تازههای مقالات خارجی تیر 99
NO. |
86590 | Not from Guile but from Entitlement: Lawful Opportunism Capitalizes on the Cracks in Contracts/Gaston de los Reyes, Kirsten Martin.- Buffalo Law Review. 2019; Vol.67, No.1: 1-52. |
86591 | Calls for Speculation: An Experimental Examination of Juror Perceptions of Attorney Objections/Krystia Reed.- Buffalo Law Review. 2019; Vol.67, No.1: 53-87. |
86592 | Expanding Access to Remedies through E-Court Initiatives/Amy J. Schmitz.- Buffalo Law Review. 2019; Vol.67, No.1: 89-163. |
86593 | When Alternative Dispute Resolution Works: Lessons Learned from the Bashingantahe/Alexander J. Buszka.- Buffalo Law Review. 2019; Vol.67, No.1: 165-225. |
86594 | Decarcerating America: The Opportunistic Overlap Between Theory and (Mainly State) Sentencing Practice as a Pathway to Meaningful Reform/Mirko Bagaric, Daniel McCord.- Buffalo Law Review. 2019; Vol.67, No.2: 227-309. |
86595 | Deception, Professional Speech, and CPCs: On Becerra, Abortion, and the First Amendment/Mark Strasser.- Buffalo Law Review. 2019; Vol.67, No.2: 311-364. |
86596 | Phantom Income and Domestic Support Obligations/Timothy M. Todd.- Buffalo Law Review. 2019; Vol.67, No.2: 365-405. |
86597 | The Implications of Inequality for Fiscal Federalism (or Why the Federal Government Should Pay for Local Public Schools)/Brian Highsmith.- Buffalo Law Review. 2019; Vol.67, No.2: 407-450. |
86598 | Crafted from Whole Cloth: Reverse Stash-House Stings and the Sentencing Factor Manipulation Claim/Molly F. Spakowski.- Buffalo Law Review. 2019; Vol.67, No.2: 451-517. |
86599 | Tempered Power, Variegated Capitalism, Law and Society/John Braithwaite.- Buffalo Law Review. 2019; Vol.67, No.3: 527-594. |
86600 | Law and Power in Health Care: Challenges to Physician Control/Mary Anne Bobinski.- Buffalo Law Review. 2019; Vol.67, No.3: 595-652. |
86601 | Otro Mundo Es Posible: Tempering the Power of Immigration Law through Activism, Advocacy, and Action/Susan Bibler Coutin.- Buffalo Law Review. 2019; Vol.67, No.3: 653-700. |
86602 | Transformative Constitutions and the Role of Integrity Institutions in Tempering Power: The Case of Resistance to State Capture in Post-Apartheid South Africa/Heinz Klug.- Buffalo Law Review. 2019; Vol.67, No.3: 701-742. |
86603 | What’s the Point of the Rule of Law?/Martin Krygier.- Buffalo Law Review. 2019; Vol.67, No.3: 743-791. |
86604 | Is China a Rule-by-Law Regime?/Kwai Hang Ng.- Buffalo Law Review. 2019; Vol.67, No.3: 793-821. |
86605 | What Good is Abstraction? From Liberal Legitimacy to Social Justice/Nimer Sultany.- Buffalo Law Review. 2019; Vol.67, No.3: 823-887. |
86606 | Those People [May Yet Be] a Kind of Solution Late Imperial Thoughts on the Humanization of Officialdom/David A. Westbrook, Mark Maguire.- Buffalo Law Review. 2019; Vol.67, No.3: 889-907. |
86607 | Transnational Law as Socio-Legal Theory and Critique: Prospects for Law and Society in a Divided World/Peer Zumbansen.- Buffalo Law Review. 2019; Vol.67, No.3: 909-960. |
86693 | Human Rights Are Neither Universal Nor Natural/Rein Mdllerson.- Chinese Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.17, No.4: 925-942. |
86694 | Customary International Law and the Rule Against Taking Cultural Property as Spoils of War/Yue Zhang.- Chinese Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.17, No.4: 943-989. |
86695 | Democracy Under The Influence: Paradigms of State Responsibility for Cyber Influence Operations on Elections/Barrie Sander.- Chinese Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.18, No.1: 1-56. |
86696 | China and the Northwest Passage/Michael Byers, Emma Lodge.- Chinese Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.18, No.1: 57-90. |
86697 | Reflections on the Presence of Third States in International Maritime Boundary Delimitation/Qi Xu.- Chinese Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.18, No.1: 91-128. |
86698 | Can a Change of Circumstances Qualify as an Impediment under Article 79 of the CISG?/Sang Man Kim, Jongho Kim.- Chinese Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.18, No.1: 129-163. |
86699 | International Jurisprudence Concerning the Group or Unity Principle in Territorial Allocation/Xuechan Ma.- Chinese Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.18, No.1: 165-178. |
86700 | The Implementation of International Law on the Equal Right of Labor of Transgender Minorities in China: Revisiting the Mr. C. Case/Chengming Yang.- Chinese Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.18, No.1: 179-192. |
86701 | International Legal Scholarship and the Challenge of Digitalization/Tilmann Altwicker.- Chinese Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.18, No.2: 217-246. |
86702 | How to Construe a Myth: Neutrality Within the United Nations System Under Special Consideration of the Austrian Case/Peter Hilpold.- Chinese Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.18, No.2: 247-279. |
86703 | The Timor Sea Conciliation under Article 298 and Annex V of UNCLOS: A Critique/Xuexia Liao.- Chinese Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.18, No.2: 281-375. |
86704 | The Western Sahara Cases before the Court of Justice of the European Union and International Law/Balingene Kahombo.- Chinese Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.18, No.2: 327-352. |
86705 | Twenty Years of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Appraising the State of National Implementing Legislation in Asia/Daley Birkett.- Chinese Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.18, No.2: 353-392. |
86706 | The Function of Amicus Curiae Participation by Legal Scholars: The Al-Bashir Appeal Case at the International Criminal Court as an Illustration/Xiao Mao.- Chinese Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.18, No.2: 393-424. |
86707 | Notes on the International Court of Justice (Part 8) Interim Accord (FYROM v. Greece) and the Settlement of the Macedonian Name Dispute: Knowing and Seizing upon Many Things or One Big Thing in Treaty Interpretation and International Dispute Settlement in General/Sienho Yee.- Chinese Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.18, No.3: 473-502. |
86708 | Asian Territorial Disputes and the 1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty: The Case of Dokdo/Thomas Schwartz, John Yoo.- Chinese Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.18, No.3: 503-550. |
86709 | The Emergence of Universal Jurisdiction in Response to Somali Piracy: An Empirically Informed Critique of International Law’s Paradigmatic Universal Jurisdiction Crime/Matthew Garrod.- Chinese Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.18, No.3: 551-643. |
86710 | The United States under President Trump: Gravedigger of International Law/Stefan Talmon.- Chinese Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.18, No.3: 645-668. |
86711 | Official Acts and Beyond: Towards an Accurate Interpretation of Diplomatic Immunity Ratione Materiae under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations/Xinxiang Shi.- Chinese Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.18, No.3: 669-694. |
86712 | Invocation of National Security Exceptions under GATT Article XXI: Jurisdiction to Review and Standard of Review/Chao Wang.- Chinese Journal of International Law. 2019; Vol.18, No.3: 695-712. |
86713 | The Use and Abuse of the Cultural Defense/Alison Dundes Renteln.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.20, No.1: 47-67. |
86714 | The Bounds of the Permissible: Using Cultural Evidence in Civil Jury Cases/Robert J. Currie.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.20, No.1: 75-86. |
86715 | Some Conditions for Culturally Diverse Deliberation/Richard Mohr.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.20, No.1: 87-102. |
86716 | The Erasure of Ms. G.: The Cultural Specificity of Substance Abuse and Adjudication Without Imagination/Vera J. Roy.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.20, No.1: 107-138. |
86717 | Customary Law, Sentencing and the Limits of the State/Heather Douglas.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.20, No.1: 141-156. |
86718 | Entre science et politique. La conjonction du positivisme et du decisionnisme dans la sociologie du droit de Max Weber/Frederic Vandenberghe.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.20, No.1: 157-169. |
86719 | Justice Not Done: The Hanging of Elizabeth Workman/Scott M. Gaffield.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.20, No.1: 171-192. |
86720 | How Should We Respond to Youth Crime?/Jim Hackler.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.20, No.1: 193-208. |
86721 | Introduction: Culture in the Domains of Law/David Howes.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.20, No.1: 9-29. |
86722 | Office Politics (Again)!/Roderick A. Macdonald, Jonathan Widell.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.20, No.2: 1-26. |
86723 | When Precaution Points Two Ways: Confronting West Nile Fever/Dayna Nadine Scott.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.20, No.2: 27-65. |
86724 | Judgement by Deferral: The Interlocutary Injunction in Labour Disputes Involving Picketing/Willem De Lint, Ryan Gostlow, Alan Hall.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.20, No.2: 67-93. |
86725 | Legal Consciousness and Resistance in Caribbean Seasonal Agricultural Workers/Adrian A. Smith.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.20, No.2: 95-122. |
86726 | Delgamuukw: A Legal Straightjacket for Oral Histories?/Val Napoleon.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.20, No.2: 123-155. |
86727 | Les revendications politiques des Premieres Nations du Canada: Le concept de nation comme outil contre-hegemonique/Karine Gentelet.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.20, No.2: 157-181. |
86728 | Certificates of Possession and First Nations Housing: A Case Study of the Six Nations Housing Program/Christopher Alcantara.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.20, No.2: 183-205. |
86729 | The Public, the Private, and the Legal Norm of Equality/Yoav Dotan.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.20, No.2: 207-221. |
86730 | Aboriginal Self-Determination in Canada: Protections Afforded by the Judiciary and Government/Jennifer E. Dalton.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.21, No.1: 11-37. |
86731 | L’institutionnalisation de l’attribution des pouvoirs politicoeconomiques: normalite et exception/Emmanuel Picavet.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.21, No.1: 39-62. |
86732 | Subject to Exception: Security Certificates, National Security and Canada’s Role in the War on Terror/Colleen Bell.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.21, No.1: 63-83. |
86733 | Doing Justice After Conflict: The Case for Ghana’s National Reconciliation Commission/Robert Kwame Ameh.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.21, No.1: 85-109. |
86734 | Entre ethique, justice et politique: la demande de pardon des Etats. Le cas des Unangan (Aleoutes) de l’Alaska/Annik Chiron de la Casiniere.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.21, No.1: 111-133. |
86735 | The Transformation of Canadian Property Rights?/Richard A. Brisbin, Susan Hunter.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.21, No.1: 135-159. |
86736 | Protecting Research Confidentiality: Towards a Research-Participant Shield Law/Ted Palys, John Lowman.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.21, No.1: 163-185. |
86737 | Introduction: Exceptions, excuses et normes/Paul Dumouchel.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.21, No.1: 1-10. |
86738 | Profane Matrimony/Robert Leckey.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.21, No.2: 1-23. |
86739 | Legal Scholarship in Ontario’s English-speaking Common Law Schools/Theresa Shanahan.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.21, No.2: 25-50. |
86740 | La critique perelmanienne de la theorie pure du droit: Essai de synthese/Hugo Hardy.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.21, No.2: 51-64. |
86741 | On Territory as Relationship and Law as Territory/Andrea Brighenti.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.21, No.2: 65-86. |
86742 | A Cripple at a Rich Man’s Gate: A Comparison of Disability, Employment and Anti-discrimination Law in the United States and Canada/C.G.K. Atkins.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.21, No.2: 87-111. |
86743 | Droit et justice constitutionnelle de Habermas a Luhmann/Stephane Bernatchez.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.21, No.2: 113-141. |
86744 | The Meaning of Short Sentences of Imprisonment and Offences Against the Administration of Justice: A Perspective from the Court/Voula Marinos.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.21, No.2: 143-167. |
86745 | The Legitimizing/Insulating Effect of Socio-Economic Rights/Marius Pieterse.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.22, No.1: 1-20. |
86746 | Lost Lives at Westray: Official Discourse, Public Truth and Controversial Death/John McMullan.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.22, No.1: 21-42. |
86747 | Genealogie des droits fonciers autochtones en Nouvelle-Zelande (Aotearoa) et a Tahiti/Tamatoa Bambridge.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.22, No.1: 43-60. |
86748 | Civil Liability for Sexual Assault in Aboriginal Residential Schools: The Baker Did It/Bruce Feldthusen.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.22, No.1: 61-91. |
86749 | The Self-Regulation of Virtual Reality: Issues of Voluntary Compliance and Enforcement in the Video Game Industry/Garry C. Gray, Tomas Nikolakakos.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.22, No.1: 93-108. |
86750 | First Nations and Self-Government: A Matter of Trust/Don J. Manderscheid.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.22, No.1: 109-121. |
86751 | The Autonomy and Permeability of Law: The Case of the Canadian Prohibition of Cannabis/Nicolas Carrier.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.22, No.1: 123-138. |
86752 | Security, Sovereignty, and Non-State Governance From Below/John Lea, Kevin Stenson.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.22, No.2: 9-27. |
86753 | Urban Revitalization, Security, and Knowledge Transfer: The Case of Broken Windows and Kiddie Bars/Randy Lippert.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.22, No.2: 29-53. |
86754 | Civil Rights Meet Civil Engineering: Urban Public Space and Traffic Logic/Nicholas Blomley.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.22, No.2: 55-72. |
86755 | Governing Prostitution: New Formations, Old Agendas/Jo Phoenix.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.22, No.2: 73-94. |
86756 | Urban Security, from Nodes to Networks: On the Value of Connecting Disciplines/Benoit Dupont, Jennifer Wood.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.22, No.2: 95-112. |
86757 | Jamais deux sans trois… Once Reform, Twice Commission, Thrice Law/Roderick A. Macdonald.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.22, No.2: 117-143. |
86758 | In Memoriam: La Commission du droit du Canada/ The Law Commission of Canada, 1997-2006/Nathalie Des Rosiers.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.22, No.2: 145-175. |
86759 | Law, Culture and Civil Codification in a Mixed Legal System/Nir Kedar.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.22, No.2: 177-195. |
86760 | Big and Little Brother: The Potential Erosion of Workplace Privacy in Canada/Avner Levin.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.22, No.2: 197-230. |
86761 | Legal Expertise, Scientific Knowledge, and Medical Ethics at a Crossroads/Elsa Acem.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.22, No.2: 231-241. |
86762 | Claims for Recognition and the Generalized Other: The Reasonable Person and Judgment in Criminal Law/Diana Young.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.23, No.1-2: 15-37. |
86763 | Le Psychiatre devant le juge: entre pragmatisme et captivite, une communication aleatoire/Emmanuelle Bernheim.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.23, No.1-2: 39-61. |
86764 | Out of the Fires of Hell: Globalization as a Solution to Globalization – An Indigenist Perspective/Kiera L. Ladner, Caroline Dick.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.23, No.1-2: 63-91. |
86765 | L’appartenance aux communautes inuit du Nunavik: Un cas de reception de l’ordre juridique inuit?/Sebastien Grammond.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.23, No.1-2: 93-119. |
86766 | Wives’ Tales: Reflecting on Research in Bountiful/Angela Campbell.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.23, No.1-2: 121-141. |
86767 | Effects of the Criminalization of HIV Transmission in Cuerrier on Men Reporting Unprotected Sex with Men/Barry D. Adam … [et al.].- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.23, No.1-2: 143-159. |
86768 | Hunting for Harm: Risk-Knowledge Networks, Local Governance, and the Ottawa Needle Hunter Program/Kevin Walby.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.23, No.1-2: 161-178. |
86769 | Screening Desire: Same-Sex-Marriage Documentaries, Citizenship, and the Law/BJ Wray.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.24, No.1: 1-21. |
86770 | From Labour of Love to Decent Work: Protecting the Human Rights of Migrant Caregivers in Canada/Sabaa A. Khan.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.24, No.1: 23-45. |
86771 | Rightsizing Regulation: The Competition Act, 1975-2005/Suzanne Day … [et al.].- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.24, No.1: 47-67. |
86772 | Law on Australia’s Northern Frontier: The Fall and Rise of Race/John Chesterman, Heather Douglas.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.24, No.1: 69-83. |
86773 | Echoes of Imprisonment: Women’s Experiences of Successful (Re)integration/Laura Shantz, Jennifer M. Kilty, Sylvie Frigon.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.24, No.1: 85-106. |
86774 | Indocile Bodies: Gender Identity and Strip Searches in Canadian Criminal Law/Kyle Kirkup.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.24, No.1: 107-125. |
86775 | Le contrat de travail de Philipp Lotmar, Note critique (1902)/Max Weber.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.24, No.2: 147-157. |
86776 | La naissance du contrat de travail comme concept juridique: Max Weber et Hugo Sinzheimer, critiques de Philipp Lotmar/Michel Coutu.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.24, No.2: 159-179. |
86777 | Reconsecrating the Temple of Justice: Invocations of Civilization and Humanity in the Nuremberg Justice Case/Christiane Wilke.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.24, No.2: 181-201. |
86778 | Exceptional State, Pragmatic Bureaucracy, and Indefinite Detention: The Case of the Kingston Immigration Holding Centre/Mike Larsen, Justin Piche.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.24, No.2: 203-229. |
86779 | Multidimensional Analysis as a Window into Activism Scholarship: Searching for Meaning with Sniffer Dogs/Richard Jochelson.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.24, No.2: 231-249. |
86780 | In Search of Law’s Residence: Towards the Creation of a Mosaic Health-Care State/Ireh Iyioha.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.24, No.2: 251-276. |
86781 | Administrative Discretion and the Spirit of Legality: From Theory to Practice/Genevieve Cartier.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.24, No.3: 313-335. |
86782 | Discretion, Politics, and the Public Interest in High-Profile Criminal Investigations and Prosecutions/Philip C. Stenning.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.24, No.3: 337-366. |
86783 | Trust, Privilege, and Discretion in the Governance of the US Borderlands with Mexico/Josiah McC. Heyman.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.24, No.3: 367-390. |
86784 | Negotiated Risk: Actuarial Illusions and Discretion in Probation/Kelly Hannah-Moffat, Paula Maurutto, Sarah Turnbull.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.24, No.3: 391-409. |
86785 | Governing Borders in France: From Extraterritorial to Humanitarian Confinement/Chowra Makaremi.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.24, No.3: 411-432. |
86786 | Targeting the Local: Policing Clandestine Methamphetamine Production in a Rural US Community/William Garriott.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2010; Vol.25, No.1: 1-19. |
86787 | Multidimensionality and the Matrix: Identifying Charter Violations in Cases of Complex Subordination/Kerri A. Froc.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2010; Vol.25, No.1: 21-49. |
86788 | La discrimination intersectionnelle: la naissance et le developpement d’un concept et les paradoxes de sa mise en application en droit antidiscriminatoire/Sirma Bilge, Olivier Roy.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2010; Vol.25, No.1: 51-74. |
86789 | Women’s Labour, Relationship Breakdown and Ownership of the Family Farm/Lori Chambers.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2010; Vol.25, No.1: 75-95. |
86790 | Research Note: Revisiting the Collection of Justice Statistics by Race in Canada/Akwasi Owusu-Bempah, Paul Millar.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2010; Vol.25, No.1: 97-104. |
86791 | Good, Responsible Parenting: Child-Support Guidelines in an Era of Neo-liberalism/Krista Robson.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2010; Vol.25, No.2: 129-148. |
86792 | Punishing Our Way Out of Poverty: The Prosecution of Child-Support Debt in Alberta, Canada/Paul Millar.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2010; Vol.25, No.2: 149-165. |
86793 | Courtiser Dieu devant les tribunaux occidentaux/Pascale Fournier.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2010; Vol.25, No.2: 167-193. |
86794 | The Masculine Mystique: Living Large from Law School to Later Life/John Hagan, Fiona M. Kay.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2010; Vol.25, No.2: 195-226. |
86795 | Review Essay: The Nature of Mystery/Piyel Haldar.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2010; Vol.25, No.2: 227-236. |
86796 | L’influence du contexte economique et ideologique sur la conception de l’etre humain par le droit et le juge constitutionnels: les cas canadien, indien et sud-africain/David Robitaille.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.1: 1-24. |
86797 | A Company with Sovereignty and Subjects of Its Own? The Case of the Hudson’s Bay Company, 1670-1763/Edward Cavanagh.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.1: 25-50. |
86798 | Le droit international humanitaire protege-t-il assez la dignite des femmes? L’exemple du conflit israelo-palestinien/Katy Sakina Frattina.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.1: 51-67. |
86799 | Regulating Indian and Chinese Civic Identities In British Columbia’s Colonial Contact Zone, 1858-1887/Reginald Good.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.1: 69-88. |
86800 | Legitimite des normes environnementales dans la gestion locale de la foret a Madagascar/Marie-Helene Berard.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.1: 89-111. |
86801 | Exception and Deputization under Today’s NDP: Neo-liberalism, the Third Way, and Crime Control in Manitoba/Andrew Woolford, Jasmine Thomas.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.1: 113-131. |
86802 | La constitutionnalisation des langues regionales francaises. Entre reconnaissance et effectivite symbolique/Doris Farget.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.1: 133-158. |
86803 | The Tunnel at the End of the Light? A Critical Analysis of the Development of the Tri-Council Policy Statement/Cheluchi Onyemelukwe, Jocelyn Downie.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.1: 159-176. |
86804 | La responsabilite sociale de l’entreprise et ses relations avec le systeme juridique/Emmanuelle Mazuyer.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.1: 177-191. |
86805 | Review Essay: Liberating the Legal Person/Ngaire Naffine.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.1: 193-203. |
86806 | Introduction: Le desenchantement de la pensee juridique critique?/Michel Coutu, Pierre Guibentif.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.2: 215-225. |
86807 | Introduction: The Disenchantment of Critical Legal Thought?/Michel Coutu, Pierre Guibentif.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.2: 227-236. |
86808 | What Legal Culture for the Twenty-First Century?/Jean-Guy Belley; Translated by Nicholas Kasirer.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.2: 237-251. |
86809 | How Jean-Guy Belley Thinks: A Translator’s Note/Nicholas Kasirer.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.2: 253-255. |
86810 | Le pluralisme juridique comme orthodoxie de la science du droit/Jean-Guy Belley.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.2: 257-276. |
86811 | Nouveau pluralisme juridique et transformations de l’individu/Pierre Guibentif.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.2: 277-299. |
86812 | Custom Made – For a Non-chirographic Critical Legal Pluralism/Roderick A. Macdonald.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.2: 301-327. |
86813 | Contrats et internormativite, de Saguenay a Dakar/Julie Paquin.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.2: 329-351. |
86814 | Les multiples vertus d’une ouverture pluraliste en theorie du droit: l’exemple de l’analyse du phenomene de cause lawyering/Violaine Lemay, Alexandra Juliane Law.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.2: 353-377. |
86815 | Le nouveau pluralisme juridique de Belley: ancien paradigme dans l’archeologie du droit islamique?/Samia Amor.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.2: 379-396. |
86816 | Perspectives institutionnelles sur la consultation lors du processus reglementaire federal au Canada/Idil Atak, France Houle.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.2: 397-436. |
86817 | John R. Commons et Max Weber: les fondements d’une sociologie economique et pluraliste du droit/Michel Coutu, Thierry Kirat.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.2: 437-466. |
86818 | Doing Things with Time: Flexibility, Adaptability, and Elasticity in UK Equality Cases/Emily Grabham.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.3: 485-508. |
86819 | Human Rights, Transsexed Bodies, and Health Care in Canada: What Counts as Legal Protection?/Lane R. Mandlis.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.3: 509-529. |
86820 | Le droit est aussi une question de visibilite: l’occupation des espaces publics et les parcours judiciaires des personnes itinerantes a Montreal et a Ottawa/Marie-Eve Sylvestre … [et al.].- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.3: 531-561. |
86821 | Conscientiser les individus au droit: la construction sociale des besoins et demandes juridiques/Aude Lejeune.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.3: 563-583. |
86822 | Negotiating a Way In: A Special Collection of Essays on Accessing Information and Socio-legal Research/Michael S. Mopas, Sarah Turnbull.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.3: 585-590. |
86823 | WikiLeaks Documents Explosive: The Potentially Perverse Effects of Scholars’ Being Forced to Look to Third Parties Rather Than State Institutions for Classified Material/Samuel Brenner.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.3: 591-598. |
86824 | From Observation Dude to An Observational Study: Gaining Access and Conducting Research Inside a Paramilitary Organization/Philip Goodman.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.3: 599-605. |
86825 | The Need for Flexible and Adaptive Research in an Environment of Diverse Barriers to Accessing Data/Claire Spivakovsky.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.3: 607-612. |
86826 | Accessing Democracy: The Critical Relationship between Academics and the Access to Information Act/Vincent Kazmierski.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.3: 613-622. |
86827 | Getting at the Live Archive: On Access to Information Research in Canada/Kevin Walby, Mike Larsen.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.3: 623-633. |
86828 | Going Public: Accessing Data, Contesting Information Blockades/Justin Piche.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.3: 635-643. |
86829 | Access to Information (ATI) as a Double-Edged Sword for Critical Policing Research/George S. Rigakos, Stephen R. Worth.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.3: 645-652. |
86830 | Whitewashing Criminal Justice in Canada: Preventing Research through Data Suppression/Paul Millar, Akwasi Owusu-Bempah.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.26, No.3: 653-661. |
86831 | Introduction: Residential Schools and Decolonization/Rosemary Nagy, Robinder Kaur Sehdev.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.27, No.1: 67-73. |
86832 | La theorie de la dissuasion remise en question par la rationalite du risque/Richard Dube.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.27, No.1: 1-29. |
86833 | Who? What? Where? When? And with What Consequences?: An Analysis of Criminal Cases of HIV Non-disclosure in Canada/Eric Mykhalovskiy, Glenn Betteridge.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.27, No.1: 31-53. |
86834 | Criminalization Creep: A Brief Discussion of the Criminalization of HIV/AIDS Nondisclosure in Canada/Erin Dej, Jennifer M. Kilty.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.27, No.1: 55-66. |
86835 | Remembering Inninimowin: The Language of the Human Beings/Jules Koostachin.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.27, No.1: 75-80. |
86836 | Looking Forward, Looking Back: The Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry/Kim Stanton.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.27, No.1: 81-99. |
86837 | Instructive Past: Lessons from the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples for the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Indian Residential Schools/Jula Hughes.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.27, No.1: 101-127. |
86838 | Unsettling Cures: Exploring the Limits of the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement/Robyn Green.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.27, No.1: 129-148. |
86839 | The Judicialization of Assisted Reproductive Technology Policy in Canada: Decentralization, Medicalization, and Mandatory Regulation/Dave Snow.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.27, No.2: 169-188. |
86840 | En amont du penal: etude empirique sur les modes sociaux d’identification des troubles selon la perspective vindicatoire/Veronique Strimelle.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.27, No.2: 189-207. |
86841 | The New Precariousness: Temporary Migrants and the Law in Canada/Sarah Marsden.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.27, No.2: 209-229. |
86842 | Creating Space for Indigenous Storytelling in Courts/Kirsten Manley-Casimir.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.27, No.2: 231-247. |
86843 | Making the Law Work: Alberta’s Liquor Act and the Control of Medicinal Liquor from 1916 to 1924/Sarah E. Hamill.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.27, No.2: 249-265. |
86844 | The Surveillance Legacies of 9/11: Recalling, Reflecting on, and Rethinking Surveillance in the Security Era/David Lyon, Kevin D. Haggerty.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.27, No.3: 291-300. |
86845 | Zones of Opacity: Data Fusion in Post-9/11 Security Organizations/Torin Monahan, Priscilla M. Regan.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.27, No.3: 301-317. |
86846 | After 9/11: Canada, the Israel/Palestine Conflict, and the Surveillance of Public Discourse/Yasmeen Abu-Laban, Abigail B. Bakan.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.27, No.3: 319-339. |
86847 | Student Protests and Government Somersaults: The Quebec Spring from a Law and Society Perspective/Violaine Lemay, Marie-Neige Laperriere.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.27, No.3: 439-450. |
86848 | Identifying Canadians at the Border: ePassports and the 9/11 Legacy/Brenda McPhail … [et al.].- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.27, No.3: 341-361. |
86849 | Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC), Structures of Secrecy, and Ministerial Authorization after September 11/Kevin Walby, Seantel Anais.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.27, No.3: 363-380. |
86850 | Getting Past Privacy?: Surveillance, the Charter, and the Rule of Law/Lisa M. Austin.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.27, No.3: 381-398. |
86851 | US Domestic Surveillance after 9/11: An Analysis of the Chilling Effect on First Amendment Rights in Cases Filed against the Terrorist Surveillance Program/Sunny Skye Hughes.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.27, No.3: 399-425. |
86852 | Contestation etudiante et soubresauts etatiques: le printemps quebecois sous une perspective droit et societe/Violaine Lemay, Marie-Neige Laperriere.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.27, No.3: 427-438. |
86853 | Equality, Democracy, Monogamy: Discourses of Canadian Nation Building in the 2010-2011 British Columbia Polygamy Reference/Joanna Sweet.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.28, No.1: 1-19. |
86854 | Trafficking or Pimping?: An Analysis of Canada’s Human Trafficking Legislation and its Implications/Katrin Roots.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.28, No.1: 21-41. |
86855 | Rethinking the Prostitution Debates: Transcending Structural Stigma in Systemic Responses to Sex Work/Chris Bruckert, Stacey Hannem.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.28, No.1: 43-63. |
86856 | Criminalization at Tyendinaga: Securing Canada’s Colonial Property Regime through Specific Land Claims/Shiri Pasternak, Sue Collis, Tia Dafnos.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.28, No.1: 65-81. |
86857 | Des menottes sur des pansements: La decriminalisation de la tentative de suicide dans les tribunaux du Quebec entre 1892 et 1972/Andre Cellard, Elise Chapdelaine, Patrice Corriveau.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.28, No.1: 83-98. |
86858 | Gender Equality, Legal Mobilization, and Feminism in a Multilevel European System/Dia Anagnostou, Susan Millns.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.28, No.2: 115-131. |
86859 | Gender Constitutional Reform and Feminist Mobilization in Greece and the EU: From Formal to Substantive Equality?/Dia Anagnostou.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.28, No.2: 133-150. |
86860 | Gender Equality from Beneath: Electoral Gender Quotas in Poland/Anna Sledzinska-Simon, Adam Bodnar.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.28, No.2: 151-168. |
86861 | Gender Equality and Legal Mobilization in the United Kingdom: Using Rights for Lobbying, Litigation, Defense, and Attack/Susan Millns, Charlotte Skeet.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.28, No.2: 169-188. |
86862 | Strategic Litigation for Gender Equality in the Workplace and Legal Opportunity Structures in Four European Countries/Gesine Fuchs.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.28, No.2: 189-208. |
86863 | Legal Mobilization, Transnational Activism, and Gender Equality in the EU/Rachel A. Cichowski.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.28, No.2: 209-227. |
86864 | Desperately Seeking Daddy: A Critique of Pratten v British Columbia (Attorney General)/Lori Chambers, Heather Hillsburg.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.28, No.2: 229-246. |
86865 | Ethique et risques dans la reglementation des biotechnologies: La prise en compte des questions normatives dans les processus d’homologation contemporains/Francis Lord, Lyne Letourneau.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.28, No.2: 247-265. |
86866 | Public Reason and the Disempowerment of Aboriginal People in Canada/Matthew Tomm.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.28, No.3: 293-314. |
86867 | Politiques foncieres et autochtonie au Cameroun/Rodrigue Ngando Sandje.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.28, No.3: 315-345. |
86868 | La culture des groupes minoritaires face au droit international/Elisabeth Roy Trudel.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.28, No.3: 347-367. |
86869 | The Disorderly Conduct of a Few: Crime and Hamilton’s Racial Geography in the Early 1850s/Lyndsay Campbell.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.28, No.3: 369-386. |
86870 | Le mahr devant les tribunaux civils canadiens/Marianne Hardy-Dussault, Denise Helly.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.28, No.3: 388-402. |
86871 | Resisting the Silence: The Use of Tolerance and Equality Arguments by Gay and Lesbian Activist Groups in Russia/Alexander Kondakov.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.28, No.3: 403-424. |
86872 | Commentary: The Forces That Conspire to Keep Us Idle/Dayna Nadine Scott.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.28, No.3: 425-428. |
86873 | Commentary: The Idle No More Movement in Eastern Canada/L. Jane McMillan, Janelle Young, Molly Peters.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.28, No.3: 429-431. |
86874 | Credit Counselling in Canada: An Empirical Examination/Stephanie Ben-Ishai, Saul Schwartz.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.29, No.1: 1-20. |
86875 | Temoignage et histoire dans la Commission de verite et de reconciliation du Canada/Ronald Niezen, Marie-Pierre Gadoua.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.29, No.1: 21-42. |
86876 | Conjugal Interdependence in Quebec: From Legal Rules to Social Representations About Spousal Support and Property Division on Conjugal Breakdown/Helene Belleau, Pascale Cornut St-Pierre.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.29, No.1: 43-58. |
86877 | Free Speech, Hate Speech, and the Problem of (Manufactured) Authority/Sarah Sorial.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.29, No.1: 59-75. |
86878 | Le voile integral: analyse juridique d’un objet religieux/David Koussens, Stephane Bernatchez, Marie-Pierre Robert.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.29, No.1: 77-92. |
86879 | Ecueils et objectifs partages entre juristes et sociologues: Reflexions sur le dialogue interdisciplinaire entre le droit et la sociologie/Bertrand Lavoie.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.29, No.1: 93-101. |
86880 | Religious Diversity, Education, and the Crisis in State Neutrality/Benjamin L. Berger.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.29, No.1: 103-122. |
86881 | The Liberal Legal Individual Accused: The Relational Case/Ngaire Naffine.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.29, No.1: 123-132. |
86882 | Jurisdiction and Settler Colonialism: Where Do Laws Meet?/Shiri Pasternak.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.29, No.2: 145-161. |
86883 | Moments of Decolonization: Indigenous Australia in the Here and Now/Sarah Keenan.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.29, No.2: 163-180. |
86884 | Troubling the Path to Decolonization: Indian Residential School Case Law, Genocide, and Settler Illegitimacy/Leslie Thielen-Wilson.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.29, No.1: 181-197. |
86885 | The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Genesis and Design/Rosemary Nagy.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.29, No.2: 199-217. |
86886 | Visual Legalities of Race and Reparations/Carmela Murdocca.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.29, No.2: 219-234. |
86887 | Unsettling Expectations: (Un)certainty, Settler States of Feeling, Law, and Decolonization/Eva Mackey.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.29, No.2: 235-252. |
86888 | Planting Houses in Shenzhen: A Real Estate Market without Legal Titles/Shitong Qiao.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.29, No.2: 253-272. |
86889 | What If? Career Paths Not Taken: Claire L’Heureux-Dube and Politics/Constance Backhouse.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.29, No.2: 273-288. |
86890 | How Much Law in Legal Studies?: Approaches to Teaching Legal Research and Doctrinal Analysis in a Legal Studies Program/Vincent Kazmierski.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.29, No.3: 297-310. |
86891 | Legal Inquiry: A Liberal Arts Experiment in Demystifying Law/David Sandomierski.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.29, No.3: 311-325. |
86892 | La recherche de l’inclusion scolaire a travers les recours offerts aux familles: perspective comparative canadienne dans un contexte francophone minoritaire/Mona Pare, Nathalie Belanger.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.29, No.3: 327-344. |
86893 | Putting Copyright in Its Place/Tina Piper.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.29, No.3: 345-359. |
86894 | Risky Business: Surrogacy, Egg Donation, and the Politics of Exploitation/Alana Cattapan.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.29, No.3: 361-379. |
86895 | Prejudice Unveiled: The Niqab in Court/Lori Chambers, Jen Roth.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.29, No.3: 381-395. |
86896 | A Long History of Failure: Feeling the Effects of Canada’s Childcare Policy/Danielle McKenzie.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.29, No.3: 397-412. |
86897 | Johns in the Spotlight: Anti-prostitution Efforts and the Surveillance of Clients/Ummni Khan.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.1: 9-29. |
86898 | Licensed or Licentious?: Examining Regulatory Discussions of Stripping in Ontario/Tuulia Law.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.1: 31-50. |
86899 | Taking the Bait?: Lessons from a Hate Speech Prosecution/Heli Askola.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.1: 51-71. |
86900 | Vers une comprehension nationaliste de la naturalisation au Canada?: Analyse des changements recents en matiere d’octroi de la citoyennete dans le contexte canadien/Elke Winter, Marie-Michele Sauvageau.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.1: 73-90. |
86901 | Performance Anxieties: Interpellation of the Refugee Subject in Law/Trish Luker.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.1: 91-107. |
86902 | Does Sperm Have a Flag?: On Biological Relationship and National Membership/Lois Harder.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.1: 109-125. |
86903 | Who Said Anything About Justice?: Bail Court and the Culture of Adjournment/Nicole Marie Myers.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.1: 127-146. |
86904 | Under the Lucky Moose: Belatedness and Citizen’s Arrest in Canada/Anita Lam, Lily Cho.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.1: 147-162. |
86905 | Introduction: Ways of Knowing Atrocity: A Methodological Enquiry into the Formulation, Implementation, and Assessment of Transitional Justice/Nicola Palmer, Briony Jones, Julia Viebach.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.2: 173-182. |
86906 | Memory in the Aftermath of War: Australian Responses to the Vietnamese Refugee Crisis of 1975/Nathalie Huynh Chau Nguyen.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.2: 183-201. |
86907 | Research into Reconciliation and Forgiveness at the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission and Homi Bhabha’s Architecture of the New/Antjie Krog.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.2: 203-217. |
86908 | Participatory Methodologies with Victims: An Emancipatory Approach to Transitional Justice Research/Simon Robins, Erik Wilson.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.2: 219-236. |
86909 | The Limits of Observation for Understanding Mass Violence/Megan Price, Patrick Ball.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.2: 237-257. |
86910 | Types of Injury in Inter-State Reparation Claims: A Guide for the International Criminal Court/Hirad Abtahi.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.2: 259-276. |
86911 | Learning To Be Kinyarwanda in Postgenocide Rwanda: Immersion, Iteration, and Reflexivity in Times of Transition/Bert Ingelaere.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.2: 277-292. |
86912 | Stories of Success: Narrative, Expertise, and Claims to Knowledge/Briony Jones.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.2: 293-308. |
86913 | Les couples non-maries ont-ils des droits?: Comment juristes, intellectuels et journalistes ont construit l’affaire Eric c Lola/Emilie Biland, Gabrielle Schutz.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.2: 323-343. |
86914 | Testamentary Archeology in Late-Victorian Ontario: William Martin’s Little, Posthumous Legal System/G. Blaine Baker.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.3: 345-363. |
86915 | Law, Religion, and Feeling Included/Excluded: Case Studies in Canadian Religious Freedom Litigation/Howard Kislowicz.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.3: 365-380. |
86916 | Criminal Justice Policy Transfer and Prison Counter-Radicalization: Examining Canadian Participation in the Roma-Lyon Group/Jeffrey Monaghan.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.3: 381-400. |
86917 | Law and the Construction of Institutionalized Sexual Harassment in Restaurants/Kaitlyn Matulewicz.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.3: 401-419. |
86918 | Une justice plus commerciale qu’industrielle?: Comparaison des attentes d’une bonne justice en Suisse/Lorenzo Gennaro De Santis.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.3: 421-443. |
86919 | Law, Regulation, and Safety Crime: Exploring the Boundaries of Criminalizing Powerful Corporate Actors/Steven Bittle, Laureen Snider.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.3: 445-464. |
86920 | Sharing Power: The Case for Public Consultations on Trade/Mohsen al Attar, Miriam Clouthier.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.30, No.3: 465-485. |
86921 | HIV Positive People’s Perspectives on Canadian Criminal Law and Non-Disclosure/Barry D. Adam … [et al.].- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.1: 1-23. |
86922 | Translating the Sound of Music: Forensic Musicology and Visual Evidence in Music Copyright Infringement Cases/Michael Mopas, Amelia Curran.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.1: 25-46. |
86923 | Droit civil, condition ouvriere et transition au capitalisme industriel au Quebec/Thierry Nootens.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.1: 47-64. |
86924 | Making or Administering Law and Policy?: Discretion and Judgment in Employment Standards Enforcement in Ontario/Eric Tucker … [et al.].- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.1: 65-86. |
86925 | Canada’s Strategy of Dispossession: Aboriginal Land and Rights Cessions in Comprehensive Land Claims/Colin Samson.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.1: 87-110. |
86926 | Collapsing Scales and Justice/George Pavlich.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.1: 114-117. |
86927 | Les chronotopes juridiques chez Mariana Valverde: Regards dialogiques et intertextuels sur le droit et la theorie/Joao Velloso, Marie-Eve Sylvestre.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.1: 118-124. |
86928 | Thinking Through Chronotope: Reading and Working with Mariana Valverde’s Chronotopes of Law: Jurisdiction, Scale, and Governance/Sheryl N. Hamilton.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.1: 125-129. |
86929 | Les logiques implicites de la prestation compensatoire dans le divorce: Approches comparees europeennes/Nathalie Dandoy, Frederique Granet, Yann Favier.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.2: 139-160. |
86930 | Les justifications de la prestation compensatoire dans le discours juridique francais/Safia Bouabdallah, Isabelle Sayn.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.2: 161-181. |
86931 | Les justifications empiriques de la compensation financiere apres divorce/Bertrand Garbinti, Bruno Jeandidier, Helen Lim.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.2: 183-202. |
86932 | Quand l’economie renouvelle le droit: L’exemple de la justification de l’obligation alimentaire envers l’ex-epoux en cas de divorce/Myriam Doriat-Duban, Cecile Bourreau-Dubois.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.2: 203-217. |
86933 | Compenser les inegalites economiques des epoux apres divorce?: Des criteres legaux aux outils d’aide a la decision/Isabelle Sayn.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.2: 219-241. |
86934 | Lignes directrices facultatives en matiere de pensions alimentaires pour epoux – Pertinence de leur application au Quebec?/Jocelyne Jarry … [et al.].- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.2: 243-265. |
86935 | A Divorce Blueprint?: The Use of Heteronormative Strategies in Addressing Economic Inequalities on Civil Partnership Dissolution/Charlotte Bendall.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.2: 267-286. |
86936 | Protection sociale et compensation des inegalites economiques entre femmes et hommes/Marie-Therese Letablier, Sandrine Dauphin.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.2: 287-311. |
86937 | The High Cost of Transferring the Dream/Kim Brooks.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 317-333. |
86938 | Situations de tort dans la vie quotidienne: quelle regulation?/Francoise Vanhamme.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 335-357. |
86939 | Not Bad Kids, Just Bad Choices: Governing School Safety Through Choice/Zachary Levinsky.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 359-381. |
86940 | Conflict with the Law: Regulation and Homeless Youth Trajectories toward Stability/Marianne Quirouette … [et al.].- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 383-404. |
86941 | Male, Pale, and Stale?: Diversity in Lawyers’ Leadership/Noel Semple.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 405-427. |
86942 | Le mariage, c’est l’affaire de l’Eglise: pouvoir d’Etat et bigamie/Melanie Methot.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 429-449. |
86943 | Aboriginal Knowledges in Specialized Courts: Emerging Practices in Gladue Courts/Paula Maurutto, Kelly Hannah-Moffat.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 451-471. |
86944 | Protecting Research Confidentiality via the Wigmore Criteria: Some Implications of Parent and Bruckert v The Queen and Luka Rocco Magnotta/Ted Palys, David MacAlister.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 473-493. |
86945 | Human Rights Rituals: Masking Neoliberalism and Inequality, and Marginalizing Alternative World Views/Emma Larking.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 1-18. |
86946 | Decolonization in a Digital Age: Cryptocurrencies and Indigenous Self-Determination in Canada/Christopher Alcantara, Caroline Dick.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 19-35. |
86947 | Avoiding the Vulva: Judicial Interpretations of Lesbian Sex Under the Divorce Act, 1968/Karen Pearlston.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 37-53. |
86948 | Le judiciaire, la determination de la peine et la polycontexturalite de l’opinion publique/Richard Dube, Margarida Garcia.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 55-74. |
86949 | Displacement as Regulation: New Regulatory Technologies and Front-Line Decision-Making in Ontario Works/Jennifer Raso.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 75-95. |
86950 | Firearm Rights in Canada: Law and History in the Debates over Gun Control/R. Blake Brown.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 97-116. |
86951 | A Missed Opportunity: The Public Investigation into the Conduct of the RCMP in Matters Involving Nicole (Ryan) Doucet/Lori Chambers, Nadia Verrelli.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 117-136. |
86952 | Hybridation normative et institutionnelle dans les cooperatives minieres. Entre pluralisme juridique et ineffectivite du droit cooperatif congolais/Christian Bahati Bahalaokwibuye.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 137-156. |
86953 | Introduction: Law, Vulnerability, and Segregation: What Have We Learned from Ashley Smith’s Carceral Death?/Rebecca Bromwich, Jennifer M. Kilty.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 157-164. |
86954 | Solitary Confinement, Prisoner Litigation, and the Possibility of a Prison Abolitionist Lawyering Ethic/Debra Parkes.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 165-185. |
86955 | Sentencing Ashley Smith: How Prison Conditions Relate to the Aims of Punishment/Lisa Kerr.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 187-207. |
86956 | It’s Your Job to Save Me: The Union of Canadian Correctional Officers and the Death of Ashley Smith/Gillian Balfour.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 209-228. |
86957 | Intensifying the Incarceration of the Vulnerable Legal Subject: Correctional Treatment of Ashley Smith as a Source of Legal Norms/Elspeth Kaiser-Derrick.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 229-248. |
86958 | Ashley Smith and Incarcerated Young Women: Marginalized at Any Age/Carla Cesaroni, Michele Peterson-Badali.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 249-267. |
86959 | Mainstream Media and the F-Word: Documentary Coherence and the Exclusion of a Feminist Narrative in The Fifth Estate Coverage of the Ashley Smith Case/Charissa Crepault, Jennifer M. Kilty.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 269-290. |
86960 | Appreciating Ashley: Learning About and From the Life and Death of Ashley Smith through Feminist Pedagogy/Joanne Minaker.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 291-306. |
86961 | L’interpretation multiforme du multiculturalisme par les tribunaux canadiens (1981-2015)/Francois Rocher, Nikola Brassard-Dion.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 307-328. |
86962 | Litigating Parentage: Equality Rights, LGBTQ Mobilization and Ontario’s All Families Are Equal Act/Dave Snow.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 329-348. |
86963 | Sortir de la violence: La Commission de verite et de reconciliation du Canada sur les pensionnats indiens/Brieg Capitaine.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 349-369. |
86964 | When My Community Met the Other: Competing Concepts of Community in Restorative Justice/Won Kyung Chang.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 371-390. |
86965 | Criminal Justice Policy during the Harper Era: Private Member’s Bills, Penal Populism, and the Criminal Code of Canada/James B. Kelly, Kate Puddister.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 391-415. |
86966 | Snark Hunting in Canadian Law: Art and Authenticity/Josh Nelson, Adie Nelson.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 417-436. |
86967 | Oligopolist Speech and the Public Interest in Pharmaceutical Patent Law Reform/Chris Dent, Yvonne Haigh.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2018; Vol.33, No.1: 1-20. |
86968 | Fighting Human Smuggling or Criminalizing Refugees? Regimes of Justification in and around R v Appulonappa/David Moffette, Nevena Aksin.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2018; Vol.33, No.1: 21-39. |
86969 | Perspective feministe sur l’article 1974.1 du Code civil du Quebec. Une protection efficace dans la vie des femmes locataires victimes de violences?/Marie-Neige Laperriere.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2018; Vol.33, No.1: 41-59. |
86970 | Economic Development through Treaty Reparations in New Zealand and Canada/Myra J. Tait, Kiera L. Ladner.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2018; Vol.33, No.1: 61-83. |
86971 | After Exoneration: Attributions of Responsibility Impact Perceptions/Meaghan E. Savage … [et al.].- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2018; Vol.33, No.1: 85-103. |
86972 | Struggles and Actions for Legal Space in the Urban World: The Case of Informal Economy E-waste Workers/Sabaa Ahmad Khan.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 115-135. |
86973 | Transnational Labour Law and the Environment: Beyond the Bounded Autonomous Worker/Sara L. Seck.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 137-157. |
86974 | The Use of Transnational Labour Law in Steering Socially Responsible Corporate Governance towards Increased Worker Protection/Isabelle Martin.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 159-176. |
86975 | Transnational Labour Governance: A Critical Review of Proposals for Linkage through the Lens of the Rana Plaza Collapse in Bangladesh/Zobaida Khan.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 177-197. |
86976 | La citoyennete corporative entre liberalisme et democratie: les individus ou leur communaute?/Armel Brice Adanhounme.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 199-221. |
86977 | Travail non libre et rapports sociaux de sexe – A propos des programmes canadiens d’immigration temporaire/Elsa Galerand, Martin Gallie.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 223-241. |
86978 | The Inequality of Low-Wage Migrant Labour: Reflections on PN v FR and OPT v Presteve Foods/Bethany Hastie.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 243-259. |
86979 | Temporary Labour Migration and the Ceremony of Innocence of Postwar Labour Law: Confronting the South of the North/Adrian A. Smith.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 261-277. |
86980 | We Are Not Criminals: Sex Work Clients in Canada and the Constitution of Risk Knowledge/Andrea Sterling, Emily van der Meulen.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 291-308. |
86981 | This Is Going to Affect Our Lives: Exploring Huu-ay-aht First Nations, the Government of Canada and British Columbia’s New Relationship Through the Implementation of the Maa-nulth Treaty/Vanessa Sloan Morgan, Heather Castleden, Huu-ay-aht.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 309-334. |
86982 | Jurisdiction, Sovereignties and Akwesasne: Shiprider and the Re-Crafting of Canada-US Cross-Border Maritime Law Enforcement/Anna C. Pratt, Jessica Templeman.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 335-357. |
86983 | Le role du Programme des travailleurs agricoles saisonniers (PTAS) dans la vulnerabilisation des travailleurs migrants au Canada/Cindy Gagnon, Alexandre Couture Gagnon.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 359-380. |
86984 | Statute-Based Protections for Research Participant Confidentiality: Implications of the US Experience for Canada/Ted Palys, James L. Turk, John Lowman.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 381-400. |
86985 | Internet Service Providers as Privacy Custodians/Mike Zajko.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 401-423. |
86986 | Law’s Financialization: Litigation Finance and Multilayer Access to Justice in Canada/Michael Molavi.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2018; Vol.33, No.3. |
86987 | L’Esprit de l’ours contre la station de ski: l’argumentation juridique face a un conflit epistemologique et ontologique/Yves Gingras, Julien Larregue.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 13-32. |
86988 | Challenges in Gendering Indigenous Legal Education: Insights from Professors Teaching about Indigenous Laws/Emily Snyder.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 33-53. |
86989 | Rethinking Racine v Woods from a Decolonizing Perspective: Challenging the Applicability of Attachment Theory to Indigenous Families Involved with Child Protection/Peter W. Choate … [et al.].- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 55-78. |
86990 | Infrastructures of Pacification: Vital Points, Critical Infrastructure, and Police Power in Canada/Philip Boyle, Tia Dafnos.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 79-98. |
86991 | The Ghosts of Wagnerism: Organized Labour, Union Strategies, and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms/Charles W. Smith.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 99-120. |
86992 | Nudes are Forever: Judicial Interpretations of Digital Technology’s Impact on Revenge Porn/Alexa Dodge.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 121-143. |
86993 | What Habeas Corpus Can (and Cannot) Do for Immigration Detainees: Scotland v Canada and the Injustices of Imprisoning Migrants/Stephanie J. Silverman.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 145-161. |
86994 | Prologue: Introduction to Sensori-Legal Studies/David Howes.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 173-189. |
86995 | Silence and Attunement in Legal Performance/Sean Mulcahy.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 191-207. |
86996 | Encountering the Muslim: Guantanamo Bay, Detainees, and Apprehensions of Violence/Safiyah Rochelle.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 209-225. |
86997 | Exploiter des techniques cinelegales pour mieux ressentir les effets qu’a la reglementation sur les personnes en situation d’itinerance/Suzanne Bouclin.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 227-241. |
86998 | Sensorium: The Splash of Sensory Trademarks/Charlene Elliott.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 243-259. |
86999 | High Altitude Legality: Visuality and Jurisdiction in the Adjudication of NATO Air Strikes/Christiane Wilke.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 261-280. |
87000 | The Nuclear Sensorium: Cold War Nuclear Imperialism and Sensory Violence/John Shiga.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 281-306. |
87001 | Howling Winds: Sound, Sense, and the Politics of Noise Regulation/Michael Mopas.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 307-325. |
87002 | The Law of Bad Smells: Making and Adjudicating Offensiveness Claims in Contemporary Local Law/Mariana Valverde.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 327-341. |
87003 | Hands in Cont(r)act: The Resiliency of Business Handshakes in Pandemic Culture/Sheryl N. Hamilton.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 343-360. |
87004 | Le tournant sensoriel en droit: vers un droit sensible et sense?/Mark Antaki.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 361-370. |
87005 | Condominium Government and the Right to Live in the City/Douglas C. Harris.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 371-392. |
87006 | Transgressing the Division of Powers: The Case of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement/Christa Scholtz, Maryna Polataiko.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 393-415. |
87007 | L’effacement du droit au consentement prealable, libre et eclaire des peuples autochtones dans le discours des juges interamericains/Doris Farget.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 417-438. |
87008 | Rethinking the Crisis of Indigenous Mass Imprisonment/Efrat Arbel.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 437-456. |
87009 | Pleading Guilty: A Voluntary or Coerced Decision?/Chloe Leclerc, Elsa Euvrard.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 457-478. |
87010 | Access to Information, Higher Education, and Reputational Risk: Insights from a Case Study/Patrick Lamoureux.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 479-495. |
87011 | Du harcelement sexuel sans consequence pour la victime? Analyse discursive de la jurisprudence du Tribunal administratif du travail du Quebec/Rachel Cox.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 497-519. |
87012 | Lecons tirees de dix pays sur la reglementation des antimicrobiens pour les animaux d’elevage/Prativa Baral, Marie E. Danik, Steven J. Hoffman.- Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 521-553. |
87013 | Modification of the Legal Characterization of Facts in the ICC System: A Portrayal of Regulation 55/Carsten Stahn.- Criminal Law Forum. 2005; Vol.16, No.1: 1-31. |
87014 | The ICTR’s Media Judgment and the Reinvention of Direct and Public Incitement to Commit Genocide/Alexander Zahar.- Criminal Law Forum. 2005; Vol.16, No.1: 33-48. |
87015 | Plea Bargaining at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia/Ralph Henham, Mark Drumbl.- Criminal Law Forum. 2005; Vol.16, No.1: 49-87. |
87016 | Adding Fuel to Milosevic’s Fire: How the use of Substitute Judges Discredits the UN War Crimes Tribunals/Megan A. Fairlie.- Criminal Law Forum. 2005; Vol.16, No.2: 107-157. |
87017 | A Fool for a Client – Remarks on the Freedom of Choice and Assignment of Counsel at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia/Michael Bohlander.- Criminal Law Forum. 2005; Vol.16, No.2: 159-173. |
87018 | Data Protection Versus Fourth Amendment Privacy: A New Approach Towards Police Search and Seizure/Clemens Arzt.- Criminal Law Forum. 2005; Vol.16, No.3-4: 183-230. |
87019 | Traversing the Rocky Road of Law Reform in Conflict and Post Conflict States: Model Codes for Post Conflict Criminal Justice as a Tool of Assistance/Vivienne O’connor.- Criminal Law Forum. 2005; Vol.16, No.3-4: 231-255. |
87020 | Public Sector Corruption in Mexico: Social Representations among the Legal Community of the Federal District/Jose C. Garcia Gonzalez … [et al.].- Criminal Law Forum. 2005; Vol.16, No.3-4: 257-277. |
87021 | Reflections on the International Criminal Court’s Jurisdictional Reach/Hector Olasolo.- Criminal Law Forum. 2005; Vol.16, No.3-4: 279-301. |
87022 | Russia’s Practice of Extraditing Political Offenders to Azerbaijan: Rendition Refused/George Ginsburgs.- Criminal Law Forum. 2005; Vol.16, No.3-4: 303-342. |
87023 | Justice in Jeopardy: Accountability for the Darfur Atrocities/Zachary D. Kaufman.- Criminal Law Forum. 2005; Vol.16, No.3-4: 343-360. |
87024 | Equality by Numbers or Words: A Comparative Study of Sentencing Structures in Minnesota and in Denmark/Rasmus H. Wandall.- Criminal Law Forum. 2006; Vol.17, No.1: 1-41. |
87025 | The Role of the Courts in the Reform of Iranian Criminal Law Policy/Mansour Rahmdel.- Criminal Law Forum. 2006; Vol.17, No.1: 59-70. |
87026 | The Jurisdictional Problem of the Extraterritorial Conspiracy/Joshua D.A. Blackmore.- Criminal Law Forum. 2006; Vol.17, No.1: 71-101. |
87027 | Modern Russian criminal procedure: The adversarial principle and guilty plea/Stanislaw Pomorski.- Criminal Law Forum. 2006; Vol.17, No.2: 129-148. |
87028 | Conspiracy and International Criminal Justice/Aaron Fichtelberg.- Criminal Law Forum. 2006; Vol.17, No.2: 149-176. |
87029 | ICTY Referrals to National Jurisdictions: A Fair Trial or a Fair Price?/Sarah Williams.- Criminal Law Forum. 2006; Vol.17, No.2: 177-222. |
87030 | The Shadow Side of Complementarity: The Effect of Article 17 of the Rome Statute on National Due Process/Kevin Jon Heller.- Criminal Law Forum. 2006; Vol.17, No.3-4: 255-280. |
87031 | Gravity Issues and The International Criminal Court/Ray Murphy.- Criminal Law Forum. 2006; Vol.17, No.3-4: 281-315. |
87032 | Reparations To Victims Before The International Criminal Court: Lessons From International Mass Claims Processes/Marc Henzelin, Veijo Heiskanen, Guenael Mettraux.- Criminal Law Forum. 2006; Vol.17, No.3-4: 317-344. |
87033 | Wilful killing during armed conflict: is there a defence of proportionality in Australia?/Robert McLaughlin, Bruce Oswald.- Criminal Law Forum. 2007; Vol.18, No.1: 1-41. |
87034 | International Core Crimes, Universal Jurisdiction and 153f of the German Criminal Procedure Code: a Commentary on the Decisions of the Federal Prosecutor General and the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court in the Abu Ghraib/Rumsfeld Case/Kai Ambos.- Criminal Law Forum. 2007; Vol.18, No.1: 43-58. |
87035 | For The Term Of His Natural Life: Indefinite Sentences – A Review Of Current Law And A Proposal For Reform/Ben Power.- Criminal Law Forum. 2007; Vol.18, No.1: 59-86. |
87036 | Prosecution of International Crimes in The Netherlands: An Analysis of Recent Case Law/Erwin Van Der Borght.- Criminal Law Forum. 2007; Vol.18, No.1: 87-136. |
87037 | Systemic Changes that Could Reduce the Conviction of the Innocent/Arnold H. Loewy.- Criminal Law Forum. 2007; Vol.18, No.1: 137-149. |
87038 | Alternative Draft for European Criminal proceedings/Andrew von Hirsch.- Criminal Law Forum. 2007; Vol.18, No.2: 195-226. |
87039 | Alternative-Project for a European Criminal Law and Procedure/Bernd Schunemann.- Criminal Law Forum. 2007; Vol.18, No.2: 227-251. |
87040 | Bridging the Theoretical Gap: The Search for a Realist Model of Corporate Criminal Liability/Jonathan Clough.- Criminal Law Forum. 2007; Vol.18, No.3-4: 267-300. |
87041 | A Note on the Evolution of the Principle of Legality in International Criminal Law/Hector Olasolo.- Criminal Law Forum. 2007; Vol.18, No.3-4: 301-319. |
87042 | Mandatory sentencing and the role of the academic/Kate Warner.- Criminal Law Forum. 2007; Vol.18, No.3-4: 321-347. |
87043 | Abducted Fugitives Before The International Criminal Court: Problems and Prospects/Robert J. Currie.- Criminal Law Forum. 2007; Vol.18, No.3-4: 349-393. |
87044 | Complementarity in practice: some uncomplimentary thoughts/William A. Schabas.- Criminal Law Forum. 2008; Vol.19, No.1: 5-33. |
87045 | The Gravity Threshold under the Statute of the International Criminal Court/Mohamed M. El Zeidy.- Criminal Law Forum. 2008; Vol.19, No.1: 35-57. |
87046 | Implementing a Policy of Positive Complementarity in the Rome System of Justice/William W. Burke-White.- Criminal Law Forum. 2008; Vol.19, No.1: 59-85. |
87047 | Complementarity: A Tale of Two Notions/Carsten Stahn.- Criminal Law Forum. 2008; Vol.19, No.1: 87-113. |
87048 | Corporations and the International Criminal Court: the Complementarity Objection Stripped Bare/Joanna Kyriakakis.- Criminal Law Forum. 2008; Vol.19, No.1: 115-151. |
87049 | Applying The Rome Statutes Complementarity Principle: Drawing Lessons From The Prosecution of Core Crimes by States Acting Under the Universality Principle/Cedric Ryngaert.- Criminal Law Forum. 2008; Vol.19, No.1: 153-180. |
87050 | Now you see it, now you don’t: digital images and the meaning of possession/Jonathan Clough.- Criminal Law Forum. 2008; Vol.19, No.2: 205-239. |
87051 | Legal Aid, Self-Representation, And The Crisis At The Hague Tribunal/Alexander Zahar.- Criminal Law Forum. 2008; Vol.19, No.2: 241-263. |
87052 | The Role of the International Criminal Tribunals in the Promotion of Peace and Justice: The Case of the International Criminal Court/Daniel D. Ntanda Nsereko.- Criminal Law Forum. 2008; Vol.19, No.3-4: 373-393. |
87053 | Punishment and the Role of the Prosecutor in International Criminal Trials/Ralph Henham.- Criminal Law Forum. 2008; Vol.19, No.3-4: 395-429. |
87054 | What is a case for the purpose of the rome statute?/Rod Rastan.- Criminal Law Forum. 2008; Vol.19, No.3-4: 435-448. |
87055 | The ICC Disclosure Regime – A Defence Perspective/Sabine Swoboda.- Criminal Law Forum. 2008; Vol.19, No.3-4: 449-472. |
87056 | The Mental Element In The Rome Statute Of The International Criminal Court: A Commentary From A Comparative Criminal Law Perspective/Mohamed Elewa Badar.- Criminal Law Forum. 2008; Vol.19, No.3-4: 473-518. |
87057 | Drafting a General Part to a Penal Code: Some Thoughts Inspired by the Negotiations on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and by the Court’s First Substantive Law Discussion in the Lubanga Dyilo Confirmation Proceedings/Roger S. Clark.- Criminal Law Forum. 2008; Vol.19, No.3-4: 519-552. |
87058 | Fewer Places to Hide? The Impact of Domestic War Crimes Prosecutions on International Impunity/Joseph Rikhof.- Criminal Law Forum. 2009; Vol.20, No.1: 1-51. |
87059 | The New Wave of Hybrid Tribunals: A Sophisticated Approach to Enforcing International Humanitanitarian Law or an Idealistic Solution with Empty Promises?/Parinaz Kermani Mendez.- Criminal Law Forum. 2009; Vol.20, No.1: 53-95. |
87060 | Regulating and Combating Underground Banking/Matthias J. Borgers.- Criminal Law Forum. 2009; Vol.20, No.1: 97-111. |
87061 | A Case for a General Part: Lessons from Canada’s Experience with Stephen’s Code Since 1892 and Entrenched Charter Standards Since 1982/Don Stuart.- Criminal Law Forum. 2009; Vol.20, No.1: 113-137. |
87062 | Constructing a Criminal Code/Pamela R. Ferguson.- Criminal Law Forum. 2009; Vol.20, No.1: 139-161. |
87063 | Convicting the Innocent: A Critique of Theories of Wrongful Convictions/Eric Colvin.- Criminal Law Forum. 2009; Vol.20, No.2-3: 173-192. |
87064 | Proofing the Ban on Witness Proofing: Did the ICC Get it Right?/Sergey Vasiliev.- Criminal Law Forum. 2009; Vol.20, No.2-3: 193-261. |
87065 | Joint Criminal Enterprise and Its Extended Form: a Theory of Co-Perpetration Giving Rise To Principal Liability, a Notion of Accessorial Liability, or a Form of Partnership In Crime?/Hector Olasolo.- Criminal Law Forum. 2009; Vol.20, No.2-3: 263-287. |
87066 | Amicus Curiae Brief of Professor Antonio Cassese and Members of the Journal of International Criminal Justice on Joint Criminal Enterprise Doctrine/Antonio Cassese and Members of the Journal of International Criminal Justice.- Criminal Law Forum. 2009; Vol.20, No.2-3: 289-330. |
87067 | Amicus Curiae Brief on Joint Criminal Enterprise in the Matter of the Co-Prosecutors’ Appeal of the Closing Order Against Kaing Guek Eav Duch Dated 8 August 2008/Rene Provost.- Criminal Law Forum. 2009; Vol.20, No.2-3: 331-351. |
87068 | Amicus Curiae Brief in the Matter of the Co-Prosecutors’ Appeal of the Closing Order Against Kaing Guek Eav Duch Dated 8 August 2008/Kai Ambos.- Criminal Law Forum. 2009; Vol.20, No.2-3: 353-388. |
87069 | Prosecutors and the Definition of the Crime Problem in Italy: Balancing the Impact of Moral Panics/Riccardo Montana.- Criminal Law Forum. 2009; Vol.20, No.4: 471-494. |
87070 | Procedural Rules in International Litigation: Admissibility of Transcript of Interview of Accused Against Co-accused/Mark Wasef.- Criminal Law Forum. 2009; Vol.20, No.4: 447-469. |
87071 | The Responsibility of Accomplices in the Case-Law of the Ad Hoc Tribunals/Flavia Zorzi Giustiniani.- Criminal Law Forum. 2009; Vol.20, No.4: 417-445. |
87072 | Where Do They Belong? Giving Victims a Place in the Criminal Justice Process/Jo-Anne Wemmers.- Criminal Law Forum. 2009; Vol.20, No.4: 395-416. |
87073 | Universal Jurisdiction, Universal Prescription? A Preliminary Assessment of the African Union Perspective on Universal Jurisdiction/Charles Chernor Jalloh.- Criminal Law Forum. 2010; Vol.21, No.1: 1-65. |
87074 | The Mysterious Mysteriousness of Complementarity/Darryl Robinson.- Criminal Law Forum. 2010; Vol.21, No.1: 67-102. |
87075 | Self-Referrals Before the International Criminal Court: Are States the Villains or the Victims of Atrocities?/Payam Akhavan.- Criminal Law Forum. 2010; Vol.21, No.1: 103-120. |
87076 | The Divorce or the Marriage of Morality and Law?: The Defence of Necessity in Pacific Island Countries/Miranda Forsyth.- Criminal Law Forum. 2010; Vol.21, No.1: 121-157. |
87077 | Complementarity Thoughts/Ignaz Stegmiller.- Criminal Law Forum. 2010; Vol.21, No.1: 159-174. |
87078 | Bangladesh and the Prosecution of International Crimes from the 1971 War of Independence from Pakistan/Suzannah Linton.- Criminal Law Forum. 2010; Vol.21, No.2: 187-190. |
87079 | Completing the Circle: Accountability for the Crimes of the 1971 Bangladesh War of Liberation/Suzannah Linton.- Criminal Law Forum. 2010; Vol.21, No.2: 191-311. |
87080 | War Crimes Prosecutions in Australia and Other Common Law Countries: Some Observations/Gideon Boas.- Criminal Law Forum. 2010; Vol.21, No.2: 313-330. |
87081 | Redress for Sexual Violence Before the International Crimes Tribunal in Bangladesh: Lessons from History, and Hopes for the Future/Bina D’Costa, Sara Hossain.- Criminal Law Forum. 2010; Vol.21, No.2: 331-359. |
87082 | The (UN-) Systematic Nature of the UN Criminal Justice System: The (NON) Relationship Between the Draft Illicit Tobacco Trade Protocol and the UN Convention Against Transnational Organised Crime/Neil Boister.- Criminal Law Forum. 2010; Vol.21, No.3-4: 361-397. |
87083 | The Role of Victims in Criminal Proceedings – Lessons National Jurisdictions can learn from the ICC/Daniel David Ntanda Nsereko.- Criminal Law Forum. 2010; Vol.21, No.3-4: 399-415. |
87084 | Identifying the Rough Edges of the Kampala Compromise/Robert L. Manson.- Criminal Law Forum. 2010; Vol.21, No.3-4: 417-443. |
87085 | Joint Criminal Enterprise at the ECCC: A Critical Analysis of the Pre-Trial Chamber’s Decision Against the Application of JCE III and two Divergent Commentaries on the Same/Michael G. Karnavas.- Criminal Law Forum. 2010; Vol.21, No.3-4: 445-494. |
87086 | Death of an Appellant – the Termination of the Appellate Proceedings in the Case of RASIM Delic at the ICTY/Michael Bohlander.- Criminal Law Forum. 2010; Vol.21, No.3-4: 495-509. |
87087 | The Attrition of Capital Punishment Worldwide as the American Law Institute Withdraws its Model Penal Code Provision Recommending how to do it/Roger S. Clark.- Criminal Law Forum. 2010; Vol.21, No.3-4: 511-525. |
87088 | The Reflections of a Trial Judge/Adrian Fulford.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.1-2: 215-223. |
87089 | From Rome to Reality: Introductory Observations/Florian Jessberger.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.1-2: 171-173. |
87090 | Data Theft? Cybercrime and the Increasing Criminalization of Access to Data/Jonathan Clough.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.1-2: 145-170. |
87091 | The International Movement of Prisoners/Roisin Mulgrew.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.1-2: 103-143. |
87092 | The Plea of Alibi in International Criminal Law as Viewed Through the Prism of the Common Law/Chile Eboe-Osuji.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.1-2: 35-102. |
87093 | Preventing Genocide: Measuring Success by What Does Not Happen/Payam Akhavan.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.1-2: 1-33. |
87094 | How is the Water? Light and Shadow in the First Years of the ICC/Carsten Stahn.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.1-2: 175-197. |
87095 | The International Criminal Court 2002-2010 – A View from the Inside/Volker Nerlich.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.1-2: 199-214. |
87096 | Amicus Curiae Brief on the Practice of Cumulative Charging Before International Criminal Bodies Submitted to the Appeals Chamber of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon Pursuant to Rule 131 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence/Susana Sacouto, Katherine Cleary.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.3: 409-432. |
87097 | Amicus Curiae Brief Submitted to the Appeals Chamber of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon on the Question of the Applicable Terrorism Offence with a Particular Focus on Special Special Intent and/or a Special Motive as Additional Subjective Requirements/Kai Ambos.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.3: 389-408. |
87098 | Amicus Curiae Brief on the Notion of Terrorist Acts Submitted to the Appeals Chamber of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon Pursuant to Rule 131 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence/Ben Saul.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.3: 365-388. |
87099 | Introductory observations on the STL appeals chamber decision: context and critical remarks/Joseph Powderly.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.3: 347-363. |
87100 | Recharacterizing the Lubanga Case: Regulation 55 and the Consequences for Gender Justice at the ICC/Sienna Merope.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.3: 311-346. |
87101 | The Policy Underlying Crimes Against Humanity: Practical Reflections on a Theoretical Debate/Marjolein Cupido.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.3: 275-309. |
87102 | Revitalizing the Antique War Crime of Pillage: The Potential and Pitfalls of Using International Criminal Law to Address Illegal Resource Exploitation during Armed Conflict/Larissa van den Herik, Daniella Dam-De Jong.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.3: 237-273. |
87103 | In Pursuit of International Criminal Justice: Honouring Otto Triffterer’s 80th Birthday/Kurt Schmoller, Astrid Reisinger Coracini.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.4: 461-472. |
87104 | Promises Fulfilled? Some Reflections on the International Criminal Court in Its First Decade/Judge Anita Usacka.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.4: 473-492. |
87105 | The International Criminal Court at Ten/William A. Schabas.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.4: 493-509. |
87106 | The Kampala Review Conference: The Capstone of the Rome System/Daniel David Ntanda Nsereko.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.4: 511-518. |
87107 | Some Aspects of the Concept of International Criminal Law: Suppression Conventions, Jurisdiction, Submarine Cables and the Lotus/Roger S. Clark.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.4: 519-530. |
87108 | Closing Remarks and a Vision: International Criminal Justice and the Well-Being of the World/Otto Triffterer.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.4: 531-537. |
87109 | Shaping the Spiderweb: Towards the Concept of Joint Commission Through Another Person Under the Rome Statute and Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Court/Jernej Letnar Cernic.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.4: 539-565. |
87110 | Wrongfully Convicted: How the Dutch Deal with the Revision of Their Miscarriages of Justice/Theodore A. De Roos, Johannes F. Nijboer.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.4: 567-591. |
87111 | Special Commentary: International Criminal Justice – Some Flaws and Misperceptions/Vladimir Tochilovsky.- Criminal Law Forum. 2011; Vol.22, No.4: 593-607. |
87112 | The Jurisdictional Scope of Situations Before the International Criminal Court/Rod Rastan.- Criminal Law Forum. 2012; Vol.23, No.1-3: 1-34. |
87113 | Between Show Trials and Sham Prosecutions: The Rome Statute’s Potential Effect on Domestic Due Process Protections/Elinor Fry.- Criminal Law Forum. 2012; Vol.23, No.1-3: 35-62. |
87114 | The Call of Justice: Obligations Under the Genocide Convention to Cooperate with the International Criminal Court/Matthew Gillett.- Criminal Law Forum. 2012; Vol.23, No.1-3: 63-96. |
87115 | Witness Protection Measures at the International Criminal Court: Legal Framework and Emerging Practice/Markus Eikel.- Criminal Law Forum. 2012; Vol.23, No.1-3: 97-133. |
87116 | Sentencing Coherence in International Criminal Law: The Cases of Biljana Plavsic and Miroslav Bralo/Pascale Chifflet, Gideon Boas.- Criminal Law Forum. 2012; Vol.23, No.1-3: 135-159. |
87117 | Tangling Human Rights and International Criminal Law: The Practice of International Tribunals and the Call for Rationalized Legal Pluralism/Patricia Pinto Soares.- Criminal Law Forum. 2012; Vol.23, No.1-3: 161-191. |
87118 | Towards Internalized Legal Obligations to Address Justice and Accountability? A Novel Perspective on the Legal Framework of Peace Negotiations/Philipp Kastner.- Criminal Law Forum. 2012; Vol.23, No.1-3: 193-221. |
87119 | Domestic Responses to Transnational Crime: The Limits of National Law/Austen L. Parrish.- Criminal Law Forum. 2012; Vol.23, No.4: 275-293. |
87120 | International Tribunals for Transnational Crimes: Towards a Transnational Criminal Court?/Neil Boister.- Criminal Law Forum. 2012; Vol.23, No.4: 295-318. |
87121 | Structuring Sentencing in Canada, England and Wales: A Tale of Two Jurisdictions/Julian V. Roberts.- Criminal Law Forum. 2012; Vol.23, No.4: 319-345. |
87122 | The Legal Dilemma of Guantanamo Detainees from Bush to Obama/Linda A. Malone.- Criminal Law Forum. 2012; Vol.23, No.4: 347-362. |
87123 | The Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime: Defining Crime in a Digital World/Jonathan Clough.- Criminal Law Forum. 2012; Vol.23, No.4: 363-391. |
87124 | IOSCO’S Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Consultation, Cooperation and the Exchange of Information: A Model for International Regulatory Convergence/Janet Austin.- Criminal Law Forum. 2012; Vol.23, No.4: 393-423. |
87125 | Bringing Terrorists Before International Justice: A View from the Front Lines: Notes for an address/D. A. Bellemare.- Criminal Law Forum. 2012; Vol.23, No.4: 425-435. |
87126 | A Comparative Study of the Principles Governing Criminal Responsibility in the Major Legal Systems of the World (England, United States, Germany, France, Denmark, Russia, China, and Islamic legal tradition)/Mohamed Elewa Badar, Iryna Marchuk.- Criminal Law Forum. 2013; Vol.24, No.1: 1-48. |
87127 | Managing a New Partnership/Emily Haslam, Rod Edmunds.- Criminal Law Forum. 2013; Vol.24, No.1: 49-85. |
87128 | Criminal Liability of Directors of a Private Limited Company Seated in Germany/Manuel Ladiges.- Criminal Law Forum. 2013; Vol.24, No.1: 87-111. |
87129 | Processing Evidence and Drafting Judgments in International Criminal Trial Chambers/Marko Divac Oberg.- Criminal Law Forum. 2013; Vol.24, No.1: 113-144. |
87130 | A Critical Assessment of Using Children to Participate Actively in Hostilities in Lubanga Child Soldiers and Direct Participation/Natalie Wagner.- Criminal Law Forum. 2013; Vol.24, No.2: 145-203. |
87131 | Redefining Apartheid in International Criminal Law/Ariel Bultz.- Criminal Law Forum. 2013; Vol.24, No.2: 205-233. |
87132 | Reductio Ad Absurdum: The Kapo Trial Judgements’ Contribution To International Criminal Law Jurisprudence And Customary International Law/Ilana M. Singer.- Criminal Law Forum. 2013; Vol.24, No.2: 235-258. |
87133 | Custodial Legal Assistance and Notification of the Right to Silence in France: Legal Cosmopolitanism and Local Resistance/Dimitrios Giannoulopoulos.- Criminal Law Forum. 2013; Vol.24, No.3: 291-329. |
87134 | Any Other Contribution? Ascribing Liability for Cover-Ups of International Crimes/Michael G. Kearney.- Criminal Law Forum. 2013; Vol.24, No.3: 331-370. |
87135 | Holding to Account a Possible European Public Prosecutor: Supranational Governance and Accountability Across Diverse Legal Traditions/Gerard Conway.- Criminal Law Forum. 2013; Vol.24, No.3: 371-401. |
87136 | The Relationship Between the International Criminal Court and the U.N. Security Council: Parameters and Best Practices/Jennifer Trahan.- Criminal Law Forum. 2013; Vol.24, No.4: 417-473. |
87137 | The International Criminal Court and Mali: Towards More Transparency in International Criminal Law Investigations?/Ignaz Stegmiller.- Criminal Law Forum. 2013; Vol.24, No.4: 475-499. |
87138 | Bringing Principles and Fairness to the Sentencing of Murder/Barry Mitchell, Julian V. Roberts.- Criminal Law Forum. 2013; Vol.24, No.4: 501-526. |
87139 | Criminal Justice and Diversionary Programmes in Singapore/Kumaralingam Amirthalingam.- Criminal Law Forum. 2013; Vol.24, No.4: 527-559. |
87140 | The United Nations War Crimes Commission and the Origins of International Criminal Justice/William Schabas … [et al.].- Criminal Law Forum. 2014; Vol.25, No.1: 1-7. |
87141 | United Nations War Crimes Commission Symposium/Richard Goldstone.- Criminal Law Forum. 2014; Vol.25, No.1: 9-15. |
87142 | A New Paradigm of Customary International Criminal Law: The UN War Crimes Commission of 1943-1948 and its Associated Courts and Tribunals/Dan Plesch, Shanti Sattler.- Criminal Law Forum. 2014; Vol.25, No.1-2: 17-43. |
87143 | Setting the Path for the UNWCC: The Representation of European Exile Governments on the London International Assembly and the Commission for Penal Reconstruction and Development, 1941-1944/Kerstin von Lingen.- Criminal Law Forum. 2014; Vol.25, No.1-2: 45-76. |
87144 | Seeking Justice for the Holocaust: Herbert C. Pell Versus the US State Department/Graham Cox.- Criminal Law Forum. 2014; Vol.25, No.1-2: 77-110. |
87145 | China, the Chinese Representative, and the Use of International Law to Counter Japanese Acts of Aggression: China’s Standpoint on UNWCC Jurisdiction/Wen-Wei Lai.- Criminal Law Forum. 2014; Vol.25, No.1-2: 111-132. |
87146 | Shutting Down the United Nations War Crimes Commission/Christopher Simpson.- Criminal Law Forum. 2014; Vol.25, No.1-2: 133-146. |
87147 | The Commission on the Responsibility of the Authors of the War and on Enforcement of Penalties and its Contribution to International Criminal Justice After World War II/Harry M. Rhea.- Criminal Law Forum. 2014; Vol.25, No.1-2: 147-169. |
87148 | The United Nations War Crimes Commission’s Proposal For An International Criminal Court/William Schabas.- Criminal Law Forum. 2014; Vol.25, No.1-2: 171-189. |
87149 | Assessing the Impact of the United Nations War Crimes Commission on the Principle of Complementarity and Fair Trial Standards/Mark S. Ellis.- Criminal Law Forum. 2014; Vol.25, No.1-2: 191-222. |
87150 | Complementarity and Cooperative Justice Ahead of their Time? The United Nations War Crimes Commission, Fact-Finding and Evidence/Carsten Stahn.- Criminal Law Forum. 2014; Vol.25, No.1-2: 223-260. |
87151 | Holding Collectives Accountable: The UNWCC’s Undervalued Role in Developing Collective Responsibility, Yesterday and Today/Kip Hale, Donna Cline.- Criminal Law Forum. 2014; Vol.25, No.1-2: 261-290. |
87152 | From Calculated Cruelty to Casual Violence – The United Nations War Crimes Commission and the Prosecution of Torture and Ill-Treatment/Lutz Oette.- Criminal Law Forum. 2014; Vol.25, No.1-2: 291-321. |
87153 | UNWCC Policy on the Prosecution of Torture 1943-1948/Wolfgang Form.- Criminal Law Forum. 2014; Vol.25, No.1-2: 323-348. |
87154 | The Relevance of the United Nations War Crimes Commission to the Prosecution of Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes Today/Dan Plesch, Susana Sacouto, Chante Lasco.- Criminal Law Forum. 2014; Vol.25, No.1-2: 349-381. |
87155 | Criminal Justice Reform and the System’s Efficiency/Yvon Dandurand.- Criminal Law Forum. 2014; Vol.25, No.3-4: 383-440. |
87156 | Beyond a Victims’ Right: Truth-Finding Power and Procedure at the ICC/Adrian M. Plevin.- Criminal Law Forum. 2014; Vol.25, No.3-4: 441-464. |
87157 | The Mavi Marmara Incident and the International Criminal Court/Russell Buchan.- Criminal Law Forum. 2014; Vol.25, No.3-4: 465-503. |
87158 | The Situation in Libya and the ICC’s Understanding of Complementarity in the Context of UNSC-Referred Cases/Marta Bo.- Criminal Law Forum. 2014; Vol.25, No.3-4: 505-540. |
87159 | Symposium: International Criminal Justice and the Responsibility to Protect/Jason Ralph.- Criminal Law Forum. 2015; Vol.26, No.1: 1-12. |
87160 | Marital Stress or Grounds for Divorce? Re-Thinking the Relationship Between R2P and International Criminal Justice/Carsten Stahn.- Criminal Law Forum. 2015; Vol.26, No.1: 13-50. |
87161 | The Responsibility to Prosecute and the ICC: A Problematic Relationship?/Andrea Birdsall.- Criminal Law Forum. 2015; Vol.26, No.1: 51-72. |
87162 | R2P and the ICC: At Odds or in Sync?/Kurt Mills.- Criminal Law Forum. 2015; Vol.26, No.1: 73-99. |
87163 | Between R2P and the ICC: Robust Peacekeeping and the Quest for Civilian Protection/Frederic Megret.- Criminal Law Forum. 2015; Vol.26, No.1: 101-151. |
87164 | The Impact of the Security Council on the Efficacy of the International Criminal Court and the Responsibility to Protect/Aidan Hehir, Anthony Lang.- Criminal Law Forum. 2015; Vol.26, No.1: 153-179. |
87165 | Diverse Approaches to Total and Partial In Absentia Trials by International Criminal Tribunals/Mohammad Hadi Zakerhossein, Anne-Marie De Brouwer.- Criminal Law Forum. 2015; Vol.26, No.2: 181-224. |
87166 | Distinguishing Types of Economic Abuses: A Three-Dimensional Model/Evelyne Schmid.- Criminal Law Forum. 2015; Vol.26, No.2: 225-254. |
87167 | Meaningful and Effective? Considering Victims’ Interests Through Participation at the International Criminal Court/Luke Moffett.- Criminal Law Forum. 2015; Vol.26, No.2: 255-289. |
87168 | Beyond Justice, Beyond Peace? Colombia, the Interests of Justice, and the Limits of International Criminal Law/Diego Acosta Arcarazo, Russell Buchan, Rene Uruena.- Criminal Law Forum. 2015; Vol.26, No.2: 291-318. |
87169 | The ICTR’s fact-finding legacy: lessons for the future of proof in international criminal trials/Yvonne McDermott.- Criminal Law Forum. 2015; Vol.26, No.3-4: 351-372. |
87170 | Evidential reasoning in the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda: a case study of Tharcisse Muvunyi/Terence Anderson, William Twining.- Criminal Law Forum. 2015; Vol.26, No.3-4: 373-385. |
87171 | A new look at fact-finding at the ICTR: advances in judicial acknowledgement/Nancy Amoury Combs.- Criminal Law Forum. 2015; Vol.26, No.3-4: 387-401. |
87172 | Assessing circumstantial evidence and inference at the ICTR/Oliver Windridge.- Criminal Law Forum. 2015; Vol.26, No.3-4: 403-418. |
87173 | A Janus-Faced Concept: Nuremberg’s Law on Conspiracy Vis-A-Vis the Notion of Joint Criminal Enterprise/Lachezar Yanev.- Criminal Law Forum. 2015; Vol.26, No.3-4: 419-456. |
87174 | Together Again? Customary Law and Control over the Crime/Robert Charles Clarke.- Criminal Law Forum. 2015; Vol.26, No.3-4: 457-495. |
87175 | Elucidating the Dolus Specialis: An Analysis of ICTY Jurisprudence on Genocidal Intent/Janine Natalya Clark.- Criminal Law Forum. 2015; Vol.26, No.3-4: 497-531. |
87176 | Classifying Cultural and Physical Destruction: Are Modern Historical and Current Human Rights Violations in China Violations of International Criminal Law?/Melanie O’Brien.- Criminal Law Forum. 2015; Vol.26, No.3-4: 533-563. |
87177 | Structuring Judicial Discretion in China: Exploring the 2014 Sentencing Guidelines/Julian V. Roberts, Wei Pei.- Criminal Law Forum. 2016; Vol.27, No.1: 3-33. |
87178 | The Law of Police Entrapment: Critical Evaluation and Policy Analysis/Liat Levanon.- Criminal Law Forum. 2016; Vol.27, No.1: 35-73. |
87179 | Universal Jurisdiction Meets Complementarity: An Approach towards a Desirable Future Codification of Horizontal Complementarity between the Member States of the International Criminal Court/Laura Burens.- Criminal Law Forum. 2016; Vol.27, No.1: 75-97. |
87180 | Outside, Inside, and Courtside: Taking Stock of the ICC/Tomas F. B. Hamilton.- Criminal Law Forum. 2016; Vol.27, No.1: 99-110. |
87181 | The Presumption of Innocence and its Role in the Criminal Process/Pamela R. Ferguson.- Criminal Law Forum. 2016; Vol.27, No.2: 131-158. |
87182 | Women Accused of International Crimes: A Trans-Disciplinary Inquiry and Methodology/Suzannah Linton.- Criminal Law Forum. 2016; Vol.27, No.2: 159-226. |
87183 | The South African Drugs and Drug Trafficking Act 140 of 1992 Read with the South African Criminal Law Amendment Act 105 of 1997: An Example of a One Size Fits All Punishment?/Mampolokeng Mathuso Mary-Elizabeth Monyakane.- Criminal Law Forum. 2016; Vol.27, No.2: 227-254. |
87184 | The International Crimes Tribunal in Bangladesh and International Law/Abdus Samad.- Criminal Law Forum. 2016; Vol.27, No.3: 257-290. |
87185 | Contempt of Court In Facie Curiae; Problems of Justification, Application and Control with Reference to the Situation in Botswana/Bugalo Maripe.- Criminal Law Forum. 2016; Vol.27, No.3: 291-329. |
87186 | Towards Efficiency in Attributing Criminal Liability to Corporations: Canadian and Brazilian Regimes Compared/Amissi Manirabona, Eduardo Saad Diniz.- Criminal Law Forum. 2016; Vol.27, No.3: 331-359. |
87187 | Latvian SS-Legion: Past and Present. Some Issues Regarding the Modern Glorification of Nazism/Leanid Kazyrytski.- Criminal Law Forum. 2016; Vol.27, No.3: 361-385. |
87188 | United Nations Mission to Kosovo: in Violation of the Right to Life?/Martine Durocher.- Criminal Law Forum. 2016; Vol.27, No.4: 393-415. |
87189 | Coercive Control and Criminal Responsibility: Victims Who Kill Their Abusers/Brenda Midson.- Criminal Law Forum. 2016; Vol.27, No.4: 417-442. |
87190 | Extradition on the Two Sides of the Atlantic: The U.S. Model as Blueprint for the European Arrest Warrant?/Auke Willems.- Criminal Law Forum. 2016; Vol.27, No.4: 443-493. |
87191 | The Reporting Procedure for Police Officers who have Used Serious Force Under Dutch Law and the Privilege Against Forced Self-incrimination/Marc Groenhuijsen, Rene Jansen.- Criminal Law Forum. 2016; Vol.27, No.4: 495-527. |
87192 | On the Situation in Palestine and the War Crime of Transfer of Civilians into Occupied Territory/Michael G. Kearney.- Criminal Law Forum. 2017; Vol.28, No.1: 1-34. |
87193 | The Continuing Relevance of the Hybrid or Internationalized Justice Model: The Example of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers/Mathias Holvoet.- Criminal Law Forum. 2017; Vol.28, No.1: 35-73. |
87194 | Right or Duty? Is the Accused’s Presence at Trial a Right or a Duty Under International Criminal Law?/Caleb H. Wheeler.- Criminal Law Forum. 2017; Vol.28, No.1: 99-127. |
87195 | Crimes Committed by Directors Attributed to Corporations – Why Should Directors be Accessory?: Viewing through the Complicity Rules in Common Law/S. M. Solaiman, Lars Bo Langsted.- Criminal Law Forum. 2017; Vol.28, No.1: 129-161. |
87196 | Brexit and the European Criminal Justice System – An Introduction/Kai Ambos, Stefanie Bock.- Criminal Law Forum. 2017; Vol.28, No.2: 191-217. |
87197 | European Criminal Law After Brexit/Valsamis Mitsilegas.- Criminal Law Forum. 2017; Vol.28, No.2: 219-250. |
87198 | Brexit and Eu Criminal Law – The Norwegian Approach/Annika Suominen.- Criminal Law Forum. 2017; Vol.28, No.2: 251-273. |
87199 | The Swiss Model as an Option for the Future UK-EU Relationship/Frank Meyer.- Criminal Law Forum. 2017; Vol.28, No.2: 275-299. |
87200 | Brexit and the Future of European Criminal Law – A French Perspective/Olivier Cahn.- Criminal Law Forum. 2017; Vol.28, No.2: 301-309. |
87201 | Brexit and the Future of European Criminal Law: A German Perspective/Stefanie Bock.- Criminal Law Forum. 2017; Vol.28, No.2: 311-318. |
87202 | Brexit and the Future of European Criminal Law – A Polish Perspective/Andrzej Swiatlowski, Barbara Nita-Swiatlowska.- Criminal Law Forum. 2017; Vol.28, No.2: 319-324. |
87203 | Brexit and the Future of European Criminal Law – A Spanish Perspective/Mar Jimeno-Bulnes.- Criminal Law Forum. 2017; Vol.28, No.2: 325-347. |
87204 | Judgment and Calculation in the Selection of Sentence/Tom O’Malley.- Criminal Law Forum. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 361-389. |
87205 | In Defence of Substantial Sentencing Discretion/Antje du Bois-Pedain.- Criminal Law Forum. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 391-435. |
87206 | From Disparity in Sentencing Towards Sentencing Equality: The German Experience/Wolfgang Frisch.- Criminal Law Forum. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 437-475. |
87207 | Reconceptualising the Custody Threshold in England and Wales/Julian V. Roberts, Lyndon Harris.- Criminal Law Forum. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 477-499. |
87208 | Sentencing Thresholds in German Criminal Law and Practice: Legal and Empirical Aspects/Stefan Harrendorf.- Criminal Law Forum. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 501-539. |
87209 | Non-custodial Dispositions and the Politics of Sentencing/Chris Maxwell.- Criminal Law Forum. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 541-561. |
87210 | Punishment in Non-custodial Sentences: A Critical Analysis/Anthony E. Bottoms.- Criminal Law Forum. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 563-587. |
87211 | A Justification of Command Responsibility/Darryl Robinson.- Criminal Law Forum. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 633-668. |
87212 | The Offence of Giving False Testimony under Solemn Declaration in the Rome Statute/Ekaterina A. Kopylova.- Criminal Law Forum. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 669-708. |
87213 | Military Courts and Prosecution of Offences by National Defense Forces in the Dawn of the Complementarity Regime: The Case of Uganda/Emma Charlene Lubaale.- Criminal Law Forum. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 709-747. |
87214 | Prohibition of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment: Some Remarks on the Operative Solutions at the European Level and their Effects on the Member States. The Case of Italy/Marta Picchi.- Criminal Law Forum. 2017; Vol.28, No.4: 749-776. |
87215 | Accountability for Corporate Human Rights Abuses: Lessons from the Possible Exercise of Dutch National Criminal Jurisdiction over Multinational Corporations/Cedric Ryngaert.- Criminal Law Forum. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 1-24. |
87216 | The Advent of Preventive Criminal Law: An Erosion of the Traditional Criminal Law?/Ali Emrah Bozbayindir.- Criminal Law Forum. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 25-62. |
87217 | State Withdrawal Notifications from the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: South Africa, Burundi and the Gambia/Manisuli Ssenyonjo.- Criminal Law Forum. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 63-119. |
87218 | Legal Responses and Sentencing in Murder Cases – A Comparison of Law and Judicial Reactions in India and Germany/Paromita Chattoraj, Bernd-Dieter Meier.- Criminal Law Forum. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 121-155. |
87219 | Trials and Miscarriages: an evolutionary socio-historical analysis/Richard Nobles, David Schiff.- Criminal Law Forum. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 167-225. |
87220 | The Best Interests of the Child and the Sentencing of Offenders with Parental Responsibilities/Hayli Millar, Yvon Dandurand.- Criminal Law Forum. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 227-277. |
87221 | Sexual Slavery: Do We Need This Crime in Addition to Enslavement?/Alexandra Adams.- Criminal Law Forum. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 279-323. |
87222 | Global Simplification of Extradition: Interviews with Selected Extradition Experts in New Zealand, Canada, the US and EU/Neil Boister.- Criminal Law Forum. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 327-375. |
87223 | Pressing for Sentence? An Examination of the New Zealand Crown Prosecutor’s Role in Sentencing/Andrew Britton.- Criminal Law Forum. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 377-433. |
87224 | The Right to Representation by Criminal Defense Counsel in Ethiopia: A Critical Analysis/Nurilign Mulugeta Gurmessa.- Criminal Law Forum. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 435-473. |
87225 | A Comprehensive View of International Criminal Law and Procedure/Thomas Weigend.- Criminal Law Forum. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 475-491. |
87226 | International Economic Criminal Law/Kai Ambos.- Criminal Law Forum. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 499-566. |
87227 | The Changing Face of Corporate Liability – New Hard Law and the Increasing Influence of Soft Law/Carsten Momsen, Mathis Schwarze.- Criminal Law Forum. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 567-593. |
87228 | Corporate Compliance and Human Rights/Mark Pieth.- Criminal Law Forum. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 595-601. |
87229 | The Merowe Dam Project – When Does the Coin Flip from Legal Business Activity to Criminal Behavior? Reflections on the Concept of Guarantor’s Liablity in the Context of Transnational Business Activities/Miriam Saage-Maab.- Criminal Law Forum. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 603-616. |
87230 | The Global Magnitsky Act/Tom Firestone, Kerry Contini.- Criminal Law Forum. 2018; Vol.29, No.4: 617-628. |
87231 | Guilty Robots? – Rethinking the Nature of Culpability and Legal Personhood in an Age of Artificial Intelligence/Monika Simmler, Nora Markwalder.- Criminal Law Forum. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 1-31. |
87232 | The Proliferation of Forensic Sciences and Evidence before International Criminal Tribunals from a Defence Perspective/Geert-Jan Alexander Knoops.- Criminal Law Forum. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 33-60. |
87233 | The Treatment of Superior Responsibility in Colombia: Interpreting the Agreement Between the Colombian Government and the FARC/Hector Olasolo, Jannluck Canosa Cantor.- Criminal Law Forum. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 61-107. |
87234 | The 20th Anniversary of the Rome Statute: A Review Essay About the Nuremberg Forum 2018/Alexander Heinze.- Criminal Law Forum. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 109-135. |
87235 | The Scales of Justice: Balancing the Goals of International Criminal Trials/Caleb H Wheeler.- Criminal Law Forum. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 145-180. |
87236 | The Jeddah Amendment and the Fight Against Wildlife Trafficking/Constance Gikonyo.- Criminal Law Forum. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 181-200. |
87237 | A New Model of the Criminal Justice Process: Victims’ Rights as Advancing Penal Parsimony and Moderation/Marie Manikis.- Criminal Law Forum. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 201-223. |
87238 | Deficient Monitoring Mechanisms Against Bail in Pakistan: A Challenge for the Protection of Rights of the Parties/Aisha Tariq.- Criminal Law Forum. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 225-240. |
87239 | Gravity in the Statute of the International Criminal Court and Cyber Conduct That Constitutes, Instigates or Facilitates International Crimes/Marco Roscini.- Criminal Law Forum. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 247-272. |
87240 | Immunity of Heads of State and Senior State Officials from Subpoenas and Witness Summonses/Maria Pichou.- Criminal Law Forum. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 275-307. |
87241 | Out of Africa: Exploring the Ethiopian Sentencing Guidelines/Kassahun Molla Yilma, Julian V. Roberts.- Criminal Law Forum. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 309-337. |
87242 | Extradition and Mental Health in UK Law/Paul Arnell.- Criminal Law Forum. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 339-372. |
87243 | Safe Convictions/Boaz Sangero.- Criminal Law Forum. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 375-424. |
87244 | A Thin-Slice of Institutionalised Police Brutality: A Tradition of Excessive Force in the Chicago Police Department/Paul Bleakley.- Criminal Law Forum. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 425-449. |
87245 | A critical evaluation of the prohibition on the South African prosecuting authority to appeal against decisions on questions of fact/Pieter G. du Toit.- Criminal Law Forum. 2019; Vol.30, No.4: 451-471. |
87246 | The Prosecution in Seychelles of Piracy Committed on the High Seas and the Right to a Fair Trial/Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi.- Criminal Law Forum. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 1-48. |
87247 | Confiscation And Asset Recovery: Better Tools To Fight Bribery And Corruption Crime/Tommaso Trinchera.- Criminal Law Forum. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 49-79. |
87248 | The Danger for an Underestimation of Necessary Precautions for the Admissibility of Admissions in Section 219A of the South African Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977/Mampolokeng Mathuso Mary-Elizabeth Monyakane.- Criminal Law Forum. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 81-120. |
87249 | The Importance of Placing Blame: Criminal Law and the Stabilization of Norms/Monika Simmler.- Criminal Law Forum. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 147-178. |
87250 | After the ICC Office of the Prosecutor’s 2016 Policy Paper on Case Selection and Prioritisation: Towards an International Crime of Ecocide?/Ricardo Pereira.- Criminal Law Forum. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 179-224. |
87251 | Long Overdue: Decriminalisation of Attempted Suicide in Nigeria/Cheluchi Onyemelukwe.- Criminal Law Forum. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 225-249. |
87252 | What about judicial punitiveness? A study of homicide convictions in Spain (2000-2013)/Oana Stancu, Daniel Varona.- Criminal Law Forum. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 251-275. |
87253 | Globalizing What: Education as a Human Right or as a Traded Service?/Katarina Tomasevski.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.1: 1-78. |
87254 | To What Ends: Educational Reform Around the World/Robert F. Arnove.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.1: 79-95. |
87255 | The Globalization of Multicultural Education/Margaret Sutton.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.1: 97-108. |
87256 | Confronting the Privatization and Commercialization of Academic Research: An Analysis of Social Implications at the Local, National, and Global Levels/Risa L. Lieberwitz.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.1: 109-152. |
87257 | Science, Globalization, and Educational Governance: The Political Rationalities of the New Managerialism/Kathleen D. Hall.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.1: 153-182. |
87258 | The Language of Higher Education Assessment: Legislative Concerns in a Global Context/Bonnie Urciuoli.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.1: 183-204. |
87259 | Rallying the Armies or Bridging the Gulf: Questioning the Significance of Faith-Based Educational Initiatives in a Global Age/Amy Stambach.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.1: 205-226. |
87260 | Glocalizing Chinese Higher Education: Groping for Stones to Cross the River/Heidi Ross, Jingjing Lou.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.1: 227-250. |
87261 | Programs for Democratic Citizenship in Mexico’s Ministry of Education: Local Appropriations of Global Cultural Flows/Bradley A.U. Levinson.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.1: 251-284. |
87262 | French and U.S. Modes of Educational Regulation Facing Modernity/Denis Meuret.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.1: 285-312. |
87263 | Terrorism: The International Response of the Courts/Michael Kirby.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.1: 313-344. |
87264 | In Fear of International Law/Ivan Shearer.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.1: 345-378. |
87265 | Fighting Terrorism/Lee H. Hamilton.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.2: 379-390. |
87266 | The Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe and the Democratic Legitimacy of the European Union/Elisabeth Zoller.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.2: 391-408. |
87267 | Back to Government? The Pluralistic Deficit in the Decisionmaking Processes and Before the Courts/Fulvio Cortese, Marco Dani, Francesco Palermo.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.2: 409-413. |
87268 | American Constitutional Fantasies: Escape from Difference Through Escape from Government/David C. Williams.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.2: 415-434. |
87269 | Back to Government? Reregulating British Railways/Peter Leyland.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.2: 435-470. |
87270 | Bioethics and Law: Between Values and Rules/Cinzia Piciocchi.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.2: 471-482. |
87271 | Comment: Autonomy and the Public-Private Distinction in Bioethics and Law/Susan H. Williams.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.2: 483-494. |
87272 | The Concept of Statutory Law in EU Perspective/Francesco Bilancia.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.2: 495-509. |
87273 | Good Administration and Administrative Procedures/Juli Ponce.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.2: 551-588. |
87274 | Administrative Procedures and Democracy: The Italian Experience/Fabrizio Fracchia.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.2: 589-598. |
87275 | Functional Participation in EU Delegated Regulation: Lessons from the United States at the EU’s Constitutional Moment/Stijn Smismans.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.2: 599-630. |
87276 | Taking Legal Pluralism Seriously: The Alien Tort Claims Act and the Role of International Law Before U.S. Federal Courts/Luisa Antoniolli.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.2: 651-666. |
87277 | The Functional Representation of the Individual’s Interests Before the EC Courts: The Evolution of the Remedies System and the Pluralistic Deficit in the EC/Luigi Malferrari.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.2: 667-710. |
87278 | Pluralistic Deficit and Direct Claims to European Constitutional Courts/Serena Baldin.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.2: 711-716. |
87279 | Reframing the Issue: AIDS as a Global Workforce Crisis and the Emerging Role of Multinational Corporations/Elizabeth M. Chitty.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.2: 717-743. |
87280 | The Regulatory Grass is Greener: A Comparative Analysis of the Alien Tort Claims Act and the European Union’s Green Paper on Corporate Social Responsibility/Joshua M. Chanin.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.12, No.2: 745-778. |
87281 | The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea: A Great Mistake?/Jillaine Seymour.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.13, No.1: 1-35. |
87282 | The Use and Misuse of Comparative Constitutional Law/Cheryl Saunders.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.13, No.1: 37-76. |
87283 | Workers’ Rights Provisions in Fast Track Authority, 1974-2007: An Historical Perspective and Current Analysis/Carol Pier.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.13, No.1: 77-103. |
87284 | Making Visible the Invisible: Strategies for Responding to Globalization’s Impact on Immigrant Workers in the United States/Sarah Paoletti.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.13, No.1: 105-136. |
87285 | Beyond a Snapshot: Preventing Human Trafficking in the Global Economy/Janie Chuang.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.13, No.1: 137-163. |
87286 | Protecting Families in a Global Economy/Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt, Carmen Brun.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.13, No.1: 165-205. |
87287 | The Organization of Care Work in Italy: Gender and Migrant Labor in the New Economy/Dawn Lyon.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.13, No.1: 207-224. |
87288 | The New Politics of Linkage: India’s Opposition to the Workers’ Rights Clause/Kevin Kolben.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.13, No.1: 225-259. |
87289 | The Parallel Worlds of Corporate Governance and Labor Law/Peer Zumbansen.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.13, No.1: 261-312. |
87290 | Modern Condottieri in Iraq: Privatizing War from the Perspective of International and Human Rights Law/Antenor Hallo De Wolf.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.13, No.2: 315-356. |
87291 | The Forgotten Threat: Private Policing and the State/Elizabeth E. Joh.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.13, No.2: 357-389. |
87292 | Dependency by Law: Poverty, Identity, and Welfare Privatization/Frank Munger.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.13, No.2: 391-415. |
87293 | Religious Expression and Symbolism in the American Constitutional Tradition: Governmental Neutrality, But Not Indifference/Daniel O. Conkle.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.13, No.2: 417-443. |
87294 | Secularization, Religiosity, and the United States Constitution/Christopher L. Eisgruber.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.13, No.2: 445-472. |
87295 | Religious Exemptions, Formal Neutrality, and Laicite/Frederick Mark Gedicks.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.13, No.2: 473-492. |
87296 | Separation of Church and State in the United States: Lost in Translation?/Carol J. Greenhouse.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.13, No.2: 493-502. |
87297 | Church and State in the United States: Competing Conceptions and Historic Changes/Douglas Laycock.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.13, No.2: 503-541. |
87298 | Why Religion in Politics Does Not Violate la Conception Americaine de la Laicite/Michael J. Perry.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.13, No.2: 543-560. |
87299 | laicite in the United States or The Separation of Church and State in a Pluralist Society/Elisabeth Zoller.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.13, No.2: 561-594. |
87300 | Challenges for Private Sector Conservation: Sanderson’s The Future of Conservation in Tierra del Fuego/Julia Amrock.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.13, No.2: 595-615. |
87301 | Help for Hotspots: NGO Participation in the Preservation of Worldwide Biodiversity/Bradley M. Bernau.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.13, No.2: 617-643. |
87302 | Using Global Themes to Reframe the Bioprospecting Debate/Jonathan B. Warner.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.13, No.2: 645-671. |
87303 | Globalization of Law Firms: A Survey of the Literature and a Research Agenda for Further Study/D. Daniel Sokol.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.14, No.1: 5-28. |
87304 | The Globalization of Legal Practice in the Internet Age/Leonard Bierman, Michael A. Hitt.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.14, No.1: 29-34. |
87305 | Lawyers as Sanctifiers: The Role of Elite Law Firms in International Business Transactions/John Flood.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.14, No.1: 35-66. |
87306 | Local Matters: Internationalizing Strategies for U.S. Law Firms/Carole Silver.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.14, No.1: 67-93. |
87307 | Ethical Codes and Cultural Context: Ensuring Legal Ethics in the Global Law Firm/Laurence Etherington, Robert Lee.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.14, No.1: 95-118. |
87308 | Global Law: A Legal Phenomenon Emerging from the Process of Globalization/Pierrick Le Goff.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.14, No.1: 119-145. |
87309 | Non-governmental Organizations, Prevention, and Intervention in Internal Conflict: Though the Lens of Darfur/J. J. Welling.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.14, No.1: 147-179. |
87310 | Introduction: Private Ordering in a Globalizing World: Still Searching for the Basis of Contract/Peer Zumbansen.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.14, No.2: 181-190. |
87311 | The Law of Society: Governance Through Contract/Peer Zumbansen.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.14, No.2: 191-233. |
87312 | Civil Society Constitutionalism: The Power of Contract Law/Marc Amstutz, Andreas Abegg, Vaios Karavas.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.14, No.2: 235-258. |
87313 | The New Public Contracting: Public Versus Private Ordering?/Peter Vincent-Jones.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.14, No.2: 259-278. |
87314 | Relational Contract and the Nature of Private Ordering: A Comment on Vincent-Jones/David Campbell.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.14, No.2: 279-300. |
87315 | An Administrative Law Perspective on Government Social Service Contracts: Outsourcing Prison Health Care in New York City/Alfred C. Aman.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.14, No.2: 301-328. |
87316 | The Role of Contracts and Networks in Public Governance: The Importance of the Social Epistemology of Decision Making/Karl-Heinz Ladeur.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.14, No.2: 329-351. |
87317 | Consumer Protection and Social Models of Continental and Anglo-American Contract Law and the Transnational Outlook/Andreas Maurer.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.14, No.2: 353-384. |
87318 | Changing Contract Lenses: Unexpected Supervening Events in English, New Zealand, U.S., Japanese, and International Sales Law and Practice/Luke Nottage.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.14, No.2: 385-418. |
87319 | Molecular Federalism and the Structures of Private Lawmaking/David V. Snyder.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.14, No.2: 419-445. |
87320 | The True Lex Mercatoria: Law Beyond the State/Ralf Michaels.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.14, No.2: 447-468. |
87321 | The Making of Transnational Contract Law/Gralf-Peter Calliess.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.14, No.2: 469-483. |
87322 | Sexuality and Global Forces: Dr. Alfred Kinsey and the Supreme Court of the United States/Michael Kirby.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.14, No.2: 485-508. |
87323 | International Commerce and Undocumented Workers: Using Trade to Secure Labor Rights/Laura Jakubowski.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.14, No.2: 509-525. |
87324 | The Relationship of Participatory Democracy to Participatory Law Formation/Christiana Ochoa.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.15, No.1: 5-18. |
87325 | Customary Transnational Law: Attacking the Last Resort of State Sovereignty/Till Muller.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.15, No.1: 19-47. |
87326 | Bottom-Up Lawmaking: The Private Origins of Transnational Law/Janet Koven Levit.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.15, No.1: 49-73. |
87327 | Securing the Global City: Crime, Consulting, Risk, and Ratings in the Production of Urban Space/Katharyne Mitchell, Katherine Beckett.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.15, No.1: 75-99. |
87328 | Global Panopticism: States, Corporations, and the Governance Effects of Monitoring Regimes/Larry Cata Backer.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.15, No.1: 101-148. |
87329 | The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, OPIC, and the Retreat from Transparency/Blake Puckett.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.15, No.1: 149-176. |
87330 | Democratization: the Contribution of Fair Trade and Ethical Trading Movements/Janet Dine.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.15, No.1: 177-212. |
87331 | From Agitation to Institutionalization: The Student Anti-Sweatshop Movement in the New Millennium/Purnima Bose.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.15, No.1: 213-240. |
87332 | Rethinking NGOs: The Economy of Survival and Global Governance/Marc Abeles.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.15, No.1: 241-258. |
87333 | A Theory of Open-Source Anarchy/David P. Fidler.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.15, No.1: 259-284. |
87334 | Privatization and Public Law Values: A View from France/Manuel Tirard.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.15, No.1: 285-304. |
87335 | Reconstructing Contemporary Democracy/Jan Aart Scholte.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.15, No.1: 305-350. |
87336 | The WTO and Domestic Political Disquiet: Has Legalization of the Global Trade Regime Gone Too Far?/James R. Cohee.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.15, No.1: 351-374. |
87337 | The Hague Convention: The Problems with Accession and Implementation/Annette Schmit.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.15, No.1: 375-395. |
87338 | Globalization and Housing Rights/Padraic Kenna.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.15, No.2: 397-469. |
87339 | Toward a World Migratory Regime/Raffaele Marchetti.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.15, No.2: 471-487. |
87340 | Patents and Traditional Medicine: Digital Capture, Creative Legal Interventions, and the Dialectics of Knowledge Transformation/Chidi Oguamanam.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.15, No.2: 489-528. |
87341 | Emerging Global Environmental Governance/N. Brian Winchester.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.1: 7-23. |
87342 | The Momentous Gravity of the State of Things Now Obtaining: Annoying Westphalian Objections to the Idea of Global Governance/Timothy William Waters.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.1: 25-58. |
87343 | Deliberative Democracy in Severely Fractured Societies/Adeno Addis.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.1: 59-83. |
87344 | Theocratic Constitutionalism: An Introduction to a New Global Legal Ordering/Larry Cata Backer.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.1: 85-172. |
87345 | An Essay on the Emergence of Constitutional Courts: The Cases of Mexico and Colombia/Miguel Schor.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.1: 173-194. |
87346 | Pain, Gain, or Shame: The Evolution of Environmental Law and the Role of Multinational Corporations/Michael Ewing-Chow, Darryl Soh.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.1: 195-222. |
87347 | Integration of Corporate Social Responsibility Through International Voluntary Initiatives/Tim Baines.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.1: 223-248. |
87348 | Navigating the Turbulent Waters Connecting the World Trade Organization and Corporate Social Responsibility/Gustavo Ferreira Ribeiro.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.1: 249-273. |
87349 | Civil Society and Disability Rights in Post-Soviet Ukraine: NGOs and Prospects for Change/Sarah D. Phillips.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.1: 275-291. |
87350 | We’re Very Apolitical: Examining the Role of the International Legal Assistance Expert/Blake K. Puckett.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.1: 293-310. |
87351 | Representativity, Civil Society, and the EU Social Dialogue: Lessons From the International Labor Organization/Faina Milman-Sivan.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.1: 311-337. |
87352 | A Framework for Understanding Accountability of International NGOs and Global Good Governance/Michael Szporluk.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.1: 339-361. |
87353 | Privacy by Deletion: The Need for a Global Data Deletion Principle/Benjamin J. Keele.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.1: 363-384. |
87354 | Introduction – Global Constitutionalism from an Interdisciplinary Perspective/Anne Peters, Klaus Armingeon.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.2: 385-395. |
87355 | The Merits of Global Constitutionalism/Anne Peters.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.2: 397-411. |
87356 | Emerging Patterns of Global Constitutionalization: Toward a Conceptual Framework/Karolina Milewicz.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.2: 413-436. |
87357 | Civil Rights in International Law: Compliance with Aspects of the International Bill of Rights/Beth Simmons.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.2: 437-481. |
87358 | Defragmentation of Public International Law Through Interpretation: A Methodological Proposal/Anne van Aaken.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.2: 483-512. |
87359 | International Rule of Law and Constitutional Justice in International Investment Law and Arbitration/Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.2: 513-533. |
87360 | Constitutionalization and the Unity of the Law of International Responsibility/Andre Nollkaemper.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.2: 535-563. |
87361 | Is There an International Environmental Constitution?/Daniel Bodansky.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.2: 565-584. |
87362 | When Common Interests Are Not Common: Why the Global Basic Structure Should Be Democratic/Andreas Follesdal.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.2: 585-604. |
87363 | On the Constitutionability of Global Public Policy Networks/Petra Dobner.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.2: 605-619. |
87364 | Constitutionalism, Legal Pluralism, and International Regimes/Alec Stone Sweet.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.2: 621-645. |
87365 | Multilayered Governance, Pluralism, and Moral Conflict/Thomas Cottier.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.2: 647-679. |
87366 | A Look at Traditional Islam’s General Discord with a Permanent System of Global Cooperation/Meghan E. Tepas.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.2: 681-701. |
87367 | Shooting Blanks: The War on Tax Havens/Timothy V. Addison.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.16, No.2: 703-727. |
87368 | Introduction: Eastphalia Emerging?: Asia, International Law, and Global Governance/David P. Fidler.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.17, No.1: 1-12. |
87369 | Values to Be Added to an Eastphalia Order by the Emerging China/Chang-fa Lo.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.17, No.1: 13-25. |
87370 | Eastphalia as the Perfection of Westphalia/Tom Ginsburg.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.17, No.1: 27-45. |
87371 | East Asian Order Formation and Sino-Japanese Relations/Men Honghua.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.17, No.1: 47-82. |
87372 | Human Security with an Asian Face?/Sung Won Kim.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.17, No.1: 83-103. |
87373 | Pursuing Health as Foreign Policy: The Case of China/Yanzhong Huang.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.17, No.1: 105-146. |
87374 | India and Eastphalia/David P. Fidler, Sumit Ganguly.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.17, No.1: 147-164. |
87375 | National Jurisdiction and Global Business Networks/Hannah L. Buxbaum.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.17, No.1: 165-181. |
87376 | NATO at Sixty: America Between Law and War/Mary Ellen O’Connell.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.17, No.2: 187-196. |
87377 | Germany’s Basic Law and the Use of Force/Russell A. Miller.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.17, No.2: 197-206. |
87378 | Two Concluding Remarks/Elisabeth Zoller.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.17, No.2: 207-209. |
87379 | Recent Developments in Stem Cell Research: Social, Ethical, and Legal Issues for the Future/Loane Skene.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.17, No.2: 211-244. |
87380 | Trading Debts Across Borders: A European Solution?/Richard Fentiman.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.17, No.2: 245-271. |
87381 | Love Thy Neighbor: The Tampere Convention as Global Legislation/Allison Rahrig.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.17, No.2: 273-288. |
87382 | Women’s Employment Rights in China: Creating Harmony for Women in the Workforce/Jamie Burnett.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.17, No.2: 289-318. |
87383 | It’s a Pirate’s Life for Some: The Development of an Illegal Industry in Response to an Unjust Global Power Dynamic/Elliot A. Anderson.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.17, No.2: 319-339. |
87384 | The Need for a Global Amateurism Standard: International Student-Athlete Issues and Controversies/Erin Abbey-Pinegar.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.17, No.2: 341-365. |
87385 | Who’s Responsible for This? The Globalization of Healthcare in Developing Countries/Joshua P. Reading.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.17, No.2: 367-387. |
87386 | Seeking Civilian Control: Rule of Law, Democracy, and Civil-Military Relations in Zimbabwe/Jeremiah I. Williamson.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.17, No.2: 389-411. |
87387 | A Review of Making People Illegal: What Globalization Means for Migration and Law by Catherine Dauvergne/Andy Williams.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.17, No.2: 413-420. |
87388 | The Rule of Law Through Its Economies of Appearances: The Making of the African Warlord/Kamari Maxine Clarke.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 7-40. |
87389 | To the Orphaned, Dispossessed, and Illegitimate Children: Human Rights Beyond Republican and Liberal Traditions/Siba N. Grovogui.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 41-63. |
87390 | Democracy, Gender Equality, and Customary Law: Constitutionalizing Internal Cultural Disruption/Susan H. Williams.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 65-85. |
87391 | African Customary Law, Customs, and Women’s Rights/Muna Ndulo.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 87-120. |
87392 | The Maria da Penha Case and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights: Contributions to the Debate on Domestic Violence Against Women in Brazil/Paula Spieler.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 121-143. |
87393 | State Power, Religion, and Women’s Rights: A Comparative Analysis of Family Law/Mala Htun, S. Laurel Weldon.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 145-165. |
87394 | The Human Right to Health and HIV/AIDS: South Africa and South-South Cooperation to Reframe Global Intellectual Property Principles and Promote Access to Essential Medicines/Erika George.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 167-197. |
87395 | The Right to be Trafficked/Charles Piot.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 199-210. |
87396 | Culture Fatigue: The State and Minority Rights in Botswana/Jacqueline Solway.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 211-240. |
87397 | The Power of Definition: Brazil’s Contribution to Universal Concepts of Indigeneity/Jan Hoffman French.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 241-261. |
87398 | Ethnicity.gov: Global Governance, Indigenous Peoples, and the Right to Prior Consultation in Social Minefields/Cesar Rodriguez-Garavito.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 263-305. |
87399 | Ethnographies of Indigenous Exclusion in Western Mexico/Guillermo de la Pena.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 307-319. |
87400 | Autochthony, Citizenship, and Exclusion – Paradoxes in the Politics of Belonging in Africa and Europe/Peter Geschiere.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 321-339. |
87401 | Abuse of Power and Corruption in Kenya: Will the New Constitution Enhance Government Accountability?/Migai Akech.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 341-394. |
87402 | Globalization and the Institutional Dynamics of Global Environmental Governance/Tun Myint.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 395-420. |
87403 | Respect My Authority: Analyzing Claims of Diminished U.S. Supreme Court Influence Abroad/Aaron B. Aft.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 421-454. |
87404 | The Alien Tort Statute and Flomo v. Firestone Natural Rubber Company: The Key to Change in Global Child Labor Practices?/Jessica Bergman.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 455-479. |
87405 | The Fight for Clean Technology Funds: Who Should Control the Future of Low-Carbon Technology in the Developing World?/William Gardner.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 481-513. |
87406 | Counting the Costs of a Global Anglophonic Hegemony: Examining the Impact of U.S. Language Education Policy on Linguistic Minorities Worldwide/Stephen M. Harper.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 515-538. |
87407 | Teachers’ Religious Garb as an Instrument for Globalization in Education/Caitlin S. Kerr.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 539-561. |
87408 | From Sovereignty to Responsibility: An Emerging International Norm and Its Call to Action in Burma/Alison McCormick.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.1: 563-591. |
87409 | Introduction: Transnational Corporations Revisited/Gralf-Peter Calliess.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.2: 601-615. |
87410 | Self-Constitutionalizing TNCs? On the Linkage of Private and Public Corporate Codes of Conduct/Gunther Teubner.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.2: 617-638. |
87411 | The Coevolution of Transnational Corporations and Institutions/Sarianna M. Lundan.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.2: 639-663. |
87412 | The Changing Face of Transnational Business Governance: Private Corporate Law Liability and Accountability of Transnational Groups in a Post-Financial Crisis World/Peter Muchlinski.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.2: 665-705. |
87413 | The Transnational Law Market, Regulatory Competition, and Transnational Corporations/Horst Eidenmuller.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.2: 707-749. |
87414 | Private Actors and Public Governance Beyond the State: The Multinational Corporation, the Financial Stability Board, and the Global Governance Order/Larry Cata Backer.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.2: 751-802. |
87415 | Transnational Corporations as Steering Subjects in International Economic Law: Two Competing Visions of the Future?/Karsten Nowrot.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.2: 803-842. |
87416 | Transnational Corporations, Global Competition Policy, and the Shortcomings of Private International Law/Gralf-Peter Calliess, Jens Mertens.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.2: 843-872. |
87417 | Money Can’t Buy You Law: The Effects of Foreign Aid on the Rule of Law in Developing Countries/Katherine Erbeznik.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.2: 873-900. |
87418 | International Drug Trafficking: A Global Problem with a Domestic Solution/Matthew S. Jenner.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.2: 901-927. |
87419 | Obstacles to Accessing the State Justice System in Rural Afghanistan/Kara Jensen.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.18, No.2: 929-950. |
87420 | Immigration Control in an Era of Globalization: Deflecting Foreigners, Weakening Citizens, and Strengthening the State/Valsamis Mitsilegas.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.19, No.1: 3-60. |
87421 | Disposable Workers: Applying a Human Rights Framework to Analyze Duties Owed to Seriously Injured or Ill Migrants/Lori A. Nessel.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.19, No.1: 61-103. |
87422 | Troubling the Victim/Trafficker Dichotomy in Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking: The Unintended Consequences of Moralizing Labor Migration/Kay B. Warren.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.19, No.1: 105-120. |
87423 | Changing Burma From Without: Political Activism Among the Burmese Diaspora/David C. Williams.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.19, No.1: 121-142. |
87424 | Coming Out of the Shadows: DREAM Act Activism in the Context of Global Anti-Deportation Activism/Laura Corrunker.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.19, No.1: 143-168. |
87425 | Global Anti-Anarchism: The Origins of Ideological Deportation and the Suppression of Expression/Julia Rose Kraut.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.19, No.1: 169-193. |
87426 | Citizenship and Marriage in a Globalizing World: Multicultural Families and Monocultural Nationality Laws in Korea and Japan/Erin Aeran Chung, Daisy Kim.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.19, No.1: 195-219. |
87427 | Adjudicating the Intersection of Marital Immigration, Domestic Violence, and Spousal Murder: China-Taiwan Marriages and Competing Legal Domains/Sara L. Friedman.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.19, No.1: 221-255. |
87428 | Human Rights and the Elusive Universal Subject: Immigration Detention Under International Human Rights and EU Law/Cathryn Costello.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.19, No.1: 257-303. |
87429 | International Human Rights in Canadian Immigration Law – The Case of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada/Catherine Dauvergne.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.19, No.1: 305-326. |
87430 | Transnational Adoption and European Immigration Politics: Producing the National Body in Sweden/Barbara Yngvesson.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.19, No.1: 327-345. |
87431 | Greenpeace, Social Media, and the Possibility of Global Deliberation on the Environment/Michael Roose.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.19, No.1: 347-364. |
87432 | Harmonization, But Not Homogenization: The Case for Cuban Autonomy in Globalizing Economic Reforms/Heather E. Shreve.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.19, No.1: 365-390. |
87433 | Department of Defense, Inc.: The DoD’s Use of Corporate Strategies to Manage U.S. Overseas Military Bases/Matt Weyand.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.19, No.1: 391-411. |
87434 | Vertical and Horizontal Perspectives on Rights Consciousness/David M. Engel.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.19, No.2: 423-455. |
87435 | Dimensions of Rights Consciousness/Carol J. Greenhouse.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.19, No.2: 457-466. |
87436 | Expanding the Horizons of Horizontal Inquiry into Rights Consciousness: An Engagement with David Engel/Michael McCann.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.19, No.2: 467-488. |
87437 | Against Wishful Scholarship: The Importance Of Engel/Duncan McCargo.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.19, No.2: 489-493. |
87438 | Redress: Rights and Other Remedies, A Comment on David Engel’s Article on Rights Consciousness/Arzoo Osanloo.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.19, No.2: 495-505. |
87439 | Forward Contracts – Prohibitions on Risk and Speculation Under Islamic Law/Nicholas C. Dau-Schmidt.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.19, No.2: 533-553. |
87440 | Public Interest Litigation in India as a Paradigm for Developing Nations/Zachary Holladay.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.19, No.2: 555-573. |
87441 | The Global Crackdown on Insider Trading: A Silver Lining to the Great Recession/Christopher P. Montagano.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.19, No.2: 575-598. |
87442 | The Human Right to Water: Will Its Fulfillment Contribute to Environmental Degradation?/Alezah Trigueros.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.19, No.2: 599-625. |
87443 | Visible Formalizations and Formally Invisible Facticities/Saskia Sassen.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.1: 3-27. |
87444 | Lochner Disembedded: The Anxieties of Law in a Global Context/Peer Zumbansen.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.1: 29-69. |
87445 | Recuiting Super Talent: The New World of Selective Migration Regimes/Ayelet Shachar, Ran Hirschl.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.1: 71-107. |
87446 | The Movement of U.S. Criminal and Administrative Law: Processes of Transplanting and Translating/Toby S. Goldbach, Benjamin Brake, Peter J. Katzenstein.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.1: 141-184. |
87447 | The Judicial Reform in China: The Status Quo and Future Directions/Ji Weidong.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.1: 185-220. |
87448 | Legal Education, Globalization, and Institutional Excellence: Challenges for the Rule of Law and Access to Justice in India/C. Raj Kumar.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.1: 221-252. |
87449 | Judicial Independence: New Challenges in Established Nations/Martin Shapiro.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.1: 253-277. |
87450 | Citizenship After the Conservative Movement/Elisabeth Zoller.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.1: 279-312. |
87451 | Popular Discontent, Revolution, and Democratization in Egypt in a Globalizing World/Abdel-Fattah Mady.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.1: 313-337. |
87452 | Globalization, the Rule of (Administrative) Law, and the Realization of Democratic Governance in Africa: Realities, Challenges, and Prospects/Migai Akech.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.1: 339-375. |
87453 | Globalization and the Privatization of Welfare Administration in Indiana/Alfred C. Aman.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.1: 377-424. |
87454 | What Could Be Gained in Translation: Legal Language and Lawyer-Linguists in a Globalized World/Samantha Hargitt.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.1: 425-447. |
87455 | The Pursuit of Voluntary Tax Compliance in a Globalized World/Jennifer Hepp.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.1: 449-468. |
87456 | Plugging the Democracy Drain in the Struggle for Universal Access to Safe Drinking Water/Tara E. Paul.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.1: 469-503. |
87457 | Expanding Constitutionalism/Gunther Teubner, Anna Beckers.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 523-550. |
87458 | A Sociology of Constituent Power: The Political Code of Transnational Societal Constitutions/Christopher Thornhill.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 551-603. |
87459 | The Cosmopolitan Turn in Constitutionalism: An Integrated Conception of Public Law/Mattias Kumm.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 605-628. |
87460 | On the Politics of Societal Constitutionalism/Emilios Christodoulidis.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 629-663. |
87461 | Jurisgenerative Constitutionalism: Procedural Principles for Managing Global Legal Pluralism/Paul Schiff Berman.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 665-695. |
87462 | We and Cyberlaw: The Spatial Unity of Constitutional Orders/Hans Lindahl.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 697-730. |
87463 | The Future of Societal Constitutionalism in the Age of Acceleration/Riccardo Prandini.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 731-776. |
87464 | Transnational Normative Orders: The Constitutionalism of Intra- and Trans-Normative Law/Poul F. Kjaer.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 777-803. |
87465 | Transnational Corporations’ Outward Expression of Inward Self-Constitution: The Enforcement of Human Rights by Apple, Inc./Larry Cata Backer.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 805-879. |
87466 | Societal Constitutionalism, Social Movements, and Constitutionalism from Below/Gavin W. Anderson.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 881-906. |
87467 | Private Governance of Knowledge: Societally-Crafted Intellectual Properties Regimes/Dan Wielsch.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 907-940. |
87468 | Occupy the System! Societal Constitutionalism and Transnational Corporate Accounting/Mortiz Renner.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 941-964. |
87469 | Social Movements as Constituent Power: The Italian Struggle for the Commons/Saki Bailey, Ugo Mattei.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 965-1013. |
87470 | Fundamental Rights, Private Law, and Societal Constitution: On the Logic of the So-Called Horizontal Effect/Florian Rodl.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 1015-1034. |
87471 | Constitutionalization of Nongovernmental Certification Programs/Jaye Ellis.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 1035-1059. |
87472 | Introduction: Effects of Global Developments on Gender and the Legal Practice/Gabriele Plickert.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 1061-1069. |
87473 | Women in the Legal Profession, 1970-2010: A Study of the Global Supply of Lawyers/Ethan Michelson.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 1071-1137. |
87474 | Gender and Global Lawyering: Where are the Women?/Steven A. Boutcher, Carole Silver.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 1139-1167. |
87475 | The Impact of the Economic Downturn on Women Lawyers in the United States/Cynthia Fuchs Epstein, Abigail Kolker.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 1169-1202. |
87476 | Parenthood Status and Compensation in Law Practice/Nancy Reichman, Joyce Sterling.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 1203-1222. |
87477 | Leaving Private Practice: How Organizational Context, Time Pressures, and Structural Inflexibilities Shape Departures from Private Law Practice/Fiona M. Kay, Stacey Alarie, Jones Adjei.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 1223-1260. |
87478 | Why is Gender a Form of Diversity?: Rising Advantages for Women in Global Indian Law Firms/Swethaa Ballakrishnen.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 1261-1289. |
87479 | Gender and Difference Among Brazilian Lawyers and Judges: Public and Private Practice in the Global Periphery/Maria da Gloria Bonelli.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 1291-1309. |
87480 | Chinese Women in Legal Education/Xiaonan Liu.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 1311-1357. |
87481 | Afterward: A Comparative Look at the Status of Women in the Legal Profession/Carroll Seron.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 1359-1372. |
87482 | The Affordable Care Act and International Recruitment and Migration of Nursing Professionals/Helen D. Arnold.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 1373-1391. |
87483 | The Recurring Native Response to Global Labor Migration/Patrick W. Thomas.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 1393-1423. |
87484 | A Diamond Scheme is Forever Lost: The Kimberley Process’s Deteriorating Tripartite Structure and its Consequences for the Scheme’s Survival/Andrew H. Winetroub.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 1425-1444. |
87485 | What’s in a Name?: Geographical Indicators, Legal Protection, and the Vulnerability of Zinfandel/Stephen M. Jurca.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.20, No.2: 1445-1471. |
87486 | Regulatory Translations: Expertise and Affect in Global Legal Fields/Ziya Umut Turem, Andrea Ballestero.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.21, No.1: 1-25. |
87487 | What Is in a Percentage? Calculation as the Poetic Translation of Human Rights/Andrea Ballestero.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.21, No.1: 27-53. |
87488 | Regular Soybeans: Translation and Framing in the Ontological Politics of a Coup/Kregg Hetherington.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.21, No.1: 55-78. |
87489 | Critical Cultural Translation: A Socio-Legal Framework for Regulatory Orders/Laura A. Foster.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.21, No.1: 79-105. |
87490 | Sinister Translations: Law’s Authority in a Post-9/11 World/Jothie Rajah.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.21, No.1: 107-143. |
87491 | Misreading and Mobility in Constitutional Texts: A Nineteenth Century Case/Iza Hussin.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.21, No.1: 145-158. |
87492 | Translations in Regulatory Space: The Arenas of Regulatory Innovation in Accounting Standard Setting/Yasmine Chahed.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.21, No.1: 195-221. |
87493 | The Persistence of National Peculiarities: Translating Representative Environmental Action from Transnational into German Law/Anna Katharina Mangold.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.21, No.1: 223-261. |
87494 | Lost Without Translation? Cross-Referencing and a New Global Community of Courts/Antje Wiener, Philip Liste.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.21, No.1: 263-296. |
87495 | Pashtunistan’s Future: The Global Executive or a Regional Solution/Joshua A. Kurtzman.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.21, No.1: 303-333. |
87496 | Bitcoin: The Economic Case for a Global, Virtual Currency Operating in an Unexplored Legal Framework/Jonathan B. Turpin.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.21, No.1: 335-368. |
87497 | Targeted Drug Donations: A Necessary Evil in Need of a Global Harness and a Possible Cure for TRIPS Shortcomings/Gabriella Tzeneva.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.21, No.1: 369-388. |
87498 | Epistemologies of the South and Human Rights: Santos and the Quest for Global and Cognitive Justice/Jose-Manuel Barreto.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.21, No.2: 395-422. |
87499 | Making the Client’s Peace: Privatizing Peace? Global Law Firms Offering Pro Bono Services in Post-Conflict Settings/Cindy Daase.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.21, No.2: 423-452. |
87500 | Regulating Water and War in Iraq: A Dangerous Dark Side of New Governance/Tracey Leigh Dowdeswell, Patricia Hania.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.21, No.2: 453-482. |
87501 | Making the Machine Work: Technocratic Engineering of Rights for Domestic Workers at the International Labour Organization/Leila Kawar.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.21, No.2: 483-511. |
87502 | The Corporation, New Governance, and the Power of the Publicization Narrative/Fenner L. Stewart.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.21, No.2: 513-551. |
87503 | The Politics of Law and the Laws of Politics: The Political Paradoxes of Transnational Constitutionalism/Pablo Holmes.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.21, No.2: 553-583. |
87504 | Changing Tides: Tax Haven Reform and the Changing Views on Transnational Capital Flow Regulation and the Role of States in a Globalized World/Jeffrey Kraft.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.21, No.2: 599-617. |
87505 | A Call for Truth in the Fashion Pages: What the Global Trend in Advertising Regulation Means for U.S. Beauty and Fashion Advertisers/Ashley O’Neil.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.21, No.2: 619-641. |
87506 | Edification from the Andorran Model: A Brief Exploration into the Condominium Solution on the International Stage and Its Potential Application to Current Land Disputes/Taylor Calvin Perkins.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.21, No.2: 643-665. |
87507 | Protecting the Home Turf: National Bar Associations and the Foreign Lawyer/Brendan K. Smith.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.21, No.2: 667-682. |
87508 | A Trail to Modernity: Observations on the New Developments of China’s Evidence Legislation Movement in a Global Context/Jia Li, Zhuhao Wang.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.21, No.2: 683-705. |
87509 | Foreign Attorneys in U.S. LL.M. Programs: Who’s In, Who’s Out, and Who They Are/Mindie Lazarus-Black, Julie Globokar.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.22, No.1: 3-65. |
87510 | Notes Toward an Understanding of the U.S. Market in Foreign LL.M. Students: From the British Empire and the Inns of Court to the U.S. LL.M./Bryant G. Garth.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.22, No.1: 67-79. |
87511 | The Aspiring and Globalizing Graduate Law Student: A Comment on the Lazarus-Black and Globokar LL.M. Study/Jayanth K. Krishnan, Vitor M. Dias.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.22, No.1: 81-93. |
87512 | At Play in the Field of Law: Symbolic Capital and Foreign Attorneys in LL.M. Programs/Jan Hoffman French.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.22, No.1: 95-103. |
87513 | Immigrant Lawyers and the Changing Face of the U.S. Legal Profession/Ethan Michelson.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.22, No.1: 105-111. |
87514 | The Metaculture of Law School Admissions: A Commentary on Lazarus-Black and Globokar/Bonnie Urciuoli.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.22, No.1: 113-119. |
87515 | Breaking the Curse: A Multilayered Regulatory Approach/Hunter DeKoninck.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.22, No.1: 121-148. |
87516 | Global Data Meets 3-D Printing: The Quest for a Balanced and Globally Collaborative Solution to Prevent Patent Infringement in the Foreseeable 3-D Printing Revolution/Tyler Macik.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.22, No.1: 149-173. |
87517 | The Greek Debt Crisis: The Need for Heroic Economic Policy Reforms in the European Economic and Monetary Union/Peter Robbins.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.22, No.1: 175-199. |
87518 | Using a Community-Based Strategy to Address the Impacts of Globalization on Underwater Cultural Heritage Management in the Dominican Republic/Lydia Barbash-Riley.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.22, No.1: 201-240. |
87519 | The Financial Crisis, the European Union Institutional Order, and Constitutional Responsibility/Paul Craig.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.22, No.2: 243-267. |
87520 | Austerity, the European Council, and the Institutional Future of the European Union: A Proposal to Strengthen the Presidency of the European Council/Federico Fabbrini.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.22, No.2: 269-334. |
87521 | Potential Exit from the Eurozone: The Case of Spain/Antonio Estella.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.22, No.2: 335-377. |
87522 | Law, Fiscal Federalism, and Austerity/R. Daniel Kelemen.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.22, No.2: 379-400. |
87523 | No Simple Fix: Fiscal Rules and the Politics of Austerity/Alasdair Roberts.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.22, No.2: 401-431. |
87524 | The Politics of Fiscal Austerity: Democracies and Foresight/Paul L. Posner.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.22, No.2: 433-485. |
87525 | Why Fiscal Austerity? A Review of Recent Evidence on the Economic Effects of Sovereign Debt/Catherine Bonser-Neal.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.22, No.2: 543-571. |
87526 | Legislating Safety Nets: Comparing Recent Social Protection Laws in Asia/Surabhi Chopra.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.22, No.2: 573-629. |
87527 | Surviving the Crisis and Austerity: The Coping Strategies of Portuguese Households/Catarina Frade, Lina Coelho.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.22, No.2: 631-664. |
87528 | The Role of Central Banks in Global Austerity/Timothy A. Canova.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.22, No.2: 665-695. |
87529 | Maintaining the Balance of Power: A Typology of Primacy Clauses in Federal Systems/Brady Harman.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.22, No.2: 703-735. |
87530 | An Unbalanced Act: A Criticism of How the Court of Arbitration for Sport Issues Unjustly Harsh Sanctions by Attempting to Regulate Doping in Sport/Melissa Hewitt.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.22, No.2: 769-787. |
87531 | Anatomy of a Design Regime/Kathryn Moore.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.22, No.2: 789-807. |
87532 | Introduction: Global Human Rights Law and the Boundaries of Statehood/Daniel Augenstein, Hans Lindahl.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.23, No.1: 1-14. |
87533 | Some Newly Emergent Geographies of Injustice: Boundaries and Borders in International Law/Upendra Baxi.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.23, No.1: 15-37. |
87534 | The Temporal Rivalries of Human Rights/Fleur Johns.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.23, No.1: 39-60. |
87535 | Fractured Territories and Abstracted Terrains: Human Rights Governance Regimes Within and Beyond the State/Larry Cata Backer.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.23, No.1: 61-94. |
87536 | Transformations in Statehood, the Investor-State Regime, and the New Constitutionalism/A. Claire Cutler.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.23, No.1: 95-125. |
87537 | Statehood, Power, and the New Face of Consent/Sheldon Leader.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.23, No.1: 127-142. |
87538 | Decentering Human Rights from the International Order of States: The Alignment and Interaction of Transnational Policy Channels/Radu Mares.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.23, No.1: 171-199. |
87539 | One Pillar: Legal Authority and a Social License to Operate in a Global Context/Hans Lindahl.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.23, No.1: 201-224. |
87540 | Global Insecurity: How Risk Theory Gave Rise to Global Police Militarization/Nicholas S. Bolduc.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.23, No.1: 267-292. |
87541 | Color Blocking: How the Harmonization of Color Protection May Catalyze Color Depletion in Global Markets/Arsha Hasan.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.23, No.1: 293-322. |
87542 | The Race to Safety: How Private Lawmaking and Voluntary-Standard Adoption Can Inspire a Global Regime that Strengthens and Harmonizes Product Safety Standards/Alexandra Muir.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.23, No.1: 323-347. |
87543 | Hydropower Development and Involuntary Displacement: Toward a Global Solution/Ali VanCleef.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.23, No.1: 349-376. |
87544 | Corporate Codes in the Varieties of Capitalism: How Their Enforcement Depends on the Differences Among Production Regimes/Gunther Teubner.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.24, No.1: 81-97. |
87545 | A Lex Mercatoria for Corporate Social Responsibility Codes Without the State? A Critique of Legalization Within the State Under the Premises of Globalization/Larry Cata Backer.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.24, No.1: 115-146. |
87546 | Global Cybersecurity, Surveillance, and Privacy: The Obama Administration’s Conflicted Legacy/Peter Margulies.- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.24, No.2: 459-495. |
87547 | Perceptual change in the national youth survey: lessons for deterrence theory and offender decision-making/Greg Pogarsky, KiDeuk Kim, Ray Paternoster.- Justice Quarterly. 2005; Vol.22, No.1: 1-29. |
87548 | Police organizational factors, the racial composition of the police, and the probability of arrest/David Eitle, Lisa Stolzenberg, Stewart J. D’Alessio.- Justice Quarterly. 2005; Vol.22, No.1: 30-57. |
87549 | Using the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (ADAM) program to further understand the relationship between drug use and gang membership/Charles M. Katz, Vincent J. Webb, Scott H. Decker.- Justice Quarterly. 2005; Vol.22, No.1: 58-88. |
87550 | Self-control, peer relations, and delinquency/Constance L. Chapple.- Justice Quarterly. 2005; Vol.22, No.1: 89-106. |
87551 | Police use of force: a transactional approach/William Terrill.- Justice Quarterly. 2005; Vol.22, No.1: 107-138. |
87552 | Local politics and police strength/Thomas D. Stucky.- Justice Quarterly. 2005; Vol.22, No.2: 139-169. |
87553 | Racial and ethnic disparity in pretrial criminal processing/Traci Schlesinger.- Justice Quarterly. 2005; Vol.22, No.2: 170-192. |
87554 | Testing the racial profiling hypothesis for seemingly disparate traffic stops on the New Jersey Turnpike/James E. Lange, Mark B. Johnson, Robert B. Voas.- Justice Quarterly. 2005; Vol.22, No.2: 193-223. |
87555 | Explaining the race/ethnicity-violence relationship: Neighborhood context and social psychological processes/Joanne M. Kaufman.- Justice Quarterly. 2005; Vol.22, No.2: 224-251. |
87556 | Integrating the desire-for-control and rational choice in a corporate crime context/Nicole Leeper Piquero, M. Lyn Exum, Sally S. Simpson.- Justice Quarterly. 2005; Vol.22, No.2: 252-280. |
87557 | The Effect of Incarceration on Marriage and Work Over the Life Course/Beth M. Huebner.- Justice Quarterly. 2005; Vol.22, No.3: 281-303. |
87558 | Turning the Other Cheek: Reassessing the Impact of Religion on Punitive Ideology/James D. Unnever, Francis T. Cullen, Brandon K. Applegate.- Justice Quarterly. 2005; Vol.22, No.3: 304-339. |
87559 | The Attorney-Client Relationship in Capital Cases and Its Impact on Juror Receptivity to Mitigation Evidence/Thomas W. Brewer.- Justice Quarterly. 2005; Vol.22, No.3: 340-363. |
87560 | Reconsidering the Relationship Between Welfare Spending and Serious Crime: A Panel Data Analysis with Implications for Social Support Theory/John L. Worrall.- Justice Quarterly. 2005; Vol.22, No.3: 364-391. |
87561 | Economic Insecurity, Blame, and Punitive Attitudes/Michael J. Hogan, Ted Chiricos, Marc Gertz.- Justice Quarterly. 2005; Vol.22, No.3: 392-412. |
87562 | The Quest for Quality in Criminal Justice Education/James O. Finckenauer.- Justice Quarterly. 2005; Vol.22, No.4: 413-426. |
87563 | Police Officers on Drug Corners in Philadelphia, Drug Crime, and Violent Crime: Intended, Diffusion, and Displacement Impacts/Brian A. Lawton, Ralph B. Taylor, Anthony J. Luongo.- Justice Quarterly. 2005; Vol.22, No.4: 427-451. |
87564 | A Multilevel Analysis of Community Effects on Criminal Sentencing/Noelle E. Fearn.- Justice Quarterly. 2005; Vol.22, No.4: 452-487. |
87565 | Exercising Options: An Assessment of the Use of Alternative Sanctions for Drug Offenders/Randy R. Gainey, Sara Steen, Rodney L. Engen.- Justice Quarterly. 2005; Vol.22, No.4: 488-520. |
87566 | Effects of Individual and Contextual Characteristics on Preadjudication Detention of Juvenile Delinquents/Gaylene S. Armstrong, Nancy Rodriguez.- Justice Quarterly. 2005; Vol.22, No.4: 521-539. |
87567 | Managing Police Patrol Time: The Role of Supervisor Directives/Christine N. Famega, James Frank, Lorraine Mazerolle.- Justice Quarterly. 2005; Vol.22, No.4: 540-559. |
87568 | Structure and Culture in African American Adolescent Violence: A Partial Test of the Code of the Street Thesis/Eric A. Stewart, Ronald L. Simons.- Justice Quarterly. 2006; Vol.23, No.1: 1-33. |
87569 | Legislative Waiver Reconsidered: General Deterrent Effects of Statutory Exclusion Laws Enacted Post-1979/Benjamin Steiner, Craig Hemmens, Valerie Bell.- Justice Quarterly. 2006; Vol.23, No.1: 34-59. |
87570 | Sentencing Female Misdemeanants: An Examination of the Direct and Indirect Effects of Race/Ethnicity/Pauline K. Brennan.- Justice Quarterly. 2006; Vol.23, No.1: 60-95. |
87571 | Race and Officer Decision Making: Examining Differences in Arrest Outcomes between Black and White Officers/Robert A. Brown, James Frank.- Justice Quarterly. 2006; Vol.23, No.1: 96-126. |
87572 | McJustice: On the McDonaldization of Criminal Justice/Robert M. Bohm.- Justice Quarterly. 2006; Vol.23, No.1: 127-146. |
87573 | Mismeasuring Militias: Limitations of Advocacy Group Data and of State-Level Studies of Paramilitary Groups/Joshua D. Freilich, William Alex Pridemore.- Justice Quarterly. 2006; Vol.23, No.1: 147-162. |
87574 | Criminal Justice Theory: Toward Legitimacy and an Infrastructure/Peter B. Kraska.- Justice Quarterly. 2006; Vol.23, No.2: 167-185. |
87575 | On the Limits of Social Control: Structural Deterrence and the Policing of Suppressible Crimes/Robert J. Kane.- Justice Quarterly. 2006; Vol.23, No.2: 186-213. |
87576 | Reducing Homicide through a Lever-Pulling Strategy/Edmund F. McGarrell … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2006; Vol.23, No.2: 214-231. |
87577 | Towards a Fair and Balanced Assessment of Supermax Prisons/Daniel P. Mears, Jamie Watson.- Justice Quarterly. 2006; Vol.23, No.2: 232-270. |
87578 | Differential Suspicion: Theory Specification and Gender Effects in the Traffic Stop Context/Michael R. Smith, Matthew Makarios, Geoffrey P. Alpert.- Justice Quarterly. 2006; Vol.23, No.2: 271-295. |
87579 | The Influence of Legal Reform on the Probability of Arrest in Domestic Violence Cases/Sally S. Simpson … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2006; Vol.23, No.3: 297-316. |
87580 | Prevention, Crime Control or Cash? Public Preferences Towards Criminal Justice Spending Priorities/Mark A. Cohen, Roland T. Rust, Sara Steen.- Justice Quarterly. 2006; Vol.23, No.3: 317-335. |
87581 | Europol and the Policing of International Terrorism: Counter-Terrorism in a Global Perspective/Mathieu Deflem.- Justice Quarterly. 2006; Vol.23, No.3: 336-359. |
87582 | The Discriminant Validity of Perceptual Incivility Measures/John L. Worrall.- Justice Quarterly. 2006; Vol.23, No.3: 360-383. |
87583 | Assessing Recidivism Risk Across Female Pathways to Crime/Michael D. Reisig, Kristy Holtfreter, Merry Morash.- Justice Quarterly. 2006; Vol.23, No.3: 384-405. |
87584 | Investing in Quality: The Current State of Assessment in Criminal Justice Programs/Laura J. Moriarty.- Justice Quarterly. 2006; Vol.23, No.4: 409-427. |
87585 | The Media’s Coverage of Domestic Terrorism/Steven M. Chermak, Jeffrey Gruenewald.- Justice Quarterly. 2006; Vol.23, No.4: 428-461. |
87586 | Who Will Graduate? Disruption of High School Education by Arrest and Court Involvement/Gary Sweeten.- Justice Quarterly. 2006; Vol.23, No.4: 462-480. |
87587 | Prior Police Contact and Subsequent Victim Reporting: Results from the NCVS/Min Xie … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2006; Vol.23, No.4: 481-501. |
87588 | Student Weapon Possession and the Fear and Victimization Hypothesis: Unraveling the Temporal Order/Pamela Wilcox, David C. May, Staci D. Roberts.- Justice Quarterly. 2006; Vol.23, No.4: 502-529. |
87589 | Explaining San Diego’s Decline in Illegal Street-Racing Casualties/John L. Worrall, Stephen G. Tibbetts.- Justice Quarterly. 2006; Vol.23, No.4: 530-544. |
87590 | Something Old, Something New: A Preliminary Investigation of Hirschi’s Redefined Self-Control/Alex R. Piquero, Jeff A. Bouffard.- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.1: 1-27. |
87591 | Do You Know Who Your Probationers Are? Using Simulation Modeling to Estimate the Composition of California’s Felony Probation Population, 1980-2000/Kathleen Auerhahn.- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.1: 28-47. |
87592 | Homicide Trends and Illicit Drug Markets: Exploring Differences Across Time/Graham C. Ousey, Matthew R. Lee.- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.1: 48-79. |
87593 | The Effect of Local Life Circumstances on Victimization of Drug-Involved Women/Gaylene S. Armstrong, Marie L. Griffin.- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.1: 80-105. |
87594 | Male Versus Female Substance Abuse Patterns Among Incarcerated Juvenile Offenders: Comparing Strain and Social Learning Variables/Joan L. Neff, Dennis E. Waite.- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.1: 106-132. |
87595 | Predictors of Support of Legislation Banning Juvenile Executions in Oklahoma: An Examination by Race and Sex/Susan F. Sharp … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.1: 133-155. |
87596 | Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Likelihood of Marriage: The Effect of Incarceration/Beth M. Huebner.- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.1: 156-183. |
87597 | Local Social Ties and Willingness to Intervene: Textured Views Among Violent Urban Youth of Neighborhood Social Control Dynamics and Situations/Deanna L. Wilkinson.- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.2: 185-220. |
87598 | Family Group Conferencing and Re-Offending Among First-Time Juvenile Offenders: The Indianapolis Experiment/Edmund F. McGarrell, Natalie Kroovand Hipple.- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.2: 221-246. |
87599 | The Correctional Experiences of Youth in Adult and Juvenile Prisons/Aaron Kupchik.- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.2: 247-270. |
87600 | An Interrupted Time-Series Analysis of Durkheim’s Social Deregulation Thesis: The Case of the Russian Federation/William Alex Pridemore, Mitchell B. Chamlin, John K. Cochran.- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.2: 271-290. |
87601 | Crime Volume and Law and Order Culture/Steven Stack, Liqun Cao, Amy Adamzyck.- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.2: 291-308. |
87602 | A Liberal Is Someone Who Has Not Been Mugged: Criminal Victimization and Political Beliefs/James D. Unnever, Francis T. Cullen, Bonnie S. Fisher.- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.2: 309-334. |
87603 | Street Youth Crime: A Test of Control Balance Theory/Stephen W. Baron, David R. Forde.- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.2: 335-355. |
87604 | The Role of Mitigating Factors in Capital Sentencing Before and After McKoy v. North Carolina/Janine Kremling … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.3: 357-381. |
87605 | Prosecutorial Discretion: An Examination of Substantial Assistance Departures in Federal Crack-Cocaine and Powder-Cocaine Cases/Richard D. Hartley, Sean Maddan, Cassia C. Spohn.- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.3: 382-407. |
87606 | The Effect of Racial Inequality on Black Male Recidivism/Michael D. Reisig … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.3: 408-434. |
87607 | Does the Criminal Justice System Treat Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Offenders Leniently?/Richard B. Felson, Paul-Philippe Pare.- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.3: 435-459. |
87608 | Intimate Partner Violence: The Role of Suspect Gender in Prosecutorial Decision-Making/Rodney F. Kingsnorth, Randall C. MacIntosh.- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.3: 460-495. |
87609 | Risks of Criminal Victimization in Contemporary Urban China: An Application of Lifestyle/Routine Activities Theory/Steven F. Messner … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.3: 496-522. |
87610 | Gender Differences in Strain, Negative Emotions, and Coping Behaviors: A General Strain Theory Approach/Sung Joon Jang.- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.3: 523-553. |
87611 | Advancing Science and Research in Criminal Justice/Criminology: Complex Systems Theory and Non-Linear Analyses/Jeffery T. Walker.- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.4: 555-581. |
87612 | Toward an Integrated Model of Offending Frequency: A Replication Study/Andy Hochstetler, Matt DeLisi, Aaron M. Puhrmann.- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.4: 582-599. |
87613 | Race and Gang Affiliation: An Examination of Multiple Marginality/Adrienne Freng, Finn-Aage Esbensen.- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.4: 600-628. |
87614 | Juvenile Court Context and Detention Decisions: Reconsidering the Role of Race, Ethnicity, and Community Characteristics in Juvenile Court Processes/Nancy Rodriguez.- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.4: 629-656. |
87615 | Gender and Justice in the Progressive Era: An Investigation of Saint Louis Juvenile Court Cases, 1909-1912/Charlotte Lyn Bright, Scott H. Decker, Andrea M. Burch.- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.4: 657-678. |
87616 | Impacts of Violent Crime and Neighborhood Structure on Trusting Your Neighbors/R. Marie Garcia, Ralph B. Taylor, Brian A. Lawton.- Justice Quarterly. 2007; Vol.24, No.4: 679-704. |
87643 | Calling Your Bluff: How Prosecutors and Defense Attorneys Adapt Plea Bargaining Strategies to Increased Formalization/Deirdre M. Bowen.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.1: 2-29. |
87644 | Secondary Exposure to Violence During Childhood and Adolescence: Does Neighborhood Context Matter?/Chris L. Gibson, Sara Z. Morris, Kevin M. Beaver.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.1: 30-57. |
87645 | Investigating the Continuity of Sex Offending: Evidence from the Second Philadelphia Birth Cohort/Franklin E. Zimring … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.1: 58-76. |
87646 | The Effects of Juvenile Transfer to Criminal Court on Incarceration Decisions/Benjamin Steiner.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.1: 77-106. |
87647 | Early Intervention Program Criteria: Evaluating Officer Use of Force/Thomas D. Bazley, Thomas Mieczkowski, Kim Michelle Lersch.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.1: 107-124. |
87648 | Race, Class or Neighborhood Context: Which Matters More in Measuring Satisfaction with Police?/Yuning Wu, Ivan Y. Sun, Ruth A. Triplett.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.1: 125-156. |
87649 | Accounting for Variation in Distrust of Local Police/Elaine B. Sharp, Paul E. Johnson.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.1: 157-182. |
87650 | Schools, Neighborhoods, and Adolescent Conflicts: A Situational Examination of Reciprocal Dynamics/Rod K. Brunson, Jody Miller.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.2: 183-210. |
87651 | Rethinking Community Organization and Robbery: Considering Illicit Market Dynamics/Mark T. Berg, Andres F. Rengifo.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.2: 211-237. |
87652 | The Influence of Dating Relationships on Friendship Networks, Identity Development, and Delinquency/Patrick M. Seffrin … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.2: 238-267. |
87653 | Uses of Meta-Analysis in Criminal Justice Research: A Quantitative Review/Edward Wells.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.2: 268-294. |
87654 | Of Guilt, Defiance, and Repentance: Evidence from the Texas Death Chamber/Stephen K. Rice, Danielle Dirks, Julie J. Exline.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.2: 295-326. |
87655 | Apology and Remorse in the Last Statements of Death Row Prisoners/Judy Eaton, Anna Theuer.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.2: 327-347. |
87656 | May Piece Be with You: A Typological Examination of the Fear and Victimization Hypothesis of Adolescent Weapon Carrying/Chris Melde, Finn-Aage Esbensen, Terrance J. Taylor.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.2: 348-376. |
87657 | Racial Discrimination and Hirschi’s Criminological Classic: A Chapter in the Sociology of Knowledge/James D. Unnever … [et al,].- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.3: 377-409. |
87658 | Gendered Responses to Serious Strain: The Argument for a General Strain Theory of Deviance/Joanne M. Kaufman.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.3: 410-444. |
87659 | Understanding Physical Victimization Inside Prisons: Factors that Predict Risk/Nancy Wolff, Jing Shi, Jane Siegel.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.3: 445-475. |
87660 | Career Dimensions of Stalking Victimization and Perpetration/Matt R. Nobles … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.3: 476-503. |
87661 | Speeding While Black? Assessing the Generalizability of Lange et al.’s (2001,2005) New Jersey Turnpike Speeding Survey Findings/Richard J. Lundman, Brian R. Kowalski.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.3: 504-527. |
87662 | Revisiting the Racial Threat Thesis: The Role of Police Organizational Characteristics in Predicting Race-Specific Drug Arrest Rates/David Eitle, Susanne Monahan.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.3: 528-561. |
87663 | Racial Bias in Case Processing: Does Victim Race Affect Police Clearance of Violent Crime Incidents?/Terrance J. Taylor, David Holleran, Volkan Topalli.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.3: 562-591. |
87664 | Striking Out: Race and Support for Police Use of Force/Devon Johnson, Joseph B. Kuhns.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.3: 592-623. |
87665 | Using Propensity Score Matching to Understand the Relationship between Gang Membership and Violent Victimization: A Research Note/Chris L. Gibson … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.4: 625-643. |
87666 | Gang Membership, Drug Selling, and Violence in Neighborhood Context/Paul E. Bellair, Thomas L. McNulty.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.4: 644-669. |
87667 | Where Size Matters: Agglomeration Economies of Illegal Drug Markets in Philadelphia/Travis A. Taniguchi, George F. Rengert, Eric S. McCord.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.4: 670-694. |
87668 | Low Self-Control and Contact with the Criminal Justice System in a Nationally Representative Sample of Males/Kevin M. Beaver … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.4: 695-715. |
87669 | Public Area CCTV and Crime Prevention: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis/Brandon C. Welsh, David P. Farrington.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.4: 716-745. |
87670 | The Crime Reduction Effects of Public CCTV Cameras: A Multi-Method Spatial Approach/Jerry H. Ratcliffe, Travis Taniguchi, Ralph B. Taylor.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.4: 746-770. |
87671 | On the Origins of the Violent Neighborhood: A Study of the Nature and Predictors of Crime-Type Differentiation across Chicago Neighborhoods/Christopher J. Schreck, Jean Marie McGloin, David S. Kirk.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.4: 771-794. |
87672 | Comparing Methods for Examining Relationships Between Prison Crowding and Inmate Violence/John Wooldredge, Benjamin Steiner.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.4: 795-826. |
87673 | Rediscovering Quetelet, Again: The Aging Offender and the Prediction of Reoffending in a Sample of Adult Sex Offenders/Patrick Lussier, Jay Healey.- Justice Quarterly. 2009; Vol.26, No.4: 827-856. |
87674 | The Independent and Joint Effects of Race/Ethnicity, Gender, and Age on Sentencing Outcomes in U.S. Federal Courts/Jill K. Doerner, Stephen Demuth.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.1: 1-27. |
87675 | Observations Regarding Key Operational Realities in a Compstat Model of Policing/Dean Dabney.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.1: 28-51. |
87676 | Police Misconduct, Media Coverage, and Public Perceptions of Racial Profiling: An Experiment/Lisa Graziano, Amie Schuck, Christine Martin.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.1: 52-76. |
87677 | Threatened Globally, Acting Locally: Modeling Law Enforcement Homeland Security Practices/George W. Burruss, Matthew J. Giblin, Joseph A. Schafer.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.1: 77-101. |
87678 | What Distinguishes Single from Recurrent Sexual Victims? The Role of Lifestyle-Routine Activities and First-Incident Characteristics/Bonnie S. Fisher, Leah E. Daigle, Francis T. Cullen.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.1: 102-129. |
87679 | Is It Who You Know, or How Many That Counts? Criminal Networks and Cost Avoidance in a Sample of Young Offenders/Martin Bouchard, Holly Nguyen.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.1: 130-158. |
87680 | Trafficking in Bodily Perfection: Examining the Late-Modern Steroid Marketplace and Its Criminalization/Peter B. Kraska, Charles R. Bussard, John J. Brent.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.2: 159-185. |
87681 | The Necessary Conditions for Retaliation: Toward a Theory of Non-Violent and Violent Forms in Drug Markets/Scott Jacques.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.2: 186-205. |
87682 | Understanding Elder Sexual Abuse and the Criminal Justice System’s Response: Comparisons to Elder Physical Abuse/Brian K. Payne.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.2: 206-224. |
87683 | Women Coming Home: Long-Term Patterns of Recidivism/Beth M. Huebner, Christina DeJong, Jennifer Cobbina.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.2: 225-254. |
87684 | Procedural Justice and Order Maintenance Policing: A Study of Inner-City Young Men’s Perceptions of Police Legitimacy/Jacinta M. Gau, Rod K. Brunson.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.2: 255-279. |
87685 | Further Evidence on the Discriminant Validity of Perceptual Incivilities Measures/Todd Armstrong, Charles Katz.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.2: 280-304. |
87686 | Failure to Register as a Sex Offender: Is it Associated with Recidivism?/Jill Levenson … [et al].- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.3: 305-331. |
87687 | Lethal Outcome in Sexual Assault Events: A Conjunctive Analysis/Tom Mieczkowski, Eric Beauregard.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.3: 332-361. |
87688 | Lawlessness in the Federal Sentencing Process: A Test for Uniformity and Consistency in Sentence Outcomes/Amy L. Anderson, Cassia Spohn.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.3: 362-393. |
87689 | Criminal Prosecutions: Examining Prosecutorial Discretion and Charge Reductions in U.S. Federal District Courts/Lauren O’Neill Shermer, Brian D. Johnson.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.3: 394-430. |
87690 | The Pragmatic American: Attributions of Crime and the Hydraulic Relation Hypothesis/James D. Unnever … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.3: 431-457. |
87691 | Contemporary Regional Differences in Support by Whites for the Death Penalty: A Research Note/Steven E. Barkan, Steven F. Cohn.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.3: 458-471. |
87692 | If Your Friends Jumped Off of a Bridge, Would You Do It Too? Delinquent Peers and Susceptibility to Peer Influence/Holly Ventura Miller.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.4: 473-491. |
87693 | That’s Not Who I Am: How Offenders Commit Violent Acts and Reject Authentically Violent Selves/Andy Hochstetler, Heith Copes, J. Patrick Williams.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.4: 492-516. |
87694 | Alcohol and Drug Mitigation in Capital Murder Trials: Implications for Sentencing Decisions/Beth Bjerregaard … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.4: 517-537. |
87695 | Cognitive Skills, Adolescent Violence, and the Moderating Role of Neighborhood Disadvantage/Paul E. Bellair, Thomas L. McNulty.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.4: 538-559. |
87696 | Trial Penalties in Federal Sentencing: Extra-Guidelines Factors and District Variation/Jeffery T. Ulmer, James Eisenstein, Brian D. Johnson.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.4: 560-592. |
87697 | Private Military Contractors, Crime, and the Terrain of Unaccountability/Dawn L. Rothe, Jeffrey Ian Ross.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.4: 593-617. |
87698 | Intimidation and Street Gangs: Understanding the Response of Victims and Bystanders to Perceived Gang Violence/Chris Melde, Callie Marie Rennison.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.5: 619-666. |
87699 | An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Community Notification and Registration: Do the Best Intentions Predict the Best Practices?/Kristen Zgoba, Bonita M. Veysey, Melissa Dalessandro.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.5: 667-691. |
87700 | The Darkest Figure of Crime: Perceptions of Reasons for Male Inmates to Not Report Sexual Assault/Kristine Levan Miller.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.5: 692-712. |
87701 | The Right to Counsel in Juvenile Court: The Conundrum of Attorneys as an Aggravating Factor at Disposition/Barry C. Feld, Shelly Schaefer.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.5: 713-741. |
87702 | The Power to be Lenient: Examining New York Governors’ Capital Case Clemency Decisions/Talia Roitberg Harmon, James R. Acker, Craig Rivera.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.5: 742-764. |
87703 | The Empirical Status of Social Learning Theory: A Meta-Analysis/Travis C. Pratt … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.6: 765-802. |
87704 | On the Malleability of Self-Control: Theoretical and Policy Implications Regarding a General Theory of Crime/Alex R. Piquero, Wesley G. Jennings, David P. Farrington.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.6: 803-834. |
87705 | Where the Margins Meet: A Demographic Assessment of Transgender Inmates in Men’s Prisons/Lori Sexton, Valerie Jenness, Jennifer Macy Sumner.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.6: 835-866. |
87706 | Racial and Ethnic Heterogeneity, Economic Disadvantage, and Gangs: A Macro-Level Study of Gang Membership in Urban America/David C. Pyrooz, Andrew M. Fox, Scott H. Decker.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.6: 867-892. |
87707 | Community In-Reach Through Jail Reentry: Findings from a Quasi-Experimental Design/Holly Ventura Miller, J. Mitchell Miller.- Justice Quarterly. 2010; Vol.27, No.6: 893-910. |
87708 | Presidential Address: The Future of Justice Studies/Ronald D. Hunter.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.1: 1-14. |
87709 | Rethinking the Interface between Mental Illness, Criminal Justice and Academia/William Wesley Johnson.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.1: 15-22. |
87710 | The Election of Barack Obama and Perceptions of Criminal Injustice/James D. Unnever, Shaun L. Gabbidon, George E. Higgins.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.1: 23-45. |
87711 | Gender, Identity, and Accounts: How White Collar Offenders Do Gender When Making Sense of Their Crimes/Paul M. Klenowski, Heith Copes, Christopher W. Mullins.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.1: 46-69. |
87712 | Considering the Effectiveness of Drug Treatment behind Bars: Findings from the South Carolina RSAT Evaluation/J. Mitchell Miller, Holly Ventura Miller.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.1: 70-86. |
87713 | Talking Heads: Crime Reporting on Cable News/Natasha A. Frost, Nickie D. Phillips.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.1: 87-112. |
87714 | Confessing their Crime: Factors Influencing the Offender’s Decision to Confess to the Police/Nadine Deslauriers-Varin, Patrick Lussier, Michel St-Yves.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.1: 113-145. |
87715 | Examining the Sources of Variation in Risk for Recidivism/Beth M. Huebner, Mark T. Berg.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.1: 146-173. |
87716 | Policies and Imprisonment: The Impact of Structured Sentencing and Determinate Sentencing on State Incarceration Rates, 1978-2004/Don Stemen, Andres F. Rengifo.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.1: 174-201. |
87717 | Becoming an Informant/J. Mitchell Miller.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.2: 203-220. |
87718 | The Geospatial Structure of Terrorist Cells/D. Kim Rossmo, Keith Harries.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.2: 221-248. |
87719 | The Effects of School Crime Prevention on Students’ Violent Victimization, Risk Perception, and Fear of Crime: A Multilevel Opportunity Perspective/Marie Skubak Tillyer, Bonnie S. Fisher, Pamela Wilcox.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.2: 249-277. |
87720 | Establishing Connections: Gender, Motor Vehicle Theft, and Disposal Networks/Christopher W. Mullins, Michael G. Cherbonneau.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.2: 278-302. |
87721 | Utilizing Criminal History Information to Explore the Effect of Community Notification on Sex Offender Recidivism/Sean Maddan … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.2: 303-324. |
87722 | Prevalence and Characteristics of Co-Offending Recruiters/Sarah B. van Mastrigt, David P. Farrington.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.2: 325-359. |
87723 | Risk Terrain Modeling: Brokering Criminological Theory and GIS Methods for Crime Forecasting/Joel M. Caplan, Leslie W. Kennedy, Joel Miller.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.2: 360-381. |
87724 | Reentry and the Ties that Bind: An Examination of Social Ties, Employment, and Recidivism/Mark T. Berg, Beth M. Huebner.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.2: 382-410. |
87725 | Street Youths and the Proximate and Contingent Causes of Instrumental Crime: Untangling Anomie Theory/Stephen W. Baron.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.3: 413-436. |
87726 | How Much is the Public Willing to Pay to be Protected from Identity Theft?/Nicole Leeper Piquero, Mark A. Cohen, Alex R. Piquero.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.3: 437-459. |
87727 | Juvenile Justice Decision-Making Before and After the Implementation of the Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) Mandate/Michael Leiber, Donna Bishop, Mitchell B. Chamlin.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.3: 460-492. |
87728 | Looking Inside the Black Box of Drug Courts: A Meta-Analytic Review/Deborah Koetzle Shaffer.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.3: 493-521. |
87729 | Broken Windows or Window Breakers: The Influence of Physical and Social Disorder on Quality of Life/Allison T. Chappell, Elizabeth Monk-Turner, Brian K. Payne.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.3: 522-540. |
87730 | Assessing the Relationship between Immigration Status and Drug Use/Charles M. Katz, Andrew M. Fox, Michael D. White.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.4: 541-575. |
87731 | Weapon Lethality and Social Distance: A National Test of a Social Structural Theory/Callie Marie Rennison, Scott Jacques, Mark T. Berg.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.4: 576-605. |
87732 | Misperceived Neighborhood Values and Informal Social Control/Barbara D. Warner, Keri Burchfield.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.4: 606-630. |
87733 | The Influence of Places on Police Decision Pathways: From Call for Service to Arrest/Cynthia Lum.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.4: 631-665. |
87734 | Role-Taking and Recidivism: A Test of Differential Social Control Theory/Fawn T. Ngo … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.5: 667-697. |
87735 | Employment After Prison: A Longitudinal Study of Former Prisoners/Christy A. Visher, Sara A. Debus-Sherrill, Jennifer Yahner.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.5: 698-718. |
87736 | Are Girls Getting Tougher, or Are We Tougher on Girls? Probability of Arrest and Juvenile Court Oversight in 1980 and 2000/Tia Stevens, Merry Morash, Meda Chesney-Lind.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.5: 719-744. |
87737 | Race, Immigration, and Policing: Chinese Immigrants’ Satisfaction with Police/Yuning Wu, Ivan Y. Sun, Brad W. Smith.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.5: 745-774. |
87738 | Clarifying the Effects of Neighborhood Context on Violence Behind Closed Doors/Emily M. Wright, Michael L. Benson.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.5: 775-798. |
87739 | The Liberation of Federal Judges’ Discretion in the Wake of the Booker/Fanfan Decision: Is There Increased Disparity and Divergence between Courts?/Jeffery Ulmer, Michael T. Light, John Kramer.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.6: 799-837. |
87740 | Is the Nexus of Gang Membership, Exposure to Violence, and Violent Behavior a Key Determinant of First Time Gun Carrying for Urban Minority Youth?/Richard Spano, John M. Bolland.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.6: 838-862. |
87741 | Self-Complexity and Crime: Extending General Strain Theory/Shelley Keith Matthews.- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.6: 863-902. |
87742 | The Influence of Parole Officers’ Attitudes on Supervision Practices/Benjamin Steiner … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2011; Vol.28, No.6: 903-927. |
87743 | Recent Developments and New Directions in Sentencing Research/Jeffery T. Ulmer.- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.1: 1-40. |
87744 | Distinguishing Race Effects on Pre-Trial Release and Sentencing Decisions/John Wooldredge.- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.1: 41-75. |
87745 | Defending the Homeland: Judicial Sentencing Practices for Federal Immigration Offenses/Richard D. Hartley, Rob Tillyer.- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.1: 76-104. |
87746 | Revisiting the Use of Propensity Score Matching to Understand the Relationship between Gang Membership and Violent Victimization: A Cautionary Note/M. Murat Ozer, Robin S. Engel.- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.1: 105-124. |
87747 | Results from a Multi-Site Evaluation of the G.R.E.A.T. Program/Finn-Aage Esbensen … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.1: 125-151. |
87748 | Conducted Energy Devices (CEDs) and Citizen Injuries: The Shocking Empirical Reality/William Terrill, Eugene A. Paoline.- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.2: 153-182. |
87749 | Offender Rehabilitation: Examining Changes in Inmate Treatment Characteristics, Program Participation, and Institutional Behavior/Alyssa Whitby Chamberlain.- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.2: 183-228. |
87750 | Examining the Effects of Community-Based Sanctions on Offender Recidivism/Benjamin Steiner … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.2: 229-257. |
87751 | A Hero’s Welcome? Exploring the Prevalence and Problems of Military Veterans in the Arrestee Population/Michael D. White … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.2: 258-286. |
87752 | Firmament or Folly? Protecting the Innocent, Promoting Capital Punishment, and the Paradoxes of Reconciliation/James R. Acker, Rose Bellandi.- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.2: 287-307. |
87753 | Pathways of Victimization and Resistance: Toward a Feminist Theory of Battered Women’s Help-Seeking/Amanda Burgess-Proctor.- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.3: 309-346. |
87754 | Evaluating the Minnesota Comprehensive Offender Reentry Plan (MCORP): Results from a Randomized Experiment/Grant Duwe.- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.3: 347-383. |
87755 | Can Police Legitimacy Promote Collective Efficacy?/Tammy Rinehart Kochel.- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.3: 384-419. |
87756 | Exploring Sex Differences among Sentenced Juvenile Offenders in Australia/Robin Fitzgerald … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.3: 420-447. |
87757 | The Neglect of Elder Neglect as a White-Collar Crime: Distinguishing Patient Neglect from Physical Abuse and the Criminal Justice System’s Response/Brian K. Payne, Anita Blowers, Daniel B. Jarvis.- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.3: 448-468. |
87758 | Thoughts on the Analysis of Group-Based Developmental Trajectories in Criminology/Robert Brame, Raymond Paternoster, Alex R. Piquero.- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.4: 469-490. |
87759 | Fear of Crime among Gang and Non-Gang Offenders: Comparing the Effects of Perpetration, Victimization, and Neighborhood Factors/Jodi Lane, Kathleen A. Fox.- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.4: 491-523. |
87760 | Deterrence, Firearm Arrests, and Subsequent Shootings: A Micro-Level Spatio-Temporal Analysis/Brian R. Wyant … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.4: 524-525. |
87761 | Social Correlates of Delinquency for Youth in Need of Mental Health Services: Examining the Scope Conditions of Criminological Theories/Matt Vogel, Steven F. Messner.- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.4: 546-572. |
87762 | A Situational Model for Distinguishing Terrorist and Non-Terrorist Aerial Hijackings, 1948-2007/Susan Fahey … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.4: 573-595. |
87763 | Recidivism and the Propensity to Forgo Parole Release/Michael Ostermann.- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.4: 596-618. |
87764 | New Directions in Correctional Research/Natasha A. Frost, Todd R. Clear.- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.5: 619-649. |
87765 | From the Officer’s Perspective: A Multilevel Examination of Citizens’ Demeanor during Traffic Stops/Robin S. Engel … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.5: 650-683. |
87766 | Correcting Community Service: From Work Crews to Community Work in a Juvenile Court/William R. Wood.- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.5: 684-711. |
87767 | Re-Examining the Functional Form of the Certainty Effect in Deterrence Theory/Thomas A. Loughran … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.5: 712-741. |
87768 | Racial/Ethnic Differentials in Sentencing to Incarceration/William D. Bales, Alex R. Piquero.- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.5: 742-773. |
87769 | The Importance of Ecological Context for Correctional Rehabilitation Programs: Understanding the Micro- and Macro-Level Dimensions of Successful Offender Treatment/Kevin A. Wright … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.6: 775-798. |
87770 | The Effects of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Disorders on Institutional Misconduct Among Female Inmates/Kimberly A. Houser, Steven Belenko, Pauline K. Brennan.- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.6: 799-828. |
87771 | The Time Penalty: Examining the Relationship Between Time to Conviction and Trial vs. Plea Disparities in Sentencing/Mindy S. Bradley-Engen … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.6: 829-857. |
87772 | Legislation Targeting Sex Offenders: Are Recent Policies Effective in Reducing Rape?/Alissa R. Ackerman, Meghan Sacks, David F. Greenberg.- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.6: 858-887. |
87773 | Prison Visitation and Recidivism/Daniel P. Mears … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.6: 888-918. |
87774 | Unemployment, Guardianship, and Weekday Residential Burglary/Stewart J. D’Alessio, David Eitle, Lisa Stolzenberg.- Justice Quarterly. 2012; Vol.29, No.6: 919-932. |
87775 | Sustainable Justice: 2012 Presidential Address to The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences/Melissa Hickman Barlow.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.1: 1-17. |
87776 | Bringing Women’s Carceral Experiences into the New Punitiveness Fray/Candace Kruttschnitt … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.1: 18-43. |
87777 | Need, Connections, or Competence? Criminal Achievement among Adolescent Offenders/Holly Nguyen, Martin Bouchard.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.1: 44-83. |
87778 | Are Risky Youth Less Protectable as They Age? The Dynamics of Protection during Adolescence and Young Adulthood/Shawn D. Bushway … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.1: 84-116. |
87779 | The Risk of Informal Socializing with Peers: Considering Gender Differences Across Predatory Delinquency and Substance Use/Megan Bears Augustyn, Jean Marie McGloin.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.1: 117-143. |
87780 | The Pains of Imprisonment Revisited: The Impact of Strain on Inmate Recidivism/Shelley Johnson Listwan … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.1: 144-168. |
87781 | Economic Development, Change of Age Distribution, and Stream Analogy of Homicide and Suicide: A Cross-National Assessment/Don Soo Chon.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.1: 169-193. |
87782 | Studying Discretion in the Processes that Generate Criminal Justice Sanctions/Shawn D. Bushway, Brian Forst.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.2: 199-222. |
87783 | Three Directions for Future Research into Sentencing Discretion/Nancy King.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.2: 223-230. |
87784 | Reassessing and Redirecting Research on Race and Sentencing/Eric P. Baumer.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.2: 231-261. |
87785 | Research on Race and Sentencing: Goals, Methods, and Topics/Richard S. Frase.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.2: 262-269. |
87786 | Actuarial Sentencing: An Unsettled Proposition/Kelly Hannah-Moffat.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.2: 270-296. |
87787 | Risk Technology in Sentencing: Testing the Promises and Perils (Commentary on Hannah-Moffat, 2011)/Jennifer Skeem.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.2: 297-303. |
87788 | The Intersection of Social Science Research and Federal Policy-Making: Is Anyone Listening?/Glenn R. Schmitt.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.2: 304-309. |
87789 | Sentencing Native Americans in US Federal Courts: An Examination of Disparity/Travis W. Franklin.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.2: 310-339. |
87790 | The Effects of Legal and Extralegal Factors on Detention Decisions in US District Courts/Angela K. Reitler, Christopher J. Sullivan, James Frank.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.2: 340-368. |
87791 | What Do We Know About Gangs and Gang Members and Where Do We Go From Here?/Scott H. Decker, Chris Melde, David C. Pyrooz.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.3: 369-402. |
87792 | Reducing Gang Violence Using Focused Deterrence: Evaluating the Cincinnati Initiative to Reduce Violence (CIRV)/Robin S. Engel, Marie Skubak Tillyer, Nicholas Corsaro.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.3: 403-439. |
87793 | Gang Membership and Adherence to the Code of the Street/Kristy N. Matsuda … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.3: 440-468. |
87794 | Disengaging From Gangs and Desistance From Crime/Gary Sweeten, David C. Pyrooz, Alex R. Piquero.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.3: 469-500. |
87795 | Explaining Systematic Bias in Self-Reported Measures: Factors that Affect the Under- and Over-Reporting of Self-Reported Arrests/Marvin D. Krohn … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.3: 501-528. |
87796 | A Twin Study of Sex Differences in Self-Control/Danielle Boisvert … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.3: 529-559. |
87797 | Gender and Injury Risk in Incidents of Assaultive Violence/Robert Apel, Laura Dugan, Rachael Powers.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.4: 561-593. |
87798 | Public Support for Preventive/Corrective Remedies Against Miscarriages of Justice in Capital Cases/Andrea Bingham … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.4: 594-618. |
87799 | Police Officers in Schools: Effects on School Crime and the Processing of Offending Behaviors/Chongmin Na, Denise C. Gottfredson.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.4: 619-650. |
87800 | From War to Prison: Examining the Relationship Between Military Service and Criminal Activity/Richard Culp … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.4: 651-680. |
87801 | Factors Associated with Mental Health Court Nonparticipation and Negative Termination/P. Ann Dirks-Linhorst … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.4: 681-710. |
87802 | An Assessment of the Quality of Homicide Data in the Supplementary Homicide Reports: A Research Note/Jesenia M. Pizarro, April M. Zeoli.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.4: 711-731. |
87803 | The Relationship Between Gender Equality and Rates of Inter- and Intra-Sexual Lethal Violence: An Exploration of Functional Form/Rachel Bridges Whaley, Steven F. Messner, Bonita M. Veysey.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.4: 732-754. |
87804 | Covering Victims in the News: What Makes Minority Homicides Newsworthy?/Jeff Gruenewald, Steven M. Chermak, Jesenia M. Pizarro.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.5: 755-783. |
87805 | These Are Kids’ Lives!: Dilemmas and Adaptations of Juvenile Aftercare Workers/Christopher P. Dum, Jamie J. Fader.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.5: 784-810. |
87806 | A Qualitative Assessment of Stress Perceptions Among Members of a Homicide Unit/Dean A. Dabney … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.5: 811-836. |
87807 | For Whom Do Sanctions Deter and Label?/Robert G. Morris, Alex R. Piquero.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.5: 837-868. |
87808 | Race, Ethnicity, Threat, and the Designation of Career Offenders/Cyndy Caravelis, Ted Chiricos, William Bales.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.5: 869-894. |
87809 | Examining Police Effectiveness as a Precursor to Legitimacy and Cooperation with Police/Tammy Rinehart Kochel, Roger Parks, Stephen D. Mastrofski.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.5: 895-925. |
87810 | When Formal Sanctions Encourage Violent Offending: How Violent Peers and Violent Codes Undermine Deterrence/Stephen W. Baron.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.5: 926-955. |
87811 | Racial Encroachment and the Formal Control of Space: Minority Group-Threat and Misdemeanor Arrests in Urban Communities/Robert J. Kane, Joseph L. Gustafson, Christopher Bruell.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.6: 957-982. |
87812 | Beyond the Social Production of Homicide Rates: Extending Social Disorganization Theory to Explain Homicide Case Outcomes/Wendy C. Regoeczi, John P. Jarvis.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.6: 983-1014. |
87813 | Structural Covariates of Violent Crime Rates in Germany: Exploratory Spatial Analyses of Kreise/Steven F. Messner … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.6: 1015-1041. |
87814 | Explaining Majority and Minority Trust in the Police/Maarten Van Craen.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.6: 1042-1067. |
87815 | Impacts of Juvenile Probation Training Models on Youth Recidivism/Douglas W. Young, Jill L. Farrell, Faye S. Taxman.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.6: 068-1089. |
87816 | Revisiting the Special Sensitivity Hypothesis: The Prison Experience of White-Collar Inmates/William A. Stadler, Michael L. Benson, Francis T. Cullen.- Justice Quarterly. 2013; Vol.30, No.6: 1090-1114. |
87817 | New York’s Crime Drop Puzzle: Introduction to the Special Issue/Richard Rosenfeld, Karen Terry, Preeti Chauhan.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.1: 1-4. |
87818 | Evaluating Contemporary Crime Drop(s) in America, New York City, and Many Other Places/Eric P. Baumer, Kevin T. Wolff.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.1: 5-38. |
87819 | Placing the Crime Decline in Context: A Comment on Baumer and Wolff/Lauren J. Krivo.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.1: 39-42. |
87820 | Area Differences and Time Trends in Crime Reporting: Comparing New York with Other Metropolitan Areas/Min Xie.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.1: 43-73. |
87821 | The New York City Police Department, its Crime Control Strategies and Organizational Changes, 1970-2009/Michael D. White.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.1: 74-95. |
87822 | The Impact of Police Stops on Precinct Robbery and Burglary Rates in New York City, 2003-2010/Richard Rosenfeld, Robert Fornango.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.1: 96-122. |
87823 | Stop, Question, and Assess: Comments on Rosenfeld and Fornango/Steven F. Messner, Eric P. Baumer.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.1: 123-128. |
87824 | Could Innovations in Policing have Contributed to the New York City Crime Drop even in a Period of Declining Police Strength?: The Case of Stop, Question and Frisk as a Hot Spots Policing Strategy/David Weisburd, Cody W. Telep, Brian A. Lawton.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.1: 129-153. |
87825 | Studying New York City’s Crime Decline: Methodological Issues/David F. Greenberg.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.1: 154-188. |
87826 | Time Series Properties of Crime Rate Changes: Comments Related to David Greenberg’s Paper/David McDowall.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.1: 189-192. |
87827 | New Directions in Policing: Balancing Prediction and Meaning in Police Research/Jack R. Greene.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.2: 193-228. |
87828 | Marriage and Involvement in Crime: A Consideration of Reciprocal Effects in a Nationally Representative Sample/J.C. Barnes … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.2: 229-256. |
87829 | In the Furtherance of Justice, Injustice, or Both? A Multilevel Analysis of Courtroom Context and the Implementation of Three Strikes/Elsa Y. Chen.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.2: 257-286. |
87830 | Community Risk Management of High-Risk Sex Offenders in Canada: Findings From a Quasi-Experimental Study/Patrick Lussier … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.2: 287-314. |
87831 | An Examination of First and Second Generation Immigrant Offending Trajectories/Bianca E. Bersani.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.2: 315-343. |
87832 | Auto Theft and Restrictive Deterrence/Bruce A. Jacobs, Michael Cherbonneau.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.2: 344-367. |
87833 | A Stone’s Throw from the Metropolis: Re-Examining Small-Agency Homeland Security Practices/Matthew J. Giblin, George W. Burruss, Joseph A. Schafer.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.2: 368-393. |
87834 | Public Satisfaction with Police Control of Disorder Crime: Does the Public Hold Police Accountable?/Jihong Solomon Zhao … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.2: 394-420. |
87835 | The Effect of Statewide Residency Restrictions on Sex Offender Post-Release Housing Mobility/Jason Rydberg … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.2: 421-444. |
87836 | Offending and Early Death in the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development/Alex R. Piquero … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.3: 445-472. |
87837 | Examining the Reciprocal Nature of the Health-Violence Relationship: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample/John Stogner, Chris L. Gibson, J. Mitchell Miller.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.3: 473-499. |
87838 | Serious Youth Violence and Innovative Prevention: On the Emerging Link Between Public Health and Criminology/Brandon C. Welsh, Anthony A. Braga, Christopher J. Sullivan.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.3: 500-523. |
87839 | Is Violence Bad for Your Health? An Assessment of Chronic Disease Outcomes in a Nationally Representative Sample/Jennifer M. Reingle … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.3: 524-538. |
87840 | The Acute and Enduring Consequences of Exposure to Violence on Youth Mental Health and Aggression/David S. Kirk, Margaret Hardy.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.3: 539-567. |
87841 | Understanding the Potential Long-term Physical and Mental Health Consequences of Early Experiences of Victimization/Leana A. Bouffard, Maria D.H. Koeppel.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.3: 568-587. |
87842 | Recidivism and the Availability of Health Care Organizations/Danielle Wallace, Andrew V. Papachristos.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.3: 588-608. |
87843 | Homicide as Infectious Disease: Using Public Health Methods to Investigate the Diffusion of Homicide/April M. Zeoli … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.3: 609-632. |
87844 | The Effects of Hot Spots Policing on Crime: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis/Anthony A. Braga, Andrew V. Papachristos, David M. Hureau.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.4: 633-663. |
87845 | Can Childhood Factors Predict Workplace Deviance?/Nicole Leeper Piquero, Terrie E. Moffitt.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.4: 664-692. |
87846 | Saturation Foot-Patrol in a High-Violence Area: A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation/Eric L. Piza, Brian A. O’Hara.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.4: 693-718. |
87847 | The Impact of Federal Prison Industries Employment on the Recidivism Outcomes of Female Inmates/Kerry M. Richmond.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.4: 719-745. |
87848 | Exploring the Intersection of Mental Health and Release Status with Recidivism/Michael Ostermann, Jason Matejkowski.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.4: 746-766. |
87849 | Violence in Context: A Multilevel Analysis of Victim Injury in Robbery Incidents/Marie Skubak Tillyer, Rob Tillyer.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.4: 767-791. |
87850 | Shifting Perspectives: Cognitive Changes Mediate the Impact of Romantic Relationships on Desistance from Crime/Ronald L. Simons, Ashley B. Barr.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.5: 793-821. |
87851 | Does a Rising Tide Lift All Boats? Labor Market Changes and Their Effects on the Recidivism of Released Prisoners/Daniel P. Mears, Xia Wang, William D. Bales.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.5: 822-851. |
87852 | The Importance of Perceptions in Restorative Justice Conferences: The Influence of Offender Personality Traits on Procedural Justice and Shaming/Heather L. Scheuerman, Shelley Keith Matthews.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.5: 852-881. |
87853 | A Closer Look at the Paradox: Examining Immigration and Youth Reoffending in Arizona/Kevin A. Wright, Nancy Rodriguez.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.5: 882-904. |
87854 | How Much Time Should the Police Spend at Crime Hot Spots? Answers from a Police Agency Directed Randomized Field Trial in Sacramento, California/Cody W. Telep, Renee J. Mitchell, David Weisburd.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.5: 905-933. |
87855 | Media Coverage of Capital Murder: Exceptions Sustain the Rule/Jeffrey Lin, Scott Phillips.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.5: 934-959. |
87856 | Opening the Black Box of Officer Decision-Making: An Examination of Race, Criminal History, and Discretionary Searches/Rob Tillyer.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.6: 961-985. |
87857 | Protection Against Pursuit: A Conceptual and Empirical Comparison of Cyberstalking and Stalking Victimization Among a National Sample/Matt R. Nobles … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.6: 986-1014. |
87858 | Is the Punishment More Certain? An Analysis of CCTV Detections and Enforcement/Eric L. Piza, Joel M. Caplan, Leslie W. Kennedy.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.6: 1015-1043. |
87859 | Does Inmate Behavior Affect Post-Release Offending? Investigating the Misconduct-Recidivism Relationship among Youth and Adults/Joshua C. Cochran … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.6: 1044-1073. |
87860 | Comparing Self-Report to Official Measures of Inmate Misconduct/Benjamin Steiner, John Wooldredge.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.6: 1074-1101. |
87861 | A Plague on both Your Houses?: Risks, Repeats and Reconsiderations of Urban Residential Burglary/William D. Moreto, Eric L. Piza, Joel M. Caplan.- Justice Quarterly. 2014; Vol.31, No.6: 1102-1126. |
87862 | Convergence Revisited: A Multi-Definition, Multi-Method Analysis of the UCR and the NCVS Crime Series (1973-2008)/Sami Ansari, Ni He.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.1: 1-31. |
87863 | Violent Conduct and Victimization Risk in the Urban Illicit Drug Economy: A Prospective Examination/Mark T. Berg, Rolf Loeber.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.1: 32-55. |
87864 | Low Self-Control in Bad Neighborhoods: Assessing the Role of Context on the Relationship Between Self-Control and Crime/Gregory M. Zimmerman … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.1: 56-84. |
87865 | Evaluation of the Phoenix TRUCE Project: A Replication of Chicago CeaseFire/Andrew M. Fox … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.1: 85-115. |
87866 | Measuring the Contextual Effects and Mitigating Factors of Labeling Theory/Emily Restivo, Mark M. Lanier.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.1: 116-141. |
87867 | Procedural Justice for Victims and Offenders?: Exploring Restorative Justice Processes in Australia and the US/Susan L. Miller, M. Kristen Hefner.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.1: 142-167. |
87868 | Keeping the Barbarians Outside the Gate? Comparing Burglary Victimization in Gated and Non-Gated Communities/Lynn A. Addington, Callie Marie Rennison.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.1: 168-192. |
87869 | Do Age Effects on Youth Secondary Exposure to Violence Vary across Social Context?/Gregory M. Zimmerman.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.2: 193-222. |
87870 | Intersections of Race, Gender, Disadvantage, and Violence: Applying Intersectionality to the Macro-Level Study of Female Homicide/Karen F. Parker, M. Kristen Hefner.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.2: 223-254. |
87871 | Removing Release Impediments and Reducing Correctional Costs: Evaluation of Washington State’s Housing Voucher Program/Zachary Hamilton, Alex Kigerl, Zachary Hays.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.2: 255-287. |
87872 | Examining Racial Disparities in Drug Arrests/Ojmarrh Mitchell, Michael S. Caudy.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.2: 288-313. |
87873 | Contemporary Modes of Probation Officer Supervision: The Triumph of the Synthetic Officer?/Joel Miller.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.2: 314-336. |
87874 | Drug Use and Crime after Incarceration: The Role of Family Support and Family Conflict/Thomas J. Mowen, Christy A. Visher.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.2: 337-359. |
87875 | Mass Shooters in the USA, 1966-2010: Differences Between Attackers Who Live and Die/Adam Lankford.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.2: 360-379. |
87876 | The Influence of High School Activity Portfolios on Risky Behaviors in Emerging Adulthood/Lisa A. Kort-Butler, David D. Martin.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.3: 381-409. |
87877 | Like Parent Like Child? The Role of Delayed Childrearing in Breaking the Link Between Parent’s Offending and Their Children’s Antisocial Behavior/Alan J. Lizotte … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.3: 410-444. |
87878 | Race, Social Bonds, and Juvenile Attitudes toward the Police/Yuning Wu, Rodney Lake, Liqun Cao.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.3: 445-470. |
87879 | Criminal and Routine Activities in Online Settings: Gangs, Offenders, and the Internet/David C. Pyrooz, Scott H. Decker, Richard K. Moule.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.3: 471-499. |
87880 | The Meaning of the Cut: A Phenomenological Inquiry into Prisoner Self-injury/Hayden P. Smith.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.3: 500-531. |
87881 | Interpersonal Racial Discrimination, Ethnic-racial Socialization, and Offending: Risk and Resilience among African American Females/Callie H. Burt, Ronald L. Simons.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.3: 532-570. |
87882 | Assessing the Impact of the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI): Predictors of Secure Detention and Length of Stay Before and After JDAI/Scott R. Maggard.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.4: 571-597. |
87883 | A Quantum of Force: The Consequences of Counting Routine Conducted Energy Weapon Punctures as Injuries/Robert J. Kaminski … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.4: 598-625. |
87884 | What do Alternative Measures of Peer Behavior Tell Us? Examining the Discriminant Validity of Multiple Methods of Measuring Peer Deviance and the Implications for Etiological Models/Jacob T.N. Young … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.4: 626-652. |
87885 | Race and Ethnicity Effects in Federal Sentencing: A Propensity Score Analysis/Travis W. Franklin.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.4: 653-679. |
87886 | Do Blacks Speak with one Voice? Immigrants, Public Opinions, and Perceptions of Criminal Injustices/James D. Unnever, Shaun L. Gabbidon.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.4: 680-704. |
87887 | Kicked Out or Dropped Out? Disaggregating the Effects of Community-based Treatment Attrition on Juvenile Recidivism/Brian Lockwood, Philip W. Harris.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.4: 705-728. |
87888 | Criminal and Substance Involvement from Adolescence to Adulthood: Precursors, Mediators, and Long-term Effects/Glenn D. Walters.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.4: 729-747. |
87889 | We [Should] Take Care of Our Own: The Role of Law and Lawyers in Criminal Justice and Criminology Programs/Craig Hemmens.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.5: 749-767. |
87890 | A Partial Test of Moffitt’s Developmental Taxonomy: Examining the Role of Genetic Risk/Joseph A. Schwartz, Kevin M. Beaver.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.5: 768-791. |
87891 | Testing the Influence of Community Characteristics on School Misconduct/Todd A. Armstrong, Gaylene S. Armstrong, Charles M. Katz.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.5: 792-817. |
87892 | Residential Location, Household Composition, and Recidivism: An Analysis by Gender/Beth M. Huebner, Breanne Pleggenkuhle.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.5: 818-844. |
87893 | Measuring Procedural Justice in Police-Citizen Encounters/Tal Jonathan-Zamir, Stephen D. Mastrofski, Shomron Moyal.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.5: 845-871. |
87894 | Behavioral Heterogeneity in Adolescent Friendship Networks/Callie H. Burt, Carter Rees.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.5: 872-899. |
87895 | The Impact of a Risk Assessment Instrument on Juvenile Detention Decision-making: A Check on Perceptual Shorthand and Going Rates?/Carrie Maloney, Joel Miller.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.5: 900-927. |
87896 | Advancing Wrongful Conviction Scholarship: Toward New Conceptual Frameworks/Robert J. Norris, Catherine L. Bonventre.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.6: 929-949. |
87897 | How General is Control Balance Theory? Evidence from Ukraine/Lorine A. Hughes, Olena Antonaccio, Ekaterina V. Botchkovar.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.6: 950-975. |
87898 | Getting Caught and Getting Hitched: An Assessment of the Relationship Between Police Intervention, Life Chances, and Romantic Unions/Nicole M. Schmidt … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.6: 976-1005. |
87899 | We Trust You, But Not That Much: Examining Police-Black Clergy Partnerships to Reduce Youth Violence/Rod K. Brunson … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.6: 1006-1036. |
87900 | A Hierarchical Analysis of Correctional Officers’ Procedural Justice Judgments of Correctional Institutions: Examining the Influence of Transformational Leadership/Thomas Baker, Jill A. Gordon, Faye S. Taxman.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.6: 1037-1063. |
87901 | Maybe I Should Do This Alone: A Comparison of Solo and Co-offending Robbery Outcomes/Marie Skubak Tillyer, Rob Tillyer.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.6: 1064-1088. |
87902 | Differential Social Support, Differential Coercion, and Organized Criminal Activities/Stephen W. Baron.- Justice Quarterly. 2015; Vol.32, No.6: 1089-1117. |
87903 | Expanding the Boundaries of Criminal Justice: Emphasizing the S in the Criminal Justice Sciences through Interdisciplinary Efforts/Brian K. Payne.- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.1: 1-20. |
87904 | Managing Victim Confrontation: Auto Theft and Informal Sanction Threats/Bruce A. Jacobs, Michael Cherbonneau.- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.1: 21-44. |
87905 | Identities Through Time: An Exploration of Identity Change as a Cause of Desistance/Michael Rocque, Chad Posick, Ray Paternoster.- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.1: 45-72. |
87906 | Take My License n’ All That Jive, I Can’t See … 35: Little Hope for the Future Encourages Offending Over time/Alex R. Piquero.- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.1: 73-99. |
87907 | Offender’s Personal Circumstances and Punishment: Toward a More Refined Model for the Explanation of Sentencing Disparities/Sigrid van Wingerden, Johan van Wilsem, Brian D. Johnson.- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.1: 100-133. |
87908 | Identities, Boundaries, and Accounts of Women Methamphetamine Users/Heith Copes … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.1: 134-158. |
87909 | Race, Neighborhood, and Drug Court Graduation/Daniel Howard.- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.1: 159-184. |
87910 | Police Enforcement of Domestic Violence Laws: Supervisory Control or Officer Prerogatives?/Richard R. Johnson, Mengyan Dai.- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.2: 185-208. |
87911 | Assessing the Need for Gender-Specific Explanations of Prisoner Victimization/John Wooldredge, Benjamin Steiner.- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.2: 209-238. |
87912 | Perceived Criminal Threat from Undocumented Immigrants: Antecedents and Consequences for Policy Preferences/Elizabeth K. Stupi, Ted Chiricos, Marc Gertz.- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.2: 239-266. |
87913 | The Transportability of Contingency Management in Problem-solving Courts/Shannon Portillo, Danielle S. Rudes, Faye S. Taxman.- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.2: 267-290. |
87914 | Juvenile Drug Courts and Recidivism: Results from a Multisite Outcome Study/Christopher J. Sullivan … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.2: 291-318. |
87915 | A Multi-Theoretical Framework to Assess Gendered Stalking Victimization: The Utility of Self-Control, Social Learning, and Control Balance Theories/Kathleen A. Fox, Matt R. Nobles, Bonnie S. Fisher.- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.2: 319-347. |
87916 | Staff Quality and Treatment Effectiveness: An Examination of the Relationship between Staff Factors and the Effectiveness of Correctional Programs/Matthew Makarios … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.2: 348-367. |
87917 | A Metric Comparison of Predictive Hot Spot Techniques and RTM/Grant Drawve.- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.3: 369-397. |
87918 | Opening Pandora’s Box: How Does Defendant Race Influence Plea Bargaining?/Besiki Luka Kutateladze, Nancy R. Andiloro, Brian D. Johnson.- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.3: 398-426. |
87919 | The First Delinquent Peers Are the Most Important: Examining Nonlinearity in the Peer Effect/Carter Rees, Gregory M. Zimmerman.- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.3: 427-454. |
87920 | Verbal Ability and Persistent Offending: A Race-specific Test of Moffitt’s Theory/Paul E. Bellair, Thomas L. McNulty, Alex R. Piquero.- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.3: 455-480. |
87921 | Fear, Social Interactions, and Violence Mitigation/Chris Melde, Mark T. Berg, Finn-Aage Esbensen.- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.3: 481-509. |
87922 | Examining the Salience of Marriage to Offending for Black and Hispanic Men/Bianca E. Bersani, Stephanie M. DiPietro.- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.3: 510-537. |
87923 | Houston Enhanced Action Patrol: Examining the Effects of Differential Deployment Lengths with a Switched Replication Design/Larry Hoover … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.3: 538-563. |
87924 | Supervision Intensity and Parole Outcomes: A Competing Risks Approach to Criminal and Technical Parole Violations/Ryken Grattet, Jeffrey Lin.- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.4: 565-583. |
87925 | The Spatial Dimensions of Gentrification and the Consequences for Neighborhood Crime/Lyndsay N. Boggess, John R. Hipp.- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.4: 584-613. |
87926 | When does Race and Gender Matter? The Interrelationships between the Gender of Probation Officers and Juvenile Court Detention and Intake Outcomes/Michael J. Leiber, Jennifer H. Peck, Maude Beaudry-Cyr.- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.4: 614-641. |
87927 | Disproportional Imprisonment of Black and Hispanic Males: Sentencing Discretion, Processing Outcomes, and Policy Structures/Jeffery Ulmer, Noah Painter-Davis, Leigh Tinik.- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.4: 642-681. |
87928 | Successful and Unsuccessful Pirate Attacks Worldwide: A Situational Analysis/Jon M. Shane, Shannon Magnuson.- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.4: 682-707. |
87929 | Juvenile Desistance and Community Disadvantage: The Role of Appropriate Accommodations and Engagements/Richard Stansfield.- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.4: 708-728. |
87930 | Can General Strain Theory Help Us Understand Violent Behaviors Among People with Mental Illnesses?/Nathan W. Link … [et al.].- Justice Quarterly. 2016; Vol.33, No.4: 729-754. |