تازههای مقالات خارجی فروردین 1402
NO. |
142645 | Multilateral Efforts to Reduce Black Carbon Emissions: A Lifeline for the Warming Arctic?/Erika Rosenthal, Robert Watson.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.1: 3-10. |
142646 | Arctic Bottom Trawling in Canadian Waters: Exploring the Possibilities for Legal Action against Unsustainable Fishing/Rebekah Church.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.1: 11-18. |
142647 | Sealing the Deal: Environmental and Indigenous Justice and Mining in Nunavut/Laura Bowman.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.1: 19-28. |
142648 | Reconciliation, Indigenous Rights and Offshore Oil and Gas Development in the Canadian Arctic/Kirsten Manley-Casimir.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.1: 29-38. |
142649 | Development of Canadian Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling: Lessons from the Gulf of Mexico/Will Amos.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.1: 39-46. |
142650 | The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity/Matthias Buck, Clare Hamilton.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.1: 47-61. |
142651 | Conserving European Biodiversity in a Changing Climate: The Bern Convention, the European Union Birds and Habitats Directives and the Adaptation of Nature to Climate Change/Arie Trouwborst.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.1: 62-77. |
142652 | Carbon Leakage – The First Mover Disadvantage: Australia’s Trade-Related Assistance Measures for Emissions-Intensive, Trade-Exposed Industries/Caroline Haywood.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.1: 78-90. |
142653 | Global versus Low Carbon Economy: The Case of the Revised EU Emissions Trading Scheme/Nicole Ahner, Leonardo Meeus.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.1: 91-100. |
142654 | Changing Dynamics of Forest Regulation: Coming Full Circle?/Nidhi Srivastava.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 113-122. |
142655 | If a Tree Falls in a Kyoto Forest and Nobody is There to Hear it, will it be Accounted for? An Insider’s View of the Negotiations Surrounding Land Use, Land-use Change and Forestry for the Second Commitment Period of the Kyoto Protocol/Ian Fry.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 123-138. |
142656 | Integrating Biodiversity in the Climate Regime’s Forest Rules: Options and Tradeoffs in Greening REDD Design/Harro van Asselt.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 139-149. |
142657 | Indigenous Peoples’ Land Rights and REDD: A Case Study/Sophie Lemaitre.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 150-162. |
142658 | Building on Forest Governance Reforms through FLEGT: The Best Way of Controlling Forests’ Contribution to Climate Change?/Kate Dooley, Saskia Ozinga.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 163-170. |
142659 | The Implicit Constitutional Right to Live in a Healthy Environment/David R. Boyd.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 171-179. |
142660 | Excluding Coexistence of GMOs? The Impact of the EU Commission’s 2010 Recommendation on Coexistence/Mary Dobbs.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 180-193. |
142661 | The International Regime for the Compensation of Oil-pollution Damage: A Good Candidate to Have a Human Rights Law Approach?/Armelle Gouritin.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 194-207. |
142662 | Responsibilities and Obligations of States Sponsoring Persons and Entities with Respect to Activities in the Area: The International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea’s Recent Contribution to International Environmental Law/Gunther Handl.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 208-213. |
142663 | Developments in the International Law of Environmental Impact Assessments and their Relation to the Espoo Convention/Alan Boyle.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.3: 227-231. |
142664 | The Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment: A Matter of Good Governance/Jan De Mulder.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.3: 232-247. |
142665 | A Modest Contribution to Environmental Democracy and Justice in Transboundary Contexts: The Combined Impact of the Espoo Convention and Aarhus Convention/Jonas Ebbesson.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.3: 248-257. |
142666 | Subsidiary Decision Making under the Espoo Convention: Legal Status and Legitimacy/Neil Craik, Timo Koivurova.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.3: 258-266. |
142667 | The Espoo Convention and Strategic Environmental Assessment Protocol in the European Union: Implementation, Compliance, Enforcement and Reform/Simon Marsden.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.3: 267-276. |
142668 | Climate Engineering and International Law: Last Resort or the End of Humanity?/Gerd Winter.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.3: 277-289. |
142669 | How Effective is the New EU Timber Regulation in the Fight against Illegal Logging?/Yulia Levashova.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.3: 290-299. |
142670 | The Shale Gas Extraction Process and Its Impacts on Water Resources/Leonie Reins.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.3: 300-312. |
142671 | Civil and Criminal Liability as Mechanisms for the Prevention of Oil Marine Pollution: The Erika Case/Sophia Kopela.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.3: 313-324. |
142672 | Incorporating Regional Priorities into Global Conferences: A Review of the Regional Preparatory Committee Meetings for Rio+20/Pamela Chasek.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.1: 4-11. |
142673 | Global Green Governance: Embedding the Green Economy in a Global Green and Equitable Rule of Law Polity/Joyeeta Gupta, Nadia Sanchez.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.1: 12-22. |
142674 | Enabling a Flourishing Earth: Challenges for the Green Economy, Opportunities for Global Governance/Klaus Bosselmann, Peter G. Brown, Brendan Mackey.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.1: 23-30. |
142675 | Care of the Self, Care of the Earth: A New Conversation for Rio+20?/Peter Doran.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.1: 31-43. |
142676 | International Law, Natural Resources and Post-conflict Peacebuilding: From Rio to Rio+20 and Beyond/Carl Bruch … [et al.].- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.1: 44-62. |
142677 | The Ecuadorian Exemplar: The First Ever Vindications of Constitutional Rights of Nature/Erin Daly.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.1: 63-66. |
142678 | International Adjudication – Standard of Review and Burden of Proof: Australia-Apples and Whaling in the Antarctic/Caroline E. Foster.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.2: 80-91. |
142679 | Disentangling Climate Change Governance: A Legal Perspective/Ottavio Quirico.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.2: 92-101. |
142680 | The Human Rights Dimension of REDD/Annalisa Savaresi.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.2: 102-113. |
142681 | Lessons from Forestry for International Environmental Law/Catherine P. MacKenzie.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.2: 114-126. |
142682 | An Old Debate Revisited: Applicability of Environmental Treaties in Times of International Armed Conflict Pursuant to the International Law Commission’s Draft Articles on the Effects of Armed Conflict on Treaties/Adrian Loets.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.2: 127-136. |
142683 | Access to Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and Benefit-sharing in China: Legal Framework, Current Practices and Future Developments/Xiaoyong Zhang.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.2: 137-148. |
142684 | Air Transport Association of America v. Energy Secretary: Clarifying Direct Effect and Providing Guidance for Future Instrument Design for a Green Economy in the European Union/Markus W. Gehring.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.2: 149-153. |
142685 | All Hands on Deck! Mobilizing Climate Change Action beyond the UNFCCC/Remi Moncel, Harro van Asselt.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.3: 163-176. |
142686 | Climate Clubs: Can Small Groups of Countries make a Big Difference in Addressing Climate Change?/Lutz Weischer, Jennifer Morgan, Milap Patel.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.3: 177-192. |
142687 | Addressing Sectoral Emissions outside the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: What Roles for Multilateralism, Minilateralism and Unilateralism?/Kati Kulovesi.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.3: 193-203. |
142688 | Restoring the Climate by Realizing Rights: The Role of the International Human Rights System/Edward Cameron, Marc Limon.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.3: 204-219. |
142689 | The Securitization of Climate Change in World Politics: How Close have We Come and would Full Securitization Enhance the Efficacy of Global Climate Change Policy?/Shirley V. Scott.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.3: 220-230. |
142690 | Strengthening Ambition for Climate Mitigation: The Role of the Montreal Protocol in Reducing Short-lived Climate Pollutants/Durwood Zaelke, Stephen O. Andersen, Nathan Borgford-Parnell.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.3: 231-242. |
142691 | Is a New Multilateral Environmental Agreement on Ocean Acidification Necessary?/Rakhyun E. Kim.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.3: 243-258. |
142692 | The Precautionary Principle and a Fair Allocation of the Burden of Proof in International Environmental Law/Monika Ambrus.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.3: 259-270. |
142693 | The Common but Differentiated Responsibilities Principle: Changes in Continuity after the Durban Conference of the Parties/Thomas Deleuil.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.3: 271-281. |
142694 | The Regulation of the Technical, Environmental and Health Aspects of Current Exploratory Shale Gas Extraction in the United Kingdom: Initial Lessons for the Future of European Union Energy Policy/Andreas Kotsakis.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.3: 282-290. |
142695 | Seal Killing, the Inuit and European Union Law/Ludwig Kramer.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.3: 291-296. |
142696 | The Rise and Fall of Sustainable Development/Jorge E. Vinuales.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.1: 3-13. |
142697 | A Conceptual and Legal Perspective on the Green Economy/Elisa Morgera, Annalisa Savaresi.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.1: 14-28. |
142698 | The End of Differential Treatment for Developing Countries? Lessons from the Trade and Climate Change Regimes/Joost Pauwelyn.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.1: 29-41. |
142699 | Beyond the North-South Dichotomy in International Climate Law: The Distinctive Adaptation Responsibilities of the Emerging Economies/Daniel Farber.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.1: 42-53. |
142700 | Innovation and Technology Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies: The Need to Engage in a Substantive Debate/Carlos M. Correa.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.1: 54-61. |
142701 | Technology and Innovation for a Green Economy/Derek Eaton.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.1: 62-67. |
142702 | The Importance of Information and Participation Principles in Environmental Law in Brazil, the United States and Beyond/David N. Cassuto, Romulo S.R. Sampaio.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.1: 68-77. |
142703 | What’s in a Name? The Covenant of Mayors as Transnational Environmental Regulation/Veerle Heyvaert.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.1: 78-90. |
142704 | Shared Accountability of the European Union and its Member States in the Climate Change Regime/Anne-Sophie Tabau.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.1: 91-102. |
142705 | Using Strategic Environmental Assessments to Guide Oil and Gas Exploration Decisions: Applying Lessons Learned from Atlantic Canada to the Beaufort Sea/Meinhard Doelle, Nigel Bankes, Louie Porta.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.1: 103-116. |
142706 | China, Minerals Export, Raw and Rare Earth Materials: A Perfect Storm for World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement/Geert Van Calster.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.1: 117-122. |
142707 | The Case for Regulating Nanotechnologies: International, European and National Perspectives/Sekai Ngarize, Karen E. Makuch, Ricardo Pereira.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.2: 131-145. |
142708 | Regulating in Thin Air: Nanotechnology Regulation in the European Union/Sebastian K. Mielke.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.2: 146-154. |
142709 | The Law of the European Union on Nanotechnologies: Comments on a Paradox/Estelle Brosset.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.2: 155-162. |
142710 | The Regulatory Framework for Nanomaterials at a Global Level: SAICM and WTO Insights/Georg Karlaganis, Rachel Liechti.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.2: 163-173. |
142711 | International Organizations and Nanotechnologies: The Challenge of Coordination/Makane Moise Mbengue, Margaux Charles.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.2: 174-185. |
142712 | The Current International Legal Setting for the Protection of the Outer Space Environment: The Precautionary Principle Avant La Lettre/Claudia Cinelli, Katarzyna Pogorzelska.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.2: 186-201. |
142713 | Access to Information as Ruled by the Indian Environmental Tribunal: Save Mon Region Federation v. Union of India/Shibani Ghosh.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.2: 202-206. |
142714 | CITES at Its Best: CoP16 as a Watershed Moment for the World’s Wildlife/John E. Scanlon.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.3: 222-227. |
142715 | A Tale of Two CITES: Divergent Perspectives upon the Effectiveness of the Wildlife Trade Convention/Michael Bowman.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.3: 228-238. |
142716 | Uncertainty and Markets for Endangered Species under CITES/Annecoos Wiersema.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.3: 239-250. |
142717 | Enforcing CITES: The Rise and Fall of Trade Sanctions/Peter H. Sand.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.3: 251-263. |
142718 | Inter-Treaty Cooperation, Biodiversity Conservation and the Trade in Endangered Species/Richard Caddell.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.3: 264-280. |
142719 | Regulatory Tools for the Management of Fish and Timber Species through CITES/Soledad Aguilar.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.3: 281-290. |
142720 | The Evolving Role of CITES in Regulating the International Timber Trade/Sara F. Oldfield.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.3: 291-300. |
142721 | Raising Local Community Voices: CITES, Livelihoods and Sustainable Use/Rosie Cooney, Max Abensperg-Traun.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.3: 301-310. |
142722 | CITES at Forty: Never Too Late to Make Lifestyle Changes/Ed Couzens.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.3: 311-323. |
142723 | Environmental Provisions in American and EU Free Trade Agreements: A Preliminary Comparison and Research Agenda/Sikina Jinnah, Elisa Morgera.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.3: 324-339. |
142724 | The Role and Relevance of Private Actors in EU Biofuel Governance/Seita Romppanen.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.3: 340-353. |
142725 | Beam It Down, Scotty: The Regulatory Framework for Space-Based Solar Power/Deliana Ernst.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.3: 354-365. |
142726 | Costa Rica and Nicaragua before the International Court of Justice: Trying to Work Out the Complicated Relationship between Law and the Environment/Britta Sjostedt.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.3: 366-370. |
142727 | International Water Cooperation in the 21st Century: Recent Developments in the Law of International Watercourses/Stephen C. McCaffrey.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.1: 4-14. |
142728 | Can Two Global UN Water Conventions Effectively Co-exist? Making the Case for a Package Approach to Support Institutional Coordination/Alistair Rieu-Clarke, Remy Kinna.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.1: 15-31. |
142729 | The Law of Transboundary Aquifers: Many Ways of Going Forward, but Only One Way of Standing Still/Gabriel Eckstein, Francesco Sindico.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.1: 32-42. |
142730 | The Rising Role of Regional Approaches in International Water Law: Lessons from the UNECE Water Regime and Himalayan Asia for Strengthening Transboundary Water Cooperation/Ruby Moynihan, Bjorn-Oliver Magsig.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.1: 43-58. |
142731 | A Model for African Shared Water Resources: The Senegal River Legal System/Makane Moise Mbengue.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.1: 59-66. |
142732 | The Yin and Yang of International Water Law: China’s Transboundary Water Practice and the Changing Contours of State Sovereignty/Patricia Wouters.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.1: 67-75. |
142733 | Mexico and the United States Assume a Legal Duty to Provide Colorado River Delta Restoration Flows: An Important International Environmental and Water Law Precedent/A. Dan Tarlock.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.1: 76-87. |
142734 | The Protection of Freshwater Ecosystems Revisited: Towards a Common Understanding of the Ecosystems Approach to the Protection of Transboundary Water Resources/Owen McIntyre.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.1: 88-95. |
142735 | Is Water Different from Biodiversity? Governance Criteria for the Effective Management of Transboundary Resources/Michelle Lim.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.1: 96-110. |
142736 | Exploring the Legal Status of Wolf-Dog Hybrids and Other Dubious Animals: International and EU Law and the Wildlife Conservation Problem of Hybridization with Domestic and Alien Species/Arie Trouwborst.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.1: 111-124. |
142737 | In Search of the Legal Basis for Environmental and Energy Regulation at the EU Level: The Case of Unconventional Gas Extraction/Leonie Reins.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.1: 125-133. |
142738 | Reviving Rylands: How the Doctrine Could Be Used to Claim Compensation for Environmental Damages Caused by Fracking/Roisin Aine Costello.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.1: 134-143. |
142739 | Towards Inverse Direct Effect? A Silent Development of a Core European Law Doctrine/Lorenzo Squintani, Hans H.B. Vedder.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.1: 144-149. |
142740 | Chemicals as Regulatory Objects/Elizabeth Fisher.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.2: 163-171. |
142741 | The Chemicals and Waste Regime as a Basis for a Comprehensive International Framework on Sustainable Management of Potentially Hazardous Materials?/Katharina Kummer Peiry.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.2: 172-180. |
142742 | Bridging the Divide between Toxic Risks and Global Chemicals Governance/Daryl Ditz, Baskut Tuncak.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.2: 181-194. |
142743 | The Minamata Convention: A Comprehensive Response to a Global Problem/Henrik Hallgrim Eriksen, Franz Xaver Perrez.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.2: 195-210. |
142744 | Implementation and Compliance under the Minamata Convention on Mercury/Jessica Templeton, Pia Kohler.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.2: 211-220. |
142745 | Regulating Chemical Substances under REACH: The Choice between Authorization and Restriction and the Case of Dipolar Aprotic Solvents/Lucas Bergkamp, Nicolas Herbatschek.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.2: 221-245. |
142746 | Addressing the Underreporting of Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Production and Thawing Permafrost/Chris Wold, Victoria Johnston, Benjamin Saver.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.2: 246-257. |
142747 | European Union Timber Regulation: Is It Legal?/Akiva Fishman, Krystof Obidzinski.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.2: 258-274. |
142748 | Regina (Buckinghamshire County Council and others) v. Secretary of State for Transport/James Maurici, Alistair Mills.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.2: 275-280. |
142749 | Heavy Fuel: Trade and Environment in the GATT/WTO Case Law/Aaron Cosbey, Petros C. Mavroidis.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.3: 288-301. |
142750 | Trade Measures to Address Environmental Concerns in Faraway Places: Jurisdictional Issues/Margaret A. Young.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.3: 302-317. |
142751 | A Comment on the Appellate Body Report in EC-Seal Products in the Context of the Trade and Environment Debate/Gabrielle Marceau.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.3: 318-328. |
142752 | Water Footprint Labelling and WTO Rules/Laura Manson, Tracey Epps.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.3: 329-341. |
142753 | International Trade Disputes on Renewable Energy: Testing Ground for the Mutual Supportiveness of WTO Law and Climate Change Law/Kati Kulovesi.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.3: 342-353. |
142754 | Climate Change-related Aarhus Conflicts: How Successful are Procedural Rights in EU Climate Law?/Marjan Peeters, Sandra Nobrega.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.3: 354-366. |
142755 | Technology Transfer Institutions in Global Climate Governance: The Tension between Equity Principles and Market Allocation/Jeffrey McGee, Joseph Wenta.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2014; Vol.23, No.3: 367-381. |
142756 | Differentiating between Sovereignty over Exclusive and Shared Resources in the Light of Future Discussions on the Law of Transboundary Aquifers/Nadia Sanchez Castillo.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.1: 4-15. |
142757 | The Human Right to Sanitation: A Critique on the Absence of Environmental Considerations/Loretta Feris.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.1: 16-26. |
142758 | The Evolution of the Right to Water and Sanitation: Differentiating the Implications/Pedi Obani, Joyeeta Gupta.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.1: 27-39. |
142759 | What Roles for Which Stakeholders under Extended Producer Responsibility?/Harri Kalimo … [et al.].- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.1: 40-57. |
142760 | Climate of Consensus: Managing Decision Making in the UN Climate Change Negotiations/Antto Vihma.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.1: 58-68. |
142761 | Assessing the Capacity of Nature Conservation Law to Help Biodiversity Adapt to Climate Change: The Case of Finland/Suvi Borgstrom.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.1: 69-82. |
142762 | Environment Playing Short-handed: Margin of Appreciation in Environmental Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights/Hana Mullerova.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.1: 83-92. |
142763 | Biodiversity Offsetting in Transnational Governance/Jerneja Penca.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.1: 93-102. |
142764 | Commission v. Italy: Managing Waste Management in Italy/Melita Carevic.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.1: 103-106. |
142765 | Public Participation and Climate Governance: An Introduction/Sebastien Jodoin, Sebastien Duyck, Katherine Lofts.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.2: 117-122. |
142766 | Promoting the Principles of the Aarhus Convention in International Forums: The Case of the UN Climate Change Regime/Sebastien Duyck.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.2: 123-138. |
142767 | The Narrative of Public Participation in Environmental Governance and its Normative Presuppositions/Umberto Sconfienza.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.2: 139-151. |
142768 | Public Deliberation with Climate Change: Opening up or Closing down Policy Options?/Gwendolyn Blue.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.2: 152-159. |
142769 | The Canadian Arctic Marine Ecological Footprint and Free Prior Informed Consent: Making the Case for Indigenous Public Participation through Inclusive Education/Konstantia Koutouki, Paul Watts, Shawn Booth.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.2: 160-170. |
142770 | Youth Participation in Climate Change for Sustainable Engagement/Joanne Narksompong, Sangchan Limjirakan.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.2: 171-181. |
142771 | Forests and Climate Change: Strategies and Challenges for Brazilian Civil Society Organizations between 2005 and 2010/Ana Leonardo Nassar de Oliveira.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.2: 182-193. |
142772 | Operationalizing Sustainable Development: Ecological Integrity as a Grundnorm of International Law/Rakhyun E. Kim, Klaus Bosselmann.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.2: 194-208. |
142773 | Environmental Protection as an Exception to the Freedom of Establishment and the Freedom to Provide Services in the European Union/Lucia Casado Casado.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.2: 209-222. |
142774 | The European Union’s Potential Contribution to Enhanced Governance of Offshore Oil and Gas Operations in the Arctic/Nengye Liu.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.2: 223-231. |
142775 | Preliminary Reference on Environmental Liability and the Polluter Pays Principle: Case C-534/13, Fipa/Nicolas de Sadeleer.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.2: 232-237. |
142776 | Global Environmental Law and Comparative Legal Methods/Elisa Morgera.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.3: 254-263. |
142777 | In the Public Interest? A Comparative Analysis of Norway and EU GMO Regulations/Apolline Roger.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.3: 264-277. |
142778 | Expropriation Clauses and Environmental Regulation: Diffusion of Law in the Era of Investment Treaties/Lorenzo Cotula.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.3: 278-288. |
142779 | From Domestic to Global? Recent Trends in Environmental Liability from a Multi-level and Comparative Law Perspective/Emanuela Orlando.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.3: 289-303. |
142780 | Comparative Environmental Law and Orientalism: Reading beyond the Text of Traditional Knowledge Protection/Saskia Vermeylen.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.3: 304-317. |
142781 | The Guarani Aquifer Agreement and Transboundary Aquifer Law in the SADC: Comparing Apples and Oranges?/Francesco Sindico, Stephanie Hawkins.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.3: 318-329. |
142782 | Traditional Local Communities: What Lessons Can Be Learnt at the International Level from the Experiences of Brazil and Scotland?/Adriana Bessa.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.3: 330-340. |
142783 | The Comparative Law of Climate Change: A Research Agenda/Michael Mehling.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.3: 341-352. |
142784 | The Need for an Interdisciplinary Approach to Norm Diffusion: The Case of Fair and Equitable Benefit-sharing/Louisa Parks, Elisa Morgera.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.3: 353-367. |
142785 | Standing Up for British Lungs: Effective Judicial Enforcement in Environmental Law – R (on the application of ClientEarth) v. Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs/Emily Barritt.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2015; Vol.24, No.3: 368-372. |
142786 | Getting to 2030: Negotiating the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda/Pamela S. Chasek … [et al.].- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.1: 5-14. |
142787 | The Nexus between International Law and the Sustainable Development Goals/Rakhyun E. Kim.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.1: 15-26. |
142788 | Clean Air for All by 2030? Air Quality in the 2030 Agenda and in International Law/Birgit Lode, Philipp Schonberger, Patrick Toussaint.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.1: 27-38. |
142789 | The Cross-fertilization between the Sustainable Development Goals and International Water Law/Otto Spijkers.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.1: 39-49. |
142790 | Governance and the Sustainable Development Goals: The Increasing Relevance of Access Rights in Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration/Marcos Orellana.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.1: 50-58. |
142791 | Follow-up and Review of the Sustainable Development Goals: Alignment vs. Internalization/Asa Persson, Nina Weitz, Mans Nilsson.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.1: 59-68. |
142792 | Inclusion of Consumption into the EU ETS: The Legal Basis under European Union Law/Roland Ismer, Manuel Haussner.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.1: 69-80. |
142793 | Access to Justice in Environmental Matters and the Aarhus Convention’s Effects in the EU Legal Order: No Room for Nuanced Self-executing Effect?/Benedikt Pirker.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.1: 81-91. |
142794 | Transboundary Environmental Impact Assessment of Large Dams in the Euphrates-Tigris Region: An Analysis of International Law Binding Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey/Nicolas C. Bremer.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.1: 92-106. |
142795 | Rethinking Transnational Environmental Health Governance in Africa: Can Adaptive Governance Help?/William Onzivu.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.1: 107-122. |
142796 | Urgenda Foundation and 886 Individuals v. The State of the Netherlands: The Dilemma of More Ambitious Greenhouse Gas Reduction Action by EU Member States/Marjan Peeters.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.1: 123-129. |
142797 | The Legal Character of the Paris Agreement/Daniel Bodansky.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.2: 142-150. |
142798 | The Paris Agreement: A New Step in the Gradual Evolution of Differential Treatment in the Climate Regime?/Sandrine Maljean-Dubois.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.2: 151-160. |
142799 | The Compliance and Implementation Mechanism of the Paris Agreement/Christina Voigt.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.2: 161-173. |
142800 | Climate Finance in the Paris Outcome: Why Do Today What You Can Put Off Till Tomorrow?/Yulia Yamineva.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.2: 174-185. |
142801 | A Glimpse into the Future of the Climate Regime: Lessons from the REDD+ Architecture/Annalisa Savaresi.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.2: 186-196. |
142802 | Loss, Damage and Responsibility after COP21: All Options Open for the Paris Agreement/M.J. Mace, Roda Verheyen.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.2: 197-214. |
142803 | The Paris Agreement and the Regulation of International Bunker Fuels/Beatriz Martinez Romera.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.2: 215-227. |
142804 | The New Impacts of the Implementation of Climate Change Response Measures/Nicholas Chan.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.2: 228-237. |
142805 | Aligning Transnational Climate Action with International Climate Governance: The Road from Paris/Sander Chan, Clara Brandi, Steffen Bauer.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.2: 238-247. |
142806 | E-products, E-waste and the Basel Convention: Regulatory Challenges and Impossibilities of International Environmental Law/Sabaa Ahmad Khan.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.2: 248-260. |
142807 | Court of Justice of the European Union Preliminary Ruling – Excise Duty on Certain Beverage Packaging: Case C-198/14 (Valev Visnapuu)/Nicolas de Sadeleer.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.2: 261-267. |
142808 | The Emerging Age of Ecological Restoration Law/Benjamin J. Richardson.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.3: 277-290. |
142809 | Border Fences and their Impacts on Large Carnivores, Large Herbivores and Biodiversity: An International Wildlife Law Perspective/Arie Trouwborst, Floor Fleurke, Jennifer Dubrulle.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.3: 291-306. |
142810 | Managing Chemicals under REACH Hybridity: Progress and Problems in the Implementation Process/Susanna Paleari.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.3: 307-316. |
142811 | Vulnerability and Response to the Risk of International Shipping: The Case of the Salish Sea/Alexander Gillespie.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.3: 317-332. |
142812 | Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from International Shipping and Jurisdiction of States/Yoshifumi Tanaka.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.3: 333-346. |
142813 | Promoting Consistency in the Deep Seabed: Addressing Regulatory Dimensions in Designing the International Seabed Authority’s Exploitation Code/Till Markus, Pradeep Singh.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.3: 347-362. |
142814 | Securing Crop Genetic Diversity: Reconciling EU Seed Legislation and Biodiversity Treaties/Christian Prip, Ole Kristian Fauchald.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.3: 363-377. |
142815 | Regulating Planned Obsolescence: A Review of Legal Approaches to Increase Product Durability and Reparability in Europe/Eleonore Maitre-Ekern, Carl Dalhammar.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2016; Vol.25, No.3: 378-394. |
142816 | Better BAT to Bolster Ecosystem Resilience: Operationalizing Ecological Governance through the Concept of Best Available Techniques/Renske A. Giljam.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.1: 5-18. |
142817 | Killing Wolves to Save Them? Legal Responses to Tolerance Hunting in the European Union and United States/Yaffa Epstein.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.1: 19-29. |
142818 | The Possibilities for Nongovernmental Organizations Promoting Environmental Protection to Claim Damages in Relation to the Environment in France, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal/Elena Fasoli.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.1: 30-37. |
142819 | Access to Environmental Information from Private Entities: A Rights-Based Approach/Juliana Zuluaga Madrid.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.1: 38-53. |
142820 | A Universal Human Right to Shape Responses to a Global Problem? The Role of Self-Determination in Guiding the International Legal Response to Climate Change/Amy Maguire, Jeffrey McGee.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.1: 54-68. |
142821 | Countering Abuse in EU Environmental Markets: The Case for Integrated Operational Safeguards/Thoko Kaime.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.1: 69-79. |
142822 | Post-environmental Impact Assessment Monitoring of Measures or Activities with Significant Transboundary Impact: An Assessment of Customary International Law/Nicolas Bremer.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.1: 80-90. |
142823 | Costa Rica v. Nicaragua and Nicaragua v. Costa Rica: Some Reflections on the Obligation to Conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment/Yoshifumi Tanaka.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.1: 91-97. |
142824 | Cooperation on Transnational Environmental Crime: Institutional Complexity Matters/Lorraine Elliott.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.2: 107-117. |
142825 | Building an Effective Criminal Justice Response to Wildlife Trafficking: Experiences from the ASEAN Region/Giovanni Broussard.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.2: 118-127. |
142826 | Australian Law to Combat Illegal Logging in Indonesia: A Gossamer Chain for Transnational Enforcement of Environmental Law/Gregory Rose.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.2: 128-138. |
142827 | The Development of Environmental Criminal Law in the EU and its Member States/Michael Faure.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.2: 139-146. |
142828 | Towards Effective Implementation of the EU Environmental Crime Directive? The Case of Illegal Waste Management and Trafficking Offences/Ricardo Pereira.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.2: 147-162. |
142829 | Drawing a Line between European Waste and Chemicals Regulation/Joonas Alaranta, Topi Turunen.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.2: 163-173. |
142830 | Charanne and Construction Investments v. Spain: Legitimate Expectations and Investments in Renewable Energy/Fernando Dias Simoes.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.2: 174-180. |
142831 | Is law failing to address air pollution? Reflections on international and EU developments/Yulia Yamineva, Seita Romppanen.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.3: 189-200. |
142832 | The discourse on protection of the atmosphere in the International Law Commission/Peter H. Sand.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.3: 201-209. |
142833 | Trouble in the air: Recent developments under the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution/Adam Byrne.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.3: 210-219. |
142834 | Finishing the job: The Montreal Protocol moves to phase down hydrofluorocarbons/Mark W. Roberts.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.3: 220-230. |
142835 | Making ships cleaner: Reducing air pollution from international shipping/Sophia Kopela.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.3: 231-242. |
142836 | The international law on transboundary haze pollution: What can we learn from the Southeast Asia region?/Shawkat Alam, Laely Nurhidayah.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.3: 243-254. |
142837 | The unintended consequences of EU law and policy on air pollution/Aleksandra Cavoski.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.3: 255-265. |
142838 | Natural resource sovereignty and economic development in the WTO in light of the recent case law involving raw materials and rare earths/Alejandro Gonzalez Arreaza.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.3: 266-275. |
142839 | Soft law in the Paris Climate Agreement: Strength or weakness?/Peter Lawrence, Daryl Wong.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.3: 276-286. |
142840 | Respecting regulatory measures: Arbitral method and reasoning in the Philip Morris v Uruguay tobacco plain packaging case/Caroline E. Foster.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.3: 287-297. |
142841 | Blusun S.A. and others v Italy: Legal (in)stability and renewable energy investments/Fernando Dias Simoes.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.3: 298-304. |
142842 | Black carbon and the Arctic: Global problem-solving through the nexus of science, law and space/Sabaa Ahmad Khan, Kati Kulovesi.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.1: 5-14. |
142843 | Relationships with Arctic indigenous peoples: To what extent has prior informed consent become a norm?/Layla Hughes.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.1: 15-27. |
142844 | Dumping and oil pollution: Regulatory approaches for vessel operations in an ice-free Central Arctic Ocean/Stefan Kirchner, Pirjo Kleemola-Juntunen.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.1: 28-34. |
142845 | Russia and the polar marine environment: The negotiation of the environmental protection measures of the mandatory Polar Code/Dorottya Bognar.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.1: 35-44. |
142846 | Arctic climate governance via EU law on black carbon?/Seita Romppanen.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.1: 45-54. |
142847 | Will China build a green Belt and Road in the Arctic?/Nengye Liu.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.1: 55-62. |
142848 | A rights-based approach to indigenous women and gender inequities in resource development in northern Canada/Konstantia Koutouki, Katherine Lofts, Giselle Davidian.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.1: 63-74. |
142849 | The EU’s conditioning of the extraterritorial carbon footprint: A call for an integrated approach in trade law discourse/Natalie L. Dobson.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.1: 75-89. |
142850 | The South China Sea arbitration: Environmental obligations under the Law of the Sea Convention/Yoshifumi Tanaka.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.1: 90-96. |
142851 | A critical interrogation of the relation between the ecosystem approach and ecosystem services/Vito De Lucia.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.2: 104-114. |
142852 | Applying the ecosystem approach to the Sundarbans of Bangladesh: Possibilities and challenges/Shawkat Alam, Sheikh Noor Mohammad.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.2: 115-129. |
142853 | Obligations of conduct in the international law on climate change: A defence/Benoit Mayer.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.2: 130-140. |
142854 | Conflicting goals and mixed rationales: A closer look at the objectives of EU environmental law in light of the Anthropocene/Edwin Alblas.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.2: 141-152. |
142855 | Uncertain liability and stagnating CCS deployment in the European Union: Is it the Member States turn?/Viktor Weber.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.2: 153-161. |
142856 | Ecological modernization through servitization: EU regulatory support for sustainable product-service systems/Janja Hojnik.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.2: 162-175. |
142857 | Sustainable development in new generation FTAs: Could arbitrators further the principle through ISDS?/Maria Chochorelou, Carlos Espaliu Berdud.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.2: 176-186. |
142858 | Rediscovering the origins and inclusion of the public trust doctrine in South African environmental law: A speculative analysis/Andrew Craig Blackmore.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.2: 187-198. |
142859 | Juliana v United States: The next frontier in US climate mitigation?/Melissa Powers.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.2: 199-204. |
142860 | Towards an improved international framework to govern the life cycle of plastics/Karen Raubenheimer, Alistair McIlgorm, Nilufer Oral.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.3: 210-221. |
142861 | Marine plastics: Fragmentation, effectiveness and legitimacy in international lawmaking/Elizabeth A. Kirk, Naporn Popattanachai.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.3: 222-233. |
142862 | Advancing the international regulation of plastic pollution beyond the United Nations Environment Assembly resolution on marine litter and microplastics/Giulia Carlini, Konstantin Kleine.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.3: 234-244. |
142863 | An EU ban on microplastics in cosmetic products and the right to regulate/Esther Kentin, Heidi Kaarto.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.3: 254-266. |
142864 | REACH in a circular economy: The obstacles for plastics recyclers and regulators/Thomas J. de Romph, Geert Van Calster.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.3: 267-277. |
142865 | Constitutional international environmental law for the Anthropocene?/Louis J. Kotze, Wendy Muzangaza.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.3: 278-292. |
142866 | Implementation of the polluter pays principle in China/Alexander Zahar.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.3: 293-305. |
142867 | Wolves not welcome? Zoning for large carnivore conservation and management under the Bern Convention and EU Habitats Directive/Arie Trouwborst.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.3: 306-319. |
142868 | Exploring the legal status and key features of ecosystem-based fisheries management in international fisheries law/Abdullah Al Arif.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.3: 320-331. |
142869 | An Islands COP? Loss and damage at COP23/Lisa Benjamin, Adelle Thomas, Rueanna Haynes.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.3: 332-340. |
142870 | Preliminary ruling on the compatibility of taxation of superstores with the right to freedom of establishment and State aid law: Case C-233/16, ANGED/Nicolas de Sadeleer.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.3: 341-347. |
142871 | A Global Pact for the Environment: Conceptual foundations/Yann Aguila, Jorge E. Vinuales.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.1: 3-12. |
142872 | How a Global Pact for the Environment could add value to international environmental law/Christina Voigt.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.1: 13-24. |
142873 | Towards a Global Pact for the Environment: International environmental law’s factual, technical and (unmentionable) normative gaps/Duncan French, Louis J. Kotze.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.1: 25-32. |
142874 | The UNGA Resolution on a Global Pact for the Environment: A chance to put the horse before the cart/Susan Biniaz.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.1: 33-39. |
142875 | The Global Pact for the Environment: At the crossroads of human rights and the environment/John H. Knox.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.1: 40-47. |
142876 | The emergence of the planetary boundaries concept in international environmental law: A proposal for a framework convention/Edgar Fernandez Fernandez, Claire Malwe.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.1: 48-56. |
142877 | Probing the hidden depths of climate law: Analysing national climate change legislation/Eloise Scotford, Stephen Minas.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.1: 67-81. |
142878 | Environmental assessments in the context of climate change: The role of the UN Economic Commission for Europe/Benoit Mayer.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.1: 82-93. |
142879 | The State of the Netherlands v Urgenda Foundation: The Hague Court of Appeal upholds judgment requiring the Netherlands to further reduce its greenhouse gas emissions/Jonathan Verschuuren.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.1: 94-98. |
142880 | Interpreting States’ general obligations on climate change mitigation: A methodological review/Benoit Mayer.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.2: 107-121. |
142881 | Dancing like a toddler? The Green Climate Fund and REDD+ international rule-making/Maria Eugenia Recio.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.2: 122-135. |
142882 | Fostering environmental democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean: An analysis of the Regional Agreement on Environmental Access Rights/Belen Olmos Giupponi.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.2: 136-151. |
142883 | The courts and the constitutional right to a clean and healthy environment in Uganda/Caiphas Brewsters Soyapi.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.2: 152-161. |
142884 | Environmental vulnerability, age and the promises of anti-age discrimination law/Refia Kaya.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.2: 162-174. |
142885 | Key legal challenges and opportunities in the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol: The case of China/Xiaoou Zheng.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.2: 175-184. |
142886 | The many faces of strict liability in Indonesia’s wildfire litigation/Andri G. Wibisana.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.2: 185-196. |
142887 | Variations on the same theme: Environmental objectives of the Water Framework Directive in environmental permitting in the Nordic countries/Sara Kymenvaara … [et al.].- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.2: 197-209. |
142888 | Summer loggings and bird protection: On regulation and derogations/Minna Pappila.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.2: 210-216. |
142889 | Inter-American Court of Human Rights Advisory Opinion OC-23/17: Jurisdictional, procedural and substantive implications of human rights duties in the context of environmental protection/Ricardo Abello-Galvis, Walter Arevalo-Ramirez.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.2: 217-222. |
142890 | Exploring the future of the institutional landscape of the oceans beyond national jurisdiction/Alex G. Oude Elferink.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.3: 236-243. |
142891 | Restoring marine environmental damage: Can the Costa Rica v Nicaragua compensation case influence the BBNJ negotiations?/Ronan Long.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.3: 244-257. |
142892 | Measuring, monitoring, reporting and verification of shipping emissions: Evaluating transparency and answerability/Felicity Deane, Anna Huggins, Md Saiful Karim.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.3: 258-267. |
142893 | Decarbonizing international shipping: An appraisal of the IMO’s Initial Strategy/Meinhard Doelle, Aldo Chircop.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.3: 268-277. |
142894 | Enforcement of the 2020 sulphur limit for marine fuels: Restrictions and possibilities for port States to impose fines under UNCLOS/Jesper Jarl Fano.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.3: 278-288. |
142895 | Global environmental regulation of offshore energy production: Searching for legal standards in ocean governance/Nikolaos Giannopoulos.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.3: 289-303. |
142896 | The contribution of the International Organization for Standardization to ocean governance/Makoto Seta.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.3: 304-313. |
142897 | The roles of nongovernmental actors in improving compliance with fisheries regulations/Solene Guggisberg.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.3: 314-327. |
142898 | Mission creep in the application of wildlife law: The progressive dilution of legal requirements regarding a wild-born orca kept for research purposes/Matthew Volk Spiegl, Arie Trouwborst, Ingrid Natasha Visser.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.3: 328-338. |
142899 | Gene drives and the international biodiversity regime/Florian Rabitz.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.3: 339-348. |
142900 | Hold your pipettes: The European Court of Justice’s findings in Confederation Paysanne and Others stirs GMOtions/Kathleen Garnett.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.3: 349-355. |
142901 | Water law and governance in post-conflict settings/Carl Bruch, Erika Weinthal, Jessica Troell.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 7-20. |
142902 | Building a sustainable peace: How peace processes shape and are shaped by the international legal framework for the governance of natural resources/Daniella Dam de Jong.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 21-32. |
142903 | Water in peace operations: The case of Haiti/Mara Tignino, Oyku Irmakkesen.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 33-43. |
142904 | Water security: A litmus test for international law/Bjorn-Oliver Magsig.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 44-55. |
142905 | Access to water in Donbass and Crimea: Attacks against water infrastructures and the blockade of the North Crimea Canal/Marco Pertile, Sondra Faccio.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 56-66. |
142906 | Armed conflicts and the environment: The International Law Commission’s new draft principles/Marja Lehto.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 67-75. |
142907 | What would ecological climate change law look like? Developing a method for analysing the international climate change regime from an ecological perspective/Olivia Woolley.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 76-85. |
142908 | Transnational legal processes, the EU and RED II: Strengthening the global governance of bioenergy/Emily Webster.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 86-94. |
142909 | The European environmental regulation of marine renewable energies/Carlos Soria-Rodriguez.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 95-106. |
142910 | Sustainable phosphorus management in European agricultural and environmental law/Beatrice Garske, Jessica Stubenrauch, Felix Ekardt.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 107-117. |
142911 | Barbuda’s community title to land: A furtherance of the Convention on Biological Diversity?/Zachary Allen Roy Phillips.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 118-128. |
142912 | Balancing nature and economic interests in the European Union: On the concept of mitigation under the Habitats Directive/Lorenzo Squintani.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 129-137. |
142913 | Assessing the EU’s 2030 Climate and Energy Policy Framework: Incremental change toward radical transformation?/Kati Kulovesi, Sebastian Oberthur.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 151-166. |
142914 | Adaptability versus certainty in a carbon emissions reduction regime: An assessment of the EU’s 2030 Climate and Energy Policy Framework/Diarmuid Torney, Roderic O’Gorman.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 167-176. |
142915 | EU climate law sans frontieres: The extension of the 2030 Framework to the Energy Community contracting parties/Stephen Minas.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 177-190. |
142916 | Human rights of minors and future generations: Global trends and EU environmental law particularities/Sanja Bogojevic.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 191-200. |
142917 | The continued effort sharing approach in EU climate law: Binding targets, challenging enforcement?/Marjan Peeters, Natassa Athanasiadou.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 201-211. |
142918 | Making sense of the LULUCF Regulation: Much ado about nothing?/Annalisa Savaresi, Lucia Perugini, Maria Vincenza Chiriaco.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 212-220. |
142919 | Fifty shades of binding: Appraising the enforcement toolkit for the EU’s 2030 renewable energy targets/Alessandro Monti, Beatriz Martinez Romera.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 221-231. |
142920 | Power to the people? Implications of the Clean Energy Package for the role of community ownership in Europe’s energy transition/Joshua Roberts.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 232-244. |
142921 | The EU’s 2030 Climate and Energy Policy Framework: How net metering slips through its net/Theodoros G. Iliopoulos, Matteo Fermeglia, Bernard Vanheusden.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 245-256. |
142922 | The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: A governing framework for ocean acidification?/Ellycia R. Harrould-Kolieb.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 257-270. |
142923 | The role of international organizations in preventing conflicts between the SPS Agreement and the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety/Jingjing Zhao.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 271-281. |
142924 | Advances and uncertainties in compliance measures for users from the Nagoya Protocol in the European Union/Laura Movilla Pateiro.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 282-290. |
142925 | The 2017 Fidenato case and the 2015 Directive: The curious case of GMOs in Europe/Alessandra Guida.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 291-300. |
142926 | David Aven v Costa Rica: A step forward towards investor accountability for environmental harm?/Rafael Tamayo-Alvarez.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 301-306. |
142927 | The Dispute over the Status and Use of the Waters of the Silala case and the customary rules on the definition of international watercourse/Lingjie Kong.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.3: 322-335. |
142928 | Can reporting enhance transboundary water cooperation? Early insights from the Water Convention and the Sustainable Development Goals reporting exercise/Alistair Rieu-Clarke.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.3: 361-371. |
142929 | Reframing the transboundary water discourse: Contextualized international law in practice/Patricia Wouters, Sergei Vinogradov.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.3: 385-394. |
142930 | State responsibility in international law for transboundary water-related harm: The emergence of a new ecosystems-based paradigm?/Owen McIntyre.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.3: 430-441. |
142931 | Enforcing transboundary water obligations through investment treaty arbitration: China, Laos and the Mekong River/Ana Maria Daza-Clark.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.3: 442-453. |
142932 | The role of amicus curiae in implementing the human right to water in the context of international investment law/Huiping Chen.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.3: 454-463. |
142933 | Going beyond CO2: Strengthening action on global methane emissions under the UN climate regime/Veera Pekkarinen.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.3: 464-478. |
142934 | The process towards a Global Pact for the Environment at the United Nations: From legal ambition to political dilution/Jose Juste Ruiz.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.3: 479-490. |
142935 | Cordella et al v Italy and the effectiveness of human rights law remedies in cases of environmental pollution/Roberta Greco.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.3: 491-497. |
142936 | Planetary boundaries at the intersection of Earth system law, science and governance: A state-of-the-art review/Rakhyun E. Kim, Louis J. Kotze.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2021; Vol.30, No.1: 3-15. |
142937 | Loss and damage and climate litigation: The case for greater interlinkage/Patrick Toussaint.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2021; Vol.30, No.1: 16-33. |
142938 | The emergence of a right to clean air: Transforming European Union law through litigation and citizen science/Delphine Misonne.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2021; Vol.30, No.1: 34-45. |
142939 | Empowering indigenous peoples and local communities: A human rights-based appraisal of the compliance mechanism of the Nagoya Protocol/Xiaoou Zheng.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2021; Vol.30, No.1: 61-72. |
142940 | The Common Agricultural Policy beyond 2020: A critical review in light of global environmental goals/Katharine Heyl … [et al.].- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2021; Vol.30, No.1: 95-106. |
142941 | Health impact assessment legislation in developing countries: A path to sustainable development?/Meelan Thondoo, Joyeeta Gupta.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2021; Vol.30, No.1: 107-117. |
142942 | COVID-19 and Amazonia: Rights-based approaches for the pandemic response/Maria Antonia Tigre.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2021; Vol.30, No.2: 162-172. |
142943 | Turning to international litigation to protect the Amazon?/Justine Bendel, Tim Stephens.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2021; Vol.30, No.2: 173-183. |
142944 | Public participation, indigenous peoples’ land rights and major infrastructure projects in the Amazon: The case for a human rights assessment framework/Ricardo Pereira.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2021; Vol.30, No.2: 184-196. |
142945 | Climate litigation to protect the Brazilian Amazon: Establishing a constitutional right to a stable climate/Joana Setzer, Delton Winter de Carvalho.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2021; Vol.30, No.2: 197-206. |
142946 | REDD+ and forest protection on indigenous lands in the Amazon/Beatriz Garcia … [et al.].- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2021; Vol.30, No.2: 207-219. |
142947 | Zero deforestation in the Amazon: The Soy Moratorium and global forest governance/Maria-Augusta Paim.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2021; Vol.30, No.2: 220-232. |
142948 | Palm oil, the RED II and WTO law: EU sustainable biofuel policy tangled up in green?/Stefan Mayr, Birgit Hollaus, Verena Madner.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2021; Vol.30, No.2: 233-248. |
142949 | To ban or not to ban carbon-intensive materials: A legal and administrative assessment of product carbon requirements/Timo Gerres … [et al.].- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2021; Vol.30, No.2: 249-262. |
142950 | A water property right inventory of 60 countries/Hilmer J. Bosch, Joyeeta Gupta, Hebe Verrest.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2021; Vol.30, No.2: 263-274. |
142951 | The State of the Netherlands v Urgenda Foundation: Distilling best practice and lessons learnt for future rights-based climate litigation/Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh, Ashleigh McCoach.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2021; Vol.30, No.2: 275-283. |
142952 | Due diligence in global value chains: Conceptualizing adverse environmental impact/Colin Mackie.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2021; Vol.30, No.3: 297-312. |
142953 | Arrested ambition? Foreign investor protections, stabilization clauses and fossil-fuelled power generation in developing countries/Gillian Moon.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2021; Vol.30, No.3: 313-326. |
142954 | Is carbon dioxide removal mitigation of climate change?/Matthias Honegger, Wil Burns, David R. Morrow.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2021; Vol.30, No.3: 327-335. |
142955 | Protecting forests or saving trees? The EU’s regulatory approach to global deforestation/Elisabeth V. Henn.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2021; Vol.30, No.3: 336-348. |
142956 | The mirage of universalism in international nuclear liability law: A critical assessment 10 years after Fukushima/Jakub Handrlica.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2021; Vol.30, No.3: 375-386. |
142957 | Are we ready for the ship transport of CO2 for CCS? Crude solutions from international and European law/Viktor Weber.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2021; Vol.30, No.3: 387-395. |
142958 | Business and human rights implications of climate change litigation: Milieudefensie et al. v Royal Dutch Shell/Chiara Macchi, Josephine van Zeben.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2021; Vol.30, No.3: 409-415. |
142959 | The Canada-Ukraine legislative drafting programme: a success story in international legal cooperation/Robert C. Bergeron.- Statute Law Review. 2000; Vol.21, No.1: 1-11. |
142960 | Contract as commodity: a non-fiction statutory approach/John J . A. Burke.- Statute Law Review. 2000; Vol.21, No.1: 12-42. |
142961 | Dworkin’s Empire strikes back!/J. Angelo Corlett.- Statute Law Review. 2000; Vol.21, No.1: 43-56. |
142962 | Differential drafting/T. St JN. Bates.- Statute Law Review. 2000; Vol.21, No.1: 57-69. |
142963 | Drafting techniques for implementing treaties in New Zealand/Mark Gobbi.- Statute Law Review. 2000; Vol.21, No.2: 71-103. |
142964 | The Human Rights Act 1998: too many loose ends?/Dennis Morris.- Statute Law Review. 2000; Vol.21, No.2: 104-125. |
142965 | The Citation of Acts of Parliament/G. Chowdharay-Best.- Statute Law Review. 2000; Vol.21, No.2: 126-141. |
142966 | Secondary Legislation: Second Class or Crucial?/Philippa Tudor.- Statute Law Review. 2000; Vol.21, No.3: 149-162. |
142967 | Constitutional Adjudication in Canada: Purposive or Political?/Jonathan L. Black-Branch.- Statute Law Review. 2000; Vol.21, No.3: 163-187. |
142968 | Names Without Frontiers: Legislative Titles and Sloganeering/Graeme Orr.- Statute Law Review. 2000; Vol.21, No.3: 188-212. |
142969 | Subordinate Legislation as a Means of Statutory Interpretation in Italian Law/Gianmario Demuro.- Statute Law Review. 2000; Vol.21, No.3: 213-217. |
142970 | Recent Developments in Statute Law Revision in Ireland/Edward Donelan.- Statute Law Review. 2001; Vol.22, No.1: 1-19. |
142971 | Statutory Interpretation in New Zealand’s Court of Appeal: When may means must, section headings affect interpretation, and latent Acts have effect/Ross Carter.- Statute Law Review. 2001; Vol.22, No.1: 20-37. |
142972 | Drafting in the U.S. Congress/M. Douglass Bellis.- Statute Law Review. 2001; Vol.22, No.1: 38-44. |
142973 | In Defence of Maxims/R. N. Graham.- Statute Law Review. 2001; Vol.22, No.1: 45-70. |
142974 | The Derogation of Rights under the UK Human Rights Act: Diminishing International Standards?/Jonathan L. Black-Branch.- Statute Law Review. 2001; Vol.22, No.1: 71-81. |
142975 | Evaluation in EC Legislation/Tito Gallas.- Statute Law Review. 2001; Vol.22, No.2: 83-95. |
142976 | Legislative Drafting in France: The Role of the Conseil D’Etat/Jean Massot.- Statute Law Review. 2001; Vol.22, No.2: 96-107. |
142977 | The Slim Initiative/Helen Xanthaki.- Statute Law Review. 2001; Vol.22, No.2: 108-118. |
142978 | Evaluating the Effects: A Contribution to the Quality of Legislation/Luzius Mader.- Statute Law Review. 2001; Vol.22, No.2: 119-131. |
142979 | Evaluation and Assessment of Legal Effects Procedures: Towards a More Rational and Responsible Lawmaking Process/Heinz Schaffer.- Statute Law Review. 2001; Vol.22, No.2: 132-153. |
142980 | The work of the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel to the Government in Ireland/Kieran Mooney.- Statute Law Review. 2001; Vol.22, No.3: 133-144. |
142981 | Some Implications of Plain Language Drafting/Ruth Sullivan.- Statute Law Review. 2001; Vol.22, No.3: 145-180. |
142982 | A Tax By Any Other Name; Some Thoughts on Money Bills and Other Taxing Measures: Part I/Dennis Morris.- Statute Law Review. 2001; Vol.22, No.3: 181-208. |
142983 | Proving Subordinate Legislation in Criminal Prosecutions/James Chalmers.- Statute Law Review. 2001; Vol.22, No.3: 209-214. |
142984 | Drafting Quagmires/Lord Brightman.- Statute Law Review. 2002; Vol.23, No.1: 1-11. |
142985 | Modern Legal Drafting/Peter Butt.- Statute Law Review. 2002; Vol.23, No.1: 12-23. |
142986 | Plain Language in Legislative Drafting: Is it Really the Answer?/Brian Hunt.- Statute Law Review. 2002; Vol.23, No.1: 24-46. |
142987 | Making Sense of Ambiguity: Some reflections on the use of treaties to interpret legislation in New Zealand/Mark Gobbi.- Statute Law Review. 2002; Vol.23, No.1: 47-58. |
142988 | Parliamentary Supremacy or Political Expediency?: The Constitutional Position of the Human Rights Act under British Law/Jonathan L. Black Branch.- Statute Law Review. 2002; Vol.23, No.1: 59-81. |
142989 | Globalization of dialogue on the legislative process/Robert C. Bergeron.- Statute Law Review. 2002; Vol.23, No.2: 85-90. |
142990 | A Unified Theory of Statutory Interpretation/Randal N. Graham.- Statute Law Review. 2002; Vol.23, No.2: 91-134. |
142991 | Interpreting Unfair Dismissal and Redundancy Payments Law: The Judicial Reluctance to Disapprove Employer Decisions to Dismiss/Michael Bennett.- Statute Law Review. 2002; Vol.23, No.2: 135-146. |
142992 | A Tax By Any Other Name; Some Thoughts on Money Bills and Other Taxing Measures: Part II/Dennis Morris.- Statute Law Review. 2002; Vol.23, No.2: 147-164. |
142993 | Designing Regulatory Systems: A Template For Regulatory Rule-Making – Part I/J. Paul Salembier.- Statute Law Review. 2002; Vol.23, No.3: 165-190. |
142994 | Giving Effect to European Fundamental Rights Through Evaluation of Legislation/Ulrich Karpen.- Statute Law Review. 2002; Vol.23, No.3: 191-202. |
142995 | Mandatory Guidance for Dealing with Contaminated Land: Paradox or Pragmatism?/Laurence Etherington.- Statute Law Review. 2002; Vol.23, No.3: 203-226. |
142996 | Learning from Samuel Johnson about Drafting Statutes/Jack Stark.- Statute Law Review. 2002; Vol.23, No.3: 227-233. |
142997 | Intention in Criminal Law: Time to Change?/Arfan Khan.- Statute Law Review. 2002; Vol.23, No.3: 235-239. |
142998 | Neuropsychological and Psychological Aspects of Malingered Posttraumatic Stress Disorder/George J. Demakis, Jon D. Elhai.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2011; Vol.4, No.1: 24-31. |
142999 | Do Motivations for Malingering Matter? Symptoms of Malingered PTSD as a Function of Motivation and Trauma Type/Kristine A. Peace, Kimberly A. Masliuk.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2011; Vol.4, No.1: 44-55. |
143000 | Association of the MMPI-2 Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF) Validity Scales with Structured Malingering Criteria/Dustin B. Wygant, Jaime L. Anderson, Martin Sellbom, Jesica L. Rapier, Leslie M. Allgeier, Robert P. Granacher.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2011; Vol.4, No.1: 13-23. |
143001 | Ontario Psychological Association Guidelines for Assessment and Treatment in Auto Insurance Claims/Amber Smith, OPA Auto Task Force.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2011; Vol.4, No.2: 89-126. |
143002 | Traumatic Brain Injury Alters Word Memory Test Performance by Slowing Response Time and Increasing Cortical Activation: An fMRI Study of a Symptom Validity Test/Mark D. Allen, Trevor Chuang Kuo Wu, Erin D. Bigler.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2011; Vol.4, No.2: 140-146. |
143003 | Clarification or Confusion? A Review of Rogers, Bender, and Johnson s A Critical Analysis of the MND Criteria for Feigned Cognitive Impairment: Implications for Forensic Practice and Research/Kyle B. Boone.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2011; Vol.4, No.2: 157-162. |
143004 | A Commentary on the MND Model and the Boone Critique: Saying It Doesn’t Make It So/Richard Rogers, Scott D. Bender, Stephanie F. Johnson.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2011; Vol.4, No.2: 163-167. |
143005 | The Roles of Scientific and Clinical Epistemologies in Forensic Mental Health Assessments/Madelyn Simring Milchman.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2011; Vol.4, No.2: 127-139. |
143006 | Can Money Symbolize Acknowledgment? How Victims Relatives Perceive Monetary Awards for Their Emotional Harm/Liesbeth Hulst, Arno J. Akkermans.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2011; Vol.4, No.3-4: 245-262. |
143007 | Mind Reading and the Art of Drafting Medical Opinions in Veterans Benefits Claims/James D. Ridgway.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2011; Vol.4, No.3-4: 171-186. |
143008 | A Practical Guide to Conducting VA Compensation and Pension Exams for PTSD and Other Mental Disorders/Mark D. Worthen, Robert G. Moering.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2011; Vol.4, No.3-4: 187-216. |
143009 | Exploring Lawyer-Client Interaction/Nieke A. Elbers, Kiliaan A. P. C. van Wees, Arno J. Akkermans, Pim Cuijpers, David J. Bruinvels.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2012; Vol.5, No.1: 89-94. |
143010 | Sexual Trauma and Psychological Injuries: What Experts Need to Know/Susan Phipps-Yonas.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2012; Vol.5, No.1: 12-36. |
143011 | Assessment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Differences in Standards and Practice between Licensed and Board-Certified Psychologists/Loandra Torres, Sherry Skidmore, Nicole Gross.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2012; Vol.5, No.1: 1-11. |
143012 | From Traumatic Memory to Traumatized Remembering: Beyond the Memory Wars, Part 1: Agreement/Madelyn Simring Milchman.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2012; Vol.5, No.1: 37-50. |
143013 | The Necessity of Multiple Test Methods in Conducting Assessments: The Role of the Rorschach and Self-Report/Joni L. Mihura.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2012; Vol.5, No.2: 97-106. |
143014 | An Overview of the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS)/Gregory J. Meyer, Joshua J. Eblin.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2012; Vol.5, No.2: 107-121. |
143015 | The Brave New World of Forensic Rorschach Assessment: Comments on the Rorschach Special Section/Ali Khadivi, F. Barton Evans.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2012; Vol.5, No.2: 145-149. |
143016 | Expert Testimony Using the Rorschach Performance Assessment System in Psychological Injury Cases/Robert E. Erard.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2012; Vol.5, No.2: 122-134. |
143017 | MMPI-2 and MMPI-2-Restructured Form Validity Scales: Complementary Approaches to Evaluate Response Validity/James B. Hoelzle, Nathaniel W. Nelson, Paul A. Arbisi.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2012; Vol.5, No.3-4: 174-191. |
143018 | Detection of Response Bias in Applied Assessment: Comment on McGrath et al. (2010)/Leslie C. Morey.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2012; Vol.5, No.3-4: 153-161. |
143019 | The More You Say the Less It Means: Overreporting and Attenuated Criterion Validity in a Forensic Disability Sample/Christopher W. Wiggins, Dustin B. Wygant, James B. Hoelzle, Roger O. Gervais.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2012; Vol.5, No.3-4: 162-173. |
143020 | Neuropsychological Services Following Motor Vehicle Collisions/Shane S. Bush, Thomas E. Myers.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2013; Vol.6, No.1: 3-20. |
143021 | Ethical, Legal and Risk Management Considerations in the Neuropsychological Assessment of Veterans/Arthur C. Russo.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2013; Vol.6, No.1: 21-30. |
143022 | Neuropsychological Evaluation of Competency in Criminal Forensic Contexts/Chriscelyn M. Tussey, Bernice A. Marcopulos, Beth A. Caillouet.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2013; Vol.6, No.1: 31-40. |
143023 | Independent Neuropsychological Evaluations/Howard J. Oakes, David W. Lovejoy.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2013; Vol.6, No.1: 51-62. |
143024 | The Neuropsychologist as Expert Witness: Testimony in Civil and Criminal Settings/Paul M. Richards, Chriscelyn M. Tussey.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2013; Vol.6, No.1: 63-74. |
143025 | Review of the Evidence Supporting the Medical and Legal Use of NeuroQuant in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury/David E. Ross, Travis J. Graham, Alfred L. Ochs.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2013; Vol.6, No.1: 75-80. |
143026 | Sexual Harassment, PTSD, and Criterion A: If It Walks Like a Duck/Louise F. Fitzgerald, Linda L. Collinsworth, Angela K. Lawson.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2013; Vol.6, No.2: 81-91. |
143027 | To Crack or Crumble: Use of the Thin Skull and Crumbling Skull Rules/Tony Iezzi, Melanie P. Duckworth, Stephen R. Schenke.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2013; Vol.6, No.2: 156-159. |
143028 | Symptom Validity Testing in Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders: A Critical Review/Thomas Merten, Harald Merckelbach.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2013; Vol.6, No.2: 122-137. |
143029 | Psychological Injuries and Legal Decision Making in Civil Cases: What We Know and What We Do not Know/Jonathan P. Vallano.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2013; Vol.6, No.2: 99-112. |
143030 | Suppose Hippocrates Had Been a Lawyer: a Conceptual Model of Harm to Litigants; Part 2/Robert Aurbach.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2013; Vol.6, No.3: 228-237. |
143031 | Those Who Hesitate are Lost: The Case for Setting Behavioral Health Treatment and Disability Standards, Part II/Pamela A. Warren.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2013; Vol.6, No.3: 196-207. |
143032 | Implications of DSM-5 Personality Traits for Forensic Psychology/Christopher J. Hopwood, Martin Sellbom.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2013; Vol.6, No.4: 314-323. |
143033 | Breaking Bad: DSM-5 Description, Criticisms, and Recommendations/Gerald Young.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2013; Vol.6, No.4: 345-348. |
143034 | Ill-Treatment of Pain in the DSM-5/Gerald Young.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2013; Vol.6, No.4: 307-313. |
143035 | Forensic Assessment of Adults Reporting Childhood Sexualized Assault: a Lifespan Developmental Analysis/Rosemary Barnes, Nina Josefowitz.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2014; Vol.7, No.1: 18-33. |
143036 | PTSD, Endophenotypes, the RDoC, and the DSM-5/Gerald Young.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2014; Vol.7, No.1: 75-91. |
143037 | Assessing Latent Level Associations Between PTSD and Dissociative Factors: Is Depersonalization and Derealization Related to PTSD Factors More So than Alternative Dissociative Factors?/Cherie Armour, Ateka A. Contractor, Patrick A. Palmieri, Jon. D. Elhai.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2014; Vol.7, No.2: 131-142. |
143038 | Assessing the Latent Factor Association Between the Dysphoria Model of PTSD and Positive and Negative Affect in Trauma Victims from India/Ruby Charak, Cherie Armour, Ask Elklit, Hans M. Koot, Jon D. Elhai.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2014; Vol.7, No.2: 122-130. |
143039 | The Importance of Establishing Reliability and Validity of Assessment Instruments for Mental Health Problems: an Example from Somali Children and Adolescents Living in Three Refugee Camps in Ethiopia/Brian J. Hall …[et al.].- Psychological Injury and Law. 2014; Vol.7, No.2: 153-164. |
143040 | Cherry-Picking Records in Independent Medical Examinations: Strategies for Intervention to Mitigate a Legal and Ethical Imbroglio/Michael E. Schatman, Janet L. Thoman.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2014; Vol.7, No.2: 191-196. |
143041 | The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 Restructured Form and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Forensic Applications and Considerations/Erika J. Wolf, Mark W. Miller.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2014; Vol.7, No.2: 143-152. |
143042 | Comparing the Recognition Memory Test and the Word Choice Test in a Mixed Clinical Sample: Are They Equivalent?/Laszlo A. Erdodi, Ned L. Kirsch, Renee Lajiness-ONeill, Evelyn Vingilis, Brent Medoff.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2014; Vol.7, No.3: 255-263. |
143043 | The Psychological Evaluation of Patients with Chronic Pain: a Review of BHI 2 Clinical and Forensic Interpretive Considerations/Daniel Bruns, John Mark Disorbio.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2014; Vol.7, No.4: 335-361. |
143044 | Perceived Injustice and Adverse Recovery Outcomes/Michael J. L. Sullivan, Esther Yakobov, Whitney Scott, Raymond Tait.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2014; Vol.7, No.4: 325-334. |
143045 | Psychological Screening Before Spine Surgery: Avoiding Failed Surgery Syndrome/Jake Epker, Andrew R. Block.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2014; Vol.7, No.4: 317-324. |
143046 | Does Blame Impede Health Recovery After Transport Accidents?/Nieke A. Elbers, Alex Collie, Arno J. Akkermans.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2015; Vol.8, No.1: 82-87. |
143047 | What Can the Rules of Evidence Teach Us About Writing Forensic Reports?/Michael Karson.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2015; Vol.8, No.1: 1-10. |
143048 | The Experience of Litigation After TBI. II: Coping with Litigation After TBI/Yuka K. Matsuzawa, Marcel P. Dijkers.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2015; Vol.8, No.1: 88-93. |
143049 | Framing the Results: Assessment of Response Bias Through Select Self-Report Measures in Psychological Injury Evaluations/Chelsea E. Sleep, Jade A. Petty, Dustin B. Wygant.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2015; Vol.8, No.1: 27-39. |
143050 | Civil and Criminal Forensic Psychological Assessment: Similarities and Unique Challenges/Dustin B. Wygant, Craig R. Lareau.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2015; Vol.8, No.1: 11-26. |
143051 | The Development of a Reduced-Item Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology (SIMS)/Sylvia A. Malcore, Christian Schutte, Sarah A. Van Dyke, Bradley N. Axelrod.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2015; Vol.8, No.2: 95-99. |
143052 | Generational Wartime Behavioral Health Crises: Part One of a Preliminary Analysis/Mark C. Russell, Charles R. Figley.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2015; Vol.8, No.2: 106-131. |
143053 | Making Sure Neuropsychological Data Are Meaningful: Use of Performance Validity Testing in Medicolegal and Clinical Contexts/Christian Schutte, Bradley N. Axelrod, Eduardo Montoya.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2015; Vol.8, No.2: 100-105. |
143054 | Towards Balanced VA and SSA Policies in Psychological Injury Disability Assessment/Gerald Young.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2015; Vol.8, No.3: 200-218. |
143055 | Dimensions and Dissociation in PTSD in the DSM-5: Towards Eight Core Symptoms/Gerald Young.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2015; Vol.8, No.3: 219-232. |
143056 | Science, Bias, and Continuing to Educate/Gerald Young.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2015; Vol.8, No.3: 185-187. |
143057 | Ethical Issues in Geropsychology: Clinical and Forensic Perspectives/Shane S. Bush, Rebecca S. Allen, Andrew L. Heck, Jennifer Moye.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2015; Vol.8, No.4: 348-356. |
143058 | Professional Ethics in Sports Neuropsychology/Ruben J. Echemendia, Russell M. Bauer.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2015; Vol.8, No.4: 289-299. |
143059 | Valid Psychological Injury Claims: Respecting the Needs of Survivors/Michael E. Schatman, Janet L. Thoman.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2015; Vol.8, No.4: 311-322. |
143060 | Professional and Ethical Challenges in Determinations of Causality of Psychological Disability/Shadi Gholizadeh, Vanessa L. Malcarne.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2015; Vol.8, No.4: 334-347. |
143061 | Psychometric Properties of a Brief Instrument to Assess Perceptions of Injustice Associated with Debilitating Health and Mental Health Conditions/Michael J. L. Sullivan, Heather Adams, Esther Yakobov, Tamra Ellis, Pascal Thibault.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2016; Vol.9, No.1: 48-54. |
143062 | Catastrophizing Mediates the Relationship Between the Personal Belief in a Just World and Pain Outcomes Among Chronic Pain Support Group Attendees/Joanna L. McParland, Christina Knussen.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2016; Vol.9, No.1: 23-30. |
143063 | Is It Time for a Behavioral Health Corps? Ending the Generational Cycle of Preventable Wartime Mental Health Crises-Part 2/Mark C. Russell, Sue Nicholson Butkus, Charles R. Figley.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2016; Vol.9, No.1: 73-86. |
143064 | Contribution of Military Organization and Leadership Factors in Perpetuating Generational Cycle of Preventable Wartime Mental Health Crises: Part One/Mark C. Russell, Sue Nicholson Butkus, Charles R. Figley.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2016; Vol.9, No.1: 55-72. |
143065 | Sources of injustice among individuals with persistent pain following musculoskeletal injury/Whitney Scott …[et al.].- Psychological Injury and Law. 2016; Vol.9, No.1: 6-15. |
143066 | Perceived Injustice Predicts Intention to Litigate: Findings from a Spinal Cord Injury Sample/Zina Trost, Kimberley R. Monden, Melissa Buelow, Adriel Boals, Whitney Scott.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2016; Vol.9, No.1: 31-40. |
143067 | The Role of Suggestibility in Personal Injury Claims/I. Bruce Frumkin.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2016; Vol.9, No.2: 97-101. |
143068 | Exploring Options Including Class Action to Transform Military Mental Healthcare and End the Generational Cycle of Preventable Wartime Behavioral Health Crises/Mark C. Russell, Bonnie Zinn, Charles R. Figley.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2016; Vol.9, No.2: 166-197. |
143069 | Neuropsychological, Psychological, and Vocational Assessment of High Achievers in a Medicolegal Context/Izabela Z. Schultz, Sarah Greer.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2016; Vol.9, No.2: 154-165. |
143070 | Psychological Safety for Mental Health Practitioners: Suggestions from a Defense Lawyer/Robert H. Woody.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2016; Vol.9, No.2: 198-202. |
143071 | Because of Sex: the Historical Development of Workplace Sexual Harassment Law in the USA/Craig R. Lareau.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2016; Vol.9, No.3: 206-215. |
143072 | Sexual Harassment Litigation: a Road to Re-victimization or Recovery?/Angela K. Lawson, Louise F. Fitzgerald.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2016; Vol.9, No.3: 216-229. |
143073 | The Psychological Impact of Previous Victimization: Examining the Abuse Defense in a Sample of Harassment Litigants/Margaret E. Reed, Linda L. Collinsworth, Angela K. Lawson, Louise F. Fitzgerald.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2016; Vol.9, No.3: 230-240. |
143074 | Workplace Sexual Harassment in Policing: Perceived Psychological Injuries by Source and Severity/Jane Goodman-Delahunty, Regina Schuller, Natalie Martschuk.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2016; Vol.9, No.3: 241-252. |
143075 | Sexual Harassment: What Forensic Clinical Psychologists Need from Social Scientists/William E. Foote.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2016; Vol.9, No.3: 253-264. |
143076 | If It Walks Like a Duck: a Case of Confirmatory Bias/Robert E. Erard.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2016; Vol.9, No.3: 275-277. |
143077 | The 4 Ds of Forensic Mental Health Assessments of Personal Injury/Gerald Young, Stanley L. Brodsky.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2016; Vol.9, No.3: 278-281. |
143078 | Functioning Well in a Dysfunctional System: Recommendations for Clinical Psychologists in Workers Compensation Settings/Shadi Gholizadeh, Vanessa L. Malcarne, Michael E. Schatman.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2016; Vol.9, No.4: 360-375. |
143079 | Compensation System Experience at 12 Months After Road or Workplace Injury in Victoria, Australia/Liane Ioannou …[et al.].- Psychological Injury and Law. 2016; Vol.9, No.4: 376-389. |
143080 | Management of Occupational Low Back Pain: a Case Study of the Missouri Workers Compensation System/Raymond C. Tait, John T. Chibnall.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2016; Vol.9, No.4: 298-312. |
143081 | The Usage of the AMA Guides for the Determination of Psychological Injury Within the State and Federal Workers Compensation Systems/Pamela A. Warren.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2016; Vol.9, No.4: 313-340. |
143082 | Psychological Injuries, Workers Compensation Insurance, and Mental Health Policy Issues/Edward A. Wise.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2016; Vol.9, No.4: 283-297. |
143083 | Do the Military’s Frontline Psychiatry/Combat and Operational Stress Control Doctrine Help or Harm Veterans? Part One: Framing the Issue/Mark C. Russell, Charles R. Figley.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2017; Vol.10, No.1: 1-23. |
143084 | Do the Military’s Frontline Psychiatry/Combat Operational Stress Control Programs Benefit Veterans? Part Two: Systematic Review of the Evidence/Mark C. Russell, Charles R. Figley.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2017; Vol.10, No.1: 24-71. |
143085 | The Challenges and Limitations of Diagnosing and Pharmacologically Treating ADHD in University Students/Benjamin Bordoff.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2017; Vol.10, No.2: 114-120. |
143086 | On Being a Novice Forensic Evaluator: Reflections from Early Career Forensic Psychologists/Jennifer Cox, Laurel D. Stinar, Elizabeth E. Foster.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2017; Vol.10, No.2: 191-195. |
143087 | The Insanity Exemption to Other than Honorable Discharge for the Purpose of Claiming Benefits: The Role of the Mental Health Examiner/Jeffrey Garbelman.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2017; Vol.10, No.2: 177-190. |
143088 | Conducting Veteran Dependency and Indemnity Compensation Exams: Establishing a Nexus Between Mental Health and Death/Jeffrey Louis Garbelman.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2017; Vol.10, No.2: 161-176. |
143089 | Clinical, Ethical, and Forensic Implications of a Flexible Threshold for LD and ADHD in Postsecondary Settings/Allyson G. Harrison.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2017; Vol.10, No.2: 138-150. |
143090 | Psychometric Markers of Genuine and Feigned Neurodevelopmental Disorders in the Context of Applying for Academic Accommodations/Jessica L. Hurtubise, Antonette Scavone, Sanya Sagar, Laszlo A. Erdodi.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2017; Vol.10, No.2: 121-137. |
143091 | Detecting Feigned Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Current Methods and Future Directions/Sanya Sagar, Carlin J. Miller, Laszlo A. Erdodi.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2017; Vol.10, No.2: 105-113. |
143092 | Assessing Functional Impairment in ADHD: Concerns for Validity of Self-Report/Julie A. Suhr, Carrie Cook, Brittni Morgan.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2017; Vol.10, No.2: 151-160. |
143093 | Characteristics of ADHD in the Emerging Adult: an Overview/Maurissa Abecassis, Peter K. Isquith, Robert M. Roth.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2017; Vol.10, No.3: 197-208. |
143094 | The Effectiveness of One Mental Health Court: Overcoming Criminal History/Julie S. Costopoulos, Bethany L. Wellman.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2017; Vol.10, No.4: 254-263. |
143095 | Core Competencies in VA Compensation and Pension Exams for PTSD and Other Mental Disorders/Thor Johansen.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2017; Vol.10, No.3: 234-243. |
143096 | Practical Use of MMPI-2-RF Validity Indicators in VA Compensation and Pension Examinations/Christopher L. Ray.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2017; Vol.10, No.3: 223-233. |
143097 | Logical Paradoxes and Paradoxical Constellations in Medicolegal Assessment/Thomas Merten.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2017; Vol.10, No.3: 264-273. |
143098 | Assisting the Courts in Understanding and Connecting with Experiences of Disconnection: Addressing Trauma-Related Dissociation as a Forensic Psychologist/Bethany L. Brand, Hugo J. Schiel, keJolie S. Brams.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2017; Vol.10, No.4: 283-297. |
143099 | Psycholegal Assessment of Co-occurring Chronic Pain and Schizophrenia Post-MVC: Analysis of Causation Using Two Case Examples/Tony Iezzi, Melanie P. Duckworth.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2017; Vol.10, No.4: 330-340. |
143100 | Nondermatomal Somatosensory Deficits (NDSDs) and Pain: State-of-the-Art Review/Angela Mailis, Keith Nicholson.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2017; Vol.10, No.4: 313-329. |
143101 | Standard Symptom Inventories for Asylum Seekers in a Psychiatric Hospital: Limited Utility Due to Poor Symptom Validity/Douwe van der Heide, Irena Boskovic, Harald Merckelbach.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2017; Vol.10, No.4: 358-367. |
143102 | Moral Reminders Do Not Reduce Symptom Over-Reporting Tendencies/Isabella J. M. Niesten …[et al.].- Psychological Injury and Law. 2017; Vol.10, No.4: 368-384. |
143103 | Designing Regulatory Systems: A Template For Regulatory Rule-Making – Part II/J. Paul Salembier.- Statute Law Review. 2003; Vol.24, No.1: 1-37. |
143104 | Whistle-blowing: New Zealand and UK Solutions to a Common Problem/Gehan Gunasekara.- Statute Law Review. 2003; Vol.24, No.1: 39-62. |
143105 | Indian Trends in the Interpretative Use of Legislative History/Subhash C. Jain.- Statute Law Review. 2003; Vol.24, No.1: 63-76. |
143106 | Statutory Nuisance: Success or Failure out of a Myth?/Francis McManus.- Statute Law Review. 2003; Vol.24, No.1: 77-90. |
143107 | Towards a Grand Theory of Interpretation: The Case of Statutes and Contracts/Michael Kirby.- Statute Law Review. 2003; Vol.24, No.2: 95-111. |
143108 | Plain Language in Legislative Drafting: An Achievable Objective or a Laudable Ideal?/Brian Hunt.- Statute Law Review. 2003; Vol.24, No.2: 112-124. |
143109 | Legislative Drafters: A Discussion of Ethical Standards from a Canadian Perspective/Deborah MacNair.- Statute Law Review. 2003; Vol.24, No.2: 125-156. |
143110 | Political Control over Policy Development/Gavin Murphy.- Statute Law Review. 2003; Vol.24, No.2: 157-168. |
143111 | Improving the Effectiveness of Parliamentary Legislative Procedures/Koen J. Muylle.- Statute Law Review. 2003; Vol.24, No.3: 169-186. |
143112 | The Limits of Devolved Legislative Power: Subordinate Legislation in Scotland/Colin T. Reid.- Statute Law Review. 2003; Vol.24, No.3: 187-210. |
143113 | The National Assembly – A Voice for Wales?/Sarah Beasley.- Statute Law Review. 2003; Vol.24, No.3: 211-236. |
143114 | Is the Parliament Act 1949 valid? Could it be Challenged?/Alec Samuels.- Statute Law Review. 2003; Vol.24, No.3: 237-242. |
143115 | What a Second Chamber Can Do for Legislative Scrutiny/The Lord Hope of Craighead.- Statute Law Review. 2004; Vol.25, No.1: 3-18. |
143116 | Recent Developments on the Role of International Law in Canadian Statutory Interpretation/Stephane Beaulac.- Statute Law Review. 2004; Vol.25, No.1: 19-39. |
143117 | The Undignified Death of the Casus Omissus Rule/Derek Auchie.- Statute Law Review. 2004; Vol.25, No.1: 40-67. |
143118 | Section 38 of the Police (Northern Ireland) Act 2000 as it Applies to Beliefs and Traditions: Will it Do?/Dennis Morris.- Statute Law Review. 2004; Vol.25, No.1: 68-76. |
143119 | The Proper Degree of Generality for Statutes/Jack Stark.- Statute Law Review. 2004; Vol.25, No.1: 77-84. |
143120 | Appraising Nigeria’s Niger Delta Development Commission Act 2000/Kaniye S. A. Ebeku.- Statute Law Review. 2004; Vol.25, No.1: 85-89. |
143121 | The Impact of Human Rights on the UK Legislative Process/David Feldman.- Statute Law Review. 2004; Vol.25, No.2: 91-115. |
143122 | Improving Our Democracy or a Fraud on the Community? A Closer Look at New Zealand’s Citizens Initiated Referenda Act 1993/Caroline Morris.- Statute Law Review. 2004; Vol.25, No.2: 116-135. |
143123 | New Approaches to UK Legislative Drafting: The View from Scotland/John McCluskie.- Statute Law Review. 2004; Vol.25, No.2: 136-143. |
143124 | New Approaches to UK Legislative Drafting: The Welsh Perspective/Keith Bush.- Statute Law Review. 2004; Vol.25, No.2: 144-150. |
143125 | Bilingual and Bijural Legislative Drafting: To Be or Not To Be?/Lionel A. Levert.- Statute Law Review. 2004; Vol.25, No.2: 151-164. |
143126 | The Interpretation of UK Domestic Legislation in the Light of European Convention on Human Rights Jurisprudence/Lady Justice Arden.- Statute Law Review. 2004; Vol.25, No.3: 165-179. |
143127 | Incorporation by Reference in Legislation/John Mark Keyes.- Statute Law Review. 2004; Vol.25, No.3: 180-195. |
143128 | The Legislative Basis of Systemic Review and Compensation for the Mis-Selling of Retail Financial Services and Products/Joanna Gray.- Statute Law Review. 2004; Vol.25, No.3: 196-208. |
143129 | Codification in England: The Need to Move from an Ideological to a Functional Approach – A Bridge too Far?/Eva Steiner.- Statute Law Review. 2004; Vol.25, No.3: 209-222. |
143130 | Clear, Simple and Precise Legislative Drafting: Australian Guidelines Explicated Using an EC Directive/Edwin Tanner.- Statute Law Review. 2004; Vol.25, No.3: 223-250. |
143131 | International Treaties and British Statutes/Franklin Berman.- Statute Law Review. 2005; Vol.26, No.1: 1-12. |
143132 | Enacting Treaties/Martin Eaton.- Statute Law Review. 2005; Vol.26, No.1: 13-21. |
143133 | The Role of the Belgian Constitutional Court in the Legislative Process/Patricia Popelier.- Statute Law Review. 2005; Vol.26, No.1: 22-40. |
143134 | Nullum Crimen, Nulla Poena Sine Lege: Aspects and Prospects/Aly Mokhtar.- Statute Law Review. 2005; Vol.26, No.1: 41-55. |
143135 | Consolidation: A Plea/Alec Samuels.- Statute Law Review. 2005; Vol.26, No.1: 56-63. |
143136 | Interpretation Acts – Impediments to Legal Certainty and Access to the Law/Robert A. Duperron.- Statute Law Review. 2005; Vol.26, No.1: 64-68. |
143137 | Why is there a Parliamentary Counsel Office?/Geoffrey Bowman.- Statute Law Review. 2005; Vol.26, No.2: 69-81. |
143138 | Statutory Trends and the Genetic Modification of the Common Law: Company Law as a Paradigm/Gehan Gunasekara, Alexandra Sims.- Statute Law Review. 2005; Vol.26, No.2: 82-102. |
143139 | The Court, the Dictionary, and the True Meaning of Oppression: A Neo-Socratic Dialogue on English Legal Method/Roderick Munday.- Statute Law Review. 2005; Vol.26, No.2: 103-124. |
143140 | Should Marginal Notes be Used in the Interpretation of Legislation?/Bilika H. Simamba.- Statute Law Review. 2005; Vol.26, No.2: 125-129. |
143141 | The Effect of a Treaty upon English Law: Does it Confer Rights upon Individual Citizens?/Alec Samuels.- Statute Law Review. 2005; Vol.26, No.2: 130-133. |
143142 | The Law of Wales or The Law of England and Wales?/Timothy H. Jones, John H. Turnbull, Jane M. Williams.- Statute Law Review. 2005; Vol.26, No.3: 135-145. |
143143 | The Future of Design Right: Putting s 51 Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 in its Place/G. Scanlan.- Statute Law Review. 2005; Vol.26, No.3: 146-160. |
143144 | Extended Parliamentary Power over Regulations in Canada/Gavin Murphy.- Statute Law Review. 2005; Vol.26, No.3: 161-170. |
143145 | The Origins of the Office of the Parliamentary Draftsman in Ireland/Brian Hunt.- Statute Law Review. 2005; Vol.26, No.3: 171-188. |
143146 | Oliver Cromwell – The Grinch That Stole Christmas/Nigel Jamieson.- Statute Law Review. 2005; Vol.26, No.3: 189-200. |
143147 | Common Law, Statute Law, and Constitutional Law/Jack Beatson.- Statute Law Review. 2006; Vol.27, No.1: 1-14. |
143148 | The Nature of Legislative Intention and Its Implications for Legislative Drafting/Daniel Greenberg.- Statute Law Review. 2006; Vol.27, No.1: 15-28. |
143149 | Constitutionalising Rights Without a Constitution: The British Experience under Article 6 of the Human Rights Act 1998/Satvinder Singh Juss.- Statute Law Review. 2006; Vol.27, No.1: 29-60. |
143150 | Forty Years On: What Progress in Delivering Accessible and Principled Criminal Law?/Roger Toulson.- Statute Law Review. 2006; Vol.27, No.2: 61-72. |
143151 | The Placing and Other Handling of Definitions/Bilika H. Simamba.- Statute Law Review. 2006; Vol.27, No.2: 73-82. |
143152 | The Continuing Debate About Plain Language Legislation: A Law Reform Conundrum/Jeffrey Barnes.- Statute Law Review. 2006; Vol.27, No.2: 83-132. |
143153 | How Legislation is Drafted and Enacted in Bangladesh/Gavin Murphy.- Statute Law Review. 2006; Vol.27, No.3: 133-149. |
143154 | Clear, Simple, and Precise Legislative Drafting: How Does a European Community Directive Fare?/Edwin Tanner.- Statute Law Review. 2006; Vol.27, No.3: 150-175. |
143155 | The Scots Statute/Nigel J. Jamieson.- Statute Law Review. 2006; Vol.27, No.3: 176-184. |
143156 | Copyright in Statutes, Regulations, and Judicial Decisions in Common Law Jurisdictions: Public Ownership or Commercial Enterprise?/Noel Cox.- Statute Law Review. 2006; Vol.27, No.3: 185-208. |
143157 | The enactment is self-explanatory … or is it? – Explanatory Provisions in New Zealand Legislation/Ross Carter, Matthew Green.- Statute Law Review. 2007; Vol.28, No.1: 1-33. |
143158 | Aspects of Legislative Drafting: Some South African Realities (or Plain Language Is Not Always Plain Sailing)/Bernard Bekink, Christo Botha.- Statute Law Review. 2007; Vol.28, No.1: 34-67. |
143159 | To What Extent Can One Deviate from Prescribed Forms without Affecting Their Validity?/Bilika H. Simamba.- Statute Law Review. 2007; Vol.28, No.1: 68-72. |
143160 | Overseas Students Protection Law in Australia: Universities, the ESOS Act, and the National Code/Megumi Ogawa.- Statute Law Review. 2007; Vol.28, No.1: 73-81. |
143161 | Legislative Drafting and Language in Canada/Serge Lortie, Robert C. Bergeron.- Statute Law Review. 2007; Vol.28, No.2: 83-118. |
143162 | Limitation and Adverse Possession – Dead but Not Forgotten/Gary Scanlan.- Statute Law Review. 2007; Vol.28, No.2: 119-130. |
143163 | Combating Money Laundering in Nigeria: An Appraisal of the Money Laundering Prohibition Act 2004/Nlerum S. Okogbule.- Statute Law Review. 2007; Vol.28, No.2: 156-164. |
143164 | The Principle of interpretation conforme: How Far Can or Should National Courts Go when Interpreting National Legislation Consistently with European Community Law?/Katrine Sawyer.- Statute Law Review. 2007; Vol.28, No.3: 165-181. |
143165 | The Scots Statute – Style and Substance/Nigel Jamieson.- Statute Law Review. 2007; Vol.28, No.3: 182-198. |
143166 | A Tight Fit ? Deficiencies in the Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Research Purposes) Regulations 2001/Ryan Morgan.- Statute Law Review. 2007; Vol.28, No.3: 199-217. |
143167 | Over-Regulation and Suing the State for Negligent Legislation/Leslie Blake, John Pointing, Tim Sinnamon.- Statute Law Review. 2007; Vol.28, No.3: 218-234. |
143168 | Constitutional Guarantees/John Laws.- Statute Law Review. 2008; Vol.29, No.1: 1-10. |
143169 | A Damn Close Run Thing – The Companies Act 2006/Philip Bovey.- Statute Law Review. 2008; Vol.29, No.1: 11-25. |
143170 | The Bridge That Choked a Watercourse or Repetitive Dictionary Disorder/Roderick Munday.- Statute Law Review. 2008; Vol.29, No.1: 26-44. |
143171 | Does It Work? – Reviewing Legislative Drafts Before Others Have a Chance/Anthony Watson-Brown.- Statute Law Review. 2008; Vol.29, No.1: 45-52. |
143172 | The Retrospective Dimension of the 2002-03 Australian Personal Injuries Reforms/David Gwynn Morgan.- Statute Law Review. 2008; Vol.29, No.1: 53-64. |
143173 | Codification and Consolidation in the European Union: A Means to Untie Red Tape/Wim Voermans … [et al.].- Statute Law Review. 2008; Vol.29, No.2: 65-81. |
143174 | Interpreting Bills of Rights/Rabinder Singh.- Statute Law Review. 2008; Vol.29, No.2: 82-99. |
143175 | Law-Making Systems – How to Compare/Gavin Drewry.- Statute Law Review. 2008; Vol.29, No.2: 100-110. |
143176 | Limitation and Personal Injury in the House of Lords – Problem Solved?/T. Prime, G. Scanlan.- Statute Law Review. 2008; Vol.29, No.2: 111 129. |
143177 | Human Rights Act 1998 Section 3: A New Dimension to Statutory Interpretation?/Alec Samuels.- Statute Law Review. 2008; Vol.29, No.2: 130-138. |
143178 | The End of the Masculine Rule? Gender-Neutral Legislative Drafting in the United Kingdom and Ireland/Christopher Williams.- Statute Law Review. 2008; Vol.29, No.3: 139-153. |
143179 | Modernizing Company Law and Regulatory Competition: Some Economic Implications/Junko Ueda.- Statute Law Review. 2008; Vol.29, No.3: 154-172. |
143180 | Strict Liability: Some Principles for Parliament/Kiron Reid.- Statute Law Review. 2008; Vol.29, No.3: 173-194. |
143181 | A Comparative Account of Statutory Interpretation in Singapore/Goh Yihan.- Statute Law Review. 2008; Vol.29, No.3: 195-229. |
143182 | Open to Interpretation: The Implication of Words into Statutes/Benedict Coxon.- Statute Law Review. 2009; Vol.30, No.1: 1 37. |
143183 | What Judges Want: Judicial Self-interest and Statutory Interpretation/Randal N. M. Graham.- Statute Law Review. 2009; Vol.30, No.1: 38-72. |
143184 | Was the Death of the Casus Omissus Rule Undignified?/V. Niranjan.- Statute Law Review. 2009; Vol.30, No.1: 73-83. |
143185 | Defining Plain English as an Aid to Legal Drafting/Anthony Watson-Brown.- Statute Law Review. 2009; Vol.30, No.2: 85-96. |
143186 | Universal Design in Legislation: Eliminating Barriers for People with Disabilities/M. David Lepofsky, Randal N.M. Graham.- Statute Law Review. 2009; Vol.30, No.2: 97-122. |
143187 | Legislating for Drafting: The Moldavian Experience/T. St. John N. Bates.- Statute Law Review. 2009; Vol.30, No.2: 123-139. |
143188 | Fiduciaries and Limitation, the Courts and the Law Commission/Terry Prime, Gary Scanlan.- Statute Law Review. 2009; Vol.30, No.2: 140-145. |
143189 | European Approaches to Improving Access to and Managing the Stock of Legislation/Edward Donelan.- Statute Law Review. 2009; Vol.30, No.3: 147-183. |
143190 | Implementing the European Arrest Warrant: A Tale of How Not to Do it/J.R. Spencer.- Statute Law Review. 2009; Vol.30, No.3: 184-202. |
143191 | The Admissibility of a Defendant’s Previous Criminal Record: A Critical Analysis of the Criminal Justice Act 2003/Rachel Tandy.- Statute Law Review. 2009; Vol.30, No.3: 203-216. |
143192 | Providing Technical Assistance on Law Drafting/Serge Lortie.- Statute Law Review. 2010; Vol.31, No.1: 1-23. |
143193 | The Examination of Everything: Royal Commissions in British Legal History/Barbara Lauriat.- Statute Law Review. 2010; Vol.31, No.1: 24-46. |
143194 | Codes, Contracts, and Commerce: Taking the Heat Out of the Contractual Mistakes Act/Nigel J. Jamieson.- Statute Law Review. 2010; Vol.31, No.1: 47-62. |
143195 | Access to Land: Social Class, Activism and the Genealogy of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act/Ben Mayfield.- Statute Law Review. 2010; Vol.31, No.1: 63-83. |
143196 | From Law without a Science to Legal Science without the Legislator: The German Historical School and the Foundation of Law/Luc J. Wintgens.- Statute Law Review. 2010; Vol.31, No.2: 85-106. |
143197 | Codes, Contracts, and Commerce: The Contractual Mistakes Act Part II: Releasing More Light than Heat/Nigel J. Jamieson.- Statute Law Review. 2010; Vol.31, No.2: 107-150. |
143198 | When to Begin: A Study of New Zealand Commencement Clauses with Regard to those Used in the United Kingdom, Australia, and the United States/Mark Gobbi.- Statute Law Review. 2010; Vol.31, No.3: 153-216. |
143199 | The Text through Time/Jack Tsen-Ta Lee.- Statute Law Review. 2010; Vol.31, No.3: 217-237. |
143200 | Giving Effect to Policy in Legislation: How to Avoid Missing the Point/Stephen Laws.- Statute Law Review. 2011; Vol.32, No.1: 1-16. |
143201 | It’s Not a Criminal Offence – or Is It? Thornton’s Analysis of Penal Provisions and the Drafting of Civil Penalties/Robin M. White.- Statute Law Review. 2011; Vol.32, No.1: 17-37. |
143202 | Styles of Legislation and Their Effects/Wim Voermans.- Statute Law Review. 2011; Vol.32, No.1: 38-53. |
143203 | Context or Chaos: Statutory Interpretation and the Australian Copyright Act/Maree Sainsbury.- Statute Law Review. 2011; Vol.32, No.1: 54-75. |
143204 | Observations on a Change: The European Union, the Treaty of Lisbon, and the Area of Freedom, Security, and Justice/Robert K. Visser.- Statute Law Review. 2011; Vol.32, No.2: 77-85. |
143205 | Statutory Interpretation Using Legislated Examples: Bennion on Multiple Consumer Credit Agreements/Ross Carter.- Statute Law Review. 2011; Vol.32, No.2: 86-115. |
143206 | Legislative Scrutiny in Australia: Wisdom to Export?/Stephen Argument.- Statute Law Review. 2011; Vol.32, No.2: 116-148. |
143207 | Enhancing the Legislative Process: The Value of the Legislative Drafter/Donald L. Revell.- Statute Law Review. 2011; Vol.32, No.2: 149-160. |
143208 | The Drafting of Offence Provisions by the Scottish Parliament/Pamela R. Ferguson.- Statute Law Review. 2011; Vol.32, No.3: 161-185. |
143209 | Legislative Section Headings: Drafting Techniques, Plain Language, and Redundancy/Nick Horn.- Statute Law Review. 2011; Vol.32, No.3: 186-208. |
143210 | Ex Ante Evaluation and Alternatives to Legislation: Going Dutch?/Rob Van Gestel, Marie-Claire Menting.- Statute Law Review. 2011; Vol.32, No.3: 209-226. |
143211 | Pepper v. Hart: Its Continuing Implications in the United Kingdom and in India/K.V. Krishnaprasad.- Statute Law Review. 2011; Vol.32, No.3: 227-237. |
143212 | The Parliament Acts, the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and the Second Chamber/Dawn Oliver.- Statute Law Review. 2012; Vol.33, No.1: 1-6. |
143213 | In Search of Plain English – The Holy Grail or Mythical Excalibur of Legislative Drafting/Anthony Watson-Brown.- Statute Law Review. 2012; Vol.33, No.1: 7-23. |
143214 | Convention Compatible Statutory Interpretation: A Comparison of British and Irish Approaches/Paul Brady.- Statute Law Review. 2012; Vol.33, No.1: 24-38. |
143215 | Linguistics and Ordinary Meaning Determinations/Brian G. Slocum.- Statute Law Review. 2012; Vol.33, No.1: 39-83. |
143216 | Compulsory and Voluntary Law: Lessons in Categorization for English Law from Continental Models/Raymond H. Youngs.- Statute Law Review. 2012; Vol.33, No.1: 84-92. |
143217 | Accessible Bilingual Legislation for Wales (Deddfwriaeth Hygyrch a Dwyieithog i Gymru)/Dylan Hughes, Huw G. Davies.- Statute Law Review. 2012; Vol.33, No.2: 103-121. |
143218 | A Tale of Two Cities – Legislating for Member Remuneration at Cardiff Bay and at Westminister/Keith Bush.- Statute Law Review. 2012; Vol.33, No.2: 141-150. |
143219 | Wales, Devolution and Sovereignty/Timothy H. Jones.- Statute Law Review. 2012; Vol.33, No.2: 151-162. |
143220 | A Substantial Body of Different Welsh Law: A Consideration of Welsh Subordinate Legislation/Marie Navarro.- Statute Law Review. 2012; Vol.33, No.2: 163-191. |
143221 | Devolution and Family Law in Wales: A Potential for Doing Things Differently?/Osian Rees.- Statute Law Review. 2012; Vol.33, No.2: 192-206. |
143222 | Scope and Limitations in the Government of Wales Act 2006 for Tackling Internet Abuses in the Form of Flame Trolling/Jonathan Bishop.- Statute Law Review. 2012; Vol.33, No.2: 207-216. |
143223 | Addressing the Statute/Alec Samuels.- Statute Law Review. 2012; Vol.33, No.2: 217-229. |
143224 | Is Meaning Plain and Ordinary? Are You Sure About That?/C.F. Huws.- Statute Law Review. 2012; Vol.33, No.2: 230-251. |
143225 | The Language of Education Law in England and/or Wales/C.F. Huws.- Statute Law Review. 2012; Vol.33, No.2: 252-280. |
143226 | Measuring a Measure: Much Ado about 50 a Week?/A. Griffiths, C. Aaron, J. Manley.- Statute Law Review. 2012; Vol.33, No.2: 281-303. |
143227 | A New Law on Adult Social Care: A Challenge for Law Reform in Wales/John Williams.- Statute Law Review. 2012; Vol.33, No.2: 304-322. |
143228 | General, Equal and Certain: Law Reform Today and Tomorrow/Lord Neuberger.- Statute Law Review. 2012; Vol.33, No.3: 323-338. |
143229 | Producing Legislative Counsel: Ways and Means/Dale Dewhurst, Lionel A. Levert, Archie Zariski.- Statute Law Review. 2012; Vol.33, No.3: 339-353. |
143230 | Appealing Contempt of Court: Parliament’s Homeric Nod/Roderick Munday.- Statute Law Review. 2012; Vol.33, No.3: 354-362. |
143231 | The Evolution of Hansard Use at the Supreme Court of Canada: A Comparative Study in Statutory Interpretation/John James Magyar.- Statute Law Review. 2012; Vol.33, No.3: 363-389. |
143232 | Statutory Nuisance and Hybrid Orders: True Crime Stories?/Laurence Etherington.- Statute Law Review. 2012; Vol.33, No.3: 390-408. |
143233 | A Refreshing Decision; Or the Rule of Law in Action/Daniel Greenberg.- Statute Law Review. 2012; Vol.33, No.3: 409-411. |
143234 | Where the Common Law Fears to Tread. Annual Lecture for ALBA 2012/Lord Dyson.- Statute Law Review. 2013; Vol.34, No.1: 1-11. |
143235 | Statutory Objects Provisions: How Cogent is the Research and Commentary?/Jeffrey Barnes.- Statute Law Review. 2013; Vol.34, No.1: 12-31. |
143236 | Enacting Legislation – a Civil Servant’s Perspective/Paul Regan.- Statute Law Review. 2013; Vol.34, No.1: 32-38. |
143237 | Local Courts as Legislators? Judicial Lawmaking by Subnational Courts in China/Chao Xi.- Statute Law Review. 2013; Vol.34, No.1: 39-57. |
143238 | Australia’s Exclusive Parliamentary Model of Rights Protection/George Williams, Lisa Burton.- Statute Law Review. 2013; Vol.34, No.1: 58-94. |
143239 | Legislative Transplant of Single Member Company in Islamic Republic of Pakistan: Anomalies in the Companies Ordinance, 1984/Mazhar Ilahi.- Statute Law Review. 2013; Vol.34, No.1: 95-100. |
143240 | Interpretation is Understanding and Application: The Case for Concurrent Legal Interpretation/Christopher Walshaw.- Statute Law Review. 2013; Vol.34, No.2: 101-127. |
143241 | Legal Transplants and Comparative Concepts: Eclecticism Defeated?/Coen J. P. Van Laer, Helen Xanthaki.- Statute Law Review. 2013; Vol.34, No.2: 128-137. |
143242 | Employers Liability for Employee References and Victimisation/Sam Middlemiss.- Statute Law Review. 2013; Vol.34, No.2: 138-151. |
143243 | The Emergence of a Comprehensive Regulatory Framework for Pension Death Benefits in Botswana/Mtendeweka Mhango.- Statute Law Review. 2013; Vol.34, No.2: 152-174. |
143244 | Land Acquisition and Resettlement and Rehabilitation Bill 2011 – A Bane or Boon?/Baibhaw Gahlaut.- Statute Law Review. 2013; Vol.34, No.2: 175-187. |
143245 | Diversity and Pluralism Compromised: From the Botswana Broadcasting Act 1998 to the Communications Regulatory Authority Act 2012/Badala Tachilisa Balule.- Statute Law Review. 2013; Vol.34, No.3: 189-206. |
143246 | Legislative Retrospectivity and Rule of Law/Kameshwar Nath Chaturvedi.- Statute Law Review. 2013; Vol.34, No.3: 207-220. |
143247 | The Day the Supreme Court Was Unable to Interpret Statutes/Catrin Fflur Huws.- Statute Law Review. 2013; Vol.34, No.3: 221-238. |
143248 | Academic Consensus and Legislative Definitions of Terrorism: Applying Schmid and Jongman/Jessie Blackbourn, Fergal F. Davis, Natasha C. Taylor.- Statute Law Review. 2013; Vol.34, No.3: 239-261. |
143249 | The 2012 Amendments to Singapore’s Evidence Act: More Questions than Answers as Regards Expert Opinion Evidence?/Chen Siyuan.- Statute Law Review. 2013; Vol.34, No.3: 262-280. |
143250 | Charitable Trusts and Waqfs: Their Parallels, Registration Process, and Tax Reliefs in the United Kingdom/Zia Akhtar.- Statute Law Review. 2013; Vol.34, No.3: 281-295. |
143251 | Ensuring Standards in the Quality of Legislation/Alec Samuels.- Statute Law Review. 2013; Vol.34, No.3: 296-299. |
143252 | Streamlining Procedures for Judicial Review: Legislative Amendments to the Singapore Rules of Court to Enhance Access to Justice/Denise H. Wong.- Statute Law Review. 2014; Vol.35, No.1: 1-18. |
143253 | Constitutional Eighteenth Amendment Bill: An Unnecessary Amendment to the South African Constitution?/Mtendeweka Mhango.- Statute Law Review. 2014; Vol.35, No.1: 19-34. |
143254 | Human Rights at Common Law: Two Interpretive Principles/Benedict Coxon.- Statute Law Review. 2014; Vol.35, No.1: 35-49. |
143255 | Declarations of Incompatibility Under the ECHR Act 2003: A Workable Transplant?/Fiona de Londras.- Statute Law Review. 2014; Vol.35, No.1: 50-65. |
143256 | European Union Legislative Quality After the Lisbon Treaty: The Challenges of Smart Regulation/Helen Xanthaki.- Statute Law Review. 2014; Vol.35, No.1: 66-80. |
143257 | What is Intermediate Legislative Power?/Shubhankar Dam.- Statute Law Review. 2014; Vol.35, No.1: 81-97. |
143258 | Codifying the Law of Criminal Evidence/Ian Dennis.- Statute Law Review. 2014; Vol.35, No.2: 107-119. |
143259 | The Human Rights Act 1998 – Future Prospects/Ronagh J.A. McQuigg.- Statute Law Review. 2014; Vol.35, No.2: 120-132. |
143260 | Validating Election Law 2013: A Bad Precedent/Kameshwar N. Chaturvedi.- Statute Law Review. 2014; Vol.35, No.2: 133-138. |
143261 | Interpreting the Irish Transfer of Sentenced Persons Act: The Role of Foreign Law, International Law, and the Constitution/Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi.- Statute Law Review. 2014; Vol.35, No.2: 139-158. |
143262 | Case Law, Systematic Law, and a Very Modest Suggestion/Andrew Stumpff Morrison.- Statute Law Review. 2014; Vol.35, No.2: 159-180. |
143263 | The Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Bill, 2013: Is the Cure Worse Than the Disease?/Rohan J. Alva.- Statute Law Review. 2014; Vol.35, No.2: 181-202. |
143264 | A Taxonomy of Constitutional Arguments/Po Jen Yap.- Statute Law Review. 2014; Vol.35, No.3: 211-229. |
143265 | Codification of Company Law: Taking Stock of the Companies Act 2006/Deirdre Ahern.- Statute Law Review. 2014; Vol.35, No.3: 230-243. |
143266 | Concurrent Legal Interpretation versus Moderate Intentionalism/Christopher Walshaw.- Statute Law Review. 2014; Vol.35, No.3: 244-260. |
143267 | Amending the Statutory Framework for the Registration of Company Charges/Ji Lian Yap.- Statute Law Review. 2014; Vol.35, No.3: 261-277. |
143268 | The Expungement of Criminal Records in South Africa: The Drafting History of the Law, the Unresolved Issues, and How They Could be Resolved/Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi.- Statute Law Review. 2014; Vol.35, No.3: 278-303. |
143269 | Enacting a Written Constitution for the United Kingdom/Robert Blackburn.- Statute Law Review. 2015; Vol.36, No.1: 1-27. |
143270 | Sunset Clauses and Experimental Regulations: Blessing or Curse for Legal Certainty?/Sofia Ranchordas.- Statute Law Review. 2015; Vol.36, No.1: 28-45. |
143271 | Comparative Approaches to Statutory Interpretation in Civil Law and Common Law Jurisdictions/Gerard Carney.- Statute Law Review. 2015; Vol.36, No.1: 46-58. |
143272 | Disregarding Criminal Records for the Purpose Employment in Mauritius: The Making of the Certificate of Character Act and Issues that Need to be Addressed/Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi.- Statute Law Review. 2015; Vol.36, No.1: 59-85. |
143273 | Determining Capacity to Make Medical Treatment Decisions: Problems Implementing the Mental Capacity Act 2005/Emma Cave.- Statute Law Review. 2015; Vol.36, No.1: 86-106. |
143274 | Parliamentary Scrutiny over Subsidiary Legislation under an Executive-led Government in Hong Kong/Shucheng Wang.- Statute Law Review. 2015; Vol.36, No.2: 111-122. |
143275 | Banking Reform Struggles On/Andrew Haynes.- Statute Law Review. 2015; Vol.36, No.2: 123-133. |
143276 | Retroactivity, Retrospectivity, and Legislative Competence in Northern Ireland: Determining the Validity of Janus-Faced Legislation/Ronan Cormacain.- Statute Law Review. 2015; Vol.36, No.2: 134-151. |
143277 | Considering Commercial and Company Law Reform/Ji Lian Yap.- Statute Law Review. 2015; Vol.36, No.2: 152-159. |
143278 | Mauritius Decriminalizes Abortion in Certain Circumstances – Lessons from the Travaux Preparatoires/Roopanand Amar Mahadew.- Statute Law Review. 2015; Vol.36, No.2: 160-174. |
143279 | Is Bad Grammar Good Policy? Legislative Use of the Singular they/Paul Salembier.- Statute Law Review. 2015; Vol.36, No.2: 175-185. |
143280 | Statute? What Statute? – Norm Hierarchy and Judicial Law-Making in International Criminal Law at the Example of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon/Michael Bohlander.- Statute Law Review. 2015; Vol.36, No.2: 186-190. |
143281 | Remedy for Criminal Breach of Statutory Duty/Alec Samuels.- Statute Law Review. 2015; Vol.36, No.2: 191-194. |
143282 | Questioning the Compensation for Hit and Run Motor Accidents: Dismantling the Solatium Fund Scheme/Harish Choudhary.- Statute Law Review. 2015; Vol.36, No.2: 195-201. |
143283 | Arbitrability of Oppression and Mismanagement Petitions in India/Avinash Kumar.- Statute Law Review. 2015; Vol.36, No.2: 202-208. |
143284 | Concept of Quality in Legislation – Revisited: Matter of Perspective and a General Overview/Timea Drinoczi.- Statute Law Review. 2015; Vol.36, No.3: 211-227. |
143285 | Types of Official and Service Offences/Liudmila Aleksandrovna Spector.- Statute Law Review. 2015; Vol.36, No.3: 228-232. |
143286 | Executive Decree Authority and Lawmaking Environment in Brazil: A Broader View of Provisional Measures/Felipe de Paula.- Statute Law Review. 2015; Vol.36, No.3: 233-252. |
143287 | By Sword and Shield: Legislative Counsel’s Role in Advancing and Protecting Democracy One Word (and Client) at a Time/Teri Cherkewich.- Statute Law Review. 2015; Vol.36, No.3: 253-269. |
143288 | Affirmative Action, Gender Equality, and Increased Participation for Women, Which Way for Ghana?/Estelle Matilda Appiah.- Statute Law Review. 2015; Vol.36, No.3: 270-279. |
143289 | Repealing Section 309: A Right Step in a Wrong Direction by the Parliament/Akaant Kumar Mittal.- Statute Law Review. 2015; Vol.36, No.3: 280-285. |
143290 | Defending or Defeating Democracy: Supreme Court Led Electoral Reform in Jan Chaukidar/Amrutanshu Dash.- Statute Law Review. 2015; Vol.36, No.3: 286-292. |
143291 | Tracking the Dilemma Over Jurisdiction in section 138 Matters of the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881/Naman Mohnot, Tarun Agarwal.- Statute Law Review. 2015; Vol.36, No.3: 293-302. |
143292 | The Boston Naming Test as a Measure of Performance Validity/Laszlo A. Erdodi …[et al.].- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.1: 1-8. |
143293 | Factitious Disorders and the Adjudication of Claims of Physical and Mental Injury/James C. Hamilton, Kathryn A. K. Kouchi.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.1: 9-21. |
143294 | The Darker Side of Military Mental Healthcare Part One: Understanding the Military’s Mental Health Dilemma/Mark C. Russell, Shawn R. Schaubel, Charles R. Figley.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.1: 22-36. |
143295 | Serving those Who Served: Outcomes from the San Diego Veterans Treatment Review Calendar (SDVTRC) Pilot Program/Raquel M. Derrick, Lisa Callahan, Roumen Vesselinov, Roger W. Krauel, Judith A. Litzenberger, Leiana Rae Camp.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.2: 171-183. |
143296 | The Effectiveness of a Mental Health Court in Reducing Recidivism in Individuals with Severe Mental Illness and Comorbid Substance Use Disorder/Amanda E. Gallagher, Joye C. Anestis, Emily D. Gottfried, Joyce L. Carbonell.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.2: 184-197. |
143297 | Cognitive Impact of Fatigue in Forensic Neuropsychology Context/Izabela Z. Schultz, Amir A. Sepehry, Sarah C. Greer.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.2: 108-119. |
143298 | Impact of Tinnitus on Cognitive Function in Forensic Neuropsychology Context/Izabela Z. Schultz, Amir A. Sepehry, Sarah C. Greer.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.2: 120-128. |
143299 | Impact of Pain on Cognitive Function in Forensic Neuropsychology Context/Izabela Z. Schultz, Amir A. Sepehry, Sarah C. Greer.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.2: 129-138. |
143300 | Impact of Common Mental Health Disorders on Cognition: Depression and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Forensic Neuropsychology Context/Izabela Z. Schultz, Amir A. Sepehry, Sarah C. Greer.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.2: 139-152. |
143301 | Anoxia-Hypoxia in Forensic Neuropsychological Assessment: Cognitive Impact of Pulmonary Injuries, Respiratory Distress, Cerebral Blood Hypoperfusion, and Major Surgeries/Izabela Z. Schultz, Amir A. Sepehry, Sarah C. Greer.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.2: 153-170. |
143302 | Beyond Traumatic Brain Injury: Advancing Forensic Neuropsychological Assessment/Izabela Z. Schultz, Amir A. Sepehry, Sarah Greer.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.2: 105-107. |
143303 | Comorbid Pain and PTSD: Integrating Research and Practice with MVC Survivors/J. Gayle Beck, Edward J. Hickling.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.3: 244-255. |
143304 | Motor Vehicle Collisions and Their Consequences-Part II: Predictors of Impairment and Disability/Melanie P. Duckworth, Tony Iezzi.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.3: 288-306. |
143305 | Motor Vehicle Collisions and Their Consequences-Part 1: Common Physical, Psychosocial, and Cognitive Outcomes/Tony Iezzi, Melanie P. Duckworth.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.3: 202-217. |
143306 | Predictive Validity of the Neuropsychological Assessment Battery-Screening Module for Assessing Real-World Disability in Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury/Angela Sekely, Konstantine K. Zakzanis.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.3: 233-243. |
143307 | The Impact of Psychosocial and Contextual Factors on Individuals Who Sustain Whiplash-Associated Disorders in Motor Vehicle Collisions/Dennis C. Turk, James P. Robinson, Melanie P. Duckworth.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.3: 218-232. |
143308 | Reductions in Perceived Injustice Are Associated with Reductions in Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Among Individuals Receiving Treatment for Whiplash Injury/Esther Yakobov, Michael J. L. Sullivan.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.3: 256-264. |
143309 | A Clinical Comparison, Simulation Study Testing the Validity of SIMS and IOP-29 with an Italian Sample/Luciano Giromini, Donald J. Viglione, Claudia Pignolo, Alessandro Zennaro.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.4: 340-350. |
143310 | Why Trauma-Related Dissociation Is a Misnomer in Courts: a Critical Analysis of Brand et al. (2017a, b)/Harald Merckelbach, Lawrence Patihis.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.4: 370-376. |
143311 | The MMPI-2 L Scale as a Measure of Impression Management After Receiving Test Information: a Case Repor/Gerald M. Rosen, Ronald E. Smith.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.4: 336-339. |
143312 | Malingered Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the Effect of Direct Versus Indirect Trauma Exposure on Symptom Profiles and Detectability/Elizabeth G. Szogi, Karen A. Sullivan.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.4: 351-361. |
143313 | The Impact of Psychological Injury Evidence and Jurors Schemas on Civil Case Decisions/Jonathan P. Vallano, Kristen A. Slapinski.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.4: 362-369. |
143314 | Further Validation of the Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM) Trial 1 Performance Validity Index: Examination of False Positives and Convergent Validity/Troy A. Webber …[et al.].- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.4: 325-335. |
143315 | The Grooved Pegboard Test as a Validity Indicator-a Study on Psychogenic Interference as a Confound in Performance Validity Research/Laszlo A. Erdodi, Ned L. Kirsch, Alana G. Sabelli, Christopher A. Abeare.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2018; Vol.11, No.4: 307-324. |
143316 | Extra Time or Unused Time? What Data from a College Testing Center Tells Us About 50% Extra Time as an Accommodation for Students with Learning Disabilities/Alana Holmes, Robert Silvestri.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.1: 7-16. |
143317 | Pinpointing Disability Accommodation Needs: What Evidence Is Most Relevant?/Benjamin J. Lovett, Anne L. Bizub.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.1: 42-51. |
143318 | Disability Evaluation for Accommodation on Licensing Exams Based on the ADA: Why Do Clinicians Fail to Adopt a Forensic Perspective?/John D. Ranseen, Timothy Allen.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.1: 64-75. |
143319 | Development and Initial Validation of a Reading-Specific Performance Validity Test: the College Assessment of Reading Effort (CARE)/Robert Weis, Sarah J. Droder.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.1: 29-41. |
143320 | A Critical Analysis of the Nelson Denny Reading Test as a Method of Identifying Reading Impairment in Adults/Allyson G. Harrison, Kathleen A. Harrison.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.1: 17-28. |
143321 | Conducting Disability Evaluations with a Forensic Perspective: the Application of Criminal Responsibility Evaluation Guidelines/Karen M. Davis, Michael B. Lister.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.1: 52-63. |
143322 | Transit Migration and Trauma: the Detrimental Effect of Interpersonal Trauma on Syrian Children in Transit in Italy/Francesca Giordano, Alessandra Cipolla, Fausto Ragnoli, Federico Brajda Bruno.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.1: 76-87. |
143323 | Forensic Thinking in Disability Assessment: an Introduction to a Special Issue/Benjamin J. Lovett, Allyson G. Harrison.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.1: 1-6. |
143324 | The Effect of Menstrual Cycle Phase and Hormonal Contraceptive Use on Post-concussive Symptom Reporting in Non-concussed Adults/Malayna Malleck, Kevin J. Milne, Christopher A. Abeare.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.2: 183-190. |
143325 | Demographically Adjusted Validity Cutoffs on the Finger Tapping Test Are Superior to Raw Score Cutoffs in Adults with TBI/Laszlo A Erdodi, Brian Taylor, Alana G Sabelli, Malayna Malleck, Ned L Kirsch, Christopher A Abeare.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.2: 113-126. |
143326 | The Importance of Demographically Adjusted Cutoffs: Age and Education Bias in Raw Score Cutoffs Within the Trail Making Test/Christopher Abeare … [et al.].- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.2: 170-182. |
143327 | The Myth of High False-Positive Rates on the Word Memory Test in Mild TBI/Laszlo A. Erdodi, Paul Green, Christina D. Sirianni, Christopher A. Abeare.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.2: 155-169. |
143328 | What Attorneys and Factfinders Need to Know About Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries/Noah K. Kaufman, Shane S. Bush, Mario R. Aguilar.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.2: 91-112. |
143329 | Geographic Variation and Instrumentation Artifacts: in Search of Confounds in Performance Validity Assessment in Adults with Mild TBI/Jonathan D. Lichtenstein,.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.2: 127-145. |
143330 | Post-Exertion Neuropsychological Testing in the Management of Sport-Related Concussion/Jonathan D. Lichtenstein, Zachary C. Merz.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.2: 146-154. |
143331 | Psychometric Characteristics of the Persian Version of the Injustice Experience Questionnaire/Amirhosein Rahbari, Mehdi Dehestani, Hamzeh Baharlouei.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.3-4: 238-246. |
143332 | Expert Witnesses, Dissociative Amnesia, and Extraordinary Remembering: Response to Brand et al./Lawrence Patihis, Henry Otgaar, Harald Merckelbach.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.3-4: 281-285. |
143333 | The Cry for Help in Psychological Injury and Law: Concepts and Review/Gerald Young.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.3-4: 225-237. |
143334 | The Impact of Substance Arrests on the Efficacy of Mental Health Court/Julie S. Costopoulos, Justine M. Swanson, Vida L. Tyc, Robyn E. Tapley, Gary N. Burns.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.3-4: 247-256. |
143335 | Examination of Select Psychometric Characteristics of Independent Living Scales Factors/George J. Demakis.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.3-4: 257-267. |
143336 | Examination of Select Psychometric Characteristics : a Clinical Comparison Simulation Study Using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) with the Inventory of Problems-29 (IOP-29)/Luciano Giromini.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.3-4: 212-224. |
143337 | Translated Measures in Forensic Evaluations with Specific Applications to Feigned Mental Disorders/Richard Rogers, John W. Donnelly II, Amor A. Correa.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.3-4: 191-203. |
143338 | Use of Validity Indicators on the Personality Assessment Inventory to Detect Feigning of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder/Duncan N. Russell, Leslie C. Morey.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.3-4: 204-211. |
143339 | Determination of Competency for High-Gravity Life-Death Decision-Making/I. Z. Schultz, A. M. Stewart, A. A. Sepehry.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2019; Vol.12, No.3-4: 266-280. |
143340 | Examining the Effectiveness of Restorative Justice in Reducing Victims Post-Traumatic Stress/Alex Lloyd, Jo Borrill.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2020; Vol.13, No.1: 77-89. |
143341 | Traumatic Brain Injury with Personality Change: a Challenge to Mental Capacity Law in England and Wales/Demian Whiting.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2020; Vol.13, No.1: 11-18. |
143342 | Forensic Neuropsychological Aspects of Competency Evaluations: Financial and Legal Competency in Older Adults/Douglas Cohen, A. A. Sepehry, I. Z. Schultz.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2020; Vol.13, No.1: 19-32. |
143343 | Caregiver Issues and Concerns Following TBI: A Review of the Literature and Future Directions/D. Erik Everhart, Alexandra J Nicoletta, Taylor M Zurlinden, Amy M Gencarelli.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2020; Vol.13, No.1: 33-43. |
143344 | Types of Malingering in PTSD: Evidence from a Psychological Injury Paradigm/Katherine A. Fox, John P. Vincent.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2020; Vol.13, No.1: 90-104. |
143345 | Testamentary Capacity and Undue Influence: Assessments and Problematic Techniques/Eric G Mart.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2020; Vol.13, No.1: 1-10. |
143346 | Strength in Numbers or Quality over Quantity? Examining the Importance of Criterion Measure Selection to Define Validity Groups in Performance Validity Test (PVT) Research/Jason R. Soble …[et al.].- Psychological Injury and Law. 2020; Vol.13, No.1: 44-56. |
143347 | The Dissociative Subtype of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Forensic Considerations and Recent Controversies/Stephanie Ellickson-Larew, Shaline Escarfulleri, Erika J. Wolf.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2020; Vol.13, No.2: 178-186. |
143348 | Complex trauma and the question of reasonableness of response in sexual harassment cases: Issues for treatment providers and forensic evaluators/Laura S. Brown.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2020; Vol.13, No.2: 155-166. |
143349 | Firebug! Dissociative Identity Disorder? Malingering? Or ? An Intensive Case Study of an Arsonist/Richard J. Loewenstein.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2020; Vol.13, No.2: 187-224. |
143350 | Ethical and Professional Considerations in the Forensic Assessment of Complex Trauma and Dissociation/Lisa M. Rocchio.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2020; Vol.13, No.2: 124-134. |
143351 | Complex Trauma: Missed and Misdiagnosis in Forensic Evaluations/Tyson D. Bailey, Laura S. Brown.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2020; Vol.13, No.2: 109-123. |
143352 | Do You Know People Who Feign? Proxy Respondents About Feigned Symptoms/Brechje Dandachi-FitzGerald, Harald Merckelbach, Irena Boskovic, Marko Jelicic.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2020; Vol.13, No.3: 225-234. |
143353 | Verifiability and Symptom Endorsement in Genuine, Exaggerated, and Malingered Pain/Y. E. Ali Akca, Lotte Slootmaekers, Irena Boskovic.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2020; Vol.13, No.3: 235-245. |
143354 | SVT Meets PVT: Development and Initial Validation of the Inventory of Problems Memory (IOP-M)/Luciano Giromini, Donald J. Viglione, Alessandro Zennaro, Anna Maffei, Laszlo A. Erdodi.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2020; Vol.13, No.3: 261-274. |
143355 | Comparison of Clinical Psychologist and Physician Beliefs and Practices Concerning Malingering: Results from a Mixed Methods Study/Stephen L. Aita, Nicholas C. Borgogna, Lilah J. Aita, Melissa L. Ogden, Benjamin D. Hill.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2020; Vol.13, No.3: 246-260. |
143356 | A Detailed Analyis of SIRS Versus SIRS-2 Critiques/Richard Rogers, Sarah F. Velsor,l Margot M. Williams.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2020; Vol.13, No.3: 275-283. |
143357 | Assessing Symptom Validity in Psychological Injury Evaluations Using the MMPI-2-RF and the PAI: an Updated Review/Kathryn F. Fokas, Julie M. Brovko.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2020; Vol.13, No.4: 370-382. |
143358 | Civil Forensic Evaluation in Psychological Injury and Law: Legal, Professional, and Ethical Considerations/William E. Foote, Jane Goodman-Delahunty, Gerald Young.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2020; Vol.13, No.4: 327-353. |
143359 | Forensic Assessment of PTSD Via DSM-5 Versus ICD-11 Criteria: Implications for Current Practice and Future Research/Patricia K. Kerig, Michaela M. Mozley, Lucybel Mendez.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2020; Vol.13, No.4: 383-411. |
143360 | Chronic Pain: Evolution of Clinical Definitions and Implications for Practice/Angela Mailis, Perry S. Tepperman, Eleni G. Hapidou.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2020; Vol.13, No.4: 412-426. |
143361 | The Eggshell and Crumbling Skull Plaintiff: Psychological and Legal Considerations for Assessment/Eileen A. Kohutis, Shawn McCall.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2020; Vol.13, No.4: 354-369. |
143362 | Thirty Complexities and Controversies in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Persistent Post-concussion Syndrome: a Roadmap for Research and Practice/Gerald Young.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2020; Vol.13, No.4: 427-451. |
143363 | Filling a Lacuna: The Care Worker and Care Provider Offences in the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015/Karl Laird.- Statute Law Review. 2016; Vol.37, No.1: 1-18. |
143364 | Balancing the Right to Privacy and the Public Interest: Surveillance by the State of Private Communications for Law Enforcement in Botswana/Badala Tachilisa Balule, Bojosi Otlhogile.- Statute Law Review. 2016; Vol.37, No.1: 19-32. |
143365 | The Modern Slavery Act (2015): A Legislative Commentary/Jason Haynes.- Statute Law Review. 2016; Vol.37, No.1: 33-56. |
143366 | Will New Regulation on Crowdfunding in the United Kingdom and United States Have a Positive Impact and Lead to Crowdfunding Becoming an Established Financing Technique?/David Ridley.- Statute Law Review. 2016; Vol.37, No.1: 57-76. |
143367 | Invoking Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) to Interpret Legislation in Mauritius: The Prevention of Corruption Act/Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi.- Statute Law Review. 2016; Vol.37, No.1: 77-92. |
143368 | Legislative Drafting and Language: Legal Language in Context/Giulia Adriana Pennisi.- Statute Law Review. 2016; Vol.37, No.2: 97-100. |
143369 | Legislative Provisions in Context: A Linguistic Approach/Giulia Adriana Pennisi.- Statute Law Review. 2016; Vol.37, No.2: 101-115. |
143370 | Bilingual Legislation: Awareness, Ambiguity, and Attitudes/Thomas Glyn Watkin.- Statute Law Review. 2016; Vol.37, No.2: 116-132. |
143371 | What Ever Happened to Legislative Translation in Canada?/Andre Labelle.- Statute Law Review. 2016; Vol.37, No.2: 133-143. |
143372 | Linguistic Features of Legal Texts: Translation Issues/Maurizio Gotti.- Statute Law Review. 2016; Vol.37, No.2: 144-155. |
143373 | The Language of the Law in Multilingual contexts – Unpicking the English of the EU Courts’ Judgments/Susan Wright.- Statute Law Review. 2016; Vol.37, No.2: 156-163. |
143374 | Demystifying Ambiguity in Legislative Writing/Ann Nowak.- Statute Law Review. 2016; Vol.37, No.2: 164-171. |
143375 | Loyal to Different Exclusive Masters: Language Consistency at the National and Supranational Level/Silvia Ferreri.- Statute Law Review. 2016; Vol.37, No.2: 172-181. |
143376 | As If… – The Wonderland of Statutory Hypotheses/Lord Walker of Gestingthorpe.- Statute Law Review. 2016; Vol.37, No.3: 183-194. |
143377 | The Financial Services (Banking Reform) Act 2013: Smart Regulatory Regime?/Muhammed Shabir Korotana.- Statute Law Review. 2016; Vol.37, No.3: 195-211. |
143378 | Legislation Which Bears No Law/David Feldman.- Statute Law Review. 2016; Vol.37, No.3: 212-224. |
143379 | The Constitutional Regulation of Citizens’ Rights and Freedoms in the Soviet State: Main Periods of Development/Yuriy Gennadievich Sled, Dmitriy Yurievich Tumanov, Rinat Raisovich Sakhapov.- Statute Law Review. 2016; Vol.37, No.3: 225-232. |
143380 | Comparative Legal Analysis of the Employment Law of Estonia and Kazakhstan in the Issues of Improving a Pretrial Settlement of Individual Labor Disputes/Guzal Galiakbarova, Yenlik Nurgaliyeva.- Statute Law Review. 2016; Vol.37, No.3: 233-243. |
143381 | Defending Due Deference: Probing Procedural Propriety in Proportionality/Francis Ho-Chai Chung.- Statute Law Review. 2016; Vol.37, No.3: 244-264. |
143382 | Composition of the Arbitral Tribunal: A Guideline or a Mandate/Eshna Kumar.- Statute Law Review. 2016; Vol.37, No.3: 265-272. |
143383 | Implication of Shreya Singhal Judgment on Sedition Law/Akaant Kumar Mittal.- Statute Law Review. 2016; Vol.37, No.3: 273-278. |
143384 | A Review of Civil Protection Orders in Six Jurisdictions/Wing-Cheong Chan.- Statute Law Review. 2017; Vol.38, No.1: 1-22. |
143385 | Procedural Institutionalization of the Evaluation Through Legal Basis: A New Typology of Evaluation Clauses in Switzerland/Damien Wirths.- Statute Law Review. 2017; Vol.38, No.1: 23-39. |
143386 | The Swaziland Retirement Funds Bill 2011: Reflections on Parliament’s Override of the Supreme Court Statutory Interpretation of the Definition of Dependant for Death Benefits/Mtendeweka Mhango.- Statute Law Review. 2017; Vol.38, No.1: 40-56. |
143387 | Cookies and Browser-Generated Information: The Challenge in Hong Kong Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance/Jojo Y.C. Mo.- Statute Law Review. 2017; Vol.38, No.1: 57-68. |
143388 | The Unruly Horse Goes Further Astray: Defining Fundamental Policy of Indian Law’ in Arbitral Jurisprudence/Dhruv Garg, Utkarsh Srivastava.- Statute Law Review. 2017; Vol.38, No.1: 69-78. |
143389 | The Statute Law Revision Project and Statute Law Revision in Ireland 2003 to 2015/Kieran Mooney.- Statute Law Review. 2017; Vol.38, No.1: 79-97. |
143390 | The Principle of Legality and Contemporanea Exposition est Optima et Fortissima in Lege/Dan Meagher.- Statute Law Review. 2017; Vol.38, No.1: 98-115. |
143391 | Constitutional Counterpoint: Legislative Debates, Statutory Interpretation and the Separation of Powers/Donald L. Drakeman.- Statute Law Review. 2017; Vol.38, No.1: 116-124. |
143392 | Modern Statutory Interpretation/Philip Sales.- Statute Law Review. 2017; Vol.38, No.2: 125-132. |
143393 | The Uninsured Drivers’ Agreement 2015 as a Legitimate Source of Authority/James Marson, Katy Ferris.- Statute Law Review. 2017; Vol.38, No.2: 133-146. |
143394 | An Appraisal of Legislative Procedure in the Singapore Parliament/Zhixiang Seow.- Statute Law Review. 2017; Vol.38, No.2: 147-169. |
143395 | The Good Governance and Integrity Reporting Act 2015: Mauritius Legislates Once More on Corruption/Roopanand Amar Mahadew.- Statute Law Review. 2017; Vol.38, No.2: 170-181. |
143396 | Boundaries of the Investigative Power of the Legislative Council Under an Executive-Led Government in Hong Kong/Shucheng Wang.- Statute Law Review. 2017; Vol.38, No.2: 182-195. |
143397 | Laws of Lagos State of Nigeria 2015: A Review of Methodology, Highlights, and Challenges/Akeem Olajide Bello.- Statute Law Review. 2017; Vol.38, No.2: 196-210. |
143398 | The Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2014 in Hong Kong: A Blessing or a Curse?/Jojo Y.C. Mo.- Statute Law Review. 2017; Vol.38, No.2: 211-225. |
143399 | The Drafting History of the Uganda Penal Code (Amendment) Act and Challenges to Its Implementation/Nanima Robert Doya.- Statute Law Review. 2017; Vol.38, No.2: 226-239. |
143400 | A Gendered Analysis of Section 48 (2) (d) of the Zimbabwean Constitution of 2013/Ebenezer Durojaye.- Statute Law Review. 2017; Vol.38, No.2: 240-251. |
143401 | Codification and Reform of the Law of Evidence in the United Kingdom: From Stephen’s Code Bill to the Criminal Justice Act/Isha Jain.- Statute Law Review. 2017; Vol.38, No.2: 252-257. |
143402 | India’s Consumer Protection Bill 2015: Redefining Notions of Liability/Bhagirath Ashiya.- Statute Law Review. 2017; Vol.38, No.2: 258-264. |
143403 | Mixed-up Wills, Rectification and Interpretation: Marley v. Rawlings/Martin David Kelly.- Statute Law Review. 2017; Vol.38, No.3: 265-285. |
143404 | Narrowing the Scope of Absurdly Broad Offences: The Case of Terrorist Possession/Andrew Cornford.- Statute Law Review. 2017; Vol.38, No.3: 286-297. |
143405 | At the Intersection of Scottish Agricultural History and Constitutional Law: Salvesen v. Riddell and the Legislative Competence of the Scottish Parliament/Kenneth Campbell.- Statute Law Review. 2017; Vol.38, No.3: 298-309. |
143406 | Formal Models of Statutory Interpretation in Multilingual Legal Systems/Burkhard Schafer.- Statute Law Review. 2017; Vol.38, No.3: 310-328. |
143407 | Statute Law Society Lecture, November 2016: A View from the Crossbenches/David Hope.- Statute Law Review. 2018; Vol.39, No.1: 1-13. |
143408 | The Will Theorist’s Mailbox: Misunderstanding the Moment of Contract Formation in the Indian Contract Act, 1872/Shivprasad Swaminathan.- Statute Law Review. 2018; Vol.39, No.1: 14-26. |
143409 | Teaching Statutory Interpretation in Australia: What’s Next?/Jacinta Dharmananda, Patricia Lane.- Statute Law Review. 2018; Vol.39, No.1: 27-45. |
143410 | Explaining the Unexplained Wealth Orders: (Mauritius) Good Governance and Integrity Reporting Act/Shalini O. Soopramanien.- Statute Law Review. 2018; Vol.39, No.1: 46-62. |
143411 | Dangerous Trends in Law Making in India/Kameshwar Nath Chaturvedi.- Statute Law Review. 2018; Vol.39, No.1: 63-71. |
143412 | Statutory Interpretation, Victimization Under Equality Law, and Its On-Off Relationship With Contempt of Court/Michael Connolly.- Statute Law Review. 2018; Vol.39, No.1: 72-90. |
143413 | Historical Abuse and the Statute of Limitations/James Gallen.- Statute Law Review. 2018; Vol.39, No.2: 103-117. |
143414 | The Supreme Court of Mauritius and Its Reliance on International Treaties to Interpret Legislation: Reconciling the Tension Between International Law and Domestic Law/Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi.- Statute Law Review. 2018; Vol.39, No.2: 118-133. |
143415 | Hybrid Methodology for the EU Principle of Consistent Interpretation/Martin Brenncke.- Statute Law Review. 2018; Vol.39, No.2: 134-154. |
143416 | Theory and Practice of Legal Experiments in Land Law: The View from Russia/Alexey Anisimov, Anatoliy Ryzhenkov.- Statute Law Review. 2018; Vol.39, No.2: 155-170. |
143417 | The Paradox of the Legislative Drafting Process in Tanzania/Hamudi Ismail Majamba.- Statute Law Review. 2018; Vol.39, No.2: 171-183. |
143418 | Taking Comparative Law Seriously: Rethinking the Supreme Court of Canada’s Modern Approach to Statutory Interpretation/Lorne Neudorf.- Statute Law Review. 2018; Vol.39, No.2: 184-210. |
143419 | Brexit Means Brexit: What Does It Mean for the Protection of Third-Party Victims and the Road Traffic Act?/James Marson, Katy Ferris, Alex Nicholson.- Statute Law Review. 2018; Vol.39, No.2: 211-227. |
143420 | Law Reform Challenges: The Judicial Perspective/Philip Sales.- Statute Law Review. 2018; Vol.39, No.3: 229-243. |
143421 | Kill First, Ask Questions Later: The Rule of Law and the Belgian Euthanasia Act of 2002/Shanthi Van Zeebroeck.- Statute Law Review. 2018; Vol.39, No.3: 244-257. |
143422 | Review on the Outer Space Legislation: Problems and Prospects/Nurlan Apakhayev … [et al.].- Statute Law Review. 2018; Vol.39, No.3: 258-265. |
143423 | Synoptical Analysis of the Legislature and Executive Functions Under the Zimbabwe Constitution 2013/Howard Chitimira.- Statute Law Review. 2018; Vol.39, No.3: 266-291. |
143424 | Companies Act, 2013: Incorporating Stakeholder Theory Approach into the Indian Corporate Law/Deva Prasad M.- Statute Law Review. 2018; Vol.39, No.3: 292-302. |
143425 | Statutory Forebears: Legislative Evolution as a Means of Statutory Interpretation/James Steele.- Statute Law Review. 2018; Vol.39, No.3: 303-318. |
143426 | Legislative Approaches to Combating Revenge Porn: A Multijurisdictional Perspective/Jason Haynes.- Statute Law Review. 2018; Vol.39, No.3: 319-336. |
143427 | The Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act, the Maputo Protocol and the Rights of Women in Nigeria/Chibueze Ngozi, Irehobhude Iyioha, Ebenezer Tope Durojaye.- Statute Law Review. 2018; Vol.39, No.3: 337-347. |
143428 | The Development of a Short Version of the SIMS Using Machine Learning to Detect Feigning in Forensic Assessment/Graziella Orru, Cristina Mazza, Merylin Monaro, Stefano Ferracuti, Giuseppe Sartori, Paolo Roma.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2021; Vol.14, No.1: 46-57. |
143429 | Initial Validation of Short Forms of the SIMS for Neuropsychological Evaluations/Robert J. Spencer, Brian D. Gradwohl, Victoria M. Kordovski.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2021; Vol.14, No.1: 37-45. |
143430 | Cross-validation of the Utility of Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM) Cut-offs in a Large Colombian Sample/K. Chase Bailey, William Goatte, Daniela Ramos-Usuga, Diego Rivera, Juan Carlos Arango-Lasprilla.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2021; Vol.14, No.2: 114-126. |
143431 | How Plausible Is the Implausible? Students Plausibility and Prevalence Ratings of the Self-Report Symptom Inventory/Irena Boskovic, Thomas Merten, Harald Merckelbach.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2021; Vol.14, No.2: 127-133. |
143432 | Comparability and Validity of the Online and In-Person Administrations of the Inventory of Problems-29/Luciano Giromini, Claudia Pignolo, Gerald Young, Eric Y. Drogin, Alessandro Zennaro, Donald J. Viglione.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2021; Vol.14, No.2: 77-88. |
143433 | Remote Forensic Psychological Assessment in Civil Cases: Considerations for Experts Assessing Harms from Early Life Abuse/Julie Goldenson, Nina Josefowitz.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2021; Vol.14, No.2: 89-103. |
143434 | Self-Rated Executive Functions in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury/Mirjana Ivanisevic … [et al.].- Psychological Injury and Law. 2021; Vol.14, No.2: 144-150. |
143435 | Concordance Between Standard and Abbreviated Administrations of the Test of Memory Malingering: Implications for Streamlining Performance Validity Assessment/Gabriel P. Ovsiew, Dustin A. Carter, Tasha Rhoads, Zachary J. Resch, Kyle J. Jennette, Jason R. Soble.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2021; Vol.14, No.2: 134-143. |
143436 | Using the Inventory of Problems-29 (IOP-29) with the Inventory of Problems Memory (IOP-M) in Malingering-Related Assessments: a Study with a Slovenian Sample of Experimental Feigners/Maja MaSa SOmen …[et al.].- Psychological Injury and Law. 2021; Vol.14, No.2: 104-113. |
143437 | An Eye Tracking Study on Feigned Schizophrenia/Francesca Ales …[et al.].- Psychological Injury and Law. 2021; Vol.14, No.3: 213-226. |
143438 | Linguistic Interpretation of Acute Injury Characteristics That Define Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: an Exploratory Study of Native and Non-native English Speakers/Sonya Dhillon, Angela Sekely, Preet Gujral, Shaylyn Joseph, Konstantine K. Zakzanis.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2021; Vol.14, No.3: 153-160. |
143439 | Marked Intraindividual Cognitive Variability in a Sample of Healthy Graduate Students/Eliyas Jeffay, Laurence M. Binder, Konstantine K. Zakzanis.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2021; Vol.14, No.3: 171-183. |
143440 | An Experimental Study of the Effects of Biased Responding on the Modified Rivermead Post-concussion Symptoms Questionnaire and Validity Indicators/Karen A. Sullivan, Darcy Bennett.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2021; Vol.14, No.3: 161-171. |
143441 | Assessment of Factitious Psychological Presentations (FPP): an Overlooked Response Style in Forensic Practice/Sarah F. Velsor, Richard Rogers, John W. Donnelly II, Kamar Tazi.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2021; Vol.14, No.3: 201-212. |
143442 | The Call for Aid (Cry for Help) in Psychological Injury and Law: Reinterpretation, Mechanisms, and a Call for Research/Gerald Young.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2021; Vol.14, No.3: 185-200. |
143443 | The Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology Amnestic Disorders Scale (SIMS-AM) Is Insensitive to Cognitive Impairment While Accurately Identifying Invalid Cognitive Symptom Reporting/Yosefa A. Modiano, Zinat Taiwo, Nicholas J. Pastorek, Troy A. Webber.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2021; Vol.14, No.4: 232-247. |
143444 | Relations Among Performance and Symptom Validity, Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Burden in Postdeployment Veterans/Robert D. Shura, Ruth E. Yoash-Gantz, Treven C. Pickett, Scott D. McDonald, Larry A. Tupler.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2021; Vol.14, No.4: 257-268. |
143445 | Validity and Utility of the Miller Forensic Assessment of Symptoms Test (M-FAST) on an Inpatient Epilepsy Monitoring Unit/Savanna M. Tierney, Troy A. Webber, Robert L. Collins, Vitor H. Pacheco, Jonathan M. Grabyan.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2021; Vol.14, No.4: 248-256. |
143456 | Arbitration: Governance Benefits and Enforcement Costs/Keith N. Hylton.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.2: 489-500. |
143457 | Contracting out of National Law: An Empirical Look at the New Law Merchant/Christopher R. Drahozal.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.2: 523-552. |
143458 | On the Fair Use Fence between Derivative Works and Allegedly Infringing Creations: A Proposal for a Middle Ground/Erin E. Gallagher.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.2: 759-779. |
143459 | One Judge’s Perspective on Procedure as Contract/Lee H. Rosenthal.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.2: 669-680. |
143460 | Preventing Terrorism by Prosecuting Material Support/Brian P. Comerford.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.2: 723-757. |
143461 | Procedural Justice in the Boundaryless Workplace: The Tension between Due Process and Public Policy/Katherine V.W. Stone.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.2: 501-521. |
143462 | Procedural Rules for Complementary Systems of Litigation and Mediation Worldwide/Ellen E. Deason.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.2: 553-592. |
143463 | Procedure as Contract/Judith Resnik.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.2: 593-667. |
143464 | Quo Vadis, Association in Fact-The Growing Disparity between How Federal Courts Interpret RICO’s Enterprise Provision in Criminal and Civil Cases (with a Little Statutory Background to Explain Why)/Paul Edgar Harold.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.2: 781-824. |
143465 | Separate and Not Equal: Integrating Civil Procedure and ADR in Legal Academia/Jean R. Sternlight.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.2: 681-722. |
143466 | A Modest Revolution in Corporate Governance/Joel Seligman.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.3: 1159-1185. |
143467 | Demanding Due Process: The Constitutionality of the 524 Channeling Injunction and Trust Mechanisms That Effectively Discharge Asbestos Claims in Chapter 11 Reorganization/Katherine M. Anand.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.3: 1187-1223. |
143468 | Mutual Funds, Pension Funds, Hedge Funds and Stock Market Volatility-aWhat Regulation by the Securities and Exchange Commission Is Appropriate/Roberta S. Karmel.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.3: 977-1017. |
143469 | Positive Political Theory and Federal Usurpation of the Regulation of Corporate Governance: The Coming Preemption of the Martin Act/Jonathan R. Macey.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.3: 951-973. |
143470 | Public and Private Enforcement of the Securities Laws: Have Things Changed since Enron/James D. Cox, Randall S. Thomas, Dana Kiku.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.3: 893-903. |
143471 | The Ends of Justice Revised: How to Interpret RICO’s Procedural Provision, 18 U.S.C. 1965/Benjamin Rolf.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.3: 1225-1258. |
143472 | The SEC at 70: Let’s Celebrate Its Reinvigorated Golden Years/Harvey J. Goldschmid.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.3: 825-835. |
143473 | The SEC at 70: Time for Retirement/A.C. Pritchard.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.3: 1073-1102. |
143474 | A Few Questions about Cross Burning, Intimidation, and Free Speech/Steven G. Gey.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.4: 1287-1375. |
143475 | A Less Stringent Standard-How to Give FLSA Section 16(b) a Life of Its Own/Brian R. Gates.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.4: 1519-1565. |
143476 | Exposing the Loadsharks in Sheep’s Clothing: Why Re-Regulating the Consumer Credit Market Makes Economic Sense/Diane Hellwig.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.4: 1567-1611. |
143477 | Reforming the Civil Rights Act of 1871: The Problem of Police Perjury/Michael Goldsmith.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.4: 1259-1285. |
143478 | The Birth of the Authornym: Authorship, Pseudonymity, and Trademark Law/Laura A. Heymann.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.4: 1377-1449. |
143479 | Time Travel, Hovercrafts, and the Framers: James Madison Sees the Future and Rewrites the Fourth Amendment/George C. Thomas.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.4: 1451-1518. |
143480 | What I Have Feared Most Has Now Come to Pass: Blakely, Booker, and the Future of Sentencing/Katie M. McVoy.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.4: 16131-1642. |
143481 | Abraham’s Deific Defense: Problems with Insanity, Faith, and Knowing Right from Wrong/Andrew J. Demko.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.5: 1961-1983. |
143482 | I am Publius, and I Approve This Message: The Fafflling and Conflicted State of Anonymous Pamphleterring Post-McConnell/Richard M. Cardillo.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.5: 1929-1960. |
143483 | Principled Pragmatic Stare Decisis in Constitutional Cases/Robert Barnhart.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.5: 1911-1927. |
143484 | Rethinking Treasury Regulation 1.162-5 and Slaying the Monster in the Education Tax Maze/Vincent G. Kalafat.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.5: 1985-2028. |
143485 | The Scope of in-Firm Privilege/Elizabeth Chambliss.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2004-2005; Vol.80, No.5: 1721-1767. |
143487 | Oh Lord, Please Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood: Rediscovering the Mathews v. Eldridge and Penn Central Frameworks/Gary Lawson, Katharine Ferguson, Gullermo A. Montero.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.1: 2-50. |
143488 | One Size Does Not Fit All: Keeping the Totality of the Circumstances Test for Public Use Cases after Pfaff and Smithkline/Michele M. Glessner.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.1: 387-418. |
143489 | Rediscovering the Nondelegation Doctrine through a Unified Separation of Powers Theory/Travis H. Mallen.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.1: 419-447. |
143490 | The Parable of the Seeds: Interpreting the Plant Variety Protection Act in Furtherance of Innovation Policy/Jim Chen.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.1: 106-159. |
143491 | A Presumptive Constitutional Time Limit for Administrative Overdetention of Inmates Entitled to Release/Patricia E. Simone.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.2: 719-745. |
143492 | Attorney Choice of Forum in Class Action Litigation: What Difference Does It Make/Thomas E. Willging, Shannon R. Wheatman.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.2: 593-652. |
143493 | Eight Million Performances Later, Still Not a Dime: Why It Is Time to Comprehensively Protect Sound Recording Public Performances/Jonathan S. Lawson.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.2: 693-717. |
143494 | The Once and Future Judge: The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of Independence in U.S. Immigration Courts/Dory Mitros Durham.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.2: 655-691. |
143495 | Banishment: Stopping Stalkers at the County Line/Alison Hill.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.3: 1123-1148. |
143496 | Constitutional False Positives and the Populist Moment/Gerard N. Magliocca.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.3: 821-888. |
143497 | Eminent Domain and the Sanctity of Home/John Fee.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.3: 783-818. |
143498 | Exile, Amnesty and International Law/Leila Nadya Sadat.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.3: 955-1036. |
143499 | Lessons in Losing: Race Discrimination in Employment/Wendy Parker.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.3: 890-954. |
143500 | Property Tax Reassessment: Who Needs It/Stewart E. Sterk, Mitchell L. Engler.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.3: 1037-1094. |
143501 | Smoked Out: Bars, Restaurants, and Restrictive Antismoking Laws as Regulatory Takings/Nicholas A. Danella.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.3: 1095-1121. |
143502 | The Common Law as an Iterative Process: A Preliminary Inquiry/Lawrence A. Cunningham.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.3: 747-781. |
143503 | Accountability and Responsibility in Corporate Governance/Larry E. Ribstein.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.4: 1432-1492. |
143504 | Ambiguity Aversion and the Criminal Process/Uzi Segal, Alex Stein.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.4: 1491-1551. |
143505 | Codex Imaginarius: Visual Codes in Land Use Planning and Aesthetic Regulation/Stephen M. Judge.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.4: 1595-1627. |
143506 | Constitutional Structure, Judicial Discretion, and the Eighth Amendment/Bradford R. Clark.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.4: 1149-1202. |
143507 | Intolerable Cruelties: Retaliatory Actions in First Amendment Public Employment Cases/Matthew M. Killen.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.4: 1630-1651. |
143508 | Is Resisting Genocide a Human Right/David B. Kopel, Paul Gallant, and Joanne D. Eisen.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.4: 1275-1346. |
143509 | Shadow of a Bulldozer: Rluipa and Eminent Domain after Kelo/G. David Mathues.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.4: 1653-1696. |
143510 | Speech and Distrust: Rethinking the Content Approach to Protecting the Freedom of Expression/Barry P. McDonald.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.4: 1348-1430. |
143511 | The Mysterious Survival of the Policy against Informed Consent Liability for Hospitals/Robert Gatter.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.4: 1203-1273. |
143512 | The Originalist’s Dilemma: Katz and the New Approach to the State Sovereign Immunity Defense/Anthony J. Enright.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.4: 1553-1594. |
143513 | Bad History: The Lure of History in Establishment Clause Adjudication/Steven K. Green.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.4: 1717-1754. |
143514 | Crumbs from the Master’s Table: The Supreme Court, Pro Se Defendants and the Federal Guilty Plea Process/Julian A. Cook.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.5: 1895-1944. |
143515 | Inspiration and Innovation: The Intrinsic Dimension of the Artistic Soul/Roberta Rosenthal Kwall.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.5: 1946-2012. |
143516 | Jurisdictional Hooks in the Wake of Raich: On Properly Interpreting Federal Regulations of Interstate Commerce/Tara M. Stuckey.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.5: 2101-2144. |
143517 | Regulatory Exemptions of Religious Behavior and the Original Understanding of the Establishment Clause/Douglas Laycock.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.5: 1793-1842. |
143518 | Serious Mischiefs: Exxon Mobil Corp. v. Allapattah Services, Inc. Supplemental Jurisdiction, and Breaking the Promise of Finley/Brian E. Foster.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.5: 2013-2058. |
143519 | Speech and Taxes: Balancing Freedom of Conscience and Government Speech after Johanns v. Livestock Marketing Association/Brian P. Morrissey.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.5: 2059-2100. |
143520 | The Jurisdiction Establishment Clause: A Reappraisal/Steven D. Smith.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.5: 1843-1893. |
143521 | The Religious Origins of Disestablishment Principles/Marci A. Hamilton, Rachel Steamer.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.81, No.5: 1755-1791. |
143522 | Recent Developments in Statutory and Constitutional Interpretation/Christopher Walshaw.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.1: 1-12. |
143523 | Ordinary Meaning and Empiricism/Brian G. Slocum.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.1: 13-24. |
143524 | Law as Narrative: Narrative Interpretation and Appropriation as an Element of Theft/Steven Cammiss.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.1: 25-39. |
143525 | The Principle of Legality and Legislative Intention/Robert French.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.1: 40-52. |
143526 | Legislative Intention, Interpretation, and the Principle of Legality/Philip Sales.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.1: 53-63. |
143527 | Giving Moral Meaning to the Law/Heidi M. Hurd.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.1: 64-74. |
143528 | Not-So-Easy Cases/Jonathan Crowe.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.1: 75-86. |
143529 | Virtuous Adjudication; or the Relevance of Judicial Character to Legal Interpretation/Amalia Amaya.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.1: 87-95. |
143530 | Statutory Interpretation Regarding the Powers, Authorities and Privileges Vested in the Law Society: A Sphere of Sovereignty as Self-governing in Virtually Every Aspect/Jonathan L. Black-Branch.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.2: 97-112. |
143531 | Religious Freedom and Human Rights in Kazakhstan/Roman Podoprigora … [et al.].- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.2: 113-127. |
143532 | The Constitutional Spirit of Word Union and the Colonial Hangover of the Word Central in the Federal Structure of India/Dharmendra Kumar Singh, Amit Singh.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.2: 128-142. |
143533 | Cyber Extortion, Ransomware and the South African Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity Bill/Sagwadi Mabunda.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.2: 143-154. |
143534 | The Doctrine of Severability in Constitutional Review: A Perspective from Singapore/Benjamin Joshua Ong.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.2: 155-174. |
143535 | Greenspace Governance: Statutory Solutions from Scotland?/Jill Dickinson, James Marson.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.2: 175-187. |
143536 | Privacy and Publicly Available Information: An Analysis of the Common Law and Statutory Protection in Hong Kong/Jojo Y.C. Mo.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.2: 188-205. |
143537 | Implied Repeal/Alec Samuels.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.2: 206-212. |
143538 | The Journey to Fiscal Enlightenment/Right Hon Lord Carnwath.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.3: 213-223. |
143539 | Anti-Money Laundering Law in India: A Glocalization Model/Shannu Narayan.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.3: 224-235. |
143540 | Constituent Instruments of International Organizations as a Special Source of the Law of International Organizations/Olha M Shpakovych, Svitlana A Vladyka.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.3: 236-248. |
143541 | Which Interpretational Route Will the Supreme Court of India Follow When Faced with the Contentious Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Act, 2010?/Ram Mohan M. P..- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.3: 249-265. |
143542 | Patient’s Orders: Patient’s Rights and the Doctor’s Obligations under the Claeys-Leonetti Law of 2016 in France/Shanthi Van Zeebroeck.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.3: 266-272. |
143543 | An Administrative Law Code for Wales: Benefits to Reap and Obstacles to Overcome/David C. Gardner.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.3: 273-286. |
143544 | National Parliaments in Subsidiarity Review: From Guardians to Partners/Oxana Pimenova.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.3: 287-299. |
143545 | A Constitutional Statute?/Alec Samuels.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.3: 300-309. |
143546 | A Call for the Transformation of the South African Insurance Industry: An Analysis of the Insurance Bill 2016/Ntombizozuko Dyani-Mhango.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.3: 310-324. |
143547 | The Paradox of the Legislative Drafting Process in Tanzania/Hamudi Ismail Majamba.- Statute Law Review. 2019; Vol.40, No.3: 325-337. |
143548 | Tales of Broken Water Mains and ASDA Employees: Drafting Evolution or Drafting for Confusion?/Bernadette Walsh.- Statute Law Review. 2020; Vol.41, No.1: 1-15. |
143549 | The Virtues of Sunset Clauses in Relation to Constitutional Authority/Antonios Kouroutakis.- Statute Law Review. 2020; Vol.41, No.1: 16-31. |
143550 | Debunking Millar v. Taylor: The History of the Prohibition of Legislative History/John J. Magyar.- Statute Law Review. 2020; Vol.41, No.1: 32-58. |
143551 | Private Bill Procedure: The Petitioner Experience/David Watkinson.- Statute Law Review. 2020; Vol.41, No.1: 59-63. |
143552 | A Travesty of Justice: Non-Compliance with the Automatic Review Mechanism for Sentences in Malawi/Esther Gumboh.- Statute Law Review. 2020; Vol.41, No.1: 64-77. |
143553 | Indian Forest Rights Legislation: Significance of Recognizing the Legal Pluralism for Indigenous Peoples Rights/Deva Prasad M., Suchithra Menon C..- Statute Law Review. 2020; Vol.41, No.1: 78-88. |
143554 | May and Shall and Must: Power or Duty?/Alec Samuels.- Statute Law Review. 2020; Vol.41, No.1: 89-95. |
143555 | On Mandatory Criminal Sentences, Legislative Interpretation, and the Prospective Application of the Law: A View from Singapore/Kwan Ho Lau.- Statute Law Review. 2020; Vol.41, No.1: 96-124. |
143556 | The Drafters’ Dance: The Complexity of Drafting Legislation and the Limitations of Plain Language and Good Law Initiatives/Thomas E. Webb, Robert Geyer.- Statute Law Review. 2020; Vol.41, No.2: 129-158. |
143557 | The Seychelles Juvenile Court and the Right to a Fair Trial: Implementing Article 19(2) of the Constitution, Sections 94-98 of the Children Act and the Children Act (Juvenile Court) Rules/Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi.- Statute Law Review. 2020; Vol.41, No.2: 159-188. |
143558 | Law-Making by and for the People: A Case for Pre-legislative Processes in India/Dipika Jain.- Statute Law Review. 2020; Vol.41, No.2: 189-206. |
143559 | Tracking the Pendulum Swing on Legislative Entrenchment in New Zealand/Timothy Shiels, Andrew Geddis.- Statute Law Review. 2020; Vol.41, No.2: 207-225. |
143560 | Analysing the Investigation and Prosecution of Cryptocurrency Crime as Provided for by the South African Cybercrimes Bill/Eveshnie Reddy.- Statute Law Review. 2020; Vol.41, No.2: 226-239. |
143561 | Why Is There So Much Bad Legislation?/Lord Lisvane.- Statute Law Review. 2020; Vol.41, No.3: 291-303. |
143562 | Support for Private Members’ Bills in the United Kingdom and Japan/Shota Moriue.- Statute Law Review. 2020; Vol.41, No.3: 304-319. |
143563 | Ambiguity in the Definition: The Need for Caution in Prosecuting Persons Under the Anti-pornography Act/Nanima Robert Doya.- Statute Law Review. 2020; Vol.41, No.3: 320-337. |
143564 | Assessing the Industrial Property Bill of Mauritius and its Impact on Access to Essential Medicines/Amar Roopanand Mahadew.- Statute Law Review. 2020; Vol.41, No.3: 338-347. |
143565 | Plain Language Drafting: A Study of the Laws of India (2009-17)/Niharika Bapna.- Statute Law Review. 2020; Vol.41, No.3: 348-377. |
143566 | Constitutional Statutes – Roots and Recognition/John Mcgarry, Samantha Spence.- Statute Law Review. 2020; Vol.41, No.3: 378-394. |
143567 | The Automated and Electric Vehicles Act 2018 Part 1 and Beyond: A Critical Review/James Marson, Katy Ferris, Jill Dickinson.- Statute Law Review. 2020; Vol.41, No.3: 395-416. |
143568 | Our Forgotten Constitutional Guardians: Preserving Respect for the Law/Brian Christopher Jones.- Statute Law Review. 2021; Vol.42, No.1: 1-19. |
143569 | UBS AG v. IRC, DB Group Services (UK) Ltd v. IRC: Fiscal Nullity and the Supreme Court/Chris Ohms, Karin Olesen.- Statute Law Review. 2021; Vol.42, No.1: 20-46. |
143570 | Non-Amending Provisions in a Constitutional Amendment: A Practical Application to the Transition Period under the 101st Constitution Amendment Act, 2016/Aditya Prasanna Bhattacharya, Kashish Makkar.- Statute Law Review. 2021; Vol.42, No.1: 47-69. |
143571 | Two Is a Crowd: An Australian Case Study on Legislative Process, Law Reform Commissions and Dealing with Duplicate Offences/Jianlin Chen.- Statute Law Review. 2021; Vol.42, No.1: 70-87. |
143572 | Indian Mental Healthcare Act, 2017: CBR Matrix for Inclusive Implementation/Deepa Sethi.- Statute Law Review. 2021; Vol.42, No.1: 88-100. |
143573 | Minors’ Contracts: A Major Problem with the Indian Contract Act, 1872/Shivprasad Swaminathan, Ragini Surana.- Statute Law Review. 2021; Vol.42, No.1: 101-115. |
143574 | Democratizing Foreign Policy: Parliamentary Oversight of Treaty Ratification in Pakistan/Ahmad Ghouri.- Statute Law Review. 2021; Vol.42, No.2: 137-155. |
143575 | A Gamble to Take? Visas and Delegated Legislative Power on English Language in Australia/Dominic Npoanlari Dagbanja.- Statute Law Review. 2021; Vol.42, No.2: 156-175. |
143576 | Response: Recent Development regarding Judicial Review of Legislative Process in Israel/Gonen Ilan.- Statute Law Review. 2021; Vol.42, No.2: 176-182. |
143577 | The Phenomenon Of Members Parliament Absence In Iraq/Esraa Mahmood Alsamee.- Statute Law Review. 2021; Vol.42, No.2: 183-197. |
143578 | The Limits of Legislative Delegation: Emergency Law in Hong Kong/Edward Lui.- Statute Law Review. 2021; Vol.42, No.2: 198-218. |
143579 | To Legislate Filial Piety: Is the Elderly Rights Law a Panacea?/Qingxiu Bu.- Statute Law Review. 2021; Vol.42, No.2: 219-240. |
143580 | Implementing the Children Act: The Seychellois Family Tribunal and Child Maintenance Cases/Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi.- Statute Law Review. 2021; Vol.42, No.2: 241-265. |
143581 | Spinning Yarns From Moonbeams: A Jurisprudence of Statutory Interpretation in Common Law/Prabhakar Singh.- Statute Law Review. 2021; Vol.42, No.2: 266-290. |
143582 | Judicial Review of the Legislative Process in Hong Kong: A Comparative Perspective/Shucheng Wang.- Statute Law Review. 2021; Vol.42, No.3: 291-304. |
143583 | An Analysis of the Power to Issue Ordinance in India/Chandrasekaran Mridul Bhardwaj.- Statute Law Review. 2021; Vol.42, No.3: 305-312. |
143584 | Parliamentary Scrutiny of the Quality of Legislation within Europe/Enrico Albanesi.- Statute Law Review. 2021; Vol.42, No.3: 313-334. |
143585 | Traversing the Muddy Waters – Legality, Tenability, and Reliability of Co-defendant’s Confession under the Indian Evidence Act/Prabhakar Yadav.- Statute Law Review. 2021; Vol.42, No.3: 335-343. |
143586 | The Prospective (Ir)Relevance of Section 3 of the Human Rights Act: A Comparative Perspective/Benedict Coxon.- Statute Law Review. 2021; Vol.42, No.3: 344-363. |
143587 | Interpreting Frequently Amended Constitutions: Singapore’s Dual Approach/Marcus Teo.- Statute Law Review. 2021; Vol.42, No.3: 364-383. |
143588 | Arbitrary Detention in Malaysia: Security Offenses (Special Measures) Act 2012/Eden H.B. Chua.- Statute Law Review. 2021; Vol.42, No.3: 384-397. |
143589 | Corporate Criminal Liability for the Criminal Offences in Lithuania/Tomas Girdenis … [et al.].- Statute Law Review. 2021; Vol.42, No.3: 398-407. |
143590 | Against (Mere) Restyling/Edward A. Hartnett.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.1: 155-180. |
143591 | Against Sovereignty: A Cautionary Note on the Normative Power of the Actual/Patrick McKinley Brennan.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.1: 181-225. |
143592 | As Much upon Tradition as upon Principle: A Critique of the Privilege of Necessity Destruction under the Fifth Amendment/Derek T. Muller.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.1: 482-525. |
143593 | Auditing Executive Discretion/Mariano-Florentino Cuellar.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.1: 227-311. |
143594 | Habeas Corpus, Suspension, and Detention: Another View/David L. Shapiro.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.1: 59-95. |
143595 | Having One’s Property and Eating It Too: When the Article 9 Security Interest Becomes a Nuisance/Lawrence Ponoroff, F. Stephen Knippenberg.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.1: 373-428. |
143596 | Logic without Experience: The Problem of Federal Appellate Courts/Suzanna Sherry.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.1: 97-154. |
143597 | Punishing Children in the Criminal Law/Cynthia V. Ward.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.1: 429-479. |
143598 | Character and Context: What Virtue Theory Can Teach Us about a Prosecutor’s Ethical Duty to Seek Justice/R. Michael Cassidy.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.2: 935-697. |
143599 | The Law of Premises Liability in America: Its Past, Present, and Some Considerations for Its Future/Robert S. Driscoll.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.2: 881-909. |
143600 | Weaving the Cloth of Supplemental Jurisdiction: The Role of Dialogue in Tailoring Judicial Power/Shawn Doyle.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.2: 843-880. |
143601 | Business Outsourcing and the Agency Cost Problem/George S. Geis.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.3: 956-1002. |
143602 | Corporate Federalism in the Administrative State: The SEC’s Discretion to Move the Line between the State and Federal Realms of Corporate Governance/Robert B. Thompson.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.3: 1144-1186. |
143603 | Nonobviousness and the Federal Circuit: An Empirical Analysis of Recent Case Law/Christopher A. Cotropia.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.3: 912-952. |
143604 | Ranking Judges according to Citation Bias (As a Means to Reduce Bias)/Stephen J. Choi, Mitu Gulati.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.3: 1279-1309. |
143605 | The Attorney, Client and the Government: A New Dimension to the Attorney-Client Privilege and Work Product Protection in the Post-Enron Era/Melissa L. Nunez.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.3: 1311-1341. |
143606 | The Enemy Combatant Cases in Historical Context: The Inevitability of Pragmatic Judicial Review/Robert J. Pushaw.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.3: 1005-1083. |
143607 | Adult Rights as the Achilles Heel of the Best Interests Standard: Lessons in Family Law from across the Pond/Margaret Ryznar.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.4: 1649-1678. |
143608 | Authorship, Audiences, and Anonymous Speech/Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky, Thomas F. Cotter.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.4: 1537-1603. |
143609 | Prediction Markets for Corporate Governance/Michael Abaramowicz, M. Todd Henderson.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.4: 1344-1414. |
143610 | Specialized Adjudication in an Administrative Forum: Bridging the Gap between Public and Private Law/Carl N. Pickerill.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.4: 1605-1647. |
143611 | Blackberries and Barnyards: Patent Trolls and the Perils of Innovation/Gerard N. Magliocca.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.5: 1809-1838. |
143612 | Chain Reaction: How Property Begets Property/Sabrina Safrin.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.5: 1917-1969. |
143613 | Coloring Outside the Lines: Examining Treasury’s (Lack Of) Compliance with Administrative Procedure Act Rulemaking Requirements/Kristin E. Hickman.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.5: 1728-1806. |
143614 | Excuse Me, Sir, But Your Climate’s On Fire: California’s S.B. 1368 and the Dormant Commerce Clause/Peter Carl Nordberg.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.5: 2067-2093. |
143615 | Tearing Down the Fence around Immigration Law: Examining the Lack of Judicial Review and the Impact of the Real ID Act While Calling for a Broader Reading of Questions of Law to Encompass Extreme Cruelty/Sarah A. Moore.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.5: 2095-2129. |
143616 | The Normative Foundations of Trademark Law/Mark P. McKenna.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.5: 1840-1915. |
143617 | The Significant of Statutory Interpretive Methodologies/Frank B. Cross.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.5: 1971-2004. |
143618 | When Big Brother Plays God: The Religion Clauses, Title VII, and the Ministerial Exception/Joshua D. Dunlap.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.82, No.5: 2005-2035. |
143619 | Can Separate Be Equal-Single-Sex Classrooms, the Constitution, and Title IX/Benjamin P. Carr.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.1: 409-442. |
143620 | Contract as Agreement/Lawrence M. Solan.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.1: 353-408. |
143621 | Created Facts and the Flawed Ontology of Copyright Law/Justin Hughes.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.1: 43-108. |
143622 | Crusading for the Helpless or Biting the Hand That Feeds Applying Landlord-Tenant Law to Residents in Shelters/Matthew R. Hays.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.1: 443-467. |
143623 | Necessary to the Security of a Free State/Eugene Volokh.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.1: 1-42. |
143624 | The Commandeerer in Chief/Jason Mazzone.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.1: 265-351. |
143625 | The Jurisprudence of Colliding First Amendment Interests: From the Dead End of Neutrality to the Open Road of Participation-Enhancing Review/Gregory P. Magarian.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.1: 185-264. |
143626 | A Textual Approach to Harmonizing Sherbert and Smith on Free Exercise Accommodations/Nicholas J. Nelson.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.2: 801-844. |
143627 | A Truism with Attitude: The Tenth Amendment in Constitutional Context/Gary Lawson.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.2: 469-504. |
143628 | Arbitrating Human Rights/Roger P. Alford.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.2: 505-550. |
143629 | Debt and Democracy: Towards a Constitutional Theory of Bankruptcy/Jonathan C. Lipson.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.2: 605-696. |
143630 | Locating Authority in Law, and Avoiding the Authoritarianism of Textualism/Patrick McKinley Brennan.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.2: 761-799. |
143631 | Misguided Fairness-Regulating Arbitration by Statute: Empirical Evidence of Declining Award Finality/Michael H. LeRoy.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.2: 552-600. |
143632 | Performance Values/Sara K. Stadler.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.2: 697-757. |
143633 | Your Opinion Really Does Not Matter: How the Use of Referenda in Funding Public University Student Groups Violates Constitutional Free Speech Principles/Gregory B. Sanford.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.2: 845-873. |
143634 | A Comparative Analysis of the Origin and Structure of Public Health Financing for HIV Care in the United States and England/Steven R. Keener.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.3: 1357-1384. |
143635 | Damages and Damocles: The Propriety of Recoupment Orders as Remedies for Violations of the Establishment Clause/David T. Raimer.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.3: 1385-1416. |
143636 | Legislative and Executive Stare Decisis/Mark Tushnet.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.3: 1339-1354. |
143637 | Lincoln and Judicial Authority/Michael Stokes Paulsen.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.3: 1227-1301. |
143638 | Polyphonic Stare Decisis: Listening to Non-Article III Actors/Kermit Roosevelt.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.3: 1303-1337. |
143639 | Stare Decisis and the Constitution: Four Questions and Answers/Thomas Healy.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.3: 1173-1226. |
143640 | Constitutional Compromise and the Supremacy Clause/Bradford R. Clark.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.4: 1421-1439. |
143641 | Discerning the Meaning of Gonzales v. Carhart: The End of the Physician Veto and the Resulting Change in Abortion Jurisprudence/Peter M. Ladwein.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.4: 1847-1887. |
143642 | Framework Legislation and Federalism/Elizabeth Garrett.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.4: 1495-1539. |
143643 | From Public Square to Market Square: Theoretical Foundations of First and Fourteenth Amendment Protection of Corporate Religious Speech/Julie Marie Baworowsky.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.4: 1713-1777. |
143644 | It Belongs in a Museum: Appropriate Donor Incentives for Fractional Gifts of Art/Emily J. Follas.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.4: 1779-1810. |
143645 | Lessons from a Nondelegation Canon/John F. Manning.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.4: 1541-1566. |
143646 | Much Ado about Twombly-A Study on the Impact of Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly on 12(b)(6) Motions/Kendall W. Hannon.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.4: 1811-1846. |
143647 | Preemption and Federal Common Law/Ernest A. Young.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.4: 1639-1679. |
143648 | The Perils of Theory/Peter L. Strauss.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.83, No.4: 1567-1599. |
143660 | Climate Change Confusion and the Supreme Court: The Misguided Regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions under the Clean Air Act/Jason Scott Johnston.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.1: 1-74. |
143661 | Corporate Misconduct and the Perfect Storm of Shareholder Litigation/Jessica Erickson.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.1: 76-129. |
143662 | Opting out of the Internet in the United States and the European Union: Copyright, Safe Harbors, and International Law/Hannibal Travis.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.1: 332-407. |
143663 | The Foundations of the American Common Market/Norman R. Williams.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.1: 409-469. |
143664 | The Root of all Evil: Expanding Criminal Liability for Providing Material Support to Terror/James J. Ward.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.1: 471-510. |
143665 | What Is the Erie Doctrine (and what does it mean for the contemporary Politics of Judicial Federalism)/Adam N. Steinman.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.1: 245-330. |
143666 | Why Protect Private Arms Possesion-Nine Theories of the Second Amendment/Michael Steven Green.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.1: 131-189. |
143667 | A Hands-off Approach to Religious Doctrine: What are We Talking About/Richard W. Garnett.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.2: 837-863. |
143668 | Commerce in Religion/Bernadette Meyler.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.2: 887-912. |
143669 | Congress New Infrastructural Model of Medical Privacy/Barbara J. Evans.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.2: 586-653. |
143670 | Does It Matter What Religion Is/Christopher L. Eisgruber, Lawrence G. Sager.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.2: 807-835. |
143671 | Giving Teeth to Sherman Act Enforcement in the Intrabrand Context: Weaning Courts Off Their Interbrand Addiction Post-Sylvania/Carlo Luis Rodes.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.2: 957-989. |
143672 | Hands Off: When and about What/Kent Greenawalt.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.2: 913-928. |
143673 | Rethinking Prisoner Litigation: Shifting from Qualified Immunity to a Good Faith Defense in 1983 Prisoner Lawsuits/Stephen W. Miller.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.2: 929-955. |
143674 | Shadow Precedents and the Separation of Powers: Statutory Interpretation of Congressional Overrides/Deborah A. Widiss.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.2: 511-581. |
143675 | The Troublesome Religious Roots of Religious Neutrality/Andrew Koppelman.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.2: 865-886. |
143676 | Does Unconscious Racial Bias Affect Trial Judges/Jeffrey J. Rachlinski, Sheri Lynn Johnson.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.3: 11995-1246. |
143677 | Has the Bowsher Doctrine Solved the Debate: The Relationship between Standing and Intervention as of Right/Elizabeth Zwickert Timmermans.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.3: 1411-1452. |
143678 | Mandatory Arbitration and Fairness/David S. Schwartz.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.3: 1247-1341. |
143679 | State Courts, State Territory, State Power: Reflections on the Extraterritoriality Principle in Choice of Law and Legislation/Katherine Florey.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.3: 1058-1134. |
143680 | The Accused’s Bad Character: Theory and Practice/David Culberg.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.3: 1343-1368. |
143681 | The Myth of the Written Constitution/Todd E. Pettys.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.3: 991-1055. |
143682 | Why Third-Party Standing in Abortion Suits Deserves a Closer Look/Stephen J. Wallace.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.3: 1369-1409. |
143683 | Democracy and International Human Rights Law/John O. McGinnis, Ilya Somin.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.4: 1740-1796. |
143684 | Golden Rule Reasoning, Moral Judgment, and Law/Neil Duxbury.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.4: 1529-1605. |
143685 | The (Non)Problem of a Limited Due Process Right to Judicial Disqualification/John A. Meiser.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.4: 1799-1834. |
143686 | The Emperor’s new Clothes: Exposing the Failures of Regulating Land Use through the Ballot Box/Marcilynn A. Burke.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.4: 1453-1528. |
143687 | The War on Antiquities: United States Law and Foreign Cultural Property/Katherine D. Vitale.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.4: 1935-1875. |
143688 | This Constitution: Constitutional Indexicals as a Basis for Textualist Semi-Originalism/Christopher R. Green.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.4: 1607-1674. |
143689 | Unconscionability in the Law of Trusts/David Horton.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.4: 1676-1738. |
143690 | Creating Legal Rights for Suspected Terrorists: Is the Court Being Courageous or Politically Pragmatic/Robert J. Pushaw.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.5: 1975-2050. |
143691 | Federal Question Jurisdiction and Justice Holmes/Ann Woolhandler, Michael G. Collins.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.5: 2151-2189. |
143692 | If an (Endangered) Tree Falls in the Forest, and No One is Around: Resolving the Divergence between Standing Requirements and Congressional Intent in Environmental Legislation/Preston Carter.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.5: 2191-2237. |
143693 | Power, Protocol, and Practicality: Communications from the District Court during an Appeal/Catherine T. Struve.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.5: 2054-2106. |
143694 | Removing from State Administrative Agencies/Emily M. Rector.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.5: 2269-2311. |
143695 | Taylor v. Sturgell, Procedural Due Process, and the Day-in-Court Ideal: Resolving the Virtual Representation Dilemmas/Martin H. Redish, William J. Katt.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.5: 1877-1918. |
143696 | The Person at Federal Law: A Framework and a Rico Test Suite/Michael J. Gerardi.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2008-2009; Vol.84, No.5: 2239-2267. |
143697 | Abolishing the Time Tax on Voting/Elora Mukherjee.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.1: 178-240. |
143698 | Condemning Religion: RLUIPA and the Politics of Eminent Domain/Christopher Serkin, Nelson Tebbe.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.1: 2-53. |
143699 | Environmental Enforcement in Dire Straits: There is No Protection for Nothing and No Data for Free/Victor B. Flatt, Paul Collins.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.1: 55-87. |
143700 | Opening the Door for Bias: The Problem of Applying Transferee Forum Law in Multidistrict Litigation/Mark A. Hill.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.1: 341-365. |
143701 | The Wartime Suspension of Limitations Act, the Wartime Enforcement of Fraud Act, and the War on Terror/Erin M. Brown.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.1: 313-339. |
143702 | The Zoning Diet: Using Restrictive Zoning to Shrink American Waistlines/Allyson C. Spacht.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.1: 391-418. |
143703 | Tinkering with Tinker: Protecting the First Amendment in Public Schools/Bonnie A. Kellman.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.1: 367-389. |
143704 | More Connection, less Protection: Off-Campus Speech with On-Campus Impact/Benjamin L. Ellison.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.2: 809-848. |
143705 | Seven Pillars of a New Evidentiary Paradigm: The Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act Enters the Genomic Era/Barbara J. Evans.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.2: 419-523. |
143706 | Steroids and Legal Ethics Codes: Are Lawyers Rational Actors/Fred C. Zacharias.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.2: 671-711. |
143707 | The Use of Sentencing Findings as a Collateral Estoppel Weapon in Subsequent Civil Litigation/Jonathan Scott Baker.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.2: 713-744. |
143708 | A Pirate Looks at the Twenty-First Century: The Legal Status of Somali Pirates in an Age of Sovereign Seas and Human Rights/Michael Davey.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.3: 1197-1230. |
143709 | A Proposed Standard for Amended Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 as Applied to Redistricting/Zachary J. Sullivan.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.3: 1263-1286. |
143710 | Beyond Medellin: Reconsidering Federalism Limits on the Treaty Power/Benjamin Beiter.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.3: 1163-1196. |
143711 | Catholic Schools, Urban Neighborhoods, and Education Reform/Margaret F. Brinig, Nicole Stelle Garnett.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.3: 887-954. |
143712 | Deciphering the Chemical Soup: Using Public Nuisance to Compel Chemical Testing/Albert C. Lin.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.3: 956-1012. |
143713 | Returning Veterans and Disability Law/Michael Waterstone.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.3. |
143714 | If All Politicians are Corrupt, But All Defendants are Presumed Innocent, Then What-A Case for Change in Honest Services Fraud Prosecutions/Joseph E. Huigens.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.4: 1687-1726. |
143715 | Jefferson Meets Coase: Land-Use Torts, Law and Economics, and Natural Property Rights/Eric R. Claeys.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.4: 1380-1445. |
143716 | Race to Judgment- An Empirical Study of Scott v. Harris and Summary Judgment/Amelia G. Yowell.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.4: 1759-1785. |
143717 | Regulating the Invisible: The Case of Over-the-Counter Derivatives/Colleen M. Baker.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.4: 1289-1377. |
143718 | Subjective Art, Objective Law/J. Harvie Wilkinson.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.4: 1663-1685. |
143719 | Umpires, Empathy, and Activism: Lessons from Judge Cardozo/Kim McLane Wardlaw.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.4: 1629-1662. |
143720 | Defending the Other First Amendment Freedom: State Campaign Disclosure Laws and the Free Exercise of Religion/Meghan E. Sweeney.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.5: 2033-2064. |
143721 | Ensuring So Grave a Choice is Well Informed: The Use of Abortion Informed Consent Laws to Promote State Interests in Unborn Life/Kaitlin Moredock.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.5: 1973-2008. |
143722 | Re-Examining Customary International Law and the Federal Courts: An Introduction/Anthony J. Bellia.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.5: 1787-1793. |
143723 | State Action and Corporate Human Rights Liability/Curtis A. Bradley.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.5: 1823-1838. |
143724 | The Constitution and the Laws of War during the Civil War/Andrew Kent.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2009-2010; Vol.85, No.5: 1840-1929. |
143725 | Human security: a launching pad for debate and policy?/Georg Frerks, Kees Homan.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.1: 1-7. |
143726 | Human security as a discourse and counter-discourse/Georg Frerks.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.1: 8-14. |
143727 | Global steps towards human security/Peter Hough.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.1: 15-23. |
143728 | Why human? The interlinkages between security, rights and development/Berma Klein Goldewijk.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.1: 24-36. |
143729 | Human security from below in a Hobbesian environment/Martijn Dekker, Mient Jan Faber.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.1: 37-44. |
143730 | Human security from below, a case study from the Ituri district, Democratic Republic of Congo/Joost van Puijenbroek.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.1: 45-53. |
143731 | Human security and development: an ambivalent relationship/Jan Gruiters.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.1: 54-63. |
143732 | The OSCE and human security/Gerd Oberleitner.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.1: 64-72. |
143733 | The military and human security/Kees Homan.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.1: 73-81. |
143734 | The 2007 Madrid Ministerial Council Meeting: A mixed bag of non-decisions and a discrete set of measures/Victor-Yves Ghebali.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.1: 82-99. |
143735 | Russia and the OSCE: a story of high expectations, strong disillusionment and obstinate confrontation/Andre W.M. Gerrits.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.2: 107-109. |
143736 | Building parliamentary democracy in Kosovo/Franklin de Vrieze.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.2: 121-136. |
143737 | National minority issues and the EU Reform Treaty. A perspective of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities/Krzysztof Drzewicki.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.2: 137-146. |
143738 | Addressing hate crime as a regional security threat: an overview of the ODIHR Law Enforcement Officer Programme/Jo-Anne Bishop.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.2: 147-156. |
143739 | Ethnic cleansing and integrating diversity: Interview with Knut Vollebaek, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities/Walter Kemp.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.2: 157-163. |
143740 | Elections cause turmoil in OSCE region/Arie Bloed.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.2: 164-168. |
143741 | The recognition of Kosovo: Violating territorial integrity is a recipe for trouble/Edwin Bakker.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.3: 183-186. |
143742 | The West and Russia – Western Europe and European Security: Rational actions and obvious mistakes/Erik Holm.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19. |
143743 | The West and Russia – Reaction: No more diplomacy of lost opportunities/Godert de Vos van Steenwijk.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.3: 192-196. |
143744 | The West and Russia – No more diplomacy of lost opportunities: Response by Erik Holm/Erik Holm.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.3: 197-200. |
143745 | The (ir)resistible temptation of privatizing security: A Dutch perspective/Alfred van Staden.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.3: 201-207. |
143746 | Chechnya and the European Court of Human Rights: The merits of Strategic Litigation/Ole Solvang.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.3: 208-219. |
143747 | The OSCE 2007 Spanish Chairmanship/Jose Angel Lopez Jorrin.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.3: 220-228. |
143748 | The Toledo Guiding Principles on Teaching about Religion and Beliefs in Public Schools/W. Cole Durham, Silvio Ferrari, Simona Santoro.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.3: 229-239. |
143749 | Growing tensions in the Caucasus region/Arie Bloed.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.3: 240-244. |
143750 | Human contacts then and now: Are all human rights universal?/Harm J. Hazewinkel.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.4: 257-259. |
143751 | Conflict prevention and the issue of Higher Education in the mother tongue: The case of the Republic of Macedonia/Marcin Czaplinski.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.4: 260-272. |
143752 | The OSCE norms and activities related to the Security Sector Reform: An incomplete puzzle/Victor-Yves Ghebali.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.4: 273-283. |
143753 | Neither fox nor hedgehog: NATO’s Comprehensive Approach and the OSCE’s concept of security/Antonio Ortiz.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.4: 284-297. |
143754 | Addressing the needs of victims of terrorism in the OSCE region/Rianne Letschert, Antony Pemberton.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.4: 298-310. |
143755 | The OSCE and transnational security threats/Wolfgang Zellner.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.4: 311-321. |
143756 | Georgian-Russian War, the turning point in East-West relations?/Arie Bloed.- Security and Human Rights. 2008; Vol.19, No.4: 322-325. |
143757 | The OSCE Chairmanship: Captain or Figurehead?/Walter Kemp.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.1: 9-12. |
143758 | The challenges and opportunities awaiting Kazakhstan in 2010/Herbert Salber.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.1: 13-18. |
143759 | Observations on an OSCE Chairmanship: Intentions, challenges and outcomes/Nina Suomalainen.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.1: 19-24. |
143760 | Kazakhstan’s Chairmanship: Challenges and opportunities from the Moscow perspective/Andrei Zagorski.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.1: 25-29. |
143761 | Kazakhstan’s upcoming OSCE Chairmanship: Election related issues/Eltje Aderhold.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.1: 30-36. |
143762 | Human Rights: An international context and internal developments. A view from Kazakhstan – the future OSCE Chairmanship country (2010)/Yevgeniy Zhovtis.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.1: 37-41. |
143763 | The European Union, Kazakhstan and the 2010 OSCE Chairmanship/Neil J. Melvin.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.1: 42-47. |
143764 | Respecting Human Rights in Central Asia: Will this stabilize or destabilize the region?/Oskar Lehner.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.1: 48-55. |
143765 | Criminal justice reform in Kazakhstan and OSCE commitments/Daniyar Kanafin.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.1: 56-61. |
143766 | Kazakhstan’s Chairmanship of the OSCE: Challenges and opportunities in the human dimension/Jeff Goldstein.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.1: 62-67. |
143767 | NATO and Central Asia: Security, interests and values in a strategic region/Alexander Vinnikov.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.1: 68-82. |
143768 | Kazakhstan’s military reform and OSCE Chairmanship: Regional implications/Erica Marat.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.1: 83-87. |
143769 | Afghanistan: The right mission on the wrong footing/Daan Everts.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.1: 88-93. |
143770 | Regulating religion in Post-Soviet Central Asia: Some remarks on Religious Association Law and ‘official’ Islamic institutions in Tajikistan/Tim Epkenhans.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.1: 94-99. |
143771 | New OSCE Chairman-in-office faces daunting task/Arie Bloed.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.1: 100-104. |
143772 | The High Commissioner on National Minorities after 15 Years: Achievements, Challenges and Promises/Victor-Yves Ghebali.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.2: 111-122. |
143773 | The ethical challenges of implementing counterterrorism measures and the role of the OSCE/Bibi van Ginkel, Steven Westervelt.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.2: 123-132. |
143774 | Statelessness: A 21st century challenge for Europe/Laura van Waas.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.2: 133-146. |
143775 | Is this any way to run an organization? Reflection on OSCE’s employment policies/Vladimir D. Shkolnikov.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.2: 147-153. |
143776 | Conferring human rights awards and prizes: Feeding the PR machine or a launching pad for change?/Jim Loughran.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.2: 154-164. |
143777 | The European Commission and post-conflict rehabilitation in Georgia – lessons learned/Maria van Ruiten.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.2: 165-174. |
143778 | OSCE’s frozen conflicts remain volatile/Arie Bloed.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.2: 175-178. |
143779 | Intolerance and discrimination against Muslims (Islamophobia)/Omur Orhun.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.3: 192-200. |
143780 | OSCE’s police-related activities: Lessons-learned during the last decade/Thorsten Stodiek.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.3: 201-211. |
143781 | A human rights based approach to trafficking in human beings/Conny Rijken.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.3: 212-222. |
143782 | A dangerous precedent? The political implications of Kosovo’s independence on ethnic conflicts in South-Eastern Europe and the CIS/Solveig Richter, Uwe Halbach.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.3: 223-237. |
143783 | The OSCE and transnational security challenges/Alice Ackermann.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.3: 238-245. |
143784 | Elections continue causing turmoil in the OSCE region/Arie Bloed.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.3: 246-250. |
143785 | Economic Crisis, States and International Security/Henryk Szlajfer.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.4: 260-263. |
143786 | Improving OSCE election observation/Peter Eicher.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.4: 264-276. |
143787 | Measuring the security of persons belonging to National Minorities: Indicators for assessing the impact of the FCNM in its State Parties/Tove Malloy, Roberta Medda-Windischer, Emma Lantschner.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.4: 277-293. |
143788 | Missing the big picture? Retrospective on OSCE strategic thinking on Central Asia/Vladimir D. Shkolnikov.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.4: 294-306. |
143789 | The Bolzano Recommendations on National Minorities in Inter-State Relations: Reconciling justice and security/Natalie Sabanadze.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.4: 307-317. |
143790 | The role of the OSCE in the conflict in Georgia/Marie-Jose van Rie.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.4: 318-324. |
143791 | Deadlock and division in Moldova: the 2009 political crisis and the role of the OSCE/Bob Deen.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.4: 325-338. |
143792 | Fostering relations with a host country: A case study of the OSCE and Tadjikistan/Kathleen Samuel.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.4: 339-345. |
143793 | Credibility of Kazakhstan’s Chairmanship of OSCE put to the test/Arie Bloed.- Security and Human Rights. 2009; Vol.20, No.4: 346-352. |
143794 | Collective Security and the politico-military role of the OSCE/Alyson Bailes, Zdzislaw Lachowski.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.1: 5-11. |
143795 | The European Union as a security actor: Cooperative multilateralism/Sven Biscop, Thomas Renard.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.1: 12-17. |
143796 | The relevance and effectiveness of the concept of Cooperative Security in the 21st century/Douglas Davidson.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.1: 18-20. |
143797 | Two cheers for diplomacy, the challenges of survival and efficiency for the OSCE/Emmanuel Decaux.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.1: 21-22. |
143798 | Revisiting and eventually adjusting, though certainly not revising the European security architecture/Pal Dunay.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.1: 23-29. |
143799 | Rethinking European security/Willem Frederik van Eekelen.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.1: 30-35. |
143800 | 1989, the happiest year in European history: Cooperation is humanity’s only promising option/Hans-Dietrich Genscher.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.1: 36-39. |
143801 | How to ensure security and freedom in the new, post-Westphalien world (dis)order/Istvan Gyarmati.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.1: 40-44. |
143802 | The role for Cooperative Security in energy conflicts/Neil Melvin.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.1: 49-52. |
143803 | Towards a new security architecture in the OSCE area: How to include human rights?/Danilo Turk.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.1: 53-57. |
143804 | The OSCE and Cooperative Security/Andrei Zagorski.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.1: 58-63. |
143805 | Cooperative Security – principle and reality/Wolfgang Zellner.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.1: 64-68. |
143806 | Kazakhstan at the helm of the OSCE/Arie Bloed.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.1: 69-73. |
143807 | A new START to begin with: recent developments in US-Russian strategic nuclear arms reductions/Guido den Dekker.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.2: 81-92. |
143808 | Advisability and feasibility of establishing a complaints mechanism for minority rights/Krzysztof Drzewicki.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.2: 93-107. |
143809 | Can a summit advance the OSCE’s work in the Human Dimension?/Jeff Goldstein.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.2: 108-113. |
143810 | A German view on the OSCE Corfu Process: an opportunity to strengthen cooperative security in Europe/Werner Hoyer.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.2: 114-118. |
143811 | Lost in implementation? Human rights rhetoric and violations – a critical review of current European anti-trafficking policies/Barbel Heide Uhl.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.2: 119-126. |
143812 | From nation-building to desecuritization in Bosnia and Herzegovina/Niels van Willigen.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.2: 127-138. |
143813 | Controversial Proposal for OSCE Summit Meeting/Arie Bloed.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.2: 139-141. |
143814 | Recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia two years later: Unicum or trendsetting?/Charlotte Hille.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.3: 153-155. |
143815 | European security a la Russe/Hugo Klijn.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.3: 156-159. |
143816 | Kyrgyzstan: the role of global and regional powers in the April 2010 events and the ensuing ethnic clashes in the south/Matthias van Lohuizen.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.3: 160-169. |
143817 | Early warning – no action?/Sabine Machl.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.3: 170-175. |
143818 | Kazakhstan’s OSCE Chairmanship: a Halfway State of Affairs/Eric Marotte.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.3: 176-188. |
143819 | Supporting victims of trafficking: towards reconciling the security of victims and states/Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.3: 189-202. |
143820 | The role of education in official Islam and religious movements in Kyrgyzstan/Sintija Smite.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.3: 203-212. |
143821 | The challenge of diversity: Is integration an answer?/Knut Vollebaek.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.3: 213-219. |
143822 | Integration as Conflict Prevention: Possibilities and Limitations in the experience of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities/Franzisca Zanker.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.3: 220-232. |
143823 | From Corfu to Astana: The way to the 2010 OSCE summit/Wolfgang Zellner.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.3: 233-241. |
143824 | Kyrgyz crisis, a headache for the OSCE/Arie Bloed.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.3: 242-246. |
143825 | The Summit is over, what’s next?/Evgeniy Zhovtis.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.4: 255-257. |
143826 | The Astana Summit: A Triumph of Common Sense/Walter Kemp.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.4: 259-263. |
143827 | Astana Commemorative Declaration: Towards a Security Community/Gregory Gleason.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.4: 265-268. |
143828 | Kazakhstan as the OSCE Chairman-in-Office 2010: success or failure for the organization?/Matthias van Lohuizen.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.4: 269-278. |
143829 | Fifteen Years of the Human Dimension in Bosnia and Herzegovina – The Ebb and Flow of State-building/Valery Perry.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.4: 279-291. |
143830 | Tempering expectations: EU involvement with the Transdniestrian conflict/Bart Scheffers.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.4: 293-301. |
143831 | The OSCE and Kyrgyzstan: no easy way/Arie Bloed.- Security and Human Rights. 2010; Vol.21, No.4: 303-309. |
143832 | The challenges of OSCE electoral assistance in the former Soviet Union/Max Bader.- Security and Human Rights. 2011; Vol.22, No.1: 9-18. |
143833 | Dealing with transnational terrorism, the concept and practice of Joint Investigation Teams/Edwin Bakker, Joseph Powderly.- Security and Human Rights. 2011; Vol.22, No.1: 19-28. |
143834 | Kosovo: what the EU should not be expected to do/Marianne Ducasse-Rogier.- Security and Human Rights. 2011; Vol.22, No.1: 29-35. |
143835 | Not that bad: looking back on 65 years of nuclear non-proliferation efforts/Sico van der Meer.- Security and Human Rights. 2011; Vol.22, No.1: 37-47. |
143836 | The OSCE Chairmanship-in-Office’s election procedure: is there a need for formalized criteria?/Cecile Vandewoude.- Security and Human Rights. 2011; Vol.22, No.1: 49-62. |
143837 | One year after the June 2010 events in Kyrgyzstan: the possible implications for regional security/Anonymous.- Security and Human Rights. 2011; Vol.22, No.1: 63-69. |
143838 | Turmoil in the Arab world: OSCE offers assistance for transition/Arie Bloed.- Security and Human Rights. 2011; Vol.22, No.1: 71-74. |
143839 | Regional security organizations in times of transition: An interview with Jaap de Hoop Scheffer on the effects of the global shift of power in the world today/Rick van Hemert, Harm Hazewinkel.- Security and Human Rights. 2011; Vol.22, No.2: 81-88. |
143840 | Preventive counter-terrorism and non-discrimination assessment in the European Union/Quirine Eijkman.- Security and Human Rights. 2011; Vol.22, No.2: 89-101. |
143841 | Security Sector Reform in authoritarian regimes: The OSCE experience of police assistance programming in Central Asia/David Lewis.- Security and Human Rights. 2011; Vol.22, No.2: 103-117. |
143842 | IDPs and refugees in the OSCE area/Volker Turk.- Security and Human Rights. 2011; Vol.22, No.2: 119-125. |
143843 | Security in a multiethnic Russia: Is the melting pot boiling over?/Jennifer Croft.- Security and Human Rights. 2011; Vol.22, No.2: 127-134. |
143844 | OSCE welcomes its new Secretary General/Arie Bloed.- Security and Human Rights. 2011; Vol.22, No.2: 135-139. |
143845 | OSCE field activities: verbal encouragement, factual cutback/Frank Evers.- Security and Human Rights. 2011; Vol.22, No.4: 339-347. |
143846 | Reviewing the OSCE Human Dimension events/Thomas Greminger.- Security and Human Rights. 2011; Vol.22, No.4: 349-351. |
143847 | Improving OSCE Human Dimension events – A never-ending story/Harm J. Hazewinkel.- Security and Human Rights. 2011; Vol.22, No.4: 353-356. |
143848 | Diplomacy and life on Georgia’s boundary line/Caecilia J. van Peski.- Security and Human Rights. 2011; Vol.22, No.4: 357-371. |
143849 | Open Skies in turbulence, a well functioning treaty is endangered by outside developments/Hartwig Spitzer.- Security and Human Rights. 2011; Vol.22, No.4: 373-382. |
143850 | The OSCE contribution to democratization in North African countries/Monika Wohlfeld.- Security and Human Rights. 2011; Vol.22, No.4: 383-397. |
143851 | Tactical Nuclear Weapons/Andrei Zagorski.- Security and Human Rights. 2011; Vol.22, No.1: 399-409. |
143852 | Mongolia wants to join the OSCE/Arie Bloed.- Security and Human Rights. 2011; Vol.22, No.4: 411-414. |
143853 | Am I My Brother’s Keeper: Familial DNA Searches in the Twenty-First Century/Mary McCarthy.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.1: 381-412. |
143854 | Caperton v. A.T. Massey Coal Co.: The Objective Standard for Judicial Recusal/Jonathan H. Todt, Matthew Matera, David I. Noah.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.1: 439-468. |
143855 | Charity Law’s Essentials/Dana Brakman Reiser.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.1: 1-63. |
143856 | Chevron’s Foundation/Mark Seidenfeld.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.1: 273-312. |
143857 | Re-Evaluating Holder Actions: Giving Defrauded Securities Holders a Fighting Chance/Robert W. Taylor.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.1: 413-437. |
143858 | Religious Argument, Free Speech Theory, and Democratic Dynamism/Gregory P. Magarian.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.1: 120-180. |
143859 | Transnational Class Actions and Interjurisdictional Preclusion/Rhonda Wasserman.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.1: 313-380. |
143860 | Adolescent Brain Science after Graham v. Florida/Terry A. Maroney.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.2: 765-793. |
143861 | Bracing the Armor: Extending Rape Shield Protections to Civil Proceedings/Patrick J. Hines.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.2: 879-904. |
143862 | No Suit for You Iqbal’s Effect on Potentially Meritorious Cases and the Compound Allegations Solution/Giovanni Angles.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.2: 705-822. |
143863 | Open Reserve-ations: United States v. Textron Inc. and Its Application to International Tax Accounting/Adam M. Braun.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.2: 823-850. |
143864 | Reimerdes, Chamberlain, and RealDVD: The DMCA and a Doctrine of Nonsubstantial Infringing Uses/Michael J. Derderian.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.2: 851-878. |
143865 | Representational Competence: Defining the Limits of the Right to Self-Representation at Trial/E. Lea Johnston.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.2: 524-592. |
143866 | The Case for Legal Regulation of Physicians Off-Label Prescribing/Philip M. Rosoff, Doriane Lambelet Coleman.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.2: 649-691. |
143867 | Witnessing the Witness: The Case for Exclusion of Eyewitness Expert Testimony/Matthew J. Reedy.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.2: 905-937. |
143868 | Institutional Practice, Procedural Uniformity, and As-Applied Challenges under the Rules Enabling Act/Catherine T. Struve.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.3: 1182-1239. |
143869 | Our Class Action Federalism: Erie and the Rules Enabling Act after Shady Grove/Adam N. Steinman, Robert W. Tuttle.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.3: 1132-1180. |
143870 | Powers Rights and Section 25/Ann Woolhandler.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.3: 1241-1287. |
143871 | Science Law and Truth: Defining the Scope of the Daubert Triology/Megan Dillhoff.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.3: 1289-1317. |
143872 | Shedding Light on Shady Grove: Further Reflections on the Erie Doctrine from a Conflicts Perspective/Joseph P. Bauer.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.3: 939-985. |
143873 | The Litigation-Arbitration Dichotomy Meets the Class Action/Richard A. Nagareda, Doriane Lambelet Coleman.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.3: 1069-1129. |
143874 | The Standard for Measuring the Validity of a Federal Rule of Civil Procedure: The Shady Grove Debate between Justices Scalia and Stevens/Allan Ides.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.31: 1041-1067. |
143875 | Where to Put It All Opening the Judicial Road for a Long-Term Solution to the Nation’s Nuclear Waste Program/Tom Kenny.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.3: 1319-1348. |
143876 | Is There Still a Catholic Question in America Reflections on John F. Kennedy’s Speech to the Houston Ministerial Association/Michael W. McConnell.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.4: 1635-1653. |
143877 | Taking Conscience Seriously or Seriously Taking Conscience: Obstetricians, Specialty Boards, and the Takings Clause/Michael A. Fragoso.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.4: 1687-1732. |
143878 | The Case against Institutional Conscience/Spencer L. Durland.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.4: 1655-1686. |
143879 | The Mosaic Theory and Fourth Amendment Law/Benjamin M. Ostrander.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.4: 1733-1766. |
143880 | A Note on Incentives Rights and the Public Domain in Copyright Law/Abraham Drassinower.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.5: 1869-1884. |
143881 | Atypical Inventions/Sean B. Seymore.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.5: 2058-2090. |
143882 | Cloud Cover: Privacy Protections and the Stored Communications Act in the Age of Cloud Computing/Hien Timothy M. Nguyen.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.5: 2189-2218. |
143883 | Considering the Constitutionality of Nonstate Intervenors in Original Jurisdiction Actions/John C. Sullivan.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.5: 2219-2251. |
143884 | Creativity and Cultural Influence in Early Jewish Law/Roberta Rosenthal Kwall.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.5: 1933-1955. |
143885 | Creativity and the Law/Mark P. McKenna.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.5: 1819-1828. |
143886 | Creativity, Improvisation, and Risk: Copyright and Musical Innovation/Olufunmilayo B. Arewa.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.5: 1829-1846. |
143887 | Genius against Copyright: Revisiting Fichte’s Proof of the Illegality of Reprinting/Mario Biagioli.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.5: 1847-1867. |
143888 | Harvesting Intellectual Property: Inspired Beginnings and Work-Makes-Work, Two Stages in the Creative Processes of Artists and Innovators/Jessica Silbey.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.5: 2091-2132. |
143889 | Knowledge Curation/Michael J. Madison.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.5: 1957-1998. |
143890 | Market Structure and Innovation: The Case of Modern Art/David W. Galenson.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.5: 1921-1932. |
143891 | Scary Monsters: Hybrids Mashups and Other Illegitimate Children/Rebecca Tushnet.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.5: 2133-2156. |
143892 | Taking It on the Chenery: Should the Principles of Chenery I Apply in Social Security Disability Cases/Bryan C. Bond.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.5: 2157-2188. |
143893 | The Role of Creativity in Trademark Law/Jeanne C. Fromer.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.5: 1885-1920. |
143894 | The Western Cultural Model of Creativity: Its Influence on Intellectual Property Law/R. Keith Sawyer.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.5: 2027-2056. |
143895 | To Promote the Creative Process: Intellectual Property Law and the Psychology of Creativity/Gregory N. Mandel.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011; Vol.86, No.5: 1999-2026. |
143896 | Collective Action and the Urban Commons/Sheila R. Foster.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.1: 57-133. |
143897 | Corporate Governance of Iconic Executives, The/Tom C. W. Lin.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.1: 352-381. |
143898 | Establishment Clause and Public Universities: Drawing the Constitutional Line between Permissible and Impermissible Support of Religious Student Groups/James E. Mitchell.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.1: 459-489. |
143899 | Hobbs Leviathan: The Dangerous Breadth of the Hobbs Act and Other Corruption Statutes/John S. Gawey.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.1: 383-420. |
143900 | Lost in Transition: The Implications of Social Capital for Higher Education Access/Omari Scott Simmons.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.1: 205-252. |
143901 | Originalism as Popular Constitutionalism: Theoretical Possibilities and Practical Differences/Lee J. Strang.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.1: 253-291. |
143902 | Turning Miranda Right Side Up: Post-Waiver Invocations and the Need to Update the Miranda Warnings/Joshua I. Hammack.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.1: 421-457. |
143903 | Circuit Court Interpretations of Garcetti v. Ceballos and the Development of Public Employee Speech/Thomas Keenan.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.2: 841-877. |
143904 | Government by Contract and the Structural Constitution/Kimberly N. Brown.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.2: 491-535. |
143905 | Judging Judges: Why Strict Scrutiny Resolves the Circuit Split over Judicial Speech Restrictions/Ashna Zaheer.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.2: 879-909. |
143906 | Neither Rules Nor Standards/Steven A. Dean.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.2: 537-583. |
143907 | Rethinking the Intersection of Inheritance and the Law of Tenancy in Common/Sarah E. Waldeck.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.2: 737-775. |
143908 | Solicitation Extortion and the FCPA/Joseph W. Yockey.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.2: 782-839. |
143909 | The Diminishing Returns of Incentive Pay in Executive Compensation Contracts/Andrew C. W. Lund, Gregg D. Polsky.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.2: 677-736. |
143910 | The Law and Economics of the Exclusionary Rule/Tonja Jacobi.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.2: 586-674. |
143911 | A Natural Law Manifesto or an Appeal from the Old Jurisprudence to the New/Hadley Arkes.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.3: 1245-1275. |
143912 | Against Notice Skepticism in Privacy (and Elsewhere)/M. Ryan Calo.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.3: 1027-1072. |
143913 | Commandeering Copyright/Michael E. Kenneally.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.3: 1180-1242. |
143914 | Plight of the Boat People: How to Determine State Obligations to Asylum Seekers/Manasi Raveendran.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.3: 1277-1312. |
143915 | Proportionality in Counterinsurgency: A Relational Theory/Evan J. Criddle.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.3: 1073-1111. |
143916 | What are Equal Terms Anyway/Peter T. Reed.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.3: 1313-1347. |
143917 | A (Modest) Separation of Powers Success Story/Tara Leigh Grove.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.4: 1647-1672. |
143918 | A Call to Reject the Neurological Standard in the Determination of Death and Abandon the Dead Donor Rule/Lauren J. Riley.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.4: 1749-1795. |
143919 | Appellate Courts as First Responders: The Constitutionality and Propriety of Appellate Courts’ Resolving Issues in the First Instance/Joan Steinman.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.4: 1521-1620. |
143920 | Chipping Away at the Illinois Brick Wall: Expanding Exceptions to the Indirect Purchaser Rule/Matthew M. Duffy.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.4: 1709-1748. |
143921 | Evading Legislative Jurisdiction/Austen L. Parrish.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.4: 1673-1707. |
143922 | On the Road Again: The D.C. Circuit Reinvigorates the Work-Product Doctrine in United States v. Deloitte & Touche/Christopher R. Wray.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.4: 1797-1824. |
143923 | The Anti-Messiness Principle in Statutory Interpretation/Anita S. Krishnakumar.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.4: 1465-1520. |
143924 | Transtemporal Separation of Powers in the Law of Precedent/Randy Beck.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.4: 1405-1464. |
143925 | Twombly and Iqbal Reconsidered/Brian T. Fitzpatrick.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.87, No.4: 1621-1646. |
143926 | A Decade of Reversal: The Ninth Circuit’s Record in the Supreme Court through October Term 2010/Diarmuid F. O’Scannlain.- Notre Dame Law Review. Vol.87, No.5: 2165-2178. |
143927 | A Soldier’s-Eye View of the Homefront: Examining Domestic Military Laws through the Lens of Military Doctrine/Joseph Florczak.- Notre Dame Law Review. Vol.87, No.5: 2191-2223. |
143928 | Are Charters Enough Choice School Choice and the Future of Catholic Schools/Nicole Stelle Garnett.- Notre Dame Law Review. Vol.87, No.5: 1891-1916. |
143929 | Enforcement in Kind: Reexamining the Preemption Doctrine in Arizona v. United States/William Hochul.- Notre Dame Law Review. Vol.87, No.5: 2225-2259. |
143930 | Law and Policy Entrepreneurs: Empirical Evidence on the Expansion of School Choice Policy/Michael Heise.- Notre Dame Law Review. Vol.87, No.5: 1917-1939. |
143931 | Multilingualism and Multiculturalism: Transatlantic Discourses on Language, Identity, and Immigrant Schooling/Rosemary C. Salomone.- Notre Dame Law Review. Vol.87, No.5: 2031-2062. |
143932 | The (Un)Foreseen Effects of Abrogating Proximate Causation in CSX Transportation, Inc. v. McBride: The New Role of Foreseeability under FELA and the Jones Act/Kyle W. Ubl.- Notre Dame Law Review. Vol.87, No.5: 2261-2290. |
143933 | The Case for Educational Federalism: Protecting Educational Policy from the National Government’s Diseconomies of Scale/Roderick M. Hills.- Notre Dame Law Review. Vol.87, No.5: 1941-1978. |
143934 | The Federal Role in School Reform: Obama’s Race to the Top/Joseph P. Viteritti.- Notre Dame Law Review. Vol.87, No.5: 2087-2120. |
143935 | The Parental Choice Fallacy in Education Reform Debates/James G. Dwyer.- Notre Dame Law Review. Vol.87, No.5: 1837-1859. |
143936 | A Distinctionless Distinction: why the RCS/ECS Distinction in the Stored Communications Act Does Not Work/Eric R. Hinz.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.1: 489-522. |
143937 | An Economic Analysis of Civil versus Common Law Property/Yun-chien Chang, Henry E. Smith.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.1: 1-55. |
143938 | Benign Partisanship/Franita Tolson.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.1: 395-455. |
143939 | Fostering Free Exercise/Joseph R. Ganahl.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.1: 457-487. |
143940 | Jurisprudence That Necessarily Embodies Moral Judgment: The Eighth Amendment, Catholic Teaching, and Death Penalty Discourse/Kurt M. Denk.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.1: 323-393. |
143941 | Nonincorporation: The Bill of Rights after McDonald v. Chicago/Suja A. Thomas.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.1: 159-204. |
143942 | Overruling Crawford v. Washington: Why and How/David Crump.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.1: 115-157. |
143943 | Picturing Takings/Lee Anne Fennell.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.1: 57-114. |
143944 | Privatizing Workplace Privacy/Paul M. Secunda.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.1: 277-321. |
143945 | The New Intrusion/Jane Yakowitz Bambauer.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.1: 205-275. |
143946 | Doctor’s Orders: A New Prescription for ADHD Medication Abuse/Erinn L. Rigney.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.2: 1033-1059. |
143947 | In Defense of Rayburn House: Why the Supreme Court Should Recognize an Evidentiary Privilege of Non-Disclosure in its Speech or Debate Clause Jurisprudence/Christopher M. Kieser.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.2: 1007-1032. |
143948 | Killing them with Kindness: Examining Consumer-Friendly Arbitration Clauses after AT&T Mobility v. Concepcion/Myriam Gilles.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.2: 825-869. |
143949 | Profiles, Syndromes, and the Rule 405 Problem: Addressing a Form of Disguised Character under the Federal Rules of Evidence/Michael D. Claus.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.2: 973-1005. |
143950 | Regulatory Litigation in the European Union: Does the U.S. Class Action have a New Analogue/S. I. Strong.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.2: 899-971. |
143951 | Rethinking Anti-Aggregation Doctrine/David L. Noll.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.2: 649-696. |
143952 | Still Confronting the Confronting the Consolidation Conundrum/Richard Marcus.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.2: 557-591. |
143953 | The Malleability of Collective Litigation/Shay Lavie.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.2: 697-757. |
143954 | Incentivizing Local Reform and Urban Renewal during an Economic Crisis/Christian J. Ascunce.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.3: 1491-1520. |
143955 | Preemption as Inverse Negligence Per Se/Michael P. Moreland.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.3: 1249-1289. |
143956 | The Market Power Model of Contract Formation: How Outmoded Economic Theory Still Distorts Antitrust Doctrine/Alan J. Meese.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.3: 1291-1370. |
143957 | The Plight of the Secular Paradigm/Steven D. Smith.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.3: 1409-1456. |
143958 | The Pyrrhic Victory of American Higher Education: Bubbles, Lemons, and Revolution/Jonathan Noble Edel.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.3: 1543-1580. |
143959 | The Tort Foundation of Duty of Care and Business Judgment/Robert J. Rhee.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.3: 1139-1198. |
143960 | Virtue Jurisprudence and the American Constitution/Timothy Cantu.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.3: 1521-1542. |
143961 | Optimizing English and American Security Interests/Lynn M. LoPucki, Arvin I. Abraham, Bernd P. Delahaye.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.4: 1785-1863. |
143962 | Sustained Dissent and the Extended Deliberative Process/Jon G. Heintz.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.4: 1939-1990. |
143963 | Time-Bars: Rico-Criminal and Civil Federal and State/G. Robert Blakey.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.4: 1581-1783. |
143964 | Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen: The Potential Concerns of Finding More Parents and Fewer Legal Strangers in California’s Recently-Proposed Multiple-Parents Bill/Elizabeth A. Pfenson.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.4: 2023-2063. |
143965 | Gridlock and Senate Rules/John C. Roberts.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.5: 2189-2215. |
143966 | Gridlock, Legislative Supramecy and the Problem of Arbitrary Inaction/Michael J. Teter.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.5: 2217-2232. |
143967 | Legislative Gridlock and Nonpartisan Staff/George K. Yin.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.5: 2287-2321. |
143968 | Mandatory National Service: Creating Generations of Civic Minded Citizens/Andrew M. Pauwels.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.5: 2597-2625. |
143969 | New Governance and Industry Culture/Karen Bradshaw Schulz.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.5: 2515-2550. |
143970 | Senate Gridlock and Federal Judicial Selection/Carl Tobias.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.5: 2233-2266. |
143971 | The Court-Packing Plan as Symptom, Casualty, and Cause of Gridlock/Barry Cushman.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.5: 2089-2106. |
143972 | The Union as a Safeguard against Faction: Congressional Gridlock as State Empowerment/Franita Tolson.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.5: 2267-2286. |
143973 | Treading Water while Congress Ignores the Nation’s Environment/Sandra Zellmer.- Notre Dame Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.88, No.5: 2323-2398. |