تازههای کتابهای خارجی اسفندماه 96
.NO |
.LC NO |
4148 | HQ 16 .P35 2012, DB4827 | Gender in Philosophy and Law/ Laura Palazzani.- Dordrecht: Springer, 2012. |
4149 | KBP 920 .S25 2013, DB4828 | Islamic Commercial Law/ Muhammad Yusuf Saleem.- Singapore: John Wiley & Sons Singapore Pte. Ltd, 2013. |
4150 | K 235 .A78 2013, DB4829 | Leibniz: Logico-Philosophical Puzzles in the Law: Philosophical Questions and Perplexing Cases in the Law/ Editors Alberto Artosi, Bernardo Pieri, Giovanni Sartor.- Dordrecht: Springer, 2013. |
4151 | K 5077 .L68 2012, DB4830 | Manifest Madness: Mental Incapacity in the Criminal Law/ Arlie Loughnan.- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. |
4152 | KZA 1145 .K58 2011, DB4831 | Maritime Security and the Law of the Sea/ Natalie Klein.- Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. |
4153 | KD 3146 .F73 2010, DB4818 | Master and Servant Law: Chartists, Trade Unions, Radical Lawyers and the Magistracy in England, 1840-1865/ Christopher Frank.- Farnham; Burlington: Ashgate, 2010. |
4154 | K 4240 .L45 2014, DB4819 | Media Law and Ethics in the 21st Century: Protecting Free Expression and Curbing Abuses/ Edited by James Lewis, Paul Crick.- Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. |
4155 | KD 1583 .B43 2012, DB4820 | Mistake and non-disclosure of facts: models for English contract law/ Hugh Beale.- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. |
4156 | KNQ 683 .S74 2012, DB4821 | Modern Chinese Real Estate Law: Property Development in an Evolving Legal System/ Gregory M. Stein.- Farnham; Burlington: Ashgate, 2012. |
4157 | KZ 3410 .N485 2012, DB4822 | New Approaches to International Law: The European and the American Experiences/ Jose Maria Beneyto, David Kennedy, editors; Justo Corti Varela, John Haskell, assistant editors.- Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press; Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2012. |
4158 | KD 3310 .G743 2010, DB4823 | Pauper Capital: London and the Poor Law, 1790-1870/ David R. Green.- Farnham; Burlington: Ashgate, 2010. |
4159 | K 230 .A367 M87 2007, DB4824 | Philosophy of Law/ Mark C. Murphy.- Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2007. |
4160 | KZ 7150 .G76 2013, DB4825 | Humanity’s Children: ICC Jurisprudence and the Failure to Address the Genocidal Forcible Transfer of Children/ Sonja C. Grover.- Heidelberg: Springer, 2013. |
4161 | KZ 3410 I58 2013, DB4826 | International Courts and the Development of International Law: Essays in Honour of Tullio Treves/ Nerina Boschiero … [et al.].- Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press; Heidelberg: Springer, 2013. |
4162 | JZ 1570 .M34 2008, DB4837 | The search for a common European foreign and security policy: leaders, cognitions and questions of institutional viability/ Akan Malici.- New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. |
4163 | JQ 1851 .A91H45 2012, DB4838 | The Arab Spring: will it lead to democratic transitions?/ Clement Henry, Jang Ji-Hyang.- New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. |
4164 | DS 554.8 .K76 2013, DB4839 | Armed groups in Cambodian civil war: territorial control, rivalry, and recruitment/ Yuichi Kubota.- New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. |
4165 | HV 9104 .G68 2000, DB4840 | Schools and delinquency/ Denise C. Gottfredson.- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. |
4166 | JZ 1306 .P75 2008, DB4841 | Moral Limit and Possibility in World Politics/ Richard M. Price.- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. |
4167 | JZ 1570 .L44 2011, DB4842 | The politics of the European Union/ Herman Lelieveldt, Sebastiaan Princen.- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. |
4168 | KD 3410 .E88 G66 2013, DB4832 | A Good Death? Law and Ethics in Practice/ Edited by Lynn Hagger, Simon Woods.- Farnham; Burlington: Ashgate, 2013. |
4169 | K 5015 .4 .H3448 2010, DB4833 | A Modern Treatise on the Principle of Legality in Criminal Law/ Gabriel Hallevy.- Heidelberg: Springer, 2010. |
4170 | KF 4757 .5 .A75 C43 2013, DB4834 | A Race So Different: Performance and Law in Asian America/ Joshua Takano Chambers-Letson.- New york; London: New York University Press, 2013. |
4171 | KJE 6456 .L67 2013, DB4835 | An Introduction to EU Competition Law/ Moritz Lorenz, Section on the Economic Foundations of EU Competition Law contributed by Julia Dietrich.- Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013. |
4172 | KZ 6530 .I58 2013, DB4836 | An Introduction to International Refugee Law/ Edited by Rafiqul Islam, Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan.- Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV, 2013. |
4173 | K 2261 .H6 2008, DB4843 | A Philosophy of Evidence Law: Justice in the Search for Truth/ H L Ho.- Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. |
4174 | K 5001 .R62 2008, DB4844 | An Introduction to Comparative Legal Models of Criminal Justice/ Cliff Roberson, Dilip K. Das.- Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2008. |
4175 | K 3830 .K58 2013, DB4846 | Applicable Law in Investor State Arbitration: The Interplay Between National and International Law/ Hege Elisabeth Kjos.- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. |
4176 | KZ 6385 .M37 2013, DB4847 | Armed Conflict and International Law: In Search of the Human Face: Liber Amicorum in Memory of Avril McDonald/ Marielle Matthee, Brigit Toebes, Marcel Brus, editors.- The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2013. |
4177 | KU 1100 .D38 2008, DB4848 | Australian Intellectual Property Law/ Mark J. Davison, Ann L. Monotti, Leanne Wiseman.- Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. |
4178 | HF 5686 .B3 N49 2009, DB4849 | Bankruptcy and Insolvency Accounting: Forms and Exhibits, Volume 2/ Grant W. Newton.- 7th edition.- Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2009. |
4179 | HF 5686 .B3 N49 2009, DB4850 | Bankruptcy and Insolvency Accounting: Practice and Procedure, Volume 1/ Grant W. Newton.- 7th edition.- Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2009. |
4180 | KD 7869 .6 .C368 2013, DB4851 | Beginning Criminal Law/ Claudia Carr, Maureen Johnson.- Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge, 2013. |
4181 | KF 889 .C43 2012, DB4852 | Business Law: Text and Cases: Legal, Ethical, Global, and Corporate Environment/ Kenneth W. Clarkson, Roger LeRoy Miller, Frank B. Cross.- 12th edition.- Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2012. |
4182 | KF 3735 .C45 2013, DB4854 | Child Abuse, Family Rights, and the Child Protective System: A Critical Analysis from Law, Ethics, and Catholic Social Teaching/ edited by Stephen M. Krason.- Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, 2013. |
4183 | HD 6250 .U3 R67 2013, DB4855 | Child Labor in America: A History/ Chaim M. Rosenberg.- Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, 2013. |
4184 | K 3585 .C459 2008, DB4856 | China And International Environmental Liability: Legal Remedies for Transboundary Pollution/ edited by Michael Faure, Song Ying.- Cheltenham; Northampton: Edward Elgar, 2008. |
4185 | KNQ 500 .C45 2013, DB4857 | Chinese Civil Law/ edited by Yuanshi Bu.- Munchen: C. H. Beck; Portland: Hart Publishing; Nomos, 2013. |
4186 | KNQ 3550 .R52 2013, DB4858 | Chinese Tax Law and International Treaties/ Lorenzo Riccardi.- Heidelberg: Springer, 2013. |
4187 | KF 3024 .C6 J35 2009, DB4859 | CISG Methodology/ edited by Andre Janssen, Olaf Meyer.- Munich: Sellier European Law Publishers, 2009. |
4188 | KD 1629 .B87 2011, DB4860 | Commercial Litigation: The Consequences of Breach of Contract – Damages and Other Remedies/ Rachel Burnett.- London: Thorogood Publishing, 2011. |
4189 | KJE 6456 .R625 2009, DB4861 | Competition Law and Policy in the EC and UK/ Barry J. Rodger, Angus MacCulloch.- 4th Edition.- Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge-Cavendish, 2009. |
4190 | JN 30 .S356 2009, DB4845 | Conflict, Negotiation and European Union Enlargement/ Christina J. Schneider.- Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. |
4191 | HQ 767 .5 .U5 M42 2008, DB4862 | Abortion in the United States: A Reference Handbook/ Dorothy E. McBride.- Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2008. |
4192 | K 133 .A33 2007, DB4863 | Access to Justice as a Human Right/ edited by Francesco Francioni.- Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. |
4193 | KF 384 .K83 2006, DB4864 | Adversarial Justice: America’s Court System on Trial/ Theodore L. Kubicek.- New York: Algora Publishing, 2006. |
4194 | KF 9625 .P38 2007, DB4865 | Beyond the Law: The Bush Administration’s Unlawful Responses in the ”War” on Terror/ Jordan J. Paust.- Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007. |
4195 | KF 8964 .I84 2006, DB4866 | Business Principles for Legal Nurse Consultants/ Edited by Patricia W Iyer, Jan Aken, Kathie W Condon.- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2006. |
4196 | KF 801 .K74 2007, DB4867 | Calculating Promises: The Emergence of Modern American Contract Doctrine/ Roy Kreitner.- Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2007. |
4197 | KD 1715 .N44 2008, DB4868 | Capital Markets Law and Compliance: The Implications of MiFID/ Paul Nelson.- Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. |
4198 | BD 541 .K5713 2006, DB4869 | Causation and Laws of Nature/ Max Kistler.- Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge, 2006. |
4199 | HV 741 .M928 2006, DB4870 | Child Protection in America: Past, Present, and Future/ John E. B. Myers.- Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. |
4200 | KD 780 .W535 2006, DB4883 | Child Support: Law And Policy/ Nick Wikeley.- Portland: Hart Publishing, 2006. |
4201 | HQ 789 .C453 2006, DB4884 | Children’s Health and Children’s Rights/ edited by Michael Freeman.- Leiden; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2006. |
4202 | K 639 .A41989 H47 2006, DB4885 | The Right to Freedom of Expression/ by Herdis Thorgeirsdottir.- Leiden; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2006. |
4203 | K 1005 .R52 2005, DB4886 | Commercial Contracts: Drafting Techniques and Precedents/ Robert Ribeiro.- London: Thorogood Publishing, 2005. |
4204 | HD 62 .6 .H66 2010, DB4887 | Comparative Corporate Governance of Non-Profit Organizations/ Edited by Klaus J Hopt, Thomas von Hippel.- Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. |
4205 | HD 30 .28 .M3815 2002, DB4888 | Competitive Solutions: The Strategist’s Toolkit/ R. Preston McAfee.- Princeton; Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2002. |
4206 | K 87 .C64 2008, DB4889 | Computable Models of the Law: Languages, Dialogues, Games, Ontologies/ editors Pompeu Casanovas … [et al.].- Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2008. |
4207 | R 727 .36 .L95 2008, DB4890 | Conflicts of Conscience in Health Care: An Institutional Compromise/ Holly Fernandez Lynch.- Cambridge; London: The MIT Press, 2008. |
4208 | HF 5387 .C65 2005, DB4891 | Conflicts of Interest: Challenges and Solutions in Business, Law, Medicine, and Public Policy/ Edited by Don A. Moore … [et al.].- Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005. |
4209 | KD 3989 .B374 2013, DB4893 | Constitutional and Administrative Law/ Hilaire Barnett.- 10th edition.- Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge, 2013. |
4210 | KF 4550 .R62 2009, DB4894 | Constitutional Law and Criminal Justice/ Cliff Roberson.- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2009. |
4211 | K 1096 .A6 C66 2009, DB4895 | Consumer Credit, Debt and Bankruptcy: Comparative and International Perspectives/ edited by Johanna Niemi, Iain Ramsay, William C. Whitford.- Oxford; Portland: Hart Publishing, 2009. |
4212 | KD 1554 .A944 2011, DB4896 | Contract Law/ Neil Andrews.- Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011. |
4213 | KJC 1764 .C66 2008, DB4897 | Contracts for a Third-Party Beneficiary: A Historical and Comparative Account/ edited by Jan Hallebeek, Harry Dondorp.- Leiden; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2008. |
4214 | JC 423 .F73 2015, DB4871 | Democracy promotion by functional cooperation: the European Union and its neighbourhood/ Tina Freyburg… [et al.].- New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. |
4215 | HQ 789 .M54 2015, DB4872 | Rights of the child: 25 years after the adoption of the un convention/ Brian Milne.- Switzerland: Springer, 2015. |
4216 | HD 5164 .5 .D44 2009, DB4873 | Comparative analyses of operating hours and working times in the European Union/ editors Lei Delsen… [et al.].- Heidelberg; London: Physica-Verlag, 2009. |
4217 | JZ 1305 .S35 2014, DB4874 | Corbett Centre for Maritime Policy Studies Series: Maritime Power in the Black Sea/ Deborah Sanders.- Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Group, 2014. |
4218 | JZ 1310 .L35 2009, DB4875 | Hierarchy in international relations/ David A. Lake.- Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2009. |
4219 | HV 9950 .H35 2005, DB4876 | Crime and punishment in America/ Sharon M. Hanes, Sarah Hermsen.- United States: Thomson Gale, 2005. |
4220 | JZ 5333 .5 .A84 2012, DB4877 | Asean sovereignty and intervention in southeast asia/ Lee Jones.- Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. |
4221 | JZ 1305 .H34 2007, DB4878 | The constitutional politics of civilizational identity: the production and reproduction of ‘civilizations’ in international relations/ Martin Hall, Patrick Thaddeus Jackson.- Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. |
4222 | HV 6431 .R665 2006, DB4879 | The roots of terrorism/ edited by Louise Richardson.- New York: Routledge, 2006. |
4223 | JZ 1680 .I73 2012, DB4880 | Iran and the international system/ edited by Anoushiravan Ehteshami and Reza Molavi.- London: Routledge, 2012. |
4224 | TL 794 .7 .G34 2015, DB4881 | Commercial space exploration/ Jai C. Galliott.- Burlington: Ashgat, 2015. |
4225 | KZ 4316 .G74 2010, DB4882 | Conflict in the Caucasus: implications for international legal order/ James A. Green, Christopher P. M. Waters.- New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. |
4244 | HB 523 .F58 2004, DB4928 | A Short History of Distributive Justice/ Samuel Fleischacker.- Cambridge; London: Harvard University Press, 2004. |
4245 | K 923 .S5 1987, DB4929 | Economic Analysis of Accident Law/ Steven Shavell.- Cambridge; London: Harvard University Press, 1987. |
4246 | KD 3600 .H37 2007, DB4930 | Education, Law And Diversity/ Neville Harris.- Oxford; Portland: Hart Publishing, 2007. |
4247 | KF 801 .B874 2009, DB4931 | Elements of Contract Interpretation/ Steven J. Burton.- Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. |
4248 | K 346 .N43 2008, DB4932 | Emotion and the Law: Psychological Perspectives/ Brian H. Borstein, Richard L. Wiener, editors.- New York: Springer, 2010. |
4249 | KD 3009 .C648 2010, DB4933 | Employment Law/ Hugh Collins.- 2nd edition.- Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. |
4250 | K 346 .E53 2008, DB4934 | Encyclopedia of Psychology and Law, Volum 1 and 2/ Brian L. Cutler, editor.- Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 2008. |
4251 | K 3791 .F73 2013, DB4935 | Enforcing International Cultural Heritage Law/ Edited by Francesco Francioni, James Gordley.- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. |
4252 | K 5256 .B53 2004, DB4936 | Enforcing International Law Norms Against Terrorism/ edited by Andrea Bianchi, with the editorial assistance of Yasmin Naqvi.- Oxford; Portland: Hart Publishing, 2004. |
4253 | KF 3775 .C37 2014, DB4937 | Environmental Health Law: An Introduction/ Russellyn S. Carruth, Bernard D. Goldstein.- San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2014. |
4254 | KD 674 .E658 2010, DB4938 | Equity and Trusts 2010-2011.- 7th edition.- Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge, 2010. |
4255 | KF 889 .M35 2010, DB4939 | Essentials of Business Law and the Legal Environment/ Richard A. Mann, Barry S. Roberts.- 10th edition.- Boston: Cengage Learning, 2010. |
4256 | JZ 4995 .D35 2010, DB4898 | United Nations Reform and the New Collective Security/ Peter G. Danchin, Horst Fischer.- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. |
4257 | GV 721 .5 .B42 2012, DB4899 | International diplomacy and the Olympic movement: the new mediators/ Aaron Beacom.- New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. |
4258 | HM 671 .C67 2010, DB4918 | Transnational social justice/ Carlos R. Cordourier Real.- Basingstoke, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. |
4259 | JZ 5665 .S44 2014, DB4919 | Strategic nuclear sharing/ Julian Schofield.- Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. |
4260 | HD 2741 .D45 2010, DB4920 | Corporate Security Responsibility?: Corporate Governance Contributions to Peace and Security in Zones of Conflict/ Nicole Deitelhoff, Klaus Dieter Wolf.- Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. |
4261 | KZ 1266 .M54 2015, DB4921 | Human rights protection in global politics: responsibilities of states and non-state actors/ edited by Kurt Mills, David Karp.- Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. |
4262 | JX 1395 .C5F4 2017, DB4922 | Shifting power in Asia-Pacific?: the rise of China, Sino-US competition and regional middle power allegiance/ Enrico Fels.- Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2017. |
4263 | UA 853 .I5R8 2013, DB4923 | The politics of military reform experiences from Indonesia and Nigeria/ Jurgen Ruuland, Maria-Gabriela Manea, Hans Born.- New York: Springer, 2013. |
4264 | KZ 6515 .S45 2015, DB4924 | Civilian protection in armed conflicts: evolution, challenges, and implementation/ Robert Schutte.- Wiesbaden: Springer, 2015. |
4265 | KZ 3925 .K68 2015, DB4925 | Non-state justice institutions and the law: decision-making at the interface of Tradition, Religion and the State/ Matthias Kotter, Tilmann J. Roder, Gunnar Folke Schuppert, Rudiger Wolfrum.- Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. |
4266 | JZ 1242 .N38 2014, DB4926 | Guide to the English school in international studies/ Cornelia Navari, Daniel M. Green.- Malden: wiley-blackwell, 2014. |
4267 | KZ 5662 .25 .G55 2006, DB4927 | The last battle of the Cold War: an inside account of negotiating the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty/ Maynard W. Glitman, William F. Burns.- Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. |
4268 | HD 95 .2 .A2C3 2012, DB4940 | International development policy: aid, emerging economies and global policies/ Gilles Carbonnier.- Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. |
4269 | KD 3071 .C36 2003, DB4941 | ADR in Employment Law/ Chris Chapman, Jerry Gibson, Stephen Hardy.- London; Portland: Cavendish, 2003. |
4270 | KF 8790 .P33 2003, DB4942 | Between Law and Politics: The Solicitor General and the Structuring of Race, Gender, and Reproductive Rights Litigation/ Richard L. Pacelle.- Texas A&M University Press, 2003. |
4271 | K 559 .M369 2003, DB4943 | Comparative Law in the Courtroom and Classroom: The Story of the Last Thirty-Five Years/ Basil Markesinis; foreword by the Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers.- Oxford; Portland: Hart Publishing, 2003. |
4272 | JZ 6010 .C65 2003, DB4944 | Conflict Prevention: Path to Peace or Grand Illusion?/ edited by David Carment, Albrecht Schnabel.- Tokyo; New York: United Nations University Press, 2003. |
4273 | K 487 .E3 M528 2004, DB4945 | Economic Approach to Law/ Thomas J. Miceli.- Stanford: Stanford Economics and Finance, 2004. |
4274 | KD 3009 .E456 2004, DB4946 | Employment Law.- 4th Edition.- London; Portland: Cavendish Publishing, 2004. |
4275 | KJE 6577 .B46 2013, DB4947 | EU Consumer Law and Human Rights/ Iris Benohr.- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. |
4276 | KJC 2432 .A53 2009, DB4948 | European Comparative Company Law/ Mads Andenas, Frank Wooldridge.- Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. |
4277 | UA 646 .D98 2013, DB4949 | European Defence Cooperation in EU Law and IR Theory/ Tom Dyson, Theodore Konstadinides.- Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. |
4278 | KJC 2851 .L45 2010, DB4950 | EU Employment Law: A Practical Guide/ Patricia Leighton.- London: Thorogood, 2010. |
4279 | KJE 6227 .E87 2013, DB4951 | European Law and New Health Technologies/ edited by Mark L Flear … [et al.].- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. |
4280 | K 349 .G85 2007, DB4952 | Exploiting the Limits of Law: Swedish Feminism and the Challenge to Pessimism/ Edited by Asa Gunnarsson, Eva-Maria Svensson, Margaret Davies.- Hampshire; Burlington: Ashgate, 2007. |
4281 | BL 65 .L33 F35 2008, DB4953 | Faith and Law: How Religious Traditions from Calvinism to Islam View American Law/ edited by Robert F. Cochran.- New York; London: New York University Press, 2008. |
4282 | K 670 .E334 2006, DB4954 | Family Law and Personal Life/ John Eekelaar.- Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. |
4283 | KF 730 .F728 2011, DB4955 | Fiduciary Law/ Tamar Frankel.- Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. |
4284 | HD 9502 .E852G6 2016, DB4956 | EU Leadership in Energy and Environmental Governance: Global and Local Challenges and Responses/ Jakub M. Godzimirski.- New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. |
4285 | HD 9526 .P16W58 2013, DB4957 | Governing global production: resource networks in the Asia-Pacific Steel Industry/ Jeffrey D. Wilson.- Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. |
4286 | HF 1413 .M33 2013, DB4958 | Trade policy of emerging powers: strategic choices of brazil and india/ Laura Carsten Mahrenbach.- Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. |
4287 | JZ 1318 .W67 2009, DB4959 | Globalization and the new semi-peripheries/ Owen Worth, Phoebe V. Moore.- Basingstoke, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. |
4288 | JZ 1480 .B76 2013, DB4960 | The future of US global power: delusions of decline/ Stuart Scott Brown.- Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. |
4289 | HF 1359 .S55 2011, DB4961 | Critical international political economy: dialogue, debate and dissensus/ Stuart Shields, Ian Bruff, Huw Macartney.- New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. |
4290 | HG 4538 .T462 2011, DB4962 | Investment incentives and the global competition for capital/ Kenneth P. Thomas.- Basingstoke, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. |
4291 | JZ 1306 .P56 2010, DB4963 | Universality, ethics and international relations: a grammatical reading/ Veronique Pin-Fat.- London, New York: Routledge, 2010. |
4292 | HV 8693 .C67 2004, DB4964 | Responsibility and Punishment: Revised Second Edition/ J. Angelo Corlett.- Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2004, 2004. |
4293 | HV 6025 .V35 1983, DB4965 | Prospective Studies of Crime and Delinquency/ Katherine Teilmann Dusen, Sarnoff A. Mednick.- Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1983. |
4294 | JZ 1313 .V56 2009, DB4966 | Armed groups and the balance of power :the international relations of terrorists, warlords and insurgents/ Anthony Vinci.- New York: Routledge, 2009. |
4295 | JQ 1828 .A98, DB4967, DB4967 | Hezbollah, islamist politics, and international society/ Filippo Dionigi.- New York: Palgrave Macmillan. |
4296 | HV 640 .P84 2016, DB4968 | Rethinking International Protection: The Sovereign, the State, the Refugee/ Raffaela Puggioni.- new york: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. |
4297 | KZ 4080 .C72 2010, DB4969 | The law of international responsibility/ edited by James Crawford, Alain Pellet, Simon Olleson.- New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. |