767-1789.
122704 The fourth era of american civil procedure/Stephen n. Subrin, thomas o. Main.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 1840-1895.
122705 The privatization of process: requiem for and celebration of the federal rules of civil procedure at 75/Judith resnik.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014; No.162: 1794-1835.
122706 Dodd-frank orderly liquidation authority: too big for the constitution?/Thomas w. Merrill0f, margaret l. Merrill.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.1: 147-246.
122707 Old statutes, new problems/Jody freeman, david b. Spence.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.7: 2-93.
122708 Pro se paternalism: the contractual, practical, and behavioral cases for automatic reversal/Justin rand.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.1: 284-325.
122709 The constitutional standing of corporations/Brandon l. Garrett.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.1: 96-162.
122710 The duryodhana dilemma: united states v. A 10 century cambodian sandstone sculpture and a proposed code of ethics-based response/Lauren henderson.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.1: 250-276.
122711 Big data and predictive reasonable suspicion/Andrew guthrie ferguson.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.2: 329-410.
122712 Blowing the whistle on consumer financial abuse/David cooper.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.2: 558-690.
122713 Choice of law in fraudulent joinder litigation/Walter simons.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.2: 604-628.
122714 Foreign sovereign immunity and comparative institutional competence/Adam s. Chilton, christopher a. Whytock.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.2: 411-483.
122715 The power to privilege/Mila sohoni.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.2: 489-555.
122716 Tontine pensions/Jonathan barry forman, michael j. Sabin.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.3: 757-828.
122717 An inconvenient truth: how forum non conveniens doctrine allows defendants to escape state court jurisdiction/Brian j. Springer.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.3: 834-860.
122718 Court competition for patent cases/J. Jonas anderson.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.3: 632-697.
122719 Image is everything: corporate branding and religious accommodation in the workplace/Dallan f. Flake.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.3: 700-753.
122720 Proposing a transactional approach to civil forfeiture reform/Michael van den berg.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.3: 868-925.
122721 Behavioral international law/tomer broude.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.4: 1100-1156.
122722 Do you have to keep the government’s secrets? Retroactively classified documents, the first amendment, and the power to make secrets out of the public record/Jonathan abel.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.4: 1038-1096.
122723 Judicial comparativism and judicial diplomacy/David s. Law.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.4: 927-1036.
122724 Recovering for the loss of a beloved pet: rethinking the legal classification of companion animals and the requirements for loss of companionship tort damages/Lauren m. Sirois.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.4: 1201-1239.
122725 Toward a standard of meaningful review: examining the actual protections afforded to prisoners in long-term solitary confinement/Elli marcus.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.4: 1160-1197.
122726 Helping buyers beware: the need for supervision of big retail/Rory van loo.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.5: 1313-1392.
122727 Modernizing class action cy pres through democratic inputs: a return to cy pres comme possible/Chris j. Chasin.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.5: 1464-1694.
122728 Presidential settlements/Adam s. Zimmerman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.5: 1394-1461.
122729 Prohibiting sexual orientation discrimination in public accommodations: a common law approach/Paul vincent courtney.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.5: 1498-1537.
122730 Structure and value in the common law/Shyamkrishna balganesh, gideon parchomovsky.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.5: 1242-1309.
122731 A dose of reality for specialized courts: lessons from the vicp/Nora freeman engstrom.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.6: 1633-1715.
122732 Dangerous liaisons: criminalization of relationship hires under the foreign corrupt practices act/Shinjini chatterjee.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.6: 1772-1804.
122733 Getting their due (process): parents and lawyers in special education due process hearings in pennsylvania/Kevin hoagland-hanson.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.6: 1806-1835.
122734 Judicial priorities/Bert i. Huang, tejas n. Narechania.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.6: 1720-1760.
122735 Regulating against bubbles: how mortgage regulation can keep main street and wall street safe-from themselves/Ryan bubb, prasad krishnamurthy.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.6: 1541-1629.
122736 Corporate law doctrine and the legacy of american legal realism/Edward b. Rock.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.7: 2020-2052.
122737 Doctrinal categories, legal realism, and the rule of law/Hanoch dagan.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.7: 1889-1916.
122738 Equity’s unstated domain: the role of equity in shaping copyright law/Shyamkrishna balganesh, gideon parchomovsky.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.7: 1859-1887.
122739 Family law’s doctrines/Melissa murray.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.7: 1986-2017.
122740 Intuitive formalism in contract/Tess wilkinson-ryan.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.7: 2109-2129.
122741 Legal realism and legal doctrine/Brian leiter.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.7: 1975-1984.
122742 Nine takes on indeterminacy, with special emphasis on the criminal law/Leo katz.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.7: 1945-1973.
122743 Realism and revolution in conflict of laws: in with a bang and out with a whimper/Celia wasserstein fassberg.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.7: 1919-1944.
122744 Reasonableness in and out of negligence law/Benjamin c. Zipursky.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.7: 2132-2168.
122745 The constraint of legal doctrine/Shyamkrishna balganesh.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.7: 1744-1857.
122746 The new doctrinalism: implications for evidence theory/Alex stein.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.7: 2086-2107.
122747 The persistence of system in property law/Henry e. Smith.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.163, No.7: 2056-2083.
122748 Consent is not enough: why states must respect the intensity threshold in transnational conflict/Oona a. Hathaway, rebecca crootof, daniel hessel, julia shu, sarah weiner.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.1: 3-46.
122749 Maybe publius was right: relying on merger price to determine fair value in delaware appraisal cases/Daniel e. Meyer.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.1: 154-192.
122750 Our antitotalitarian constitution and the right to identity/Brian t. Ruocco.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.1: 194-225.
122751 Policing as administration/Christopher slobogin.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.1: 92-151.
122752 Something to talk about: information exchange under employment law/Joni hersch, jennifer bennett shinall.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.1: 50-86.
122753 Circuit split: how far does whistleblower protection extend under dodd-frank?/Thomas j. Mccormac.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.2: 476-497.
122754 Evaluating nfl player health and performance: legal and ethical issues/Jessica l. Roberts, i. Glenn cohen, christopher r. Deubert, holly fernandez lynch.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.2: 230-313.
122755 Revoking the revocable license rule: a new look at resale restrictions on sports tickets/Alexander p. Frawley.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.2: 435-473.
122756 The myth of the nondelegation doctrine/Keith e. Whittington, jason iuliano.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.2: 380-429.
122757 What we buy when we buy now/Aaron perzanowski, chris jay hoofnagle.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.2: 316-377.
122758 Accountable algorithms/Joshua a. Kroll.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.3: 636-704.
122759 Cruel and unusual construction: the eighth amendment as a limit on building prisons on toxic waste sites/Kelsey d. Russell.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.3: 743-782.
122760 Invalidating issue preclusion: rethinking preclusion in the patent context/Stephen c. Desalvo.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.3: 708-738.
122761 The president and the detainees/Aziz z. Huq.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.3: 501-592.
122762 The vanishing common law judge?/Neal devins, david klein.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.3: 596-630.
122763 A radical proposal: the multidistrict litigation act of 1968/Andrew d. Bradt.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.4: 832-915.
122764 Class action notice in the digital age/Alexander w. Aiken.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.4: 969-1017.
122765 Improving the patent system by encouraging intentional infringement: the beneficial use standard of patents/Kai yi xie.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.4: 1020-1041.
122766 Priority matters: absolute priority, relative priority, and the costs of bankruptcy/Douglas g. Baird.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.4: 786-827.
122767 The value of the right to exclude: an empirical assessment/Jonathan klick, gideon parchomovsky.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.4: 918-965.
122768 Freedom of information beyond the freedom of information act/David e. Pozen.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.5: 1098-1195.
122769 Implicit bias as social-framework evidence in employment discrimination/Annika l. Jones.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.5: 1222-1242.
122770 On mandatory labeling, with special reference to genetically modified foods/Cass r. Sunstein.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.5: 1045-1092.
122771 The machine author: what level of copyright protection is appropriate for fully Independent computergenerated works/Robert yu.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.5: 1246-1269.
122772 Will tax reform be stable/Jason s. Oh.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.5: 1160-1219.
122773 Brewing better law: two proposals to encourage innovation in america’s craft beer industry/Andrew daversa.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.6: 1466-1493.
122774 Health information equity/Craig konnoth.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.6: 1318-1375.
122775 Independent directors and controlling shareholders/Lucian a. Bebchuk, assaf hamdani.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.6: 1273-1315.
122776 Legislating in the shadows/Christopher j. Walker.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.6: 1378-1432.
122777 Particularity discovery in qui tam actions: a middle ground approach to pleading fraud in the health care sector/Brianna bloodgood.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.6: 1437-1464.
122778 Vital state interests: from representative actions for fair labor standards to pooled trusts, class actions, and mdls in the federal courts/Judith resnik.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.7: 1766-1805.
122779 Choice of law and jurisdictional policy in the federal courts/Tobias barrington wolff.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.7: 1848-1893.
122780 Class actions and the counterrevolution against federal litigation/Stephen b. Burbank, sean farhang.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.7: 1496-1528.
122781 Happy 50th anniversary, rule 23! Shouldn’t we know you better after all this time/Deborah r. Hensler.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.7: 1599-1622.
122782 Jacobins at justice: the (failed) class action revolution of 1978 and the puzzle of american procedural political economy/David freeman engstrom.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.7: 1532-1558.
122783 Something less and something more: mdl’s roots as a class action alternative/Andrew d. Bradt.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.7: 1711-1742.
122784 The globalization of entrepreneurial litigation: law, culture, and incentives/John c. Coffee.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.7: 1896-1923.
122785 The short life and long afterlife of the mass tort class action/David marcus.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.7: 1566-1596.
122786 The supreme court’s non-transsubstantive class action/J. Maria glover.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.7: 1628-1667.
122787 The triangle of law and the role of evidence in class action litigation/Jonah b. Gelbach.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.7: 1808-1845.
122788 Three models of adjudicative representation/Margaret h. Lemos.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.7: 1743-1764.
122789 Unorthodox civil procedure: modern multidistrict litigation’s place in the textbook understandings of procedure/Abbe r. Gluck.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.165, No.7: 1671-1709.
122790 Annoy no cop/Josh bowers.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.1: 131-210.
122791 Blacklisting foreign terrorist organizations: classified information, national security, and due process/Justin s. Daniel.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.1: 214-260.
122792 Incredible women: sexual violence and the credibility discount/Deborah tuerkheimer.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.1: 3-56.
122793 Smart contracts and the cost of inflexibility/Jeremy m. Sklaroff.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.1: 265-302.
122794 Tiers for the establishment clause/Richard h. Fallon.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.1: 60-127.
122795 Anti-slapp statutes and the federal rules: why preemption analysis shows they should apply in federal diversity suits/William james seidleck.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.2: 549-576.
122796 Copyright as market prospect/Shyamkrishna balganesh.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.2: 444-512.
122797 Fda regulation of 3d-printed organs and associated ethical challenges/Elizabeth kelly.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.2: 516-531.
122798 Our regionalism/Jessica bulman-pozen.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.2: 378-440.
122799 Pandora’s digital box: the promise and perils of digital wallets/Adam j. Levitin.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.2: 307-376.
122800 A new hurdle to international cooperation in criminal investigations: whether foreign government-compelled testimony implicates/Jennifer reich.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.3: 790-828.
122801 Contested visions: the value of systems theory for corporate law/Tamara belinfanti, lynn stout.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.3: 581-630.
122802 Delegating for trust/Edward h. Stiglitz.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.3: 635-697.
122803 Sufficiently criminal ties: expanding vawa criminal jurisdiction for indian tribes/Maura douglas.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.3: 747-786.
122804 The empty idea of equality of creditors/David a. Skeel.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.3: 700-744.
122805 A municipal speech claim against body camera video restrictions/Matthew a. De stasio.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.4: 962-1027.
122806 Halo is not the saving grace for the patent system/Jennifer hartjes.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.4: 1030-1050.
122807 Sovereigns, shopkeepers, and the separation of powers/Jon d. Michaels.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.4: 862-899.
122808 The decline of supreme court deference to the president/Lee epstein, eric a. Posner.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.4: 835-859.
122809 The proficiency of experts/Brandon l. Garrett, gregory mitchell.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.5: 903-958.
122810 Fourth amendment moralism/Anna lvovsky.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.5: 1191-1262.
122811 Law, virtual reality, and augmented reality/Mark a. Lemley, eugene volokh.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.5: 1053-1138.
122812 Patenting around failure/Sean b. Seymore.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.5: 1149-1187.
122813 The nuclear option: what can states do to encourage clean energy after hughes and epsa?/Jennifer ko.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.5: 1275-1291.
122814 Unsettled: victim discretion in the administration and enforcement of criminal restitution orders/David peters.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.5: 1249-1322.
122815 Completely exhausted: evaluating the impact of woodford v. Ngo on prisoner litigation in federal courts/Elana m. Stern.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.6: 1512-1542.
122816 Our principled constitution/Mitchell n. Berman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.6: 1328-1411.
122817 Settling the staggered board debate/Yakov amihud, markus schmid, steven davidoff solomon.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.6: 1476-1508.
122818 Taxing the gig economy/Kathleen delaney thomas.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.6: 1417-1472.
122819 The illusory coverage doctrine: a critical review/Ian weiss.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.6: 1545-1570.
122820 A retrospective look at bankruptcy s new frontiers/Thomas h. Jackson.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.7: 1867-1879.
122821 Bankruptcy’s uneasy shift to a contract paradigm/David a. Skeel, George triantis.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.7: 1778-1816.
122822 Corporate bankruptcy hybridity/Melissa b. Jacoby.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.7: 1716-1747.
122823 Bankruptcy’s new and old frontiers/William w. Bratton, david a. Skeel.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.7: 1573-1592.
122824 Taking control rights seriously/Robert k. Rasmussen.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.7: 1749-1775.
122825 The bankruptcy partition/Douglas g. Baird, anthony j. Casey, randal c. Picker.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.7: 1676-1714.
122826 The creditors bargain revisited/Barry e. Adler.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.7: 1854-1864.
122827 The new bond workouts/William w. Bratton, adam j. Levitin.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.7: 1600-1673.
122828 Valuation disputes in corporate bankruptcy/Kenneth ayotte, edward r. Morrison.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018-2018; Vol.166, No.7: 1820-1847.
122829 A national study of access to counsel in immigration court/Ingrid v. Eagly, steven shafer.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.1: 3-89.
122830 Antitrust in zero-price markets: foundations/John m. Newman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.1: 151-206.
122831 Special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction for indian tribes: inherent tribal sovereignty versus defendants complete constitutional rights/Margaret h. Zhang.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.1: 244-279.
122832 The limitations of tradition: how modern choice of law doctrine can help courts resolve conflicts within the new york convention/Alexander sevan bedrosyan.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.1: 208-242.
122833 Time to drop the infield fly rule and end a common law anomaly/Andrew j. Guilford, joel mallord.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.1: 281-290.
122834 Toward a pigouvian state/Jonathan s. Masur, eric a. Posner.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.1: 94-146.
122835 Adapting copyright for the mashup generation/Peter s. Menell.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.2: 443-511.
122836 Discriminatory discretion: pto procedures and viewpoint discrimination under section 2(a) of the lanham act/Emily m. Kustina.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.2: 514-558.
122837 Do the merits matter? Empirical evidence on shareholder suits from options backdating litigation/Quinn curtis, minor myers.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.2: 293-349.
122838 Ideology or situation sense an experimental investigation of motivated reasoning and professional judgment/Dan m. Kahan …[et al.].- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.2: 351-438.
122839 Investor participation in initial public offerings/Kyle j. Schwartz.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.2: 564-589.
122840 An economic understanding of search and seizure law/Orin s. Kerr.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.3: 593-646.
122841 How corporate governance is made: the case of the golden leash/Matthew d. Cain, jill e. Fisch, sean j. Griffith, steven davidoff solomon.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.3: 651-700.
122842 The gravitational force of federal law/Scott dodson.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.3: 704-752.
122843 Unconscionability as a coherent legal concept/Colleen mccullough.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.3: 780-824.
122844 What to do when main street is legal again: regional land value taxation as a new urbanist tool/Nathan farris.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.3: 756-777.
122845 Devising an artful tax: an appraisal of payment-in-kind income taxes in mexico and the united kingdom/Julia l.m. Bogdanovich.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.4: 984-1030.
122846 Machine learning, automated suspicion algorithms, and the fourth amendment/Michael l. Rich.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.4: 872-929.
122847 The hidden costs of cliff effects in the internal revenue code/Manoj viswanathan.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.4: 933-980.
122848 The patent spiral/Roger allan ford.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.4: 829-870.
122849 When is a tweet not an admissible tweet? Closing the authentication gap in the federal rules of evidence/Siri carlson.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.4: 1033-1064.
122850 A complainant-oriented approach to unconscionability and contract law/Nicolas cornell.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.5: 1133-1175.
122851 Combining constitutional clauses/Michael coenen.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.5: 1069-1130.
122852 Hitting reset: devising a new video game copyright regime/Drew s. Dean.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.5: 1240-1280.
122853 Preambles in treaty interpretation/Max h. Hulme.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.5: 1282-1331.
122854 The failure of immigration appeals/David hausman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.5: 1178-1227.
122855 Cybercrime litigation/Jonathan mayer.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.6: 1455-1505.
122856 Get out of jail free? Preventing employment discrimination against people with criminal records using ban the box laws/Elizabeth p. Weissert.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.6: 1530-1555.
122857 How to avoid the standing problem in floyd: a relaxed approach to standing in class actions/William i. Stewart.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.6: 1509-1527.
122858 Protecting, restoring, improving: incorporating therapeutic jurisprudence And restorative justice concepts into civil domestic violence cases/Peter johnsen, elia robertson.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.6: 1558-1585.
122859 Unbundled bargains: multi-agreement dealmaking in complex mergers and acquisitions/Cathy hwang.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.6: 1404-1451.
122860 War torts: accountability for autonomous weapons/Rebecca crootof.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.6: 1349-1402.
122861 Balance-of-powers arguments, the structural constitution, and the problem of executive underenforcement/Eric a. Posner.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.7: 1686-1714.
122862 Constitutional arrogance/Michael j. Gerhardt.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.7: 1650-1674.
122863 Faithful execution and enforcement discretion/Patricia l. Bellia.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.7: 1754-1800.
122864 The bounds of executive discretion in the regulatory state/Cary coglianese, christopher s. Yoo.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.7: 1591-1605.
122865 Legal limits and the implementation of the affordable care act/Nicholas bagley.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.7: 1715-1744.
122866 Presidential signing statements: a new perspective/Christopher s. Yoo.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.7: 1802-1834.
122867 Separation of powers legitimacy: an empirical inquiry into norms about executive power/Cary coglianese, kristin firth.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.7: 1874-1909.
122868 The judicial role in constraining presidential nonenforcement discretion: the virtues of an apa approach/Daniel e. Walters.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.7: 1912-1948.
122869 The most knowledgeable branch/Cass r. Sunstein.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.7: 1608-1647.
122870 The protean take care clause/Jack goldsmith, john f. Manning.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.7: 1835-1867.
122871 The third bound/Adrian vermeule.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.164, No.7: 1949-1963.
122872 Claiming design/Jeanne c. Fromer, mark p. Mckenna.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.1: 125-210.
122873 Class actions, statutes of limitations and repose, and federal common law/Stephen b. Burbank, tobias barrington wolff.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.1: 3-67.
122874 Prosecuting cryptocurrency theft with the defend trade secrets act of 2016/Gregory bischoping.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.1: 240-259.
122875 Securities liability and the role of d&o insurance in regulating initial coin offerings/Adrian parlow.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.1: 212-237.
122876 Stock market short-termism’s impact/Mark j. Roe.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.1: 73-117.
122877 Discounting women: doubting domestic violence survivors credibility and dismissing their experiences/Deborah epstein, lisa a. Goodman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.2: 401-459.
122878 Ineffective assistance of padilla: effectuating the constitutional right to crimmigration counsel/Greta a. Wiessner.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.2: 464-496.
122879 School vouchers, special education, and the supreme court/Aaron tang.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.2: 339-337.
122880 The corporate practice of gerrymandering the voting rights of common Stockholders and the case for measured reform/Benjamin j. Barocas.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.2: 498-543.
122881 Accessing accountability: exploring criminal prosecution of male guards for sexually assaulting female inmates in u.s. Prisons/Elana m. Stern.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.3: 734-769.
122882 Digital switzerlands/Kristen e. Eichensehr.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.3: 666-730.
122883 Government standing and the fallacy of institutional injury/Tara leigh grove.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.3: 612-663.
122884 New legal problems, old legal solutions: bailment theory as the baseline data security standard of care owed to an opponent’s data in e-discovery/William larosa.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.3: 775-805.
122885 Police disciplinary appeals/Stephen rushin.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.3: 547-668.
122886 Dynamic legislation/Rebecca m. Kysar.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.4: 811-868.
122887 Libertarian gun control/Ian ayres, fredrick e. Vars.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.4: 922-972.
122888 Salvaging the law of patent venue: brunette, tc heartland, and the venue clarification act/Camron bagheri.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.4: 1024-1049.
122889 The birth certificate solution: ensuring the interstate recognition of same-sex parentage/Anna marie dginto.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.4: 976-1021.
122890 The privacy interest in property/Abraham bell, gideon parchomovsky.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.4: 870-920.
122891 Copyright and reality/Sarah smith.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.5: 1270-1325.
122892 Dialogic due process/Jason parkin.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.5: 1116-1159.
122893 Injustice at the border: application of the constitution abroad through The conflict of laws/Margaret kopel.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.5: 1242-1267.
122894 Similar secrets/Joseph p. Fishman, deepa varadarajan.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.5: 1053-1114.
122895 The sixth amendment facade: the racial evolution of the right to counsel/Shaun ossei-owusu.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167: 1163-1237.
122896 America’s misunderstood constitutional rights/Jonathan l. Marshfield.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.6: 855-936.
122897 Arbitrariness review and climate change/Cass r. Sunstein.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.6: 993-1045.
122898 Beyond strickland prejudice: weaver, batson, and procedural default/Cal barnett-mayotte.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.6: 1050-1091.
122899 The living rules of evidence/G. Alexander nunn.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.6: 938-990.
122900 To catch a snooping spouse: reevaluating the roots of the spousal wiretap exception in the digital age/Karli ramirez.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.6: 1094-1125.
122901 Administrative constitutionalism and the northwest ordinance/Gregory ablavsky.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.7: 1631-1665.
122902 Dimensions of Delegation/Cary Coglianese.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.7: 1849-1889.
122903 Municipal administrative constitutionalism: the new york city commission on human rights, foreign policy, and the first amendment/Joanna l. Grisinger.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.7: 1669-1697.
122904 Our Administered Constitution: Administrative Constitutionalism from the Founding to the Present/Sophia Z. Lee.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.7: 1700-1744.
122905 Presidential constitutionalism and marriage equality/William n. Eskridge.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.7: 1891-1921.
122906 The progressive idea of democratic administration/William j. Novak.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2018; Vol.167, No.7: 1823-1847.
122907 Anti-libel injunctions/Eugene volokh.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.1: 75-153.
122908 Reviewing refusal: lethal injection, the fda, and the courts/Andrew shi.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.1: 246-276.
122909 Startup Governance/Elizabeth Pollman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.1: 156-220.
122910 The amorphous student-university contract: origins, development, and the need for state oversight/Sam mchale.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.1: 223-243.
122911 The New Titans of Wall Street: A Theoretical Framework for Passive Investors/Jill E. Fisch, Asaf Hamdani, Steven Davidoff Solomon.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.1: 19-71.
122912 Best interests and bad parents: immigration and child welfare through the lens of sijs and foster care/Ellyn jameson.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168: 513-547.
122913 Avoidance creep/Charlotte garden.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.2: 332-387.
122914 Catch rule 22: when interpleader actions violate statutory and constitutional diversity jurisdiction requirements/Kristen dewilde.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.2: 469-512.
122915 Federalism, erisa, and state single-payer health care/Erin c. Fuse brown, elizabeth y. Mccuskey.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.2: 390-465.
122916 Prejudice-based rights in criminal procedure/Justin murray.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.2: 279-328.
122917 Context, content, intent: social media’s role in true threat prosecutions/Megan r. Murphy.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.3: 734-766.
122918 Estimation evidence/Jonah b. Gelbach.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.3: 551-630.
122919 Infinite arbitration clauses/David horton.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.3: 634-687.
122920 The recommendations clause and the president’s role in legislation/Benjamin j. Schwartz.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.3: 768-815.
122921 The specification power/Ilan wurman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.3: 690-732.
122922 Measuring in absentia removal in immigration court/Ingrid eagly, steven shafer.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.4: 818-873.
122923 Presidential laws and the missing interpretive theory/Tara leigh grove.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.4: 879-930.
122924 Redefining reasonableness: supervisory harassment claims in The era of metoo/Brianna messina.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.4: 1062-1100.
122925 The imperial treaty power/Brian richardson.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.4: 932-1011.
122926 Twenty-first century financial regulation: p2p lending, fintech, and the argument for a special purpose fintech charter approach/Jeffrey luther.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.4: 1014-1059.
122927 Copyright as legal process: the transformation of american copyright law/Shyamkrishna balganesh.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.5: 1103-1180.
122928 Juvenile due process: applying contract principles to ensure voluntary criminal confessions/Caitlyn wigler.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.5: 1426-1452.
122929 Rate regulation redux/Joshua c. Macey, jackson salovaara.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.5: 1183-1266.
122930 Smart contract dispute resolution: the inescapable flaws of blockchainbased arbitration/Michael buchwald.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.5: 1370-1423.
122931 The executive power clause/Julian davis mortenson.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.5: 1271-1365.
122932 Availability of tolling in a presidential prosecution/Kevin foley.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.6: 1790-1841.
122933 Finality and foreclosure: determining a homeowner’s ability to appeal in mortgage foreclosure cases/Lavi m. Ben dor.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.6: 1746-1788.
122934 Illiberal law in american courts/Mark jia.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.6: 1686-1744.
122935 The congressional bureaucracy/Jesse m. Cross, abbe r. Gluck.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.6: 1543-1682.
122936 The defender general/Daniel epps, william ortman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.6: 1470-1539.
122937 Antitrust enforcement, regulation, and digital platforms/William p. Rogerson, howard shelanski.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.7: 1912-1940.
122938 Competition law as common law: american express and the evolution of antitrust/Michael l. Katz, a. Douglas melamed.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.7: 2062-2105.
122939 Framing the chicago school of antitrust analysis/Herbert j. Hovenkamp.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.7: 1844-1878.
122940 Nascent competitors/C. Scott hemphill, tim wu.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.7: 1880-1909.
122941 Oligopoly coordination, economic analysis, and the prophylactic role of horizontal merger enforcement/Jonathan b. Baker, joseph farrell.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.7: 1986-2017.
122942 Probability, presumptions and evidentiary burdens in antitrust analysis: revitalizing the rule of reason for exclusionary conduct/Andrew i. Gavil, steven c. Salop.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.7: 2109-2142.
122943 The dichotomous treatment of efficiencies in horizontal mergers: too much? Too little? Getting it right/Nancy l. Rose, jonathan sallet.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.7: 1942-1983.
122944 The post-chicago antitrust revolution: a retrospective/Christopher s. Yoo.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.7: 2146-2168.
122945 The role of antitrust in preventing patent holdup/Carl shapiro, mark a. Lemley.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.168, No.7: 2020-2059.
122946 A doctrine without exception: critiquing an immigration exception to the anticommandeering rule/Mary ann mcnulty.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.1: 242-272.
122947 Church taxes and the original understanding of the establishment clause/Mark storslee.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.1: 112-192.
122948 Detecting mens rea in the brain/Owen d. Jones, read montague, gideon yaffe.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.1: 2-30.
122949 Justifying bad deals/Tess wilkinson-ryan.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.1: 195-240.
122950 The case against mdl rulemaking/Jenifer j. Norwalk.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.1: 276-311.
122951 Heir hunting/David horton, reid kress weisbord.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.2: 384-439.
122952 Outrageous government (mis) conduct: due process as a defense in paid-sex sting operations/Mary felder.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.2: 540-575.
122953 Supreme stalemates: chalices, jack-o-lanterns, and other state high court tiebreakers/Don r. Willett.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.2: 443-536.
122954 The trump administration: immigration, racism, and covid-19/Michele goodwin, erwin chemerinsky.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.2: 314-381.
122955 When play becomes work: child labor laws in the era of kidfluencers/Marina a. Masterson.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.2: 578-608.
122956 Noncitizens access to federal district courts: the narrowing of 1252(b)(9) post-jennings/Adam j. Garnick.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.3: 784-845.
122957 Retributive expungement/Brian m. Murray.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.3: 667-715.
122958 The misunderstood eleventh amendment/William baude, stephen e. Sachs.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.3: 611-662.
122959 The parent trap: rebalancing parallel enforcement between child protective services and law enforcement/Ryan charles mcevoy.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.3: 868-924.
122960 Veil peeking: the corporation as a nexus for regulation/Mariana pargendler.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.3: 719-780.
122961 Disaggregating the policing function/Barry friedman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.4: 928-998.
122962 Legal tech, civil procedure, and the future of adversarialism/David freeman engstrom, jonah b. Gelbach.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.4: 1002-1099.
122963 Missing decisions/Merritt e. Mcalister.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.4: 1102-1173.
122964 The minor questions doctrine/Aaron l. Nielson!f.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.4: 1182-1232.
122965 The right to petition as access and information/Michael weingartner.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.4: 1237-1287.
122966 T-tip negotiations round two: an opportunity to redirect the trajectory of international investment law/Nicholas wiggins.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.4: 1291-1362.
122967 Coercion, criminalization, and child protection: homeless individuals reproductive lives/Bridget lavender.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.4: 1609-1678.
122968 Is sunlight the best disinfectant? Reassessing beps action 5’s tax ruling transparency/Patrick hasson.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.5: 1546-1605.
122969 The supreme court as bad teacher/Justin driver.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.5: 1367-1428.
122970 Vested rights, franchises, and the separation of powers/Caleb nelson.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.5: 1431-1543.
122971 A fragility theory of trademark functionality/Matthew g. Sipe.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.6: 1826-1899.
122972 A prosecutorial solution to the criminalization of homelessness/Andrew i. Lief.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.6: 1972-1993.
122973 Beyond elections: abolitionist lessons for the law of democracy/Kate bass.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.6: 1902-1969.
122974 Secrecy creep/Christina koningisor.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.6: 1753-1823.
122975 Taking Disability Public/Jasmine E. Harris.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.6: 1683-1749.
122976 Deferring to foreign courts/Maggie gardner.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.8: 2292-2349.
122977 Digital civil procedure/David freeman engstrom.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.8: 2244-2283.
122978 Exploring the interpretation and application of procedural rules: the problem of implicit and institutional racial bias/Edward a. Purcell.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.8: 2884-2640.
122979 In honor of stephen burbank beyond the forest and the trees/Diane p. Wood.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.8: 2062-2078.
122980 Horizontal choice of law in federal court/Zachary d. Clopton.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.8: 2195-2241.
122981 Politics, Identity, and Pleading Decisions on the U.S. Courts of Appeals/Stephen B. Burban, Sean Farhang.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.8: 2129-2180.
122982 Reflections on the nexus of procedure and history: the example of modern american arbitration/Amalia d. Kessler.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.8: 2401-2422.
122983 Rulemaking’s second founding/Richard marcus.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.8: 2519-2549.
122984 The architecture of judicial ethics/Charles gardner geyh.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.8: 2352-2399.
122985 The collapse of the federal rules system/David marcus.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.8: 2489-2517.
122986 The hague convention on choice of court agreements: a critical assessment/Gary born.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.8: 2080-2103.
122987 The office of the chief circuit judge/Marin k. Levy, jon o. Newman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.8: 2426-2482.
122988 The past and future of procedure scholarship/James e. Pfander.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.169, No.8: 2552-2580.
122989 Centering whiteness and entrenching the myth of race-neutral alternatives to affirmative action/Courtney bledsoe.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2021-2022; Vol.170, No.1: 208-238.
122990 Cleaning corporate governance/jens frankenreiter, cathy hwang, yaron nili, eric talley.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2021-2022; Vol.170, No.1: 3-67.
122991 Private merger challenges under section-of the clayton act: caution post-jeld-wen/Erin l. Fischer.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2021-2022; Vol.170, No.1: 242-272.
122992 The case for resurrecting the ftc act’s penalty offense authority/Rohit chopra, samuel a.a. Levine.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2021-2022; Vol.170, No.1: 73-121.
122993 The perils of land use deregulation/Richard c. Schragger.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2021-2022; Vol.170, No.1: 126-203.
122994 Breaking up big tech: lessons from at&t/Maham usman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2021-2022; Vol.170: 524-548.
122995 Interest-based incorporation: statutory realism exploring federalism, delegation, and democratic design/Sheldon a. Evans.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2021-2022; Vol.170, No.6: 342-404.
122996 Plainly incompetent: how qualified immunity became an exculpatory doctrine of police excessive force/Osagie k. Obasogie, anna zaret.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2021-2022; Vol.170, No.2: 409-482.
122997 Tax law as foreign policy/Ashley deeks, andrew hayashi.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2021-2022; Vol.170, No.2: 277-340.
122998 The road to transportation justice: reframing auto safety in the suv age/John f. Saylor.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2021-2022; Vol.170, No.2: 488-522.
122999 Persisting sovereignties/Seth davis, eric biber, elena kempf.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2021-2022; Vol.170, No.3: 551-635.
123000 Protecting renters from flood loss/Ellen r. Heiman.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2021-2022; Vol.170, No.3: 784-809.
123001 Reframing the deserving tenant: the abolition of a policed public housing/Erica v. Rodarte costa.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2021-2022; Vol.170, No.3: 812-851.
123002 The peace powers: how to end a war/Avery c. Rasmussen, saikrishna bangalore prakash.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2021-2022; Vol.170, No.3: 718-780.
123003 The trajectory of federal gun crimes/Jacob d. Charles, brandon l. Garret.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2021-2022; Vol.170, No.3: 639-704.
123004 To catch a snooping spouse: reevaluating the roots of the spousal wiretap exception in the digital age/Karli ramirez.- University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 2021-2022; Vol.170.
123005 English jurisprudence between austin and hart/Neil duxbury.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.1: 2-88.
123006 Halpin on dworkin’s fallacy: a surreply/Michael steven green.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.1: 187-201.
123007 Or, even, what the law can teach the philosophy of language: a response to green’s dworkin’s fallacy/Andrew halpin.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.1: 175-186.
123008 Public regulation of private enforcement: the case for expanding the role of administrative agencies/Matthew c. Stephenson.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.1: 94-171.
123009 State redistricting law: stephenson v. Bartlett and the judicial promotion of electoral competition/Seth warren whitaker.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.1: 203-247.
123010 A response to professor manning/Caleb nelson.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.2: 451-470.
123011 Does frye or daubert matter? A study of scientific admissibility standards/Edward k. Cheng, albert h. Yoon.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91: 471-513.
123012 Reviewing premarital agreements to protect the state’s interest in marriage/Karen servidea.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.2: 535-578.
123013 Revitalizing the forgotten uniformity constraint on the commerce power/Thomas b. Colby.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.2: 250-346.
123014 Textualism and legislative intent/John f. Manning.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.2: 419-450.
123015 The concealment of religious values in judicial decisionmaking/Scott c. Idleman.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.2: 515-534.
123016 What is textualism?/Caleb nelson.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.2: 347-418.
123017 A forest with no trees: the supreme court and international law in the 2003 term/John k. Setear.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.3: 580-663.
123018 Preserving collective-action rights in employment arbitration/John b. Okeefe.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.3: 823-860.
123019 Prosecuting batterers after crawford/Tom lininger.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.3: 748-818.
123020 The constitutional right against excessive punishment/Youngjae lee.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.3: 678-742.
123021 Justifying the right to self-defense: a theory of forced consequences/Shlomit wallerstein.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.4: 999-1035.
123022 Proportionality and federalization/Stephen f. Smith.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.4: 880-949.
123023 Selection effects in constitutional law/Adrian vermeule.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.4: 953-998.
123024 The indispensable basis of democracy: american catholicism, the church-state debate, and the soul of american liberalism/Zachary r. Calo.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.4: 1037-1073.
123025 A normative theory of business bankruptcy/Alan schwartz.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.5: 1200-1261.
123026 Relocating disorder/Nicole stelle garnett.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.5: 1076-1134.
123027 Specialize the judge, not the court: a lesson from the german constitutional court/Sarang vijay damle.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.5: 1267-1311.
123028 The constitution in two dimensions: a transaction cost analysis of constitutional remedies/Eugene kontorovich.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.5: 1136-1197.
123029 A litigation association model to aggregate mass tort claims for adjudication/Christopher j. Roche.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.6: 1463-1513.
123030 Liberalism, torture, and the ticking bomb/David luban.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.6: 1425-1461.
123031 Monopoly, mercantilism, and the politics of regulation/Thomas b. Nachbar.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.6: 1314-1379.
123032 Shopping for gucci on canal street: reflections on status consumption, intellectual property, and the incentive thesis/Jonathan m. Barnett.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.6: 1381-1423.
123033 A simple proposal to halve litigation costs/David rosenberg, steven shavell.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.7: 1721-1735.
123034 Administrative reconsideration/Daniel bress.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.7: 1737-1793.
123035 Constitutional calcification: how the law becomes what the court does/Kermit roosevelt.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.7: 1650-1720.
123036 Exiting treaties/Laurence r. Helfer.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.7: 1280-1647.
123037 The federal courts, the first congress, and the non-settlement of 1789/Michael g. Collins.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.7: 1517-1575.
123038 A test for criminally instructional speech/leslie kendrick.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.8: 1974-2021.
123039 Clothed with the legitimate authority of the people/Keith e. Whittington.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.7: 2023-2046.
123040 Common-law disclosure duties and the sin of omission: testing the meta-theories/Kimberly d. Krawiec, kathryn zeiler.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.8: 1796-1883.
123041 Property as entrance/Eduardo m. Penalver.- Virginia Law Review. 2005; Vol.91, No.8: 1890-1972.
123042 Habeas settlements/Anup malani.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.1: 2-66.
123043 Information markets: using market predictions to make administrative decisions/Matthew einbinder.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.1: 149-186.
123044 Intellectual property, innovation, and decentralized decisions/Tim wu.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.1: 123-147.
123045 Predictive decisionmaking/Michael abramowicz.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.1: 70-122.
123046 Chevron step zero/Cass r. Sunstein.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.2: 188-247.
123047 Modernizing the critique of per diem pain and suffering damages/Martin v. Totaro.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.1: 289-325.
123048 Rule-based dispute resolution in international trade law/Rachel brewster.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.2: 251-288.
123049 The writing on the wall: miranda’s prior criminal experience exception/Thomas p. Windom.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.2: 327-374.
123050 A jurisprudence of risk assessment: forecasting harm among prisoners, predators, and patients/John monahan.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.3: 392-434.
123051 Exclusionary amenities in residential communities/Lior jacob strahilevitz.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.3: 439-498.
123052 The law clerk who wrote rasul v. Bush: john paul stevens’s influence from world war ii to the war on terror/Joseph t. Thai.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.3: 501-529.
123053 The promise of international law/Andrew t. Guzman.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.3: 533-564.
123054 What makes the d.c. Circuit different? A historical view/John g. Roberts.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.3: 375-389.
123055 An Argument For The Partial Abrogation Of Federally Recognized Indian Tribes Sovereign Power Over Membership/Eric Reitman.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.4: 794-863.
123056 Deforming the federal rules: an essay on what’s wrong with the recent erie decisions/Earl c. Dudley, george rutherglen.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.4: 707-748.
123057 The linkage between justiciability and remedies-and their connections to substantive rights/Richard h. Fallon.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.4: 634-704.
123058 Solving the extraterritoriality problem: lessons from the honest services statute/Pamela karten bookman.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.4: 749-792.
123059 Taking information seriously: misrepresentation and nondisclosure in contract law and elsewhere/Richard craswell.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.4: 566-631.
123060 Intergovernmental liability rules/Amnon lehavi.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.5: 930-988.
123061 Return on political investment: the puzzle of ex ante investment in articles 3 and 4 of the u.c.c./Christopher j.s. Termini.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.5: 1024-1089.
123062 Risk and redistribution in open and closed economies/Mitchell a. Kane.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.5: 868-928.
123063 The right to judicial review/Yuval eylon, alon harel.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.5: 992-1021.
123064 Emergencies and democratic failure/Eric a. Posner, adrian vermeule.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.6: 1092-1145.
123065 The revolution that never came and the revolution coming-de lasteyrie du salliant, marks & spencer, sevic systems and the changing corporate law in europe/Benjamin angelette.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.6: 1189-1223.
123066 True threats and the issue of intent/Paul t. Crane.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.6: 1226-1277.
123067 Two models of tort (and takings)/Scott hershovitz.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.6: 1147-1188.
123068 An efficiency model of section 363(b) sales/Jason brege.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.7: 1639-1685.
123069 Contract theory on and off the grid/Terrance oreilly.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.7: 1581-1603.
123070 Eliminating corrective justice/Steven walt.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.7: 1311-1323.
123071 Freedom and enforcement: comments on ripstein/John g. Bennett.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.7: 1439-1447.
123072 Is as ought: the case of contracts/Barbara fried.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.7: 1375-1389.
123073 Libertarianism, utility, and economic competition/Jonathan wolff.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.7: 1605-1623.
123074 Liberties and markets/A. John simmons.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.7: 1625-1638.
123075 Making and keeping contracts/Daniel markovits.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.7: 1325-1374.
123076 On belling the cat: rawls and tort as corrective justice/Kevin a. Kordana, david h. Tabachnick.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.7: 1279-1310.
123077 Private law and public reason/George rutherglen.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.7: 1503-1515.
123078 Private order and public justice: kant and rawls/Arthur ripstein.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.7: 1391-1438.
123079 Public legal reason/Lawrence b. Solum.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.7: 1450-1500.
123080 The role of formal contract law and enforcement in economic development/Michael trebilcock, jing leng.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.7: 1517-1573.
123081 A line in the sand: implementing scene of the crime stay-away orders as a condition of pretrial release in community prosecution/Robert j. Prince.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.8: 1900-1955.
123082 Addition by subtraction/John harrison.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.8: 1853-1869.
123083 How the constitution makes subtraction easy/Saikrishna prakash.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.8: 1871-1878.
123084 Removal and tenure in office/Saikrishna prakash.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.8: 1781-1852.
123085 The cabining of rosenberger: locke v. Davey and the broad nondiscrimination principle that never was/Alan trammell.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.8: 1958-2018.
123086 Taking its proper place in the constitutional canon: bolling v. Sharpe, korematsu, and the equal protection component of fifth amendment due process/Peter j. Rubin.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.8: 1879-1897.
123087 The piracy paradox: innovation and intellectual property in fashion design/Kal raustiala, christopher sprigman.- Virginia Law Review. 2006; Vol.92, No.8: 1988-1775.
123088 Ambivalence about formalism/Jonathan t. Molot.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.1: 2-56.
123089 How to construe a hybrid statute/Jonathan marx.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.1: 235-286.
123090 Result or reason: the supreme court and the sit-in cases/Brad ervin.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.1: 182-231.
123091 The missing interest: restoration of the contractual equivalence/Eyal zamir.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.1: 60-137.
123092 Why summary judgment is unconstitutional/Suja a. Thomas.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.1: 139-180.
123093 Authorized generics: a prescription for hatch-waxman reform/Thomas chen.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.2: 460-512.
123094 Mens rea and the cost of ignorance/Assaf hamdani.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.2: 416-457.
123095 The temporal dimension of voting rights/Adam b. Cox.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.2: 361-413.
123096 Transparency and determinacy in common law adjudication: a philosophical defense of explanatory economic analysis/Jody s. Kraus.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.2: 287-359.
123097 Economic and legal boundaries of firms/Edward m. Iacobucci, george g. Triantis.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.3: 517-569.
123098 International human rights in american courts/William a. Fletcher.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.3: 651-673.
123099 Professor bebchuk’s brave new world: a reply to the myth of the shareholder franchise/John f. Olson.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.3: 773-787.
123100 The many myths of lucian bebchuk/Martin lipton, william savitt.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.3: 733-758.
123101 The myth of the shareholder franchise/Lucian a. Bebchuk.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.3: 676-732.
123102 The mythical benefits of shareholder control/Lynn a. Stout.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.3: 789-809.
123103 The stockholder franchise is not a myth: a response to professor bebchuk/E. Norman veasey.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.3: 811-825.
123104 Too many notes and not enough votes: lucian bebchuk and emperor joseph ii kvetch about contested director elections and mozart’s seraglio/Jonathan r. Macey.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.3: 759-772.
123105 Treaties domains/Tim wu.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.3: 572-648.
123106 Anticipated judicial vacancies and the power to nominate/Matthew madden.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.4: 1135-1172.
123107 Cooperative localism: federal-local collaboration in an era of state sovereignty/Nestor m. Davidson.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.4: 960-1033.
123108 Delegation really running riot/Larry alexander, saikrishna prakash.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.4: 1035-1079.
123109 Entrapment, punishment, and the sadistic state/Andrew carlon.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.4: 1081-1134.
123110 Does god belong in public schools? By kent greenawalt. Prince-ton univ. Press, 2005./Robert audi.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.4: 1175-1195.
123111 Structural reform prosecution/Brandon l. Garrett.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.4: 854-954.
123112 Extraterritorial patent enforcement and multinational patent litigation: proposed guidelines for u.s. Courts/Kendra robins.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.5: 1260-1313.
123113 Mediating rules in criminal law/Richard a. Bierschbach, alex stein.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.5: 1198-1258.
123114 Rethinking ableman v. Booth and states Rights in wisconsin/Jeffrey schmitt.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.5: 1315-1354.
123115 The dean of chicago’s black lawyers: earl Dickerson and civil rights lawyering in the Years before brown/Jay tidmarsh, stephen robinson.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.5: 1355-1387.
123116 Fair use harbors/Gideon parchomovsky, kevin a. Goldman.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.6: 1484-1532.
123117 Originalism, popular sovereignty, and reverse stare decisis/Kurt t. Lash.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.6: 1438-1480.
123118 Putting pretext in context: employment discrimination, the same-actor inference, and the proper roles of judges and juries/Ross b. Goldman.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.6: 1533-1570.
123119 The (hidden) risk of opportunistic precautions/Ehud guttel.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.6: 1390-1432.
123120 Democratic failure and emergencies: myth or reality?/James mcdonald.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.7: 1776-1826.
123121 Domesticating sole executive agreements/Bradford r. Clark.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.7: 1574-1661.
123122 Not-so-serious threats to judicial Independence/William h. Pryor.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.7: 1759-1783.
123123 The people or the state?: chisholm v. Georgia and popular sovereignty/Randy e. Barnett.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.1: 1729-1758.
123124 What standing is good for/Eugene kontorovich.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.7: 1664-1726.
123125 A new model of administrative enforcement/Robert j. Jackson, david rosenberg.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.8: 1983-2015.
123126 Better a catholic than a communist: reexamining mccollum v. Board of education and zorach v. Clauson/James e. Zucker.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.8: 2069-2117.
123127 Jurisdictional exceptionalism/Michael g. Collins.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.8: 1830-1896.
123128 The case for for-profit charities/Anup malani, eric a. Posner.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.8: 2018-2064.
123129 The questionable use of custom in intellectual property/Jennifer e. Rothman.- Virginia Law Review. 2007; Vol.93, No.8: 1900-1980.
123130 A doctrine of faith and credit/Brian m. Vines.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.1: 247-280.
123131 Finding the proper balance: protecting suicidal students without harming universities/Karin mcananey.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.1: 198-246.
123132 From langdell to law and economics: two conceptions of stare decisis in contract law and theory/Jody s. Kraus.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.1: 137-195.
123133 Information and the market for union representation/Matthew t. Bodie.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.1: 2-77.
123134 Overcoming procedural boundaries/Issachar rosen-zvi, talia fisher.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.1: 80-154.
123135 The low written description bar for software inventions/Ajeet p. Pai.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.2: 458-493.
123136 The networked family: reframing the legal understanding of caregiving and caregivers/Melissa murray.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.1: 386-454.
123137 The supreme court and the politics of death/Stephen f. Smith.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.2: 284-380.
123138 Delaware’s compensation/Michal barzuza.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.3: 523-556.
123139 The right to education in juvenile detention under state constitutions/Katherine twomey.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.3: 766-810.
123140 The suspension clause: english text, imperial contexts, and american implications/Paul d. Halliday, g. Edward white.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.3: 578-712.
123141 The taxation of carried interests in private equity/David a. Weisbach.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.3: 715-764.
123142 Procedural common law/Amy coney barrett.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.4: 814-888.
123143 Citizenship denied: the insular cases and the fourteenth amendment/Lisa maria perez.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.4: 1031-1080.
123144 Judicial sincerity/Micah schwartzman.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.4: 987-1027.
123145 Political cycles of rulemaking:  An empirical portrait of the modern administrative state/Anne joseph oconnell.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.4: 889-986.
123146 Cities, economic development, and the free trade constitution/Richard c. Schragger.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.5: 1092-1162.
123147 How automobile accidents stalled the development of interspousal liability/Elizabeth katz.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.5: 1213-1254.
123148 Patent claim construction: an appeal for chevron deference/Thomas chen.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.5: 1166-1211.
123149 The chicken and the egg: kenneth s. Abraham’s the liability century/Adam f. Scales.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.5: 1259-1279.
123150 A tribute to earl c. Dudley/John c. Jeffries.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.6: 1281-1287.
123151 A tribute to glen o. Robinson/John c. Jeffries.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.6: 1289-1294.
123152 Choice of law, the constitution, and lochner/James y. Stern.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.6: 1509-1566.
123153 Destabilizing discourses: blocking and exploiting a new discourse at work in gonzales v. Carhart/Rebecca e. Ivey.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.6: 1452-1508.
123154 Is osha unconstitutional?/Cass r. Sunstein.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.6: 1407-1449.
123155 Linkage and the deterrence of corporate fraud/Miriam h. Baer.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.6: 1296-1364.
123156 State action, private action, and the thirteenth amendment/George rutherglen.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.6: 1367-1406.
123157 Overvaluing uniformity/Amanda frost.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.7: 1568-1639.
123158 Contextual evidence of gender discrimination: the ascendance of social frameworks/John monahan, laurens walker, gregory mitchell.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.7: 1715-1749.
123159 Doctrinal feedback and (un) reasonable care/James gibson.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.7: 1642-1713.
123160 Massachusetts v. Epa’s regulatory interest theory: a victory for the climate, not public law plaintiffs/Tyler welti.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.7: 1885-2008.
123161 Authority and authorities/Frederick schauer.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.8: 1931-1961.
123162 San antonio independent school district v. Rodriguez and its aftermath/Jeffrey s. Sutton.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.8: 1963-1986.
123163 The uneasy case for transjurisdictional adjudication/Jonathan remy nash.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.7: 1870-1929.
123164 The unrealized promise of section 1983 method-of-execution challenges/Liam j. Montgomery.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.8: 1988-2033.
123165 There’s no free laugh (anymore): the emergence of intellectual property norms and the transformation of stand-up comedy/Dotan oliar, christopher sprigman.- Virginia Law Review. 2008; Vol.94, No.8: 1789-1865.
123166 A fourth amendment metamorphosis: how fourth amendment remedies and regulations facilitated the expansion of the threshold inquiry/Elizabeth canter.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.1: 155-203.
123167 Consumerism and information privacy: how upton sinclair can again save us from ourselves/Benjamin r. Sachs.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.1: 205-252.
123168 Invalid forensic science testimony and wrongful convictions/Brandon l. Garrett, peter j. Neufeld.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.1: 3-96.
123169 The space between markets and hierarchies/George s. Geis.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.1: 100-152.
123170 Marriage and redemption: mormon polygamy in the congressional imagination/Kelly elizabeth phipps.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.2: 437-486.
123171 Of guns, abortions, and the unraveling rule of law/J. Harvie wilkinson.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.2: 254-322.
123172 The antitrust of reputation mechanisms: institutional economics and concerted refusals to deal/Barak d. Richman.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.2: 326-386.
123173 Unmasking john doe: setting a standard for discovery in anonymous internet defamation cases/Jessica l. Chilson.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.2: 389-433.
123174 Chevron has only one step/Matthew c. Stephenson, adrian vermeule.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.3: 597-609.
123175 Chevron’s two steps/Kenneth a. Bamberger, peter l. Strauss.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.3: 611-625.
123176 Deciding on doctrine: anti-miscegenation statutes and the development of equal protection analysis/Rebecca schoff.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.3: 627-665.
123177 Managers, shareholders, and the corporate double tax/Michael doran.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.3: 518-594.
123178 The common law prohibition on party testimony and the development of tort liability/Kenneth s. Abraham.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.3: 489-515.
123179 The common law prohibition on party testimony and the development of tort liability.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.3: 489-515.
123180 A requiem for the retail investor?/Alicia davis evans.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.4: 1105-1129.
123181 Commentary on redesigning the sec: does the treasury have a better idea?/Steven m.h. Wallman.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.4: 825-839.
123182 Coping in a global marketplace: survival strategies for a 75-year-old sec/James d. Cox.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.4: 941-987.
123183 Redesigning the sec: does the treasury have a better idea?/John c. Coffee, hillary a. Sale.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.4: 707-781.
123184 Securities law and the new deal justices/A.c. Pritchard, robert b. Thompson.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.4: 842-925.
123185 The race for the bottom in corporate governance/Frank h. Easterbrook.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.4: 685-706.
123186 The sec, retail investors, and the institutionalization of the securities markets/Donald c. Langevoort.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.4: 1025-1081.
123187 The securities laws and the mechanics of legal change/Barry cushman.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.4: 927-939.
123188 Top cop or regulatory flop? The sec at 75/Jill e. Fisch.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.4: 785-823.
123189 Treatment differences and political realities in the gaap-ifrs debate/William w. Bratton, lawrence a. Cunningham.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.4: 989-1023.
123190 Whither the sec now?/Brian g. Cartwright.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.4: 1085-1104.
123191 Full faith and credit in the early congress/Stephen e. Sachs.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.5: 1203-1278.
123192 Is o centro a sign of hope for rfra claimants?/Matthew nicholson.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.5: 1281-1324.
123193 Standing for the public: a lost history/Elizabeth magill.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.5: 1135-1198.
123194 The hapless ecosystem: a federalist argument in favor of an ecosystem approach to the endangered species act/Scott schwartz.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.5: 1325-1360.
123195 Intent to contract/Gregory klass.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.6: 1443-1499.
123196 National security fact deference/Robert m. Chesney.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.6: 1366-1434.
123197 Originality/Gideon parchomovsky, alex stein.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.6: 1505-1550.
123198 Separate, but equal? Virginia’s independent cities and the purported virtues of voluntary interlocal agreements/David k. Roberts.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.6: 1551-1597.
123199 Constitutional enforcement by proxy/John f. Preis.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.7: 1665-1743.
123200 Counterinsurgency, the war on terror, and the laws of war/Ganesh sitaraman.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.7: 1746-1837.
123201 Interrogation stories/Anne m. Coughlin.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.7: 1601-1659.
123202 Church property and institutional free exercise: the constitutionality of virginia code section 57-9/Fiona mccarthy.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.7: 1843-1890.
123203 Incarceration, accommodation, and strict scrutiny/James d. Nelson.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.8: 2053-2127.
123204 Internet radio: the case for a technology neutral Royalty standard/Andrew stockment.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.8: 2130-2174.
123205 Making good on good intentions: the critical role of motivation in reducing implicit workplace discrimination/Katharine t. Bartlett.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.8: 1895-1971.
123206 The state of state antitakeover law/Michal barzuza.- Virginia Law Review. 2009; Vol.95, No.8: 1975-2047.
123207 Close enough for government work: the committee rulemaking game/Paul j. Stancil.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.1: 71-131.
123208 Placebo ethics: a study in securities disclosure arbitrage/Usha rodrigues, mike stegemoller.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.1: 136-190.
123209 When injury is unavoidable: the vaccine act’s limited preemption of design defect claims/Nitin shah.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.1: 199-239.
123210 An empirical examination of business outsourcing transactions/George s. Geis.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.2: 242-299.
123211 Confusion and coercion in church property litigation.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.2: 443-484.
123212 Reclaiming the immigration constitution of the early republic: prospectivity, uniformity, and transparency/James e. Pfander, theresa r. Wardon.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.2: 371-440.
123213 Unbundled powers/Jacob e. Gersen.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.2: 302-358.
123214 Author autonomy and atomism in copyright law/Molly shaffer van houweling.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.3: 551-641.
123215 Equitable balancing in the age of statutes/Jared a. Goldstein.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.3: 486-546.
123216 Deference in a digital age: the video record and appellate review/Bernadette mary donovan.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.3: 643-676.
123217 Digitizing the fourth amendment: limiting the private search exception in computer investigations/Benjamin holley.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.3: 677-717.
123218 Countering the majoritarian difficulty/Amanda frost, stefanie a. Lindquist.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.4: 721-795.
123219 Judicial review of arbitration awards under State law/Stephen wills murphy.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.4: 888-936.
123220 Race, sex, and rulemaking: administrative Constitutionalism and the workplace, 1960 to The present/Sophia z. Lee.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.4: 800-880.
123221 An ideal colleague/Paul g. Mahoney.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.5: 939-942.
123222 Charge to the class in honor of lillian Bevier/John c. Jeffries.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.5: 943-947.
123223 District court opinions as evidence of influence: green v. School board and the supreme court’s role in local school desegregation/David rhinesmith.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.5: 1137-1199.
123224 Jurisdiction-stripping reconsidered/Richard h. Fallon.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.5: 1044-1133.
123225 The costs of religious accommodation in prisons/Taylor g. Stout.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.5: 1201-1239.
123226 The foreign commerce clause/Anthony j. Colangelo.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.5: 950-1040.
123227 Ex ante regulation of computer search and Seizure/Orin s. Kerr.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.6: 1243-1292.
123228 Habeas corpus, due process and the suspension clause: a study in the foundations of american constitutionalism/Martin h. Redish, colleen mcnamara.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.6: 1362-1415.
123229 Taxing punitive damages/Gregg d. Polsky, dan markel.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.6: 1297-1359.
123230 The future of locke v. Davey/Cleland b. Welton.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.6: 1454-1505.
123231 The invisible hand in legal and political theory/Adrian vermeule.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.6: 1417-1452.
123232 Multiple gatekeepers/Andrew f. Tuch.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.7: 1584-1671.
123233 Taking due account of the apa’s prejudicialerror rule/Craig smith.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.7: 1727-1765.
123234 The hidden function of takings compensation/Abraham bell, gideon parchomovsky.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.7: 1674-1718.
123235 Reforming article v: the problems created by the national convention amendment method and how to fix them/Michael b. Rappaport.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.7: 1511-1580.
123236 Corporate capacity for crime and politics: defining corporate personhood at the turn of the twentieth century/Daniel lipton.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.8: 1912-1963.
123237 Decentralization and development/Richard c. Schragger.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.8: 1837-1907.
123238 Structural exceptionalism and comparative constitutional law/G. Brinton lucas.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.8: 1965-2010.
123239 The state action principle and its critics/Lillian bevier, john harrison.- Virginia Law Review. 2010; Vol.96, No.8: 1768-1830.
123240 Confronting reality: surrogate forensic Science witnesses under the confrontation Clause/Nicholas klaiber.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.1: 199-241.
123241 Original habeas redux/Lee kovarsky.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.1: 62-123.
123242 The complexity of jurisdictional clarity/Scott dodson.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.1: 2-59.
123243 Will employers undermine health care reform by dumping sick employees?/Amy monahan, daniel schwarcz.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.1: 126-197.
123244 Conscience, speech, and money/Micah schwartzman.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.2: 318-352.
123245 Prosecuting federal crimes in state courts/Michael g. Collins, jonathan remy nash.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.2: 251-315.
123246 The untold story of rhode island v. Innis: justice potter stewart and the development of modern self-incrimination doctrine/Jesse c. Stewart.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.8: 431-476.
123247 Toward recognition of a monetary threshold in campaign finance disclosure law/E. Rebecca gantt.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.2: 385-430.
123248 Democracy, freedom of speech, and feminist Theory: a response to post and weinstein/Susan h. Williams.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.3: 606-616.
123249 Democratic participation and the freedom of speech: a response to post and weinstein/Vincent blasi.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.3: 532-540.
123250 Dissent, democratic participation, and first Amendment methodology/Steven shiffrin.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.3: 559-565.
123251 In defense of the marketplace of ideas / search for truth as a theory of free speech protection/Eugene volokh.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.3: 596-601.
123252 Is democracy a sound basis for a free speech principle?/C. Edwin baker.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.3: 515-529.
123253 Methodology in free speech theory/Seana valentine shiffrin.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.3: 549-558.
123254 Participatory democracy and free speech/Robert post.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.3: 477-489.
123255 Participatory democracy as a theory of free Speech a reply/Robert post.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.3: 617-632.
123256 Participatory democracy as the basis of american free speech doctrine: a reply/James weinstein.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.3: 633-679.
123257 Participatory democracy as the central value of american free speech doctrine/James weinstein.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.3: 491-514.
123258 The trouble with public discourse as a limitation on free speech rights/Eugene volokh.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.3: 567-594.
123259 Why not base free speech on autonomy or Democracy?/T.m. Scanlon.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.3: 541-548.
123260 Yoder revisited: why the landmark amish Schooling case could-and should-be Overturned/Gage raley.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.3: 681-722.
123261 Disorder certifying a class: misinterpretations of rule 23(c)(1)(b) and a proposed alternative/Adam milasincic.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.4: 979-1017.
123262 Rethinking proportionality under the cruel and unusual punishments clause/John f. Stinneford.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.4: 901-978.
123263 The (willingly) fettered executive:presidential spinoffs in national security domains and beyond/Jon d. Michaels.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.4: 803-897.
123264 The limits of procedural private ordering/Jaime dodge.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.1: 724-798.
123265 A unified approach to extraterritoriality/Anthony j. Colangelo.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.5: 1020-1109.
123266 Courts as diplomats: encouraging an international patent enforcement treaty through extraterritorial constructions of the patent act/Timothy a. Cook.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.5: 1181-1222.
123267 Nonbelievers/Nelson tebbe.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.5: 112-1179.
123268 Remote deletion technology, license agreements, and the distribution of copyrighted works/Joseph e. Van tassel.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.5: 1223-1261.
123269 Balancing comity with the protection of Preclusion: the scope of the relitigation Exception to the anti-injunction act/Andrea r. Lucas.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.6: 1475-1521.
123270 Larry walker: an intellectual pioneer/Paul g. Mahoney.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.6: 1263-1266.
123271 Same-sex marriage, second-class citizenship, and law’s social meanings/Michael c. Dorf.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.6: 1269-1346.
123272 Second opinions and institutional design/Adrian vermeule.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.6: 1435-1474.
123273 The insignificance of proxy access/Marcel kahan, edward rock.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.6: 1349-1431.
123274 Formalizing local constitutional standards Of review and the implications for federalism/David a. King.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.7: 1685-1725.
123275 Laying claim to the constitution: the promise of new textualism/James e. Ryan.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.7: 1524-1572.
123276 Modern police practices: arizona v. Gant’s illusory restriction of vehicle searches incident to arrest/Seth w. Stoughton.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.7: 1727-1773.
123277 Privatizing international law/Paul b. Stephan.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.7: 1579-1663.
123278 The constitutionality and advisability of Recess appointments of article iii judges/Diana gribbon motz.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.7: 1665-1684.
123279 A course unbroken: the constitutional legitimacy of the dormant commerce clause/Barry friedman, daniel t. Deacon.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.8: 1877-1932.
123280 Globalized corporate prosecutions/Brandon l. Garrett.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.8: 1776-1870.
123281 Reclaiming the legal fiction of congressional delegation/Lisa schultz bressman.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.8: 2009-2050.
123282 Securing sovereign state standing/Katherine mims crocker.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.8: 2052-2100.
123283 The myth of efficient breach: new defenses of the expectation interest/Daniel markovits, alan schwartz.- Virginia Law Review. 2011; Vol.97, No.8: 1940-2005.
123284 A consumer decision-making theory of trademark law/Mark p. Mckenna.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.1: 68-141.
123285 Rescuing international investment arbitration: introducing derivative actions, class actions, and compulsory joinder/Joseph dagostino.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.1: 177-229.
123286 Must i mean what you think i should have said?/Seana valentine shiffrin.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.1: 159-176.
123287 The end of campaign finance law/Michael s. Kang.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.1: 2-63.
123288 To perform or pay damages/Gregory klass.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.1: 143-158.
123289 Applying constitutional decision rules versus invalidating statutes in toto/Scott a. Keller, misha tseytlin.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.2: 307-365.
123290 Content discrimination revisited/Leslie kendrick.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.2: 232-296.
123291 Law and grace/William j. Stuntz.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.2: 367-384.
123292 The speech or debate clause should not confer evidentiary or non-disclosure privileges/Wells harrell.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.2: 385-424.
123293 Rethinking the road to gault: limiting social control in the juvenile court, 1957-1972/Daniel a. Ross.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.2: 425-477.
123294 Atrocity, entitlement, and personhood in property/Daniel j. Sharfstein.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.3: 636-689.
123295 De facto supremacy: supreme court control of state commercial law/J. Benton hurst.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.3: 691-728.
123296 Regulation, unemployment, and cost-benefit Analysis/Jonathan s. Masur, eric a. Posner.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.3: 580-633.
123297 Unconstitutional conditions: the irrelevance of consent/Philip hamburger.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.3: 491-574.
123298 The constitutionality of federal jurisdiction-stripping legislation and the history of state judicial selection and tenure/Brian t. Fitzpatrick.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.4: 839-893.
123299 The law of nations as constitutional law/Anthony j. Bellia, bradford r. Clark.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.4: 731-838.
123300 The original public meaning of the fifth amendment and pre-miranda silence/Andrew j. M. Bentz.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.4: 897-934.
123301 Enforcing (but not defending) unconstitutional laws/Aziz z. Huq.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.5: 1003-1089.
123302 Examining the conflict between municipal receivership and local autonomy/Lyle kossis.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.5: 1109-1148.
123303 Forum domination: religious speech in extremely limited public fora/Nicholas matich.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.5: 1149-1187.
123304 Market segmentation: the rise of nevada as a liability-free jurisdiction/Michal barzuza.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.5: 938-999.
123305 The expectation remedy revisited/Daniel markovits, alan schwartz.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.5: 1093-1107.
123306 Closing the accountability gap for indian Tribes: balancing the right to selfdetermination With the right to a remedy/Clare boronow.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.6: 1373-1425.
123307 Confronting supreme court fact finding/Allison orr larsen.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.6: 1264-1312.
123308 Foreword: academic influence on the court/Neal kumar katyal.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.6: 1189-1194.
123309 Not the power to destroy: an effects theory Of the tax power/Robert d. Cooter, neil s. Siegel.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.6: 1196-1252.
123310 The relational contingency of rights/Gideon parchomovsky, alex stein.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.6: 1314-1371.
123311 A tribute to jeffrey o’connell/Paul g. Mahoney.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.7: 1435-1438.
123312 A tribute to michael p. Dooley/Paul g. Mahoney.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.7: 1427-1433.
123313 Free speech, hate speech, and the hostile speech environment/S. Cagle juhan.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.7: 1578-1618.
123314 Making a statement about private securities litigation: the merits and implications of the supreme court’s janus capital case/Alexander c. Krueger-wyman.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.7: 1621-1664.
123315 Reconstructing murdock v. Memphis/Michael g. Collins.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.7: 1441-1499.
123316 Taking conscience seriously/Elizabeth sepper.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.7: 1502-1573.
123317 Expressive incentives in intellectual property/Jeanne c. Fromer.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.7: 1746-1816.
123318 Glucksberg, lawrence, and the decline of loving’s marriage precedent/Jeremiah egger.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.8: 1825-1860.
123319 Supreme court review of misconstructions of sister state law/William b. Sohn.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.8: 1861-1896.
123320 The effect of bargaining power on contract design/Albert choi, george triantis.- Virginia Law Review. Vol.98, No.8: 1667-1735.
123321 Appeals by prevailing parties after camreta/Galen bascom.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.1: 225-259.
123322 Courts on courts: contracting for engagement and indifference in international judicial encounters/Paul b. Stephan.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.1: 21-106.
123323 One hundred years of law reviewed/Ronald j. Fisher.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.1: 1-15.
123324 Property, exclusivity, and jurisdiction/James y. Stern.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.1: 112-180.
123325 The perverse effects of efficiency in criminal process/Darryl k. Brown.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.1: 183-223.
123326 Common sense about common decency: promoting a New standard for guard-on-inmate sexual abuse Under the eighth amendment/Megan coker.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.2: 437-477.
123327 Improving rights/Nancy leong.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.2: 378-436.
123328 Market efficiency after the financial crisis: it’s still a matter of information costs/Ronald j. Gilson, reinier kraakman.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.2: 314-373.
123329 Shareholder derivative litigation and the preclusion problem/George s. Geis.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.2: 262-312.
123330 A market-based tool to reduce systematic undervaluation of collateral in residential mortgage foreclosures/Stephen guynn.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.3: 587-627.
123331 The hidden nature of executive retirement pay/Robert j. Jackson, colleen honigsberg.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.3: 479-522.
123332 The monitor client relationship/Veronica root.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.3: 524-585.
123333 Concurrent damages/Bert i. Huang.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.4: 712-765.
123334 Glass versus steagall: the fight over federalism and american banking/Jacob h. Gutwillig.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.4: 771-815.
123335 Immigration’s family values/Kerry abrams, r. Kent piacenti.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.4: 630-707.
123336 Beyond title vii: rethinking race, ex-offender status, and employment discrimination in the information age/Kimani paul-emile.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.5: 894-951.
123337 States as interest groups in the administrative process/Miriam seifter.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.5: 954-1024.
123338 Surprisingly punitive damages/Bert i. Huang.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.5: 1028-1056.
123339 We the people: the original meaning of popular sovereignty/Andrew g. I. Kilberg.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.5: 1061-1109.
123340 A tribute to peter low/Paul g. Mahoney.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.6: 1111-1114.
123341 Contracting for good: how benefit corporations Empower investors and redefine shareholder Value/Jacob e. Hasler.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.6: 1279-1322.
123342 Offsetting benefits/Ariel porat, eric posner.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.6: 1165-1207.
123343 Reforming (and saving) the irs by respecting the Public’s right to know/George k. Yin.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.6: 1116-1162.
123344 Transactionalism costs/Alan m. Trammell.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.6: 1211-1268.
123345 A rule of lenity for national security surveillance law/Orin s. Kerr.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.7: 1513-1543.
123346 An empirical analysis of sue-and-settle in environmental litigation/Ben tyson.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.7: 1545-1601.
123347 Another look at professor rodell’s goodbye to law reviews/Harry t. Edwards.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.7: 1483-1511.
123348 Litigating the financial crisis/David zaring.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.8: 1405-1481.
123349 The new local/Nadav shoked.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.7: 1325-1400.
123350 Federalism, due process, and equal protection: Stereoscopic synergy in bond and windsor/Lide e. Paterno.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.8: 1820-1872.
123351 Lambert revisited/Peter w. Low, benjamin charles wood.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.8: 1604-1678.
123352 The trouble with amicus facts/Allison orr larsen.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.8: 1758-1817.
123353 Unplanned coauthorship/Shyamkrishna balganesh.- Virginia Law Review. 2014; Vol.100, No.8: 1683-1755.
123354 Clean air act preemption of state common law: greenhouse gas nuisance claims after aep v. Connecticut/Scott gallisdorfer.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.1: 131-168.
123355 Persuasion treaties/Melissa j. Durkee.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.1: 64-129.
123356 The forgotten foundations of hart and sacks/Charles l. Barzun.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.1: 2-61.
123357 Through the antitrust looking glass: a new vision Of delaware’s takeover-defense jurisprudence/R. Wai wong.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.1: 169-206.
123358 Chevron and constitutional doubt/Jonathan d. Urick.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.2: 375-418.
123359 Prosecutorial administration: prosecutor bias and The department of justice/Rachel e. Barkow.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.2: 272-341.
123360 The liability rule for constitutional torts/John c. Jeffries.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.2: 207-270.
123361 Why the religious freedom restoration act Provides a defense in suits by private plaintiffs/Shruti chaganti.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.2: 343-374.
123362 Originalism and the other desegregation decision/Ryan c. Williams.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.3: 494-570.
123363 Plenary power preemption/Kerry abrams.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.3: 601-640.
123364 The new education malpractice litigation/Ethan hutt, aaron tang.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.3: 420-491.
123365 The political economy of financial rulemaking After business roundtable/Jonathan d. Guynn.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.3: 641-682.
123366 A constitutional theory of habeas power/Lee kovarsky.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.4: 754-810.
123367 Constitutional privileging/Michael coenen.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.4: 684-751.
123368 The dark side of town: the social capital Revolution in residential property law/Stephanie m. Stern.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.4: 812-877.
123369 The principal problem: towards a more limited role For fiduciary law in the nonprofit sector/Natalie brown.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.4: 879-915.
123370 Against religious institutionalism/Richard schragger, micah schwartzman.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.5: 918-984.
123371 Defending (religious) institutionalism/Paul horwitz.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.5: 1049-1063.
123372 Economic liberty and the second-order rational basis test/Austin raynor.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.5: 1065-1102.
123373 International law and the domestic separation of powers/Jean galbraith.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.5: 988-1048.
123374 Breaking bankruptcy priority: how rent-seeking upends the creditors  bargain/Mark j. Roe, frederick tung.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.6: 1236-1289.
123375 Forgotten but not lost: the original public meaning of section 4 of the fourteenth amendment/Stuart mccommas.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.6: 1291-1326.
123376 On derivatives markets and social welfare: a theory of empty voting and hidden ownership/Jordan m. Barry, john william hatfield, scott duke kominers.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.6: 1105-1167.
123377 Policing procedure before substance: reforming Judicial review of the factual predicates to Legislation/David parker.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.6: 1327-1359.
123378 Tax in the cathedral: property rules, liability rules, and tax/Andrew blair-stanek.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.6: 1171-1232.
123379 Inferred classifications/Stephen m. Rich.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.7: 1533-1604.
123380 Malicious prosecution claims in section 1983 lawsuits/Lyle kossis.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.7: 1635-1671.
123381 National security trials: a judge’s perspective/T.s. Ellis.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.7: 1607-1633.
123382 Standing for the structural constitution/Aziz z. Huq.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.7: 1436-1523.
123383 The imbecilic executive/Saikrishna bangalore prakash.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.7: 1362-1432.
123384 An empirical analysis of the foreign corrupt Practices act/Anne h. Lippitt.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.8: 1893-1930.
123385 Historical gloss and congressional power: Control over access to national security secrets/Jared cole.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.8: 1855-1891.
123386 Self-proving causation/Kenneth s. Abraham.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.8: 1811-1853.
123387 To say what the law is: rules, results, and the Dangers of inferential stare decisis/Adam n. Steinman.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.8: 1738-1809.
123388 Why do juries decide if patents are valid?/Mark a. Lemley.- Virginia Law Review. 2013; Vol.99, No.8: 1677-1735.
123389 Eliminating the single-entity rule in joint infringement cases: liability for the last step/Ben aiken.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.1: 193-230.
123390 Patent experimentalism/Lisa larrimore ouellette.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.1: 66-127.
123391 The corporate settlement mill/Dana a. Remus, adam s. Zimmerman.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.1: 130-189.
123392 The legitimacy of (some) federal common law/Caleb nelson.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.1: 2-63.
123393 Contaminated confessions revisited/Brandon l. Garrett.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.2: 395-454.
123394 The case against federalizing trade secrecy/Christopher b. Seaman.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.2: 319-393.
123395 The changing face of the supreme court/A. E. Dick howard.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.2: 233-315.
123396 The significance of parental domicile under the citizenship clause/Justin lollman.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.2: 455-500.
123397 What killed the violence against women act’s civil rights remedy before the supreme court did?/Caroline s. Schmidt.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.2: 502-555.
123398 Clean air post-healthcare: the federalism limits of The spending power and the future of Environmental regulation/Sarah buckley.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.3: 807-848.
123399 Contract’s role in relational contract/Scott baker, albert choi.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.3: 559-607.
123400 Exiled from education: plyler v. Doe’s impact on the Constitutionality of long-term suspensions and Expulsions/Robyn k. Bitner.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.3: 764-804.
123401 Reasonable expectations of anonymity/Jeffrey m. Skopek.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.3: 691-761.
123402 The original source of the cause of action in Federal courts: the example of the alien tort Statute/Anthony j. Bellia, bradford r. Clark.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.3: 610-688.
123403 Comments on ristroph’s sovereignty and subversion/Mark c. Murphy.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.4: 1055-1062.
123404 Intellectual history and constitutional decision making/G. Edward white.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.4: 1165-1178.
123405 Intellectual history as constitutional theory/Lawrence b. Solum.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.4: 1112-1163.
123406 Jurisprudence and (its) history/Charles barzun, dan priel.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.4: 849-867.
123407 Jurisprudence, history, and the institutional Quality of law/Nicola lacey.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.4: 919-945.
123408 Jurisprudence, the sociable science/Gerald j. Postema.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.4: 869-901.
123409 Marx, law, ideology, legal positivism/Brian leiter.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.4: 1179-1196.
123410 Of weevils and witches: what can we learn from The ghost of responsibility past?/Kimberly kessler ferzan.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.4: 947-956.
123411 Philosophical inquiry and historical practice/John henry schlegel.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.4: 1197-1202.
123412 Redrawing the dividing lines between natural law And positivism/Jeffrey a. Pojanowski.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.4: 1023-1027.
123413 Sovereignty and subversion/Alice ristroph.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.4: 1029-1053.
123414 The constitution and the philosophy of language: Entailment, implicature, and implied powers/John mikhail.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.4: 1063-1103.
123415 The path-dependence of legal positivism/Frederick schauer.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.4: 957-976.
123416 Time-mindedness and jurisprudence/David luban.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.4: 903-917.
123417 Toward classical legal positivism/Dan priel.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.4: 987-1022.
123418 Unintended implications/Deborah hellman.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.4: 1105-1110.
123419 What can the history of jurisprudence do for jurisprudence?/Steven walt.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.4: 977-985.
123420 Aligning campaign finance law/Nicholas o. Stephanopoulos.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.5: 1425-1499.
123421 Experimentation and patent validity: restoring the supreme court’s incandescent lamp patent precedent/Kevin t. Richards.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.5: 1545-1577.
123422 Inside-out: beyond the internal/external distinction in legal scholarship/Charles l. Barzun.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.5: 1204-1285.
123423 Reading statutes in the common law tradition/Jeffrey a. Pojanowski.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.5: 1358-1424.
123424 Reassessing the doctrine of judicial estoppel: the implications of the judicial integrity rationale/Nicole c. Frazer.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.5: 1502-1543.
123425 Taking care of federal law/Leah m. Litman.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.5: 1289-1356.
123426 Corporate inversions and the unbundling of regulatory competition/Eric l. Talley.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.6: 1650-1748.
123427 Patent trolls and preemption/Paul r. Gugliuzza.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.6: 1580-1646.
123428 Taming title loans/Ryan baasch.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.6: 1753-1788.
123429 Commercial speech, commercial use, and the intellectual property quagmire/Jennifer e. Rothman.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.7: 1930-2008.
123430 Confronting big data: applying the confrontation clause to government data collection/Chad squitieri.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.7: 2012-2049.
123431 Constructing issue classes/Elizabeth chamblee burch.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.7: 1856-1927.
123432 The corporate criminal as scapegoat/Brandon l. Garrett.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.7: 1790-1849.
123433 Appointing chapter 11 trustees in reorganizations of religious institutions/Colin m. Downes.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.8: 2225-2261.
123434 Changing the vocabulary of the vagueness doctrine/Peter w. Low,  joel s. Johnson.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.8: 2052-2115.
123435 Excising federalism: the consequences of baker v. Carr beyond the electoral arena/Franklin sacha.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.8: 2263-2298.
123436 Insincere rules/Michael d. Gilbert.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.8: 2185-2223.
123437 Measuring the impact of plausibility pleading/Alexander a. Reinert.- Virginia Law Review. 2015; Vol.101, No.8: 2118-2172.
123438 Many-Minds Arguments in Legal Theory/Adrian Vermeule.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2009; Vol.1, No.1: 1-45.
123439 Are Judges Overpaid?: A Skeptical Response to the Judicial Salary Debate/Stephen J. Choi, G. Mitu Gulati, Eric A. Posner.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2009; Vol.1, No.1: 47-117.
123440 Equality in Criminal Law: The Two Divergent Western Roads/James Q. Whitman.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2009; Vol.1, No.1: 119-165.
123441 Judicial Review of Class Action Settlements/Jonathan R. Macey, Geoffrey P. Miller.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2009; Vol.1, No.1: 167-205.
123442 Impossibility, Impracticability, and Frustration/Melvin A. Eisenberg.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2009; Vol.1, No.1: 207-261.
123443 Extremism and Social Learning/Edward L. Glaeser, Cass R. Sunstein.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2009; Vol.1, No.1: 263-324.
123444 Bonham’s Case, Judicial Review, and the Law of Nature/R.H. Helmholz.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2009; Vol.1, No.1: 325-354.
123445 Estimating the Effect of Damages Caps in Medical Malpractice Cases: Evidence from Texas/David A. Hyman … [et al.].- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2009; Vol.1, No.1: 355-409.
123446 Competing Models of Judicial Coalition Formation and Case Outcome Determination/Tonja Jacobi.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2009; Vol.1, No.2: 411-458.
123447 Accession and Original Ownership/Thomas W. Merrill.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2009; Vol.1, No.2: 459-510.
123448 Creditor Control and Conflict in Chapter 11/Kenneth M. Ayotte, Edward R. Morrison.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2009; Vol.1, No.2: 511-551.
123449 The Role of Probability of Detection in Judgments of Punishment/Jonathan Baron, Ilana Ritov.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2009; Vol.1, No.2: 553-590.
123450 Reforming the Taxation and Regulation of Mutual Funds: A Comparative Legal and Economic Analysis/John C. Coates.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2009; Vol.1, No.2: 591-689.
123451 Social Norms in the Courts of Ancient Athens/Adriaan Lanni.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2009; Vol.1, No.2: 691-736.
123452 The Prisoners’ (Plea Bargain) Dilemma/Oren Bar-Gill, Omri Ben-Shahar.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2009; Vol.1, No.2: 737-773.
123453 Rational Judicial Behavior: A Statistical Study/William M. Landes, Richard A. Posner.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2009; Vol.1, No.2: 775-831.
123454 Why the Google Books Settlement is Procompetitive/Einer Elhauge.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2010; Vol.2, No.1: 1-68.
123455 Did a Switch in Time Save Nine?/Daniel E. Ho, Kevin M. Quinn.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2010; Vol.2, No.1: 69-113.
123456 The Dispensable Lives of Soldiers/Gabriella Blum.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2010; Vol.2, No.1: 115-170.
123457 International Soft Law/Andrew T. Guzman, Timothy L. Meyer.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2010; Vol.2, No.1: 171-225.
123458 The Easy Core Case for Judicial Review/Alon Harel, Tsvi Kahana.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2010; Vol.2, No.1: 227-256.
123459 Ambiguity about Ambiguity: An Empirical Inquiry into Legal Interpretation/Ward Farnsworth, Dustin F. Guzior, Anup Malani.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2010; Vol.2, No.1: 257-300.
123460 Should Copyright of Academic Works be Abolished?/Steven Shavell.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2010; Vol.2, No.1: 301-358.
123461 Excuse Doctrine: The Eisenberg Uncertainty Principle/Victor P. Goldberg.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2010; Vol.2, No.1: 359-381.
123462 Impossibility, Impracticability, and Frustration – Professor Goldberg Constructs an Imaginary Article, Attributes it to Me, and then Criticizes it/Melvin A. Eisenberg.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2010; Vol.2, No.1: 383-396.
123463 The Meaning of Contractual Silence: A Field Experiment/Yair Listokin.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2010; Vol.2, No.2: 397-416.
123464 Divide and Conquer/Eric A. Posner, Kathryn E. Spier, Adrian Vermeule.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2010; Vol.2, No.2: 417-471.
123465 The Questionable Case for Subsidies Regulation: A Comparative Perspective/Alan O. Sykes.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2010; Vol.2, No.2: 473-523.
123466 Institutional Support of the Firm: A Theory of Business Registries/Benito Arrunada.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2010; Vol.2, No.2: 525-576.
123467 The Decision to Award Punitive Damages: An Empirical Study/Theodore Eisenberg … [et al.].- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2010; Vol.2, No.2: 577-620.
123468 The Effect of Universal Health Insurance on Malpractice Claims: The Japanese Experience/J. Mark Ramseyer.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2010; Vol.2, No.2: 621-686.
123469 Costly Screens and Patent Examination/Jonathan S. Masur.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2010; Vol.2, No.2: 687-734.
123470 Subsidizing The Press/David M. Schizer.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2011; Vol.3, No.1: 1-64.
123471 The Case Against Foreign Tax Credits/Daniel Shaviro.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2011; Vol.3, No.1: 65-100.
123472 Why (And When) Judges Dissent: A Theoretical And Empirical Analysis/Lee Epstein, William M. Landes, Richard A. Posner.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2011; Vol.3, No.1: 101-137.
123473 An Economic Analysis of Fact Witness Payment/Ezra Friedman, Eugene Kontorovich.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2011; Vol.3, No.1: 139-164.
123474 Whence Comes Section One? The Abolitionist Origins of the Fourteenth Amendment/Randy E. Barnett.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2011; Vol.3, No.1: 165-263.
123475 Should Business Method Inventions be Patentable?/Daniel F. Spulber.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2011; Vol.3, No.1: 265-340.
123476 Trial by Battle/Peter T. Leeson.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2011; Vol.3, No.1: 341-375.
123477 Legal Origin or Colonial History?/Daniel M. Klerman … [et al.].- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2011; Vol.3, No.2: 379-409.
123478 Hybrid Judicial Career Structures: Reputation Versus Legal Tradition/Nuno Garoupa, Tom Ginsburg.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2011; Vol.3, No.2: 411-448.
123479 Direct versus Communications-Based Prohibitions on Price Fixing/Louis Kaplow.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2011; Vol.3, No.2: 449-538.
123480 Traynor (Drennan) Versus Hand (Baird): Much Ado About (Almost) Nothing/Victor P. Goldberg.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2011; Vol.3, No.2: 539-585.
123481 Introduction: Political Risk And Public Law/Adrian Vermeule.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2012; Vol.4, No.1: 1-6.
123482 Constitution-Making and Violence/Jon Elster.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2012; Vol.4, No.1: 7-39.
123483 The Political Risks of Fighting Market Failures: Subversion, Populism and the Government Sponsored Enterprises/Edward L. Glaeser.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2012; Vol.4, No.1: 41-82.
123484 The Political Risks (if any) of Breaking the Law/Frederick Schauer.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2012; Vol.4, No.1: 83-101.
123485 The First Amendment and Political Risk/Mark Tushnet.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2012; Vol.4, No.1: 103-130.
123486 The Evolution of Contractual Terms in Sovereign Bonds/Stephen J. Choi, Mitu Gulati, Eric A. Posner.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2012; Vol.4, No.1: 131-179.
123487 Precautionary Principles in Constitutional Law/Adrian Vermeule.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2012; Vol.4, No.1: 181-222.
123488 Scholars’ Briefs and the Vocation of a Law Professor/Richard H. Fallon.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2012; Vol.4, No.1: 223-269.
123489 Lessons from the Automobile Reorganizations/Douglas G. Baird.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2012; Vol.4, No.1: 271-300.
123490 The Law’s Delay: A Test of the Mechanisms of Judicial Peer Effects/Thomas J. Miles.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2012; Vol.4, No.2: 301-327.
123491 A Dynamic Model of Doctrinal Choice/Scott Baker, Pauline T. Kim.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2012; Vol.4, No.2: 329-363.
123492 Who Hangs Whom for What? The Death Penalty in Japan/J. Mark Ramseyer.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2012; Vol.4, No.2: 365-405.
123493 A Positive Theory And Empirical Analysis Of Strategic Word Choice In District Court Opinions/Rachael K. Hinkle … [et al.].- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2012; Vol.4, No.2: 407-444.
123494 Standing the Test of Time: The Breadth of Majority Coalitions and the fate of U.S. Supreme Court Precedents/Stuart Minor Benjamin, Bruce A. Desmarais.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2012; Vol.4, No.2: 445-469.
123495 What Is Law? A Coordination Model of the Characteristics of Legal Order/Gillian K. Hadfield, Barry R. Weingast.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2012; Vol.4, No.2: 471-514.
123496 Tenancy In Anticommons? A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Co-Ownership/Yun-chien Chang.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2012; Vol.4, No.2: 515-553.
123497 Notice Failure and Notice Externalities/Peter S. Menell, Michael J. Meurer.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2013; Vol.5, No.1: 1-59.
123498 Unconstitutional Conditions Questions Everywhere: The Implications of Exit and Sorting for Constitutional Law and Theory/Adam B. Cox, Adam M. Samaha.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2013; Vol.5, No.1: 61-106.
123499 Rights to do Grave Wrong/Mark Osiel.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2013; Vol.5, No.1: 107-219.
123500 Rationing Legal Services/I. Glenn Cohen.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2013; Vol.5, No.1: 221-307.
123501 Editorial Bias in Legal Academia/Albert H. Yoon.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2013; Vol.5, No.2: 309-338.
123502 Moral Realism and the Heuristics Debate/Mark Kelman.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2013; Vol.5, No.2: 339-397.
123503 How the Chrysler Reorganization Differed from Prior Practice/Mark J. Roe, Joo-Hee Chung.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2013; Vol.5, No.2: 399-436.
123504 An Information-Forcing Approach to the Motion to Dismiss/Samuel Issacharoff, Geoffrey Miller.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2013; Vol.5, No.2: 437-465.
123505 An Economic Perspective on As Such/Facial versus As Applied Challenges in the WTO and U.S. Constitutional Systems/Alan O. Sykes.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2014; Vol.6, No.1: 1-33.
123506 Systemic Harms and Shareholder Value/John Armour, Jeffrey N. Gordon.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2014; Vol.6, No.1: 35-85.
123507 Federalism as a Way Station: Windsor as Exemplar of Doctrine in Motion/Neil S. Siegel.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2014; Vol.6, No.1: 87-150.
123508 Exit from Contract/Oren Bar-Gill, Omri Ben-Shahar.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2014; Vol.6, No.1: 151-183.
123509 Over-Accountability/Jacob E. Gersen, Matthew C. Stephenson.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2014; Vol.6, No.2: 185-243.
123510 Rethinking Personal Jurisdiction/Daniel Klerman.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2014; Vol.6, No.2: 245-303.
123511 Incentives to Invest in Litigation and the Superiority of the Class Action/David Rosenberg, Kathryn E. Spier.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2014; Vol.6, No.2: 305-365.
123512 Understanding the AMT, and Its Unadopted Sibling, the AMxT/James R. Hines, Kyle D. Logue.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2014; Vol.6, No.2: 367-408.
123513 Regulation as Delegation/Oren Bar-Gill, Cass R. Sunstein.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2015; Vol.7, No.1: 1-36.
123514 The American Criminal Code: General Defenses/Paul H. Robinson … [et al.].- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2015; Vol.7, No.1: 37-150.
123515 Distributionally Weighted Cost-Benefit Analysis: Welfare Economics Meets Organizational Design/David A. Weisbach.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2015; Vol.7, No.1: 151-182.
123516 Trademark Functionality Reexamined/Robert G. Bone.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2015; Vol.7, No.1: 183-246.
123517 The Medieval Law Merchant: The Tyranny of a Construct/Emily Kadens.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2015; Vol.7, No.2: 251-289.
123518 Building Legal Order in Ancient Athens/Federica Carugati, Gillian K. Hadfield, Barry R. Weingast.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2015; Vol.7, No.2: 291-324.
123519 Third-Party Beneficiaries and Contractual Networks/Alan Schwartz, Robert E. Scott.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2015; Vol.7, No.2: 325-361.
123520 Trust, Reputation, and Law: the Evolution of Commitment in Investment Banking/Alan D. Morrison, William J. Wilhelm.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2015; Vol.7, No.2: 363-420.
123521 Social Capital and the Formal Legal System: Evidence from Prefecture-Level Data in Japan/J. Mark Ramseyer.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2015; Vol.7, No.2: 421-466.
123522 Trade Associations, Lobbying, and Endogenous Institutions/Maria Larrain, Jens Prufer.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2015; Vol.7, No.2: 467-516.
123523 Strategic Bias Shifting: Herding as a Behaviorally Rational Response to Regret Aversion/Jennifer Arlen, Stephan Tontrup.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2015; Vol.7, No.2: 517-560.
123524 Beyond Relational Contracts: Social Capital and Network Governance in Procurement Contracts/Lisa Bernstein.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2015; Vol.7, No.2: 561-621.
123525 Don’t elect me: sheriffs and the need for reform in county law enforcement/James tomberlin.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.1: 113-157.
123526 Fee-shifting and shareholder litigation/Albert h. Choi.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.1: 60-110.
123527 Should the rules committees have an amicus role?/Scott dodson.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.1: 59-2.
123528 Deregulation and the subprime crisis/Paul g. Mahoney.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.2: 236-300.
123529 Textualism and statutory precedents/Anita s. Krishnakumar.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.2: 159-224.
123530 Was that a yes or a no  reviewing voluntariness in consent searches/James c. Mcglinchy.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.2: 302-340.
123531 Is powell still valid? The supreme court’s changing stance on cruel and unusual punishment/Maria slater.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.3: 549-585.
123532 Legal innocence and federal habeas/Leah m. Litman.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.3: 418-495.
123533 Mining for meaning: an examination of the legality of property rights in space resources/Amanda m. Leon.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.3: 498-546.
123534 The damagings clauses/Maureen e. Brady.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.3: 343-415.
123535 Congress as elephant/Saikrishna bangalore prakash.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.3: 798-841.
123536 Federal decentralization/David fontana.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.4: 729-794.
123537 Justice souter’s common law/Charles l. Barzun.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.4: 654-724.
123538 The presumption of civil innocence/Hon. J. Harvie wilkinson.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.4: 590-643.
123539 A tribute to gordon hylton/Risa l. Goluboff.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.5: 843-846.
123540 Subsidizing segregation/Joy milligan.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.5: 849-932.
123541 The writ-of-erasure fallacy/Jonathan f. Mitchell.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.5: 934-1019.
123542 The death penalty as incapacitation/Marah stith mcleod.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.6: 1124-1192.
123543 The missing theory of representation in citizens united/Harrison marino.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.6: 1200-1228.
123544 The securities law implications of financial illiteracy/Lisa m. Fairfax.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.6: 1072-1121.
123545 Legal design for the good man/Rebecca stone.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.7: 1769-1831.
123546 The positive right to marry/Gregg strauss.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.7: 1692-1765.
123547 The rationality of rational basis review/Thomas b. Nachbar.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.7: 1629-1689.
123548 Corporations, unions, and the illusion of symmetry/James d. Nelson.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.8: 1970-1970.
123549 In defense of the secular purpose status quo/David r. Williams.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.8: 2078-2111.
123550 Overcoming overcorrection: towards holistic military sexual assault reform/Greg rustico.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.8: 2028-2071.
123551 The amicus machine/Allison orr larsen, neal devins.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.8: 1902-1967.
123552 Unbundling the tort of copyright infringement/Patrick r. Goold.- Virginia Law Review. 2016; Vol.102, No.8: 1835-1898.
123553 (Un) limiting administrative review: wind river, section 2401(a), and the right to challenge federal agencies/John kendrick.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.1: 158-209.
123554 Crackdowns/Mila sohoni.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.1: 33-104.
123555 Jettisoning jurisdictional: asserting the substantive nature of supremacy clause immunity/Stephen a. Cobb.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.1: 108-155.
123556 Sovereign immunity and the constitutional text/William baude.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.1: 2-28.
123557 A tactical fourth amendment/Brandon garrett, seth stoughton.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.2: 213-304.
123558 Government admissions and federal rule of evidence/Jared m. Kelson.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.2: 356-410.
123559 The economic foundation of the dormant commerce clause/Michael s. Knoll, ruth mason.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.2: 310-353.
123560 Information gaps and shadow banking/Kathryn judge.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.3: 413-481.
123561 Religion is special enough/Christopher c. Lund.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.3: 482-523.
123562 Targeting detached corporate intermediaries in the terrorist supply chain: dial 2339/13224 for assistance?/Lauren c. Oleary.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.3: 527-583.
123563 The distribution of power in the appointments clause/Daniel s. Cohen.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.4: 675-743.
123564 Entrenchment, incrementalism, and constitutional collapse/Michael d. Gilbert.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.4: 632-672.
123565 The untenable case for perpetual dual-class stock/Lucian a. Bebchuk, kobi kastiel.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.4: 587-631.
123566 Situational severability/Brian charles lea.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.5: 736-805.
123567 The constitutional right to collateral post-conviction review/Carlos m. Vazquez, stephen i. Vladeck.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.5: 907-961.
123568 The law presidents make/Daphna renan.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.5: 806-902.
123569 Toward an international right against self-incrimination: expanding the fifth amendment’s compelled to foreign compulsion/Neal modi.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.5: 962-1013.
123570 Ambition and fruition in federal criminal law: a case study/Lauren m. Ouziel.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.6: 1078-1141.
123571 Constitutional avoidance: the single subject rule as an interpretive principle/Daniel n. Boger.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.6: 1248-1292.
123572 Copyright survives: rethinking the copyright-contract conflict/Guy a. Rub.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.6: 1143-1232.
123573 Exorcising the clergy privilege/Christine p. Bartholomew.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.6: 1016-1077.
123574 A cost-benefit analysis-based interpretation of reciprocity under clean air act section 115(c)/Jim dennison.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.7: 1562-1609.
123575 Functionality screens/Christopher buccafusco, mark a. Lemley.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.7: 1295-1377.
123576 Justice, interrupted: the effect of gender, ideology, and Seniority at supreme court oral arguments/Tonja jacobi, dylan schweers.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.7: 1381-1493.
123577 Legislative underwrites/Ethan j. Leib,  james j. Brudney.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.7: 1488-1561.
123578 Are speech rights for speakers?/Leslie kendrick.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.8: 1768-1808.
123579 Enforcing the fcpa: international resonance and domestic strategy/Rachel brewster.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.8: 1613-1678.
123580 Moral commitments in cost-benefit analysis/Eric a. Posner, cass r. Sunstein.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.8: 1810-1860.
123581 Restoring the lost anti-injunction act/Kristin e. Hickman, gerald kerska.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.8: 1684-1766.
123582 Waiving the ministerial exception/Michael j. West.- Virginia Law Review. 2017; Vol.103, No.8: 1862-1901.
123583 Don’t elect me: sheriffs and the need for reform in county law enforcement/James tomberlin.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.1: 115-156.
123584 Fee-shifting and shareholder litigation/Albert h. Choi.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.1: 60-110.
123585 Should the rules committees have an amicus role/Scott dodson.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.1: 2-59.
123586 Deregulation and the subprime crisis/Paul g. Mahoney.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.2: 236-300.
123587 Textualism and statutory precedents/Anita s. Krishnakumar.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.2: 159-224.
123588 Was that a yes or a no reviewing voluntariness In consent searches/James c. Mcglinchy.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.2: 302-340.
123589 Is powell still valid? The supreme court’s changing stance on cruel and unusual punishment/Maria slater.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.3: 549-585.
123590 Legal innocence and federal habeas/Leah m. Litman.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.3: 418-495.
123591 Mining for meaning: an examination of the legality Of property rights in space resources/Amanda m. Leon.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.3: 498-546.
123592 The damagings clauses/Maureen e. Brady.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.3: 643-416.
123593 Congress as elephant/Saikrishna bangalore prakash.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.4: 798-841.
123594 Federal decentralization/David fontana.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.4: 729-794.
123595 Justice souter’s common law/Charles l. Barzun.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.4: 657-724.
123596 The presumption of civil innocence/Hon. J. Harvie wilkinson.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.4: 589-643.
123597 A tribute to gordon hylton/Risa l. Goluboff.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.5: 843-846.
123598 Subsidizing segregation/Joy milligan.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.5: 849-932.
123599 Subsidizing segregation/Subsidizing segregation.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.4: 934-1019.
123600 The writ-of-erasure fallacy/Jonathan f. Mitchell.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.6: 934-1019.
123601 The death penalty as incapacitation/Marah stith mcleod.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.6: 1124-1192.
123602 The missing theory of representation in citizens united/Harrison marino.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.6: 1199-1228.
123603 The securities law implications of financial illiteracy/Lisa m. Fairfax.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.6: 1072-1121.
123604 Powers, but how much power Game Theory and the nondelegation principle/Sean p. Sullivan.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.7: 1231-1281.
123605 Socioeconomic status discrimination/Danieli evans peterman.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.7: 1285-1354.
123606 The irrelevance of blackstone: rethinking the eighteenth-century importance of the commentaries/Martin jordan minot.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.7: 1360-1397.
123607 A corporate democracy: freedom of speech and The sec/karl m. F. Lockhart.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.8: 1595-1635.
123608 Administrative rationality review/Maria ponomarenko.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.8: 1400-1471.
123609 Predicting enemies/Ashley s. Deeks.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.8: 1539-1593.
123610 Unconstitutionally illegitimate discrimination/Brandon l. Garrett.- Virginia Law Review. 2018; Vol.104, No.8: 1472-1528.
123611 Automated vehicles and manufacturer responsibility for accidents: a new legal regime for a new era/Kenneth s. Abraham, robert l. Rabin.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.1: 129-171.
123612 The government-could-not-work doctrine/Nikolas bowie.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.1: 11-60.
123613 Abstention at the border/Maggie gardner.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.1: 64-125.
123614 Congressional control of agency expertise/Daniel richardson.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.1: 174-254.
123615 Education as property/Latoya baldwin clark.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.1: 397-424.
123616 White privilege and white disadvantage/Khiara m. Bridges.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.2: 449-479.
123617 On charlottesville/Dayna bowen matthew.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.2: 269-341.
123618 Procedural justice, legal estrangement, and the Black people’s grand jury/Brie mclemore.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.2: 371-395.
123619 Reconceptualizing the harms of discrimination: how brown v. Board of education helped to further white supremacy/Angela onwuachi-willig.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.2: 343-369.
123620 Constitutional interpretation without judges: police violence, excessive force, and remaking the fourth amendment/Osagie k. Obasogie, zachary newman.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.2: 425-447.
123621 Why didn’t the common law follow the flag?/Christian r. Burset.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.3: 484-540.
123622 Corporate disestablishment/James d. Nelson.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.3: 596-654.
123623 Super pacs, personal data, and campaign finance loopholes/Samir sheth.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.3: 656-702.
123624 The murder scene exception-myth or reality? Empirically testing the influence of crime severity in federal search-and-seizure cases/Jeffrey a. Segal, avani mehta sood, benjamin woodson.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.3: 545-592.
123625 Standing and remedial rights in administrative law/Caleb nelson.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.4: 705-800.
123626 Confining cases to their facts/Daniel b. Rice, jack boeglin.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.4: 866-928.
123627 Combating silence in the profession/Veronica root martinez.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.4: 806-862.
123628 Pardoning contempt-reconsidering the criminalcivil Divide/Michael weisbuch.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.4: 932-963.
123629 The myth of common law crimes/Carissa byrne hessick.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.5: 966-1022.
123630 Right to be educated or right to choose? School Choice and its impact on education in north Carolina/Will robertson, virginia riel.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.5: 1080-1112.
123631 Faux contracts/Cathy hwang.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.5: 1027-1072.
123632 Insincere evidence/Michael d. Gilbert, sean p. Sullivan.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.6: 1116-1172.
123633 Standing to challenge the lost cause/Amanda lineberry.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.6: 1187-1218.
123634 Garbage pulls under the physical trespass test/Tanner m. Russo.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.6: 1218-1280.
123635 Appointments without law/James durling, e. Garrett west.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.7: 1283-1353.
123636 Genetic privacy after carpenter/Natalie ram.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.7: 1359-1424.
123637 A remedy but not a cure: reevaluating the status of the booker remedial holding/Brendan woods.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.7: 1429-1481.
123638 Speech across borders/Jennifer daskal.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.8: 1606-1665.
123639 Unshackling the due process rights of asylumseekers/Sara destefano.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.8: 1669-1715.
123640 Federalism, metropolitanism, and the problem of states/Richard c. Schragger.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.8: 1538-1602.
123641 What is just compensation?/Wanling su.- Virginia Law Review. 2019; Vol.105, No.8: 1484-1535.
123642 Executive Action: Its History, its Dilemmas, and its Potential Remedies/Edward L. Rubin.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2016; Vol.8, No.1: 1-46.
123643 The Role of Guidances in Modern Administrative Procedure: The Case for De Novo Review/Richard A. Epstein.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2016; Vol.8, No.1: 47-93.
123644 Executive Opportunism, Presidential Signing Statements, and the Separation of Powers/Daniel B. Rodriguez, Edward H. Stiglitz, Barry R. Weingast.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2016; Vol.8, No.1: 95-119.
123645 Can the Administrative State be Tamed?/Christopher DeMuth.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2016; Vol.8, No.1: 121-190.
123646 Prosecuting Beyond the Rule of Law: Corporate Mandates Imposed through Deferred Prosecution Agreements/Jennifer Arlen.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2016; Vol.8, No.1: 191-234.
123647 Seeking Baselines for Negative Authority: Constitutional and Rule-of-law Arguments Over Nonenforcement and Waiver/Zachary S. Price.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2016; Vol.8, No.1: 235-276.
123648 Do Activist Investors Constrain Managerial Moral Hazard in Chapter 11?: Evidence from Junior Activist Investing/Jared A. Ellias.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2016; Vol.8, No.2: 493-547.
123649 The Political Ideologies of American Lawyers/Adam Bonica, Adam S. Chilton, Maya Sen.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2016; Vol.8, No.2: 277-335.
123650 Starting with the Text – On Sequencing Effects in Statutory Interpretation and Beyond/Adam M. Samaha.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2016; Vol.8, No.2: 439-491.
123651 The Appearance and the Reality of Quid Pro Quo Corruption: An Empirical Investigation/Christopher Robertson … [et al].- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2016; Vol.8, No.2: 375-438.
123652 Monetary Liability for Breach of the Duty of Care?/Holger Spamann.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2016; Vol.8, No.2: 337-373.
123653 On the Unexpected Use of Unenforceable Contract Terms: Evidence from the Residential Rental Market/Meirav Furth-Matzkin.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2017; Vol.9, No.1: 1-49.
123654 Property Is Only Another Name for Monopoly/Eric A. Posner, E. Glen Weyl.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2017; Vol.9, No.1: 51-123.
123655 Calibrating Legal Judgments/Frederick Schauer, Barbara A. Spellman.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2017; Vol.9, No.1: 125-151.
123656 The Political Economy of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: An Exploratory Analysis/Rebecca L. Perlman, Alan O. Sykes.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2017; Vol.9, No.2: 153-182.
123657 The New Essentialism in Property/Katrina M. Wyman.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2017; Vol.9, No.2: 183-246.
123658 An Autopsy of Cooperation: Diamond Dealers and the Limits of Trust-Based Exchange/Barak D. Richman.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2017; Vol.9, No.2: 247-283.
123659 Unsettled: A Global Study Of Settlements In Occupied Territories/Eugene Kontorovich.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2017; Vol.9, No.2: 285-350.
123660 The Mistaken Restriction of Strict Liability to Uncommon Activities/Steven Shavell.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2018; Vol.10: 1-45.
123661 Recoupment and Predatory Pricing Analysis/Louis Kaplow.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2018; Vol.10: 46-112.
123662 Discrimination in the Age of Algorithms/Jon Kleinberg … [et al.].- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2018; Vol.10: 113-174.
123663 Facing Up To Risk/Barbara H. Fried.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2018; Vol.10: 175-198.
123664 The Politics of CEOs/Alma Cohen … [et al.].- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2019; Vol.11: 1-45.
123665 Free Speech and Cheap Talk/Daniel Hemel, Ariel Porat.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2019; Vol.11: 46-103.
123666 Data Pollution/Omri Ben-Shahar.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2019; Vol.11: 104-159.
123667 The Proportional Internalization Principle in Private Law/Omer Y. Pelled.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2019; Vol.11: 160-204.
123668 Beyond Information Costs: Preference Formation and the Architecture of Property Law/Taisu Zhang.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2020; Vol.12: 1-78.
123669 Building Coalitions Out of Thin Air: Transferable Development Rights and Constituency Effects in Land Use Law/Roderick M. Hills, David Schleicher.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2020; Vol.12: 79-135.
123670 Lockean Copyright versus Lockean Property/Mala Chatterjee.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2020; Vol.12: 136-182.
123671 Does Winning a Patent Race lead to more follow-on Innovation?/Neil C. Thompson, Jeffrey M. Kuhn.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2020; Vol.12: 183-220.
123672 The Economics of Leasing/Thomas W. Merrill.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2020; Vol.12: 221-272.
123673 The Best of Both Worlds: Compensation via Price-Caps for Passed-On Overcharges/Barak Yarkoni, Roy Shalem, Sharon Hannes.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2021; Vol.13: 1-42.
123674 Shining a Light on Dark Patterns/Jamie Luguri, Lior Jacob Strahilevitz.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2021; Vol.13: 43-109.
123675 Judges in the Lab: No Precedent Effects, No Common/Civil Law Differences/Holger Spamann … [et al.].- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2021; Vol.13: 110-126.
123676 The Law and Economics of Forced Technology Transfer and Its Implications for Trade and Investment Policy (and the U.S.-China Trade War)/Alan O. Sykes.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2021; Vol.13: 127-171.
123677 The Governance of Foundation-Owned Firms/Henry Hansmann, Steen Thomsen.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2021; Vol.13: 172-230.
123678 Drawing the Legal Family Tree: An Empirical Comparative Study of 170 Dimensions of Property Law in 129 Jurisdictions/Yun-chien Chang, Nuno Garoupa, Martin T. Wells.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2021; Vol.13: 231-282.
123679 Machine Advice with a Warning about Machine Limitations: Experimentally Testing the Solution Mandated by the Wisconsin Supreme Court/Christoph Engel, Nina Grgic-Hlaca.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2021; Vol.13: 284-340.
123680 Judge Shopping/Marcel Kahan, Troy A. McKenzie.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2021; Vol.13: 341-379.
123681 The Behavioral Elasticity of Tax Revenue/Daniel J. Hemel, David A. Weisbach.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2021; Vol.13: 381-438.
123682 Reassessing the Legislative Veto: The Statutory President, Foreign Affairs, and Congressional Workarounds/Curtis A. Bradley.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2021; Vol.13: 439-501.
123683 Democratizing the Senate from Within/Jonathan S. Gould, Kenneth A. Shepsle, Matthew C. Stephenson.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2021; Vol.13: 502-557.
123684 Distributing Attorney Fees in Multidistrict Litigation/Edward K. Cheng, Paul H. Edelman, Brian T. Fitzpatrick.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2021; Vol.13: 558-594.
123685 How Many Cases Are Easy?/Joshua B. Fischman.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2021; Vol.13: 595-656.
123686 Investing in Private Evidence: The Effect of Adversarial Discovery/Alice Guerra, Francesco Parisi.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2021; Vol.13: 657-671.
123687 Indirect Investor Protection: The Investment Ecosystem and Its Legal Underpinnings/Holger Spamann.- Journal of Legal Analysis. 2021; Vol.13: 672-734.
123688 Have concepts, will travel: analytical jurisprudence in a global context/William Twining.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 5-40.
123689 Friends in high places: Amity and agreement in Alsatia/Peter Goodrich.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 41-59.
123690 What Makes Modernity Late?/Steven L. Winter.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 61-80.
123691 Fathering practices in twenty-six intact families and the implications for child contact/Jane Lewis, Elaine Welsh.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 81-99.
123692 Remodelling the regulation of postmodern innovation in medicine/David Price.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 121-141.
123693 Sociological implications arising from world bank projects and their impact on sub-saharan indigenous peoples/Ilias Bantekas.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 143-154.
123694 The European Commission and the law-making process: compromise as a category of praxis/Katerina Sideri.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 155-182.
123695 Death rites: assisted suicide and existential rights/Melanie L. Williams.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 183-198.
123696 Meeting the needs of victims of domestic violence with family law issues: the dangers and possibilities in restorative justice/Juliet Behrens.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2005; Vol.1, No.3: 215-235.
123697 Polarcauste: law, justice and the Shoah in French detective fiction/David Fraser.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2005; Vol.1, No.3: 237-259.
123698 A property model of pregnancy/Mary Ford.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2005; Vol.1, No.3: 261-293.
123699 Subversive stories and hegemonic tales of child sexual abuse: from expert legal testimony to television talk shows/Carrie Doan.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2005; Vol.1, No.3: 295-309.
123700 Risk, modernity and history/Ezra Hasson.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2005; Vol.1, No.4: 315-334.
123701 Adolescence, autonomy and Harry Potter: the child as decision-maker/Shauna Van Praagh.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2005; Vol.1, No.4: 335-373.
123702 Conceptualising the child through an ethic of care: lessons for family law/Fiona Kelly.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2005; Vol.1, No.4: 375-396.
123703 A critique of contractual relationships in the aerospace industry: collaboration v conflict/Penny-Anne Cullen … [et al.].- International Journal of Law in Context. 2005; Vol.1, No.4: 397-410.
123704 Culture, comparison, community/Roger Cotterrell.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 1-10.
123705 Kanak women and the colonial process/Alan Berman.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 11-36.
123706 Living-apart-together in Britain: context and meaning/John Haskey, Jane Lewis.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 37-48.
123707 The idea of religious markets/Rex Ahdar.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 49-65.
123708 Searching for the best available techniques – open and closed norms in the implementation of the EU Directive on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control/Bettina Lange.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 67-88.
123709 The socio-legal context of privacy/Philip Leith.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2006; Vol.2, No.2: 105-136.
123710 Medical law and the power of life and death/Kenneth Veitch.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2006; Vol.2, No.2: 137-157.
123711 A culture of retribution: symbolic violence in legal and literary discourses on juvenile delinquency/Anne Quema.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2006; Vol.2, No.2: 159-176.
123712 The property theory of Lord Kames (Henry Home)/Andreas Rahmatian.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2006; Vol.2, No.2: 177-205.
123713 Determinism, neuroscience and responsibility/James Grant.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 221-231.
123714 Brain imaging and courtroom evidence: on the admissibility and persuasiveness of fMRI/Neal Feigenson.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 233-255.
123715 Strong reciprocity and accountability: behavioural analysis of patients’ legal responses to medical injury/Edward A. Dauer.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 257-276.
123716 Examining the biological bases of family law: lessons to be learned for the evolutionary analysis of law/June Carbone, Naomi Cahn.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 277-292.
123717 Jurors are competent cue-takers: how institutions substitute for legal sophistication/Cheryl Boudreau.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 293-304.
123718 Reflections on reading: words and pictures and law/Christina Spiesel.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 305-320.
123719 Promulgation and the law/Claire Grant.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 321-331.
123720 Lawyers and the legal system on TV: the British experience/Peter Robson.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2006; Vol.2, No.4: 333-362.
123721 Transableism, disability and paternalism in public health ethics: taxonomies, identity disorders and persistent unexplained physical symptoms/Robin Mackenzie, Stephen Cox.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2006; Vol.2, No.4: 363-375.
123722 Public law, knowledge and explanation: a critique on the facilitative nature of public law analysis/Barbara Mauthe.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2006; Vol.2, No.4: 377-392.
123723 Legal adaptability in Elbonia/Mathias M. Siems.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2006; Vol.2, No.4: 393-408.
123724 Historical gloss, madisonian liquidation, and the originalism debate/Curtis a. Bradley, neil s. Siegel.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.1: 3-72.
123725 Statutory federalism and criminal law/Joshua m. Divine.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.1: 127-198.
123726 Rejoining treaties/Jean galbraith.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.1: 81-125.
123727 Colorado river abstention: a practical reassessment/Owen w. Gallogly.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.1: 201-257.
123728 Congressional administration of foreign affairs/Rebecca ingber.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.1: 397-464.
123729 Redefining the relationship between stone and aedpa/Theodore j. Kristek.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.2: 524-557.
123730 Intervention/Caleb nelson.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.2: 273-391.
123731 The new gatekeepers: private firms as public enforcers/Rory van loo.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.2: 468-522.
123732 A right to a human decision/Aziz z. Huq.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.2: 613-686.
123733 Colonial virginia: the intellectual incubator of judicial review/Justin w. Aimonetti.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.3: 766-809.
123734 Myopic consumer law/Andrew t. Hayashi.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.3: 690-755.
123735 Constitutionalism in unexpected places/Farah peterson.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.3: 560-606.
123736 Designing business forms to pursue social goals/Ofer eldar.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.4: 939-1004.
123737 Measuring algorithmic fairness/Deborah hellman.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.4: 813-865.
123738 Manipulating opportunity/Pauline t. Kim.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.4: 868-934.
123739 Transatlantic perspectives on the political question doctrine/Jackson a. Myers.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.4: 1008-1026.
123740 Substance-targeted choice-of-law clauses/Katherine florey.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.5: 1109-1181.
123741 Defining appraisal fair value/Ben lucy.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.5: 1184-1221.
123742 The structures of local courts/Justin weinstein-tull.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.5: 1033-1104.
123743 Firearms, extreme risk, and legal design: red flag laws and due process/Joseph blocher, jacob d. Charles.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.6: 1286-1343.
123744 Conflicts of precedent/Henry j. Dickman.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.6: 1345-1393.
123745 Weaponizing the first amendment: an equality reading/Catharine a. Mackinnon.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.6: 1223-1283.
123746 Against fiduciary constitutionalism/Samuel l. Bray, paul b. Miller.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.7: 1480-1532.
123747 Secrecy surrogates/Ashley deeks.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.7: 1397-1744.
123748 College athletics, coercion, and the establishment clause: the case of clemson football/Erin b. Edwards.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.7: 1534-1568.
123749 Secrecy surrogates/Ashley deeks.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.7: 1397-1477.
123750 The role of the doctrine of laches in undermining the holocaust expropriated art recovery act/Scott m. Caravello.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.8: 1771-1817.
123751 The rise and fall of transcendent constitutionalism in the civil war era/Cynthia nicoletti.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.7: 1632-1701.
123752 The unlimited jurisdiction of the federal courts/Stephen e. Sachs.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.7: 1704-1767.
123753 Damages for privileged harm/Stephen yelderman.- Virginia Law Review. 2020; Vol.106, No.8: 1570-1629.
123754 Conflict avoidance in constitutional law/Charles l. Barzun, michael d. Gilbert.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.1: 2-53.
123755 The constitution’s first declared war: the northwestern confederacy war of 1790-95/William hall, saikrishna bangalore prakash.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.1: 120-185.
123756 Settled law/G. Alexander nunn, alan m. Trammell.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.1: 58-116.
123757 Can the reasonable person be religious? Accommodation and the common law/W. Jackson vallar.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.1: 190-225.
123758 The corrective justice theory of punishment/Jacob bronsther.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.2: 229-279.
123759 Nondelegation and criminal law/F. Andrew hessick, carissa byrne hessick.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.8: 282-344.
123760 Vagueness attacks on searches and seizures/Joel s. Johnson.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.2: 347-390.
123761 The origins of accommodation: free exercise, disestablishment, and the legend of small government/Austin t. Hetrick.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.2: 394-428.
123762 Interpretive entrepreneurs/Melissa j. Durkee.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.3: 433-493.
123763 Invoking criminal equity’s roots/Cortney e. Lollar.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.3: 497-569.
123764 Lockstepping through stop-and-frisk: a call to Independently assess terry v. Ohio under state law/Nathaniel c. Sutton.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.3: 640-679.
123765 Taxing nudges/Kathleen delaney thomas.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.3: 573-637.
123766 Trade administration/Kathleen claussen.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.4: 847-917.
123767 The law of legislative representation/Jonathan s. Gould.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.4: 767-842.
123768 Velvet rope discrimination/Shaun ossei-owusu.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.4: 685-762.
123769 Slaying leviathan (or not): the practical impact (or lack thereof) of a return to a traditional nondelegation doctrine/Clay phillips.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.4: 920-957.
123770 What if nothing works? On crime licenses, Recidivism, and quality of life/Josh bowers.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.5: 961-1049.
123771 From massive resistance to quiet evasion: the Struggle for educational equity and integration In virginia/Juliet buesing clark.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.5: 1118-1163.
123772 Interpreting injunctions/F. Andrew hessick, michael t. Morley.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.5: 1060-1112.
123773 Propertizing fair use/Abraham bell, gideon parchomovsky.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.6: 1257-1303.
123774 Foreign-influence laws: the constitutionality of restrictions on independent expenditures by corporations with foreign shareholders/Jack v. Hoover.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.6: 1306-1344.
123775 How litigation imports foreign regulation/Diego a. Zambrano.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.6: 1167-1246.
123776 The chimerical concept of original public meaning/Richard h. Fallon,.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.7: 1423-1497.
123777 Reclaiming the right to know: the case for Considering derivative benefits in foia’s personal Privacy exemptions/Robert frey.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.6: 1500-1544.
123778 Where nature’s rights go wrong/Mauricio guim, michael a. Livermore.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.7: 1348-1418.
123779 Liberalism and disagreement in american constitutional theory/J. Joel alicea.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.8: 1712-1775.
123780 Excited delirium and police use of force/Osagie k. Obasogie.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.8: 1547-1617.
123781 The lost judicial review function of the speech or debate clause/Erin brown.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.8: 1778-1820.
123782 The but-for theory of anti-discrimination law/Katie eyer.- Virginia Law Review. 2021; Vol.107, No.8: 1623-1709.
123783 The runaway presidential power over diplomacy/Jean galbraith.- Virginia Law Review. 2022; Vol.108, No.108: 83-146.
123784 The banker removal power/Da lin, lev menand.- Virginia Law Review. 2022; Vol.108, No.108: 3-78.
123785 Rfra at the border: immigration’s entry fiction and religious free exercise/Abby porter.- Virginia Law Review. 2022; Vol.108, No.108: 224-260.
123786 punitive surveillance/kate weisburd.- Virginia Law Review. 2022; Vol.108, No.108: 149-207.
123787 The original meaning of due process of law in the fifth amendment/Max crema, lawrence b. Solum.- Virginia Law Review. 2022; Vol.108, No.108: 449-535.
123788 Equal speech protection/Francesca l. Procaccini.- Virginia Law Review. 2022; Vol.108, No.108: 354-448.
123789 Proving causation in clinical research negligence/Stephen paul.- Virginia Law Review. 2022; Vol.108, No.108: 536-578.
123790 Statutory history/Anita s. Krishnakumar.- Virginia Law Review. 2022; Vol.108, No.108: 265-341.
123791 Frankenstein’s baby: the forgotten history of Corporations, race, and equal protection/Evelyn atkinson.- Virginia Law Review. 2022; No.108: 583-654.
123792 Collaborative intent/Cathy hwang.- Virginia Law Review. 2022; No.108: 659-706.
123793 Vagueness and nondelegation/Arjun ogale.- Virginia Law Review. 2022; No.108: 784-828.
123794 Pretrial detention and the value of liberty/Megan t. Stevenson, sandra g. Mayson.- Virginia Law Review. 2022; No.108: 711-780.
123795 A modern poor debtor’s oath/Richard m. Hynes, nathaniel pattison.- Virginia Law Review. 2022; No.108: 916-980.
123796 Permission to destroy: how a historical understanding of property rights can rein in consent searches/Eva lilienfeld, kimberly veklerov.- Virginia Law Review. 2022; No.108: 1056-1089.
123797 Judicial minimalism in the lower courts/Thomas p. Schmidt.- Virginia Law Review. 2022; No.108: 831-912.
123798 Changing guards: improving corporate governance with d&o insurer rotations/Andrew verstein.- Virginia Law Review. 2022; No.108: 984-1053.
123799 International Delegations and the New World Court Order/Julian G. Ku.- Washington Law Review. 2006; Vol.81, No.1: 3-69.
123800 Stealing the Public Purse: Why Washington’s Collective Bargaining Law for State Employees Violates the State Constitution/Christopher D. Abbott.- Washington Law Review. 2006; Vol.81, No.1: 159-189.
123801 The Myth of the Student-Athlete: The College Athlete as Employee/Robert A. McCormick, Amy Christian McCormick.- Washington Law Review. 2006; Vol.81, No.1: 72-155.
123802 Zoned Secular: Seattle’s Prohibition of New Religious Facilities in Industrial Zones Violates the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized/Daniel Kirkpatrick.- Washington Law Review. 2006; Vol.81, No.1: 191-215.
123803 Beyond Rational Relations: The Constitutional Infifirmities of Anti-Gay Partnership Laws under the Equal Protection Clause/David W. Howenstine.- Washington Law Review. 2006; Vol.81, No.2: 417-445.
123804 Sausage-Making, Pigs Ears, and Congressional Expansion of Federal Jurisdiction: Exxon Mobil v. Allapattah and Its Lessons for the Class Action Fairness Act/Adam N. Steinman.- Washington Law Review. 2006; Vol.81, No.2: 279-335.
123805 Separating Dick and Jane: Single-Sex Public Education under the Washington State Equal Rights Amendment/Inessa Baram-Blackwell.- Washington Law Review. 2006; Vol.81, No.2: 337-362.
123806 The Exercise of Personal Jurisdiction over Some Foreign State Instrumentalities Must Be Consistent with Due Process/Gosia Spangenberg.- Washington Law Review. 2006; Vol.81, No.2: 447-472.
123807 The Perils of Unpublished Non-Precedential Federal Appellate Opinions: A Case Study of the Substantive Due Process/Sarah E. Ricks.- Washington Law Review. 2006; Vol.81, No.2: 217-278.
123808 The Power of the Well-Known Trademark: Courts Should Consider Article 6BIS of the Paris Convention an Integrated Part of Section 44 of the Lanham Act/Brandon Barker.- Washington Law Review. 2006; Vol.81, No.2: 363-389.
123809 Zero Privacy: Schools Are Violating Students Fourteenth Amendment Right of Privacy under the Guise of Enforcing Zero Tolerance Policies/Elisabeth Frost.- Washington Law Review. 2006; Vol.81, No.2: 391-416.
123810 A Failure of Expression: How the Provisions of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code Fail to Abrogate Tribal Sovereign Immunity/Greggory W. Dalton.- Washington Law Review. 2006; Vol.81, No.3: 645-668.
123811 Congressional Power to Regulate Noncommercial Activity Overseas: Interstate Commerce Clause Precedent Indicates/Jeff Christensen.- Washington Law Review. 2006; Vol.81, No.3: 621-643.
123812 Recordings, Transcripts, and Translations as Evidence/Clifford S. Fishman.- Washington Law Review. 2006; Vol.81, No.3: 475-523.
123813 Strengthening Auditor Independence: Reestablishing Audits as Control and Premium Signaling Mechanisms/Sean M. OConnor.- Washington Law Review. 2006; Vol.81, No.3: 526-593.
123814 Washington’s Title Match: The Single-Subject and Subject-in-Title Rules of Article II, Section 19 of the Washington State Constitution/Dustin Buehler.- Washington Law Review. 2006; Vol.81, No.3: 595-620.
123815 (Whatever Happended to) the ADA’s Record of Prong/Alex B. Long.- Washington Law Review. 2006; Vol.81, No.4: 671-716.
123816 Appellate Review of Discovery Orders in Federal Court: A Suggested Approach for Handling Privilege Claims/Cassandra Burke Robertson.- Washington Law Review. 2006; Vol.81, No.4: 734-786.
123817 Enjoys Long Walks on the Beach: Washington’s Public Trust Doctrine and the Right of Pedestrian Passage over Private Tidelands/Ewa M. Davison.- Washington Law Review. 2006; Vol.81, No.4: 813-844.
123818 Unequal Rights: The Fourteenth Amendment and De Facto Parentage/Adam K. Ake.- Washington Law Review. 2006; Vol.81, No.4: 787-810.
123819 Beyond the Little Dutch Boy: An Argument for Structural Changes in Tax Deduction Classifification/Jeffrey H. Kahn.- Washington Law Review. 2005; Vol.80, No.1: 3-67.
123820 Less Is Not More: Evidence of Mere Proximity in State v. Gurske Does Not Render the Defendant Armed under Washington’s/Kelly B. Fennerty.- Washington Law Review. 2005; Vol.80, No.1: 165-190.
123821 Proving Cause in Fact under Washington’s Consumer Protection Act: The Case for a Rebuttable Presumption of Reliance/Jennifer Rust Muray.- Washington Law Review. 2005; Vol.80, No.1: 245-270.
123822 Regulating the mother’s milk of politics: why washington’s campaign finance law constitutionally prohibits state parties/Scott holleman.- Washington Law Review. 2005; Vol.80, No.1: 191-218.
123823 Repercussions of crawford v. Washington: a child’s statement to a washington state child protective services worker may be inadmissible/Heather l. Mckimmie.- Washington Law Review. 2005; Vol.80, No.1: 219-244.
123824 Straight stealing: towards an indigenous system of culturalnm property protection/Angela r. Riley.- Washington Law Review. 2005; Vol.80, No.1: 70-133.
123825 Abay v. Ashcroft: the sixth circuit’s baseless expansion of ina 101(a)(42)(a) revealed a gap in asylum law/Wes henricksen.- Washington Law Review. 2005; Vol.80, No.2: 477-504.
123826 An unwarranted intrusion: the constitutional infifirmities of washington’s dna collection law/Erin curtis.- Washington Law Review. 2005; Vol.80, No.2: 447-476.
123827 Crossing eight mile: juries of the vicinage and county-line criminal buffer statutes/Brian c. Kalt.- Washington Law Review. 2005; Vol.80, No.2: 272-333.
123828 Defifining the relevant forum: the united states postal service constitutes a single forum for communication/Melissa c. Manke.- Washington Law Review. 2005; Vol.80, No.2: 505-534.
123829 Does Sex Matter? Washington’s Defense of Marriage Act under the Equal Rights Amendment of the Washington State Constitution/Thomas C. Schroeder.- Washington Law Review. 2005; Vol.80, No.2: 535-563.
123830 Rebooting Cybertort Law/Michael L. Rustad, Thomas H. Koenig.- Washington Law Review. 2005; Vol.80, No.2: 336-410.
123831 Where the Netcom Yardstick Comes up Short: Courts Should Not Apply the Facts of Netcom as an Example of Intermediate/Sean Croman.- Washington Law Review. 2005; Vol.80, No.2: 417-445.
123832 An IQ Test for Federal Agencies? Judicial Review of the Information Quality Act under the APA/Margaret Pak.- Washington Law Review. 2005; Vol.80, No.3: 731-756.
123833 Handling the failure of a government-sponsored enterprise/Richard scott carnell.- Washington Law Review. 2005; Vol.80, No.3: 567-641.
123834 Jurisdiction and Merits/Howard M. Wasserman.- Washington Law Review. 2005; Vol.80, No.3: 644-703.
123835 Lingering Questions Regarding the Devise of Black’s Acre: How Many Witnesses Are Required to Prove the Execution of a Lost Will?/Sarah Shirey.- Washington Law Review. 2005; Vol.80, No.3: 757-786.
123836 The Not-So-Secret Ballot: How Washington Fails to Provide a Secret Vote for Impaired Voters as Required by the Washington State Constitution/Eric Van Hagen.- Washington Law Review. 2005; Vol.80, No.3: 787-817.
123837 Washington’s Municipal Water Rights Bill of 2003: Providing Certainty and Flexibility or Violating the Separation of Powers Doctrine?/Jason T. Morgan.- Washington Law Review. 2005; Vol.80, No.3: 705-730.
123838 Policing the Border Between Trademarks and Free Speech: Protecting Unauthorized Trademark Use in Expressive Works/Pratheepan Gulasekaram.- Washington Law Review. 2005; Vol.80, No.4: 888-941.
123839 Risky Business: Directors Making Business Judgments in Washington State/Adam J. Richins.- Washington Law Review. 2005; Vol.80, No.4: 977-1009.
123840 Solomon’s choice: the spending clause and first amendment rights in forum for academic & institutional rights v. Rumsfeld/Emily r. Hutchinson.- Washington Law Review. 2005; Vol.80, No.4: 943-975.
123841 You Can’t Take It with You: Constitutional Consequences of Interstate Gender-Identity Rulings/Julie A. Greenberg, Marybeth Herald.- Washington Law Review. 2005; Vol.80, No.4: 821-884.
123842 Locality, environment and law: the case of town and village greens/Donald McGillivray, Jane Holder.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 1-17.
123843 Equality and diversity: a new approach to gender equality policy in the UK/Dalia Ben-Galim, Mary Campbell, Jane Lewis.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 19-33.
123844 We who are not here: law, whiteness, indigenous peoples and the promise of genetic identification/Karen O’Connell.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 35-58.
123845 Good global governance: custom, the cosmopolitan and international law/John R. Morss.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 59-71.
123846 Transitional justice: (re)conceptualising the field/Christine Bell, Colm Campbell, Fionnuala Ni Aolain.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 81-88.
123847 Voices silenced, voices rediscovered: victims of violence and the reclamation of language in transitional societies/Kirk Simpson.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 89-103.
123848 Political ex-prisoners and policing in transitional societies – testing the boundaries of new conceptions of citizenship and security/Grainne McKeever, Mary O’Rawe.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 105-125.
123849 Enforced consociationalism and deeply divided societies: some reflections on recent developments in Fiji/Venkat Iyer.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 127-153.
123850 Seeking gender justice in post-conflict transitions: towards a transformative women’s human rights approach/Niamh Reilly.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 155-172.
123851 Engendering transitional justice: questions of absence and silence/Eilish Rooney.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 173-187.
123852 An e-mail from Global Bukowina/David Nelken.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2007; Vol.3, No.3: 189-202.
123853 Why did they not take on the disputes? Law, power and politics in the decision-making of Chinese courts/Xin He.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2007; Vol.3, No.3: 203-225.
123854 Corruption, legal solutions and limits of law/Indira Carr.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2007; Vol.3, No.3: 227-255.
123855 Theorising law and legitimacy in international criminal justice/Ralph Henham.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2007; Vol.3, No.3: 257-274.
123856 The political constitution of emergency powers: parliamentary and separation-of-powers regulation/Mark Tushnet.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2007; Vol.3, No.4: 275-288.
123857 Controlling the Gorgon of state power in the state of exception: a reply to Professor Tushnet/Colm O’Cinneide.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2007; Vol.3, No.4: 289-303.
123858 Exceptionalism, politics and liberty: a response to Professor Tushnet from the Antipodes/Andrew Lynch.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2007; Vol.3, No.4: 305-312.
123859 The political constitution of emergency powers: a comment/Keith Ewing.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2007; Vol.3, No.4: 313-318.
123860 The political and the legal: comments on Professor Tushnet’s paper/Philippe Sands.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2007; Vol.3, No.4: 319-322.
123861 Bills of Rights as process: the Canadian experience/Anne Smith.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2007; Vol.3, No.4: 343-372.
123862 The autonomy of the political and the dissolution of the Jews/David M. Seymour.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2007; Vol.3, No.4: 373-387.
123863 A legal field in action: the case of divorce arrangements in Israel/Daphna Hacker.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2008; Vol.4, No.1: 1-33.
123864 Judicial navigation as official law meets culture in Turkey/Esin Orucu.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2008; Vol.4, No.1: 35-61.
123865 The illusory nature of ontological status and its implications for legal, moral and social organisation/Anthony Amatrudo.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2008; Vol.4, No.1: 63-77.
123866 Riding or killing the centaur? Reflections on the identities of legal anthropology/Franz von Benda-Beckmann.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 85-110.
123867 Law in other contexts: stand bravely brothers! A report from the law wars/Oscar Guardiola-Rivera.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 111-134.
123868 Informal formality: tenantries, ejidos and family land/Jane Matthews Glenn.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 135-148.
123869 Personal Action Plans: evaluating self-management initiatives in family law/Angela Melville, Karen Laing.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 149-167.
123870 Giving birth but refusing motherhood: inauthentic choice or self-determining identity?/Jill Marshall.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 169-185.
123871 Professional monopolies and divisive practices in law: les femmes juridiques in civil law, Canada/Fiona M. Kay.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 187-215.
123872 Property and privatisation in RoboCop/Michael Robertson.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 217-235.
123873 Rape in militarised conflicts: variations in international outrage and responsiveness/Marc G. Pufong, Randall D. Swain.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 237-275.
123874 Regulation as the art of intuitive judgment: a critique of the economic approach to environmental regulation/Oren Perez.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2008; Vol.4: 291-313.
123875 Migration and access to health care in English medical law: a rhetorical critique/John Harrington.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2008; Vol.4, No.4: 315-335.
123876 The moral quality of work in international economic institutions: resisting complacency/Maksymilian Del Mar, Oche Onazi.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2008; Vol.4, No.4: 337-372.
123877 The struggle for law: some dilemmas of cultural legality/Roger Cotterrell.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2008; Vol.4, No.4: 373-384.
123878 Dilemmas of cultural legality: a comment on Roger Cotterrell’s The struggle for law and a criticism of the House of Lords’ opinions in Begum/John Mikhail.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2008; Vol.4, No.4: 385-393.
123879 Law’s culture and lived culture: a comment on Roger Cotterrell’s The struggle for law: some dilemmas of cultural legality/Naomi Mezey.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2008; Vol.4, No.4: 395-399.
123880 Comments on Roger Cotterrell’s essay, The struggle for law: some dilemmas of cultural legality/Robin West.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2008; Vol.4, No.4: 401-405.
123881 Culture, power and the human animal: a reply/Roger Cotterrell.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2008; Vol.4, No.4: 407-410.
123882 Hiding homelessness: quality of life laws and the politics of development in American cities/Anyu Fang.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2009; Vol.5, No.1: 1-24.
123883 Why do judges talk the way they do?/Richard Nobles, David Schiff.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2009; Vol.5, No.1: 25-49.
123884 [It’s] like a rubber band. Assessing UNSCR 1325 as a gender mainstreaming process/Amy Barrow.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2009; Vol.5, No.1: 51-68.
123885 Transgenerational association: extending the notion of the person/Anthony Armatrudo.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 93-106.
123886 Transnational Hindu law adoptions: recognition and treatment in Britain/Prakash Shah.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 107-130.
123887 The prejudices of Mary Hays/Ian Ward.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 131-146.
123888 Corruption, the Southern African Development Community Anti-corruption Protocol and the principal-agent client model/Indira Carr.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 147-177.
123889 Minimising medical litigation: a review of key tort and legal reforms/Harold Tan.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 179-233.
123890 Socio-legal studies and the humanities/Dermot Feenan.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2009; Vol.5, No.3: 235-242.
123891 Socio-legal studies and the humanities – law, interdisciplinarity and integrity/Melanie L. Williams.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2009; Vol.5, No.3: 243-261.
123892 The character of social connection in law and literature: lessons from Bleak House/Gary Watt.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2009; Vol.5, No.3: 263-280.
123893 Eye witness – memorialising humanity in Steve McQueen’s Hunger/Eugene McNamee.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2009; Vol.5, No.3: 281-294.
123894 Judging pictures: a case study of portraits of the Chief Justices, Supreme Court of New South Wales/Leslie J. Moran.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2009; Vol.5, No.3: 295-314.
123895 Rethinking sovereignty with reference to history and anthropology/Megan Wachspress.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2009; Vol.5, No.3: 315-330.
123896 Shaking Mr Jones: law and touch/Emily Grabham.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2009; Vol.5, No.4: 343-353.
123897 Constitutional revolutions: Israel as a case-study/Gideon Sapir.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2009; Vol.5, No.4: 355-378.
123898 Regime pluralism and the global regulation of oil pollution liability and compensation/James Harrison.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2009; Vol.5, No.4: 379-391.
123899 Reflexive law and the reformulation of EC-level employee consultation norms in the British systems of labour law and industrial relations/Aristea Koukiadaki.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2009; Vol.5, No.4: 393-416.
123900 Law, land, development and narrative: a case-study from the South Pacific/Sue Farran.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 1-21.
123901 The meta-ethics of law: Book One of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics/Eric Heinze.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 23-44.
123902 Legal capacity and family status in child-headed households: Challenges to legal paradigms and concepts/Elsje Bonthuys.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 45-62.
123903 Receiving the Swiss Civil Code: translating authority in early republican Turkey/Umut Ozsu.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 63-89.
123904 Human dignity: comparative and conceptual debates/Stephen Riley.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 117-138.
123905 Same-sex marriage: the irrelevance of the economic approach to law/Mark D. White.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 139-149.
123906 Brothels: outlaws or citizens?/Penny Crofts.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 151-166.
123907 Closing the gate: family lawyers as gatekeepers to a holistic service/Angela Melville, Karen Laing.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 167-189.
123908 Spatial justice: law and the geography of withdrawal/Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 201-216.
123909 Lines, barred lines. Movement, territory and the law/Andrea Mubi Brighenti.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 217-227.
123910 The space of the city in reconstruction: the lawscapes of Barcelona and Berlin/Chiara Mazzoleni.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 229-242.
123911 Limits to thinking space relationally/Martin Jones.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 243-255.
123912 Homesickness for a foreign country: nostalgia and colonisation/Rob McQueen.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 257-275.
123913 Biopolitics and the regulation of vulnerability: the case of the female trafficked migrant/Sharron A. FitzGerald.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 277-294.
123914 Unreal City, Unreal Law/Louis E. Wolcher.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 295-306.
123915 Ambivalence towards law: Business Improvement Associations, public disorder and legal consciousness/Prashan Ranasinghe.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2010; Vol.6, No.4: 323-342.
123916 Bountiful’s plural marriages/Angela Campbell.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2010; Vol.6, No.4: 343-361.
123917 De/reconstructing critical psychological jurisprudence: strategies of resistance and struggles for justice/Bruce A. Arrigo.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2010; Vol.6, No.4: 363-396.
123918 Incorporating social rights in development: transnational corporations and the right to water/Anna F. S. Russell.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 1-30.
123919 Loyalists, cynics and outsiders: who are the critics of the justice system in the UK and the Netherlands?/Marc Hertogh.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 31-46.
123920 Speaking across the divide: a Functional Grammar analysis of feminist and masculist reproductive rights rhetoric/Lia Alexandra Mandaglio.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 47-85.
123921 Legal authority and savagery in judicial rhetoric: sexual violence and the criminal courts/David Gurnham.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 117-137.
123922 Integrating human rights in emerging regulation of Corporate Social Responsibility: the EU case/Karin Buhmann.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 139-179.
123923 Challenging homophobic bullying in schools: the politics of progress/Daniel Monk.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 181-207.
123924 Law is not (best considered) an essentially contested concept/Kenneth M. Ehrenberg.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 209-232.
123925 Regulating agriculture in the WTO/Fiona Smith.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 233-247.
123926 Health care and global justice/Michael Kirby.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2011; Vol.7, No.3: 273-284.
123927 Human rights and the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: mutually reinforcing systems/Oscar A. Cabrera, Lawrence O. Gostin.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2011; Vol.7, No.3: 285-303.
123928 AIDS – the time for changes in law and policy is now/Udo Schuklenk, Sean Philpott.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2011; Vol.7, No.3: 305-317.
123929 A regional disability tribunal for Asia and the Pacific: changing the conversation to a conversation?/Terry Carney.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2011; Vol.7, No.3: 319-333.
123930 Making sense of human rights in the context of European Union health-care policy: individualist and communitarian views/Danielle da Costa Leite Borges.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2011; Vol.7, No.3: 335-356.
123931 Irregular migrants and the human right to health care: a case-study of health-care provision for irregular migrants in France and the UK/Sylvie da Lomba.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2011; Vol.7, No.3: 357-374.
123932 Male and Female He Created Them: Procreative liberty, its conceptual deficiencies and the legal right to access fertility care of males/Daniel Sperling.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2011; Vol.7, No.3: 375-400.
123933 Prepare your indicators: economics imperialism on the shores of law and development/Amanda Perry-Kessaris.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2011; Vol.7, No.4: 401-421.
123934 Tainted law? The Italian Penal Code, Fascism and democracy/Stephen Skinner.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2011; Vol.7, No.4: 423-446.
123935 Ambiguous symbolisms: recognising customary marriage and same-sex marriage in South Africa/Nicola Barker.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2011; Vol.7, No.4: 447-466.
123936 The uneasy relationship between national security and personal freedom: New Zealand and the War on Terror/David Small.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2011; Vol.7, No.4: 467-486.
123937 Furman Fundamentals/Corinna Barrett Lain.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.1: 2-73.
123938 Caveat Emptor: How CAFTA Imperils State Recycled Pape Procurement Preferences/Ben Stafford.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.1: 175-203.
123939 Getting dooced: employee blogs and employer blogging policies under the national labor relations act/Marc cote.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.1: 121-148.
123940 Intent Matters: Assessing Sovereign Immunity for Tribal Entities/Gregory J. Wong.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.1: 3-70.
123941 Keeping the Faith: The Rights of Parishioners in Church Reorganizations/Theresa J. Pulley Radwan.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.1: 76-120.
123942 New Word, Same Problems: Entry, Arrival, and the One-Year Deadline for Asylum Seekers/Joanna R. Mareth.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.1: 149-174.
123943 Citizen’s Arrest or Police Arrest? Defifining the Scope of Alaska’s Delegated Citizen’s Arrest Doctrine/Lael Harrison.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.2: 431-453.
123944 Freedom to Explore: Using the Eleventh Amendment to Liberate Researchers at State Universities from Liability for Intellectual Property Infringements/Gary Pulsinelli.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.2: 277-376.
123945 No, You May Not Search My Car! Extending Georgia v. Randolph to Vehicle Searches/Alex Chan.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.2: 377-401.
123946 Plainly Offensive Babel: An Analytical Framework for Regulating Plainly Offensive Speech in Public Schools/Jerry C. Chiang.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.2: 403-430.
123947 Toward a Fairer Model of Consumer Assent to Standard Form Contracts: In Defense of Restatement Subsection/Wayne R. Barnes.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.2: 228-274.
123948 Ain’t Nothing Like the Real Thing: Enforcing Land Use Restrictions on Land and Water Conservation Fund Parks/Michael J. Gelardi.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.3: 737-765.
123949 Beauty and the Beast Within: On the Special Nature of Natural World Law/Oliver A. Houck.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.3: 611-618.
123950 Bill Rodgers: Environmental Law’s Captain Planet/Richard J. Lazarus.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.3: 493-496.
123951 Chumming on the Chesapeake Bay and Complexity Theory: Why the Precautionary Principle, Not Cost-Benefifit Analysis/Hope M. Babcock.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.3: 505-532.
123952 From Stratton to USCOP: Environmental Law Floundering at Sea/Donna R. Christie.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.3: 533-546.
123953 Justice Kennedy and the Environment Property, States Rights, and a Persistent Search for Nexus/Michael C. Blumm, Sherry L. Bosse.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.3: 669-736.
123954 Land Use Regulation: The Weak Link in Environmental Protection/A. Dan Tarlock.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.3: 652-666.
123955 Murky Waters: Courts Should Hold That the Any-Progress-Is-Suffifficient-Progress Approach to TMDL Development/Kelly Seaburg.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.3: 767-794.
123956 Piecemeal Delisting: Designating Distinct Population Segments for the Purpose of Delisting Gray Wolf Populations Is Arbitrary and Capricious/Nicole M. Tadano.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.3: 795-823.
123957 Precaution, Science, and Learning While Doing in Natural Resource Management/Holly Doremus.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.3: 548-579.
123958 Recovery in a Cynical Time-With Apologies to Eric Arthur Blair/Dale D. Goble.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.3: 582-610.
123959 Teaching Environmental Law in the Era of Climate Change: A Few Whats, Whys, and Hows/Michael Robinson-Dorn.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.3: 620-649.
123960 The Personal Impact of the Boldt Case: A Tribute to Professor William H. Rodgers/Ron J. Whitener.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.3: 497-504.
123961 William H. Rodgers, Jr., and Environmental Law: Never Give Up, Keep on Going/John E. Bonine.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.3: 459-492.
123962 A Tribute to Richard O. Kummert/Dwight DrakeDwight Drake.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.4: 825-830.
123963 An Administrative Death Sentence for Asylum Seekers: Deprivation of Due Process under 8 U.S.C. 1158(d)(6)s Frivolousness Standard/E. Lea Johnston.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.4: 832-895.
123964 An Equal Protection Standard for National Origin Classififications: The Context That Matters/Jenny Rivera.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.4: 899-965.
123965 Defusing the Bomb: The Scope of the Federal Explosives Statute/Peter Moreno.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.4: 1007-1035.
123966 Slayers and Soldiers: The Validity and Scope of the Slayer’s Rule under the Family Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Act/Rebecca Blasco.- Washington Law Review. 2007; Vol.82, No.4: 967-1006.
123967 Abortion, Persuasion, and Emotion: Implications of Social Science Research on Emotions for Reading Casey/Jeremy A. Blumenthal.- Washington Law Review. 2008; No.1: 2-38.
123968 Bypassing Redundancy: Resolving the Jurisdictional Dilemma under the Defense Base Act/Claire Been.- Washington Law Review. 2008; No.2: 219-248.
123969 Forceful Minimization, Hein v. Freedom from Religion Foundation, Inc., and the Prudence of Not Doing/Brendan R. McNamara.- Washington Law Review. 2008; No.2: 287-316.
123970 Got Water? Limiting Washington’s Stockwatering Exemption to Five Thousand Gallons Per Day/Kara Dunn.- Washington Law Review. 2008; No.2: 249-285.
123971 Swiss Cheese That’s All Hole: How Using Reading Material to Prove Criminal Intent Threatens the Propensity Rule/Jessica Murphy.- Washington Law Review. 2008; No.2: 317-344.
123972 The Evolution of Intellectual Infrastructure/Peter Lee.- Washington Law Review. 2008; No.2: 41-122.
123973 Transitioning the Family Business/Dwight Drake.- Washington Law Review. 2008; No.2: 125-217.
123974 It’s Not Too Late: Applying Continuing Violation Theory to the Designation of Critical Habitat under the ESA/Amelia Boone.- Washington Law Review. 2008; No.3: 403-433.
123975 Reading Too Much into What the Court Doesn’t Write: How Some Federal Courts Have Limited Title VII’s Participation Clause’s Protections after Clark County/Lawrence D. Rosenthal.- Washington Law Review. 2008; No.3: 346-401.
123976 Disability, Vulnerability, and the Limits of Antidiscrimination/Ani B. Satz.- Washington Law Review. 2008; No.4: 513-568.
123977 Everybody Is Making Love or Else Expecting Rain: Considering the Sexual Autonomy Rights of Persons Institutionalized Because/Michael L. Perlin.- Washington Law Review. 2008; No.4: 483-512.
123978 Four-Factor Disaster: Courts Should Abandon the Circuit Test for Distinguishing Government Speech from Private Speech/Lilia Lim.- Washington Law Review. 2008; No.4: 569-597.
123979 Globalizing a Response to Disability Discrimination/Dick Thornburgh.- Washington Law Review. 2008; No.4: 439-448.
123980 The Domestic Incorporation of Human Rights Law and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities/Janet E. Lord, Michael Ashley Stein.- Washington Law Review. 2008; No.4: 450-479.
123981 Trading Information for Safety: Immigrant Informants, Federal Law-Enforcement Agents, and the Viability of Non-Deportation Agreements/Colleen Melody.- Washington Law Review. 2008; No.4: 599-623.
123982 York v. Wahkiakum School District and the Future of School Searches under the Washington State Constitution/Kerem Murat Levitas.- Washington Law Review. 2009; Vol.84, No.1: 93-125.
123983 The Legacy of Norm Maleng/Robert S. Lasnik, David Boerner.- Washington Law Review. 2009; Vol.84, No.1: 3-10.
123984 The Legality of Washington Shoreline Development Moratoria in the Wake of Biggers v. City of Bainbridge Island/Michelle E. DeLappe.- Washington Law Review. 2009; Vol.84, No.1: 67-92.
123985 Thoughts on the Ethical Culture of a Prosecutor’s Offiffice/Patrick J. Fitzgerald.- Washington Law Review. 2009; Vol.84, No.1: 11-33.
123986 Depoliticizing Judicial Review of Agency Rulemaking/Scott A. Keller.- Washington Law Review. 2009; Vol.84, No.3: 420-489.
123987 Media Subpoenas: Impact, Perception, and Legal Protection in the Changing World of American Journalism/RonNell Andersen Jones.- Washington Law Review. 2009; Vol.84, No.3: 318-418.
123988 Ninth Circuit v. Board of Immigration Appeals: Defifining Sexual Abuse of a Minor after Estrada-Espinoza v. Mukasey/Enoka Herat.- Washington Law Review. 2009; Vol.84, No.3: 523-553.
123989 The Cost of Doing Business: Corporate Vicarious Criminal Liability for the Negligent Discharge of Oil under the Clean Water Act/Katherine A. Swanson.- Washington Law Review. 2009; Vol.84, No.3: 555-579.
123990 Urbanites Versus Rural Rights: Contest of Local Government Land-Use Regulations under Washington Preemption Statute 82.02.020/Donya Williamson.- Washington Law Review. 2009; Vol.84, No.3: 491-521.
123991 American Federalism: Punching Holes in the Myth/Hugh D. Spitzer.- Washington Law Review. 2009; Vol.84, No.4: 717-721.
123992 Muscular Procedure: Conditional Deference in the Executive Detention Cases/Joseph Landau.- Washington Law Review. 2009; Vol.84, No.4: 662-715.
123993 Rape, Feminism, and the War on Crime/Aya Gruber.- Washington Law Review. 2009; Vol.84, No.4: 582-658.
123994 The Legacy of Solem v. Bartlett: How Courts Have Used Demographics to Bypass Congress and Erode the Basic Principles of Indian Law/Charlene Koski.- Washington Law Review. 2009; Vol.84, No.4: 723-764.
123995 The Concept of Equality in Indian Law/William C. Canby.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85, No.1: 13-18.
123996 Accountability for Mitigation Through Procedural Review: The NEPA Jurisprudence of Judge Betty B. Fletcher, a Trustee of the Environment/Kenneth S. Weiner.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85: 45-69.
123997 All Rise! Standing in Judge Betty Fletcher’s Court/Thomas D. Rowe.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85, No.1: 19-31.
123998 Finality, Habeas, Innocence, and the Death Penalty: Can Justice Be Done?/Ellyde Roko.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85, No.1: 108-129.
123999 Finding the Least Restrictive Environment for Preschoolers under the IDEA: An Analysis and Proposed Framework/Theresa M. DeMonte.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85, No.1: 157-191.
124000 Freedom of Speech in School and Prison/Aaron H. Caplan.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85, No.1: 73-104.
124001 Perfectionism and Maximum Consciousness in Anti-Discrimination Law: A Tribute to Judge Betty B. Fletcher/Norman W. Spaulding.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85, No.1: 33-44.
124002 Tribute to Judge Betty Binns Fletcher/William A. Fletcher.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85, No.1: 1-11.
124003 Allocating the Costs of the Climate Crisis: Effifficiency Versus Justice/Amy Sinden.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85, No.2: 294-353.
124004 Arrested Development: Arizona v. Gant and Article I, Section 7 of the Washington State Constitution/Jacob R. Brown.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85, No.2: 355-389.
124005 Global Warming: A Second Coming for International Law?/Deepa Badrinarayana.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85, No.2: 254-292.
124006 Leading a Judge to Water: In Search of a More Fully Formed Washington Public Trust Doctrine/Ivan M. Stoner.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85, No.2: 391-423.
124007 Public Nuisance Suits for the Climate Justice Movement: The Right Thing and the Right Time/Randall S. Abate.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85, No.2: 198-252.
124008 The Three Degrees Conference: One Year Later/Jennifer K. Barcelos, Gregory A. Hicks, Jennifer Marlow.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85, No.2: 193-196.
124009 State v. Grier and the Erroneous Adoption of the Punishment-Based Standard of Review for Ineffective Assistance of Counsel Claims Based/Jacque St. Romain.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85, No.3: 547-573.
124010 Distinguishing Carcieri v. Salazar: Why the Supreme Court Got It Wrong and How Congress and the Courts Should Respond to Preserve/Sarah Washburn.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85, No.3: 603-646.
124011 Procedural Rules under Washington’s Public Records Act: The Case for Agency Discretion/William D. Richard.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85, No.3: 493-516.
124012 Staying Neutral: How Washington State Courts Should Approach Negligent Supervision Claims Against Religious Organizations/Kelly H. Sheridan.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85, No.3: 517-546.
124013 The Racial Geography of the Federal Death Penalty/G. Ben Cohen, Robert J. Smith.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85, No.3: 427-492.
124014 Washington State’s Duty to Fund K-12 Schools: Where the Legislature Went Wrong and What It Should Do to Meet Its Constitutional Obligation/Daniel C. Stallings.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85, No.3: 575-601.
124015 Article I, Section 11: A Poor ‘Plan B for’ Washington’s Religious Pharmacists/Noel E. Horton.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85, No.4: 739-780.
124016 No Direction Home: Constitutional Limitations on Washington’s Homeless Encampment Ordinances/Jordan Talge.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85, No.4: 781-813.
124017 The Terrorist Informant/Wadie E. Said.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85, No.4: 688-738.
124018 When Your Body Is Your Business/Morgan Holcomb, Mary Patricia Byrn.- Washington Law Review. 2010; Vol.85, No.4: 648-686.
124020 Balancing Interests under Washington’s Statute Governing the Admissibility of Extraneous Sex-Offense Evidence/Blythe Chandler.- Washington Law Review. 209; Vol.84, No.2: 259-287.
124021 Code, Crash, and Open Source: The Outsourcing of Financial Regulation to Risk Models and the Global Financial Crisis/Erik F. Gerding.- Washington Law Review. 2009; Vol.84, No.2: 129-197.
124022 Preempting State E-Verify Regulations: A Case Study of Arizona’s Improper Legislation in the Field of Immigration-Related Employment Practices/Rachel Feller.- Washington Law Review. 2009; Vol.84, No.2: 289-316.
124023 The Federal Circuits Licensing Law Jurisprudence-Its Nature and/Robert W. Gomulkiewicz.- Washington Law Review. 2009; Vol.84, No.2: 204-251.
124024 Promoting Democracy in Prosecution/Russell M. Gold.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.1: 70-123.
124025 The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and the Limits of Civil Liability/Ronen Perry.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.1: 2-66.
124026 The McCarran Amendment and Groundwater: Why Washington State Should Require Inclusion of Groundwater in General Stream Adjudications/Aubri Goldsby.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.1: 185-216.
124027 The Path out of Washington’s Takings Quagmire: The Case for Adopting the Federal Takings Analysis/Roger D. Wynne.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.1: 127-184.
124028 Eastwood’s Answer to Alejandre’s Open Question: The Economic Loss Rule Should Not Bar Fraud Claims/Katherine Heaton.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.2: 331-357.
124029 Clearing the Air: Ordinary Negligence in Take-Home Asbestos Exposure Litigation/Rebecca Leah Levine.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.2: 359-392.
124030 Open for Trouble: Amending Washington’s Open Public Meetings Act to Preserve University Patent Rights/Vladimir Lozan.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.2: 393-419.
124031 Reasoning about the Irrational: The Roberts Court and the Future of Constitutional Law/H. Jefferson Powell.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.2: 218-280.
124032 Two Versions of Rational-Basis Review and Same-Sex Relationships/Robert C. Farrell.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.2: 282-328.
124033 A Cure for a Public Concern: Washington’s New Anti-SLAPP Law/Tom Wyrwich.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.3: 663-693.
124034 Beyond Absurdity: Climate Regulation and the Case for Restricting the Absurd Results Doctrine/Katherine Kirklin OBrien.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.3: 635-661.
124035 Global Law and the Environment/Robert V. Percival.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.3: 580-633.
124036 The Globalization of Corporate Law: The End of History or a Never-Ending Story?/Franklin A. Gevurtz.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.3: 476-520.
124037 The Limits of Global Judicial Dialogue/David S. Law, Wen-Chen Chang.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.3: 525-575.
124038 The Neoliberal Turn in Regional Trade Agreements/James Thuo Gathii.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.3: 422-471.
124039 A Narrow Exception Run Amok: How Courts Have Misconstrued Employee-Rights Laws Exclusion of Policymaking Appointees, and a Proposed Framework/Angela Galloway.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.4: 875-903.
124040 A Tribute to Paul Miller: A Beloved Friend and Colleague/Michael E. Waterstone, Michael Ashley Stein.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.4: 706-708.
124041 AEDPA’s Ratchet: Invoking the Miranda Right to Counsel after the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act/David Rubenstein.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.4: 905-939.
124042 Banishing Habeas Jurisdiction: Why Federal Courts Lack Jurisdiction to Hear Tribal Banishment Actions/Mary Swift.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.4: 941-979.
124043 Blindsight: How We See Disabilities in Tort Litigation/Anne Bloom, Paul Steven Miller.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.4: 710-752.
124044 False Valor: Amending the Stolen Valor Act to Conform with the First Amendment’s Fraudulent Speech Exception/Jeffery C. Barnum.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.4: 841-873.
124045 Foreclosing Modififications: How Servicer Incentives Discourage Loan Modififications/Diane E. Thompson.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.4: 758-838.
124046 In Memoriam: Professor Paul Steven Miller. Foreword: A Tribute/Kellye A. Testy.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.4: 695-697.
124047 The Marvelous Life of Paul Steven Miller/Clark B. Lombardi.- Washington Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.4: 698-701.
124048 African poverty/Duncan kennedy.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.1: 205-235.
124049 Discernible differences: a survey of civil jury demands/Michelle dunning.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.1: 237-247.
124050 Driving dangerously: vehicle flight and the armed career criminal act after sykes v. United states/Isham m. Reavis.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.1: 281-330.
124051 Graham on the ground/Cara h. Drinan.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.1: 52-90.
124052 High-tech harassment: employer liability under title vii for employee social media misconduct/Jeremy gelms.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.1: 249-279.
124053 Independence for washington state’s privileges and immunities clause/P. Andrew rorholm zellers.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.1: 331-367.
124054 Panopticism for police: structural reform bargaining and police regulation by data-driven surveillance/Mary d. Fan.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.1: 94-136.
124055 Recalibrating constitutional innocence Protection/Robert j. Smith.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.1: 140-203.
124056 A view from the first amendment trenches: washington state’s new protections for public discourse and democracy/Bruce e.h. Johnson, sarah k. Duran.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.2: 495-528.
124057 Addressing the costs and comity concerns of international e-discovery/John t. Yip.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.2: 595-637.
124058 Defining breach of the peace in self-help repossessions/Ryan mcrobert.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.2: 569-594.
124059 Democratic competence, constitutional Disorder, and the freedom of the press/Stephen i. Vladeck.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.2: 529-548.
124060 Public discourse, expert knowledge, and the Press/Joseph blocher.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.2: 409-443.
124061 The first amendment, the courts, and picking winners/Judge thomas l. Ambro, paul j. Safier.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.2: 397-408.
124062 The first amendment’s epistemological Problem/Paul horwitz.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.2: 445-493.
124063 The guardians of knowledge in the modern state: post s republic and the first amendment/Ronald k.l. Collins, david m. Skover.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.2: 369-395.
124064 Understanding the first amendment/Robert post.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.2: 549-563.
124065 Executive privilege under washington’s Separation of powers doctrine/Lee marchisio.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.3: 813-849.
124066 In memoriam: professor emeritus richard o. Kummert/Kellye Y. Testy.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.3: 639-656.
124067 Pressing washington’s wine industry into The twenty-first century: rethinking what It means to be a winery/Rebecca thompson.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.3: 851-882.
124068 Protecting child victims rights as vigorously as criminal defendants when prosecuting possession or distribution of child pornography/Kiel willmore.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.3: 883-914.
124069 Selling advice and creating expectations: Why brokers should be fiduciaries/Arthur b. Laby.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.3: 716-775.
124070 State default and synthetic bankruptcy/Richard m. Hynes.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.3: 658-704.
124071 Talking drugs: the burdens of proof in postgarcetti Speech retaliation claims/Thomas e. Hudson.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.3: 777-811.
124072 An open courts checklist: clarifying Washington’s public trial and public access Jurisprudence/Jeanine blackett lutzenhiser.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.4: 1203-1249.
124073 Fleeing east from indian country: state v. Eriksen and tribal inherent sovereign authority to continue cross-jurisdictional fresh pursuit/Kevin naud.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.4: 1251-1293.
124074 Indigenous peoples and epistemic injustice: Science, ethics, and human rights/Rebecca tsosie.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.4: 1134-1201.
124075 Inextricably political: race, membership, And tribal sovereignty/Sarah krakoff.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.4: 1043-1131.
124076 Monitored disclosure: a way to avoid legislative supremacy in redistricting litigation/Mark tyson.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.4: 1295-1329.
124077 Negotiating jurisdiction: retroceding state Authority over indian country granted by Public law 280/Robert t. Anderson.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.4: 916-963.
124078 The rise, decline, and fall of miranda/Yale kamisar.- The rise, decline, and fall of miranda. 2012; Vol.87, No.4: 967-1038.
124079 Coercion and the labour contract: revisiting Glasbrook Brothers and the political fiction of Lewis Jones/Melanie L. Williams.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 1-25.
124080 Hopeless cases: race, racism and the vexatious litigant/Didi Herman.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 27-46.
124081 Calculating claims: Jewish and Muslim women navigating religion, economics and law in Canada/Pascale Fournier.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 47-72.
124082 The question of Salah Sheekh: Derrida’s hospitality and migration law/M. C. Stronks.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 73-95.
124083 From beyond the grave: the legal regulation of mediumship/Steve Greenfield, Guy Osborn, Stephanie Roberts.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 97-114.
124084 What to expect from institutional transplants? An experience of setting up media self-regulation in Russia and Bosnia/Marina Kurkchiyan.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 115-131.
124085 Mind the (new) gap: a selective survey of current law and society research in the Netherlands/Marc Hertogh.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 137-153.
124086 Introduction: family – an international affair/Alison Diduck, Frances Raday.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 187-195.
124087 Islamic family law in Europe? From dichotomies to discourse – or: beyond cultural and religious identity in family law/Andrea Buchler.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 196-210.
124088 Sacralising the patriarchal family in the monotheistic religions: To no form of religion is woman indebted for one impulse of freedom/Frances Raday.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 211-230.
124089 Personal family law systems – a comparative and international human rights analysis/Hadas Tagari.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 231-252.
124090 Arab Israeli women’s renunciation of their inheritance shares: a challenge for Israel’s courts/Haim Sandberg, Adam Hofri-Winogradow.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 253-267.
124091 Fear of the Wandering Gay: some reflections on citizenship, nationalism and recognition in same-sex relationships/Zvi Triger.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 268-282.
124092 The ties that bind: family and private life as bars to the deportation of immigrants/Yael Ronen.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 283-296.
124093 The vulnerable subject of negligence law/Carl F. Stychin.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2012; Vol.8, No.3: 337-353.
124094 The formation of a European constitution: an approach from historical-political sociology/Chris Thornhill.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2012; Vol.8, No.3: 354-393.
124095 Virtual walls? The law of pseudo-public spaces/Daithi Mac Sithigh.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2012; Vol.8, No.3: 394-412.
124096 An intentional basis for corporate personality/Anthony Amatrudo.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2012; Vol.8, No.3: 413-430.
124097 From Maycomb to Nuremberg: cinematic visions of law, legal actors and American ways/Susanne Davies.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2012; Vol.8, No.4: 449-468.
124098 The concept of the civilian: legal recognition, adjudication and the trials of international criminal justice/Claire Garbett.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2012; Vol.8, No.4: 469-486.
124099 The meaning of love in the debate for legal recognition of same-sex marriage in Australia/Renata Grossi.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2012; Vol.8, No.4: 487-505.
124100 German sociology of law: a case of path dependency/Stefan Machura.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2012; Vol.8, No.4: 506-523.
124101 Capacity, value neutrality and the ability to consider the future/Jillian Craigie.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 4-19.
124102 Agency, ambivalence and authenticity: the many ways in which anorexia nervosa can affect autonomy/Tony Hope … [et al.].- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 20-36.
124103 Autonomy, vulnerability and capacity: a philosophical appraisal of the Mental Capacity Act/Catriona Mackenzie, Wendy Rogers.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 37-52.
124104 Hidden substance: mental disorder as a challenge to normatively neutral accounts of autonomy/Fabian Freyenhagen, Tom O’Shea.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 53-70.
124105 Can procedural and substantive elements of decision-making be reconciled in assessments of mental capacity?/Natalie F. Banner.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 71-86.
124106 Mental capacity in the shadow of suicide: What can the law do?/Genevra Richardson.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 87-105.
124107 Doping, sport and the law: time for repeal of prohibition?/Jack Anderson.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 135-159.
124108 Peripheral governance: administering transnational health-care flows/Ruth Fletcher.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 160-191.
124109 The city of law/Kirsten Campbell.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 192-212.
124110 Re-envisioning the local: spatiality, land and law in Botswana/Anne Griffiths.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 213-238.
124111 Explaining the dealings of Dutch SMEs with potential legal problems: a plea for a theory-driven approach/M. T. Croes.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 239-261.
124112 Legalise it! The rising place of law in French sociology/Liora Israel.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 262-278.
124113 The beginning of the sharpness: loyalty, citizenship and Muslim divorce practice/Mairead Enright.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 295-317.
124114 Interrogating religion: Christian/secular values, citizenship and racial upliftment in governmental education policy/Suhraiya Jivraj.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 318-342.
124115 Multiculturalism meets privatisation: the case of faith-based arbitration/Audrey Macklin.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 343-365.
124116 Political liberalism and French national identity in the wake of the face-veiling law/Eoin Daly.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 366-385.
124117 Religion, custom and gender: marital law reform in South Africa/Catherine Albertyn.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 386-410.
124118 Retreat from multiculturalism: community cohesion, civic integration and the disciplinary politics of gender/Siobhan Mullally.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 411-428.
124119 Recovering legal fictions: an introduction/Maksymilian Del Mar.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 437-441.
124120 Legal fictions and legal change/Maksymilian Del Mar.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 442-465.
124121 Fuller on legal fictions: a Benthamic perspective/Michael Quinn.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 466-484.
124122 Legal fictions and the limits of legal language/Karen Petroski.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 485-505.
124123 Fictitious fraud: economics and the presumption of reliance/Randy D. Gordon.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 506-519.
124124 HIV treatment as prevention: not an argument for continuing criminalisation of HIV transmission/John G. Francis, Leslie P. Francis.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 520-534.
124125 Unsafe law: health, rights and the legal response to HIV/Matthew Weait.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 535-564.
124126 Kawashima and the changing focus on Japanese legal consciousness: a selective history of the sociology of law in Japan/Masayuki Murayama.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 565-589.
124127 Must equal mean identical? Same-sex couples and marriage/Robert Leckey.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 5-25.
124128 Respect for human dignity as substantive basic norm/Mary Neal.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 26-46.
124129 Public law and the value of conceptual analysis/Barbara Mauthe.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 47-63.
124130 The legal recognition of personality: full-face veils and permissible choices/Jill Marshall.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 64-80.
124131 Legislating personhood: realising the right to support in exercising legal capacity/Eilionoir Flynn, Anna Arstein-Kerslake.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 81-104.
124132 Reason to disbelieve: evaluating the rape claims of women seeking asylum in the UK/Helen Baillot, Sharon Cowan, Vanessa E. Munro.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 105-139.
124133 Olympic citizenship and the (un)specialness of the national vest: rethinking the links between sport and citizenship law/Dora Kostakopoulou, Annette Schrauwen.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 143-162.
124134 Purpose-based or knowledge-based intention for collective wrongdoing in international criminal law?/Kirsten J. Fisher.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 163-176.
124135 The Egyptian revolution in and out of the juridical space: an inquiry into labour law and the workers’ movement in Egypt/Mai Taha.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 177-194.
124136 Religion and culture in the discourse of the European Court of Human Rights: the risks of stereotyping and naturalising/Lourdes Peroni.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 195-221.
124137 The narratives of geographical indications/Matteo Ferrari.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 222-248.
124138 Reframing the debate: the debt relief initiative and new normative values in the governance of third world debt/Celine Tan.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 249-272.
124139 Commodities must be controlled: economic crimes and market discipline in India (1939-1955)/Rohit De.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 277-294.
124140 The criminalisation of symbols of the past: expression, law and memory/Agata Fijalkowski.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 295-314.
124141 We don’t need another IRAC: identifying global legal skills/Helena Whalen-Bridge.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 315-337.
124142 The Asia-Pacific partnership and market-liberal discourse in global climate governance/Jeffrey McGee, Ros Taplin.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 338-356.
124143 Rights and constituent power in the global constitution/Chris Thornhill.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 357-396.
124144 The return of sociology in Danish socio-legal studies: a survey of recent trends/Ole Hammerslev, Mikael Rask Madsen.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 397-415.
124145 Introduction: elusive equalities – sex, gender and women/Catherine Albertyn, Sandra Fredman, Judy Fudge.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 421-426.
124146 Elusive equalities and the Great Recession: restoration, retrenchment and redistribution/Janine Brodie.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 427-441.
124147 Reversing roles: bringing men into the frame/Sandra Fredman.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 442-459.
124148 Gender, poverty and the development of the right to social security/Beth Goldblatt.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 460-477.
124149 From social welfare to human rights for girls – a path to achieving gender equality/Savitri Goonesekere.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 478-493.
124150 The construction of identity and rights: race and gender in Brazil/Daniela Ikawa.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 494-506.
124151 Equality through precarious work regulation: lessons from the domestic work debates in defence of the Standard Employment Relationship/Deirdre McCann.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 507-521.
124152 Accessing pension resources: the right to equality inside and out of the labour market/Kendra Strauss.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 522-537.
124153 Law in the semi-periphery: revisiting an ambitious theory in the light of recent Portuguese socio-legal research/Pierre Guibentif.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 538-558.
124154 Leon Petrazycki and contemporary socio-legal studies/Roger Cotterrell.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 1-16.
124155 The cetacean right to life revisited/David Mence.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 17-39.
124156 The rights of the dead through the prism of Israeli succession disputes/Daphna Hacker.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 40-58.
124157 The role of bureaucrats in designing policy outcomes: the case of the 2002 General Security Service (GSS) Law/Assaf Meydani.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 59-77.
124158 Towards a holistic approach, in international practice, to the design and implementation of initiatives to promote the rule of law at the national level/Juan Carlos Ochoa S..- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 78-91.
124159 Property in a shrinking planet: fault lines in international human rights and investment law/Lorenzo Cotula.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 113-134.
124160 Natural resources and global value chains: What role for the WTO?/Fiona Smith.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 135-152.
124161 Regulating environmental responsibility for the multinational oil industry: continuing challenges for international law/David M. Ong.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 153-173.
124162 Risky business: political risk insurance and the law and governance of natural resources/Celine Tan.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 174-194.
124163 Tropical forests and climate change: a critique of green governmentality/Sam Adelman.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 195-212.
124164 Women and wrongful convictions: concepts and challenges/Debra Parkes, Emma Cunliffe.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 219-244.
124165 From homo economicus to homo roboticus: an exploration of the transformative impact of the technological imaginary/Julia J. A. Shaw.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 245-264.
124166 Corporate social responsibility, juridification and globalisation: inventive interventionism for a paradox/Onyeka K. Osuji.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 265-298.
124167 Unearthing bureaucratic legal consciousness: government officials’ legal identification and moral ideals/Sally Richards.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 299-319.
124168 Refashioning vagrancy: a tale of Law’s narrative of its imagination/Prashan Ranasinghe.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 320-340.
124169 Gender, Islam and judgeship in Egypt/Nadia Sonneveld, Ahmed Tawfik.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 341-360.
124170 Analysis of Israelis [Jews and Arab-Palestinians]: exploring law in society and society in law/Gad Barzilai.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 361-378.
124171 A social systems approach to understanding the racial effect of the Section 44 counter-terror stop and search powers/Rachel Herron.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.4: 383-397.
124172 How far is too far? Theorising non-conviction-based asset forfeiture/Jennifer Hendry, Colin King.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.4: 398-411.
124173 Transracial adoption in England: a critical race and systems theory analysis/Sarah Sargent.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.4: 412-425.
124174 Shared parenting, law and policy: considering power within the framework of autopoietic theory/Annika Newnham.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.4: 426-443.
124175 Vulnerable bodies, vulnerable systems/Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Thomas E. Webb.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.4: 444-461.
124176 Civil disobedience and constituent power/Richard Nobles, David Schiff.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.4: 462-480.
124177 Power in sovereignty and its self-legitimation: on the autopoietic semantics and contingency of popular sovereignty/Jiri Priban.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2015; Vol.11, No.4: 481-495.
124178 Dun & Bradstreet v. Greenmoss Builders as an Example of Justice Powell’s Approach to Constitutional Jurisprudence/Paul M. Smith.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.1: 143-154.
124179 Dun and Bradstreet Revisited-A Comment on Levine and Wermiel/Scott L. Nelson.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.1: 103-123.
124180 A Tale of Two Greenmoss Builders/Robert M. ONeil.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.1: 125-141.
124181 Controlling the Prosecution of Bribery: Applying Corporate Law Principles to Defifine a Foreign Offifficial in the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act/Kayla Feld.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.1: 245-280.
124182 Governing Financial Markets: Regulating Conflflicts/Kristin N. Johnson.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.1: 187-243.
124183 The Miranda Warning/Frederick Schauer.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.1: 155-170.
124184 The Lesson of the 2011 NFL and NBA Lockouts: Why Courts Should Not Immediately Recognize Players’ Union Disclaimers of Representation/Ross Siler.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.1: 281-319.
124185 A Rejoinder to Professor Schauer’s Commentary/Yale Kamisar.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.1: 171-184.
124186 The Landmark That Wasn’t: A First Amendment Play in Five Acts/Lee Levine, Stephen Wermiel.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.1: 3-101.
124187 All carrot and no stick: why washington’s clean water act assurances violate state and federal water quality laws/Oliver stiefel.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.2: 683-721.
124188 Disclosure as distribution/Jeremy n. Sheff.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.2: 475-490.
124189 Disclosure, scholarly ethics, and the future Of law reviews: a few preliminary thoughts/Ronald k.l. Collins, lisa g. Lerman.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.2: 321-331.
124190 In washington state, open courts jurisprudence consists mainly of open questions/Anne l. Ellington, jeanine blackett lutzenhiser.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.2: 492-521.
124191 Making room: why inclusionary zoning is permissible under washington’s tax preemption statute and takings framework/Josephine l. Ennis.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.2: 591-644.
124192 Mandated disclosure in literary hybrid Speech/Zahr k. Said.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.2: 420-474.
124193 Obscurity by design/Woodrow hartzog, frederic stutzman.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.2: 386-418.
124194 Pregnant and prejudiced: the constitutionality of sex-and race-selective abortion restrictions/Justin gillett.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.2: 645-682.
124195 Static versus dynamic disclosures, and how not to judge their success or failure/Richard craswell.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.2: 334-380.
124196 The perfect pairing: protecting u.s. Geographical indications with a sinoamerican wine registry/Laura zanzig.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.2: 723-757.
124197 Washington’s electronic signature act: an anachronism in the new millennium/Stephanie curry.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.2: 559-590.
124198 When old becomes new: reconciling the commands of the wilderness act and the national historic preservation act/Nikki c. Carsley.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.2: 525-558.
124199 A modified theory of the law of federal courts: the case of arising-under jurisdiction/Simona grossi.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.3: 962-1018.
124200 An uneasy union: same-sex marriage and religious exemption in washington state/Peter dolan.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.3: 1119-1152.
124201 Carving at the joints: using issue classes to reframe consumer class actions/Jenna c. Smith.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.3: 1187-1225.
124202 Distinct sources of law and distinct doctrines: federal jurisdiction and prudential standing/William james goodling.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.3: 1153-1186.
124203 Informal collateral consequences/Wayne a. Logan.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.3: 1103-1117.
124204 The collateral consequences of ex post judicial review/Brianne j. Gorod.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.3: 904-959.
124205 The confusion trap: rethinking parody in trademark law/David a. Simon.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.3: 1023-1099.
124206 The decline and (possible) renewal of aspiration in the clean water act/Robert w. Adler.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.3: 760-812.
124207 Washington trust laws extreme makeover: blending with the uniform trust code and taking reform further with innovations in notice, situs, and representation/Karen e. Boxx, katie s. Groblewski.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.3: 815-900.
124208 Cases and controversies: some things to do with contracts cases/Charles l. Knapp.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.4: 1357-1394.
124209 Contract as pattern language/Erik f. Gerding.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.4: 1323-1356.
124210 Contract stories: importance of the contextual approach to law/Larry a. Dimatteo.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.4: 1287-1322.
124211 Contract texts, contract teaching, contract law: comment on lawrence cunningham, contracts in the real world/Brian h. Bix.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.4: 1251-1263.
124212 Copyrights in faculty-created works: how licensing can solve the academic work-for-hire dilemma/Glenda a. Gertz.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.4: 1465-1493.
124213 Reflections on contracts in the real world: history, currency, context, and other values/Lawrence a. Cunningham.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.4: 1265-1286.
124214 The perspective of law on contract/Aditi bagchi.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.4: 1227-1249.
124215 Unilateral reordering in the reel world/Jake linford.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.4: 1395-1426.
124216 Unpopular contracts and why they matter: burying langdell and enlivening students/Jennifer s. Taub.- Washington Law Review. 2013; Vol.88, No.4: 1427-1464.
124217 Artificial meaning/Lawrence b. Solum.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.1: 69-86.
124218 Machine learning and law/Harry surden.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.1: 87-115.
124219 Machines without principals: liability rules and artificial intelligence/David c. Vladeck.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.1: 117-150.
124220 Policing by numbers: big data and the fourth amendment/Elizabeth e. Joh.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.1: 35-86.
124221 Racial impact statements: considering the consequences of racial disproportionalities in the criminal justice system/Jessica erickson.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.1: 175-216.
124222 The parcel as a whole: defining the relevant parcel in temporary regulatory takings cases/Laura j. Powell.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.1: 151-173.
124223 The scored society: due process for automated predictions  Danielle keats citron/Frank pasquale.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.1: 2-32.
124224 The undersigned attorney hereby certifies: ensuring reasonable caseloads for washington defenders and clients/Andrea woods.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.1: 217-255.
124225 All his sexless patients: persons with mental disabilities and the competence to have sex/Michael l. Perlin, alison j. Lynch.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.2: 258-299.
124226 Arriving at clearly established: the taser problem and reforming qualified immunity analysis in the ninth circuit/Kate seabright.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.2: 491-514.
124227 Enlightened regulatory capture/David thaw.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.2: 331-377.
124228 Loss-of-chance doctrine in washington: from herskovits to mohr and the need for clarification/Matthew wurdeman.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.2: 603-652.
124229 Much ado about something: the first amendment and mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods/Stephen tan, brian epley.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.2: 301-328.
124230 Not-so-harmless error: a higher standard for mitigation errors on capital habeas review/Ryan c. Thomas.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.2: 515-557.
124231 The claim-centered approach to arising-under jurisdiction: a brief rejoinder to professor mulligan/Simona grossi.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.2: 487-489.
124232 The constitutional structure of voting rights enforcement/Franita tolson.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.2: 380-438.
124233 Without good cause: the case for a standard-based approach to determining worker qualification for unemployment benefits/Emily toler.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.2: 559-601.
124234 Drafting agreements as an attorney-mediator: revisiting washington state bar association advisory opinion/Caitlin park shin.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.3: 1035-1067.
124235 Keeping up with technology: why a flexible juvenile sexting statute is needed to prevent overly severe punishment in washington state/Reid mcellrath.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.3: 1009-1034.
124236 Miller’s promise: re-evaluating extreme criminal sentences for children/Nick straley.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.3: 964-1007.
124237 Outsourcing corporate accountability/Kishanthi parella.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.3: 747-817.
124238 Solving jurisdiction’s social cost/Dustin e. Buehler.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.3: 654-707.
124239 The legal ethics of real evidence: of child porn on the choirmaster s computer and bloody knives under the stairs/Gregory c. Sisk.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.3: 821-898.
124240 The not so speedy trial act/Shon hopwood.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.3: 710-745.
124241 This is your sword: how damaging are prior convictions to plaintiffs in civil trials/Kathryn stanchi, deirdre bowen.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.3: 902-960.
124242 Amended complaints post-twiqbal:why litigants should still get a second bite at the pleading apple/Dane westermeyer.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.4: 1467-1501.
124243 Bearing children, bearing risks: feminist leadership for progressive regulation of compensated surrogacy in the united states/Sara l. Ainsworth.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.4: 1077-1123.
124244 For a feminist considering surrogacy, is compensation really the key question?/Julie shapiro.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.4: 1345-1373.
124245 Promoting innovationwhile preventing discrimination: policy goals for the scored society/Frank pasquale, danielle keats citron.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.4: 1413-1424.
124246 Racial impact statements: considering the consequences of racial disproportionalities in the criminal justice system/Jessica erickson.- Washington Law Review. 2014; Vol.89, No.4: 1425-1465.
124247 Straddling the columbia: a constitutional law professor’s musings on circumventing washington state’s criminal prohibition on compensated surrogacy/Peter nicolas2014; Vol.89, No.4: 1235-1309.
124248 The future of compensated surrogacy in washington state: anytime soon/Terry j. Price2014; Vol.89, No.4: 1311-1343.
124249 The house of windsor: accentuating the heteronormativity in the tax incentives for procreation/Anthony c. Infanti2014; Vol.89, No.4: 1185-1233.
124250 Understanding discrimination in the scored society/Tal z. Zarsky2014; Vol.89, No.4: 1375-1412.
124251 Windsor, surrogacy, and race/Khiara m. Bridges2014; Vol.89, No.4: 1125-1153.
124252 A Flexible Health Care Workforce Requires a Flexible Regulatory Environment: Promoting Health Care Competition Through      Tara Isa Koslov/Andrew I. Gavil, Regulatory Reform.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.1: 148-196.
124253 Buyer Power and Healthcare Prices/John B. Kirkwood.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.1: 254-292.
124254 Buyers in the Baby Market: Toward a Transparent Consumerism/June Carbone, Jody Lynee Madeira.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.1: 71-106.
124255 Consume or invest: what do/should agency leaders maximize?/William e. Kovacic, David a. Hyman.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.1: 296-324.
124256 Hospital Mergers and Economic Efficiency/Roger D. Blair, Christine Piette Durrance, D. Daniel Sokol.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.1: 2-65.
124257 Navigating Through the Fog of Vertical Merger Law: A Guide to Counselling Hospital-Physician Consolidation under the Clayton Act/Thomas L. Greaney, Douglas Ross.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.1: 20-251.
124258 No handicapped people allowed: the need for objective accessibiity standards under the fair housing act/Michael j. Jeter.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.1: 325-359.
124259 Our corrosive oceans: exploring regulatory responses and a possible role for tribes/Weston r. Lemay.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.1: 361-400.
124260 The Law, Economics, and Medicine of Off-Label Prescribing/William S. Comanor, Jack Needleman.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.1: 1169-1243.
124261 Why a Large and Unjustified Payment Threshold Is Not Consistent with Actavis/Michael A. Carrier.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.1: 109-117.
124262 Anonymization and risk/Ira s. Rubinstein, woodrow hartzog.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.2: 704-758.
124263 Constitutional retroactivity in criminal procedure/Dov fox, alex stein.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.2: 464-503.
124264 Judicial lobbying/J. Jonas anderson.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.2: 402-460.
124265 Lawyers for legal ghosts: the legality and ethics of representing persons subject to guardianship/Nina a. Kohn, catheryn koss.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.2: 582-636.
124266 Legislating agency use of unmanned aerial vehicles in washington state/Ashleigh b. Rhodes.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.2: 887-927.
124267 Revisiting the taxation of fringe benefits/Jay a. Soled, kathleen delaney thomas.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.2: 762-814.
124268 State equity crowdfunding and investor protection/Christopher h. Pierce-wright.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.2: 847-886.
124269 State standing to challenge federal authority in the modern administrative state/Shannon m. Roesler.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.2: 638-702.
124270 Taxes and ability to pay in municipal bankruptcy/John patrick hunt.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.2: 516-579.
124271 The right to be virtually clothed/Peter w. Cooper.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.2: 817-846.
124272 Gross error/Eric berger.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.3: 931-1003.
124273 Kill the snitch: how henriquez-rivas affects Asylum eligibility for people who report Serious gang crimes to law enforcement/James carr.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.3: 1313-1354.
124274 Legislative solutions to stingray use: regulating cell site simulator technology post-riley/Ada danelo.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.3: 1355-1396.
124275 Not too separate or unequal: marriage penalty relief after obergefell/Mitchell l. Engler, edward d. Stein.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.3: 1047-1112.
124276 One percent procedure/Brooke d. Coleman.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.3: 1006-1071.
124277 Reputation through litigation: how the legal system shapes behavior by producing information/Roy shapira.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.3: 1195-1251.
124278 Taking bankruptcy rights seriously/Rafael i. Pardo.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.3: 1116-1181.
124279 The house edge: on gambling and professional discipline/stacey a. Tovino.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.3: 1254-1310.
124280 An app for third party beneficiaries/David g. Epstein, alexandra w. Cook, j. Kyle lowder, michelle sonntag.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.4: 1664-1702.
124281 Computer fraud and abuse act enforcement: cruel, unusual, and due for reform/Tiffany curtiss.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.4: 1813-1850.
124282 Pluralizing the sharing economy/Erez aloni.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.4: 1398-1458.
124283 Put privity in the past: a modern approach for determining when washington attorneys are liable to nonclients for estate planning malpractice/Kaitlyn c. Kelly.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.4: 1851-1893.
124284 Regulating secrecy/W. Nicholson price.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.4: 1769-1812.
124285 Surveillance policy making by procurement/Catherine crump.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.4: 1597-1662.
124286 The antidemocratic sixth amendment/Janet moore.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.4: 1706-1766.
124287 The class action as trust/Sergio j. Campos.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.4: 1462-1522.
124288 The dormant commerce clause effect: how the difficulty in reconciling exxon and hunt has led to a circuit split for challenges to laws affecting national chains/Valerie walker.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.4: 1895-1925.
124289 The learned hand unformula for short-swing liability/Andrew chin.- Washington Law Review. 2016; Vol.91, No.4: 1524-1585.
124290 A Shifting Landscape for Shifting Fees: Attorney-Fee Awards in Patent Suits after Octane and Highmark/Darin Jones.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.1: 505-543.
124291 A tale of three prejudices: restructuring the martinez gateway/Michael ellis.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.1: 405-451.
124292 Administrating patent litigation/Jacob s. Sherkow.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.1: 206-268.
124293 Experimental Execution/Seema K. Shah.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.1: 148-202.
124294 Forever evergreen: amending the washington state constitution for a healthy environment/Devra r. Cohen.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.1: 349-404.
124295 Home-Country Effects of Corporate Inversions/Omri Marian.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.1: 2-72.
124296 Public Records in Private Devices: How Public Employees Article I, Section 7 Privacy Rights Create a Dilemma for State and Local Government/Philip Paine.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.1: 545-577.
124297 Removal jurisdiction over mass actions/Mallory a. Gitt.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.1: 453-504.
124298 Rethinking Virtual Currency Regulation in the Bitcoin Age/Kevin V. Tu, Michael W. Meredith.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.1: 272-364.
124299 Revisiting Claim and Issue Preclusion in Washington/Kathleen M. McGinnis.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.2: 76-144.
124300 A new generation of class action cy pres remedies: lessons from washington state/Cecily c. Shiel.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.2: 943-991.
124301 Campbell as fair use blueprint?/Pierre n. Leval.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.2: 597-614.
124302 Campbell at 21/sony at 31/Jessica litman.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.2: 651-683.
124303 Content, purpose, or both/Rebecca tushnet.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.2: 869-891.
124304 Foreword: fair use in the digital age, and campbell v. Acuff-rose at 21/Zahr k. Said.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.2: 579-596.
124305 How much is too much?: campbell and the third fair use factor/R. Anthony reese.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.2: 756-812.
124306 Market effects bearing on fair use/Jeanne c. Fromer.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.2: 616-649.
124307 Possible futures of fair use/Pamela samuelson.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.2: 816-863.
124308 The imaginary trademark parody crisis (and the real one)/William mcgeveran.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.2: 714-753.
124309 The shameful wall of exclusion: how solitary confinement for inmates with mental illness violates the americans with disabilities act/Jessica knowles.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.2: 893-942.
124310 Washington’s reproductive privacy act: an interpretation and constitutional analysis/Ross tanaka.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.2: 993-1037.
124311 An ethical dilemma: attorneys duties not to reveal elder abuse in washington state/Margaret sholian.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.3: 1471-1515.
124312 Divorce equality/Allison anna tait.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.3: 1246-1311.
124313 Nothing less than the dignity of man: the eighth amendment and state efforts to reinstitute traditional methods of execution/James c. Feldman.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.3: 1313-1348.
124314 Public records in private devices: how public employees article i, section 7 privacy rights create a dilemma for state and local government/Philip paine.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.3: 545-577.
124315 Regulating real-world surveillance/Margot e. Kaminski.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.3: 1114-1165.
124316 Ridesharing’s house of cards: o’connor v. Uber technologies, inc. And the viability of uber’s labor model in washington/Henry ross.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.3: 1431-1469.
124317 State v. Crumpton: how the washington state supreme court improved access to justice in post-conviction dna testing/Jordan mccrite.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.3: 1395-1429.
124318 The law of intimate work/Naomi schoenbaum.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.3: 1169-1243.
124319 Towards an institutional challenge of imprisonment for legal financial obligation nonpayment in washington state/Devon king.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.3: 1349-1394.
124320 Working with cancer: how the law can help survivors maintain employment/Ann c. Hodges.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.3: 1040-1112.
124321 Underdog arbitration: a plan for transparency/Ramona l. Lampley.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.4: 1728-1780.
124322 Changing course: revisiting instream flow rulemaking in washington state following swinomish v. Ecology/Haylee j. Hurst.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.4: 1901-1941.
124323 Coping with uncertainty: cost-benefit analysis, the precautionary principle, and climate change/Daniel a. Farber.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.4: 1660-1724.
124324 Dealing with ocean acidification: the problem, the clean water act, and state and regional approaches/Robin kundis craig.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.4: 1585-1654.
124325 Digital border searches after riley v. California/Thomas mann miller.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.4: 1943-1996.
124326 Energy-environment policy alignments/Todd s. Aagaard.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.4: 1518-1580.
124327 The immortal accusation/Lindsey webb.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.4: 1854-1900.
124328 The unwilling donor/Jennifer mueller.- Washington Law Review. 2015; Vol.90, No.4: 1784-1850.
124329 A Nuanced Approach: How Washington Courts Should Apply the Filed Rate Doctrine/Kaleigh Powell.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.1: 481-519.
124330 Are the SEC’s Administrative Law Judges Biased? An Empirical Investigation/Urska Velikonja.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.1: 316-369.
124331 Artistic Control after Death/Eva E. Subotnik.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.1: 254-312.
124332 Clientless Lawyers/Russell M. Gold.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.1: 88-142.
124333 Donor Advised Funds: Charitable Spending Vehicles for 21st Century Philanthropy/Roger Colinvaux.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.1: 40-85.
124334 Indian Treaty Fishing Rights and the Environment: Affiffirming the Right to Habitat Protection and Restoration/Michael C. Blumm.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.1: 6-36.
124335 Patent Injunctions on Appeal: An Empirical Study of the Federal Circuit’s Application of eBay/Ryan T. Holte, Christopher B. Seaman.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.1: 146-203.
124336 Searching for the Appropriate Standard: Stops, Seizure, and the Reasonable Person’s Willingness to Walk Away from the Police/Desiree Phair.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.1: 425-479.
124337 The Bright Line’s Dark Side: Pre-Charge Attachment of the Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel/Steven J. Mulroy.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.1: 214-252.
124338 The Washington State Constitution and Charter Schools: A General and Uniform Prohibition?/Asti Gallina.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.1: 371-424.
124339 Anything but common: new york’s pending or anticipated litigation limitation to the common interest doctrine creates more problems than it solves/Eric a. Franz.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.2: 983-1027.
124340 Class conflicts/Morris a. Ratner.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.2: 787-860.
124341 Employee, volunteer, or neither? Proposing a tax-based exception to flsa wage requirements for nonprofit interns after glatt v. Fox searchlight/Jane pryjmak.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.2: 1071-1117.
124342 Making it work: tribal innovation, state reaction, and the future of tribes as regulatory laboratories/Katherine florey.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.2: 714-784.
124343 Parental abduction and the state intervention paradox/Jane k. Stoever.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.2: 862-928.
124344 Small investments, big losses: the states role in protecting local investors from securities fraud/Carlos berdejo.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.2: 569-625.
124345 The canons of construction for choice-of-law clauses/John f. Coyle.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.2: 632-709.
124346 Third party consent and container searches in the home/Harlan thomas mechling.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.2: 1029-1070.
124347 Traditional ecological disclosure: how the freedom of information act frustrates tribal natural resource consultation with federal agencies/Sophia e. Amberson.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.2: 937-981.
124348 W(h)ither the tax gap/James alm, jay a. Soled.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.2: 522-566.
124349 A natural progression of restrictive immunity: why the jasta amendment does not violate international law/Eric t. Kohan.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.3: 1515-1569.
124350 Adjudicating religious sincerity/Nathan s. Chapman.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.3: 1187-1253.
124351 An uncommon carrier: the fcc’s unintended effects on constitutional use taxation/Maricarmen perez-vargas.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.3: 1571-1603.
124352 Breaking down bias: legal mandates vs. Corporate interests/Jamillah bowman williams.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.3: 1474-1511.
124353 Dignity, inequality, and stereotypes/Luke a. Boso.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.3: 1120-1182.
124354 Nudging patient decision-making/Wendy netter epstein.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.3: 1256-1315.
124355 Pre-enforcement litigation needed for taxing procedures/Stephanie hunter mcmahon.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.3: 1318-1403.
124356 Quick, stop hiring old people! How the eleventh circuit opened the door for discriminatory hiring practices under the adea/Samantha pitsch.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.3: 1605-1636.
124357 What’s (still) wrong with credit ratings?/Frank partnoy.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.3: 1408-1472.
124358 Customary international law in united states courts/Gary born.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.4: 1642-1719.
124359 Nationwide permit 12 and domestic oil pipelines: an incompatible relationship?/Alexander s. Arkfeld.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.4: 1991-2024.
124360 Orwell’s 1984 and a fourth amendment cybersurveillance nonintrusion test/Margaret hu.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.4: 1819-1902.
124361 Safeguarding washington’s trade secrets: protecting businesses from public records requests/John delaney.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.3: 1905-1953.
124362 The helicopter state: misuse of parens patriae unconstitutionally precludes individual and class claims/Gabrielle j. Hanna.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.4: 1955-1990.
124363 The new sister-state sovereign immunity/Michael h. Hoffheimer.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.4: 1772-1817.
124364 Welfare and federalism’s peril/Andrew hammond.- Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.92, No.4: 1722-1769.
124365 Alexa, What Should We Do about Privacy Protecting Privacy for Users of Voice-Activated Devices/Anne Pfeifle.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.1: 421-458.
124366 Courts as Gatekeepers: The Case for Minimal Deference to Agency Interpretations of the Common Law/Brent Droze.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.1: 385-419.
124367 Exposing Secret Searches: A First Amendment Right of Access to Electronic Surveillance Orders/Hannah Bloch-Wehba.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.1: 146-199.
124368 Fifty Shades of Gray Infrastructure: Land Use and the Failure to Create Resilient Cities/Jonathan Rosenbloom.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.1: 318-383.
124369 Forum-Selection Provisions in Corporate Contracts Helen Hershkoff/Marcel Kahan.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.1: 266-312.
124370 Incentivized Informants, Brady, Ruiz, and Wrongful Imprisonment: Requiring Pre-Plea Disclosure of Material Exculpatory Evidence/Markus Surratt.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.1: 523-578.
124371 Preventing Erroneous Expedited Removals: Immigration Judge Review and Requests for Reconsideration of Negative Credible Fear Determinations/Katherine Shattuck.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.1: 459-521.
124372 Privacy, Press, and the Right to Be Forgotten in the United States/Amy Gajda.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.1: 202-263.
124373 Snake Oil Speech/Jane R. Bambauer.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.1: 74-141.
124374 The Marital Wealth Gap/Erez Aloni.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.1: 2-69.
124375 Choosing medical malpractice/Nadia n. Sawicki.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.2: 892-964.
124376 Confidentiality in patent dispute Resolution: antitrust implications/Mark r. Patterson.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.2: 928-888.
124377 Dangerous warrants/Nirej sekhon.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.2: 968-1016.
124378 How copyright law can fix artificial Intelligence’s implicit bias problem/Amanda levendowski.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.2: 580-630.
124379 I would like to request your academic Records: ferpa protections and the Washington public records act/Tevon edwards.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.2: 1057-1088.
124380 Preserving vawa’s nonreport option: a call for the proper storage of anonymous/unreported rape kits/Gavin keen.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.2: 1089-1119.
124381 Privacy in the cloud: the fourth amendment Fog/Sarah aitchison.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.2: 1019-1055.
124382 Retaliation backlash/Alex b. Long.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.2: 716-766.
124383 The secret life of priority: corporate reorganization after jevic/Jonathan c. Lipson.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.2: 633-713.
124384 Visual metaphor and trademark Distinctiveness/Dustin marlan.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.2: 768-825.
124385 A stute observation: re-examining washington’s enforcement of workplace safety regulations/Ben moore.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.3: 1533-1561.
124386 Are beach boundaries enforceable? Real-time locational uncertainty and the right to exclude/Josh eagle.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.3: 1182-1224.
124387 Contesting police credibility/Rachel moran.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.3: 1339-1396.
124388 Does small group health insurance deliver group benefits? An argument in favor of allowing the small group market to die/John aloysius cogan.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.3: 1123-1178.
124389 Emojis and the law/eric goldman.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.3: 1228-1291.
124390 Flight and federalism: federal preemption Of state and local drone laws/Nicholas cody.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.3: 1495-1531.
124391 Rent-a-tribe: using tribal immunity to shield patents from administrative review/Seth w. R. Brickey.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.3: 1449-1494.
124392 The arbiters of decency: a study of legislators eighth amendment role/David niven, aliza plener cover.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.3: 1398-1447.
124393 The legal monopoly/Renee newman knake.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.3: 1294-1336.
124394 Threading the first amendment needle: anonymous speech, online harassment, and washington’s cyberstalking statute/Sarah e. Smith.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.3: 1563-1608.
124395 Danger ahead: risk assessment and the future of bail reform/john logan koepke, david g. Robinson.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.4: 1727-1806.
124396 Finality, appealability, and the scope of Interlocutory review/Bryan lammon.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.4: 1810-1852.
124397 Head in the clouds, head in the sand: federal failure to update guidance on computer transactions in an international context/Logan s. Weaver.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.4: 2213-2246.
124398 Market segmentation vs. Subsidization: clean energy credits and the commerce clause’s economic wisdom/Felix mormann.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.4: 1853-1900.
124399 Privacy localism/Ira s. Rubinstein.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.4: 1963-2048.
124400 Privacy’s double standards/Scott skinner-thompson.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.4: 2052-2104.
124401 Remaining silent in indian country: self-incrimination and grants of immunity for tribal court defendants/Philipp c. Kunze.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.4: 2139-2174.
124402 Reversing the reliance revolution in contract/Eric alden.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.4: 1612-1673.
124403 Stop and frisk in a concealed carry world/Shawn e. Fields.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.4: 1676-1721.
124404 The multiple justifications of occupational licensing/nick robinson.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.4: 1904-1960.
124405 To withdraw or not to withdraw: reviewability of an agency’s withdrawn proposed rule/Jane e. Carmody.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.4: 2107-2138.
124406 Unrealistic expectations: the federal government’s unachievable mandate for state cannabis regulation/rebecca sweeney.- Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.93, No.4: 2175-2211.
124407 Access to Safety and Justice: Service of Process in Domestic Violence Cases/Jane K. Stoever.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.1: 335-400.
124408 An Empirical Study of Fast-Food Franchsing Contracts: Towards a New Intermediary Theory of Joint Employment/Kati L. Griffith.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.1: 172-214.
124409 Crashworthy Code/Bryan H. Choi.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.1: 40-115.
124410 Patent Law and the Emigration of Innovation/Gregory Day, Steven Udick.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.1: 121-169.
124411 Stealing Swagger: NFL End Zone Celebrations and Fortnite’s Fortune/Alex Avakiantz.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.1: 453-479.
124412 Striking a Balance: Privacy and National Security in Section 702 U.S. Person Queries/Brittany Adams.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.1: 401-451.
124413 Taxing Selling Partners/Emily Cauble.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.1: 2-38.
124414 Veil Piercing and the Untapped Power of State Courts/Catherine A. Hardee.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.1: 218-284.
124415 What Do You Know? Discovering Document Compilations in 39(B)(6) Depositions/Sara Leonetti.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.1: 481-513.
124416 Who Decides Fair Use-Judge or Jury?/Ned Snow.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.1: 276-331.
124417 Backdoor Balancing/Elizabeth Earle Beske.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.2: 645-699.
124418 Be Careful What You Wish for: Private Political Parties, Public Primaries, and State Constitutional Restrictions/Hugh D. Spitzer.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.2: 823-850.
124419 Effective Corporate Compliance: A Holistic Approach for the SEC and the DOJ/Serena Hamann.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.2: 851-886.
124420 Global Rate Setting: A Solution for Standards-Essential Patents/Jorge L. Contreras.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.2: 702-756.
124421 Invalid Harms: Improper Use of the Administrative Procedure Act’s Good Cause Exemption/Miriam R. Stiefel.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.2: 927-965.
124422 Regulating Wage Theft/Jennifer J. Lee, Annie Smith.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.2: 760-822.
124423 Respecting the Right to Research: Proxy Consent and Subject Assent in Alzheimer’s Disease Clinical Trials/Mikaela L.J. Louie.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.2: 887-926.
124424 Savage Inequalities/Bethany R. Berger.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.2: 584-642.
124425 Some Kind of Hearing Officer/Kent H. Barnett.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.2: 516-582.
124426 Contract interpretation with corpus Linguistics/Stephen c. Mouritsen.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.3: 1339-1418.
124427 Copyright’s market gibberish/Andrew gilden.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.3: 1020-1083.
124428 Don’t say depression: specific diagnosable injuries under the washington law against discrimination’s privilege statute/Jack miller.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.3: 1451-1475.
124429 No forum to rule them all: comity and conflict in transnational frand disputes/Eli greenbaum.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.3: 1085-1134.
124430 Permissive certificates: collectors of art as collectors of permissions/Peter j. Karol.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.3: 1177-1231.
124431 Public or private venture capital?/Darian m. Ibrahim.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.3: 1138-1174.
124432 Replacing geographic lines with conceptual Lines: a proposal for limited authorization Of multijurisdictional practice of law/Patrick medley.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.3: 1419-1450.
124433 Rethinking emergency legislation in washington state/Eva sharf.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.3: 1477-1501.
124434 The promises and perils of using big data to regulate nonprofits/Lloyd hitoshi mayer.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.3: 1282-1335.
124435 The Return of the Technical McDonnell Douglas Paradigm/Katie Eyer.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.3: 968-1017.
124436 Why settle for less? Improving settlement Conferences in federal court/William p. Lynch.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.3: 1234-1279.
124437 A proposal to improve washington’s rules on ex parte contact/Connor rowinski.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.4: 2057-2084.
124438 Addiction-informed immigration reform/Rebecca sharpless.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.4: 1892-1945.
124439 Between you, me, and alexa: on the legality of virtual assistant devices in two-party Consent states/Ria kuruvilla.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.4: 2029-2055.
124440 Community consequences of airbnb/Allyson e. Gold.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.4: 1579-1636.
124441 Emergent regulatory systems and their challenges: the case of combination Medical proaducts/George horvath.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.4: 1698-1766.
124442 Piecing together precedent: fragmented decisions from the washington statesupreme court/Rachael clark.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.4: 1989-2027.
124443 Platform pleading: analyzing employment disputes in the technology sector/Joseph a. Seiner.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.4: 1948-1983.
124444 Regulating bite mark evidence: lesbian vampires and other myths of forensic odontology/Jennifer d. Oliva, valena e. Beety.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.4: 1771-1828.
124445 Sexual assault by federal actors, metoo, and civil rights/Julie goldscheid.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.4: 1640-1695.
124446 The failings of title ix for survivors of sexual violence: utilizing restorative justice on college campuses/Katie vail.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.4: 2085-2118.
124447 The promise and peril of using disability law as a tool for school reform/Claire raj.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.4: 1833-1889.
124448 Unregulated charity/Eric franklin amarante.- Washington Law Review. 2019; Vol.94, No.4: 1504-1575.
124449 Candidate Privacy/Rebecca Green.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.1: 206-256.
124450 Externalities and the Common Owner/Madison Condon.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.1: 2-80.
124451 Getting Past Possession: Subsurface Property Disputes as Nuisances/Joseph A. Schremmer.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.1: 316-375.
124452 Incarcerated Parents and Child Welfare in Washington/Sayer Rippey.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.1: 531-554.
124453 Limitations of Washington Evidence Rule 413/Sarah Desautels.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.1: 429-458.
124454 Privacy as Safety/A. Michael Froomkin, Zak Colangelo.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.1: 142-202.
124455 The Dangers of Disclosure: How HIV Laws Harm Domestic Violence Survivors/Courtney K. Cross.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.1: 84-138.
124456 The Liberty Impact of Gender/Kingsly Alec McConnell.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.1: 459-493.
124457 The Story of a Class: Uses of Narrative in Public Interest Class Actions Before Certifification/Anne E. Ralph.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.1: 260-313.
124458 The Substantial Impact Approach: Reviewing Policy Statements in Light of APA Finality/Emily Parsons.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.1: 495-530.
124459 The Trauma of Trump’s Family Separation and Child Detention Actions: A Children’s Rights Perspective/Jonathan Todres, Daniela Villamizar Fink.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.1: 379-427.
124460 Atoning for Dred Scott and Plessy While Substantially Abolishing the Death Penalty/Scott W. Howe.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.2: 739-807.
124461 Avoiding Responsibility: The Case for Amending the Duty to Disclose Prior Art in Patent Law/John O. Curry.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.2: 1031-1052.
124462 Clarifying Washington’s Approach to the Independent Duty Doctrine/Margaret Wykowski.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.2: 1091-1116.
124463 Parens Patriae and the Disinherited Child/Michael J. Higdon.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.2: 620-674.
124464 Privacy Dependencies/Solon Barocas.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.2: 556-615.
124465 Providing a Meaningful Opportunity for Release: A Proposal for Improving Washington’s Miller-Fix/Maya L. Ramakrishnan.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.2: 1053-1090.
124466 Rules Versus Standards: A Moral Inquiry into Washington’s Character & Fitness Hearing Process/Jennifer Aronson.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.2: 997-1029.
124467 The Eighth Amendment Power to Discriminate/Kathryn E. Miller.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.2: 810-867.
124468 The Regulation of Lawyers in Compliance/Jennifer M. Pacella.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.2: 948-994.
124469 Through the Wire Act/John T. Holden.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.2: 678-734.
124470 All Bets Are Off: Preempting Major League Baseball’s Monopoly on Sports Betting Data/Beatrice Lucas.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.3: 1537-1563.
124471 Data Protection in Disarray/Thomas D. Haley.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.3: 1194-1250.
124472 Distorted Drug Patents/Erika Lietzan, Kristina M.L. Acri nee Lybecker.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.3: 1318-1364.
124473 Erie SLAPP Back/Jack B. Harrison.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.3: 1254-1314.
124474 Jury Nullification Instructions as Structural Error/Susan Yorke.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.3: 1442-1491.
124475 License to Offend: How the NLRA Shields Perpetrators of Discrimination in the Workplace/Molly Gibbons.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.3: 1493-1536.
124476 NotPetya, Not Warfare: Rethinking the Insurance War Exclusion in the Context of International Cyberattacks/Katherine S. Wan.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.3: 1595-1620.
124477 Seeking (Some) Climate Justice in State Tort Law/Karen C. Sokol.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.3: 1384-1438.
124478 The Law of Blockchain/Georgios Dimitropoulos.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.3: 1119-1191.
124479 Predictive Facts/Brent Ferguson.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.4: 1622-1672.
124480 Protecting Protected Activity/Daiquiri J. Steele.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.4: 1893-1951.
124481 Restoring Reasonableness to Workplace Religious Accommodations/Dallan F. Flake.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.4: 1674-1723.
124482 Super-Statutory Contracting/Kristelia A. Garcia.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.4: 1784-1831.
124483 Suspects, Cars & Police Dogs: A Complicated Relationship/Brian R. Gallini.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.4: 1726-1780.
124484 Unregistered Patents/Miriam Marcowitz-Bitton, Emily Michiko Morris.- Washington Law Review. 2020; Vol.95, No.4: 1836-1888.
124485 Chinese animal protection laws and the globalisation of welfare norms/Yangzi Sima, Siobhan O’Sullivan.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 1-23.
124486 The transition to a democratic Portuguese judicial system: (delaying) changes in the legal culture/Joao Paulo Dias.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 24-41.
124487 How international law impacts on statelessness and citizenship: the case of Kurdish nationalism, conflict and peace/Latif Tas.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 42-62.
124488 Is cheaper better? Public and private lawyers before criminal courts in Mexico City/Gustavo Fondevilla, Rodrigo Meneses Reyes.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 63-80.
124489 A tale of two worlds: a (very) select overview of socio-legal studies in Belgium/Stephan Parmentier.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 81-97.
124490 Introduction: Frontiers in Coronial Justice – ushering in a new era of coronial research/Rebecca Scott Bray, Greg Martin.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 103-114.
124491 Exploring fatal facts: current issues in coronial law, policy and practice/Rebecca Scott Bray, Greg Martin.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 115-140.
124492 Taken lives matter: open justice and recognition in inquests into deaths at the hands of the state/Sam McIntosh.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 141-161.
124493 Deaths after police contact in England and Wales: the effects of Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights on coronial practice/David Baker.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 162-177.
124494 I can’t put that on paper. How medical professional values shape the content of death certificates/Myles Leslie.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 178-194.
124495 The coronial manual and the bureaucratic logic of the coroner’s office/Marc Trabsky.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 195-209.
124496 The continuing implications of the crime of suicide: a brief history of the present/Gordon Tait, Belinda Carpenter.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 210-224.
124497 Anthropology and the law: historicising the epistemological divide/Jonas Bens.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.3: 235-252.
124498 The strategic use of epistemological positions in a power-laden arena: anthropological expertise in asylum cases in the UK/Markus Virgil Hoehne.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.3: 253-271.
124499 Culture all around? Contextualising anthropological expertise in European courtroom settings/Larissa Vetters, Marie-Claire Foblets.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.3: 272-292.
124500 Anthropology on trial: exploring the laws of anthropological expertise/Olaf Zenker.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.3: 293-311.
124501 Mapping the public/private-law divide: a hybrid approach to corporate accountability/Ciara Hackett, Luke Moffett.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.3: 312-336.
124502 Judging in lower courts: Conventional, procedural, therapeutic and feminist approaches/Rosemary Hunter, Sharyn Roach Anleu, Kathy Mack.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.3: 337-360.
124503 Citizenship, identity and otherness: the orientalisation of immigrants in the contemporary Spanish legal regime/Iker Barbero.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.3: 361-376.
124504 Introduction: exploring the comparative in socio-legal studies/Naomi Creutzfeldt, Agnieszka Kubal, Fernanda Pirie.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.4: 377-389.
124505 From pains-taking to pains-giving comparisons/David Nelken.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.4: 390-403.
124506 When politics comes into play, law is no longer law: images of collective legal consciousness in the UK, Poland and Bulgaria/Marc Hertogh, Marina Kurkchiyan.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.4: 404-419.
124507 The functional approach in comparative socio-legal research: reflections based on a study of plural work regulation in Australia and Indonesia/Petra Mahy.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.4: 420-436.
124508 What do we expect from an ombudsman? Narratives of everyday engagement with the informal justice system in Germany and the UK/Naomi Creutzfeldt.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.4: 437-452.
124509 Spiral effect of the law: migrants’ experiences of the state law in Russia – a comparative perspective/Agnieszka Kubal.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.4: 453-468.
124510 Nested comparisons: nation-building through comparative thinking about Albanian law/Eleanor Pritchard.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2016; Vol.12, No.4: 469-483.
124511 Recognising legal capacity: commentary and analysis of Article 12 CRPD/Cliona de Bhailis, Eilionoir Flynn.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 6-21.
124512 The right to legal agency: domination, disability and the protections of Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities/Anna Arstein-Kerslake, Eilionoir Flynn.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 22-38.
124513 State intervention in the lives of people with disabilities: the case for a disability-neutral framework/Eilionoir Flynn, Anna Arstein-Kerslake.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 39-57.
124514 Freedom to negotiate: a proposal extricating capacity from consent/Liz Brosnan, Eilionoir Flynn.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 58-76.
124515 CRPD and transformative equality/Tina Minkowitz.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 77-86.
124516 Conversations between the proponents of the new paradigm of legal capacity/Amita Dhanda.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 87-95.
124517 Taking the evolution of legal doctrine seriously: review of Katayoun Baghai, Social Systems Theory and Judicial Review: Taking Jurisprudence Seriously (Farnham: Ashgate, 2015. 188 pp. 65/58.50)/Richard Nobles, David Schiff.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 96-120.
124518 Law and compassion/Dermot Feenan.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 121-142.
124519 Imagining by feeling: a case for compassion in legal reasoning/Maksymilian Del Mar.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 143-157.
124520 Compassion, ethics of care and legal rights/Jonathan Herring.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 158-171.
124521 From dispassionate law to compassionate outcomes in health-care law, or not/Hazel Biggs.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 172-183.
124522 Compassion and the rule of law/Susan A. Bandes.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 184-196.
124523 Law and compassion: between ethics and economy, philosophical speculation and arche-ology/Marinos Diamantides.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 197-211.
124524 The controversy of compassion as an awakening to our conflicted social condition/Iain Wilkinson.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 212-224.
124525 A path already travelled in domestic orders? From fragmentation to constitutionalisation in the global legal order/Colin R.G. Murray, Aoife O’Donoghue.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 225-252.
124526 The rise of crowd equity funding: where to now?/Marina Nehme.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 253-276.
124527 How has China formed its conception of the rule of law? A contextual analysis of legal instrumentalism in ROC and PRC law-making/Qianlan Wu.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 277-294.
124528 Reassessing the role of plants in society/Robert Amos.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 295-315.
124529 Child soldiering on trial: an interdisciplinary analysis of responsibility in the Lord’s Resistance Army/Renee Nicole Souris.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 316-335.
124530 Case management in complex fraud trials: actors and strategies in achieving procedural efficiency/Aleksandra Jordanoska.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 336-355.
124531 Shared Parental Leave in the UK: can it advance gender equality by changing fathers into co-parents?/Jamie Atkinson.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 356-368.
124532 Land rights and neoliberalism: an irreconcilable conflict for indigenous peoples in India?/Indrani Sigamany.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 369-387.
124533 Colonial imprints: settler-colonialism as a fundamental feature of Israeli constitutional law/Mazen Masri.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 388-407.
124534 A contextualised historical account of changing judicial attitudes to polygamous marriage in the English courts/Zainab Batul Naqvi.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 408-428.
124535 Global social indicators and the concept of legitimacy/Mathias Siems, David Nelken.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.4: 436-449.
124536 From accuracy to accountability: subjecting global indicators to the rule of law/Benoit Frydman.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.4: 450-464.
124537 Supping with the Devil? Indicators and the rise of managerial rationality in law/David Restrepo Amariles.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.4: 465-484.
124538 The poverty of numbers: reflections on the legitimacy of global development indicators/Morag Goodwin.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.4: 485-497.
124539 The re-co-construction of legitimacy of/through the Doing Business indicators/Amanda Perry-Kessaris.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.4: 498-511.
124540 Fighting global poverty/Thomas Pogge.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2017; Vol.13, No.4: 512-526.
124541 Overcrowding under the disciplinary umbrella: challenges of investigating and punishing sexual misconduct cases in universities/Elaine A.O. Freer, Andrew D. Johnson.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 1-21.
124542 Reformers’ unfulfilled promises: accountability deficits in Argentinean criminal courts/Pablo Ciocchini.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 22-42.
124543 Unpaid wages: the experiences of Irish Magdalene Laundries and Indigenous Australians/James Gallen, Kate Gleeson.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 43-60.
124544 H.L.A. Hart’s secondary rules: what do officials really think?/David Howarth, Shona Wilson Stark.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 61-86.
124545 Culture and understanding in the Singapore war crimes trials (1946-1948): interpreting arguments of the defence/W.L. Cheah.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 87-109.
124546 Oh you’re a guy, how could you be raped by a woman, that makes no sense: towards a case for legally recognising and labelling forced-to-penetrate cases as rape/Siobhan Weare.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 110-131.
124547 Representing Canadian justice: legal iconography and symbolism at the Supreme Court of Canada/David DesBaillets.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 132-156.
124548 Defining and delivering minimum incomes in China/Michael Adler.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 157-169.
124549 Backlash against international courts: explaining the forms and patterns of resistance to international courts/Mikael Rask Madsen, Pola Cebulak, Micha Wiebusch.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 197-220.
124550 Patterns of avoidance: political questions before international courts/Jed Odermatt.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 221-236.
124551 Parting ways or lashing back? Withdrawals, backlash and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights/Ximena Soley, Silvia Steininger.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 237-257.
124552 Resistance against the Court of Justice of the European Union/Andreas Hofmann.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 258-274.
124553 The limits of international adjudication: authority and resistance of regional economic courts in times of crisis/Salvatore Caserta, Pola Cebulak.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 275-293.
124554 The African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights: mapping resistance against a young court/Tom Gerald Daly, Micha Wiebusch.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 294-313.
124555 Making paradoxes invisible: international law as an autopoietic system/Kenneth Kang.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 315-334.
124556 Constitutional Mobilisation in China/Bui Ngoc Son.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 335-352.
124557 Sen, justice and the private realm of dispute resolution/Debbie De Girolamo.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 353-373.
124558 Overcoming essentialisation: a comparative study of living-together conceptions/Emma Patrignani.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 374-395.
124559 The right to inclusive education: why is there so much opposition to its implementation?/Gauthier de Beco.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 396-415.
124560 Portuguese culture and legal consciousness: a discussion of immigrant women’s perceptions of and reactions to domestic violence/Sofia Graca.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 416-436.
124561 The functional-formal impasse in (trust) property/Jesse Wall.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 437-453.
124562 Ched Evans, rape myths and Medusa’s gaze: a story of mirrors and windows/David Gurnham.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 454-468.
124563 Dressing the law/Aoife Monks.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.4: 479-492.
124564 The courtroom as TV studio: the case of the Oscar Pistorius trial/Dikgang Moseneke.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.4: 493-503.
124565 Remote judging: the impact of video links on the image and the role of the judge/Emma Rowden, Anne Wallace.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.4: 504-524.
124566 Three phases of courts’ publicity: reconfiguring Bentham’s open justice in the twenty-first century/Jane Johnston.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.4: 525-538.
124567 A previously unexplored encounter: the English judiciary, carte de visite and photography as a form of mass media/Leslie J. Moran.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.4: 539-558.
124568 Revolting consumers: a revisionist account of the 1925 ban on photography in English and Welsh courts and its implications for debate about who is able to produce, manage and consume images of the trial/Linda Mulcahy.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.4: 559-580.
124569 From Judge Judy to Judge Rinder and Judge Geordie: humour, emotion and televisual legal consciousness/Helen Wood.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2018; Vol.14, No.4: 581-595.
124570 A post-colonial legal approach to the Chagos case and the (dis)application of land rights norms/Kinnari Bhatt.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 1-19.
124571 Un-signing Geneva: legal pragmatics in the management of asylum/Marc de Leeuw, Sonja van Wichelen.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 20-32.
124572 Monitoring mechanisms designed to serve persons with intellectual disabilities: exploring the implementation of Article 16 CRPD in Cyprus/Emily Julia Kakoullis.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 33-50.
124573 Not us and them: towards a normative legal theory of mental health vulnerability/Phil Bielby.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 51-67.
124574 Fatherhood, gender and the making of professional identity in large law firms: bringing men into the frame/Richard Collier.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 68-87.
124575 Neo-extractivist controversies in Bolivia: indigenous perspectives on global norms/Jessika Eichler.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 88-102.
124576 Law, liberty and technology: criminal justice in the context of smart machines/Roger Brownsword, Alon Harel.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 107-125.
124577 Fairness, accountability and transparency: notes on algorithmic decision-making in criminal justice/Vincent Chiao.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 126-139.
124578 Automated policing: the case of body-worn video/Ben Bowling, Shruti Iyer.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 140-161.
124579 Criminal justice profiling and EU data protection law: precarious protection from predictive policing/Orla Lynskey.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 162-176.
124580 Policing the smart city/Elizabeth E. Joh.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 177-182.
124581 Regulating terrorist content on social media: automation and the rule of law/Stuart Macdonald, Sara Giro Correia, Amy-Louise Watkin.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 183-197.
124582 Punitive and preventive justice in an era of profiling, smart prediction and practical preclusion: three key questions/Deryck Beyleveld, Roger Brownsword.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 198-218.
124583 The limits of plain legal language: understanding the comprehensible style in law/Zsolt Zodi.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 246-262.
124584 Towards a semiotic theory of style in law: a Peircean approach/Bettina Bor, Miklos Konczol.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 263-273.
124585 Comparing legal styles/Catherine Valcke.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 274-296.
124586 Conceptualising style in legal scholarship: the curious case of Zweigert’s style doctrine/Peter Cserne.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 297-309.
124587 Change of style, change of mind: lawyers’ writing manners/Alexandra Mercescu.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 310-326.
124588 On the edges of the law: sex workers’ legal consciousness in England/Eva Klambauer.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 327-343.
124589 Social bodies and social justice/Sam Lewis, Michael Thomson.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 344-361.
124590 The economic case for improving legal outcomes for accused persons with cognitive disability: an Australian study/Ruth McCausland, Rebecca Reeve, Piers Gooding.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 367-389.
124591 Transitional justice in postwar Austria/Celine Braumann.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 390-407.
124592 The law and ethics of cultural appropriation/Mathias Siems.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 408-423.
124593 Substance misuse and parenting: making drugs and gender in the family court/Simon Flacks.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 424-441.
124594 The geographies of justice in Portugal: redefining the judiciary’s territories/Patricia Branco.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 442-460.
124595 Regulating exclusions? Gender, development and the limits of inclusionary financial platforms/Serena Natile.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 461-478.
124596 Crossing the boundaries of the home: a chronotopical analysis of the legal status of women’s domestic work/Ellen Gordon-Bouvier.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 479-494.
124597 Everyday encounters with difference in urban parks: forging openness to otherness in segmenting cities/Anna Barker … [et al.].- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 495-514.
124598 Regulation of bodily parts: understanding bodily parts as a duplex/Remigius N. Nwabueze.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 515-535.
124599 The role of lawyers, judges, country experts and officials in British asylum and immigration law/John R. Campbell.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 1-16.
124600 Differentiating and connecting indicators: the quality and performance of law in the World Bank’s Doing Business Project/Melike Arslan.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 17-38.
124601 Not falling for that: law’s detraction and legal consciousness in the lives of Brazilian anti-torture activists/Fabio de Sa e Silva.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 39-56.
124602 Indigenous rights in the context of oil and gas pipelines in Canada: exposing naturalised power structures through a lens of intersectionality/Margot Hurlbert, Amber J. Fletcher.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 57-76.
124603 Legal pedagogy and its discontents/Richard Abel.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 77-93.
124604 Alternative dispute resolution and access to justice in Australia/Mary Anne Noone, Lola Akin Ojelabi.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 108-127.
124605 The evolving concept of access to justice in Singapore’s mediation movement/Dorcas Quek Anderson.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 128-145.
124606 What do lay people know about justice? An empirical enquiry/Charlie Irvine.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 146-164.
124607 From alternative dispute resolution to pluralist dispute resolution: towards an integrated dispute-resolution mechanism in China/Zhiqiong June Wang, Jianfu Chen.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 165-180.
124608 Encouragement of mediation in England and Wales has been futile: is there now a role for online dispute resolution in settling low-value claims?/Sue Prince.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 181-196.
124609 Family dispute resolution and access to justice in Australia/Lola Akin Ojelabi, Judith Gutman.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 197-215.
124610 A new dawn for the human rights of international migrants? Protection of migrants’ rights in light of the UN’s SDGs and Global Compact for Migration/Alan Desmond.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.3: 222-238.
124611 The UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: to what extent are human rights and sustainable development mutually compatible in the field of migration?/Elspeth Guild.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.3: 239-252.
124612 The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: a kaleidoscope of international law/Vincent Chetail.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.3: 253-268.
124613 Incongruous objectives? Endeavouring to realise women migrant workers’ rights through the global development agenda/Jenna Holliday.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.3: 269-286.
124614 Using detention to talk about the elephant in the room: the Global Compact for Migration and the significance of its neglect of the UN Migrant Workers Convention/Mariette Grange, Izabella Majcher.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.3: 287-303.
124615 The ILO and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: labour migration, decent work and implementation of the Compact with specific reference to the Arab states region/Ryszard Cholewinski.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.3: 304-320.
124616 The EU shaping the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: the glass half full or half empty?/Tamas Molnar.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.3: 321-338.
124617 Risk, uncertainty and the market: a rethinking of Islamic and Western finance/Daniele D’Alvia.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.4: 339-352.
124618 The scalpel, the calculator and the judge in France: from technical perspective to legal evidence/Romain Juston Morival, Jerome Pelisse.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.4: 353-370.
124619 An inquiry into the blurring boundaries between professionals and paraprofessionals in Dutch courts and the public prosecution service/N.L. Holvast, J.M.W. Lindeman.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.4: 371-389.
124620 Legitimacy and public opinion: a five-step model/Lucas Noyon, Jan W. de Keijser, Jan H. Crijns.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.4: 390-402.
124621 The difference a wire makes: planning law, public Orthodox Judaism and urban space in Australia/Mareike Riedel.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.4: 403-421.
124622 Transcarceral lawscapes enacted in moments of Aboriginalisation: a case-study of an Indigenous woman released on urban parole/Joshua David Michael Shaw.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.4: 422-442.
124623 Experience vs. knowledge in comparative law: critical notes on Pierre Legrand’s sensitive epistemology/Luca Siliquini-Cinelli.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2020; Vol.16, No.4: 443-458.
124624 Becoming Peter Fitzpatrick (1941-2020)/David Sugarman.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2021; Vol.17, No.1: 2-16.
124625 Transformation/William Twining.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2021; Vol.17, No.1: 17-18.
124626 Post-colonial attitudes and the relevance of incommensurability/Eve Darian-Smith.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2021; Vol.17, No.1: 19-23.
124627 Not to save, but to encounter: Fitzpatrick as transnational jurisprudent/Sundhya Pahuja.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2021; Vol.17, No.1: 24-27.
124628 Myth and concealment at colonial law’s foundations/George Pavlich.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2021; Vol.17, No.1: 28-31.
124629 Deconstruction, dissipation and death, and the casting-away of the law?/Upendra Baxi.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2021; Vol.17, No.1: 32-35.
124630 A concise note on Peter Fitzpatrick’s Racism and the innocence of law/Patricia Tuitt.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2021; Vol.17, No.1: 36-39.
124631 Improvising with Peter/Sara Ramshaw.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2021; Vol.17, No.1: 40-43.
124632 How to do things with Foucault (legally)/Ben Golder.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2021; Vol.17, No.1: 44-50.
124633 Ultimate conversation: Fitzpatrick at Warwick, February 2020/Abdul Paliwala.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2021; Vol.17, No.1: 51-57.
124634 One step forward or one step back? Autonomy, agency and surrogates in the Indian Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill 2019/Swati Gola.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2021; Vol.17, No.1: 58-74.
124635 Pre-trial detention and legal defence in Latin America/Gustavo Fondevila, Miguel Quintana-Navarrete.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2021; Vol.17, No.1: 75-90.
124636 Numbers in an emergency: the many roles of indicators in the COVID-19 crisis/David Nelken, Mathias Siems.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2021; Vol.17, No.2: 161-167.
124637 Hazards and fallacies of social measurements: global indicators in the pandemic/Marta Infantino.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2021; Vol.17, No.2: 168-185.
124638 Epidemiological surveillance and performance assessment: the two roles of health indicators during the COVID-19 pandemic/Nathan Genicot.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2021; Vol.17, No.2: 186-203.
124639 Casualties of preparedness: the Global Health Security Index and COVID-19/Manjari Mahajan.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2021; Vol.17, No.2: 204-214.
124640 Between comparison and commensuration: a case-study of COVID-19 rankings/David Nelken.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2021; Vol.17, No.2: 215-234.
124641 Mapping a causal scheme of indicators in the COVID-19 crisis/Mathias Siems.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2021; Vol.17, No.2: 235-248.
124642 Indicators, security and sovereignty during COVID-19 in the Global South/John Harrington.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2021; Vol.17, No.2: 249-260.
124643 From computational indicators to law into technologies: the Internet of Things, data analytics and encoding in COVID-19 contact-tracing apps/David Restrepo Amariles.- International Journal of Law in Context. 2021; Vol.17, No.2: 261-274.
124644 Applying the Health Justice Framework to Address Health and Health Care Inequities Experienced by People with Disabilities During and After COVID-19/Robyn M. Powell.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.1: 94-137.
124645 Contracting in the Age of Smart Contracts/Farshad Ghodoosi.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.1: 52-92.
124646 Hacks, Leaks, and Data Dumps: The Right to Publish Illegally Acquired Information Twenty Years After Bartnicki V. Vopper/Erik Ugland, Christina Mazzeo.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.1: 140-207.
124647 Ku  Kia’I Mauna: Protecting Indigenous Religious Rights/Ku Joshua Rosenberg.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.1: 277-310.
124648 Let Indians Decide: How Restricting Border Passage by Blood Quantum Infringes on Tribal Sovereignty/Rebekah Ross.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.1: 311-342.
124649 My Cash Is My Bond: Recognizing Rights to Cash Bail Forfeiture Exoneration in Washington/Olivia Hagel.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.1: 209-240.
124650 Reframing Church Property Disputes in Washington State/Theodore G. Lee.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.1: 241-276.
124651 Revising Reasonableness in the Cloud/Ian Walsh.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.1: 343-369.
124652 Third-Party Sexual Harassment: The Challenge of Title IX Obligations for Law School Clinics/Ty Alper.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.1: 2-47.
124653 Benevolent Exclusion/Anna Offit.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.2: 614-666.
124654 Beyond Children Are Different: The Revolution in Juvenile Intake and Sentencing/Josh Gupta-Kagan.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.2: 426-491.
124655 Bully No More: Why Trademark Owners Engage in Trademark Overreach and How to Prevent It/Quynh La.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.2: 667-694.
124656 Health Care Fraud Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry/Jacob T. Elberg.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.2: 371-420.
124657 How Far Will FARA Go? The Foreign Agents Registration Act and the Criminalization of Global Human Rights Advocacy/Monica Romero.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.2: 695-728.
124658 Inheritance Crimes/David Horton, Reid Kress Weisbord.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.2: 562-612.
124659 Reimagining Exceptional Events: Regulating Wildfires Through the Clean Air Act/Emily Williams.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.2: 765-810.
124660 Talking Back in Court/M. Eve Hanan.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.2: 494-558.
124661 Water Banks in Washington State: A Tool for Climate Resilience/Jennifer J. Seely.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.2: 729-763.
124662 Copyrighting TikTok Dances: Choreography in the Internet Age/Ali Johnson.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.3: 1225-1274.
124663 Police or Pirates? Reforming Washington’s Civil Asset Forfeiture System/Jasmin Chigbrow.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.3: 1147-1190.
124664 Revocation and Retribution/Jacob Schuman.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.2: 882-934.
124665 Send Freedom House!: A Study in Police Abolition/Tiffany Yang.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.3: 1067-1112.
124666 The Euclid Proviso/Ezra Rosser.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.3: 812-879.
124667 The Federal Option: Delaware as a De Facto Agency/Omari Scott Simmons.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.3: 937-994.
124668 The Implausibility Standard for Environmental Plaintiffs: The Twiqbal Plausibility Pleading Standard and Affirmative Defenses/Celeste Anquonette Ajayi.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.3: 1113-1145.
124669 The Meaning, History, and Importance of the Elections Clause Eliza Sweren-Becker/Michael Waldman.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.3: 998-1063.
124670 Autonomous Corporate Personhood/Carla L. Reyes.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.4: 1453-1509.
124671 Community Empowerment in Decarbonization: NEPA’s Role/Wyatt G. Sassman.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.4: 1512-1566.
124672 Copyright’s Deprivations/Anne-Marie Carstens.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.4: 1276-1330.
124673 Due Process in Prison Disciplinary Hearings: How the Some Evidence Standard of Proof Violates the Constitution/Emily Parker.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.4: 1613-1645.
124674 Hostile Restructurings/Diane L. Dick.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.4: 1334-1388.
124675 Structural Barriers to Inclusion in Arbitrator Pools/Nicole G. Iannarone.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.4: 1390-1451.
124676 You Are Not a Commodity: A More Efficient Approach to Commercial Privacy Rights/Benjamin T. Pardue.- Washington Law Review. 2021; Vol.96, No.4: 1567-1612.
124677 How Should Inheritance Law Remediate Inequality?/Felix B. Chang.- Washington Law Review. 2022; Vol.97, No.1: 62-95.
124678 Qualified Sovereignty Kate Sablosky Elengold/Jonathan D. Glater.- Washington Law Review. 2022; Vol.97, No.1: 156-206.
124679 Race and Washington’s Criminal Justice System: 2021 Report to the Washington Supreme Court/Task Force.- Washington Law Review. 2022; Vol.97, No.1: 5-60.
124680 The Dignitary Confrontation Clause/Erin Sheley.- Washington Law Review. 2022; Vol.97, No.1: 208-262.
124681 The New Bailments/Danielle DOnfro.- Washington Law Review. 2022; Vol.97, No.1: 96-152.
124682 Advising 101 for the Growing Field of Social Media Inflfluencers/Stasia Skalbania.- Washington Law Review. 2022; Vol.97, No.2: 667-695.
124683 Copyright Protection for Works in the Language of Life/Nina Srejovic.- Washington Law Review. 2022; Vol.97, No.2: 460-503.
124684 Procedural Environmental Justice/Jonathan Skinner-Thompson.- Washington Law Review. 2022; Vol.97, No.2: 400-455.
124685 Renewing the Vagueness Challenge to Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude/Melissa London.- Washington Law Review. 2022; Vol.97, No.2: 581-625.
124686 Textualism as Fair Notice?/Benjamin Minhao Chen.- Washington Law Review. 2022; Vol.97, No.2: 340-397.
124687 The Chorus Doctrine: Promoting Sub-National Diplomacy in Regional Growth Management/Conor J. Mannix.- Washington Law Review. 2022; Vol.97, No.2: 627-666.
124688 Victims as Instruments/Rachel J. Wechsler.- Washington Law Review. 2022; Vol.97, No.2: 508-579.
124689 Extending the reach of human rights To encompass victims of rape: m.c. V. Bulgaria/Joanne conaghan.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.13, No.1: 146-157.
124690 Special issue: gender, sexuality and human Rights/Joanne conaghan, susan millns.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.13, No.1: 2-14.
124691 Abortion needs or abortion rights? Claiming State accountability for women’s Reproductive welfare/Ruth fletcher.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.13, No.1: 124-134.
124692 Feminist activism, third party interventions And the courts/harriet samuels.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.13, No.1: 15-42.
124693 Feminism and the gender recognition act 2004/ralph sandland.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.13, No.1: 44-66.
124694 Harm, consent and the limits of privacy/Matthew weait.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.13, No.1: 98-122.
124695 She knew what was expected of her: the white legal system’s encounter with traditional Marriage/Heather douglas.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.13, No.2: 182-203.
124696 V.a.t., taxation and prostitution: feminist perspectives on polok/Ann mumford.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.13, No.2: 164-180.
124697 to pay suspicious attention: following the weave of mixed logics in women’s ethical Decision making/Susan scott-hunt, hilary lim.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.13, No.2: 206-237.
124698 Loving to straighten out development: Sexuality and ethnodevelopment in the World bank’s ecuadorian lending/kate bedford.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.13, No.3: 296-322.
124699 Dancing on the head of a pin? Foetal life And the european convention/barbara hewson.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.13, No.3: 364-375.
124700 Recognising Family Diversity: The Boundaries Of Re G/Julie Mccandless.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.13, No.3: 324-336.
124701 Feminist legal theory and practice: rethinking the relationship/Janice richardson.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.13, No.3: 276-293.
124702 Reproductive technologies and the legal Determination of fatherhood/Sally sheldon.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.13, No.3: 350-362.
124703 A pregnant pause: federalism, equality and the maternity and parental leave Debate in canada/Gillian calder.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.14, No.1: 100-118.
124704 The sexual subaltern in conversations somewhere in between: law and the old politics of colonialism/Jane krishnadas.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.14, No.1: 54-77.
124705 Feminist jurisprudence: keeping the subject Alive/jill marshall.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.14, No.1: 28-51.
124706 Which is it you want-equality or maternity leave?/Anne e. Morris.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.14: 88-97.
124707 Not (quite) a horse and carriage the civil partnership act 2004/Carl f. Stychin.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.14, No.1: 80-86.
124708 Sex and the civil partnership act: the future of (non) conjugality?/Nicola barker.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.14, No.2: 242-259.
124709 Cohabitation law reform-messages from Research/anne barlow.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.14, No.2: 166-180.
124710 Case note: same-sex marriage in south africa-the constitutional court’s judgment/Beth goldblatt.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.14, No.2: 263-270.
124711 Losing the feminist voice? Debates on the legal Recognition of same sex partnerships in canada/claire young, susan boyd.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.14, No.2: 214-240.
124712 The uniform civil code: the politics of the Universal in postcolonial india/Lakshmi arya.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.14, No.3: 294-228.
124713 Before identity, gender and human rights/Andreas philippopoulos-mihalopoulos.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.14, No.3: 273-291.
124714 Gender, citizenship and human reproduction In contemporary italy/patrick hanafin.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.14, No.3: 110-352.
124715 The Sharia Law Debate in Ontario: The Modernity/Premodernity Distinction in Legal Efforts to Protect Women from Culture/Sherene H. Razack.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.15, No.1: 3-32.
124716 On Not Making Ourselves the Prey of Others: Jean Hampton’s Feminist Contractarianism/Janice Richardson.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.15, No.1: 33-55.
124717 Endless Sex: The Gender Recognition Act 2004 and the Persistence of a Legal Category/Andrew N. Sharpe.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.15, No.1: 57-84.
124718 Comparable Workers and the Part-Time Workers Regulations/Matthews v. Kent, Medway Towns.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.15, No.1: 85-98.
124719 Flamers, Flaunting and Permissible Persecution/Toni A. M. Johnson.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.15, No.1: 99-111.
124720 Identities in reconstruction: from rights of recognition to reflection in post-disaster reconstruction processes/Jane Krishnadas.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.15, No.2: 137-165.
124721 Law’s Response to Pregnancy/Workplace Conflicts: A Critique/C. Grace Jame.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.15, No.2: 167-188.
124722 Getting tough on mothers: regulating contact and residence/Julie Wallbank.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.15, No.2: 189-222.
124723 Sir Mark Potter And The Protection Of The Traditional Family: Why Same Sex Marriage Is (Still) A Feminist Issue/Rosie Harding.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.15, No.2: 223-234.
124724 Exceptional Women, Healthcare Consumers and the Inevitability of Caring/Jo Bridgeman.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.15, No.2: 235-245.
124725 Domestic abuse, civil protection orders and the new criminologies: is there any value in engaging with the law?/Clare Connelly, Kate Cavanagh.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.15, No.3: 259-287.
124726 Liberal family law in the making: Nordic and European harmonisation/Anu Pylkkanen.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.15, No.3: 286-306.
124727 Love and the State: Gay Marriage in Spain/Raquel Platero.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.15, No.3: 329-340.
124728 Equality in the Family Home?/Rebecca Probert.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.15, No.3: 341-353.
124729 In the Name of the Father: The Elizabethan Response to Recusancy by Married Catholic Women/Karen S. Peddle.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.15, No.3: 307-328.
124730 A Quick and Dirty Approach to Women’s Emancipation and Human Rights/Sari Kouvo.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.16, No.1: 37-46.
124731 Rape as Torture? Catharine MacKinnon and Questions of Feminist Strategy/Clare McGlynn.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.16, No.1: 71-85.
124732 Faith in the state? Asian women’s struggles for human rights in the U.K./Pragna Patel.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.16, No.1: 9-36.
124733 We Cannot Claim Any Particular Knowledge of the Ways of Homosexuals, Still Less of Iranian Homosexuals/Barry OLeary.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.16, No.1: 87-95.
124734 It’s Another Way Of Making A Really Big Fuss Human Rights And Women’s Activism In The United Kingdom: An Interview With Tania Pouwhare/Tania Pouwhare, Emily Grabham.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.16, No.1: 97-112.
124735 The right to culture and the culture of rights: a critical perspective on women’s sexual rights in Africa/Sylvia Tamale.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.16, No.1: 47-69.
124736 Putting Gender into the Definition of Rape or Taking it Out?/Elsje Bonthuys.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.16, No.2: 249-260.
124737 Ples Bilong Mere: Law, Gender and Peace-Building in Solomon Islands/Jennifer Corrin.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.16, No.2: 169-194.
124738 Unlikely Fissures and Uneasy Resonances: Lesbian Co-mothers, Surrogate Parenthood and Fathers  Rights/Jenni Millbank.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.16, No.2: 141-167.
124739 Promotion of Gender Equality at the Workplace: Gender Mainstreaming and Collective Bargaining in Italy/Samantha Velluti.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.16, No.2: 195-214.
124740 Biologising Paternity, Moralising Maternity: The Construction of Parenthood in the Determination of Paternity Through the Courts in Portugal/Helena Machado.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.16, No.2: 215-236.
124741 A Conversation with Baroness Hale/Brenda Hale, Rosemary Hunter.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.16, No.2: 237-248.
124742 Feminism and the Flat Law Theory/Margaret Davies.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.16, No.3: 281-304.
124743 Gender, Culture and the Law: Approaches to Honour Crimes in the UK/Rupa Reddy.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.16, No.2: 305-321.
124744 Calling a Spade a Spade: Tackling the  Women and Peace  Orthodoxy/RosemarSari Kouvo, Corey Levine y Hunter.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.16, No.3: 363-376.
124745 The Mechanisms of Exclusion: Women in Conflict/Kathryn Lockett.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.16, No.3: 369-376.
124746 Personal Status Laws in Morocco and Tunisia: A Comparative Exploration of the Possibilities for Equality-Enhancing Reform in Bangladesh/Nowrin Tamanna.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.16, No.3: 323-343.
124747 Contextualism, Feminism, and a Canadian Woman Judge/Beverley Baines.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.17, No.1: 27-42.
124748 Brenda Cossman, Sexual Citizens: The Legal and Cultural Regulation of Sex and Belonging/Jon Binnie.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.17, No.1: 115-119.
124749 Gender, Judging and Job Satisfaction/Sharyn Roach Anleu, Kathy Mack.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.17, No.1: 79-99.
124750 Detailing Judicial Difference/Erika Rackley.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.17, No.1: 11-26.
124751 Noreen Giffney, Myra J. Hird (eds.): Queering the Non/Human/Marie Fox.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.17, No.1: 105-108.
124752 Editorial Introduction Women and Judging/Dermot Feenan.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.17, No.1: 1-9.
124753 US Women Federal Court Judges Appointed by President Carter/Elaine Martin.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.17, No.1: 43-59.
124754 Vanessa E. Munro, Marina Della Giusta (eds): Demanding Sex: Critical Reflections on the Regulation of Prostitution/Katie Cruz.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.17, No.1: 109-114.
124755 The Avalanche Perspective: women jurists in Korea 1952 2008/Haesook Kim.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.17, No.1: 61-77.
124756 Coercion, Consent and the Forced Marriage Debate in the UK/Sundari Anitha, Aisha Gill.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.17, No.2: 165-184.
124757 Beyond Couples/Rosemary Auchmuty.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.17, No.2: 205-218.
124758 A View You Won’t Get Anywhere Else? Depressed Mothers, Public Regulation and Private Narrative/Ruth Cain.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.17, No.2: 123-143.
124759 Double Lives, Double Narratives: Tracing the Story of the Family in Rousseau, the Swiss Civil Code and the Fathers Rights Debates/Priska Gisler, Sara Steinert-Borella, Caroline Wiedmer.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.17, No.2: 185-204.
124760 Poetic Justice/Ralph Sandland.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.17, No.2: 219-228.
124761 Doing Home/Alison Diduck.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.17, No.3: 293-295.
124762 Embodied Practices/Ruth Fletcher.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.17, No.3: 315-318.
124763 The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008: Tinkering at the Margins/Marie Fox.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.17, No.3: 333-344.
124764 Law, Gender and Sexuality: The Making of a Field/Rosemary Hunter, Ruth Fletcher.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.17, No.3: 289-292.
124765 An Uneasy Alliance? The Relationship Between Feminist Legal Studies and Gender, Sexuality and Law/Harriet Samuels.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.17, No.3: 279-301.
124766 It’s New But Not That New: On the Continued Use of Old Marx/Camila Bassi.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.18, No.1: 69-76.
124767 Markets and Sexualities: Introduction/Kate Bedford.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.18, No.1: 25-28.
124768 Homonormative Collusions and the Subject of Rights: Reading Terrorist Assemblages/Margaret Denike.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.18, No.1: 85-100.
124769 Reproduction and Scale: A Response to Skeggs and Wilson/Ruth Fletcher.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.18, No.1: 77-84.
124770 The Psychiatric Masquerade: The Mental Health Exception in New Zealand Abortion Law/Charlotte Leslie.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.18, No.1: 1-23.
124771 The Value of Relationships: Affective Scenes and Emotional Performances/Beverley Skeggs.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.18, No.1: 29-51.
124772 Post-Fordist Desires: The Commodity Aesthetics of Bangkok Sex Shows/Ara Wilson.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.18, No.1: 53-67.
124773 Illegal Migrants, Gender and Vulnerability: The Case of the EU’s Returns Directive/Heli Askola.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.18, No.2: 159-178.
124774 Autonomy for Mothers? Relational Theory and Parenting Apart/Susan B. Boyd.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.18, No.2: 137-158.
124775 Dr Mary Louisa Gordon (1861-1941): A Feminist Approach in Prison/Deborah Cheney.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.18, No.2: 115-136.
124776 Michelle Madden Dempsey: Prosecuting Domestic  Violence: A Philosophical Analysis/Rosemary Hunter.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.18, No.1: 195-199.
124777 Sexual Abuse and Claims in Tort: Limitation Periods After A v Hoare (and Other Appeals) [2008] and AB and Others v Nugent Care Society; GR v Wirral MBC/Nicola Godden.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.18, No.2: 179-190.
124778 Shelley A.M. Gavigan and Dorothy E. Chunn (eds): The Legal Tender of Gender: Law, Welfare and the Regulation of Women’s Poverty/Helen Carr.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.18, No.2: 191-194.
124779 Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Resident Mothers and the Moral Dilemmas they Face During Custody Disputes/Vivienne Elizabeth, Nicola Gavey, Julia Tolmie.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.18, No.3: 253-274.
124780 The Continuing Use of Problematic Sexual Stereotypes in Judicial Decision-Making/Jesse Elvin.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.18, No.3: 275-297.
124781 No Father Required? The Welfare Assessment in the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008/Julie McCandless, Sally Sheldon.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.18, No.3: 201-225.
124782 Lesbian and Gay Parents and Reproductive Technologies: The 2008 Australian and UK Reforms/Aleardo Zanghellini.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.18, No.3: 227-251.
124783 Neighbourly Injuries: Proximity in Tort Law and Virginia Woolf’s Theory of Suffering/Honni van Rijswijk.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.20, No.1: 39-60.
124784 Pink Chaddis and SlutWalk Couture: The Postcolonial Politics of Feminism Lite/Ratna Kapur.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.20, No.1: 1-20.
124785 The Subject and Governmental Action: A Foucauldian Analysis of Subjectification and the 24 Year-Old Rule in Denmark/Mujde Erdinc.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.20, No.1: 21-38.
124786 Battered Women’s Experiences of the Criminal Justice System: Decentring the Law/H. Douglas.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.20, No.2: 121-134.
124787 Comparing Women in Canada/B. Baines.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.20, No.2: 89-103.
124788 Law and the Power of Feminism: How Marriage Lost its Power to Oppress Women/Rosemary Auchmuty.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.20, No.2: 71-87.
124789 Special Issue: Carol Smart’s Feminism and the Power of Law/Rosemary Auchmuty, Karin Van Marle.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.20, No.2: 65-69.
124790 The Power of Feminist Judgments?/Rosemary Hunter.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.20, No.2: 135-148.
124791 Unravelling Law’s Kinning Practices: Feminism, Fictive Families and the Albert Kennedy Trust/H. Carr, C. Hunter.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.20, No.2: 105-120.
124792 We Exist, but Who Are We Feminism and the Power of Sociological Law/Karin Van Marle.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.20, No.2: 149-159.
124793 Abusing Vulnerability? Contemporary Law and Policy Responses to Sex Work in the UK/Vanessa E. Munro, Jane Scoular.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.20, No.3: 189-206.
124794 Of Frames, Cons and Affects: Constructing and Responding to Prostitution and Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation/Anna Carline.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.20, No.3: 207-225.
124795 Sex Work and the Regulation of Vulnerability(ies): Introduction/Sharron A. FitzGerald, Vanessa E. Munro.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.20, No.3: 183-188.
124796 To Buy or Not to Buy? Vulnerability and the Criminalisation of Commercial BDSM/Sharon Cowan.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.20, No.3: 263-279.
124797 Vulnerability in Domestic Discourses on Trafficking:  Lessons from the Indian Experience/Prabha Kotiswaran.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.20, No.3: 245-262.
124798 Vulnerable Bodies, Vulnerable Borders: Extraterritoriality and Human Trafficking/Sharron A. FitzGerald.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.20, No.3: 227-244.
124799 Concubitu Prohibere Vago: Sex and the Idiot Girl, 1846-1913/Ralph Sandland.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.21, No.1: 81-108.
124800 Feminizing Human Rights Adjudication: Feminist Method and the Proportionality Principle/Harriet Samuels.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.21, No.1: 39-60.
124801 Linda Mulchay: Legal Architecture: Justice, Due Process and the Place of Law/Wessel le Roux.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.21, No.1: 109-112.
124802 Two Mothers in Law and Fact/Robert Leckey.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.21, No.1: 1-19.
124803 Up Against the Property Logic of Equality Law: Conservative Christian Accommodation Claims and Gay Rights/Davina Cooper, Didi Herman.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.21, No.1: 61-80.
124804 Where There’s a Will There’s a Woman: Exploring the Gendered Nature of Will-Making/Ezra Hasson.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.21, No.1: 21-37.
124805 Human Trafficking on Trial: Dissecting the Adjudication of Sex Trafficking Cases in Cyprus/Angelo G. Constantinou.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.21, No.2: 163-183.
124806 Mastering Emotions or Still Losing Control? Seeking Public Engagement with Sexual Infidelity Homicide/Adrian Howe.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.21, No.2: 141-161.
124807 Reading the Stranger of Asylum Law: Legacies of Communication and Ethics/Toni A. M. Johnson.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.21, No.2: 119-139.
124808 The Canadian Supreme Court and Domestic Violence/Ronagh J. A. McQuigg.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.21, No.2: 185-193.
124809 Towards Intersectionality in the European Court of Human Rights: The Case of B.S. v Spain/Keina Yoshida.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.21, No.2: 195-204.
124810 Why Don’t They Change Law Reform, Tradition and Widows Rights in Ghana/Augustina Akoto.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.21, No.3: 263-279.
124811 Personal Narratives, Social Justice, and the Law/Samia Bano, Jennifer L. Pierce.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.21, No.3: 225-239.
124812 A Break Away from the (Hetero) norm: Lawrence v Gallagher/Charlotte Bendall.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.21, No.3: 303-310.
124813 Falafel King: Culinary Customs and National Narratives in Palestine/Zeina B. Ghandour.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.21, No.3: 281-301.
124814 Feminist Reflections on Researching So-called Honour Killings/Aisha K. Gill.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.21, No.3: 241-261.
124815 Falling Rape Conviction Rates: (Some) Feminist Aims and Measures for Rape Law/Wendy Larcombe.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.19, No.1: 27-45.
124816 Jurisdictions of Sexual Assault: Reforming the Texts and Testimony of Rape in Australia/Peter D. Rush.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.19, No.1: 47-73.
124817 Legitimate Compassion or Compassionate Legitimation? Reflections on the Policy for Prosecutors in Respect of Cases of Encouraging or Assisting Suicide/Hazel Biggs.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.19, No.1: 83-91.
124818 Reading the State as a Multi-Identity Formation: The Touch and Feel of Equality Governance/Davina Cooper.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.19, No.1: 3-25.
124819 Revisiting the Continental Shelf: Moira Gatens on Law, Religion, and Human Rights in Eliot, Feuerbach, and Spinoza/Stacy Douglas, Moira Gatens.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.19, No.1: 75-82.
124820 Citation and Censorship: The Politics of Talking About the Sexual Politics of Israel/Jasbir Puar.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.19, No.2: 134-142.
124821 Problematic Proximities: Or Why Critiques of Gay Imperialism Matter/Sara Ahmed.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.19, No.2: 120-132.
124822 The Dutch Homo-Emancipation Policy and its Silencing Effects on Queer Muslims/Suhraiya Jivraj, Anisa de Jong.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.19, No.2: 144-158.
124823 Barbara Babcock: Woman Lawyer: The Trials of Clara Foltz/Rosemary Auchmuty.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.19, No.3: 289-291.
124824 Radical Legal Theory Today, or How to Make Foucault and Law Disappear Completely/Nick Piska.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.19, No.3: 252-265.
124825 Roundtable on Eve Darian-Smith, Religion, Race, Rights: Landmarks in the History of Modern Anglo-American Law/Jonathan Goldberg-Hiller… [et al.].- Feminist Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.19, No.3: 265-288.
124826 Sexuality and Succession Law: Beyond Formal Equality/Daniel Monk.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.19, No.3: 231-250.
124827 Unpalatable Messages? Feminist Analysis of United Kingdom Legislative Discourse on Stalking 1996-1997/Helen Reece.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.19, No.3: 205-230.
124828 Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining: ILO, Committee on Freedom of Association – 27/3/2014 – International Trade Union Confederation v. Qatar. Freedom of Association for Migrant Workers. [ILO Conventions 87, 98].- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.1: 3-16.
124829 European Court of Human Rights – 20/2/2014 – Nosov v. Russia Margin of Appreciation of States [Art. 11 European Convention of Human Rights].- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.1: 17-22.
124830 European Court of Human Rights – 14/1/2014 – Association of victims of Romanian Judges v. Romania Constitutional Prohibition of an Association for Romanian Judges [Art. 11 European Convention of Human Rights].- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.1: 23-29.
124831 ILO, Committee on Freedom of Association – 13/6/2014 – Case nr 2254 IOE and FEDECAMARAS v. Venezuela Freedom of Association for Employer Organizations [ILO Conventions 87, 98].- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.1: 30-33.
124832 European Committee on Social Rights – 3/7/2013 – Swedish Trade Union Confederation v. Sweden Right to Collective Bargaining Balanced against the Right to Provide Services [Art. 6 European Social Charter].- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.1: 34-44.
124833 ILO, Committee on Freedom of Association – 27/3/2014 – All Spanish Trade Unions v. Spain Modification of Collective Labor Agreements during Serious Economic Problems [ILO Conventions 87, 98].- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.1: 45-55.
124834 OECD, German National Contact Point – 30/1/2014 – Joint statement of UNI Global Union, International Transport Worker’s Federation, and Deutche Post/ DHL on the complaint of UNI/ITF against DP-DHL/Bonn.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.1: 56-66.
124835 ILO, Committee on Freedom of Association – 12/11/2014, Danish Union of Teachers v. Denmark Right to Collective Bargaining Undermined by Lack of Free Negotiation [ILO Conventions 87, 98, 151].- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.1: 67-72.
124836 European Court of Human Rights – 8/4/2014 – National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers v. United Kingdom Secondary industrial action [Art. 11 European Convention of Human Rights].- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.1: 73-84.
124837 European Court of Human Rights – 27/11/2014 – Hrvatski Lijecnicki Sindikat v. Croatia Secondary Industrial Action [Art. 11 European Convention of Human Rights].- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.1: 85-93.
124838 ILO, Committee on Freedom of Association – 13/6/2014 – IE, LO, SAFE, YS v. Norway.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.1: 94-100.
124839 Prohibition of Forced and Child Labor: United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit – 4/9/2014 – Case 10-56739, John Does v. Nestle USA, Inc.; Archer Daniels Midland Company; Cargill Incorporated Company; Cargill Cocoa (Appeal from the US District Court of California). Corporate immunity in the aiding and abetting of child slavery.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.1: 101-117.
124840 European Court of Justice – 14/1/2014 – Pohl v. Obb Infrastruktur. Age Discrimination [Art. 2 Treaty European Union].- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.1: 119-122.
124841 ILO, Committee on the Application of Standards – 12/6/2014 – Bangladesh Labor Standards [ILO Convention 82].- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.1: 123-132.
124842 Council of Europe, European Committee on Social Rights – 13/10/2014 – Resolution CM/ResChS(2014)12, European Confederation of Police (EuroCOP) v. Ireland, Complaint No. 83/2012.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.2: 135-146.
124843 European Court of Justice – 18/12/2014 – FNV Kunsten Informatie en Media v. Staat der Nederlanden.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.2: 147-158.
124844 European Court of Justice – 12/2/2015 – Sahkoalojen ammattiliitto ry v. Elektrobudowa Spolka Akcyjna, C-396/13.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.2: 159-175.
124845 Supreme Court of Canada – 30/1/2015 – Saskatchewan Federation of Labour v. Saskatchewan.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.2: 177-189.
124846 Labour Court of South Africa – 23/6/2014 – Chamber of Mines of South Africa v. Association of Mineworkers of South Africa, National Union of Mineworkers, United Association of South Africa, Case No J99/14.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.2: 190-199.
124847 ILO Committee on Freedom of Association – 27/3/2015 – Complaint against the Government of Turkey Presented by the Kristal-Is (Trade Union of Glass, Cement and Soil Workers of Turkey) Supported by the IndustriALL Global Union, Case No. 3084 (Turkey).- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.2: 200-209.
124848 District Court of The Hague (Rechtbank Den Haag), The Netherlands – 26/8/2014 – Parketnummer: 09/817132 14.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.2: 211-216.
124849 Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women – 17/2/2014 – Elisabeth de Blok et al. v. The Netherlands, Communication 36/2012.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.2: 217-227.
124850 European Court of Justice – 18/12/2014 – Fag og Arbejde (FOA), acting on behalf of Karsten Kaltoft v. Kommunernes Landsforening (KL), acting on behalf of the Municipality of Billund. C-354/13.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.2: 228-238.
124851 Supreme Court of the United States – 9/12/2014 – Integrity Staffing Solutions, Inc. v. Jesse Busk et al., No. 13-433.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.2: 239-243.
124852 OECD National Contact Point, United States: UAW-IndustriALL and Nissan North America, Inc. 30 January 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.3: 247-254.
124853 Commentary: The U.S. NCP Nissan Decision in the Context of the OECD Guidelines/Lance Compa.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.3: 255-260.
124854 ILO Committee on Application of Standards: Information and Discussion on the Application of the Ratified Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87): Swaziland (ratification: 1978). 12 June 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.3: 261-273.
124855 Commentary: Freedom of Association in Swaziland/Marius Olivier.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.3: 274-278.
124856 OECD National Contact Point, Switzerland: Specific Instance regarding ACC Limited and Ambuja Cement Limited (Holcim Group) in India, 18 December 2014.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.3: 279-288.
124857 ILO Committee on Freedom of Association: Complaint against the Government of El Salvador presented by the Trade Union Confederation of El Salvador Workers (CSTS), the Trade Union Federation of Food, Beverage, Hotel, Restaurant and AgroIndustry Workers of El Salvador (FESTSSABHRA) and the LIDO SA de CV Company Trade Union (SELSA), Case No. 2871, Report in which the Committee requests to be kept informed of developments. 13 June 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.3: 289-294.
124858 Commentary: Freedom of Association in El Salvador/Alan Bogg.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.3: 295-300.
124859 Commentary: The ILO Committee on Freedom of Association and the Unions’ Regulations in Egypt/Josefa D. Ruiz-Resa.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.3: 308-311.
124860 International Labour Conference: Discussion in the Committee on the Application of Standards of the International Labour Conference (104th Session, June 2015), of the application by Qatar of Convention No. 29.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.3: 313-316.
124861 Commentary: Concentrated ILO Supervision of Migrant Rights in Qatar/Lee Swepston, Raoul Wallenberg.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.3: 317-319.
124862 European Court of Justice: Charlotte Rosselle v. Institut national d’assurance maladie-invalidite (INAMI), Union nationale des mutualites libres (UNM), C-65/14, 21 May 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.3: 321-327.
124863 Commentary: Maternity Leave and Discrimination before the European Court of Justice: Clarity Still Required/Sarah De Groof.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.3: 328-331.
124864 Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa: MEC for the Department of Health v De Necker (924/2013) [2014] ZASCA 167 (8 October 2014).- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.3: 333-340.
124865 Commentary: Harm Inflicted in the Course of Employment Does not Always Arise Out of Employment: MEC for the Department of Health v D[…] N[…]/Rochelle le Roux.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2015; Vol.1, No.3: 341-345.
124866 ILO Committee on Freedom of Association: Complaint against the Government of the Dominican Republic presented by the National Trade Union Confederation (CNUS), Case No. 2786, Report in which the Committee Requests to be Kept Informed of Developments, 11 November 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 3-5.
124867 Constitutional Tribunal of Poland: The Rules for Creating Unions, Case K1/13, 12 June 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 6-14.
124868 An Analysis of the Judgment of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal on the Freedom of Association/Barbara Surdykowska.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 15-19.
124869 ILO Committee on Freedom of Association: Complaint against the Government of Peru presented by the National Union of State Health Service Nurses (SINESSS), Case No. 3096, Report in which the Committee Requests to be Kept Informed of Developments, 11 November 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 21-25.
124870 Supreme Court of the Netherlands: Dutch Supreme Court 19 June 2015, ECLI:NL:HR:2015:1687, JAR 2015/188 (FNV c.s./Amsta).- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 26-32.
124871 Strike Law Reform in the Netherlands/Arnold Keizer.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 33-38.
124872 Labour Appeal Court of South Africa: PUTCO Proprietary Limited v Transport and Allied Workers Union of South Africa and Another, JA106/13, ZALAC 14, 5 May 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 39-45.
124873 The Legality of Locking out Nonstriking Employees: The Perspective of the South African Labour Appeal Court/Bradley Workman-Davies, Kerry Badal.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 46-50.
124874 European Court of Human Rights: Chitos v Greece, Application No. 51637/12, 19 October 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 51-57.
124875 Reimbursement Conditions for Military Service Education Could Result in Forced Labor/Beryl ter Haar.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 58-62.
124876 United Kingdom Employment Tribunal: Tirkey v Chandhok and Anor, UKET 3400174/2013, 17 September 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 63-69.
124877 Is Caste Discrimination in the UK Prohibited by the Equality Act 2010?/Annapurna Waughray.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 70-76.
124878 Supreme Court of the United States: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v Abercrombie & Fitch Stores, Inc., No. 14-86, 1 June 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 77-85.
124879 Managing Legal Conflicts When Business Dress Codes and Religious Dress Codes Clash/Michael Sheehan.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 86-90.
124880 Federal Constitutional Court of Germany [Bundesverfassungsgericht] – 1 BvR 471/10 – 1 BvR 1181/10 (Headscarf), 27 January 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 91-100.
124881 The Constitutionality of State Neutrality Acts in Germany and Implication for the Wearing of Muslim Headscarves/Achim Seifert.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 101-106.
124882 European Court of Justice: Federacion de Servicios Privados del sindicato Comisiones obreras v Tyco Integrated Security SL, Tyco Integrated Fire & Security Corporation Servicios SA, 10 September 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 107-116.
124883 Travel Time for Mobile Workers Constitutes Working Time/Mirjam de Blecourt,.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 117-121.
124884 ILO Committee on Freedom of Association: Complaint against the Government of Portugal presented by the General Confederation of Portuguese Workers – National Inter-Union Body (CGTP-IN), Case No. 3072, Report in which the Committee Requests to be Kept Informed of Developments, Report No. 375, 11 November 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 127-135.
124885 Portuguese Labor Austerity Measures and the Principle of Freedom of Association/Duarte Abrunhosa e Sousa.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 136-141.
124886 ILO Committee on Freedom of Association: Complaint against the Government of Cambodia presented by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), Case No. 2318, Interim Report, Report No. 375, 11 November 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 142-148.
124887 ILO Committee on Freedom of Association and the Murders of Cambodian Trade Unionists/Earl V. Brown.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 149-154.
124888 Supreme Court of the Republic of Korea: Supreme Court en banc Decision 2007Du4995, Revocation of Disposition on Return of Labor Union Establishment Report, 25 June 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 155-161.
124889 Undocumented Workers May Establish Trade Unions in South Korea/Tae-Ung Baik,.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 162-165.
124890 OECD National Compact Point, Chile: Final Declaration, Starbucks, Inc., Chile v Central Unitaria de Trabajadores de Chile and Sindicato de Trabajadores de Starbucks Coffee Sociedad Anonima, 1 June 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 166-174.
124891 NCP Starbucks Decision Helps Advance Compliance with OECD Guidelines/Cesar F. Rosado Marzan.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 175-179.
124892 OECD National Contact Point, United States: Final Statement, Specific Instance between the United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union and Birlesik Metal-Iscileri Sendikasi and Crown Holdings, Inc. for conduct in Canada and Turkey, 24 December 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 181-189.
124893 Crown Holdings: The Globalization of Labor Protection/Shaun Bradshaw.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 190-194.
124894 Federal Labour Court of Germany: 1 AZR 754/13, 25 August 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 195-203.
124895 German Federal Labour Court: No Damages for Third Parties Affected by a Strike/Reingard Zimmer.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 204-208.
124896 OECD National Contact Point, South Korea: Initial Assessment by Korean National Contact Point (NCP) for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, Korean NCP KTNCW et al. v Daewoo International et al., 7 July 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 209-215.
124897 KTNCW et al. v Daewoo International: A Missed Opportunity/Ana Virginia Moreira Gomes.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 216-220.
124898 Inter-American Commission on Human Rights: Report No. 80/15, J.S.C.H. and M.G.S. v Mexico, Case 12.689, 28 October 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 221-232.
124899 Regional Protection Against HIV-Based Discrimination in the Armed Forces/Jane Aeberhard-Hodges.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 233-239.
124900 Nondiscrimination of HIV Workers: A Comparative Analysis of Colombia and Venezuela/Isabella Gandini.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 240-244.
124901 European Court of Justice: Maistrellis v Ypourgos Dikaiosynis, Diafaneias Kai Anthropinon Dikaiomaton, Case No. C-222/14, 16 July 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 245-253.
124902 Recognition of (Some) Men’s Parental Duties under EU Law/Nicole Busby.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 254-259.
124903 Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario: O.P.T. v Presteve Foods Ltd., 2015 HRTO 675, 22 May 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 260-268.
124904 Precarious Migrant Workers and Sexual Harassment/Judy Fudge.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 269-273.
124905 ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations: Observations concerning reports on the implementation of the Labour Inspection Convention by the Netherlands (No. 81), Application of International Labour Standards 2016, General Report III (Part 1A), 105th Session, 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 275-282.
124906 Labor Inspection in a Privatized Health and Safety System/Frans Pennings.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 283-286.
124907 Employer Questionnaire Deemed Illegal/Hiroya Nakakubo.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.3: 300-303.
124908 Constitutional Court of South Africa: Transport and Allied Workers Union of South Africa v PUTCO Limited, CCT94/15 [2016] ZACC 7, 8 March 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.3: 319-327.
124909 The Limits of Lockouts in South Africa/Emma Fergus.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.3: 328-334.
124910 Labor Court of Sweden: Arbetsdomstolen, Fonnship, Dom nr 70/15, 2015-11-25 Mal nr A 14/02, A 39/02, A 53/03 och A 137/03 (AD 2015 No. 70), 25 November 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.3: 335-346.
124911 Industrial Action Right Versus Free Movement of Services/Stein Evju.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.3: 347-351.
124912 European Court of Human Rights: L.E. v Greece, Application No. 71545/12, 21 January 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.3: 353-358.
124913 A Comprehensive Approach to Human Trafficking: An Analysis of L.E. v Greece (ECtHR)/Jill Coster van Voorhout.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.3: 359-362.
124914 Federal Court of Australia: Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union v Endeavour Coal Pty Ltd [2015] FCAFC 76, 3 June 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.3: 375-382.
124915 Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union v Endeavour Coal Pty Ltd: When is it permissible to take detrimental action against an employee who exercises a legal right to take leave?/Adriana Orifici.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.3: 383-388.
124916 UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: A.F. v Italy, Communication No. 9/2012, 19 May 2015.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.3: 389-395.
124917 ILO Governing Body: Complaint Concerning Non-observance by Qatar of the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29), and the Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 (No. 81), made by Delegates to the 103rd Session (2014) of the International Labour Conference under Article 26 of the ILO Constitution, 23 March 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.3: 403-404.
124918 Concentrated ILO Supervision of Migrant Rights in Qatar – Part 2/Lee Swepston.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2016; Vol.2, No.3: 405-408.
124919 Anne McNevin: Contesting Citizenship: Irregular Migrants and New Frontiers of the Political/Jiyoung LeeAn.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.22, No.1: 93-95.
124920 Feminist Reflections on the Scope of Labour Law: Domestic Work, Social Reproduction, and Jurisdiction/Judy Fudge.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.22, No.1: 1-23.
124921 Penny Darbyshire: Sitting in Judgment: The Working Lives of Judges/Rosemary Hunter.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.22, No.1: 89-91.
124922 Rape Myths and Gender Stereotypes in Croatian Rape Laws and Judicial Practice/Ivana Radac.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.22, No.1: 67-87.
124923 Zombie Law: Conjugality, Annulment, and the (Married) Living Dead/Heather Brook.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.22, No.1: 49-66.
124924 Litigating Discrimination on Grounds of Family Status/Olivia Smith.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.22, No.2: 175-201.
124925 Narrative, Theatre, and the Disruptive Potential of Jury Directions in Rape Trials/Kirsty Duncanson, Emma Henderson.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.22, No.2: 155-174.
124926 Sexual Assault and the Meaning of Power and Authority for Women with Mental Disabilities/Janine Benedet, Isabel Grant.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.22, No.2: 131-154.
124927 Twenty Years of Feminist Legal Studies: Reflections and Future Directions/Sarah Lamble.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.22, No.2: 109-130.
124928 Beyond Sexual Violence in Transitional Justice: Political Insecurity as a Gendered Harm/Julieta Lemaitre, Kristin Bergtora Sandvik.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.22, No.3: 241-261.
124929 Gendered Violence and International Human Rights: Thinking Non-discrimination Beyond the Sex Binary/Kathryn McNeilly.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.22, No.3: 263-283.
124930 Spinoza, Feminism and Privacy: Exploring an Immanent Ethics of Privacy/Janice Richardson.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.22, No.3: 225-241.
124931 Tick Tock Goes the Clock: Rethinking Policy and Embryo Storage Limits/Anita Stuhmcke.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.22, No.3: 285-306.
124932 Responding to Submissions and Introducing/Ruth Fletcher.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.1: 2-6.
124933 Making Different Differences: Representation and Rights in Sexuality Activism/Kay Lalor.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.1: 7-25.
124934 Sex Work’s Governance: Stuff and Nuisance/Angela Campbell.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.1: 27-45.
124935 Like Gold Dust These Days: Domestic Violence Fact-Finding Hearings in Child Contact Cases/Adrienne Barnett.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.1: 47-78.
124936 Docile Suffragettes? Resistance to Police Photography and the Possibility of Object Subject Transformation/Linda Mulcah.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.1: 79-99.
124937 Joanne Conaghan: Law and Gender/Sheri Ann Labenski.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.1: 105-109.
124938 Paul Johnson and Robert M. Vanderbeck: Law, Religion and Homosexuality/Stella Coyle.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.1: 111-115.
124939 Hilmi M. Zawati: Fair Labelling and the Dilemma of Prosecuting Gender-Based Crimes at the International Criminal Tribunals/Eithne Dowds.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.1: 117-120.
124940 Touchstones: Editorial Introduction/Ruth Fletcher.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.2: 121-126.
124941 Gender and Race in South African Judicial Appointments/Elsje Bonthuys.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.2: 127-148.
124942 International Criminal Law as a Site for Enhancing Women’s Rights? Challenges, Possibilities, Strategies/Kiran Kaur Grewal.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.2: 149-165.
124943 Intimacy and Inequality: Local Care Chains and Paid Childcare in Kenya/Margarita Dimova, Carrie Hough, Kerry Kyaa, Ambreena Manji.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.2: 167-179.
124944 Complicating Kinship and Inheritance: Older Lesbians and Gay Men’s Will-Writing in England/Sue Westwood.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.2: 181-197.
124945 Talking Law and Gender/Joanne Conaghan, Yvette Russell.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.2: 199-214.
124946 Davina Cooper: Everyday Utopias: The Conceptual Life of Promising Spaces/Will Odogwu.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.2: 215-219.
124947 Juliet Rogers: Law’s Cut on the Body of Human Rights/Anisha Thomas.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.2: 221-223.
124948 Ayesha S. Chaudhry: Domestic Violence and the Islamic Tradition/Shehnaz Haqqani.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.2: 225-230.
124949 Sara Ahmed: Willful Subjects/Lizzy Willmington.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.2: 236-239.
124950 FLaK: Mixing Feminism, Legality and Knowledge/Ruth Fletcher.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.3: 241-252.
124951 Feminist Challenges to the Constraints of Law: Donning Uncomfortable Robes?/Kate Fitz-Gibbon, JaneMaree Maher.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.3: 253-271.
124952 A Particular Disappointment? Judging Women and the High Court of Australia/Kcasey McLoughlin.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.3: 273-294.
124953 Exploring Glorious Motherhood in Chinese Abortion Law and Policy/Weiwei Cao.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.3: 295-318.
124954 We Are a Group of Feminist Lawyers Doing What We Can: An Interview with Emma Scott, Director of Rights of Women/Hannah Camplin, Emma Scott.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.3: 319-328.
124955 Bridging the Divide: An Interview with Professor Rashida Manjoo, UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women/Rashida Manjoo, Daniela Nadj.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.3: 329-347.
124956 On Chronotopes of Law/Mariana Valverde.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.3: 349-352.
124957 Valverde’s Chronotopes of Law: Reflections on An Agenda for Socio-legal Studies/Prabha Kotiswaran.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.3: 353-359.
124958 Time and Space in Medical Law: Building on Valverde’s Chronotopes of Law/John Harrington.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.3: 361-367.
124959 Reading UN Security Council Resolutions through Valverde’s Chronotopes/Isobel Roele.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.23, No.3: 369-374.
124960 Internationalism and Commitment at the Kitchen Table/Ruth Fletcher, Julie McCandless, Yvette Russell, Dania Thomas.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.1: 1-6.
124961 Recognition of Gendered Experiences of Harm at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia: The Promise and the Pitfalls/Diana Sankey.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.1: 7-27.
124962 Manhood Deprived and (Re)constructed during Conflicts and International Prosecutions: The Curious Case of the Prosecutor v. Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta et al./Gozde Turan.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.1: 29-47.
124963 Violence Against Migrant Women: The Istanbul Convention Through a Postcolonial Feminist Lens/Lourdes Peroni.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.1: 49-67.
124964 Feminism, Law, and Neoliberalism: An Interview and Discussion with Wendy Brown/Katie Cruz, Wendy Brown.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.1: 69-89.
124965 Mulki Al-Sharmani (ed.): Feminist activism, women’s rights and legal reform/Joanne Coysh.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.1: 91-95.
124966 Rebecca J. Cook, Joanna N. Erdman, and Bernard M. Dickens (eds): Abortion law in transnational perspective: cases and controversies.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.1: 97-102.
124967 Lene Auestad: Respect, Plurality, and Prejudice: A psychoanalytical and philosophical enquiry into the dynamics of social exclusion and discrimination/Evelien Geerts.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.1: 103-106.
124968 Kalpana Rahita Seshadri: HumAnimal: race, law, language/Chris Lloyd.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.1: 107-110.
124969 Heather Douglas, Francesca Bartlett, Trish Luker and Rosemary Hunter (eds): Australian Feminist Judgments: Righting and Rewriting Law/Natalie Kyneswood.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.1: 111-114.
124970 Deeds, Words and Drama: A Review of the Film Suffragette (2015)/Gwen Seabourne.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.1: 115-119.
124971 On Being Uncomfortable/Ruth Fletcher, Julie McCandless, Yvette Russell, Dania Thomas.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.2: 121-126.
124972 Law’s Gendered Subtext: The Gender Order of Restaurant Work and Making Sexual Harassment Normal/Kaitlyn Matulewicz.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.2: 127-145.
124973 Gender and Evidence in Family Law Reform: A Case Study of Quantification and Anecdote in Framing and Legitimising the Problems with Child Support in Australia/Kay Cook, Kristin Natalier.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.2: 147-167.
124974 Sketching Women in Court: The Visual Construction of Co-accused Women in Court Drawings/Charlotte Barlow.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.2: 169-192.
124975 Legal Violence Against Syrian Female Refugees in Turkey/Zeynep Kivilcim.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.2: 193-214.
124976 The Benefit Cap and the Complexity of Discrimination: R (SG and others) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions/Laura Lammasniemi.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.2: 215-221.
124977 Sarah Keenan: Subversive Property: Law and the Production of Spaces of Belonging/Angela Cameron.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.2: 223-226.
124978 Benedetta Faedi Duramy: Gender and Violence in Haiti: Women’s Path from Victims to Agents/Leanne Levers.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.2: 227-231.
124979 Zahra Meghani (ed) Women Migrant Workers: Ethical, Political and Legal Problems/Gabriela Marti.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.2: 233-237.
124980 Marianne Constable: Our word is our bond: How legal speech acts/Chris Lloyd.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.2: 239-242.
124981 Law’s Vulnerability, and Vulnerability in Law/Ruth Fletcher, Julie McCandless, Yvette Russell, Dania Thomas.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.3: 243-247.
124982 Transsexuality in Contemporary Iran: Legal and Social Misrecognition/Zara Saeidzadeh.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.3: 249-272.
124983 A House Divided: Humanitarianism and Anti-immigration Within US Anti-trafficking Legislation/Christina Doonan.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.3: 273-293.
124984 Developing Vulnerability: A Situational Response to the Abuse of Women with Mental Disabilities/Jaime Lindsey.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.3: 295-314.
124985 The African Commission on Human and People’s Rights and the woman question/Ebenezer Durojaye, Olubayo Oluduro.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.3: 315-336.
124986 Jyoti Puri: Sexual States: Governance and the Struggle Over the Antisodomy Law in India/Mayur Suresh.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.3: 337-341.
124987 Annie Bunting, Benjamin N. Lawrence and Richard L. Roberts (eds): Marriage by Force? Contestation Over Consent and Coercion in Africa/Rachel Killean.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.3: 343-363.
124988 Beth Goldblatt and Lucie Lamarche (eds.): Women’s rights to social security and social protection/Colm OCinneide.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.3: 351-353.
124989 Janet Bennion and Lisa Fishbayn Joffe (eds): The Polygamy Question/Cindy Scheopner.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.24, No.3: 347-349.
124990 Wench Tactics? Openings in Conditions of Closure/Ruth Fletcher …[et al.].- Feminist Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.25, No.1: 1-23.
124991 Beyond Revenge Porn: The Continuum of Image-Based Sexual Abuse/Clare McGlynn, Erika Rackley, Ruth Houghton.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.25, No.1: 25-46.
124992 The Feminist Citizen-Subject: It’s not About Choice, It’s About Changing It All/Alexander Kondakov.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.25, No.1: 47-69.
124993 The Transitional Justice Gap: Exploring Everyday Gendered Harms and Customary Justice in South Kivu, DR Congo/Holly Dunn.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.25, No.1: 71-97.
124994 Women Asylum Seekers in the Current Crisis: A Conversation/Harriet Samuels.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.25, No.1: 99-122.
124995 The Role of Law in Temporal Reasoning: An Interview with Annelise Riles/Lucy Welsh.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.25, No.1: 123-129.
124996 Wrongful Inheritance: Race, Disability and Sexuality in Cramblett v. Midwest Sperm Bank/Suzanne Lenon, Danielle Peers.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.25, No.2: 141-163.
124997 The Problem with Hobby Lobby: Neoliberal Jurisprudence and Neoconservative Values/Jennifer M. Denbow.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.25, No.2: 165-184.
124998 Custody Stalking: A Mechanism of Coercively Controlling Mothers Following Separation/Vivienne Elizabeth.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.25, No.2: 185-201.
124999 I Want to be Able to Walk the Street Without Fear: Transforming Justice for Street Harassment/Bianca Fileborn, F. Vera-Gray.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.25, No.2: 203-227.
125000 Campus Feminisms/Neil Cobb, Nikki Godden-Rasul.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.25, No.2: 229-252.
125001 Working Across Difference: Theory, Practice and Experience/Rachael Dobson.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.25, No.2: 253-266.
125002 Racialized Women, the Law and the Violence of White Settler Colonialism/Hijin Park.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.25, No.3: 267-290.
125003 A Woman’s Work is Unfinished Business: Justice for the Disappeared Magdalen Women of Modern Ireland/Kate Gleeson.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.25, No.3: 291-312.
125004 Domestic Violence and the Gendered Law of Self-Defence in France: The Case of Jacqueline Sauvage/Kate Fitz-Gibbon, Marion Vannier.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.25, No.3: 313-335.
125005 Gender Justice or Gendered Justice? Female Defendants in International Criminal Tribunals/Natalie Hodgson.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.25, No.3: 337-357.
125006 Hanging On: Reflections on visual reproduction and the UK Abortion Act 1967/Natalie Linda Jones.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.25, No.3: 359-364.
125007 Restricted to Half the Sky: Unwanted Girls, Battered Wives and Inglorious Women/Weiwei Cao.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.25, No.3: 365-373.
125008 Aleardo Zanghellini: The Sexual Constitution of Political Authority: The Trials of Same Sex Desire/Kim Stevenson.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.25, No.3: 375-377.
125009 Susan Bisom-Rapp and Malcolm Sargeant: Lifetime Disadvantage, Discrimination and the Gendered Workforce/Richard Poole.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.25, No.3: 379-383.
125010 Anette Ballinger: Gender, Truth and State Power: Capitalising on Punishment/Lizzie Seal.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.25, No.3: 385-387.
125011 Cashless Welfare Transfers for Vulnerable Welfare Recipients: Law, Ethics and Vulnerability Authors/Shelley Bielefeld.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.1: 1-23.
125012 Judging in Marriage’s Shadow/Robert Leckey.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.1: 25-45.
125013 Power and Rights in the Community: Paralegals as Leaders in Women’s Legal Empowerment in Tanzania/Helen Dancer.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.1: 47-64.
125014 Beyond Liberalism: Marxist Feminism, Migrant Sex Work, and Labour Unfreedom/Katie Cruz.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.1: 65-92.
125015 The Sexual Contract 30 Years on: A Conversation with Carole Pateman/Sharon Thompson, Lydia Hayes, Daniel Newman, Carole Pateman.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.1: 93-104.
125016 LJB Hayes: Stories of care: A labour of law-gender and class at work/Nicole Busby.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.1: 105-108.
125017 Sue Westwood: Ageing, Gender and Society: Equality in Late Life/Jonathan Herring.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.1: 109-111.
125018 Jill Stauffer: Ethical Loneliness: The Injustice of Not Being Heard/Nayeli Urquiza-Haas.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.1: 115-119.
125019 State Facilitated Economic Abuse: A Structural Analysis of Men Deliberately Withholding Child Support/Kristin Natalier.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.2: 121-140.
125020 Globalised Imaginaries of Love and Hate: Immutability, Violence, and LGBT Human Rights/Leifa Mayers.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.2: 141-161.
125021 Feminist Literary Theory and the Law: Reading Cases with Naomi Schor/Marco Wan.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.2: 163-183.
125022 Governing Legal Embodiment: On the Limits of Self-Declaration/Chris Dietz.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.2: 185-204.
125023 Here Versus There: Creating British Sexual Politics Elsewhere/Kay Lalor, Katherine Browne.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.2: 205-213.
125024 Jane Scoular: The Subject of Prostitution: Sex Work, Law and Social Theory/Katie Cruz.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.2: 215-218.
125025 Kathryn McNeilly: Human Rights and Radical Social Transformation: Futurity, Alterity, Power/Illan Rua Wall.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.2: 219-222.
125026 Public History and the Study of Law: Reviewing The Limehouse Golem (2017)/Susanna Menis.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.2: 223-228.
125027 Ania Zbyszewska: Gendering European working time regimes: The working time directive and the case of Poland/Ania Plomien.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.2: 229-232.
125028 Translating Travesty, Global Conversation, and the Irish Abortion Referendum/Ruth Fletcher.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.3: 233-259.
125029 Transformative Illegality: How Condoms Became Legal in Ireland, 1991-1993/Mairead Enright, Emilie Cloatre.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.3: 261-284.
125030 Feminism and Penal Expansion: The Role of Rights-Based Criminal Law in Post-Neoliberal Ecuador/Silvana Tapia Tapia.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.3: 285-306.
125031 A Witness in My Own Case: Victim-Survivors Views on the Criminal Justice Process in Iceland/Hildur Fjola Antonsdottir.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.3: 307-330.
125032 Carceral Pride: The Fusion of Police Imagery with LGBTI Rights/Emma K. Russell.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.3: 331-350.
125033 International Law, Social Change and Resistance: A Conversation Between Professor Anna Grear (Cardiff) and Professorial Fellow Dianne Otto (Melbourne)/Dianne Otto, Anna Grear.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.3: 351-363.
125034 Conjuring Materialities, Brewing Legal Times/Rebecca Coleman.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.3: 365-369.
125035 The Politics of Brewing Legal Times/Kathryn McNeilly.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.3: 371-375.
125036 Understanding Legal Worlds, Brewing Legal Times/Sarah Keenan.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.3: 377-380.
125037 On Moving the Table: Reflections on an Author-Meets-Reader Session/Emily Grabham.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.26, No.3: 381-384.
125038 Editorial: With thanks to Ruth Fletcher/Yvette Russell.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.27, No.1: 1-6.
125039 What’s the Deal? Women’s Evidence and Gendered Negotiations/Elsje Bonthuys.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.27, No.1: 7-31.
125040 Gender Injustice in Compensating Injury to Autonomy in English and Singaporean Negligence Law/Tsachi Keren-Paz.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.27, No.1: 33-55.
125041 Marital Rape and the Marital Rapist: The 1976 South Australian Rape Law Reforms/Lisa Featherstone, Alexander George Winn.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.27, No.1: 57-78.
125042 Feminist Scholarship on International Law in the 1990s and Today: An Inter-Generational Conversation/Hilary Charlesworth, Gina Heathcote, Emily Jones.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.27, No.1: 79-93.
125043 Women Peace and Security: Adrift in Policy and Practice/Laura Davis.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.27, No.1: 95-107.
125044 Ratna Kapur: Gender, Alterity, and Human Rights: Freedom in a Fish Bowl/Swethaa S. Ballakrishnen.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.27, No.1: 109-114.
125045 Dianne Otto (ed): Queering International Law: Possibilities, Alliances, Complicities, Risks/Emily Jones.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.27, No.1: 115-120.
125046 Back at the kitchen table: Reflections on decolonising and internationalising with the Global South socio-legal writing workshops/Zainab Batul Naqvi, Ruth Fletcher, Diamond Ashiagbor, Katie Cruz, Yvette Russell.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.27, No.2: 123-127.
125047 Concealment of Birth: Time to Repeal a 200-Year-Old Convenient Stop-Gap/Emma Milne.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.27, No.2: 139-162.
125048 Relational Vulnerability: The Legal Status of Cohabiting Carers/Ellen Gordon-Bouvier.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.27, No.2: 163-187.
125049 Victims, perpetrators and paternalism: image driven sexting laws in Connecticut/Laura Vitis.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.27, No.2: 189-209.
125050 The EU Top Court Rules that Married Same-Sex Couples Can Move Freely Between EU Member States as Spouses/Alina Tryfonidou.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.27, No.2: 211-221.
125051 Sara Meger: Rape Loot Pillage: The Political Economy of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict/Doris Buss.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.27, No.2: 225-229.
125052 Lucy Finchett-Maddock: Protest, Property and the Commons: Performances of Law and Resistance/Neil Cobb.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.27, No.2: 235-242.
125053 Barbara Havelkova: Gender Equality in Law: Uncovering the Legacies of Czech State Socialism/Ania Zbyszewska.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.27, No.2: 231-234.
125054 The Politics of Doing Exactly Nothing: Feminist Legal Change and Bureaucratic Administration of Refugee Protection/Azar Masoumi.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.27, No.3: 243-261.
125055 The Role of Pateman’s Sexual Contract in Beneficial Interests in Property/Kate Galloway.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.27, No.3: 263-285.
125056 Vulnerability and the Consenting Subject: Reimagining Informed Consent in Embryo Donation/Rebecca Hewer.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.27, No.3: 287-310.
125057 International Women’s Day 2019: In Conversation with Harriet Wistrich/Harriet Samuels.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.27, No.3: 311-331.
125058 Some reflections on law and gender in modern Ireland/Joanne Conaghan.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.27, No.3: 333-344.
125059 Lynsey Black and Peter Dunne (Eds): Law and Gender in Modern Ireland: Critique and Reform (Hart/Bloomsbury 2019)/Maeve ORourke.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.27, No.3: 345-349.
125060 Mairead Enright, Julie McCandless and Aoife O’Donoghue (eds.): Northern/Irish Feminist Judgments: Judges Troubles and the Gendered Politics of Identity/Kanika Sharma.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.27, No.3: 351-356.
125061 Settler Colonialism, Policing and Racial Terror: The Police Shooting of Loreal Tsingine/Sherene H. Razack.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.28, No.1: 1-20.
125062 What the f: pragrammatology and the politics of paradox in State of Alaska v. Wade/D. C. Mitchell.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.28, No.1: 21-38.
125063 Un-Coupling Family Law: The Legal Recognition and Protection of Adult Unions Outside of Conjugal Coupledom/Frederik Swennen.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.28, No.1: 39-60.
125064 The Limits of Dignity at the Intersection of Autonomy, Identity and Affect: A Cautionary Tale from the Supreme Court of Canada/Caroline Hodes.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.28, No.1: 61-86.
125065 Abortion in Italy: Forty Years On/Elena Caruso.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.28, No.1: 87-96.
125066 Stewart Motha: Archiving Sovereignty: Law, History, Violence/Susanna Menis.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.28, No.1: 97-99.
125067 Cinzia Arruzza, Tithi Bhattacharya and Nancy Fraser: Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto/Felicity Adams.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.28, No.1: 105-105.
125068 Critical Perspectives on Trafficked Persons in Canada and the US: Survivors or Perpetrators/Zainab Batul Naqvi.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.28, No.1: 107-112.
125069 A Wench’s Guide to Surviving a Global Pandemic Crisis: Feminist Publishing in a Time of COVID-19/Zainab Batul Naqvi, Yvette Russell.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.28, No.1: 113-131.
125070 Sex, Sexism, and Judicial Misconduct: How the Canadian Judicial Council Perpetuates Sexism in the Legal Realm/Caroline Dick.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.28, No.2: 133-153.
125071 Of the Women’s Rights Jurisprudence of the ECOWAS Court: The Role of the Maputo Protocol and the Due Diligence Standard/Maame Efua Addadzi-Koom.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.28, No.2: 155-178.
125072 Is this a Time of Beautiful Chaos?: Reflecting on International Feminist Legal Methods/Faye Bird.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.28, No.2: 179-203.
125073 Feminist Judging in Action: Reflecting on the Feminist Judgments in International Law Project/Dianne Otto.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.28, No.2: 205-216.
125074 Honor Brabazon (ed): Neoliberal Legality: Understanding the Role of Law in the Neoliberal Project/Eva Nanopoulos.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.28, No.2: 217-223.
125075 Susan Harris Rimmer and Kate Ogg (Eds.): Research Handbook on Feminist Engagement with International Law/Lynsey Mitchell.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.28, No.2: 225-229.
125076 Emma K Russell: Queer Histories and the Politics of Policing/Felicity Elisabeth Adams.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.28, No.2: 231-235.
125077 Naming Rights? Analysing Child Surname Disputes in Australian Courts Through a Gendered Lens/Zoe Goodall, Ceridwen Spark.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.28, No.3: 237-255.
125078 It’s All Just a Game: How Victims of Rape Invoke the Game Metaphor to Add Meaning and Create Agency in Relation to Legal Trials/Solveig Laugerud.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.28, No.3: 257-275.
125079 Compensation as a means to justice? Sexual violence survivors views on the tort law option in Iceland/Hildur Fjola Antonsdottir.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.28, No.3: 277-300.
125080 COVID-19 Highlighting Inequalities in Access to Healthcare in England: A Case Study of Ethnic Minority and Migrant Women/Sabrina Germain , Adrienne Yong.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.28, No.3: 301-310.
125081 Assessing the Gender-Sensitivity of International Financial Institutions Responses to COVID-19: Reflections from Home (with Kids) in Lockdown/Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, Mariana Rulli.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.28, No.3: 311-319.
125082 International Law, COVID-19 and Feminist Engagement with the United Nations Security Council: The End of the Affair?/Catherine ORourke.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.28, No.3: 321-328.
125083 Households, bubbles and hugging grandparents: Caring and lockdown rules during COVID-19/Jackie Gulland.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.28, No.3: 329-339.
125084 Access to justice and institutional regendering: The case of the National Prosecution Bureau of Chile/Barbara Barraza Uribe, Maria Isabel Salinas.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.1: 1-21.
125085 Try Not to be Embarrassed: A Sex Positive Analysis of Nonconsensual Pornography Case Law/Alexa Dodge.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.1: 23-41.
125086 The Sexual Politics of Anti-Trafficking Discourse/Prabha Kotiswaran.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.1: 43-65.
125087 Can International Human Rights Law Smash the Patriarchy? A Review of Patriarchy According to United Nations Treaty Bodies and Special Procedures/Cassandra Mudgway.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.1: 67-105.
125088 Health Inequalities and Ethnic Vulnerabilities During COVID-19 in the UK: A Reflection on the PHE Reports/Clare Keys … [et al].- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.1: 107-118.
125089 Vaginal Examinations During Childbirth: Consent, Coercion and COVID-19/Anna Nelson.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.1: 119-131.
125090 Fathers, Childcare and COVID-19/Alice Margaria.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.1: 133-144.
125091 Erika Rackley and Rosemary Auchmuty (eds.): Women’s Legal Landmarks: Celebrating the History of Women and Law in the UK and Ireland/Vanessa E. Munro.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.1: 145-148.
125092 Lola Olufemi: Feminism, Interrupted: Disrupting Power/Felicity Adams.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.1: 149-153.
125093 Ngaire Naffine: Criminal Law and the Man Problem/Joanne Conaghan.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.1: 155-158.
125094 The Issue of Abortion in Contemporary Brazil: An Analysis of Feminist Litigation in the Supreme Court/Maria Ligia Ganacim Granado Rodrigues Elias.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.2: 159-179.
125095 Punishing Mothers for Men’s Violence: Failure to Protect Legislation and the Criminalisation of Abused Women/Sarah Singh.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.2: 181-204.
125096 Unveiling Complex Discrimination at the Court of Justice of the European Union: the Islamic Headscarf at Work/Ander Gutierrez-Solana Journoud.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.2: 205-230.
125097 Women’s Rights Facing Hypermasculinist Leadership: Implementing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda Under a Populist-Nationalist Regime/Barbara K. Trojanowska.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.2: 231-249.
125098 Feminist Judgments Projects at the Intersection/Vanessa E. Munro.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.2: 251-261.
125099 Correction to: Feminist Judgments Projects at the Intersection/Martha Gayoye …[et al.].- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.2: 263-265.
125100 A Local Authority v JB [2020] EWCA Civ 735; [2019] EWCOP 39/Emnani Subhi.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.2: 267-276.
125101 Senthorun Sunil Raj: Feeling Queer Jurisprudence: Injury, Intimacy, Identity/Kay Lalor.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.2: 277-281.
125102 Kjersti Lohne: Advocates of Humanity: Human Rights NGOs in International Criminal Justice/Leila Ullrich.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.2: 283-287.
125103 Nadine El-Enany: (B)ordering Britain: Law, Race, and Empire/Renisa Mawani.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.2: 289-291.
125104 Seeking Justice and Redress for Victim-Survivors of Image-Based Sexual Abuse/Erika Rackley … [et al.].- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.3: 293-322.
125105 Rupture and Continuity: Abortion, the Medical Profession, and the Transitional State-A Polish Case Study/Atina Krajewska.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.3: 323-350.
125106 Custody and Care of Children in Spain: Can the Two Rights be Reconciled?/Marcela Jabbaz Churba.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.3: 351-373.
125107 Advocating for the Right: Alliance Defending Freedom and the Rhetoric of Christian Persecution/Hannah Dick.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.3: 375-397.
125108 Nurture, Pleasure and Read and Resist!: Abolition Feminist Methodology for a Collective Recovery?/Felicity Adams, Fabienne Emmerich.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.3: 399-410.
125109 Joseph J. Fischel: Screw Consent: Towards a Better Politics of Sexual Justice/Senthorun Raj.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.3: 411-415.
125110 Eithne Dowds: Feminist Engagement with International Criminal Law: Norm Transfer, Complementarity, Rape and Consent.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.3: 417-421.
125111 Tanya Serisier: Speaking Out: Feminism, Rape and Narrative Politics/Karen Crawley.- Feminist Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.29, No.3: 423-427.
125112 Conservation And Natural Resources Stream Buffers: Amend Code Section 12-7-6 Of The Official Code Of Georgia Annotated Relating To Best Management/Sue B. Smith.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.1: 8-13.
125113 Constitution Of The State Of Georgia Defense Of Marriage Act: Amend The Constitution Of The State Of Georgia To Provide/Shannon Alexander, Heather Schafer.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.1: 14-35.
125114 Courts Juries: Provide The State And The Accused With The Same Number Of Peremptory Challenges In Misdemeanor/Jonathan Poole.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.1: 36-44.
125115 Crimes and offenses child endangerment: Define criminal negligence; provide for Legislative findings and intent/Jeremy P. Burnette.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.1: 45-58.
125116 Crimes and offenses offenses against public health and morals; enact the georgia Smokefree air act of 2004/Brandy Ouzts.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.1: 67-74.
125117 Crimes and offenses racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations: allow class actions to Be brought against unlicensed lenders/Tia Martarella.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.1: 59-66.
125118 Education Elementary And Postsecondary Education: Change The Reporting System And Method For Determining Eligibility For Hope Scholarships, Other Scholarships.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.1: 107-128.
125119 Have We Got a Deal For You: Can the East Borrow From the Western Water Marketing Experience?/Janet C. Neuman.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.2: 449-499.
125120 Interstate Allocation of Rivers Before the United States Supreme Court: The Apalachicola- Chattahoochee-Flint River System/Douglas L. Grant.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.2: 401-427.
125121 Sharing Water Through Interbasin Transfer and Basin of Origin Protection In Georgia: Issues for Evaluation in Comprehensive State Water Planning/Stephen E. Draper.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.2: 339-372.
125122 Special Challenges to Water Markets in Riparian States/Joseph W. Dellapenna.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.2: 305-338.
125123 The Failure of the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee- Flint River Basin and Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa River Basin Compacts and a Guide to the Successful Establishment of Interstate Water Compacts/Charles T. Dumars.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.2: 373-400.
125124 The Supreme Court Sells Charles Singleton Short: Why the Court Should Have Granted Certiorari to Singleton v. Norris After Reversing United States v. Sell/Jeremy P. Burnette.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.2: 541-564.
125125 Water Marketing in Western Prior Appropriation States: A Model for the East/James L. Huffman.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.2: 429-448.
125126 Who Owns Captain America? Contested Authorship, Work-For-Hire, And Termination Rights Under the Copyright Act of 1976/John Molinaro.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.2: 565-592.
125127 Economic Analysis of Freedom of Expression/Michael Rushton.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.3: 693-719.
125128 Facing Ethical Issues With Law Students In an Adversary Context/Marjorie L. Girth.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.3: 593-626.
125129 Perdue v. Baker: Who Has the Ultimate Power Over Litigation on Behalf of the State of Georgia-The Governor or the Attorney General/Erin L. Penn.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.3: 751-772.
125130 The Antitrust Implications of the Bowl Championship Series: Analysis Through Analogous Reasoning/David Scott Moreland.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.3: 721-749.
125131 Toussaint v. Merck & Co.: Opening the Door to Thimerosal Vaccine Litigation in Civil Court?/Beverly Jones Sill.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.3: 773-796.
125132 Travers v. Jones: Is Fact Preclusion a Death Knell for Section 1983 Employment Claims Against Local Governments By Civil Service Employees?/William J. Linkous.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.3: 627-692.
125133 A New Approach to Health Care ADR: Training Law Students to be Problem Solvers in the Health Care Context/Linda Morton.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.4: 965-992.
125134 A Participatory Approach to Understanding Conflict in Health Care/Coby Anderson, Linda DAntonio.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.4: 817-829.
125135 Defining a Retaliatory Adverse Action from Wideman to Shotz: The Legitimacy of the Eleventh Circuit’s Retaliation Case Law/Jonathan M. Gallant.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.4: 1079-1185.
125136 Foreword To The Symposium: Therapeutic Approaches to Conflict Resolution in Health Care Settings/Charity Scott.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.4: 797-816.
125137 Heyoka: The Shifting Shape of Dispute Resolution in Health Care/Virginia L. Morrison.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.4: 931-963.
125138 Mediation Within the Health Care Industry: Hurdles and Opportunities/Mark R. Lebed, John J. McCauley.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.4: 911-929.
125139 Noncompete Clauses in Georgia: An Economic Analysis/Jeffrey T. Rickman.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.4: 1107-1132.
125140 Postscript on Health Care Dispute Resolution: Conflict Management and the Role of Culture/Edward A. Dauer.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.4: 1029-1054.
125141 Pricing at the Pump: The Impact of Recent Litigation on the Interpretation of Below Cost Motor Fuel Statutes/Jennifer M. Evans.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.4: 1055-1078.
125142 Recent Remedies for Health Care Ills/Ansley Boyd Barton.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.4: 831-855.
125143 Superordinate Claims Management: Resolution Focus From Day One/Dale C. Hetzler.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.4: 891-909.
125144 The Culture of Health Care: How Professional and Organizational Cultures Impact Conflict Management/Debra Gerardi.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.4: 857-890.
125145 The Next Generation of Medical Malpractice Dispute Resolution: Alternatives to Litigation/Ellenwood F. Oakley.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.4: 993-1008.
125146 What We Know And Don’t Know About The Role of Apologies In Resolving Health Care Disputes/Jennifer K. Robbennolt.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.21, No.4: 1009-1027.
125147 Elections Georgia Election Code: Revise The Forms Of Identification That Are Acceptable In Order To Register And To Vote In This State; And For Other Purposes/Christopher M. Bracci.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.1: 109-117.
125148 State Government State Government: Provide For Neutrality Of State Law With Respect To Freedom Of Decision To Provide Or Not Provide Certain Benefits To/Melissa A. Segel.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.1: 205-211.
125149 The Following Article Addresses a Package of Immigration Bills That Would Have Affected a Variety of Titles in the Official Code of Georgia Annotated/Susan S. Blum.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.1: 161-175.
125150 Can’t Do the Time, Don’t Do the Crime: Dixon v. State, Statutory Construction, and the Harsh Realities of Mandatory Minimum Sentencing in Georgia/Suzanne Smith Williams.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.2: 519-540.
125151 Corporate Governance Changes in the Wake of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act: A Morality Tale for Policymakers Too/Robert Charles Clark.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.2: 251-312.
125152 Seeking Supervision: An Analysis of Recent Trends in the Definition of Supervisor Argument and a Recommendation for the Eleventh Circuit/Keith Muse.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.2: 491-518.
125153 Should Georgia Change Its Misdemeanor Arrest Laws to Authorize Issuing More Field Citations?/Warren Davis.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.2: 313-379.
125154 The Illegal Immigration Reform & Immigrant Responsibility Act’s One-Year Filing Deadline on Applications for Asylum: The Narrow Interpretation and Application of Exceptions to the Filing Deadline/Susan S. Blum.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.2: 463-489.
125155 Cultural Defenses in Georgia: Cultural Pluralism and Justice-Can Georgia Have Both?/Hannah Yi Crockett.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.3: 665-688.
125156 Disability and Family Relationships: Marriage Penalties and Support Anomalies/Robert E. Rains.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.3: 561-596.
125157 Low-Fat Foods or Big Fat Lies?: The Role of Deceptive Marketing in Obesity Lawsuits/Matthew Walker.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.3: 689-710.
125158 National Security Versus Due Process: Korematsu Raises Its Ugly Head Sixty Years Later in Hamdi and Padilla/Sarah A. Whalin.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.3: 711-746.
125159 Official Immunity in Local Government Law: A Quantifiable Confrontation/R. Perry Sentell.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.3: 597-652.
125160 The Perennial Conflict Between International Criminal Justice and Realpolitik/M. Cherif Bassiouni.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.3: 541-560.
125161 When You Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It, and Other Sage Advice for First-Time Law School Exam Takers/Patrick Wiseman.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.3: 653-664.
125162 Affordable Housing and Redevelopment:  Quantifying Affordable Housing Need and  Responses in New York City/Robert W. Burchell, William R. Dolphin, Chaolun Zhu.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.4: 751-801.
125163 Beyond Kelo: Thinking About Urban Development in the 21st Century/Wendell E. Pritchett.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.4: 895-933.
125164 Brownfield Redevelopment Strategies in the United States/James Kushner.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.4: 857-875.
125165 China’s Polycentric Regional Growth: Shanghai’s Satellite Cities, the Automobile, and New Urbanism with Chinese Characteristics/Edward H. Ziegler.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.4: 959-967.
125166 Footprint for an International City: Transportation and Redevelopment/Catherine L. Ross, Jessica Harbour.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.4: 935-957.
125167 Foreword: Why a Conference on Redevelopment, and Why Now/Colin Crawford.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.4: 747-750.
125168 Grutter Effects: Implications for Re-desegregation of Public Education in Georgia?/Christopher J. Sullivan.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.4: 1031-1058.
125169 OHagan Revisited: Should a Fiduciary Duty Be Required Under the Misappropriation Theory?/Rebecca S. Smith.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.4: 1005-1027.
125170 Waves of Concern: Copyright Issues in Satellite Radio/Eric M. Jenniges.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.4: 969-1004.
125171 Who Fits the Profile?: Thoughts on Race, Class, Clusters, and Redevelopment/Audrey G. McFarlane.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.4: 877-893.
125172 Why Kelo Is Not Good News for Local Planners and Developers/Daniel H. Cole.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.22, No.4: 803-856.
125173 Eminent domain general provisions and condemnation procedure: provide a comprehensive revision of provisions regarding the power of eminent domain/Jody Arogeti, Anita bhushan, Jill m. Irvin, Jessica kattula.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.1: 157-195.
125174 Public Officials State Of Georgia Division Of Archives And History: Authorize The Display Of Certain Historical Documents/Erica Boughner.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.1: 271-281.
125175 Georgia’s Codification of Daubert: Narrowing the Admissibility of Novel Scientific Evidence in Georgia?/Alfred R. Politzer.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.2: 481-511.
125176 How Much Cooperation Between Government Agencies Is Too Much?: Reconciling United States v. Scrushy, the Corporate Fraud Task Force, and the Nature of Parallel Proceedings/Jody M. Arogeti.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.2: 427-453.
125177 Setting Aside the Will of the Plaintiffs: How and Why the 1950s School-Desegregation Strategy Marginalized Experiences of Black Self-Determination/Amos N. Jones.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.2: 287-323.
125178 The Emperor Has No Clothes: Postmodern Legal Thought and Cognitive Science/Scott Fruehwald.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.2: 375-425.
125179 The Relevancy of Foreign Law as Persuasive Authority and Congress’s Response to its Use: A Preemptive Attack on the Constitution Restoration Act/Elizabeth Bulat Turner.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.2: 455-480.
125180 The Trammel Court’s Hasty Rejection of Jerry Maguire’s View of Marriage/Louis W. Hensler.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.2: 325-374.
125181 Between Natural Law and Legal Positivism: Dworkin and Hegel on Legal Theory/Thom Brooks.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.3: 513-560.
125182 Crossing the Threshold of Urban Mobility and Redevelopment: Using Tax Allocation Districts to Develop the Atlanta Beltline/John Sarkis Reshwan.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.3: 681-707.
125183 Dude, Where’s My Wine? The Potential Effect of Granholm v. Heald on Georgia Direct Wine Shipment Regulations/Shri M. Abhyankar.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.3: 631-651.
125184 Practitioner’s Note, Jury Selection: Whose Job is It, Anyway?/Jeffrey J. Swart, Daniel C. Norris.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.3: 617-630.
125185 Relations Before Transactions: A New Paradigm for Racial Discrimination Theory/Glenn C. Loury.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.3: 585-615.
125186 Selling Away Our Oil: Protectionism and the True Threat Raised By CNOOC’s Attempted Acquisition of Unocal/Kevin McGill.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.3: 657-680.
125187 The Fulton County Jail Project: A Pro Bono Clinical View from the Cellblocks/Mark J. Kadish.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.3: 561-583.
125188 Bosley Medical Institute v. Kremer: The Winds Shift to Protect Cybergripers and a Circuit Split Blows into Town/Anita Bhushan.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.4: 965-993.
125189 Fitting United States Copyright Law into the International Scheme: Foreign and Domestic Challenges to Recent Legislation/Michael B. Landau.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.4: 847-892.
125190 Hope for the Best and Prepare for the Worst: The Capital Defender’s Guide to Reciprocal Discovery in the Sentencing Phase of Georgia Death Penalty Trials/Adam Levin.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.4: 995-1020.
125191 Innovation Policy, Academia and Intellectual Property/Niklas Bruun.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.4: 913-935.
125192 Intellectual Property, Free Trade Agreements and Economic Development/Anselm Kamperman Sanders.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.4: 893-911.
125193 Patents on a Shoestring: Making Patent Protection Work for Developing Countries/Sean A. Pager.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.4: 755-808.
125194 Ten Common Questions About Intellectual Property and Human Rights/Peter K. Yu.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.4: 709-753.
125195 Thanks, But No Thanks: Making Qualified Disclaimers on Behalf of Minors/Millie Baumbusch.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.4: 937-963.
125196 The Life of an Author: Samuel Egerton Brydges and the Copyright Act 1814/Ronan Deazley.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.23, No.4: 809-846.
125197 All Things Considered: The Contribution of the National Mortgage Licensing System to the Battle Against Predatory Lending/Lloyd T. Wilson.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.1: 415-475.
125198 Has Precedent Ever Really Mattered in the Supreme Court?/Frederick Schauer.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.2: 381-401.
125199 International Adoption: The Child’s Story/Elizabeth Bartholet.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.2: 333-379.
125200 It’s Their Body of Law; Let Them Do What They Want: The Supreme Court’s Likelihood of Ruling That State Law Should Determine CERCLA Liability/John A. Sugg.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.2: 561-585.
125201 Making a Case for Business Courts: A Survey of and Proposed Framework to Evaluate Business Courts/Anne Tucker.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.2: 477-532.
125202 Off-Roading Without a Map: The Supreme Court Divides Over NEPA in Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance/Aaron M. Kappler.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.2: 533-559.
125203 Schauer on Precedent in the U.S. Supreme Court/William A. Edmundson.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.2: 403-413.
125204 School Choice: Constitutionality and Possibility in Georgia/Patrick H. Ouzts.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.2: 587-626.
125205 Legal and Scientific Issues Surrounding Victim Recantation in Child Sexual Abuse Cases/Cylinda C. Parga.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.3: 779-812.
125206 Lying to Catch the Bad Guy: The Eleventh Circuit’s Likely Adoption of the Clear Error Standard of Review for Denial of a Franks Hearing/Brittany H. Southerland.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.3: 843-871.
125207 Procedure, Policy and Power: Class Actions and Social Justice in Historical and Comparative Perspective/Francisco Valdes.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.3: 627-661.
125208 Revisiting a Promising Institution: Public Law Litigation in the Civil Law World/Lesley K. McAllister.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.3: 693-734.
125209 The Federalization and Privatization of Public Consumer Protection Law in the United States: Their Effect on Litigation and Enforcement/Mark E. Budnitz.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.3: 663-692.
125210 The Problem and the Solution: Using the Internet to Resolve Internet Copyright Disputes/Ted Solley.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.3: 813-842.
125211 The Role of the Department of Public Prosecutions in Protecting the Environment Under Brazilian Law: The Case of Favelas in the City of Rio De Janeiro/Humberto Dalla Bernardina de Pinho.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.3: 735-778.
125212 An Unhealthy Nation: Why Lobbying Restrictions for Voluntary Health Care Organizations Don’t Make Sense/Catherine Hammer.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.4: 1097-1120.
125213 As Hurricanes End, Legal Storms Begin: The Insurance Battle Under State Valued Policy Laws/Christopher T. Conway.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.4: 1043-1072.
125214 Dynamical Jurisprudence: Law as a Complex System/Gregory Todd Jones.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.4: 873-883.
125215 Homogeneity of Degree in Complex Social Networks as a Collective Good/Gregory Todd Jones.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.4: 931-945.
125216 Law’s Complexity: A Primer/J. B. Ruhl.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.4: 885-911.
125217 Maintaining Critical Rules to Enable Sustainable Communications Infrastructures/Barbara A. Cherry.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.4: 947-975.
125218 On the Nature of the Action-Omission Network/Theodore Y. Blumoff.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.4: 1004-1042.
125219 Randomness and Complexity in Social Explanation: Evidence from Finance and Bankruptcy Law/Bernard Trujillo.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.4: 913-930.
125220 Social Architecture, Judicial Peer Effects and the Evolution of the Law: Toward a Positive Theory of Judicial Social Structure/Daniel M. Katz.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.4: 977-1001.
125221 The One Year Limit on Removal: An Ace Up the Sleeve of the Unscrupulous Litigant/Katherine L. Floyd.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.24, No.4: 1073-1096.
125222 Bareboat Charters: Can a Shipowner Limit Liability to Third Parties? Answers for Owners Attempting to Navigate the Unsettled Waters in the Eleventh Circuit/John W. Chitty.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.1: 477-501.
125223 Illegal Immigration, Social Security Numbers, and the Federal Privacy Act: A Suggested Avenue of Litigation/Katharine Madison Burnett.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.1: 503-526.
125224 Interview with Bobby Lee Cook/Paul S. Milich.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.1: 317-338.
125225 Law and the Polarization of American Politics/Stephen E. Gottlieb.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.1: 341-376.
125226 Losing the Law War: The Bush Administration’s Strategic Errors/John O. McGinnis.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.1: 377-396.
125227 Unintended Consequences: Why Congress Should Tread Lightly When Entering the Field of Family Law/Elizabeth G. Patterson.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.1: 397-434.
125228 Waiting to Exhale: How Bong Hits 4 Jesus Reduces Breathing Space for Student Speakers & Alters the/Angie Fox.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.1: 435-476.
125229 Deinstitutionalization: Georgia’s Progress in Developing and Implementing an Effectively Working Plan As Required ByOlmstead v. L.C. Ex Rel/Amy Tidwell.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.3: 699-733.
125230 Disability Rights, Disability Discrimination, and Social Insurance/Mark C. Weber.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.3: 575-605.
125231 FASB-The IRS’s New Best Friend: How FIN 48 Affects the Taxpayer-IRS Relationship and Potential Taxpayer Challenges/Andrew W. Jones.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.3: 767-800.
125232 Rights Resurgence: The Impact of the ADA Amendments Act on Schools and Universities/Wendy F. Hensel.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.3: 641-697.
125233 Simplify You, Classify You: Stigma, Stereotypes and Civil Rights in Disability Classification Systems/Michael L. Perlin.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.3: 607-639.
125234 The Monster in the Closet: Declawing the Inequitable Conduct Beast in the Attorney-Client Privilege Arena/Alexis N. Simpson.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.3: 735-766.
125235 The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Implications for the Rights of Elderly People Under International Law/Arlene S. Kanter.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.3: 527-573.
125236 Are There Checks and Balances on Terminating the Lives of Children with Disabilities? Should There Be?/Thomas J. Balch.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.4: 959-983.
125237 Baby Doe and Beyond: Examining the Practical and Philosophical Influences Impacting Medical Decision-Making on Behalf of Marginally-Viable Newborns/Craig A. Conway.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.4: 1097-1175.
125238 Baby Doe at Twenty Five/Charity Scott.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.4: 801-833.
125239 Baby Doe: Does It Really Apply Now Palliative Care of the Ill Neonate/Jatinder Bhatia.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.4: 901-908.
125240 Divorcing the Husband and Wife Business: An Analysis and Critique of I.R.C./Adam S. Winger.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.4: 1231-1256.
125241 Getting Personal with Our Neighbors-A Survey of Southern States Exercise of General Jurisdiction and a Proposal for Extending Georgia’s Long-Arm Statute/Robert L. Ashe.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.4: 1177-1203.
125242 Medical Futility/Robert D. Truog.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.4: 985-1002.
125243 Opportunity Costs: Nonjudicial Foreclosure and the Subprime Mortgage Crisis in Georgia/Barry Hester.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.4: 1205-1229.
125244 Personal Reflections on Extremely Premature Newborns: Vitalism, Treatment Decisions, andEthical Permissibility/William J. Winslade.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.4: 931-958.
125245 Playing God with Baby Doe: Quality of Life and Unpredictable Life Standards at the Start of Life/Anita Silvers.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25: 1061-1095.
125246 Rescuing Baby Doe/Mary Crossley.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.4: 1043-1059.
125247 The Aftermath of Baby Doe and the Evolution of Newborn Intensive Care/Mark R. Mercurio.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.4: 935-863.
125248 The Baby Doe Regulations and Tragic Choices at the Bedside: Accepting the Limits of Good Process/Ellen Waldman.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.4: 1019-1042.
125249 The Baby Doe Rules and Texas’s Futility Law in the NICU/Thomas William Mayo.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.4: 1003-1017.
125250 The Problem of Non-Identity in Valuing Newborn Human Life/Sadath A. Sayeed.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.4: 865-898.
125251 Why the Capta’s Baby Doe Rules Should Be Rejected in Favor of the Best Interests Standard/Loretta M. Kopelman.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.25, No.4: 909-930.
125252 Conditional Rules in Criminal Procedure: Alice in Wonderland Meets the Constitution/David Rossman.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.2: 417-549.
125253 Contrasting Concurrences of Clarence Thomas: Deploying Originalism and Paternalism in Commercial and Student Speech Cases/Matthew D. Bunker.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.2: 321-359.
125254 Cops or Robbers? How Georgia’s Defense of Habitation Statute Applies to No-Knock Raids by Police/Dimitri Epstein.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.2: 585-615.
125255 Does the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Act Really Prohibit Design Defect Claims: Examining Federal Preemption in Light of American Home Products Corp. v. Ferrari/Tara Guffrey.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.2: 617-650.
125256 Electronic Discovery in Georgia: Bringing the State Out of the Typewriter Age/Kevin Bradberry.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26: 551-583.
125257 See One, Do One, Teach One: Dissecting the Use of Medical Education’s Signature Pedagogy in the Law School Curriculum/Christine N. Coughlin.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.2: 361-415.
125258 Applying Lessons from the Evolution of Brown v. Board of Education to Olmstead: Moving from Gradualism to Immediate, Effective, and Comprehensive Integration/Charles R. Bliss.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.3: 705-739.
125259 Beyond Residential Segregation: The Application of Olmstead to Segregated Employment Settings/Susan Stefan.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.3: 875-935.
125260 Defending Against a Charge of Obscenity in the Internet Age: How Google Searches Can lluminate Miller’s Contemporary Community Standards/Shannon Creasy.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26: 1029-1059.
125261 ERISA’s Remedial Irony: Narrow Interpretation Paves the Way for Jury Trials in Suits for Breach of Fiduciary Duty Under ERISA/Kris Alderman.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.3: 971-1001.
125262 Evaluating the Constitutionality of Proposals to Allow Non-Unanimous Juries to Impose the Death Penalty in Georgia/Lisa Caucci.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.3: 1003-1027.
125263 From Almshouses to Nursing Homes and Community Care: Lessons from Medicaid’s History/Sidney D. Watson.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.3: 937-969.
125264 From the Inside Out: Personal Perspectives of Six Georgians on Their Institutional Experiences/Daniel Crimmins.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.3: 741-761.
125265 Olmstead’s Promise and Cohousing’s Potential/Carrie Griffin Basas.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.3: 663-704.
125266 Reconsidering Makin v. Hawaii: The Right of Medicaid Beneficiaries to Home-Based Services as an Alternative to Instutionalization/Elliott Schwalb.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.3: 803-854.
125267 The Constitutional Right to Community Services/David Fergleger.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.3: 763-801.
125268 The Olmstead Decision: The Road to Dignity and Freedom/Sylvia B. Caley.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.3: 651-662.
125269 The Potential Risks of Relying on Title II’s Integration Mandate to Close Segregated Institutions/Steven Schwartz.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.3: 855-873.
125270 War Criminal or Just Plain Felon? Whether Providing Material Support for Terrorism Violates the Laws of War and is Thus Punishable By Military Commission/T. Jack Morse.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.3: 1061-1086.
125271 A Review of Three Generations, No Imbeciles: Eugenics, the Supreme Court, and Buck v. Bell/Kevin E. Grady.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.4: 1295-1304.
125272 Conceiving Equality: Infertility-Related Illness Under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act/Nichole DeVries.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.4: 1361-1387.
125273 Consumer Financial Services Law and Policy: 1968-20 In the Thick of the Battlefield for America’s Economic Soul/Kathleen E. Keest.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.4: 1087-1097.
125274 Daesegregating Legal Education/Peggy Cooper Davis.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.4: 1271-1294.
125275 ERISA For Dummies: Does Metlife Simplify and Clarify/Rosanne Marie Cross.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.4: 1335-1359.
125276 Name-Clearing Hearings: How This Remedy Fails to Safeguard the Procedural Due Process Rights of Employees Accused of Sexual Harassment/Chiaman Wang.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.4: 1389-1411.
125277 Prime Interest Rates for Subprime Borrowers?/Fred H. Miller.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.4: 1259-1270.
125278 The Development of Consumer Protection Law, The Institutionalization of Consumerism, and Future Prospects and Perils/Mark E. Budnitz.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.4: 1147-1207.
125279 The Great Credit Contraction: Who, What, When, Where and Why/Alvin C. Harrell.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.4: 1209-1258.
125280 The Second Great Awakening: A Christian Nation?/Geoffrey R. Stone.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.4: 1305-1333.
125281 They Can Do What!? Limitations on the Use of Change-of-Terms Clauses/Peter A. Alces.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.26, No.4: 1099-1145.
125282 An Unintended Casualty of the War on Terror/Aya Gruber.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.2: 229-337.
125283 Dna Fabrication, A Wake Up Call: The Need To Reevaluate The Admissibility And Reliability Of Dna Evidence/Kristen Bolden.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.2: 409-441.
125284 Lenity on Me: LVRC Holdings LLC v. Brekka Points the Way Toward Defining Authorization and Solving the Split Over the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act/Warren Thomas.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.2: 379-408.
125285 Terrorism and Universal Jurisdiction: Opening a Pandora’s Box?/Luz E. Nagle.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.2: 339-378.
125286 The End of Innocence? Federal Habeas CorpusLaw After In re Davis/Joshua M. Lott.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.2: 443-488.
125287 The Surprising Lessons from Plea Bargaining in the Shadow of Terror/Lucien E. Dervan.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.2: 239-298.
125288 Deporting Families: Legal Matter or Political Question?/Angela M. Banks.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.3: 489-563.
125289 From Climate Change and Hurricanes to Ecological Nuisances: Common Law Remedies for Public Law Failures?/Stephen M. Johnson.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.3: 565-608.
125290 How to Claim a Gene: Application of the Patent Disclosure Requirements to Genetic Sequences/Patrick Brian Giles.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.3: 695-728.
125291 Judicial Sentencing Discretion Post-Booker: Are Judges Getting a Distorted View Through the Lens of Social Networking Sites?/Christina R. Weatherford.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.3: 673-694.
125292 Lochner, Lawrence, and Liberty/Joseph F. Morrissey.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.3: 609-672.
125293 Work Product Privilege: The Future of Tax Accrual Work Paper Discovery in the Eleventh Circuit After Textron/Tracy Hamilton.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.3: 729-756.
125294 Banishment in Georgia: A New Approach to Domestic Violence/Cameron Carpino.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.4: 803-827.
125295 Citizens Disunited/Steven Winter.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.4: 1133-1145.
125296 Citizens United and the Orphaned Antidistortion Rationale/Richard Hasen.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.4: 989-1005.
125297 Citizens United and the Roberts Court’s War on Democracy/Gene Nichol.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.4: 1007-1017.
125298 Eminent Domain and Attorneys Fees in Georgia: A Growing State’s Need for a New Fee-Shifting Statute/Crystal Genteman.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.4: 829872.
125299 Has the Tide Turned in Favor of Disclosure? Revealing Money in Politics After Citizens United and Doe v. Reed/Ciara Torres-Spelliscy.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.4: 1057-1104.
125300 Henry J. Miller Lecture Series: Old Reasons, New Reasons, No Reasons/Pamela Karlan.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.4: 873-886.
125301 Keynote Address: Lobbying as the New Campaign Finance/Heather Gerken.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.4: 1147-1160.
125302 Protecting Online Anonymity and Preserving Reputation Through Due Process/Michael Baumrind.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.4: 757-801.
125303 Rational Coercion: Citizens United and a Modern Day Prisoner’s Dilemma/Anne Tucker.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.4: 1105-1132.
125304 The Campaign Finance Debate After Citizens United/Michael Kang.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.4: 1161-1167.
125305 The First Amendment . . . United/Joel Gora.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.4: 935-987.
125306 The First Amendment and Corporate Governance/Larry Ribstein.- Georgia State University Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.27, No.4: 1019-1055.
125307 ILO Committee on Freedom of Association: Complaint against the Government of Pakistan presented by the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations (iuf), Case No. 3018, Interim Report, Report No. 378, 11 June 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 3-8.
125308 The Committee on Freedom of Association and the Decade Long Struggle for Union Rights in Pakistan/Furkan Ali.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 9-13.
125309 Constitutional Tribunal of Peru: Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector in Relation to the Civil Service Act, Exp. Nos. 0025-2013-Pirre; 0003-2014-pi/tc; 0008-2014-putc; 0017-2014-P1/1C, 26 April 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 14-22.
125310 The Constitutional Right to Collective Bargaining of Public Servants/Miguel F. Canessa Montejo.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 23-28.
125311 Inter-American Court of Human Rights: The Standing of Legal Entities in the Inter-American Human Rights System, Advisory Opinion oc-22/16, 26 February 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 29-38.
125312 Inter-American Court Recognizes Elevated Status of Trade Unions, Rejects Standing of Corporations/Angela B. Cornell.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 39-44.
125313 European Committee of Social Rights: European Council of Police Trade Unions (cesp) v France, 27 January 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 45-53.
125314 Conditions for Restricting Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Rights of Military and Police Personnel: European Council of Police Trade Unions (cesp) v France/Helena Ysas.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 54-58.
125315 ILO Committee on Freedom of Association: Complaint against the Government of Canada presented by the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU), Local 113, Case No. 3107, Report in which the Committee Requests to be Kept Informed of Developments, Report No. 377, March 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 59-62.
125316 The Arc Bends Increasingly toward Workplace Justice/Jeffrey S. Vogt.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 63-67.
125317 Supreme Court of Brazil: Associacao Brasileira de Incorporadoras Imobiliarias (Abrainc) v Brazil, adi 5209/df, 16 May 2016 [Black List].- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 68-71.
125318 Brazil’s Forced Labor Black List: Optimizing Implementation of Antislavery Legislation by Naming and Shaming/Afonso de Paula Pinheiro Rocha.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 72-75.
125319 Constitutional Court of South Africa: Solidarity obo Davids and 9 others v Department of Correctional Services and others, [2016] zacc 18, 15 July 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 76-92.
125320 Numerical Targets and Workplace Representation: Solidarity v Department of Correctional Services/Margaretha Engelbrecht.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 93-97.
125321 New Mexico Supreme Court, United States: Noe Rodriguez v Brand West Dairy, 2016-NMSC-029, 30 June 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 98-105.
125322 Noe Rodriguez v Brand West Dairy: Balancing Equal Protection Rights and a State’s Economic Interests/Michael C. Duff.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 106-108.
125323 Supreme Court of the United Kingdom: Taiwo v Olaige and Another; Onu v Akwwiwu and Another, [2016] uksc 31, 22 June 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 109-115.
125324 Race Discrimination and Migrant Domestic Workers: A Legal Loophole/Lisa Rodgers.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 116-120.
125325 Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Duque v Colombia, Preliminary Objections, Merits, Reparations and Costs, Series C No. 310, 26 February 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 121-128.
125326 Equality for Same-Sex Couples: The Right to Survivor’s Pension in Duque v Colombia/Katerine Bermudez Alarcon.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 129-132.
125327 ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (ceacr): Observations on the Application of ilo Convention on Occupational Safety and Health (No. 155) by Turkey (ratification: 2005), International Labour Conference, 105th Session, June 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 133-140.
125328 The ILO Committee of Experts on Occupational Safety and Health, Subcontracting, and Precarious Employment/Annie van Wezel.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 141-147.
125329 ILO Committee on Freedom of Association: Complaint Against the Government of China Presented by the International Trade Union Confederation (ituc), Case No. 3184, Interim Report – Report No. 380, 23 November-10 December 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.2: 151-157.
125330 Guaranteeing Freedom of Association in China’s Socialist Market Economy/Alan Neal.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.2: 158-162.
125331 European Committee of Social Rights: Bedriftsforbundet v Norway, Complaint No. 103/2013, 17 May 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.2: 163-165.
125332 Priority of Engagement for Dockworkers in Line with Article 5 of the European Social Charter (Revised)/Isabelle Van Hiel.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.2: 166-170.
125333 ILO Committee on Freedom of Association: Complaint Against the Government of Montenegro Presented by the International Trade Union Confederation (ituc), Case No. 3140, Report in Which the Committee Requests to be Kept Informed of Developments – Report No. 377, March 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.2: 171-177.
125334 Securing Workers’ Rights in Times of Bankruptcy: The Case of Montenegro/Jeffrey S. Vogt.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.2: 178-183.
125335 Supreme Court of Argentina, Francisco Daniel Orellano v Correo Oficial de la Republica Argentina S.A., 7 June 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.2: 185-192.
125336 Critical Analysis of the Doctrine of the Supreme Court of Argentina on the Right to Strike/Oscar Zas.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.2: 193-199.
125337 European Court of Human Rights, Case of J. and Others v Austria, Application No. 58216/12, 17 January 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.2: 201-210.
125338 A Focus on Human Trafficking Blinds Courts to Forced Labor/Anne Trebilcock.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.2: 211-215.
125339 Constitutional Court of Italy: Judgment No. 133 of 2016, 10 June 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.2: 217-225.
125340 Retention in Service of Public Employees: Italian Constitutional Court on Elder Workers’ Entitlement and Need for Intergenerational Turnover/Vincenzo Pietrogiovanni.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.2: 226-231.
125341 OECD National Contact Point, Denmark: Specific Instance Notified by Clean Clothes Campaign Danmark and Active Consumers Regarding the Activities of the pwt Group, Final Statement, 17 October 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.2: 233-244.
125342 Danish NCP Advances Due Diligence Obligations of OECD Guidelines in Rana Plaza Case/Ronald C. Brown.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.2: 245-250.
125343 ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations: Observations on the Application of ILO Convention on Safety and Health in Mines (No. 176) by South Africa, International Labour Conference, 105th Session, Report iii (part 1A), June 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.2: 251-252.
125344 A Holistic Approach for Improving the Health and Safety Records of South African Mines/Monray Marsellus Botha.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.2: 253-256.
125345 ILO Committee on Freedom of Association: Complaints against the Government of Canada presented by the Canadian Labour Congress (clc) and others, Case No. 3003, Report in which the Committee Requests to be Kept Informed of Developments – Report No. 381, 9-14 March 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 259-264.
125346 ILO’s CFA Calls for Full and Fair Consultation with Unions after Ontario’s Unilateral Austerity Measures Adversely Affect Collective Bargaining/Michael Lynk.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 265-270.
125347 ILO Committee on Freedom of Association: Complaint against the Government of the Republic of Korea presented by the Korean Metal Workers’ Union, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, IndustriALL Global Union and the International Trade Union Confederation, Case No. 3047, Report in which the Committee Requests to be Kept Informed of Developments – Report No. 381, 9-24 March 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 271-280.
125348 Governments’ Obligation to Address Obstacles to Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Rights Reiterated in Korea Metal Workers  Union and others v the Republic of Korea/Ronald C. Brown.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 281-285.
125349 Constitutional Court of South Africa: Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU) and others v Chamber of Mines of SA and Others, Case cct 87/16, zacc 3, 21 February 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 286-296.
125350 Freedom of Association, Majoritarianism, and the Rights of Minority Unions/Darcy du Toit.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 297-301.
125351 OEDC National Contact Point, United States: Specific Instance between the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations (IUF) and PepsiCo, Inc., Final Statement, 15 April 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 302-310.
125352 Results without a Negotiated Agreement in Mediation: IUF v PepsiCo, Inc./Yvonne Erkens.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 311-314.
125353 Supreme Court of the Netherlands: European Patent Organisation and the State of the Netherlands v Vakbondsunie van het Europees Octrooibureau (veob) & Staff Union of the European Patent Office (suepo), Case No. 15/02186, 20 January 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 315-326.
125354 Jurisdictional Immunity and Infringement of Fundamental Labor Rights/Cedric Ryngaert, Frans Pennings.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 327-332.
125355 Court of Appeal (Civil Division) of the United Kingdom: Govia GTR Railway Ltd v The Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen, [2016] ewca Civ 1309, Case No: 2016/4560, 12 December 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 333-350.
125356 EU Economic Freedoms and the Right to Strike/Niklas Bruun.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 351-355.
125357 Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Workers of the Hacienda Brasil Verde v Brazil, Preliminary Objections, Merits, Reparations and Costs, Series C No. 318, 20 October 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 357-386.
125358 Workers of the Hacienda Brasil Verde v Brazil: Putting the Judgment in Perspective/Roger Plant.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 387-392.
125359 The Legacy of Slavery in Brazil: Interpreting Article 6 of the American Convention on Human Rights/Jeffrey S. Vogt.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 393-401.
125360 Court of Justice of the European Union (Grand Chamber): Bougnaoui and Association de defense des droits de l’homme (addh) v Micropole sa, Case C-188/15, 14 March 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 403-412.
125361 Headscarves and the Court of Justice of the EU: Discrimination and Genuine Occupational Requirements/Lucy Vickers.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 413-418.
125362 Inter-American Commission on Human Rights: Undocumented Workers v United States of America, Case 12.834, Report No. 50/16, 30 November 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 419-429.
125363 Inter-American Human Rights System Affirms Equal Protection for U.S. Undocumented Workers/Beth Lyon.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 430-435.
125364 United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women: D.S. v Slovakia, Communication No. 66/2014, 7 November 2016.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 436-441.
125365 Reversing the Burden of Proof in Discrimination Cases: A Losing Battle?/Panos Kapotas.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 442-448.
125366 ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations: Observations on the Application of the Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 (No. 81) by Bangladesh, International Labour Conference, 106th Session, Report iii (Part 1A), June 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 449-456.
125367 Labor Administration and Inspection in Post-Rana Plaza Bangladesh/Jennifer Bair.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 457-462.
125368 ILO Committee on Freedom of Association: Complaint against the Government of Peru Presented by the Autonomous Confederation of Workers of Peru (catp) and the United National Union of Workers at the National Tax Administration Superintendency (sinaut-sunat), Case No. 3160, Report No. 382, June 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 3-7.
125369 Budget Constraints on Collective Bargaining in Peru’s Public Sector/Miguel F. Canessa Montejo.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 8-13.
125370 ILO Committee on Freedom of Association: Complaint against the Government of Bangladesh Presented by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), Case No. 3203, Interim Report – Report No. 382, June 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 14-22.
125371 International Pressure to Improve Worker Rights in Bangladesh/Ben M.J. Vanpeperstraete.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 23-28.
125372 Arbitral Panel Established Pursuant to Chapter Twenty of the Dominican Republic – Central America – United States Free Trade Agreement, 14 June 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 29-44.
125373 U.S.-Guatemala Arbitration Panel Clarifies Effective Enforcement Under Labor Provisions of Free Trade Agreement/Tequila J. Brooks.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 45-51.
125374 Federal Supreme Court of Brazil: Workers in Metalurgic Industries, Machines Mechanical Industries, Material, Electrical Industries, Automotive Industries, Components and Parts for Vehicles Automotives Industries of the Great Curitiba Trade Union, General Repercussion on the Extraordinary Appeal, 23 February 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 52-55.
125375 Brazilian Supreme Court on Compulsory Trade Union Dues: Legality and Consequences/Sayonara Grillo Coutinho Leonardo da Silva.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 56-61.
125376 European Court of Human Rights: Chowdury and Others v Greece, Application No. 21884/15, 30 March 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 63-68.
125377 European Court of Human Rights Holds that Withholding Wages Can Be an Element of Forced Labor/Zuzanna Muskat-Gorska.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 69-73.
125378 Federal Labor Court of Germany: 5 AZR 53/16, 23 November 2016, Equal pay Claim – Comparable Pay.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 75-82.
125379 Equal Pay: Higher Value Work Entails Higher Payment/Daniel Hlava.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 83-88.
125380 Court of Justice of the European Union: Eugenia Florescu and Others v Casa Judeteana de Pensii Sibiu and Others, Case C-258/14, 13 June 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 89-97.
125381 Florescu: A Memorandum of Understanding Finally before the Court/Marco Rocca.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 98-102.
125382 OECD National Contact Point, The Netherlands: Specific Instance between Mr. Namegabe Bugabo, Mr. Matabaro Rubanza (the representatives) and Mr. Bayongwa Mirimba and Bralima sa Bukavu, Democratic Republic of the Congo (drc) and Heineken n.v., Final Statement, 18 August 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 103-111.
125383 After Fourteen Years the OECD NCP of The Netherlands Serves Justice for 168 Workers who have been Wronged during Times of Civil War/Yvonne Erkens.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 112-115.
125384 OECD National Contact Point, Switzerland: Specific Instance Regarding the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) Submitted by the Building and Wood Workers’ International (BMI), Initial Assessment of 13 October 2015; and Final Statement of 2 May 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 116-127.
125385 FIFA, Qatar, Kafala: Can the World Cup Create a Better World of Work?/Beryl ter Haar.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 128-132.
125386 ILO Committee on Freedom of Association: Complaint Against the Government of the Philippines Presented by the Trade Federation for Drugs/Chemicals/Petroleum and Federation of Free Workers (tf 3), Case 3159, Report in which the Committee Requests to be Kept Informed of Developments Report – Repot No. 382, June 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.2-3: 135-137.
125387 ILO Committee on Freedom of Association: Complaint Against the Government of the Republic of Korea Presented by – the International Trade Union Confederation (ituc) – the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (kctu) and – the Federation of Korean Trade Unions (fktu), Case No. 3238, report in which the Committee Requests to be Kept Informed of Developments – Report No. 383, 26 October – 9 November 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.2-3: 138-147.
125388 Government Action Against Employers’ Unreasonable Commitments Toward Employees in Collective Bargaining/Christina Hiebl.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.2-3: 148-154.
125389 ILO Committee on Freedom of Association: Complaint Against the Government of China Presented by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) Case No. 3184 – INTERIM REPORT No. 383, 8 November 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.2-3: 155-161.
125390 Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Lagos Del Campo v Peru, Report No. 27/15 Case 12.795, 31 August 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.2-3: 162-173.
125391 A Supranational Critic on Peruvian Labor System: The Problem of the Effectiveness of Fundamental Rights at Work and its Judicial Protection/Luis Mendoza Legoas.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.2-3: 174-178.
125392 Strengthening Labor Rights in the Inter-American Human Rights System/Franz Christian Ebert, Charlotte Fabricius.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.2-3: 179-185.
125393 Federal Constitutional Court Germany, Collision of Collective Labour Agreements, 1 BvR 1571/15, 11 July 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.2-3: 187-194.
125394 Distributive Justice in Collective Bargaining: A Task for the Legislature or a Violation of Freedom of Association?/Rudiger Krause.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.2-3: 195-200.
125395 ILO Governing Body: Decision on the 13th item on the agenda: Complaint concerning non-observance by Qatar of the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29), and the Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 (No. 81), made by delegates to the 103rd Session (2014) of the International Labour Conference under article 26 of the ilo Constitution, 26 October – 9 November 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.2-3: 201-204.
125396 Qatar World Cup: Lessons for Embedding Fundamental Labor Rights in Sport/Matthew Graham.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.2-3: 205-211.
125397 Court of Justice of the European Union (First Chamber): Ypourgos Esoterikon et al. v. Maria-Eleni Kalliri, Case C-409/16, 18 October 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.2-3: 213-217.
125398 Coming Up Short: Policewomen and Indirect Height Discrimination in eu Law/Uladzislau Belavusau.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.2-3: 218-222.
125399 Court of Justice of the European Union, Abercrombie and Fitch Italia Srl v Antonino Bordonaro, Case C-143/16, 19 July 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.2-3: 223-229.
125400 Discrimination of Young Workers: To be Justified or not to be Justified?/Beryl ter Haar.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.2-3: 230-234.
125401 Court of Justice of the European Union, Antonio Fernando Maio Marques da Rosa v. Varzim Sol – Turismo, Jogo e Animacao sa, Case C-306/16, 9 November 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.2-3: 235-241.
125402 Weekly 24-Hour Rest Period to be Provided within Each Seven-Day Period/Pauline Burger.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.2-3: 242-245.
125403 Permanent Court of Arbitration, Procedural Order no. 2 – PCA Case no. 2016-36 and pca Case No. 2016-37, 4 September 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.2-3: 246-270.
125404 Global Responsibility, Global Fashion Brands, and the Bangladesh Accord/Vincenzo Pietrogiovanni.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.2-3: 271-276.
125405 European Committee of Social Rights, Greek General Confederation of Labour (GSEE) v. Greece, Complaint No. 111/2014, 23 March 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.2-3: 277-299.
125406 EU Austerity in Greece at the Cost of Human Rights?/Adoracion Guaman.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2018; Vol.4, No.2-3: 300-304.
125407 European Committee of Social Rights: Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) v. Ireland, ecsr Complaint No. 123/2016, 12 December 2018.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 3-16.
125408 ICTU v. Ireland: Expanding the Scope of Self-employed Workers Entitled to Collective Bargaining Rights in Relation to Competition Law Prohibitions/Bas Rombouts.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 17-22.
125409 UK High Court of Justice: R. (on the application of the Independent Workers Union of Great Britain) v Central Arbitration Committee [2018] ewhc 3342 (Admin), 5 December 2018.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 23-35.
125410 A Worker is a Worker is a Worker: Collective Bargaining and Platform Work, the Case of Deliveroo Couriers/Antonio Aloisi.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 36-40.
125411 ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (ceacr): Observations on the Application of the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98) by Brazil (ratification: 1952), International Labour Conference, 107th Session, Report iii (Part A), June 2018.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 41-46.
125412 What is Collective Bargaining for? Brazilian Labor Law Reforms under ilo Scrutiny/Ana Virginia Moreira Gomes.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 47-51.
125413 European Court of Human Rights: Ognevenko v. Russia, Application no. 44873/09, 20 November 2018.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 53-57.
125414 Ognevenko v. Russia: A New Brick in the Wall between ECtHR and the Russian Constitutional Court/Elena Sychenko.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 58-62.
125415 ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (ceacr): Observations on the Application of Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29) by Poland (ratification: 1958), International Labour Conference, 107th Session, Report iii (Part A), June 2018.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 63-66.
125416 Court of Justice of the European Union (Grand Chamber): Vera Egenberger v. Evangelisches Werk fur Diakonie und Entwicklung e.V., Case C-414/16, 17 April 2018.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 67-74.
125417 Religious Ethos, Employers and Genuine Occupational Requirements Related to Religion: the Need for Proportionality/Lucy Vickers.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 75-79.
125418 Court of Justice of the European Union, Carlos Enrique Ruiz Conejero v. Ferroser Servicios Auxiliares SA and Ministerio Fiscal, Case C-270/16, 18 January 2018.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 80-85.
125419 Ruiz Conejero: (Re-)Conceptualizing Disability-based Discrimination and Sickness Absence at Work/Andrea Broderick.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 86-91.
125420 Ontario Court of Appeal, Das v. George Weston Limited, 2018 onca 1053 (CanLII), 20 December 2018.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 93-101.
125421 Canada’s Largest Retailer, Auditor Not Negligent in Failing to Protect Workers at Rana Plaza/David J. Doorey.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 102-107.
125422 OECD National Contact Point, Germany: Final Statement, Specific Instance between the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ecchr), together with other organisations and five individuals, and tuv Rheinland and tuv India, 26 June 2018.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 108-118.
125423 ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (ceacr): Observations on the Application of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87) by Guatemala (ratification: 1952), International Labour Conference, 108th Session, Report iii (Part A), June 2019.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.2: 121-130.
125424 Guatemala: Decisive Steps Needed to Fully Comply with ILO Convention no. 87/Christian Gonzalez Chacon.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.2: 131-136.
125425 ILO Administrative Tribunal: Judgment No. 4043, 26 June 2018.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.2: 137-145.
125426 An International Organization’s Staff Union May Support Its Members in Legal Proceedings Against the Organization/Raphael Callsen.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.2: 146-150.
125427 ILO Committee on Freedom of Association: Complaint against the Government of South Korea Presented by the International Union of Food Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers Association (IUF), Case No. 3262, Definitive Report, Report No. 384, June 2018.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.2: 151-157.
125428 Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining in Minority Trade Unions/Youbin Kang.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.2: 158-163.
125429 Constitutional Court of Italy, Judgment No. 120/2018, 11 April 2018.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.2: 164-173.
125430 (Inconsistent?) Freedom of Association for Italian Military Personnel/Vincenzo Pietrogiovanni.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.2: 174-178.
125431 Constitutional Court of Italy, Judgment No. 194/2018, 26 September 2018.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.2: 179-181.
125432 European Social Charter in the Constitutional Review of National Laws: the Decisive Application of Art. 24 by the Italian Constitutional Court/Giulia Frosecchi.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.2: 182-186.
125433 Court of Justice of the European Union (Grand Chamber): IR v JQ, Case C-68/17, 11 September 2018.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.2: 187-195.
125434 The Future of German Labor Law for Churches at Stake/Achim Seifert.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.2: 196-200.
125435 Supreme Court of Finland, KKO: 2018:39, 18 May 2018.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.2: 201-205.
125436 Discrimination in Employment on Health Related Grounds/Niklas Bruun.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.2: 206-210.
125437 Court of Justice of the European Union, Hubertus John v. Freie Hansestadt Bremen, Case C-46/17, 28 February 2018.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.2: 211-219.
125438 Money, Money, Money! Or Is There More to Work than the cjeu Acknowledges?/Beryl ter Haar, Suzanne Kali.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.2: 220-225.
125439 Court of Justice of the European Union, Sebastian W. Kreuziger v. Land Berlin, Case C-619/16, 6 November 2018….- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.2: 227-241.
125440 The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and Working Time: Bauer, Kreuziger, and Shimizu before the Grand Chamber/Michael Ford QC.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.2: 242-246.
125441 ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (ceacr): Observation on the Application of the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98) by Greece (ratification: 1962), International Labour Conference, 108th Session, Report iii (Part A), June 2019.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.3: 249-254.
125442 Rejecting a Good Faith Justification for Unilateral Recourse to Binding Arbitration: the 2019 Observation of the Committee of Experts on Greek Law 4549/2018/Ioannis Katsaroumpas.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.3: 255-260.
125443 ILO Committee on Freedom of Association: Complaint against the Government of Australia presented by the Australian Council of Trade Unions (actu) supported by Building and Wood Workers’ International (bwi), Case No. 3278, Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development – Report No. 388, 14-28 March 2019.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.3: 261-270.
125444 Regulating the Building and Construction Industry in Australia: Condoning Industrial Apartheid/Breen Creighton.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.3: 271-276.
125445 ILO Committee on Freedom of Association: Complaint against the Government of Indonesia presented by the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers  Associations (iuf), Case No. 3305, Report in which the committee requests to be kept informed of development – Report No. 388, 14-28 March 2019.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.3: 277-281.
125446 Indonesian Government Again Needs to Better Implement ILO Conventions Nos. 87 and 98/Ronald Brown.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.3: 282-286.
125447 German Federal Constitutional Court, Judgment of the Second Senate of 12 June 2018, 2 BvR 1738/12.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.3: 287-289.
125448 German Constitutional Court: Ban on Strike Action for Civil Servants Deemed Constitutional/Reingard Zimmer.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.3: 290-294.
125449 Colombian Supreme Court of Justice, Aerovias del Continente Americano S.A. (Avianca S.A.) v. la Asociacion Colombiana de Aviadores Civiles (acdac), SL20094-2017, Radicaci‎لn no. 79047, Acta 44, 29 November 2017.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.3: 295-301.
125450 Colombia: Prohibition of the Right to Strike in Air Transport/Ana Catalina Herrera Parra.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.3: 302-306.
125451 ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (ceacr): Observation on the Application of the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29) by Myanmar (ratification: 1955), International Labour Conference, 108th Session, Report iii (Part A), June 2019.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.3: 307-314.
125452 Persistence of Forced Labor in Myanmar/Kari Tapiola.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.3: 315-320.
125453 Court of Justice of the European Union (Grand Chamber): Cresco Investigation GmbH v Markus Achatzi, Case C-193/17, 22 January 2019.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.3: 321-324.
125454 When Religious Discrimination Is Not Related to Religion or Belief/Eugenia Relano Pastor.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.3: 325-329.
125455 Court of Justice of the European Union (Grand Chamber), MB v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Case C-451/16, 26 June 2018.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.3: 330-334.
125456 Development of EU Law before the Grand Chamber of the EU to Benefit Transpersons/Frances Hamilton.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.3: 335-339.
125457 European Court of Human Rights, Hulya Ebru Demirel v. Turkey, 19 June 2018, Application no. 30733/08.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.3: 340-344.
125458 Hulya Ebru Demirel v. Turkey: Testing the Limits of the European Convention of Human Rights Protection against Sex Discrimination in Employment/Anna Sledzinska-Simon.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.3: 345-349.
125459 Court of Justice of the European Union, Ville de Nivelles v Rudy Matzak, Case C-518/15, 21 February 2018.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.3: 351-360.
125460 Stand-by Time Outside the Workplace: Working and/or Paid Time?/Isabel Plets.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2019; Vol.5, No.3: 361-365.
125461 ILO Conference Committee on the Application of Standards: Conclusions on the Application of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87) by Turkey (ratification: 1993), International Labour Conference, 108th Session, June 2019.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 3-5.
125462 ILO Insists on Improvement of Trade Union Rights in Turkey/Annie van Wezel.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 6-11.
125463 ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (ceacr): Observation on the Application of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87) by Poland (ratification: 1957) and Observation on the Application of the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98) by Poland (ratification: 1957), International Labour Conference, 108th Session, Report iii (Part A), June 2019.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 12-18.
125464 From Employees to Workers. Personal Scope of Freedom of Association in Poland/Lukasz Pisarczyk.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 19-23.
125465 ILO Committee on Freedom of Association: Complaint against the Government of Bangladesh Presented by the International Trade Union Confederation (ituc), Case No. 3263, Interim Report, Report No. 388, March 2019.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 24-32.
125466 The Long Road to Improving Worker Rights in Bangladesh/Ben M. J. Vanpeperstraete.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 33-38.
125467 ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (ceacr): Observation on the Application of the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29) by Belarus (ratification: 1956), International Labour Conference, 108th Session, Report iii (Part A), June 2019.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 39-45.
125468 Employment Promotion in the Republic of Belarus/Elena Volk.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 46-50.
125469 Court of Justice of the European Union (First Chamber): RE v. Praxair mrc sas, Case C-486/18, 8 May 2019.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 51-61.
125470 Calculating Compensation Payments for Dismissal and Redeployment/Miriam Kullmann, Marta J. Glowacka.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 62-65.
125471 Court of Justice of the European Union, Escribano Vindel v Ministerio de Justicia, Case C-49/18, 7 February 2019.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 66-69.
125472 Escribano Vindel: Age Discrimination and Judicial Independence/Rachel Horton.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 70-74.
125473 ILO Conference Committee on the Application of Standards: Conclusions on the Application of the Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 (No. 81) by India (ratification: 1948), International Labour Conference, 108th Session, June 2019.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 75-78.
125474 Central Government, Decentralization, and the Application of Standards: India and the Labour Inspection Convention.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 79-83.
125475 Court of Justice of the European Union, Federacion de Servicios de Comisiones Obreras (ccoo) v Deutsche Bank sae, Case C-55/18, 14 May 2019, ecli:EU:C:2019:402.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 84-94.
125476 ? to ? What a Way to Make a Livin: the Court of Justice and the Obligation to Record Working Time/Marco Rocca.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 95-99.
125477 European Committee of Social Rights: Confederation generale du travail (cgt) v. France, ecsr Complaint No. 154/2017, 15 March 2019.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 100-105.
125478 Limits to Flexibilization of Working Time in Terms of Reference Periods/Klaus Lorcher.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 106-111.
125479 OECD National Contact Point, the Netherlands: Final Statement, Specific Instance of uni Global Union vs. veon, 11 February 2020.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.2: 115-116.
125480 UNI Global Union v. veon: Compliance as Disguise?/Yvonne Erkens.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.2: 117-121.
125481 Constitutional Court of South Africa, Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union and Others v Royal Bafokeng Platinum Limited and Others [2020] zacc 1, 23 January 2020.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.2: 122-125.
125482 Majoritarianism and the Right to Be Consulted before Being Retrenched: Is the Exclusion of Minority Trade Unions from Retrenchment Negotiations Constitutional?/Fiona Leppan, Avinash Govindjee, Jonathan Sive.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.2: 126-132.
125483 ILO Committee on Freedom of Association: Complaint against the Government of China Presented by the International Trade Union Confederation (ituc), Case No 3184, Interim Report – Report No 391, October 2019.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.2: 133-139.
125484 No Dinner Party: Labor Repression under the Xi Jinping Government/Jeffrey Vogt.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.2: 140-145.
125485 Court of Justice of the European Union, General Court (Ninth Chamber, Extended Composition): European Federation of Public Service Unions (epsu) and Jan Willem Goudriaan v European Commission, Case T-310/18, 24 October 2019.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.2: 146-155.
125486 Are the Prerogatives of EU Social Partners under Threat?/Enrico Somaglia.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.2: 156-163.
125487 ILO Conference Committee on the Application of Standards: Conclusions on the Application of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87) by Kazakhstan (ratification: 2000), International Labour Conference, 108th Session, June 2019.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.2: 164-167.
125488 Kazakhstan and ILO Convention No. 87/Laura Carlson.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.2: 168-173.
125489 ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (ceacr): Observation on the Application of the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98) by Uruguay (ratification: 1954), International Labour Conference, 108th Session, Report iii (Part A), June 2019.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.2: 174-177.
125490 Observations of the ILO Committee of Experts on the Collective Bargaining System in Uruguay/Hugo Barretto Ghione.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.2: 178-184.
125491 Supreme Court of Canada, Nevsun Resources Ltd. v. Araya, 28 February 2020, 2020 scc 5.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.2: 185-190.
125492 Case against Canadian Mining Company Alleging Use of Forced Labor in Eritrea May Proceed in Canadian Court/Isabelle Martin.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.2: 191-196.
125493 Court of Justice of the European Union: DW v Nobel Plastiques Iberica SA, Case C-397/18, 11 September 2019.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.2: 197-201.
125494 Dismissal of Disabled Employee not Discriminatory if Reasonable Accommodation Is Provided/Marlies Vegter.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.2: 202-206.
125495 African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Collectif des Anciens Travailleurs du Laboratoire als v. Republique du Mali, Application no. 042/2016, judgment (jurisdiction and admissibility), 28 March 2019.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.2: 207-208.
125496 ALS v. Mali: a Missed Opportunity on Due Diligence/Gonzague Dupas.- International Labor Rights Case Law. 2020; Vol.6, No.2: 209-213.


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