تازه های مقالات خارجی تیر 1402


تازه‌های مقالات خارجی تیر 1402




147738 Centros and the Internal Market/Anne Lise Sibony.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2019; Vol.20, No.3: 407-424.
147739 The Illusion of Motion: Corporate (Im)Mobility and the Failed Promise of Centros/Carsten Gerner Beuerle … [et al.].- European Business Organization Law Review. 2019; Vol.20, No.3: 425-465.
147740 Centros and Defensive Regulatory Competition: Some Thoughts and a Glimpse at the Data/Martin Gelter.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2019; Vol.20, No.3: 467-492.
147741 Centros, California’s Women on Boards Statute and the Scope of Regulatory Competition/Jill Fisch, Steven Davidoff Solomon.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2019; Vol.20, No.3: 493-520.
147742 Revisiting Legal Capital/Eilis Ferran.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2019; Vol.20, No.3: 521-545.
147743 The Rise and Fall of Regulatory Competition in Corporate Insolvency Law in the European Union/Horst Eidenmuller.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2019; Vol.20, No.3: 547-566.
147744 Tech, Regulatory Arbitrage, and Limits/Elizabeth Pollman.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2019; Vol.20, No.3: 567-590.
147745 Startups and Company Law: The Competitive Pressure of Delaware on Italy (and Europe?)/Paolo Giudici, Peter Agstner.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2019; Vol.20, No.4: 597-632.
147746 The Financing of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: An Analysis of the Financing Gap in Brazil/Marcelo Godke Veiga, Joseph A. McCahery.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2019; Vol.20, No.4: 633-664.
147747 Blockchain Startups and Prospectus Regulation/Dmitri Boreiko, Guido Ferrarini, Paolo Giudici.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2019; Vol.20, No.4: 665-694.
147748 Pecuniary Sanctions Against Issuers in European Capital Market Law: Harming the Protected Investors?/Vassilios D. Tountopoulos.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2019; Vol.20, No.4: 695-733.
147749 Resolution Plans and Resolution Strategies: Do They Make G-SIBs Resolvable and Avoid Ring Fence?/Costanza A. Russo.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2019; Vol.20, No.4: 735-777.
147750 The Puzzle of the New European COMI Rules: Rethinking COMI in the Age of Multinational, Digital and Glocal Enterprises/Renato Mangano.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2019; Vol.20, No.4: 779-800.
147751 The Individual Creditor’s Right to Hold a Corporate Shareholder Liable for an Insolvent Company’s Obligations Outside Bankruptcy Proceedings: The Lithuanian View/Lina Mikaloniene.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2019; Vol.20, No.4: 801-821.
147752 Regulating Draconian Takeover Defenses with Soft Law: Empirical Evidence from Event Studies in China/James Si Zeng.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2019; Vol.20, No.4: 823-854.
147753 Alternative Investments, Sustainability in the Digital Age/Lin Lin, Hans Tjio.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.1: 1-5.
147754 Sustainability, FinTech and Financial Inclusion/Douglas W. Arner … [et al.].- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.1: 7-35.
147755 The Changing Concept of Money: A Threat to the Monetary System or an Opportunity for the Financial Sector?/Christian Hofmann.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.1: 37-68.
147756 Regulating Investment Robo-Advisors in China: Problems and Prospects/Li Guo.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.1: 69-99.
147757 Contractual Innovation in China’s Venture Capital Market/Lin Lin.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.1: 101-138.
147758 Building a Junior Stock Exchange: Lessons from China/Wenming Xu, Shaogang Zhu, Zhicheng Wu.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.1: 139-170.
147759 Collective Investment: Land, Crypto and Coin Schemes: Regulatory Property/Hans Tjio, Ying Hu.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.1: 171-198.
147760 Smart Precision Finance for Small Businesses Funding/David C. Donald.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.1: 199-217.
147761 Disclosing Directors/Piergaetano Marchetti, Gianfranco Siciliano, Marco Ventoruzzo.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.2: 219-251.
147762 The End of History for the Board Neutrality Rule in the EU/Jonathan Mukwiri.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.2: 253-277.
147763 The New Italian Benefit Corporation/Gianluca Riolfo.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.2: 279-317.
147764 The Development and Regulation of Cryptoassets: Hong Kong Experiences and a Comparative Analysis/Robin Hui Huang, Demin Yang, Ferdinand Fai Yang Loo.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.2: 319-347.
147765 Regulatory Technology: Replacing Law with Computer Code/Eva Micheler, Anna Whaley.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.2: 349-377.
147766 EU Market Abuse Regulation: The Puzzle of Enforcement/Andrea Perrone.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.2: 379-392.
147767 Risks and Benefits of the Increasing Role of ESMA: A Perspective from the OTC Derivatives Regulation in the Brexit Period/Edoardo Grossule.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.2: 393-414.
147768 Criminal Proceedings in the Wake of the Icelandic Banking Crisis/Eyvindur G. Gunnarsson, Stefan Mar Stefansson.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.2: 415-451.
147769 Proportionality at the Resolution Stage: Calibration of Resolution Measures and the Public Interest Test/Jens-Hinrich Binder.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.2: 453-474.
147770 Shareholders’ Liability for Ruining a Company in Light of the CJEU’s Judgment in Kornhaas/Aleksandra Krawczyk-Giehsmann.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.2: 475-504.
147771 Shareholder Conflicts in Close Corporations between Theory and Practice: Evidence from Italian Private Limited Liability Companies/Peter Agstner.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.3: 505-543.
147772 European Banking Supervision in the Age of the ECB: Landeskreditbank Baden-Wurttemberg – Forderbank v. ECB/Filippo Annunziata.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.3: 545-570.
147773 Free Movement of Companies After the Polbud Case/Aleksandrs Fillers.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.3: 571-590.
147774 Goldilocks (Control) and the Three Bears: Panel on Takeovers and Mergers v. King/Anna L. Christie, J. S. Liptrap.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.3: 591-609.
147775 Post-Brexit UK Fund Regulation: Equivalence, Divergence or Convergence?/Elizabeth Howell.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.3: 611-639.
147776 Optimal Deterrence, the Illegality Defence, and Corporate Attribution/Kelvin Hiu Fai Kwok, Ernest Lim.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.3: 641-664.
147777 Class Action Scarcity: An Empirical Analysis of the Securities Class Action in Korea/Hai Jin Park.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.3: 665-708.
147778 Cross-Border Joint Venture Airlines in Asia: Corporate Governance Perspective/Jae Woon Lee, Seung Young Yoon.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.3: 709-729.
147779 Access to Finance for Artificial Intelligence Regulation in the Financial Services Industry/Joseph Lee.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.4: 731-757.
147780 Recalibrating the Debate on MiFID’s Private Enforceability: Why the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights is the Elephant in the Room/Evariest Callens.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.4: 759-787.
147781 The Bail-in Beyond Unpredictability: Creditors’ Incentives and Market Discipline/Edoardo Martino.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.4: 789-828.
147782 The Future of Reorganization Procedures in the Era of Pre-insolvency Law/Aurelio Gurrea-Martinez.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.4: 829-854.
147783 The Characterization of Pre-insolvency Proceedings in Private International Law/Irit Mevorach, Adrian Walters.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.4: 855-894.
147784 A Class Apart: The Relevance of the EU Preventive Restructuring Directive for Small and Medium Enterprises/Jonathan McCarthy.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.4: 895-913.
147785 Individual Owner Compensation in a Hybrid Limited Liability Entity in a Comparative Context: LLC (the USA), LLP (the UK) and the Small Partnership (Lithuania)/Lina Mikaloniene.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.4: 915-936.
147786 Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation for Listed Companies: The Effects in the Netherlands/Bas de Jong, Steven Hijink, Lars in ‘t Veld.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2020; Vol.21, No.4: 937-966.
147787 Disrupting Conventions: Brigitte Haar’s Contributions to New Legal Thought About Money and Finance/Katharina Pistor.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2021; Vol.22, No.1: 7-12.
147788 Corporate Governance of Banks and Financial Institutions: Economic Theory, Supervisory Practice, Evidence and Policy/Klaus J. Hopt.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2021; Vol.22, No.1: 13-37.
147789 Venture Capital-Backed Firms, Unavoidable Value-Destroying Trade Sales, and Fair Value Protections/Casimiro A. Nigro, Jorg R. Stahl.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2021; Vol.22, No.1: 39-86.
147790 Stewardship and Shareholder Engagement in Germany/Wolf-Georg Ringe.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2021; Vol.22, No.1: 87-124.
147791 Will the World Ever Be the Same After COVID-19? Two Lessons from the First Global Crisis of a Digital Age/Mark Fenwick, Joseph A. McCahery, Erik P. M. Vermeulen.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2021; Vol.22, No.1: 125-145.
147792 Two Sides of the Same Coin: EU Financial Regulation and Private Law/Olha O. Cherednychenko.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2021; Vol.22, No.1: 147-172.
147793 The Viability of Deferred Prosecution Agreements (DPAs) in the UK: The Impact on Global Anti-Bribery Compliance/Qingxiu Bu.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2021; Vol.22, No.1: 173-201.
147794 When Harmonization is Not Enough: Shareholder Stewardship in the European Union/Dionysia Katelouzou, Konstantinos Sergakis.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2021; Vol.22, No.2: 203-240.
147795 Can the Plight of the European Banking Structural Reforms be a Blessing in Disguise?/Hossein Nabilou.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2021; Vol.22, No.2: 241-281.
147796 Overlapping International Instruments for Enforcement of Insolvency Judgments: Undermining or Strengthening Universalism?/Irit Mevorach.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2021; Vol.22, No.2: 283-315.
147797 Oracle of Delphi: How China’s Judiciary Divines the Notion of Financial Security?/Weiping He, Tao Huang.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2021; Vol.22, No.2: 317-350.
147798 Mandatory Bids in China: You Can Lead a Horse to Water, but You Can’t Make It Drink/Wei Zhang … [et al.].- European Business Organization Law Review. 2021; Vol.22, No.2: 351-394.
147799 Regulatory Lag, Regulatory Friction and Regulatory Transition as FinTech Disenablers: Calibrating an EU Response to the Regulatory Sandbox Phenomenon/Deirdre Ahern.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2021; Vol.22, No.3: 395-432.
147800 The Legal Position of Parent Companies: A Top-Down Focus on Group Governance/Karsten Engsig Sorensen.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2021; Vol.22, No.3: 433-474.
147801 Theory, Evidence, and Policy on Dual-Class Shares: A Country-Specific Response to a Global Debate/Aurelio Gurrea-Martinez.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2021; Vol.22, No.3: 475-515.
147802 Articles of Association in UK Private Companies: An Empirical Leximetric Study/Jonathan Hardman.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2021; Vol.22, No.3: 517-557.
147803 Creditors, Plan Confirmations, and Bankruptcy Reorganizations: Lessons from Slovenia/Jaka Cepec, Peter Grajzl.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2021; Vol.22, No.3: 559-589.
147804 Trustworthy AI and Corporate Governance: The EU’s Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence from a Company Law Perspective/Eleanore Hickman, Martin Petrin.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2021; Vol.22, No.4: 593-625.
147805 ESMA as a Residual Lawmaker: The Political Economy and Constitutionality of ESMA’s Product Intervention Measures on Complex Financial Products/Pablo Iglesias-Rodriguez.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2021; Vol.22, No.4: 627-671.
147806 Central Counterparties are Too Big for the European Securities and Markets Authority (Alone): Constructive Critique of the 2019 CCP Supervision Regulation/Romualdo Canini.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2021; Vol.22, No.4: 673-717.
147807 A Risk Characterization of Regulatory Arbitrage in Financial Markets/Andrea Minto, Stephanie Prinz, Melanie Wulff.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2021; Vol.22, No.4: 719-752.
147808 The EU Whistleblowing Directive: An Opportunity for (Operationalizing) Corporate Human Rights Grievance Mechanisms?/Juho Saloranta.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2021; Vol.22, No.4: 753-780.
147809 The Rise of Group Solution in Insolvency Law and Bank Resolution/Ilya Kokorin.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2021; Vol.22, No.4: 781-811.
147810 Law and Regulation for Sustainable Finance/Iris H Y Chiu, Lin Lin, David Rouch.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.1: 1-7.
147811 From a Financial to an Entity Model of ESG/Iain MacNeil, Irene-marie Esser.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.1: 9-45.
147812 Regulating Sustainable Finance in the Dark/Dirk A. Zetzsche, Linn Anker-Sorensen.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23: 47-85.
147813 The EU Sustainable Finance Agenda: Developing Governance for Double Materiality in Sustainability Metrics/Iris H Y Chiu.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.1: 87-123.
147814 The Use of Technology in Corporate Management and Reporting of Climate-Related Risks/Andrea Miglionico.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.1: 125-141.
147815 Developing a Green Bonds Market: Lessons from China/Lin Lin, Yanrong Hong.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.1: 143-185.
147816 Venture Capital in the Rise of Sustainable Investment/Lin Lin.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.1: 187-216.
147817 Investor Capitalism, Sustainable Investment and the Role of Tax Relief/Dionysia Katelouzou, Eva Micheler.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.1: 217-239.
147818 Private Investments, Public Goods: Regulating Markets for Sustainable Development/Celine Tan.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.1: 241-271.
147819 Corporate Disclosures on Climate Change: An Empirical Analysis of FTSE All-Share British Fossil Fuel Producers/Daniel Attenborough.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.2: 313-346.
147820 How Many Single Rulebooks? The EU’s Patchwork Approach to Ensuring Regulatory Consistency in the Area of Investment Management/Kian Navid.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.2: 347-390.
147821 A Panacea or a Wisdom Tooth? Assessing the Misconstrued Mandatory Bid Rule/Charlie Xiao-chuan Weng.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.2: 423-454.
147822 Civil Liability of a Company Director in the Vicinity of Insolvency: The Lithuanian Approach/Virginijus Bite, Vilija Mogenyte, Salvija Muleviciene.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.2: 455-479.
147823 Consumer Collective Redress in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Mechanism (Still) Waiting to Be Triggered/Zlatan Meskic.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.2: 481-505.
147824 Shareholder Engagement and Custody Chains/Eilis Ferran.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.3: 507-539.
147825 Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Corporate Board Diversity Policies and Regulations/Muzaffer Eroglu, Meltem Karatepe Kaya.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.3: 541-572.
147826 Not by Contract Alone: The Contractarian Theory of the Corporation and the Paradox of Implied Terms/David Gibbs Kneller, David Gindis, Derek Whayman.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.3: 573-601.
147827 Philanthropy and the For-profit Corporation: The Benefit Corporation as the New Form of Firm Altruism/Livia Ventura.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.3: 603-632.
147828 Blinded by Fairness: Why We Need (Strong) Procedural Safeguards in Screening Self-Dealing and Obtaining a Fair Price Is Not the Answer/Alperen Afsin Gozlugol.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.3: 633-669.
147829 Considerations on the Construction of Future Financial Regulations in the Field of Initial Coin Offering/Pawel Szwajdler.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.3: 671-709.
147830 Globalized Cross-Border Insolvency Law: The Roles Played by China/Zinian Zhang.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.3: 735-780.
147831 Alternative Investments and Institutional Investors/Joseph A. McCahery, Paolo Giudici.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.4: 781-786.
147832 The Corporate Design of Investments in Startups: A European Experience/Paolo Giudici, Peter Agstner, Antonio Capizzi.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.4: 787-820.
147833 Institutional Investors, Alternative Asset Managers, and ESG Preferences/Joseph A. McCahery, P. C. Pudschedl, Martin Steindl.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.4: 821-868.
147834 Institutional Investor ESG Engagement: The European Experience/Gaia Balp, Giovanni Strampelli.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.4: 869-904.
147835 Cloud Outsourcing in the Financial Sector: An Assessment of Internal Governance Strategies on a Cloud Transaction Between a Bank and a Leading Cloud Service Provider/Jamelia M. Anderson Princen.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.4: 905-936.
147836 COVID-19, Macroeconomic and Sustainability Shocks, Moral Hazard and Resolution of Systemic Banking Crises: Designing Appropriate Systems of Public Support/Douglas W. Arner, Emilios Avgouleas, Evan C. Gibson.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.4: 937-976.
147837 Fit and Proper Requirements in the EU Banking Sector. A Step Further/Matteo Arrigoni, Mattia Rivolti.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.4: 977-996.
147838 Sharing Economy: Challenges for the Labor Market and the Labor Law in China and Globally: A Micro-Comparative Analysis of the EU, US, and Asia/Chenguo Zhang.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.4: 1025-1047.
147839 Protection of Foreign Investment in China: The Foreign Investment Law and the Changing Landscape/Sheng Zhang.- European Business Organization Law Review. 2022; Vol.23, No.4: 1049-1076.
147840 The EMCA: General Principles and Main Content/Evanghelos Perakis.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2016; Vol.13, No.2: 200-214.
147841 Shares in the EMCA: The Time is Ripe for True No Par Value Shares in the EU, and the 2nd Directive is Not an Obstacle/Hans De Wulf.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2016; Vol.13, No.2: 215-253.
147842 Chapter 12 Annual Accounting and Auditing of EMCA: A Critical Review/Peter Hommelhoff.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2016; Vol.13, No.2: 254-268.
147843 Director’s’ Duties and Conflicts of Interest in the EMCA/Jose Engracia Antunes, Monica Fuentes Naharro.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2016; Vol.13, No.2: 269-276.
147844 Corporate Restructuring under the EMCA/Christoph Teichmann.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2016; Vol.13, No.2: 277-300.
147845 The Chapter on Groups of Companies of the European Model Company Act (EMCA)/Pierre-Henri Conac.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2016; Vol.13, No.2: 301-321.
147846 Bankruptcy and Liquidation: Current Legal Situation in European and International Context, Solutions under the European Model Company Act (EMCA)/Maria Patakyova, Barbora Gramblickova.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2016; Vol.13, No.2: 322-350.
147847 A Model Company Act and A Model Company Court/Ronald J. Gilson.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2016; Vol.13, No.2: 351-362.
147848 A U.S. View of the European Model Company Act/Michael Klausner.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2016; Vol.13, No.2: 363-369.
147849 Discussions Report: Reorganization of Companies/Lena Schmidt.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2016; Vol.13, No.2: 370-372.
147850 Institutional Governance and Capital Markets Union: Incrementalism or a Big Bang?/Niamh Moloney.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2016; Vol.13, No.2: 376-423.
147851 Regulation and Taxation of the Financial Markets/Wolfgang Schon.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2016; Vol.13, No.2: 424-452.
147852 Georgian Supreme Court Redefines Personal Liability of Shareholders and Directors/Giorgi Narmania.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2016; Vol.13, No.2: 453-466.
147853 The European Central Bank and Banking Supervision: The Regulatory Limits of the Single Supervisory Mechanism/Kern Alexander.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2016; Vol.13, No.3: 467-494.
147854 The Optimal Scope of Disclosure by Association Regime under MAR/Marten Knuts.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2016; Vol.13, No.3: 495-516.
147855 A Hat That Fits on Different Heads? The Proposed Regulation on Money Market Funds and the System of EU Investment Law/Johannes Rehahn.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2016; Vol.13, No.3: 517-545.
147856 The New Law of Piercing the Corporate Veil in the UK/Alexander Schall.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2016; Vol.13, No.4: 549-574.
147857 Cross-border coordination of bank resolution in the EU: All problems resolved?/Jens-Hinrich Binder.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2016; Vol.13, No.4: 575-598.
147858 Turning Up the Heat? EU Sustainability Goals and the Role of Reporting under the Non-Financial Reporting Directive/Deirdre Ahern.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2016; Vol.13, No.4: 599-630.
147859 The Regulation of Outsider Trading in EU and the US/Sergio Gilotta.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2016; Vol.13, No.4: 631-664.
147860 The New Italian Almost Capital-less Private Companies: A Brand New Tile in the Mosaic/Alessio Bartolacelli.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2016; Vol.13, No.4: 665-707.
147861 Regulating Proxy Advisors Through Transparency: Pros and Cons of the EU Approach/Gaia Balp.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.1: 1-36.
147862 Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and the New Face of the Corporate Mobility in Europe/Federico Pernazza.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.1: 37-72.
147863 Corporate Directors’ Liability in Polish Law/Jacek Jastrzebski.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.1: 73-93.
147864 Conditions and Obligations in ECB Supervisory Decisions as Ancillary Provisions under SSM Law/Gianni Lo Schiavo.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.1: 94-120.
147865 Crowdfunding and the Small Offering Exemption in European and US Prospectus Regulation: Striking a Balance Between Investor Protection and Access to Capital?/Elif Harkonen.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.1: 121-148.
147866 The Conundrum of Hedge Fund Definition/Hossein Nabilou.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14: 149-186.
147867 Almost Capital-less Companies in Europe: Trends, Variations, Competition/Alessio Bartolacelli.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.1: 187-233.
147868 Capital Markets Union – One Year On From the Action Plan/Miriam Parmentier.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.2: 242-251.
147869 The Effects of Brexit on the Law of Companies and Financial and Legal Services in Europe: A Summary Overview/Hans-Jurgen Hellwig.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.2: 252-267.
147870 Symposium Discussion Report: First Session The State of the (Capital) Union/Andreas Sams Kambjerre.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.2: 268-270.
147871 Market Building and the Capital Markets Union: Addressing Information Barriers in the SME Funding Market/Pierre Schammo.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.2: 271-313.
147872 Symposium Discussion Report: Second Session Improving Access to Finance/Andreas Sams Kambjerre.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.2: 314-315.
147873 The Cost of Capital – the Normative Foundation of Corporate Law: A Reply/Sarah Paterson.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.2: 316-335.
147874 Market-based financing in the Capital Markets Union: The European Commission’s Proposals to Foster Financial Innovation in the EU/Christoph Kumpan.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.2: 336-363.
147875 Symposium Discussion Report: Third Session Developing and Diversifying the Supply of Funding/Andreas Sams Kambjerre.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.2: 364-366.
147876 Market Abuse Case Law – Where Do We Stand With MAR?/Jesper Lau Hansen.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.2: 367-390.
147877 Symposium Discussion Report: Fourth Session Improving Market Effectiveness: Intermediaries, Infrastructures, and the Broader Legal Framework/Andri Fannar Bergporsson.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.2: 391-395.
147878 Symposium Discussion Report: Fifth Session SUP, SPE and Beyond (the EMCA Project)/Andri Fannar Bergporsson.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.2: 396-397.
147879 Corporate accountability: non-financial disclosure and liability – A French perspective/Iris Barsan.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.3: 399-434.
147880 Improving the Quality of the Comply or Explain Approach and Introducing Self-Monitoring Through Online Feedbacks/Renato Mangano.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.3: 435-457.
147881 Manipulation in Illiquid Markets – A Tale of Inefficiency?/Vassilios D. Tountopoulos.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.3: 458-489.
147882 (BR)EXIT from the EU: A Legal Perspective/Julia Told.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.3: 490-568.
147883 Educating Bankers on Law, Ethics and Social Values: A Perspective from the US, the UK and Europe/Demetra Arsalidou.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.4: 569-608.
147884 Corporate Directors: In Search of a European Normative Model for Legal Persons as Board Members/Paula del Val Talens.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.4: 609-636.
147885 Europeanisation of Financial Markets Regulation in Times of Brexit/Jorn Axel Kammerer.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.4: 637-661.
147886 Financial-return Crowdfunding and Regulatory Approaches in the Shadow Banking, FinTech and Collaborative Finance Era/Eugenia Macchiavello.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.4: 662-722.
147887 Corporate Indemnification: Experiences in USA and Developments in Germany, Italy and Portugal/Maria Elisabete Gomes Ramos.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2017; Vol.14, No.4: 723-774.
147888 Non-frustration Rule and Mandatory Bid Rule – Cornerstones of European Takeover Law?/Mathias Habersack.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.1: 1-40.
147889 The Spanish and the European Codification of the Business Judgment Rule/Luis Hernando Cebria.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.1: 41-68.
147890 An Analysis of the Prospectus Regime: The EU Reforms and the Brexit Factor/Elizabeth Howell.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.1: 69-100.
147891 Small Partnership Company Form as a Vehicle for Small and Medium-sized Businesses in Lithuania: Is the Theoretical Model Effective in Practice?/Lina Mikaloniene.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.1: 101-122.
147892 Legal Protection against Decisions of the Single Resolution Board pursuant to Article 85 Single Resolution Mechanism Regulation/Dominik Skauradszun.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.1: 123-147.
147893 Baby, it’s cold outside … – A Comparative and Economic Analysis of Freeze-outs of Minority Shareholders/Tom Vos.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.1: 148-196.
147894 Self-Dealing by Controlling Shareholders: Improving Minority Protection in Light of Article 9 c SRD/Nick Hallemeesch.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.2: 197-235.
147895 The Norwegian Model for Access to the European Financial Markets: The Principles and Practicalities of the EEA States’ Solution to the Passporting Issue in Light of Brexit/Morten Kinander.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.2: 236-269.
147896 Redefining the Freedom of Establishment under EU Law as the Freedom to Choose the Applicable Company Law: A Discussion after the Judgment of the Court of Justice (Grand Chamber) of 25 October 2017 in Case C-106/16, Polbud/Ariel Mucha, Krzysztof Oplustil.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.2: 270-307.
147897 Protectionism and the EU Market for Corporate Control: Is It Possible to Get the Best of Both Worlds?/Jonathan Mukwiri.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.2: 308-338.
147898 The Evolution of the Liability of Credit Rating Agencies in the United States and in the European Union: Regulation after the Crisis/Chiara Picciau.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.2: 339-402.
147899 Harmonization of European Insolvency Law: Preventing Insolvency Law from Turning against Creditors by Upholding the Debt-Equity Divide/R.J. de Weijs.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.2: 403-444.
147900 The Continuing Importance of the Scheme of Arrangement as a Debt Restructuring Tool/Jennifer Payne.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.3: 445-448.
147901 Debt Restructuring in the UK/Jennifer Payne.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.3: 449-471.
147902 Reflections on English Law Schemes of Arrangement in Distress and Proposals for Reform/Sarah Paterson.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.3: 472-502.
147903 Debt Restructuring in Germany/Reinhard Bork.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.3: 503-515.
147904 Scheming against the Schemes: A New Framework to Deal with Business Financial Distress in Spain/Ignacio Tirado.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.3: 516-552.
147905 The Singapore Story of Injecting US Chapter 11 into the Commonwealth Scheme/Meng Seng Wee.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.3: 584-553.
147906 The Scheme of Arrangement as a Debt Restructuring Tool in India: Problems And Prospects/Umakanth Varottil.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.3: 585-615.
147907 Path Dependence and Paradox in Harmonizing Out-of-court Procedures across Europe. The Evidence from Italy/Renato Mangano.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.3: 615-643.
147908 Crypto-Securities Regulation: ICOs, Token Sales and Cryptocurrencies under EU Financial Law/Philipp Hacker, Chris Thomale.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.4: 645-696.
147909 Corporate Governance Codes and Groups of Companies: In Search of Best Practices for Group Governance/Daniel Gergely Szabo, Karsten Engsig Sorensen.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.4: 697-731.
147910 Brexit and the Provision of Financial Services into the EU and into the UK/Eddy Wymeersch.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.4: 732-771.
147911 Banking Crisis Management, Recovery and Resolution Planning, and New Governance Theory: Approaching Living Wills as a Public-Private Collaborative Form of Regulation/Andrea Minto.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.4: 772-804.
147912 Director-Shareholder Dialogues Behind the Scenes: Searching for a Balance Between Freedom of Expression and Market Fairness/Chiara Mosca.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2018; Vol.15, No.4: 805-856.
147913 The Company Law Package – Content and State of Play/Christoph Teichmann.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.1-2: 3-14.
147914 Cross-Border Conversions in the EU: The EU Commission Proposal/Francisco Garcimartin, Enrique Gandia.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.1-2: 15-43.
147915 Protection of Creditors and Minority Shareholders in Cross-border Transactions/Martin Winner.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.1-2: 44-73.
147916 Corporate Mobility – The Involvement of Employees/Joti Roest.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.1-2: 74-105.
147917 Digitalization and Corporate Law – A View from Germany/Gerald Spindler.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.1-2: 106-148.
147918 Proposal Regarding the Use of Digital Tools and Processes in Company Law: The Practioner’s Perspective/Segismundo Alvarez Royo-Villanova.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.1-2: 149-189.
147919 The Commission’s 2018 Proposal on Cross-Border Mobility – An Assessment/European Company Law Experts (ECLE).- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.1-2: 196-221.
147920 Cross-border Mergers, Divisions and Conversions: Accomplishments and Deficits of the Company Law Package/Jessica Schmidt.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.1-2: 222-271.
147921 Value Creation in Negotiations of Contractual Warranties and Indemnifications/Jacek Jastrzebski.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.3: 273-309.
147922 Market Soundings: The Interaction between Securities Regulation and Company Law in the United Kingdom and Italy/Stefano Lombardo, Federico M. Mucciarelli.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.3: 310-348.
147923 The New European Union Framework for Banking Crisis Management: Rules versus Discretion/Concetta Brescia Morra.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.3: 349-380.
147924 Does Say on Pay Matter? Evidence from Germany/Tobias H. Troger, Uwe Walz.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.3: 381-413.
147925 Systemic Risk after Brexit: Transitional Measures for the Financial Markets/Eddy Wymeersch.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.4: 415-433.
147926 Company Law, Connecting Factors and the Digital Age – A New Outlook/Bartlomiej Kurcz, Athanasios Paizis.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.4: 434-456.
147927 A Decade after Lehman: An Assessment of Key Regulatory Responses to the Global Financial Crisis/Andreas Kerkemeyer.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.4: 457-483.
147928 Dealing with Corporate Scandal under European Market Abuse Law: The Case of VW/Mario Hossl-Neumann, Andreas Baumgartner.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.4: 484-534.
147929 Regulations for Securitisation and Covered Bonds: Too Much or Too Little/Ahmed Arif.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.5: 535-556.
147930 Adapting the European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS) to the EEA Two-Pillar Structure – A Workable Solution?/Andri Fannar Bergporsson.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.5: 557-591.
147931 The EU Experience as a Model for the Development of a Single Financial Market Regulation in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)/Rustam A. Kasyanov.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.5: 592-621.
147932 Reducing Legal Uncertainty and Regulatory Arbitrage for Robo-Advice/Philipp Maume.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.5: 622-651.
147933 Legal Challenges of Cryptocurrencies: Isn’t It Time to Regulate the Intermediaries?/Anastasia Sotiropoulou, Stephanie Ligot.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.5: 652-675.
147934 Companies without Legal Capital and the Strange Case of Denmark/Jesper Lau Hansen.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.6: 677-686.
147935 Climate Corporate Governance: Europe vs. USA?/Sabrina Bruno.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.6: 687-723.
147936 Personal Data in Insolvency Proceedings: The Interface between the New General Data Protection Regulation and (German) Insolvency Law/Ronny Hauck.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.6: 724-745.
147937 Restructuring Non-Performing Loans for Bank Recovery: Private Workouts and Securitisation Mechanisms/Andrea Miglionico.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.6: 746-770.
147938 Arbitration of Corporate Law Disputes in Joint Stock Companies under Turkish Law: A Comparative Analysis/Cem Veziroglu.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2019; Vol.16, No.6: 771-806.
147939 The International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) and the New International Financial Architecture: What Role for IOSCO in the Development and Implementation of Cross-Border Regulation and Equivalence?/Jean-Paul Servais.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.1: 3-10.
147940 Regulatory Cooperation in Securities Market Regulation: Perspectives from Australia/Jennifer G. Hill.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.1: 11-34.
147941 Reflections on the EU Third Country Regime for Capital Markets in the Shadow of Brexit/Niamh Moloney.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.1: 35-71.
147942 The International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), Europe, Brexit, and Rethinking Cross-border Regulation: A Call for a World Finance Organisation/Pierre-Henri Conac.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.1: 72-98.
147943 The MiFIR and PRIIPs Product Intervention Regime: In Need of Intervention?/Veerle Colaert.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.1: 99-124.
147944 Europe Faces COVID-19/Marco Ventoruzzo … [et al.].- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.2: 125-128.
147945 Speak, If You Can: What Are You? An Alternative Approach to the Qualification of Tokens and Initial Coin Offerings/Filippo Annunziata.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.2: 129-154.
147946 Financial Stability as the Objective of the Banking Union/Jonathan Bauerschmidt.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.2: 155-183.
147947 UK and EU Company Law after Brexit/Vanessa Knapp.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.2: 184-199.
147948 Discussion Report – UK and EU Company Law After Brexit/Margo Osier.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.2: 200-204.
147949 Slovak Simple Joint Stock Company – Critical Review and Preliminary Assessment/Maria Patakyova … [et al.].- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.2: 205-230.
147950 The Response of the European Central Bank to the Current Pandemic Crisis: Monetary Policy and Prudential Banking Supervision Decisions/Christos V. Gortsos.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.3-4: 231-256.
147951 Pandemic-Resistant Corporate Law: How to Help Companies Cope with Existential Threats and Extreme Uncertainty During the Covid-19 Crisis/Luca Enriques.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.3-4: 257-273.
147952 Corporate Law Rules in Emergency Times Across Europe/Angelo Borselli, Ignacio Farrando Miguel.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.3-4: 274-317.
147953 Emergency COVID-19 Legislation in the Area of Insolvency and Restructuring Law/Stephan Madaus, F. Javier Arias.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.3-4: 318-352.
147954 Takeover Bids in Europe in Times of a World-wide Pandemic Threat: A Delicate Balance Between the Fundamental Freedoms and the Protection of Europe’s and the Member States’ Strategic Assets/Marieke Wyckaert.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.3-4: 353-362.
147955 EU Financial Market Governance and the Covid-19 Crisis: ESMA’s Nimble, Responsive, and Speedy Response in Coordinating National Authorities through Soft-Law Instruments/Niamh Moloney, Pierre-Henri Conac.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.3-4: 363-385.
147956 Banning Cassandra from the Market? An Empirical Analysis of Short-Selling Bans during the Covid-19 Crisis/Gianfranco Siciliano, Marco Ventoruzzo.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.3-4: 386-417.
147957 A Critical Analysis of the Rationale for Financial Regulation Part I: Theories of Regulation/Christopher P. Buttigieg, John A. Consiglio, Gerd Sapiano.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.5: 419-436.
147958 A Critical Analysis of the Rationale for Financial Regulation Part II: Objectives of Financial Regulation/Christopher P. Buttigieg, John A. Consiglio, Gerd Sapiano.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.5: 437-477.
147959 European Legal Forms – Underlying Systematic and Principles/Stefanie Jung.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.5: 478-521.
147960 Misselling in Self-placement and Bank Resolution under BRRD2/Ugo Malvagna, Antonella Sciarrone Alibrandi.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.5: 522-557.
147961 European Insider Trading Theory Revisited: The Limits of the Parity-of-Information Theory and the Application of the Property Rights in Information Theory to Activist Investment Strategies/Ana Taleska.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.5: 558-600.
147962 Building a Capital Market – the Final Report of the High Level Forum on the EU Capital Market Union/Katja Langenbucher.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.6: 601-618.
147963 Ownership and Governance of Central Banks: Insights from the Italian Experience/Piergiuseppe Spolaore.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.6: 619-656.
147964 The Role of Deposit Guarantee Schemes in Preventing and Managing Banking Crises: Governance and Least Cost Principle/Irene Mecatti.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.6: 657-691.
147965 Time to Reduce Complexity in a Data-Driven Regulatory Agenda – Perspectives on the MiFID II Best Execution Regime/Peter Kruger Andersen.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.6: 692-725.
147966 Breach of the Mandatory Bid Rule: Minority Shareholders’ Protection in the Public vs. Private Enforcement Debate/Peter Agstner, Davide Marchesini Mascheroni.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.6: 726-759.
147967 Written Resolutions in UK Companies Act 2006 and Their Possible Relevance beyond UK Borders/Paolo Butturini.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2020; Vol.17, No.6: 760-784.
147968 Some Reflections on the Self-insider and the Market Abuse Regulation – The Self-insider as a Monopoly-Square Insider/Stefano Lombardo.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2021; Vol.18, No.1: 2-33.
147969 Self-placement of Complex Financial Instruments by Banks to Retail Clients and Civil Liability Issues – An Overview of Greek Case-Law/Anna O. Mitsou.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2021; Vol.18, No.1: 34-75.
147970 Composition and Qualifications of Credit Institutions’ Board of Directors: European Requirements and the Principle of Proportionality/Vassilios D. Tountopoulos.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2021; Vol.18, No.1: 76-106.
147971 Third-Party Releases in Insolvency of Multinational Enterprise Groups/Ilya Kokorin.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2021; Vol.18, No.1: 107-140.
147972 The Legal Background of Sovereign Wealth Funds and Their Role in National Economies/Kecskes Andras.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2021; Vol.18, No.1: 141-158.
147973 Corporate Purpose: A Management Concept and its Implications for Company Law/Holger Fleischer.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2021; Vol.18, No.2: 161-189.
147974 Reforming EU Company Law to Secure the Future of European Business/Beate Sjafjell.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2021; Vol.18, No.2: 190-217.
147975 Sustainable Corporate Governance: A Way Forward?/Vanessa Knapp.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2021; Vol.18, No.2: 218-243.
147976 The Inside Information Regime of the MAR andthe Rise of the ESG Era/Peter O. Mulbert, Alexander Sajnovits.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2021; Vol.18, No.2: 256-290.
147977 Corporate Social Bonds: A Legal Analysis/Diletta Lenzi.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2021; Vol.18, No.2: 291-319.
147978 Shunning Banks or Depending on Them? Crypto Markets and the Rise of Crypto-Friendly Banking/Phoebus L. Athanassiou.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2021; Vol.18, No.3: 321-337.
147979 Breaking Up Is Hard to Do – What Brexit Means for UK Insolvency and Restructuring Law/Gerard McCormack.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2021; Vol.18, No.3: 338-376.
147980 The Recognition and Enforcement of UK Insolvency Proceedings in Spain After a Hard-Brexit. Special Reference to Schemes of Arrangement/Marta Flores.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2021; Vol.18, No.3: 377-397.
147981 Accounting Concepts in Company Law/Jesper Seehausen.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2021; Vol.18, No.3: 398-427.
147982 Behavioural Economic Influences on Primary Market Disclosure – The Case of the EU Regulation on European Crowdfunding Service Providers/Konstantinos Serdaris.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2021; Vol.18, No.3: 428-463.
147983 Investment Services Regulation in Germany and Japan/Harald Baum, Toshiaki Yamanaka.- European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR). 2021; Vol.18, No.3: 464-516.
147984 Building Bridges Across Curricular and Status Lines: Gender Inequity Throughout the Legal Academy/Kristen K. Tiscione, Melissa H. Weresh.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.1: 3-13.
147985 Identity Politics is Failing Women in Legal Academia/Sahar Aziz.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.1: 14-21.
147986 Legal Writing as Office Housework?/Mary Nicol Bowman.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.1: 22-30.
147987 No Matter How Loud I Shout: Legal Writing as Gender Sidelining/Leslie Patrice Culver.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.1: 31-35.
147988 The Paradox of Faculty-Student Interactions/Meera E. Deo.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.1: 36-47.
147989 Finding the Goldilocks Zone: Negotiating Your First Employment Offer in Legal Academia/Darby Dickerson.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.1: 48-94.
147990 Reducing Gender Inequity in the Academy and the Legal Profession/Susan Hanley Duncan.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.1: 95-101.
147991 Gender Equity in Law School Enrollment: An Elusive Goal/Deborah Jones Merritt, Kyle McEntee.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.1: 102-115.
147992 Gender Inequity Throughout the Legal Academy: A Quick Look at the (Surprisingly Limited) Data/Kristen K. Tiscione.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.1: 116-122.
147993 The Aid Gap/Chris Guthrie, Emily Lamm.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.1: 123-137.
147994 Maintaining Scholarly Integrity in the Age of Bibliometrics/Andrew T. Hayashi, Gregory Mitchell.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.1: 138-155.
147995 Teaching and Assessing Metacognition in Law School/Jennifer A. Gundlach, Jessica R. Santangelo.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.1: 156-199.
147996 Does Justice Have a Syntax?/Steven L. Winter.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.1: 200-216.
147997 Structural Nepotism: On the Reluctance of Law Schools to Include Social Class Origins among their Faculty Diversity Goals/Kenneth Oldfield.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.2: 239-267.
147998 Building Bridges: How Law Schools Can Better Prepare Students from Historically Underserved Communities to Excel in Law School/Amy H. Soled, Barbara Hoffman.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.2: 268-296.
147999 What I Learned about Teaching Law by Being an Art Student/Michael T. Colatrella.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.2: 297-333.
148000 Method Lawyering: Immersion Teaching Illustrated/Kris Franklin.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.2: 334-383.
148001 Conditional Answers to Multiple-Choice Questions: Three Linguistic Problems (and Solutions) for if/Joe Buffington.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.2: 384-395.
148002 LSSSE at Fifteen: Celebrating Our Success and Planning Our Future/Meera E. Deo.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.2: 396-401.
148003 Whence Did Thee Come, LSSSE?/George D. Kuh, Patrick T. O’Day.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.2: 402-411.
148004 Mindsets in Legal Education/Victor D. Quintanilla, Sam Erman.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.2: 412-444.
148005 LSSSE’s Challenge: Gaining Recognition in the Wake of U.S. News and World Report/Carole Silver.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.2: 445-454.
148006 Do I Belong Here? Examining Perceived Experiences of Bias, Stereotype Concerns, and Sense of Belonging in U.S. Law Schools/Elizabeth Bodamer.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.2: 455-490.
148007 The Journey, The Work, The Impact: Reflections on my Tenure as LSSSE Director/Aaron N. Taylor.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.2: 491-501.
148008 Preparing Law Students to be Successful Lawyers/Chad Christensen.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.2: 502-524.
148009 Reflections on LSSSE’s Fifteen-Year Trajectory and Beyond/Bryant G. Garth.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.2: 525-529.
148010 Sociolegal Research, the Law School Survey of Student Engagement, and Studying Diversity in Judicial Clerkships/Shih-Chun Steven Chien, Ajay K. Mehrotra, Xiangnong Wang.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.2: 530-560.
148011 Advancing an Evidence-Based Approach to Improving Legal Education/Kellye Y. Testy.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.2: 561-567.
148012 Writing Like a Lawyer: How Law Student Involvement Affects Self-Reported Gains in Writing Skills in Law School/Kirsten M. Winek.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.2: 568-598.
148013 Afterword: Nudging Toward Virtue/Lauren Robel.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.2: 599-604.
148014 Lessons From Pandemic Pedagogy: Humanizing Law School Teaching to Create Equity and Evenness/Kinda L. Abdus-Saboor.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.3: 621-629.
148015 Mentorship, Leadership and Being an Indigenous Woman/Ernestine Chaco.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.3: 630-636.
148016 Legal Education in the Era of Black Lives Matter/Marcus Gadson.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.3: 637-642.
148017 Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Breath: A Call for Economic Justice/Veronica C. Gonzales-Zamora.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.3: 643-671.
148018 May It Please the Soul: On the Practice of Law and Vulnerability/Camilo A. Romero.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.3: 672-680.
148019 Mommy Track on Steroids: How the Pandemic is Further Derailing Moms of Law/Lysette Romero Cordova.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.3: 681-688.
148020 Crisis Induced Innovation in U.S. Legal Education/Morenike Saula.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.3: 689-698.
148021 Join With Me, Won’t You? Civic Engagement, COVID-19, and the Millennial Generation of Law Professors/Joseph A. Schremmer.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.3: 699-708.
148022 A Rite of Passage: Perpetuating the Invisibility of American Indian Lawyers/Roshanna K. Toya.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.3: 709-717.
148023 Reducing Debt and Increasing Access to the Profession: An Empirical Study of Graduate Debt at U.S. Law Schools/Scott F. Norberg, Stephanie J. Garcia.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.3: 720-758.
148024 Becoming a University Educator: Teaching Tomorrow’s Law Teachers/Shauna Van Praagh, Eliza Bateman.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.3: 759-781.
148025 Total Scholarly Impact: Law Professor Citations in Non-Law Journals/J.B. Ruhl, Michael P. Vandenbergh, Sarah E. Dunaway.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.3: 782-815.
148026 What to Learn From Pandemic Teaching? Our Student’s Names/Eun Hee Han.- Journal of Legal Education. 2019-2020; Vol.69, No.3: 816-823.
148027 Reframing Faculty Pro Bono/Ezra Ross.- Journal of Legal Education. 2020-2021; Vol.70, No.1: 3-25.
148028 A Law Professor’s Guide to Parliamentary Procedure/Jonathan R. Siegel.- Journal of Legal Education. 2020-2021; Vol.70, No.1: 26-64.
148029 Of Moore, Players and Owners, and Consequentialist Pedagogy: Can the Center Hold?/Mark Kelman.- Journal of Legal Education. 2020-2021; Vol.70, No.1: 65-94.
148030 Preparing Lawyers for Practice: Developing Cultural Competency, Communication Skills, and Content Knowledge through Street Law Programs/Ben Perdue, Amy Wallace.- Journal of Legal Education. 2020-2021; Vol.70, No.1: 95-124.
148031 Safeguard or Barrier: An Empirical Examination of Bar Exam Cut Scores/Michael B. Frisby, Sam C. Erman, Victor D. Quintanilla.- Journal of Legal Education. 2020-2021; Vol.70, No.1: 125-161.
148032 Line-Drawing/Orin Kerr.- Journal of Legal Education. 2020-2021; Vol.70, No.1: 162-170.
148033 Self-Silencing and Online Learning/Cass R. Sunstein.- Journal of Legal Education. 2020-2021; Vol.70, No.2-3: 205-214.
148034 Embracing and Making Change in Legal Education: Serving the Law Students of Today and Tomorrow/Danielle M. Conway.- Journal of Legal Education. 2020-2021; Vol.70, No.2-3: 215-229.
148035 Teaching Law Online: A Guide for Faculty/Nina A. Kohn.- Journal of Legal Education. 2020-2021; Vol.70, No.2-3: 230-251.
148036 Law School Pedagogy Post-Pandemic: Harnessing the Benefits of Online Teaching/Yvonne M. Dutton, Margaret Ryznar.- Journal of Legal Education. 2020-2021; Vol.70, No.2-3: 252-273.
148037 Using a Community of Inquiry Framework to Make the Transition to Teaching Law Online/Audrey Fried.- Journal of Legal Education. 2020-2021; Vol.70, No.2-3: 274-283.
148038 The Power of Presence in Socratic Teaching: The Effect of Substituting Videoconferencing for In-Person Classes/William S. Blatt.- Journal of Legal Education. 2020-2021; Vol.70, No.2-3: 284-296.
148039 Survey Says – How to Engage Law Students in the Online Learning Environment/Andrele Brutus St. Val.- Journal of Legal Education. 2020-2021; Vol.70, No.2-3: 297-330.
148040 Certainly Uncertain: Facilitating Law Student Professional Growth and Well-Being Through Supervision in Light of COVID-19/Sarah Fishel, Kellie Wiltsie, David DeMatteo.- Journal of Legal Education. 2020-2021; Vol.70, No.2-3: 331-347.
148041 The Virtual Law School, 2.0/A. Michael Froomkin.- Journal of Legal Education. 2020-2021; Vol.70, No.2-3: 348-401.
148042 Technology and the (Re)Construction of Law/Christian Powell Sundquist.- Journal of Legal Education. 2020-2021; Vol.70, No.2-3: 402-412.
148043 Violations During the Pandemic of Law School Faculties’ Authority to Decide Methods of Instruction/Richard K. Neumann.- Journal of Legal Education. 2020-2021; Vol.70, No.2-3: 413-458.
148044 We Are…Community!/Michael A. Mogill.- Journal of Legal Education. 2020-2021; Vol.70, No.2-3: 459-461.
148045 Finding New Classroom Tricks in a Virtual Teaching World: One Old Dog’s Tale/Daniel Keating.- Journal of Legal Education. 2020-2021; Vol.70, No.2-3: 462-473.
148046 Professor, Please Help Me Pass the Bar Exam #NextGenBar2026/Melissa Bezanson Shultz.- Journal of Legal Education. 2021-2022; Vol.71, No.1: 141-185.
148047 Disabled Perspectives on Legal Education: Reckoning and Reform/Lilith Siegel, Karen M. Tani.- Journal of Legal Education. 2021-2022; Vol.71, No.1: 3-9.
148048 I’m Not Supposed to Be a Lawyer/Matthew Cortland.- Journal of Legal Education. 2021-2022; Vol.71, No.1: 10-13.
148049 The Sisyphean Struggle for Secure Employment/James Fetter.- Journal of Legal Education. 2021-2022; Vol.71, No.1: 14-23.
148050 Providing Effective and Supportive Legal Career Guidance for Neurodivergent Law Students and Attorneys/Shain M. Neumeier.- Journal of Legal Education. 2021-2022; Vol.71, No.1: 24-33.
148051 Full Circle: From Disabled Law Student to Law Professor/Katherine Perez.- Journal of Legal Education. 2021-2022; Vol.71, No.1: 34-41.
148052 How You Tell the Story: In Search of Complex Disabled Narratives/Lilith A. Logan Siegel.- Journal of Legal Education. 2021-2022; Vol.71, No.1: 42-50.
148053 A Body’s Work: On Self and Peer Education as a Black Disabled Lawyer/Britney Wilson.- Journal of Legal Education. 2021-2022; Vol.71, No.1: 51-56.
148054 Toward Universal Design in the Classroom/Ruth Colker.- Journal of Legal Education. 2021-2022; Vol.71, No.1: 57-75.
148055 Am I Disabled? Disability Identity and Law Faculty/Katie Eyer.- Journal of Legal Education. 2021-2022; Vol.71, No.1: 76-93.
148056 Debating Disability Disclosure in Legal Education/Jasmine E. Harris.- Journal of Legal Education. 2021-2022; Vol.71, No.1: 94-123.
148057 Why Disability Studies in Criminal Law and Procedure?/Jamelia N. Morgan.- Journal of Legal Education. 2021-2022; Vol.71, No.1: 124-140.
148058 The Artists’ Resale Right Directive 2001/84/EC: A means of targeted intervention for visual artists/Anthony O’Dwyer.- Journal of World Intellectual Property. 2021; Vol.24, No.1-2: 1-35.
148059 Burgeoning right of publicity: An overview of the Indian experiences/Vandana Mahalwar.- Journal of World Intellectual Property. 2021; Vol.24, No.1: 28-40.
148060 Right to Repair vis-a-vis Indian trade mark law: A comparative analysis/Himanshu Arora.- Journal of World Intellectual Property. 2021; Vol.24, No.1-2: 41-54.
148061 Design piracy in the United States: Time to fashion a remedy?/Alice Wickens.- Journal of World Intellectual Property. 2021; Vol.24, No.1-2: 55-82.
148062 A contract-law analyses of the SMTA of the Plant Treaty: Can it work as a binding contract?/Morten Walloe Tvedt.- Journal of World Intellectual Property. 2021; Vol.24, No.1-2: 83-99.
148063 How effective are India’s model guidelines on implementation of IPR policy for academic institutions? Seeking the answer from the US and the UK experience/Prabhat K. Saha, Shivam Kaushik.- Journal of World Intellectual Property. 2021; Vol.24, No.1-2: 100-121.
148064 Politics as a function of trademark: A new perspective from the historical development of trademark law in colonial and socialist Vietnam/Tran Kien.- Journal of World Intellectual Property. 2021; Vol.24, No.1-2: 122-151.
148065 The legal conundrum over regulation of access and benefit sharing obligations in digital sequence information over genetic resources-assessing indian position/Deepa Kharb.- Journal of World Intellectual Property. 2021; Vol.24, No.1-2: 152-166.
148066 Building respect for intellectual property – The journey toward balanced intellectual property enforcement/Louise van Greunen, Iva Gobac.- Journal of World Intellectual Property. 2021; Vol.24, No.1-2: 167-185.
148067 Application of standard essential patents in automotive industry: An analytical perspective/Soumya P. Patra, Raju KD.- Journal of World Intellectual Property. 2021; Vol.24, No.1-2: 186-192.
148068 Does TRIPS (Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) prevent COVID-19 vaccines as a global public good?/Hans Morten Haugen.- Journal of World Intellectual Property. 2021; Vol.24, No.3-4: 195-220.
148069 Geographical indications as a strategy for market enhancement-lessons from rice GIs in Kerala/Aalthady Maloor Radhika, K. Jesy Thomas, Rajesh K. Raju.- Journal of World Intellectual Property. 2021; Vol.24, No.3-4: 221-236.
148070 Movie piracy: Displacement and its impact on legitimate sales in India/Amit K. Jha, Priyanka Rajan.- Journal of World Intellectual Property. 2021; Vol.24, No.3-4: 237-252.
148071 A CSR/fair trade inspired policy for fairer geographical indications/Althaf Marsoof, Li Ting Tan.- Journal of World Intellectual Property. 2021; Vol.24, No.3-4: 253-273.
148072 Exclusive right of communication of works to the public in the legal system of the European Union/Elzbieta Czarny Drozdzejko.- Journal of World Intellectual Property. 2021; Vol.24, No.5-6: 277-309.
148073 Maximizing the differentiation principle in regional IP treaties to advance food security: Limitations in West Africa’s regional IP and trade regime/Uchenna F. Ugwu.- Journal of World Intellectual Property. 2021; Vol.24, No.5-6: 310-343.
148074 Protecting image rights in the face of digitalization: A United States and European analysis/Alix C. Heugas.- Journal of World Intellectual Property. 2021; Vol.24, No.5-6: 344-367.
148075 Yea or nay to artificial intelligence? More questions than answers under Malaysian copyright law/Cheng Peng Sik.- Journal of World Intellectual Property. 2021; Vol.24, No.5-6: 368-382.
148076 Protecting expressions of Naga folklore through sui generis model/Franky Varah, Chodang Pamreishang, Sophayo Khamrang.- Journal of World Intellectual Property. 2021; Vol.24, No.5-6: 383-393.
148077 TRIPS waiver of COVID-19 vaccines: Impact on pharmaceutical industry and what it means to developing countries/Talat Chaudhary, Arshi Chaudhary.- Journal of World Intellectual Property. 2021; Vol.24, No.5-6: 447-454.
148078 The Anonymisation of Research Data – A Pyric Victory for Privacy that Should Not Be Pushed Too Hard by the EU Data Protection Framework?/Paul Quinn.- European Journal of Health Law. 2017; Vol.24, No.4: 347-367.
148079 Jehovah’s Witnesses and Blood Transfusions: An Analysis of the Legal Protections Afforded to Adults and Children in European/English Human Rights Contexts/Clayton O Neill.- European Journal of Health Law. 2017; Vol.24, No.4: 368-389.
148080 Cross-border Movement of Patients in the EU: A Re-Appraisal/Clemens M. Rieder.- European Journal of Health Law. 2017; Vol.24, No.4: 390-413.
148081 Defining the Threshold of Permissible Risk for Non-therapeutic Clinical Trials with Children in Europe/Katherine Wade.- European Journal of Health Law. 2017; Vol.24, No.4: 414-431.
148082 Patients’ Rights in Cross-border Healthcare (Directive 2011/24/EU) and How It Applies to Turkey as a Negotiating Candidate Country/Perihan Elif Ekmekci.- European Journal of Health Law. 2017; Vol.24, No.4: 432-444.
148083 Is the Equity of Access to Healthcare a European Constitutional Standard? A Comparative Review/Dawid Szescilo.- European Journal of Health Law. 2017; Vol.24, No.4: 445-462.
148084 eHealth Spare Parts as a Service: Modular eHealth Solutions and Medical Device Reform/Nadezhda Purtova.- European Journal of Health Law. 2017; Vol.24, No.4: 463-486.
148085 Cross-border Healthcare in the EU: And What if Something Goes Wrong?/Vicki Paskalia.- European Journal of Health Law. 2017; Vol.24, No.5: 507-522.
148086 Why Should I Question a Patient’s Wish? A Comparative Study on Physicians’ Perspectives on Their Duties to Respect Advance Directives/Ruth Horn.- European Journal of Health Law. 2017; Vol.24, No.5: 523-540.
148087 EU Marketing Authorisation of Orphan Medicinal Products and Its Impact on Related Research/Sara Gerke, Shaun D. Pattinson.- European Journal of Health Law. 2017; Vol.24, No.5: 541-564.
148088 Importing Notions in Health Law: Science and Proven Experience/Lena Wahlberg, Johannes Persson.- European Journal of Health Law. 2017; Vol.24, No.5: 565-590.
148089 Voluntary Additional Health Insurance in the European Union: Free Market or Regulation?/Piet Calcoen, Wynand P.M.M. van de Ven.- European Journal of Health Law. 2017; Vol.24, No.5: 591-613.
148090 Patients’ Rights, Medical Error and Harmonisation of Compensation Mechanisms in Europe/Kenneth Watson, Rob Kottenhagen.- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.1: 1-23.
148091 Refusing Treatment Prior to Becoming Incapacitated: Supported Decision-making as an Approach in Advance Directives/Hui Yun Chan.- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.1: 24-42.
148092 From Privacy to Data Protection in the EU: Implications for Big Data Health Research/Menno Mostert … [et al.].- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.1: 43-55.
148093 Can Maternal Spindle Transfer and Pronuclear Transfer Be Prohibited under EU Legislation?/Calum MacKellar.- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.1: 57-74.
148094 Please Smoke Your E-Cigarette Proportionally/Marco Inglese.- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.1: 75-87.
148095 European Governance of Health Systems. It Takes Two to Tango: The Council of Europe and the European Union/Henriette D.C. Roscam Abbing.- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.1: 121-131.
148096 Safe, Innovative and Accessible Medicines in Europe: A Renewed Strategy for Patients and the Pharmaceutical Sector/Annagrazia Altavilla.- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.2: 133-156.
148097 Professional Standards, Clinical Guidelines and Medical Liability: A Chance for Significant Improvement in Determining the Standard of Care?/Athanasios Panagiotou.- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.2: 157-176.
148098 The Definition of Health and Illness between Juridification and Medicalisation: A Private/Public Interest Perspective/Cinzia Piciocchi.- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.2: 177-195.
148099 Disorders of Consciousness: Is a Dichotomous Legal Approach Justified?/Richard W.M. Law, Kartina A. Choong.- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.3: 239-260.
148100 Ethnic Diversity and Access to Healthcare from a Human Rights Perspective: The Case of the Roma in Europe/Elisavet Athanasia Alexiadou.- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.3: 261-283.
148101 Regulatory Challenges of Data Mining Practices: The Case of the Never-ending Lifecycles of Health Data/Giovanni Comande, Giulia Schneider.- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.3: 284-307.
148102 The Welsh Transplant Incident/Remigius N. Nwabueze.- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.3: 309-321.
148103 Gamete Donation: Are Children Entitled to Know Their Genetic Origins? A Comparison of Opposing Views. The Italian State of Affairs/Gianluca Montanari Vergallo … [et al.].- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.3: 322-337.
148104 Genetic Risks and Doctors’ Disclosure Obligations – Revisiting the Duty of Confidentiality/Aisling de Paor.- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.4: 365-388.
148105 From Legislative Shortcomings towards Better Human Rights Protection – Analysis of Legislation on the Emergency Medical Services in Finland and Estonia/Jenna Uusitalo.- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.4: 389-406.
148106 Legalisation of Euthanasia in Finland: Via a Citizens’ Initiative?/Liisa Nieminen.- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.4: 407-425.
148107 The Primacy of the Patient’s Wishes in the Medical Decision-making Procedure Established by French Law/Renaud Bouvet.- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.4: 426-440.
148108 Cases and Regulation of Advance Decisions in Germany/Marion Albers.- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.4: 441-458.
148109 Data Protection and Biobanks in 2018/Jean Herveg.- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.2: 479-500.
148110 Research Biobanks and Health Databases: The WMA Declaration of Taipei, Added Value to European Legislation (Soft and Hard Law)/Gauthier Chassang, Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag.- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.5: 501-516.
148111 Biobanking between the EU and Third Countries – Can Data Sharing Be Facilitated via Soft Regulatory Tools?/Santa Slokenberga.- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.5: 517-536.
148112 A Duty to Recontact in the Context of Genetics: Futuristic or Realistic?/Corrette Ploem … [et al.].- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.5: 537-553.
148113 Making Access to a Population of Bodies in the Name of Autonomy/Ida Helene Asmussen, Katharina Eva O Cathaoir.- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.5: 555-572.
148114 Childhood Immunisation: Mandate or Persuasion? Italian Lawmakers Have Opted for the Former, What about European Legislators?/Gianluca Montanari Vergallo, Natale Mario di Luca, Simona Zaami.- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.5: 573-586.
148115 The Role of the Medical Officer in the Soldier’s Enhancement/Renaud Bouvet.- European Journal of Health Law. 2018; Vol.25, No.5: 587-596.
148116 Scientific Uncertainty in Courts. A France-Germany Comparative Perspective on Litigation surrounding Hepatitis B Vaccination/Alice Milon, Renaud Bouvet.- European Journal of Health Law. 2019; Vol.26, No.1: 5-25.
148117 Medical Negligence, Systemic Deficiency, or Denial of Emergency Healthcare? Reflections on the European Court of Human Rights Grand Chamber Judgment in Lopes de Sousa Fernandes v. Portugal of 19 December 2017 and Previous Case-law/Julia Kapelanska-Pregowska.- European Journal of Health Law. 2019; Vol.26, No.1: 26-43.
148118 The Sale of Liquid Gold in Ireland: Some Thoughts from Tort Law/Aoife Finnerty.- European Journal of Health Law. 2019; Vol.26, No.1: 45-59.
148119 Human Organs for Transplantation: Self-Sufficiency, a European Perspective/Henriette Roscam Abbing.- European Journal of Health Law. 2019; Vol.26, No.2: 87-96.
148120 Health Research, Consent and the GDPR Exemption/Mary Donnelly, Maeve McDonagh.- European Journal of Health Law. 2019; Vol.26, No.1: 97-119.
148121 What Is Possible and What Is Not? The Development of a Legal Framework for Drug Pricing Mechanisms in the EU/Gisela Ernst.- European Journal of Health Law. 2019; Vol.26, No.2: 120-140.
148122 Permission without Direction: Gross Negligence Manslaughter and Erasure following Bawa-Garba/Nathan Hodson.- European Journal of Health Law. 2019; Vol.26, No.3: 183-203.
148123 The Vexed Question of the Voluntary Patient/Hope Davidson.- European Journal of Health Law. 2019; Vol.26, No.3: 205-220.
148124 The Marco Cappato and Fabiano Antoniani (dj Fabo) Case Paves the Way for New Assisted Suicide Legislation in Italy: An Overview of Statutes from Several European Countries/Gianluca Montanari Vergallo.- European Journal of Health Law. 2019; Vol.26, No.3: 221-239.
148125 Doctor’s Criminal Liability and Medically Assisted Death – The Portuguese Case/Vera Lucia Raposo.- European Journal of Health Law. 2019; Vol.26, No.3: 240-254.
148126 Conflict between Children’s Autonomy and Protection in Healthcare. Comparative Study between Spanish and Belgian Law/Leyre Elizari Urtasun.- European Journal of Health Law. 2019; Vol.26, No.4: 289-307.
148127 CRISPR-Cas9 and the Promise of a Better Future/Vera Lucia Raposo.- European Journal of Health Law. 2019; Vol.26, No.4: 308-329.
148128 Use of Force in Somatic Treatment of Adults in Denmark/Caroline Adolphsen.- European Journal of Health Law. 2019; Vol.26, No.4: 331-347.
148129 The European Journal of Health Law 1994-2019: How Innovative Has Its Contribution Been to the Development of Health Law in Europe?/Herman Nys.- European Journal of Health Law. 2019; Vol.26, No.5: 379-388.
148130 Gross Negligence Manslaughter and the Delivery of Healthcare: A Time for Change?/Jo Samanta, Ash Samanta.- European Journal of Health Law. 2019; Vol.26, No.5: 389-412.
148131 The Right to Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy in Italy: Taking Stock Forty Years after the Enactment of Law no. 194/1978. Comparative Law-based Remarks/Gianluca Montanari Vergallo.- European Journal of Health Law. 2019; Vol.26, No.5: 413-424.
148132 Innovative Technologies in Healthcare, Beware of the Pitfalls/Henriette Roscam Abbing.- European Journal of Health Law. 2020; Vol.27, No.1: 1-8.
148133 Late Termination of Pregnancy in Belgium: Exploring Its Legality and Scope/Fien De Meyer.- European Journal of Health Law. 2020; Vol.27, No.1: 9-34.
148134 How GDPR Enhances Transparency and Fosters Pseudonymisation in Academic Medical Research/G. Verhenneman … [et al.].- European Journal of Health Law. 2020; Vol.27, No.1: 35-57.
148135 Teaching Health and Human Rights in a Globalised Classroom/Katharina O Cathaoir.- European Journal of Health Law. 2020; Vol.27, No.1: 59-70.
148136 Statement on European Solidarity and the Protection of Fundamental Rights in the Covid-19 Pandemic.- European Journal of Health Law. 2020; Vol.27, No.2: 87-91.
148137 Healthcare Resource Allocation and Priority-setting. A European Challenge/Caterina Di Costanzo.- European Journal of Health Law. 2020; Vol.27, No.2: 93-114.
148138 Strasbourg Medical Expulsion Rulings: Beyond the Deathbed Requirement/Andre den Exter.- European Journal of Health Law. 2020; Vol.27, No.2: 115-124.
148139 In dubio pro CPR? The Controversial Status of Do Not Resuscitate Imprints on the Human Body – a Swiss Innovation/Melanie Levy.- European Journal of Health Law. 2020; Vol.27, No.2: 125-145.
148140 Deprivation of Liberty in Care. An ECHR and CRPD Approach and its Consequences for Belgium/Tim Opgenhaffen.- European Journal of Health Law. 2020; Vol.27, No.2: 147-167.
148141 Introducing Key Elements Regarding Access to Personal Data for Scientific Research in the Perspective of Developing Innovative Medicines/Jean Herveg, Annagrazia Altavilla.- European Journal of Health Law. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 195-212.
148142 Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Issues of Paediatric Translational Research. Call for an Adequate Model of Governance/Annagrazia Altavilla … [et al.].- European Journal of Health Law. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 213-231.
148143 Genetic Material and Sequence Data to Protect Global Health in the Light of Pandemic Outbreaks: Mapping the Legal Landscape under European and International Law/Claudia Seitz.- European Journal of Health Law. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 232-241.
148144 Machine Learning Systems Applied to Health Data and System/Fedele Bonifazi … [et al.].- European Journal of Health Law. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 242-258.
148145 Exploring Solutions to Foster ATMP Development and Access to Patients in Europe/Vincenzo Salvatore.- European Journal of Health Law. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 259-273.
148146 Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and Access Policies/Verena Stuhlinger.- European Journal of Health Law. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 274-289.
148147 Introducing Health Vulnerability. Towards a Human Right Claim for Innovative Orphan Drugs?/Eloise Gennet.- European Journal of Health Law. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 290-307.
148148 High Price Medicines and Health Budgets: The Role Patients and Consumers Organisations Can Play/Francois Houyez.- European Journal of Health Law. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 309-323.
148149 Models of Governance for Innovation in Medicine and Health Research/Siobhan O’Sullivan.- European Journal of Health Law. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 324-334.
148150 New Technologies, New Challenges for Human Rights? The Work of the Council of Europe/Laurence Lwoff.- European Journal of Health Law. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 335-344.
148151 Does Self-isolation Violate the Right to Liberty? An Analysis of the European Court of Human Rights’ Practice in Light of the Ukrainian Experience/Yana Litins’ka, Oleksandra Karpenko.- European Journal of Health Law. 2020; Vol.27, No.4: 368-385.
148152 Medical Negligence Litigation and Apologies: An Empirical Examination/Mary-Elizabeth Tumelty.- European Journal of Health Law. 2020; Vol.27, No.4: 386-403.
148153 Compulsory Vaccination and the Turkish Constitutional Court/Engin Yildirim.- European Journal of Health Law. 2020; Vol.27, No.5: 476-494.
148154 The Dutch Critical Care Triage Guideline on Covid-19: Not Necessarily Discriminatory/Andre den Exter.- European Journal of Health Law. 2020; Vol.27, No.5: 495-498.
148155 The contribution of EU public procurement law to corporate social responsibility/Laurens Ankersmit.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.1-2: 9-26.
148156 Rediscovering the public/private divide in EU private law/Olha O. Cherednychenko.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.1-2: 27-47.
148157 Shifting Boundaries of Membership: The politicisation of free movement as a challenge for EU citizenship/Sandra Seubert.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.1-2: 48-60.
148158 Towards Europeanisation through the proportionality test? The impact of free movement law on medical professional discipline/Barend van Leeuwen.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.1-2: 61-82.
148159 A taste of its own medicine: Assessing the impact of the EU Better Regulation Agenda/Sacha Garben.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.1-2: 83-103.
148160 Is the medicine right?/Gabriella Meloni.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.1-2: 104-107.
148161 Better law-making and the interinstitutional (dis)agreements: Some comments/Maria Jose Martinez Iglesias.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.1-2: 108-113.
148162 Levelling the EU participatory playing field: A legal and policy analysis of the Commission’s public consultations in light of the principle of political equality/Alberto Alemanno.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.1-2: 114-135.
148163 From the French Citizens’ Convention on Climate to the Conference on the Future of Europe: A participatory science and democracy perspective/Laurence Eymard.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.1-2: 136-140.
148164 Schrems II, from Snowden to China: Toward a new alignment on transatlantic data protection/Marc Rotenberg.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.1-2: 141-152.
148165 Plaidoyer for a Social Europe: Entre concurrence et cooperation: Europe sociale ou protection par les Etats?/Fernando Vasquez.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.1-2: 153-161.
148166 More laws, less law: The European Union’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum and the fragmentation of asylum seeker status/Minos Mouzourakis.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.3-4: 171-180.
148167 Border procedures in the Commission’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum: A case of politics outplaying rationality?/Galina Cornelisse, Marcelle Reneman.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.3-4: 181-198.
148168 The EU return system under the Pact on Migration and Asylum: A case of tipped interinstitutional balance?/Izabella Majcher.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.3-4: 199-225.
148169 Opening up a new chapter of law-making in international law: The Global Compacts on Migration and for Refugees of 2018/Peter Hilpold.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.3-4: 226-244.
148170 The Blue Card revision is stuck: How might legal philosophy help?/Johan Rochel.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.3-4: 245-263.
148171 What it takes to have a successful new Blue Card scheme: The practitioner’s viewpoint/Jo Antoons, Andreia Ghimis.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.3-4: 264-273.
148172 A new narrative for European migration policy: Sustainability and the Blue Card recast/Tesseltje de Lange.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.3-4: 274-282.
148173 The European Green Deal: The future of a polycentric Europe?/Josephine van Zeben.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.5-6: 300-318.
148174 An EU budget of states and citizens/Richard Crowe.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.5-6: 331-344.
148175 Making the digital economy fit for Europe/Andrea Renda.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.5-6: 345-354.
148176 The future of EU Foreign, Security and Defence Policy: Assessing legal options for improvement/Ramses A. Wessel … [et al.].- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.5-6: 371-390.
148177 The Conference on the Future of Europe: Process and prospects/Federico Fabbrini.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.5-6: 401-414.
148178 Legislative, delegated acts, comitology and interinstitutional conundrum in EU law – configuring EU normative spaces/Alexander H. Turk.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.5-6: 415-428.
148179 Democracy at the EU level: Folly or necessity? More work for a directly elected European Parliament/Christopher Lord.- European Law Journal. 2020; Vol.26, No.5-6: 448-459.
148180 BREXIT, democracy and the rule of law/Aidan O’Neill.- European Law Journal. 2021; Vol.27, No.1-3: 50-95.
148181 The contribution of the European Union to the rule of law in the field of international investment law through the creation of a Multilateral Investment Court/Colin M. Brown.- European Law Journal. 2021; Vol.27, No.1-3: 96-108.
148182 The double helix of rule of law and EU competition law: An appraisal/Maciej Bernatt.- European Law Journal. 2021; Vol.27, No.1-3: 148-166.
148183 Bridging the gap between facts and norms: mutual trust, the European Arrest Warrant and the rule of law in an interdisciplinary context/Patricia Popelier, Giulia Gentile, Esther van Zimmeren.- European Law Journal. 2021; Vol.27, No.1-3: 167-184.
148184 In courts we trust, or should we? Judicial independence as the precondition for the effectiveness of EU law/Petra Bard.- European Law Journal. 2021; Vol.27, No.1-3: 185-210.
148185 The rule of law as the lodestar of the European Convention on Human Rights: The Strasbourg Court and the independence of the judiciary/Robert Spano.- European Law Journal. 2021; Vol.27, No.1-3: 211-227.
148186 Rule of law, national judges and the Court of Justice of the European Union: Let’s keep it juridical/Filipe Marques.- European Law Journal. 2021; Vol.27, No.1-3: 228-239.
148187 Independence of the Court of Justice of the European Union: Unchecked Member States power after the Sharpston Affair/Dimitry V. Kochenov, Graham Butler.- European Law Journal. 2021; Vol.27, No.1-3: 262-296.
148188 Advocacy for a citizen-centric rule of law agenda: How do we bring the rule of law to life?/Adis Merdzanovic, Kalypso Nicolaidis.- European Law Journal. 2021; Vol.27, No.1-3: 297-305.
148189 The emerging role of the EU as a primary normative actor in the EU Area of Criminal Justice/Irene Wieczorek.- European Law Journal. 2021; Vol.27, No.4-6: 378-407.
148190 Normative justifications of EU criminal law: European public goods and transnational interests/Jacob Oberg.- European Law Journal. 2021; Vol.27, No.4-6: 408-425.
148191 Old wine in a new bottle: Shaping the foundations of EU criminal law through the concept of legal interests (Rechtsguter)/Jannemieke W. Ouwerkerk.- European Law Journal. 2021; Vol.27, No.4-6: 426-440.
148192 Constitution and development of the European Union’s penal jurisdiction: Responsibility, self-reference and attribution/Pedro Caeiro.- European Law Journal. 2021; Vol.27, No.4-6: 441-462.
148193 A theory of justice? Securing the normative foundations of EU criminal law through an integrated approach to independence/Leandro Mancano.- European Law Journal. 2021; Vol.27, No.4-6: 477-501.
148194 Someone Else’s Deal: Interpreting International Investment Agreements in the Light of Third-Party Agreements/Andrew D. Mitchell, James Munro.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 669-695.
148195 Untangling the International Responsibility of the European Union and Its Member States in the World Trade Organization Post-Lisbon: A Competence/Remedy Model/Gracia Marin Duran.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 697-729.
148196 The David Effect and ISDS/Sergio Puig, Anton Strezhnev.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 731-761.
148197 The Value of the European Court of Human Rights to the United Kingdom/Merris Amos.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 763-785.
148198 The Principle of Nulla Poena Sine Lege Revisited: The Retrospective Application of Criminal Law in the Eyes of the European Court of Human Rights/Susana Sanz-Caballero.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 787-817.
148199 Res Interpretata, Erga Omnes Effect and the Role of the Margin of Appreciation in Giving Domestic Effect to the Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights/Oddny Mjoll Arnardottir.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 819-843.
148200 Geography, Politics and Culture in the United Nations Human Rights Committee/Vera Shikhelman.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 845-869.
148201 Consensus and Contestability: The ECtHR and the Combined Potential of European Consensus and Procedural Rationality Control/Thomas Kleinlein.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 871-893.
148202 The Concept of Due Diligence in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights/Jonathan Bonnitcha, Robert McCorquodale.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 899-919.
148203 The Concept of Due Diligence in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: A Reply to Jonathan Bonnitcha and Robert McCorquodale/John Gerard Ruggie, John F. Sherman.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 921-928.
148204 The Concept of Due Diligence in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: A Rejoinder to John Gerard Ruggie and John F. Sherman, III/Jonathan Bonnitcha, Robert McCorquodale.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 929-933.
148205 The Revolutionary Doctrines of European Law and the Legal Philosophy of Robert Lecourt/William Phelan.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 935-957.
148206 The ICJ and Jus Cogens through the Lens of Feminist Legal Methods/Ekaterina Yahyaoui Krivenko.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 959-974.
148207 Je Suis Achbita!; The Trump Jerusalem Declaration and the Rule of Unintended Consequences; 10 Good Reads; A propos Book Reviewing; EJIL Roll of Honour; In This Issue.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 989-1018.
148208 Feminist Strategy in International Law: Understanding Its Legal, Normative and Political Dimensions/Catherine O’Rourke.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 1019-1045.
148209 Liability to International Prosecution: The Nature of Universal Jurisdiction/Anthony R. Reeves.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 1047-1067.
148210 The Responsibility to Protect beyond Borders in the Law of Nature and Nations/Luke Glanville.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 1069-1095.
148211 Techniques in International Law-Making: Extrapolation, Analogy, Form and the Emergence of an International Law of Disaster Relief/Sandesh Sivakumaran.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 1097-1132.
148212 Reflections on Role Responsibility: The Responsibility of International Organizations for Failing to Act/Jan Klabbers.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 1133-1161.
148213 Radical Dissents in International Criminal Trials/Neha Jain.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 1163-1186.
148214 Rights under International Humanitarian Law/Lawrence Hill-Cawthorne.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 1187-1215.
148215 The Curious Case of Singapore’s BIA Desertion Trials: War Crimes, Projects of Empire and the Rule of Law/Cheah W.L..- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 1217-1240.
148216 Plurality as a Form of (Mis)management of International Dispute Settlement: Afterword to Laurence Boisson de Chazournes’ Foreword/Yuval Shany.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 1241-1249.
148217 Winners and Losers of the Plurality of International Courts and Tribunals: Afterword to Laurence Boisson de Chazournes’ Foreword/Thomas Streinz.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 1251-1257.
148218 The Threads (or Threats?) of a Managerial Approach: Afterword to Laurence Boisson de Chazournes’ Foreword/Veronika Bilkova.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 1259-1265.
148219 Experimentalism, Destabilization and Control in International Law: Afterword to Laurence Boisson de Chazournes’ Foreword/Sergio Puig.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 1267-1273.
148220 Plurality in the Fabric of International Courts and Tribunals: The Threads of a Managerial Approach: A Rejoinder – Fears and Anxieties/Laurence Boisson de Chazournes.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 1275-1281.
148221 Does Exposure to Preparatory Work Affect Treaty Interpretation? An Experimental Study on International Law Students and Experts/Yahli Shereshevsky, Tom Noah.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 1287-1316.
148222 Experimenting with International Law/Jeffrey L. Dunoff, Mark A. Pollack.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 1317-1340.
148223 Protecting the Environment through Sports? Public-Private Cooperation for Regulatory Resources and International Law/Rebecca Schmidt.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 1341-1366.
148224 Reading the Book that Makes One a Scholar/ONUMA Yasuaki.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 1367-1377.
148225 Authorizing Appropriation?: Law in Contested Forested Spaces/Julia Dehm.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 1379-1396.
148226 Teaching International Human Rights Law: A Textbook Review/Christina Binder, Jane A. Hofbauer.- European Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 1397-1414.
148227 Upholding Democracy Amid the Challenges of New Technology: What Role for the Law of Global Governance?/Eyal Benvenisti.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 9-82.
148228 The Growing Complexity of the International Court of Justice’s Self-Citation Network/Wolfgang Alschner, Damien Charlotin.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 83-112.
148229 The Myth of Liberum Ius ad Bellum: Justifying War in 19th-Century Legal Theory and Political Practice/Hendrik Simon.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 113-136.
148230 A Very Short History of International Law Journals (1869-2018)/Ignacio de la Rasilla.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 137-168.
148231 Convergence and Divergence in International Economic Law and Politics/Sungjoon Cho, Jurgen Kurtz.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 169-203.
148232 The EU and Beyond: Dispute Resolution in International Economic Agreements/Christopher Vajda.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 205-224.
148233 International Law and the First World War: Introduction/Gabriela A. Frei.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 229-232.
148234 The Use of Force in International Law before World War I: On Imperial Ordering and the Ontology of the Nation-State/Jochen von Bernstorff.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 233-260.
148235 The Private Life of Family Matters: Curtailing Human Rights Protection for Migrants under Article 8 of the ECHR?/Alan Desmond.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 261-279.
148236 State Liability for Space Object Collisions: The Proper Interpretation of Fault for the Purposes of International Space Law/Joel A. Dennerley.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 281-301.
148237 Liberal Internationalism, Radical Transformation and the Making of World Orders/Charlotte Peevers.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 303-322.
148238 Maritime Legal Black Holes: Migration and Rightlessness in International Law/Itamar Mann.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 347-372.
148239 The Return of Cultural Genocide?/Leora Bilsky, Rachel Klagsbrun.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 373-396.
148240 Determinants of Compliance Difficulties among Good Compliers: Implementation of International Human Rights Rulings in the Czech Republic/David Kosar, Jan Petrov.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 397-425.
148241 The Authority of Universal Jurisdiction/Devika Hovell.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 427-456.
148242 Disrupting a Delicate Balance: The Allied Blockade Policy and the Law of Maritime Neutrality during the Great War/Stephen C. Neff.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 459-475.
148243 Uninvited and Unwelcome: The SS Appam and the US Law of Neutrality/Andrew J. Norris.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 477-502.
148244 Leaders in the Expansive and Restrictive Interpretation of Investment Treaties: A Descriptive Study of ISDS Awards to 2010/Gus Van Harten.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 507-549.
148245 Managing Backlash: The Evolving Investment Treaty Arbitrator?/Malcolm Langford, Daniel Behn.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 551-580.
148246 Transnationalizing Rights: International Human Rights Law in Cross-Border Contexts/Tilmann Altwicker.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 581-606.
148247 Frontier Cities: The Rise of Local Authorities as an Opportunity for International Human Rights Law/Barbara Oomen, Moritz Baumgartel.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 607-630.
148248 A Marxism for International Law: A New Agenda/Akbar Rasulov.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 631-655.
148249 A Sophisticated Beast? On the Construction of an Ideal Perpetrator in the Opening Statements of International Criminal Trials/Sofia Stolk.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 677-701.
148250 The Ideal Victim of International Criminal Law/Christine Schwobel-Patel.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 703-724.
148251 A Different Kind of Court: Africa’s Support for the International Criminal Court, 1993-2003/Line Engbo Gissel.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 725-748.
148252 The Legacy of the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda and Their Contribution to the Crime of Rape/Alexandra Adams.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 749-769.
148253 Aggression before Versailles/Randall Lesaffer.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 773-808.
148254 What We Seek Is the Reign of Law: The Legalism of the Paris Peace Settlement after the Great War/Marcus M. Payk.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 809-824.
148255 The Crime of Aggression before the International Criminal Court: Introduction to the Symposium/Dapo Akande, Antonios Tzanakopoulos.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 829-833.
148256 International Criminal Justice as a Peace Project/Frederic Megret.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 835-858.
148257 The Criminalization of Aggression and Soldiers’ Rights/Tom Dannenbaum.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 859-886.
148258 Criminalizing Aggression: How the Future of the Law on the Use of Force Rests in the Hands of the ICC/Tom Ruys.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 887-917.
148259 The Crime of Aggression’s Show Trial Catch-22/Marieke de Hoon.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 919-937.
148260 Treaty Law and ICC Jurisdiction over the Crime of Aggression/Dapo Akande, Antonios Tzanakopoulos.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 939-959.
148261 UNaccountable: A New Approach to Peacekeepers and Sexual Abuse/Rosa Freedman.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 961-985.
148262 UNaccountable: A Reply to Rosa Freedman/Devika Hovell.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 987-997.
148263 UNaccountable: A Rejoinder to Devika Hovell/Rosa Freedman.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 999-1002.
148264 E Pluribus Unum? A Divisible College?: Reflections on the International Legal Profession/Gleider Hernandez.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 1003-1022.
148265 In the Beginning, There Was No Word/Johann Justus Vasel.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 1053-1056.
148266 On Epistemic Universalism and the Melancholy of International Law/Jan Klabbers.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 1057-1069.
148267 Googling Democracy? New Technologies and the Law of Global Governance: Afterword to Eyal Benvenisti’s Foreword/Lorenzo Casini.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 1071-1077.
148268 Accountability for Governance Choices in Artificial Intelligence: Afterword to Eyal Benvenisti’s Foreword/Lorna McGregor.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 1079-1085.
148269 Toward Algorithmic Checks and Balances: A Rejoinder/Eyal Benvenisti.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 1087-1090.
148270 Changing State Behaviour: Damages before the European Court of Human Rights/Veronika Fikfak.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 1091-1125.
148271 The Persuasiveness of Domestic Law Analogies in International Law/An Hertogen.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 1127-1148.
148272 These Ancient Arenas of Racial Struggles: International Law and the Balkans, 1878-1949/Ntina Tzouvala.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 1149-1171.
148273 Biopolitical Borders and the State of Exception in the European Migration Crisis/Daria Davitti.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 1173-1196.
148274 Imperial Standard Time/Geoff Gordon.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 1197-1222.
148275 International Adjudication as a Global Public Good?/Joshua Paine.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 1223-1249.
148276 Corruption as a Violation of International Human Rights/Anne Peters.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 1251-1287.
148277 Corruption as a Violation of International Human Rights: A Reply to Anne Peters/Kevin E. Davis.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 1289-1296.
148278 Corruption as a Violation of International Human Rights: A Reply to Anne Peter/Franco Peirone.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 1297-1302.
148279 The Law of Military Occupation from the 1907 Hague Peace Conference to the Outbreak of World War II: Was Further Codification Unnecessary or Impossible?/Thomas Graditzky.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 1305-1326.
148280 The Impact of World War I on the Law Governing the Treatment of Prisoners of War and the Making of a Humanitarian Subject/Neville Wylie, Lindsey Cameron.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 1327-1350.
148281 Fake News and International Law/Bjornstjern Baade.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 1357-1376.
148282 The International Prospects of the Soixante-Huitard/Deborah Whitehall.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 1337-1407.
148283 Unique, Special, or Simply a Primus Inter Pares? The European Union in International Law/Paolo Palchetti.- European Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 1409-1426.
148284 Imagining the Rule of Law: Rereading the Grotian Tradition/Martti Koskenniemi.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 17-52.
148285 Perspective and Scale in the Architecture of International Legal History/Valentina Vadi.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 53-71.
148286 From Joining to Leaving: Domestic Law’s Role in the International Legal Validity of Treaty Withdrawal/Hannah Woolaver.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 73-104.
148287 Jurisdictional Immunities Revisited: An Analysis of the Procedure Substance Distinction in International Law/Claire E. M. Jervis.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 105-128.
148288 Dialogue Concerning Legal Un-certainty and Other Prodigies/Lorenzo Gradoni, Luca Pasquet.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 129-136.
148289 International Law in the Best of All Possible Worlds: An Introduction to G.W. Leibniz’s Theory of International Law/Tilmann Altwicker.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 137-158.
148290 Regional Organizations and the Reintegrating of International Law/Damian Chalmers.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 163-167.
148291 The Regional Remaking of Trade and Investment Law/Damian Chalmers, Julia Slupska.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 169-197.
148292 Regional Parliaments and African Economic Integration/Davor Jancic.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 199-228.
148293 Transforming Membership? Citizenship, Identity and the Problem of Belonging in Regional Integration Organizations/Paivi Johanna Neuvonen.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 229-255.
148294 Integrating the Subject: Narratives of Emancipation in Regionalism/Floris de Witte.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 257-278.
148295 Last Mile for Tuna (to a Safe Harbour): What Is the TBT Agreement All About?/Petros C. Mavroidis.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 279-301.
148296 The Annexation of Crimea and Balance of Power in International Law/Lauri Malksoo.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 303-319.
148297 The Facilitative Function of Jus in Bello/Eliav Lieblich.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 321-340.
148298 International Law of Customs Unions: Conceptual Variety, Legal Ambiguity and Diverse Practice/Michal Ovadek, Ines Willemyns.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 361-389.
148299 State Instigation in International Law: A General Principle Transposed/Miles Jackson.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 391-414.
148300 Pioneering International Women’s Rights? The US National Woman’s Party and the 1933 Montevideo Equal Rights Treaties/Paolo Amorosa.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 415-437.
148301 Hospital Shields and the Limits of International Law/Neve Gordon, Nicola Perugini.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 439-463.
148302 Save the Injured – Don’t Kill IHL: Rejecting Absolute Immunity for Shielding Hospitals/Yishai Beer.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 465-480.
148303 Who Studies International Law? Explaining Cross-national Variation in Compulsory International Legal Education/Ryan Scoville, Mark Berlin.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 481-508.
148304 Finding the Most Highly Qualified Publicists: Lessons from the International Court of Justice/Sondre Torp Helmersen.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 509-535.
148305 International Law and Economic Exploitation in the Global Commons: Introduction/Isabel Feichtner, Surabhi Ranganathan.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 541-546.
148306 Other Spaces: Constructing the Legal Architecture of a Cold War Commons and the Scientific-Technical Imaginary of Outer Space/Matt Craven.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 547-572.
148307 Ocean Floor Grab: International Law and the Making of an Extractive Imaginary/Surabhi Ranganathan.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 573-600.
148308 Sharing the Riches of the Sea: The Redistributive and Fiscal Dimension of Deep Seabed Exploitation/Isabel Feichtner.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 601-633.
148309 Common Heritage of Mankind as a Limit to Exploitation of the Global Commons/Karin Mickelson.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 635-663.
148310 Trust in the Court: The Role of the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights/Cosette D. Creamer, Zuzanna Godzimirska.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 665-687.
148311 The European Union and the Law of Treaties: A Fruitful Relationship/Paz Andres Saenz de Santa Maria.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 721-751.
148312 Implementing Decisions of International Human Rights Institutions – Evidence from the United Nations Human Rights Committee/Vera Shikhelman.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 753-777.
148313 The Quiet Expansion of Universal Jurisdiction/Maximo Langer, Mackenzie Eason.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 779-817.
148314 International Commissions of Inquiry: What Difference Do They Make? Taking an Empirical Approach/Michael A. Becker, Sarah M.H. Nouwen.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 819-841.
148315 At Least Something: The UN Special Committee on the Problem of Hungary, 1957-1958/Eliav Lieblich.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 843-876.
148316 The Unintended Consequences of the Goldstone Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights Organizations in Israel/Hala Khoury-Bisharat.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 877-901.
148317 Two Seas Apart: An Account of the Establishment, Operation and Impact of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI)/Mohamed S. Helal.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 903-927.
148318 The Relationship between the European Court of Human Rights and the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation: Conflicting Conceptions of Sovereignty in Strasbourg and St Petersburg/Jeffrey Kahn.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 933-959.
148319 The Relationship between the European Court of Human Rights and the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation: A Reply to Jeffrey Kahn/A. Blankenagel.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 961-969.
148320 Populist Governments and International Law/Heike Krieger.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 971-996.
148321 Populist Governments and International Law: A Reply to Heike Krieger/Paul Blokker.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 1009-1016.
148322 Populist Governments and International Law: A Reply to Heike Krieger/Marcela Prieto Rudolphy.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 997-1008.
148323 From an Unpaid Electricity Bill to the Primacy of EU Law: Gian Galeazzo Stendardi and the Making of Costa v. ENEL/Amedeo Arena.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 1017-1037.
148324 Whose Game? FIFA, Corruption and the Challenge of Global Governance/Sahiba Gill, Edouard Adelus, Francisco de Abreu Duarte.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 1041-1066.
148325 Grotius’ Rule of Law and the Human Sense of Justice: An Afterword to Martti Koskenniemi’s Foreword/Janne E. Nijman.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 1105-1114.
148326 International Legal Histories as Orders: An Afterword to Martti Koskenniemi’s Foreword/Francesca Iurlaro.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 1115-1119.
148327 The Rule of Law: Sociology or Normative Theory? An Afterword to Martti Koskenniemi’s Foreword/Benjamin Straumann.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 1121-1127.
148328 Judging International Judgments Anew? The Human Rights Courts before Domestic Courts/Raffaela Kunz.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 1129-1163.
148329 Entrepreneurial Justice: Syria, the Commission for International Justice and Accountability and the Renewal of International Criminal Justice/Michelle Burgis-Kasthala.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 1165-1185.
148330 But the Last Word Is Ours: The Monopoly of Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Light of the Investment Court System/Francisco de Abreu Duarte.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 1187-1220.
148331 The Psychology of International Law: An Introduction/Anne van Aaken, Tomer Broude.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 1225-1236.
148332 Experimental Insights for International Legal Theory/Anne van Aaken.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 1237-1262.
148333 Nudge Goes International/Doron Teichman, Eyal Zamir.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 1263-1279.
148334 Rulers or Rules? International Law, Elite Cues and Public Opinion/Anton Strezhnev, Beth A. Simmons, Matthew D. Kim.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 1281-1302.
148335 Outcome Bias and Expertise in Investigations under International Humanitarian Law/Tomer Broude, Inbar Levy.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 1303-1318.
148336 Cognitive Sociology, Social Cognition and Coping with Racial Discrimination in International Law/Moshe Hirsch.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 1319-1338.
148337 Debiasing International Economic Law/Sergio Puig.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 1339-1357.
148338 How Should We Think about the Winners and Losers from Globalization? Three Narratives and Their Implications for the Redesign of International Economic Agreements/Nicolas Lamp.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30: 1359-1397.
148339 How Should We Think about the Winners and Losers from Globalization? A Reply to Nicolas Lamp/Bernard Hoekman, Douglas Nelson.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 1399-1408.
148340 Changing Global Dynamics and International Competition Law: Considering China’s Potential Impact/Wendy Ng.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 1409-1430.
148341 Should China’s Competition Model be Exported?: A Reply to Wendy Ng/Eleanor M. Fox.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 1431-1440.
148342 Impressions – Reviving a Tradition/Pierre-Marie Dupuy.- European Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 1441-1446.
148343 Guiding Principles on Shared Responsibility in International Law/Andre Nollkaemper … [et al.].- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 15-72.
148344 A Court with Many Faces: Judicial Characters and Modes of Norm Development in the European Court of Human Rights/Ezgi Yildiz.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 73-99.
148345 Non-Universal Arguments under the European Convention on Human Rights/Tilmann Altwicker.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 101-126.
148346 Monopolizing War: Codifying the Laws of War to Reassert Governmental Authority, 1856-1874/Eyal Benvenisti, Doreen Lustig.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 127-169.
148347 Codification by Interpretation: The International Law Commission as an Interpreter of International Law/Danae Azaria.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 171-200.
148348 International Organizations and the Creation of Customary International Law/Kristina Daugirdas.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 201-233.
148349 Customary International Law: Interpretation from Beginning to End/Orfeas Chasapis Tassinis.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 235-267.
148350 The Cheshire Cat That Is International Law/Jan Klabbers.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 269-283.
148351 The Justification of Privilege in International Investment Law: Preferential Treatment of Foreign Investors as a Problem of Legitimacy/Ivar Alvik.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 289-312.
148352 On Foreign Investor Privilege and the Limits of the Law: A Reply to Ivar Alvik/Jurgen Kurtz.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 313-319.
148353 The Timor Sea Conciliation: The Unique Mechanism of Dispute Settlement/Dai Tamada.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 321-344.
148354 The EU’s Most Influential Economic Policy-maker: Mario Draghi at the European Central Bank/Michael Waibel.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 345-352.
148355 Investment Contracts and International Law: Charting a Research Agenda/Lorenzo Cotula.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 353-368.
148356 What Is Wrong with Investment Arbitration? Evidence from a Set of Behavioural Experiments/Maria Laura Marceddu, Pietro Ortolani.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 405-428.
148357 Unreliable Protection: An Experimental Study of Experts’ In Bello Proportionality Decisions/Daniel Statman … [et al.].- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 429-453.
148358 The Case of Female Perpetrators of International Crimes: Exploratory Insights and New Research Directions/Jasenka Ferizovic.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 455-488.
148359 On Theorizing International Organizations Law: Editors’ Introduction/Jan Klabbers, Guy Fiti Sinclair.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 489-496.
148360 Autorite oblige: The Rise and Fall of Hans Kelsen’s Legal Concept of International Institutions/Jochen von Bernstorff.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 497-523.
148361 C. Wilfred Jenks and the Futures of International Organizations Law/Guy Fiti Sinclair.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 525-542.
148362 Functionalism According to Paul Reuter: Playing a Lone Hand/Evelyne Lagrange.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 543-564.
148363 Schermers’ Dilemma/Jan Klabbers.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 565-582.
148364 Louis Sohn’s Legacy/Ian Johnstone.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 583-600.
148365 Organizing Internationally: Georges Abi-Saab, the Congo Crisis and the Decolonization of the United Nations/Umut Ozsu.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 601-619.
148366 The Human Right to Science and Its Relationship to International Environmental Law/Anna-Maria Hubert.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 625-656.
148367 The Rights Way to Democratize the Science-Policy Interface in International Environmental Law? A Reply to Anna-Maria Hubert/Jacqueline Peel.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 657-664.
148368 The Right to Benefit from Science and Its Implications for Genomic Data Sharing/Rumiana Yotova, Bartha M. Knoppers.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 665-691.
148369 Challenges and Pitfalls in Research on Compliance with the Views of UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies: A Reply to Vera Shikhelman/Andreas J. Ullmann, Andreas von Staden.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 693-708.
148370 Is IHL a Sham? A Reply to Eyal Benvenisti and Doreen Lustig/Jochen von Bernstorff.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 709-719.
148371 Beyond the Sham Critique and the Narrative of Humanitarianism: A Rejoinder to Jochen von Bernstorff/Eyal Benvenisti, Doreen Lustig.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 721-726.
148372 The Juncker Presidency – A Study in Character/Daniel Sarmiento.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 727-735.
148373 The Days of Wine and Roses/Jan Klabbers.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 737-754.
148374 The Allocation of International Responsibility between International Organizations and Their Member States: A Case of Indirect Responsibility?/Christiane Ahlborn.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 755-770.
148375 Walking Back Human Rights in Europe?/Laurence R. Helfer, Erik Voeten.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 797-827.
148376 Educating American Lawyers: The New Haven School’s Jurisprudence of Personal Character/Rian Derrig.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 829-855.
148377 What’s Behind the WTO Crisis? A Marxist Analysis/Remi Bachand.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 857-882.
148378 Provisional Application of Treaties: The EU’s Contribution to the Development of International Law/Merijn Chamon.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 883-915.
148379 Diagonal Export Controls to Counter Diagonal Transnational Attacks on Civil Society/Herbert Lin, Joel Trachtman.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 917-939.
148380 Cyber Attribution: Technical and Legal Approaches and Challenges/Nicholas Tsagourias, Michael Farrell.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 941-967.
148381 Beyond Naming and Shaming: Accusations and International Law in Cybersecurity/Martha Finnemore, Duncan B. Hollis.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 969-1003.
148382 A New League of Extraordinary Gentlemen? The Professionalization of International Law Scholarship in the Netherlands, 1919-1940/Henri de Waele.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 1005-1024.
148383 Marked Absences: Locating Gender and Race in International Legal History/Janne E. Nijman.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 1025-1050.
148384 Negotiating the Illegal: On the United Nations and the Illegal Occupation of Palestine, 1967-2020/Ardi Imseis.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 1055-1085.
148385 Of Tactics, Illegal Occupation and the Boundaries of Legal Capability: A Reply to Ardi Imseis/David Hughes.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 1087-1103.
148386 Politics and Diplomacy: Lessons from Donald Tusk’s Time as President of the European Council/Sara Hagemann.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 1105-1112.
148387 The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and Post-Genocide Justice 25 Years On/Patryk I. Labuda.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 1113-1131.
148388 On Financial Nationalism and International Law: Sovereignty, Cooperation and Hard/Soft Governance in International Finance/Leonardo Borlini.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 1133-1155.
148389 The Articles on State Responsibility and the Guiding Principles of Shared Responsibility: A TWAIL Perspective/B. S. Chimni.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 1211-1221.
148390 On the Benefit of Reinventing the Wheel: The Notion of a Single Internationally Wrongful Act/Lorenzo Gasbarri.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 1223-1234.
148391 The Guiding Principles on Shared Responsibility in International Law: Too Much or Too Little?/Vladyslav Lanovoy.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 1235-1247.
148392 Liability In Solidum in the Law of International Responsibility: A Comment on Guiding Principle 7/Odette Murray.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 1249-1261.
148393 Shared Non-responsibility in International Law? Defences and the Responsibility of Co-perpetrators and Accessories in the Guiding Principles/Federica I. Paddeu.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 1263-1275.
148394 The Precaution Presumption/Frederic Gilles Sourgens.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 1277-1306.
148395 The Aggravating Duty of Non-Aggravation/Steven R. Ratner.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 1307-1342.
148396 Appropriate Level of Protection: The Most Misconceived Notion of WTO Law/Yury Rovnov.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 1343-1377.
148397 When Global Becomes Municipal: US Cities Localizing Unratified International Human Rights Law/Heidi Nichols Haddad.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 1379-1399.
148398 Piracy: A Treasure Box of Otherness/Mickey Zar.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 1401-1428.
148399 Camilo Barcia Trelles in and beyond Vitoria’s Shadow (1888-1977)/Ignacio de la Rasilla.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 1433-1450.
148400 The Cradle of International Law: Camilo Barcia Trelles on Francisco de Vitoria at The Hague (1927)/Randall Lesaffer.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 1451-1462.
148401 Camilo Barcia Trelles on the Meaning of the Monroe Doctrine and the Legacy of Vitoria in the Americas/Juan Pablo Scarfi.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 1463-1475.
148402 Camilo Barcia Trelles on Francisco de Vitoria: At the Crossroads of Carl Schmitt’s Grossraum and James Brown Scott’s Modern International Law/Jose Maria Beneyto.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 1477-1492.
148403 The War Rages On: Expanding Concepts of Decolonization in International Law/Cait Storr.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 1493-1506.
148404 Can International Law Survive a Rising China?/Simon Chesterman.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 1507-1520.
148405 Belgium and the Fabrication of the International Legal Discipline/Jean d’Aspremont.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 1521-1530.
148406 Twenty-Five-Years of Dugard’s International Law: A Lasting Impression/Erika de Wet.- European Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.31, No.4: 1531-1535.
148407 From the Wells of Disappointment: The Curious Case of the International Law of Democracy and the Politics of International Legal Scholarship/Akbar Rasulov.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.1: 17-47.
148408 The Trajectory of the Democratic Entitlement Thesis in International Legal Scholarship: A Reply to Akbar Rasulov/Brad R. Roth.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.1: 49-55.
148409 Can Supranational Law Enhance Democracy? EU Economic Law as a Market-Democratizing Project/Giacomo Tagiuri.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.1: 57-89.
148410 The Ship of Democracy/Deborah Whitehall.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.1: 91-124.
148411 New Responses to the Legitimacy Crisis of International Institutions: The Role of Civil Society and the Rise of the Principle of Participation of The Most Affected in International Institutional Law/Jochen von Bernstorff.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.1: 125-157.
148412 Democratic Disruption in the Age of Social Media: Between Marketized and Structural Conceptions of Human Rights Law/Barrie Sander.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.1: 159-193.
148413 The African Union’s Struggle Against Unconstitutional Change of Government: From a Moral Prescription to a Requirement under International Law?/Erika de Wet.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.1: 199-226.
148414 Between Participation and Capture in International Rule-Making: The WHO Framework of Engagement with Non-State Actors/Ayelet Berman.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.1: 227-254.
148415 Pragmatic Adjudication of Election Cases in the European Court of Human Rights/Dmitry Kurnosov.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.1: 255-279.
148416 Shaping Legislative Processes from Strasbourg/Matthew Saul.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.1: 281-308.
148417 Attack by Design: Australia’s Offshore Detention System and the Literature of Atrocity/Itamar Mann.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.1: 309-326.
148418 Near, Far, Wherever You Are: Distance and Proximity in International Criminal Law/Richard Clements.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.1: 327-350.
148419 How to Illegalize Past Injustice: Reinterpreting the Rules of Intertemporality/Andreas von Arnauld.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.2: 401-432.
148420 Dispute Settlement in Preferential Trade Agreements and the WTO: A Network Analysis of Idleness and Choice of Forum/Vincent Beyer.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.2: 433-456.
148421 State Immunity and Judicial Countermeasures/Marco Longobardo.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.2: 457-484.
148422 State Continuity in the Absence of Government: The Underlying Rationale in International Law/Yejoon Rim.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.2: 485-505.
148423 Out with the Old, in with the New: Challenging Dominant Regulatory Approaches in the Field of Human Rights/Neli Frost.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.2: 507-535.
148424 Corporate Human Rights?/Andreas Kulick.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.2: 537-569.
148425 Human Rights and Resort to Force: Introduction to the Symposium/Dapo Akande, Katie A. Johnston.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.2: 575-578.
148426 The Humanization of Jus ad Bellum: Prospects and Perils/Eliav Lieblich.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.2: 579-612.
148427 The Illegality of Genuine Unilateral Humanitarian Intervention/Kevin Jon Heller.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.2: 613-647.
148428 Humanitarian Intervention and the Law of State Responsibility/Federica I. Paddeu.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.2: 649-678.
148429 Implications of the Diversity of the Rules on the Use of Force for Change in the Law/Dapo Akande, Katie A. Johnston.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.2: 679-697.
148430 Preventing the Bad from Getting Worse: The End of the World (Trade Organization) As We Know It?/Bernard M. Hoekman, Petros C. Mavroidis.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.3: 743-770.
148431 Cyber Due Diligence: A Patchwork of Protective Obligations in International Law/Antonio Coco, Talita de Souza Dias.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.3: 771-805.
148432 Reparations: To What End? Developing the State’s Positive Duties to Address Socio-economic Harms in Post-conflict Settings through the European Court of Human Rights/Felix E. Torres.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.3: 807-834.
148433 In Dubio Mitius: Advancing Clarity and Modesty in Treaty Interpretation/Johannes Hendrik Fahner.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.3: 835-861.
148434 Beyond Tehran and Nairobi: Can Attacks against Embassies Serve as a Basis for the Invocation of Self-defence?/Gabor Kajtar, Gergo Barna Balazs.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.3: 863-888.
148435 Can Attacks against Embassies Serve as a Basis for the Invocation of Self-Defence? A Reply to Gabor Kajtar and Gergo Balazs/Tom Ruys.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.3: 889-895.
148436 Dissenting Opinions and Rights Protection in the European Court: A Reply to Laurence Helfer and Erik Voeten/Alec Stone Sweet, Wayne Sandholtz, Mads Andenas.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.3: 897-905.
148437 Walking Back Dissents on the European Court of Human Rights: A Rejoinder to Alec Stone Sweet, Wayne Sandholtz and Mads Andenas/Laurence R. Helfer, Erik Voeten.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.3: 907-913.
148438 Soft Law, Informal Lawmaking and New Institutions in the Global Counter-Terrorism Architecture/Fionnuala Ni Aolain.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.3: 919-941.
148439 The Politics of the Moot Court/David M. Scott, Ukri Soirila.- European Journal of International Law. 2021; Vol.32, No.3: 1079-1105.
148440 Gender Equalising and Gender Neutral Policies and Their Pitfalls: A Typology of the Gender Dimensions of Social Policies/Patricia Frericks.- European Journal of Social Security. 2012; Vol.14, No.1: 2-20.
148441 A Just Distribution of Health Care in the Case of Orphan Medicinal Products: Aligning the Interests of European Economic Integration and National Welfare Policy/Andrea Faeh.- European Journal of Social Security. 2012; Vol.14, No.1: 21-40.
148442 Welfare as a Means for Political Stability: A Law and Society Analysis/Mans Svensson, Rustamjon Urinboyev, Karsten Astrom.- European Journal of Social Security. 2012; Vol.14, No.2: 64-85.
148443 Partially Disabled Employees: Dealing with a Double Role in the Netherlands/Frits Van Wel … [et al.].- European Journal of Social Security. 2012; Vol.14, No.2: 86-110.
148444 How Do Intentions Affect Future Retirement? A Case Study of the Finnish Flexible Old-Age Pension Scheme/Eila Tuominen … [et al.].- European Journal of Social Security. 2012; Vol.14, No.2: 111-131.
148445 The New Self-Employed: An Issue for Social Policy?/Mies Westerveld.- European Journal of Social Security. 2012; Vol.14, No.3: 156-173.
148446 The Contested Value of International Social Security Standards in the European Union/Tineke Dijkhoff.- European Journal of Social Security. 2012; Vol.14, No.3: 174-198.
148447 Introduction to Child Maintenance Schemes across Five Countries/Christine Skinner, Jacqueline Davidson, Mia Hakovirta.- European Journal of Social Security. 2012; Vol.14, No.4: 222-230.
148448 Child Maintenance in the United Kingdom/Christine Skinner.- European Journal of Social Security. 2012; Vol.14, No.4: 231-251.
148449 Child Maintenance Policies in the United States/Daniel R. Meyer.- European Journal of Social Security. 2012; Vol.14, No.4: 252-266.
148450 Child Maintenance Policies in Iceland: Caring Mothers and Breadwinning Fathers/Gudny Bjork Eydal, Hrefna Fridriksdottir.- European Journal of Social Security. 2012; Vol.14, No.4: 267-285.
148451 Children’s Rights and Parents’ Responsibilities: Child Maintenance Policies in Finland/Mia Hakovirta, Heikki Hiilamo.- European Journal of Social Security. 2012; Vol.14, No.4: 286-303.
148452 Child Maintenance in the Netherlands/Ian Curry-Sumner, Pauline Montanus.- European Journal of Social Security. 2012; Vol.14, No.4: 304-329.
148453 A Comparative Analysis of Child Maintenance Schemes in Five Countries/Christine Skinner, Mia Hakovirta, Jacqueline Davidson.- European Journal of Social Security. 2012; Vol.14, No.4: 330-347.
148454 Putting the Child-Centred Investment Strategy to the Test: Evidence for the EU27/Wim Van Lancker.- European Journal of Social Security. 2013; Vol.15, No.4-27: 1.
148455 The Convergence of Welfare State Indicators in Europe: Evidence from Panel Data/Jorg Paetzold.- European Journal of Social Security. 2013; Vol.15, No.1: 28-54.
148456 Property Protection as a Limit to Deteriorating Social Security Protection/Anna Tsetoura.- European Journal of Social Security. 2013; Vol.15, No.1: 55-78.
148457 The Political Sustainability of the NDC Pension Model: The Cases of Sweden and Italy/Mi Ah Schoyen, Furio Stamati.- European Journal of Social Security. 2013; Vol.15, No.1: 79-101.
148458 Access Denied: Towards a New Approach to Social Protection for Formally Excluded Migrants/Gijsbert VonkSarah Van Walsum.- European Journal of Social Security. 2013; Vol.15, No.2: 124-150.
148459 Human Security and the Human Rights of Undocumented Migrants: Systemic Vulnerabilities and Obligations of Protection/Dorothy Estrada-Tanck.- European Journal of Social Security. 2013; Vol.15, No.2: 151-170.
148460 The EU Asylum, Immigration and Border Control Regimes: Including and Excluding: The Deserving Migrant/Nadine El-Enany.- European Journal of Social Security. 2013; Vol.15, No.2: 171-186.
148461 Sharing International Responsibility for Poor Migrants?: An Analysis of Extra-Territorial Socio-Economic Human Rights Law/Marlies Hesselman.- European Journal of Social Security. 2013; Vol.15, No.2: 187-208.
148462 Social Protection for Migrant Workers: National and International Policy Challenges/Wouter van Ginneken.- European Journal of Social Security. 2013; Vol.15, No.2: 209-221.
148463 Comparative Welfare State Analysis with Survey-Based Benefit Recipiency Data: The Dependent Variable Problem Revisited/Wim van Oorschot.- European Journal of Social Security. 2013; Vol.15, No.3: 224-248.
148464 The New Politics of the Welfare State? A Case Study of Extra-Parliamentary Party Politics in Norway/Elin H. Allern, Ann-Helen Bay, Jo Saglie.- European Journal of Social Security. 2013; Vol.15, No.3: 249-272.
148465 The Privacy Protection of the Sick Employee: The Dutch Case from a Comparative Perspective/Ivo van der Helm.- European Journal of Social Security. 2013; Vol.15, No.3: 273-296.
148466 Measurement Validity in Comparative Welfare State Research: The Case of Measuring Welfare State Generosity/Jon Kvist, Simon Grundt Straubinger, Anders Freundt.- European Journal of Social Security. 2013; Vol.15, No.4: 321-340.
148467 Equally to All? The Significance of Collectively Negotiated Sickness Benefits in Cross-Nordic Social Policy Analysis/Laura Jarvi, Susan Kuivalainen.- European Journal of Social Security. 2013; Vol.15, No.4: 341-357.
148468 Gender and Class: Comparing the Situation of Single-Parent Households in Seven European Countries/Dorota Szelewa.- European Journal of Social Security. 2013; Vol.15, No.4: 358-379.
148469 Do Tax-Benefit Packages Treat Families in the Same Manner When Unemployment Strikes?/Anders Freundt, Simon Grundt Straubinger, Jon Kvist.- European Journal of Social Security. 2013; Vol.15, No.4: 380-402.
148470 How Gender-Neutral are the Nordic Countries Really? Father-Friendliness in Leave Schemes for Families with Children/Laerke Bonnesen, Sara Ravnkilde Nielsen.- European Journal of Social Security. 2013; Vol.15, No.4: 403-428.
148471 Firm Ownership and Social Insurance Inequality in Transitional China: Evidence from a Large Panel of Firm-Level Data/Qin Gao, Johanna Rickne.- European Journal of Social Security. 2014; Vol.16, No.1: 2-25.
148472 Decomposing Child Poverty Reduction/Jonathan Bradshaw, Meg Huby.- European Journal of Social Security. 2014; Vol.16, No.1: 26-50.
148473 Fighting Social Exclusion under EU Horizon 2020. Enhancing the Legal Enforceability of the Social Inclusion Recommendations?/Paul Schoukens, Joris Beke Smets.- European Journal of Social Security. 2014; Vol.16, No.1: 52-72.
148474 In-Work Benefits: Effective Social Protection or Emperor’s New Clothes?/Mel Cousins.- European Journal of Social Security. 2014; Vol.16, No.1: 100-121.
148475 Parental Benefits in the Coordination Regulation: (Where) Do They Fit in? The Swedish Example/Emma Holm.- European Journal of Social Security. 2014; Vol.16, No.2: 122-139.
148476 Social Security Administration Confronting Sustainability Challenges the Greek Pension System from a Comparative Perspective/Theodoros Galazoulas, Anna Tsetoura.- European Journal of Social Security. 2014; Vol.16, No.2: 140-164.
148477 Repressive Welfare States: The Spiral of Obligations and Sanctions in Social Security/Gijsbert Vonk.- European Journal of Social Security. 2014; Vol.16, No.3: 188-203.
148478 The Duty to Work without a Wage: A Legal Comparison between Social Assistance Legislation in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom/Anja Eleveld.- European Journal of Social Security. 2014; Vol.16, No.3: 204-224.
148479 Increasing Pension Ages in Greece and Ireland: A Question of Legitimate Expectations/Elaine Dewhurst, Dafni Diliagka.- European Journal of Social Security. 2014; Vol.16, No.3: 225-251.
148480 Should Social Rights Be Included in Interpretations of the Convention by the European Court of Human Rights?/Maija Dahlberg.- European Journal of Social Security. 2014; Vol.16, No.3: 252-276.
148481 Comfort in Numbers? Social Integration and Political Participation among Disability Benefit Recipients in Norway/Ann-Helen Bay, Axel West Pedersen, Henning Finseraas.- European Journal of Social Security. 2014; Vol.16, No.4: 290-307.
148482 Fathers’ Leave and Fathers’ Involvement: Evidence from Four OECD Countries/Maria C. Huerta … [et al.].- European Journal of Social Security. 2014; Vol.16, No.4: 308-346.
148483 Psychosocial Factors Predicting Job Search Behaviour of Long-Term Welfare Recipients in the Netherlands/Inge Varekamp … [et al.].- European Journal of Social Security. 2014; Vol.16, No.4: 347-370.
148484 Towards Cross-Country Comparable Reference Budgets in Europe: First Results of a Concerted Effort/Tim Goedeme … [et al.].- European Journal of Social Security. 2015; Vol.17, No.1: 3-30.
148485 Responses from the Frontline: How Organisations and Street-Level Bureaucrats Deal with Economic Sanctions/Dorte Caswell, Matilde Hoybye-Mortensen.- European Journal of Social Security. 2015; Vol.17, No.1: 31-51.
148486 National Healthcare Planning and the Internal Market: A Conceptual View on the Impact of EU Law on Member States’ Regulatory Autonomy in the Field of Healthcare/Andreas Walus.- European Journal of Social Security. 2015; Vol.17, No.1: 52-83.
148487 An Argument for Social Insurance Based on Personal Identity/Mikael Dubois.- European Journal of Social Security. 2015; Vol.17, No.1: 84-101.
148488 The Crisis Imperative, Reform Dynamics and Rescaling in Greece and Portugal/Maria Petmesidou, Miguel Glatzer.- European Journal of Social Security. 2015; Vol.17, No.2: 158-181.
148489 Welfare Rescaling in Italy and Spain: Political Strategies to Deal with Harsh Austerity/Margarita Leon, Emmanuele Pavolini, Ana M. Guillen.- European Journal of Social Security. 2015; Vol.17, No.2: 182-201.
148490 Austerity-Driven Labour Market Reforms in Southern Europe: Eroding the Security of Labour Market Insiders/Amilcar Moreira … [et al.].- European Journal of Social Security. 2015; Vol.17, No.2: 202-225.
148491 Southern European Governments and Public Bureaucracies in the Context of Economic Crisis/Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos.- European Journal of Social Security. 2015; Vol.17, No.2: 226-245.
148492 Decentralisation at a Time of Harsh Austerity: Multilevel Governance and the Welfare State in Spain and Italy Facing the Crisis/Eloisa Del Pino, Emmanuele Pavolini.- European Journal of Social Security. 2015; Vol.17, No.2: 246-270.
148493 Austerity and Welfare Reform in South-Western Europe: A Farewell to Corporatism in Italy, Spain and Portugal?/David Luque Balbona, Sergio Gonzalez Begega.- European Journal of Social Security. 2015; Vol.17, No.2: 271-291.
148494 Intergenerational Transmission of Inequalities in Southern European Countries in Comparative Perspective: Evidence from EU-SILC 2011/Michele Raitano.- European Journal of Social Security. 2015; Vol.17, No.2: 292-314.
148495 Accommodating Social Security and Freedom of Religion/Danny Pieters.- European Journal of Social Security. 2015; Vol.17, No.3: 316-337.
148496 Is Welfare Dependency Inherited? Estimating Causal Welfare Transmission Effects Using Swedish Sibling Data/Karin Edmark, Kajsa Hanspers.- European Journal of Social Security. 2015; Vol.17, No.3: 338-360.
148497 A Meta-Methodological Study of Dutch and Belgian PHDs in Social Security Law: Devising a Typology of Research Objectives as a Supporting Tool/Lina Kestemont.- European Journal of Social Security. 2015; Vol.17, No.3: 361-384.
148498 Overview of Recent Cases before the European Court of Human Rights (January – December 2014)/Anne Pieter van der Mei.- European Journal of Social Security. 2015; Vol.17, No.3: 385-396.
148499 Right to Hospital Care and Prioritisation from a Law and Politics Perspective – The Experiences of Norway and Denmark/Henriette Sinding Aasen, Mette Hartlev, Anne-Mette Magnussen.- European Journal of Social Security. 2015; Vol.17, No.4: 409-435.
148500 Evaluating What Works for Whom in Active Labour Market Policies/Thomas Bredgaard.- European Journal of Social Security. 2015; Vol.17, No.4: 436-452.
148501 Stratification in Changing Swedish Sickness Insurance/Nadja Grees.- European Journal of Social Security. 2015; Vol.17, No.4: 453-480.
148502 The Coupling of Disadvantages: Material Poverty and Multiple Deprivation in Europe before and after the Great Recession/Rod Hick.- European Journal of Social Security. 2016; Vol.18, No.1: 2-29.
148503 Poverty Reduction Effects of Taxation and Benefit Policies in Finland, 1993-2013/Pasi Moisio, Kirsi-Marja Lehtela, Susanna Mukkila.- European Journal of Social Security. 2016; Vol.18, No.1: 30-45.
148504 Pension Rights and Entitlement Conversion (Invaren): Lessons from a Dutch Perspective with Regard to the Implications of the EU Charter/Hans Van Meerten, Pascal Borsje.- European Journal of Social Security. 2016; Vol.18, No.1: 46-73.
148505 National Welfare Systems, Residency Requirements and EU Law: Some Brief Comments/Michael Dougan.- European Journal of Social Security. 2016; Vol.18, No.2: 101-105.
148506 The Response of Residence-Based Schemes in the Netherlands to Cross-Border Movement/Frans Pennings.- European Journal of Social Security. 2016; Vol.18, No.2: 106-129.
148507 Demagnetisation of Social Security and Health Care for Migrants to the UK/Neville Harris.- European Journal of Social Security. 2016; Vol.18, No.2: 130-163.
148508 Independent Choices and Extrinsic Pressure: EU Membership and the Development of Residence-Based Social Security Schemes in Finland/Toomas Kotkas.- European Journal of Social Security. 2016; Vol.18, No.2: 164-182.
148509 From Negligence to Resistance: Danish Welfare in the Light of Free-Movement Law/Catherine Jacqueson.- European Journal of Social Security. 2016; Vol.18, No.2: 183-206.
148510 Under Pressure? – Swedish Residence-Based Social Security and EU Citizenship/Thomas Erhag.- European Journal of Social Security. 2016; Vol.18, No.2: 207-231.
148511 To Reside: To Live, Be Present, Belong/Sara Stendahl.- European Journal of Social Security. 2016; Vol.18, No.2: 232-245.
148512 The Case of the Guarantee Pension Reform: Change of Perceived Income Adequacy among Low-Income Pensioners in Finland/Ilpo Airio, Minna Nurminen.- European Journal of Social Security. 2016; Vol.18, No.3: 248-267.
148513 Social Security Rights under Decision No 3/80 of the EEC-Turkey Association Council: Developments in the EU and in the Netherlands/Paul Minderhoud.- European Journal of Social Security. 2016; Vol.18, No.3: 268-285.
148514 Possible Reforms of Pay-As-You-Go Pension Systems/Jozsef Banyar.- European Journal of Social Security. 2016; Vol.18, No.3: 286-308.
148515 Social Assistance and Minimum Income Benefits: Benefit Levels, Replacement Rates and Policies across 26 Oecd Countries, 1990-2009/Jinxian Wang, Olaf van Vliet.- European Journal of Social Security. 2016; Vol.18, No.4: 333-355.
148516 Re Shaping the Paradigm of Social Solidarity in the EU: On the UK’s Welfare Reforms and Pre- and Post-EU Referendum Developments/Rufat Babayev.- European Journal of Social Security. 2016; Vol.18, No.4: 356-379.
148517 Comprehensive Sickness Insurance as a Condition for EU Citizens’ Residence in other Member States: A Need for Reform?/Tomislav Sokol.- European Journal of Social Security. 2016; Vol.18, No.4: 380-398.
148518 The state of dying. Mortality in a comparative perspective – the interplay between cash and care/Maria Forslund.- European Journal of Social Security. 2017; Vol.19, No.1: 4-20.
148519 Worlds of welfare collide: Implementing a European unemployment benefit scheme in the UK/Grainne McKeever, Mark Simpson.- European Journal of Social Security. 2017; Vol.19, No.1: 21-44.
148520 European handling of implicit and explicit government debt as an obstacle to the funding-type pension reforms/Jozsef Banyar.- European Journal of Social Security. 2017; Vol.19, No.1: 45-62.
148521 The silent pension pillar implosion/Yves Stevens.- European Journal of Social Security. 2017; Vol.19, No.2: 98-117.
148522 Compulsory membership of pension schemes and the free movement of services in the EU/Hans van Meerten, Elmar Schmidt.- European Journal of Social Security. 2017; Vol.19, No.2: 118-140.
148523 Free movement of workers in the EU and occupational pensions: Conflicting priorities? Between case law and legislative interventions/Marion Del Sol, Marco Rocca.- European Journal of Social Security. 2017; Vol.19, No.2: 141-157.
148524 Occupational pension funds: Governance issues at the international and European levels/Alexia Autenne.- European Journal of Social Security. 2017; Vol.19, No.2: 158-171.
148525 Free movement of workers and the RESAVER scheme for researchers/Maria-Cristina Degoli.- European Journal of Social Security. 2017; Vol.19, No.2: 172-185.
148526 Early access to occupational pension plans: Belgium vs USA. Borrowing, pledging, hardship withdrawal or early distribution/Inne Nys, Yves Stevens, Jonathan Forman.- European Journal of Social Security. 2017; Vol.19, No.2: 186-206.
148527 Protecting outsiders? Corporatism and the dualisation of unemployment protection in Germany and Austria/Bastian Betthauser.- European Journal of Social Security. 2017; Vol.19, No.3: 209-224.
148528 (Un)equal Treatment? Elderly care and disability services for people with dementia in Finland/Hanna-Kaisa Hoppania, Anna Maki-Petaja-Leinonen, Henna Nikumaa.- European Journal of Social Security. 2017; Vol.19, No.3: 225-241.
148529 Poverty risk among older immigrants in a scandinavian welfare state/Vibeke Jakobsen, Peder J. Pedersen.- European Journal of Social Security. 2017; Vol.19, No.3: 242-262.
148530 The Gig Economy and its Impact on Social Security: The Spanish example/Borja Suarez Corujo.- European Journal of Social Security. 2017; Vol.19, No.4: 293-312.
148531 Social protection of non-removable rejected asylum-seekers in the EU: A legal assessment/Paul Schoukens, Siemen Buttiens.- European Journal of Social Security. 2017; Vol.19, No.4: 313-334.
148532 A New approach to Helping the hard-to-place Unemployed: The promise of developing new knowledge in an interactive and collaborative process/Niklas A. Andersen, Dorte Caswell, Flemming Larsen.- European Journal of Social Security. 2017; Vol.19, No.4: 335-352.
148533 What does it mean to be rich? Some conceptual and empirical issues/Pierre Concialdi.- European Journal of Social Security. 2018; Vol.20, No.1: 3-20.
148534 Repressive administrative law: Assessing culpability in Dutch social security regulation/Albertjan Tollenaar.- European Journal of Social Security. 2018; Vol.20, No.1: 21-30.
148535 Liberalised dualisation. Labour market reforms and the crisis in Portugal: A new departure/Daniel Cardoso, Rui Branco.- European Journal of Social Security. 2018; Vol.20, No.1: 31-48.
148536 Regulation 1231/2010 on the inclusion of third-country nationals in EU social security coordination: Reach, limits and challenges/Rob Cornelissen.- European Journal of Social Security. 2018; Vol.20, No.1: 86-99.
148537 Employment and social security rights of third-country nationals under the EU labour migration directives/Herwig Verschueren.- European Journal of Social Security. 2018; Vol.20, No.2: 100-115.
148538 Social security coordination in Association Agreements: Is a common EU approach with third countries in sight?/Katharina Eisele.- European Journal of Social Security. 2018; Vol.20, No.2: 116-128.
148539 Member States’ approaches to bilateral social security agreements/Grega Strban.- European Journal of Social Security. 2018; Vol.20, No.2: 129-147.
148540 National approaches of EU Member States in concluding bilateral social security agreements with third countries: The case of Austria/Bernard Spiegel.- European Journal of Social Security. 2018; Vol.20, No.2: 148-161.
148541 National approaches of EU Member States in concluding bilateral social security agreements with third countries: The case of the Netherlands/Frans Pennings.- European Journal of Social Security. 2018; Vol.20, No.2: 162-172.
148542 Member States’ social security agreements with India: Lessons for the future of a common EU approach/Pauline Melin.- European Journal of Social Security. 2018; Vol.20, No.2: 173-187.
148543 Poland and Bulgaria’s bilateral agreements with Eastern partnership countries in the context of circular migration/Zvezda Vankova.- European Journal of Social Security. 2018; Vol.20, No.2: 188-203.
148544 Sailing the seven seas: A schematic overview of mechanisms that can be used to strengthen the social security protection of persons moving in and out of the EU/Gijsbert Vonk.- European Journal of Social Security. 2018; Vol.20, No.2: 204-216.
148545 The EU social pillar: An answer to the challenge of the social protection of platform workers?/Paul Schoukens, Alberto Barrio, Saskia Montebovi.- European Journal of Social Security. 2018; Vol.20, No.3: 219-241.
148546 Employment suitable for capabilities: The medical-legal principle in Italian invalidity social security benefits in the current historical work context in Europe/Michele Sammicheli, Marcella Scaglione.- European Journal of Social Security. 2018; Vol.20, No.3: 242-252.
148547 Minimum income protection and EU coordination/Jinxian Wang, Olaf van Vliet, Kees Goudswaard.- European Journal of Social Security. 2018; Vol.20, No.3: 253-271.
148548 Occupational pension schemes for part-time workers: Equality in the eye of the beholder?/Sarah Knoops.- European Journal of Social Security. 2018; Vol.20, No.4: 309-324.
148549 The portability of social rights of the United Kingdom with the European Union: Facts, issues, and prospects/Robert Holzmann, Jacques Wels.- European Journal of Social Security. 2018; Vol.20, No.4: 325-340.
148550 Social mainstreaming through the European pillar of social rights: Shielding the social from the economic in EU policymaking/Ane Aranguiz.- European Journal of Social Security. 2018; Vol.20, No.4: 341-363.
148551 Data protection in the age of welfare conditionality: Respect for basic rights or a race to the bottom?/Valery Gantchev.- European Journal of Social Security. 2019; Vol.21, No.1: 3-22.
148552 Personal Income Tax and Social Security Coordination in Cross-Border Employment – a Case Study of the Czech Republic and Denmark/Jana Tepperova.- European Journal of Social Security. 2019; Vol.21, No.1: 23-41.
148553 Employment effects of investments in public employment services for disadvantaged social assistance recipients/Rasmus Ravn, Kristian Nielsen.- European Journal of Social Security. 2019; Vol.21, No.1: 42-62.
148554 Internal coordination of social security in federal Belgium/Paul Schoukens, Greta Gorissen.- European Journal of Social Security. 2019; Vol.21, No.2: 100-118.
148555 Internal coordination of social security in Spain/Borja Suarez Corujo.- European Journal of Social Security. 2019; Vol.21, No.2: 119-140.
148556 Internal coordination of social security in Italy/Silvio Bologna.- European Journal of Social Security. 2019; Vol.21, No.2: 141-152.
148557 Internal coordination of social security in the United Kingdom/Ed Gareth Poole, Guto Ifan.- European Journal of Social Security. 2019; Vol.21, No.2: 153-162.
148558 Internal coordination of social security in the Netherlands/Febe de Jong, Gijsbert Vonk.- European Journal of Social Security. 2019; Vol.21, No.2: 163-173.
148559 Internal coordination of social security in Sweden/Jaan Paju.- European Journal of Social Security. 2019; Vol.21, No.2: 174-182.
148560 Administering social security and health in Denmark: Between centralisation and decentralisation/Catherine Jacqueson.- European Journal of Social Security. 2019; Vol.21, No.2: 183-191.
148561 Social devolution and the impact of European Union Law: A critical analysis/Herwig Verschueren.- European Journal of Social Security. 2019; Vol.21, No.2: 192-206.
148562 Internal social security coordination in seven European States/Danny Pieters.- European Journal of Social Security. 2019; Vol.21, No.2: 207-216.
148563 The fundamental right of social assistance: A global, a regional (Europe and Africa) and a national perspective (Germany, the Netherlands and South Africa)/Gijsbert Vonk, Marius Olivier.- European Journal of Social Security. 2019; Vol.21, No.3: 219-240.
148564 A woman’s cause? Popular attitudes towards pension credits for childcare in Norway/Sigtona Halrynjo, Ragni Hege Kitterod, Axel West Pedersen.- European Journal of Social Security. 2019; Vol.21, No.3: 241-261.
148565 The Boomerang of Female 40: Seniority Pensions in Hungary, 2011-2018/Andras Simonovits.- European Journal of Social Security. 2019; Vol.21, No.3: 262-271.
148566 The right to minimum subsistence and property protection under the ECHR: Never the twain shall meet?/Ingrid Leijten.- European Journal of Social Security. 2019; Vol.21, No.4: 307-325.
148567 Understanding Bismarck’s legacy: The role of work history in Belgian social security law/Jakob Werbrouck.- European Journal of Social Security. 2019; Vol.21, No.4: 326-350.
148568 The ILO Social Protection Floors Recommendation and its relevance in the European context/Tineke Dijkhoff.- European Journal of Social Security. 2019; Vol.21, No.4: 351-369.
148569 The content and potential of the right to social assistance in light of Article 13 of the European Social Charter/Maria Dalli.- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.1: 3-23.
148570 Transfer of tasks in work disability assessments in European social security/Annette E. de Wind … [et al.].- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.1: 24-38.
148571 A comparative analysis of the information duties in Belgian and American occupational pensions/Marjolein Denys, David Pratt, Yves Stevens.- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.1: 39-63.
148572 EU coordination of social security from the point of view of EU integration theory/Oxana Golynker.- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.2: 110-137.
148573 The EU (non) co-ordination of minimum subsistence benefits: What went wrong and what ways forward?/Gijsbert Vonk.- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.2: 138-147.
148574 The discussion on the revision of the coordination rules of unemployment benefits – a battlefield between East and West/Frans Pennings.- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.2: 148-162.
148575 Gaps in social security protection of mobile persons: Options for filling these gaps/Ger Essers, Frans Pennings.- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.2: 163-179.
148576 Health and long-term care benefits and the proposed revised coordination regulation: A brave new world or much ado about nothing?/Stamatia Devetzi, Jean McHale.- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.2: 180-195.
148577 Coordination of classic and specific family benefits – challenges and proposed solutions/Emma Holm.- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.2: 196-211.
148578 Posting of workers: Enforcement, compliance, and reform/Nicolas Rennuy.- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.2: 212-234.
148579 Brexit and the reform of social security coordination: The UK’s metamorphosis from rule maker to rule taker/Simon Roberts.- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.2: 235-252.
148580 Welfare sanctions and the right to a subsistence minimum: A troubled marriage/Valery Gantchev.- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.3: 257-272.
148581 Thoughts about indexing family benefits: Are authorities permitted to apply the Austrian indexation of family benefits? The primacy of EU law and the right/obligation to request a ruling from the Court of Justice of the European Union/Franz Marhold, Christoph Paul Ludvik.- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.3: 273-286.
148582 Disentangling annuities and transfers: The case of Greek retirement benefits/Chrysa Leventi, Manos Matsaganis.- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.3: 287-305.
148583 Justifying pension reforms: Comparing policy discourses in Norway and the UK/Patrick Ring, Rune Ervik, Tord Skogedal Linden.- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.3: 306-326.
148584 Discussing strategies for social Europe: The potential role of EU law in contributing to the Union’s policy objective of fighting poverty and social exclusion/Ane Aranguiz, Herwig Verschueren.- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.4: 367-375.
148585 The human rights approach to social assistance: Normative principles and system characteristics/Gijsbert Vonk, Edward Bambrough.- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.4: 376-389.
148586 The role and limits of European social security coordination in guaranteeing migrants social benefits/Herwig Verschueren.- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.4: 390-402.
148587 The Internal Market at a Social Turn? Social dumping and the protection of workers/Catherine Jacqueson.- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.4: 403-420.
148588 The tale of transparent and predictable working conditions intertwined with work-life balance: Assessing the impact of the new social policy directives on decent working conditions and social protection/Bart omiej Bednarowicz.- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.4: 421-433.
148589 Digitalisation and social security in the EU. The case of platform work: from work protection to income protection?/Paul Schoukens.- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.4: 434-451.
148590 An EU minimum wage target for adequate in-work incomes?/Sarah Marchal.- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.4: 452-466.
148591 Securing decent incomes at a crossroads: On the legal feasibility of a Framework Directive on Minimum Income/Ane Aranguiz.- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.4: 467-485.
148592 To fight poverty and social exclusion, EU law must buttress basic nuts and bolts of the welfare edifice/Frank Vandenbroucke.- European Journal of Social Security. 2020; Vol.22, No.4: 486-492.
148593 The complex social security provisions of the Brexit withdrawal agreement, to be implemented for decades/Herwig Verschueren.- European Journal of Social Security. 2021; Vol.23, No.1: 7-23.
148594 Legitimate Expectation and Social Security Law Under the European Convention of Human Rights/Mel Cousins.- European Journal of Social Security. 2021; Vol.23, No.1: 24-43.
148595 Recent cases and the future of Directive 79/7 on equal treatment for men and women in social security: How to realise its full potential/Miguel De la Corte-Rodriguez.- European Journal of Social Security. 2021; Vol.23, No.1: 44-61.
148596 From Substitutive to Supplementary: Institutional Interplay between Public and Occupational Sickness Benefits in Finland, 1947-2016/Laura Jarvi.- European Journal of Social Security. 2021; Vol.23, No.1: 62-80.
148597 Unemployment prevention: The role of Human Resource Management in job-to-job transitions in the event of redundancy/Irmgard Borghouts – van de Pas, Mark Bosmans, Charissa Freese.- European Journal of Social Security. 2021; Vol.23, No.2: 103-119.
148598 The expressive function of human dignity: A pragmatic approach to social rights claims/Stefano Civitarese Matteucci, Giorgio Repetto.- European Journal of Social Security. 2021; Vol.23, No.2: 120-143.
148599 A tale of two citizens: The Brey-Dano proportionality gap in UK courts and tribunals/Victoria E. Hooton.- European Journal of Social Security. 2021; Vol.23, No.2: 144-171.
148600 The Centenary of the League of Nations: Colonial India and the Making of International Law/Amritha V. Shenoy.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2018: 3-23.
148601 Breaking Bad Customs: Involving the Idea of Opinio Juris Communis in Asian State Practice/Thamil Venthan Ananthavinayagan.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2018: 24-40.
148602 Understanding Human Rights from an Eastern Perspective: A Discourse/Ravi Prakash Vyas, Rachit Murarka.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2018: 41-59.
148603 Subcontinental Defiance to the Global Refugee Regime: Global Leadership or Regional Exceptionalism?/Jay Ramasubramanyam.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2018: 60-79.
148604 Harmonizing UNCITRAL Model Law: A TWAIL Analysis of Cross Border Insolvency Law/Dwayne Leonardo Fernandes, Devahuti Pathak.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2018: 80-105.
148605 Use of Force as Self Defence against Non-State Actors and TWAIL Considerations: A Critical Analysis of India’s State Practice/Srinivas Burra.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2018: 106 127.
148606 The ASEAN Way: A Sore Thumb for ASEAN Solidarity in the Face of an Ailing Global Trade System?/Noel Chow Zher Ming.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2018: 127-147.
148607 A Legal Critique of the Award of the Arbitral Tribunal in the Matter of the South China Sea Arbitration/National Institute for South China Sea Studies.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2018: 151-293.
148608 Prosecuting Crimes against Humanity before International Crimes Tribunal in Bangladesh: A Nexus with an Armed Conflict/Yudan Tan.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2018: 294-321.
148609 Participation in Multilateral Treaties/Karin Arts.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2018: 325-332.
148610 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Bangladesh/Sumaiya Khair.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2018: 353-369.
148611 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – India/V.G. Hegde.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2018: 370-379.
148612 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Japan/Kanami Ishibashi.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2018: 380-383.
148613 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Korea/Buhm-Suk Baek.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2018: 384-392.
148614 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Malaysia/Shaun Kang.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2018: 393-397.
148615 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Nepal/Amritha V. Shenoy, Ravi Prakash Vyas, Rachit Murarka.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2018: 398-410.
148616 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Philippines/Jay L. Batongbacal.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2018: 411-416.
148617 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Singapore/Elisabeth Liang, Jaclyn L. Neo.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2018: 417-425.
148618 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Thailand/Kitti Jayangakula.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2018: 426-430.
148619 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Vietnam/Tran Viet Dung.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2018: 431-438.
148620 DILA at 30: A Personal Reflection/Kevin Y.L. Tan.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.25: 3-33.
148621 A Panoramic Review of the State Practice Section in the Asian Yearbook of International Law/Seryon Lee.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.25: 34-62.
148622 The Asian Contribution to the Development of International Law: Focusing on the ReCAAP/Makoto Seta.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.25: 65-83.
148623 Vietnam’s Experiences with International Investment Agreements Governance: Issues and Solutions/Tran Viet Dung.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.25: 84-104.
148624 The Right of Access to Port and the Impact of Historic Fishing Rights/Arron N. Honniball.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.25: 105-129.
148625 The Amendment of Anti-corruption Law in Indonesia: The Contribution to the Development of International Anti-corruption Law/Ratna Juwita.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.25: 130-153.
148626 Challenges in Ensuring the Rights of Vietnamese Migrant Workers in the Globalization Context – The Two Sides of the Development Process/Nguyen Thi Hong Yen.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.25: 154-184.
148627 Participation in Multilateral Treaties/Karin Arts.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.25: 187-213.
148628 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Bangladesh/Sumaiya Khair.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.25: 214-232.
148629 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – India/V.G. Hegde.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.25: 233-246.
148630 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Japan/Kanami Ishibashi.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.25: 247-252.
148631 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Korea/Buhm-Suk Baek.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.25: 253-263.
148632 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Nepal/Amritha V. Shenoy, Ravi Prakash Vyas.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.25: 264-280.
148633 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Philippines/Jay L. Batongbacal.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.25: 281-288.
148634 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Singapore/Elisabeth Liang, Ong Kye Jing, Rachel Tan Xi’en.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.25: 289-301.
148635 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Thailand/Kitti Jayangakula.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.25: 302-308.
148636 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Vietnam/Tran Viet Dung.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.25: 309-314.
148637 State Practice Notes on Korea: A Critical Study on the Violation of the Human Rights of the Residents of the Five Islands in the West Sea under the Fishing Vessel Safety and Fishing Act/Chang Hun Cho.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.25: 315-323.
148638 State Practice Notes on Korea: The Procedure for the Compulsory Execution of the Ruling on Nippon Steel to the Victims of Forced Mobilization during the Japanese Colonial Period/Daehun Kim.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.25: 324-334.
148639 State Practice Notes on Korea: Korean Municipal Governments’ Discrimination of Foreigners regarding COVID-19 Benefits: Decision of the National Human Rights Commissio/Min Jae Shin.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.25: 335-344.
148640 Korea: From Norm Taker to Norm Maker in International Law/Seokwoo Lee, Hee Eun Lee.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.26: 3-108.
148641 Building an Agreement on Biodiversity beyond National Jurisdiction: What Are the Positions of Asian States?/Le Thi Anh Dao, Vu Quoc Tuan.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.26: 109-134.
148642 Participation in Multilateral Treaties/Karin Arts.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.26: 137-162.
148643 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Bangladesh/Sumaiya Khair, Muhammad Ekramul Haque.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.26: 165-183.
148644 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Central Asia/Sergey Sayapin.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.26: 184-197.
148645 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – India/R Rajesh Babu, Sujith Koonan.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.26: 198-212.
148646 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Indonesia/Arie Afriansyah … [et al.].- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.26: 213-234.
148647 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Iran/Vahid Rezadoost … [et al.].- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.26: 235-256.
148648 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Japan/Kanami Ishibashi.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.26: 257-274.
148649 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Korea/Buhm-Suk Baek.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.26: 275-282.
148650 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Malaysia/Mary George … [et al.].- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.26: 283-297.
148651 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Mongolia/J. Battogtokh … [et al.].- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.26: 298-308.
148652 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Nepal/Pranjali Kanel, Anusha Kharel.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.26: 309-314.
148653 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Philippines/Rommel J. Casis … [et al.].- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.26: 315-327.
148654 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Singapore/Tara M. Davenport.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.26: 328-332.
148655 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Taiwan/Wendy Wan Chun Ho, Dustin Kuan-Hsiung Wang.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.26: 333-342.
148656 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Thailand/Kitti Jayangakula, Pataramon Satarak, Nattawat Krittayanawat.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.26: 343-350.
148657 State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law – Vietnam/Trinh Hai Yen, Ton Nu Thanh Binh, Hoang Thi Ngoc Anh.- Asian Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.26: 351-359.
148658 L’eviction du juge penal en matiere economique et financiere/Frederic Stasiak.- Archives de politique criminelle. 2017; No.39: 9-21.
148659 La marchandisation de l’art et le droit penal/Elisabeth Fortis.- Archives de politique criminelle. 2017; No.39: 23-40.
148660 Le delit de prise illegale d’interets: de la sanction d’un devoir civique a la prevention d’un conflit d’interets/Yvonne Muller-Lagarde.- Archives de politique criminelle. 2017; No.39: 41-54.
148661 La delinquance economique a l’heure du numerique: bitcoin, blanchiment et autres observations/Ahmed Elkahwagy.- Archives de politique criminelle. 2017; No.39: 55-66.
148662 Le parquet national financier. Bilan, actions, perspectives/Eliane Houlette.- Archives de politique criminelle. 2017; No.39: 69-87.
148663 La societe civile face a la corruption/Eric Alt.- Archives de politique criminelle. 2017; No.39: 89-101.
148664 Punir les delinquants fiscaux en France et au Royaume Uni: vers la convergence des modeles?/Alexis Spire, Katia Weidenfeld.- Archives de politique criminelle. 2017; No.39: 103-116.
148665 Le proces penal face a la delinquance economique: aspects de l’experience italienne/Luca Luparia.- Archives de politique criminelle. 2017; No.39: 119-130.
148666 Les dernieres evolutions du delit de blanchiment: l’ante-blanchiment? Delit fiscal, blanchiment d’argent et regularisation fiscale/Abraham Castro Moreno.- Archives de politique criminelle. 2017; No.39: 131-143.
148667 Nuances de gris. La politique criminelle suisse en matiere de blanchiment de fraude fiscale/Ursula Cassani.- Archives de politique criminelle. 2017; No.39: 145-162.
148668 The changing face of Corporate Criminal Liability in England and Wales/Peter Alldridge.- Archives de politique criminelle. 2017; No.39: 163-174.
148669 Immigration, culture et crime: reflexions autour de l’utilisation de recherches etats-uniennes dans les debats francais/Julien Larregue.- Archives de politique criminelle. 2017; No.39: 177-193.
148670 De l’identification a la qualification de la traite: l’aveuglement des acteurs face a l’exploitation/Benedicte Lavaud-Legendre.- Archives de politique criminelle. 2017; No.39: 195-214.
148671 Establish Yourself at Thirty: My Decision to Study China’s Legal System/Jerome A. Cohen.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2015; Vol.33: 1-10.
148672 Law-Making Process concerning State Jurisdiction over Artworks Loaned from Abroad: Implications of the Exhibition of Treasured Masterpieces from Taipei/Mizushima Tomonori.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2015; Vol.33: 11-20.
148673 U.S. Practice Regarding Article 121(3) of UNCLOS and the South China Sea Arbitration Case/Yann-huei Song.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2015; Vol.33: 21-61.
148674 The 2015 Award on Jurisdiction and Admissibility of the South China Sea Arbitration and the Insurmountable Thresholds/Michael Sheng-ti Gau.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2015; Vol.33: 62-108.
148675 Infrastructure Investment in Asia and Protection under International Investment Agreements/Yuka Fukunaga.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2015; Vol.33: 109-138.
148676 Coordination Games: The Challenge of Pursuing a Financial Integration Project in ASEAN/Michelle Dy.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2015; Vol.33: 139-166.
148677 Amicus Curiae Submission by the Chinese (Taiwan) Society of International Law in the South China Sea Arbitration: An Introductory Note/Nigel N.T. Li.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2015; Vol.33: 167-227.
148678 Taiwan Practices in the WTO Main Activities: 2002-2015/Der-Chin Horng.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2015; Vol.33: 228-251.
148679 The 2015 Ma-Xi Meeting in Singapore/Pasha L. Hsieh, Pei-Lun Tsai.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2015; Vol.33: 252-279.
148680 Selected Bibliography on Traditional Chinese Law/Norman P. Ho.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2015; Vol.33: 280-289.
148681 Contemporary Practice and Judicial Decisions of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Relating to International Law, 2015/Chun-i Chen … [et al.].- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2015; Vol.33: 290-444.
148682 Treaties/Agreements Concluded by the Republic of China (Taiwan) with Other Countries and Organizations in 2015/Chun-i Chen, Pasha L. Hsieh, Pei-Lun Tsai.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2015; Vol.33: 445-489.
148683 Some Remarks on the South China Sea Award: Itu Aba versus Clipperton/Gerhard Hafner.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2016; Vol.34: 1-19.
148684 From Dangerous Ground to Safe Playground: A Revisit to Fishery Co-operation in the South China Sea/Dustin Kuan-Hsiung Wang.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2016; Vol.34: 20-38.
148685 The July 12 Award on the Historic Titles, Historic Rights and Impacts on State Practices in the South China Sea/Nguyen Thi Lan Anh.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2016; Vol.34: 39-55.
148686 China’s Non-Participation Approach toward the South China Sea Arbitration/Yen-Chiang Chang.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2016; Vol.34: 56-72.
148687 The Significance of China’s Rejection of the South China Sea Arbitration for Its Approach to International Dispute Settlement and International Law/Julian Ku.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2016; Vol.34: 73-103.
148688 Enforcing the United Nations Security Council’s Arms Embargo on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea: A Case Study of the Legal Consequences of the Chong Chon Gang Incident/Alonso E. Illueca.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2016; Vol.34: 104-140.
148689 Dean v. Lord Advocate and the Non-Refoulement Principle at the Margins/Stephen Allen.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2016; Vol.34: 141-179.
148690 Go South Going South? Assessing Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy and the China Factor in Southeast Asia/Bo-jiun Jing.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2016; Vol.34: 180-223.
148691 Contemporary Practice and Judicial Decisions of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Relating to International Law, 2016/Chun-i Chen … [et al.].- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2016; Vol.34: 235-394.
148692 Treaties/Agreements Concluded by the Republic of China (Taiwan) with Other Countries and Organizations in 2016/Chun-i Chen, Pasha L. Hsieh, Pei-Lun Tsai.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2016; Vol.34: 395-457.
148693 Some Personal Reflections about Getting Started as an International Lawyer/James A.R. Nafziger.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2017; Vol.35: 1-9.
148694 Breaking the Silence of the Executive: The Residual Role of the Common Law Courts in the Determination of Statehood/Michael Hwang, Lim Si Cheng.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2017; Vol.35: 10-46.
148695 Sovereignty Over Dokdo as Interpreted and Evaluated from the Korean-Japanese Exchanges of Notes Verbales (1952-1965)/Hyun-jin Park.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2017; Vol.35: 47-69.
148696 Roles and Functions of Transitional Justice Mechanisms in the Asia-Pacific Region in the Development of International Law/Yasue Mochizuki.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2017; Vol.35: 70-98.
148697 Third Parties and Insular Features After the South China Sea Arbitration/Brian McGarry.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2017; Vol.35: 99-135.
148698 Recognition of Governments by International Organizations – The Example of the UN General Assembly and Asian States/Agata Kleczkowska.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2017; Vol.35: 136-169.
148699 Coming Inside: An Analysis of Visa Waiver Privileges for Domiciled roc (Taiwan) Citizens with Reference to the United States/Wei Zheng Toh.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2017; Vol.35: 170-193.
148700 Contemporary Practice and Judicial Decisions of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Relating to International Law, 2017/Chun-i Chen … [et al.].- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2017; Vol.35: 194-298.
148701 Treaties/Agreements Concluded by the Republic of China (Taiwan) with Other Countries and Organizations in 2017/Chun-i Chen, Pasha L. Hsieh, Kai-Chih Chang.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2017; Vol.35: 299-324.
148702 Economics and International Law: Closer Alignment through Greater Analytical Diversity?/Roda Mushkat.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2018; Vol.36: 1-55.
148703 Transnational Corporate Governance Codes: Lessons from Regulating Related Party Transactions in Hong Kong and Singapore/Christopher Chen, Wai Yee Wan.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2018; Vol.36: 56-93.
148704 Creative Contacts: Taiwan’s Quest for International Law Enforcement Cooperation/Margaret K. Lewis.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2018; Vol.36: 94-115.
148705 The Taiwan Travel Act is Legally Binding/Julian G. Ku.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2018; Vol.36: 116-123.
148706 Taiwan’s Antitrust Leniency Policy and the Framework to Build an Effective Antitrust Compliance Program/Siao-Wun Chiu.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2018; Vol.36: 124-149.
148707 Belt and Road Dispute Resolution: New Development Trends/Weixia Gu.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2018; Vol.36: 150-169.
148708 Demystifying China’s International Commercial Court Regime: International or Intra-National?/Huiqin Jiang.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2018; Vol.36: 170-193.
148709 Contemporary Practice and Judicial Decisions of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Relating to International Law, 2018/Chun-i Chen … [et al.].- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2018; Vol.36: 199-301.
148710 Treaties/Agreements Concluded by the Republic of China (Taiwan) with Other Countries and Organizations in 2018/Chun-i Chen, Pasha L. Hsieh, Kai-Chih Chang.- Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. 2018; Vol.36: 302-326.
148711 Is Judicial Deference to Agency Fact-Finding Unlawful?/Evan D. Bernick.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.1: 27-66.
148712 Designing the Decider/Emily S. Bremer.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.1: 67-85.
148713 Revisiting Seminole Rock/Jeffrey A. Pojanowski.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.1: 87-102.
148714 Attacking Auer and Chevron Deference: A Literature Review/Christopher J. Walker.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.1: 103-122.
148715 Disagreement Is Not Always Discrimination: On Masterpiece Cakeshop and the Analogy to Interracial Marriage/Ryan T. Anderson.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.1: 123-145.
148716 A Day Late and a Dollar Short – President Obama’s Clemency Initiative 2014/Paul J. Larkin.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.1: 147-162.
148717 Flight, Race, and Terry Stops: Commonwealth v. Warren/Paul J. Larkin, David Rosenthal.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.1: 163-225.
148718 Last Stand for Prudential Standing? Lexmark and Its Implications/Joel S. Nolette.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.1: 227-253.
148719 Return of the Skeptics: The Growing Role of the Anti-Federalists in Modern Constitutional Jurisprudence/Nils Gilbertson.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.1: 255-288.
148720 Record Labels Shot the Artists, But They Did Not Share the Equity/Bryan Lesser.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.1: 289-314.
148721 Mandatory Health Savings Accounts and the Need for Consumer-Driven Health Care/Theodore McDowell.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.1: 315-337.
148722 Making the Switch: How Little Is Too Little in a Competitive Market?/Shaina Vinayek.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.1: 339-363.
148723 The Argument Renewed: Who’s Afraid of Substantive Due Process?/Hadley Arkes.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.2: 365-384.
148724 Irresistible Force Meets Immovable Object: Hadley Arkes, Due Process, and Me/Matthew J. Franck.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.2: 385-395.
148725 Twelve Problems with Substantive Due Process/Christopher R. Green.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.2: 397-420.
148726 The Substance of Dred Scott and Roe v. Wade/Justin Buckley Dyer.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.2: 421-421.
148727 Against Lochner/Akhil Reed Amar.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.4: 433-436.
148728 After All These Years, Lochner Was Not Crazy – It Was Good/Randy E. Barnett.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.2: 437-443.
148729 A Draft Opinion Overruling Roe v. Wade/Clarke D. Forsythe.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.2: 445-493.
148730 States’ Rights and Federal Wrongs: The Misguided Attempt to Label Marijuana Legalization Efforts as a States’ Rights Issue/Paul J. Larkin.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.2: 495-504.
148731 The Trump Administration and the Congressional Review Act/Paul J. Larkin.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.2: 505-520.
148732 Partisanship, Norms, and Federal Judicial Appointments/Keith E. Whittington.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.2: 521-535.
148733 Surveillance Technology and Graymail in Domestic Criminal Prosecutions/Charles M. Bell.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.2: 537-558.
148734 Patents in the Political Branches/Justin Burnam.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.2: 559-589.
148735 Our Sovereignty, Patently: A Historical Perspective on Fitting Patent Rights with State and Tribal Sovereign Immunity/James Choi.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.2: 591-620.
148736 The Constitutional Objector: How Servicemembers Can Restore the Constitutional Separation of War Powers/John Maniscalco.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.2: 621-643.
148737 The Complexity of a Diverse Moral Order/Gerald Gaus.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.S: 645-680.
148738 Liberty and the Challenge of Diversity/Chandran Kukathas.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.S: 681-695.
148739 Wrongful Racial Discrimination in Moral Analysis: Some Recent Accounts, an Alternative Conception, and Attempts to Extend Theoretical Models/J.L.A. Garcia.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.S: 697-729.
148740 Why the Business Case for Diversity is Wrong/Ian Maitland.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.S: 731-751.
148741 The Quest for a Diverse Faculty: Theory and Practice/John Hasnas.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.S: 753-777.
148742 Confronting the Chaos of the New: Democracy, Difference, and Daring/Anne Norton.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.S: 779-793.
148743 What Does It Mean to Take Diversity Seriously? On Open-Mindedness as a Civic Virtue/Helene Landemore.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.S: 795-805.
148744 The Paradox of Diversity/Ryan Muldoon.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.S: 807-820.
148745 The Ethics of Diversity in Transitional Justice/Colleen Murphy.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.S: 821-836.
148746 Debating Immigration Restriction: The Case for Low and Slow/Amy L. Wax.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.S: 837-864.
148747 Diversity, Collective Responsibility, and the Problem of Control/Howard McGary.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2018; Vol.16, No.S: 865-878.
148748 A New Law Enforcement Agenda for a New Attorney General/Paul J. Larkin.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.1: 231-246.
148749 Is This Any Way to Make Civil Rights Law? Judicial Extension of Marital Status Nondiscrimination to Protect Cohabitants/Helen M. Alvare.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.1: 247-286.
148750 Statutory Rules of Constitutional Interpretation and the Original Understanding of Judicial Power and Independence/Francis J. Aul.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.1: 287-315.
148751 The New Scalia? An Aristotelian Analysis of Judge Gorsuch’s Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence/Christopher Fitzpatrick Cannataro.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.1: 317-341.
148752 Studying the Hegemony of the Extraterritoriality of U.S. Securities Laws: What It Means for Foreign Investors, Foreign Markets, and Efforts at Harmonization/Alina Veneziano.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.1: 343-371.
148753 The Elephant Problem/Richard Primus.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.2: 373-406.
148754 Is the Constitution a Power of Attorney or a Corporate Charter? A Commentary on A Great Power of Attorney: Understanding the Fiduciary Constitution by Gary Lawson and Guy Seidman/John Mikhail.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.2: 407-440.
148755 The Imaginary Constitution/Suzanna Sherry.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.2: 441-462.
148756 Fiduciary Constitutionalism: Implications for Self- Pardons and Non-Delegation/Ethan J. Leib, Jeb Handelsman Shugerman.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.2: 463-489.
148757 Authors’ Response: An Enquiry Concerning Constitutional Understanding/Gary Lawson, Guy Seidman.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.2: 491-520.
148758 Censorship and Sensibility: Does the First Amendment Allow the FDA to Change the Meanings of Words?/Justin Pearson.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.2: 521-553.
148759 Opioids, Overdoses, and Cannabis: Is Marijuana An Effective Therapeutic Response to the Opioid Abuse Epidemic?/Paul J. Larkin, Bertha K. Madras.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.2: 555-597.
148760 The Role of State Constitutionalism in Determining Juvenile Life Sentences/Mark Denniston, Christoffer Binning.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.2: 599-628.
148761 The Third Party Harm Rule: Law or Wishful Thinking?/Gene Schaerr, Michael Worley.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.2: 629-652.
148762 The Other Switch in Time: How the Opposition Changed the Debate Over the Court-Packing Plan and Won/Justin Braga.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.2: 653-681.
148763 Splitting Sovereignty: The Legislative Power and the Constitution’s Federation of Independent States/James T. Knight II.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.2: 683-709.
148764 Essentially Limitless: Restraining Administrative Overreach Under Section 232/Paul Bettencourt.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.2: 711-735.
148765 The Residual Exception’s Renaissance/Gary Dunn.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.2: 737-774.
148766 Making Sense of Corporate Criminals: A Tentative Taxonomy/W. Robert Thomas.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.S: 775-794.
148767 Toward a Pragmatist Approach to Corporate Personality and Responsibility: Why Democracy Matters/Abraham Singer.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.S: 795-810.
148768 Corporations, Moral Agency, and Reactive Attitudes/Mark LeBar.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.S: 811-827.
148769 Is Corporate Responsibility Relevant to Artificial Intelligence Responsibility?/Vikram R. Bhargava, Manuel Velasquez.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.S: 829-851.
148770 Androids and Corporations: Why Their Rights Derive from Purpose/Thomas Donaldson.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.S: 853-864.
148771 The Law’s Missing Account of Corporate Character/Mihailis E. Diamantis.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.S: 865-896.
148772 Blameworthy but Unblamable: A Paradox of Corporate Responsibility/David Shoemaker.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.S: 897-917.
148773 Corporate Moral Motivation/Chris MacDonald.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.S: 919-933.
148774 The Real Danger of the Responsibility Surplus/John Hasnas.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.S: 935-952.
148775 Corporate Moral Agency at the Convenience of Ethics and Law/Matthew Caulfield, William S. Laufer.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.S: 953-978.
148776 Corporate Human Rights Claims Under the ECHR/Turkuler Isiksel.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.S: 979-1005.
148777 Exploitation, Deontological Constraints, and Shareholder Theory/Robert C. Hughes.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2019; Vol.17, No.S: 1007-1026.
148778 The Problem of General Constitutional Law: Thomas McIntyre Cooley, Constitutional Limitations, and the Supreme Court of the United States, 1868-1878/Charles W. McCurdy.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.1: 1-12.
148779 Contracts, Constitutions, and Getting the Interpretation-Construction Distinction Right/Gregory Klass.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.1: 13-47.
148780 Cooley’s Constitutional Limitations and Constitutional Originalism/Lawrence B. Solum.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.1: 49-74.
148781 The Misunderstood Thomas Cooley: Regulation and Natural Rights from the Founding to the ICC/Joseph Postell.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.1: 75-103.
148782 Agency Deference after Kisor v. Wilkie/Paul J. Larkin.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.1: 105-147.
148783 There is a Better Way: Make Medicaid and Medicare More Like Social Security/Charles Silver, David A. Hyman.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.1: 149-179.
148784 Restoring the Essential Safeguard: Why the Abbott Test for Preclusion of Judicial Review of Agency Action Is an Inadequate Method for Protecting Separation of Powers/Michael Sebring.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.1: 181-206.
148785 Can a Presidential Pardon Trump an Article III Court’s Criminal Contempt Conviction? A Separation of Powers Analysis of President Trump’s Pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio/Sanya Shahrasbi.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.1: 207-226.
148786 Practice-Based Constitutional Law in an Era of Polarized Politics/Keith E. Whittington.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.2: 227-239.
148787 Originalism and Legitimacy/Scott Soames.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.2: 241-286.
148788 Themes from Fallon on Constitutional Theory/Lawrence B. Solum.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.2: 287-351.
148789 Considering Legitimacy/Gillian E. Metzger.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.2: 353-381.
148790 Author’s Response: Further Reflections on Law and Legitimacy in the Supreme Court/Richard H. Fallon, Jr.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.2: 383-420.
148791 The Janus-Faced Second Amendment: Looking Backward to the Renaissance, Forward to the Enlightenment/David T. Hardy.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.2: 421-449.
148792 Guiding Presidential Clemency Decision Making/Paul J. Larkin.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.2: 451-502.
148793 A Future without Human Driving/Guy Seidman, Aviv Gaon.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.2: 503-552.
148794 Insider Trading and the Primacy of the Legislature: Beyond Two Martomas/Jordan A. Pino.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.2: 553-582.
148795 Changing Against the Times: Against an Originalist Cruel and Unusual Jurisprudence/Blake Allen.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.2: 583-604.
148796 The Family vs. the State: Protecting the Rights of Parents to Raise and Educate Their Children/Charlotte P. Hopson.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.2: 605-626.
148797 The Ethics of Diversity in Transitional Justice/Colleen Murphy.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.2: 821-836.
148798 Ten Questions about Democracy/John Hasnas.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.S: 1-10.
148799 A Square Peg in a Round Hole: Democracy, Constitutionalism, and Citizen Sovereignty/Georg Vanberg.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.S: 1-13.
148800 Is Presidential Impeachment Like a Coup?/Keith E. Whittington.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.S: 1-27.
148801 The Ethics of Democracy/Alan Charles Kors.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.S: 1-10.
148802 Shared Agency and the Ethics of Democracy/Emilee Chapman.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.S: 1-25.
148803 Voting as a Duty of Common Pursuit/Julia Maskivker.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.S: 1-15.
148804 What’s So Funny about Voting Rights for Children?/Daniel Weinstock.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.S: 1-19.
148805 Democrats, Epistocrats, and the Enfranchisement Lottery/Claudio Lopez-Guerra.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.S: 1-13.
148806 Local Diversity and Polycentric Democracy/Ryan Muldoon.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.S: 1-14.
148807 Migration and Self-Determination/Ilya Somin.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.S: 1-28.
148808 The Promise and Peril of Single-Issue Legislatures/Alexander A. Guerrero.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.S: 1-29.
148809 Democracy and People over Profit/James R. Otteson.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.S: 1-15.
148810 What is Justice?/Erin I. Kelly.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.S: 1-12.
148811 Accommodating Transgender Athletes/Chris W. Surprenant.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2020; Vol.18, No.S: 1-8.
148812 McCulloch II: The Oft-Ignored Twin and Inherent Limits on Sovereign Power/Sanford Levinson.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2021; Vol.19, No.1: 1-23.
148813 McCulloch v. Maryland and the Incoherence of Enumerationism/David S. Schwartz.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2021; Vol.19, No.1: 25-71.
148814 Statutory Jurisdiction and Constitutional Orthodoxy in McCulloch, Cohens and Osborn/Kevin C. Walsh.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2021; Vol.19, No.1: 73-110.
148815 The Expanding Universe of McCulloch’s Known Unknowns/Eric Lomazoff.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2021; Vol.19, No.1: 111-143.
148816 Character, Credibility, and Rape Shield Rules/R. Michael Cassidy.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2021; Vol.19, No.1: 145-176.
148817 The Right to Armed Self-Defense in Light of Law Enforcement Abdication/David E. Bernstein.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2021; Vol.19, No.1: 177-209.
148818 Challenges to the Independence of Inspectors General in Robust Congressional Oversight/Fernando R. Laguarda.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2021; Vol.19, No.1: 211-262.
148819 Originalism: Can Theory and Supreme Court Practice be Reconciled?/Megan Cairns.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2021; Vol.19, No.1: 263-279.
148820 Reviving Elusive Rights: State Constitutional Unenumerated Rights Clauses as Bounded Guarantors of Fundamental Liberties/Brennan Mancil.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2021; Vol.19, No.1: 281-315.
148821 Rejecting the Confirmation Process: Modern Standards for Investigating Nominees to the Supreme Court/Nathan A. Williams.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2021; Vol.19: 317-338.
148822 Divining Joseph’s Dreams: The Founders, Executive Power in Foreign Affairs, and the Lowest Ebb/Rodolfo Martinez-Don.- Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy. 2021; Vol.19, No.1: 339-361.
148823 Leaving the Union: Brexit and Complex Constitutionalism in Northern Ireland/Colin Harvey.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2016-2017; Vol.11-12: 5-21.
148824 The Processes of the Unfinished Businesses of the Good Friday/Belfast Agreement: An All-Island Charter of Rights and the Northern Ireland Bill of Rights/Anne Smith, Leo Green.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2016-2017; Vol.11-12: 23-50.
148825 Crossing the Irish Land Border after Brexit: The Common Travel Area and the Challenge of Trade/Imelda Maher.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2016-2017; Vol.11-12: 51-69.
148826 The Implications of the Good Friday Agreement for UK Human Rights Reform/Crg Murray, Aoife O’donoghue, Ben Tc Warwick.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2016-2017; Vol.11-12: 71-96.
148827 NATO-EU Relations: An International Law Perspective/Steven Hill, David Lemetayer.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2016-2017; Vol.11-12: 97-103.
148828 Irish State Practice on the Law of the Sea 2015 and 2016/Ronan Long.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2016-2017; Vol.11-12: 107-138.
148829 Human Rights in Ireland 2016-2017/Sandra Duffy.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2016-2017; Vol.11-12: 139-164.
148830 Human Rights in Northern Ireland 2016 and 2017/Esther Mcguinness.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2016-2017; Vol.11-12: 165-195.
148831 Ireland and the European Union 2016 and 2017/Roderic O’gorman.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2016-2017; Vol.11-12: 197-218.
148832 Ireland and International Law 2016 and 2017/Dug Cubie.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2016-2017; Vol.11-12: 219-241.
148833 Troubled Waters: The Legal Issues Inherent in the Irish Defence Forces’ Role in the Mediterranean Migrant Crisis/Patrick Burke.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.10: 11-22.
148834 Human Rights Adrift? Enabling the Disembarkation of Migrants to a Place of Safety in the Mediterranean/Kristof Gombeer.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.10: 23-55.
148835 The International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue: Legal Mechanisms of Responsibility Sharing and Cooperation in the Context of Sea Migration?/Ainhoa Campas Velasco.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.10: 57-86.
148836 Comparing Cooperation on Migration Control: Italy-Libya and Australia-Indonesia/Francesca Mussi, Nikolas Feith Tan.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.10: 87-108.
148837 Left to Die at Sea: State Responsibility for the May 2015 Thai, Indonesian and Malaysian Pushback Operations/Brid Ni Ghrainne.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.10: 109-131.
148838 A Lesser Evil? The European Agenda on Migration and the Use of Aid Funding for Migration Control/Daria Davitti, Annamaria La Chimia.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.10: 133-162.
148839 Human Rights in Northern Ireland 2015/Brice Dickson.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.10: 165-196.
148840 Human Rights in Ireland 2015/Fiona O’regan.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.10: 197-239.
148841 Ireland and International Law 2015/Dug Cubie.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.10: 241-263.
148842 Ireland and the European Union 2015/Roderic O’gorman.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.10: 265-280.
148843 The Rights of Migrants and Refugees under the European Convention on Human Rights: Where are we now?/Paulo Pinto De Albuquerque.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.13: 5-22.
148844 Sixty Years of Irish Peacekeeping – Lessons for the Future/Ray Murphy.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.13: 25-38.
148845 Gender Planning for Peace and Security: Re-orienting National Action Plans/Aisling Swaine.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.13: 39-65.
148846 EUNAVFOR MED Operation Sophia – An Impossible Challenge?/Patrick Burke.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.13: 67-78.
148847 Arise, Sleeping Beauty: What PESCO means for Ireland/Pearce Clancy.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.13: 79-98.
148848 The Human Rights Jurisdictional Reach – A New Entry Point in Peace Operations – An Operational Perspective/Richard Brennan.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.13: 99-115.
148849 Human Rights in Ireland 2018/Sandra Duffy.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.13: 119-133.
148850 Ireland and International Law 2018/Dug Cubie.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.13: 135-160.
148851 Ireland and the European Union 2018/Adam P Mccann.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.13: 161-177.
148852 Human Rights in Northern Ireland 2018/Esther McGuinness.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.13: 179-204.
148853 A Human Rights-Based Approach to Trafficking in Persons in Conflict Situations/Maria Grazia Giammarinaro.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.14: 7-20.
148854 Embedding Business and Human Rights in Ireland: Legislating for Human Rights Due Diligence/Shane Darcy.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.14: 21-53.
148855 Was Rockall Conquered? An Application of the Law of Territory to a Rock in the North Atlantic Ocean/Rian Derrig.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.14: 55-70.
148856 Human Rights in Ireland 2019/Sandra Duffy.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.14: 73-83.
148857 Human Rights in Northern Ireland 2019/Esther Mcguiness.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.14: 85-108.
148858 Ireland and International Law 2019/Dug Cubie.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.14: 109-136.
148859 Ireland in the European Union 2019/Ronan R Condon.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.14: 137-156.
148860 Military Assistance and State Responsibility for in Bello Violations during Non-international Armed Conflicts/Saeed Bagheri.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.15: 7-29.
148861 Due Diligence in International Law: Cause for Optimism?/Adedayo Akingbade.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.15: 31-53.
148862 The Fine Line between Non-international Armed Conflicts and Internal Disturbances and a Call for the Revival of the Concept of Fundamental Standards of Humanity/Eliza Walsh.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.15: 55-82.
148863 Human Rights in Ireland 2020/Pearce Clancy.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.15: 85-112.
148864 Ireland and International Law 2020/Michael A Becker.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.15: 113-141.
148865 Irish State Practice on the Law of the Sea 2020/Rian Derrig.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.15: 143-174.
148866 Ireland and the European Union 2020/Ronan R Condon.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.15: 175-200.
148867 Human Rights in Northern Ireland 2020/Esther Mcguinness.- Irish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; Vol.15: 201-235.
148868 Individual and Collective Identity: Factual Givens and Their Legal Reflection in International Law. Words in Commemoration of Krzysztof Skubiszewski/Christian Tomuschat.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2017; No.XXXVII: 11-34.
148869 Past Conflicts, Present Uncertainty: Legal Answers to the Quest for Information on Missing Persons and Victims of Enforced Disappearance. Three Case Studies from the European Context/Alessandra La Vaccara.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2017; No.XXXVII: 35-69.
148870 The Rule of Law Promotion Through Trade in the Associated Eastern Neighbourhood/Maryna Rabinovych.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2017; No.XXXVII: 71-100.
148871 Changing Evidentiary Rules to the Detriment of the Accused? The Ruto and Sang Decision of the ICC Appeals Chamber/Hanna Kuczynska.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2017; No.XXXVII: 101-123.
148872 Is the Court of Justice Afraid of International Jurisdictions?/Maciej Szpunar.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2017; No.XXXVII: 125-141.
148873 Member States’ Interests and EU Law: Filtering, Moderating and Transforming?/Marton Varju.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2017; No.XXXVII: 143-162.
148874 European Ghost Airports: EU Law Failure or Policy Failure? The Need for economic Analysis in State Aid Law/Jakub Kociubinski.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2017; No.XXXVII: 163-183.
148875 A New Chapter in the EU Counterterrorism Policy? The Main Changes Introduced by the Directive 2017/541 on Combating Terrorism/Justyna Maliszewska-Nienartowicz.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2017; No.XXXVII: 185-201.
148876 Insolvency Forum Shopping – What Can Be Learned from the ECJ and US Supreme Court Case Law on International Company Law and Insolvency Procedures?/Miros awa Myszke-Nowakowska.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2017; No.XXXVII: 203-222.
148877 Systematicity of General Principles of (International) Law – An Outline/Artur Koz owski.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2017; No.XXXVII: 225-234.
148878 General Principles of Law: The Gentle Guardians of Systemic Integration of International Law/Roman Kwiecien.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2017; No.XXXVII: 235-242.
148879 General Principles of Law in Public International Law/Przemyslaw Saganek.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2017; No.XXXVII: 243-253.
148880 Some Remarks on the Role of General Principles in the Interpretation and Application of International Customary and Treaty Law/Izabela Skomerska-Muchowska.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2017; No.XXXVII: 255-272.
148881 Act of 18 December 1998 on the Institute of National Remembrance – Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nationas as a Ground for Prosecution of Crimes against Humanity, War Crimes and Crimes against Peace/Karolina Wierczynska.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2017; No.XXXVII: 275-286.
148882 Amendments of January 2018 to the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance – Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation in Light of International Law/Patrycja Grzebyk.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2017; No.XXXVII: 287-300.
148883 Uses and Underuses of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination at the International Court of Justice/Michal Balcerzak.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2018; No.XXXVIII: 11-27.
148884 Endogenous and Exogenous Limits of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance/Marek Jan Wasinski.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2018; No.XXXVIII: 29-57.
148885 Law-Secured Narratives of the Past in Poland in Light of International Human Rights Law Standards/Aleksandra Gliszczynska-Grabias, Grazyna Baranowska, Anna Wojcik.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2018; No.XXXVIII: 59-72.
148886 Summary Procedure before the Strasbourg Court under Article 28(1)b of the European Convention on Human Rights: Judicial Economy under Scrutiny/Sanja Djajic, Rodoljub Etinski.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2018; No.XXXVIII: 73-98.
148887 The Method of New Positivism as Elaborated by Ludwik Ehrlich/Andrii Hachkevych.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2018; No.XXXVIII: 99-113.
148888 A Brave, New, International Investment Court in Context. Towards a Paradigm Shift of the ISDS/Lukasz Kulaga.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2018; No.XXXVIII: 115-139.
148889 Protection of Polish Investors under the China-Poland Bilateral Investment Treaty/Peng Wang, Maciej Zenkiewicz.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2018; No.XXXVIII: 141-163.
148890 Article 7 TEU: A Commentary on a Much Talked-about Dead Provision/Dimitry Kochenov.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2018; No.XXXVIII: 165-187.
148891 Constitutional Courts and the Implementation of EU Directives: A Comparative Analysis/Aleksandra Kustra-Rogatka.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2018; No.XXXVIII: 189-208.
148892 Protection of Personal Data of Crime Victims in European Union Law – Latest Developments/Agnieszka Grzelak.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2018; No.XXXVIII: 209-228.
148893 The Single Resolution Mechanism in Action. An Analysis of the Decision-making Practice of the Single Resolution Board/Maciej Podgorski.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2018; No.XXXVIII: 229-252.
148894 The Dual/Multiple Nature of Plain and Intelligible Language of UnfairTerms in Consumer Contracts under European Law and Its Polish Transposition/Piotr Sitnik.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2018; No.XXXVIII: 253-272.
148895 Cross-border Transfer of a Seat, Cross-border Conversion or the Coming into Existence of a New Company? Doubts Against the Background of the Court of Justice’s Judgment in C-106/16 Polbud – Wykonawstwo Sp. z o.o./Sylwia Majkowska-Szulc, Arkadiusz Wowerka.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2018; No.XXXVIII: 275-289.
148896 Krzysztof Skubiszewski and the Right to Self-determination: Past and Future/Peter Hilpold.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2019; No.XXXIX: 21-35.
148897 The Sources of General International Law in the Recent Works of the International Law Commission/Przemyslaw Saganek.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2019; No.XXXIX: 37-60.
148898 International Courts, Unrecognised Entities and Individuals: Coherence through Judicial Dialogue?/Anna Czaplinska.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2019; No.XXXIX: 61-87.
148899 International Law at the Saint Volodymyr Imperial University of Kyiv in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries/Kostiantyn Savchuk.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2019; No.XXXIX: 89-110.
148900 Legal Obligations of Poland Regarding the Restitution of Private Property Taken during World War II and by the Communist Regime in Light of the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights/Aleksandra Mezykowska.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2019; No.XXXIX: 111-134.
148901 Reckoning with the Communist Past in Poland Thirty Years After the Regime Change in the Light of the European Convention on Human Rights/Anna Wojcik.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2019; No.XXXIX: 135-157.
148902 The Principles of Subsidiarity and Effectiveness: Two Pillars of an Effective Remedy for Excessive Length of Proceedings within the Meaning of Article 13 ECHR/Elzbieta Morawska.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2019; No.XXXIX: 159-185.
148903 Conformity of the Act on the Polish Card with International Law from the Perspective of the Constitutional Court of Belarus/Wojciech Burek.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2019; No.XXXIX: 187-207.
148904 The Impact of Achmea on Investor-State Arbitration under Intra-EU BITs: A Treaty Law Perspective/Konstantina Georgaki, Thomas-Nektarios Papanastasiou.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2019; No.XXXIX: 209-226.
148905 Implementing Achmea: The Quest for Fundamental Change in International Investment Law/Lukasz Kulaga.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2019; No.XXXIX: 227-250.
148906 Jurisdiction of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union and Its Role in the Development of the Eurasian Legal Order: One Step Back and Two Steps Forward/Tatsiana Mikhaliova.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2019; No.XXXIX: 251-264.
148907 Effectiveness of EU Directives in National Courts – Judicial Dialogue Continues: The Court of Justice’s Judgment in C-545/17 Pawlak/Dawid Miasik, Monika Szwarc.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2019; No.XXXIX: 267-284.
148908 The role of yearbooks of international law in the Central European countries/Pavel Sturma.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; No.XL: 11-19.
148909 Remarks on Zasada efektywnosci w prawie miedzynarodowym [Principle of effectiveness in international law] by Janusz Symonides: On the anniversary of the conclusion of the Polish-German Treaties of 1950, 1970 and 1990/Wladys aw Czaplinski.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; No.XL: 23-38.
148910 Pactum de negotiando and pactum de contrahendo as international obligations in the present international law/Cezary Mik.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; No.XL: 39-59.
148911 Challenging constant ambiguity: Modern legal approaches to asylum/Michal Kowalski.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; No.XL: 61-77.
148912 The UN Security Council and international terrorism/Bartlomiej Krzan.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; No.XL: 79-92.
148913 Special character of human rights obligations and the jurisdiction of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in the Palestine v. Israel case/Michal Balcerzak.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; No.XL: 93-108.
148914 The development of the international law concerning the protection of underwater cultural heritage: remarks on the occasion of the accession of Poland to the 2001 UNESCO convention/Konrad Marciniak.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; No.XL: 109-127.
148915 What do cross-currents mean in international law: From Albert Venn Dicey to Ludwik Ehrlich. Some remarks on fragmentation/Andrii Hachkevych.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; No.XL: 131-149.
148916 Socioeconomic precariousness in times of COVID-19: A human rights quandary under the ECHR/Sarah Ganty.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; No.XL: 151-177.
148917 Human rights and the protection of stateless persons in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights/Dorota Pudzianowska, Piotr Korzec.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; No.XL: 179-195.
148918 De facto power grab in context: upgrading Rule of Law in Europe in populist times/Dimitry Vladimirovich Kochenov.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; No.XL: 197-208.
148919 A negative synergy – a review of direct subsidization mechanisms for scheduled air services following the COVID-19 pandemic in EU law and prospects for improvement/Jakub Kociubinski.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; No.XL: 209-227.
148920 Reaffirmation of the direct horizontal effect of the general principle of non-discrimination in EU law: Comment on the Case C-193/17 Cresco Investigation GmbH v. Markus Achatzi/Justyna Maliszewska-Nienartowicz.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; No.XL: 229-241.
148921 Germany et al. v. Philipp et al.: human rights exception to state immunity rejected/Aleksander Gubrynowicz.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; No.XL: 243-253.
148922 International tort law in Vietnam – Taking stock and the case for reform/Luong Duc Doan, Trinh Thi Hong Nguyen.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; No.XL: 255-271.
148923 The execution of European Arrest Warrants issued by Polish courts in the context of the CJEU Rule of Law case law/Przemyslaw Saganek.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; No.XL: 275-295.
148924 Documents issued by unrecognized entities – the approach of the Polish courts: Comment on the judgment of the Supreme Court of 25 June 2020, Ref. No. I N SNC 48/19/Szymon Zareba.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2020; No.XL: 297-308.
148925 The Relevance of Time in International Law/Christian Tomuschat.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2021; No.XLI: 9-30.
148926 The 1970 Warsaw Treaty and the Challenges of Interpretative Declarations in International Treaty Law/Stefanie Schmahl.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2021; No.XLI: 31-43.
148927 Continuity and Succession of States: The Fate of Pre-War Germany and Its Implications for the 1970 Treaty of Warsaw/Robert Uerpmann-Wittzack.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2021; No.XLI: 45-56.
148928 The German-Polish Treaties of 1970 and 1990/1991 and the Question of Reparations/Stephan Hobe.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2021; No.XLI: 57-62.
148929 Minority Protection in German-Polish Relations – Historical Influence and Current Relevance/Andreas Kulick.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2021; No.XLI: 63-79.
148930 The German-Polish Cultural Property Debate – Can Pragmatic Solutions Overcome a Convoluted Controversy?/Hans-Georg Dederer, Markus P. Beham.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2021; No.XLI: 81-92.
148931 The Polish-German Border in the Light of the 2+4 Treaty and the Polish-German Treaty on the Confirmation of the Border between Them/Jan Barcz.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2021; No.XLI: 93-104.
148932 State Boundaries and Third States – Issue of Opposability. Remarks on the Polish-West German Normalization Treaty of 1970/Wladyslaw Czaplinski.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2021; No.XLI: 105-119.
148933 War Reparations and Individual Claims in the Context of Polish-German Relations/Jerzy Kranz.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2021; No.XLI: 121-141.
148934 Escalation of the Conflict between Russia and Ukraine in 2022 in Light of the Law on Use of Force and International Humanitarian Law/Patrycja Grzebyk.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2021; No.XLI: 145-162.
148935 How to Resolve the Territorial Conflicts in Ukraine: Uti Possidetis Juris and an International Law-based Proposal for Power-sharing/Tero Lundstedt.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2021; No.XLI: 163-191.
148936 Pushbacks in Poland: Grounding the Practice in Domestic Law in 2021/Grazyna Baranowska.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2021; No.XLI: 193-211.
148937 The Missing Post-Holocaust Traces in Recent Case Law of the European Courts/Aleksandra Gliszczynska-Grabias.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2021; No.XLI: 213-234.
148938 Special Jurisdiction in Infringements of Personality Rights/Marek Swierczynski, Remigijus Jokubauskas.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2021; No.XLI: 235-251.
148939 Statement of Polish International Lawyers Concerning the Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.- Polish Yearbook of International Law. 2021; No.XLI: 255-274.
148940 The Collective Right to Indigenous Property in the Jurisprudence of Regional Human Rights Bodies/Erika de Wet.- South African yearbook of international law. 2015; Vol.40: 1-28.
148941 The Future of Bilateral Investment Treaties between China and Africa/Xiuli Han.- South African yearbook of international law. 2015; Vol.40: 29-57.
148942 Birth, Marriage and Death at Sea in South African Law/Patrick Vrancken, Frans Marx.- South African yearbook of international law. 2015; Vol.40: 58-102.
148943 Failed States: The New Challenge to International Law/George Barrie.- South African yearbook of international law. 2015; Vol.40: 103-131.
148944 Back to Basics: The Path to Enhancing African Adherence to International Humanitarian Law/Mutsa Mangezi, Sarah Swart.- South African yearbook of international law. 2015; Vol.40: 132-159.
148945 Resolving Double Tax Treaty Disputes: The Challenges of Mutual Agreement Procedure with a Special Focus on Addressing the Concerns of Developing Countries in Africa – The South African and Ugandan Experience/Annet Wanyana Oguttu.- South African yearbook of international law. 2015; Vol.40: 160-201.
148946 Progressively Developing and Codifying International Law: The Work of The International Law Commission in its Sixty-Seventh Session/Dire Tladi.- South African yearbook of international law. 2015; Vol.40: 205-222.
148947 The Work of the Sixth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly in 2014 and 2015/Arnold Pronto.- South African yearbook of international law. 2015; Vol.40: 223-243.
148948 Highlights from the Office of the Chief State Law Advisor (International Law)/Sandea De Wet.- South African yearbook of international law. 2015; Vol.40: 244-259.
148949 Shifting Sand and Shifting Jurisdiction: Sea Level Change and its Implications for Maritime Sovereignty in Southern Africa/Vishal Surbun.- South African yearbook of international law. 2015; Vol.40: 263-280.
148950 Assessing the Legality of Coalition Air Strikes Targeting the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) in Syria under International Law/Dire Tladi, Maryam Shaqra.- South African yearbook of international law. 2015; Vol.40: 281-296.
148951 International Relations, Foreign Policies and State Identity: South Africa (2015)/Dirk Kotze.- South African yearbook of international law. 2015; Vol.40: 299-318.
148952 How the Use of Force against Non-state Actors Transformed the Law of Self-defence after 9/11/Alabo Ozubide.- South African yearbook of international law. 2016; Vol.41: 1-29.
148953 The African Growth and Opportunity Act: A Poisoned Chalice Handed to South Africa?/Olufemi Oluyeju, Michael Mafu.- South African yearbook of international law. 2016; Vol.41: 30-72.
148954 Armed Conflicts and the Lex Specialis Debate in Africa: Implications of the Emerging Women’s and Children’s-rights Regimes/James Fowkes.- South African yearbook of international law. 2016; Vol.41: 73-96.
148955 Africa’s Integrated Maritime Strategy and the Law of the Sea/Patrick Vrancken.- South African yearbook of international law. 2016; Vol.41: 97-125.
148956 The First Cultural-property Conviction at the ICC: An Analysis of the Al Mahdi Judgment/Emma Charlene Lubaale.- South African yearbook of international law. 2016; Vol.41: 126-161.
148957 Progressively Developing and Codifying International Law: The Work of the International Law Commission in its 68th Session/Dire Tladi.- South African yearbook of international law. 2016; Vol.41: 165-183.
148958 Highlights from the Office of the Chief State Law Advisor (International Law)/Sandea de Wet.- South African yearbook of international law. 2016; Vol.41: 184-199.
148959 A Synopsis of the International Law Commission’s Final Report on the Obligation to Extradite or Prosecute/George Barrie.- South African yearbook of international law. 2016; Vol.41: 203-211.
148960 A Shrewd Awakening: The Mobilisation of South African Civil Society in the Al Bashir Matter/Mia Swart, Chelsea Ramsden.- South African yearbook of international law. 2016; Vol.41: 215-241.
148961 Democratic Alliance v Minister of International Relations and Cooperation 2017 (3) SA 212 (GP)/Hendrik Johannes Lubbe.- South African yearbook of international law. 2016; Vol.41: 242-253.
148962 The Prohibition of Terrorism as a Jus Cogens Norm/Aniel de beer, Dire Tladi.- South African yearbook of international law. 2017; Vol.11: 1-41.
148963 The Intensity Threshold in Article 8(2)(f) of The Rome Statute: The Conundrum Created by the Term Protracted Armed Conflict and the Possibility of a New Category of Non-International Armed Conflict/Martha M bradley.- South African yearbook of international law. 2017; Vol.11: 42-79.
148964 A New Era for International Criminal Law: Rethinking the Definitions of Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide through the Scope of its Evolution as an Outgrowth of War Crimes/Mispa Roux.- South African yearbook of international law. 2017; Vol.11: 80-118.
148965 The United Nations System and the Realisation of the Right to Development: Challenges and Opportunities/Serges Djoyou Kamga.- South African yearbook of international law. 2017; Vol.11: 119-142.
148966 A Critical Review of the Incorporation of SOLAS Survey and Certification Standards in South African Law/Denning Ngomele Metuge.- South African yearbook of international law. 2017; Vol.11: 143-168.
148967 Africa and the Continental Shelf Beyond 200 Nautical Miles: Developments and Challenges/Siqhamo Yamkela Ntola.- South African yearbook of international law. 2017; Vol.11: 169-199.
148968 Reflections on the UN Working Groups on Human Rights and Transnational Corporations/Yolandi Meyer.- South African yearbook of international law. 2017; Vol.11: 200-219.
148969 OECD Multilateral Instrument on Treaty-Related BEPS Measures: Benefits, Challenges and Recommended Options for South Africa and other Developing Countries/Annet Wanyana Oguttu.- South African yearbook of international law. 2017; Vol.11: 220-265.
148970 Immunities, Crimes Against Humanity and other Topics in the 69th Session of the International Law Commission/Dire Tladi.- South African yearbook of international law. 2017; Vol.11: 269-288.
148971 The Work of the Sixth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly in 2016 and 2017/Arnold N Pronto.- South African yearbook of international law. 2017; Vol.11: 290-319.
148972 Highlights from the Office of the Chief State Law Advisor (International Law)/Sandea De Wet.- South African yearbook of international law. 2017; Vol.11: 320-340.
148973 A Sin Committed by the (Suspended) SADC Tribunal: The Erosion of State Sovereignty in the SADC Region/Moses Retselisitsoe Phooko.- South African yearbook of international law. 2018; Vol.43: 1-19.
148974 The Principle of Non-Refoulement in South Africa and the Exclusion from Refugee Status of Asylum Seekers who have Committed Offences Abroad: A Comment on Gavric v Refugee Status Determination Officer, Cape Town and Others/Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi.- South African yearbook of international law. 2018; Vol.43: 20-46.
148975 The Historical Development of International Organisations with Separate Legal Personality since the 19th Century/Michelle Frances Diers.- South African yearbook of international law. 2018; Vol.43: 47-70.
148976 The Unsettled Question of Al-Bashir’s Immunity: A Case Note on the ICC Minority Opinion of Judge Perrin de Brichambaut/Isabeau Steytler.- South African yearbook of international law. 2018; Vol.43: 71-99.
148977 The International Law Commission is 70 … Staying with the Old and Playing with the New? Reflections on the Work of the Commission during its Commemorative Year/Dire Tladi.- South African yearbook of international law. 2018; Vol.43: 100-118.
148978 The Requirement of Awareness as a Precondition for the Existence of a Legal Dispute under Article 36(2) of the Statute of the ICJ/George Barrie.- South African yearbook of international law. 2018; Vol.43: 121-130.
148979 South Africa and International Law: A Tribute to John Dugard/James Crawford.- South African yearbook of international law. 2018; Vol.43: 135-154.
148980 A Greener International Law: International Legal Responses to the Global Environmental Crisis/Daniella Dam-de Jong, Fabian Amtenbrink.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2021; Vol.52: 3-17.
148981 Remedies for Climate Change – A Decisive Push Towards Paris?/Fin-Jasper Langmack.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2021; Vol.52: 19-45.
148982 The Rights of Nature as a Legal Response to the Global Environmental Crisis? A Critical Review of International Law’s Greening Agenda/Jeremie Gilbert … [et al.].- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2021; Vol.52: 47-73.
148983 Greening the Law of Environmental Protection in Armed Conflicts/Stavros-Evdokimos Pantazopoulos.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2021; Vol.52: 75-99.
148984 From Anthropos to Oikos in International Criminal Law: A Critical-Theoretical Exploration of Ecocide as an Ecocentric Amendment to the Rome Statute/Merle Kooijman.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2021; Vol.52: 101-130.
148985 Greening International Investment Agreements/Jason Rudall.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2021; Vol.52: 133-160.
148986 Climate Justice and The Greening of Investment Arbitration/Aniruddha Rajput.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2021; Vol.52: 161-189.
148987 The International Regulation and Coordination of Sustainable Finance/Nathan de Arriba-Sellier.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2021; Vol.52: 191-222.
148988 A Coalition of the Committed – Climate Protection of Central Banks Through the Central Bank Supervisors Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) from a Perspective of Global Administrative Law/Jan-Henrik Hinselmann.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2021; Vol.52: 223-250.
148989 Ziada vs Gantz and Eshel: A Civilian Claimant Between Ship and Shore in The Netherlands/Kate Clark.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2021; Vol.52: 253-280.
148990 Reimagining the Energy Corporation: Milieudefensie and Others v Royal Dutch Shell Plc/Phillip Paiement.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2021; Vol.52: 281-299.
148991 Syrian War Crimes Trials in The Netherlands: Claiming Universal Jurisdiction Over Terrorist Offences and the War Crime of Outrages Upon Personal Dignity of the Dead/Lachezar Yanev.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2021; Vol.52: 301-326.
148992 Armed Groups, Rebel Coalitions, and Transnational Groups: The Degree of Organization Required from Non-State Armed Groups to Become Party to a Non-International Armed Conflict/Tilman Rodenhauser.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2016; Vol.19: 3-35.
148993 Welcome on Board: Improving Respect for International Humanitarian Law Through the Engagement of Armed Non-State Actors/Annyssa Bellal.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2016; Vol.19: 37-61.
148994 Compliance with International Humanitarian Law by Non-State Armed Groups: How Can It Be Improved?/Hyeran Jo.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2016; Vol.19: 63-88.
148995 Crime-Based Targeted Sanctions: Promoting Respect for International Humanitarian Law by the Security Council/Hilde D. Roskam.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2016; Vol.19: 89-117.
148996 Engaging Armed Groups Through the Development of Human Rights Obligations: Incorporating Practice, Motivation and Ideology to Promote Compliance with International Law/Daragh Murray.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2016; Vol.19: 119-155.
148997 Armed Groups and Procedural Accountability: A Roadmap for Further Thought/Katharine Fortin.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2016; Vol.19: 157-180.
148998 Knock on the Roof: Legitimate Warning or Method of Warfare?/Jeroen C. van den Boogaard.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2016; Vol.19: 183-209.
148999 Year in Review 2016/Kate Pitcher, Sophie van der Valk, Genevieve Girard.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2016; Vol.19: 211-286.
149000 Final Report ILA Study Group on the Conduct of Hostilities.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2016; Vol.19: 287-336.
149001 The Role of Non-State Armed Groups in the Development and Interpretation of International Humanitarian Law/Heleen Hiemstra, Ellen Nohle.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2017; Vol.20: 4-35.
149002 A Fine Line Between Protection and Humanisation: The Interplay Between the Scope of Application of International Humanitarian Law and Jurisdiction over Alleged War Crimes Under International Criminal Law/Rogier Bartels.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2017; Vol.20: 37-74.
149003 The Notion of External NIACs: Reconsidering the Intensity Threshold in Light of Contemporary Armed Conflicts/Samit D’Cunha.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2017; Vol.20: 75-112.
149004 Towards a Counter-Hegemonic Law of Occupation: On the Regulation of Predatory Interstate Acts in Contemporary International Law/Valentina Azarova.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2017; Vol.20: 113-160.
149005 Precautions in Attack and Urban and Siege Warfare/Jeroen C. van den Boogaard, Arjen Vermeer.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2017; Vol.20: 163-198.
149006 Targeting the Islamic State’s Religious Personnel Under International Humanitarian Law/Till Patrik Holterhus.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2017; Vol.20: 199-228.
149007 Are the Targets of Aerial Spraying Operations in Colombia Lawful Under International Humanitarian Law?/Hector Olasolo, Felipe Tenorio-Obando.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2017; Vol.20: 229-252.
149008 Year in Review 2017/Beier Lin, Marie Wilmet, Charlotte Renckens.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2017; Vol.20: 255-328.
149009 The Demands of Future Operations and the Promise of Non- or Less-Lethal Weapons/Mirko Sossai.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2018; Vol.21: 3-22.
149010 The Status of Nuclear Deterrence Under International Law in Light of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons/Stuart Casey-Maslen.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2018; Vol.21: 23-57.
149011 Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems and Their Compatibility with International Humanitarian Law: A Primer on the Debate/Matthias Brenneke.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2018; Vol.21: 59-98.
149012 The Law of Armed Conflict Issues Created by Programming Automatic Target Recognition Systems Using Deep Learning Methods/Joshua G. Hughes.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2018; Vol.21: 99-135.
149013 Ordinances and Articles of War Before the Lieber Code, 866-1863: The Long Pre-History of International Humanitarian Law/Beatrice Heuser.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2018; Vol.21: 139-164.
149014 Year in Review 2018/Kilian Roithmaier, Monika Tobjasz, Pauline Bove.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2018; Vol.21: 165-260.
149015 Evolution of the International Humanitarian Law Provisions on Sieges/Agnieszka Szpak.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2019; Vol.22: 3-27.
149016 Towards a Better Understanding of the Concept of Indiscriminate Attack – How International Criminal Law Can Be of Assistance/Harmen van der Wilt.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2019; Vol.22: 29-42.
149017 Double Trouble: The Cumulative Approach and the Support-Based Approach in the Relationship Between Non-State Armed Groups/Marten Zwanenburg.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2019; Vol.22: 43-61.
149018 The Rebel with the Magnifying Glass: Armed Non-State Actors, the Right to Life and the Requirement to Investigate in Armed Conflict/Joshua Joseph Niyo.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2019; Vol.22: 63 106.
149019 A Bird’s-Eye View on Compliance with the Law of Armed Conflict 70 Years After the Adoption of the Geneva Conventions/Jann K. Kleffner.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2019; Vol.22: 107-124.
149020 Not the Usual Suspects: Religious Leaders as Influencers of International Humanitarian Law Compliance/Ioana Cismas, Ezequiel Heffes.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2019; Vol.22: 125-149.
149021 Appellate Deference Versus the De Novo Analysis of Evidence: The Decision of the Appeals Chamber in Prosecutor v Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo/Aniel de Beer, Martha Bradley.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2019; Vol.22: 153-185.
149022 Year in Review 2019/Kilian Roithmaier, Taylor Woodcock, Eve Dima.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2019; Vol.22: 187-280.
149023 Des-Encanto: Latin America and International Humanitarian Law/Alonso Gurmendi Dunkelberg.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2021; Vol.24: 3-30.
149024 Rites of Affirmation: The Past, Present, and Future of International Humanitarian Law/Rotem Giladi.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2021; Vol.24: 33-70.
149025 Prisoners of War, Taking of Hostages and the Colombian Armed Conflict: Challenges Arising Out of Conflictive Understandings of IHL by Different Actors in Particular Contexts/Juana Ines Acosta-Lopez, Ana Idarraga.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2021; Vol.24: 71-101.
149026 Read the Room: Legal and Emotional Literacy in Frontline Humanitarian Negotiations/Rebecca Sutton.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2021; Vol.24: 103-139.
149027 Wars with and for Humanity/Craig Jones, Nisha Shah.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2021; Vol.24: 143-164.
149028 The Peace Movement and Grassroots International Law/Doreen Lustig.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2021; Vol.24: 165-180.
149029 Emancipation, Humanity, and Peace: A Response/Samuel Moyn.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2021; Vol.24: 181-189.
149030 Year in Review 2021/James Patrick Sexton, Florent Beurret, Nathan O’Regan.- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 2021; Vol.24: 193-277.
149031 EU Values Are Law, after All: Enforcing EU Values through Systemic Infringement Actions by the European Commission and the Member States of the European Union/Kim Lane Scheppele, Dimitry Vladimirovich Kochenov, Barbara Grabowska-Moroz.- Yearbook of European Law. 2020; Vol.39: 3-121.
149032 The End – or a New Beginning? The EU/UK Withdrawal Agreement/Steve Peers.- Yearbook of European Law. 2020; Vol.39: 122-198.
149033 Fundamental Rights and Democratic Sovereignty in the EU: The Role of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU (CFREU) in Regulating the European Social Market Economy/Oliver Gerstenberg.- Yearbook of European Law. 2020; Vol.39: 199-227.
149034 Use and Abuse of a Promising Concept: What Has Happened to National Constitutional Identity?/Giuseppe Martinico, Oreste Pollicino.- Yearbook of European Law. 2020; Vol.39: 228-249.
149035 Re-constituting the Internal Market: Towards a Common Law of International Trade?/Robert Schutze.- Yearbook of European Law. 2020; Vol.39: 250-292.
149036 Defining Family Members of EU Citizens and the Circumstances under Which They Can Rely on EU Law/Georgios Milios.- Yearbook of European Law. 2020; Vol.39: 293-319.
149037 What is Competition Law? – Measuring EU Member States’ Leeway to Regulate Platform-to-Business Agreements/Jens-Uwe Franck, Nils Stock.- Yearbook of European Law. 2020; Vol.39: 320-386.
149038 European Consumer Law after the New Deal: A Tryptich/Mateusz Grochowski.- Yearbook of European Law. 2020; Vol.39: 387-422.
149039 Direct Consumer Influence – The Missing Strategy to Integrate Data Privacy Preferences into the Market/Adrian Kuenzler.- Yearbook of European Law. 2020; Vol.39: 423-458.
149040 Making the Case for a Rome V Regulation on the Law Applicable to Companies/Carsten Gerner-Beuerle … [et al.].- Yearbook of European Law. 2020; Vol.39: 459-496.
149041 EFSA under Revision: Transparency and Sustainability in the Food Chain/Luca Leone.- Yearbook of European Law. 2020; Vol.39: 536-568.
149042 Informalization of EU Bilateral Instruments: Categorization, Contestation, and Challenges/Andrea Ott.- Yearbook of European Law. 2020; Vol.39: 569-601.
149043 Switzerland-EU Bilateral Agreements, the Incorporation of EU Law and the Continuous Erosion of Democratic Rights/Matthias Oesch.- Yearbook of European Law. 2020; Vol.39: 602-639.
149044 The Future of Europe after Brexit: Towards a Reform of the European Union and its Euro Area/Christian Calliess.- Yearbook of European Law. 2021; Vol.40: 3-55.
149045 The Liminal European: Subject to the EU Legal Order/Floris de Witte.- Yearbook of European Law. 2021; Vol.40: 56-81.
149046 The Past and Future of the Right to Petition the European Parliament/Nikos Vogiatzis.- Yearbook of European Law. 2021; Vol.40: 82-110.
149047 Regulatory Agencies and Private Damages in the EU: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice/Olha O. Cherednychenko.- Yearbook of European Law. 2021; Vol.40: 146-171.
149048 The Private Administrative Law of Technical Standardization/Rodrigo Vallejo.- Yearbook of European Law. 2021; Vol.40: 172-229.
149049 Institutional Change in the Banking Union: The Case of the Single Supervisory Mechanism/Pierre Schammo.- Yearbook of European Law. 2021; Vol.40: 265-309.
149050 Special, Personal and Broad Expression: Exploring Freedom of Expression Norms under the General Data Protection Regulation/David Erdos.- Yearbook of European Law. 2021; Vol.40: 398-430.
149051 Trust Thy Neighbour? Compliance and Proximity to the EU through the Lens of Extradition/Leandro Mancano.- Yearbook of European Law. 2021; Vol.40: 475-514.
149052 Online Music Sharing in a Global Economy: The U.S. Effort to Command (or Survive) the Tidal Wave/Eliza Shardlow Clark.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2004-2005; Vol.14, No.1: 141-175.
149053 The Economic Cost of Alien Tort Litigation: A Response to Awakening Monster: The Alien Tort Statute of 1789/Emeka Duruigbo.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2004-2005; Vol.14, No.1: 1-41.
149054 Haven or Hell: Securities Exchange Listing Standards and Other Proposed Reforms as a Disincentive for Corporate Inversion Transactions/John Kelly.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2004-2005; Vol.14, No.1: 199-225.
149055 Canada and International Trade in Culture: Beyond National Interests/Joseph Devlin.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2004-2005; Vol.14, No.1: 177-198.
149056 China’s Foreign Currency Regime: The Kagan Thesis and Legalification of the WTO Agreement/M. Ulric Killion.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2004-2005; Vol.14, No.1: 43-89.
149057 Cross-Taiwan Strait Relations: What are the Legitimate Expectations from the WTO?/Qingjiang Kong.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2004-2005; Vol.14, No.1: 91-110.
149058 China’s Economic and Political Clout Grows in Latin America at the Expense of U.S. Interests/Juan Vega.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2004-2005; Vol.14, No.2: 377-413.
149059 Cotton, U.S. Domestic Policy, and Trade Wars: The Future of WTO Agriculture Negotiations/Matthew Newell.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2004-2005; Vol.14, No.2: 301-343.
149060 Trade Policy and Labor Standards/Michael J. Trebilcock, Robert Howse.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2004-2005; Vol.14, No.2: 261-300.
149061 International Employment: Antidiscrimination Law Should Follow Employees Abroad/Paul Frantz.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2004-2005; Vol.14, No.2: 227-260.
149062 Vehicle Shopping: The Case for a Flexible EuroREIT/Ryan Toone.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2004-2005; Vol.14, No.2: 345-375.
149063 Islamic Banking: Signs of Sustainable Growth/Chian Wu.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 233-263.
149064 Cultural Apocalypse Now: The Loss of the Iraq Museum and a New Proposal for the Wartime Protection of Museums/Kirstin E. Petersen.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 163-191.
149065 Squaring the Circle: Democratizing Judicial Review and the Counter- Constitutional Difficulty/Miguel Schor.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 61-113.
149066 Where There Are Good Arms, There Must Be Good Laws: An Empirical Assessment of Customary International Law Regarding Preemptive Force/Ryan Schildkraut.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 193-232.
149067 Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China/C. Stephen Hsu.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 115-162.
149068 Choice of Jurisdiction in International Trade Disputes: Going Regional or Global?/Rafael Leal-Arcas.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.1: 1-59.
149069 Hegemonic Intervention as Legitimate Use of Force/Achilles Skordas.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 407-455.
149070 Licensing Repression: Dissent, Threats and State Repression in the United States/Christian Davenport.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 311-333.
149071 Deadly Complexity: Law, Social Movements and Political Violence/Colm Campbell, Ita Connolly.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 265-310.
149072 Modern War and Modern Law/David Kennedy.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 471-494.
149073 Methods of the War on Terror/David Weissbrodt, Amy Bergquist.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 371-386.
149074 Fractured Fairy Tale: The War on Terror and the Emperor’s New Clothes/Ian S. Lustick.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 335-351.
149075 Sticks, Carrots, Donkey Votes, and True Choice: A Rationale for Abolishing Compulsory Voting in Australia/Katherine M. Swenson.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 525-552.
149076 Human Rights Protection during the War on Terror: Two Steps Back, One Step Forward/Shane Darcy.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 353-370.
149077 The Doctrine of Proportionality in a Time of War/E. Thomas Sullivan.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2007; Vol.16, No.2: 457-469.
149078 Sovereignty, Taxation and Social Contract/Allison Christians.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.1: 99-153.
149079 Will Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS) Be the Straw That Breaks the Camel’s Back? The Balkanization of Great Lakes Ballast Water Law/Brian D. Clark.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.1: 227-264.
149080 International Bribery: The Moral Imperialism Critiques/Elizabeth Spahn.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.1: 155-226.
149081 Enabling Private Ordering: Function, Scope and Effect of Umbrella Clauses in International Investment Treaties/Stephan W. Schill.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.1: 1-97.
149082 UNCLOS: Securing the United States’ Future in Offshore Wind Energy/Kieran Dwyer.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.1: 265-290.
149083 The History of CEELI, the ABA’s Rule of Law Initiative, and the Rule of Law Movement Going Forward/Homer E. Moyer, Mark S. Ellis, Talbot Sandy D’Alemberte.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 304-342.
149084 Gender and the Rule of Law in Transitional Societies/Fionnuala Ni Aoldin, Michael Hamilton.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 380-402.
149085 Strengthening Demand for the Rule of Law in Post-Conflict Societies/Jane Stromseth.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 415-424.
149086 Rule of Law and the Kosovo Constitution/John Tunheim.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 371-379.
149087 Understanding the International Rule of Law as a Commitment to Procedural Fairness/Kevin Burke.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 357-370.
149088 A Minnesota Judge’s Perspective on the Rule of Law in China and Kyrgyzstan/Paul H. Anderson.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 343-356.
149089 Rule of Law: What Does it Mean?/Robert Stein.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 293-303.
149090 Teaching the Rule of Law/Robert Stein.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 403-414.
149091 Universally Liable? Corporate-Complicity Liability Under the Principle of Universal Jurisdiction/Kendra Magraw.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 457-497.
149092 The End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) Directive: The Road to Responsible Disposal/Raymond J. Konz.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2009; Vol.18, No.2: 431-457.
149093 American Films in China: An Analysis of China’s Intellectual Property Record and Reconsideration of Cultural Trade Exceptions Amidst Rampant Piracy/Carl Erik Heiberg.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.1: 219-262.
149094 Five Views of the Great Lakes and Why They Might Matter/Dan Tarlock.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.1: 21-41.
149095 Piercing the Confidentiality Veil: Physician Testimony in International Criminal Trials Against Perpetrators of Torture/David Weissbrodt, Ferhat Pekin, Amelia Wilson.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.1: 43-109.
149096 Around the World in Eighty Centiliters/Jim Chen.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.1: 1-20.
149097 Free Trade in Human Reproductive Cells: A Solution to Procreative Tourism and the Unregulated Internet/Lisa Hird Chung.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.1: 263-296.
149098 Crafting Employment Policy During EU Accession: Strategies for Romania and Bulgaria/Tomas Felcman.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.1: 189-218.
149099 Globalism, Regionalism, or Both: Health Policy and Regional Economic Integration in Developing Countries, an Evolution of a Legal Regime?/William Onzivu.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.1: 111-187.
149100 Jogi v. Voges: Has the Seventh Circuit Opened the Floodgates to Vienna Convention Litigation in U.S. Courts?/Anthony Jones.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.2: 425-456.
149101 Max Weber, Talcott Parsons and the Sociology of Legal Reform: A Reassessment with Implications for Law and Development/Chantal Thomas.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.2: 383-424.
149102 Putting a Mine on the Moon: Creating an International Authority to Regulate Mining Rights in Outer Space/Jeremy L. Zell.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.2: 489-519.
149103 Convergence, Culture and Contract Law in China/John H. Matheson.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.2: 329-382.
149104 Shoring U.S. National Security and Encouraging Economic Reform in the Middle East: Advocating Free Trade with Egypt/Paul G. Johnson.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.2: 457-487.
149105 Trade and Tensions/Daniel J. Gifford.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2006; Vol.15, No.2: 297-328.
149106 Our Most Precious Resource: How South Korea is Poised to Change the Landscape of International Adoption/Catherine M. Bitzan.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.1: 121-154.
149107 Bayview Irrigation District et al. v. United Mexican States: NAFTA, Foreign Investment, and International Trade in Water- A Hard Pill to Swallow/David M. Quealy.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.1: 99-120.
149108 South African Mandatory Minimum Sentencing: Reform Required/Sandra M. Roth.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.1: 155-182.
149109 Master of Your Domain: Should the U.S. Government Maintain Control over the Internet’s Root?/Scott P. Sonbuchner.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.1: 183-207.
149110 Transfer of Sovereignty over Populated Territories from Israel to a Palestinian State: The International Law Perspective/Yoram Rabin, Roy Peled.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.1: 59-98.
149111 The New Age of Space Law: The Outer Space Treaty and the Weaponization of Space/Adam G. Quinn.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.2: 475-502.
149112 Fade to Black: El-Masri v. United States Validates the Use of the State Secrets Privilege to Dismiss “Extraordinary Rendition” Claims/Daniel J. Huyck.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.2: 435-474.
149113 Intervention and Post-Conflict Natural Resource Governance: Lessons from Liberia/Luke A. Whittemore.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.2: 387-433.
149114 Unholy Speech and Holy Laws: Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan- Controversial Origins, Design Defects, and Free Speech Implications/Osama Siddique, Zahra Hayat.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.2: 303-385.
149115 China’s New Anti-Monopoly Law: Addressing Foreign Competitors and Commentators/Richard Student.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.2: 503-528.
149116 Bullying in the Workplace: Lessons from the United Kingdom/Susan Harthill.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.2: 247-302.
149117 Why European Union Trade Sanctions Do Not Work/Yaraslau Kryvoi.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2008; Vol.17, No.2: 209-246.
149118 The Pitfalls of the Perfect Market Benchmark: the Case of Countervailing Duty Law/Wentong Zheng.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 1-54.
149119 The Need for Enforcement of U.S. Punitive Damages Awards by the European Union/Jessica J. Berch.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 55-106.
149120 No Sirve: The Invalidity of Service of Process Abroad by Mail or Private Process Server on Parties in Mexico Under the Hague Service Convention/Charles B. Campbell.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 106-136.
149121 On the Right to External Self-determination: Selfistans, Secession, and the Great Powers Rule/Milena Sterio.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 137-176.
149122 Mortgage Borrowing: A Comparative Analysis of National Regulatory Approaches to Loans and Lenders in Canada and the United States/Lucas Frasz.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 177-200.
149123 Closer to Justice: Transferring Cases from the International Criminal Court/George H. Norris.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 201-239.
149124 The Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act: A Unilateral Solution to a Multilateral Problem/Anthony D. Todero.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.1: 241-274.
149125 Self-Determination, Sovereignty, and the Failure of States: Somaliland and the Case for Justified Secession/Aaron Kreuter.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.2: 363-397.
149126 Treaty Interpretation in WTO Dispute Settlement: The Outstanding Question of the Legality of Local Working Requirements/Bryan Mercurio, Mitali Tyagi.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.2: 275-326.
149127 Regulatory Imperialism: The Worldwide Export of European Regulatory Principles on Credit Rating Agencies/Kristina St. Charles.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.2: 399-451.
149128 The Approach of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination to Interpreting and Applying International Humanitarian Law/David Weissbrodt.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.2: 327-362.
149129 The ICC As Arbiter In Kenya’s Post-electoral Violence/Abraham Korir Sing’Oei.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.S1: 5-20.
149130 Justice in Transition: The Effectiveness of Truth Commissions in Africa and Recommendations for the Kenyan Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Commission/Jonathan Moler.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.S1: 21-39.
149131 Animal Planet: Supporting Terrorism Since 2008?/Matt Tews.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2010; Vol.19, No.S1: 39-57.
149132 Indigenous Reparations Re-Imagined: Crafting a Settlement Mechanism for Indigenous Claims in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights/Sean Burke.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.1: 123-143.
149133 Towards a New Jus Post Bellum: The United Nations Peacebuilding Commission and the Improvement of Post-Conflict Efforts and Accountability/Liliana Lyra Jubilut.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.1: 26-64.
149134 The Evidence for Constitutionalization of the WTO: Revisiting the Telmex Report/Theodore Kill.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.1: 65-122.
149135 Red Banking: Chinese State-Owned Commercial Bank Reform and the Basel II Accor/Christopher D. Luehr.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.1: 171-197.
149136 Presbyterian Church of Sudan v. Talisman Energy, Inc.: Aiding and Abetting Liability Under the Alien Tort Statute/James Morrissey.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.1: 144-170.
149137 When Courts and Congress Don’t Say What They Mean: Initial Reactions to Morrison v. National Australia Bank and to the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act/Richard Painter, Douglas Dunham, Ellen Quackenbos.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.1: 1-25.
149138 The Return of the State/Jose E. Alvarez.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 223-264.
149139 Consultation and Legitimacy in Transnational Standard-Setting/Caroline Bradley.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 480-512.
149140 Updating the International Monetary System to Respond to Current Global Challenges: Can It Happen Within the Existing Legal Framework?/Aldo Caliari.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 588-618.
149141 Hudec’s Methods – and Ours/Jeffrey L. Dunoff.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 437-479.
149142 South-South Trade and Investment: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly – African Perspectives/Uche U. Ewelukwa.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 513-587.
149143 The International Competition Network: Its Past, Current and Future Role/Hugh M. Hollman, William E. Kovacic.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 274-323.
149144 Reconciling the Right to Food and Trade Liberalization: Developing Country Opportunities/Lily Endean Nierenberg.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 619-647.
149145 Developing Countries and GATT/WTO Rules: Dynamic Transformations in Trade Policy Behavior and Performance/Chiedu Osakwe.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 365-436.
149146 Professor Hudec and the Appellate Body/Ricardo Ramirez.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 265-273.
149147 The Empirical Turn in International Economic Law/Beth A. Simmons, Andrew B. Breidenbach.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 198-222.
149148 Ill-Gotten Gains: The Case for International Corporate Criminal Liability/Jordan Sundell.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2011; Vol.20, No.2: 648-680.
149149 AquAdvantage is Not Real Advantage: European Biotechnology Regulations and the United States’ September 2010 FDA Review of Genetically Modified Salmon/Katherine Wilinska.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.1: 145-172.
149150 Binding the United Nations: Compulsory Review of Disputes Involving UN International Responsibility before the International Court of Justice/Anastasia Telesetsky.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.1: 75-114.
149151 Combating Corruption through Corporate Transparency: Using Enforcement Discretion to Improve Disclosure/David Hess.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.1: 42-70.
149152 Attribution and the Umbrella Clause – Is there a Way out of the Deadlock?/Michael Feit.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.1: 21-38.
149153 The Rise of Gestational Surrogacy and the Pressing Need for International Regulation/Erica Davis.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.1: 120-141.
149154 Facilitating Preferential Trade Agreements between Developed and Developing Countries: A Case for “Enabling” The Enabling Clause/Won-Mog Choi, Yong-Shik Lee.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.1: 1-18.
149155 Call For Reform: Analyzing Trips Through European Seizure Of Generic Medication/Justin Erickson.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.2: 382-413.
149156 Weak States and Terrorist Organizations: A Proposed Model of Intervention/Harry Borowski, Ilan Fuchs.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.2: 177-215.
149157 Counterclaims in Investor-State Arbitration/Yaraslau Kryvoi.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.2: 216-252.
149158 Mergers and Accusations: Chinese Auditing and Corporate Disclosure Standards Indirectly on Trial in the United States/Janelle A. McCarty.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.2: 347-381.
149159 Between a Treaty and Not: A Case Study of the Legal Value of Diplomatic Assurances in Expulsion Cases/William Thomas Worster.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2012; Vol.21, No.2: 253-346.
149160 Perception is not Reality: The FCPA, Brazil, and the Mismeasurement of Corruption/Stuart Vincent Campbell.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.1: 247-281.
149161 The European Central Bank’s Securities Markets Programme: Why a Necessary Response to the European Debt Crisis Should Come to an End/Peter Doely.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.1: 214-246.
149162 The Normative Logic of Global Economic Governance: In Pursuit of Non-Instrumental Justification for the Rule of Law and Human Rights/Kevin T. Jackson.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.1: 71-151.
149163 Rejection, Revocation of Acceptance, and Avoidance: A Comparative Assessment of UCC and CISG Goods Oriented Remedies/Sarah Howard Jenkins.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.1: 154-213.
149164 Failure of Complementarity: The Future of the International Criminal Court Following the Libyan Admissibility Challenge/Anna Bishop.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.2: 388-421.
149165 Future War, Future Law/Eric Talbot Jensen.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.2: 282-323.
149166 A Tour de Horizon of Issues on the Agenda of the Mercenaries Working Group/Gabor Rona.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.2: 324-346.
149167 Cyber Conflict, Cyber Crime, and Cyber Espionage/David Weissbrodt.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.2: 347-387.
149168 Extraterritorial Enforcement and Prosecutorial Discretion in the FCPA: A Call For International Prosecutorial Factors/Emily Willborn.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.2: 422-452.
149169 A Duty to Investigate Incidents Involving Collateral Damage and the United States Military’s Practice/Michal Drabik.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.S1: 15-34.
149170 A Pacific Blockade of Syria/Eric Engle.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.S1: 1-14.
149171 Expensive Freedom: Establishing Marine Protected Areas on the Open Ocean Requires an End to the Freedom of the Seas/Kirsten Selvig.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2013; Vol.22, No.S1: 35-68.
149172 Why Ratification of the U.N. Convention of the Law of the Sea May Violate Article III of the U.S. Constitution/Julian G. Ku.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2015; Vol.25, No.1: 1-28.
149173 Snoozing Democracy: Sunset Clauses, De-Juridification, and Emergencies/Antonios Kouroutakis, Sofia Ranchordas.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2015; Vol.25, No.1: 29-77.
149174 Hurting More than Helping: How the Marshall Islands’ Seeming Bravery Against Major Powers Only Stands to Maim the Legitimacy of the World Court/Katherine Maddox Davis.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2015; Vol.25, No.1: 79-125.
149175 Agreeing to Disagree: The Primacy Debate Between the German Federal Constitutional Court and the European Court of Justice/John Henry Dingfelder Stone.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2015; Vol.25, No.1: 127-165.
149176 Steering for More Trouble? Could the Ruling in United States v. American Express Co. Lead to Further Antitrust Enforcement Actions in Europe?/Michael Srodoski.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2015; Vol.25, No.1: 167-192.
149177 Setting Norms: Protections for Surrogates in International Commercial Surrogacy/Xinran Cara Tang.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2015; Vol.25, No.1: 193-215.
149178 The Right of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Enrich Uranium/Kamyar Ghorbanebrahimi.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2015; Vol.25, No.1: 217-249.
149179 U.S. Resistance to Global Trade Rules and the Implications for Cyber security And Internet Governance/Eric L. Richards, Scott J. Shackelford, Abbey Stemler.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2015; Vol.25, No.2: 159-173.
149180 Resolution 2122: The Aborted Debate/Debdatta Dobe.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2015; Vol.25, No.2: 175-222.
149181 Palestinian Economic Development: Israeli Actions in Light of the 1994 Paris Protocol and International Economic Law/Vincent El Hayek.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2015; Vol.25, No.2: 223-244.
149182 Iterations of the Family: Parents, Children and Mixed-Status Families/Tally Kritzman-Amir.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2015; Vol.25, No.2: 245-311.
149183 Can Occupation Resulting from a War of Self-Defense Become Illegal?/Ariel Zemach.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2015; Vol.25, No.2: 313-350.
149184 The Return of Novorossiya: Why Russia’s Intervention in Ukraine Exposes the Weakness of International Law/Adam Twardowski.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2015; Vol.25, No.2: 352-385.
149185 Fukushima and New Zealand v. France Nuclear Tests: Can Japan be Brought to the International Court of Justice for Damages Caused by the Fukushima Plants?/Harold S. Yun.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2015; Vol.25, No.2: 387-410.
149186 Capital Controls in International Law: Clarity Through a Central Regulatory System/David H. Pabian.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2015; Vol.25, No.S1: 1-32.
149187 Indigenous Lands and International Trade: A Look into a Failed Relationship Between Indigenous Mexican Communities, NAFTA, and Trade Liberalization/Kerry McGuire.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2015; Vol.25, No.S1: 1-24.
149188 Love in the Time of Propaganda: Russian Anti-LGBT Laws, the International Legal Response, and Future Implications/Ashlyn Clark.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2015; Vol.25, No.S1: 1-21.
149189 Risky Business: Lessons for Mitigating Cyber Attacks From the International Insurance Law on Piracy/Scott J. Shackelford, Scott Russell.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2015; Vol.25, No.S1: 1-15.
149190 Why The U.S. Should Accommodate Sukuk? And How Accommodating Sukuk Will Protect And Benefit The American Financial System?/Mohamed Elian.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2015; Vol.25, No.S1: 1-38.
149191 Human Rights Lost: The Remaking of an American Story/Christopher N.J. Roberts.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.1: 1-61.
149192 The Logical Next Step: Motivations on the Formation of a Business and Human Rights Treaty/Graham Markiewicz.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.1: 63-80.
149193 Cuban Migration to the United States in a Post-Normalized Relations World/Kevin J. Fandl.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.1: 81-112.
149194 Ejab Mantin Majel: Corporal Punishment in Public Schools in the Marshall Islands/Justin A. Behravesh.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.1: 113-144.
149195 Asylum’s Interpretative Impasse: Interpreting “Persecution” and “Particular Social Group” Using International Human Rights Law/Nicholas R. Bednas, Margaret Penland.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.1: 145-187.
149196 (Re)discovering Duties: Individual Responsibilities in the Age of Rights/Fernando Berdion Del Valle, Kathryn Sikkink.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.1: 189-245.
149197 “Muestrame el Dinero”: Increasing Foreign Direct Investments in Cuba with a BIT of Help/Kevin Kitchen.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.1: 247-271.
149198 An Emerging Trend in International Trade: A Shift to Safeguard Against ISDS Abuses and Protect Host-State Sovereignty/Nikesh Patel.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.1: 273-302.
149199 Errors and Misconceptions in the 2015 Department Of Defense Law of War Manual/Jordan J. Paust.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.2: 303-344.
149200 From Al-Qaida in 2001 to ISIL in 2015: The Security Council’s Decisions on Terrorism and Their Impact on the Right to Self-Defense Against Autonomous Non-State Actors/Alberto Alvarez-Jimenez.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.2: 345-418.
149201 Distinction and Proportionality in Cyberwar: Virtual Problems with a Real Solution/Peter Pascucci.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.2: 419-460.
149202 Jus Cogens: To Revise a Narrative/Sue S. Guan.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.2: 461-499.
149203 Targeting Decisions and Consequences for Civilians in the Colombian Civil Strife/Aaron X. Fellmeth, Douglas J. Sylvester.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.2: 501-560.
149204 Just Wars with Unjust Allies: Use of Force and Human Rights Considerations on the Russian Intervention in Syria/Brendan Delany.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.2: 561-609.
149205 Better the Devil You Know? UK Alternatives to EU Membership/Tim Peel.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2017; Vol.26, No.1: 611-634.
149206 Transitional Post-Occupation Obligations under the Law of Belligerent Occupation/Dana Wolf.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.1: 5-65.
149207 War Aims Matter: Keeping Jus Contra Bellum Restrictive While Requiring the Articulation of the Goals of the Use of Force/Jens Iverson.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.1: 67-106.
149208 Gendering the Law of Occupation: The Case of Cyprus/Fionnuala Ni Aolain.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.1: 107-141.
149209 The Right to a Genuine Electoral Democracy/Amnon Rubinstein, Yaniv Roznai.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.1: 143-177.
149210 A Hierarchy of the Goals of International Criminal Courts/Stuart Ford.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.1: 179-244.
149211 Effectiveness of Labor Provisions within Free Trade Agreements Between the United States and Latin American Countries/Cayla D. Ebert.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.1: 245-281.
149212 GATS Regulation for Launch Services: Resolving the United States-India Conflict/Shane Fitzmaurice.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.1: 283-311.
149213 A Missing Variable: The Impact of Cross-Border Insolvency Laws on Foreign Direct Investment/Jason Jack.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.1: 313-337.
149214 Litigating the Right to Health under Occupation: Between Bureaucracy and Humanitarianism/Aeyal Gross.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.2: 421-491.
149215 Weighing Lives: Israel’s Prisoner-Exchange Policy and the Right to Life/Shelly Aviv Yeini.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.2: 493-526.
149216 Relocation, Regulation and Rigor: How Germany’s New Integration Act Violates the Refugee Convention/Ashlynn Kendzior.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.2: 527-553.
149217 State Capitalism on the Ascent: Stress, Shock, and Adaptation of the International Law on Foreign Investment/Julien Chaisse.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.2: 339-419.
149218 Human Rights Situation in North Korea: Lack of Significant Progress from the United Nations Human Rights Mechanisms and What Can be Done/Eric Ryu.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.2: 555-580.
149219 Conserving Culture: The Shift Towards International Criminal Liability for the Destruction of Cultural Property/Andrew Miles.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.27, No.2: 581-606.
149220 Human Rights Conditions: What We Know and Why it Matters/David Weissbrodt, Patrick Finnegan.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.1: 1-53.
149221 The Dakota Access Pipeline and the Destruction of Cultural Heritage: Applying the Crime Against Humanity of Persecution Before the ICC/Haydee J. Dijkstal.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.1: 157-215.
149222 The Future of the US EU Covered Agreement: How to Drag an Absurdly Federalist Regulatory System into the Global Reinsurance Marketplace/Bailey Stubbe.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.1: 217-238.
149223 Children in Limbo: The Need for Maximum Limits for Juvenile Pretrial Detention/Rebecca Rosefelt.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.1: 239-280.
149224 How New Zealand’s Adoption of the Nagoya Protocol Would Enhance Protection of Maori Traditional Knowledge/Emily Ortlieb Ricciardi.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.1: 281-307.
149225 The Impact of Recording Artists and Music on Legal and Social Change/Cindy A. Schipani, Kate Peterson.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.2: 315-366.
149226 Studying Abroad: Foreign Legislative Responses to Mass Shootings and Their Viability in the United States/Zachary Hofeld.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.2: 485-518.
149227 The Case for Transitional Justice: Transparency, Undemocratic Institutions, and the Legitimacy Problem in American Prisons/Abigail Hencheck.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.2: 455-483.
149228 Consociationalism: A Constitutional Solution for Ethnic Tension and Violence in South Sudan/Robert Dube.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.2: 413-454.
149229 The Role of Women Entrepreneurs in Rebuilding a Nation: the Rwandan Model/Karen E. Woody, Abbey R. Stemler.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.28, No.2: 367-400.
149230 Enforcing Socioeconomic Rights in Neoliberal India/Rehan Abeyratne.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 1-63.
149231 Basic Law: Israel as the Nation State of the Jewish People: Implications for Equality, Self-Determination and Social Solidarity/Tamar Hostovsky Brandes.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 65-107.
149232 Making Children’s Rights Widely Known/Jonathan Todres.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 109-149.
149233 Romani Women’s Right to Water: Bringing Intersectional Discrimination Claims in the E.U./Meghan Knapp.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 151-185.
149234 Ebola and Emerging Infectious Diseases in Armed Conflict: Contemporary Challenges in Global Health Security Laws and Policies/Caroline Sell.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 187-227.
149235 The Wall on Trade: Reconsidering the Boundary of Section 232 Authority under the Trade Expansion Act of 1962/Linfan Zha.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.1: 229-278.
149236 The Limits of Equality and Gender Discourses in Counter-Terrorism: The Case of Women and Children in Syria and Iraq/Fionnuala Ni Aolain.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 7-19.
149237 The Digital War on Human Rights: Guilty Until Proven Innocent: In Light of the Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Act of 2019/Fatemah Albader.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 21-41.
149238 Justice v. Prevention: A Nuanced Approach to International Criminal Prosecutions/Peter R. Grenzow.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 43-101.
149239 Blood, Water, and the Indus Waters Treaty/Christopher R. Rossi.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 103-158.
149240 Unravelling Socio-Economic and Ecological Distribution Conflicts in Ship-breaking in Bangladesh for Addressing Negative Externalities in Law and Policy Making/Ishtiaque Ahmed.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 159-210.
149241 ICJ Jurisdiction and Necessary Parties in State of Palestine v. United States of America/Will O’Connor.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 211-242.
149242 Ahead of the Next International Financial Crisis: Contextualizing Sovereign Default and Proposing an Improvement to the Restructuring Process/Lindsey Schwalbach.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020; Vol.29, No.2: 243-282.
149243 Overcoming International Inertia: The Creation of War Manual for Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems/Jay Ettinger.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020-2021; Vol.30, No.1: 153-182.
149244 Constitutional Amendment and Democracy/Bui Ngoc Son.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020-2021; Vol.30, No.1: 75-152.
149245 Water Resources in the Anthropocene: Cause for War or Cooperation?/Waseem Ahmad Qureshi.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020-2021; Vol.30, No.1: 43-74.
149246 Looking Toward Brexit’s Aftermath: Pharmaceutical Provisions Affecting The NHS In A Future U.S.-U.K. Bilateral Trade Agreement/Ryan Rainey.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020-2021; Vol.30, No.1: 205-229.
149247 Astronomical Arbitration: Why Amending the Liability Convention is the Best Step Forward for Interstellar Adjudication/Sam Logterman.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020-2021; Vol.30, No.1: 183-203.
149248 The Impact of the Basic Law: Israel as the Nation State of the Jewish People on the Status of the Arabic Language in Israel/Meital Pinto.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020-2021; Vol.30, No.1: 1-41.
149249 Federal Rule 44.1: Foreign Law in U.S. Courts Today/Vivian Grosswald Curran.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020-2021; Vol.30, No.2: 231-291.
149250 Establishing an Integrated Judiciary to Facilitate the African Continental Free Trade Area/Ansel Kebede Brown.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020-2021; Vol.30, No.2: 291-328.
149251 Racist Robots? The Future of Title VII Disparate Impact Cases in the World of Artificial Intelligence/Jenna Jonjua.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020-2021; Vol.30, No.2: 329-358.
149252 Deceptive Lighting: Shining a Light on Gaps in the Legal Regime and Accountability for the Law of Armed Conflict at Sea/Brennan Lee.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020-2021; Vol.30, No.2: 359-393.
149253 Making the “Best” Better: Transferring Best Interests Determinations to Tribes as a Solution to the Ongoing Post-colonial Indigenous Child Welfare Crisis/Amanda Tesarek.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2020-2021; Vol.30, No.2: 395-425.
149254 What Does a Corporation Owe?: The Scope of Obligations in International Investment Counterclaims/Kevin Crow, Lina Lorenzoni-Escobar.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2022; Vol.31, No.1: 1-39.
149255 Protecting International Travelers During the Pandemic: Charting the Way Forward/Fernando Dias Simoes.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2022; Vol.31, No.1: 41-110.
149256 Parallel Import and Price Regulation in the Pharmaceutical Market: The Israeli Experience/Miriam Marcowitz-Bitton, Yifat Nahmias, Tehila Rozencwaig-Feldman.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2022; Vol.31, No.1: 111-184.
149257 Protecting the Public Interest Through Intellectual Property Law: The Creative Approach of Chinese Judges/Haochen Sun.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2022; Vol.31, No.1: 185-231.
149258 Internet Censorship in Russia: The Sovereign Internet Laws and Russia’s Obligations Under the European Convention on Human Rights/Erik Allerson.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2022; Vol.31, No.1: 233-258.
149259 The De-operationalization of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution/Parth Deshmukh.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2022; Vol.31, No.1: 259-280.
149260 Crowded at the Top: An Empirical Description of the Oligopolistic Market for International Arbitration Institutions/Michael I. Green.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2022; Vol.31, No.1: 281-322.
149261 Universal Jurisdiction Cases in Germany: A Closer Look at the Poster Child of International Criminal Justice/Susann Aboueldahab, Fin-Jasper Langmack.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2022; Vol.31, No.2: 1-34.
149262 Victim Participation and Social Impact: Contemporary Lessons of the Eichmann Trial/Diane Orentlicher.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2022; Vol.31, No.2: 35-55.
149263 Epistemic Power of Universal Jurisdiction: Spreading Knowledge about Mass Atrocity Crimes/Joachim J. Savelsberg, Miray Philips.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2022; Vol.31, No.2: 57-95.
149264 An Unrecognized State as an International Investment Law Actor: The Innovation of Taiwan’s New International Investment Treaties/Mao-wei Lo.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2022; Vol.31, No.2: 97-155.
149265 Sexual Violence in Costa Rica: A Progressive Country with Regressive Gender Policies/Fabiola Gretzinger.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2022; Vol.31, No.2: 157-185.
149266 A National International Affair: The Long Jurisdictional Reach of In re Irving H. Picard, Tr. for Liquidation of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities/Ethan Yaro.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2022; Vol.31, No.2: 187-214.
149267 Cultivating Sense: Cultural Change in the Prosecutor’s Office/Shih-Chun Steven Chien.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2023; Vol.32, No.1: 1-92.
149268 Labor Control, Resistance, and the Advent of ‘Development’: Modalities of Governance in the British Empire, c. 1926-1940/Christopher M. Roberts.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2023; Vol.32, No.1: 93-157.
149269 The Importance of Exit via Acquisition to Venture Capital, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation/Devin Reilly, D. Daniel Sokol, David Toniatti.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2023; Vol.32, No.1: 159-193.
149270 Environmental Destruction and Human Rights Abuses in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Examining the Epicenter of the Cobalt Mining Industry from an International Criminal Law Perspective/Joe Udell.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2023; Vol.32, No.1: 195-240.
149271 A Central Counterterrorism Coalition: An Analysis of Intelligence Sharing and the Challenges It Faces In the European Union/Elisabeth Bernabe.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2023; Vol.32, No.1: 241-267.
149272 The EU’s CBAM, Complying with the CBDR Principle Could Also Mean Compliance with WTO Law/Carlos A. Alonso Gayon.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2023; Vol.32, No.1: 269-300.
149273 Urgenda, Milieudefensie, and the Impact of Climate Change Litigation on Global Trade Policy/Maria Saracino-Lowe.- Minnesota Journal of International Law. 2023; Vol.32, No.1: 301-320.
149274 Mega-Sporting Events and Human Rights – A Time for More Teamwork?/Lucy Amis.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.1: 135-141.
149275 The Elephant in the Room: Corporate Tax Avoidance & Business and Human Rights/Shane Darcy.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.1: 1-30.
149276 Empty Promises and the Myth of Mining: Does Mining Lead to Pro-Poor Development?/Bonita Meyersfeld.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.1: 31-53.
149277 Human Rights Impact Assessment of Business Activities: Key Criteria for Establishing a Meaningful Practice/Nora Gotzmann.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.1: 87-108.
149278 The Implementation of the UN Guiding Principles into Daily Business Operations and the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games/Hiroshi Ishida, Hiroki Wada.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.1: 143-148.
149279 Corporate Readiness and the Human Rights Risks of Applying FPIC in the Global Mining Industry/Deanna Kemp, John R Owen.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.1: 163-169.
149280 Molmou v Guinea: The ECOWAS Court of Justice at the Service of its Member States/Frederic Foromo Loua, Jonathan Kaufman.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.1: 149-155.
149281 Incorporating Children and Adolescents’ Rights in Corporate Management: A Tool Based on Strategic Maps and the Sustainability Balanced Scorecard/Livia Menezes Pagotto…[et al.].- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.1: 171-176.
149282 Respecting Human Rights in Conflict Regions: How to Avoid the Conflict Spiral/Andreas Graf, Andrea Iff.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.1: 109-133.
149283 Determining Criteria to Evaluate Outcomes of Businesses’ Provision of Remedy: Applying a Human Rights-Based Approach/Benjamin Thompson.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.1: 55-85.
149284 Lessons from the Samarco Disaster/Baskut Tuncak.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.1: 156-162.
149285 Equipping Professionals for the Next Challenges: The Design and Results of a Multidisciplinary Business and Human Rights Clinic/Joanne Bauer.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.2: 359-363.
149286 From Global Toolbox to Local Implementation: The IBA Practical Guide on Business and Human Rights for Business Lawyers/Stephane Brabant, Elsa Savourey.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.1: 343-350.
149287 Business Human Rights Responsibility for Refugees and Migrant Workers: Turning Policies into Practice in the Middle East/Samentha Goethals…[et al.].- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.2: 335-342.
149288 Human Rights Due Diligence as Risk Management: Social Risk Versus Human Rights Risk/Bjorn Fasterling.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.2: 226-247.
149289 Land Rights at the Time of Global Production: Leveraging Multi-Spatiality and Legal Chokeholds/Tomaso Ferrando.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.2: 1-20.
149290 Business Responsibilities for Human Rights: A Commentary on Arnold/Nien-he Hsieh.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.2: 297-309.
149291 The UN Guiding Principles and the Legal Profession: Quo Vadis?/Stefanie Lemke.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.2: 1-7.
149292 Struggling to Take Off?: The Second Session of Intergovernmental Negotiations on a Treaty on Business and Human Rights/Carlos Lopez.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.2: 365-370.
149293 A Domestic Solution for Transboundary Harm: Singapore’s Haze Pollution Law/Mahdev Mohan.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.2: 325-333.
149294 Human Rights Impact Assessments in a Brazil Land Conflict: Towards a Hybrid Approach/Irit Tamir, Sarah Zoen.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.2: 371-377.
149295 What Does This Mean?: How UK Companies Make Sense of Human Rights/Louise J Obara.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.2: 249-273.
149296 Human Rights Due Diligence in Law and Practice: Good Practices and Challenges for Business Enterprises/Robert Mccorquodale…[et al.].- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.2: 195 224.
149297 The French Law on Duty of Care: A Historic Step Towards Making Globalization Work for All/Sandra Cossart, Jerome Chaplier, Tiphaine Beau De Lomenie.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2016-2017; Vol.2, No.2: 317 323.
149298 Addressing Security and Human Rights Challenges in Complex Environments/Alan bryden.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.1: 153-158.
149299 Beyond Rana Plaza: Next Steps for the Global Garment Industry and Bangladeshi Manufacturers/Motoko Aizawa, Salil Tripathi.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.1: 145-151.
149300 Chinese Internet Business and Human Rights/Min Jiang.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.1: 139-144.
149301 Community-Driven Operational Grievance Mechanisms/Jonathan Kaufman, Katherine Mcdonnell.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.1: 127-132.
149302 Company Responses to Human Rights Reports: An Empirical Analysis/Menno T. Kamminga.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.1: 95-110.
149303 Corporate Moral Agency and the Responsibility to Respect Human Rights in the UN Guiding Principles: Do Corporations Have Moral Rights?/Patricia H Werhane.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.1: 5-20.
149304 Engineering and Human Rights: Teaching Across the Divide/Shareen Hertel, Allison Mackay.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.1: 159-164.
149305 Human Rights Responsibility of Multinational Corporations, Political Ecology of Injustice: Learning from Bhopal Thirty Plus?/Upendra Baxi.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.1: 21-40.
149306 The Mexican Judiciary’s Understanding of the Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights/Humberto Cantu Rivera.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.1: 133-138.
149307 National Action Plans: Current Status and Future Prospects for a New Business and Human Rights Governance Tool/Claire Methven O’brien…[et al.].- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.1: 117-126.
149308 Negotiating a Treaty on Business and Human Rights: A Review of the First Intergovernmental Session/Carlos Lopez.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.1: 111-116.
149309 Towards a New Treaty on Business and Human Rights/Olivier De Schutter.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.1: 41-67.
149310 The Turn to Contractual Responsibility in the Global Extractive Industry/James Gathii, Ibironke T Odumosu-Ayanu.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.1: 69-94.
149311 The Necessity for a Business and Human Rights Treaty/David Bilchitz.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.2: 203-227.
149312 Outlining the Case for a Common Law Duty of Care of Business to Exercise Human Rights Due Diligence/Doug Cassel.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.2: 179-202.
149313 Business Ethics and Human Rights: An Overview/George G Brenkert.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.2: 277-306.
149314 Corporations and Human Rights Obligations/Denis G Arnold.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.2: 255-275.
149315 The Record of International Financial Institutions on Business and Human Rights/Jessica Evans.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.2: 327-332.
149316 Extraterritorial detention contracting in Australia and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights/Brynn O’Brien.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.2: 333-340.
149317 Integrating Business and Human Rights in the Inter-American Human Rights System/Alejandra Gonza.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.2: 357-365.
149318 Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business – A Pioneering Country-Based Initiative/Donna Jean Guest.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.2: 341-348.
149319 The World Economic Forum and Nike: Emerging Shared Responsibility and Institutional Control Models for Achieving a Socially Responsible Global Supply Chain?/Thomas A Hemphill, George O White III.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.2: 307-313.
149320 Is Fox News a Breach of Human Rights?: The News Media’s Immunity from the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights/Sarah Joseph.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.2: 229-253.
149321 Mapping Recent Developments in Transparency of Extractive Industries/Zorka Milin.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.2: 321-326.
149322 Respecting Human Rights in the On-Demand Economy: Closing the New Governance Gap/Faris Natour.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.2: 315-320.
149323 Binding corporate human rights obligations: A few observations from the South African legal framework/Lise Smit.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2015-2016; Vol.1, No.2: 349-356.
149324 Measuring Business Responsibility Disclosures of Indian Companies: A Data-Driven Approach to Influence Action/Namit Agarwal.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2017-2018; Vol.3, No.1: 123-129.
149325 The UNGPs in the European Union: The Open Coordination of Business and Human Rights?/Daniel Augenstein, Mark Dawson, Pierre Thielborger.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2017-2018; Vol.3, No.1: 1-22.
149326 Bridging Theory and Practice through Immersion: Innovations for Teaching Business and Human Rights at Business Schools/Dorothee Baumann-Pauly.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2017-2018; Vol.3, No.1: 139-144.
149327 Neglecting the Proactive Aspect of Human Rights Due Diligence? A Critical Appraisal of the EU’s Non-Financial Reporting Directive as a Pillar One Avenue for Promoting Pillar Two Action/Karin Buhmann.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2017-2018; Vol.3, No.1: 1-23.
149328 The Home State Duty to Regulate the Human Rights Impacts of TNCs Abroad: A Rebuttal/Claire Methven O’Brien.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2017-2018; Vol.3.
149329 Protecting Human Rights Defenders: A Critical Step Towards a More Holistic Implementation of the UNGPs/Michael Ineichen.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2017-2018; Vol.3, No.1: 1-8.
149330 Applying the First Pillar of the UN Guiding Principles to Development Cooperation: The Performance of Swedish Agencies and State-owned Enterprises/Rasmus Klocker Larsen, Sandra Atler.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2017-2018; Vol.3, No.1: 1 of 7.
149331 Public Procurement as a Tool for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights: A Study of Collaboration, Due Diligence and Leverage in the Electronics Industry/Olga Martin-Ortega.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2017-2018; Vol.3, No.1: 75 95.
149332 What does Human Rights Due Diligence for Business Relationships Really Look Like on the Ground?/Kendyl Salcito, Mark Wielga.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2017-2018; Vol.3, No.1: 113 121.
149333 Banks and Human Trafficking: Rethinking Human Rights Due Diligence/Maria Anne Van Dijk, Marijn De Haas, Ruben Zandvliet.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2017-2018; Vol.3, No.1: 1-7.
149334 A Feminist Approach to the Binding Instrument on Transnational Corporations and other Business Enterprises/Sanyu Awori…[et al.].- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2017-2018; Vol.3, No.2: 1-6.
149335 Business and Human Rights in Occupied Territory: The UN Database of Business Active in Israel’s Settlements/Valentina Azarova.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2017-2018; Vol.3, No.2: 187 209.
149336 None of their Business? How the United Nations is Calling on Global Companies to Lead the Way on Human Rights of LGBTI people/Dan Bross, Fabrice Houdart, Salil Tripathi.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2017-2018; Vol.3, No.2: 271 276.
149337 The Third Session of the UN Intergovernmental Working Group on a Business and Human Rights Treaty/Doug Cassel.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2017-2018; Vol.3, No.2: 1-7.
149338 The Commitment Curve: Global Regulation of Business and Human Rights/Tori Loven Kirkebo, Malcolm Langford.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2017-2018; Vol.3, No.2: 157 185.
149339 Business and Human Rights during the Trump Era/Arvind Ganesan.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2017-2018; Vol.3, No.2: 265-270.
149340 How the Business Debate Influenced (or not) the Conflict Between Catalonia and Spain/Daniel Iglesias Marquez, Maria Prandi.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2017-2018; Vol.3, No.2: 1-8.
149341 Social Bonds for Sustainable Development: A Human Rights Perspective on Impact Investing/Stephen Kim Park.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2017-2018; Vol.3, No.2: 233 255.
149342 Virtue Ethics and Natural Law Responses to Human Rights Quandaries in Business/Alejo Jose G Sison.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2017-2018; Vol.3, No.2: 211 232.
149343 Inside the Dirty Fuels Campaign: Lessons for Business and Human Rights/Michel Yoboue, Jonathan Kaufman.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2017-2018; Vol.3, No.2: 291 297.
149344 Corporate Liability Under the US Alien Tort Statute: A Comment on Jesner v Arab Bank/William S. Dodge.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.1: 131-137.
149345 Does India’s Draft Mineral Policy Recognize and Implement Public Trust over Mineral Resources and Intergenerational Equity?/Kinnari Bhatt.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.1: 171-176.
149346 Security, Business and Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory/Marya Farah, Maha Abdallah.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.1: 7-31.
149347 Improving Human Rights in the Private Security Industry: Envisioning the Role of ICoCA in Latin America/Cristina Narvaez Gonzalez, Katharine Valencia.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.1: 1-29.
149348 The EU’s Export Control of Cyber Surveillance Technology: Human Rights Approaches/Machiko Kanetake.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.1: 155-162.
149349 Are Internet Protocols the New Human Rights Protocols? Understanding RFC 8280   Research into Human Rights Protocol Considerations/Vivek Krishnamurthy.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.1: 1-7.
149350 Certifying Private Security Companies: Effectively Ensuring the Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights?/Sorcha Macleod, Rebecca Dewinter-Schmitt.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.1: 55-77.
149351 Big Tobacco v Australia: Challenges to Plain Packaging/Sera Mirzabegian.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.1: 177-184.
149352 Rights Holders’ Participation and Access to Remedies: Lessons Learned from the Doce River Dam Disaster/Joana Nabuco, Leticia Aleixo.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.1: 147-153.
149353 Business, Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Security in the Case Law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights/Nuria Reguart-Segarra.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.1: 1-22.
149354 The Rise of Private Military and Security Companies in European Union Migration Policies: Implications under the UNGPs/Daria Davitti.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.1: 33-53.
149355 Unlocking the Potential of the New OECD Due Diligence Guidance on Responsible Business Conduct/Catie Shavin.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.1: 139-145.
149356 Business and Human Rights Scholarship: Past Trends and Future Directions/Surya Deva…[et al.].- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.2: 201-212.
149357 National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights: Progress or Mirage?/Humberto Cantu Rivera.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.2: 213-237.
149358 From Precautionary Principle to Nationwide Ban on Endosulfan in India/Ambalathinkal D Dileep Kumar, Chelaton Jayakumar.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.2: 1-7.
149359 Threats of, and Responses to, Agribusiness Land Acquisitions/Karol Boudreaux, Scott Schang.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.2: 365-371.
149360 Glyphosate: The European Controversy – A Review of Civil Society Struggles and Regulatory Failures/Peter Clausing.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.2: 351-356.
149361 Monsanto’s Legal Strategy in Argentina from a Human Rights Perspective/Mirka Fries, Andres Lopez Cabello, Santiago Sanchez.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.2: 1-7.
149362 Exploring Migrant Employees’ Rights-Talk in the British Hospitality Sector/Samentha Goethals.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.2: 287-315.
149363 Corporate Impunity in Taucamarca: 19 Years On, Still No Justice/Luis Gomero Osorio, Douglas Murray, Erika Rosenthal.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.2: 329-336.
149364 Agribusiness and Accountability/Christian Schliemann, Carolijn Terwindt.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.2: 317-321.
149365 Modern Slavery in Global Supply Chains: Can National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights Close the Governance Gap?/Diane Bulan Hampton.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.2: 239-263.
149366 Ituzaingo Anexo: A Test Case in Argentina on Pesticide Spraying/Raul A. Montenegro.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.2: 323-328.
149367 The Duty of Care of the Parent Company: A Comparison between French Law, UK Precedents and the Swiss Proposals/Dalia Palombo.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.2: 265-286.
149368 Bringing Pesticide Injury Cases to US Courts: The Challenges of Transnational Litigation/David C. Strouss.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.4, No.2: 337-342.
149369 Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights: A Business Ethical Assessment/Alexander Kriebitz, Christoph Lutge.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.5, No.1: 1-21.
149370 Vedanta v Lungowe and Kiobel v Shell: The Implications for ParentCompany Accountability/Marilyn Croser…[et al.].- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.5, No.1: 1-7.
149371 In Defence of Direct Obligations for Businesses Under International Human Rights Law/Andres Felipe Lopez Latorre.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.5, No.1: 56-83.
149372 Canada’s New Corporate Responsibility Ombudsperson Falls Far Short of its Promise/Karyn Keenan.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.5, No.1: 137-142.
149373 De-contextualized Corporate Human Rights Benchmarks: Whose Perspective Counts? See Disclaimer/Rajiv Maher.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.5, No.1: 1-8.
149374 Striking the Right(s) Balance: Conflicts between Human Rights and Freedom to Conduct a Business in the ILVA Case in Italy/Maddalena Neglia.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.5, No.1: 143-149.
149375 Confronting the Constraints of the Medium: The Fifth Session of the UN Intergovernmental Working Group on a Business and Human Rights Treaty/Claire Methven O’Brien.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.5, No.1: 150-155.
149376 A Nightmare or a Noble Dream? Establishing Investor Obligations Through Treaty-Making and Treaty-Application/Markus Krajewski.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.5, No.1: 105-129.
149377 Business and Human Rights Scholarship in Social Issues in Management: An Analytical Review/Judith Schrempf-Stirling, Harry J. Van Buren III.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.5, No.1: 1-28.
149378 Modern Slavery Laws in Australia: Steps in the Right Direction?/Amy Sinclair, Justine Nolan.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.5, No.1: 164-170.
149379 Climate Change as a Business and Human Rights Issue – A Proposal for a Moral Typology/Kristian Hoyer Toft.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.5, No.1: 1-27.
149380 Business and Armed Non-State Groups: Challenging the Landscape of Corporate (Un)accountability in Armed Conflicts/Jelena Aparac.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.5, No.2: 270-275.
149381 Nevsun: A Ray of Hope in a Darkening Landscape?/Upendra Baxi.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.5, No.2: 241-251.
149382 Developing a Business and Human Rights Treaty: Lessons from the Deep Seabed Mining Regime Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea/Nadia Bernaz, Irene Pietropaoli.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.5, No.2: 1-21.
149383 How Company Law has Failed Human Rights   and What to Do About It/Beate Sjafjell.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.5, No.1: 179 199.
149384 Business, Human Rights and Peace: Linking the Academic Conversation/John E. Katsos.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.5, No.2: 1-20.
149385 How to Reduce Conflicts Between Mining Companies and Artisanal Miners in the Province of Lualaba: Overcoming the Policy and Systemic Barriers to a Model that Respects Human Rights/Emmanuel Umpula Nkumba.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.5, No.2: 296-302.
149386 Lithium Might Hold the Key to our Clean Energy Future, but Will this Star Metal Fully Deliver on its Green Potential?/Gabriela Quijano.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.5, No.2: 276-281.
149387 The First International Standard on Violence and Harassment in the World of Work/Makbule Sahan.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.5, No.2: 289-295.
149388 Jam v International Finance Corporation: The US Supreme Court Decision and its Aftermath/Marco Simons, Mackennan Graziano.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.5, No.2: 282-288.
149389 Business Views on Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence Regulation: A Comparative Analysis of Two Recent Studies/Lise Smit…[et al.].- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.5, No.2: 261-269.
149390 Companies, COVID-19 and Respect for Human Rights/Salil Tripathi.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.5, No.2: 252-260.
149391 The South African Experience: Litigating Remedies/Charles Abrahams.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.2: 270-278.
149392 Advisors or Enablers? Bringing Professional Service Providers into the Guiding Principles’ Fold/Anita Ramasastry.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.2: 293-311.
149393 Betting on the Wrong (Trojan) Horse: CSR and the Implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights/Florian Wettstein.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.2: 312-325.
149394 The UN Guiding Principles’ Orbit and Other Regulatory Regimes in the Business and Human Rights Universe: Managing the Interface/Surya Deva.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.2: 1-16.
149395 EU China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment: An Appraisal of its Sustainable Development Section/Lorenzo Cotula.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.2: 360-367.
149396 The Impact of the UN Guiding Principles on Business Attitudes to Observing Human Rights/Peter Muchlinski.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.2: 212-226.
149397 Multinational Human Rights Litigation in the UK: A Retrospective/Richard Meeran.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.2: 1-15.
149398 Municipio de Mariana v BHP Group: Implications of the UK High Court’s Decision/Francesca Farrington.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.2: 392-398.
149399 The Juukan Gorge Incident: Key Lessons on Free, Prior and Informed Consent/Anirudha Nagar.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.2: 377-383.
149400 Okpabi v Shell and Four Nigerian Farmers v Shell: Parent Company Liability Back in Court/Lucas Roorda, Daniel Leader.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.2: 368-376.
149401 Pandemic Innovation: The Private Sector and the Development of Contact-Tracing and Exposure Notification Apps/Teresa Scassa.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.2: 352-359.
149402 Rise of Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence: A Beacon of Hope or a Double-Edge Sword?/Gabriela Quijano, Carlos Lopez.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.2: 1-14.
149403 The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implications for Corporate Social Responsibility Research/Andreas Rasche, Sandra Waddock.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.2: 227-240.
149404 Why the United Nations is Not the Ideal Forum for Business and Human Rights: The UNGPs and the Right to COVID-19 Vaccine Access in the Global South/Michael A. Santoro.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.2: 326-335.
149405 A Decade of UNGPs in India: Progressive Policy Shifts, Contested Implementation/Vasanthi Srinivasan, Parvathy Venkatachalam.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.2: 279-292.
149406 UN Guiding Principles at 10: Permeating Narratives or Yet Another Silo?/Nicola Jagers.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.2: 198-211.
149407 A Neatly Engineered Stalemate: A Review of the Sixth Session of Negotiations on a Treaty on Business and Human Rights/Ruwan Subasinghe.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.2: 1-8.
149408 Ten Years After: From UN Guiding Principles to Multi-Fiduciary Obligations/John Gerard Ruggie, Caroline Rees, Rachel Davis.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.2: 179-197.
149409 The Future of Tort Litigation against Transnational  Corporations in the English Courts: Is Forum  [Non] Conveniens Back?/Ekaterina Aristova.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.3: 1-24.
149410 Conceptualizing Work Integration Social  Enterprises under International Human Rights Law/Sarah Hofmayer.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.3: 514-541.
149411 Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence in Germany and Norway: Stepping, or Striding, in the Same Direction?/Markus Krajewski , Kristel Tonstad, Franziska Wohltmann.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.3: 550-558.
149412 The Montara Class Action Decision and  Implications for Corporate Accountability for Australian Companies/Richard Ryan, Ellen Parry.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.3: 599-606.
149413 Including Disability in Business and Human Rights Discourse and Corporate Practice/Michael Ashley Stein, Ilias Bantekas.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.3: 490-513.
149414 OECD National Contact Points as Sites of Effective Remedy: New Expressions of the Role and Rule of Law within Market Globalization?/Gamze Erdem Turkelli, Kinnari Bhatt.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.3: 423-448.
149415 Racism as a Human Rights Risk: Reconsidering the Corporate Responsibility to Respect Rights/Erika George.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.3: 576-583.
149416 The Swiss Human Rights Due Diligence Legislation: Between Law and Politics/Nicolas Bueno, Christine Kaufmann.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.3: 542-549.
149417 Big Data on BHR: Innovative Approaches to Analysing the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre Database/Nicole Janz…[et al.].- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.1: 120-126.
149418 Teaching Business and Human Rights During the Pandemic/Rachel Chambers, Anthony Ewing, Meg Roggensack.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.1: 135-140.
149419 Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Sustainable Development Goals, and Duties of Corporations: Rejecting the False Dichotomies/Danwood Chirwa, Nojeem Amodu.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.1: 21-41.
149420 Working with the Financial Sector to Correct the Market Failure of Modern Slavery/James Cockayne.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.1: 1-4.
149421 Corporate Power over Human Rights: An Analytical Framework/David Birchall.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.1: 42-66.
149422 The Child Labour Quagmire in Ghana: Root Causes and Ephemeral Solutions/Christine Dowuona-Hammond, Raymond A. Atuguba, Francis Xavier Dery Tuokuu.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.1: 163-169.
149423 The Climate Change Dimension of Business and Human Rights: The Gradual Consolidation of a Concept of Climate Due Diligence/Chiara Macchi.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.1: 93-119.
149424 The French Law on the Duty of Vigilance: Theoretical and Practical Challenges Since its Adoption/Elsa Savourey, Stephane Brabant.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.1: 141-152.
149425 Wages: An Overlooked Dimension of Business and Human Rights in Global Supply Chains/Genevieve Lebaron.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.1: 1-20.
149426 Expanding California’s Law to Increase Protections for Temporary Guest Workers Benefits Businesses/Stephanie Richard, Suzanne La Pierre.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.1: 153-158.
149427 Irresponsible Exit: Exercising Force Majeure Provisions in Procurement Contracts/John F. Sherman III.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.1: 127-134.
149428 Assessing the Effectiveness of Non-State-Based Grievance Mechanisms in Providing Access to Remedy for Rights-holders: A Case Study of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil/Mark Wielga, James Harrison.- Business and Human Rights Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.6, No.1: 67-92.
149429 The Lagrand Case/Robert Jennings.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2002; Vol.1, No.1: 13-54.
149430 The Revision Of The Statute Of The International Court Of Justice/Hersch Lauterpacht.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2002; Vol.1, No.1: 55-128.
149431 Procedural Developments At The International Court Of Justice/Dietmar W. Prager.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2002; Vol.1, No.1: 189-215.
149432 The 2001 Amendments To The Rules Of Procedure Of The International Court Of Justice/Dietmar W. Prager.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2002; Vol.1, No.1: 155-187.
149433 Updates To Law And Practice Of The International Court Of Justice (1920-1996)/Shabtai Rosenne.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2002; Vol.1, No.1: 129-154.
149434 Problems Of Adjudication And Arbitration In Maritime Boundary Disputes/Kaiyan Homi Kaikobad.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2002; Vol.1, No.2: 257-341.
149435 The Statute Of The International Criminal Tribunal For Rwanda: Article 6 Responsibilities/Alex Obote-Odora.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2002; Vol.1, No.2: 343-366.
149436 Procedural Developments At The International Court Of Justice/Dietmar W. Prager.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2002; Vol.1, No.2: 401-430.
149437 International Justice And Developing Countries: A Quantitative Analysis/Cesare P.R. Romano.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2002; Vol.1, No.2: 367-399.
149438 International Court Of Justice: Practice Directions On Judges Ad Hoc; Agents, Counsel And Advocates; And Submission Of New Documents/Shabtai Rosenne.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2002; Vol.1, No.2: 223-245.
149439 New Practice Directions Of The International Court Of Justice/Arthur Watts.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2002; Vol.1, No.2: 247-256.
149440 Procedural Developments In International Criminal Courts/Marieke Wierda.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2002; Vol.1, No.2: 431-457.
149441 Practical Aspects Of The Agent’s Role In Cases Before The International Court/Michael J. Matheson.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2002; Vol.1, No.3: 467-479.
149442 Working Procedures before Panels, the Appellate Body and Other Adjudicating Bodies of the WTO/Pierre Monnier.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2002; Vol.1, No.3: 481-538.
149443 Procedural Developments At The International Court Of Justice/Dietmar W. Prager.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2002; Vol.1, No.3: 613-625.
149444 International Justice And Developing Countries (Continued): A Qualitative Analysis/Cesare P.R. Romano.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2002; Vol.1, No.3: 539-611.
149445 Procedural Developments In International criminal Courts/Marieke Wierda.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2002; Vol.1, No.3: 627-650.
149446 The Evolution And Application Of Rules Concerning Independence Of The International Judiciary/Chester Brown.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2003; Vol.2, No.1: 63-96.
149447 Independence And Impartiality Of Judges: The European Court Of Human Rights/Lucrus Caflisch.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2003; Vol.2, No.1: 169-173.
149448 Some Thoughts On The Independence Of International Judges Vis-A-Vis States/Gilbert Guillaume.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2003; Vol.2, No.1: 163-168.
149449 Prolegomena To A Theory Of Judicial Power: The Concept Of Judicial Independence In Theory And History/Pasquaib Pasquino.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2003; Vol.2, No.1: 11-25.
149450 Procedural Developments At The International Court Of Justice/Dietmar W. Prager.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2003; Vol.2, No.1: 175-183.
149451 Legal Norms To Promote The Independence And Account Ability Of International Tribunals/Dinah Shelton.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2003; Vol.2, No.1: 27-62.
149452 Standards Of Conduct Of International Judges: Outside Activities/Shimon Shetreet.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2003; Vol.2, No.1: 127-161.
149453 Procedural Developments In International Criminal Courts/Marieke Wierda.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2003; Vol.2, No.1: 185-195.
149454 The World Bank’s Internal Conflict Resolution System/Nassib G. Ziade.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2003; Vol.2, No.2: 333-337.
149455 The Status Of Would-Be Intervening States Before The International Court Of Justice And The Application Of Res Judicata/Mutlaq Al-Qahtani.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2003; Vol.2, No.2: 269-294.
149456 The Amici Curiae And The WTO Dispute Settlement System: The Doors Are Open/Laurence Boisson De Chazournes, Makane Moise Mbengue.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2003; Vol.2, No.2: 205-248.
149457 Privacy, Confidentiality And Third Party Participation: Recent Developments In NAFTA Chapter Eleven Arbitration/Ruth Teitelbaum.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2003; Vol.2, No.2: 249-267.
149458 Procedural Developments At The International Court Of Justice/Dietmar W. Prager.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2003; Vol.2, No.2: 339-345.
149459 An Alternative To International Environmental Court?  PCA’s Optional The Arbitration Rules For Natural Resources And/or The Environment/Matthew Vespa.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2003; Vol.2, No.2: 295-331.
149460 Procedural Developments In International Criminal Courts/Marieke Wierda.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2003; Vol.2, No.2: 347-367.
149461 The ICTY And Irregular Rendition Of Suspects/Ozlem Ulgen.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2003; Vol.2, No.3: 441-466.
149462 Witness Evidence Before International Criminal Tribunals/Robert Cryer.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2003; Vol.2, No.3: 411-439.
149463 Inspiration From The International Criminal Tribunals When Developing Law On Evidence For The International Criminal Court/Hakan Friman.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2003; Vol.2, No.3: 373-400.
149464 The Concept Of International Judicial Jurisdiction: A Reappraisal/Alexander OrakhelashvilI.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2003; Vol.2, No.3: 501-550.
149465 International Criminal Courts: Practice, Procedure And Problems Relating To Evidence – Privilege From Testimony At The ICTY And The ICTR/Steven Powles.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2003; Vol.2, No.3: 467-478.
149466 Updates To Law And Practice Of The International Court Of Justice (1920-1996) – Second Series/Shabtai Rosenne.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2003; Vol.2, No.3: 479-499.
149467 International Criminal Evidence: New Directions/Marieke Wierda.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2003; Vol.2, No.3: 401-409.
149468 The Corfu Channel Case – And The Missing Admiralty Orders/Anthony Carty.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2004; Vol.3, No.1: 1-35.
149469 The International Criminal Court/Annalisa Ciampi.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2004; Vol.3, No.1: 143-150.
149470 Procedural Developments At The International Court Of Justice/Dietmar W. Prager.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2004; Vol.3, No.1: 125-142.
149471 The Use And Limits Of Res Judicata And Lis Pendens As Procedural Tools To Avoid Conflicting Dispute Settlement Outcomes/August Reinisch.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2004; Vol.3, No.1: 37-77.
149472 The Oil Platforms Case: Jurisdiction Through The-Closed-Eye Of The Needle/David H. Small.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2004; Vol.3, No.1: 113-124.
149473 Dinosaurs In Human Rights Litigation: The Use Of Ad Hoc Judges In Individual Complaints Before The Inter-American Court Of Human Rights/Monica Feria Tinta.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2004; Vol.3, No.1: 79-112.
149474 The Jurisprudence Of The World Bank Administrative Tribunal In 2002/Nassib G. Ziade.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2004; Vol.3, No.2: 189-203.
149475 The International Criminal Court/Annalisa Ciampi.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2004; Vol.3, No.2: 375-379.
149476 Release Of Vessels And Crews Before The International Tribunal For The Law Of The Sea/Anne-Katrin Escher.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2004; Vol.3, No.2: 205-374.
149477 The New Amendments To The ICSID Regulations And Rules And Additional Facility Rules/Antonio R. Parra.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2004; Vol.3, No.2: 181-188.
149478 Strengthening The Role Of The International Court Of Justice As The Principal Judicial Organ Of The United Nations/Alain Pellet.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2004; Vol.3, No.2: 159-180.
149479 Procedural Developments At The International Court Of Justice/Daniel Muller.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2004; Vol.3, No.3: 553-579.
149480 Presumptions And Inferences In Evidence In International Litigation/C.F. Amerasinghe.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2004; Vol.3, No.3: 395-410.
149481 Territorial Disputes, Wrongful Occupations And State Responsibility: Should The International Court Of Justice Go The Extra Mile?/Enrico Milano.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2004; Vol.3, No.3: 509-541.
149482 Release Of Vessels And Crews Before The International Tribunal For The Law Of The Sea/Anne-Katrin Escher.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2004; Vol.3, No.3: 411-507.
149483 The International Criminal Court/Annalisa Ciampi.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2004; Vol.3, No.3: 581-586.
149484 The ICJ’s Practice Directions Of 30 July 2004/Arthur Watts.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2004; Vol.3, No.3: 385-394.
149485 Where Bias Lives in the Criminal Law and its Processes: How Judges and Jurors Socially Construct Black Criminals/Jody Armour.- American journal of criminal law. 2018; Vol.45, No.1: 203-252.
149486 A Lost Chapter in Death Penalty History: Furman v. Georgia, Albert Camus, and the Normative Challenge to Capital Punishment/Mugambi Jouet.- American journal of criminal law. 2022; Vol.49, No.2: 119-176.
149487 Border Search in the Digital Era: Refashioning the Routine vs. Nonroutine Distinction for Electronic Device Searches/Bingzi Hu.- American journal of criminal law. 2022; Vol.49, No.2: 177-198.
149488 Future Dangerousness: A Faulty Cog in the Machinery of Death/Jeremy Dang.- American journal of criminal law. 2022; Vol.49, No.2: 199-240.
149489 Free Will and Coercion in the Talmud: A Preliminary Taxonomy/Hanina Ben-Menahem.- Jewish Law Annual. 2015; Vol.21: 1-17.
149490 On Suspicion: Justice, Ethics, and Society – between Rationalism and Pietism/Itzhak Brand.- Jewish Law Annual. 2015; Vol.21: 19-46.
149491 Albo on Repentance and Coercion/Warren Zev Harvey.- Jewish Law Annual. 2015; Vol.21: 47-57.
149492 Noahide Law and the Inclusiveness of Sexual Ethics: Between Roman Palestine and Sasanian Babylonia/Yishai Kiel.- Jewish Law Annual. 2015; Vol.21: 59-109.
149493 Aggregation of Estimates when Decision by Majority is not Possible/Itay Lipschits, Mordechai E. Schwarz.- Jewish Law Annual. 2015; Vol.21: 111-166.
149494 We Do Not Assess in the Case of the Thief, nor that of the Robber, but [We Assess] in the Case of Damage/Aaron Orenstein.- Jewish Law Annual. 2015; Vol.21: 167-225.
149495 Development of liability framework for genetically modified food: problems and perspectives under international law and Indian law/S.K. Bala Shanmugam, S.R. Subramanian, M. Padmavati.- International Journal of Private Law. 2018-2020; Vol.9, No.4: 201-230.
149496 Law and economies of arbitration in global tax policy: Indian practice/Amit Kumar Kashyap, Pranav Singh Rathore.- International Journal of Private Law. 2018-2020; Vol.9, No.4: 231-245.
149497 The replacement of the engineer under the new FIDIC Red Book 2017: issues of agency and privity of contract, with a note on Qatar/Nisreen Mahasneh.- International Journal of Private Law. 2018-2020; Vol.9, No.4: 246-258.
149498 An approach to the Principles of Latin American Contract Law’s development and their contract remedies/Alfredo Ferrante.- International Journal of Private Law. 2018-2020; Vol.9, No.4: 259-271.
149499 Legal marketing: proposition for a conceptual definition/Chiara Da Silva Simoes, Daniel Nascimento-e-Silva.- International Journal of Private Law. 2018-2020; Vol.9, No.4: 272-294.
149500 Thoughts about tort law and its compensation, deterrence and sanctioning functions/Francesca Benatti, Ruben Mendez Reategui.- International Journal of Private Law. 2021-2022; Vol.10, No.1: 1-17.
149501 Time limitations for intellectual property in criminal and civil litigation: a comparative study of England and Jordan/Mohammad AlKrisheh, Nour Hamed Alhajaya, Firas Massadeh.- International Journal of Private Law. 2021-2022; Vol.10, No.1: 18-30.
149502 Corporate democracy: a panacea for job insecurity in Nigeria/Samuel E. Ojogbo.- International Journal of Private Law. 2021-2022; Vol.10, No.1: 31-46.
149503 The economic costs of restraint of trade agreements: modest lessons for South Africa from Germany and other selected jurisdictions/Musiiwa Mahangwahaya, Lonias Ndlovu.- International Journal of Private Law. 2021-2022; Vol.10, No.1: 47-64.
149504 Zuwendung and reversion of entitlement in terminable ownership. The organic perspective of real effects contract and concept determined by function/Salvatore Tolone Azzariti, Ruben Mendez Reategui.- International Journal of Private Law. 2021-2022; Vol.10, No.1: 65-89.
149505 The Shari’a Approach to Contemporary Problems of Mass Surveillance/Sattam Eid Almutairi.- Muslim World Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.17, No.1: 1-44.
149506 Cow Vigilantism and India’s Evolving Human Rights Framework/Ravindra Pratap.- Muslim World Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.17, No.1: 45-64.
149507 Harassment, Seclusion and the Status of Women in the Workplace: An Islamic and International Human Rights Perspective/Sarah Balto.- Muslim World Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.17, No.1: 65-88.
149508 Win the Battle, Lose the War?: Strategies for Repealing the Zina Ordinance in Pakistan/Beenish Riaz.- Muslim World Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.17, No.1: 89-103.
149509 Between Universalism and Fundamentalism: A Critique on the Position of Conservative Shia Clergy on Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran/Jalal Peykani, Mostafa Khalili.- Muslim World Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.17, No.1: 105-126.
149510 Contextualizing Discrimination of Religious and Linguistic Minorities in South Thailand/Christopher Mark Joll.- Muslim World Journal of Human Rights. 2021; Vol.18, No.1: 1-25.
149511 A Critical Assessment of Turkey’s Positive Obligations in Combatting Violence against Women: Looking behind the Judgments/Devran Gulel.- Muslim World Journal of Human Rights. 2021; Vol.18, No.1: 27-53.
149512 Genocide in Kashmir and the United Nations Failure to Invoke Responsibility to Protect (R2P): Causes and Consequences/Mehmood Hussain, Sumara Mehmood.- Muslim World Journal of Human Rights. 2021; Vol.18, No.1: 55-77.
149513 Re-Assessing the Evidentiary Threshold for Zina’ in Islamic Criminal Law: A De Facto Exemption Proposal/Hassan M. Ahmad.- Muslim World Journal of Human Rights. 2021; Vol.18, No.1: 103-132.
149514 Blasphemy Law as a Structural Violence: A Challenge for Maintaining Sustainable Peace/Cekli Setya Pratiwi, Sidik Sunaryo.- Muslim World Journal of Human Rights. 2021; Vol.18, No.1: 133-165.
149515 Limitation Clauses and Constitutional Transformation: The Case of the New Arab Constitutions/Antonio-Martin Porras-Gomez.- Muslim World Journal of Human Rights. 2021; Vol.18, No.1: 167-191.
149516 Multi-Level Responses to Security Threats: All in this Together?/Neil Boister, W. John Hopkins.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.15: 3-8.
149517 Law, Culture, and Corruption in the Pacific Islands/Graham Hassall.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.15: 9-28.
149518 Anti-corruption Measures from a European and Austrian Perspective: Concepts – Control – Concerns/S. Reindl-Krauskopf.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.15: 29-46.
149519 Cybercrime Threats, Offences and Special Investigation Measures from a European Perspective/Farsam Salimi.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.15: 47-60.
149520 The European Arrest Warrant: A Blueprint for International Cooperation in Criminal Matters in Other Regions?/Harmen van der Wilt.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.15: 61-80.
149521 Brexit and the Policing of Transnational Organised Crime in Europe/Liz Campbell.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.15: 81-93.
149522 Command Responsibility after Bemba/Ray Murphy.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.15: 94-118.
149523 Standard Deviation: Global Standardisation and Implications for International Law/Matt Bartlett.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.15: 119-141.
149524 International Human Rights Law/Shea Elizabeth Esterling.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.15: 151-164.
149525 Indigenous Peoples Rights under International Law/Fleur Te Aho.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.15: 165-176.
149526 International Economic Law/An Hertogen.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.15: 177-188.
149527 International Environmental Law/Josephine Toop.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.15: 189-211.
149528 Law of the Sea and Fisheries/Joanna Mossop.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.15: 212-217.
149529 The Antarctic Treaty System/Alan D. Hemmings.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.15: 218-228.
149530 International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law/Treasa Dunworth.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.15: 229-235.
149531 International Law and Security 2017/Anna Hood.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.15: 236-240.
149532 Treaty Action and Implementation/Mark Gobbi.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.15: 243-300.
149533 Investor-state Dispute Settlement in the cptpp: Perspectives from Australia, Japan and New Zealand/Ashley Chandler.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.16: 3-38.
149534 Will the Anti-corruption Chapter in the TPP11 Work? Assessing the Role of Trade Law in the Fight Against Corruption Through International Law/Jose-Miguel Bello y Villarino.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.16: 39-75.
149535 The Confluence of International Trade and Investment: Exploring the Nexus between Export Controls and Indirect Expropriation/Umair Ghori.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.16: 76-117.
149536 Subsidies and New Industrial Policy: Are International Trade Rules Fit for the 21st Century?/Tracey Epps, Danae Wheeler.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.16: 118-144.
149537 Out with the Old Approach: A Call to Take Socio-Economic Rights Seriously in Refugee Status Determination/Imogen Little.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.16: 145-173.
149538 A Critical Re-analysis of Whaling in the Antarctic: Formalism, Realism, and How Not to Do International Law/James C. Fisher.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.16: 174-206.
149539 Jurisdictional Aspects of Dispute Settlement under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: Some Recent Developments/Gino Naldi, Konstantinos Magliveras.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.16: 207-240.
149540 State Immunity and the Application of Customary International Law in New Zealand: The Young v Attorney-General Litigation/Jared Papps.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.16: 241-262.
149541 The Human Rights Committee, the Right to Life and Nuclear Weapons: The Committee’s General Comment No 36 on Article 6 of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights/Roger S. Clark.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.16: 263-276.
149542 Pacific Islands Forum 2018/Tony Angelo.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.16: 279-281.
149543 International Human Rights Law/Cassandra Mudgway, Lida Ayoubi.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.16: 285-309.
149544 Indigenous Peoples’ Rights under International Law/Fleur Te Aho.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.16: 310-321.
149545 International Economic Law/An Hertogen.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.16: 322-331.
149546 International Environmental Law/Vernon Rive.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.16: 332-352.
149547 Law of the Sea and Fisheries 2018/Joanna Mossop.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.16: 353-361.
149548 The Antarctic Treaty System/Alan D Hemmings.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.16: 362-370.
149549 International Criminal Law and Humanitarian Law/Treasa Dunworth.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.16: 371-377.
149550 International Law and Security/Anna Hood.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.16: 378-386.
149551 Treaty Action and Implementation/Mark Gobbi.- New Zealand Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.16: 389-437.
149552 Procedural Developments At The International Court Of Justice 2005/Daniel Muller.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2005; Vol.5, No.1: 141-163.
149553 The Baby Boom Of Treaty-Based Arbitrations And The Jurisdiction Of ICSID Tribunals: Shareholders As Investors And Jurisdiction Ratione Temporis/Stanimir A. Alexandrov.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2005; Vol.5, No.1: 19-59.
149554 The United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC): Reflections On Its Judicial Character/Danio Campanelli.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2005; Vol.5, No.1: 107-139.
149555 The International Criminal Court 2005/Annalisa Ciampi.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2005; Vol.5, No.1: 165-170.
149556 Is Investment Arbitration Good Or Bad For Developing Countries? The Mexican Experience In The North American Free Trade Agreement Context/Sergio Puig De La Parra.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2005; Vol.5, No.1: 61-106.
149557 Developments At The Special Court For Sierra Leone/Melissa Pack.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2005; Vol.5, No.1: 171-192.
149558 Calvo’s Grandchildren: The Return of Local Remedies in Investment Arbitration/Christoph Schreuer.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2005; Vol.5, No.1: 1-17.
149559 Procedural Developments At The International Court Of Justice 2005-2/Daniel Muller.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2005; Vol.5, No.2: 329-354.
149560 The Role Of Presumptions In International Tribunals/Thomas M. Franck, Peter Prows.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2005; Vol.5, No.2: 197-245.
149561 The Potential For Arbitration Of Cultural Property Disputes: Recent Developments At The Permanent Court Of Arbitration/Brooks W. Daly.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2005; Vol.5, No.2: 261-280.
149562 The Burgh House Principles On The Independence Of The International Judiciary/Philippe Sands, Campbell McLachlan, Ruth Mackenzie.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2005; Vol.5, No.2: 247-260.
149563 The Price Of International Justice 2005/Cesare P.R. Romano.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2005; Vol.5, No.2: 281-328.
149564 The International Criminal Court 2005-2/Annalisa Ciampi.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2005; Vol.5, No.2: 355-369.
149565 Procedural Developments At The International Court Of Justice 2005-3/Daniel Muller.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2005; Vol.5, No.3: 501-513.
149566 The International Criminal Court 2005-3/Annalisa Ciampi.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2005; Vol.5, No.3: 515-522.
149567 International Criminal Tribunal For The Former Yugoslavia, Appeals Chamber, 5 June 2003: Prosecutor V. Dragan Nikolic (Decision Of The Interlocutory Appeal Concerning Legality Of Arrest), Case No. IT-94-2-AR73/James Sloan.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2005; Vol.5, No.3: 491-500.
149568 Consolidation Of Arbitral And Court Proceedings In Investment Disputes/Antonio Crivellaro.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2005; Vol.5, No.3: 371-420.
149569 Investor-State Treaty-Based Arbitration In 2004/Gary H. Sampliner, Ruth Teitelbaum.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2005; Vol.5, No.3: 465-489.
149570 “Une Heresie En Matiere Judiciaire?” The Role Of The Judge Ad Hoc In The International Court/Iain Scobbie.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2005; Vol.5, No.3: 421-464.
149571 Procedural Developments At The International Court Of Justice 2006-1/Daniel Muller.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.1: 193-212.
149572 Legitimate Expectation In The Case-Law Of The World Bank Administrative Tribunal/Francisco Orrego Vicuna.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.1: 41-47.
149573 The International Tribunal For The Law Of The Sea: An Overview Of Its Jurisdictional Procedure/Hugo Caminos.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.1: 13-27.
149574 The International Criminal Court 2006-1/Annalisa Ciampi.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.1: 213-226.
149575 International Investment Arbitration: Recent Developments As To The Applicable Law And Unilateral Recourse/Andrea Giardina.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.1: 29-39.
149576 Methods Of Dispute Resolution In Inter-State Litigation: When States Go To Arbitration Rather Than Adjudication/Loretta Malintoppi.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.1: 133-162.
149577 The Judicial System Of The European Community And ITS Recent Evolution/Paolo Mengozzi.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.1: 125-132.
149578 Remarks On Proceedings Before The International Court Of Justice/Alain Pellet.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.1: 163-182.
149579 Criminal Proceedings Before The International Criminal Tribunals For The Former Yugoslavia And Rwanda/Fausto Pocar.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.1: 89-102.
149580 The Criminal Procedure Before The International Criminal Court: Main Features/Mauro Politi, Federica Gioia.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.1: 103-123.
149581 The Dispute Settlement System Of The WTO: Structure And Function In The Perspective Of The First 10 Years/Giorgio Sacerdoti.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.1: 49-75.
149582 Modifications Provided By Protocol No.14 Concerning Proceedings Before The European Court Of Human Rights/Vincenzo Starace.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.1: 183-192.
149583 Globalization And Its Effect On International Courts And Tribunals/Angela Del Vecchio.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.1: 1-11.
149584 The Mercosur Settlement Of Disputes System/Raul Emilio Vinuesa.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.1: 77-87.
149585 Procedural Developments At The International Court Of Justice 2006-2/Daniel Muller.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.2: 305-324.
149586 Establishment Of The European Union Civil Service Tribunal/Hazel Cameron.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.2: 273-283.
149587 The International Criminal Court 2006-2/Annalisa Ciampi.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.2: 325-353.
149588 Fair And Equitable Treatment: Echoes Of FDR’s Court-Packing Plan In The International Law Approach Towards Regulatory Expropriation/Mark Kantor.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.2: 231-256.
149589 Effective Judicial Remedies: The Limits Of Direct And Indirect Access To The European Community Courts/Liz Heffernan.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.2: 285-304.
149590 Are Amici Curiae The Proper Response To The Public’s Concerns On Transparency In Investment Arbitration?/Alexis Mourre.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.2: 257-271.
149591 Procedural Developments At The International Court Of Justice 2006-3/Daniel Muller.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.3: 529-546.
149592 Community Interests In The Procedure Of International Courts And Tribunals/Markus Benzing.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.3: 369-408.
149593 In The Shadow Of The Khmer Rouge Tribunal: The Domestic Trials Of Nuon Paet, Chhouk Rin And Sam Bith, And The Search For Judicial Legitimacy In Cambodia/John A. Hall.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.3: 409-477.
149594 Protecting Its Exclusive Jurisdiction: The Mox Plant-Judgment Of The ECJ/Nikolaos Lavranos.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.3: 479-493.
149595 The Efforts To Limit The International Criminal Court’s Jurisdiction Over Nationals Of Non-Party States: A Comparative Study/Marco Roscini.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2006; Vol.5, No.3: 495-527.
149596 Procedural Developments At The International Court Of Justice 2007-1/Daniel Muller.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2007; Vol.6, No.1: 221-232.
149597 The World Bank Administrative Tribunal’s External Sources Of Law: A Retrospective Of The Tribunal’s First Quarter-Century (1981-2005)/Peter C. Hansen.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2007; Vol.6, No.1: 1-87.
149598 The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal: What Lies Ahead?/Allen S. Weiner.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2007; Vol.6, No.1: 89-96.
149599 Recent Fact-Finding Developments At The International Court Of Justice/Ruth Teitelbaum.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2007; Vol.6, No.1: 119-158.
149600 Interpretation of Jurisdictional Instruments in International Dispute Settlement/Alexander Orakhelashvili.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2007; Vol.6, No.1: 159-188.
149601 Transparency versus Confi dentiality in International Investment Arbitration – The Biwater Gauff Compromise/Christina Knahr, August Reinisch.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2007; Vol.6, No.1: 97-118.
149602 Victim and Witness Measures of the International Criminal Court: A Comparative Analysis/Colin T. McLaughlin.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2007; Vol.6, No.1: 189-220.
149603 The Enhancing of the WTO Judiciary’s Control over Disputes and Suggestions for the Exceptional Expansion of Such Control to Favour Developing and Least Developed Countries/Alberto Alvarez-Jimenez.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2007; Vol.6, No.2: 269-301.
149604 Reconsidering Dualism: The Caribbean Court of Justice and the Growing Influence of Unincorporated Treaties in Domestic Law/David M. Aaron.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2007; Vol.6, No.2: 233-268.
149605 The Sui Generis Trial Proceedings of the International Criminal Court/Colin T. McLaughlin.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2007; Vol.6, No.2: 343-354.
149606 A Samson at the International Criminal Court: The Powers of the Prosecutor at the Pre-Trial Phase/Dov Jacobs.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2007; Vol.6, No.2: 317-341.
149607 The Decision of the Special Court for Sierra Leone to Conduct the Charles Taylor Trial in The Hague/Giulia Bigi.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2007; Vol.6, No.2: 303-316.
149608 The Challenges Faced by the Iraqi High Tribunal: The Dujail Trial/Celine Folsche.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2007; Vol.6, No.3: 407-446.
149609 Procedural Developments at the International Court of Justice 2007-3/Daniel Muller.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2007; Vol.6, No.3: 447-493.
149610 The First Judgement of the Special Court for Sierra Leone: A Missed Opportunity?/Nolwenn Guibert, Tilman Blumenstock.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2007; Vol.6, No.3: 367-391.
149611 General Principles of Law as Applied by International Criminal Courts and Tribunals/Fabian O. Raimondo.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2007; Vol.6, No.3: 393-406.
149612 The Decision of the ICSID Ad Hoc Committee in CMS v. Argentina Regarding the Conditions of Application of an Umbrella Clause: SGS v. Philippines Revisited/Jean-Christophe Honlet, Guillaume Borg.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2008; Vol.7, No.1: 1-32.
149613 The Advisory Centre on WTO Law: A Success Story, But for Whom?/Kenneth Ruwan Schunken.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2008; Vol.7, No.1: 59-79.
149614 The Second Death of Euripide Mavrommatis? Notes on the International Law Commission’s Draft Articles on Diplomatic Protection/Alain Pellet.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2008; Vol.7, No.1: 33-58.
149615 The International Criminal Court 2008-1/Dov Jacobs, Noora Arajarvi.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2008; Vol.7, No.1: 115-160.
149616 The Special Tribunal for Lebanon: A Court “Off the Shelf “for a Divided Country/Jan Erik Wetzel, Yvonne Mitri.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2008; Vol.7, No.1: 81-114.
149617 Salvaging or Sinking the Investment? MHS v. Malaysia Revisited/Yulia Andreeva.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2008; Vol.7, No.2: 161-175.
149618 Restorative Justice under the ICC Penalty Regime/Dragana Radosavljevic.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2008; Vol.7, No.2: 235-255.
149619 Procedure before the ICJ: What is the Exact Date of  the Closure of the Written Phase of Proceedings?/Juan J. Quintana.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2008; Vol.7, No.2: 193-203.
149620 Competing Jurisdictions Between MERCOSUR and WTO/Nikolaos Lavranos, Nicolas Vielliard.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2008; Vol.7, No.2: 205-234.
149621 Declaratory Judgments and Official Apologies as Forms of Reparation for the Non-Material Damage Suffered by the State: the Djibouti-France Case/Elena Fasoli.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2008; Vol.7, No.2: 177-192.
149622 Comments on International Justice – The Wider Picture/Dennis C.M. Byron.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2008; Vol.7, No.3: 269-273.
149623 The Law – Substantive and Procedural Questions/Lucius Caflisch.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2008; Vol.7, No.3: 289-299.
149624 The International Judiciary – Independence and Accountability/Paul Mahoney.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2008; Vol.7, No.3: 313-349.
149625 Remarks on Arbitrators’ Independence, Impartiality and Duty to Disclose in Investment Arbitration/Loretta Malintoppi.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2008; Vol.7, No.3: 351-356.
149626 The Anatomy of Courts and Tribunals/Alain Pellet.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2008; Vol.7, No.3: 275-287.
149627 Commentary on Substantive and Procedural Questions/Brigitte Stern.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2008; Vol.7, No.3: 301-311.
149628 The Procedural Rules Governing the Production of Documentary Evidence in International Arbitration – As Applied in Practice/Nathan D. O’Malley.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2009; Vol.8, No.1: 27-90.
149629 Bringing Claims and Enforcing International Arbitration Awards Against Sub-Saharan African States and Parties/William Lawton Kirtley.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2009; Vol.8, No.1: 143-169.
149630 Treaties in US Domestic Law: Medellin v. Texas in Context/Lucy Reed, Ilmi Granoff.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2009; Vol.8, No.1: 1-26.
149631 Conflicting Decisions in International Arbitration/Frank Spoorenberg,.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2009; Vol.8, No.1: 91-113.
149632 Bringing a Dispute Concerning ICSID Cases and the ICSID Convention Before the International Court of Justice/Gauthier Vannieuwenhuyse.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2009; Vol.8, No.1: 115-141.
149633 Bilateral Investment Treaties and the European Union. Recent Developments in Arbitration and Before the ECJ/Michele Potesta.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2009; Vol.8, No.2: 225-245.
149634 Reform of the Administration of Justice System at the United Nations/Phyllis Hwang.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2009; Vol.8, No.2: 181-224.
149635 The International Court of Justice New Practice Directions/Shabtai Rosenne.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2009; Vol.8, No.2: 171-180.
149636 Critique of the Mrksic Trial Chamber (ICTY) Judgment: A Re-evaluation on Whether Soldiers Hors de Combat Are Entitled to Recognition as Victims of Crimes Against Humanity/Hansdeep Singh.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2009; Vol.8, No.2: 247-296.
149637 Promoting Effective Participation of National Minorities in Economic, Social and Cultural Life through Project Activities/Charlotte Altenhoener.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2009; Vol.8, No.3: 583-592.
149638 Procedural Developments at the International Court of Justice 2009-3/Daniel Muller, Affef Ben Mansour.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2009; Vol.8, No.3: 459-528.
149639 Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea Case (Romania v. Ukraine)/David H. Anderson.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2009; Vol.8, No.3: 305-327.
149640 Minorities and Socio-economic Participation: the Two Pillars of Minority Protection Revisited/Kristin Henrard.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2009; Vol.8, No.3: 549-576.
149641 Effective Participation of National Minorities as a Tool for Conflict Prevention/Jonathan Cohen.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2009; Vol.8, No.3: 539-548.
149642 For Judicial Justice and Reconciliation in Cambodia: Reflections upon the Establishment of the Khmer Rouge Trials and the Trials’ Procedural Rules 2007/Yoshi Kodama.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2010; Vol.9, No.1: 37-113.
149643 The Damage Awards of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission/Michael J. Matheson.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2010; Vol.9, No.1: 1-15.
149644 Procedure before the ICJ: A Note on the Opening (or Not) of New Cases/Juan J. Quintana.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2010; Vol.9, No.1: 115-126.
149645 Developments at the International Criminal Court 2010-1/Julieta Solano McCausland, Enrique Carnero Rojo.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2010; Vol.9, No.1: 127-241.
149646 Pre-Conviction Detention before the International Criminal Court: Compliance or Fragmentation?/Sergey Golubok.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2010; Vol.9, No.2: 295-311.
149647 Procedural Developments at the International Court of Justice 2010-2/Juan J. Quintana.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2010; Vol.9, No.2: 327-400.
149648 Peacekeepers under Fire: Prosecuting the RUF for Attacks against the UN Assistance Mission in Sierra Leone/James Sloan.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2010; Vol.9, No.2: 243-293.
149649 An Inquiry into the ICC Appeals Chamber’s Exerciseof the Power of Remand/Neto D.C.B. Waite.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2010; Vol.9, No.2: 313-325.
149650 Subsequent Practice and Evolutive Interpretation: Techniques of Treaty Interpretation over Time and Their Diverse Consequences/Julian Arato.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2010; Vol.9, No.3: 443-494.
149651 New Developments in the Interaction between International Investment Law and EU Law/Nikos Lavranos.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2010; Vol.9, No.3: 409-441.
149652 Developments at the International Criminal Court 2010-3/Julieta Solano McCausland, Enrique Carnero Rojo.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2010; Vol.9, No.3: 495-555.
149653 International Judges and Experts’ Impartiality and the Problem of Past Declarations/Frederic Megret.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2011; Vol.10, No.1: 31-66.
149654 The Hague vs. Burgh House/Jean-Pierre Cot.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2011; Vol.10, No.1: 25-29.
149655 Commentary on the Hague Principles on Ethical Standards for Counsel Appearing before International Courts and Tribunals/Mojtaba Kazazi.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2011; Vol.10, No.1: 17-23.
149656 Procedural Developments at the International Court of Justice 2011-1/Juan J. Quintana.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2011; Vol.10, No.1: 135-203.
149657 Problems of Ethical Standards for Representatives before ICSID Tribunals/Arman Sarvarian.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2011; Vol.10, No.1: 67-134.
149658 Inter-jurisdictional Co-operation in the MERCOSUR: The First Request for an Advisory Opinion of the MERCOSUR’s Permanent Review Tribunal by Argentina’s Supreme Court of Justice/Carlos Esposito, Luciano Donadio.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2011; Vol.10, No.2: 261-284.
149659 Continuation of Membership in the United Nations Revisited: Lessons from Fifteen Years of Inconsistency in the Jurisprudence of the ICJ/Fernando Lusa Bordin.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2011; Vol.10, No.2: 315-350.
149660 The Power of ICSID Tribunals to Dismiss Proceedings Summarily: An Analysis of Rule 41(5) of the ICSID Arbitration Rules/Chester Brown.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2011; Vol.10, No.2: 227-259.
149661 From ICSID Annulment to Appeal Half Way Down the Slippery Slope/Christoph Schreuer.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2011; Vol.10, No.2: 211-225.
149662 The Preliminary Ruling Procedures at International Regional Courts and Tribunals/Roberto Virzo.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2011; Vol.10, No.2: 285-313.
149663 Procedural Developments at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR)/Tamfuh Y.N. Wilson.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2011; Vol.10, No.2: 351-380.
149664 The Relevance of Economic and Political Conditions for Protection under Investment Treaties/Ursula Kriebaum.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2011; Vol.10, No.3: 383-404.
149665 Developments at the International Criminal Court 2011-3/Julieta Solano McCausland, Enrique Carnero Rojo.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2011; Vol.10, No.3: 429-506.
149666 The Reform of the United Nations Administration of Justice System: The United Nations Appeals Tribunal after One Year/Louise Otis, Eric H. Reiter.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2011; Vol.10, No.3: 405-428.
149667 After The Court Rose: The Rise of Diplomatic Means to Implement the Pronouncements of the International Court of Justice/Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Antonella Angelini.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2012; Vol.11, No.1: 1-46.
149668 International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) Case Law Review/Julien Fouret, Dany Khayat.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2012; Vol.11, No.1: 137-198.
149669 Participation of Non-State Actors in ICJ Proceedings/Yael Ronen.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2012; Vol.11, No.1: 77-110.
149670 The Independence of the Inter-American Judge/Oswaldo Ruiz-Chiriboga.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2012; Vol.11, No.1: 111-135.
149671 On Balancing Foreign Investment Interests with Public Interests in Recent Arbitration Case Law in the Public Utilities Sector/Attila Tanzi.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2012; Vol.11, No.1: 47-76.
149672 Procedural Developments at the International Court of Justice 2012-2/Fernando Lusa Bordin.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2012; Vol.11, No.2: 325-363.
149673 Individuals in Advisory Proceedings Before the International Court of Justice: Equality of the Parties and the Court’s Discretionary Authority/Eric De Brabandere.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2012; Vol.11, No.2: 253-279.
149674 The World Bank Administrative Tribunal’s External Sources of Law: The Next Chapter (2006 2010) (Part I)/Peter C. Hansen.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2012; Vol.11, No.2: 199-251.
149675 Illegal Investments in Investment Treaty Arbitration/Stephan W. Schill.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2012; Vol.11, No.2: 281-323.
149676 Developments at the International Criminal Court 2012-2/Julieta Solano McCausland, Enrique Carnero Rojo.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2012; Vol.11, No.2: 365-448.
149677 The World Bank Administrative Tribunal’s External Sources of Law: The Next Chapter (2006 2010) (Part II)/Peter C. Hansen.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2012; Vol.11, No.3: 449-497.
149678 Note on the Interim Measures in the Indus Waters Kishenganga Arbitration/Yoshifumi Tanaka.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2012; Vol.11, No.3: 555-579.
149679 Sovereign Immunity, Insolvent States and Private Bondholders: Recent National and International Case Law/Lorenza Mola.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2012; Vol.11, No.3: 525-554.
149680 The Investment Arbitration between Italy and Cuba: The Application of Customary International Law under Scrutiny/Enrico Milano.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2012; Vol.11, No.3: 499-524.
149681 Procedural Developments at the International Court of justice 2013-1/Fernando Lusa Bordin.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2013; Vol.12, No.1: 81-111.
149682 International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) Case Law Review 2013-1/Julien Fouret, Dany Khayat.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2013; Vol.12, No.1: 113-161.
149683 The Reasonable Basis to Proceed Threshold in the Kenya and Cote d’Ivoire Proprio Motu Investigation Decisions: The International Criminal Court’s Lowest Evidentiary Standard?/Manuel J. Ventura.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2013; Vol.12, No.1: 49-80.
149684 Determining a Reasonable Implementation Timeline for Developing Countries in WTO Disputes: An Appraisal of Special Treatment Commitments in DSU Article 21.3 (c) Arbitrations/Khorsed Zaman.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2013; Vol.12, No.1: 31-47.
149685 Human Rights Treaty Bodies and the Jurisdiction ofthe International Court of Justice/Andreas Zimmermann.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2013; Vol.12, No.1: 5-29.
149686 Customary International Law in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights – The Method/Ineta Ziemele.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2013; Vol.12, No.2: 243-252.
149687 Custom and the International Court of Justice/Peter Tomka.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2013; Vol.12, No.2: 195-216.
149688 The Judge and Intemational Custom/Andreas Paulus.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2013; Vol.12, No.2: 253-265.
149689 La place de la coutume internationale en droit public francais/Bernard Stirn.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2013; Vol.12, No.2: 267-271.
149690 Le juge et la coutume internationale: perspective de l’Union europ‎فenne et de la Cour de justice/Jiri Malenovsky.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2013; Vol.12, No.2: 217-241.
149691 Recourse to the Futility Exception within the ICSID System: Reflections on Recent Developments of the Local Remedies Rule/D’Agnone, Giulia.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2013; Vol.12, No.3: 343-364.
149692 The Judicial Review Powers of the Presidency of the International Criminal Court: Safe guards for the Protection of Human Rights/Hirad Abtahi, Odo Ogwuma, Rebecca Young.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2013; Vol.12, No.3: 281-320.
149693 The Action of Legal Persons in the European System of Human Rights Protection – Collective or Individual Interest?/Marjorie Beulay.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2013; Vol.12, No.3: 321-347.
149694 Requirements for Amicus Curiae Participation in International Investment Arbitration – A Deconstruction of the Procedural Wall Erected in Joint ICSID Cases ARB/10/25 and ARB/10/15/Christian Schliemann.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2013; Vol.12, No.3: 365-390.
149695 Revocation and Modification of Provisional  Measures Orders in the Intemational Court of Justice: The Court’s Order Regarding Certain Activities Carried out by Nicaragua in the Border Area and the Case Concerning Construction ofa Road in Costa Rica along the San Juan Aiver Joint Proceedings/Andres Sarmiento Lamus.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2013; Vol.12, No.3: 463-474.
149696 International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) Case Law Review 2013-3/Julien Fouret, Dany Khayat.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2013; Vol.12, No.3: 475-530.
149697 Provisional Measures before the International Court of Justice/Inna Uchkunova.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2013; Vol.12, No.3: 391-430.
149698 Navigating Through Narrow Jurisdictional Straits: The Philippines – PRC South China Sea Dispute and UNCLOS/Andreas Zimmermann, Jelena Baumler.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2013; Vol.12, No.3: 431-461.
149699 Prior Consultations and Jurisdiction at ITLOS/Jose Manuel Cortes Martin.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2014; Vol.13, No.1: 1-26.
149700 International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) Case Law Review 2014-1/Julien Fouret, Dany Khayat.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2014; Vol.13, No.1: 117-152.
149701 Regional Courts and locus standi for Private Parties: Can the CJEU Learn Something from the Others?/Marlolina Eliantonio, Haakon Roer-Eide.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2014; Vol.13, No.1: 27-53.
149702 Practice and Prospects of Boundary Delimitation in Africa – The ICJ Judgment in the Burkina Faso – Niger Frontier Dispute Case/Pierre-Emmanuel Dupont.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2014; Vol.13, No.1: 103-116.
149703 Procedural Developments at the International Court of Justice 2014-2/Fernando Lusa Bordin.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2014; Vol.13, No.2: 223-260.
149704 The Application of the Principle of Proportionality to Assess Compensation: Some Reflections Arising from the Case of Joseph Charles Lemire v. Ukraine/Sondra Faccio.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2014; Vol.13, No.2: 199-222.
149705 The Minotaur’s Labyrinth: Third State Intervention before the International Court of Justice/Inna Uchkunova.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2014; Vol.13, No.2: 178-198.
149706 Challenge and Disqualification of Arbitrators in International Investment Arbitration: An Overview/Federica Cristani.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2014; Vol.13, No.2: 153-177.
149707 Extraordinary Exceptions at the International Criminal Court: The (New) Rules and Jurisprudence on Presence at Trial/Abel S. Knottnerus.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2014; Vol.13, No.3: 261-285.
149708 The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the Polar Regions/Gabrlela A. Oanta.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2014; Vol.13, No.3: 286-305.
149709 ICANN’s New Generic Top-Level Domain Names Dispute Resolution Procedure Viewed Against the Protection of the Public Interest of the Internet Community: Litigation Regarding Health-Related Strings/Simone Vezzani.- The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 2014; Vol.13, No.3: 306-346.


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