تازه‌های مقالات خارجی آبان 1401

تازه‌های مقالات خارجی آبان 1401




127608 Protecting the Rights of Indigenous Peoples-Promoting the Sustainability of the Global Environment?/Leena Heinamaki.- International Community Law Review. 2009; Vol.11, No.1: 3-68.
127609 The Three Dimensions of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples/Rene Kuppe.- International Community Law Review. 2009; Vol.11, No.1: 103-118.
127610 From Haiti to Somalia: The Assistance Model and the Paradox of State Reconstruction in International Law/Matthew Saul.- International Community Law Review. 2009; Vol.11, No.1: 119-148.
127611 Who is Indigenous? Construction of Indigenousness in Russian Legislation/Anna Stammler-Gossmann.- International Community Law Review. 2009; Vol.11, No.1: 69-102.
127612 Sacrificing the Effectiveness of the European Convention on Human Rights on the Altar of the Effective Functioning of Peace Support Operations: A Critique of Behrami & Saramati and Al Jedda/Alexander Breitegger.- International Community Law Review. 2009; Vol.11, No.1: 155-183.
127613 Evolving Protection of Minority Groups: Global Challenges and the Role of International Jurisprudence/Gaetano Pentassuglia.- International Community Law Review. 2009; Vol.11, No.2: 185-218.
127614 Delineating the Normativity of Equity in International Law/Anastasios Gourgourinis.- International Community Law Review. 2009; Vol.11, No.3: 327-347.
127615 Sovereign Insolvency and International Legal Order/Maria Chiara Malaguti.- International Community Law Review. 2009; Vol.11, No.3: 307-326.
127616 The ECJ’s Hard Control over Compliance with International Environmental Law: Its Procedural and Substantive Aspects/Yasuhiro Shigeta.- International Community Law Review. 2009; Vol.11, No.3: 251-305.
127617 War’s Legacy in International Investment Law/James Thuo Gathii.- International Community Law Review. 2009; Vol.11, No.4: 353-386.
127618 Third World Resistance to International Economic and Structural Constraints: Assessing the Utility of the Right to Health in the Context of the TRIPS Agreement/Daniel Wanjau Muriu.- International Community Law Review. 2009; Vol.11, No.4: 409-429.
127619 The Dominant Voices in Double Taxation Agreements: A Critical Analysis of the Dividend Article in the Agreement between Uganda and the Netherlands/Jalia Kangave.- International Community Law Review. 2009; Vol.11, No.4: 387-407.
127620 Three Images of Global Community: Theorizing Law and Community in a Multicultural World/Asher Alkoby.- International Community Law Review. 2010; Vol.12, No.1: 35-79.
127621 The Unsolved Riddle of International Constitutionalism/Ignacio de la Rasilla del Moral.- International Community Law Review. 2010; Vol.12, No.1: 81-110.
127622 Reflections on the ECOWAS Community Court Protocol and the Constitutions of Member States/A.O. Enabulele.- International Community Law Review. 2010; Vol.12, No.1: 111-137.
127623 The Scandal of Enlightenment and the Birth of Disciplines: Is International Law a Science?/Prabhakar Singh.- International Community Law Review. 2010; Vol.12, No.1: 5-34.
127624 International Norms and Domestic Practices in Regard to ILO Convention No. 169 with Special Reference to Articles 1 and 13 19/Tanja Joona.- International Community Law Review. 2010; Vol.12, No.2: 213-260.
127625 Sovereign States and Self-Determining Peoples: Carving Out a Place for Transnational Indigenous Peoples in a World of Sovereign States/Timo Koivurova.- International Community Law Review. 2010; Vol.12, No.2: 191-212.
127626 The Security Council and Territorial Sovereignty: The Case of Kosovo/Enrico Milano.- International Community Law Review. 2010; Vol.12, No.2: 171-189.
127627 Remarks on Sovereignty in the Evolving Constitutional Features of the International Community/Attila Tanzi.- International Community Law Review. 2010; Vol.12, No.2: 145-169.
127628 The Emerging Human Right to Land/Olivier De Schutter.- International Community Law Review. 2010; Vol.12, No.3: 303-334.
127629 Reducing the Gap between International Water Law and Human Rights Law: The UNECE Protocol on Water and Health/Tanzi Attila.- International Community Law Review. 2010; Vol.12, No.3: 267-285.
127630 On the Changing Structure of International Investment Law: The Human Right to Water and ICSID Arbitration/Fabrizio Marrella.- International Community Law Review. 2010; Vol.12, No.3: 335-359.
127631 Humanitarian Limits to Sovereignty: Common Concern and Common Heritage Approaches to Natural Resources and Environment/Stephen Stec.- International Community Law Review. 2010; Vol.12, No.3: 361-389.
127632 The Character of the Conflict in Gaza: Another Argument towards Abolishing the Distinction between International and Non-international Armed Conflicts/Konstantinos Mastorodimos.- International Community Law Review. 2010; Vol.12, No.4: 437-469.
127633 Explaining Liberal Aggression: The International Community and Threat Perception/Russell Buchan.- International Community Law Review. 2010; Vol.12, No.4: 413-436.
127634 The Myth of Tribal Sovereignty: An Analysis of Native American Tribal Status in the United States/Algeria R. Ford.- International Community Law Review. 2010; Vol.12, No.4: 397-411.
127635 Sir Hersch Lauterpacht’s Idea of State Sovereignty-Is It Still Alive?/Roman Kwiecien.- International Community Law Review. 2011; Vol.13, No.1-2: 23-41.
127636 A Visionary Behind the Iron Curtain: Cezary Berezowski on European Integration/Adam Lazowski.- International Community Law Review. 2011; Vol.13, No.1-2: 43-57.
127637 Preclusion of Wrongfulness of the Use of Force/Aureliusz Wlaz.- International Community Law Review. 2011; Vol.13, No.1-2: 125-146.
127638 The Element of Risk in International Investment Arbitration/Marcin Ka dunski.- International Community Law Review. 2011; Vol.13, No.1-2: 111-124.
127639 Legal Title versus Effectivites: Prescription and the Promise and Problems of Private Law Analogies/Roger OKeefe.- International Community Law Review. 2011; Vol.13, No.1-2: 147-188.
127640 The State as a Respondent in Central and Eastern European Investment Arbitrations/Joanna Gomula.- International Community Law Review. 2011; Vol.13, No.1-2: 93-110.
127641 Professor Manfred Lachs: Wise Man of International Law/Eugeniusz Piontek.- International Community Law Review. 2011; Vol.13, No.1-2: 81-86.
127642 Where is the World Heading? Shaping a New International System/Adam Daniel Rotfeld.- International Community Law Review. 2011; Vol.13, No.1-2: 5-22.
127643 Sir Hersch Lauterpacht and Poland’s Judges at the International Court: Judge Bohdan Winiarski/Krzysztof Skubiszewski.- International Community Law Review. 2011; Vol.13, No.1-2: 87-91.
127644 Count Rostworowski as an International Lawyer and Judge/Anna Wyrozumska.- International Community Law Review. 2011; Vol.13, No.1-2: 59-79.
127645 Buried Treasure or Buried Hope? The Status of Mexico-U.S. Transboundary Aquifers under International Law/Gabriel E. Eckstein.- International Community Law Review. 2011; Vol.13, No.3: 273-290.
127646 A Human Right to Groundwater?/Maria Gavouneli.- International Community Law Review. 2011; Vol.13, No.3: 305-319.
127647 International Water R esources Law and the International Law Commission Draft Articles on Transboundary Aquifers: A Missed Opportunity for Cross-Fertilisation?/Owen McIntyre.- International Community Law Review. 2011; Vol.13, No.3: 237-254.
127648 Past, Present and Future of the International Law of Transboundary Aquifers/Kerstin Mechlem.- International Community Law Review. 2011; Vol.13, No.3: 209-222.
127649 The Guarani Aquifer System and the International Law of Transboundary Aquifers/Francesco Sindico.- International Community Law Review. 2011; Vol.13, No.3: 255-272.
127650 The Draft Articles on the Law of Transboundary Aquifers: The Process at the UN ILC/Raya Marina Stephan.- International Community Law Review. 2011; Vol.13, No.3: 223-235.
127651 Furthering International Water Law or Making a New Body of Law on Transboundary Aquifers? An Introduction/Attila Tanzi.- International Community Law Review. 2011; Vol.13, No.3: 193-208.
127652 The Law of Transboundary Aquifers in Practice the Mure Alluvial Fan Aquifer System (Romania/Hungary)/Felix Zaharia.- International Community Law Review. 2011; Vol.13, No.3: 291-304.
127653 The EU, Counter-Terrorism and the Protection of Muslims as European Minorities/Tawhida Ahmed.- International Community Law Review. 2011; Vol.13, No.4: 437-459.
127654 Shaping Indigenous Self-Determination: Promising or Unsatisfactory Solutions?/Mauro Barelli.- International Community Law Review. 2011; Vol.13, No.4: 413-436.
127655 New Minorities, Old Instruments? A Common but Differentiated System of Minority Protection/Roberta Medda-Windischer.- International Community Law Review. 2011; Vol.13, No.4: 361-391.
127656 Non-territorial Autonomy and International Law/Alexander Osipov.- International Community Law Review. 2011; Vol.13, No.4: 393-411.
127657 Tracing Visions on Integration and/of Minorities: An Analysis of the Supervisory Practice of the FCNM/Kristin Henrard.- International Community Law Review. 2011; Vol.13, No.4: 333-360.
127658 The International Legal Status of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta/Karol Karski.- International Community Law Review. 2012; Vol.14, No.1: 19-32.
127659 What Is So Special About Jus Cogens? On the Difference between the Ordinary and the Peremptory International Law/Ulf Linderfalk.- International Community Law Review. 2012; Vol.14, No.1: 3-18.
127660 Ainu Landowners Struggle for Justice and the Illegitimacy of the Nibutani Dam Project in Hokkaido Japan/Hiroshi Maruyama.- International Community Law Review. 2012; Vol.14, No.1: 63-80.
127661 The Roles of Non-State Actors in Lawmaking within the Global Intellectual Property Regimes of WIPO and TRIPs/Barbara K. Woodward.- International Community Law Review. 2012; Vol.14, No.1: 33-61.
127662 The Protection of Traditional Knowledge in the Knowledge Economy: Cross-Cutting Challenges in International Intellectual Property Law/Teshager Dagne.- International Community Law Review. 2012; Vol.14, No.2: 137-178.
127663 A Universal Procedural Framework for War Crimes Tribunals/Elijah Oluwatoyin Okebukola.- International Community Law Review. 2012; Vol.14, No.2: 85-116.
127664 Access to Justice in Environmental Matters: Recent Developments/Charles Poncelet.- International Community Law Review. 2012; Vol.14, No.2: 179-185.
127665 Privatized Military Firms Impunity in Cases of Torture: A Crime of Humanity?/Jose Serralvo.- International Community Law Review. 2012; Vol.14, No.2: 117-135.
127666 Diverse Soft-Law Cooperation Forms in the Arctic-Do They Complement or Contradict Each Other?/Waliul Hasanat.- International Community Law Review. 2012; Vol.14, No.3: 273-299.
127667 Kosovo after the ICJ Advisory Opinion: Towards a European Perspective?/Ivan Ingravallo.- International Community Law Review. 2012; Vol.14, No.3: 219-241.
127668 Chasing the European Court of Justice: On Some (Political) Attempts to Hijack the European Integration Process/Giuseppe Martinico.- International Community Law Review. 2012; Vol.14, No.3: 243-272.
127669 Preserving Tradition that is Necessary to Exercising Essential Rights: Some Reflections on the ICJ Decision on Navigational Rights on the San Juan River/Simonetta Stirling-Zanda.- International Community Law Review. 2012; Vol.14, No.3: 195-218.
127670 The Applicability of International Humanitarian Law to the Conflict in Libya/Kubo MacakNoam Zamir.- International Community Law Review. 2012; Vol.14, No.4: 403-436.
127671 The Legitimacy to Legitimise: The Security Council Action in Libya under Resolution/Constantine Antonopoulos.- International Community Law Review. 2012; Vol.14, No.4: 359-379.
127672 Intervention in Libya: Another Nail in the Coffin for the Responsibility-to-Protect?/David Berman, Christopher Michaelsen.- International Community Law Review. 2012; Vol.14, No.4: 337-358.
127673 Has the Responsibility to Protect Been a Real Change in Humanitarian Intervention? An Analysis from the Crisis in Libya/Liliana L. Jubilut.- International Community Law Review. 2012; Vol.14, No.4: 309-335.
127674 Recognition of Governments in International Law and the Recent Conflict in Libya/Anne Schuit.- International Community Law Review. 2012; Vol.14, No.4: 381-402.
127675 Beyond the Keystone CoPs: The Ecology of Institutional Governance in Conservation Treaty Regimes/Michael Bowman.- International Community Law Review. 2013; Vol.15, No.1: 5-43.
127676 Governing the Environment without CoPs-The Case of Water/Philippe Cullet.- International Community Law Review. 2013; Vol.15, No.1: 123-135.
127677 Non-Compliance-a Pivotal or Secondary Function of CoP Governance?/Peter G.G. Davies.- International Community Law Review. 2013; Vol.15, No.1: 77-101.
127678 Delegate Preparation and Participation in Conferences of the Parties to Environmental Treaties/Edward J. Goodwin.- International Community Law Review. 2013; Vol.15, No.1: 45-76.
127679 Unfccc Redd Cop Decisions: The Cumulative Effect On Forest Related Law Processes/Feja Lesniewska.- International Community Law Review. 2013; Vol.15, No.1: 103-121.
127680 The Sempra Annulment Decision of 29 June 2010 and Subsequent Developments in Investment Arbitration Dealing with the Necessity Defence/Federica Cristani.- International Community Law Review. 2013; Vol.15, No.2: 237-253.
127681 The Effects of Framing International Legal Norms as Rules or Exceptions: State Immunity from Civil Jurisdiction/Katherine Del Mar.- International Community Law Review. 2013; Vol.15, No.2: 143-170.
127682 Changing the Paradigm of International Criminal Law: Considering the Work of the United Nations War Crimes Commission of 1943-1948/Dan PleschShanti Sattler.- International Community Law Review. 2013; Vol.15, No.2: 203-223.
127683 Frustrating Noble Intentions: The Clash between ICC’s Deterrent Effects and the Prosecutor’s Policy of Focused Investigations on Perpetrators Situated at the Highest Echelons of Responsibility/Aurelia Marina Pohrib.- International Community Law Review. 2013; Vol.15, No.2: 225-236.
127684 Free Movement of Goods and Environmental Protection in EU Law: A Troubled Relationship?/Charles Poncelet.- International Community Law Review. 2013; Vol.15, No.2: 171-201.
127685 New Global Limits of Liability for Maritime Claims/Norman A. Martinez Gutierrez.- International Community Law Review. 2013; Vol.15, No.3: 341-357.
127686 Francisco de Vitoria’s Unexpected Transformations and Reinterpretations for International Law/Ignacio de la Rasilla del Moral.- International Community Law Review. 2013; Vol.15, No.3: 287-318.
127687 New Social Rights and Internet: Which Policies Combine Them?/Giovanna De Minico.- International Community Law Review. 2013; Vol.15, No.3: 261-286.
127688 The Interface between Non-governmental Organisations and the Human Rights Committee/Ida Lintel, Ida Lintel, Cedric Ryngaert.- International Community Law Review. 2013; Vol.15, No.3: 359-379.
127689 Beyond Unbridled Optimism and Fear: Indigenous Peoples, Intellectual Property, Human Rights and the Globalisation of Traditional Knowledge and Expressions of Folklore/Caroline Joan S. Picart, Caroline Joan S. Picart, Marlowe Fox.- International Community Law Review. 2013; Vol.15, No.3: 319-339.
127690 The Reservations Dialogue as a Constitution-Making Process/Ekaterina Yahyaoui Krivenko.- International Community Law Review. 2013; Vol.15, No.3: 381-403.
127691 Searching for Common Ground on Universal Jurisdiction: The Clash between Formalism and Soft Law/Jessica Almqvist.- International Community Law Review. 2013; Vol.15, No.4: 437-457.
127692 Negotiating the Complex Interface between State Immunity and Human Rights: An Analysis of the International Court of Justice Decision in Germany v. Italy/J. Craig Barker.- International Community Law Review. 2013; Vol.15, No.4: 415-436.
127693 Preliminary Issues Posed by the Doctrine of Forum Prorogatum and the Case of Djibouti v. France/Orfeas Chasapis Tassinis.- International Community Law Review. 2013; Vol.15, No.4: 483-503.
127694 By Means of its Own Choosing: Is the Court Refashioning the Remedies of State Responsibility?/Stephen Tully.- International Community Law Review. 2013; Vol.15, No.4: 459-481.
127695 Sovereign Immunity v. Redress for War Crimes: The Judgment of the International Court of Justice in the Case Concerning Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany v. Italy)/Stefania Negri.- International Community Law Review. 2014, 123-137; Vol.16, No.1.
127696 Rising Seas, Receding Coastlines, and Vanishing Maritime Estates and Territories: Possible Solutions and Reassessing the Role of International Law/Tony George Puthucherril.- International Community Law Review. 2014; Vol.16, No.1: 38-74.
127697 Self-determination and Secession: Human Rights-based Conflict Resolution/Zoilo A. Velasco.- International Community Law Review. 2014; Vol.16, No.1: 75-105.
127698 Green Investment after Rio 2012/Jorge E. Vinuales.- International Community Law Review. 2014; Vol.16, No.2: 153-176.
127699 Climate Change: The Greatest Challenge for the Future and a Major Cross-Sectoral Area of Intervention/Caroline Mair.- International Community Law Review. 2014; Vol.16, No.2: 177-213.
127700 Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment as a Goal for Achieving Sustainable Development on the Rio+20 Agenda/Gabriela A. Oanta.- International Community Law Review. 2014; Vol.16, No.2: 214-235.
127701 Water Governance in the Aftermath of Rio+20/Francesco Sindico.- International Community Law Review. 2014; Vol.16, No.2: 236-251.
127702 Reservations to Human Rights Treaties: A Case Study on the Practice of Czechoslovakia and Its Successor States/Vladimir Tyc, Linda Janko, Katarina Sipulova.- International Community Law Review. 2014; Vol.16, No.3: 371-398.
127703 Classifications of Objections Based on the Legal Assessment of a Reservation by Objecting States/Marina Girshovich.- International Community Law Review. 2014; Vol.16, No.3: 333-370.
127704 The Reservations Dialogue as a Constitution-Making Process/Ekaterina Yahyaoui Krivenko.- International Community Law Review. 2014; Vol.16, No.3: 306-332.
127705 Mind the Gaps: The ilc Guide to Practice on Reservations to Human Rights Treaties/Kasey L. McCall-Smith.- International Community Law Review. 2014; Vol.16, No.3: 263-305.
127706 Implementers or Governors?: The Expanding Role for Private Military and Security Companies within the Peace Operations Network/Ase Gilje Ostensen.- International Community Law Review. 2014; Vol.16, No.4: 423-442.
127707 Introduction: The Use of Private Military and Security Companies by the United Nations: International legal aspects/El bieta KarskaKarol Karski.- International Community Law Review. 2014; Vol.16, No.4: 399-404.
127708 The un Guidelines on the Use of Armed Guards: Recommendations for Improvement/Elke Krahmann.- International Community Law Review. 2014; Vol.16, No.4: 475-491.
127709 The United Nations Guidelines on the Use of Armed Private Security: Towards a Normalisation of un Use of Security Contractors?/Lou Pingeot.- International Community Law Review. 2014; Vol.16, No.4: 461-474.
127710 The Privatisation of the Core Business of un Peacekeeping Operations: Any Legal Limit?/Mirko Sossai.- International Community Law Review. 2014; Vol.16, No.4: 405-422.
127711 Peacekeeping, Private Security and International Human Rights Law: A Review of un Policies/Nigel D. White.- International Community Law Review. 2014; Vol.16, No.4: 443-460.
127712 Water Rights: Fragmented Rights?/Monika Ambrus.- International Community Law Review. 2015; Vol.17, No.1: 37-67.
127713 Effective Application of the Rule on Fundamental Change of Circumstances to Treaties Contravening the 1997 Polish Constitution/Karol KarskiTomasz Kaminski.- International Community Law Review. 2015; Vol.17, No.1: 68-94.
127714 The Issues Concerning the Continental Shelf: Reflections/Anthony Lucky.- International Community Law Review. 2015; Vol.17, No.1: 95-111.
127715 Policies and Influence: Tracing and Locating the eu Seal Products Trade Regulation/Nikolas Sellheim.- International Community Law Review. 2015; Vol.17, No.1: 3-36.
127716 Universality versus Coherence: Membership, Participation and the Crisis of the League of Nations/Thomas D. Grant.- International Community Law Review. 2015; Vol.17, No.1: 138-178.
127717 Universality and Coherence under the Experiences of the League of Nations: Comments on Thomas Grant’s Paper/Roman Kwiecien.- International Community Law Review. 2015; Vol.17, No.2: 175-188.
127718 Structural Challenges Facing International Organizations: Re-assessing the League of Nations/Stephen Mathias.- International Community Law Review. 2015; Vol.17, No.2: 127-137.
127719 The League of Nations Capacity for Reform and Adaptation/Cezary Mik.- International Community Law Review. 2015; Vol.17, No.2: 189-215.
127720 The Contested History of International Investment Law: From a Problematic Past to Current Controversies/Jeanrique Fahner.- International Community Law Review. 2015; Vol.17, No.2: 373-388.
127721 Space Debris Mitigation as an International Law Obligation: A Critical Analysis with Reference to States Practice and Treaty Obligation/Lawrence Li.- International Community Law Review. 2015; Vol.17, No.3: 297-335.
127722 Logique de Validite Redoux?: The ilc Guidelines on Reservations between a Rock and a Hard Place/Vassilis Pergantis.- International Community Law Review. 2015; Vol.17, No.3: 336-371.
127723 Developing Global Public Participation (2): Shaping the Sustainable Development Goals/Otto SpijkersArron Honniball.- International Community Law Review. 2015; Vol.17, No.3: 251-296.
127724 Introduction: Developing Global Public Participation: Implementing the We in the Future We Want/Otto SpijkersArron Honniball.- International Community Law Review. 2015; Vol.17, No.3: 219-221.
127725 Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in International Law/Krzysztof Za ucki.- International Community Law Review. 2015; Vol.17, No.4-5: 403-412.
127726 Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of National Courts and Human Rights Enforcement: Quo vadis justitia?/Julia Kapelanska-Pr gowska.- International Community Law Review. 2015; Vol.17, No.4-5: 413-444.
127727 The Jurisdiction Criterion in Article 1 of the echr and a Territorial State: Considerations Inspired by the Sargsyan v. Azerbaijan Case/Katarzyna Urszula Ga ka.- International Community Law Review. 2015; Vol.17, No.4-5: 474-495.
127728 Introduction: Extraterritorial Scope of Human Rights/Elzbieta KarskaKarol Karski.- International Community Law Review. 2015; Vol.17, No.4-5: 395-401.
127729 A Change of the u.s. Position Regarding the Extraterritorial Prohibition of Torture-Is It a Breakthrough?/Agnieszka Szpak.- International Community Law Review. 2015; Vol.17, No.3: 496-510.
127730 Problems and Challenges of the echr’s Extraterritorial Application to Law-Enforcement Operations at Sea/Marta Szuniewicz.- International Community Law Review. 2015; Vol.17, No.4-5: 445-473.
127731 Human Rights Protection before the International Criminal Court: Assessing the Scope and Application of Article 21(3) of the Rome Statute/Alex Davidson.- International Community Law Review. Vol.18, No.1: 72-101.
127732 Correcting twail’s Blind Spots: A Plea for a Pragmatic Approach to International Economic Governance/Antonius R. Hippolyte.- International Community Law Review. Vol.18, No.1: 34-52.
127733 The Impact of African Philosophy on the Realisation of International Community and the Observance of International Law/Foluke Ifejola Ipinyomi.- International Community Law Review. Vol.18, No.1: 3-33.
127734 The Rights Granted to Indigenous Peoples under International Law: An Effective Means for Redressing Historical Wrongs?/Taryn Lee.- International Community Law Review. Vol.18, No.1: 53-71.
127735 Judge Skubiszewski at the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal/Maciej Zenkiewicz.- International Community Law Review. Vol.18, No.1: 151-175.
127736 The Use of Armed Force: Contemporary Challenges in Light of Professor Skubiszewski’s Legacy/Micha  Kowalski.- International Community Law Review. Vol.18, No.2: 109-128.
127737 Fiat iustitia . . . Professor Krzysztof Skubiszewski and His Vision of the Relations Between the International Court of Justice and the Security Council/Bart omiej Krzan.- International Community Law Review. Vol.18, No.2: 129-150.
127738 A Conceptual and Practical Evaluation of Intergenerational Equity in International Environmental Law/Zena Hadjiargyrou.- International Community Law Review. Vol.18, No.3-4: 248-277.
127739 An Interactional World Trade Law/Abdulmalik M. Altamimi.- International Community Law Review. Vol.18, No.3-4: 317-352.
127740 A Temporary Protection Regime in Line with International Law: Utopia or Real Possibility?/Meltem Ineli-Ciger.- International Community Law Review. Vol.18, No.3-4: 278-316.
127741 Foreign Investors and the Colombian Peace Process/Andrei Gomez-Suarez, Nicolas M. Perrone, Enrique Prieto Rios.- International Community Law Review. Vol.18, No.3-4: 223-247.
127742 International Human Rights Law and Its Critics/Marissa Ooms.- International Community Law Review. Vol.18, No.3-4: 353-369.
127743 International Law and Foreign Investment in Hydroelectric Industry: A Multidimensional Analysis/Attila Tanzi.- International Community Law Review. Vol.18, No.3-4: 183-222.
127744 Addressing the Foreign Terrorist Fighter Phenomenon from a Human Rights Perspective/Zubeda LimbadaLynn Davies.- International Community Law Review. Vol.18, No.5: 483-493.
127745 Dogs of War or Jackals of Terror? Foreign Fighters and Mercenaries in International Law/Simon Chesterman.- International Community Law Review. Vol.18, No.5: 389-399.
127746 Foreign Fighters, Human Rights and Self-Determination in Syria and Iraq: Decoding the Humanitarian Impact of Foreign Fighters in Practice/Dara ConduitBen Rich.- International Community Law Review. Vol.18, No.5: 431-454.
127747 Foreign Terrorist Fighter Laws: Human Rights Rollbacks Under un Security Council Resolution 2178/Letta Tayler.- International Community Law Review. Vol.18, No.5: 455-482.
127748 Introduction: The Phenomenon of Foreign Fighters and Foreign Terrorist Fighters: An International Law and Human Rights Perspective/El bieta KarskaKarol Karski.- International Community Law Review. Vol.18, No.5: 377-387.
127749 Protect, Respect and Remedy: A Framework for Accountability for Human Rights Violations Committed by Foreign Fighters/Haykel Ben Mahfoudh.- International Community Law Review. Vol.18, No.5: 418-430.
127750 Concluding Observations/Michael Wood.- International Community Law Review. 2017; Vol.19, No.1: 156-160.
127751 Interpreting the Customary Rules on Interpretation/Panos Merkouris.- International Community Law Review. 2017; Vol.19, No.1: 126-155.
127752 Introductory Note: Beyond the Identification of International Customary Rules/Vassilis P. Tzevelekos.- International Community Law Review. 2017; Vol.19, No.1: 1-8.
127753 Local Custom in International Law: Something in between General Custom and Treaty/Khagani Guliyev.- International Community Law Review. 2017; Vol.19, No.1: 47-67.
127754 The Possibilities and Legitimacy of Non-State Participation in the Formation of Customary Law/Nicolas Carrillo-Santarelli.- International Community Law Review. 2017; Vol.19, No.1: 98-125.
127755 The Requisite Rigour in the Identification of Customary International Law: A Look at the Reports of the Special Rapporteur of the International Law Commission/Noora Arajarvi.- International Community Law Review. 2017; Vol.19, No.1.
127756 The Role of the United Nations in the Formation of Customary International Law in the Field of Human Rights/Sufyan Droubi.- International Community Law Review. 2017; Vol.19, No.1: 68-97.
127757 The Crisis in Crimea and the Principle of Non-Intervention/Russell BuchanNicholas Tsagourias.- International Community Law Review. 2017; Vol.19, No.2-3: 165-193.
127758 The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services or the Framing of Scientific Knowledge within the Law of Sustainable Development/Leslie-Anne Duvic-Paoli.- International Community Law Review. 2017; Vol.19, No.2-3: 231-269.
127759 Safeguarding the Environment? The Effectiveness of Amicus Curiae Submissions in Investor-State Arbitration/Wei-Chung Lin.- International Community Law Review. 2017; Vol.19, No.2-3: 270-301.
127760 Navigating the Legal Landscape between the General and the Specific: General Concepts as Tools of Legal Reasoning/Ulf Linderfalk.- International Community Law Review. 2017; Vol.19, No.2-3: 302-323.
127761 In the Search of an Appropriate Legal Framework to Prevent Environmental Risks Caused by Navigation in the Black Sea/Gabriela A. Oanta.- International Community Law Review. 2017; Vol.19, No.2-3: 194-230.
127762 Reforming the International Whaling Commission: Indigenous Peoples, the Canadian Problem and the Road Ahead/Niall Alexander Rand.- International Community Law Review. 2017; Vol.19, No.2-3: 324-361.
127763 Back to the Future? Confronting the Role(s) of Natural Resources in Armed Conflict Through the Lenses of Truth and Reconciliation Commissions/Eliana Cusato.- International Community Law Review. 2017; Vol.19, No.4-5: 373-400.
127764 The Kiev Civil Liability Protocol and the Interaction between Civil and Administrative Liability Regimes/Phani Dascalopoulou-Livada, Alexandros Kolliopoulos.- International Community Law Review. 2017; Vol.19, No.4-5: 518-550.
127765 icsid’s Neoliberal Approach to Environmental Regulation in Developing Countries: Lessons from Latin America/Antonius R. Hippolyte.- International Community Law Review. 2017; Vol.19, No.4-5: 401-442.
127766 Self-Determination, Human Rights, and the Nation-State: Revisiting Group Claims through a Complex Nexus in International Law/Gaetano Pentassuglia.- International Community Law Review. 2017; Vol.19, No.4-5: 443-484.
127767 Examination of the Assad Must Go Doctrine: Evaluation of Regime Legitimacy and De-Legitimisation from an International Law Perspective/Themistoklis Tzimas.- International Community Law Review. 2017; Vol.19, No.4-5: 485-517.
127768 Practice what you Preach? Limitations to Imposing Democratic Norms on ngos/Martine Beijerman.- International Community Law Review. 2018; Vol.20, No.1: 3-29.
127769 Regulating the Activities of Multinational Corporations in Nigeria: A Case for the African Union?/Eghosa Osa Ekhator.- International Community Law Review. 2018; Vol.20, No.1: 30-68.
127770 The Protection of Invaluable Natural Resources: Illustrating the Example of the Bialowieza Forest/Maciej Perkowski, Wojciech Zon.- International Community Law Review. 2018; Vol.20, No.1: 108-125.
127771 Protection of the Bialowieza Forest as a Challenge to Cross-border Cooperation/Maciej Perkowski, Wioleta Hryniewicka-Filipkowska, Izabela D browska.- International Community Law Review. 2018; Vol.20, No.1: 71-107.
127772 Editorial: Legal Issues of the Bia owie a Forest.- International Community Law Review. 2018; Vol.20, No.1: 69-70.
127773 How to Determine the Legal Character of an International Instrument: The Case of a Note Accompanying the Japan-India Nuclear Cooperation Agreement/Masahiko Asada.- International Community Law Review. 2018; Vol.20, No.2: 192-219.
127774 Concept of a Treaty in Decisions of International Courts and Tribunals/Malgosia Fitzmaurice.- International Community Law Review. 2018; Vol.20, No.2: 137-168.
127775 Benefits of a Legally Non-Binding Agreement: The Case of the 2013 US-Russian Agreement on the Elimination of Syrian Chemical Weapons/Mika Hayashi.- International Community Law Review. 2018; Vol.20, No.2: 252-277.
127776 Defining the Boundaries of Legally Binding Treaties-Some Aspects of Japan’s Practice in Treaty-Making in Light of State Practice/Yusuke Nakanishi.- International Community Law Review. 2018; Vol.20, No.2: 169-191.
127777 The Japan-South Korea Comfort Women Agreement: Unfortunate Fate of a Non-Legally Binding Agreement/Dai Tamada.- International Community Law Review. 2018; Vol.20, No.2: 220-251.
127778 EU Trade Agreements and Human Rights: From Extraterritorial to Territorial Obligations/Cedric Ryngaert.- International Community Law Review. 2018; Vol.20, No.3-4: 374-393.
127779 Home, Sweet Home: Managing Returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters in Germany, The United Kingdom and Australia/Kerstin Braun.- International Community Law Review. 2018; Vol.20, No.3-4: 311-346.
127780 The Application of the Pilot Judgment Procedure and Other Forms of Handling Large-Scale Dysfunctions in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights/Jakub Czepek.- International Community Law Review. 2018; Vol.20, No.3-4: 347-373.
127781 Terrorist or Armed Opposition Group Fighter? The Experience of UK Courts and the Implications for Public International Law/Alexander Murray.- International Community Law Review. 2018; Vol.20, No.3-4: 281-310.
127782 Regulated Legalization of Cannabis through Positive Human Rights Obligations and Inter se Treaty Modification/Piet Hein van Kempen, Masha Fedorova.- International Community Law Review. 2018; Vol.20, No.5: 493-526.
127783 Cannabis Reform, Medical and Scientific Purposes and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties/Rick Lines, Damon Barrett.- International Community Law Review. 2018; Vol.20, No.5: 437-455.
127784 The Evolution and Modernisation of Treaty Regimes/David R. Bewley-Taylor, Malgosia Fitzmaurice.- International Community Law Review. 2018; Vol.20, No.5: 403-435.
127785 The Role of International Investment Law in the Business and Human Rights Legal Process/Ludovica Chiussi.- International Community Law Review. 2019; Vol.21, No.1: 35-55.
127786 Principled Noncompliance/Heather J Haase.- International Community Law Review. 2019; Vol.21, No.1: 93-119.
127787 The United Nation’s Capability to Manage Existential Risks with a Focus on Artificial Intelligence/Reinmar Nindler.- International Community Law Review. 2019; Vol.21, No.1: 5-34.
127788 The Exceptio Non Adimpleti Contractus in Public International Law/Maria Xiouri.- International Community Law Review. 2019; Vol.21, No.1: 56-92.
127789 The Narrow Protection of Cultural Properties and Historical Monuments in The Rome Statute: Filling the Gap/Gloria Fernandez Arribas.- International Community Law Review. 2019; Vol.21, No.2: 129-145.
127790 A Study of the Issue of Relevant Rules of International Law for the Purposes of Interpretation of Treaties under Article 31(3)(c) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties/Sumith Suresh Bhat.- International Community Law Review. 2019; Vol.21, No.2: 190-219.
127791 Some Thoughts on Centring Pan-African Epistemic in the Teaching of Public International Law in African Universities/Babatunde Fagbayibo.- International Community Law Review. 2019; Vol.21, No.2: 171-189.
127792 Interpretation of the Meaning of Direct Effect in the Revised Treaty of Basseterre/Zachary Allen Roy Phillips.- International Community Law Review. 2019; Vol.21, No.2: 147-169.
127793 The Four Lives of Customary International Law/Jean dAspremont.- International Community Law Review. 2019; Vol.21, No.3-4: 229-256.
127794 A Glass Half Full?/Fernando Lusa Bordin.- International Community Law Review. 2019; Vol.21, No.3-4: 283-306.
127795 Changing Customary Law/Agata Kleczkowska.- International Community Law Review. 2019; Vol.21, No.3-4: 369-389.
127796 Reflections on Custom Critique and on Functional Equivalents in the Work of Jean d’Aspremont/Matthias Lippold.- International Community Law Review. 2019; Vol.21, No.3-4: 258-282.
127797 Treaty Bodies/Kasey McCall-Smith.- International Community Law Review. 2019; Vol.21, No.3-4: 344-368.
127798 New Kids on the Block/Magdalena Pacholska.- International Community Law Review. 2019; Vol.21, No.3-4: 325-343.
127799 Customary International Law and the General Principles of Law Recognized by Civilized Nations/Michael Wood.- International Community Law Review. 2019; Vol.21, No.3-4: 307-324.
127800 Judicial Dialogue in Human Rights Introductory Remarks/Elzbieta Karska, Karol Karski.- International Community Law Review. 2019; Vol.21, No.5: 391-399.
127801 Judicial Dialogue between the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Field of Legal Liability for Posting Hyperlinks/Bart omiej Oreziak.- International Community Law Review. 2019; Vol.21, No.5: 432-443.
127802 Entitlement of Legal Entities to Hold Rights under the Inter-American Human Rights Protection System/Lukasz Dawid Dabrowski.- International Community Law Review. 2019; Vol.21, No.5: 449-462.
127803 Judicial Dialogue in the Human Rights Domain Thoughts and Selected Dilemmas/Bozena Gronowska.- International Community Law Review. 2019; Vol.21, No.5: 400-408.
127804 Between Informal Dialogue and Official Criticism/Anna Podolska.- International Community Law Review. 2019; Vol.21, No.5: 409-420.
127805 Judicial Dialogue after the Genocide in Rwanda/Katarzyna Trzpis-Szysz.- International Community Law Review. 2019; Vol.21, No.5: 421-431.
127806 Peoples Right to Self-Determination The Case of the Chagos Archipelago/Paul Weismann.- International Community Law Review. 2019; Vol.21, No.5: 465-479.
127807 Introductory Note to the Special Issue of ICLR on the Outcome of the ILC Work on Subsequent Agreements and Subsequent Practice in Relation to the Interpretation of Treaties/Georg Nolte.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.1: 5-13.
127808 The Legal Significance of Expert Treaty Bodies Pronouncements for the Purpose of the Interpretation of Treaties/Danae Azaria.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.1: 34-60.
127809 The Japan-South Korea Claims Agreement: Identification of Subsequent Agreement and Practice/Dai Tamada.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.1: 108-136.
127810 Non-Proliferation Treaty and Nuclear Disarmament/Mika Hayashi.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.1: 84-106.
127811 Possible Limitations to the Role of Subsequent Agreements and Subsequent Practice Viewed from Some State Practices/Yukiya Hamamoto.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.1: 61-83.
127812 Subsequent Agreement and Subsequent Practice/Malgosia Fitzmaurice.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.1: 15-32.
127813 The Chilling Effect of Indirect Expropriation Clauses on Host States Public Policies: a Call for a Legislative Response/Maryam Malakotipour.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.2: 236-270.
127814 TWAIL: a Paradox within a Paradox/Mohsen al Attar.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.2: 163-196.
127815 The Emperor’s New Clothes What If No Jus Cogens Claim Can Be Justified?/Ulf Linderfalk.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.2: 140-162.
127816 The Activation of the International Criminal Court’s Jurisdiction over the Crime of Aggression: International Institutional Law and Dispute Settlement Perspectives/Meagan S. Wong.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.2: 198-234.
127817 From Covenant to Charter: A Legacy Squandered?/Nigel D. White.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.3-4: 311-330.
127818 Independent, Compulsory, and Centralized Verification of States Obligations in Fisheries: Can the IMO Audit Scheme for Shipping Law Be Used as an Example to Follow?/Solene Guggisberg.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.3-4: 514-531.
127819 Negotiation and Dispute Prevention in Global Cooperative Institutions: International Community Interests, IUU Fishing, and the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction Negotiation/Cymie R. Payne.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.3-4: 429-438.
127820 Not Like the Others? The Position of Associated States and Dependent Territories in Fishing Disputes/Marco Benatar.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.3-4: 472-486.
127821 The League of Nations and the International Law of State Responsibility/Antal Berkes.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.3-4: 331-362.
127822 Why Are Some Flag States Unable or Unwilling to Address IUU Fishing?/Eve de Coning.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.3-4: 487-512.
127823 IUU Fishing as a Disputed Concept and Its Application to Vulnerable Groups: A Case Study on Arctic Fisheries/Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Mercedes Rosello.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.3-4: 411-427.
127824 International Co-operation as a Key Tool to Prevent IUU Fishing and Disputes over It/Barbara Hutniczak, Frank Meere.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.3-4: 439-448.
127825 AU AIM Strategy and the Fragmentation of IUU Fishing Regulations in Africa: the Case of West Africa/Ambassador Namira Negm.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.3-4: 449-454.
127826 Reflections on the Past, Present, and Future of IUU Fishing under International Law/Nilufer Oral.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.3-4: 369-376.
127827 The Snow Crab Dispute on the Continental Shelf of Svalbard: A Case-Study on Options for the Settlement of International Fisheries Access Disputes/Valentin J. Schatz.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.3-4: 456-470.
127828 Reflections on the Implications of Environmental Norms for Fishing: The Link between the Regulation of Fishing and the Protection of Marine Biological Diversity/Yoshifumi Tanaka.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.3-4: 389-409.
127829 Global Commons as an Emerging Arena of Contestation of Global Governance Structures and Norms/Matthieu Burnay.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.5: 534-553.
127830 China’s Policy and Rule-Making Activities on Outer Space: The Case of Preventing Arms Race from the Global Commons Perspective/Li Bin.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.5: 590-612.
127831 The Role of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in Monitoring Compliance with Judgments/Pablo Saavedra Alessandri.- International Community Law Review. 2020; Vol.22, No.5: 179-184.
127832 Cybersecurity and remote working: Croatia’s (non-)response to increased cyber threats/Alina Skiljic.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2020; Vol.1, No.1-2: 51-61.
127833 Contesting sovereignty in cyberspace/Alaa Assaf, Daniil Moshnikov.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2020; Vol.1, No.1-2: 115-124.
127834 Commentary on newly released measures for cyber security review of China/Jihong Chen, Jiawei Wu, Yang Liu.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2020; Vol.1, No.1-2: 87-91.
127835 Regulation of Internet-of-Things cybersecurity in Europe and Germany as exemplified by devices for children/Stefan Hessel, Andreas Rebmann.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2020; Vol.1, No.1-2: 27-37.
127836 Regulation and deregulation: understanding the evolution of the Chinese cryptography legal regime from the newly released Cryptography Law of China/Jihong Chen.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2020; Vol.1, No.1-2: 73-86.
127837 The institutional logic of security assessment of cross-border data transfers in China: context and progress/Yanqing Hong.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2020; Vol.1, No.1-2: 93-102.
127838 Data security management and data protection for video conferencing software/Nicolas John, Maximilian Wellmann.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2020; Vol.1, No.1-2: 39-50.
127839 The EU Cybersecurity Act and European standards: an introduction to the role of European standardization/Constant Kohler.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2020; Vol.1, No.1-2: 7-12.
127840 Global disinformation campaigns and legal challenges/Tomoko Nagasako.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2020; Vol.1, No.1-2: 125-136.
127841 The Budapest Convention and the General Data Protection Regulation: acting in concert to curb cybercrime?/David Wicki-Birchler.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2020; Vol.1, No.1-2: 63-72.
127842 Cybersecurity in outsourcing and cloud computing: a growing challenge for contract drafting/David Bomhard, Andreas Daum.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2021; Vol.2, No.1: 161-171.
127843 Covid-19: a catalyst for cybercrime?/Mohamed Bou Sleiman, Simon Gerdemann.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2021; Vol.2, No.1: 37-45.
127844 The global governance on automated facial recognition (AFR): ethical and legal opportunities and privacy challenges/Qingxiu Bu.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2021; Vol.2, No.1: 113-145.
127845 Covid-19: a catalyst for cybercrime?/Mohamed Bou Sleiman, Simon Gerdemann.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2021; Vol.2, No.1: 37-45.
127846 Legal challenges of an open web index/Kai Erenli, Christian Geminn, Leon Pfeiffer.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2021; Vol.2, No.1: 183-194.
127847 Cybersecurity in Russia/Olga Chislova, Marina Sokolova.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2021; Vol.2, No.2: 245-251.
127848 Proposal for a NIS directive 2.0: companies covered by the extended scope of application and their obligations/Thomas Sievers.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2021; Vol.2, No.2: 223-231.
127849 Portscans im Lichte des Rechts: eine straf- und zivilrechtliche Analyse/Ferdinand Grieger.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2021; Vol.2, No.2: 297-316.
127850 The fundamental right of confidentiality and integrity of IT systems in Germany: a call for IT Privacy right in Brazil?/Cec‎کlia Alberton Coutinho Silva.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2021; Vol.2, No.2: 253-269.
127851 Die Strafbarkeit des Betreibens krimineller Handelsplattformen im Internet-Der neue/Mark A. Zoller.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2021; Vol.2, No.2: 279-296.
127852 Open source intelligence Introduction, legal, and ethical considerations/Isabelle Bohm, Samuel Lolagar.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2021; Vol.2, No.2: 317-337.
127853 European Cybersecurity Certification Schemes and cybersecurity in the EU internal market/Donald David Stewart Ferguson.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2022; Vol.3, No.1: 51-114.
127854 Cyber governance studies in ensuring cybersecurity: an overview of cybersecurity governance/Serkan Savas, Suleyman Karatas.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2022; Vol.3, No.1: 7-34.
127855 Cybersicherheit von Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstellen/Mario Martini, Carolin Kemper.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2022; Vol.3, No.1: 191-243.
127856 Artificial intelligence as a challenge for the law: the example of Doctor Algorithm/Benedikt Buchner.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2022; Vol.3, No.1: 181-190.
127857 Analysis of the cybersecurity ecosystem in the European Union/Zsolt Bederna, Zoltan Rajnai.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2022; Vol.3, No.1: 35-49.
127858 Cybersicherheit in Krankenh‎عusern-Teil 1: IT-Compliance als Leitungsaufgabe/Diana Nadeborn, Tilmann Dittrich.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2022; Vol.3, No.1: 147-161.
127859 Potential security and privacy issues in zero UI touchless technology/Muhammad Zahid Iqbal, Abraham G. Campbell.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2022; Vol.3, No.1: 131-137.
127860 Cybersecurity of medical devices: new challenges arising from the AI Act and NIS 2 Directive proposals/Elisabetta Biasin, Erik Kamenjasevi.- International Cybersecurity Law Review. 2022; Vol.3, No.1: 163-180.
127861 Responsibility to Protect (R2P) in Libya: Ghosts of the Past Haunting the Future/Elizabeth OShea.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2012; Vol.1, No.1: 137-190.
127862 Developments in the Inter-American Human Rights System 2011-12: Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Domestic Violence/Olufemi Amao.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2012; Vol.1, No.1: 147-158.
127863 Germany v Italy: The Triumph of Sovereign Immunity over Human Rights Law/Onder Bakircioglu.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2012; Vol.1, No.1: 93-109.
127864 Wealth and Growth-based Policies Augment Global Poverty and Erode Human Rights: A Return to Human-Centred Thinking/Ilias Bantekas.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2012; Vol.1, No.1: 30-53.
127865 Recent Developments in the African Human Rights System/Gina Bekker.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2012; Vol.1, No.1: 158-172.
127866 Tracking Down the Missing Financial Link in Transitional Justice/Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2012; Vol.1, No.1: 54-92.
127867 Africanising Human Rights in the 21st Century: Gay Rights, African Values and the Dilemma of the African legislator/Solomon T. Ebobrah.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2012; Vol.1, No.1: 110-136.
127868 The Continuum of Violence against Women and the Challenges of Effective Redress/Rashida Manjoo.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2012; Vol.1, No.1: 1-29.
127869 Recent Developments Prosecutor v Thomas Lubanga Dyilo: The First Judgment of the International Criminal Court’s Trial Chamber/Triestino Mariniello.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2012; Vol.1, No.1: 137-147.
127870 Human Rights Protection the ASEAN Way: Non-Intervention and the Newest Regional Human Rights System/Daniel Aguirre, Irene Pietropaoli.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2012; Vol.1, No.2: 276-311.
127871 Can the Economic Community of West African States Community Court of Justice Enforce the African Charter Replicas of the Non-Justiciable Chapter II Human Rights Provisions of the Nigerian Constitution against Nigeria?/Amos O. Enabulele, Anthony Osaro Ewere.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2012; Vol.1, No.2: 312-337.
127872 Recent Developments Human Rights, Positive Obligations and Domestic Violence: Kalucza v Hungary in the European Court of Human Rights/Patricia Londono.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2012; Vol.1, No.2: 339-348.
127873 A Contextual Analysis of the Council of Europe’s Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women/Ronagh McQuigg.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2012; Vol.1, No.2: 367-381.
127874 Feminism, Postcolonial Legal Theory and Transitional Justice: A Critique of Current Trends/Khanyisela Moyo.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2012; Vol.1, No.2: 237-275.
127875 Issues to grapple with in implementing the Ugandan Prohibition and Prevention of Torture Act/Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2012; Vol.1, No.2: 382-394.
127876 Contours of an Indigenous Peoples Right to Water in Latin America under International Law/Marco Parriciatu, Francesco Sindico.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2012; Vol.1, No.2: 211-236.
127877 orgotten Crime Victims: The Need for a Comprehensive and Focused Reform Effort in Response to Domestic Violence in American Indian Communities/Patrick J. Reinikainen.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2012; Vol.1, No.2: 349-366.
127878 Indigent’s Right to State Funded Legal Aid in Ethiopia/Hussein Ahmed Tura.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2013; Vol.2, No.1: 129-150.
127879 Outsourcing Law Reform in Developing Countries to Private Contractors: A Human Rights Perspective/Ilias Bantekas, Christos Kypraios, Kebreab Isaac.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2013; Vol.2, No.1: 1-16.
127880 Recent Developments The Admissibility of Evidence Obtained in a Manner that Violates Human Rights under the 2010 Kenyan Constitution: How Courts Could Interpret Article 50(4)?/Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2013; Vol.2, No.1: 151-169.
127881 Enforced Disappearance and Relativesa Rights before the Inter-American and European Human Rights Courts/Alexander Murray.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2013; Vol.2, No.1: 57-81.
127882 The Right to Freedom of Expression, Press and Culture in South Africa: A Survey of Recent Developments/Lufuno Nevondwe, Motlhatlego Matotoka.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2013; Vol.2, No.1: 170-185.
127883 Direct Access to the African Court on Human and Peoples Rights by Individuals and Non Governmental Organisations: An Overview of the Emerging Jurisprudence of the African Court/Manisuli Ssenyonjo.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2013; Vol.2, No.1: 17-56.
127884 The Gloves Came Off: Torture and the United States after September/Parisa Zangeneh.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2013; Vol.2, No.1: 82-119.
127885 An Appraisal of Diplomatic Assurances One Year after Othman (Abu Qatada) v United Kingdom (2012)/Mariagiulia Giuffre.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2013; Vol.2, No.2: 266-293.
127886 The Potential and Promise of Communications Procedures under the Third Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child/Trevor Buck, Michael Wabwile.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2013; Vol.2, No.2: 205-239.
127887 Neutering the SADC Tribunal by Blocking Individuals Access to the Tribunal/Obonye Jonas.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2013; Vol.2, No.2: 294-321.
127888 State Responsibility to act with Due Diligence in the Elimination of Violence against Women/Rashida Manjoo.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2013; Vol.2, No.2: 240-265.
127889 International Criminal Court: Selected Developments in 2012/Triestino Mariniello.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2013; Vol.2, No.2: 344-366.
127890 Unilateral Military Action in the Syrian Arab Republic: A Right to Humanitarian Intervention or a Crime of Aggression?/Manisuli Ssenyonjo.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2013; Vol.2, No.2: 323-343.
127891 Justiciability of the Right to Health in South Africa and Switzerland through the Lens of its Normative Components/Jennifer Hasselgard-Rowe, Emmanuel Kabengele Mpinga.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2014; Vol.3, No.1: 1-28.
127892 The International Criminal Court and the Nigerian Crisis/Mohamed Elewa Badar, ElSayed M. A. Amin,  Noelle Higgins.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2014; Vol.3, No.1: 29-60.
127893 The Emergence of an International Law of Sovereign Debt and Insolvency/Ilias Bantekas.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2014; Vol.3, No.1: 159-177.
127894 Protecting Human Rights as Public Morals under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (gatt) 1994/Ife Ogbonna.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2014; Vol.3, No.1: 97-121.
127895 International Criminal Court Selected Developments in 2013/Triestino Mariniello.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2014; Vol.3, No.1: 122-145.
127896 The European Convention on Human Rights Act 2003-Ten Years On/Ronagh JA McQuigg.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2014; Vol.3, No.1: 61-69.
127897 South Africa’s Exercise of Universal Jurisdiction/Saidat Nakitto.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2014; Vol.3, No.1: 149-158.
127898 The European Court of Human Rights Case Law and Its Impact on Parliamentary Removal of a Judge in Malta/Kevin Aquilina.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2014; Vol.3, No.2: 248-275.
127899 The European Court of Human Rights and Access to Information/Florian Lehne, Paul Weismann.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2014; Vol.3, No.2: 303-315.
127900 The asean Human Rights Declaration/Gino J. Naldi, Konstantinos D. Magliveras.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2014; Vol.3, No.2: 183-208.
127901 Intellectual-Human Rights Defenders and Claims for Academic Freedom under Human Rights Law/Robert Quinn, Jesse Levine.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2014; Vol.3, No.2: 209-247.
127902 S.A.S v France Supporting Living Together or Forced Assimilation?/Hakeem Yusuf.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2014; Vol.3, No.2: 277-302.
127903 Trafficking and Slavery The Emerging European Legal Framework on Trafficking in Human BeingsCase-law of the European Court of Human Rights in perspective/Tenia Kyriazi.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2015; Vol.4, No.1: 33-52.
127904 What’s in a Name? Victim Naming and Blaming in Rights-Based Distinctions between Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling/Marika McAdam.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2015; Vol.4, No.1: 1-32.
127905 The Right to a Fair Trial in Criminal Proceedings and the United Kingdom Courts Recognition of Foreign Convictions from non-eu Member States/Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2015; Vol.4, No.1: 81-103.
127906 Restricted Access Rights against Torture in Nepal Commitment and Reality/Hemang Sharma.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2015; Vol.4, No.1: 104-136.
127907 Broadening International Criminal Jurisdiction? The Rome Statute Interests of Justice Clause as a Prosecutorial Platform/Solon Solomon.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2015; Vol.4, No.1: 53-80.
127908 Not Taking Rights Seriously. Opting for the Primacy of eu Law over Broader Human Rights Protection/Fisnik Korenica, Dren Doli.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2015; Vol.4, No.2: 277-302.
127909 Reclaiming the Radical in Universal Human Rights Universality as Universalisation/Kathryn McNeilly.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2015; Vol.4, No.2: 256-276.
127910 The Right to Institute a Private Prosecution A Comparative Analysis/Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2015; Vol.4, No.2: 222-255.
127911 Re-Conceptualizing the Right to Seek and Obtain Asylum in International Law The Role of Regional Human Rights Systems/Salvatore Fabio Nicolosi.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2015; Vol.4, No.2: 303-332.
127912 With the Stroke of a Pen: Legal Standards for Adding Names to Government Kill Lists/Alexandre Andrade Sampaio, Luis Renato Vedovato.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2015; Vol.4, No.2: 194-221.
127913 The Development of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights under the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights by the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights/Manisuli Ssenyonjo.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2015; Vol.4, No.2: 147-193.
127914 Migrants Cultural Rights at the Confluence of International Human Rights Law and International Cultural Heritage Law/Alessandro Chechi.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2016; Vol.5, No.1: 26-59.
127915 Protecting the Home and Adequate Housing Living in a Caravan or Trailer as a Human Right/Yvonne Donders.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2016; Vol.5, No.1: 1-25.
127916 Indigenous Peoples Land Rights in the Bolivian Lowlands Ways to Mitigate Inequalities in Resource-Related Issues/Jessika Eichler.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2016; Vol.5, No.1: 119-145.
127917 The Right to a Fair Trial and Judicial Economy at the International Criminal Court/Patricia Hobbs.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2016; Vol.5, No.1: 86-118.
127918 Is it Already Too Late for Colombia’s Land Restitution Process? The Impact of International Investment Law on Transitional Justice Initiatives/Tara L. Van Ho.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2016; Vol.5, No.1: 60-85.
127919 Education as Rehabilitation for Human Rights Violations/Roger Duthie, Clara Ramirez-Barat.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2016; Vol.5, No.2: 241-273.
127920 Memory, Cultural Heritage and Community Rights Church Bells in Eastern Europe and the Balkans/Andrzej Jakubowski, Francesca Fiorentini, Ewa Manikowska.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2016; Vol.5, No.2: 274-306.
127921 Reflections on Rehabilitation as a Form of Reparation in Chile after Pinochet’s Dictatorship/Elizabeth Lira.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2016; Vol.5, No.2: 194-216.
127922 Rehabilitation and the Right to Health in Times of Transition/Judith Bueno de Mesquita, Gen Sander, Paul Hunt.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2016; Vol.5, No.2: 169-193.
127923 Rehabilitation for the Jewish Victims of the Holocaust/Clemens N. Nathan.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2016; Vol.5, No.2: 217-240.
127924 Restitution Judges: A Starting Point for an Agrarian Jurisdiction as a Guarantee of Non-repetition in Colombia/Rocio del Pilar Peia-Huertas, Luis Enrique Ruiz-Gonzalez, Ricardo alvarez-Morales, Maria Monica Parada-Hernandez.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2017; Vol.6, No.1: 86-108.
127925 National Human Rights Institutions and Their Sub-National Counterparts The Question of Decentralisation/Andrew Wolman.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2017; Vol.6, No.1: 1-29.
127926 Arts, Censorship and the Greek Law Blasphemy versus Hate Speech/Eleni Polymenopoulou.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2017; Vol.6, No.1: 109-132.
127927 Securing the Future of the European Court of Human Rights in the Face of uk Opposition Political Compromise and Restricted Rights/Kimberley Brayson.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2017; Vol.6, No.1: 53-85.
127928 Completing the Institutional Mechanism of the Arab Human Rights System The Arab Court of Human Rights/Konstantinos D Magliveras.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2017; Vol.6, No.1: 30-52.
127929 Drone Deaths Violate Human Rights: The Applicability of the iccpr to Civilian Deaths Caused by Drones/Jessica Lynn Corsi.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2017; Vol.6, No.2: 205-241.
127930 General Recommendation No. 35 on Gender-Based Violence against Women, Updating General Recommendation No. 19.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2017; Vol.6, No.2: 279-305.
127931 How Conditional Amnesties Can Assist Transitional Societies in Delivering on the Right to the Truth/Jeremy Julian Sarkin.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2017; Vol.6, No.2: 143-175.
127932 The cedaw Committee and Gender-Based Violence against Women General Recommendation No. 35/Ronagh J.A. McQuigg.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2017; Vol.6, No.2: 263-278.
127933 Utopian Concept, Mixed Structure, Digital Extent and New Claims How to Take Seriously the Right to (Artistic) Culture?/Anna Mlynarska-Sobaczewska.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2017; Vol.6, No.2: 176-204.
127934 The Legal Status of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007) in Contemporary International Human Rights Law/Sylvanus Gbendazhi Barnabas.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2017; Vol.6, No.2: 242-261.
127935 Responding to Human Rights Violations in Africa Assessing the Role of the African Commission and Court on Human and Peoples Rights (1987-2018)/Manisuli Ssenyonjo.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2018; Vol.7, No.1: 1-42.
127936 General Comment 6 (2018) on Equality and Non-discrimination Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2018; Vol.7, No.1: 131-161.
127937 The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and International Human Rights Law/Francesco Seatzu.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2018; Vol.7, No.1: 82-102.
127938 Systemic and Structural Factors Relating to Quality and Equality of Human Rights Implementation in Federal States/Judith Wyttenbach.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2018; Vol.7, No.1: 43-81.
127939 Recognition, Transformation and Collective Restitution Justice for Afro-descendant Communities in Post-conflict Colombia/Manny Zhang.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2018; Vol.7, No.1: 103-130.
127940 Building National and Regional Accountability for Conflict Related Sexual Violence/Kirsten Campbell.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2018; Vol.7, No.2: 201-224.
127941 Indigenous Persons with Disabilities and the Convention on the Rights of Personswith Disabilities An Identity without a Home?/Paul Harpur, Michael Ashley Stein.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2018; Vol.7, No.2: 165-200.
127942 Article 46C of the Malabo Protocol: A Contextually Tailored Approach to Corporate Criminal Liability and Its Contours/Taygeti Michalakea.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2018; Vol.7, No.2: 225-248.
127943 Strengthening the Preventive Role of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture in Africa/Isobel Renzulli.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2018; Vol.7, No.2: 249-273.
127944 Conceptualizing Universal Design for the Information Society through a Universal Human Rights Lens/G. Anthony Giannoumis, Michael Ashley Stein.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2019; Vol.8, No.1: 38-66.
127945 Analysing Benefit Sharing Scheme as Compensation for Damages Caused by Resource Extraction in Indigenous Territory/Maria Augusta Leon Moreta.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2019; Vol.8, No.1: 89-116.
127946 Jurisprudence of Tolerance: Hate Speech, Article 17 and Theory of Democracy in the European Convention on Human Rights/Majid Nikouei, Masoud Zamani.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2019; Vol.8, No.1: 67-88.
127947 Combating Transnational Organised Crime through International Human Rights Law/Tom Obokata.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2019; Vol.8, No.1: 1-37.
127948 Uncertain Certainty?: Making Sense of the European Court of Human Rights Standard of Proof/Christine Bicknell.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2019; Vol.8, No.2: 155-187.
127949 Reservations/Declarations under the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence/Ciaran Burke, Alexandra Molitorisova.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2019; Vol.8, No.2: 188-214.
127950 The Right to Compensation for Wrongful Conviction/Miscarriage of Justice in International Law/Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2019; Vol.8, No.2: 215-244.
127951 Racial Profiling in Immigration Control The Problem with the Northern Irish Border/Neil Graffin, Juan J. Garcia Blesa.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2019; Vol.8, No.2: 245-273.
127952 The EU and Extraterritorial Obligations Concerning Human Rights/Ana Manero Salvador.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2019; Vol.8, No.2: 275-285.
127953 Do Civil Liberties Really Matter During Pandemics? Approaches to Coronavirus Disease (covid-19)/Conrad Nyamutata.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2020; Vol.9, No.1: 62-98.
127954 Non-universal Human Rights? How Article 6 (2) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Undermines Human Rights/Billy Holmes.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2020; Vol.9, No.1: 99-117.
127955 Assessment into Feasibility of Ratifying the OP-icescr from the Context of Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Bangladesh/Md Al Ifran Hossain Mollah.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2020; Vol.9, No.1: 118-134.
127956 Reforming the International Criminal Court (icc) to Achieve Increased State Cooperation in Investigations and Prosecutions of International Crimes/Jeremy Sarkin.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2020; Vol.9, No.1: 27-61.
127957 The Interpretation of the American Convention on Human Rights through the Prism of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child A Reality, A Promise, A Possibility, or A Problem?/Francesco Seatzu.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2020; Vol.9, No.1: 1-26.
127958 The Protection of Non-nationals Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in un Human Rights Treaties/Claire Lougarre.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2020; Vol.9, No.2: 252-290.
127959 Non-refoulement Principle and Its Application to Refugees and Asylum Seekers Who Have Committed Offences in Africa/Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2020; Vol.9, No.2: 213-251.
127960 Arguing the Right to a Safe Climate under the UN Human Rights System/Ademola Oluborode Jegede.- International Human Rights Law Review. 2020; Vol.9, No.2: 184-212.
127961 A True Sense Of Independence: The Abolishment Of United Kingdom’s Influence Towards The Legal Affairs Of The Commonwealth Caribbean/Shantel A. McDonald.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.1: 133-153.
127962 Current National Security And Human Rights issues In The United Kingdom, Canada And Hong Kong/Daniel Alati.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.1: 92-103.
127963 Designing Trial Avoidance procedures For Post-Conflict, Civil Law Countries: Is German Absprachen An Appropriate Model For Efficient Criminal Justice In Afghanistan?/Nasiruddin Nezaami.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.1: 2-57.
127964 Espionage: A Comparative Analysis/Kristin A. Vara.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.1: 61-89.
127965 Sea Change: new Rulemaking Procedures At The international Labour Organization/Desiree LeClercq.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.1: 107-132.
127966 What Is An Emergency? The Legal Politics Of Defining The Un-Definable/Karin Loevy.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.1: 157-228.
127967 Lawyeringpeace: The Role Of Lawyers In Peacebuilding/Paul R. Williams, Christin Coster.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.1: 494-502.
127968 An Interim Essay On FIFA’s World Cup Of Corruption: The Desperate Need For International Corporate Governance Standards At FIFA/Bruce W. Bean.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.2: 367-392.
127969 Captivity And The Law: Hostages, Detainees, And Criminal Defendants In The Fight Against Terrorism/Adam R. Pearlman.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.2: 461-466.
127970 Emerging International Trends And Practices In Guardianship Law For People With Disabilities/Robert Doinerstein, Esme Grant Grewal, Jonathan Martinis.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.2: 436-460.
127971 Fact Finding And States In Emergency/Charles Garraway.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.2: 471-481.
127972 Large-Scale Dispute Resolution In Jurisdictions Without Judicial Class Actions: Learning From The Irish Experience/S.I. Strong.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.2: 341-366.
127973 Loss And Damage And The 21st Conference Of The Parties To The United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change/Wil Burns.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.2: 415-433.
127974 Saving Lives And Building Society: The European Migration Agenda/Catherine Tinker.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.2: 393-410.
127975 Securing Child Rights In Time Of Conflict/Diane Marie Amann.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.2: 484-492.
127976 Addressing Prison Overcrowding In Latin America: A Comparative Analysis Of The necessary Precursors To Reform/Cindy S. Woods.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.3: 534-560.
127977 Are Cubans Unjustly Favored Relative To Non-Cubans Immigrants? An Understanding Of the Communist Reality In Cuba And The Legitimacy Of the Cuban Adjustment Act/Leslie Perez Perez.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.3: 563-581.
127978 Asistencia Al Exterior Por Parte De Los Estados Unidos: mas Alla De Buenas Intenciones Y Hacia la Imputabilidad/James Filpi, Luke Murry.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.3: 585-596.
127979 Confrontando La Superpoblacion Carcelaria en America Latina: Analisis Comparativo De Los Precursores Necesarios Para Reformar/Cindy S. Woods.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.3: 618-646.
127980 La Validez Formal De Las Dispisciones Mortis Causa En El Reglamento 650/2012 (UE): Una Lectura Desde El Derecho Espanol/Dra. Lidia Arnau Raventos.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.3: 597-614.
127981 Son Los Inmigrantes Cubanos Injustamente Favorecidos En Comparacion Con Inmigrantes De Otras Nacionalidades? La Comprension De La realidad Comunista en Cuba Y La Legitimidad de La Ley De Ajuste Cubano/Leslie Perez Perez.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.3: 649-666.
127982 The Formal Validity Of The Mortis Causa Provisions In The Regulations 650/2012 (EU): An Article On Spanish Law/Lidia Arnau Raventos.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.3: 515-531.
127983 United States Foreign Assistance: Beyond Good Intentions And Toward Accountability/James Filpi, Luke Murry.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2016; Vol.22, No.3: 504-513.
127984 Enforcing international law in u.s. Courts: the law of the sea convention at play in kivalina/Esmeralda colombo.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.1: 106-143.
127985 Guilty until proven innocent: a comparative analysis of organized crime laws in the united states, italy, japan, and ecuador/Christina m. Strompf.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.1: 27-51.
127986 Isis’s crimes against humanity and the assyrian people: religious totalitarianism and the protection of fundamental human rights/Yuri mantilla.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.1: 76-103.
127987 Post-brexit: a continuum for state sovereignty  U.k.’s challenge to balance legitimacy, capital development and human needs/morad eghbal, k.c. Orourke.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.1: 1-24.
127988 The correlation between wiretapping and terrorism: a comparative analysis of american and european societal views on government surveillance/Lora a. Esau.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.1: 55-74.
127989 Above the law? Innovating legal Responses to build a more accountable U.n.: where is the u.n. Now?/Bruce rashkow.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.2: 345-370.
127990 Alternation Denied: Africa’s Presidential 30+Club/Tom syring.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.2: 317-335.
127991 An overview of justice in the former yugoslavia and reflections for accountability in syria/jennifer trahan.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.2: 305-315.
127992 Are latin american institutions Innovating? Results of a survey on transparency, diversity, And the use of technology/Dyala jimenez figueres.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.2: 289-298.
127993 Calling space traffic control an argument for careful consideration before Granting space traffic management authorities/Danielle miller.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.2: 280-287.
127994 Where are we today in the International fight against overseas Corruption: an historical perspective, And two problems going forward/Frederick t. Davis.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.2: 280-287.
127995 Caracteristicas principales de la ley Peruana de arbitraje/Cecilia oneill de la fuente, jose luis repetto deville.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.3: 521-536.
127996 El convenio fundamental no. 87 de la Organizacion internacional del Trabajo-libertad sindical en brasil y Los estados unidos/Jane k. Aparecido.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.3: 470-491.
127997 Extreme secularism vs. Religious radicalism: the case of the french burkini/Mohamed Abdelaal.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.3: 444-466.
127998 Main features of arbitration in peru/Cecilia oneill de la fuente, jose luis repetto deville.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.3: 425-441.
127999 Mass shootings and offenders motives: A comparison of the united states and Foreign nations/Vanessa terrades.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.3: 399-423.
128000 Secularismo extremo vs. Radicalismo Religioso: el caso del burkini frances/Mohamed abdelaal.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.3: 538-562.
128001 The fundamental convention no. 87 of The international labour organization-union’s freedom of association in Brazil and in the united states/Jane k. Aparecido.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.3: 376-396.
128002 Tiroteos masivos y los motivos de los Agresores: una comparacin de los Estados unidos y naciones extranjeras/Vanessa terrades.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2017; Vol.23, No.3: 493-519.
128003 A comparative analysis of the juvenile Death penalty in the united states, Saudi arabia, iran, and china: will it be Abolished?/Nicholas j. Meyer.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.1: 39-59.
128004 A comparative study of migrants Access to healthcare: similarities and Differences between england, germany, Italy, spain, canada, and the united States/Paula castaieda restrepo.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.1: 109-136.
128005 Decisions that declared laws Unconstitutional and their impact on Japanese families/Yuichiro tsuji.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.1: 139-176.
128006 From suppression to secession: kurds, Human rights and the right to selfdetermination In turkey/Rez gardi.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.1: 62-108.
128007 Public trials and trial broadcasting as Combating tools for judicial Corruption in afghanistan/Hijratullah ekhtyar.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.1: 2-37.
128008 Incitement and defamation in saudi Arabia: the case of human rights Lawyer waleed abu al-khair/Javier el-hage, celine assaf boustani.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.2: 370-396.
128009 Mr. Trump’s contribution to women’s human rights/Barbara stark.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.2: 317-341.
128010 Non-state actors as respondents before International judicial bodies/Peter tzeng.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.2: 398-416.
128011 Sequencing peace and justice in syria/Milena sterio.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.2: 345-358.
128012 The inconsequential choice-of-law Question posed by jesner v. Arab bank/Beth van schaack.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.2: 359-368.
128013 The peace vs. Justice puzzle and the Syrian crisis/Paul r. Williams, lisa k. Dicker, c. Danae paterson.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.2: 418-476.
128014 If anti-discrimination laws are on the Books, then why do women not sue? A Look into the almost absent gender Discrimination litigation in brazil/Cesar zucatti pritsch.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.3: 512-536.
128015 Juntas de revision periodica para la Detencion de la ley de guerra en Guantanamo: que sera lo siguiente?/Andrea harrison.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.3: 647-686.
128016 Periodic review boards for law-of-war Detention in guantanamo: what next?/Andrea harrison.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.3: 541-577.
128017 Reforma de la revision de sentencia: un Analisis comparativo del sistema de Justicia juvenil en los estados unidos, El reino unido, colombia y australia/Vianca i. Picart.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.3: 580-611.
128018 Re-sentencing reform: a comparative Analysis of the juvenile justice system In the united states, united kingdom, Colombia and australia/Vianca i. Picart.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.3: 477-507.
128019 Si hay leyes de antidiscriminacion por Que las mujeres no demandan justicia? Una Mirada al litigio de discriminacion de Genero casi ausente en brasil/Cesar zucatti pritsch.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2018; Vol.24, No.3: 616-643.
128020 A radiographic analysis of compliance With the decisions of the interamerican Court of human rights/Max silva abbott.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.3: 480-530.
128021 Caso uber, las implicaciones de la ley de Competencia en europa y america latina: Defensores de la vieja economia versus Promotores de la revolucion digital/Lavinia meliti.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.3: 627-661.
128022 Drones have arrived,with new Opportunities and challenges: a Comparative approach to regulations Governing the operations of unmanned Aerial vehicles in the united states/Jose m. Canaura.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.3: 403-440.
128023 Los drones han llegado, con nuevas Oportunidades y desafios: un enfoque Comparativo de las regulaciones que Rigen las operaciones de los vehiculos  Aereos no manejados/Jose M. Canaura.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.3: 585-623.
128024 Uber case, competition law Implications in europe and latin America: defenders of the old economy Versus advocates of the digital Revolution/Lavinia meliti.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.3: 446-476.
128025 Un analisis radiografico del Cumplimiento De las sentencias de la corte Interamericana De derechos humanos/Max silva abbott.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2020; Vol.26, No.3: 664-710.
128026 Covid-19 and its impact in the united States and european union: a tool to Circumvent refugee protection?/Marta crebelli.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.1: 27-52.
128027 The right to online education in Kuwait, revisited in light of covid-19/Fatemah albader, fotouh al-raqom.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.1: 1-22.
128028 Where there is a will, there is no way: Covid-19 and a case for the recognition Of e-wills in india and other common Law jurisdictions/Naman anand, dikshi arora.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.1: 78-92.
128029 Erga omnes partes before the International court of justice: from Standing to judgment on the merits/Nawi ukabiala, duncan pickard, alyssa yamamoto.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.1: 236-250.
128030 Inequality, covid-19, and human rights: Whose lives matter?/Barbara stark.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.2: 252-273.
128031 International energy law and the paris Agreement in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic: challenges and Possibilities/Carolina arlota.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.2: 275-291.
128032 The biden (energy) doctrine/Frederic gilles sourgens.- ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2021; Vol.27, No.2: 295-311.
128033 Corporate Governance, Trade, and Environment: India’s Constitutional Challenge: A Less Visible Climate Change Catastrophe/Deepa Badrinarayana.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2009; Vol.1, No.1: 212-225.
128034 Courts, Institutions, and Access to Justice Combating Financing of Terrorism Legislative Initiatives in India/A. Francis Julian.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2009; Vol.1, No.1: 79-96.
128035 Corporate Governance, Trade, and Environment: Regional Trading Agreements: Need for a Coherent Policy Framework for India’s Negotiating Strategy/R.V. Anuradha.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2009; Vol.1, No.1: 197-211.
128036 Equality, Social Exclusion, and Women’s Rights: Redressing Women’s Rights Violations Through the Judiciary/Avani Mehta Sood.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2009; Vol.1, No.1: 137-154.
128037 Equality, Social Exclusion, and Women’s Rights: Continuing the Colonial Tradition of Social Exclusion Through the Penal Measures in India/B.B. Pande.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2009; Vol.1, No.1: 125-135.
128038 Corporate Governance, Trade, and Environment: Corporate Governance in India: Past, Present and Future?/Vikram Aditya Khanna.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2009; Vol.1, No.1: 171-195.
128039 The Independence of the Judiciary Separation from the Executive/Mahendra P. Singh.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2009; Vol.1, No.1: 23-40.
128040 To the Listed Field The Myth of Litigious India/Marc Galanter.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2009; Vol.1, No.1: 65-77.
128041 Equality Beyond Reservation: The Case for an Equal Opportunity Commission/N.R. Madhava Menon.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2009; Vol.1, No.1: 115-124.
128042 Equality, Social Exclusion, and Women’s Rights Tension Between Equality and Affirmative Action: An Overview/Parmanand Singh.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2009; Vol.1, No.1: 97-113.
128043 Courts in a Democracy/Peter H. Schuck.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2009; Vol.1, No.1: 7-21.
128044 Legitimacy and Accountability in Global Regulatory Governance, Global Administrative Law and Developing Countries/Richard B. Stewart.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2009; Vol.1, No.1: 41-63.
128045 Equality, Social Exclusion, and Women’s Rights: The Law of Sexual Harassment in China/D.K. Srivastava, Minkang Gu.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2009; Vol.1, No.1: 155-170.
128046 Corporate Governance, Trade, and Environment: Dying to Dine: A Story of the Suicidal Indian Farmers/Srividhya Ragavan.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2009; Vol.1, No.1: 227-250.
128047 Equality, Social Exclusion, and Women’s Rights: Redressing Women’s Rights Violations Through the Judiciary/Avani Mehta Sood.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2009; Vol.1, No.1: 137-154.
128048 Foundations of Constitutionalism: The True Foundation of Judicial Review: A View from Nigeria/Ajepe Taiwo Shehu.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.2, No.1: 217-236.
128049 Legal Transplants: Western Legal Transplants and India/Jean-Louis Halperin.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.2, No.1: 13-40.
128050 Human Rights: How to Better Infuse Gender into the Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review Process?/Jeremy Sarkin.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.2, No.1: 175-193.
128051 Foundations of Constitutionalism: Justice for All: A Better Path to Global Firearms Control/David B. Kopel, Paul Gallant, Joanne D. Eisen.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.2, No.1: 203-216.
128052 Knowledge-Based Policing: India and the Global Revolution in Crime Prevention/Lawrence W. Sherman.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.2, No.1: 2-11.
128053 Foundations of Constitutionalism: A Lockean Defense of the Political Question Doctrine’s Application in War Powers Cases/Matthew Jordan Cochran.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.2, No.1: 237-254.
128054 Human Rights Law, Policy, and Implementation: The Responsibility to Protect Watershed or Old Wine in a New Bottle?/Stephen P. Marks, Nicholas Cooper.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.2, No.1: 87-131.
128055 Legal Transplants and Codification: Exploring the North American Sources of  the Civil Code of Argentina 1871/Agustin Parise.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.2, No.1: 41-86.
128056 Human Rights: Globalizing Labor Standards: The Developed Developing Divide/Supriyo Routh.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.2, No.1: 155-173.
128057 Human Rights Law, Policy, and Implementation TRIPS and Human Rights: The Case of India Subramanya/Subramanya Sirish Tamvada.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.2, No.1: 133-154.
128058 Refining the Methodology of Rights Based Monitoring: The Role of Human Rights Indicators/Y.S.R. Murthy.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.2, No.1: 195-201.
128059 A Review of China’s Anti-Monopoly Law/Gu Minkang, Chen Bing.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.2, No.2: 187-206.
128060 Charting Corporate and Financial Governance in Korea in the New Decade: World Bank and IMF Reports/Young Cheol, David K. Jeong.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.2, No.2: 99-125.
128061 Does Law Matter in Japan?: The Emerging Role of Law, Lawyers, and Legal Institutions in the Revitalization of Japan/Gerald Paul McAlinn.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.2, No.2: 15-36.
128062 Independent Directors and their Constraints in China and India/Umakanth Varottil.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.2, No.2: 127-155.
128063 Erasing the Non Judicial Narrative: Victim Testimonies at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal/Mahdev Mohan, Vani Sathisan.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.2, No.1: 37-54.
128064 Chinese Policies in Tibet: Should India Remain Concerned/Michael C. Davis.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.2, No.2: 79-98.
128065 The Changing Scope of Human Rights in the Context of Counter Terrorism in Singapore: A Comparative Perspective/Sarah Shi, Ronald Wong.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.2, No.2: 157-186.
128066 The Constitution of China:What Purpose Does it (Not) Serve?/Surya Deva.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2010-2011; Vol.2, No.2: 55-77.
128067 Public Health Priority: Hazards of Tobacco Consumption, Legal Response and the need for its effective implementation/Ajay Pandey.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2012; Vol.3, No.1: 61-86.
128068 India’s Land Title Crisis: The Unanswered Questions/Jonathan Zasloff.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2012; Vol.3, No.1: 117-146.
128069 Judicial Independence: Is it Threatened?/J.S. Verma.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2012; Vol.3, No.1: 105-116.
128070 Constitution as Fundamental Law: Preserving its Identity with Change/Mahendra Pal Singh.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2012; Vol.3, No.1: 21-38.
128071 Independence of Judiciary: In Search of Conceptual Clarity/P. Puneeth.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2012; Vol.3, No.1: 87-104.
128072 Constitutional Right to Access to Basic Amenities: Perspectives on Limits of Law in Social Empowerment/Parmanand Singh.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2012; Vol.3, No.1: 39-60.
128073 Faith in Law/Ratna Kapur.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2012; Vol.3, No.1: 1-20.
128074 Claiming Citizenship, Contesting Civility: The Institutional LGBT Movement and the Regulation of Gender or Sexual Dissidence in West Bengal, India/Aniruddha Dutta.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2013; Vol.4, No.1: 110-141.
128075 Disrupting the Dinner Table Re-thinking the Queer Movement in Contemporary India/Ashley Tellis.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2013; Vol.4, No.1: 142-156.
128076 Continental Drift Queer, Feminism, Postcolonial/Brenda Cossman.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2013; Vol.4, No.1: 17-73.
128077 Paradoxes of Visibility: Lesbian and Gay Parents in the Australian Print Media/Damein W. Riggs.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2013; Vol.4, No.1: 201-218.
128078 Contagion Politics Queer Rights Claims, Biopower and the Public Health Rationale for the Repeal of Sodomy Laws/Neil Cobb.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2013; Vol.4, No.1: 60-88.
128079 Multitasking Queer Reflections on the Possibilities of Homosexual Dissidence in Law/Ratna Kapur.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2013; Vol.4, No.1: 36-59.
128080 Resisting, Demanding, Negotiating and Being: The Role of Scandals in the Everyday Lives of Argentinean Travesties/Maria Soledad Cutuli.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2013; Vol.4, No.1: 219-237.
128081 Queer Politics in Spain: There is Life after Same Sex Marriage Legislation/Susana Lopez Penedo.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2013; Vol.4, No.1: 238-263.
128082 Unlearning Human Rights and False Grand Dichotomies: Indonesian Archipelagic Selves Beyond Sexual/Gender Universality/Vanja Hamzic.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2013; Vol.4, No.1: 171-200.
128083 Section 377 and the Myth of Heterosexuality/Zaid Al-Baset.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2013; Vol.4, No.1: 89-109.
128084 Post/Colonial Queer Globalisation and International Human Rights Images of LGBT Rights/Aeyal Gross.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2013; Vol.4, No.2: 98-130.
128085 In the Shadow of the Homoglobal: Queer Cosmopolitan in Tsai Ming Liang’s I Don’t Want to Sleep Alone/Ani Maitra.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2013; Vol.4, No.2: 239-267.
128086 Baring and Veiling: Sex, Politics and National Identity in Canadian Legal Discourse/Carolina Ruiz Austria.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2013; Vol.4, No.2: 315-359.
128087 Transnational Homo Assemblages Reading in Counter Terrorism Discourses/Dianne Otto.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2013; Vol.4, No.2: 79-97.
128088 Recognising Disability Cross Examining Social Inclusion through the Prism of Queer Anti Sociality/Fiona Kumari Campbell.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2013; Vol.4, No.2: 209-238.
128089 Homonationalism as Assemblage Viral Travels, Affective Sexualities/Jasbir K. Puar.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2013; Vol.4, No.2: 23-43.
128090 Beyond Hate: Queer Metonymies of Crime, Pathology and Anti-Violence/Jin Haritaworn.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2013; Vol.4, No.2: 44-78.
128091 Slim Disease and the Science of Silence: The Invisibilisation of same sex sexuality in African AIDS Discourse, 1983-2006/Marc Epprecht.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2013; Vol.4, No.2: 174-208.
128092 The Men of Blanket Boy’s Moon Repugnancy Clauses, Customary Law and Migrant Labour Sex/Neville Hoad.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2013; Vol.4, No.2: 151-173.
128093 Queering Conceptual Boundaries: Assembling Indigenous, Marxist, Postcolonial and Queer Perspectives/Paulo Ravecca, Nishant Upadhyay.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2013; Vol.4, No.2: 360-382.
128094 Sexual Exiles or Citizens of the World? The Homoerotics of Travel/Ruth Vanita.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2013; Vol.4, No.2: 131-150.
128095 Polymorphous Reproductivity and the Critique of Futurity: Toward a Queer Legal Analytic for Fertility Law/Stu Marvel.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2013; Vol.4, No.2: 296-314.
128096 Kissing Cousins: Racisim, Homophobia and Compulsory Able Bodiedness in the Controvery over Inter-Cousin Marriage/Ummni Khan.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2013; Vol.4, No.2: 268-295.
128097 Sunset Reviews: Important Provisions made Irrelevant?/Abhijit Das, Meghana Sharafudeen.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2014; Vol.5, No.1: 79-108.
128098 Tax Policy and Economic Growth within the BRICS: A Case Study of Tax Structuring in the Face of India’s General Anti-Avoidance Rules/Charles D. Maddox.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2014; Vol.5, No.1: 59-78.
128099 Scan Globally, Reform Locally : The Horizontal Learning Method in Law and Development/David M. Trubek.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2014; Vol.5, No.1: 9-15.
128100 Regionalism and BRICS: Understanding BRICS Trade Policy Agenda in the Era of Growing Regional Trade Agreements/Geetanjali Sharma.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2014; Vol.5, No.1: 109-134.
128101 Everybody has a Car But Nobody Moves: Contradiction in Brazil’s Social Inclusion Via the Consumption Development Model/Jose Garcez Ghirardi.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2014; Vol.5, No.1: 17-32.
128102 FDI in Brazil: Some Considerations/Maria Lucia, L.M. Padua Lima.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2014; Vol.5, No.1: 33-58.
128103 Corporate Governance and Informal Institutions: Experiences of BRICS Economies/Yugank Goyal.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2014; Vol.5, No.1: 135-159.
128104 Comparative Environmental Constitutionalism/Erin Daly, James R. May.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2015; Vol.6, No.1: 6-9.
128105 The development of smart grid and the legal challenges in China/Haifeng Deng.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2015; Vol.6, No.1: 123-136.
128106 Sustainable development in EU law: Still a long way to go/Nicolas de Sadeleer.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2015; Vol.6, No.1: 39-60.
128107 The honeymoon is over: An assessment of judicial activism in environmental cases in Sri Lanka/Naazima Kamardeen.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2015; Vol.6, No.1: 73-91.
128108 Access and benefit sharing: Issues and experiences from India/Balakrishna Pisupati.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2015; Vol.6, No.1: 31-38.
128109 Regulating India’s blood-sport: An examination of the Indian Supreme Court’s decision in Animal Welfare Board of India v. A. Nagaraja/Geetanjali Sharma, Shivam Singh.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2015; Vol.6, No.1.
128110 Intermediaries as arbitrageurs: Revisiting the motivations behind overseas listing/Pratik Datta.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2015; Vol.6, No.2: 193-205.
128111 A review of financial reporting liability lawsuits in Singapore/Pelma Jacinth Rajapakse.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2015; Vol.6, No.2: 207-230.
128112 Banking reform in China/Wen Si.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2015; Vol.6, No.2: 179-209.
128113 Women’s right to unilateral no-fault based divorce in Pakistan and India/Muhammad Zubair Abbasi.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2016; Vol.7, No.1: 81-95.
128114 The market and the family, the sacred and the secular in modern comparative law/Veronica Corcodel.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2016; Vol.7, No.1: 9-29.
128115 To ban or not to ban: Lessons for India from America’s endeavour to proscribe polygamy/Sachin Dhawan.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2016; Vol.7, No.1: 31-47.
128116 Customary law of stateless nations: Some observations on the question of who can reform the Thesawalamai, the customary laws of the Tamils in Sri Lanka/Kumaravadival Guruparan.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2016; Vol.7, No.1: 49-59.
128117 Transformations in Sharia’h family law in the Republic of Maldives/Marlum Jabyn.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2016; Vol.7, No.1: 61-79.
128118 Righting Saria Mudgal v. Union of India and Others/Jhuma Sen.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2016; Vol.7, No.1: 97-112.
128119 Bilateral investment treaties: A developing history./Kanu Agarwal.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2016; Vol.7, No.2: 175-199.
128120 The shift towards an enterprise-based definition of investment: The quagmire of the Salini test and India’s model BIT/Bhagirath Ashiya.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2016; Vol.7, No.2: 263-277.
128121 The revolution of Indian model bilateral investment treaty: Escaping liability without mitigating risks/Azernoosh Bazrafkan.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2016; Vol.7, No.2: 245-261.
128122 Indian international investment agreements and non-investment concerns?: Time for a right(s) approach/Leila Choukroune.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2016; Vol.7, No.2: 157-174.
128123 The changing landscape of investor-state arbitration in India/Kabir Duggal.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2016; Vol.7, No.2: 127-134.
128124 Tussle for policy space in international investment norm setting: The search for a middle path?/Srikar Mysore, Aditya Vora.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2016; Vol.7, No.2: 135-156.
128125 General exceptions in the Indian model BIT: Is the necessity test workable?/Deepak Raju.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2016; Vol.7, No.2: 227-243.
128126 The role of China in the Arctic: Challenges and Opportunities for a sustainable development of the region/Giuseppe Amatulli.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2017; Vol.8, No.1: 103-110.
128127 Arctic policy of the North East Asian countries/Viatcheslav Gavrilov, Alexandra Kripakova.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2017; Vol.8, No.1: 1-18.
128128 Governing the Arctic: Is the Arctic council going global?/Kamrul Hossain, Marija  Mihejeva.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2017; Vol.8, No.1: 1-16.
128129 Walking the walk: Science diplomacy and identity-building in Asia-Arctic relations/Marc Lanteigne.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2017; Vol.8, No.1: 87-101.
128130 China’s emerging Arctic policy: What are the implications for Arctic governance?/Nengye Liu.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2017; Vol.8, No.1: 1-14.
128131 India and the Arctic: Revisionist aspirations, Arctic realities/P. Whitney Lackenbauer.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2017; Vol.8, No.1: 23-54.
128132 Anti-trust treatment of standard essential patent abuse: China’s experience and lessons/Jet Deng.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2017; Vol.8, No.2: 203-219.
128133 Substantial determination of FRAND licence terms and competition issues by UK High Court Unwired Planet International Ltd v. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd/Dipesh Jain.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2017; Vol.8, No.2: 231-240.
128134 Recent developments in Korean anti-trust cases concerning FRAND-encumbered standard essential patents/Jinyul Ju.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2017; Vol.8, No.1: 221-229.
128135 Extraterritorial application of US antitrust laws: Principles and responses/Donald E. Knebel.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2017; Vol.8, No.2: 181-202.
128136 Methodologies for calculating FRAND damages: An economic and comparative analysis of the case law from China, the European Union, India, and the United States/Anne Layne-Farrar, Korean W. Wong-Ervin.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2017; Vol.8, No.2: 127-160.
128137 Negotiating and litigating intellectual property: With and in accordance/Preston Moore.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2017; Vol.8, No.2: 161-180.
128138 Data exclusivity: A tool to sustain market monopoly/Srividhya Ragavan.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2017; Vol.8, No.2: 241-260.
128139 Anti-corruption strategies versus public services and good governance in Albania/Oriona Mucollari.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2018; Vol.9, No.1: 1-15.
128140 To bribe or not to bribe: Human rights issues that should factor into decision-making process/Alan Franklin.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2018; Vol.9: 1-20.
128141 Informal networks of corruption: Assessing the challenges for public sector whistleblowing in Nigeria/Olabisi D. Akinkugbe.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2018; Vol.9, No.1: 1-18.
128142 Asset recovery in the fight against corruption in Vietnam: Problems and perspective/Do Thu Huyen, Vu Cong Giao.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2018; Vol.9, No.1: 1-18.
128143 Why Russian anti-corruption policies fail? Examination of corruption in the civil service and the business community/Pavel A. Merkulov, Maria V. Shedij.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2018; Vol.9, No.1: 1-14.
128144 Exclusion and rehabilitation: How multilateral development banks addresses corrupt behaviour/Eugenia A. Pyntikova.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2018; Vol.9, No.1: 1-13.
128145 Everything under one roof: Canada’s evolving model of parliamentary ethics/Ian Stedman.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2018; Vol.9, No.1: 1-21.
128146 Control of public official’s assets and incomes in Vietnam/Giao Cong Wu.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2018; Vol.9, No.1: 1-18.
128147 Teaching Baxi and learning from him: the symbiotic relationship between learning and teaching/Amita Dhanda.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 1-19.
128148 The southern jurist as a teacher of laws: an interview with Upendra Baxi/Sundhya Pahuja, Adil Hasan Khan.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 1-23.
128149 Teacher provocateur: Hedonism and the humanities/Brinda Bose.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 1-7.
128150 Heard melodies are sweet but those unheard are sweeter: an unfinished response/Upendra Baxi.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 1-8.
128151 Voicing suffering and commitment of the intellectual/Sam Adelman,  Abdul Paliwala.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 1-11.
128152 Letters to Kaka: post-card-images of Upendra Baxi/Pratiksha Baxi, Viplav Baxi.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 1-17.
128153 A republic of petty bureaucrats: Upendra Baxi and the pathologies of civil service jurisprudence/Rohit De.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 1-16.
128154 Another story of the open letter: an inheritance of relationship-making/Debolina Dutta.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 1-21.
128155 For those who lost their Utopia but still rebel: taking up Upendra Baxi’s Bequixotements in times of crisis/Adil Hasan Khan.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 155-180.
128156 Reciprocal relations: formations of the office of legal scholar/Shaun McVeigh.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 231-238.
128157 Human rights and its future: some reflections/Saumya Uma, Arvind Narrain.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 299-305.
128158 Upendra Baxi: feminism, law, and the human/Shirin M. Rai.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 307-313.
128159 Fragments on reading and teaching Baxi: pedagogy, deconstruction, style/Arun Sagar.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 267-277.
128160 Professor of pathos: Upendra Baxi’s minor jurisprudence/Oishik Sircar.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 203-222.
128161 Food and Climate Change/Sahil Aggarwal.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2019; Vol.10, No.1: 121-127.
128162 According legal identity to natural resources: Approach towards environment protection/Akaant Mittal.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 7-18.
128163 An assessment of India’s energy transition: Paris and beyond/Bharath Jairaj, Parul Kumar.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 35-47.
128164 One world, one sun, one grid: A (modi)fication in India’s environment/Harsh Vardhan Bhati.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2019; Vol.10, No.1: 73-90.
128165 Climate consequences: If India sneezes/Anjali Jaiswal, Madhura Joshi, Sameer Kwatra.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2019; Vol.10, No.1: 19-34.
128166 The Global Pact for the Environment: A General instrument to face climate change/Domenico Amirante.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2019; Vol.10, No.1: 61-72.
128167 Adaptive governance in a changing climate situation: Exploring a practical approach to manage depleting water resources in Gurgaon, India/Chandni Bedi.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2019; Vol.10, No.1: 49-60.
128168 The namele mechanism: A Methodological tool to assist climate adaptation/Kristen Davies.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2019; Vol.10, No.1: 91-120.
128169 A new dawn: Rise of a new energy regime in India and the World/Siddharth Johar.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2019; Vol.10, No.1: 129-140.
128170 Caste, gender, power, and impunity: an interview with V. Geetha/Sameena Dalwai, Upasana Mahanta, Albeena Shakil.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 321-330.
128171 Interrogating international law and scholarship for the missing narratives on religious misogyny in South Asia/Sai Ramani Garimella, B. Parthiban.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 223-245.
128172 Unpacking sexual harassment of women in the context of the MeToo and the Pinjra Tod campaigns: feminist understandings/Sandhya Gawali.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 287-302.
128173 Asokan K.M. v. The Superintendent of Police & Ors. (2017) 2 KLJ 974. Shafin Jahan v. Asokan K.M. (2018) 16 SCC 368/Nehmat Kaur.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 331-336.
128174 From east to west, can feminist legal strategies be transformative? Post-disaster to everyday times of crisis/Jane Krishnadas.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 247-268.
128175 Independent Thought v. Union of India [2017] 10 SCC 800/Eysha Marysha.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 337-343.
128176 India and the United Nations Human Rights Council: Gender at a Crossroadsenvironment/Bhumika Nanda.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 269-285.
128177 The happy and anxious lives of (feminist) legal scholarship: an interview with Prabha Kotiswaran/Oishik Sircar.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 303-320.
128178 Position of women in police in India: policy gaps and the need for gender mainstreaming/Devyani Srivastava.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 157-171.
128179 Sexual harassment in academic spaces: a comparative analysis of legal processes in India and Pakistan/Sai Thakur, Shewli Kumar.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 173-196.
128180 South Asian feminist engagements with law: Some explorations in the context of violence against women/Saumya Uma.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 197-221.
128181 The migration and integration of the hate crime approach in India/Joanna Perry.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2020; Vol.11, No.1: 1-26.
128182 A tale of targeted violence in Hashimpura: the Delhi High Court on recognition, relations and responses/Vandita Khanna.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2020; Vol.11, No.1: 13-6.
128183 Afrazul’s murder: Law and love jihad/Ajita Sharma.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2020; Vol.11, No.1: 1-19.
128184 Fighting impunity in hate crime history, ethics, and the law: An interview with Harsh Mander/M Mohsin Alam Bhat.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2020; Vol.11, No.1: 1-21.
128185 The crime vanishes: Mob lynching, hate crime, and police discretion in India/M Mohsin Alam Bhat, Vidisha Bajaj, Sanjana Arvind Kumar.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2020; Vol.11, No.1: 1-5.
128186 Patience/Nikhil Roshan.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2020; Vol.11, No.1: 1-38.
128187 Proto-fascism and State impunity in Majoritarian India: An Interview with Teesta Setalvad/Oishik Sircar.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2020; Vol.11, No.1: 1-22.
128188 NR Madhava Menon: The guiding light for global clinical legal education/Frank S. Bloch.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 1-12.
128189 Clinic in the times of COVID19/Jeff Giddings.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 1-21.
128190 A tribute and a legacy: Clinical legal education and the bountiful harvest/Richard Grimes.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 1-7.
128191 Advancing justice interests and human rights of vulnerable groups through clinical legal education/Marium Jabyn.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 271-288.
128192 Transnational law as a framework for law clinics/Sital Kalantry, Rachael Hancock.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 251-270.
128193 CLR, rebellious lawyering, and justice education: A few lessons from Bangladesh/Mizanur Rahman.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 289-309.
128194 Access to justice and the need for a holistic approach to the delivery of legal aid services in developing countries: Lessons from South Africa/David McQuoid-Mason.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 309-337.
128195 Social justice jurisprudence of clinical education programme: A paradigm shift from legal education to justice education/Yubaraj Sangroula.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 339-364.
128196 Feminist lawyering, violence against women, and the politics of law reform in India: An interview with Flavia Agnes/Oishik Sircar.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 365-387.
128197 Pedagogy of CLE and CLE as pedagogy: An interview with Ved Kumari/Latika Vashist.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 389-407.
128198 The ambivalence of borders: Map art through the lens of North-East Indian artists/Achia Anzi.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2021; Vol.12, No.1: 117-137.
128199 On automatic loss of citizenship: Looking into the Alvin Teage Jalloh v Olubanke King-Akerele case through the lens of international law/Arafat Ibnul Bashar.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2021; Vol.12, No.1: 1-11.
128200 Exorcisms: Xenophobia, citizenship, and the spectre of Assamese nationalism/Dikshit Sarma Bhagabati.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2021; Vol.12, No.1: 1-33.
128201 Chilli powder and resistance: Mirch Masala, Shaheen Bagh, and the politics of space/Uttaran Das Gupta.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2021; Vol.12, No.1: 1-13.
128202 A relook at the principle of uti possidetis in the context of the Indo-Nepal border dispute/Aman Kumar.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2021; Vol.12, No.1: 1-21.
128203 Heteronormativity and hierarchy of relationships: The case of South Asian binational queer couples in Canada/Priya Mathur.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2021; Vol.12, No.1: 1-28.
128204 Fragile environment, fractured citizenship: Environmental displacement and the erosion of citizenship/Nabanita Samanta.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2021; Vol.12, No.1: 1-12.
128205 Experiencing the violence of law: Contextualising the NRC process in Assam/Anubhav Dutt Tiwari, Prashant Singh.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2021; Vol.12, No.1: 29-54.
128206 A walk on the rights side: EU citizenship reform based on international human rights law/Thibault Weigelt.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2021; Vol.12, No.1: 1-19.
128207 Kiran Gupta v The State Election Commission & Ors Letters Patent Appeal No. 139 of 2020 in Civil Writ Jurisdiction Case no. 19109 of 2019, Patna HC/Aashish Yadav.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2021; Vol.12, No.1: 1-10.
128208 The border as a space of resistance in the film 5 Broken Cameras/Hannah Zalis-Anzi.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2021; Vol.12, No.1: 1-17.
128209 Tales of a disabled woman working at ableist, sexist workplaces/Devyani Tewari.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2021; Vol.12, No.2: 417-431.
128210 The soundness of unsoundness: Marriage, divorce, and mental disability in India/Pinki Mathur Anurag.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2021; Vol.12, No.2: 293-309.
128211 Exploring the relationship of law and emotions in the context of Disability Rights jurisprudence/Sanjay Jain.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2021; Vol.12, No.2: 263-292.
128212 Disability studies and the law: In conversation with Professor (Dr) Nilika Mehrotra/Ankita Gandhi, Surabhi Singh.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2021; Vol.12, No.2: 433-458.
128213 Crisis, justice, and managing the appetite for risk/Francine Rochford.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2022; Vol.13, No.1: 7-37.
128214 COVID, crisis, and unordinary order: A critical analysis of Australia’s JobKeeper wage subsidy scheme as an exceptional measure/Vincent Goding.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2022; Vol.13, No.1: 39-68.
128215 Judicial authority through the experiences of crisis/Aiste Janusiene.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2022; Vol.13, No.1: 69-86.
128216 Amitav Ghosh: The Nutmeg’s Curse: Parables for a Planet in Crisis/Surabhi Singh.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2022; Vol.13, No.1: 167-178.
128217 Mutual aid is present in every crisis: An Interview with Dean Spade/Oishik Sircar.- Jindal Global Law Review. 2022; Vol.13, No.1: 191-220.
128218 Air Power, Accuracy, and the Law of Targeting: Why No Brave New World/Adam Roberts.- International Law Studies. Vol.80: 134-150.
128219 Coaltion Operations and the Law/M.H. MacDougall.- International Law Studies. Vol.80: 196-203.
128220 Current Legal issues in Maritime Operations: Maritime Interception Operations in the Global War on Terrorism, Exclusion Zones, Hospital Ships, and Maritime Neutrality/Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg.- International Law Studies. Vol.80: 208-233.
128221 Enforcing the Law/John F. Murphy.- International Law Studies. Vol.80: 312-317.
128222 International Humanitarian Law: Should It Be Reaffirmed, Clarified, or Developed?/Jean-Phillippe Lavoyer.- International Law Studies. Vol.80: 287-309.
128223 International Law and the 2003 Campaign Against Iraq/Nicholas Rostow.- International Law Studies. Vol.80: 21-39.
128224 Interoperability and the Atlantic Divide: A Bridge Over Troubled Waters/Charles H.B. Garraway.- International Law Studies. Vol.80: 337-355.
128225 Iraq’s Transformation and International Law/Ruth Wedgwood.- International Law Studies. Vol.80: 15-20.
128226 Jus In Bello Issues Arising in the Hostilities in Iraq in 2003/Yoram Dinstein.- International Law Studies. Vol.80: 43-56.
128227 Legal and Tactical Dilemmas Inherit in Fighting Terror: Experience of the Israeli Army in Jenin and Bethlehem (April-May 2002)/Alan Baker.- International Law Studies. Vol.80: 273-285.
128228 Military Activities in the Exclusive Economic Zone: Preventing Uncertainty and Defusing Conflict/Hyun-Soo Kim.- International Law Studies. Vol.80: 257-362.
128229 Protection of Cultural Property: The Legal Aspects/Jan Hladik.- International Law Studies. Vol.80: 319-329.
128230 Query: Is There a Status of Unlawful Combatant/Marco Sassoli.- International Law Studies. Vol.80: 57-67.
128231 Special Forces Wear of Non-Standard Uniforms/W. Hays Park.- International Law Studies. Vol.80: 69-119.
128232 Strategic Targeting and International Law: The Ambiguity of Law Meets the Reality of a Single-Superpower World/Jeffrey K. Walker.- International Law Studies. Vol.80: 10-131.
128233 Targeting and Humanitarian Law: Current Issues/Michael N. Schmitt.- International Law Studies. Vol.80: 151-194.
128234 The Law of Armed Conflict and the War on Terrorism/David E. Graham.- International Law Studies. Vol.80: 332-336.
128235 The Legal Efficacy of Freedom of Navigation Assertions/Dale Stephens.- International Law Studies. Vol.80: 235-256.
128236 The Unique and Protected Status of Hospital Ships under the Law of Armed Conflict/D.L. Grimord, G.W. Riggs.- International Law Studies. Vol.80: 263-269.
128237 Comparative Approaches to Security and Maritime Border Control/Dale Stephens.- International Law Studies. Vol.81: 19-30.
128238 Current Issues in Occupation Law: 2003 Civilian Deaths in Baghdad/Fred Abrahams.- International Law Studies. Vol.81: 201-214.
128239 Debating the Issues/Kenneth Roth, Robert F. Turner.- International Law Studies. Vol.81: 395-416.
128240 European and German Security Policy and International Terrorism/Torsten Stein.- International Law Studies. Vol.81: 31-51.
128241 Is There a New Law of Intervention and Occupation?/Leslie C. Green.- International Law Studies. Vol.81: 167-200.
128242 Liberation and Occupation: A Commander’s Perspective/Fabio Mini.- International Law Studies. Vol.81: 221-251.
128243 Limits on the Use of Force in maritime Operations in Support of WMD Counter-Proliferation Initiatives/Craig H. Allen.- International Law Studies. Vol.81: 77-139.
128244 Military Commissions-Kangaroo Courts?/Charles H.B. Garraway.- International Law Studies. Vol.81: 303-315.
128245 Military Commissions: Old Laws for New Wars/William K. Lietzau.- International Law Studies. Vol.81: 290-302.
128246 Military Commissions: Constitutional, Jurisdictional, and Due Process Requirements/Jordan J. Paust.- International Law Studies. Vol.81: 239-309.
128247 The Gulf War: 1990-2004 (And Still Counting)/Yoram Dinstein.- International Law Studies. Vol.81: 337-350.
128248 The International Dimensions of Homeland Security/Ryan P. Stiles.- International Law Studies. Vol.81: 3-15.
128249 The Legality of Operation Iraqi Freedom under International Law/Michael N. Schmitt.- International Law Studies. Vol.81: 367-392.
128250 The Proliferation Security Initiative: Security vs. Freedom of Navigation?/Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg.- International Law Studies. Vol.81: 55-76.
128251 The Right of Self-Defense in the Global Fight Against Terrorism/Christopher Muller.- International Law Studies. Vol.81: 40-146.
128252 The Proliferation Security Initiative in the Maritime Domain/Stuart Kaye.- International Law Studies. Vol.81: 141-164.
128253 Treatment and Interrogation of Detained Persons/David E. Graham.- International Law Studies. Vol.81: 215-220.
128254 Using Force Lawfully in the 21st Century/David B. Rivkin Jr., Lee A. Casey.- International Law Studies. Vol.81: 319-336.
128255 An Australian Perspective on the ICRC Customary International Humanitarian Law Study/Timothy L.H. McCormack.- International Law Studies. Vol.82: 81-97.
128256 Chemical Agents and Expanding Bullets Limited Law Enforcement Exceptions or Unwarranted Handcuffs?/Kenneth Watkin.- International Law Studies. No.1: 193-218.
128257 Coaltion Warfare: Challenges and Opportunites/Dale G. Stephens.- International Law Studies. No.1: 246-256.
128258 England Does Not Love Coalitions Does Anything Change?/Charles Garraway.- International Law Studies. Vol.82: 232-244.
128259 Future Navies-Present Issues/Jane G. Dalton.- International Law Studies. Vol.82: 297-319.
128260 Legal Issues in Coalition Warfare: A US Perspective/Charles Dunlap.- International Law Studies. No.1: 221-231.
128261 Modern Weaponary and Warfare: The Application of Article 36 of Additional Protocol I by Governments/Marie Jacobsson.- International Law Studies. Vol.82: 183-191.
128262 Study on Customary International Humanitarian Law: A Contribution to the Understanding and Respect for the Rule of Law in Armed Conflict/Jean-Marie Henckaerts.- International Law Studies. No.1: 40-79.
128263 Teaching the Law of Armed Conflict to Armed Forces: Personal Reflections/David Lloyd Roberts.- International Law Studies. Vol.82: 121-134.
128264 The American Red Cross and International Humanitarian Law Dissemination/Lucy Brown.- International Law Studies. Vol.82: 115-120.
128265 The Current State of The Law of Naval Warfare: A Fresh Look at the San Remo Manual/Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg.- International Law Studies. Vol.82: 269-296.
128266 The ICRC Customary International Humanitarian Law Study/Yoram Dinstein.- International Law Studies. Vol.82: 100-112.
128267 Toward 2015, Challenges for a Medium Navy: An Australian Perspective/Raydon Gates.- International Law Studies. Vol.82: 259-267.
128268 War, Technology, and the Law of Armed Conflict/Michael N. Schmitt.- International Law Studies. Vol.82: 137-182.
128269 War and International Law: Distinguishing Military and Humanitarian Professions/David Kennedy.- International Law Studies. Vol.82: 3-33.
128270 Actual and Future Threats Emaniting from the Commons: A Chiliean Approach/Francisca Moller, Jorge Balaresque.- International Law Studies. 2007; Vol.83, No.1: 157-173.
128271 Austrialian Defense Experience with Non-Government Organizations in Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Operations/Evan Carlin.- International Law Studies. 2007; Vol.83, No.1: 268-275.
128272 Challenges of Strategic Communication/Michael A. Brown.- International Law Studies. 2007; Vol.83, No.1: 251-253.
128273 Command of the Commons Boast: An Invitation to Lawfer?/Craig H. Allen.- International Law Studies. 2007; Vol.83, No.1: 21-50.
128274 Disaster Response: Key Legal Issues for US Northern Command/Kurt Johnson.- International Law Studies. 2007; Vol.83, No.1: 277-291.
128275 Domestic Security and Maintenance of Liberty: Striking the Balance/Paul McHale.- International Law Studies. 2007; Vol.83, No.1: 3-17.
128276 Global Commons and the Role for Intelligence/Lowell E. Jacoby.- International Law Studies. 2007; Vol.83, No.1: 51-56.
128277 Global Disasters: Pakistan’s Experience/Ikram ul Haq.- International Law Studies. 2007; Vol.83, No.1: 257-265.
128278 Luncheon Address International Legal Public Diplomacy/John B. Bellinger.- International Law Studies. 2007; Vol.83, No.1: 206-214.
128279 Maritime Domain Awareness: The Key to Maritime Security/Joseph L. Nimmich, Dana A. Goward.- International Law Studies. 2007; Vol.83, No.1: 58-65.
128280 Military and the Media in Perspective: Finding the Necessary Balance/James P. Terry.- International Law Studies. 2007; Vol.83, No.1: 187-195.
128281 National Security, the Law, the Meda: Shaping Public Perceptions/Linda Robinson.- International Law Studies. 2007; Vol.83, No.1: 197-202.
128282 Piercing the Fog: National Security, Media, and the Govenrment/Harvey Rishikof.- International Law Studies. 2007; Vol.83, No.1: 177-195.
128283 Security in the Strait of Malacca and the Regional Maritime Security Initiative: Responses to the US Personnal/Yann-huei Song.- International Law Studies. 2007; Vol.83, No.1: 97-156.
128284 Strategic Communications and the Decline of the US Soft Power/Gene E. Bigler.- International Law Studies. 2007; Vol.83, No.1: 217-234.
128285 Strategic Communications and the Battle of Ideas/Mari K. Ed.- International Law Studies. 2007; Vol.83, No.1: 235-249.
128286 The Law of International Disaster Response: Overview and Ramifications for Military Actors/David Fisher.- International Law Studies. 2007; Vol.83, No.1: 293-320.
128287 Threats from the Global Commons: Problems of Jurisdiction and Enforcement/Stuart Kaye.- International Law Studies. 2007; Vol.83, No.1: 69-81.
128288 Change Direction 2006: Israeli Operations in Lebanon and the International Law of Self-Defense/Michael N. Schmitt.- International Law Studies. 2008; Vol.84: 265-301.
128289 China and the Law of the Sea: An Update/Guifang Xue.- International Law Studies. 2008; Vol.84: 97-116.
128290 Coalition Operations: A Compromise or an Accomodation/Vicki McConachie.- International Law Studies. 2008; Vol.84: 235-249.
128291 Coaltion Operations: A Canadian Perspective/Kenneth W. Watkin.- International Law Studies. 2008; Vol.84: 251-262.
128292 Conditions on Entry of Foreign-Flag Vessels into US Ports to Promote Maritime Security/William D. Baumgartner, John T. Oliver.- International Law Studies. 2008; Vol.84: 33-83.
128293 Conflicts between United Nations Security Council Resolutions and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and Their Possible Resolution/Robin R. Churchill.- International Law Studies. 2008; Vol.84: 143-157.
128294 Distinction and Loss of Civilian Protection in International Armed Conflicts/Yoram Dinstein.- International Law Studies. 2008; Vol.84: 183-198.
128295 Encroachment on Navigational Freedoms/Raul (Pete) Pedrozo.- International Law Studies. 2008; Vol.84: 85-96.
128296 Issues Arising from Coalition Operations: An Operational Lawyer’s Perspective/Neil Brown.- International Law Studies. 2008; Vol.84: 225-234.
128297 Starting from Here/Ashley R. Deeks.- International Law Studies. 2008; Vol.84: 161-182.
128298 The 1982 United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea: A Historical Perspective on Prospects for US Accession/Horace B. Robertson.- International Law Studies. 2008; Vol.84: 111-126.
128299 The Influence of Law on Sea Power Doctrines: The New Maritime Strategy and the Future of the Global Legal Order/Craig H. Allen.- International Law Studies. 2008; Vol.84: 3-31.
128300 The Treatment of Detainees and the Global War on Terror: Selected Legal Issues/David Turns.- International Law Studies. 2008; Vol.84: 199-221.
128301 The Unvarnished Truth: The Debate on the Law of the Sea Convention/William L. Schachte.- International Law Studies. 2008; Vol.84: 129-140.
128302 Afghanistan and International Security/Adam Roberts.- International Law Studies. 2009; Vol.85: 3-42.
128303 Afghanistan and the Nature of Conflict/Charles Garraway.- International Law Studies. 2009; Vol.85: 157-179.
128304 Afghanistan Legal Lessons Learned: Army Rule of Law Operations/Eric Talbot Jensen, AmM. y Pomeroy.- International Law Studies. 2009; Vol.85: 466-482.
128305 Afghanistan: Hard Choices and the Future of International Law/John F. Murphy.- International Law Studies. 2009; Vol.85: 79-107.
128306 Combatants/W. Hays Park.- International Law Studies. 2009; Vol.85: 248-306.
128307 Human Rights Obligations, Armed Conflict, and Afghanistan: Looking Back Before Looking Ahead/Stephen Pomper.- International Law Studies. 2009; Vol.85: 525-539.
128308 International Legal Dynamics and the Design of Feasible Missions: The Case of Afghanistan/W. Michael Reisman.- International Law Studies. 2009; Vol.85: 59-75.
128309 Is Human Rights Law of Any Relevance to Military Operations in Afghanistan?/Francoise J. Hampson.- International Law Studies. 2009; Vol.85: 486-524.
128310 Jus ad Pacem in Bello? Afghanistan, Stability Operations, and the International Law Relating to Armed Conflicts/David Turns.- International Law Studies. 2009; Vol.85: 387-410.
128311 Law of War Issues in Ground Hostilities in Afghanistan/Gary D. Solis.- International Law Studies. 2009; Vol.85: 219-245.
128312 Legal Issues in Forming the Coalition/Alan Cole.- International Law Studies. 2009; Vol.85: 142-153.
128313 Making the Case for Conflict Bifurcation in Afghanistan: Transnational Armed Conflict, al Qaida, and the Limits of Associated Militia Concept/Geoffrey S. Corn.- International Law Studies. 2009; Vol.85: 181-218.
128314 Rationales for Detention: Security Threats and Intelligence Value/Ryan Goodman.- International Law Studies. 2009; Vol.85: 371-383.
128315 Stability Operations: A Guiding Framework for Small Wars and Other Conflicts of the Twenty-First Century/Kenneth Watk.- International Law Studies. 2009; Vol.85: 411-430.
128316 Targeting and International Humanitarian Law in Afghanistan/Michael N. Schmitt.- International Law Studies. 2009; Vol.85: 307-339.
128317 Terrorism and Afghanistan/Yoram Dinstein.- International Law Studies. 2009; Vol.85: 43-57.
128318 The International Legal Framework for Stability Operations: When May International Forces Attack or Detain Someone in Afghanistan?/Marco Sassoli.- International Law Studies. 2009; Vol.85: 431-463.
128319 The International Legality of US Military Cross-Border Operations from Afghanistan into Pakistan/Sean D. Murphy.- International Law Studies. 2009; Vol.85: 109-139.
128320 The Law of Armed Conflict and Detention Operations in Afghanistan/Matthew C. Waxman.- International Law Studies. 2009; Vol.85: 343-356.
128321 US Detention of Taliban Fighters: Some Legal Considerations/Stephane Ojeda.- International Law Studies. 2009; Vol.85: 357-369.
128322 Come the Revolution: A Legal Perspective on Air Operations in Iraq since 2003/Charles J. Dunlap.- International Law Studies. 2010; Vol.86: 139-154.
128323 Concluding Observations: The Influence of the Conflict in Iraq on International Law/Yoram Dinstein.- International Law Studies. 2010; Vol.86: 479-494.
128324 Counterinsurgency and Stability Operations: A New Approach to Legal Interpretation/Dale Stephens.- International Law Studies. 2010; Vol.86: 289-321.
128325 Detention Operations in Iraq: A View from the Ground/Brian J. Bill.- International Law Studies. 2010; Vol.86: 411-455.
128326 Iraq and the Fog of Law/John F. Murphy.- International Law Studies. 2010; Vol.86: 19-41.
128327 Legal Basis for Coalition Combat Operations in Iraq, May 2003-Present/Alexandra Perina.- International Law Studies. 2010; Vol.86: 81-96.
128328 Legal Bases for Military Operations in Iraq/Raul A. Pete Pedrozo.- International Law Studies. 2010; Vol.86: 45-67.
128329 Legal Considerations in Relation to Maritime Operations against Iraq/Neil Brown.- International Law Studies. 2010; Vol.86: 127-137.
128330 Occupation in Iraq: Issues on the Periphery and for the Future: A Rubik’s Cube Problem?/George K. Walker.- International Law Studies. 2010; Vol.86: 219-262.
128331 Regime Change and the Restoration of the Rule of Law in Iraq/Raid Juhi al-Saedi.- International Law Studies. 2010; Vol.86: 3-15.
128332 Rule of Law Capacity Building in Iraq/Richard Pregent.- International Law Studies. 2010; Vol.86: 323-345.
128333 The Dark Sides of Convergence: A Pro-civilian Critique of the Extraterritorial Application of Human Rights Law in Armed Conflict/Naz K. Modirzadeh.- International Law Studies. 2010; Vol.86: 389-410.
128334 The Fog of Law: The Law of Armed Conflict in Operation Iraqi Freedom/Marc Warren.- International Law Studies. 2010; Vol.86: 167-206.
128335 The International Humanitarian Law Classification of Armed Conflicts in Iraq since 2003/David Turns.- International Law Studies. 2010; Vol.86: 97-123.
128336 The Iraq War: A Commander’s Perspective/Michael L. Oates.- International Law Studies. 2010; Vol.86: 156-165.
128337 The Occupation of Iraq/Clyde J. Tate.- International Law Studies. 2010; Vol.86: 209-218.
128338 The Occupation of Iraq: A Reassessment/Eyal Benvenisti, Guy Keinan.- International Law Studies. 2010; Vol.86: 263-286.
128339 The Role of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Stability Operations/Laurent Colassis.- International Law Studies. 2010; Vol.86: 457-476.
128340 Was the 2003 Invasion of Iraq Legal?/Andru E. Wall.- International Law Studies. 2010; Vol.86: 69-80.
128341 Combating Terrorist: Legal Challenges in the Post-9/11 World/Nicholas Rostow.- International Law Studies. 2011; Vol.‎۸۷: 3-10.
128342 Cyber Attacks as Force under UN Charter Article 2(4)/Matthew C. Waxman.- International Law Studies. 2011; Vol.‎۸۷: 43-57.
128343 Direct Participation in Hostilities and the Interoperability of the Law of Armed Conflict and Human Rights Law/Francoise J. Hampson.- International Law Studies. 2011; Vol.‎۸۷: 187-213.
128344 Low-Intensity Computer Network Attack and Self-Defense/Sean Watts.- International Law Studies. 2011; Vol.‎۸۷: 59-87.
128345 Mission Impossible? International Law and the Changing Character of War/John F. Murphy.- International Law Studies. 2011; Vol.‎۸۷: 13-40.
128346 New Technology and the Law of Armed Conflict/Darren M. Stewart.- International Law Studies. 2011; Vol.‎۸۷: 271-298.
128347 The Age of Lawfare/Dale Stephens.- International Law Studies. 2011; Vol.‎۸۷: 327-357.
128348 The Changing Character of Public Legal Scrutiny of Operations/Rob McLaughlin.- International Law Studies. 2011; Vol.‎۸۷: 415-426.
128349 The Changing Character of the Participants in War: Civilianization of Warfighting and the Concept of Direct Participation in Hostilities/Charles Garraway.- International Law Studies. 2011; Vol.‎۸۷: 177-186.
128350 The Law of Armed Conflict in Asymmetric Urban Armed Conflict/David E. Graham.- International Law Studies. 2011; Vol.‎۸۷: 301-313.
128351 Use of Unmanned Systems to Combat Terrorism/Raul A. Pete Pedrozo.- International Law Studies. 2011; Vol.‎۸۷: 217-269.
128352 Lawfare Today and Tomorrow/Charles J. Dunlap.- International Law Studies. 2011; Vol.‎۸۷: 315-325.
128353 Warning Civilians Prior to Attack under International Law: Theory and Practice The Law of Armed Conflict in Asymmetric Urban Armed Conflict/Pnina Sharvit Baruch, Noam Neuman.- International Law Studies. 2011; Vol.‎۸۷: 359-412.
128354 XVI Litigating How We fight/Ashley S. Deeks.- International Law Studies. 2011; Vol.‎۸۷: 427-461.
128355 XVII Asymmetric Warfare: How to Respond?/Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg.- International Law Studies. 2011; Vol.‎۸۷: 465-480.
128356 XVIII Concluding Remarks: LOAC and Attempts to Abuse or Subvert it/Yoram Dinstein.- International Law Studies. 2011; Vol.‎۸۷: 483-494.
128357 An Australian Perspective on Non-International Armed Conflict: Afghanistan and East Timor/Rob McLaughlin.- International Law Studies. 2012; Vol.88: 294-319.
128358 Concluding Remarks on Non-International Armed Conflicts/Yoram Dinstein.- International Law Studies. 2012; Vol.88: 399-421.
128359 Detention in Non-International Armed Conflicts/Knut Dormann.- International Law Studies. 2012; Vol.88: 347-366.
128360 Defining Non-International Armed Conflict: A Historically Difficult Task/David E. Graham.- International Law Studies. 2012; Vol.88: 43-55.
128361 Detention of Terrorists in the Twenty-first Century/William K. Lietzau.- International Law Studies. 2012; Vol.88: 323-345.
128362 Difference in the Law of Weaponry When Applied to Non-International Armed Conflict/William Boothby.- International Law Studies. 2012; Vol.88: 197-210.
128363 International Enforcement in Non-International Armed Conflict: Searching for Synergy among Legal Regimes in the Case of Libya/John Cerone.- International Law Studies. 2012; Vol.88: 369-395.
128364 Methods and Means of Naval Warfare in Non-International Armed Conflict/Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg.- International Law Studies. 2012; Vol.88: 211-236.
128365 Non-International Armed Conflicts in the Phillippines/Raymundo B. Ferrer,  Randolph G. Cabangbang.- International Law Studies. 2012; Vol.88: 263-278.
128366 Perfidy in Non-International Armed Conflicts/Richard B. Jackson.- International Law Studies. 2012; Vol.88: 237-259.
128367 Present and Future Conceptions of the Status of Government Forces in Non-International Armed Conflict/Sean Watts.- International Law Studies. 2012; Vol.88: 145-180.
128368 Self-defense Targeting: Blurring the Line between the Jus ad Bellum and the Jus in Bello/Geoffrey S. Corn.- International Law Studies. 2012; Vol.88: 57-92.
128369 Small Wars: The Legal Challenges/Kenneth Watkin.- International Law Studies. 2012; Vol.88: 3-12.
128370 The Status of Opposition Fighters in a NonInternational Armed Conflict/Michael N. Schmitt.- International Law Studies. 2012; Vol.88: 120-143.
128371 Toward a Limited Consensus on the Loss of Civilian Immunity in Non-International Armed Conflict: Making Progress through Practice/Stephen Pomper.- International Law Studies. 2012; Vol.88: 181-192.
128372 Twenty-First-Century Challenges: The Use of Military Forces to Combat Criminal Threats/Juan Carlos Gomez.- International Law Studies. 2012; Vol.88: 279-291.
128373 War and Peace: Where Is the Divide?/Charles Garraway.- International Law Studies. 2012; Vol.88: 94-114.
128374 Will-o-the-Wisp? The Search for Law in Non-International Armed Conflicts/John F. Murphy.- International Law Studies. 2012; Vol.88: 15-39.
128375 Anticipatory Self-Defense in the Cyber Context/Terry D. Gill, Paul A.L. Ducheine.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 437-471.
128376 Arctic Climate Change and U.S. Accession to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea/Raul (Pete) Pedrozo.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 757-775.
128377 Belligerent Targeting and the Invalidity of a Least Harmful Means Rule/Geoffrey S. Corn, Laurie R. Blank, Chris Jenks, Eric Talbot Jensen.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 536-626.
128378 Classification of Cyber Conflict/Michael N. Schmitt.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 233-251.
128379 Computer Network Operations and U.S. Domestic Law: An Overview/Robert N. Chesney.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 218-232.
128380 Cyber Attacks: Proportionality and Precautions in Attack/Eric Talbot Jensen.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 198-217.
128381 Cyber War and International Law: Concluding Remarks at the 2012 Naval War College International Law Conference/Yoram Dinstein.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 276-287.
128382 Cyber War and International Law: Does the International Legal Process Constitute a Threat to U.S. Vital Interests?/John F. Murphy.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 309-340.
128383 Cyber Warfare: Implications for Non-International Armed Conflicts/Robin Geiss.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 627-645.
128384 Cyber Warriors in the Jus in Bello/Vijay M. Padmanabhan.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 288-308.
128385 Geography of Armed Conflict: Why it is a Mistake to Fish for the Red Herring/Geoffrey S. Corn.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 77-107.
128386 Global Armed Conflict? The Threshold of Extraterritorial Non-International Armed Conflict/Sasha Radin.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 696-743.
128387 International Law and Cyber Threats from Non-State Actors/Laurie R. Blank.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 406-437.
128388 Keeping the Cyber Peace: International Legal Aspects of Cyber Activities in Peace Operations/Jann K. Kleffner, Heather A. Harrison Dinniss.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 512-535.
128389 Lawful Targets in Cyber Operations: Does the Principle of Distinction Apply?/Noam Lubell.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 252-275.
128390 Methods and Means of Cyber Warfare/William H. Boothby.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 388-405.
128391 Networks in Non-International Armed Conflicts: Crossing Borders and Defining Organized Armed Groups/Peter Margulies.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 54-76.
128392 Organizing for Cyberspace Operations: Selected Issues/Paul Walker.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 341-361.
128393 Precision Air Warfare and the Law of Armed Conflict/Christopher J. Markham, Michael N. Schmitt.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 669-695.
128394 Seeking International Criminal Justice in Syria/Annika Jones.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 802-816.
128395 Self-defensive Force against Cyber Attacks: Legal, Strategic and Political Dimensions/Matthew C. Waxman.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 109-122.
128396 Territorial Sovereignty and Neutrality in Cyberspace/Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 123-156.
128397 The Cyber Road Ahead: Merging Lanes and Legal Challenges/Kenneth Watkin.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 472-511.
128398 The Geography of Cyber Conflict: Through a Glass Darkly/Ashley Deeks.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 1-20.
128399 The Law of Armed Conflict’s Wicked Problem: Levee en Masse in Cyber Warfare/David Wallace and Shane R. Reeves.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 646-668.
128400 The Law of State Responsibility in Relation to Border Crossings: An Ignored Legal Paradigm/Louise Arimatsu.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 21-53.
128401 The Road Ahead: Gaps, Leaks and Drips/Michael J. Glennon.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 362-386.
128402 The Role of Counterterrorism Law in Shaping ad Bellum Norms for Cyber Warfare/William Banks.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 157-197.
128403 The Seizure of Abu Anas Al-Libi: An International Law Assessment/Gordon Modarai, David OConnell, Timothy Kelly, James Farrant.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 817-838.
128404 The Syrian Crisis and the Principle of Non-Refoulement/Mike Sanderson.- International Law Studies. 2013; Vol.‎۸۹: 776-801.
128405 The Syrian Intervention: Assessing the Possible International Law Justifications/Michael Schmitt: 744-756.
128406 Adapting the Law of Armed Conflict to Autonomous Weapon Systems/Kenneth Anderson, Daniel Reisner, Matthew Waxman.- International Law Studies. 2014; Vol.90: 386-411.
128407 Autonomous Weapons and International Humanitarian Law: Advantages, Open Technical Questions and Legal Issues to be Clarified/Marco Sassoli.- International Law Studies. 2014; Vol.90: 309-340.
128408 Beyond Hague VIII: Other Legal Limits on Naval Mine Warfare/David Letts.- International Law Studies. 2014; Vol.90: 447-473.
128409 Mind the Gap: Can Developers of Autonomous Weapons Systems be Liable for War Crimes?/Tim McFarland, Tim McCormack.- International Law Studies. 2014; Vol.90: 360-385.
128410 Identifying the Enemy in Counterterrorism Operations: A Comparison of the Bush and Obama Administrations/Boaz Ganor.- International Law Studies. 2014; Vol.90: 340-360.
128411 International Law Applicable to Naval Mines/Chatham House.- International Law Studies. 2014; Vol.90: 1-9.
128412 The Legality and Implications of Intentional Interference with Commercial Communication Satellite Signals/Sarah M. Mountin.- International Law Studies. 2014; Vol.90: 103-172.
128413 Military Activities in the Exclusive Economic Zone: East Asia Focus/Raul (Pete) Pedrozo.- International Law Studies. 2014; Vol.90: 515-540.
128414 Minelaying and the Impediment of Passage Rights/Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg.- International Law Studies. 2014; Vol.90: 545-574.
128415 Modern Maritime Neutrality Law/James Farrant.- International Law Studies. 2014; Vol.90: 200-303.
128416 The Law Applicable to Naval Mine Warfare in a Non-International Armed Conflict/Rob McLaughlin.- International Law Studies. 2014; Vol.90: 476-497.
128417 The Bull in the China Shop: Raising Tensions in the Asia-Pacific Region/Raul (Pete) Pedrozo.- International Law Studies. 2014; Vol.90: 66-100.
128418 Targeting Islamic State Oil Facilities/Kenneth Watkin.- International Law Studies. 2014; Vol.90: 499-512.
128419 1907 Hague Convention VIII Relative to the Laying of Automatic Submarine Contact Mines/Steven Haines.- International Law Studies. 2014; Vol.90: 413-433.
128420 The United States Position on the Extraterritorial Application of Human Rights Obligations: Now is the Time for Change/Beth van Schaack.- International Law Studies. 2014; Vol.90: 20-65.
128421 Applying the European Convention on Human Rights to the Use of Physical Force: Al-Saadoon/David S. Goddard.- International Law Studies. 2015; Vol.91: 402-424.
128422 Authorization versus Regulation of Detention in Non-International Armed Conflicts/Ryan Goodman.- International Law Studies. 2015; Vol.91: 155-167.
128423 Conflict Classification in Ukraine: The Return of the Proxy War?/Robert Heinsch.- International Law Studies. 2015; Vol.91: 324-360.
128424 Defensive Force against Non-State Actors: The State of Play/Monica Hakimi.- International Law Studies. 2015; Vol.91: 2-30.
128425 Disguising a Military Object as a Civilian Object: Prohibited Perfidy or Permissible Ruse of War?/Kevin Jon Heller.- International Law Studies. 2015; Vol.91: 517-538.
128426 Emerging Technology and Perfidy in Armed Conflict/Ian Henderson, Jordan den Dulk, Angeline Lewis.- International Law Studies. 2015; Vol.91: 469-485.
128427 Emerging Technologies and LOAC Signaling/Eric Talbot Jensen.- International Law Studies. 2015; Vol.91: 621-639.
128428 Is There a Way Out of the Non-International Armed Conflict Detention Dilemma?/Gabor Rona.- International Law Studies. 2015; Vol.91: 33-57.
128429 Law, Rhetoric, Strategy: Russia and Self-Determination Before and After Crimea/Christopher J. Borgen.- International Law Studies. 2015; Vol.91: 218-280.
128430 Nanotechnology and the Future of the Law of Weaponry/Hitoshi Nasu.- International Law Studies. 2015; Vol.91: 487-514.
128431 Protecting Cultural Property in Non-International Armed Conflicts: Syria and Iraq/Louise Arimatsu, Mohbuba Choudhury.- International Law Studies. 2015; Vol.91: 641-695.
128432 Regulating Hostilities in Non-International Armed Conflicts: Thoughts on Bridging the Divide between the Tadic Aspiration and Conflict Realities/Geoffrey S. Corn.- International Law Studies. 2015; Vol.91: 282-321.
128433 Regulation-Tolerant Weapons, Regulation-Resistant Weapons and the Law of War/Sean Watts.- International Law Studies. 2015; Vol.91: 541-619.
128434 Russia’s Annexation of Crimea: The Mills of International Law Grind Slowly but They Do Grind/Robin Geiss.- International Law Studies. 2015; Vol.91: 626-649.
128435 State Opinio Juris and International Humanitarian Law Pluralism/Michael N. Schmitt, Sean Watts.- International Law Studies. 2015; Vol.91: 172-214.
128436 Targeting and Detention in Non-International Armed Conflict: Serdar Mohammed and the Limits of Human Rights Convergence/Aurel Sari, Sean Aughey.- International Law Studies. 2015; Vol.91: 61-116.
128437 The Combatant Status of the Little Green Men and Other Participants in the Ukraine Conflict/Shane R. Reeves and David Wallace.- International Law Studies. 2015; Vol.91: 362-401.
128438 The Doctrine of Legitimate Defense/Jens Ohlin.- International Law Studies. 2015; Vol.91: 119-153.
128439 The Law of Naval Warfare and China’s Maritime Militia/James Kraska, Michael Monti.- International Law Studies. 2015; Vol.91: 450-465.
128440 Twenty Seconds to Comply: Autonomous Weapon Systems and the Recognition of Surrender/Robert Sparrow.- International Law Studies. 2015; Vol.91: 700-727.
128441 Arbitrary Withholding of Consent to Humanitarian Relief Operations in Armed Conflict/Dapo Akande, Emanuela-Chiara Gillard.- International Law Studies. 2016; Vol.92: 484-510.
128442 Chemical Weapons and Other Atrocities: Contrasting Responses to the Syrian Crisis/Tim McCormack.- International Law Studies. 2016; Vol.92: 513-542.
128443 Classifying the Conflict in Syria/Terry D. Gill.- International Law Studies. 2016; Vol.92: 354-379.
128444 Exclusion Zones in the Law of Armed Conflict at Sea: Evolution in Law and Practice/Sandesh Sivakumaran.- International Law Studies. 2016; Vol.92: 154-202.
128445 Foreign Terrorist Fighters in Syria: Challenges of the Sending State/Marten Zwanenburg.- International Law Studies. 2016; Vol.92: 205-231.
128446 International Law and Japan’s Territorial Disputes/Raul (Pete) Pedrozo.- International Law Studies. 2016; Vol.92: 119-152.
128447 International Law, Legal Diplomacy, and the Counter-ISIL Campaign: Some Observations/Brian Egan.- International Law Studies. 2016; Vol.92.
128448 Japan’s 2015 Security Legislation: Challenges to its Implementation under International Law  Hitoshi Nasu/Hitoshi Nasu.- International Law Studies. 2016; Vol.92: 250-279.
128449 Mapping War Crimes in Syria/Beth Van Schaak.- International Law Studies. 2016; Vol.92: 283-337.
128450 Off Target: Selection, Precaution, and Proportionality in the DoD Manual/Adil Ahmad Haque.- International Law Studies. 2016; Vol.92: 32-83.
128451 Partners and Legal Pitfalls/Brian Finucane.- International Law Studies. 2016; Vol.92: 408-430.
128452 Soldier 2.0: Military Human Enhancement and International Law/Heather A. Harrison Dinniss, Jann K. Kleffner.- International Law Studies. 2016; Vol.92: 433-482.
128453 Syria: Can International Law Cope? Workshop Report/Christopher M. Ford.- International Law Studies. 2016; Vol.92: 340-345.
128454 The Combatant’s Stance: Autonomous Weapons on the Battlefield/Jens David Ohlin.- International Law Studies. 2016; Vol.92: 1-29.
128455 The DoD Law of War Manual and its Critics: Some Observations/Charles J. Dunlap.- International Law Studies. 2016; Vol.92: 85-115.
128456 The Russian Federation and the Arctic Sunrise Case: Hot Pursuit and Other Issues under the LOSC/Alex G. Oude Elferink.- International Law Studies. 2016; Vol.92: 382-405.
128457 A Human Rights Perspective to Global Battlefield Detention: Time to Reconsider Indefinite Detention/Yuval Shany.- International Law Studies. 2017.Vol.93: 102-128.
128458 Autonomous Weapons and Weapon Reviews: The UK Second International Weapon Review Forum/James Farrant, Christopher M. Ford.- International Law Studies. 2017.Vol.93: 390-421.
128459 Combat Losses of Nuclear-Powered Warships: Contamination, Collateral Damage and the Law/Akira Mayama.- International Law Studies. 2017.Vol.93: 133-154.
128460 Fragmented Wars: Multi-Territorial Military Operations against Armed Groups/Noam Lubell.- International Law Studies. 2017.Vol.93: 216-249.
128461 Freedom of Navigation: Development of the Law of the Sea and Emerging Challenges/Vladimir Golitsyn.- International Law Studies. 2017.Vol.93: 262-271.
128462 Intelligence Gathering in the Exclusive Economic Zone/Efthymios Papastavridis.- International Law Studies. 2017.Vol.93: 447-475.
128463 Individual, Not Collective: Justifying the Resort to Force against Members of Non-State Armed Groups/Anthony Dworkin.- International Law Studies. 2017.Vol.93: 477-519.
128464 Maritime Law Enforcement Operations and Intelligence in an Age of Maritime Security/Douglas Guilfoyle.- International Law Studies. 2017.Vol.93: 299-320.
128465 Navigational Freedom: The Most Critical Common Heritage/John Norton Moore.- International Law Studies. 2017.Vol.93: 252-261.
128466 Neutrality and Outer Space/Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg.- International Law Studies. 2017.Vol.93: 527-546.
128467 The Limits of Inviolability: The Parameters for Protection of United Nations Facilities during Armed Conflict/Laurie R. Blank.- International Law Studies. 2017.Vol.93: 46-100.
128468 The Law of the Sea Convention and Sea Level Rise after the South China Sea Arbitration/Stuart Kaye.- International Law Studies. 2017.Vol.93: 423-443.
128469 Space Weapons and the Law/Bill Boothby.- International Law Studies. 2017.Vol.93: 180-213.
128470 The Law of the Sea Convention and Sea Level Rise after the South China Sea Arbitration/Stuart Kaye.- International Law Studies. 2017.Vol.93: 423-443.
128471 The Updated Commentary on the First Geneva Convention-A New Tool for Generating Respect for International Humanitarian Law/Lindsey Cameron… [et al.].- International Law Studies. 2017.Vol.93: 158-177.
128472 Belligerent Obligations under Article 18(1) of the Second Geneva Convention: The Impact of Sovereign Immunity, Booty of War, and the Obligation to Respect and Protect War Graves/Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg.- International Law Studies. 2018; Vol.94: 128-138.
128473 Armed Conflict-Related Detention of Particularly Vulnerable Persons: Challenges and Possibilities/Sandesh Sivakumaran.- International Law Studies. 2018; Vol.94: 40-73.
128474 Duty to Render Assistance to Mariners in Distress During Armed Conflict at Sea: A U.S. Perspective/Raul (Pete) Pedrozo.- International Law Studies. 2018; Vol.94: 103-124.
128475 Are Enhanced Warfighters Weapons, Means, or Methods of Warfare?/Rain Liivoja, Luke Chircop.- International Law Studies. 2018; Vol.94: 162-185.
128476 International Humanitarian Law and the Targeting of Data/Tim McCormack.- International Law Studies. 2018; Vol.94: 223-239.
128477 The Regime of Innocent Passage in Disputed Waters/Hitoshi Nasu.- International Law Studies. 2018; Vol.94: 242-281.
128478 Silent War: Applicability of the Jus in Bello to Military Space Operations/Kubo Macak.- International Law Studies. 2018; Vol.94: 2-36.
128479 The Updated ICRC Commentary on the Second Geneva Convention: Demystifying the Law of Armed Conflict at Sea/Bruno Demeyere, Jean-Marie Henckaerts, Heleen Hiemstra, Ellen Nohle.- International Law Studies. 2018; Vol.94: 141-159.
128480 Weapons Review Obligation under Customary International Law/Natalia Jevglevskaja.- International Law Studies. 2018; Vol.94: 187-220.
128481 The International Legal Implications of Military Space Operations: Examining the Interplay between International Humanitarian Law and the Outer Space Legal Regime/Dale Stephens.- International Law Studies. 2018; Vol.94: 79-100.
128482 Adverse Cyber Operations: Causality, Attribution, Evidence, and Due Diligence/Hans-Georg Dederer, Tassilo Singer.- International Law Studies. 2019; Vol.95: 431-464.
128483 Armed Groups and the Protection of Health Care/Ezequiel Heffes.- International Law Studies. 2019; Vol.95: 227-241.
128484 Classification of Cyber Capabilities and Operations as Weapons, Means, or Methods of Warfare/Jeffrey T. Biller, Michael N. Schmitt.- International Law Studies. 2019; Vol.95: 180-224.
128485 Beyond Geneva: Detainee Review Processes in Non-International Armed Conflict-A U.S. Perspective/Ryan J. Vogel.- International Law Studies. 2019; Vol.95: 95-117.
128486 Humanitarian Logic and the Law of Siege: A Study of the Oxford Guidance on Relief Actions/Sean Watts.- International Law Studies. 2019; Vol.95: 2-47.
128487 Indeterminacy in the Law of Armed Conflict/Adil Ahmad Haque.- International Law Studies. 2019; Vol.95: 119-159.
128488 Law as Strategy: Thinking Below the State in Afghanistan/Charles H. Norchi.- International Law Studies. 2019; Vol.95: 363-394.
128489 Marine Insurance Prohibitions in Contemporary Economic Warfare/Richard L. Kilpatrick.- International Law Studies. 2019; Vol.95: 273-300.
128490 Maritime Autonomous Vehicles within the International Law Framework to Enhance Maritime Security/Natalie Klein.- International Law Studies. 2019; Vol.95: 245-271.
128491 Can We Starve the Civilians? Exploring the Dichotomy between the Traditional Law of Maritime Blockade and Humanitarian Initiatives/Phillip J. Dre.- International Law Studies. 2019; Vol.95: 303-320.
128492 Medical Care in Urban Conflict/Kenneth Watkin.- International Law Studies. 2019; Vol.95: 50-91.
128493 The Peacetime Right of Approach and Visit and Effective Security Council Sanctions Enforcement at Sea/Craig H. Allen.- International Law Studies. 2019; Vol.95: 401-428.
128494 The Legal Fog of an Illusion: Three Reflections on Organization and Intensity as Criteria for the Temporal Scope of the Law of Non-International Armed Conflict/Jann K. Kleffner.- International Law Studies. 2019; Vol.95: 162-178.
128495 Twelve Key Questions on Self-Defense against Non-State Actors/Terry D. Gill, Kinga Tibori-Szabo.- International Law Studies. 2019; Vol.95: 468-504.
128496 The Occupation of Maritime Territory under International Humanitarian Law/Marco Longobardo.- International Law Studies. 2019; Vol.95: 323-360.
128497 The Unlawfulness of a Bloody Nose Strike on North Korea/Kevin Jon Heller.- International Law Studies. 2020; Vol.96: 2-25.
128498 An Incident in the South China Sea/Rob McLaughlin.- International Law Studies. 2020; Vol.96: 506-528.
128499 An International Attribution Mechanism for Hostile Cyber Operations/Yuval Shany,  Michael N. Schmitt.- International Law Studies. 2020; Vol.96: 197-221.
128500 Autonomous Cyber Weapons and Command Responsibility/Russell Buchan, Nicholas Tsagourias.- International Law Studies. 2020; Vol.96: 395-440.
128501 Autonomy and Precautions in the Law of Armed Conflict/Eric Talbot Jensen.- International Law Studies. 2020; Vol.96: 578-601.
128502 China’s Maritime Law Enforcement Activities in the South China Sea/Diane Desierto.- International Law Studies. 2020; Vol.96: 258-273.
128503 Common Article 1 and the Duty to Ensure Respect/Michael N. Schmitt, Sean Watts.- International Law Studies. 2020; Vol.96: 675-705.
128504 Will Cyber Autonomy Undercut Democratic Accountability?/Ashley Deeks.- International Law Studies. 2020; Vol.96: 465-504.
128505 DPRK Maritime Sanctions Enforcement/Raul (Pete) Pedrozo.- International Law Studies. 2020; Vol.96: 99-117.
128506 The (Erroneous) Requirement for Human Judgment (and Error) in the Law of Armed Conflict/Eric Talbot Jensen.- International Law Studies. 2020; Vol.96: 27-57.
128507 Beyond Human Shielding: Civilian Risk Exploitation and Indirect Civilian Targeting/Geoffrey S. Corn.- International Law Studies. 2020; Vol.96: 119-156.
128508 The Interplay of International Obligations Connected to the Conduct of Others: Toward a Framework of Mutual Compliance Among States Engaged in Partnered Warfare/Berenice Boutin.- International Law Studies. 2020; Vol.96: 530-547.
128509 IUU Fishing as a National Security Threat: Revisiting India s Domestic Framework and Compliance with International Regimes/Pooja Bhatt.- International Law Studies. 2020; Vol.96: 443-462.
128510 Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems: Translating Geek Speak for Lawyers/Linell A. Letendre.- International Law Studies. 2020; Vol.96: 275-294.
128511 The Legal Characterization of Lethal Autonomous Maritime Systems: Warship, Torpedo, or Naval Mine?/Hitoshi Nasu, David Letts.- International Law Studies. 2020; Vol.96: 80-95.
128512 Release of a Detained Warship and Its Crew through Provisional Measures: A Comparative Analysis of the ARA Libertad and Ukraine v. Russia Cases/Yoshifumi Tanaka.- International Law Studies. 2020; Vol.96: 224-254.
128513 Smart Language: How to Address an Inherent Weakness Undermining the Implementation of U.N. Sanctions on North Korea/Maiko Takeuchi.- International Law Studies. 2020; Vol.96: 59-77.
128514 Autonomous Cyber Capabilities and the International Law of Sovereignty and Intervention/Michael N. Schmitt.- International Law Studies. 2020; Vol.96: 550-575.
128515 Special Rules of Attribution of Conduct in International Law/Marko Milanovic.- International Law Studies. 2020; Vol.96: 296-388.
128516 Strategic Proportionality: Limitations on the Use of Force in Modern Armed Conflicts/Noam Lubell, Amichai Cohen.- International Law Studies. 2020; Vol.96: 161-193.
128517 Autonomous Cyber Capabilities Below and Above the Use of Force Threshold: Balancing Proportionality and the Need for Speed/Peter Margulies.- International Law Studies. 2020; Vol.96: 395-440.
128518 The Human Dimension of Peace and Aggression/Chiara Redaelli.- International Law Studies. 2020; Vol.96: 604-641.
128519 Animating the U.S. War Crimes Act/Beth Van Schaack.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 1542-1587.
128520 Armed Conflicts in Outer Space: Which Law Applies?/Frans G. von der Dunk.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 189-230.
128521 Know Thy Enemy: The Use of Biometrics in Military Operations and International Humanitarian Law/Marten Zwanenburg.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 1405-1430.
128522 Application of the Due Diligence Principle to Cyber Operations/Tomohiro Mikanag.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 1020-1037.
128523 China’s Container Missile Deployments Could Violate the Law of Naval Warfare/Raul (Pete) Pedrozo.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 1161-1170.
128524 China’s Revised Maritime Traffic Safety Law/Raul (Pete) Pedrozo.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 957-967.
128525 Command Accountability for AI Weapon Systems in the Law of Armed Conflict/James Kraska.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 408-445.
128526 Confronting Space Debris Through the Regime Evolution Approach/Gershon Hasin.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 1047-1158.
128527 Cyber Attribution and State Responsibility/William Banks.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 1040-1068.
128528 Encirclement, Deprivation, and Humanity: Revising the San Remo Manual Provisions on Blockade/Tom Dannenbaum.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 309-393.
128529 Enclosure of the Oceans versus the Common Heritage of Mankind: The Inherent Tension between the Continental Shelf Beyond 200 Nautical Miles and the Area/Michael W. Lodge.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 804-830.
128530 Foreign Cyber Interference in Elections/Michael N. Schmitt.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 740-764.
128531 In Defense of Pure Sovereignty in Cyberspace/Kevin Jon Heller.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 1433-1498.
128532 Intelligence Sharing in Multinational Military Operations and Complicity under International Law/Marko Milanovic.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 1271-1382.
128533 Introduction to the Indo-Pacific Command Paper Series/Raul (Pete) Pedrozo.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 3-6.
128534 Is a South China Sea Code of Conduct Viable?/Raul (Pete) Pedrozo.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 938-949.
128535 Islamist Terrorism and the Classical Islamic Law of War/Joseph Hoelz.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 1634-1657.
128536 Israel’s Perspective on Key Legal and Practical Issues Concerning the Application of International Law to Cyber Operations/Roy Schondorf.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 396-405.
128537 Legal Reviews of War Algorithms/Tobias Vestner, Altea Rossi.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 510-553.
128538 Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships: New Possibilities and Challenge in Ocean Law and Policy/Joel Coito.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 260-306.
128539 Maritime Police Law of the People’s Republic of China/Raul (Pete) Pedrozo.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 466-476.
128540 Military Action to Recover Occupied Land: Lawful Self-defense or Prohibited Use of Force? The 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Revisited/Tom Ruys, Felipe Rodriguez Silvestre.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 666-732.
128541 Neutrality and Cyberspace: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Reality/Noam Neuman.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 766-801.
128542 Nuclear Terrorism: Statutory Shortcomings and Prosecutorial Opportunities/Rohan Mishra.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 449-463.
128543 Developing International Guidelines for Protecting Schools and Universities from Military Use During Armed Conflict/Steven Haines.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 574-620.
128544 Protection of Data in Armed Conflict/Robin Geiss, Henning Lahmann.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 557-572.
128545 Questions Relating to the Continental Shelf Beyond 200 Nautical Miles: Delimitation, Delineation, and Revenue Sharing/Helmut Tuerk.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 233-257.
128546 Booty, Bounty, Blockade, and Prize: Time to Reevaluate the Law/Andrew Clapham.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 1201-1261.
128547 Refining Japan’s Integrative Position on the Territorial Sovereignty of the Senkaku Islands/Atsuko Kanehara.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 1590-1630.
128548 Responding to Hostile Cyber Operations: The In-Kind Option/Michael N. Schmitt, Durward E. Johnson.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 97-121.
128549 Revisiting ad bellum Proportionality: Challenging the Factors Used to Assess It/Yishai Beer.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 1502-1540.
128550 The International Law of Prolonged Sieges and Blockades: Gaza as a Case Study/Eyal Benvenisti.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 970-993.
128551 The External Element of the Obligation to Ensure Respect for the Geneva Conventions: A Matter of Treaty Interpretation/Marten Zwanenburg.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 622-649.
128552 The Plea of Necessity: An Oft Overlooked Response Option to Hostile Cyber Operations/Louise Arimatsu, Michael N. Schmitt.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 1172-1196.
128553 The Value and Viability of the South China Sea Arbitration Ruling: The U.S. Perspective 2016 2020/Jonathan G. Odom.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 123-177.
128554 Transformative Disarmament: Crafting a Roadmap for Peace/Louise Arimatsu.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 834-915.
128555 Ukraine v. The Russian Federation: Navigating Conflict over Sovereignty under UNCLOS/Nilu fer Oral.- International Law Studies. 2021; Vol.97: 479-506.
128556 Airline liability the warsaw convention ninth Circuit rules passenger’s development of deep-Vein thrombosis is not an accident under the Warsaw convention/Amanda kay morse.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70, No.1: 123-170.
128557 Jurisdiction should the jurisdictional analysis remain stagnant in the face of the modern expansion of international trade conducted within the u.s.-hms aviation v. Layale enterprises, s.a./Llyod a. Lim.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70, No.1: 115-122.
128558 National-Security Law in Outer Space: The Interface of Exploration and Security/Michel Bourbonniere.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70, No.1: 3-62.
128559 The Fully-Computerized International Registry for Security Interests in Aircraft and Aircraft Protocol That Will Become Effective toward the Beginning of 2006/B. Patrick Honnebier.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70, No.1: 63-82.
128560 Torts-united states district court for the eastern District of michigan holds that an airline has a Duty to protect a child participating in the Unaccompanied minor/Heather j. Panko.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70, No.1: 131-137.
128561 United states aviation safety data: uses and issues Related to sanctions and confidentiality/James l. Simmons, Jefferty s. Forrest.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70, No.1: 83-112.
128562 2005 SMU Air Law Symposium Recent Developments in Aviation Law/Christopher R. Barth.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70, No.2: 171-237.
128563 Airlines jettison their pension plans: congress must act to save the pbgc and protect plan beneficiaries/Jonathan E. Collins.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70: 289-317.
128564 Aviation Law International Transportation under the Warsaw Convention Ninth Circuit Holds That a Traveler’s Independently Purchased Domestic Flight/Spencer H. Bromberg.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70, No.2: 277-285.
128565 Be Nice-Or I’ll Sue: Is This a New Perigee for FAA/Customer Relations-Cox & Novickis v. 5-State Helicopters, Inc. A Clash of Personal and Public Rights/Chris Kilgore, Jonathan Cunningham, Hays Hettinger.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70, No.2: 239-274.
128566 Electronic Ticketing-Current Legal Issues/Ruwantissa Abeyratne.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70, No.2: 141-170.
128567 The Age 60 Rule-It Is Time to Defeat It/Geneve DuBois.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70, No.2: 319-352.
128568 Time for Congress to Spread Love in the Air: Why the Wright Amendment Was Wrong Before, and Why It Deserve Repeal Today/Jennifer C. Wang.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70, No.2: 353-390.
128569 Aviation insurance coverage issues beware the renter pilot/Guy h. Riddle.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70, No.3: 407-428.
128570 Cellular phones on airplanes-an idea not ready for take-off/Heather j. Panko.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70, No.3: 533-564.
128571 Critique of siemens v. Schenker: high court of australia decision 9 march 2004/John oreilly.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70, No.3: 393-406.
128572 Federal Aviation Administration’s New Sport Pilot License and the Transport Security Administration’s New Flight School Threat Assessment Procedures: Do They Render the General Aviation Industry More Vulnerable to Terrorist Attacks/Jeff Gulbas.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70, No.3: 501-532.
128573 Interpretation of Joint Employer under the Family and Medical Leave Act-Ninth Circuit Holds an Airline That Contracted with Grounds Crews Is Not a Joint Employer of Those Workers under the  FMLA:Moreau v. Air France/Jennifer C. Wang.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70, No.3: 567-574.
128574 The Effect of Market Structure on Airline Prices: A Review of Empirical Results/Michael W. Tretheway, Ian S. Kincaid.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70, No.3: 467-498.
128575 Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Claimsunder the Warsaw Convention/Don G. Rushing, William D. Janicki.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70, No.3: 429-466.
128576 Assessing a GPS-Based Global Navigation Satellite System within the Context of the 2004 U.S. Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Policy/Bradley M. Orschel.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70, No.4: 609-635.
128577 Public Space Travel-2005: A Legal Odyssey into the Current Regulatory Environment for United States Space Adventurers Pioneering the Final Frontier/Spencer H. Bromberg.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70, No.4: 639-671.
128578 Search and Seizure at Cruising Altitude: An Analysis of the Re-born Federal Air Marshals and Fourth Amendment Complications in the Twenty-First Century/Katherine Stein.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70, No.4: 673-703.
128579 Why the Billy Mitchell Case Still Matters: Some casenote on the First Amendment, International Law, Civil Rights, and a Pioneer of Military Aviation-Douglas Waller A Question of Loyalty: Gen. Billy Mitchell and the Court-Martial That Gripped the Nation/Jonathan L. Entin.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2005; Vol.70, No.4: 577-607.
128580 Airline Liability-The Warsaw Convention United States District Court of the Southern District of California Holds That the Passenger May Bring Suit in the United States because It Is KLM’s Place of Business/Rebecca Tillery.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2006; Vol.71, No.1: 91-98.
128581 Aviation Law D.C. Circuit Allows Stage 2 Noise Restriction Yet Defers to FAA’s Interpretation of ANCA: City of Naples Airport Authority v. Federal Aviation Administration/Nellie Strong.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2006; Vol.71, No.1: 83-90.
128582 Federal Preemption State Dram Shop Legislation in Conflict with Federal Aviation Administration Regulations The Supreme Court of Georgia Declines to Hold That the Airline Deregulation/Sarita Anne Smithee.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2006; Vol.71, No.1: 75-82.
128583 Rehabilitation Act Call It Aid, Call It Help, but Don’t Call It Federal Financial Assistance: Shotz v. American Airlines, Inc./Theodore M. Foster.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2006; Vol.71, No.1: 59-65.
128584 The Airlines: Destined to Fail/Richard D. Cudahy.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2006; Vol.71, No.1: 3-35.
128585 Torts Aviation Safety Ratings as Defamation: Aviation Charter, Inc. v. Aviation Research Group/US/Lisa Normand.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2006; Vol.71, No.1: 67-74.
128586 Recent Developments in Aviation Law/Edward C. Bresee, Sirce Elliott.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. Vol.71, No.1: 107-190.
128587 Will It Happen Again FAA’s Disastrous Prior Experience with User Fees/Roy Goldberg.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2006; Vol.71, No.1: 37-56.
128588 A Fait Acompli for the PBGC and US Taxpayers: How the Last Hope for Redemption Was Missed in the 2005 Bankruptcy Code Revisions and Subsequent Court Decisions/John P. Henry.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2006; Vol.71, No.2: 375-407.
128589 Application of the Precautionary Principle to the Moon/Paul B. Larsen.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2006; Vol.71, No.2: 295-306.
128590 Does the Montreal Convention of 1999 Require That a Notice Be Given to Passengers What Is the Validity of Notice of a Choice of Forum Clause under Montreal 1999/Senai W. Andemariam.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2006; Vol.71, No.2: 251-294.
128591 State Aid, the Growth of Low-Cost Carriers in the European Union, and the Impact of the 2005 Guidelines on Financing of Airports and Start-up Aid to Airlines Departing from Regional Airports/Ryan Griffin.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2006; Vol.71, No.2: 341-374.
128592 The Changing Face of General Aviation Security Regulation: What Is Being Done, What Needs to Be Done, and Why Does Anything Need to Be Done in the First Place/Rebecca Tillery.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2006; Vol.71, No.2: 307-339.
128593 The General Aviation Revitalization Act of 1994-An Update/Orla M. Brady.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2006; Vol.71, No.1: 411-425.
128594 The WTO’s Toughest Case: An Examination of the Effectiveness of the WTO Dispute Resolution Procedure in the Airbus-Boeing Dispute over Aircraft Subsidies/Nils Meier-Kaienburg.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2006; Vol.71, No.2: 193-250.
128595 Admissible or Inadmissible Getting in or Keeping out Government Documents in Aviation Cases/Leane Capps Medford, Steven D. Sanfelippo.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2006; Vol.71, No.3: 451-469.
128596 From ADIZ to SFRA: The FAA’s Compliance with Administrative Procedures to Codify Washington, D.C. Flight Restrictions/Michele S. Sheets.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2006; Vol.71, No.3: 615-649.
128597 Sisyphus, the Boulder, and the Choice-of-Law Hill: The Analytical Framework for Resolving the Unusual and Complex Choice-of-Law Issues That Can Arise When the United States Is a Party in an  Aviation Case/Rodney Patton.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2006; Vol.71, No.3: 471-519.
128598 The Discoverability of Sensitive Security Information in Aviation Litigation/Linda L. Lane.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2006; Vol.71, No.3: 427-448.
128599 The Successes and Failures of Presidential Policy on Commercial Air Travel/Daniel K. Bubb.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2006; Vol.71, No.3: 653-667.
128600 The UAV and the Current and Future Regulatory Construct for Integration into the National Airspace System/Mark Edward Peterson.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2006; Vol.71, No.3: 522-610.
128601 Mixed Optimization: Diagnosis and Proposed Solution for Several Problems in the Airline Industry/Jesse Hercules.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2006; Vol.71, No.4: 691-715.
128602 The Chapter 11 Shuttle Coincidence or Competitive Strategy/Eva M. Dowdell.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2006; Vol.71, No.4: 669-689.
128603 There Is No Complete, Implied, or Field Federal Preemption of State Law Personal Injury/Wrongful Death Negligence or Product Liability Claims in General Aviation Cases/John D. McClune.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2006; Vol.71, No.4: 717-731.
128604 Newport Rules of Engagement Handbook.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.98: 1-110.
128605 Arctic Navigation and Climate Change: Projections from Science for the Law of the Sea/Charles H. Norchi, Amanda H. Lynch.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 492-514.
128606 Australia’s Maritime Security Challenges: Juggling International Law and Informal Agreements in an International Rules-Based Order/Natalie Klein.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 376-406.
128607 Can Turkey Legally Close Its Straits to Russian Warships? It’s Complicated/James Kraska.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 544-588.
128608 China’s IUU Fishing Fleet: Pariah of the World’s Oceans/Raul (Pete) Pedrozo.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 320-351.
128609 Closing the Turkish Straits in Times of War/Raul (Pete) Pedrozo.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 517-520.
128610 The Legal Requirement for Command and the Future of Autonomous Military Platforms/Rain Liivoja, Eve Massingham, Simon McKenzie.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 640-673.
128611 Command Responsibility, Australian War Crimes in Afghanistan, and the Brereton Report/Douglas Guilfoyle, Joanna Kyriakakis, Melanie O Brien.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 222-280.
128612 Cyber Peacekeeping Operations and the Regulation of the Use of Lethal Force/Nicholas Tsagourias, Giacomo Biggio.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 38-70.
128613 Active Resistance by Merchant Vessel Crews During International Armed Conflict is Not Direct Participation in Hostilities/Robert McLaughlin.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 285-317.
128614 Does the Revised U.S. South China Sea Policy Go Far Enough?/Raul (Pete) Pedrozo.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 73-92.
128615 Double Classification of Non-Consensual State Interventions: Magic Protection or Pandora’s Box?/Pauline Lesaffre.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 409-451.
128616 Drawing the Cyber Baseline: The Applicability of Existing International Law to the Governance of Information and Communication Technologies/Dapo Akande, Antonio Coco, Talita de Souza Dias.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 5-35.
128617 Enhancing the Security of Shipping in Southeast Asia: The Relevance of International Law/Robert Beckman.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 454-477.
128618 Human Rights of Conscientious Objectors vis-a-vis Armed Non-State Actors and De Facto Authorities/Michael Wiener, Andrew Clapham.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 732-770.
128619 Intelligence Collection and the International Law of the Sea/James Kraska.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 603-634.
128620 International Child Law and the Settlement of Ukraine-Russia and Other Conflicts/Diane Marie Amann.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 560-592.
128621 International Law Considerations for 21st Century Engagements at Sea/Vice Admiral Darse E. Del Crandall.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 479-490.
128622 Maritime Exclusion Zones in Armed Conflicts/Raul (Pete) Pedrozo.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 526-536.
128623 Neutral State Access to Ukraine s Food Exports/James Kraska.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 550-556.
128624 Proportionality: Reconsidering the Application of an Established Principle in International Law/Rudiger Wolfrum.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 677-696.
128625 Some Reflections on the Threshold for International Armed Conflict and on the Application of the Law of Armed Conflict in any Armed Conflict/T.D. Gill.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 669-730.
128626 Targeting a Satellite: Contrasting Considerations between the Jus ad Bellum and the Jus in Bello/Hitoshi Nasu.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 143-177.
128627 The Attack on the Vasily Bekh and Targeting Logistics Ships/James Kraska.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 538-542.
128628 The Legal Requirement for Command and the Future of Autonomous Military Platforms/Rain Liivoja, Eve Massingham, Simon McKenzie.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 640-663.
128629 The Prohibition on Intervention Under International Law and Cyber Operations/Ori Pomson.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 181-218.
128630 The UN Security Council and the Saga of Global Legislation/Gadi Ezra.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 94-139.
128631 War Sanctions Steadily Degrade the Russian Maritime Sector/James Kraska.- International Law Studies. 2022; Vol.99: 521-525.
128632 Airline Deregulation Deserves Another Shot: How Foreign Investment Restrictions and Subsidies Actually Hurt the Airline Industry/Christopher McBay.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.1: 173-203.
128633 International Aviation Safety: An Examination of the U.S., EU, and the Developing World/Miranda Anger.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.1: 141-171.
128634 Market Access and the GATs Air Transport Annexure: Possible Approaches for India/Usha Balasubramaniam.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.1: 45-63.
128635 US/EU Open Skies Agreement-Some Issues/Ruwantissa Aberyratne.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.1: 21-44.
128636 A Free Bird Sings the Song of the Caged: Southwest Airlines Fight to Repeal the Wright Amendment/John Grantham.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.1: 430-462.
128637 Airline Challenges to Airport Abuses of Economic Power/Roy Goldberg.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.1: 351-367.
128638 Airline Liability The Warsaw Convention Fifth Circuit Rules That Holding a Passenger’s Baggage for Ransom Is Not Actionable under the Warsaw Convention: MBABA v. Societe Air France/Steve Mann.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.1: 401-408.
128639 Antitrust Predatory Pricing Sixth Circuit Incorrectly Uses of Post-Chicago Economics and Analysis of Non-Price Predation to Overturn Summary Judgment Granted to an Antitrust  Defendant: Spirit Airlines, Inc. v. Northwest Airlines,  Inc./Casey Burton.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.1: 391-400.
128640 Business Interruption Claims in the Aftermath of the September 11 Terrorist Attacks Dispute as to Scope of Coverage in Ambiguous Insurance Policies: United Airlines, Inc. v. Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania/Alyson Moses.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.1: 409-417.
128641 Dormant Commerce Clause Economic Protectionism and State Tax Incentives The Supreme Court of Wisconsin Holds That Tax Exemptions for Air Carriers Based Solely on the Amount of Business/Amber M. Billingsley.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.1: 381-389.
128642 Overcoming U.S. Citizenship Hurdles for Aircraft Financiers/Joseph W. Hardy.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.2: 370-377.
128643 Public Forums Is the Airspace above a Public Forum also a Public Forum The Ninth Circuit’s  Narrow Interpretation of the Public Forum Doctrine Results in Another Barrier for Freedom of Expression/Jessica A. Sheridan.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.2: 419-426.
128644 The Evolution of the US Airline Industry: Technology, Entry, and Market Structure Three Revolutions/Eldad Ben-Yosef.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.2: 305-349.
128645 An Analysis of the Proposed Privatization of Chicago’s Midway Airport/Casey Andrew Burton.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.3: 597-630.
128646 Cutting Costs and Cutting Corners The Safety Risks Associated with Outsourcing Aircraft Maintenance and the Need for Effective Safety Oversight by the Federal Aviation Administration/Wagner Kendal Van.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.3: 631-658.
128647 Federal Officer Removal: Watson Would Fly with FAA Designees/Fred J. Meier, Jonathan J. Cunningham, John J. Reenan, Hays Hettinger.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.3: 486-525.
128648 Flying the Unfriendly Skies: The European Union’s New Proposal to Include Aviation in Their Emissions Trading Scheme/Janelle Veno.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.3: 659-687.
128649 Not in My Bank Yard The Federal-Local Conflict over General Aviation Airports/Matthew Snyder Brysacz.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.3: 561-595.
128650 Shooting down Civilian Aircraft: Is There an International Law/Brian E. Foont.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.3: 696-724.
128651 Square Pegs in a Round Hole The Effects of the 2006 Cape Town Treaty Implementation and Its Impact on Fractional Jet Ownership/Angie Boliver.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.3: 529-560.
128652 Turbulence Ahead: Adjusting for E-Discovery in Aviation Litigation/Charles L. Kerr.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.3: 465-484.
128653 Aviation Relations between the United States and China: Are Open Skies on the Horizons/Ashley Renee Beane.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.4: 803-833.
128654 Forging a Diplomatic Shield for American Satellites: The Case for Reevaluating the 2006 National Space Policy in Light of a Chinese Anti-Satellite System/Frank M. Walsh.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.4: 759-799.
128655 Gara and the Collateral Order Doctrine: After the Third Circuit’s Decision in Robinson v. Hartzell Propellers/Michael Hession.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.4: 751-758.
128656 Regulatory Convergence Extending the Reach of EU Aviation Law/Richard Smithies.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.4: 3-20.
128657 The Need for Regulations to Address the Slow Transition to Halon Alternatives in the Civil Aviation Industry/Bailey Pham.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.4: 835-869.
128658 Welcome Aboard: Aircraft Deicing Fluid and the Environmental Epidemic It Is Causing/Matthew J. Griesmer.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2007; Vol.72, No.4: 727-750.
128659 Carol Zollmann: Aviation Law Casebook Pioneer/Robert M. Jarvis.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.1: 319-350.
128660 Fourth Amendment The Ninth Circuit Court Allows the Government to Read International Airmail Absent a Warrant: United States v. Seljan/Nicole Tong.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.1: 121-128.
128661 International Litigation: The U.S. Jurisdiction to Prescribe and the Doctrine of Forum Non Conveniens/Allan I. Mendelsohn.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.1: 17-35.
128662 Labor Law Tenth Circuit Misperceives and Misapplies the Purposes of the Family and Medical Leave Act, a Decision Leaving Airline Pilots without the Act’s Protections: Knapp v. America West Airlines, Inc./Jeff Orkin.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.1: 113-119.
128663 Products Liability in Maritime Law: A Court’s Refusal to Impost Liability on a Manufacturer for Failure to Warn of Post-Sale Defects Where the Injury Suffered was Purely Economic/Katharine Lavalley.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.1: 105-112.
128664 Space Settlements, Property Rights, and International Law: Could a Lunar Settlement Claim the Lunar Real Estate It Needs to Survive/Alan Wasser, Douglas Jobes.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.1: 38-78.
128665 Trademark Law Determining a Likelihood of Confusion The Southern District of New York Improperly Denies Preliminary Injunction Due to Its Misconstruction of the Relevant Standard and  Misapplication of the Polaroid Factors/Johnson Kuncheria.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73: 97-104.
128666 Who Signs the Checks Groff v. United States/Dustin Appel.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.1: 89-95.
128667 A Wolf in Wolf ‘s Clothing Other Incident Evidence in Aviation Litigation/Jonathan R. Friedman, Matthew S. Knoop.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.2: 441-462.
128668 Air Cargo Fuel Surcharges and Tacit Collusion under the Sherman Act: What Good Is Catching a Few Bad Guys if Consumers Still Get Robbed/Dustin Appe.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.2: 375-406.
128669 Can Big Brother Watch You The Implications of the Department of Homeland Security’s Proposed National Applications Office for Fourth Amendment Protections/Melissa Deal.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.2: 407-437.
128670 Closing Argument: Addressing Damages in Aviation Wrongful Death Cases/Kevin W. Murphy.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.2: 463-486.
128671 Singapore’s New Air Services Agreements with the E.U. and the U.K.: Implications for Liberalization in Asia/Alan Khee-Jin Tan.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.2: 351-371.
128672 A Flight Plan towards Financial Stability The History and Future of Foreign Ownership Restrictions in the United States Aviation Industry/Bimal Patel.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.3: 487-525.
128673 Air Passenger Health and Consumer Protection/Usha Balasubramaniam.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.3: 675-704.
128674 Analysis of the Proposed Hub Carrier Slot Preference at Chicago O’Hare/Erin Shea.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.3: 611-641.
128675 Does the TSA Have Stage Fright Then Why are They Picturing you Naked/Julie Solomon.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.3: 643-671.
128676 Fair Treatment for Experienced Pilots Act All Good Things Really Do Come to an End/Jeff Orkin.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.3: 579-610.
128677 The Department of Homeland Security Proposes an Advance Passenger Information Requirement for Private Aircraft: Paranoia or Reasonable Security/Johnson Kuncheria.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.3: 544-577.
128678 The ITAR Treaty and Its Implications for U.S. Space Exploration Policy and the Commercial Space Industry/P. J. Blount.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.3: 705-722.
128679 The Sophisticated Pilot: A New Line of Defense in the Field of General Aviation/Will S. Skinner.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.3: 527-539.
128680 Achieving a Level Playing Field in Space-Related Public-Private Partnerships: Can Sovereign Immunity Upset the Balance/Diane Howard.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.4: 723-757.
128681 Civil Aviation in the United Arab Emirates Some Legal and Commercial Perspectives/Ruwantissa Abeyratne.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.4: 3-15.
128682 Competition and Predation in the Airline Industry/Gustavo Mathias Pinto.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.4: 3-23.
128683 Law and Regulation Governing U.S. Commercial Spaceports: Licensing, Liability, and Legal Challenges/Michael C. Mineiro.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2008; Vol.73, No.4: 759-805.
128684 Antidiscrimination Law In the Face of Racial Profiling, the First Circuit Holds that Longstanding Antidiscrimination Principles Must Yield to Airline Safety: Cerqueira v. American Airlines, Inc./Benjamin D. Williams2009; Vol.74, No.1: 131-142.
128685 Flight Check: Are Air Carriers Any Closer to Providing Gambling on International Flights that Land or Depart from the United States/Darren A. Prum2009; Vol.74, No.1: 71-102.
128686 Gays in the Military The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Fails to Subject Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell to a Strict Scrutiny Test:Witt v. Department of the Air Force/Genevra Williams2009; Vol.74, No.1: 143-149.
128687 Investigating the Effects of Financial Benefits of Operating Leases on Air Carriers Profits/Sang-Bum Park, Jin-Woo Park, Mohammad Akter Hossan2009; Vol.74, No.1: 55-69.
128688 Legal Issues in the Deployment of a Dedicated Satellite for the Indian Navy/Anand Mohan2009; Vol.74, No.1: 25-53.
128689 No-Fly List The Ninth Circuit Misapplies Congressional Intent of 49 U.S.C. Sec. 46110, a Decision that Opens the Doors of District Courts to No-Fly List Challenges: Ibrahim v. Department of  Homeland Security/J. Cade Hamner2009; Vol.74, No.1: 105-112.
128690 Preemption The Preemptive Scope of the Airline Deregulation Act as Amended by the Whistleblower Protection Program:Wright v. Nordam Group, Inc./Katrina Maher2009; Vol.74, No.1: 113-119.
128691 Recent Developments in Aviation Law/Donald R. Andersen2009; Vol.74, No.1: 155-333.
128692 Takings The Federal Circuit Denies Compensation for Passenger Screening Companies Pushed out of the Airport by the Aviation and Transportation Security Act:Huntleigh USA Corp. v. United States/Paul McBride2009; Vol.74, No.1: 121-129.
128693 Assessing the Risks: Tort Liability and Risk Management in the Event of a Commercial Human Space Flight Vehicle Accident/Michael C. Mineiro2009; Vol.74, No.2: 371-401.
128694 GPS for the Sky: A Survey of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) and Its Implementation in the United States/Genevra Williams2009; Vol.74, No.2: 473-502.
128695 National Insecurity: Itar and the Technological Impairment of U.S. National Space Policy/Jason A. Crook2009; Vol.74, No.2: 505-526.
128696 Playing the Slots: The FAA Gambles with Its Controversial Congestion Management Plan for New York’s Busiest Airports/Benjamin D. Williams2009; Vol.74, No.2: 437-470.
128697 Pushing the Envelope: Why Washington, DC Airspace Restrictions Do Not Enhance Security/John W. Heck2009; Vol.74, No.2: 336-368.
128698 Some Inconvenient Truths about Forum Non Conveniens Law in International Aviation Disasters/Don G. Rushing, Ellen Nudelman Alder2009; Vol.74, No.2: 405-433.
128699 Beyond Orwell: The Application of Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Domestic Surveillance Operations/Paul McBride2009; Vol.74, No.3: 627-662.
128700 Border Searches in a Modern World: Are Laptops Merely Closed Containers, Or Are They Something More/Kindal Wright2009; Vol.74, No.3: 701-733.
128701 Commercial Aviation: An Unsustainable Technology/Daniel M. Warner2009; Vol.74, No.3: 553-594.
128702 Flying Safely, the Prosecution of Pilots, and the ICAO Chicago Convention: Some Comparative Perspectives/Marvyn E. Bennun, Gavin McKellar2009; Vol.74, No.3: 737-780.
128703 Obesity, Canada’s One Passenger One Fare Rule and the Potential Effects on the U.S. Commercial Airline Industry/Avery Williams2009; Vol.74, No.3: 663-699.
128704 Regulating Safety Can the National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Aviation Administration Improve the Safety of EMS Flights/J. Cade Hamner2009; Vol.74, No.3: 597-626.
128705 Sovereignty, Politics, and U.S. International Airline Policy/Alan P. Dobson, Joseph A. McKinney2009; Vol.74, No.3: 527-552.
128706 A Legal Regime for Space Tourism: Creating Legal Certainty in Outer Space/Zhao Yun2009; Vol.74, No.4: 959-982.
128707 Aircraft Accident Reports and Other Government Documents: Evidentiary Use in International Air Crash Litigation in the United States/William D. Janicki2009; Vol.74, No.4: 803-842.
128708 Aircraft Crashes: Should Aircraft Lessors Be Held Liable/Geoff Kass, Violet OBrien2009; Vol.74, No.4: 845-896.
128709 Call for a Congressional Inquiry into the Arbitrary and Capricious Decisions of the National Transportation Safety Board/Alan Armstrong2009; Vol.74, No.4: 3-67.
128710 National Transportation Safety Board Aircraft Accident Reports: The Long Lost Legislative History of Section 701(E)/John T. Cocklin2009; Vol.74, No.4: 781-799.
128711 Rarely Tried, and Rarely Successful: Theoretically Impossible Price Predation among the Airlines/Chris Sagers2009; Vol.74, No.4: 919-957.
128712 The Valuation of Airport Slots/Michael Olbrich, Gerrit Brosel, Marius Hasslinger2009; Vol.74, No.4: 897-917.
128713 Air Traffic Controller Liability First Circuit Undermines FAA’s Efforts to Incorporate Redundancy into Aviation Safety Procedures: Wojciechowicz v. United States/Asten Joe Van.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.1: 213-220.
128714 Bumping Passengers Airline Service That Just Doesn’t Fly/Aubrey B. Colvard.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.1: 189-196.
128715 DOHSA’s Commercial Aviation Exception: How Mass Airline Disasters Influenced Congress on Compensation for Deaths on the High Seas Stephen R. Ginger/Will S. Skinner.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.1: 137-160.
128716 False Claims Act The Tenth Circuit Fails to Fully Consider the Harm to Public Policy Caused by Enforcement of a Prefiling Release Agreement in a Qui Tam Action: United States Ex Rel. Ritchie v.  Lockheed Martin Corp./Kelly Flanagan.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.1: 197-204.
128717 Independence of Aviation Safety Investigation Authorities: Keeping the Foxes from the Henhouse/Paul Stephen Dempsey.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.1: 223-284.
128718 Is Lessor More/Roger W. Clark, Thomas M. Richardson.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.1: 69-136.
128719 Jurisdiction Determining the Line between OCSLA and DOSHA In an Already Murky Area of the Law, the Fifth Circuit Leaves Open More Questions than It Answers/Amy Cawthon Bellah.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.2: 181-188.
128720 Reasonably Precise Specifications and the Military Contractor Defense The Eleventh Circuit Misapplies the Boyle Test: Brinson v. Raytheon Co./Michael Lyons.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.1: 205-212.
128721 The Argument for Federal Legislation Protecting the Confidentiality of Aviation Safety Action Program Information/Christa Meyer Hinckley, Hays Hettinger, Jeremy E. Juenger.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.1: 161-176.
128722 Air Marshals: The Need for Legal Certainty/P. Paul Fitzgerald.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.2: 357-406.
128723 Failure is Not an Option: An Essay on What Legal Educators Can Learn from NASA’s Signature Pedagogies to Improve Student Outcomes/Lisa T. McElroy, Christine N. Coughlin.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.2: 503-522.
128724 It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s a Problem: The Impact of Bird Strikes on the Civil Aviation Industry/Amanda Thompson.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.2: 469-500.
128725 Recent Developments in Aviation Law: General/Sarah Keast.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.2: 286-322.
128726 Recent Developments in Regional Air Carrier Litigation and the Carriers Exposure to Punitive Damages under Supreme Court Precedent/Michel F. Baumeister, Dorothea M. Capone.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.2: 323-356.
128727 The Aviation Industry and the Transmission of Communicable Disease: The Case of H1N1 Swine Influenza/Courtney Clegg.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.2: 437-467.
128728 The Misleading Legacy of Tseng: Removal Jurisdiction under the Montreal Convention/Nicholas D. Welly.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.2: 408-433.
128729 Navigating the Turbulence of Competing Interests: principles and Practice of the Federal Aviation Administration/Amanda K. Bruchs, Robert A. Hawks, Lisa A. Holden.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.3: 778-825.
128730 Operational Testing and the Mythical Commercial-off-the-Shelf Aircraft: The Tale of the T-3A Firefly/Christopher L. Harlow.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.3: 523-548.
128731 Private Commercial Space Transportation’s Dependence on Space Tourism and NASA’s Responsibility to Both/A.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.3: 639-668.
128732 Space Tourism and Export Controls: A Prayer for Relief/Mark J. Sundahl.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.2: 581-617.
128733 The National Mediation Board’s Rule Proposal for Representation Elections: If It Ain’t Broke/Kyle Burke.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.2: 669-703.
128734 The Scope of the Proprietary Powers Exception to Federal Preemption under the Airline Deregulation Act/Christopher Scott Maravilla.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.3: 549-580.
128735 Trying to Squeeze into the Middle Seat: Application of the Airline Deregulation Act’s Preemption Provision to Internet Travel Agencies/Aubrey B. Colvard.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.3: 705-739.
128736 Why Airlines Should Be Afraid: The Potential Impact of Cap and Trade and Other Carbon Emissions Reduction Proposals on the Airline Industry/Tate L. Hemingson.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.3: 741-773.
128737 Air Transportation Taxation: The Case for Reform/Charles E. Smith.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.4: 915-946.
128738 Psychiatric Injury in Aviation Accidents under the Warsaw and Montreal Conventions: The Interface between Medicine and Law/Christopher Andrews, Vernon Nase.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.3: 3-75.
128739 The Causal Connection Question in Aviation Insurance Coverage/Jon Kettles, Ashley Sissell.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2010; Vol.75, No.4: 830-860.
128740 Cost Sharing in Air-Service Provision/David Timothy Duval, Niven Winchester.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2011; Vol.76, No.1: 77-96.
128741 Pilots Denied Relief By Narrowly Construing Prevailing Parties under the EAJA, the D.C. Circuit Allows the FAA to Run Amok/Scott Lars Rogers.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2011; Vol.76, No.1: 135-142.
128742 Ripe, Riper, Ripest The Ninth Circuit’s Decision in Addington v. U.S. Airline Pilots Association Sets a Misguided Ripeness Standard for Duty of Fair representation Claims/R. J. Pathroff.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2011; Vol.76, No.1: 127-134.
128743 Successor Employer’s Obligations under a Preexisting Collective Bargaining Agreement: The Second Circuit Misinterprets Supreme Court Decisions and Sets a Harmful Precedent/Kevin A. Teters.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2011; Vol.76, No.1: 143-150.
128744 The First Amendment Determining Whether a Total Ban on Newspaper Racks in a Public Airport’s Terminals Raises a Genuine Issue of Material Fact concerning Its Constitutionality/Laura McKenery.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2011; Vol.76, No.1: 119-126.
128745 Twombly and Parallel Conduct How the Sixth Circuit Grounded In re Travel Agent Commission Antitrust Litigation/Natalie N. DuBose.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2011; Vol.76, No.1: 111-118.
128746 Why Civil-Military Integration of Yokota Air Force Base Makes Sense for Purposes of Promoting Mutual Cooperation between the United States  and Japan/Allan I. Mendelsohn.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2011; Vol.76, No.1: 99-108.
128747 Flightcrew Member Duty and Rest Requirements: Does the Proposed Legislation Put to Rest the Concern over Pilot Fatigue/Natalie N. DuBose.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2011; Vol.76, No.2: 254-287.
128748 Keeping the Live in Live Animal Air Cargo Transport/Noreen Lanza.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2011; Vol.76, No.2: 229-249.
128749 Recent Developments in Air Carrier Litigation/Linda L. Lane, Kimberly R. Gosling, Don G. Rushing.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2011; Vol.76, No.2: 198-222.
128750 Standard of Care Preemption in Aviation Litigation: Halting Steps to a Coherent Analysis/John C. Nettels, Jerrick L. Irby.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2011; Vol.76, No.2: 328-406.
128751 Will the Ban on In-Flight Cell Phone Use Be up in the Air Much Longer/Sarah Lopano.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2011; Vol.76, No.2: 290-324.
128752 Bilateral Investment Treaties and International Air Transportation: A New Tool for Global Airlines to Redress Market Barriers/Andrew B. Steinberg, Charles T. Kotuby.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2011; Vol.76, No.3: 458-497.
128753 Criminalization of Air Disasters: What Goal, if Any, is Being Achieved/Elaine D. Solomon, Dina L. Relles.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2011; Vol.76, No.3: 409-455.
128754 Faith or Flight: A Religious Dilemma/Colleen Deal.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2011; Vol.76, No.3: 526-557.
128755 New Tarmac Delay Rule and the Volcanic Ash Cloud over European Airspace: One Year Later/Jennifer Henry, Mary Gardner.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2011; Vol.76, No.3: 634-660.
128756 The 2010 NASA Authorization Act: Legislators as Rocket Scientists and Other Implications for America’s Human Spaceflight Program/Jason S. Sharp.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2011; Vol.76, No.3: 596-629.
128757 The Temporary Presence Defense to Patent Infringement and Its Applicability to Airline Security Patents/Scott Poteet.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2011; Vol.76, No.3: 560-592.
128758 Consolidation and Rationalization in the Transatlantic Air Transport Market – Prospects and Challenges for Competition and Consumer Welfare/Antigoni Lykotrafiti.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2011; Vol.76, No.4: 662-729.
128759 Keep Your Hands Off My Nuts Airlines, Peanut Allergies, and the Law/John G. Browning.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2011; Vol.76, No.4: 3-36.
128760 Revisiting Selected Issues in the Draft Protocol to the Cape Town Convention on Matters Specific to Space Assets/Zhao Yun.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2011; Vol.76, No.4: 805-859.
128761 Air Carrier Liability for Delay: A Plea to Return to International Uniformity Jae Woon Lee/Joseph Charles Wheeler.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.1: 44-101.
128762 Death on High Seas Act Defining DOHSA’s Applicability to Noncommercial Aircraft Accidents/Susan Roxanne Jett.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.1: 203-210.
128763 Employment Law The Fifth Circuit’s Shaky Landing Prohibits a Hostile Work Environment Claim under USERRA for Pilots with Military Obligations/Jennifer Staton.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.1: 211-218.
128764 Environmental Impact Statements The Ninth Circuit Narrows the No-Growth-Inducing-Impacts Exception/John Carse.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.1: 179-185.
128765 Flying with Blinders On The District of Columbia Circuit Allows TSA to Ignore Evidence Unfavorable to its Financial Interests/Allyn E. Hurley.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.1: 195-202.
128766 Propelling Aviation to New Heights: Accessibility to In-Flight Entertainment for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Passengers/Michael A. Schwartz.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.1: 151-174.
128767 Serving Two Masters: Military Aircraft Commander Authority and the Strategic Airlift Capability Partnership’s Multinational Airlift Fleet/Christopher M. Petras.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.1: 105-149.
128768 The Airline Deregulation Act and Preemption Determining Whether Curbside Baggage Check has a Significant Impact upon a Carrier/Lorelee Dodge.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.1: 187-193.
128769 The Legal Consequences of Undisclosed Medical Conditions on Aircraft Operator Liability/Douglas H. Amster.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.1: 221-238.
128770 Get off My Plane: The Need for Extreme Deference to Captains and Crews on International Flights under the Tokyo Convention of 1963/Jordan Campbell.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.2: 368-402.
128771 Recent Developments in Aviation Law 2011/Will S. Skinner, Matthew S. McHale.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.2: 276-363.
128772 Unmanned but Accelerating: Navigating the Regulatory and Privacy Challenges of Introducing Unmanned Aircraft into the National Airspace System/Benjamin Kapnik.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.2: 442-465.
128773 Warsaw, Montreal, and the U.S. Department of Transportation: Consumer Protection for Forum  Selection/Jessica Rapoport.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.2: 247-273.
128774 What’s Wrong with Pregnancy in the Airline Industry and What to Do about It: Balancing Public Safety Interests, Disability Rights, and Freedom from Discrimination/Jennifer Staton.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.2: 404-436.
128775 Drones in the National Airspace/Timothy T. Takahashi.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.3: 491-532.
128776 Grounding the Cape Wind Project: How the FAA played into the Hands of Wind Farm Opponents and What We Can Learn from It/Heidi Willers.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.3: 606-636.
128777 Maintaining Privacy in a World of Technological Transparency: The BARR Program’s ups and downs in Changing Times/Olga Gurtovaya.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.3: 570-603.
128778 Remembering How to Fly: How New Pilot Training Requirements May Do More Harm than Good/Jane Cherry.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.3: 538-566.
128779 Space Demilitarization Treaties in a New Era of Manned Nuclear Spaceflights/Leonardo P. Caselli.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.3: 642-669.
128780 The United States vs. France: Article 33 of the Montreal Convention and the Doctrine of Forum Non Conveniens/Allan I. Mendelsohn, Carlos J. Ruiz.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.3: 468-486.
128781 Delimitation and the Suborbital Passenger: Time to  End Prevarication/Vernon Nase.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.4: 748-764.
128782 Engines Turn or Passengers Swim: A Case Study of How ETOPS Improved Safety and Economics in Aviation/J. Angelo DeSantis.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.4: 4-60.
128783 Projections for Reducing Aircraft Emissions Kathryn Kisska-Schulze/Gregory P. Tapis.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.4: 702-745.
128784 Space Warfare in the Here and Now: The Rules of Engagement for U.S. Weaponized Satellites in the Current Legal Space Regime/Jameson W. Crockett.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2012; Vol.77, No.4: 672-692.
128785 A Waste of Judicial and Agency Resources The FAA’s Painstaking Compliance with Regulations Governing the Hangar 24 Project/Laura L. Arbeiter.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2013; Vol.78, No.1: 173-180.
128786 American Airlines Bankruptcy  Is American Ready for Takeoff after Rejecting Its Collective Bargaining Agreement/Matthew T. Moran.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2013; Vol.78, No.1: 199-207.
128787 Asteroids, the New Western Frontier: Applying Principles of the General Mining Law of 1872 to Incentive Asteroid Mining/Lauren E. Shaw.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2013; Vol.78, No.1: 122-168.
128788 Bringing Multimodal Transport Law into the New Century: Is the Uniform Liability System the Way Forward/Theodora Nikaki.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2013; Vol.78, No.1: 70-117.
128789 Employment Law Retired Pilots Awarded Monetary Interest on Delayed Lump Sum Pension Payments/Christopher W. Lambert.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2013; Vol.78, No.1: 189-197.
128790 Federal Tort Claims Act Seventh Circuit’s LeGrande Opinion Is Almost a Knockout/Blake Feikema.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2013; Vol.78, No.1: 181-188.
128791 Recent Developments in Aviation Law/Donald R. Andersen.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2013; Vol.78, No.1: 220-315.
128792 Tort Claim Preemption under the Airline Deregulation Act Courts Still Struggling with the Meaning of Services/Baine T. Sellers.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2013; Vol.78, No.1: 209-216.
128793 Fixing the War Powers Resolution in the Age of Predator Drones and Cyber-Warfare/Alexander Chanock.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2013; Vol.78, No.2: 453-476.
128794 Focusing on ADHD: A Second Look at the FAA’s Ban on ADHD Medication in the Cockpit/Baine Sellers.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2013; Vol.78, No.2: 418-449.
128795 General Aviation Accident Rate: How General Aviation Differs from Commercial Airline Flight and How to Correct the Discrepancy/Michelle Northcutt.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2013; Vol.78, No.2: 381-414.
128796 The Lawfare of Forum Non Conveniens: Suits by Foreigners in U.S. Courts for Air Accidents Occurring Abroad/Melinda R. Lewis.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2013; Vol.78, No.2: 320-352.
128797 Airfreight: Regulatory Environment Encourages or Imposes Price Coordination Steven Truxal/Siri Harris.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2013; Vol.78, No.3: 542-581.
128798 Applying the Fourth Amendment’s National-Security Exception to Airport Security and the TSA/R. Gregory Israelsen.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2013; Vol.78, No.3: 502-539.
128799 Commercializing Space: Intellectual Property Concerns with Space Act Agreements/Bryan Parrish.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2013; Vol.78, No.3: 652-688.
128800 Directive 2008/101 and Air Transport A Regulatory Scheme beyond the Limits of the Effects Doctrine/Jason N. Glennon.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2013; Vol.78, No.3: 480-497.
128801 Floating toward a Sky Near You: Unmanned Aircraft Systems and the Implications of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012/Brandon Bellows.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2013; Vol.78, No.3: 586-614.
128802 The Problems and Potential Solutions Related to the Emergence of Space Weapons in the 21st Century/Alexander Chanock.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2013; Vol.78, No.3: 691-710.
128803 The TSA’s New Precheck Is Beginning to Look a lot like CAPPS II: The Privacy Implications of Reviving the Tenets of the Failed Predecessor/Katie Cristina.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2013; Vol.78, No.3: 618-649.
128804 Death from above The Weaponization of Space and the Threat to International Humanitarian Law/Robert David Onley.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2013; Vol.78, No.4: 741-764.
128805 Inner Space: ICAO’s New Frontier/P. Paul Fitzgerald.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2013; Vol.78, No.4: 3-33.
128806 The D.C. Circuit’s Epic Failure in Electronic Privacy Information Center v. United States Department of Homeland Security/R. Gregory Israelsen.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2013; Vol.78, No.4: 711-736.
128807 The Fire Power of Lithium Batteries: Section 828 of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012/Jessica Wall.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2013; Vol.78, No.4: 768-788.
128808 Air Travel and the No Fly List The District of Oregon Recognizes a Constitutional Right to Fly/Emily Leezer Landeros.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.1: 163-171.
128809 Discriminatory Deplaning: Aviation Security and the Constitution/Nicholas Poppe.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.1: 113-146.
128810 FAA Endorsements Escaping Judicial Review the Second Circuit Rules That an Endorsement of Panel Recommendations Is Not a Final Order/J. Bryan White.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.1: 201-209.
128811 Flags of Convenience: Maritime and Aviation/Allan I. Mendelsohn.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.1: 151-159.
128812 Front Matter/Jared L. Watkins, Evan Katin-Borland.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.1: 214-252.
128813 Grounded at the Pleading Stage: How Do TSA Agents Assess a Peaceful Protest versus a Disruptive One/Peter Thompson.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.1: 191-200.
128814 Military Use of Satellite Communications, Remote Sensing, and Global Positioning Systems in the War on Terror/Ricky J. Lee, Sarah L. Steele.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.1: 70-111.
128815 Regulation of Air Traffic The D.C. Circuit Holds that the FAA Has Statutory Authority to Alter Flight Routes to Mitigate the Impact of Aircraft Noise on Residential Areas/Huy Ly.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.1: 173-181.
128816 The Aviation and Transportation Safety Act and Whisteblowers How MacLean and the Federal Circuit Sent National Security into a Nose Dive/Cassie Suttle.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.1: 183-190.
128817 Understanding the Second Sydney Airport Debate: the Consequences for Limited Airport Capacity of a Government Policy Lacuna/Andrew Harrington.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.1: 36-65.
128818 Just Culture and Accountability for Flight Safety Events in Australia and New Zealand/Christopher Griggs.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.2: 441-461.
128819 Not without My Daughter: Preemption of Claims against an Airline for Parental Child Abduction/Barry S. Alexander.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.2: 255-289.
128820 On What Authority: Customs and Border Protection’s Unwarranted War on Private Aviation/Heather McKinney.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.2: 370-397.
128821 Recent Developments in Montreal Convention Litigation/Christopher E. Cotter.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.2: 292-315.
128822 Sleeping on the Job A Critical Analysis of the FAA’s Cargo Carve-out under F.A.R. 117 and the Simple Solution That No One Is Talking about/Kelsey M. Taylor.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.2: 402-436.
128823 The Taxman Cometh: How to Stem the Rising Ride of Aircraft Sales and Use Tax Enforcement/Kent C. Krause, Laura L. Arbeiter.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.2: 318-365.
128824 Applying the Discretionary Function Exception to the Waiver of Sovereign Immunity in Airport Litigation/James L. Cresswell.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.3: 666-699.
128825 Educational Malpractice and the Liability of Flight Training Providers/Peter M. Lindberg.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.3: 464-498.
128826 Good Intentions, Bad Results, and Ineffective Redress: The Story of the No Fly and Selectee Lists and a Suggestion for Change/Eric Hedlund.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.3: 598-630.
128827 Relaxing Restrictions on Cuba: More Air Travel Now than Before/Jennifer Smiley.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.3: 634-661.
128828 Sharing Public Safety Helicopters/Henry H. Perritt, Eliot O. Sprague, Christopher L. Cue.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.3: 503-593.
128829 Angry People in the Sky: Air Rage and the Tokyo Convention/Vernon Nase, Nicolas Humphrey.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.4: 702-744.
128830 Rationalizing the Cape Town Convention and Aircraft Protocol’s First-to-Register Rule and Its Exceptions in the Context of Aviation Finance/Jolyn Ang Qin.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.4: 748-775.
128831 The Future of Airline Mergers after the US Airways and American Airlines Merger/Catherine A. Peterman.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2014; Vol.79, No.4: 782-816.
128832 A Legal Analysis of 14 C.F.R. Part 91 See and Avoid Rules to Identify Provisions Focused on Pilot Responsibilities to See and Avoid in the National Airspace System/William Watson, Douglas M. Marshall, Kathleen M. Johnson.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2015; Vol.80, No.1: 53-235.
128833 A Slip of the Tongue: How the Supreme Court Placed Airline Immunity in the Clouds/Chase Cobern.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2015; Vol.80, No.1: 249-257.
128834 Breadth of the ADA Preemption Provision Morales and Wolens Reaffirmed and the Extension to the Common Law/Hannah Mason.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2015; Vol.80, No.1: 259-266.
128835 Development Fee in India Airports A Case Study/Moses George.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2015; Vol.80, No.1: 18-51.
128836 Employment Law The FAA’s Exemption from the FLSA-Mandated Overtime-Pay Provision after the Appropriations Act of 1996/Wendy Wilkins.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2015; Vol.80, No.1: 277-285.
128837 Including Aviation in the European Union Scheme for Emission Allowance Trading: Stimulating Global Market-Based Measures/Melle Bakker.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2015; Vol.80, No.1: 3-13.
128838 The Montreal Convention The Eleventh Circuit Embraces Airlines Practice of Bumping to Deny Plaintiffs Recovery for Personal Injury under Article 17/Lindsey Ray Altmeyer.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2015; Vol.80, No.1: 239-247.
128839 The Montreal Convention’s Statute of Limitations A Failed Attempt at Consistency/Allison Stewart.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2015; Vol.80, No.1: 267-275.
128840 Department of Transportation’s Aggressive Approach to Consumer Protection Regulation and Enforcement/David Heffernan.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2015; Vol.80, No.2: 347-364.
128841 Ignorantia Juris Non Excusat: Remotely Piloted Aircraft Safety Concerns, Violations, and the Need for Awareness/Sofia Michaelides-Mateou.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2015; Vol.80, No.2: 423-447.
128842 International Regulation of Global Navigation Satellite Systems/Paul B. Larsen.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2015; Vol.80, No.2: 365-442.
128843 Plain Talk about Plane Claims: An Air Carrier Claims Examiner’s Handbook/R.D. Truitt.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2015; Vol.80, No.2: 449-470.
128844 Recent Developments in Aviation Law/Johnathan S. Ziss, Saleel V. Sabnis.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2015; Vol.80, No.2: 290-345.
128845 After the Crash, Where Do You Land/Don Swaim., Steven D. Sanfelippo, Alex J. Whitman.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2015; Vol.80, No.2: 521-563.
128846 It’s Not Too Late The FAA Can Amend Its Proposed sUAS Rules, Restore Its Position as a Leading Voice in Aviation, and Guarantee the Long-Term Success of the U.S. Unmanned Aircraft  Industry/Earl Comstock, Johnathan Linde, Evelyn Sahr.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2015; Vol.80, No.3: 473-496.
128847 Surface to Air: Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 and Loss Recovery by States for Civilian Aircraft Shootdowns Kimberly R. Gosling/Jacob A. Ayres.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2015; Vol.80, No.3: 497-520.
128848 The FAA’s Interpretation of the Special Rule for Model Aircraft/Drew Palmer.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2015; Vol.80, No.3: 568-593.
128849 Unexpected Turbulence: An Examination of External Factors That Influenced the DOJ’s Intense Review of the American Airlines/US Airways Merger and Its Potential Impact on Future Mergers/Jordan T. Sawyer.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2015; Vol.80, No.3: 596-634.
128850 A Call for Legal Accountability in the Wake of the MH17 Tragedy/Vernon Nase, Mark Kielsgard.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2015; Vol.80, No.4: 640-691.
128851 Flying in the Dark: How a Legal Loophole Endangers Critical Infrastructure/Michelle Tonelli.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2015; Vol.80, No.4: 693-716.
128852 Freedom to Fly: An Analysis of the Constitutional Right to Air Travel/Lindsay Ray Altmeyer.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2015; Vol.80, No.4: 721-748.
128853 Transparency of Airline Ancillary Fees: Market Incentives for an Industry-Based Solution/Leslie Brockhoeft.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2015; Vol.80, No.4: 750-775.
128854 Airline Security and Employee Immunity: The Second Circuit Promotes Airline Security Interests at All Costs Even If It Means Throwing Efficiency and Accountability by the Wayside/Landon M. Hankins.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2016; Vol.81, No.1: 105-113.
128855 Busted Benefits The Seventh Circuit Honors Explicit Contractual Terms of United’s Mileageplus Benefits Program/Abigail Storm.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2016; Vol.81, No.1: 133-140.
128856 Current Regulation of Air Carriers Liability and Compensation Issues in Domestic Air Carriage in Nigeria/Adejoke O. Adediran.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2016; Vol.81, No.1: 3-32.
128857 Employment Law A Union’s Duty of Fair Representation in Pilot Seniority Negotiations/Kelly Almeter.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2016; Vol.81, No.1: 95-103.
128858 Federal Preemptio The Hazy Line of Common Law Claim Preemption Under the Airline Deregulation Act/Jessica Mannon.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2016; Vol.81, No.1: 123-131.
128859 Suborbital Flights: Environmental Concerns and Regulatory Iniatives/S. M. Mousavi Sameh.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2016; Vol.81, No.2: 65-91.
128860 The Transition to Safety Management Systems (SMS) in Aviation: Is Canada Deregulating Flight Safety?/Rene David-Cooper.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2016; Vol.81, No.1: 33-63.
128861 Unfair Treatment for Experienced Pilots How the Ninth Circuit Promoted Age Discrimination/Dana Hilzendager.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2016; Vol.81, No.1: 115-122.
128862 Food Allergies on Flights How a Narrow Interpretation of Service Preemption Under the Airline Deregulation Act Could Give Allergic Passengers Much Needed Protection/Laci Verdusco Resendiz.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2016; Vol.81, No.2: 322-347.
128863 In Space, No One Can Hear You Contest Jurisdiction: Establishing Criminal Jurisdiction of the Outer Space Colonies Tomorrow/Taylor Stanton Hardenstein.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2016; Vol.81, No.2: 252-287.
128864 Recent Developments in Aviation Law 2015-2016/Jonathan M. Hoffman.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2016; Vol.81, No.2: 144-223.
128865 Safety in the Sky: Will Reforming and Restructuring the TSA Improve Our Security or Merely Infringe on our Rights?/Katherine A. Lowe.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2016; Vol.81, No.2: 291-319.
128866 The Uncertain Oversight of Offshore Aircraft Maintenance: The Case of Australia/Ian Hampson, Doug Fraser, Anne Junor, michael quinlan.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2016; Vol.81, No.2: 225-250.
128867 Assuring Safer Skies?: A Survey of Aeromedical Issues Post-Germanwings/Jennifer M. Clark.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2016; Vol.81, No.3: 351-375.
128868 Fingerprints: A New Means of Identification in Airport Security Screening/Chase Hilton.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2016; Vol.81, No.3: 562-591.
128869 Hijacking Open Skies: The Line Between Tough Competition and Unfair Advantage in the International Aviation Market/Hannah E. Cline.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2016; Vol.81, No.3: 529-559.
128870 Sovereignty’s Gray Area: The Delimitation of Air and Space in the Context of Aerospace Vehicles and the Use of Force/Matthew T. King, U.S. Air Force.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2016; Vol.81, No.3: 377-497.
128871 Wright is Still Wrong: The Wright Amendment Reform Act and Airline Competition at Dallas Love Field/Barrett V. Armbruster.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2016; Vol.81, No.3: 501-527.
128872 Aviation Insurance: Coverage, Claims, and Controversies/Pamela C. Hicks.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2016; Vol.81, No.4: 611-629.
128873 Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t: The Expansion of Tort Liability to Airport Owners and Operators Who Regulate Airline and Vendor Operations/Caryn Geraghty Jorgensen, Hunter G. Jeffers.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2016; Vol.81, No.4: 631-653.
128874 International Civil Aviation Organization Initiatives Versus Industry Initiatives: A Look at How Commercially Motivated Transactions Increase Aviation Safety/Jennifer Ann Urban.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2016; Vol.81, No.4: 683-706.
128875 Moving Toward Cape Town Confidence: A Proposal to Amend the Chicago Convention s Annex 7 and Bolster Reliance on the Cape Town Convention’s Aircraft De-Registration Provisions/Lawrence Dillon King.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2016; Vol.81, No.4: 655-681.
128876 The Ultimate High Ground U.S. Intersector Cooperation in Outer Space/C. Brandon Halstead.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2016; Vol.81, No.4: 595-610.
128877 Commercialization of Space Activities The Laws and Implications/Eng Teong See.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.1: 145-163.
128878 Disassembling Assembler Liability: Are OEMs Strictly Liable for PMA Parts in Aviation Cases?/Kevin M. Smith, Erik H. Beard.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.1: 169-198.
128879 Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Warning: Second Circuit Breaks with Supreme Court Trend for Stricter Presumption Against Extraterritoriality/Alexandra R. Rahn.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.1: 231-240.
128880 FAA Waiver-of-Sanctions Defense BoetaClouds the Clearing Horizons of Inadvertent Acts/Catherine Parsle.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.1: 221-229.
128881 Mixed-Motive Mix-Up Non-Prevailing Party Attorney’s Fees Under Texas Antidiscrimination Law Up in the Air After Fifth Circuit’s Peterson v. Bell Helicopter/Alexander P. Cohen.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.1: 201-210.
128882 No Way to Run an Airline: Surviving an Air Ambulance Ride/Henry H. Perritt.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.1: 83-143.
128883 Securities Regulation Tenth Circuit Allows Lying Executives to Escape Section 10(b) Liability, Leaving Investors Remediless/Robert C. Uhl.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.1: 241-249.
128884 The Warsaw Convention: When Falling Is Not an Accident/Courtney Luster.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.1: 211-182.
128885 UAS: Understanding the Airspace of States/Stephen Migala.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.1: 3-81.
128886 Fly The Friendly Skies: How Implementing a Private Security System Can Improve the Safety of the Nation and an Industry/Courtney Luster.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.2: 400-429.
128887 Competition and Subsidies in Air Transport Liberalization The UAE-North America Dispute/Rachid Tiroual.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.2: 345-395.
128888 De Facto Amendment of a FAA Regulation by on-Regulatory Interpretation: Unintended Consequences of FAA Suggestions on How to Comply With the Flight Review Requirement/Michael L. Shakman.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.2: 333-344.
128889 Fly the friendly skies: how implementing a private security system can improve the safety of the nation and an industry/Courtney luster.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.2: 400-429.
128890 Ordering the Cosmos: Private Law and Celestial Property Rights/Alexander W. Salter.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.2: 311-332.
128891 Recent Developments in Aviation Law/Kathryn A. Grace, Corey J. Wright.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.2: 253-273.
128892 Small Satellite Legal Issues/Paul B. Larsen.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.2: 276-306.
128893 Air Ambulance Reform Why Congress Should Exempt Air Ambulances From Carrier Classification and Preemption Under the Airline Deregulation Act/Andrew J. Upton.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.2: 432-463.
128894 Air Traffic Control in the United States: Is Privatization the Path Back to the Top?/Lindsey Rattikin.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.3: 652-677.
128895 Exploring Airline Contracts of Carriage and European Union Flight Delay Compensation Regulation 261 (EU 261) A Bumpy But Navigable Ride/Richard Ritorto, Stephan A. Fisher.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.3: 562-583.
128896 Flying While Intoxicated: Options for Pilots, Airlines, and the FAA in Dealing with Alcohol Issues/Catherine Parsley.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.3: 622-649.
128897 Sharing the Skies: The Legal State of Flight-Sharing After Flytenow and Current Regulatory Issues with Lyfting the Sharing Economy Off the Ground/Alexander P. Cohen.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.3: 590-619.
128898 The Enemy Among Us: The Insider Threat/Valerie J. Pelton.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.3: 520-558.
128899 The EPA’s Endangerment Finding on Aircraft Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Preliminary Analysis/Katherine A. Bechina, John C. Nettels, Brett A. Shanks.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.3: 471-503.
128900 Who Owns the Moon, Mars, and Other Celestial Bodies: Lunar Jurisprudence in Corpus Juris Spatialis/Dennison A. Butler.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.3: 505-517.
128901 Applying a Federal Standard of Care in Aviation Product Liability Actions/Lauren Lacey Haertlein, Justin T. Barkowski.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.4: 744-768.
128902 Insider Threat: The Unseen Dangers Posed by Badged Airport Employees and How to Mitigate Them/J. Peter Greco.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.4: 717-742.
128903 The Rise of the Drones: Framework and Governance Why Risk It!/Sarah J. Fox.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2017; Vol.82, No.4: 683-715.
128904 A Cure From Rome for Montreal s Illness: Article 5 of the Rome I Regulation and Filling the Void in the 1999 Montreal Convention’s Regulation of Carrier’s Liability for Personal Injury/Yehya I. Ibrahim Badr.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.1: 83-108.
128905 Airport Security Screeners: In Your Face and Above the Law/Luke Strieber.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.1: 171-179.
128906 As the Grapefruit Turns Sixty, It’s Time to Get Serious About Clean Up in Outer Space/Humaid Alshamsi, Roy Balleste.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.1: 46-66.
128907 Federal Rule 26(a)(2) Expert Witness Disclosures: Strategies for Composing and Attacking Expert Disclosures/Douglas B. Bates, Chelsea R. Stanley.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.1: 67-82.
128908 Navigating the Federal Sentencing Guidelines: Considerations of Equitable Impact After United States v. Trinidad/Jonathan Petree.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.1: 155-162.
128909 Presuming Patent Inventorship Without Further Examination: A Double-Edged Sword for Aerospace Companies/Jake Winslett.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.1: 181-189.
128910 Regulatory Schizophrenia: Mergers, Alliances, Metal-Neutral Joint Ventures and the Emergence of a Global Aviation Cartel/Paul S. Dempsey.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.1: 3-44.
128911 Tax Reform Up in the Air: Redefining the Test for Qualification of an Air Carrier for Sales Tax Exemption/Daniel W. Sepulveda.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.1: 163-170.
128912 Unmaking a National Space Legislation for India: Indigenizing Space Law Through the Organic Science of the Indian Space Program/S. G. Sreejith.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.1: 110-141.
128913 War and (Labor) Peace: How the Ninth Circuit Changed the Rules of Engagement for Service Providers and Organized Labor/Klayton Sweitzer Hiland.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.1: 145-153.
128914 Event Horizon: Examining Military and Weaponization Issues in Space by Utilizing the Outer Space Treaty and the Law of Armed Conflict/Ryan M. Esparza.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.2: 334-357.
128915 Recent Developments In Aviation Law/Justin V. Lee.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.2: 199-255.
128916 Safety Meets Efficiency: The Medical Device Drone’s Role in Bringing About a Workable Regulatory Framework for Commercial Drones/Luke Strieber.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.2: 421-451.
128917 Space Traffic Management Standards/Paul B. Larsen.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.2: 360-387.
128918 The FAA’s Mental Health Standards: Are They Reasonable?/Katie Manworren.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.2: 391-420.
128919 Why Jurisdiction Over Airmen Enforcement and Certificate Cases Should Be Transferred from the National Transportation Safety Board to Federal District Court/Alan Armstrong.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.2: 257-331.
128920 ATC Privitization: A Solution in Search of a Problem/Ross W. Neher.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.3: 522-559.
128921 Distributed Ledger Technology in the Airline Industry: Potential Applications and Potential Implications/Roberto Cassar.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.3: 455-473.
128922 Federal Accident Investigations: Civil Litigation Viewpoint/Jill Dahlmann Rosa.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.3: 561-604.
128923 Here Comes the Boom: Reevaluating the Merits of FAA Prohibition on Civil Supersonic Flight/Jonathan Petree.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.3: 679-711.
128924 Make Airlines Great Again: Why Bankruptcy Went From a Dirty Word to a Strategy, and a Proposal to Bring It Back/Klayton Sweitzer Hiland.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.3: 544-677.
128925 Pioneering the Right to Breastfeed at 35,000 Feet: Workplace Accommodations for Lactating Employees in the Airline Industry/Brooke L. Hauglid.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.3: 608-640.
128926 Solving the Space Debris Crisis/Paul B. Larsen.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.3: 475-519.
128927 Antitrust Immunity for Joint Ventures Among Alliance Airlines/Fred Lazar.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.4: 787-836.
128928 Domestic Airline Mergers and Defining the Relevant Market: From Cities to Airports/Alexa Naumovich.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.4: 839-868.
128929 Minimum International Norms For Managing Space Traffic, Space Debris, and Near Earth Object Impacts/Paul B. Larsen.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.4: 741-784.
128930 Welcome to the Jungle: The Application of Foreign Law in Aircraft Accident Litigation/Bryan S. David.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2018; Vol.83, No.4: 715-738.
128931 A Re-Examination of Tarmac Delays Causes and Solutions/P. Paul Fitzgerald.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2019; Vol.84, No.1: 53-83.
128932 Flying in the Face of Suspicionless Cell Phone Searches: Fourth circuit Grants Airline Passengers Heightened Protection From Searches by Customs Offifficers/Andrea deLorimier.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2019; Vol.84, No.1: 127-134.
128933 New Entrant Airlines and Federal Grant Assurances: The End of Southwest’s Dominant Presence at Love Field/Alex Paez.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2019; Vol.84, No.1: 143-151.
128934 Not in My Backyard: State v. Quiday and Warrantless Aerial Police Surveillance/Hayden Brown.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2019; Vol.84, No.1: 117-126.
128935 Pilots Out of Uniform: How the Sixth Circuit’s Etihad Decision Undermines the Purpose of the Montreal Convention/J. Collin Spring.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2019; Vol.84, No.1: 153-161.
128936 Preventing a Cyber-9/11: How Universal Jurisdiction Could Protect International Aviation in the Digital Age/Laura K. Ashdown.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2019; Vol.84, No.1: 3-51.
128937 Settling the Final Frontier: The ORBIS Lease and the Possibilities of Proprietary Communities in Space/Alexander W. Salter.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2019; Vol.84, No.1: 85-114.
128938 Taking an Independent Look at the Air Carrier Access Act: Why No Private Right of Action Exists/Madison Gafford.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2019; Vol.84, No.1: 135-141.
128939 MeToo at 35,000 Feet: Reducing the Risk of In-Flight Sexual Assaults./Ryan Musser.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2019; Vol.84, No.2: 227-266.
128940 Property Rules for Martian Resources: How the SPACE Act of 2015 Increases the Likelihood of a Single Entity Controlling Access to Mars/Tyler Conte.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2019; Vol.84, No.2: 187-219.
128941 Recent Developments in Aviation Law/Patrick J. Kearns.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2019; Vol.84, No.2: 165-185.
128942 The 1,500-Hour Rule: When Does Quantity Outweigh Quality?/Andrea Traut.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2019; Vol.84, No.2: 267-296.
128943 DOT Final Rule on Air Charter Brokers: Paving the Way for the Uberization of Private Air Travel/Jet McGuire.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2019; Vol.84, No.3: 448-475.
128944 Geophysical Trespass, Privacy, and Drones in Oil and Gas Exploration/Sean Valentine.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2019; Vol.84, No.3: 508-537.
128945 Preserving Humanity’s Heritage in Space: Fifty Years After Apollo 11 and Beyond/Andrea J. Harrington.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2019; Vol.84, No.3: 301-375.
128946 Space, the Final Frontier for Negligence Suits Why Commercial Space Operators Should Be Liable for Personal Injuries to Space Flight Participants/Andrea Reed.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2019; Vol.84, No.3: 477-505.
128947 Technological Solutions to Human Error and How They Can Kill You Understanding the Boeing 737 Max Products Liability Litigation/W.bradley Wendel.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2019; Vol.84, No.3: 379-444.
128948 A Brave New World: Using the Outer Space Treaty to Design International Data Protection Standards for Low- Earth Orbit Satellite Operators/Amir Saboorian.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2019; Vol.84, No.4: 576-603.
128949 Airlines Aren’t Just Carrying Passengers and Cargo Anymore They’re Also Carrying the Burden of the American Conflflict of Laws System/Kaylee Knowlton Henson.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2019; Vol.84, No.4: 546-579.
128950 Back to the Future? The Use of Biometrics, Its Impact on Airport Security, and How This Technology Should Be Governed/Eric P. Haas.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2019; Vol.84, No.4: 459-489.
128951 Preventing Drunk Flying: A Legislative Solution/John Sivils.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2019; Vol.84, No.4: 605-633.
128952 Air Ambulances and State Contract Claims: The Opening to Avoid ADA Preemption/John David Janicek.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2020; Vol.85, No.1: 177-188.
128953 Avoiding Pyrrhic Victories in Orbit: A Need for Kinetic Anti-Satellite Arms Control in the Twenty-First Century/Captain Cort S. Thompson.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2020; Vol.85, No.1: 105-163.
128954 Minimum Wage Requirements: Seventh Circuit Perpetuates Employer-Friendly FLSA Interpretation/Ashley Jo Zaccagnini.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2020; Vol.85, No.1: 209-217.
128955 The West Caribbean Conundrum: The United States Versus France on the Availability of Forum Non Conveniens Under the Montreal Convention of 1999/David Cluxton.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2020; Vol.85, No.1: 3-104.
128956 The Ninth Circuit’s Left Hook: Criminal Venue in the Skies and Why Lozoya Hits the Mark/Christopher Thomson.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2020; Vol.85, No.1: 189-197.
128957 The Not So Friendly Skies: Pilots Attempt to Claim Employer Collusion with Rival Pilots Union During Collective Bargaining Fails in Beckington/Drew Baker.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2020; Vol.85, No.1: 167-175.
128958 Unfair Disclosure Adopting a Limited Consultant Corollary for FOIA’s Exemption 5 in Attorney Work Product Cases Preserves Litigation Parity for Agencies Like the FAA/Ellen Smith Yost.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2020; Vol.85, No.1: 199-207.
128959 Can We Address Orbital Debris with the International Law We Already Have? An Examination of Treaty Interpretation and the Due Regard Principle/John S. Goehring.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2020; Vol.85, No.2: 309-337.
128960 Ending the Forever War: Resolving the Boeing-Airbus Trade  Dispute with a New Bilateral Agreement/Brooke Vaydik.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2020; Vol.85, No.2: 355-383.
128961 EU Air Passengers Rights Past, Present, And Future: In an Uncertain World (Regulation (EC) 261/2004: Evaluation and Case Study)/Sarah Jane Fox.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2020; Vol.85, No.2: 271-307.
128962 Recent Developments in Aviation Law 2019/Arthur I. Willner, Raymond L. Mariani, Emily K. Doty.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2020; Vol.85, No.2: 222-267.
128963 Bet on the Field: Why Field Preemption Should Apply to the Federal Aviation Act/Jack Milligan,.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2020; Vol.85, No.3: 507-569.
128964 Biometrics Takes Off Fight Between Privacy and Aviation Security Wages On/Alexa N. Acquista.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2020; Vol.85, No.3: 476-505.
128965 Federal Dollars for All Humankind: Using Procurement Law to Increase Diversity in the Space Industry/Nicole A. Williamson.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2020; Vol.85, No.3: 423-472.
128966 The Legal Challenges of International Suborbital Flights: A Bilateral Solution/Aram Daniel Kerkonian, Nivedita Raju.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2020; Vol.85, No.3: 388-419.
128967 Whose Rights Are They Anyway? Solving the Problem of Extraterritorial Assertions of Authority in the Aviation Industry/John L. Sasso.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2020; Vol.85, No.3: 538-568.
128968 Accountability For Sexual Assault Aboard Airplanes: An Analysis of the Need For Reporting Requirements at 35,000 Feet/Madison L. George.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2020; Vol.85, No.4: 670-700.
128969 Grounded: How the 737 MAX Crashes Highlight Issues with FAA Delegation and a Potential Remedy in the Federal Tort Claims Act/Drew H. Nunn.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2020; Vol.85, No.4: 703-730.
128970 Liability for the Death of Aircraft Passengers in Indonesia/Simon A. Butt, Tim Lindsey.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2020; Vol.85, No.4: 573-731.
128971 Targeting in Outer Space: An Exploration of Regime Interactions in the Final Frontier/Caitlyn Georgeson.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2020; Vol.85, No.4: 609-731.
128972 No Waif in the Wilderness: Contractual Doctrine and the Self Versus State Imposed Obligation/Tory A. Weigand.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2021; Vol.86, No.1: 68-134.
128973 Will Harmful Interference Bring GPS Down?/Paul B. Larsen.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2021; Vol.86, No.1: 5-66.
128974 Programmed to Protect and Serve: The Dawn of Drones and Robots in Law Enforcement/Nanci K. Carr.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2021; Vol.86, No.2: 184-217.
128975 Rethinking Cyberspace Operations: Widespread Electromagnetic Jamming by States Indicates Cyber Interference Is Not a Use of Force/Vincent L. DeFabo.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2021; Vol.86, No.2: 220-276.
128976 Turbulence Ahead: Why the First Domestic Aircraft Carbon Emissions Regulations Are a Danger to Climate Protection/Taylor Williams.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2021; Vol.86, No.2: 281-314.
128977 A Defendant’s Paradise: Failings of the Brooke Group Test in the Airline and E-Commerce Industries/Kaitlyn Thorson.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2021; Vol.86, No.3: 497-528.
128978 A Heartfelt Remembrance of Charles Tarpley/C. Paul Rogers.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2021; Vol.86, No.3: 321-324.
128979 A Primer on Opposing Construction of Wind Farms Near Public- Use Airports/Alan Armstrong.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2021; Vol.86, No.3: 344-375.
128980 A Tribute to Charles A. Tarpley: Mentor, Friend, Aviator, Lawyer, and Gentle Man/James D. Struble, Jackson Walker LLP.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2021; Vol.86, No.3: 333-334.
128981 Claim Splitting in the New World of Several Liability and Personal Jurisdiction/Jonathan M. Hoffman, MB Law Group LLP.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2021; Vol.86, No.3: 380-430.
128982 Delivery Drones: Inapt for Application of Current Negligence Theory/Hyewon Hannah Choi.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2021; Vol.86, No.3: 435-466.
128983 Hello Don, This Is Charles/Donald R. Andersen, Skinner Law Group.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2021; Vol.86, No.3: 325-326.
128984 Immunity Doesn’t Fly: The Case for Federal Responsibility for Torts Committed by Transportation Security Offifficers/Courtney Rimann.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2021; Vol.86, No.3: 467-495.
128985 Tribute to Charles A. Tarpley/Kathlynn Fadely Lear.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2021; Vol.86, No.3: 327-328.
128986 Tribute to Charles Tarpley/Jonathan M. Hoffman, MB Law Group LLP.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2021; Vol.86, No.3: 329-330.
128987 International Aviation Law and Pandemic/Timothy Ravich.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2021; Vol.86, No.4: 585-622.
128988 Keeping Watch from Liftoff to Landing: A Call for Increased Public Education on the Intersection of Human Traffifficking and Commercial Air Travel/Gretchen Mahoney.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2021; Vol.86, No.4: 625-659.
128989 Profifit or Safety: Where Is Outer Space Headed?/Paul B. Larsen.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2021; Vol.86, No.4: 534-584.
128990 Using the Artemis Accords to Build Customary International Law: A Vision for a U.S.-Centric Good Governance Regime in Outer Space/Walker A. Smith.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2021; Vol.86, No.4: 662-699.
128991 Airport Noise as Public Bads: Comparative Remarks on Legal  Challenges in Resolving the Neighbor Conflflict Between the Airport and Landowners/Magdalena Habdas.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2022; Vol.87, No.1: 92-127.
128992 Public Safety Concerns and Meeting the Dudenhoeffer Pleading Standard/Douglass G. Brown.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2022; Vol.87, No.1: 199-227.
128993 Understanding an Outlier: The U.S. System of Airport Governance and Economic Regulation/Robert A. Hazel.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2022; Vol.87, No.1: 133-192.
128994 Wise Up! Why It’s Time to Dump Reed v. Wiser and Get Real about Third-Party Actions/David Cluxton.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2022; Vol.87, No.1: 50-80.
128995 Back to Air in Disarray?: Disparity in Practices and Interpretations on ADIZs Disrupting the Safety of Civil Aviation/Sanghoon Lee.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2022; Vol.87, No.2: 272-297.
128996 Predicting Bearing Fault in the Drone Freight Industry: Legal Liability in Australia/Prue Vine, Anthony Song, Matthew Priestley, Elias Aboutanios.- Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 2022; Vol.87, No.2: 301-370.
128997 Justifying criminal sanctions for cartel conduct: a hard case/Caron Beaton-Wells, Christine Parker.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2013; Vol.1, No.1: 198-219.
128998 Models for merging the US antitrust agencies/William Blumenthal.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2013; Vol.1, No.1: 24-51.
128999 The Competition and Markets Authority: can the whole be greater than the sum of its parts?/Peter Freeman.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2013; Vol.1, No.1: 4-23.
129000 Why not court? A study of follow-on actions in the UK/Barry J. Rodger.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2013; Vol.1, No.1: 104-131.
129001 Is competition always good?/Maurice E. Stucke.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2013; Vol.1, No.1: 162-197.
129002 The strengths and weaknesses of the DG Competition Manual of Procedure/John Temple Lang.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2013; Vol.1, No.1: 12-161.
129003 Antitrust compliance programmes and optimal antitrust enforcement/Wouter P J Wils.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2013; Vol.1, No.1: 52-81.
129004 Do expert agencies outperform generalist judges? Some preliminary evidence from the Federal Trade Commission/Joshua D. Wright, Angela M. Diveley.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2013; Vol.1, No.1: 82-103.
129005 The market for bigness: economic power and competition agencies duty to curtail it/Adi Ayal.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2013; Vol.1, No.2: 221-246.
129006 Towards a more sustainable use of commitment decisions in Article 102 TFEU cases/Yves Botteman, Agapi Patsa.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2013; Vol.1, No.2: 347-374.
129007 The Competition Act 2002, ten years later: lessons from the Irish experience of prosecuting cartels as criminal offences/Terry Calvani, Kaethe M. Carl.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2013; Vol.1, No.2: 296-324.
129008 The use of natural experiments in merger analysis/Malcolm B. Coate.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2013; Vol.1, No.2: 437-467.
129009 Judicial review of anticompetitive state action: two models in comparative perspective/Daniel A. Crane.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2013; Vol.1, No.2: 418-436.
129010 The business model of patent assertion entities in IT: unilateral restraints of competition or business as usual?/Paul Gagnon.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2013; Vol.1, No.2: 375-418.
129011 Antitrust compliance programmes and optimal antitrust enforcement: a reply to Wouter Wils/Damien Geradin.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2013; Vol.1, No.2: 325-345.
129012 Cartel class actions and immunity programmes/Edward M. Iacobucci.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2013; Vol.1, No.2: 272-295.
129013 Five years of implementation of China’s Anti-Monopoly Law achievements and challenges/Xiaoye Wang, Adrian Emch.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2013; Vol.1, No.2: 247-271.
129014 Japan’s Antimonopoly Act recent developments in private monopolization/Koki Arai, H. Stephen Harris.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2014; Vol.2, No.1: 69-99.
129015 Immunity for cartel conduct: revolution or religion? An Australian case study/Caron Y Beaton-Wells.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2014; Vol.2, No.1: 126-169.
129016 Loyalty discounts and theories of harm in the Intel investigations/Patrick DeGraba, John Simpson.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2014; Vol.2, No.1: 170-202.
129017 The UK response to the global effort against cartels: is criminalization really the solution?/Alison Jones, Rebecca Williams.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2014; Vol.2, No.1: 100-125.
129018 Understanding the limits of judicial review in European competition law/Jose Carlos Laguna de Paz.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2014; Vol.2, No.1: 203-224.
129019 Section 5 of the FTC Act: principles of navigation/Maureen K. Ohlhausen.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2014; Vol.2, No.1: 1-24.
129020 Erosion or innovation? The institutional design of competition agencies A Dutch case study/Annetje T. Ottow.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2014; Vol.2, No.1: 25-43.
129021 Legal problems of digital evidence/John Temple Lang.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2014; Vol.2, No.1: 44-68.
129022 The evolving IP antitrust interface in the USA the recent gradual weakening of patent rights/Alden F. Abbott.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2014; Vol.2, No.2: 363-388.
129023 Period of limitations in follow-on competition cases: when does a decision become final?/P nar Akman.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2014; Vol.2, No.2: 389-421.
129024 Is market definition still needed after all these years/Malcolm B. Coate, Jeffrey H. Fischer.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2014; Vol.2, No.2: 422-450.
129025 Between competition law and regulation: hybridized approaches to market control/Niamh Dunne.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2014; Vol.2, No.2: 225-269.
129026 Towards optimal merger notification regimes evidence from Switzerland/Yavuz Karagok, Samuel Rutz.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2014; Vol.2, No.2: 451-483.
129027 Effects of antitrust leniency on concealment effort by colluding firms/Leslie M. Marx, Claudio Mezzetti.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2014; Vol.2, No.2: 305-332.
129028 Fundamental rights beyond legal positivism: rethinking the ne bis in idem principle in EU competition law/Renato Nazzini.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2014; Vol.2, No.2: 270-304.
129029 Four key challenges to the successful criminalization of cartel laws/Andreas Stephan.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2014; Vol.2, No.2: 333-362.
129030 The changing structure of competition enforcement in the UK: the Competition Appeal Tribunal between present challenges and an uncertain future/Arianna Andreangeli2015; Vol.3, No.1: 1-30.
129031 Turkish leniency programme: a critical review/Meltem Bagis Akkaya2015; Vol.3, No.1: 133-148.
129032 The leniency programme: obstacles on the way to collude/Joan-Ramon Borrell, Juan Luis Jimenez, Jose Manuel Ordonez-de-Haro2015; Vol.3, No.1: 149-172.
129033 The perils of excessive discretion: the elusive meaning of unfairness in Section 5 of the FTC Act/James Campbell Cooper2015; Vol.3, No.1: 87-132.
129034 Parallel enforcement of rate rigging: lessons to be learned from LIBOR/Pieter J. F. Huizing2015; Vol.3, No.1: 173-204.
129035 Damages claims in the Spanish sugar cartel/Francisco Marcos2015; Vol.3, No.1: 205-225.
129036 Access to competition authorities files in private antitrust litigation/Sebastian Peyer2015; Vol.3, No.1: 58-86.
129037 Rethinking compliance/Anne Riley, D. Daniel Sokol2015; Vol.3, No.1: 31-57.
129038 Minority shareholdings and joint ventures in emerging jurisdictions: an opportunity for convergence?/Rachel Brandenburger, Justin Bernick2015; Vol.3, No.2: 334-362.
129039 The Curious Case of Competition and Quality/Ariel Ezrachi, Maurice E. Stucke2015; Vol.3, No.2: 227-257.
129040 The public interest test in the South African merger control regime/Mark Griffiths, Wiri Gumbie2015; Vol.3, No.2: 408-424.
129041 Leniency (amnesty) plus: a building block or a Trojan Horse?/Marek Martyniszyn2015; Vol.3, No.2: 391-407.
129042 The Consumer Rights Act 2015 and collective redress for competition law infringements in the UK: a class act?/Barry J. Rodger2015; Vol.3, No.2: 258-286.
129043 Thinking globally about recovery actions in international cartel cases/Francis O. Scarpulla, Qianwei Fu2015; Vol.3, No.2: 369-390.
129044 Regulating abuse of superior bargaining position under the Japanese competition law: an anomaly or a necessity?/Masako Wakui, Thomas K. Cheng2015; Vol.3, No.2: 302-333.
129045 Inconvenient truths on merger retrospective studies/Gregory J. Werden2015; Vol.3, No.2: 287-301.
129046 Chinese antitrust a snapshot/Xiaoye Wang, Adrian Emch2015; Vol.3, No.3: 12-25.
129047 Consumer protection as the Open Sesame that allows Alibaba to crush the forty thieves/Ying Yu, Mingnan Shen2015; Vol.3, No.3: 228-241.
129048 The role of presumptions of market dominance in civil litigation in China/Felix E Mezzanotte, Liyang Hou2015; Vol.3, No.3: 108-131.
129049 Non-horizontal mergers the Chinese experience/Ninette Dodoo, Michael Han2015; Vol.3, No.3: 49-68.
129050 Merger remedies the Chinese experience/Ariel Ezrachi, Wei Han2015; Vol.3, No.3: 1-23.
129051 Substantive analysis in China’s horizontal merger control: a six-year review and beyond/Haixiao Gu, Andrew L Foster2015; Vol.3, No.3: 26-48.
129052 Resale price maintenance in China: an economic perspective/Shan Jiang, D Daniel Sokol2015; Vol.3, No.3: 32-54.
129053 China’s competition law experience in context/William E Kovacic2015; Vol.3, No.3: 2-11.
129054 Essential facilities with Chinese characteristics: a different perspective on the conditional compulsory licensing of intellectual property/Salil Mehra, Yanbei Meng2015; Vol.3, No.3: 194-206.
129055 The role of economics in Chinese merger appraisal/Fei Deng, Su Sun2015; Vol.3, No.3: 108-131.
129056 Price discrimination in patent licensing and the application of FRAND/Lizhi Ning, Shubha Ghosh, Wei Zhou2015; Vol.3, No.3: 207-227.
129057 An economic perspective of standards and FRAND enforcement in China/Elizabeth Xiao-Ru Wang, Harry Foster2015; Vol.3, No.3: 155-177.
129058 IP and competition law the Chinese perspective/Natalie Yeung2015; Vol.3, No.3: 172-193.
129059 Anticompetitive patents: an incorporation solution/Adi Ayal, Yaad Rotem.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2016; Vol.4, No.1: 135-156.
129060 Competition policy in modern retail markets/Hans W. Friederiszick, Ela G owicka.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2016; Vol.4, No.1: 42-83.
129061 The dangers of ad hoc changes to merger control regulation: the Irish financial crisis/Paul K. Gorecki, Francis OToole.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2016; Vol.4, No.1: 210-228.
129062 Firebird Suite: cartel suppression reborn in Japan/Mel Marquis.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2016; Vol.4, No.1: 84-110.
129063 The independence of Chinese competition agencies and the impact on competition enforcement in China/Wendy Ng.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2016; Vol.4, No.1: 188-209.
129064 Brother, may I?: the challenge of competitor control over market entry/Maureen K. Ohlhausen, Gregory P. Luib.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2016; Vol.4, No.1: 111-133.
129065 Revising the US vertical merger guidelines: policy issues and an interim guide for practitioners/Steven C. Salop, Daniel P. Culley.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2016; Vol.4, No.1: 1-41.
129066 Digging itself out of the hole? A critical assessment of the European Commission’s attempt to revitalize State aid enforcement after the crisis/Albert Sanchez-Graells.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2016; Vol.4, No.1: 157-187.
129067 Reflections on the UK competition and markets authority and wider global trends/Alex Chisholm.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2016; Vol.4, No.2: 274-281.
129068 Assessment of antitrust agencies impact and performance: an analytical framework/Juan Delgado, Hector Otero, Eduardo Perez-Asenjo.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2016; Vol.4, No.2: 323-344.
129069 Loyalty discounts, exclusive dealing and bundling: rule of reason, quasi-per-se, price-cost test, or something in between?/Assaf Eilat, David Gilo, Guy Sagi.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2016; Vol.4, No.2: 345-380.
129070 Aggregate concentration: a study of competition law solutions/Michal S. Gal, Thomas K. Cheng.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2016; Vol.4, No.2: 282-322.
129071 A dose of competition: EU antitrust law in the pharmaceuticals sector/Leigh Hancher, Wolf Sauter.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2016; Vol.4, No.2: 381-410.
129072 Celebrating with a damp squib: China’s public competition enforcement/Lei Kuang.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2016; Vol.4, No.2: 411-438.
129073 Antitrust liability for licensing boards after North Carolina Dental: antitrust preemption as a penalty default?/James C. Cooper.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.1: 1-21.
129074 Application of the State aid rules to the creation of development banks: is there scope for simplification?/Isabel Taylor.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.1: 130-149.
129075 The PRC NDRC case against Qualcomm: a misguided venture or justified enforcement of competition law?/Thomas K. Cheng.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.1: 76-99.
129076 Sponge/Ariel Ezrachi.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.1: 49-75.
129077 Multisided markets and the challenge of incorporating multisided considerations into competition law analysis/Gonenc Gurkaynak, Oznur Inan l r, Sinan Diniz, Ay e Gizem YaSar.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.1: 100-129.
129078 So-called soft law attempts to achieve convergent public enforcement tools: identifying the Achilles heel of the economic adjustment programmes in Ireland/Mary Catherine Lucey.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.1: 150-160.
129079 Punishing parents for the sins of their child: extending EU competition liability in groups and to subcontractors/Bruce Wardhaugh.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.1: 228-248.
129080 Whither evidence (Act) based reasoning?: towards an effects-based approach in Indian competition jurisprudence/Rahul Singh.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.2: 239-259.
129081 Gun jumping in India: lessons from Competition Commission of India’s enforcement activities/Sachin Goyal, Konark Bhandari.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.2: 216-238.
129082 Anti-cartel enforcement in India/Aditya Bhattacharjea, Oindrila De.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.2: 166-196.
129083 Competition law enforcement in India: issues and challenges: Opening statement from the Competition Commission of India/D.K. Sikri.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.2: 163-165.
129084 Dilemma in antitrust enforcement: how use of economics can guide enforcement rules in multi-sided markets/Gaurav Jakhu, Payal Malik.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.2: 260-275.
129085 Patents and competition law in India: CCI’s reductionist approach in evaluating competitive harm/Yogesh Pai, Nitesh Daryanani.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.2: 299-327.
129086 The interplay between consumer protection and competition law in India/Suhail Nathani, P nar Akman.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.2: 197-215.
129087 Competition and entry: do entrants deserve special protection in India and other emerging economies?/D. Daniel Sokol, Jan Peter van der Veer.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.2: 276-290.
129088 Whither competition law in Indian pharmaceutical markets?: evidence from arbitration data of CCI and COMPAT/Ajay Bhaskarabhatla, Chirantan Chatterjee.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.2: 291-298.
129089 The settlement procedure in the European Commission’s cartel cases: an early evaluation/Kai Huschelrath, Ulrich Laitenberger.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.3: 458-487.
129090 Cartel detection and monitoring: a look forward/Ai Deng.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.3: 488-500.
129091 Network effects, antitrust, and falsifiability: Keynote Address at the Antitrust Enforcement Symposium, June 2017/Paul A. Johnson.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.3: 341-346.
129092 Does merger enforcement depend on the portion of the merger associated with the competitive concerns?/Malcolm B. Coate, Shawn W. Ulrick.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.2: 407-433.
129093 A neglected theory of harm: joint ventures as facilitators of collusion across markets/Thomas K. Cheng, Kelvin H. Kwok.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.3: 434-457.
129094 UK competition policy post-Brexit: taking back control while resisting siren calls/Bruce Lyons, David Reader, Andreas Stephan.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.3: 347-374.
129095 Developing behavioural economics as a practical tool for market authorities: Lessons learned from the first era of behavioural case work/Benjamin JR Nuiez.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.3: 375-406.
129096 Unobserved collusion: warning signs and concerns: Keynote Address at the Antitrust Enforcement Symposium, June 2017/Robert C. Marshall.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2017; Vol.5, No.3: 329-340.
129097 Competition law in the Philippines: economic, legal, and institutional context/Mel Marquis.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2018; Vol.6, No.1: 79-122.
129098 The jurisdictional delimitation in the Chinese Anti-Monopoly Law public enforcement regime: the inevitable overstepping of authority and the implications/Xingyu Yan.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2018; Vol.6, No.1: 123-149.
129099 A comparative assessment of competition in Africa: identifying drivers of reform in Botswana, Ethiopia, and Nigeria/Kamala Dawar, Ndaba Ndlovu.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2018; Vol.6, No.1: 150-172.
129100 Modelling the ease of entry in merger analysis: can financial analysis move the ball?/Malcolm B Coate, Arthur J Del Buono.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2018; Vol.6, No.1: 54-78.
129101 The new frontiers of Article 102 TFEU: antitrust imperialism or judicious intervention?/David Bailey.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2018; Vol.6, No.1: 25-53.
129102 Competition law in the Philippines: economic, legal, and institutional context/Mel Marquis.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2018; Vol.6, No.1: 79-123.
129103 Competitive harm in global supply chains: assessing current responses and identifying potential future responses/David J Gerber.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2018; Vol.6, No.1: 5-24.
129104 A larger role for the hearing officer: a modest proposal/Terry Calvani, Jenny Leahy.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2018; Vol.6, No.2: 213-230.
129105 InnoLux v AU Optronics: comparing territorial limits to EU and US public enforcement of the LCD cartel/Pieter J F Huizing.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2018; Vol.6, No.2: 231-260.
129106 The Ruling of the UK Competition Appeal Tribunal in Ping v Competition and Markets Authority/Renato Nazzini, Despoina Mantzari.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2018; Vol.6, No.2: 281-293.
129107 The intensity of judicial review in complex economic matters recent competition law judgments of the Court of Justice of the EU/Jose Luis da Cruz Vilaca.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2018; Vol.6, No.2: 173-188.
129108 Prioritization in practice: insights from the Competition Commission South Africa/Mark Burke.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2018; Vol.6, No.2: 261-280.
129109 Presumptions in EU competition law/Cyril Ritter.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2018; Vol.6, No.2: 189-213.
129110 Online platforms and vertical integration: the return of margin squeeze?/Friso Bostoen.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2018; Vol.6, No.3: 355-381.
129111 Overcoming methodological challenges in the application of competition law to digital platforms a Swedish perspective/Marios C Iacovides, Jakob Jeanrond.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2018; Vol.6, No.3: 437-458.
129112 Serial collusion by multi-product firms/William E Kovacic, Robert C Marshall, Michael J Meurer.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2018; Vol.6, No.3: 296-354.
129113 When sharing platforms fix sellers pricesGet accessArrow/Julian Nowag.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2018; Vol.6, No.3: 382-408.
129114 United States v AT&T/Time Warner/Steven C Salop, Joshua D Wright, Jan M Rybnicek.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2018; Vol.6, No.3: 459-477.
129115 Intra-platform exclusion in software markets/Patrick F Todd.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2018; Vol.6, No.3: 409-436.
129116 Liner shipping antitrust exemptions in the Pacific rim regions: cartelized markets and the need for international coordination/Masako Wakui.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2019; Vol.7, No.1: 54-74.
129117 Digital protectionism? Antitrust, data protection, and the EU/US transatlantic rift/Filippo Maria Lancieri.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2019; Vol.7, No.1: 27-53.
129118 Role of courts in enforcing competition laws: a comparative analysis of India and Pakistan/Amber Darr.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2019; Vol.7, No.1: 75-103.
129119 The continual evolution of competition law/Sir Peter Roth.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2019; Vol.7, No.1: 6-26.
129120 Japan Fair Trade Commission/Kazuyuki Sugimoto.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2019; Vol.7, No.1: 1-5.
129121 Ohio v American Express/Geoffrey A Manne, Tim Wu.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2019; Vol.7, No.1: 104-127.
129122 It is not collusion unless you get caught: the case of Operation Car Wash and unearthing of a Cartel/Regis Signor, Peter E D Love, Joao Jose C B Vallim, Alexandre B Raupp, Oluwole Olatunji.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2019; Vol.7, No.2: 177-202.
129123 Prime Predator: Amazon and the Rationale of Below Average Variable Cost Pricing Strategies Among Negative-Cash Flow Firms/Shaoul Sussman.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2019; Vol.7, No.2: 203-219.
129124 Competition law enforcement on digital markets lessons from recent EU case law/Adrian Kuenzler.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2019; Vol.7, No.2: 249-278.
129125 The EU General Court’s Servier judgment/Eugene Buttigieg, Henri Piffaut.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2019; Vol.7, No.2: 279-302.
129126 The journey from theory to practice in the field of competition law/Eyad Maher M Dabbah.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2019; Vol.7, No.2: 137-157.
129127 Cloud services as the ultimate gate(keeper)/Bjorn Lundqvist.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2019; Vol.7, No.2: 220-248.
129128 10 years of the French Autorite de la concurrence: looking back and looking ahead/Isabelle de Silva.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2019; Vol.7, No.2: 129-136.
129129 The relevant market in competition law: a legal concept/Viktoria H S E Robertson.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2019; Vol.7, No.2: 158-176.
129130 The US Supreme Court Apple v Pepper case/Andrew I Gavil.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2019; Vol.7, No.3: 447-456.
129131 Apple v Pepper: the unintended fallout in Europe/Konstantinos Stylianou.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2019; Vol.7, No.3: 457-465.
129132 The antitrust journey/Johannes Laitenberger.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2019; Vol.7, No.3: 314-318.
129133 The extent of market concentration in South Africa’s product markets/Thembalethu Buthelezi, Thando Mtani, Liberty Mncube.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2019; Vol.7, No.3: 352-364.
129134 Antitrust intent in an age of algorithmic nudging/Nicolo Zingales.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2019; Vol.7, No.3: 386-418.
129135 Procedural implications of market definition in platform cases/Francesco Ducci.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2019; Vol.7, No.3: 419-446.
129136 On the concepts of legal standards and substantive standards (and how the latter influences the choice of the former)/Yannis Katsoulacos.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2019; Vol.7, No.3: 365-385.
129137 Penalizing cartels a spectrum of regimes/Yannis Katsoulacos, Evgenia Motchenkova, David Ulph.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2019; Vol.7, No.3: 339-351.
129138 Basic principles for the design of antitrust analysis for multisided platforms/David S Evans.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2019; Vol.7, No.3: 319-338.
129139 Hub-and-spoke bid-rigging and corporate attribution under Hong Kong Competition Law/Kelvin Hiu Fai Kwok.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.1: 223-231.
129140 The growing nostalgia for past regulatory misadventures and the risk of repeating these mistakes with Big Tech/Christine S Wilson, Keith Klovers.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.1: 10-29.
129141 The Nutanix judgment practical implications for competition law in Hong Kong/Natalie Yeung.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.1: 216-223.
129142 Emerging questions about merger notification and the Canadian response/Keldon Bester, Jacqueline Byers.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.1: 1-9.
129143 Ensuring innovation through participative antitrust/Oliver J Bethell, Gavin N Baird, Alexander M Waksman.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.1: 30-55.
129144 Innovation considerations in merger control and unilateral conduct enforcement/Ioannis Kokkoris.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.1: 56-85.
129145 Implementing a competition law system Three decades of Polish experience/Marek Martyniszyn, Maciej Bernatt.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.1: 195-215.
129146 The effective public enforcement of the prohibition of anti-competitive agreements: which factors influence the high percentage of annulments of Dutch cartel fines?/Annalies Outhuijse.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.1: 124-164.
129147 Application of the domestic and EU antitrust prohibitions: an analysis of the UK competition authority’s enforcement practice/Barry J Rodger.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.1: 86-123.
129148 Tackling the COVID-19 challenge a perspective from the CMA/Will Hayter.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.1: 250-252.
129149 Competition law in times of crisis tackling the COVID-19 challenge: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission/Rod Sims.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.2: 264-266.
129150 Resilience and competition law, in times of emergencies and crises: two research agendas/Julian Nowag.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.1: 296-298.
129151 A duty of care to prevent online exploitation of consumers? Digital dominance and special responsibility in EU competition law/Wolf Sauter.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.2: 406-427.
129152 Section 2 Mangled: FTC v Qualcomm on the Duty to Deal, Price Squeezes, and Exclusive Dealing/Lindsey M Edwards, Douglas H Ginsburg, Joshua D Wright.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.2: 335-353.
129153 Understanding the appreciability requirement under Singapore competition law/Joshua Seet, Yirong Zheng.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.2: 428-446.
129154 Global merger control where to now?/Nicholas Levy, Alexander Waksman, Lanto Sheridan.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.2: 319-334.
129155 Tackling the COVID-19 challenge a view from the DOJ/Makan Delrahim.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.2: 244-246.
129156 Agency Insight from Portugal’s Autoridade da Concorrencia/Margarida Matos Rosa.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.2: 233-238.
129157 How the Irish Competition and Consumer Protection Commission is responding to the COVID-19 challenge/Isolde Goggin.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.2: 247-249.
129158 The Federal Trade Commission’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic/Joseph J Simons.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.2: 260-263.
129159 Addressing excessive pricing concerns in time of the COVID-19 pandemic a view from South Africa/Hardin Ratshisusu, Liberty Mncube.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.2: 256-259.
129160 The Bundeskartellamt in times of COVID-19: adaption of workflows and implications for our enforcement practice/Andreas Mundt.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.2: 253-255.
129161 Competition law in times of crisis tackling the COVID-19 challenge: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission/Rod Sims.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.2: 264-266.
129162 Competition enforcement in times of crisis a perspective from the ACM/Martijn Snoep.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.2: 267-269.
129163 Striking a balance between principle and pragmatism in COVID-19-related enforcement in Hong Kong/Brent Snyder.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.2: 270-272.
129164 Planning for catastrophes/David S Evans.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.2: 273-275.
129165 Developing countries, markets, and the coronavirus: two challenges/Eleanor M Fox.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.2: 276-279.
129166 Public interest in EU policymaking after COVID-19: five short-term lessons from a consumer perspective/Monique Goyens, Agustin Reyna.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.2: 280-282.
129167 System-wide health-care shocks and regulatory interventions in the face of the emergency: are there some lessons to be learned from the COVID-19 crisis?/Alberto Heimler.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.2: 283-286.
129168 Cartels in the time of COVID-19/Alison Jones.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. 2020; Vol.8, No.2: 287-289.
129169 The EU rescue and restructuring guidelines. Fit for purpose?/Damien J Neven.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. Vol.8, No.2: 290-292.
129170 Competition law in times of crisis tackling the COVID-19 challenge: a producer perspective/John Noble.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. Vol.8, No.2: 293-295.
129171 The dangers of allowing greater coordination between competitors during the COVID-19 crisis/Peter Ormosi, Andreas Stephan.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. Vol.8, No.2: 299-301.
129172 A Keynesian antitrust response to the COVID-19 crisis/Jorge Padilla.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. Vol.8, No.2: 302-304.
129173 Sustainability of ASEAN integration, competition policy, and the challenges of COVID-19/Hassan Qaqaya.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. Vol.8, No.2: 305-308.
129174 Innovation incentives in a pandemic/Fiona M Scott Morton.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. Vol.8, No.2: 309-315.
129175 COVID-19 and competition aspiring for more than our old normality?/Maurice E Stucke, Ariel Ezrachi.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. Vol.8, No.2: 313-315.
129176 Free market versus state or something else?: civic sector and competition law s roles during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan/Masako Wakui.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. Vol.8, No.2: 316-318.
129177 Climate change, sustainability, and competition law/Simon Holmes.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. Vol.8, No.2: 354-405.
129178 Statement of Igor Artemiev, Head of the FAS Russia/Igor Artemiev.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. Vol.8, No.2: 241-243.
129179 International scope of the Japanese Anti-monopoly Act in cross-border cartel cases: a Japanese approach to extraterritorial application/Kazuaki Nishioka.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. Vol.8, No.3: 590-605.
129180 Antitrust policy in video-on-demand markets: the case of Germany/Oliver Budzinski, Nadine Lindstadt-Dreusicke.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. Vol.8, No.3: 606-626.
129181 International cooperation in merger control in Japan/Megumi Tahira, Koki Arai.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. Vol.8, No.2: 572-589.
129182 Are economists Kings? Economic evidence and discretionary assessments at the UK utility regulatory agencies/Despoina Mantzari.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. Vol.8, No.3: 535-571.
129183 Exclusionary conduct in data-driven markets: limitations of data sharing remedy/Vikas Kathuria, Jure Globocnik.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. Vol.8, No.3: 511-534.
129184 Common ownership: an EU perspective/Alec J Burnside, Adam Kidane.- Journal of Antitrust Enforcement. Vol.8, No.3: 456-510.
129185 The external auditor and the bank supervisor: Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson?/Eva H G Hupkes.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006; Vol.7, No.1-2: 145-159.
129186 Corporate governance in developing economies: Perspective from the banking sector in Bangladesh/Masrur Reaz, Thankom Arun.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006; Vol.7, No.1-2: 94-105.
129187 Audit committee and internal audit effectiveness in a multinational bank subsidiary: A case study/Edward Cahill.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006; Vol.7, No.1: 160-179.
129188 Bank insolvency and the interests of creditors/Andrew Campbell.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006; Vol.7, No.1: 133-144.
129189 US financial regulatory change: The case of the Californian energy crisis/Woodrow W Clark Jr, Istemi Demirag.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006; Vol.7, No.1-2: 75-93.
129190 The institutional architecture of UK corporate governance reform: An evaluation/S F Copp.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006; Vol.7, No.1-2: 41-63.
129191 Basel II: Panacea or a missed opportunity?/Maximilian J B Hall.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006; Vol.7, No.1-2: 106-132.
129192 Governance or regulation? Efficiency, stability and integrity in the financial sector/Geoffrey Wood.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006; Vol.7, No.1-2: 2-16.
129193 Corporate governance and banks: The role of regulation in reducing the principal-agent problem/Kern Alexander.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006; Vol.7, No.1-2: 17-40.
129194 Corporate governance of Italian banks and financial intermediaries/Elena Monaci.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006; Vol.7, No.1-2: 64-74.
129195 Black boxes, red herrings and white powder: UK audit committees in the 21st century/Laura F Spira.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006; Vol.7, No.1-2: 180-188.
129196 Capital and risk in Italian banks: A simultaneous equation approach/Francesco Cannata, Mario Quagliariello.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006; Vol.7, No.3-4: 283-297.
129197 Risks and returns of prior approval by licensing: The case of banking/Peter Cartwright.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006; Vol.7, No.3-4: 298-309.
129198 The role of skilled persons in UK banking and financial services supervision/Ian P Dewing, Peter O Russell.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006; Vol.7, No.3-4: 326-335.
129199 Bank credit risk disclosure in Japan/Mikhail Frolov.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006; Vol.7, No.3-4: 221-242.
129200 Pricing risky bank loans in the new Basel 2 environment/Iftekhar HasanCristiano Zazzara.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006; Vol.7, No.3-4: 243-267.
129201 Risk disclosure: An exploratory study of UK and Canadian banks/Philip M Linsley, Phillip J Shrives, Mandy Crumpton.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006; Vol.7, No.3-4: 268-282.
129202 Supervisor’s portfolio: The market price risk of German banks from 2001 to 2004: Analysis and models for risk aggregation/Christoph Memmel, Carsten S We.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006; Vol.7, No.3-4: 310-325.
129203 Preconditions for a successful implementation of supervisors prompt corrective action: Is there a case for a banking standard in the EU?/Marua J NietoLarry D Wa.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006; Vol.7, No.3-4: 191-220.
129204 Capital adequacy regulation and financial conglomerates/Ville Malkonen.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.1: 33-52.
129205 Why banks hold capital in excess of regulatory requirements: The role of market discipline/Samuel K Alexan.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.1: 6-9.
129206 The impact of corporate structure on the value of banks: A theoretical approach/Robert Brooks, Benton Gup.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.1: 91-98.
129207 Bilateral treaties for the protection of investments: The Argentine case/Hernan M Cruchaga.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.1: 82-90.
129208 Uploading, downloading and European integration: Assessing the Europeanisation of UK financial services regulation/Kerry E Howe.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.1: 53-68.
129209 Disclosure and governance of Islamic banks: A case study of Malaysia/Elsa Satkunasingam, Bala Shanmugam.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.1.
129210 Applying credit risk models to deposit insurance pricing: Empirical evidence from the Italian banking system/Andrea SironiCristiano Zazzara.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.1: 10-32.
129211 New frontiers in credit derivatives/Paul U Ali, Jan Job de Vries Robb.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.2: 175-182.
129212 Historical cost versus fair value accounting in banking: Implications for supervision, provisioning, financial reporting and market discipline/Yiannis Anagnostopoulos, Roger Buckland.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.2: 109-127.
129213 The implications of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 for banks and professionals/Kelly Barton.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.2: 183-193.
129214 Bank capital and credit risk taking in emerging market economies/Christophe J Godlewski.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.2: 125-148.
129215 The effective articulation of risk-based compliance in banks/Andrew Haynes.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.2: 146-162.
129216 The impact of internet banking on performance and risk profile: Evidence from Australian credit unions/Milind Sathye.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.2: 163-174.
129217 Microfinance and development: Risk and return from a policy outcome perspective/Gail Arch.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.3: 227-245.
129218 Banking crisis management in the European Union: Multiple regulators and resolution authorities/Gillian G H Garcia, Maria J Nieto.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.3: 206-226.
129219 Evolving international supervisory architecture: Design, rationale and policy reform/Saibal Ghosh.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.3: 246-260.
129220 The regulation of credit unions: A comparative analysis between the USA and Great Britain/Nicholas Ryder.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.3: 261-273.
129221 Outsourcing in Financial Services/Dalvinder Singh.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.3: 202-204.
129222 Interpreting the internal ratings-based capital requirements in Basel II/Hugh Thomas, Zhiqiang Wang.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.3: 274-289.
129223 Economic capital gauged/Pia E K Berg-Yuen, Elena A Medova.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.4: 353-378.
129224 Europeanisation, policy transfer, convergence and leson-drawing: Case studies of UK and German financial services regulation/Kerry E Howell.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.4: 379-392.
129225 Repeal the Second EU Company Law Directive Statement No. 21, London, 7th March, 2005/European Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee, Rosa Maria Lastra.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.4: 393-395.
129226 Basel Committee on Banking Supervision: Compliance and the compliance function in banks/Dalvinder Singh.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.4: 298-300.
129227 The structural impact of depolarisation and its historical context/Margarita Sweeney-Baird.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.4: 301-318.
129228 Coalitions of reciprocity and the maintenance of financial integrity within informal value transmission systems: The operational dynamics of contemporary hawala networks/Roger Ballard.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2004-2005; Vol.6, No.4: 319-352.
129229 Promoting international cooperation in resolving bank failures/Gulen Atay v.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006-2007; Vol.8, No.1: 66-72.
129230 General guidance for the resolution of bank failures/William Su.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006-2007; Vol.8, No.1: 85-112.
129231 Instituting a deposit insurance system: Why? How?/Christine E Blair, Frederick Carns, Rose M Kushmeider.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006-2007; Vol.8, No.1: 4-19.
129232 Challenges for deposit insurers in resolving bank failures/Andrew Campbell, John Raymond LaBrosse.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006-2007; Vol.8, No.1: 1-3.
129233 Measures to promote effective interrelationships among financial safety net participants/Winston Keith Carr.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006-2007; Vol.8, No.1: 73-84.
129234 Using efficient bank insolvency resolution to solve the deposit insurance problem/George G Kaufman.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006-2007; Vol.8, No.1: 40-50.
129235 Contingency planning: A practitioner’s guide drawing from lessons learned from dealing with bank failures/John Raymond LaBrosse, David K Wa.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006-2007, 1; Vol.8: 51-65.
129236 Financial stability in a world of cross-border banking: Nordic and Antipodean solutions to the problem of responsibility without power1/David G Mayes.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006-2007; Vol.8, No.1: 20-39.
129237 A model for regulatory intervention in Irish banking/K P V OSullivan, Tom Kennedy.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006-2007; Vol.8, No.2: 113-130.
129238 Trade, Investment and Competition in International Banking/Andrew Cornford.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006-2007; Vol.8, No.2: 195-197.
129239 Structural effects of banking industry consolidation in Nigeria: A review/Abel Ezeoha.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006-2007; Vol.8, No.2: 159-176.
129240 The problems of minority protection and their solutions within the legal framework in Turkish corporate governance/Sibel Hacimahmutoglu.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006-2007; Vol.8, No.2: 131-158.
129241 Why do we need mandated rules of public disclosure for banks?/Mikhail Frolov.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006-2007; Vol.8, No.2: 177-191.
129242 The new capital accord and the Chinese banking industry/Zhuang Cai, Peter Wheale.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006-2007; Vol.8, No.3: 262-289.
129243 The regulatory Big-Bang on the internal corporate governance of Greek banks and its implications/Panagiotis K Staikouras.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006-2007; Vol.8, No.3: 201-235.
129244 Some questions on the FATF 40+9 and the Methodology for Assessing Compliance with the FATF 40+9 Recommendations/Robin Sykes.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006-2007; Vol.8, No.3: 236-243.
129245 Guidelines for enforcement of worldwide freezing orders: An analysis/C ChatterjeeAnna Lefcovitch.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006-2007; Vol.8, No.3: 244-261.
129246 Do well-capitalised banks take more risk? Evidence from the Korean banking system/Thomas D Jeitsch, koShin Dong Jeung.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006-2007; Vol.8, No.4: 291-315.
129247 The treatment of operational risk under the New Basel framework: Critical issues/Andreas A Jobst.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006-2007; Vol.8, No.4: 316-352.
129248 Basel II and securitising bank holdings of foreign currency government debt/Wassim N Shahin, Elias El-Achkar.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2006-2007; Vol.8, No.4: 353-364.
129249 The deconstruction of financial risk/George Walker.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2007-2008; Vol.9, No.1: 1-2.
129250 Internal regulations and procedures for financial trading units/Mazin A M Al Janabi.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2007-2008; Vol.9, No.2: 116-130.
129251 Stress tests and their contribution to financial stability/Antonio Marcelo, Adolfo Rodroguez, Carlos Trucharte.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2007-2008; Vol.9, No.2: 65-81.
129252 The hard-to-drive tandem of immunity and liability of supervisory authorities: Legal framework and corresponding legal issues/Sotiris I Dempegiotis.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2007-2008; Vol.9, No.2: 131-149.
129253 The run on the Rock and its consequences/Andrew Campbell.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2007-2008; Vol.9, No.2: 61-64.
129254 Deposit protection in the EU: State of play and future prospects/Jessica Cariboni, Karlien Vanden Branden, Francesca Campolongo, Manuela De Cesare.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2007-2008; Vol.9, No.2: 82-101.
129255 Northern Rock, UK bank insolvency and cross-border bank insolvency/Rosa M Lastra.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2007-2008; Vol.9, No.3: 165-186.
129256 A critique of the advanced measurement approach to regulatory capital against operational risk/Imad A Moosa.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2007-2008; Vol.9, No.3: 151-164.
129257 Banking harmonisation in the African context/Iwa Salami.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2007-2008; Vol.9, No.3: 187-195.
129258 Should hedge funds be regulated?/Sander van Berkel.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2007-2008; Vol.9, No.3: 196-223.
129259 Pragmatic and effective regulation: A Swiss perspective on the regulatory process/Eva HupkesOliver Zibung.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2007-2008; Vol.9, No.4: 247-263.
129260 Credit rating agencies in a post-Enron world: Congress revisits the NRSRO concept/Deniz Coskun.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2007-2008; Vol.9, No.4: 264-283.
129261 Supervising cross-border banks in Europe/Aerdt Houben, Iskander Schrijvers, Tim Willems.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2007-2008; Vol.9, No.4: 227-246.
129262 Time to fix the plumbing: Improving the UK framework following the collapse of Northern Rock/John Raymond LaBrosse.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2007-2008; Vol.9, No.4: 293-301.
129263 Regulating risk: A measured response to the banking crisis/David Halliday McIlroy.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2007-2008; Vol.9, No.4: 284-292.
129264 Universal versus functional banking regimes: The Structure Conduct Performance Hypothesis revisited/Maria Sophia Aguirre, Thomas K Lee, Themis D Pantos.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2008-2009; No.10: 46-67.
129265 On the appropriate function of trading risk management units: Primary roles and rational use of internal models/Mazin A M Al Janabi.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2008-2009; No.10: 68-87.
129266 Sovereign bonds: A critical analysis of Argentina’s debt exchange offer/Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2008-2009; No.10: 28-45.
129267 Umbrella supervision and the role of the central bank/Joseph G Haubrich, James B Thomson.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2008-2009; No.10: 17-27.
129268 The regulatory use of credit ratings in bank capital requirement regulations/Rolf H WeberAline Darbellay.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2008-2009; No.10: 1-16.
129269 Shattered on the Rock? British financial stability from 1866 to 2007/Alistair Milne, Geoffrey Wood.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2008-2009; No.10: 89-127.
129270 Quantity effects and the market discipline mechanism: A bivariate analysis/Adrian Pop.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2008-2009; No.10: 164-175.
129271 The bargaining process as a variable to explain implementation choices of international soft-law agreements: The Basel case study/Valerio Novembre.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2008-2009; No.10: 128-152.
129272 A comeback for the dual-track reform model? Examining the case for a unified Chinese financial services regulator/Sebastian Florian Bruck.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2008-2009; No.10: 234-248.
129273 The role of an explicit subordinated debt policy in the smooth transition to Basel II: Developing economy perspective/Md Kabir Ahmed.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2008-2009; No.10: 221-233.
129274 On the necessity to regulate credit derivatives markets/Rym Ayadi, Patrick Behr.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2008-2009; No.10: 179-201.
129275 Bankruptcy practice in the absence of long-term corporate financing: The Nigerian case/Abel E Ezeoha, Chioma Anyigor.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2008-2009; No.10: 24-264.
129276 Bank bailout mark II: Will it work?/Maximilian J B Hall.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2008-2009; No.10: 215-220.
129277 Why do depository institutions use securitisation?/Amelia Pais.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2008-2009; No.10: 202-214.
129278 Profit-sharing investment accounts in Islamic banks: Regulatory problems and possible solutions/Simon Archer, Rifaat Ahmed Abdel Karim.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2008-2009; No.10: 300-306.
129279 Liability of financial regulators: Defensive conduct or careful supervision?/Robert J Dijkstra.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2008-2009; No.10: 269-284.
129280 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX): A redundant regulation for the banking industry/Victoria Garneau, Abdus Shahid.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2008-2009; No.10: 285-299.
129281 Islamophobia or an important weapon? An analysis of the US financial war on terrorism/Nicholas Ryder, Umut Turksen.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2008-2009; No.10: 307-320.
129282 Supervisory approaches and financial market development: Some correlation-based evidence/Peik Granlund.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.11, No.1: 6-30.
129283 The reform of UK financial regulation/Maximilian J B Hall.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.11, No.1: 31-75.
129284 The Credit Crunch-Are credit unions able to ride out the storm?/Nicholas RyderClare Chambers.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.11, No.1: 76-86.
129285 US regulatory reform/G A Walker.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.11, No.1: 1-5.
129286 Accountability of financial supervisory agencies: An incentive approach/Robert J Dijkstra.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.11, No.2: 115-128.
129287 Risk management and regulatory failures in banking: Reflections on the current banking crisis in Nigeria/Thomas Agbonkpolor.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.11, No.2: 146-155.
129288 A simulation study on the impact of correlation between LGD and EAD on loss calculation when different LGD definitions are considered/Samuel Da-Rocha Lopes, Tiago Nunes.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.11, No.2: 156-157.
129289 Basel II as a casualty of the global financial crisis/Imad A Moosa.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.11, No.2: 95-114.
129290 Sovereign debt defaults: Paradigms and challenges/Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.11, No.2: 91-94.
129291 Legal issues in mobile banking/Rolf H WeberAline Darbellay.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.11, No.2: 129-145.
129292 Proposals for reforming deposit guarantee schemes in Europe/Rym Ayadi, Rosa M Lastra.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.11, No.3: 210-222.
129293 The promptness of European Deposit Protection Schemes to face banking failures/Jessica Cariboni, Elisabeth Joossens, Adamo Uboldi.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.11, No.3: 191-209.
129294 US financial recovery: Political regulations or a plan for the future?/Clare Chambers.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.11, No.3: 240-255.
129295 Of insane forms. From collectives to management controlled organisations to shareholder value organisation: Building societies a case study/Lorraine Talbot.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.11, No.3: 223-239.
129296 Failing prompt corrective action/Gillian G H Garcia.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.11, No.3: 171-190.
129297 NIFA-II or Bretton Woods-II: The G-20 (Leaders) summit process on managing global financial markets and the world economy quo vadis?/Joseph J Norton.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.11, No.4: 261-301.
129298 The Greek Tragedy/Ioannis Kokkoris, Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal, Kiriakos Papadakis.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.11, No.4: 257-259.
129299 Market abuse regime in Turkey/Nusret Cetin.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.11, No.11: 227-235.
129300 Regulatory conceptions of unacceptable market practices under three policy scenarios/Nicholas Dorn.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.12, No.1: 48-68.
129301 Regulation of private equity/Andreas Heed.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.12, No.1: 24-47.
129302 Regulating credit rating agencies: The issue of conflicts of interest in the rating of structured finance products/Tobias Johansson.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.12, No.1: 1-23.
129303 Financial Crisis Management and Bank Resolution/Clare Chambers.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.12, No.1: 91-93.
129304 The effects of regulatory stringency and risk sensitivity on banks/Isabel Argimon, Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.12, No.2: 144-146.
129305 Developing Asia and the global financial regulatory agenda/Douglas W Arner, Cyn-Young Park.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.12, No.2: 119-143.
129306 Prediction of default risk: An options-based approach applied to the Brazilian banking sector/Marcelo Y Takami, Benjamin M Tabak.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.12, No.2: 167-179.
129307 Basel III market and regulatory compromise/George Alexander Walker.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.12, No.2: 95-99.
129308 International economic freedoms, banks and the market crisis of 2007-2009/William F Johnson.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.12, No.3: 195-209.
129309 Was the financial crisis the result of ineffective policy and too much regulation? An empirical investigation/Mark W Nichols, Jill M Hendrickson, Kevin Griffith.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.12, No.3: 236-251.
129310 Market abuse regime in Turkey/Nusret Cetin.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.12, No.3: 227-235.
129311 An empirical analysis of the effects of market response to bank loan announcements in Hong Kong stock market/Carol Chen Qing, Christopher Gan, Zhaohua Li.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.12, No.3: 210-226.
129312 The fight against illicit finance: A critical review of the Labour government’s policy/Nicholas Ryder.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.12, No.3: 252-275.
129313 Regulating complex derivatives: Can the opaque be made transparent?/Michael A H Dempster, Elena A Medova, Julian Roberts.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.12, No.4: 308-330.
129314 The financial crisis and regulation reform/Maria Grazia Miele, Elisa Sales.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.12, No.4: 277-307.
129315 Capital management and bank value/William C Handorf.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2009-2010; Vol.12, No.4: 331-341.
129316 Derivatives securities in emerging MENA markets: Structuring lessons from other financial markets/Mazin A M Al Janabi.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2012; Vol.13, No.1: 73-85.
129317 A social constructivist analysis of the 2007 banking crisis: Building trust and transparency through community currencies/Lance Breitstein, Paolo Dini.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2012; Vol.13, No.1: 36-62.
129318 Single or twin? The UK financial regulatory landscape after the financial crisis of 2007-2009/Alison Lui.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2012; Vol.13, No.1: 24-35.
129319 The monetary impact of regulating banking and financial sectors by FATF on non-cooperative countries and territories/Wassim N Shahin, Elias El-AchkarRana Shehab.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2012; Vol.13, No.1: 63-72.
129320 The USA Patriot Act’s differential impact on large and small banks: Evidence from California’s high-risk money laundering and related financial crime areas/Burak Dolar, William F Shughart.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2012; Vol.13, No.2: 127-146.
129321 The capacity dilemma: Regulating microfinance in Sri Lanka and Nepal/Kristen Hudak.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2012; Vol.13, No.2: 99-113.
129322 Asset management companies, non-performing loans and systemic crisis: A developing country perspective/Onyeka Osuji.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2012; Vol.13, No.2: 147-170.
129323 A critical analysis of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act of Zambia/Musonda Simwayi.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2012; Vol.13, No.2: 114-126.
129324 Canadian bank capital during the Great Depression of the 1930s: A comparison to the Basel III requirements/John D Wagster.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2012; Vol.13, No.2: 89-98.
129325 Chasing shadows: Europe prepares to regulate shadow banking/Kenneth Patrick Vincent OSullivan, Stephen Kinsella.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2012; Vol.13, No.3: 173-177.
129326 Do dynamic provisions enhance bank solvency and reduce credit procyclicality? A study of the Chilean Banking system/Jorge A Chan-Lau.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2012; Vol.13, No.3: 178-188.
129327 Forecasting and stress testing the risk-based capital requirements for revolving retail exposures/Kwamie Dunbar.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2012; Vol.13, No.3: 249-263.
129328 The regulation of short selling: A pragmatic view/Imad Moosa.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2012; Vol.13, No.3: 211-227.
129329 Market discipline and banking system transparency: Do we need more information?/Maria Semenova.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2012; Vol.13, No.3: 241-248.
129330 Cross-border banking supervision: Incentive conflicts in supervisory information sharing between home and host supervisors/Katia DHulster.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2012; Vol.13, No.4: 300-319.
129331 Retail ring-fencing of banks and its implications/Alison Lui.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2012; Vol.13, No.4: 336-348.
129332 Basel 2.5: A lot of sizzle but little nutritional value/Imad Moosa.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2012; Vol.13, No.4: 320-335.
129333 Financial and regulatory failure: The case of Ireland/Kenneth Patrick Vincent OSullivan, Stephen Kinsella.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2013; Vol.14, No.1: 1-15.
129334 The reason for the regulation of contracts for difference and its impact on hedge fund activism/Christian Alexander Mecklenburg-Guzman.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2013; Vol.14, No.1: 61-79.
129335 A critical evaluation of the European credit default swap reform: Its challenges and adverse effects as a result of insufficient assumptions/Frederik Domler.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2013; Vol.14, No.1: 33-60.
129336 Is meta-regulation all it’s cracked up to be? The case of UK financial regulation/Folarin Akinbami.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2013; Vol.14, No.1: 16-32.
129337 Macroprudential regulation: A contradiction in its own terms/George Meszaros.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2013; Vol.14, No.2: 164-182.
129338 The impact of Shari’ah governance practices on Shari’ah compliance in contemporary Islamic finance/Ahmad Alkhamees.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2013; Vol.14, No.2: 134-163.
129339 An overview on the inconsistencies of approach in regulating the capital position of banks: Will the United Kingdom step out of line with Europe?/Nigel Clayton.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2013; Vol.14, No.3: 107-133.
129340 Modelling the liquidity ratio as macroprudential instrument/Jan Willem van den End, Mark Kruidhof.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2013; Vol.14, No.3: 91-106.
129341 The financial industry business ontology: Best practice for big data/Mike Bennett.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2013; Vol.14, No.3-4: 255-268.
129342 The Great Financial Crisis: Setting priorities for new statistics/Claudio Borio.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2013; Vol.14, No.3-4: 306-317.
129343 Judgement-led regulation: Reflections on data and discretion/Andromachi Georgosouli.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2013; Vol.14, No.3-4: 209-220.
129344 Defining and delivering judgement-based supervision: The interface with the legal system/Joanna Gray, Peter Christian Metzing.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2013; Vol.14, No.3-4: 228-240.
129345 Recent developments in restructuring the Austrian banking reporting system/Erich Hille.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2013; Vol.14, No.3-4: 269-284.
129346 Defining forward looking, judgement-based supervision/Rosa M Lastra.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2013; Vol.14, No.3-4: 221-227.
129347 Systemic risk analytics: A data-driven multi-agent financial network (MAFN) approach/Sheri M Markose.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2013; Vol.14, No.3-4: 285-305.
129348 The cost of bank liquidity/William C Handorf.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2014; Vol.15, No.1: 1-13.
129349 Financial derivatives between Western legal tradition and Islamic finance: A comparative approach/Bashar H Malkawi.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2014; Vol.15, No.1: 41-55.
129350 The DOs and DON Ts of credit default swaps (CDS) in the context of the EU sovereign debt crisis/Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal, Kiriakos E Papadakis, Ioannis Kokkoris.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2014; Vol.15, No.1: 87-104.
129351 To suspect or not to suspect: Analysing the pressure on banks to be Policemen/Gauri Sinha.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2014; Vol.15, No.1: 75-86.
129352 Credit derivatives and the Dodd Frank Act: Is the regulatory response appropriate?/P M Vasudev.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2014; Vol.15, No.1: 56-74.
129353 Steering sovereign debt restructurings through the CDS quicksand/Michael Waibel.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2014; Vol.15, No.1: 14-40.
129354 Regulations and bank risk taking in dual banking countries/Nafis Alam.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2014; Vol.15, No.1: 105-116.
129355 Soft law, self-regulation and cultural sensitivity: The case of regulating Islamic banking in the UK/Abdul Karim Aldohni.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2014; Vol.15, No.2: 164-179.
129356 Telecom KYC and mobile banking regulation: An exploratory study/Shriram P Ketkar, Ravi Shankar, Devinder K Banwet.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2014; Vol.15, No.2: 117-128.
129357 The impact of corporate governance attributes on intellectual capital disclosure: A longitudinal investigation of Nigerian banking sector/Sanni Mubaraq, Abdifatah Ahmed Haji.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2014; Vol.15, No.2: 144-163.
129358 The minimal confidence levels of Basel capital regulation/Alexander Zimper.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2014; Vol.15, No.2: 129-143.
129359 Applying contingent capital in Canada/Neville Arjani, Walter Engert, Liane Orsi.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2014; Vol.15, No.3-4: 205-217.
129360 Antitrust, competition policy and too big to/Albert A Foer, Don Allen Resnikoff.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2014; Vol.15, No.3-4: 299-312.
129361 Improving governance to promote financial stability/Paul Jenkins.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2014; Vol.15, No.3-4: 200-204.
129362 A law professor’s perspective on too big to fail/Roberta S Karmel.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2014; Vol.15, No.3-4: 227-234.
129363 Merging banks in time of crisis/Ioannis Kokkoris.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2014; Vol.15, No.3-4: 313-324.
129364 The EU bank recovery and resolution directive-Some observations on the financing arrangements/John Raymond LaBrosse, Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal, Dalvinder Singh.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2014; Vol.15, No.3-4: 218-226.
129365 The logic of a banking union for Europe/Patrick Leblond.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2014; Vol.15, No.3-4: 288-298.
129366 Strengths and weaknesses of Canadian financial regulation before and after the global financial crisis/David Longworth.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2014; Vol.15, No.3-4: 277-278.
129367 Corporate governance in banks A view through the LIBOR lens/P M Vasudev, Diriana Rodriguez Guerrero.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2014; Vol.15, No.3-4: 325-336.
129368 The adoption of stress testing: Why the Basel capital measures were not enough/Larry D Wall.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2014; Vol.15, No.3-4: 266-276.
129369 Macroprudential regulation and bank performance: Does ownership matter?/Saibal Ghosh.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2015; Vol.16, No.1: 22-38.
129370 Bank risk management, regulation and CEO compensation after the Panic of 2008/William C Handorf.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2015; Vol.16, No.1: 39-50.
129371 Deposit protection system’s design and effectiveness/Nikoletta Kleftouri.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2015; Vol.16, No.1: 51-63.
129372 Regulation and contagion of banks/Yvan Lengwiler, Dietmar Maringer.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2015; Vol.16, No.1: 64-71.
129373 The regulation of high-frequency trading: A pragmatic view/Imad Moosa.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2015; Vol.16, No.1: 72-88.
129374 The corporate credit union crisis: Does it call for reform or re-engineering?/Keldon Bauer.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2015; Vol.16, No.2: 89-105.
129375 Threshold accepting for credit risk assessment and validation/Marianna Lyra, Akwum Onwunta, Peter Winker.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2015; Vol.16, No.2: 130-145.
129376 Financial crisis, liquidity infusion and risk-taking: The case of Canadian banks/Sana Mohsni, Isaac Otchere.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2015; Vol.16, No.2: 146-167.
129377 Ring-fencing cross-border banks: An effective supervisory response?/Katia DHulster, Inci Otker-Robe.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2015; Vol.16, No.3: 169-187.
129378 Rethinking deposit insurance on brokered deposits/David Howden.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2015; Vol.16, No.3: 188-200.
129379 Basel III liquidity requirement ratios and Islamic banking/Habib Ahmed.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2015; Vol.16, No.4: 251-264.
129380 The global financial crisis and banking sector resilience/Sylvia Maxfield, Mariana Magaldi de Sousa.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2015; Vol.16, No.4: 265-288.
129381 Promoting formal financial inclusion in Africa: An institutional re-examination of the policies with a case study of Nigeria/Franklin N Ngwu.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2015; Vol.16, No.4: 306-325.
129382 Financialization, bank business models and the limits of post-crisis bank regulation/Ismail Ert‎يrk.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2016; Vol.17, No.1-2: 60-72.
129383 States ceding control: Explaining the shift to centralized bank supervision in the Eurozone/Rachel A Epstein, Martin Rhodes.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2016; Vol.17, No.1-2: 90-103.
129384 Dilemmas in post-crisis bank regulation: Supranationalization versus retrenchment/Rachel A Epstein, Huw Macartney.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2016; Vol.17, No.1-2: 1-3.
129385 The ebb and flow of transatlantic regulatory cooperation in banking/David Howarth, Lucia Quaglia.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2016; Vol.17, No.1-2: 21-33.
129386 TTIP and the finance exception: Venue-shopping and the breakdown of financial regulatory coordination/Erik JonesHuw Macartney.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2016; Vol.17, No.1-2: 4-10.
129387 Governing the ins and outs of the EU s banking union/Zdenek Kudrna.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2016; Vol.17, No.1-2: 119-132.
129388 Too much, too fast? The sources of banks opposition to European banking structural reforms/Aneta Spendzharova, Esther Versluis, Linda Flothe.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2016; Vol.17, No.1-2: 133-145.
129389 Competition in the banking industry: Empirical evidence from Ghana/Kofi Adjei-Frimpong, Christopher Gan, Baiding Hu.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2016; Vol.17, No.3: 159-178.
129390 Volcker rule, ring-fencing or separation of bank activities Comparison of structural reform acts around the world/Matthias Lehmann.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2016; Vol.17, No.3: 176-187.
129391 Systemic risk and financial regulations: A theoretical perspective/Robert Prasch, Thierry Warin.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2016; Vol.17, No.3: 188-199.
129392 EU financial collateral arrangements and re-hypothecation in the shadow of shadow banking: To further regulate or not?/Christina I Tarnanidou.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2016; Vol.17, No.3: 200-238.
129393 Overhauling the institutional structure of financial regulation in Nigeria: The unfinished reform/Folarin Akinbami, Franklin N Ngwu.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2016; Vol.17, No.4: 311-331.
129394 Behavioural finance and the macroprudential dimension/Joanna Gray.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2016; Vol.17, No.4: 296-310.
129395 CAMEL to CAMELS: The risk of sensitivity/William C Handorf.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2016; Vol.17, No.4: 273-287.
129396 Opening discussion on banking sector risk exposures and vulnerabilities from Virtual currencies: An Operational Risk perspective/Gareth W Peters, Ariane Chapelle, Efstathios Panayi.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2016; Vol.17, No.4: 239-272.
129397 An intellectual property-based approach to the mandatory disclosure among lenders of credit data for small and medium enterprises/Paolo Siciliani.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2016; Vol.17, No.4: 288-299.
129398 A note on the adequacy of the EU scheme for bank recovery, resolution and deposit insurance in Spain/Pilar Gomez …[et al.].- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2016; Vol.17, No.4: 332-337.
129399 Did Dodd-Frank miss the mark? Financial experts and regulators perspectives on resolution plans/ChoJoel Mier, Danny Bellenger.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2017; Vol.18, No.1: 80-120.
129400 The impact of Basel II on the banking strategies in the Middle East and North African (MENA) region/Abdeljalil Ghanem.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2017; Vol.18, No.1: 48-60.
129401 Financial implications of transitioning to the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 and Basel III/William C Handorf.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2017; Vol.18, No.1: 1-13.
129402 The regulation of shadow banking/Imad A Moosa.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2017; Vol.18, No.1: 61-79.
129403 Project finance bank loans and PPP funding in India: A risk management perspective/Vikas Srivastava.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2017; Vol.18, No.1: 17-27.
129404 Effects from the parent’s exposure to subsidiaries inside Bank Holding Companies (BHCs)/Silvia Bressan.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2017; Vol.18, No.2: 132-148.
129405 Bail-in and asset encumbrance Implications for banks asset liability management/Joachim Erhardt, Johannes Lubbers, Peter N Posch.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2017; Vol.18, No.1: 149-162.
129406 A jurisdictional comparison of the twin peaks model of financial regulation/Andrew Godwin, Timothy HowseIan Ramsay.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2017; Vol.18, No.1: 103-131.
129407 The regulation of credit rating agencies: A realistic view/Imad A Moosa.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2017; Vol.18, No.2: 180-200.
129408 How liquid are banks: Some evidence from the United Kingdom/Meilan Yan, Dalu Zhang, Paul Turner.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2017; Vol.18, No.2: 163-179.
129409 The emerging regulatory landscape: a new normal/Giovanni Covi.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2017; Vol.18, No.3: 233-255.
129410 Top-down restructuring of markets and institutions: the Nordic banking crises/David G. Mayes.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2017; Vol.18, No.3: 213-232.
129411 Regulatory ratios, CDS spreads, and credit ratings in a favorable economic environment/William C. Handorf.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2017; Vol.18, No.3: 268-285.
129412 Impact of the Market in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) on the Italian financial market: Evidence from bank bonds/Alfonso Del Giudice.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2017; Vol.18, No.3: 256-267.
129413 Designing macroprudential regulation and supervision outside the scope of the banking union: Lessons from the Netherlands and Ireland/Arien vant Hof.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2017; Vol.18, No.3: 201-212.
129414 Banks asset and liability valuation in the new regulatory environment: a game theory perspective/Amira Annabi, Alicja K. Reuben.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2017; Vol.18, No.4: 302-309.
129415 Basel II: an engine without brakes/Lara Cathcart, Lina El-JahelRavel Jabbour.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2017; Vol.18, No.4: 359-374.
129416 Supervisory boards, financial crisis and bank performance: do board characteristics matter?/Catarina Fernandes, Jorge Farinha, Cesario Mateus.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2017; Vol.18, No.4: 310-337.
129417 Systemic risk measurement in banking using self-organizing maps/James W. Kolari, Ivan Pastor Sanz.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2017; Vol.18, No.4: 359-374.
129418 Achieving a balance between the avoidance of banking problems and their resolution-can financial cycle dynamics predict bank distress?/Giannoula Karamichailidou, David G. Mayes, Hanno Stremmel.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2018; Vol.19, No.1: 18-32.
129419 Do Basel Accords influence competition in the banking industry? A comparative analysis of Germany and the UK/Leone Leonida, Eleonora Muzzupappa.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2018; Vol.19, No.1: 64-72.
129420 Good regulation versus bad regulation/Imad A. Moosa.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2018; Vol.19, No.1: 55-63.
129421 Cross-border banking on the two sides of the Atlantic: Does it have an impact on bank crisis management?/Maria J. Nieto, Larry D. Wall.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2018; Vol.19, No.1: 4-17.
129422 The UK regulation on alternative investment fund managers: a difficult compromise between two different legislative approaches/Rodrigo Olivares-Caminal, Marco Bodellini.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2018; Vol.19, No.1: 73-85.
129423 Evidence on post-financial crisis corporate culture in UK listed banks/Paul Cox, Diandra Soobiah.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2018; Vol.19, No.2: 149-159.
129424 Reshaping the governance of the Dutch banking sector: impact of the Dutch Banking Code/Auke de Bos, Annika Galle, Marlene Jans.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2018; Vol.19, No.2: 101-117.
129425 Financial institutions and money laundering: A threatening relationship?/Erin Lawlor-Forsyth, M. Michelle Gallant.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2018; Vol.19, No.2: 131-148.
129426 Integrated early warning prediction model for Islamic banks: the Malaysian case/Jaizah Othman, Mehmet Asutay.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2018; Vol.19, No.2: 118-130.
129427 Market risk disclosure in banking: an empirical analysis on four global systemically important European banks/Enzo Scannella, Salvatore Polizzi.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2018; Vol.19, No.2: 87-100.
129428 Basel III liquidity coverage ratio and the operating target of monetary policy: the unintended discord/Sitikantha Pattanaik, Rajesh Kavediya, Angshuman Hait.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2018; Vol.19, No.2: 160-173.
129429 Bank governance and performance: a survey of the literature/Catarina Fernandes, Jorge Farinha, Cesario Mateus.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2018; Vol.19, No.3: 236-256.
129430 Implications of the Current Expected Credit Loss accounting model/William C. Handorf.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2018; Vol.19, No.3: 211-221.
129431 Bank holding company regulation in Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa: a comparative inventory and a call for Pan-African regulation/John L Taylor, Rene Smits.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2018; Vol.19, No.3: 175-210.
129432 Government ownership and risk taking among European savings banks/Yaseen Ghulam, Julian Beier.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2018; Vol.19, No.3: 257-269.
129433 A comparative study of Islamic and conventional banks risk management practices: empirical evidence from Pakistan/Asma Abdul Rehman, Abdelhafid Benamraoui, Aasim Munir Dad.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2018; Vol.19, No.3: 222-235.
129434 Dodd-Frank’s federal deposit insurance reform/Kyle D. Allen, Travis R. Davidson, Scott E. Hein, Matthew D. Whitledge.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2018; Vol.19, No.4: 271-286.
129435 The impact of banks liquidity reserves on lending/Silvia Bressan.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2018; Vol.19, No.4: 337-345.
129436 Back to the future: the nature of regulatory capital requirements/R. Chami, T. Cosimano, C. Rochon.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2018; Vol.19, No.4: 327-336.
129437 Macro stress testing in the banking system of China/Bo Jiang, Bruce Philp, Zhongmin Wu.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2018; Vol.19, No.4: 287-298.
129438 The economic rationale for the proposed banking reform in Iceland/Imad A. Moosa.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2018; Vol.19, No.4: 317-326.
129439 Was Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009 on Credit Rating Agencies effective?/Olivier Nataf, Lieven De Moor, Rosanne Vanpee.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2018; Vol.19, No.4: 299-316.
129440 Essential information sharing thresholds for reducing market power in financial access: a study of the African banking industry/Simplice A. Asongu, Sara Le Roux, Vanessa S. Tchamyou.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.1: 34-50.
129441 European banks after the global financial crisis: a new landscape/Marisa Basten, Antonio Sanchez Serr.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.1: 51-73.
129442 Asset commonality of European banks/Sonia Dissem.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.1: 1-33.
129443 The price is right: using auction theory to enhance competition in the NPL market/Edoardo Gaffeo, Ronny Mazzocchi.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.1: 104-112.
129444 Examining risk governance practices in global financial institutions: the adoption of risk appetite statements/Walter Gontarek, Ruth Bender.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.1: 74-85.
129445 From sovereigns to banks: evidence on cross-border contagion/Alesia Kalbaska, Cesario Mateus.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.1: 86-103.
129446 Can Federal Home Loan Banks effectively self-regulate lending to influential banks?/James Cash Acrey, Wayne Y. Lee, Timothy J. Yeager.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.2: 197-210.
129447 Insider perspectives on European banking challenges in the post-crisis regulation environment/Yiannis Anagnostopoulos, Jackie Kabeega.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.2: 136-158.
129448 Is the MENA banking sector competitive?/Hatem Elfeituri, Konstantinos Vergos.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.2: 124-135.
129449 Administrative and judicial review of EU supervisory decisions in the banking sector/Jose Carlos Laguna de Paz.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.2: 159-173.
129450 The golden rule of banking: funding cost risks of bank business models/David Grossmann, Peter Scholz.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.2: 174-196.
129451 The impact of Basel III on trade finance: the potential unintended consequences of the leverage ratio/Marc Auboin, Isabella Blengini.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.2: 115-123.
129452 The complexity of bank regulation: audit requirements in the USA/Drew Dahl, Larry Sherrer.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.3: 286-289.
129453 Credit risk and macroeconomic stress tests in China/Philip Arestis, Maggie Mo Jia.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.3: 211-225.
129454 A regulatory misfit? A closer look at the counter-terrorist financing strategies in African states/Nkechikwu Valerie Azinge.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.3: 245-259.
129455 Systemic early warning systems for EU14 based on the 2008 crisis: proposed estimation and model assessment for classification forecasting/Savas Papadopoulos, Pantelis Stavroulias, Thomas Sager.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.3: 226-244.
129456 Reconciling contradictory forces: financial inclusion of refugees and know-your-customer regulations/Uuriintuya Batsaikhan, Zsolt Darvas, Ines Goncalves Raposo.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.3: 260-273.
129457 Growing cross-border banking in Sub-Saharan Africa and the need for a regional centralized regulatory authority/Franklin N. Ngwu, Chris Ogbechie, Kalu Ojah.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.3: 274-285.
129458 The differential impact of the Dodd-Frank Act on niche non-metro lenders/Gregory McKee, Albert Kagan.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.4: 291-301.
129459 Deregulation, efficiency and competition in developing banking markets: Do reforms really work? A case study for Ghana/John K. Dadzie, Alessandra Ferrari.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.4: 328-340.
129460 The disparity in PD and LGD estimates within the IRB framework and prospects for future improvement/Patricia Stupariu, Juan Rafael Ruiz, Angel Vilarino.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.4: 341-347.
129461 Regulation of short-term consumer credits/Tuomas Takalo.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.4: 348-354.
129462 The universal bank model: Synergy or vulnerability?/Xi Yang, Michael Brei.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.4: 312-327.
129463 Evaluating the AMA and the new standardized approach for operational risk capital/Marco Migueis.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2019; Vol.20, No.4: 302-311.
129464 Bank bail-in and disputed claims: Can it cope? The case for and against a vis attractiva resolutionis/Jens-Hinrich Binder.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2020; Vol.21, No.1: 54-63.
129465 The two stabilities: Friends, good friends, or inseparable?/Forrest Capie, Terence C. Mills, Geoffrey Wood.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2020; Vol.21, No.1: 3-14.
129466 Is stricter regulation of incentive compensation the missing piece?/Larry D. Wall.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2020; Vol.21, No.1: 82-94.
129467 Trans-Tasman cooperation in banking supervision and resolution/Dirk Schoenmaker.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2020; Vol.21, No.1: 15-25.
129468 Resolution (R)evolution: Where have we come from? Where might we go?/Eva H. G. Hupkes.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2020; Vol.21, No.1: 37-53.
129469 The road to RegTech: the (astonishing) example of the European Union/Ross P. Buckley, Douglas W. Arner, Rolf H. Weber.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2020; Vol.21, No.1: 26-36.
129470 Regulatory changes to bank liability structures: implications for deposit insurance design/Kevin Davis.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2020; Vol.21, No.1: 95-106.
129471 Why MREL won’t help much: minimum requirements for bail-in capital as an insufficient remedy for defunct private sector involvement under the European bank resolution framework/Tobias H. Troger.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2020; Vol.21, No.1: 64-81.
129472 The influence of intra- and inter-system concentration on the pre-regulated setting of interchange fees within cooperative card payment networks/Alen Veljan.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2020; Vol.21, No.2: 139-151.
129473 The Dodd-Frank Act’s non-uniform regulatory impact on the banking industry/Burak Dolar, Ben Dale.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2020; Vol.21, No.1: 188-195.
129474 The new OTC derivatives landscape: (more) transparency, liquidity, and electronic trading/Cristiano Zazzara.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2020; Vol.21, No.2: 170-187.
129475 Cryptocurrencies and anti-money laundering: the shortcomings of the fifth AML Directive (EU) and how to address them/Lars Haffke, Mathias Fromberger, Patrick Zimmermann.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2020; Vol.21, No.2: 125-138.
129476 The international financial regulation of SPACs between legal standardised regulation and standardisation of market practices/Daniele DAlvia.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2020; Vol.21, No.2: 107-124.
129477 Depositors discipline, banks accounting discretion, and depositors expectations of implicit government guarantees/Michael L. McIntyre, Yinlin Zhang.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2020; Vol.21, No.3: 256-277.
129478 Considerations of the SPE and MPE resolution/Jose Alejandro Fernandez Fernandez.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2020; Vol.21, No.3: 278-287.
129479 Regulation, bank capital, and bank risk: evidence from the Lebanese banking industry/Rim El-Khoury.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2020; Vol.21, No.3: 241-255.
129480 Model validation and model risk: reaching the end of the line?/Michael von Thaden, Carsten S. Wehn.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2020; Vol.21, No.4: 382-394.
129481 Testing the waters of the Rubicon: the European Central Bank and central bank digital currencies/Hossein Nabilou.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2020; Vol.21, No.4: 299-314.
129482 Banking on burden reduction: how the global financial crisis shaped the political economy of banking regulation/Mercy B. DeMenno.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2020; Vol.21, No.4: 315-342.
129483 The promise and perils of alternative market-based finance: the case of P2P lending in the UK/Vincenzo Bavoso.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2020; Vol.21, No.4: 395-409.
129484 Contingent Convertible bond literature review: making everything and nothing possible?/Philippe Oster.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2020; Vol.21, No.4: 343-381.
129485 High-frequency trading: Order-based innovation or manipulation?/Viktoria Dalko, Michael H. Wang.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2020; Vol.21, No.4: 289-298.
129486 How to measure bank credit risk disclosure? Testing a new methodological approach based on the content analysis framework/Enzo Scannella, Salvatore Polizzi.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2021; Vol.22, No.1: 73-95.
129487 Global liquidity and capital flow regulations/Nataliia Osina.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2021; Vol.22, No.1: 52-72.
129488 Banking, transition and financial reforms: a long-term analysis of Vietnam/Alessandra Ferrari, Vo Huyen Trang Tran.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2021; Vol.22, No.1: 1-10.
129489 Methods for alleviating the problem of Too big to fail in Germany/Jan Kolesnik, Anna Dabkowska.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2021; Vol.22, No.1: 11-23.
129490 (IR) Relevance of goodwill impairment: the case of European banking (2005-2015)/Jorge Pallares Sanchidrian, Javier Perez Garcia, Jose A. Gonzalo-Angulo.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2021; Vol.22, No.1: 24-38.
129491 Corporate banking-risk management, regulatory and reporting framework in India: a Blockchain application-based approach/Surya Dashottar, Vikas Srivastava.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2021; Vol.22, No.1: 39-51.
129492 Competition in the banking industry, is it beneficial? Evidence from MENA region/Faten Zoghlami, Yassine Bouchemia.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2021; Vol.22, No.2: 169-179.
129493 Correction to: Lessons from the rise and fall of Chinese peer-to-peer lending/Chen Ding, Anil S. Kavuri, Alistair Milne.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2021; Vol.22, No.2: 144-144.
129494 ECB’s AnaCredit: useful but impossible for the non-euro area/Adrian Dumitrescu-Pasecinic.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2021; Vol.22, No.2: 145-151.
129495 Integrating Regulatory Technology (RegTech) into the digital transformation of a bank Treasury/Johan von Solms.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2021; Vol.22, No.2: 152-168.
129496 Discretionary loan loss provisioning and stock trading liquidity/Yinlin Zhang, Michael. L. McIntyre.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2021; Vol.22, No.2: 97-111.
129497 Portfolio analysis of big US banks performance: the fee business lines factor/Christian Calmes, Raymond Theoret.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2021; Vol.22, No.2: 112-132.
129498 Integrating Regulatory Technology (RegTech) into the digital transformation of a bank Treasury/Johan von Solms.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2021; Vol.22, No.3: 191-207.
129499 What drives the greater or lesser usage of forbearance measures by banks?/Paola De Vincentiis.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2021; Vol.22, No.3: 181-190.
129500 The stakeholder model: its relevance, concept, and application in the Indonesian banking sector/Yafet Yosafet Wilben Rissy.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2021; Vol.22, No.3: 219-231.
129501 The ascent and descent of banks risk-based capital regulation/Katalin Mero.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2021; Vol.22, No.4: 308-318.
129502 Banking regulations: do they matter for performance?/Ranjeeta Nayak.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2021; Vol.22, No.4: 261-274.
129503 Multilevel cooperation in the EU resolution of cross-border bank groups: lessons from the non-euro area Member States joining the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM)/Agnieszka Smolenska.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2022; Vol.23, No.1: 42-53.
129504 The instruments of Eurozone fiscal surveillance through the lens of the soft law/hard law dichotomy Looking for a new approach/Paul Dermine.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2022; Vol.23, No.1: 7-18.
129505 Economically inefficient and legally untenable: constitutional limitations on the introduction of central bank digital currencies in the EU/Jay Cullen.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2022; Vol.23, No.1: 31-41.
129506 The (multilevel) articulation of the European participation in international financial fora: the example of the Basel Accords/Diane Fromage.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2022; Vol.23, No.1: 54-65.
129507 Soft law and multilevel cooperation as sources of (new) constitutional challenges in EU economic and monetary integration: introduction to the special issue/Diane FromageMariolina EliantonioKathryn Wright.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2022; Vol.23, No.1: 1-6.
129508 State aid after the Banking Union: serious disturbance and public interest/Phedon Nicolaides.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2022; Vol.23, No.1: 79-90.
129509 National central banks in EMU: time for revision?/Marijn van der Sluis.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2022; Vol.23, No.1: 19-30.
129510 The impact of policy effects on the Hungarian payments card market/Laszlo KajdiMilan Kiss.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2022; Vol.23, No.2: 107-119.
129511 Correction to: A framework for managing regulatory policy life cycle challenges: an empirical design/Abdulrahman Alrabiah, Steve Drew.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2022; Vol.23, No.2: 224-225.
129512 Regulatory policies in the global Islamic banking sector in the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic/Walid Mansour, Hechem Ajmi, Karima Saci.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2022; Vol.23, No.3: 265-287.
129513 ResTech: innovative technologies for crisis resolution/Giuseppe Loiacono, Edoardo Rulli.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2022; Vol.23, No.3: 227-243.
129514 Measuring the restrictiveness of (macro)prudential policy: the case of bank capital regulation in Poland/Marcin Czaplicki.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2022; Vol.23, No.3: 322-338.
129515 Determinants of mergers and acquisitions among Finnish cooperative and savings banks/Matias Huhtilainen, Jani Saastamoinen, Niko Suhonen.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2022; Vol.23, No.3: 339-349.
129516 Governance in the era of Blockchain technology in Qatar: a roadmap and a manual for Trade Finance/Imad Antoine Ibrahim, Jon Truby.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2022; Vol.23, No.4: 419-438.
129517 Limiting too-big-to-fail: market reactions to policy announcements and actions/Mario Bellia, Sara Maccaferri, Sebastian Schich.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2022; Vol.23, No.4: 388-389.
129518 Taxation of the financial sector: Is a bank levy the answer to the financial crisis?/Karolina Pu awska.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2022; Vol.23, No.4: 390-404.
129519 Addressing the challenges of post-pandemic debt management in the consumer and SME sectors: a proposal for the roles of UK financial regulators/Iris H.-Y. Chiu, Andreas Kokkinis, Andrea Miglionico.- Journal of Banking Regulation. 2022; Vol.23, No.4: 439-457.
129520 Optimizing time allocation for network defence/Tristan Caulfield, Andrew Fielder.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2015; Vol.1, No.1: 37-51.
129521 Tipping the scales: the attribution problem and the feasibility of deterrence against cyberattack/Jon R. Lindsay.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2015; Vol.1, No.1: 53-67.
129522 Critical visualization: a case for rethinking how we visualize risk and security/Peter Hall, Claude Heath, Lizzie Coles-Kemp.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2015; Vol.1, No.1: 93-108.
129523 Neural correlates of gender differences and color in distinguishing security warnings and legitimate websites: a neurosecurity study/Bonnie Brinton Anderson, C. Brock Kirwan, David Eargle, Scott R. Jensen, Anthony Vance.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2015; Vol.1, No.1: 109-120.
129524 Scripting the crime commission process in the illicit online prescription drug trade/Nektarios Leontiadis, Alice Hutchings.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2015; Vol.1, No.1: 81-92.
129525 From physical security to cybersecurity/Arunesh Sinha, Thanh H. Nguyen, Debarun Kar, Matthew Brown, Milind Tambe, Albert Xin Jiang.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2015; Vol.1, No.1: 19-35.
129526 Identifying patterns in informal sources of security information/Emilee Rader, Rick Wash.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2015; Vol.1, No.1: 121-144.
129527 Keys under doormats: mandating insecurity by requiring government access to all data and communications/Harold Abelson …[et al.].- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2015; Vol.1, No.1: 69-79.
129528 Increasing cybersecurity investments in private sector firms/Lawrence A. Gordon, Martin P. Loeb, William Lucyshyn, Lei Zhou.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2015; Vol.1, No.1: 3-17.
129529 The economics of mandatory security breach reporting to authorities/Stefan Laube, Rainer Bohme.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 29-41.
129530 Hype and heavy tails: A closer look at data breaches/Benjamin Edwards, Steven Hofmeyr, Stephanie Forrest.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 3-14.
129531 Risky business: Fine-grained data breach prediction using business profiles/Armin Sarabi, Parinaz Naghizadeh, Yang Liu, Mingyan Liu.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 15-28.
129532 Understanding the role of sender reputation in abuse reporting and cleanup/Orcun Cetin, Mohammad Hanif Jhaveri, Carlos Garian, Michel van Eeten, Tyler Moore.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 83-98.
129533 Characterizing fraud and its ramifications in affiliate marketing networks/Peter Snyder, Chris Kanich.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 71-81.
129534 Policy, statistics and questions: Reflections on UK cyber security disclosures/Chad D. Heitzenrater, Andrew C. Simpson.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 43-56.
129535 Are information security professionals expected value maximizers?: An experiment and survey-based test/Konstantinos Mersinas, Bjoern Hartig, Keith M. Martin, Andrew Seltzer.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 57-70.
129536 How would information disclosure influence organizations outbound spam volume? Evidence from a field experiment/Shu He, Gene Moo Lee, Sukjin Han, Andrew B. Whinston.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2016; Vol.2, No.1: 99-118.
129537 Examining signals of trust in criminal markets online/Thomas J. Holt, Olga Smirnova, Alice Hutchings.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 137-145.
129538 Examining the costs and causes of cyber incidents/Sasha Romanosky.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 121-135.
129539 A grounded analysis of experts decision-making during security assessments/Hanan Hibshi, Travis D. Breaux, Maria Riaz, Laurie Williams.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2016; Vol.2, No.2: 147-183.
129540 Second acts in cyberspace/Martin C. Libicki.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 29-35.
129541 The role of effects, saliencies and norms in US Cyberwar doctrine/Henry Farrell, Charles L. Glaser.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 7-17.
129542 A cyber SIOP? Operational considerations for strategic offensive cyber planning/Austin Long.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 19-28.
129543 Thermonuclear cyberwar/Erik Gartzke, Jon R. Lindsay.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 37-48.
129544 Cyberterrorism: its effects on psychological well-being, public confidence and political attitudes/Michael L. Gross, Daphna Canetti, Dana R. Vashdi.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 49-58.
129545 Limiting the undesired impact of cyber weapons: technical requirements and policy implications/Steven M. Bellovin, Susan Landau, Herbert S. Lin.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 59-68.
129546 Rules of engagement for cyberspace operations: a view from the USA/C. Robert Kehler, Herbert Lin, Michael Sulmeyer.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2017; Vol.3, No.1: 69-80.
129547 The price of anonymity: empirical evidence from a market for Bitcoin anonymization/Malte M‎نser, Rainer Bohme.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2017; Vol.3, No.2: 127-135.
129548 Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow? Revisiting Eric Raymond with bug bounty programs/Thomas Maillart, Mingyi Zhao, Jens Grossklags, John Chuang.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2017; Vol.3, No.2: 81-90.
129549 Strategic news bundling and privacy breach disclosures/Sebastien Gay.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2017; Vol.3, No.2: 91-108.
129550 International comparison of bank fraud reimbursement: customer perceptions and contractual terms/Ingolf Becker.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2017; Vol.3, No.2: 109-125.
129551 The impact of DDoS and other security shocks on Bitcoin currency exchanges: evidence from Mt. Gox/Amir Feder, Neil Gandal, J T Hamrick, Tyler Moore.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2017; Vol.3, No.2: 137-144.
129552 Thinking about intrusion kill chains as mechanisms/Jonathan M Spring, Eric Hatleback.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 185-197.
129553 Coercion in cybersecurity: What public health models reveal/Steven Weber.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 173-183.
129554 Valuing information security from a phishing attack/Kenneth D Nguyen, Heather Rosoff, Richard S John.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 159-171.
129555 Surveillance and identity: conceptual framework and formal models/Victoria Wang, John V Tucker.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2017; Vol.3, No.3: 145-158.
129556 Forgetting personal data and revoking consent under the GDPR: Challenges and proposed solutions/Eugenia Politou, Efthimios Alepis, Constantinos Patsakis.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 1-20.
129557 Cybersecurity incident response capabilities in the Ecuadorian financial sector/Frankie E Catota, M Granger Morgan, Douglas C Sicker.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 1-20.
129558 Determining an optimal threshold on the online reserves of a bitcoin exchange/Samvit Jain, Edward Felten, Steven Goldfeder.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 1-12.
129559 The costs of consumer-facing cybercrime: an empirical exploration of measurement issues and estimates/Markus Riek, Rainer Bohme.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 1-16.
129560 Patchwork of confusion: the cybersecurity coordination problem/Tarun Chaudhary, Jenna Jordan, Michael Salomone, Phil Baxter.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 1-13.
129561 A taxonomy of cyber-harms: Defining the impacts of cyber-attacks and understanding how they propagate/Ioannis Agrafiotis, Jason R C Nurse, Michael Goldsmith, Sadie Creese, David Upton.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 1-18.
129562 Malware in the future? Forecasting of analyst detection of cyber events/Jonathan Z Bakdash.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 1-10.
129563 Threat intelligence sharing between cybersecurity vendors: Network, dyadic, and agent views/Aviram Zrahia.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 1-16.
129564 Malware and market share/Daniel G Arce.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2018; Vol.4, No.1: 1-6.
129565 The end of the road for the UN GGE process: The future regulation of cyberspace/Anders Henriksen.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 1-9.
129566 Cybersecurity education in a developing nation: the Ecuadorian environment/Frankie E Catota, M Granger Morgan, Douglas C Sicker.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 1-19.
129567 Content analysis of cyber insurance policies: how do carriers price cyber risk?/Sasha Romanosky, Lillian Ablon, Andreas Kuehn, Therese Jones.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 1-19.
129568 Ransomware payments in the Bitcoin ecosystem/Masarah Paquet-Clouston, Bernhard Haslhofer, Benoit Dupont.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 1-11.
129569 Cryptocurrencies and fundamental rights/Christian Rueckert.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 1-12.
129570 What security features and crime prevention advice is communicated in consumer IoT device manuals and support pages?/John M Blythe, Nissy Sombatruang, Shane D Johnson.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 1-10.
129571 To share or not to share: a behavioral perspective on human participation in security information sharing/Alain Mermoud, Marcus Matthias Keupp, Kevin Huguenin, Maximilian Palmie, Dimitri Percia David.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 1-13.
129572 Escalation firebreaks in the cyber, conventional, and nuclear domains: moving beyond effects-based logics/Sarah Kreps, Jacquelyn Schneider.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 1-11.
129573 The implications of persistent (and permanent) engagement in cyberspace/Jason Healey.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 1-12.
129574 To pay or not: game theoretic models of ransomware/Edward Cartwright, Julio Hernandez Castro, Anna Cartwright.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 1-12.
129575 Embracing and controlling risk dependency in cyber-insurance policy underwriting/Mohammad Mahdi Khalili, Mingyan Liu, Sasha Romanosky.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 1-16.
129576 A market for trading software issues/Malvika Rao, Georg J P Link, Don Marti, Andy Leak, Rich Bodo.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 1-14.
129577 Past behavior and future judgements: seizing and freezing in response to cyber operations/Miguel Alberto Gomez.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 1-19.
129578 The cyber-resilience of financial institutions: significance and applicability/Benoit Dupont.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 1-17.
129579 On providing systematized access to consolidated principles, guidelines and patterns for usable security research and development/Peter L Gorski, Emanuel von Zezschwitz, Luigi Lo Iacono, Matthew Smith.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 1-19.
129580 Passwords protect my stuff a study of children’s password practices/Yee-Yin Choong, Mary F Theofanos, Karen Renaud, Suzanne Prior.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2019; Vol.5, No.1: 1-19.
129581 Developing a measure of information seeking about phishing/Emma J Williams, Adam N Joinson.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 1-16.
129582 Update now or later? Effects of experience, cost, and risk preference on update decisions/Prashanth Rajivan, Efrat Aharonov-Majar, Cleotilde Gonzalez.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 1-12.
129583 SMART: security model adversarial risk-based tool for systems security design evaluation/Paul A Wortman, John A Chandy.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 1-8.
129584 Data presentation in security operations centres: exploring the potential for sonification to enhance existing practice/Louise Axon, Bushra A AlAhmadi, Jason R C Nurse, Michael Goldsmith, Sadie Creese.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 1-16.
129585 Integrating cost benefit analysis into the NIST Cybersecurity Framework via the Gordon Loeb Model/Lawrence A Gordon, Martin P Loeb, Lei Zhou.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 1-8.
129586 Privacy threats in intimate relationships/Karen Levy, Bruce Schneier.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 1-13.
129587 Challenging software developers: dialectic as a foundation for security assurance techniques/Charles Weir, Awais Rashid, James Noble.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 1-16.
129588 Categorizing human phishing difficulty: a Phish Scale/Michelle Steves, Kristen Greene, Mary Theofanos.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 1-16.
129589 Deploying authentication in the wild: towards greater ecological validity in security usability studies/Seb Aebischer …[et al.].- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 1-15.
129590 Exploring the security narrative in the work context/Karoline Busse, Jennifer Seifert, Matthew Smith.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 1-12.
129591 Public attribution of cyber intrusions/Florian J Egloff.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 1-12.
129592 Cyber conflict or democracy hacked? How cyber operations enhance information warfare/Christopher Whyte.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 1-17.
129593 Predicting smartphone location-sharing decisions through self-reflection on past privacy behavior/Pamela Wisniewski, Muhammad Irtaza Safi, Sameer Patil, Xinru Page.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 1-16.
129594 Improving vulnerability remediation through better exploit prediction/Jay Jacobs, Sasha Romanosky, Idris Adjerid, Wade Baker.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 1-12.
129595 An analysis of perceptions and support for Windows 10 Home Edition update features/Jason Morris, Ingolf Becker, Simon Parkin.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 1-22.
129596 Efficient distributed network covert channels for Internet of things environments/Krzysztof Cabaj, Piotr Zorawski, Piotr Nowakowski, Maciej Purski, Wojciech Mazurczyk.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 1-18.
129597 What (if any) behaviour change techniques do government-led cybersecurity awareness campaigns use?/Tommy van Steen, Emma Norris, Kirsty Atha, Adam Joinson.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 1-8.
129598 Decomposition and sequential-AND analysis of known cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure control systems/Peter Maynard, Kieran McLaughlin, Sakir Sezer.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 1-20.
129599 Low-cost fitness and activity trackers for biometric authentication/Saad Khan, Simon Parkinson, Na Liu, Liam Grant.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 1-10.
129600 Has the GDPR hype affected users reaction to cookie disclaimers?/Oksana Kulyk, Nina Gerber, Annika Hilt, Melanie Volkamer.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 1-14.
129601 An empirical study of ransomware attacks on organizations: an assessment of severity and salient factors affecting vulnerability/Lena Yuryna Connolly, David S Wall, Michael Lang, Bruce Oddson.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 1-18.
129602 Malware and market share: a comment on Arce/Marc Jegers, Leo Van Hove.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 1-2.
129603 Exploring user perceptions of deletion in mobile instant messaging applications/Theodor Schnitzler, Christine Utz, Florian M Farke, Christina Popper, Markus Durmuth.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2020; Vol.6, No.1: 1-15.
129604 Exponential discounting in security games of timing/Jonathan Merlevede, Benjamin Johnson, Jens Grossklags, Tom Holvoet.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2021; Vol.7, No.1: 1-20.
129605 Going from bad to worse: from Internet voting to blockchain voting/Sunoo Park, Michael Specter, Neha Narula, Ronald L Rivest.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2021; Vol.7, No.1: 1-15.
129606 Manipulating uncertainty: cybersecurity politics in Egypt/Bassant Hassib, James Shires.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2021; Vol.7, No.1: 1-16.
129607 Risk and uncertainty can be analyzed in cyberspace/Aaron F Brantly.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2021; Vol.7, No.1: 1-12.
129608 Reconciliation of anti-money laundering instruments and European data protection requirements in permissionless blockchain spaces/Iwona Karasek-Wojciechowicz.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2021; Vol.7, No.1: 1-28.
129609 Simulation for cybersecurity: state of the art and future directions/Hamdi Kavak, Jose J Padilla, Daniele Vernon-Bido, Saikou Y Diallo, Ross Gore, Sachin Shetty.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2021; Vol.7, No.1: 1-13.
129610 A three-tiered intrusion detection system for industrial control systems/Eirini Anthi, Lowri Williams, Pete Burnap, Kevin Jones.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2021; Vol.7, No.1: 1-10.
129611 Hacking for good: Leveraging HackerOne data to develop an economic model of Bug Bounties/Kiran Sridhar, Ming Ng.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2021; Vol.7, No.1: 1-9.
129612 Restraint under conditions of uncertainty: Why the United States tolerates cyberattacks/Monica Kaminska.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2021; Vol.7, No.1: 1-15.
129613 Why international law and norms do little in preventing non-state cyber attacks/Nori Katagiri.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2021; Vol.7, No.1: 1-9.
129614 Private active cyber defense and (international) cyber security-pushing the line?/Dennis Broeders.- Journal of Cybersecurity. 2021; Vol.7, No.1: 1-14.
129615 Reports of Intimate Partner Violence Made Against Police Officers/Melissa J. Erwin, Robyn R. M. Gershon, Michael Tiburzi, Susan Lin.- Journal of Family Violence. 2005; Vol.20, No.1: 13-19.
129616 Violence in Police Families: Work-Family Spillover/Leanor Boulin Johnson, Michael Todd, Ganga Subramanian.- Journal of Family Violence. 2005; Vol.20, No.1: 3-12.
129617 Special Issue on the Role of Law Enforcement in Domestic Violence/Vincent B. Van Hasselt, Abigail S. Malcolm.- Journal of Family Violence. 2005; Vol.20, No.1: 1-2.
129618 Police Perspective: Discovering Hidden Truths in Domestic Violence Intervention/Phillip Watkins.- Journal of Family Violence. 2005; Vol.20, No.1: 47-54.
129619 The Effects of Scale Carving on Instruments Assessing Violence/Sujata Desai, Keli A. Braitman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2005; Vol.20, No.2: 101-107.
129620 Reaching African American Battered Women: Increasing the Effectiveness of Advocacy/Arlene N. Weisz.- Journal of Family Violence. 2005; Vol.20, No.2: 91-99.
129621 I didn’t do it, but if I did I had a good reason: Minimization, Denial, and Attributions of Blame Among Male and Female Domestic Violence Offenders/Kris Henning, Angela R. Jon.- Journal of Family Violence. 2005; Vol.20, No.3: 131-139.
129622 Coparent Support and Conflict in African American Single Mother-Headed Families: Associations With Maternal and Child Psychosocial Functioning/Deborah J. Jones, Rex Forehand, Shannon Dorsey, Sarah Foster, Gene Brody.- Journal of Family Violence. 2005; Vol.20, No.3: 141-150.
129623 Significance of Family Risk Factors in Development of Childhood Animal Cruelty in Adolescent Boys with Conduct Problems/Alexander Duncan, Jay C. Thomas, Catherine Miller.- Journal of Family Violence. 2005; Vol.20, No.4: 235-239.
129624 When Loving Means Hurting: An Exploration of Attachment and Intimate Abuse In a Community Sample/Antonia J. Z. Henderson, Kim Bartholomew, Shanna J. Trinke, Marilyn J. Kwong.- Journal of Family Violence. 2005; Vol.20, No.4: 219-230.
129625 Perception of and Satisfaction with Relationship Power, Sex, and Attachment Styles: A Couples Level Analysis/William S. Rogers, Jeremy Bidwell, Laura Wilson.- Journal of Family Violence. 2005; Vol.20, No.1: 241-251.
129626 The Relationship Between Adolescent Physical Abuse and Criminal Offending: Support for an Enduring and Generalized Cycle of Violence/Abigail A. Fagan.- Journal of Family Violence. 2005; Vol.20, No.5: 279-290.
129627 Reasons for Returning to Abusive Relationships: Effects of Prior Victimization/Sascha Griffing, Deborah Fish Ragin, Sheena M. Morrison, Robert E. Sage, Lorraine Madry, Beny J. Primm.- Journal of Family Violence. 2005; Vol.20, No.5: 341-348.
129628 Sex of Spouse Abuse Offender and Directionality of Abuse as Predictors of Personal Distress, Interpersonal Functioning, and Perceptions of Family Climate/Lisa Taylor, Joe F. Pittman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2005; Vol.20, No.5: 329-339.
129629 Implications of an Arrest in Domestic Violence Cases: Learning From Korean Social Workers’ Experiences in the U.S./Woochan S. Shim, Myung Jin Hwang.- Journal of Family Violence. 2005; Vol.20, No.5: 313-328.
129630 Testing a Theoretical Model of the Relationship Between Impulsivity, Mediating Variables, and Husband Violence/Gregory L. Stuart, Amy Holtzworth-Munroe.- Journal of Family Violence. 2005; Vol.20, No.1: 291-303.
129631 Battered Women Who Kill: Variables Affecting Simulated Jurors Verdicts/Jane Braden-Maguire, Janet Sigal, Carrol S. Perrino.- Journal of Family Violence. 2005; Vol.20, No.6: 403-408.
129632 The Relationships Between Childhood Sexual Abuse, Social Anxiety, and Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Women/Margaret M. Feerick, Kyle L Snow.- Journal of Family Violence. 2005; Vol.20, No.6: 409-419.
129633 Psychological Distress of Children and Mothers in Domestic Violence Emergency Shelters/Kelly L. Jarvis, Erin E. Gordon, Raymond W. Novaco.- Journal of Family Violence. 2005; Vol.20, No.6: 389-402.
129634 Does Anger Towards the Partner Mediate and Moderate the Link Between Romantic Attachment and Intimate Violence?/Marie-France Lafontaine, Yvan Lussier.- Journal of Family Violence. 2005; Vol.20, No.6: 349-361.
129635 Gender-Role Stereotypes and Perceptions of Heterosexual, Gay and Lesbian Domestic Violence/Sheila M. Seelau, Eric P. Seelau.- Journal of Family Violence. 2005; Vol.20, No.6: 363-371.
129636 Developing an Index to Measure Violence Against Women for Comparative Studies Between Mexico and the United States/Roberto Castro, Lorena Garcia, Agustin Ruiz, Corinne Peek-Asa.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.1: 95-104.
129637 The Relationship Between Traumatization and Pain: What is the Role of Emotion?/Carolyn J. Heckman, John S. Westefeld.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.1: 63-73.
129638 Wounding Words: Maternal Verbal Aggression and Children’s Adjustment/Timothy E. Moore, Debra J. Pepler.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.1: 89-93.
129639 Childhood Abusive and Supportive Experiences, Inter-Parental Violence, and Parental Alcohol Use: Prediction of Young Adult Depressive Symptoms and Aggression/Karen B. Nicholas, Elizabeth H. Rasmussen.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.1: 43-61.
129640 Evaluation of a Treatment Program for Sexually Abused Adult Males/Elisa Romano, Rayleen V. De Luca.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.1: 75-88.
129641 Intimate Violence in Male Same-Sex Relationships/Jessica L. Stanley, Kim Bartholomew, Tracy Taylor, Doug Oram, Monica Landolt.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.1: 31-41.
129642 Predictors of Early Engagement in Home Visitation/Robert T. Ammerman …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.2: 105-115.
129643 Violence, Separation, and Loss in the Families of Origin of Domestically Violent Men/Kenneth Corvo.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.2: 117-125.
129644 History of Traumatic Abuse and HIV Risk Behaviorsin Severely Mentally Ill Substance Abusing Adults/Robert M. Malow, Jessy G. Devieux, Ligia Martinez, Fred Peipman, Barbara A. Lucenko, Seth C. Kalichman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.2: 127-135.
129645 Using the Investment Model to Understand Battered Women’s Commitment to Abusive Relationships/Deborah L. Rhatigan, Danny K. Axsom.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.2: 153-162.
129646 Corporal Punishment and Kids: How Do Parent Support and Gender Influence Child Adjustment?/Felicity W. K. Harper, Amy M. Brown, Ileana Arias, Gene Brody.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.3: 197-207.
129647 Assessment and Intervention with Parents to Stabilize Children Who Have Witnessed Violence/Robert G. Ziegler, Deborah A. Weidner.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.3: 209-219.
129648 Where and When to Spank: A Comparison Between U.S. and Japanese College Students/I. J. Chang, Rebecca W. Pettit, Emiko Katsurada.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.4: 281-286.
129649 Childhood Sexual Abuse and HIV Risk Among Men Who Have Sex with Men: Initial Test of a Conceptual Model/Cheryl Gore-Felton, Seth C. Kalichman, Michael J. Brondino, Eric G. Benotsch, Marjorie Cage, Kari DiFonzo.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.4: 263-270.
129650 Perpetration of Gay and Lesbian Partner Violence: A Disempowerment Perspective/Patrick C. McKenry, Julianne M. Serovich, Tina L. Mason, Katie Mosack.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.4: 233-243.
129651 Barriers in Screening Women for Domestic Violence: A Survey of Social Workers, Family Practitioners, and Obstetrician-Gynecologists/Leslie E. Tower.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.4: 245-257.
129652 The Influence of Supportive and Nonsupportive Persons in Helping Rural Women in Abusive Partner Relationships Become Free from Abuse/Kathy Bosch, M. Betsy Bergen.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.5: 311-320.
129653 Group Treatment for Aggressive Women: An Initial Evaluation/Leslie M. Tutty, Robbie Babins-Wagner, Michael A. Rothery.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.5: 341-349.
129654 Knowledge is Power: A Theory-Based Approach to Reducing School Violence/John Chapin, Grace Coleman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.6: 381-386.
129655 Victim or Offender? Heterogeneity Among Women Arrested for Intimate Partner Violence/Kris Henning, Brian Renauer, Robert Holdford.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.6: 351-368.
129656 The Discourse of Sibling Violence/Heather Hensman Kettrey, Beth C. Emery.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.6: 407-416.
129657 Alcoholism Level Differences between Vietnamese Batterers and Non-Batterers/Tuyen D. Nguyen, Marianne Yoshioka.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.6: 401-406.
129658 Parental Representations in the Play of Preschool Aged Witnesses of Marital Violence/Carla Smith Stover, Patricia Van Horn, Alicia F. Lieberman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.6: 417-424.
129659 Relationships Between Adult Women’s Mental Health Problems and their Childhood Experiences of Parental Violence and Psychological Aggression/William R. Downs, Thomas Capshew, Barb Rindels.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.6: 439-447.
129660 Factors Associated with Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Victimization/Paul Schewe, Stephanie Riger, April Howard, Susan L. Staggs, Gillian E. Mason.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.7: 469-475.
129661 The Why and What of Intimate Conflict: Effect of the Partners  Divergent Perceptions on Verbal Aggression/Zeev Winstok.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.7: 461-468.
129662 Beyond Traditional Definitions of Assault: Expanding Our Focus to Include Sexually Coercive Experiences/Jennifer L. Broach, Patricia A. Petretic.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.8: 477-486.
129663 All in the Family? Family Environment Factors in Sibling ViolenceA/Shelley Eriksen, Vickie Jensen.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.8: 497-507.
129664 Classification Typology and Assessment of Five Levels of Woman Battering/Albert R. Roberts.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.8: 521-527.
129665 An Exploratory Study of the Relationship Between Dispositional Aggression and Judgments About Batterers Among African American Adults: Does More of the Former Influence the Latter/L. Wesley, K. M. Craig-Henderson.- Journal of Family Violence. 2006; Vol.21, No.8: 487-495.
129666 Attitudes Towards Violence Against Women In Men of South Asian Ancestry: Are Acculturation and Gender Role Attitudes Important Factors?/Surbhi Bhanot, Charlene Y. Senn.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.1: 25-31.
129667 Non-Sexual Delinquency in Juvenile Sexual Offenders: The Mediating and Moderating Influences of Emotional Empathy/John A. Hunter, Aurelio Jose Figueredo, Judith V. Becker, Neil Malamuth.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.1: 43-54.
129668 The Influence of Domestic Violence on Preschooler Behavior and Functioning/Gabriel J. Ybarra, Susan L. Wilkens, Alicia F. Lieberman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.1: 33-42.
129669 Observed Initiation and Reciprocity of Physical Aggression in Young, At-Risk Couples/Deborah M. Capaldi, Hyoun K. Kim, Joann Wu Shortt.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.2: 101-111.
129670 Characteristics of Callers to the Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men/Denise A. Hines, Jan Brown, Edward Dunning.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.2: 63-72.
129671 Young Children’s Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence: Towards a Developmental Risk and Resilience Framework for Research and Intervention/Abigail H. Gewirtz, Jeffrey L. Edleson.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.3: 151-163.
129672 A Participant Evaluation of the U.S. Navy Parent Support Program/Michelle L. Kelley, Michael J. Schwerin, Kara L. Farrar, Marian E. Lane.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.3: 131-139.
129673 Domestic Violence and Risk Factors among Korean Immigrant Women in the United States/Eunju Lee.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.3: 141-149.
129674 Etiological Similarities Between Psychological and Physical Aggression in Intimate Relationships: A Behavioral Genetic Exploration/Kimberly J. Saudino, Denise A. Hines.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.3: 121-129.
129675 Veteran Status and Marital Aggression: Does Military Service Make a Difference?/Christopher Bradley.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.4: 197-209.
129676 Cross-cultural Validation of the Child Abuse Potential Inventory in Belgium (Flanders): Relations with Demographic Characteristics and Parenting Problems/Hans Grietens, Lucia De Haene, Karolien Uyttebroek.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.4: 223-229.
129677 Early Exposure to Violence in the Family of Origin and Positive Attitudes towards Marital Violence: Chinese Immigrant Male Batterers vs. Controls/Xiaochun Jin, Morris Eagle, Marianne Yoshioka.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.4: 211-222.
129678 Relationship Characteristics and Protective Orders Among a Diverse Sample of Women/TK Logan, Jennifer Cole, Robert Walker.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.4: 237-246.
129679 Harsh Discipline and Child Problem Behaviors: The Roles of Positive Parenting and Gender/Laura Mc, KeeErin Roland, Michael S. Zens.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.4: 187-196.
129680 Relationship Abuse and Victims Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms: Associations with Child Behavior Problems/Jillian Panuzio, Casey T. Taft, Danielle A. Black, Karestan C. Koenen, Christopher M. Murphy.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.4: 177-185.
129681 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Depression in Battered Women: The Mediating Role of Learned Helplessness/Neta Bargai, Gershon Ben-Shakhar, Arieh Y. Shalev.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.5: 267-275.
129682 Assessing Readiness to Change among Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence: Analysis of Two Self-report Measures/Christopher I. Eckhardt, Angela C. Utschig.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.5: 319-330.
129683 Variations in Behavior Problems of Preschoolers Exposed to Domestic Violence: The Role of Mothers  Attunement to Children s Emotional Experiences/Vanessa K. Johnson, Alicia F. Lieberman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.5: 297-308.
129684 What Happens to Children When Their Mothers Are Battered? Results from a Four City Anonymous Telephone Survey/Lyungai F. Mbilinyi, Jeffrey L. Edleson, Annelies K. Hagemeister, Sandra K. Beeman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.5: 309-317.
129685 Role of Culture and Context: Ethical Issues in Research with Asian Americans and Immigrants in Intimate Violence/Alice G. Yick.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.5: 277-285.
129686 A Descriptive Model of the Hunting Process of Serial Sex Offenders: A Rational Choice Perspective/Eric Beauregard, D. Kim Rossmo, Jean Proulx.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.6: 449-463.
129687 College Women and Sexual Assault: The Role of Sex-related Alcohol Expectancies/Brenda J. Benson, Carol L. Gohm, Alan M. Gross.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.6: 341-351.
129688 Children’s Expectations Of Parent Child Communication Following Interparental Conflict: Do Parents Talk to Children About Conflict?/Amy M. Brown, Monica M. Fitzgerald, Kimberly Shipman, Renee Schneider.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.6: 407-412.
129689 Intimate Partner Violence Victims Accuracy in Assessing their Risk of Re-abuse/Lauren Bennett Cattaneo, Margret E. Bell, Lisa A. Goodman, Mary Ann Dutton.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.6: 429-440.
129690 Establishing a Relationship Between Behavior and Cognition: Violence Against Women and Children within the Family/Claire Chamberland, Andree Fortin, Lise Laporte.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.6: 383-395.
129691 Domestic Violence and Children’s Presence: A Population-based Study of Law Enforcement Surveillance of Domestic Violence/John W. Fantuzzo, Rachel A. Fusco, Wanda K. Mohr, Marlo A. Perry.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.6: 331-340.
129692 Dating Violence Victimization, Relationship Satisfaction, Mental Health Problems, and Acceptability of Violence: A Comparison of Men and Women/Shelby A. Kaura, Brenda J. Lohman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.6: 367-381.
129693 Alcohol Consumption and Females Recognition in Response to Date Rape Risk: The Role of Sex-Related Alcohol Expectancies/Jennifer E. Pumphrey-Gordon, Alan M. Gross.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.6: 475-485.
129694 Clinically Significant Trauma Symptoms and Behavioral Problems in a Community-based Sample of Children Exposed to Domestic Violence/James C. Spilsbury.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.6: 489-499.
129695 A Domestic Violence Course For Medical Students: A Study on Its Effectiveness/Akca Toprak Ergonen, Serpil Salacin, Sevgi Karademir, Yucel Gursel, Berna Musal.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.6: 441-447.
129696 Characteristics of Domestic Violence Offenders: Associations with Childhood Exposure to Violence/Amy R. Murrell, Karen A. Christoff, Kris R. Henning.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.7: 523-532.
129697 Coparenting Conflict and Parenting Behavior in Economically Disadvantaged Single Parent African American Families: The Role of Maternal Psychological Distress/Shannon Dorsey, Rex Forehand, Gene Brody.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.7: 621-630.
129698 A Family Affair: The Juvenile Court and Family Violence Cases/Erika Gebo.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.7: 501-509.
129699 Examining the Overlap and Prediction of Multiple Forms of Child Maltreatment, Stressors, and Socioeconomic Status: A Longitudinal Analysis of Youth Outcomes/Todd I. Herrenkohl, Roy C. Herrenkohl.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.7: 553-562.
129700 Spouse Abuse and Child Abuse by Army Soldiers/Sandra L. Martin, Deborah A. Gibbs, Ruby E. Johnson, E. Danielle Rentz, Monique Clinton-Sherrod, Jennifer Hardison.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.7: 587-595.
129701 Examining the Behavior of a System: An Outcome Evaluation of a Coordinated Community Response to Domestic Violence/Laura F. Salazar, James G. Emshoff, Charlene K. Baker, Terrence Crowley.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.7: 631-641.
129702 Child-Parent Violence: An Empirical Analysis of Offender, Victim, and Event Characteristics in a National Sample of Reported Incidents/Jeffrey A. Walsh, Jessie L. Krienert.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.7: 563-573.
129703 Positive Resolution of Childhood Sexual Abuse Experiences: The Role of Coping, Benefit-Finding and Meaning-Making/Margaret ODougherty Wright, Emily Crawford, Katherine Sebastian.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.7: 597-608.
129704 External Barriers to Help Seeking for Older Women Who Experience Intimate Partner Violence/Richard L. Beaulaurier, Laura R. Seff, Frederick L. Newman, Burton Dunlop.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.8: 747-755.
129705 The Co-occurrence of Child and Intimate Partner Maltreatment in the Family: Characteristics of the Violent Perpetrators/Louise Dixon, Catherine Hamilton-Giachritsis, Kevin Browne, Eugene Ostapuik.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.8: 675-695.
129706 Attributions in a Hypothetical Child Sexual Abuse Case: Roles of Abuse Type, Family Response and Respondent Gender/Lisa Graham, Paul Rogers, Michelle Davies.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.8: 733-745.
129707 The Prevalence of Domestic Violence Among Pregnant Women Who Were Attended in Iran University of Medical Science Hospitals/Shayesteh Jahanfar, Zahra Malekzadegan.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.8: 643-648.
129708 Mothering and Domestic Violence: A Longitudinal Analysis/N. L. Letourneau, C. B. Fedick, J. D. Willms.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.8: 649-659.
129709 Characteristics Differentiating Neglected Children from Other Reported Children/Micheline Mayer, Chantal Lavergne, Marc Tourigny, John Wright.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.8: 721-732.
129710 College Student Evaluations of Parent Child Disciplinary Situations/Boun Smith, Glen E. Ray, Tres Stefurak, Peter A. Zachar.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.8: 757-767.
129711 Test-Retest Reliability of the Revised Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS2)/Edward M. Vega, K. Daniel OLeary.- Journal of Family Violence. 2007; Vol.22, No.8: 703-708.
129712 Drinking, Alcohol Problems and Intimate Partner Violence Among White and Hispanic Couples in the U.S.: Longitudinal Associations/Raul Caetano, Suhasini Ramisetty-Mikler, T. Robert Harris.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.1: 37-45.
129713 Profiles of Victimized Women Among the Child Welfare Population: Implications for Targeted Child Welfare Policy and Practices/Patricia L. Kohl, Rebecca J. Macy.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.1: 57-68.
129714 Parental Use of Physical Punishment as Related to Family Environment, Psychological Well-being, and Personality in Undergraduates/Corrine E. Leary, Michelle L. Kelley, Jennifer Morrow, Peter J. Mikulka.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.1: 1-7.
129715 Assessing the Risk of Future Psychological Abuse: Predicting the Accuracy of Battered Women’s Predictions/Margret E. Bell, Lauren Bennett Cattaneo, Lisa A. Goodman, Mary Ann Dutton.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.2: 69-80.
129716 Prevalence and Correlates of Intimate Partner Violence Among a Sample of Construction Industry Workers/Carol B. Cunradi, Genevieve M. Ames, Roland S. Moore.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.2: 101-112.
129717 Beliefs about Wife Beating among Medical Students from Turkey/Muhammad M. Haj-Yahia, Aynur Uysal.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.2: 119-133.
129718 Resilience in Sexually Abused Women: Risk and Protective Factors/Faith H. McClure, David V. Chavez, Mark D. Agars, M. Jean Peacock, Amy Matosian.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.2: 81-88.
129719 African American Women’s Readiness to Change Abusive Relationships/Melanie J. Bliss, Emma Ogley-Oliver, Emily Jackson, Sharon Harp, Nadine J. Kaslow.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.3: 161-171.
129720 Outcomes of Case Management for African-American Men in Batterer Counseling/Edward W. Gondolf.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.3: 173-181.
129721 Domestic Violence, Couple Interaction and Children’s Health in Latin America/Tim B. Heaton, Renata Forste.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.3: 183-193.
129722 Effects of Perpetrator and Victim Gender on Negative Outcomes of Family Violence/Nicolette L. Howells, Alan Rosenbaum.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.3: 203-209.
129723 Attitudes of Men and Women Towards Wife Beating: Findings From Palestinian Refugee Camps in Jordan/Marwan Khawaja, Natalia Linos, Zeina El-Roueiheb.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.3: 211-218.
129724 JoAnn Miller & Dean D. Knudsen: Family Abuse and Violence: A Social Problems Perspective/Erica Pearl.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.3: 219-220.
129725 Public Perception and Reporting of Different Kinds of Family Abuse in Hong Kong/Yuk-chung Chan, Ping-kit Roxco Chun, Kim-wah Chung.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.4: 253-263.
129726 A Theoretical Understanding of Abusive Intimate Partner Relationships that Become Non-violent: Shifting the Pattern of Abusive Control/Judith Wuest, Marilyn Merritt-Gray.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.4: 281-293.
129727 An Interactional Perspective of Intimate Partner Violence: An In-depth Semi-structured Interview of a Representative Sample of Help-seeking Women/Solveig Karin Bo Vatnar, Stal Bjorkly.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.4: 265-279.
129728 Decoding Deficits of Different Types of Batterers During Presentation of Facial Affect Slides/Julia C. Babcock, Charles E. Green, Sarah A. Webb.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.5: 295-302.
129729 Understanding the Elevated Risk of Partner Violence Against Aboriginal Women: A Comparison of Two Nationally Representative Surveys of Canada/Douglas A. Brownridge.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.5: 353-367.
129730 Gender Differences in the Connections Between Violence Experienced as a Child and Perpetration of Intimate Partner Violence in Young Adulthood/Xiangming Fang, Phaedra S. Corso.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.5: 303-313.
129731 Gender Based Violence: Correlates of Physical and Sexual Wife Abuse in Kenya/Sitawa R. Kimuna, Yanyi K. Djamba.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.5: 333-342.
129732 Factors Associated with Separation and Ongoing Violence among Women with Civil Protective Orders/TK Logan, Robert Walker, Lisa Shannon, Jennifer Cole.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.5: 377-385.
129733 Development of a Marketing Campaign to Recruit Non-adjudicated and Untreated Abusive Men for a Brief Telephone Intervention/Lyungai F. Mbilinyi, Joan Zegree, Roger A. Roffman, Denise Walker, Clayton Neighbors, Jeffrey Edleson.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.5: 344-351.
129734 Why Victims of Intimate Partner Violence Withdraw Protection Orders/James C. Roberts, Loreen Wolfer, Marie Mele.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.5: 369-375.
129735 Men’s Partner-Directed Insults and Sexual Coercion in Intimate Relationships/Valerie G. Starratt, Aaron T. Goetz, Todd K. Shackelford, William F. McKibbin.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.5: 315-323.
129736 Optimism as a Mediator Between the Experience of Child Abuse, Other Traumatic Events, and Distress/Alison Brodhagen, Deborah Wise.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.6: 403-411.
129737 Quality of Maternal Parenting among Intimate-Partner Violence Victims Involved with the Child Welfare System/Cecilia Casanueva, Sandra L. Martin, Desmond K. Runyan, Richard P. Barth, Robert H. Bradley.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.6: 413-427.
129738 Articulated Thoughts of Intimate Partner Abusive Men during Anger Arousal: Correlates with Personality Disorder Features/Daniela M. Costa, Julia C. Babcock.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.6: 395-402.
129739 Intimate Partner Violence Among Adolescent and Young Adult Mothers/Suzanne C. Leaman, Christina B. Gee.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.6: 519-528.
129740 Intimate Partner Violence, Psychological Distress, and Suicidality: A Path Model Using Data from African American Women Seeking Care in an Urban Emergency Department/Amy S. Leiner, Michael T. Compton, Nadine J. Kaslow.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.6: 473-481.
129741 Semantic and Episodic Autobiographical Memory Recall for Memories Not Directly Associated with Childhood Sexual Abuse/D. J. Stokes, B. H. Dritschel, D. A. Bekerian.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.6: 429-435.
129742 Insecure Attachment Mediates Effects of Partners Emotional Abuse and Violence on Women’s Relationship Quality/Rebecca Weston.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.6: 483-493.
129743 Marital Violence: Is it a Factor Affecting the Reproductive Health Status of Women?/Aygul Akyuz, Gonul Sahiner, Bilal Bakir.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.6: 437-445.
129744 Childhood Sexual Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence among Women in Methadone Treatment: A Direct or Mediated Relationship?/Malitta Engstrom, Nabila El-Bassel, Hyun Go, Louisa Gilbert.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.7: 605-617.
129745 Relationship Between Dissociative and Medically Unexplained Symptoms in Men and Women Reporting Childhood Sexual Abuse/Steven N. Gold, Stacey A. Ketchman, Irene Zucker, Melissa A. Cott, Alfred H. Sellers.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.7: 569-575.
129746 Does Controlling Behavior Predict Physical Aggression and Violence to Partners?/Nicola Graham-Kevan, John Archer.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.7: 539-548.
129747 Spousal Violence Among Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union-General Population and Welfare Recipients/Doron Hadas, Gila Markovitzky, Miri Sarid.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.7: 549-555.
129748 Attitudes toward Domestic Violence in Korean and Vietnamese Immigrant Communities: Implications for Human Services/Mikyong Kim-Goh, Jon Baello.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.7: 647-654.
129749 Risk and Protective Factors for Recurrent Intimate Partner Violence in a Cohort of Low-Income Inner-City Women/Jeffrey Sonis, Michelle Langer.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.7: 529-538.
129750 Investigating Sub-groups of Harassers: The Roles of Attachment, Dependency, Jealousy and Aggression/Stefanie Ashton Wigman, Nicola Graham-Kevan, John Archer.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.7: 557-568.
129751 Effects of Masculinity, Sex, and Control on Different Types of Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration/Moises Prospero.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.7: 639-645.
129752 Preparedness for Management and Prevention of Violence Against Women by Nigerian Health Professionals/A. B. Adeyemi …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.8: 719-725.
129753 A Preliminary Validation of the Brief Spousal Assault Form for the Evaluation of Risk (B-SAFER) in Hong Kong/Alma Au, George Cheung, Randall Kropp, Chan Yuk-chung, Gladys L. T. Lam, Pauline Sung.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.8: 727-735.
129754 Corporal Punishment of Children: A Multi-Generational Perspective/Asher Ben-Arieh, Muhammad M. Haj-Yahia.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.8: 687-695.
129755 Examining Factors Co-Existing with Interpersonal Violence in Lesbian Relationships/Lisa Eaton …[etal.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.8: 697-705.
129756 Developmental Antecedents of Interpartner Violence in a New Zealand Birth Cohort/David M. Fergusson, Joseph M. Boden, L. John Horwood.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.8: 737-753.
129757 Caregiver Stress and Elder Abuse among Korean Family Caregivers of Older Adults with Disabilities/Minhong Lee.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.8: 707-712.
129758 Types of Violence against Women and Factors Influencing Intimate Partner Violence in Togo (West Africa)/Ami R. Moore.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.8: 777-783.
129759 Family Psychopathology and Perceived Stress of Both Domestic Violence and Negative Life Events as Predictors of Women’s Mental Health Symptoms/Mariam R. Mourad, Alytia A. Levendosky, Alexander von Eye.- Journal of Family Violence. 2008; Vol.23, No.8: 661-670.
129760 Gender Inequality and Patterns of Abuse Post Leaving/Lorraine Davies, Marilyn Ford-Gilboe, Joanne Hammerton.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.1: 27-39.
129761 Animal Abuse, Family Violence, and Child Wellbeing: A Review/Samara McPhedran.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.1: 41-52.
129762 The Nature and Correlates of Dating Violence among Jewish and Arab Youths in Israel/Moshe Sherer.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.1: 11-26.
129763 Patterns of Risk and Protective Factors in the Intergenerational Cycle of Maltreatment/Louise Dixon, Kevin Browne, Catherine Hamilton-Giachritsis.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.2: 111-122.
129764 On the Lived Experience of Battered Women Residing in Shelters/Muhammad M. Haj-Yahia, Hilla Chaya Cohen.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.2: 95-109.
129765 A Culturally Sensitive Intervention with Domestically Violent Latino Immigrant Men/Tina U. Hancock, Karla Siu.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.2: 123-132.
129766 The Timeline Followback Interview to Assess Children’s Exposure to Partner Violence: Reliability and Validity The Timeline Followback Interview to Assess Children’s Exposure to Partner Violence: Reliability and Validity/Wendy K. K. Lam, William Fals-Stewart, Michelle Kelley.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.2: 133-143.
129767 The Police Reporting Behavior of Intimate Partner Violence Victims/Caroline Akers, Catherine Kaukinen.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.3: 159-171.
129768 Risk Factor Models for Adolescent Verbal and Physical Aggression Toward Fathers/Linda Pagani, Richard E. Tremblay, Daniel Nagin, Mark Zoccolillo, Frank Vitaro, Pierre McDuff.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.3: 173-182.
129769 Does Ambivalent Sexism Influence Verdicts for Heterosexual and Homosexual Defendants in a Self-Defense Case?/Brenda Russell, Laurie L. Ragatz, Shane W. Kraus.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.3: 145-157.
129770 Concurrent and Across-Time Relations between Mother/Father Hostility and Children’s Aggression: A Longitudinal Study/M. A. Carrasco, F. P. Holgado, M. A. Rodr‎کguez, M. V. del Barrio.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.4: 213-220.
129771 Investigating the Relationship Between Intimate Partner Violence and HIV Risk-Propensity in Black/African-American Women/Lauren L. Josephs, Eileen Mazur Abel.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.4: 221-229.
129772 Assessing the Domestic Violence Training Needs of Benefits Workers/Brian K. Payne, Ruth Triplett.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.4: 243-253.
129773 Interactional Aspects of Intimate Partner Violence Result in Different Help-Seeking Behaviors in a Representative Sample of Women/Solveig Karin Bo Vatnar, Stal Bjorkly.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.4: 231-241.
129774 Participation in Laboratory Research Result in Emotional Distress with One’s Partner: Comparing Violent and Nonviolent Couples/Kahni Clements, Amy Holtzworth-Munroe.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.5: 283-295.
129775 Domestic Violence Service Users: A Comparison of Older and Younger Women Victims/Marta Lundy, Susan F. Grossman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.5: 297-309.
129776 Autonomy, Dependence or Culture: Examining the Impact of Resources and Socio-cultural Processes on Attitudes Towards Intimate Partner Violence in Ghana, Africa/Jesse R. Mann, Baffour K. Takyi.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.5: 323-345.
129777 Profiles of Child Maltreatment Perpetrators and Risk for Fatal Assault: A Latent Class Analysis/Svetlana Yampols, kayaPaul E. Greenbaum, Ilene R. Berson.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.5: 337-348.
129778 Female Sex Offenders: A Controlled Comparison of Offender and Victim/Crime Characteristics/Jill Johansson-Love, William Fremouw.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.6: 367-376.
129779 Does Acceptability of Violence Impact the Relationship Between Satisfaction, Victimization, and Commitment Levels in Emerging Adult Dating Relationships?/Shelby A. Kaura, Brenda J. Lohman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.6: 349-359.
129780 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, Relationship Adjustment, and Relationship Aggression in a Sample of Female Flood Victims/Casey T. Taft, Candice M. Monson, Jeremiah A. Schumm, Laura E. Watkins, Jillian Panuzio, Patricia A. Resick.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.6: 389-396.
129781 Predictability of Physical and Psychological Violence by Early Adverse Childhood Experiences/Said Pournaghash-Tehrani, Zahra Feizabadi.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.6: 417-422.
129782 Does Eligibility for Protection Orders Prevent Repeat Abuse of Domestic Abuse Victims in Caribbean States?/Mary Spooner.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.6: 377-387.
129783 Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence Amongst Women of Reproductive Age in Lagos, Nigeria: Prevalence and Predictors/Leah E. Okenwa, Stephen Lawoko, Bjarne Jansson.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.7: 517-530.
129784 Family Variables that Mediate the Relation Between Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Child Adjustment/Ashley E. Owen, Martie P. Thompson, Anne Shaffer, Emily B. Jackson, Nadine J. Kaslow.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.7: 433-455.
129785 Sibling Incest: A Model for Group Practice with Adult Female Victims of Brother-Sister Incest/Kacie M. Thompson.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.7: 531-537.
129786 Domestic Violence and Maternal Reports of Young Children’s Functioning/Danielle M. Zerk, Peter G. Mertin, Michael Proeve.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.7: 423-432.
129787 Domestic Violence against Women in Jordan: Evidence from Health Clinics/Mohannad Al-Nsour, Marwan Khawaja, Ghadah Al-Kayyali.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.8: 569-575.
129788 The Time Course of Repeat Intimate Partner Violence/Marie Mele.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.8: 619-624.
129789 Do Judicial Responses to Restraining Order Requests Discriminate Against Male Victims of Domestic Violence?/Henry J. Muller, Sarah L. Desmarais, John M. Hamel.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.8: 625-637.
129790 Expanding Community in the Community Response to Intimate Partner Violence/Kendra Pennington-Zoellner.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.8: 539-545.
129791 Childhood Physical and Verbal Mistreatment, Psychological Symptoms, and Substance Use: Sex Differences and the Moderating Role of Attachment/Duane F. Reinert, Carla E. Edwards.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.8: 589-596.
129792 Proactive and Reactive Violence among Intimate Partner Violent Men Diagnosed with Antisocial and Borderline Personality Disorder/Jody M. Ross, Julia C. Babcock.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.8: 609-617.
129793 The Downside of Patriarchal Benevolence: Ambivalence in Addressing Domestic Violence and Socio-Economic Considerations for Women of Tamil Nadu, India/Lauren L. Tichy, Judith V. Becker, Melissa M. Sisco.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.8: 547-558.
129794 Intergenerational Transmission of Violence: the Influence of Self-Appraisals, Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse/Jason B. Whiting, Leigh Ann Simmons, Jennifer R. Havens, Douglas B. Smith, Megan Oka.- Journal of Family Violence. 2009; Vol.24, No.8: 639-648.
129795 Automatic Encoding of Ambiguous Child Behavior in High and Low Risk for Child Physical Abuse Parents/Julie L. Crouch, Joel S. Milner, John J. Skowronski, Magdalena M. Farc, Lauren M. Irwin, Angela Neese.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.1: 73-80.
129796 Personal Experience and Perceived Acceptability of Sibling Aggression/Marjorie Hardy, Brittany Beers, Charles Burgess, Arthur Taylor.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.1: 65-71.
129797 The Interrelationship Between Substance Abuse and the Likelihood of Arrest, Conviction, and Re-offending in Cases of Intimate Partner Violence/David Hirschel, Ira W. Hutchison, Meaghan Shaw.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.1: 81-90.
129798 Violence in Juvenile Dating Relationships Self-Reported Prevalence and Attitudes in a Portuguese Sample/Carla Machado, Sonia Caridade, Carla Martins.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.1: 43-52.
129799 Female Perpetrated Dyadic Psychological Aggression Predicts Relapse in a Treatment Sample of Men with Substance Use Disorders/Richard E. Mattson, Timothy J. OFarrell, Candice M. Monson, Jillian Panuzio, Casey T. Taft.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.1: 33-42.
129800 The Effects of Child Abuse and Exposure to Domestic Violence on Adolescent Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior Problems/Carrie A. Moylan, Todd I. Herrenkohl, Cindy Sousa, Emiko A. Tajima, Roy C. Herrenkohl, M. Jean Russo.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.1: 53-63.
129801 Attachment as a Moderator Between Intimate Partner Violence and PTSD Symptoms/Shelby Scott, Julia C. Babcock.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.1: 1-9.
129802 Deviant Lifestyles and the Reporting of Physical Victimization to Police/Egbert Zavala.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.1: 23-31.
129803 High Risk Behaviors Among Victims of Sibling Violence/Deeanna M. Button, Roberta Gealt.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.2: 131-141.
129804 Examining an Extension of Johnson’s Hypothesis: Is Male Perpetrated Intimate Partner Violence More Underreported than Female Violence?/Clifton R. Emery.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.2: 173-181.
129805 Men’s Self-Reported Descriptions and Precipitants of Domestic Violence Perpetration as Reported in Intake Evaluations/Becky Fenton, Jill H. Rathus.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.1: 149-158.
129806 Three Patterns of Domestic Violence in Households: Single Victimization, Repeat Victimization, and Co-occurring Victimization/Wendi E. Goodlin, Christopher S. Dunn.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.2: 107-122.
129807 When Does a Battered Woman Seek Help From the Police? The Role of Battered Women’s Functionality/Hee Yun Lee, Eonju Park, Elizabeth Lightfoot.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.2: 195-204.
129808 Violent Acts and Injurious Consequences: An Examination of Competing Hypotheses About Intimate Partner Violence Using Agency-Based Data/Tara D. Warner.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.2: 183-193.
129809 Characteristic Features of Severe Child Physical Abuse-A Multi-informant Approach/Eva-Maria Annerback, Carl-Goran Svedin, Per A. Gustafsson.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.2: 165-172.
129810 Domestic Violence against Women in Cambodia: Husband’s Control, Frequency of Spousal Discussion, and Domestic Violence Reported by Cambodian Women/Sothy Eng, Yingli Li, Miriam Mulsow, Judith Fischer.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.3: 237-246.
129811 Social Factors Associated with History of Sexual Assault Among Ethnically Diverse Adolescents/Daniel H. Freeman, Jeff R. Temple.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.3: 349-356.
129812 Maltreatment Chronicity Defined with Reference to Development: Extension of the Social Adaptation Outcomes Findings to Peer Relations/James Christopher Graham, Diana J. English, Alan J. Litrownik, Richard Thompson, Ernestine C. Briggs, Shrikant I. Bangdiwala.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.3: 311-324.
129813 Exposure to Family Violence in Childhood and Intimate Partner Perpetration or Victimization in Adulthood: Exploring Intergenerational Transmission in Urban Thailand/Kent R. Kerley, Xiaohe Xu, Bangon Sirisunyaluck, Joseph M. Alley.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.3: 337-347.
129814 A Multi-Leveled and Integrated Approach to Assessment and Intervention of Intimate Partner Violence/Emily S. Rolling, Matthew W. Brosi.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.3: 229-236.
129815 Treatment of Concurrent Substance Dependence, Child Neglect and Domestic Violence: A Single Case Examination Involving Family Behavior Therapy/Valerie Romero, Brad Donohue, Daniel N. Allen.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.3: 287-295.
129816 Domestic Violence and Female Genital Mutilation in Kenya: Effects of Ethnicity and Education/John Gordon Simister.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.3: 247-257.
129817 Detecting Domestic Violence: Spanish External Validation of the Index of Spouse Abuse/Anna Torres.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.3: 275-286.
129818 Engaging Abusive Men in Seeking Community Intervention: A Critical Research & Practice Priority/Marcie Campbell, Jenny A. Neil, Peter G. Jaffe, Tim Kelly.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.4: 413-422.
129819 Gender Differences in the Nature of the Intimate Partner Violence and Effects of Perpetrator Arrest on Revictimization/Hyunkag Cho, Dina J. Wilke.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.4: 393-400.
129820 Self-Reported Communication Variables and Dating Violence: Using Gottman’s Marital Communication Conceptualization/Tara L. Cornelius, Ryan C. Shorey, Stacy M. Beebe.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.4: 439-448.
129821 Rough-and-Tumble Play and the Development of Physical Aggression and Emotion Regulation: A Five-Year Follow-Up Study/Joseph L. Flanders… [et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.4: 357-367.
129822 Taking Action to Stop Violence: A Study on Readiness to Change Among Male Batterers/Chan M. Hellman, Chad V. Johnson, Terri Dobson.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.4: 431-38.
129823 Filial Therapy with Victims of Family Violence: a Phenomenological Study/Sarah Kinsworthy, Yvonne Garza.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.4: 423-429.
129824 Stress Appraisal and Attitudes Towards Corporal Punishment as Intervening Processes Between Corporal Punishment and Subsequent Mental Health/Matthew K. Mulvaney, Carolyn J. Mebert.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.4: 401-412.
129825 The Prevalence of Domestic Violence Against Women Among a Group Woman: Ankara, Turkey/Taner Akar, F. Nur Aksakal, Birol Demirel, Elif Durukan, Secil Ozkan.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.5: 449-460.
129826 Internal Consistency and Factor Structure of the Revised Conflict Tactics Scales in a Sample of Deaf Female College Students/Melissa L. Anderson, Irene W. Leigh.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.5: 475-483.
129827 Social Structure and Family Homicides/Chelsea Diem, Jesenia M. Pizarro.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.5: 521-532.
129828 I Didn’t Want To Put Them Through That: The Influence Of Children on Victim Decision-making in Intimate Partner Violence Cases/Karin V. Rhodes, Catherine Cerulli, Melissa E. Dichter, Catherine L. Kothari, Frances K. Barg.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.5: 485-493.
129829 Maternal Perceptions of Temperament Among Infants and Toddlers Investigated for Maltreatment: Implications for Services Need and Referral/Cecilia Casanueva, Jenifer Goldman-Fraser, Heather Ringeisen, Cindy Lederman, Lynne Katz, Joy D. Osofsky.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.6: 557-574.
129830 Exploring Risk: Potential Static, Dynamic, Protective and Treatment Factors in the Clinical Histories of Female Sex Offenders/Ian A. Elliott, Hilary J. Eldridge, Sherry Ashfield, Anthony R. Beech.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.6: 595-602.
129831 Cumulative Trauma, Personal and Social Resources, and Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms Among Income-assisted Single Mothers/Joan A. Samuels-Dennis, Marilyn Ford-Gilboe, Piotr Wilk, William R. Avison, Susan Ray.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.6: 603-617.
129832 Arrested Justice: The Multifaceted Plight of Immigrant Latinas who Faced Domestic Violence/Guadalupe T. Vidales.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.6: 533-544.
129833 Desistance and Attitudes Towards Sex Offenders: Facilitation or Hindrance?/Gwenda M. Willis, Jill S. Levenson, Tony Ward.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.6: 545-556.
129834 School-based Abuse Prevention: Effect on Disclosures/Ian G. Barron, Keith J. Topping.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.7: 651-659.
129835 Anger Control and Acceptance of Violence as Mediators in the Relationship between Exposure to Interparental Conflict and Dating Violence Perpetration in Mexican Adolescents/Amy Clarey, Audrey Hokoda, Emilio C. Ulloa.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.7: 619-625.
129836 Men’s Avoidance Coping and Female Partner’s Drinking Behavior: A High-Risk Context for Partner Violence?/Amy M. Cohn, Barbara S. McCrady, Elizabeth E. Epstein, Sharon M. Cook.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.7: 679-687.
129837 When Is It Enough for Me to Leave?:Black and Hispanic Women’s Response to Violent Relationships/Krim K. Lacey.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.7: 669-677.
129838 Exposure to Interparental Violence and Childhood Physical and Emotional Abuse as Related to Physical Aggression in Undergraduate Dating Relationships/Robert J. Milletich, Michelle L. Kelley, Ashley N. Doane, Matthew R. Pearson.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.7: 627-637.
129839 Childhood Trauma, Type of Marriage and Self-Esteem as Correlates of Domestic Violence in Married Women in Turkey/Nevin Hotun Sahin, Sermin Timur, Ayla Berkiten Ergin, Ayten Taspinar, Nevin Akdolun Balkaya, Sevde Cubukcu.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.7: 661-668.
129840 Patterns and Perceptions of Intimate Partner Violence Committed by Returning Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder/Erin P. Finley, Monty Baker, Mary Jo Pugh, Alan Peterson.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.8: 737-743.
129841 Intimate Partner Violence: Victims Opinions About Going to Trial/Sara C. Hare.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.8: 765-777.
129842 Exploring the Impact of Child Sex Offender Suicide/Tia A. Hoffer, Joy Lynn E. Shelton, Stephen Behnke, Philip Erdberg.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.8: 777-786.
129843 Barriers in the Utilization of Domestic Violence Services Among Arab Immigrant Women: Perceptions of Professionals, Service Providers & Community Leaders/Anahid Kulwicki, Barbara Aswad, Talita Carmona, Suha Ballout.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.8: 727-735.
129844 Can Callous-Unemotional Traits and Aggression Identify Children at High-Risk of Anti-Social Behavior in a Low Socioeconomic Group?/Nina McLoughlin, Julia J. Rucklidge, Randolph C. Grace, Anthony P. McLean.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.8: 701-712.
129845 Seeking Help to Protect the Children?: The Influence of Children on Women s Decisions to Seek Help When Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence/Silke Meyer.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.8: 713-725.
129846 Damned if They Flee, Doomed if They Don t: Narratives of Runaway Adolescent Females from Rural India/Vaishali V. Raval, Pratiksha H. Raval, Stacey P. Raj.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.8: 755-764.
129847 The Relationship Between Religious and Spiritual Factors and the Perpetration of Intimate Personal Violence/Robbin G. Todhunter, John Deaton.- Journal of Family Violence. 2010; Vol.25, No.8: 745-753.
129848 Medico-Legal Evaluation of Adolescent Parricide Offenders: Thirty Nine Cases from Turkey/Yalcin Buyuk, Gulay Kurnaz, S. Murat Eke, Handan C. Ankarali, Gokhan Oral.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.1: 1-7.
129849 The Effect of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Psychosexual Functioning During Adulthood/Scott D. Easton, Carol Coohey, Patrick Oleary, Ying Zhang, Lei Hua.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.1: 41-50.
129850 Reasons for Staying in Intimately Violent Relationships: Comparisons of Men and Women and Messages Communicated to Self and Others/Jessica J. Eckstein.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.1: 21-30.
129851 Domestic Violence and Social Support in a Clinical Sample of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Women/Paula Johnston-McCabe, Micol Levi-Minzi, Vincent B. Van Hasselt, August Vanderbeek.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.1: 63-69.
129852 The Extended Self and It in the Dynamics of Violent Relationships: Learning from Personal Life Stories on Social Conflicts/Lea Kacen.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.1: 31-40.
129853 Physical Abuse in a College Setting: A Study of Perceptions and Participation in Abusive Dating Relationships/Laura M. Miller.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.1: 71-80.
129854 Single Mother’s Adverse and Traumatic Experiences and Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms/Joan A. Samuels-Dennis, Marilyn Ford-Gilboe, Susan Ray.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.1: 9-20.
129855 Physical Discipline and Socioemotional Adjustment Among Jamaican Adolescents/Delores E. Smith, Cary M. Springer, Sheila Barrett.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.1: 51-61.
129856 Awareness of Domestic Violence Within the Evangelical Community: Romania and Moldova/Sylvia M. Asay.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.2: 131-138.
129857 Through a Foucauldian Lens: A Genealogy of Child Abuse/Sheri Bell.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.2: 101-108.
129858 The Status and Characteristics of Couple Violence in China/Juan Hou, Li Yu, Siu-Man Raymond Ting, Yee Tak Sze, Xiaoyi Fang.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.2: 81-92.
129859 The Role of Beliefs, Attitudes and Adverse Childhood Experiences in Predicting Men’s Reactions Towards Their Spouses Violence/Said Pournaghash-Tehrani.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.2: 93-99.
129860 Alcohol Use, Drinking Venue Utilization, and Child Physical Abuse: Results from a Pilot Study/Bridget Freisthler.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.3: 185-193.
129861 Incorporating a Healthy Living Curriculum within Family Behavior Therapy: A Clinical Case Example in a Woman with a History of Domestic Violence, Child Neglect, Drug Abuse, and Obesity/Holly B. LaPota, Brad Donohue, Cortney S. Warren, Daniel N. Allen.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.3: 227-234.
129862 Intergenerational Associations Between Trauma and Dissociation/Annmarie C. Hulette, Laura A. Kaehler, Jennifer J. Freyd.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.3: 217-225.
129863 Childhood Maltreatment, Intimate Partner Violence, Work Interference and Women’s Employment/Pamela C. Alexander.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.4: 285-297.
129864 Contributing Factors for High Homicide Rate in Latin America: A Critical Test of Neapolitan’s Regional Subculture of Violence Thesis/Don Soo Chon.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.4: 299-307.
129865 Academia Meets Community Agency: How to Foster Positive Collaboration in Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Work/M. Meghan Davidson, Nancy Bowen.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.4: 309-318.
129866 Legal Protection Against Domestic Violence in India: Scope and Limitations/Biswajit Ghosh, Tanima Choudhuri.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.4: 319-330.
129867 Neonaticide: A Comprehensive Review of Investigative and Pathologic Aspects of 55 Cases/Joy Lynn Shelton, Tracey Corey, William H. Donaldson, Emily Hemberger Dennison.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.4: 263-276.
129868 Child Outcomes and Risk Factors in U.S. Homicide-Suicide Cases 1999-2004/Carrie LeFevre Sillito, Sonia Salari.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.4: 319-330.
129869 Enhancing Treatment Outcomes for Male Adolescents with Sexual Behavior Problems: Interactions and Interventions/Monit Cheung, Barbara J. Brandes.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.5: 387-401.
129870 Examining the Link Between Domestic Violence Victimization and Loneliness in a Dutch Community Sample: A Comparison Between Victims and Nonvictims by Type D Personality/Maarten J. J. Kunst, Marja J. H. van Bon-Martens.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.5: 403-410.
129871 Children’s Perceptions of Intimate Partner Violence: Causes, Consequences, and Coping/Renee L. DeBoard-Lucas, John H. Grych.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.5: 343-354.
129872 Can Situational and Structural Factors Differentiate Between Intimate Partner and Other Homicide?/Christina DeJong, Jesenia M. Pizarro, Edmund F. McGarrell.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.5: 345-376.
129873 The Impact of Children on Legal Actions Taken by Women Victims of Intimate Partner Violence/Karin Verlaine Rhodes, Melissa E. Dichter, Catherine L. Kothari, Steven C. Marcus, Catherine Cerulli.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.5: 355-364.
129874 The Association Between Different Types of Intimate Partner Violence Experienced by Women/Christopher Krebs, Matthew J. Breiding, Angela Browne,Tara Warner.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.6: 487-500.
129875 Interpersonal Problems as a Mediator between Attachment and Intimate Partner Violence/David M. Lawson, Stevie G. Malnar.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.6: 421-430.
129876 Alcohol and Domestic Violence: A Cross-Over Study in Residences of Individuals in Brazil/Tais de Campos Moreira …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.6: 465-471.
129877 Views of Male University Students About Social Gender Roles; An Example From East of Turkey/Filiz Adana, H‎يlya Arslantas, Filiz Ergin, Necla Bicer, Nil‎يfer K ransal, Sultan Sahin.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.7: 519-526.
129878 Examination of the Relationship Between Parental Satisfaction and Child Maltreatment Potential While Considering Social Desirability/Kelsey Michael Bradshaw, Brad Donohue, Chad Cross, Jessica Urgelles, Daniel N. Allen.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.7: 545-549.
129879 Typologies of Intimate Partner Violence: Evaluation of a Screening Instrument for Differentiation/Daniel Joseph Friend, Renay P. Cleary Bradley, Rebecca Thatcher, John M. Gottman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.7: 551-563.
129880 Psychosocial Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Exposure in Maltreated Adolescents: Assessing More than IPV Occurrence/Edward F. Garrido, Sara E. Culhane, Christie L. M. Petrenko, Heather N. Taussig.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.7: 511-518.
129881 Child Abuse in a Disciplinary Context: A Typology of Violent Family Environments/Sarah Dufour, Marie-Eve Clement, Claire Chamberland, Diane Dubeau.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.8: 595-606.
129882 Childhood Violence and Adult Partner Maltreatment: The Roles of Coping Style and Psychological Distress/Melanie D. Hetzel-Riggin, Christina L. Meads.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.8: 585-593.
129883 Rural-Urban Migration and Experience of Childhood Abuse in the Young Thai Population/Tawanchai Jirapramukpitak, Melanie Abas, Trudy Harpham, Martin Prince.- Journal of Family Violence. 2011; Vol.26, No.8: 607-615.
129884 Comparison of Parent and Child Reports on Child Maltreatment in a Representative Household Sample in Hong Kong/Ko Ling Chan.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.1: 11-21.
129885 Personality Disorders in a Sample of Parents Accused of Physical Abuse or Neglect/David Fontaine, Pierre Nolin.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.1: 23-31.
129886 Intimate Partner Violence and Psychological Distress among Young Couples: Analysis of the Moderating Effect of Social Support/Isabel Fortin, Stephane Guay, Vicky Lavoie, Jean-Marie Boisvert, Madeleine Beaudry.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.1: 63-73.
129887 Life Stress as Mediator of the Childhood Maltreatment-Intimate Partner Violence Link in Low-Income, African American Women/Meghna N. Patel, Jeshmin Bhaju, Martie P. Thompson, Nadine J. Kaslow.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.1: 1-10.
129888 Risk of Revictimization of Intimate Partner Violence: The Role of Attachment, Anger and Violent Behavior of the Victim/Karlijn F. Kuijpers, Leontien M. van der Knaap, Frans Willem Winkel.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.1: 33-44.
129889 Mothers Motivations for Intimate Partner Violence Help-Seeking/Kimberly A. Randell, Linda K. Bledsoe, Purvi L. Shroff, Mary Clyde Pierce.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.1: 55-62.
129890 Predicting the Risk of Intimate Partner Violence: The Chinese Risk Assessment Tool for Victims/Ko Ling Chan.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.2: 157-164.
129891 Personality Profiles in Abused Women Receiving Psychotherapy According to the Existence of Childhood Abuse/Montse Davins-Pujols, Carles Perez-Testor, Manel Salamero-Baro, Josep A. Castillo-Garayoa.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.2: 87-96.
129892 Child Maltreatment Risk Inventory: Pilot Data for the Cleveland Child Abuse Potential Scale/Frank Ezzo, Kevin Young.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.2: 145-155.
129893 Psychotic Domestic Murder: Neuropsychological Differences Between Homicidal and Nonhomicidal Schizophrenic Men/Robert E. Hanlon, Joseph J. Coda, Derin Cobia, Leah H. Rubin.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.2: 105-113.
129894 The Relationship between Egalitarianism, Dominance, and Violence in Intimate Relationships/Gunnur Karakurt, Tamra Cumbie.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.2: 115-122.
129895 Preferences for Police Response to Domestic Violence: A Comparison of College Students in Three Chinese Societies/Ivan Y. Sun, Yuning Wu, Lanying Huang, Yushen Lin, Jessica C. M. Li, Mingyue Su.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.2: 133-144.
129896 Adolescent Sexual Victimization, ADHD Symptoms, and Risky Sexual Behavior/Jacquelyn W. White, Cheryl Buehler.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.2: 123-132.
129897 Correlates of Substantiated Emotional Maltreatment in the Second Canadian Incidence Study/Claire Chamberland, Barbara Fallon, Tara Black, Nico Trocme, Martin Chabot.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.3: 201-213.
129898 Attachment as a Mediator between Childhood Maltreatment and Adult Symptomatology/Robert T. Muller, Kristin Thornback, Ritu Bedi.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.3: 243-255.
129899 The Buffering Effect of Social Support between Domestic Violence and Self-Esteem in Pregnant Women in Tehran, Iran/Mozhdeh Nasseh Lotf Abadi, Mehdi Ghazinour, Marzieh Nojomi, Jorg Richter.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.3: 225-231.
129900 Single Types of Family Violence Victimization and Externalizing Behaviors Among Children and Adolescents/Lynette M. Renner.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.3: 177-186.
129901 School-Based Group Interventions for Children Exposed to Domestic Violence/E. Heather Thompson, Shannon Trice-Black.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.3: 233-241.
129902 Patterns of Intimate Partner Violence in Mothers At-Risk for Child Maltreatment/Megan H. Bair-Merritt, Sharon R. Ghazarian, Lori Burrell, Anne Duggan.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.4: 287-294.
129903 Factors Predicting Relationship Satisfaction, Investment, and Commitment When Women Report High Prevalence of Psychological Abuse/Diane R. Follingstad, M. Jill Rogers, Jamieson L. Duvall.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.4: 257-273.
129904 Abusive Men’s Indirect Control of Their Partner During the Process of Separation/Brittany E. Hayes.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.4: 333-344.
129905 TREAD: A Promising Change-Target for Partner Abuse Prevention with Adolescents/Kylie A. Murphy, David I. Smith, Sophia Xenos.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.4: 345-356.
129906 Abused Mothers Safety Concerns and Court Mediators Custody Recommendations/Echo A. Rivera, April M. Zeoli, Cris M. Sullivan.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.4: 321-332.
129907 Violence Against Women in Jordan/Diab M. Al-Badayneh.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.5: 369-379.
129908 Battering Men and Their Male Therapists: The Different and the Similar/Benjamin Bailey, Zvi Eisikovits, Eli Buchbinder.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.5: 465-476.
129909 Risks and Opportunities of Faith and Culture: The Case of Abused Jewish Women/Alison C. Cares, Gretchen R. Cusick.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.5: 427-435.
129910 Post-Breakup Unwanted Pursuit: A Refined Analysis of the Role of Romantic Relationship Characteristics/Olivia De Smet, Tom Loeys, Ann Buysse.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.5: 437-452.
129911 Intimate Partner Abuse among African American Lesbians: Prevalence, Risk Factors, Theory, and Resilience/Nicholle A. Hill, Kamilah M. Woodson, Angela D. Ferguson, Carlton W. Parks.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.5: 401-413.
129912 An Innovative Program for Justice-Involved Partner Violence Victims: No Man is Worth Me Getting Locked Up/Rebecca J. Macy, Dania M. Ermentrout, Cynthia F. Rizo.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.5: 453-464.
129913 South Asian Women in the U.S. and their Experience of Domestic Violence/Neely Mahapatra.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.5: 381-390.
129914 Prevalence and Determinants of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in Marivan County, Iran/Roonama Nouri, Haidar Nadrian, Arezoo Yari, Gona Bakri, Bahjat Ansari, Ahmad Ghazizadeh.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.5: 391-399.
129915 African American Caregivers and Substance Abuse in Child Welfare: Identification of Multiple Risk Profiles/Eusebius Small, Patricia L. Kohl.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.5: 415-426.
129916 Infants Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence: Issues of Gender and Sex/Ketan Tailor, Nicole Letourneau.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.5: 477-488.
129917 Inconsistencies in Mothers and Group Therapists Evaluations of Resilience in Preschool Children who Live in Households with Intimate Partner Violence/Kathryn H. Howell, Laura E. Miller, Sandra A. Graham-Bermann.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.6: 489-497.
129918 Physical Health in Preschool Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence/Kate Ryan Kuhlman, Kathryn H. Howell, Sandra A. Graham-Bermann.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.6: 499-510.
129919 Mothers Affected by Domestic Violence: Intersections and Opportunities with the Justice System/Nicole Letourneau, Lynne Duffy, Linda Duffett-Leger.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.6: 585-596.
129920 The Association of Family Risk Factors with Suicidality Among Adolescent Primary Care Patients/Erica Miller, Courtney McCullough, Jeffrey G. Johnson.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.6: 523-529.
129921 Correctional Officers and Domestic Violence: Experiences and Attitudes/Colby Valentine, Karen Oehme, Annelise Martin.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.6: 531-545.
129922 Burden of Womanhood: Tamil Women’s Perceptions of Coping with Intimate Partner Violence/Pushpa Kanagaratnam, Robin Mason, Ilene Hyman, Lisa Manuel, Helene Berman, Brenda Toner.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.7: 647-658.
129923 Moderators of Response to Motivational Interviewing for Partner-violent Men/Christopher M. Murphy, Erin L. Linehan, Jacqueline C. Reyner, Peter H. Musser, Casey T. Taft.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.7: 671-680.
129924 Expert Testimony of the Battered Person Syndrome, Defendant Gender, and Sexual Orientation in a Case of Duress: Evaluating Legal Decisions/Brenda Russell, Laurie Ragatz, Shane W. Kraus.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.7: 659-670.
129925 Bridging Prevention and Health: Exploring Community Perceptions of Intimate Partner Violence in Rural Honduras/Javeed Sukhera, Catherine Cerulli, Barbara A. Gawinski, Diane Morse.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.7: 707-714.
129926 What Happens Before Intimate Partner Violence? Distal and Proximal Antecedents/Sung-hun Byun.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.8: 783-799.
129927 What Fresh Hell Is This? Victims of Intimate Partner Violence Describe Their Experiences of Abuse, Pain, and Depression/Catherine Cerulli, Ellen Poleshuck, Christina Raimondi, Stephanie Veale, Nancy Chin.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.8: 773-783.
129928 Prevalence and Correlates of Intimate Partner Violence Among Young, Middle, and Older Women of Korean Descent in California/Sandy Liles, Paula Usita, Veronica L. Irvin, C. Richard Hofstetter, Tara Beeston, Melbourne F. Hovell.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.8: 801-811.
129929 The Use of the Adult Attachment Scale with Domestically Violent Men/Anthony F. Tasso, Donalee Brown, Robert Griffo, Ketrin Saud Maxwell.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.8: 731-739.
129930 Implicit Theories in Intimate Partner Violence Offenders/Sarah Weldon, Elizabeth Gilchrist.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.8: 761-772.
129931 Self-Reported Violent Offending Among Subjects with Genius-Level IQ Scores/J. C. Oleson, Rachael Chappell.- Journal of Family Violence. 2012; Vol.27, No.8: 715-730.
129932 Cognitive Mechanisms of the Transmission of Violence: Exploring Gender Differences among Adolescents Exposed to Family Violence/Esther Calvete, Izaskun Orue.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.1: 73-84.
129933 Update on Neuroimaging and Cognitive Functioning in Maltreatment-Related Pediatric PTSD: Treatment Implications/Victor G. Carrion, Shane S. Wong, Hilit Kletter.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.1: 53-61.
129934 Exposure to Maternal- and Paternal-Perpetrated Intimate Partner Violence, Emotion Regulation, and Child Outcomes/Hilary G. Harding, Diana Morelen, Kristel Thomassin, Laura Bradbury, Anne Shaffer.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.1: 63-72.
129935 Predictors of Maladaptive Coping in Incarcerated Women Who are Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse/Kristine A. Johnson, Shannon M. Lynch.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.1: 43-52.
129936 Behavioral and Attitudinal Factors Differentiating Male Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrators With and Without a History of Childhood Family Violence/Rosalyn D. Lee, Mikel L. Walters, Jeffrey E. Hall, Kathleen C. Basile.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.1: 85-94.
129937 Use of a Social-Ecological Framework to Understand How and Under What Conditions Family Violence Exposure Affects Children’s Adjustment/Sabina Low, Carrie Mulford.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.1: 1-3.
129938 The Relationship of Personal, Family, and Abuse-Specific Factors to Children’s Clinical Presentation Following Childhood Sexual Abuse/C. Thresa Yancey, Karen Z. Naufel, David J. Hansen.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.1: 31-42.
129939 Intimate Partner Violence and Risk for Child Neglect during Early Childhood in a Community Sample of Fragile Families/Eric Nicklas, Michael J. Mackenzie.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.1: 17-29.
129940 Intimate Partner Violence Among Hispanics: A Review of the Literature/Amanda M. Cummings, Rosa M. Gonzalez-Guarda, Melanie F. Sandoval.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.2: 153-171.
129941 Male Victims of Domestic Violence/Babette C. Drijber, Udo J. L. Reijnders, Manon Ceelen.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.2: 173-178.
129942 Developmental Impacts of Child Abuse and Neglect Related to Adult Mental Health, Substance Use, and Physical Health/Todd I. Herrenkohl, Seunghye Hong, J. Bart Klika, Roy C. Herrenkohl, M. Jean Russo.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.2: 191-199.
129943 Patterns of Psychological Aggression, Dominance, and Jealousy within Marriage/Heidi L. Kar, K. Daniel OLeary.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.2: 109-119.
129944 Repeated Abuse during Childhood and Adolescence Leading to Suicidal Behavior in an Adolescent: A Case Report/Indranil Saha, Bobby Paul, Dilip Kumar Das, Joydeb Dinda, Abhijit Mukherjee, Soumya Basu.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.2: 213-217.
129945 The Treatment Needs of Substance Abusing Batterers: A Comparison of Men Who Batter Their Female Partners/Mark D. Thomas, Larry W. Bennett, Charles Stoops.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.2: 121-129.
129946 The Children of Patriarchal Terrorism/Carolina Overlien.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.3: 277-279.
129947 Serendipitous Intervention: Qualitative Findings from the Study of Dynamic Patterns of Husband-to-Wife Abuse/Johanna Becho, Sandra K. Burge, David A. Katerndahl, Robert L. Ferrer, Robert C. Wood.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.3: 243-251.
129948 Social Support Related to Women Who Have Remained with Their Partners After the Physical Violence has Ceased/Claire Fleet, Diane Hiebert-Murphy.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.3: 219-224.
129949 Mothers in Cases of Incest in Turkey: Views and Experiences of Professionals/Filiz Kardam, Emine Bademci.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.3: 253-263.
129950 Corporal Punishment: Examining Attitudes Toward the Law and Factors Influencing Attitude Change/Elisa Romano, Tessa Bell, Rick Norian.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.3: 265-275.
129951 BIS/BAS Variables as Moderators of the Rumination-Intimate Partner Violence Link/Joan Marianne Sotelo, Julia C. Babcock.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.3: 233-242.
129952 Strength at Home Group Intervention for Military Populations Engaging in Intimate Partner Violence: Pilot Findings/Casey T. Taft, Alexandra Macdonald, Candice M. Monson, Sherry M. Walling, Patricia A. Resick, Christopher M. Murphy.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.3: 225-231.
129953 The Cross-Cultural Association Between Marital Status and Physical Aggression Between Intimate Partners/Sharon Bernards, Kathryn Graham.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.3: 403-408.
129954 Victimization, Parenting, and Externalizing Behavior Among Latino and White Adolescents/Carol Coohey, Lynette M. Renner, Bushra Sabri.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.4: 359-368.
129955 Speaking for Themselves: Hope for Children Caught in High Conflict Custody and Access Disputes Involving Domestic Violence/Sarah Fotheringham, Jean Dunbar, Dale Hensley.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.4: 311-324.
129956 Social Workers Attitudes towards Intimate Partner Abuse in Younger vs. Older Women/Rachely Yechez, kelLiat Ayalon.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.4: 381-391.
129957 Religious-Related Abuse in the Family/Barbara Simonic, Tina Rahne Mandelj, Rachel Novsak.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.4: 339-349.
129958 Criminal Case Outcomes, Incarceration, and Subsequent Intimate Partner Violence/Margret E. Bell, Lauren Bennett Cattaneo, Lisa A. Goodman, Mary Ann Dutton.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.4: 489-502.
129959 Severity of Psychological Maltreatment and Accumulative Risk for Psychopathology in Children of Mothers Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence/Ariadna de la Vega, Nuria de la Osa, Roser Granero, Lourdes Ezpeleta.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.5: 427-434.
129960 Children’s Aggression, Parenting Styles, and Distress for Hong Kong Parents/Annis Lai-Chu Fung, Lawrence H. Gerstein, Yuichung Chan, Erica Hurley.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.5: 515-521.
129961 Risk Factors for Child-to-Parent Violence/Izaskun Ibabe, Joana Jaureguizar, Peter M. Bentler.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.5: 523-534.
129962 Alcohol Outlet Density and Young Women’s Perpetration of Violence Toward Male Intimate Partners/Bonita J. Iritani, Martha W. Waller, Carolyn Tucker Halpern, Kathryn E. Moracco, Sharon L. Christ, Robert L. Flewelling.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.5: 459-470.
129963 Aggressive Parental Discipline Experienced in Childhood and Internalizing Problems in Early Adulthood/Tamara L. Taillieu, Douglas A. Brownridge.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.5: 445-458.
129964 Psychometric Properties of Revised Conflict Tactics Scales: Portuguese Sibling Version (CTS2-SP)/Ines Carvalho Relva, Ot‎کlia Monteiro Fernandes, Raquel Costa.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.6: 577-585.
129965 A Retrospective Population-Based Study of Hospitalized Injuries Associated with Intimate Partner Violence in Taiwan from 1997 Through 2009/Wu-Chien Chien …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.6: 587-594.
129966 Trauma Systems Therapy in Residential Settings: Improving Emotion Regulation and the Social Environment of Traumatized Children and Youth in Congregate Care/Adam D. Brown, Kelly McCauley, Carryl P. Navalta, Glenn N. Saxe.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.6: 693-703.
129967 Complex Histories and Complex Presentations: Implementation of a Manually-Guided Group Treatment for Traumatized Adolescents/Mandy Habib, Victor Labruna, Jennifer Newman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.7: 717-728.
129968 Clinical Considerations for the Treatment of Latency Age Children in Residential Care/Angel M. Knoverek, Ernestine C. Briggs, Lee A. Underwood, Robert L. Hartman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.7: 653-663.
129969 Residential Services for Youth Impacted by Family Violence and Trauma: Implications for Child Welfare Policy and Practices/Jan Nisenbaum.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.7: 751-752.
129970 Healthcare Can Change from Within: Sustained Improvement in the Healthcare Response to Intimate Partner Violence/Bruce Ambuel, L. Kevin Hamberger, Clare E. Guse, Marlene Melzer-Lange, Mary Beth Phelan, Amy Kistner.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.8: 833-847.
129971 Validation of Spouse Violence Risk Assessment Inventory for Police Purposes/Kobi Dayan, Shaul Fox, Michal Morag.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.8: 811-821.
129972 Gender Differences in Health Symptoms Associated with the Exposure to Physical Violence in Family: Data from the 2006 National Health Survey in Serbia/Bosiljka Djikanovic, Elizabeth J. King, Vesna Bjegovic-Mikanovic.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.8: 753-761.
129973 Adolescent Girls Use of Avoidant and Approach Coping as Moderators Between Trauma Exposure and Trauma Symptoms/Meredith Elzy, Colleen Clark, Nor‎کn Dollard, Victoria Hummer.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.8: 763-770.
129974 Factors Influencing Domestic and Marital Violence against Women in Ghana/Eric Y. Tenkorang, Adobea Y. Owusu, Eric H. Yeboah, Richard Bannerman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2013; Vol.28, No.8: 771-781.
129975 Constellations of Interpersonal Trauma and Symptoms in Child Welfare: Implications for a Developmental Trauma Framework/Cassandra L. Kisiel …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.1: 1-14.
129976 Asking Routinely About Intimate Partner Violence in a Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinic: A Qualitative Study/Ole Hultmann, Johan Moller, Silje M. Ormhaug, Anders Broberg.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.1: 67-78.
129977 Family Violence and Dating Violence in Korea/Jae Yop Kim, Hee Jin Kim, Jang Won Choi, Clifton Emery.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.1: 23-33.
129978 Differentiating Parents with Faking-Good Profiles from Parents with Valid Scores on the Child Abuse Potential Inventory/Amanda H. Costello, Cheryl B. McNeil.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.1: 79-88.
129979 Intimate Terrorism and Gender Differences in Injury of Dating Partners by Male and Female University Students/Murray A. Straus, Kristi L. Gozjolko.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.1: 51-65.
129980 On the Nature of Harms Reported by those Identifying a Problematic Drinker in the Family, an Exploratory Study/Lynda Berend, sJason Ferris, Anne-Marie Laslett.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.2: 197-204.
129981 Experience of Parental Corporal Punishment in Childhood and Adolescence and its Effect on Punitiveness/Stefanie Kemme, Michael Hanslmaier, Christian Pfeiffer.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.2: 129-142.
129982 An Exploratory Study of the Characteristics that Prevent Youth from Completing a Family Violence Diversion Program/Eva Nowakows, kiKaren Mattern.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.2: 143-149.
129983 Effectiveness of Risk-Needs-Responsivity-Based Family Violence Programs with Male Offenders/Lynn A. Stewart, Natalie Gabora, P. Randall Kropp, Zina Lee.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.2: 151-164.
129984 Applying the Theory of Reasoned Action to Domestic Violence Reporting Behavior: The Role of Sex and Victimization/Tracey N. Sulak, Terrill F. Saxon, Danielle Fearon.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.2: 165-173.
129985 Relationship and Individual Characteristics as Predictors of Unwanted Pursuit/Farrah Tassy, Barbara Winstead.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.2: 187-195.
129986 Family Dysfunction and Social Isolation as Moderators Between Stress and Child Physical Abuse Risk/Meagan C. Tucker, Christina M. Rodriguez.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.2: 175-186.
129987 The Intergenerational Transmission of Violent Offending/Steve G. A. van de Weijer, Catrien C. J. H. Bijleveld, Arjan A. J. Blokland.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.2: 109-118.
129988 Intergenerational Transmission of Parental Corporal Punishment in China: The Moderating Role of Spouse’s Corporal Punishment/Meifang Wang, Xiaopei Xing.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.2: 119-128.
129989 Personality Traits are Related to Intimate Partner Violence Among Securely Attached Individuals/Nicole Maria Leonarda Buck, Petronella Engelina Maria Leenaars, Paul Maria Gerardus Emmelkamp, Hjalmar Johan Carel van Marle.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.3: 235-246.
129990 Intimate Partner Violence against Women in Turkey: A Synthesis of the Literature/Gulten Guvenc, Aygul Akyuz, Sandra K. Cesario.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.3: 333-341.
129991 Protecting Rural Church-Going Immigrant Women from Family Violence/Tina U. Hancock, Natalie Ames, Andrew O. Behnke.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.3: 323-332.
129992 A Comparison of Domestic and Non-Domestic Homicides: Further Evidence for Distinct Dynamics and Heterogeneity of Domestic Homicide Perpetrators/Marcus Juodis, Andrew Starzomski, Stephen Porter, Michael Woodworth.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.3: 299-313.
129993 Must Internal Working Models be Internalized? A Case Illustrating an Alternative Pathway to Attachment/Sarah Y. Krakauer.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.3: 247-258.
129994 Victims of Intimate Partner Violence. The Physician’s Intervention in the Portuguese National Health Service/Helena Martins, Lino Assuncao, Ines Morais Caldas, Teresa Magalhaes.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.3: 315-322.
129995 The Relationship Between Childhood Physical Abuse and Adult Attachment Styles/Jo Ann M. Unger, Rayleen V. De Luca.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.3: 223-234.
129996 Parents Potential for Child Abuse: An Intergenerational Perspective/Ricky Finzi-Dottan, Galit Harel.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.4: 397-408.
129997 What Can be Done About High-Risk Perpetrators of Domestic Violence?/Marcus Juodis, Andrew Starzomski, Stephen Porter, Michael Woodworth.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.4: 381-390.
129998 Stressful Childhood Experiences and Clinical Outcomes in People with Serious Mental Illness: a Gender Comparison in a Clinical Psychiatric Sample/Kristina Muenzenmaier, Andres R. Schneeberger, Dorothy M. Castille, Joseph Battaglia, Azizi A. Seixas, Bruce Link.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.4: 419-429.
129999 Management of Victimized Patients in Greek Primary Care Settings: A Pilot Study/Maria Papadakaki, Eleni Petridou, Elena Petelos, Evi Germeni, Manolis Kogevinas, Christos Lionis.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.4: 371-379.
130000 Reporting Femicide-Suicide in the News: The Current Utilization of Suicide Reporting Guidelines and Recommendations for the Future/Tara N. Richards, Lane Kirkland Gillespie, Eugena M. Givens.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.4: 453-463.
130001 Teenagers Experiences of Pregnancy and the Parents and Partners Reactions: A Malaysian Perspective/Nor Jana Saim, Mona Dufaker, Mehdi Ghazinour.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.4: 465-472.
130002 Treating Couples Who Mutually Exhibit Violence or Aggression: Reducing Behaviors that Show a Susceptibility for Violence/Renay P. Cleary Bradley, Kaeleen Drummey, John M. Gottman, Julie S. Gottman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.5: 549-558.
130003 Romantic Attachment as a Moderator of the Association Between Childhood Abuse and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms/Alex Busuito, Alissa Huth-Bocks, Erin Puro.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.5: 567-577.
130004 Maternal History of Victimization and Adolescent Behaviors: Protective Function of Relationship Quality among At-Risk Mother-Adolescent Dyads/Amy M. Claridge, Cassandra G. Lettenberger-Klein, Heather M. Farineau, Armeda Stevenson Wojciak, Lenore M. McWey.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.5: 473-482.
130005 Trauma Characteristics and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder among Adolescent Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse/Carmen P. McLean, Sarah Herrick Morris, Phoebe Conklin, Nuwan Jayawickreme, Edna B. Foa.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.5: 559-566.
130006 Arresting Women: Pro-arrest Policies, Debates, and Developments/Cheryl Fraehlich, Jane Ursel.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.5: 507-518.
130007 No More! Women Reporting Intimate Partner Violence in Mexico/Mariana Mojarro-Iniguez, Rosario Valdez-Santiago, Ricardo Perez-Nunez, Aaron Salinas-Rodriguez.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.5: 527-537.
130008 Perceived Quality of Life and Health Complaints in Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence/Karin K. Grip, Kjerstin Almqvist, Ulf Axberg, Anders G. Broberg.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.6: 681-692.
130009 Factors Contributing to Intimate Partner Violence among Men in Kerala, India/Xiaochun Jin, Ashley Doukas, Magdalen Beiting, Ann Viksman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.6: 634-652.
130010 Effects of a Systems Change Model to Respond to Patients Experiencing Partner Violence in Primary Care Medical Settings/L. Kevin Hamberger …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.6: 581-594.
130011 Neuropsychological Correlates of Anger, Hostility, and Relationship-Relevant Distortions in Thinking among Partner Violent Men/John Persampiere, Gina Poole, Christopher M. Murphy.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.6: 625-641.
130012 Adolescents Perceptions of Family Violence Risks/John Chapin, Grace Coleman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.7: 757-761.
130013 Acts of Intimate Partner Violence and Feelings of Danger in Battered Women Seeking Help in a Spanish Specialized Care Unit/Montse Davins-Pujols, Manel Salamero, Berta Aznar-Martinez, Ines Aramburu-Alegret, Carles Perez-Testor.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.7: 703-712.
130014 Impact of Intimate Partner Violence on Women’s Mental Health/Gunnur Karakurt, Douglas Smith, Jason Whiting.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.7: 693-672.
130015 Childhood Maltreatment Experiences and Child Abuse Potential: Temperamental Sensitivity as Moderator?/Alexandra Voorthuis …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.7: 749-756.
130016 Family Profile of Young Offenders Who Abuse Their Parents: A Comparison With General Offenders and Non-Offenders/Lourdes Contreras, Carmen Cano.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.8: 901-910.
130017 Examination of Illicit Drug Use Frequency Using Multiple Drug Assessment Methods in Mothers Referred to Treatment by Child Protective Services/Brad Donohue, Jason M. Holland, Karen Lopez, Jessica Urgelles, Daniel N. Allen.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.8: 911-919.
130018 A Two-Way Street for Alcohol Use and Partner Violence: Who’s Driving It?/Sherry Lipsky, Mary A. Kernic, Qian Qiu, Catherine Wright, Deborah S. Hasin.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.8: 815-828.
130019 Fatal Families: Why Children are Killed in Familicide Occurrences/Sharon Mailloux.- Journal of Family Violence. 2014; Vol.29, No.8: 921-926.
130020 Trends in Intimate Partner Violence Services Provided by Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities: Findings from a National Sample/Nicole M. Capezza, Emily C. Schumacher, Brittney C. Brady.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.1: 85-91.
130021 In Our Voice: Survivors Recommendations for Change/Catherine Cerulli …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.1: 75-83.
130022 Dimensions of Suffering among Old and Young Battered Women/Zvi Eisikovits, Tova Band-Winterstein.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.1: 49-62.
130023 All in the Family: A Retrospective Study Comparing Sibling Bullying and Peer Bullying/Lori A. Hoetger, Katherine P. Hazen, Eve M. Brank.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.1: 103-111.
130024 Gender Differences in the Impact of Abuse and Neglect Victimization on Adolescent Offending Behavior/Jessica J. Asscher, Claudia E. Van der Put, Geert Jan J. M. Stams.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.2: 215-225.
130025 Co-Occurrence of Intimate Partner Violence and Child Maltreatment: Service Providers Perceptions/Martha L. Coulter, Melissa C. Mercado-Crespo.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.2: 255-262.
130026 Whose Suffering is This? Narratives of Adult Children and Parents in Long-Term Abusive Relationships/Tova Band-Winterstein.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.2: 123-133.
130027 Intimate Partner Violence Victimization Among Non-Heterosexuals: Prevalence and Associations With Mental and Sexual Well-Being/Sabine Hellemans, Tom Loeys, Ann Buysse, Alexis Dewaele, Olivia De Smet.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.2: 171-188.
130028 Partner Covictimization and Post-Breakup Stalking, Pursuit, and Violence: A Retrospective Study of College Women/Jennifer Katz, Hillary Rich.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.2: 189-199.
130029 Relationship Dynamics, Gender, and Criminal Offending in Fragile Families/Yok-Fong Paat, Trina L. Hope.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.2: 227-241.
130030 What Is the Link Between Corporal Punishment and Child Physical Abuse?/Sabrina Frechette, Michael Zoratti, Elisa Romano.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.2: 135-148.
130031 Korean American Clergy Practices Regarding Intimate Partner Violence: Roadblock or Support for Battered Women?/Y. Joon Choi.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.3: 293-302.
130032 Childhood Sibling Aggression and Emotional Difficulties and Aggressive Behavior in Adulthood/Gloria Mathis, Charles Mueller.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.3: 315-327.
130033 Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence on Substance Use and Depression for Women and Men/Sara B. Simmons, Kelly E. Knight, Scott Menard.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.3: 351-361.
130034 Maltreatment Characteristics and Emotion Regulation (ER) Difficulties as Predictors of Mental Health Symptoms: Results from a Community-Recruited Sample of Female Adolescents/Jane M. Sundermann, Anne P. DePrince.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.3: 329-338.
130035 Between Support and Vulnerability: Examining Family Support Among Women Victims of Intimate Partner Violence in Mexico/Sonia M. Frias, Maria Carolina Agoff.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.3: 277-291.
130036 Physicians Attitudes and Preparedness to Deal with Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in Serbia/Bosiljka Djikanovic, Sylvie Lo Fo Wong, Snezana Simic, Jelena Marinkovic, Chris Van Weel, Antoine Lagro-Janssen.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.4: 445-452.
130037 Challenges and Retention of Domestic Violence Shelter Advocates: a Grounded Theory/Lisa Vallie Merchant, Jason B. Whiting.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.4: 467-478.
130038 Childhood Adversities and Adult Use of Potentially Injurious Physical Discipline in Japan/Maki Umeda, Norito Kawakami, Ronald C. Kessler, Elizabeth Miller.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.4: 515-527.
130039 Patterns and Predictors of Service Use Among Women Who Have Separated from an Abusive Partner/Marilyn Ford-Gilboe …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.4: 419-431.
130040 Parental Monitoring and Perceptions Related to Juvenile Offenders Who Fight and Carry Weapons/Georgia B. Calhoun, Brian A. Glaser, Jon Peiper, Brendan M. Carr.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.5: 643-650.
130041 Connecting Partner Violence to Poor Functioning for Mothers and Children: Modeling Intergenerational Outcomes/Nina Fredland …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.5: 555-566.
130042 Intimate Partner Violence and Homelessness as Mediators of the Effects of Cumulative Childhood Victimization Clusters on Adolescent Mothers Depression/Angie C. Kennedy, Deborah Bybee, Megan R. Greeson.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.5: 579-590.
130043 Intimate Partner Violence and Risk of Psychiatric Symptoms: the Moderating Role of Attachment/Lareina N. La Flair, Catherine P. Bradshaw, Tamar Mendelson, Jacquelyn Campbell.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.5: 567-577.
130044 Broken Dreams: Impact of Partner Violence on the Career Development Process for Professional Women/Kali R. Lantrip, Paula J. Luginbuhl, Krista M. Chronister,  Lauren Lindstrom.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.5: 591-605.
130045 Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome: A Case Series Study from Turkey/Dilsad Foto Ozdemir …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.5: 661-671.
130046 Family Communication Patterns, Sympathy, Perspective-Taking, and Girls Thoughts About Interpersonal Violence/Edward T. Vieira.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.5: 607-619.
130047 An Examination of Psychopathology Among Men who have Suspended the Use of Violence in Their Intimate Relationships/Kate Walker, Erica Bowen, Sarah Brown, Emma Sleath.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.5: 539-554.
130048 Pregnant Women’s Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence and Seeking Help from Health Care Professionals: A Jordanian Qualitative Study/Jalal K. Damra, Sanaa K. Abujilban, Michael P. Rock, Issraa A. Tawalbeh, Thaer A. Ghbari, Souad M. Ghaith.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.6: 507-816.
130049 Child-to-Parent Violence: Frequency and Family Correlates/Jennifer Lyons, Tessa Bell, Sabrina Frechette, Elisa Romano.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.6: 729-742.
130050 Emotional Awareness and Breaking the Cycle of Revictimization/Osnat Zamir, Yoav Lavee.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.6: 675-684.
130051 Vicarious Post-Traumatic Growth: Domestic Violence Therapists Versus Social Service Department Therapists in Israel/Anat Ben-Porat.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.7: 923-933.
130052 Gender Equality, Liberalism and Attitude Toward Prostitution: Variation in Cross-National Study/Don Soo Chon.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.7: 827-838.
130053 Personal Mastery Buffers the Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Women’s Health and Family Functioning/Antonette King, Britney M. Wardecker, Robin S. Edelstein.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.7: 887-897.
130054 Measuring Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Service Providers Attitudes: The Development of the Survivor-Defined Advocacy Scale (SDAS)/Shanti Kulkarni, Robert Herman-Smith, Ticola Caldwell Ross.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.7: 911-921.
130055 Are Emergency Department Admissions in the Past Two Years Predictors of Femicide? Results from a Case-control Study in Italy/Carlo Mamo, Selene Bianco, Marco Dalmasso, Marta Girotto, Luisa Mondo, Marina Penasso.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.7: 853-858.
130056 Negative Affect Reciprocity as an Explanation of the Correlation between Perpetrating and Being a Victim of Sexual Coercion/Eugene W. Mathes.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.7: 493-451.
130057 Do Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Women Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence Differ in Regards to Their Help-Seeking? A Qualitative Study/Sohug Mookerjee, Catherine Cerulli, Isabel Diana Fernandez, Nancy P. Chin.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.7: 839-851.
130058 The Co-Occurrence of Domestic and Child Violence in Urban Peru: Evidence from Three Regions/Martin Benavides, Juan Leon Jara Almonte, Marcela Ponce de Leon Marquina.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.8: 1045-1053.
130059 Intimate Partner Violence and Risk for Cervical Cancer/Patricia Hindin, Rula Btoush, Diane R. Brown, Frances Munet-Vilaro.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.8: 1031-10343.
130060 Children’s Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence and Early Delinquency/Chien-Chung Huang, Juliann H. Vikse, Shuang Lu, Siliai Yi.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.8: 553-563.
130061 Men’s and Women’s Experience of IPV Part II: A Review of New Developments in Comparative Studies in Clinical Populations/Sadie E. Larsen, L. Kevin Hamberger.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.8: 1007-1030.
130062 Family Violence Exposure and Sexual Risk-Taking Among Latino Emerging Adults: The Role of Posttraumatic Stress Symptomology and Acculturative Stress/Peter M. Rivera …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.8: 967-976.
130063 The Impact of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) on Parenting by Mothers Within an Ethnically Diverse Population in the Netherlands/Trees Pels, Floor Barbera van Rooij, Marjolijn Distelbrink.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.8: 1055-1067.
130064 Positive and Negative Jealousy in the Association Between Problem Drinking and IPV Perpetration/Lindsey M. Rodriguez, Angelo M. DiBello, Clayton Neighbors.- Journal of Family Violence. 2015; Vol.30, No.8: 987-999.
130065 Children, Family Violence and Group Work Some Do’s and Don’ts in Running Therapeutic Groups with Children Affected by Family Violence/Wendy Bunston, Tara Pavlidis, Peta Cartwright.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.1: 85-94.
130066 Social Factors Affecting the Completion of a Batterer Intervention Program/Desiree A. Cuevas, Ngoc H. Buiv.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.1: 95-107.
130067 Intimate Partner Violence in Rural Low-Income Families: Correlates and Change in Prevalence Over the First 5 Years of a Child’s Life/Hanna C. Gustafsson, Martha J. Cox.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.1: 49-60.
130068 Barriers to Active Inquiry About Intimate Partner Violence Among German Physicians Participating in a Mandatory Training/Sabine C. Jenner …[et al].- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.1: 109-117.
130069 Service Contacts Proximate to Intimate Partner Homicides in Victoria/Briony Murphy, Marg Liddell, Lyndal Bugeja.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.1: 39-48.
130070 Domestic Violence Against Rural Women in Pakistan: An Issue of Health and Human Rights/Rubeena Zakar, Muhammad Z. Zakar, Safdar Abbas.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.1: 15-25.
130071 Family Functioning and Children’s Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms in a Referred Sample Exposed to Interparental Violence/Machteld D. Telman, Mathilde M. Overbeek, J. Clasien de Schipper, Francien Lamers-Winkelman, Catrin Finkenauer, Carlo Schuengel.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.1: 127-136.
130072 I never knew which way he would swing : Exploring the Roles of Substances in the Lives of System-Involved Intimate Partner Violence Survivors/Jennifer E. OBrien, Dania Ermentrout, Cynthia Fraga Rizo, Wen Li, Rebecca J. Macy, Sarah Dababnah.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.1: 61-73.
130073 Intimate Partner Violence and Female Nurses Employment: Disclosure and Consequences/Hanan Al-Modallal, Hasan Al-Omari, Sanaa Abujilban, Lina Mrayan.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.2: 161-166.
130074 IPV Stigma and its Social Management: The Roles of Relationship-Type, Abuse-Type, and Victims Sex/Jessica J. Eckstein.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.2: 215-225.
130075 The Association Between Affective and Problem-Solving Communication and Intimate Partner Violence Among Caucasian and Mexican American Couples: a Dyadic Approach/Julia F. Hammett, Donna M. Castaneda, Emilio C. Ulloa.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.2: 167-178.
130076 Women College Students Reasons for Engaging in Psychological Dating Aggression: a Qualitative Examination/Honore M. Hughes, Carrie E. Massura, Onyinyechi V. Anukem, Jacquelyn S. Cattage.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.2: 239-249.
130077 Theoretical Considerations on Men’s Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence: An Interview-Based Study/Lotta Nybergh, Viveka Enander, Gunilla Krantz.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.2: 191-202.
130078 Security in the Interparental Subsystem (SIS) Scale: Psychometric Characteristics in a Sample of Portuguese Adolescents/Carla Sofia Silva, Maria Manuela Calheiros, Helena Carvalho.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.2: 147-159.
130079 Partner Violence Entrapment Scale: Development and Psychometric Testing/Anna Torres …[et al].- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.2: 137-145.
130080 Intimate Partner Violence Involving Children and the Parenting Role: Associations with Maternal Outcomes/Sarah M. Ahlfs-Dunn, Alissa C. Huth-Bocks.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 387-399.
130081 Interpreting Sexual Dating Encounters: Social Information Processing Differences in Men and Women/Carrie E. Ambrose, Alan M. Gross.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 361-370.
130082 Implementing a Strengths-Based Approach to Intimate Partner Violence Worldwide/Sylvia M. Asay, John DeFrain, Marcee Metzger.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 349-360.
130083 Mediating Effects of Existential and Religious Well-Being Among Abused, Suicidal African American Women/Nicole L. Fischer, Dorian A. Lamis, Marissa N. Petersen-Coleman, Carla S. Moore, Huaiyu Zhang, Nadine J. Kaslow.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 315-323.
130084 The Effects of Acculturation on Intimate Partner Violence Among Chinese Immigrants in New York City/C. Kim, H. E. Sung.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 325-336.
130085 12-Month Prevalence, Trends, Gender Differences, and the Impact of Mental Health Services on Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration Among Discharged Psychiatric Inpatients/Aaron J. Kivisto, Malorie E. Watson.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 379-385.
130086 Parental and Others Responses to Physical Sibling Violence: a Descriptive Analysis of Victims Retrospective Accounts/Courtney McDonald, Katherine Martinez.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 401-410.
130087 How Can We End the Stigma Surrounding Domestic and Sexual Violence? A Modified Delphi Study with National Advocacy Leaders/Christine Murray, Allison Crowe, Whitney Akers.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 271-278.
130088 Antecedents to the Perpetration of Domestic Violence in Curacao/Nikil Ph. L. van Wijk, Jeanne G. M. de Bruijn.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 337-348.
130089 Implicit Theories in Intimate Partner Violence Sex Offenders: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis/Sarah Weldon.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 289-302.
130090 Masculinity and Spousal Violence: Discursive Accounts of Husbands Who Abuse Their Wives in Ghana/Stephen Baffour Adjei.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.4: 411-422.
130091 How Has Living with Intimate Partner Violence Affected the Work Situation? A Qualitative Study among Abused Women in Norway/Kjersti Alsaker, Bente E. Moen, Valborg Baste, Tone Morken.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.4: 479-487.
130092 Children’s Exposure to Partner Violence in Homes Where Men Seek Help for Partner Violence Victimization/Emily M. Douglas, Denise A. Hines.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.4: 415-425.
130093 Antisocial Personality Disorder and Physical Partner Violence Among Single and Dual Substance-Abusing Couples/Michelle L. Kelley, Abby L. Braitman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.4: 423-431.
130094 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, Traumatic Reminders, and Partner Aggressive Tendencies Among Veterans/Adam D. LaMotte, Casey T. Taft, Robin P. Weatherill, Jillian P. Scott, Christopher I. Eckhardt.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.4: 461-466.
130095 Head Start’s Impact on Socio-Emotional Outcomes for Children Who Have Experienced Violence or Neighborhood Crime/Kyunghee Lee, Breanne Ludington.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.4: 499-513.
130096 The Relationship of Reflective Functioning to Parent Child Interactions in a Sample of Fathers with Concurrent Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration and Substance Abuse Problems/Carla Smith Stover, Erica E. Coates.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.4: 433-442.
130097 Racial Minority Women and Criminal Justice Responses to Domestic Violence/Dora M. Y. Tam, Leslie M. Tutty, Ze Hong Zhuang, Eva Paz.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.4: 527-538.
130098 A Spatial Latent Gaussian Model for Intimate Partner Violence Against Men in Africa/Rodney Godfrey Tsiko.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.4: 443-459.
130099 Childhood Maltreatment in College Women: Effect on Severe Physical Partner Violence/Hanan Al-Modallal.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.5: 607-615.
130100 Profile of Men Who Are Victims of Physical Violence by an Intimate Partner/Italo de Macedo Bernardino …[ET AL.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.5: 617-624.
130101 Edleson Revisited: Reviewing Children’s Witnessing of Domestic Violence 15 Years Later/Ericka Kimball.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.5: 625-637.
130102 Intimate Partner Violence Screening in a Women Veterans Health Clinic: Assessing Feasibility/Rachel E. Latta, A. Rani Elwy, Tu A. Ngo, Megan M. Kelly.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.5: 595-606.
130103 Do Social Services Matter for Child Maltreatment Prevention?: Interactions between Social Support and Parent’s Knowledge of Available Local Social Services/Tori Negash, Kathryn Maguire-Jack.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.5: 557-565.
130104 Intimate Partner Violence Related Stress and the Coping Experiences of Survivors: There’s Only So Much a Person Can Handle/Cynthia F. Rizo.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.5: 581-593.
130105 A Preliminary Evaluation of the Spanish Parent-Child Aggression Acceptability Movie Task in Spain/Christina M. Rodriguez, Enrique Gracia, Marisol Lila.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.5: 549-555.
130106 Evaluating an Online Program to Help Children Exposed to Domestic Violence: Results of Two Randomized Controlled Trials/Kelli S. Sargent, Renee McDonald, Nicole L. Vu, Ernest N. Jouriles.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.5: 647-654.
130107 My Eyes Were Open: Awakened Maternal Identity and Leaving Violent Relationships for the Infant/Children/Loretta Secco, Nicole Letourneau & Erin Collins.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.5: 639-645.
130108 Pregnancy and Intimate Partner Violence in Canada: a Comparison of Victims Who Were and Were Not Abused During Pregnancy/Tamara L. Taillieu, Douglas A. Brownridge, Kimberly A. Tyler, Ko Ling Chan, Agnes Tiwari, Susy C. Santos.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.5: 567-579.
130109 Understanding the Roles of Context, Frequency, and Quantity of Alcohol Consumption in Child Physical Abuse: Risks for Mothers and Fathers/Jennifer Price Wolf, Bridget Freisthler.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.5: 539-548.
130110 Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention among Married Women in Central Anatolia/Hacer Alan, Sema Dereli Yilmaz, Emel Filiz, Ayten Arioz.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.6: 711-719.
130111 Gender Differences in Child Abuse and Intergenerational Transmission of Crime and Substance Abuse among Israeli Inmates/Gila Chen, Keren Gueta.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.6: 535-546.
130112 Parental Models of Family Violence and Associations with Partner Violence for College Women from Three Countries/Helen M. Hendy, S. Hakan Can, Ahmet Akin, Maria Jose Tenorio.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.6: 689-695.
130113 Responses of Police Officers to Cases of Officer Domestic Violence: Effects of Demographic and Professional Factors/Daniel G. Saunders, Stephanie Grace Prost, Karen Oehme.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.6: 771-784.
130114 Revictimized Adult Women: Perceptions of Mental Health Functioning and Associated Services/Cassandra Simmel, Judy L. Postmus, Inseon Lee.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.6: 679-688.
130115 Subdural Hematoma Rebleeding in Relation to Abusive Head Trauma/Barbara Knox, Lucy B. Rorke-Adams, Francois M. Luyet.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.7: 815-821.
130116 Cross-Validation Findings on Sexually Abusive Females: Implications for Risk Assessment and Clinical Practice/L. C. Miccio-Fonseca.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.7: 903-911.
130117 Parenting and Safety Program for System-Involved Female Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: A Qualitative Follow-up Study/Cynthia F. Rizo, Ariel Reynolds, Rebecca J. Macy, Dania M. Ermentrout.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.7: 833-848.
130118 Sexual Orientation, Race, and Trauma as Predictors of Sexual Assault Recovery/Rannveig Sigurvinsdottir, Sarah E. Ullman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.7: 913-921.
130119 The Words of Violence: Autobiographical Narratives of Abused Women/Franca Tani, Carole Peterson, Martina Smorti.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.7: 885-896.
130120 Current Controversies within Intimate Partner Violence: Overlooking Bidirectional Violence/Elizabeth A. Bates.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.8: 937-940.
130121 Intimate Partner Violence and the Duluth Model: An Examination of the Model and Recommendations for Future Research and Practice/Greg Bohall, Mary-Jo Bautista, Sabrina Musson.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.8: 1029-1033.
130122 Gender Arguments and Paradigmatic Challenges within Intimate Partner Violence Research: A Call for a more Inclusive Paradigm of Understanding Regarding Physical Partner Violence Perpetration/Melissa Corbally, Judy Hughes, David Delay.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.8: 1009-1012.
130123 Understanding Woman Abuse in Intimate Heterosexual Relationships: The Enduring Relevance of Feminist Ways of Knowing/Walter S. DeKeseredy.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.8: 1043-1046.
130124 A Tribute to Murray A. Straus/Emily M. Douglas.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.8: 927-930.
130125 The Social Construction of Roles in Intimate Partner Violence: Is the Victim/Perpetrator Model the only Viable one?/Zvi Eisikovits, Benjamin Bailey.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.8: 995-998.
130126 Partner Aggression Versus Partner Abuse Terminology: Moving the Field Forward and Resolving Controversies/Robert Geffner.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.8: 923-925.
130127 Methodological Contributions to the Gender Symmetry Debate and its Resolution/L. Kevin Hamberger, Sadie Larsen, Jacquelyn Campbell.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.8: 989-993.
130128 It is and it is not: the Importance of Context when Exploring Gender Differences in Perpetration of Physical Partner Violence/Nicole L. Johnson, Samantha C. Holmes, Dawn M. Johnson.- Journal of Family Violence. 2016; Vol.31, No.8: 999-1003.


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