تازههای مقالات خارجی آبان 98
NO. |
76230 | Is It Safe To Drink The Water?/James Salzman.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2008-2009; Vol.19, No.1: 1-42. |
76231 | Moonshine To Motorfuel: Tax Incentives For Fuel Ethanol/Roberta F. Mann, Mona L. Hymel.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2008-2009; Vol.19, No.1: 43-79. |
76232 | Everybody Loves Trees: Policing American Cities Through Street Trees/Irus Braverman.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2008-2009; Vol.19, No.1: 81-118. |
76233 | United States v. Atlantic Research Corp.: Who Should Pay To Clean Up Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites?/Aaron Gershonowitz.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2008-2009; Vol.19, No.1: 119-154. |
76234 | Political Questions: An Invasive Species Infecting The Courts/Philip Weinberg.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2008-2009; Vol.19, No.1: 155-164. |
76235 | The Dirt On International Environmental Law Regarding Soils: Is The Existing Regime Adequate?/Alexandra M. Wyatt.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2008-2009; Vol.19, No.1: 165-207. |
76236 | Paving the Legal Path for Carbon Sequestration from Coal/Victor B. Flatt.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2008-2009; Vol.19, No.2: 211-246. |
76237 | International Climate Negotiations: Opportunities and Challenges for the Obama Administration/David B. Hunter.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2008-2009; Vol.19, No.2: 247-274. |
76238 | Keeping the Endangered Species Act Relevant/J. B. Ruhl.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2008-2009; Vol.19, No.2: 275-293. |
76239 | Greening Demand: Energy Consumption and U.S. Climate Policy/Noah M. Sachs.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2008-2009; Vol.19, No.2: 295-319. |
76240 | Saving the Rainforests of the Sea: An Analysis of International Efforts to Conserve Coral Reefs/Marjorie Mulhall.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2008-2009; Vol.19, No.2: 321-351. |
76241 | Environmental Enforcement and the Limits of Cooperative Federalism: Will Courts Allow Citizen Suits to Pick Up the Slack/Will Reisinger, Trent A. Dougherty, Nolan Moser.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010; Vol.20, No.1: 1-61. |
76242 | State Fish Stocking Programs at Risk: Takings Under the Endangered Species Act/Amy L. Stein.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010; Vol.20, No.1: 63-86. |
76243 | A Green Solution to Climate Change: The Hybrid Approach to Crediting Reductions in Tropical Deforestation/Randall S. Abate, Todd A. Wright.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010; Vol.20, No.1: 87-124. |
76244 | Fire and Ice: World Renewable Energy and Carbon Control Mechanisms Confront Constitutional Barriers/Steven Ferrey, Chad Laurent, Cameron Ferrey.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010; Vol.20, No.1: 125-202. |
76245 | Being All It Can Be: A Solution to Improve the Department of Defense’s Overseas Environmental Policy/Margot Laporte.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010; Vol.20, No.1: 203-244. |
76246 | A Green Road to Development: Environmental Regulations and Developing Countries in the WTO/Jonathan Skinner.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010; Vol.20, No.1: 245-269. |
76247 | Ecosystem Services and Federal Public Lands: Start-up Policy Questions and Research Needs/J. B. Ruhl.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010; Vol.20, No.2: 275-290. |
76248 | The State and Regional Role in Developing Ecosystem Service Markets/Gail L. Achterman, Robert Mauger.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010; Vol.20, No.2: 291-337. |
76249 | Ecosystem Services and the Value of Land/Adam I. Davis.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010; Vol.20, No.2: 339-384. |
76250 | The Role of Federal Policy in Establishing Ecosystem Service Markets/Laurie A. Wayburn, Anton A. Chiono.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010; Vol.20, No.2: 385-415. |
76251 | Additionality: The Next Step for Ecosystem Service Markets/Karen Bennett.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010; Vol.20, No.2: 417-438. |
76252 | Poisoning the Poor for Profit: The Injustice of Exporting Electronic Waste to Developing Countries/Eric V. Hull.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010-2011; Vol.21, No.1: 1-47. |
76253 | The Fluid Nature of Property Rights in Water/Shelley Ross Saxer.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010-2011; Vol.21, No.1: 49-112. |
76254 | Ecology Comes of Age: NEPA’s Lost Mandate/Sam Kalen.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010-2011; Vol.21, No.1: 113-163. |
76255 | Zoo Registrars: A Bewildering Bureaucracy/Irus Braverman.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010-2011; Vol.21, No.1: 165-206. |
76256 | The EPA at 40: An Historical Perspective/Richard N. L. Andrews.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010-2011; Vol.21, No.2: 223-258. |
76257 | Environmental Health Science for Regulatory Decisionmaking/Linda S. Birnbaum, Paul Jung, Sheila A. Newton.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010-2011; Vol.21, No.2: 259-293. |
76258 | EPA at 40: Reflections on the Office of Research and Development/Bernard D. Goldstein.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010-2011; Vol.21, No.2: 295-308. |
76259 | Limited Oversight: The Role of the Federal Courts Vis-a-Vis the Environmental Protection Agency in Air Pollution Control Under the Clean Air Act/David T. Buente, William E. Gerard, Joel F. Visser.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010-2011; Vol.21, No.2: 309-345. |
76260 | How REINS Would Improve Environmental Protection/David Schoenbrod.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010-2011; Vol.21, No.2: 347-365. |
76261 | Innovation in the Auto Industry: The Role of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Sanya Carley, Natalie Messer Betts, John D. Graham.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010-2011; Vol.21, No.2: 367-399. |
76262 | Macro-Risks: The Challenge for Rational Risk Regulation/Michael P. Vandenbergh, Jonathan A. Gilligan.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010-2011; Vol.21, No.2: 401-431. |
76263 | A Brave New Jungle: Factory Farming and Advocacy in the Twenty-First Century/James I. Pearce.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010-2011; Vol.21, No.2: 433-467. |
76264 | The Viability of Interstate Collaboration in the Absence of Federal Climate Change Legislation/H. Joseph Drapalski.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2010-2011; Vol.21, No.2: 469-493. |
76265 | The Limits of Liability in Promoting Safe Geologic Sequestration of CO2/David E. Adelman, Ian J. Duncan.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2011-2012; Vol.22, No.1: 1-66. |
76266 | Innovations in Governance: A Functional Typology of Private Governance Institutions/Tracey M. Roberts.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2011-2012; Vol.22, No.1: 67-144. |
76267 | An Ecosystem-Based Approach to Slowing the Synergistic Effects of Invasive Species and Climate Change/David A. Strifling.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2011-2012; Vol.22, No.1: 145-193. |
76268 | Wind Turbine Wakes, Wake Effect Impacts, and Wind Leases: Using Solar Access Laws as the Model for Capitalizing on Wind Rights During the Evolution of Wind Policy Standards/Kimberly E. Diamond, Ellen J. Crivella.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2011-2012; Vol.22, No.1: 195-244. |
76269 | Environmental and Social Implications of Hydraulic Fracturing and Gas Drilling in the United States: An Integrative Workshop for the Evaluation of the State of Science and Policy/Workshop Report.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2011-2012; Vol.22, No.2: 245-255. |
76270 | Considering Shale Gas Extraction in North Carolina: Lessons from Other States/Sarah K. Adair … [et al.].- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2011-2012; Vol.22, No.2: 257-301. |
76271 | Can Volunteers Pick Up the Slack? Efforts to Remedy Knowledge Gaps About the Watershed Impacts of Marcellus Shale Gas Development/Abby J. Kinchy, Simona L. Perry.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2011-2012; Vol.22, No.2: 303-339. |
76272 | Factual Causation: The Missing Link in Hydraulic Fracture – Groundwater Contamination Litigation/Jeffrey C. King, Jamie Lavergne Bryan, Meredith Clark.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2011-2012; Vol.22, No.2: 341-360. |
76273 | Fracturing Regulation Applied/Hannah Wiseman.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2011-2012; Vol.22, No.2: 361-384. |
76274 | Protecting Pennsylvania’s Three Rivers’ Water Resources from Shale Gas Development Impacts/Jennifer Hayes.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2011-2012; Vol.22, No.2: 385-408. |
76275 | Introduction: Legal Scholarship, the Disaster Cycle, and the Fukushima Accident/Daniel A. Farber.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2012-2013; Vol.23, No.1: 1-21. |
76276 | Disaster Justice: The Geography of Human Capability/Robert R.M. Verchick.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2012-2013; Vol.23, No.1: 23-71. |
76277 | Disaster Mythology and Availability Cascades/Lisa Grow Sun.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2012-2013; Vol.23, No.1: 73-92. |
76278 | The End Game of Deregulation: Myopic Risk Management and The Next Catastrophe/Thomas O. McGarity, Rena I. Steinzor.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2012-2013; Vol.23, No.1: 93-149. |
76279 | United States Flood Control Policy: The Incomplete Transition From the Illusion of Total Protection to Risk Management/A. Dan Tarlock.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2012-2013; Vol.23, No.1: 151-183. |
76280 | Insurance Against Catastrophe: Government Stimulation of Insurance Markets for Catastrophic Events/Veronique Bruggeman, Michael Faure, Tobias Heldt.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2012-2013; Vol.23, No.1: 185-241. |
76281 | Bumper-Sticker Debates: An Introduction to the Symposium Conservative Visions of our Environmental Future/David Roche, Sara Dewey.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2012-2013; Vol.23, No.2: 243-245. |
76282 | Putting Free Enterprise to Work: A Conservative Vision of Our Environmental Future/Bob Inglis.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2012-2013; Vol.23, No.2: 247-252. |
76283 | Conservative Principles for Environmental Reform/Jonathan H. Adler.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2012-2013; Vol.23, No.2: 253-280. |
76284 | A Conservative Approach to Environmental Law: Be Data Driven/Shi-Ling Hsu.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2012-2013; Vol.23, No.2: 281-289. |
76285 | Public Wildlife on Private Land: Unifying the Split Estate to Enhance Trust Resources/Reed Watson.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2012-2013; Vol.23, No.2: 291-321. |
76286 | The Wind Production Tax Credit and the Case for Ending All Energy Subsidies/Nicolas Loris.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2012-2013; Vol.23, No.2: 323-349. |
76287 | Strange Bedfellows: SmarterSafer.Org and the Biggert-Waters Act of 2012/Eli Lehrer.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2012-2013; Vol.23, No.2: 351-361. |
76288 | Teaching Policy Instrument Choice in Environmental Law: The Five P’s/James Salzman.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2012-2013; Vol.23, No.2: 363-376. |
76289 | Bound and Gagged: Potential First Amendment Challenges to Ag-Gag Laws/Jessalee Landfried.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2012-2013; Vol.23, No.2: 377-403. |
76290 | Balancing Hydraulic Fracturing’s Environmental and Economic Impacts: The Need for a Comprehensive Federal Baseline and the Provision of Local Rights/Adam Garmezy.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2012-2013; Vol.23, No.2: 405-439. |
76291 | The Importance of Being Factual: The U.S., China, and the Future of the Kyoto Protocol/Aarthi S. Anand.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2013-2014; Vol.24, No.1: 1-88. |
76292 | The Role of China’s Banking Sector in Providing Green Finance/Yuwen Bai, Michael Faure, Jing Liu.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2013-2014; Vol.24, No.1: 89-140. |
76293 | The Role of Civil Society in Environmental Governance in the United States and China/Robert V. Percival, Zhao Huiyu.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2013-2014; Vol.24, No.1: 141-182. |
76294 | The Elaborate Paper Tiger: Environmental Enforcement and the Rule of Law in China/Erin Ryan.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2013-2014; Vol.24, No.1: 183-239. |
76295 | The Wal-Mart Effect on Organics: A Defense of Large-Scale Organic Production/Julia Johnson.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2013-2014; Vol.24, No.1: 241-278. |
76296 | Urban Agriculture and The Modern Farm Bill: Cultivating Prosperity in America’s Rust Belt/Amy E. Mersol-Barg.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2013-2014; Vol.24, No.1: 279-314. |
76297 | Protecting Your Environment, Exacerbating Injustice: Avoiding Mandate Havens/David Takacs.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2013-2014; Vol.24, No.2: 315-352. |
76298 | Balancing Profit and Environmental Sustainability in Ecuador: Lessons Learned from the Chevron Case/Nathalie Cely.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2013-2014; Vol.24, No.2: 353-373. |
76299 | Food Policy Councils: Integrating Food Justice and Environmental Justice/Danielle M. Purifoy.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2013-2014; Vol.24, No.2: 375-398. |
76300 | International Environmental Justice on Hold: Revisiting the Basel Ban from a Philippine Perspective/Richard Gutierrez.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2013-2014; Vol.24, No.2: 399-426. |
76301 | The Most Important Current Research Questions in Urban Ecosystem Services/James Salzman … [et al.].- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2014-2015; Vol.25, No.1: 1-47. |
76302 | The Lost Generation: Environmental Regulatory Reform in the Era of Congressional Abdication/David W. Case.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2014-2015; Vol.25, No.1: 49-99. |
76303 | Demanding Supply: Re-Envisioning the Landlord-Tenant Relationship for Optimized Perennial Energy Crop Production/Elise C. Scott, A. Bryan Endres.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2014-2015; Vol.25, No.1: 101-129. |
76304 | The Social Cost of Inertia: How Cost-Benefit Incoherence Threatens to Derail U.S. Climate Action/Melissa J. Luttrell.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2014-2015; Vol.25, No.1: 131-183. |
76305 | Speaking Truth to Power Company Regulators: The Consequences of Modern Regulatory Incentives and Administrative Expediency/Matthew Haber, Victoria Mendez.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2014-2015; Vol.25, No.1: 185-199. |
76306 | Water, Wind, and Fire: A Call for a Federal Renewable Portfolio Standard/Francesca F. Bochner.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2014-2015; Vol.25, No.1: 201-225. |
76307 | Beyond the Food We Eat: Animal Drugs in Livestock Production/Susan A. Schneider.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2014-2015; Vol.25, No.2: 227-280. |
76308 | Creating Order Amidst Food Eco-Label Chaos/Jason Czarnezki, Andrew Homan, Meghan Jeans.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2014-2015; Vol.25, No.2: 281-311. |
76309 | The U.S. Food Safety Modernization Act: Implications in Transnational Governance of Food Safety, Food System Sustainability, and the Tension with Free Trade/Neal Fortin.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2014-2015; Vol.25, No.2: 313-337. |
76310 | (M)eat Local: Market and Distribution Challenges in the Local Meat System/Michelle Nowlin, Emily Spiegel, Graham McHenry.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2014-2015; Vol.25, No.2: 339-388. |
76311 | The Farm Bill: A Wicked Problem Seeking a Systematic Solution/Sarah J. Morath.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2014-2015; Vol.25, No.2: 389-425. |
76312 | Surveying the Threat of Groundwater Contamination From Coal Ash Ponds/Ethan Goemann.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2014-2015; Vol.25, No.2: 427-451. |
76313 | Adapting Human Rights/Rhett B. Larson.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2015-2016; Vol.26, No.1: 1-51. |
76314 | Toward a Global Regime of Vessel Anti-Fouling/James Kraska, Daniel Rittschof.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2015-2016; Vol.26, No.1: 53-69. |
76315 | Judicially Modified Democracy: Court and State Pre-Emption of Local GMO Regulation in Hawaii and Beyond/Rita Barnett-Rose.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2015-2016; Vol.26, No.1: 71-130. |
76316 | Climate Change in the Courts: An Assessment of Non-U.S. Climate Litigation/Meredith Wilensky.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2015-2016; Vol.26, No.1: 131-179. |
76317 | When Science and the Statute Don’t Provide an Answer: Hybrid Species and the ESA/Oliver Frey.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2015-2016; Vol.26, No.1: 181-204. |
76318 | Nutrient Pollution in North Carolina’s Waters: The Innovation of Numeric Criteria as a Management Strategy/Lisa Schiavinato, Tyler O’Hara.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2015-2016; Vol.26, No.2: 205-239. |
76319 | Balancing Multiple Goals at the Local Level: Water Quality, Water Equity and Water Conservation/Kevin C. Foy.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2015-2016; Vol.26, No.2: 241-272. |
76320 | Moving Water in a Highly Altered Land: California’s Water Infrastructure and Environmental Degradation/Kim Delfino.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2015-2016; Vol.26, No.2: 273-298. |
76321 | North Carolina’s Investment Tax Credit is Gone – Now What? Potential Solutions for Current and Prospective Solar Companies/Dani Glazer.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2015-2016; Vol.26, No.2: 299-339. |
76322 | Climate Disobedience/Maxine Burkett.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2016-2017; Vol.27, No.1: 1-50. |
76323 | An American Reset – Safe Water and a Workable Model of Federalism/Cara Cunningham Warren.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2016-2017; Vol.27, No.1: 51-117. |
76324 | Genetically Engineered Crops: How the Courts Dismantled the Doctrine of Substantial Equivalence/Trevor Findley.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2016-2017; Vol.27, No.1: 119-153. |
76325 | The Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Construction of a Syncretic Animal Welfare Norm/Andrew Jensen Kerr.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2016-2017; Vol.27, No.1: 155-178. |
76326 | A River Basin Runs Through it: Evolving Understandings of Equitable Apportionment and Water Rights at the Florida-Georgia Line/Michael Munoz.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2016-2017; Vol.27, No.1: 179-206. |
76327 | Unlocking the Virtual Cage of Wildlife Surveillance/Henry Lininger, Tom Lininger.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2016-2017; Vol.27, No.2: 207-263. |
76328 | Blood Biofuels/Nadia B. Ahmad.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2016-2017; Vol.27, No.2: 265-315. |
76329 | There’s Something Fishy in the Mediterranean: the Harmful Impact of Overfishing on Biodiversity/Aarti Gupta.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2016-2017; Vol.27, No.2: 317-344. |
76330 | From Shark Finning to Shark Fishing: a Strategy for the U.S. and EU to Combat Shark Finning in China and Hong Kong/Jeremy Iloulian.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2016-2017; Vol.27, No.2: 345-364. |
76331 | Mineral Royalties: Historical Uses and Justifications/Jayni Foley Hein, Caroline Cecot.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2017-2018; Vol.28, No.1: 1-29. |
76332 | More than Seals and Sea Otters: OPA Causation and Moratorium Damages/Allan Kanner.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2017-2018; Vol.28, No.1: 31-72. |
76333 | Minimalist Solution to Williamson County/Raymond J. Nhan.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2017-2018; Vol.28, No.1: 73-104. |
76334 | Navigating the Confluence: Sources of Reconciliation Flowing Between the Human Right to Water and Economic Efficiency/Brett A. Miller.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2017-2018; Vol.28, No.1: 105-169. |
76335 | Whether Ancillary Regulatory Burdens Imposed by the Clean Power Plan Unconstitutionally Commandeer the States/Zachary Hennessee.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2017-2018; Vol.28, No.1: 171-198. |
76336 | Impact Investment in Marine Conservation/Nicholas Pascal … [et al].- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2017-2018; Vol.28, No.2: 199-219. |
76337 | How One California Aquarium is Developing an Ocean Conservation Strategy with Global Impact/Margaret Spring.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2017-2018; Vol.28, No.2: 221-242. |
76338 | An Innovative, Collaborative Approach to Addressing the Sources of Marine Debris in North Carolina/Talia Sechley, Michelle Nowlin.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2017-2018; Vol.28, No.2: 243-258. |
76339 | At the Intersection of Science and Policy: International Shark Conservation and Management/Andrew M. Futerman.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2017-2018; Vol.28, No.2: 259-306. |
76340 | Trouble in the Caribbean: Responses to a Potential Chinese-Bahamian Bilateral Fishing Agreement/Kyle Elliott.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2017-2018; Vol.28, No.2: 305-332. |
76341 | Defining the Legal and Policy Framework to Stop the Dumping of Environmentally Harmful Products/Stephen O. Andersen … [et al.].- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2018-2019; Vol.29, No.1: 1-48. |
76342 | Smart Instrument Mixes to Promote Green Building/Yayun Shen, Michael Faure.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2018-2019; Vol.29, No.1: 49-108. |
76343 | Experience with Carbon Taxes and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Systems/Erik Haites … [et al.].- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2018-2019; Vol.29, No.1: 109-182. |
76344 | Coordinating Local Adaptive Strategies through a Network-Based Approach/Xueqing Shan.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2018-2019; Vol.29, No.1: 183-203. |
76345 | Nodal Governance of the U.S. Electricity Grid/Alison Gocke.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2018-2019; Vol.29, No.2: 205-271. |
76346 | After the Storm: The Importance of Acknowledging Environmental Justice in Sustainable Development and Disaster Preparedness/Brie Sherwin.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2018-2019; Vol.29, No.2: 273-300. |
76347 | A Military Response to a Warming World: Federalism, Militias, and Catastrophic Disasters/Samantha Olson.- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2018-2019; Vol.29, No.2: 301-340. |
76348 | Panel 3 – Lasting and Closing Remarks/Moderator Summer Quintana; Panelists Brie Sherwin … [et al.].- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2018-2019; Vol.29, No.2: 341-372. |
76349 | European (Dis)union: From the 1992 Single Market to Brexit/Caroline Bradley.- University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.25, No.1: 1-61. |
76350 | Indus Basin Water Management Under International Law/Waseem Ahmad Qureshi.- University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.25, No.1: 63-126. |
76351 | United to Deter: Dealing With New Means of Supporting Terror/Frank A. Florio.- University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.25, No.1: 127-157. |
76352 | What I Learned Trading Cryptocurrencies While Studying the Law/Joshua S. Morgan.- University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.25, No.1: 159-225. |
76353 | Los 60 Anos de La Convencion de Nueva York y la Practica Jurisprudencial Internacional Frente al Reconocimiento y Ejecucion de Laudos Extranjeros Anulados en la Sede del Arbitraje/Marlon M. Meza-Salas.- University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.25, No.2: 227-262. |
76354 | Searching for Spiritual Security: The Tangled Relationship of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Russian State and Religious Freedom/June Bonnie M. Kelly.- University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.25, No.2: 263-297. |
76355 | Does Trade Trump Law in the Protection of Human Rights? International Trade, Law, and Human Rights in South Africa and South Korea/Cristina Campo.- University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.25, No.2: 229-338. |
76356 | The Power Struggle: Shareholder Rights in Brazilian Corporate Bankruptcy/Jessica Nowak.- University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.25, No.2: 339-369. |
76357 | Privacy Regulation in the Age of Biometrics That Deal With a New World Order of Information/Michael Monajemi.- University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.25, No.2: 371-408. |
76358 | Bg Group v. Argentina: a Reiteration of Undesired Complexity for a Simple Principle: Kompetenz-Kompetenz Under the FAA and the UNCITRAL Model Law/Ndifreke Uwem.- University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.25, No.2: 409-454. |
76359 | Sequestering Carbon Dioxide Undersea in the Atlantic: Legal Problems and Solutions/Romany Webb, Michael B. Gerrard.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.36, No.1: 1-78. |
76360 | Vulnerability and the Climate Change Regime/Atieno Mboya.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.36, No.1: 79-103. |
76361 | Cultured Meat: Lab-Grown Beef and Regulating the Future Meat Market/Jennifer Penn.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.36, No.1: 104-126. |
76362 | The Law and Policy of Rainwater harvesting: A Comparative Analysis of Australia, India, and the United States/Brianne Holland-Stergar.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.36, No.1: 127-165. |
76363 | The Carbon Tax Vote You’ve Never Heard of and What It Portends/Greg Dotson.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.36, No.2: 167-229. |
76364 | Troubled Water: Building a Bridge to Clean Energy Through Small Hydropower Regulatory Reform/Jody D. Lowenstein, Samuel J. Panarella.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.36, No.2: 231-302. |
76365 | Federal Lands, Federal Authority: The Case for Federal Regulation of Fracking on Public Lands/Matt Pritchett.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.36, No.2: 303-345. |
76366 | Stopping Livestock’s Contribution to Climate Change/Kayla Karimi.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.36, No.2: 347-371. |
76367 | CRISPR’s Creatures: Protecting Wildlife in the Age of Genomic Editing/Sadie Grunewald.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.37, No.1: 1-57. |
76368 | The Coastal Property Boundary in California: Recommendations to Improve Determination of the Mean High Tide Line in Light of Sea Level Rise/Jennifer Garlock.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.37, No.1: 59-84. |
76369 | Purifying Water: Responding to Public Opposition to the Implementation of Direct Potable Reuse in California/Suzanne Kenney.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.37, No.1: 85-122. |
76370 | The Bureau of Environmental Justice and Change From the Top/Mark Rutherford.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.37, No.1: 123-139. |
76371 | Islamic Law, Jihad and Violence/Khaled Abou El Fadl.- UCLA Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law. 2017; Vol.16, No.1: 1-27. |
76372 | A Comparative Analysis of European Islamophobia: France, UK, Germany, Netherlands, and Sweden/Engy Abdelkader.- UCLA Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law. 2017; Vol.16, No.1: 29-63. |
76373 | Origins of Wahhabism from Hanbali Fiqh/Cameron Zargar.- UCLA Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law. 2017; Vol.16, No.1: 65-114. |
76374 | The End of Opposition: The AKP’s Ten-Year War on Press Freedom in Turkey/Ryan Lavigne.- UCLA Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law. 2019; Vol.17, No.1: 1-29. |
76375 | Wilayat Al-Qadi and its Malpractice in Iran, Egypt, and Jordan/Shams Al Din Al Hajjaji.- UCLA Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law. 2019; Vol.17, No.1: 31-61. |
76376 | Terrorism and information sharing between the intelligence and law enforcement communities in the US and the Netherlands: emergency criminal law?/John A. E. Vervaele.- Utrecht Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 1-27. |
76377 | Guantanamo Bay: A Reflection On The Legal Status And Rights Of Unlawful Enemy Combatants/Terry Gill, Elies van Sliedregt.- Utrecht Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 28-54. |
76378 | Fighting terrorism in the Netherlands; a historical perspective/Ronald Janse.- Utrecht Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 55-67. |
76379 | Balancing security and liberty within the European human rights framework. A critical reading of the Court’s case law in the light of surveillance and criminal law enforcement strategies after 9/11/Paul De Hert.- Utrecht Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 68-96. |
76380 | The fight against terrorism. The lists and the gaps/Imelda Tappeiner.- Utrecht Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.1: 97-125. |
76381 | Transnational cooperation in criminal matters and the safeguarding of human rights/Aukje A.H. van Hoek, Michiel J.J.P. Luchtman.- Utrecht Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 1-39. |
76382 | Adjudication and the public realm: An analysis based on the work of Hannah Arendt/Antoine M. Hol.- Utrecht Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 40-55. |
76383 | The European Arrest Warrant in the Italian legal system. Between mutual recognition and mutual fear within the European area of Freedom, Security and Justice/Franco Impala.- Utrecht Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 56-78. |
76384 | Soft law and its implications for institutional balance in the EC/Linda A.J. Senden.- Utrecht Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 79-99. |
76385 | The transnational ne bis in idem principle in the EU: Mutual recognition and equivalent protection of human rights/John A.E. Vervaele.- Utrecht Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 100-118. |
76386 | Terrorism and financial supervision/Anatoli van der Krans.- Utrecht Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 119-133. |
76387 | Growing industrialization and our damaged planet: The extraterritorial application of developed countries’ domestic environmental laws to transnational corporations abroad/Tetsuya Morimoto.- Utrecht Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 134-159. |
76388 | The principles of European family law: its aims and prospects/Katharina Boele-Woelki.- Utrecht Law Review. 2005; Vol.1, No.2: 160-168. |
76389 | Supervision and supervisory authorities: A few introductory remarks/Sacha Prechal, Marleen van Rijswick.- Utrecht Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 1-7. |
76390 | Regulating regulators through liability: The case for applying normal tort rules to supervisors/Ivo Giesen.- Utrecht Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 8-31. |
76391 | Independent competition authorities in the EU/Johan W. van de Gronden, Sybe A. de Vries.- Utrecht Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 32-66. |
76392 | Supervisory governance: The case of the Dutch Consumer Authority/Michiel A. Heldeweg.- Utrecht Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 67-90. |
76393 | European integration and the supervision of local and regional authorities: Experiences in the Netherlands with requirements of European Community law/Bart Hessel.- Utrecht Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 91-110. |
76394 | Independent administrative authorities and the standard of judicial review/Saskia Lavrijssen, Maartje de Visser.- Utrecht Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 111-135. |
76395 | EU influence on law enforcement and international cooperation in the field of insider dealing/Michiel J.J.P. Luchtman.- Utrecht Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 136-155. |
76396 | Millefeuille: The emergence of a multi-layered controls system in the European food sector/Bernd M.J. van der Meulen, Annelies A. Freriks.- Utrecht Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 156-176. |
76397 | Inspection and market-based regulation through emissions trading: The striking reliance on self-monitoring, self-reporting and verification/Marjan Peeters.- Utrecht Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.1: 177-195. |
76398 | Funding of personal injury litigation and claims culture: Evidence from the Netherlands/Michael G. Faure, Ton Hartlief, Niels J. Philipsen.- Utrecht Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.2: 1-21. |
76399 | Adventurous’ judgments: A comparative exploration into human rights as a moral-political force in judicial law development/Bas de Gaay Fortman.- Utrecht Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.2: 22-43. |
76400 | An evaluation of the quality of justice in Europe and its developments in France/Jean-Paul Jean, Helene Pauliat.- Utrecht Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.2: 44-60. |
76401 | The National Security Agency (NSA) eavesdropping on Americans: A programme that is neither legal nor necessary/Zmarak Khan.- Utrecht Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.2: 61-80. |
76402 | Demands of proper administrative conduct: A research project into the ombudsprudence of the Dutch National Ombudsman/Philip M. Langbroek, Peter Rijpkema.- Utrecht Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.2: 81-98. |
76403 | Joint Investigation Teams: principles, practice, and problems: Lessons learnt from the first efforts to establish a JIT/Conny Rijken.- Utrecht Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.2: 99-118. |
76404 | Intelligence as legal evidence: Comparative criminal research into the viability of the proposed Dutch scheme of shielded intelligence witnesses in England and Wales, and legislative compliance with Article 6 (3) (d) ECHR/Jill E.B. Coster van Voorhout.- Utrecht Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.2: 119-144. |
76405 | Around here I am the law! Strengthening police officers’ compliance with the rule of law in Costa Rica/Quirine A.M. Eijkman.- Utrecht Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.2: 145-176. |
76406 | Bosphorus – Double standards in European human rights protection?/Kathrin Kuhnert.- Utrecht Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.2: 177-189. |
76407 | Hybrid courts: The hybrid category of a new type of international crimes courts/Sarah M.H. Nouwen.- Utrecht Law Review. 2006; Vol.2, No.2: 190-214. |
76408 | Is judicial integrity a norm? An inquiry into the concept of judicial integrity in England and the Netherlands/Jonathan Soeharno.- Utrecht Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 8-23. |
76409 | (Re)presentation: pTA citizens’ juries and the jury trial/Mireille Hildebrandt, Serge Gutwirth.- Utrecht Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 24-40. |
76410 | Local court reforms and global law/Richard Mohr.- Utrecht Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 41-59. |
76411 | Legal argumentation based on foreign law: An example from case law of the South African Constitutional Court/Andrea Lollini.- Utrecht Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 60-74. |
76412 | The judicial domain in view: Figures, trends and perspectives/Marc Loth, Elaine Mak.- Utrecht Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 75-100. |
76413 | The transformation of the Portuguese judicial organization Between efficiency and democracy/Conceicao Gomes.- Utrecht Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 101-111. |
76414 | Judicial accountability in the US State Courts: Measuring court performance/Richard Y. Schauffler.- Utrecht Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 112-128. |
76415 | Justice systems and ICT: What can be learned from Europe?/Marco Velicogna.- Utrecht Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 129-147. |
76416 | Judicial transparency furthering public accountability for new judiciaries/Wim Voermans.- Utrecht Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.1: 148-159. |
76417 | Fundamental rights and private law: A relationship of subordination or complementarity?/Olha O. Cherednychenko.- Utrecht Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 1-25. |
76418 | Reconciling independence and accountability in judicial systems/Francesco Contini, Richard Mohr.- Utrecht Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 26-43. |
76419 | Human trafficking for labour exploitation: Interpreting the crime/Jill E.B. Coster van Voorhout.- Utrecht Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 44-69. |
76420 | Third party losses in a comparative perspective: Three short lectures in honour of W.H.V. Rogers/Cees van Dam, Esther Engelhard, Ivo Giesen.- Utrecht Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 70-100. |
76421 | The jurisprudence of British Euroscepticism: A strange banquet of fish and vegetables/Gavin Drewry.- Utrecht Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 101-115. |
76422 | The legal framework for self-regulation in the Netherlands/Zayenne D. Van Heesen-Lacle, Anne C.M. Meuwese.- Utrecht Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 116-139. |
76423 | Self-regulation as a regulatory strategy: The Italian legal framework/Simona Rodriquez.- Utrecht Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 140-156. |
76424 | Public opinion on lay participation in the criminal justice system of the Netherlands: Some tentative findings from a panel survey/Albert Klijn, Marnix Croes.- Utrecht Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 157-168. |
76425 | Antonin Scalia’s Textualism in philosophy, theology, and judicial interpretation of the Constitution/Herman Philipse.- Utrecht Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 169-192. |
76426 | The international regulation of Informal Value Transfer Systems/Anand Ajay Shah.- Utrecht Law Review. 2007; Vol.3, No.2: 193-218. |
76427 | Companies crossing borders within Europe/Philippe Pelle.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.1: 6-12. |
76428 | The Societas Europaea (SE) in Europe: A promising start and an option with good prospects/Noelle Lenoir.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.1: 13-21. |
76429 | Experience with the SE in Germany/Jochem Reichert.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.1: 22-33. |
76430 | Creditor protection in cross-border mergers; unfinished business/Geert T.M.J. Raaijmakers, Thijs .P.H. Olthoff.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.1: 34-39. |
76431 | Cross-border mergers and minority protection: An open-ended harmonization/Marieke Wyckaert, Koen Geens.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.1: 40-52. |
76432 | Transfer of the registered office: The European Commission’s decision not to submit a proposal for a Directive/Gert-Jan Vossestein.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.1: 53-65. |
76433 | What comparative family law should entail/Katharina Boele-Woelki.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 1-24. |
76434 | Family law and national culture: Arguing against the cultural constraints argument/Masha Antokolskaia.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 25-34. |
76435 | Active parenting or Solomon’s justice? Alternating residence in Sweden for children with separated parents/Anna Singer.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 35-47. |
76436 | Alternating residence and relocation: A view from France/Frederique Granet.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 48-54. |
76437 | Divided parents, shared children: Conflicting approaches to relocation disputes in the USA/Theresa Glennon.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 55-72. |
76438 | Parental relocation: Free movement rights and joint parenting/Christina G. Jeppesen de Boer.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 73-82. |
76439 | Family function over family form in the law on parentage? The legal position of children born in informal relationships/Wendy M. Schrama.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 83-98. |
76440 | Tracing down the historical development of the legal concept of the right to know one’s origins: Has to know or not to know ever been the legal question?/Richard J. Blauwhoff.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 99-116. |
76441 | The role of formalised and non-formalised intentions in legal parent-child relationships in Dutch law/Machteld Vonk.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 117-134. |
76442 | The Kansas case of K.M.H.: US law concerning the legal status of known sperm donors/Nancy G. Maxwell.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 135-161. |
76443 | A judicial revolution? The court-led achievement of same-sex marriage in South Africa/Pierre de Vos.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 162-174. |
76444 | Family vs solidarity: Recent epiphanies of the Italian reductionist anomaly in the debate on de facto couples/Matteo Bonini Baraldi.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 175-193. |
76445 | Same-sex partnerships in Portugal: From de facto to de jure?/Rosa Martins.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 194-211. |
76446 | Same-sex partners in Hungary: Cohabitation and registered partnership/Orsolya Szeibert-Erdos.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 212-221. |
76447 | Same-sex family unions in Israeli law/Talia Einhorn.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 222-235. |
76448 | Is the union civil? Same-sex marriages, civil unions, domestic partnerships and reciprocal benefits in the USA/Ian Curry-Sumner, Scott Curry-Sumner.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 236-278. |
76449 | Research questions in family law derived from a comparative synthesis of general trends and developments/Katharina Boele-Woelki … [et al.].- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.2: 279-289. |
76450 | Subjecting executives in the financial sector to reliability scrutiny/Anoeska Buijze.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 1-17. |
76451 | Accommodating human values in the climate regime/Rosalind Cook, Eljalill Tauschinsky.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 18-34. |
76452 | Transboundary river basin management in Europe: Legal instruments to comply with European water management obligations in case of transboundary water pollution and floods/Andrea M. Keessen, Jasper J.H. van Kempen, Helena F.M.W. van Rijswick.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 35-56. |
76453 | Preparations to commit a crime: The Dutch approach to inchoate offences/Caroline M. Pelser.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 57-80. |
76454 | Boumediene v. Bush and the extraterritorial reach of the U.S. Constitution: A step towards judicial cosmopolitanism?/Jean-Marc Piret.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 81-103. |
76455 | Survey article: the legitimacy of Supreme Courts in the context of globalisation/Sidney W. Richards.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 104-127. |
76456 | The Sisyphus paradox of cutting red tape and managing public risk: The Dutch case/Wim J.M. Voermans.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 128-144. |
76457 | Rape as torture: An evaluation of the Committee against Torture’s attitude to sexual violence/Katharine Fortin.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 145-162. |
76458 | Towards a Virtual General Meeting: I accept or I decline?/Wanne M. Pemmelaar.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 163-187. |
76459 | Interpretation of legislative Security Council resolutions/Bart Smit Duijzentkunst.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 188-209. |
76460 | Is legal globalization regulated? Memling and the business of baking camels/Jean-Bernard Auby.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 210-217. |
76461 | Finding the truth in Dutch courtrooms: How does one deal with miscarriages of justice?/Stijn Franken.- Utrecht Law Review. 2008; Vol.4, No.3: 218-226. |
76462 | Marine protected areas in areas beyond national jurisdiction: The pioneering efforts under the OSPAR Convention/Erik J. Molenaar, Alex G. Oude Elferink.- Utrecht Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.1: 5-20. |
76463 | The Netherlands and the designation of marine protected areas in the North Sea: Implementing international and European law/Harm Dotinga, Arie Trouwborst.- Utrecht Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.1: 21-43. |
76464 | Governance of protected areas in the Arctic/Timo Koivurova.- Utrecht Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.1: 44-60. |
76465 | The role of the protected area concept in protecting: the world’s largest natural reserve: Antarctica/Kees Bastmeijer, Steven van Hengel.- Utrecht Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.1: 61-79. |
76466 | Tackling pollution of the Mediterranean Sea from land-based sources by an integrated ecosystem approach and the use of the combined international and European legal regimes/Antoinette Hildering, Andrea M. Keessen, Helena F.M.W. van Rijswick.- Utrecht Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.1: 80-100. |
76467 | The implementation of area protection provisions from European environmental directives in the Member States/Barbara A. Beijen.- Utrecht Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.1: 101-116. |
76468 | Environmental liability and nature protection areas: Will the EU Environmental Liability Directive actually lead to the restoration of damaged natural resources?/G.M. van den Broek.- Utrecht Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.1: 117-131. |
76469 | The integration of the protection of nature conservation areas in Dutch spatial planning law and environmental management law/A.B. Blomberg, A.A.J. de Gier, J. Robbe.- Utrecht Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.1: 132-157. |
76470 | Adaptation to climate change: Legal challenges for protected areas/An Cliquet … [et al.].- Utrecht Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.1: 158-175. |
76471 | The protection of fundamental human rights in criminal process: General report/Chrisje Brants, Stijn Franken.- Utrecht Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 7-65. |
76472 | Special procedural measures and the protection of human rights: General report/John A.E. Vervaele.- Utrecht Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 66-103. |
76473 | XVIIIth International Congress of Penal Law: The principle challenges posed by the globalization of criminal justice Istanbul, 20-27 September 2009: Section III: Special procedural measures and the protection of human rights: Resolution.- Utrecht Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 104-109. |
76474 | Mesures de procedure speciales et respect des droits de l’homme: Rapport general/John A.E. Vervaele.- Utrecht Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 110-152. |
76475 | XVIIIe Congres International de Droit Penal: Les principales transformations du systeme de justice penale en reponse a la globalisation, Istanbul, 20-27 septembre 2009: Section III: Mesures procedurales speciales et respect des droits de l’homme: Resolution.- Utrecht Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 153-158. |
76476 | Medidas procesales especiales y proteccion de los derechos humanos: Informe general/John A.E. Vervaele.- Utrecht Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 159-201. |
76477 | XVIII Congreso Internacional de Derecho Penal: Principales retos que plantea la globalizacion para la justicia penal Estambul, 20-27 septiembre 2009: Seccion III: Medidas procesales especiales y proteccion de los derechos humanos: Resolucion.- Utrecht Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 202-208. |
76478 | Developments in the protection of fundamental human rights in criminal process: Epilogue/Stefan Trechsel.- Utrecht Law Review. 2009; Vol.5, No.2: 209-212. |
76479 | The European Private Company, its shareholders and its creditors/Sandra van den Braak.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 1-21. |
76480 | The reversal of the burden of proof in the Principles of European Tort Law: A comparison with Dutch tort law and civil procedure rules/Ivo Giesen.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 22-32. |
76481 | The Danish ombudsman: A national watchdog with selected preferences/Michael Gotze.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 33-50. |
76482 | The Dutch approach to female genital mutilation in view of the ECHR: The time for change has come/Renee Kool.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 51-61. |
76483 | The protection of personal data in the fight against terrorism: New perspectives of PNR European Union instruments in the light of the Treaty of Lisbon/Michele Nino.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 62-85. |
76484 | EU data protection in transatlantic cooperation in criminal matters: Will the EU be serving its citizens an American meal?/Els De Busser.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 86-100. |
76485 | Corruption and legal certainty; the case of Albania and the Netherlands: Implementation of the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption in a transitional and consolidated democracy/Idlir Peci, Eelke Sikkema.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 101-118. |
76486 | Inquisitorial or adversarial? The role of the Scottish prosecutor and special defences/Allard Ringnalda.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 119-140. |
76487 | Protected areas and climate change: Reflections from a practitioner’s perspective/Andrew Dodd … [et al.].- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 141-150. |
76488 | C-210/06 Cartesio: Increasing corporate mobility through outbound establishment/Olivier Valk.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.1: 151-167. |
76489 | Inconvenient marriages, or what happens when ethnic minorities marry trans-jurisdictionally/Prakash Shah.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 17-32. |
76490 | The clash of legal cultures over the best interests of the child principle in cases of international parental child abduction/Wibo van Rossum.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 33-55. |
76491 | A closer look at law: human rights as multi-level sites of struggles over multi-dimensional equality/Susanne Baer.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 56-76. |
76492 | Protection of spouses in informal marriages by human rights/Susan Rutten.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 77-92. |
76493 | Religious law versus secular law: The example of the get refusal in Dutch, English and Israeli law/Matthijs de Blois.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 93-114. |
76494 | Sex segregation and equality in a multicultural society: inferiority as a standard for legal acceptability/Marjolein van den Brink, Titia Loenen, Jet Tigchelaar.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 115-144. |
76495 | Public attitudes towards the turban ban in Turkey/Ali Carkoglu.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 145-157. |
76496 | CEDAW, the Bible and the State of the Netherlands: the struggle over orthodox women’s political participation and their response/Barbara M. Oomen, Joost Guijt, Matthias Ploeg.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 158-174. |
76497 | Plurality of marriage law and marriage registration for Muslims in Indonesia: a plea for pragmatism/Adriaan Bedner, Stijn van Huis.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.2: 175-191. |
76498 | Constitutionalizing secularism, alternative secularisms or liberal-democratic constitutionalism? A critical reading of some Turkish, ECtHR and Indian Supreme Court cases on secularism/Veit Bader.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 8-35. |
76499 | National and constitutional identity before and after Lisbon/Leonard F.M. Besselink.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 36-49. |
76500 | Multiculturalism, Europhilia and harmonization: harmony or disharmony?/Ruth Sefton-Green.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 50-67. |
76501 | Beyond Euroscepticism: on the choice of legal regimes as empowerment of citizens/Jan M. Smits.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 68-74. |
76502 | Diverse cultures and official laws: multiculturalism and Euroscepticism?/Esin Orucu.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 75-88. |
76503 | The Union shall respect cultural diversity and national identities: Lisbon’s concessions to Euroscepticism – true promises or a booby-trap?/Irene Aronstein.- Utrecht Law Review. 2010; Vol.6, No.3: 89-111. |
76504 | Theorizing criminal intent: a methodological account/Ferry de Jong.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 1-33. |
76505 | European impact on contract law: A perspective on the interlinked contributions of legal scholars, legislators and courts to the Europeanization of contract law/Anne L.M. Keirse.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 34-51. |
76506 | Can legal research benefit from evaluation studies?/Frans L. Leeuw.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 52-65. |
76507 | Research on the caseload management of courts: methodological questions/Andreas Lienhard, Daniel Kettiger.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 66-73. |
76508 | Choice of forum in an area of freedom, security and justice/Michiel Luchtman.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 74-101. |
76509 | A discipline of judicial governance?/Gar Yein Ng.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 102-116. |
76510 | English common law versus German Systemdenken? Internal versus external approaches/Karl Riesenhuber.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 117-130. |
76511 | Member State responsibility for the acts of international organizations/Cedric Ryngaert, Holly Buchanan.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 131-146. |
76512 | How to carry out interdisciplinary legal research: Some experiences with an interdisciplinary research method/Wendy Schrama.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 147-162. |
76513 | e-Justice in France: the e-Barreau experience/Marco Velicogna, Antoine Errera, Stephane Derlange.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 163-187. |
76514 | Transboundary water pollution management: Lessons learned from river basin management in China, Europe and the Netherlands/Xia Yu.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 188-203. |
76515 | The International Court of Justice and applied forms of reparation for international human rights and humanitarian law violations/Gentian Zyberi.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 204-215. |
76516 | Multinational enterprise groups in insolvency: how should the European Union act?/Eva M.F. de Vette.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.1: 216-228. |
76517 | I am Iraq: Law, life and violence in the formation of the Iraqi state/Perveen Ali.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 4-28. |
76518 | Intuition beyond the law of the state/Stephen Connelly.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 29-41. |
76519 | Does legal institutionalism rule out legal pluralism? Schmitt’s institutional theory and the problem of the concrete order/Mariano Croce.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 42-59. |
76520 | From shack to the Constitutional Court: The litigious disruption of governing global cities/Anna Selmeczi.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 60-76. |
76521 | On law’s origin: Derrida reading Freud, Kafka and Levi-Strauss/Jacques de Ville.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 77-92. |
76522 | Rorty and human rights: Contingency, emotions and how to defend human rights telling stories/Jose-Manuel Barreto.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 93-112. |
76523 | The rhetoric of legal fragmentation and its discontents: Evolutionary dilemmas in the constitutional semantics of global law/Pablo Holmes.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 113-140. |
76524 | The molecular concept of law/Hendrik Gommer.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 141-159. |
76525 | Illusion and betrayal: The city, the poets, or an ethics of truths?/Igor Stramignoni.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 160-179. |
76526 | The march of the Mehteran: Rethinking the human rights critiques of counter-terrorism/Can Oztas.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.2: 180-191. |
76527 | The End of Doctrine? On the Symbolic Function of Doctrine in Substantive Criminal Law/Ferry de Jong.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.3: 8-45. |
76528 | Prevention by All Means? A Legal Comparison of the Criminalization of Online Grooming and its Enforcement/Renee Kool.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.3: 46-69. |
76529 | A Bermuda Triangle? Balancing Protection, Participation and Proof in Criminal Proceedings affecting Child Victims and Witnesses/Annemarieke Beijer, Ton Liefaard.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.3: 70-106. |
76530 | Secrecy, Betrayal and Crime/Dina Siegel.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.3: 107-119. |
76531 | Fitness to Stand Trial: A General Principle of European Criminal Law?/Liselotte van den Anker, Lydia Dalhuisen, Marije Stokkel.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.3: 120-136. |
76532 | The Influence of the European Legislator on the National Criminal Law of Member States: It Is All in the Combination Chosen/Sanne Buisman.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.3: 137-155. |
76533 | Inconsistent Deliberations or Deliberate Inconsistencies? The Consistency of the ECtHR’s Assessment of Convictions based on International Norms/Tom Booms, Carrie van der Kroon.- Utrecht Law Review. 2011; Vol.7, No.3: 156-179. |
76534 | Time to Move On? The International State of Affairs with Respect to Child Relocation Law/Yildiz Maria Berenos.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 1-27. |
76535 | The Parliamentary Legitimacy of the European Union: The Role of the States General within the European Union/Leonard F.M. Besselink, Brecht van Mourik.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 28-50. |
76536 | Companies on their Paths to Justice: How Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Netherlands Deal with Potential Legal Problems/Marnix T. Croes.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 51-77. |
76537 | The Barroso Initiative: Window Dressing or Democracy Boost?/Davor Jancic.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 78-91. |
76538 | Circles of Consensus: The Preservation of Cultural Diversity through Political Processes/Jordi Jaria i Manzano.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 92-105. |
76539 | Prosecuting International Crimes at National Level: Lessons from the Argentine Truth-Finding Trials/Elena Maculan.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 106-121. |
76540 | The Influence of International Law on the Issue of Co-Parenting: Emerging Trends in International and European Instruments/Natalie Nikolina.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 122-144. |
76541 | Changing International Subjectivity and Rights and Obligations under International Law – Status of Corporations/Merja Pentikainen.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 145-154. |
76542 | Contractual Control and Labour-Related CSR Norms in the Supply Chain: Dutch Best Practices/Louise Vytopil.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 155-169. |
76543 | Practical Training in Law in the Netherlands: Big Law Model or Clinical Model, and the Call of Public Interest Law/Richard J. Wilson.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 170-188. |
76544 | Sensitive Judges – How to Resolve the Tangle of Legal Decision-Making and Emotion?/Jurrien Hamer.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 189-199. |
76545 | Supervision Without Vision: Risk Governance and PMSCs/Lucas Roorda.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.1: 200-223. |
76546 | The Argumentative Status of Foreign Legal Arguments/John Bell.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 8-19. |
76547 | Reference to Foreign Law in the Supreme Courts of Britain and the Netherlands: Explaining the Development of Judicial Practices/Elaine Mak.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 20-34. |
76548 | The Use and Influence of Comparative Law in Wrongful Life Cases/Ivo Giesen.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 35-54. |
76549 | The South African Constitutional Court Experience: Reasoning Patterns Based on Foreign Law/Andrea Lollini.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 55-87. |
76550 | Networks, Dialogue or One-Way Traffic? An Empirical Analysis of Cross-Citations Between Ten of Europe’s Highest Courts/Martin Gelter, Mathias Siems.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 88-99. |
76551 | Are You Networked Yet? On Dialogues in European Judicial Networks/Monica Claes, Maartje de Visser.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 100-114. |
76552 | Mapping Judicial Dialogue across National Borders: An Exploratory Network Study of Learning from Lobbying among European Intellectual Property Judges/Emmanuel Lazega.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 115-128. |
76553 | The Ebb and Flow of Judicial Leadership in the Netherlands/Nick Huls.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 129-138. |
76554 | Bringing the Outside inside: Macro and Micro Factors to Put the Dialogue among Highest Courts into its Right Context/Daniela Piana, Carlo Guarnieri.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 139-157. |
76555 | The Democratizing Effects of Transjudicial Coordination/Eyal Benvenisti, George W. Downs.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.2: 158-171. |
76556 | Climate Justice: A Constitutional Approach to Unify the Lex Specialis Principles of International Climate Law/Teresa Thorp.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.3: 7-37. |
76557 | Adaptation to Climate Change in European Water Law and Policy/Andrea M. Keessen, Helena F.M.W. van Rijswick.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.3: 38-50. |
76558 | Four Case Studies on Corporate Social Responsibility: Do Conflicts Affect a Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility Policy?/Cristina A. Cedillo Torres … [et al.].- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.3: 51-73. |
76559 | The Programmatic Approach; a Flexible and Complex Tool to Achieve Environmental Quality Standards/M.N. Boeve, G.M. van den Broek.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.3: 74-85. |
76560 | A Wider Notion of the Scope of Water Services in EU Water Law: Boosting Payment for Water-Related Ecosystem Services to Ensure Sustainable Water Management?/Petra E. Lindhout.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.3: 86-101. |
76561 | Recovering the Costs of Water Services in the People’s Republic of China: Lessons from Article 9 of the European Union Water Framework Directive/Liping Dai.- Utrecht Law Review. 2012; Vol.8, No.3: 102-118. |
76562 | A Reciprocal Turn in Criminal Justice? Shifting Conceptions of Legitimate Authority/Ferry de Jong.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 1-23. |
76563 | Sustainable Development and High Seas Fisheries/Otto Spijkers, Natalia Jevglevskaja.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 24-37. |
76564 | Building e-Justice in Continental Europe: The TeleRecours Experience in France/Marco Velicogna, Antoine Errera, Stephane Derlange.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 38-59. |
76565 | Experiences that Count: A Comparative Study of the ICTY and SCSL in Shaping the Image of Justice/Kristin Xueqin Wu.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 60-77. |
76566 | Towards More Synergy in the Interpretation of the Prohibition of Sex Discrimination in European Law? A Comparison of Legal Contexts and some Case Law of the EU and the ECHR/Susanne D. Burri.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 80-103. |
76567 | The Protection of the Fundamental Right to Strike within the Context of the European Internal Market: Implications of the Forthcoming Accession of the EU to the ECHR/Albertine Veldman.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 104-117. |
76568 | Non-Discrimination on the Ground of Nationality in Social Security: What are the Consequences of the Accession of the EU to the ECHR?/Frans Pennings.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 118-134. |
76569 | Mutual Trust and the Dublin Regulation: Protection of Fundamental Rights in the EU and the Burden of Proof/Evelien Brouwer.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 135-147. |
76570 | Fundamental Rights and the EU Internal Market: Just how Fundamental are the EU Treaty Freedoms? A Normative Enquiry Based on John Rawls Political Philosophy/Nik J. de Boer.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 148-168. |
76571 | Balancing Fundamental Rights with Economic Freedoms According to the European Court of Justice/Sybe A. de Vries.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.1: 169-192. |
76572 | When is a Bill of Rights Fit for Judicial Review? The Limitation of Rights Regime in the Netherlands Considered/Gerhard van der Schyff.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 6-18. |
76573 | The Proliferation of Constitutional Law and Constitutional Adjudication, or How American Judicial Review Came to Europe After All/Leonard F.M. Besselink.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 19-35. |
76574 | Globalisation of the National Judiciary and the Dutch Constitution/Elaine Mak.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 36-51. |
76575 | Equality, Legal Certainty and Tax Legislation in the Netherlands: Fundamental Legal Principles as Checks on Legislative Power: A Case Study/Hans Gribnau.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 52-74. |
76576 | The Role of Dutch Courts in the Protection of Fundamental Rights/Nick S. Efthymiou, Joke C. de Wit.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 75-88. |
76577 | Constitutional Review in the Netherlands: A Joint Responsibility/Jurgen C.A. de Poorter.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 89-105. |
76578 | The Deparliamentarisation of Legislation: Framework Laws and the Primacy of the Legislature/Rob van Gestel.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 106-122. |
76579 | Constitutional Dialogue: An Overview/Anne Meuwese, Marnix Snel.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.2: 123-140. |
76580 | The Six Faces of Transparency/Anoeska Buijze.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 3-25. |
76581 | Complete Independence of National Data Protection Supervisory Authorities: Second Try: Comments on the Judgment of the CJEU of 16 October 2012, C-614/10 (European Commission v. Austria), with Due Regard to its Previous Judgment of 9 March 2010, C-518/07 (European Commission v. Germany)/Alexander Balthasar.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 26-38. |
76582 | Effective Adjudication through Administrative Appeals in Slovenia/Polona Kovac.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 39-50. |
76583 | Administrative Decision-Making in Reaction to a Court Judgment: Can the Administrative Judge Guide the Decision-Making Process?/A.T. Marseille, I.M. Boekema.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 51-61. |
76584 | Standards of Ombudsman Assessment: A New Normative Concept?/Milan Remac.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.3: 62-78. |
76585 | Towards a Transnational Application of the Legality Principle in the EU’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice?/Michiel J.J.P. Luchtman.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 11-33. |
76586 | The Expansion of Swiss Criminal Jurisdiction in Light of International Law/Anna Petrig.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 34-55. |
76587 | The Passive Personality Principle and the General Principle of Ne Bis In Idem/Regula Echle.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 56-67. |
76588 | Prosecutions of Extraterritorial Criminal Conduct and the Abuse of Rights Doctrine/Danielle Ireland-Piper.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 68-89. |
76589 | Transnational Cooperation in Criminal Matters and the Guarantee of a Fair Trial: Approaches to a General Principle/Sabine Gless.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 90-108. |
76590 | Terrorists and Fair Trial: The Right to a Fair Trial for Alleged Terrorists Detained in Guantanamo Bay/Kai Ambos, Annika Maleen Poschadel.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 109-126. |
76591 | Transnational Criminal Proceedings, Witness Evidence and Confrontation: Lessons from the ECtHR’s Case Law/Lorena Bachmaier Winter.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 127-128. |
76592 | The Right to a Fair Trial and International Cooperation in Criminal Matters: Article 6 ECHR and the Recovery of Assets in Grand Corruption Cases/Radha Dawn Ivory.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 147-164. |
76593 | General Principles of Transnationalised Criminal Justice? Exploratory Reflections/Marianne L. Wade.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 165-183. |
76594 | The Prerequisite of Personal Guilt and the Duty to Know the Law in the Light of Article 32 ICC Statute/Stefanie Bock.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 184-197. |
76595 | Transnationalising Ne Bis In Idem: How the Rule of Ne Bis In Idem Reveals the Principle of Personal Legal Certainty/Juliette Lelieur.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 198-210. |
76596 | Ne Bis In Idem: Towards a Transnational Constitutional Principle in the EU?/John A.E. Vervaele.- Utrecht Law Review. 2013; Vol.9, No.4: 211-229. |
76597 | The Struggle for the Rule of Law in Romania as an EU Member State: The Role of the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism/Radu Carp.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 1-16. |
76598 | Reversing the Principle of the Prohibition of Reformatio in Pejus: The Case of Changing Students’ Possibility to Complain about their Marks in Denmark/Inger Marie Conradsen.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 17-28. |
76599 | The Feminization of the Judiciary in Portugal: Dilemmas and Paradoxes/Madalena Duarte … [et al.].- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 29-43. |
76600 | The Future of Foreign Direct Liability? Exploring the International Relevance of the Dutch Shell Nigeria Case/Liesbeth Enneking.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 44-54. |
76601 | Complementing the Surveillance Law Principles of the ECtHR with its Environmental Law Principles: An Integrated Technology Approach to a Human Rights Framework for Surveillance/Antonella Galetta, Paul De Hert.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 55-75. |
76602 | Revisiting Planned Relocation as a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy: The Added Value of a Human Rights-Based Approach/Mariya Gromilova.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 76-95. |
76603 | The Dutch Confession: Compliance, Leadership and National Identity in the Human Rights Order/Erik Larson, Wibo van Rossum, Patrick Schmidt.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 96-112. |
76604 | A New and Controversial Scenario in the Gathering of Evidence at the European Level: The Proposal for a Directive on the European Investigation Order/Annalisa Mangiaracina.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 113-133. |
76605 | Naming and Shaming in Financial Market Regulations: A Violation of the Presumption of Innocence?/Juliette J.W. Pfaeltzer.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 134-148. |
76606 | DNA and Law Enforcement in the European Union: Tools and Human Rights Protection/Helena Soleto Munoz, Anna Fiodorova.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 149-162. |
76607 | Prohibiting Remote Harms: On Endangerment, Citizenship and Control/Jeroen ten Voorde.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.1: 163-179. |
76608 | Public Values in Water Law: A Case of Substantive Fragmentation?/Monika Ambrus, Herman Kasper Gilissen, Jasper J.H. van Kempen.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 8-30. |
76609 | Subsidiarity in Principle: Decentralization of Water Resources Management/Ryan Stoa.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 31-45. |
76610 | The Polluter Pays Principle: Guidelines for Cost Recovery and Burden Sharing in the Case Law of the European Court of Justice/Petra E. Lindhout, Berthy van den Broek.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 46-59. |
76611 | Sustainable Development in the EU: Redefining and Operationalizing the Concept/Sander R.W. van Hees.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 60-76. |
76612 | Indigenous Communities: Analyzing their Right to Water under Different International Legal Regimes/Daphina Misiedjan, Joyeeta Gupta.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 77-90. |
76613 | Exploring the Prospects for Cross-Border Climate Change Adaptation between North Rhine-Westphalia and the Netherlands/Marjolein C.J. Van Eerd, Mark A. Wiering, Carel Dieperink.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 91-106. |
76614 | Towards a New Policy for Climate Adaptive Water Management in Flanders: The Concept of Signal Areas/Peter De Smedt.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 107-125. |
76615 | The Importance of Monitoring for the Effectiveness of Environmental Directives: A Comparison of Monitoring Obligations in European Environmental Directives/Barbara A. Beijen, Helena F.M.W. van Rijswick, Helle Tegner Anker.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 126-135. |
76616 | Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Blue: Tackling Diffuse Water Pollution from Agriculture in China: Drawing Inspiration from the European Union/Liping Dai.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 136-154. |
76617 | Compensation in the European Union: Natura 2000 and Water Law/Alexandra Aragao, Helena F.M.W. van Rijswick.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 155-160. |
76618 | Compensatory Measures in European Nature Conservation Law/Geert Van Hoorick.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 161-171. |
76619 | Compensation and Mitigation: Tinkering with Natura 2000 Protection Law/Jacqueline M.I.J. Zijlmans, Hans E. Woldendorp.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 172-193. |
76620 | Mitigation and Compensation under EU Nature Conservation Law in the Flemish Region: Beyond the Deadlock for Development Projects?/Hendrik Schoukens, An Cliquet.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 194-215. |
76621 | Compensation in Flood Risk Management with a Focus on Shifts in Compensation Regimes Regarding Prevention, Mitigation and Disaster Management/Willemijn van Doorn-Hoekveld.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.2: 216-238. |
76622 | (Crime) Victims’ Compensation: The Emergence of Convergence/Renee S.B. Kool.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 14-26. |
76623 | Crime Victims’ Experiences with Seeking Compensation: A Qualitative Exploratio/Marnix R. Hebly, Josanne D.M. van Dongen, Siewert D. Lindenbergh.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 27-36. |
76624 | Corporate Criminal Liability for Corruption Offences and the Due Diligence Defence: A Comparison of the Dutch and English Legal Frameworks/Bram Meyer, Tessa van Roomen, Eelke Sikkema.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 37-54. |
76625 | Let’s Think Twice before We Revise! Egalite as the Foundation of Liability for Lawful Public Sector Acts/Esther Engelhard … [et al.].- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 55-76. |
76626 | Public Interest Litigation in the Netherlands: A Multidimensional Take on the Promotion of Environmental Interests by Private Parties through the Courts/Berthy van den Broek, Liesbeth Enneking.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 77-90. |
76627 | Damages in Wrongful Death Cases in the Light of European Human Rights Law: Towards a Rights-Based Approach to the Law of Damages/Rianka Rijnhout, Jessy M. Emaus.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.3: 91-106. |
76628 | On the Role of Perceived Procedural Justice in Citizens’ Reactions to Government Decisions and the Handling of Conflicts/Kees van den Bos, Lynn van der Velden, E. Allan Lind.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 1-26. |
76629 | Towards a More Responsive Judge: Challenges and Opportunities/Machteld W. de Hoon, Suzan Verberk.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 27-40. |
76630 | What Is It All About? An Overview of the Dutch Research and a Plea for Change/Rick J. Verschoof.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 41-55. |
76631 | Procedural Justice in Dutch Administrative Court Proceedings/Andre Verburg, Ben Schueler.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 56-72. |
76632 | Dutch ZSM Settlements in the Face of Procedural Justice: The Sooner the Better?/Pauline Jacobs, Petra van Kampen.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 73-85. |
76633 | The (Political) Pursuit of Victim Voice: (Comparative) Observations on the Dutch Draft on the Adviesrecht/Renee Kool, Georgianna Verhage.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 86-99. |
76634 | Procedural Justice for Weaker Parties in Cross-Border Litigation under the EU Regulatory Scheme/Vesna Lazic.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 100-117. |
76635 | Neutrality as an Element of Perceived Justice in Prison: Consistency versus Individualization/Miranda Boone, Mieke Kox.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 118-130. |
76636 | Procedural Justice Seen to Be Done:The Judiciary’s Press Guidelines in the Light of Publicity and Procedural Justice/Leonie van Lent.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 131-146. |
76637 | The Relationship between Role Conception, Judicial Behaviour and Perceived Procedural Justice: Some Explorative Remarks in the Context of Dutch Post-Defence Hearings/Hilke A.M. Grootelaar, Tjalling A. Waterbolk, Jakoline Winkels.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.4: 147-161. |
76638 | Towards a Future-Proof Framework for the Protection of Minors in European Audiovisual Media/Madeleine de Cock Buning.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.5: 9-30. |
76639 | Compliance Programmes in Competition Law: Improving the Approach of Competition Authorities/Eva Lachnit.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.5: 31-50. |
76640 | The Multiplicity of Regulatory Responses to Remedy the Gender Imbalance on Company Boards/Linda Senden.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.5: 51-66. |
76641 | Shared Regulatory Regimes through the Lens of Subsidiarity: Towards a Substantive Approach/Anoeska Buijze.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.5: 67-79. |
76642 | Institutional Design of Enforcement in the EU: The Case of Financial Markets/Miroslava Scholten, Annetje Ottow.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.5: 80-91. |
76643 | Shifts in Competences between Member States and the EU in the New Supervisory System for Credit Institutions and their Consequences for Judicial Protection/Laura Wissink, Ton Duijkersloot, Rob Widdershoven.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.5: 92-115. |
76644 | On the Enforceability of EU Agencies’ Soft Law at the National Level: The Case of the European Securities and Markets Authority/Marloes van Rijsbergen.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.5: 116-131. |
76645 | European Agencies for Criminal Justice and Shared Enforcement (Eurojust and the European Public Prosecutor’s Office)/Michiel Luchtman, John Vervaele.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.5: 132-150. |
76646 | Designing Supervision under the Preventive: Anti-Money Laundering Policy in the European Union/Melissa van den Broek.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.5: 151-167. |
76647 | The Institutionalised and Non-Institutionalised Exemptions from EU Public Procurement Law: Towards a More Coherent Approach?/Willem A. Janssen.- Utrecht Law Review. 2014; Vol.10, No.5: 168-186. |
76658 | Losing Your Children: The Failure to Extend Civil Rights Protections to Transgender Parents/Charles Cohen.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.2: p. 5. |
76659 | Game of Phones, Data Isn’t Coming: Modern Mobile Operating System Encryption and Its Chilling Effect on Law Enforcement/Kristen M. Jacobsen.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.2: 612-566 .w. |
76660 | Knocked Unconscionable: College Football Scholarships and Traumatic Brain Injury/Bryant Lee.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.2: p. 613-644. |
76661 | Patent Pacifism/Clark D. Asay.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.3: p. 645-711. |
76662 | Police Unions/Catherine L. Fisk, L. Song Richardson.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.3: p. 712-799. |
76663 | Searching for Federal Judicial Power: Article III and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court/Peter Margulies.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.3: p. 800-855. |
76664 | The Legacy of Justice Scalia and His Textualist Ideal/Jonathan R. Siegel.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.3: p. 857-921. |
76665 | The Virtual Bathroom Stall: Solving the Headache of Geo-Based Anonymous Message Applications on University Campuses/Thomas C. Gallagher.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.3: p. 922-953. |
76666 | The Religious Right to Therapeutic Abortions/Carla Graff.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.3: p. 954-992. |
76667 | Stingray Confidential/Spencer McCandless.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.3: p. 993-1038. |
76668 | The Right to Vote Under Local Law/Joshua A. Douglas.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.4: p. 1039-1111. |
76669 | Corporate Privilege and an Individual’s Right to Defend/Susan B. Heyman.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.4: p. 1112-1162. |
76670 | Birthing Injustice: Pregnancy as a Status Offense/Priscilla A. Ocen.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.4: p. 1163-1223. |
76671 | How States Can Take a Stand Against Prison Banking Profiteers/Catherine E. Akenhead.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.4: p. 1224-1262. |
76672 | An Arbitral Solution: A Private Law Alternative to Bankruptcy for Puerto Rico, Territories, and Sovereign Nations/Melika Hadziomerovic.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.4: p. 1263-1303. |
76673 | People Dont Forget: The Necessity of Legislative Guidance in Implementing a U.S. Right to Be Forgotten/Hillary C. Webb.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.4: p. 1304-1338. |
76674 | Chevrons Inevitability/Nicholas R. Bednar, Kristin E. Hickman.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.5: p. 1392-1461. |
76675 | When Constitutional Tailoring Demands the Impossible: Unrealistic Scrutiny of Agencies?/Lars Noah.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.5: p. 1462-1483. |
76676 | Confusion in the Circuit Courts: How the Circuit Courts Are Solving the Mead-Puzzle by Avoiding It Altogether/Daniel S. Brookins.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.5: p. 1484-1513. |
76677 | Arbitrary and Capricious Cost-(Non)Consideration After Michigan v. EPA/Karmina Caragan.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.5: p. 1514-1528. |
76678 | The Administrative Procedure Act’s Stay Provision: Bypassing Scylla and Charybdis of Preliminary Injunctions/Frank Chang.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.5: p. 1529-1553. |
76679 | Standing Underwater/Daniel A. Fiedler.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.5: p. 1554-1579. |
76680 | Judicial Development of the Law of Contract in the United Kingdom/Lord Patrick Stewart Hodge.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.6: p. 1587-1616. |
76681 | Contract Interpretation 2.0: Not Winner-Take-All but Best-Tool-for-the-Job/Lawrence Cunningham.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.6: p. 1625-1659. |
76682 | The Implication of Terms-in-Fact: Good Faith, Contextualism, and Interpretation/Martin A. Hogg.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.6: p. 1660-1691. |
76683 | The Impact of Mandatory Arbitration on the Common Law Regulation of Standard Terms in Consumer Contracts/James P. Nehf.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.6: p. 1692-1716. |
76684 | Comparative Contract Law and Development: The Missing Link?/Mariana Pargendler.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.6: p. 1717-1738. |
76685 | A Civilian Perspective on Network Contracts and Privity/Matthias E. Storme.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.6: p. 1739-1776. |
76686 | The Sharing Economy in the EU and the Law of Contracts/Rolf H. Weber.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.6: p. 1777-1803. |
76687 | The Sharing Economy and the Edges of Contract Law: Comparing U.S. and U.K. Approaches/Miriam A. Cherry.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.6: p. 1804-1845. |
76688 | A Examination of Judicial Reasoning When a Penalty Is Not a Penalty/Larry A. DiMatteo.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.6: p. 1846-1903. |
76689 | The European Unions Influence on English Consumer Contract Law/Geraint G. Howells.- George Washington Law Review. 2017; Vol.85, No.6: p. 1904-1951. |
76690 | The Use and Incorporation of Extralegal Insights in Legal Reasoning/Ivo Giesen.- Utrecht Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 1-18. |
76691 | Probability Arguments in Criminal Law: Illustrated by the Case of Lucia de Berk/Herman Philipse.- Utrecht Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 19-32. |
76692 | Habitat Restoration on Private Lands in the United States and the EU: Moving from Contestation to Collaboration?/Hendrik Schoukens.- Utrecht Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 33-60. |
76693 | Crimmigration at the Internal Borders of Europe? Examining the Schengen Governance Package/Maartje A.H. van der Woude, Patrick van Berlo.- Utrecht Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 61-79. |
76694 | The Right and the Good in Aeschylus’ Oresteia and Yael Farber’s Molora: Transitional Justice between Deontology and Teleology/Lukas van den Berge, Christiaan Caspers.- Utrecht Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.1: 80-98. |
76695 | Self-Defence as a Circumstance Precluding the Wrongfulness of the Use of Force/Cliff Farhang.- Utrecht Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 1-18. |
76696 | Empirical Legal Research: The Gap between Facts and Values and Legal Academic Training/Frans L. Leeuw.- Utrecht Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 19-33. |
76697 | Integrating the Disciplines of Law and Biology: Dealing with Clashing Paradigms/Hendrik Gommer.- Utrecht Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 34-48. |
76698 | Exit, Voice, and Loyalty within the Judiciary: Judges’ Responses to New Managerialism in the Netherlands/Nina L. Holvast, Nienke Doornbos.- Utrecht Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 49-63. |
76699 | Democratic Input Legitimacy of IRAs: Proposing an Assessment Framework/Miroslava Scholten.- Utrecht Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 64-77. |
76700 | Reasons of Control and Trust: Grounding the Public Need for Transparency in the European Union/Vigjilenca Abazi, Eljalill Tauschinsky.- Utrecht Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 78-90. |
76701 | Human Dignity and the Rule of Law/Stephen Riley.- Utrecht Law Review. 2015; Vol.11, No.2: 91-105. |
76702 | Rethinking European Competition Law: From a Consumer Welfare to a Capability Approach/Rutger Claassen, Anna Gerbrandy.- Utrecht Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 1-15. |
76703 | Balancing Public and Private Regulation/Martijn Scheltema.- Utrecht Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 16-31. |
76704 | The Presumption of Innocence as a Counterfactual Principle/Ferry de Jong, Leonie van Lent.- Utrecht Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 32-49. |
76705 | Theorizing Mediation: Lessons Learned from Legal Anthropology/Marc Simon Thomas.- Utrecht Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 50-60. |
76706 | The Development of the Concept of Contributory Negligence in English Common Law/Emanuel G.D. van Dongen, Henriette P. Verdam.- Utrecht Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 61-74. |
76707 | EU Executive Rule-Making and the Second Directive on Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision/Ton van den Brink, Hans van Meerten.- Utrecht Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 75-85. |
76708 | The Right of a Victim to a Review of a Decision not to Prosecute as Set out in Article 11 of Directive 2012/29/EU and an Assessment of its Transposition in Germany, Italy, France and Croatia/Ante Novokmet.- Utrecht Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 86-108. |
76709 | Accounting Standards and Legal Capital in EU Law/Loukas Panetsos.- Utrecht Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 139-158. |
76710 | Parliamentary Supremacy versus Judicial Supremacy: How can adversarial judicial, public, and political dialogue be institutionalised?/Veit Bader.- Utrecht Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 159-183. |
76711 | International Framework Agreements: An analysis of the international framework agreement as an instrument for improving working standards in global business operations/Aalt G. Colenbrander.- Utrecht Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 109-121. |
76712 | State Responsibility in Peacekeeping: The effect of responsibility on future contributions/Nina Mileva.- Utrecht Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.1: 122-138. |
76713 | Paucity and the Need for Value Sensitivity in Dealing with Youth Care: Why legal and youth professionals should take cultural and religious considerations seriously/Wibo van Rossum, Mariette van den Hoven.- Utrecht Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 7-23. |
76714 | How is a Judicial Decision Made in Parental Religious Disputes? An analysis of determining factors in Dutch and European Court of Human Rights case law/Jet Tigchelaar, Merel Jonker.- Utrecht Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 24-40. |
76715 | To School or to Syria? The foreign fighter phenomenon from a children’s rights perspective/Rozemarijn van Spaendonck.- Utrecht Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 41-62. |
76716 | E kuchu ta korta mi versus I cut myself with a knife: Cultural Assumptions in Child Protection Intervention Processes/Tessa Verhallen.- Utrecht Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 63-80. |
76717 | Family Formation in Scandinavia: A comparative study in family law/Annette Kronborg.- Utrecht Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 81-97. |
76718 | Reasons for Regulating Informal Relationships: A comparison of nine European jurisdictions/Charlotte Mol.- Utrecht Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 98-113. |
76719 | Politicians and Epidemics in the Bible Belt/Geurt Henk Spruyt.- Utrecht Law Review. 2016; Vol.12, No.2: 114-126. |
76720 | The Freedom of the Judge to Express his Personal Opinions and Convictions under the ECHR/Sietske Dijkstra.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 1-17. |
76721 | Justiciability, Complementarity and Immunity: Reflections on the crime of aggression/Tom Ruys.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 18-33. |
76722 | Same-Sex Marriages (or Civil Unions/Registered Partnerships) in Slovak Constitutional Law: Challenges and possibilities/Marian Sekerak.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 34-59. |
76723 | The Relational Turn in Dutch Administrative Law/Lukas van den Berge.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 99-111. |
76724 | Nudging Domestic Judicial Reforms from Strasbourg: How the European Court of Human Rights shapes domestic judicial design/David Kosar.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 112-123. |
76725 | Non-Regression Clauses in Times of Ecological Restoration Law: Article 6(2) of the EU Habitats Directive as an unusual ally to restore Natura 2000?/Hendrik Schoukens.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 124-154. |
76726 | Development of the Law by Supreme Courts in Europe/Maarten Feteris.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 155-169. |
76727 | Intra-Unit Minorities in the Context of Ethno-National Federation in Ethiopia/Assefa Fiseha.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 170-189. |
76728 | Bringing Occupation into the 21st Century: The effective implementation of occupation by proxy/Alexander Gilder.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 60-81. |
76729 | The Council Committee on NGOs: An analysis of the reports of the Council Committee on NGOs between 2005 and 2015/Simone Vromen.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 82-98. |
76730 | Representations of the (Extra)territorial: Theoretical and visual perspectives/Cedric Ryngaert.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 1-6. |
76731 | Representing Extraterritorial Images/Ruti Sela, Maayan Amir.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 7-12. |
76732 | The Virtuality of Territorial Borders/Mireille Hildebrandt.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 13-27. |
76733 | Between the Dog and the Divine: Resistance and conventionalism in cosmopolitanism/Geoff Gordon, Wouter Werner.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 28-36. |
76734 | Evaluating the Quality of Dutch Academic Legal Publications: Results from a Survey/Willem van Boom, Rob van Gestel.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 9-27. |
76735 | American Legal Realism: Research Programme and Policy Impact/Frans L. Leeuw.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 28-40. |
76736 | The Study of Law as an Academic Discipline/Rene Brouwer.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 41-48. |
76737 | Odd Topics, Old Methods and the Cradle of the Ius Commune: Byzantine Law and the Italian City-States/Daphne Penna.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 49-55. |
76738 | Analysing Discursive Practices in Legal Research: How a Single Remark Implies a Paradigm/Paul van den Hoven.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 56-64. |
76739 | Building a Legal Citation Network: The Influence of the Court of Cassation on the Lower Judiciary/Matthias Van Der Haegen.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 65-76. |
76740 | The Victim’s Right to Intervene as an Injured Party in Criminal Proceedings: A Multidimensional and Interdisciplinary Assessment of Current Dutch Legal Practice/Renee S.B. Kool, Jessy. M. Emaus, Daan P. van Uhm.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 77-94. |
76741 | Making the Case for Case Studies in Empirical Legal Research/Aikaterini Argyrou.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 95-113. |
76742 | On Why Procedural Justice Matters in Court Hearings: Experimental Evidence that Behavioral Disinhibition Weakens the Association between Procedural Justice and Evaluations of Judges/Liesbeth Hulst … [et al.].- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 114-129. |
76743 | Methodology in Legal Research/Tom R. Tyler.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 130-141. |
76744 | Drafting (and Redrafting) Comparative Property Questionnaires/Peter Sparkes.- Utrecht Law Review. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 142-152. |
76745 | Auditing Standards and the Accountability of the European Court of Auditors (ECA)/Alex Brenninkmeijer … [et al.].- Utrecht Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 1-17. |
76746 | (Effective) Remedies for a Violation of the Right to Counsel during Criminal Proceedings in the European Union: An Empirical Study/Anneli Soo.- Utrecht Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 18-60. |
76747 | Constitutional Dialogue in the Case of Legislative Omissions: Who Fills the Legislative Gap?/Sarah Verstraelen.- Utrecht Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 61-81. |
76748 | Online Political Microtargeting: Promises and Threats for Democracy/Frederik J. Zuiderveen Borgesius … [et al.].- Utrecht Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 82-96. |
76749 | Imprisonment for Life at the International Criminal Court/Diletta Marchesi.- Utrecht Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 97-115. |
76750 | Access to Justice for Communications Surveillance and Interception: Scrutinising Intelligence-Gathering Reform Legislation/Quirine A.M. Eijkman.- Utrecht Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 116-127. |
76751 | The Interaction between Private and Public Actors: Traditional Principles versus New Trends: A Comparative Analysis/Simona Rodriquez.- Utrecht Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 157-173. |
76752 | Judicial Reforms Under Pressure: The New Map/Organisation of the Portuguese Judicial System/Joao Paulo Dias, Conceicao Gomes.- Utrecht Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 174-186. |
76753 | Trust Law in the Process of Reunifying East and West Germany: How a legal concept foreign to German law was the solution to merge a socialist and a capitalist economy between 1989 and the present/Tim A. Beijer.- Utrecht Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 128-142. |
76754 | The Legal Relevance of Constitutional Conventions in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands/Max Vetzo.- Utrecht Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 143-156. |
76755 | Tort Litigation against Transnational Corporations in the English Courts: The Challenge of Jurisdiction/Ekaterina Aristova.- Utrecht Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 6-21. |
76756 | An Evaluation of Two Key Extraterritorial Techniques to Bring Human Rights Standards to Bear on Corporate Misconduct: Jurisdictional dilemma raised/created by the use of the extraterritorial techniques/Rachel Chambers.- Utrecht Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 22-39. |
76757 | The Accountability and Corporate Social Responsibility of Multinational Corporations for Transgressions in Host States through International Investment Law/Yulia Levashova.- Utrecht Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 40-55. |
76758 | The Added Value of Tender-Based Public Procurement as an Instrument to Promote Human Rights Compliance: What Impact May Be Expected from the Instrument?/Myrthe Vogel.- Utrecht Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 56-69. |
76759 | Can WTO Member States Rely on Citizen Concerns to Prevent Corporations from Importing Goods Made from Child Labour?/Aleydis Nissen.- Utrecht Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 70-83. |
76760 | The Dutch Banking Sector Agreement on Human Rights: An Exercise in Regulation, Experimentation or Advocacy?/Benjamin Thompson.- Utrecht Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 84-107. |
76761 | Problem-Solving Criminal Justice: Developments in England and Wales/Jennifer Ward.- Utrecht Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 7-18. |
76762 | Problem-Solving Justice in Criminal and Civil Justice in Finland/Kaijus Ervasti.- Utrecht Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 19-30. |
76763 | Problem-Solving Justice in French Civil and Commercial Matters/Ludovic Pailler.- Utrecht Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 31-39. |
76764 | Is French Administrative Justice a Problem-Solving Justice?/Caroline Expert-Foulquier.- Utrecht Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 40-51. |
76765 | Problem-Solving Justice and Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Italian Legal Context/Giuliana Romualdi.- Utrecht Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 52-63. |
76766 | Problem-Solving Initiatives in Administrative and Criminal Law in the Netherlands/Miranda Boone, Philip Langbroek.- Utrecht Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 64-76. |
76767 | Problem-Solving Justice in Criminal Law in Poland/Stanislaw Burdziej.- Utrecht Law Review. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 77-89. |
76768 | The Reasonable Computer: Disrupting the Paradigm of Tort Liability/Ryan Abbott.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.1: p. 1-45. |
76769 | An Empirical Study of the Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Age of Copyright Registrants/Robert Brauneis, Dotan Oliar.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.1: p. 46-98. |
76770 | The Vanishing Criminal Jury Trial: From Trial Judges to Sentencing Judges/Robert J. Conrad, Katy L. Clements.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.1: p. 99-167. |
76771 | Taking Care of the Rule of Law/David S. Rubenstein.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.1: p. 168-230. |
76772 | JASTA Say No: The Practical and Constitutional Deficiencies of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act/Lisa Ann Johnson.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.1: p. 231-256. |
76773 | As Justice So Requires: Making the Case for a Limited Reading of 230 of the Communications Decency Act/Yaffa A. Meeran.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.1: p. 257-286. |
76774 | Standing Up for the Dead Inventor: Ensuring a Personal Representative’s Standing to Sue for Patent Infringement/Akkad Y. Moussa.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.1: p. 287-312. |
76775 | Why Art Does Not Need Copyright/Amy Adler.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.2: p. 313-374. |
76776 | Bifurcating Settlements/Michael Abramowicz, Sarah Abramowicz.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.2: p. 376-437. |
76777 | Tiered Constitutional Design/Rosalind Dixon, David Landau.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.2: p. 438-512. |
76778 | The Myth of Free/John M. Newman.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.2: p. 513-586. |
76779 | What Happens Behind Bars Should Not Stay Behind Bars: The Case for an Exhaustion Exception to the Prison Litigation Reform Act for Juveniles/Samantha Bennett.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.2: p. 587-619. |
76780 | A Dangerous Custom: Reining in the Use of Signature Strikes Outside Recognized Conflicts/Amy Byrne.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.2: p. 587-619. |
76781 | Some Kind of Notice Is No Kind of Standard: The Need for Judicial Intervention and Clarity in Due Process Protections for Public School Students/Elizabeth J. Upton.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.2: p. 655-688. |
76782 | Things of Which We Dare Not Speak: An Essay on Wrongful Life/James A. Henderson.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86: p. 689-710. |
76783 | Green Ethics for Judges/Tom Lininger.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.3: p. 711-773. |
76784 | Our Unconstitutional Reapportionment Process/Gerard N. Magliocca.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.3: p. 774-803. |
76785 | Deliberate Indifference: Why Universities Must Do More to Protect Students from Sexual Assault/A.J. Bolan.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.3: p. 804-838. |
76786 | Increasing United States China Cooperation on Anti-Corruption: Reforming Mutual Legal Assistance/Eleanor Ross.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.3: p. 839-868. |
76787 | Preserving the Families of Homeless and Housing-Insecure Parents/H. Elenore Wade.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.3: p. 869-906. |
76788 | Franchise Regulation for the Fissured Economy/Andrew Elmore.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.4: p. 907-965. |
76789 | The Trespass/Nuisance Divide and the Law of Easements/Kenneth A. Stahl.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.4: p. 966-1010. |
76790 | FBI Independence as a Threat to Civil Liberties: An Analogy to Civilian Control of the Military/Justin Walker.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.4: p. 1011-1078. |
76791 | Digital Data and Patents at the International Trade Commission: A Path Forward After ClearCorrect/Jill Greenfield.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.4: p. 1079-1114. |
76792 | Before the Breach: The Role of Cyber Insurance in Incentivizing Data Security/Brendan Heath.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.4: p. 1115-1151. |
76793 | Drone Trespass and the Line Separating the National Airspace and Private Property/Lane Page.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.4: p. 1152-1179. |
76794 | Optimal Ossification/Aaron L. Nielson.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.5: p. 1209-1242. |
76795 | Topic Modeling the President: Conventional and Computational Methods/J.B. Ruhl, John Nay, Jonathan Gilligan.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.5: p. 1243-1315. |
76796 | Defying Debarment: Judicial Review of Agency Suspension and Debarment Actions/Samantha Block.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.5: p. 1316-1347. |
76797 | Lying in Wait: How a Court Should Handle the First Pretextual For-Cause Removal/Richard Rothman, Katelin Shugart-Schmidt.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.5: p. 1348-1372. |
76798 | Use of the Congressional Review Act at the Start of the Trump Administration: A Study of Two Vetoes/Stephen Santulli.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.5: p. 1373-1391. |
76799 | Chartering Fintech: The OCC’s Newest Nonbank Proposal/Elizabeth J. Upton.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.5: p. 1392-1437. |
76800 | Good Cause Is Cause for Concern/James Yates.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.5: p. 1438-1463. |
76801 | Evidence-Informed Criminal Justice/Brandon L. Garrett.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.6: p. 1490-1524. |
76802 | Prosecutorial Dismissals as Teachable Moments and Databases for the Police/Adam M. Gershowitz.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.6: p. 1525-1551. |
76803 | In a Different Force/Nancy Leong.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.6: p. 1552-1563. |
76804 | The Right to Counsel in Criminal Cases: Still a National Crisis?/Mary Sue Backus, Paul Marcus.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.6: p. 1564-1603. |
76805 | The Challenge of Race and Crime in a Free Society: The Racial Divide in Fifty Years of Juvenile Justice Reform/Kristin Henning.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.6: p. 1604-1666. |
76806 | Career Motivations of State Prosecutors/Ronald F. Wright, Kay L. Levine.- George Washington Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.6: p. 1667-1710. |
76807 | Protection of the EU Charter for Private Legal Entities and Public Authorities? The Personal Scope of Fundamental Rights within Europe Compared/Manon Julicher … [et al.].- Utrecht Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 1-25. |
76808 | A Communications Perspective on the Use of Visualisations in a Dutch Court for Minor Felonies/Lisanne van Weelden, Tessa van Charldorp.- Utrecht Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 26-37. |
76809 | Constitutional Reviews of Incomplete Regulations in Poland/Piotr Radziewicz.- Utrecht Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 38-49. |
76810 | Breaking the Cycle of Deferment: Jus Cogens in the Practice of International Law/Noemie Gagnon-Bergeron.- Utrecht Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 50-64. |
76811 | How do Social and Economic Rights Relate to Each Other in the Social Market Economy: An Introduction to this Special Issue/Frans Pennings.- Utrecht Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 1-15. |
76812 | (Re)Conceptualising a Social Market Economy for the EU Internal Market/Jotte Mulder.- Utrecht Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 16-31. |
76813 | Shaping the Social Market Economy After the Lisbon Treaty: How Social is Public Economic Law?/Anna Gerbrandy, Willem Janssen, Lyndsey Thomsin.- Utrecht Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 32-46. |
76814 | The Social Market Economy in a (Heterogeneous) Social Europe: Does it Make a Difference?/Catherine Barnard, Sybe de Vries.- Utrecht Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 47-63. |
76815 | Equal Treatment of Mobile Persons in the Context of a Social Market Economy/Catherine Jacqueson, Frans Pennings.- Utrecht Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 64-80. |
76816 | Social Pensions and Market Values: A Conflict?/Quentin Detienne, Elmar Schmidt.- Utrecht Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 81-94. |
76817 | The Relevance of the Concept of the Social Market Economy: Concluding Observations on the Contributions in this Special Issue/Frans Pennings.- Utrecht Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 95-100. |
76818 | A Rule of Persons, Not Machines: The Limits of Legal Automation/Frank Pasquale.- George Washington Law Review. Vol.87, No.1: p. 1-55. |
76819 | Sexual Harassment and Solidarity/Marion Crain, Ken Matheny.- George Washington Law Review. Vol.87, No.1: p. 56-123. |
76820 | Biological Citizenship and the Children of Same-Sex Marriage/Michael J. Higdon.- George Washington Law Review. Vol.87, No.1: p. 124-171. |
76821 | The First American Climate Refugees and the Need for Proactive Relocation/Kelley Pettus.- George Washington Law Review. Vol.87, No.1: p. 172-206. |
76822 | Hearsay in the Modern Age: Balancing Practicality and Reliability by Amending Federal Rule of Evidence 801-d-1-A/Madeline Smedley.- George Washington Law Review. Vol.87, No.1: p. 207-238. |
76823 | The New Financial Extraterritoriality/Pierre-Hugues Verdier.- George Washington Law Review. Vol.87, No.2: p. 239-314. |
76824 | Wrongful Collateral Consequences/Abigail E. Horn.- George Washington Law Review. Vol.87, No.2: p. 315-372. |
76825 | If Rockefeller Were a Coder/Carla L. Reyes.- George Washington Law Review. Vol.87, No.2: p. 373-429. |
76826 | Unexpected Consequences: Why Criminal Defense Attorneys Have an Ethical Obligation to Inform Noncitizen Clients of the Immigration Consequences of Conviction/Megan Elman.- George Washington Law Review. Vol.87, No.2: p. 430-467. |
76827 | Crossing State Lines: The Trojan Horse Invasion of Rent-a-Bank and Rent-a-Tribe Schemes in Modern Usury Law/Jayne Munger.- George Washington Law Review. Vol.87, No.2: p. 468-506. |
76828 | The Jurisprudence of Justice Samuel Alito/Steven G. Calabresi, Todd W. Shaw.- George Washington Law Review. Vol.87, No.3: p. 507-578. |
76829 | Regulatory Sandboxes/Hilary J. Allen.- George Washington Law Review. Vol.87, No.3: p. 579-645. |
76830 | Interrogating Police Officers/Stephen Rushin, Atticus DeProspo.- George Washington Law Review. Vol.87, No.3: p. 646-705. |
76831 | Standing on Shaky Ground: How Circuit Courts Reconcile Legal Rights and Injuries in Fact After Spokeo v. Robins/James Hannaway.- George Washington Law Review. Vol.87, No.3: p. 706-739. |
76832 | Mind the Gap: Ensuring that Quasi-State Actors Are Held Liable for Human Rights Abuses/John Tyler Knoblett.- George Washington Law Review. Vol.87, No.3: p. 740-781. |
76833 | Moving Beyond Lassiter: The Need for a Federal Statutory Right to Counsel for Parents in Child Welfare Cases/Vivek S. Sankaran.- Journal of Legislation. 2017; Vol.44, No.1: 1-21. |
76834 | Baking Common Sense into the FERPA Cake: How to Meaningfully Protect Student Rights and the Public Interest/Zach Greenberg, Adam Goldstein.- Journal of Legislation. 2017; Vol.44, No.1: 22-68. |
76835 | The Senate Blue-Slip Process as It Bears on Proposals to Split the Ninth Circuit/Wyatt Kozinski.- Journal of Legislation. 2017; Vol.44, No.1: 68-83. |
76836 | Mental Health Crisis in Maryland: A Lack of Hospital Beds for the Mentally Ill Presents Maryland Legislature with Concerns About the Legality and Practicality of Detainment/Ryan D. Konstanzer.- Journal of Legislation. 2017; Vol.44, No.1: 84-106. |
76837 | Chevron, and Beyond the Infinite: The Judicial and Legislative Challenges to the Administrative State/Shane LaBarge.- Journal of Legislation. 2017; Vol.44, No.1: 107-131. |
76838 | A New Deal Approach to Statutory Interpretation: Selected Cases Authored by Justice Robert Jackson/Charles Patrick Thomas.- Journal of Legislation. 2017; Vol.44, No.1: 132-153. |
76839 | Prevailing Wage Legislation and the Continuing Significance of Race/David E. Bernstein.- Journal of Legislation. 2017; Vol.44, No.2: 154-169. |
76840 | Reforming by Re-Norming: How the Legal System Has the Potential to Change a Toxic Culture of Domestic Violence/Melissa L. Breger.- Journal of Legislation. 2017; Vol.44, No.2: 170-200. |
76841 | Thou Shalt Not Ration Justice: The Importance of Autism Insurance Reform for Military Autism Families, and the Economic and National Security Implications of Improving Access to ABA Therapy Under TRICARE/Ariana Cernius.- Journal of Legislation. 2017; Vol.44, No.2: 201-238. |
76842 | Rejoining Moral Culpability with Criminal Liability: Reconsideration of the Felony Murder Doctrine for the Current Time/William Bald.- Journal of Legislation. 2017; Vol.44, No.2: 239-258. |
76843 | Sentencing Enhancement for Aggravating Role: The Need for the Numerosity Test as the Legal Standard for the Otherwise Extensive Criminal Activity Determination/Nicole Borczyk.- Journal of Legislation. 2017; Vol.44, No.2: 259-283. |
76844 | The Pragmatic Disappointment of State Preemption: The 2016 Defend Trade Secrets Act and Its Failure to Protect Employee Whistleblowers from Federal Computer Crime Law/Kristine Craig.- Journal of Legislation. 2017; Vol.44, No.2: 284-305. |
76845 | The Criminalization of School Choice: Punishing the Poor for the Inequities of Geographic School Districting/La Darien Harris.- Journal of Legislation. 2017; Vol.44, No.2: 306-337. |
76846 | Defining Diversity in Corporate Governance: A Global Survey/Askhaya Kamalnath.- Journal of Legislation. 2018; Vol.45, No.1: 1-8. |
76847 | Collusion, Obstruction of Justice, and Impeachment/Ediberto Roman, Melissa Gonzalez, Dianet Torres.- Journal of Legislation. 2018; Vol.45, No.1: 9-59. |
76848 | I’ll Know It When I See It: Defending the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Approach of Interpreting the Scope of Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts or Practices (UDAPP) Through Enforcement Actions/Stephen J. Canzona.- Journal of Legislation. 2018; Vol.45, No.1: 60-80. |
76849 | The Unconstitutionality of the Protecting Access to Care Act of 2017’s Cap on Noneconomic Damages in Medical Malpractice Cases/Kaeleigh P. Christie.- Journal of Legislation. 2018; Vol.45, No.1: 81-101. |
76850 | Challenging Federalism: How the States’ Loud Constitutional Provocation is Being Met with Silence/Jennifer M. Haidar.- Journal of Legislation. 2018; Vol.45, No.1: 102-124. |
76851 | There’s A Pill for That! State Law Approaches to Workplace Drug Testing Policy In The Age of Prescription Opioids/Katie Meikle.- Journal of Legislation. 2018; Vol.45, No.1: 125-150. |
76852 | The Perils and Promises of Artificial General Intelligence/Brian S. Haney.- Journal of Legislation. 2018; Vol.45, No.2: 151-170. |
76853 | The Gendered Burdens of Conviction and Collateral Consequences on Employment/Joni Hersch, Erin E. Meyers.- Journal of Legislation. 2018; Vol.45, No.2: 171-193. |
76854 | When Soft Law Meets Hard Politics: Taming the Wild West of Nonprofit Political Involvement/Lloyd Hitoshi Mayer.- Journal of Legislation. 2018; Vol.45, No.2: 194-234. |
76855 | Restoring Effective Congressional Oversight: Reform Proposals for the Enforcement of Congressional Subpoenas/Kia Rahnama.- Journal of Legislation. 2018; Vol.45, No.2: 235-252. |
76856 | Lands of Opportunity: An Analysis of the Effectiveness and Impact of Opportunity Zones in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017/Joseph Bennett.- Journal of Legislation. 2018; Vol.45, No.2: 253-271. |
76857 | The Need to Codify Roe v. Wade: A Case for National Abortion Legislation/Kathryn N. Peachman.- Journal of Legislation. 2018; Vol.45, No.2: 272-297. |
76858 | Considering the Costs: Adopting a Judicial Test for the Least Restrictive Environment Mandate of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act/Edmund J. Rooney.- Journal of Legislation. 2018; Vol.45, No.2: 298-323. |
76859 | Do we Need to Secure a Place at the Table for Women? An Analysis of the Legality of California Law SB-826/Teal N. Trujillo.- Journal of Legislation. 2018; Vol.45, No.2: 324-346. |
76860 | Into Justice Jacksons Twilight: A Constitutional and Historical Analysis of Treaty Termination/David a. Schnitzer.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2012; Vol.101, No.1: p. 243-280. |
76861 | Prosecuting Post-Padilla: State Interests and the Pursuit of Justice for Noncitizen Defendants/Heidi altman.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2012; Vol.101, No.1: p. 1-59. |
76862 | The Inalienable Right of Publicity/Jennifer e. Rothman.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2012; Vol.101, No.1: p. 185-241. |
76863 | Upside-Down Judicial Review/Corinna barrett lain.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2012; Vol.101, No.1: p. 113-183. |
76864 | Could a Self-Regulatory OrganizationWork? An Examination of For-Profit Higher Education and One Potential Solution/Arthur kim.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.2: p. 467-492. |
76865 | Hiding Behind Ivory Towers: Penalizing Schools That Improperly Invoke Student Privacy To Suppress Open Records Requests/Rob silverblatt.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.2: p. 493-517. |
76866 | Narrative, Truth, and Trial/Lisa kern griffin.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.2: p. 281-335. |
76867 | Publicness in Contemporary Securities Regulation After the JOBS Act/Donald c. Langevoort, robert b. Thompson.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.2: p. 337-383. |
76868 | The Problematic Case of Clearinghouses in Complex Markets/Yesha Yadav.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.2: p. 387-444. |
76869 | The Tenuous Case for Derivatives Clearinghouses/Adam j. Levitin.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.2: p. 445-466. |
76870 | Bedside Bureaucrats: Why Medicare Reform Hasn’t Worked/Nicholas bagley.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.3: p. 519-580. |
76871 | Behavioral Credit Scoring/Nate Cullerton.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.3: p. 807-838. |
76872 | Is Texas Hold Em a Game of Chance? A Legal and Economic Analysis/Steven d. Levitt, thomas j. Miles, andrew m. Rosenfield.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.3: p. 581-636. |
76873 | Monetizing Infringement: A New Legal Regime for Hosts of User-Generated Content/Bryan e. Arsham.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.3: p. 775-805. |
76874 | Raising the Stakes in Patent Cases/Anup Malani, Jonathan S. Masur.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.3: p. 637-687. |
76875 | Solemn School Boards: Limiting Marsh v. Chambers To Make School Board Prayer Unconstitutional/Paul Imperatore.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.3: p. 839-860. |
76876 | The 32nd Annual Philip A. Hart Memorial Lecture: A Journey from the Heart of Apartheid Darkness Towards a Just Society: Salient Features of the Budding Constitutionalism and Jurisprudence of South Africa/Dikgang Moseneke.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.3: p. 749-773. |
76877 | The Perils of Social Reading/Neil m. Richards.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.3: p. 689-724. |
76878 | Twenty-First-Century International Lawmaking/Harold Hongju Koh.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.3: p. 725-747. |
76879 | Combating Obesity with a Right to Nutrition/Paul a. Diller.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.4: p. 969-1021. |
76880 | Classified Opinions: Habeas at Guanta namo and the Creation of Secret Law/Michael a. Sall.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.4: p. 1147-1170. |
76881 | Medical Marijuana: A DrugWithout a Medical Model/Claire Frezza.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.4: p. 1117-1145. |
76882 | Privatizations Progeny/Jon d. Michaels.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.4: p. 1023-1088. |
76883 | Shining Light on Corporate Political Spending/Lucian A. Bebchuk, Robert J. Jackson.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.4: p. 923-967. |
76884 | The Anti-leveraging Principle and the Spending Clause After NFIB/Samuel R. Bagenstos.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.4: p. 861-921. |
76885 | The Dual Standard of Review in Contracts Clause Jurisprudence/Brenner M. Fissell.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.4: p. 1089-1115. |
76886 | Beyond Individual Status: The Clear Statement Rule and the Scope of the AUMF Detention Authority in the United States/Sarah Erickson-Muschko.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.5: p. 1399- 1425. |
76887 | Federal Arbitration Act Preemption, Purposivism, and State Public Policy/David Horton.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.5: p. 1217-1273. |
76888 | Ineffective Assistance of Library: The Failings and the Future of Prison Law Libraries/Jonathan Abel.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.5: p. 1171- 1215. |
76889 | James Bond, Inc.: Private Contractors and Covert Action/Lindsay Windsor.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.101, No.5: p. 1427-1453. |
76898 | Affirmative Action in the Era of Elective Race: Racial Commodification and the Promise of the New Functionalism/Camille Gear Rich.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.102, No.1: p. 179- 218. |
76899 | Federal Circuit Case Selection at the Supreme Court: An Empirical Analysis/Ryan Stephenson.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.102, No.1: p. 271- 299. |
76900 | Not Taking No for an Answer: An Empirical Assessment of Dissents from Denial of Rehearing En Banc/Jeremy D. Horowitz.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.102, No.1: p. 59- 98. |
76901 | Rebalancing the Fourth Amendment/Shima Baradaran.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.102, No.1: p. 1- 58. |
76902 | Regulating Tactical Nuclear Weapons/Dakota S. Rudesill.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.102, No.1: p. 99- 177. |
76903 | Self-storage Units and Cloud Computing: Conceptual and Practical Problems with the Stored Communications Act and Its Bar on ISP Disclosures to Private Litigants/Jeffrey Paul Desousa.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.102, No.1: p. 247- 269. |
76904 | The Lesser of Two Inefficiencies: An Anticommons Alternative to Perpetual Conservation Easements/Giancarlo Canaparo.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2013; Vol.102, No.1: p. 219- 246. |
76905 | After Newtown: Reconsidering Kelley v. R.G. Industries and the Radical Idea of Product-Category Liability for Manufacturers of Unreasonably Dangerous Firearms/Neal S. Shechter.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.2: p. 551- 578. |
76906 | Constitutional Sharia: Authoritarian Experiments with Islamic Judicial Review in Egypt, Iran, and Saudi Arabia/Alex Schank.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.2: p. 519- 550. |
76907 | Extraterritorial Common Law: Does the Common Law Apply Abroad?/Jeffrey A. Meyer.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.2: p. 301- 350. |
76908 | Lawyers and Fools: Lawyer-Directors in Public Corporations/Lubomir P. Litov, Simone M. Sepe, Charles K.Whitehead.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.2: p. 413- 480. |
76909 | Protecting Childrens Rights Inside of the Schoolhouse Gates: Ending Corporal Punishment in Schools/Nicole Mortorano.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.2: p. 481- 518. |
76910 | The Extra-legislative Veto/Michael Sant Ambrogio.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.2: p. 351- 411. |
76911 | Enacted Legislative Findings and the Deference Problem/Daniel A. Crane.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.3: p. 637- 680. |
76912 | Finding Fault? Exploring Legal Duties to Return Incidental Findings in Genomic Research/Elizabeth R. Pike, Karen H. Rothenberg, Benjamin E. Berkman.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.3: p. 795- 843. |
76913 | Forgetting to Weight: The Use of History in the Supreme Court’s Establishment Clause/Ethan Bercot.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.3: p. 845- 880. |
76914 | Nullification as Law/Jenny E. Carroll.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.3: p. 579- 635. |
76915 | Statistical Evidence of Racially Polarized Voting in the Obama Elections, and Implications for Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act/John M. Powers.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.3: p. 881- 925. |
76916 | Targeted Killing and Accountability/Gregory S. Mcneal.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.3: p. 681- 794. |
76917 | Breaking Down a GreatWall: Chinese Reverse Mergers and Regulatory Efforts to Increase Accounting Transparency/Katherine T. Zuber.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.4: p. 1307- 1329. |
76918 | Irredeemably Inefficient Acts: AThreat to Markets, Firms, and the Fisc/Alex Raskolnikov.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.4: p. 1133- 1189. |
76919 | Relative Standing/Richard M. Re.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.4: p. 1191- 1250. |
76920 | The Durability of Private Claims to Public Property/Bruce R. Huber.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.4: p. 991- 1043. |
76921 | The FDAs Plan B Fiasco: Lessons for Administrative Law/Lisa Heinzerling.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.4: p. 927- 989. |
76922 | The Lacey Act: A Case Study in the Mechanics of Overcriminalization/C. Jarrett Dieterle.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.4: p. 1279- 1306. |
76923 | The Necessary and Proper Clauses/John Mikhail.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.4: p. 1045- 1132. |
76924 | Tracing the School-to-Prison Pipeline from Zero-Tolerance Policies to Juvenile Justice Dispositions/Aaron J. Curtis.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.4: p. 1251- 1277. |
76925 | Against Methodological Stare Decisis/Evan J. Criddle, Glen Staszewski.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.5: p. 1573- 1596. |
76926 | Elective Race: Recognizing Race Discrimination in the Era of Racial Self-Identification/Camille Gear Rich.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.5: p. 1501 -1572. |
76927 | Lethal Injection Chaos Post-Baze/Deborah W. Denno.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.5: p. 1331- 1382. |
76928 | Navigating the Disclosure Dilemma: Corporate Illegality and the Federal Securities Laws/Alison B. Miller.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.5: p. 1647- 1684. |
76929 | The Rise and Fall of Unconscionability as the Law of the Poor/Anne Fleming.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.5: p. 1383- 1441. |
76930 | The Uncertain Terrain of State Occupational Licensing Laws for Noncitizens: A Preemption Analysis/Jennesa Calvo-Friedman.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.5: p. 1597- 1645. |
76931 | Through a Glass, Darkly: The Rhetoric and Reality of Campaign Finance Disclosure/Jennifer A. Heerwig, Katherine Shaw.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.5: p. 1443- 1500. |
76932 | Cooperative Federalism: AViable Option for Implementing the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements/Alexander Kamel.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.6: p. 1821- 1840. |
76933 | Panvasive Surveillance, Political Process Theory, and the Nondelegation Doctrine/Christopher Slobogin.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.6: p. 1721- 1776. |
76934 | Patents, Meet Napster: 3D Printing and the Digitization of Things/Deven R. Desai, Gerard N. Magliocca.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.6: p. 1690- 1720. |
76935 | Playing Through the Haze: The NFL Concussion Litigation and Section 301 Preemption/Michael Telis.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.6: p. 1841- 1868. |
76936 | Proximity-Driven Liability/Bryant Walker Smith.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.102, No.6: p. 1777- 1820. |
76937 | Monopolization Through Patent Theft/Christopher R. Leslie.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.103, No.1: p. 47- 95. |
76938 | On the Problem of Legal Change/Adam M. Samaha.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.103, No.1: p. 97- 155. |
76939 | Putting Justice Kagans Hobbyhorse Through Its Paces: An Examination of the Criminal Defense Advocacy Gap at the U.S. Supreme Court/William C. Kinder.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.103, No.1: p. 227- 258. |
76940 | The Decisionmaking Process of Funders, Attorneys, and Claimholders/Matthew Bogdan.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.103, No.1: p. 197- 225. |
76941 | The Law of Not Now: When Agencies Defer Decisions/Cass R. Sunstein, Adrian Vermeule.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.103, No.1: p. 157- 195. |
76942 | Upending a Global Debate: An Empirical Analysis of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Use of Transnational Law to Interpret Domestic Doctrine/Ryan C. Black… [et al.].- Georgetown Law Journal. 2014; Vol.103, No.1: p. 1- 46. |
76943 | Admit It! Corporate Admissions ofWrongdoing in SEC Settlements: Evaluating Collateral Estoppel Effects/Jason E. Siegel.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.2: p. 433- 464. |
76944 | Insider Trading in Derivatives Markets/Yesha Yadav.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.2: p. 381 -432. |
76945 | Regleprudence at OIRA and Beyond/Nestor M. Davidson, Ethan J. Leib.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.2: p. 259- 315. |
76946 | The Cyber-Law of Nations/Kristen E. Eichensehr.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.2: p. 317- 380. |
76947 | The Viability and Strategic Significance of Class Action Alternatives Under CAFA’s Mass Action Provisions/Marc S. Werner.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.2: p. 465- 496. |
76948 | Beyond Ownership: State Capitalism and the Chinese Firm/Curtis J. Milhaupt, Wentong Zheng.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.3: p. 665- 722. |
76949 | Culpability and Modern Crime/Samuel W. Buell.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.3: p. 547- 603. |
76950 | Dont Try This at Home: The Troubling Distortion of Rule 68/Bradley Girard.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.3: p. 723- 748. |
76951 | Final Detonation: How Customary International Law Can Trigger the End of Landmines/Ryan Kocse.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.3: p. 749- 796. |
76952 | In Partial Defense of Probate: Evidence from Alameda County, California/David Horton.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.3: p. 605- 664. |
76953 | Manipulative Marketing and the First Amendment/Micah L. Berman.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.3: p. 497- 546. |
76954 | Valuing Regulatory Flexibility: A Real Options Approach to Cost Benefit Analysis/Joe Vladeck.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.3: p. 797- 824. |
76956 | Law and the Art of Modeling: Are Models Facts?/Rebecca Hawallensworth.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.4: p. 825- 877. |
76957 | Military Courts and Article III/Stephen I. Vladeck.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.4: p. 933- 1001. |
76958 | Rulemaking as Legislating/Kathryn A. Watts.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.4: p. 1003 -1060. |
76959 | Skin in the Game: The Promise of Contingency-Based M&AFees/Ari Dropkin.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.4: p. 1061- 1088. |
76960 | Testing Tribes Triangle: Juries, Hearsay, and Psychological Distance/Justin Sevier.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.4: p. 879- 931. |
76961 | The Eagle and the Hare: U.S. Chinese Relations, theWolf Amendment, and the Future of International Cooperation in Space/Hannah Kohler.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.4: p. 1135- 1162. |
76962 | A Statute by Any Other Name Might Smell Less Like S.P.A.M., or, The Congress of the United States Grows Increasingly D.U.M.B./Chris Sagers.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.5: p. 1307- 1333. |
76963 | At Least Somewhat Exaggerated: How Reports of the Death of Delaware’s Duty of Care Don’t Tell the Whole Story/Christopher A. Yeager.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.5: p. 1387- 1407. |
76964 | Death Penalty Drugs and the International Moral Marketplace/James Gibson, Corinna Barrett Lain.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.5: p. 1215- 1274. |
76965 | Investing in Detroit: Automobiles, Bankruptcy, and the Future of Municipal Bonds/Anna M. Rice.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.5: p. 1335- 1358. |
76966 | Lessons from the Alien Tort Statute: Jus Cogens as the Law of Nations/Thomas Weatherall.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.5: p. 1359- 1386. |
76967 | Measuring How Stock Ownership Affects Which Judges and Justices Hear Cases/James M. Anderson, Eric Helland, Merritt Mcalister.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.5: p. 1163- 1213. |
76968 | Offensive Disclosure: How Voluntary Disclosure Can Increase Returns from Insider Trading/M. Todd Henderson, Alan D. Jagolinzer, Karl A. Muller.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.5: p. 1275- 1306. |
76969 | Cognitive Cleansing: Experimental Psychology and the Exclusionary Rule/Avani Mehta Sood.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.6: p. 1543- 1608. |
76970 | Hide Your Health: Addressing the New Privacy Problem of ConsumerWearables/Matthew R. Langley.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.6: p. 1641- 1659. |
76971 | Patent Conflicts/Tejas N. Narechania.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.6: p. 1483- 1542. |
76972 | The Legality of Invisibility Technology in Modern Warfare/Kaitlin J. Sahni.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.6: p. 1661- 1678. |
76973 | The Third Way 2.0: Evaluating the Title II Reclassification and Forbearance Approach to Net Neutrality/Pierre C. Hines.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.103, No.6: p. 1609- 1639. |
76974 | After the Revolution: An Empirical Study of Consumer Arbitration/David Horton, Andrea Cann Chandrasekher.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.104, No.1: p. 57- 124. |
76975 | Immigration Laws Looming Fourth Amendment Problem/Michael Kagan.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.104, No.1: p. 125- 170. |
76976 | Sustaining the Sustainable Corporation: Benefit Corporations and the Viability of Going Public/Matthew J. Dulac.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.104, No.1: p. 171- 195. |
76977 | The Laws Clock/Frederic Bloom.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.104, No.1: p. 1-56. |
76978 | When the Regulators Refuse to Regulate: Pervasive USDA Underenforcement of the Humane Slaughter Act/Bruce Friedrich.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2015; Vol.104, No.1: p. 197- 227. |
76979 | Children Who Should Not Be Heard: Protecting Mature Minors from ParentalWiretaps/Robert D. Mccabe.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.2: p. 435- 458. |
76980 | Income-Driven Repayment and the Public Financing of Higher Education/John R. Brooks.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.2: p. 229- 289. |
76981 | Obey All Laws and Be Good: Probation and the Meaning of Recidivism/Fiona Doherty.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.2: p. 291- 354. |
76982 | Parentage Disputes in the Age of Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy/Amy B. Leiser.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.2: p. 413- 434. |
76983 | Raw Materials and the Creative Process/Andrew Gilden.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.2: p. 355- 412. |
76984 | Interpretive Modesty/Heidi Kitrosser.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.3: p. 459- 514. |
76985 | Manufactured Consent: The Problem of Arbitration Clauses in Corporate Charters and Bylaws/Ann M. Lipton.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.3: p. 583- 641. |
76986 | Popularizing Hearsay/Justin Sevier.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.3: p. 643- 692. |
76987 | Privatizing Public Litigation/Margaret H. Lemos.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.3: p. 515- 582. |
76988 | The United Nations Immunity Regime: Seeking a Balance Between Unfettered Protection and Accountability/Farhana Choudhury.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.3: p. 725- 743. |
76989 | Why Smart Sanctions Need a Smarter Enforcement Mechanism: Evaluating Recent Settlements Imposed on Sanction-Skirting Banks/Victoria Anglin.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.3: p. 693- 724. |
76990 | Concocting the Most Insignificant Office Ever Contrived: The Vice Presidency During the Early Republic/Andrew N. Shindi.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.4: p. 1029-1056. |
76991 | Corporate Social Responsibility in the Arctic/Leana Garipova.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.4: p. 973-1000. |
76992 | How We Prosecute the Police/Kate Levine.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.4: p. 745-776. |
76993 | In Praise of All or Nothing Dichotomous Categories: Why Antitrust Law Should Reject the Quick Look/Alan J. Meese.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.4: p. 835-882. |
76994 | Narrowing Supreme Court Precedent from Below/Richard M. Re.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.4: p. 921-971. |
76995 | The Political Question Doctrines: Zivotofsky v. Clinton and Getting Beyond the Textual Prudential Paradigm/Zachary Baron Shemtob.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.4: p. 1001-1028. |
76996 | The Public Interest Class Action/David Marcus.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.4: p. 777-833. |
76997 | Innovation, Arbitrage, and Ethics: The Role of Lawyers in the Development of a New Transnational Islamic Finance Law/Greg Jehle.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.5: p. 1345-1376. |
76998 | Milk, Ideology, and Law: Perfect Foods and Imperfect Regulation/Dani Zylberberg.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.5: p. 1377-1403. |
76999 | Prosecuting Collateral Consequences/Eisha Jain.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.5: p. 1197-1244. |
77000 | Quasi-Public Spending/John R. Brooks.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.5: p. 1057-1110. |
77001 | Religion Is Not A Basis For Harming Others: Review Essay Of Paul A. Offit’s Bad Faith: When Religious Belief Undermines Modern Medicine/Erwin Chemerinsky, Michele Goodwin.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.5: p. 1111-1136. |
77002 | The New International Tax Diplomacy/Itai Grinberg.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.5: p. 1137-1196. |
77003 | There Are No Children Here: D.C. Youth in the Criminal Justice System/V. Noah Gimbel.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.5: p. 1307-1344. |
77004 | Trial by Machine/Andrea Roth.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.5: p. 1245-1306. |
77005 | Beyond Body Cameras: Defending a Robust Right to Record the Police/Jocelyn Simonson.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.6: p. 1559-1579. |
77006 | Blue-on-Black Violence: A Provisional Model of Some of the Causes/Devon W. Carbado.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.6: p. 1479-1529. |
77007 | Body Cameras and Criminal Discovery/V. Noah Gimbel.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.6: p. 1581-1610. |
77008 | Critical Perspectives on Police, Policing, and Mass Incarceration/Richard Delgado, Jean Stefancic.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.6: p. 1531-1557. |
77009 | The System Is Working the Way It Is Supposed to: The Limits of Criminal Justice Reform/Paul Butler.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.104, No.6: p. 1419-1478. |
77010 | Coercive Insurance and the Soul of Tort Law/Alexander B. Lemann.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.105, No.1: p. 55-96. |
77011 | Enduring Originalism/Jeffrey A. Pojanowski, Kevin C. Walsh.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.105, No.1: p. 97-158. |
77012 | Finding a Free Speech Right to Homeschool: An Emersonian Approach/Jennifer Karinen.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.105, No.1: p. 191-215. |
77013 | Genetic Property/Jorge L. Contreras.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.105, No.1: p. 1-54. |
77014 | Online Loans Across State Lines: Protecting Peer-to-Peer Lending Through the Exportation Doctrine/Zacharyadams Mason.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.105, No.1: p. 217-253. |
77015 | The Votes of Other Judges/Eric A. Posner, Adrian Vermeule.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2016; Vol.105, No.1: p. 15-190. |
77016 | Concocting Criminal Intent/Deborah W. Denno.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.2: p. 232-378. |
77017 | Historical Gloss, Constitutional Conventions, and the Judicial Separation of Powers/Curtis A. Bradley, Neil S. Siegel.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.2: p. 255-322. |
77018 | Regulating Religious Robots: Free Exercise and RFRA in the Time of Superintelligent Artificial Intelligence/Ignatius Michael Ingles.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.2: p. 507-529. |
77019 | Removal Plus Timely Assertion: A Better Rule for the Intersection of Removal and State Sovereign Immunity/David Kanter.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.2: p. 531-557. |
77020 | The Lost Story of Iqbal/Shirin Sinnar.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.2: p. 379-439. |
77021 | The Original Meaning of Cruel/John F. Stinneford.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.2: p. 441-506. |
77022 | Are Trademarks Ever Fanciful?/Jake Linford.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.3: p. 731-765. |
77023 | Jurisdiction and Its Effects/Scott Dodson.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.3: p. 619-660. |
77024 | Punitive Damages: Why the Monster Thrives/Andrew W. Marrero.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.3: p. 767-818. |
77025 | The Decline of the Virginia (and American) Death Penalty/Brandon L. Garrett.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.3: p. 661-729. |
77026 | The Shifting Sands of Employment Discrimination: From Unjustified Impact to Disparate Treatment in Pregnancy and Pay/Deborah L. Brake.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.3: p. 559-618. |
77027 | Beyond Seminole Rock/Aaron L. Nielson.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.4: p. 943-1000. |
77028 | Down With Legislative-Standing Myopia: Why Congressional Suits to Police the Separation of Powers Fail Under Article I/Ryan Cooke.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.4: p. 1055-1077. |
77029 | Employment as Fiduciary Relationship/Matthew T. Bodie.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.4: p. 819-870. |
77030 | Health Care Fraud Sentencing/Kyle Crawford.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.4: p. 1079-1106. |
77031 | Manufacturing Equality: Title IX, Proportionality, and Natural Demand/Daniel J. Emam.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.4: p. 1107-1145. |
77032 | Paper Dragon Thieves/J.S. Nelson.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.4: p. 871-941. |
77033 | Structural Rights/Ozan O. Varol.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.4: p. 1001-1054. |
77034 | A Unified Theory of Insider Trading Law/Zachary J. Gubler.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.5: p. 1225-1270. |
77035 | Are European State Aid Payments Creditable Foreign Taxes?/Milhet.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.5: p. 1433-1452. |
77036 | Live and Learn: Using the Fair Housing Act to Advance Educational Opportunity for Parenting Students/Alison Tanner.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.5: p. 1453-1479. |
77037 | Postpartum Taxation and the Squeezed Out Mom/Shannon Weeks Mccormack.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.5: p. 1323-1378. |
77038 | Regulating by Robot: Administrative Decision Making in the Machine-Learning Era/Cary Coglianese, David Lehr.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.5: p. 1147-1223. |
77039 | Regulating Nonbanks: A Plan for SIFI Lite/Christina Parajon Skinner.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.5: p. 1379-1432. |
77040 | The New Public Accommodations: Race Discrimination in the Platform Economy/Nancy Leong, Aaron Belzer.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.5: p. 1271-1322. |
77041 | Cutting Out the Middleman: Holding Third-Party Payment Processors Liable for the Acts of Their Merchant Clients/Brooke Kettler.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.6: p. 1721-1759. |
77042 | Of Spies, Saboteurs, and Enemy Accomplices: History’s Lessons for the Constitutionality of Wartime Military Tribunals/Martin S. Lederman.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.6: p. 1529-1680. |
77043 | Redirecting the Analysis in Hospital Mergers/Vadim Egoul.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.6: p. 1681-1719. |
77044 | Status Courts/Erin R. Collins.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.105, No.6: p. 1481-1528. |
77045 | Bridging the Gap: Addressing the Doctrinal Disparity Between Forum Non Conveniens and Judgment Recognition and Enforcement in Transnational Litigation/Alexander R. Moss.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.106, No.1: p. 209-247. |
77046 | Herbie Fully Downloaded: Data-Driven Vehicles and the Automobile Exception/Lindsey Barrett.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.106, No.1: p. 181-208. |
77047 | Law in the Anthropocene Epoch/Eric Biber.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.106, No.1: p. 1-68. |
77048 | Making News: Balancing Newsworthiness and Privacy in the Age of Algorithms/Erin C. Carroll.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.106, No.1: p. 69-114. |
77049 | Transatlantic Data Privacy Law/Paul M. Schwartz, Karl-Nikolaus Peifer.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2017; Vol.106, No.1: p. 115-179. |
77050 | An Empirical Defense of Auer Step Zero/William Yeatman.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.2: p. 515-553. |
77051 | Blackness as Disability?/Kimani Paul-Emile.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.2: p. 293-364. |
77052 | Boilerplates False Dichotomy/James Gibson.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.2: p. 249-291. |
77053 | Evaluating Corporate Speech About Science/Shannon M. Roesler.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.2: p. 447-514. |
77054 | The Juvenile Record Myth/Joy Radice.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.2: p. 365-446. |
77055 | A Wrong Turn in the Law of Deceit/Mark P. Gergen.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.3: p. 555-616. |
77056 | Invisible Adjudication in the U.S. Courts of Appeals/Michael Kagan, Rebecca Gill, Fatma Marouf.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.3: p. 683-720. |
77057 | Obstetric Violence/Elizabeth Kukura.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.3: p. 721-801. |
77058 | Quick Decisions in Patent Cases/Paul R. Gugliuzza.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.3: p. 619-681. |
77059 | Secret Law/Jonathan Manes.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.3: p. 803-869. |
77060 | The Pursuit of Happiness in the Digital Age: Using Bankruptcy and Copyright Law as a Blueprint for Implementing the Right to Be Forgotten in the U.S./Edward J. George.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.3: p. 906-932. |
77061 | Waiting on Death: Nathan Dunlap and the Cruel Effect of Uncertainty/Peter Baumann.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.3: p. 871-903. |
77062 | Deliberate Indifference: How to Fix Title IX Campus Sex-Assault Jurisprudence/Peter Baumann.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.4: p. 1139-1160. |
77063 | Encryption Workarounds/Orin S. Kerr, Bruce Schneier.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.4: p. 989-1019. |
77064 | The Price of Ignorance: The Constitutional Cost of Fees for Access to Electronic Public Court Records/Stephen J. Schultze.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.4: p. 1197-1227. |
77065 | The Trouble with Trial Time Limits/Nora Freeman Engstrom.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.4: p. 933-987. |
77066 | Thwarting Thrasymachus: A New Constitutional Paradigm for Direct Democracy and Protecting Minority Rights/George Theodore Phillips.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.4: p. 1161-1196. |
77067 | Transactional Administration/Steven Davidoff Solomon, David Zaring.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.4: p. 1097-1138. |
77068 | An Analysis of Sanctuary Campuses: Assessing the Legality and Effectiveness of Policies Protective of Undocumented Students and of Potential Government Responses/Jennifer Safstrom.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.5: p. 1523-1557. |
77069 | Cross-Subsidies: Governments Hidden Pocketbook/John Brooks, Brian Galle, Brendan Maher.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.5: p. 1229-1286. |
77070 | Enforcing the Rights of Due Process: The Original Relationship Between the Fourteenth Amendment and the 1866 Civil Rights Act/Kurt T. Lash.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.5: p. 1389-1467. |
77071 | Help or Hardship?: Income-Driven Repayment in Student-Loan Bankruptcies/John Patrick Hunt.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.5: p. 1287-1351. |
77072 | Hyper Preemption: A Reordering of the State Local Relationship?/Erin Adele Scharff.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.5: p. 1469-1522. |
77073 | Regulating Online Content Moderation/Kyle Langvardt.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.5: p. 1353-1388. |
77074 | Customary International Law, Change, and the Constitution/William S. Dodge.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.6: p. 1559-1591. |
77075 | Genocidal Takings and the FSIA: Jurisdictional Limitations/Francoise N. Djoukeng.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.6: p. 1883-1913. |
77076 | Inferences of Judicial Lawmaking Power and the Law of Nations/Paul B. Stephan.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.6: p. 1793-1824. |
77077 | The Constitution and the Law of Nations/John Harrison.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.6: p. 1659-1705. |
77078 | The Constitutions Text and Customary International Law/Michael D. Ramsey.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.6: p. 1747-1792. |
77079 | The Future of the Federal Common Law of Foreign Relations/Ingrid Wuerth.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.6: p. 1825-1855. |
77080 | The Law of Nations and the Constitution: An Early Modern Perspective/David M. Golove, Daniel J. Hulsebosch.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.6: p. 1593-1658. |
77081 | The Law of Nations and the Judicial Branch/Thomas H. Lee.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.6: p. 1707-1745. |
77082 | Transcript The Judicial Perspective Panel.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.6: p. 1857-1881. |
77083 | Why Federal Courts Apply the Law of Nations Even Though it is Not the Supreme Law of the Land/Anthony J. Bellia, Bradford R. Clark.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.106, No.6: p. 1915-1961. |
77084 | After the Trump Era: A Constitutional Role Morality for Presidents and Members of Congress/Neil S. Siegel.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.107, No.1: p. 109-173. |
77085 | Contracts as Speech Acts: Bringing Jakobson to the Conversation/Elizabeth A. Janicki.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.107, No.1: p. 201-233. |
77086 | Punishing Risk/Erin Collins.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.107, No.1: p. 57-108. |
77087 | The Letter and the Spirit: A Unified Theory of Originalism/Randy E. Barnett, Evan D. Bernick.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.107, No.1: p. 1-55. |
77088 | Where Does a Prisoner Live?: Furthering the Goals of Representational and Voter Equality Through Counting Prisoners/Amee Frodle.- Georgetown Law Journal. 2018; Vol.107, No.1: p. 175-200. |
77089 | Appropriation as Agrarianism: Distributive Justice in the Creation of Property Rights/David B. Schorr.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.1: 3-71. |
77090 | Making Sense of Scientists and Sound Science: Truth and Consequences for Endangered Species in the Klamath Basin and Beyond/Daniel J. McGarvey, Brett Marshall.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.1: 73-111. |
77091 | The Story of Boomer: Pollution and the Common Law/Daniel A. Farber.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.1: 113-148. |
77092 | Judging GMOs: Judicial Application of the Precautionary Principle in Brazil/Lesley K. McAllister.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.1: 149-174. |
77093 | Subglobal Regulation of the Global Commons: The Case of Climate Change/Kirsten H. Engel, Scott R. Saleska.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.2: 183-233. |
77094 | The Legacy of the Bush II Administration in Natural Resources: A Work in Progress/David H. Getches.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.2: 235-248. |
77095 | Sciene Plays Defense: Natural Resource Management in the Bush Administration/Holly Doremus.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.2: 249-305. |
77096 | Conservative Environmental Thought: The Bush Administration and Environmental Policy/Barton H. Thompson.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.2: 307-347. |
77097 | A Hard Look at a Noble Hawk: Ninth Circuit Requires Explicit Response to Opposing Scientific Viewpoints in a Final EIS/Amanda C. Goad.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 715-720. |
77098 | An International Dispute Reveals Weaknesses in Domestic Environmental Law: NAFTA, NEPA, and the Case of Mexican Trucks (Department of Transportation v. Public Citizen) Transportation v. Public Citizen)/Jeannette MacMillan.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 491-538. |
77099 | D.C. Circuit Affirms EPA Trend towards Reducing RCRA Requirements for Recycling of Hazardous Secondary Materials/Casey Roberts.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 749-756. |
77100 | D.C. Circuit Rejects EPA’S Proposed Standards and Extends Timeline for Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository/Beko Reblitz-Richardson.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 743-748. |
77101 | Earth Island Institute v. United States Forest Service: Salvage Logging Plans in Star Fire Region Undermine Sierra Nevada Framework/Julia Thrower.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 721-728. |
77102 | Eighth Circuit Affirms $151 Million Award against Nebraska for Violation of Interstate Compact/Erin C. Jones.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 699-705. |
77103 | Eleventh Circuit Requires EPA to Review Methods Used by States to Measure Water Quality/Leah Granger.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 735-741. |
77104 | EPA Cannot Exempt Discharges of Ballast Water from the Clean Water Act’s Permit Requirements/Liwen A. Mah.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 757-762. |
77105 | Exempting Department of Defense from Federal Hazardous Waste Laws: Resource Contamination as Range Preservation/Caitlin Sislin.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 647-681. |
77106 | Home Builders v. Norton: The Role of International Boundaries under the Endangered Species Act/Benjamin Fenton.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 575-601. |
77107 | Meaningfully Distinct Waters, the Unitary Water Theory, and the Clean Water Act: Miccosukee v. South Florida Water Management District/Priscillia de Muizon.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 417-451. |
77108 | Ninth Circuit Expands Admissibility of Scientific Evidence/Tom Fletcher.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 729-733. |
77109 | Ninth Circuit Limits NAGPRA to Remains Linked with Presently Existing Tribes/Jenna Musselman.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 707-713. |
77110 | Norton v. Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance: Supreme Court Eschews Agency’s Failure to Protect Wilderness in Redrock Country/Miyoko Sakashita.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 391-416. |
77111 | Open Field Burning of Grass Residue: An Injury without a Remedy/Katherine Saral.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 603-645. |
77112 | Preservation Prevails over Commercial Interests in the Wilderness Act: Wilderness Society v. United States Fish and Wildlife Service/Katherine Daniels Ryan.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 539-573. |
77113 | Presumptuous Preemtion: How Plain Meaning Trumped Congressional Intent in Engine Manufacturers Association v. South Coast Air Quality Management District/Michael Gadeberg.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 453-489. |
77114 | Riverkeeper, Inc. v. United States Environmental Protection Agency: Finally a Solution the Courts Can Live With… Almost/Reda M. Dennis-Parks.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 689-697. |
77115 | The Supreme Court Modifies Homestead Claimants’ Property Rights in BedRoc Ltd. v. United States/Katherine Daniels Ryan.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 683-688. |
77116 | Bees, Trees, Preemption, and Nuisance: A New Path to Resolving Pesticide Land Use Disputes/Alexandra B. Klass.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.4: 763-820. |
77117 | Preserving the Priceless: A Constitutional Amendment to Empower Congress to Preserve, Protect, and Promote the Environment/Dan L. Gildor.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.4: 821-861. |
77118 | Enduring Optimism: Examining the Rig-to-Reef Bargain/Rachael E. Salcido.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.4: 863-937. |
77119 | Of Otters and Orcas: Marine Mammals and Legal Regimes in the North Pacific/Michael Bhargava.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2005; Vol.32, No.4: 939-988. |
77120 | Federalism and CERCLA: Rethinking the Role of Federal Law in Private Cleanup Cost Disputes/Ronald G. Aronovsky.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.1: 1-104. |
77121 | Embracing Uncertainty, Complexity, and Change: An Eco-Pragmatic Reinvention of a First-Generation Environmental Law/Mary Jane Angelo.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.1: 105-202. |
77122 | The Law of Yards/James Charles Smith.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.1: 203-231. |
77123 | The Realities of Regional Resource Management: Glacier National Park and Its Neighbors Revisited/Joseph L. Sax, Robert B. Keiter.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.1: 233-311. |
77124 | The First Water-Privatization Debate: Colorado Water Corporations in the Gilded Age/David B. Schori.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.2: 313-361. |
77125 | Environmentalism and the Supreme Court: A Cultural Analysis/Jonathan Cannon.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.2: 363-441. |
77126 | Equal Rights, Governance, and the Environment: Integrating Environmental Justice Principles in Corporate Social Responsibility/David Monsma.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.2: 443-498. |
77127 | The U.S. Supreme Court’s New Dukedom: The Hour and Year, or a Proposal Quite Near/Brian H. Potts.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.3: 517-543. |
77128 | Kelo v. City of New London: The More Things Stay the Same, the More They Change/Corinne Calfee.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.3: 545-581. |
77129 | American Chemistry Council v. Johnson: Community Right to Know, but about What?: D.C. Circuit Takes Restrictive View of EPCRA/Nimish R. Desai.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.3: 583-612. |
77130 | New York v. EPA: State Response to a Federal Regulatory Rollback/Casey Roberts.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.3: 613-652. |
77131 | Massachusetts v. EPA: A Change of Climate at EPA Clouds the D.C. Circuit’s Review of Risk-Based Policy Decisions/Joel D. Smith.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.3: 653-674. |
77132 | Frey v. Environmental Protection Agency: A Small Step toward Preventing Irreparable Harm in CERCLA Actions/Megan A. Jennings.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.3: 675-697. |
77133 | Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Ass’n v. Environmental Protection Agency: Redefining the Role of Public Participation in the Clean Water Act/Jennifer L. Seidenberg.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.3: 699-724. |
77134 | Limiting Virtual Representation in Headwaters Inc. v. United States Forest Service: Lost (Opportunity) in the Oregon Woods/Laura Evans.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.3: 725-753. |
77135 | A Justification in a Denial: Making the Case for CERCLA’s Limited Application Abroad in ARC Ecology v. United States Department of the Air Force/Jessica L. Yarnall.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.3: 755-788. |
77136 | Feds and Fossils: Meaningful State Participation in the Development of Liquefied Natural Gas/Scott A. Zimmermann.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.3: 789-824. |
77137 | SAFETEA-LU’s Environmental Streamlining: Missing Opportunities for Meaningful Reform/Jenna Musselman.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.3: 825-869. |
77138 | Adaptive Management and NEPA: How a Nonequilibrium View of Ecosystem Mandates Flexible Regulation/Julie Thrower.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.3: 871-895. |
77139 | The Land Trust Alliance’s New Accreditation Program/Marc Campopiano.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.3: 897-923. |
77140 | Regulatory Takings: The Supreme Court Tries to Prune Agins without Stepping on Nollan and Dolan/Daniel Pollak.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.3: 925-931. |
77141 | Four Years after SWANCO, Regaining Ground in Federal Wetlands Protection/Tova Wolking.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.3: 933-943. |
77142 | Localism’s Ecology: Protecting and Restoring Habitat in the Suburban Nation/Jamison E. Colburn.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.4: 945-1014. |
77143 | Should CEQA Require Local Governments to Analyze the Impacts of Development Displaced by Restrictive Land Use Planning?/George Lefcoe.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.4: 1015-1044. |
77144 | The Evolution of the Legal Process School’s Institutional Competence Theme: Unintended Consequences for Environmental Law/Jeffrey Rudd.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.4: 1045-1090. |
77145 | Rent-a-Regulator: Design and Innovation in Privatized Governmental Decisionmaking/Miriam Seifter.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2006; Vol.33, No.4: 1091-1147. |
77146 | Living in the Past: The Kelo Court and Public-Private Economic Redevelopment/Marc B. Mihaly.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.1: 1-60. |
77147 | Adapting to Climate Change: Environmental Law in Warmer World/Matthew D. Zinn.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.1: 61-105. |
77148 | Gasping for Breath: The Administrative Flaws of Federal Hazardous Air Pollution Regulation and What We Can Learn from the States/Victor B. Flatt.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.1: 107-173. |
77149 | EPA’s Protection of Tribal Harvests: Braiding the Agency’s Mission/Mary Christina Wood.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.1: 175-200. |
77150 | What Would You Do with a Fluorescent Green Pig: How Novel Transgenic Products Reveal Flaws in the Foundational Assumptions for the Regulation of Biotechnology/Sheryl Lawrence.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.1: 201-290. |
77151 | The Death of Regulatory Takings/John D. Echeverria.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.2: 291-297. |
77152 | Reflections on Western Water Law/Joseph L. Sax.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.2: 299-305. |
77153 | Takings Law Today: A Primer for the Perplexed/Robert Meltz.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.2: 307-380. |
77154 | The False Dichotomy between Physical and Regulatory Takings Analysis: A Critique of Tahoe-Sierra’s Distinction between Physical and Regulatory Takings/Andrea L. Peterson.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.2: 381-441. |
77155 | Planning as Public Use/Nicole Stelle Garnett.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.2: 443-469. |
77156 | Due Process Land Use Claims after Lingle/J. Peter Byrne.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.2: 471-492. |
77157 | Irrationality and Animus in Class-of-One Equal Protection Cases/William D. Araiza.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.2: 493-516. |
77158 | The Dog That Didn’t Bark, Imperial Water, I Love L.A., and Other Tales from the California Takings Litigation Front/Richard Frank.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.2: 517-531. |
77159 | No Day at the Beach: Sea Level Rise, Ecosystem Loss, and Public Access along the California Coast/Meg Caldwell, Craig Holt Segall.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.2: 533-578. |
77160 | Waterlocked: Public Access to New Jersey’s Coastline/Timothy M. Mulvanej, Brian Weeks.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.2: 579-618. |
77161 | A Window into the Regulated Commons: The Takings Clause, Investment Security, and Sustainability/Josh Eagle.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.2: 619-654. |
77162 | Grasp on Water: A Natural Resource That Eludes NAFTA’s Notion of Investment/Paul Stanton Kibel.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.2: 655-672. |
77163 | Conservation Easements: Perpetuity and Beyond/Nancy A. McLaughlin.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.2: 673-712. |
77164 | The Property Rights Movement’s Embrace of Intellectual Property: True Love or Doomed Relationship/Peter S. Menell.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.2: 713-754. |
77165 | S.D. Warren and the Erosion of Federal Preeminence in Hydropower Regulation/Daniel Pollak.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.3: 763-800. |
77166 | Rapanos v. United States: Evaluating the Efficacy of Textualism in Interpreting Environmental Laws/Courtney Covington.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.3: 801-835. |
77167 | Big Win for Environmentalists in New York v. EPA May Have Limited Impact on Air Quality/Katherine K. Rankin.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.3: 837-860. |
77168 | Balancing the Pollution Budget after Friends of the Earth v. EPA/Jason Malinsky.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.3: 861-894. |
77169 | NRDC v. EPA: Testing the Waters of the Constitutionality of Delegation to International Organizations/Alice L. Bodnar.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.3: 895-926. |
77170 | Statutory Complexity Disguises Agency Capture in Citizens Coal Council v. EPA/Reid Mullen.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.3: 927-953. |
77171 | Mothers for Peace and the Need to Develop Classified NEPA Procedures/Joseph Farris.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.3: 955-978. |
77172 | Central Delta Water Agency v. Bureau of Reclamation: How the Ninth Circuit Paved the Way for the Next Fish Kill/Elisabeth Skillen.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.3: 979-1011. |
77173 | How CERCLA’s Ambiguities Muddled the Question of Extraterritoriality in Pakootas v. Teck Cominco Metals, Ltd./Jordan Diamond.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.3: 1013-1044. |
77174 | Bad Timing: The Ninth Circuit Takes NEPA Backwards/Michael Askin.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.3: 1045-1066. |
77175 | From Blazing Trails to Building Highways: SUWA v. BLM and Ancient Easements over Federal Public Lands/Tova Wolking.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.3: 1067-1107. |
77176 | Rewatering the San Joaquin River: A Summary of the Friant Dam Litigation/Nathan Matthews.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.3: 1109-1135. |
77177 | Center for Biological Diversity v. Hamilton: Eviscerating the Citizen Suit Provision of the Endangered Species Act/Stephen Butler.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.3: 1137-1145. |
77178 | Revitalizing the Presumption against Preemption to Prevent Regulatory Gaps: Railroad Deregulation and Waste Transfer Stations/Carter H. Strickland.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.4: 1147-1216. |
77179 | Just a Big Hot Fuss? Assessing the Value of Connecting Suburban Sprawl, Land Use and Water Rights through Assured Supply Laws/Lincoln L. Davies.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.4: 1217-1295. |
77180 | The Role of International Tribunals in Natural Resource Disputes in Latin America/C. Leah Granger.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2007; Vol.34, No.4: 1297-1347. |
77181 | Background Principles and the Rule of Law: Fifteen Years after Lucas/James L. Huffinan.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.1: 1-29. |
77182 | The Perils of a Half-Built Bridge: Risk Perception, Shifting Majorities, and the Nuclear Power Debate/Amanda Leiter.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.1: 31-72. |
77183 | A Solid Foundation: Belize’s Chalillo Dam and Environmental Decisionmaking/Ari Hershowitz.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.1: 73-105. |
77184 | Transforming Water Transfers: The Evolution of Water Transfer Case Law and the NPDES Water Transfers Proposed Rule/Sara Colangelo.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.1: 107-142. |
77185 | In the Shadow of the Fourth Circuit: Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition v. United States Army Corps of Engineers/Sara Clark.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.1: 143-149. |
77186 | Environmental Infrastructure/Brett M. Frischmann.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.2: 151-178. |
77187 | Natural Resources, Congestion, and the Feminist Future: Aspects of Frischmann’s Theory of Infrastructure Resources/Marc R. Poirier.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.2: 179-203. |
77188 | When to Open Infrastructure Access/Gregory N. Mandel.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.2: 205-214. |
77189 | An Economic Dynamic Approach to the Infrastructure Commons/David M. Driesen.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.2: 215-222. |
77190 | The Water Moratorium: Takings, Markets, and Public Choice Implications of Water Districts/Sean Callagy.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.2: 223-262. |
77191 | Muddying Tribal Waters: Maine v. Johnson, Internal Tribal Affairs, and Point Source Discharge Permitting in Indian Country/Christine Malumphy, Randall Yates.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.2: 263-268. |
77192 | Riverkeeper, Inc. v. United States Environmental Protection Agency: Applying the Clean Water Act’s Best Technology Available Standard to Existing Cooling Systems/Sara Gersen.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.2: 269-275. |
77193 | NRDC’s Battle against the Navy/Catherine Mongeon.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.2: 277-283. |
77194 | Loose Canons: The Supreme Court Guns for the Endangered Species Act in National Association of Home Builders v. Defenders of Wildlife/Doug Karpa.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.3: 291-335. |
77195 | Settling the Tradeoffs between Voluntary Cleanup of Contaminated Sites and Cooperation with the Government under CERCLA/Stefanie Gitler.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.3: 337-361. |
77196 | Environmental Defense v. Duke Energy Corp.: Paving the Way for Cap and Trade/Shawn Eisele.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.3: 363-384. |
77197 | Giving States More to Stand On: Why Special Solicitude Should Not Be Necessary/Christie Henke.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.3: 385-404. |
77198 | The Next Step in Revitalizing RCRA: Maine People’s Alliance and the Importance of Citizen Intervention in EPA Actions/Jonathan York.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.3: 405-425. |
77199 | Rising Phoenix-Like from the Ashes: An Argument for Expanded Corporate Successor Liability under CERCLA/Matt Sieving.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.3: 427-453. |
77200 | Reversing the Trend towards Species Extinction, or Merely Halting It? Incorporating the Recovery Standard into ESA Section 7 Jeopardy Analyzes/Jennifer Jeffers.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.3: 455-489. |
77201 | The (Almost) All-American Canal: Consejo de Desarrollo Economico de Mexicali v. United States and the Pursuit of Environmental Justice in Transboundary Resource Management/Nicole Ries.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.3: 491-529. |
77202 | What Went Wrong in San Francisco Baykeeper v. Cargill Salt Division? The Ninth Circuit’s Weak Reading of Kennedy’s Rapanos Concurrence, and a Prescription for Litigating Clean Water Act Claims under Rapanos/Genevieve Casey.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.3: 531-556. |
77203 | The Ozone Saga/Max Baumhefner.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.3: 557-572. |
77204 | Water Supplies Finally Take Center Stage in the Land Use Planning Arena/Jamey Volker.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.3: 573-610. |
77205 | A Necessary Collision: Climate Change, Land Use, and the Limits of A.B. 32/Henry Stern.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.3: 611-637. |
77206 | Ninth Circuit Prevents California from Regulating Toxic Maritime Emissions/Harry Moren.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.3: 639-644. |
77207 | A New Mandate for Federal CAFE Standards from the Ninth Circuit/Erica Schroeder.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.3: 645-650. |
77208 | Engine Manufacturer’s Association v. South Coast Air Quality Management District: Using Market Participation to Achieve Environment Goals/Elliott Henry.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.3: 651-656. |
77209 | The Transformation of Modern Administrative Law: Changing Administrations and Environmental Guidance Documents/Sam Kalen.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.4: 657-720. |
77210 | Synthesizing TSCA and REACH: Practical Principles for Chemical Regulation Reform/John S. Applegate.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.4: 721-769. |
77211 | Environmental Leadership Programs: Toward an Empirical Assessment of Their Performance/Jonathan C. Borck, Cary Coglianese, Jennifer Nash.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.4: 771-834. |
77212 | Goblets of Fire: Potential Constitutional Impediments to the Regulation of Global Warming/Steven Ferrey.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.4: 835-910. |
77213 | Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading in New Zealand: Trailblazing Comprehensive Cap and Trade/Toni E. Moyes.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2008; Vol.35, No.4: 911-965. |
77214 | The Silver Anniversary of the United States’ Exclusive Economic Zone: Twenty-Five Years of Ocean Use and Abuse, and the Possibility of a Blue Water Public Trust Doctrine/Mary Turnipseed … [et al.].- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2009; Vol.36, No.1: 1-70. |
77215 | Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Vehicle Miles Traveled: Integrating the California Environmental Quality Act with California Global Warming Solutions Act/Joanna D. Malaczynski, Timothy P. Duane.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2009; Vol.36, No.1: 71-135. |
77216 | Tribal-Agency Confidentiality: A Catch-22 for Sacred Site Management/Ethan Plaut.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2009; Vol.36, No.1: 137-166. |
77217 | Climate Change and the Endangered Species Act: The Difficulty of Proving Causation/Matthew Gerhart.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2009; Vol.36, No.1: 167-199. |
77218 | Creating Flexibility in Interstate Compacts/Emily Jeffers.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2009; Vol.36, No.2: 209-236. |
77219 | Environmental Conservation Organization v. City of Dallas Creates Unnecessary Burdens for Citizen Suits under the Clean Water Act/Catherine Mongeon.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2009; Vol.36, No.2: 237-258. |
77220 | Making Snow in the Desert: Defining a Substantial Burden under RFRA/Jonathan Knapp.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2009; Vol.36, No.2: 259-316. |
77221 | Taking a Hard Look at Agency Science: Can the Courts Ever Succeed/Sara A. Clark.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2009; Vol.36, No.2: 317-354. |
77222 | Lack of Deference: The Ninth Circuit’s Misstep in NRDC v. EPA/Adam Trott.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2009; Vol.36, No.2: 355-379. |
77223 | Realizing Judicial Substantive Due Process in Land Use Claims: The Role of Land Use Statutory Schemes/Nisha Ramachandran.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2009; Vol.36, No.2: 381-405. |
77224 | Who Can Enforce the Endangered Species Act’s Command for Federal Agencies to Carry out Conservation Programs/Sara Gersen.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2009; Vol.36, No.2: 407-438. |
77225 | EPA’s Fuzzy Bright Line Approach to Residual Risk/Alex Jackson.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2009; Vol.36, No.2: 439-466. |
77226 | Risky Business: Barriers to Rationality in Congress/Rachel R. Jones.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2009; Vol.36, No.2: 467-497. |
77227 | Consideration of Alternatives in Environmental Impact Reports: The Importance of CEQA’s Procedural Requirements/Sara Wimberger.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2009; Vol.36, No.2: 499-524. |
77228 | The Difficulty of Fencing in Interstate Emissions: EPA’s Clean Air Interstate Rule Fails to Make Good Neighbors/Harry Moren.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2009; Vol.36, No.2: 525-552. |
77229 | The Emergence of Global Environmental Law/Tseming Yang, Robert V. Percival.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2009; Vol.36, No.3: 615-664. |
77230 | Standing and Statistical Persons: A Risk-Based Approach to Standing/Bradford Mank.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2009; Vol.36, No.3: 665-752. |
77231 | No Whale of a Tale: Legal Implications of Winter v. NRDC/Joel R. Reynolds, Taryn G. Kiekow, Stephen Zak Smith.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2009; Vol.36, No.3: 753-773. |
77232 | Linking Tradable Permit Systems: A Key Element of Emerging International Climate Policy Architecture/Judson Jaffe, Matthew Ranson, Robert N. Stavins.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2009; Vol.36, No.4: 789-808. |
77233 | Allocation and Uncertainty: Strategic Responses to Environmental Grandfathering/Jonathan Remy Nash.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2009; Vol.36, No.4: 809-850. |
77234 | Letting Solar Shine: An Argument to Temper the over-the-Fence Rule/Tim Lindl.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2009; Vol.36, No.4: 851-892. |
77235 | Managing the National Forests through Place-Based Legislation/Martin Nie, Michael Fiebig.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2010; Vol.37, No.1: 1-51. |
77236 | A Comparative Guide to the Western States’ Public Trust Doctrines: Public Values, Private Rights, and the Evolution toward an Ecological Public Trust/Robin Kundis Craig.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2010; Vol.37, No.1: 53-197. |
77237 | Fast-Fish, Loose-Fish: How Whalemen, Lawyers, and Judges Created the British Property Law of Whaling/Robert C. Deal.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2010; Vol.37, No.1: 199-236. |
77238 | Limiting Corrupt Incentives in a Global REDD Regime/Michael L. Brown.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2010; Vol.37, No.1: 237-267. |
77239 | Filling the Regulatory Gap: A Proposal for Restructuring the Clean Water Act’s Two-Permit System/Robert B. Moreno.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2010; Vol.37, No.2: 285-316. |
77240 | Reasonable Bases for Apportioning Harm under CERCLA/Robert M. Guo.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2010; Vol.37, No.2: 317-352. |
77241 | Energy v. Water/Olivia Odom.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2010; Vol.37, No.2: 353-380. |
77242 | Surviving Summers/Michelle Fon Anne Lee.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2010; Vol.37, No.2: 381-422. |
77243 | NEPA in the Post-9/11 World/Amanda Lopez.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2010; Vol.37, No.2: 423-449. |
77244 | The Middle Ground of Pesticide Regulation: Why EPA Should Use a Watershed-Based Permitting Scheme in Its New Aquatic Pesticides Rule/Kara Cook.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2010; Vol.37, No.2: 451-486. |
77245 | At a Dead End: The Need for Congressional Direction in the Roadless Area Management Debate/Monica Voicu.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2010; Vol.37, No.2: 487-523. |
77246 | Size, Biology, and Culture: Persistence as an Indicator of Significant Portions of Range under the Endangered Species Act/Alexandra Kamel.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2010; Vol.37, No.2: 525-560. |
77247 | One Fish, Two Fish: Suggestions for the Treatment of Hatchery Fish under the Endangered Species Act/Katy Lum.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2010; Vol.37, No.2: 561-594. |
77248 | Restoring Webster’s Definition of Best under the Clean Air Act/Christopher Raftery.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2010; Vol.37, No.2: 595-624. |
77249 | Tribal Governments Should Be Entitled to Special Solicitude: The Overarching Sentiment of the Parens Patriae Doctrine/Hae-June Ahn.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2010; Vol.37, No.2: 625-653. |
77250 | Taking a Different Tack on Just Compensation Claims Arising Out of the Endangered Species Act/Brian Scaccia.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2010; Vol.37, No.2: 655-682. |
77251 | Background Principles, Takings, and Libertarian Property: A Reply to Professor Huffman/Michael C. Blumm, J.B. Ruhl.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2010; Vol.37, No.3: 805-841. |
77252 | Ways of Seeing in Environmental Law: How Deforestation Became an Object of Climate Governance/William Boyd.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2010; Vol.37, No.3: 843-916. |
77253 | Climate Change and the Arctic: Adapting the Changes in Fisheries Stocks and Governance Regimes/Jennifer Jeffers.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2010; Vol.37, No.3: 917-977. |
77254 | What Ever Happened to Canadian Environmental Law/Stepan Wood, Georgia Tanner, Benjamin J. Richardson.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2010; Vol.37, No.4: 981-1040. |
77255 | Siting Renewable Energy: Land Use and Regulatory Context/Uma Outka.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2010; Vol.37, No.4: 1041-1105. |
77256 | The Use of Population Genetics in Endangered Species Act Listing Decisions/Ryan P. Kelly.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2010; Vol.37, No.4: 1107-1158. |
77257 | A Single Penny, an Inch of Land, or an Ounce of Sovereignty: The Problem of Tribal Sovereignty and Water Quality Regulation under the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act/Cassandra Barnum.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2010; Vol.37, No.4: 1159-1216. |
77258 | A Constant and Difficult Task: Making Local Land Use Decisions in States with a Constitutional Right to a Healthful Environment/Michelle Bryan Mudd.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.1: 1-62. |
77259 | Property Rights on the New Frontier: Climate Change, Natural Resource Development, and Renewable Energy/Alexandra B. Klass.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.1: 63-119. |
77260 | The Legal Viability of Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries (TURFs) in California/Kristin N. Carden.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.1: 121-178. |
77261 | From Squatter to Seller: Applying the Lessons of Nineteenth Century U.S. Public Land Policy to Twenty-First Century Land Struggles in Brazil/Jessica Intrator.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.1: 179-232. |
77262 | To Achieve Biodiversity Goals, the New Forest Service Planning Rule Needs Effective Mandates for Best Available Science and Adaptive Management/Nell Green Nylen.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.2: 241-291. |
77263 | Baseline in the Sand: Communities for a Better Environment v. South Coast Air Quality Management District/Megan McQueeney.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.2: 293-315. |
77264 | Reframing the Judicial Approach to Injunctive Relief for Environmental Plaintiffs in Monsanto Co. v. Geertson Seed Farms/Sarah Axtell.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.2: 317-340. |
77265 | Forcing Adaptation through the Rivers and Harbors Act/Leah Rindner.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.2: 341-368. |
77266 | Arizona Cattle Growers’ Pyrrhic Victory for Critical Habitat/Stephanie Brauer.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.2: 369-400. |
77267 | A Proposal to Balance Polluter and Community Intervention in CERCLA Litigation/Maya Waldron.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.2: 401-426. |
77268 | Are Migratory Birds Extending Environmental Criminal Liability?/Alex Arensberg.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.2: 427-448. |
77269 | The Tailoring Rule: Exemplifying the Vital Role of Regulatory Agencies in Environmental Protection/Meredith Wilensky.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.2: 449-477. |
77270 | The Gap-Filling Role of Nuisance in Interstate Air Pollution/Emily Sangi.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.2: 479-526. |
77271 | Precautionary Pulp: Pulp Mills and the Evolving Dispute between International Tribunals over the Reach of the Precautionary Principle/Daniel Kazhdan.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.2: 527-552. |
77272 | Got (rbST-Free) Milk? The Sixth Circuit Overturns Ohio’s Milk Labeling Restrictions/Tony Au.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.2: 571-578. |
77273 | Stop the Stop the Beach Pluarlity/J. Peter Byrne.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.3: 619-637. |
77274 | Public Takings of Private Contracts/John D. Echeverria.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.3: 639-672. |
77275 | The Elements of Liability in a Trails Act Taking: A Guide to the Analysis/Cecilia Fex.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.3: 673-701. |
77276 | Kelo’s Trail: A Survey of State and Federal Legislative and Judicial Activity Five Years Later/Marc Mihaly, Turner Smith.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.3: 703-729. |
77277 | Deciphering and Extrapolating: Searching for Sense in Penn Central/R.S. Radford, Luke A. Wake.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.3: 731-748. |
77278 | Why Judicial Takings are Unripe/Ian Fein.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.3: 749-795. |
77279 | Rethinking National Wildlife Federation v. Gorsuch: The Case for NPDES Regulation of Dam Discharge/M. Rhead Enion.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.4: 797-850. |
77280 | Remaking the World to Save It: Applying U.S. Environmental Laws to Climate Engineering Projects/Tracy D. Hester.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.4: 851-901. |
77281 | Requirements for a Renewables Revolution/Felix Mormann.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.4: 903-965. |
77282 | Access to Justice for Victims of the International Carbon Offset Industry/Kylie Wilson.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.4: 967-1031. |
77283 | The Political Question Doctrine: An Update in Response to Recent Case Law/Jill Jaffe.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2011; Vol.38, No.4: 1033-1065. |
77284 | Taxing the New Intellectual Property Right/Xuan-Thao N. Nguyen, Jeffrey A. Maine.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.1: p. 1-76. |
77285 | Defining Democracy: The Supreme Court’s Campaign Finance Dilemma/Lori Ringhand.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.1: p. 77-116. |
77286 | Debunking Dilution Doctrine: Toward a Coherent Theory of the Anti-Free-Rider Principle in American Trademark Law/David J. Franklyn.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.1: p. 117-167. |
77287 | Captive Audience Meetings in Union Organizing Campaigns: Free Speech or Unfair Advantage?/Elizabeth J. Masson.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.1: p. 169-191. |
77288 | Aviall Services v. Cooper Industries: Implications for the United States Liability under CERCLA, the Superfund Law/Sophia Strong.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.1: p. 193-216. |
77289 | Less as More: Rethinking Supernational Litigation of Economic and Social Rights in the Americas/James L. Cavallaro, Emily J. Schaffer.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.2: p. 217-281. |
77290 | Section 2254(d) of the Federal Habeas Statute: Is It beyond Reason?/Evan Tsen Lee.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.2: p. 218-317. |
77291 | The California Hospital Lien Act and Balance Billing: Protecting Innocent Patients’ Right to Limit a Medical Care Provider’s Recovery by Statutory Lien/Darien J. Covelens.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.2: p. 319-341. |
77292 | Transmission in Transition: Analyzing Californias Proposed Electricity Transmission Regulatory Reforms/Brian Orion.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.2: p. 343-377. |
77293 | The Pimple on Adoniss Nose: A Dialogue on the Concept of Merit in the Affirmative Action Debate/Robert Paul Wolff, Tobias Barrington Wolff.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.3: p. 379-439. |
77294 | A Hard Look or a Blind Eye: Administrative Law and Military Deference/Jonathan Masur.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.3: p. 441-521. |
77295 | Road Rage and R.S. 2477: Judicial and Administrative Responsibility for Resolving Road Claims on Public Lands/Bret C. Birdsong.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.3: p. 523-583. |
77296 | Protecting Mutual Funds from Market-Timing Profiteers: Forward Pricing International Fund Shares/David Ward.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.3: p. 585-608. |
77297 | Some Bargain: How Bankruptcy Courts May Now Require a Debtor to Relinquish Expectations of Privacy as a Condition of the Bankruptcy Bargain/Jennifer Taylor.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.3: p. 609-632. |
77298 | The Accelerating Degradation of American Criminal Codes/Paul H. Robinson, Michael T. Cahill.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.4: p. 633-655. |
77299 | Recusal and the Supreme Court/Debra Lyn Bassett.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.4: p. 657-698. |
77300 | Free Exercise and the Problem of Symmetry/Nelson Tebbe.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.4: p. 699-748. |
77301 | From the Mayan Machaquila Stele to Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep’s Head: United States Courts’ Enforcement of Foreign National Patrimony Laws after United States v. Schultz/Kavita Sharma.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.4: p. 749-768. |
77302 | Two Wrongs Dont Make a Patent Right/David Catechi.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.4: p. 769-799. |
77303 | If the Hat Fits, Wear It, If the Turban Fits, Run for Your Life: Reflections on the Indefinite Detention and Targeted Killing of Suspected Terrorists/Vincent-Joel Proulx.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.5: p. 801-900. |
77304 | Technocracy and Democracy: Conflicts between Models and Participation in Environmental Law and Planning/James D. Fine, Dave Owen.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.5: p. 901-981. |
77305 | Persuasion, Transparency, and Government Speech/Gia B. Lee.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.5: p. 983-1057. |
77306 | A Human Rights Challenge: Advancing Economic, Social and Cultural Rights/Mary Robinson.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.5: p. 1059-1065. |
77307 | The Magic Words of 554: A New Test for Formal Adjudication under the Administative Procedure Act/John F. Stanley.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.5: p. 1067-1093. |
77308 | Guest Worker Policy: A Critical Analysis of President Bushs Proposed Reform/Camille J. Bosworth.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.5: p. 1095-1120. |
77309 | A Proposed Antitrust Approach to Buyers’ Competitive Conduct/Thomas A. Piraino.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.6: p. 1121-1183. |
77310 | The History of Wrongful Execution/Bruce P. Smith.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.6: p. 1185-1233. |
77311 | Harry Blackmun, Independence and Path Dependence/Linda Greenhouse.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.6: p. 1235-1247. |
77312 | Implementing Atkins: The Strengths & Weaknesses of In Re Hawthorne/Christopher Scott Tarbell.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.6: p. 1249-1275. |
77313 | Civil Liability for Attorneys to Adverse Parties When a Settlement Agreement is Breached in California/Daivd M. Lacy Kusters.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.6: p. 1277-1295. |
77314 | A Road to Injustice Paved with Good Intentions: Maggie’s Misguided Crackdown on Drowsy Driving/Joshua D. Levine.- Hastings Law Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.6: p. 1297-1315. |
77315 | The Political Marketplace of Religion/Calvin Massey.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.1: p. 1-54. |
77316 | Progressive Consumption Taxes/Mitchell L. Engler.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.1: p. 55-91. |
77317 | The Government at the Mercy of Its Contractors: How the New Deal Lawyers Reshaped the Common Law to Challenge the Defense Industry in World War II/Nicholas Parrillo.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.1: p. 93-197. |
77318 | The Next Step in DNA Databank Expansion? The Constitutionality of DNA Sampling of Former Arrestees/Jacqueline K. S. Lew.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.1: p. 199-233. |
77319 | Antitrust Implications of Casino Mergers: The Gamble of Defining a Relevant Market/Melissa Fallon.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.1: p. 235-254. |
77320 | Poisoning the Well: Law and Economics and Racial Inequality/Robert E. Suggs.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.2: p. 255-293. |
77321 | Quests for Conception: Fertility Tourists, Globalization and Feminist Legal Theory/Richard F. Storrow.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.2: p. 295-330. |
77322 | Lifting Our Veil of Ignorance: Culture, Constitutionalism, and Women’s Human Rights in Post-September 11 America/Catherine Powell.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.2: p. 331-383. |
77323 | In the Wake of Williams v. State: The Past, Present, and Future of Education Finance Litigation in California/Christopher R. Lockard.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.2: p. 385-422. |
77324 | U.S. Officials Vulnerability to Global Justice: Will Universal Jurisdiction over War Crimes Make Traveling for Pleasure Less Pleasurable?/Amanda L. Morgan.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.2: p. 423-455. |
77325 | The Justice of Recovery: How the State Can Heal the Violence of Crime/Linda G. Mills.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.3: p. 457-508. |
77326 | Cross-Examining the Brain: A Legal Analysis of Neural Imaging for Credibility Impeachment/Charles N. W. Keckler.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.3: p. 509-556. |
77327 | Reconstructing Family Privacy/Suzanne A. Kim.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.3: p. 577-599. |
77328 | Rescuing Dole: Limiting the Intrusion of the Federal Common Law of Foreign Relations into the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act/Thomas Albright.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.3: p. 601-618. |
77329 | Expedited Removal: Suggestions for Reform in Light of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom Report and the Real ID Act/Simona Agnolucci.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.3: p. 619-644. |
77330 | The Mirage of Equivalence and the Ethereal Principles of Parallelism and Horizontal Equity/Jeffrey H. Kahn.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.4: p. 645-692. |
77331 | Mitigation and the Capital Defendant Who Wants to Die: A Study in the Rhetoric of Autonomy and the Hidden Discourse of Collective Responsibility/Daniel R. Williams.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.4: p. 693-757. |
77332 | The Measure of a Justice: Justice Scalia and the Faltering of the Property Rights Movement within the Supreme Court/Richard J. Lazarus.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.4: p. 759-825. |
77333 | Californias Punitive Damages Law: Continuing to Punish and Deter Despite State Farm v. Campbell/Kathleen S. Kizer.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.4: p. 827-889. |
77334 | Beyond Moody: A Re-Examination of Unreasonably Small Capital/Lee B. Shepard.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.4: p. 891-920. |
77335 | The Experimental Use Exception to Patent Infringement: Do Universities Deserve Special Treatment?/Elizabeth A. Rowe.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.5: p. 921-954. |
77336 | Reconceptualizing Due Process in Juvenile Justice: Contributions from Law and Social Science/Mark R. Fondacaro, Christopher Slobogin, Tricia Cross.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.5: p. 955-989. |
77337 | Unfolding Discovery Issues That Plague Sexual Harassment Suits/Katie M. Patton.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.5: p. 991-1007. |
77338 | Hales Legacy: Why Private Property Is Not a Synonym for Liberty/Ilana Waxman.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.5: p. 1009-1029. |
77339 | The Right to Counsel in Criminal Cases, a National Crisis/Mary Sue Backus, Paul Marcus.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.6: p. 1031-1130. |
77340 | Welfare to What?/Noah Zatz.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.6: p. 1131-1188. |
77341 | Hetch Hetchy: To Drain or Not to Drain.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.6: p. 1261-1279. |
77342 | Waste Discharge Requirements: Beyond the Point Source.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.6: p. 1281-1300. |
77343 | Yuba River Accord: Lessons Learned in Moving from Controversy to Consensus.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.6: p. 1301-1321. |
77344 | Private Sector Participation in Water Services: Through the Lens of Stockton.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.6: p. 1323-1342. |
77345 | Desalination in California: Should Ocean Waters be Utilized to Produce Freshwater?.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.6: p. 1343-1366. |
77346 | Environmental Justice: Access to Clean Drinking Water.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.6: p. 1367-1386. |
77347 | Delinquent or Disabled? Harmonizing the IDEA Definition of Emotional Disturbance with the Educational Needs of Incarcerated Youth/Moira ONeill.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.6: p. 1189-1221. |
77348 | The Rebirth of Morrissey: Towards a Coherent Theory of Due Process for Prisoners and Parolees/Sharif A. Jacob.- Hastings Law Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.6: p. 1213-1235. |
77349 | Pollution Markets and Social Equity: Analyzing the Fairness of Cap and Trade/Daniel A. Farber.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.1: 1-56. |
77350 | The Case for a Global Treaty on Soil Conservation, Sustainable Farming, and the Preservation of Agrarian Culture/Nicholas A. Fromherz.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.1: 57-121. |
77351 | Implementing the Public Trust Doctrine: A Lakeside View into the Trustees’ World/Melissa K. Scanlan.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.1: 123-191. |
77352 | United Voices: An Open Proposal for Smart and Fair Growth in the Central Valley/Daniel Kramer.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.1: 193-238. |
77353 | Epidemiological-Study Reanalyses and Daubert: A Modest Proposal to Level the Playing Field in Toxic Tort Litigation/Alexander J. Bandza.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 247-282. |
77354 | Factors to Consider in Applying a Presumption Against Preemption to State Environmental Regulations/Gabrielle Cuskelly.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 283-319. |
77355 | To Promote Compliance with the Clean Water Act, the EPA Should Pursue a National Enforcement Initiative to Regulate Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations/Catherine Groves.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 321-342. |
77356 | Controlling Administrative Politics with Sunshine by Expanding the Aera Energy v. Salazar Principles/Nicholas Jimenez.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 345-372. |
77357 | Conflicting Enforcement Mechanisms Under RCRA: The Abstention Battleground Between State Agencies and Citizen Suits/Jason M. Levy.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 373-403. |
77358 | Making Pollution Inefficient Through Empowerment/Cody McBride.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 405-437. |
77359 | The Gray Wolf Delisting Rider and State Management Under the Endangered Species Act/Somerset Perry.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 439-472. |
77360 | The Myth of EPA Overregulation/Arthur Pugsley.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 475-504. |
77361 | This Land Is Your Land, This Land Is My Land: Allowing Third Party Standing to Address Environmental Harms on the Federal Public Lands/Daniel Pulver.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 507-533. |
77362 | The Supreme Court’s Problematic Deference to Special Masters in Interstate Water Disputes/L. Elizabeth Sarine.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 535-569. |
77363 | Restoring Our Nation’s Waters Through Public Land Law/Mary Tharin.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 571-590. |
77364 | Standing as a Limitation on Judicial Review of Agency Action/Jerett Yan.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 593-617. |
77365 | Sierra Club v. U.S. Defense Energy Support Center: Standing in the Way/Shepard Daniel.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 619-625. |
77366 | Save the Plastic Bag Coalition v. City of Manhattan Beach: California Supreme Court Answers More Than Paper or Plastic? in Major Decision on Corporate Standing under CEQA/Jessica Diaz.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 627-634. |
77367 | Minard Run Oil Co. v. U.S. Forest Service: Split Estates in the Allegheny National Forest/Jeremy Goldstein.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 635-642. |
77368 | Alliance for the Wild Rockies v. Cottrell: Raising Serious Questions About Post-Winter Injunctive Relief in the Ninth Circuit/Elisabeth Long.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 643-650. |
77369 | NRDC v. EPA: Another Battle over Ozone NAAQS/Adam Nguyen.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 651-658. |
77370 | Ninth Circuit Cuts Down Sierra Nevada Forest Plan/Katie Schaefer.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 659-666. |
77371 | National Association of Home Builders v. San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District: Ninth Circuit Directly Authorizes Regulation of Indirect Emissions Sources/Anuradha Sivaram.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 667-674. |
77372 | The Scared Bear: Imminence, Climate Change, and the Endangered Species Act/Sam Welch.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 675-682. |
77373 | What’s a Smelt Worth?: The Endangered Species Act and the Commerce Clause in the Bay-Delta/Heather Welles.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 683-690. |
77374 | Can Vermont Put the Nuclear Genie Back in the Bottle?: A Test of Congressional Preemptive Power/Hope Babcock.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.3: 691-770. |
77375 | Administering Real Food: How the Eat-Food Movement Should – And Should Not – Approach Government Regulation/Rebecca L. Goldberg.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.3: 773-828. |
77376 | Deceitful Tongues: Is Climate Change Denial A Crime?/William C. Tucker.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.3: 831-892. |
77377 | Genealogies of Risk: Searching for Safety, 1930s-1970s/William Boyd.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.4: 895-987. |
77378 | The Nature of the Environmental Right to Know/Shannon M. Roesler.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.4: 989-1047. |
77379 | Federal Water Law and the Double Whammy: How the Bureau of Reclamation can help the West Adapt to Drought and Climate Change/Reed D. Benson.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.4: 1047-1080. |
77380 | The Success and Continued Challenges of the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area: A Grassroots Restoration/Rachael E. Salcido.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2012; Vol.39, No.4: 1085-1134. |
77381 | Environmental Law/ Environmental Literature/Michael Burger.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.1: 1-56. |
77382 | How Did RGGI Do It? Political Economy and Emissions Auctions/Bruce R. Huber.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.1: 59-104. |
77383 | The Rise of Rule Four Institutions: Voluntary Standards, Certification and Labeling Systems/Tracey M. Roberts.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.1: 107-155. |
77384 | Coalition for Responsible Regulation v. EPA: An Analysis of Judicial Deference and Regulatory Discretion/Francis Choi.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.2: 525-532. |
77385 | Decriminalizing Corporate Environmental Violations: Post-Southern Union Company v. United States/Nina Kumari Gupta.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.2: 533-539. |
77386 | Taking Stock of Oil Drilling’s Wildlife Impact: Center for Biological Diversity v. Salazar/Alex Hardee.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.2: 541-548. |
77387 | Flying in the Face of the Endangered Species Act? Delisting the West Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel/Lauren Hudson.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.2: 549-555. |
77388 | Native Village of Kivalina v. ExxonMobil Corp: Say Goodbye to Federal Public Nuisance Claims for Greenhouse Gas Emissions/Nicole Johnson.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.2: 557-563. |
77389 | A Salmon’s Travels: The Forest Service’s Struggle to Secure Proper Environmental Protection/Elise O’Dea.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.2: 565-572. |
77390 | Association of Irritated Residents v. California Air Resources Board: Climate Change and Environmental Justice/Penni Takade.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.2: 573-582. |
77391 | PPL Montana v. Montana: From Settlers to Settled Expectations/Nathan Damweber.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.2: 163-194. |
77392 | A Forest Divided: Minard Run Oil Co. v. U.S. Forest Service and the Battle over Private Oil and Gas Rights on Public Lands/Jessica Diaz.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.2: 195-227. |
77393 | Adaptive Management in the Face of Climate Change and Endangered Species Protection/Emily Gardner.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.2: 229-271. |
77394 | Severance v. Patterson: How Do Property Rights Move When the Dynamic Sea Meets the Static Shore?/Gwynne Hunter.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.2: 271-295. |
77395 | Sackett’s Limit/Nathaniel Johnson.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.2: 297-327. |
77396 | Wyoming v. USDA: A Look Down the Road at Management of Inventoried Roadless Areas for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation/Elisabeth Long.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.2: 329-383. |
77397 | The Verdict on Environmental Harm: Leave it to the Jury/Mary Loum.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.2: 385-410. |
77398 | Reining in Sovereign Immunity to Compensate Hurricane Katrina Victims/Katie Schaefer.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.2: 411-441. |
77399 | Why Citizen Suits Against the States Would Ensure the Legitimacy of Cooperative Federalism Under the Clean Air Act/Anuradha Sivaram.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.2: 443-482. |
77400 | Toward a Management Doctrine for Texas Groundwater/Heather Welles.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.2: 483-515. |
77401 | Reverse Preemption/Ann E. Carlson, Andrew Mayer.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.3: 583-621. |
77402 | Perverse Incentives: The Case of Wildfire Smoke Regulation/Kirsten H. Engel.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.3: 623-672. |
77403 | Does Geoengineering Present a Moral Hazard?/Albert C. Lin.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.3: 673-712. |
77404 | The Legal Status of Environmental Credit Stacking/Royal C. Gardner, Jessica Fox.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.4: 713-757. |
77405 | Why Federal Dietary Guidelines Should Acknowledge the Food-Choice / Environment Nexus: Examining the Recommendation to Eat More Seafood/Nell Green Nylen.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.4: 759-794. |
77406 | A New Water Accounting/Gregory S. Weber.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.4: 795-831. |
77407 | Changing the Plan: The Challenge of Applying Environmental Review to Land Use Initiatives/Kellen Zale.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2013; Vol.40, No.4: 833-878. |
77408 | Holding Local Governments Accountable for Environmental Discrimination: the Promise of California Government Code 65008/Anne Bellows.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.1: 1-35. |
77409 | Regulating Pollutants, Negative Externalities, and Good Neighbor Agreements: Who Bears the Burden of Protecting Communities?/Thalia Gonzalez, Giovanni Saarman.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.1: 37-79. |
77410 | Weathering NEPA Review: Superstorms and Super Slow Urban Recovery/John Travis Marshall.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.1: 81-130. |
77411 | Fees, Expenditures, and the Takings Clause/Justin R. Pidot.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.1: 131-169. |
77412 | Making Molehills Out of Mountaintop Removal: Mitigated Minimal Adverse Effects in Nationwide Permits/Lucy Allen.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.2: 181-205. |
77413 | Dear EPA or the Bait and Sue: Unraveling a Decade of Sewage Policy with a Letter/Allison Clark.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.2: 207-241. |
77414 | Kiobel’s Unintended Consequences: The Emergence of Transnational Litigation in State Court/Jordan Clark.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.2: 243-264. |
77415 | Using California Development Law to Clarify Koontz v. St. Johns River Water Management District’s Silence/Nina Kumari Gupta.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.2: 267-291. |
77416 | Controlling Stormwater from Logging Roads: The Case for Permitting/Alex Hardee.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.2: 293-324. |
77417 | Tying Its Own Hands: APHIS’s Inability to Regulate Genetically Modified Crops/Christopher Heckman.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.2: 325-347. |
77418 | Regulate, Reuse, Recycle: Repurposing the Clean Air Act to Limit Power Plants’ Carbon Emissions/Alison Koppe.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.2: 349-375. |
77419 | Improving Wildlife Agency Decisions by Acknowledging and Explaining Policy Choices Embedded in Agency Science/Alexander Kuljis.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.2: 377-401. |
77420 | Turning Off the Valves: Why Tarrant v. Herrmann Unnecessarily Threatens Interstate Water Markets/Max Michon-Rollens.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.2: 403-433. |
77421 | Reviving California’s Public Trust Doctrine and Taking a Proactive Approach to Water Management, Just in Time for Climate Change/Elise O’Dea.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.2: 435-460. |
77422 | Cellulosic Biofuel: Dead on Arrival?/Meredith Pressfield.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.2: 461-489. |
77423 | How Crude?: Determining Transmission Beneficiaries and Related Steps Toward Workable Renewables Transmission Cost Allocation/Jay Reidy.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.2: 491-520. |
77424 | What Are the Parks For? Making Policy Explicit in the Park Service’s NEPA Decisions/Louis Russell.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.2: 521-550. |
77425 | Can’t See the Trees for the Forest? The Ongoing Controversy Over Assessing the Site Specific Impacts of Comprehensive Forest Management Plans/Kimberly Wells.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.2: 553-580. |
77426 | Retroactive Environmental Justice: Mingo Logan Coal Co. v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Shae Blood.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.2: 589-595. |
77427 | Miccosukee v. United States: The Continuing Unwieldiness of Equal Protection in Environmental Justice/Hayley Carpenter.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.2: 597-603. |
77428 | Fueling Responsibility: Rocky Mountain Farmers Union v. Corey/Sylvia DeTar.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.2: 605-612. |
77429 | Bell v. Cheswick and What the Clean Air Act’s Savings Clause Means for Fenceline Communities/Eric Anthony DeBellis.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.2: 613-619. |
77430 | Orange Citizens: Degradation of Procedural Fairness in Municipal Zoning/Xavier Johnson.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.2: 621-627. |
77431 | Diminishing State Power in Regulating Nuclear Energy: Post-Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee v. Shumlin/Lora Krsulich.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.2: 629-636. |
77432 | Steller Protection of the Western Distinct Population Segment: Alaska v. Lubchenco/Lindsay Walter.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.2: 637-644. |
77433 | Whiteman v. Chesapeake: Damage to Human Health and the Environment as Seen Through an Application to Hydraulic Fracturing/Jonathan M. White.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.2: 645-652. |
77434 | How the Supreme Court Uses the Certiorari Process in the Ninth Circuit to Further Its Pro-Business Agenda: A Strange Pas de Deux with an Unfortunate Coda/Hope Babcock.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.3: 653-682. |
77435 | Upholding EPA Regulation of Greenhouse Gases: The Precautionary Principle Redux/Leslie Carothers.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.3: 683-747. |
77436 | The Massachusetts Environmental Trust/Charles H.W. Foster, Frances H. Foster.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.3: 751-839. |
77437 | How Not to Fall Off a Cliff, or, Using Tipping Points to Improve Environmental Management/Ryan P. Kelly, Ashley L. Erickson, Lindley A. Mease.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.4: 843-886. |
77438 | Interdisciplinary Research and Environmental Law/Dave Owen, Caroline Noblet.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.4: 887-938. |
77439 | Laundering Fish in the Global Undercurrents: Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing and Transnational Organized Crime/Anastasia Telesetsky.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2014-2015; Vol.41, No.4: 939-996. |
77440 | Is Using the Public Trust Doctrine to Protect Public Parkland from Visual Pollution Justifiable Doctrinal Creep?/Hope Babcock.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.1: 1-35. |
77441 | Cleaning Up Jurisdiction: Divining Congressional Intent of Clean Air Act Section 307(b)/Kevin O. Leske.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.1: 37-76. |
77442 | Keeping Track of Conservation/Jessica Owley.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.1: 79-137. |
77443 | Climate Change: Leveraging Legacy/Michael P. Vandenbergh, Kaitlin T. Raimi.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.1: 139-170. |
77444 | Deepwater Horizon: Agency Reorganization and Appropriations in Offshore Oil Regulation/Hayley Carpenter.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.2: 181-207. |
77445 | Common Nonsense: Who’s Regulating the Regulators?/Molly Coyne.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.2: 209-233. |
77446 | In Defense of the Clean Power Plan: Why Greenhouse Gas Regulation Under Clean Air Act Section 111(d) Need Not, and Should Not, Stop at the Fenceline/Eric Anthony DeBellis.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.2: 235-261. |
77447 | Unwilling and Unable: Judicial and Administrative Responses to the Asian Carp Threat in the Great Lakes/Sabira Khan.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.2: 263-304. |
77448 | Dangerous Experiments: Scientific Integrity in International Environmental Adjudications after the ICJ’s Decision in Whaling in the Antarctic/Remi Moncel.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.2: 305-345. |
77449 | Slow and Steady: A Gradual Approach to Federalization of Grid Regulation/Purba Mukerjee.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.2: 347-371. |
77450 | It’s a Fracking Conundrum: Environmental Justice and the Battle to Regulate Hydraulic Fracturing/Elena Pacheco.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.2: 373-395. |
77451 | On Fish and Farms: The Future of Water in California’s Central Valley after San Luis and Delta-Mendota Water Authority v. Jewell/Shampa A. Panda.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.2: 397-436. |
77452 | Bell v. Cheswick: The Era of Court-Regulated Power Plants/Ingrid Pfister.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.2: 437-457. |
77453 | Looking Beneath the Surface of Rocky Mountain Farmers Union and Dormant Commerce Clause Challenges to State Environmental Efforts/Stephanie Postal.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.2: 459-489. |
77454 | State Court Solutions: Finding Standing for Private Climate Change Plaintiffs in the Wake of Washington Environmental Council v. Bellon/Niran Somasundaram.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.2: 491-520. |
77455 | Arkansas Project v. Shaw: The Need for State Permitting Agency Liability under the Endangered Species Act/Caitlin Brown.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.2: 535-540. |
77456 | Public Health Takes a Major Hit: Natural Resources Defense Council v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration/Sabrina Eshaghi.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.2: 541-548. |
77457 | Alec L. and Federal Atmospheric Trust Litigation: Conceptual and Political Gains Amidst Legal Defeat?/Tim Kline.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.2: 549-555. |
77458 | Harping on Harmonics: Strategy and Advocacy in Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice v. BNSF Railway/Alekzandir Morton.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.2: 557-563. |
77459 | WildEarth Guardians v. Jewell: The Need for Regulations Directing Agencies to Consider the Impact of Their Decisions on Global Climate Change/Taylor Ann Whittemore.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.2: 565-571. |
77460 | Controlling Ancillary Emissions Under the Clean Air Act: Consideration of Energy Storage as Best Available Control Technology/Deborah Behles.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.3: 573-607. |
77461 | Shared Sovereignty: The Role of Expert Agencies in Environmental Law/Michael C. Blumm.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.3: 609-650. |
77462 | The Offshore Grid: The Future of America’s Offshore Wind Energy Potential/Benjamin Fox.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.3: 651-698. |
77463 | EPSA v. FERC – the End of Wholesale Demand Response?/Justin M. Gundlach.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.3: 699-752. |
77464 | Protecting River Flows for Fun and Profit: Colorado’s Unique Water Rights for Whitewater Parks/Reed D. Benson.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.4: 753-786. |
77465 | When Does Legal Flexibility Work in Environmental Law?/Eric Biber, Josh Eagle.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.4: 787-840. |
77466 | Separated at Birth? Addressing the Twin Crises of Biodiversity and Climate Change/Daniel A. Farber.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2015-2016; Vol.42, No.4: 841-888. |
77467 | A Brook with Legal Rights: The Rights of Nature in Court/Hope M. Babcock.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2016-2017; Vol.43, No.1: 1-51. |
77468 | Climate Change and International Economic Law/Shalanda H. Baker.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2016-2017; Vol.43, No.1: 53-106. |
77469 | Does Active Choosing Promote Green Energy Use? Experimental Evidence/Simon Hedlin, Cass R. Sunstein.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2016-2017; Vol.43, No.1: 107-141. |
77470 | Regional Energy Governance and U.S. Carbon Emissions/Hannah J. Wiseman, Hari M. Osofsky.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2016-2017; Vol.43, No.1: 143-235. |
77471 | Climate Change and Compact Breaches: How The Supreme Court Missed an Opportunity to Incentivize Future Interstate-Water-Compact Compliance in Kansas v. Nebraska/Caitlin Brown.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2016-2017; Vol.43, No.2: 245-274. |
77472 | No Relief: How the Ninth Circuit’s New Standard for Injunctions Threatens the Precautionary Nature of the Endangered Species Act/Emma Kennedy.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2016-2017; Vol.43, No.2: 275-299. |
77473 | Jurisdictional Determinations: An Important Battlefield in the Clean Water Act Fight/Jacob Finkle.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2016-2017; Vol.43, No.2: 301-335. |
77474 | Standing in a Federal Agency’s Shoes: Should Third-Party Action Affect Redressability under the National Environmental Policy Act?/Alexander Tom.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2016-2017; Vol.43, No.2: 337-379. |
77475 | Alternative Reasoning: Why the Ninth Circuit Should Have Used NEPA in Setting Aside the Tongass Exemption/Katherine Reynolds.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2016-2017; Vol.43, No.2: 381-420. |
77476 | Rained Out: Problems and Solutions for Managing Urban Stormwater Runoff/Roopika Subramanian.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2016-2017; Vol.43, No.2: 421-447. |
77477 | ICG Hazard: Permitting Away the Clean Water Act/Mae Manupipatpong.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2016-2017; Vol.43, No.2: 449-471. |
77478 | Montana Environmental Information Center v. BLM and the Future of Methane Emissions Mitigation under NEPA/Emma L. Hamilton.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2016-2017; Vol.43, No.2: 473-481. |
77479 | Liability for Environmental Damages from the Offshore Petroleum Industry: Strict Liability Justifications and the Judgment-Proof Problem/Tamara Lotner Lev.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2016-2017; Vol.43, No.2: 483-494. |
77480 | Gulf Restoration Network v. McCarthy: The Necessity of the Clean Water Act’s Necessity Determination Mechanism to Ensure Government Accountability/William C. Mumby.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2016-2017; Vol.43, No.2: 495-502. |
77481 | Pollinator Stewardship Council v. EPA and the Duty to Research FIFRA Applications/Alex Trabolsi.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2016-2017; Vol.43, No.2: 503-510. |
77482 | Grand Canyon Trust v. Williams: Tribal Land Protection and the Battle for Red Butte/Natalie C. Winters.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2016-2017; Vol.43, No.2: 511-517. |
77483 | The Energy Prosumer/Sharon B. Jacobs.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2016-2017; Vol.43, No.3: 519-579. |
77484 | Frankenstein’s Mammoth: Anticipating the Global Legal Framework For De-Extinction/Erin Okuno.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2016-2017; Vol.43, No.3: 581-634. |
77485 | Accounting for Partial Settlements in CERCLA Private-Party Cost Allocation: No Rule Is the Best Rule/Haley Oveson.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2016-2017; Vol.43, No.3: 635-669. |
77486 | Is the Clean Air Act Unconstitutional? Coercion, Cooperative Federalism and Conditional Spending after NFIB v. Sebelius/Jonathan H. Adler, Nathaniel Stewart.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2016-2017; Vol.43, No.4: 671-722. |
77487 | Illegal Marijuana Cultivation on Public Lands: Our Federalism on a Very Bad Trip/Hope M. Babcock.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2016-2017; Vol.43, No.4: 723-779. |
77488 | The Property Clause and Its Discontents: Lessons from the Malheur Occupation/Michael C. Blumm, Olivier Jamin.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2016-2017; Vol.43, No.4: 781-826. |
77489 | Foreword: Environmental Law and the Changing Data Paradigm/Jordan Diamond.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.1: 1-6. |
77490 | Science, Policy, and Data-Driven Decisions in a Data Vacuum/Ryan P. Kelly, Phillip S. Levin, Kai N. Lee.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.1: 7-40. |
77491 | Technological Innovation, Data Analytics, and Environmental Enforcement/Robert L. Glicksman, David L. Markell, Claire Monteleoni.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.1: 41-88. |
77492 | Trade Treaties, Citizen Submissions, and Environmental Justice/Jeff Todd.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.1: 89-145. |
77493 | Reversing Course in California: Moving CEQA Forward/Giulia Gualco-Nelson.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.2: 155-194. |
77494 | Trust in Local Government: How States’ Legal Obligations to Protect Water Resources Can Support Local Efforts to Restrict Fracking/William C. Mumby.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.2: 195-235. |
77495 | A Relic of the Past or the Future of Environmental Criminal Law? An Argument for a Broad Interpretation of Liability under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act/Emma Hamilton.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.2: 237-267. |
77496 | Pushing the Boundaries of the Public Trust on the Last Frontier: A Study in Why the Doctrine Should Not Apply to Wildlife/Thomas Schumann.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.2: 269-308. |
77497 | The Silent Beehive: How the Decline of Honey Bee Populations Shifted the Environmental Protection Agency’s Pesticide Policy towards Pollinators/Maria Vanegas.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.2: 311-341. |
77498 | Flow or Oscillate? The Mismatch between the Language Judges and Attorneys Use to Describe Electricity and the Actual Behavior of Electricity on the Grid/Elissa Walter.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.2: 343-374. |
77499 | Energy Jurisdiction in the Twenty-First Century/Kristoffer James S. Jacob.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.2: 375-418. |
77500 | Better Than Net Benefits: Rethinking the FERC v. EPSA Test to Maximize Value in Grid-Edge Electricity Markets/Helen Aki.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.2: 419-443. |
77501 | Adequate Agency Action? How Procedural Trends in Environmental Citizen Suit Litigation Prompt a Reconsideration of Deference and Presumptions of Diligence/Rachel L. Ryan.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.2: 445-468. |
77502 | Limits of American Farm Bureau Federation v. EPA and the Clean Water Act’s TMDL Provision in the Mississippi River Basin/K.A. McConnell.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.2: 469-501. |
77503 | Requiem for American Nature Philosophy/Allison K. Athens.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.2: 503-510. |
77504 | Slowly Warming to Climate Change/John Hannon.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.2: 511-519. |
77505 | Center for Biological Diversity v. Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Uncertainties in Project-Level Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis/Danqing Bai.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.2: 521-526. |
77506 | Union Neighbors United, Inc. v. Jewell: A Hard Look at Procedural Compliance under NEPA/Amy Collier.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.2: 527-534. |
77507 | Interpreting Appropriate and Necessary Reasonably under the Clean Air Act: Michigan v. Environmental Protection Agency/Maribeth Hunsinger.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.2: 535-543. |
77508 | Columbia River Tribal Housing: Federal Progress Addressing Long Unmet Obligations/Stephanie Phillips.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.2: 545-553. |
77509 | People v. Rinehart: No Preemption of State Environmental Regulations under the Mining Act of 1872/Jonathan Rosenthal.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.2: 555-563. |
77510 | AquAlliance v. United States Bureau of Reclamation: The Impact of Withholding Information from the Public/Taylor Wetzel.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.2: 565-573. |
77511 | Home Rule in an Era of Local Environmental Innovation/Sarah Fox.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.3: 575-625. |
77512 | Defining the Role of Conservation in Agricultural Conservation Easements/Jess R. Phelps.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.3: 627-680. |
77513 | Wildlife Issues Are Local – So Why Isn’t ESA Implementation?/Temple Stoellinger.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.3: 681-725. |
77514 | Protecting Offshore Areas from Oil and Gas Leasing: Presidential Authority under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act and the Antiquities Act/Robert T. Anderson.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.4: 727-765. |
77515 | Empirical Environmental Scholarship/Robert L. Fischman, Lydia Barbash-Riley.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.4: 767-807. |
77516 | The Long Environmental Justice Movement/Jedediah Purdy.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.4: 809-864. |
77517 | Explaining Environmental Information Disclosure in China/Alex L. Wang.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2017-2018; Vol.44, No.4: 865-923. |
77518 | Foreword: Oceans and Climate Change: Calling for Holistic Conversation/Jordan Diamond, Holly Doremus, Ronan Long.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.1: 1-7. |
77519 | Ocean Acidification: Falling Between the Legal Cracks of UNCLOS and the UNFCCC/Nilufer Oral.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.1: 9-30. |
77520 | Oceans in Transition: Incorporating Climate-Change Impacts into Environmental Impact Assessment for Marine Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction/Robin Warner.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.1: 31-51. |
77521 | Climate Change and Antarctic Fisheries: Ecosystem Management in CCAMLR/Rosemary Rayfuse.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.1: 53-81. |
77522 | A New Ocean: The Legal Challenges of the Arctic Thaw/Henri Feron.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.1: 83-128. |
77523 | Part XII of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Duty to Mitigate Against Climate Change: Making Out a Claim, Causation, and Related Issues/Seokwoo Lee, Lowell Bautista.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.1: 129-155. |
77524 | The Only Green That Matters is the Green in Your Pocket: Advocating for Renewable Energy in Red States/Noah Guiney.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.2: 163-186. |
77525 | An Indivisible and Living Whole: Do We Value Nature Enough to Grant It Personhood?/Allison Katherine Athens.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.2: 187-226. |
77526 | Agua Caliente: A Case Study and Toolkit for Securing Tribal Rights to Clean Groundwater/Dana A. Bass.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.2: 227-252. |
77527 | Expediting Infastructure Development without Conceding Reasoned Decision Making and Public Comment: Streamlining NEPA Compliance for Facility Upgrades and Expansions/Maribeth Hunsinger.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.2: 253-288. |
77528 | This Land Was Made for You and Me – And Them: Why and How the Department of the Interior Should Give Greater Consideration to the Gray Wolf’s Historical Range/Amy Collier.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.2: 289-326. |
77529 | Continental Divides: How Wolf Conservation in the United States and Europe Impacts Rural Attitudes/Holly Firlein.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.2: 327-352. |
77530 | Reasonable Expectations: An Unreasonable Approach to the Denominator Question in Takings Analysis/Danielle Nicholson.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.2: 353-393. |
77531 | When the Exemption Becomes the Rule: Problems that Waterkeeper v. EPA Poses for Advocates of Reporting Requirements and Potential Solutions/Bonnie Stender.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.2: 395-417. |
77532 | Climate Change in the Era of Post-Truth/Camilo Andres De la Cruz Arboleda.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.2: 419-425. |
77533 | Martin’s Beach Litigation and Eroding Public Access Rights to the California Coast/Paul Balmer.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.2: 427-437. |
77534 | Public Finance, Stormwater, and the California Constitution: Who Pays for Trash Cans at Bus Stops?/A. S. Flynn.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.2: 439-449. |
77535 | Regulating Water Transfers in the Wake of Catskill Mountains Chapter of Trout Unlimited, Inc. v. EPA: Examining Alternatives to NPDES Permits/Mary Rassenfoss.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.2: 451-460. |
77536 | A Proposal to Increase Public Participation in CERCLA Actions through Notice/Kaela Shiigi.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.2: 461-472. |
77537 | Combatting Lake Invaders: A Proposal for Ballast Water Standards to Save the Great Lakes from Invasive Species/Katie Sinclair.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.2: 473-483. |
77538 | Vindicating Public Environmental Interest: Defining the Role of Enviornmental Public Interest Litigation in China/Juan Chu.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.3: 485-532. |
77539 | Carbon Dioxide Removal after Paris/Albert C. Lin.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.3: 533-582. |
77540 | Reform Incentives, Transform the Grid: Making Good on Hawaiis Renewable Energy Ambitions/Tyler McNish.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.3: 583-645. |
77541 | Defining the Role of Agriculture in Agricultural Conservation Easements/Jess R. Phelps.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.3: 647-701. |
77542 | Corporate Sustainability Disclosures in American Case Law: Purposeful or Mere Puffery?/Caitlin M. Ajax, Diane Strauss.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.4: 703-734. |
77543 | The Federal Government Has an Implied Moral Constitutional Duty to Protect Individuals from Harm Due to Climate Change: Throwing Spaghetti against the Wall to See What Sticks/Hope M. Babcock.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.4: 735-786. |
77544 | Can You Hear the Rivers Sing? Legal Personhood, Ontology, and the Nitty-Gritty of Governance/Cristy Clark … [et al.].- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.4: 787-844. |
77545 | The Faux Scholarship Foundation of the Regulatory Rollback Movement/Richard W. Parker.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.4: 845-920. |
77546 | Whose Lands? Which Public? The Shape of Public-Lands Law and Trump’s National Monument Proclamations/Jedediah Britton-Purdy.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2018-2019; Vol.45, No.4: 921-963. |
77547 | Opening Reflection: The Elegance of International Law/Laurel E. Fletcher.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2019-2020; Vol.46, No.1: 5-7. |
77548 | The David Caron Rule of X/Lucy Reed.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2019-2020; Vol.46, No.1: 9-15. |
77549 | Navigating the Judicialization of International Law in Troubled Waters: Some Reflections on a Generation of International Lawyers/Charles N. Brower, Daniel Litwin.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2019-2020; Vol.46, No.1: 17-37. |
77550 | Legitimacy in International Law and Institutions: Carrying Forward the Work of David D. Caron/Saira Mohamed.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2019-2020; Vol.46, No.1: 39-42. |
77551 | Goldilocks and International Dispute Settlement/Joan E. Donoghue.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2019-2020; Vol.46, No.1: 43-51. |
77552 | ISDS Reform and the Proposal for a Multilateral Investment Court/Lee M. Caplan.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2019-2020; Vol.46, No.1: 53-59. |
77553 | The Singapore Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation: A New Way Forward?/Christina G. Hioureas.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2019-2020; Vol.46, No.1: 61-70. |
77554 | Finding Elegance in Unexpected Places/John R. Crook.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2019-2020; Vol.46, No.1: 71-80. |
77555 | Nonparticipation and Perceptions of Legitimacy/Bernard H. Oxman.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2019-2020; Vol.46, No.1: 81-93. |
77556 | The Legitimacy of Economic Sanctions as Countermeasures for Wrongful Acts/Lori Fisler Damrosch.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2019-2020; Vol.46, No.1: 95-109. |
77557 | International Courts and Democratic Backsliding/Tom Ginsburg.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2019-2020; Vol.46, No.1: 111-134. |
77558 | Legitimacy, Collective Authority and Internet Governance: A Reflection on David Caron’s Study of the UN Security Council/David Kaye.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2019-2020; Vol.46, No.1: 135-147. |
77559 | Institutional Arrangements for the Ocean: From Zero to Indefinite?/Marie Jacobsson.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2019-2020; Vol.46, No.1: 149-161. |
77560 | Navigating the Oceans: Old and New Challenges for the Law of the Sea for Straits Used for International Navigation/Nilufer Oral.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2019-2020; Vol.46, No.1: 163-189. |
77561 | New Law for the High Seas/Cymie R. Payne.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2019-2020; Vol.46, No.1: 191-214. |
77562 | Maritime Interdiction of North Korean Ships under UN Sanctions/James Kraska.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2019-2020; Vol.46, No.1: 215-238. |
77563 | Ocean Policy and the Law of the Sea: The Contributions of David D. Caron (1952-2018)/Harry N. Scheiber.- Ecology Law Quarterly. 2019-2020; Vol.46, No.1: 239-250. |
77564 | The Voting Rights Act and the Racial Gap in Lost Votes/Paul Moke, Richard B. Saphire.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.1: p. 1-59. |
77565 | Is an Advertisement an Offer? Why It Is, and Why It Matters/Jay M. Feinman, Stephen R. Brill.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.1: p. 61-86. |
77566 | The Problem of Social Cost in a Genetically Modified Age/Paul J. Heald, James Charles Smith.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.1: p. 87-151. |
77567 | The Export-Import Dilemma: Inventions and Employment Abroad/Catherine Tornabene.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.1: p. 153-176. |
77568 | Lawful to the World: Protecting the Integrity of the Inevitable Discovery Doctrine/Jason Liljestrom.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.1: p. 177-203. |
77569 | IPs Problem Child: Shifting the Paradigms for Software Protection/Jacqueline D. Lipton.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.2: p. 205-250. |
77570 | Treaty Obligations and National Law: Emerging Conflicts in International Arbitration/William W. Park, Alexander A. Yanos.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.2: p. 251-298. |
77571 | Champagne, Feta, and Bourbon: The Spirited Debate about Geographical Indications/Justin Hughes.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.2: p. 299-386. |
77572 | Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Legacy of Castle Rock v. Gonzales/Lynn A. Combs.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.2: p. 387-412. |
77573 | Ignoring the Supreme Court: State v. White, the Civil Commitment of Sexually Violent Predators, and Majoritarian Judicial Pressures/Eric W. Buetzow.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.2: p. 413-432. |
77574 | Incentive and Expectation in Copyright/Sara K. Stadler.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.3: p. 433-478. |
77575 | Lawful Peacekeeping: Applicability of International Humanitarian Law to United Nations Peacekeeping Operations/Jaume Saura.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.3: p. 479-531. |
77576 | Blakelys Silver Lining; Sentencing Guidelines, Judicial Discretion, and Crime/Joanna Shepherd.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.3: p. 533-589. |
77577 | A Prescription for Californias Ailing Inmate Treatment System: An Independent Corrections Ombudsman/Arthur L. Alarcon.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.3: p. 591-621. |
77578 | When Silence Means Everything: The Application of Proposition 64 to Pending Actions/Gavin L. Charlston.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.3: p. 591-621. |
77579 | Family Conflicts: The Role of Religion in Refusing Medical Treatment for Minors/Jennifer E. Chen.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.3: p. 643-669. |
77580 | The Transformation of Statutes into Constitutional Law: How Early Post Office Policy Shaped Modern First Amendment Doctrine/Anuj C. Desai.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.4: p. 671-727. |
77581 | Regulating Land Use in a Constitution Shadow: The Institutional Contexts of Exactions/Mark Fenster.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.4: p. 729-775. |
77582 | Principles for Resolving Conflicts between Trade Secrets and the First Amendment/Pamela Samuelson.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.4: p. 777-847. |
77583 | The Consumer Class Action Bill of Rights: A Policy and Political Mistake/Laurens Walker.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.4: p. 849-868. |
77584 | Informal Closing of the Bypass: Minors Petitions to Bypass Parental Consent for Abortion in an Age of Increasing Judicial Refusals/Lauren Treadwell.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.4: p. 869-890. |
77585 | An Oracle without Foresight – Plaintiffs Arduous Burdens under U.S. v. Oracle/Amanda J. Parkison Hassid.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.4: p. 891-909. |
77586 | Philosopher Kings and International Tax: A New Approach to Tax Havens, Tax Flight, and International Tax Cooperation/Steven A. Dean.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.5: p. 911-965. |
77587 | Informed Consent: Requiring Doctors to Disclose Off-Label Prescriptions and Conflicts of Interest/Margaret Z. Johns.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.5: p. 967-1024. |
77588 | The Measure of the Doubt: Dissent, Indeterminacy, and Interpretation at the Federal Circuit/Jeffrey A. Lefstin.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.5: p. 1025-1094. |
77589 | Creative Judicial Misunderstanding: Misapplication of the Public Trust Doctrine in Michigan/Carl Shadi Paganelli.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.5: p. 1095-1121. |
77590 | Duress: A Perplexing Barrier to Relief from Joint and Several Liability/M. Meghan Kerns.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.5: p. 1123-1145. |
77591 | Sharing the Short Bus: Eligibility and Identity under the IDEA/Wendy F. Hensel.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.6: p. 1147-1202. |
77592 | Beyond Disability Civil Rights/Michael Ashley Stein, Penelope J. S. Stein.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.6: p. 1203-1240. |
77593 | The Politics of Deference and Inclusion: Toward a Uniform Framework for the Analysis of Fundamental Alteration under the ADA/Kerri Lynn Stone.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.6: p. 1203-1240. |
77594 | A Loophole to Repair: Repair and Maintenance as a Way around the Coastal Act’s Prohibition against Seawalls/Jenni Khuu.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.6: p. 1297-1330. |
77595 | Generalized Grievances and Judicial Discretion/Mark Gabel.- Hastings Law Journal. 2007; Vol.58, No.6: p. 1331-1370. |
77596 | Critical Race Realism: Re-Claiming the Antidiscrimination Principle through the Doctrine of Good Faith in Contract Law/Emily M.S. Houh.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005; Vol.66, No.3: 455-520. |
77597 | Drafting Attorneys as Fiduciaries: Fashioning an Optimal Ethical Rule for Conflicts of Interest/Paula A. Monopoli.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005; Vol.66, No.3: 411-453. |
77598 | Protecting the Right to Effective Assistance of Capital Postconviction Counsel: The Scope of the Constitutional Obligation to Monitor Counsel Performance/Celestine Richards McConville.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005; Vol.66, No.3: 521-600. |
77599 | Trucks on Our Turf: Seeking to Resolve the International Inconsistency in Public Citizen v. Department of Transportation/Erica J. Burgess.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005; Vol.66, No.3: 601-632. |
77600 | A Bona Fide Loophole for Dealers: Three-Year Protection from Section 12(a)(1) Actions under the 1933 Act/Christopher R. Rodi.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005; Vol.66, No.3: 633-651. |
77601 | Will the General Agreement on Trade in Services Necessitate Federal Involvement in Lawyer Regulation? Some Constitutional Implications of Regulating the Global Lawyer/Ryan W. Hopkins.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005; Vol.66, No.3: 653-686. |
77602 | First Thornburgh Family Lecture on Disability Law and Policy: Americans with Disabilities and Their Civil Rights: Past, Present, and Future/Peter Blanck.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005; Vol.66, No.4: 687-719. |
77603 | Poverty and Communitarianism: Toward a Community-Based Welfare System/Michele Estrin Gilman.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005; Vol.66, No.4: 721-820. |
77604 | Trinko and Re-Grounding the Refusal to Deal Doctrine/Adam Candeub.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005; Vol.66, No.4: 821-870. |
77605 | An Antitrust Analysis of College Early Admission Programs/Adam L. Henry.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005; Vol.66, No.4: 871-885. |
77606 | The Problem with Forgiving (But Not Entirely Forgetting) the Crimes of Our Nation’s Youth: Exploring the Third Circuit’s Unconstitutional Use of Nonjury Juvenile Adjudication in Armed Career Criminal Sentencing/Stephen F. Donahoe.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005; Vol.66, No.4: 887-908. |
77607 | Punishing Tobacco Industry Misconduct: The Case for Exceeding a Single Digit Ratio Between Punitive and Compensatory Damages/Sara D. Guardino, Richard A. Daynard.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.67, No.1: 1-65. |
77608 | The Vanishing Public Domain: Antibiotic Resistance, Pharmaceutical Innovation and Intellectual Property Law/Kevin Outterson.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.67, No.1: 67-123. |
77609 | Preparing for 2007: Legal and Legislative Issues Surrounding the Reauthorization of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act/Jocelyn Benson.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.67, No.1: 125-174. |
77610 | True Integration: Advancing Brown’s Goal of Educational Equity in the Wake of Grutter/Lia B. Epperson.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.67, No.1: 175-224. |
77611 | The Right of Publicity and Autonomous Self-Definition/Mark P. McKenna.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.67, No.1: 225-294. |
77612 | Where There’s At-Will, There Are Many Ways: Redressing the Increasing Incoherence of Employment at Will/Scott A. Moss.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.67, No.2: 295-364. |
77613 | The Suitability of IRB Liability/Sharona Hoffman, Jessica Wilen Berg.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.67, No.2: 365-427. |
77614 | An Argument for the Admissibility of Execution Impact Evidence in Pennsylvania/Paige H. Forster.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.67, No.2: 429-444. |
77615 | The Future of Soft Money in Federal Elections: The 527 Reform Act of 2005 and the First Amendment/Ryan P. Chase.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.67, No.2: 445-467. |
77616 | One Is a Claim, Two Is a Defense: Bringing an End to the Equal Opportunity Harasser Defense/Mark J. McCullough.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.67, No.2: 469-491. |
77617 | Fans, Free Expression, and the Wide World of Sports/Howard M. Wasserman.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.67, No.3: 525-583. |
77618 | The Future of Constitutionally Required Lesser Included Offenses/Michael H. Hoffheimer.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.67, No.3: 585-640. |
77619 | Norton v. Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance: The U.S. Supreme Court Fails to Act on Agency Inaction/Christopher M. Buell.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.67, No.3: 641-659. |
77620 | Double Checking the Doctor’s Credentials: The New Medical Expert Qualification Statute of MCARE/Justin H. Werner.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.67, No.3: 661-692. |
77621 | Legislative Messaging and Bankruptcy Law/Karen Gross, Kathryn R. Heidt, Lois R. Lupica.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.67, No.3: 497-523. |
77622 | The Blueing of America: The Bridge Between the War on Drugs and the War on Terror/Gerald G. Ashdown.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.67, No.4: 753-802. |
77623 | Single Subject Rules and the Legislative Process/Michael D. Gilbert.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.67, No.4: 803-870. |
77624 | Expecting Too Much and Too Little of Lawyers/Eugene R. Gaetke.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.67, No.4: 693-751. |
77625 | Chilled to the Pill: The Japanese Judiciary’s Cool Reception of the Poison Pill and Potential Repercussions/Douglas G. Gruener.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.67, No.4: 871-896. |
77626 | Party Autonomy and Regional Harmonization of Rules in International Commercial Arbitration/Elizabeth Shackelford.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2005-2006; Vol.67, No.4: 897-812. |
77627 | Deflecting a Suspect From Requesting an Attorney/Welsh S. White.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.68, No.1: 29-75. |
77628 | A New Perspective on the International Criminal Court: Why the Right Should Embrace the ICC and How America Can Use It/Ron Sievert.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.68, No.1: 77-129. |
77629 | Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Religion: The Ban on Federal Funding as a Violation of the Establishment Clause/Larry J. Pittman.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.68, No.1: 131-190. |
77630 | Collateral Damage? The Impact of National Security Crises on the Fourth Amendment: Protection Against Unreasonable Searches/Sara A. Chandler.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.68, No.1: 217-241. |
77631 | When God Collides with Race and Class: Working-Class America’s Shift to Conservatism/Mark R. Thompson.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.68, No.1: 243-266. |
77632 | Agricultural Tithing and (Flat) Tax Complexity/Adam S. Chodorow.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.68, No.2: 267-305. |
77633 | Preventive War and the Lessons of History/Jules Lobel.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.68, No.2: 307-339. |
77634 | Genetic Residues of Ancient Migrations: An End to Biological Essentialism and the Reification of Race/William M. Richman.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.68, No.2: 387-447. |
77635 | Word-of-Mouth Recruiting: Why Small Businesses Using This Efficient Practice Should Survive Disparate Impact Challenges Under Title VII/Tobin M. Nelson.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.68, No.2: 449-468. |
77636 | The King Kong Contingent: Should the Medicare Secondary Payer Statute Reach to Future Medical Expenses in Personal Injury Settlements?/Norma S. Schmidt.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.68, No.2: 469489. |
77637 | The Tiger Awakens: The Tumultuous Transformation of India’s Patent System and the Rise of Indian Pharmaceutical Innovation/Janice M. Mueller.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.68, No.3: 491-641. |
77638 | The Obligation Thesis: Understanding the Persistent Black Voice in Modern Legal Scholarship/Monica Bell.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.68, No.3: 643-699. |
77639 | It’s Not About the Money!: A Theory on Misconceptions of Plaintiff’s Litigation Aims/Tamara Relis.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.68, No.3: 701-746. |
77640 | Rule 10b-5 and Reasonable Reliance: Why Courts Should Abandon Focus on Non-Reliance Clauses/Jonathan P. Altman.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.68, No.3: 747-761. |
77641 | Applying the False Claims Act to Chemical and Physical Restraint Cases: Is the Government Going Too Far?/Amie E. Schaadt.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.68, No.3: 763-783. |
77642 | The First Amendment and the End of the World/Stewart Harris.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.68, No.4: 785-833. |
77643 | The Enforcement of Child Custody Orders by Contempt Remedies/Margaret M. Mahoney.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.68, No.4: 835-877. |
77644 | Divide and Sprawl, Decline and Fall: A Comparative Critique of Euclidean Zoning/Eliza Hall.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.68, No.4: 915-952. |
77645 | The Jock Tax: Fair Play or Unsportsmanlike Conduct/John DiMascio.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2006-2007; Vol.68, No.4: 953-973. |
77646 | Logic for Law Students: How to Think Like a Lawyer/Ruggero J. Aldisert, Stephen Clowney, Jeremy D. Peterson.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.1: 1-22. |
77647 | So Dark the Con(tu) of Man: The Quest for a Software Derivative Work Right in Section 117/Lateef Mtima.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.1: 23-122. |
77648 | Procedural Fencing in Retiree Benefits Disputes: Applications of the First-Filed Rule in Federal Courts/Julie Vanneman.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.1: 123-164. |
77649 | American Forum Non Conveniens in Light of the Hague Convention on Choice-of-Court Agreements/Christopher Tate.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.1: 165-187. |
77650 | The Regulation of Judicial Ethics in the Federal System: A Peek Behind Closed Doors/Arthur D. Hellman.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.2: 189-243. |
77651 | Green Medicine: Using Lessons From Tort Law and Environmental Law to Hold Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Authorized Distributors Liable for Injuries Caused by Counterfeit Drugs/Stephanie Feldman Aleong.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.2: 245-279. |
77652 | Daubert and the Disappearing Jury Trial/Allan Kanner, M. Ryan Casey.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.2: 281-329. |
77653 | Traffic Stops, Reasonable Suspicion, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: A State Constitutional Analysis/Dennis J. Buffone.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.2: 331-366. |
77654 | The Official Duties Puzzle: Lower Courts’ Struggle With First Amendment Protection for Public Employees After Garcetti v. Ceballos/Christine Elzer.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.2: 367-388. |
77655 | Extra Time as an Accommodation/Ruth Colker.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.3: 413-474. |
77656 | Inclusive Instruction: Blurring Diversity and Disability in Law School Classrooms Through Universal Design/Meredith George, Wendy Newby.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.3: 475-498. |
77657 | No Disability Standpoint Here!: Law School Faculties and the Invisibility Problem/Leslie Pickering Francis, Anita Silvers.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.3: 499-508. |
77658 | How Potential Employers Approach Disability: A Survey of Law Students in Georgia/E. Ann Puckett.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.3: 509-530. |
77659 | Law Students and Lawyers With Mental Health and Substance Abuse Problems: Protecting the Public and the Individual/Laura Rothstein.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.3: 531-566. |
77660 | Professionalism and Protection: Disabled Lawyers and Ethical Practice/John V. Jacobi.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.3: 567-588. |
77661 | Baby, Look Inside Your Mirror: The Legal Profession’s Willful and Sanist Blindness To Lawyers With Mental Disabilities/Michael L. Perlin.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.3: 589-607. |
77662 | Disability-Related Misconduct and the Legal Profession: The Role of the Americans With Disabilities Act/Kelly Cahill Timmons.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.3: 609-635. |
77663 | The Disability Dilemma: A Skeptical Bench and Bar/Wendy F. Hensel.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.3: 637-656. |
77664 | The Americans With Disabilities Act: Equal Opportunity for Individuals With Disabilities, in Some Large Businesses, in Some Major Cities, Sometimes …/Eric Allen Harris.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.3: 657-674. |
77665 | Lawyers With Disabilities: L’Handicape C’est Nous/Anita Bernstein.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.3: 389-411. |
77666 | Hold the Phone: Assessing the Rights of Wireless Handset Owners and Carriers/Rob Frieden.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.4: 675-725. |
77667 | Making Class Actions Work: The Untapped Potential of the Internet/Robert H. Klonoff, Mark Herrmann, Bradley W. Harrison.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.4: 727-768. |
77668 | In the Wake of Catalona: An Alternative Model to Safeguard Research Participants’ Interests in their Biological Materials/Kaitlin M. Piccolo.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.4: 769-788. |
77669 | Irreconcilable Differences: How Sanchez-Llamas v. Oregon Undermines Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations/Eric Rosenfeld.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2007-2008; Vol.69, No.4: 789-808. |
77670 | Congress, Ex Parte Young, and the Fate of the Three-Judge District Court/Michael E. Solimine.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2008; Vol.70, No.1: 101-153. |
77671 | Corporate Attorney-Client Privileges and Work-Product Protections Should Absolutely Be Preserved/Jennifer M. Gardner.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2008; Vol.70, No.1: 155-189. |
77672 | Providing Hope: Developing a Viable Regulatory Framework for Providing Terminally Ill Patients With Adequate Access to Investigational Drugs/James P. Sikora.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2008; Vol.70, No.1: 191-215. |
77673 | Fixing the Undue Hardship Hardship: Solutions for the Problem of Discharging Educational Loans Through Bankruptcy/Adam J. Williams.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2008; Vol.70, No.1: 217-232. |
77674 | Enslaved Constitution: Obstructing the Freedom to Travel/Mitchell F. Crusto.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2008; Vol.70, No.2: 233-275. |
77675 | Cost Containment May Have a Price, But Is It a Crime? Analyzing the Basis for Criminalizing Managed Care Conduct/Courtney Lyons Snyder.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2008; Vol.70, No.2: 301-325. |
77676 | No Child Left Behind: The Adam Walsh Act and Pennsylvania Juvenile Sex Offenders/Neal F. Wilson.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2008; Vol.70, No.2: 327-341. |
77677 | Dialogue With A Neurosurgeon: Toward A Depecage Approach To Achieve Tort Reform And Preserve Corrective Justice In Medical Malpractice Cases/Jeffrey A. Van Detta.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2009; Vol.71, No.1: 1-70. |
77678 | Conscious Ambiguity: Slaying Cerberus In The Interpretation Of Contractual Inconsistencies/Gregory M. Duhl.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2009; Vol.71, No.1: 71-116. |
77679 | Educating Special Education Students Who Have Only Attended Private Schools: After Tom F., Who Is Left With The Bill?/Alexia M. Baiman.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2009; Vol.71, No.1: 121-142. |
77680 | Bong Hits 4 Jesus: Student Speech And The Educational mission Argument After Morse v. Frederick/Jeremiah Galus.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2009; Vol.71, No.1: 143-165. |
77681 | Have We Forgotten K-12? The Need For Punitive Damages To Improve Title IX Enforcement/Katrina A. Pohlman.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2009; Vol.71, No.1: 167-186. |
77682 | Competition Policy And Organizational Fragmentation In Health Care/Thomas (Tim) Greaney.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2009; Vol.71, No.2: 217-239. |
77683 | Affirmative Action And The Individual Right To Equal Protection/Robert C. Farrell.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2009; Vol.71, No.2: 241-277. |
77684 | Acorn And The 2008 Presidential Election Campaign: Perspectives On Alleged Third-Party Voter-Registration Fraud/Ryan Joyce.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2009; Vol.71, No.2: 313-333. |
77685 | Misplaced Populist Rage: Congressional Missteps With Executive Compensation Limitations In The Bailout Legislation/Joseph Filloy.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2009; Vol.71, No.2: 335-359. |
77686 | Private Law, Public Consequences, And Virtue Jurisprudence/Chapin F. Cimino.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2009; Vol.71, No.2: 279-312. |
77687 | Is The Pcaob a Heavily Controlled Component Of The Sec?: An Essential Question In The Constitutional Controversy/Donna M. Nagy.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2009; Vol.71, No.3: 361-402. |
77688 | Evolutionary Enforcement At The Securities And Exchange Commission/Jayne W. Barnard.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2009; Vol.71, No.3: 403-437. |
77689 | Brokers As Fiduciaries/Donald C. Langevoort.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2009; Vol.71, No.3: 439-456. |
77690 | The Sec And Foreign Companies – A Balance Of Competing Interests/Kenneth B. Davis.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2009; Vol.71, No.3: 457-487. |
77691 | Reviewing The Sec, Reinvigorating The Sec/Jonathan G. Katz.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2009; Vol.71, No.3: 489-516. |
77692 | Regulatory Politics And Short Selling/Erik R. Sirri.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2009; Vol.71, No.3: 517-544. |
77693 | Trekking Toward Uber Regulation: Prospects For Meaningful Change At Sec Enforcement?/Douglas M. Branson.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2009; Vol.71, No.3: 545-566. |
77694 | The SEC After The Financial Meltdown: Social Control Over Finance?/Robert B. Thompson.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2009; Vol.71, No.3: 567-583. |
77695 | Why Did Rating Agencies Do Such A Bad Job Rating Subprime Securities?/Claire A. Hill.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2009; Vol.71, No.3: 585-608. |
77696 | Will The SEC Survive Financial Regulatory Reform?/Renee M. Jones.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2009; Vol.71, No.3: 609-624. |
77697 | Regulatory Conflict: Market Integrity Vs. Financial Stability/Chester S. Spatt.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2009; Vol.71, No.3: 625-639. |
77698 | The Many Faces of Strict Scrutiny: How the Supreme Court Changes the Rules in Race Cases/Evan Gerstmann, Christopher Shortell.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.72, No.1: 1-52. |
77699 | Secularism and the Constitution: Can Government be too Secular?/Jorge O. Elorza.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.72, No.1: 53-117. |
77700 | Girls Don’t Just Wanna Have Fun: Moving Past Title IX’s Contact Sports Exception/Jessica Constance Caggiano.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.72, No.1: 119-146. |
77701 | The Employee Free Choice Act: Breathing New Life into Unions or Dead in the Water/Adam Gorzelsky.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.72, No.1: 147-162. |
77702 | Promoting the Rule of Law: Cooperation and Competition in the EU-US Relationship/Ronald A. Brand.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.72, No.2: 163-169. |
77703 | Grammar Lessons Learned: Dependent Clauses, False Cognates, and other Problems in Rule of Law Programming/Wade Channell.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.72, No.2: 171-189. |
77704 | Toward a Common Ground Definition of the Rule of Law Incorporating Substantive Principles of Justice/Mark Ellis.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.72, No.2: 215-191. |
77705 | Can External Programs Influence Internal Development of the Rule of Law? Some Observations from the European Union Perspective/Esa Paasivirta.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.72, No.2: 217-227. |
77706 | The Significance of the Rule of Law and Its Implications for the European Union and the United States/Ricardo Gosalbo-Bono.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.72, No.2: 229-360. |
77707 | The Poisoned Chalice: Imperial Justice, Moral Relativism, and the Origins of International Criminal Law/H. Christie.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.72, No.2: 361-388. |
77708 | Shifting Towards a European Roe V. Wade: Should Judicial Activism Create an International Right to Abortion with A., B. and C. V. Ireland/Emma Finney.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.72, No.2: 389-430. |
77709 | Proportionality: The Struggle for Balance in U.S. Immigration Policy/Michael J. Wishnie.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.72, No.3: 431-466. |
77710 | Unequal Promises/Aditi Bagchi.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.72, No.3: 467-493. |
77711 | A Theory of Agency Law/Paula J. Dalley.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.72, No.3: 495-547. |
77712 | Renegotiating the Social Contract: Healthcare as a Natural Right/Jennifer Fahnestock.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.72, No.3: 549-596. |
77713 | The Series LLC: Suggestions for Surviving Some Serious Uncertainties/Michael E. Fink.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.72, No.3: 597-614. |
77714 | What a Short, Strange Trip It’s Been: Moving Forward After Five Years of Marcellus Shale Development/Ross H. Pifer.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.72, No.4: 615-660. |
77715 | Developing a Common Law of Hydraulic Fracturing/David E. Pierce.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.72, No.4: 685-699. |
77716 | Legal and Commercial Models for Pore-Space Access and Use for Geologic Co2 Sequestration/R. Lee Gresham, Owen L. Anderson.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.72, No.4: 700-778. |
77717 | Recent Decisions Affecting the Development of the Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania/Kevin C. Abbott, Nicolle R. Snyder Bagnell.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.72, No.4: 661-684. |
77718 | Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire: Heightened Discrimination and Reduced Legal Safeguards When Pandemic Strikes/Necia B. Hobbes.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.72, No.4: 779-823. |
77719 | The Economic Loss Doctrine: A Recommendation for the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania/Laura A. Wagner.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.72, No.4: 825-844. |
77720 | Constitutional Traditionalism in the Roberts Court/Louis J. Virelli.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.73, No.1: 1-64. |
77721 | Lawyers Suing Law Firms: The Limits on Attorney Employment Discrimination Claims and the Prospects for Creating Happy Lawyers/Nancy Levit.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.73, No.1: 65-106. |
77722 | Kennedy, Kennedy, and the Eighth Amendment: Still in Search of a Unifying Principle?/Susan Raeker-Jordan.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.73, No.1: 107-160. |
77723 | Supply Versus Demand for Efficient Legal Rules: Evidence from Early English Contract Law and the Rise of Assumpsit/Michael J. Sechler.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.73, No.1: 161-191. |
77724 | Pennsylvania Employees Protected Abroad: Extraterritorial Application of State Labor Law in Truman v. Dewolff, Boberg and Associates, Inc. And the Fair Labor Standards Act Foreign Work Exemption/Anne Thibadeau.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.73, No.1: 193-213. |
77725 | While Effusive, Conclusory Is Still Quite Elusive: The Story of a Word, Iqbal, and a Perplexing Lexical Inquiry of Supreme Importance/Donald J. Kochan.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.73, No.2: 215-338. |
77726 | American Skin: Dispensing with Colorblindness and Critical Mass in Affirmative Action/Deirdre M. Bowen.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.73, No.2: 339-398. |
77727 | The Conduct and Effects of Transnational Securities Fraud: An Analysis of the Extraterritorial Application of the Exchange Act Antifraud Provisions After Dodd-Frank/Eric Pennesi.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.73, No.2: 399-422. |
77728 | Why a Decedent Should Be Treated Better than a Sack of Flour: Shortcomings in Pennsylvania Post-Mortem Rights/Bradley E. Holuta.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.73, No.2: 423-441. |
77729 | The Transparency Fix: Advocating Legal Rights and Their Alternatives in the Pursuit of a Visible State/Mark Fenster.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.73, No.3: 443-503. |
77730 | Annexation and the Mid-Size Metropolis: New Insights in the Age of Mobile Capital/Christopher J. Tyson.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.73, No.3: 505-561. |
77731 | Admit the Crime or Do The Time: Pennsylvania’s Juvenile Transfer Conundrum/Lauren M. Kelly.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.73, No.3: 563-586. |
77732 | Speaking to Remain Silent: Implied Waivers and the Right to Silence After Berghuis/Zachary Mueller.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.73, No.3: 587-605. |
77733 | Lawyering in Place: Topographies of Practice and Pleading in Pittsburgh, 1775-1895/Bernard J. Hibbitts.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.73, No.4: 619-647. |
77734 | The Dawning of a New Era? Law, Lawyers and Legal Education/Peter J. Kalis.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.73, No.4: 649-656. |
77735 | Capital, Labor and Lawyers: The Changing Roles and Rising Influence of the Pittsburgh Bar During the Gilded Age/Ron Schuler.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.73, No.4: 679-698. |
77736 | Early Pittsburgh Lawyers and the Frontiers of Argument and Dissent/Ron Schuler.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.73, No.4: 657-677. |
77737 | The Legal History of a Changing Population: Integrating Mexican and U.S. Legal Customs in the American Southwest/Andrea Bottorff.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.73, No.4: 699-719. |
77738 | Deference Deferred: The Subversion of the Deference Rule in Pennsylvania in View of the United States Supreme Court’s Recent Decision in Hosanna-Tabor/Katherine L. Pomerleau.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2011-2012; Vol.73, No.4: 721-742. |
77739 | Peripheral Disclosure/Jason Rantanen.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.74, No.1: 1-45. |
77740 | Questions from the Bench and Independent Experts: A Study of the Practices of State Court Judges/Andrew W. Jurs.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.74, No.1: 47-83. |
77741 | Raze the Dead: Urban Blight, Private Universities, and the Path Towards Revitalization/Josh Hoffman.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.74, No.1: 85-105. |
77742 | What You Are Depends on Where You’re Standing: How Expanding Refugee Protections to the Internally Displaced through the Refugee Act of 1980 Violates International Law/Matthew T. Clyde Pace.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.74, No.1: 107-129. |
77743 | The Art of Law and Macroeconomics/Bruno Meyerhof Salama.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.74, No.2: 131-177. |
77744 | Prisoners of Congress: The Constitutional and Political Clash Over Detainees and the Closure of Guantanamo/David J.R. Frakt.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.74, No.2: 179-262. |
77745 | The Ontological Function of the Patent Document/Andrew Chin.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.74, No.2: 263-332. |
77746 | Bankruptcy Insurance: a Modular Approach to Systemic Risk/Ben Klaber.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.74, No.2: 333-357. |
77747 | Section 1920 and E-Discovery/Joshua A. Haft.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.74, No.2: 359-382. |
77748 | Illiquidity and Financial Crisis/Alessio M. Pacces.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.74, No.3: 383-432. |
77749 | On Neutral and Preferred Principles of Constitutional Law/Ronald Turner.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.74, No.3: 433-489. |
77750 | Federal Judicial Center International Litigation Guide: Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments/Ronald A. Brand.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.74, No.3: 491-549. |
77751 | Social Security Disability Reform: Steps Toward Economic Efficiency and Improved Claimant Care/Nate Ghubril.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.74, No.3: 551-572. |
77752 | Fetal Homicide Laws: the Utmost Protection of Reproductive Autonomy/Eryn Correa.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.74, No.3: 573-591. |
77753 | Kosovo after the ICJ Opinion/Ronald A. Brand.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.74, No.3: 593-671. |
77754 | Rational Criminal Addictions/Manuel A. Utset.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.74, No.4: 673-712. |
77755 | A Unified Theory of Insurance Risk/Leo P. Martinez.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.74, No.4: 713-758. |
77756 | The Vice of Prudence: Judicial Abstention and the Case of Al-Aulaqi v. Obama/Ruairi McDonnell.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.74, No.4: 759-781. |
77757 | The European Union Overstepping Its Bounds and Borders: The Extraterritorial Effect of the Emissions Trading System and Its Call for Multilateral Action/Lauren E. Mullen.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2012-2013; Vol.74, No.4: 783-801. |
77758 | Forum Non Conveniens as a Jurisdictional Doctrine/Simona Grossi.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2013-2014; Vol.75, No.1: 1-37. |
77759 | Blaming: Harm Attribution in the United States and Japan/Salil K. Mehra.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2013-2014; Vol.75, No.1: 39-97. |
77760 | A Constitutional and Political High-Wire Act: The Role of Brown v. Plata in Solving America’s Prison Crisis/Joseph N. Parsons.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2013-2014; Vol.75, No.1: 99-120. |
77761 | Full Faith and Credit and Section 1983/David Rohlfing.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2013-2014; Vol.75, No.1: 121-138. |
77762 | Parallel Contract/Aditi Bagchi.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2013-2014; Vol.75, No.2: 139-187. |
77763 | Stand up, Fight Back: Why the Attack on Public-Sector Workers Violates the First and Fourteenth Amendments/Megan M. Block.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2013-2014; Vol.75, No.2: 189-208. |
77764 | The Jerry Sandusky Effect: Child Abuse Reporting Laws Should No Longer Be Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell/Erica M. Kelly.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2013-2014; Vol.75, No.2: 209-233. |
77765 | Who, What, When, Where and Why: An Examination of Asadi V. G.E. Energy and the Dodd-Frank Anti-Retaliation Provision/Calvin Kennedy.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2013-2014; Vol.75, No.2: 235-253. |
77766 | The Marrakesh Treaty For Visually Impaired Persons: Why A Treaty Was Preferable To Soft Law/Margot E. Kaminski, Shlomit Yanisky-Ravid.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2013-2014; Vol.75, No.3: 255-300. |
77767 | The Escape Plans Of Mill And Jefferson: Why The Law Must Do More For Workers/Stephen Nayak-Young.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2013-2014; Vol.75, No.3: 301-331. |
77768 | Written Notice of Cooling-Off Periods: A Forty-Year Natural Experiment in Illusory Consumer Protection and the Relative Effectiveness of Oral and Written Disclosures/Jeff Sovern.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2013-2014; Vol.75, No.3: 333-386. |
77769 | Generics And Biosimilars: Mapping The Biosimilars Regulatory Approval Pathway Against The Hatch-Waxman Act And Projecting Futures Effects On The Biologics Market And Patent Protection/Michael S. Montgomery.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2013-2014; Vol.75, No.3: 387-408. |
77770 | Taxation Despite Representation: Judicial Legislation And The Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act/Peter W. Nigra.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2013-2014; Vol.75, No.3: 409-427. |
77771 | Law’s Violence: Derrick Bell’s Next Article/Richard Delgado.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2013-2014; Vol.75, No.4: 435-455. |
77772 | Discerning Critical Moments: Lessons From the Life of Derrick Bell Title/Jean Stefancic.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2013-2014; Vol.75, No.4: 457-474. |
77773 | Economic Interest Convergence in Downsizing Imprisonment/SpearIt.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2013-2014; Vol.75, No.4: 475-494. |
77774 | Reading Professor Obama: Race and the American Constitutional Tradition/Stacey Marlise Gahagan, Alfred L. Brophy.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2013-2014; Vol.75, No.4: 495-581. |
77775 | Doctrines of Delusion: How the History of the G.I. Bill and other Inconvenient Truths Undermine the Supreme Court’s Affirmative Action Jurisprudence/Juan F. Perea.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2013-2014; Vol.75, No.4: 583-651. |
77776 | The Object of Diversity/George H. Taylor.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2013-2014; Vol.75, No.4: 653-678. |
77777 | Contemporary Issues In Critical Race Theory: The Implications Of Race As Character Evidence In Recent High-Profile Cases/Montre D. Carodine.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2013-2014; Vol.75, No.4: 679-692. |
77778 | Interest Convergence as Transaction?/Patience A. Crowder.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2013-2014; Vol.75, No.4: 693-709. |
77779 | Challenging Authority/Pat K. Chew.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2013-2014; Vol.75, No.4: 711-728. |
77780 | The Story Behind a Letter in Support of Professor Derrick Bell/Cheryl Nelson Butler … [et al.].- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2013-2014; Vol.75, No.4: 729-738. |
77781 | Does United States v. Windsor (The DOMA Case) Open the Door to Congressional Standing Rights?/Bradford C. Mank.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.76, No.1: 1-62. |
77782 | John F. Kennedy and Constitutional Aspects of Presidential Succession/Julia L. Ernst.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.76, No.1: 63-92. |
77783 | The Meaning of Other Paper in 28 U.S.C. 1446 after the JVCA/Caleb Pittman.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.76, No.1: 93-111. |
77784 | Health Impact Bonds: Removing the Legal Barriers/Whitney Coble.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.76, No.1: 113-130. |
77785 | Toward a Foucauldian Legal Method/Justin Woolhandler.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.76, No.1: 131-151. |
77786 | Chevron and the Limits of Administrative Antitrust/Justin (Gus) Hurwitz.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.76, No.2: 209-275. |
77787 | The Missing Why of General Jurisdiction/Stanley E. Cox.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.76, No.2: 153-207. |
77788 | For the Convenience of Parties and Witnesses, In the Interest of Justice: Forum-Selection Provisions after Atlantic Marine Construction/Ben Minegar.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.76, No.2: 277-302. |
77789 | Pregnant Laborers Should Expect Better: The Broken Pregnancy Discrimination Standard and How the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Can Repair It/Sarah Czypinski.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.76, No.2: 303-323. |
77790 | The Taxing Power Of The Federal Government And The General Welfare: What Are The Limits In The Wake Of NFIB V. Sebelius?/Mark Klock.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.76, No.3: 325-390. |
77791 | Means And Ends In City Of Arlington v. FCC: Ignoring The Lawyer’s Craft to Reshape the Scope of Chevron Deference/Michael P. Healy.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.76, No.3: 391-426. |
77792 | Serving The People: Evaluating Initiative 1183 and Liquor Privatization in Washington State/Alex P. Ferraro.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.76, No.3: 427-449. |
77793 | Protecting Pregnant Pennsylvanians: Public Funding of Crisis Pregnancy Centers/Meagan McElroy.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.76, No.3: 451-471. |
77794 | Constitutional Constructivism: Possibilities and Prospects/R. George Wright.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.76, No.4: 473-507. |
77795 | Efficient Contextualism/Peter M. Gerhart, Juliet P. Kostritsky.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.76, No.4: 509-568. |
77796 | A Supersized Solution to Superbugs: Preventing A Post-Antibiotic Era By Optimizing Consumer Demand/Kayla A. Despenes.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.76, No.4: 569-592. |
77797 | Do Democracies Die Behind the Doors of Polling Places? Finding a First Amendment Right of Press Access to Polling Places for Newsgathering/Leena Ketkar.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2014-2015; Vol.76, No.4: 593-611. |
77798 | Becoming Charitable: Predicting and Encouraging Charitable Bequests in Wills/Kristine S. Knaplund.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.77, No.1: 1-49. |
77799 | The Case Against Affirmative Consent: Why the Well-Intentioned Legislation Dangerously Misses the Mark/Allison L. Marciniak.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.77, No.1: 51-75. |
77800 | Shortcomings of the 2013 Amendments to Pennsylvania’s Guaranteed Minimum Royalty Act and the Need to Better Protect Royalty Owners’ Rights/Wesley S. Speary.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.77, No.1: 77-113. |
77801 | Defining Membership in a Particular Social Group: The Search for a Uniform Approach to Adjudicating Asylum Applications in the United States/Kenneth Ludlum.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.77, No.1: 115-135. |
77802 | Trust and Social Commerce/Julia Y. Lee.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.77, No.2: 137-181. |
77803 | Beyond Science and Hysteria: Reality and Perceptions of Environmental Justice Concerns Surrounding Marcellus and Utica Shale Gas Development/Ann M. Eisenberg.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.77, No.2: 183-234. |
77804 | McCullen v. Coakley and Dying Buffer Zone Laws/Susan L. Gogniat.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.77, No.2: 235-257. |
77805 | Corporate Personhood: Journey into the Unknown/James Baker.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.77, No.2: 259-279. |
77806 | Courts, Constituencies, and the Enforcement of Fiduciary Duties in the Nonprofit Sector/Joseph Mead, Michael Pollack.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.77, No.3: 281-344. |
77807 | Defining State for the Purpose of the International Criminal Court: The Problem Ahead after the Palestine Decision/Hyeyoung Lee.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.77, No.3: 345-384. |
77808 | Reassessing the Fair Tax/Joseph R. Santoro, Caleb S. Fuller.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.77, No.3: 385-409. |
77809 | Do Super PACs Forfeit First Amendment Rights When They Restructure as Hybrid PACs?: The Implications of Vermont Right to Life Committee, Inc. v. Sorrell/Brittney Wozniak.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.77, No.3: 411-440. |
77810 | Seeking an Angle of Repose in U.S. Business Organization Law: Fiduciary Duty Themes and Observations/J. William Callison.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.77, No.4: 441-498. |
77811 | Irresponsible Corporate-Responsibility Rules/Lide E. Paterno.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.77, No.4: 499-578. |
77812 | Interpreting the Post-Robinson Township Environmental Protection Amendment/Susan Kessler.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.77, No.4: 579-599. |
77813 | A Confrontation Clause Conundrum: Resolving the Circuit Split over Preservation of Bruton Issues for Appeal/Jake Morrison.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2015-2016; Vol.77, No.4: 601-620. |
77814 | Machiavellian Intellectual Property/Brian L. Frye.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.78, No.1: 1-15. |
77815 | Evolving Conceptions of Copyright Subject Matter/Pamela Samuelson.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.78, No.1: 17-93. |
77816 | Mugshots or Public Interest? Why FOIA Exemption 7(C) Does Not Categorically Exempt Booking Photographs from Disclosure/Danielle Bruno.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.78, No.1: 95-116. |
77817 | Lee v. Smith and Wesson Corp.: A Products Liability Case Study/Francesco G. Salpietro.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.78, No.1: 117-134. |
77818 | Financial Twilight Re-Appraisal: Ending the Judicially Created Quagmire of Fiduciary Duties to Creditors/Anil Hargovan, Timothy M. Todd.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.78, No.2: 135-180. |
77819 | The Updating of Baby M: A Confused Jurisprudence Becomes More Confusing/Mark Strasser.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.78, No.2: 181-215. |
77820 | Higher Education: An Appropriate Realm to Impose False Claims Act Liability Under the Post-Formation Implied False Certification Theory/Christopher J. Dellana.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.78, No.2: 217-243. |
77821 | Compelling Interest Cacodoxy: Why the Contraception Mandate Fails RFRA’s Compelling Interest Analysis/Wesley A. Prichard.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.78, No.2: 245-272. |
77822 | Contracts, Causation, and Clarity/Daniel P. O’Gorman.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.78, No.3: 273-327. |
77823 | Building Bridges Between the Civil Rights Movements of People with Disabilities and Those with Terminal Illness/Kathryn L. Tucker.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.78, No.3: 329-350. |
77824 | Cell Site Simulators: A Call for More Protective Federal Legislation/Laura DeGeer.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.78, No.3: 351-374. |
77825 | Confounding the Courts: The Circuit Courts’ Failure to Articulate an Appropriate Summary Judgment Standard in Mixed-Motive Individual Disparate Treatment Claims/Derek Runyan.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.78, No.3: 375-398. |
77826 | Ensuring Effective Tools for a Challenging Task: Amending the Animal Welfare Act’s Animal Fighting Venture Civil Asset Forfeiture Provision/Rebecca J. Huss.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.78, No.4: 399-436. |
77827 | The Concept of Property/Meredith M. Render.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.78, No.4: 437-492. |
77828 | Elonis v. United States: The Need for a Recklessness Standard in True Threats Jurisprudence/Marley N. Brison.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.78, No.4: 493-518. |
77829 | Costs versus Benefits: The Fiscal Realities of the Death Penalty in Pennsylvania/Marla D. Tortorice.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2016-2017; Vol.78, No.4: 519-555. |
77830 | Statutory Interpretation, Judicial Discretion, and Equitable Defenses/T. Leigh Anenson.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.79, No.1: 1-59. |
77831 | The Battle over the Burden of Proof: A Report from the Trenches/Michael D. Cicchini.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.79, No.1: 61-104. |
77832 | Means or Ends? A Comparative Note and Reflection on Imputed Political Opinion Asylum in the United States and Europe/Allison Hall.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.79, No.1: 105-126. |
77833 | No Easy Way Out: Why the FDA Should Not Regulate E-Cigarettes under the Current TCA Framework, even with New Deeming Regulations/Samantha J. Gagliardo.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.79, No.1: 127-144. |
77834 | Casting Aspersions in Patent Trials/Daniel Harris Brean, Bryan P. Clark.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.79, No.2: 145-204. |
77835 | A Legal and Economic Critique of President Trump’s China Trade Policies/Daniel C.K. Chow, William McGuire, Ian Sheldon.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.79, No.2: 205-242. |
77836 | Muddling Through the Problem of Constructive Entry: Comments on United States v. Allen, 813, F.3D 76 (2D Cir. 2016), and Warrantless Doorway Arrests/Steven B. Dow.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.79, No.2: 243-283. |
77837 | Castles Made of Sand: The Disappearing Fourth Amendment Rights of Probationers and Parolees/Sean P. Dawson.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.79, No.2: 285-316. |
77838 | Pulling Our Hair Out and Glossing Over the Problem: A Call to Strengthen the FDA’s Power to Regulate Cosmetics Through an Amendment to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act/Julie Mueller.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.79, No.2: 317-334. |
77839 | Concerted Activity: A Call to Return to the Spirit of Weingarten/Max B. Roesch.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.79, No.2: 335-355. |
77840 | The Hidden History of Northern Civil Rights Law and the Villainous Supreme Court, 1875-1915/Paul Finkelman.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.79, No.3: 357-410. |
77841 | Politics and the Supreme Court: The Need for Ideological Balance/David Orentlicher.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.79, No.3: 411-435. |
77842 | Identity-Based Conflicts in Public Policy: Hydraulic Fracturing in Pennsylvania/Alison Peck.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.79, No.3: 437-409. |
77843 | Campus Sexual Assault Adjudication, Student Due Process, and a Bar on Direct Cross-examination/Sara O’Toole.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.79, No.3: 511-542. |
77844 | Non-Competes, Consideration, and Common Sense: A Temporarily Revocable Arrangement to Preserve Afterthought Agreements in At-Will Employment/Joshua Sallmen.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.79, No.3: 543-561. |
77845 | The Future of Women’s Health Analysis in Contested Abortion Regulations/Megan M. Skiba.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.79, No.3: 563-581. |
77846 | Multiple Representation Meltdown: Penn State Three Case Illustrates Entity Representation Pitfalls for Both Criminal Defense Counsel and Prosecutors – and the Need for Systemic State Law Reforms/Lance Cole.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.79, No.4: 583-633. |
77847 | Imagining Things: Copyright for Useful Articles After Star Athletica v. Varsity Brands/Robert C. Denicola.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.79, No.4: 635-673. |
77848 | Regulating in the Era of Fake News: Anti-vaccine Activists Respond to the CDC Quarantine Rule/Dorit Rubinstein Reiss.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.79, No.4: 675-728. |
77849 | Achieving Ake: Defendants Deserve the Constitutional Right to Independent Mental Health Professionals/Alexandra Marinucci.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.79, No.4: 729-751. |
77850 | Making Sense of Obergefell: A Suggested Uniform Substantive Due Process Standard/Dave Rodkey.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.79, No.4: 753-802. |
77851 | Embracing the Sharing Economy: The Mutual Benefits of Working Together to Regulate Short-Term Rentals/Kasey C. Tuttle.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.79, No.4: 803-821. |
77852 | Are Two Clauses Really Better Than One? Rethinking the Religion Clause(s)/Donald L. Beschle.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.1: 1-32. |
77853 | Nation-States and Their Cyber Operations in Planting of Malware in Other Countries: Is It Legal Under International Law?/John J. Chung.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.1: 33-67. |
77854 | Racial Justice Demands Truth and Reconciliation/Michael A. Lawrence.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.1: 69-135. |
77855 | Small Hydropower Toolkit: Considerations for Improving Global Development and an Accompanying Case Study for Pakistan/Gina S. Warren … [et al.].- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.1: 137-174. |
77856 | Criminal Record Expungement and Orders for Limited Access in Pennsylvania/Aidan Kaplan.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.1: 175-190. |
77857 | When All You Have Is a Hammer/Hugh T. McKeegan.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.1: 191-210. |
77858 | The Hardship in History: How One Forgotten Theater Could Change Historic Preservation in Pennsylvania … But For Better or For Worse?/Casey J. Snyder.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.1: 211-243. |
77859 | The Political Activities of Judges: Historical, Constitutional, and Self-Preservation Perspectives/Raymond J. McKoski.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.2: 245-314. |
77860 | New Jersey Beat The Spread: Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Association And The Demise Of PASPA Allows For States To Experiment In Regulating The Rapidly Evolving Sports Gambling Industry/Matthew A. Melone.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.2: 315-367. |
77861 | Outsourcing Beneficiaries: Contract and Tort Strategies for Improving Conditions in the Global Garment Industry/Allie Robbins.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.2: 369-408. |
77862 | Reading the Tea Leaves: Sifting through Jicarilla and Garner to Construct a Workable Fiduciary Exception Framework for ERISA Insurers/Ted A. Hages.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.2: 409-455. |
77863 | Establishing Personal Jurisdiction in an Internet Context: Reconciling the Fourth Circuit Targeting Test with Calder v. Jones Using Awareness/Erin Belfield.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.2: 457-479. |
77864 | A Legislative Home for Immigration Power/Audrey Cillo.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.2: 481-507. |
77865 | Right-for-any-reason: Clarifying Pennsylvania’s Scope-Broadening Doctrine/Kelly B. Cullen.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.2: 509-532. |
77866 | When A Parent Is Not Apparent/Merle H. Weiner.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.3: 533-611. |
77867 | K-9 Catch-22: The Impossible Dilemma Of Using Police Dogs On Apprehension Of Suspects/Ann L. Schiavone.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.3: 613-660. |
77868 | Everything Old Is New Again: Does The Sucks GTLD Change The Regulatory Paradigm In North America?/Jacqueline D. Lipton.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.3: 661-685. |
77869 | Reassessing The Alternatives: The Elimination Of Pennsylvania Property Taxes, The Consequences, And How Property Assessment Laws Could Help/Josh Davis.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.3: 687-707. |
77870 | The Winning Lineup: Framework For Federal Regulation Of Daily Fantasy Sports/Lars A. Peterson.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.3: 729-751. |
77871 | The Right To Be Heard (And Understood): Impartiality And The Effect Of Sociolinguistic Bias In The Courtroom/Laura Victorelli.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.3: 709-728. |
77872 | The Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Next Steps In Encouraging Innovation In Nuclear Energy/Erik Slobe.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.3: 753-773. |
77873 | Are There Universal Standards for Network Neutrality?/Arturo J. Carrillo.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.4: 789-836. |
77874 | Regulatory Challenges of Zero-Rating/Dorde Krivokapic, Adriana Minovic.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.4: 837-854. |
77875 | Free Speech and Net Neutrality: A Response To Justice Kavanaugh/Raymond Shih Ray Ku.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.4: 855-904. |
77876 | State Net Neutrality/Daniel A. Lyons.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.4: 905-952. |
77877 | Net Neutrality Repeal Rips Holes in the Public Safety Net/Catherine J.K. Sandoval.- University of Pittsburgh Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.90, No.4: 953-1058. |
77878 | The Plays the Thing: A Theory of Taxing Virtual Worlds/Bryan T. Camp.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.1: p. 1-71. |
77879 | Proportionality and the Supreme Court’s Jurisprudence of Remedies/Tracy A. Thomas.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.1: p. 73-135. |
77880 | Initiative Funding through Targeted Taxes: Proposition 63, Mental Health, and the Crossroads of Direct Democracy/Andrew M. Holmes.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.1: p. 195-219. |
77881 | Default Production of Electronically Stored Information under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: The Requirements of Rule 34(b)/Vlad J. Kroll.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.1: p. 221-240. |
77882 | Authentically Innocent: Juries and Federal Regulatory Crimes/Jeffrey A. Meyer.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.1: p. 137-194. |
77883 | Private Rights and Public International Law: Why Competition Among International Economic Law Tribunals is Not Working/Andrea K. Bjorklund.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.2: p. 241-307. |
77884 | Letting Katz out of the Bag: Cognitive Freedom and Fourth Amendment Fidelity/Christian M. Halliburton.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.2: p. 309-368. |
77885 | Of Elephants and Embryos: A Proposed Framework for Legal Personhood/Jessica Berg.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.2: p. 369-406. |
77886 | Towards and Explicit Balancing Inquiry – R.A.V. and Black through the Lens of Foreign Freedom of Expression Jurisprudence/Matthew S. Melamed.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.2: p. 407-727. |
77887 | Rethinking the Application of ADA Precedent to FEHA Disability Discrimination Cases/Gabriel N. White.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.2: p. 429-451. |
77888 | Custody and Contradictions: Exploring Immigration Law as Federal Family Law in the Context of Child Custody/David B. Thronson.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.3: p. 453-513. |
77889 | Wrongful Convictions as Rightful Takings: Protecting Liberty-Property/John Martinez.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.3: p. 515-578. |
77890 | The Supreme Courts Indian Problem/Matthew L. M. Fletcher.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.3: p. 579-642. |
77891 | Unifying Disparate Treatment (Really)/Martin J. Katz.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.3: p. 641-683. |
77892 | Still Waiting for the DREAM: The Justice of Punishing Undocumented Immigrant Students/Katie Annand.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.3: p. 683-709. |
77893 | Facing up to Wrongful Convictions: Broadly Defining New Evidence at the Actual Innocence Gateway/Jay Nelson.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.3: p. 711-729. |
77894 | Documenting Gender/Dean Spade.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.4: p. 731-841. |
77895 | Formalism: From Racial Integration to Same-Sex Marriage/Holning Lau.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.4: p. 843-876. |
77896 | Preventive Tax Policy: Chief Justice Roger J. Traynor’s Tax Philosophy/Mirit Eyal-Cohen.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.4: p. 877-910. |
77897 | Personal Jurisdiction in the Ninth Circuit/Peter Singleton.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.4: p. 911-942. |
77898 | Preserving Power Without Sacrificing Justice: Creating an Effective Reciprocity Regime for the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments/Vishali Singal.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.4: p. 943-978. |
77899 | Anecdotal Forensics, Phrenology, and Other Abject Lessons from the History of Science/David L. Faigman.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.5: p. 979-1000. |
77900 | Good Science Gone Bad: How the Criminal Justice System Can Redress the Impact of Flawed Forensics/Jessica D. Gable, Margaret D. Wilkinson.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.5: p. 1001-1030. |
77901 | The Philosophy of Forensic Scientific Identification/Allan Jamieson.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.5: p. 1031-1046. |
77902 | Inferences, Arguments, and Second Generation Forensic Evidence/Erin Murphy.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.5: p. 1047-1076. |
77903 | Fingerprint Error Rates and Proficiency Tests: What They are and Why They Matter/Jonathan J. Koehler.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.5: p. 1077-1100. |
77904 | Signature Identification in the Light of Science and Experience/Roger C. Park.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.5: p. 1101-1157. |
77905 | Communicating Opinion Evidence in the Forensic Identification Sciences: Accuracy and Impact/Dawn McQuiston-Surrett, Michael J. Saks.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.5: p. 1159-1189. |
77906 | Some Issues in Psychiatry, Psychology, and the Law/Renee L. Binder, Dale E. McNiel.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.5: p. 1191-1201. |
77907 | Conceptual Hurdles to the Application of Atkins v. Virgina/Lois A. Weithorn.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.5: p. 1191-1201. |
77908 | Why Binomial Distributions Do Not Work as Proof of Employment Discrimination/Ben Ikuta.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.5: p. 1235-1256. |
77909 | The Myth of Lucky Patent Verdicts: Improving the Quality of Appellate Review by Incorporating Fuzzy Logic in Jury Verdicts/Michael T. Nguyen.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.5: p. 1257-1284. |
77910 | Ten Lessons for Practitioners About Family Responsibilities Discrimination and Stereotyping Evidence/Catherine Albiston …[et al.].- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.6: p. 1285-1309. |
77911 | Evolution of FReD: Family Responsibilities Discrimination and Developments in the Law of Stereotyping and Implicit Bias/Joan C. Williams, Stephanie Bornstein.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.6: p. 1311-1358. |
77912 | Cognitive Bias and the Motherhood Penalty/Stephen Benard, In Paik, Shelley J. Correll.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.6: p. 1359-1387. |
77913 | The Matter of Fit: The Law of Discrimination and the Science of Implicit Bias/David L. Faigman, Nilanjana Dasgupta, Cecilia L. Ridgeway.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.6: p. 1389-1434. |
77914 | Discrimination-Reducing Measures at the Relational Level/Tristin K. Green, Alexandra Kalev.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.6: p. 1435-1461. |
77915 | Old Problem, New Tactic: Making the Case for Legislation to Combat Employment Discrimination Based on Family Caregiver Status/Noreen Farrell, Genevieve Guertin.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.6: p. 1463-1490. |
77916 | Family Responsibilities Discrimination and the New Institutionalism: The Interactive Process Through Which Legal and Social Factors Produce Institutional Change/Marcy C. Still.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.6: p. 1491-1515. |
77917 | Armed Standoffs and the Warrant Requirement/Edward H. Arens.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.6: p. 1517-1551. |
77918 | Lead Paint: Who Will Bear the Cost of Abating the Latest Public Nuisance/Greg J. Carlson.- Hastings Law Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.6: p. 1553-1576. |
77919 | The Federal Role in Reducing Hospital-Acquired Conditions: Are Medicare Reimbursement Incentives Enough?/Rachel Deutsch.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2008-2009; Vol.42, No.1: 1-41. |
77920 | Organizational Citizenship Through Talent Management: An Alternative Framework to Diversity in Private Practice/Roberto Concepcion.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2008-2009; Vol.42, No.1: 43-89. |
77921 | Retaliatory Litigation Conduct after Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company v. White/Adam J. Bernstein,.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2008-2009; Vol.42, No.1: 91-128. |
77922 | Transparency: A New Role For Police Consent Decrees/Noah Kupferberg.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2008-2009; Vol.42, No.1: 129-176. |
77923 | Let’s Try This Again: Reassessing the Right to Bail in Cases of International Extradition/Joshua J. Fougere.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2008-2009; Vol.42, No.2: 177-224. |
77924 | Market Share Liability and Punitive Damages: The Case for Evolution in Tort Law/Andrew B. Nick.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2008-2009; Vol.42, No.2: 225-260. |
77925 | When Procedure Equals Justice: Facing the Pressing Constitutional Needs of a Criminalized Immigration System/Yafang Deng.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2008-2009; Vol.42, No.2: 261-292. |
77926 | The Gang’s All Here: Evaluating the Need for a National Gang Database/Rebecca Rader Brown.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2008-2009; Vol.42, No.3: 293-333. |
77927 | Beyond the Border: A Comparative Look at Prison Rape in the United States and Canada/Phillip Ellenbogen.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2008-2009; Vol.42, No.3: 335-372. |
77928 | Amending No Child Left Behind to Prevent School Rezoning and Resegregation: A Response to the Tuscaloosa City Schools/Jonathan Barron.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2008-2009; Vol.42, No.3: 373-414. |
77929 | Drive-By Jurisdictional Rulings: The Procedural Nature of Comprehensive-Remedial-Scheme Preclusion in 1983 Claims/Jacob E. Meyer.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2008-2009; Vol.42, No.3: 415-464. |
77930 | Afraid to Be Myself, Even at Home: A Transgender Cause of Action Under the Fair Housing Act/Daniella Lichtman Esses.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2008-2009; Vol.42, No.4: 465-501. |
77931 | When Should Interstate Compacts Require Congressional Consent?/Matthew Pincus.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2008-2009; Vol.42, No.4: 511-544. |
77932 | Closing the Door on Positive Rights: State Court Use of the Political Question Doctrine to Deny Access to Educational Adequacy Claims/Christine M. O’Neill.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2008-2009; Vol.42, No.4: 545-585. |
77933 | State Attorneys General and Contingency Fee Arrangements: An Affront to the Neutrality Doctrine?/Leah Godesky.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2008-2009; Vol.42, No.4: 587-627. |
77934 | Arrested Oversight: A Comparative Analysis and Case Study of How Civilian Oversight of the Police Should Function and How It Fails/Stephen Clarke.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2009-2010; Vol.43, No.1: 1-49. |
77935 | Being Neighborly in Title 20: Using the IDEA to Lend a Helping Hand to NCLB/Mark Burgreen.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2009-2010; Vol.43, No.1: 51-76. |
77936 | Filing the Void: Model Legislation for Fetal Homicide Crimes/Joanne Pedone.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2009-2010; Vol.43, No.1: 77-116. |
77937 | Education Tax Credits: School Choice Initiatives Capable of Surmounting Blaine Amendments/Jonathan D. Boyer,.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2009-2010; Vol.43, No.1: 117-149. |
77938 | From Equal Protection to the Right to Health: Social and Economic Rights, Public Law Litigation, and How an Old Framework Informs a New Generation of Advocacy/Emma C. Neff,.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2009-2010; Vol.43, No.2: 151-181. |
77939 | Improving Prescription Drug Access for Dual Eligibles After the Medicare Modernization Act/Jessica Neidhart Agostinho.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2009-2010; Vol.43, No.2: 183-214. |
77940 | A Different Type of Housing Crisis: Allocating Costs Fairly and Encouraging Landlord Participation in Section 8/Krista Sterken,.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2009-2010; Vol.43, No.2: 215-243. |
77941 | Don’t Save the Date: How More Restrictive State Voter Registration Deadlines Disenfranchise Minority Movers/Andrea M. Lee.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2009-2010; Vol.43, No.3: 245-281. |
77942 | Paying for Prisoner Suits: How the Source of Damages Impacts State Correctional Agencies’ Behavior/Joshua J. Fougere.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2009-2010; Vol.43, No.3: 283-332. |
77943 | Efficiency and Certainty in Uncertain Times: The Material Adverse Change Clause Revisited/Michelle Schenker Garrett.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2009-2010; Vol.43, No.3: 333-362. |
77944 | A Matter of Interpretation: How the Language Barrier and the Trend of Criminalizing Illegal Immigration Caused a Deprivation of Due Process Following the Agriprocessors, Inc. Raids/Donna Ackermann.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2009-2010; Vol.43, No.3: 363-398. |
77945 | Search for a Round Peg: Seeking a Remedy for Recruitment Abuses in the U.S. Guest Worker Program/Eleanor G. Carr.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2009-2010; Vol.43, No.4: 399-446. |
77946 | Lowering Sentences for Illegal Immigrants – Why Judges Should Have Discretion to Vary from the Guidelines Based on Fast-Track Sentencing Disparities/Abe Cho.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2009-2010; Vol.43, No.4: 447-490. |
77947 | The Intentional Targeting Test: A Necessary Alternative to the Disparate Treatment and Disparate Impact Analysis in Property Rentals Discrimination/Pouya Bavafa.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2009-2010; Vol.43, No.4: 491-515. |
77948 | Data Breach: From Notification to Prevention Using PCI DSS/Abraham Shaw.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2009-2010; Vol.43, No.4: 517-562. |
77949 | Integrating the Suburbs: Harnessing the Benefits of Mixed-Income Housing in Westchester County and Other Low-Poverty Areas/Matthew Shiers Sternman.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2010-2011; Vol.44, No.1: 1-32. |
77950 | The Protective Sweep Doctrine: Reaffirming a Limited Exception/Maren J. Messing.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2010-2011; Vol.44, No.1: 33-74. |
77951 | The Constitutional Complexity of Kosher Food Laws/Mark Popovsky.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2010-2011; Vol.44, No.1: 75-107. |
77952 | Mediating Mediations: Protecting the Homeowner’s Right to Self-Determination in Foreclosure Mediation Programs/Shana H. Khader.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2010-2011; Vol.44, No.1: 109-144. |
77953 | Right to Remedies and the Inconvenience of Forum Non Conveniens: Opening U.S. Courts to Victims of Corporate Human Rights Abuses/Erin Foley Smith.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2010-2011; Vol.44, No.2: 145-192. |
77954 | If Man Will Strike, Strike Through the Mask: Striking Through Section 230 Defenses Using the Tort of Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress/Daniel Zharkovsky.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2010-2011; Vol.44, No.2: 193-233. |
77955 | Working through a Muddled Standard: Pleading Discrimination Cases after Iqbal/Tanvir Vahora.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2010-2011; Vol.44, No.2: 235-266. |
77956 | Do Corporate Rights Trump Individual Rights? Preserving an Individual Rights Model in a Pluralist Society/Adam S. Mintz.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2010-2011; Vol.44, No.3: 267-310. |
77957 | Uncertainty of Access: U.S. Citizen Children of Undocumented Immigrant Parents and In-State Tuition for Higher Education/Michelle J. Seo,.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2010-2011; Vol.44, No.3: 311-352. |
77958 | Charitable Choice under the Lemon Test: Historical and Empirical Support for a Constitutional Defense/Eric L. Gomez.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2010-2011; Vol.44, No.3: 353-391. |
77959 | The U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Its Impact upon Involuntary Civil Commitment of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities/Bryan Y. Lee.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2010-2011; Vol.44, No.3: 393-445. |
77960 | Injured Undocumented Workers and Their Workplace Rights: Advocating for a Retaliation Per Se Rule/Roxana Mondragon.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2010-2011; Vol.44, No.4: 447-481. |
77961 | Prosecutorial Investigations Using Grand Jury Reports: Due Process and Political Accountability Concerns/Gregory D. Morril.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2010-2011; Vol.44, No.4: 483-512. |
77962 | Tailoring the Taylor Law: Restoring a Balance of Power to Bargaining/Kate Montgomery Swearengen.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2010-2011; Vol.44, No.4: 513-551. |
77963 | Childhood Obesity and State Intervention: An Examination of the Health Risks of Pediatric Obesity and When They Justify State Involvement/Melissa Mitgang.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2010-2011; Vol.44, No.4: 553-587. |
77964 | It’s Not Who Hires You but Who Can Fire You: The Case against Retention Elections/Kenneth J. Aulet.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2010-2011; Vol.44, No.4: 589-615. |
77965 | Pure Economic Loss Claims under the Oil Pollution Act: Combining Policy and Congressional Intent/Andrew B. Davis.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2011-2012; Vol.45, No.1: 1-44. |
77966 | Balancing Blight: Using the Rules Versus Standards Debate to Construct a Workable Definition of Blight/Matthew J. Kokot.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2011-2012; Vol.45, No.1: 45-82. |
77967 | Frankenfish … It’s What’s for Dinner: The FDA, Genetically Engineered Salmon, and the Flawed Regulation of Biotechnology/Michael Bennett Homer.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2011-2012; Vol.45, No.1: 83-137. |
77968 | Triggering a Closer Review: Direct Acquisition of Cell Site Location Tracking Information and the Argument for Consistency across Statutory Regimes/William Curtiss.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2011-2012; Vol.45, No.1: 139-175. |
77969 | The Pursuit of Integrated Living: The Fair Housing Act as a Sword for Mentally Disabled Adults Residing in Group Homes/Glenna Riley.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2011-2012; Vol.45, No.2: 177-224. |
77970 | Language and the Limits of Lemon: A New Establishment Clause Analysis of Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights v. City of San Francisco/Candice Cho.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2011-2012; Vol.45, No.2: 225-271. |
77971 | Retroactive Application of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act: A Modern Encroachment on Judicial Power/Rebecca L. Visgaitis.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2011-2012; Vol.45, No.2: 273-302. |
77972 | An American Way of Life: Prescription Drug Use in the Modern ADA Workplace/Elisa Y. Lee.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2011-2012; Vol.45, No.2: 303-352. |
77973 | Off the Wall: Abandonment and the First Sale Doctrine/Dan Karmel.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2011-2012; Vol.45, No.3: 353-378. |
77974 | Advertising for Life: CPC Posting Laws and the Case for Baltimore City Ordinance 09-252/Daniel J. Faria.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2011-2012; Vol.45, No.3: 379-413. |
77975 | Procreating Without Pregnancy: Surrogacy and the Need for a Comprehensive Regulatory Scheme/Leora I. Gabry.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2011-2012; Vol.45, No.3: 415-450. |
77976 | The Democratization of Mass Actions in the Internet Age/Jack B. Weinstein.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2011-2012; Vol.45, No.4: 451-471. |
77977 | Democratization of Mass Tort Litigation: Presiding over Mass Tort Litigation to Enhance Participation and Control by the People Whose Claims Are Being Asserted/Alvin K. Hellerstein.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2011-2012; Vol.45, No.4: 473-480. |
77978 | Democratization of Mass Litigation: Empowering the Beneficiaries/Kenneth R. Feinberg.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2011-2012; Vol.45, No.4: 481-498. |
77979 | Litigation Finance: What Do Judges Need to Know?/Bert I. Huang.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2011-2012; Vol.45, No.4: 525-537. |
77980 | Jury Duty Is a Poll Tax: The Case for Severing the Link between Voter Registration and Jury Service/Alexander E. Preller,.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2012-2013; Vol.46, No.1: 1-48. |
77981 | Fair Housing Act Challenges to the Use of Consumer Credit Information in Homeowners Insurance Underwriting: Is the McCarran-Ferguson Act a Bar?/Sarah L. Rosenbluth.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2012-2013; Vol.46, No.1: 49-92. |
77982 | Antitrust’s Single-Entity Doctrine: A Formalistic Approach for a Formalistic Rule/J. Matthew Schmitten.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2012-2013; Vol.46, No.1: 93-144. |
77983 | Exit, Pursued by a Bear? New York City’s Handgun Laws in the Wake of Heller and McDonald/Matthew Bridge.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2012-2013; Vol.46, No.2: 145-206. |
77984 | Federal Anticorruption Law in the State and Local Context: Defining the Scope of 18 U.S.C. 666/Mark S. Gaioni.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2012-2013; Vol.46, No.2: 207-249. |
77985 | Hispanic in Everything but Its Voting Patterns: Redistricting in Texas and Competing Definitions of Minority Representation/Leah R. Sauter.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2012-2013; Vol.46, No.2: 251-290. |
77986 | Peer Review Is Threatened, but (P)So What: Patient Safety Organization Utilization in Florida After Amendment 7 as a Troubling Sign for PSQIA/Michael Arnold.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2012-2013; Vol.46, No.3: 291-328. |
77987 | Navigating the Relationship between the DHS and the DOL: The Need for Federal Legislation to Protect Immigration Workers’ Rights/Julie Braker.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2012-2013; Vol.46, No.3: 329-359. |
77988 | Why the Law Should Intervene to Disrupt Pay-Secrecy Norms: Analyzing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act Through the Lens of Social Norms/Sarah Lyons.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2012-2013; Vol.46, No.3: 361-392. |
77989 | Amending 1415 of the IDEA: Extending Procedural Safeguards to Response-to-Intervention Students/Genna Steinberg.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2012-2013; Vol.46, No.3: 393-429. |
77990 | Protecting the Liberty of Indigent Civil Contemnors in the Absence of a Right to Appointed Counsel/Jacob R. Fiddelman.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2012-2013; Vol.46, No.4: 431-468. |
77991 | Unlucky Enough to Be Innocent: Burden-Shifting and the Fate of the Modern Drug Mule Under the 18 U.S.C 3553(f) Statutory Safety Valve/Natasha Bronn.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2012-2013; Vol.46, No.4: 469-507. |
77992 | Structuring Public-Private Partnerships: Implications from the Public-Private Investment Program for Legacy Securities/Fannie Chen.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2012-2013; Vol.46, No.4: 509-438. |
77993 | Reforming Police Use-of-Force Practices: A Case Study of the Cincinnati Police Department/Elliot Harvey Schatmeier.- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems. 2012-2013; Vol.46, No.4: 539-586. |