تازه های مقالات خارجی اسفند 1401

تازه‌های مقالات خارجی اسفند 1401



139652 Illegal labour practices, trafficking and exploitation: an introduction to the special issue/Anthony Lloyd, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Georgios Papanicolaou.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2020; Vol.23, No.1: 1-6.
139653 Spotting the signs of trafficking recruitment online: exploring the characteristics of advertisements targeted at migrant job-seekers/Ada Volodko, Ella Cockbain, Bennett Kleinberg.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2020; Vol.23, No.1: 7-35.
139654 Policing labor trafficking in the United States/Amy Farrell, Katherine Bright, Ieke de Vries, Rebecca Pfeffer, Meredith Dank.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2020; Vol.23, No.1: 36-56.
139655 Working for free illegal employment practices, off the books work and the continuum of legality within the service economy/Anthony Lloyd.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2020; Vol.23, No.1: 77-93.
139656 Criminological reflections on the regulation and governance of labour exploitation/Jon Davies.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2020; Vol.23, No.1: 57-76.
139657 Projected heroes and self-perceived manipulators: understanding the duplicitous identities of human traffickers/Kimberly Mehlman-Orozco.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2020; Vol.23, No.2: 95-114.
139658 Combating trafficking of Hungarian women to Western Europe: a multi-level analysis of the international law enforcement cooperation/Noemi Katona.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2020; Vol.23, No.2: 115-142.
139659 Performance and image enhancing drug (PIED) producers and suppliers: a retrospective content analysis of PIED-provider cases in Australia from 2010-2016/Katinka van de Ven, Matthew Dunn, Kyle Mulrooney.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2020; Vol.23: 143-153.
139660 A mixed methods social network analysis of a cross-border drug network: the Fernando Sanchez organization (FSO)/Nathan P. Jones, W. Layne Dittmann, Jun Wu, Tyler Reese.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2020; Vol.23, No.2: 154-182.
139661 Pathways into organized crime: comparing founders and joiners/Luke Kemp, Sanaz Zolghadriha, Paul Gill.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2020; Vol.23, No.3: 203-226.
139662 Intergenerational transmission and organised crime. A study of seven families in the south of the Netherlands/Toine Spapens, Hans Moors.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2020; Vol.23, No.3: 227-241.
139663 Illicit/cheap cigarettes in South Africa/Kirsten van der Zee, Corne van Walbeek, Sibahle Magadla.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2020; Vol.23, No.3: 242-262.
139664 Comparing operational terrorist networks/Matteo Gregori, Ugo Merlone.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2020; Vol.23, No.3: 263-288.
139665 The variable and evolving nature of cuckooing as a form of criminal exploitation in street level drug markets/Jack Spicer, Leah Moyle, Ross Coomber.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2020; Vol.23, No.4: 301-323.
139666 Differentiating criminal networks in the illegal wildlife trade: organized, corporate and disorganized crime/Tanya Wyatt, Daan van Uhm, Angus Nurse.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2020; Vol.23, No.4: 350-366.
139667 The roles and actions of sex traffickers in Cyprus: an overview/Angelo G. Constantinou.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2020; Vol.23, No.4: 324-349.
139668 The organisational structure of transnational narcotics trafficking groups in Southeast Asia: a case study of Vietnam’s border with Laos/Hai Thanh Luong.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2020; Vol.23, No.4: 385-411.
139669 Gangs in the El Paso-Juarez borderland the role of history and geography in shaping criminal subcultures/Mike Tapia.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2020; Vol.23, No.4: 367-384.
139670 Making sense of professional enablers involvement in laundering organized crime proceeds and of their regulation/Michael Levi.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.1: 96-110.
139671 A world fit for money laundering: the Atlantic alliance’s undermining of organized crime control/Mary Alice Young, Michael Woodiwiss.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.1: 70-95.
139672 The rise of shaming paternalism in Japan: recent tendencies in the Japanese criminal justice system/Martina Baradel.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.1: 23-41.
139673 Incapacity, pathology, or expediency? Revisiting accounts of data and analysis weaknesses underpinning international efforts to combat organised crime/Sappho Xenakis.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.1: 6-22.
139674 Criminal procedure reform and the impact on homicide: evidence from Mexico/Erin Terese Huebert.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.1: 42-69.
139675 An exploration of organized crime in Italian ports from an institutional perspective. Presence and activities/Marco Antonelli.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.2: 152-170.
139676 Networked territorialism: the routes and roots of organised crime/Andy Clark, Alistair Fraser, Niall Hamilton-Smith.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.2: 246-262.
139677 Getting a foot in the door. Spaces of cocaine trafficking in the Port of Rotterdam./Robby Roks, Lieselot Bisschop, Richard Staring.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.2: 171-188.
139678 Contested borders: organized crime, governance, and bordering practices in Colombia-Venezuela borderlands/Viviana Garcia Pinzon, Jorge Mantilla.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.2: 265-281.
139679 Shaping space. A conceptual framework on the connections between organised crime groups and territories/Anna Sergi, Luca Storti.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.2: 137-151.
139680 The production of the Mafioso space. A spatial analysis of the sack of Palermo/Vincenzo Scalia.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.2: 189-208.
139681 Under a setting sun: the spatial displacement of the yakuza and their longing for visibility/Martina Baradel, Jacopo Bortolussi.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.2: 209-226.
139682 Economic geographies of the illegal: the multiscalar production of cybercrime/Tim Hall, Ben Sanders, Mamadou Bah, Owen King, Edward Wigley.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.2: 282-307.
139683 Cross-jurisdictional review of Australian legislation governing outlaw motorcycle gangs/Lorana Bartels, Max Henshaw, Helen Taylor.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.3: 343-360.
139684 Remembering Carlo Morselli/Klaus von Lampe.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.3: 378-383.
139685 Entrepreneurial elements of human smuggling rings: findings from a multiple case study/Fabrizio Costantino, Andrea Di Nicola.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.3: 309-323.
139686 The organization of Danish gangs: a transaction cost approach/Stefan Kirkegaard Slok-Madsen, David Skarbek, Andreas Hansen, Alexander Rezaei.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.3: 361-377.
139687 Understanding support for Mano Dura strategies: Lessons from Brazil and Colombia/Jonathan D. Rosen, Sebastian Cutrona.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.3: 324-342.
139688 Connections between trades and trafficking in wildlife and drugs/Daan van Uhm, Nigel South, Tanya Wyatt.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.4: 425-446.
139689 State-organized crime and the killing of wolves in Norway/Ragnhild Sollund, David R. Goyes.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.4: 467-484.
139690 Chinese organized crime and the illegal wildlife trade: diversification and outsourcing in the Golden Triangle/Daan P. van Uhm, Rebecca W. Y. Wong.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.4: 486-505.
139691 European illegal puppy trade and organised crime/Jennifer Maher, Tanya Wyatt.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.4: 506-525.
139692 A tainted reputation it deserves? Crime in the trotting sector of Dutch horse racing/Angelique Reuselaars, Frank Bovenkerk.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.4: 547-562.
139693 Illegal dogfighting: sport or crime?/Dina Siegel, Daan van Uhm.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.4: 563-580.
139694 Fishy business: regulatory and enforcement challenges of transnational organised IUU fishing crimes/Andrea A. Stefanus, John A. E. Vervaele.- Trends in Organized Crime. 2021; Vol.24, No.4: 581-604.
139695 Statutory Positivism/Stanley L Paulson.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2007; Vol.1, No.1: 1-29.
139696 Legislation and the Rule of Law/Jeremy Waldron.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2007; Vol.1, No.1: 91-123.
139697 Governing by Goals: Governance as a Legal Style/Pauline Westerman.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2007; Vol.1, No.1: 51-72.
139698 Globalization and Law-Making: Time to Shift a Legal Theory’s Paradigm/Mauro Zamboni.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2007; Vol.1, No.1: 125-153.
139699 Imperfections of Human Nature and the Law/Wojciech Za uski.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2007; Vol.1, No.1: 73-89.
139700 Double-Click Justice: Legalism in the Computer Age/Zenon Bankowski, Burkhard Schafer.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2007; Vol.1, No.1: 31-49.
139701 Limiting Clauses: On the Continental European Tradition of Special Limiting Clauses and the General Limiting Clause of Art 52(1) Charter of Fundamental Richts of the European Union/Martin Borowski.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2007; Vol.1, No.2: 197-240.
139702 The Mega-Leviathan and its Democratic Basis: The Legisprudential Significance of Hans Kelsen for the European Union/Hong Quoc Loc.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2007; Vol.1, No.2: 155-180.
139703 The European Constitution and its Implications for China/Xingzhong Yu.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2007; Vol.1, No.2: 181-195.
139704 Waiting for the Constitution: When will it Arrive and What will it Mean?/Joakim Nergelius.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2007; Vol.1, No.2: 241-262.
139705 Soft Law and Taxation: The Case of the Netherlands/Hans Gribnau.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2007; Vol.1, No.3: 291-326.
139706 Building the World of Law/Jaap Hage.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2007; Vol.1, No.3: 359-379.
139707 Evolutionary Analysis in Law and the Theory and Practice of Legislation/Bart Du Laing.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2007; Vol.1, No.3: 327-358.
139708 Politics, Practical Reason and the Authority of Legislation/Claudio Michelon.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2007; Vol.1, No.3: 263-289.
139709 Legal Certainty, Non-Retroactivity and Periods of Limitation in EU Law/Juha Raitio.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2008; Vol.2, No.1: 1-23.
139710 Towards A New Paradigm of Legal Certainty/Stefano Bertea.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2008; Vol.2, No.1: 25-45.
139711 Five Paradoxes on Legal Certainty and the Lawmaker/Patricia Popelier.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2008; Vol.2, No.1: 47-66.
139712 Sources of Doubt and the Quest for Legal Certainty/Jeffrey Barnes.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2008; Vol.2, No.2: 119-154.
139713 Soft Law and Taxation: EU and International Aspects/Hans Gribnau.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2008; Vol.2, No.2: 67-117.
139714 Business Ethics v Business Law: Rules, More Rules, and Deliberation/Bruce Anderson.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2008; Vol.2, No.2: 217-230.
139715 Party Law as Competition Law/Martin Morlok.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2008; Vol.2, No.3: 173-215.
139716 Twisted Diet: A Failure in Legislating Politics in Japan/Takehiro Ohya.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2008; Vol.2, No.3: 253-269.
139717 Symbolic Legislation and the Need for Legislative Jurisprudence: The Example of the Federal Republic of Germany/Angelika Siehr.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2008; Vol.2, No.3: 271-305.
139718 Some Observations on Legislative Capacity in Constitutional Interpretation/Mark Tushnet.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2008; Vol.2, No.3: 163-172.
139719 Does Necessity Know no Law? On the Relative Significance of Legal Quality for Governmental Action/Peter van Lochem, Nico Florijn.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2008; Vol.2, No.3: 231-251.
139720 Legislating Politics: An Introduction/Mauro Zamboni.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2008; Vol.2, No.3: 155-161.
139721 On Constitutional Rights to Protection/Robert Alexy.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2009; Vol.3, No.1: 1-17.
139722 Constitutional Legitimacy Reconsidered: Beyond the Myth of Consensus/Tatsuo Inoue.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2009; Vol.3, No.1: 19-41.
139723 Democracy, Judicial Review and Disagreements about Justice/Dean Machin.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2009; Vol.3, No.1: 43-67.
139724 Is it All about the Last Word?/Conrado Hubner Mendes.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2009; Vol.3, No.1: 69-110.
139725 The Right to a Constitutional Jury/Horacio Spector.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2009; Vol.3, No.1: 111-123.
139726 Legislatures Judging in their Own Cause/Jeremy Waldron.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2009; Vol.3, No.1: 125-145.
139727 Not The Last Word, but Dialogue: Deliberative Separation of Powers II/Conrado Hubner Mendes.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2009; Vol.3, No.1: 191-246.
139728 The Regulation of Professionals. Two Conflicting Perspectives/Wibren van der Burg.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2009; Vol.3, No.2: 147-179.
139729 Should Common Law Doctrines Dynamically Guide The Interpretation of Statutes?/Mark L Humphery-Jenner.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2009; Vol.3, No.2: 171-189.
139730 Legislation and Expertise on Goals/Jaap Hage.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2009; Vol.3, No.3: 351-366.
139731 Distinguishing True from other Hybrids. A Case Study of the Merits and Pitfalls of Devolved Regulation in the UK/Nicolle Zeegers.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2009; Vol.3, No.3: 299-321.
139732 Experts and Publics in the Regulation of Embryonic (Stem Cell) Research (1998-2002). The British and the Netherlands Approaches and Experiences Compared/Marta Kirejczyk.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2009; Vol.3, No.3: 277-298.
139733 The Political Role of Transnational Experts in Shaping EU Competition Policy: Towards A Pan-European System of Private Enforcement/Angela Wigger.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2009; Vol.3, No.3: 251-275.
139734 The Use of Experts in the Legislative Process-Using Swedish Law Reform in the Area of Domestic Violence as an Investigatory Example/Gorel Granstr‎نm.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2009; Vol.3, No.3: 323-349.
139735 Deliberation in Parliaments Research Objectives and Preliminary Results of the Bern Center for Interdisciplinary Deliberation Studies (BIDS)/Axel Tschentscher, Andre Bachtiger, Jurg Steiner, Marco Steenbergen.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2010; Vol.4, No.1: 13-34.
139736 Rhetoric and Reality: Going beyond Discourse Ethics in Assessing Legislative Deliberation/Gary Mucciaroni, Paul J Quirk.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2010; Vol.4, No.1: 35-52.
139737 Balancing as a Guide to Legislative Reasoning/Gema Marcilla.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2010; Vol.4, No.1: 93-104.
139738 Institutional Boundaries on the Evaluation of Argumentation in Legislative Discussions/H Jose Plug.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2010; Vol.4, No.1: 53-68.
139739 Legislative Argumentation and Democratic Legitimation/Jan Sieckmann.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2010; Vol.4, No.1: 69-91.
139740 Drafting Manuals and Quality in Legislation: Positive Contribution towards Certainty in the Law or Impediment to the Necessity for Dynamism of Rules?/Helen Xanthaki.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2010; Vol.4, No.2: 111-128.
139741 Manuals for Drafting European Union Legislation/William Robinson.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2010; Vol.4, No.2: 129-155.
139742 Quality Drafting-The Case of Hungary/Tomea Drinoczi.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2010; Vol.4, No.2: 157-170.
139743 The Instructions for Legislation in the Netherlands: A Critical Appraisal/Nico Florijn.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2010; Vol.4, No.2: 171-191.
139744 Better Regulation through Programs and Quality Standards Are new Perspectives needed?/Jyrki Tala.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2010; Vol.4, No.2: 193-212.
139745 Rules on Rulemaking Introduction/Peter van Lochem, Pauline Westerman.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2010; Vol.4, No.2: 107-109.
139746 Who is Regulating The Self? Self-Regulation as Outsourced Rule-Making/Pauline Westerman.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2010; Vol.4, No.3: 225-241.
139747 Self-Regulation: A Cognitive Perspective towards Restoration of Medical Practice/Steven F Hartkamp.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2010; Vol.4, No.3: 243-258.
139748 Self-Regulation on Responsible Care through Quality Management Systems in Elderly Homes/A L E Enequist.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2010; Vol.4, No.3: 259-283.
139749 Legally Enforced Performance Measurement of Public Services Crowding-Out or Crowding-in of Motivation?/Anne Ruth Mackor.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2010; Vol.4, No.3: 285-306.
139750 Crime and Custom in the Dutch Construction Industry/Marc Hertogh.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2010; Vol.4, No.3: 307-326.
139751 Smoking Bans in the Netherlands: A Mix of Self-Regulation and Regulation by Government/Heleen Weyers.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2010; Vol.4, No.3: 3274-342.
139752 The Emergence and use of Self-Regulation in the European Decision-Making Process: Does it Make a Difference?/Theo van den Hoogen, Tobias Nowak.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2010; Vol.4, No.3: 343-383.
139753 Audit as Accountability: Technical Authority and Expertise in the Governance of Private Financing for Development/Celine Tan.- Social and Legal Studies. 2022; Vol.31, No.1: 3-26.
139754 The Governance of Complaints in UK Higher Education: Critically Examining Remedies for Staff Sexual Misconduct/Anna Bull, Tiffany Page.- Social and Legal Studies. 2022; Vol.31, No.1: 27-49.
139755 They Are Here Without Chains, but With Invisible Chains: Understandings of Modern Slavery Within the New South Wales Settlement Sector/Keren David, Michael Salter.- Social and Legal Studies. 2022; Vol.31, No.1: 50-71.
139756 Why women judges really matter: The impact of women judges on property law outcomes in Kenya/Martha Gayoye.- Social and Legal Studies. 2022; Vol.31, No.1: 72-98.
139757 Collective Dissent as Legal Consciousness in Contemporary British Theatre/Debbie De Girolamo.- Social and Legal Studies. 2022; Vol.31, No.1: 99-118.
139758 The Struggle for the Human Right to a Good Life for Everyone: Oscar Correas’s Legacy for the Critica Juridica Movement in Latin America/Mauro Cristeche, Cesar Villena.- Social and Legal Studies. 2022; Vol.31, No.1: 119-137.
139759 On the Sociology of Law in Economic Relations/Iage Miola, Sol Picciotto.- Social and Legal Studies. 2022; Vol.31, No.1: 139-161.
139760 Disability Law in a Pandemic: The Temporal Folds of Medico-legal Violence/Claire Spivakovsky, Linda Roslyn Steele.- Social and Legal Studies. 2022; Vol.31, No.2: 175-196.
139761 Fast Refugee Protection: Temporality and Migration Control/Azar Masoumi.- Social and Legal Studies. 2022; Vol.31, No.2: 197-215.
139762 Settler Colonialism and the South African TRC: Ambivalent Denial and Democratisation Without Decolonisation/Augustine S.J. Park.- Social and Legal Studies. 2022; Vol.31, No.2: 216-237.
139763 Racist Victimization, Legal Estrangement and Resentful Reliance on the Police in Sweden/Kivanc Atak.- Social and Legal Studies. 2022; Vol.31, No.2: 238-260.
139764 Creating and Maintaining Structural Hindrances to Criminal Justice Control – A Policy Analysis on the Normalisation of Parental Violence as a Crime in Finland/Riikka Kotanen.- Social and Legal Studies. 2022; Vol.31, No.2: 261-281.
139765 Examining the Legal Legitimacy of Informal Economic Activities/Supriya Routh.- Social and Legal Studies. 2022; Vol.31, No.2: 282-308.
139766 Tokenizing and Articulating Protection of Women in Migration Law: Strategies of Exclusion in Contemporary Europe and the Nineteenth-Century USA/Nicole Stybnarova.- Social and Legal Studies. 2022; Vol.31, No.2: 309-331.
139767 Ethnography in Motion, or Walking With WG Sebald/Panu Minkkinen.- Social and Legal Studies. 2022; Vol.31, No.3: 347-364.
139768 The changing status of European Union nationals in the United Kingdom following Brexit: The lived experience of the European Union Settlement Scheme/Catherine Barnard, Sarah Fraser Butlin, Fiona Costello.- Social and Legal Studies. 2022; Vol.31, No.3: 365-388.
139769 Reconceptualising risk: Towards a humanistic paradigm of sexual offending/Anne-Marie McAlinden.- Social and Legal Studies. 2022; Vol.31, No.3: 389-408.
139770 Revisiting Polish Abortion Law: Doctors and Institutions in a Restrictive Regime/Atina Krajewska.- Social and Legal Studies. 2022; Vol.31, No.3: 409-438.
139771 Maintaining exceptionality: Interrogating gestational limits for abortion/Erica Millar.- Social and Legal Studies. 2022; Vol.31, No.3: 439-458.
139772 Ensuring access to water in an emergency context: Towards an overexploitation and contamination of water resources?/Chloe Nicolas-Artero.- Social and Legal Studies. 2022; Vol.31, No.3: 459-476.
139773 Different but equal? Exploring potential catalysts of disparity in remand decision-making in the youth court/Yannick van den Brink.- Social and Legal Studies. 2022; Vol.31, No.3: 477-500.
139774 Neither Dialogue nor Last Word: Deliberative Separation of Powers III/Conrado H. Mendes.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 1-40.
139775 From Vision To Reality: Ex Post Evaluation of Legislation/Koen van Aeken.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 41-68.
139776 Constitutional Tort Liability and the Prudent Legislature/Patricia Popelier.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 69-94.
139777 Instrumentalism 2.0: Legislative Drafting for Democratic Social Change/Ann Seidman, Robert B. Seidman.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 95-142.
139778 Framing Techno-Regulation: An Exploration of State and Non-State Regulation by Technology/Ronald Leenes.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2011; Vol.5, No.2: 143-169.
139779 The (In)Flexibility of Techno-Regulation and the Case of Purpose-Binding/Bert-Jaap Koops.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2011; Vol.5, No.2: 171-194.
139780 Nodes and Gravity in Virtual Space/Andrew D. Murray.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2011; Vol.5, No.2: 195-221.
139781 Legal Protection by Design: Objections and Refutations/Mireille Hildebrandt.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2011; Vol.5, No.2: 223-248.
139782 The Method is Dead, Long Live the Methods! European Polynomia and Pluralist Methodology/Jaakko Husa.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2011; Vol.5, No.3: 249-271.
139783 A Dynamic Reflection on the Factual State of Affairs through an Experimental Norm/Mirko Pecaric.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2011; Vol.5, No.3: 273-295.
139784 Privacy by Design and Privacy-Invading Technologies: Safeguarding Privacy, Liberty and Security in the 21st Century/Demetrius Klitou.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2011; Vol.5, No.3: 297-329.
139785 How to Theorise Collective Decision Making Concerning Legal Rules? The Need to Acknowledge the Rhetorical as well as The Rational Variables/Nicolle Zeegers.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2011; Vol.5, No.3: 331-349.
139786 Structured Legislation: Toward the Synthesis of Better Law and Regulation of Electronic Communications/J. Scott Marcus.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2012; Vol.6, No.1: 1-33.
139787 An Ethos of Controversies: A Critical Analysis of the Interactive Legislative Approach/L.M. Poort.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2012; Vol.6, No.1: 35-55.
139788 Transatlantic Perspectives on Humanised Public Law Campaigns: Personalising and Depersonalising the Legislative Process/Brian C. Jones.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2012; Vol.6, No.1: 57-76.
139789 Conceptual Tools for Legislators Part I: Rules and Norms/Jaap Hage.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2012; Vol.6, No.1: 77-97.
139790 Does Deference Promote Principled Interpretations of Statutes?/Mark Humphery-Jenner.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2012; Vol.6, No.1: 98-131.
139791 Editorial: Burying the Hatchet between Common and Civil law Drafting Styles in Europe/Helen Xanthaki.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 133-148.
139792 Comparative Law: Perspectives of Legislation/Ulrich Karpen.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 149-189.
139793 Operationalising Quality of Legislation through the Effectiveness Test/Maria Mousmouti.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 191-205.
139794 Stare Decisis: A Universally Misunderstood Idea/Frank Emmert.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 207-227.
139795 European Court of Human Rights and the Quality of Legislation: Shifting to a Substantial Concept of  Law ?/Nicola Lupo & Giovanni Piccirilli.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 229-242.
139796 The Copy-Out Debate in the Implementation of European Union Law in the United Kingdom/Daniel Greenberg.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 243-256.
139797 Preliminary Comments on the Role of Courts as Regulatory Watchdogs/Patricia Popelier.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2012; Vol.6, No.3: 257-270.
139798 Semiprocedural Judicial Review/Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2012; Vol.6, No.3: 271-300.
139799 Judicial Review of Regulatory Instruments: The Least Imperfect Alternative?/Elaine Mak.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2012; Vol.6, No.3: 301-319.
139800 Multi-Tiered Political Questions: The Ecj’s Mandate in Enforcing Subsidiarity/Werner Vandenbruwaene.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2012; Vol.6, No.3: 321-346.
139801 The Race to Rationality Review and the Score of the German Federal Constitutional Court/Klaus Meberschmidt.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 347-378.
139802 The Judicial Review of Ex Ante Impact Assessment in France: An Attempt to Fuse the Principles of Legal Certainty and Institutional Balance/J.-P. Duprat.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2012; Vol.6, No.3: 379-395.
139803 Better Judicial Review? EU Courts and the Smart Regulation Agenda in Implementing Chemicals Regulation/Emilia Korkea-aho.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2012; Vol.6, No.3: 397-423.
139804 Axel Hagerstrom on Law-Making/Patricia Mindus.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. Vol.7, No.1: 7-32.
139805 Vilhelm Lundstedt and the Social Function of Legislation/T.T. Arvind.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. Vol.7, No.1: 33-57.
139806 Karl Olivecrona on Legislation/Torben Spaak.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. Vol.7, No.1: 59-76.
139807 Alf Ross and Realist Conceptions of Legislation/Eric Millard.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. Vol.7, No.1: 77-89.
139808 Cross Purposes and Unintended Consequences: Karl Llewellyn, Article 2 and the Limits of Social Transformation/Danielle Kie Hart.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. Vol.7, No.1: 91-111.
139809 Felix Cohen on Legislation/Michael S. Green.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. Vol.7, No.1: 113-128.
139810 The New Legal Realism and Statutory Interpretation/Frank B. Cross.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. Vol.7, No.1: 129-148.
139811 Some Realism for Hard Cases/Alvaro Nunez Vaquero.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. Vol.7, No.1: 149-171.
139812 Some Realism about Legislation/Pierluigi Chiassoni.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. Vol.7, No.1: 173-186.
139813 Lawmaking for Legal Realists/Hanoch Dagan.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. Vol.7, No.1: 187-204.
139814 The Emergence of the Evidence-Based Judicial Reflex: A Response to Bar-Siman-Tov’s Semiprocedural Review/Alberto Alemanno.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. Vol.7, No.2: 327-340.
139815 The Use of Impact Assessments and the Quality of Legislation/Dirk H. van der Meulen.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. Vol.7, No.2: 305-325.
139816 A Continuum of Electoral Systems? (Or, Why Law and Legislation Need Typologies)/Virg‎کlio Afonso da Silva.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. Vol.7, No.2: 227-253.
139817 Intention, Supremacy and Judicial Review/John McGarry.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. Vol.7, No.2: 255-276.
139818 An Empirical Study of the Usefulness of Legislative Drafting Manuals/Ronan Cormacain.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. Vol.7, No.2: 205-225.
139819 Conceptual Tools for Legislators Part 2: Pathways Through The World of Law/Jaap Hage.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. Vol.7, No.2: 277-304.
139820 Breaking the Circle: Goal-Legislation and the Need For Empirical Research/Pauline Westerman.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. Vol.7, No.3: 395-414.
139821 The Whys and Woes of Experimental Legislation/Sofia Ranchordas.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. Vol.7, No.3: 415-440.
139822 Law as an Abstract Object, Law as an Empirical Object: The Relevance of Ontology and Epistemology for Theories of Legislation/Anne Ruth Mackor.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. Vol.7, No.3: 441-468.
139823 Doctrinal Expertise, Empirical Knowledge, and Causation Jurisprudence: On the Tentative Rationality of Doctrinal Development/Matyas Bodig.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. Vol.7, No.3: 469-500.
139824 Legislation, Empirical Research and Juridical Law/Bas Schotel.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. Vol.7, No.3: 501-532.
139825 Empirical Knowledge in Legislation and Regulation: A Decision Making Perspective/Stefan T. Trautmann.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. Vol.7, No.3: 533-542.
139826 The Quest for Legitimacy in EU Secondary Legislation/Wim Voermans, Josephine M.R. Hartmann, Michael Kaeding.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 5-32.
139827 Primacy of the European Legislature? Delegated Rule-Making and the Decline of the Transmission Belt Theory/Rob van Gestel.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 33-59.
139828 The Irony of Oversight: Delegated Acts and the Political Economy of the European Union’s Legislative Veto Under the Treaty of Lisbon/Kevin M. Stack.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 61-84.
139829 The Adoption of Secondary Legislation through Comitology in the EU: Some Reflections on the Regulation (EU) 182/2011 in Comparison with the Pre-Lisbon Reform/Daniela Corona.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 85-107.
139830 Linguistics and Law Reform/Jonathan Teasdale.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 115-121.
139831 Linguistic Insights into Legislative Drafting/Maurizio Gotti.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 123-143.
139832 A Bird is Known by its Feathers On the Importance and Complexities of Definitions in Legislation/Yaniv Roznai.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 145-167.
139833 Linguistic and Socio-Pragmatic Considerations in Legislative Drafting/Vijay Kumar Bhatia.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 169-183.
139834 Translating Legislation: The European Union Experience/William Robinson.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 185-210.
139835 Is there Scope for A More Professional Approach to EU Multilingual Lawmaking?/Ingemar Strandvik.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 211-228.
139836 Bilingual Legislation and the Law of England and Wales/Thomas Glyn Watkin.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 229-238.
139837 Drafting EU Legislation in the European Commission: A Collaborative Process/William Robinson.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 249-272.
139838 Complexity of EU Law in the Domestic Implementing Process/Roberto Baratta.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 293-308.
139839 Effectiveness as an Aspect of Quality of EU Legislation: Is it Feasible?/Maria Mousmouti.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 309-327.
139840 Quality of Legislation: Focus on Smart EU and Post-Smart Transposition/Helen Xanthaki.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 329-342.
139841 Implementation: The Achilles Heel of European Integration/Wim Voermans.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 343-359.
139842 Universal Capacity To Generalise Legal Principles By Combining Reason, Logic, Morals And Their Counterparts/Mirko Pecaric.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 1-22.
139843 A Conceptual Framework On The Impact Of Regulatory Quality On Litigation/Samantha Bielen, Wim Marneffe, Patricia Popelier.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 23-43.
139844 On Statutory Interpretation And The (Canadian) Rule Of Law: Interpretive Presumptions As Boundary Setting/Anver M. Emon.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 45-89.
139845 Linguistic Approach In Legisprudence-Terminology, Translation Studies And Databases/Timea Drinoczi, Barnabas Novak.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 113-129.
139846 To Measure Is To Know: The Quantification Of Regulation/Wim Voermans.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 91-111.
139847 Experimentalist approach of Chinese legislation model: From passive response to institutional design/Yanying Bi.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 141-167.
139848 Experimental legislation concerning technological & governance innovation-an analytical approach/Michiel A. Heldeweg.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 169-193.
139849 Time and comparative law before courts: the subversive function of the diachronic comparison/Giuseppe Martinico.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 195-215.
139850 Time is money: the cost of waiting for the government/Wim Marneffe.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 213-229.
139851 Mending the legislative process-the preliminaries/Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 245-256.
139852 Combining efficiency and transparency in legislative processes/Wim Voermans, Hans-Martien ten Napel, Reijer Passchier.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 279-294.
139853 The role of courts in improving the legislative process/Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 295-313.
139854 The role of courts in legislative policy diffusion and divergence/Patricia Popelier.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 315-331.
139855 Access to Justice 2.0: Access to Legislation And Beyond/Yaniv Roznai, Nadiv Mordechay.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 333-369.
139856 Time for coherent rules on EU regulation/William Robinson.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 257-278.
139857 Making Parliament irrelevant: a postcard from India/Shubhankar Dam.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 65-78.
139858 The art of the (im)possible: legislators experiences of the lawmaking process when reforming migration law/Daniel Hedlund, Ann-Christin Cederborg, Mauro Zamboni.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 45-63.
139859 An old absolutist amending clause as the new instrument of delegated legislation/Mirko Pecaric.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 1-26.
139860 The Sarbanes-Oxley act from a legislative viewpoint/Andras Kecskes.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 27-43.
139861 Evidence-based judicial review of legislation: some introductory remarks/Roland Ismer, Klaus Meberschmidt.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 91-106.
139862 The dual meaning of evidence-based judicial review of legislation/Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 107-133.
139863 On the (judicial) method to review the (legislative) method/A. Daniel Oliver-Lalana.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 135-153.
139864 Evidence-based judicial review of legislation in divided states: the Belgian case/Patricia Popelier, Josephine De Jaegere.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 187-208.
139865 Foundations for the development of rational law-making in Argentina/Santiago R. Carrillo & Mariano L. Cordeiro.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 237-262.
139866 Case-law sources for evaluating the impact of legislation: an application of the precautionary principle to fundamental rights/Alexandre Fl‎يckiger.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 263-277.
139867 Ex post review of legislatorial prognoses by the European Court of Justice: the temporal dimension of rational law-making/Roland Ismer, Christian von Hesler.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 279-301.
139868 Putting evidence-based law making to the test: judicial review of legislative rationality/Rob van Gestel, Jurgen de Poorter.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 155-185.
139869 Standard of proof in WTO dispute settlement proceedings: an applied statistical perspective/Ashok Kaul, Manuel Schieler, Michael Wolf.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 303-316.
139870 Does Brazil have a Legislative Policy?/Felipe de Paula.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 329-353.
139871 Rights scrutiny in New Zealand’s legislative processes/Andrew Geddis.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 355-379.
139872 Subsidiarity as a regulation principle in the EU/Oxana Pimenova.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 381-398.
139873 International uniform commercial law Conventions: advantages, disadvantages, criteria for choice/Herbert Kronke.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.1: 13-21.
139874 Procedural law issues and uniform law Conventions/Chiara Giovannucci Orlandi.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.1: 23-41.
139875 Critical remarks on the Vienna Sales Convention’s impact on jurisdiction/Marco De Cristofaro.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.1: 43-68.
139876 The relationship between international uniform contract law Conventions/Franco Ferrari.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.1: 69-84.
139877 Reservations to international uniform commercial law Conventions/Marco Torsello.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.1: 85-120.
139878 Les Conventions internationales de droit uniforme devant les tribunaux arbitraux/Philippe Kahn.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.1: 121-127.
139879 Uniform law Conventions and the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts/Jurgen Basedow.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.1: 129-139.
139880 The UNIDROIT Principles and the arbitral tribunals/Fabio Bortolotti.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.1: 141-152.
139881 The relationship between the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts and the new lex mercatoria/Klaus Peter Berger.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.1: 153-169.
139882 The lex mercatoria and private international law/Friedrich K. Juenger.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.1: 171-186.
139883 The UNIDROIT Principles and Transnational Law/Michael Joachim Bonell.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.2: 199-217.
139884 The Recovery of Cultural Objects by African States through the UNESCO and UNIDROIT Conventions and the Role of Arbitration/Folarin Shyllon.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.2: 219-240.
139885 Unification and Harmonisation of Law at the Turn of the Millennium: the Lithuanian Experience/Valentinas Mikelenas.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.2: 243-260.
139886 The New Contract Law in the People’s Republic of China and the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts: A Brief Comparison/Zhang Yuqing, Huang Danhan.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.3: 429-440.
139887 Agency under the New Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China/Zhang Yuqing.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.3: 441-449.
139888 Invalidity of Contracts: A Tour d’horizon of Chinese Practice/Frank Munzel.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.3: 451-468.
139889 Do We Need a Global Commercial Code?/Michael Joachim Bonell.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.3: 469-481.
139890 Hardship in Contract: The Approach of the UNIDROIT Principles and Legal Developments in Russia/Alexei G. Doudko.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.3: 483-509.
139891 The New United States Uniform Electronic Transactions Act: Substantive Provisions, Drafting History and Comparison to the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce/Henry D. Gabriel.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.4: 651-664.
139892 La reglementation du commerce electronique dans l’Union europeenne/Jose M. Sanchez Felipe.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.4: 665-681.
139893 Uniform Law, General Principles and Autonomous Interpretation/Martin Gebauer.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.4: 683-704.
139894 The Draft UNIDROIT Model Franchise Disclosure Law and the Move Towards National Legislation/Lena Peters.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.4: 717-735.
139895 Harmonised Legislation on Franchise Disclosure and National Law: the Case of Sweden/Anders Fernlund.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.4: 737-748.
139896 The Centro de derecho uniforme – Mexico/Jorge Sanchez Cordero Davila.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.4: 750-759.
139897 Les initiatives d’UNIDROIT en matiere de franchisage: vers un systeme moderne et plus transparent de distribution des marchandises et des services/Olivier Binder.- Uniform Law Review. 2000; Vol.5, No.4: 707-716.
139898 The New International Regimen Proposed by Unidroit as a Means of Safeguarding Rights in rem of the Holder of an Aircraft under Netherlands Law/B. Patrick Honnebier.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.1: 5-24.
139899 L’hypotheque d’aeronef en droit tunisien/Abdessatar Khouildi.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.1: 27-36.
139900 Islamic Law as Governing Law under the Rome Convention. Universalist Lex Mercatoria v. Regional Unification of Law/Kilian Balz.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.1: 37-48.
139901 Building a Railway to the Future – Progress on the Draft Unidroit / OTIF Rail Protocol/Les chemins de fer face aux enjeux de demain – Etat des travaux sur le projet de Protocole ferroviaire Unidroit / OTIF/Howard Rosen.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.1: 50-59.
139902 Overview of the current situation regarding the preliminary draft Space Property Protocol and its examination by Copuos/Martin J. Stanford, Alexandre de Fontmichel.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.1: 60-77.
139903 Indirectly Held Securities and Intermediary Risk/Steven L. Schwarcz.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.2: 283-298.
139904 Harmonisation of Commercial Contract Law in the ECO Region: a Role for the Unidroit Principles/Bijan Izadi.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.2: 301-314.
139905 Transport Law and the United Nations/Jacques Putzeys.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.2: 326-335.
139906 UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects: Explanatory Report/prepared by the UNIDROIT Secretariat.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.3: 476-565.
139907 Text Of The Unidroit Convention On Stolen Or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.3: 566-581.
139908 Efficiency, Fairness, Macro-Economic Functions: Challenges for the Harmonisation of Transnational Civil Procedure/Herbert Kronke.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 740-751.
139909 Fundamentals of Civil Procedure/Geoffrey C. Hazard.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 753-762.
139910 Procedural Law and the Reform of Justice: from Regional to Universal Harmonisation/Marcel Storme.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 763-777.
139911 Une procedure civile transnationale: quelle fin et quels moyens?/Philippe Fouchard.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 779-788.
139912 The Proposed ALI / UNIDROIT Principles and Rules of Transnational Civil Procedure: the Utility of Such a Harmonization Project/Stephen Goldstein.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 789-801.
139913 The Utility of the ALI / UNIDROIT Project on Principles and Rules of Transnational Civil Procedure/Janet Walker.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 803-818.
139914 Notes on Criticizing the Proposed ALI / UNIDROIT Principles and Rules of Transnational Civil Procedure/Antonio Gidi.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 819-826.
139915 Transnational Service of Process: A Call for Uniform and Mandatory Rules/Haimo Schack.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 827-839.
139916 Transnational Civil Procedure – Fact Pleading v. Notice Pleading: its Significance in the Development of Evidence/L.J. Priestley.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 841-855.
139917 Transnational Civil Procedure: Fact Pleading or Notice Pleading? A Viewpoint from the USA/Edward H. Cooper.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 857-868.
139918 Transnational Civil Procedure: Discovery and Sanctions Against Non-Compliance/Rolf Sturner.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 871-886.
139919 Principe d’inquisition et principe accusatoire dans l’arbitrage commercial international/Pierre Lalive.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 887-900.
139920 Quelques reflexions en matiere de discovery/Gabriele Mecarelli.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 901-914.
139921 La charge de la preuve dans les Principes et Regles ALI / UNIDROIT relatifs a la procedure civile transnationale/Aida Kemelmajer de Carlucci.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 915-924.
139922 Reflexions sur les Principes ALI / UNIDROIT a propos de la preuve/Jean-Paul Beraudo.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 925-930.
139923 Provisional and Protective Measures: Towards an Uniform Protective Order in Civil Matters/Neil Andrews.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 931-949.
139924 The Proposed ALI / UNIDROIT Principles of Transnational Civil Procedure and their Relationship to Australian Jurisdictions/Bryan Beaumont.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 951-970.
139925 An American Lawyer Looks at Litigation under the Proposed ALI / UNIDROIT Principles and Rules of Transnational Civil Procedure/Sheldon H. Elsen.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 971-979.
139926 The Proposed ALI / UNIDROIT Principles and Rules of Transnational Civil Procedure and the New Code of Civil Procedure in Lithuania/Valentinas Mikelenas.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 981-993.
139927 Les Principes relatifs a la procedure civile transnationale sont-ils autosuffisants? – De la necessite ou non de les assortir de Regles dans le projet ALI / UNIDROIT/Frederique Ferrand.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 995-1013.
139928 The ALI / UNIDROIT Project: Are Principles Sufficient, Without the Rules ?/Thomas Pfeiffer.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 1015-1033.
139929 Ali / Unidroit Draft Principles And Rules Of Transnational Civil Procedure/by the American Law Institute.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 1037-1047.
139930 Draft Principles Of Transnational Civil Procedure (with commentary).- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 1048-1062.
139931 Draft Rules Of Transnational Civil Procedure (with commentary).- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 1063-1103.
139932 Projet Ali / Unidroit De Principes Et Regles Relatifs A La Procedure Civile Transnationale/de l’ American Law Institute.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 1107-1118.
139933 Projet De Principes Relatifs A La Procedure Civile Transnationale.- Uniform Law Review. 2001; Vol.6, No.4: 1119-1144.
139934 The Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment: a Driving Force for International Asset-Based Financing/Roy Goode.- Uniform Law Review. 2002; Vol.7, No.1: 3 15.
139935 Les regles de priorite de la Convention et du Protocole du Cap/Michel Deschamps.- Uniform Law Review. 2002; Vol.7, No.1: 17-46.
139936 UNCITRAL’s Contribution to the Unification of Receivables Financing Law: the United Nations Convention on the Assignment of Receivables in International Trade/Spiros V. Bazinas.- Uniform Law Review. 2002; Vol.7, No.1: 49-66.
139937 The Organization of American States: The New Model Inter-American Law on Secured Transactions/Boris Kozolchyk, John M. Wilson.- Uniform Law Review. 2002; Vol.7, No.1: 69-130.
139938 Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment.- Uniform Law Review. 2002; Vol.7, No.1: 132-183.
139939 Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Aircraft Equipment.- Uniform Law Review. 2002; Vol.7, No.1: 184-219.
139940 United Nations Convention on the Assignment of Receivables in International Trade.- Uniform Law Review. 2002; Vol.7, No.1: 220-261.
139941 Model Inter-American Law on Secured Transactions.- Uniform Law Review. 2002; Vol.7, No.1: 262-293.
139942 Draft Uniform Inter-American Rules for Electronic Documents and Signatures.- Uniform Law Review. 2002; Vol.7, No.1: 294-318.
139943 Glossary of Instruments.- Uniform Law Review. 2002; Vol.7, No.2: 354-715.
139944 Emerging Issues in Electronic Contracting, Technical Standards and Law Reform/Jane K. Winn.- Uniform Law Review. 2002; Vol.7, No.3: 699-711.
139945 International Influences and the Polish Law on Secured Transactions: Harmonisation, Unification or What ?/Frederique Dahan, Gerard McCormack.- Uniform Law Review. 2002; Vol.7, No.3: 713-735.
139946 Equipment Leasing: Trends and Regulations in Latin America – A Case for the Unidroit Leasing Convention/Rafael Castillo-Triana.- Uniform Law Review. 2002; Vol.7, No.3: 737-749.
139947 Specific Performance in the Light of the CISG, the Unidroit Principles and Libyan Law/Mahdi Zahraa, Aburima Abdullah Ghith.- Uniform Law Review. 2002; Vol.7, No.3: 751-773.
139948 CIDIP-VI: Difficulties and Achievements regarding an Inter-American Uniform Through Bill of Lading for the International Carriage of Goods by Road/Cecilia Fresnedo de Aguirre.- Uniform Law Review. 2002; Vol.7, No.3: 775-789.
139949 The Uniform Legal Regime Governing Inter-American Contracts for Carriage of Goods by Road/Paul B. Larsen.- Uniform Law Review. 2002; Vol.7, No.3: 791-804.
139950 Indonesia’s Legal Reforms in a Nutshell/Sunaryati Hartono.- Uniform Law Review. 2002; Vol.7, No.4: 989-1003.
139951 The Unidroit Principles and the Law Governing Commercial Contracts in Southeast Asia/Bayu Seto Hardjowahono.- Uniform Law Review. 2002; Vol.7, No.4: 1005-1014.
139952 Rules of Interpretation of Contracts under the Unidroit Principles and their Possible Adoption in Vietnamese Law/Le Net.- Uniform Law Review. 2002; Vol.7, No.4: 1017-1030.
139953 Reforming the Secured Transactions Regime in Vietnam Using Foreign Law as a Model: a Critical Appraisal/Muto Shiro.- Uniform Law Review. 2002; Vol.7, No.4: 1031-1046.
139954 Drafting a New Civil Code and Code of Civil Procedure in Cambodia with Japanese Technical Assistance/Mong Monichariya, Tanaka Kazuko.- Uniform Law Review. 2002; Vol.7, No.4: 1047-1059.
139955 Model Franchise Disclosure Law.- Uniform Law Review. 2002; Vol.7, No.4: 1060-1139.
139956 Harmonising Substantive Rules for the Use of Securities Held with Intermediaries as Collateral: the Unidroit Project/Philipp Paech.- Uniform Law Review. 2002; Vol.7, No.4: 1140-1161.
139957 Can a group of people be smarter than experts?/Mirko Pecaric.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 5-29.
139958 Digital agoras: democratic legitimacy, online participation and the case of Uber-petitions/Sofia Ranchordas.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 31-54.
139959 The value of crowdsourcing in public policymaking: epistemic, democratic and economic value/Tanja Aitamurto, Kaiping Chen.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 55-72.
139960 Notes on the creation and impacts of Brazil’s Internet Bill of Rights/Carlos Affonso Souza, Fabro Steibel, Ronaldo Lemos.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 73-94.
139961 Constitutional but legally invalid: on the practice of interpretive judicial review/Ofer Raban.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 101-113.
139962 The rule of law as export product/Pauline C. Westerman.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 171-185.
139963 Legislation, legislative drafting and the rule of law/Ronan Cormacain.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 115-135.
139964 Legislation and the rule of law: an unnatural and uneasy relationship?/Allan C. Hutchinson.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 137-148.
139965 One rule to rule them all? Rules of law against the rule of law/Adam Shinar.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 149-170.
139966 Participatory democracy and law-making in contemporary Brazil/Diogo R. Coutinho, Beatriz Kira, Marilia Rolemberg Lessa, Henrique Almeida de Castro.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2017; Vol.11, No.3: 225-243.
139967 Judicial review of constitutional amendments in Colombia: a political and historical perspective, 1955-2016/Mario Alberto Cajas-Sarria.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2017; Vol.11, No.3: 245-275.
139968 A piece of legislation for the guidance of public education policies in Brazil: the National Education Plan 2014 2024/Maria Paula Dallari Bucci, Fernando A. Dourado Gomes.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2017; Vol.11, No.3: 277-301.
139969 Reframing the components of legislative-regulatory policies: a functional proposal/Felipe de Paula.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2017; Vol.11, No.3: 303-317.
139970 Creating trust by means of legislation-a conceptual analysis and critical discussion/Daniel Hult.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 1-23.
139971 Competence versus competency: judicial review of impact assessments by the Court of Justice of the European Union/Edwin Alblas, Jose Luis Castro-Montero.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 25-51.
139972 Searching for order: exploring the use of delegated and implementing acts in the EU customs code/Eljalill Tauschinsky.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 53-73.
139973 Institutionalisation of better regulation principles in Estonian draft legislation: the rules of law-making, procedural democracy and political accountability between norms and facts/Aare Kasemets.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 75-111.
139974 East of Eden Hotel-soft law measures on harmful content between harmonisation and diversity/Petra Lea Lancos.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 113-129.
139975 Beyond the British model. Law reform in New Zealand, Australia, Canada, South Africa and Israel/Enrico Albanesi.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 153-166.
139976 Institutional law reform in New Zealand: the importance of independence/Geoff McLay.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 167-191.
139977 On the ground and on tap-law reform, Australian style/Jeffrey Barnes.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 193-224.
139978 The past, present and future of law reform in Canada/Marcus Moore.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 225-261.
139979 Law reform in South Africa: 21 years since the establishment of a supreme constitutional dispensation/Christo Botha, Bernard Bekink.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 263-289.
139980 Law reform in Israel/Yaniv Roznai, Liana Volach.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 291-320.
139981 A model for determining legislative significance and effectiveness/Osnat Akirav.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 343-361.
139982 Accountability of regulators through adaptable legal norms/Mirko Pecaric.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2018; Vol.12, No.3: 321-342.
139983 The middle-out approach: assessing models of legal governance in data protection, artificial intelligence, and the Web of Data/Ugo Pagallo, Pompeu Casanovas, Robert Madelin.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 1-25.
139984 Beyond decriminalization: the transition from relative transparency to deliberate ambiguity/Golan Luzon.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 47-65.
139985 Public participation and its limits in legislative consultation: a case study on local legislation in China/Rongxin Li.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 27-45.
139986 When the ends justify the means? Quality of law-making in times of urgency/Rebecca Thorburn Stern.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 85-100.
139987 Swedish legislation and the migration crisis/Mauro Zamboni.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 101-133.
139988 Your income is too high, your income is too low: discretion in labour migration law and policy in the Netherlands and Macau/Tesseltje de Lange, Pedro de Sena.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 135-151.
139989 Legislative drafting tools preventing arbitrariness in discretionary powers/Joao Tiago Silveira, Diana Ettner.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 153-167.
139990 Parliamentary arbitrage and the case for regulatory policy in parliament/Guy Mor, Alon Jasper.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2019; Vol.13, No.3: 283-305.
139991 Statutory delegation, agency authority, and the asymmetry of impact analysis/Jerry Ellig, Michael Horney.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2019; Vol.13, No.3: 227-256.
139992 Policymaking in the United States: constraining a runaway executive branch/Shany Winder.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2019; Vol.13, No.3: 257-282.
139993 Considering a duty to delegate in designing regulatory legislation/Asaf Wiener, Elad Man.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2019; Vol.13, No.3: 179-203.
139994 Beyond legislation: reconsidering the locus of power in EU regulatory governance/Sandra Eckert.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2019; Vol.13, No.3: 205-225.
139995 America’s covid-19 preexisting vulnerability: a government of men, not laws/James R. Maxeiner.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2020; Vol.14, No.1-2: 213-235.
139996 Can legislative standards be subject to quarantine? The functioning of the Tablet Sejm in Poland in the COVID-19 era/Maciej Serowaniec,  Zbigniew Witkowski.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2020; Vol.14, No.1-2: 155-170.
139997 COVID-19 in Hungary and Poland: extraordinary situation and illiberal constitutionalism/Timea Drinoczi, Agnieszka Bien-Kacala.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2020; Vol.14, No.1-2: 171-192.
139998 Covid-19 meets politics: the novel coronavirus as a novel challenge for legislatures/Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2020; Vol.14, No.1-2: 11-48.
139999 COVID-19 legislation in Belgium at the crossroads of a political and a health crisis/Patricia Popelier.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2020; Vol.14, No.1-2: 131-153.
140000 Legislative response to Coronavirus (Switzerland)/Felix Uhlmann, Eva Scheifele.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2020; Vol.14, No.1-2: 115-130.
140001 Parliamentary oversight under the Covid-19 emergency: striving against executive dominance/Elena Griglio.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2020; Vol.14, No.1-2: 49-70.
140002 The COVID-19 emergency in the age of executive aggrandizement: what role for legislative and judicial checks?/Jan Petrov.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2020; Vol.14, No.1-2: 71-92.
140003 The impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on the Brazilian legal system a report on the functioning of the branches of the government and on the legal scrutiny of their activities/Victor Marcel Pinheiro, Marcelo Ilarraz, Melissa Terni Mestriner.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2020; Vol.14.
140004 COVID-19 legislation in the light of the precautionary principle/Klaus Meberschmidt.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 267-292.
140005 Emergency powers in a hybrid regime: the case of Hungary/Csaba Gyory, Nyasha Weinberg.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 329-353.
140006 Incentivising employment during the COVID-19 pandemic/Phil Lord.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 355-372.
140007 Keeping Covid-19 emergency legislation socially distant from ordinary legislation: principles for the structure of emergency legislation/Ronan Cormacain.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 245-265.
140008 Quasi-state of emergency: assessing the constitutionality of Ghana s legislative response to Covid-19/Maame Efua Addadzi-Koom.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 311-327.
140009 Reinventing the wheel  and rolling over fundamental freedoms? The Covid-19 epidemic in France and the State of Health Emergency/Sebastien Platon.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 293-309.
140010 Gender quotas in corporate decision-making bodies regulatory promotion of equality of results in the EU/Ana Horvat Vukovic.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 3-23.
140011 Gender equality and legislative evaluation of gender-based laws in Korea/Kyungho Choi.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 25-34.
140012 Promoting gender equality through regulation: the case of parental leave/Miriam Rocha.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 35-57.
140013 Promoting (religious and political) diversity through legislation in Northern Ireland/Ronan Cormacain.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 59-82.
140014 Does the law think that black lives matter? A reflection upon the role of the public sector equality duty in promoting racial equality before the law/Michael Abiodun Olatokun.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 83-95.
140015 Models of parliamentary scrutiny of the quality of legislation. How different drafting models and forms of government shape them/Enrico Albanesi.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 141-158.
140016 Parliamentary scrutiny of the quality of legislation in Spain. The role of parliamentary clerks/Piedad Garcia-Escudero.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 159-179.
140017 Parliamentary scrutiny of the quality of legislation in Germany/Matthias Rossi.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 181-202.
140018 Parliamentary scrutiny of the quality of legislation in Canada/John Mark Keyes.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 203-226.
140019 Legislative scrutiny in the United States: dynamic, whole-stream revision/Sean J. Kealy.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 227-249.
140020 Legislation in Illiberal Poland/Agnieszka Bien-Kaca a.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 276-294.
140021 The misuse of the legislative process as part of the illiberal toolkit. The case of Hungary/Viktor Zoltan Kazai.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 295-316.
140022 With a different name, the rose is not a rose anymore: legislative quality and gender equality in the AKP’s Turkey/Valentina Rita Scotti.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 317-341.
140023 Legislative resistance to illiberalism in a system of coalitional presidentialism: will it work in Brazil?/Thomas Bustamante,  Em‎کlio Peluso Neder Meyer.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 342-362.
140024 Governmental predominance in Italian law-making: undemocratic or illiberal?/Giovanni Piccirilli.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 363-385.
140025 Illiberal tendencies in Indonesian legislation: the case of the omnibus law on job creation/Saru Arifin.- The Theory and Practice of Legislation. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 383-346.
140026 Unidroit 75th Anniversary Congress on Worldwide Harmonisation of Private Law and Regional Economic Integration: Hypotheses, Certainties and Open Questions/Herbert Kronke.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 10-26.
140027 Worldwide Harmonisation of Private Law and Regional Economic Integration – General Report/Jurgen Basedow.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 31-49.
140028 Harmonisation of International and Regional Trade Law: the UNCITRAL Experience/Spiros V. Bazinas.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8.
140029 Regionalism versus Globalism: a View from the Americas/Carlos Manuel Vazquez.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 63-70.
140030 L’OHADA et la modernisation du droit des affaires en Afrique/Kwawo Lucien Johnson.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 71-78.
140031 Modernisation and Harmonisation of Contract Law: Objectives, Methods and Scope/Arthur S. Hartkamp.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 81-89.
140032 Modernisation and Harmonisation of Contract Law: Objectives, Methods and Scope, An Overview/Michael Joachim Bonell.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 91-96.
140033 Modernization and Harmonization of Contract Law: an American Perspective/E. Allan Farnsworth.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 97-106.
140034 The UNIDROIT Principles and their Influence in the Modernisation of Contract Law in the People’s Republic of China/Huang Danhan.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 107-117.
140035 Harmonisation of Contract Law in Russia: some Brief Reflections/Nina Vilkova.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 119-122.
140036 Principles of European Contract Law and Unidroit/Principles: Moving from Harmonisation to Unification ?/Ole Lando.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 123-133.
140037 La modernisation et l’harmonisation du droit des contrats: une perspective europeenne/Jean-Paul Beraudo.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 135-140.
140038 International Lex Mercatoria and Local Consumer Law: an Impossible Combination?/Thomas Wilhelmsson.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8: 141-153.
140039 Modernisation and Harmonisation of Contract Law: Focus on Selected Issues/Andrzej Calus.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 155-162.
140040 Electronic Commerce: an Incentive for the Modernisation and Harmonisation of Contract Law?/Jelena Vilus.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 163-170.
140041 The Sale of Goods: Do Regions Matter? An Overview/Peter Schlechtriem.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 173-175.
140042 Universal and Regional Sales Law: Can They Coexist?/Franco Ferrari.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 177-189.
140043 La vente commerciale OHADA/Gaston Kenfack Douajni.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 191-200.
140044 Unification of Sales Law: a Look at the Scandinavian States/Jan Ramberg.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 201-208.
140045 CISG: a Source of Inspiration for the Estonian Law of Obligations/Paul Varul.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 209-210.
140046 Harmonisation of Sales Law in the Americas and Regional Economic Integration: a Cautious Appraisal/Fernando Hinestrosa.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 211-218.
140047 L’internationalisation du nouveau droit chinois des contrats – Exemple de la resolution du contrat de vente internationale de marchandises/Zhang Shaohui.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 219-230.
140048 Les tendances unificatrices et desunificatrices dans le droit des transports de marchandises: perspectives Vue d’ensemble/Jacques Putzeys.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 233-240.
140049 Unifying the Law of Carriage of Goods: a View from Mercosur/Cecilia Fresnedo de Aguirre.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 241-253.
140050 Carriage of Goods and Legal Uniformity in the Asia-Pacific Region/Souichirou Kozuka.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 255-264.
140051 A New Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea: Port-to-Port or Door-to-Door?/Francesco Berlingieri.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 265-280.
140052 Harmonizing the Economic Regulation of the Carriage of Goods by Sea/Wade S. Hooker.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 281-288.
140053 Objectifs et moyens de l’harmonisation juridique, illustres d’apres le droit de transport ferroviaire/Gerfried Mutz.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 289-297.
140054 Harmonisation du droit des transports: le projet CRDNI et la vocation normative de la CCNR – breves considerations/Albert Bour.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 299-302.
140055 Diverging Solutions in the Harmonisation of Carriage of Goods by Sea: Which Approach to Choose?/Maris Lejnieks.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 303-307.
140056 A Call for the Restoration of Contractual Freedom in Cargo Shipping/Zuo Haicong.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 309-318.
140057 Unification of the Law Governing Secured Transactions: Progress and Prospects for Reform/Hannah L. Buxbaum.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 321-339.
140058 The Commercial Challenge in Modernizing Secured Transactions Law/Harold S. Burman.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 347-352.
140059 Brief Considerations on Co-ordinating Developments in the Field of Secured Transactions Law/Ulrich Drobnig.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 353-355.
140060 Harmonization of Personal Property Security Law: National, Regional and Global Initiatives/Alejandro M. Garro.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 357-368.
140061 Presentation generale de l’Acte uniforme de l’OHADA sur les suretes/Joseph Issa-Sayegh.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 369-373.
140062 La Communaute europeenne et la Convention du Cap/Bruno Poulain.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 377-386.
140063 Economic Analysis and Harmonised Modernisation of Private Law/Jeffrey Wool.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 389-394.
140064 La procedure civile internationale et la procedure civile transnationale: l’incidence de l’integration economique regionale/Frederique Ferrand.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 397-436.
140065 International Civil Procedure and Transnational Civil Procedure: the Impact of Regional Economic Integration: An Overview/Geoffrey C. Hazard.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 437-441.
140066 Some Reflections on Procedural Harmonisation: Reasons and Scope/Konstantinos D. Kerameus.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 443-451.
140067 La construction de l’espace unique europeen en matiere de justice face a l’harmonisation universelle de la procedure civile: propos realistes d’un acteur europeen/Olivier Tell.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 453-460.
140068 Brief Considerations on the Harmonisation of Civil Procedure in Europe and Worldwide/Michael B. Elmer.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 461-463.
140069 Procedure civile internationale et MERCOSUR: pour un dialogue des regles universelles et regionales/Claudia Lima Marques.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 465-484.
140070 Prospects for Transnational Civil Procedure in the Americas/H. Patrick Glenn.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 485-491.
140071 Some Aspects of Unification of Civil Procedure Law/Vladimir V. Prokhorenko.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 493-498.
140072 Harmonisation du droit international prive: relation entre la Communaute europeenne et la Conference de La Haye/Michael Traest.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 499-507.
140073 Private Law Beyond Markets for Goods and Services: The Example of Cultural Objects/Folarin Shyllon.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 511-527.
140074 The 1995 UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects: a View from Egypt/Maher Abd El Wahed.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 529-540.
140075 Les principaux problemes souleves par l’unification du droit regissant les biens culturels/Ioannis Voulgaris.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 541-550.
140076 A Special Regime for Cultural Objects in Europe/Kurt Siehr.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 551-563.
140077 The Protection of Cultural Heritage: a Mexican Perspective/Jorge Sanchez Cordero.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 565-573.
140078 La protection du patrimoine culturel en vertu des instruments de l’UNESCO (1970) et d’UNIDROIT (1995): la position d’Interpol/Laurent Grosse, Jean-Pierre Jouanny.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 575-580.
140079 Interaction entre l’integration regionale et l’harmonisation mondiale: quelques reflexions a propos des biens culturels/Marc-Andre Renold.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.1-2: 581-583.
140080 The Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts and Israeli Contract Law/Alfredo Mordechai Rabello, Pablo Lerner.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.3: 601-629.
140081 The Unidroit Principles Applied as Most Appropriate Rules of Law in a Swedish Arbitral Award/Loukas Mistelis.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.3: 631-640.
140082 Lexicographical Musings – The Variegated Language of Sales Law: a Modern Tower of Babel/Frank Munzel.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.3: 641-645.
140083 The Preliminary Draft Protocol on Matters Specific to Space Assets: an Overview of its Objectives and Key Provisions/Dara A. Panahy.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.3: 646-662.
140084 L’avant-projet de Protocole portant sur les questions specifiques aux biens spatiaux: une vue d’ensemble de ses objectifs et de ses dispositions cles/Dara A. Panahy.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.3: 647-663.
140085 The Preliminary Draft Protocol to the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Space Assets/Martin J. Stanford, Bruno Poulain.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.3: 664-667.
140086 The Chinese Declaration as to Form of Contracts under CISG – Time to Withdraw?/Wang Xiaolin, Camilla Baasch Andersen.- Uniform Law Review. 2003; Vol.8, No.4: 870-873.
140087 The Book-Entry in a Securities Account: Linchpin of a Harmonised Legal Framework of Securities Held with an Intermediary/Dorothee Einsele.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.1: 41-49.
140088 The New Draft CRTD: Modernising the International Civil Liability and Compensation Regime for the Inland Transport of Dangerous Goods/Jan Engel de Boer.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.1: 51-67.
140089 Recent European Union Legislation and the International Nuclear Third Party Liability Regime – Conflicts, Problems and Solutions/Fabrizio Nocera.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.1: 83-95.
140090 Le projet d’Acte uniforme Ohada sur les contrats et les Principes d’Unidroit relatifs aux contrats du commerce international/Marcel Fontaine.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.2: 253-266.
140091 The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commerical Contracts and the Harmonisation of the Principles of Commerical Contracts in West and Central Africa: Reflections on the OHADA Project from the Perspective of a Common Lawyer from West Africa/Samuel Kofi Date-Bah.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.2: 269-272.
140092 La reception des Principes d’Unidroit dans les contrats modeles de la Chambre de Commerce Internationale/Alexis Mourre, Emmanuel Jolivet.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.2: 275-293.
140093 Le contrat-type pour les Joint Ventures contractuelles du Centre du Commerce International au regard des Principes d’Unidroit et d’autres normes d’unification du droit des contrats/Jean-Paul Vulliety.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.2: 295-313.
140094 Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts and Principles of European Contract Law: a Synoptical Table/Michael Joachim Bonell, Roberta Peleggi.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.2: 315-396.
140095 The Preliminary Draft Rail Protocol to the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment/Benjamin B. von Bodungen.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.2: 397-400.
140096 L’applicabilite des Principes d’Unidroit dans l’arbitrage commercial international en Chine/Zhang Shaohui.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.2: 419-430.
140097 Most Significant Relationship, Governmental Interests, Cultural Identity, Integration: Rules at Will and the Case for Principles of Conflict of Laws/Herbert Kronke.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.3: 467-477.
140098 The Harmonisation of ASEAN Competetition Laws and Policy and Economic Integration/Lawan Thanadsillapakul.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.3: 479-500.
140099 Competition Law and Perspectives for Harmonisation/Dietmar Baetge.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.3: 501-509.
140100 The Context and Development of Transnational Law Practice and Policy in Nigeria/Olakunle O. Olatawura.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.3: 511-534.
140101 Commercial Space Launch Services Contracts in France and the United States of America/Julian Hermida.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.3: 537-546.
140102 The Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and its Protocol on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment: a Belgian Perspective/Giulia Mauri, Birgitta Van Itterbeek.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.3: 547-556.
140103 Rights of Financiers in Aircraft: a Finnish Perspective on the 2001 Cape Town Instruments/Hans Wassgren.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.3: 557-571.
140104 The Draft OHADA Uniform Act on Contracts and the Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts/Marcel Fontaine.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.3: 573-584.
140105 Ali / Unidroit Principles of Transnational Civil Procedure.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.4: 758-809.
140106 The Principles and Rules of Transnational Civil Procedure and their Application to New South Wales/Clifford R. Einstein, Alexander Phipps.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.4: 815-828.
140107 The Ali / Unidroit Principles of Transnational Civil Procedure as Global Standards for Adjudication?/H. Patrick Glenn.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.4: 829-845.
140108 Scope of Application of the ALI / UNIDROIT Principles of Transnational Civil Procedure/Konstantinos D. Kerameus.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.4: 847-857.
140109 Principles and Rules of Transnational Civil Procedure and Brazilian Civil Procedure Compared: a First Assessment/Cassio Scarpinella Bueno.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.4: 859-874.
140110 The Synthesis of Common and Civil Law Standard of Proof Formulae in the Ali / Unidroit Principles of Transnational Civil Procedure/Moritz Brinkmann.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.4: 875-891.
140111 Internationalization of Civil Procedure – Beyond the IBA Rules of Evidence/Pierre A. Karrer.- Uniform Law Review. 2004; Vol.9, No.4: 893-897.
140112 Preliminary Draft UNIDROIT Convention on Harmonised Substantive Rules regarding Securities Held with an Intermediary.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.1-2: 10-35.
140113 Explanatory Notes – to the Preliminary Draft UNIDROIT Convention on Harmonised Substantive Rules regarding Securities Held with an Intermediary/prepared by the UNIDROIT Secretariat.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.1-2: 36-115.
140114 The Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Certain Rights in Respect of Securities held with an Intermediary (Hague Securities Convention)/Christophe Bernasconi, Harry C. Sigman.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.1-2: 117-140.
140115 The UNCITRAL Draft Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions/Spiros V. Bazinas.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.1-2: 141-154.
140116 The Changing Legal Landscape for Clearing and Settlement in the European Union/Klaus M. Lober.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.1-2: 155-188.
140117 Les suretes sur des titres detenus aupres d’un intermediaire en droit canadien/Michel Deschamps.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.1-2: 189-223.
140118 How Law Reform Enhances Trading on the Chinese Capital Market/Dong Ansheng, Han Liyu.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.1-2: 225-236.
140119 De la nature juridique des titres dematerialises intermedies en droit francais/Antoine Maffei.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.1-2: 237-249.
140120 Modernising German Law: Can the UNIDROIT Project on Intermediated Securities Provide Guidance?/Dorothee Einsele.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.1-2: 251-261.
140121 The Preliminary Draft UNIDROIT Convention and Capital Market Practice in Germany/Jurgen Than.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.1-2: 263-270.
140122 Legal Rules on Indirectly Held Investment Securities: The Japanese Situation, Common Problems, and the UNIDROIT Approach/Hideki Kanda.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.1-2: 271-276.
140123 Direct or Indirect Holdings – a Nordic Perspective/Lars Afrell, Karin Wallin-Norman.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.1-2: 277-284.
140124 Is a Reform of the Polish Legal Framework Regarding Intermediated Securities Useful?/Michal Romanowski.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.1-2: 285-300.
140125 New Legal Concepts regarding the Holding of Investment Securities for a Civil Law Jurisdiction – The Swiss Draft Act/Luc Thevenoz.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.1-2: 301-337.
140126 Draft Federal Act on the Custody and Transfer of Securities Held with an Intermediary (Intermediated Securities Act).- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.1-2: 312-336.
140127 The FMLC Report on Property Interests in Indirectly Held Investment Securities: an Analysis of the Need for and Nature of Legislation in the United Kingdom.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.1-2: 339-355.
140128 Reflections on the Drafting of the 1994 Revision of Article 8 of the US Uniform Commercial Code/Curtis R. Reitz.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.1-2: 357-367.
140129 Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Certain Rights in respect of Securities Held with an Intermediary.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.1-2: 368-388.
140130 Convention de La Haye sur la loi applicable a certains droits sur des titres detenus aupres d’un intermediaire.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.1-2: 369-389.
140131 Directive 98/26/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on Settlement Finality in Payment and Securities Settlement Systems (Brussels, 19 May 1998).- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.1-2: 390-404.
140132 Directive 98/26/CE du Parlement europeen et du Conseil concernant le caractere definitif du reglement dans les systemes de paiement et de reglement des operations sur titres (Bruxelles, 19 mai 1998).- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.1-2: 391-405.
140133 Directive 2002/47/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on financial collateral arrangements (Brussels, 6 June 2002).- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.1-2: 406-431.
140134 Civil Liability Law Reform in Australia: the King of Torts Is Dead/John Goldring.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.3: 447-468.
140135 Do Odious Debts Free Over-indebted States from the Debt Trap?/Christoph G. Paulus.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.3: 469-484.
140136 Une obligation de securite est-elle concevable au sein des Principes d’Unidroit ?/Vincent Mayr.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.3: 485-501.
140137 Financial Leasing in Serbia: an Overview of Recent Legislation/Jelena Perovic.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.3: 503-515.
140138 The Cape Town Registry Workshop/Alison McMillan.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.3: 516-521.
140139 Les Principes d’UNIDROIT et la securite juridique des transactions commerciales dans l’avant-projet d’Acte uniforme OHADA sur le droit des contrats/Felix Onana Etoundi.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.4: 683-686.
140140 Premiere Partie: Une Garantie De Securite Juridique Des Transactions Commerciales Dans L’Avant-Projet D’Acte Uniforme Sur Le Droit Des Contrats Inspire Des Principes D’Unidroit/Felix Onana Etoundi.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.4: 686-699.
140141 Deuxieme Partie: Les Reserves Quant A La Garantie De Stabilite Des Situations Contractuelles Specifiques Au Contexte De L’Afrique Dans Le Projet D’Acte Uniforme Sur Les Contrats Inspire Des Principes D’Unidroit/Felix Onana Etoundi.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.4: 700-716.
140142 Restitutio In Integrum: The Unwinding Of Failed Contracts Under The Principles Of European Contract Law, The UNIDROIT Principles And The Avant-Projet D’Un Code Europeen Des Contrats/Reinhard Zimmermann.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.4: 719-734.
140143 La sanction des fautes lucratives par des dommages-interets punitifs et le droit francais/Alexandre Court de Fontmichel.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.4: 737-757.
140144 Ancillary Jurisdiction for Interim Measures of Protection in Support of Cross-Border Litigation/Veronica Ruiz Abou-Nigm.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.4: 759-783.
140145 Rescuing the Rome Convention of 1952: Six Decades of Effort to Make a Workable Regime for Damage Caused by Foreign Aircraft to Third Parties/Michael Jennison.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.4: 785-813.
140146 Harmonised Substantive Rules regarding Intermediated Securities – Two Seminars on the Unidroit Project/Renata Fialho de Oliveira.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.4: 824-831.
140147 UNCITRAL: Colloquium on International Commercial Fraud and Ongoing Work/Kate Lannan.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.4: 838-856.
140148 Colloque de la Cnudci sur la fraude commerciale internationale et travaux en cours/Kate Lannan.- Uniform Law Review. 2005; Vol.10, No.4: 839-857.
140149 Changing fiscal landscape/Daniel Johnston.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2008; Vol.1, No.1: 31-54.
140150 National oil companies and international oil companies in the Middle East: Under the shadow of government and the resource nationalism cycle/Paul Stevens.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2008; Vol.1, No.1: 5-30.
140151 Renegotiating acquired rights in the oil and gas industries: Industry and political cycles meet the rule of law/Thomas W. Walde.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2008; Vol.1, No.1: 55-79.
140152 Stabilization and adaptation in oil and gas investments/Piero Bernardini.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2008; Vol.1, No.1: 98-112.
140153 The pursuit of stability in international energy investment contracts: A critical appraisal of the emerging trends/A.F.M. Maniruzzaman.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2008; Vol.1, No.2: 121-157.
140154 Reconciling regulatory stability and evolution of environmental standards in investment contracts: Towards a rethink of stabilization clauses/Lorenzo Cotula.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2008; Vol.1, No.2: 158-179.
140155 Kazakhstan further stiffens its mineral development regime-New controls for strategic fields and pipelines/Jonathan Hines, Aset Shyngyssov, Klara Nurgazieva.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2008; Vol.1, No.2: 180-191.
140156 Maritime regulation in Brazil/Leonardo Miranda da Silva.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2008; Vol.1, No.2: 192-196.
140157 Investments to promote electricity supply in India: Regulatory and governance challenges and options/Subhes C. Bhattacharyya.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2008; Vol.1, No.3: 201-233.
140158 Constraints of foreign investments to subsoil use in Russia/Ivan Panov.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2008; Vol.1, No.3: 224-238.
140159 Stabilizing fiscal regimes in long-term contracts: Recent developments from Nigeria/Bayo Adaralegbe.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2008; Vol.1, No.3: 239-246.
140160 The Glamis regulatory takings claim and compensation under NAFTAGet accessArrow/Allan Ingelson, Lincoln Mitchell.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 68-89.
140161 Expropriation of oil and gas investments: Historical, legal and economic perspectives in a new age of resource nationalism/George Joffe, Paul Stevens, Tony George, Jonathan Lux, Carol Searle.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 3-23.
140162 Perspectives on the valuation of upstream oil and gas interests: An overview/C.R.K. Moore.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 24-42.
140163 Public private partnerships in energy Termination of public service concessions and administrative acts in Europe/Kim Talus.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 43-67.
140164 Reciprocity as a factor of the energy investment regimes in the EU-Russia energy relations/Andrei V. Belyi.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2009; Vol.2, No.2: 117-128.
140165 A commentary on Expropriation of oil and gas investments: Historical, legal and economic perspectives in a new age of resource nationalism/Andrew B. Derman, Andrew Melsheimer.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2009; Vol.2, No.2: 163-176.
140166 New age compensation for expropriation/Mark Kantor.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2009; Vol.2, No.2: 155-162.
140167 Legal and economic aspects of ownership unbundling in the EU/Johann-Christian Pielow, Gert Brunekreeft, Eckart Ehlers.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2009; Vol.2, No.2: 96-116.
140168 Sovereignty over Natural Resources Investment Law and Expropriation: The case of Bolivia and Brazil/Marilda Rosado de Sa Ribeiro.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2009; Vol.2, No.2: 129-148.
140169 Comment on Pielow, Brunekreeft and Ehlers on ownership unbundling/Kim Talus, Angus Johnston.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2009; Vol.2, No.2: 149-154.
140170 Comment on articles on stabilization by Piero Bernardini, Lorenzo Cotula and AFM Maniruzzaman/Frank Alexander.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2009; Vol.2, No.3: 243-258.
140171 Russia’s evolving energy policy for its eastern regions, and implications for oil and gas cooperation between Russia and China/Leonty Eder, Philip Andrews-Speed, Andrey Korzhubaev.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2009; Vol.2, No.3: 219-242.
140172 Venezuela: On the path to complete oil sovereignty, or the beginning of a new era of investment?/Elisabeth Eljuri, Clovis Trevino.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2009; Vol.2, No.3: 259-262.
140173 Energy trade, carbon emissions and the WTO/Lawrence L. Herman.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2009; Vol.2, No.3: 196-218.
140174 Corporate social responsibility in the oil and gas sector/Jedrzej George Frynas.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2009; Vol.2, No.3: 178-195.
140175 Is Argentina ready to promote renewable energies?/Pablo E. Arrascaeta.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2010; Vol.3, No.1: 97-102.
140176 The new foreign participation rules in each sector of the Mexican oil and gas industry: Are the modifications enough for foreign capitals?/Alejandro Lopez-Velarde.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2010; Vol.3, No.1: 71-91.
140177 Global petroleum industry model contracts revisited: Higher, faster, stronger/A. Timothy Martin, J. Jay Park.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2010; Vol.3, No.1: 4-43.
140178 Disputes in the oil and gas sector: Indonesia/Karen Mills, Mirza A. Karim.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2010; Vol.3, No.1: 44-70.
140179 Enforcing stabilization of international energy contracts/Joseph Nwaokoro.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2010; Vol.3, No.1: 103-110.
140180 A response to A commentary on Expropriation of oil and gas investments: Historical, legal and economic perspectives in a new age of resource nationalism by Andrew B Derman and Andrew Melsheimer/Paul Stevens, George Joffe.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2010; Vol.3, No.1: 92-96.
140181 Human rights and the extractive industries: Litigation and compliance trends/Jonathan Drimmer.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2010; Vol.3, No.2: 121-139.
140182 Trade sanctions and export controls: A multi-jurisdictional analysis for the energy sector/Paul D. Burns.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2010; Vol.3, No.2: 214-243.
140183 Global anti-corruption standard and enforcement: Implications for energy companies/Lucinda A. Low, Thomas K. Sprange, Milos Barutciski.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2010; Vol.3, No.2: 166-213.
140184 Managing environmental and social risks in international oil and gas projects: Perspectives on compliance/Jay Wagner, Kit Armstrong.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2010; Vol.3, No.2: 140-165.
140185 Saudi Arabia and the Onassis arbitration A commentary/Saud Al-Ammari.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2010; Vol.3, No.3: 257-259.
140186 Calculated risk: The advance of IOCs and NOCs into the Iraqi investment theater/David Brent Grantham.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2010; Vol.3, No.3: 315-319.
140187 Caveat investor: Assessing the risks and rewards of IOCs entry into Iraq/David Brent Grantham.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2010; Vol.3, No.3: 304-314.
140188 The kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Aramco arbitrate the Onassis agreement/Stephen M. Schwebel.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2010; Vol.3, No.3: 245-256.
140189 Access and advantage in investor-state arbitration: The law and practice of treaty shopping/Matthew Skinner, Cameron A. Miles, Sam Luttrell.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2010; Vol.3, No.3: 260-285.
140190 Wind power to the people: overcoming legal, policy and social barriers to wind energy development in South Africa/Philip Martin Duguay.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2011; Vol.4, No.1: 1-31.
140191 Access and advantage expanded: Mobil Corporation v Venezuela and other recent arbitration awards on treaty shopping/Paul Michael Blyschak.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2011; Vol.4, No.1: 32-39.
140192 Signed, sealed but will it deliver? Nigeria’s local content bill and cross-sectoral growth/J. Emeka Nwaokoro.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2011; Vol.4, No.1: 40-67.
140193 A comparison of US and Chinese incentives in winning oil contracts in African countries/Anna Liesel Tachau.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2011; Vol.4, No.1: 68-76.
140194 The making of empires: Russia’s gas-exporting pipelines v Nabucco/J.D. Aleksei Tarasov.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2011; Vol.4, No.1: 77-87.
140195 National energy governance in the United States/Benjamin K. Sovacool.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2011; Vol.4, No.2: 97-127.
140196 Challenges of managing expectations of newly emerging oil and gas producers of the south/John O. Kakonge.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2011; Vol.4, No.2: 124-135.
140197 Risk-adjusted supplemental bonding in the Gulf of Mexico/Mark J. Kaiser, Bernard J. Kruse.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2011; Vol.4, No.2: 136-156.
140198 A comparative analysis of the European and Russian support schemes for renewable energy: return on European experience for Russia/Anatole Boute.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2011; Vol.4, No.2: 157-180.
140199 Challenges to Russia’s post-Rao UES energy paradigm: a window of opportunity for sustainable market development/Andrei Belyi, Indra Overland, Anna Vishnyakova.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2011; Vol.4, No.2: 181-192.
140200 The regime governing upstream oil and gas development in Romania/Sean Rush, Andreea Lisievici, Cornel Popa.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2011; Vol.4, No.2: 195-198.
140201 Update on Lex Petrolea: The continuing development of customary law relating to international oil and gas exploration and production/Thomas C.C. Childs.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2011; Vol.4, No.3: 214-259.
140202 Long-term natural gas contracts and antitrust law in the European Union and the United States/Kim Talus.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2011; Vol.4, No.3: 260-315.
140203 Development and deployment challenges for low emissions coal technology: the IGCC with CCS case/Julie-Anne Tarr.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2011; Vol.4, No.4: 317-331.
140204 Dispute resolution in the international energy sector: an overview/A. Timothy Martin.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2011; Vol.4, No.4: 332-368.
140205 Kazakhstan petroleum industry 2008-2010: trends of resource nationalism policy?/Kuanysh Sarsenbayev.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2011; Vol.4, No.4: 369-379.
140206 Exxon-Venezuela arbitration dispute: next steps and impact on future investor-state disputes under ICSID/Kenneth Stein.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2011; Vol.4, No.4: 380-389.
140207 Renewable Energy Certificates: a patchwork approach to deploying clean technologies/David John Frenkil, David P. Yaffe.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2012; Vol.5, No.1: 1-12.
140208 The energy factor in the Arctic dispute: a pathway to conflict or cooperation?/Nong Hong.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2012; Vol.5, No.1: 13-26.
140209 NAFTA takings update the Glamis decision/Allan Ingelson, Lincoln Mitchell, Christine Viney.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2012; Vol.5, No.1: 27-50.
140210 The enforceability of joint operating agreements: a perspective under Brazilian Law/Eduardo Pereira.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2012; Vol.5, No.1: 51-59.
140211 Liberalization of the Thai energy sector: a consideration of competition law and sectoral regulation/Pornchai Wisuttisak.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2012; Vol.5, No.1: 60-67.
140212 We shale overcome? A US court issues an unsettling decision on Marcellus property rights/Alisa Newman Hood.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2012; Vol.5, No.1: 78-81.
140213 Evaluating the natural gas legal framework in Brazil: regulatory reform developments and incompleteness/Guilherme de Biasi Cordeiro, Helder Queiroz Pinto, Jose Cesario Cecchi.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2012; Vol.5, No.2: 113-124.
140214 Petrobras and the new regulatory framework for the exploration and production of oil and natural gas in the Brazilian Pre-salt region/Claudia Zacour, Tatiana Zuma Pereira, Angela Lima Rocha Cristofaro, Felipe Ferreira Francisco.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2012; Vol.5, No.2: 125-138.
140215 Certain Argentine Law considerations regarding the 2002 AIPN JOA Model Contract/Diego P. Roizen.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2012; Vol.5, No.2: 139-147.
140216 Latin America: despite volatility and mood swings, a surge in licensing and acquisition activity/Elisabeth Eljuri, Carlos Garibaldi.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2012; Vol.5, No.2: 148-165.
140217 A comparative study of bidding models adopted by Brazil, Peru, Colombia and Uruguay for granting petroleum exploration and production rights/Luciana Palmeira Braga, Thiago Neves Campos.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2012; Vol.5, No.2: 94-112.
140218 Regional energy integration: a wide and worthy challenge for South America/Amalia Casas de las Penas del Corral.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2012; Vol.5, No.2: 166-173.
140219 Energy, economy and other global challenges/James A. Baker.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2012; Vol.5, No.3: 175-180.
140220 Lex Petrolea and the internationalization of petroleum agreements: focus on Host Government Contracts/Kim Talus, Scott Looper, Steven Otillar.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2012; Vol.5, No.3: 181-193.
140221 How France shares the nuclear rent: a presentation of the NOME Act/Sylvain Berges.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2012; Vol.5, No.3: 194-206.
140222 Foreign direct investment mechanisms and review of Iran’s buy-back contracts: how far has Iran gone and how far may it go?/Maximilian Kuhn, Mohammadjavad Jannatifar.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2012; Vol.5, No.3: 207-234.
140223 The new legal framework for oil and gas activities near the maritime boundaries between Mexico and the U.S: comments on the Agreement between the United Mexican States and the United States of America concerning transboundary hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Gulf of Mexico/Jose Luis Herrera Vaca.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2012; Vol.5, No.3: 235-247.
140224 Colombia’s regulatory and fiscal hydrocarbons regime: explaining Colombia’s success and the challenges ahead/Carlos Bellorin Nunez.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2012; Vol.5, No.3: 248-260.
140225 Political risk insurance as an instrument to reduce oil and gas investment risk and manage investment returns/Alexander Van de Putte, David F. Gates, Ann K. Holder.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2012; Vol.5, No.4: 284-301.
140226 The gas industry in Peru: challenges and prospects/Eleodoro Mayorga Alba.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2012; Vol.5, No.4: 302-324.
140227 Energy discrimination and international rules in hard times: what s new this time around, and what can be done/Daniel C. Crosby.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2012; Vol.5, No.4: 325-344.
140228 Dealing with reality/Liz Bossley.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2012; Vol.5, No.4: 345-365.
140229 The Role of the International Registry Task Force (I.R.T.F.) in the Development of the International Registry for Interests in Aircraft/Joseph R. Standell.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.1: 8-17.
140230 The International Registry for Interests in Aircraft: An Overview of its Structure/Ronald C.C. Cuming.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.1: 18-59.
140231 Regulations and Procedures for the International Registry.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.1: 60-82.
140232 La restitution internationale des biens culturels en dehors de la Convention de l’ UNESCO de 1970 et de la Convention d’ UNIDROIT de 1995/Paul Lagarde.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.1: 83-91.
140233 Complementarite entre les Conventions de l’UNESCO de 1970 et d’ UNIDROIT de 1995 sur les biens culturels/G. Carducci.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.1: 93-101.
140234 L’avant-projet francais de reforme du droit des obligations et du droit de la prescription/Benedicte Fauvarque-Cosson, Denis Mazeaud.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.1: 103-132.
140235 Which Type of Activity for Which Organisation? – Reflections on UNIDROIT’s Triennial Work Programme 2006-2008 in its Context/Herbert Kronke.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.1: 135-141.
140236 L’interet des Global Shares au regard du droit francais/Pierre-Henri Conac.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.2: 245-266.
140237 Cross-listing, Global Shares and Dematerialised Shares/Pierpaolo Marano, Isabella Ferretti.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.2: 267-283.
140238 The United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts: an Overview and Analysis/Henry D. Gabriel.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.2: 285-303.
140239 The UNIDROIT Principles and CISG- Sources of Inspiration for English Courts?/Michael Joachim Bonell.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.2: 305-317.
140240 Harmonised Substantive Rules regarding Intermediated Securities – Paris Seminar on the UNIDROIT Project/Philipp Paech.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.2: 319-327.
140241 La Convention CMR – Pilier du transport international par route/Jose Capel Ferrer.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.3: 517-520.
140242 L’adaptation de la Convention CMR a l’ere informatique/Jacques Putzeys.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.3: 523-543.
140243 Application et interpretation de la Convention CMR a la lumiere du droit international/Waldemar Czapski.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.3: 545-567.
140244 La Convention CMR  les transports superposes et multimodaux/Philippe Delebecque.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.3: 569-582.
140245 The Degree of Default under Article 29 CMR/Otmar J. Tuma.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.3: 585-606.
140246 Forum shopping – Article 31 de la CMR/Stephanie Grignon-Dumoulin.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.3: 609-617.
140247 National Judges Facing Gaps in the CMR: British Case-law/Malcolm Clarke.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.3: 633-638.
140248 Uniform Private Law Conventions and the Law of Treaties/Jurgen Basedow.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.4: 731-746.
140249 The Growing Importance of the UNIDROIT Principles in Europe – A Review in Light of Market Needs, the Role of Law and the 2005 Rome I Proposal/Eckart Brodermann.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.4: 749-769.
140250 Agency in the Principles of European Contract Law and the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (2004)/Howard Bennett.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.4: 771-792.
140251 Anticipatory Non-Performance and Underlying Values of the UNIDROIT Principles/Djakhongir Saidov.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.4: 795-822.
140252 The Preliminary Draft Rail Protocol to the Cape town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.4: 824-837.
140253 Emerging Markets Embrace UNIDROIT Advance Work towards a Model Law on Leasing: Sub-Saharan African, Latin America and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries welcome the guidelines for a leasing regulation/Rafael Castillo-Triana.- Uniform Law Review. 2006; Vol.11, No.4: 838-843.
140254 Defining Uniformity in Law/Camilla Baasch Andersen.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.1: 5-54.
140255 Cross-Border Receivables Financing at the Crossroads of Legal Traditions, Capital Markets, Uniform Law and Modernity/Jan A. Krupski.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.1: 57-99.
140256 Contracts: Force Majeure Concept or Force Majeure Clauses?/Marel Katsivela.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.1: 101-119.
140257 Reunification of Certain Rules Relating to Sea Transport Documents: Some Observations on the UNCITRAL Draft Instrument on Transport Law/Xiaonian Li.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.1: 121-140.
140258 Towards a Legislative Codification of the UNIDROIT Principles?/Michael Joachim Bonell.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.2: 233-245.
140259 Les regles d’interpretation des contrats dans les Principes d’UNIDROIT et la CVIM: entre unite structurelle et diversite fonctionnelle/Mikael F. Nabati.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.2: 247-262.
140260 L’article 10 du Traite de L’OHAHA: quelle Portee abrogatoire et supranationale?/Parfait Diedhiou.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.2: 265-283.
140261 Conflit de normes en droits communauraires OHADA et UEMOA: Exemple des paiements realises dans les systemes de paiement integres en cas de procedures collectives d’apurement du passif/Amadou Tidiane Ndiaye.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.2: 285-321.
140262 Dispute Resolution In Matters Related To International Interests In Space Assets/Juan Lueiro Garcia.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.2: 323-333.
140263 The Applicable Law In Cross-Border Resales Of Works Of Art Under Directive 2001/84/Ec/Matthias Weller.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.2: 335-347.
140264 Convention de Rome du 19 juin 1980 sur la loi applicable aux obligations contractuelles – Article 4(5) sur la loi applicable a defaut de choix/Luiz Fernando Kuyven.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.2: 382-395.
140265 The Luxembourg Protocol to the Cape Town Convention: a Pillar for the Bridge to the Future of Rail Transportation/Herbert Kronke.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.3: 420-425.
140266 The Luxembourg Rail Protocol: a Major Advance for the Railway Industry/Howard Rosen.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.3: 427-448.
140267 Qu’est ce que le Gabon et l’Afrique peuvent attendre de la Convention du Cap et du Protocole de Luxembourg?/Fabien Owono Essono.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.3: 449-460.
140268 The Relevance of the Luxembourg Protocol for Central and South America/Rafael Castillo-Triana.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.3: 461-472.
140269 Movable Equipment Financing in Latin America: Application of the OAS Model Law, the Cape Town Convention and the Luxembourg Rail Protocol/John M. Wilson.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.3: 473-487.
140270 The Rail Protocol and Croatian Secured Transactions Law/Tatjana Josipovic.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.3: 489-512.
140271 La Convention du Cap et le Protocole de Luxembourg: evolutions du point de vue francais/Bruno Poulain.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.3: 513-529.
140272 The International Rail Registry/Steven L. Harris.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.3: 531-549.
140273 The Supervisory Authority and its Secretariat according to the Luxembourg Protocol/Gustav Kafka.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.3: 551-557.
140274 Liability of the Registrar for the Registration of International Interests Pursuant to the Luxembourg Railway Protocol/Hans-Georg Bollweg, Katharina Schnell.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.3: 559-572.
140275 The Public Service Exemption under the Luxembourg Rail Protocol: a German Perspective/Benjamin B. von Bodungen, Konrad Schott.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.3: 573-583.
140276 Luxembourg Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters Specific to Railway Rolling Stock.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.3: 585-605.
140277 Protokoll von Luxemburg zum Ubereinkommen uber internationale Sicherungsrechte an beweglicher Ausrustung betreffend Besonderheiten des Rollenden Eisenbahnmaterials.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.3: 629-651.
140278 The Economic Implications of Uniformity in Law/Souichirou Kozuka.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.4: 683-695.
140279 Lex Mercatoria and the Private International Law of Contracts in Economic Perspective/Jurgen Basedow.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.4: 697-713.
140280 Securing the Security Agreements – A Possible Amendment to the Cape Town Convention through its Protocols/Nikola Backovic.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.4: 715-717.
140281 Award of Interest in Arbitration under Article 78 CISG/Lu Song.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.4: 719-731.
140282 Living La Vida Lex Mercatoria/Helen E. Hartnell.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.4: 733-760.
140283 La Conference de La Haye de droit international prive: Une nouvelle voie pour le developpement du droit international prive des Organisations regionales d’integration economique/Gustavo Vieira da Costa Cerqueira.- Uniform Law Review. 2007; Vol.12, No.4: 761-793.
140284 Physics envy: why energy policy is more art than science/Christopher Cooper.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2013; Vol.6, No.1: 67-82.
140285 Human rights responsibilities in the oil and gas sector: applying the UN Guiding Principles/Rae Lindsay, Robert McCorquodale, Lara Blecher, Jonathan Bonnitcha, Antony Crockett, Audley Sheppard.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2013; Vol.6, No.1: 2-66.
140286 On structuring offshore hydrocarbon production sharing contracts: Lebanon’s case/Ali Yassine, Bacel Maddah, Najat Younes.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2013; Vol.6, No.2: 93-106.
140287 Cross-border oil and gas pipelines and cross-border waterways: a comparison between the two legal regimes/Stephen Dow, Ishrak Ahmed Siddiky, Yadgar Kamal Ahmmad.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2013; Vol.6, No.2: 107-128.
140288 Reflections on the law applicable to international oil contracts/Carmen Otero Garcia-Castrillon.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2013; Vol.6, No.2: 129-162.
140289 Institutional trends in Russia’s oil and gas sectors/Andrei V. Belyi.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2013; Vol.6, No.3: 163-178.
140290 Shale we dance an unconventional tango?/Jose Martinez de Hoz (h), Tomas Lanardonne, Alex Maculus.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2013; Vol.6, No.3: 179-209.
140291 A controversial decision of the Constitutional Court on the Indonesian Oil and Gas Law/Mirza Karim.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2013; Vol.6, No.3: 260-263.
140292 Reassessing Venezuela’s organic hydrocarbon law: a balance between sovereignty and efficiency?/James D. Fry, ElFadil Ibrahim.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2013; Vol.6, No.3: 234-259.
140293 Offshore oil and gas projects amid maritime border disputes: applicable law/Paul Michael Blyschak.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2013; Vol.6, No.3: 210-233.
140294 Overview of issues common to structuring, negotiating and documenting LNG projects/Philip R. Weems, Monica Hwang.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2013; Vol.6, No.4: 267-299.
140295 Geothermal energy capacity and legislation in Turkey/Osman Devrim Elvan, Y. Ozhan Turker.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2013; Vol.6, No.4: 300-313.
140296 The role provincial governmental units can play regarding oil and gas development agreements in the Kurdish North: allocation of Iraqi constitutional power/Rex J. Zedalis.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2013; Vol.6, No.4: 314-347.
140297 The fragmented governance of the global energy economy: a legal-institutional analysis/Rafael Leal-Arcas, Andrew Filis.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2013; Vol.6, No.4: 348-405.
140298 A prosperous Africa benefits everybody/Peter Eigen.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.1: 4-7.
140299 The development of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative/Clare Short.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.1: 8-15.
140300 The EU transparency and accounting directives/Michel Barnier.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7.
140301 USA commits to greater transparency with implementation of EITI/Barry Russell.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.1: 30-35.
140302 Let’s be clear: compliance with new transparency requirements is going to be challenging for resource companies/Carl D. Hughes, Oliver Pendred.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.1: 36-45.
140303 Revenue transparency: global, not local solutions/Peter J. Rees.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.1: 20-29.
140304 The United States joins EITI: a case study in theory and practice/Richard A. Fineberg.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.1: 46-62.
140305 Escaping the valley of death? Comparing shale gas technology policy prospects to nuclear and solar in Europe/Michael LaBelle, Andreas Goldthau.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.2: 93-111.
140306 Liberian production sharing contracts: a new model for West Africa?/Richard Temple, Isabelle Desgranges.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.2: 112-119.
140307 The recent regulatory changes in Brazilian petroleum exploration and exploitation activities/Luciana P. Braga, Alexandre S. Szklo.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.2: 120-139.
140308 Mexico’s energy sector reform/Elisabeth Eljuri, Daniel Johnston.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.2: 180-170.
140309 Excalibur v Gulf Keystone: a victory for common sense/Nicholas Scott.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.2: 171-174.
140310 Tae think again: the reversal of the Scottish government’s position on maritime boundary delimitation in the North Sea/David A. Tait.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.2: 162-167.
140311 Saudi Aramco: a look ahead/David B. Kultgen.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.2: 153-161.
140312 LNG price reviews: a sign of the times/James Baily, Rachel Lidgate.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.2: 140-152.
140313 Nuclear power plant financing post-Fukushima, and international investment law/Daniel H. Joyner.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.2: 69-92.
140314 Where there’s a will there’s a way: making Angola’s probity laws work/Carlos Feijo, Norman Nadorff.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.3: 183-201.
140315 New wine in new wine skins: the anti-corruption framework of Ghana/Eyram A. Adadevoh.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.3: 202-219.
140316 Transparency in the Nigerian oil and gas industry/Adedolapo A. Akinrele.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.3: 220-235.
140317 Investment protection in Colombia: can investors rely on the full protection and security clause?/John Riggs.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.3: 264-273.
140318 Choice of nuclear technology and legislative certainty for nuclear safety and liability in Turkey/Raphael J. A. Heffron, Besim Hatinoglu.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.3: 274-281.
140319 Limiting damages for loss of profits and loss of production under the AIPN 2012 Model Form International Operating Agreement/Leanne Desbarats.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.3: 256-263.
140320 Mozambique’s pathway to probity: evolving legal responses to corruption/Samuel Levy, Cerys Williams.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.3: 236-254.
140321 Contracts for difference: risks faced by generators under the new renewables support scheme in the UK/Natalie Kozlov.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.3: 282-286.
140322 Windfall profits arising from the subadditivity of costs after unitization and compliance with minimum local content requirements in Brazilian deepwater offshore oil fields/Camila Borges, Alexandre Szklo, Jose Alberto Bucheb.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.4: 390-460.
140323 Cross-border oil and gas pipeline risk and sustainable mitigations/Thomas J. Dimitroff.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.4: 287-339.
140324 Offshore oil and gas exploration and production in Brazil: a proposal for integrated actions for operational, occupational and environmental safety/Danielle L. Ornelas, Pietro A. S. Mendes, Alessandra Magrini, Mauricio C. Arouca.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.4: 340-363.
140325 Removing oil subsidies in Nigeria: between necessity and false economy/Elimma C. Ezeani.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.4: 364-389.
140326 Twenty five years of coal bed methane development in China/Tony Regan, Zhu Chao.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.5: 423-447.
140327 China’s Long March to shale gas production-exciting potential and lost opportunities/Paul Deemer, Nicholas Song.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.5: 448-467.
140328 A progress report on Indonesian coal bed methane development/Toby E.G. Hewitt.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.5: 468-479.
140329 US LNG exportation: the regulatory process and its practical implications/John S. Adams.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.6: 582-594.
140330 An ambitious yet realistic roadmap to virtually eliminate gas flaring and venting in Kazakhstan/Alibek Nurbekov, Alexander Van de Putte.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.6: 496-522.
140331 National petroleum supply reservations: background and comparison/Eduardo Pereira, Kim Talus.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.6: 527-537.
140332 Examining the legal and regulatory framework for domestic gas utilization and power generation in Nigeria/Tade Oyewunmi.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.6: 538-557.
140333 Use of FIDIC forms in the oil and gas construction sector and possible amendments to the Yellow and Silver Books/Fabio Solimene.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.6: 558-571.
140334 Applying game theory to oil and gas unitization agreements: how to resolve mutually beneficial, yet competitive situations/Barrett B. Schitka.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.6: 572-581.
140335 Applying game theory to oil and gas unitization agreements: how to resolve mutually beneficial, yet competitive situations/Barrett B. Schitka.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2014; Vol.7, No.6: 572-581.
140336 The changing competitive landscape of the global upstream petroleum industry/Seyed Kamran Bagheri, Alberto Di Minin.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.1: 1-19.
140337 The Rooppur nuclear power plant: is Bangladesh really ready for nuclear power?/Ishrak Ahmed Siddiky.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.1: 20-25.
140338 Marine renewable energy-the essential legal considerations/Yen-Chiang Chang.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.1: 26-44.
140339 Mexican energy law: industry renaissance or chronicle of a death foretold: Part 1: upstream ventures in Mexico/Eduardo Gonzalez-Canales.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.1: 45-75.
140340 Russia’s gas export reorientation from West to East: economic and political considerations/Andrei V. Belyi.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.1: 76-86.
140341 Gaps and changed circumstances in energy contracts: the devil in the detail/William W. Park.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.2: 89-102.
140342 Considerations in natural gas and LNG price review claim quantification/Lisa G. Henneberry, George M. von Mehren.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.2: 103-115.
140343 The importance of a strong force majeure clause in an unstable geopolitical environment/Jennifer M. Smith, Andrew Behrman.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.2: 116-129.
140344 The future of investor-state dispute settlement in the energy sector: engaging with climate change, human rights and the rule of law/David W. Rivkin, Sophie J. Lamb, Nicola K. Leslie.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.2: 130-153.
140345 Legal issues in cross-border resource development/George Burn, Tim Tyler, John Zadkovich, James Loftis.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.2: 154-172.
140346 Indirect expropriation and political risk insurance for energy projects/Mark Kantor.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.2: 173-198.
140347 Transparency of government revenues from the sale of natural resources: pursuing the international course through EITI/Pietro Poretti.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.3: 199-215.
140348 Horizontal-well production allocation in the international context: a reasonable formula for allocation derived from Texas law/David Vandenberg.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.3: 216-231.
140349 Prospects for shale development outside the USA: evaluating nations regulatory and fiscal regimes for unconventional hydrocarbons/Grant Mark Nulle.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.3: 232-268.
140350 Foreign investment in Iran’s upstream oil and gas operations: a legal perspective/Abdolhossein Shiravi, Fatameh Amin Majd.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.3: 269-287.
140351 Types of political risk leading to investment arbitrations in the oil and gas sector/Cedric Dupont, Thomas Schultz, Melanie R. Wahl, Merih Angin.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.4: 337-361.
140352 Production-sharing agreements in the petroleum industry of Azerbaijan/Nurlan Mustafayev.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.4: 362-384.
140353 The legal and contractual framework pertaining to the exploration and production of shale gas in Egypt/Mostafa I. Elshazly.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.4: 385-390.
140354 The European Union and its energy security challenges/Rafael Leal-Arcas, Juan Alemany Rios, Costantino Grasso.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.4: 291-336.
140355 Assessing the investability of thermal coal over the next 20 years/Alexander Van de Putte …[et al.].- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.5: 398-424.
140356 Bargain hunting in the low oil price environment: key issues for investors when bidding for hydrocarbons in new frontiers/Richard Devine, Ana Severova.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.5: 425-438.
140357 Production and offtake rights in joint operating agreements: lessons from Pohokura/Sean Rush.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.5: 439-472.
140358 The Trans-Caspian pipeline: implications for the five littoral states/Bryce A. Cason.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.5: 474-484.
140359 Arbitrating international LNG disputes: lessons learned over two decades/Lisa M. Bohmer.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.5: 485-494.
140360 China’s role and contribution in the global governance of climate change: institutional adjustments for carbon tax introduction, collection and management in China/Haifeng Deng, Paolo Davide Farah, Anna Wang.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.6: 581-599.
140361 Offshore natural gas resources in the eastern Mediterranean in relation to the European Union: a legal perspective through the lenses of MedReg/Paolo Davide Farah, Riccardo Tremolada.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.6: 559-580.
140362 Analysis of the impact on sustainable development by investment regulations in the Energy Charter Treaty/Qinglin Zhang.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.6: 542-558.
140363 How can a prospective China-EU BIT contribute to sustainable investment: in light of the UNCTAD Investment Policy Framework for Sustainable Development/Jun Xiao.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.6: 521-542.
140364 Powered by expertise: selecting arbitrators in energy disputes/Fernando Dias Simoes.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2015; Vol.8, No.6: 501-520.
140365 A case of: who will tell the emperor he has no clothes? market liberalization, regulatory capture and the need for further improved electricity market unbundling through a fourth energy package/Eva Barrett.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.1: 1-16.
140366 LNG in Canada: value chain, project structure and risk allocation/Paul Michael Blyschak.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.1: 17-54.
140367 Ethics, fairness and anti-corruption in petroleum projects: how far have we come?/Charles McPherson.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.1: 55-63.
140368 The evolution of the law of indirect expropriation and its application to oil and gas investments/Omar Chehade.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.1: 64-73.
140369 Unlocking Mexico’s shale gas reserves: folly or fortune?/Michael S. Ventocilla.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.1: 74-81.
140370 Quo Vadis Canada’s hydrocarbon pipelines?/Jurgen Poesche.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.2: 105-115.
140371 Politics vs markets: how German power prices hit the floor/Martin Everts, Claus Huber, Eike Blume-Werry.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.2: 116-123.
140372 Gas governance in Indonesia/Mailinda Eka Yuniza, Marsudi Triatmodjo, Rizkia Evania.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.2: 124-134.
140373 Reimagining UKCS transfers: improving the effectiveness of the Master Deed and the UKCS transfer regime/David Anthony.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.2: 135-141.
140374 Legal and policy barriers to renewable and sustainable energy sources in South Africa/Tumai Murombo.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.2: 142-165.
140375 Russia’s gas challenge: the consequences for China, Central Asia, Europe and the USA/John Roberts.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.2: 83-104.
140376 Escalated interactions between EU energy law and the Energy Charter Treaty/Ernesto Bonafe, Gokce Mete.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.3: 174-188.
140377 The development of energy law in the 21st century: a paradigm shift?/Raphael J Heffron, Kim Talus.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.3: 189-202.
140378 Mexican energy reform and NAFTA Chapter 11: Articles 20 and 21 of the Hydrocarbons Law and access to investment arbitration/Bradly J Condon.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.3: 203-218.
140379 Protecting the Gulf of Guinea in an oil boom: regulating offshore petroleum pollution in a divided world/Nelson Atanga Ayamdoo.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.3: 219-232.
140380 Indonesia and OPEC/Mirza Karim, Karen Mills, Intan Ajrina Qadrya.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.3: 167-173.
140381 Provision for expert determination in the unitization of straddling petroleum accumulations/Paul F. Worthington.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.4: 254-268.
140382 Renewables re-energized? The internationalization of green energy investment rules and disputes/Julien Chaisse.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.4: 269-281.
140383 An assessment of local-content policies in oil and gas producing countries/Theophilus Acheampong, Marcia Ashong, Victoria Crystal Svanikier.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.4: 282-302.
140384 Technology and innovation in the Brazilian oil sector: ticket to the future or passage to the past?/Pedro Florencio.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.4: 237-253.
140385 A review of energy law education in the UK/Raphael J. Heffron, Peter Roberts, Peter Cameron, Angus Johnston.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.5: 346-356.
140386 The current impact of global crude oil prices on Nigeria-an overview of the Nigerian petroleum and energy sector/Adedolapo Akinrele.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.5: 313-345.
140387 A treaty a la carte? Some reflections on the modernization of the Energy Charter Process/Irina Kustova.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.5: 357-369.
140388 The Southern Gas Corridor: legal and regulatory developments in major gas transit pipeline projects/Nurlan Mustafayev.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.5: 370-387.
140389 Natural gas aggregation and the opportunity for synchronization under Indonesian law/Mailinda Eka Yuniza, Adhika Widyaparaga, Rifky Wicaksono, Putu Shanti Krisnadevi.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.5: 388-409.
140390 Shifting the goalposts: current issues in Australian competition law affecting the energy sector/George Raitt.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.6: 424-436.
140391 Joint Purchases of US LNG by European Consortiums: Potential Antitrust Issues/Kim Talus.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.6: 437-445.
140392 Gun jumping risks in the Brazilian upstream oil and gas industry/Giovani Ribeiro Loss, Stephanie Blattler.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.6: 446-457.
140393 WTO law and economics and restrictive practices in energy trade: The case of the OPEC cartel/Anna-Alexandra Marhold.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.6: 475-494.
140394 The Intersection of Energy and Competition Law in the USA/Thomas D Fina.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.6: 411-423.
140395 State regulation of retail energy prices: an anachronism in the liberalized EU energy market/Sven Fischerauer, Angus Johnston.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2016; Vol.9, No.6: 458-474.
140396 La problematique actuelle de l’harmonisation du droit des affaires par l’OHADA/Jean Yado Toe.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.1-2: 23-36.
140397 Harmoniser le droit dans un espace multilingue et pluri-juridique: un point de vue canadien/Robert Leckey.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.1-2: 39-57.
140398 Harmoniser le droit des affaires dans un espace multilingue et pluri-juridique: l’experience du Groupe de la Banque africaine de developpement (BAD)/Aboubacar Fall.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.1-2: 59-66.
140399 Nouvelles tendances en droit des obligations – Quel droit s’applique?/Eleanor Cashin Ritaine.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.1-2: 69-99.
140400 Assurer l’harmonisation du droit des contrats aux niveaux regional et mondial: la Convention des Nations Unies sur les contrats de vente internationale de marchandises et le role de la CNUDCI/Luca G. Castellani.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.1-2: 101-113.
140401 Ensuring Harmonisation of Contract Law at Regional and Global Level: the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the Role of UNCITRAL/Luca G. Castellani.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.1-2: 115-126.
140402 L’harmonisation du droit OHADA des contrats: l’influence des Principes d’UNIDROIT en matiere de pratique contractuelle et d’arbitrage/Emmanuel Jolivet.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.1-2: 127-150.
140403 L’influence des Principes d’UNIDROIT sur la reforme du droit chinois des obligations/Zhang Shaohui.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.1-2: 153-177.
140404 Le droit francais des contrats et les Principes d’UNIDROIT/Jean-Michel Jacquet.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.1-2: 179-194.
140405 L’OHADA et l’harmonisation du droit des contrats: propos et questions preiminaires/Idrissa Kere.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.1-2: 197-202.
140406 L’avant-projet d’Acte uniforme OHADA sur le droit des contrats: vue d’ensemble/Marcel Fontaine.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.1-2: 203-213.
140407 The Preliminary Draft OHADA Uniform Act on Contract Law as Seen by a Common Law Lawyer/S.K. Date-Bah.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.1-2: 217 221.
140408 La confirmation des principes de bonne foi et de loyaute dans l’avant-projet d’Acte uniforme OHADA sur le droit des contrats/Kalongo Mbikayi.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.1-2: 223-226.
140409 La protection du contrat dans l’avant-projet d’Acte uniforme OHADA sur le droit des contrats: conclusion, execution et remedes en cas d’inexecution/Emmanuel S. Darankoum.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.1-2: 229-251.
140410 Le renoncement a la cause et a la consideration dans l’avant-projet d’Acte uniforme OHADA sur le droit des contrats/Christine Chappuis.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.1-2: 253-290.
140411 L’avant-projet d’Acte uniforme OHADA sur le droit des contrats: l’adequation aux contrats electroniques/Etienne Montero.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.1-2: 293-316.
140412 L’autonomie des parties: le caractere suppletif des dispositions de l’avant-projet d’Acte uniforme OHADA sur le droit des contrats/Jacqueline Lohoues-Oble.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.1-2: 319-337.
140413 Le champ d’application de l’avant-projet d’Acte uniforme OHADA sur le droit des contrats: contrats en general / contrats commerciaux /contrats de consommation/Dorothe C. Sossa.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.1-2: 339-352.
140414 Formalisme et preuve des obligations contractuelles dans l’avant-projet d’Acte uniforme OHADA sur le droit des contrats/Felix Onana Etoundi.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.1-2: 355-364.
140415 La coordination de l’avant-projet d’Acte uniforme sur le droit des contrats avec les autres Actes uniformes de l’ OHADA/Gaston Kenfack Douajni.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.1-2: 367-376.
140416 L’harmonisation du droit OHADA des contrats Rapport General du Colloque de Ouagadougou – 15-17 novembre 2007/Pierre Meyer.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.1-2: 379-391.
140417 Agreements to Negotiate in the Transnational Context – Issues of Contract Law and Effective Dispute Resolution/Peter Tochtermann.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.3: 685-708.
140418 Harmonisation, unification et uniformisation en droit des contrats: plaidoyer pour un discours affine sur les moyens d’integration juridique/Innocent Fetze Kamdem.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.3: 709-744.
140419 Commercial Books in Arab Commercial Codes: Where from and Where to?/Haitham A. Haloush, Bashar H. Malkawi.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.3: 745-761.
140420 Initial Considerations regarding the Feasibility of an International UNIDROIT Instrument to Cover Liability for Damage Caused by Malfunctions in global (Navigation) Satellite Systems/Hans-Georg Bollweg.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.4: 917-934.
140421 Civil Liability for Satellite-based Services/Ulrich Magnus.- Uniform Law Review. 2008; Vol.13, No.4: 935-969.
140422 Future Directions of Legal Harmonisation and Law Reform: Stormy Seas or Prosperous Voyage?/Jose Angelo Estrella Faria.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.1-2: 5-34.
140423 The Rationale for an International Convention on Third Party Liability for Satellite Navigation Signals/Sergio M. Carbone, Maria Elena De Maestri.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.1-2: 35-55.
140424 La distinction droit civil – droit commercial a l’epreuve de l’OHADA: une prospective de droit materiel uniforme/Justine Diffo Tchunkam.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.1-2: 57-95.
140425 La circulation des modeles juridiques dans la region euro-mediterraneenne et le droit uniforme du commerce international/Valentina M. Donini.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.1-2: 97-117.
140426 Gap-Filling of the CISG by the Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts/Juraj Kotrusz.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.1-2: 119-163.
140427 Cross-border Tender Offers, the Exclusion of Certain Shareholders and the Principle of Equal Treatment/Federico M. Mucciarelli.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.1-2: 165-180.
140428 Le bail commercial a l’aune du droit OHADA des entreprises en difficulte/Jean-Claude Ngnintedem.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.1-2: 181-213.
140429 The UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects – Ten Years On/Lyndel Prott.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.1-2: 215-237.
140430 The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea – A General Overview/Kate Lannan.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.1-2: 290-323.
140431 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.1-2: 324-413.
140432 UNIDROIT Principles Of International Commercial Contracts And Draft Common Frame Of Reference: A Synoptical Table/Michael Joachim Bonell, Roberta Peleggi.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.3: 437-554.
140433 Foreign Law and Uniformity in English Arbitration: Fiona Trust v. Privalov/John Townsend.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.3: 555-577.
140434 UNIDROIT’s Preparation of a Model Law on Leasing: the Crossing of New Frontiers in the Making of Uniform Law/Martin Stanford.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.3: 578-599.
140435 Les rapports des parties dans la Loi type d’UNIDROIT sur la location et la location-financement/El-Mokhtar Bey.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.3: 601-624.
140436 The Conceptual Approach Followed by the UNIDROIT Model Law on Leasing/Ronald DeKoven.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.3: 625-629.
140437 The Scope Of The UNIDROIT Model Law On Leasing/Brian Hauck.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.3: 631-635.
140438 The UNIDROIT Model Law On Leasing: An Effective New Legal Framework To Support Leasing Markets In The Developing Countries/Murat Sultanov.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.3: 637-647.
140439 UNIDROIT Model Law on Leasing.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.3: 648-665.
140440 The New LCAO Conventions on Third Party Liability/Gilles Lauzon.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.3: 676-699.
140441 Convention on Compensation for Damage caused by Aircraft to Third Parties.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.3: 700-723.
140442 Convention on Compensation for Damage to Third Parties, resulting from Acts of Unlawful Interference involving Aircraft.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.3: 724-771.
140443 The Use of Electronic Records as Collateral in the Rotterdam Rules: Future Solutions for Present Needs/Manuel Alba.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.4: 801-829.
140444 Freedom of Contract under the Rotterdam Rules/Francesco Berlingieri.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.4: 831-845.
140445 The Rotterdam Rules from an Argentinean Perspective/Diego Esteban Chami.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.4: 847-856.
140446 Le chapitre 9 des Regles de Rotterdam: la livraison/Philippe Delebecque.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.4: 857-867.
140447 The Rotterdam Rules from the Perspective of a Country that Is a Consumer of Shipping Services/Cecilia Fresnedo de Aguirre.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.4: 869-884.
140448 Obligations of the Shipper to the Carrier under the Rotterdam Rules (Chapter 7)/Chester D. Hooper.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.4: 885-892.
140449 What Changes in International Transport Law after the Rotterdam Rules?/Rafael Illescas Ortiz.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.4: 893-900.
140450 Behind the Numbers: the Limitation on Carrier Liability in the Rotterdam Rules/Kate Lannan.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.4: 901-929.
140451 The New Structure of the Basis of the Carrier’s Liability under the Rotterdam Rules/Si Yuzhou, Henry Hai Li.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.4: 931-943.
140452 Jurisdiction and Arbitration under the Rotterdam Rules/Michael F. Sturley.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.4: 945-980.
140453 Multimodal Aspects of the Rotterdam Rules/Gertjan van der Ziel.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.4: 981-995.
140454 Delay and the Rotterdam Rules/Alexander von Ziegler.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.4: 997-1009.
140455 The Carrier and the Maritime Performing Party in the Rotterdam Rules/Stefano Zunarelli.- Uniform Law Review. 2009; Vol.14, No.4: 1011-1023.
140456 Against lex petrolea/Terence Daintith.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.1: 1-13.
140457 Unconventional gas development in Vietnam: opportunities and challenges/Minh Thong LE.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.1: 14-29.
140458 Nationalization, privatization and diversification/Nordine Ait-Laoussine, John Gault.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.1: 43-54.
140459 Expansion of energy networks in Europe: news from Germany/Martin Kment.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.1: 70-78.
140460 Application of EU energy and certain national laws of Baltic sea countries to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project/Kim Talus.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.1: 30-42.
140461 The legal constraints and the opportunities of a Global Energy Network-Chinese perspectives/Yen-Chiang Chang.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.1: 79-90.
140462 The German-Austrian bidding zone and its compatibility with the free movement of goods in the EU/Viktor Szabo.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.1: 55-69.
140463 Breaking Brent: Norway’s response to the recent oil price shock/Jonathon W. Moses, Bjorn Letnes.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.2: 103-116.
140464 Negotiation and regulation of land access agreements: lessons from Queensland/Katherine Curnow, Tina Hunter, Michael Weir, Laurence Boulle.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.2: 117-135.
140465 Cabinet approves general conditions governing Iran’s Upstream Oil and Gas Contracts (2016): improvements in the assessment and management of the environmental impacts of upstream oil and gas operations/Mona Agha Seyed Jafar Kashfi.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.2: 136-146.
140466 Smart energy-internet-of-things opportunities require smart treatment of legal, privacy and cybersecurity challenges/Michael Mylrea.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.2: 147-158.
140467 Power interconnections in the Andean Community: what are the lessons in terms of price differences between Colombia-Ecuador and Colombia-Venezuela cross-border trading?/Cesar Fabian Romero Roa, Stephen Dow.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.2: 91-102.
140468 Where shale we go from here: opportunities and challenges in shale plays located outside the USA/Don C. Smith, Jessica M. Richards, R.J. Colwell.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.3: 159-219.
140469 Evaluating Brazilian Bid Rounds: the impact of a plan to grant licences to optimize demand in the upstream sector/Bernardo F. Almeida, Edilson F. Arruda.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.3: 235-256.
140470 Towards a regional energy framework for African SIDS: prospects and challenges/Odile Juliette Lim Tung.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.3: 220-234.
140471 The importance of narrative in the negotiation of host government agreements for LNG projects: the case of British Columbia and Petronas/James Hickling.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.4: 293-315.
140472 Saving the Brent benchmark/Liz Bossley.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.4: 259-273.
140473 The impact of US LNG exports and the prospects for price-competitiveness in the East Asian market/Jinsok Sung.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.4: 316-328.
140474 Mismanagement of Nigeria’s oil revenues: is the Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority the panacea?/Evaristus Oshionebo.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.4: 329-347.
140475 Take or pay: a different perspective? Ensuring TOP clauses always come out on top in Australia/Masayu Lynn Masagoes.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.4: 348-357.
140476 State ownership of petroleum resources: an obstacle to shale gas development in the UK?/Meri-Katriina Pyharanta.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.4: 358-366.
140477 The misguided quest for regulatory stability in the renewable energy sector/Giuseppe Bellantuono.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.4: 274-292.
140478 Mexico’s licensing-Round 1 Phase 4/Daniel Johnston.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.4: 367-373.
140479 The Journal of World Energy Law & Business: a 10-year anniversary retrospective (2008-2017)/Tim Martin, Peter Roberts.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.5: 377-379.
140480 Decades of EU energy policy: towards politically driven markets/Kim Talus.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.5: 380-388.
140481 Stabilization and the impact of changing patterns of energy investment/Peter D Cameron.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.5: 389-403.
140482 US tight oil and gas and its global impact/Anas Alhajji.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.5: 404-414.
140483 Changing fiscal landscape 2008-2017/Daniel Johnston.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.5: 415-443.
140484 Climate change and sustainability in the energy sector/Christine Batruch.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.5: 444-463.
140485 Remedial actions against oil sourced from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq: issues of concern for companies claiming breach of a PSC/Rex J Zedalis.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.6: 505-519.
140486 Oil and gas contracts utilizing R Factors and rates of return: theory and practice/Christopher Robertson Kinley Moore.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.6: 471-487.
140487 Article 82 of UNCLOS: The day of reckoning approaches/Rowland J Harrison.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.6: 488-504.
140488 Energy trade in the MENA region: Looking beyond the Pan-Arab electricity market/Rafael Leal-Arcas, Nelson Akondo, Juan Alemany Rios.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.6: 520-549.
140489 Achieving the gold standard in the UAE: commercial and economic considerations in the pursuit of peaceful nuclear power/Valerie J Pelton.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2017; Vol.10, No.6: 550-565.
140490 Investment disputes arising out of areas of unsettled boundaries: Ghana/Cote d’Ivoire/Christine Sim.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.1: 1-16.
140491 Why the unitization process is an important issue when dealing with the Brazilian Pre-salt Polygon/Luciana Palmeira Braga, Olavo Bentes David.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.1: 17-33.
140492 Holistic security risk management strategies for E&Ps: optimizing performance by reducing surface risk/Fenner L Stewart, Anthony G Cioni.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.1: 49-84.
140493 A treatise for energy law/Raphael J Heffron, Anita Ronne, Joseph P Tomain, Adrian Bradbrook, Kim Talus.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.1: 34-48.
140494 Three layers of energy law for examining CO2 transport for carbon-capture and storage/Raphael J Heffron …[et al.].- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.2: 93-115.
140495 The Indonesian PSC: the end of an era/Brad Roach, Alistair Dunstan.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.2: 116-135.
140496 If you build it they will come: Angola’s homegrown approach to post-graduate oil and gas instruction/Norman J Nadorff, Jose Octavio Serra Van-Dunem.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.2: 164-181.
140497 The effects of Japan’s push for greater LNG market flexibility on LNG pricing and destination restrictions/Chantal Carriere.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.2: 136-144.
140498 Petroleum licensing in the European Union: the allocation of E&P rights in Denmark/Vincent P Wangelow.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.2: 145-163.
140499 Energy law for decommissioning in the energy sector in the 21st century/Raphael J Heffron.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.3: 189-195.
140500 Nuclear liability conventions and decommissioning: exclusion provisions revisited/Jakub Handrlica.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.3: 196-208.
140501 Nuclear decommissioning in Brazil and China: regulatory development, incompleteness and future synergy/Maria-Augusta Paim, Chung-Han Yang.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.3: 220-236.
140502 Decommissioning coal in an extraction culture: the aftermath and lessons learned/Patrick R Baker.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.3: 237-259.
140503 Forced nuclear energy reactors shutdown in France: the Energy Transition Act’s mechanisms/Romain Mauger.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.3: 270-281.
140504 Burning out coal power plants with the Industrial Emissions Directive/Maciej M Soko owski.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.4: 260-269.
140505 Across the universe of shale resources-a comparative assessment of the emerging legal foundations for unconventional energy/Peter Cameron, Juan Felipe Neira Castro, Tomas Lanardonne, Geoffrey Wood.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.4: 283-321.
140506 Legislative reforms in the Egyptian energy sector to liberalize the natural gas market/Mostafa Elshazly, Sameh Khodeir.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.4: 354-359.
140507 WTO law perspectives on EU-Russia energy trade: worlds apart or minor differences?/Moritz Wustenberg, Kim Talus.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.4: 360-371.
140508 Plan for success: drafting effective hydrocarbon lifting provisions using the AIPN Model Joint Operating Agreement/Reg Fowler.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.4: 322-353.
140509 Re-imagining Fiji’s regulatory reforms for renewable energy: the potential of the energy co-operative model/Gina Zheng.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.5: 440-460.
140510 Changing LNG markets and contracts/Niall Trimble.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.5: 427-439.
140511 Settling the maritime boundaries between Timor-Leste and Australia in the Timor Sea/Nigel Bankes.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.5: 387-409.
140512 The essential evolution of LNG trading-moving to GTCs/Ruchdi Maalouf.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.5: 410-426.
140513 Futures are looking up/Liz Bossley.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.5: 375-386.
140514 Government Take/Daniel Johnston.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.6: 506-540.
140515 How much do we get? An update on transparency of revenues from the sales of natural resources/Pietro Poretti.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.6: 546-559.
140516 A paradox of plenty: the Australian domestic gas supply regulatory dilemma/Madeline Taylor, Tina Soliman Hunter.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.6: 565-586.
140517 Quo Vadis: politics, uncertainty and Saudi Aramco/Garen Markarian, Tobias Stockhausen.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.6: 487-505.
140518 The first Norwegian climate litigation/Ivar Alvik.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2018; Vol.11, No.6: 541-545.
140519 Newcomer countries, welcome to the Nuclear Club but before you join, plan ahead and take example from those before you; issues relating to construction contracts in countries developing new build nuclear power plants/Ian Wood, Rob Broom.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.1: 89-107.
140520 Conditions and possibilities for financing new nuclear power plants/Fabienne Pehuet Lucet.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.1: 21-35.
140521 Nuclear safety and nuclear security regulatory challenges facing a country embarking on a nuclear power programme/Laurence G Williams.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.1: 69-88.
140522 Civil liability for nuclear damage in countries developing nuclear new build programmes/Jonathan Bellamy.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.1: 108-120.
140523 Emerging nuclear vendors in the newcomer export market: strategic considerations/Ira Martina Drupady.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.1: 4-20.
140524 Nuclear law revisited as an academic discipline/Jakub Handrlica.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.1: 52-68.
140525 Valuation of upstream oil and gas assets/Bob George, Bill Cline, Rawdon Seager.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.2: 121-155.
140526 State control in the aftermath of petroleum policy and governance reform in Mexico: capable of fulfilling constitutional objectives?/Miguel Marmolejo-Cervantes, Tina Soliman Hunter.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.2: 169-195.
140527 The growing relevance of the PPSA in the Brazilian exploration and production arena and its main challenges/Thiago da Cunha Brito.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.2: 156-168.
140528 The US-Mexico Western Gap: 2010-2020/Pablo Ferrara.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.3: 203-215.
140529 English law in the global LNG business: international LNG sale and purchase-a relational arrangement/Paul Griffin.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.3: 216-245.
140530 Oil-rich and out of options: Venezuela’s international arbitration saga of expropriation, enforcement and settlement/Kristin Kluding.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.3: 260-270.
140531 Indian LNG demand & the global LNG market/Kevin Locke.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.3: 246-259.
140532 Managing the energy transition: we can all do better/Nordine Ait-Laoussine, John Gault.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.4: 277-286.
140533 The decommissioning of oil and gas fields: Egyptian law and policy/Mostafa Elshazly.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.4: 287-293.
140534 Plugging the holes-new Canadian and US regulations to reduce upstream methane emissions/Allan Ingelson.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.4: 294-313.
140535 Shale gas Sino-foreign agreements in China: attractive or not?/(Claire) Nan Guo.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.4: 314-330.
140536 The compliance dilemma: economic sanctions and the AIPN Model Form International Joint Operating Agreement/Andrew B Derman, Andrew Melsheimer, Thomas J Auner, Skyler K Sikes.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.4: 331-347.
140537 Protection for natural gas exports to develop Argentina’s unconventional resources potential/Francisco A Macias, Pablo A Artagaveytia, Gonzalo Santamaria.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.5: 356-364.
140538 Time for action: article on Peruvian Upstream industry and the need for competent governmental authorities to take effective actions to defend oil and gas investment/Rocio La Torre Pizarro.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.5: 369-378.
140539 How does geopolitics affect energy law: North America-an illustrative example/Isaac J De Leon Mendoza, Cesar Fernandez Gomez.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.5: 379-386.
140540 Duties and challenges of the regulation related to decommissioning and abandonment of oil wells in Colombia/Marianna Boza, Ana Paola Gutierrez Rico.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.5: 387-393.
140541 The case for a new Venezuelan Hydrocarbons Law as the basis of a new Hydrocarbons Policy: unlocking the path for recovery, stabilization and growth/Jose Ignacio Hernandez, Carlos Bellorin.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.5: 394-407.
140542 The making of a new 1000 km Vaca Muerta trunk gas transport pipeline to market destination points: Decree 465/19 and its bidding terms/Luis A Erize.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.5: 408-429.
140543 Open Uruguay Round: strategy to overcome the challenges of frontier exploration/Natalia Blanquez, Santiago Ferro.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.5: 430-439.
140544 Impacts of the review of the Brazilian local content policy on the attractiveness of oil and gas projects/William Clavijo, Edmar de Almeida, Luciano Losekann, Niagara Rodrigues.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.5: 449-463.
140545 Transportable nuclear power plants: an enigma of international nuclear liability law/Jakub Handrlica.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.6: 465-479.
140546 The blank cheque and the cliff edge/Reg Fowler.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.6: 513-526.
140547 Amendments, annexations, alternatives: Nord Stream 2’s contemporary status under EU and international law/Valentin Jeutner.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2019; Vol.12, No.6: 502-512.
140548 Agreeing to disagree: structuring future capital investment provisions in joint ventures/Edgar Elliott, Lois DCosta, James Bamford.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2020; Vol.13, No.1: 12-22.
140549 The governance of nuclear power in China/Philip Andrews-Speed.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2020; Vol.13, No.1: 23-46.
140550 South Korea’s nuclear power industry: recovering from scandal/Philip Andrews-Speed.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2020; Vol.13, No.1: 47-57.
140551 Future of cross-border pipeline projects in AMLO’s Mexico: what’s the risk?/Megan Rollag.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2020; Vol.13, No.1: 58-67.
140552 Incorporating unconventional and renewable energy into the international energy framework: the diminution of OPEC in a new energy world order/Victoria Roth.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2020; Vol.13, No.1: 68-80.
140553 Trust in the invisible hand? The roles of the State and the markets in EU energy law/Kaisa Huhta.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2020; Vol.13, No.1: 1-11.
140554 Trade in clean energy technologies: sliding from protection to protectionism through obligations for technology transfer in climate change law, or Vice Versa?/Anthi Koskina, Paolo Davide Farah, Imad Antoine Ibrahim.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2020; Vol.13, No.2: 114-128.
140555 Trade in electricity under WTO and EAEU Law: compatibility of two legal regimes/Daria Boklan, Olga Belova.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2020; Vol.13, No.2: 129-140.
140556 Strategies to balance energy security, business, trade and sustainable development: selected case studies/Paolo Davide Farah.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2020; Vol.13, No.2: 95-99.
140557 China’s energy policies and strategies for climate change and energy security/Haifeng Deng, Paolo Davide Farah.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2020; Vol.13, No.2: 141-156.
140558 Legal framework for the interstate cooperation on development and transport of fossil natural resources of the Caspian Sea/Barbara Janusz-Pawletta.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2020; Vol.13, No.2: 169-184.
140559 Governing the transboundary risks of offshore methane hydrate exploration in the seabed and ocean floor-an analysis on international provisions and Chinese law/Dong Yan, Paolo Davide Farah, Tivadar Otvos, Ivana Gaskova.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2020; Vol.13, No.2: 185-203.
140560 Philosophy of energy and energy transition in the age of the petro-Anthropocene/Jean-Yves Heurtebise.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2020; Vol.13, No.2: 100-113.
140561 Joint venture and joint operating agreements in Iran: legal aspects/Abdolhossein Shiravi, Mahdi Abbasi Vafaei.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2020; Vol.13, No.3: 270-281.
140562 A global review of joint operating agreement disputes/Tim Martin, John Gilbert, Martin Gusy.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2020; Vol.13, No.3: 205-229.
140563 The Exclusive Economic Zone is in reality a sovereign right of a State? The dispute over the Southeastern Mediterranean natural gas fields/Nikolaos Koulouris.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2020; Vol.13, No.3: 260-269.
140564 Facing the energy transition: options for countries and companies to move forward/Christine Batruch.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2020; Vol.13, No.4: 300-311.
140565 Climate Change Litigation and the European Court of Human Rights A Strategic Next Step?/Therese Karlsson Niska.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2020; Vol.13, No.4: 331-342.
140566 OPEC: Still an Instrument of Change?/John Gault, Nordine Ait-Laoussine.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2020; Vol.13, No.4: 343-352.
140567 Negotiating upstream petroleum granting instrument terms with a state-what to do when the spider meets the fly/Peter Roberts.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2020; Vol.13, No.4: 300-311.
140568 Chronicle of international repositories foretold: a survey in the future of nuclear liability law/Jakub Handrlica.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2020; Vol.13, No.5-6: 457-473.
140569 NGO standing in petroleum pollution litigation in Nigeria-Centre for Oil Pollution Watch v Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation/Miriam Chinyere Anozie, Emmanuel Onyedi Wingate.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2020; Vol.13, No.5-6: 490-497.
140570 Application of the UNIDROIT Principles in China: Successes, Shortcomings and Implications/Chi Manjiao.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.1: 5-36.
140571 Some Features of the Harmonisation of International Trade Law in the Third Millennium/Daniele De Carolis.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.1: 37-72.
140572 Les Etats parties a l’OHADA et la securisation des entreprises commerciales/Maurice Kom Kamsu.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.1: 73-108.
140573 Some Observations on Civil Air Carrier Liability in International Air Carriage – Accident, Damage and Jurisdiction/Malgorzata Polkowska.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.1: 109-131.
140574 The Russian Federation and the Cape Town Convention: the Aviation Protocol/Alexander N. Silikov.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.1: 133-136.
140575 UNIDROIT Principles and CISG: Change of Circumstances and Duty to Renegotiate according to the Belgian Supreme Court/Anna Veneziano.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.1: 137-149.
140576 The UNIDROIT Convention on Substantive Rules Regarding Intermediated Securities: an Introduction/Jose Angelo Estrella Faria.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.1: 196-219.
140577 UNIDROIT Convention on Substantive Rules for Intermediated Securities.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.1: 220-271.
140578 Final Act of the final session of the diplomatic Conference to Adopt a Convention on Substantive Rules regarding Intermediated Securities held under the auspices of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (Unidroit) in Geneva from 5 to 9 October 2009.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.1: 272-285.
140579 You Can Live Good Doing It/Yair Baranes.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.2: 307-313.
140580 The Work of UNCITRAL on Security Interests: An Overview/Spiros V. Bazinas.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.2: 315-324.
140581 Should UNCITRAL Prepare a Model Law on Secured Transactions?/Neil B. Cohen.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.2: 325-335.
140582 The Security Interest Provisions of the UNIDROIT Convention on Intermediated Securities/Michel Deschamps.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.2: 337-345.
140583 Les dispositions sur les suretes de la Convention d’UNIDROIT sur les titres intermedies/Michel Deschamps.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.2: 347-356.
140584 Sphere of Application of the UNIDROIT Convention on Substantive Rules for Intermediated Securities and Future Work by UNIDROIT on a Legislative Guide for Emerging Financial Markets/Jose Angelo Estrella Faria.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.2: 357-365.
140585 UNCITRAL’s Guide to Secured Transactions – a Contractual Guide/Eric Franco … [et al.].- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.2: 367-373.
140586 The Creation of a Security Right and its Extension to Acquisition Financing Devices/Alejandro M. Garro.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.2: 375-390.
140587 The OAS-sponsored Model Law on Secured Transactions: Gestation and Implementation/Alejandro M. Garro.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.2: 391-412.
140588 The Case for Including Directly Held Securities within the Scope of the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions/Richard M. Kohn.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.2: 413-418.
140589 A Model Law on Secured Transactions. A Representation of Structure? An Object of Idealized Imitation? A Type, Template or Design?/Roderick A. Macdonald.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.2: 419-446.
140590 Secured Transactions as a Tool for Better Use of Intellectual Property Rights and of Intellectual Property Licensing (including Patent Licensing)/Laurent Manderieux.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.2: 447-457.
140591 Personal Property Securities Reform in Australia/Robert Patch.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.2: 459-463.
140592 Le Livre IX du Cadre Commun de Reference Europeen et la future (?) loi modele de la CNUDCI sur les suretes reelles mobilieres: Quand l’un vient d’en bas et l’autre d’en haut, il y en aura un de trop …/Jean-Francois Riffard.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.2: 465-478.
140593 The EBRD’s Model Law on Secured Transactions and its Implications for an UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions/Jan-Hendrik Rover.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.2: 479-506.
140594 Some Thoughts about Registration with Respect to Security Rights in Movables/Harry C. Sigman.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.2: 507-514.
140595 Model Registry Regulations under the Model Inter-American Law on Secured Transactions/John M. Wilson.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.2: 515-527.
140596 Official Commentary to the UNIDROIT Model Law on Leasing.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.2: 548-609.
140597 The Challenges of Establishing an Efficient Securities Settlement System in an Emerging Market/Edosa Kennedy Aigbekaen.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.3-4: 639-649.
140598 Development of Intermediated Securities and Insolvency Laws in Transition Economies/Alexander Biryukov.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.3-4: 651-663.
140599 Securities Holding Regimes and Bank Resolution Law: Cold War, Peaceful Co-Existence or Friendly Alliance?/Wouter Bossu.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.3-4: 665-676.
140600 The IOSCO Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MMoU): an International Benchmark for Securities Enforcement/Rita Cunha.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.3-4: 677-691.
140601 The Geneva Securities Convention – Selected Issues Left to Law Outside the Convention/Michel Deschamps.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.3-4: 703-712.
140602 Mandatory and Contract-based Shareholding Disclosure/Luca Enriques, Matteo Gargantini, Valerio Novembre.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.3-4: 713-742.
140603 Disposition and Acquisition of Intermediated Securities: the Geneva Convention and Traditional Property Law/Francisco J. Garcimartin Alferez.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.3-4: 743-750.
140604 The Geneva Convention on Intermediated Securities: a Conflict-of-Laws Approach/Francisco J. Garcimartin Alferez.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.3-4: 751-777.
140605 The Loss-sharing Rule in the Insolvency of Financial Intermediaries/Jose M. Garrido.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.3-4: 779-790.
140606 UCIs: Prevention of Conflicts of Interest, Protection of Assets and Liability/Isabelle Lebbe.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.3-4: 791-799.
140607 Private Law and the Regulation of Securities Intermediaries: Perspectives under the Geneva Securities Convention and United States Law/Charles W. Mooney.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.3-4: 801-813.
140608 La protection des investisseurs dans un contexte d’OPA/Alain Pietrancosta.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.3-4: 815-831.
140609 Securities Trading Meets Corporate Law: What Are Securities and Who Holds Them? Trends and Patterns in Brazilian Law/Nora Rachman.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.3-4: 833-844.
140610 Who Holds (Intermediated) Securities? Shareholders, Account Holders, and Nominees/Luc Thevenoz.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.3-4: 845-859.
140611 The Impact of New Developments on International Space Law (New Actors, Commercialisation, Privatisation, Increase in the Number of Space-faring Nations)/Stephan Hobe.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.3-4: 869-881.
140612 Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts: Hague Principles?.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.3-4: 883-903.
140613 La securite juridique des transactions internationales dans un monde global/Alessandra Zanobetti.- Uniform Law Review. 2010; Vol.15, No.3-4: 905-933.
140614 Book-Entry Operations and Property Law/Hideki Kanda.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.1-2: 13-22.
140615 Financial Leasing and its Unification by Unidroit – General Report/Herbert Kronke.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.1-2: 23-44.
140616 Le leasing financier en Belgique/Benoit Kohl.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.1-2: 45-82.
140617 Financial Leasing in Common-Law Canada/Darcy L. MacPherson.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.1-2: 83-180.
140618 Leasing Law in Quebec (Canada)/Catherine Walsh.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.1-2: 181-239.
140619 An Overview of the Development of the Financial Leasing Law in China/Shiyuan Han, Wensheng Wang.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.1-2: 241-270.
140620 Financial Leasing in Croatia/Tatjana Josipovic.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.1-2: 271-289.
140621 Le credit-bail financier en France/Benedicte Francois.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.1-2: 291-332.
140622 La location financement (financial leasing) en Grec/Ioannis Voulgaris.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.1-2: 333-350.
140623 Financial Leasing in Italy/Aldo Frignani, Marco Torsello.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.1-2: 351-371.
140624 Leasing under Dutch Law/Dennis Faber, Ben Schuijling.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.1-2: 373-399.
140625 Leasing in the Polish Civil Code/Wojciech J. Katner.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.1-2: 401-414.
140626 Financial Leasing in Turkey in Light of Recent Developments/M. Murat Inceoglu, Basak Basoglu.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.1-2: 415-435.
140627 Financial Leasing of Equipment in the Law of the United States/Peter W. Schroth.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.1-2: 437-467.
140628 Financial Leasing and its Unification by UNIDROIT: the Role of the Organization of American States/John M. Wilson.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.1-2: 469-482.
140629 Acquisition Financing under the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions/Spiros V. Bazinas.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.1-2: 483-504.
140630 The New Provisions on Illegality in the UNIDROIT Principles 2010/Michael Joachim Bonell.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.3: 517-536.
140631 The New Provisions on Conditions in the UNIDROIT Principles 2010/Benedicte Fauvarque-Cosson.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.3: 537-548.
140632 The New Provisions on Plurality of Obligors and of Obligees in the UNIDROIT Principles 2010/Marcel Fontaine.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.3: 549-562.
140633 The Unwinding of Failed Contracts in the UNIDROIT Principles 2010/Reinhard Zimmermann.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.3: 563-587.
140634 The Impact of the UNIDROIT Principles on International Contract and Arbitration Practice – the Experience of a German Lawyer/Eckart Brodermann.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.3: 589-612.
140635 Prospects for the UNIDROIT Principles in Brazil/Lauro Gama.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.3: 613-656.
140636 Reference to the UNIDROIT Principles in International Commercial Arbitration Practice in the Russian Federation/Alexander S. Komarov.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.3: 657-667.
140637 An Empirical Study of the UNIDROIT Principles – International and British Responses/Sarah Lake.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.3: 669-703.
140638 Contract Law Reform in Japan and the UNIDROIT Principles/Takashi Uchida.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.3: 705-717.
140639 The Impact of the UNIDROIT Principles in International Dispute Resolution in Figures/Eleonora Finazzi Agro.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.3: 719-733.
140640 UNIDROIT Principles Of International Commercial Contracts 2010.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.3: 735-770.
140641 The Applicability of the CISG to the Arab World/Amin Dawwas, Yousef Shandi.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.4: 813-841.
140642 The Ratification of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods by Jordan: the Legal Perspective and Impact/Nisreen Mahasneh.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.4: 843-865.
140643 The UNIDROIT Principles and PECL: Experiences in English Academic Circles/Anna Rogowska.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.4: 867-875.
140644 Contracts and Non-State Law in Latin America/Jose Antonio Moreno Rodriguez.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.4: 877-889.
140645 Etude Comparative Des Autorites CEMAC Et UEMOA de la Concurrence/Marie-Colette Kamwe Mouaffo.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.4: 891-926.
140646 An Economic Assessment of the Space Assets Protoco to the Cape Town Convention/Souichirou Kozuka, Fuki Taniguchi.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.4: 927-941.
140647 Model Provisions on State Ownership of Undiscovered Cultural Objects – Introduction/Manlio Frigo.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.4: 1024-1035.
140648 Model Provisions on State Ownership of Undiscovered Cultural Objects: Explanatory Report with model provisions and explanatory guidelines.- Uniform Law Review. 2011; Vol.16, No.4: 1036-1055.
140649 Unidroit Colloquium on Promoting Investment in Agricultural Production: Private Law Aspects (Rome, 8-10 November 2011).- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 6-13.
140650 Agricultural Investment and Land: Some Reflections on Lessons Learned (and Still to be Learned) from Experiences with Land Titling/Anne-Marie Leroy, Jonathan Lindsay.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 15-29.
140651 Les droits reels fonciers/Alfredo Massart.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 31-43.
140652 L’action du notariat en matiere de titrement – le Titre securise simplifie (TSS)/Didier Nourissat.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 45-55.
140653 A Pro-Poor Land Recordation System – Towards a Design/Leon Verstappen, Jaap Zevenbergen.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 57-72.
140654 La problematique juridique des investissements dans les terres agricoles des pays en developpement/Francois Collart Dutilleul.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 73-88.
140655 Key Issues in Ensuring a Fair Balance Between Investor Interests and Host Country Benefits/Antonio Flavio Camilo de Lima.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 89-95.
140656 Devising Transparent and Efficient Concession Award Procedures/Caroline Nicholas.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 97-118.
140657 Private Law and Responsible Agricultural Investment: Select Legal Issues for Consideration by UNIDROIT/Gregory Myers.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 119-128.
140658 Foreign Investment in Agriculture: Some Critical Contract Issues/Howard Mann.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 129-139.
140659 International Investment Contracts and General Contract Law: a Place for the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts?/Michael Joachim Bonell.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 141-159.
140660 Bringing Smallholder Farmers into the Value Chain: Opportunities and Risks – a Review of the Legal Issues/Rutsel S. Silvestre, J. Martha.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 161-170.
140661 Le droit OHADA au soutien de l’entreprise agricole/Daniel Tricot.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 171-176.
140662 Farmers’ Organisations/Andres Miguel Cosialls Ubach.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 177-189.
140663 Programme for the Promotion of Private Investment in Rural Property: the Mexican Experience/Jorge Arrambide Montemayor.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 191-195.
140664 Basics and New Features of Cooperative Law – The Case of Public International Cooperative Law and the Harmonisation of Cooperative Laws/Hagen Henry.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 197-233.
140665 Farm Structure and Market Constraints: a Focus on CEE and CIS Countries/Zvi Lerman.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 235-246.
140666 Contractual Frameworks and Inter-firm Co-operation in the Agricultural Sector/Antonio Iannarelli.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 247-262.
140667 An Overview of Contract Farming: Legal Issues and Challenges/Caterina Pultrone.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 263-289.
140668 Contract Farming: Business Models that Maximise the Inclusion of and Benefits for Smallholder Farmers in the Value Chain/Ayelech Tiruwha Melese.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 291-306.
140669 Access to Credit and Equipment Finance/Gerard J.J.M. van Empel.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 307-330.
140670 The Public Registration of Land Mortgages in the Russian Federation/Eduard Galishin.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 331-335.
140671 Loan Collateral in Rural Finance – Experiences, Issues and Solutions in the Near East and North Africa/Mohammad Rashrash Mustafa.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 337-349.
140672 Warehouse Receipts and Securitisation in Agricultural Finance to Promote Lending to Smallholder Farmers in Africa: Potential Benefits and Legal/Regulatory Issues/Gideon E. Onumah.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 351-367.
140673 Warehouse Receipts and Securitization in Agricultural Finance/Henry Deeb Gabriel.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 369-376.
140674 Equipment Lease: Relevance of the Legal Framework – IFC Experiences and Practices/Murat Sultanov.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 377-391.
140675 The UNIDROIT Model Law on Leasing/Martin J. Stanford.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.1-2: 393-400.
140676 Multilingualism in Financial Markets Governance: The Role of Language in the Process of International Regulatory Convergence/Alberto Monti, Giuliano Castellano.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.3: 403-406.
140677 Legislative Multilingualism and Comparative Law: a European Perspective/Antonio Gambaro.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.3: 407-411.
140678 Multilingualism in UNCITRAL’s Work on Security Interests/Spiros V. Bazinas.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.3: 413-423.
140679 Cutting Across Linguistic and Regulatory Divides: on Covered Credit Default Swaps and Insurance/Alberto Monti.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.3: 425-447.
140680 Towards a General Framework for a Common Definition of Securities: Financial Markets Regulation in Multilingual Contexts/Giuliano G. Castellano.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.3: 449-481.
140681 Commercial Reasonableness in Financial Collateral Contracts: a Comparative Overview/Laura M. Franciosi.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.3: 483-495.
140682 Financial Collateral Arrangements: Directive 2002/47/EC and the Many Faces of Reasonableness/Michele Graziadei.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.3: 497-506.
140683 The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts: an American Perspective on the Principles and Their Use/Henry Deeb Gabriel.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.3: 507-532.
140684 Designating the UNIDROIT Principles in International Dispute Resolution/Genevieve Saumier.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.3: 533-547.
140685 The Hague and Geneva Securities Conventions: a Modern and Global Legal Regime for Intermediated Securities/Christophe Bernasconi, Thomas Keijser.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.3: 549-560.
140686 Modern Legal Regulation of Corporate Groups in National Private Law/Valery Fedchuk.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.3: 561-573.
140687 From Acorn to Oak Tree: the Development of the Cape Town Convention and Protocols/Roy Goode.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.4: 599-607.
140688 The Luxembourg Rail Protocol – Extending Cape Town Benefits to the Rail Industry/Howard Rosen, Martin Fleetwood, Benjamin von Bodungen.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.4: 609-632.
140689 Treaty Design, Implementation, and Compliance Benchmarking Economic Benefit – a Framework as Applied to the Cape Town Convention/Jeffrey Wool.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.4: 633-653.
140690 Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Space Assets.- Uniform Law Review. 2012; Vol.17, No.4: 756-805.
140691 Mediation agreements: time for a more creative approach by the English courts/Neil Andrews.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.1: 6-16.
140692 Future prospects of the unification of contract law in Europe and worldwide: a dialogue between Michael Joachim Bonell and Ole Lando on the occasion of the seminar in honour of Ole Lando held in Copenhagen on 29 August 2012/Michael Joachim Bonell, Ole Lando.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.1: 17-31.
140693 Key concepts in uniform and regional private law instruments: an emerging consensus?/Eric Clive.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.1: 32-49.
140694 Law harmonization and local specificities – a case study: OHADA and the law of contracts/Marcel Fontaine.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.1: 50-64.
140695 Competition law versus insolvency law: when legal doctrines clash/Christoph G. Paulus.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.1: 65-77.
140696 Agreed form requirements in international construction contracts: is enrichment irrelevant?/Christina Ramberg.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.1: 78-97.
140697 The EU Consumer Rights Directive: optimizing, creating alternatives, or a dead end?/Stefan Grundmann.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.1: 98-127.
140698 Developing uniform rules for commercial contracts in Greater China: challenges and possibilities/John Mo.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.1: 128-153.
140699 International commercial arbitration in India: governing law issues/Nikhil Suresh Pareek.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.1: 154-162.
140700 The feasibility of parties’ choice of the PICC in Sino-European commercial contracts: an overview of the Chinese legal framework/Weidi Long.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.1: 163-169.
140701 Capital market law in Latin America: a comparative law approach/Marcio Ferro Catapani.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.2: 201-224.
140702 The disposition of intermediated securities and the innocent acquirer rule: theory and reality – the Chilean case/Guillermo Caballero.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.2: 225-231.
140703 Close-out netting provisions in private international law and international insolvency law (Part I)/Ole Boger.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.2: 232-261.
140704 Public law and public policy in international commercial contracts and the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts 2010: a brief outline/Oliver Remien.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.2: 262-280.
140705 Canadian courts and uniform interpretation: an empirical reality check/Joshua Karton, Samantha Wynne.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.2: 281-312.
140706 The forum non conveniens doctrine put to the test of uniform private international law in relation to air carriers’ liability: lack of harmony between US and French decisional outcomes/Sandra Adeline.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.2: 313-328.
140707 Principles on the operation of close-out netting provisions.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.2: 330-433.
140708 Globalisation, legal identity and regional integration: complementarity or conflict?/Jose Angelo Estrella Faria.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.3-4: 435-446.
140709 The making of world society through private commercial law: the case of the UNIDROIT Principles/Aldo Mascareno, Elina Mereminskaya.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.3-4: 447-472.
140710 Model Clauses for the Use of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts/Michael Joachim Bonell.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.3-4: 473-489.
140711 Le nouvel article 3.3.1 des Principes UNIDROIT 2010 sur le Contrat violant une regle imperative: Un regard critique du point de vue du droit international prive/Gilles Cuniberti.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.3-4: 490-508.
140712 El Paso v Argentine Republic: UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts as a reflection of general principles of law recognized by civilized nations in the context of an investment treaty claim/Andrea Marco Steingruber.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.3-4: 509-531.
140713 Close-out netting provisions in private international law and international insolvency law (Part II)/Ole Boger.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.3-4: 532-563.
140714 Private law underpinnings of public debt securities markets/Wouter Bossu, Elsie Addo Awadzi.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.3-4: 564-588.
140715 The call for proper segregation in intermediated systems/Maria Vermaas.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.3-4: 589-605.
140716 La Convention de Vienne et l’arbitrage: Perspectives en droit bresilien/Iacyr de Aguilar Vieira.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.3-4: 606-629.
140717 Model Clauses for the Use of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts.- Uniform Law Review. 2013; Vol.18, No.3-4: 630-657.
140718 The accession by Spain to the Cape Town Convention: a first assessment/Teresa Rodriguez de las Heras Ballell.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.1: 1-23.
140719 The Cape Town Convention and Proprietary Security over Ships/Ole Boger.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.1: 24-60.
140720 The harmonisation of securities law in the Geneva Securities Convention: A Latin American perspective: the case of Argentina/Pablo Iannello.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.1: 61-87.
140721 Harmonization of Turkish law with the European Union legislation in the area of financial markets infrastructure: the new Capital Markets Law/M. Asli Kucukgungor.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.1: 88-105.
140722 UNIDROIT Principles as rules applicable to international contracts: With regard to the Colombian Supreme Court of Justice’s ruling on 21 February 2012/Jorge Oviedo-Alban.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.1: 106-113.
140723 Modernizing and harmonizing international contract law: the CISG and the UNIDROIT Principles continue to provide the best way forward/Michael J. Dennis.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.1: 114-151.
140724 Suspicions, mere suspicions: non-conformity of the goods?/Ingeborg Schwenzer, David Tebel.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.1: 152-168.
140725 Introductory remarks on the ELI-UNIDROIT project/Diana Wallis.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.2: 173-175.
140726 Some preliminary observations on the proposed ELI/UNIDROIT civil procedure project in the light of the experience of the ALI/UNIDROIT project/Geoffrey C. Hazard.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.2: 176-178.
140727 The European acquis of civil procedure: constitutional aspects/Sacha Prechal, Kees Cath.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.2: 179-198.
140728 The contribution of arbitration to the harmonization of procedural laws in Europe/Thomas Pfeiffer.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.2: 199-217.
140729 The structure of civil proceedings and why it matters: exploratory observations on future ELI-UNIDROIT European rules of civil procedure/Xandra E. Kramer.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.2: 218-238.
140730 From ALI-UNIDROIT Principles to common European rules on access to information and evidence? A preliminary outlook and some suggestions/Nicolo Trocker.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.2: 239-291.
140731 The ALI-UNIDROIT project: from transnational principles to European rules of civil procedure: Public Conference, opening session, 18 October 2013/Loic Cadiet.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.2: 292-294.
140732 Fundamentals of costs law: loser responsibility, access to justice, and procedural discipline/Neil Andrews.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.2: 295-307.
140733 Transparency of assets and enforcement/Miklos Kengyel.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.2: 308-321.
140734 Principles of European civil procedure or a European model code? Some considerations on the joint ELI UNIDROIT project/Rolf Sturner.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.2: 322-328.
140735 Case management: the stepchild of mass claim dispute resolution/Ianika N. Tzankova.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.3: 329-350.
140736 Due notice of proceedings: present and future/Eva Storskrubb.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.3: 351-364.
140737 L’exemple topique de l’application jurisprudentielle d’une Convention de droit uniforme non ratifiee par un Etat, Note sous l’arret de la Cour de cassation tunisienne n 49986 du 8 Juillet 2010 sur le factoring/Fatma Bouraoui.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.3: 365-389.
140738 Subject matter and consideration of the contract: the approaches of the 2010 UNIDROIT PICC, the 1980 CISG, and the 1976 Civil Code of Jordan/Nisreen Mahasneh.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.3: 390-410.
140739 Harmonization of contract law in Latin America: past and present initiatives/Rodrigo Momberg.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.3: 411-428.
140740 Financial collateral: the legal framework of the European Union and UNIDROIT compared/Thomas Keijser, Maria Kyrkousi, Andreas Bakanos.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.3: 429-458.
140741 Contract farming in the Brazilian agri-business system: private institutions and State intervention/Kassia Watanabe, Decio Zylbersztajn.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.3: 459-478.
140742 The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts at twenty: experiences to date, the 2010 edition, and future prospects/Stefan Vogenauer.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.4: 481-518.
140743 The role of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts in international contract practice: the UNIDROIT Model Clauses/Klaus Peter Berger.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.4: 519-541.
140744 The UNIDROIT Principles as a basis for alternative choice-of-law clauses, with particular reference to the ICC model contracts/Fabio Bortolotti.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.4: 542-549.
140745 Contract negotiations and the UNIDROIT Principles/Hans van Houtte.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.4: 550-560.
140746 UNIDROIT Principles and international investment arbitration/Piero Bernardini.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.4: 561-569.
140747 The relevance of the UNIDROIT Principles in investment arbitration/Giuditta Cordero-Moss, Daniel Behn.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.4: 570-608.
140748 The relevance of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts in international investment arbitration/August Reinisch.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.4: 609-622.
140749 The CISG and the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts/Michael Bridge.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.4: 623-642.
140750 The UNIDROIT Principles as global background law/Ralf Michaels.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.4: 643-668.
140751 The UNIDROIT Principles as a means of interpreting domestic law/Christina Ramberg.- Uniform Law Review. 2014; Vol.19, No.4: 669-675.
140752 The withdrawal of reservations under uniform private law conventions/Ulrich G. Schroeter.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.1: 1-18.
140753 Parties’ preferences in international sales contracts: an empirical analysis of the choice of law/Luiz Gustavo Meira Moser.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.1: 19-55.
140754 Iura Novit Arbiter revisited: towards a harmonized approach?/Joanna Jemielniak, Stefanie Pfisterer.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.1: 56-80.
140755 Genesis of a Model Law: the UNIDROIT Model Franchise Disclosure Law and its sources of inspiration/Lena Peters.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.1: 81-115.
140756 Reflexions sur le cumul de fonctions en droit des societes anonymes de l’OHADA/Cyrille Monkam.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.1: 116-133.
140757 Contracting in global supply chains and cooperative remedies/Fabrizio Cafaggi, Paola Iamiceli.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.2-3: 135-179.
140758 Enforcing contracts and resolving disputes in contract farming: how ADR can address the specificities of agricultural production contracts/Clara Maria Lopez Rodriguez.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.2-3: 180-200.
140759 Court’s role in deciding the arbitrator’s jurisdiction: is Kompetenz-Kompetenz exclusive?/Mohammad A. Almomani, Ibrahim M. Obeidat.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.2-3: 201-210.
140760 Another BRIC in the wall: Brazil joins the CISG/Jose Angelo Estrella Faria.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.2: 211-242.
140761 The role and function of trade usage in modern international sales law/Juana Coetzee.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.2-3: 243-270.
140762 Conformity of goods to the contract of sale under the OHADA Uniform Act on General Commercial Law/Roland Djieufack.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.2-3: 271-295.
140763 Les mirages de l’hypotheque conventionnelle en droit OHADA: A propos de l’insecurite juridique du creancier hypothecaire/Simeon Patrice Kouam.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.2-3: 296-324.
140764 La reception des normes conventionnelles du droit du transport dans les etats de la CEMAC/Jean-Claude Ngnintedem.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.2-3: 325-360.
140765 Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.2-3: 362-489.
140766 Private international law and the difficult problem to return illegally exported cultural property/Kurt Siehr.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.4: 503-515.
140767 Le point de depart, la Convention de l’UNESCO de 1970 concernant les mesures a prendre pour interdire et empecher l’importation, l’exportation et le transfert de propriete illicites des biens culturels/Edouard Planche.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.4: 516-523.
140768 Italian policies for the restitution of illicitly trafficked cultural heritage, based on the rule of law and interested cooperation/Francesco Rutelli.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.4: 524-527.
140769 Combatting cultural property looting and trafficking: the US experience/Maria P. Kouroupas.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.4: 528-534.
140770 La Convention d’UNIDROIT sur les biens culturels: retour sur un texte majeur dans la lutte contre un fait international illicite de circulation/Jean-Sylvestre Berge.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.4: 535-560.
140771 Illicit trafficking of Syrian cultural property/Maamoun Abdulkarim.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.4: 561-567.
140772 Les biens archeologiques et la Convention d’UNIDROIT (1995) sur les biens culturels voles ou illicitement exportes/Spyridon Vrellis.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.4: 568-582.
140773 The universal value of ecclesiastical cultural property: from Renaissance safeguarding to present-day protection/Sandro Barbagallo.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.4: 583-593.
140774 The international protection of religious cultural property/Jose Angelo Estrella Faria.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.4: 594-609.
140775 Tradition de collection et trafic d’antiquites: une reflexion sur la collection privee au XXI e siecle/Marc-Andre Haldimann.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.4: 610-616.
140776 The private art collections/Jorge Sanchez Cordero.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.4: 617-625.
140777 The impact of the U NIDROIT Convention on international case law and practice: an appraisal/Manlio Frigo.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.4: 626-636.
140778 Recasting restitution: interactions between EU and international law/Marie Cornu.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.4: 637-646.
140779 INTERPOL’s position on the 1970 and 1995 Conventions governing the international circulation of cultural property/Fabrizio Panone.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.4: 647-650.
140780 Due diligence: Les derniers maillons de la chaine/Jean-Claude Gandur.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.4: 651-655.
140781 Due diligence in the acquisition of cultural objects/Roberto Rossi.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.4: 656-658.
140782 Considerations sur le role de l’ICCROM/Stefano De Caro.- Uniform Law Review. 2015; Vol.20, No.4: 659-661.
140783 Look before you leap: are your oil patch liability clauses enforceable?: (An analysis under civil law jurisdictions with emphasis on Brazil)/Norman Nadorff, Maria Beatriz Gomes.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2021; Vol.14, No.1: 49-66.
140784 Comparative Analysis of the Development of Energy Mixes in the United Kingdom and Brazil/Luis Venturi, Alexandre Vastella Ferreira de Melo, Ana Claudia Fregoneze.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2021; Vol.14, No.1: 1-16.
140785 On the environmental civil public interest litigation system for the protection of the climate in China: Comments on two cases from a pragmatism perspective/Fengliang Jin.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2021; Vol.14, No.1: 17-24.
140786 Force majeure clauses in LNG sales and purchase agreements: how do they stand up during the Covid-19 pandemic?/M J Denison.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2021; Vol.14, No.2: 88-96.
140787 The Zhenhua Case: the emergence of civil environmental public interest litigation in China/Wenjun Yan.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2021; Vol.14, No.1: 116-128.
140788 Retooling the Energy Charter Treaty for climate change mitigation: lessons from investment law and arbitration/Elena Cima.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2021; Vol.14, No.2: 75-87.
140789 Price review arbitration in the Asian LNG markets-The times they are a-changin/Kim Talus.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2021; Vol.14, No.2: 100-115.
140790 Legal tools for addressing uncertainty and managing risks in the energy sector: is there a role for international disaster law?/Imad Antoine Ibrahim.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2021; Vol.14, No.3: 163-175.
140791 Consequences of crisis and the great re-think: COVID-19’s impact on energy investment, sustainability and the future of international investment agreements/Kabir Duggal, Rekha Rangachari, Kanika Gupta.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2021; Vol.14, No.3: 133-146.
140792 The competition possibility between renewable energy and fossil energy in Vietnam in the future/Le Minh Thong, Tran Van Hiep, Bui Thi Thu Thuy, Do Huu Tung.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2021; Vol.14, No.3: 215-228.
140793 Energy and the TRIMs and GATS agreements/Rex J Zedalis.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2021; Vol.14, No.3: 147-162.
140794 Value Factors, Capture Prices and Cannibalism: nightmares for renewable energy decision-makers/Eike Blume-Werry, Claus Huber, Gustav Resch, Reinhard Haas, Martin Everts.- The Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 2021; Vol.14, No.4: 231-247.
140795 Governing the ungovernable: The challenge of a global disaggregation of authority/James N. Rosenau.- Regulation and Governance. 2007; Vol.1, No.1: 88-97.
140796 Regulatory regimes and accountability/Peter J. May.- Regulation and Governance. 2007; Vol.1, No.1: 8-26.
140797 Regulation by generalization/Frederick Schauer,  Richard Zeckhauser.- Regulation and Governance. 2007; Vol.1, No.1: 68-87.
140798 From government to governance: External influences on business risk management/Bridget M. Hutter,  Clive J. Jones.- Regulation and Governance. 2007; Vol.1, No.1: 27-45.
140799 Information technology and public commenting on agency regulations/Steven J. Balla,  Benjamin M. Daniels.- Regulation and Governance. 2007; Vol.1, No.1: 46-67.
140800 Can regulation and governance make a difference?/John Braithwaite,  Cary Coglianese,  David Levi-Faur.- Regulation and Governance. 2007; Vol.1, No.1: 1-7.
140801 Does border enforcement deter unauthorized immigration? The case of Mexican migration to the United States of America/Wayne A. Cornelius,  Idean Salehyan.- Regulation and Governance. 2007; Vol.1, No.2: 139-153.
140802 On the value of formal assessment of uncertainty in regulatory analysis/Judson Jaffe,  Robert N. Stavins.- Regulation and Governance. 2007; Vol.1, No.2: 154-171.
140803 Globalization and legal change: The Americanization of European law?/Robert A. Kagan.- Regulation and Governance. 2007; Vol.1, No.2: 99-120.
140804 When trade liberalization turns into regulatory reform: The impact on business government relations in international trade politics/Cornelia Woll, Alvaro Artigas.- Regulation and Governance. 2007; Vol.1, No.2: 121-138.
140805 The economic significance of insignificant rules/Robert Hahn, Caroline Cecot.- Regulation and Governance. 2007; Vol.1, No.2: 172-182.
140806 Institutional competitiveness, social investment, and welfare regimes/Paul Bernard,  Guillaume Boucher.- Regulation and Governance. 2007; Vol.1, No.3: 213-229.
140807 Contemporary challenges to the German vocational training system/Kathleen Thelen.- Regulation and Governance. 2007; Vol.1, No.3: 247-260.
140808 Globalization and institutional competitiveness/Martin Marcussen,  Lars Bo Kaspersen.- Regulation and Governance. 2007; Vol.1, No.3: 183-196.
140809 Neoinstitutionalism: Still no intellectual hegemony?/Colin Crouch.- Regulation and Governance. 2007; Vol.1, No.3: 261-270.
140810 Institutional competitiveness in the global economy: Denmark, the United States, and the varieties of capitalism/John L. Campbell,  Ove K. Pedersen.- Regulation and Governance. 2007; Vol.1, No.3: 230-246.
140811 Multinationals and institutional competitiveness/Peer Hull Kristensen,  Glenn Morgan.- Regulation and Governance. 2007; Vol.1, No.3: 197-212.
140812 Seeking forgiveness in an intergroup context: Angolan, Guinean, Mozambican, and East Timorese perspectives/Felix Neto, Conceicao Pinto, Etienne Mullet.- Regulation and Governance. 2007; Vol.1, No.4: 329-346.
140813 Flexible enforcement and fine adjustment/Christopher S. Decker.- Regulation and Governance. 2007; Vol.1, No.4: 312-328.
140814 Do markets enhance convergence on international standards? The case of financial regulation/Hyoung-Kyu Chey.- Regulation and Governance. 2007; Vol.1, No.4: 295-311.
140815 Can non-state global governance be legitimate? An analytical framework/Steven Bernstein,  Benjamin Cashore.- Regulation and Governance. 2007; Vol.1, No.4: 347-371.
140816 Trade liberalization and the spread of regulatory institutions: The case of Chile/Benedicte Bull.- Regulation and Governance. 2007; Vol.1, No.4: 372-384.
140817 De facto independence after delegation: A fuzzy-set analysis/Martino Maggetti.- Regulation and Governance. 2007; Vol.1, No.4: 271-294.
140818 Health care and new governance: The quest for effective regulation/Louise G. Trubek,  Joseph V Rees,  A. Bryce Hoflund,  Marybeth Farquhar,  Carol A Heimer.- Regulation and Governance. 2008; Vol.2, No.1: 1-8.
140819 The orderly use of experience: Pragmatism and the development of hospital industry self-regulation/Joseph V. Rees.- Regulation and Governance. 2008; Vol.2, No.1: 9-29.
140820 Thinking about how to avoid thought: Deep norms, shallow rules, and the structure of attention/Carol A. Heimer.- Regulation and Governance. 2008; Vol.2, No.1: 30-47.
140821 A revisionist model of hospital licensure/John Blum.- Regulation and Governance. 2008; Vol.2, No.1: 48-64.
140822 Regulatory innovation in the governance of human subjects research: A cautionary tale and some modest proposals/Scott Burris.- Regulation and Governance. 2008; Vol.2, No.1: 65-84.
140823 Constructing and contesting legitimacy and accountability in polycentric regulatory regimes/Julia Black.- Regulation and Governance. 2008; Vol.2, No.2: 137-164.
140824 Wheat from chaff: Third-party monitoring and FEC enforcement actions/Todd Lochner,  Dorie Apollonio,  Rhett Tatum.- Regulation and Governance. 2008; Vol.2, No.2: 216-223.
140825 Infinitely repeated contests: How strategic interaction affects the efficiency of governance/Sherrill Shaffer,  Jason Shogren.- Regulation and Governance. 2008; Vol.2, No.2: 234-252.
140826 Limits to non-state market regulation: A qualitative comparative analysis of the international sport footwear industry and the Fair Labor Association/Axel Marx.- Regulation and Governance. 2008; Vol.2, No.2: 253-273.
140827 Decentralized enforcement in organizations: An experimental approach/Yuval Feldman, Orly Lobel.- Regulation and Governance. 2008; Vol.2, No.2: 165-192.
140828 An overview: A new era of tax enforcement-from big stick to responsive regulation/Sagit Leviner.- Regulation and Governance. 2008; Vol.2, No.3: 360-380.
140829 The influence of foreign direct investment on contracting confidence in developing countries/John S. Ahlquist,  Aseem Prakash.- Regulation and Governance. 2008; Vol.2, No.3: 316-339.
140830 Regulation through titling laws: A case study of occupational regulation/Dick M. Carpenter.- Regulation and Governance. 2008; Vol.2, No.3: 340-359.
140831 What do we really know? The effect of reporting thresholds on inferences using environmental right-to-know data/Lori S. Bennear.- Regulation and Governance. 2008; Vol.2, No.3: 293-315.
140832 Compliance costs, regulation, and environmental performance: Controlling truck emissions in the US/Dorothy Thornton, Robert A. Kagan,  Neil Gunningham.- Regulation and Governance. 2008; Vol.2, No.3: 275-292.
140833 An evaluation of the quality of impact assessment in the European Union with lessons for the US and the EU/Caroline Cecot,  Robert Hahn,  Andrea Renda,  Lorna Schrefler.- Regulation and Governance. 2008; Vol.2, No.4: 405-424.
140834 The liberalization and (re)regulation of Dutch gambling markets: National consequences of the changing European context/Sytze F. Kingma.- Regulation and Governance. 2008; Vol.2, No.4: 445-458.
140835 Even clubs can’t do without legitimacy: Why the anti-money laundering blacklist was suspended/Rainer Hulsse.- Regulation and Governance. 2008; Vol.2, No.4: 459-479.
140836 The case of the camera in the kitchen: Surveillance, privacy, sanctions, and governance/Edna Ullmann-Margalit.- Regulation and Governance. 2008; Vol.2, No.4: 425-444.
140837 Sharing sovereignty for global regulation: The cases of fuel economy and online gambling/John Mikler.- Regulation and Governance. 2008; Vol.2, No.4: 383-404.
140838 The cybersecurity challenge/Michael Chertoff.- Regulation and Governance. 2008; Vol.2, No.4: 480-484.
140839 Nurturing regulatory compliance: Is procedural justice effective when people question the legitimacy of the law?/Kristina Murphy, Tom R. Tyler,  Amy Curtis.- Regulation and Governance. 2009; Vol.3, No.1: 1-26.
140840 Salt, high blood pressure, and performance-based regulation/Stephen D. Sugarman.- Regulation and Governance. 2009; Vol.3, No.1: 84-102.
140841 Not again! Public perception, regulation, and nanotechnology/Douglas J. Sylvester,  Kenneth W. Abbott,  Gary E. Marchant.- Regulation and Governance. 2009; Vol.3, No.2: 165-185.
140842 The German Gemeinwirtschaftslehre: Implications for modern nonprofit economics/Vladislav Valentinov.- Regulation and Governance. 2009; Vol.3, No.2: 186-195.
140843 The devaluation of life/W. Kip Viscusi.- Regulation and Governance. 2009; Vol.3, No.2: 103-127.
140844 Divided government and US federal rulemaking/Jason Webb Yackee,  Susan Webb Yackee.- Regulation and Governance. 2009; Vol.3, No.2: 128-144.
140845 Adversarialism versus legalism: Juridification and litigation in corporate governance reform/John W. Cioffi.- Regulation and Governance. 2009; Vol.3, No.3: 235-258.
140846 Adversarial legalism in the German system of industrial relations?/Britta Rehder.- Regulation and Governance. 2009; Vol.3, No.3: 217-234.
140847 Valuing lives, valuing risks, and respecting preferences in regulatory analysis: A comment on W. Kip Viscusi’s The devaluation of life (Regulation & Governance, 2009)/Lisa A. Robinson.- Regulation and Governance. 2009; Vol.3, No.3: 298-305.
140848 From corporatism to lawyocracy? On liberalization and juridification/Frans Van Waarden,  Youri Hildebrand.- Regulation and Governance. 2009; Vol.3, No.3: 259-286.
140849 Power to the legal professionals: Is there an Americanization of European law?/Frans Van Waarden.- Regulation and Governance. 2009; Vol.3, No.3: 197-216.
140850 Regulation and voluntarism: A case study of governance in the making/Tamar Barkay.- Regulation and Governance. 2009; Vol.3, No.4: 360-375.
140851 Testing responsive regulation in regulatory enforcement/Vibeke Lehmann Nielsen,  Christine Parker.- Regulation and Governance. 2009; Vol.3, No.4: 376-399.
140852 Optimization and its discontents in regulatory design: Bank regulation as an example/William H. Simon.- Regulation and Governance. 2010; Vol.4, No.1: 3-21.
140853 Trust but verify? Voluntary regulation programs in the nonprofit sector/Aseem Prakash,  Mary Kay Gugerty.- Regulation and Governance. 2010; Vol.4, No.1: 22-47.
140854 Improving democratic governance through institutional design: Civic participation and democratic ownership in Europe/Chris Skelcher,  Jacob Torfing.- Regulation and Governance. 2010; Vol.4, No.1: 71-91.
140855 Contested hybridization of regulation: Failure of the Dutch regulatory system to protect minors from harmful media/Barbel R. Dorbeck-Jung,  Mirjan J. Oude Vrielink,  Jordy F. Gosselt,  Joris J. Van Hoof,  Menno D. T. De Jong.- Regulation and Governance. 2010; Vol.4, No.2: 154-174.
140856 Developmental states, civil society, and public health: Patent regulation for HIV/AIDS pharmaceuticals in India and Brazil/Thomas Eimer,  Susanne Lutz.- Regulation and Governance. 2010; Vol.4, No.2: 135-153.
140857 Institutional processes and regulatory risk: A case study of the Thai energy sector/Darryl S. L. Jarvis.- Regulation and Governance. 2010; Vol.4, No.2: 175-202.
140858 Governance without a state: Can it work?/Tanja A. B‎نrzel,  Thomas Risse.- Regulation and Governance. 2010; Vol.4, No.2: 113-134.
140859 Varieties of corporate social responsibility (CSR): CSR meets the Nordic Model/Maria Gjolberg.- Regulation and Governance. 2010; Vol.4, No.2: 203-229.
140860 Is transparency an effective anti-corruption strategy? Evidence from a field experiment in India/Leonid Peisakhin,  Paul Pinto.- Regulation and Governance. 2010; Vol.4, No.3: 261-280.
140861 Information disclosure and environmental regulation: Green lights and gray areas/Eungkyoon Lee.- Regulation and Governance. 2010; Vol.4, No.3: 303-328.
140862 When soft regulation is not enough: The integrated pollution prevention and control directive of the European Union/Charalampos Koutalakis,  Aron Buzogany,  Tanja A. Borzel.- Regulation and Governance. 2010; Vol.4, No.3: 329-344.
140863 Scenes from a mall: Retail training and the social exclusion of low-skilled workers/Cathie Jo Martin,  Jette Steen Knudsen.- Regulation and Governance. 2010; Vol.4, No.3: 345-364.
140864 Addressing the next wave of Internet regulation: Toward a workable principle for nondiscrimination/Robert Hahn,  Robert Litan,  Hal Singer.- Regulation and Governance. 2010; Vol.4, No.3: 365-382.
140865 Unitary regulatory supervision or multi-entity supervision? A computational approach to a numbers problem in financial regulation/Benjamin M. Cole,  Preeta M. Banerjee.- Regulation and Governance. 2010; Vol.4, No.4: 435-464.
140866 Addressing the risk, reading the landscape: The role of agency in regulation/Fiona Haines.- Regulation and Governance. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 118-144.
140867 Beyond the fear of discretion: Flexibility, performance, and accountability in the management of regulatory bureaucracies/Roberto R. C. Pires.- Regulation and Governance. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 43-69.
140868 Relational regulation in the Brazilian Minist‎فrio Publico: The organizational basis of regulatory responsiveness/Salo V. Coslovsky.- Regulation and Governance. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 70-89.
140869 Governing the gap: Forging safe science through relational regulation/Ruthanne Huising,  Susan S. Silbey.- Regulation and Governance. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 14-42.
140870 The sociological citizen: Pragmatic and relational regulation in law and organizations/Susan S. Silbey.- Regulation and Governance. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 1-13.
140871 Beyond Markets: Sociology, street-level bureaucracy, and the management of the public sector/Michael J. Piore.- Regulation and Governance. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 145-164.
140872 Playing games of governance: How and why Fair Trade pioneers evade corporate capture/Anna Hutchens.- Regulation and Governance. 2011; Vol.5, No.2: 221-240.
140873 Regulatory Impact Assessment: How political and organizational forces influence its diffusion in a developing country/Alketa Peci,  Filipe Sobral.- Regulation and Governance. 2011; Vol.5, No.2: 204-220.
140874 Institutionalizing fairness in financial markets: Mission impossible?/Sharon Gilad.- Regulation and Governance. 2011; Vol.5, No.3: 309-332.
140875 Bypassing public procurement regulation: A study of rationality in local decisionmaking/Lisa Hansson,  Johan Holmgren.- Regulation and Governance. 2011; Vol.5, No.3: 368-385.
140876 Naming without shaming: The publication of sanctions in the Dutch financial market/Judith van Erp.- Regulation and Governance. 2011; Vol.5, No.3: 287-308.
140877 Uniformity as response to soft law: Evidence from compliance and non-compliance with the Dutch corporate governance code/Reggy Hooghiemstra,  Hans van Ees.- Regulation and Governance. 2011; Vol.5, No.4: 480-498.
140878 Revolving door laws and state public utility commissioners/Marc T. Law,  Cheryl X. Long.- Regulation and Governance. 2011; Vol.5, No.4: 405-424.
140879 Can markets be expected to prevent themselves from self-destruction?/Bo Rothstein.- Regulation and Governance. 2011; Vol.5, No.4: 387-404.
140880 Regulating non-government schools: Explaining success and failure/Amos Zehavi.- Regulation and Governance. 2011; Vol.5, No.4: 446-464.
140881 Mandated justice: The potential promise and possible pitfalls of mandating procedural justice in the workplace/Yuval Feldman,  Tom R. Tyler.- Regulation and Governance. 2012; Vol.6, No.1: 46-65.
140882 Why do anti-corruption laws fail in Central Eastern Europe? A target compliance perspective/Agnes Batory.- Regulation and Governance. 2012; Vol.6, No.1: 66-82.
140883 The many uses of regulatory impact assessment: A meta-analysis of EU and UK cases/Claire A. Dunlop,  Martino Maggetti,  Claudio M. Radaelli,  Duncan Russel.- Regulation and Governance. 2012; Vol.6, No.1: 23-45.
140884 Using the institutional grammar tool to understand regulatory compliance: The case of Colorado aquaculture/Saba Siddiki,  Xavier Basurto,  Christopher M. Weible.- Regulation and Governance. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 167-188.
140885 Torn in translation: An ethnographic study of regulatory decision-making in Turkey/Ebru Kayaalp.- Regulation and Governance. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 225-241.
140886 Institutional shrinkage: The deviant case of Swiss banking secrecy/Simon Steinlin,  Christine Trampusch.- Regulation and Governance. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 242-259.
140887 Experimentalist governance: An introduction/Sandra Eckert,  Tanja A. Borzel.- Regulation and Governance. 2012; Vol.6, No.3: 371-377.
140888 Constitutionalism and experimentalist governance/Mattias Kumm.- Regulation and Governance. 2012; Vol.6, No.3: 401-409.
140889 Experimentalism in the EU: Common ground and persistent differences/Charles F. Sabel,  Jonathan Zeitlin.- Regulation and Governance. 2012; Vol.6, No.3: 410-426.
140890 Civil society and the regulatory state of the South: A commentary/Kathryn Hochstetler.- Regulation and Governance. 2012; Vol.6, No.3: 362-370.
140891 Implementing independent regulatory agencies in Brazil: The contrasting experiences in the electricity and telecommunications sectors/Mariana Mota Prado.- Regulation and Governance. 2012; Vol.6, No.3: 300-326.
140892 Regulatory policy outputs and impacts: Exploring a complex relationship/Christoph Knill,  Kai Schulze,  Jale Tosun.- Regulation and Governance. 2012; Vol.6, No.4: 424-444.
140893 Incentivizing self-regulation: Federal vs. state-level voluntary programs in US climate change policies/Lily Hsueh,  Aseem Prakash.- Regulation and Governance. 2012; Vol.6, No.4: 445-473.
140894 Regulating the Internet infrastructure: A comparative appraisal of the legitimacy of ICANN, ITU, and the WSIS/Ingo Take.- Regulation and Governance. 2012; Vol.6, No.4: 499-523.
140895 Market making via regulation: The role of the state in carbon markets/Markus Lederer.- Regulation and Governance. 2012; Vol.6, No.4: 524-544.
140896 Negotiating climate legislation: Policy path dependence and coalition stabilization/Janelle Knox-Hayes.- Regulation and Governance. 2012; Vol.6, No.4: 545-567.
140897 Twenty years of responsive regulation: An appreciation and appraisal/Christine Parker.- Regulation and Governance. 2013; Vol.7, No.1: 2-13.
140898 Taking responsive regulation transnational: Strategies for international organizations/Kenneth W. Abbott,  Duncan Snidal.- Regulation and Governance. 2013; Vol.7, No.1: 95-113.
140899 Beyond Responsive Regulation: The expanding role of non-state actors in the regulatory process/Peter Grabosky.- Regulation and Governance. 2013; Vol.7, No.1: 114-123.
140900 Continuity, change, and priorities: The quality and use of regulatory analysis across US administrations/Jerry Ellig,  Patrick A. McLaughlin,  John F. Morrall.- Regulation and Governance. 2013; Vol.7, No.2: 153-173.
140901 Shall the law set them free? The formal and actual independence of regulatory agencies/Chris Hanretty,  Christel Koop.- Regulation and Governance. 2013; Vol.7, No.2: 195-214.
140902 The limits and variety of risk-based governance: The case of flood management in Germany and England/Kristian Krieger.- Regulation and Governance. 2013; Vol.7, No.2: 236-257.
140903 Embedded regulation: The migration of objects, scripts, and governance/Emilie Cloatre,  Robert Dingwall.- Regulation and Governance. 2013; Vol.7, No.3: 365-386.
140904 Who governs? Delegations and delegates in global trade lawmaking/Terence C. Halliday,  Josh Pacewicz,  Susan Block-Lieb.- Regulation and Governance. 2013; Vol.7, No.3: 279-298.
140905 Regulating finance after the crisis: Unveiling the different dynamics of the regulatory process/Manuela Moschella,  Eleni Tsingou.- Regulation and Governance. 2013; Vol.7, No.4: 407-416.
140906 Financial industry groups adaptation to the post-crisis regulatory environment: Changing approaches to the policy cycle/Kevin Young.- Regulation and Governance. 2013; Vol.7, No.4: 460-480.
140907 Orchestrating sustainability: The case of European Union biofuel governance/Philip Schleifer.- Regulation and Governance. 2013; Vol.7, No.4: 533-546.
140908 Confronting trade-offs and interactive effects in the choice of policy focus: Specialized versus comprehensive private governance/Graeme Auld.- Regulation and Governance. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 126-148.
140909 Transnational governance and the re-centered state: Sustainability or legality?/Tim Bartley.- Regulation and Governance. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 93-109.
140910 Does California need Delaware? Explaining Indonesian, Chinese, and United States support for legality compliance of internationally traded products/Benjamin Cashore,  Michael W. Stone.- Regulation and Governance. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 49-73.
140911 Assembling an experimentalist regime: Transnational governance interactions in the forest sector/Christine Overdevest,  Jonathan Zeitlin.- Regulation and Governance. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 22-48.
140912 Dynamic governance interactions: Evolutionary effects of state responses to non-state certification programs/Lars H. Gulbrandsen.- Regulation and Governance. 2014; Vol.8.
140913 Transnational business governance interactions: Conceptualization and framework for analysis/Burkard Eberlein,  Kenneth W. Abbott,  Julia Black,  Errol Meidinger,  Stepan Wood.- Regulation and Governance. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 1-21.
140914 Cross-national variations in industry regulation: A factor analytic approach with an application to telecommunications/Susan Perkins.- Regulation and Governance. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 149-163.
140915 Historical perspective and better regulatory governance: An agenda for institutional reform/Edward J. Balleisen,  Elizabeth K. Brake.- Regulation and Governance. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 222-245.
140916 What price fairness when security is at stake? Police legitimacy in South Africa/Ben Bradford,  Aziz Huq,  Jonathan Jackson,  Benjamin Roberts.- Regulation and Governance. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 246-258.
140917 Courage, regulatory responsibility, and the challenge of higher-order reflexivity/Oren Perez.- Regulation and Governance. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 203-221.
140918 Politics of private regulation: ISEAL and the shaping of transnational sustainability governance/Allison Loconto,  Eve Fouilleux.- Regulation and Governance. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 166-185.
140919 Globalization, state, and innovation: An appraisal of networked industrial policy/Marian Negoita.- Regulation and Governance. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 371-393.
140920 To enforce or not to enforce? Judicialization, venue shopping, and global regulatory harmonization/Dirk De Bievre,  Arlo Poletti,  Lars Thomann.- Regulation and Governance. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 269-286.
140921 Domestic drivers of transgovernmental regulatory cooperation/David Bach,  Abraham Newman.- Regulation and Governance. 2014; Vol.8, No.4: 395-417.
140922 Punishing environmental crimes: An empirical study from lower courts to the court of appeal/Carole M. Billiet,  Thomas Blondiau,  Sandra Rousseau.- Regulation and Governance. 2014; Vol.8, No.4: 472-496.
140923 Global governance of training standards in an outsourced labor force: The training double bind in seafarer license and certification assessments/Michael Bloor,  Helen Sampson,  Victor Gekara.- Regulation and Governance. 2014; Vol.8, No.4: 455-471.
140924 Building European Union capacity to manage transboundary crises: Network or lead-agency model?/Arjen Boin,  Madalina Busuioc,  Martijn Groenleer.- Regulation and Governance. 2014; Vol.8, No.4: 418-436.
140925 Secondary learning and the unintended benefits of collaborative mechanisms: The Federal Aviation Administration’s voluntary disclosure programs/Russell W. Mills,  Dorit Rubinstein Reiss.- Regulation and Governance. 2014; Vol.8, No.4: 437-454.
140926 Public policy’s bibliography: The use of research in US regulatory impact analyses/Bruce A. Desmarais,  John A. Hird.- Regulation and Governance. 2014; Vol.8, No.4: 497-510.
140927 How the World Trade Organization shapes regulatory governance/Gregory Shaffer.- Regulation and Governance. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 1-15.
140928 The iteration deficit in responsive regulation: Are regulatory ambassadors an answer?/John Braithwaite,  Seung-Hun Hong.- Regulation and Governance. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 16-29.
140929 Crowdsourcing and regulatory reviews: A new way of challenging red tape in British government?/Martin Lodge,  Kai Wegrich.- Regulation and Governance. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 30-46.
140930 Corruption and marketization: Formal and informal rules in Chinese public procurement/Ting Gong,  Na Zhou.- Regulation and Governance. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 63-76.
140931 Regulatory capabilities: A normative framework for assessing the distributional effects of regulation/Fabrizio Cafaggi,  Katharina Pistor.- Regulation and Governance. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 95-107.
140932 Transnational private governance between the logics of empowerment and control/Graeme Auld,  Stefan Renckens,  Benjamin Cashore.- Regulation and Governance. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 108-124.
140933 Timing as a source of regulatory influence: A technical elite network analysis of global finance/Ranjit Lall.- Regulation and Governance. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 125-143.
140934 The Transformation of organic regulation: The ambiguous effects of publicization/Alessandra Arcuri.- Regulation and Governance. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 144-159.
140935 For fear of popular politics? Public attention and the delegation of authority to the United States executive branch/Stephane Lavertu.- Regulation and Governance. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 160-177.
140936 Regulatory capitalism and its discontents: Bilateral interdependence and the adaptability of regulatory styles/John Kojiro Yasuda,  Christopher Ansell.- Regulation and Governance. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 178-192.
140937 Does regulation kill jobs?: The limits of quantification/David M. Driesen.- Regulation and Governance. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 193-201.
140938 Production goes global, compliance stays local: Private regulation in the global electronics industry/Greg Distelhorst,  Richard M. Locke,  Timea Pal,  Hiram Samel.- Regulation and Governance. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 224-242.
140939 Fragmented or cohesive transnational private regulation of sustainability standards? A comparative study/Luc Fransen,  Thomas Conzelmann.- Regulation and Governance. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 259-275.
140940 Correlates of rigorous and credible transnational governance: A cross-sectoral analysis of best practice compliance in eco-labeling/Hamish van der Ven.- Regulation and Governance. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 276-293.
140941 Innovation and public space: The developmental possibilities of regulation in the global south/Steven Samford.- Regulation and Governance. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 294-308.
140942 Codes in context: How states, markets, and civil society shape adherence to global labor standards/Michael W. Toffel,  Jodi L. Short,  Melissa Ouellet.- Regulation and Governance. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 205-223.
140943 Governing health and safety at lower tiers of the computer industry global value chain/Khalid Nadvi,  Gale Raj-Reichert.- Regulation and Governance. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 243-258.
140944 Different ways of blowing the whistle: Explaining variations in decentralized enforcement in the UK and France/Julien Etienne.- Regulation and Governance. 2015; Vol.9, No.4: 309-324.
140945 The Europeanization of the Basel process: Financial harmonization between globalization and parliamentarization/Justin Greenwood, Christilla Roederer-Rynning.- Regulation and Governance. 2015; Vol.9, No.4: 325-338.
140946 Protecting the living: Managerialism and professional turf wars in risk regulatory death investigations/Myles Leslie.- Regulation and Governance. 2015; Vol.9, No.4: 339-351.
140947 Conceptualizing and theorizing EU regulatory networks/Michael Blauberger,  Berthold Rittberger.- Regulation and Governance. 2015; Vol.9, No.4: 367-376.
140948 Regulating business or policing crime? Tracing the policy convergence between taxation and crime control at the local level/Magnus Hornqvist.- Regulation and Governance. 2015; Vol.9, No.4: 352-366.
140949 The authoritarian logic of regulatory pluralism: Understanding China’s new environmental actors/Benjamin van Rooij,  Rachel E. Stern,  Kathinka F‎يrst.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 3-13.
140950 Regulatory dynamism of environmental mobilization in urban China/Thomas R. Johnson.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 14-28.
140951 Judicial enforcement deputies: Causes and effects of Chinese judges enforcing environmental administrative decisions/Xuehua Zhang.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 29-43.
140952 Prosecutorial regulation in the Global South: Environmental civil litigation by prosecutors in China compared to Brazil/Yifan Shi,  Benjamin van Rooij.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 44-57.
140953 Command without control: The case of China’s environmental target system/Genia Kostka.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 58-74.
140954 Jurisdictional integration: A framework for measuring and predicting the depth of international regulatory cooperation in competition policy/Murray Petrie.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 75-92.
140955 Turning defiance into compliance with procedural justice: Understanding reactions to regulatory encounters through motivational posturing/Kristina Murphy.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 93-109.
140956 Dysfunctional institutions? Toward a New Agenda in Governance Studies/Aseem Prakash,  Matthew Potoski.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 115-125.
140957 Nonsectarian welfare statements/Cass R. Sunstein.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 126-133.
140958 Accountability and global governance: The view from paternalism/Michael Barnett.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 134-148.
140959 Dysfunctional state institutions, trust, and governance in areas of limited statehood/Tanja A. Borzel,  Thomas Risse.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 149-160.
140960 Congressional dysfunction: An information processing perspective/Jonathan Lewallen,  Sean M. Theriault,  Bryan D. Jones.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 179-190.
140961 The challenges of fractionalized property rights in public-private hybrid organizations: The good, the bad, and the ugly/Aidan R. Vining,  David L. Weimer.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 161-178.
140962 Do parties matter in delegation? Partisan preferences and the creation of regulatory agencies in Europe/Laurenz Ennser-Jedenastik.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 193-210.
140963 Formal independence of regulatory agencies and Varieties of Capitalism: A case of institutional complementarity?/Igor Guardiancich,  Mattia Guidi.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 211-229.
140964 Are regulatory agencies independent in practice? Evidence from board members in Spain/Xavier Fernandez-i-Marin,  Jacint Jordana,  Andrea C. Bianculli.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 230-247.
140965 When doctors shape policy: The impact of self-regulation on governing human biotechnology/Isabelle Engeli,  Christine Rothmayr Allison.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 248-261.
140966 The dynamics of doping: Lance Armstrong, the United States Anti-Doping Agency and the regulatory governance of professional cycling/Hans de Bruijn,  Martijn Groenleer,  Theo van Ruijven.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 284-297.
140967 When experimentalist governance meets science-based regulations; the case of food safety regulations/Susanne Wengle.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 262-283.
140968 Achilles heels of governance: Critical capacity deficits and their role in governance failures/Michael Howlett,  M. Ramesh.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.4: 301-313.
140969 Global nanotechnology regulatory governance from a network analysis perspective/Reut Snir,  Gilad Ravid.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.4: 314-334.
140970 Representative bureaucracy and seconded national government officials in the European Commission/Zuzana Murdoch,  Jarle Trondal,  Benny Geys.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.4: 335-349.
140971 Ingredients of institutional reputations and citizen engagement with regulators/Tereza Capelos …[et al.].- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.4: 350-367.
140972 Making sense of the legal and judicial architectures of regional trade agreements worldwide/Francesco Duina.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.4: 368-388.
140973 Is the SEC a learning regulator? Lessons from proxy access/Aviv Pichhadze.- Regulation and Governance. 2016; Vol.10, No.4: 384-398.
140974 Capital united? Business unity in regulatory politics and the special place of finance/Kevin Young,  Stefano Pagliari.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 3-23.
140975 Swiss banking secrecy and the problem of international cooperation in tax matters: A nut too hard to crack?/Patrick Emmenegger.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 24-40.
140976 Competition and switching in public service markets: Can they reduce inequalities?/Marcos Fernandez-Gutierrez,  Oliver James,  Sebastian Jilke.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 41-63.
140977 Symmetric and asymmetric motivations for compliance and violation: A crisp set qualitative comparative analysis of Chinese farmers/Huiqi Yan,  Jeroen van der Heijden,  Benjamin van Rooij.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 64-80.
140978 Enhancing responsiveness and consistency: Comparing the collective use of discretion and discretionary room at inspectorates in England and the Netherlands/Suzanne Rutz,  Dinah Mathew,  Paul Robben,  Antoinette de Bont.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 81-94.
140979 What is regulation? An interdisciplinary concept analysis/Christel Koop,  Martin Lodge.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 95-108.
140980 RegData: A numerical database on industry-specific regulations for all United States industries and federal regulations, 1997-2012/Omar Al-Ubaydli,  Patrick A. McLaughlin.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 109-123.
140981 Co-enforcing Labor standards: the unique contributions of state and worker organizations in Argentina and the United States/Matthew Amengual,  Janice Fine.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 129-142.
140982 Regulatory lags, liberalization, and vulnerability to banking crises/Ana Carolina Garriga.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 143-165.
140983 How can we better align private security with the public interest? Towards a civilizing model of regulation/Ian Loader,  Adam White.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 166-184.
140984 Demand for credit, international financial legitimacy, and vulnerability to crises: Regulatory change and the social origins of Iceland’s collapse/Erik Larson.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 185-202.
140985 What’s wrong with the back of the envelope? A call for simple (and timely) benefit-cost analysis/Christopher Carrigan,  Stuart Shapiro.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 203-212.
140986 Reconceptualizing European Union regulatory networks: A response to Blauberger and Rittberger/Andrew Tarrant,  R. Daniel Kelemen.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 213-222.
140987 A rejoinder to Tarrant and Kelemen/Michael Blauberger,  Berthold Rittberger.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 223-227.
140988 Are integrated impact assessments the way forward for mainstreaming in the European Union?/Stijn Smismans,  Rachel Minto.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.3: 231-251.
140989 Measuring multi-level regulatory governance: Organizational proliferation, coordination, and concentration of influence/Emmanuelle Mathieu,  Koen Verhoest,  Joery Matthys.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.3: 252-268.
140990 Responsive regulation in public-private partnerships: Between deterrence and persuasion/Anne-Marie Reynaers,  Salvador Parrado.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.3: 282-298.
140991 The other face of Eurolegalism: The multifaceted convergence of national enforcement styles/Lincey Bastings,  Ellen Mastenbroek,  Esther Versluis.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.3: 299-314.
140992 The medical licensing examination debate/Julian Archer,  Nick Lynn,  Lee Coombes,  Martin Roberts,  Tom Gale,  Sam Regan de Bere.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.3: 315-322.
140993 Beyond Weber: Conceptualizing an alternative ideal type of bureaucracy in developing contexts/Yuen Yuen Ang.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.3: 282-298.
140994 Explaining the content of impact assessment in the United Kingdom: Learning across time, sectors, and departments/Oliver Fritsch,  Jonathan C. Kamkhaji,  Claudio M. Radaelli.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.4: 325-342.
140995 Does transnational private governance reduce or displace labor abuses? Addressing sorting dynamics across global supply chains/Mathias Koenig-Archibugi.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.4: 343-352.
140996 Role perceptions and attitudes toward discretion at a decentralized regulatory frontline: The case of organic inspectors/David P. Carter.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.4: 353-367.
140997 Can the hidden hand of the market be an effective and legitimate regulator? The case of animal welfare under a labeling for consumer choice policy approach/Christine Parker,  Rachel Carey,  Josephine De Costa,  Gyorgy Scrinis.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.4: 368-387.
140998 International diffusion of regulatory governance: EU actorness in public procurement/Stella Ladi,  Dimitris Tsarouhas.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.4: 388-403.
140999 Who opposes labor regulation? Explaining variation in employers opinions/Matthew Amengual,  Salo Coslovsky,  Duanyi Yang.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.4: 404-421.
141000 Institutional design of ecolabels: Sponsorship signals rule strength/Nicole Darnall,  Hyunjung Ji,  Matthew Potoski.- Regulation and Governance. 2017; Vol.11, No.4: 438-450.
141001 Regulatory inspection and the changing legitimacy of health and safety/Paul Almond,  Mike Esbester.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 46-63.
141002 Experimentalism in transnational forest governance: Implementing European Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Voluntary Partnership Agreements in Indonesia and Ghana/Christine Overdevest,  Jonathan Zeitlin.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 64-87.
141003 A decision analytic model to guide early-stage government regulatory action: Applications for synthetic biology/Benjamin Trump,  Christopher Cummings,  Jennifer Kuzma,  Igor Linkov.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 88-100.
141004 Beyond regulatory capture: Coproducing expertise for critical infrastructure protection/Rebecca Slayton,  Aaron Clark-Ginsberg.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 115-130.
141005 Toward the usable recognition of individual benefits and costs in regulatory analysis and governance/Carl F. Cranor,  Adam M. Finkel.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 131-149.
141006 Public orchestration, social networks, and transnational environmental governance: Lessons from the aviation industry/Lasse Folke Henriksen,  Stefano Ponte.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 23-45.
141007 A worldwide consensus on nudging? Not quite, but almost/Cass R. Sunstein,  Lucia A. Reisch,  Julius Rauber.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 3-22.
141008 Two spheres of regulation: Balancing social and economic goals/Sandra Eckert.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 177-191.
141009 Temporary legislation, better regulation, and experimentalist governance: An empirical study/Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 192-219.
141010 Partisan politics, welfare states, and environmental policy outputs in the OECD countries, 1975-2005/Sijeong Lim,  Andreas Duit.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 220-237.
141011 Interest group representation in the formal design of European Union agencies/Ixchel Perez Duran.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 238-262.
141012 Transnational delegation in global environmental governance: When do non-state actors govern?/Jessica F. Green.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 263-276.
141013 Experimental analysis of the effect of standards on compliance and performance/Constantine Boussalis,  Yuval Feldman,  Henry E. Smith.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 277-298.
141014 Regulatory Analysis Procedures and Political Influence on Bureaucratic Policymaking/Neal D. Woods.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 299-313.
141015 Multinationals as global institution: Power, authority and relative autonomy/John Gerard Ruggie.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.3: 317-333.
141016 Ideological influences on governance and regulation: The comparative case of supreme courts/Keren Weinshall,  Udi Sommer,  Yaacov Ritov.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.3: 334-352.
141017 The redistributive impact of hypocrisy in international taxation/Lukas Hakelberg,  Max Schaub.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.3: 353-370.
141018 Regulation under uncertainty: The coevolution of industry and regulation/Charles Sabel,  Gary Herrigel,  Peer Hull Kristensen.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.3: 371-394.
141019 Credible commitment without independent regulatory agent: Evidence from the Security Council’s United Nations Compensation Commission/Manuel Becker,  Thomas Dorfler,  Thomas Gehring.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.3: 395-412.
141020 Limits of regulatory responsiveness: Democratic credentials of responsive regulation/Seung-Hun Hong,  Jong-sung You.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.3: 413-427.
141021 Understanding the ASEAN way of regional qualification governance: The case of mutual recognition agreements in the professional service sector/Shintaro Hamanaka,  Sufian Jusoh.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.4: 486-504.
141022 Algorithmic regulation: A critical interrogation/Karen Yeung.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.4: 505-523.
141023 Agency proliferation and the globalization of the regulatory state: Introducing a data set on the institutional features of regulatory agencies/Jacint Jordana,  Xavier Fernandez-i-Marin,  Andrea C. Bianculli.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.4: 524-540.
141024 Bridging critical institutionalism and fragmented authoritarianism in China: An analysis of centralized water policies and their local implementation in semi-arid irrigation districts/Raymond Yu Wang,  Tao Liu,  Heping Dang.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.4: 451-465.
141025 How does knowledge circulate in a regulatory network? Observing a European Platform of Regulatory Authorities meeting/Yannis Papadopoulos.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.4: 431-
141026 Regulating Islamic banks in authoritarian settings: Malaysia and the United Arab Emirates in comparative perspective/Fulya Apaydin.- Regulation and Governance. 2018; Vol.12, No.4: 466-485.
141027 Regulating drinking through alcohol taxation and minimum unit pricing: A historical perspective on alcohol pricing interventions/Henry Yeomans.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 3-17.
141028 Transparency in multilateral climate politics: Furthering (or distracting from) accountability?/Aarti Gupta,  Harro van Asselt.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 18-34.
141029 Missing links between regulatory resources and risk concerns: Evidence from the case of food safety in China/Liang Ma,  Peng Liu.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 35-50.
141030 Coordinating intermediaries: The prospects and limitations of professional associations in decentralized regulation/David P. Carter,  Nadia Mahallati.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 51-69.
141031 Passing the buck? Analyzing the delegation of discretion after transposition of European Union law/Nora Dorrenbacher,  Ellen Mastenbroek.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 70-85.
141032 Governance gaps in eradicating forced labor: From global to domestic supply chains/Andrew Crane,  Genevieve LeBaron,  Jean Allain,  Laya Behbahani.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 86-106.
141033 Does intellectual property lead to economic growth? Insights from a novel IP dataset/E. Richard Gold,  Jean-Frederic Morin,  Erica Shadeed.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 107-124.
141034 Exploring the formal and informal roles of regulatory intermediaries in transnational multistakeholder regulation/Luc Bres,  Sebastien Mena,  Marie-Laure Salles-Djelic.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 127-140.
141035 Intermediary roles in regulatory programs: Toward a role-based framework/Arno Kourula,  Markus Paukku,  Andrew Peterman,  Mikko Koria.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 141-156.
141036 Private regulatory capture via harmonization: An analysis of global retailer regulatory intermediaries/Jose Carlos Marques.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 157-176.
141037 Between regulatory field structuring and organizational roles: Intermediation in the field of sustainable urban development/Joel Bothello,  Afshin Mehrpouya.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 177-196.
141038 Opaque transparency: How material affordances shape intermediary work/Miron Avidan,  Dror Etzion,  Joel Gehman.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 197-219.
141039 Numbers in regulatory intermediation: Exploring the role of performance measurement between legitimacy and compliance/Afshin Mehrpouya,  Rita Samiolo.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 220-239.
141040 The European regulation of corporate social responsibility: The role of beneficiaries intermediaries/David Monciardini,  Guido Conaldi.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 240-259.
141041 Big audit firms as regulatory intermediaries in transnational labor governance/Luc Fransen,  Genevieve LeBaron.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 260-279.
141042 Jurisgenerative role of auditors in transnational labor governance/Phillip Paiement.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 280-298.
141043 Austerity or welfare state transformation? Examining the impact of economic crises on social regulation in Europe/Yves Steinebach,  Christoph Knill,  Jacint Jordana.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.3: 301-320.
141044 Restraining Gulliver: Institutional reform and the strengthening of state capacity and compliance/Kimberly A. Nolan Garcia,  Mark Aspinwall.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.3: 321-339.
141045 Uber Uber regulation? Regulatory change following the emergence of new technologies in the taxi market/Amit Tzur.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.3: 340-361.
141046 Technocracy, democracy, and public policy: An evaluation of public participation in retrospective regulatory review/Mercy B. DeMenno.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.3: 362-383.
141047 Authoritarian but responsive: Local regulation of industrial energy efficiency in Jiangsu, China/Junming Zhu,  Marian R. Chertow.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.3: 384-404.
141048 Perils of development funding? The tale of EU Funds and grand corruption in Central and Eastern Europe/Mihaly Fazekas,  Lawrence Peter King.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.3: 405-430.
141049 Regulating factory safety in the Bangladeshi garment industry/Philip James,  Lilian Miles,  Richard Croucher,  Mark Houssart.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.3: 431-444.
141050 Governance through global networks and corporate signaling/Oren Perez,  Reuven Cohen,  Nir Schreiber.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.4: 447-469.
141051 Understanding corruption in regulatory agencies: The case of food inspection in Saudi Arabia/Saad Al-Mutairi,  Ian Connerton,  Robert Dingwall.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.4: 507-519.
141052 Pedagogy of regulation: Strategies and instruments to supervise learning from adverse events/Josje Kok,  Ian Leistikow,  Roland Bal.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.4: 470-487.
141053 Transparency in transnational governance: The determinants of information disclosure of voluntary sustainability programs/Philip Schleifer,  Matteo Fiorini,  Graeme Auld.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.4: 488-506.
141054 Performance-based design, expertise asymmetry, and professionalism: Fire safety regulation in the neoliberal era/Graham Spinardi.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.4: 520-539.
141055 Political interference and regulatory resilience in Brazil/Paulo Correa,  Marcus Melo,  Bernardo Mueller,  Carlos Pereira.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.4: 540-560.
141056 When public principals give up control over private agents: The new independence of ICANN in internet governance/Manuel Becker.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.4: 561-576.
141057 Balancing experimentalist and hierarchical governance in European Union electricity and telecommunications regulation: A matter of degrees/Emmanuelle Mathieu,  Bernardo Rangoni.- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.4: 577-592.
141058 Reforming regulatory relationships: The impact of medical revalidation on doctors, employers, and the General Medical Council in the United Kingdom/Abigail Tazzyman …[et al.].- Regulation and Governance. 2019; Vol.13, No.4: 593-608.
141059 Community structure and the behavior of transnational sustainability governors: Toward a multi-relational approach/Luc Fransen,  Jelmer Schalk,  Graeme Auld.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 3-25.
141060 Patrons against clients: Electoral uncertainty and bureaucratic tenure in politicized states/Christian Schuster.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 26-43.
141061 Understanding voluntary program performance: Introducing the diffusion network perspective/Jeroen van der Heijden.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 44-62.
141062 Explaining the birthright citizenship lottery: Longitudinal and cross-national evidence for key determinants/Omer Solodoch,  Udi Sommer.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 63-81.
141063 Executive control of bureaucracy and presidential cabinet appointments in East Asian democracies/Don S. Lee.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 82-101.
141064 Agencies formal independence and credible commitment in the Latin American regulatory state: A comparative analysis of 8 countries and 13 sectors/Andres Pavon Mediano.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 102-120.
141065 Promoting customer engagement: A new trend in utility regulation/Robert Hahn,  Robert Metcalfe,  Florian Rundhammer.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 121-149.
141066 Does regulating remuneration affect the market value of European Union banks? Large versus small/medium sized banks/Belen Diaz Diaz,  Rebeca Garcia-Ramos,  Myriam Garcia Olalla.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 150-164.
141067 Explaining the birthright citizenship lottery: Longitudinal and cross-national evidence for key determinants/Omer Solodoch,  Udi Sommer.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 63-81.
141068 Regulation and governance versus criminology: Disciplinary divides, intersections, and opportunities/Paul Almond,  Judith van Erp.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 167-183.
141069 Linking democratic anchorage and regulatory authority: The case of internet regulators/Christian Ewert,  Celine Kaufmann,  Martino Maggetti.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 184-202.
141070 The Regulatory Gift: Politics, regulation and governance/Jude Browne.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 203-218.
141071 Stakeholder involvement in collaborative regulatory processes: Using automated coding to track attendance and actions/Tyler A. Scott,  Nicola Ulibarri,  Ryan P. Scott.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 219-237.
141072 Regulating lobbying activities in the European Union: A voluntary club perspective/Andreea Nastase,  Claire Muurmans.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 238-255.
141073 Religious tides: The time-variant effect of religion on morality policies/Christoph Knill,  Xavier Fernandez-i-Marin,  Emma Budde,  Stephan Heichel.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 256-270.
141074 Anatomy of agency capture: An organizational typology for diagnosing and remedying capture/Justin Rex.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 271-294.
141075 Technocracy, the market and the governance of England’s National Health Service/David P. Horton,  Gary Lynch-Wood.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 295-315.
141076 Business interests in salmon aquaculture certification: Competition or collective action?/Irja Vormedal,  Lars H. Gulbrandsen.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 328-343.
141077 A typology of board design for highly effective monitoring in intergovernmental organizations under the United Nations system/Ryan Federo,  Angel Saz-Carranza.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 344-361.
141078 Unity and conflict: Explaining financial industry lobbying success in European Union public consultations/Adam W. Chalmers.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 391-408.
141079 Debt in just societies: A general framework for regulating credit/John Linarelli.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 409-427.
141080 Conflict of interest regulation in European parliaments: Studying the evolution of complex regulatory regimes/Nicole Bolleyer,  Valeria Smirnova,  Fabrizio Di Mascio,  Alessandro Natalini.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 428-446.
141081 Revisiting the governance of privacy: Contemporary policy instruments in global perspective/Colin J. Bennett,  Charles D. Raab.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 447-464.
141082 Out of tune or well tempered? How competition agencies direct the orchestrating state/Herman Lelieveldt.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 465-480.
141083 Do exemptions undermine environmental policy support? An experimental stress test on the odd-even road space rationing policy in India/Thomas Bernauer,  Aseem Prakash,  Liam F. Beiser-McGrath.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 481-500.
141084 Lobbying the state or the market? A framework to study civil society organizations  strategic behavior/Francesca Colli,  Johan Adriaensen.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 501-513.
141085 Horses for courses: China’s accommodative approach to food standard-setting in response to the internationalization of regulation/May Chu.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 514-530.
141086 Policing alienated minorities in divided cities/Avital Mentovich,  Guy Ben-Porat,  Natalie Levy,  Phillip A. Goff,  Tom Tyler.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 531-550.
141087 Certifying a state forestry agency in Quebec: Complementarity and conflict around government responsibilities, indigenous rights, and certification of the state as forest manager/Stephen Wyatt,  Sara Teitelbaum.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 551-567.
141088 Governing sustainable palm oil supply: Disconnects, complementarities, and antagonisms between state regulations and private standards/Pablo Pacheco,  George Schoneveld,  Ahmad Dermawan,  Heru Komarudin,  Marcel Djama.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 568-598.
141089 The culture of risk regulation: Responses to environmental disasters/Salvador Parrado.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 599-615.
141090 Revisiting the governance of privacy: Contemporary policy instruments in global perspective/Colin J. Bennett,  Charles D. Raab.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 447-467.
141091 Out of tune or well tempered? How competition agencies direct the orchestrating state/Herman Lelieveldt.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 465-480.
141092 Competence versus control: The governor’s dilemma/Kenneth W. Abbott,  Philipp Genschel,  Duncan Snidal,  Bernhard Zangl.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.4: 619-636.
141093 Experts, regulatory capture, and the governor’s dilemma: The politics of hurricane risk science and insurance/Jessica Weinkle.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.4: 637-652.
141094 Why do junctures become critical? Political discourse, agency, and joint belief shifts in comparative perspective/Adrian Rinscheid,  Burkard Eberlein,  Patrick Emmenegger,  Volker Schneider.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.4: 653-673.
141095 The challenges of upward regulatory harmonization: The case of sustainability reporting in the European Union/Daniel Kinderman.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.4: 674-697.
141096 Bad governance: How privatization increases corruption in the developing world/Bernhard Reinsberg,  Thomas Stubbs,  Alexander Kentikelenis,  Lawrence King.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.4: 698-717.
141097 Agencification and the administration of courts in Israel/Guy Lurie,  Amnon Reichman,  Yair Sagy.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.4: 718-740.
141098 Autonomous agencies and relational contracts in government bond issues/Tal Sadeh,  Yehuda Porath.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.4: 741-763.
141099 Exploring the determinants of higher education performance in Western Europe: A qualitative comparative analysis/Giliberto Capano,  Andrea Pritoni.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.4: 764-786.
141100 Does regulation matter? A cross-national analysis of the impact of gun policies on homicide and suicide rates/Steffen Hurka,  Christoph Knill.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.4: 787-803.
141101 Effect of trade and manufacturer traceability on the environmental performance of local companies in emerging economies/Yael Barash-Harman.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.4: 804-820.
141102 Nonjudicial business regulation and community access to remedy/Fiona Haines,  Kate Macdonald.- Regulation and Governance. 2020; Vol.14, No.4: 840-860.
141103 Trust, regulation, and redistribution why some governments overregulate and under-redistribute/Nicholas Charron,  Niklas Harring,  Victor Lapuente.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 3-16.
141104 Decoupling trends: Drivers of agency independence in telecommunications: An analysis of high and middle-income countries/Is k D. Ozel,  Asl  Unan.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 32-62.
141105 Collective action and social contagion: Community gardens as a case study/Michal Shur-Ofry,  Ofer Malcai.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 63-81.
141106 Myths and numbers on whistleblower rewards/Theo Nyrerod,  Giancarlo Spagnolo.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 82-97.
141107 Cyber insurance and private governance: The enforcement power of markets/Trey Herr.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 98-114.
141108 Toward hardened accountability? Analyzing the European Union’s hybrid transnational governance in timber and biofuel supply chains/Christine Moser,  Sina Leipold.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 115-132.
141109 Max Weber in the tropics: How global climate politics facilitates the bureaucratization of forestry in Indonesia/Markus Lederer,  Chris Hohne.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 133-151.
141110 Business conflict and international law: The political economy of copyright in the United States/Madison Cartwright.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 152-167.
141111 The local political economy of the regulatory state: Governing affordable housing in England/Liam Clegg,  Fay Farstad.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 168-184.
141112 Get in line: Do part-time legislatures use sunset laws to keep executive agencies in check/Brian Baugus,  Feler Bose,  Jeffry Jacob.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 185-199.
141113 In the shadow of sunshine regulation: Explaining disclosure biases/Thomas Bolognesi,  Geraldine Pflieger.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 200-225.
141114 States interests as limits to the power of finance: Regulatory reforms in early local government financialization in the US and UK/Christine Trampusch,  Florian Fastenrath.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 245-261.
141115 Mixing business with politics: Does corporate social responsibility end where lobbying transparency begins?/Alvise Favotto,  Kelly Kollman.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 262-279.
141116 When does open government shut? Predicting government responses to citizen information requests/Benjamin E. Bagozzi,  Daniel Berliner,  Zack W. Almquist.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 280-297.
141117 Regulatory enforcement against organizational insiders: Interactions in the pursuit of individual accountability/Aleksandra Jordanoska.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 298-316.
141118 Participation rationales, regulatory enforcement, and compliance motivations in a voluntary program context/David P. Carter,  Saba Siddiki.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 317-332.
141119 Mainstreamed voluntary sustainability standards and their effectiveness: Evidence from the Honduran coffee sector/Thomas Dietz,  Janina Grabs,  Andrea Estrella Chong.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 333-355.
141120 Responsibilization: The case of road safety governance/Erik Hysing.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 356-369.
141121 The political economy of local government financialization and the role of policy diffusion/Armin Mertens,  Christine Trampusch,  Florian Fastenrath,  Rebecca Wangemann.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 370-387.
141122 The problem of regulatory arbitrage: A transaction cost economics perspective/Heikki Marjosola.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 388-407.
141123 Information provision as agenda setting: A study of bureaucracy’s role in higher education policy/Tracey Bark.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 408-427.
141124 A reputation for what, to whom, and in which task environment: A commentary/Jan Boon,  Heidi H. Salomonsen,  Koen Verhoest.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 428-441.
141125 Power transitions and the rise of the regulatory state: Global market governance in flux/Sandra Lavenex,  Omar Serrano,  Tim Buthe.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 445-471.
141126 Regulating public procurement in Brazil, India, and China: Toward the regulatory-developmental state/Ivo Krizic.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 561-580.
141127 Power transitions and global trade governance: The impact of a rising China on the export credit regime/Kristen Hopewell.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 634-652.
141128 Rule-takers, rule-makers, or rule-promoters? Turkey and Mexico’s role as rising middle powers in global economic governance/Umut Aydin.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 544-560.
141129 Domestic regulatory reform and transgovernmental networks: Brazil and China in the global competition regime/Lei Wang.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 492-512.
141130 From rule-taker to rule-promoting regulatory state: South Korea in the nearly-global competition regime/Moohyung Cho, Tim Buthe.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 513-543.
141131 China’s new generation trade agreements: Importing rules to lock in domestic reform?/Jappe Eckhardt,  Hongyu Wang.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 581-597.
141132 Using human values-based approach to understand cross-cultural commitment toward regulation and governance of cybersecurity/Alexander Kharlamov,  Ganna Pogrebna.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 709-724.
141133 The politics of regulatory enforcement and compliance: Theorizing and operationalizing political influences/Jodi L. Short.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 653-685.
141134 Agencies without borders: Explaining partner selection in the formation of transnational agreements between regulators/Machiel van der Heijden.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 725-744.
141135 Political values in independent agencies/Andreas Eriksen.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 785-799.
141136 Judicial review of regulatory decisions: Decoding the contents of appeals against agencies in Spain and the United Kingdom/Luis E. Mejia.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 760-784.
141137 Tariff liberalization and product standards: Regulatory chill and race to the bottom?/Emma Aisbett,  Magdalene Silberberger.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 987-1006.
141138 Is experimentalist governance self-limiting or self-reinforcing? Strategic uncertainty and recursive rulemaking in European Union electricity regulation/Bernardo Rangoni,  Jonathan Zeitlin.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 822-839.
141139 Governing complex societal problems: The impact of private on public regulation through technological change/Nicolas Schmid,  Leonore Haelg,  Sebastian Sewerin,  Tobias S. Schmidt,  Irina Simmen.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 840-855.
141140 Indexing watchdog accountability powers a framework for assessing the accountability capacity of independent oversight institutions/Mark Bovens,  Anchrit Wille.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 856-876.
141141 Stakeholder consultations and the legitimacy of regulatory decision-making: A survey experiment in Belgium/Jan Beyers,  Sarah Arras.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 877-893.
141142 Regulatory disempowerment: How enabling and controlling forms of power obstruct citizen-based regulation/Garry Gray,  Benjamin van Rooij.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 800-821.
141143 Divisions of regulatory labor, institutional closure, and structural secrecy in new regulatory states: The case of neglected liquidity risks in market-based banking/Leon Wansleben.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 909-932.
141144 Regulatory reform in the era of new technological development: The role of organizational factors in the public sector/Soonae Park,  Don S. Lee,  Jieun Son.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 894-904.
141145 Regulatory novelty after financial crises: Evidence from international banking and securities standards, 1975-2016/Stefano Pagliari,  Meredith Wilf.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 933-951.
141146 Experimentalist interactions: Joining up the transnational timber legality regime/Jonathan Zeitlin,  Christine Overdevest.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 686-708.
141147 India, Brazil, and public health: Rule-making through south-south diffusion in the intellectual property rights regime?/Omar Ramon Serrano Oswald,  Mira Burri.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 616-633.
141148 The ratio of vision to data: Promoting emergent science and technologies through promissory regulation, the case of the FDA and personalised medicine/Stuart Hogarth,  Paul Martin.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 969-986.
141149 Assessing the regulatory challenges of emerging disruptive technologies/Araz Taeihagh,  M Ramesh,  Michael Howlett.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.4: 1009-1011.
141150 Why and how does the regulation of emerging technologies occur? Explaining the adoption of the EU General Data Protection Regulation using the multiple streams framework/Nihit Goyal,  Michael Howlett,  Araz Taeihagh.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.4: 1020-1034.
141151 Emerging technologies and problem definition uncertainty: The case of cybersecurity/Jonathan Lewallen.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.4: 1035-1082.
141152 Governance landscapes for emerging technologies: The case of cryptocurrencies/Andrew B. Whitford,  Derrick Anderson.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.4: 1053-1070.
141153 Regulating human control over autonomous systems/Mikolaj Firlej,  Araz Taeihagh.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.4: 1071-1091.
141154 Adaptive governance for the Internet of Things: Coping with emerging security risks/Irina Brass,  Jesse H. Sowell.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.4: 1092-1110.
141155 Legal enclaves as a test environment for innovative products: Toward legally resilient experimentation policies/Stefan Philipsen,  Evert F. Stamhuis,  Martin de Jong.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.4: 128-1143.
141156 Procedurally Robust Risk Assessment Framework for Novel Genetically Engineered Organisms and Gene Drives/Jennifer Kuzma.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.4: 1144-1165.
141157 Disaggregating public-private governance interactions: European Union interventions in transnational private sustainability governance/Stefan Renckens.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.4: 1230-1247.
141158 Private authority and public policy interactions in global context: Governance spheres for problem solving/Benjamin Cashore,  Jette Steen Knudsen,  Jeremy Moon,  Hamish van der Ven.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.4: 1166-1182.
141159 Can private governance boost public policy? Insights from public private governance interactions in the fisheries and electricity sectors/Zdravka Tzankova.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.4: 1248-1269.
141160 Private regulation, public policy, and the perils of adverse ontological selection/Janina Grabs,  Graeme Auld,  Benjamin Cashore.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.4: 1183-1208.
141161 Grounding transnational business governance: A political-strategic perspective on government responses in the Global South/Jose Carlos Marques,  Burkard Eberlein.- Regulation and Governance. 2021; Vol.15, No.4: 1209-1229.
141162 When Better Is Worse: Envy and the Use of Deception/Simone Moran,  Maurice E. Schweitzer.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2008; Vol.1, No.1: 3-29.
141163 Folk Wisdom About the Effects of Relationship Conflict/Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks,  Eric J. Neuman,  Oscar Ybarra,  Shirli Kopelman,  Hyekyung Park,  Karen Goh.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2008; Vol.1, No.1: 53-76.
141164 Making a Positive Impression in a Negotiation: Gender Differences in Response to Impression Motivation/Jared R. Curhan,  Jennifer R. Overbeck.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2008; Vol.1, No.2: 179-193.
141165 Thomas Crombie Schelling, 2007 IACM Lifetime Achievement Award: An Appreciation/Daniel Druckman.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2008; Vol.1, No.2: 194-197.
141166 The Effect of Past Performance on Expected Control and Risk Attitudes in Integrative Negotiations/Laura J. Kray,  E. Layne Paddock,  Adam D. Galinsky.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2008; Vol.1, No.2: 161-178.
141167 Emergent Negotiations: Stability and Shifts in Negotiation Dynamics/Mara Olekalns,  Laurie R. Weingart.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2008; Vol.1, No.2: 135-160.
141168 Stretching the Effectiveness of Analogical Training in Negotiations: Teaching Diverse Principles for Creating Value/Simone Moran,  Yoella Bereby-Meyer,  Max Bazerman.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2008; Vol.1, No.2: 99-134.
141169 The Lingering Effects of the Recruitment Experience on the Long-Term Employment Relationship/Merideth Ferguson,  Neta Moye,  Ray Friedman.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2008; Vol.1, No.3: 246-262.
141170 Linguistic Style Matching and Negotiation Outcome/Paul J. Taylor, Sally Thomas.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2008; Vol.1, No.3: 263-281.
141171 Maple Trees and Weeping Willows: The Role of Time, Uncertainty, and Affinity in Intergenerational Decisions/Kimberly A. Wade-Benzoni.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2008; Vol.1, No.3: 220-245.
141172 Go-Go Global: Teaching What We Know of Culture and the Negotiation Dance/Wendi L. Adair.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2008; Vol.1, No.4: 353-370.
141173 Using Final Deadlines Strategically in Negotiation/Francesca Gino,  Don Moore.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2008; Vol.1, No.4: 371-388.
141174 Strategic Display and Response to Emotions: Developing Evidence-based Negotiation Expertise in Emotion Management (NEEM)/Georges Potworowski,  Shirli Kopelman.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2008; Vol.1, No.4: 333-352.
141175 Beyond the Deal: Next Generation Negotiation Skills/Mara Olekalns,  Jeanne M. Brett.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2008; Vol.1, No.4: 309-314.
141176 Leveling the Playing Field: Negotiating Opportunities and Recognition in Gendered Jobs/Louise Marie Roth.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 17-30.
141177 Negotiating a New Role in a Gendered Order: A Cultural Lens/Karen Golden-Biddle,  Trish Reay.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 31-48.
141178 Negotiating Pregnancy at Work: Public and Private Conflicts/Danna Greenberg,  Jamie Ladge,  Judy Clair.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 42-56.
141179 Gendered Bodies: Negotiating Normalcy and Support/Linda L. Putnam,  Jaime Bochantin.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 57-73.
141180 A Rainbow Coalition or Separate Wavelengths? Negotiations Among Employee Network Groups/Maureen A. Scully.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 74-91.
141181 Negotiating Workplace Equality: A Systemic Approach/Susan Sturm.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 92-106.
141182 Gendered Organizational Order and Negotiations Research/Harris Sondak,  Alice F. Stuhlmacher.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 107-120.
141183 Beyond Gender and Negotiation to Gendered Negotiations/Deborah Kolb,  Kathleen McGinn.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 1-16.
141184 Prosocial to Egoistic Enculturation of Our Children: A Climato-Economic Contextualization/Evert Van de Vliert,  Gerben S. Van der Vegt,  Onne Janssen.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2009; Vol.2, No.2: 123-137.
141185 Explaining Incivility in the Workplace: The Effects of Personality and Culture/Wu Liu,  Shu-Cheng Steve Chi,  Ray Friedman,  Ming-Hong Tsai.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2009; Vol.2, No.2: 164-184.
141186 The Influence of Anger Expressions on Outcomes in Organizations/Donald E. Gibson,  Maurice E. Schweitzer,  Ronda R. Callister,  Barbara Gray.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2009; Vol.2, No.3: 236-262.
141187 Mediating Among Scientists: A Mental Model of Expert Practice/Kenneth Kressel,  Howard Gadlin.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2009; Vol.2, No.4: 308-343.
141188 Preferences for Third-Party Help in Workplace Conflict: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Chinese and Dutch Employees/Ellen Giebels,  Huadong Yang.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2009; Vol.2, No.4: 344-362.
141189 Quantifying the Quality of Mediation Agreements/Jean Poitras,  Aurelia Le Tareau.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2009; Vol.2, No.4: 363-380.
141190 Strategically Managing Negotiation Linkage Dynamics/Larry Crump.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2010; Vol.3, No.1: 3-27.
141191 The Effects of Achievement Motivational Goals and of Debriefing on the Transfer of Skills in Integrative Negotiations/Yoella Bereby-Meyer,  Simone Moran,  Liat Sattler.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2010; Vol.3, No.1: 64-86.
141192 Avoidance Brings Japanese Employees What They Care About in Conflict Management: Its Functionality and Good Member Image/Ken-ichi Ohbuchi,  Emi Atsumi.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2010; Vol.3, No.2: 117-129.
141193 Gender Differences in Negotiation: A Status Characteristics Theory View/Edward W. Miles,  Elizabeth F. Clenney.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2010; Vol.3, No.2: 130-144.
141194 Words Are All I Have: Linguistic Cues as Predictors of Settlement in Divorce Mediation/Mara Olekalns,  Jeanne Brett,  William Donohue.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2010; Vol.3, No.2: 145-168.
141195 Clueless About Culture and Indirect Confrontation of Conflict/Jeanne Brett.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2010; Vol.3, No.3: 169-178.
141196 Individualism-Collectivism and Co-operation: A Cross-Society and Cross-Level Examination/Hannah-Hanh D. Nguyen,  Huy Le,  Terry Boles.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2010; Vol.3, No.3: 179-204.
141197 Conflict in Business-to-Business e-Commerce (B2B): A Study of B2B Relational Structure and Perceptions of Conflict, Power, and Relationship Success/Rhetta L. Standifer,  James A. Wall.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2010; Vol.3, No.3: 205-231.
141198 Asymmetry in Perceptions of Trustworthiness: It’s not You; It’s Me/Jacqueline Z. Bergman,  Erika E. Small,  Shawn M. Bergman,  Joan R. Rentsch.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2010; Vol.3, No.4: 379-399.
141199 Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder: How Asymmetric Perceptions Color our Experience/Sherry M. B. Thatcher,  Katherine W. Phillips.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2010; Vol.3, No.4: 277-282.
141200 Task Conflict, Problem-Solving, and Yielding: Effects on Cognition and Performance in Functionally Diverse Innovation Teams/Laurie R. Weingart,  Gergana Todorova,  Matthew A. Cronin.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2010; Vol.3, No.4: 312-337.
141201 Should I Stay or Should I Go? Termination as a Tactic and Norwegian Mediation in Sri Lanka/Kristine Hoglund,  Isak Svensson.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2011; Vol.4, No.1: 12-32.
141202 When Does Taking a Break Help in Negotiations? The Influence of Breaks and Social Motivation on Negotiation Processes and Outcomes/Fieke Harinck,  Carsten K. W. De Dreu.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2011; Vol.4, No.1: 33-46.
141203 Passing the Buck: Incongruence Between Gender Role and Topic Leads to Avoidance of Negotiation/Julia Bear.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2011; Vol.4, No.1: 47-72.
141204 The Practitioner-Researcher Divide in Psychological Negotiation Research: Current State and Future Perspective/Joachim Huffmeier,  Stefan Krumm,  Guido Hertel.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2011; Vol.4, No.2: 145-168.
141205 Transformative Linguistic Styles in Divorce Mediation/William A. Donohue,  Yuhua Jake Liang.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2011; Vol.4, No.3: 200-218.
141206 Working in Pajamas: Telecommuting, Unfairness Sources, and Unfairness Perceptions/Sherry M. B. Thatcher,  Jessica Bagger.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2011; Vol.4, No.3: 248-276.
141207 Intragroup Conflict Under the Microscope: Micro-Conflicts in Naturalistic Team Discussions/Susannah B. F. Paletz,  Christian D. Schunn,  Kevin H. Kim.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2011; Vol.4, No.4: 314-351.
141208 Not So Bad After All: How Relational Closeness Buffers the Association Between Relationship Conflict and Helpful and Deviant Group Behaviors/Sonja Rispens,  Lindred Greer,  Karen A. Jehn,  Sherry M. B. Thatcher.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2011; Vol.4, No.4: 277-296.
141209 Vacating of Arbitration Awards as Diminishment of Conflict Resolution/Helen LaVan,  Michael J. Jedel,  Robert Perkovich.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2012; Vol.5, No.1: 29-48.
141210 Trust and Treason: Social Network Structure as a Source of Flexibility in Peace Negotiations/Jannie Lilja.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2012; Vol.5, No.1: 96-125.
141211 Fusing Creativity: Cultural Metacognition and Teamwork in Multicultural Teams/Susan K. Crotty, Jeanne M. Brett.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2012; Vol.5, No.2: 210-234.
141212 Are We Becoming Part of the Problem? Gender Stereotypes in Negotiation Research/Deborah M. Kolb.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2012; Vol.5, No.2: 127-135.
141213 Conceptualizing Managerial Influence in Organizational Conflict-A Qualitative Examination/Kalle Siira.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2012; Vol.5, No.2: 182-209.
141214 Islamic Mediation in Turkey: The Role of Ulema/Talha Kose,  Nimet Beriker.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2012; Vol.5, No.2: 136-161.
141215 Expanding the Horizons of Terrorism and Political Violence Research/Ellen Giebels,  Paul J. Taylor.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2012; Vol.5, No.3: 235-238.
141216 Differentiating Act from Ideology: Evidence from Messages For and Against Violent Extremism/Sheryl Prentice,  Paul J. Taylor,  Paul Rayson,  Ellen Giebels.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2012; Vol.5, No.3: 289-306.
141217 Transformative Mediation at the United States Postal Service/Lisa Blomgren Bingham.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2012; Vol.5, No.4: 354-366.
141218 Just My Style: The Practical, Ethical, and Empirical Dangers of the Lack of Consensus about Definitions of Mediation Styles/Lorig Charkoudian.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2012; Vol.5, No.4: 367-383.
141219 Mediator Style and the Question of Good Mediation: A Call for Theoretical Development/Dorothy J. Della Noce.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2012; Vol.5, No.4: 396-402.
141220 Discovering the Importance of Mediator Style-An Interdisciplinary Challenge/E. Patrick McDermott.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2012; Vol.5, No.4: 340-353.
141221 Dialogue, dispute resolution, and talk-in-interaction: On empirical studies of ephemeral phenomena/Phillip Glenn, Ran Kuttner.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2013; Vol.6, No.1: 13-31.
141222 Repairing Trust to Preserve Balance: A Balance-Theoretic Approach to Trust Breach and Repair in Groups/Susan E. Brodt,  Lukas Neville.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2013; Vol.6, No.1: 49-65.
141223 Gender and Role in Conflict Management: Female and Male Managers as Third Parties/Imen Benharda,  Jeanne M. Brett,  Alain Lempereur.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2013; Vol.6, No.2: 79-93.
141224 When White Feels Right: The Effects of In-Group Affect and Race of Partner on Negotiation Performance/Debra Gilin Oore,  Annette Gagnon,  David Bourgeois.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2013; Vol.6, No.2: 94-113.
141225 The Good News about Honor Culture: The Preference for Cooperative Conflict Management in the Absence of Insults/Fieke Harinck,  Said Shafa,  Naomi Ellemers,  Bianca Beersma.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2013; Vol.6, No.3: 67-78.
141226 Goals in Negotiation Revisited: The Impact of Goal Setting and Implicit Negotiation Beliefs/Kevin Tasa,  Anthony Celani,  Chris M. Bell.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2013; Vol.6, No.2: 114-132.
141227 Counterproductive Work Behavior and Conflict: Merging Complementary Domains/Jana L. Raver.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2013; Vol.6, No.3: 151-159.
141228 Severe Workplace Conflict: The Experience of Mobbing/Linda Shallcross,  Sheryl Ramsay,  Michelle Barker.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2013; Vol.6, No.3: 191-213.
141229 Ask and Ye Shall Receive? How Gender and Status Moderate Negotiation Success/Emily T. Amanatullah,  Catherine H. Tinsley.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2013; Vol.6, No.4: 253-272.
141230 Women in Negotiation: Effects of Gender and Power on Negotiation Behavior/Alain P. C. I. Hong,  Per J. van der Wijst.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2013; Vol.6, No.4: 273-284.
141231 Language Style Matching, Engagement, and Impasse in Negotiations/Molly E. Ireland,  Marlone D. Henderson.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2014; Vol.7, No.1: 1-16.
141232 Barriers to Transforming Hostile Relations: Why Friendly Gestures Can Backfire/Tanya Menon,  Oliver J. Sheldon,  Adam D. Galinsky.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2014; Vol.7, No.1: 17-37.
141233 Business in Fragile Environments: Capabilities for Conflict Prevention/Brian Ganson.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2014; Vol.7, No.2: 121-139.
141234 Argumentativeness, Avoidance, Verbal Aggressiveness, and Verbal Benevolence as Predictors of Partner Perceptions of an Individual’s Conflict Style/Laura K. Guerrero,  Michael A. Gross.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2014; Vol.7, No.2: 99-120.
141235 Individual Perceptions of Task Conflict and Relationship Conflict/Stephanie T. Solansky,  Barjinder Singh,  Shengsheng Huang.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2014; Vol.7, No.2: 83-98.
141236 Somali Piracy Negotiations: Resolving the Paradoxes of Extortionate Transactions/William A. Donohue,  Franziska Pugh,  Sharmaake Sabrie.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2014; Vol.7, No.3: 173-187.
141237 Gender and the Emotional Experience of Relationship Conflict: The Differential Effectiveness of Avoidant Conflict Management/Julia B. Bear,  Laurie R. Weingart,  Gergana Todorova.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2014; Vol.7, No.4: 213-231.
141238 Avoiding the Agreement Trap: Teams Facilitate Impasse in Negotiations with Negative Bargaining Zones/Taya R. Cohen,  Geoffrey J. Leonardelli,  Leigh Thompson.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2014; Vol.7, No.4: 232-242.
141239 Corporate Communication and Worker Perceptions of Conflict Management and Justice/Katharina G. Kugler,  Felix C. Brodbeck.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2014; Vol.7, No.4: 265-281.
141240 Positive, Proactive, and Committed: The Surprising Connection Between Good Citizens and Expressed (vs. Suppressed) Anger at Work/Lisa T. Stickney,  Deanna Geddes.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2014; Vol.7, No.4: 243-263.
141241 Conceptualizing Conflict Management and Conflict Resolution as Distinct Negotiation Processes in the Context of the Enduring Israeli Palestinian Conflict/Ruth Ben-Artzi,  Moty Cristal,  Shirli Kopelman.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2015; Vol.8, No.1: 56-63.
141242 Two-Group Dynamic Conflict Scenarios: Toy Model with a Severity Index/Sanda Kaufman,  Miron Kaufman.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2015; Vol.8, No.1: 41-55.
141243 Exhausting Silence: Emotional Costs of Withholding Complaints/Esther Liu,  Michael E. Roloff.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2015; Vol.8, No.1: 25-40.
141244 Seeing Conflict: A Study of Conflict Accuracy in Work Teams/Ariel C. Avgar,  Eric J. Neuman.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2015; Vol.8, No.2: 65-84.
141245 Biased Social Perceptions of Knowledge: Implications for Negotiators’ Rapport and Egocentrism/David S. Lee,  Scott J. Moeller,  Shirli Kopelman,  Oscar Ybarra.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2015; Vol.8, No.2: 85-99.
141246 Predicting Participation in a Victim-Offender Conference/Gregory D. Paul.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2015; Vol.8, No.2: 100-118.
141247 Unraveling Business Negotiations Using Practitioner Data/Ray Fells,  Helen Rogers,  Peter Prowse,  Ursula F. Ott.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2015; Vol.8, No.2: 119-136.
141248 Effects of Attachment Anxiety and Avoidance on Negotiation Propensity and Performance/Julia B. Bear,  Dikla Segel-Karpas.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2015; Vol.8, No.3: 153-173.
141249 Intragroup Conflict and Conflict Management Approaches as Determinants of Team Performance and Satisfaction: Two Field Studies/Isabel Dordio Dimas,  Paulo Renato Lourenco.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2015; Vol.8, No.3: 174-193.
141250 Aggression as a Motive for Gossip During Conflict: The Role of Power, Social Value Orientation, and Counterpart’s Behavior/Emile Jeuken,  Bianca Beersma,  Femke S. ten Velden,  Maria T. M. Dijkstra.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2015; Vol.8, No.3: 137-152.
141251 The Benefits of Dominance Complementarity in Negotiations/Scott Wiltermuth,  Larissa Z. Tiedens,  Margaret Neale.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2015; Vol.8, No.3: 194-209.
141252 Direct and Contextual Influence of Team Conflict on Team Resources, Team Work Engagement, and Team Performance/Patricia L. Costa,  Ana M. Passos,  Arnold B. Bakker.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2015; Vol.8, No.4: 211-227.
141253 From Good day to Sign here: Norms Shaping Negotiations Within a Face Culture/Mendiola Teng-Calleja,  Marshaley J. Baquiano,  Cristina J. Montiel.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2015; Vol.8, No.4: 228-242.
141254 Does Conflict Content Affect Learning from Simulations? A Cross-National Inquiry into the Israeli-Palestinian and Guatemalan Conflict Scenarios/C. Esra Cuhadar,  Ronit Kampf.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2015; Vol.8, No.4: 243-260.
141255 Done But Not Published: The Dissertation Journeys of Roy J. Lewicki and J. Keith Murnighan/Shirli Kopelman,  Anne L. Lytle,  Cynthia S. Wang,  Roy J. Lewicki,  J. Keith Murnighan,  Max H. Bazerman.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2015; Vol.8, No.4: 261-271.
141256 Building Strength or Lending an Ear in Legal Conflicts: Dependence and Conflict Asymmetry as Distinct Predictors of Needs for Support/Marian A. J. van Dijk,  Ellen Giebels,  Sven Zebel.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2016; Vol.9, No.1: 3-21.
141257 Bullying of the Manager and Employees Prosocial or Antisocial Behaviors: Impacts on Equity, Responsibility Judgments, and Witnesses Help-Giving/Pascale Desrumaux,  Tony Machado,  Gerard Vallery,  Lucie Michel.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2016; Vol.9, No.1: 44-59.
141258 Environmental Conflict and Media Coverage of an Oil Spill in Trinidad/Godfrey A. Steele.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2016; Vol.9, No.1: 60-80.
141259 Choosing a Group Representative: The Impact of Perceived Organizational Support on the Preferences for Deviant Representatives in Work Negotiations/Stephanie Demoulin,  Catia Pinto Teixeira,  Celine Gillis,  Edwine Goldoni,  Florence Stinglhamber.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2016; Vol.9, No.2: 120-140.
141260 An Exploration of the Structure of Effective Apologies/Roy J. Lewicki,  Beth Polin,  Robert B. Lount.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2016; Vol.9, No.2: 177-196.
141261 How Superior-Subordinate Relationship Quality and Conflict Management Styles Influence an Employee’s Use of Upward Dissent Tactics/Valeska Redmond,  Jessica Katz Jameson,  Andrew R. Binder.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2016; Vol.9, No.2: 158-176.
141262 Conflict at Work, Negative Emotions, and Performance: A Diary Study/Sonja Rispens,  Evangelia Demerouti.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2016; Vol.9, No.2: 103-119.
141263 More Than Just Blowing off Steam: The Roles of Anger and Advocacy in Promoting Positive Outcomes at Work/Lisa T. Stickney,  Deanna Geddes.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2016; Vol.9, No.2: 141-157.
141264 Enhancing Environmental Quality and Sustainability through Negotiation and Conflict Management: Research into Systems, Dynamics, and Practices/Michael L. Elliott,  Sanda Kaufman.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2016; Vol.9, No.3: 199-219.
141265 Establishing a Community Forest: Insights from the Collaborative Process in Migdal HaEmek, Israel/Dalit Gasul,  Deborah F. Shmueli.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2016; Vol.9, No.3: 220-236.
141266 Taking Action to Reduce Waste: Quantifying Impacts of Model Use in a Multiorganizational Sustainability Negotiation/Ellen Czaika,  Noelle E. Selin.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2016; Vol.9: 237-255.
141267 Consensus Building for Long-term Sustainability in the Non-North American Context: Reflecting on a Stakeholder Process in Japan/Masahiro Matsuura,  Kenshi Baba.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2016; Vol.9, No.3: 256-268.
141268 Celebrating the Work of Jeanne M. Brett: Building Bridges and Making Connections/Wendi L. Adair,  Kristin J. Behfar,  Mara Olekalns,  Debra L. Shapiro.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2016; Vol.9, No.4: 292-308.
141269 Elise Boulding’s Legacy to the Twenty-First Century: Reflections on Her Contributions to Understanding Conflict and Peace/J. Russell Boulding,  Kevin P. Clements,  Mary Lee Morrison,  Andrea Strimling Yodsampa.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2016; Vol.9, No.4: 274-291.
141270 Celebrating the Work of J. Keith Murnighan/Donald E. Conlon,  Max H. Bazerman,  Deepak Malhotra,  Madan M. Pillutla.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2016; Vol.9, No.4: 332-344.
141271 Legacies of Scholars, Scholarship, and Praxis from the International Association for Conflict Management: Celebrating a Lifetime of Achievements/Michael A. Gross.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2016; Vol.9, No.4: 271-273.
141272 Revitalizing Conflict Research with a Communication Perspective: Celebrating and Learning from Linda Putnam’s Contributions to the Study of Conflict/Gregory D. Paul,  Deanna Geddes,  Tricia S. Jones,  William A. Donohue.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2016; Vol.9, No.4: 309-331.
141273 Buffering Against the Detrimental Effects of Demographic Faultlines: The Curious Case of Intragroup Conflict in Small Work Groups/Wendi L. Adair,  Lindie H. Liang,  Ivona Hideg.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2017; Vol.10, No.1: 28-45.
141274 When Do People Initiate a Negotiation? The Role of Discrepancy, Satisfaction, and Ability Beliefs/Julia A. M. Reif,  Felix C. Brodbeck.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2017; Vol.10, No.1: 46-66.
141275 Do I Trust You? Depends on What You Feel: Interpersonal Effects of Emotions on Initial Trust at Zero-Acquaintance/Liuba Y. Belkin,  Naomi B. Rothman.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2017; Vol.10, No.1: 3-27.
141276 When Is Anger Helpful or Hurtful? Status and Role Impact on Anger Expression and Outcomes/Ronda Roberts Callister,  Deanna Geddes,  Donald F. Gibson.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2017; Vol.10, No.2: 69-87.
141277 Conflict and Culture Across Time and Space: Work and Legacy of Evert van de Vliert/Carsten K. W. De Dreu,  Esther S. Kluwer,  Martin S. Euwema,  Gerben S. Van der Vegt.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2017; Vol.10, No.2: 141-152.
141278 Lessons Learned from Working with Roy J. Lewicki/Edward C. Tomlinson,  Beth Polin,  Barbara Gray,  Bruce Barry.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2017; Vol.10, No.2: 126-140.
141279 Navigating Stigma and Group Conflict: Group Identification as a Cause and Consequence of Self-Labeling/Jennifer Whitson,  Eric M. Anicich,  Cynthia S. Wang,  Adam D. Galinsky.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2017; Vol.10, No.2: 88-106.
141280 Competent or Competitive? How Employee Representatives Gain Influence in Organizational Decision-Making/Ana Belen Garcia,  Lourdes Munduate,  Patricia Elgoibar,  Hein Wendt,  Martin Euwema.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2017; Vol.10, No.2: 107-125.
141281 Emotion and Deception, Jewish-Arab Community Peace Building, Restorative Justice and Communication, and Anger and Attribution: An Introduction to the Special Issue on Conceptual Reviews/Michael A. Gross,  Wendi L. Adair,  Eric J. Neuman.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2017; Vol.10, No.3: 155-157.
141282 Feeling and Deceiving: A Review and Theoretical Model of Emotions and Deception in Negotiation/Redona Methasani,  Joseph P. Gaspar,  Bruce Barry.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2017; Vol.10, No.3: 158-178.
141283 From Co-existence to Shared Society: A Paradigm Shift in Intercommunity Peacebuilding Among Jews and Arabs in Israel/Ran Kuttner.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2017; Vol.10, No.3: 179-198.
141284 Toward a Communication Perspective of Restorative Justice: Implications for Research, Facilitation, and Assessment/Gregory D. Paul,  Ian M. Borton.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2017; Vol.10, No.3: 199-219.
141285 Anger in Negotiations: A Review of Causes, Effects, and Unanswered Questions/David A. Hunsaker.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2017; Vol.10, No.3: 220-241.
141286 Weaving Together Theory, Research, Practice, and Teaching: A Four-dimensional Approach to Negotiation and Conflict Management Work/Noam Ebner,  Jennifer Parlamis.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2017; Vol.10, No.4: 29-45.
141287 Negotiating the Nexus: Symbiotic Relationship of Theory and Practice in Conflict Management/Benjamin J. Broome.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2017; Vol.10, No.4: 252-264.
141288 When Dignity and Honor Cultures Negotiate: Finding Common Ground/Sebastien M. Fosse,  Enrique Ogliastri,  Maria Isabel Rendon.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2017; Vol.10, No.4: 265-285.
141289 Educating Negotiators: Using Theory, Practice, Case Studies, and Simulations in an Integrated Learning Experience/Joshua Fisher,  Beth Fisher-Yoshida.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2017; Vol.10, No.4: 286-305.
141290 Graphic Novels: A Brief History, Their Use in Business Education, and the Potential for Negotiation Pedagogy/Mallory Wallace.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2017; Vol.10, No.4: 324-335.
141291 Approaching Negotiation at the Organizational Level/Adrian Borbely,  Andrea Caputo.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2017; Vol.10, No.4: 306-323.
141292 Do Past Perceptions Shape Future Behaviors? Subjective Value and Behavior Styles in a Multi-Round Negotiation/Wenxue Lu,  Wenhui Ren,  Wenqian Guo.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2018; Vol.11, No.1: 3-28.
141293 Leadership Selection and Cooperative Behavior in Social Dilemmas: An Empirical Exploration of Assigned versus Group-Chosen Leadership/Charles E. Naquin,  Terri R. Kurtzberg.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2018; Vol.11, No.1: 29-52.
141294 En Hommage: The Contributions of I. William Zartman/Larry Crump,  P. Terrence Hopmann,  Terrence Lyons,  Bertram Spector.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2018; Vol.11, No.1: 53-71.
141295 Innovations in Doing Conflict Research: The Legacy of Daniel Druckman/Nimet Beriker,  Susan Allen,  Mary Jo Larson,  Lynn Wagner.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2018; Vol.11, No.1: 72-87.
141296 Connections and Collaboration-Celebrating the Contributions of Barbara Gray/Jill Purdy,  Jennifer Kish-Gephart,  Giuseppe (Joe) Labianca,  Shaz Ansari.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2018; Vol.11, No.1: 88-107.
141297 Linda Babcock: Go-getter and Do-gooder/Max H. Bazerman,  Iris Bohnet,  Hannah Riley Bowles,  George Loewenstein.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2018; Vol.11, No.2: 135-145.
141298 Transforming Society from Theory to Practice: Celebrating the Achievements of Rubin Award Recipients from the International Association for Conflict Management/Michael A. Gross.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2018; Vol.11, No.2: 111-114.
141299 High-Stakes Conflicts and the Link between Theory and Practice: Celebrating the Work of Ellen Giebels/Miriam S. D. Oostinga,  Sonja Rispens,  Paul J. Taylor,  Elze G. Ufkes.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2018; Vol.11, No.2: 146-159.
141300 Beyond the Bridge: Transforming Conflict Research, Education, and Practice by Transcending Barriers-Honoring the Contributions of Tricia S. Jones/Jessica Katz Jameson,  Ross Brinkert,  Susan S. Raines.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2018; Vol.11, No.1: 115-129.
141301 A Journey within the Theory-Practice Nexus of Conflict Management: Contributions of IACM Rubin Award Recipient Benjamin Broome/Michael Hogan,  Lawrence R. Frey,  Young Yun Kim,  Kevin Clements.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2018; Vol.11, No.2: 160-182.
141302 Raiffa Transformed the Field of Negotiation-and Me/Max Bazerman.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2018; Vol.11, No.3: 259-261.
141303 Robert McKersie: Integrative Scholar/Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld,  Thomas A. Kochan.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2018; Vol.11, No.3: 252-258.
141304 Conflict and Decision-Making: Attributional and Emotional Influences/Kevin J. Hurt,  Jennifer Welbourne.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2018; Vol.11, No.3: 225-251.
141305 Peacemaking at the Workplace: A Systematic Review/Xiaolei Zhang,  Katalien Bollen,  Rong Pei,  Martin C. Euwema.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2018; Vol.11, No.3: 204-224.
141306 Unpacking the Meaning of Conflict in Organizational Conflict Research/Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen,  Stewart Clegg.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2018; Vol.11, No.3: 185-203.
141307 Explaining Differences in Men and Women’s Use of Unethical Tactics in Negotiations/Jason R. Pierce,  Leigh Thompson.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2018; Vol.11, No.4: 278-297.
141308 When Formal Negotiations Fail: Strategic Negotiation, Ripeness Theory, and the Kerry Initiative/Oliver Ramsbotham,  Amira Schiff.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2018; Vol.11, No.4: 321-340.
141309 Linking Tolerance to Workplace Incivility, Service Innovative, Knowledge Hiding, and Job Search Behavior: The Mediating Role of Employee Cynicism/Nader Mohammad Saleh Aljawarneh,  Tarik Atan.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2018; Vol.11, No.2: 298-320.
141310 Coping with Conflict: Testosterone and Cortisol Changes in Men Dealing with Disagreement about Values versus Resources/Fieke Harinck,  Marina Kouzakova,  Naomi Ellemers,  Daan Scheepers.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2018; Vol.11, No.4: 265-275.
141311 NCMR’s First Decade: An Empirical Examination/Michael A. Gross,  Eric J. Neuman,  Wendi L. Adair,  Mallory Wallace.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2019; Vol.12, No.1: 3-22.
141312 Diplomatic Chameleons: Language Style Matching and Agreement in International Diplomatic Negotiations/A. Burcu Bayram,  Vivian P. Ta.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2019; Vol.12, No.1: 23-40.
141313 From Sad People on Bridges to Kidnap and Extortion: Understanding the Nature and Situational Characteristics of Hostage and Crisis Negotiator Deployments/Amy Rose Grubb,  Sarah J. Brown,  Peter Hall,  Erica Bowen.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2019; Vol.12, No.1: 41-65.
141314 The Role of Experts and Scholars in Community Conflict Resolution: A Comparative Analysis of Two Cases in China/Lihua Yang.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2019; Vol.12, No.1: 66-88.
141315 Morton Deutsch: Celebrating His Theorizing and Research/David W. Johnson,  Roger T. Johnson,  Dean Tjosvold,  Cary J. Roseth.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2019; Vol.12, No.1: 89-102.
141316 Advancing the Scientific Understanding of Trust and Culture in Negotiations/Dejun Tony Kong,  Jingjing Yao.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2019; Vol.12, No.2: 117-130.
141317 Intergroup Conflict 2020/Nir Halevy,  Taya R. Cohen.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2019; Vol.12, No.2: 161-173.
141318 Globalization: Current Issues and Future Research Directions/Maddy Janssens,  William W. Maddux,  ToTran Nguyen.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2019; Vol.12, No.2: 174-185.
141319 Logics and Logistics for Future Research: Appropriately Interpreting the Emotional Landscape of Multicultural Negotiation/Laura Rees,  Shirli Kopelman.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2019; Vol.12, No.2: 131-145.
141320 Normatively Speaking: Do Cultural Norms Influence Negotiation, Conflict Management, and Communication?/Jimena Ramirez Marin,  Mara Olekalns,  Wendi Adair.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2019; Vol.12, No.2: 146-160.
141321 Big Questions for Negotiation and Culture Research/Michele J. Gelfand,  Jeanne Brett.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2019; Vol.12, No.2: 105-116.
141322 How Power Distance Interacts with Culture and Status to Explain Intra- and Intercultural Negotiation Behaviors: A Multilevel Analysis/Meina Liu.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2019; Vol.12, No.3: 192-212.
141323 Managerial and Employee Conflict Communication in Papua New Guinea: Application of the Culture-Based Social Ecological Conflict Model/Polang Forenuwe Tommy,  John G. Oetzel.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2019; Vol.12, No.3: 213-233.
141324 Northerners and Southerners Differ in Conflict Culture/Evert Van de Vliert,  Lucian Gideon Conway.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2019; Vol.12, No.3: 256-277.
141325 Building an Inclusive Climate for Intercultural Dialogue: A Participant-Generated Framework/Benjamin J. Broome,  Ian Derk,  Robert J. Razzante,  Elena Steiner,  Jameien Taylor,  Aaron Zamora.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2019; Vol.12, No.3: 234-255.
141326 Introduction to the Special Issue on Culture, Communication, and Conflict Management/Wendi L. Adair.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2019; Vol.12, No.3: 189-191.
141327 The Effect of Task Conflict on Relationship Quality: The Mediating Role of Relational Behavior/Wenxue Lu,  Wenqian Guo.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2019; Vol.12, No.4: 297-321.
141328 The Scathingly Brilliant Scholarship of Lisa Blomgren Amsler (Formerly Bingham)/Mariana D. Hernandez-Crespo,  David B. Lipsky,  Tina Nabatchi,  Rosemary OLeary.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2019; Vol.12, No.4: 343-366.
141329 Selling to Strangers, Buying from Friends: Effect of Communal and Exchange Norms on Expectations in Negotiation/Jaime Ramirez-Fernandez,  Jimena Y. Ramirez-Marin,  Lourdes Munduate.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2019; Vol.12, No.4: 281-296.
141330 Negotiation Contexts: How and Why They Shape Women’s and Men’s Decision to Negotiate/Julia A. M. Reif,  Fiona A. Kunz,  Katharina G. Kugler,  Felix C. Brodbeck.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2019; Vol.12, No.4: 322-342.
141331 Open for Learning: Encouraging Generalization Fosters Knowledge Transfer in Negotiation/Jihyeon Kim,  Leigh Thompson,  Jeffrey Loewenstein.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2020; Vol.13, No.1: 3-23.
141332 The Double Helix of Theory and Practice: Celebrating Stephen J. Goldberg as a Scholar, Practitioner, and Mentor/Mara Olekalns,  Donna Shestowsky,  Sylvia P. Skratek,  Ann-Sophie De Pauw.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2020; Vol.13, No.1: 85-97.
141333 When the SUIT Fits: Constructive Controversy Training in Face-to-Face and Virtual Teams/Thomas A. ONeill,  Samantha Hancock,  Matthew J. W. McLarnon,  Taylor Holland.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2020; Vol.13, No.1: 44-59.
141334 Conflict Style Associations with Cooperativeness, Directness, and Relational Satisfaction: A Case for a Six-Style Typology/Laura K. Guerrero.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2020; Vol.13, No.1: 24-43.
141335 Tit for Tat and Beyond: The Legendary Work of Anatol Rapoport/Shirli Kopelman.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2020; Vol.13, No.1: 60-84.
141336 Theory to Practice: Reflections on a Consulting Life/Daniel Druckman.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2020; Vol.13, No.1: 163-179.
141337 Tracing the Roots of Constructive Conflict Management in Family Firms/Cristina Alvarado-Alvarez,  Immaculada Armadans,  Maria Jose Parada.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2020; Vol.13, No.2: 105-126.
141338 Mediators and Disputing Parties Perceptions of Trust-Building in Family Mediation/Joan Albert Riera Adrover,  Maria Elena Cuartero Castaner,  Juan Jose Montano Moreno.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2020; Vol.13, No.1: 151-162.
141339 Implicit Theories of Negotiation: Developing a Measure of Agreement Fluidity/Raymond A. Friedman,  Robin L. Pinkley,  William P. Bottom,  Wu Liu,  Michele Gelfand.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2020; Vol.13, No.2: 127-150.
141340 Public Shaming and Attacks on Social Media: The Case of White Evangelical Christians/Deborah A. Cai,  Colleen Tolan.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2020; Vol.13, No.3: 231-243.
141341 Understanding Intergroup Conflict Complexity: An Application of the Socioecological Framework and the Integrative Identity Negotiation Theory/Tenzin Dorjee,  Stella Ting-Toomey.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2020; Vol.13, No.3: 244-262.
141342 Addressing Organizational Cultural Conflicts in Engineering with Design Thinking/Sean M. Eddington,  Danielle Corple,  Patrice M. Buzzanell,  Carla Zoltowski,  Andrew Brightman.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2020; Vol.13, No.3: 263-284.
141343 Talking to the Enemy: Difficult Conversations and Ethnopolitical Conflict/Donald G. Ellis.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2020; Vol.13, No.3: 183-196.
141344 Imagine All the People: Negotiating and Mediating Moral Concern through Intergroup Encounters/Ifat Maoz,  Paul Frosh.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2020; Vol.13, No.3: 197-210.
141345 Get Complicated: The Effects of Complexity on Conversations over Potentially Intractable Moral Conflicts/Katharina G. Kugler,  Peter T. Coleman.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2020; Vol.13, No.3: 211-230.
141346 Value from Control: Subjective Valuations of Negotiations by Principals and Agents/Adi Amit.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2020; Vol.13, No.4: 326-342.
141347 There is No Away: Where Do People Go When They Avoid an Interpersonal Conflict?/Dale Hample,  Jessica Marie Hample.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2020; Vol.13, No.4: 304-325.
141348 Why are Women Less Likely to Negotiate? The Influence of Expectancy Considerations and Contextual Framing on Gender Differences in the Initiation of Negotiation/Julia A. M. Reif,  Katharina G. Kugler,  Felix C. Brodbeck.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2020; Vol.13, No.4: 287-303.
141349 Valuing Cooperation and Constructive Controversy: A Tribute to David W. Johnson/Dean Tjosvold,  Daniel Druckman,  Roger T. Johnson,  Karl A. Smith,  Cary Roseth.- Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 2020; Vol.13, No.4: 343-362.
141350 Neoliberal Multiculturalism/Charles R. Hale.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2005; Vol.28, No.1: 10-19.
141351 Challenges in Chilean Intercultural Policies/Milka Castro Lucic.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2005; Vol.28, No.1: 112-132.
141352 Dangerous Discourses/Shannon Speed.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2005; Vol.28, No.1: 29-51.
141353 Negotiating Global, National, and Local Rights in a Zapotec Community/Lynn Stephen.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2005; Vol.28, No.1: 133-150.
141354 The Ecuadorian Indigenous Movement and the Gutierrez regime/Jose Almeida Vinueza.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2005; Vol.28, No.1: 93-111.
141355 From the Peruvian Reconciliation Commission to Ethnography/Wendy Coxshall.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2005; Vol.28, No.2: 203-222.
141356 Introducing Discipline/Iris Jean-Klein,  Annelise Riles.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2005; Vol.28, No.2: 173-202.
141357 The Traffic in Children/AnnJanette Rosga.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2005; Vol.28, No.2: 258-281.
141358 Disabling Corporate Sovereignty in a Transnational Lawsuit/Suzana Sawyer.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2006; Vol.29, No.1: 23-43.
141359 Resettling Musqueam Park/Jennifer A. Hamilton.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2006; Vol.29, No.1: 88-109.
141360 Contested Sovereignties and the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund/Ralph A. Litzinger.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2006; Vol.29, No.1: 66-87.
141361 (Re)Landscaping Sovereignty in British Columbia, Canada/Kathleen M. Sullivan.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2006; Vol.29, No.1: 44-65.
141362 Noc Reklamozdera: Democracy, Consumption, and the Contradictions of Representation in Post-Socialist Serbia/Jessica Greenberg.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2006; Vol.29, No.2: 181-207.
141363 Dispelling Doonhamers : Naming and the Numbers Game/Alexander Thomas T. Smith.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2006; Vol.29, No.2: 208-227.
141364 Historical Narrative and Legal Evidence: Judging Chagossians High Court Testimonies/Laura Jeffery.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2006; Vol.29, No.2: 228-253.
141365 The Politics of Materiality, or The Left Is Always Late/Matthew Wolf-Meyer.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2006; Vol.29, No.2: 254-275.
141366 Seeing Like a Failed NGO: Globalization-s Impacts on State and Civil Society in Haiti/Mark Schuller.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2007; Vol.30, No.1: 67-89.
141367 India Displacing Indians for the Sake of India: Kashmiri Hindu Migrant Vendors and the Secular State/Haley Duschinski.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2007; Vol.30, No.1: 90-108.
141368 Plying the Liberty Trade: Law, Empire-Building, and the Enforcement of Antislavery Scriptures in the Reconstruction of New Mexico/Robert F. Castro.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2007; Vol.30, No.1: 109-130.
141369 The New Bureaucracies of Virtue or When Form Fails to Follow Function/Charles L. Bosk.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2007; Vol.30, No.2: 192-209.
141370 Research and Moral Law: Ethics and the Social Science Research Relation/Amy Swiffen.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2007; Vol.30, No.2: 210-228.
141371 Form-Made Persons: Consent Forms as Consent’s Blind Spot/Marie-Andree Jacob.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2007; Vol.30, No.2: 249-268.
141372 Experimentality: On the Global Mobility and Regulation of Human Subjects Research/Adriana Petryna.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2007; Vol.30, No.2: 288-304.
141373 Comparative Research: A Modest Proposal concerning the Object of Ethics Regulation/Rena Lederman.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2007; Vol.30, No.2: 305-327.
141374 The New Bureaucracies of Virtue: Introduction/Marie Andree Jacob,  Annelise Riles.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2007; Vol.30, No.2: 181-191.
141375 Justice at a Price: Regulation and Alienation in the Global Economy/Daniel Reichman.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2008; Vol.31, No.1: 102-117.
141376 Sexual Citizenship: Articulating Citizenship, Identity, and the Pursuit of the Good Life in Urban Brazil/Tomi Castle.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2008; Vol.31, No.1: 118-133.
141377 Life Stories, Law’s Stories: Subjectivity and Responsibility in the Politicization of the Discourse of Identity/Carol J. Greenhouse.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2008; Vol.31, No.1: 79-95.
141378 At the Time She Was a Man: The Temporal Dimension of Identity Construction/Robin Conley.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2008; Vol.31, No.1: 28-47.
141379 The Normativity of Numbers: World Bank and IMF Conditionality/Gerhard Anders.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2008; Vol.31, No.2: 187-202.
141380 A Quest for Justice in Cuzco, Peru:Race and Evidence in the Case of Mercedes Ccorimanya Lavilla/Laura A. Bunt.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2008; Vol.31, No.2: 286-302.
141381 Analyzing the Trial: Interdisciplinary Methods/Robert Burns,  Marianne Constable,  Justin Richland,  Winnifred Sullivan.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2008; Vol.31, No.2: 303-329.
141382 Keeping the Peace: A Tale of Murder and Morality in Postapartheid South Africa/Michal Ran-Rubin.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2008; Vol.31, No.2: 243-263.
141383 Adjudicating the Salvadoran Civil War: Expectations of the Law in Romagoza/Jonah Rubin.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2008; Vol.31, No.2: 264-285.
141384 Commoners, Kings, and Subaltern: Political Factionalism and Structured Inequality in Lesotho/David Turkon.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2008; Vol.31, No.2: 203-223.
141385 States of Insecurity: Everyday Emergencies, Public Secrets, and Drug Trafficker Power in a Brazilian Favela/Ben Penglase.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2009; Vol.32, No.1: 47-63.
141386 Gluing Globalization: NGOs as Intermediaries in Haiti/Mark Schuller.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2009; Vol.32, No.1: 84-104.
141387 Becoming Maya? The Politics and Pragmatics of Being Indigenous in Postgenocide Guatemala/Karine Vanthuyne.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2009; Vol.32, No.2: 195-217.
141388 Documenting Accountability: Environmental Impact Assessment in a Peruvian Mining Project/Fabiana Li.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2009; Vol.32, No.2: 218-236.
141389 Land Rights, Claims, and Western Shoshones: The Ideology of Loss and the Bureaucracy of Enforcement/Richard O. Clemmer.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2009; Vol.32, No.2: 279-311.
141390 U.S. Law and Native American Rights in Action A Law Professor and Activist’s View/Richard Monette.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2009; Vol.32, No.2: 312-320.
141391 Anthropological Perspectives on Law and Geography/Keebet Von Benda-Beckmann.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2009; Vol.32, No.2: 265-275.
141392 The Magic of the Populace: An Ethnography of Illegibility in the South African Immigration Bureaucracy/Colin Hoag.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2010; Vol.33, No.1: 6-25.
141393 Clashing Claims: Neopatrimonial Governance, Land Tenure Transformation, and Violence at Enoosupukia, Kenya/Scott Matter.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2010; Vol.33, No.1: 67-88.
141394 From Wards to Citizens: Indigenous Rights and Citizenship in Malaysia/Rusaslina Idrus.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2010; Vol.33, No.1: 89-108.
141395 Pater Rules Best: Political Kinship and Party Politics in Tanzania’s Presidential Elections/Kristin D. Phillips.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2010; Vol.33, No.1: 109-132.
141396 Anthropology and Crime: An Interview with Jean Comaroff/Jean Comaroff.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2010; Vol.33, No.1: 133-139.
141397 Of Heroes and Polemics: The Policeman in Urban Ethnography/Kevin G. Karpiak.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2010; Vol.33, No.S1: 7-31.
141398 Claiming Indigenous Rights to Culture, Flora, and Fauna: A Contemporary Case from New Zealand/Hal B. Levine.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2010; Vol.33, No.S1: 36-56.
141399 The Uses of Psychiatry in the War on Terror/Neil Krishan Aggarwal.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2010; Vol.33, No.S1: 81-98.
141400 Curiouser and Curiouser: Montgomery McFate’s Strange Interpretation of the Relationship between Anthropology and Counterinsurgency/Jeffrey A. Sluka.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2010; Vol.33, No.S1: 99-115.
141401 Just Silences: The Limits and Possibilities of Modern Law by Marianne Constable/John M. Conley.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2010; Vol.33, No.S1: 143-148.
141402 Surrendering to Utopia: An Anthropology of Human Rights by Mark Goodale/Alison Brysk.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2010; Vol.33, No.S1: 151-155.
141403 Negotiating Ambivalence: The Social Power of Muslim Community-Based Health Organizations in America/Lance D. Laird,  Wendy Cadge.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2010; Vol.33, No.2: 225-244.
141404 When Government Targets The State: Transnational NGO Government and the State in Belize/Laurie Kroshus Medina.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2010; Vol.33, No.2: 245-263.
141405 Constructing the Needy Subject: NGO Discourses of Roma Need/Andria D. Timmer.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2010; Vol.33, No.2: 264-281.
141406 Audit Culture and Grassroots Participation in Rural Haitian Development/Christian N. Vannier.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2010; Vol.33, No.2: 282-305.
141407 Protecting Children, Preserving Families: Moral Conflict and Actuarial Science in a Problem of Contemporary Governance/China Scherz.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2011; Vol.34, No.1: 33-50.
141408 In the Green Room: An Experiment in Ethnographic Method at the WTO/Hadi Nicholas Deeb,  George E. Marcus.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2011; Vol.34, No.1: 51-76.
141409 Comments on Deeb and Marcus In the Green Room, Flushed with Para-Sit[e]ic Anticipation/Michael Silverstein.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2011; Vol.34, No.1: 77-80.
141410 Assembling Partial Perspectives: Thoughts on the Anthropology of Bureaucracy/Colin Hoag.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2011; Vol.34, No.1: 81-94.
141411 Critical Review Essay: Studying Cultural Pluralism in Courts versus Legislatures/Ilana Gershon.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2011; Vol.34, No.1: 155-174.
141412 The Peril and Promise of Noodles and Beer: Condemnation of patronage and hybrid political frameworks in post-neoliberal Cochabamba, Bolivia/Miriam Shakow.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2011; Vol.34, No.2: 315-336.
141413 Human Rights Law and Military Aid Delivery: A Case Study of the Leahy Law/Winifred Tate.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2011; Vol.34, No.2: 337-354.
141414 The Politics of Possession: The Proliferation of Partnerships in the Brazilian Amazon/Laura Zanotti.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2011; Vol.34, No.2: 290-314.
141415 We are Illegal, but not Illegitimate. Modes of Policing in Medellin, Colombia/Aldo Civico.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2012; Vol.35, No.1: 77-93.
141416 The Art of Torture and the Place of Execution: A Forensic Narrative/Stephanie C. Kane.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2012; Vol.35, No.1: 53-76.
141417 The Tengiz Oil Enclave: Labor, Business, and The State/Saulesh Yessenova.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2012; Vol.35, No.1: 94-114.
141418 Training Bureaucrats, Practicing for Europe: Negotiating Bureaucratic Authority and Governmental Legitimacy in Turkey/Elif M. Babul.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2012; Vol.35, No.1: 30-52.
141419 Culture Loss and Crumbling Skulls: The Problematic of Injury in Residential School Litigation/Carole Blackburn.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2012; Vol.35, No.2: 289-307.
141420 Agency, Scale, and the Ethnography of Transparency/Kregg Hetherington.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2012; Vol.35, No.2: 242-247.
141421 Unraveling the Paradox: Competence and the Failure of Subsidiarity in the European Union/Jeff Edmund Katcherian.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2012; Vol.35, No.2: 271-288.
141422 Transparent-making Documents and the Crisis of Implementation: A Rural Employment Law and Development Bureaucracy in India/Nayanika Mathur.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2012; Vol.35, No.2: 167-185.
141423 Black Boxes of Bureaucracy: Transparency and Opacity in the Resettlement Process of Congolese Refugees/Marnie Jane Thomson.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2012; Vol.35, No.2: 186-205.
141424 When Blood Has Spilled: Gender, Honor, and Compensation in Iranian Criminal Sanctioning/Arzoo Osanloo.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2012; Vol.35, No.2: 308-326.
141425 Activating Citizens, Remaking Brokerage: Transparency Activism, Ethical Scenes, and the Urban Poor in Delhi/Martin Webb.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2012; Vol.35, No.2: 206-222.
141426 Discourse, Organization, and the Welfare State in the Former East Berlin/Kenneth McGill.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2013; Vol.36, No.1: 56-74.
141427 Sovereignty in Postcolonial Aotearoa New Zealand: Ambiguities, Paradoxes, and Possibilities/Jonathan Barrett,  Luke Strongman.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2013; Vol.36, No.2: 341-357.
141428 The Problem with Ethics/G. Derrick Hodge.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2013; Vol.36, No.2: 286-297.
141429 Meeting the Godfather: Fieldwork and Ethnographic Seduction in a Chinese Nightclub/John Osburg.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2013; Vol.36, No.2: 298-303.
141430 Land and Law in Marijuana Country: Clean Capital, Dirty Money, and the Drug War’s Rentier Nexus/Michael Polson.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2013; Vol.36, No.2: 215-230.
141431 Illegal Anthropology: An Introduction/Kedron Thomas,  Rebecca B. Galemba.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2013; Vol.36, No.2: 211-214.
141432 Counter-Accounting with Invisible Data: The Struggle for Transparency in Myanmar’s Energy Sector/Ken MacLean.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2014; Vol.37, No.1: 10-28.
141433 Islamic Finance and the Afterlives of Development in Malaysia/Daromir Rudnyckyj.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2014; Vol.37, No.1: 69-88.
141434 Sufficient Citizens: Moderation and the Politics of Sustainable Development in Thailand/Eli Elinoff.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2014; Vol.37, No.1: 89-108.
141435 Codifying Consensus and Constructing Boundaries: Setting the Limits of Appellation d’origine contr‎مl‎فe Protection in Bordeaux, France/Erica A. Farmer.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2014; Vol.37, No.1: 126-144.
141436 Whitewashing Indigenous Oklahoma and Chicano Arizona: 21st-Century Legal Mechanisms of Settlement/Jean Dennison.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2014; Vol.37, No.1: 162-180.
141437 Networks for Development: Volunteer Tourism, Information and Communications Technology, and the Paradoxes of Alternative Development/Sharon McLennan.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2014; Vol.37, No.1: 48-68.
141438 Afterlives of Development/Daromir Rudnyckyj,  Anke Schwittay.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2014; Vol.37, No.1: 3-9.
141439 Corporate Paternalism and the Problem of Harmful Products/Peter Benson.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2014; Vol.37, No.2: 218-230.
141440 Citizen-Auditors and Visible Subjects: Mi Familia Progresa and Transparency Politics in Guatemala/Rachel Dotson.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2014; Vol.37, No.2: 350-370.
141441 Corporations as Partners: Connected Capitalism and The Coca-Cola Company/Robert J. Foster.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2014; Vol.37, No.2: 246-258.
141442 Imagining Corporate Personhood/Stuart Kirsch.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2014; Vol.37, No.2: 207-217.
141443 Corporate Memory: Historical Revisionism, Legitimation and the Invention of Tradition in a Multinational Mining Company/Dinah Rajak.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2014; Vol.37, No.2: 259-280.
141444 Introduction: Internationalizing Custom and Localizing Law/Melissa Demian.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2015; Vol.38, No.1: 3-8.
141445 Customizations of Law: Courts of Elders (Aksakal Courts) in Rural and Urban Kyrgyzstan/Judith Beyer.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2015; Vol.38, No.1: 53-71.
141446 Refracting Custom in Western Sahara’s Quest for Statehood/Alice Wilson.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2015; Vol.38, No.1: 72-90.
141447 A Logic of Camps: French Antiracism as Competitive Nationalism/Riaz Tejani.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2015; Vol.38, No.1: 108-128.
141448 Incarceration by Category: Racial Designations and the Black Borders of Indianness/Anjana Mebane-Cruz.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2015; Vol.38, No.2: 226-247.
141449 Etiology/Assessment/Redress: Criminal Bodies and State Impunity/Mieka Brand Polanco.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2015; Vol.38, No.2: 248-264.
141450 Insecurity in an Orange Envelope: National Pension System Reform in Sweden/Anette Nyqvist.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2015; Vol.38, No.2: 265-278.
141451 Of Autocracy and Democracy, Or Discipline and Anarchy: When Organizational Structure Meets Political Ideology in Argentine Public Sector Trade Unions/Sian Lazar.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2015; Vol.38, No.2: 279-299.
141452 Replicate, Facilitate, Disseminate: The Micropolitics of U.S. Democracy Promotion in Bolivia/Susan Ellison.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2015; Vol.38, No.2: 318-337.
141453 Judging Intimacies at the French Court of Asylum/Carolina Kobelinsky.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2015; Vol.38, No.2: 338-355.
141454 I’m Not a Leader: Cynicism and Good Citizenship in a Brazilian Favela/Stephanie Savell.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2015; Vol.38, No.2: 300-317.
141455 Climate Politics in the Anthropocene and Environmentalism Beyond Nature and Culture in Brazilian Amazonia/David Rojas.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.2: 16-32.
141456 What Is Carbon Dioxide? When Is Carbon Dioxide?/Gokce Gunel.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.1: 33-45.
141457 Carbon as a Metric of the Human/Jerome Whitington.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.1: 46-63.
141458 Exploring Nature, Making the Nation: The Spatial Politics of Ecotourism in Lebanon/Kristin V. Monroe.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.1: 64-78.
141459 The Specter of Surveillance: Navigating Illegality and Indigeneity among Maya Migrants in the San Francisco Bay Area/Deanna Barenboim.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.1: 79-94.
141460 Mediating Indigeneity: Public Space and the Making of Political Identity in Andean Peru/Eric Hirsch.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.1: 95-109.
141461 Experiences of Discrimination in an Emerging Latina/o Community/Laura Macia.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.1: 110-126.
141462 The Making and Unmaking of Patent Ownership: Technicalities, Materialities, and Subjectivities/Laura A. Foster.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.1: 127-143.
141463 Temporary Measures: The Production of Illegality in Costa Rican Immigration Law/Caitlin E. Fouratt.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.1: 144-160.
141464 Between Children and Transnational Economic Actors:The Discounted Belongings of Young Chinese Migrants/Michele L. Statz.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.S1: 4-18.
141465 Best Practices for Besting the Bureaucracy: Avoiding Military Service in Israel/Erica Weiss.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.S1: 19-33.
141466 Multimodality, Transparency, and Food Safety in China/Megan Tracy.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.S1: 34-53.
141467 Reluctant Bureaucracy: Accounts, Narrative, and Negotiation in Serbian High School Classrooms/Rachel George.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.S1: 54-73.
141468 An Injury to One Is an Injury to All? Class Actions in South African Courts and Their Social Effects on Plaintiffs/Rita Kesselring.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.S1: 74-88.
141469 Public Secrets, Muzzled Science: Agnotological Practice, State Performance, and Dying Salmon in British Columbia/Maximilian Viatori.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.S1: 89-103.
141470 Human Rights, Colonial Criminality, and the Death of Kwementyaye Briscoe in Custody: A Central Australian Case Study/Sarah Holcombe.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.S1: 104-120.
141471 Local Tea Party Groups and the Vibrancy of the Movement/William H. Westermeyer.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.S1: 121-138.
141472 The Production of Indigenous Land Rights: Judicial Decisions across National, Regional, and Global Scales/Laurie Kroshus Medina.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.S1: 139-153.
141473 Translating Best Interest: Child Welfare Decisions at the US-Mexico Border/Naomi Glenn-Levin Rodriguez.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.S1: 154-168.
141474 The Spectacle of a Good Half-Widow: Women in Search of their Disappeared Men in the Kashmir Valley/Ather Zia.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.2: 164-175.
141475 Mobilities and Risks in Coastal Kenya: Jumping Scales Versus Staying Local/Dillon Mahoney.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.2: 176-189.
141476 Political Documents and Bureaucratic Entrepreneurs: Lobbying the European Parliament during Turkey’s EU Integration/Bilge Firat.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.2: 190-205.
141477 Tell It to the Judge: Procedural Justice and a Community Court in Brooklyn/Avram Bornstein,  Anthony Marcus,  Ric Curtis,  Sarah Rivera,  Rachel Swaner.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.2: 206-225.
141478 Indigenous Claims: Hearings, Settlements, and Neoliberal Silencing/Fiona McCormack.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.2: 226-242.
141479 The Politics of Livability: Tutoring Kinwork in a New Delhi Women’s Arbitration Center/Katherine Lemons.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.2: 244-260.
141480 We Follow Reason, Not the Law: Disavowing the Law in Rural China/Andrea E. Pia.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.2: 276-293.
141481 Kinship of Paper: Genealogical Charts as Bureaucratic Documents/Liviu Chelcea.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.2: 294-311.
141482 From Deportability to Denounce-ability: New Forms of Labor Subordination in an Era of Governing Immigration Through Crime/Sarah B. Horton.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2016; Vol.39, No.2: 312-326.
141483 Geographies of Discretion and the Jurisdictional Imagination/Jeffrey S. Kahn.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2017; Vol.40, No.1: 5-27.
141484 Bureaucratic Speech: Language Choice and Democratic Identity in the Taipei Bureaucracy/Anya Bernstein.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2017; Vol.40, No.1: 28-51.
141485 Testimony, Disbelief, and Opaque Peace Building in Postgenocide Rwanda/Laura Eramian.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2017; Vol.40, No.1: 52-66.
141486 Ayotzinapa and the Criminalization of Racialized Poverty in La Montana, Guerrero, Mexico/Mariana Mora.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2017; Vol.40, No.1: 67-85.
141487 Scaling Statelessness: Absent, Present, Former, and Liminal States of Somali Experience in South Africa/Daniel K. Thompson.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2017; Vol.40, No.1: 86-103.
141488 Facade Egalitarianism? Mafia and Cooperative in Sicily/Theodoros Rakopoulos.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2017; Vol.40, No.1: 104-121.
141489 Sociality of Enforced Waiting in Rwanda’s Postgenocide Legal Architecture/Kristin C. Doughty.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2017; Vol.40, No.1: 122-136.
141490 The Politics of Russian-Language Film Showings in Post-Soviet Georgia/Perry Sherouse.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2017; Vol.40, No.1: 137-157.
141491 The Fight Against Poverty and the Gendered Remaking of Community in Mexico: New Patriarchal Collusions and Gender Solidarities/Holly Dygert.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2017; Vol.40, No.1: 171-187.
141492 Sovereignty and the Vicissitudes of Recognition: Peoplehood and Performance in a De Facto State/Michael Bobick.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2017; Vol.40, No.1: 158-170.
141493 Governing with God: Religion, Resistance, and the State in Nigeria’s Counter-Trafficking Programs/Stacey Vanderhurst.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2017; Vol.40, No.2: 194-209.
141494 Bushmen in the Law: Evidence and Identity in Botswana’s High Court/Maria Sapignoli.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2017; Vol.40, No.2: 210-225.
141495 The Facebook President: Oil, Citizenship, and the Social Mediation of Politics in Nigeria/Omolade Adunbi.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2017; Vol.40, No.2: 226-244.
141496 Benevolent Cruelty: Forced Child Removal, African Refugee Settlers, and the State Mandate of Child Protection/Georgina Ramsay.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2017; Vol.40, No.2: 245-261.
141497 Papers That Work: Migration Brokers, State/Market Boundaries, and the Place of Law/Maybritt Jill Alpes.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2017; Vol.40, No.2: 262-277.
141498 Rethinking American Indian and Non-Indian Relations in the United States and Exploring Tribal Sovereignty: Perspectives from Indian Country and from Inside the Bureau of Indian Affairs/Valerie Lambert.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2017; Vol.40, No.1: 278-294.
141499 On the Possibility of Imagining an Open Border/Rihan Yeh.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2017; Vol.40, No.2: 295-310.
141500 Controversies, Authority, and the Limits of Participation: Chicago’s 49th Ward/Gianpaolo Baiocchi,  Nicole Summers.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2017; Vol.40, No.2: 311-325.
141501 Mediatory Versus Legalistic Discourse in Chinese Courts/Xin He,  Luoyun Li,  Yuqing Feng.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2017; Vol.40, No.2: 326-341.
141502 Wild Eavesdropping: Observations on Surveillance, Conspiracy, and Truth in East Central Europe/Jonathan L. Larson.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2017; Vol.40, No.2: 342-349.
141503 Restoration Doctrine Rebooted: Codifying Continuity in the Estonian Data Embassy Initiative/A. Lorraine Kaljund.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.1: 5-20.
141504 When the Street Disappears: Eminent Domain, Redevelopment, and the Dissociative State/Edward Snajdr,  Shonna Trinch.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.1: 21-43.
141505 She’s Come Undone: Parsi Women’s Property and Propriety under the Law/Leilah Vevaina.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.1: 44-59.
141506 Why Can’t a Pastor Be President of a Christian Nation? Pentecostal Politics as Religious Mediation/Naomi Haynes.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.1: 60-74.
141507 From Prikaz to Procedures: Becoming an International Organization in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan/Lauren Woodard.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.1: 75-89.
141508 Gatekeeping: Documents, Legal Knowledge, and Judicial Authority in Contemporary Argentina/Leticia Barrera.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.1: 90-107.
141509 Bureaucratizing Sensitivity: Documents and Expertise in North Indian Antiviolence Counseling/Julia Kowalski.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.1: 108-123.
141510 Caradura: Migration, Informal Labor, and the Problem of Enacting Trust in a Spanish Enclave in Morocco/Brian Campbell.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.1: 160-178.
141511 Street Authorities: Community Policing in Mozambique and Swaziland/Helene Maria Kyed.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.S1: 19-34.
141512 How to Study People Who Do Not Want to be Studied: Practical Reflections on Studying Up/Daniel Souleles.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.S1: 51-68.
141513 Fashioning the Legal Subject: Popular Justice and Courtroom Attire in the Caribbean/Lee Cabatingan.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.S1: 69-84.
141514 Governing Infrastructure in the Age of the Art of the Deal: Logics of Governance and Scales of Visibility/Mariana Valverde,  Fleur Johns,  Jennifer Raso.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.S1: 118-132.
141515 Contesting Secularism: Civil Marriage and Those Who Do Not Belong to a Religious Community in Lebanon/Raja Abillama.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.S1: 148-162.
141516 Challenging Corporate Personhood: Energy Companies and the Rights of Non-Humans/Erin Fitz-Henry.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.S1: 85-102.
141517 (In)credible Subjects: NGOs, Attorneys, and Permissible LGBT Asylum Seeker Identities/Siobhan McGuirk.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.S1: 4-18.
141518 Becoming Autonomous: Indigeneity, Scale, and Schismogenesis in Multicultural Mexico/Magnus Pharao Hansen.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.S1: 133-147.
141519 Life, Death, and Dialysis: Medical Repatriation and Liminal Life among Undocumented Kidney Failure Patients in the United States/Nolan Kline.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.2: 216-230.
141520 The Rise and Irrelevance of the State: Political Views from a Peasant Community of the 2016 Peruvian Presidential Election/Susan Vincent.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.2: 247-261.
141521 Project Governance beyond Foreign Aid: Mediating Neoliberalism in Lithuania/Marina Mikhaylova.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.2: 290-305.
141522 Proliferating Policy: Technologies, Performance, and Aesthetics in the Circulation and Governance of Health Care Reform in Bolivia/Alissa Bernstein.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.2: 262-276.
141523 Digital Access amongst the Marginalized: Democracy and Internet Governance in Rio de Janeiro/Jeffrey Omari.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.2: 277-289.
141524 A Dot on a Map: Cartographies of Erasure in Garifuna Territory/Keri Vacanti Brondo.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.2: 185-200.
141525 The Jury Is Out: An Ethnographic Study of Lay Participation in the Norwegian Legal System/Anna Offit.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.2: 231-246.
141526 Fighting against Clandestine Migration: Sub-Saharan Migrants  Political Agency and Uncertainty in Morocco/Sebastien Bachelet.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2018; Vol.41, No.2: 201-215.
141527 From Shape Shifting to Collusion in Violence: An Ethnography of Informal Relationships Between Bangladeshi Members of Parliament and Their Constituents/Zahir Ahmed.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2019; Vol.42, No.1: 5-20.
141528 Refusing to Be Governed: Urban Policing, Gang Violence, and the Politics of Evilness in an Afro-Colombian Shantytown/Jaime Amparo Alves.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2019; Vol.42, No.1: 21-36.
141529 Toward a Bright Future: Politics of Potential in a Ugandan Village/Brooke Bocast.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2019; Vol.42, No.1: 37-52.
141530 Violence, Law, and the Archive: How Dossiers of Memory Challenge Enforced Disappearances in the War on Terror in Pakistan/Salman Hussain.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2019; Vol.42, No.1: 53-67.
141531 Gaza 2014 and Mizra i Feminism/Smadar Lavie.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2019; Vol.42, No.1: 85-109.
141532 The Politics of Teranga: Gender, Hospitality, and Power in Senegal/Emily Jenan Riley.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2019; Vol.42, No.1: 110-124.
141533 Tripartheid: How Sectarianism Became Internal to Being in Anbar, Iraq/Kali J. Rubaii.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2019; Vol.42, No.1: 125-141.
141534 The Perils of Parole Hearings: California Lifers, Performative Disadvantage, and the Ideology of Insight/Victor L. Shammas.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2019; Vol.42, No.1: 142-160.
141535 The Location of Truth: Bodies and Voices in the Italian Asylum Procedure/Barbara Sorgoni.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2019; Vol.42, No.1: 161-176.
141536 Staging International Environmental Justice: The International Monsanto Tribunal/Giovanni Prete,  Christel Cournil.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2019; Vol.42, No.2: 191-209.
141537 Speak Out on Poverty: Hearing, Inaudibility, and Citizenship in Post-Apartheid South Africa/Nicky Rousseau.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2019; Vol.42, No.2: 210-225.
141538 Ethnography of Witnessing and Ethnography as Witnessing: Topographies of Two Court Hearings/Shahla Talebi.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2019; Vol.42, No.2: 226-243.
141539 Affective Justice: The Racialized Imaginaries of International Justice/Kamari Maxine Clarke.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2019; Vol.42, No.2: 244-267.
141540 When Biopolitics Turn Digital: Transparency, Corruption, and Erasures from the Infrastructure of Rationing in Delhi/Guillaume Dandurand.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2019; Vol.42, No.2: 268-282.
141541 The Burden of Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence, Experience, and Persuasion/Alessandra Gribaldo.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2019; Vol.42, No.2: 283-297.
141542 Re/Imagined Community: Neoliberalism, Human Rights, and Officials Accounts of the Salvadoran Transnation/Miranda Cady Hallett.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2019; Vol.42, No.2: 298-316.
141543 Representing Religious Discrimination at the Margins: Temporalities and Appropriate Identities of the State in Turkey/Nazl  Ozkan.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2019; Vol.42, No.2: 317-331.
141544 Present Absence In Dependency Law: The Erasure of Noncitizen Parents in the San Diego-Tijuana Region/Naomi Glenn-Levin Rodriguez.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2019; Vol.42, No.2: 332-346.
141545 Fakeness: Digital Inauthenticity and Emergent Political Tactics in Armenia/Tamar Shirinian.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2019; Vol.42, No.2: 347-361.
141546 Hospitality’s Prowess: Performing Sahr w  Sovereignty in Refugee Camps/Vivian Solana.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2019; Vol.42, No.2: 362-379.
141547 The Symbolic Power of the State: Inheritance Disputes and Litigants Judicial Trajectories in Cotonou/Sophie Andreetta.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2020; Vol.43, No.1: 5-20.
141548 Bypass the UN: Diplomatic Practices and Change in Multilateral Settings/Ariane Belanger-Vincent.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2020; Vol.43, No.1: 21-36.
141549 Changing the Subject of Sati/Deepa Das Acevedo.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2020; Vol.43, No.1: 37-53.
141550 Property without Prosperity: Subjective Valuation, Financial Citizenship, and Negotiating Moral Personhood among Manufactured Homeowners/Allison Formanack.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2020; Vol.43, No.1: 54-68.
141551 Negotiating True Politics: Intergenerational Dynamics During Social Uprising in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina/Natasa Garic-Humphrey.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2020; Vol.43, No.1: 69-86.
141552 Through the Looking Glass: Televised Politics in Contemporary Populist Italy/Salvatore Giusto.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2020; Vol.43, No.1: 87-102.
141553 Playing with Antagonists: The Politics of Humor in Israeli-Palestinian Market Encounters/Jeremy A. Siegman.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2020; Vol.43, No.1: 103-119.
141554 Adultery Redefined: Changing Decisions of Equity in Customary Law as Living Law in Botswana/Pnina Werbner,  Richard Werbner.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2020; Vol.43, No.1: 136-152.
141555 From Accountants to Detectives: How Nuclear Safeguards Inspectors Make Knowledge at the International Atomic Energy Agency/Anna Weichselbraun.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2020; Vol.43, No.1: 120-135.
141556 We Don’t Have the Right Words!: Idiomatic Violence, Embodied Inequalities, and Uneven Translations in Indian Law Enforcement/Sandhya Fuchs.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2020; Vol.43, No.1: 177-194.
141557 Collective Complaint: Immigrant Women Caregivers Community, Performance, and the Limits of Labor Law in New York City/Alana Lee Glaser.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2020; Vol.43, No.2: 195-210.
141558 Criminalization through Complicity: (Not) Reporting Crime in Mexico City/Tiana Bakic Hayden.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2020; Vol.43, No.2: 211-227.
141559 When All That Is Solid Does Not Melt into Air: Labor, Politics and Materiality in a Bosnian Detergent Factory/Larisa Kurtovic.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2020; Vol.43, No.2: 228-246.
141560 Free the Data from the Birdcage: Opening Up Data and Crowdsourcing Activism in Taiwan/Mei-chun Lee.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2020; Vol.43, No.2: 247-261.
141561 Rotten Row is Rotten to the Core: The Material and Sensory Politics of Harare’s Magistrates Courts after 2000/Susanne Verheul.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2020; Vol.43, No.2: 262-279.
141562 On Cynicism and Citizenship: The Place of Negative Affects in US Antihighway Activism/Michael Vine.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2020; Vol.43, No.2: 280-295.
141563 Cultivating Justice beyond Law/Diana Bocarejo.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2020; Vol.43, No.2: 304-318.
141564 Justice, Conscience, and War in Imperial Britain/Tobias Kelly.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2020; Vol.43, No.2: 319-333.
141565 To Speak the Law: Contested Jurisdictions, Legal Legibility, and Sovereignty in Guatemala/Rachel Sieder.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2020; Vol.43, No.2: 334-351.
141566 Wild Legalities: Animals and Settler Colonialism in Palestine/Israel/Irus Braverman.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2021; Vol.44, No.1: 7-27.
141567 Behind the Ballot: Democracy, Chicanery, and Electoral Technique in Modern India/Michael Collins.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2021; Vol.44, No.1: 28-42.
141568 Everyday Authoritarianism: Class and Coercion on Housing Estates in Neoliberal Britain/Ryan Davey,  Insa Lee Koch.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2021; Vol.44, No.1: 43-59.
141569 Complicated Webs: Experiential Risk in the Vietnamese Coffee Industry/Sarah G. Grant.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2021; Vol.44, No.1: 75-90.
141570 The Case of Piruani: Contested Justice, Legal Pluralism, and Indigeneity in Highland Bolivia/Matthew Doyle.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2021; Vol.44, No.1: 60-74.
141571 Golden Boys, Bros, and Barbecues: Gendered Occidentalism and the Shaping of US Policy in the Middle East/Negar Razavi.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2021; Vol.44, No.1: 91-106.
141572 Precarious Citizens: Iraqi Jews and the Politics of Belonging/Zainab Saleh.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2021; Vol.44, No.1: 107-122.
141573 You Have a Lot to Answer For: Human Rights, Matriliny, and the Mediation of Family Conflicts at the Department of Social Welfare in Ghana/Jovia Salifu.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2021; Vol.44, No.1: 123-137.
141574 Nonimmigrant Others: Belonging, Precarity and Imperial Citizenship for Chuukese Migrants in Guam/Sarah A. Smith,  Heide Castaneda.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2021; Vol.44, No.1: 138-155.
141575 Chill Pills Panic: Legal Constructions of Play, Race, and the Policing of Care in California’s Administrative Courts/Dario Valles.- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review. 2021; Vol.44, No.1: 156-171.
141576 Monetary remedies in public law misdiagnosis and misprescription/Roderick Bagshaw.- Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.26, No.1: 4-28.
141577 Housing or property? the dynamics of housing policy and property principles in the right to buy/Nicholas Hopkins, Emma Laurie.- Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.26, No.1: 65-78.
141578 Restoring the sanctity of life and replacing the caricature: a reply to David Price/John Keown.- Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.26, No.1: 109-119.
141579 Public authority liability in negligence: the continued search for coherence/Stephen Bailey.- Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.26, No.2: 155-184.
141580 The privilege against self-incrimination in competition investigations: theoretical foundations and practical implications/Angus MacCulloch.- Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.26, No.2: 211-237.
141581 Wedded to fault: the legal regulation of divorce and relationship breakdown/Ezra Hasson.- Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.26, No.2: 267-290.
141582 Causation, homicide and the supply of drugs/Timothy H Jones.- Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.26, No.2: 139-154.
141583 The rule against inalienability-a rule without a purpose?/Ian Dawson.- Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.26, No.3: 414-436.
141584 Safe in their hands? Britain’s Law Lords and human rights/Brice Dickson.- Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.26, No.3: 329-346.
141585 Breaking boundaries? Sexual consent in the jury room/Emily Finch, Vanessa E Munro.- Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.26, No.3: 303-320.
141586 Protecting or punishing children: physical punishment, human rights and English law reform/Heather Keating.- Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.26, No.3: 394-413.
141587 Law reform in the twenty-first century/Roger Toulson.- Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.26, No.3: 321-328.
141588 Law reform and human rights-Scarman’s great legacy/Michael Kirby, AC CMG.- Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.26, No.4: 449-474.
141589 Conscience, discretion and the creation of property rights/Nicholas Hopkins.- Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.26, No.4: 475-499.
141590 To foster or to temper? Regulating the political activities of the voluntary and community sector/Alison Dunn.- Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.26, No.4: 500-523.
141591 Enforcement, risk and discretion: the case of dangerous consumer products/Peter Cartwright.- Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.26, No.4: 524-543.
141592 Causation in personal injury: legal or epidemiological common sense?/Chris Miller.- Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.26, No.4: 544-569.
141593 Stealing abandoned goods: possessory title in proceedings for theft/Robin Hickey.- Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.26, No.4: 584-601.
141594 Psychiatric injury in breach of a relationship/Peter Handford.- Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.27, No.1: 26-50.
141595 Judicial diversity, the woman judge and fairy tale endings/Erika Rackley.- Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.27, No.1: 74-94.
141596 The employment contract and unfair contracts legislation/Douglas Brodie.- Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.27, No.1: 95-109.
141597 Witness preparation and the prosecution of rape/Louise Ellison.- Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.27, No.2: 171-187.
141598 An important obligation of citizenship: language, citizenship and jury service/R Gwynedd Parry.- Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.27, No.2: 188-215.
141599 Living outside the system? The (im)morality of urban squatting after the Land Registration Act 2002/Neil Cobb, Lorna Fox.- Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.27, No.2: 236-260.
141600 Incorporating children’s rights: the divergence in law and policy/Jane Williams.- Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.27, No.2: 261-287.
141601 Are UK genetic databases governed adequately? A comparative legal analysis/Susan MC Gibbons.- Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.27, No.2: 312-342.
141602 Whose autonomy matters? Reconciling the competing claims of privacy and freedom of expression/Geoffrey Gomery.- Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.27, No.3: 404-429.
141603 Centenary of HM Seervai Doyen of Indian constitutional law an Australian appreciation/Michael Kirby, AC CMG.- Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.27, No.3: 361-378.
141604 Freedom of religion in the Irish primary school system: a failure to protect human rights?/Alison Mawhinney.- Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.27, No.3: 379-403.
141605 The 2006 higher education pay dispute: the reality of partnership rhetoric?/Tonia Novitz, Charlotte Villiers.- Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.27, No.3: 486-510.
141606 As a glow brings out a haze: understanding violence in jurisprudence and Joseph Conrad’s fiction/Stephen Skinner.- Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.27, No.3: 465-485.
141607 Resolution of student complaints in higher education institutions/Neville Harris.- Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.27, No.4: 566-603.
141608 The use of ASBOS against young people in England and Wales: lessons from Scotland/Stuart Macdonald, Mark Telford.- Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.27, No.4: 604-629.
141609 Perpetuating difference? Law school sabbaticals in the era of performativity/Maureen Spencer, Penelope Kent.- Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.27, No.4: 649-677.
141610 My view of the sanctity of life: a rebuttal of John Keown’s critique/David Price.- Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.27, No.4: 549-565.
141611 Fidelity in interpretation: Lord Hoffmann and The Adventure of the Empty House/James Lee.- Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.28, No.1: 1-19.
141612 The political constitutionalism of JAG Griffith/Graham Gee.- Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.28, No.1: 40-45.
141613 The globalisation of General Principle 7: transforming the market for corporate control in Australia and Europe?/Alan Dignam.- Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.28, No.2: 96-118.
141614 The nature of the FSA policy of rule use: a critical overview/Andromachi Georgosouli.- Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.28, No.1: 119-139.
141615 Speaking Language to Law: The Case of Europe/Simone Glanert.- Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.28, No.2: 161-171.
141616 The basis of the remoteness rule in contract/Andrew Robertson.- Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.28, No.2: 172-186.
141617 Enlisting close connections: a matter of course for vicarious liability?/Po Jen Yap.- Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.28, No.2: 197-214.
141618 To empower or to protect? Constructing the  vulnerable adult  in English law and public policy/Michael C Dunn, Isabel CH Clare, Anthony J Holland.- Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.28, No.2: 234-253.
141619 Rights-based justifications for the tort of unlawful interference with economic relations/JW Neyers.- Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.28, No.2: 215-233.
141620 Bricolage and low cunning: Rorty on pragmatism, politics and poetic justice1/Ian Ward.- Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.28, No.2: 281-305.
141621 Religious ethos and employment equality: a comparative Irish perspective/Mark Coen.- Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.28, No.3: 452-474.
141622 Criminal justice and penal populism in Ireland/Liz Campbell.- Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.28, No.4: 559-573.
141623 The foundations of Elitestone/Peter Luther.- Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.28, No.4: 574-590.
141624 Everything is dislocated: reading (dis)connections in Joseph Conrad and theories of justice and violence/Stephen Skinner.- Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.28, No.4: 591-609.
141625 Complicity, legal scholarship and the law of unintended consequences/Richard Taylor.- Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.29, No.1: 1-18.
141626 Narrativising contract law/Catherine Mitchell.- Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.29, No.1: 19-46.
141627 Suppressing human rights? A rights-based approach to the use of pharmacotherapy with sex offenders/Karen Harrison, Bernadette Rainey.- Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.29, No.1: 47-74.
141628 The credit crunch the right time for credit unions to strike?/Nicholas Ryder.- Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.29, No.1: 75-98.
141629 Anti-terrorism control orders: liberty and security still in the balance/Ed Bates.- Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.29, No.1: 99-126.
141630 Consequences of a flawed presidential election/Edwin Odhiambo Abuya.- Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.29, No.1: 127-158.
141631 Can legal reasoning be demystified?/Geoffrey Samuel.- Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.29, No.2: 181-210.
141632 Were it not against our laws: oppression and resistance in Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors/Eric Heinze.- Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.29, No.2: 230-263.
141633 High treason violating the sovereign’s wife/Graham S McBain.- Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.29, No.2: 264-280.
141634 Regulating nanotechnologies: sizing up the options/Elen Stokes.- Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.29, No.2: 281-304.
141635 Visions of utopia: markets, medicine and the National Health Service/John Harrington.- Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.29, No.3: 376-399.
141636 Transferred malice in tort law?/Allan Beever.- Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.29, No.3: 400-420.
141637 Taking due account of religion in sentencing/Chara Bakalis, Peter Edge.- Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.29, No.3: 421-437.
141638 Capacity assessment under the Mental Capacity Act 2005: Delivering on the functional approach?/Mary Donnelly.- Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.29, No.3: 464-491.
141639 The SLS Centenary Lecture: Punching our weight? Legal scholarship and public understanding/William Twining.- Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.29, No.4: 519-533.
141640 The nature of law as an interpretive practice and its associated modes of inquiry/Nathan Gibbs.- Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.29, No.4: 576-591.
141641 Victims and the sentencing process: developing participatory rights?/Jonathan Doak, Ralph Henham, Barry Mitchell.- Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.29, No.4: 651-677.
141642 International ranking of law journals can it be done and at what cost?/Dan Jerker B. Svantesson.- Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.29, No.4: 678-691.
141643 Code, control, and choice: why East is East and West is West/Roger Brownsword.- Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.25, No.1: 1-21.
141644 From need to choice, welfarism to advanced liberalism? Problematics of social housing allocation/Dave Cowan, Alex Marsh.- Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.25, No.1: 22-48.
141645 Revisiting pure economic loss: lessons to be learnt from the Supreme Court of Canada?/Paula Giliker.- Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.25, No.1: 49-71.
141646 Insurance and the tort system/Richard Lewis.- Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.25, No.1: 85-116.
141647 Questioning common law constitutionalism/Thomas Poole.- Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.25, No.1: 142-163.
141648 Creditors and the concept of family home: a functional analysis/Lorna Fox.- Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.25, No.2: 201-227.
141649 Law, labour and resistance to French colonialism in Sembene Ousmane’s Les Bouts de Bois de Dieu/Ambreena Manji.- Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.25, No.2: 320-336.
141650 Laicite and the banning of the hijab in France/Mohammad Mazher Idriss.- Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.25, No.2: 260-295.
141651 Facebook with money: the rise of online brokerage platforms and vulnerable groups/Szilard Gaspar-Szilagyi, Abigail Pearson.- Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.25, No.3: 377-395.
141652 The relational impact of social rights judgments: a trust-based analysis/David Vitale.- Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.25, No.3: 408-424.
141653 The Attorney-General, politics and logistics-a fork in the road?/James Hand.- Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.25, No.3: 425-445.
141654 Taking market crime seriously/Lindsay Farmer.- Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.25, No.3: 508-524.
141655 Robinson Crusoe on a desert island Judicial education in Ireland, 1995-2019/Niamh Howlin, Mark Coen, Colette Barry, John Lynch.- Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.25, No.3: 525-545.
141656 Claiming damages upon an anticipatory breach: why should an acceptance be necessary?/Qiao Liu.- Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.25, No.4: 559-577.
141657 Citizenship and family life in Ireland: asking the question Who belongs?/Siobhan Mullally.- Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.25, No.4: 578-600.
141658 Making lawyers moral? Ethical codes and moral character/Donald Nicolson.- Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.25, No.4: 601-626.
141659 Justice and the representative parties rule: an overriding interest?/Jillaine Seymour.- Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.25, No.4: 668-688.
141660 Executioners, bystanders and victims: collective guilt, the legacy of denazification and the birth of twentieth-century transitional justice/Therese ODonnell.- Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.25, No.4: 627-667.
141661 Global commercial law between unity, pluralism, and competition: the case of the CISG/Gralf-Peter Calliess, Insa Buchmann.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.1: 1-22.
141662 The inevitable legal pluralism within universal harmonization regimes: the case of the CISG/Paul Schiff Berman.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.1: 23-40.
141663 The role of the CISG in promoting healthy jurisdictional competition for contract law/Erin O’Hara O’Connor.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.1: 41-59.
141664 Global unification of contract law/Ingeborg Schwenzer.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.1: 60-74.
141665 CMR: what if the courts got it wrong?/Delphine Defossez.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.1: 75-100.
141666 L’espace judiciaire commun CEMAC en matiere civile et commerciale/Eric-Adol T. Gatsi.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.1: 101-119.
141667 Adherence to the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention: wider than one would think at first sight/Nout van Woudenberg.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.1: 120-128.
141668 Principles of Latin American contract law: conference notes/Christina Ramberg.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.1: 129-136.
141669 Chilean high courts evidence a lack of familiarity with the CISG by neglecting its application in an international sale of goods case/Ernesto Vargas Weil.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.1: 137-144.
141670 Communaute EConomique et Monetaire de l’Afrique Centrale: Accord de cooperation judiciaire entre les etats membres de la CEMAC.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.1: 145-153.
141671 International law at the United Nations: does it matter?/Franco Frattini.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.2-3: 161-162.
141672 Practising international law at the United Nations/Miguel de Serpa Soares.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.2-3: 163-170.
141673 International criminal justice and the unifying role of customary law/Fausto Pocar.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.2-3: 171-176.
141674 Rule of law and non-State actors in the international community: are uniform law conventions still a useful tool in international commercial law?/Sergio M. Carbone.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.2-3: 177-183.
141675 Private law and general principles of public international law/Piero Bernardini.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.2-3: 184-196.
141676 Are IIAs old-fashioned? How consistency in the use of public policy fosters the object and purpose of investment agreements/Florentine Sneij.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.2-3: 197-215.
141677 Price reduction versus damages: a battle without a winner/Reza Beheshti.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.2-3: 216-237.
141678 The influence of the UNIDROIT Principles of International commercial contracts on national laws/Jose Angelo Estrella Faria.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.2-3: 238-270.
141679 News on conflictual autonomy in Latin American international private law/Jorge Oviedo-Alban.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.2-3: 271-278.
141680 Key points for the effective implementation of the Cape Town Convention: the accession of Spain to the Aircraft Protocol/Teresa Rodriguez de las Heras Ballell.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.2-3: 279-308.
141681 Regard sur le statut du dirigeant social en droit OHADA/Clotilde Etoula Essoh.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.2-3: 309-331.
141682 The mining, agricultural and construction equipment protocol to the Cape Town Convention project: The current status/Charles W. Mooney, Marek Dubovec, William Brydie-Watson.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.2-3: 332-360.
141683 An interpretation of lex lata versus lex ferenda in the Indian legal system as applicable to satellite navigation services/Rishiraj Baruah.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.2-3: 361-392.
141684 Shaping a uniform governance structure over Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS): The way of risk management/Dejian Kong.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.2-3: 393-415.
141685 CMR – Convention Internationale de Geneve relative au contrat de transport international routier de marchandise du 19 Mai 1956/Jean-Claude Bonnet.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.4: 418-420.
141686 La CMR-60 ans et plus/Jacques Putzeys.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.4: 421-425.
141687 Modalites de l’interpretation uniforme de la CMR: Quelles difficultes? Quels remedes?/Cecile Legros.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.4: 426-433.
141688 CMR Convention in a law and economics perspective/Johan Schelin.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.4: 434-440.
141689 National judges as gatekeepers to the CMR Convention/Wouter Verheyen.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.4: 441-456.
141690 Limitation of liability right in road freight carriage in Croatia: an extinct institute/Nikoleta Radionov.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.4: 457-468.
141691 La Convention CMR et les Regles de Rotterdam/Julie Ha Ngoc.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.4: 469-486.
141692 The UK Supreme Court on jurisdiction over successive CMR Convention carriers and European Union rules/Simone Lamont-Black.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.4: 487-509.
141693 Distinction entre transporteurs successifs, sous-traitant et commissionnaire de transport en droit francais/Isabelle Bon-Garcin.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.4: 510-521.
141694 The successive carrier: a relic from the past/Michiel Spanjaart.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.4: 522-532.
141695 The concept of unavoidable circumstances in Article 17, para 2, of the CMR in light of German jurisprudence/Beate Czerwenka.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.4: 533-541.
141696 Notion de circonstances inevitables de l’article 17(2) de la CMR au sens de la jurisprudence francaise/Frederic Letacq.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.4: 542-548.
141697 L’article 29 de la CMR en pratique/Jean Lecaroz, Nicolas Michon.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.4: 549-560.
141698 Article 29 of the CMR Convention concerns nothing but wilful misconduct of the carrier/Francisco Sanchez-Gamborino.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.4: 561-573.
141699 Wilful misconduct under English law/Malcolm Clarke.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.4: 574-576.
141700 Les difficultes posees par les regles de competence juridictionnelle et d’arbitrage de la CMR/Cecile Legros.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.4: 577-590.
141701 Spain’s juntas arbitrales de transporte: a special dispute adjudication regime for small claims in land transport/Manuel Ignacio Herrero de Egana Munoz-Cobo.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.4: 591-598.
141702 The UNIDROIT Principles as a Means to Interpret or Supplement Domestic Law/Olaf Meyer.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.4: 599-611.
141703 Securities, intermediation and the blockchain: an inevitable choice between liquidity and legal certainty?/Philipp Paech.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.4: 612-639.
141704 A uniform application of Article 13 of the Cape Town Convention via an autonomous interpretation/Thomas Traschler.- Uniform Law Review. 2016; Vol.21, No.4: 640-662.
141705 Interpretation and gap-filling under the CISG: contrast and convergence with the UNIDROIT Principles/Pilar Perales Viscasillas.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.1: 4-28.
141706 Contract interpretation and gap filling from the prospect of the UNIDROIT Principles/Alexander Komarov.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.1: 29-46.
141707 Contract validity and the CISG/Ulrich G. Schroeter.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.1: 47-71.
141708 Contract validity in the PICC (and their potential interplay with the CISG)/Lauro Gama.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.1: 72-97.
141709 Good Faith, the Common Law, and the CISG/Michael Bridge.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.1: 98-115.
141710 La bonne foi dans les Principes d’UNIDROIT/Daniel Tricot.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.1: 116-121.
141711 Ethical standards in CISG contracts/Ingeborg Schwenzer.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.1: 122-131.
141712 Ethics in the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts/Henry D. Gabriel.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.1: 132-144.
141713 The League of Nations in retrospect/Robert Kolb.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.1: 145-147.
141714 The League of Nations: An international relations perspective/Luciano Tosi.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.1: 148-157.
141715 UNIDROIT at Ninety: An International Institutional Law Perspective/Ivan Ingravallo.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.1: 158-167.
141716 Integrating the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts as a source of contract law in Arab Civil Codes/Mohamed Y. Mattar.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.1: 168-201.
141717 The International Rayonnement of the UNIDROIT Principles/Marcel Fontaine.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.1: 202-212.
141718 Tipping point: Paraguay’s future in the aircraft financing business with the Cape Town Convention/Weldon Walter Black Zaldivar.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.1: 213-243.
141719 Autonomous Interpretation versus Homeward Trend versus Outward Trend in CISG case law/Franco Ferrari.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.1: 244-257.
141720 Financial collateral arrangements in the European Union: current state and the way forward/Thomas Keijser.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.1: 258-300.
141721 The Hague Principles on Choice of Law: their addressees and impact/Jurgen Basedow.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.2: 304-315.
141722 Key Features of the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts/Daniel Girsberger, Neil B. Cohen.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.2: 316-335.
141723 Tacit choice of law in the Hague Principles/Lauro Gama.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.2: 336-350.
141724 The Hague solution on choice-of-law clauses in conflicting standard terms: paving the way to more legal certainty in international commercial transactions?/Thomas Kadner Graziano.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.2: 351-368.
141725 Article 3 of the Hague Principles: the final breakthrough for the choice of non-State law?/Peter Mankowski.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.2: 369-394.
141726 Article 3 of the Hague Principles: a response to Peter Mankowski/Genevieve Saumier.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.2: 395-401.
141727 Oiling the machine: overriding mandatory provisions and public policy in the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts/Andrew Dickinson.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.2: 402-421.
141728 Lessons for the USA from the Hague Principles/Linda J. Silberman.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.2: 422-434.
141729 Beyond the Mexico Convention and the Hague Principles: what’s Next for the Americas?/Jose Antonio Moreno Rodriguez.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.2: 435-442.
141730 The Role of the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts in Indian and South African private international law/Jan L. Neels.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.2: 443-451.
141731 Judicial refusal to apply treaty law: domestic law limitations on the CISG’s application/Clayton P. Gillette, Steven D. Walt.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.2: 452-491.
141732 Insolvency of intermediaries in cross-border securities holding systems/Niranjana Menon.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.2: 492-505.
141733 Heading towards Cape Town? Some remarks on the preparation of a future Protocol to the Cape Town Convention with respect to ships and maritime equipment/Ben Kohler.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.3: 507-528.
141734 La liberte d’etablissement dans la CEMAC/Marie-Colette Kamwe Mouaffo epse Kengne.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.3: 529-551.
141735 L’introduction du privilege de New Money en droit OHADA des procedures collectives/Robert Assontsa, Herline Idele Silienou.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.3: 552-579.
141736 L’attribution d’actions gratuites aux salaries en droit des societes commerciales OHADA/Achille Sunkam Kamdem, Gael Nguefack Donzeu.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.3: 580-593.
141737 La rationalisation des procedures collectives de l’OHADA: un modele prometteur/Didier Takafo-Kenfack.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.3: 594-613.
141738 Remedies for the seller’s liability for non-conformity of goods to a contract of sale of goods in the OHADA Uniform Act on General Commercial Law: a critical appraisal/Roland Djieufack.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.3: 614-637.
141739 Financing micro-businesses and the UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions/Louise Gullifer, Ignacio Tirado.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.4: 642-662.
141740 Bridging the gap: the regulatory dimension of secured transactions law reforms/Giuliano G. Castellano, Marek Dubovec.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.4: 663-692.
141741 A technological transformation of secured transactions law: visibility, monitoring, and enforcement/Teresa Rodriguez de las Heras Ballell.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.4: 693-715.
141742 A proposal for UNCITRAL to develop a Model Law on Warehouse Receipts/Marek Dubovec, Adalberto Elias.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.4: 716-730.
141743 Financing the transfer of goods under Austrian law and the use of warehouse receipts/Otto Wachter, Erin Elaine Kilmery, Henri Bellando.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.4: 731-746.
141744 Mediation in disputes arising in the context of the enforcement of security interests/Orkun Akseli.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.4: 747-772.
141745 Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and secured transactions/Maya Boureghda Chebeane.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.4: 773-780.
141746 The law applicable to the third-party effects of an assignment of receivables: whither the EU?/Catherine Walsh.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.4: 781-807.
141747 The law applicable to proprietary effects of assignment and its interplay with insolvency/Christian Heinze, Cara Janine Warmuth.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.4: 808-825.
141748 Cross-border assignment of receivables: conflict of laws in secured transactions/Yuko Nishitani.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.4: 826-841.
141749 Choice-of-law rules for secured transactions: an interest-based and modern principles-based framework for assessment/Charles W. Mooney.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.4: 842-884.
141750 Methodology for harmonization and modernization of legal rules on secured transactions: legal, functional, or otherwise?/Hideki Kanda.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.4: 885-890.
141751 Coordinated technical assistance: inter-organizational collaboration for better results in secured transactions law reform/Jeannette M.E. Tramhel.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.4: 891-913.
141752 The OAS and the UNCITRAL Model Laws on Secured Transactions compared/Spyridon V. Bazinas.- Uniform Law Review. 2017; Vol.22, No.4: 914-929.
141753 International economic law and commercial contracts: promoting cross-border trade by uniform law conventions/Jurgen Basedow.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.1: 1-14.
141754 The law governing international commercial contracts and the actual role of the UNIDROIT Principles/Michael Joachim Bonell.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.1: 15-41.
141755 The principle of international restitution of cultural property in the 1954 Hague Convention: the UNIDROIT contribution/Giuditta Giardini.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.1: 42-80.
141756 La reforme de l’alerte et de l’expertise de gestion dans le nouveau droit OHADA des societes commerciales: une entreprise inachevee!/Didier Takafo-Kenfack.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.1: 81-98.
141757 Le droit OHADA et le droit international prive: les regles d’applicabilite du droit uniforme/Pierre Meyer.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.1: 99-126.
141758 Preservation de la securite juridique et judiciaire des affaires a travers les formations: cas de l’ERSUMA et des commissions nationales OHADA/Anaclet Nzohabonayo.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.1: 127-143.
141759 The Principles of Latin American Contract Law: text, translation, and introduction/Rodrigo Momberg, Stefan Vogenauer.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.1: 144-170.
141760 Transnational commercial law and natural resources: overview of the ninth Transnational Commercial Law Teachers’ Meeting/Thomas Keijser.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.2: 172-189.
141761 From the Luxembourg Rail Protocol to the draft MAC Protocol/Benjamin von Bodungen, Howard Rosen.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.2: 190-213.
141762 Complexities arising from the expansion of the Cape Town Convention to other sectors: the MAC Protocol’s challenges and innovative solutions/Teresa Rodriguez de las Heras Ballell.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.2: 214-241.
141763 A possible Protocol to the Cape Town Convention on renewable energy equipment/Ole Boger.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.2: 242-269.
141764 Unidroit’s work in contract farming and land investment in the broader context of agricultural development and food security/Henry D. Gabriel.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.2: 270-281.
141765 Contract farming: global standards or market forces? The case of the Australian dairy industry/Bruno Zeller, Leo Langa.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.2: 282-297.
141766 Principles and building blocks for a global legal framework for transnational civil litigation in environmental matters/Hans van Loon.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.2: 298-318.
141767 The Principles on Climate Obligations of Enterprises: an attempt to give teeth to the universally adopted view that we must keep global warming below an increase of two degrees Celsius/Jaap Spier.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.2: 319-335.
141768 Too big to trial? Lessons from the Urgenda case/Marc A. Loth.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.2: 336-353.
141769 Liability issues in gas and coal mining for damage caused by soil subsidence, earthquakes, and groundwater management under Dutch law or: a tale of two provinces – Groningen and Limburg/Jan van Dunne.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.2: 354-372.
141770 Toward a harmonized framework for international regulation of renewable energy/Tedd Moya Mose.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.2: 373-396.
141771 Local parents as anchor defendants in European courts for claims against their foreign subsidiaries in human rights and environmental damages litigation: recent case law and legislative trends/Matthias Weller, Alexia Pato.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.2: 397-417.
141772 Billion-dollar questions? Legal aspects of commercial space activities/Frans G. von der Dunk.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.2: 418-446.
141773 Legal translation as comparative law: the case of the Brazilian contract law/Eliezer Sanchez Lasaballett.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.3-4: 447-486.
141774 Imputation of performance: comparative view under UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, Draft Common Frame of Reference and Civil Codes of Moldova, Romania and the Russian Federation/Vladimir Palamarciuc.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.3-4: 487-505.
141775 The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as the proposed Supervisory Authority of the future International Registry for Space Assets/Claudiu Mihai Taiatu.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.3-4: 506-526.
141776 Legal regulation and enforceability of close-out netting provisions in Ukraine: To be or not to be a netting friendly jurisdiction?/Vasyl Liutyi.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.3-4: 527-568.
141777 The burden and standard of proof in model international procedural law: dealing with the burden and standard of proof in international disputes/Athanassios V. Skontzos.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.3-4: 569-592.
141778 Droit des transports et droit de la consommation en Afrique centrale: Panorama sur la protection du consommateur des services de transport en hommage aux sinistres des transports/Jean-Claude Ngnintedem.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.3-4: 593-641.
141779 Remarques sur la reforme du droit des societes commerciales dans l’espace OHADA: a propos des comites supplementaires a la gestion/Monkam Cyrille.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.3-4: 642-655.
141780 Council of Europe Convention on Offences Relating to Cultural Property (Nicosia, 19 May 2017)/Council of Europe.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.3-4: 656-691.
141781 Deliberate destruction and illegal trafficking of cultural heritage: Resolution 2234 (2018) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe/Council of Europe.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.3-4: 692-697.
141782 Approaching the UNIDROIT Principles with Antagonism: The Case of Iranian Courts/Farshad Rahimi Dizgovin.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.3-4: 698-704.
141783 An unfortunate gap in Swiss legislation on the financing of railway equipment/Stephan Erbe, Christian Hochstrasser.- Uniform Law Review. 2018; Vol.23, No.3-4: 705-711.
141784 Redress through collective actions in Europe: ELI/UNIDROIT and European Commission proposals/Vincent Smith.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.1: 1-13.
141785 Access to information and evidence in the ELI/UNIDROIT European rules on civil procedure: some fundamental aspects/Fernando Gascon Inchausti, Michael Sturner.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.1: 14-41.
141786 The significance of the qualifying declarations under the Cape Town Convention/Thomas Traschler.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.1: 42-57.
141787 Buyer’s self-repair of non-conforming goods versus seller’s right to cure under Article 48 of the CISG/Till Maier-Lohmann.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.1: 58-72.
141788 Conceptualizing harmonization: the case for contract law/Eliezer Sanchez Lasaballett.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.1: 73-120.
141789 The Principles of International Commercial Contracts as model law: an Israeli perspective/Pablo Lerner.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.1: 121-148.
141790 Duty to renegotiate and contract adaptation in case of hardship/Ingeborg Schwenzer, Edgardo Munoz.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.1: 149-174.
141791 Global law-making in insolvency law: the role for the United Nations Commission for International Trade Law/Edouard Adelus.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.1: 175-213.
141792 La reforme du droit Camerounais des entreprises publiques et le droit des societes commerciales de l’espace OHADA/Salifou Mouhouain.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.1: 214-233.
141793 The legal impediments to the accession of Iran to the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and the Aircraft Protocol/Mojtaba Eshraghi Arani.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.1: 234-253.
141794 The UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records/Henry D. Gabriel.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.2: 261-280.
141795 Software technology in CISG contracts/Edgardo Munoz.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.2: 281-301.
141796 Legal challenges of artificial intelligence: modelling the disruptive features of emerging technologies and assessing their possible legal impact/Teresa Rodriguez de las Heras Ballell.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.2: 302-314.
141797 A governance framework for the development and use of artificial intelligence: lessons from the comparison of Japanese and European initiatives/Souichirou Kozuka.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.2: 315-329.
141798 Artificial General Intelligence and Contract/John Linarelli.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.2: 330-347.
141799 AI Systems and technology in dispute resolution/Nicolas Lozada-Pimiento.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.2: 348-366.
141800 Cross-border regulation and fintech: are transnational cooperation agreements the right way to go?/Petja Ivanova.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.2: 367-395.
141801 The impact of technology on access to law and the concomitant repercussions: past, present, and the future (from the 1980s to present time)/Tibor Tajti (Thaythy).- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.2: 396-429.
141802 The impact of blockchain technologies and smart contracts on dispute resolution: arbitration and court litigation at the crossroads/Pietro Ortolani.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.2: 430-448.
141803 Mediation and arbitration: the process of enforcement/Bruno Zeller, Leon Trakman.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.2: 449-466.
141804 A new paradigm for international uniform substantive law conventions/Franco Ferrari.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.3: 467-483.
141805 L’echange d’arguments autour de l’elaboration du droit economique a partir du Traite mettant en commun les listes des matieres d’affaires/Francis Womdjou.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.3: 484-496.
141806 The absence of choice of law in commercial contracts: problems and solutions/Reza Beheshti.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.3: 497-519.
141807 Setting a new standard for the harmonization of secured transactions law: the new Belgian Pledge Registry/Joke Rachel Baeck, Lize Heytens.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.3: 520-544.
141808 Identifying borrowed sources in secured transactions law reform/Roderick J. Wood.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.3: 545-575.
141809 Reflexion sur le fondement de l’affaiblissement de la force obligatoire du contrat en droit OHADA/Monkam Cyrille.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.3: 576-604.
141810 The law applicable to third-party effects of assignments of claims: the UN Convention and the EU Commission Proposal compared/Spyridon V. Bazinas.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.4: 609-632.
141811 European rules on the law applicable to third-party effects of assignments: a never-ending story?/Eva-Maria Kieninger.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.4: 633-648.
141812 Conflict-of-laws rules on assignments of receivables in the United States and Canada/Michel Deschamps.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.4: 649-663.
141813 The law applicable to third-party effects of assignment and the conflict rules for insolvency according to EU law/Christian Heinze, Cara Warmuth.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.4: 664-684.
141814 The law applicable to third-party effects of transactions in intermediated securities/Florian Heindler.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.4: 685-710.
141815 Approaches to the law applicable to proprietary effects of transactions in securities taken in uniform law: a lesson for the EU/Michael F. Muller.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.4: 711-723.
141816 Fintech, digitalization, and the law applicable to proprietary effects of transactions in securities (tokens): a European perspective/Gerald Spindler.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.4: 724-737.
141817 Discussion report: receivables and securities in private international law/Stella Galehr, Tessa Grosz.- Uniform Law Review. 2019; Vol.24, No.4: 738-743.
141818 The Principles of Reinsurance Contract Law: an optional instrument of transnational reinsurance law/Helmut Heiss.- Uniform Law Review. 2020; Vol.25, No.1: 4-20.
141819 Duties and remedies in the Principles of International Commercial Contracts (PICC) and the Principles of Reinsurance Contract Law (PRICL): notes for a comparison/Diana Cerini.- Uniform Law Review. 2020; Vol.25, No.1: 21-44.
141820 Principles of Reinsurance Contract Law Project: enhancing the value of reinsurance cover – viewpoint of an industry practitioner/Lari Kuitunen.- Uniform Law Review. 2020; Vol.25, No.1: 45-56.
141821 Principles of Reinsurance Contract Law: The Reinsurer’s Perspective/Eberhard Witthoff.- Uniform Law Review. 2020; Vol.25, No.1: 57-66.
141822 Replacement of non-conforming goods free of charge: is there a need to differentiate between B2B and B2C sales contracts?/Yesim M. Atamer.- Uniform Law Review. 2020; Vol.25, No.1: 67-91.
141823 La ratification de la Convention du Cap et de son Protocole ferroviaire: la delicate alchimie du choix des declarations (ou du bon usage du sur-mesure d’un point de vue francais)/Jean-Francois Riffard.- Uniform Law Review. 2020; Vol.25, No.1: 92-108.
141824 L’inscription de l’hypotheque en droit des suretes OHADA/Moutil Firmin Ghislain.- Uniform Law Review. 2020; Vol.25, No.1: 109-124.
141825 Cybersecurity regulation in the financial sector: prospects of legal harmonization in the European Union and beyond/Anton N. Didenko.- Uniform Law Review. 2020; Vol.25, No.1: 125-167.
141826 The CMR in the practice of Latvian courts/Aleksandrs Fillers.- Uniform Law Review. 2020; Vol.25, No.1: 168-201.
141827 La Convention de Vienne du 11 avril 1980 et la pratique arbitrale: experience dans un nouvel Etat adherent/Van Dai Do.- Uniform Law Review. 2020; Vol.25, No.2-3: 256-280.
141828 Secured transactions and patterns of legal change: the contribution of comparative law/Francesca Fiorentini.- Uniform Law Review. 2020; Vol.25, No.2-3: 281-299.
141829 Haro sur le juge statuant a bref delai en droit OHADA/Moukete Ekoume Francis Guillaume.- Uniform Law Review. 2020; Vol.25, No.2-3: 351-371.
141830 Le silence et le contrat: la consecration d’un antagonisme par le droit OHADA/Ohandja Paul Francis.- Uniform Law Review. 2020; Vol.25, No.2-3: 372-405.
141831 The African Principles on the Law Applicable to International Commercial Contracts – a first drafting experiment/Jan L. Neels.- Uniform Law Review. 2020; Vol.25, No.2-3: 426-436.
141832 COVID-19 and force majeure clauses: an examination of arbitral tribunal’s awards/S. Esra Kiraz, Esra Yildiz Ustun.- Uniform Law Review. 2020; Vol.25, No.4: 437-465.
141833 COVID-19 and international sale contracts: unprecedented grounds for exemption or business as usual?/Andre Janssen, Christian Johannes Wahnschaffe.- Uniform Law Review. 2020; Vol.25, No.4: 466-495.
141834 Considerations sur le droit de retention du transporteur routier de marchandises en droit OHADA/Innocent Tchamgwe.- Uniform Law Review. 2020; Vol.25, No.4: 512-535.
141835 Should Iran join the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods?/Ali Moghaddam Abrishami.- Uniform Law Review. 2020; Vol.25, No.4: 634-663.
141836 Getting to (not) guilty: examining jurors deliberative processes in, and beyond, the context of a mock rape trial/Louise Ellison, Vanessa E Munro.- Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.30, No.1: 74-97.
141837 The common law and international law a dynamic contemporary dialogue/Michael Kirby, AC CMG.- Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.30, No.1: 30-60.
141838 Reconstructing European insolvency law putting in place a new paradigm/Gerard McCormack.- Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.30, No.1: 126-146.
141839 Do freegans commit theft?/Sean Thomas.- Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.30, No.1: 98-125.
141840 Dying to be responsible: adolescence, autonomy and responsibility/Barry Lyons.- Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.30, No.2: 257-278.
141841 Confining and defining proprietary estoppel: the role of unconscionability/Martin Dixon.- Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.30, No.3: 408-420.
141842 The indexation of periodical payments of damages in tort: the future assured?/Richard Lewis.- Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.30, No.3: 391-407.
141843 Corporate crime: opening the eyes of the sentry/Celia Wells.- Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.30, No.3: 370-390.
141844 Copyright in music: a role for the principles of reverse engineering/James Griffin.- Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.30, No.4: 653-673.
141845 Responsible lending and borrowing: whereto low-cost home ownership?/Sarah Nield.- Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.30, No.4: 610-632.
141846 The case of losses in any event: a question of duty, cause or damages?/Mark Stiggelbout.- Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.30, No.4: 558-585.
141847 The classical model of contract: the product of a revolution in legal thought?/Warren Swain.- Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.30, No.4: 513-532.
141848 Clarity and ambiguity: a new approach to the test of legitimacy in the law of legitimate expectations/Jack Watson.- Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.30, No.4: 633-652.
141849 The use value of money in the law of unjust enrichment/Man Yip.- Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.30, No.2: 586-609.
141850 Winner of the SLS Annual Conference Best Paper Prize 2010: Veritas non est defamatio? Truth as a defence in the law of defamation/Eric Descheemaeker.- Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.31, No.1: 1-20.
141851 State entrapment/Hock Lai Ho.- Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.31, No.1: 71-95.
141852 Informal legal change on assisted suicide: the policy for prosecutors/Penney Lewis.- Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.31, No.1: 119-134.
141853 The relevance of context in property law: a case for judicial restraint?/Nicholas Hopkins.- Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.31, No.2: 231-258.
141854 Accessorial liability in the law of torts/Joachim Dietrich.- Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.31, No.2: 231-258.
141855 In search of legitimacy: restorative youth conferencing in Northern Ireland/Jonathan Doak, David OMahony.- Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.31, No.2: 305-325.
141856 Filling the accountability gap in housing allocations decision making/Emma Laurie.- Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.31, No.3: 442-466.
141857 Filthy lucre: lawyers fees and lawyers ethics what is wrong with informed consent?/Richard Moorhead.- Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.31, No.3: 372-391.
141858 The views from the hills: fatal accidents, child safety and licensing adventure activities/David McArdle.- Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.31, No.3: 372-391.
141859 Directed donation and ownership of human organs/Shaun D Pattinson.- Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.31, No.3: 392-410.
141860 Ending the life of the act/omission dispute: causation in withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining measures/Andrew McGee.- Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.31, No.3: 467-491.
141861 Calling in the Met: serious crime investigation involving Scotland Yard and provincial police forces in England and Wales, 1906-1939/G R Rubin.- Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.31, No.3: 411-441.
141862 Parent company liability for asbestos claims: some international insights/Helen Anderson.- Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.31, No.4: 547-569.
141863 From adversarialism to managerialism: criminal justice in transition/Jenny McEwan.- Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.31, No.4: 519-546.
141864 Legal transplants and jury trial in Japan/Meryll Dean.- Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.31, No.4: 570-590.
141865 The good, the bad and the dishonest doctor: the General Medical Council and the redemption model of fitness to practise/Paula Case.- Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.31, No.4: 591-614.
141866 Religious freedom and the right to discriminate in the school admissions context: a neo-republican critique/Eoin Daly, Tom Hickey.- Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.31, No.4: 615-643.
141867 Guarding the gates of St Peter: life, death and law making/Jonathan Montgomery.- Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.31, No.4: 644-666.
141868 Climate change and the courts/Jolene Lin.- Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.32, No.1: 35-57.
141869 It was about trust Practitioners as policy makers and the improvement of inter-professional communication within the 1980s youth justice process/Mark Telford, Sotirios Santatzoglou.- Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.32, No.1: 58-77.
141870 The curious incident of the Marriage Act (no 2) 1537 and the Irish statute book/Maebh Harding.- Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.32, No.1: 78-108.
141871 Charities and the Big Society: a doomed coalition?/Debra Morris.- Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.32, No.1: 132-153.
141872 UN peacekeeping operations: when can unlawful acts committed by peacekeeping forces be attributed to the UN?/Russell Buchan.- Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.32, No.2: 282-301.
141873 From arms, malice, and menacing to the courts: disputed elections and the reform of the election petitions system/Caroline Morris.- Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.32, No.2: 226-254.
141874 Publicity, punishment and protection: the role(s) of adverse publicity in consumer policy/Peter Cartwright.- Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.32, No.2: 179-201.
141875 The new politics of male circumcision: HIV/AIDS, health law and social justice/Marie Fox, Michael Thomson.- Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.32, No.2: 255-281.
141876 A new parenthood paradigm for twenty-first century family law in England and Wales?/Therese Callus.- Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.32, No.3: 347-368.
141877 Is legal knowledge cumulative?/Geoffrey Samuel.- Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.32, No.3: 448-479.
141878 A normative approach to the criminalisation of cartel activity/Bruce Wardhaugh.- Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.32, No.3: 369-395.
141879 Law and localism: the case of multiple occupancy housing/Antonia Layard.- Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.32, No.4: 551-576.
141880 Collective memory in law and policy: the problem of the sovereign debt crisis/Patrick OCallaghan.- Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.32, No.4: 642-660.
141881 Cohabitation, civil partnership, marriage and the equal sharing principle/Winnie Chan.- Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.33, No.1: 46-65.
141882 Criminology, class and cricket: Raffles and real life/Richard W. Ireland.- Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.33, No.1: 6-84.
141883 Securing responsibility, achieving parity? The legal support for children leaving custody/Kathryn Hollingsworth.- Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.33, No.1: 22-45.
141884 Surviving spouses, surviving children and the reform of total intestacy law in England and Scotland: Past, present and future/Fiona Burns.- Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.33, No.1: 85-118.
141885 The environmental business case and unenlightened shareholder value/Carrie Bradshaw.- Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.33, No.1: 141-161.
141886 Luhmann without tears: complex economic regulation and the erosion of the market sphere/David Campbell.- Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.33, No.1: 162-186.
141887 Corporate defamation: reputation, rights and remedies/Gary KY Chan.- Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.33, No.2: 264-288.
141888 Pensioning off the mandatory retirement age: implications for the higher education sector/Simonetta Manfredi, Lucy Vickers.- Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.33, No.2: 289-311.
141889 Better regulation, administrative sanctions and constitutional values/Karen Yeung.- Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.33, No.2: 312-339.
141890 Conceptualising racism in criminal law/Kay Goodall.- Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.33, No.2: 215-238.
141891 Tangling the web of legal parenthood: legal responses to the use of known donors in lesbian parenting arrangements/Leanne Smith.- Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.33, No.3: 355-381.
141892 Believer beware: The Challenges of Commercial Religion/Peter W. Edge.- Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.33, No.3: 382-406.
141893 Red mist homicide: sexual infidelity and the English law of murder (glossing Titus Andronicus)/Adrian Howe.- Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.33, No.3: 407-430.
141894 Human rights and mortgage repossession: beyond property law using Article 8/Sarah Nield, Nicholas Hopkins.- Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.33, No.3: 431-454.
141895 Rethinking tortious immunity for judicial acts/John Murphy.- Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.33, No.3: 455-477.
141896 Producing time and space: academic work after Henri Lefebvre/Maureen Patricia Spencer.- Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.33, No.3: 478-500.
141897 Why separate the regulatory regimes applicable to food safety and product safety?/Richard Hyde.- Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.33, No.4: 509-531.
141898 This is the piece that everyone here has come to experience: the challenges to copyright of John Cage’s 4’33/David M. Seymour.- Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.33, No.4: 532-548.
141899 The Pallant v Morgan equity reconsidered/Man Yip.- Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.33, No.4: 549-571.
141900 EM Forster’s will: an overlooked posthumous publication/Daniel Monk.- Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.33, No.4: 572-597.
141901 Deference, expertise and information-gathering powers/Cora Chan.- Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.33, No.4: 598-620.
141902 (Re)invigorating the health protection objective of the Basel Convention on Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal/William Onzivu.- Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.33, No.4: 621-649.
141903 Enforcement of corporate conduct under the Equitable Maximisation and Viability principle/Daniel Attenborough.- Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.33, No.4: 650-678.
141904 Promising options, dead ends and the reform of Australian contract law/Martin Doris.- Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.34, No.1: 24-46.
141905 Mass-mediated open justice: court and judicial reports in the Press in England and Wales/Leslie J Moran.- Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.34, No.1: 143-166.
141906 Winner of the SLS Annual Conference Best Paper Prize 2013: Bogeymen, lunatics and fanatics: collective actions and the private enforcement of European competition law: Bogeymen, lunatics and fanatics/Bruce Wardhaugh.- Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.34, No.1: 1-23.
141907 Compensating deserving victims of violent crime: the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 2012/David Miers.- Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.34, No.2: 242-278.
141908 Directors duties: improper purposes or implied terms?/Ernest Lim.- Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.34, No.3: 395-418.
141909 Defending independence/Rosalind Croucher.- Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.34, No.3: 515-535.
141910 Good offices: grasping the place of law in conflict/Aoife ODonoghue.- Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.34, No.3: 469-496.
141911 The structure, coherence and limits of inchoate liability: the new ulterior element/JJ Child.- Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.34, No.4: 537-559.
141912 Tainting illegality/Alexander F H Loke.- Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.34, No.4: 560-581.
141913 Derivative claims and ratification: time to ditch some baggage/Christopher A Riley.- Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.34, No.4: 585-582.
141914 Regulatory shifts: developing sector participation in regulation for charities in England and Wales/Alison Dunn.- Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.34, No.4: 660-681.
141915 Transnational crimes related to health: How should the law respond to the illicit organ tourism?/Sheelagh McGuinness, Jean V McHale.- Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.34, No.4: 682-708.
141916 Make the butterflies fly in formation? Management of copyright created by academics in UK universities/Andreas Rahmatian.- Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.34, No.4: 709-735.
141917 Pre-dating Vicky Pryce: the Peel case (1922) and the origins of the marital coercion statutory defence/Gerry Rubin.- Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.34, No.4: 631-659.
141918 Principles for a second century of film legislation/aithi Mac Sithigh.- Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.34, No.4: 609-630.
141919 A republican defence of the constitutional referendum/Eoin Daly.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.1: 30-54.
141920 The Human Rights Act and the doctrine of precedent/Shaun D Pattinson.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.1: 142-164.
141921 Risk and the damage requirement in negligence liability/Gemma Turton.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.1: 75-95.
141922 Sense and non-sense of a European ranking of law schools and law journals/Rob van Gestel.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.1: 165-185.
141923 Law in everyday life and death: a socio-legal study of chronic disorders of consciousness/Simon Halliday, Celia Kitzinger, Jenny Kitzinger.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.1: 55-74.
141924 Winner of the SLS Annual Conference Best Paper Prize 2014: Reframing the judicial diversity debate: personal values and tacit diversity/Rachel J Cahill-OCallaghan.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.1: 1-29.
141925 A new regulatory framework for extra-judicial consumer redress: where we are and how to move forward/Pablo Cortes.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.1: 114-141.
141926 Mens rea, motive and assisted suicide: does the DPP’s Policy go too far?/Catherine OSullivan.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.1: 96-113.
141927 Telling tales: exploring narratives of life and law within the (mock) jury room/Louise Ellison, Vanessa E Munro.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.2: 201-225.
141928 Keeping up with the Jones case: establishing constructive trusts in sole legal owner scenarios/Brian Sloan.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.2: 226-251.
141929 Insurable interest the doctrine that would not die/Gary Meggitt.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.2: 280-301.
141930 Communication, defamation and liability of intermediaries/Jan Oster.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.2: 348-368.
141931 Is legal reasoning like medical reasoning?/Geoffrey Samuel.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.2: 323-347.
141932 Finding fault in organisations reconceptualising the role of senior managers in corporate manslaughter/Luke Price.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.3: 385-407.
141933 The response to whistleblowing by regulators: a practical perspective/Ashley Savage, Richard Hyde.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.3: 408-429.
141934 Interpersonal justice and actual choice as ways of determining personal injury law and policy/David Campbell.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.3: 430-442.
141935 Workers with elderly dependants: employment law’s response to the latest care-giving conundrum/Grace James, Emma Spruce.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.3: 463-479.
141936 Private law theory and taxonomy: reframing the debate/Duncan Sheehan, TT Arvind.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.3: 480-501.
141937 Managing without default retirement in universities: a comparative picture from Australia/Alysia Blackham.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.3: 502-531.
141938 Requiring genetic knowledge: a principled case for support/Victoria Chico.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.3: 532-550.
141939 Excluding evidence (or staying proceedings) to vindicate rights in Irish and English law/Tony Ward, Clare Leon.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.4: 571-589.
141940 The Irish exclusionary rule after DPP v JC/Clare Leon, Tony Ward.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.4: 590-593.
141941 Questioning executive supremacy in an economic state of emergency/Alan Greene.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.4: 594-620.
141942 Apportionment of damages for contributory negligence: a fixed or discretionary approach?/James Goudkamp.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.4: 621-647.
141943 The legal response to safeguarding local environmental quality/Victoria Jenkins.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.4: 648-674.
141944 The margin of appreciation doctrine: a low-level institutional view/Dimitrios Tsarapatsanis.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.4: 675-697.
141945 Autonomy, capacity and vulnerable adults: filling the gaps in the Mental Capacity Act/Jonathan Herring, Jesse Wall.- Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.35, No.4: 698-719.
141946 Winner of the SLS Annual Conference Best Paper Prize 2015: Towards an understanding of the basis of obligation and commitment in family law/Gillian Douglas.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.1: 1-19.
141947 Humanitarian intervention after Syria/Arman Sarvarian.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.1: 2047-
141948 Developing environmental law scholarship: going beyond the legal space/Gavin Little.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.1: 48-74.
141949 Amending the constitution/Ian Cram.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.1: 75-92.
141950 The Olympics, transnational law and legal transplants: the International Olympic Committee, ambush marketing and ticket touting/Mark James, Guy Osborn.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.1: 93-110.
141951 Rethinking ancillary relief on divorce in Ireland: the challenges and opportunities/Kathryn OSullivan.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.1: 111-135.
141952 US exceptionalism and UK localism? Cross-border insolvency law in comparative perspective/Gerard McCormack.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.1: 136-162.
141953 Before the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015: juror punishment in nineteenth- and twentieth-century England/K. Crosby.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.2: 179-208.
141954 Dialogue isn’t working: the case for collaboration as a model of legislative-judicial relations/Eoin Carolan.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.2: 209-229.
141955 Consumer credit relationships protection, self-interest/reliance and dilemmas in the fight against unfairness: the unfair credit relationship test and the underlying rationale of consumer credit law/Sarah Brown.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.2: 230-257.
141956 Victim-blame as a symptom of rape myth acceptance? Another look at how young people in England understand sexual consent/David Gurnham.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.2: 258-278.
141957 Proprietary interests in organs in limbo/Remigius N Nwabueze.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.2: 279-301.
141958 Insurance and reinsurance in the Fairchild enclave/Rob Merkin.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.2: 302-325.
141959 Obligations in the shade: the application of fiduciary directors duties to shadow directors/Colin R. Moore.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.2: 326-353.
141960 Preventing lawful and decent burial: resurrecting dead offences/Imogen Jones, Muireann Quigley.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.2: 354-374.
141961 The law of crowds/Illan rua Wall.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.3: 395-414.
141962 Defendant-sided unjust factors/Duncan Sheehan.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.3: 415-437.
141963 Designing consumer redress: a dispute system design (DSD) model for consumer-to-business disputes/Chris Gill, Jane Williams, Carol Brennan, Carolyn Hirst.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.3: 438-463.
141964 Mediator immunity: time for evaluation in England and Wales?/Penny Brooker.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.3: 464-490.
141965 Making sense of negligence/Steve Hedley.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.3: 491-512.
141966 Trying to save the world with company law? Some problems/Lorraine Talbot.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.3: 513-534.
141967 Speaking with different voices: the problems with English law and psychiatric injury/Russell Orr.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.4: 547-565.
141968 Canons of environmental law: pollution of churches and the regulation of the medieval environment/Laurence Etherington.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.4: 566-590.
141969 Attitudes to justice in a rural community/Daniel Newman.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.4: 591-612.
141970 A new paradigm of reparation for victims of child pornography/Suzanne Ost.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.4: 613-638.
141971 You had me at no capital gains tax on a disposal: legal and theoretical aspects of standalone image rights/David McArdle.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.4: 636-657.
141972 Activating Actavis in Europe the proposal of a structured effects-based analysis for pay-for-delay settlements/Sven Gallasch.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.4: 683-705.
141973 Transnational legal transplants and legitimacy: the example of clean and green development mechanisms/Jerneja Penca.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.4: 706-724.
141974 Heeding human dignity’s call/Natasa Mavronicola.- Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.36, No.4: 725-737.
141975 Winner of the SLS Annual Conference Best Paper Prize 2016: Knowledge and landscape in wind energy planning/Maria Lee.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.1: 3-24.
141976 Redefining media using a media-as-a-constitutional-component concept: an evaluation of the need for the European Court of Human Rights to alter its understanding of media within a new media landscape/Peter Coe.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.1: 25-53.
141977 Investigating rape: human rights and police accountability/Joanne Conaghan.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.1: 54-77.
141978 The Consumer Rights Act 2015 a bastion of European consumer rights?/Paula Giliker.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.1: 78-102.
141979 Promoting more socially responsible corporations through a corporate law regulatory framework/Jingchen Zhao.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.1: 103-136.
141980 The strikethrough: an approach to regulatory writing and professional discipline/Marie-Andree Jacob.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.1: 137-161.
141981 Tort tactics: an empirical study of personal injury litigation strategies/Richard Lewis.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.1: 162-185.
141982 Empirical insights into corporate contractarian theory/Daniel Attenborough.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.2: 191-213.
141983 Security interests in intellectual property: proposals for reform/Sean Thomas.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.2: 214-247.
141984 Exercising discretion in the context of dependent employment: assessing the impact of workload on the rule of law/Shelagh MR Campbell.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.2: 305-323.
141985 Voluntary vaccination: the pandemic effect/Emma Cave.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.2: 279-304.
141986 Access to the countryside: the tragedy of the house of commons/Ben Mayfield.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.2: 343-362.
141987 A Public International Law approach to safeguard nationality for surrogate-born children/Brid Ni Ghrainne, Aisling McMahon.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.2: 324-342.
141988 The constitution of intellectual property as an academic subject/Jose Bellido.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.3: 369-390.
141989 Reconceptualising specialist environment courts and tribunals/Ceri Warnock.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.3: 391-417.
141990 Balfour V Balfour and the separation of contract and promise/Prince Saprai.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.3: 468-492.
141991 Redefining contractual capacity? the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the incapacity defence in English contract law/Eliza Varney.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.3: 493-519.
141992 Is Mazur the new Langdell? The strange trajectory of interactive law teaching/Susan Bartie.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.3: 520-542.
141993 The hyper-regulation of public space: the use and abuse of Public Spaces Protection Orders in England and Wales/Kevin J. Brown.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.3: 543-568.
141994 A grave offence: corpse desecration and the criminal law/Imogen Jones.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.4: 592-622.
141995 The commercialisation of equity/Man Yip, James Lee.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.4: 647-671.
141996 A good faith interpretation of the right to manifest religion? The diverging approaches of the European Court of Human Rights and the UN Human Rights Committee/Stephanie E. Berry.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.4: 672-694.
141997 Keeping women off the jury in 1920s England and Wales/K. Crosby.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.4: 695-717.
141998 The victims of hate crime and the principles of the criminal law/Chara Bakalis.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.4: 718-736.
141999 Embedding explained jury verdicts in the English criminal trial/Mark Coen, Jonathan Doak.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.4: 786-806.
142000 The changing function of patents: a reversion to privileges?/Jessica C. Lai.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.4: 807-837.
142001 All the Queen’s horses: statutory authority and HS2/Mark Laurence Wilde.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.4: 665-685.
142002 An empirical evaluation of the normative justifications for cartel criminalisation/Andreas Stephan.- Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.37, No.4: 621-646.
142003 Corporate personality: utilising trust law to invoke the application of the concealment principle/Gregory Allan, Stephen Griffin.- Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.38, No.1: 79-102.
142004 Democracy as the legitimating condition in the UK Constitution/Jo Eric Khushal Murkens.- Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.38, No.1: 42-58.
142005 Exploring children’s understanding of law in their everyday lives/Dawn Watkins, Effie Lai-Chong Law, Joanna Barwick, Elee Kirk.- Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.38, No.1: 59-78.
142006 Legitimate Expectations in the Common Law World by Matthew Groves and Greg Weeks (eds). Oxford: Bloomsbury Hart Publishing/Joe Tomlinson.- Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.38, No.1: 187-190.
142007 Malicious legal transplants/Mathias Siems.- Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.38, No.1: 103-119.
142008 Utilitarianism as tort theory: countering the caricature/Craig Purshouse.- Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.38, No.1: 24-41.
142009 Discretion in property law: a study of judicial correction of registered title/SAA Cooper.- Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.38, No.1: 1-23.
142010 Criminal law in the shadows: creating offences in delegated legislation/James Chalmers, Fiona Leverick.- Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.38, No.2: 221-241.
142011 Judicial review and the future of UK development assistance: On the Application of O v Secretary of State for International Development (2014)/John Harrington, Ambreena Manji.- Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.38, No.2: 320-335.
142012 Judicial leadership on the UK Supreme Court/Rosemary Hunter, Erika Rackley.- Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.38, No.2: 191-220.
142013 Going with the flow: Integrated Water Resources Management, the EU Water Framework Directive and ecological flows/William Howarth.- Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.38, No.2: 298-319.
142014 Vicarious liability and the beautiful game liability for professional and amateur footballers?/Phillip Morgan.- Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.38, No.2: 242-262.
142015 Why judges need jurisprudence in cyberspace/Chris Reed.- Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.38, No.2: 263-278.
142016 Material contribution after Williams v The Bermuda Hospitals Board/SH Bailey.- Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.38, No.3: 411-428.
142017 Transforming legal education through emotions/Emma Jones.- Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.38, No.3: 450-479.
142018 Taming the UK’s war prerogative: the rationale for reform/Tanzil Chowdhury.- Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.38, No.3: 500-513.
142019 Constitutions and bills of rights: invigorating or placating democracy?/Brian Christopher Jones.- Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.38, No.3: 339-359.
142020 Too attentive to our duty: the fundamental conflict underlying human rights protection in the UK/Benedict Douglas.- Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.38, No.3: 360-378.
142021 Myths of the medical methods exclusion: medicine and patents in nineteenth century Britain/Robert Burrell, Catherine Kelly.- Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.38, No.4: 607-626.
142022 The role of the English courts in alternative dispute resolution/AKC Koo.- Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.38, No.4: 666-683.
142023 Parental involvement: a discretionary presumption/Felicity Kaganas.- Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.38, No.4: 549-570.
142024 Duress as a tort law defence?/John Murphy.- Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.38, No.4: 571-586.
142025 A sieve that does hold a little water gambling advertising and protection of the vulnerable in the UK/Julia Hornle, Malgorzata A Carran.- Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.38, No.4: 529-548.
142026 Reformulating the common law rules on the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments/Ardavan Arzandeh.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.1: 56-74.
142027 From balanced enterprise to hostile takeover: how the law forgot about management/Andrew Johnston, Blanche Segrestin, Armand Hatchuel.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.1: 75-97.
142028 Disrupting doctrine? Revisiting the doctrinal impact of relational contract theory/Zhong Xing Tan.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.1: 98-119.
142029 Judicial constitutional comparativism at the UK Supreme Court/Christina Lienen.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.1: 166-182.
142030 The concept of business judgment/Andrew Keay, Joan Loughrey.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.1: 36-55.
142031 Property, territory, and colonialism: an international legal history of enclosure/Henry Jones.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.1: 187-203.
142032 Purposive contractual interpretation/Andrew Robertson.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.1: 230-246.
142033 The regulatory space of equality and human rights in Britain: the role of the Equality and Human Rights Commission/David Barrett.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.1: 247-265.
142034 Brands, weightless firms and global value chains: the organisational impact of trade mark law/Andrew Griffiths.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.2: 284-301.
142035 The procedural fairness limitations of fitness to practise hearings: a case study into social work/Richard Kirkham, Jadwiga Leigh, Kenneth McLaughlin, Aidan Worsley.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.2: 339-357.
142036 Legal implications of smoking (bans) in English prisons/Elise Maes.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.2: 321-338.
142037 Assessing plain and intelligible language in the Consumer Rights Act: a role for reading scores?/Kathy Conklin, Richard Hyde, Fabio Parente.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.3: 378-397.
142038 Lawyer disciplinary processes: an empirical study of solicitors misconduct cases in England and Wales in 2015/Andrew Boon, Avis Whyte.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.3: 455-478.
142039 Community insurance versus compulsory insurance: competing paradigms of no-fault accident compensation in New Zealand/Simon Connell.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.3: 499-516.
142040 Between going private and NHS privatisation: patient choice, competition reforms and the relationship between the NHS and private healthcare in England/Mary Guy.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.3: 479-498.
142041 Delimiting the concept of personal data after the GDPR/Benjamin Wong.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.3: 517-532.
142042 Hybrid institutions in the national security constitution: the case of the Commissioners/Paul F Scott.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.3: 432-454.
142043 A law-and-community approach to compensation for takings of property under the European Convention on Human Rights/Ting Xu.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.3: 398-414.
142044 Administrative law and the machines of government: judicial review of automated public-sector decision-making/Jennifer Cobbe.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.4: 639-655.
142045 Bad character, tragic errors and deep ignorance/Liat Levanon.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.4: 676-693.
142046 UK post-Brexit trade agreements and devolution/Billy A Melo Araujo.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.4: 555-578.
142047 The gig economy: a hypothetical contract analysis/Marc T Moore.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.4: 579-597.
142048 Re-engineering justice? Robot judges, computerised courts and (semi) automated legal decision-making/John Morison, Adam Harkens.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.4: 618-635.
142049 What determines national convergence of EU law? Measuring the implementation of consumer sales law/Catalina Goanta, Mathias Siems.- Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.39, No.4: 714-734.
142050 Lisvane’s Legacy? Constitutional reform in the Isle of Man/Peter W Edge.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.1: 22-41.
142051 The courts development of the criminal law and the role of declarations/Jeremy Horder.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.1: 42-54.
142052 A vindicatory approach to tortious liability for mistakes in assisted human reproduction/Andrea Mulligan.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.1: 55-76.
142053 Law’s Abstract Judgement and Language as the House of Being Law’s Judgement by William Lucy, Oxford/Richard Mullender.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.1: 172-181.
142054 Anti-money laundering regulation and the art market/Saskia Hufnagel, Colin King.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.1: 131-150.
142055 Political advertising revisited: digital campaigning and protecting democratic discourse/Michael Harker.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.1: 151-171.
142056 Losing the local? Public participation and legal expertise in planning law/Carolyn Abbot.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.2: 269-285.
142057 Rationalising corporate disregard/Alan Dignam, Peter Oh.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.2: 187-208.
142058 The positive duty of prevention in the common law and the Convention/Achas K Burin.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.2: 209-229.
142059 Do we need a theory of legitimate expectations?/Joe Tomlinson.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.2: 286-300.
142060 The honest cheat: a timely history of cheating and fraud following Ivey v Genting Casinos (UK) Ltd t/a Crockfords/Cerian Griffiths.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.2: 252-268.
142061 England’s fresh approach to food waste: problem frames in the Resources and Waste Strategy/Carrie Bradshaw.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.2: 321-343.
142062 War crimes allegations and the UK: towards a fairer investigative process/Andrew Williams.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.2: 301-320.
142063 Servitude, slavery and Scots law: historical perspectives on the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act 2015/Jonathan Brown.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.3: 353-375.
142064 Great expectations: millennial lawyers and the structures of contemporary legal practice/Lydia Bleasdale, Andrew Francis.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.3: 376-396.
142065 Crime and anti-social behaviour in England and Wales: an empirical evaluation of the ASBO’s successor/Stavros Demetriou.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.3: 458-476.
142066 Unilateral permission and prescriptive acquisition: a Scottish perspective/Craig Anderson.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.3: 477-493.
142067 Habermasian utopia or Sunstein’s echo chamber? The dark side of hashtag hijacking and feminist activism/Reilly Anne Dempsey Willis.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.3: 507-526.
142068 Using IP rights to protect human rights: copyright for revenge porn removal/Aislinn OConnell, Ksenia Bakina.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.3: 442-457.
142069 Precedent within the High Court/Kwan Ho Lau.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.3: 397-418.
142070 The under-reporting of sexual harassment in Australian workplaces: are organisational processes falling short?/Therese MacDermott.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.4: 531-547.
142071 Quantification of damages for non-pecuniary losses deriving from breach of contract/Zlatin Zlatev.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.4: 548-564.
142072 Charging overseas visitors for NHS treatment, from Bevan to Windrush and beyond/Jean V McHale, Elizabeth M Speakman.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.4: 565-588.
142073 Public interest damages/Vaclav Janecek.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.4: 589-608.
142074 Consumer-generated reviews: time for closer scrutiny?/Nwanneka Victoria Ezechukwu.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.4: 630-650.
142075 The good character backstop: directions, defeasibility and frameworks of fairness/Richard Glover.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.4: 675-693.
142076 The construction of patent claims/David Booton.- Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.40, No.4: 651-674.
142077 Beyond acts and omissions: remark-able criminal conduct/Mark Dsouza.- Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.41, No.1: 1-8.
142078 An analysis of three distinct approaches to using defamation to protect corporate reputation from Australia, England and Wales, and Canada/Peter Coe.- Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.41, No.1: 111-129.
142079 The end to testamentary freedom  The end to testamentary freedom/Richard Hedlund.- Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.41, No.1: 55-72.
142080 Homelessness and the over-judicialisation of welfare/Emma Laurie.- Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.41, No.1: 39-54.
142081 Criminalising deceptive sex: sex, identity and recognition/Chloe Kennedy.- Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.41, No.1: 91-110.
142082 Reasonable accommodation in Irish equality law: an incomplete transformation/Lucy-Ann Buckley, Shivaun Quinlivan.- Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.41, No.1: 19-38.
142083 Gone and forgotten: Vinogradoff’s historical jurisprudence/Lorren Eldridge.- Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.41, No.2: 194-213.
142084 The crisis in legally aided criminal defence in Wales: bringing Wales into discussions of England and Wales/Roxanna Dehaghani, Daniel Newman.- Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.41, No.2: 234-251.
142085 What shall I compare thee to? Legal journals, impact, citation and peer rankings/Janja Hojnik.- Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.41, No.2: 252-275.
142086 A capabilities approach to best interests assessments/Michael Thomson.- Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.41, No.2: 276-293.
142087 The probable and the nonarbitrary: evidential foundations for a finding of guilt/Liat Levanon.- Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.41, No.2: 294-310.
142088 Enforcing rights in employment tribunals: insights from age discrimination claims in a new dataset/Alysia Blackham.- Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.41, No.3: 390-409.
142089 Public order as a protectable interest/Zhilong Guo.- Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.41, No.3: 410-429.
142090 Comparing family property disputes in English and Singapore law: context is everything/Man Yip.- Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.41, No.3: 474-492.
142091 A theory of children’s decisional privacy/Georgina Dimopoulos.- Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.41, No.3: 430-453.
142092 Exclusive jurisdiction clauses in international trust deeds/Ardavan Arzandeh.- Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.41, No.4: 527-544.
142093 The prospects for pluralism in contract theory/Zhong Xing Tan.- Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.41, No.4: 547-566.
142094 Solicitors rights of audience, competence and regulation: a responsibility rights approach/Jane Ching.- Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.41, No.4: 585-602.
142095 When is illegality a defence to a tort?/Liron Shmilovits.- Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.41, No.4: 603-616.
142096 What’s law got to do with it? Is consumer law the solution to problems faced by student tenants?/Emily Walsh.- Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.41, No.4: 567-584.
142097 Does Feminism Need a Theory of Transitional Justice? An Introductory Essay/Christine Bell, Catherine ORourke.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2007; Vol.1, No.1: 23-44.
142098 Geographies of Crime and Justice: Contemporary Transitional Justice and the Creation of Zones of Impunity/Chandra Lekha Sriram, Amy Ross.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2007; Vol.1, No.1: 45-65.
142099 Peace or Justice? Transitional Justice in Afghanistan/Ahmad Nader Nadery.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2007; Vol.1, No.1: 173-179.
142100 Settling Accounts Revisited: Reconciling Global Norms with Local Agency/Diane F. Orentlicher.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2007; Vol.1, No.1: 10-22.
142101 The Haunting of Alice: Local Approaches to Justice and Reconciliation in Northern Uganda/Erin K. Baines.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2007; Vol.1, No.1: 91-104.
142102 The Thief of History Cambodia and the Special Court/Youk Chhang.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2007; Vol.1, No.1: 157-172.
142103 Transitional Justice and the Reform of History Education/Elizabeth A. Cole.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2007; Vol.1, No.1: 115-137.
142104 A Model for Dealing with the Past in the Israeli-Palestinian Context/Ron Dudai.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2007; Vol.1, No.2: 249-267.
142105 Can Amnesties and International Justice be Reconciled?/Louise Mallinder.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2007; Vol.1, No.2: 208-230.
142106 Civil Society and Transitional Justice in Liberia: A Practitioner’s Reflection from the Field/Ezekiel Pajibo.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2007; Vol.1, No.2: 287-296.
142107 Civil Society and Security Sector Reform in Post-conflict Liberia: Painting a Moving Train without Brushes/Alexander Loden.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2007; Vol.1, No.2: 297-307.
142108 Empirical Research and the Development and Assessment of Transitional Justice Mechanisms/Phuong Pham, Patrick Vinck.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2007; Vol.1, No.2: 231-248.
142109 Memory Frictions: Localizing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Sierra Leone/Rosalind Shaw.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2007; Vol.1, No.2: 183-207.
142110 Travails of Truth: Achieving Justice for Victims of Impunity in Nigeria/Hakeem O. Yusuf.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2007; Vol.1, No.2: 268-286.
142111 Confronting the Reality of Gender-based Violence in Northern Uganda/Moses Chrispus Okello, Lucy Hovil.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2007; Vol.1, No.3: 433-443.
142112 Depoliticised Speech and Sexed Visibility: Women, Gender and Sexual Violence in the 1999 Guatemalan Comisi‎لn para el Esclarecimiento Historico Report/Emily Rosser.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2007; Vol.1, No.3: 391-410.
142113 Masculinity and Transitional Justice: An Exploratory Essay/Brandon Hamber.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2007; Vol.1, No.3: 375-390.
142114 The Gender of Transitional Justice: Law, Sexual Violence and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia/Kirsten Campbell.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2007; Vol.1, No.3: 411-432.
142115 The Nairobi Declaration: Redefining Reparation for Women Victims of Sexual Violence/Valerie Couillard.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2007; Vol.1, No.3: 444-453.
142116 Underenforcement and Intersectionality: Gendered Aspects of Transition for Women/Fionnuala Ni Aolain, Eilish Rooney.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2007; Vol.1, No.3: 338-354.
142117 A Trojan Horse? Unionism, Trust and Truth-telling in Northern Ireland/Patricia Lundy, Mark McGovern.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2008; Vol.2, No.1: 42-62.
142118 Human Rights Politics and Injustice: Transitional Justice in Argentina and South Africa/Michael Humphrey, Estela Valverde.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2008; Vol.2, No.1: 83-105.
142119 Kozarac School: A Window on Transitional Justice for Returnees/Sebina Sivac-Bryant.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2008; Vol.2, No.1: 106-115.
142120 Serbia After the Criminal Past: What Went Wrong and What Should be Done/Nenad Dimitrijevic.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2008; Vol.2, No.1: 5-22.
142121 Truth Skepticism: An Inquiry into the Value of Truth in Times of Transition/Erin Daly.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2008; Vol.2, No.1: 23-41.
142122 Victim Reparations in the Peruvian Truth Commission and the Challenge of Historical Interpretation/Jemima Garcia-Godos.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2008; Vol.2, No.1: 63-82.
142123 Argentina’s National Commission on the Disappearance of Persons: Contributions to Transitional Justice/Emilio Crenzel.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2008; Vol.2, No.2: 173-191.
142124 Delivering Lasting Peace, Democracy and Human Rights in Times of Transition: The Role of International Law/Catherine Turner.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2008; Vol.2, No.2: 126-151.
142125 Forensic Science for Cambodian Justice/Melanie Klinkner.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2008; Vol.2, No.2: 227-243.
142126 Reparations for Sexual and Reproductive Violence: Prospects for Achieving Gender Justice in Guatemala and Peru/Colleen Duggan, Claudia Paz y Paz Bailey, Julie Guillerot.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2008; Vol.2, No.2: 192-213.
142127 Social Reconstruction as a Local Process/Laura Arriaza, Naomi Roht-Arriaza.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2008; Vol.2, No.2: 152-172.
142128 The Time That Was Broken, the Home That Was Razed: Deconstructing Slavenka Drakulic’s Storytelling About Yugoslav War Crimes/Magdalena Zolkos.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2008; Vol.2, No.2: 214-226.
142129 A Deeper Justice: Economic and Social Justice as Transitional Justice in Nepal/Tafadzwa Pasipanodya.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2008; Vol.2, No.3: 378-397.
142130 Effects of Invisibility: In Search of the Economic in Transitional Justice/Zinaida Miller.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2008; Vol.2, No.3: 266-291.
142131 Gender Equality, Development and Transitional Justice: The Case of Nepal/Daniel Aguirre, Irene Pietropaoli.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2008; Vol.2, No.3: 356-377.
142132 Ownership and Participation in Transitional Justice Mechanisms: A Sustainable Human Development Perspective from Eastern DRC/Patrick Vinck, Phuong Pham.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2008; Vol.2, No.3: 398-411.
142133 Plunder and Pain: Should Transitional Justice Engage with Corruption and Economic Crimes?/Ruben Carranza.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2008; Vol.2, No.3: 310-330.
142134 Purity and Planning: Shared Logics of Transitional Justice and Development/Christopher J. Colvin.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2008; Vol.2, No.3: 412-425.
142135 Toward a Development-sensitive Approach to Transitional Justice/Roger Duthie.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2008; Vol.2, No.3: 292-309.
142136 Transitional Justice and Peace Building: Diagnosing and Addressing the Socioeconomic Roots of Violence through a Human Rights Framework/Lisa J. Laplante.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2008; Vol.2, No.3: 331-355.
142137 (Re)Imagining Coexistence: Striving for Sustainable Return, Reintegration and Reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina/Huma Haider.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2009; Vol.3, No.1: 91-113.
142138 Fighting Amnesia: Ways to Uncover the Truth about Lebanon’s Missing/Iolanda Jaquemet.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2009; Vol.3, No.1: 69-90.
142139 Reshaping Civil Society through a Truth Commission: Human Rights in Morocco’s Process of Political Reform/Luke Wilcox.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2009; Vol.3, No.1: 49-68.
142140 Testifying in an International War Crimes Tribunal: The Experience of Witnesses in the Special Court for Sierra Leone/Rebecca Horn, Simon Charters, Saleem Vahidy.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2009; Vol.3, No.1: 135-149.
142141 Transitional Justice and Peacebuilding after Mass Violence/Wendy Lambourne.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2009; Vol.3, No.1: 28-48.
142142 Transitional Justice, Interdisciplinarity and the State of the Field or Non-Field/Christine Bell.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2009; Vol.3, No.1: 5-27.
142143 Witness to Rape: The Limits and Potential of International War Crimes Trials for Victims of Wartime Sexual Violence/Nicola Henry.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2009; Vol.3, No.1: 114-134.
142144 Activating a Victim Constituency in International Criminal Justice/Mark Findlay.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2009; Vol.3, No.2: 183-206.
142145 An Evolutionary Process: Contributions of the Bundestag Inquiries into East Germany to an Understanding of the Role of Truth Commissions/Andrew H. Beattie.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2009; Vol.3, No.2: 229-249.
142146 Judicial Defenders: Their Role in Postgenocide Justice and Sustained Legal Development/Kerstin McCourt.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2009; Vol.3, No.2: 272-283.
142147 Reparations under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and Reparative Justice Theory/Conor McCarthy.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2009; Vol.3, No.2: 250-271.
142148 Sitting on Powder Kegs: Socioeconomic Rights in Transitional Societies/Ismael Muvingi.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2009; Vol.3, No.2: 163-182.
142149 Tribunal Verite: Documenting Transitional Justice in Sierra Leone/Sativa January.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2009; Vol.3, No.2: 207-228.
142150 A Bottom-Up Approach to Transformative Justice in Northern Ireland/Anna Eriksson.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2009; Vol.3, No.3: 301-320.
142151 Engaging Diasporas in Truth Commissions: Lessons from the Liberia Truth and Reconciliation Commission Diaspora Project/Laura A. Young, Rosalyn Park.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2009; Vol.3, No.3: 341-361.
142152 Exploring Home-Grown Transitional Justice and Its Dilemmas: A Case Study of the Historical Enquiries Team, Northern Ireland/Patricia Lundy.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2009; Vol.3, No.3: 321-340.
142153 Guilty as Charged: The Trial of Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori for Human Rights Violations/Jo-Marie Burt.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2009; Vol.3, No.3: 384-405.
142154 Options for Transitional Justice in Kenya: Autonomy and the Challenge of External Prescriptions/Godfrey M. Musila.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2009; Vol.3, No.3: 445-464.
142155 Seeking Truth after 50 Years: The National Committee for Investigation of the Truth about the Jeju 4.3 Events/Hunjoon Kim.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2009; Vol.3, No.3: 406-423.
142156 These Spaces in Between: The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission and Its Role in Transitional Justice/Tazreena Sajjad.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2009; Vol.3, No.3: 424-444.
142157 The Paradox of International Justice Compliance/Jelena Subotic.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2009; Vol.3, No.3: 362-383.
142158 A Truth Commission for Northern Ireland?/Aoife Duffy.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2010; Vol.4, No.1: 26-46.
142159 Analyzing Rape Regimes at the Interface of War and Peace in Peru/Jelke Boesten.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2010; Vol.4, No.1: 110-129.
142160 From Denial to Reluctant Dialogue: The Chilean Military’s Confrontation with Human Rights (1990-2006)/Onur Bakiner.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2010; Vol.4, No.1: 47-66.
142161 From the Battlefield to the Barracks: The ICTY and the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina/Lara J. Nettelfield.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2010; Vol.4, No.1: 87-109.
142162 Human Rights Trials in Chile during and after the Pinochet Years/Cath Collins.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2010; Vol.4, No.1: 67-86.
142163 Life Is Priceless: Mayan Q’eqchi Voices on the Guatemalan National Reparations Program/Lieselotte Viaene.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2010; Vol.4, No.1: 4-25.
142164 At War with the Past? The Politics of Truth Seeking in Guatemala/Anita Isaacs.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2010; Vol.4, No.2: 251-274.
142165 Citizenship Deferred: The Politics of Victimhood, Land Restitution and Gender Justice in the Colombian (Post?) Conflict/Donny Meertens, Margarita Zambrano.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2010; Vol.4, No.2: 189-206.
142166 Learning to Live Together: Transitional Justice and Intergroup Reconciliation in Northern Ireland/Nevin T. Aiken.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2010; Vol.4, No.2: 166-188.
142167 Media, Trials and Truth Commissions: Mediating Reconciliation in Peru’s Transitional Justice Process/Lisa J. Laplante, Kelly Phenicie.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2010; Vol.4, No.2: 207-229.
142168 When and Why It Started: Deconstructing Victim-Centered Truth Commissions in the Context of Ethnicity-Based Conflict/Nneoma V. Nwogu.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2010; Vol.4, No.2: 275-289.
142169 African Transitional Justice Research Network: Critical Reflections on a Peer Learning Process/Nokukhanya Mncwabe.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2010; Vol.4, No.3: 497-508.
142170 Assessing Local Experiences of Truth-Telling in Sierra Leone: Getting to Why through a Qualitative Case Study Analysis/Gearoid Millar.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2010; Vol.4, No.3: 477-496.
142171 Cambodians Support for the Rule of Law on the Eve of the Khmer Rouge Trials/James L. Gibson, Jeffrey Sonis, Sokhom Hean.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2010; Vol.4, No.3: 377-396.
142172 Impact Assessment, Not Evaluation: Defining a Limited Role for Positivism in the Study of Transitional Justice/Geoff Dancy.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2010; Vol.4, No.3: 355-376.
142173 Outreach Evaluation: The International Criminal Court in the Central African Republic/Patrick Vinck, Phuong N. Pham.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2010; Vol.4, No.3: 421-442.
142174 State-Level Effects of Transitional Justice: What Do We Know?/Oskar N.T. Thoms, James Ron, Roland Paris.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2010; Vol.4, No.3: 329-354.
142175 Utopian Dreams or Practical Possibilities? The Challenges of Evaluating the Impact of Memorialization in Societies in Transition/Brandon Hamber, Liz sevcenko, Ereshnee Naidu.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2010; Vol.4.
142176 Watching a Bargain Unravel? A Panel Study of Victims Attitudes about Transitional Justice in Cape Town, South Africa/David Backer.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2010; Vol.4, No.3: 443-456.
142177 When Truth Commissions Improve Human Rights/Tricia D. Olsen, Leigh A. Payne, Andrew G. Reiter, Eric Wiebelhaus-Brahm.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2010; Vol.4, No.3: 457-476.
142178 Accounting for Famine at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia: The Crimes against Humanity of Extermination, Inhumane Acts and Persecution/Randle C. DeFalco.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 142-158.
142179 Balancing International Justice in the Balkans: Surrogate Enforcers, Uncertain Transitions and the Road to Europe/Victor Peskin, Mieczys aw P. Boduszynski.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 52-74.
142180 Law, Power and Justice: What Legalism Fails to Address in the Functioning of Rwanda’s Gacaca Courts/Susan Thomson, Rosemary Nagy.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 11-30.
142181 Questionable Associations: The Role of Forgiveness in Transitional Justice/Rebecca Saunders.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 119-141.
142182 Releasing Transitional Justice from the Technical Asylum: Judicial Reform in Guatemala seen through Techn  and Phronesis/Marcos Zunino.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 99-118.
142183 Towards Victim-Centred Transitional Justice: Understanding the Needs of Families of the Disappeared in Postconflict Nepal/Simon Robins.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2011; Vol.5, No.1: 75-98.
142184 An Unfinished Business: Transitional Justice and Democratization in Post-Soviet Russia/Kora Andrieu.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2011; Vol.5, No.2: 198-220.
142185 Subjects and Objects: International Criminal Law and the Institutionalization of Civil Society/Emily Haslam.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2011; Vol.5, No.2: 221-240.
142186 The Strengths and Limitations of South Africa’s Search for Apartheid-Era Missing Persons/Jay D. Aronson.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2011; Vol.5, No.2: 262-282.
142187 Transitional Justice: The Issue that Won’t Go Away/A. James McAdams.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2011; Vol.5, No.2: 304-312.
142188 Transitional Justice and Displacement/Roger Duthie.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2011; Vol.5, No.2: 241-261.
142189 Transitional Justice Beyond the Normative: Towards a Literary Theory of Political Transitions/Siphiwe Ignatius Dube.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2011; Vol.5, No.2: 177-197.
142190 Transitional Justice in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights/Eva Brems.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2011; Vol.5, No.2: 282-303.
142191 One Pair of Shoes, One Life: Steps towards Accountability for Genocide in Srebrenica/Olivera Simic, Kathleen Daly.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2011; Vol.5, No.3: 477-491.
142192 A New Normal: Political Complicity, Exclusionary Violence and the Delegation of Argentine Jewish Associations during the Argentine Dirty War/Paul Katz.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2011; Vol.5, No.3: 366-389.
142193 But We Also Support Monitoring: INGO Monitoring and Donor Support to Gacaca Justice in Rwanda/Martien Schotsmans.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2011; Vol.5, No.3: 390-411.
142194 Local Memory Practices in East Timor: Disrupting Transitional Justice Narratives/Lia Kent.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2011; Vol.5, No.3: 434-455.
142195 Lost in Translation? Civil Society, Faith-Based Organizations and the Negotiation of International Norms/Aaron P. Boesenecker, Leslie Vinjamuri.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2011; Vol.5, No.3: 345-365.
142196 Mayan Women Survivors Speak: The Gendered Relations of Truth Telling in Postwar Guatemala/Alison Crosby, M Brinton Lykes.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2011; Vol.5, No.3: 456-476.
142197 Overcoming Historical Injustices: Land Reconciliation in South Africa/Megan Bradley.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2011; Vol.5, No.3: 530-535.
142198 Reconciliation, Justice and Mobilization of War Victims in Afghanistan/Sari Kouvo, Dallas Mazoori.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2011; Vol.5, No.3: 492-503.
142199 The Archive in the Witness: Documentation in Settings of Chronic Insecurity/Pilar Riano-Alcala, Erin Baines.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2011; Vol.5, No.3: 412-433.
142200 Amnesty and Accountability: The Price of Peace in Aceh, Indonesia/Renee Jeffery.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.1: 60-82.
142201 Cambodian Civil Society and the Khmer Rouge Tribunal/Christoph Sperfeldt.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.1: 149-160.
142202 Challenging the Therapeutic Ethic: A Victim-Centred Evaluation of Transitional Justice Process in Timor-Leste/Simon Robins.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.1: 83-105.
142203 Exploring the Politics of Reconciliation through Education Reform: The Case of Brcko District, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Briony Jones.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.1: 126-148.
142204 Memory Beyond Transitions: The Role of Memory in Long-Term Social Reconstruction/Ereshnee Naidu.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.1: 161-171.
142205 Situating Social Imaginaries in Transitional Justice: The Bushingantahe in Burundi/Bert Ingelaere, Dominik Kohlhagen.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.1: 40-59.
142206 The Sharp End: Armed Opposition Movements, Transitional Truth Processes and the Rechtsstaat/Colm Campbell, Ita Connolly.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 11-39.
142207 The Transformation of International Transitional Justice Advocacy/Jelena Subotic.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.1: 106-125.
142208 A Carnival of Truth? Knowledge, Ignorance and the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission/Matt James.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 182-204.
142209 Accountable Judges and Their Role in Prosecuting Serious Violations of Human Rights/Iyiola Solanke.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 366-377.
142210 Advancing Feminist Positioning in the Field of Transitional Justice/Fionnuala Ni Aolain.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 205-228.
142211 Beyond Conventional Transitional Justice: Egypt’s 2011 Revolution and the Absence of Political Will/Reem Abou-El-Fadl.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 318-330.
142212 Burundi’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission: How to Shed Light on the Past while Standing in the Dark Shadow of Politics?/Stef Vandeginste.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 355-365.
142213 Can Civil Society Reclaim Truth? Results from a Community-Based Truth and Reconciliation Commission/David K. Androff.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 296-317.
142214 Constructions of Legitimacy: The Charles Taylor Trial/Marlies Glasius, Tim Meijers.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 229-252.
142215 Expanding DDR: The Transformative Role of Former Prisoners in Community-Based Reintegration in Northern Ireland/Clare D. Dwyer.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 274-295.
142216 Foregrounding the Local: Place-based Approaches to Transitional Justice/Christian M. De Vos, Sara Kendall.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 374-382.
142217 Hopes and Uncertainties: Liberia’s Journey to End Impunity/Aaron Weah.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 331-343.
142218 Root and Branch: Discourses of Tradition in Grassroots Transitional Justice/Andrew R. Iliff.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 253-273.
142219 Truth in the Time of Fear: Adios, Ayacucho’s Poetics of Memory and the Peruvian Transitional Justice Process/Felipe Cala Buendia.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.2: 344-354.
142220 Now the Neighbors Lose Their Fear: Restoring the Social Network around Former Sites of Terror in Argentina/Estela Schindel.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.3: 467-485.
142221 A Chronology of Compassion, or Towards an Imperfect Future/Juliane Okot Bitek.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.3: 394-403.
142222 Massacre, Trial and Choral Memory in Sant’Anna di Stazzema, Italy (1944-2005)/Caterina Di Pasquale.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.3: 486-501.
142223 Multiple Temporalities in Indigenous Justice and Healing Practices in Mozambique/Victor Igreja.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.3: 404-402.
142224 Retributive Justice, Public Intimacies and the Micropolitics of the Restitution of Kidnapped Children of the Disappeared in Argentina/Ari Edward Gandsman.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.3: 423-443.
142225 Silence as Possibility in Postwar Everyday Life/Marita Eastmond, Johanna Mannergren Selimovic.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.3: 52-524.
142226 The Challenge of Reconciliation in Postconflict African States/Franklin Oduro.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.3: 558-569.
142227 Together after War While the War Goes On: Victims, Ex-Combatants and Communities in Three Colombian Cities/Juan Diego Prieto.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.3: 525-546.
142228 Voices Around Us: Memory and Community Empowerment in Reconstruction Efforts in Colombia/Gabriel Ruiz Romero.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.3: 547-557.
142229 What It Was Like to Live through a Daya: Transitional Justice and the Memory of the Everyday in a Divided Society/Kris Brown.- International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2012; Vol.6, No.3: 444-466.
142230 Denial, Silence and the Politics of the Past: Unpicking the Opposition to Truth Recovery in Northern Ireland/Cheryl Lawther.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.1: 157-177.
142231 Fatal Knowledges: The Social and Political Legacies of Collaboration and Betrayal in Timor-Leste/Elizabeth F. Drexler.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.1: 74-94.
142232 Judgment, Imagination and Critique in the Politics of Reconciliation/Alexander Keller Hirsch.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.1: 178-185.
142233 Mapping Perpetrator Prosecutions in Latin America/Cath Collins, Lorena Balardini, Jo Marie Burt.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.1: 8-28.
142234 Reconciliation through Remembrance? War Memorials and the Victims of Vukovar/Janine Natalya Clark.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.1: 116-135.
142235 Remembering Complexity? Memorials for Nazi Victims in Berlin/Christiane Wilke.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.1: 136-156.
142236 The Scope and Bounds of Transitional Justice and the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission/Rosemary L. Nagy.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.1: 52-73.
142237 The Victim’s Address: Expressivism and the Victim at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia/Maria Elander.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.1: 95-115.
142238 Transitional Justice and the Prevention of Torture/Lorna McGregor.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.1: 29-51.
142239 Transitional Justice: Power, Symbols and Political Science/Christopher K. Lamont.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.1: 186-193.
142240 (Re)Distributing Transition/Zinaida Miller.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.2: 370-380.
142241 Civil Society and the Resurgent Struggle against Impunity in Uruguay (1986-2012)/Jo-Marie Burt, Gabriela Fried Amilivia, Francesca Lessa.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.2: 306-327.
142242 Judiciary Involvement in Authoritarian Repression and Transitional Justice: The Spanish Case in Comparative Perspective/Paloma Aguilar.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.2: 245-266.
142243 Mere Ritual? Displacing the Myth of Sincerity in Transitional Rituals/Danielle Celermajer.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.2: 286-305.
142244 Notes from the Field: Silence Kills! Women and the Transitional Justice Process in Post-Revolutionary Tunisia/Doris H. Gray, Terry Coonan.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.2: 348-357.
142245 The Silent Dilemma of Transitional Justice: Silencing and Coming to Terms with the Past in Serbia/Jelena Obradovic-Wochnik.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.2: 328-347.
142246 Towards a Unified Theory of Transitional Justice/Stephen Winter.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.2: 224-244.
142247 Transitional Justice in the Age of the French Revolution/Ronen Steinberg.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.2: 267-285.
142248 Women at the Margins of International Law: Reconceptualizing Dominant Discourses on Gender and Transitional Justice/Ramona Vijeyarasa.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.2: 358-369.
142249 Defining Justice during Transition? International and Domestic Contestations over the Special Tribunal for Lebanon/Michelle Burgis-Kasthala.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.3: 497-517.
142250 From Viability to Impact: Evolving Metrics for Assessing the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia/Diane F. Orentlicher.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.3: 536-546.
142251 International Criminal Justice as a Transnational Field: Rules, Authority and Victims/Peter Dixon, Chris Tenove.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.3: 393-412.
142252 Is the ICC Making the Most of Victim Participation?/Mariana Pena, Gaelle Carayon.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.3: 518-535.
142253 Managing Expectations: International Criminal Trials and the Prospects for Deterrence of Mass Atrocity/Kate Cronin-Furman.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.3: 434-454.
142254 The Bemba-Banyamulenge Case before the ICC: From Individual to Collective Criminal Responsibility/Felix Mukwiza Ndahinda.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.3: 476-496.
142255 The Gender Justice Shadow of Complementarity: Lessons from the International Criminal Court’s Preliminary Examinations in Guinea and Colombia/Louise Chappell, Rosemary Grey, Emily Waller.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.3: 455-475.
142256 Transitional Justice Gets Its Own Encyclopedia: Vitamins or Steroids for a Developing Field?/Pablo de Greiff.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.3: 547-553.
142257 Transitional Justice, Jus Post Bellum and International Criminal Law: Differentiating the Usages, History and Dynamics/Jens Iverson.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2013; Vol.7, No.3: 413-433.
142258 Assessing the Rwanda Experiment: Popular Perceptions of Gacaca in Its Final Phase/Joanna Pozen, Richard Neugebauer, Joseph Ntaganira.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 31-52.
142259 Bringing Justice to Unacceptable Health Care Services? Street-Level Reflections from Urban South Africa/Bronwyn Harris …[et al.].- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 141-161.
142260 Overcoming Impunity: Pathways to Accountability in Latin America/Francesca Lessa, Tricia D. Olsen, Leigh A. Payne, Gabriel Pereira, Andrew G. Reiter.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 75-98.
142261 Reassembling International Justice: The Making of the Social in International Criminal Law and Transitional Justice/Kirsten Campbell.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 53-74.
142262 The Politics of Reconciliation in Transitional Justice/Ambika Satkunanathan.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 171-182.
142263 Towards Recognition of Subsistence Harms: Reassessing Approaches to Socioeconomic Forms of Violence in Transitional Justice/Diana Sankey.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 121-140.
142264 Transitional Justice against the State: Lessons from Spanish Civil Society-Led Forensic Exhumations/Jonah S. Rubin.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 99-120.
142265 Truth Commission Impact: An Assessment of How Commissions Influence Politics and Society/Onur Bakiner.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 6-30.
142266 War Crimes Tribunals, Mass Atrocities and the Role of Humanity’s Law in Transitional Justice/James Gondi.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 162-170.
142267 At the Convergence of Transitional Justice and Art/Catherine M. Cole.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 314-322.
142268 Every Day the War Continues in My Body: Examining the Marked Body in Postconflict Northern Uganda/Theo Hollander, Bani Gill.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 217-234.
142269 Kenya’s Search for Truth and Justice: The Role of Civil Society/Lydiah Kemunto Bosire, Gabrielle Lynch.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 256-276.
142270 Narratives of Suffering and Endurance: Coercive Sexual Relationships, Truth Commissions and Possibilities for Gender Justice in Timor-Leste/Lia Kent.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 289-313.
142271 Never Again: Transitional Justice and Persistent Police Violence in Argentina/Michelle D. Bonner.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 235-255.
142272 Notes from the Field: Exhuming the Past After the Peruvian Internal Conflict/Nathalie Koc-Menard.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 277-288.
142273 Rethinking Transitional Justice, Redressing Indigenous Harm: A New Conceptual Approach/Jennifer Balint, Julie Evans, Nesam McMillan.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 194-216.
142274 Bones in the Forest in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe: Exhumations as a Tool for Transformation/Shari Eppel.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 404-425.
142275 Cosmopolitan Memories in East Asia: Revisiting and Reinventing the Second World War/Changrok Soh, Daniel Connolly.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 383-404.
142276 Do No Harm? Exploring the Scope of Economic and Social Rights in Transitional Justice/Evelyne Schmid, Aoife Nolan.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 362-382.
142277 From Transitional to Transformative Justice: A New Agenda for Practice/Paul Gready, Simon Robins.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 339-361.
142278 International Criminal Tribunals and the Perception of Justice: The Effect of the ICTY in Croatia/Roman David.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 476-495.
142279 International Insurance? Democratic Consolidation and Support for International Human Rights Regimes/Simon Zschirnt, Mark Menaldo.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 452-475.
142280 The Impact of Lustration on Democratization in Postcommunist Countries/Cynthia M. Horne.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 496-521.
142281 Why Testify? Witnesses Motivations for Giving Evidence in a War Crimes Tribunal in Sierra Leone/Shanee Stepakoff, G. Shawn Reynolds, Simon Charters, Nicola Henry.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 426-451.
142282 Bridge to Human Development or Vehicle of Inequality? Transitional Justice and Economic Structures/Geoff Dancy, Eric Wiebelhaus-Brahm.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 51-69.
142283 Emancipating Transitional Justice from the Bonds of the Paradigmatic Transition/Dustin N. Sharp.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 150-169.
142284 Enabling Transitional Justice, Restoring Capabilities: The Imperative of Participation and Normative Integrity/Thomas Bundschuh.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 10-32.
142285 Mapping a Future for Transitional Justice by Learning from Its Past/Simon Robins.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 181-190.
142286 Mimicry, Transitional Justice and the Land Question in Racially Divided Former Settler Colonies/Khanyisela Moyo.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 70-89.
142287 No Future without Transition: A Critique of Liberal Peace/George N. Fourlas.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 109-126.
142288 The International Criminal Court as a Transitional Justice Mechanism in Africa: Some Critical Reflections/Obiora Chinedu Okafor, Uchechukwu Ngwaba.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 90-108.
142289 The Omarska Memorial Project as an Example of How Transitional Justice Interventions Can Produce Hidden Harms/Sebina Sivac-Bryant.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 170-180.
142290 Through the Looking Glass: Transitional Justice Futures through the Lens of Nationalism, Feminism and Transformative Change/Kris Brown, Fionnuala Ni Aolain.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 127-149.
142291 Truth Commissions and Anti-Corruption: Towards a Complementary Framework?/Isabel Robinson.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 33-50.
142292 Amnesty Law, Political Struggles for Legitimacy and Violence in Mozambique/Victor Igreja.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 239-258.
142293 Cultural Heritage Law and Transitional Justice: Lessons from South Africa/Lucas Lixinski.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 276-296.
142294 Dealing with the Past: Transitional Justice, Ongoing Conflict and the Kurdish Issue in Turkey/Yeliz Budak.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 219-238.
142295 From Reconciliation to Transitional Justice: The Contours of Redress Politics in Established Democracies/Nicola Henry.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 199-218.
142296 Injury, Illumination and Freedom: Thinking about the Afterlives of Apartheid through the Family Albums of District Six, Cape Town/Siona OConnell.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 297-315.
142297 International Justice through Domestic Courts: Challenges in Brazil’s Judicial Review of the Amnesty Law/Yi Shin Tang.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 259-277.
142298 Recovering Historical Memory: A Struggle against Silence and Forgetting? The Politics of Victimhood in Spain/Vincent Druliolle.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 316-335.
142299 Victims, Nonvictims and Their Opinions on Transitional Justice: Findings from the Colombian Case/Enzo Nussio, Angelika Rettberg, Juan E. Ugarriza.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 336-354.
142300 Development, Human Rights and Transitional Justice: Global Projects for Global Governance/Dustin N. Sharp.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 517-526.
142301 Fighting for Justice (and Survival): Kenyan Civil Society Accountability Strategies and Their Enemies/Thomas Obel Hansen, Chandra Lekha Sriram.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 407-427.
142302 Justice beyond Borders: The Operation Condor Trial and Accountability for Transnational Crimes in South America/Francesca Lessa.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 494-506.
142303 Justice Tides: How and When Levels of ICC Involvement Affect Peace Processes/Line Engbo Gissel.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 428-448.
142304 National Prosecutions as the Main Remedy in Cases of Massive Human Rights Violations: An Assessment of the Approach of the European Court of Human Rights/Sebastian Raduletu.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 449-468.
142305 On Carnival and Context: A Response to Bridget Storrie/Matt James.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 486-493.
142306 Power(lessness) of Atrocity Images: Bijeljina Photos between Perpetration and Prosecution of War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia/Vladimir Petrovic.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 367-385.
142307 Reconciliation and Perpetrator Memories in Cambodia/Peter Manning.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 386-406.
142308 The Act of Reading Children’s Rights, Children’s Literature and Transitional Justice/Yotam Gidron.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 507-519.
142309 The Mighty Life-Creating and Transforming Power of Carnival: Why the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission Does Not Seem to Have It, but Indigenous Resurgence Does/Bridget Storrie.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 469-485.
142310 Complex Political Victims in the Aftermath of Mass Atrocity: Reflections on the Khmer Rouge Tribunal in Cambodia/Julie Bernath.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 46-66.
142311 Constructing Memory amidst War: The Historical Memory Group of Colombia/Pilar Riano Alcala, Maria Victoria Uribe.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 6-24.
142312 Heavy Hands, Helping Hands, Holding Hands: The Politics of Exclusion in Victims Networks in Nepal/Tazreena Sajjad.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 25-45.
142313 Interrogator Versus Political Prisoner: Silences, Secrets and the Unsaid A Question of Power/Gertrude Fester-Wicomb.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 189-198.
142314 Needs or Rights? Exploring the Limitations of Individual Reparations for Violations of International Humanitarian Law/Emily L. Camins.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 126-145.
142315 Reparations for Guilty Victims: Navigating Complex Identities of Victim-Perpetrators in Reparation Mechanisms/Luke Moffett.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 146-167.
142316 Reparations, Assistance and the Experience of Justice: Lessons from Colombia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo/Peter J. Dixon.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 88-107.
142317 Transformative Reparations? A Critical Look at a Current Trend in Thinking about Gender-Just Reparations/Margaret Urban Walker.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 108-125.
142318 Transitional Justice as Recognition: An Analysis of the Women’s Court in Sarajevo/Janine Natalya Clark.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 67-87.
142319 Victim: What Is Hidden behind This Word?/Tessa Lacerda.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 179-188.
142320 Victims and Victimhood: Individuals of Inaction or Active Agents of Change? Reflections on Fieldwork in Afghanistan/Huma Saeed.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 168-178.
142321 Jesus Wept: The Roman Catholic Church, Child Sexual Abuse and Transitional Justice/James Gallen.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 332-349.
142322 Subversive Justice: The Russell Vietnam War Crimes Tribunal and Transitional Justice/Marcos Zunino.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 211-229.
142323 The Republican Movement, Disappearing and Framing the Past in Northern Ireland/Lauren Dempster.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 250-271.
142324 The Rise and Fall of the ICC in Libya and the Politics of International Surrogate Enforcership/Victor Peskin, Mieczyslaw P. Boduszynski.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 272-291.
142325 Transforming Tunisia: Transitional Justice and Internet Governance in a Post-Revolutionary Society/Christalla Yakinthou, Sky Croeser.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 230-249.
142326 Victims in Focus/Jemima Garcia-Godos.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 350-358.
142327 WarCrimes #PostConflictJustice #Balkans: Youth, Performance Activism and the Politics of Memory/Arnaud Kurze.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 451-470.
142328 Databases of Transitional Justice Mechanisms and Contexts: Comparing Research Purposes and Design/Louise Mallinder, Catherine ORourke.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 492-515.
142329 Developing Gender Principles for Dealing with the Legacy of the Past/Yasmine Ahmed,.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 527-537.
142330 Hybrid Tribunals: A Time for Reflection/Sarah Williams.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 538-547.
142331 Irrelevance, Instigation and Prevention: The Mixed Effects of International Criminal Court Prosecutions on Atrocities in the CNDP/M23 Case/Michael Broache.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 388-409.
142332 Museveni, Burundi and the Perversity of Immunite Provisoire/Stef Vandeginste.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 516-526.
142333 Naming and Shaming Victims: The Semantics of Victimhood/Mijke de Waardt.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 432-450.
142334 Rewinding and Unwinding: Art and Justice in Times of Political Transition/Eliza Garnsey.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 471-491.
142335 Searching for Accountability: British-Controlled Detention in Southeast Iraq, 2003-2008/Aoife Duffy.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 410-431.
142336 Towards Reparative Transformation: Revisiting the Impact of Violence against Women in a Post-TRC South Africa/Andrea Durbach.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 366-387.
142337 WarCrimes PostConflictJustice Balkans: Youth, Performance Activism and the Politics of Memory/Arnaud Kurze.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 451-470.
142338 Counter-Shaming the International Criminal Court’s Intervention as Neocolonial: Lessons from Kenya/Geoffrey Lugano.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 9-29.
142339 Dominic Ongwen on Trial: The ICC’s African Dilemmas/Adam Branch.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 30-49.
142340 Regime Consolidation through Transitional Justice in Europe: The Cases of Germany, Spain and Turkey/Anja Mihr.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 113-131.
142341 Seeking Justice in a Divided Region: Text Analysis of Regional Civil Society Deliberations in the Balkans/Denisa Kostovicova.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 154-177.
142342 Taiwan’s Truth and Reconciliation Committee: The Geopolitics of Transitional Justice in a Contested State/Ian Rowen, Jamie Rowen.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 92-112.
142343 The African Justice Cascade and the Malabo Protocol/Matiangai Sirleaf.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 71-91.
142344 The Dynamics of Collective Memory in the Ukraine Crisis: A Transitional Justice Perspective/Ilya Nuzov.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 132-153.
142345 Tyrannies of Peace and Justice? Liberal Peacebuilding and the Politics and Pragmatics of Transitional Justice/Rachel Kerr.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 176-185.
142346 We Chose Africa: South Africa and the Regional Politics of Cooperation with the International Criminal Court/Franziska Boehme.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 50-70.
142347 Alien Tort Statute Litigation and Transitional Justice: Bringing the Marcos Case back to the Philippines/Natalie R. Davidson.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 257-275.
142348 Choices of Justice: Effects of Civil War Termination on Postconflict Justice Mechanisms Implemented by the State/Meghan M. DeTommaso, Mario Schulz, Steve B. Lem.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 218-238.
142349 Community Justice or Ethnojustice? Engaging with Customary Mechanisms to Reintegrate Ex-Combatants in Somalia/Janine Ubink, Anna Rea.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 276-296.
142350 Displacements of Memory: Struggles against the Erosion and Dislocation of the Material Record of Violence in Burundi/Andrea Purdekova.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 339-358.
142351 Dividing the Spoils: The Impact of Power Sharing on Possibilities for Socioeconomic Transformation in Postconflict States/Padraig McAuliffe.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 197-217.
142352 Do Reparations Repair Relationships? Setting the Stage for Reconciliation in Colombia/Pamina Firchow.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 315-338.
142353 Language and International Criminal Justice in Africa: Interpretation at the ICTR/Kristin C. Doughty.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 239-256.
142354 The Hopes and Discontents of Indigenous-Settler Reconciliation/Sophie Rigney.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.2: 359-368.
142355 The Puzzle of Transitional Justice in Ukraine/Klaus Bachmann, Igor Lyubashenko.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11.
142356 Evaluating the Evaluators: Transitional Justice and the Contest of Values/Kirsten Ainley.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.3: 421-442.
142357 Injustice through Transitional Justice? Subversion Strategies in Burundi s Peace Process and Postconflict Developments/Sidney Leclercq.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.3: 525-544.
142358 Judging Communist Crimes in Romania: Transnational and Global Influences/Raluca Grosescu.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.3: 505-524.
142359 More than Misfortune: Recognizing Natural Disasters as a Concern for Transitional Justice/Megan Bradley.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.3: 400-420.
142360 Reconceiving the Roles of Religious Civil Society Organizations in Transitional Justice: Evidence from the Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste and Bougainville/Renee Jeffery, Lia Kent, Joanne Wallis.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.3: 378-399.
142361 Relationality, Culpability and Consent in Wartime: Men s Experiences of Forced Marriage/Omer Aijazi, Erin Baines.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.3: 463-483.
142362 Rethinking the Lives and Deaths of Perpetrators: Testimonies, Corpses and the Law/Zahira Arag‎يete-Toribio.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.3: 545-554.
142363 The Truth about Loyalty: Emotions, Ex-Combatants and Transitioning from the Past/Cheryl Lawther.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2017; Vol.11, No.3: 484-503.
142364 Against Loveless Judging: Fritz Bauer and Transitional Justice in Postwar Germany/C K Martin Chung.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 9-25.
142365 Dirty Water: Nuremberg and Film/Robbie McVeigh.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 168-181.
142366 From Victims and Mothers to Citizens: Gender-Just Transformative Reparations and the Need for Public and Private Transitions/Sanne Weber.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 88-107.
142367 Gender Perspective in UN Framework for Peace Processes and Transitional Justice: The Need for a Clearer and More Inclusive Notion of Gender/Lea Lemay Langlois.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 146-167.
142368 Intersectionality as Locality: Children and Transitional Justice in Nepal/Krista Billingsley.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 64-87.
142369 Intersectionality and the Arts: Counterpublic Memory-Making in Postconflict Peru/Sylvanna M Falcon.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 26-44.
142370 The Colombian Transitional Process: Comparative Perspectives on Violence against Indigenous Women/Monica Acosta, Angela Castaneda, Daniela Garcia, Fallon Hernandez, Dunen Muelas, Angela Santamaria.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 108-125.
142371 The Emerging LGBTI Rights Challenge to Transitional Justice in Latin America/Pascha Bueno-Hansen.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 126-145.
142372 The Hollow Shell: Children Born of War and the Realities of the Armed Conflict in Colombia/Tatiana Sanchez Parra.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 45-63.
142373 Assessing a Late Truth Commission: Challenges and Achievements of the Brazilian National Truth Commission/Marcelo Torelly.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 194-215.
142374 Colonialism and the Dilemmas of Transitional Justice in Nigeria/Hakeem O Yusuf.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 257-276.
142375 Locating Transformative Justice: Prism or Schism in Transitional Justice?/Lauren Marie Balasco.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 368-378.
142376 Misfortune or Injustice? The Political Work of Postconflict Narrative in Contemporary Algeria/Jessica G Mecellem.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 237-256.
142377 Reimagining Transitional Justice through Participatory Art/Sherin Shefik.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 314-333.
142378 Something Happened: Storytelling in a Violent Field/Bronwyn Harris, John Eyles, Pascalia O Munyewende, Jane Goudge.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 356-367.
142379 The Hierarchy of Victims in Northern Ireland: A Framework for Critical Analysis/Sarah Jankowitz.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 216-236.
142380 Unveiling the Historical Function of International Criminal Courts: Between Adjudicative and Sociopolitical Justice/Barrie Sander.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 334-355.
142381 What Women Want before Justice: Examining Justice Initiatives to Challenge Violence against Women in the DRC/Bilge Sahin, Sidonia Lucia Kula.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 296-313.
142382 Architectural Transitional Justice? Political Renewal within the Scars of a Violent Past/Mihaela Mihai.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.3: 515-536.
142383 Belgian Hutu Diaspora Narratives of Victimhood and Trauma/Claudine Kuradusenge-McLeod.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.3: 427-433.
142384 Eshetu Alemu: The Black Sheep of the Dergue Ethiopian War Crimes and Universal Jurisdiction in the NetherlandsGet/Thijs B Bouwknegt.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.3: 549-559.
142385 Luk pe Coo, or Compensation as Dowry? Gendered Reflections on Reparations for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence against Men/Philipp Schulz.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.3: 537-548.
142386 The Strange Case of the Victim Who Did Not Want Justice/Frederic Megret.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.3: 444-463.
142387 Tracing Mapuche Exclusion from Post-Dictatorial Truth Commissions in Chile: Official and Grassroots Initiatives/Daniela Jara, Manuela Badilla, Ana Figueiredo, Marcela Cornejo, Victoria Riveros.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.3: 479-498.
142388 When Kings Are Criminals: Lessons from ICC Prosecutions of African Presidents/Mattia Cacciatori.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2018; Vol.12, No.3: 386-406.
142389 Information Overload: How Technology Can Help Convert Raw Data into Rich Information for Transitional Justice Processes/Daniela Gavshon, Erol Gorur.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 71-91.
142390 Irreversible: The Role of Digitization to Repurpose State Records of Repression/Tamy Guberek, Velia Muralles, Hannah Alpert-Abrams.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 50-70.
142391 History Education for Transitional Justice? Challenges, Limitations and Possibilities for Settler Colonial Australia/Matilda Keynes.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 113-133.
142392 Political Technologies of Memory: Uses and Appropriations of Artefacts that Register and Denounce State Violence/Oriana Bernasconi, Elizabeth Lira, Marcela Ruiz.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 7-29.
142393 Community-Based Transitional Justice Via the Creation and Consumption of Digitalized Storytelling Archives: A Case Study of Belfast’s Prisons Memory Archive/Michelle E Anderson.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 30-49.
142394 Children and Transitional Justice/Cecile Aptel, Patrick Nagler.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 185-195.
142395 The Kosovo Specialist Chambers from a Political Realism Perspective/Robert Muharremi.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 290-309.
142396 Postwar Kosovo: Global and Local Dimensions of Interethnic Reconciliation Processes/Flora Ferati-Sachsenmaier.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 310-327.
142397 Like Dust before the Wind, or, the Winds of Change? The Influence of International Criminal Tribunals on Narratives and Media Frames/Klaus Bachmann … [et al.].- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 368-386.
142398 The Presidential Pardon of Fujimori: Political Struggles in Peru and the Subsidiary Role of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights/Leiry Cornejo Chavez, Juan-Pablo Perez-Leon-Acevedo, Jemima Garcia-Godos.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 328-348.
142399 The Anatomy of Apology and Forgiveness: Towards Transformative Apology and Forgiveness/Joram Tarusarira.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 206-224.
142400 Reintegration of Amnestied LRA Ex-Combatants and Survivors Resistance Acts in Acholiland, Northern Uganda/Grace Akello.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 249-267.
142401 Frontstage and Backstage in Argentina’s Transitional Justice Drama: The Nietas Reconstruction of Identity on Social Media/Beate Goldschmidt-Gjerlow, Merel Remkes.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 349-367.
142402 Working with Others: Reflections on Fieldwork in Postconflict Societies/Cheryl Lawther, Rachel Killean, Lauren Dempster.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 387-397.
142403 Somehow This Whole Process Became so Artificial: Exploring the Transitional Justice Implementation Gap in Uganda/Anna Macdonald.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 225-248.
142404 Leaky Bodies, Connectivity and Embodied Transitional Justice/Janine Natalya Clark.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 268-289.
142405 The Role of Victims in Transitional Justice: Agency, Cooption and Exclusion/Kiran Grewal.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.3: 608-619.
142406 What’s Inside the Box? Mapping Agency and Conflict within Victims Organizations/Adriana Rudling.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.3: 458-477.
142407 Rectified Sites of Violence from Westgate to Lampedusa: Exploring the Link between Public Amnesia and Conflict in Ongoing Confrontations/Andrea Purdekova.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.3: 504-523.
142408 Archives, Museums and Sacred Storage: Dealing with the Afterlife of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada/Cynthia E Milton, Anne-Marie Reynaud.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.3: 524-545.
142409 Transitional Justice in Tunisia: When Religion Meets State/Elham Kazemi.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.3: 590-607.
142410 International Commissions of Inquiry in a Networked World: Unveiling the Roles of Diasporas through an Eritrean Case Study/Larissa van den Herik, Mirjam van Reisen.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.3: 417-434.
142411 Sexuality and Gender Identity in Transitional Societies: Peacebuilding and Counterhegemonic Politics/Fidelma Ashe.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.3: 435-457.
142412 What Would Satisfy Us? Taking Stock of Critical Approaches to Transitional Justice/Dustin N Sharp.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.3: 570-589.
142413 Cultivated Collaboration in Transitional Justice Practice and Research: Reflections on Tunisia’s Voices of Memory Project/Virginie Ladisch, Christalla Yakinthou.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 80-101.
142414 A Stage for the Unknown? Reconciling Postwar Communities through Theatre-Facilitated Dialogue/Anne Dirnstorfer, Nar Bahadur Saud.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 122-141.
142415 What Works? Creative Approaches to Transitional Justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina/Tiffany Fairey, Rachel Kerr.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 142-164.
142416 The Disappeared Are Appearing: Murals that Recover Communal Memory/Claudia Bernardi.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 193-208.
142417 Not Being Able to Speak Is Torture: Performing Listening to Painful Narratives/Luis Carlos Sotelo Castro.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 220-231.
142418 Images and Memory: Religiosity and Sacrifice The Cases of Tierralta, Trujillo and Arenillo in Colombia/Freddy A Guerrero, Liza Lopez Aristizabal.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 35-55.
142419 The Body Inside the Art and the Law of Marikana: A Case for Corporeality/Robyn Gill-Leslie.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 102-121.
142420 Poetry, Irrevocable Time and Myanmar’s Political Transition/Catherine Renshaw.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 14-34.
142421 The pressures of getting it right: Expertise and victims voices in the work of the Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)/Anne Menzel.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 300-319.
142422 Ambushed by Memory: Post-Conflict Popular Memorialisation in Northern Ireland/Bill Rolston.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 320-339.
142423 Settler Colonialism, Decolonization and Radicalizing Transitional Justice/Augustine S J Park.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 260-279.
142424 Transition Without Transformation: The Legacy of Sudan’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement/Gene Carolan.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 340-359.
142425 Passing on the torch of memory: Transitional justice and the transfer of diaspora identity across generations/Camilla Orjuela.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 360-380.
142426 Transitional Justice and Theories of Change: Towards evaluation as understanding/Paul Gready, Simon Robins.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 280-299.
142427 Patterned Payments: Explaining Victim Group Variation in West German Reparations Policy/Claire Greenstein.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 381-400.
142428 Transitional Justice and Temporal Parameters: Built-In Expiration Dates?/Cynthia M Horne.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 544-565.
142429 The Missing Picture: Accounting for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence during Cambodia’s Other Conflict Periods/Adam Kochanski.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 504-523.
142430 The Politics of Apology and the Prospects for Post-conflict Reconciliation: The Case of the Provisional Irish Republican Movement/Stephen Hopkins.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 524-543.
142431 Transitional Justice Standards on Reparations for Women Subjected to Violence in the CEDAW Committee’s Evolving Legal Practice/Ruth Rubio-Marin, Dorothy Estrada-Tanck.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 566-584.
142432 Judicializing economic violence as means of dismantling the structural causes of atrocity in the Democratic Republic of Congo/Anushka Sehmi.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 423-442.
142433 Rethinking Transitional Justice in South Sudan: Critical Perspectives on Justice and Reconciliation/Joseph Geng Akech.- The International Journal of Transitional Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 585-595.
142434 Forensic Psychology, Psychological Injuries and the Law/Andrew W. Kane.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2008; Vol.1, No.1: 36-58.
142435 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Current Concepts and Controversies/Steven Taylor, Gordon J. G. Asmundson.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2008; Vol.1, No.1: 59-74.
142436 The Psychological Impact of Traumatic Events on Children/Emma Salter, Paul Stallard.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2008; Vol.1, No.2: 138-146.
142437 Disentangling the Disability Quagmire in Psychological Injury and Law/Izabela Z. Schultz, Alison M. Stewart.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2008; Vol.1, No.2: 103-121.
142438 Disentangling the Disability Quagmire in Psychological Injury: Part 1-Disability and Return to Work: Theories, Methods, and Applications/Izabela Z. Schultz.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2008; Vol.1, No.2: 94-102.
142439 Psychological Injury and Law: Defining a Field/Gerald Young.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2008; Vol.1, No.2: 78-93.
142440 Biopsychosocial Factors that Perpetuate Chronic Pain, Impairment, and Disability/Brian R. Theodore, Nancy D. Kishino, Robert J. Gatchel.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2008; Vol.1, No.3: 182-190.
142441 Psychological Injury and Law: Editorial on Truth and Consequences, Psychologists and Attorneys/Gerald Young.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2008; Vol.1, No.3: 147-149.
142442 Psychological Injury and Law: Editorial on What Mental Health Clinicians/Practitioners Need to Know/Gerald Young.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2008; Vol.1, No.4: 214-218.
142443 Somatization and Medically Unexplained Symptoms in Psychological Injury: Diagnoses and Dynamics/Gerald Young.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2008; Vol.1, No.4: 224-242.
142444 Coping in Psychological Injury: A Biopsychosocial and Forensic Perspective/Gerald Young.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2008; Vol.1, No.4: 276-286.
142445 Psychotherapy for Psychological Injury: A Biopsychosocial and Forensic Perspective/Gerald Young.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2008; Vol.1, No.4: 287-310.
142446 Personality Disorder in Psychological Injury: A Biopsychosocial and Forensic Perspective/Gerald Young.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2008; Vol.1, No.4: 255-275.
142447 The MMPI-2 Symptom Validity Scale (FBS) Is an Empirically Validated Measure of Overreporting in Personal Injury Litigants and Claimants: Reply to Butcher et al/Yossef S. Ben-Porath, Kevin W. Greve, Kevin J. Bianchini, Paul M. Kaufmann.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 62-85.
142448 The Rigor of Research Design and Forensic Publications in Neuropsychological Research/Erin D. Bigler, Ryan R. Green, Thomas J. Farrer, Jeremy C. Roper, James B. Millward.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 43-52.
142449 Judicial Evaluation of Traumatically Induced Fibromyalgia/Michael Finch.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 24-33.
142450 The Ruff Neurobehavioral Inventory: Validity Indicators and Validity/Gerald Young, Natasha L. Merali, Ronald M. Ruff.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 53-60.
142451 Trauma and Psychological Injury: Practice, Clinical, Legal, and Ethical Issues/Gerald Young, Izabela Z. Schultz.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 10-23.
142452 Toward Preventing Future Tragedies: Mass Killings on College Campuses, Public Health, and Threat/Risk Assessment/Kirk Heilbrun, Joel Dvoskin, Anna Heilbrun.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2009; Vol.2, No.2: 93-99.
142453 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Assessing Response Style and Malingering/Steve Rubenzer.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2009; Vol.2, No.2: 114-142.
142454 Working to Avoid Collateral Emotional Harm to Clients: Cases and Recommendations for the Personal Injury Attorney/Michael E. Schatman.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2009; Vol.2, No.2: 149-166.
142455 Torts, Damages, and Malpractice/David L. Shapiro.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2009; Vol.2, No.2: 100-108.
142456 Inaccuracies About the MMPI-2 Fake Bad Scale in the Reply by Ben-Porath, Greve, Bianchini, and Kaufman (2009)/Carolyn L. Williams, James N. Butcher, Carlton S. Gass, Edward Cumella, Zina Kally.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2009; Vol.2, No.2: 182-197.
142457 Psychological Injury from Licensing Complaints Against Mental Health Practitioners/Robert Henley Woody.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2009; Vol.2, No.2: 109-113.
142458 Perceived Justice of Compensation Process for Return-to-Work: Development and Validation of a Scale/Renee-Louise Franche … [et al.].- Psychological Injury and Law. 2009; Vol.2, No.3-4: 225-237.
142459 Damages for Mental Distress and Bad Faith in Disability Claims/Faith E. Hayman.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2009; Vol.2, No.3-4: 248-253.
142460 The Relationship of Chronological Age, Age at Injury, and Duration of Injury to Employment Status in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury/Adam T. Hirsh, Ivan R. Molton, Kurt L. Johnson, Charles H. Bombardier, Mark P. Jensen.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2009; Vol.2, No.3-4: 263-275.
142461 Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) to Conceptualize Disability and Functioning in Psychological Injury and Law/David B. Peterson, Heidi Paul.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2009; Vol.2, No.3-4: 205-214.
142462 Perceived Injustice is Associated with Heightened Pain Behavior and Disability in Individuals with Whiplash Injuries/Michael J. L. Sullivan, Nicole Davidson, Beatrice Garfinkel, Nathida Siriapaipant, Whitney Scott.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2009; Vol.2, No.3-4: 238-247.
142463 Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Losses in Chronic Pain Patients/Whitney E. Worzer, Nancy D. Kishino, Robert J. Gatchel.- Psychological Injury and Law. 2009; Vol.2, No.3-4: 215-234.
142464 The MMPI-2 Symptom Validity Scale (FBS) is an Empirically-Validated Measure of Over-reporting in Personal Injury Litigants and Claimants: reply to William et al/Yossef S. Ben-Porath, Kevin W. Greve, Kevin J. Bianchini, Paul M. Kaufmann; No.1: 77-80.
142465 Neuroimaging in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury/Erin D. Bigler; No.1: 36-49.
142466 Ambiguous Measures of Unknown Constructs: The MMPI-2 Fake Bad Scale (aka Symptom Validity Scale, FBS, FBS-r)/Carlton S. Gass, Carolyn L. Williams, Edward Cumella, James N. Butcher & Zina Kally; No.1: 81-85.
142467 Re-examination of the Controversial Coexistence of Traumatic Brain Injury and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Misdiagnosis and Self-Report Measures/Robert J. Sbordone, Ronald M. Ruff; No.1: 63-76.
142468 Functional Neuroimaging of Symptom Validity Testing in Traumatic Brain Injury/Trevor ChuangKuo Wu, Mark D. Allen, Naomi J. Goodrich-Hunsaker, Ramona O. Hopkins, Erin D. Bigler; No.1: 50-62.
142469 Toward a Typology of High-Risk Major Stressful Events and Situations in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Related Psychopathology/Bruce P. Dohrenwend; No.2: 89-99.
142470 Error Rates in Forensic Child Sexual Abuse Evaluations/Steve Herman, Tiffany R. Freitas; No.2: 133-147.
142471 Traumatic Event Exposure and Behavioral Health Disorders among Incarcerated Females Self-Referred to Treatment/Nancy Wolff, Roshnee Vazquez, B. Christopher Frueh, Jing Shi, Brooke E. Schumann, Douglas Gerardi; No.2: 155-163.
142472 A Review of Evidence-Based Biopsychosocial Laws Governing the Treatment of Pain and Injury/Daniel Bruns, Kathryn Mueller, Pamela A. Warren; No.3: 169-181.
142473 Legal Representation and Dissatisfaction with Workers Compensation: Implications for Claimant Adjustment/John T. Chibnall, Raymond C. Tait; No.3: 230-240.
142474 Physical Injuries, Pain, and Psychological Trauma: Pathways to Disability/Melanie P. Duckworth, Tony Iezzi; No.3: 241-253.
142475 The Three Major Components of Behavior Used for Assessing Pain: Problems Faced When There Is Discordance Among the Three/Robert J. Gatchel, Nancy D. Kishino, Dennis E. Minotti; No.3: 212-219.
142476 Validity and Determinants of Clinicians  Return to Work Judgments for Individuals Following Whiplash Injury/Whitney Scott, Michael J. L. Sullivan; No.3: 220-229.
142477 DSM-5 and Malingering: a Modest Proposal/David T. R. Berry, Nathaniel W. Nelson; No.4: 295-303.
142478 The PTSD Stressor Criterion as a Barrier to Malingering: DSM-5 Draft Commentaries/Michael B. First; No.4: 255-259.
142479 The Future of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the DSM/B. Christopher Frueh, Jon D. Elhai, Ron Acierno; No.4: 260-270.
142480 Neurocognitive Disorders in DSM-V: Forensic Perspective/Izabela Z. Schultz; No.4: 271-288.
142481 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the DSM-5: Group Difference Commentary/Gerald Young, Ronn Johnson; No.4: 314-319.
142482 Trends in Psychological/Psychiatric Injury and Law: Continuing Education, Practice Comments, Recommendations/Gerald Young; No.4: 323-355.
142483 The Elusive Quest for a Global Forests Convention/David Humphreys.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.1: 1-10.
142484 Can Forestry Gain from Emissions Trading? Rules Governing Sinks Projects Under the UNFCCC and the EU Emissions Trading System/Patrick Graichen.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.1: 11-18.
142485 Reforming the International Tropical Timber Agreement/Lauren Flejzor.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.1: 19-27.
142486 Controlling Illegal Logging and the Trade in Illegally Harvested Timber: The EU’s Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Initiative/Duncan Brack.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.1: 28-38.
142487 Optimizing Synergies on Forest Landscape Restoration Between the Rio Conventions and the UN Forum on Forests to Deliver Good Value for Implementers/Carole Saint-Laurent.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.1: 39-49.
142488 Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability in Europe – How Bright is the Future?/Simon Marsden, Jan De Mulder.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.1: 50-62.
142489 Recovering Damage to the Environment per se Following an Oil Spill: The Shadows and Lights of the Civil Liability and Fund Conventions of 1992/Drame Ibrahima.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.1: 63-72.
142490 Something for Everyone in the Judgment of the European Court of Justice in the German Bottles Saga/Geert van Calster, K. U. Leuven, Wim Vandenberghe.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.1: 73-77.
142491 Small Island Developing States: Becalmed in a Sea of Soft Law/Ian Fry.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.2: 89-99.
142492 Adaptation to Global Climate Change: An Urgent Requirement for Small Island Developing States/Leonard Nurse, Rawleston Moore.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.2: 100-107.
142493 Small Island States – Setting an Example on Green Energy Use/Tom Roper.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.2: 108-116.
142494 Recent Developments in the International Law Governing Shipments of Nuclear Materials and Wastes and their Implications for SIDS/Duncan E.J. Currie, Jon M. Van Dyke.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.2: 117-124.
142495 Margins of Power: Coalition Building and Coalition Maintenance of the South Pacific Island States and the Alliance of Small Island States/Pamela S. Chasek.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.2: 125-137.
142496 An Update on the Aarhus Convention and its Continued Global Relevance/Elisa Morgera.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.2: 138-147.
142497 Promises and Pitfalls: First Steps on the Road to the International ABS Regime/Timothy J. Hodges, Anne Daniel.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.2: 148-160.
142498 GMOs and International Law: The Swiss Example/Franz Xaver Perrez.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.2: 161-172.
142499 WTO India-EC Gsp Dispute: The Future of Unilateral Trade Incentives Linked to Multilateral Environmental Agreements/Gracia Marin Duran, Elisa Morgera.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.2: 173-179.
142500 The Global Environment Facility (GEF): A Unique and Crucial Institution/Laurence Boisson de Chazournes.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.3: 193-201.
142501 Innovative Financing: Filling in the Gaps on the Road to Sustainable Environmental Funding/Kate Miles.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.3: 202-211.
142502 Financial Cooperation, Rio Conventions and Common Concerns/Yibin Xiang, Sandra Meehan.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.3: 212-224.
142503 Funding for Adaptation to Climate Change: UNFCCC and GEF Developments since COP-7/M.J. Mace.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.3: 225-246.
142504 Forest Finance, Development Cooperation and Future Options/Arvind Khare … [et al.].- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.3: 247-254.
142505 Advancing the Climate Agenda: Exploiting Material and Institutional Linkages to Develop a Menu of Policy Options/Harro van Asselt, Joyeeta Gupta, Frank Biermann.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.3: 255-264.
142506 The ILC Draft Principles on the Allocation of Loss in the Case of Transboundary Harm Arising out of Hazardous Activities: Privatizing Risk?/Caroline Foster.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.3: 265-282.
142507 Are the African Organization of Intellectual Property Patent Approach and Cameroonian National Biodiversity Regulations at a Crossroads? Suggesting Alternatives Tailored to National and Regional Interests/Marcelin Tonye Mahop.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.3: 283-292.
142508 Russia and the Kyoto Protocol: Challenges Ahead/Tatiana G. Avdeeva.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2005; Vol.14, No.3: 293-302.
142509 The 2005 World Summit: UN Reform, Security, Environment and Development/Joy Hyvarinen.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.1: 1-10.
142510 The 2005 UN World Summit, the Environment and the Role of the EU: Priorities, Promises and Prospects/Elisa Morgera, Gracia Marin Duran.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.1: 11-22.
142511 Would a United Nations Environment Organization Help to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals?/Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.1: 23-29.
142512 Biodiversity for Sustainable Development: The CBD’s Contribution to the MDGs/Carolina Lasen Diaz.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.1: 30-38.
142513 Sustaining the Environment to Fight Poverty and Achieve the Millennium Development Goals/Steve Bass … [et al.].- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.1: 39-55.
142514 Risks, Costs and Alternatives in EC Environmental Legislation: The Case of REACH/Gerd Winter.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.1: 56-65.
142515 Can the Human Rights Bodies be Used to Produce Interim Measures to Protect Environment-Related Human Rights?/Severine Fiorletta Leroy.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.1: 66-81.
142516 Conceptual History of Adaptation in the UNFCCC Process/E. Lisa F. Schipper.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.1: 82-92.
142517 The UN and Corporate Environmental Responsibility: Between International Regulation and Partnerships/Elisa Morgera.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.1: 93-109.
142518 Methanex Corporation and the USA: The Final Nafta Tribunal Ruling/Sagarika Saha.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.1: 110-114.
142519 Can Emissions Trading Schemes be Coupled with Border Tax Adjustments? An Analysis vis-a-vis WTO Law/Javier de Cendra.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.2: 131-145.
142520 Environmental Protection and EC Anti-Trust Law: The Commission’s Approach for Packaging Waste Management Systems/Anatole Boute.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.2: 146-159.
142521 Environmental Services and Competition: A Global Perspective/Robin Simpson.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.2: 160-171.
142522 ompetition for Sustainability: Sustainable Development Concerns in National and EC Competition Law/Markus W. Gehring.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.2: 172-184.
142523 Labelling Genetically Modified Food: The Right to Know/Peter H. Sand.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.2: 185-192.
142524 Alive and Kicking: The First Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol/Camilla Bausch, Michael Mehling.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.2: 193-201.
142525 Restriction of Hazardous Substances: On the Need for and the Limits of Comitology/Karola Maxianova, Tim Maxian Rusche.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.2: 202-210.
142526 Establishing Reliable Foundations for the International Scientific Investigation of Noise Pollution in the Oceans/Alexander Gillespie.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.2: 211-226.
142527 The Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management: Lost Opportunity or Foundation for a Brave New World?/Franz Xaver Perrez.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.3: 245-257.
142528 Global Politics of Mercury Pollution: The Need for Multi-Scale Governance/Noelle Eckley Selin, Henrik Selin.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.3: 258-269.
142529 REACH: A Step Change in the Management of Chemicals/Bjorn G. Hansen, Mark Blainey.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.3: 270-280.
142530 Mind the Gap: Interface Problems between EC Chemicals Law and Sectoral Environmental Legislation/Martin Fuhr, Stefanie Merenyi.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.3: 281-292.
142531 Science, PIC and POPs: Negotiating the Membership of Chemical Review Committees under the Stockholm and Rotterdam Conventions/Pia M. Kohler.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.3: 293-303.
142532 The European Community and Biodiversity Loss: Missing the Target?/Brian Jack.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.3: 304-315.
142533 Finding the Way Forward for the International Arrangement on Forests: UNFF-5, -6 and -7/Deborah S. Davenport, Peter Wood.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.3: 316-326.
142534 Facilitating and Controlling Civil Society in International Environmental Law/Alexander Gillespie.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.3: 327-338.
142535 Competence or Confidence? The Appropriate Forum to Address Multi-Purpose High Seas Protected Areas/Elisa Morgera.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 1-11.
142536 Patenting of Research Results Related to Genetic Resources from Areas beyond National Jurisdiction: The Crossroads of the Law of the Sea and Intellectual Property Law/Charlotte Salpin, Valentina Germani.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 12-23.
142537 The Norwegian Barents Sea Management Plan and the EC Marine Strategy Directive: Some Political and Legal Challenges with an Ecosystem-Based Approach to the Protection of the European Marine Environment/Knut F. Kroepelien.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 24-35.
142538 Canada-USA Bilateral Fisheries Management in the Gulf of Maine: Under the Radar Screen/Emily J. Pudden, David L. VanderZwaag.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 36-44.
142539 Whales, Sustainability and International Environmental Governance/Duncan Currie.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 45-57.
142540 Preventing Salmon Escapes from Aquaculture in Canada and the USA: Limited International Coordinates, Divergent Regulatory Currents and Possible Future Courses/Tricia K. Barry, David L. VanderZwaag.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 58-75.
142541 Legal Steps Outside the Climate Convention: Litigation as a Tool to Address Climate Change/Joyeeta Gupta.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 76-86.
142542 The Vuosaari Harbour Case: Implementation of the Habitats and Birds Directives in the Vuosaari Harbour Project/Lauri Nordberg.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 87-103.
142543 Judgment of the ECJ 14 September 2006, Case C-244/05, Bund Naturschutz Bayern E.V./Jens Hamer.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 104-107.
142544 Towards Institutional Symbiosis: Business and the United Nations in Environmental Governance/Maria Ivanova, David Gordon, Jennifer Roy.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 123-134.
142545 Corporate Social Responsibility: A Step Towards Stronger Involvement of Business in MEA Implementation?/Linda Siegele, Halina Ward.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 135-144.
142546 The Private Sector and the Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol: Experiences, Challenges and Prospects/Kati Kulovesi.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 145-157.
142547 Can Non-state Governance Ratchet Up Global Environmental Standards? Lessons from the Forest Sector/Benjamin Cashore … [et al.].- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 158-172.
142548 Mobilizing Market Forces to Combat Global Environmental Change: Lessons from UN-Private Sector Partnerships in China/Kishan Khoday.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 173-184.
142549 The Precautionary Principle in General International Law: Combating the Babylonian Confusion/Arie Trouwborst.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 185-195.
142550 Melting Moments: The Future of Polar Oceans Governance in a Warming World/Rosemary Rayfuse.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 196-216.
142551 The EU Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive: Problems arising from Implementation Differences between Member States and Proposed Solutions/A.D. Martin, C.K. Mayers, C.M. France.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 217-229.
142552 Third Party Participation in Investment-Environment Disputes: Recent Developments/Kyla Tienhaara.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 230-242.
142553 Environment Rights versus Environmental Wrongs: Forum over Substance?/Marie Soveroski.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.3: 261-273.
142554 The Right to Environmental Protection in India: Many a Slip between the Cup and the Lip?/Lavanya Rajamani.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.3: 274-286.
142555 Constitutional Right to a Healthy Environment in Belgium/Marc Martens.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.3: 287-297.
142556 The Judiciary, the Environmental Right and the Quest for Sustainability in South Africa: A Critical Reflection/Louis J. Kotze.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.3: 298-311.
142557 Constitutional Right to a Healthy Environment and Human Rights Approaches to Environmental Protection in Nigeria: Gbemre v. Shell Revisited/Kaniye S.A. Ebeku.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.3: 312-320.
142558 Environmental Rights for the Future? Intergenerational Equity in the EU/Lynda Collins.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.3: 321-331.
142559 NGO Standing in the European Court of Justice – Does the Aarhus Regulation Open the Door?/Teall Crossen, Veronique Niessen.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.3: 332-340.
142560 More Twists, Turns and Stumbles in the Jungle: A Further Exploration of Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry Decisions within the Kyoto Protocol/Ian Fry.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.3: 341-355.
142561 Elements for a Robust Climate Regime Post-2012: Options for Mitigation/Soledad Aguilar.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.3: 356-367.
142562 Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency: global warming, standing and the US Supreme Court/Jay Austin.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.3: 368-371.
142563 Protecting Marine Biodiversity in Polar Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction/Rosemary Rayfuse.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.1: 3-13.
142564 Alternatives for an Arctic Treaty – Evaluation and a New Proposal/Timo Koivurova.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.1: 14-26.
142565 Is it Time to Cut the Gordian Knot of Polar Sovereignty?/Julia Jabour, Melissa Weber.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.1: 27-40.
142566 Bi-polar Disorder? Is Bioprospecting an Emerging Issue for the Arctic as well as for Antarctica?/David Leary.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.1: 41-55.
142567 Japan’s Research Whaling in the Antarctic Southern Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean in the Face of the Endangered Species Convention (CITES)/Peter H. Sand.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.1: 56-71.
142568 Indigenous Peoples in International Environmental Cooperation: Arctic Management of Hazardous Substances/Henrik Selin, Noelle Eckley Selin.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.1: 72-83.
142569 Permanent Land-based Facilities for Tourism in Antarctica: The Need for Regulation/Kees Bastmeijer, Machiel Lamers, Juan Harcha.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.1: 84-99.
142570 A New Context for the Ramsar Convention: Wetlands in a Changing World/Peter Bridgewater.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.1: 100-106.
142571 Registration: The Cornerstone of REACH/Bjorn Hansen, Mark Blainey.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.1: 107-125.
142572 Germany v. Commission: The ECJ on ex post adjustments under the EU ETS/Stefan Weishaar.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.1: 126-129.
142573 Great Expectations: Understanding Bali and the Climate Change Negotiations Process/Chris Spence … [et al.].- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.2: 142-153.
142574 Crafting the Copenhagen Consensus: Some Reflections/Joanna Depledge.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.2: 154-165.
142575 Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation: Opportunities and Pitfalls in Developing a New Legal Regime/Ian Fry.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.2: 166-182.
142576 The Bali Road Map: Can it Deliver an Equitable Post-2012 Climate Agreement for Small Island States?/M.J. Mace.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.2: 183-195.
142577 The Legality of the EU’s Stand-Alone Approach to the Climate Impact of Aviation: The Express Role Given to the ICAO by the Kyoto Protocol/Malte Petersen.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.2: 196-204.
142578 Nature Protection and the Introduction into the Environment of Genetically Modified Organisms: Risk Analysis in EC Multilevel Governance/Gerd Winter.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.2: 205-220.
142579 Environmental Impact Assessments in International Law/Alexander Gillespie.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.2: 221-233.
142580 Eco-Compensation Policies and Mechanisms in China/Guihuan Liu … [et al.].- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.2: 234-242.
142581 Preserving Biodiversity in Europe: An Infringement-Led Approach/Wim Vandenberghe.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.2: 243-246.
142582 Current and Future Hazardous Substance Legislation Affecting Electrical and Electronic Equipment/Paul Goodman.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.3: 259-267.
142583 Shipments of Electronic Waste: Providing the Right Incentives through Regulation and Enforcement/Karola Maxianova.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.3: 268-276.
142584 Individual Producer Responsibility: A Remaining Challenge under the WEEE Directive/Gerhard Roller, Martin Fuhr.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.3: 277-283.
142585 Yes, We Will! Voluntarism in US E-Waste Governance/Stefan Renckens.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.3: 284-297.
142586 Marketing Products under the Extended Producer Responsibility Framework: A Battery of Issues/Robert G. Lee.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.3: 298-305.
142587 Environment as High Politics? Explaining Divergence in US and EU Hazardous Waste Export Policies/Kelly Dreher, Simone Pulver.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.3: 306-318.
142588 E-waste Management Programmes and the Promotion of Design for the Environment: Assessing Canada’s Contributions/Ashley L.B. Deathe, Elaine MacDonald, William Amos.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.3: 319-334.
142589 Regulating Electrical and Electronic Wastes in China/Wanhua Yang.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.3: 335-344.
142590 The (Mis)Use of the EU’s Comitology Procedure in the Area of Hazardous Chemicals Law/Wim Vandenberghe.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.3: 345-348.
142591 The Precautionary Principle as a Device for Greater Environmental Protection: Lessons from EC Courts/Nicolas De Sadeleer.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.1: 3-10.
142592 Interpretation and Application of the Precautionary Principle: Australia’s Contribution/Jacqueline Peel.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.1: 11-25.
142593 The Precautionary Principle and the Ecosystem Approach in International Law: Differences, Similarities and Linkages/Arie Trouwborst.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.1: 26-37.
142594 The Precautionary Principle: A Thrill Ride on the Roller Coaster of Energy and Climate Law/Rosemary Lyster, Eric Coonan.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.1: 38-49.
142595 Precaution, Scientific Development and Scientific Uncertainty under the WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures/Caroline E. Foster.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.1: 50-58.
142596 Testing Toxicity: Proof and Precaution in Canada’s Chemicals Management Plan/Dayna Nadine Scott.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.1: 59-76.
142597 The Compliance Mechanism of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety: Development, Adoption, Content and First Years of Life/Veit Koester.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.1: 77-90.
142598 China’s Legal and Policy Frameworks for Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-Sharing from their Use/Dayuan Xue, Lijie Cai.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.1: 91-99.
142599 The Military and the Environment in the USA: Exemptions, Injunctions and Winter v. Natural Resources Defense Council/Robin Kundis Craig.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.1: 100-103.
142600 The European Emissions Trading Scheme Case Law/Josephine A.W. van Zeben.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 119-128.
142601 Climate Change Litigation in Canada and the USA/Julia Schatz.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 129-138.
142602 Linking Climate Litigation and Human Rights/Marilyn Averill.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 139-147.
142603 Belt and Suspenders? The World Heritage Convention’s Role in Confronting Climate Change/William C.G. Burns.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 148-163.
142604 The Stock Market to the Rescue? Carbon Disclosure and the Future of Securities-Related Climate Change Litigation/Graham Erion.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 164-171.
142605 Privatizing Environmental Resources: The Need for Supervision of Clean Development Mechanism Contracts?/Anne-Marie Klijn, Joyeeta Gupta, Anita Nijboer.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 172-184.
142606 Still not in Force: Should States Support the 1997 UN Watercourses Convention?/Alistair Rieu-Clarke, Flavia Rocha Loures.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 185-197.
142607 Preventing Transboundary Harm From Invasive Alien Species/Sophie Riley.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 198-210.
142608 Climate Change Negotiations Update: Process and Prospects for a Copenhagen Agreed Outcome in December 2009/Kati Kulovesi, Maria Gutierrez.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.3: 229-243.
142609 Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions at Home or Abroad? The Implications of Kyoto’s Supplementarity Requirement for the Present and Future Climate Change Regime/Froukje Maria Platjouw.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.3: 244-256.
142610 The Principle of Common But Differentiated Responsibility in Post-2012 Climate Negotiations/Tuula Honkonen.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.3: 257-267.
142611 Using State Aid to Correct the Market Failure of Climate Change/Sanmeet Kaur.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.3: 268-285.
142612 Safe Return to the Underground? The Role of International Law in Subsurface Storage of Carbon Dioxide/David Langlet.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.3: 286-303.
142613 Environmental Integrity and Non-Discrimination in the Norwegian Emissions Trading Scheme/Christina Voigt.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.3: 304-311.
142614 MOX Plant and the Espoo Convention: Can Member State Disputes Concerning Mixed Environmental Agreements be Resolved Outside EC Law?/Simon Marsden.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.3: 312-327.
142615 The EU in Environmental Negotiations in UNECE: An Analysis of its Role in the Aarhus Convention and the SEA Protocol Negotiations/Tom Delreux.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.3: 328-337.
142616 Trustees for the Time Being of the Biowatch Trust v. Registrar, Genetic Resources and Others: Access to Information, Costs Awards and the Future of Public Interest Environmental Litigation in South Africa/Louis J. Kotze, Loretta Feris.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.3: 338-346.
142617 The Public Participation Act: A Comprehensive Model Approach to End Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation in the USA/Samantha Brown, Mark Goldowitz.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 3-13.
142618 SLAPPs: Intent or Content? Anti-SLAPP Legislation Goes International/Pamela Shapiro.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 14-27.
142619 Anti-SLAPP Legislation and Environmental Protection in the USA: An Overview of Direct and Indirect Effects/Catherine S. Norman.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 28-34.
142620 Anti-SLAPP Law Reform in Australia/Greg Ogle.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 35-44.
142621 Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation: The British Columbia Experience/Michaelin Scott, Chris Tollefson.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 45-57.
142622 From the Streets to the Courtroom: The Legacies of Quebec’s anti-SLAPP Movement/Normand Landry.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 58-69.
142623 The Failure of Defamation Law to Safeguard against SLAPPs in Ontario/Ramani Nadarajah, Renee Griffin.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 70-82.
142624 Libel Cases and Public Debate – Some Reflections on whether Europe Should be Concerned about SLAPPs/Fiona Donson.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 83-94.
142625 Safe and Sound Scrapping of Rusty Buckets? The 2009 Hong Kong Ship Recycling Convention/Nele Matz-Luck.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 95-103.
142626 The Long Way to the Copenhagen Accord: Climate Change Negotiations in 2009/Leonardo Massai.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 104-121.
142627 Getting Into Court: Standing, Political Questions and Climate Tort Claims/Marilyn Averill.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 122-126.
142628 The Current Framework for International Governance of Biodiversity: Is It Doing More Harm Than Good?/Aoalheiour Johannsdottir, Ian Cresswell, Peter Bridgewater.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.2: 139-149.
142629 The Evolution of Benefit Sharing: Linking Biodiversity and Community Livelihoods/Elisa Morgera, Elsa Tsioumani.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.2: 150-173.
142630 Marine Protected Areas Beyond Areas of National Jurisdiction: What’s Mine is Mine and What You Think is Yours is also Mine/Charlotte Salpin, Valentina Germani.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.2: 174-184.
142631 The Bern Convention: 30 Years of Nature Conservation in Europe/Carolina Lasen Diaz.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.2: 185-196.
142632 Liability and Redress in the Context of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety/Stefan Jungcurt, Nicole Schabus.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.2: 197-206.
142633 The International Legal Framework for Biosecurity and the Challenges Ahead/Opi Outhwaite.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.2: 207-226.
142634 Growing Pains: The Developing Relationship of Animal Welfare Standards and the World Trade Rules/Kate Cook, David Bowles.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.2: 227-238.
142635 Impact of Ozone Layer Protection on the Avoidance of Climate Change: Legal Issues and Proposals to Address the Problem/Tomilola Akanle.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.2: 239-249.
142636 Green Public Procurement: Analysis on the Use of Environmental Criteria in Contracts/Antti Palmujoki, Katriina Parikka-Alhola, Ari Ekroos.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.2: 250-262.
142637 International Court of Justice Judgment on the Paper Mill Permit Dispute Between Argentina and Uruguay Recognizes the Requirement of Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context/Jan De Mulder.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.2: 263-269.
142638 The Road to the Well: An Evaluation of the Customary Right to Water/Rebecca Bates.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.3: 282-293.
142639 The Human Right to Water: Moving Towards Consensus in a Fragmented World/Joyeeta Gupta, Rhodante Ahlers, Lawal Ahmed.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.3: 294-305.
142640 Deriving the Right to Water from the Right to Life, Liberty and Security of the Person: Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Aboriginal Communities in Canada/James Harnum.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.3: 306-315.
142641 A Government in Deep Water? Some Thoughts on the State’s Duties in Relation to Water Arising from South Africa’s Bill of Rights/Anel du Plessis.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.3: 316-327.
142642 Water Sector Reforms and Courts in India: Lessons from the Evolving Case Law/Philippe Cullet.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.3: 328-338.
142643 The Evolution of Ghana’s Water Law and Policy/Joseph B. Agyenim, Joyeeta Gupta.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.3: 339-350.
142644 Environmental Rights on the Wrong Side of History: Revisiting Canada’s Position on the Human Right to Water/Lynda Collins.- Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.3: 351-365.


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