تازه‌های مقالات خارجی تیر 1401

تازه‌های مقالات خارجی تیر 1401




117096 The Impact of Aggravating and Mitigating Factors on the Sentence Severity of Sex Offenders: An Exploration and Comparison of Differences Between Offending Groups/Joanna Amirault, Eric Beauregard.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.1: 78-104.
117097 Bail and Sentencing: Does Pretrial Detention Lead to Harsher Punishment?/Meghan Sacks, Alissa R. Ackerman.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.1: 59-77.
117098 Who is Better at Defending Criminals Does Type of Defense Attorney Matter in Terms of Producing Favorable Case Outcomes/Thomas H. Cohen.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.1: 29-58.
117099 Mitigating the Effect of a Criminal Record at Sentencing: Local Life Circumstances and Substantial Assistance Departures Among Recidivists in Federal Court/Natalie R. Ortiz, Cassia Spohn.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.1: 3-28.
117100 Interdistrict Variation in the Implementation of the Crack Retroactivity Policy by U.S. District Courts/Angela K. Reitler, James Frank.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.1: 105-130.
117101 Legal and Extra-Legal Factors Related to the Imposition of Blended Sentences/Joe M. Brown, Jon R. Sorensen.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.2: 227-241.
117102 Gender and Sentencing in the Federal Courts: Are Women Treated More Leniently/Jill K. Doerner, Stephen Demuth.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.2: 249-269.
117103 The Creation of Sentencing Decisions: Judicial Situated Identities/Jennifer L. Huck, Daniel R. Lee.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.2: 185-207.
117104 Judges on Trial: A Reexamination of Judicial Race and Gender Effects Across Modes of Conviction/Brian D. Johnson.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.2: 159-184.
117105 Gender Sentencing of Rural Property Offenders in Iowa/Maria D H Koeppel.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.2: 208-226.
117106 Collateral Punishments and Sentencing Policy: Perceptions of Residence Restrictions for Sex Offenders and Drunk Drivers/Jill S. Levenson, Ryan T. Shields, David A. Singleton.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.2: 135-158.
117107 Impediments of Labor Contracts on Prison Administrators Response to Staff Inmate Sexual Misconduct/Gaylene S. Armstrong, Dennis Longmire, Doug J. Dretke.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.3: 325-346.
117108 Shifting Tough on Crime to Keeping Kids Out of Jail: Exploring Organizational Adaptability and Sustainability at a Mental Health Agency Serving Adjudicated Children/Kristine Artello.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.3: 376-396.
117109 Gender and Sentencing Outcomes in South Carolina: Examining the Interactions With Race, Age, and Offense Type/Barbara A. Koons-Witt, Eric L. Sevigny, John D. Burrow, Rhys Hester.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.3: 299-324.
117110 Neighborhood Assessment of Prostitution as a Pressing Social Problem and Appropriate Responses: Results From a Community Survey/Corey S. Shdaimah, Benjamin R. Kaufman, Charlotte Lyn Bright, Shawn M. Flower.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.3: 275-298.
117111 Displaced Discretion: The Effects of Sentencing Guidelines on Prosecutors Charge Bargaining in the District of Columbia Superior Court/Stephen E. Vance, J. C. Oleson.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.3: 347-377.
117112 Displaced Discretion: The Effects of Sentencing Guidelines on Prosecutors  Charge Bargaining in the District of Columbia Superior Court/Stephen E. Vance, J. C. Oleson.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.3: 347-374.
117113 Extending the Hours of Operation of Alcohol Serving Establishments: An Assessment of an Innovative Strategy to Reduce the Problems Arising From the After Hours Consumption of Alcohol/Mitchell B. Chamlin, Sarah E. Scott.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.4: 432-449.
117114 Putting Policy Into Practice: Examining School Districts Implementation of Teen Dating Violence Legislation/Robin D. Jackson, Leana A. Bouffard, Kathleen A. Fox.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.4: 503-524.
117115 When Domains Spill Over: The Relationships of Affective and Continuance Commitment With Work Family Conflict Among Correctional Staff/Eric G. Lambert, Nancy L. Hogan, Thomas M. Kelley, Bitna Kim, Brett Garland.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.4: 476-502.
117116 Examining Factors That Predict Public Concern About the Collateral Consequences of Sex Crime Policy/Christina Mancini.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.4: 450-475.
117117 Too Dangerous to Get Out The Use of Individualized Release Mechanisms for Lifetime Incarcerated Offenders in Sweden/Doris Schartmue.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.4: 407-431.
117118 The Development, Validity, and Reliability of the Minnesota Screening Tool Assessing Recidivism Risk (MnSTARR)/Grant Duwe.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.5: 579-613.
117119 Black Supporters of the No-Discrimination Thesis in Criminal Justice: A Portrait of an Understudied Segment of the Black Community/Shaun L. Gabbidon, Kareem L. Jordan, Everette B. Penn, George E. Higgins.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.5: 637-652.
117120 Staff Perspectives on Juvenile Drug Court Operations: A Multi-Site Qualitative Study/Amy A. Mericle, Steven Belenko, David Festinger, Jaymes Fairfax-Columbo, Michael R. McCart.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.5: 614-639.
117121 The End of Mandatory Juvenile Life Without Parole/Megan Kennedy.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.5: 553-578.
117122 Understanding the Gender Gap in Domestic Terrorism Through Criminal Participation/David A. Makin, Season Hoard.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.5: 531-552.
117123 Pathways Between Substance Use, Dependence, Offense Type, and Offense Severity/Albert M. Kopak, Norman G. Hoffmann.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.6: 743-760.
117124 The Purloined Letters: Presidential Use (and Abuse) of Signing Statements in Criminal Justice Policy/Willard M. Oliver, Nancy E. Marion, Joshua B. Hill.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.6: 761-780.
117125 Race and Context in the Criminal Labeling of Drunk Driving Offenders: A Multilevel Examination of Extralegal Variables on Discretionary Plea Decisions/Danielle M. Rousseau, Gerald P. Pezzullo, Jr..- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.6: 683-702.
117126 So You Want to Find a Transitional House for Sexually Violent Persons: An Account of Political Failure/Stan Stojkovic, Mary Ann Farkas.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.6: 659-682.
117127 Estimating the Prevalence of Copycat Crime: A Research Note/Ray Surette.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.6: 703-718.
117128 A Comparison of Line and Supervisory Officers and the Impact of Support on Commitment to the Prison Organization/Samuel G. Vickovic, Marie L. Griffin.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2014; Vol.25, No.6: 719-742.
117129 Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Victim Impact Intervention Through the Examination of Changes in Dynamic Risk Scores/Michael Baglivio, Katherine Jackowski.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.1: 7-28.
117130 Policy Conflict: Women’s Groups and Institutionalized Restorative Justice/Amanda Nelund.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.1: 65-84.
117131 The Practice of Reintegrative Shaming in Mental Health Court/Cindy Brooks Dollar, Bradley Ray.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.1: 29-44.
117132 The Impact of Residential Placement on Aggregate Delinquency: A State-Level Panel Study, 1997-2011/Marika Dawkins, Jon R. Sorensen.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.1: 85-100.
117133 Implementing and Evaluating Restorative Justice Projects in Prison/Diane Crocker.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.1: 45-64.
117134 Healing the Wounds: An Examination of Veterans Treatment Courts in the Context of Restorative Justice/Julie Marie Baldwin, Joseph Rukus.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.2: 183-207.
117135 Are Restorative Justice Conferences More Fair Than Criminal Courts Comparing Levels of Observed Procedural Justice in the Reintegrative Shaming Experiments (RISE)/Geoffrey C. Barnes, Jordan M. Hyatt, Caroline M. Angel, Heather Strang, Lawrence W. Sherman.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.2: 103-130.
117136 Implications of Court Versus Conference: The Relationship Between Perceptions of Procedural Justice and Shame Management/Heather L. Scheuerman, Shelley Keith.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.2: 156-182.
117137 Soliciting Community Involvement and Support for Restorative Justice Through Community Service/William R. Wood.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.2: 131-155.
117138 Residency Restrictions for Sex Offenders: Public Opinion on Appropriate Distances/Amy L. Anderson, Lisa L. Sample, Calli M. Cain.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.3: 262-277.
117139 An Outcome Evaluation of a Midwestern Prisoner Reentry Initiative/Brett E. Garland, Aida Y. Hass.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.3: 293-314.
117140 Variation in Criminal Justice Policy-Making: An Exploratory Study Using Sex Offender Registration and Community Notification Laws/Robert Lytle.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.3: 211-233.
117141 Adam Walsh Act Compliance in Pennsylvania: What Does the Future Hold? A Research Note/Jason D. Spraitz, Erika Davis Frenzel, Kendra N. Bowen, James H. Bowers, Shannon Phaneuf.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.3: 252-261.
117142 High-Risk Pursuit Classification: A Categorical Analysis of Variables From Georgia Police Pursuits/Lee M. Wade.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.3: 278-292.
117143 Hold That Line: The New Orleans Police Strikes/Michael Peter Wigginton, Carl Julius Jensen, Jessica Michele Vinson.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.3: 234-251.
117144 Assessing the Legitimacy of Competence to Stand Trial in Juvenile Court: The Practice of CST With and Without Statutory Law/Angela Bryant, Gregory Matthews, Blessing Wilhelmsen.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.4: 371-399.
117145 Where for Art Thou Transient Sex Offenders and Residence Restrictions/Jill Levenson, Alissa R. Ackerman, Kelly M. Socia, Andrew J. Harris.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.4: 319-344.
117146 An Exploratory Study of the Legal and Non-Legal Factors Associated With Exoneration for Wrongful Conviction: The Power of DNA Evidence/Maeve Olney, Scott Bonn.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.4: 400-420.
117147 Rates and Patterns of Law Enforcement Turnover: A Research Note/Jennifer Wareham, Brad W. Smith, Eric G. Lambert.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.4: 345-370.
117148 Examining Public Preferences for the Allocation of Resources to Rehabilitative Versus Punitive Crime Policies/Thomas Baker, Christi Falco Metcalfe, Tamar Berenblum, Gali Aviv, Marc Gertz.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.5: 448-462.
117149 Correctional Mission Statements as Indicators of the Criminal Justice Policy Environment: A Research Note/Shannon M. Graves.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.5: 488-499.
117150 The Weed and Seed Program: A Nationwide Analysis of Crime Outcomes/David Lilley.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.5: 423-447.
117151 Public (Mis)Understanding of Crime Policy: The Effects of Criminal Justice Experience and Media Reliance/Justin T. Pickett, Christina Mancini, Daniel P. Mears, Marc Gertz.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.5: 500-522.
117152 The Growth of Federal Criminal Justice Policy Making: The Role of U.S. Civil Rights Legislation/Barbara Ann Stolz.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.5: 463-487.
117153 How Long Must They Wait Lackey Claims, Excessive Delay, and Evolving Standards of Decency/Corey D. Burton, John D. Burrow.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.6: 620-638.
117154 Ethics in a Mountain State County Jail/Brian Iannacchione … [et al.].- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.6: 555-574.
117155 Testing Previously Unsubmitted Sexual Assault Kits: What Are the Investigative Results?/Seth Fallik, William Wells.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.6: 598-619.
117156 An Outcome Evaluation of a Prison Work Release Program: Estimating Its Effects on Recidivism, Employment, and Cost Avoidance/Grant Duwe.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.6: 531-554.
117157 Risk, Proportionality, and Sentencing: Guideline Circumvention in Federal Child Pornography and Sexual Abuse Cases/Matthew S. Crow, Paula S. Lannes.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.6: 575-597.
117158 An Examination of the Effect of a Policy Change on Police Use of TASERs/Stephen A. Bishopp, David A. Klinger, Robert G. Morris.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.7: 727-746.
117159 Incarceration Heterogeneity and Its Implications for Assessing the Effectiveness of Imprisonment on Recidivism/Daniel P. Mears, Joshua C. Cochran, Francis T. Cullen.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.7: 691-712.
117160 Assessing the Impact of Mexican Nativity on Sentence Length/Erin A. Orrick, Alex R. Piquero.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.7: 643-664.
117161 Cigarette Trafficking, Smurfing, and Volume Buying: Policy, Investigation, and Methodology Recommendations From a Case Study/William V. Pelfrey, Jr..- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.7: 713-726.
117162 Police Sexual Misconduct: A National Scale Study of Arrested Officers/Philip Matthew Stinson, Sr., John Liederbach, Steven L. Brewer, Jr., Brooke E. Mathna.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.7: 665-690.
117163 Supreme Court Outcomes in Criminal Justice Cases (1994-2012 Terms): An Examination of Status Differential and Amici Curiae Effects/Kevin G. Buckler.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.8: 773-804.
117164 Explaining Dimensions of State-Level Punitiveness in the United States: The Roles of Social, Economic, and Cultural Factors/Katharine A. Neill, Juita-Elena (Wie) Yusuf, John C. Morris.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.8: 751-772.
117165 California’s Public Safety Realignment: Correctional Policy Based on Stakes Rather Than Risk/Julie Gerlinger, Susan F. Turner.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2015; Vol.26, No.8: 805-827.
117166 Law Enforcement Response to Frequent Fliers: An Examination of High-Frequency Contacts Between Police and Justice-Involved Persons With Mental Illness/Scott Akins, Brett C. Burkhardt, Charles Lanfear.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.1: 97-114.
117167 Reconsidering the Criminalization Debate: An Examination of the Predictors of Arrest Among People With Major Mental Disorders/Ellen Ballard, Brent Teasdale.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.1: 22-45.
117168 A Criminal Justice System Wide Response to Mental Illness: Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Memphis Crisis Intervention Team Training Curriculum Among Law/Megan L. Davidson.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.1: 46-75.
117169 Psychiatric Deinstitutionalization and Prison Population Growth: A Critical Literature Review and Its Implications/Dae-Young Kim.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.1: 3-21.
117170 Do Crisis Intervention Teams Reduce Arrests and Improve Officer Safety? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis/Sema A. Taheri.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.1: 76-96.
117171 Understanding the Role of Cross-Sector Collaborations on the Success of Florida’s Drug Courts/Natasha V. Christie.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.2: 119-137.
117172 Predicting Success in Residential Substance Abuse Interventions: New Jersey’s Pre-Release Incarceration Alternatives/Ming-Li Hsieh, Zachary K. Hamilton.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.2: 182-202.
117173 Facilitating Treatment Access and Engagement for Justice-Involved Veterans With Substance Use Disorders/Lisa H. Glynn … [et al.].- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.2: 138-163.
117174 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Justice Outreach Program: Connecting Justice-Involved Veterans With Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment/Andrea K. Finlay …[et al.].- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.2: 203-222.
117175 Quiero Hablar Con Usted en Espanol, Juez: The Importance of Spanish at a Majority Hispanic Drug Court/Kelly Frailing, Diana Carreon.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.2: 164-181.
117176 Evaluating Mental Health Court by Impact on Jurisdictional Crime Rates/Chelsea Elizabeth Bullard, Ron Thrasher.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.3: 227-246.
117177 Diverting Juvenile Justice-Involved Youth With Behavioral Health Issues From Detention: Preliminary Findings From Ohio s Behavioral Health Juvenile Justice (BHJJ) Initiative/Jeff M. Kretschmar, Fredrick Butcher, Daniel J. Flannery, Mark I. Singer.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.3: 302-325.
117178 The Influence of Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Problems on the Effectiveness of Juvenile Drug Courts/Sarah M. Manchak, Carrie Coen Sullivan, Myrinda Schweitzer, Christopher J. Sullivan.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.3: 247-264.
117179 Assessing the Mental Health/Offending Relationship Across Race/Ethnicity in a Sample of Serious Adolescent Offenders/Sarah El Sayed …[et al.].- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.3: 265-301.
117180 Is Previous Removal From the United States a Marker for High Recidivism Risk? Results From a 9-Year Follow-Up Study of Criminally Involved Unauthorized Immigrants/Laura J. Hickman, Jennifer Wong, Marika Suttorp-Booth.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.4: 378-401.
117181 Use of Research Evidence by Juvenile Justice and Youth Service Professionals: A Research Note/Lee Michael Johnson, Susan M. Lebold, Paul Elam.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.4: 402-419.
117182 This Isn’t About Casey Anthony Anymore: Political Rhetoric and Caylee’s Law/Kelly M. Socia, Elizabeth K. Brown.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.4: 348-377.
117183 The Roles of School-Based Law Enforcement Officers and How These Roles Are Established: A Qualitative Study/Joseph M. McKenna, Kathy Martinez-Prather, Scott W. Bowman.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.4: 420-443.
117184 Not All Crime Policies Are Created Equal: Presidential Speeches and Symbolic Rhetoric by Crime Policy Types/Willard M. Oliver, Nancy E. Marion, Joshua B. Hill.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.4: 331-347.
117185 Examining the Determinants of Police Department Transparency: The View of Police Executives/Joshua Chanin, Salvador Espinosa.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.5: 498-519.
117186 What Do Citizens Think About Police Accountability Measures? Lessons From Community Attitudinal Surveys/Joseph De Angelis.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.5: 520-536.
117187 National Data on Citizen Complaints About Police Use of Force: Data Quality Concerns and the Potential (Mis)Use of Statistical Evidence to Address Police Agency Conduct/Matthew J. Hickman, Jane E. Poore.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.5: 455-479.
117188 Examining the Relationship Between Civil Service Commissions and Municipal Police Diversity/Anne Li Kringen.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.5: 480-497.
117189 The Process and Partnerships Behind Insight Policing/Megan Clare Price.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.5: 553-567.
117190 The Community Voice in Policing: Old Issues, New Evidence/Samuel Walker.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.5: 537-552.
117191 Mind the Gap! Making Stronger Connections Between Hate Crime Policy and Scholarship/Neil Chakraborti.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.6: 577-589.
117192 One Step Forward, Two Steps Backward? Difficulties and Dilemmas With Connecting Hate Crime Policy and Research/Jon Garland.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.6: 627-639.
117193 A Shared Global Perspective on Hate Crime/Joanna Perry.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.6: 610-626.
117194 Intervening Globally: Confronting Hate Across the World/Barbara Perry.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.6: 590-609.
117195 It’s Not Technically a Crime: Investigating the Relationship Between Technical Violations and New Crime/Christopher M. Campbell.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.7: 643-667.
117196 Community Responses to Stop-and-Frisk in New York City: Conceptualizing Local Conditions and Correlates/Andres F. Rengifo, Lee Ann Slocum.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.7: 723-746.
117197 Determinants of State Innovations in American Sentencing and Corrections Policy: A Systematic Review/Shannon M. Sliva.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.7: 702-722.
117198 Is It Reasonable A Legal Review of Warrantless Searches of Probationers and Parolees/John R. Turner, Craig Hemmens, Adam K. Matz.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.7: 684-701.
117199 Age of Crime/Substance Onset and Crime/Drug Versatility as Dimensions of the Worst of Both Worlds Effect/Glenn D. Walters.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.7: 668-683.
117200 Risk of Recidivism Among Justice-Involved Veterans: A Systematic Review of the Literature/Daniel M. Blonigen …[et al.].- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.8: 812-837.
117201 Inside the Black Box: Prison Visitation, the Costs of Offending, and Inmate Social Capital/Siyu Liu, Justin T. Pickett, Thomas Baker.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.8: 766-790.
117202 Deterring Spammers: Impact Assessment of the CAN SPAM Act on Email Spam Rates/Alex C. Kigerl.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.8: 791-811.
117203 Are Alternative Sources of Official Crime Data Interchangeable A Note on Inter-Agency Consistency/Mitchell B. Chamlin, Andrea E. Krajewski.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2016; Vol.27, No.8: 751-765.
117204 Examining the Influence of Jessica’s Law on Reported Forcible Rape: A Time-Series Analysis/Rick Dierenfeldt, Jennifer Varriale Carson.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.1: 87-101.
117205 What Influences Public Support of Transitional Housing Facilities for Offenders During Reentry/Brett Garland, Eric Wodahl, Caryn Saxon.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.1: 18-40.
117206 Prevalence and Predictors of Surveillance Cameras in Law Enforcement: The Importance of Stakeholders and Community Factors/Amie M. Schuck.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.1: 41-60.
117207 Changing Uniforms: A Study of the Perspectives of Law Enforcement Officers With and Without Different Military Background on the Effects of Combat Deployment on Policing/Stanley Shernock.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.1: 61-86.
117208 The Effect of Attorney Type on Bail Decisions/Marian R. Williams.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.1: 3-17.
117209 Sex Offender Supervision in Context: The Need for Qualitative Examinations of Social Distance in Sex Offender Supervision Officer Relationships/Danielle J. S. Bailey, Lisa L. Sample.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.2: 176-204.
117210 Public Opinion of the Application of Sex Offender Notification Laws to Female Sex Offenders: Why It Is Important to Examine/Calli M. Cain, Lisa L. Sample, Amy L. Anderson.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.2: 155-175.
117211 Resident and Police Perceptions of the Neighborhood: Implications for Community Policing/Rachel E. Stein, Candace Griffith.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.2: 139-154.
117212 Procedural Justice, Legitimacy, and School Principals Evaluations of School Resource Officers: Support, Perceived Effectiveness, Trust, and Satisfaction/Scott E. Wolfe, Margaret M. Chrusciel, Jeff Rojek, J. Andrew Hansen, Robert J. Kaminski.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.2: 107-136.
117213 An Outcome Evaluation of the Indianapolis Community Court/Eric Grommon, Natalie Kroovand Hipple, Bradley Ray.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 220-237.
117214 Reinvesting in the Lives of Youth: A Targeted Approach to Reducing Recidivism/Myrinda Schweitzer, Ryan M. Labrecque, Paula Smith.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 207-219.
117215 Evaluation of a Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative (SVORI) Program in a Midwest State/Christopher A. Veeh, Margaret E. Severson, Jaehoon Lee.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 238-254.
117216 Public Opinion About Gun Control Post Sandy Hook/Kevin H. Wozniak.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 255-278.
117217 A Legal and Policy Argument for Bail Denial and Preventative Treatment for Batterers in the United States/Dawn Beichner, Robbin Ogle, Anne Garner, Daniel Anderson.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 311-326.
117218 The Disproportionate Minority Contact Mandate: An Examination of Its Impacts on Juvenile Justice Processing Outcomes (1997-2011)/Ellen A. Donnelly.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 347-369.
117219 Corporate Environmental Crime and Environmental Justice/Matthew Greife, Paul B. Stretesky, Tara O Connor Shelley, Mark Pogrebin.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 327-346.
117220 Set Up for Failure Examining the Influence of Monetary Sanctions on Probation Success/Amaia Iratzoqui, Christi Metcalfe.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 370-393.
117221 On the Prevalence of Veteran Deaths in State Prisons/Jeremy Luallen, Nida Corry.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 394-411.
117222 What Predicts Where Sex Offenders Live An Examination of Census Tract Data in Minnesota/Valerie A. Clark, Grant Duwe.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.5: 488-510.
117223 Mental Health Service Needs in the Prison Boom: The Case of Children of Incarcerated Mothers/Jillian J. Turanovic, Nancy Rodriguez.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.5: 415-436.
117224 Examining Correctional Officers Fear of Victimization by Inmates: The Influence of Fear Facilitators and Fear Inhibitors/Jill Gordon, Thomas Baker.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.5: 462-487.
117225 Depolicing: Rhetoric or Reality/Willard M. Oliver.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.5: 437-461.
117226 Whom Do They Serve A National Examination of Veterans Treatment Court Participants and Their Challenges/Julie Marie Baldwin.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.6: 515-554.
117227 Investigators and Prosecutors Perceptions of Collaborating With Victim Advocates on Sexual Assault Casework/D. Cody Gaines, William Wells.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.6: 559-569.
117228 Out With the Old and in With the New An Empirical Comparison of Supervised Learning Algorithms to Predict Recidivism/Grant Duwe, KiDeuk Kim.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.6: 570-600.
117229 Policy Change and Recidivism: The Effects of California’s Realignment and Local Implementation Strategies on Rearrest and Reconviction/Mia Bird, Ryken Grattet.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.6: 601-623.
117230 Stop, Question, and Frisk in New York City: A Study of Public Opinions/Douglas N. Evans, Cynthia-Lee Williams.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.6: 687-709.
117231 Compensating the Innocent: Perceptions of Exonerees Deservingness to Receive Financial Compensation for Wrongful Convictions/Kerry M. Karaffa, Jaimie Page, Julie M. Koch.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.7: 710-732.
117232 Punishment and Economic Inequality: Estimating Short-Term and Long-Term Equilibrium Relationships/Dae-Young Kim.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.7: 601-641.
117233 The Effectiveness of Parole Supervision: Use of Propensity Score Matching to Analyze Reincarceration Rates in Kentucky/Gennaro Francis Vito, George E. Higgins, Richard Tewksbury.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.7: 627-640.
117234 Simulating Peripheral Harm as an AMBER Alert Issuance Criterion: Implications for Anticipating Threats to Child Safety/Joshua H. Williams, Timothy Griffin, Danielle Miller, John Wooldredge.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.7: 669-686.
117235 The Availability and Utility of Services to Address Risk Factors for Recidivism Among Justice-Involved Veterans/Daniel M. Blonigen.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.8: 790-813.
117236 Does Military Service Make the Experience of Prison Less Painful? Voices From Incarcerated Veterans/David C. May, Kristen L. Stives, Makeela J. Wells, Peter B. Wood.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.8: 770-789.
117237 Are Inmates With Military Backgrounds Army Strong/Matthew William Logan, Paul-Philippe Pare.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.8: 814-841.
117238 Varieties of Veterans Courts: A Statewide Assessment of Veterans Treatment Court Components/Anne S. Douds, Eileen M. Ahlin, Daniel Howard, Sarah Stigerwalt.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.8: 740-769.
117239 Surveying Residential Burglaries: A Case Study of Local-Level Crime Measurement/Robert Brame, Michael G. Turner, Raymond Paternoster.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.9: 918-940.
117240 Community Reintegration Among Prisoners With Child Support Obligations: An Examination of Debt, Needs, and Service Receipt/Caterina G. Roman, Nathan W. Link.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.9: 896-917.
117241 Borders Up in Smoke: Marijuana Enforcement in Nebraska After Colorado s Legalization of Medicinal Marijuana/Jared M. Ellison, Ryan E. Spohn.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.9: 847-865.
117242 Religious Beliefs and Public Support for Prisoner Reentry/Brett Garland, Eric Wodahl, Rebecca Gretchen Smith.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.9: 879-895.
117243 Jail Diversion and Recidivism: A Case Study of a Municipal Court Diversion Program/Jennifer L. Huck, Camie S. Morris.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2017; Vol.28, No.9: 966-977.
117244 Romantic Partner Alcohol Misuse Interacts With GABRA2 Genotype to Predict Frequency of Drunkenness in Young Adulthood/Jamie M. Gajos … [et al.].- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.1: 7-20.
117245 Biosocial Risk Factors for Academic Dishonesty: Testing a New Mediation Model in Young Adults/Jill Portnoy … [et al.].- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.1: 21-35.
117246 The Effect of Absent Biological Father on Female Biological Maturity: Results From a Nationally Representative Sample of Adolescents/Michael F. TenEyck, Sarah A. El Sayed, J. C. Barnes.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.1: 36-51.
117247 A Behavioral Genetic Analysis of the Cooccurrence Between Psychopathic Personality Traits and Criminal Behavior/Richard H. Lewis … [et al.].- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.1: 52-68.
117248 Challenging Assumptions: A Genetically Sensitive Assessment of the Criminogenic Effect of Contact With the Criminal Justice System/Joseph L. Nedelec, Ian A. Silver.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.1: 69-86.
117249 An Examination of Within -and Between- Family Influences on the Intergenerational Transmission of Violence and Maltreatment/Bradon A. Valgardson, Joseph A. Schwartz.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.1: 87-102.
117250 How Biosocial Research Can Improve Interventions for Antisocial Behavior/Andrea L. Glenn, Katie E. McCauley.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.1: 103-119.
117251 What Has Place Got to Do With It? Hot Spots Policing to Address Physical and Mental Health/Rachel H. Jensen.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.2: 124-141.
117252 Hot Spots of Crime Are Not Just Hot Spots of Crime: Examining Health Outcomes at Street Segments/David Weisburd, Clair White.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.2: 142-160.
117253 Spatial Concentration of Opioid Overdose Deaths in Indianapolis: An Application of the Law of Crime Concentration at Place to a Public Health Epidemic/Jeremy G. Carter, George Mohler.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.2: 161-185.
117254 Epigenetics and Hot Spots of Crime: Rethinking the Relationship Between Genetics and Criminal Behavior/Rotem Leshem, David Weisburd.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.2: 186-204.
117255 Investigating the Distance to Crime for Offenders With Mental Illness: How Routine Is Routine?/Thomas Zawisza, Kelly Frailing.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.2: 205-220.
117256 Understanding the Spatial Patterns of Police Activity and Mental Health in a Canadian City/Tarah Hodgkinson, Martin A. Andresen.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.2: 221-240.
117257 Mental Health Crisis Location and Police Transportation Decisions: The Impact of Crisis Intervention Team Training on Crisis Center Utilization/Erin B. Comartin, Leonard Swanson, Sheryl Kubiak.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.2: 241-260.
117258 School Security in the Post-Columbine Era: Trends, Consequences, and Future Directions/Sanna King, Nicole L. Bracy.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.3: 274-295.
117259 Black Girls Doing Time for White Boys’ Crime? Considering Columbine’s Security Legacy Through an Intersectional Lens/Lynn A. Addington.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.3: 296-314.
117260 Are the Deadliest Mass Shootings Preventable? An Assessment of Leakage, Information Reported to Law Enforcement, and Firearms Acquisition Prior to Attacks in the United States/Adam Lankford, Krista Grace Adkins, Eric Madfis.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.3: 315-341.
117261 The Evolution of Active Shooter Response Training Protocols Since Columbine: Lessons From the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training Center/M. Hunter Martaindale, J. Pete Blair.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.3: 342-356.
117262 Afterword: The Columbine Effect on Culture, Policy, and Me/Glenn W. Muschert.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.3: 357-372.
117263 Contemporary Challenges in School Recruitment for Criminological Survey Research: Lessons From the International Self-Report Delinquency Study in England, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United States/Renske S. van der Gaag, Lauren Herlitz, Mike Hough.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.4: 386-409.
117264 Victimization, Crime Propensity, and Deviance: A Multinational Test of General Strain Theory/Marco Teijon-Alcala, Christopher Birkbeck.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.4: 410-430.
117265 The Crime-Immigration Nexus: Cultural Alignment and Structural Influences in Self-Reported Serious Youth Delinquent Offending Among Migrant and Native Youth/Renske S. van der Gaag.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.4: 431-460.
117266 Are Impulsive Adolescents Differentially Vulnerable to Normative or Situational Peer Influences? A Partial Replication Study/Ann De Buck, Lieven J. R. Pauwels.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.4: 461-483.
117267 Classroom Heterogeneity, Immigration Background, and Juvenile Delinquency in Switzerland: An Exploratory Study/Olga Siegmunt, Anastasiia Lukash.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.35, No.4: 484-505.
117268 Research and Planning Units: An Innovation Instrument in the 21st-Century Police Organization/Brenda J. Bond, Kathryn R. Gabriele.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 67-88.
117269 Federal Sentencing Guidelines and United States v. Booker: Social Context and Sentencing Disparity/Jeffrey S. Nowacki.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 45-66.
117270 Do School Resource Officers Really Refer Juveniles to the Juvenile Justice System for Less Serious Offenses?/David C. May, Raymond Barranco, Ethan Stokes, Angela A. Robertson, Stacy H. Haynes.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 89-105.
117271 Analysis of Powder Keg Theory in State Escape Statutes/Mijin Kim, Jeff Mellow.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 3-23.
117272 Military Service and Lifetime Arrests: Examining the Effects of the Total Military Experience on Arrests in a Sample of Prison Inmates/Erika J. Brooke, Jacinta M. Gau.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 24-44.
117273 Decoding the Code of Silence/Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovic, Maki Haberfeld, Robert Peacock.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 172-189.
117274 Early Intervention Systems: Predicting Adverse Interactions Between Police and the Public/Jennifer Helsby …[et al.].- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 190-209.
117275 Improving Police Use of Force: A Policy Essay on National Data Collection/Jon M. Shane.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 128-148.
117276 Measuring, Managing, and Enhancing Procedural Justice in Policing: Promise and Pitfalls/Robert E. Worden, Sarah J. McLean.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 149-171.
117277 College Student Perceptions of Notification About Sex Offenders on Campus/Brett Garland, Brian Calfano, Eric Wodahl.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 240-257.
117278 Measuring Older Adult Confidence in the Courts and Law Enforcement/Joseph A. Hamm, Lindsey E. Wylie, Eve Brank.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 301-316.
117279 Community Experience With Public Sex Offender Registries in the United States: A National Survey/Andrew J. Harris, Rebecca Cudmore.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 258-276.
117280 Exploring the Correlates of Perceived Job Dangerousness Among Correctional Staff at a Maximum Security Prison/Eric G. Lambert, Kevin I. Minor, Jill Gordon, James B. Wells, Nancy L. Hogan.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 215-239.
117281 Toward an Age of Imposed Use Evidence-Based Crime Policy in a Law and Social Science Context/Steven N. Zane, Brandon C. Welsh.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 280-300.
117282 That’s Just the Tip of It Because It Goes Deeper Than That: A Qualitative Exploration Into the Role of Mental Illness in Offending Onset and Subsequent Offending Behavior/Stacy Calhoun.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 341-364.
117283 College Student Perceptions of Campus Safety Initiatives/Joseph A. Schafer, Charern Lee, George W. Burruss, Matthew J. Giblin.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 319-340.
117284 Law Enforcement Perspectives on Sex Offender Registration and Notification: Effectiveness, Challenges, and Policy Priorities/Andrew J. Harris, Jill S. Levenson, Christopher Lobanov-Rostovsky, Scott M. Walfield.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 391-420.
117285 Sentencing on the Evidence/Esther Nir, Elizabeth Griffiths.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 365-390.
117286 Improving Judicial Administration Through Implementation of an Automated Sentencing Guidelines System/Danielle P. Fox, Hisashi Yamagata, Stacy S. Najaka, David A. Soule.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.5: 489-504.
117287 Comparing Criminologists Views on Crime and Justice Issues With Those of the General Public/Timothy Griffin, Amy Pason, Filip Wiecko, Brittany Brace.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.5: 443-463.
117288 Unjust Disparities The Impact of Race on Juvenile Risk Assessment Outcomes/James T. McCafferty.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.5: 423-442.
117289 Are Buzzed Drivers Really the Problem: A Quasi-Experimental Multilevel Assessment of the Involvement of Drivers With Low Blood Alcohol Levels in Fatal Crashes/Richard J. Stringer.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.5: 464-488.
117290 Felony Collateral Sanctions Effects on Recidivism: A Literature Review/Tanya N. Whittle.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.5: 505-524.
117291 Traffic Enforcement Through the Lens of Race: A Sequential Analysis of Post-Stop Outcomes in San Diego, California/Joshua Chanin, Megan Welsh, Dana Nurge.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.6-7: 561-563.
117292 Right to Counsel in Misdemeanor Prosecutions After Alabama v. Shelton: No-Lawyer-Courts and Their Consequences on the Poor and Communities of Color in St. Louis/Thomas B. Harvey, Jared H. Rosenfeld, Shannon Tomascak.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.6-7: 688-709.
117293 Unpacking Pretrial Detention: An Examination of Patterns and Predictors of Readmissions/Jaeok Kim, Preeti Chauhan, Olive Lu, Meredith Patten, Sandra Susan Smith.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.6-7: 663-687.
117294 Variability in the Use of Misdemeanor Arrests by Police Agencies From 1990 to 2013: An Application of Group-Based Trajectory Modeling/Cynthia Lum, Heather Vovak.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.6-7: 536-560.
117295 The Effect of Various Police Enforcement Actions on Violent Crime: Evidence From a Saturation Foot-Patrol Intervention/Eric L. Piza.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.6-7: 611-629.
117296 Monetary Myopia: An Examination of Institutional Response to Revenue From Monetary Sanctions for Misdemeanors/Karin D. Martin.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.6-7: 630-662.
117297 Improving the Pace of Criminal Case Processing in State Trial Courts/Brian J. Ostrom, Roger A. Hanson, Matthew Kleiman.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.6-7: 736-760.
117298 What Difference Does a Lawyer Make Impacts of Early Counsel on Misdemeanor Bail Decisions and Outcomes in Rural and Small Town Courts/Alissa Pollitz Worden, Kirstin A. Morgan, Reveka V. Shteynberg, Andrew L. B. Davies.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.6-7: 710-735.
117299 Discretion and Diversion in Albany’s Lead Program/Robert E. Worden, Sarah J. McLean.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.6-7: 584-610.
117300 Adult and Youth Involvement in Gun-Related Crime: Implications for Gun Violence Prevention Interventions/Giovanni M. Circo, Jesenia M. Pizarro, Edmund F. McGarrell.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.8: 799-822.
117301 The Impact of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 on Trends in Federal Sex Trafficking Cases/Shana M. Judge, Blake Boursaw.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.8: 823-848.
117302 The Diversity of Decarceration: Examining First-Year County Realignment Spending in California/Jeffrey L. Lin.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.8: 771-798.
117303 Mental Health Screening in Juvenile Justice Settings: Evaluating the Utility of the Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument, Version 2/Elizabeth P. Shulman, Jordan Bechtold, Erin L. Kelly, Elizabeth Cauffman.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.8: 849-872.
117304 Factors Associated With Community Corrections Involvement Among Formerly Incarcerated People in Recovery/Dina Chavira, Roberto Lopez-Tamayo, Leonard A. Jason.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.9: 909-924.
117305 Receipt of Pharmacotherapy for Alcohol Use Disorder by Male Justice-Involved U.S. Veterans Health Administration Patients/Andrea K. Finlay …[et al.].- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.9: 875-890.
117306 Public Regulation of Private Security: A Statutory Analysis of State Regulation of Security Guards/Michael S. Klein, Craig Hemmens.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.9: 891-908.
117307 Criminal Justice Considerations for Unsubmitted and Untested Sexual Assault Kits: A Review of the Literature and Suggestions for Moving Forward/Gillian M. Pinchevsky.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2018; Vol.29, No.9: 925-945.
117308 Developing Empirically Informed Policies for Sexual Assault Kit DNA Testing: Is It Too Late to Test Kits Beyond the Statute of Limitations?/Rebecca Campbell, Steven J. Pierce, Dhruv B. Sharma, Hannah Feeney, Giannina Fehler-Cabral.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 3-27.
117309 Crime, Laws, and Legalization: Perceptions of Colorado Marijuana Dispensary Owners and Managers/Kyle C. Ward, Andrew J. Thompson, Brian M. Iannacchione, Mary K. Evans.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 28-51.
117310 To Detain or Not to Detain Using Propensity Scores to Examine the Relationship Between Pretrial Detention and Conviction/Jacqueline G. Lee.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 128-152.
117311 Waging War on Recidivism Among Justice-Involved Veterans: An Impact Evaluation of a Large Urban Veterans Treatment Court/Richard D. Hartley, Julie Marie Baldwin.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 52-78.
117312 A Decade of Change: Roper v. Simmons, Defending Childhood, and Juvenile Justice Policy/Peter J. Benekos, Alida V. Merlo.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 102-127.
117313 Exploring Therapeutic and Militaristic Contexts in a Veteran Treatment Court/Tyler J. Vaughan, Lisa Bell Holleran, Rachel Brooks.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 79-101.
117314 Using Symbolic SWAT Raids as a Crime Reduction Strategy: Are Their Effects  Instrumental  in Nature?/Dae-Young Kim, Scott W. Phillips, Andrew P. Wheeler.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 176-200.
117315 Perceptions About Sexual Offenses: Misconceptions, Punitiveness, and Public Sentiment/Laura L. King.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 254-273.
117316 A Statutory Analysis of State Regulation of Security Guard Training Requirements/Michael S. Klein, Leah Ruiz, Craig Hemmens.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 339-356.
117317 CCTV and Campus Crime: Challenging a Technological Fix/Raymond V. Liedka, Albert J. Meehan, Thomas W. Lauer.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 316-336.
117318 Federal Civil Rights Litigation Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1983 as a Correlate of Police Crime/Philip Matthew Stinson, Steven L. Brewer.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 223-253.
117319 Social Inclusion Despite Exclusionary Sex Offense Laws: How Registered Citizens Cope With Loneliness/Tusty ten Bensel, Lisa L. Sample.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 274-292.
117320 The Limitations of Government Databases for Analyzing Fatal Officer-Involved Shootings in the United States/Howard E. Williams, Scott W. Bowman, Jordan Taylor Jung.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 201-222.
117321 Investigative Resources and Crime Clearances: A Group-Based Trajectory Approach/John L. Worrall.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 155-175.
117322 The Accuracy of Fatal Officer-Involved Shooting Data: A Response to The Limitations of Government Databases for Analyzing Fatal Officer-Involved Shootings in the United States/Charlie Beck, Craig D. Uchida.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 359-373.
117323 Police Legitimacy in the Context of Street Stops: The Effects of Race, Class, and Procedural Justice/Tri Keah S. Henry, Travis W. Franklin.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 406-427.
117324 Explaining Racial Differences in Ferguson’s Impact on Local Residents Trust and Perceived Legitimacy: Policy Implications for Police/Tammy Rinehart Kochel.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 374-405.
117325 Beyond Panic: Variation in the Legislative Activity for Sex Offender Registration and Notification Laws Across States Over Time/Robert Lytle.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 451-476.
117326 The Relative Effects of Normative and Instrumental Models of Policing on Police Empowerment: Evidence From a Sample of Sub-Saharan African Immigrants/Daniel K. Pryce.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 428-450.
117327 Are Canadian Girls Becoming More Violent An Examination of Integrated Criminal Court Survey Statistics/Jennifer Silcox.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 477-502.
117328 Reshaping the Study of Recidivism Exploring Variations in the Timing of Recidivism Following Release From Prison/Megan Denver.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 565-596.
117329 Better Practices in the Development and Validation of Recidivism Risk Assessments: The Minnesota Sex Offender Screening Tool 4/Grant Duwe.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 538-564.
117330 Preventing Wrongful Convictions: An Analysis of State Investigation Reforms/Robert J. Norris, Catherine L. Bonventre, Allison D. Redlich, James R. Acker, Carmen Lowe.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 597-626.
117331 Is Getting Tough With Low-Risk Kids a Good Idea The Effect of Failure to Appear Detention Stays on Juvenile Recidivism/Meghan R. Ogle, Jillian J. Turanovic.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 507-537.
117332 Beyond Police Compliance With Electronic Recording of Interrogation Legislation: Toward Error Reduction/Marvin Zalman, Laura L. Rubino, Brad Smith.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 627-655.
117333 Should Repeat Offenders Be Punished More Severely for Their Crimes/Stewart J. DAlessio, Lisa Stolzenberg.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.5: 731-747.
117334 Technical Violations, Treatment and Punishment Responses, and Recidivism of Women on Probation and Parole/Merry Morash, Deborah A. Kashy, Sandi W. Smith, Jennifer E. Cobbina.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.5: 788-810.
117335 The Role of Private Legal Representation and the Implicit Effect of Defendants  Demographic Characteristics in Setting Bail and Obtaining Pretrial Release/Rod V. Hissong, Gerald Wheeler.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.5: 706-730.
117336 Is Burglary a Violent Crime An Empirical Investigation of the Armed Career Criminal Act’s Classification of Burglary as a Violent Felony/Phillip M. Kopp.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.5: 663-680.
117337 An Analysis of the Deterrent Effects of Disciplinary Segregation on Institutional Rule Violation Rates/Joseph W. Lucas, Matthew A. Jones.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.5: 765-787.
117338 Examining Federal Criminal Sentencing of White-Collar and Common Property Offenders: The Case of Embezzlement and Larceny/Alexander Testa.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.5: 681-707.
117339 Changes in Arrest Rate as a Function of Probation and Participant Criminal History Risk: Does Probation Work Best With Lower Risk Probationers?/Glenn D. Walters.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.5: 747-764.
117340 Variations in State Sex Offender Statutes: Implications for U.S. Higher Education/Bradley D. Custer.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.6: 906-924.
117341 When a Sex Offender Comes to Visit: A National Assessment of Travel Restrictions/Shawn M. Rolfe.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.6: 885-905.
117342 Implementation Potential of Structured Risk Assessments for Criminal Recidivism in the Veterans Health Administration: Qualitative Perspectives From Providers/Allison L. Rodriguez.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.6: 819-839.
117343 Punitive Attitudes Toward Sex Offenders: Do Moral Panics Cause Community Members to Be More Punitive/Jennifer L. Klein, Danielle Tolson Cooper.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.6: 948-968.
117344 Voting Preferences and Perceived Juvenile Crime Trends: Examining Racial and Political Differences/Daniel P. Mears, Justin T. Pickett.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.6: 840-861.
117345 An Examination of Multiple Factors Influencing Support for Sex Offender Policy/Sarah M. Manchak, Leah R. Fisher.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.6: 925-947.
117346 Inverting Risk Assessment: Considering the Lowest Risk Clients in the Federal Criminal Justice System/Matt DeLisi, Michael Elbert, Katherine Tahja.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.7: 1043-1063.
117347 Volunteer Police: What Predicts Confidence in Training/Adam Dobrin, Ross Wolf, Ian K. Pepper, Seth W. Fallik.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.7: 1010-1022.
117348 Police Officers and Victim Advocates Perceptions of the Lethality Assessment Program/Leila B. Dutton, Tracy L. Tamborra, Meagan Pittman.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.7: 1023-1042.
117349 A Multivariate Analysis of Incarceration and Sentence Length Decisions for Older Defendants/Tina L. Freiburger, Kareem L. Jordan, Carly M. Hilinski-Rosick.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.7: 1064-1085.
117350 Juvenile Registration and Notification Policies Fail to Prevent First-Time Sexual Offenses: An Extension of Findings to Two New States/Elizabeth J. Letourneau …[et al.].- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.7: 1109-1123.
117351 Perceptions of Balanced Justice and Rehabilitation for Drug Offenders/Lincoln B. Sloas, Cassandra A. Atkin-Plunk.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.7: 990-1009.
117352 Weighing the Value of the Bargain: Prosecutorial Discretion After Sentencing Guidelines/Stephen E. Vance, Kerry M. Richmond, James C. Oleson, Shawn D. Bushway.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.7: 1086-1108.
117353 Drug Court Through the Eyes of Participants/Susan H. Witkin, Scott P. Hays.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.7: 971-989.
117354 Public Opinion and Public Policy: Heroin and Other Opioids/Amy Kyle Cook, Henry H. Brownstein.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.7: 1163-1185.
117355 Impact of Workplace Factors on Role-Related Stressors and Job Stress Among Community Corrections Staff/Gayle Rhineberger-Dunn, Kristin Yagla Mack.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.8: 1204-1228.
117356 Combating Rx Drug Misuse: Incarcerated Women’s Proactive and Reactive Policy Recommendations/Jennifer Gatewood Owens, Michelle Smirnova.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.8: 1229-1249.
117357 Deviant Peer Associations and Perceived Police Legitimacy: Is There a Connection/Frank Valentino Ferdik, Jon Gist, Sara Z. Evans.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.8: 1127-1162.
117358 Addressing Challenges to Homeland Security Information Sharing in American Policing: Using Kotter s Leading Change Model/David E. Lambert.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.8: 1250-1278.
117359 The Effect of Concealed Handgun Carry Deregulation in Arizona on Crime in Tucson/Michael R. Smith, Matthew Petrocelli.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.8: 1186-1203.
117360 Impact Evaluation of a Parolee-Based Focused Deterrence Program on Community-Level Violence/Kyleigh Clark-Moorman, Jason Rydberg, Edmund F. McGarrell.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.9: 1048-1430.
117361 Does the Chicago Safe Passage Program Reduce Reported Crime Around Elementary Schools? Evidence From Longitudinal, Geocoded Crime Data/F. Chris Curran.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.9: 1385-1407.
117362 Evaluation of Safe Streets Treatment Option to Reduce Recidivism Among Repeat Drunk Driving Offenders/Tina L. Freiburger, Alyssa M. Sheeran.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.9: 1368-1384.
117363 Situational Crime Prevention and Terrorism: An Assessment of 10 Years of Research/Joshua D. Freilich, Jeff Gruenewald, Marissa Mandala.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.9: 1283-1311.
117364 The Benefits, Risks, and Challenges of Get-Tough and Support-Oriented Approaches to Improving School Safety/Daniel P. Mears …[et al.].- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.9: 1342-1367.
117365 A Comparative Analysis of Media Coverage of Mass Public Shootings: Examining Rampage, Disgruntled Employee, School, and Lone-Wolf Terrorist Shootings/Jason R. Silva, Joel A. Capellan.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2019; Vol.30, No.9: 1312-1341.
117366 Citizen Satisfaction With Private Police in Russia: Does Satisfaction With Public Police Matter?/Anna Gurinskaya, Mahesh K. Nalla.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.1: 4-18.
117367 Private Policing and Public Health: A Neglected Relationship/Jennifer D. Wood.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.1: 19-38.
117368 The New Private Security Industry, the Private Policing of Cyberspace and the Regulatory Questions/Mark Button.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.1: 39-55.
117369 Private Security and Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Surveillance: A Systematic Review of Function and Performance/Brandon C. Welsh … [et al.].- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.1: 56-69.
117370 An Examination of Order Maintenance Policing by Business Improvement Districts/Amanda D’Souza.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.1: 70-85.
117371 Corporate Investigations: Beyond Notions of Public-Private Relations/Clarissa Meerts.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.1: 86-100.
117372 Private Police and Security Governance: Mapping Emerging Trends and Future Directions/Mahesh K. Nalla, Anna Gurinskaya.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.1: 101-109.
117373 Consumer Drivers of Industry Growth and Household Loyalty to Private Security Firms in Jamaica/Suzette A. Haughton, Trevor A. Smith, Joakim Berndtsson.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.1: 110-127.
117374 Ethnic Minority Youths’ Encounters With Private Security Guards: Unwelcome in the City Space/Elsa Saarikkomaki, Anne Alvesalo-Kuusi.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.1: 128-143.
117375 Why Young People Obey Private Security Guards? A Scenario-Based Study/Samuel Moreira, Carla Cardoso.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.1: 144-160.
117376 Violent Victimization, Fear of Crime, and Experiences of Criminal Justice Processes Among Security Personnel in Finland: Evidence From Survey Data/Jyri Paasonen, Mikko Aaltonen.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.1: 161-172.
117377 The Feminization of Transgender Women in Prisons for Men: How Prison as a Total Institution Shapes Gender/Valerie Jenness, Julie Gerlinger.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.2: 182-205.
117378 Victim, Police, and Prosecutorial Responses to Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence: A Comparative Approach/Brendan Lantz.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.2: 206-227.
117379 So Much for Protect and Serve: Queer Male Survivors’ Perceptions of Negative Police Experiences/Doug Meyer.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.2: 228-250.
117380 Compensating for Sexual Identity: How LGB and Heterosexual Australian Police Officers Perceive Policing of LGBTIQ+ People/Toby Miles-Johnson, Jodi Death.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.2: 251-273.
117381 You’d Just Cop Flak From Every Other Dickhead Under the Sun: Navigating the Tensions of (In)visibility and Hypervisibility in LGBTI Police Liaison Programs in Three Australian States/Angela Dwyer, Matthew Ball.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.2: 274-292.
117382 Mapping Emotions: Exploring the Impact of the Aussie Farms Map/Ash Barnes, Rob White.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.3: 303-326.
117383 Applying Crime Pattern Theory and Risk Terrain Modeling to Examine Environmental Crime in Cambodia/Devin Cowan … [et al.].- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.3: 327-350.
117384 The Global Waste Trafficking and Its Correlates/Serena Favarin, Alberto Aziani.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.3: 351-383.
117385 Using Crime Script Analysis to Understand the Illegal Harvesting of Live Corals: Case Studies From Indonesia and Fiji/Monique C. Sosnowski, Judith S. Weis, Gohar A. Petrossian.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.3: 384-402.
117386 Environmental and Wildlife Crime in Sweden from 2000 to 2017/Richard Stassen, Vania Ceccato.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.3: 403-427.
117387 FloraGuard: Tackling the Online Illegal Trade in Endangered Plants Through a Cross-Disciplinary ICT-Enabled Methodology/Anita Lavorgna … [et al.].- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.3: 428-450.
117388 Stealing Like Artists: Using Court Records to Conduct Quantitative Research on Corporate Environmental Crimes/Matthew J. Greife, Michael O. Maume.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.3: 451-469.
117389 The Assessment of Forced Penetration: A Necessary and Further Step Toward Understanding Men’s Sexual Victimization and Women’s Perpetration/RaeAnn E. Anderson, Erica L. Goodman, Sidney S. Thimm.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.4: 480-498.
117390 Predictors of Female Sexual Aggression Among a U.S. MTurk Sample: The Protective Role of Sexual Assertiveness/Cindy Struckman-Johnson, Peter B. Anderson, George Smeaton.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.4: 499-519.
117391 A Descriptive Analysis of College Students’ Experiences of Female-Perpetrated Sexual Assault/Gianna Gambardella … [et al.].- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.4: 520-538.
117392 Female Sex Offenders in Ireland: Examining the Response of the Criminal Justice System/Susan Leahy.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.4: 539-558.
117393 Gendered Perceptions of Child Sexual Abusers: The Paradox of the Vulnerable Other/Louise Rooney.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.4: 559-581.
117394 Sexual Violence as a Form of Abuse in Men’s Experiences of Female-Perpetrated Intimate Partner Violence/Elizabeth A. Bates, Siobhan Weare.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.36, No.4: 582-595.
117395 Navigating the Monetary Sanctions Maze: Understanding and Confusion Among Criminal Legal Debtors/Kimberly Spencer-Suarez, Karin D. Martin.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.1: 4-24.
117396 Are You Able-Bodied? Embodying Accountability in the Modern Criminal Justice System/Michele Cadigan, Tyler Smith.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.1: 25-44.
117397 The Price of Poverty: Policy Implications of the Unequal Effects of Monetary Sanctions on the Poor/Ilya Slavinski, Kimberly Spencer-Suarez.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.1: 45-65.
117398 Unveiling the Necrocapitalist Dimensions of the Shadow Carceral State: On Pay-to-Stay to Recoup the Cost of Incarceration/Brittany Friedman.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.1: 66-87.
117399 Twice Punished: Perceived Procedural Fairness and Legitimacy of Monetary Sanctions/Breanne Pleggenkuhle, Kimberly R. Kras, Beth M. Huebner.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.1: 88-107.
117400 Monetary Sanctions in Community Corrections: Law, Policy, and Their Alignment With Correctional Goals/Ebony L. Ruhland … [et al.].- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.1: 108-127.
117401 Considering the Process of Debt Collection in Community Corrections: The Case of the Monetary Compliance Unit/Nathan W. Link … [et al.].- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.1: 128-147.
117402 Moving the National Institute of Justice Forward: July 2010 through December 2012/John H. Laub.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.2: 166-174.
117403 Data Science Approaches in Criminal Justice and Public Health Research: Lessons Learned From Opioid Projects/Tammy L. Anderson … [et al.].- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.2: 175-191.
117404 Improving Justice for American Indian and Rural Victims of Crime Through Community-Engaged Research/Brooke A. de Heer … [et al.].- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.2: 192-211.
117405 We Can Move Mountains: Engaging in State-Level Policy Work/Lisa M. Growette Bostaph, Melissa Wintrow.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.2: 212-220.
117406 Coming Together in the Fight Against Intimate Partner Violence: Lessons Learned From a Researcher-Practitioner Collaboration Evaluating Cincinnati’s Domestic Violence Enhanced Response Team (DVERT)/Michelle L. T. Wojcik … [et al.].- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.2: 221-243.
117407 From Academic to Practitioner: Tips for Increasing Engagement With Your Research (Essay on Best Practices)/Ava T. Carcirieri.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.2: 244-256.
117408 Dissemination and Impact Amplified: How a Researcher-Reporter Collaboration Helped Improve the Criminal Justice Response to Victims With Untested Sexual Assault Kits/Rachel E. Lovell, Rachel Dissell.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.2: 257-275.
117409 Building Bridges Between Researchers and Police Practitioners in Small and Midsize Law Enforcement Agencies in the United States/Janice Iwama, Jack McDevitt, Robert Bieniecki.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.2: 276-292.
117410 Ban the Box in Higher Education: Lessons From Louisiana on Changing Laws and Leading Movements/Annie Phoenix, Syrita Steib.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.2: 293-301.
117411 Institutional Anomie Theory and Cybercrime – Cybercrime and the American Dream, Now Available Online/Thomas E. Dearden, Katalin Parti, James Hawdon.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.3: 311-332.
117412 Mapping Global Cyberterror Networks: An Empirical Study of Al-Qaeda and ISIS Cyberterrorism Events/Claire Seungeun Lee … [et al.].- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.3: 333-355.
117413 The Third-Victimization: The Cybervictimization of Sexual Assault Survivors and Their Families/Shelly Clevenger, Jordana Navarro.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.3: 356-378.
117414 Developmental Trajectories of Delinquent Peer Association Among Korean Adolescents: A Latent Class Growth Analysis Approach to Assessing Peer Selection and Socialization Effects on Online and Offline Crimes/Sujung Cho, Brett Lacey, Youngsik Kim.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.3: 379-405.
117415 Explaining Fear of Identity Theft Victimization Using a Routine Activity Approach/Jaeyong Choi, Nathan E. Kruis, Kyung-Seok Choo.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.3: 406-426.
117416 Cyber Place Management and Crime Prevention: The Effectiveness of Cybersecurity Awareness Training Against Phishing Attacks/Sinchul Back, Rob T. Guerette.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.3: 427-451.
117417 Perceived Formal and Informal Sanctions in Deterring Cybercrime in a College Sample/Adam M. Bossler.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.3: 452-470.
117418 Empty Streets, Busy Internet: A Time-Series Analysis of Cybercrime and Fraud Trends During COVID-19/Steven Kemp … [et al.].- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.4: 480-501.
117419 Impacts of Incarceration on Health Focusing on Minority Males: Considerations for COVID-19 and Future Pandemics/Mary H. Hughes, Nicole Prior.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.4: 502-522.
117420 Where, When, and By Whom: An Exploratory Analysis of COVID-19 Public Health Violations/Wanda E. Leal … [et al.].- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.4: 523-542.
117421 The 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic and Its Corresponding Data Boon: Issues With Pandemic-Related Data From Criminal Justice Organizations/Danielle Wallace … [et al.].- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.4: 543-568.
117422 Did Covid-19 Lead to an Increase in Hate Crimes Toward Chinese People in London?/Chelsea Gray, Kirstine Hansen.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.4: 569-588.
117423 Domestic Violence During a Global Pandemic: Lockdown Policies and Their Impacts Across Guatemala/Laura Iesue, Felicia O. Casanova, Alex R. Piquero.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.4: 589-614.
117424 Against All Odds, Femicide Did Not Increase During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence From Six Spanish-Speaking Countries/Marcelo F. Aebi, Lorena Molnar, Francisca Baquerizas.- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.37, No.4: 615-644.
117425 Educator Sexual Misconduct: A Statutory Analysis/Mia J. Abboud, Guangzhen Wu, Amelie Pedneault, Mary K. Stohr, Craig Hemmens.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 133-153.
117426 Does Reducing Case Processing Time Reduce Recidivism A Study of the Early Case Resolution Court/Rob Butters, Kort Prince, Allyson Walker, Erin B. Worwood, Christian M. Sarver.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 22-41.
117427 An Analysis of State Statutes Regarding the Role of Law Enforcement/Carly E. Cortright, Wesley McCann, Dale Willits, Craig Hemmens, Mary K. Stohr.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 103-132.
117428 Mental Illness Stigma: Limitations of Crisis Intervention Team Training/Cassidy Blair Haigh, Anne Li Kringen, Jonathan Allen Kringen.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 42-57.
117429 Game Changer The Impact of the Reentry Movement on Post-Prison Supervision/Karol Lucken.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 58-79.
117430 Disproportionate School Disciplinary Responses: An Exploration of Prisonization and Minority Threat Hypothesis Among Black, Hispanic, and Native American Students/Meghan M. Mitchell, Gaylene Armstrong, Todd Armstrong.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 80-102.
117431 Evaluating the Accuracy of SORNA: Testing for Classification Errors and Racial Bias/Bobbie Ticknor, Jessica J. Warner.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 3-21.
117432 Therapeutically (Un) Just Interactions in Family Court Proceedings/Cindy Brooks Dollar.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 262-266.
117433 Are College-Educated Police Officers Different A Study of Stops, Searches, and Arrests/Richard Rosenfeld, Thaddeus L. Johnson, Richard Wright.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 206-236.
117434 Cell Phones and Excessive Contact: The Contradictory Imperatives Facing California’s Parole-Eligible Lifers/Nazgol Ghandnoosh.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 159-181.
117435 Drug Courts and Net-Widening in U.S. Cities: A Reanalysis Using Propensity Score Matching/David R. Lilley, Megan C. Stewart, Kasey Tucker-Gail.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 287-306.
117436 Sentencing Drug Court Failures: Judicial Considerations With Increased Offender Information/Benjamin R. Gibbs.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 237-261.
117437 Processes and Practices Associated With Reporting and Investigation of Sexual Misconduct Within Prison: A Novel Case Study Constructed Through Litigation Documents/Sheryl Kubiak …[et al.].- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 182-205.
117438 Predictors of Job Stress Among Southern Correctional Staff/Eric G. Lambert, Linda D. Keena, Stacy H. Haynes, David May, Matthew C. Leone.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 309-331.
117439 Part-Time Jail Time: Jailors Perspectives on the Practice of Nonconsecutive Day Sentencing in Virginia/Blythe Alison Bowman Balestrieri.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 452-474.
117440 Race, Ethnicity, and Trial Avoidance: A Multilevel Analysis/Jacqueline G. Lee, Rebecca L. Richardson.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 422-451.
117441 Hope Is Around the Corner: Determining the Effect of Neighborhood Revitalization on Crime Through an Evaluation of Houston HOPE/Meghan M. Mitchell, Kadee L. Crandall, Di Jia.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 356-373.
117442 Predicting Burnout Among Juvenile Detention and Juvenile Probation Officers/Gayle Rhineberger-Dunn, Kristin Y. Mack.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 335-355.
117443 Runaway Jury: An Analysis of State Laws Concerning Juror Impeachment/Brenda I. Rowe, Wesley S. McCann.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 395-421.
117444 Missed Officer Probationer Contacts and Its Influence on Rearrest/Haley R. Zettler, Justin C. Medina.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 374-394.
117445 Circumstantial Powers of Special Fire Police in Pennsylvania: Statutory Consequences and Recommendations/Wesley R. Attwood, Melissa Sneath, John G. Thacik.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 592-608.
117446 Predicting Health and Wellness Outcomes for Probation and Parole Officers: An Exploratory Study/Andrew S. Denney, Allen Copenhaver, Angie Schwendau.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 573-591.
117447 Correctional Officer Mental Health Training: Analysis of 52 U.S. Jurisdictions/Lauren E. Kois, Kortney Hill, Lauren Gonzales, Shelby Hunter, Preeti Chauhan.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 555-572.
117448 Hiring People With Criminal Records in South Carolina: Examining Businesses  Hiring Practices and Views on Incentives/Tara E. Martin, Amanda Huffman, Barbara A. Koons-Witt, Robert Brame.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 532-554.
117449 Ethical Concerns About Private (and Public) Corrections: Extending the Focus Beyond Profit- Making and the Delegation of Punishment/Andrea N. Montes.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 609-630.
117450 The Effect of Prosecutorial Actions on Deterrence: A County-Level Analysis/Scott M. Mourtgos, Ian T. Adams.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 479-499.
117451 The Effect of Prosecutorial Actions on Deterrence: A County-Level Analysis/Scott M. Mourtgos, Ian T. Adams.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 479-499.
117452 Paying the Trial Tax: Race, Guilty Pleas, and Disparity in Prosecution/Alexander Testa, Brian D. Johnson.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 500-531.
117453 A Review of Recreation Requirements in U.S. Juvenile Justice Facilities/Maria Leon, Corliss Outley, Miner Marchbanks, Brandy Kelly Pryor.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.5: 763-782.
117454 The Impact of Policy Changes on Heroin and Nonmedical Prescription Opioid Use Among an Incarcerated Population in Kentucky, 2008 to 2016/Amanda M. Bunting …[et al.].- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.5: 746-762.
117455 The Overlooked Perspective of Police Trust in the Public: Measurement and Effects on Police Job Behaviors/Scott M. Mourtgos, Roger C. Mayer, Richard A. Wise, Holly ORourke.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.5: 639-672.
117456 Section 1983 Civil Liability Against Prison Officials and Dentists for Delaying Dental Care/Claire Angelique Nolasco, Michael S. Vaughn.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.5: 721-745.
117457 Gender Equality and Sentencing Outcomes: An Examination of State Courts/Jeffrey S. Nowacki.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.5: 673-695.
117458 Are Jail Sanctions More Punitive Than Community-Based Punishments? An Examination Into the Perceived Severity of Alternative Sanctions in Community Supervision/Eric J. Wodahl, Brett E. Garland, Kimberly Schweitzer.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.5: 696-720.
117459 Fighting the Good Fight: Why Do Public Defenders Remain on the Job/Valerio Bacak, Sarah E. Lageson, Kathleen Powell.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.6: 939-961.
117460 Unique New York Theorizing the Impact of Resources on the Quality of Defense Representation in a Deviant State/Andrew L. B. Davies, Giza Lopes, Alyssa Clark.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.6: 962-986.
117461 Building Holistic Defense: The Design and Evaluation of a Social Work Centric Model of Public Defense/Heather M. Harris.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.6: 800-832.
117462 Decision-Making and Holistic Public Defense Post-Montgomery v. Louisiana/Jeanette Hussemann, Jonah Siegel.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.6: 866-907.
117463 Attorney Client Communication in Public Defense: A Qualitative Examination/Janet Moore, Vicki L. Plano Clark, Lori A. Foote, Jacinda K. Dariotis.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.6: 908-938.
117464 Including Assets-Based Mitigation in Sentencing/Elizabeth S. Vartkessian.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.6: 857-885.
117465 The Impact of Counsel at First Appearance on Pretrial Release in Felony Arraignments: The Case of Rural Jurisdictions/Alissa Pollitz Worden, Reveka V. Shteynberg, Kirstin A. Morgan, Andrew L. B. Davies.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.6: 833-856.
117466 An Examination of Sexual Assault Kit Submission Efficiencies Among a Nationally Representative Sample of Law Enforcement Agencies/Joshua A. Hendrix, Kevin J. Strom, William J. Parish, Patricia A. Melton, Amanda Royal Young.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.7: 1095-1115.
117467 Punitiveness: A Philosophical Perspective/Jonathan Jacobs.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.7: 991-1014.
117468 Do Detainees Plead Guilty Faster A Survival Analysis of Pretrial Detention and the Timing of Guilty Pleas/Nick Petersen.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.7: 1015-1035.
117469 How Background Relates to Perceptions of Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Policies Related to Individuals Convicted of Sex Crimes/Kelly M. Socia …[et al.].- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.7: 1059-1094.
117470 Disciplinary Segregation’s Effects on Inmate Behavior: Institutional and Community Outcomes/Youngki Woo.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.7: 1036-1058.
117471 Gender and the Effect of Disciplinary Segregation on Prison Misconduct/Ryan M. Labrecque, Daniel P. Mears, Paula Smith.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.7: 1993-1216.
117472 Examining the Effectiveness of TASERS at Gaining Citizen Compliance/Logan J. Somers, William Terrill, Michael T. Rossler, Jason R. Ingram.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.7: 1234-1255.
117473 Sex Offender Residence Restrictions and Homelessness: A Critical Look at South Carolina/Deanna Cann, Deena A. Isom Scott.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.7: 1119-1135.
117474 Did Connecticut’s Raise the Age Increase Motor Vehicle Thefts/Giovanni Circo, Alexander Scranton.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.7: 1217-1233.
117475 Disentangling the Direct and Indirect Effects of Task, Individual, and Organizational Factors on Occupational Citizenship Behavior/James Frank …[et al.].- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.7: 1136-1164.
117476 Take a Load off Fanny: Peer Mentors in Veterans Treatment Courts/Caroline I. Jalain, Elizabeth L. Grossi.- Criminal Justice Policy Review. 2020; Vol.31, No.7: 1165-1192.
117477 The Spectacle of Fearsome Acts: Crime in the Melting P(l)ot in Gangs of New York/Martin OBrien, Rodanthi Tzanelli, Majid Yar, Sue Penna.- Critical Criminology. 2005; Vol.13, No.1: 17-35.
117478 The Patterns Of Masculinity In Prison Sociology: A Case Study In One Taiwanese Prison/Hsu, Hua-Fu.- Critical Criminology. 2005; Vol.13, No.1: 1-16.
117479 Since September 11, All Roads Lead to Rome/Steve Russell.- Critical Criminology. 2005; Vol.13, No.1: 37-53.
117480 Taming the shrew: regulating prisoners through women-centered mental health programming/Kathy Kendall, Soshana Pollack.- Critical Criminology. 2005; Vol.13, No.1: 71-87.
117481 Keeping the Lady Safe: The Regulation of Femininity through Crime Prevention Literature/Alex  Campbell.- Critical Criminology. 2005; Vol.13, No.2: 119-140.
117482 Crimes of the State: The Persecution and Protection of Refugees/Sharon Pickering.- Critical Criminology. 2005; Vol.13, No.2: 141-163.
117483 Innocence Commissions: Due Process Remedies and Protection for the Innocent/Robert Carl Schehr, Jamie Sears.- Critical Criminology. 2005; Vol.13, No.2: 181-209.
117484 Researching Restorative Justice: Politics, Policy and Process/Sandra Walklate.- Critical Criminology. 2005; Vol.13, No.2: 165-179.
117485 Toward Safer and Better Communities: Canada’s Youth Criminal Justice Act, Aboriginal Youth and the Processes of Exclusion/Bryan R. Hogeveen.- Critical Criminology. 2005; Vol.13, No.3: 287-305.
117486 Randomized experiments in criminology: What have we learned in the last two decades?/David P. Farrington, Brandon C. Welsh.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 9-38.
117487 Drug and violence prevention: Rediscovering the critical rational dimension of evaluation research/Dennis M. Gorman.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 39-62.
117488 Prevention science, drug abuse prevention, and Life Skills Training: Comments on the state of the science/Gilbert J. Botvin, Kenneth W. Griffin.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 63-78.
117489 Doing prevention science: A response to Dennis M. Gorman and a brief history of the quasi-experimental study nested within the Seattle Social Development Project/J. David Hawkins, Richard F. Catalano.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 79-86.
117490 A randomized experimental study of sharing crime data with citizens: Do maps produce more fear?/Elizabeth R. Groff … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 87-115.
117491 The effectiveness of treatment for sexual offenders: A comprehensive meta-analysis/Friedrich Losel, Martin Schmucker.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 117-146.
117492 Predicting the effect of substance abuse treatment on probationer recidivism/Pamela K. Lattimore … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 159-189.
117493 Why do evaluation researchers in crime and justice choose non-experimental methods?/Cynthia Lum, Sue-Ming Yang.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 191-213.
117494 Can electronic monitoring reduce crime for moderate to high-risk offenders?/Marc Renzema, Evan Mayo-Wilson.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 215-237.
117495 A meta-analytic review of court-mandated batterer intervention programs: Can courts affect abusers’ behavior?/Lynette Feder, David B. Wilson.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 239-262.
117496 The centrality of critical rational reasoning in science: A response and further comments on the Life Skills Training program, the Seattle Social Development Project, and prevention studies/Dennis M. Gorman.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 263-275.
117497 Generating and using evidence to guide public policy and practice: Lessons from the Campbell Test-bed Project/Phoebe Cottingham, Rebecca Maynard, Matthew Stagner.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2005; Vol.1, No.3: 279-294.
117498 Ex-offender employment programs and recidivism: A meta-analysis/Christy A. Visher, Laura Winterfield, Mark B. Coggeshall.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2005; Vol.1, No.3: 295-315.
117499 Hot spots policing and crime prevention: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials/Anthony A. Braga.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2005; Vol.1, No.3: 317-342.
117500 Oppositional defiant disorder: A systematic review of evidence of intervention effectiveness/M. C. Bradley, David Mandell.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2005; Vol.1, No.3: 343-365.
117501 Effects of face-to-face restorative justice on victims of crime in four randomized, controlled trials/Lawrence W. Sherman … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2005; Vol.1, No.3: 367-395.
117502 Towards an epigenetic approach to experimental criminology: The 2004 Joan McCord Prize Lecture/Richard E. Tremblay.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2005; Vol.1, No.4: 397-415.
117503 Randomized experiments as the bronze standard/Richard A. Berk.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2005; Vol.1, No.4: 417-433.
117504 The impact of program developers as evaluators on criminal recidivism: Results from meta-analyses of experimental and quasi-experimental research/Anthony Petrosino, Haluk Soydan.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2005; Vol.1, No.4: 435-450.
117505 The positive effects of cognitive-behavioral programs for offenders: A meta-analysis of factors associated with effective treatment/Nana A. Landenberger, Mark W. Lipsey.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2005; Vol.1, No.4: 451-476.
117506 The effects of the second Intifada, terrorist acts, and economic changes on adolescent crime rates in Israel: A research note/Revital Sela-Shayovitz.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2005; Vol.1, No.4: 477-493.
117507 Size matters: Standard errors in the application of null hypothesis significance testing in criminology and criminal justice/Shawn D. Bushway, Gary Sweeten, David B. Wilson.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 1-22.
117508 Instrumental variables methods in experimental criminological research: what, why and how/Joshua D. Angrist.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 23-44.
117509 Acupuncture in drug treatment: Exploring its role and impact on participant behavior in the drug court setting/Michael D. White, John S. Goldkamp, Jennifer B. Robinson.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 45-65.
117510 Long-term effects of participation in the Baltimore City drug treatment court: Results from an experimental study/Denise C. Gottfredson … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 67-98.
117511 Research Note: Randomized field experiments published in the British Journal of Criminology, 1960-2004/Anthony Petrosino, Paul Kiff, Julia Lavenberg.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 99-111.
117512 Key longitudinal-experimental studies in criminology/David P. Farrington.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.2: 121-141.
117513 Restoring accountability in pretrial release: the Philadelphia pretrial release supervision experiments/John S. Goldkamp, Michael D. White.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.2: 143-181.
117514 Preventing repeat incidents of family violence: analysis of data from three field experiments/Robert C. Davis, Christopher D. Maxwell, Bruce Taylor.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.2: 183-210.
117515 Some p-baked thoughts on experiments and statistical significance/Michael D. Maltz.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.2: 211-226.
117516 Police crackdowns on illegal gun carrying: a systematic review of their impact on gun crime/Christopher S. Koper, Evan Mayo-Wilson.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.2: 227-261.
117517 Improving impact evaluations through randomised experiments: The challenge of the National Research Council report for European criminology/Martin Killias.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 375-391.
117518 Improving evaluation of anti-crime programs: Summary of a National Research Council report/Mark Lipsey … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 271-307.
117519 Connecting the dots: Crime rates and criminal justice evaluation research/Richard Rosenfeld.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 309-319.
117520 The need for evaluation research/James Q. Wilson.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 321-328.
117521 Methodological quality and the evaluation of anti-crime programs/David P. Farrington.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 329-337.
117522 Towards systematic knowledge building: An anti-crime research and development continuum/Adele V. Harrell.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 339-344.
117523 When is a bologna sandwich better than sex? A defense of small-n case study evaluations/John E. Eck.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 345-362.
117524 Assessing problematic research: How can academic researchers help improve the quality of anti-crime program evaluations?/Janet L. Lauritsen.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 363-373.
117525 To develop and test: The inventive difference between evaluation and experimentation/Lawrence W. Sherman.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 393-406.
117526 Improving the evaluation of anticrime programs: There’s work to be done/Mark W. Lipsey.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.4: 517-527.
117527 Street-level drug law enforcement: A meta-analytical review/Lorraine Mazerolle, David W. Soole, Sacha Rombouts.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.4: 409-435.
117528 Does neighborhood watch reduce crime? A systematic review and meta-analysis/Trevor Bennett, Katy Holloway, David P. Farrington.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.4: 437-458.
117529 A systematic review of drug court effects on recidivism/David B. Wilson, Ojmarrh Mitchell, Doris L. MacKenzie.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.4: 459-487.
117530 Are counter-terrorism strategies effective? The results of the Campbell systematic review on counter-terrorism evaluation research/Cynthia Lum, Leslie W. Kennedy, Alison Sherley.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2006; Vol.2, No.4: 489-516.
117531 The null hypothesis is not called that for nothing: statistical tests in randomized trials/Robert Boruch.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 1-20.
117532 The effects of closed-circuit television on crime: meta-analysis of an English national quasi-experimental multi-site evaluation/David P. Farrington … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 21-38.
117533 How important are interview methods and questionnaire designs in research on self-reported juvenile delinquency? An experimental comparison of Internet vs paper-and-pencil questionnaires and different definitions of the reference period/Sonia Lucia, Leslie Herrmann, Martin Killias.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 39-64.
117534 Using group-based trajectory modeling in conjunction with propensity scores to improve balance/Amelia M. Haviland, Daniel S. Nagin.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 65-82.
117535 Experimental and quasi-experimental criminological research in the Netherlands/Gerben J. N. Bruinsma, David Weisburd.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 83-88.
117536 Contextual determinants of juveniles’ willingness to report crimes: A vignette experiment/Heike Goudriaan, Paul Nieuwbeerta.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 89-111.
117537 Implementing randomized experiments in criminal justice settings: An evaluation of multi-systemic therapy in the Netherlands/Jessica J. Asscher … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 113-129.
117538 Bridging the gap between judges and the public? A multi-method study/Jan W. de Keijser, Peter J. van Koppen, Henk Elffers.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 131-161.
117539 Newspaper juries: A field experiment concerning the effect of information on attitudes towards the criminal justice system/Henk Elffers … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 163-182.
117540 Fare dodging and the strong arm of the law: An experimental evaluation of two different penalty schemes for fare evasion/Catrien Bijleveld.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 183-199.
117541 The effects of an experimental intensive juvenile probation program on self-reported delinquency and drug use/Jodi Lane … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2007; Vol.3, No.3: 201-219.
117542 An experimental study of a therapeutic boot camp: Impact on impulses, attitudes and recidivism/Doris Layton MacKenzie, David Bierie, Ojmarrh Mitchell.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2007; Vol.3, No.3: 221-246.
117543 Statistical inference and meta-analysis/Richard Berk.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2007; Vol.3, No.3: 247-270.
117544 Unjustified inferences about meta-analysis/Mark W. Lipsey.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2007; Vol.3, No.3: 271-279.
117545 A world without meta-analysis/William R. Shadish.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2007; Vol.3, No.3: 281-291.
117546 The powerful seductions alchemy/Richard Berk.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2007; Vol.3, No.3: 293-297.
117547 The power few: experimental criminology and the reduction of harm: The 2006 Joan McCord Prize Lecture/Lawrence W. Sherman.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2007; Vol.3, No.4: 299-321.
117548 Interview mode effects on estimates of need for alcohol and drug treatment among welfare recipients: evidence from a quasi-experiment/William Alex Pridemore, Kelly R. Damphousse, Rebecca K. Moore.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2007; Vol.3, No.4: 323-336.
117549 Situational deterrence and claim padding: results from a randomized field experiment/Etienne Blais, Jean-Luc Bacher.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2007; Vol.3, No.4: 337 352.
117550 Does incarceration-based drug treatment reduce recidivism? A meta-analytic synthesis of the research/Ojmarrh Mitchell, David B. Wilson, Doris L. MacKenzie.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2007; Vol.3, No.4: 353-375.
117551 Research note: evidence for moving to an 84-person photo lineup/Avraham M. Levi.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2007; Vol.3, No.4: 377-391.
117552 Thoughts on Feminist Mentoring: Experiences of Faculty Members from Two Generations in the Academy/Meda Chesney-Lind, Scott K. Okamoto, Katherine Irwin.- Critical Criminology. 2006; Vol.14, No.1: 1-21.
117553 The Criminalization of Aliens: Regulating Foreigners/Pamela Preston, Michael P. Perez.- Critical Criminology. 2006; Vol.14, No.1: 43-66.
117554 The Media, The Politics Of Truth, And The Coverage Of Corporate Violence: The Westray Disaster And The Public Inquiry/John L. Mcmullan, Melissa Mcclung.- Critical Criminology. 2006; Vol.14, No.1: 67-86.
117555 An Economic Exclusion/Male Peer Support Model Looks at Wedfare and Woman Abuse/Walter S. Dekeseredy, Shahid Alvi, Martin D. Schwartz.- Critical Criminology. 2006; Vol.14, No.1: 23-41.
117556 Gender, Ethnicity, and Offending over the Life Course: Women’s Pathways to Prison in the Aloha State/Marilyn Brown.- Critical Criminology. 2006; Vol.14, No.2: 137-158.
117557 Examining School Searches as Systemic Violence/Laura L. Finley.- Critical Criminology. 2006; Vol.14, No.2: 117-135.
117558 Business Collusion as a Criminological Phenomenon: Exploring the Global Criminalisation of Business Cartels/Christopher Harding.- Critical Criminology. 2006; Vol.14, No.2: 181-205.
117559 Crime on the High Seas: Crimes of Globalization and the Sinking of the Senegalese Ferry Le Joola/Dawn Rothe, Stephen Muzzatti, Christopher W. Mullins.- Critical Criminology. 2006; Vol.14, No.2: 159-180.
117560 Ethnic Profiling, Criminal (In) Justice and Minority Populations/Jo Goodey.- Critical Criminology. 2006; Vol.14, No.3: 207-212.
117561 The Roma in Bulgaria’s Criminal Justice System: From Ethnic Profiling to Imprisonment/Philip Gounev, Tihomir Bezlov.- Critical Criminology. 2006; Vol.14, No.3: 313-338.
117562 Racial targeting and social control: looking behind the police/Simon Hallsworth.- Critical Criminology. 2006; Vol.14, No.3: 293-311.
117563 Racialisation in police stop and search practice the Norwegian case/Ragnhild Sollund.- Critical Criminology. 2006; Vol.14, No.3: 265-292.
117564 U.S. experiences with racial and ethnic profiling: history, current issues, and the future/David A. Harris.- Critical Criminology. 2006; Vol.14, No.3: 213-239.
117565 Nobody trusts them! Under- and over-policing Native American Communities/Barbara Perry.- Critical Criminology. 2006; Vol.14, No.4: 411-444.
117566 The Conventionalization of Safety Crimes in the Post-Communist New Member States of the European Union/Charles Woolfson.- Critical Criminology. 2006; Vol.14, No.4: 339-364.
117567 I Wasn’t Really Bonded with My Family: Attachment, Loss and Violence among Adolescent Female Offenders/Judith A. Ryder.- Critical Criminology. 2007; Vol.15, No.1: 19-40.
117568 This Is A Mans World Or Least Thats How It Looks In The Journals/Susan F. Sharp, Kristen Hefley.- Critical Criminology. 2007; Vol.15, No.1: 3-18.
117569 Latinos as in the criminal and juvenile justice systems/Martin Guevara Urbina.- Critical Criminology. 2007; Vol.15, No.1: 41-99.
117570 Youth offending and youth transitions: the power of capital in influencing change/Monica Barry.- Critical Criminology. 2007; Vol.15, No.2: 185-198.
117571 Child Justice in Canada and the Four Ps: Protection, Prosecution, Prevention, and Participation/Clara Chapdelaine Feliciati Aroni.- Critical Criminology. 2007; Vol.15, No.3: 267-284.
117572 Recognizing my risk and Envisioning an intrusion event: a phenomenological approach to perceived risk of intrusion/Eileen J. Porter.- Critical Criminology. 2007; Vol.15, No.3: 223-242.
117573 War, crime, empire and cosmopolitanism/Vincenzo Ruggiero.- Critical Criminology. 2007; Vol.15, No.3: 211-221.
117574 Babble: A Theater in Justice and Discourse/John P. Crank, Kate King.- Critical Criminology. 2007; Vol.15, No.4: 343-363.
117575 Social Bridges Falling Down: Reconstructing a Troublesome Population of Battered Women through Individual Responsibilization Strategies/Martin Silverstein, Roberta Spark.- Critical Criminology. 2007; Vol.15, No.4: 327-342.
117576 Bridging the Gap: A Pragmatic Approach to Understanding Critical Criminologies and Policy Influence/Johannes Wheeldon, Jon Heidt.- Critical Criminology. 2007; Vol.15, No.4: 313-325.
117577 Beyond the Law: The Reagan Administration and Nicaragua/Dawn L. Rothe.- Critical Criminology. 2009; Vol.17, No.1: 49-67.
117578 That Was Then, This Is Now, What About Tomorrow? Future Directions in State Crime Studies/Dawn L. Rothe …[et al.].- Critical Criminology. 2009; Vol.17, No.1: 3-13.
117579 The Social History in Death Penalty Defense Advocacy/Jesse Cheng.- Critical Criminology. 2009; Vol.17, No.2: 125-139.
117580 Post-motivational Progression and the Possibility of Aborting Protracted Crime/Sam S. Souryal.- Critical Criminology. 2009; Vol.17, No.2: 79-92.
117581 Revisiting Patriarchy: Its Conceptualization and Operationalization in Criminology/Robbin S. Ogle, Candice Batton.- Critical Criminology. 2009; Vol.17, No.3: 159-182.
117582 To Discipline and Publish: Scottsboro and Narratives of Delinquency/Karl Precoda, Paulo S. Polanah.- Critical Criminology. 2009; Vol.17, No.3: 145-158.
117583 Methodology as a Knife Fight: The Process, Politics and Paradox of Evaluating Surveillance/Kevin D. Haggerty.- Critical Criminology. 2009; Vol.17, No.4: 277-291.
117584 The Opium Wars: The Biopolitics of Narcotic Control in the United States, 1914 1935/Saran Ghatak.- Critical Criminology. 2009; Vol.17, No.1: 41-56.
117585 Between the Home and Institutional Worlds: Tensions and Contradictions in the Practice of House Arrest/William G. Staples, Stephanie K. Decker v.- Critical Criminology. 2010; Vol.17, No.1: 1-20.
117586 Insider Gang Knowledge: The Case for Non-Police Gang Experts in the Courtroom/Victor M. Rios, Karlene Navarro.- Critical Criminology. 2010; Vol.17, No.1: 21-39.
117587 The Brazilian Landless Movement, Resistance, and Violence/Erin C. Heil.- Critical Criminology. 2010; Vol.17, No.2: 77-93.
117588 Mad Men, Meth Moms, Moral Panic: Gendering Meth Crimes in the Midwest/Travis Linnemann.- Critical Criminology. 2010; Vol.17, No.2: 95-110.
117589 Exporting Gender Injustice: The Impact of the U.S. War on Drugs on Ecuadorian Women/Maureen Norton-Hawk.- Critical Criminology. 2010; Vol.17, No.2: 133-146.
117590 Engendering Imprisonment: The State and Incarcerated Female Subjects in Taiwan/Hua-Fu Hsu.- Critical Criminology. 2010; Vol.17, No.3: 229-241.
117591 Deforestation Crimes and Conflicts in the Amazon/Tim Boekhout van Solinge.- Critical Criminology. 2010; Vol.17, No.4: 263-277.
117592 The Corporate Crimes of Dow Chemical and the Failure to Regulate Environmental Pollution/Rebecca S. Katz.- Critical Criminology. 2010; Vol.17, No.4: 295-306.
117593 Criminalizing Ecological Harm: Crimes Against Carrying Capacity and the Criminalization of Eco-Sinners/Dennis Mares.- Critical Criminology. 2010; Vol.17, No.4: 279-293.
117594 Green Criminology and Dirty Collar Crime/Vincenzo Ruggiero, Nigel South.- Critical Criminology. 2010; Vol.17, No.4: 251-262.
117595 Critical Criminology and Crimes Against the Environment/Vincenzo Ruggiero, Nigel South.- Critical Criminology. 2010; Vol.17, No.4: 245-250.
117596 Toxic Atmospheres Air Pollution, Trade and the Politics of Regulation/Reece Walters.- Critical Criminology. 2010; Vol.17, No.4: 307-323.
117597 Complex Harmony: The Military and Professional Models of Policing/Ellen C. Leichtman.- Critical Criminology. 2008; Vol.16, No.1: 53-73.
117598 Beyond Anomie: Alienation and Crime/Hayden P. Smith, Robert M. Bohm.- Critical Criminology. 2008; Vol.16, No.1: 1-15.
117599 Criminal Laws on the Fringe: An Analysis of Legislated Punishments for Morality Crimes in the 50 States/Keith E. Clement, John W. Barbrey.- Critical Criminology. 2008; Vol.16, No.2: 105-121.
117600 Hurricane Katrina Victimization as a State Crime of Omission/Kelly L. Faust, David Kauzlarich.- Critical Criminology. 2008; Vol.16, No.2: 85-103.
117601 Whither Critical Criminology A Contemplation on Existential Hybridization/Ronnie Lippens.- Critical Criminology. 2008; Vol.16, No.2: 145-156.
117602 Philosophical Criminology and Complex Systems Science: Towards a Critical Theory of Justice/Bruce A. Arrigo, Laura Barrett.- Critical Criminology. 2008; Vol.16, No.3: 165-184.
117603 Beyond Doing No Harm: A Call for Participatory Action Research with Marginalized Populations in Criminological Research/Ida Dupont.- Critical Criminology. 2008; Vol.16, No.3: 197-207.
117604 Predictive Efficacy and the Preventive Detention of Dangerous Sexual Offenders: Contributions from Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Theory/Christopher R. Williams.- Critical Criminology. 2008; Vol.16, No.3: 185-196.
117605 The Drug Court as Postmodern Justice/Edward G. Armstrong.- Critical Criminology. 2008; Vol.16, No.4: 271-284.
117606 Expanding the Intersectional Paradigm to Better Understand Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities/Natalie J. Sokoloff.- Critical Criminology. 2008; Vol.16, No.4: 229-255.
117607 Ordering Iraq: Reflections on Power, Discourse, & Neocolonialism/Michael Welch.- Critical Criminology. 2008; Vol.16, No.4: 257-269.
117608 Vandalizing Meaning, Stealing Memory: Artistic, Cultural, and Theoretical Implications of Crime in Galleries and Museums/Avi Brisman.- Critical Criminology. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 15-28.
117609 Deciphering the Ambiguous Menace of Sexuality for the Innocence of Childhood/J. C. W. Gooren.- Critical Criminology. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 29-42.
117610 Above the Law A Comparative Study of National Prosecutions of Heads of State/Napoleon C. Reyes, Jurg Gerber.- Critical Criminology. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 43-73.
117611 Embracing Emotionality: Clothing My Naked Truths/Felice Yuen.- Critical Criminology. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 75-88.
117612 The Death Penalty: An Unusual Punishment America is Inflicting Upon Itself/Stephanie Boys.- Critical Criminology. 2011; Vol.18, No.2: 107-118.
117613 Family Leave and Law Enforcement: A Survey of Parents in U.S. Police Departments/Corina Schulze.- Critical Criminology. 2011; Vol.18, No.2: 137-153.
117614 High Policing Theory and the Question of What is to be Done/Warwick Tie.- Critical Criminology. 2011; Vol.18, No.2: 155-174.
117615 Cultural Criminology: An Invitation to What/Dale Spencer.- Critical Criminology. 2011; Vol.18, No.3: 197-212.
117616 Structuration Theory and Wrongful Imprisonment: From Victimhood to Survivorship/Gabe Tan.- Critical Criminology. 2011; Vol.18, No.3: 175-196.
117617 A False Sense of Security: Moral Panic Driven Sex Offender Legislation/Mary Maguire, Jennie Kaufman Singer.- Critical Criminology. 2011; Vol.18, No.4: 301-312.
117618 Learning to Manage Shame in School Bullying: Lessons for Restorative Justice Interventions/Eliza Ahmed, Valerie Braithwaite.- Critical Criminology. 2012; Vol.19, No.1: 79-97.
117619 Restoring the Victim: Emotional Reactions, Justice Beliefs, and Support for Reparation and Punishment/Dena M. Gromet.- Critical Criminology. 2012; Vol.19, No.1: 9-23.
117620 Restorative Justice: The Ideals and Realities of Conferencing for Young People/Jane J. Bolitho.- Critical Criminology. 2012; Vol.19, No.1: 61-78.
117621 Do Retributive and Restorative Justice Processes Address Different Symbolic Concerns/Michael Wenzel, Tyler G. Okimoto, Kate Cameron.- Critical Criminology. 2012; Vol.19, No.1: 25-44.
117622 Justice in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Practicing Corruption, Practicing Resistance/Maritza Felices-Luna.- Critical Criminology. 2012; Vol.19, No.2: 197-209.
117623 Youth Violence and Hegemonic Masculinity among Pacific Islander and Asian American Adolescents/David Tokiharu Mayeda, Lisa Pasko.- Critical Criminology. 2012; Vol.19, No.2: 121-139.
117624 Talking Heads and Bleeding Hearts: Newsmaking, Emotion and Public Criminology in the Wake of a Sexual Assault/Michael Mopas, Dawn Moore.- Critical Criminology. 2012; Vol.19, No.2: 183-196.
117625 Unmasking Deviance: The Visual Construction of Asylum Seekers and Refugees in English National Newspapers/James Banks.- Critical Criminology. 2012; Vol.19, No.3: 293-310.
117626 Political Elites, Broken Windows, and the Commodification of Urban Space/Ronald Kramer.- Critical Criminology. 2012; Vol.19, No.3: 229-248.
117627 Reentry to What Theorizing Prisoner Reentry in the Jobless Future/Michael Hallett.- Critical Criminology. 2012; Vol.19, No.3: 213-228.
117628 Ex-Offenders and Educational Equal Access: Doctoral Programs in Criminology and Criminal Justice/David Patrick Connor, Richard Tewksbury.- Critical Criminology. 2012; Vol.19, No.3: 327-340.
117629 The Empire of Scrounge Meets the Warm City: Danger, Civility, Cooperation and Community among Strangers in the Urban Public World/Thaddeus Muller.- Critical Criminology. 2012; Vol.19, No.4: 447-461.
117630 Punishing from a Sense of Innocence: An Essay on Guilt, Innocence, and Punishment in America/Mike Rowan.- Critical Criminology. 2012; Vol.19, No.4: 377-394.
117631 Debunking the Myths of American Corrections: An Exploratory Analysis/Jeffrey Ian Ross.- Critical Criminology. 2012; Vol.19, No.4: 409-427.
117632 Society Must be Protected from the Child: The Construction of US Juvenile Detention as Necessary and Normal/R. Ross Myers.- Critical Criminology. 2012; Vol.19, No.4: 395-407.
117633 Rehabilitation, Risk, and the Carceral Mother: Subjectivity and Parenting Classes in Prisons/Marilyn Brown.- Critical Criminology. 2012; Vol.19, No.4: 359-375.
117634 Giuliani in Izmir: Restructuring of the Izmir Public Order Police and Criminalization of the Urban Poor/Zeynep Gonen.- Critical Criminology. 2013; Vol.20, No.1: 87-101.
117635 Young Adult Offending: Intersectionality of Gender and Race/Kerryn E. Bell.- Critical Criminology. 2013; Vol.20, No.1: 103-121.
117636 Progress or More of the Same Electronic Monitoring and Parole in the Age of Mass Incarceration/James Kilgore.- Critical Criminology. 2013; Vol.20, No.1: 123-139.
117637 Regulating Cctv We Can’t Solve Problems By Using The Same Kind Of Thinking We Used When We Created Them/Heather May Morgan.- Critical Criminology. 2013; Vol.20, No.1: 15-30.
117638 How the News was Made: The Anti-Social Behaviour Day Count, Newsmaking Criminology and the Construction of Anti-Social Behaviour/Phil Edwards.- Critical Criminology. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 211-225.
117639 Brutal Serendipity: Criminological Verstehen and Victimization/Carl Root, Jeff Ferrell, Wilson R. Palacios.- Critical Criminology. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 141-155.
117640 Teaching Criminological Theory: The Power of Film and Music/Dawn L. Rothe, Victoria E. Collins.- Critical Criminology. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 227-241.
117641 Confronting Progressive Retreatism and Minimalism: The Role of a New Left Realist Approach/Walter S. DeKeseredy, Martin D. Schwartz.- Critical Criminology. 2013; Vol.20, No.3: 273-286.
117642 Cultural Criminology and the Politics of Meaning/Jeff Ferrell.- Critical Criminology. 2013; Vol.20, No.3: 257-271.
117643 Postmodernism and Thinking Quantum Holographically/Dragan Milovanovic.- Critical Criminology. 2013; Vol.20, No.3: 341-357.
117644 Peacemaking Criminology: The 1990s/Clemens Bartollas, Dragan Milovanovic.- Critical Criminology. 2013; Vol.20, No.3: 319-339.
117645 Intersectional Criminology: Interrogating Identity and Power in Criminological Research and Theory/Hillary Potter.- Critical Criminology. 2013; Vol.20, No.3: 305-318.
117646 Sex Trafficking and Moral Harm: Politicised Understandings and Depictions of the Trafficked Experience/Erin OBrien, Belinda Carpenter, Sharon Hayes.- Critical Criminology. 2013; Vol.20, No.4: 401-415.
117647 The I-35W Bridge Collapse: Crimes of Commission and Omission Resulting from the Confluence of State Processes and Political-Economic Conditions/Casey James Schotter, Gayle Rhineberger-Dunn.- Critical Criminology. 2013; Vol.20, No.4: 477-492.
117648 Psychosocial Perspectives of Girls and Violence: Implications for Policy and Praxis/Robin A. Robinson, Judith A. Ryder.- Critical Criminology. 2013; Vol.20, No.4: 431-445.
117649 Belonging and Unbelonging in Encounters Between Young Males and Police Officers: The Use of Masculinity and Ethnicity/Race/Tove Pettersson.- Critical Criminology. 2013; Vol.20, No.4: 417-430.
117650 This is What a Police State Looks Like: Sousveillance, Direct Action and the Anti-corporate Globalization Movement/Elizabeth A. Bradshaw.- Critical Criminology. 2013; Vol.20, No.4: 447-461.
117651 Deconstructing Crime and Nature or, What Does Post Humanism Have to Do With Criminology/Jenny Francis.- Critical Criminology. 2013; Vol.20, No.4: 509-524.
117652 Disruption is Not Permitted: The Policing and Social Control of Occupy Oakland/Mike King.- Critical Criminology. 2013; Vol.20, No.4: 463-475.
117653 Reentry Within the Carceral: Foucault, Race and Prisoner Reentry/Liam Martin.- Critical Criminology. 2013; Vol.20, No.4: 493-508.
117654 Drunk and dangerous: a randomised controlled trial of alcohol brief intervention for violent offenders/Kerrianne Watt, Jonathan Shepherd, Robert Newcombe.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2008; Vol.4, No.1: 1-19.
117655 Evaluation of structured cognitive-behavioural treatment programmes in reducing criminal recidivism/James McGuire … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2008; Vol.4, No.1: 21-40.
117656 The relationship of punishment- and victim-based moral orientation to prosocial, externalizing, and norm trespassing behaviour in delinquent and non-delinquent adolescents: a validation study of the Moral Orientation Measure/G. J. J. M. Stams … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2008; Vol.4, No.1: 41-60.
117657 Publication bias as a threat to the validity of meta-analytic results/Hannah R. Rothstein.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2008; Vol.4, No.1: 61-81.
117658 What does cost-benefit analysis add to decision making? Evidence from the criminal justice literature/Kevin Marsh, Aaron Chalfin, John K. Roman.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 117-135.
117659 Missing the target and missing the point: successful random assignment but misleading results/John S. Goldkamp.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 83-115.
117660 An experimental evaluation of teen courts/Wendy Povitsky Stickle … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 137-163.
117661 Applying the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) to studies of mental health provision for juvenile offenders: a research note/Amanda E. Perry, Mathew Johnson.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 165-185.
117662 How you can tell if the simulations in computational criminology are any good/Richard Berk.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 289-308.
117663 Simulated experiments and their potential role in criminology and criminal justice/Elizabeth Groff, Lorraine Mazerolle.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 187-193.
117664 Contrasting simulated and empirical experiments in crime prevention/John E. Eck, Lin Liu.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 195-213.
117665 Repeat burglary victimisation: a tale of two theories/Shane D. Johnson.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 215-240.
117666 Using simulation modeling to evaluate sentencing reform in California: choosing the future/Kathleen Auerhahn.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 241-266.
117667 Policing Australia’s heroin drought: using an agent-based model to simulate alternative outcomes/Anne Dray … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 267-287.
117668 Building better crime simulations: systematic replication and the introduction of incremental complexity/Michael Townsley, Daniel J. Birks.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 309-333.
117669 Influencing public policy: an embedded criminologist reflects on California prison reform: The Academy of Experimental Criminology 2007 Joan McCord Prize Lecture/Joan Petersilia.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2008; Vol.4, No.4: 335-356.
117670 Youth justice conferencing and indigenous over-representation in the Queensland juvenile justice system: a micro-simulation case study/Anna Stewart … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2008; Vol.4, No.4: 357-380.
117671 Bayesian analysis and the accumulation of evidence in crime and justice intervention studies/Christopher J. Sullivan, Thomas Mieczkowski.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2008; Vol.4, No.4: 381-402.
117672 The benefit and cost of prison in the UK. The results of a model of lifetime re-offending/Kevin Marsh, Chris Fox.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2008; Vol.4, No.4: 403-423.
117673 Testing a promising homicide reduction strategy: re-assessing the impact of the Indianapolis pulling levers intervention/Nicholas Corsaro, Edmund F. McGarrell.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2009; Vol.5, No.1: 63-82.
117674 Drawing conclusions about causes from systematic reviews of risk factors: The Cambridge Quality Checklists/Joseph Murray, David P. Farrington, Manuel P. Eisner.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2009; Vol.5, No.1: 1-23.
117675 The Brooklyn mediation field test/Robert C. Davis.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2009; Vol.5, No.1: 25-39.
117676 Effects of early release from prison using electronic tagging in Sweden/Fredrik Marklund, Stina Holmberg.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2009; Vol.5, No.1: 41-61.
117677 Examining the validity of the modified Taylor competitive reaction time test of aggression/Christopher J. Ferguson, Stephanie M. Rueda.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 121-137.
117678 Effects of early family/parent training programs on antisocial behavior and delinquency/Alex R. Piquero … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 83-120.
117679 Unintended consequences: experimental evidence for the criminogenic effect of prison security level placement on post-release recidivism/Gerald G. Gaes, Scott D. Camp.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 139-162.
117680 No effects in independent prevention trials: can we reject the cynical view?/Manuel Eisner.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 163-183.
117681 Testing for Analysts’ Bias in Crime Prevention Experiments: Can We Accept Eisner’s One-tailed Test?/Lawrence W. Sherman, Heather Strang.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 185-200.
117682 In Support of Disciplined Passion/David Olds.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 201-214.
117683 Fidelity and adherence at the transition point: Theoretically driven experiments/Faye S. Taxman, Peter D. Friedmann.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2009; Vol.5, No.3: 219-226.
117684 Collaborative behavioral management: integration and intensification of parole and outpatient addiction treatment services in the Step’n Out study/Peter D. Friedmann, Anne G. Rhodes, Faye S. Taxman.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2009; Vol.5, No.3: 227-243.
117685 Examination of an interventionist-led HIV intervention among criminal justice-involved female prisoners/Jennifer R. Havens … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2009; Vol.5, No.3: 245-272.
117686 Adherence to Scheduled Sessions in a Randomized Field Trial of Case Management: The Criminal Justice-Drug Abuse Treatment Studies Transitional Case Management Study/Michael Prendergast … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2009; Vol.5, No.3: 273-297.
117687 Enhancing prisoner reentry through access to prison-based and post-incarceration aftercare treatment: experiences from the Illinois Sheridan Correctional Center therapeutic community/David E. Olson, Jennifer Rozhon, Mark Powers.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2009; Vol.5, No.3: 299-321.
117688 Ensuring safety, implementation and scientific integrity of clinical trials: lessons from the Criminal Justice-Drug Abuse Treatment Studies Data and Safety Monitoring Board/Redonna K. Chandler … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2009; Vol.5, No.3: 323-344.
117689 Cost matters: a randomized experiment comparing recidivism between two styles of prisons/David Bierie.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2009; Vol.5, No.4: 371-397.
117690 The DNA field experiment: a randomized trial of the cost-effectiveness of using DNA to solve property crimes/John K. Roman .. [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2009; Vol.5, No.4: 345-369.
117691 Penalty notices for disorder: influences on police decision making/Samantha Coates, Paula Kautt, Katrin Mueller-Johnson.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2009; Vol.5, No.4: 399-428.
117692 Missing a critical piece of the pie: simple document search strategies inadequate for systematic reviews/David B. Wilson.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2009; Vol.5, No.4: 429-440.
117693 Citation analysis of randomized experiments in criminology and criminal justice: a research note/Cody W. Telep.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2009; Vol.5, No.4: 441-463.
117694 Simulated evidence on the prospects of treating more drug-involved offenders/Avinash Singh Bhati, John K. Roman.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 1-33.
117695 The impact of TASERs on police use-of-force decisions: Findings from a randomized field-training experiment/William Sousa, Justin Ready, Michael Ault.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 35-55.
117696 Prison-based chemical dependency treatment in Minnesota: An outcome evaluation/Grant Duwe.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 57-81.
117697 Partial program evaluation with observational data: the effect of treatment on drug addiction/Michael Beenstock.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 83-113.
117698 How damaging is imprisonment in the long-term? A controlled experiment comparing long-term effects of community service and short custodial sentences on re-offending and social integration/Martin Killias … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 115-130.
117699 Fast Track intervention effects on youth arrests and delinquency/Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 131-157.
117700 Low-intensity community supervision for low-risk offenders: a randomized, controlled trial/Geoffrey C. Barnes … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 159-189.
117701 When second best is good enough: a comparison between a true experiment and a regression discontinuity quasi-experiment/Richard Berk … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 191-208.
117702 Justifying the use of non-experimental methods and disqualifying the use of randomized controlled trials: challenging folklore in evaluation research in crime and justice/David Weisburd.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 209-227.
117703 Deviancy training: understanding how preventive interventions harm: The Academy of Experimental Criminology 2009 Joan McCord Award Lecture/Denise C. Gottfredson.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 229-243.
117704 Are criminologists describing randomized controlled trials in ways that allow us to assess them? Findings from a sample of crime and justice trials/Amanda E. Perry, David Weisburd, Catherine Hewitt.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 245-262.
117705 The correspondence of family features with problem, aggressive, criminal, and violent behavior: a meta-analysis/James H. Derzon.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 263-292.
117706 Perceptions of safety and victimization: does survey construction affect perceptions?/Sue-Ming Yang, Laura A. Wyckoff.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 293-323.
117707 Comparing the effects of community service and short-term imprisonment on recidivism: a matched samples approach/Hilde Wermink … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 325-349.
117708 Lessons from a successful and failed random assignment testing batterer program innovations/Edward W. Gondolf.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2010; Vol.6, No.4: 355-376.
117709 National Institute of Justice funding of experimental studies of violence against women: a critical look at implementation issues and policy implications/Robert C. Davis, Bernard Auchter.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2010; Vol.6, No.4: 377-395.
117710 Preventing repeat incidents of family violence: a randomized field test of a second responder program/Robert C. Davis, David Weisburd, Edwin E. Hamilton.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2010; Vol.6, No.4: 397-418.
117711 Exploring gender differences in dating violence/harassment prevention programming in middle schools: results from a randomized experiment/Bruce G. Taylor, Nan Stein, Frances F. Burden.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2010; Vol.6, No.4: 419-445.
117712 Lessons learned from the implementation of two randomized trials in a criminal court setting/Melissa Labriola, Michael Rempel, Amanda Cissner.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2010; Vol.6, No.4: 447-473.
117713 The impact of length of domestic violence treatment on the patterns of subsequent intimate partner violence/Christopher D. Maxwell, Robert C. Davis, Bruce G. Taylor.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2010; Vol.6, No.4: 475-497.
117714 The Evidence-Based Policing Matrix/Cynthia Lum, Christopher S. Koper, Cody W. Telep.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 3-26.
117715 Effectiveness of school-based programs to reduce bullying: a systematic and meta-analytic review/Maria M. Ttofi, David P. Farrington.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 27-56.
117716 Predicting criminal recidivism: A research note/William Rhodes.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 57-71.
117717 Reducing criminal recidivism: evaluation of Citizenship, an evidence-based probation supervision process/Dominic A. S. Pearson … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 73-102.
117718 Intervening in gun markets: an experiment to assess the impact of targeted gun-law messaging/Greg Ridgeway … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 103-109.
117719 Policy choice with partial knowledge of policy effectiveness/Charles F. Manski.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 111-125.
117720 Effects of administrative ignition interlock license restrictions on drivers with multiple alcohol offenses/William J. Rauch … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 127-148.
117721 A randomized controlled trial of different policing strategies at hot spots of violent crime/Bruce Taylor, Christopher S. Koper, Daniel J. Woods.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 149-181.
117722 Research design influence on study outcomes in crime and justice: a partial replication with public area surveillance/Brandon C. Welsh … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 183-198.
117723 A multi-site, randomized study of strengths-based case management with substance-abusing parolees/Michael Prendergast … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2011; Vol.7, No.3: 225-253.
117724 Missing links: how descriptive validity impacts the policy relevance of randomized controlled trials in criminology/Charlotte E. Gill.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2011; Vol.7, No.3: 201-224.
117725 Police-monitored CCTV cameras in Newark, NJ: A quasi-experimental test of crime deterrence/Joel M. Caplan, Leslie W. Kennedy, Gohar Petrossian.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2011; Vol.7, No.3: 255-274.
117726 The dialectical psychoeducational workshop (DPEW) for males at risk for intimate partner violence: a pilot randomized controlled trial/Mary M. Cavanaugh, Phyllis L. Solomon, Richard J. Gelles.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2011; Vol.7, No.3: 275-291.
117727 The possible backfire effects of hot spots policing: an experimental assessment of impacts on legitimacy, fear and collective efficacy/David Weisburd … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2011; Vol.7, No.4: 297-320.
117728 License plate reader (LPR) police patrols in crime hot spots: an experimental evaluation in two adjacent jurisdictions/Cynthia Lum … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2011; Vol.7, No.4: 321-345.
117729 Spatial displacement and diffusion of benefits among geographically focused policing initiatives: a meta-analytical review/Kate J. Bowers … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2011; Vol.7, No.4: 347-374.
117730 The impact of police reform on communities of Trinidad and Tobago/David B. Wilson, Roger B. Parks, Stephen D. Mastrofski.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2011; Vol.7, No.4: 375-405.
117731 An experimental study of compressed work schedules in policing: advantages and disadvantages of various shift lengths/Karen L. Amendola … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2011; Vol.7, No.4: 407-442.
117732 Transgender Victims and Offenders: Failures of the United States Criminal Justice System and the Necessity of Queer Criminology/Carrie L. Buist, Codie Stone.- Critical Criminology. 2014; Vol.21, No.1: 35-47.
117733 Were Not Like These Weird Feather Boa-Covered AIDS-Spreading Monsters: How LGBT Young People and Service Providers Think Riskiness Informs LGBT Youth Police Interactions/Angela Dwyer.- Critical Criminology. 2014; Vol.21, No.1: 65-79.
117734 Delinquent Boys: Toward a New Understanding of Deviant and Transgressive Behavior in Gay Men/Frederick, Brian Jay.- Critical Criminology. 2014; Vol.21, No.1: 139-149.
117735 Better Left Unsaid The Role of Agency in Queer Criminological Research/Vanessa R. Panfil.- Critical Criminology. 2014; Vol.21, No.1: 99-111.
117736 I Don’t Know Where it is Safe: Trans Women’s Experiences of Violence/Barbara Perry, D. Ryan Dyck.- Critical Criminology. 2014; Vol.21, No.1: 49-63.
117737 Mad Men in Bib Overalls: Media’s Horrification and Pornification of Rural Culture/Walter S. DeKeseredy, Stephen L. Muzzatti, Joseph F. Donnermeyer.- Critical Criminology. 2014; Vol.21, No.2: 179-197.
117738 Cultural Criminology, Governmentality and the Liquidity of the Failing State: The View from Ireland  for Critical Criminology/Liam Leonard.- Critical Criminology. 2014; Vol.21, No.2: 293-306.
117739 A Prescription for Violence: The Legacy of Colonization in Contemporary Forensic Mental Health and the Production of Difference/Ameil J. Joseph.- Critical Criminology. 2014; Vol.21, No.1: 273-292.
117740 Seeking Asylum and Residence Permits in Sweden: Denial, Acknowledgement, and Bureaucratic Legitimacy/Isabel Schoultz.- Critical Criminology. 2014; Vol.21, No.2: 219-235.
117741 Green and Grey: Water Justice, Criminalization, and Resistance/Bill McClanahan.- Critical Criminology. 2014; Vol.21, No.3: 403-418.
117742 Beyond the Ghetto: Police Power, Methamphetamine and the Rural War on Drugs/Travis Linnemann, Don L. Kurtz.- Critical Criminology. 2014; Vol.21, No.3: 339-355.
117743 The Normality of Political Administration and State Violence: Casuistry, Law, and Drones/Dawn L. Rothe, Victoria E. Collins.- Critical Criminology. 2014; Vol.21, No.3: 373-388.
117744 Mom, They are Going to Kill My Dad! A Personal Narrative on Capital Punishment From a Convict Criminology Perspective/D. J. Williams, Debra Bischoff, Teresa Casey, James Burnett.- Critical Criminology. 2014; Vol.21, No.3: 389-401.
117745 I Don’t Want to Go Back to That Town: Incarcerated Mothers and Their Return Home to Rural Communities/Dawn Beichner, Cara Rabe-Hemp.- Critical Criminology. 2014; Vol.21, No.4: 527-543.
117746 Intersectionality, Rural Criminology, and Re-imaging the Boundaries of Critical Criminology/Kerry Carrington, Joseph F. Donnermeyer, Walter S. DeKeseredy.- Critical Criminology. 2014; Vol.21, No.4: 463-477.
117747 Renewing Criminalized and Hegemonic Cultural Landscapes/Baris Cayli.- Critical Criminology. 2014; Vol.21, No.4: 579-593.
117748 Male Peer Support, Hunting, and Separation/Divorce Sexual Assault in Rural Ohio/Amanda K. Hall-Sanchez.- Critical Criminology. 2014; Vol.21, No.4: 495-510.
117749 Toward a Green-Cultural Criminology of the Rural/Avi Brisman, Bill McClanahan, Nigel South.- Critical Criminology. 2014; Vol.21, No.4: 279-294.
117750 Constant Violence from Everywhere: Psychodynamics of Power and Abuse Amongst Rural and Small-Town Youth/Robin A. Robinson, Judith A. Ryder.- Critical Criminology. 2014; Vol.21, No.4: 545-560.
117751 Injecting Drug Use and the Performance of Rural Femininity: An Ethnographic Study of Female Injecting Drug Users in Rural North Wales/Catrin Smith.- Critical Criminology. 2014; Vol.21, No.4: 511-525.
117752 Ambivalent Sovereigns and Restorative Justice: Exploring Conditions of Possibility and Impossibility for Restorative Justice in a Post-communicative Age/Ronnie Lippens.- Critical Criminology. 2015; Vol.22, No.1: 125-139.
117753 Breaking Out of Prison and into Print Rationales and Strategies to Assist Educated Convicts Conduct Scholarly Research and Writing Behind Bars/Jeffrey Ian Ross, Miguel Zaldivar, Richard Tewksbury.- Critical Criminology. 2015; Vol.22, No.1: 73-83.
117754 Wrongfully Convicting the Innocent: A State Crime/Greg Stratton.- Critical Criminology. 2015; Vol.22, No.1: 21-37.
117755 Lost in Translation: Looking for Transgender Identity in Women s Prisons and Locating Aggressors in Prisoner Culture/Jennifer Sumner, Lori Sexton.- Critical Criminology. 2015; Vol.22, No.1: 1-20.
117756 Critical Criminology in the Life and Work of Eugene Victor Debs/Kenneth D. Tunnell, Edward L. W. Green.- Critical Criminology. 2015; Vol.22, No.1: 39-55.
117757 Seeing Like an Orientalist State: The Three Deaths of Neda Agha-Soltan/Justin Turner.- Critical Criminology. 2015; Vol.22, No.1: 85-103.
117758 Jock Young, Left Realism and Critical Victimology/Sandra Walklate.- Critical Criminology. 2015; Vol.22, No.2: 179-190.
117759 Criminalizing the Political in a Digital Age/Judith Bessant.- Critical Criminology. 2015; Vol.22, No.3: 329-348.
117760 Asbestos: Not Just an Exhibit at the Smithsonian/Patrick M. Gerkin, Jacquelynn Doyon-Martin.- Critical Criminology. 2015; Vol.22, No.3: 311-328.
117761 Death Matters: Victimization by Particle Matter from Coal Fired Power Plants in the US, a Green Criminological View/Michael J. Lynch, Kimberly L. Barrett.- Critical Criminology. 2015; Vol.22, No.3: 219-234.
117762 The Anarchy Police: Militant Anti-Fascism as Alternative Policing Practice/Stanislav Vysotsky.- Critical Criminology. 2015; Vol.22, No.3: 235-253.
117763 Moving Full-Speed Ahead in the Wrong Direction A Critical Examination of US Sex-Offender Policy from a Positive Sexuality Model/D. J. Williams, Jeremy N. Thomas, Emily E. Prior.- Critical Criminology. 2015; Vol.22, No.3: 277-294.
117764 Blockadia Rising: Rowdy Greens, Direct Action and the Keystone XL Pipeline/Elizabeth A. Bradshaw.- Critical Criminology. 2015; Vol.22, No.4: 433-448.
117765 New Folk Devils, Denials and Climate Change: Applying the Work of Stanley Cohen to Green Criminology and Environmental Harm/Avi Brisman, Nigel South.- Critical Criminology. 2015; Vol.22, No.4: 449-460.
117766 Rawlsian Ethics of Climate Change/Paul Clements.- Critical Criminology. 2015; Vol.22, No.4: 461-471.
117767 Climate Change and Peacemaking Criminology: Ecophilosophy, Peace and Security in the War on Climate Change/Bill McClanahan, Avi Brisman.- Critical Criminology. 2015; Vol.22, No.4: 417-431.
117768 Carbon Crime in the Voluntary Market: An Exploration of Modernization Themes Among a Sample of Criminal and Non-criminal Organizations/Ruth E. McKie, Paul B. Stretesky, Michael A. Long.- Critical Criminology. 2015; Vol.22, No.4: 473-486.
117769 Critical Criminology and the Struggle Against Climate Change Ecocide/Rob White, Ronald C. Kramer.- Critical Criminology. 2015; Vol.22, No.4: 383-399.
117770 Gendering Climate Change: A Feminist Criminological Perspective/Nancy A. Wonders, Mona J. E. Danner.- Critical Criminology. 2015; Vol.22, No.4: 401-416.
117771 Green Criminology and (Constructions of) Environmental Crime and Harm: A Review Essay/Hanneke Mol.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.1: 145-150.
117772 Secrets Exposed: Selective State Concern and the Prosecution of Notorious Arms Trafficker Viktor Bout/Victoria Ellen Collins, Melissa Pujol.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.1: 93-109.
117773 Critical Punishment Memorialization in Canada/Sarah Fiander, Ashley Chen, Justin Piche, Kevin Walby.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.1: 1-18.
117774 Mass Salmonella Poisoning by the Peanut Corporation of America: State-Corporate Crime Involving Food Safety/Paul Leighton.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.1: 75-91.
117775 The Rise of a More Punitive State: On the Attenuation of Norwegian Penal Exceptionalism in an Era of Welfare State Transformation/Victor L. Shammas.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.1: 57-74.
117776 Law, the State, and the Dialectics of State Crime/Tony Ward, Penny Green.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.2: 217-230.
117777 Thinking Critically About Rural Crime: The Influence of William J. Chambliss/Walter S. DeKeseredy.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.2: 263-278.
117778 Theses on Chambliss: Roughneck and Saint/Jeff Ferrell, Mark S. Hamm.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.2: 165-180.
117779 The Ecological Distribution of Community Advantage and Disadvantage: Power Structures, Political Economy, Communities, and Green-State Crime and Justice/Michael J. Lynch.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.2: 247-262.
117780 What Is Crime?/Michael J. Lynch, Paul B. Stretesky, Michael A. Long.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.2: 181-19.
117781 Just-in-Time Justice: Globalization and the Changing Character of Law, Order, and Power/Nancy A. Wonders.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.2: 201-216.
117782 The Failure of the Spectacle: The Voices Within/Dawn L. Rothe.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.2: 297-302.
117783 The Conceptual Compatibility Between Green Criminology and Human Security: A Proposed Interdisciplinary Framework for Examinations into Green Victimisation/Anh Ngoc Cao, Tanya Wyatt.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.3: 413-430.
117784 The Moral Economy of Heroin in Austerity Britain/Stephen Wakeman.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.3: 363-377.
117785 Fractured Lives, Splintered Knowledge: Making Criminological Sense of the January, 2015 Terrorist Attacks in Paris/Sandra Walklate, Gabe Mythen.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.3: 333-346.
117786 Running on Fear: Immigration, Race and Crime Framings in Contemporary GOP Presidential Debate Discourse/Jessica Autumn Brown.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.3: 315-331.
117787 Late Modern Ambiguity and Gothic Narratives of Justice/Keir Sothcott.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.3: 431-444.
117788 A Radical Economic Model of Crime with an Empirical Test in Non-city Zip Codes/Michael J. Lynch.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.3: 347-361.
117789 Practicing Convict Criminology: Lessons Learned from British Academic Activism/Andreas Aresti, Sacha Darke.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.4: 533-547.
117790 Convict Criminology and the Struggle for Inclusion/Jeffrey Ian Ross, Richard S. Jones, Mike Lenza, Stephen C. Richards.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.4: 489-501.
117791 Revolutionizing Academic Activism: Transpraxis, Critical Pedagogy, and Justice for a People Yet to Be/Bruce A. Arrigo, Heather Y. Bersot.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.4: 249-264.
117792 State Crime, the Prophetic Voice and Public Criminology Activism/Ronald C. Kramer.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.4: 519-532.
117793 Green Activist Criminology and the Epistemologies of the South/David Rodr‎کguez Goyes.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.4: 503-518.
117794 Response Essay to the Special Edition of Critical Criminology/Joanne Belknap.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.4: 565-571.
117795 Queer Criminology as Activism/Matthew Ball.- Critical Criminology. 2016; Vol.23, No.4: 473-487.
117796 Anti-theft procedures and fixtures: a randomized controlled trial of two situational crime prevention measures/Read Hayes, Daniel M. Downs, Robert Blackwood.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 1-15.
117797 Who should supervise students during self-report interviews? A controlled experiment on response behavior in online questionnaires/Simone Walser, Martin Killias.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 17-28.
117798 Examining context-specific perceptions of risk: exploring the utility of human-in-the-loop simulation models for criminology/Andrew Park … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 29-47.
117799 Further improving reporting in crime and justice: an addendum to Perry, Weisburd and Hewitt (2010)/Aiden Sidebottom, Nick Tilley.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 49-69.
117800 Assessing the impact of imprisonment on recidivism/William D. Bales, Alex R. Piquero.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 71-101.
117801 Insights from Ted Palmer: experimental criminology in a different era: The academy of experimental criminology 2011 Joan McCord prize lecture/Ted Palmer … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 103-115.
117802 When do people report crime to the police? Results from a factorial survey design in the Netherlands, 2010/Jochem Tolsma, Joris Blaauw, Manfred te Grotenhuis.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 117-134.
117803 The impact of military service on criminal offending over the life course: evidence from a Dutch conviction cohort/Marieke van Schellen, Robert Apel, Paul Nieuwbeerta.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 135-164.
117804 The impact of adult drug courts on crime and incarceration: findings from a multi-site quasi-experimental design/Michael Rempel, Mia Green, Dana Kralstein.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 165-192.
117805 Random assignment without tears: how to stop worrying and love the Cambridge randomizer/Barak Ariel, Jordi Vila, Lawrence Sherman.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 193-208.
117806 Coalitions for a common purpose: managing relationships in experiments/Heather Strang.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.3: 211-225.
117807 Lessons from a field experiment involving involuntary subjects 3,000 miles away/Angela Hawken.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.3: 227-239.
117808 Managing an on-the-spot lottery in reentry services/David Farabee, Sheldon X. Zhang, Benjamin Wright.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.3: 241-253.
117809 Lessons from the randomized trial evaluation of a new parent program: when the evaluators see the glass as half full, and the community sees the glass as half empty/M. Rebecca Kilburn.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.3: 255-270.
117810 Lessons from a partially controlled field trial/Philip J. Cook … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.3: 271-287.
117811 Challenges of conducting field experiments in correctional settings: boot camp prison study as an example/Doris Layton MacKenzie.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.3: 289-306.
117812 Defending and managing the pipeline: lessons for running a randomized experiment in a correctional institution/Caterina G. Roman … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.3: 307-329.
117813 Deploying randomized field experiments in the service of evidence-based crime policy/Robert Boruch.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.3: 331-341.
117814 Procedural justice, routine encounters and citizen perceptions of police: main findings from the Queensland Community Engagement Trial (QCET)/Lorraine Mazerolle … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.4: 343-367.
117815 Long-term impact of family group conferences on re-offending: the Indianapolis restorative justice experiment/Seokjin Jeong, Edmund F. McGarrell, Natalie Kroovand Hipple.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.4: 369-385.
117816 Public support for vigilantism: an experimental study/Nicole E. Haas, Jan W. de Keijser, Gerben J. N. Bruinsma.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.4: 387-413.
117817 Can disciplined passion overcome the cynical view? An empirical inquiry of evaluator influence on police crime prevention program outcomes/Brandon C. Welsh, Anthony A. Braga, Meghan E. Hollis-Peel.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.4: 415-431.
117818 Effectiveness of school-based programs to reduce bullying: a commentary/Peter K. Smith, Christina Salmivalli, Helen Cowie.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.4: 433-441.
117819 Bullying prevention programs: the importance of peer intervention, disciplinary methods and age variations/Maria M. Ttofi, David P. Farrington.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2012; Vol.8, No.4: 443-462.
117820 First do no harm: a look at correctional policies and programs today: The 2011 Joan McCord Prize Lecture/Doris Layton MacKenzie.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 1-17.
117821 A systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of young offender treatment programs in Europe/Johann A. Koehler … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 19-43.
117822 Psychosocial functioning among inmates in prison-based drug treatment: results from Project BRITE/William M. Burdon … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 45-64.
117823 The next generation of court-mandated domestic violence treatment: a comparison study of batterer intervention and restorative justice programs/Linda G. Mills, Briana Barocas, Barak Ariel.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 65-90.
117824 Supervision mode effects in computerized delinquency surveys at school: Finnish replication of a Swiss experiment/Janne Kivivuori, Venla Salmi, Simone Walser.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 91-107.
117825 Reassessing findings from the Fast Track study: problems of method and analysis/E. Michael Foster.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 109-117.
117826 Assessing findings from the fast track study/Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 119-126.
117827 Propensity score analysis: promise, reality and irrational exuberance/William R. Shadish.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 129-144.
117828 Alternative models of instant drug testing: evidence from an experimental trial/Eric Grommon … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 145-168.
117829 A randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of multisystemic therapy in the Netherlands: post-treatment changes and moderator effects/Jessica J. Asscher … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 169-187.
117830 Results from experimental trials testing participant responses to White, Hispanic and Black suspects in high-fidelity deadly force judgment and decision-making simulations/Lois James, Bryan Vila, Kenn Daratha.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 189-212.
117831 A randomized test of initial and residual deterrence from directed patrols and use of license plate readers at crime hot spots/Christopher S. Koper, Bruce G. Taylor, Daniel J. Woods.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 213-244.
117832 Procedural justice and police legitimacy: a systematic review of the research evidence/Lorraine Mazerolle … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 245-274.
117833 The Andrews’ principles of risk, needs, and responsivity as applied in drug treatment programs: meta-analysis of crime and drug use outcomes/Michael L. Prendergast … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 275-300.
117834 Assessing programs designed to improve outcomes for children exposed to violence: Results from nine randomized controlled trials/Laura J. Hickman … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 301-331.
117835 Poaching, habitat loss and the decline of neotropical parrots: a comparative spatial analysis/Ronald V. Clarke, Rolf A. de By.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 333-353.
117836 Developing a reporting guideline for social and psychological intervention trials/Sean Grant … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 355-367.
117837 How CONSORT could improve treatment measurement: A comment on Developing a reporting guideline for social and psychological intervention trials/Lawrence W. Sherman.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 369-373.
117838 Comment on Developing a reporting guideline for social and psychological intervention trials/David B. Wilson.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 375-377.
117839 Reporting guidelines for social and psychological intervention trials: considering the special context of crime and justice interventions/Angela Higginson, Lorraine Mazerolle.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 379-384.
117840 Long-term follow-up of a preschool experiment/Lawrence J. Schweinhart.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 389-409.
117841 Early prevention of life-course personal and property violence: a 19-year follow-up of the Montreal Longitudinal-Experimental Study (MLES)/Frank Vitaro … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 411-427.
117842 Long-term evaluation of a bimodal universal prevention program: effects on antisocial development from kindergarten to adolescence/Friedrich Losel, Mark Stemmler, Doris Bender.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 429-449.
117843 Long-term effects of the Moving to Opportunity residential mobility experiment on crime and delinquency/Matthew Sciandra … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 451-489.
117844 Increased homicide victimization of suspects arrested for domestic assault: A 23-year follow-up of the Milwaukee Domestic Violence Experiment (MilDVE)/Lawrence W. Sherman, Heather M. Harris.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 491-514.
117845 How long did it last? A 10-year reconviction follow-up study of high intensity training for young offenders/Darrick Jolliffe, David P. Farrington, Philip Howard.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 515-531.
117846 The growth of randomized experiments in policing: the vital few and the salience of mentoring/Anthony A. Braga … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 1-28.
117847 Effectiveness of a prolonged incarceration and rehabilitation measure for high-frequency offenders/N. Tollenaar, A. M. van der Laan, P. G. M. van der Heijden.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 29-58.
117848 Intangible outcomes from a policy change: using contingent valuation to quantify potential stigma from a cannabis offence/Marian Shanahan, Alison Ritter.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 59-77.
117849 Building group capacity for problem solving and police-community partnerships through survey feedback and training: a randomized control trial within Chicago’s community policing program/Lisa M. Graziano, Dennis P. Rosenbaum, Amie M. Schuck.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 79-103.
117850 Feasibility of a computerized intervention for offenders with substance use disorders: a research note/Michael Chaple … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 105-127.
117851 An experimental trial of adaptive programming in drug court: outcomes at 6, 12 and 18 months/Douglas B. Marlowe … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 129-149.
117852 For whom does prison-based drug treatment work? Results from a randomized experiment/Wayne N. Welsh, Gary Zajac, Kristofer Bret Bucklen.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 151-177.
117853 Mentoring programs to affect delinquency and associated outcomes of youth at risk: A comprehensive meta-analytic review/Patrick H. Tolan … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 179-206.
117854 Translating research into evidence-based practice in juvenile justice: brand-name programs, meta-analysis, and key issues/Brandon C. Welsh, Michael Rocque, Peter W. Greenwood.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 207-225.
117855 Sustainability of the effects of multisystemic therapy for juvenile delinquents in The Netherlands: effects on delinquency and recidivism/Jessica J. Asscher … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 227-243.
117856 When crime prevention harms: a review of systematic reviews/Brandon C. Welsh, Michael Rocque.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 245-266.
117857 Examining the effects of the TASER on cognitive functioning: findings from a pilot study with police recruits/Michael D. White … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 267-290.
117858 Short-term effects of restorative justice conferences on post-traumatic stress symptoms among robbery and burglary victims: a randomized controlled trial/Caroline M. Angel … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 291-307.
117859 An experimental evaluation of a nationally recognized employment-focused offender reentry program/David Farabee, Sheldon X. Zhang, Benjamin Wright.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 309-322.
117860 Racial and ethnic bias in decisions to shoot seen through a stronger lens: experimental results from high-fidelity laboratory simulations/Lois James, David Klinger, Bryan Vila.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 323-340.
117861 The power of policing partnerships: sustaining the gains/Lorraine Mazerolle.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 341-365.
117862 Generating knowledge: a case study of the National Policing Improvement Agency program on systematic reviews in policing/Cody W. Telep, David Weisburd.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 371-398.
117863 Community-oriented policing to reduce crime, disorder and fear and increase satisfaction and legitimacy among citizens: a systematic review/Charlotte Gill … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 399-428.
117864 Legitimacy policing of places: the impact on crime and disorder/Angela Higginson, Lorraine Mazerolle.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 429-457.
117865 Accusatorial and information-gathering interrogation methods and their effects on true and false confessions: a meta-analytic review/Christian A. Meissner … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 459-486.
117866 Stress management interventions for police officers and recruits: a meta-analysis/George T. Patterson, Irene W. Chung, Philip W. Swan.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 487-513.
117867 Displacement of crime and diffusion of crime control benefits in large-scale geographic areas: a systematic review/Cody W. Telep … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 515-548.
117868 Crime displacement: what we know, what we don’t know, and what it means for crime reduction/Shane D. Johnson, Rob T. Guerette, Kate Bowers.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 549-571.
117869 Must we settle for less rigorous evaluations in large area-based crime prevention programs? Lessons from a Campbell review of focused deterrence/Anthony A. Braga, David L. Weisburd.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 573-597.
117870 State-Corporate Crime and the Process of Capital Accumulation: Mapping a Global Regime of Permission from Galicia to Morecambe Bay/Ignasi Bernat, David Whyte.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.1: 71-86.
117871 Weapon-Carrying Among Young Men in Glasgow: Street Scripts and Signals in Uncertain Social Spaces/Chris Holligan, Robert McLean, Ross Deuchar.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.1: 137-151.
117872 Minor Attraction: A Queer Criminological Issue/Allyson Walker, Vanessa R. Panfil.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.1: 37-53.
117873 Queer Penalities: The Criminal Justice Paradigm in Lesbian and Gay Anti-Violence Politics/Emma K. Russell.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.1: 21-35.
117874 An Exploratory Study of Influences on Vulnerabilities to Family Violence Among Vietnamese Wives Who Marry South Korean Men/Suyeon Park, Merry Morash.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.1: 1-19.
117875 Marginalised: An Insider’s View of the State, State Policies in New Zealand and Gang Formation/Dominic Andrae, Tracey McIntosh, Stan Coster.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.1: 119-135.
117876 Edwin H. Sutherland: An Improbable Criminological Key Thinker For Critical Criminologists and for Mainstream Criminologists/David O. Friedrichs.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.1: 25-55.
117877 Interspecies Violence and Crimes of Dissent: Communication Ethics and Legitimacy in Message Crimes Involving Wildlife/Erica von Essen, Michael Allen.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.1: 261-274.
117878 Taking Sides Issues of Bias and Partisanship When Researching Socio-political Conflict/Rune Ellefsen.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.2: 231-244.
117879 Green Criminology Before Green Criminology: Amnesia and Absences/Amnesia and Absences.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.2: 165-181.
117880 Stepdogs of Society: The Impact of Breed Bans in Norway/Martine S. B. Lie.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.2: 293-309.
117881 The Neglect of Quantitative Research in Green Criminology and Its Consequences/Michael J. Lynch, Kimberly L. Barrett, Paul B. Stretesky, Michael A. Long.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.2: 183-198.
117882 Perceiving and Communicating Environmental Contamination and Change: Towards a Green Cultural Criminology with Images/Lorenzo Natali, Bill McClanahan.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.2: 199-214.
117883 Comparing Discourse to Officer Perceptions: The Problems of War and Militarization in Wildlife Crime Enforcement/Siv Rebekka Runhovde.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.2: 275-291.
117884 Doing Green, Critical Criminology with an Auto-Ethnographic, Feminist Approach/Ragnhild Sollund.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.2: 245-260.
117885 Researching Environmental Crime in Non-democratic Regimes/Christoph H. Stefes, Pete Theodoratos.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.2: 215-230.
117886 Communities at Large: An Archaeological Analysis of the Community Within Restorative Justice Policy and Laws/Giuseppe Maglione.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.3: 453-469.
117887 The Role of Denial in the Theft of Nature: Comparing Biopiracy and Climate Change/Tanya Wyatt, Avi Brisman.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.3: 325-341.
117888 (Re)entry from the Bottom Up: Case Study of a Critical Approach to Assisting Women Coming Home from Prison/Melissa Burch.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.3: 357-374.
117889 Food Fraud and the Partnership for a Healthier America: A Case Study in State-Corporate Crime/Kenneth S. Leon,  Ivy Ken.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.3: 393-410.
117890 From Junkies to Soccer Moms: Newspaper Representations of Overdose, 1988 2014/Katherine McLean.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.3: 411-432.
117891 Portraying Those We Condemn with Care: Extending the Ethics of Representation/Sarah Wright Monod.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.3: 343-356.
117892 Does Hypocrisy Matter National Reputational Damage and British Anti-Corruption Mentoring in the Balkans/Sappho Xenakis, Kalin Ivanov.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.3: 433-452.
117893 State Aid and Taxation of Transnational Companies: A Study of State-Corporate Crime/Nubia Evertsson.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.4: 507-522.
117894 False Starts, Wrong Turns and Dead Ends: Reflections on Recent Developments in Criminology/Roger Matthews.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.4: 577-591.
117895 Dissent, Litigation, and Investigation: Hitting the Powerful Where It Hurts/Olivia Salama, Rob White.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.4: 523-537.
117896 The Radicalization of Democracy: Conflict, Social Movements and Terrorism/Vincenzo Ruggiero.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.4: 593-607.
117897 The Illusion of Resistance: Commodification and Reification of Neoliberalism and the State/Dawn L. Rothe, Victoria E. Collins.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.4: 609-618.
117898 War Stories and Occupying Soldiers: A Narrative Approach to Understanding Police Culture and Community Conflict/Don L. Kurtz, Lindsey Upton.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.4: 539-558.
117899 Punishing Benevolence: The Criminalization of Homeless Feeding as an Act of State Harm/Christopher P. Dum, Robert J. Norris, Kevin Weng.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.4: 483-506.
117900 A Level Playing Field: Conceptualizing an Empowering Research Framework for Criminologists Who Engage with Marginalized Communities/Antje Deckert.- Critical Criminology. 2017; Vol.24, No.4: 575-595.
117901 A Gramscian Approach to Studying the Judicial Decision-Making Process/Pablo Ciocchini, Stefanie Khoury.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.1: 75-90.
117902 Discourses of Political Policing in Post-patten Northern Ireland/Kevin Hearty.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.1: 129-143.
117903 Do We See Victims Agency Criminal Justice and Gender Violence in Spain/Jenny Cubells, Andrea Calsamiglia.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.1: 107-127.
117904 The Knowing of Monstrosities: Necropower, Spectacular Punishment and Denial/Ethan M. Higgins, Kristin Swartz.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.1: 91-106.
117905 Cognitive Dissonance Resolution Strategies After Exposure to Corporate Violence Scenarios/Cedric Michel.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.1: 1-28.
117906 The Expansion and Normalization of Police Militarization in Canada/Brendan Roziere, Kevin Walby.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.1: 29-48.
117907 Latina Fortitude in the Face of Disadvantage: Exploring the Conditioning Effects of Ethnic Identity and Gendered Ethnic Identity on Latina Offending/Deena Isom Scott.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.1: 49-73.
117908 Socioeconomic Status and Racism as Fundamental Causes of Street Criminality/Steven E. Barkan, Michael Rocque.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.2: 211-231.
117909 The Treadmill of Taxation: Desertification and Organizational State Deviance in Minqin Oasis, China/KuoRay Mao.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.2: 271-288.
117910 What’s in the Water How Media Coverage of Corporate GenX Pollution Shapes Local Understanding of Risk/Sarah Hupp Williamson.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.2: 289-305.
117911 Critical Criminology as a Guardian of Human Rights: An Action-Based Model/Yoav Mehozay.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.2: 149-168.
117912 A Climate for Hate An Exploration of the Right-Wing Extremist Landscape in Canada/Barbara Perry, Ryan Scrivens.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.2: 169-187.
117913 Forgiveness as Potentiality in Criminal Justice/Aaron Pycroft, Clemens Bartollas.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.2: 233-249.
117914 Restoration of Nature or Special Interests? A Political Economy Analysis of the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project in South Korea/Hyojong Song, Michael J. Lynch.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.2: 251-270.
117915 I Think It’s Re-Victimizing Victims Almost Every Time: Police Perceptions of Criminal Justice Responses to Sexual Violence/Dale Spencer, Alexa Dodge, Rose Ricciardelli, Dale Ballucci.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.2: 189-209.
117916 The Kids are Alright: Making a Case for Abolition of the Juvenile Justice System/Scott Wm. Bowman.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.3: 393-405.
117917 Dis-epistemologies of Abolition/Liat Ben-Moshe.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.3: 341-355.
117918 Tombstone Towns and Toxic Prisons: Prison Ecology and the Necessity of an Anti-prison Environmental Movement/Elizabeth A. Bradshaw.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.3: 407-422.
117919 Transgression and Standard Theories: Contributions Toward Penal Abolition/Michael J. Coyle.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.3: 325-339.
117920 Scaling Up or Scaling Back The Pitfalls and Possibilities of Leveraging Federal Interventions for Abolition/Lydia Pelot-Hobbs.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.3: 423-441.
117921 Disband, Disempower, and Disarm: Amplifying the Theory and Practice of Police Abolition/Meghan G. McDowell, Luis A. Fernandez.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.3: 373-391.
117922 What About the Sex Offenders Addressing Sexual Harm from an Abolitionist Perspective/Adina Ilea.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.3: 357-372.
117923 Penal Abolition Praxis/Michael J. Coyle, Judah Schept.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.3: 319-323.
117924 Corporate Colonialism and the Crimes of the Powerful Committed Against the Indigenous Peoples of Canada/Elizabeth Comack.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.4: 455-471.
117925 The Research Challenges of Exposing Physicians  Sexual Misconduct in Canada/Joan Brockman.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.4: 527-544.
117926 Crimes of the Powerful: The Canadian Context/Steven Bittle, Dean Curran, Laureen Snider.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.4: 451-454.
117927 Coerced and Unfree in the Private Sector/Harry Glasbeek.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.4: 579-593.
117928 State Mass Spying as Illegalism/St‎فphane Leman-Langlois.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.4: 545-561.
117929 Mapping Corporate Influence and Institutional Corruption Inside Canadian Universities/Garry Gray, William K. Carroll.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.4: 491-507.
117930 Diplomacy at a Canadian Mine Site in Guatemala/Caren Weisbart.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.4: 473-489.
117931 Enabling Exploitation: Law in the Gig Economy/Laureen Snider.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.4: 563-577.
117932 The Organized Irresponsibility Principle and Risk Arbitrage/Dean Curran.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.4: 595-610.
117933 The Profits of Recognition: A Praxeological Approach to Corporate Crime/Steven Bittle, Jon Frauley.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.4: 611-630.
117934 Entitled Ease: Social Milieu of Corporate Criminals/Margaret E. Beare.- Critical Criminology. 2018; Vol.25, No.4: 509-526.
117935 Cultural Criminology: The Time is Now/Jonathan Ilan.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.1: 5-20.
117936 Transing Critical Criminology: A Critical Unsettling and Transformative Anti-Carceral Feminist Reframing/Jennifer Musto.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.1: 37-54.
117937 Intersectional Criminologies for the Contemporary Moment: Crucial Questions of Power, Praxis and Technologies of Control/Kathryn Henne, Emily I. Troshynski.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.55-71: 1.
117938 Criminologies of the Global South: Critical Reflections/Kerry Carrington, Bill Dixon, David Fonseca, David Rodr‎کguez Goyes, Jianhong Liu, Diego Zysman.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.1: 163-189.
117939 From Peacemaking to Peacebuilding Criminology/Randall Amster.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.1: 73-84.
117940 Unsettling Queer Criminology: Notes Towards Decolonization/Matthew Ball.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.1: 145-161.
117941 The Critical Foundations of Visual Criminology: The State, Crisis, and the Sensory/Michelle Brown, Eamonn Carrabine.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.1: 191-205.
117942 Narrative Criminology as Critical Criminology/Lois Presser, Sveinung Sandberg.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.1: 131-143.
117943 Convict Criminology: Learning from the Past, Confronting the Present, Expanding for the Future/Grant Tietjen.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.1: 101-114.
117944 Deviant Leisure: A Critical Criminological Perspective for the Twenty-First Century/Thomas Raymen, Oliver Smith.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.1: 115-130.
117945 Abject (M)Othering: A Narratological Study of the Prison as an Abject and Uncanny Institution/Tea Fredriksson.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.2: 261-274.
117946 Decolonising Criminology: Syed Hussein Alatas on Crimes of the Powerful/Leon Moosavi.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.2: 229-242.
117947 The Reproduction of Social Disadvantage Through Educational Demobilization: A Critical Analysis of Parental Incarceration/Marcus Shaw.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.2: 275-290.
117948 Drugs, Crime, and Aggravated Felony Deportations: Moral Panic Theory and the Legal Construction of the Criminal Alien/Sarah Tosh.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.2: 329-345.
117949 Criminalization and Drug Wars or Medicalization and Health Epidemics: How Race, Class, and Neoliberal Politics Influence Drug Laws/Cindy Brooks Dollar.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.2: 305-327.
117950 Going Back to College Criminal Stigma in Higher Education Admissions in Northeastern U.S./Douglas N. Evans, Jason Szkola, Victor St. John.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.2: 291-304.
117951 A Peacemaking Approach to Desistance from Crime/Glen A. Ishoy, Nathan E. Kruis.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.2: 211-227.
117952 Criminogenic Policy as a Crime of the Powerful: A Case Study on NAFTA’s Negotiation Process/Daniel Patten.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.2: 243-260.
117953 We are Seen as a Threat: Police Stops of Young Ethnic Minorities in the Nordic Countries/Randi Solhjell, Elsa Saarikkom‎عki, Mie Birk Haller, David Wasterfors,Torsten Kolind.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.2: 347-361.
117954 The Spectrum of Repression: Swedish Muslims Experiences of Anti-terrorism Measures/Leandro Schclarek Mulinari.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.3: 451-466.
117955 Explaining the Emergence of Entrapment in Post-9/11 Terrorism Investigations/Jesse J. Norris.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.3: 467-483.
117956 Code of the Terrorists: The PKK and the Social Construction of Violence/Murat Haner, Michael L. Benson, Francis T. Cullen.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.3: 393-419.
117957 Yemen: Civil War or Transnational Crime/Vincenzo Ruggiero.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.3: 503-514.
117958 Jihadism from a Subcultural Perspective/Jeppe Fuglsang Larsen, Sune Qvotrup Jensen.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.3: 421-436.
117959 Lone Wolf Terrorism Through a Gendered Lens: Men Turning Violent or Violent Men Behaving Violently?/Jude McCulloch, Sandra Walklate, JaneMaree Maher, Kate Fitz-Gibbon, Jasmine McGowan.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.3: 437-450.
117960 Muslim Victimization in the Contemporary US: Clarifying the Racialization Thesis/Sarah Beth Kaufman, Hanna Niner.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.3: 485-502.
117961 Illicit Drug Markets, Consumer Capitalism and the Rise of Social Media: A Toxic Trap for Young People/Keir Irwin-Rogers.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.4: 591-610.
117962 Troubled Affluent Youth’s Experiences in a Therapeutic Boarding School: The Elite Arm of the Youth Control Complex and Its Implications for Youth Justice/Heather Mooney, Paul Leighton.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.4: 611-626.
117963 Young People, Shadow Carceral Innovations, and the Reproduction of Inequality/Kaitlyn J. Selman, Randy Myers, Tim Goddard.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.4: 527-542.
117964 Governance Through Diversion in Neoliberal Times and the Possibilities for Transformative Social Justice/Patricia Gray, Roger Smith.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.4: 575-590.
117965 How Contemporary Rehabilitation Fails Youth and Sabotages the American Juvenile Justice System: A Critique and Call for Change/Sonya Goshe.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.4: 559-573.
117966 It’s Like Everyone’s Trying to Put Pills in You: Pharmaceutical Violence and Harmful Mental Health Services Inside a California Juvenile Detention Center/Jerry Flores, Kati Barahona-Lopez.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.4: 643-662.
117967 Systemic Endangerment: A Tale of Neoliberal Slumcare/Kenneth A. Cruz.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.4: 627-642.
117968 Challenging the Logics of Reformism and Humanism in Juvenile Justice Rhetoric/Alexandra Cox.- Critical Criminology. 2019; Vol.26, No.4: 543-558.
117969 Increased death rates of domestic violence victims from arresting vs. warning suspects in the Milwaukee Domestic Violence Experiment (MilDVE)/Lawrence W. Sherman, Heather M. Harris.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 1-20.
117970 Criminal history and landlord rental decisions: a New York quasi-experimental study/Douglas N. Evans, Jeremy R. Porter.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 21-42.
117971 The effects of merging proactive CCTV monitoring with directed police patrol: a randomized controlled trial/Eric L. Piza … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 43-69.
117972 Gang membership and substance use: guilt as a gendered causal pathway/Donna L. Coffman, Chris Melde, Finn-Aage Esbensen.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 71-95.
117973 The persuasion and security awareness experiment: reducing the success of social engineering attacks/Jan-Willem H. Bullee … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 97-115.
117974 Police legitimacy under the spotlight: media coverage of police performance in the face of a high terrorism threat/Revital Sela-Shayovitz.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 117-139.
117975 Sample size, effect size, and statistical power: a replication study of Weisburd’s paradox/Matthew S. Nelson, Alese Wooditch, Lisa M. Dario.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 141-163.
117976 Benefit-cost analysis of a randomized evaluation of Communities That Care: monetizing intervention effects on the initiation of delinquency and substance use through grade 12/Margaret R. Kuklinski … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 165-192.
117977 Making the most of second chances: an evaluation of Minnesota’s high-risk revocation reduction reentry program/Valerie A. Clark.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 193-215.
117978 Clinical change in anger, shame, and paranoia after a structured cognitive-behavioral group program: Early findings from a randomized trial with male prison inmates/Nelio Brazao … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 217-236.
117979 Comparing the effects of community service and imprisonment on reconviction: results from a quasi-experimental Danish study/Christian Klement.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 237-261.
117980 Comparing the diagnostic accuracy of suspect identifications made by actual eyewitnesses from simultaneous and sequential lineups in a randomized field trial/Karen L. Amendola, John T. Wixted.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 263-284.
117981 The flaw in Amendola and Wixted’s conclusion on simultaneous versus sequential lineups/Gary L. Wells, Jennifer E. Dysart, Nancy K. Steblay.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 285-289.
117982 No possibility of a selection bias, but direct evidence of a simultaneous superiority effect: a reply to Wells et al./Karen L. Amendola, John T. Wixted.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 291-294.
117983 An unrepresentative sample is unrepresentative regardless of the reason: a rejoinder to Amendola and Wixted/Nancy K. Steblay, Jennifer E. Dysart, Gary L. Wells.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 295-298.
117984 Isolating modeling effects in offender risk assessment/Zachary Hamilton … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 299-318.
117985 Training police for procedural justice/Wesley G. Skogan, Maarten Van Craen, Cari Hennessy.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 319-334.
117986 Measuring procedural justice and legitimacy at the local level: the police-community interaction survey/Dennis P. Rosenbaum … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 335-366.
117987 The Dallas patrol management experiment: can AVL technologies be used to harness unallocated patrol time for crime prevention?/David Weisburd … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 367-391.
117988 Citizens’ reactions to hot spots policing: impacts on perceptions of crime, disorder, safety and police/Jerry H. Ratcliffe … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 393-417.
117989 Enhancing public trust and police legitimacy during road traffic encounters: results from a randomised controlled trial in Scotland/Sarah MacQueen, Ben Bradford.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 419-443.
117990 The impact of on-officer video cameras on police-citizen contacts: findings from a controlled experiment in Mesa, AZ/Justin T. Ready, Jacob T. N. Young.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 445-458.
117991 Introducing EMMIE: an evidence rating scale to encourage mixed-method crime prevention synthesis reviews/Shane D. Johnson, Nick Tilley, Kate J. Bowers.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 459-473.
117992 General stress response, not the TASER: reply to Examining the effects of the TASER on cognitive functioning: findings from a pilot study with police recruits/D. Dawes, J. Ho.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 475-477.
117993 Street walking: randomized controlled trials in criminology, education, and elsewhere/Robert Boruch.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.4: 485-499.
117994 Twelve experiments in restorative justice: the Jerry Lee program of randomized trials of restorative justice conferences/Lawrence W. Sherman … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.4: 501-540.
117995 The production of criminological experiments revisited: the nature and extent of federal support for experimental designs, 2001-2013/Cody W. Telep, Joel H. Garner, Christy A. Visher.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.4: 541-563.
117996 Preventing future offending of delinquents and offenders: what have we learned from experiments and meta-analyses?/Doris L. MacKenzie, David P. Farrington.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.4: 565-595.
117997 The effects of sexual offender treatment on recidivism: an international meta-analysis of sound quality evaluations/Martin Schmucker, Friedrich Losel.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.4: 597-630.
117998 Evolutionary regression? Assessing the problem of hidden biases in criminal justice applications using propensity scores/Thomas A. Loughran … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.4: 631-652.
117999 Right method, right price: the economic value and associated risks of experimentation/Gloria Laycock, Jacqueline Mallender.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2015; Vol.11, No.4: 653-668.
118000 The continued importance of measuring potentially harmful impacts of crime prevention programs: the academy of experimental criminology 2014 Joan McCord lecture/Anthony A. Braga.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 1-20.
118001 Long-term effects of two childhood psychosocial interventions on adolescent delinquency, substance use, and antisocial behavior: a cluster randomized controlled trial/Margit Averdijk … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 21-47.
118002 A randomized clinical trial of tailored interventions for health promotion and recidivism reduction among homeless parolees: outcomes and cost analysis/Adeline M. Nyamathi … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 49-74.
118003 Consequences of legal risk communication for sanction perception updating and white-collar criminality/Justin T. Pickett, Thomas A. Loughran, Shawn Bushway.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 75-104.
118004 The impact of two Los Angeles County Teen Courts on youth recidivism: comparing two informal probation programs/Lauren N. Gase … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 105-126.
118005 Breaking the cycle demonstration project: using a quasi-experimental analysis to test the worst of both worlds hypothesis and risk principle/Glenn D. Walters.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 127-141.
118006 The effect of imprisonment on recommitment: an analysis using exact, coarsened exact, and radius matching with the propensity score/Gerald G. Gaes, William D. Bales, Samuel J. A. Scaggs.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 143-158.
118007 To marry a thief? Crime type as a deterrent to cohabitation/Joris Beijers, Jan Willem van Prooijen, Catrien Bijleveld.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 159-165.
118008 Juvenile curfew effects on criminal behavior and victimization: a Campbell Collaboration systematic review/David B. Wilson, Ajima Olaghere, Charlotte Gill.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 167-186.
118009 Information retrieval in systematic reviews: a case study of the crime prevention literature/Lisa Tompson, Jyoti Belur.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 187-207.
118010 Music therapy for improving mental health problems of offenders in correctional settings: systematic review and meta-analysis/Xi Jing Chen … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 209-228.
118011 A meta-analysis update on the effects of early family/parent training programs on antisocial behavior and delinquency/Alex R. Piquero … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 229-248.
118012 A meta-analysis update on the effectiveness of early self-control improvement programs to improve self-control and reduce delinquency/Alex R. Piquero … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 249-264.
118013 The introduction of CCTV and associated changes in heroin purchase and injection settings in Footscray, Victoria, Australia/Nick Scott … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 265-275.
118014 Soft policing at hot spots – do police community support officers work? A randomized controlled trial/Barak Ariel, Cristobal Weinborn, Lawrence W Sherman.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.3: 277-317.
118015 Improving forensic responses to residential burglaries: results of a randomized controlled field trial/Emma Antrobus, Andrew Pilotto.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.3: 319-345.
118016 Predictions put into practice: a quasi-experimental evaluation of Chicago’s predictive policing pilot/Jessica Saunders, Priscillia Hunt, John S. Hollywood.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.3: 347-371.
118017 Offender-focused police intervention in residential burglary and theft from vehicle hot spots: a partially blocked randomized control trial/Rachel B. Santos, Roberto G. Santos.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.3: 373-402.
118018 The financial implications of merging proactive CCTV monitoring and directed police patrol: a cost-benefit analysis/Eric L. Piza … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.3: 403-429.
118019 Conclusions from the history of research into the effects of police force size on crime – 1968 through 2013: a historical systematic review/YongJei Lee, John E. Eck, Nicholas Corsaro.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.3: 431-451.
118020 Report: increases in police use of force in the presence of body-worn cameras are driven by officer discretion: a protocol-based subgroup analysis of ten randomized experiments/Barak Ariel … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.3: 453-463.
118021 The efficacy of foot patrol in violent places/Kenneth J. Novak … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.3: 465-475.
118022 Juvenile drug court effects on recidivism and drug use: a systematic review and meta-analysis/Emily E. Tanner-Smith, Mark W. Lipsey, David B. Wilson.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.4: 477-513.
118023 Social skills training for juvenile delinquents: post-treatment changes/Trudy van der Stouwe … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.4: 515-536.
118024 Plea decision-making by attorneys and judges/Allison D. Redlich, Shawn D. Bushway, Robert J. Norris.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.4: 537-561.
118025 The care package, prison domestic violence programs and recidivism: a quasi-experimental study/Badi Hasisi … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.4: 563-586.
118026 Missing person alerts: does repeated exposure decrease their effectiveness?/James Michael Lampinen, Kara N. Moore.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.4: 587-598.
118027 Retrieving administrative data to assess long-term outcomes: a case study of the 23-year follow-up of the Milwaukee domestic violence experiment/Heather M. Harris … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2016; Vol.12, No.4: 599-608.
118028 At Risk of Rights: Rehabilitation, Sentence Management and the Structural Violence of Prison/Sarah Armstrong.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.1: 85-105.
118029 Governing Liberty Through Accountability: Surveillance Reporting as Technologies of Governmentality/Adam Molnar, Ian Warren.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.1: 13-26.
118030 Governmentality and Environmental Rights: Regulatory Failure and the Volkswagen Emissions Fraud Case/Amy J. Fitzgerald, Dale Spencer.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.1: 43-63.
118031 Generation and Deployment of Common Law Police Powers by Canadian Courts and the Double-Edged Charter/Richard Jochelson, David Ireland, Ryan Ziegler, Erika Brenner, Kirsten Kramar.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.1: 107-126.
118032 Editors Introduction to the Special Issue, Governing Through Human Rights and Critical Criminology/Randy K. Lippert, Claire Hamilton.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.1: 5-11.
118033 Regulating Undercover Policing: Subjects, Rights and Governmentality/Brendon Murphy.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.1: 65-84.
118034 Mexican Necropolitical Governmentality and the Management of Suffering Through Human Rights Technologies/Ariadna Estevez.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.1: 27-42.
118035 Governing Through Human Rights in Counter-terrorism: Proofing, Problematization and Securitization/Claire Hamilton, Randy K. Lippert.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.1: 127-145.
118036 Corrosive Control: State-Corporate and Gendered Harm in Bordered Britain/Victoria Canning.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.2: 259-275.
118037 Becoming an Immigrant Border Harms and British Men with Previous Convictions in British Immigration Removal Centers/Dan Godshaw.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.2: 225-241.
118038 Borders as Mirrors: Racial Hierarchies and Policing Migration/Alpa Parmar.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.2: 175-192.
118039 Sentencing Unwanted Migrants: the Border, Racism, and Narrating Punishability/Gemma Lousley.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.2: 209-224.
118040 The Emotional Confluence of Borders, Refugees and Visual Culture: The Case of Behrouz Boochani, Held in Australia’s Offshore Detention Regime/Claudia Tazreiter.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.2: 193-207.
118041 The Prison Trajectories of Foreign National Women in Spain: Intersections of Citizenship, Gender, Race, and Social Class/Ana Ballesteros-Pena.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.2: 243-258.
118042 The Permission to be Cruel: Street-Level Bureaucrats and Harms Against People Seeking Asylum/Monish Bhatia.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.2: 277-292.
118043 Seismic Risks: a Criminological Analysis of European Investment Bank Support for the Castor Project/Daniel Beizsley.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 425-443.
118044 Farming Intensification and Environmental Justice in Northern Ireland/Ekaterina Gladkova.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 445-461.
118045 Utilising Principles of Earth Jurisprudence to Prevent Environmental Harm: Applying a Case Study of Unconventional Hydraulic Fracturing for Shale Gas in the United Kingdom/Jack A. Lampkin, Tanya Wyatt.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 501-516.
118046 New Times, New Crimes: Notes on the Depillarization of the Criminal Justice System/Roger Matthews.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 309-326.
118047 Wildlife Management, Species Injustice and Ecocide in the Anthropocene/Ragnhild Sollund.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 351-369.
118048 Tapping into Environmental Harm in Brewing: An Exploration of Pollution and Waste in Beer Production/Travis Milburn, Favian Alejandro Guertin-Martin.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 407-423.
118049 In and Against the State: The Dynamics of Environmental Activism/Olivia Hasler, Reece Walters, Rob White.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 517-531.
118050 Waste Crime and the Global Transference of Hazardous Substances: A Southern Green Perspective/Reece Walters, Maria Angeles Fuentes Loureiro.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 463-480.
118051 Big Fish, Small Pond: NGO Corporate Partnerships and Corruption of the Environmental Certification Process in Tasmanian Aquaculture/Paul Bleakley.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 389-405.
118052 Animals, Women and Terms of Abuse: Towards a Cultural Etymology of Con(e)y, Cunny, Cunt and C*nt/Piers Beirne.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 327-349.
118053 Water Theft Through the Ages: Insights for Green Criminology/Alexander Baird, Reece Walters.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 371-388.
118054 Ecologically Unequal Exchange, Transnational Mining, and Resistance: A Political Ecology Contribution to Green Criminology/Laura Bedford, Laura McGillivray, Reece Walters.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 481-499.
118055 Corporate Tax Avoidance and Neutralization Techniques: A Case Study on the Panama Papers/Nubia Evertsson.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.4: 721-738.
118056 Performative Compliance and the State-Corporate Structuring of Neglect in a Residential Care Home for Older People/Joe Greener.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.4: 651-668.
118057 The Electronic Monitoring of Offenders in Context: From Policy to Political Logics/Emma Laurie, Giuseppe Maglione.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.4: 685-672.
118058 From We Didn’t Do It to Weve Learned Our Lesson: Development of a Typology of Neutralizations of Corporate Crime/Isabel Schoultz, Janne Flyghed.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.4: 739-757.
118059 Total Extraction: Exploitative Behaviors of the Carceral Apparatus Towards Carceral Officers in Central Appalachia/Stephen T. Young, Brian Pitman.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.4: 577-593.
118060 Decrypting Social Engineering: An Analysis of Conceptual Ambiguity/Kevin F. Steinmetz, Alexandra Pimentel, W. Richard Goe.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.4: 631-650.
118061 Local Media Framing of Scrap Metal Collection as Crime/Steven Kohm, Kevin Walby.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.4: 613-629.
118062 Toxic Dispossession: On the Social Impacts of the Aerial Use of Glyphosate by the Sugarcane Agroindustry in Colombia/Diana Hurtado, Irene Velez-Torres.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.4: 557-576.
118063 From Infant Hercules to Ghost Town: Industrial Collapse and Social Harm in Teesside/Luke Telford, Anthony Lloyd.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.4: 595-611.
118064 Penal Elitism: Anatomy of a Professorial Ideology/Victor L. Shammas.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.4: 759-774.
118065 Fear and Fantasy in the Smart City/Brunilda Pali, Marc Schuilenburg.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.4: 775-788.
118066 Harm at Work: Bullying and Special Liberty in the Retail Sector/Anthony Lloyd.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.4: 669-683.
118067 Broken Windows Ideology and the (Mis)Reading of Graffiti/Stefano Bloch.- Critical Criminology. 2020; Vol.27, No.4: 703-720.
118068 Who Should Make Corporate Law EC Legislation versus Regulatory Competition Get access Arrow/John Armour.- Current Legal Problems. 2005; Vol.58, No.1: 369-413.
118069 When Systems Fail: Parents, Children and the Quality of HealthcareGet access Arrow/Jo Bridgeman.- Current Legal Problems. 2005; Vol.58, No.1: 183-213.
118070 The Extraterritorial Application of the Human Rights ActGet access Arrow/Ralph Wilde.- Current Legal Problems. 2005; Vol.58, No.1: 47-81.
118071 Consumer Contract Law and General Contract Law: The German ExperienceGet access Arrow/Reinhard Zimmermann.- Current Legal Problems. 2005; Vol.58, No.1: 415-489.
118072 The Mark as Expression The Mark as PropertyGet access Arrow/Michael Spence.- Current Legal Problems. 2005; Vol.58, No.1: 491-515.
118073 Rights, Liberties and Duties: Reformulating Hohfeld’s Scheme of Legal Relations Get access Arrow/Vivienne Brown.- Current Legal Problems. 2005; Vol.58, No.1: 343-367.
118074 Mainstreaming Equality and Diversity in European Union Law and PolicyGet access Arrow/Jo Shaw.- Current Legal Problems. 2005; Vol.58, No.1: 255-312.
118075 Prosecutors, Courts and Conduct of the Accused Which Engages a Qualified Human RightGet access Arrow/Jonathan Rogers.- Current Legal Problems. 2005; Vol.58, No.1: 101-131.
118076 Biotechnology, Biodiversity and International LawGet access Arrow/Catherine Redgwell.- Current Legal Problems. 2005; Vol.58, No.1: 543-569.
118077 When Judges Fail JusticeGet access Arrow/Edwin Cameron.- Current Legal Problems. 2005; Vol.58, No.1: 83-99.
118078 Shifting FamiliarityGet access Arrow/Alison Diduck.- Current Legal Problems. 2005; Vol.58, No.1: 235-254.
118079 Unlawful Combatants: Military Detention, Terrorism, and the Rule of LawGet access Arrow/Daniel A Farber.- Current Legal Problems. 2005; Vol.58, No.1: 1-24.
118080 Rethinking the Personal Work ContractGet access Arrow/Mark Freedland.- Current Legal Problems. 2005; Vol.58, No.1: 517-542.
118081 Decent Burials for Dead ConceptsGet access Arrow/James Penner.- Current Legal Problems. 2005; Vol.58, No.1: 313-342.
118082 Feminist Fever Cultures of Adversarialism in the Aftermath of the/Woolf Reforms.- Current Legal Problems. 2005; Vol.58, No.1: 313-342.
118083 Rights Relating to Personality, Freedom of the Press and Private International Law: Some Common Law CommentsGet access Arrow/Robin Morse.- Current Legal Problems. 2005; Vol.58, No.1: 133-181.
118084 Human Rights in an Age of Counter-Terrorism: Injurious, Irrelevant or Indispensable Get access Arrow/Conor Gearty.- Current Legal Problems. 2005; Vol.58, No.1: 25-46.
118085 Parliament’s Will and the Justice of the Common Law: The Human Rights Act in Constitutional PerspectiveGet access Arrow/TRS Allan.- Current Legal Problems. 2006; Vol.59, No.1: 27-50.
118086 Locating Disability LawGet access Arrow/Peter Alldridge.- Current Legal Problems. 2006; Vol.59, No.1: 289-318.
118087 Making Sense of Mens Rea in Statutory ConspiraciesGet access Arrow/David Ormerod.- Current Legal Problems. 2006; Vol.59, No.1: 185-230.
118088 Equitable Rights and WrongsGet access Arrow/Charles Mitchell.- Current Legal Problems. 2006; Vol.59, No.1: 267-288.
118089 Undue Influence: Vindicating Relationships of InfluenceGet access Arrow/Mindy Chen-Wishart.- Current Legal Problems. 2006; Vol.59, No.1: 231-266.
118090 Judgment and LegalityGet access Arrow/NE Simmonds.- Current Legal Problems. 2006; Vol.59, No.1: 1-26.
118091 Creating New Commons: Recognition of Communal Land Rights within a Private Property FrameworkGet access Arrow/Alison Clarke.- Current Legal Problems. 2006; Vol.59, No.1: 319-357.
118092 Identity Cards and Data Protection: Public Security Interests and Individual Freedom in Times of CrisisGet access Arrow/Jorg Fedtke.- Current Legal Problems. 2006; Vol.59, No.1: 161-183.
118093 Laws, Foreign Laws, and FactsGet access Arrow/Richard Fentiman.- Current Legal Problems. 2006; Vol.59, No.1: 391-426.
118094 The Tax Avoidance Culture: Who is Responsible? Governmental Influences and Corporate Social ResponsibilityGet access Arrow/Judith Freedman.- Current Legal Problems. 2006; Vol.59, No.1: 359-390.
118095 Law and Order-A 20:20 VisionGet access Arrow/Robert Reiner.- Current Legal Problems. 2006; Vol.59, No.1: 129-160.
118096 Comparative Constitutional Law in the Courts: Is There a Problem Get access Arrow/Cheryl Saunders.- Current Legal Problems. 2006; Vol.59, No.1: 91-127.
118097 European Constitutionalism in the State Constitutional TraditionGet access Arrow/Neil Walker.- Current Legal Problems. 2006; Vol.59, No.1: 51-89.
118098 Better Regulation in EuropeGet access Arrow/Jonathan B Wiener.- Current Legal Problems. 2006; Vol.59, No.1: 447-518.
118099 The New Constitutionalism, Terrorism, and TortureGet access Arrow/Rodney C. Austin.- Current Legal Problems. 2007; Vol.60, No.1: 79-120.
118100 The Legal as a Current ProblemGet access Arrow/Oren Ben-Dor.- Current Legal Problems. 2007; Vol.60, No.1: 385-407.
118101 Preventive Justice or Pre-Punishment The Case of Control OrdersGet access Arrow/Lucia Zedner.- Current Legal Problems. 2007; Vol.60, No.1: 174-203.
118102 Breach of Duty Causing Harm  Recent Encounters between Negligence and RiskGet access Arrow/Jenny Steele.- Current Legal Problems. 2007; Vol.60, No.1: 296-337.
118103 Confronting a False Dilemma: EU Asylum Policy between Protection and Securitization Get access Arrow/Ingrid Boccardi.- Current Legal Problems. 2007; Vol.60, No.1: 204-237.
118104 Aggravated Endangerment OffencesGet access Arrow/Chris Clarkson.- Current Legal Problems. 2007; Vol.60, No.1: 278-295.
118105 Older People and the LawGet access Arrow/Jonathan Herring.- Current Legal Problems. 2007; Vol.60, No.1: 148-173.
118106 The Constitutional Thought of the LevellersGet access Arrow/Martin Loughlin.- Current Legal Problems. 2007; Vol.60, No.1: 1-39.
118107 Redrawing the Parameters of Good Faith in Insurance ContractsGet access Arrow/John Lowry.- Current Legal Problems. 2007; Vol.60, No.1: 338-384.
118108 Buying Social Justice: Equality and Public ProcurementGet access Arrow/Christopher McCrudden.- Current Legal Problems. 2007; Vol.60, No.1: 121-147.
118109 Deference, Discretion, and Democracy in the Human Rights Act EraGet access Arrow/Gavin Phillipson.- Current Legal Problems. 2007; Vol.60, No.1: 40-78.
118110 Media Convergence and the Regulation of Audiovisual Content: Is the European Community’s Audiovisual Media Services Directive Fit for Purpose?Get access Arrow/Rachael Craufurd Smith.- Current Legal Problems. 2007; Vol.60, No.1: 238-277.
118111 Multiple Discrimination in a Multicultural Europe: Achieving Labour Market Equality Through New GovernanceGet access Arrow/Diamond Ashiagbor.- Current Legal Problems. 2008; Vol.61, No.1: 265-288.
118112 Climate Change and Collective ActionGet access Arrow/Daniel H Cole.- Current Legal Problems. 2008; Vol.61, No.1: 229-264.
118113 Stop Calling it Aggression: War as CrimeGet access Arrow/Gerry Simpson.- Current Legal Problems. 2008; Vol.61, No.1: 191-228.
118114 The Boundaries of Abuse of Process in Criminal TrialsGet access Arrow/Jonathan Rogers.- Current Legal Problems. 2008; Vol.61, No.1: 289-323.
118115 The Ethics of Character EvidenceGet access Arrow/Mike Redmayne.- Current Legal Problems. 2008; Vol.61, No.1: 371-399.
118116 Modelling Judicial ReviewGet access Arrow/Richard Rawlings.- Current Legal Problems. 2008; Vol.61, No.1: 95-123.
118117 A Compleat System of Knavery: Folk Devils, Moral Panics and the Origins of Financial RegulationGet access Arrow/Philip Rawlings.- Current Legal Problems. 2008; Vol.61, No.1: 325-370.
118118 Britain’s Transnational ConstitutionGet access Arrow/Danny Nicol.- Current Legal Problems. 2008; Vol.61, No.1: 125-157.
118119 The Insatiable Appetite for Intellectual Property RightsGet access Arrow/Hugh Laddie.- Current Legal Problems. 2008; Vol.61, No.1: 401-420.
118120 The Aims of Equality LawGet access Arrow/Bob Hepple, QC FBA.- Current Legal Problems. 2008; Vol.61, No.1: 1-22.
118121 Constitutional Transplants: Returning to the GardenGet access Arrow/Jorg Fedt.- Current Legal Problems. 2008; Vol.61, No.1: 49-93.
118122 The Morality of Prophylactic Legislation (with Special Reference to Speed Limits, Assisted Suicide, Torture, and Detention Without Trial)/Michael C. Dorf.- Current Legal Problems. 2008; Vol.61, No.1: 23-47.
118123 Obscuring the Public Function: A Social Housing Case StudyGet access Arrow/Dave Cowan, Morag McDermont.- Current Legal Problems. 2008; Vol.61, No.1: 159-189.
118124 Gauging the Cumbersomeness of EU LawGet access Arrow/Damian Chalmers.- Current Legal Problems. 2009; Vol.62, No.1: 405-439.
118125 English Lessons: A Comparative Analysis of UK and US Responses to TerrorismGet access Arrow/David Cole.- Current Legal Problems. 2009; Vol.62, No.1: 136-167.
118126 The Human Face of the Rule of LawGet access Arrow/Sean Coyle.- Current Legal Problems. 2009; Vol.62, No.1: 71-101.
118127 Fair Play to All Sides of the Truth: Controlling Media DistortionsGet access Arrow/Thomas Gibbons.- Current Legal Problems. 2009; Vol.62, No.1: 286-315.
118128 Constitutional Review, the Courts, and Democratic Scepticism/Aileen Kavanagh.- Current Legal Problems. 2009; Vol.62, No.1: 102-135.
118129 Beyond Safety The Broadening Scope of Risk RegulationGet access Arrow/Maria Lee.- Current Legal Problems. 2009; Vol.62, No.1: 242-285.
118130 Lost in Translation Towards a Theory of Economic TransplantsGet access Arrow/Ioannis Lianos.- Current Legal Problems. 2009; Vol.62, No.1: 346-404.
118131 Abstraction and EqualityGet access Arrow/William Lucy.- Current Legal Problems. 2009; Vol.62, No.1: 22-70.
118132 False ContingencyGet access Arrow/Susan Marks.- Current Legal Problems. 2009; Vol.62, No.1: 1-21.
118133 European Tort Law: A Primer for the Common LawyerGet access Arrow/Ken Oliphant.- Current Legal Problems. 2009; Vol.62, No.1: 440-477.
118134 Cohabitation: Current Legal Solutions/Rebecca Probert.- Current Legal Problems. 2009; Vol.62, No.1: 316-345.
118135 Team of Rivals Toward a New Model of the Corporate Attorney/Client RelationshipGet access Arrow/David B Wilkins.- Current Legal Problems. 2009; Vol.62, No.1: 478-558.
118136 A Normal Man Hardly Exists: Law, Narrative, the Psyche, and the Normal ManGet access Arrow/Melanie Williams.- Current Legal Problems. 2009; Vol.62, No.1: 202-241.
118137 Art, Law, and CreativityGet access Arrow/Sarah Worthington.- Current Legal Problems. 2009; Vol.62, No.1: 168-201.
118138 The Future of English Private Transactional LawGet access Arrow/Michael Bridge.- Current Legal Problems. 2010; Vol.63, No.1: 191-222.
118139 Distrust: Our Fear of Trusts in the Commercial WorldGet access Arrow/Robert Chambers.- Current Legal Problems. 2010; Vol.63, No.1: 631-652.
118140 Recalibrating ECHR Rights, and the Role of the Human Rights Act Post 9/11: Reasserting International Human Rights Norms in the War on Terror Get access Arrow/Helen Fenwick.- Current Legal Problems. 2010; Vol.63, No.1: 153-234.
118141 Transparency and Administrative Law: A Critical EvaluationGet access Arrow/Elizabeth Fisher.- Current Legal Problems. 2010; Vol.63, No.1: 153-234.
118142 Law, Language and International Trade Regulation in the WTOGet access Arrow/Fiona Smith.- Current Legal Problems. 2010; Vol.63, No.1: 448-474.
118143 Corporate Law in the UK After Recent Reforms: The Good, the Bad, and the UglyGet access Arrow/Arad Reisberg.- Current Legal Problems. 2010; Vol.63, No.1: 315-374.
118144 The Human Rights of ChildrenGet access Arrow/Michael Freeman.- Current Legal Problems. 2010; Vol.63, No.1: 1-44.
118145 Issues Arising from the Interplay Between Different Areas of International LawGet access Arrow/Vera Gowlland-Debbas.- Current Legal Problems. 2010; Vol.63, No.1: 597-630.
118146 Adjudicating in the Shadow of the Informal Settlement: The Court of Justice of the European Union, New Governance and Social WelfareGet access Arrow/Tamara Hervey.- Current Legal Problems. 2010; Vol.63, No.1: 92-152.
118147 When It Comes to Contact Disputes, What Are Family Courts For Get access Arrow/Felicity Kaganas.- Current Legal Problems. 2010; Vol.63, No.1: 235-271.
118148 An Untheory of the Law of Trusts, or Some Notes Towards Understanding the Structure of Trusts Law DoctrineGet access Arrow/JE Penner.- Current Legal Problems. 2010; Vol.63, No.1: 653-673.
118149 Is it NICE The Appeal, Limits and Promise of Translating a Health Innovation into Criminal JusticeGet access Arrow/Ian Loader.- Current Legal Problems. 2010; Vol.63, No.1: 72-91.
118150 Law, Regulation and Public Health Research: A Case for Fundamental Reform?Get access Arrow/Jean McHale.- Current Legal Problems. 2010; Vol.63, No.1: 475-510.
118151 Regulating the Retail Markets: Law, Policy, and the Financial CrisisGet access Arrow/Niamh Moloney.- Current Legal Problems. 2010; Vol.63, No.1: 375-447.
118152 An Unholy Trinity Non-Consent, Coercion and Exploitation in Contemporary Legal Responses to Sexual Violence in England and Wales/Vanessa E Munro.- Current Legal Problems. 2010; Vol.63, No.1: 45-71.
118153 The effectiveness of prison for reducing drug offender recidivism: a regression discontinuity analysis/Ojmarrh Mitchell … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 1-27.
118154 Comparing the effectiveness of Henderson instructions and expert testimony: Which safeguard improves jurors’ evaluations of eyewitness evidence?/Angela M. Jones … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 29-52.
118155 The effects of specialized probation and recovery management checkups (RMCs) on treatment participation, substance use, HIV risk behaviors, and recidivism among female offenders: main findings of a 3-year experiment using subject by intervention interaction analysis/Christy K. Scott, Michael L. Dennis, Arthur J. Lurigio.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 53-77.
118156 An outcome evaluation of the Methodist Home for Children’s value-based therapeutic environment model/Kevin J. Strom … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 101-124.
118157 The body-worn camera perspective bias/Remi Boivin … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 125-142.
118158 Assessing community consequences of implementing hot spots policing in residential areas: findings from a randomized field trial/Tammy Rinehart Kochel, David Weisburd.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 143-170.
118159 Privileged protection? Effects of suspect race and mental illness status on public perceptions of police use of force/Kimberly Barsamian Kahn, Melissa Thompson, Jean M. McMahon.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 171-191.
118160 An impact assessment of machine learning risk forecasts on parole board decisions and recidivism/Richard Berk.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 193-216.
118161 Punishment and solidarity? An experimental test of the educative-moralizing effects of legal sanctions/Justin T. Pickett, Thomas Baker.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 217-240.
118162 Reinforcing the impacts of work release on prisoner recidivism: the importance of integrative interventions/David Weisburd … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 241-264.
118163 Testing the effectiveness of two retail theft control approaches: an experimental research design/Tracy L. Johns … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 267-273.
118164 Recidivism among juveniles in a multi-component gang reentry program: findings from a program evaluation in Harris County, Texas/Kallee Spooner … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 275-285.
118165 Experimenting with procedural justice policing/Kristina Murphy, Tom R. Tyler.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 287-292.
118166 Teaching procedural justice and communication skills during police-community encounters: Results of a randomized control trial with police recruits/Dennis P. Rosenbaum, Daniel S. Lawrence.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 293-319.
118167 Where did it all go wrong? Implementation failure – and more – in a field experiment of procedural justice policing/Sarah MacQueen, Ben Bradford.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 321-345.
118168 Promoting a culture of fairness: police training, procedural justice, and compliance/E. Sargeant, E. Antrobus, D. Platz.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 347-365.
118169 Evaluating the relative impact of positive and negative encounters with police: a randomized experiment/Edward R. Maguire, Belen V. Lowrey, Devon Johnson.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 367-391.
118170 The Police Officer Perception Project (POPP): An experimental evaluation of factors that impact perceptions of the police/Rylan Simpson.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 393-415.
118171 Mobile police community office: a vehicle for reducing crime, crime harm and enhancing police legitimacy?/Sarah Bennett, Mike Newman, Michelle Sydes.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 417-428.
118172 Challenging the invariance thesis: procedural justice policing and the moderating influence of trust on citizens’ obligation to obey police/Kristina Murphy.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 429-437.
118173 Aggression and sleep: a daylight saving time natural experiment on the effect of mild sleep loss and gain on assaults/Rebecca Umbach, Adrian Raine, Greg Ridgeway.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.4: 439-453.
118174 The effect of digital technology on prisoner behavior and reoffending: a natural stepped-wedge design/Cynthia McDougall … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.4: 455-482.
118175 Does GPS supervision of intimate partner violence defendants reduce pretrial misconduct? Evidence from a quasi-experimental study/Eric Grommon, Jason Rydberg, Jeremy G. Carter.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.4: 483-504.
118176 Evaluation of operation swordfish: a near-repeat target-hardening strategy/Shane D. Johnson … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.4: 505-525.
118177 Criminal records and housing: an experimental study/Peter Leasure, Tara Martin.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.4: 527-535.
118178 Influence of environmental variables on fear of crime: Comparing self-report data with physiological measures in an experimental design/Francisco J. Castro-Toledo … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2017; Vol.13, No.4: 537-545.
118179 Opting out of treatment: Self-selection bias in a randomized controlled study of a focused deterrence notification meeting/Benjamin Hamilton, Richard Rosenfeld, Aaron Levin.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 1-17.
118180 Paradoxical effects of self-awareness of being observed: testing the effect of police body-worn cameras on assaults and aggression against officers/Barak Ariel … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 19-47.
118181 The effects of procedural injustice during police-citizen encounters: a factorial vignette study/Michael D. Reisig, Ryan D. Mays, Cody W. Telep.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 49-58.
118182 The effects of police contracting on crime: An examination of Compton, California/Nicholas Corsaro, Jeremy M. Wilson.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 59-81.
118183 A quasi-experimental synthetic control evaluation of a place-based police-directed patrol intervention on violent crime/Jason Rydberg … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 83-109.
118184 The impact of work shift and fatigue on police officer response in simulated interactions with citizens/Lois James, Stephen James, Bryan Vila.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 111-120.
118185 Effect of emergency winter homeless shelters on property crime/Sara-Laure Faraji, Greg Ridgeway, Yuhao Wu.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 129-140.
118186 Time series robustness checks to test the effects of the 1996 Australian firearm law on cause-specific mortality/Benjamin Ukert, Elena Andreyeva, Charles C. Branas.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 141-154.
118187 Quasi-experimental designs for community-level public health violence reduction interventions: a case study in the challenges of selecting the counterfactual/Caterina G. Roman, Hannah J. Klein, Kevin T. Wolff.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 155-185.
118188 Expanding the focus of correctional evaluations beyond recidivism: the impact of halfway houses on public safety/Jordan M. Hyatt, Seung Hoon Han.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 187-211.
118189 The impact of residential change and housing stability on recidivism: pilot results from the Maryland Opportunities through Vouchers Experiment (MOVE)/David S. Kirk … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 213-226.
118190 A quasi-experimental evaluation of the impact of bike-sharing stations on micro-level robbery occurrence/Cory P. Haberman, Jeffrey E. Clutter, Samantha Henderson.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 227-240.
118191 The effects of psychiatric and biological labels on lay sentencing and punishment decisions/Colleen M. Berryessa.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 241-256.
118192 Evidence comes by replication, but needs differentiation: the reproducibility issue in science and its relevance for criminology/Friedrich Losel.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 257-278.
118193 Parenting interventions for incarcerated parents to improve parenting knowledge and skills, parent well-being, and quality of the parent-child relationship: A systematic review and meta-analysis/Eleanor Armstrong … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 279-317.
118194 Human trafficking for labour exploitation: the results of a two-phase systematic review mapping the European evidence base and synthesising key scientific research evidence/Ella Cockbain, Kate Bowers, Galina Dimitrova.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 319-360.
118195 The effects of specialized treatment on the recidivism of juvenile sex offenders: a systematic review and meta-analysis/Heather Hensman Kettrey, Mark W. Lipsey.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 361-387.
118196 Does providing inmates with education improve postrelease outcomes? A meta-analysis of correctional education programs in the United States/Robert Bozick … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 389-428.
118197 An experimental investigation of the influence of deviant peers on own deviancy: A replication study/N. Mercer … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 429-438.
118198 A long-term follow-up evaluation of the Minnesota High Risk Revocation Reduction reentry program/Susan McNeeley.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.4: 439-461.
118199 Can circles of support and accountability (CoSA) significantly reduce sexual recidivism? Results from a randomized controlled trial in Minnesota/Grant Duwe.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.4: 463-484.
118200 A quasi-experimental test of the effects of criminal justice involvement on later mental health/Jessica M. Craig … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.4: 485-506.
118201 Imagining violent criminals: an experimental investigation of music stereotypes and character judgments/Adam Dunbar, Charis E. Kubrin.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.4: 507-528.
118202 Reluctant to embrace innocence: an experimental test of persevering culpability judgments on people’s willingness to support reintegration services for exonerees/Kyle C. Scherr, Christopher J. Normile, Maria Camila Sarmiento.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.4: 529-538.
118203 Nobody gives a #%&!: a factorial survey examining the effect of criminological evidence on opposition to sex offender residence restrictions/Jason Rydberg, Christopher P. Dum, Kelly M. Socia.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2018; Vol.14, No.4: 541-550.
118204 Officer-involved shootings: testing the effect of question timing on memory accuracy for stressful events/Louise E. Porter, Justin Ready, Geoffrey P. Alpert.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 1-28.
118205 Procedural justice training for police recruits: results of a randomized controlled trial/Emma Antrobus, Ian Thompson, Barak Ariel.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 29-53.
118206 The impact of license plate recognition technology (LPR) on trust in law enforcement: a survey-experiment/Linda M. Merola, Cynthia Lum, Ryan P. Murphy.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 55-66.
118207 A partially randomized field experiment on the effect of an acoustic gunshot detection system on police incident reports/Jerry H. Ratcliffe … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 67-76.
118208 A quasi-experiment testing a public participation process for designing and implementing an enforcement program among minorities/Roni Factor.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 77-86.
118209 Police vehicles as symbols of legitimacy/Rylan Simpson.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 87-101.
118210 The usefulness of a crime harm index: analyzing the Sacramento Hot Spot Experiment using the California Crime Harm Index (CA-CHI)/Renee J. Mitchell.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 103-113.
118211 Using citizen notification to interrupt near-repeat residential burglary patterns: the micro-level near-repeat experiment/Elizabeth Groff, Travis Taniguchi.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 115-149.
118212 Eyes wide open: exploring men’s and women’s self-reported and physiological reactions to threat and crime/Michelle S. Noon … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 151-178.
118213 Full disclosure: experimental analysis of female online dating on parole/Douglas N. Evans.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 179-199.
118214 Seattle’s law enforcement assisted diversion (LEAD): program effects on criminal justice and legal system utilization and costs/Susan E. Collins, Heather S. Lonczak, Seema L. Clifasefi.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 201-211.
118215 The mobilization of computerized crime mapping: a randomized controlled trial/Travis A. Taniguchi, Charlotte Gill.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 213-225.
118216 The Crime and Threat Image Set (CaTIS): a validated stimulus set to experimentally explore fear of crime/Michelle S. Noon, Jennifer L. Beaudry, Ann Knowles.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 227-242.
118217 Follow-up of a social skills training (SST) for juvenile delinquents: effects on reoffending/Trudy van der Stouwe … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 243-252.
118218 What can we do to reduce disciplinary school exclusion? A systematic review and meta-analysis/Sara Valdebenito … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 253-287.
118219 Hot spots policing and crime reduction: an update of an ongoing systematic review and meta-analysis/Anthony A. Braga … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 289-311.
118220 Measurement bias in self-reports of offending: a systematic review of experiments/Hugo S. Gomes … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 313-339.
118221 Procedural justice perceptions, legitimacy beliefs, and compliance with the law: a meta-analysis/Glenn D. Walters, P. Colin Bolger.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 341-372.
118222 Advancing knowledge about replication in criminology/David P. Farrington … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 373-396.
118223 A conceptual replication of the Strategic Training Initiative in Community Supervision (STICS)/James Bonta … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 397-419.
118224 A randomized trial testing deviant modeling, peer gender, and theft: replication and extension/Owen Gallupe … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 421-439.
118225 The first delinquency prevention experiment: a socio-historical review of the origins of the Cambridge-Somerville Youth Study’s research design/Brandon C. Welsh, Nicole E. Dill, Steven N. Zane.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 441-451.
118226 Testing filter term performance in PsycINFO to identify evidence syntheses in crime reduction, using the relative recall method/Lisa Tompson.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 453-467.
118227 On the potential of incorporating administrative register data into randomized experiments/Jordan M. Hyatt, Synove N. Andersen.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 469-497.
118228 Assessing the gang-level and community-level effects of the Philadelphia Focused Deterrence strategy/Caterina G. Roman … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 499-527.
118229 Valuing the public’s demand for crime prevention programs: a discrete choice experiment/Emilio Picasso, Mark A. Cohen.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 529-550.
118230 Policing people with mental illness: experimental evaluation of online training to de-escalate mental health crises/Robyn L. Hacker, John J. Horan.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 551-567.
118231 Preventing treatment spillover contamination in criminological field experiments: the case of body-worn police cameras/Barak Ariel, Alex Sutherland, Lawrence W. Sherman.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 569-591.
118232 Understanding the time-course of an intervention’s mechanisms: a framework for improving experiments and evaluations/Shannon J. Linning, Kate Bowers, John E. Eck.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 593-610.
118233 Compliance, noncompliance, and the in-between: causal effects of civilian demeanor on police officers’ cognitions and emotions/Justin Nix, Justin T. Pickett, Renee J. Mitchell.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 611-639.
118234 Optimizing the geographic deployment of hot spot patrols with license plate readers/Christopher S. Koper, Bruce G. Taylor, Sangjun Park.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 641-650.
118235 The effect of procedural injustice during emergency 911 calls: a factorial vignette-based study/Michaela Flippin, Michael D. Reisig, Rick Trinkner.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 651-660.
118236 Turning the corner on procedural justice theory: exploring reverse causality with an experimental vignette in a longitudinal survey/Rick Trinkner … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 661-671.
118237 Addressing the black box of focused deterrence: an examination of the mechanisms of change in Chicago’s Project Safe Neighborhoods/Rick Trinkner.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 673-683.
118238 Do body-worn cameras reduce eyewitness cooperation with the police? An experimental inquiry/J. A. Hamm … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 685-701.
118239 Testing the effectiveness of anti-theft wraps across product types in retail environments: a randomized controlled trial/Read Hayes … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 703-718.
118240 How do drug courts work?/John K. Roman, Jennifer Yahner, Janine Zweig.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 1-25.
118241 Long term effects of drug court participation: evidence from a 15-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial/Brook Kearley, Denise Gottfredson.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 27-47.
118242 Mandatory, fast, and fair: Case outcomes and procedural justice in a family drug court/Melanie Fessinger … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 49-77.
118243 A qualitative analysis and eleven-factor typology of hypothesized factors encouraging or discouraging the development of problem solving courts in various countries/Monica K. Miller.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 79-100.
118244 The impact of reentry court on recidivism: a randomized controlled trial in Harlem, New York/Lama Hassoun Ayoub.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 101-117.
118245 Effect of behavioral health services and neighborhood disadvantages on recidivism: a comparison of mental health court and traditional court participants/Woojae Han.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 119-140.
118246 Do you think some veterans are receiving a get out of jail free card? Examining support for Veterans Treatment Court as a function of mental health and offense type/Jenna M. Kieckhaefer, Samantha Luna.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 141-170.
118247 Thirty years onward! Citation analysis of randomized experiments on drug and mental health courts/Lincoln B. Sloas.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 171-181.
118248 The co-offender as counterfactual: a quasi-experimental within-partnership approach to the examination of the relationship between race and arrest/Brendan Lantz, Marin R. Wenger.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 183-206.
118249 School-based services for youth with prior police contact: a randomized controlled trial/Sonja E. Siennick … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 207-226.
118250 The effect of outpatient methadone maintenance treatment facilities on place-based crime/Ruth A. Moyer, Greg Ridgeway.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 227-245.
118251 Marijuana medicalization and motor vehicle fatalities: a synthetic control group approach/Bradley J. Bartos, Carol Newark, Richard McCleary.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 247-264.
118252 Using a natural experiment to measure the impact of swifter punishment on criminal recidivism/Lars Hojsgaard Andersen.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 289-298.
118253 An experimental trial of a dog-training program in a juvenile detention center/Eric Grommon, Dena C. Carson, Lauren Kenney.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 299-309.
118254 Framing innocence: an experimental test of the effects of wrongful convictions on public opinion/Robert J. Norris, Kevin J. Mullinix.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 311-334.
118255 Revisiting the role of distributive justice in Tyler’s legitimacy theory/Kyle McLean.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 335-346.
118256 Transcranial magnetic stimulation over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex affects emotional processing: accounting for individual differences in antisocial behavior/Katerina Konikkou, Nikos Kostantinou, Kostas A. Fanti.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.3: 349-366.
118257 Effects of prefrontal cortical stimulation on aggressive and antisocial behavior: A double-blind, stratified, randomized, sham-controlled, parallel-group trial/Shichun Ling … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.3: 367-387.
118258 Omega-3 supplementation in young offenders: a randomized, stratified, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group trial/Adrian Raine … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.3: 389-405.
118259 The impact of brain injury on within-individual changes in moral disengagement: implications for criminal and antisocial behavior: Brain injury and moral disengagement/Joseph A. Schwartz, Brittni Fitter, Christopher A. Jodis.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.3: 407-429.
118260 Identifying psychological pathways to polyvictimization: evidence from a longitudinal cohort study of twins from the UK/Peter T. Tanksley … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.3: 431-461.
118261 The effects of body-worn cameras on police-citizen encounters and police activity: evaluation of a pilot implementation in Philadelphia, PA/Elizabeth R. Groff, Cory Haberman, Jennifer D. Wood.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.4: 463-480.
118262 How do body-worn cameras affect the amount and makeup of police-initiated activities? A randomized controlled trial in Milwaukee, Wisconsin/Daniel S. Lawrence, Bryce E. Peterson.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.4: 481-503.
118263 Do religious programs in prison work? A quasi-experimental evaluation in the Israeli prison service/Noam Haviv … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.4: 505-533.
118264 A quasi-experimental evaluation of the environmental corrections model of probation and parole/Lacey Schaefer, Simon Little.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.4: 535-553.
118265 Pragmatic implication in the interrogation room: a comparison of juveniles and adults/Allison D. Redlich, Reveka V. Shteynberg, Laura H. Nirider.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.4: 555-564.
118266 The effectiveness of judicial instructions on eyewitness evidence in sensitizing jurors to suggestive identification procedures captured on video/Alena Skalon, Jennifer L. Beaudry.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.4: 565-594.
118267 Juror gender and confession evidence: an exploratory study of effects on empathy and trial outcomes for juvenile defendants/Cynthia J. Najdowski, Jennifer N. Weintraub.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.4: 595-606.
118268 A deadlier post-9/11 terrorism landscape for the USA abroad: a quasi-experimental study of backlash effects of terrorism prevention/Henda Y. Hsu, Bob Edward Vasquez, David McDowall.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.4: 607-623.
118269 An evaluation of Kentucky’s sexual assault investigator training: results from a randomized three-group experiment/Bradley A. Campbell, David S. Lapsey, William Wells.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.4: 625-647.
118270 Experimental criminology: looking back and forward on the 20th anniversary of the Academy of Experimental Criminology/David P. Farrington … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2020; Vol.16, No.4: 649-673.
118271 An experimental study of responses to armed police in Great Britain/Julia A. Yesberg, Ben Bradford, Paul Dawson.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.1: 1-13.
118272 The Philadelphia predictive policing experiment/Jerry H. Ratcliffe … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.1: 15-41.
118273 The results of a randomized controlled trial of police body-worn video in Australia/Joseph Clare … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.1: 43-54.
118274 The trick does not work if you have already seen the gorilla: how anticipatory effects contaminate pre-treatment measures in field experiments/Barak Ariel, Alex Sutherland, Matthew Bland.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.1: 55-66.
118275 Context manipulation in police interviews: a field experiment/Christopher E. Kelly, Evan Dawson, Maria Hartwig.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.1: 67-86.
118276 Do (sex) crimes increase during the United States Formula 1 Grand Prix?/Alex R. Piquero, Nicole Leeper Piquero, Jordan R. Riddell.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.1: 87-108.
118277 Social media governance: can social media companies motivate voluntary rule following behavior among their users?/Tom Tyler … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.1: 109-127.
118278 Estimating the impact of an integrated CCTV program on crime/Giovanni Circo, Edmund McGarrell.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.1: 129-150.
118279 External validity and assignment of experimental vs. control treatment providers within small work groups: a research note/Lawrence W. Sherman … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.2: 151-160.
118280 Building collective action at crime hot spots: Findings from a randomized field experiment/David Weisburd … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.2: 161-191.
118281 Acoustic gunshot detection systems: a quasi-experimental evaluation in St. Louis, MO/Dennis Mares, Emily Blackburn.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.2: 193-215.
118282 Overcoming the benchmark problem in estimating bias in traffic enforcement: the use of automatic traffic enforcement cameras/Roni Factor … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.2: 217-237.
118283 Do photos of police-civilian interactions influence public opinion about the police? A multimethod test of media effects/Kevin H. Wozniak, Kevin M. Drakulich, Brian R. Calfano.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.2: 1-27.
118284 Effect of public transit on crime: evidence from SEPTA strikes in Philadelphia/Yuhao Wu, Greg Ridgeway.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.2: 267-286.
118285 Do stickers indicating the use of forensic property marking prevent burglary? Results from a randomized controlled trial/Britta Kyvsgaard, David W.M. Sorensen.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.2: 287-303.
118286 The decision to provide discovery: an examination of policies and guilty pleas/Samantha Luna, Allison D. Redlich.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.2: 305-320.
118287 Specifying the information effect: reference points and procedural justifications affect legal attitudes in four survey experiments/Stephan Grimmelikhuijsen, Kees van den Bos.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.2: 321-341.
118288 Effects of bystander sexual assault prevention programs on promoting intervention skills and combatting the bystander effect: a systematic review and meta-analysis/Heather Hensman Kettrey, Robert A. Marx.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.3: 343-367.
118289 The effectiveness of social skills training (SST) for juvenile delinquents: a meta-analytical review/Trudy van der Stouwe … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.3: 369-396.
118290 Clinical change in psychopathic traits after the PSYCHOPATHY.COMP program: preliminary findings of a controlled trial with male detained youth/Diana Ribeiro da Silva … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.3: 397-421.
118291 How mock jurors’ cognitive processing and defendants’ immigrant status and ethnicity relate to decisions in capital trials/Matthew P. West … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.3: 423-432.
118292 Eyewitnesses in the courtroom: a jury-level experimental examination of the impact of the Henderson instructions/Amanda N. Bergold … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.3: 433-455.
118293 Evaluating the effectiveness of a police department’s early intervention system/Stephen James, Lois James, Liz Dotson.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.3: 457-471.
118294 Hot spots policing in a high-crime environment: an experimental evaluation in Medellin/Daniela Collazos … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.3: 473-506.
118295 A high-profile police-involved shooting, civil unrest, and officers’ perceptions of legitimacy: insights from a natural experiment/Brandon Turchan.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.3: 507-518.
118296 Using recursive partitioning to find and estimate heterogenous treatment effects in randomized clinical trials/Richard Berk … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.3: 519-538.
118297 The distribution of police use of force across patrol and specialty units: a case study in BWC impact/Janne E. Gaub, Natalie Todak, Michael D. White.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.4: 545-561.
118298 Truly free consent? Clarifying the nature of police legitimacy using causal mediation analysis/Krisztian Posch … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.4: 563-595.
118299 Assessing the effect of multidimensional family therapy in adolescents on police arrests against a background of falling crime rates. A randomised controlled trial with 7-year follow-up/Thimo M. van der Pol … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.4: 597-609.
118300 Mitigating the consequences of invasive security practices: a quasi-experiment in an international airport/Badi Hasisi … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.4: 611-628.
118301 A simple checklist, that is all it takes: a cluster randomized controlled field trial on improving the treatment of suspected terrorists by the police/Brandon Langley … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.4: 629-655.
118302 Mere presence of informal guardians deters burglars: a virtual reality study/Iris van Sintemaartensdijk … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.4: 657-676.
118303 The lack of experimental research in criminology – evidence from Criminology and Justice Quarterly/Amy Dezember … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.4: 677-712.
118304 Does constructing a facial composite affect eyewitness memory? A research synthesis and meta-analysis/Colin G. Tredoux … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2021; Vol.17, No.4: 713-741.
118305 Examining the effects of teen dating violence prevention programs: a systematic review and meta-analysis/Chelsey Lee, Jennifer S. Wong.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2022; Vol.18, No.1: 1-40.
118306 Assessing the capability of a co-responding police-mental health program to connect emotionally disturbed people with community resources and decrease police use-of-force/Etienne Blais … [et al.].- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2022; Vol.18, No.1: 41-65.
118307 Police legitimacy: identifying developmental trends and whether youths’ perceptions can be changed/Adam D. Fine, Kathleen E. Padilla, Kelsey E. Tom.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2022; Vol.18, No.1: 67-87.
118308 COVID-19 and social distancing measures in Queensland, Australia, are associated with short-term decreases in recorded violent crime/Jason L. Payne, Anthony Morgan, Alex R. Piquero.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2022; Vol.18, No.1: 89-113.
118309 The effects of cognitive behavioral therapy on recidivism among parolees in Central America: evidence from a Honduran experiment/Joel A. Capellan, Stephen Koppel, Hung-En Sung.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2022; Vol.18, No.1: 115-128.
118310 What do security cameras provide for society? The influence of cameras in public spaces in Japan on perceived neighborhood cohesion and trust/Daisuke Takagi, Mamoru Amemiya, Takahito Shimada.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2022; Vol.18, No.1: 129-147.
118311 The benefits of live court date reminder phone calls during pretrial case processing/Russell Ferri.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2022; Vol.18, No.1: 149-169.
118312 A research note on Mendelian randomization and causal inference in criminology: promises and considerations/Brian B. Boutwell, Charleen D. Adams.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2022; Vol.18, No.1: 171-182.
118313 Crime and social cognition: a meta-analytic review of the developmental roots of adult criminal thinking/Glenn D. Walters.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2022; Vol.18, No.1: 183-207.
118315 A randomized controlled trial of the impact of body-worn camera activation on the outcomes of individual incidents/Jessica Huff, Charles M. Katz, E. C. Hedberg.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2022; Vol.18, No.2: 247-272.
118316 Crime trend perceptions, negative emotions, and public punitiveness: a survey experiment of information treatment/Luzi Shi.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2022; Vol.18, No.2: 277-295.
118317 The use of personal protective equipment (PPE) by police during a public health crisis: An experimental test of public perception/Rylan Simpson, Ryan Sandrin.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2022; Vol.18, No.2: 297-319.
118318 Diverging from the shadows: explaining individual deviation from plea bargaining in the shadow of the trial/Kevin Petersen, Allison D. Redlich, Robert J. Norris.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2022; Vol.18, No.2: 321-342.
118319 Animus toward Muslims and its association with public support for punitive counter-terrorism policies: did the Christchurch terrorist attack mitigate this association?/Harley Williamson, Kristina Murphy.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2022; Vol.18, No.2: 343-363.
118320 Examining the effects of legalizing marijuana in Colorado and Washington on clearance rates: a quasi-experimental design/Cody Jorgensen, Alexis J. Harper.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2022; Vol.18, No.2: 365-386.
118321 Selling effective violence prevention policies to the public: a nationally representative framing experiment/Justin T. Pickett, Stefan Ivanov, Kevin H. Wozniak.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2022; Vol.18, No.2: 387-409.
118322 Pushed out of the education system: using a natural experiment to evaluate consequences for boys/Kira Solveig Larsen, Lars Hojsgaard Andersen, Britt Ostergaard Larsen.- Journal of Experimental Criminology. 2022; Vol.18, No.2: 411-438.
118323 The Character of EU Law and Governance: From CommunityMethod  to New Modes of Governance/Kenneth A. Armstrong.- Current Legal Problems. 2011; Vol.64, No.1: 179-214.
118324 Exclusions from Patentability and Exceptions to Patentees Rights: Taking Exceptions SeriouslyGet access Arrow/Lionel Bently.- Current Legal Problems. 2011; Vol.64, No.1: 315347.
118325 What is Family Law For Get access Arrow/Alison Diduck.- Current Legal Problems. 2011; Vol.64, No.1: 287-314.
118326 Which in Your Case You Have Not Got: Constitutionalism at Home and AbroadGet access Arrow/David Feldman.- Current Legal Problems. 2011; Vol.64, No.1: 117-149.
118327 Insolvency Law and Insolvency Practice: Principles and Pragmatism Diverge Get access Arrow/Sandra Frisby.- Current Legal Problems. 2011; Vol.64, No.1: 349-397.
118328 Sex-Neutral MarriageGet access Arrow/Leslie Green.- Current Legal Problems. 2011; Vol.64, No.1: 1-21.
118329 Responsibility for Collective Atrocities: Fair Labelling and Approaches to Commission in International Criminal LawGet access Arrow/Douglas Guilfoyle.- Current Legal Problems. 2011; Vol.64, No.1: 255-286.
118330 Is Private Law Meaningless Get access Arrow/Steve Hedley.- Current Legal Problems. 2011; Vol.64, No.1: 89-116.
118331 Equality and MulticulturalismGet access Arrow/Aileen McColgan.- Current Legal Problems. 2011; Vol.64, No.1: 151-178.
118332 Why Courts Make Orders (And What This Tells us About Damages)Get access Arrow/Stephen Smith.- Current Legal Problems. 2011; Vol.64, No.1: 51-87.
118333 The Fiction of the Constructive TrustGet access Arrow/William Swadling.- Current Legal Problems. 2011; Vol.64, No.1: 399-433.
118334 Consent to HarmGet access Arrow/Victor Tadros.- Current Legal Problems. 2011; Vol.64, No.1: 23-49.
118335 National Security and the Due Process of Law/Adam Tomkins.- Current Legal Problems. 2011; Vol.64, No.1: 215-253.
118336 Direct Transfers in the Law of Unjust EnrichmentGet access Arrow/Stephen Watterson.- Current Legal Problems. 2011; Vol.64, No.1: 435-470.
118337 Identifying Exploitative Compromises: The Role of Labour Law in Resolving Disputes Between Workers/ACL Davies.- Current Legal Problems. 2012; Vol.65, No.1: 269-294.
118338 Justice and Pluralism in the EU/Sionaidh Douglas-Scott.- Current Legal Problems. 2012; Vol.65, No.1: 83-118.
118339 The New Mandate for the Supervision of Financial Services Conduct/Eils Ferran.- Current Legal Problems. 2012; Vol.65, No.1: 411-453.
118340 Bicameralism and the Separation of PowersGet access Arrow/Jeremy Waldron.- Current Legal Problems. 2012; Vol.65, No.1: 31-57.
118341 What Should We Do about Financial Collateral/Louise Gullifer.- Current Legal Problems. 2012; Vol.65, No.1: 377-410.
118342 Doing the Sustainable Development Dance: Tracing a Critical Route from the Education for Sustainable Development Movement to Environmental Justice in Legal EducationGet access Arrow/Jane Holder.- Current Legal Problems. 2012; Vol.65, No.1: 145-176.
118343 Political Systems and Criminal Justice: The Prisoners Dilemma After the CoalitionGet access Arrow/Nicola Lacey.- Current Legal Problems. 2012; Vol.65, No.1: 203-239.
118344 The Medical ExceptionGet access Arrow/Penney Lewis.- Current Legal Problems. 2012; Vol.65, No.1: 355-376.
118345 Obligations in Commercial Contracts: A Matter of Law or Interpretation/Catherine Mitchell.- Current Legal Problems. 2012; Vol.65, No.1: 455-488.
118346 Patterns of Legal Change/Paul Mitchell.- Current Legal Problems. 2012; Vol.65, No.1: 177-201.
118347 Charities and the Modern Equality Framework-Heading for a Collision Get access Arrow/Debra Morris.- Current Legal Problems. 2012; Vol.65, No.1: 295-331.
118348 The Concept of Jurisdiction in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights/Angelika Nu‎کberger.- Current Legal Problems. 2012; Vol.65, No.1: 241-268.
118349 Legitimacy and Justice in Republican Perspective/Philip Pettit.- Current Legal Problems. 2012; Vol.65, No.1: 59-82.
118350 Mental Disabilities and the Law: From Substitute to Supported Decision-Making/Genevra Richardson.- Current Legal Problems. 2012; Vol.65, No.1: 333-354.
118351 Carlyle v Carlyle: ACriminal Conversation/Ian Ward.- Current Legal Problems. 2012; Vol.65, No.1: 119-143.
118352 Policy and Proprietary Remedies: Are We All Formalists Now/Craig Rotherham.- Current Legal Problems. 2012; Vol.65, No.1: 529-564.
118353 The Role of Legitimacy in Trade Mark LawGet access Arrow/Ilanah Simon Fhima.- Current Legal Problems. 2012; Vol.65, No.1: 489-527.
118354 Towards a Philosophy of Human RightsGet access Arrow/John Tasioulas.- Current Legal Problems. 2012; Vol.65, No.1: 1-30.
118355 Reverse Engineering and Commercial Secrets/Tanya Aplin.- Current Legal Problems. 2013; Vol.66, No.1: 341-377.
118356 Turning Institutional Investors into Stewards: Exploring the Meaning and Objectives of Stewardship/Iris H-Y Chiu.- Current Legal Problems. 2013; Vol.66, No.1: 443-481.
118357 Sovereignty Contests and the Protection of Natural Resources in Conflict Zones/Phoebe Okowa.- Current Legal Problems. 2013; Vol.66, No.1: 33-73.
118358 Equitable Compensation for Breach of Fiduciary Duty/Charles Mitchell.- Current Legal Problems. 2013; Vol.66, No.1: 337-339.
118359 Understanding Equitable Estoppel: From Metaphors to Better Laws/Ben McFarlane.- Current Legal Problems. 2013; Vol.66, No.1: 267-305.
118360 Truth, Efficiency, and Cooperation in Modern Criminal Justice/Jenny McEwan.- Current Legal Problems. 2013; Vol.66, No.1: 1-30.
118361 Sanctions and Safeguards: The Brave New World of Regulatory Enforcement/Richard Macrory.- Current Legal Problems. 2013; Vol.66, No.1: 233-266.
118362 IP Law: Keep Calm and Carry On/Honourable Sir Robin Jacob.- Current Legal Problems. 2013; Vol.66, No.1: 379-399.
118363 Fought the Law and the Law Won Legal Consciousness and the Critical Imagination/Simon Halliday, Bronwen Morgan.- Current Legal Problems. 2013; Vol.66, No.1: 1-32.
118364 Targeted Killings: Recent US Attempts to Create a Legal Framework/Christine Gray.- Current Legal Problems. 2013; Vol.66, No.1: 75-106.
118365 The Achilleas: Forsaking Foreseeability/Victor P Goldberg.- Current Legal Problems. 2013; Vol.66, No.1: 107-130.
118366 Human Rights and the Autonomy of EU Law: Pluralism or Integration/Piet Eeckhout.- Current Legal Problems. 2013; Vol.66, No.1: 169-202.
118367 Remuneration and Riots: Rethinking Corporate Governance Reform in the Age of Entitlement/Alan Dignam.- Current Legal Problems. 2013; Vol.66, No.1: 401-441.
118368 The Nature of Reasonableness Review/Paul Craig.- Current Legal Problems. 2013; Vol.66, No.1: 131-167.
118369 Property Outsiders and the Hidden Politics of Doctrinalism/Lorna Fox OMahony.- Current Legal Problems. 2014; Vol.67, No.1: 1-37.
118370 Codifying Contracts-An Idea Whose Time has Come/Andrew Tettenborn.- Current Legal Problems. 2014; Vol.67, No.1: 1-23.
118371 EU Employment Law and the European Social Model: The Past, the Present and the Future/Catherine Barnard.- Current Legal Problems. 2014; Vol.67, No.1: 1-39.
118372 Frenzied Law Making: Overcriminalization by Numbers/James Chalmers.- Current Legal Problems. 2014; Vol.67, No.1: 483-502.
118373 Implied Terms: The Foundation in Good Faith and Fair Dealing/Hugh Collins.- Current Legal Problems. 2014; Vol.67, No.1: 1-35.
118374 We the People Outside of the Constitution: The Dialogic Model of Constitutionalism and the System of Checks and Balances/Roberto Gargarella.- Current Legal Problems. 2014; Vol.67, No.1: 1-47.
118375 Whither the Margin of Appreciation/Dean Spielmann.- Current Legal Problems. 2014; Vol.67, No.1: 49-65.
118376 The Case for a Visualized Economic Sociology of Legal Development/Amanda Perry-Kessaris.- Current Legal Problems. 2014; Vol.67, No.1: 169-198.
118377 Evolutionary Trajectories for Transnational Labour Law: Trade in Goods to Trade in Services/Tonia Novitz.- Current Legal Problems. 2014; Vol.67, No.1: 239-271.
118378 Charitable Purposes and Activities/Jonathan Garton.- Current Legal Problems. 2014; Vol.67, No.1: 373-407.
118379 Mistaken Gifts after Pitt v Holt/Birke Hacker.- Current Legal Problems. 2014; Vol.67, No.1: 333-372.
118380 Assuming Responsibility for Incarcerated Children: A Rights Case for Care-based Homes/Kathryn Hollingsworth.- Current Legal Problems. 2014; Vol.67, No.1: 99-134.
118381 Governing As If: Global Subsidies Regulation and the Benchmark Problem/Andrew Lang.- Current Legal Problems. 2014; Vol.67, No.1: 135-168.
118382 Minorities and Law: Past and Present/Maleiha Malik.- Current Legal Problems. 2014; Vol.67, No.1: 67-98.
118383 Precarious Professionalism: Some Empirical and Behavioural Perspectives on Lawyers/Richard Moorhead.- Current Legal Problems. 2014; Vol.67, No.1: 1-35.
118384 Heads I Win. Tails you Lose. Migration and the Worker Citizen/Bridget Anderson.- Current Legal Problems. 2015; Vol.68, No.1: 1-18.
118385 Rethinking the Approach to Economic Justifications under the EUs Free Movement Rules/Sue Arrowsmith.- Current Legal Problems. 2015; Vol.68, No.1: 307-365.
118386 Corporate Governance, Pay Equity, and the Limitations of Agency Theory/Marc T. Moore.- Current Legal Problems. 2015; Vol.68, No.1: 1-34.
118387 The Rise of Corporate Governance in the UK: When and Why/Brian R. Cheffins.- Current Legal Problems. 2015; Vol.68, No.1: 387-429.
118388 Immigration Detention: The Grounds Beneath Our Feet/Cathryn Costello.- Current Legal Problems. 2015; Vol.68, No.1: 143-177.
118389 More than Just a Different Face Judicial Diversity and Decision-making/Rosemary Hunter.- Current Legal Problems. 2015; Vol.68, No.1: 119-141.
118390 Habeas Corpus, Imperial Rendition, and the Rule of Law/Michael Lobban.- Current Legal Problems. 2015; Vol.68, No.1: 1-58.
118391 Excusing Information-Provision Crimes in the Bureaucratic State/Jeremy Horder.- Current Legal Problems. 2015; Vol.68, No.1: 197-227.
118392 Constitutionalizing Labour Rights in Canada and Europe: Freedom of Association, Collective Bargaining, and Strikes/Judy Fudge.- Current Legal Problems. 2015; Vol.68, No.1: 267-305.
118393 Contract Formation and the Fog of Rectification/Terence Etherton.- Current Legal Problems. 2015; Vol.68, No.1: 1-19.
118394 Comity among Authorities/Timothy Endicott.- Current Legal Problems. 2015; Vol.68, No.1: 1-26.
118395 Beyond the European Convention: Human Rights and the Common Law/Mark Elliott.- Current Legal Problems. 2015; Vol.68, No.1: 85-117.
118396 More than Just a Different Face Judicial Diversity and Decision-making/Rosemary Hunter.- Current Legal Problems. 2015; Vol.68, No.1: 119-141.
118397 Mapping a Developing Governance Space: Managing Drought in the UK/Bettina Lange, Christina Cook.- Current Legal Problems. 2015; Vol.68, No.1: 229-266.
118398 Things are not what they seem: On persons, things, slaves, and the new abolitionist movement/Julia OConnell Davidson.- Current Legal Problems. 2016; Vol.69, No.1: 1-31.
118399 Democracy, Separation of Powers, and International Treaty-making The example of TTIP/Gertrude Lubbe-Wolff.- Current Legal Problems. 2016; Vol.69, No.1: 175-198.
118400 Curriculum vitae: A Prequel/Roger OKeefe.- Current Legal Problems. 2016; Vol.69, No.1: 199-225.
118401 Secondary Economic Sanctions/Cecile Fabre.- Current Legal Problems. 2016; Vol.69, No.1: 259-288.
118402 The Constitution and Foreign Affairs/Thomas Poole.- Current Legal Problems. 2016; Vol.69, No.1: 143-174.
118403 Structural Principles and their Role in EU External Relations Law/Marise Cremona.- Current Legal Problems. 2016; Vol.69, No.1: 35-66.
118404 Unjust Enrichment-the Potion that Induces Well-meaning Sloppiness of Thought/Peter G. Watts.- Current Legal Problems. 2016; Vol.69, No.1: 289-325.
118405 The Myth of the Remedial Constructive Trust/Charlie Webb.- Current Legal Problems. 2016; Vol.69, No.1: 353-376.
118406 The Inferred Trust: an UnhappyMarriage of Contract and Trust/Michael Bryan.- Current Legal Problems. 2016; Vol.69, No.1: 377-400.
118407 Don’t Call People Rapists: on the Social Contribution Injustice of Punishment/Kimberley Brownlee.- Current Legal Problems. 2016; Vol.69, No.1: 327-352.
118408 Common law and statute in the law of employment/Alan Bogg.- Current Legal Problems. 2016; Vol.69, No.1: 1-47.
118409 Mental Health, Law, and Creating Inclusive Workplaces/Mark Bell.- Current Legal Problems. 2016; Vol.69, No.1: 1-34.
118410 Corruption by organised crime-A matter of definition/Liz Campbell.- Current Legal Problems. 2016; Vol.69, No.1: 1-27.
118411 Massively Discretionary Trusts/Lionel Smith.- Current Legal Problems. 2017; Vol.70, No.1: 17-54.
118412 Illegality after Patel v Mirza/Andrew Burrows.- Current Legal Problems. 2017; Vol.70, No.1: 55-71.
118413 Patient No Longer What Next in Healthcare Law/Jonathan Montgomery.- Current Legal Problems. 2017; Vol.70, No.1: 73-109.
118414 Has Montgomery Administered the Last Rites to Therapeutic Privilege A Diagnosis and a Prognosis/Rachael Mulheron.- Current Legal Problems. 2017; Vol.70, No.1: 1-40.
118415 Taking Flight-Domestic Violence and Child Abduction/Brenda Hale.- Current Legal Problems. 2017; Vol.70, No.1: 3-16.
118416 The EU and its Sovereign Debt Programmes: The Challenges of Liminal Legality/Claire Kilpatrick.- Current Legal Problems. 2017; Vol.70, No.1: 337-363.
118417 Changing Values and Growing Expectations: The Evolution of Capacity Law/Mary Donnelly.- Current Legal Problems. 2017; Vol.70, No.1: 305-336.
118418 AdministrativeDiscretion, Administrative Rule-making, and Judicial Review/Aileen McHarg.- Current Legal Problems. 2017; Vol.70, No.1: 267-303.
118419 Mutual Recognition: Promise and Denial, from Sapiens to Brexit/Kalypso Nicolaidis.- Current Legal Problems. 2017; Vol.70, No.1: 227-266.
118420 The Past, Present, and Future of Resulting Trusts/John Mee.- Current Legal Problems. 2017; Vol.70, No.1: 1-37.
118421 Hospitality, Tolerance, and Exclusion in Legal Form: Private International Law and the Politics of Difference/Horatia Muir Watt.- Current Legal Problems. 2017; Vol.70, No.1: 111-147.
118422 Foucault’s Pendulum: Text, Context and Good Faith in Contract Law/Gerard McMeel.- Current Legal Problems. 2017; Vol.70, No.1: 1-33.
118423 Polycentric Competition Law/Ioannis Lianos.- Current Legal Problems. 2018; Vol.71, No.1: 1-54.
118424 Proportionality as Fittingness: The Moral Dimension of Proportionality/George Letsas.- Current Legal Problems. 2018; Vol.71, No.1: 1-34.
118425 Populism and the UK Constitution/Alison L Young.- Current Legal Problems. 2018; Vol.71, No.1: 1-36.
118426 Towards a New Relationship Between Trade Mark Law and Psychology/Robert Burrell, Kimberlee Weatherall.- Current Legal Problems. 2018; Vol.71, No.1: 1-32.
118427 The Rule of-and not by any-Law. On Constitutionalism/Susanne Baer.- Current Legal Problems. 2018; Vol.71, No.1: 335-368.
118428 Humanity in Tort:Does Personality Affect Personal Injury Litigation/Richard Lewis.- Current Legal Problems. 2018; Vol.71, No.1: 1-34.
118429 Aggravated Damages/Michael Tilbury.- Current Legal Problems. 2018; Vol.71, No.1: 215-244.
118430 Making and Shaping the Law of Armed Conflict/Sandesh Sivakumaran.- Current Legal Problems. 2018; Vol.71, No.1: 119-160.
118431 Dedications/Anthony Julius.- Current Legal Problems. 2018; Vol.71, No.1: 1-16.
118432 An Institutional Theory of Corporate Regulation/Iris H-Y Chiu.- Current Legal Problems. 2018; Vol.71, No.1: 279-334.
118433 Thirty Years of Ultra Vires: Local Authorities, National Courts and the Global Derivatives Markets/Jo Braithwaite.- Current Legal Problems. 2018; Vol.71, No.1: 369-402.
118434 Hate speech online: an (intractable) contemporary challenge/Catherine ORegan.- Current Legal Problems. 2018; Vol.71, No.1: 1-27.
118435 The Legal Framework for UK Aid After Brexit/Ambreena Manji.- Current Legal Problems. 2019; Vol.72, No.1: 37-57.
118436 The Territorial Constitution and the Brexit Process/Stephen Tierney.- Current Legal Problems. 2019; Vol.72, No.1: 59-83.
118437 The Democratic Case for a Written Constitution/Jeff King.- Current Legal Problems. 2019; Vol.72, No.1: 1-36.
118438 Why Colonialism Is Wrong/Massimo Renzo.- Current Legal Problems. 2019; Vol.72, No.1: 1-27.
118439 The Value of Communication Practices for Comparative Law: Exploring the Relationship Between Scotland and England/Alexandra Braun.- Current Legal Problems. 2019; Vol.72, No.1: 1-31.
118440 The History of Foreseeability/Helen Scott.- Current Legal Problems. 2019; Vol.72, No.1: 1-28.
118441 Bad Bargains/Paul S Davies.- Current Legal Problems. 2019; Vol.72, No.1: 1-37.
118442 The Transnational Counter-Terrorism Order: A Proble matique/Fiona de Londras.- Current Legal Problems. 2019; Vol.72, No.1: 203-251.
118443 A Shrinking Space: A Dynamic Relationship between the Judiciary in a Liberal Society of Hong Kong and a Socialist-Leninist Sovereign State/Johannes M M Chan, SC (Hon).- Current Legal Problems. 2019; Vol.72, No.1: 85-122.
118444 Assumption of Responsibility: Four Questions/Donal Nolan.- Current Legal Problems. 2019; Vol.72, No.1: 1-36.
118445 When Law is Good for Your Health: Mitigating the social determinants of health through access to justice/Hazel Genn.- Current Legal Problems. 2019; Vol.72, No.1: 1-44.
118446 Trafficking: A Development Approach/Prabha Kotiswaran.- Current Legal Problems. 2019; Vol.72, No.1: 375-416.
118447 Structural Injustice and the Human Rights of Workers/Virginia Mantouvalou.- Current Legal Problems. 2020; Vol.73, No.1: 1-29.
118448 Future Trade Relations between Canada and the United Kingdom/C.M. Armand de Mestral.- Current Legal Problems. 2020; Vol.73, No.1: 1-23.
118449 Political Parties in Constitutional Theory/Tarunabh Khaitan.- Current Legal Problems. 2020; Vol.73, No.1: 1-27.
118450 Social rights: A Wide Agenda/Andras Sajo.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 38-43.
118451 Limiting EU Powers/Grainne de Burca.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 92-98.
118452 European Citizens Initiative/Andres Auer.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 79-86.
118453 Adoption, Ratification and Entry Into Force/Andreas Auer.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 131-135.
118454 Defence: Old Problems in a New Guise?/Leonard F.M. Besselink.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 21-26.
118455 Institutional Structure: A Delicate Balance/Paul Craig.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 52-56.
118456 Igniting the Spirits/Olivier Duhamel.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 12-16.
118457 The Purse and the Power/W.T. Eijsbouts.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 117-122.
118458 Judicial Protection Under the Constitution/Spyridon Flogaitis, Andreas Pottakis.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 108-111.
118459 Representation of citizens by the EP/Jorg Gerkrath.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 73-78.
118460 EMU and Central Bank: Chances Missed/P.J.G. Kapteyn.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1: 123-130.
118461 Subsidiarity, Politics and the Judiciary/Tim Koopmans.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 112-116.
118462 Human Rights: The Best is Yet to Come/Rick Lawson.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 27-37.
118463 A Unified Set of Instruments/Koen Lenaerts.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 57-61.
118464 European v. National Constitutions/Ingolf Pernice.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 99-103.
118465 National Parliaments and Subsidiarity: Think Twice/Jit Peters.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 68-72.
118466 The Convention Method/Hjalte Rasmussen.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 141-147.
118467 Primacy of Union Law/Jan Herman Reestman.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 104-107.
118468 Federalism, Sovereignty, etc./W.H. Roobol.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 87-91.
118469 The European President/John W. Sap.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 47-51.
118470 Citizenship in Abeyance/Dominique Rousseau.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 44-46.
118471 Loyalty and Solidarity/Peter G. Xuereb.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 17-20.
118472 Voting in the Councils: A Compromise, No Revolution/Jiri Zemanek.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 62-67.
118473 The Barroso Drama: Brussels for Beginners. Mr. Kovocs’s Curious Adventures between Capitals/Eniko Horvath.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 183-188.
118474 Constitutional Debates on Parliamentary Inviolability in Turkey/Ergun Ozbudun.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 273-280.
118475 Estonia Supreme Court on Reopening of Judicial Proceedings Following a Judgement of the European Court of Human Rights/Taavi Annus.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 319-326.
118476 The Barroso Drama: The Invisible Elephant Member States’ Collective Involvement in the Appointment of the Barroso Commission/Thomas Beukers.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 218-225.
118477 France Conseil Constitutionnel on the European Constitutional Treaty. Decision of 19 November 2004, 2004-505 DC./Guy Carcassonne.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 294-301.
118478 The Barroso Drama: Campidoglio, Rome-29 October 2004: How the Form Was Brought to Matter/W.T. Eijsbouts.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 156-174.
118479 The Barroso Drama: The Blair Necessities/Euan MacDonald.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 190-195.
118480 The Barroso Drama: France: The Jacques Barrot Way/Flavien Mariatte.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 197-202.
118481 Justice and Home Affairs in the EU Constitutional Treaty. What Added Value for the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice/Jorg Monar.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 227-246.
118482 France Conseil Constitutionnel on the Status of (Secondary) Community Law in the French Internal Order. Decision/Jan Herman Reestman.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 303-317.
118483 Spain Tribunal Constitucional on the European Constitution. Declaration of 13 December 2004/Camilo B. Schutte.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 282-292.
118484 The Barroso Drama: Pttering and Schulz Take Over Action and Inaction of National Politics in the Making of the Barroso Commission/Daniel Thym.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 204-210.
118485 The Barroso Drama: Kroes At All Cost To the Roots of the Dutch Presidency’s Failure/Mendeltje van Keulen.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 212-216.
118486 The Barroso Drama: Campidoglio, Rome 29 October 2004: How the Form Was Brought to Matter/W.T. Eijsbouts.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 248-271.
118487 Germany: Bundesverfassungsgericht on the status of the European Convention of Human Rights and ECHR decisions in the German legal order. Decision of 14 October 2004./Sasa Beljin.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.3: 554-568.
118488 Ireland’s Nice Referenda/Cathryn Costello.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.3: 358-382.
118489 United Kingdom: Banning the Jilbab: Reflections on Restricting Religious Clothing in the Light of the Court of Appeal in SB v. Denbigh High School. Decision of 2 March 2005./Gareth Davies.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.3: 512-530.
118490 United Kingdom: House of Lords on Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 in A. and others v. Secretary of State for the Home Department and X and/David Feldman.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.3: 532-552.
118491 From Maastricht to Edinburgh: the Danish solution/Helle Krunke.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.3: 340-356.
118492 Poland: Constitutional Tribunal on the Surrender of Polish Citizens under the European Arrest Warrant. Decision of 27 April 2005./Adam  azowski.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.3: 570-581.
118493 European Court of Human Rights: State and Religion, Schools and Scarves. An Analysis of the Margin of Appreciation as Used in the Case of Leyla Sahin v. Turkey/Aernout Nieuwenhuis.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.3: 496-510.
118494 The Dutch Referendum/Arjen Nijeboer.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.3: 394-405.
118495 Adieu a la directive/Sacha Prechal.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.3: 482-494.
118496 France: The Come-Back of Political Parties/Sarah Wolff, Gregory Mounier.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.3: 384-392.
118497 The Birth of the European Citizen Out of the Dutch No Vote/Herman van Gunsteren.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.3: 407-411.
118498 The Treaty of Nice, the Convention Draft and the Constitution for Europe Under a Veto Players Analysis/Xenophon Yataganas, George Tsebelis.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.3: 430-451.
118499 Rethinking EU Scholarship/Jiri Zemanek … [et al.].- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.3: 413-428.
118500 National Constitutional Concepts in the New Constitution for Europe/Jacques Ziller.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.3: 453-480.
118501 Schroder’s Dissolution of the Bundestag Approved/Ulrike Heckotter, Christoph Spielmann.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 5-20.
118502 Contours of a European Social Union in the Case-Law of the European Court of Justice/Koen Lenaerts, Tinne Heremans.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 101-115.
118503 Court of Justice of the European Communities/Richard L. Creech.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 147-151.
118504 Presidential Elements in Government Turkey/Levent Gonenc.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 54-99.
118505 Presidential Elements in Government Experimenting with Constitutional Change: Direct Election of the Prime Minister in Israel/Ana Martins.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 60-80.
118506 Swamping the Lords, Packing the Court, Sacking the King/Lucas Prakke.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 116-146.
118507 The Barroso Drama Enhancing Parliamentary Control Over the European Commission and the Member States/Thomas Beukers.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 21-53.
118508 The Netherlands/Gareth Davies.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 152-166.
118509 European Court of Human Rights/Kerem Altiparmak, Onur Karahanogullari.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.2: 268-292.
118510 Inconsistencies-The German Federal Constitutional Court on the European Arrest Warrant/Christian Tomuschat.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.2: 209-226.
118511 Presidential Elements in Government Poland-semi-presidentialism or rationalised parliamentarianism/Miroslaw Wyrzykowski, Agnieszka Cielen.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.2: 253-267.
118512 The Composite Case for National Parliaments in the European Union: Who Profits from Enhanced Involvement/Philipp Kiiver.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.2: 227-252.
118513 The 1948 Italian Constitution and the 2006 Referendum: Food for Thought/Cesare Pinelli.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 329-340.
118514 Presidential Elements in Government France: The Quest for Political Responsibility of the President in the Fifth Republic/Vlad Constantinesco, Stephane Pierre-Caps.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 341-357.
118515 Neutralizing the Sovereignty Question Compromise Strategies in Constitutional Argumentations before European Integration and since/Andras Jakab.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 375-397.
118516 MOX Plant Dispute-Court of Justice of the European Communities/Nikolaos Lavranos.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 456-469.
118517 Habermas, Supranational Democracy and the European Constitution/John P. McCormick.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 398-423.
118518 External Action of the European Union After the Constitutional Setback/Magdalena Martin.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 358-374.
118519 Evans v. UK European Court of Human Rights/Jacco Bomhoff, Lorenzo Zucca.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 424-442.
118520 Bosphorus-European Court of Human Rights/Steve Peers.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.3: 443-455.
118521 Access to State-Held Information as a Fundamental Right under the European Convention on Human Rights/Wouter Hins, Dirk Voorhoof.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 114-126.
118522 Accession Treaty-Polish Constitutional Tribunal/Adam  azowski.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 148-162.
118523 Opening Pandora’s Box/Eleanor Spaventa.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 5-24.
118524 Passenger Name Record Agreement-European Court of Justice/Mario Mendez.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 128-147.
118525 Presidential Elements in Government The Czech Republic/Jan Kysela, Zdenek Kuhn.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 91-113.
118526 Supremacy of EC Law in the New Member States Bringing parliaments into the Equation of Co-operative Constitutionalism/Anneli Albi.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 25-67.
118527 The Comitology Reform of 2006 Increasing the Powers of the European Parliament Without Changing the Treaties/Gregor Schusterschitz, Sabine Kotz.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 68-90.
118528 Community Terrorism Listings Fundamental rights, and UN Security Council Resolutions/Piet Eeckhout.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 183-206.
118529 Family Reunification Directive-Court of Justice of the European Communities/Rick Lawson.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 324-342.
118530 Negotiating Turkey’s Membership to the European Union. Can the Member States Do As They Please/Christophe Hillion.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 269-284.
118531 Presidential Elements in Government: Finland: Foreign Affairs as the Last Stronghold of the Presidency/Antero Jyranki.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 285-306.
118532 The European Arrest Warrant: Between Trust, Democracy and the Rule of Law: The Implementation of the European Arrest Warrant in England and Wales/Nicola Padfield.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 253-268.
118533 The European Arrest Warrant: Between Trust, Democracy and the Rule of Law: Introduction. The European Arrest Warrant: Extradition in Transition/Elies van Sliedregt.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 244-252.
118534 The Reform of German Federalism: Part I/Rudolf Hrbek.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 225-243.
118535 The Spirit of the Time: A Reply to Roman Herzog and Luder Gerken/Klaus Hansch.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 219-224.
118536 The Spirit of the Time: Revise the European Constitution to Protect National Parliamentary Democracy/Roman Herzog, Luder Gerken.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 209-218.
118537 Zdanoka v. Latvia-European Court of Human Rights/H.G. Hoogers.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 307-323.
118538 Bosnia: Reclaiming Local Power from International Authority/Bernhard Knoll.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.3: 357-366.
118539 French Constitutional History, Garden or Graveyard/Gustaaf van Nifterik.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.3: 476-487.
118540 Res Judicata in the Court of Justice Case-Law/Xavier Groussot, Timo Minssen.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.3: 385-417.
118541 The Concept of Pluralism in the case law of the ECtHR/Aernout Nieuwenhuis.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.3: 367-384.
118542 The Emerging Czech Constitutional Doctrine of European Law/Jiri Zemanek.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.3: 418-435.
118543 The Status of (Secondary) Community Law in the French Internal Order/Chloe Charpy.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.3: 436-462.
118544 Yunying Jia v Migrationsverket-Court of Justice of the European Communities/Ben Olivier, Jan Herman Reestman.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.3: 463-475.
118545 European Arrest Warrant: Advocaten voor de Wereld VZW v. Leden van de Ministerraad/Florian Geyer.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.1: 149-161.
118546 Non-compliance with a Provisional Measure Automatically Leads To a Violation of the Right of Individual Application or Doesn’t It/Yves Haeck, Clara Burbano Herrera, Leo Zwaak.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.1: 41-63.
118547 Poland: Constitutional Tribunal on the Preliminary Ruling Procedure and the Division of Competences Between National Courts and the Court of Justice/Adam  azowski.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.1: 187-197.
118548 Police and Criminal Law in the Treaty of Lisbon/Clemens Ladenburger.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.1: 20-40.
118549 Preliminary Reference and the Hungarian Constitutional Court: A Context of Non-Reference/Fruzsina Gardos-Orosz.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.1: 128-148.
118550 The Constitutional Crisis of 1965 1966 as the Genesis of Europe’s Political Order/Luuk van Middelaar.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.1: 98-126.
118551 The President of Romania/Elena Simina Tanasescu.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.1: 64-97.
118552 Diversity of Constitutional Rights in Federal Systems/Celine Fercot.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 302-324.
118553 European Social States and the USA/George S. Katrougalos.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 225-250.
118554 In Search of Sub-National Constitutionalism.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 325-343.
118555 European Citizens Third-Country Family Members and Community Law/Jeremy B. Bierbach.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 344-362.
118556 Rex, Lex et Judex/K.M. Sch‎نnfeld.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 274-301.
118557 Sanctions against Individuals/Christina Eckes.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 205-224.
118558 The European Arrest Warrant in the Italian Republic/Luisa Marin.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 251-273.
118559 Cross-Pillar Litigation Before the ECJ/Ronald van Ooik.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 399-419.
118560 Four Visions of Constitutional Pluralism/Matej Avbelj, Jan Komarek.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 524-527.
118561 International Law, Human Rights and the Community’s Autonomous Legal Order/Stefan Griller.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 528-553.
118562 Lustration and Lapse of Time/David Kosar.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 460-487.
118563 The Lisbon Treaty: The Irish No: National Parliaments and Subsidiarity/George A. Bermann.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 453-459.
118564 Building a Swiss Chalet in an Irish Legal Landscape Referendums on European Union Treaties in Ireland & the Impact of Supreme Court Jurisprudence/Gavin Barrett.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.1: 32-70.
118565 Europe and Rights: Taking Dialogue Seriously/Marta Cartabia.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.1: 5-31.
118566 Schengen, the European Court of Justice and Flexibility under the Lisbon Treaty: Balancing the United Kingdom’s Ins and Outs/Maria Fletcher.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.1: 71-98.
118567 The Czech Republic: The Constitutional Court on the Lisbon Treaty Decision of 26 November 2008/Petr Briza.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.1: 143-164.
118568 The Dynamics of the European Union Legal Order: An Increasingly Coherent Framework of Action and Interpretation/Ramses A. Wessel.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.1: 117-142.
118569 The Lisbon Treaty Versus Standing Still: A View from the Third Pillar/Alicia Hinarejos.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.1: 99-116.
118570 Belgium The Limits of Constitutional Dialogue for the Prevention of Reverse Discrimination Constitutional Court, Judgment 11/2009 of 21 January 2009/Peter Van Elsuwege, Stanislas Adam.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 327-339.
118571 European Legal Pluralism after Kadi/Samantha Besson.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 237-264.
118572 Free Movement, Immigration Control and Constitutional Conflict/Steve Peers.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 173-196.
118573 Handle with Care!: The Regional Charters and Italian Constitutionalism’s Grey Zone/Giacomo Delledonne, Giuseppe Martinico.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 218-236.
118574 International Law as a Tool for the European Union/Bruno de Witte.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 265-273.
118575 International Trade Law: the Impact of Justiciability and Separations of Powers in EC Law/Thomas Cottier.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 307-326.
118576 Race judicata: The Ban on the Use of Ethnic and Racial Statistics in France/Mathias Moschel.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 197-217.
118577 The Role of European Courts in the Development of a Hierarchy of Norms within International Law: Evidence of Constitutionalisation?/Erika de Wet.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 284-306.
118578 An Association of Sovereign States/Roland Bieber.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.3: 391-406.
118579 Constitutional History: Chance or Grand Design/R.C. van Caenegem.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.3: 447-463.
118580 Defending Sovereign Statehood Against Transforming the Union Into a State/Dieter Grimm.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.3: 353-373.
118581 European Court of Justice Case C-213/07, Michaniki AE v. Ethniko Simvoulio Radiotileorasis, Ipourgos Epikratias/Vasiliki Kosta.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.3: 501-516.
118582 Montesquieu, Methodological Pluralism and Comparative Constitutional Law/Lorenzo Zucca.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.3: 481-500.
118583 The Czech Constitutional Court’s Second Decision on the Lisbon Treaty of 3 November 2009/The Editors, Jan Komarek.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.3: 345-352.
118584 The European Court of Human Rights and Political Rights: The Need for more Guidance/Hans-Martien ten Napel.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.3: 464-480.
118585 The Franco-German Constitutional Divide/Jan-Herman Reestman.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.3: 374-390.
118586 The Precedence of EU Law from the Perspective of Constitutional Pluralism.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.3: 421-446.
118587 Why the European Union is not a State/Tobias Lock.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.3: 407-420.
118588 Accommodating Linguistic Difference: Five Normative Models of Language Rights/Xabier Arzoz.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 102-122.
118589 Circles of Coherence: On Unity of Case-Law in the Context of Globalisation/Arjen W.H. Meij.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 84-101.
118590 European Court of Justice. The Legal Basis of Internal Market Measures With a Security Dimension. Comment on Case C-301/06 of 10/02/2009/Sara Poli.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 137-157.
118591 France. The Conseil d’Etat Abandons Its Cohn Bendit Case-Law; Conseil d’Etat, 30 October 2009, Mme Perreux/Chloe Charpy.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 123-126.
118592 In the Name of Cooperation: The External Relations of the German Lander and Their Participation in the EU Decision-Making/Carlo Panara.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 59-83.
118593 Post-Accession Constitutionalism With a Human Face: Judicial Reform and Lustration in Romania/Bogdan Iancu.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 28-58.
118594 The Crucifix Rage: Supranational Constitutionalism Bumps Against the Counter-Majoritarian Difficulty/Susanna Mancini.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 6-27.
118595 Concrete Review as Indirect Constitutional Complaint in French Constitutional Law: A Comparative Perspective/Otto Pfersmann.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 223-248.
118596 Kucukdeveci Mangold Revisited Horizontal Direct Effect of a General Principle of EU Law Court of Justice of the European Union (Grand Chamber) Judgment of/Mirjam de Mol.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 293-308.
118597 Locke and the State of Exception: Towards a Modern Understanding of Emergency Government/Marc de Wilde.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 249-267.
118598 Multilevel cooperation of the European Constitutional Courts: Der Europaische Verfassungsgerichtsverbund/Andreas Vo kuhle.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 175-198.
118599 On the rise and Decline of the Monarchical Principle: Constitutional Vicissitudes in Spain and Germany/Lucas Prakke.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 268-292.
118600 The Strasbourg Court on the Dayton Constitution: Judgment in the case of Sejdi  and Finci v. Bosnia and Herzegovina, 22 December 2009/Samo Bardutzky.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 309-333.
118601 Wir Sind das Volk: Notes About the Notion of The People as Occasioned by the Lissabon-Urteil/W.T. Eijsbouts.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 192-222.
118602 A Union Founded on the Rule of Law: Meaning and Reality of the Rule of Law as a Constitutional Principle of EU Law/Laurent Pech.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 359-396.
118603 All’s Well That Bends Well The Constitutional Dimension to the Services Directive/Johan van de Gronden, Henri de Waele.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 397-429.
118604 Court of Justice of the European Union: The Right to Family Reunification of Third-Country Nationals under EU Law; Decision of 4 March 2010, Case C-578/08,/Anja Wiesbrock.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 462-480.
118605 Divorce, European Style: The First Authorization of Enhanced Cooperation/Steve Peers.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 339-358.
118606 German Federal Constitutional Court: German Data Retention Provisions Unconstitutional in Their Present Form; Decision of 2 March 2010, NJW 2010, p. 833./Anna-Bettina Kaiser.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 503-517.
118607 Supreme Court of the United Kingdom: To Be or Not To Be Jewish: The UK Supreme Court Answers the Question; Judgment of 16 December 2009/Susanna Mancini.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 481-502.
118608 The European Political Order and Internet Piracy: Accidental or Paradigmatic Constitution-Shaping/Davor Jancic.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 430-461.
118609 Bad Tendencies in the ECtHR’s Hate Speech Jurisprudence/Stefan Sottiaux.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 40-63.
118610 Court of Justice of the European Union: Decision of 2 March 2010, Case C-315/08, Janko Rottman v. Freistaat BayernCase Note 1 Decoupling Nationality and Union Citizenship/H.U. Jessurun dOliveira, Gerard Rene de Groot, Anja Seling.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 138-160.
118611 German Federal Constitutional Court: Constitutional Ultra Vires Review of European Acts Only Under Exceptional Circumstances; Decision of 6 July 2010/Christoph Mollers.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 161-167.
118612 Human Rights in the EU: Rethinking the Role of the European Convention on Human Rights after Lisbon/Wolfgang Weib.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 64-95.
118613 Lisbon Before the Courts: Comparative Perspectives/Mattias Wendel.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 196-137.
118614 The Populist Challenge to Constitutional Democracy/Cesare Pinelli.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 5-16.
118615 Thou Shalt be Saved (from Trial) The Ruling of the Italian Constitutional Court on Berlusconi’s Immunity Law in a Comparative Perspective/Sascha Hardt, Mariolina Eliantonio.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 17-39.
118616 Court of Justice of the European Union European Citizenship Rights in Internal Situations: An Ambiguous Revolution Decision of 8 March 2011/Anja Lansbergen, Nina Miller.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 287-309.
118617 Court of Justice of the European Union European Union Citizenship and the Purely Internal Rule Revisited Decision of 5 May 2011/Peter Van Elsuwege.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 308-324.
118618 Hungary’s Constitutional Transformation/Kriszta Kovacs, Gabor Attila Toth.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 183-203.
118619 On the Legitimacy of the European Court of Human Rights Judgments/Jean-Paul Costa.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 173-182.
118620 The Constitutional Implications of the EU Patent/Steve Peers.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 229-266.
118621 The Subsidiarity Mechanism as a Tool for Inter-level Dialogue in Belgium: On Regional Blindness and Cooperative Flaws/Patricia Popelier, Werner Vandenbruwaene.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 204-228.
118622 Twilight of the European Monarchy/Wim Roobol.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 272-286.
118623 Exercising Religious Freedom in the Public Space: A Comparative and European Convention Analysis of General Burqa Bans/Gerhard van der Schyff, Adriaan Overbeeke.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.3: 424-452.
118624 The Full Effect of EU Law and of Constitutional Review in Belgium and France after the Melki Judgment/Marc Bossuyt, Willem Verrijdt.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.3: 355-391.
118625 The Intergovernmental Constitution of the EU’s Foreign, Security & Defence Executive/Daniel Thym.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.3: 453-480.
118626 The Kadi Judgment of the General Court: The ECJ’s Predicament and the Consequences for Member States/Armin Cuyvers.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.3: 481-510.
118627 Voting Rights for Non-Citizens: The European Multilevel and the US Federal Constitutional Systems Compared/Federico Fabbrini.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.3: 392-423.
118628 Court of Justice of the European Union (General Chamber), Judicial review of EU Acts after the Treaty of Lisbon; Order of 6 September 2011/Steve Peers, Marios Costa.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 82-104.
118629 Limits of Electoral Equality and Political Representation/Kostas Chryssogonos, Costas Stratilatis.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 9-32.
118630 Policing Separation of Powers: A New Role for the European Court of Human Rights/David Kosar.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 33-62.
118631 Spanish Constitutional Court, Constitutional Dialogue on the European Arrest Warrant: The Spanish Constitutional Court Knocking on Luxembourg’s Door/Aida Torres Perez.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 105-127.
118632 The EU and Its Monarchies: Influences and Frictions/Hans Ulrich Jessurun dOliveira.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 63-81.
118633 Czech Constitutional Court Playing with Matches: the Czech Constitutional Court Declares a Judgment of the Court of Justice of the EU Ultra Vires/Jan Komarek.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 323-337.
118634 Czech Constitutional Court Unconstitutionality of the Czech Implementation of the Data Retention Directive; Decision of 22 March 2011, Pl. US 2410/Pavel Molek.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 338-353.
118635 Dominguez: A deafening silence Court of Justice of the European Union (Grand Chamber). Judgment of 24 January 2012, Case C-282/10, Maribel Dominguez/Mirjam de Mol.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 280-303.
118636 German Federal Constitutional Court Parliaments fig leaf or heartbeat of democracy Judgment of 7 September 2011, Euro rescue package/Antje von Ungern-Sternberg.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 304-322.
118637 Setting up the European External Action Service: an act of institutional balance/Leendert Erkelens, Steven Blockmans.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 246-279.
118638 The Court of Strasbourg Acting as an Asylum Court/Marc Bossuyt.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 203-245.
118639 The prism of fundamental rights/Janneke Gerards.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 173-202.
118640 Allegro without Vivaldi: Trademark Protection, Freedom of Speech, and Constitutional Balancing/Wojciech Sadurski.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.3: 456-492.
118641 Arguments for a Holistic Approach in European Constitutionalism: What Role for National Institutions in Avoiding Constitutional Conflicts between National/Darinka Piqani.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.3: 493-522.
118642 Exploring the Limits of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights/Koen Lenaerts.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.3: 375-403.
118643 Sovereign Debt Threatens the Union: The Genesis of a Federation/Aart Loubert.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.3: 442-455.
118644 The Stability Treaty: Permanent Austerity or Gesture Politics/Steve Peers.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.3: 404-441.
118645 Continuity with Deficiencies: The New Basic Law of Hungary/Andras Jakab, Pal Sonnevend.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 102-138.
118646 European Integration and National Courts: Defending Sovereignty under Institutional Constraints/Arthur Dyevre.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 139-168.
118647 How the Debt Crisis Exposes the Development of Solidarity in the Euro Area/Vestert Borger.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 7-36.
118648 The Relation between the Charter’s Fundamental Rights and the Unwritten General Principles of EU Law: Good Administration as the Test Case/Herwig C.H. Hofmann, C. Mihaescu.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 73-101.
118649 Towards a New Form of EU Law: The Use of EU Institutions outside the EU Legal Framework/Steve Peers.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 37-72.
118650 Case Case-Law Law: Ruiz Zambrano as an Illustration of How the Court of Justice of the European Union Constructs Its Legal Arguments/Urska sadl.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 205-229.
118651 Constitutionality of the European Stability Mechanism in Estonia: Applying Proportionality to Sovereignty/Carri Ginter.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 335-354.
118652 Granted Constitutions. The Theory of octroi and Constitutional Experiments in Europe in the Aftermath of the French Revolution/Luigi Lacche.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 285-314.
118653 Hic Sunt Nationes: The Elusive Limits of the EU Char ter and the German Constitutional Watchdog: Court of Justice of the European Union/Filippo Fontanelli.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 315-334.
118654 Pringle and Use of EU Institutions outside the EU Legal Framework: Foundations, Procedure and Substance/Paul Craig.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 263-284.
118655 Procedural Rationality: Giving Teeth to the Proportionality Analysis/Patricia Popelier, Catherine Van De Heyning.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 230-262.
118656 The Discourses on Post-National Governance and the Democratic Deicit Absent an EU Government/Cesare Pinelli.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 177-188.
118657 The Spanish Legal Framework for Curbing the Public Debt and the Deficit/Violeta Ruiz Almendral.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 189-204.
118658 Free Life after Life Imprisonment as a Human Right under the European Convention: European Court of Human Rights, Grand Chamber/Marek Szyd o.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 501-512.
118659 Legal Issues Surrounding the Referendum on/Stephen Tierney.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 359-390.
118660 Separation versus Fusion or: How to Accommodate National Autonomy and the Charter? Diverging Visions of the German Constitutional/Daniel Thym.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 391-419.
118661 The Euro Crisis and Its Constitutional Consequences for Finland: Is There Room for National Politics in EU Decision-Making/Paivi Leino, Janne Salminen.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 451-479.
118662 The Fiscal Compact: Europe’s Not Always Able to Speak German: On the Dutch Implementing Act and the Hazardous Interpretation of the Implementation/Jan-Herman Reestman.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 480-500.
118663 The Place of Constitutional Courts in the EU/Jan Komarek.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 420-450.
118664 Where Human Rights Meet Administrative Law: Essential Elements and Limits to Delegation: European Court of Justice, Grand Chamber/Maarten den Heijer, Eljalill Tauschinsky.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 513-533.
118665 From Partial to Full Dialogue with Luxembourg: The Last Cooperative Step of the Italian Constitutional Court/Oreste Pollicino.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 143-153.
118666 If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them: The French Constitutional Council’s First Reference to the Court of Justice/Arthur Dyevre.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 154-161.
118667 In Praise of Awkwardness: Kadi in the CJEU/Conor Gearty.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 15-27.
118668 Landtova, Holubec, and the Problem of an Uncooperative Court: Implications for the Preliminary Rulings Procedure/Michal Bobek.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 54-89.
118669 Prisoner Disenfranchisement in the United Kingdom and the Scope of EU Law: United Kingdom Supreme Court/Anja Lansbergen.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 126-142.
118670 The Early Warning System and the Monti II Regulation: The Case for a Political Interpretation/Marco Goldoni.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 90-108.
118671 The Figure of Constitutional Law of the Integrated State: The Case of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg/Jorg Gerkrath.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 109-125.
118672 The United Kingdom and the Fiscal Compact: Past and Future/Michael Gordon.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 28-53.
118673 Case C-176/12 Association de Mediation Sociale: Some Reflections on the Horizontal Effect of the Charter and the Reach of Fundamental Employment/Eleni Frantziou.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 332-348.
118674 Exceeding Judicial Competence in the Name of Democracy: The German Federal Constitutional Court’s OMT Reference/Mattias Wendel.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 263-307.
118675 Melloni in Three Acts: From Dialogue to Monologue/Aida Torres Perez.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 308-331.
118676 The Equivalent Protection Test: From European Union to United Nations, from Solange II to Solange/Sebastien Platon.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 226-262.
118677 The Undignified Part of Constitutional Analysis Gabor Attila T‎لth (ed.): Constitution for a Disunited Nation: On Hungary’s 2011/Timothy William Waters.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 365-374.
118678 Transforming European Law: The Establishment of the Constitutional Discourse from 1950 to 1993/Anne Boerger, Morten Rasmussen.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 199-225.
118679 Are the Bailouts Immune to EU Social Challenge Because They Are Not EU Law/Claire Kilpatrick.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 393-421.
118680 Bridging the Constitutional Gap in EU Executive Rule-Making: The Court of Justice Approves Legislative Conferral of Intervention Powers to European Securities/Heikki Marjosola.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 500-527.
118681 Constitutional Legislation, European Union Law and the Nature of the United Kingdom’s Contemporary Constitution/Mark Elliott.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 379-392.
118682 Decommissioning Direct Democracy A Critical Analysis of Commission Decision-Making on the Legal Admissibility of European Citizens Initiative Proposals/James Organ.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 422-443.
118683 Defending Restricted Standing for Individuals to Bring Direct Actions Against Legislative Measures: Court of Justice of the European Union Decision/Carl Fredrik Bergstrom.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 481-492.
118684 Privacy Is More Than Just a Seven-Letter Word: The Court of Justice of the European Union Sets Constitutional Limits on Mass Surveillance/Tuomas Ojanen.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 528-541.
118685 The Danish Lisbon Judgment Danish Supreme Court, Case 199/2012, Judgment of 20 February 2013/Helle Krunke.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 542-570.
118686 The Principle of Equality in the Estonian Constitution: A Systematic Perspective/Madis Ernits.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 444-480.
118687 The Spanish Constitutional Court Confronts Catalonia’s Right to Decide (Comment on the Judgment 42/2014)/V‎کctor Ferreres Comella.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 571-590.
118688 Austerity measures under judicial scrutiny: the Portuguese constitutional case-law/Mariana Canotilho, Teresa Violante.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 155-183.
118689 EU Regulatory Policy and World Trade/Tamara Perisin.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 99-120.
118690 Iberian Nationality Legislation and Sephardic Jews/Hans Ulrich Jessurun dOliveira.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 13-29.
118691 Minimum Harmonisation after Alemo-Herron: The Janus Face of EU Fundamental Rights Review/Marija Bartl, Candida Leone.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 140-154.
118692 The German Way of Curbing Public Debt/Alexander Thiele.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 30-54.
118693 The Relocation of the Legality Principle by the European Courts Case Law/Nicola Lupo, Giovanni Piccirilli.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 55-77.
118694 Timeo Danones et dona petentes/Dominik Dusterhaus.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 121-139.
118695 Towards an Ever Closer Union Between Residents and Citizens/Michele Finck.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 78-98.
118696 Advisory opinions under Protocol No. 16 to the European Convention on Human Rights/Ada Paprocka, Micha  Zio kowski.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 274-292.
118697 Constitutional Courts as Guardians of EU Fundamental Rights Centralised Judicial Review of Legislation and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU/Davide Paris.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 389-407.
118698 Free movement of lawyers and the Torresi judgment: a bridge too far/Roberto Mastroianni, Amedeo Arena.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 373-388.
118699 Principled Silence or Mere Silence on Principles The Role of the EU Charter’s Principles in the Case Law of the Court of Justice/Jasper Krommendijk.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 321-356.
118700 Sovereignty and Direct Democracy: Lessons from Constant and the Belgian Constitution/Raf Geenens, Stefan Sottiaux.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 293-320.
118701 The future of the European Union’s accession to the European Convention on Human Rights after Opinion 2/13: is it still possible and is it still desirable/Tobias Lock.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 239-273.
118702 The pillars of the European Union still exist/Monika Szwarc.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 357-372.
118703 When the European Court of Human Rights encounters the face/Francois-Xavier Millet.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 408-424.
118704 Euro Crisis Responses and the EU Legal Order: Increased Institutional Variation or Constitutional Mutation/Bruno De Witte.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 434-457.
118705 Freedom of Religion versus Humane Treatment of Animals: Polish Constitutional Tribunal’s Judgment on Permissibility of Religious Slaughter/Aleksandra Gliszczynska-Grabias, Wojciech Sadurski.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 596-608.
118706 Gauweiler and the Outright Monetary Transactions Programme: The Mandate of the European Central Bank and the Changing Nature/Alicia Hinarejos.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 563-576.
118707 Monitoring and Enforcement of the Rule of Law in the EU: Rhetoric and Reality/Dimitry Kochenov, Laurent Pech.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 512-540.
118708 Multilevel Constitutionalism and the Crisis of Democracy in Europe/Ingolf Pernice.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 541-562.
118709 Privacy in the digital era Polish electronic surveillance law declared partially unconstitutional/Jan Podkowik.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 577-595.
118710 The indivisibility of the French republic as political theory and constitutional doctrine/Eoin Daly.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 458-481.
118711 The Relationship Between the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights: an Originalist Analysis/Stephen Brittain.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 482-511.
118712 The Secession Conundrum Through the Looking Glass-David Haljan: Constitutionalising Secession (Oxford/Portland: Hart Publishing2014)/Henri de Waele.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.3: 609-616.
118713 Democracy v Human Rights The Strasbourg Court and the Challenge of Power Sharing/Stefan Graziadei.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 54-84.
118714 Equal voting power under scrutiny: Czech Constitutional Court on the 5% threshold in the 2014 European Parliament Elections/Hubert Smekal, Ladislav Vyhnanek.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 148-153.
118715 Interinstitutional Gravity and Pirates of the Parliament on Stranger Tides: the Continued Constitutional Significance of the Choice of Legal Basis/Geert De Baere, Tina Van den Sanden.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 85-113.
118716 Maintaining a 4% Electoral Threshold for European Elections, in order to clarify access to constitutional/Giovanni Piccirilli.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 164-176.
118717 Populism in a Constitutional Key: Constituent Power, Popular Sovereignty and Constitutional Identity/Luigi Corrias.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 6-26.
118718 Prisoner disenfranchisement and the right to vote in elections to the European Parliament: Universal suffrage key to unlocking political citizenship/Hanneke van Eijken, Jan Willem van Rossem.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 114-132.
118719 Rethinking the Two Margins of Appreciation/Oddny Mjoll Arnardottir.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 27-53.
118720 The Determinants of Constitutional Amendability: amendment models or amendment culture Z. Elkins et al., The Endurance of National Constitutions/Xenophon Contiades, Alkmene Fotiadou.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 192-211.
118721 The Italian Constitutional Court and Balancing the Budget/Chiara Bergonzini.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 177-191.
118722 Thresholds for the European Parliament Elections in Germany Declared Unconstitutional Twice/Bastian Michel.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 133-147.
118723 A Missing Piece of European Emergency Law: Legal Certainty and Individuals Expectations in the EU Response to the Crisis/Pablo Martin Rodriguez.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 265-293.
118724 Making the Essence of Fundamental Rights Real: The Court of Justice of the European Union Clarifies the Structure of Fundamental Rights under the Charter/Tuomas Ojanen.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 318-329.
118725 National Ratification of an Internationally Wrongful Act: The Decision Validating Russia’s Incorporation of Crimea/Ilya Nuzov.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 353-376.
118726 Russia’s Constitutional Court Defies the European Court of Human Rights/Lauri Malksoo.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 377-395.
118727 Secession from a Member State and EU Membership: the View from the Union/Carlos Closa.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 240-264.
118728 The Haircut of Public Creditors under EU Law/Armin Steinbach.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 223-239.
118729 The Swedish Riksdag as Scrutiniser of the Principle of Subsidiarity/Anna Jonsson Cornell.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 294-317.
118730 Towards evidence-based discussion on surveillance: A Rejoinder to Richard A. Epstein/Martin Scheinin.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 341-348.
118731 (No) Haircut for Hellas/Alexander Thiele.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.3: 520-537.
118732 Brexit: a challenge for the UK constitution, of the UK constitution?/Michael Gordon.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.3: 409-444.
118733 Delegation of Rulemaking Powers to the European Commission post-Lisbon/A.P. van der Mei.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.3: 538-548.
118734 Human Dignity, Identity Review of the European Arrest Warrant and the Court of Justice as a Listener in the Dialogue of Courts: Solange-III and Aranyosi/Mathias Hong.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.3: 549-563.
118735 The EU-engineered hybrid and international specialist court in Kosovo: How special is it/Fisnik Korenica, Argjend Zhubi.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.3: 474-498.
118736 The Rationale of Economics and Law in the Aftermath of the Crisis: A Lesson from Michel Foucault/Luca De Lucia.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.3: 445-473.
118737 The Treaty Amendment Procedures and the Relationship between Article 31(3) TEU and the General Bridging Clause of Article 48(7) TEU/Robert Bottner.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.3: 499-519.
118738 Addressing Issues of Protective Scope within the Francovich Right to Reparation/Michael Dougan.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 124-165.
118739 Belgian Constitutional Court Adopts National Identity Discourse/Philippe Gerard, Willem Verrijdt.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 182-205.
118740 Labour-Market Outsiders, Italian Justices and the Right to Social Assistance/Luca Martino Levi.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 62-95.
118741 Politics of Judicial Independence and Judicial Accountability in Czechia: Bargaining in the Shadow of the Law between Court Presidents and the Ministry of Justice/David Kosar.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 96-123.
118742 State Secret Privilege versus Human Rights: Lessons from the European Court of Human Rights Ruling on the Abu Omar Case/Arianna Vedaschi.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 166-181.
118743 The Boundaries of Comparative Law/Mark Tushnet.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 13-22.
118744 The Constitutional (Im)balance between the Market and the Social in the European Union/Sacha Garben.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 23-61.
118745 A Structural Approach to the Effects of Fundamental Rights on Legal Transactions in Private Law/Pavel Ondrejek.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 281-304.
118746 Mapping Militant Democracy: Variation in Party Ban Practices in European Democracies/Angela K. Bourne, Fernando Casal Bertoa.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 1-27.
118747 Mutual Disempowerment: Case C-441/14 Dansk Industri, acting on behalf of Ajos A/S v Estate of Karsten Eigil Rasmussen and Case no. 15/2014 Dansk Industri/Urska sadl, Sabine Mair.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 347-368.
118748 The End of Impunity The Legal Duties of Borrowed EU Institutions under the European Stability Mechanism Framework/Paul Dermine.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13: 369-382.
118749 The OMT Judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court/Mehrdad Payandeh.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 400-416.
118750 The Reality Test of Residence goes through the Looking Glass/Jeremy B. Bierbach.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 283-299.
118751 The Rise of the Procedural Paradigm: Judicial Review of EU Legislation in Vertical Competence Disputes/Jacob oberg.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 248-280.
118752 An Olive Branch from Strasbourg? Interpreting the European Court of Human Rights  Resurrection of Bosphorus and Reaction to Opinion/Paul Gragl.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 551-567.
118753 Firing Bench-mates: The Human Rights and Rule of Law Implications of the Turkish Constitutional Court’s Dismissal of Its Two Members/Tarik Olcay.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 568-581.
118754 Perils of Sloganised Constitutional Concepts Notably that of Judicial Independence David Kosa, Perils of Judicial Self-Government in Transitional Societies/Bogdan Iancu.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 582-599.
118755 The EFTA Court and Fundamental Rights/Robert Spano.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 475-492.
118756 The European Budgetary Galaxy/Richard Crowe.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 428-452.
118757 The European Court of Justice’s Financial Accountability/Christoph Krenn.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 453-474.
118758 The unexpectedly talkative dumb son: the Italian Constitutional Court’s dialogue with the European Court of Justice in protecting temporary workers rights/Barbara Guastaferro.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 493-424.
118759 Two Doctrines of the Unwritten Constitution/Pavlos Eleftheriadis.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 525-550.
118760 Do You Ever Have One of Those Days When Everything Seems Unconstitutional: The Italian Constitutional Court Strikes Down the Electoral Law Once Again/Pietro Faraguna.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.4: 778-792.
118761 Can Governments Control Mass Layoffs by Employers? Economic Freedoms vs Labour Rights in Case C-201/15 AGET Iraklis/Menelaos Markakis.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.4: 724-743.
118762 Comparative Constitutional Law an Indispensable Tool for the Creation of Transnational Law/Sergio Bartole.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.4: 601-610.
118763 Constitutional Limitations on the Competence to Entrust the Exercise of Authority to Private Entities/Mathias Rose Svendsen.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.4: 704-723.
118764 Equality and the Market: the unhappy fate of religious discrimination in Europe/Stephanie Hennette-Vauchez.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.4: 744-758.
118765 Freedom of Information in the EU in the midst of Legal Rules, Jurisprudence and Ombudsprudence: the European Ombudsman/Dacian Dragos, Bogdana Neamtu.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.4: 641-672.
118766 From a Community of Law to a Union of Values-A. von Bogdandy and P. Sonnevend (eds.), Constitutional Crisis in the European Constitutional Area-Theory/Matteo Bonell.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.4: 793-816.
118767 National Parliaments and Constitutional Transformation in the EU-C. Hefftler et al. (eds.),The Palgrave Handbook of National Parliaments and the European Union/Ben Crum.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.4: 817-835.
118768 Pret-a-ratifier: The CETA Decision of the French Conseil constitutionnel of 31 July 2017/Joris Larik.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.4: 759-777.
118769 The Coming of Age of the Court’s Jurisdiction in the Common Foreign and Security Policy/Graham Butler.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.4: 673-703.
118770 Towards More Resilience for a Social EU the Constitutionally Conditioned Internal Market/Dagmar Schiek.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.4: 611-640.
118771 Drawing Positive Lessons From the Presence of The Social Outside of EU Social Policy Stricto Sensu/Elise Muir.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 75-95.
118772 Enlargements, and Displacements of Social Europe: the Example of Sweden/Hanna Eklund.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 114-130.
118773 Freedom to conduct a business and EU labour law/Stefano Giubboni.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 172-190.
118774 Fundamental Rights as a New Frame: Displacing the Acquis/Sophie Robin-Olivier.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 96-113.
118775 How has the Court of Justice changed its management and approach towards the social acquis/A.C.L. Davies.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 154-171.
118776 Identifying the (dis) placement of new Member State social interests in the posting of workers: the case of Latvia/Zane Rasnaca.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 131-153.
118777 New governance and the displacement of Social Europe: the case of the European Semester/Mark Dawson.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 191-209.
118778 Purely Internal Situations and the Limits of EU Law: A Consolidated Case Law or a Notion to be Abandoned/Sara Iglesias Sanchez.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 7-36.
118779 Shaping EU Trade Policy post-Lisbon: Opinion/Marise Cremona.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 231-259.
118780 The displacement of Social Europe: a productive lens of inquiry/Claire Kilpatrick.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 62-74.
118781 The European Pillar of Social Rights: Effectively Addressing Displacement/Sacha Garben.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 210-230.
118782 The size and structure of the European Commission: legal issues surrounding project teams and a (future) reduced College/Robert Bottner.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 37-61.
118783 Democracy in Question Direct Democracy in the European Union/Elisenda Casanas Adam, Dimitrios Kagiaros.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 261-282.
118784 Germany’s New Militant Democracy Regime: National Democratic Party II and the German Federal Constitutional Court’s Potentiality Criterion for Party Bans/Gelijn Molier.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 394-409.
118785 The Commission’s Power to Withdraw Legislative Proposals and its Parliamentarisation, Between Technical and Political Grounds/Nicola Lupo.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 311-331.
118786 The European Court of Justice on the EU-Canada Passenger Name Record Agreement/Arianna Vedaschi.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 410-429.
118787 The Politics of Judicial Accountability in Italy: Shifting the Balance/Simone Benvenuti.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 369-396.
118788 United in Diversity The Relationship between Monetary Policy and Prudential Supervision in the Banking Union/Matthias Goldmann.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 283-310.
118789 Common Foreign and Security Policy and the EU’s external action objectives: an analysis of Article 21 of the Treaty on the European Union/Luigi Lonardo.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 584-608.
118790 Delegation to treaty bodies in EU agreements: constitutional constraints and proposals for strengthening the European Parliament/Wolfgang Weib.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 532-566.
118791 Democratic legitimacy does not require constitutional referendum. On the constitution in theories of constituent power/Ludvig Beckman.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 567-583.
118792 Differentiated integration and the principle of loyalty/Alberto Miglio.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 1-24.
118793 EU citizens rights post Brexit: why direct effect beyond the EU is not enough/Stijn Smismans.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 443-474.
118794 EU Recommendations and Judicial Review/Anthony Arnull.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 1-13.
118795 Judicial serendipity: how Portuguese judges came to the rescue of the Polish judiciary/Matteo Bonelli, Monica Claes.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 622-643.
118796 Judicial serendipity: how Portuguese judges came to the rescue of the Polish judiciary/Matteo Bonelli.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 622-643.
118797 The principle of ne bis in idem and the application of criminal sanctions: of scope and restrictions/Gianni Lo Schiavo.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 644-663.
118798 Electoral-law-induced Distortions of the Constitutional Principle of Substantive Equality of Elections. The Case of Polish Local Elections/A. Cebula.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.4: 721-750.
118799 Fishing in Troubled Waters/Jed Odermatt.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.4: 751-766.
118800 Intra-EU Investment Arbitration after the Achmea Case: Legal Autonomy Bounded by Mutual Trust/Jens Hillebrand Pohl.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.4: 1-25.
118801 The Taricco Saga: the Italian Constitutional Court continues its European journey/Giovanni Piccirilli.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.4: 1-20.
118802 The State of Emergency in France: Days Without End/Stephanie Hennette Vauchez.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.4: 700-720.
118803 Ways to Frame the European Rule of Law: Rechtsgemeinschaft, Trust, Revolution, and Kantian Peace/Armin von Bogdandy.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.4: 675-699.
118804 Ways to Frame the European Rule of Law: Rechtsgemeinschaft, Trust, Revolution, and Kantian Peace/Armin von Bogdandy.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.4: 675-699.
118805 Who is Afraid of the European Council? The Court of Justice’s Cautious Approach to the Independence of Domestic Judges/Micha  Krajewski.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.4: 792-813.
118806 Democratic rights protection: the case for weak judicial review implicit in the democratic critique of judicial review/Machiel van Bruggen.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 1-22.
118807 Free Speech versus Religious Feelings, the Sequel: Defamation of the Prophet Muhammad in E.S. v Austria/Stijn Smet.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 158-170.
118808 Mutual Trust, Essence and Federalism Between Consolidating and Fragmenting the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice after LM/Mattias Wendel.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 17-47.
118809 The concept of internal judicial independence in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights/Joost Sillen.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 104-133.
118810 The Court of Justice and the Ban on Bulk Data Retention: Expansive Potential and Future Scenarios/Edoardo Celeste.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 134-157.
118811 The Illiberal Abuse of Constitutional Courts in Europe/Pablo Castillo-Ortiz.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 48-72.
118812 The relationship between the law of the European Union and the law of its Member States-a norm-based conceptual framework/Dana Burchardt.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 73-103.
118813 (Most of) the Charter of Fundamental Rights is Horizontally Applicable/Eleni Frantziou.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 306-323.
118814 A Goal That Applies to the European Parliament No Differently From How It Applies to National Parliaments : The Italian Constitutional Court Vindicates/Giacomo Delledonne.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 376-389.
118815 Enhancing Political Representation Through the European Economic Constitution? Regressive Politics of Democratic Inclusion/Jussi Jaakkola.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 194-219.
118816 Procedural Rationality Review after Animal Defenders International: A Constructively Critical Approach/Patricia Popelier.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 272-293.
118817 Separation of Powers and Alternative Dispute Resolution before the European Court of Human Rights/Cedric Jenart, Mathieu Leloup.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 247-271.
118818 The Direct Horizontal Effect of EU Fundamental Rights/Aurelia Colombi Ciacchi.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 294-305.
118819 The Many-faced Court: The Value of Participation in Annulment Proceedings/Micha  Krajewski.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 220-246.
118820 Unilateral Revocability in Wightman: Fixing Article 50 with Constitutional Tools/Jure Vidmar.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 359-375.
118821 You Gotta Let Love Move/Jorrit J. Rijpma.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 324-339.
118822 Countering the Judicial Silencing of Critics: Article 2 TEU Values, Reverse Solange, and the Responsibilities of National Judges/Armin von Bogdandy, Luke Dimitrios Spieker.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 391-426.
118823 Populist Counter-Constitutionalism, Conservatism, and Legal Fundamentalism/Paul Blokker.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 519-543.
118824 The Challenge of Institutionalisation: Post-Communist Transitions, Populism, and the Rule of Law/Martin Krygier.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 544-573.
118825 The Implications of the Otegi Case for the Legitimacy of the Spanish Judiciary : ECtHR 6 February 2019, Case Nos/Joan Solanes Mullor.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 574-588.
118826 The Populist Turn in Central and Eastern Europe: Is Deliberative Democracy Part of the Solution/Silvia Suteu.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 488-518.
118827 The Twin Challenges to Separation of Powers in Central/David Kosar.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 427-461.
118828 When Anti-Politics Becomes Political: What can the Italian Five Star Movement Tell us about the Relationship Between Populism and Legalism/Lucia Corso.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 462-487.
118829 Fundamental Rights and Constitutional Duels in Europe: An Italian Perspective on Case 269/2017 of the Italian Constitutional Court and Its Aftermath/Giuseppe Martinico, Giorgio Repetto.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 731-751.
118830 Protocol No 16 to the ECHR: Managing Backlog through Complex Judicial Dialogue/Koen Lemmens.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 1-23.
118831 Russia’s Non-Transformative Constitutional Founding/William Partlett, Mikhail Krasnov.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 1-24.
118832 The Positioning of the Supreme Courts in Sweden-A Democratic Oddity/Mauro Zamboni.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 668-690.
118833 Tjebbes in Wonderland: On European Citizenship, Nationality and Fundamental Rights: ECJ 12 March 2019, Case C-221/17, M.G./Hanneke van Eijken.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 714-730.
118834 Translating Popular Sovereignty as Unfettered Constitutional Amendability/Eoin Daly.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.4: 619-643.
118835 Translating Popular Sovereignty as Unfettered Constitutional Amendability/Eoin Daly.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 419-443.
118836 An Administrative Crack in the EU’s Rule of Law: Composite Decision-making and Nonjusticiable National Law/Filipe Brito Bastos.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 63-90.
118837 An Uncertain First Step in the Field of Judicial Self-government: ECJ 19 November 2019/Mathieu Leloup.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 145-169.
118838 Fault Lines of the European Parliamentary Mandate: The Immunity of Oriol Junqueras Vies: ECJ 19 December 2019/Sascha Hardt.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 170-185.
118839 National Parliaments Scrutiny of the Principle of Subsidiarity: Reasoned Opinions 2014-2019/Tomasz Jaroszynski.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 91-119.
118840 Protecting the Rule of Law in the EU Legal Order: A Constitutional Role for the Court of Justice/Peter Van Elsuwege, Femke Gremmelprez.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 8-32.
118841 Trust in the Law Mutual Recognition as a Justification to Domestic Criminal Procedure/Jacob Oberg.- European Constitutional Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 33-62.
118842 Playing with Monopoly Money: Phony Profits, Fraud Penalties and Equity/Craig M. Boise.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.1: 145-195.
118843 Socratic Method and the Irreducible Core of Legal Education/Donald G. Marshall‎۶.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.1: 1-17.
118844 Justice Holmes, Buck v. Bell, and the History of Equal Protection/Stephen A. Siegel‎۶.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.1: 106-143.
118845 Tax Increment Financing: Public Use or Private Abuse?/Alyson Tomme.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.1: 213-246.
118846 Introduction to Socratic Method and the Irreducible Core of Legal Education/David Weissbrodt‎۶.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.1: 1-5.
118847 A Theory of Copyrights Derivative Right and Related Doctrines/Michael Abramowicz.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.2: 318-388.
118848 Meet Me at the (West Coast) Hotel: The Lochner Era and the Demise of Roe v. Wade/Jason A. Adkins.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.2: 500-535.
118849 Unsubsidizing Suburbia/Nicole Stelle Garnett.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.2: 459-499.
118850 Lawyers, Justice, and the Challenge of Moral Pluralism/Katherine R. Kruse.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.2: 389-458.
118851 Substantive Due Process as a Source of Constitutional Protection for Nonpolitical Speech/Gregory P. Magarian.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.2: 246-315.
118852 Giving Lawrence Its Due: How the Eleventh Circuit Underestimated the Due Process Implications of Lawrence v. Texas in Lofton v.Secretary of the Department of Children & Family Services/Megan Backer.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.3: 745-779.
118853 A Certain Mongrel Court: Congress’s Past Power and Present Potential To Reinforce the Supreme Court/Ross E. Davies.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.3: 678-726.
118854 The Duty To Be a Rational Shareholder/David A. Hoffman.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.3: 537-611.
118855 What Doth It Profit Pelikan’s Parallels/Steven D. Smith.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.3: 727-744.
118856 The Marshall Court and the Originalist’s Dilemma/Peter J. Smith.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.3: 618-676.
118857 Pharmacist Refusals: Dispensing (With) Religious Accommodation Under Title VII/Amy Bergquist.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.4: 1073-1106.
118858 Reformulating the Miranda Warnings in Light of Contemporary Law and Understandings/Mark A. Godsey.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.4: 781-825.
118859 Psychology of Emotional Legal Decision Making: Revulsion and Saving Face in Legal Theory and Practice/Peter H. Huang, Christopher J. Anderson.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.4: 1045-1071.
118860 The Police Power Revisited: Phantom Incorporation and the Roots of Takings Muddle/Bradley C. Karkkainen.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.4: 827-913.
118861 Fruit of the Poison Tree: A First Amendment Analysis of the History and Character of Intelligent Design Education/Todd R. Olin.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.4: 1107-1146.
118862 The Problem of Authority: Revisiting the Service Conception/Joseph Raz.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.4: 1003-1044.
118863 Why the Defense of Marriage Act Is Not (Yet?) Unconstitutional: Lawrence, Full Faith and Credit, and the Many Societal Actors That Determine What the Constitution Requires/Mark D. Rosen.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.4: 916-999.
118864 It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, No, It’s Super Precedent: A Response to Farber andGerhardt/Randy E. Barnett.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.5: 1232-1251.
118865 Reintroducing Circuit Riding: A Timely Proposal/Steven G. Calabresi, David C. Presser.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.5: 1386-1416.
118866 Should the Supreme Court Fear Congress/Neal Devins.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.5: 1337-1362.
118867 The Rule of Law and the Law of Precedents/Daniel A. Farber.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.5: 1173-1203.
118868 Super Precedent/Michael J. Gerhardt.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.5: 1204-1231.
118869 Representative Government, Representative Court The Supreme Court as a Representative Body/Angela Onwuachi-Willig.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.5: 1252-1274.
118870 The Supreme Court, the Rules Enabling Act, and the Politicization of the Federal Rules: Constitutional and Statutory Implications/Martin H. Redish, Uma M. Amuluru.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.5: 1303-1336.
118871 Embracing Equity: A New Remedy for Wrongful Health Insurance Denials/E. Daniel Robinson.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.5: 1447-1474.
118872 Determining a Corporation’s Principal Place of Business: A Uniform Approach to Diversity Jurisdiction/Lindsey D. Saunders.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.5: 1475-1505.
118873 The Supreme Court and Its Shrinking Docket: The Ghost of William Howard Taft/Kenneth W. Starr.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.5: 1363-1385.
118874 The Incentives Approach to Judicial Retirement/David R. Stras.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.5: 1417-1446.
118875 Increasing E-Quality in Rural America: U.S. Spectrum Policy and Adverse Possession/Lindsey L. Tonsager.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.5: 1506-1536.
118876 When is Knowing Less Better Than Knowing More? Unpacking the Controversy over Supreme Court Reference to Non-U.S. Law/Mark Tushnet.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.5: 1275-1302.
118877 The Future of the Supreme Court Institutional Reform and Beyond/David R. Stras, Karla Vehrs.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.5: 1147-1153.
118878 Political Constraints on Supreme Court Reform/Adrian Vermeule.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.5: 1154-1172.
118879 Establishing a Substantial Limitation in Interacting with Others: A Call for Clearer Guidance from the EEOC/Lisa M. Benrud-Larson.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.6: 1791-1820.
118880 An Embedded Options Theory of Indefinite Contracts/George S. Geis.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.6: 1664-1719.
118881 Compulsory Process and the War on Terror: A Proposed Framework/Megan A. Healy.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.6: 1821-1858.
118882 The Need for Mead: Rejecting Tax Exceptionalism in Judicial Deference/Kristin E. Hickman.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.6: 1538-1618.
118883 The Limits of Their World/Reviewed by Robert Hockett.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.6: 1720-1790.
118884 From House to Home: Creating a Right to Early Lease Termination for Domestic Violence Victims/Anne C. Johnson.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.6: 1859-1888.
118885 Government Regulation of Irrationality: Moral and Cognitive Hazards/Jonathan Klick, Gregory Mitchell.- Minnesota Law Review. 2006; Vol.90, No.6: 1620-1663.
118886 Continuing the Path to Excellence: University of Minnesota Law School Dean Alex M. Johnson, Jr./Edward S. Adams.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.1: 10-25.
118887 Don’t Read This If It’s Not for You: The Legal Inadequacies of Modern Approaches to E-mail Privacy/Joshua L. Colburn.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.1: 241-264.
118888 Juveniles Competence to Exercise Miranda Rights: An Empirical Study of Policy and Practice/Barry C. Feld.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.1: 29-70.
118889 The Anticompetitive Effects of Unenforced Invalid Patents/Christopher R. Leslie.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.1: 102-183.
118890 The Future of the Legal Profession/Robert A. Stein.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.1: 1-9.
118891 Third-Party Copyright Liability After Grokster/Alfred C. Yen.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.1: 184-239.
118892 The Jurisdictional Heritage of the Grand Jury Clause/Roger A. Fairfax.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.2: 399-458.
118893 Permissive Rules of Professional Conduct/Bruce A. Green, Fred C. Zacharias.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.1: 266-325.
118894 Evaluating the Integraty of Biotechnology Research Tools: Merck v. Integra and the Scope/Michael R. Mischnick.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.2: 484-514.
118895 Terms of Use/Mark A. Lemley.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.1: 459-483.
118896 In Defense of Redistribution Through Private Law/Daphna Lewinsohn-Zamir.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.1: 327-396.
118897 Parental Support of Adult Children with Disabilities/Sande L. Buhai.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.3: 711-765.
118898 A Simple Statutory Solution to Minority Oppression in the Closely Held Business/John H. Matheson, R. Kevin Male.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.3: 658-700.
118899 Citizen Journalism and the Reporter’s Privilege/Mary-Rose Papandrea.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.3: 516-590.
118900 Sex Torts/Deana A. Pollard.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.3: 770-824.
118901 Crossing the Color Line: Racial Migration and the One-Drop Rule/Daniel J. Sharfstein.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.3: 592-656.
118902 Protecting Communities from Unwarranted Environmental Risks: A NEPA Solution for ICCTA Preemption/Shata L. Stucky.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.3: 836-846.
118903 The Perfect Storm of Retirement Insecurity: Fixing the Three-Legged Stool of Social Security, Pensions, and Personal Savings/Stephen F. Befort.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.4: 938-988.
118904 The Executive Reports, We Decide: The Constitutionality of an Executive Branch Question and Report Period/Alex Hontos.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.4: 1047-1087.
118905 An Unacceptable Exception: The Ramifications of Physician Immunity from Medical Procedure Patent Infringement Liability/Emily C. Melvin.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.4: 1088-1112.
118906 Rewriting Rule 68: Realizing the Benefits of the Federal Settlement Rule by Injecting Certainty into Offers of Judgment/Danielle M. Shelton.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.4: 869-936.
118907 Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang: How Current Approaches to Guns and Domestic Violence Fail to Save Women’s Lives/Jennifer L. Vainik.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.4: 1111-1154.
118908 Can Our Culture Be Saved The Future of Digital Archiving/Diane Leenheer Zimmerman.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.4: 989-1046.
118909 The Death of FISA/William C. Banks.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.5: 1209-1211.
118910 The Untold Story of al Qaeda’s Administrative Law Dilemmas/Mariano-Florentino Cuellar.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.5: 1304-1366.
118911 Congress, the Supreme Court, and Enemy Combatants: How Lawmakers Buoyed Judicial Supremacy by Placing Limits on Federal Court Jurisdiction/Neal Devins.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.5: 1562-1594.
118912 An Anti-Authoritarian Constitution Four Notes/Patrick O. Gudridge.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.5: 1473-1522.
118913 Immigration Reform, National Security After September 11, and the Future of North American Integration/Kevin R. Johnson, Bernard Trujillo.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.5: 1369-1406.
118914 Macro-Transparency as Structural Directive: A Look at the NSA Surveillance Controversy/Heidi Kitrosser.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.5: 1163-1208.
118915 The Preventive Paradigm and the Perils of Ad Hoc Balancing/Jules Lobel.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.5: 1407-1450.
118916 Hamdan and Common Article 3: Did the Supreme Court Get It Right/Fionnuala Ni Aolain.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.5: 1523-1561.
118917 Clear Support or Cause for Suspicion A Critique of Collective Scienter in Securities Litigation/Kevin M. ORiordan.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.5: 1596-1624.
118918 The Political Constitution of Emergency Powers: Some Lessons from Hamdan/Mark Tushnet.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.5: 1451-1472.
118919 Immigration Law and the Regulation of Marriage/Kerry Abrams.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.6: 1626-1707.
118920 When Judges Lie (and When They Should)/Paul Butler.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.6: 1785-1828.
118921 The Scientific Study of Judicial Activism/Frank B. Cross, Stefanie A. Lindquist.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.6: 1752-1784.
118922 Why Supreme Court Justices Should Ride Circuit Again/David R. Stras.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.6: 1710-1751.
118923 From Deference to Restraint: Using the Chevron Framework to Evaluate Presidential Signing Statements/David C. Jenson.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.6: 1908-1935.
118924 Concordance and Conflict in Intuitions of Justice/Paul H. Robinson, Robert Kurzban.- Minnesota Law Review. 2007; Vol.91, No.6: 1830-1904.
118925 Integrating Investment Treaty Conflict and Dispute Systems Design/Susan D. Franck.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.1: 168-230.
118926 Punitive Damages and Valuing Harm/Alexandra B. Klass.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.1: 90-159.
118927 The Bill of Rights in the Early State Courts/Jason Mazzone.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.1: 7-81.
118928 To Fix or Not to Fix: Copyright’s Fixation Requirement and the Rights of Theatrical Collaborators/Carrie Ryan Gallia.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.1: 231-264.
118929 Beyond Liability: Rewarding Effective Gatekeepers/Lawrence A. Cunningham.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.2: 323-386.
118930 No Free Parking: Obtaining Relief from Trademark-Infringing Domain Name Parking/Elizabeth M. Flanagan.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.2: 498-528.
118931 How the Presumption Against Extraterritoriality Has Created a Gap in Environmental Protection at the 49th Parallel/Joao C. J. G. de Medeiros.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.2: 529-571.
118932 State Habeas Relief for Federal Extrajudicial Detainees/Todd E. Pettys.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.2: 270-321.
118933 Judicial Interpretation in the Cost-Benefit Crucible/Jonathan R. Siegel.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.2: 387-433.
118934 A New Vision of Public Enforcement/Michael Waterstone.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.2: 438-497.
118935 The Behavioral Economics of Consumer Contracts/Oren Bar-Gill.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.2: 749-802.
118936 Amending the Exceptions Clause/Joseph Blocher.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.4: 971-1030.
118937 Modernizing Medicare: Protecting America’s Most Vulnerable Patients from Predatory Health Care Marketing Through Accessible Legal Remedies/Elizabeth C. Borer.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.4: 1165-1205.
118938 Scrutinizing Public School Authority over Student Cyberspeech Through the Lens of Personal Jurisdiction/Kyle W. Brenton.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.4: 1206-1245.
118939 Beyond Incoherence: The Roberts Court’s Deregulatory Turn in FEC v. Wisconsin Right to Life/Richard L. Hasen.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.4: 1064-1109.
118940 Property Rights and the Efficient Exploitation of Copyrighted Works: An Empirical Analysis of Public Domain and Copyrighted Fiction Bestsellers/Paul J. Heald.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.4: 1031-1063.
118941 Capturing the Ghost: Expanding Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11 to Solve Procedural Concerns with Ghostwriting/Jeffrey P. Justman.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.4: 1246-1288.
118942 Usury Law, Payday Loans, and Statutory Sleight of Hand: Salience Distortion in American Credit Pricing Limits/Christopher L. Peterson.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.4: 1116-1161.
118943 The Legacy of Bryan v. Itasca County: How an Erroneous 147 County Tax Notice Helped Bring Tribes $200 Billion in Indian Gaming Revenue/Kevin K. Washburn.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.4: 919-970.
118944 Representing Low-Wage Workers in the Absence of a Class: The Peculiar Case of Section 16 of the Fair Labor Standards Act and the Underenforcement of Minimum Labor Standards/Craig Becker, Paul Strauss.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.5: 1317-1347.
118945 Counting What Matters: Privatization, People with Disabilities, and the Cost of Low-Wage Work/Ellen Dannin.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.5: 1348-1389.
118946 Preemption and Civic Democracy in the Battle over Wal-Mart/Catherine L. Fisk, Michael M. Oswalt.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.5: 1502-1538.
118947 A Mock Funeral for a First Amendment Double Standard: Containing Coercion in Secondary Labor Boycotts/Dan Ganin.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.5: 1539-1583.
118948 Toward a Robust Separation of Powers: Recapturing the Judiciary’s Role at Sentencing/Hans H. Grong.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.5: 1584-
118949 How Wal-Mart Fights Unions/Nelson Lichtenstein.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.5: 1462-1501.
118950 The Publicization of Home-Based Care Work in State Labor Law/Peggie R. Smith.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.5: 1390-1423.
118951 Minimum Wages and Low-Wage Workers: How Well Does Reality Match the Rhetoric/David Neumark, William Wascher.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.5: 1296-1316.
118952 Remedies for Undocumented Noncitizens in the Workplace: Using International Law to Narrow the Holding of Hoffman Plastic Compounds, Inc. v. NLRB/David Weissbrodt.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.5: 1424-1445.
118953 Labor Law After Legalization/Michael J. Wishnie.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.5: 1446-1461.
118954 Adaptive Federalism: The Case Against Reallocating Environmental Regulatory Authority/David E. Adelman, Kirsten H. Engel.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.6: 1796-1850.
118955 Claiming Innocence/Brandon L. Garrett.- Minnesota Law Review. 2008; Vol.92, No.6: 1638-1719.
118956 The Constitution in the National Surveillance State/Jack M. Balkin.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.1: 1-25.
118957 The Quiet Revolution Revived: Sustainable Design, Land Use Regulation, and the States/Sara C. Bronin.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.1: 231-273.
118958 Generous to a Fault Fair Shares and Charitable Giving/Miranda Perry Fleischer.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.1: 165-230.
118959 Fighting Women: The Military, Sex, and Extrajudicial Constitutional Change/Jill Elaine Hasday.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.1: 96-164.
118960 Gagging on the First Amendment: Assessing Challenges to the Reauthorization Act’s Nondisclosure Provision/Kyle Hawkins.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.1: 274-310.
118961 The Gift That Keeps on Taking: How Federal Banking Laws Prevent States from Enforcing Gift Card Laws/Y. Angela Lam.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.1: 311-340.
118962 The Rules Enabling Act and the Procedural-Substantive Tension: A Lesson in Statutory Interpretation/Martin H. Redish, Dennis Murashko.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.1: 26-95.
118963 Removing the Judicial Gag Rule: A Proposal for Changing Judicial Speech Regulations to Encourage Public Discussion of Active Cases/Michael D. Schoepf.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.1: 341-371.
118964 Avalanche or Undue Alarm An Empirical Study of Subpoenas Received by the News Media/RonNell Andersen Jones.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.2: 585-669.
118965 The Child Protection Pretense: States Continued Consignment of Newborn Babies to Unfit Parents/James G. Dwyer.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.2: 411-486.
118966 Horizontal Federalism/Allan Erbsen.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.2: 498-580.
118967 Blight and Its Discontents: Awarding Attorney’s Fees to Property Owners in Redevelopment Actions/Noreen E. Johnson.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.2: 741-778.
118968 When the Invention Is an Inventor: Revitalizing Patentable Subject Matter to Exclude Unpredictable Processes/Peter M. Kohlhepp.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.2: 779-814.
118969 The Mythical Divide Between Collateral and Direct Consequences of Criminal Convictions: Involuntary Commitment of Sexually Violent Predators/Jenny Roberts.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.2: 678-735.
118970 Protecting Financial Markets: Lessons from the Subprime Mortgage Meltdown/Steven L. Schwarcz.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.2: 373-406.
118971 Prosecutorial Use of Forensic Science at Trial: When Is a Lab Report Testimonial/Joe Bourne.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.3: 1058-1089.
118972 Privatizing Ethics in Corporate Reorganizations/A. Mechele Dickerson.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.3: 875-932.
118973 Natural Laws and Inevitable Infringement/Alan L. Durham.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.3: 933-997.
118974 Do Courts Create Moral Hazard: When Judges Nullify Employer Liability in Arbitrations/Michael H. LeRoy.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.3: 998-1056.
118975 Reclaiming International Law from Extraterritoriality/Austen L. Parrish.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.3: 815-874.
118976 Presuming Innocence: Expanding the Confrontation Clause Analysis to Protect Children and Defendants in Child Sexual Abuse Prosecutions/Anna Richey-Allen.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.3: 1090-1119.
118977 Sweetening the Deal: Strengthening Transnational Bribery Laws Through Standard International Corporate Auditing Guidelines/Timothy W. Schmidt.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.3: 1120-1145.
118978 Unexpected Consequences: The Constitutional Implications of Federal Prison Policy for Offenders Considering Abortion/Claire Deason.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.4: 1377-1409.
118979 Accepting Justice Kennedy’s Challenge: Reviving Race-Conscious School Assignments in the Wake of Parents Involved/Charles E. Dickinson.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.4: 1410-1445.
118980 Beyond the Article I Horizon: Congress’s Enumerated Powers and Universal Jurisdiction over Drug Crimes/Eugene Kontorovich.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.4: 1191-1252.
118981 Making Defendants Speak/Ted Sampsell-Jones.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.4: 1327-1376.
118982 Reason-Giving and Accountability/Glen Staszewski.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.4: 1256-1313.
118983 The Myth of Self-Regulation/Fred C. Zacharias.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.4: 1147-1190.
118984 The Political Economy of Judging/Thomas Brennan, Lee Epstein, Nancy Staudt.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.4: 1503-1534.
118985 The Fatally Flawed Theory of the Unbundled Executive/Steven G. Calabresi, Nicholas Terrell.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.5: 1696-1740.
118986 Shaping Supreme Court Policy Through Appointments: The Impact of a New Justice/Charles Cameron, Jee-Kwang Park, Deborah Beim.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.5: 1820-1870.
118987 Dissents Against Type/Ward Farnsworth.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.5: 1535-1559.
118988 Symposium Foreword: Law & Politics in the 21st Century/Jeffrey P. Justman.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.5: 1447-1453.
118989 Shortcuts to Reform/Heather K. Gerken.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.5: 1582-1614.
118990 Murder and the Military Commissions: Prohibiting the Executive’s Unauthorized Expansion of Jurisdiction/Joseph C. Hansen.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.5: 1871-1901.
118991 Wartime Judgments of Presidential Power: Striking Down but Not Back/William G. Howell.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.5: 1778-1819.
118992 Withdrawal: The Roberts Court and the Retreat from Election Law/Ellen Katz.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.5: 1615-1643.
118993 Separation of Powers During the Forty-Fourth Presidency and Beyond/Brett M. Kavanaugh.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.5: 1554-1486.
118994 The Accountable Executive/Heidi Kitrosser.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.5: 1741-1777.
118995 Defacing Democracy: The Changing Nature and Rising Importance of As-Applied Challenges in the Supreme Court’s Recent Election Law Decisions/Nathaniel Persily, Jennifer S. Rosenberg.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.5: 1644-1679.
118996 Native American Rape Victims: Desperately Seeking an Oliphant-Fix/Marie Quasius.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.5: 1902-1941.
118997 Disappearing Districts: Minority Vote Dilution Doctrine as Politics/Terry Smith.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.5: 1680-1695.
118998 Hear Me Roar: What Provokes Supreme Court Justices to Dissent from the Bench/Timothy R. Johnson, Ryan C. Black, Eve M. Ringsmuth.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.5: 1560-1581.
118999 Judicial Nominations in an Umpireless Game: Trusted Sources, a Complaint, and a Proposal/Benjamin Wittes.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.5: 1487-1502.
119000 Defogging the Cloud: Applying Fourth Amendment Principles to Evolving Privacy Expectations in Cloud Computing/David A. Couillard.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.6: 2205-2239.
119001 How a Judge Thinks/Michael J. Gerhardt.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.6: 2165-2204.
119002 The National Surveillance State: A Response to Balkin/Orin S. Kerr.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.6: 2179-2184.
119003 Cramming Down the Housing Crisis: Amending 11 U.S.C. 1322(b) to Protect Homeowners and Create a Sustainable Bankruptcy System/Nina Liao.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.6: 2240-2273.
119004 Inequitable-Conduct Doctrine Reform: Is the Death Penalty for Patents Still Appropriate/Nicole M. Murphy.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.6: 2274-2303.
119005 Specific Performance and the Thirteenth Amendment/Nathan B. Oman.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.6: 2021-2091.
119006 Are Patents on Interfaces Impeding Interoperability/Pamela Samuelson.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.6: 1946-2004.
119007 The Limits of Backlash: Assessing the Political Response to Kelo/Ilya Somin.- Minnesota Law Review. 2009; Vol.93, No.6: 2107-2168.
119008 Against Permititis: Why Voluntary Organizations Should Regulate the Use of Cancer Drugs/Richard A. Epstein.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.1: 1-41.
119009 Why Did the Incorporation of the Bill of Rights Fail in the Late Nineteenth Century/Gerard N. Magliocca.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.1: 102-139.
119010 Reconfiguring Estate Settlement/John H. Martin.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.1: 42-101.
119011 Credit Rating Agencies and the First Amendment: Applying Constitutional Journalistic Protections to Subprime Mortgage Litigation/Theresa Nagy.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.1: 140-167.
119012 In Re the Welfare of Due Process/Kristin K. Zinsmaster.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.1: 168-199.
119013 Clawbacks: Prospective Contract Measures in an Era of Excessive Executive Compensation and Ponzi Schemes/Miriam A. Cherry, Jarrod Wong.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.2: 368-427.
119014 Aggregating Probabilities Across Cases: Criminal Responsibility for Unspecified Offenses/Alon Harel, Ariel Porat.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.2: 261-310.
119015 From the Inside Out: Reforming State and Local Prostitution Enforcement to Combat Sex Trafficking in the United States and Abroad/Moira Heiges.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.2: 426-466.
119016 United States Competition Policy in Crisis: 1890 1955/Herbert Hovenkamp.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.2: 311-367.
119017 Counsel and Confrontation/Todd E. Pettys.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.2: 201-260.
119018 The Curious Case of Disparate Impact Under the ADEA: Reversing the Theory’s Development into Obsolescence/R. Henry Pfutzenreuter.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.2: 467-504.
119019 Between the Possible and the Probable: Defining the Plausibility Standard After Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly and Ashcroft v. Iqbal/Nicholas Tymoczko.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.2: 505-539.
119020 Speaking of Silence: A Reply to Making Defendants Speak/Donald P. Judges, Stephen J. Cribari.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.3: 800-838.
119021 Property Rhetoric and the Public Domain/David Fagundes.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.3: 652-705.
119022 Hard vs. Soft Law: Alternatives, Complements, and Antagonists in International Governance/Gregory C. Shaffer, Mark A. Pollack.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.3: 712-798.
119023 American Trust Law in a Chinese Mirror/Frances H. Foster.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.3: 602-651.
119024 Litigating the Contours of Constitutionality: Harmonizing Equitable Principles and Constitutional Values when Considering Preliminary Injunctive Relief/Ryan Griffin.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.3: 839-868.
119025 Corporate Control and the Need for Meaningful Board Accountability/Michelle M. Harner.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.3: 541-601.
119026 Embryo Adoption: The Solution to an Ambiguous Intent Standard/Molly Miller.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.3: 869-895.
119027 Reconciling the Public Employee Speech Doctrine and Academic Speech After Garcetti v. Ceballos/Darryn Cathryn Beckstrom.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.4: 1202-1238.
119028 Concepts, Categories, and Compliance in the Regulatory State/Kristin E. Hickman, Claire A. Hill.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.4: 1152-1201.
119029 Deterring Fraud to Increase Public Confidence: Why Congress Should Allow Government Employees to File Qui Tam Lawsuits/Barry M. Landy.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.4: 1239-1268.
119030 Identity Scripts & Democratic Deliberation/Holning Lau.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.4: 898-970.
119031 Legislative Prayer and the Secret Costs of Religious Endorsements/Christopher C. Lund.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.4: 973-1049.
119032 The Protective Scope of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act: Providing Mortgagors the Protection They Deserve from Abusive Foreclosure Practices/Eric M. Marshall.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.4: 1269-1302.
119033 From Exclusivity to Concurrence/Mark D. Rosen.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.4: 1052-1149.
119034 Cybermarks/Dan L. Burk.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.5: 1375-1416.
119035 Cyberspace & the Law: Privacy, Property, and Crime in the Virtual Frontier/Nicole M. Murphy.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.5: 1303-1307.
119036 Revising the Organizational Sentencing Guidelines to Eliminate the Focus on Compliance Programs and Cooperation in Determining Corporate Sentence Mitigation/Lindsay K. Eastman.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.5: 1620-1650.
119037 The Implications for Law of User Innovation/William W. Fisher.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.5: 1417-1477.
119038 Born (Not So) Free: Legal Limits on the Practice of Unassisted Childbirth or Freebirthing in the United States/Anna Hickman.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.5: 1651-1681.
119039 The Voices of Victims: Debating the Appropriate Role of Fraud Victim Allocution Under the Crime Victims Rights Act/Julie Kaster.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.5: 1682-1705.
119040 Vagueness Challenges to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act/Orin S. Kerr.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.5: 1561-1587.
119041 Mask, Shield, and Sword: Should the Journalist’s Privilege Protect the Identity of Anonymous Posters to News Media Websites/Jane E. Kirtley.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.5: 1487-1513.
119042 Probably Probable Cause: The Diminishing Importance of Justification Standards/Paul Ohm.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.5: 1514-1560.
119043 Google Book Search and the Future of Books in Cyberspace/Pamela Samuelson.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.5: 1308-1374.
119044 Proportionality, Privacy, and Public Opinion: A Reply to Kerr and Swire/Christopher Slobogin.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.5: 1588-1619.
119045 Regulating Insurance Sales or Selling Insurance Regulation: Against Regulatory Competition in Insurance/Daniel Schwarcz.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.6: 1717-1742.
119046 Challenging Peremptories: Suggested Reforms to the Jury Selection Process Using Minnesota as a Case Study/Maisa Jean Frank.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.6: 2075-2102.
119047 Constitutional Dictatorship: Its Dangers and Its Design Sanford Levinson/Jack M. Balkin.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.6: 1790-1865.
119048 Federal Preemption and the Rating Agencies: Eliminating State Law Liability to Promote Quality Ratings/Timothy M. Sullivan.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.6: 2136-2166.
119049 Fiduciaries with Conflicting Obligations/Steven L. Schwarcz.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.6: 1867-1913.
119050 The Due Process Rights of Parents to Cross-Examine Guardians Ad Litem in Custody Disputes: The Reality and the Ideal/Emily Gleiss.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.6: 2103-2135.
119051 Judicial Discipline and the Appearance of Impropriety: What the Public Sees Is What the Judge Gets/Raymond J. McKoski.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.6: 1916-1995.
119052 Who’s Afraid of Law and the Emotions/Kathryn Abrams, Hila Keren.- Minnesota Law Review. 2010; Vol.94, No.6: 1998-2073.
119053 Tort Law and the American Economy/Frank B. Cross.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.1: 28-89.
119054 Rights for Sale/Tsilly Dagan, Talia Fisher.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.1: 90-140.
119055 Beyond Crime and Commitment: Justifying Liberty Deprivations of the Dangerous and Responsible/Kimberly Kessler Ferzan.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.1: 141-193.
119056 Combating Joint Ventures in Suppression: Taking Inventory of the Legal Arsenal/Daniel J. Iden.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.1: 278-305.
119057 Substantive Equality: A Perspective/Catharine A. MacKinnon.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.1: 1-27.
119058 Public Choice and International Law Compliance: The Executive Branch Is a They, Not an It/Neomi Rao.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.1: 201-243.
119059 Who Are They to Judge: The Constitutionality of Delegations by Courts to Probation Officers/Mark Thomson.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.1: 306-335.
119060 The Sartorial Dilemma of Knockoffs: Protecting Moral Rights without Disturbing the Fashion Dynamic/Margaret E. Wade.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.1: 366-369.
119061 Conundrum/Derek E. Bambauer.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.2: 585-673.
119062 Regulating Reproduction: The Problem with Best Interests/I. Glenn Cohen.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.2: 424-517.
119063 Tortured Language: Individuals, Corporate Liability, and the Torture Victim Protection Act/Brad Emmons.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.2: 675-710.
119064 Federalism in Bankruptcy: Relocating the Doctrine of Substantive Consolidation/R. Benjamin Hanna.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.2: 711-738.
119065 In Deep Water: A Common Law Solution to the Bulk Water Export Problem/Elise L. Larson.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.2: 739-767.
119066 Judicial Review of Judicial Lawmaking/Amnon Lehavi.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.2: 520-583.
119067 Successor Liability/John H. Matheson.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.2: 371-422.
119068 A Shareholders Put Option: Counteracting the Acquirer Overpayment Problem/Afra Afsharipour.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.3: 1020-1099.
119069 Conviction Without Conviction/Talia Fisher.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.2: 833-885.
119070 Armchair Jury Consultants: The Legal Implications and Benefits of Online Research of Prospective Jurors in the Facebook Era/Adam J. Hoskins.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.3: 1100-1122.
119071 Making Pesticides Public: A Disclosure-Base Approach to Regulating Pesticide Use/Brian Jacobson.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.3: 1123-1150.
119072 Class Certification as a Prerequisite for CAFA Jurisdiction/Kevin Lampone.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.3: 1151-1185.
119073 The Interagency Marketplace/Jason Marisam.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.3: 886-951.
119074 Veblen Brands/Jeremy N. Sheff.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.3: 769-832.
119075 Waiving Innocence/Samuel R. Wiseman.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.3: 952-1017.
119076 Beyond Best Interests/I. Glenn Cohen.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.4: 1187-1274.
119077 What Have I Opted Myself Into Resolving the Uncertain Status of Opt-In Plaintiffs Prior to Conditional Certification in Fair Labor Standards Act Litigation/Carl Engstrom.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.3: 1544-1580.
119078 That’s Not Discrimination: American Beliefs and the Limits of Anti- Discrimination Law/Katie R. Eyer.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.4: 1276-1360.
119079 Lawyers, Not Widgets: Why Private-Sector Attorneys Must Unionize to Save the Legal Profession/Melissa Mortazavi.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.4: 1482-1543.
119080 Daubert Rises: The (Re)applicability of the Daubert Factors to the Scope of Forensics Testimony/Geoffrey M. Pipoly.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.4: 1581-1605.
119081 Dissent Without Disloyalty: Expanding the Free Speech Rights of Military Members Under the General Articles of the UCMJ/Jason Steck.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.4: 1606-1637.
119082 When Copyright Law and Science Collide: Empowering Digitally Integrated Research Methods on a Global Scale/Jerome H. Reichman, Ruth L. Okediji.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.4: 1362-1480.
119083 Super PACs/Richard Briffault.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.5: 1644-1693.
119084 Lessons Learned: Political Advertising and Political Law/Kenneth Goldstein, David A. Schweidel, Mike Wittenwyler.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.5: 1732-1754.
119085 Ugly on the Inside: An Argument for a Narrow Interpretation of Employer Defenses to Appearance Discrimination/Mila Gumin.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.5: 1769-1794.
119086 What Being a Watchdog Really Means: Removing the Attorney General from the Supervision of Charitable Trusts/Kelly McNabb.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.5: 1795-1827.
119087 Donor Disclosure: Undermining the First Amendment/Cleta Mitchell.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.5: 1755-1768.
119088 Matching Political Contributions/Spencer Overton.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.5: 1694-1731.
119089 Plausible Defenses: Historical, Plain Meaning, and Public Policy Arguments for Applying Iqbal and Twombly to Affirmative Defenses/Matthew J.M. Pelikan.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.5: 1828-1857.
119090 In Defense of Judicial Empathy/Thomas B. Colby.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.6: 1945-2013.
119091 Juveniles Locked in Limbo: Why Pretrial Detention Implicates a Fundamental Right/Shana Conklin.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.6: 2150-2181.
119092 New Evidence on Appeal/Jeffrey C. Dobbins.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.6: 2016-2066.
119093 Loaded Questions: A Suggested Constitutional Framework for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms/Reid Golden.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.6: 2182-2221.
119094 An Immigration Crisis in a Nation of Immigrants: Why Amending the Fourteenth Amendment Won’t Solve Our Problems/Alberto R. Gonzales.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.6: 1859-1882.
119095 Which Law Governs During Armed Conflict The Relationship Between International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law/Oona A. Hathaway… [et al.].- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.6: 1883-1944.
119096 Too Much for Too Little: The Restatement’s Measure of Damages Where the Trustee Sells a Trust Asset for an Insufficient Price/Richard Thomson.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.6: 2144-2149.
119097 Copyright Exhaustion and the Personal Use Dilemma/Aaron Perzanowski, Jason Schultz.- Minnesota Law Review. 2012; Vol.96, No.6: 2068-2143.
119098 Anticompetitive Effect/Hon. Richard D. Cudahy, Alan Devlin.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.1: 59-109.
119099 The Role of Dissenting Opinions/Hon. Ruth Bader Ginsburg.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.1: 1-8.
119100 Strategic Enforcement/Margaret H. Lemos, Alex Stein.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.1: 9-58.
119101 Dual Illegality and Geoambiguous Law: A New Rule for Extraterritorial Application of U.S. Law/Jeffrey A. Meyer.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.1: 110-184.
119102 Meeting Boumediene’s Challenge: The Emergence of an Effective Habeas Jurisprudence and Obsolescence of New Detention Legislation/Nathaniel H. Nesbitt.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.1: 244-283.
119103 The Need for Review: Allowing Defendants to Appeal the Factual Basis of a Conviction After Pleading Guilty/Steven Schmidt.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.1: 284-314.
119104 Immunity for Vaccine Manufacturers: The Vaccine Act and Preemption of Design Defect Claims/Eva B. Stensvad.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.1: 315-345.
119105 Administration by Treasury/David Zaring.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.1: 187-243.
119106 The Visible Hand: Coordination Functions of the Regulatory State/Robert B. Ahdieh.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.2: 579-648.
119107 Defining Unpatented Article: Why Labeling Products with Expired Patent Numbers Should Not Be False Marking/Laura N. Arneson.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.2: 650-681.
119108 Impeachment and Assassination/Josh Chafetz.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.2: 347-420.
119109 Trading-Off Reproductive Technology and Adoption: Does Subsidizing IVF Decrease Adoption Rates and Should It Matter/I. Glenn Cohen, Daniel L. Chen.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.2: 486-574.
119110 Adaptive Management in the Courts/J.B. Ruhl, Robert L. Fischman.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.2: 424-483.
119111 Relative Futility: Limits to Genetic Privacy Protection Because of the Inability to Prevent Disclosure of Genetic Information by Relatives/Trevor Woodage.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.2: 662-713.
119112 Legitimate Absenteeism: The Unconstitutionality of the Caucus Attendance Requirement/Heather R. Abraham.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.3: 1003-1033.
119113 Money Talks but It Isn’t Speech/Deborah Hellman.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.3: 953-1002.
119114 On the Edge: Declining Marginal Utility and Tax Policy/Sarah B. Lawsky.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.3: 904-952.
119115 Special Incentives to Sue/Margaret H. Lemos.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.3: 782-845.
119116 Rule 14a-11 and the Administrative Procedure Act: It’s Better to Have Had and Waived, than Never to Have Had at All/Reed T. Schuster.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.3: 1034-1070.
119117 The Cloying Use of Unallotment: Curbing Executive Branch Appropriation Reductions During Fiscal Emergencies/Tyler J. Siewert.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.3: 1071-1109.
119118 Executive Compensation in the Courts: Board Capture, Optimal Contracting, and Officers Fiduciary Duties/Randall S. Thomas, Harwell Wells.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.3: 847-903.
119119 Regulation in the Behavioral Era/Michael P. Vandenbergh, Amanda R. Carrico, Lisa Schultz Bressman.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.3: 716-779.
119120 Constitutional Spaces/Allan Erbsen.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.4: 1175-1253.
119121 Hold Fast the Keys to the Kingdom: Federal Administrative Agencies and the Need for Brady Disclosure/Justin Goetz.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.4: 1424-1455.
119122 Erie’s Suppressed Premise/Michael Steven Green.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.4: 1111-1167.
119123 Turning Winners into Losers: Ponzi Scheme Avoidance Law and the Inequity of Clawbacks/Karen E. Nelson.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.4: 1456-1489.
119124 Expanding the Role of Trade Preference Programs/Monica Patel.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.4: 1490-1523.
119125 Whose Claim Is This Anyway Third-Party Litigation Funding/Maya Steinitzt.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.4: 1269-1336.
119126 The Role of the United States Supreme Court in Interpreting and Developing Humanitarian Law/David Weissbrodt, Nathaniel H. Nesbitt.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.4: 1344-1421.
119127 Dodd-Frank: Quack Federal Corporate Governance Round/Stephen M. Bainbridge.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.5: 1779-1821.
119128 Insufficient Government Protection: The Inescapable Element in Domestic Violence Asylum Cases/Elsa M. Bullard.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.5: 1867-1898.
119129 Fiduciary-Based Standards for Bailout Contractors: What the Treasury Got Right and Wrong in TARP/Kathleen Clark.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.5: 1614-1636.
119130 Uncomfortable Embrace: Federal Corporate Ownership in the Midst of the Financial Crisis/Steven M. Davidoff.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.5: 1733-1778.
119131 Government Ethics and Bailouts: The Past, Present, and Future/Nicole Elsasser Watson.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.5: 1525-1531.
119132 Government Governance and the Need to Reconcile Government Regulation with Board Fiduciary Duties/Lisa M. Fairfax.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.5: 1692-1732.
119133 Compromised Fiduciaries: Conflicts of Interest in Government and Business/Claire Hill, Richard Painter.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.5: 1637-1691.
119134 The Problem with Waste: Delaware’s Lenient Treatment of Waste Claims at the Demand Stage of Derivative Litigation/Jamie L. Kastler.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.5: 1899-1929.
119135 Who Benefited from the Bailout/Jonathan G. Katz.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.5: 1568-1613.
119136 The Financial Crisis of 2008 2009: Capitalism Didn’t Fail, but the Metaphors Got a C/Jeffrey M. Lipshaw.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.5: 1532-1567.
119137 Diversity Jurisdiction and Injunctive Relief: Using a Moving-Party Approach to Value the Amount in Controversy/Christopher A. Pinahs.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.5: 1930-1964.
119138 Corporate Governance in an Age of Separation of Ownership from Ownership/Usha Rodrigues.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.5: 1822-1866.
119139 Children’s Constitutional Rights/Anne C. Dailey.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.6: 2099-2178.
119140 Freedom of Testation Freedom of Contract/Adam J. Hirsch.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.6: 2180-2221.
119141 Blowing Up the Pipes: The Use of (c)(4) to Dismantle Campaign Finance Reform/Cory G. Kalanick.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.6: 2254-2284.
119142 UNCLOS, but No Cigar: Overcoming Obstacles to the Prosecution of Maritime Piracy/Ryan P. Kelley.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.6: 2285-2317.
119143 Arrest Efficiency and the Fourth Amendment/L. Song Richardson.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.6: 2036-2098.
119144 Privatization and the Sale of Tax Revenues/Julie A. Roin.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.6: 1969-2033.
119145 When Sosa Meets Iqbal: Plausibility Pleading in Human Rights Litigation/Jordan D. Shepherd.- Minnesota Law Review. 2011; Vol.95, No.6: 2318-2351.
119146 Judicial Review of SEC Rules: Managing the Costs of Cost-Benefit Analysis/Rachel A. Benedict.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.1: 278-305.
119147 Notice-and-Comment Sentencing/Richard A. Bierschbach, Stephanos Bibas.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.1: 2-68.
119148 It Can Do More Than Protect Your Credit Score: Regulating Social Media Pre-Employment Screening with the Fair Credit Reporting Act/Nathan J. Ebnet.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.1: 306-336.
119149 How Business Fares in the Supreme Court/Lee Epstein, William M. Landes, Richard A.Landes.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.1: 1431-1472.
119150 Patent Law’s Audience/Mark D. Janis, Timothy R. Holbrook.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.1: 73-131.
119151 Forum Competition and Choice of Law Competition in Securities Law After Morrison v. National Australia Bank/Wulf A. Kaal, Richard W. Painter.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.1: 132-204.
119152 The Political Economy of Climate Change Winners/J.B. Ruh.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.1: 207-276.
119153 Warrantless Search Cases Are Really All the Same/Will Stancil.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.1: 337-368.
119154 Technological Leap, Statutory Gap, and Constitutional Abyss: Remote Biometric Identification Comes of Age/Laura K. Donohue.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.2: 408-556.
119155 Water Bankruptcy/Christine A. Klein.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.1: 561-623.
119156 Jurisprudential Innovation or Accountability Avoidance? The International Criminal Court and Proposed Expansion of the African Court of Justice and Human Rights/Kristen Rau.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.2: 669-708.
119157 Stifled Justice: The Unauthorized Practice of Law and Internet Legal Resources/Mathew Rotenberg.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.2: 709-717.
119158 The Use and Abuse of Special-Purpose Entities in Public Finance/Steven L. Schwarcz.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.2: 370-402.
119159 Originalism and Political Ignorance/Ilya Somin.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.2: 625-668.
119160 Does International Law Matter/Shima Baradaran, Michael Findley, Daniel Nielson, J.C. Sharman.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.3: 745-837.
119161 First Amendment and the Right to Lie: Regulating Knowingly False Campaign Speech After United States v. Alvarez/Staci Lieffring.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.3: 1047-1078.
119162 Up or Out: Why Sufficiently Reliabl Statistical Risk Assessment Is Appropriate at Sentencing and Inappropriate at Parole/Pari McGarraugh.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.3: 1079-1113.
119163 Our Partisan Foreign Affairs Constitution/Jide Nzelibe.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.3: 839-905.
119164 Branding Privacy/Paul Ohm.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.3: 908-988.
119165 Going Back in Time: The Search for Retroactive Rulemaking Power in Statutory Deadlines/Chris Schmitter.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.3: 1114-1144.
119166 The Presumption of Patentability/Sean B. Seymore.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.3: 990-1046.
119167 Healthy Compromise: Reconciling Wellness Program Financial Incentives with Health Reform/Heather Baird.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.4: 1474-1506.
119168 The Social and Cultural Aspects of Climate Change Winners/Robin Kundis Craig.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.4: 1416-1430.
119169 Reclaiming Equality to Reframe Indigent Defense Reform/Lauren Sudeall Lucas.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.4: 1197-1263.
119170 The Duty to Capture/Jens David Ohlin.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.4: 12681342.
119171 Death by Arugula: How Soil Contamination Stunts Urban Agriculture, and What the Law Should Do About It/Steven A. Platt.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.4: 1507-1548.
119172 State Enforcement of National Policy: A Contextual Approach (with Evidence from the Securities Realm)/Amanda M. Rose.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.4: 1344-1415.
119173 The Duty to Capture/Jens David Ohlin.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.4: 1268-1342.
119174 Inflammatory Speech: Offense Versus Incitement/Alexander Tsesis.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.4: 1145-1196.
119175 When Is It OK to Limit Direct Democracy/Shaun Bowler.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.5: 1780-1803.
119176 When Common Wisdom Is Neither Common nor Wisdom: Exploring Voters  Limited Use of Endorsements on Three Ballot Measures/Craig M. Burnett, Mathew D. McCubbins.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.5: 1557-1595.
119177 Direct Democracy and Campaigns Against Minorities/Todd Donovan.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.5: 1730-1779.
119178 A More Perfect Union? Democracy in the Age of Ballot Initiatives/Tom Pryor.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.5: 1549-1556.
119179 Campaign Finance in the Hybrid Realm of Recall Elections/Elizabeth Garrett.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.5: 1654-1699.
119180 Interpreting Initiatives/Michael D. Gilbert.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.5: 1621-1653.
119181 Campaign Disclosure in Direct Democracy/Michael Kang.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.5: 1700-1729.
119182 Disrupting the Pickering Balance: First Amendment Protections for Teachers in the Digital Age/Emily McNee.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.5: 1818-1853.
119183 Turner v. Rogers, the Right to Counsel, and the Deficiencies of Mathews v. Eldridge/Tom Pryor.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.5: 1854-1889.
119184 The Political Morality of Voting in Direct Democracy/Michael Serota, Ethan J. Leib.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.5: 1596-1620.
119185 Are State Constitutions Constitutional?/Timothy M. Tymkovich.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.5: 1804-1817.
119186 New Solutions to the Age-Old Problem of Private-Sector Bribery/Sarah Clark.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.5: 2285-2319.
119187 Ensuring Equal Access: Rethinking Enforcement of Medicaid s Equal Access Provision/Anne M. Dwyer.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.6: 2320-2351.
119188 Religion’s Footnote Four: Church Autonomy as Arbitration/Michael A. Helfand.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.6: 1891-1960.
119189 Rage Against the Machine: A Reply to Professors Bierschbach and Bibas/Erik Luna.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.6: 2245-2271.
119190 If It’s in the Game, Is It in the Game?: Examining League-Wide Licensing Agreements After American Needle/Talon Powers.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.6: 2352-2378.
119191 Health Law as Disability Rights Law/Jessica L. Roberts.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.6: 1964-2034.
119192 Mind, Body, and the Criminal Law/Francis X. Shen.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.6: 2038-2169.
119193 Protecting Property Through Politics: State Legislative Checks and Judicial Takings/Stephanie Stern.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.6: 2177-2244.
119194 Challenging the Plausibility Standard Under the Rules Enabling Act/Edwin W. Stockmeyer.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.6: 2379-2409.
119195 It’s the Reply, Not the Comment: Observations About the Bierschbach and Bibas Proposal/Ronald F. Wright.- Minnesota Law Review. 2013; Vol.97, No.6: 2272-2284.


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