تازه‌های مقالات خارجی آذر 1401

تازه های مقالات خارجی  آذر 1401




130129 Attentive Surveillance: A Preliminary Study of Prioritizing Mothering Standards in the Face of Intimate Partner Violence/Kelly M. Bentley.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 39-46.
130130 Spousal Violence against Working Women in India/Chaiti Sharma Biswas.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 55-76.
130131 Examining the Impact of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Related to Intimate Partner Violence on Antenatal, Intrapartum and Postpartum Women: A Scoping Review/Kimberley T. Jackson, Tara Mantler.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 25-38.
130132 Mining Electronic Health Records Data: Domestic Violence and Adverse Health Effects/Gunnur Karakurt, Vishal Patel, Kathleen Whiting, Mehmet Koyut‎يrk.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 79-87.
130133 Women’s Knowledge of the Domestic Violence Legislation in Erbil, Iraq and their Response to Spousal Violence/Intisar A. Malik, Nazar P. Shabila, Tariq S. Al-Hadithi.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 47-53.
130134 Why do they Stay? Examining Contributing Factors to Women’s Length of Stay in a Domestic Violence Shelter/Monica Perez-Trujillo, Eric Quintane.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 89-100.
130135 Effect of Enabling Resources and Risk Factors on the Relationship between Intimate Partner Violence and Anxiety in Ever-Married Women in Minya, Egypt/Annum K. Shaikh, Bradley Pearce, Kathryn M. Yount.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 13-23.
130136 The Influence of Victim Vulnerability and Gender on Police Officers Assessment of Intimate Partner Violence Risk/Jennifer E. Storey, Susanne Strand.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 125-134.
130137 Access to Legal Services in Women’s Shelters/Alysia C. Wright, Lorne D. Bertrand.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 101-114.
130138 Risk Factors for Women’s Intimate Partner Violence Victimization: An Examination from the Perspective of the Schema Therapy Model/Nermin Taskale, Gonca Soygut.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 3-12.
130139 Parent-Child Agreement on Parent-to-Child Maltreatment/Laura H.C.G. Compier-de Block …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 207-217.
130140 Parent Perceptions of Participating in a Program for Adolescents Who Are Violent at Home/Julia R. Correll, Sarah Cusworth Walker, Todd C. Edwards.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 243-255.
130141 Young Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence Describe their Abused Parent: A Qualitative Study/Karin Pernebo, Kjerstin Almqvist.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 169-178.
130142 The Impact of Child Abuse Potential on Adaptive Functioning: Early Identification of Risk/Benjamin D. Freer, Ginny Sprang, Debbie Katz, Clarissa Belle, Kelsey Sprang.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 189-196.
130143 Consideration of Risk and Protective Factors for Families at Risk for Child Maltreatment: An Intervention Approach/Leigh E. Ridings, Lana O. Beasley, Jane F. Silovsky.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 179-188.
130144 Maternal Childhood Sexual Trauma, Child Directed Aggression, Parenting Behavior, and the Moderating Role of Child Sex/B. J. Zvara, R. Mills-Koonce, M. Cox.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 219-229.
130145 Social Context and Violence Exposure as Predictors of Internalizing Symptoms in Mothers and Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence/Wendy DAndrea, Sandra Graham-Berman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 145-155.
130146 Victimization and Poly-Victimization in Adolescent Outpatients from Mental Health Centers: A Case-Control Study/M. Soledad Alvarez-Lister, Noemi Pereda, Georgina Guilera, Judit Abad, Anna Segura.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 197-205.
130147 The Association between Maternal Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence and Emotional and Behavioral Problems in Spanish Children and Adolescents/Concepcion Lopez-Soler, Mavi Alcantara-Lopez, Maravillas Castro, Julio Sanchez-Meca, Visitacian Fernandez.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 135-144.
130148 Psychometric Investigation of the Brief Child Abuse Potential Inventory in Mothers on Opioid Substitution Therapy/Sharon Dawe, Stephanie Taplin, Richard P. Mattick.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 341-348.
130149 Lifetime Family Violence and Depression: The Case of Older Women in South Korea/Seok In Nam, Karen D. Lincoln.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 269-278.
130150 Psychometric Proprieties and Construct Validity of the Brother-Sister Questionnaire in a Sample of Portuguese Adolescents/Ines Carvalho Relva, Otilia Monteiro Fernandes, Madalena Alarcao, Sandra Graham-Bermann, Patricia Lopes.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 333-340.
130151 Assessing Sexual Coercion: Survey Wording Differences and the Victimization-Perpetration Discrepancy/Walter T. Rueff, Alan M. Gross.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 325-331.
130152 Problematic Alcohol and Drug Use and the Risk of Partner Violence Victimization among Male and Female College Students/Chiara Sabina, Jennifer L. Schally, Lindsay Marciniec.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 305-316.
130153 Distress Tolerance and Intimate Partner Violence among Men in Substance Use Treatment/Ryan C. Shorey, Catherine Strauss, JoAnna Elmquist, Scott Anderson, Tara L. Cornelius, Gregory L. Stuart.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 317-324.
130154 A Dyadic Analysis of Partner Violence and Adult Attachment/Johannah Sommer, Julia Babcock, Carla Sharp.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 279-290.
130155 Psychometric Investigation of the Brief Child Abuse Potential Inventory in Mothers on Opioid Substitution Therapy/Sharon Dawe, Stephanie Taplin, Richard P. Mattick.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 341-348.
130156 Conceptualization of Intimate Partner Violence: Exploring Gender Differences Using Concept Mapping/Patricia OCampo …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 367-382.
130157 Perceptions of Appropriate Court-Ordered Sanctions for Situational Couple Violence Offenders: A Pilot Study/Kristen Budd, Mary Burbrink, JoAnn Miller.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.4: 419-430.
130158 The Impact of Child Abuse Severity on Adult Attachment Anxiety and Avoidance in College Women: The Role of Emotion Dysregulation/Hannah C. Espeleta, Sarah Palasciano-Barton, Terri L. Messman-Moore.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.4: 399-407.
130159 Emerging Innovations, Best Practices, and Evidence-Based Practices in Elder Abuse and Neglect: a Review of Recent Developments in the Field/Cynthia Moore, Colette Browne.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.4: 383-397.
130160 Assessing the Feasibility and Acceptability of Narrative Exposure Therapy to Address IPV-related Mental Health in Parenting and Pregnant Adolescents/Ellen M. Volpe, Camille R. Quinn, Kathryn Resch, Valerie Douglas, Catherine Cerulli.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.4: 439-452.
130161 Treating Adult Survivors of Sibling Sexual Abuse: A Relational Strengths-Based Approach/John Caffaro.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.5: 543-552.
130162 Displayed Affective Behavior between Intimate Partner Violence Types during Non-Violent Conflict Discussions/Daniel J. Friend, Renay P. Cleary Bradley,  John M. Gottman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.5: 493-504.
130163 The Intersection of Intimate Partner Violence and Traumatic Brain Injury: A Call for Interdisciplinary Research/Gwen Hunnicutt, Kristine Lundgren, Christine Murray, Loreen Olson.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.5: 471-480.
130164 Impact of the Mass Media in Changing Attitudes Towards Violence Against Women in Bangladesh: Findings from a National Survey/Syeda S. Amin.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.5: 525-534.
130165 Modeling Risk for Intimate Partner Violence among Recent-Era Veteran-Partner Dyads/Michelle L. Kelley.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.5: 505-515.
130166 Exploring Help Seeking Experiences of Male Victims of Female Perpetrators of IPV/Andreia Machado, Anita Santos, Nicola Graham-Kevan, Marlene Matos.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.5: 513-523.
130167 Elements Needed for Quality Batterer Intervention Programs: Perspectives of Professionals Who Deal with Intimate Partner Violence/Penelope K. Morrison …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.5: 481-491.
130168 Youthful Familicidal Offenders: Targeted Victims, Planned Attacks/Rosa Viras-Racionero, Louis B. Schlesinger, Mario J. Scalora, John P. Jarvis.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.5: 535-542.
130169 Associations Between Experiencing and Witnessing Physical and Psychological Abuse and Internalizing and Externalizing Problems in Yemeni Children/Arwa Alizzy, Esther Calvete, Brad J. Bushman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.6: 585-593.
130170 Pilot Study of a Group-Based Psychosocial Trauma Recovery Program in Secure Accommodation in Scotland/Ian Barron, David Mitchell, William Yule.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.6: 595-606.
130171 Canada’s First Integrated Domestic Violence Court: Examining Family and Criminal Court Outcomes at the Toronto I.D.V.C./Rachel Birnbaum, Michael Saini, Nicholas Bala.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.6: 621-631.
130172 Child Maltreatment and Intimate Partner Violence Among Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Canadians/Douglas A. Brownridge …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.6: 607-619.
130173 Adverse Childhood Experiences Affect Health Risk Behaviors and Chronic Health of Iowans/Jacy C. Downey, Clinton G. Gudmunson, Yuk C. Pang, Kyuho Lee.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.6: 557-564.
130174 Emotion Regulation Mediates the Relationship between a History of Child Abuse and Current PTSD/Depression Severity in Adolescent Females/Sufna G. John, Josh M. Cisler, Benjamin A. Sigel.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.6: 565-575.
130175 Making Connections across 30 Years of Family Violence Research: an Introductory Editorial/Rebecca J. Macy.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.6: 553-555.
130176 Dyadic Types of Sibling Sexual Coercion/Ines Carvalho Relva, Otilia Monteiro Fernandes, Madalena Alarcao.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.6: 577-583.
130177 Perspectives on Regional Differences and Intimate Partner Violence in Canada: A Qualitative Examination/Kimberley G. Zorn, Melissa Anne Wuerch, Nichole Faller, Mary Rucklos Hampton.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32: 633-644.
130178 Being Superwoman: Low Income Mothers Surviving Problem Drinking and Intimate Partner Violence/Casey Bohrman, Julie Tennille, Kimberly Levin, Melissa Rodgers, Karin Rhodes.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.7: 699-709.
130179 National Estimates of Intimate Partner Violence and Service Receipt among Latina Women with Child Welfare Contact/Megan Finno-Velasquez, Ijeoma Nwabuzor Ogbonnaya.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.7: 669-682.
130180 PTSD Symptom Trajectories among Mothers Reporting Interpersonal Trauma: Protective Factors and Parenting Outcomes/Katherine L. Guyon-Harris, Sarah Ahlfs-Dunn, Alissa Huth-Bocks.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.7: 657-667.
130181 Prevalence of Spousal Violence and Associated Risk Factors: Facts from Pakistan Demographics and Health Survey 2012 13/Shabbir Hussain, Muhammad Usman, Maryam Sabir, Rubeena Zakar, Ahmed Usman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.7: 711-719.
130182 The Intergenerational Impact of Intimate Partner Violence against Mothers on Child Functioning over four Years/Judith McFarlane …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.7: 645-655.
130183 Mothers of Violent Children with Mental Illness: How They Perceive Barriers to Effective Help/Karyn Sporer, Dana L. Radatz.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.7: 683-697.
130184 Patricides and Step-Patricides in Ghana: Victims, Offenders, and Offense Characteristics/Mensah Adinkrah.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.8: 817-829.
130185 Risk Factors of Violence against Women in Peru/Rodolfo J. Castro, Lila P. Cerellino, Renzo Rivera.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.8: 807-815.
130186 Development and Initial Evaluation of a Suicide Prevention Curriculum for Domestic Violence Hotline Workers/Wendi F. Cross …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.8: 775-785.
130187 Bruise Documentation, Race and Barriers to Seeking Legal Relief for Intimate Partner Violence Survivors: a Retrospective Qualitative Study/Lauren S. Deutsch, Kathryn Resch, Tiffany Barber, Yoni Zuckerman, Jennifer Thompson Stone, Catherine Cerulli.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.8: 767-773.
130188 Gender Inequity Associated with Increased Child Physical Abuse and Neglect: a Cross-Country Analysis of Population-Based Surveys and Country-Level Statistics/Joanne Klevens, Katie A. Ports.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.8: 799-806.
130189 Initial Findings from a Feasibility Trial Examining the SafeCare Dad to Kids Program with Marginalized Fathers/Shannon Self-Brown …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.8: 751-766.
130190 Women in IPV Treatment for Abusers and Women in IPV Survivor Groups: Different or Two Sides of the Same Coin?/Leslie M. Tutty, Robbie Babins-Wagner, Michael A. Rothery.- Journal of Family Violence. 2017; Vol.32, No.8: 787-797.
130191 Social Ecological Correlates of Family-Level Interpersonal and Environmental Microaggressions Toward Sexual and Gender Minority Adolescents/Rachel E. Gartner, Paul R. Sterzing.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.1: 1-16.
130192 Dysfiounctnal Parenting and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration and Victimization among College Women: the Mediating Role of Schemas/Christina M. Hassija, Diana Robinson, Yessenia Silva, Michael R. Lewin.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.1: 65-73.
130193 Childhood Abuse, Intrapersonal Strength, and Suicide Resilience in African American Females who Attempted Suicide/Shweta Kapoor …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.1: 53-64.
130194 Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration from Adolescence to Young Adulthood: Trajectories and the Role of Familial Factors/Angela M. Kaufman-Parks, Alfred DeMaris, Peggy C. Giordano, Wendy D. Manning, Monica A. Longmore.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.1: 27-41.
130195 Functional Decline and Emotional Elder Abuse: a Population-Based Study of Older Korean Adults/Jooyoung Kong, Haesang Jeon.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.1: 17-26.
130196 The Importance of the Caregiver and Adolescent Relationship for Mental Health Outcomes Among Youth in Foster Care/Allison D. Rayburn, Mathew C. Withers, Lenore M. McWey.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.1: 43-52.
130197 Jail Calls: What Do Kids Have to Do with It?/Amy Bonomi, David Martin.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 99-102.
130198 Bringing Community Based Participatory Research to Domestic Violence Scholarship: an Online Toolkit/Lisa A. Goodman …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 103-107.
130199 Promoting Clarity and Transparency in Family Violence Research: Editorial Comments on the Journal s Revised Author Guidelines/Rebecca J. Macy.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 95-98.
130200 Understanding How Domestic Violence Support Services Promote Survivor Well-being: A Conceptual Model/Cris M. Sulliva.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 123-131.
130201 Give me some space: exploring youth to parent aggression and violence/Lynne Gabriel …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 161-169.
130202 Multilevel Modeling in Family Violence Research/Roderick A. Rose.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 109-122.
130203 Barriers and Supports to Dating Violence Communication between Latina Adolescents and Their Mothers: A Qualitative Analysis/Carla M. Shaffer, Rosalie Corona, Terri N. Sullivan, Vanessa Fuentes, Shelby E. McDonald.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 133-145.
130204 Why is Family Violence Lower Among Mexican Immigrants? The Protective Features of Mexican Culture/Theodore R. Curry, Maria Cristina Morales, Egbert Zavala, Jorge Luis Hernandez.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 171-184.
130205 Benefits and Challenges of Using Life History Calendars to Research Intimate Partner Violence/Brittany E. Hayes.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 227-238.
130206 Advocate Safety Planning Training, Feedback, and Personal Challenges/T K Logan, Robert Walker.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 213-225.
130207 Looking into the Day-To-Day Process of Victim Safety Planning/TK Logan, Robert Walker.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 197-211.
130208 Familial Sex Trafficking of Minors: Trafficking Conditions, Clinical Presentation, and System Involvement/Ginny Sprang, Jennifer Cole.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 185-195.
130209 Parent-Child Discordance and Child Trauma Symptomatology Throughout Therapy: Correlates and Treatment Response/Veerpal Bambrah, Tessie Mastorakos, Kristina M. Cordeiro, Kristin Thornback, Robert T. Muller.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.4: 281-295.
130210 Reducing Intimate Partner Violence Among Latinas Through the Moms Empowerment Program: an Efficacy Trial/Hannah M. Clark …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.4: 257-268.
130211 Identifying the Needs of American Indian Women Who Sought Shelter: A Practitioner-Researcher Partnership/Kathleen A. Fox, Bonnie S. Fisher, Scott H. Decker.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.4: 251-256.
130212 Economic Burden of Child Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence in the United States/Megan R. Holmes, Francisca G. C. Richter, Mark E. Votruba, Kristen A. Berg, Anna E. Bender.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.4: 239-249.
130213 The Impact of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Positive Parenting Strategies Among Parents Who Have Experienced Relationship Violence/Danielle N. Moyer, Amy R. Page, Darby Q. McMakin, Amy R. Murrell, Ethan G. Lester, Haley A. Walker.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.4: 269-279.
130214 Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence in Thailand/Montakarn Chuemchit, Suttharuethai Chernkwanma, Rewat Rugkua, Laddawan Daengthern, Pajaree Abdullakasim, Saskia E. Wieringa.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.5: 315-323.
130215 Social Support and Self-Esteem Moderate the Relation Between Intimate Partner Violence and Depression and Anxiety Symptoms Among Portuguese Women/Eleonora C. V. Costa, S‎کlvia Canossa Gomes.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.5: 355-368.
130216 Firearm Ownership in High-Conflict Families: Differences According to State Laws Restricting Firearms to Misdemeanor Crimes of Domestic Violence Offenders/Kate C. Prickett, Alexa Martin-Storey, Robert Crosnoe.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.5: 297-313.
130217 Help-Seeking Behavior of Female Victims of Intimate Partner Violence in Ghana: The Role of Trust and Perceived Risk of Injury/Eric Y. Tenkorang, Adobea Y. Owusu, Gubhinder Kundhi.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.5: 341-353.
130218 Risk for Revictimization of Intimate Partner Violence by Multiple Partners: a Systematic Review/Elisabeth Christie Orke, Solveig Karin Bo Vatnar, Stal Bjorkly.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.5: 325-339.
130219 IPV Survivors Perceptions of How a Flexible Funding Housing Intervention Impacted Their Children/Heather Bomsta, Cris M. Sullivan.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.6: 371-380.
130220 Opinions and Experiences of Primary Healthcare Providers Regarding Violence against Women: a Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies/Lorena Saletti-Cuesta, Lila Aizenberg, Ignacio Ricci-Cabello.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.6: 405-420.
130221 Economic Abuse Experiences and Depressive Symptoms among Victims of Intimate Partner Violence/Amanda M. Stylianou.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.6: 381-392.
130222 Service Use and Needs Among Female Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence Attending Community College/Rachel J. Voth Schrag, Tonya E. Edmond.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.6: 393-404.
130223 Perceptions of Men Who Have Perpetrated Intimate Partner Violence on Creating a Transition to Fatherhood Program/Juliana Carlson, Erin A. Casey.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.7: 457-468.
130224 Substantiated Reports of Sexual Abuse among Latinx Children: Multilevel Models of National Data/Laurie M. Graham, Paul Lanier, Megan Finno-Velasquez, Michelle Johnson-Motoyama.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.7: 481-490.
130225 Animal Cruelty among Children in Violent Households: Children’s Explanations of their Behavior/Shelby Elaine McDonald …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.7: 469-480.
130226 Intimate Partner Violence and Help-Seeking Behavior among Migrant Women in Australia/Lata Satyen, Steve Piedra, Archna Ranganathan, Naomee Golluccio.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.7: 447-456.
130227 He Wasn’t Falling Apar We were Falling Apart Understanding the Mental Health Impacts on Parents of Youth Who Sexually Offend/Elisa Romano, Christine Gervais.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.7: 491-505.
130228 Evaluation of a Teen Dating Violence Prevention Intervention among Urban Middle-School Youth Using Youth Participatory Action Research: Lessons Learned from Start Strong Boston/Elizabeth D. Beatriz …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.8: 563-578.
130229 Observer Effect: Insights for Building Equitable Community-Research Partnerships/Connie Burk.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.8: 515-519.
130230 An Exploratory Framework for Community-Led Research to Address Intimate Partner Violence: a Case Study of the Survivor-Centered Advocacy Project/Susan Ghanbarpour …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.8: 521-535.
130231 Survivor-Centered Research: Towards an Intersectional Gender-Based Violence Movement/Alicia Gill.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.8: 559-562.
130232 Conducting Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) Through a Healing-Informed Approach with System-Involved Latinas/Sara Haskie-Mendoza, Laura Tinajero, Alma Cervantes, Jazzlyn Rodriguez, Josephine V. Serrata.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.8: 605-612.
130233 Our Seat at the Table: Mentorship, Advocacy, & Youth Leadership in Qualitative Research/Sydney Pk.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.8: 579-585.
130234 to Moving from the Mainstream  the Margins: Lessons in Culture and Power/Ruby White Starr.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.8: 551-557.
130235 No Sacred Cows or Bulls: The Story of the Domestic Violence Program Evaluation and Research Collaborative (DVPERC)/Kristie A. Thomas, Lisa A. Goodman, Elizabeth Schon Vainer, Deborah Heimel, Ronit Barkai, Deborah Collins-Gousby.- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.8: 537-549.
130236 RYSE Youth Center: Youth Participatory Action Research/Brian Villa …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2018; Vol.33, No.8: 597-604.
130237 Counting Dead Women in Australia: An In-Depth Case Review of Femicide/Patricia Cullen, Geraldine Vaughan, Zhuoyang Li, Jenna Price, Denis Yu, Elizabeth Sullivan.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 1-8.
130238 Exploring the Intersection Between Violence Against Women and Children from the Perspective of Parents Convicted of Child Homicide/Bianca Dekel, Naeemah Abrahams, Michelle Andipatin.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 9-20.
130239 Intersectional Trauma-Informed Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Services: Narrowing the Gap between IPV Service Delivery and Survivor Needs/Shanti Kulkarni.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 55-64.
130240 Getting Everyone on the Same Page: Child Welfare Workers Collaboration Challenges on Cases Involving Intimate Partner Violence/Lisa Langenderfer-Magruder, Lucas Alven, Dina J. Wilke, Carmella Spinelli.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 21-31.
130241 It’s Tricky: Intimate Partner Violence Service Providers Perspectives of Assessments and Referrals by Child Welfare Workers/Annelise Mennicke, Lisa Langenderfer-Magruder, Lindsey MacConnie.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 47-54.
130242 Racial/Ethnic Differences in Determinants of Trauma Symptomatology among Children in the U.S. Child Welfare System Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence/Lauren Fries Costello, Sacha Klein.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 33-45.
130243 Prevalence and Factors Associated with Intimate Partner Violence among Postpartum Women Attending Government Primary Health Care Clinics in Malaysia/Ying Ying Chan …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 81-92.
130244 The Association between Paternal Job Stress and Maternal Child Corporal Punishment: Evidence from a Population-Based Survey in Metropolitan Japan/Rie Masuda, Paul Lanier, Hideki Hashimoto.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 119-126.
130245 One Step Forwards half a Step Backwards: Changing Patterns of Intimate Partner Violence in Bangladesh/Fiona Samuels, Virginie Le Masson, Taveeshi Gupta.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 107-118.
130246 Estimating the Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence in Mainland China-Insights and Challenges/Ting Yang, Abner Weng Cheong Poon, Jan Breckenridge.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 93-105.
130247 Violence against Children and Human Capital in South Africa/Xiaodong Zheng, Xiangming Fang, Hope Ugboke, Deborah A. Fry.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 139-151.
130248 Violence Victimization and Parenting among Black South African Mothers/Nada M. Goodrum, Rosa Felix, Shannon Self-Brown, Natasha De Veauuse-Brown, Lisa P. Armistead.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 127-137.
130249 Help Seeking Behavior among Women Who Report Intimate Partner Violence in Afghanistan: an Analysis of the 2015 Afghanistan Demographic and Health Survey/Nicholas Metheny, Rob Stephenson.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 69-79.
130250 Civil Protection Orders and their Courtroom Context: the Impact of Gatekeepers on Legal Decisions/Alexa Bejinariu, Emily I. Troshynski, Terance D. Miethe.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 231-243.
130251 Rethinking Campus Sexual Assault: We must Be Leaders in Anti-Bias Practices, Civil Rights and Human Rights/Amy Bonomi.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 185-188.
130252 Bystander Program Effectiveness to Reduce Violence Acceptance: RCT in High Schools/Ann L. Coker, Heather M. Bush, Candace J. Brancato, Emily R. Clear, Eileen A. Recktenwald.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 153-164.
130253 Interpersonal Violence Prevention and Response on College and University Campuses: Opportunities for Faculty Leadership/Laurie M. Graham, Annelise Mennicke, Cynthia F. Rizo, Leila Wood, Cecilia W. Mengo.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 189-198.
130254 The Association Between Distinct Categories of Child Abuse Experiences and Dating Violence in Early Adolescence/Sidsel Karsberg, Rikke Holm Bramsen, Mathias Lasgaard, Ask Elklit.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 165-176.
130255 She Is his Girlfriend I Believe this Is a Different Situation: Gender Differences in Perceptions of the Legality of Intimate Partner Rape/Kellie R. Lynch, Jonathan M. Golding, Jenna A. Jewell, Anne Lippert, Nesa E. Wasarhaley.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 213-230.
130256 Spousal Violence and Evaluations of Police Performance in Canada: Does Police Contact Matter?/Betty Jo Barrett, Amy Peirone, Chi Ho Cheung.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 199-211.
130257 Preventing Sexual Violence on Campus in the U.S.: Four Thought Experiments/Emily F. Rothman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 177-184.
130258 Family Court Survivor-Centered Practice: A Qualitative Study of Advocate-IPV Survivor Safety Planning Interactions/Amanda M. Stylianou.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 245-259.
130259 In the Firing Line: Grandparent Carers at Risk of Family Violence/Susan Gair, Ines Zuchowski, Rosamund Thorpe, Debbie Henderson, Lyn Munns.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.4: 321-329.
130260 Examining the Needs and Experiences of Domestic Violence Survivors in Transitional Housing/Dessie Lee Clark, Leila Wood, Cris M. Sullivan.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.4: 275-286.
130261 Fleeing with Fido: an Analysis of What Canadian Domestic Violence Shelters Are Communicating Via their Websites about Leaving an Abusive Relationship when Pets Are Involved/Allison Gray, Betty Jo Barrett, Amy Fitzgerald, Amy Peirone.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.4: 287-298.
130262 Advancing an Integrated Theory of Sexual Minority Alcohol-Related Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration/Ryan C. Shorey, Gregory L. Stuart, Meagan J. Brem, Dominic J. Parrott.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.4: 357-364.
130263 Young people’s Constructions of their Experiences of Parental Domestic Violence: A Discursive Analysis/Catherine M. Naughton, Aisling T. ODonnell, Orla T. Muldoon.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.4: 345-355.
130264 Examining the Setting Characteristics that Promote Survivor Empowerment: a Mixed Method Study/Nkiru Nnawulezi, Cris M. Sullivan, Margaret Hacskaylo.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.4: 261-274.
130265 Work Outcomes for Mothers Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence: the Buffering Effect of Child Care Subsidy/Kathryn Showalter, Kathryn Maguire-Jack, Mi-Youn Yang, Kelly M. Purtell.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.4: 299-308.
130266 Interpersonal Violence, Maternal Perception of Infant Emotion, and Child-Parent Psychotherapy/Rosemary E. Bernstein, Adela C. Timmons, Alicia F. Lieberman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.4: 309-320.
130267 Perceptions of Family Relationships and Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms of Children Exposed to Domestic Violence/Olivia Paul.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.4: 331-343.
130268 Developing Assessments for Child Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence in Switzerland a Study of Medico-Legal Reports in Clinical Settings/Jacqueline De Puy, Lorraine Radford, Virginie Le Fort & Nathalie Romain-Glassey.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.5: 371-383.
130269 Children Exposed to Violence: Child Custody and its Effects on Children in Intimate Partner Violence Related Cases in Hungary/Julia Galantai, Anna Sara Ligeti, Judit Wirth.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.5: 399-409.
130270 School and Child Protection Services Professionals Views on the school’s Mission and Responsibilities for Children Living with Domestic Violence Tensions and Gaps/Ann-Charlotte Munger, Ann-Marie Markstrom.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.5: 385-398.
130271 The Impact of Physical Abuse & Exposure to Parental IPV on Young Adolescents in Poland: a Clinical Assessment and Comparison of Psychological Outcomes/Danuta Rode, Magdalena Rode, Alison J. Marganski, Maciej Januszek.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.5: 435-447.
130272 Honor-Based Violence in Sweden Norms of Honor and Chastity/Siv-Britt Bjorktomta.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.5: 449-460.
130273 European Research on Children, Adolescents and Domestic Violence: Impact, Interventions and Innovations/Carolina Overlien, Stephanie Holt.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.5: 365-369.
130274 What Do Adolescents Believe About Performing and Accepting Intimate Partner Violence Behaviors? A Reasoned Action Approach/Ainara Nardi-Rodriguez, Maria de los Angeles Pastor-Mira, Sofia Lopez-Roig, Victoria A. Ferrer-Perez.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.5: 461-477.
130275 Young Children’s Narrations of Relational Recovery: a School-Based Group for Children Who Have Experienced Domestic Violence/Tanya Beetham, Lynne Gabriel, Hazel James.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.6: 365-375.
130276 The Change Up Project: Using Social Norming Theory with Young People to Address Domestic Abuse and Promote Healthy Relationships/Michaela Rogers, Tim Rumley, Gary Lovatt.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.6: 507-519.
130277 Emotional Intelligence: Challenging the Perceptions and Efficacy of Soft Skills in Policing Incidents of Domestic Abuse Involving Children/Annemarie Millar, John Devaney, Michelle Butler.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.6: 577-588.
130278 Like an Equal, Somehow What Young People Exposed to Family Violence Value in Counseling/Asa Kallstrom, Sara Thunberg.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.6: 553-563.
130279 For Baby’s Sake: Intervention Development and Evaluation Design of a Whole-Family Perinatal Intervention to Break the Cycle of Domestic Abuse/Jill Domoney …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.6: 539-551.
130280 Promoting Resilience and Agency in Children and Young People Who Have Experienced Domestic Violence and Abuse: the MPOWER Intervention/Jane E. M. Callaghan, Lisa C. Felli, Joanne H. Alexander.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.6: 521-537.
130281 Assessing the Feasibility of a Parent Life Coaching Intervention to Support Parents and Children Who Have Experienced Domestic Violence and Abuse/Vashti Berry, Kath Wilkinson, Nina Farr, Anna Stimson.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.6: 493-506.
130282 Reconceptualizing the Child Victim in the Police Response to Domestic Violence/Ruth Elliffe, Stephanie Holt.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.6: 589-600.
130283 The Documentation and Characteristics of Hospitalized IPV Patients Using Electronic Medical Records Data: a Follow-Up Descriptive Study/Salla Kivela, Tuija Leppakoski, Janne Ruohoniemi, Hannu Puolijoki, Eija Paavilainen.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.7: 611-619.
130284 A Qualitative Evaluation of the Implementation of an Intimate Partner Violence Education Program in Fracture Clinics/Sheila Sprague.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.7: 621-630.
130285 Distinguishing Subtypes of Mutual Violence in the Context of Self-Defense: Classifying Types of Partner Violent Couples Using a Modified Conflict Tactics Scale/Julia C. Babcock, Alexandra L. Snead, Victoria E. Bennett, Nicholas A. Armenti.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.7: 687-696.
130286 Intimate Partner Violence-Related Fractures in the United States: an 8 Year Review/Austin Porter, Corey O. Montgomery, Brooke E. Montgomery, Carly Eastin, Jennings Boyette, Gregory Snead.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.7: 601-609.
130287 The Abusive Behaviour by Children- Indices (ABC-I): a Measure to Discriminate between Normative and Abusive Child Behaviour/Melanie L Simmons, Troy E McEwan, Rosemary Purcell, Minh Huynh.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.7: 663-676.
130288 Concordance in the Reporting of Intimate Partner Violence among Male-Male Couples/Rob Stephenson …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.7: 677-686.
130289 Emotional Reactivity of Partner Violent Men with Personality Disorder during Conflict/Lisa H. Trahan, Julia C. Babcock.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.7: 645-654.
130290 The Role of Accountability in Batterers Intervention Programs and Community Response to Intimate Partner Violence/Chelsea L. Pallatino …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.7: 631-643.
130291 Domestic Violence Exposure and Peer Relationships: Exploring the Role of Coercive Control Exposure/Kathleen Hlavaty, Megan L. Haselschwerdt.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.8: 757-767.
130292 Mental Health Diagnoses of Youth Commercial Sex Exploitation Victims: an Analysis within an Adjudicated Delinquent Sample/Constance L. Chapple, Brandon L. Crawford.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.8: 723-732.
130293 Frameworks of Causal Inference for Improving Intervention, Prediction, and Imagination in Family Violence Research: a Commentary on Rose (2018)/Paul Lanier.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.8: 715-717.
130294 Comment on Frameworks for Causal Inference/Michael Anthony Lewis.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.8: 711-714.
130295 Identifying how to Engage Men in Domestic Violence Research: a Concept Mapping Study/Raglan Maddox …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.8: 781-793.
130296 No Credibility without Plausibility: a Response to Lewis and Lanier/Roderick A. Rose.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.8: 719-722.
130297 Frameworks for Credible Causal Inference in Observational Studies of Family Violence/Roderick A. Rose.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.8: 697-710.
130298 Childhood Polyvictimization, Adult Violent Victimization, and Trauma Symptomatology: An Exploratory Study of Prostitution Diversion Program Participants/Alexander H. Updegrove, Lisa R. Muftic.- Journal of Family Violence. 2019; Vol.34, No.8: 733-743.
130299 Messages to New Survivors by Longer-Term Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence/Paulina Flasch, Kevin Fall, Bonnie Stice, Rasley Easley, Christine Murray, Allison Crowe.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.1: 29-41.
130300 Preventing Infant Maltreatment with Predictive Analytics: Applying Ethical Principles to Evidence-Based Child Welfare Policy/Paul Lanier, Maria Rodriguez, Sarah Verbiest, Katherine Bryant, Ting Guan, Adam Zolotor.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.1: 1-13.
130301 It Helped a Lot to Go Over it: Intimate Partner Violence Research Risks and Benefits from Participating in an 18-month Longitudinal Study/L. Kevin Hamberger, Sadie Larsen, Bruce Ambuel.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.1: 43-52.
130302 Is Intimate Partner Violence a Barrier to Breastfeeding? An Analysis of the 2015 Indian National Family Health Survey/Nicholas Metheny, Rob Stephenson.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.1: 53-64.
130303 Intimate Partner Violence in Treatment Seeking Problem Gamblers/Amanda Roberts …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.1: 65-72.
130304 Psychological and Physical Intimate Partner Violence and Maternal Depressive Symptoms during the Pre- and Post-Partum Period among Women Living with HIV in Rural South Africa/Violeta J. Rodriguez, Anne Shaffer, Tae Kyoung Lee, Karl Peltzer, Stephen Marshall Weiss, Deborah Lynne Jones.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.1: 73-83.
130305 The Role of Social Support in the Link Between Economic Abuse and Economic Hardship/Rachel J. Voth Schrag, Kristen E. Ravi, Sarah R. Robinson.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.1: 85-93.
130306 Help Seeking Experiences of Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence in Canada: the Role of Gender, Violence Severity, and Social Belonging/Betty Jo Barrett, Amy Peirone, Chi Ho Cheung.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.1: 15-28.
130307 Coping Behaviors Mediate Associations between Occupational Factors and Compassion Satisfaction among the Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Assault Workforce/Karin Wachter, Rachel Voth Schrag, Leila Wood.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.2: 143-154.
130308 Police Response to Violence and Conflict between Parents and their Minor Children/Rebecca A. Schut, Susan B. Sorenson, Richard J. Gelles.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.1: 117-129.
130309 A Pilot Study Evaluation of a Parent Group for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence/Lynette M. Renner, Molly C. Driessen, Angela Lewis-Dmello.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.2: 203-215.
130310 Si, Yo Puedo (Yes, I Can) Curriculum and Empowerment Program for Immigrant Latina Women in Group Settings: Utilization of the Program at a Police Department/Catherine L. Marrs Fuchsel.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.2: 155-167.
130311 Understanding the Landscape of Substance Use Management Practices in Domestic Violence Shelters across Ontario/Angela Hovey, Carly Roberts, Susan Scott, Lori Chambers.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.2: 191-201.
130312 Evaluating the Effects of an Adolescent Family Violence Intervention Program on Recidivism among Court-Involved Youth/Amanda B. Gilman, Sarah C. Walker.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.2: 95-106.
130313 Longitudinal Trajectories of Child-to-Parent Violence through Adolescence/Esther Calvete, Izaskun Orue, Liria Fernandez-Gonzalez, Rong Chang, Todd D. Little.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.2: 107-116.
130314 Knowledge and Perspectives of Domestic Violence Service Providers about Survivors with Mental Health Disability/Cecilia Mengo, Brieanne Beaujolais, Emily Kulow, Rachel Ramirez, Alexandra Brown, Julianna Nemeth.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.2: 181-190.
130315 Well-Being of Latina Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Assault Receiving Trauma-Informed and Culturally-Specific Services/Josephine V. Serrata, Rebecca Rodriguez, Janice E. Castro, Martha Hernandez-Martinez.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.2: 169-180.
130316 Family Relationships as Risks and Buffers in the Link between Parent-to-Child Physical Violence and Adolescent-to-Parent Physical Violence/Laura Beckmann.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.2: 131-141.
130317 The Role of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Corporal Punishment in Early Adulthood Depression and Substance Use among Ukrainian College Students/Viktor Burlaka, Jun Sung Hong, Iuliia Churakova, Oleksii Serdiuk, Volodymyr Proskura, Dmytro Shvets.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.3: 285-295.
130318 A Good Call?: Contextual Factors Influencing Mandated Reporting in Domestic Violence Programs/Melanie L. Carlson, Erik Wittrup, Carrie A. Moylan, Daniel Velez Ortiz.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.3: 269-278.
130319 The Long Shadow of Family Separation: a Structural and Historical Introduction to Mandated Reporting in the Domestic Violence Context/Lisa A. Goodman, Jennifer E. Fauci.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.3: 217-223.
130320 Power with and Power Over: How Domestic Violence Advocates Manage their Roles as Mandated Reporters/Lisa A. Goodman, Jennifer E. Fauci, Helen P. Hailes, Laura Gonzalez.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.3: 225-239.
130321 One Organization’s Approach to Balancing Survivor Empowerment with Mandated Child Abuse Reporting/Amanda M. Stylianou, Sherina Davis, Ashleigh Washington.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.3: 279-284.
130322 You Don’t Need Nobody Else Knocking you Down: Survivor-Mothers Experiences of Surveillance in Domestic Violence Shelters/Jennifer E. Fauci, Lisa A. Goodman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.3: 241-254.
130323 Intimate Partner Violence in the Military: an Investigation of Reporting Crimes to Law Enforcement Officials/Patricia Becker, Ronet Bachman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.4: 315-324.
130324 Sexual Assault Experiences Vary for Active Duty Military Women Depending on their Relationship to the Perpetrator/Dina Eliezer …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.8: 325-338.
130325 Sexual Intimate Partner Violence: a Neglected Issue within the Department of Defense/Rachel E. Foster, Cynthia J. Thomsen, Fred P. Stone, Rene J. Robichaux.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.4: 307-313.
130326 Association between Interview Quality and Child Sexual Abuse Trial Outcome/Anne Sophie Pichler, Stefanie J. Sharman, Martine Powell, Nina Westera, Jane Goodman-Delahunty.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.4: 395-403.
130327 Military Sexual Trauma and Intimate Partner Violence: Subtypes, Associations, and Gender Differences/Mark R. Relyea, Galina A. Portnoy, Joan L. Combellick, Cynthia A. Brandt, Sally G. Haskell.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.4: 349-360.
130328 Examining the Association between Severity of Child Neglect and Quality of Parenting/Maria L. Schweer-Collins MS, Kathleen A. J. DeBow, Emma R. Lyons MA, Elizabeth A. Skowron.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.4: 385-394.
130329 Perceived and Collective Norms Associated with Sexual Violence among Male Soldiers/Cristobal S. Berry-Caban …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.4: 339-347.
130330 A Longitudinal Analysis of Women Veterans Partner Violence Perpetration: the Roles of Interpersonal Trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms/Galina A. Portnoy, Mark R. Relyea, Amy E. Street, Sally G. Haskell, Katherine M. Iverson.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.4: 361-372.
130331 A Quasi-Experimental Effectiveness Study of Triple P on Child Maltreatment/Samantha Schilling, Paul Lanier, Roderick A. Rose, Meghan Shanahan, Adam J. Zolotor.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.4: 373-383.
130332 Exposure to Family Violence and Adolescent Aggression in Multiple Social Contexts: Classroom Social Resources as Moderators/Laura Beckmann.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.5: 471-484.
130333 A Qualitative Study of Adolescent Girls Motives to Change Dating Abuse Perpetration Behavior Elicited during a Motivational Interviewing Intervention/Katelin Blackburn, Tiffany Christensen, Charlotte Miller, Megan Bair-Merritt, Emily F. Rothman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.5: 485-495.
130334 Incarcerated Girls, Criminal Pathways and Multiple Forms of Abuse/Jerry Flores, Janelle Hawes, Breanne Bhinder.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.5: 509-518.
130335 Like I’m Invisible: IPV Survivor-Mothers Perceptions of Seeking Child Custody through the Family Court System/Ellen Gutowski, Lisa A. Goodman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.5: 441-457.
130336 Cisgender Teen Dating Violence: Differential Associations with Various Substances Used/Rikki Patton, Heather Katafiasz, Natasha Finney, Eman Tadros.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.5: 519-525.
130337 Increasing Family Safety and Decreasing Parental Stress and Child’s Social-Emotional Problems with Resolutions Approach: a Single-Case Experimental Design Study Protocol/Annemariek J. W. Sepers, Vera van der Werff, Carlijn de Roos, Trudy Mooren,Marija Maric.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.5: 527-536.
130338 It Makes Me Step Back a Little Check Myself: Parental Identity and Mandated Participation among Parents Involved with the Child Welfare System/Sarah N. Wolford, Lenore M. McWey.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.5: 427-440.
130339 Posttraumatic Stress and Parenting Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation/Shaina A. Kumar, Molly R. Franz, Rebecca L. Brock, David DiLillo.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.5: 417-426.
130340 Sex Differences in Problem Alcohol Use in High School as a Function of Recent Sexual Violence Victimization or Perpetration/Christal L. Badour, Samuel C. Bell, Emily R. Clear, Heather M. Bush, Ann L. Coker.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.6: 633-646.
130341 The Opportunity VAWA 2013 Reauthorization Provides a Natural Experiment for Bystander Efficacy Evaluation/Heather M. Bush, Danielle Davidov, Candace J. Brancato, Emily R. Clear, Ann L. Coker.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.6: 563-574.
130342 Lessons Learned in Creating a College Consortium/Emily R. Clear, Ann L. Coker, Heather M. Bush, Candace J. Brancato, Danielle Davidov.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.6: 541-550.
130343 Interpersonal Violence Prevention Considerations for Sexual Minority College Students: Lower Campus Connection, Worse Perceptions of Institutional Support, and more Accurate Understandings of Sexual Consent/Annelise Mennicke, Elizabeth Geiger, Melanie Brewster.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.6: 589-601.
130344 Who Will Be a Bystander? An Exploratory Study of First-Person Perception Effects on Campus Bystander Behavioral Intentions/Laura M. Mercer Kollar, Lulu Peng, Katie A. Ports, Lijiang Shen.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.6: 647-658.
130345 Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Coercion: Measurement Invariance in a Population-Based Sample of Male and Female High School Students/Julianna M. Nemeth, Nelia Viveiros, Kellie R. Lynch, Tia Stevens Andersen, Bonnie Fisher.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.6: 619-632.
130346 Mentoring Multi-College Bystander Efficacy Evaluation an Approach to Growing the Next Generation of Gender-Based Interpersonal Violence Intervention and Prevention (VIP) Researchers/Ann L. Coker, Danielle Davidov, Heather M. Bush, Emily R. Clear.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.6: 575-578.
130347 Guest Editor Introduction: Special Issue on Intimate Partner Stalking/Bethany L. Backes, Laura Johnson, Judy Postmus.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.7: 659-663.
130348 Responding to Stalking Victims: Perceptions, Barriers, and Directions for Future Research/Tim Boehnlein, Jeff Kretschmar, Wendy Regoeczi, Jill Smialek.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.7: 755-768.
130349 Challenges with and Recommendations for Intimate Partner Stalking Policy and Practice: a Practitioner Perspective/Rebecca J. Dreke, Laura Johnson, Jennifer Landhuis.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.7: 769-779.
130350 Intersections of Stalking and Technology-Based Abuse: Emerging Definitions, Conceptualization, and Measurement/Jill Messing, Meredith Bagwell-Gray, Megan Lindsay Brown, Andrea Kappas, Alesha Durfee.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.7: 693-704.
130351 Advocacy Responses to Intimate Partner Stalking: Micro, Mezzo, and Macro Level Practices/A. J. Nichols.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.8: 741-753.
130352 Correlates of Intimate Partner Stalking Precipitated Homicides in the United States/Abha Rai, Tatiana Villarreal-Otalora, Julianne Blackburn, Y. Joon Choi.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.7: 705-716.
130353 Young Women’s Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence Narratives of Control, Terror, and Resistance/Carolina Overlien, Per Moum Hellevik, Sibel Korkmaz.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.8: 803-814.
130354 Reasons for and Experiences of Sexual Assault Nondisclosure in a Diverse Community Sample/Sarah E. Ullman, Erin OCallaghan, Veronica Shepp, Casey Harris.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.8: 839-851.
130355 How Do Practitioners and Program Managers Working with Male Perpetrators View IPV? A Quebec Study/Valerie Roy, Normand Brodeur, Michel Labarre, Marc-Antoine Bousquet, Tatiana Sanhueza.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.8: 877-888.
130356 Young Adults Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence in Childhood: the Qualitative Meanings of this Experience/Annie Dumont, Genevieve Lessard.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.8: 781-792.
130357 What’s in a Name? A Synthesis of Allyship Elements from Academic and Activist Literature/Juliana Carlson, Cliff Leek, Erin Casey, Rich Tolman, Christopher Allen.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.8: 889-898.
130358 The Meaning of Risk in Reproductive Decisions after Childhood Abuse and Neglect/Elise J. Matthews,  Michel Desjardins.- Journal of Family Violence. 2020; Vol.35, No.8: 793-802.
130359 Patterns of Dating Violence Moderate the Effect of Child Maltreatment on Suicide Risk among Disadvantaged Minority Female Adolescents with Depressive Symptoms/Tangeria R. Adams, Elizabeth D. Handley, Jennifer M. Warmingham, Jody Todd Manly, Dante Cicchetti, Sheree L. Toth.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.1: 5-16.
130360 Web of Violence, Depression, and Impairment in a Clinical Sample of Adolescents/Tami D. Benton, Jason D. Jones, Stacey Julye, Laura L. Butler, Rhonda C. Boyd.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.1: 17-26.
130361 Advancing Knowledge about Youth Violence: Child Maltreatment, Bullying, Dating Violence, and Intimate Partner Violence/David P. Farrington, Maria M. Ttofi.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.1: 109-115.
130362 Associations Between Child Maltreatment, Dysfunctional Family Environment, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Children’s Bullying Perpetration in a National Representative Sample in Taiwan/Yi-Ping Hsieh, April Chiung-Tao Shen, Hsiao-Lin Hwa, Hsi-Sheng Wei, Jui-Ying Feng, Soar Ching-Yu Huang.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.1: 27-36.
130363 Interpersonal Victimization of Latino Youth: a Latent Class Analysis/E. Susana Mariscal, Chiara Sabina, Carlos A. Cuevas.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.1: 37-50.
130364 Youth Reentry from Prison and Family Violence Perpetration: the Salience of Family Dynamics/Thomas J. Mowen, Benjamin W. Fisher.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.1: 51-62.
130365 Pathways from Early Family Violence to Adolescent Reactive Aggression and Violence Victimization/Kristin J. Perry …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.1: 75-86.
130366 Variation in Exposure to Violence in Early Adolescence Distinguishes between Intimate Partner Violence Victimization and Perpetration among Young Men Involved in the Justice System/Shelly M. Wagers, Alex R. Piquero, Chelsey Narvey, Joan A. Reid, Thomas A. Loughran.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.1: 99-108.
130367 Countries where Women Have more Positive Interactions with Economic Decisions and Legal Rights Have Lower Homicide Rates: an Exploratory Study/Chelsey Narvey, Nicole Leeper Piquero, Alex R. Piquero.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.1: 63-73.
130368 Intra-familial Violence and Peer Aggression Among Early Adolescents: Moderating Role of School Sense of Belonging/Alberto Valido, Katherine Ingram, Dorothy L. Espelage, Cagil Torgal, Gabriel J. Merrin,  Jordan P. Davis.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.1: 87-98.
130369 Factors for Formal Help-Seeking among Female Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence/Hyunkag Cho, Ilan Kwon, Daria Shamrova, Jisuk Seon.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 143-152.
130370 Trauma and Violence as Predictors of Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms of Youth in Residential Child Welfare Placements/Tatjana M. Farley, Lenore M. McWey, Thomas Ledermann.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 249-258.
130371 Spirituality and Parenting among Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence/Caroline C. Kaufman, Kathryn H. Howell, Jessica E. Mandell, Amanda H. Hasselle, Idia B. Thurston.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 183-193.
130372 Examining the Role of Safety Planning and Firearms in Community Professional’s Advice and Perceived Helpfulness for Female IPV Victims/Kellie R. Lynch, TK Logan, Elizabeth Hatch.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 163-173.
130373 Relationships Between Experiences of Sibling Physical Aggression and Lifetime Aggression Using Statistical Controls for Poly-Victimization/Ani C. Mangold, Alan R. King.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 235-247.
130374 Intimate Partner Violence Prevention and Intervention Group-Format Programs for Immigrant Latinas: a Systematic Review/Catherine L. Marrs Fuchsel, Alison Brummett.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 209-221.
130375 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Employment in Women Reporting Abuse: 5-Year Data from a Longitudinal Study/Heidi Gilroy, John Maddoux, Judith McFarlane.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 131-141.
130376 Factors Associated with Help-Seeking among Women Affected by Intimate Partner Violence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories/Meghan Fitzgerald, Chunhuei Chi.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 153-162.
130377 Romantic Perfectionism and Perceived Conflict Mediate the Link between Insecure Romantic Attachment and Intimate Partner Violence in Undergraduate Students/Marie-France Lafontaine, Stephanie Azzi, Breanna Bell-Lee, Titania Dixon-Luinenburg, Camille Guerin-Marion, Jean-Francois Bureau.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 195-208.
130378 Group Compassion-Based Therapy for Female Survivors of Intimate-Partner Violence and Gender-Based Violence: a Pilot Study/Iona Naismith, Karen Ripoll, Valeria M. Pardo.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 175-182.
130379 Prevalence and Patterns of Intimate Partner Violence in a Nationally Representative Sample in Lithuania/Rita Zukauskiene, Goda Kaniusonyte, Aiste Bakaityte, Inga Truskauskaite-Kuneviciene.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 117-130.
130380 Trajectories of Alcohol Use and Alcohol Intoxication in Young Adults Exposed to Childhood Violence and Later Problematic Drinking Behavior/Ida Frugard Strom, Marianne Skogbrott Birkeland, Helene Flood Aakvaag, Siri Thoresen.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 223-233.
130381 How Experiences of Child Abuse Pediatricians and Lessons Learned May Inform Health Care Providers Focused on Improving Elder Abuse Geriatrics Clinical Practice and Research/Elizabeth M. Bloemen, Tony Rosen, Daniel M. Lindberg, Richard D. Krugman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 389-398.
130382 Domestic Abusers: Expert Triangulators, New Victim Advocacy Models to Buffer Against It/Amy E. Bonomi, David Martin.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 383-388.
130383 Coercive Control During Pregnancy, Birthing and Postpartum: Women’s Experiences and Perspectives on Health Practitioners Responses/Fiona Buchanan, Cathy Humphreys.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 325-335.
130384 Assessing The Evidence: How Systems That Address Intimate Partner Violence Evaluate The Credibility And Utility Of Research Findings/Erin A. Casey, Taryn P. Lindhorst, Claire Willey-Sthapit.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 259-270.
130385 Perceptions of College Campus Alcohol and Sexual Violence Prevention among Students with Disabilities: it Was a Joke/Carla D. Chugani …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 281-291.
130386 Students Perceptions of Justice: Application of Sanctions, Guilt, and Responsibility in Campus Sexual Assault Cases/Diane R. Follingstad, Caihong R. Li, Jaspreet K. Chahal, Claire M. Renzetti.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 307-324.
130387 Trait Anger Moderates the Relation Between Facial Affect Recognition Ability and Perpetration of Male-to-Female Physical and Psychological Intimate Partner Aggression/Donald A. Godfrey, Victoria E. Bennett, Julia C. Babcock.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 361-369.
130388 Assessing the Effects of Witnessed Parental Conflict and Guilt on Dating Violence Perpetration among South Korean College Students/Yongjae Nam, Sheila Royo Maxwell.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 293-305.
130389 Association between Husband’s Alcohol Consumption and Women’s Physical Violence Experience in Nigeria: Moderating Role of Husband’s Controlling Attitudes/Adegbenga M. Sunmola, Mohammed N. Sambo, Nathanael B. Afolabi, Olusegun A. Mayungbo, Luqman A. Morakinyo.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 371-381.
130390 Does Trauma Help Explain the Need for Power and Control in Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence?/Ana I. Maldonado, Christopher M. Murphy.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 347-359.
130391 Adolescent and Young Women’s Daily Reports of Emotional Context and Episodes of Dating Violence/Pamela A. Matson …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 271-279.
130392 Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence against Women Who Married as Child Brides in Ghana/Harriet A. Amoah, Eric Y. Tenkorang, Patricia Dold.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.4: 455-466.
130393 Predicting Police Endorsement of Myths Surrounding Intimate Partner Violence/Jessica C. Fleming, Cortney A. Franklin.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.4: 407-416.
130394 Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence and Association with Wealth in Myanmar/Lise Wessel Larsen, Win Thuzar Aye,  Espen Bjertness.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.4: 417-428.
130395 Love Hurts?: Identifying Abuse in the Virgin-Beast Trope of Popular Romantic Fiction/Megan K. Maas, Amy E. Bonomi.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.4: 511-522.
130396 How Do Memories of Having Been Parented Relate to the Parenting-Experience of Fathers in Treatment for Intimate Partner Violence? A Phenomenological Analysis/Henning Mohaupt, Fanny Duckert, Ingunn Rangul Askeland.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.4: 467-480.
130397 A Feasibility Test of an Online Class to Prevent Dating Violence for Autistic Youth: a Brief Report/Emily F. Rothman, Megan Bair-Merritt, Sarabeth Broder-Fingert.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.4: 503-509.
130398 Pathways from Child Sexual and Physical Abuse to Sexual and Physical Intimate Partner Violence Victimization through Attitudes toward Intimate Partner Violence/Isabell Schuster, Paulina Tomaszewska.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.4: 443-453.
130399 Women’s Emotion Work in the Context of Intimate Partner Sexual Violence/Laura Tarzia.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.4: 493-501.
130400 Prevalence and Screening of Intimate Partner Violence and Association with Neonatal Low Birth Weight/Chelsea S. Travers, Paul G. Devereux, Wei Yang.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.4: 399-406.
130401 Gender Differences among Domestic Violence Help-Seekers: Socio-Demographic Characteristics, Types and Duration of Violence, Perpetrators, and Interventions/Tina Peraica, Zrnka Kovacic Petrovic, Zeljka Baric, Romana Galic, Dragica Kozaric-Kovacic.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.4: 429-442.
130402 On the Margins: the Challenges of Identifying Domestic Violence in Mental Health Services. Findings of a Qualitative Irish Study/Elaine Donnelly, Stephanie Holt.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.4: 471-492.
130403 Saving Lives: Working across Agencies and Individuals to Reduce Intimate Homicide among those at Greatest Risk/Amy Bonomi, April M. Zeoli, Sandra Shanahan, David Martin.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.5: 523-526.
130404 Armed, Prohibited and Violent at Home: Implementation and Enforcement of Restrictions on Gun Possession by Domestic Violence Offenders in Four U.S. Localities/Shannon Frattaroli, April M. Zeoli, Daniel W. Webster.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.5: 573-586.
130405 Firearm Relinquishment within Civil Protection Orders: Processes and Observations from Delaware Family Court/Ava T. Carcirieri.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.5: 597-604.
130406 Firearms and Protective Orders in Intimate Partner Homicides/Vivian H. Lyons, Avanti Adhia, Caitlin Moe, Mary A. Kernic, Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, Frederick P. Rivara.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.5: 587-596.
130407 The Arizona Intimate Partner Homicide (AzIPH) Studsy: a Step toward Updating and Expanding Risk Factors for Intimate Partner Homicide/Jill Theresa Messing …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.5: 563-572.
130408 Intersectionality and Invisible Victims: Reflections on Data Challenges and Vicarious Trauma in Femicide, Family and Intimate Partner Homicide Research/Patricia Cullen, Myrna Dawson, Jenna Price, James Rowlands.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.5: 619-628.
130409 Analysis of Domestic Violence Related Homicides in Los Angeles County: Media Portrayals, Demographics, and Precipitating Circumstances/Nicolle Perras, Isabelle Sternfeld, Shangnon Fei, Briah Fischer, Gabriela Richards, Katie Chun.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.5: 629-636.
130410 Pre-Migration Trauma and Post-Migration Stress Associated with Immigrant Perpetrators of Domestic Homicide/Randal David, Peter Jaffe.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.5: 551-561.
130411 Shifting the Service Referral Paradigm Using Community-Based Second Responders: Examining Weapon Use in Intimate Partner Violence/Batya Y. Rubenstein, Michelle L. T. Wojcik, Valerie R. Anderson, Bonnie S. Fisher.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.5: 527-535.
130412 Challenges in Risk Assessment with Rural Domestic Violence Victims: Implications for Practice/Nicole Youngson, Michael Saxton, Peter G. Jaffe, Deborah Chiodo, Myrna Dawson, Anna-Lee Straatman.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.5: 537-550.
130413 The Link between Childhood Maltreatment, Prostitution, and Victimization of Physical Intimate Partner Violence: an Examination of Female Inmates in Taiwan/Yu-Shu Chen, Doris C. Chu.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.6: 743-754.
130414 Prevalence of Child Maltreatment and the Effects of the Intergenerational Transmission of Violence on Attitudes towards Domestic Violence in Chinese Police Cadets/Brittany E. Hayes, Eric J. Connolly, Xinting Wang, Camille Ingham, Makayla Mason.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.6: 733-742.
130415 Beyond Safeguarding and Empowerment in Hong Kong: Towards a Relational Model for Supporting Women Who Have Left their Abusive Partners/Sui-Ting Kong.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.6: 683-694.
130416 Research on Family Violence in Greater China: Opportunities, Challenges, and Development/Shih-Ya Kuo, Hongwei Zhang, Ruohui Zhao.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.6: 637-641.
130417 Trapped and Resistant Body: Everyday Practices of Women in Taiwan in the Context of Intimate Partner Violence/Luyue Zhang, Shih-Ya Kuo, Tim Simpson.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.6: 627-668.
130418 Police Officers Preferences for Gender-Based Responding to Domestic Violence in China/Xiying Wang, Yuning Wu, Luye Li, Jia Xue.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.6: 695-707.
130419 Cultural or Institutional? Contextual Effects on Domestic Violence against Women in Rural China/Yueping Song, Jingwen Zhang, Xian Zhang.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.6: 634-655.
130420 Child Maltreatment and Adjustment to Confinement: an Exploratory Study of Male Juvenile Offenders in China/Ruohui Zhao.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.6: 721-732.
130421 A Path Analysis Investigating the Relationships between Family Violence, Addictive Behaviors, and Trauma among Adolescents in China/Wen Li, Jennifer E. OBrien, Yuhong Zhu, Qiqi Chen.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.6: 709-720.
130422 The Patterns and Influencing Factors of Help-Seeking Decisions among Women Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence in China/Ran Hu, Jia Xue, Kai Lin, Ivan Y. Sun, Yuning Wu, Xiying Wang.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.6: 669-681.
130423 Adolescent Family Violence: Findings from a Group-Based Analysis/Hayley Boxall, Bianca Sabol.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.7: 787-797.
130424 Escala de Abuso Economico: Validating the Scale of Economic Abuse-12 (SEA-12) in Spanish/Laura Johnson, Gretchen L. Hoge, Kristina Nikolova, Judy L. Postmus.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.7: 885-897.
130425 A Qualitative Study of Young Women’s Abusive First Relationships: What Factors Shape their Process of Disclosure?/Angie C. Kennedy, Elizabeth Meier, Kristen A. Prock.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.7: 849-864.
130426 Centering Minoritized Students in Campus Interpersonal Violence Research/L. B. Klein …[et al.].- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.7: 911-921.
130427 Bystander Intervention Efficacy to Reduce Teen Dating Violence Among High School Youth Who Did and Did Not Witness Parental Partner Violence: A Path Analysis of A Cluster RCT/Annelise Mennicke, Heather M. Bush, Candace J. Brancato, Ann L. Coker.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.7: 755-771.
130428 Spanish Validation of the Brief Child Abuse Potential Inventory (BCAP)/Gabriela R. Rivas, Ignacia Arruabarrena, Joaquin De Paul.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.7: 899-910.
130429 Unpacking Adolescent Masculinity: Relations between Boys Sexual Harassment Victimization, Perpetration, and Gender Role Beliefs/Andrew J. Rizzo, Victoria L. Banyard, Katie M. Edwards.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.7: 825-838.
130430 Associations between Dating Aggression Involvement and Subsequent Relationship Commitment/Kaitlyn Schneider, Charlene Collibee, Christie Rizzo.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.7: 837-847.
130431 Determinants of Sexual Violence at Sexual Debut against in-School Adolescents in Ghana/Eric Y. Tenkorang, Joshua Amo-Adjei, Akwasi Kumi-Kyereme, Gubhinder Kundhi.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.7: 813-824.
130432 Young People’s Views on Dating Violence Prevention in an Urban Turkish Context: Developing Effective Practices/Anil Ozge Ustunel.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.7: 773-785.
130433 Why Always me?: Childhood Experiences of Family Violence and Prejudicial Treatment against People Living with Albinism in Nigeria/Richard A. Aborisade.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.8: 1081-1094.
130434 The Experience of the Infant Entering Refuge (Shelter) Setting with Their Mothers After Fleeing Family Violence/Wendy Bunston, Margarita Frederico, Mary Whiteside.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.8: 953-965.
130435 Intimate Partner Violence Exposure and Childhood Psychopathology: Associations with Discriminating Fearful and Angry Faces in Young Children/Brandon L. Goldstein, Damion J. Grasso, Kimberly J. McCarthy, Lauren S. Wakschlag, Daniel S. Pine, Margaret J. Briggs-Gowan.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.8: 967-978.
130436 Post-Separation Contact and Domestic Violence: our 7-Point Plan for Safe[r] Contact for Children/Davina James-Hanman, Stephanie Holt.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.8: 991-1001.
130437 From Trauma to Recovery: Restorative Justice Conferencing in Cases of Adult Survivors of Intrafamilial Sexual Offenses/Carmit Klar-Chalamish, Inbal Peleg-Koriat.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.8: 1057-1068.
130438 Transactional Associations between Children’s Socioemotional Difficulties and Parental Aggression toward the Child over a Ten-Year Period in a Lower-Income Population/Rachel Langevin, Dale M. Stack, Daniel J. Dickson, Lisa A. Serbin.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.8: 1017-1031.
130439 What About the Parents? Changes in and Correlates of Parents Discrete Emotional Reactions to their Child’s Trauma in Trauma Therapy/Tessie Mastorakos, Veerpal Bambrah, Robert T. Muller.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.8: 1095-1106.
130440 A National Study on Child Abuse and Neglect in Rural China: Does Gender Matter?/Guowei Wan, Lan LiYao Gu.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.8: 1069-1080.
130441 Child Adjustment after Parental Separation: Variations by Gender, Age, and Maternal Experiences of Violence during Marriage/Elissa Thomann Mitchell, Angela M. Whittaker, Marcela Raffaelli, Jennifer L. Hardesty.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.8: 979-989.
130442 Examining the Role of Child Protection Services in Domestic Violence Cases: Lessons Learned from Tragedies/Laura Olszowy, Peter Jaffe, Michael Saxton.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.8: 927-939.
130443 Family Environment Characteristics and Mental Health Outcomes for Youth in Foster Care: Traditional and Group-Care Placements/Katie J. Stone, Yo Jackson, Amy E. Noser, Lindsay Huffhines.- Journal of Family Violence. 2021; Vol.36, No.8: 1045-1056.
130444 The Fate of Firms: Explaining Mergers and Bankruptcies/Clas Bergstrom, Theodore Eisenberg, Stefan Sundgren, Martin T. Wells.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.2, No.1: 49-85.
130445 Judge-Jury Agreement in Criminal Cases: A Partial Replication of Kalven and Zeisel’s The American Jury/Theodore Eisenberg …[et al.].- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.2, No.1: 171-206.
130446 The Irrelevance of Direct Bankruptcy Costs to the Firm’s Financial Reorganization Decision/Timothy C. G. Fisher, Jocelyn Marte.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.2, No.1: 151-169.
130447 Testing the Focal Point Theory of Legal Compliance: The Effect of Third-Party Expression in an Experimental Hawk/Dove Game/Richard H. McAdams, Janice Nadler.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.2, No.1: 87-123.
130448 What Counts as Fraud? An Empirical Study of Motions to Dismiss Under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act/A. C. Pritchard, Hillary A. Sale.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.2, No.1: 125-149.
130449 Have Federal Judges Changed Their Sentencing Practices? The Shaky Empirical Foundations of the Feeney Amendment/Max Schanzenbach.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.2, No.1: 1-48.
130450 New Claims about Executions and General Deterrence: Deja Vu All Over Again?/Richard Berk.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.2, No.2: 303-330.
130451 Stability, Not Crisis: Medical Malpractice Claim Outcomes in Texas, 1988-2002/Bernard Black, Charles Silver, David A. Hyman, William M. Sage.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.2, No.2: 207-259.
130452 Appellate Court Adherence to Precedent/Frank Cross.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.2, No.2: 331-367.
130453 Jury Sentencing in Noncapital Cases: Comparing Severity and Variance with Judicial Sentences in Two States/Nancy J. King, Rosevelt L. Noble.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.2, No.2: 331-367.
130454 Does Relationship Banking Matter? The Myth of the Japanese Main Bank/Yoshiro Miwa, J. Mark Ramseyer.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.2, No.2: 261-302.
130455 Overlooked in the Tort Reform Debate: The Growth of Erroneous Removal/Theodore Eisenberg, Trevor W. Morrison.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.2, No.3: 551-576.
130456 External Review of Coverage Denials by Managed Care Organizations in California/Carole Roan Gresenz, David M. Studdert.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.2, No.2: 449-468.
130457 The Empirical Case for Specific Performance: Evidence from the IBP-Tyson Litigation/Yair Listokin.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.2, No.3: 469-493.
130458 The Judicial Confirmation Process: The Difficulty with Being Smart/John R. Lott.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.2, No.3: 407-447.
130459 As You Like It: Senior Federal Judges and the Political Economy of Judicial Tenure/Albert Yoon.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.2, No.3: 495-549.
130460 Federal Oversight, State Policy Making, and the Courts: An Empirical Analysis of Nursing Facility Litigation Under the Boren Amendment/Edward Alan Miller.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.3, No.1: 145-173.
130461 Case Characteristics and Defendant Tenant Default in a Housing Court/Erik Larson.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.3, No.1: 121-144.
130462 A Comparative Study of Juror Utilization in U.S. District Courts/Marika Litras, John R. Golmant.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.3, No.1: 99-120.
130463 Physician Shopping in Workers Compensation: Evidence from California/Seth A. Seabury, Robert T. Reville, Frank Neuhauser.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.3, No.1: 47-77.
130464 Dissecting Damages: An Empirical Exploration of Sexual Harassment Awards/Catherine M. Sharkey.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.3, No.1: 1-45.
130465 Multiple Regime Shifts in Concurring and Dissenting Opinions on the U.S. Supreme Court/Russell Smyth, Paresh Kumar Narayan.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.3, No.1: 79-98.
130466 The Significant Association Between Punitive and Compensatory Damages in Blockbuster Cases: A Methodological Primer/Theodore Eisenberg, Martin T. Wells.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.3, No.2: 175-195.
130467 The Behavioral Foundations of Trade Secrets: Tangibility, Authorship, and Legality/Yuval Feldman.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.3, No.2: 197-235.
130468 The Use of Foreign Decisions by Federal Courts: An Empirical Analysis/David Zaring.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.3, No.2: 297-331.
130469 Activism, Ideology, and Federalism: Judicial Behavior in Constitutional Challenges Before the Rehnquist Court, 1986-2000/Rorie Spill Solberg, Stefanie A. Lindquist.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.3, No.2: 237-261.
130470 Apologies and Settlement Levers/Jennifer K. Robbennolt.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.3, No.2: 333-373.
130471 A Note on the Censoring Problem in Empirical Case-Outcome Studies/Michael O. Finkelstein, Bruce Levin, Ian W. McKeague, andWei-Yann Tsai.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.3, No.2: 375-395.
130472 Judicial Decision Making During Wartime/Tom S. Clark.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.3, No.3: 397-419.
130473 Do Divorce Law Reforms Matter for Divorce Rates? Evidence from Portugal/Clarisse Coelho, Nuno Garoupa.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.3, No.3: 525-542.
130474 Placing Standard of Care in Context: The Impact of Witness Potential and Attorney Reputation in Medical Malpractice Litigation/Catherine T. Harris, Ralph Peeples, Thomas B. Metzloff.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.3, No.3: 467-48.
130475 An Empirical Inquiry into the Relation of Corrective Justice to Distributive Justice/Gregory Mitchell, Philip E. Tetlock.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.3, No.3: 421-466.
130476 Law, Ideology, and Strategy in Judicial Decision Making: Evidence from Securities Fraud Actions/Michael A. Perino.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.3, No.3: 497-524.
130477 Explaining Deviations from Absolute Priority Rules in Bankruptcy/Maria Carapeto.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.3, No.2: 543-560.
130478 Regulating Bankruptcy Abuse: An Empirical Study of Consumer Exemptions Cases/Bernard Trujillo.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.3, No.3: 561-609.
130479 Reducing Medical Malpractice by Targeting Physicians Making Medical Malpractice Payments/John L. Adams, Steven Garber.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.1: 185-222.
130480 Do the Claims Hold Up? A Study of Medical Negligence Claims Against Neurologists/Lee D. Cranberg M.D., Thomas H. Glick M.D., Luke Sato M.D..- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.1: 155-162.
130481 Effect of Medical Malpractice on Resource Use and Mortality of AMI Patients/Praveen Dhankhar, M. Mahmud Khan, Shalini Bagga.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.1: 163-183.
130482 The Impact of Damage Caps on Malpractice Claims: Randomization Inference with Difference-in-Differences/John J. Donohue, Daniel E. Ho.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.1: 69-102.
130483 Do Defendants Pay What Juries Award? Post-Verdict Haircuts in Texas Medical Malpractice Cases, 1988-2003/David A. Hyman, Bernard Black, Kathryn Zeiler, Charles Silver, William M. Sage.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.1: 3-68.
130484 Identifying Malpractice-Prone Physicians/John E. Rolph, John L. Adams, Kimberly A. McGuigan.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.1: 125-153.
130485 Geographic Variation in Informed Consent Law: Two Standards for Disclosure of Treatment Risks/David M. Studdert …[et al.].- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.1: 103-124.
130486 The Judicial Treatment of Noneconomic Compensatory Damages in the 19th Century/Ronald J. Allen, Alexia Brunet.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.2: 365-399.
130487 Xenophilia or Xenophobia in U.S. Courts? Before and After 9/11/Kevin M. Clermont, Theodore Eisenberg.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.2: 441-464.
130488 Deliberation Quality: A Preliminary Examination in Criminal Juries/Dennis J. Devine, Jennifer Buddenbaum, Stephanie Houp, Dennis P. Stolle, Nathan Studebaker.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.2: 273-303.
130489 The Business of State Supreme Courts, Revisited/Herbert M. Kritzer, Paul Brace, Melinda Gann Hall, Brent T. Boyea.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.2: 427-439.
130490 Lay Assessors of German Administrative Courts: Fairness, Power-Distance Orientation, and Deliberation Activity/Stefan Machura.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.2: 331-363.
130491 What Explains Dissent on the High Court of Australia? An Empirical Assessment Using a Cointegration and Error Correction Approach/Paresh Kumar Narayan, Russell Smyth.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.2: 401-425.
130492 Attention Felons: Evaluating Project Safe Neighborhoods in Chicago/Andrew V. Papachristos, Tracey L. Meares, Jeffrey Fagan.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.2: 223-272.
130493 Estimating the Accuracy of Jury Verdicts/Bruce D. Spencer.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.2: 305-329.
130494 Do Juries Add Value? Evidence from an Empirical Study of Jury Trial Waiver Clauses in Large Corporate Contracts/Theodore Eisenberg, Geoffrey P. Miller.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.3: 539-588.
130495 The Legitimacy of the U.S. Supreme Court in a Polarized Polity/James L. Gibson.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.3: 507-538.
130496 Administrative Appeals to the U.S. Supreme Court: The Importance of Legal Signals/Robert J. Hume.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.3: 625-649.
130497 Culture and Identity-Protective Cognition: Explaining the White-Male Effect in Risk Perception/Dan M. Kahan, Donald Braman, John Gastil, Paul Slovic, C. K. Mertz.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.3: 465-505.
130498 Do Citizens Care about Federalism? An Experimental Test/Cindy D. Kam, Robert A. Mikos.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.3: 589-624.
130499 Changing Fortunes: Results from a Randomized Trial of the Offer of Debt Advice in England and Wales/Pascoe Pleasence, Nigel J. Balmer.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.3: 651-673.
130500 Can Corporate Governance Reforms Increase Firm Market Values? Event Study Evidence from India/Bernard S. Black, Vikramaditya S. Khanna.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.4: 749-796.
130501 Banker Fees and Acquisition Premia for Targets in Cash Tender Offers: Challenges to the Popular Wisdom on Banker Conflicts/Charles W. Calomiris, Donna M. Hitscherich.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.4: 909-938.
130502 A Quarter-Century of Summary Judgment Practice in Six Federal District Courts/Joe S. Cecil, Rebecca N. Eyre, Dean Miletich, David Rindskopf.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.4: 861-907.
130503 Recounting the Courts? Applying Automated Content Analysis to Enhance Empirical Legal Research/Michael Evans, Wayne McIntosh, Jimmy Lin, Cynthia Cates.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.4: 1007-1039.
130504 Rational Choice and Developmental Influences on Recidivism Among Adolescent Felony Offenders/Jeffrey Fagan, Alex R. Piquero.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.4: 715-748.
130505 Statistics in the Jury Box: How Jurors Respond to Mitochondrial DNA Match Probabilities/David H. Kaye, Valerie P. Hans, B. Michael Dann, Erin Farley, Stephanie Albertson.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.4: 797-834.
130506 Who Pays for Medical Errors? An Analysis of Adverse Event Costs, the Medical Liability System, and Incentives for Patient Safety Improvement/Michelle M. Mello, David M. Studdert, Eric J. Thomas, Catherine S. Yoon, Troyen A. Brennan.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.4: 835-860.
130507 What’s in a Standard Form Contract? An Empirical Analysis of Software License Agreements/Florencia Marotta-Wurgler.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.4: 677-713.
130508 Daubert in the States: Diffusion of a New Approach to Expert Evidence in the Courts/Herbert M. Kritzer, Darryn C. Beckstrom.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.4: 983-1006.
130509 Income and Career Satisfaction in the Legal Profession: Survey Data from Indiana Law School Graduates/Jeffrey Evans Stake, Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt, Kaushik Mukhopadhaya.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.4, No.4: 939-981.
130510 The Screening Effect of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act/Stephen J. Choi, Karen K. Nelson, A. C. Pritchard.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.1: 35-68.
130511 What is the Settlement Rate and Why Should We Care?/Theodore Eisenberg, Charlotte Lanvers.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.1: 111-146.
130512 Intuitive Lawmaking: The Example of Child Support/Ira Mark Ellman, Sanford Braver, Robert J. MacCoun.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.1: 69-109.
130513 Congressional Mobilization of Private Litigants: Evidence from the Civil Rights Act of 1991/Sean Farhang.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.1: 1-34.
130514 The Expressive Function of Trade Secret Law: Legality, Cost, Intrinsic Motivation, and Consensus/Yuval Feldman.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.1: 177-212.
130515 Piercing the Veil of Statewide Data: The Case of Vanishing Trials in North Carolina/Robert Moog.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.1: 147-176.
130516 Judicial Independence and Party Politics in the Kelsenian Constitutional Courts: The Case of Portugal/Sofia Amaral-Garcia, Nuno Garoupa, Veronica Grembi.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.2: 381-404.
130517 Shareholder Protection and Stock Market Development: An Empirical Test of the Legal Origins Hypothesis/John Armour, Simon Deakin, Prabirjit Sarkar, Mathias Siems, Ajit Singh.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.2: 343-383.
130518 Does Discovery Promote Settlement? An Empirical Answer/Kuo-Chang Huang.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.2: 241-278.
130519 What Do Corporate Default Rules and Menus Do? An Empirical Examination/Yair Listokin.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.2: 279-308.
130520 Universal Health Insurance and the Effect of Cost Containment on Mortality Rates: Strokes and Heart Attacks in Japan/J. Mark Ramseyer.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.2: 309-342.
130521 Moral Judgment and Moral Heuristics in Breach of Contract/Tess Wilkinson-Ryan, Jonathan Baron.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.2: 405-423.
130522 How Will They Vote? Predicting the Future Behavior of Supreme Court Nominees, 1937-2006/Charles M. Cameron, Jee-Kwang Park.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.3: 485-511.
130523 Empire Building and Fiscal Illusion? An Empirical Study of Government Official Behaviors in Takings/Yun-chien Chang.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.3: 541-584.
130524 Achieving Diversity on the Jury: Jury Size and the Peremptory Challenge/Shari Seidman Diamond, Destiny Peery, Francis J. Dolan, Emily Dolan.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.3: 425-449.
130525 Letting Good Deeds Go Unpunished: Volunteer Immunity Laws and Tort Deterrence/Jill R. Horwitz, Joseph Mead.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.3: 585-635.
130526 Lawyers at Mid-Career: A 20-Year Longitudinal Study of Job and Life Satisfaction/John Monahan, Jeffrey Swanson.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.3: 481-483.
130527 Private Enforcement of Corporate Law: An Empirical Comparison of the United Kingdom and the United States/John Armour, Bernard Black, Brian Cheffins, Richard Nolan.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.4: 687-722.
130528 The Effects of Early Offers in Medical Malpractice Cases: Evidence from Texas/Bernard Black, David A. Hyman, Charles Silver.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.4: 723-767.
130529 Assuming Elder Care Responsibility: Am I a Caregiver?/Lindsey E. Wylie, Eve M. Brank.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.4: 899-924.
130530 Competition in the Courtroom: When Does Expert Testimony Improve Jurors Decisions?/Cheryl Boudreau, Mathew D. McCubbins.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.4: 793-817.
130531 Race in the War on Drugs: The Social Consequences of Presidential Rhetoric/Jeff Yates, Andrew B. Whitford.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.4: 874-898.
130532 Empirical Legal Studies Before 1940: A Bibliographic Essay/Herbert M. Kritzer.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.4: 925-968.
130533 Capital Flows and Hedge Fund Regulation/Douglas Cumming, Na Dai.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.4: 848-873.
130534 U.S. Chamber of Commerce Liability Survey: Inaccurate, Unfair, and Bad for Business/Theodore Eisenberg.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.4: 969-1002.
130535 Measuring the Value of Class and Collective Action Employment Settlements: A Preliminary Assessment/Samuel Estreicher, Kristina Yost.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.4: 768-792.
130536 Do Noneconomic Damages Caps and Attorney Fee Limits Reduce Access to Justice for Victims of Medical Negligence?/Steven Garber, Michael D. Greenberg, Hilary Rhodes, Xiaohui Zhuo, John L. Adams.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.4: 637-686.
130537 Contractual Complexity and the Cognitive Load of R&D Alliance Contracts/John Hagedoorn, Geerte Hesen.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.6, No.4: 818-847.
130538 Doing Wrong Without Creating Harm/John M. Darley, Lawrence M. Solan, Matthew B. Kugler, Joseph Sanders.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.1: 30-63.
130539 Why ADR Programs Aren’t More Appealing: An Empirical Perspective/Michael Heise.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.1: 64-96.
130540 Reply to The Effects of  Early Offers in Medical Malpractice Cases: Evidence from Texas/Joni Hersch, Jeffrey OConnell, W. Kip Viscusi.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.1: 164-173.
130541 The Impact of Tort Reforms on the Sanctioning of Physicians by State Licensing Boards/Paul Jesilow, Julianne Ohlander.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.1: 117-140.
130542 The Business of the Australian State Supreme Courts Over the Course of the 20th Century/Russell Smyth.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.1: 141-163.
130543 Fairness and the Willingness to Accept Plea Bargain Offers/Avishalom Tor, Oren Gazal-Ayal, Stephen M. Garcia.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.1: 97-116.
130544 Executions, Deterrence, and Homicide: A Tale of Two Cities/Franklin E. Zimring, Jeffrey Fagan, David T. Johnson.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.1: 1-29.
130545 O’Connell Early Settlement Offers: Toward Realistic Numbers and Two-Sided Offers/Bernard Black, David A. Hyman, Charles Silver.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.2: 379-401.
130546 Juror Beliefs About Police Interrogations, False Confessions, and Expert Testimony/Mark Costanzo, Netta Shaked-Schroer, Katherine Vinson.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.2: 231-247.
130547 Attorney Fees and Expenses in Class Action Settlements: 1993-2008/Theodore Eisenberg, Geoffrey P. Miller.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.2: 248-281.
130548 Judicial Discretion and Sentencing Behavior: Did the Feeney Amendment Rein in District Judges?/Beth A. Freeborn, Monica E. Hartmann.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.2: 355-378.
130549 The Gendered Dimensions of Inheritance: Empirical Food for Legal Thought/Daphna Hacker.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.2: 322-354.
130550 The Statistical Analysis of Judicial Decisions and Legal Rules with Classification Trees/Jonathan P. Kastellec.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.2: 202-230.
130551 Individual Justice or Collective Legal Mobilization? Employment Discrimination Litigation in the Post Civil Rights United States/Laura Beth Nielsen, Robert L. Nelson, Ryon Lancaster.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.2: 175-201.
130552 Labor Law, Judicial Efficiency, and Informal Employment in India/Sonja Fagern‎عs.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.2: 282-321.
130553 Creating Quality Courts/Frank B. Cross, Dain C. Donelson.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.3: 490-510.
130554 Let My People Go: Ethnic In-Group Bias in Judicial Decisions Evidence from a Randomized Natural Experiment/Oren Gazal-Ayal, Raanan Sulitzeanu-Kenan.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.3: 403-428.
130555 Community Perceptions of Theft Seriousness: A Challenge to Model Penal Code and English Theft Act Consolidation/Stuart P. Green, Matthew B. Kugler.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.3: 511-537.
130556 Randomness Reconsidered: Modeling Random Judicial Assignment in the U.S. Courts of Appeals/Matthew Hall.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.3: 574-589.
130557 The Public Regulation of Land-Use Decisions: Criteria for Evaluating Alternative Procedures/Tom Tyler, David Markell.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.3: 538-573.
130558 Worthless Warnings? Testing the Effectiveness of Disclaimers in Mutual Fund Advertisements/Molly Mercer, Alan R. Palmiter, Ahmed E. Taha.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.3: 403-428.
130559 The Industrial Organization of the Japanese Bar: Levels and Determinants of Attorney Income/Minoru Nakazato, J. Mark Ramseyer, Eric B. Rasmusen.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.3: 460-489.
130560 A Bayesian Hierarchical Regression Approach to Clustered and Longitudinal Data in Empirical Legal Studies/William Anderson, Martin T. Wells.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.4: 634-663.
130561 Relational Governance and Contract Damages: Evidence from Franchising/Adam B. Badawi.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.4: 743-785.
130562 Making Talk Cheap (and Problems Easy): How Legal and Political Institutions Can Facilitate Consensus/Cheryl Boudreau, Mathew D. McCubbins, Daniel B. Rodriguez, Nicholas Weller.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.4: 868-885.
130563 An Empirical Study of Class Action Settlements and Their Fee Awards/Brian T. Fitzpatrick.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.4: 811-846.
130564 Pot as Pretext: Marijuana, Race, and the New Disorder in New York City Street Policing/Amanda Geller, Jeffrey Fagan.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.4: 591-633.
130565 Punishment Despite Reasonable Doubt A Public Goods Experiment with Sanctions Under Uncertainty/Kristoffel Grechenig, Andreas Nicklisch, Christian Thoni.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.4: 847-867.
130566 Judicial Setbacks, Material Gains: Terror Litigation at the Israeli High Court of Justice/Menachem Hofnung, Keren Weinshall Margel.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.4: 664-692.
130567 An Empirical Investigation of Settlement and Litigation-The Case of Taiwanese Labor Disputes/Kuo-Chang Huang, Kong-Pin Chen, Chang-Ching Lin.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.4: 786-810.
130568 Are Ideal Litigators White? Measuring the Myth of Colorblindness/Jerry Kang, Nilanjana Dasgupta, Kumar Yogeeswaran, Gary Blasi.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.4: 886-915.
130569 Managerial Entrenchment and Capital Structure: New Evidence/Kose John, Lubomir Litov.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.7, No.4: 693-742.
130570 An Empirical Examination of the Governance Choices of Income Trusts/Anita I. Anand, Edward M. Iacobucci.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.1: 147-176.
130571 Judicial Discretion and (Un)equal Access: A Systematic Study of Motions to Reduce Criminal Sentences in Rhode Island Superior Court (1998-2003)/Laura Braslow, Ross E. Cheit.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.1: 24-47.
130572 The Trial Penalty and Jury Sentencing: A Study of Air Force Courts-Martial/Patricia D. Breen.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.1: 206-235.
130573 An Empirical Study of Employment Arbitration: Case Outcomes and Processes/Alexander J. S. Colvin.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.1: 1-23.
130574 Settlement at Policy Limits and the Duty to Settle: Evidence from Texas/David A. Hyman, Bernard Black, Charles Silver.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.1: 48-84.
130575 Is There a Chinese Common Law? An Empirical Study of the Bilingual Common-Law System of Hong Kong/Kwai Hang Ng.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.1: 118-146.
130576 The Small Group Context: Designated District Court Judges in the U.S. Courts of Appeals/Paul M. Collins, Wendy L. Martinek.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.1: 177-205.
130577 Do Joint Parenting Laws Make Any Difference?/Douglas W. Allen, Margaret Brinig.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.2: 304-324.
130578 Incorporation Law, Ownership Structure, and Firm Value: Evidence from Canada/Narjess Boubraki, Yves Bozec, Claude Laurin, Stephane Rousseau.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.2: 358-383.
130579 An Empirical Study of Court-Adjudicated Takings Compensation in New York City: 1990-2003/Yun-chien Chang.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.2: 384-412.
130580 Judge-Jury Difference in Punitive Damages Awards: Who Listens to the Supreme Court?/Theodore Eisenberg, Michael Heise.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.2: 325-357.
130581 The Paradox of  Fraud-on-the-Market Theory: Who Relies on the Efficiency of Market Prices?/Grigori Erenburg, Janet Kiholm Smith, Richard L. Smith.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.2: 260-303.
130582 Competitiveness in State Supreme Court Elections, 1946-2009/Herbert M. Kritzer.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.2: 237-259.
130583 Community Characteristics and Tort Law: The Importance of County Demographic Composition and Inequality to Tort Trial Outcomes/Issa Kohler-Hausmann.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.2: 413-447.
130584 Judging Women/Stephen J. Choi, Mitu Gulati, Mirya Holman, Eric A. Posner.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.3: 504-532.
130585 Assessing Post-ADA Employment: Some Econometric Evidence and Policy Considerations/John J. Donohue , Michael Ashley Stein, Christopher L. Griffin, Sascha Becker.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.3: 477-503.
130586 Fixing Lawyers Fees Ex Ante: A Case Study in Policy and Empirical Legal Studies/Paul Fenn, Neil Rickman.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.3: 533-555.
130587 Do Shareholders Benefit from Corporate Misconduct? A Long-Run Analysis/Samuel L. Tibbs, Deborah L. Harrell, Ronald E. Shrieves.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.3: 449-476.
130588 Legal Aid and Legal Expenses Insurance, Complements or Substitutes? The Case of the Netherlands/Ben C. J. van Velthoven, Carolien M. Klein Haarhuis.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.3: 587-612.
130589 Attitudinal and Neo-Institutional Models of Supreme Court Decision Making: An Empirical and Comparative Perspective from Israel/Keren Weinshall-Margel.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.3: 556-586.
130590 Judicial Behavior on the Chilean Constitutional Tribunal/Royce Carroll, Lydia Tiede.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.4: 856-886.
130591 The Price of Pay to Play in Securities Class Actions/Stephen J. Choi, Drew T. Johnson-Skinner, A. C. Pritchard.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.4: 650-681.
130592 Fairness Ex Ante and Ex Post: Experimentally Testing Ex Post Judicial Intervention into Blockbuster Deals/Christoph Engel, Michael Kurschilgen.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.4: 682-708.
130593 Political Ideology and Reactions to Crime Victims: Preferences for Restorative and Punitive Responses/Dena M. Gromet, John M. Darley.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.4: 830-855.
130594 Safe Harbors from Fair-Cross-Section Challenges? The Practical Limitations of Measuring Representation in the Jury Pool/Paula Hannaford-Agor, Nicole L. Waters.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.4: 762-791.
130595 When Do Generics Challenge Drug Patents?/C. Scott Hemphill, Bhaven N. Sampat.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.4: 613-649.
130596 Mechanisms for Eliciting Cooperation in Counterterrorism Policing: Evidence from the United Kingdom/Aziz Z. Huq, Tom R. Tyler, Stephen J. Schulhofer.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.4: 728-761.
130597 Property Rights, Resource Access, and Long-Run Growth/Ian Keay, Cherie Metcalf.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.4: 792-829.
130598 The Price Effects of Event-Risk Protection: The Results from a Natural Experiment/Karl Okamoto, David Pedersen, Natalie Pedersen.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.4: 879-903.
130599 Lay Judgments of Judicial Decision Making/Dan Simon, Nicholas Scurich.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.8, No.4: 709-727.
130600 Dirty Hands or Deterrence? An Experimental Examination of the Exclusionary Rule/Kenworthey Bilz.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9, No.1: 149-171.
130601 Delaware’s Competitive Reach/Matthew D. Cain, Steven M. Davidoff.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9, No.1: 92-128.
130602 The Value of Capital Market Regulation: IPOs Versus Reverse Mergers/Cecile Carpentier, Douglas Cumming, Jean-Marc Suret.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9, No.1: 56-91.
130603 Consensus, Disorder, and Ideology on the Supreme Court/Paul H. Edelman, David E. Klein, Stefanie A. Lindquist.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9, No.1: 129-148.
130604 A New Look at Patent Quality: Relating Patent Prosecution to Validity/Ronald J. Mann, Marian Underweiser.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9, No.1: 1-32.
130605 Selected to Serve: An Analysis of Lifetime Jury Participation/Mary R. Rose, Shari Seidman Diamond, Marc A. Musick.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9, No.1: 33-55.
130606 Catholic Schools and Broken Windows/Margaret F. Brinig, Nicole Stelle Garnett.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9, No.2: 347-367.
130607 Sentencing Guidelines and Judicial Discretion: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Human Calculation Errors/Shawn D. Bushway, Emily G. Owens, Anne Morrison Piehl.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9, No.2: 291-319.
130608 The Selection of 13th-Century Disputes for Litigation/Daniel Klerman.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9, No.2: 320-346.
130609 Will Tort Reform Bend the Cost Curve? Evidence from Texas/Myungho Paik, Bernard S. Black, David A. Hyman, Charles Silver.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9, No.2: 173-216.
130610 Does Tort Law Improve the Health of Newborns, or Miscarry? A Longitudinal Analysis of the Effect of Liability Pressure on Birth Outcomes/Y. Tony Yang, David M. Studdert, S. V. Subramanian, Michelle M. Mello.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9, No.2: 217-245.
130611 Pricing Misperceptions: Explaining Pricing Structure in the Cell Phone Service Market/Oren Bar-Gill, Rebecca Stone.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9, No.3: 430-456.
130612 Race, Attorney Influence, and Bankruptcy Chapter Choice/Jean Braucher, Dov Cohen, Robert M. Lawless.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9, No.3: 393-429.
130613 Does Tort Law Deter Individuals? A Behavioral Science Study/W. Jonathan Cardi, Randall D. Penfield, Albert H. Yoon.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9, No.3: 567-603.
130614 Arbitration Clauses in Credit Card Agreements: An Empirical Study/Christopher R. Drahozal, Peter B. Rutledge.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9: 536-566.
130615 Defensive Medicine and Obstetric Practices/Michael Frakes.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9: 457-481.
130616 Predicting Securities Fraud Settlements and Amounts: A Hierarchical Bayesian Model of Federal Securities Class Action Lawsuits/Blakeley B. McShane, Oliver P. Watson, Tom Baker, Sean J. Griffith.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9, No.3: 482-510.
130617 Transferring Trust: Reciprocity Norms and Assignment of Contract/Tess Wilkinson-Ryan.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9, No.3: 511-535.
130618 Corporate Politics, Governance, and Value Before and After Citizens United/John C. Coates IV.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9, No.4: 657-696.
130619 Race and Selective Enforcement in Public Housing/Jeffrey Fagan, Garth Davies, Adam Carlis.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9, No.4: 697-728.
130620 Racial Disparities Under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines: The Role of Judicial Discretion and Mandatory Minimums/Joshua B. Fischman, Max M. Schanzenbach.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9, No.4: 729-764.
130621 Political Influence and Career Judges: An Empirical Analysis of Administrative Review by the Spanish Supreme Court/Nuno Garoupa, Marian Gili, Fernando Gomez-Pomar.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9, No.4: 795-826.
130622 When Does Knowledge Become Intent? Perceiving the Minds of Wrongdoers/Pam A. Mueller, Lawrence M. Solan, John M. Darley.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9, No.4: 859-892.
130623 The Secret of My Success: How Status, Eliteness, and School Performance Shape Legal Careers/Richard Sander, Jane Bambauer.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.9, No.4: 893-930.
130624 Measuring Diversity on the Supreme Court with Biodiversity Statistics/Benjamin H. Barton, Emily Moran.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.1: 1-34.
130625 Judicial Impartiality, Campaign Contributions, and Recusals: Results from a National Survey/James L. Gibson, Gregory A. Caldeira.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.1: 76-103.
130626 Judge-Jury Agreement in Criminal Cases: The First Three Years of the Korean Jury System/Sangjoon Kim, Jaihyun Park, Kwangbai Park, Jin-Sup Eom.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.1: 35-53.
130627 Is Certiorari Contingent on Litigant Behavior? Petitioners Role in Strategic Auditing/Maxwell Mak, Andrew H. Sidman, Udi Sommer.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.1: 54-75.
130628 Bridging the Empirical Gap: New Insights into the Experience of Multiple Legal Problems and Advice Seeking/Marisol Smith, Alexy Buck, Judith Sidaway, Lesley Scanlan.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.1: 146-170.
130629 Do the  Haves Come Out Ahead in Shanghai Courts?/Xin He, Yang Su.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.1: 120-145.
130630 Pricing Damages for Pain and Suffering in Court: The Impact of the Valuation Method/Magdalena Flatscher-Thoni, Andrea M. Leiter, Hannes Winner.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.1: 104-119.
130631 The Citation and Depreciation of U.S. Supreme Court Precedent/Ryan C. Black, James F. Spriggs.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.2: 325-358.
130632 Building a Taxonomy of Litigation: Clusters of Causes of Action in Federal Complaints/Christina L. Boyd, David A. Hoffman, Zoran Obradovic, Kosta Ristovski.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.2: 253-287.
130633 Do Jurors Give Appropriate Weight to Forensic Identification Evidence?/William C. Thompson, Suzanne O. Kaasa, Tiamoyo Peterson.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.2: 359-397.
130634 Can We Trust Intuitive Jurors? Standards of Proof and the Probative Value of Evidence in Coherence-Based Reasoning/Andreas Glockner, Christoph Engel.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.2: 230-252.
130635 Lawyers as Agents of the Devil in a Prisoner’s Dilemma Game/Orley Ashenfelter, David E. Bloom, Gordon B. Dahl.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.3: 399-423.
130636 The Effects of the Labor Contract Law on the Chinese Labor Market/Fan Cui, Ying Ge, Fengchun Jing.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.3: 462-483.
130637 Reference Points and Contractual Choices: An Experimental Examination/Yuval Feldman, Amos Schurr, Doron Teichman.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.3: 512-541.
130638 How Jurors Evaluate Fingerprint Evidence: The Relative Importance of Match Language, Method Information, and Error Acknowledgment/Brandon Garrett, Gregory Mitchell.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.3: 485-511.
130639 Rescuing Confidence in the Judicial System: Introducing Lay Participation in Taiwan/Kuo-Chang Huang, Chang-Ching Lin.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.3: 542-569.
130640 Who Will Manage Complex Civil Litigation? The Decision to Transfer and Consolidate Multidistrict Litigation/Margaret S. Williams, Tracey E. George.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.3: 424-461.
130641 Can You Buy Sperm Donor Identification? An Experiment/I. Glenn Cohen, Travis G. Coan.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.4: 715-740.
130642 Foreword: Conference Bias/Daniel E. Ho.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.4: 603-611.
130643 Choice-Based Discrimination: Labor-Force-Type Discrimination Against Gay Men, the Obese, and Mothers/Tamar Kricheli-Katz.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.4: 670-695.
130644 Suing the Leviathan An Empirical Analysis of the Changing Rate of Administrative Litigation in China/Ji Li.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.4: 815-846.
130645 Prosecutor Elections, Mistakes, and Appeals/Bryan C. McCannon.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.4: 696-714.
130646 Race, Prediction, and Pretrial Detention/Frank McIntyre, Shima Baradaran.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.4: 741-770.
130647 The Receding Tide of Medical Malpractice Litigation: Part 2-Effect of Damage Caps/Myungho Paik, Bernard Black, David Hyman.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.4: 639-669.
130648 The Effect of Legal Expert Commentary on Lay Judgments of Judicial Decision Making/Dan Simon, Nicholas Scurich.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.10, No.4: 797-814.
130649 The Labor Market for New Law Professors/Tracey E. George, Albert H. Yoon.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.11, No.1: 1-38.
130650 Mapping Constitutionally Safeguarded Judicial Independence-A Global Survey/Bernd Hayo, Stefan Voigt.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.11, No.1: 159-195.
130651 Jurisdictional Effects in M&A Litigation/C. N. V. Krishnan, Ronald W. Masulis, Randall S. Thomas, Robert B. Thompson.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.11, No.1: 132-158.
130652 Litigation and Social Capital: Divorces and Traffic Accidents in Japan/J. Mark Ramseyer.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.11, No.1: 39-73.
130653 Empirical Analysis of Data Breach Litigation/Sasha Romanosky, David Hoffman, Alessandro Acquisti.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.11, No.1: 74-104.
130654 Urban Land-Use Regulation: Are Homevoters Overtaking the Growth Machine?/Vicki Been, Josiah Madar, Simon McDonnell.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.11, No.2: 227-265.
130655 Assuring Civil Damages Adequately Deter: A Public Good Experiment/Theodore Eisenberg, Christoph Engel.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.11, No.2: 301-349.
130656 Does the Law Matter? Win Rates and Law Reforms/David Gliksberg.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.11, No.2: 378-407.
130657 Playing with Trolleys: Intuitions About the Permissibility of Aggregation/Mark Kelman, Tamar Admati Kreps.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.11, No.2: 197-226.
130658 Shifting the Fat-Tailed Distribution of Blockbuster Punitive Damages Awards/W. Kip Viscusi, Benjamin J. McMichael.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.11, No.2: 350-377.
130659 Jurists, Clerics, and Merchants: The Rise of Learned Law in Medieval Europe and its Impact on Economic Growth/Hans-Bernd Schafer, Alexander J. Wulf.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.11, No.2: 266-300.
130660 Lawyer and Nonlawyer Susceptibility to Framing Effects in Out-of-Court Civil Litigation Settlement/Ian K. Belton, Mary Thomson, Mandeep K. Dhami.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.11, No.3: 578-600.
130661 An Empirical Analysis of Cost Recovery in Superfund Cases: Implications for Brownfields and Joint and Several Liability/Howard F. Chang, Hilary Sigman.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.11, No.3: 477-504.
130662 Foreign Affairs and Enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act/Stephen J. Choi, Kevin E. Davis.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.11, No.3: 409-445.
130663 The Social, Geographic, and Organizational Determinants of Access to Civil Legal Aid Services: An Argument for an Integrated Access to Justice Model/Eric W. Schultheis.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.11, No.3: 541-577.
130664 Do Kinship Networks Strengthen Private Property? Evidence from Rural China/Taisu Zhang, Xiaoxue Zhao.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.11, No.3: 505-540.
130665 An Empirical Evaluation of the Connecticut Death Penalty System Since 1973: Are There Unlawful Racial, Gender, and Geographic Disparities?/John J. Donohue.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.11, No.4: 637-696.
130666 Deliberative Democracy and the American Civil Jury/Valerie P. Hans, John Gastil, Traci Feller.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.11, No.4: 696-717.
130667 Trademarks, Triggers, and Online Search/Stefan Bechtold, Catherine Tucker.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.11, No.4: 718-750.
130668 Pain and Suffering Damages in Wrongful Death Cases: An Empirical Study/Yun-chien Chang, Theodore Eisenberg, Han-Wei Ho, Martin T. Wells; No.1: 128-160.
130669 Damages Versus Specific Performance: Lessons from Commercial Contracts/Theodore Eisenberg, Geoffrey P. Miller; No.1: 29-69.
130670 Plaintiphobia in State Courts Redux? An Empirical Study of State Court Trials on Appeal/Theodore Eisenberg, Michael Heise; No.1: 100-127.
130671 Addressing the Zeros Problem: Regression Models for Outcomes with a Large Proportion of Zeros, with an Application to Trial Outcomes/Theodore Eisenberg, Thomas Eisenberg, Martin T. Wells, Min Zhang; No.1: 161-186.
130672 Four Decades of Federal Civil Rights Litigation/Theodore Eisenberg; No.1: 4-28.
130673 On Probation: An Experimental Analysis/Christoph Engel, Heike Hennig-Schmidt, Bernd Irlenbusch, Sebastian Kube; No.2: 252-288.
130674 Multidistrict Centralization: An Empirical Examination/Emery G. Lee, Catherine R. Borden, Margaret S. Williams, Kevin M. Scott; No.2: 211-235.
130675 Social Networks and Personal Bankruptcy/Michelle M. Miller; No.2: 289-310.
130676 Sentence Reductions for a Guilty Plea in England and Wales: Exploring New Empirical Trends/Julian V. Roberts, Ben Bradford; No.2: 187-210.
130677 Disclosures About Disclosures: Can Conflict of Interest Warnings be Made More Effective?/Ahmed E. Taha, John V. Petrocelli; No.2: 236-251.
130678 Skin Color and the Criminal Justice System: Beyond Black-White Disparities in Sentencing/Traci Burch; No.3: 395-420.
130679 Tacit Collusion: The Neglected Experimental Evidence/Christoph Engel; No.3: 537-577.
130680 Will Divestment from Employment-Based Health Insurance Save Employers Money? The Case of State and Local Governments/Jeremy D. Goldhaber-Fiebert, David M. Studdert, Monica S. Farid, Jay Bhattacharya; No.3: 343-394.
130681 Do Economic Downturns Dampen Patent Litigation?/Alan Marco, Shawn Miller, Ted Sichelman; No.3: 481-536.
130682 Too Many Notes? An Empirical Study of Advocacy in Federal Appeals/Gregory C. Sisk, Michael Heise; No.3: 578-600.
130683 Who Responds to U.S. News & World Report’s Law School Rankings?/Jeffrey Evans Stake, Michael Alexeev; No.3: 421-480.
130684 Leases and Executory Contracts in Chapter 11/Kenneth Ayotte; No.4: 637-663.
130685 Can a Single Country Increase the Taxes of Multinational Corporations? Evidence from the Impact of the 1993 Corporate Tax Rate Increase on Fortune 500 Companies/Nathan M. Jensen, Adam H. Rosenzweig; No.4: 757-780.
130686 Director Liability Protection, Earnings Management, and Audit Pricing/Sarfraz Khan, John K. Wald; No.4: 781-814.
130687 Inside the Caucus: An Empirical Analysis of Mediation from Within/Daniel Klerman, Lisa Klerman; No.4: 686-712.
130688 Interparty Judicial Appointments/Jonathan Remy Nash; No.4: 664-685.
130689 The Consequences of Being an Object of Suspicion: Potential Pitfalls of Proactive Police Contact/Tom R. Tyler, Jonathan Jackson, Avital Mentovich; No.4: 606-636.
130690 Does Juvenile Delinquency Reduce Educational Attainment?/Shannon Ward, Jenny Williams; No.4: 716-756.
130691 Judicial Retirements and the Staying Power of U.S. Supreme Court Decisions/Stuart Minor Benjamin, Georg Vanberg; No.1: 5-26.
130692 Forecasting Domestic Violence: A Machine Learning Approach to Help Inform Arraignment Decisions/Richard A. Berk, Susan B. Sorenson, Geoffrey Barnes; No.1: 94-115.
130693 Judicial Retirements and the Staying Power of U.S. Supreme Court Decisions/Stuart Minor Benjamin, Georg Vanberg.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.13, No.1: 5-26.
130694 Forecasting Domestic Violence: A Machine Learning Approach to Help Inform Arraignment Decisions/Richard A. Berk, Susan B. Sorenson, Geoffrey Barnes.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.13, No.1: 94-115.
130695 SEC Investigations and Securities Class Actions: An Empirical Comparison/Stephen J. Choi, A. C. Pritchard.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.13, No.1: 27-49.
130696 Does the Chief Justice Make Partisan Appointments to Special Courts and Panels?/Maxwell Palmer.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.13, No.1: 153-177.
130697 Apples and Oranges: An International Comparison of the Public’s Experience of Justiciable Problems and the Methodological Issues Affecting Comparative Study/P. Pleasence, N. J. Balmer, R. L. Sandefur.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.13, No.1: 50-93.
130698 Testing the Expressive Theory of Punishment/Kenworthey Bilz.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.13, No.2: 358-392.
130699 What Predicts Law Student Success? A Longitudinal Study Correlating Law Student Applicant Data and Law School Outcomes/Alexia Brunet Marks, Scott A. Moss.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.13, No.2: 205-265.
130700 Anchoring Legal Standards/Yuval Feldman, Amos Schurr, Doron Teichman.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.13, No.2: 298-329.
130701 Carrot or Stick? The Shift from Voluntary to Mandatory Disclosure of Risk Factors/Karen K. Nelson, A. C. Pritchard.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.13, No.2: 266-297.
130702 Insurance Crisis or Liability Crisis? Medical Malpractice Claiming in Illinois, 1980-2010/Mohammad Rahmati, David A. Hyman, Bernard Black, Charles Silver.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.13, No.2: 183-204.
130703 The Appeals Process in the European Commission’s Cartel Cases: An Empirical Assessment/Kai Huschelrath, Florian Smuda.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.13, No.2: 330-357.
130704 He Paid, She Paid: Exploiting Israeli Courts Rulings on Litigation Costs to Explore Gender Biases/Talia Fisher, Tamar Kricheli-Katz, Issi Rosen-Zvi, Theodore Eisenberg.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.13, No.3: 536-561.
130705 Revisiting Eisenberg and Plaintiff Success: State Court Civil Trial and Appellate Outcomes/Michael Heise, Martin T. Wells.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.13, No.3: 536-561.
130706 Rigidity of Public Contracts/Marian Moszoro, Pablo T. Spiller, Sebastian Stolorz.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.13, No.3: 396-427.
130707 Academic Tenure/Albert H. Yoon.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.13, No.3: 428-453.
130708 The Effect of Tort Reform on Medical Malpractice Insurance Market Trends/Patricia H. Born, J. Bradley Karl.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.13, No.4: 718-755.
130709 Intuitive Jurisprudence: Early Reasoning About the Functions of Punishment/Jessica Bregant, Alex Shaw, Katherine D. Kinzler.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.13, No.4: 693-717.
130710 Formal and Social Enforcement in Response to Individual Versus Corporate Transgressions/Uriel Haran, Doron Teichman, Yuval Feldman.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.13, No.4: 786-808.
130711 Are Arbitrators Human?/Rebecca K. Helm, Andrew J. Wistrich, Jeffrey J. Rachlinski.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.13, No.4: 666-692.
130712 The Predicates of Military Detention at Guantonamo: The Role of Individual Acts and Affiliations/Aziz Z. Huq.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.13, No.4: 567-602.
130713 Medical Malpractice Litigation and the Market for Plaintiff-Side Representation: Evidence from Illinois/David A. Hyman, Mohammad Rahmati, Bernard S. Black, Charles Silver.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.13, No.4: 603-636.
130714 Differential Access to Capital from Financial Institutions by Minority Entrepreneurs/Darius Palia.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.13, No.4: 756-785.
130715 Legal and Extralegal Origins of Sentencing Disparities: Evidence from Russia’s Criminal Courts/Vadim Volkov.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.13, No.4: 637-655.
130716 Medical Liability Insurance Premia: 1990-2016 Dataset, with Literature Review and Summary Information/Bernard Black, Jeanette W. Chung, Jeffrey Traczynski, Victoria Udalova, Sonal Vats.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.14, No.1: 238-254.
130717 Pain and Suffering Damages in Personal Injury Cases: An Empirical Study/Yun-chien Chang, Theodore Eisenberg, Tsung Hsien Li, Martin T. Wells.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.14, No.1: 199-237.
130718 Voting But for the Law: Evidence from Virginia on Photo Identification Requirements/Daniel J. Hopkins, Marc Meredith, Michael Morse, Sarah Smith, Jesse Yoder.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.14, No.1: 79-128.
130719 Unintended Consequences: The Regressive Effects of Increased Access to Courts/Anthony Niblett, Albert H. Yoon.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.14, No.1: 5-30.
130720 The Private Ordering Solution to Multiforum Shareholder Litigation/Roberta Romano, Sarath Sanga.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.14, No.1: 31-78.
130721 The Prudent Investor Rule and Market Risk: An Empirical Analysis/Max M. Schanzenbach, Robert H. Sitkoff.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.14, No.1: 129-168.
130722 Voting But for the Law: Evidence from Virginia on Photo Identification Requirements/Daniel J. Hopkins, Marc Meredith, Michael Morse, Sarah Smith, Jesse Yoder.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.14, No.2: 79-128.
130723 Twombly and Iqbal at the State Level/Roger Michalski, Abby K. Wood.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.14, No.2: 424-469.
130724 Do Credit-Based Insurance Scores Proxy for Income in Predicting Auto Claim Risk?/Darcy Steeg Morris, Daniel Schwarcz, Joshua C. Teitelbaum.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.14, No.2: 397-423.
130725 The Negative Effect Fallacy: A Case Study of Incorrect Statistical Reasoning by Federal Courts/Ryan D. Enos, Anthony Fowler, Christopher S. Havasy.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.14, No.3: 618-647.
130726 Evaluating Negative Forensic Evidence: When Do Jurors Treat Absence of Evidence as Evidence of Absence?/William C. Thompson, Nicholas Scurich, Rachel Dioso-Villa, Brenda Velazquez.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.14, No.3: 569-591.
130727 Reconsidering Positivity Theory: What Roles do Politicization, Ideological Disagreement, and Legal Realism Play in Shaping U.S. Supreme Court Legitimacy?/James L. Gibson, Michael J. Nelson.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.14, No.3: 592-607.
130728 The Effect of Tax Expenditures on Automatic Stabilizers: Methods and Evidence/Hautahi Kingi, Kyle Rozema.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.14, No.3: 548-568.
130729 Unbundling Efficient Breach: An Experiment/Maria Bigoni, Stefania Bortolotti, Francesco Parisi, Ariel Porat.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.14, No.3: 527-547.
130730 The Effects of Twombly and Iqbal/William H. J. Hubbard.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.14, No.3: 474-526.
130731 Choice Architecture Versus Price: Comparing the Effects of Changes in the U.S. Student Loan Market/Xiaoling Ang, Alexei Alexandrov.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.14, No.4: 762-812.
130732 Insuring Your Donation: An Experiment/Renate Buijze, Christoph Engel, Sigrid Hemels.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.14, No.4: 858-885.
130733 The Politics of Citations at the ECJ-Policy Preferences of E.U. Member State Governments and the Citation Behavior of Judges at the European Court of Justice/Jens Frankenreiter.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.14, No.4: 813-857.
130734 Piling On? An Empirical Study of Parallel Derivative Suits/Stephen J. Choi, Jessica Erickson, A. C. Pritchard.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.14, No.4: 653-682.
130735 Consumer Litigation Funding and Medical Malpractice Litigation: Examining the Effect of Rancman v. Interim Settlement Funding Corporation/Jean Xiao.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.14, No.4: 886-915.
130736 Moral Disengagement in Legal Judgments/Tess M. S. Neal, Robert J. Cramer.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.14, No.4: 745-761.
130737 Religion and Judging on the Federal Courts of Appeals/Sepehr Shahshahani, Lawrence J. Liu.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.14, No.4: 716-744.
130738 Is E.U. Merger Control Used for Protectionism? An Empirical Analysis/Anu Bradford, Robert J. Jackson, Jonathon Zytnick.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.1: 165-191.
130739 Heterogeneity Among Patent Plaintiffs: An Empirical Analysis of Patent Case Progression, Settlement, and Adjudication/Christopher A. Cotropia, Jay P. Kesan, David L. Schwartz.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.1: 80-125.
130740 Are Court Orders Sticky? Evidence on Distributional Impacts from School Finance Litigation/Zachary Liscow.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.1: 4-40.
130741 Screening Plaintiffs and Selecting Defendants in Medical Malpractice Litigation: Evidence from Illinois and Indiana/Mohammad Rahmati, David A. Hyman, Bernard Black, Jing Liu, Charles Silver.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.1: 41–79.
130742 Outcaste Politics and Organized Crime in Japan: The Effect of Terminating Ethnic Subsidies/J. Mark Ramseyer, Eric B. Rasmusen.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.1: 192-238.
130743 Victim-Oriented Tort Law in Action: An Empirical Examination of Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Cases/Gijs van Dijck.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.1: 126-164.
130744 Feasibility of a Health-Utility Approach to Quantifying Noneconomic Losses from Personal Injury/Natalie Carvalho, David Fish, Genevieve M. Grant, Joshua A. Salomon, David M. Studdert.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.2: 278-319.
130745 Judging Judicial Foreclosure/Brian D. Feinstein.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.2: 406-451.
130746 Medicare Secondary Payer and Settlement Delay/Eric Helland, Jonathan Klick.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.3: 356-377.
130747 Do Checklists Make a Difference? A Natural Experiment from Food Safety Enforcement/Daniel E. Ho, Sam Sherman, Phil Wyman.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.2: 242-277.
130748 Law and Psychology Grows Up, Goes Online, and Replicates/Krin Irvine, David A. Hoffman, Tess Wilkinson-Ryan.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.2: 320-355.
130749 Text of Trade Agreements (ToTA)-A Structured Corpus for the Text-as-Data Analysis of Preferential Trade Agreements/Wolfgang Alschner, Julia Seiermann, Dmitriy Skougarevskiy.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.3: 648-666.
130750 Appeals by the Prosecution/Nancy J. King, Michael Heise.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.3: 482-536.
130751 Compliance Externalities and the Role-Model Effect on Law Abidance: Field and Survey Experimental Evidence/Marco Fabbri, Sven Hoeppner.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.3: 539-562.
130752 Who Benefits from Repealing Tampon Taxes? Empirical Evidence from New Jersey/Christopher Cotropia, Kyle Rozema.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.3: 620-647.
130753 A Rose by Any Other Name: Understanding Judicial Decisions that Do Not Cite Precedent/Kawin Ethayarajh, Andrew Green, Albert H. Yoon.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.3: 563-596.
130754 The Politics of Selecting Chevron Deference/Kent Barnett, Christina L. Boyd, Christopher J. Walker.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.3: 597-619.
130755 Diffusion of Legal Innovations: The Case of Israeli Class Actions/Christoph Engel, Alon Klement, Keren Weinshall.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.4: 708-731.
130756 An Empirical Study of Corporate Default Rules and Menus in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan/Yu-Hsin Lin, Yun-chien Chang.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.4: 875-915.
130757 Judicial Elections, Public Opinion, and Decisions on Lower-Salience Issues/Brandice Canes-Wrone, Tom S. Clark, Amy Semet.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.4: 672-707.
130758 The Provocative Effect of Law: Majority Nationalism and Minority Discrimination/Netta Barak-Corren, Yuval Feldman, Noam Gidron.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.4: 951-986.
130759 Bankruptcy Claims Trading/Jared A Ellias.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.4: 772-799.
130760 Beyond Physicians: The Effect of Licensing and Liability Laws on the Supply of Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants/Benjamin J. McMichael.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.4: 732-771.
130761 Board Independence as a Panacea to Tunneling? An Empirical Study of Related-Party Transactions in Hong Kong and Singapore/Christopher Chen, Wai Yee Wan, Wei Zhang.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.15, No.4: 987-1020.
130762 Single Motherhood and the Abolition of Coverture in the United States/Hazem Alshaikhmubarak, R. Richard Geddes, Shoshana A. Grossbard.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.1: 94-118.
130763 Accuracy and Fairness for Juvenile Justice Risk Assessments/Richard Berk.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.1: 175-194.
130764 Regulation, Public Attitudes, and Private Governance/David A. Dana, Janice Nadler.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.1: 69-93.
130765 Morality, Compensation, and the Contractual Obligation/Sergio Mittlaender.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.1: 119-142.
130766 Damage Caps and Defensive Medicine: Reexamination with Patient-Level Data/Ali Moghtaderi, Steven Farmer, Bernard Black.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.1: 26-68.
130767 Development of a General Legal Confidence Scale: A First Implementation of the Rasch Measurement Model in Empirical Legal Studies/P. Pleasence, N. J. Balmer.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.1: 143-174.
130768 Lawyers at the Peak of Their Careers: A 30-Year Longitudinal Study of Job and Life Satisfaction/John Monahan, Jeffrey Swanson.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.1: 4-25.
130769 Stock Market Reactions to India’s 2016 Demonetization/Dhammika Dharmapala, Vikramaditya S. Khanna.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.1: 281-317.
130770 Targeting Bad Doctors: Lessons from Indiana, 1975-2015/Jing Liu, David A. Hyman.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.2: 248-280.
130771 Understanding Patent Privateering: A Quantitative Assessment/Jay P. Kesan, Anne Layne-Farrar, David L. Schwartz.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.1: 343-380.
130772 Right-to-Carry Laws and Violent Crime: A Comprehensive Assessment Using Panel Data and a State-Level Synthetic Control Analysis/John J. Donohue, Abhay Aneja, Kyle D. Weber.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.2: 198-247.
130773 The Effects of the Extant Clauses Limiting Auditor Liability on Audit Fees and Overall Reporting Quality/Henock Louis, Thomas C. Pearson, Dahlia M. Robinson, Michael N. Robinson, Amy X. Sun.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.2: 381-410.
130774 Characteristics of Lawyers Who Are Subject to Complaints and Misconduct Findings/Tara Sklar, Yamna Taouk, David Studdert, Matthew Spittal, Ron Paterson, Marie Bismark.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.2: 318-342.
130775 Competition Law Gone Global: Introducing the Comparative Competition Law and Enforcement Datasets/Anu Bradford, Adam S. Chilton, Christopher Megaw, Nathaniel Sokol.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.2: 411-443.
130776 Effects of the Joint Custody Law in Italy/Guido de Blasio, Daniela Vuri.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.3: 479-514.
130777 The German Federal Courts Dataset 1950-2019: From Paper Archives to Linked Open Data/Hanjo Hamann.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.3: 671-688.
130778 Entrepreneurs Legal Status Choices and the C Corporation Survival Penalty/Emily A. Satterthwaite.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.3: 542-604.
130779 Legal Techniques for Rationalizing Biased Judicial Decisions: Evidence from Experiments with Real Judges/John Zhuang Liu, Xueyao Li.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.3: 630-670.
130780 A Deeper Look at Bar Success: The Relationship Between Law Student Success, Academic Performance, and Student Characteristics/Amy N. Farley, Christopher M. Swoboda, Joel Chanvisanuruk, Keanen M. McKinley, Alicia Boards, Courtney Gilday.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.3: 605-629.
130781 Lawyers and Jurors: Interrogating Voir Dire Strategies by Analyzing Conversations/Catherine M. Grosso, Barbara OBrien.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.3: 515-541.
130782 Legal Uniformity in American Courts/Deborah Beim, Kelly Rader.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.3: 448-478.
130783 Furman at 45: Constitutional Challenges from California’s Failure to (Again) Narrow Death Eligibility/David C. Baldus, George Woodworth, Catherine M. Grosso, Michael Laurence, Jeffrey A. Fagan, Richard Newell.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.4: 693-730.
130784 The Global Dominance of European Competition Law Over American Antitrust Law/Anu Bradford, Adam Chilton, Katerina Linos, Alexander Weaver.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.4: 731-766.
130785 Traditional Gender Roles and Backlash Against Female Attorneys Expressing Anger in Court/Jessica M. Salerno, Hannah J. Phalen.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.4: 909-939.
130786 Race and Class: A Randomized Experiment with Prosecutors/Christopher Robertson, Shima Baradaran Baughman, Megan S. Wright.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.4.
130787 Mutual Funds that Borrow/A. Joseph Warburton, Michael Simkovic.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.4: 767-806.
130788 Investigating Cohort Similarity as an Ex Ante Alternative to Patent Forward Citations/Jonathan H. Ashtor.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.4: 848-880.
130789 When Does Transparency Backfire? Putting Jeremy Bentham’s Theory of General Prevention to the Experimental Test/Christoph Engel.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.4: 881-908.
130790 Dissent Aversion and Sequential Voting in the Brazilian Supreme Court/Felipe de Mendonca Lopes.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.4: 933-954.
130791 What’s in a Name? The Disparate Effects of Identifiability on Offenders and Victims of Sexual Harassment/Netta Barak-Corren, Daphna Lewinsohn-Zamir.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.16, No.4: 955-1000.
130792 Does Capital Bear the U.S. Corporate Tax After All? New Evidence from Corporate Tax Returns/Edward Fox.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.1: 71-115.
130793 The Cost of Legal Restrictions on Experience Rating/Levon Barseghyan, Francesca Molinari, Darcy Steeg Morris, Joshua C. Teitelbaum.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.1: 38-70.
130794 Criminal Sentencing by Preferred Numbers/Mandeep K. Dhami, Ian K. Belton, Elizabeth Merrall, Andrew McGrath, Sheila M. Bird.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.1: 139-163.
130795 Social Solidarity and Sentencing Disparities Between Ethnic Groups: The Case of Hit-and-Run Traffic Offenses/Roni Factor, Miriam Gur-Arye.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.1: 164-185.
130796 Separate Opinion Writing Under Mandatory Appellate Jurisdiction: Three-Judge District Court Panels and the Voting Rights Act/Maxwell Mak, Andrew H. Sidman.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.1: 116-138.
130797 Defensive Medicine and Obstetric Practices: Evidence from the Military Health System/Michael Frakes, Jonathan Gruber.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.1: 4-37.
130798 Subsidizing Liquidity with Wider Ticks: Evidence from the Tick Size Pilot Study/Robert P. Bartlett, Justin McCrary.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.2: 262-316.
130799 Developing High-Quality Data Infrastructure for Legal Analytics: Introducing the Israeli Supreme Court Database/Keren Weinshall, Lee Epstein.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.2: 416-434.
130800 Randomness Pre-Considered: Recognizing and Accounting for De-Randomizing Events When Utilizing Random Judicial Assignment/Dane Thorley.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.2: 342-382.
130801 How Would Judges Compose Judicial Panels? Theory and Evidence from the Supreme Court of Israel/Yehonatan Givati, Israel Rosenberg.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.2: 317-341.
130802 The Problem of Data Bias in the Pool of Published U.S. Appellate Court Opinions/Keith Carlson, Michael A. Livermore, Daniel N. Rockmore.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.2: 224-261.
130803 Estimating Judicial Ideal Points in Bi-Dimensional Courts: Evidence from Catalonia/Lucia Dalla Pellegrina, Nuno Garoupa, Marian Gili.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.2: 383-415.
130804 Working Hard or Making Work? Plaintiffs Attorney Fees in Securities Fraud Class Actions/Stephen J. Choi, Jessica Erickson, A. C. Pritchard.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.3: 438-465.
130805 Inputs and Outputs on Appeal: An Empirical Study of Briefs, Big Law, and Case Complexity/Adam M. Samaha, Michael Heise, Gregory C. Sisk.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.3: 519-555.
130806 Economic Gender Equality and the Decline of Alimony in Switzerland/Dorian Kessler.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.3: 493-518.
130807 Mapping the Iceberg: The Impact of Data Sources on the Study of District Courts/Christina L. Boyd, Pauline T. Kim, Margo Schlanger.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.3: 466-492.
130808 Patent Similarity Data and Innovation Metrics/Ryan Whalen, Alina Lungeanu, Leslie DeChurch, Noshir Contractor.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.3: 615-639.
130809 Judicial Disparity, Deviation, and Departures from Sentencing Guidelines: The Case of Hong Kong/Kevin Kwok-yin Cheng, Sayaka Ri, Natasha Pushkarna.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.3: 580-614.
130810 Factoring the Role of Eyewitness Evidence in the Courtroom/Brandon L. Garrett, Alice Liu, Karen Kafadar, Joanne Yaffe, Chad S. Dodson.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.3: 556-579.
130811 A Nationalist Backlash to International Refugee Law: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Turkey/Kevin L. Cope, Charles Crabtree.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.4: 752-788.
130812 Responses to Liability Immunization: Evidence from Medical Devices/Elissa P. Gentry, Benjamin J. McMichael.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.4: 789-819.
130813 Manna from Heaven for Judges: Judges Reaction to a Quasi-Random Reduction in Caseload/Christoph Engel, Keren Weinshall.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.4: 722-751.
130814 ALL-CAPS/Yonathan A. Arbel, Andrew Toler.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.4: 862-896.
130815 Persistent Effects of Colonial Institutions on Long-Run Development: Local Evidence from Regression Discontinuity Design in Argentina/Rok Spruk, Mitja Kovac.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.4: 820-861.
130816 Filibuster Change and Judicial Appointments/Jonathan Remy Nash, Joanna Shepherd.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.17, No.4: 649-695.
130817 Goldilocks Deference?/Daniel H. Cole, Elizabeth Baldwin, Katie Meehan.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.18, No.1: 167-188.
130818 Comparing Conventional and Machine-Learning Approaches to Risk Assessment in Domestic Abuse Cases/Jeffrey Grogger, Sean Gupta, Ria Ivandic, Tom Kirchmaier.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.18, No.1: 90-130.
130819 Medical Malpractice and Physician Discipline: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly/David A. Hyman, Mohammad Rahmati, Bernard Black.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.18, No.1: 131-166.
130820 Does Alice Target Patent Trolls?/Mark A. Lemley, Samantha Zyontz.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.18, No.1: 47-89.
130821 Measuring Lawyer Well-Being Systematically: Evidence from the National Health Interview Survey/Yair Listokin, Raymond Noonan.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.18, No.1: 4-46.
130822 The Effect of Board Structure on Firm Disclosure and Behavior: A Case Study of Korea and a Comparison of Research Designs/Bernard Black, Woochan Kim, Julia Nasev.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.18, No.2: 328-376.
130823 Who Votes Without Identification? Using Individual-Level Administrative Data to Measure the Burden of Strict Voter Identification Laws/Phoebe Henninger, Marc Meredith, Michael Morse.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.18, No.2: 256-286.
130824 Do People Like Mandatory Rules? The Choice Between Disclosures, Defaults, and Mandatory Rules in Supplier-Customer Relationships/Ori Katz, Eyal Zamir.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.18, No.2: 421-460.
130825 Affirming the District Judge: An Empirical Analysis of the Effect of District Judges Sitting by Designation on Circuit Court Panels/Andrew Sayer, Melanie Hess, Matthew E. K. Hall.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.18, No.2: 461-484.
130826 Is Not Guilty the Same as Innocent? Evidence from SEC Financial Fraud Investigations/David H. Solomon, Eugene Soltes.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.18, No.2: 287-327.
130827 Life With Or Without? An Empirical Study of Homicide Sentencing/Michael OHear, Darren Wheelock.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.18, No.2: 377-420.
130828 Death Penalty Statutes and Murder Rates: Evidence From Synthetic Controls/Brett Parker.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.18, No.3: 488-533.
130829 Ideology, Disadvantage, and Federal District Court Inmate Civil Rights Filings: The Troubling Effects of Pro Se Status/Anna Gunderson.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.18, No.3: 603-628.
130830 Physician Licensing and Discipline: Lessons From Indiana/Jing Liu, David A. Hyman.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.18, No.3: 629-659.
130831 The Impact of Employers Liability on 19th-Century U.K. Coalmining Fatalities/Cento Veljanovski.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.18, No.3: 660-683.
130832 Revisiting the Business of State Supreme Courts in the 21st Century/Brent D. Boyea, Paul Brace.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.18, No.3: 684-696.
130833 The Federal Enforcement Threat: The Effect of Overfiling Under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act/Caroline Cecot.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2021; Vol.18, No.3: 534-568.
130834 Atrocity,memory,photography: Imaging the concentration camps of Bosnia–the case of ITN versus Living Marxism/David Campbell.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.1: 1-33.
130835 Genocide and humanitarian intervention/Jack Donnelly.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.1: 93-109.
130836 Introducing human rights into conflict resolution: The relevance for the Israeli-Palestinian peace process/Edward Kaufman, Ibrahim Bisharat.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.1: 71-91.
130837 Pacifism, ideology and the human right of self-defence/Jan Narveson.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.1: 55-69.
130838 On the wishful thinking of eminent persons: The Independent Commission’s Kosovo Report/David Rieff.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.1: 111-119.
130839 Instrumental humanitarianism and the Kosovo Report/Thomas G. Weiss.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.1: 121-127.
130840 Overcoming indifference: Internationalizing human rights violations in rural Mexico/Clifford Bob.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.2: 241-261.
130841 Atrocity,memory,photography: Imaging the concentration camps of Bosnia-the case of ITN versus Living Marxism Part 2/David Campbell.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.2: 143-172.
130842 Silencing objections: Social constructions of indifference/Ronald L. Cohen.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.2: 187-206.
130843 Guaranteed human beings for sale: The collaborative relocation of Jews from Axis Europe, 1933-45/Robert Darst.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.2: 207-230.
130844 A theory of indifference/Keith Tester.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.3: 173-186.
130845 Non-governmental organizations and indifference as a human rights issue: The case of the Nigerian oil embargo/Brian Wright.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.3: 231-245.
130846 The fate of humanity in the post-Trinitarian world/Zygmunt Bauman.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.3: 283-303.
130847 On strangers: Phantasy, terror and the human imagination/Simon Clarke.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.3: 345-355.
130848 The freedom of conscience and sociological perspectives on dilemmas of collective secular disobedience: The case of Israel/Alek D. Epstein.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.3: 305-320.
130849 Natural rights/Lewis S. Feuer.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.3: 393-343.
130850 Outsourcing violations: The Israeli case/Neve Gordon.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.3: 321-337.
130851 Of rights and men: Towards a minoritarian framing of male experience/Adam Jones.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.3: 387-403.
130852 Is there a hierarchy of human rights?/John D. Montgomery.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.3: 373-385.
130853 The ambivalence about the globalization of telecommunications: The story of Amnesty International, Shell Oil Company and Nigeria/James M. Russell.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.3: 405-416.
130854 The death penalty and the Forfeiture Thesis/Morton Winston.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.3: 357-372.
130855 State regulation of xenophobia versus individual freedoms: the European view/Eva Brems.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.4: 451-500.
130856 The demographic roots of European xenophobia/Harvey Fireside.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.4: 469-479.
130857 US foreign policy and human rights/David Forsythe.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.4: 501-521.
130858 Genocide prevention, morality, and the national interest/Jerry Fowler …[et al.].- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.4: 429-467.
130859 (Mis)representing East Timor’s past: structural symbolic violence, international law, and the institutionalization of injustice/Joseph Nevins.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.4: 523-540.
130860 Feminist praxis and women’s human rights/Laura Parisi.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.4: 571-585.
130861 Taking proactive steps to prevent violence/Vincent Parrillo.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.4: 559-569.
130862 The problem of cultural relativism for the sociology of human rights: Weber, Schmitt and Strauss/Bryan Turner.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.4: 587-605.
130863 Routine police torture: towards a personalistic analysis and strategy/P. Van Reenen.- Journal of Human Rights. 2002; Vol.1, No.4: 541-558.
130864 A modest proposal: Towards a religious politics of epistemic humility/Menachem Fisch.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.1: 49-64.
130865 Intolerance and tolerance in the Jewish tradition and contemporary Israel/Shlomo Fischer.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.1: 65-80.
130866 The Qur’an and tolerance: An interpretive essay on Verse 5:48/Sohail Hashmi.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.1: 81-103.
130867 Tolerance versus pluralism in Judaism/Suzanne Last Stone.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.1: 105-117.
130868 The American experiment: Religious liberty, Roman Catholics, and the vision of John Courtney Murray/Claire Wolfteich.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.1: 31-47.
130869 Contemporary Islamist movements and new sources for religious tolerance/Nilufer Gole.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.1: 17-30.
130870 From bystander to actor/Zygmunt Bauman.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.2: 137-151.
130871 The ethics of human frailty/Nicholas Buttle.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.2: 227-233.
130872 Care in the time of catastrophe: Citizenship, community and the ecological imagination/Nigel Clark, Nick Stevenson.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.2: 235-246.
130873 Humanitarianism, humanity, human/Jenny Edkins.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.2: 253-258.
130874 Lost childhood, lost generations: The intergenerational transmission of trauma/Jeffrey Prager.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.2: 173-181.
130875 Modern torture as a civic marker: Solving a global anxiety with a new political technology/Darius Rejali.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.2: 153-171.
130876 Rotten trade: Millennial capitalism, human values and global justice in organs trafficking/Nancy Scheper-Hughes.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.2: 197-226.
130877 Your stomach makes you feel that you don’t want to know anything about it’: Desensitization, defence mechanisms and rhetoric in response to human rights abuses/Bruna Irene Seu.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.2: 183-192.
130878 Review Symposium: David Rieff’s A Bed for the Night: Humanitarianism in Crisis An impossible yet necessary ethic of resistance/Alan Woolfolk.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.2: 257-242.
130879 Evolving roles of NGOs in member state decision-making in the UN system/Chadwick F. Alger.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.3: 407-424.
130880 Civil society and transitional justice: possibilities, patterns and prospects/David Backer.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.3: 297-313.
130881 Introduction: more rights and accountability but fewer remedies?/Henry F. Carey.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.3: 261-278.
130882 Implementing international human rights norms: UN human rights treaty bodies and NGOs/Felice D. Gaer.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.3: 339-357.
130883 Questioning comprehensive sanctions: the birth of a norm/Darren Hawkins, Joshua Lloyd.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.3: 441-454.
130884 Human rights NGOs, police and citizen security in transitional democracies/Rachel Neild.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.3: 277-296.
130885 UN peace operations, INGOs, NGOs, and promoting the rule of law: exploring the intersection of international and local norms in different postwar contexts/Beatrice Pouligny.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.3: 359-377.
130886 Review Essay: In search of the real Milosevic: new books about the rise and fall of Serbia’s strongman/Sabrina P. Ramet.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.3: 455-466.
130887 From forms to norms: global projects and local practices in the Balkan NGO scene/Steven Sampson.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.3: 329-337.
130888 The grey zone of justice: NGOs and rule of law in postwar guatemala/Victoria Sanford.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.3: 393-405.
130889 Civil society and the International Criminal Court/Johan D. Van Der Vyver.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.3: 425-439.
130890 Human rights NGOs and the rule of law in Africa/Claude E. Welch.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.3: 315-327.
130891 NGO growth in transition economies: a cause or effect of legal reform and donor aid?/Clifford Zinnes, Sarah Bell.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.3: 379-392.
130892 The problem with Marx on rights/Stephen Brown.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.4: 517-522.
130893 Rape as a crime against humanity: trauma, law and justice in the ICTY/Kirsten Campbell.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.4: 507-515.
130894 Contextualizing language rights/John Edwards.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.4: 551-571.
130895 Global concepts and local meaning: human rights and Buddhism in Cambodia/Judy Ledgerwood, Kheang Un.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.4: 531-549.
130896 What is neo-Enlightenment? Human rights culture and juridical reason/Thomas Osborne.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.4: 523-530.
130897 Sexual harassment and human rights law in New Zealand/Christine Williams.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.4: 573-584.
130898 Human rights organizations and the political imagination: how the West and Africa have diverged/Alex de Waal.- Journal of Human Rights. 2003; Vol.2, No.4: 475-494.
130899 Slavery and the human right to evil/Kevin Bales.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.1: 53-63.
130900 Critiquing desire: philosophy, writing and terror/Russell Ford.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.1: 83-97.
130901 Aeschylus terrorist/Sean Gurd.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.1: 99-114.
130902 Battling demons or banal exterminism? Apocalypse and statecraft in modern mass murder/Mark Levene.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.1: 65-80.
130903 Raising expectations? Civil society’s influence on human rights and US foreign policy/Julie Mertus.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.1: 21-40.
130904 A meaningful place in the world: Hannah Arendt on the nature of human rights/Serena Parekh.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.1: 41-52.
130905 The flogging of Bariya Magazu: Nigerian politics, Canadian pressures, and women’s and children’s rights/Rhoda Howard-Hassmann.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.1: 3-20.
130906 Language, the enemy: Assia Djebar’s response to the Algerian intellocide/Julija Sukys.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.1: 115-131.
130907 Paying for the past?: the movement for reparations for African-Americans/John Torpey.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.2: 171-187.
130908 Constructing world civil society through contentions over religious rights/George Thomas.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.2: 239-251.
130909 For humanity/Ruti Teitel.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.2: 225-237.
130910 The institutionalization of cosmopolitan morality: the Holocaust and human rights/Daniel Levy, Natan Sznaider.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.2: 143-157.
130911 Human rights and the work of memory in international relations/Valerie Rosoux.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.2: 159-170.
130912 Cosmopolitan promises: the rising struggle over human rights and democracy/David Jacobson.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.2: 215-223.
130913 Civil norms and unjust embargoes/Ariel Colonomos.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.2: 189-201.
130914 NGOs and international law/Marie Tornquist-Chesnier.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.2: 253-263.
130915 Continuing incivility: labor rights in a global economy/Robert OBrien.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.2: 203-214.
130916 For the women of Chechnya, hope dies last/Bridget Conley.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.3: 331-342.
130917 Ghe rise and fall of revolutionary passions in El Salvador: Some lessons for the study of radical political movements/Yvon Grenier.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.3: 313-329.
130918 The Zapatistas and the art of ventriloquism/Pedro Pitarch.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.3: 291-312.
130919 Human rights and globalization/Adamantia Pollis.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.3: 343-358.
130920 A conception of human rights based on Japanese culture: Promoting cross-cultural debates/Teruhisa Se, Rie Karatsu.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.3: 269-289.
130921 Police-public violence and democratic policing in Lithuania/Niels Uildriks.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.3: 373-396.
130922 Collective trauma, apologies, and the politics of memory/Ridwan Nytagodien, Arthur Neal.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.3: 465-475.
130923 Liberalism, affect control, and emotionally intelligent democracy/Dmitri Shalin.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.4: 407-428.
130924 The modern state, the citizen, and the perilous refugee/Hakan Sicakkan.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.4: 445-463.
130925 Cultural democracies and human rights: Conditions for religious freedom in modern Greece/Aristotelis Stamoulas.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.4: 477-497.
130926 A Review of: The Blindfold’s Eyes: My Journey from Torture to Truth/David Stoll.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.4: 499-502.
130927 The limits of justice: Certainty, affirmative repair, and aboriginality/Andrew Woolford.- Journal of Human Rights. 2004; Vol.3, No.4: 429-444.
130928 International Human Rights Law: All Show, No Go/Mirko Bagaric, Penny Dimopoulos.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.1: 3-21.
130929 The Culture of Denial: Islamic Terrorism and the Delinquent Left/Simon R. Cottee.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.1: 191-135.
130930 Human Rights and Changing Definitions of Warfare/Veena Das.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.1: 113-117.
130931 Human Rights and the War in Iraq/Michael C. Davis.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.1: 37-44.
130932 Religious Terrorism and Human Rights in Iraq: The Intersection of Two Global Trends/William R. Garrett.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.4: 85-93.
130933 A Year of De-Baathification in Post-Conflict Iraq: Time for Mid-Course Corrections and a Long-Term Strategy/Richard O. Hatch.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.1: 103-112.
130934 Ecological Self-Government: Beyond Individualistic Paths to Indigenous and Minority Rights/Susan J. Henders.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.1: 23-36.
130935 Under Strain: Human Rights and International Law in the Post 9/11 Era/Adrian L. Jones, Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.1: 61-71.
130936 Iraq, Fundamental Ethical Principles, and the Future of Human Rights/Brian D. Lepard.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.1: 53-59.
130937 Neocolonial and Idealist Human Rights Pitfalls/Christopher Pollmann.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.1: 145-158.
130938 The Corporate Control Industry and Human Rights: The Case of Iraq/Gideon Sjoberg.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.1: 95-101.
130939 Reflections on the Abu Ghraib Photographs/Keith Tester.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.1: 137-143.
130940 The Humanitarian Argument for the Iraq War/Morton Winston.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4: 45-51.
130941 Beyond Victor’s Justice? The Challenge of Prosecuting the Winners at the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda/Victor Peskin.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.2: 213-231.
130942 Peace, Culture, and Governance in Post-Civil War El Salvador (1992-2000)/Robin Maria DeLugan.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.2: 233-249.
130943 Do Springs of Democracy lead to Falls of Justice? State-Civil Contests for Political Accountability in South Korea/William A. Hayes.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.2: 251-265.
130944 To Punish or to Forgive? Young Citizens Attitudes on Impunity and Accountability in Contemporary Argentina/Susana Kaiser.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.2: 171-196.
130945 The Abuse of Memorialized Space and the Redefinition of Ground Zero/Joseph Nevins.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.2: 267-282.
130946 Here There Is No Why: Journey to the Buchenwald Concentration Camp/John Rodden.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.2: 283-297.
130947 Between Global Bystander and Global Intervener/Nancy Scheper-Hughes.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.2: 165-169.
130948 Persecution of Christians in the Dadaab Refugee Camp/Howard Adelman.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.3: 353-362.
130949 Praying for the Persecuted Church: US Christian Activism in the Global Arena/Elizabeth A. Castelli.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.3: 321-351.
130950 Christians Against Christians/Adamantia Pollis.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.3: 419-430.
130951 Do Americans Care About Human Rights?/Sam McFarland, Melissa Mathews.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.3: 305-319.
130952 Fighting for the Christian Nation: The Christian Right and American Politics/Sabrina P. Ramet.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.3: 431-442.
130953 Christians in Jerusalem: A Minority at Risk/Daphne Tsimhoni.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.3: 391-417.
130954 Palestinian Christians: A Minority’s Plea for Rights Silenced by the Politics of Peace/Justus Reid Weiner.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.3: 363-389.
130955 Transitional Justice in Mexico/Louis Bickford.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.4: 537-557.
130956 Hybrids or Mongrels? Internationalized War Crimes Trials as Unsuccessful Degradation Ceremonies/James Cockayne.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.4: 455-473.
130957 Defense Counsel Appearing Before International Tribunals: Past Experiences and Future Challenges/Mark S. Ellis.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.4: 491-512.
130958 Value Pluralism, Liberalism, and the Cosmopolitan Intent of the International Criminal Court/Steven C. Roach.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.4: 475-490.
130959 Assessing the Record of Justice: A Comparison of Mixed International Tribunals versus Domestic Mechanisms for Human Rights Enforcement/Steven D. Roper, Lilian A. Barria.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.4: 521-536.
130960 Exporting Justice: Perceptions of the ICTY Among the Serbian, Croatian, and Muslim Communities in the Former Yugoslavia/Dan Saxon.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.4: 559-572.
130961 The Perils of Permitting Self-Representation in International War Crimes Trials/Michael P. Scharf.- Journal of Human Rights. 2005; Vol.4, No.4: 513-520.
130962 A Victim-Centered Reflection on Truth Commissions and Prosecutions as a Response to Mass Atrocities/Raquel Aldana.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.1: 107-126.
130963 Revisiting Resentments: Jean Amory and the Dark Side of Forgiveness and Reconciliation/Thomas Brudholm.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.1: 7-26.
130964 A Victim-Centered Reflection on Truth Commissions and Prosecutions as a Response to Mass Atrocities/Raquel Aldana.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.1: 107-126.
130965 Flying Flags of Fear: The Role of Fear in the Process of Political Transition/Brandon Hamber.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.1: 127-142.
130966 Forgiveness, Women, and Responsibility to the Group/Sharon Lamb.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.1: 45-60.
130967 Managing Reconciliation at the Human Rights Violations Hearings of the South African TRC/Annelies Verdoolaege.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.1: 61-80.
130968 A Case for Resentment: Jean Amery versus Primo Levi/Arne Johan Vetlesen.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.1: 27-44.
130969 The Cycle of Violence/Margaret Urban Walker.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.1: 81-105.
130970 The Vacuous Concept of Dignity/Mirko Bagaric, James Allan.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.2: 257-270.
130971 Excusing Terror/Simon R. Cottee.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.2: 149-162.
130972 Human Rights as a Contingent Foundation: The Case of Physicians for Human Rights/Neve Gordon.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.2: 163-184.
130973 The Problem of Secular Sacredness: Ronald Dworkin, Michael Perry, and Human Rights Foundationalism/Ari Kohen.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.2: 235-256.
130974 A Cross-Cultural Practical Moral Discourse on Human Rights for Women/Bindu Madhok, Selva J. Raj.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.2: 205-214.
130975 Human Rights Violations Beyond the State/Pablo Policzer.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.2: 215-233.
130976 Of War Crimes and Contrition: The Son of Hitler’s Bodyguard Confronts His Father’s Nazi Past/John Rodden.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.2: 271-278.
130977 A Discourse on Trial: The Promotion of Human Rights and the Prosecution of Sa ad Eddin Ibrahim in Egypt/Bosmat Yefet-Avshalom, Luis Roniger.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.2: 185-204.
130978 Collective Violence, Human Rights, and the Politics of Curfew/Paul R. Brass.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.3: 323-340.
130979 Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace? Reflections on the Realist Critique of Kant’s Project/Luigi Caranti.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.3: 341-353.
130980 Postmodern Just Wars and the New World Order/Costas Douzinas.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.3: 355-375.
130981 The American Jewish Committee and the Birth of the Israeli Human Rights Movement/Michael Galchinsky.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.3: 303-321.
130982 Maximizing Human Security: A Utilitarian Argument for Humanitarian Intervention/Eric A. Heinze.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.3: 283-302.
130983 Statelessness and the Social (De)Construction of Citizenship: Political Restructuring and Ethnic Discrimination in Slovenia/Brad K. Blitz.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.4: 453-479.
130984 Violators’ Accounts: Hypocrisy and Human Rights Rhetoric in the Southern Cone/Sonia Cardenas.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.4: 439-451.
130985 Human Rights Melodrama: A Literary Analysis of Reports of Police Violence Against Hungarian Roms/Margaret Darin Hagan.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.4: 401-415.
130986 Pushing the Limits of Humanity? Reinterpreting Animal Rights and Personhood Through the Prism of the Holocaust/David B. MacDonald.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.4: 417-437.
130987 I Was a Teenage Thought Criminal, or Little Brotherly Love/John Rodden.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.4: 481-489.
130988 Justifying Human Rights: The Roles of Domain, Audience, and Constituency/Tom Sorell, Todd Landman.- Journal of Human Rights. 2006; Vol.5, No.4: 383-400.
130989 Triangle of Betrayal: Collaborators and Transitional Justice in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict/Ron Dudai, Hillel Cohen.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.1: 37-58.
130990 Human Rights and Politicized Human Rights: A Utilitarian Critique/Don A. Habibi.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.1: 3-35.
130991 Official Apologies and the Quest for Historical Justice/Michael R. Marrus.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.1: 75-105.
130992 Can a Violent Husband Violate Human Rights?/Serena Parekh.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.1: 131-141.
130993 Deploying Sanctions while Protecting Human Rights: Are Humanitarian Smart Sanctions Effective?/Ella Shagabutdinova, Jeffrey Berejikian.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.1: 59-74.
130994 Human Rights and Duties to Alleviate Environmental Injustice: The Domestic Case/Kristin Shrader-Frechette.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.1: 107-130.
130995 Choosing Whom to Govern/Howard Adelman.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.2: 257-263.
130996 The Whole World Could Be Watching: Human Rights and the Media/Clair Apodaca.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.2: 147-164.
130997 Reaching Beyond the State: Judicial Independence, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and Accountability in Guatemala/Jeffrey Davis, Edward H. Warner.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.2: 233-255.
130998 Animal Rights/Lisa Kemmerer.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.2: 273-277.
130999 The Importance of Trying Charles Taylor/Kimberly Lanegran.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.2: 165-179.
131000 The Evolution of Regional Human Rights Mechanisms: A Focus on Africa/Carolyn M. Shaw.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.2: 209-232.
131001 Trafficked into Slavery/Joel Quirk.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.2: 181-207.
131002 Rule of Virtue: China and Human Rights/Bryan S. Turner.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.2: 265-271.
131003 Sins of the Fathers: War Rape, Wrongful Procreation, and Children’s Human Rights/Michael Goodhart.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.3: 307-324.
131004 Regional Integration as an Instrument of Human Rights: Reconceptualizing ECOWAS/Nneoma Nwogu.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.3: 345-360.
131005 A Human Rights Campaign? The Campaign to Abolish Child Slavery in Hong Kong 1919-1938/Harriet Samuels.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.3: 361-384.
131006 Victims of Political Violence: A Habermasian Model of Truth Recovery/Kirk Simpson.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.3: 325-343.
131007 Human Rights as Moral Rebellion and Social Construction/Morton Winston.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.3: 279-305.
131008 Surgeons in Apartheid South Africa/Paul Gready.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.4: 415-432.
131009 From Rome to Darfur: Norms and Interests in US Policy Toward the International Criminal Court/Kurt Mills, Anthony Lott.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.4: 497-502.
131010 The Peruvian Truth Commission’s Historical Memory Project: Empowering Truth-Tellers to Confront Truth Deniers/Lisa J. Laplante.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.3: 433-452.
131011 Gender in Transition: Common Sense, Women, and War/Kimberly Theidon.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.4: 453-478.
131012 Beyond Facts to Reality: Confronting the Situation of Women in Female Circumcising Communities/Mary Nyangweso Wangila.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.4: 393-413.
131013 Recognizing Victimhood: Politics and Narratives of Rehabilitation in Germany/Christiane Wilke.- Journal of Human Rights. 2007; Vol.6, No.4: 479-496.
131014 Thinking About Human Rights During the Iraq War: Toward a Cartography of the Cognition of Western Thought Communities/Thomas Cushman.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.1: 52-69.
131015 Heuristics, Hypocrisy, and History without Lessons: Nuremberg, War Crimes, and Shock and Awe/John Rodden.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.1: 34-43.
131016 Thomas Dodd’s Nuremberg/Michael R. Marrus.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.1: 70-76.
131017 The United States and International Humanitarian Law/David P. Forsythe.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.1: 25-33.
131018 American Exceptionalism and the Prospects for Change/Eric K. Leonard.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.1: 77-85.
131019 Human Rights and Human Insecurity: The Contributions of US Counterterrorism/Julie Mertus, Tazreena Sajjad.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.1: 4-24.
131020 Human Rights and Social Provision/Jack Donnelly.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.2: 123-138.
131021 History and Human Rights: People and Forces in Paradoxical Interaction/Paul Gordon Lauren.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.2: 91-103.
131022 Making History or Making Peace: When Prosecutions Should Give Way to Truth Commissions and Peace Negotiations/Martha Minow.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.32: 174-185.
131023 Reconceiving Rights and Constitutionalism/Jennifer Nedelsky.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.2: 139-173.
131024 From Genocide to Feminicide: Impunity and Human Rights in Twenty-First Century Guatemala/Victoria Sanford.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.2: 104-122.
131025 Gendering Necropolitics: The Juridical-Political Sociality of Honor Killings in Turkey/C[idot]han Ahmetbeyzade.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.3: 187-206.
131026 The Long View: Human Rights Activism, Past and Present/Ron Dudai.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.3: 299-309.
131027 A Latin American Sociopolitical Conceptualization of Human Rights/Ariadna Estevez.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.3: 245-261.
131028 The Immanent Dichotomy of Human Rights: Emergency Powers v. Universal Protection/Ovadia Ezra.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.3: 207-223.
131029 The Displacement of the Rights of Displaced Persons: An Irreconciliation of Human Rights between Place and Movement/Mark F. N. Franke.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.3: 262-281.
131030 Human Rights and Technology-A Conflictual Relationship? Assessing Private Research and the Right to Adequate Food/Hans Morten Haugen.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.3: 224-244.
131031 The Migration-Development Nexus Revisited from a Rights Perspective/Nicola Piper.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.3: 282-298.
131032 The Truth About Rights/Vittorio Bufacchi.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.3: 311-326.
131033 The Novel and Human Rights/Kerry Bystrom.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.4: 388-396.
131034 Weighing the Costs of Accountability: The Role of Institutional Incentives in Pursuing Transitional Justice/Brian Grodsky.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.4: 353–375.
131035 Human Rights and Structural Adjustment/Zehra F. Kabasakal Arat.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.4: 397-399.
131036 Ethical Advice: Conflict Management vs. Human Rights in Ending Civil Wars/Roy Licklider.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.4: 376-387.
131037 Truth and Justice: Transience and Doubt in Chilean Documentary/Kristin Sorensen.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.4: 341-352.
131038 Beyond Expression: Amnesty International’s Decision to Oppose Capital Punishment, 1973/Andrew S. Thompson.- Journal of Human Rights. 2008; Vol.7, No.4: 327-340.
131039 Towards an Understanding of the Right to Enjoy the Benefits of Scientific Progress and Its Applications/Audrey R. Chapman.- Journal of Human Rights. 2009; Vol.8, No.1: 1-36.
131040 Fair Trial: The History of an Idea/Ian Langford.- Journal of Human Rights. 2009; Vol.8, No.1: 37-52.
131041 Securitizing Women’s Rights and Gender Equality/Natalie Florea Hudson.- Journal of Human Rights. 2009; Vol.8, No.1: 53-70.
131042 Technologies of Telling: Discourse, Transparency, and Erasure in Guatemalan Truth Commission Testimony/Brigittine M. French.- Journal of Human Rights. 2009; Vol.8: 92-109.
131043 Explaining Abu Ghraib: A Review Essay/Christopher J. Einolf.- Journal of Human Rights. 2009; Vol.8, No.1: 110-120.
131044 Education as a Human and a Citizenship Right Parents Rights, Children’s Rights, or? The Necessity of Historical Contextualization/Tomas Englund, Ann Quennerstedt, Ninni Wahlstrom.- Journal of Human Rights. 2009; Vol.8, No.2: 133-138.
131045 The Fiction of Reconciliation: Creating Dialogue through Verbal and Performance Arts in South Africa/Zakes Mda.- Journal of Human Rights. 2009; Vol.8, No.2: 121-132.
131046 Global Human Rights Awareness, Education and Democratization/Anja Mihr.- Journal of Human Rights. 2009; Vol.8, No.2: 177-189.
131047 A Principled Statement on Education/Klas Roth.- Journal of Human Rights. 2009; Vol.8, No.2: 139-149.
131048 Balancing the Rights of the Child and the Rights of Parents in the Convention on the Rights of the Child/Ann Quennerstedt.- Journal of Human Rights. 2009; Vol.8, No.2: 162-176.
131049 The Struggle for the Right to Education in the European Convention on Human Rights/Ninni Wahlstrom.- Journal of Human Rights. 2009; Vol.8, No.2: 150-161.
131050 The Case of an Armenian Mass Grave/Roxana Ferllini, Alexandra M. Croft.- Journal of Human Rights. 2009; Vol.8, No.3: 229-244.
131051 An Index of Economic and Social Rights Fulfillment: Concept and Methodology/Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, Terra Lawson-Remer, Susan Randolph.- Journal of Human Rights. 2009; Vol.8, No.3: 195-221.
131052 NATO’s Humanitarian Intervention in Kosovo: Legal Precedent or Aberration?/Aidan Hehir.- Journal of Human Rights. 2009; Vol.8, No.3: 245-264.
131053 Haiti’s Failed Truth Commission: Lessons in Transitional Justice/Joanna R. Quinn.- Journal of Human Rights. 2009; Vol.8, No.3: 265-281.
131054 November 9, Germany’s Friday the 13th: What Should We Remember?/John Rodden.- Journal of Human Rights. 2009; Vol.8, No.3: 222-228.
131055 From Negative to Positive Peace: The Case of Bosnia and Hercegovina/Janine Natalya Clark.- Journal of Human Rights. 2009; Vol.8, No.4: 360-384.
131056 State Capacity, Democracy, and the Violation of Personal Integrity Rights/Joseph K. Young.- Journal of Human Rights. 2009; Vol.8, No.4: 283-300.
131057 Framing Male Circumcision as a Human Rights Issue? Contributions to the Debate Over the Universality of Human Rights/Debra L. DeLaet.- Journal of Human Rights. 2009; Vol.8, No.4: 405-426.
131058 The Chechen Story: A Tragedy of Violence and Retaliation/Emma Gilligan.- Journal of Human Rights. 2009; Vol.8, No.4: 427-437.
131059 Are Human Rights Liberal?/Alex Gourevitch.- Journal of Human Rights. 2009; Vol.8, No.4: 301-322.
131060 Human Rights and HIV-Testing in the South African Armed Forces: Whose Rights Are Paramount?/Lindy Heinecken, Michelle Nel.- Journal of Human Rights. 2009; Vol.8, No.4: 340-359.
131061 Queering Human Rights: The Yogyakarta Principles and the Norm That Dare Not Speak Its Name/Ryan Richard Thoreson.- Journal of Human Rights. 2009; Vol.8, No.4: 323-339.
131062 The Turn to Truth: Trends in Truth Commission Experimentation/Geoff Dancy, Hunjoon Kim, Eric Wiebelhaus-Brahm.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.1: 45-64.
131063 Life: The Most Basic Right/Amitai Etzioni.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.1: 100-110.
131064 Human Dignity, Capital Punishment, and an African Moral Theory: Toward a New Philosophy of Human Rights/Thaddeus Metz.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.1: 81-99.
131065 What are Cultural Rights? Protecting Groups With Individual Rights/Laura Reidel.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.1: 65-80.
131066 International Organizations and Human Rights: Realizing, Resisting or Repackaging the Right to Water?/Anna F. S. Russell.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.1: 1-23.
131067 Can Human Rights Build a Better War?/Thomas W. Smith.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.1: 24-44.
131068 Encounters in the City: Cops, Criminals, and Human Rights in Hindi Film/Anustup Basu.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.2: 175-190.
131069 The Child Soldier Narrative and the Problem of Arrested Historicization/Eleni Coundouriotis.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.2: 191-205.
131070 Comparative Human Rights: Literature, Art, Politics/Eleni Coundouriotis, Lauren M. E. Goodlad.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.1: 121-126.
131071 Human Rights and a Post-Secular Religion of Humanity/Daniel S. Malachuk.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.2: 127-142.
131072 Poignancy as Human Rights Aesthetic/Feisal G. Mohamed.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.2: 143-160.
131073 Reading Human Rights Literature in Undergraduate Literature Classes: Professorial Desire, Disciplinary Culture, and the Chances of Cultivating Compassion/Kimberly A. Nance.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.2: 161-174.
131074 Vanishing Points: When Narrative Is Not Simply There/Joseph R. Slaughter.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.2: 207-223.
131075 Education in Bosnia-Hercegovina: The Case for Root-and-Branch Reform/Janine Natalya Clark.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.3: 344-362.
131076 No News Is Good News: Human Rights Coverage in the American Print Media, 1980-2000/Wade M. Cole.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.3: 303-325.
131077 The State of Sorry: Official Apologies and their Absence/Alice MacLachlan.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.3: 373-385.
131078 State Security and Elite Capture: The Implementation of Antiterrorist Legislation in India/Manoj Mate, Adnan Naseemullah.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.3: 262-278.
131079 Justifying Human Rights: Perry, Kohen, and the Overlapping Consensus/Matthew S. Mitchell.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.3: 363-372.
131080 Hannah Arendt’s Right to Have Rights: A Philosophical Context for Human Security/Natalie Oman.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.3: 279-302.
131081 Economic and Social Rights Fulfillment Index: Country Scores and Rankings/Susan Randolph, Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, Terra Lawson-Remer.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.3: 230-261.
131082 Religion, the African Concept of the Individual, and Human Rights Discourse: An Analysis/Mary Nyangweso Wangila.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.3: 326-343.
131083 Reproductive Health as a Human Right: A Matter of Access or Provision?/Sara E. Davies.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.4: 387-408.
131084 Rendering Global Criminal Law an Instrument of Power: Pragmatic Legalism and Global Tribunals/Jonathan Graubart.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.4: 409-426.
131085 The Moral Foundations of International Criminal Law/Jamie Terence Kelly.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.4: 502-510.
131086 Rights Transmission by Mimesis: the Biomedicine Convention in Central Europe/Frances Millard.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.4: 427-444.
131087 Between Commitment and Pragmatism: Assessing International Influence on Human Rights Practices in Georgia/Mariya Y. Omelicheva.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.4: 445-466.
131088 The Call of Concrete Moral Conscience: Another Latin American Contribution to the Idea of Human Rights/Jorge Mario Rodr‎کGuez-Mart‎کnez.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.4: 467-486.
131089 Debt Servicing and its Adverse Impact on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights in Developing Countries/Noel G. Villaroman.- Journal of Human Rights. 2010; Vol.9, No.4: 487-501.
131090 Special Report Human Rights in the Context of Disasters: The Special Session of the UN Human Rights Council on Haiti/Allehone Mulugeta Abebe.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.1: 99-111.
131091 Explaining Postapartheid South African Human Rights Foreign Policy: Unsettled Identity and Unclear Interests/Tristan Anne Borer, Kurt Mills.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.1: 76-98.
131092 Taking Pictures over Soldiers Shoulders: Reporting on Human Rights Abuse from the Israeli Occupied Territories/Ruthie Ginsburg.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.1: 17-33.
131093 Beyond the Humanitarian/Political Divide: Witnessing and the Making of Humanitarian Ethics/Michal Givoni.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.1: 55-75.
131094 Human Rights Storytelling and Trauma Narrative in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go/Titus Levy.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.1: 1-18.
131095 On the Cost of Economic Rights in the United States/Lanse Minkler.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.1: 34-54.
131096 The Normative Structure of Human Rights: A Review of James Griffin’s On Human Rights/Bradley Jay Strawser.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.1: 112-119.
131097 Naturalism or Pragmatism? Towards an Expansive View of Human Rights/John Eekelaar.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.2: 230-242.
131098 Human Rights in Global Health Diplomacy: A Critical Assessment/Michelle L. Gagnon, Ronald Labonte.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.2: 189-213.
131099 Prisoners of the Official Explanation: Popular Nonfiction Accounts of the Guant‎عnamo Decision/John Hickman.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.2: 247-255.
131100 Apology and Sympathy: On the Importance of Training in Moral Discomfort/Linda Ross Meyer.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.2: 256-263.
131101 The Health Case for Economic and Social Rights Against the Global Marketplace/Ted Schrecker.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.2: 151-177.
131102 CRC General Comment 7 Indicators Framework: A Tool for Monitoring the Implementation of Child Rights in Early Childhood/Ziba Vaghri, Adem Arkadas, Sami Kruse, Clyde Hertzman.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.2: 178-188.
131103 Human Rights and the South Pacific: A New Voice in the Global Dialogue/Scott Walker.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.2: 214-229.
131104 Searching for a Middle Ground in Children’s Rights in Ghana/Afua Twum-Danso Imoh.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.2: 376-392.
131105 Language Rights: The Cinderella Human Right/Stephen May.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.3: 265-289.
131106 China’s Rising Power: Economic Growth vs. Freedom Deficit/Mahmood Monshipouri, Claude E. Welch, Sergio Brian Cruz Egoavil.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.3: 290-310.
131107 Narrative Structure and Emotional Mobilization in Humanitarian Representations: The Case of the Congo Reform Movement, 1903-1912/Matthew Norton.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.3: 311-338.
131108 Give Me Property or Give Me Death: Reconciling Intellectual Property Rights and the Right to Health/Robert L. Ostergard, Shawna E. Sweeney.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.3: 339-357.
131109 The Fujimori Effect/Rebecca K. Root.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.3: 358-375.
131110 How Strong Are the Rights of Indigenous Peoples?/Rodolfo Stavenhagen.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.3: 414-421.
131111 The Formation of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights: A Protracted Journey/Yung-Ming Yen.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.3: 393-414.
131112 Gender, Responsibility, and the Grey Zone: Considerations for Transitional Justice/Erin Baines.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.4: 477-493.
131113 Dirty Hands, Clean Conscience? The CIA Inspector General’s Investigation of Enhanced Interrogation Techniques in the War on Terror and the Torture Debate/Ruth Blakeley.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.4: 544-561.
131114 Test of Our Progress: The Translation of Economic and Social Rights Norms Into Practice/Ladawn Haglund, Rimjhim Aggarwal.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.4: 494-520.
131115 Standing on the Shoulders of Giants, Looking Up From the Grassroots: An Economic Rights Analysis of Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann’s Article, Universal Women’s Rights Since 1970/Shareen Hertel.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.4: 450-457.
131116 Globalization, Feminisms, and Women’s Empowerment: Comments on Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann’s Article, Universal Women’s Rights Since 1970/Zehra F. Kabasakal Arat.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.4: 458-466.
131117 Taking Stock: Transitional Justice and Market Effects in Latin America/Tricia D. Olsen, Andrew G. Reiter, Eric Wiebelhaus-Brahm.- Journal of Human Rights. 2011; Vol.10, No.4: 521-543.
131118 Human Rights Advocacy on Gender Issues: Challenges and Opportunities/Stephanie Farrior.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 83-100.
131119 Turning to torture in a nation of law/Rob Freer.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 169-178.
131120 An Unfinished Enterprise: Visions, Reflections, and an Invitation/Paul Gready, Brian Phillips.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 1-13.
131121 South Africa’s Treatment Action Campaign: Combining Law and Social Mobilization to Realize the Right to Health/Mark Heywood.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 14-36.
131122 Sri Lanka: Ethnic Strife, Fratricide, and the Peace vs. Human Rights Dilemma/Rajan Hoole.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 140-165.
131123 Art, Angst And Dealing With The Past In Northern Ireland/Kieran McEvoy.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 164-168.
131124 Fact-Finding on Torture and Ill-Treatment and Conditions of Detention/Manfred Nowak.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 101-119.
131125 Hubris And Humility In Bosnia/Brian Phillips.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 156-163.
131126 Despots Masquerading as Democrats/Kenneth Roth.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 140-155.
131127 The Price of Internal Legal Opposition to Human Rights Abuses/Michael Sfard.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 37-50.
131128 Human Rights and Development: a Comment on Challenges and Opportunities from a Legal Perspective/Siobhan McInerney-Lankford.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.1: 51-82.
131129 Overcoming a Taboo for HIV Education in the Workplace: Integrating Issues of Relevance for Men Who Have Sex with Men/Eric Stener Carlson, Alexandra Rizio.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.2: 236-256.
131130 Documentary Film and Social Networking in Defence of Human Rights: Producing and Distributing a Quechua-Language Version of State of Fear in PeruGet/Paco De Onis.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.2: 308-314.
131131 Climate Change and Human Rights Practice: Observations on and around the Report of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the Relationship between Climate Change and Human RightsGet/Ron Dudai.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.2: 294-307.
131132 Human Rights and State Fragility: Conceptual Foundations and Strategic Directions for State-Building/Derek G. Evans.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.2: 181-207.
131133 Protecting Peaceful Protest: The OSCE/ODIHR and Freedom of Peaceful Assembly/Neil Jarman, Michael Hamilton.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.2: 208-235.
131134 Whose voices? Understanding victims needs in transition: nepali voices: perceptions of truth, justice, reconciliation, reparations and the transition in nepal/Simon Robins.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.2: 320-331.
131135 Rights in Recession? Challenges for Economic and Social Rights Enforcement in Times of Crisis/Ignacio Saiz.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.2: 277-293.
131136 Human Rights, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity at the UN General Assembly/Kate Sheill.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.2: 315-339.
131137 Sites for Health Rights: the Experiences of Homeless Families in England/Maria Stuttaford, Gillian Lewando Hundt, Panos Vostanis.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.2: 257-276.
131138 Assessing Compliance: the Challenges for Economic and Social Rights/Edward Anderson, Marta Foresti.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.3: 469-476.
131139 Human Rights Impact Assessment in Practice: The Case of the Health Rights of Women Assessment Instrument/Saskia Bakker, Marieke Van Den Berg, Deniz DUzenli, Marike Radstaake.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.3: 436-458.
131140 Evaluating the Impact of Human Rights Litigation on Policy and Practice: A Case Study of the UK/Alice Donald, Elizabeth Mottershaw.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.3: 339-361.
131141 Human Rights Impact: Developing an Agenda for Interdisciplinary, International Research/Yasmine Ergas.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.3: 469-476.
131142 Closing the Escape Hatch: A Toolkit to Monitor the Progressive Realization of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights/Eitan Felner.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.3: 402-435.
131143 Producing the Evidence that Human Rights Advocacy Works: First Steps towards Systematized Evaluation at Human Rights Watch/Ian Gorvin.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.3: 477-487.
131144 Reasons to Be Cautious about Evidence and Evaluation: Rights-based Approaches to Development and the Emerging Culture of Evaluation/Paul Gready.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.3: 380-401.
131145 Rethinking Compliance: The Challenges and Prospects of Measuring Compliance with International Human Rights Tribunals/Courtney Hillebrecht.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.3: 362-397.
131146 Evaluation at Minority Rights Group/Claire Thomas.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2009; Vol.2, No.3: 488-498.
131147 Dignity And Ennui: Amnesty International, Amnesty International Report 2009: The State Of The World’s Human Rights, London: Amnesty International Publications/Stephen Hopgood.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2010; Vol.2, No.1: 151-165.
131148 OHCHR Pre-deployment Human Rights Training: Adapting to the Evolving Roles, Responsibilities, and Influence of UN Human Rights Officers/Jonathan Horowitz.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2010; Vol.2, No.3: 28-48.
131149 Law, Politics and Fact-Finding: Assessing the Impact of Human Rights Reports: Human Rights Watch, Probable Cause: Evidence Implicating Fujimori (December 2005)/Louise Mallinder.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2010; Vol.2, No.1: 166-176.
131150 Opportunities for Nongovernmental Organization Advocacy in the Universal Periodic Review Process at the UN Human Rights Council/Lawrence C. Moss.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2010; Vol.2, No.3: 122-150.
131151 Protecting Children Affected by Armed Conflict: Accountability for Monitoring, Reporting, and Response/Bo Viktor Nylund, Ida Margarita Hyllested.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2010; Vol.2, No.1: 71-92.
131152 Between War and Peace: Monitoring Guidelines for Child Soldiers in Nepal’s Peace Process/Edward Thomas.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2010; Vol.2, No.1: 93-121.
131153 I Stand Like A Woman: Empowerment and Human Rights in the Context of Community-Based Reintegration of Girl Mothers Formerly Associated with Fighting Forces and Armed Groups/Miranda Worthen, Angela Veale, Susan McKay, Michael Wessells.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2010; Vol.2, No.1: 49-70.
131154 The Professionalization of Human Rights Field Work/Michael OFlaherty, George Ulrich.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2010; Vol.2, No.1: 1-27.
131155 Introduction Responsibility to the Story/Paul Gready.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2010; Vol.2, No.2: 177-190.
131156 Cameras Everywhere: Ubiquitous Video Documentation of Human Rights, New Forms of Video Advocacy, and Considerations of Safety, Security, Dignity and Consent/Sam Gregory.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2010; Vol.2, No.2: 191-207.
131157 On Transitional Justice Entrepreneurs and the Production of Victims/Tshepo Madlingozi.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2010; Vol.2, No.2: 208-228.
131158 Words from the Heart: Researching People’s Stories/Harsh Mander.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2010; Vol.2, No.2: 252-270.
131159 Testimony in Transmission: Victim and Witness Narratives in Contemporary Drama/Brian Phillips.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2010; Vol.2, No.2: 271-286.
131160 Stop Stealing Our Stories: The Ethics of Research with Vulnerable Groups/Eileen Pittaway, Linda Bartolomei, Richard Hugman.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2010; Vol.2, No.2: 229-251.
131161 Unpacking World Refugee Day: Humanitarian Governance and Human Rights Practice?/Kristin Bergtora Sandvik.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2010; Vol.2, No.2: 287-298.
131162 Reconsidering the Comfort Women and Their Supporters/Margaret D. Stetz.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2010; Vol.2, No.2: 299-305.
131163 The Challenges of Responding to Extrajudicial Executions: Interview with Philip Alston/Philip Alston.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2010; Vol.2, No.3: 355-377.
131164 A Human Rights Murder Mystery in Guatemala: Alternative Formats for Reporting on Complex Challenges to Human Rights/Sebastian Elgueta.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2010; Vol.2, No.3: 408-421.
131165 Negotiating Politics and Culture: The Utility of Human Rights for Activist Organizing in the United States/Amy C. Finnegan, Adam P. Saltsman, Shelley K. White.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2010; Vol.2, No.3: 307-333.
131166 When Child Soldiers Reconcile: Accountability, Restorative Justice, and the Renewal of Empathy/David Alan Harris.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2010; Vol.2, No.3: 334-354.
131167 Persistent Legal Pluralism and the Challenge of Universal Human Rights/Matthew J. Nelson.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2010; Vol.2, No.3: 401-407.
131168 A Fascinating Place to Work: Nine Years Representing Amnesty International at the United Nations in New York/Yvonne Terlingen.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2010; Vol.2, No.3: 374-385.
131169 A Volunteer’s Perspective on the Liberian Truth and Reconciliation Commission Diaspora Project/Eric Wiebelhaus-Brahm.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2010; Vol.2, No.3: 386-400.
131170 The Globalization of Law: Implications for the Fulfillment of Human Rights/Alison Brysk,  Arturo Jimenez.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.1: 4-16.
131171 Ideological Voting on Chile’s Constitutional Tribunal: Dissent Coalitions in the Adjudication of Rights/Royce Carroll, Lydia Tiede.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.1: 85-105.
131172 Judicial Institution Builders: NGOs and International Human Rights Courts/Heidi Nichols Haddad.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.1: 126-149.
131173 Treaties, Constitutions, Courts, and Human Rights/Wayne Sandholtz.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.1: 17-32.
131174 The Construction and Enactment of Same-Sex Marriage in Argentina/Shawn Schulenberg.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.1: 106-126.
131175 Human Trafficking and International Cheap Talk: The Dutch Government and the Island Territories/Heather M. Smith-Cannoy, Charles Anthony Smith.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.1: 51-65.
131176 Judicialization of Politics in Europe: Keeping Pace with Strasbourg/Michael C. Tolley.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.1: 66-84.
131177 Explaining Support for Human Rights Protections: A Judicial Role?/Mary Volcansek, Charles Lockhart.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.1: 33-55.
131178 Anthropology and Human Rights: Theoretical Reconsiderations and Phenomenological Explorations/Sarah S. Willen.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.1: 150-159.
131179 Transnational Understandings of Secularisms and Their Impact on the Right to Religious Freedom-Exploring Religious Symbols Cases at the UN and ECHR/Amelie Barras.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.2: 263-279.
131180 Reconciliation via Truth? A Study of South Africa’s TRC/Janine Natalya Clark.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11: 189-209.
131181 Introduction to the Review Symposium on Kathryn Sikkink’s The Justice Cascade: How Human Rights Prosecutions Are Changing World Politics/Hun Joon Kim.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.1: 280-282.
131182 The Adaptation of Human Rights Norms in Local Settings: Intersections of Local and Bureaucratic Knowledge in an Israeli NGO/Zvika Orr.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.2: 243-262.
131183 Deterrence, Norm Socialization, and the Empirical Reach of Kathryn Sikkink’s The Justice Cascade: How Human Rights Prosecutions Are Changing World Politics/David Mendeloff.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.2: 289-295.
131184 The Moral Case for Restorative Justice as a Corollary of the Responsibility to Protect: A Rwandan Case Study of the Insufficiency of Impact of Retributive Justice on the Rights and Well-Being of Genocide Survivors/Noam Schimmel.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.2: 161-188.
131185 Review of Kathryn Sikkink’s The Justice Cascade: How Human Rights Prosecutions Are Changing World Politics/Bronwyn Anne Leebaw.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.2: 301-307.
131186 Taking Account of Violations: Rethinking Equality and Human Rights/Caroline Walsh.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.2: 227-242.
131187 Religious Human Rights and Peace/Carl Wellman.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.2: 210-216.
131188 The United States, Justice, and Human Rights/Zehra F. Kabasakal Arat.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.3: 322-331.
131189 Status-Differentiated Rights/Elizabeth Baisley.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.3: 365-383.
131190 The Skeptical Forsythe: Peace, Human Rights, and Realpolitik/Rhoda E. Howard-hassmann.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.3: 356-359.
131191 Ethics, Politics, and the Democratic War on Terror/Sonia Cardenas.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.3: 350-355.
131192 American Political Science Association Comments/David P. Forsythe.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.3: 360-364.
131193 The Geography and Political Context of Human Rights Education: Israel as a Case Study/Neve Gordon.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.3: 384-404.
131194 International Obligations and the Right to Food: Clarifying the Potentials and Limitations in Applying a Human Rights Approach When Facing Biofuels Expansion/Hans Morten Haugen.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.3: 405-429.
131195 Projecting Liberalism Into a Realist World: David P. Forsythe and the Political Science of Human Rights/Todd Landman.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.3: 332-336.
131196 Rhetoric and Reality Revisited/David L. Richards.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.3: 337-343.
131197 Tracing David P. Forsythe’s Intellectual Evolution: From Human Rights and World Politics (1983) to Human Rights in International Relations (2006)/Mahmood Monshipouri.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.3: 316-321.
131198 Humanitarian Affairs: David Forsythe’s Contribution to the Study of the International Committee of the Red Cross and Humanitarian Politics/Barbara ANN Rieffer-flanagan.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.3: 344-349.
131199 Healing History, or Remembrance of Things Not Yet Past and the Art of Listening/John Rodden.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.3: 430-441.
131200 Dealing With a New Grievance: Should Anticorruption Be Part of the Transitional Justice Agenda?/Kora Andrieu.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.3: 537-577.
131201 Human Rights and Corruption: Evidence From a Natural Experiment/Anand N. Asthana.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.4: 526-536.
131202 Legitimizing Human Rights: Beyond Mythical Foundations and Into Everyday Resonances/Anthony Tirado Chase.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.4: 505-525.
131203 What a Pity! Sovereign Immunity, State Responsibility, and the Diminution of Accountability Under International Human Rights Law/Mark Gibney, Erik Roxstrom.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.4: 443-459.
131204 The Violated Female Body as Nation: Cultural, Familial, and Spiritual Identity in Nora Okja Keller’s Comfort Woman/Paula Ruth Gilbert.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.4: 486-506.
131205 Human Rights in Crisis? A Critical Polemic Against Polemical Critics/Anthony J. Langlois.- Journal of Human Rights. 2012; Vol.11, No.4: 558-570.
131206 Fictions of Humanitarian Responsibility: Narrating Microfinance/Shameem Black.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.1: 103-120.
131207 On Contested Concepts: Humanitarianism, Human Rights, and the Notion of Neutrality/David P. Forsythe.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.1: 59-68.
131208 Redefining Humanitarian Intervention: The Historical Challenge of R2P/Emma Gilligan.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.1: 21-39.
131209 Humanitarianism and Responsibility/Glenn Mitoma, Kerry Bystrom.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.1: 1-20.
131210 Temoignage and Responsibility in Photo/Graphic Narratives of Medecins Sans Frontieres/Alexandra Schultheis Moore.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.1: 87-102.
131211 Come Almost Home: Human Rights and the Return of Minor Subjects/Crystal A. Parikh.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.1: 121-137.
131212 Taking a Back Seat: The Uses and Misuses of Space in a Context of War and Natural Disaster/Rebecca Walker.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.1: 69-76.
131213 Style as Substance/Jennifer Wenzel.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.1: 138-143.
131214 The Transitions of Transitional Justice: Mapping the Waves From Promise to Practice/Lauren Marie Balasco.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.2: 198-216.
131215 H.I.J.O.S. and the Spectacular Denunciation of Impunity: The Struggle for Memory, Truth, and Justice and the (Re-)Construction of Democracy in Argentina/Vincent Druliolle.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.2: 259-276.
131216 Rereading the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Plurality and Contestation, Not Consensus/Joe Hoover.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.2: 217-241.
131217 Property: Human Right or Commodity?/Sandra F. Joireman, Jason Brown.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.2: 165-179.
131218 Sisters in Disagreement: The Dispute Among French Feminists About the Burqa Ban and the Causes of Their Disunity/Ulrike Spohn.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.2: 145-164.
131219 The New Slave Narrative: Advocacy and Human Rights in Stories of Contemporary Slavery/Kelli Lyon Johnson.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.2: 242-258.
131220 We Are All Rwandans: Repatriation, National Identity, and the Plight of Rwanda’s Transferred Children/Andrea Dooley.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.3: 309-318.
131221 Kidnapped Memories: Argentina’s Stolen Children Tell Their Stories/Michael J. Lazzara.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.3: 319-332.
131222 R2P3: Protecting, Prosecuting, or Palliating in Mass Atrocity Situations?/Kurt Mills.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.3: 333-356.
131223 Are There Any Children for Sale?: Genocide and the Transfer of Armenian Children (1915-1922)/Keith David Watenpaugh.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.3: 283-295.
131224 Child Withholding as Child Transfer: Hidden Jewish Children and the State in Postwar Netherlands/Diane L. Wolf.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.3: 296-308.
131225 Reparations and Reconciliation in the Aftermath of Civil War/Prakash Adhikari, Wendy L. Hansen.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.4: 423-486.
131226 Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due: Can Access to Credit Be Justified as a New Economic Right?/Oksan Bayulgen.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.4: 491-510.
131227 Force Multipliers: Conditional Effectiveness of Military and INGO Human Security Interventions/Sam R. Bell, Amanda Murdie, Patricia Blocksome, Kevin Brown.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.4: 397-422.
131228 Restricted Representation: The Role of Ethics and Esthetics in Framing Images of Suffering/Brandon B. Golob.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.4: 511-522.
131229 Islam and the Language of Human Rights in Nigeria: Rights Talk and Religion in Domestic Politics/Brandon Kendhammer.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.4: 469-490.
131230 Individual and Organizational Human Rights Activism in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Kenya/Robert M. Press.- Journal of Human Rights. 2013; Vol.12, No.4: 447-468.
131231 Development, Human Rights, and Human Capabilities: The Political Divide/William F. Birdsall.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.1: 1-21.
131232 The CEDAW Effect: International Law’s Impact on Women’s Rights/Neil A. Englehart, Melissa K. Miller.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.1: 22-47.
131233 States and International Courts: The Politics of Prosecution in Sierra Leone/Darren Hawkins, Chad Losee.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.1: 48-68.
131234 Beyond Repair?: Collective and Moral Reparations at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal/Renee Jeffery.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.1: 103-119.
131235 What’s in an Idea?: Truth Commission Policy Transfer in Ghana and Canada/Franklin Oduro, Rosemary Nagy.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.1: 85-102.
131236 Waiting for a Meaningful State Apology: Has Brazil Apologized for Authoritarian Repression?/Nina Schneider.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.1: 69-84.
131237 What Rights and Which Countries?: US Human Rights Policy in the Multilateral Development Banks/Daniel B. Braaten.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.2: 205-229.
131238 A Crime of Identity: Rape and Its Neglected Victims/Janine Natalya Clark.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.2: 146-169.
131239 The UN Security Council and Human Rights: Promising Developments, Persistent Problems/David P. Forsythe.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.2: 121-145.
131240 A Modest Proposal: A Global Court of Human Rights/Jesse Kirkpatrick.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.2: 230-248.
131241 Aiding Labor: Foreign Aid and the Promotion of Labor Rights in LDCs/Reed M. Wood.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.2: 186-204.
131242 Legitimacy, Scope, and Conflicting Claims on the ICTY: In the Aftermath of Gotovina, Haradinaj and Perisic/Jelena Subotic.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.2: 170-185.
131243 With Arms Wide Shut: Threat Perception, Norm Reception, and Mobilized Resistance to LGBT Rights/Phillip M. Ayoub.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.3: 337-362.
131244 Strange Fruit: Homophobia, the State, and the Politics of LGBT Rights and Capabilities/Michael J. Bosia.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.3: 256-273.
131245 Resisting LGBT Rights Where We Have Won: Canada and Great Britain/Katherine Browne, Catherine J. Nash.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.3: 322-336.
131246 Human Rights, Orientation, and ASEAN/Anthony J. Langlois.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.3: 307-321.
131247 Queer Rights and the Triangulation of Western Exceptionalism/Momin Rahman.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.3: 274-289.
131248 Special Issue: Not Such an International Human Rights Norm? Local Resistance to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Rights-Preliminary Comments/Cai Wilkinson, Anthony J. Langlois.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.3: 249-255.
131249 Performing the Nation: Contesting Same-Sex Marriage Rights in the United States/Karen Zivi.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.3: 290-306.
131250 Ombudsmen as Human Rights Institutions/Victor O. Ayeni.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.4: 498-511.
131251 The Right to Democracy and the Human Right to Vote: The Instrumental Argument Rejected/Ludvig Beckman.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.4: 381-394.
131252 A Tale of Two Trends: Democracy and Human Rights, 1981-2010/Rob Clark.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.4: 395-413.
131253 States of Compliance?: Global Human Rights Treaties and ASEAN Member States/Mathew Davies.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.4: 414-434.
131254 The Right to Democracy and the Human Right to Vote: The Instrumental Argument Rejected/Ludvig Beckman.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.4: 381-394.
131255 Corporeal Mentality: The Book of Blood, Universal Human Rights, and the Body/Annabelle Mooney.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.4: 480-497.
131256 Legal Frontiers: Targeted Killing at the Borders of War/Rebecca Sanders.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.4: 512-536.
131257 Human Rights Trade-Offs in a Context of Systemic Lack of Freedom: The Case of the Smelter Town of La Oroya, Peru/Areli Valencia.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.4: 456-479.
131258 Communicative Interaction Between Mexico and Its International Critics Around the Issue of Military Jurisdiction: Rhetorical Action or Truth Seeking Arguing?/Alejandro Anaya Munoz.- Journal of Human Rights. 2014; Vol.13, No.4: 434-455.
131259 The Bloody Sunday Inquiry:Transitional Justice and Postconflict Reconciliation in Northern Ireland/Nevin T. Aiken.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.1: 101-123.
131260 Normative Versus Taxonomic Humanity: Varieties of Human Dignity in the Western Tradition/Jack Donnelly.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.1: 1-22.
131261 Responsibility, Emergency, Blame: Reporting on Migrant Deaths on the Mediterranean in the Council of Europe/Karolina S. Follis.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.1: 41-62.
131262 Women Run the Show?: Gender Violence Reform and the Stretching of Human Rights in Rwanda/Laura A. Hebert.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.1: 23-40.
131263 The Destruction of Identity: Cultural Genocide and Indigenous Peoples/Lindsey Kingston.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.1: 63-83.
131264 Human Rights and Health Impact Assessments of Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights: A Comparative Study of Experiences in Thailand and Peru/Gillian MacNaughton, Lisa Forman.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.1: 124-148.
131265 Tehran 1968 and Reform of the UN Human Rights System/Andrew S. Thompson.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.1: 84-100.
131266 Indigenous Peoples Right to Prior Consultation: Transforming Human Rights From the Grassroots in Guatemala/Jennifer N. Costanza.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.2: 260-285.
131267 Should Business Have Human Rights Obligations?/Nien-he Hsieh.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.2: 218-236.
131268 Corporate Social Responsibility Versus Business and Human Rights: Bridging the Gap Between Responsibility and Accountability/Anita Ramasastry.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.2: 237-259.
131269 Business and Human Rights in Historical Perspective/Michael A. Santoro.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.2: 155-161.
131270 Using Securities Disclosures to Advance Human Rights: A Consideration of Dodd-Frank Section 1502 and the Securities and Exchange Commission Conflict Minerals Rule/Celia R. Taylor.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.2: 201-217.
131271 Normativity, Ethics, and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: A Critical Assessment/Florian Wettstein.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.2: 162-182.
131272 Conflict Minerals, Black Markets, and Transparency: The Legislative Background of Dodd-Frank Section 1502 and Its Historical Lessons/Toby Whitney.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.2: 183-200.
131273 From Water Wars to Water Rights: Implementing the Human Right to Water in Bolivia/Madeline Baer.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.3: 353-376.
131274 The Effects of Human Rights on the Success of Microcredit Lending Institutions/Elisabeth c. Bremer, Matthew Krain.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.3: 377-400.
131275 Globalization and Responsibility for Human Rights/Andries De Smet, Jo Dirix, Lisa Diependaele, Sigrid Sterckx.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.3: 419-438.
131276 The Aborigines Protection Society: Humanitarian Imperialism in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Canada, South Africa and the Congo, 1839-1909 by James Heartfield/Caroline Shaw.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.3: 439-444.
131277 Human Rights in the Context of Environmental Conservation on the US-Mexico Border/Lisa Meierotto.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.3: 401-418.
131278 Respect for Physical-Integrity Rights in the Twenty-First Century: Evaluating Poe and Tate’s Model 20 Years Later/David L. Richards, Alyssa Webb, K. Chad Clay.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.3: 291-311.
131279 Implementing a Circle of Accountability: A Proposed Framework for Judiciaries and Other Actors in Enforcing Health-Related Rights/Alicia Ely Yamin, Fiona Lander.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.3: 312-331.
131280 From Rescue to Representation: A Human Rights Approach to the Contemporary Antislavery Movement/Austin Choi-Fitzpatrick.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.4: 486-503.
131281 Rising Powers and Human Rights: The India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum at the UN Human Rights Council/Eduard Jordaan.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.4: 463-485.
131282 A Theory of Human Rights Accountability and Emergency Law: Bringing in Historical Institutionalism/Moira Katherine Lynch.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.4: 504-524.
131283 Why Holocaust Education Is Not Always Human Rights Education/Anja Mihr.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.4: 525-544.
131284 We Have No Voice for That: Land Rights, Power, and Gender in Rural Sierra Leone/Gearoid Millar.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.4: 445-462.
131285 Holocaust Education and Human Rights Education Reconsidered: A Response to Anja Mihr/Sebastian Wogenstein.- Journal of Human Rights. 2015; Vol.14, No.4: 545-553.
131286 Particularizing the Universal: Dave Eggers Writes Human Rights/Sean Bex.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.1: 79-97.
131287 Structural Violence, Socioeconomic Rights, and Transformative Justice/Matthew Evans.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.1: 1-20.
131288 From Passive Objects to Active Agents: A Comparative Study of Conceptions of Victim Identities at the ICTY and ICC/Claire Garbett.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.1: 40-59.
131289 Is Standing for Women a Stand Against Terrorism? Exploring the Connection Between Women’s Rights and Terrorism/Cameron Harris, Daniel James Milton.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.1: 60-78.
131290 Dealing With Human Rights in International Organizations/Simon Hug.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.1: 21-39.
131291 Transitional Injustice: Subverting Justice in Transition and Postconflict Societies/Cyanne E. Loyle, Christian Davenport.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.1: 126-149.
131292 The Interventionist Turn of UN Peacekeeping: New Western Politics of Protection or Bureaucratic Mission Creep?/Touko Piiparinen.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.1: 98-125.
131293 Architectures of intergenerational justice: Human dignity, international law, and duties to future generations/Stephen Riley.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.2: 272-290.
131294 How do international human rights influence national healthcare provisions for irregular migrants?: A case study in France and the United Kingdom/Milena Chimienti, John Solomos.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.2: 208-228.
131295 Irregular immigrants in Australia and the United States Rights, realities, and political mobilization/Emma Larking.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.2: 189-207.
131296 The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the strategic shift to forced disappearance/Caroline L. Payne, M. Rodwan Abouharb.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.2: 163-188.
131297 Climate risks, climate economics, and the foundations of rights-based risk ethics/Klaus Steigleder.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.2: 251-271.
131298 The rights of (future) humans qua humans/Kerri Woods.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.2: 291-306.
131299 Promoting the people’s surrogate: The case for press freedom as a distinct human right/Wiebke Lamer.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.2: 361-382.
131300 Source credibility as information subsidy: Strategies for successful NGO journalism at Mexican human rights NGOs/Ella McPherson.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.3: 330-346.
131301 News about her: The effects of media freedom and internet access on women’s rights/Jenifer Whitten-Woodring.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.3: 383-407.
131302 A new era of human rights news? Contrasting two paradigms of human rights news-making/Matthew Powers.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.3: 314-329.
131303 Beyond naming and shaming: New modalities of information politics in human rights/Joel R. Pruce, Alexandra Cosima Budabin.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.3: 408-428.
131304 The rise of eyewitness video and its implications for human rights: Conceptual and methodological approaches/Sandra Ristovska.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.3: 347-360.
131305 Harmonizing national law with inter-American human rights law: Evidence from Mexico/Azul A. Aguiar-Aguilar.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.4: 477-495.
131306 Why (not) arrest? Third-party state compliance and noncompliance with international criminal tribunals/Mark S. Berlin.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.4: 509-532.
131307 Does constitutionalizing economic and social rights promote their fulfillment?/Elizabeth Kaletski, Lanse Minkler, Nishith Prakash, Susan Randolph.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.4: 433-453.
131308 Witnessing as activism: Watching the other at the Israeli checkpoints/Daniela Mansbach.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.4: 496-508.
131309 Securing rights in the twenty-first century: A comparison of the disability and older persons rights conventions/Jennifer Dabbs Sciubba.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.4: 533-549.
131310 Domestic legislatures and international human rights law: Legislating on religious symbols in Europe/Theresa Squatrito.- Journal of Human Rights. 2016; Vol.15, No.4: 550-570.
131311 Does social spending add substance to formal rights?/Zack Bowersox.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.1: 44-60.
131312 Rejecting rights-based approaches to development: Alternative engagements with human rights/Hannah Miller.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.1: 61-78.
131313 Protecting human rights in the era of uncertainty: How not to lose the war against ISIS/Mahmood Monshipouri, Claude E. Welch, Khashayar Nikazmrad.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.1: 1-24.
131314 Domestic law and human rights treaty commitments: The Convention against Torture/Wayne Sandholtz.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.1: 25-43.
131315 The trouble with frames: Insights from India on the challenge of using collective action frames to persuade state agents/Rachel Wahl.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.1: 79-95.
131316 National Human Rights Institutions: Domestic implementation of international human rights law/Ryan M. Welch.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.1: 96-116.
131317 Flat affect? Revisiting emotion in the historiography of human rights/Roland Burke.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.2: 123-141.
131318 The ritualization of human rights education and training: The fallacy of the potency of knowing/Danielle Celermajer.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.2: 160-177.
131319 Evaluating essential health packages from a human rights perspective/Audrey R. Chapman, Lisa Forman, Everaldo Lamprea.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.2: 142-159.
131320 The role of prosecutorial independence and prosecutorial accountability in domestic human rights trials/Veronica Michel.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.2: 193-219.
131321 Localizing the Human Rights Council: A case study of the Declaration on the Rights of Peasants/Arne Vandenbogaerde.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.2: 220-241.
131322 Fighting to close the School of the Americas: Unintended consequences of successful activism/Gregory Weeks.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.2: 178-192.
131323 A neglected nexus: Human rights and public perceptions/Dona-Gene Barton, Courtney Hillebrecht, Sergio C. Wals.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.3: 293-313.
131324 Rights trap or amplifier? Crime and attitudes toward local human rights organizations in Mexico/David Crow.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.3: 332-350.
131325 Public opinion on human rights in Putin-era Russia: Continuities, changes, and sources of variation/Theodore P. Gerber.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.3: 314-331.
131326 The construction of human rights actorhood: Findings from the Korean General Social Survey/Jeong-Woo Koo.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.3: 261-275.
131327 How protest affects opinions of peaceful demonstration and expression rights/Amanda Murdie, Carolin Purser.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.3: 351-369.
131328 Local resources for local rights? The Mumbai fundraiser’s dilemma/Archana Pandya, James Ron.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.3: 370-387.
131329 More than words? Genocide, Holocaust analogies, and public opinion in the United States/Benjamin A. Valentino, Ethan M. Weinberg.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.3: 276-292.
131330 Who cares about human rights? Public opinion about human rights foreign policy/Michelle Giacobbe Allendoerfer.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.4: 428-451.
131331 Recovering from statelessness: Resettled Bhutanese-Nepali and Karen refugees reflect on the lack of legal nationality/Lindsey N. Kingston, Kathryn R. Stam.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.4: 389-406.
131332 NGOs invite attention: From the United Nations Commission on Human Rights to the Human Rights Council/Laura K. Landolt, Byungwon Woo.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.4: 407-427.
131333 The evolution of norms: American policy toward revolution in Iran and Egypt/Chad E. Nelson.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.4: 494-515.
131334 Institutionalized autocracies, policy interdependence, and labor rights/Zhiyuan Wang.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.4: 473-493.
131335 Uprooting the curious grapevine? The transformative potential of reverse standard-setting in the field of human rights/Tine Destrooper.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.4: 516-531.
131336 What is reconciliation and are we there yet? Different types and levels of reconciliation: A case study of Bosnia and Herzegovina/Lina Strupinskiene.- Journal of Human Rights. 2017; Vol.16, No.4: 452-472.
131337 Limitations in attributing state responsibility under the Genocide Convention/Kevin Aquilina, Klejda Mulaj.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.1: 123-139.
131338 Ideals of human rights and socioeconomic realities: The larger context of Pakistan’s child-protection policy/Tahira Jabeen, Sumera Jabeen.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.1: 44-57.
131339 The power of international criminal courts: Strategic behavior and accountability networks/Jennifer L. Miller, Patrice C. McMahon.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.1: 44-57.
131340 Crafting radical opposition or reproducing homonormativity? Consociationalism and LGBT rights activism in Lebanon/John Nagle.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.1: 75-88.
131341 Towards a right-to-development governance in Africa/Carol C. Ngang.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.1: 107-122.
131342 The domestic origins of human rights trials: A case study of the Second Boer War/Alan James Simmons.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.1: 58-74.
131343 Mainstreaming disability in the United Nations treaty bodies/Kjersti Skarstad, Michael Ashley Stein.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.1: 1-24.
131344 Examining the indivisibility of human rights: A statistical analysis/Stephanie Soiffer, Dane Rowlands.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.1: 89-106.
131345 Reconciling legal positivism and human rights: Hans Kelsen’s argument from relativism/Carlo Invernizzi-Accetti.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.2: 215-228.
131346 Productive work and subjected labor: Children’s pursuits and child rights in northern Sierra Leone/Catherine E. Bolten.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.2: 199-214.
131347 Does might make right or fight? Coercive capacity, democracy, and human rights, 1975 to 2010/Wade M. Cole.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.2: 147-162.
131348 Foreign direct investment and repression: An analysis across industry sectors/Nicole Janz.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.2: 163-183.
131349 Gatekeeper persuasion and issue adoption: Amnesty International and the transnational LGBTQ network/Robyn Linde.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.2: 245-264.
131350 Sexual orientation and gender identity in Nepal: Rights promotion through UN development assistance/Joel E. Oestreich.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.2: 265-279.
131351 Empathetic trappings: Revisiting the nineteenth century in Octavia Butler’s Kindred/Irina Popescu.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.2: 284-198.
131352 Setting the agenda: Social influence in the effects of the Human Rights Committee in Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe/Alejandro Anaya-Munoz, Hector M. Nunez, Aldo F. Ponce.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.2: 229-244.
131353 Intersectional dialogue Analyzing power in reaching a Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 on conflicting grounds/Rebecca Adami.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.3: 357-366.
131354 Beyond the media’s explanation: Examining the determinants of attitudes toward torture/Mary R. Anderson, David L. Richards.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.3: 289-302.
131355 Making meaning of violence: Human rights and historical memory of the conflict in El Salvador/Angelina Snodgrass Godoy.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.3: 367-379.
131356 A borderline issue: Are there child soldiers in the United States?/Scott Harding, Seth Kershner.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.3: 322-339.
131357 Contextualization of UN human rights indicators: Modifying right to work indicators for application in Taiwan/Yibee Huang, Chun-Hung Chen, Chung-Ning Chen, Mab Huang, Song-Lih Huang.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.3: 340-356.
131358 Child rights and protection in slum settlements of Kampala, Uganda: A qualitative study/Andre M. N. Renzaho, Joseph Kihika Kamara, Brian Stout, Gilbert Kamanga.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.3: 303-321.
131359 Insights on victim testimony and transitional justice: A response to Angelina Snodgrass Godoy/Carrie Booth Walling.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.3: 384-391.
131360 Female chief executives and state human rights practices: Self-fulfilling the political double bind/Courtney Burns, Amanda Murdie.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.3: 470-484.
131361 Religious vs. secular human rights organizations: Discourse, framing, and action/Charity Butcher, Maia Hallward.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.3: 502-532.
131362 Laws, talk, and human rights: The impact of treaty ratification, UN criticism, and democratic change on torture/Ann Marie Clark.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.4: 418-435.
131363 Constructing dignity: Human rights as a praxis of egalitarian freedom/Michael Goodhart.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.4: 403-417.
131364 The political mediation of Argentina’s gender identity law: LGBT activism and rights innovation/Julie Hollar.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.4: 453-469.
131365 Amnesties and intractable conflicts: Managed impunity in The Philippines Bangsamoro peace process/Renee Jeffery.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.4: 436-452.
131366 Silencing grievance: Responding to human rights violations in Mexico’s war on drugs/Javier Trevino-Rangel.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.4: 485-501.
131367 Using visual methods in human rights research/Jacqueline Adams.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.5: 674-684.
131368 The internet and state repression: A cross-national analysis of the limits of digital constraint/Daehee Bak, Surachanee Sriyai, Stephen A. Meserve.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.5: 642-659.
131369 Maternal health, human rights, and the politics of state accountability: Lessons from the Millennium Development Goals and implications for the Sustainable Development Goals/Surma Das.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.5: 550-567.
131370 Value-free extradition? Human rights and the dilemma of surrendering wanted persons to China/Asif Efrat, Marcello Tomasina.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.5: 605-621.
131371 A new International Committee of the Red Cross?/David P. Forsythe.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.5: 533-549.
131372 Legal commitments to United Nations human rights treaties and higher monitoring standards in the Universal Periodic Review/Mi Hwa Hong.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.5: 660-673.
131373 Human rights, personhood, dignity, and African communalism/Polycarp Ikuenobe.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.5: 589-604.
131374 Public opinion and economic human rights: Patterns of support in 22 countries/Lyle Scruggs.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.5: 568-588.
131375 Leverage, diplomacy, and African lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and intersex rights: Malawi and Zambia compared/Michael Wahman, A. Cooper Drury.- Journal of Human Rights. 2018; Vol.17, No.5: 622-641.
131376 Gender, intersectionality, and religious manifestation before the European Court of Human Rights/Pablo Castillo-Ortiz, Amal Ali, Navajyoti Samanta.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.1: 76-91.
131377 Bridging the Gap: The Relationship between INGO Activism and Human Rights Indicators/Suparna Chaudhry.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.1: 111-133.
131378 From persecutors to protectors: Human rights and the F&M Global Barometer of Gay RightsTM (GBGR)/Susan Dicklitch-Nelson, Scottie Thompson Buckland, Berwood Yost, Danel Draguljic.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.1: 1-18.
131379 Theoretical challenges to understanding the potential impact of the Universal Periodic Review Mechanism: Revisiting theoretical approaches to state human rights compliance/Damian Etone.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.1: 36-56.
131380 A critical legal conception of human dignity/Matthew McManus.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.1: 57-75.
131381 Human rights at the end of nature/Leslie Paul Thiele.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.1: 19-35.
131382 Designing truth: Facilitating perpetrator testimony at truth commissions/Kelebogile Zvobgo.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.1: 92-110.
131383 Security sector reform in transitions from military rule: Legacies of authoritarianism in Brazil/Samuel T. Almeida.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.2: 147-184.
131384 Implementing children’s right to be heard: Local attenuations of a global commitment/J. Marshall Beier.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.2: 215-229.
131385 The effects of different entry modes of foreign direct investment on labor rights in the developing world/Glen Biglaiser, Hoon Lee.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.2: 165-183.
131386 Helping or harming? NGOs and victims-survivors of conflict-related sexual violence in Bosnia-Herzegovina/Janine Natalya Clark.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.2: 246-265.
131387 Complex linkages between forced labor slavery and environmental decline in marine fisheries/Jessica L. Decker Sparks, Leslie K. Hasche.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.2: 230-245.
131388 Pragmatic solidarity and asylum expert witnessing/Tricia Redeker Hepner.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.2: 266-274.
131389 Not Taking it on Faith: State and Religious Influences on European Court of Human Rights Judges in Freedom of Religion Cases/Dan Koev.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.2: 184-200.
131390 Civilian victimization and international military intervention in civil wars/Marie Olson Lounsbery, Frederic S. Pearson.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.2: 201-214.
131391 Preparing physicians to contend with the problem of dual loyalty/Holly G. Atkinson.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.3: 339-355.
131392 Fortifying the future of human rights with human rights education/Sarita Cargas.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.3: 293-307.
131393 Human rights education in US social work: Is the mandate reaching the field?/Jane McPherson, Kathryn Libal.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.3: 308-324.
131394 Problem-based learning beyond borders: Impact and potential for university-level human rights education/William Paul Simmons.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.3: 280-292.
131395 From the curriculum to the classroom: The urgent need for preservice human rights teacher education in the United States/Sandra L. Sirota.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.3: 325-338.
131396 Living up to the normative ideal of the human right to adequate housing in urban Ghana/Gregory Amoah.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.4: 439-454.
131397 The war novel and human rights/Eleni Coundouriotis.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.4: 474-483.
131398 Sidelining corporate human rights violations: The failure of the OECD’s regulatory consensus/St‎فfanie Khoury, David Whyte.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.4: 363-383.
131399 Public and elite opinion on international human rights law: Completing the causal chain of the domestic compliance mechanism/Matthew Kim.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.4: 419-438.
131400 Polarized embrace: South Korean media coverage of human rights, 1990-2016/Jeong-Woo Koo, Jaesung Choi.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.4: 455-473.
131401 Political functions of impunity in the war on terror: Evidence from Afghanistan/Iavor Rangelov, Marika Theros.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.4: 403-418.
131402 Human rights and the city: Including marginalized communities in urban development and smart cities/Tina Kempin Reuter.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.4: 382-402.
131403 Covering or covering up? The effects of media freedom and major disasters on social and economic rights/Nicole Anderson, Jenifer Whitten-Woodring.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.5: 506-521.
131404 The Warty conception of human rights/Suzy Killmister.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.5: 564-578.
131405 The cultural politics of human rights and neoliberalism/Kate Nash.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.5: 490-505.
131406 Children, conflict, and the detention of child soldiers in Canada and the United States: How framing contests shape policies/Iuliia Hoban.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18.
131407 Children, conflict, and the detention of child soldiers in Canada and the United States: How framing contests shape policies/Iuliia Hoban.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.5: 597-618.
131408 Resisting human rights through securitization: Russia and Hungary against LGBT rights/Fernando G. Nunez-Mietz.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.5: 543-563.
131409 Economic and social rights and transitional justice: A framework of analysis/Juan Carlos Ochoa-Sanchez.- Journal of Human Rights. 2019; Vol.18, No.5: 522-542.
131410 Advocacy output: Automated coding documents from human rights organizations/Amanda Murdie, David R. Davis, Baekkwan Park.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.1: 83-98.
131411 How to teach machines to read human rights reports and identify judgments at scale/Baekkwan Park, Kevin Greene, Michael Colaresi.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.1: 99-116.
131412 Changing standards or political whim? Evaluating changes in the content of US State Department Human Rights Reports following presidential transitions/Rebecca Cordell, K. Chad Clay, Christopher J. Fariss, Reed M. Wood, Thorin M. Wright.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.1: 3-18.
131413 Human rights data for everyone: Introducing the Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI)/Anne-Marie Brook, K. Chad Clay, Susan Randolph.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.1: 67-82.
131414 Introducing DyoRep: A database of perpetrator-victim dyads within repressive spells/Christian Davenport.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.1: 117-137.
131415 Words count: Discourse and the quantitative analysis of international norms/Carla Winston.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.1: 138-151.
131416 What bias? Changing standards, information effects, and human rights measurement/Peter Haschke, Daniel Arnon.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.1: 33-45.
131417 Path dependence and human rights improvement/David Cingranelli, Mikhail Filippov.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.1: 19-32.
131418 Who did what for whom? Amnesty International’s Urgent Actions as activist-generated data/Ann Marie Clark, Bi Zhao.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.1: 46-66.
131419 Images and perceptions of human rights defenders in Russia: An examination of public opinion in the age of the Foreign Agent Law/Polina Malkova.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.2: 201-219.
131420 Societal perceptions of counterterrorism in Cameroon: The voices of those far from the battlefield/Maxwell Peprah Opoku, William Nketsia, Oyewole Simon Oginni, Beatrice Atim Alupo, Bernard Nsaidzedze Saka.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.2: 220-237.
131421 CEDAW s General Recommendation No. 35: A quarter of a century of evolutionary approaches to violence against women/Ramona Vijeyarasa.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.2: 153-167.
131422 Reactive remembrance: The political struggle over apologies and reparations between Germany and Namibia for the Herero genocide/Franziska Boehme.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.2: 238-255.
131423 Norm entrepreneurs in foreign policy: How Chile became an international human rights promoter/Claudia Fuentes-Julio.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.2: 256-274.
131424 Remote sensing for international human rights advocacy: Critiques and responses/James R. Walker.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.2: 183-200.
131425 Keeping out of harm’s way? Constitutional due process and state repression/Joseph M. Cox.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.3: 307-324.
131426 Mapping perceptions of human rights and cultivating Boston as a human rights city/Konstantinos Koutsioumpas, Gillian MacNaughton.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.3: 363-378.
131427 In the crosshairs: The perils of environmental journalism/Eric Freedman.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.3: 275-290.
131428 Publicity and perceptions of risk: The effects of HRO naming and shaming on sovereign credit rating/Stephen Bagwell, Shelby L. Hall.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.3: 379-391.
131429 The mixed strategy of authoritarian labor rights repression/Zhiyuan Wang.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.3: 344-362.
131430 Citizen support for the pursuit of gender equality in US foreign policy/Mary-Kate Lizotte, Richard C. Eichenberg, Richard J. Stoll.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.3: 291-306.
131431 Out of sync: The failed translation of international human rights in the creation of the UK Human Rights Act/Rene Wolfsteller.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.3: 325-343.
131432 Headwinds and tailwinds to the rights-based approach to development: A regime theory perspective/Joel E. Oestreich.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.4: 449-463.
131433 America First and the human rights regime/Kurt Mills, Rodger A. Payne.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.4: 399-424.
131434 Rainbow Island: Taiwan’s struggle for marriage equality/Frederic Krumbein.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.4: 484-500.
131435 The paradox of framing water as a human right in the United States: An analysis of power and resistance/Sabrina Kozikis, Inga T. Winkler.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.4: 464-483.
131436 The World Bank as an enforcer of human rights/Kelebogile Zvobgo, Benjamin A. T. Graham.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.4: 425-448.
131437 Between protection and participation: Rethinking children’s rights to participate in protests on streets, online spaces, and schools/Kei Nishiyama.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.4: 501-517.
131438 A forecasted failure: Intersectionality, COVID-19, and the perfect storm/Kimberly Theidon.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.5: 528-536.
131439 Freedom of movement, migration, and borders/Jaya Ramji-Nogales, Iris Goldner Lang.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.5: 593-602.
131440 Global health and human rights in the time of COVID-19: Response, restrictions, and legitimacy/Lisa Forman, Jillian Clare Kohler.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.5: 547-556.
131441 Hazardous confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic: The fate of migrants detained yet nondeportable/Didier Fassin.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.5: 613-623.
131442 Human rights obligations of drug companies/Michael Santoro, Robert Shanklin.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.5: 557-567.
131443 Legal empowerment approaches in the context of COVID-19/Sukti Dhital, Tyler Walton.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.5: 582-592.
131444 Revisiting interdependence in times and terms of crisis/Michael Goodhart.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.5: 520-527.
131445 Solidarity in times of crisis/Kathryn Libal, Prakash Kashwan.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.5: 537-546.
131446 State surveillance and the COVID-19 crisis/Kristine Eck, Sophia Hatz.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.5: 603-612.
131447 What COVID-19 revealed about health, human rights, and the WHO/Wendy H. Wong, Eileen A. Wong.- Journal of Human Rights. 2020; Vol.19, No.5: 568-581.
131448 Alternative Methods of Appellate Review in Trade Remedy Cases: Examining Results of U.S. Judicial and NAFTA Binational Review of U.S. Agency Decisions from 1989 to 2005/Juscelino F. Colares.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.5, No.1: 171-186.
131449 Amici Curiae and Dissensus on the U.S. Supreme Court/Paul M. Collins.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.5, No.1: 143-170.
131450 Cultures of Claiming: Local Variation in Malpractice Claim Frequency/Kevin D. Hart, Philip G. Peters.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.5, No.1: 77-107.
131451 Daubert in the Law Office: Routinizing Procedural Change/Herbert M. Kritzer.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.5, No.1: 109-142.
131452 Partisanship, Ideology, and Senate Voting on Supreme Court Nominees/Charles R. Shipan.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.5, No.1: 55-76.
131453 Are International Merchants Stupid? Their Choice of Law Sheds Doubt on the Legal Origin Theory/Stefan Voigt.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.5, No.1: 1-20.
131454 A Longitudinal Analysis of the Impact of Liability Pressure on the Supply of Obstetrician-Gynecologists/Y. Tony Yang, David M. Studdert, S. V. Subramanian, Michelle M. Mello.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.5, No.1: 21-53.
131455 Brandeis Policeman: Results from a Laboratory Experiment on How to Prevent Corporate Fraud/Michael D. Guttentag, Christine L. Porath, Samuel N. Fraidin.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.5, No.2: 239-273.
131456 How Legal Representation Affects Case Outcomes: An Empirical Perspective from Taiwan/Kuo-Chang Huang.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.5, No.2: 197-238.
131457 Litigation and Settlement: New Evidence from Labor Courts in Mexico/David S. Kaplan, Joyce Sadka, Jorge Luis Silva-Mendez.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.5, No.2: 309-350.
131458 An Empirical Analysis of the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted/Thomas J. Miles.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.5, No.2: 275-308.
131459 The Health Cost of Civil-Law Problems: Further Evidence of Links Between Civil-Law Problems and Morbidity, and the Consequential Use of Health Services/Pascoe Pleasence, Nigel J. Balmer, Alexy Buck.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.5, No.2: 351-373.
131460 Medical Malpractice Review Panels and Medical Liability System Cost, Timeliness, and Efficiency: A Cross-Sectional Study/Frederick J. White , Lawrence W. Pettiette, Rendi B. Wiggins, Alexander Kiss.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.5, No.2: 375-405.
131461 Is There a Correlation Between Law Professor Publication Counts, Law Review Citation Counts, and Teaching Evaluations? An Empirical Study/Benjamin Barton.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.5, No.3: 619-644.
131462 The Dilemma of the Criminal Defendant with a Prior Record-Lessons from the Wrongfully Convicted/John H. Blume.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.5, No.3: 477-505.
131463 General Civil Jury Trial Litigation in State and Federal Courts: A Statistical Portrait/Thomas H. Cohen.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.5, No.3: 593-617.
131464 Statins and Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Moderate-Risk Females: A Statistical and Legal Analysis with Implications for FDA Preemption Claims/Theodore Eisenberg, Martin T. Wells.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.5, No.3: 507-550.
131465 Case Selection and the Study of Judicial Politics/Jonathan P. Kastellec, Jeffrey R. Lax.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.5, No.3: 407-446.
131466 Let’s Not Make a Deal: An Empirical Study of Decision Making in Unsuccessful Settlement Negotiations/Randall L. Kiser, Martin A. Asher, Blakeley B. McShane.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.5, No.3: 551-591.
131467 Numerical Analysis in Least Squares Regression with an Application to the Abortion-Crime Debate/William Anderson, Martin T. Wells.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Vol.5, No.4: 647-681.
131468 Third-Party Tax Administration: The Case of Low- and Moderate-Income Households/Michael S. Barr, Jane K. Dokko.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.5, No.4: 963-981.
131469 Nothing But the Truth? Experiments on Adversarial Competition, Expert Testimony, and Decision Making/Cheryl Boudreau, Mathew D. McCubbins.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.5, No.4: 751-789.
131470 Takeover Defenses and Competition: The Role of Stakeholders/K. J. Martijn Cremers, Vinay B. Nair, Urs Peyer.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.5, No.4: 791-818.
131471 Measuring Deviations from Expected Voting Patterns on Collegial Courts/Paul H. Edelman, David E. Klein, Stefanie A. Lindquist.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.5, No.4: 819-852.
131472 Frequency and Predictors of False Conviction: Why We Know So Little, and New Data on Capital Cases/Samuel R. Gross, Barbara OBrien.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.5, No.4: 927-962.
131473 To Lawyer or Not to Lawyer: Is that the Question?/Herbert M. Kritzer.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.5, No.4: 875-906.
131474 Empirical Research for Public Policy: With Examples from Family Law/Richard Lempert.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.5, No.4: 907-926.
131475 Professional Overcharging in Large Bankruptcy Reorganization Cases/Lynn M. LoPucki, Joseph W. Doherty.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.5, No.4: 983-1017.
131476 Eminent Domain and the Psychology of Property Rights: Proposed Use, Subjective Attachment, and Taker Identity/Janice Nadler, Shari Seidman Diamond.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.5, No.4: 731-749.
131477 Why Is Elvis on Burkina Faso Postage Stamps? Cross-Country Evidence on the Commercialization of State Sovereignty/Joel Slemrod.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.5, No.4: 683-712.
131478 Divorce Law and Women’s Labor Supply/Betsey Stevenson.- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.5, No.4: 853-873.
131479 Demarginalizing the intersection of caste, class, and sex/Sumit Baudh.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.1: 127-142.
131480 Social movements and human rights language in abortion debates/Kate Hunt.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.1: 72-90.
131481 Law, gender identity, and the uses of human rights: The paradox of recognition in South Asia/Dipika Jain, Debanuj DasGupta.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.1: 110-126.
131482 Peasants rights and agrarian violence in transitional settings: From transitional justice to transformative agrarian justice/Eric T. Hoddy.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.1: 91-109.
131483 Prevention of pesticide suicides and the right to life: The intersection of human rights and public health priorities/Leah Utyasheva, Michael Eddleston.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.1: 52-71.
131484 Prickles and goo: Human rights and spirituality/Dustin N. Sharp.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.1: 36-51.
131485 Feminist periscoping in research on border enforcement and human rights/Jill M. Williams, Kate Coddington.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.1: 143-150.
131486 The gender gap in support for humanitarian interventions/Mary-Kate Lizotte.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.1: 20-35.
131487 External threat and human rights: How international conflict leads to domestic repression/Colton Heffington.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.1: 2-19.
131488 A decade of institutionalizing human rights in ASEAN: Progress and challenges/Yuyun Wahyuningrum.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.2: 158-175.
131489 Human rights in Southeast Asia: ASEAN’s rights regime after its first decade/Anthony J. Langlois.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.2: 151-157.
131490 Challenging antisodomy laws in Singapore and the former British colonies of ASEAN/George Baylon Radics.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.2: 211-227.
131491 SDG 16 and the human rights architecture in Southeast Asia: A complementary protection process/Robin Ramcharan.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.2: 228-244.
131492 Southeast Asia’s human rights institutions and the inconsistent power of human rights/Catherine Michelle Renshaw.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.2: 176-193.
131493 Building solidarity on the margins: Seeking SOGIE rights in ASEAN/Meredith L. Weiss.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.2: 194-210.
131494 Whose justice? Youth, reconciliation, and the state in post-Ben Ali Tunisia/Aymen Belhadj, Arnaud Kurze.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.3: 356-372.
131495 The invention of human rights as a revolutionary concept: Confronting orthodox Marxism and the New Left (Argentina, 1972)/David Copello.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.3: 304-317.
131496 Truth commissions and democratic transitions: Neither truth and reconciliation nor democratization in Nepal/Renee Jeffery.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.3: 318-338.
131497 Gendered framing in human rights campaigns/Michele Leiby, Angela L. Bos, Matthew Krain.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.3: 263-281.
131498 Using images as data in political violence research/Meredith Loken.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.3: 373-379.
131499 The challenges and dilemmas of local translators of human rights: The case of disability rights among Jewish ultra-Orthodox communities/Zvika Orr, Shifra Unger, Adi Finkelstein.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.3: 339-355.
131500 Safeguarding truth: Supporting children’s participation at truth commissions/Sameer S. J. B. Rana, Kelebogile Zvobgo.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.3: 282-303.
131501 How torturers are made: Evidence from Saddam Hussein’s Iraq/Christopher J. Einolf.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.4: 381-395.
131502 An investigation of incident reports from the detention center Nauru: Has Australia breached the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?/Beke Freyer, Fiona H. McKay.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.4: 449-467.
131503 A new hope for human rights/Rhoda Howard-Hassmann.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.4: 503-509.
131504 Cultural brokerage and translation of human rights in the face of cultural opposition: A case of deliberative activism in Israel/Kineret Sadeh.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.4: 468-485.
131505 Can national human rights institutions make a difference? Discourse, accountability, and the Egyptian National Council for Human Rights/Bosmat Yefet.- Journal of Human Rights. 2021; No.4: 431-448.
131506 One NHRI or Many? How Many Institutions Does It Take to Protect Human Rights? Lessons from the European Experience/Richard Carver.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2011; Vol.3: 1-24.
131507 Amnesty International’s Methods of Engaging Youth in Human Rights Education: Curriculum in the United States and Experiential Learning in Burkina Faso/Karen Hopkins.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2011; Vol.3, No.1: 71-92.
131508 Beyond Transitional Justice: Exploring Continuities in Human Rights Abuses in Argentina between 1976 and 2010/Francesca Lessa.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2011; Vol.3, No.1: 25-48.
131509 The Best Interests of the Child Principle in Swedish Asylum Cases: The Marginalization of Children’s Rights/Anna Lundberg.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2011; Vol.3, No.1: 49-70.
131510 The Kenyan LGBTI Social Movement Context, Volunteerism, and Approaches to Campaigning/Akinyi Margareta Ocholla.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2011; Vol.3, No.1: 93-104.
131511 Human Rights The Last Big Thing?/David Petrasek.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2011; Vol.3, No.1: 105-112.
131512 Courage, Principle and Ambition: Human Rights Activism in Liberia and Policy Implications for Taming Authoritarian Regimes/Robert M. Press.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2011; Vol.3, No.1: 113-127.
131513 Aligning for Impact: Human Rights/Colleen Duggan.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2011; Vol.3, No.2: 214-219.
131514 Eradicating Stereotypes: Narrowing the Space between the Ideals and Reality for Women’s Equality/Lisa Gormley.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2011; Vol.3, No.2: 220-228.
131515 Human Rights Measurement: Reflections on the Current Practice and Future Potential of Human Rights Impact Assessment/James Harrison.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2011; Vol.3, No.2: 162-187.
131516 Reflections on The Last Utopia: A Conversation with Samuel Moyn/Samuel Moyn.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2011; Vol.3, No.2: 129-138.
131517 Shoot the Messenger: Dynamics of Positioning and Denial in Response to Human Rights Appeals/Irene Bruna Seu.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2011; Vol.3, No.2: 139-161.
131518 The United States Dominican Republic Central American Free Trade Agreement and Access to Medicines in Costa Rica: A Human Rights Impact Assessment/Simon Walker.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2011; Vol.3, No.2: 188-213.
131519 Developing a New Strategy for ActionAid to Advance a Human Rights-Based Approach to Development/David Archer.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2011; Vol.3, No.3: 332-354.
131520 I cannot accept what I have not done: Storytelling, Gender and Transitional Justice/Erin Baines, Beth Stewart.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2011; Vol.3, No.3: 245-263.
131521 Protecting and Implementing the Right to Freedom of Religion or Belief: Interview with Heiner Bielefeldt/Heiner Bielefeldt.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2011; Vol.3, No.3: 229-244.
131522 NGOs and Litigation before the European Court of Human Rights/Brice Dickson.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2011; Vol.3, No.3: 364-369.
131523 Shaping Disability Rights through Shaping the Disability Movement/Mariam Kemple, Fatima Ahmad, Suraj Girijashanker.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2011; Vol.3, No.4: 355-366.
131524 Victim Participation and the Trial of Duch at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia/Phuong N. Pham, Patrick Vinck, Mychelle Balthazard, Judith Strasser, Chariya Om.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2011; Vol.3, No.3: 264-278.
131525 Towards a Radical Human Rights Theatre Practice: The Belarus Free Theatre in Performance/Brian Phillips.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2011; Vol.3, No.3: 327-331.
131526 Solicitation of Sex Services in Cambodian Law and Practice/Stan Starygin.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2011; Vol.3, No.3: 288-308.
131527 Kawas v. Honduras Protecting Environmental Defenders/Lauri R. Tanner.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2011; Vol.3, No.3: 309-326.
131528 Food for Thought: Exploring the Right to Food in Theory and Practice/Amanda Cahill-Ripley.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.1: 147-154.
131529 Thinking Critically about Armed Groups and Human Rights Praxis/Ron Dudai, Kieran McEvoy.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.1: 1-29.
131530 Human Rights Leaders in Conflict Situations: A Case Study of the Politics of Moral Entrepreneurs/Eitan Felner.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.1: 57-81.
131531 Naming and Shaming: Human Rights Accountability in Security Council Resolution 1960 (2010) on Women, Peace and Security/Gina Heathcote.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.1: 82-105.
131532 Historical Claims and International Criminal Trials/Tobias Kelly.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.1: 141-146.
131533 Rethinking the Refugee Warrior: The Karen National Union and Refugee Protection on the Thai-Burma Border/Kirsten McConnachie.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.1: 30-56.
131534 A Road Less Travelled: International Human Rights Advocacy and Armed Groups/David Petrasek.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.1: 128-140.
131535 Engaging Armed Non-State Actors to Protect Children from the Effects of Armed Conflict: When the Stick Doesn’t Cut the Mustard/Jonathan Somer.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.1: 106-127.
131536 Raising our Voices for an Inclusive Society: Challenges and Opportunities for the Disability Rights Movement in Uganda/James R. Aniyamuzaala.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.2: 280-287.
131537 The Human Rights Implications of Contemporary Patterns of Social Control/Emma Blower, Kate Donald, Smriti Upadhyay.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.2: 187-212.
131538 Human Rights Education in Australia: Reflections on the Meaningful Application of Rights and Values in Practice/Elizabeth Branigan, Paul Ramcharan.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.2: 233-252.
131539 Protecting Children in Situations of Armed Conflict: Interview with Radhika Coomaraswamy/Radhika Coomaraswamy.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.2: 155-163.
131540 Whose Action Plan? An Analysis of the UN Security Council Resolution 1612 Action Plan and Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism in Nepal/Sophie Hodgson.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.2: 164-186.
131541 The Justiciability of Housing Rights: From Argument to Practice/Ludovic Langlois-Therien.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.3: 213-232.
131542 HIV-Related Border Restrictions: Time to Address Gaps in Policy and Practice in India and South Korea/Nabeel Mangadan-Konath.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.2: 273-279.
131543 Lawyers Intervention at Pretrial Stage Helps to Prevent Torture, Illegal Detention and Other Human Rights Violations: Experiences of Advocacy Forum Nepal/Mandira Sharma, Ingrid Massage, Kathryn McDonald.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.2: 253-272.
131544 Using Law to Impair the Rights and Freedoms of Human Rights Defenders: A Case Study of Cambodia/Siena Anstis.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.3: 312-333.
131545 An Emerging Challenge for Justice Sector Aid in Africa: Lessons from Mozambique on Legal Pluralism and Human Rights/Giselle Corradi.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.3: 289-211.
131546 Sexual Violence and Torture in International Criminal Law/Gwenaelle Dereymaeker, Lukas Muntingh.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.3: 486-489.
131547 Child Soldiers and Clicktivism: Justice, Myths, and Prevention/Mark A. Drumbl.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.3: 481-485.
131548 Kony 2012 Through a Prism of Video Advocacy Practices and Trends/Sam Gregory.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.3: 463-468.
131549 Kony 2012 in review/Lucy Harding.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.3: 461-462.
131550 Jason and the Internauts/David Hickman.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.3: 475-480.
131551 Improving International Criminal Investigations into Mass Graves: Synthesizing Experiences from the Former Yugoslavia/Melanie Klinkner.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.3: 334-364.
131552 Ploughing the Page: An Interview with Athol Fugard/Brian Phillips.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.3: 384-395.
131553 Liberty, Equality, Fraternity: Bringing Human Solidarity Back Into the Rights Equation/Albie Sachs.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.3: 365-383.
131554 Evaluating the Impact of Human Rights Work: The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Reduction of Extrajudicial Executions in Colombia/Christian Salazar Volkmann.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.3: 396-460.
131555 White Noise: Hearing the Disaster/Lars Waldorf.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2012; Vol.4, No.3: 469-474.
131556 NGOs, Rights-Based Approaches and the Potential for Progressive Development in Local Contexts: Constraints and Challenges in Northern Ghana/Matilda Aberese Ako, Nana Akua Anyidoho, Gordon Crawford.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.1: 46-74.
131557 Global Activism and the Landmine Ban/Victoria Forbes Adam.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.1: 207-210.
131558 Challenges in Providing Legal Aid to Displaced Persons Following Armed Conflict: Lessons Learned from Kosovo/R. Dule Vicovac.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.1: 195-206.
131559 Banksy in Palestine/Chad Elias.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.1: 211-213.
131560 NGO Impact on Law-making: The Case of a Complaints Procedure under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child/Gamze Erdem T‎يrkelli, Wouter Vandenhole, Arne Vandenbogaerde.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.1: 1-45.
131561 The Burqa is just like a Maxi Dress: A Muslim Adolescent Perspective on Human Rights/Lieve Gies.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.1: 125-152.
131562 Giving Effect to Children’s Right to Health in Colombia? Analysing the Implementation of Court Decisions Ordering Health System Reform/Camila Gianella-Malca, Siri Gloppen, Elisabeth Fosse.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.1: 153-176.
131563 Online Advocacy: Analysis of Human Rights NGO Websites/Lindsey N. Kingston, Kathryn R. Stam.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.1: 75-95.
131564 Spinning Slavery: The Role of the United States and UNICEF in the Denial of Justice for the Child Camel Jockeys of the United Arab Emirates/Nicholas McGeehan.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.1: 96-124.
131565 Using a Rights-Based Approach to Avoid Harming Health Systems: A Case Study from Papua New Guinea/Carmel Williams, Garry Brian.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.1: 177-194.
131566 Teaching Human Rights at the Tertiary Level: Addressing the Knowing Doing Gap through a Role-Based Simulation Approach/Susan Banki, Elisabeth Valiente-Riedl, Paul Duffill.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.2: 318-336.
131567 Preventing Human Rights Violations From the Inside: Enhancing the Role of Human Rights Education in Security Sector Reform/Danielle Celermajer, Kiran Grewal.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.2: 243-266.
131568 Human Rights Indicators: From Theoretical Debate to Practical Application/Gauthier de Beco.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.2: 380-397.
131569 Waving with Treaties? The Politics of Implementing Human Rights Education in the Netherlands/Barbara Oomen.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.2: 291-317.
131570 De-Constructing Marginality with Displaced People: Learning Rights from an Actor-Oriented Perspective/Maro Pantazidou.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.1: 267-290.
131571 Embedding Research in the Human Rights Law Curriculum: Reflections on the Teaching Research Link in Higher Education/Rhona K. M. Smith.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.2: 337-357.
131572 Why and How Should We Teach Empathy?/Margaret D. Stetz.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.2: 398-400.
131573 Building their Own Stage: Constructing the New Worker in China/Hatla Thelle.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.2: 358-379.
131574 Policing, Values, and Violence: Human Rights Education with Law Enforcers in India/Rachel Wahl.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.2: 220-242.
131575 A Study of the Experience of Women Human Rights Defenders in Eleven Egyptian Governorates/Masa Osama Amir.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.3: 460-477.
131576 A Feminist Alternative for the Protection, Self-Care, and Safety of Women Human Rights Defenders in Mesoamerica/IM Defensoras.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.3: 446-459.
131577 On a Peak in Darien: Community Peace Initiatives in Uraba, Colombia/Gwen Burnyeat.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.3: 435-455.
131578 Rethinking Risk and Security of Human Rights Defenders in the Digital Age/Stephanie Hankey, Daniel O Clunaigh.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.3: 535-547.
131579 Making the Transition: Engaging Communities in Uganda with the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Defenders/Jamie Hitchen, Jacqueline Kasoma.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.3: 512-521.
131580 Protesting for Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: Assessing the Challenges and Revisiting the Human Rights Defender Framework/Raghad Jaraisy, Tamar Feldman.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.3: 421-434.
131581 Mexico’s National Protection Mechanism for Human Rights Defenders: Challenges and Good Practices/Daniel Joloy.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.3: 489-499.
131582 Protecting Human Rights Defenders in the North Caucasus: Reflections on Developments from 2009 to the Present/Vanessa Kogan.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.3: 500-511.
131583 A Research Agenda for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders/Alice M. Nah, Karen Bennett, Danna Ingleton, James Savage.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.3: 401-420.
131584 A Commitment to End Corruption or Criminalize Anti-Corruption Activists? A Case Study from Burundi/Tony Tate.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.3: 478-488.
131585 Human Rights Awards for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders/Johannes Thoolen.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2013; Vol.5, No.3: 548-555.
131586 Reconciliation and Human Rights in Northern Ireland: A False Dichotomy?/Maggie Beirne, Colin Knox.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.1: 26-50.
131587 A Call for State Action to Prevent the Recruitment and Use of Children as Soldiers in State Armed Forces and State Allied Armed Groups/Ilene Cohn.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.1: 182-190.
131588 The Dominant Discourse of Human Rights Education: A Critique/Joanne Coysh.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.1: 89-114.
131589 Child Soldiers International’s Response to Ilene Cohn’s Review of Louder than Words/Tomaso Falchetta.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.1: 191-193.
131590 Queering Truth Commissions/Katherine Fobear.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.1: 51-68.
131591 Using the Human Rights Based Approach to Tackle Housing Deprivation in an Irish Urban Housing Estate/Rory Hearne, Padraic Kenna.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.1: 1-25.
131592 Facilitating an Equal Right to Vote for Persons with Disabilities/Janet E. Lord, Michael Ashley Stein, Jenos Fiala-Butora.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.1: 115-139.
131593 Examining the Practice of Developing Human Rights Indicators to Facilitate Accountability for the Human Right to Water and Sanitation/Benjamin Mason Meier, Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum, Georgia LYN Kayser, Urooj Quezon Amjad, Jamie Bartram.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.1: 159-181.
131594 Interpreting Conflict: Training Challenges in Humanitarian Field Interpreting/Barbara Moser-Mercer, Leia Kherbiche, Barbara Class.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.1: 140-158.
131595 Empowering Civil Society: How to Increase the Input of NGOs into Security Council Deliberation/Martin Daniel Niemetz.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6: 69-88.
131596 Implementing Human Rights in Benin: The Case of Inheritance Disputes/Sophie Andreetta.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.2: 238-258.
131597 From Discretion to Necessity: Third State Responsibility for Israel’s Control of Stay and Entry into Palestinian Territory/Valentina Azarov.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.2: 327-355.
131598 Finding Your Feet in the Field: Critical Reflections of Early Career Researchers on Field Research in Transitional Societies/Brendan Browne, Luke Moffett.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.2: 223-237.
131599 The Implementation of the Institutional Programme of Collective Reparations in Colombia/Pamina Firchow.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.2: 356-375.
131600 Emotions, Encounters and Expectations: The Uncertain Ethics of The Field/Jonathan Darling.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.2: 201-212.
131601 First Encounters: Early Career Researchers and Fieldwork/Paul Gready.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.2: 195-200.
131602 Breaking the Web of Passivity: Public Response to Human Rights Violations/Mark Lattimer.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.2: 376-379.
131603 Making Necessary Trouble/Brian Phillips.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.2: 380-386.
131604 Giving Meaning to Human Rights: An Analysis of Human Rights Discourse in Malawi/Alessandra Sarelin.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.2: 259-280.
131605 A Case Study of the Socialization of Human Rights Language and Norms in Maldives: Process, Impact and Challenges/Ahmed Shahid, Hilary Yerbury.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.2: 306-326.
131606 New Rights Advocacy and the Human Rights of Peasants: La Via Campesina and the Evolution of New Human Rights Norms/Noha Shawki.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.2: 306-326.
131607 First Contact with the Field: Experiences of an Early Career Researcher in the Context of National and International Politics in Kenya/Njoki Wamai.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.2: 1-25.
131608 Introduction Rights Choices: Dilemmas of Human Rights Practice/Ron Dudai.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.3: 389-398.
131609 Values in Practice: Dilemmas and Deliberations of Israeli Human Rights Organizations/Noam Hofstadter.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.3: 422-450.
131610 A Very Highly Political Job: Human Rights Practice, The Political, and Practitioners Dilemmas in Sri Lanka/Vijay K. Nagaraj, Shermal Wijewardene.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.3: 399-421.
131611 Letter from Toronto: Post-World Pride 2014 Reflections on LGBTQ Art and Activism/Brian Phillips.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.3: 511-521.
131612 On the Goodness of Despair/David Shulman.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.3: 503-510.
131613 The Cruelty of the Abolitionists/Jonathan Simon.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.3: 486-502.
131614 Between Insurrectional Discourse and Operational Guidance: Challenges and Dilemmas in Implementing Human Rights-Based Approaches to Health/Alicia Ely Yamin, Rebecca Cantor.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2014; Vol.6, No.3: 451-485.
131615 How Does Community Participation Work? Human Rights and the Hidden Labour of Interstitial Elites in Ghana/Catherine Buerger, Elizabeth Holzer.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2015; Vol.7, No.1: 72-87.
131616 Music and the Myth of Universality: Sounding Human Rights and Capabilities/Nomi Dave.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2015; Vol.7, No.3: 1-17.
131617 The Potential of National Action Plans to Implement Human Rights Norms: An Early Assessment with Respect to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights/Damiano de Felice, Andreas Graf.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2015; Vol.7, No.1: 40-71.
131618 Beyond New Humanitarianism: Physicians for Human Rights Israel’s Mobile Clinic and Open Clinic on the Interface of Social Justice, Human Rights and Medical Relief/Dani Filc, Nadav Davidovitch, Nora Gottlieb.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2015; Vol.7, No.1: 88-108.
131619 Moving Theory into Practice: Human Rights Impact Assessment of Intellectual Property Rights in Trade Agreements/Lisa Forman, Gillian MacNaughton.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2015; Vol.7, No.1: 109-138.
131620 The Dilemmas of the Postgraduate International Human Rights Law Educator/Elizabeth Ann Griffin.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2015; Vol.7, No.1: 18-39.
131621 Stigma, Human Rights Violations, Health Care Access, and Disclosure among Men who have Sex with Men in the Gambia/Krystal Mason …[et al.].- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2015; Vol.7, No.1: 139-152.
131622 The OPCAT Special Fund: A New Resource for Torture Prevention?/Vincent Ploton.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2015; Vol.7, No.1: 153-185.
131623 Human Rights Reports from Illiberal States/Andrew Wolman.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2015; Vol.7, No.1: 166-176.
131624 Is Prejudice against LGBT Persons Linked to Increased HIV Vulnerability for Heterosexual Men? Lessons for Human Rights Advocacy from South America/Eric Stener Carlson, Sarah Gammage, Jaime Barrientos.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2015; Vol.7, No.2: 327-341.
131625 The Problem-Oriented Approach to Improving National Human Rights Action Plans/Azadeh Chalabi.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2015; Vol.7, No.2: 272-298.
131626 Reconciling Discourses on Women’s Rights: Learning from Guatemalan Indigenous Women’s Groups/Tine Destrooper.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2015; Vol.7, No.2: 223-245.
131627 Writing Transitional Justice: An Empirical Evaluation of Transitional Justice Scholarship in Academic Journals/Laurel E. Fletcher, Harvey M. Weinstein.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2015; Vol.7, No.2: 177-198.
131628 Advancing Human Rights in Post-Authoritarian Communities through Education/Benjamin Gregg.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2015; Vol.7, No.2: 199-222.
131629 Localizing Fundamental Rights in the European Union: What is the Role of Local and Regional Authorities, and How to Strengthen It?/Axel Marx.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2015; Vol.7, No.2: 246-271.
131630 Empowering Unheard Voices through Theatre of the Oppressed: Reflections on the Legislative Theatre Project for Women in Afghanistan Notes from the Field/Huma Saeed.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2015; Vol.7, No.2: 299-326.
131631 Burnout in Social Justice and Human Rights Activists: Symptoms, Causes and Implications/Cher Weixia Chen, Paul C. Gorski.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2015; Vol.7, No.3: 366-390.
131632 Trade Unions as Human Rights Organizations/Matthew Evans.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2015; Vol.7, No.3: 466-483.
131633 Ethical Lessons Learned from Conducting Refugee-Based Research in an Indian Refugee Camp/Miriam George.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2015; Vol.7, No.3: 451-465.
131634 The Rights of Refugee Children to Self-Expression and to Contribute to Knowledge in Research: Respect and Methods/Jeanette A. Lawrence, Ida Kaplan, Agnes E. Dodds.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2015; Vol.7, No.3: 411-429.
131635 Clashing Activisms: International Human Rights Organizations and Unruly Politics/Doutje Lettinga, Femke Kaulingfreks.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2015; Vol.7, No.3: 343-365.
131636 Human Rights and Hacktivism: The Cases of Wikileaks and Anonymous/Tom Sorell.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2015; Vol.7, No.3: 391-410.
131637 Personal Status Law and Women’s Right to Equality in Law and in Practice: The Case of Land Rights of Balinese Hindu Women/Ingrid Westendorp.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2015; Vol.7, No.3: 430-450.
131638 Victims as Educators: Sentimental Education in a Peace-Building Context/Ignacio Irazuzta, Silvia Rodriguez Maeso, Adriana M. Villalon.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.1: 50-67.
131639 Constitutionalizing Environmental Rights: A Practical Guide/Chris Jeffords, Joshua C. Gellers.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.1: 136-145.
131640 Budget Analysis as a Tool to Monitor Economic and Social Rights: Where the Rubber of International Commitment Meets the Road of Government Policy/Megan Manion, Robert Ralston, Thandi Matthews, Ian Allen.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.1: 146-158.
131641 Human Rights and Populism: Some More Questions in Response to Philip Alston/Vijay K. Nagaraj.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.1: 22-24.
131642 Women’s Health and Human Rights: Converging Avenues for Action in East Africa/Carol Pavlish, Elena Ateva, Anita Ho.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.1: 119-135.
131643 The Underdeveloped Transformative Potential of Human Rights Education: English Primary Education as a Case Study/Alison E. C. Struthers.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.1: 68-84.
131644 A Morning at the Dealership/Stewart Manley.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.1: 85-90.
131645 The Marginality of Transitional Justice within Liberal Peacebuilding: Causes and Consequences/Padraig McAuliffe.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.1: 91-103.
131646 The Right to Privacy in the Digital Age/Carly Nyst, Tomaso Falchetta.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.1: 104-118.
131647 A Playwright for Practitioners: Reflections on Human Rights Storytelling and the Art of Naomi Wallace/Nathaniel French, Brian Phillips.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.1: 159-169.
131648 The Struggle for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights/Wouter Vandenhole.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.1: 170-172.
131649 Food is a Right Nobody Should Be Starving on Our Streets: Perceptions of Food Bank Usage in a Mid-Sized City in Ontario, Canada/Tracy Smith-Carrier, Karen Ross, Jennifer Kirkham, Barbara Decker Pierce.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.1: 29-49.
131650 Reply to Dudai and Nagaraj/Philip Alston.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.1: 25-28.
131651 The Populist Challenge to Human Rights/Philip Alston.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.1: 1-15.
131652 Expanding the Frontiers of Refugee Law: Developing a Broader Law of Asylum in the Middle East and Europe/Martin Jones.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.2: 212-215.
131653 Mobilizing Home for Long-Term Displacement: A Critical Reflection on the Durable Solutions/Cathrine Brun, Anita H Fabos.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.2: 177-183.
131654 Asylum, Refugee Protection and the European Response to Syrian Migration/Dallal Stevens.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.2: 184-199.
131655 Refugee Protection and the Art of the Deal/Kirsten McConnachie.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.2: 190-196.
131656 (Avoiding) The End of Refugee Status Determination/Michael Kagan.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.2: 197-202.
131657 The End of Refugee Law?/David James Cantor.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.2: 203-211.
131658 Refugees and National Human Rights Institutions: A Growing Engagement/Richard Carver.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.2: 216-222.
131659 Video for Change: Creating and Measuring Ethical Impact/Tanya Notley, Sam Gregory, Andrew Lowenthal.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.2: 223-246.
131660 Scrutinizing the Embrace of Human Rights in Ugandan Prisons: An Ethnographic Analysis of the Equivocal Responses to Human Rights Watch Reporting/Tomas Max Martin.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.2: 247-267.
131661 A Trauma-Informed Approach to the Protection and Support of Witnesses in International Tribunals: Ten Guiding Principles/Shanee Stepakoff, Nicola Henry, Neneh Binta Barrie, Adikalie S Kamara.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.2: 268-286.
131662 The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Business and Human Rights Treaty Negotiations/Nadia Bernaz, Irene Pietropaoli.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.2: 287-311.
131663 Collective Critical Reflections on Using a Human Rights-Based Approach in ActionAid/David Archer.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.2: 312-325.
131664 Beyond Intervention/David Hughes.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.2: 326-321.
131665 Responsibility to Protect: Time to Reassess/Eileen F Babbitt.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.3: 431-435.
131666 Peace Settlements and Human Rights: A Post-Cold War Circular History/Christine Bell.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.3: 358-378.
131667 Getting the Real War into Books: Notes on Contemporary Fiction for Human Rights and Peacebuilding Practitioners/Brian Phillips.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.3: 469-480.
131668 Development Aid Architecture and the Conditions for Peacebuilding and Human Rights: Does the Framework Fit the Purpose?/Mie Roesdahl, George Varughese.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.3: 457-468.
131669 Human Rights and Peacebuilding: Complementary and Contradictory, Complex and Contingent/Michelle Parlevliet.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.3: 333-357.
131670 Spinning the Web: Grassroots Human Rights Work Inspired by Peacebuilding Approaches/Maureen Sibanda Shonge.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.3: 447-456.
131671 Peace, Governance and Rule of Law, and Transitional Justice: Interrogating the Connections/Chandra Lekha Sriram.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.3: 424-430.
131672 From the Normative to the Transformative: Defining and Promoting Justice and Human Rights as Part of Violent Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding/Graeme Simpson.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.3: 379-400.
131673 Universal Periodic Review and its Limited Change Potential: Tracking the Complexity of Multiple Actors and Approaches to Human Rights Change through the Lens of the UPR Process of Nepal/Mie Roesdahl.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.3: 401-423.
131674 Assessing the Value of Human Rights-Based Interventions in Situations of Conflict: Community Outreach to Combat Violence against Women and Girls in Darfur, Sudan/Karen Bennett, Chara de Lacey.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.3: 534-549.
131675 Challenges of Post Peace Agreement Constitution Making: Some Lessons from Nepal/Rohan Edrisinha.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.3: 436-446.
131676 Witnessing and Disrupting: The Ethics of Working with Testimony for Refugee Advocacy/Leora Kahn, Anita H Fabos.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.3: 526-533.
131677 Measuring Human Rights Impacts of Trade Agreements Ideas for Improving the Methodology: Comparing the European Union’s Sustainability Impact Assessment Practice/Elisabeth Burgi Bonanomi.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.3: 481-503.
131678 Lost in Translation: Assessment of the (Non)-Implementation of the Trafficking Directive from a Gender Perspective in Spain/Gema Fernandez Rodriguez de Lievana, Viviana Waisman.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2017; Vol.9, No.3: 504-525.
131679 Truth, Evidence, Truth: The Deployment of Testimony, Archives and Technical Data in Domestic Human Rights Trials/Daniela Accatino, Cath Collins.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2016; Vol.8, No.1: 81-100.
131680 Documentation, Human Rights and Transitional Justice/Elisabeth Baumgartner, Brandon Hamber, Briony Jones, Grainne Kelly, Ingrid Oliveira.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2016; Vol.8, No.1: 1-5.
131681 In from the Margins: Survivors of Wartime Sexual Violence in Croatia and an Early Analysis of the New Law/Janine Natalya Clark.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2016; Vol.8, No.1: 128-147.
131682 Vermont and Healthcare Reform Organizing: Human Rights Promise and Praxis/Amy C. Finnegan, Shelley K. White.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2016; Vol.8, No.1: 148-170.
131683 Practice, Power and Inertia: Personal Narrative, Archives and Dealing with the Past in Northern Ireland/Brandon Hamber, Grainne Kelly.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2016; Vol.8, No.1: 25-44.
131684 Truth Commission Archives as New Democratic Spaces/Briony Jones, Ingrid Oliveira.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2016; Vol.8, No.1: 6-24.
131685 Tensions in UN Information Management: Security, Data and Human Rights Monitoring in Darfur, Sudan/Roisin Read.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2016; Vol.8, No.1: 101-115.
131686 Official Victims Registries: A Tool for the Recognition of Human Rights Violations/Jairo Rivas.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2016; Vol.8, No.1: 116-127.
131687 The Archive as Confessional: The Role of Video Testimony in Understanding and Remorse/Juliet Brough Rogers.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2016; Vol.8, No.1: 45-61.
131688 Arrested Truth: Transitional Justice and the Politics of Remembrance in Kosovo/Gezim Visoka.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2016; Vol.8, No.1: 62-80.
131689 Understanding and Addressing Vulnerability Following the 2010 Haiti Earthquake: Applying a Feminist Lens to Examine Perspectives of Haitian and Expatriate Health Care Providers and Decision-Makers/Evelyne Durocher, Ryoa Chung, Christiane Rochon, Matthew Hunt.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2016; Vol.8, No.2: 219-238.
131690 The Challenge of Adopting Sexual Orientation Resolutions at the UN Human Rights Council/Eduard Jordaan.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2016; Vol.8, No.2: 298-310.
131691 Exploring Human Rights-Based Activism as a Social Determinant of Health: Insights from Brazil and South Africa/Kristi Heather Kenyon, Regiane A. Garcia.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2016; Vol.8, No.2: 198-218.
131692 TOMS and the Citizen-Consumer: Assessing the Impacts of Socially-Minded Consumption/Lindsey N. Kingston, Jeanette Guellil.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2016; Vol.8, No.2: 284-297.
131693 Data Visualization for Human Rights Advocacy/Katharina Rall …[et al.].- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2016; Vol.8, No.2: 171-197.
131694 Masquerading as Compliance: Tracing Canada’s Policy Implementation of the Human Right to Water/Jennifer S. Schiff.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2016; Vol.8, No.2: 264-283.
131695 The Rights to Health and Health Care of Vulnerable Populations: Reducing the Existing Barriers to Health Equity Experienced by Transgender People in Ireland/Maciej Szydlowski.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2016; Vol.8, No.2: 239-263.
131696 Closing Space for International Democracy and Human Rights Support/Thomas Carothers.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2016; Vol.8, No.3: 358-377.
131697 Is the Time Right for Human Rights NGOs to Collaborate with Businesses that Want to Stop Dabbling with Corporate Social Responsibility and Start Making Social Impact?/Isabel Kelly.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2016; Vol.8, No.3: 422-432.
131698 Funding Outcomes or Risk and Innovation? Implications for the Broader Role of Donors/Angela M. Kuga Thas.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2016; Vol.8, No.3: 406-421.
131699 Balancing Respect While Ensuring Accountability in the Funder Grantee Relationship: Lessons from Central Africa, Liberia and India/Tony Tate, John Kabia, Seema Nair.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2016; Vol.8, No.3: 378-392.
131700 Restrictive National Laws Affecting Human Rights Civil Society Organizations: A Legal Analysis/Elizabeth A. Wilson.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2016; Vol.8, No.3: 329-357.
131701 Can Human Rights Organizations in the Global South Attract More Domestic Funding?/James Ron, Archana Pandya, David Crow.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2016; Vol.8, No.3: 393-405.
131702 Troubled Times at Upturn Records: Getting Traditional Legal Concepts to Dance to the New Online Beat/Robert C. Bird … [et al.].- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2004-2005; Vol.22, No.1: 1-38.
131703 Teaching International Business Law: A Liberal Arts Perspective/Diane B. MacDonald, Judith A. Ramaglia.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2004-2005; Vol.22, No.1: 39-64.
131704 What’s in a Name? The Letterhead Impact Project/Kevin M. Yamamoto.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2004-2005; Vol.22, No.1: 65-98.
131705 Balancing the Needs to Assess Depth and Breadth of Knowledge: Does Essay Choice Provide a Solution?/Linda B. Samuels, Richard L. Coffinberger.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2004-2005; Vol.22, No.2: 103-122.
131706 Law as Haiku/Ann Morales Olazabal.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2004-2005; Vol.22, No.2: 123-147.
131707 Contracts in the Classroom – Providing Undergraduate Business Students with Important Real Life Skills/Susan M. Denbo.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2004-2005; Vol.22, No.2: 149-167.
131708 International Legal and Ethical Considerations at Pfizer, Inc./Marisa Anne Pagnattaro.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2004-2005; Vol.22, No.2: 169-197.
131709 A New Paradigm for the Teaching of Business Law and Legal Environment Classes/Marc Lampe.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2006; Vol.23, No.1: 1-51.
131710 This Bud’s For You: Understanding International Intellectual Property Law Through the Ongoing Dispute over the Budweiser Trademark/Robert C. Bird.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2006; Vol.23, No.1: 53-85.
131711 Building a Bridge to Liberal Learning: Using a Book Club Model to Foster Ethical Awareness/Ronnie Cohen.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2006; Vol.23, No.1: 87-103.
131712 Nontraditional Students, Accelerated Programs, Grade Expectations, and Instructor Evaluations/Pamela Gershuny, Carolyn Rainey.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2006; Vol.23, No.2: 123-150.
131713 Strategies to Help Legal Studies Students Avoid Plagiarism/Linda B. Samuels, Carol M. Bast.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2006; Vol.23, No.2: 151-167.
131714 The Case of the Unhappy Sports Fan: Embracing Student-Centered Learning and Promoting Upper-Level Cognitive Skills Through an Online Dispute Resolution Simulation/Lucille M. Ponte.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2006; Vol.23, No.2: 169-194.
131715 The Battle of the Forms – There Is a Purpose/Cris de la Torren, Garth Allen.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2006; Vol.23, No.2: 195-216.
131716 Don’t Try This at Home: Using a Multilayered Approach to Teach the Law of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Harassment Investigations/Jordan T.L. Halgas.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2006; Vol.23, No.2: 217-241.
131717 Actually the World Is Quite Bumpy: Using Friedman in the International Business Law Classroom/Lucien J. Dhooge.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2006; Vol.23, No.2: 243-259.
131718 One Approach to Formulating and Evaluating Student Work Groups in Legal Environment of Business Courses/Joan E. Camara, B. Nathaniel Carr, Barbara L. Grota.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2007; Vol.24, No.1: 1-18.
131719 Teaching Law and Theory Through Context: Contract Clauses in Legal Studies Education/Larry A. DiMatteo, T. Leigh Anenson.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2007; Vol.24, No.1: 19-57.
131720 Implementing Team-Based Learning in an Introduction to Law Course/Susan W. Dana.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2007; Vol.24, No.1: 59-108.
131721 Partnership in Practice: Fostering a Mentoring Relationship to Meet the Challenges of a Large Legal Environment of Business Class/Jordan T.L. Halgas, Mark R. Stoner.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2007; Vol.24, No.1: 109-127.
131722 Service Learning: Opportunities for Legal Studies in Business/Debra D. Burke.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2007; Vol.24, No.2: 129-163.
131723 The Politics of Preemption: Invigorating a Classic Classroom Concept/Rita Marie Cain.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2007; Vol.24, No.2: 165-202.
131724 Student Ratings and Evaluation in Undergraduate Business Law Courses: A Modest Correlative Study/Lucien J. Dhooge, Cynthia F. Eakin.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2007; Vol.24, No.2: 203-234.
131725 Law-Based Degree Programs in Business and Their Departments: What’s in a Name? (A Comprehensive Study of Undergraduate Law-Based Degrees in AACSB-Accredited Universities)/Carol J. Miller, Susan J. Crain.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2007; Vol.24, No.2: 235-289.
131726 Disruptive Students: A Liability, Policy, and Ethical Overview/Heidi L. Noonan-Day, Marianne M. Jennings.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2007; Vol.24, No.2: 291-324.
131727 Maximizing Student Learning Through Enron: The Ultimate B-Law Case Study/Stephanie R. Sipe.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2007; Vol.24, No.2: 325-337.
131728 Hate Speech, the First Amendment, and Professional Codes of Conduct: Where to Draw the Line?/Jeffrey A. Mello.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2008; Vol.25, No.1: 1-16.
131729 Michael Novak’s Business as a Calling as a Vehicle for Addressing Ethical and Policy Concerns in a Business Law Course/Tonia Hap Murphy.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2008; Vol.25, No.1: 17-49.
131730 Using Student Development Theory to Inform Our Curriculum and Pedagogy: A Response to the Secretary of Education’s Commission on the Future of Higher Education/Eric D. Yordy.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2008; Vol.25, No.1: 51-73.
131731 The Matrix: A Pedagogical Tool for Teaching Employment Discrimination Law/Roger J. Johns.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2008; Vol.25, No.1: 75-106.
131732 Invite the Magic of Siegfried and Roy into Your Torts Discussion/M.P. Marty Ludlum.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2008; Vol.25, No.1: 107-126.
131733 Employment Law, Negotiation, and the Business Environment: A Cooperative Collective Bargaining Negotiation of the National Hockey League Lockout of 2004/Corey A. Ciocchetti.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2008; Vol.25, No.1: 127-182.
131734 An Economic Analysis of Academic Dishonesty and Its Deterrence in Higher Education/Stephen K. Happel, Marianne M. Jennings.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2008; Vol.25, No.2: 183-214.
131735 Nature’s Business: Incorporating Global Studies, Environmental Law and Literacy, and Corporate Social Responsibility into the Business School Curriculum Through Interdisciplinary Business-Science Study Tour Courses/Susan M. Denbo.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2008; Vol.25, No.2: 215-240.
131736 Integrating Academic Integrity Education with the Business Law Course: Why and How?/Shelley McGill.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2008; Vol.25, No.2: 241-282.
131737 Using Technology-Enabled Active Learning Tools to Introduce Business Ethics Topics in Business Law Courses: A Few Practical Examples/Linda A. Reid, Curt M. Weber.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2008; Vol.25, No.2: 283-305.
131738 Beer, Free Speech, and Barriers to Interstate Commerce: A Case of Imported Beer/Susanna Monseau.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2008; Vol.25, No.2: 307-342.
131739 Kelo v. City of New London: An Ideal Case to Teach Ethical and Legal Principles/Lamar Odom, Analco Gonzalez.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2008; Vol.25, No.2: 343-355.
131740 Reconstructing Human Rights Violations Using Large Eyewitness Video Collections: The Case of Euromaidan Protester Deaths/Jay D Aronson, McKenna Cole, Alex Hauptmann, Dan Miller, Bradley Samuels.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.1: 159-178.
131741 Transitional Justice From Within: Police, Forensic and Legal Actors Searching for Chile’s Disappeared/Cath Collins.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.1: 19-39.
131742 Addressing Human Rights Abuses against People Who Use Drugs: A Critical Role for Human Rights Treaty Bodies and Special Procedures/Mikhail Golichenko, Suzanne Stolz, Tamar Ezer.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.1: 83-102.
131743 National Human Rights Institutions and Oversight of the Security Services/Luka Glusac.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.1: 58-82.
131744 Ideals and Realities of Restitution: the Colombian Land Restitution Programme/Jemima Garcia-Godos, Henrik Wiig.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.1: 40-57.
131745 Human Rights in the Trade and Sustainability Impact Assessment of the EU-Tunisia Free Trade Agreement/Simon Walker.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.1: 103-124.
131746 Using Online and Face-to-Face Simulations in Human Rights Tertiary Teaching: A Comparative Analysis/Lisa Hartley, Fiona McGaughey.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.1: 125-141.
131747 Sanctuary Practices in Scandinavian Transnational Cities: The Case of Public Libraries/Anna Lundberg, Lisa Dahlquist.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.1: 142-158.
131748 Human Rights and Agents of Change in Iran: Towards a Theory of Change/Rebecca Barlow, Shahram Akbarzadeh.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.1: 229-247.
131749 Freedom from Persecution or Continued Abuse? An Analysis of the Meaning of Rights in Refugee Communities/Eileen Pittaway, Linda A Bartolomei, Emma E Pittaway, Geraldine Doney.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.2: 248-267.
131750 Inside State Terrorism: Bureaucracies and Social Attitudes in Response to Enforced Disappearance of Persons in Argentina/Emilio Crenzel.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.2: 268-286.
131751 Mobilizing Women’s Human Rights: What/Whose Knowledge Counts for Transnational Legal Mobilization?/Cecilia MacDowell Santos.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.2: 191-211.
131752 Regina v. Lama: Lessons Learned in Preparing a Universal Jurisdiction Case/Ingrid Massage, Mandira Sharma.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.2: 327-345.
131753 Translators, Advocates or Practitioners? Social Workers and Human Rights Localization/Alicia Dibbets, Quirine EijkmanSally Carlton.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.2: 212-228.
131754 Monetary Compensation for Survivors of Torture: Some Lessons from Nepal/Jeevan Raj Sharma, Tobias Kelly.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.2: 307-326.
131755 Using International and Foreign Law in Human Rights Litigation: The Decriminalization of Homosexuality in Belize/Andrew Novak.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.2: 346-354.
131756 What Would Martin Luther King Jr. Say? Teaching the Historical and Practical Past to Promote Human Rights in Education/Thomas Nygren, Brian Johnsrud.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.2: 287-306.
131757 Resettled Yet Stateless: Elderly Monoglot Refugees in the United States as a Limit Case to Citizenship/Odessa Gonzalez Benson, Yoosun Park.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.3: 423-438.
131758 Political Quotas, NGO Initiatives and Dalits  Human Rights in Rural India/Suparna Soni.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.3: 388-405.
131759 An Idea Whose Time Has Come? Modern Slavery, Multiple Streams Approach and Multilayer Policy Implementation/Alison Gardner.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.3: 461-481.
131760 Reconciling Decentralization: The Human Right to Water, India’s Yamuna River, and the Challenge of Transboundary Governance/Jennifer Schiff.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.3: 406-422.
131761 Let Us Learn: Legal Mobilization for the Rights of Young Migrants to Access Student Loans in the UK/Lisa Vanhala, Shauneen Lambe, Rachel Knowles.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.3: 439-460.
131762 Temporary Relocation in an Academic Setting for Human Rights Defenders at Risk: Good Practice Lessons and Challenges/Sanna Eriksson.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.3: 482-507.
131763 All You Can Do is Pray: Implications for Human Rights Advocacy of the Lack of Recognition of Ethnic Cleansing as an International Crime on its Own/Qerim Qerimi.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.3: 508-523.
131764 Where Do We Go From Here? Challenges and Strategies Following Additional Asylum Policy Restrictions in Sweden/Lisa Salmonsson, Daniel Hedlund.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.3: 524-535.
131765 Jacques Maritain on Anti-Semitism and Human Rights: A Conversation with Daniele Lorenzini/Daniele Lorenzini.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.3: 536-545.
131766 A Common Sense Approach to the Right to Food/Naomi Hossain, Dolf te Lintelo.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.10, No.3: 367-387.
131767 Making Them Accountable: Victim-Activists Critical Engagement with Truth Commissions in Nepal/Krista Billingsley.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.1: 190-208.
131768 Universities as Human Rights Actors/Eva Brems, Laurens Lavrysen, Lieselot Verdonck.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.1: 229-238.
131769 Using Big Data to Demonstrate Indivisibility of Rights and Promote Cross-Sectoral Responses to the Sustainable Development Goals/Carmel Williams, Daniel Exeter, Sheree Gibb, Paul Hunt.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.1: 239-250.
131770 Human Rights Practitioners Cannot Be Left Behind: Engaging in Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) Systems Thinking for Country Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal Agenda/Claire E Brolan.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.1: 22-51.
131771 They Should See Us as a Symbol of Reconciliation: Youth Born of Genocidal Rape in Rwanda and the Implications for Transitional Justice/Myriam Denov, Sara Kahn.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.1: 151-170.
131772 Consuming Human Rights/Jeffrey Flynn.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.1: 251-257.
131773 Advocating a UN Convention on the Rights of Older Persons in the United Kingdom: The Case for a Radical Flank/Annie Herro.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.1: 132-150.
131774 Are UN Investigations into Human Rights Violations a Viable Solution? An Assessment of UN Commissions of Inquiry/Hun Joon Kim.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.1: 96-115.
131775 Conceptualizing Statelessness as a Human Rights Challenge: Framing, Visual Representation, and (Partial) Issue Emergence/Lindsey N Kingston.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.1: 52-72.
131776 What Constitutes Reasonable State Action on Core Obligations? Considering a Right to Health Framework to Provide Essential Medicines/Katrina Perehudoff, Lisa Forman.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.1: 1-21.
131777 Filtering Information: Human Rights Documentation in Bangladesh/Morten Koch Andersen.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.1: 73-95.
131778 Researching Human Rights Professionals: Tracing the Networks of Human Rights Practice/Elizabeth M Bruch.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.1: 116-131.
131779 To Me, Justice Means to Be in a Group: Survivors Groups as a Pathway to Justice in Northern Uganda/Philipp Schulz.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.1: 171-189.
131780 Beyond Victims Mere Presence: An Empirical Analysis of Victim Participation in Transitional Justice in Colombia/Mijke de Waardt, Sanne Weber.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.1: 20-228.
131781 Three Circles of Dignity/Ginevra Le Moli.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.1: 258-270.
131782 Reflections on a Human Rights Decade, Near and Far/Paul Gready.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.2: 422-437.
131783 Cameras Everywhere Revisited: How Digital Technologies and Social Media Aid and Inhibit Human Rights Documentation and Advocacy/Sam Gregory.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.2: 373-392.
131784 South Africa’s Journey from Socialism to Human Rights: The True Confessions of an Errant Socialist/Mark Heywood.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.2: 305-323.
131785 A Factful Perspective on Capital Punishment/David T Johnson.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.2: 334-345.
131786 The Struggle Against Torture: Challenges, Assumptions and New Directions/Tobias Kelly.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.2: 324-333.
131787 The Practitioner’s Bookshelf: Tenth Anniversary Recommendations/James Loeffler, Noah Weisbord, Brian Phillips.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.2: 438-444.
131788 Gender and Embodied War KnowledgeGet/Thea Waldron, Erin Baines.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.2: 393-405.
131789 Through a Glass, Darkly: Three Important Conversations for Human Rights Professionals/Dustin N Sharp.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.2: 296-304.
131790 Better Than A Great Many Good Works: Jenny Erpenbeck’s Go, Went, Gone and the Primacy of Attention in Human Rights Practice/Brian Phillips.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.2: 406-421.
131791 For a Human Rights Approach to Reforming the American Penal State/Jonathan Simon.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.2: 346-356.
131792 The Study of Human Rights Practice: State of the Art/Ron Dudai.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.2: 273-295.
131793 Struggles for Human Rights in Health in an Age of Neoliberalism: From Civil Disobedience to Epistemic Disobedience/Alicia Ely Yamin.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.2: 357-372.
131794 Justice Not Forgiveness: Perspectives on Justice and Reconciliation among Yazidi Women Refugees in Germany/Phuong Pham, Niamh Gibbons, Jana Katharina Denkinger, Florian Junne, Patrick Vinck.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.3: 530-553.
131795 Building and Applying a Human Rights-Based Model for Migrant Integration Policy/Cl‎کodhna Murphy, Mary Gilmartin, Leanne Caulfield.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.3: 445-466.
131796 Implementing a Participatory Human Rights-Based Research Methodology: The Unfitness to Plead Project/Anna Arstein-Kerslake, Piers Gooding, Sarah Mercer, Marlena Raymond, Bernadette McSherry.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2019; Vol.11, No.3: 589-606.
131797 Pushing for Political and Legal Change: Protecting the Cultural Identity of Travellers in the Netherlands/Leonie M Huijbers, Claire M S Loven.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.11, No.3: 508-529.
131798 The Practitioner’s Bookshelf: New Books on Undocumented Storytellers in the United States and on the Crime of Aggression in International Law/Rubia R Valente, Brian Phillips.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.11, No.3: 607-611.
131799 Implementation of the Non-Punishment Principle in England: Why Are Victims of Trafficking Not Benefiting from the Protection from Prosecution Provided by International Law?/Nogah Ofer.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.11, No.3: 486-507.
131800 1forEquality: The Story of an Unlikely Victorious Campaign in the Making/Koldo Casla.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.11, No.3: 554-568.
131801 Communicating Cosmopolitanism During Times of Crisis: UNHCR and the World Refugee Day Campaign in the UK and Bulgaria/Ekaterina Balabanova.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.11, No.3: 467-485.
131802 Early Marriage in Iran: A Pragmatic Approach/Shamin Asghari.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018; Vol.11, No.3: 569-588.
131803 A Course to Meet the Unique Needs of Business Prelaw Students/Paulette L. Stenzel.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2009; Vol.26, No.1: 1-46.
131804 Using the Case Study Approach to Challenge Students in an Introductory Business Law Course/Darren Charters, Sally Gunz, Vivian Schoner.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2009; Vol.26, No.1: 47-86.
131805 Managers Confront Competing Practical, Legal, and Ethical Claims: A Comprehensive Teaching Case/Tony McAdams.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2009; Vol.26, No.1: 87-108.
131806 Utilization of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Manual as a Teaching Tool/Adam Epstein, Paul Anderson.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2009; Vol.26, No.1: 109-136.
131807 The Present State of the Business Law Education of Accounting Students: The Business Law Professor’s Perspective/Mehmet C. Kocakulah, A. David Austill, Brett Long.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2009; Vol.26, No.1: 137-183.
131808 Case Study of Apple, Inc. for Business Law Students: How Apple’s Business Model Controls Digital Content Through Legal and Technological Means/Margo E.K. Reder.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2009; Vol.26, No.1: 185-209.
131809 Legal History Meets the Honors Program/Robert B. Bennett.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2009; Vol.26, No.1: 211-239.
131810 Active Learning Through Appellate Simulation: A Simple Recipe for a Business Law Course/William J. McDevitt.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2009; Vol.26, No.2: 245-262.
131811 Legal Studies Scholarship: Setting the Standard for Excellence/Carol M. Bast, Linda B. Samuels.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2009; Vol.26, No.2: 263-323.
131812 Reneging: A Topic to Promote Engaging Discussions About Law and Ethics in a Business Law or Legal Environment Course/Tonia Hap Murphy.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2009; Vol.26, No.2: 325-355.
131813 The Logic Doctor Is In: Using Structure Training and Metacognitive Monitoring to Cultivate the Ability to Self-Diagnose Legal Analysis Skills/Roger J. Johns.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2009; Vol.26, No.2: 357-397.
131814 An Exercise for Teaching the Employment Law Implications of Employee Blogging/Konrad S. Lee … [et al.].- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2009; Vol.26, No.2: 399-431.
131815 An Entrepreneurial Strand in the Business Law Course: The Ice Cream Project/Regina M. Robson.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2009; Vol.26, No.2: 433-456.
131816 Going for the Intrinsic Gold: A Collaborative Quizbowl Quest to Motivate Students and to Showcase Business Law Courses/Sandra S. Benson.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2009; Vol.26, No.2: 457-484.
131817 The Twenty-First Century and Legal Studies in Business: Preparing Students to Perform in a Globally Competitive Environment/Debra D. Burke, Ronald A. Johnson, Deborah J. Kemp.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2010; Vol.27, No.1: 1-33.
131818 Cover It: A Comprehensive Framework for Guiding Students Through Ethical Dilemmas/Jennifer M. Mitchell, Eric D. Yordy.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2010; Vol.27, No.1: 35-60.
131819 Why Incorporate Disability Studies into Teaching Discrimination Law?/Ramona L. Paetzold.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2010; Vol.27, No.1: 61-80.
131820 It’s Not Easy Being Green: Bringing Real Life to the Undergraduate Legal Environment of Business Classroom/Tanya M. Marcum, Sandra J. Perry.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2010; Vol.27, No.1: 81-104.
131821 My Car Is a Lemon! Use of the Better Business Bureau’s Auto Line Program as a Pedagogical Model of ADR/Donna M. Steslow.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2010; Vol.27, No.1: 105-128.
131822 A Day at the Beach: A Multidisciplinary Business Law Case Study/Leonard Rymsza … [et al.].- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2010; Vol.27, No.1: 129-162.
131823 Enhancing the Educational Value of Experiential Learning: The Business Court Project/Anne Tucker Nees, Susan Willey, Nancy R. Mansfield.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2010; Vol.27, No.2: 171-208.
131824 Embedded Advertising on Television: Classic Legal Environment and Business Law Content Brought to You by …/Rita Marie Cain.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2010; Vol.27, No.2: 209-246.
131825 Reflections on Enhancing the Understanding of Law Through Ethical Analysis/Murray S. Levin.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2010; Vol.27, No.2: 247-275.
131826 The Art of Negotiation: What the Twenty-First Century Business Student Should Know/Bill McClendon, Debra D. Burke, Lorrie Willey.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2010; Vol.27, No.2: 277-319.
131827 Mining for Gold: Utilizing SEC Filings to Develop MBA Students’ Understanding of Legal Concepts/Susan Willey, Peggy Sherman.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2010; Vol.27, No.2: 321-355.
131828 A Constructivist Approach to Business Ethics: Developing a Student Code of Professional Conduct/Lorrie Willey, Debra D. Burke.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2011; Vol.28, No.1: 1-38.
131829 Mind and Soul: Connecting with Students/Patricia Pattison, Janet Riola Hale, Paul Gowens.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2011; Vol.28, No.1: 39-66.
131830 Can You See Me Now? Defining Teaching Presence in the Online Classroom Through Building a Learning Community/Ida M. Jones.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2011; Vol.28, No.1: 67-116.
131831 Teaching Torts with Sports/Adam Epstein.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2011; Vol.28, No.1: 117-142.
131832 Legal Environment v. Business Law Courses: A Distinction Without a Difference?/Carol J. Miller, Susan J. Crain.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2011; Vol.28, No.2: 149-206.
131833 Creating a Course in Global Business Ethics: A Modest Proposal/Lucien J. Dhooge.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2011; Vol.28, No.2: 207-248.
131834 More than One Way to Tell a Story: Integrating Storytelling into Your Law Course/Donna M. Steslow, Carolyn Gardner.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2011; Vol.28, No.2: 249-271.
131835 The Rise and Fall of a Ponzi Scheme: The Ideal Illustration of the Law and Ethics of the Federal Bankruptcy Code/Sandra S. Benson, Wade M. Chumney.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2011; Vol.28, No.2: 273-330.
131836 I Phone, You Phone, We All Phone with iPhone: Trademark Law and Ethics from an International and Domestic Perspective/Tammy W. Cowart, Wade M. Chumney.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2011; Vol.28, No.2: 331-355.
131837 From the Factory to the Playroom: Mattel, Inc. – Shenzhen Union King Sales Contract Exercise/Marisa Anne Pagnattaro.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2011; Vol.28, No.2: 357-383.
131838 Case Study of a Coffee War: Using the Starbucks v. Charbucks Dispute to Teach Trademark Dilution, Business Ethics, and the Strategic Value of Legal Acumen/Sean P. Melvin.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2012; Vol.29, No.1: 27-58.
131839 Ethical Considerations in Filing Personal Bankruptcy: A Hypothetical Case Study/Robert J. Landry.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2012; Vol.29, No.1: 59-93.
131840 A Fire in the Global Village: Teaching Ethical Reasoning and Stakeholder Interests Utilizing Tobacco/Lucien J. Dhooge.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2012; Vol.29, No.1: 95-125.
131841 Law in Context: Teaching Legal Studies Through the Lens of Extra-Legal Sources/Sandra K. Miller, Larry A. DiMatteo.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2012; Vol.29, No.2: 155-189.
131842 In Defense of the Sage on the Stage: Escaping from the Sorcery of Learning Styles and Helping Students Learn How to Learn/Marianne M. Jennings.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2012; Vol.29, No.2: 191-237.
131843 Advice for the New Legal Studies Professor/Robert C. Bird.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2012; Vol.29, No.2: 239-262.
131844 Integrating Ethics Across the Curriculum: A Pilot Study to Assess Students’ Ethical Reasoning/Susan L. Willey, Nancy Reeves Mansfield, Margaret B. Sherman.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2012; Vol.29, No.2: 263-296.
131845 What Business Students Should Know About Attorney-Client Privilege/Robert Draba, Brent Marshall.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2012; Vol.29, No.2: 297-312.
131846 Go for the Gold by Utilizing the Olympics/Adam Epstein.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2012; Vol.29, No.2: 313-334.
131847 Teaching Disability Employment Discrimination Law: Accommodating Physical and Mental Disabilities/Marianne DelPo Kulow.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2012; Vol.29, No.2: 335-362.
131848 Social Networks and Workplace Risk: Classroom Scenarios from a U.S. and EU Perspective/Perry Binder, Nancy R. Mansfield.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2013; Vol.30, No.1: 1-44.
131849 The Social Network and the Legal Environment of Business: An Opportunity for Student-Centered Learning/Shelley McGill.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2013; Vol.30, No.1: 45-97.
131850 The Pedagogical, Legal, and Ethical Implications of Unpaid Internships/Debra D. Burke, Robert Carton.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2013; Vol.30, No.1: 99-130.
131851 What’s Wrong with Bribery? An Example Utilizing Access to Safe Drinking Water/Lucien J. Dhooge.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2013; Vol.30, No.1: 131-177.
131852 Step Away from the Syllabus: Engaging Students on the First Day of Legal Environment/Michael R. Koval.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2013; Vol.30, No.1: 179-194.
131853 Using Contract Negotiation Exercises to Develop Higher Order Thinking and Strategic Business Skills/Susan J. Marsnik, Dale B. Thompson.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2013; Vol.30, No.2: 201-248.
131854 Teaching Environmental Law and Sustainability for Business: From Local to Global/Paulette L. Stenzel.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2013; Vol.30, No.2: 249-293.
131855 Using a Library-Based Course Page to Improve Research Skills in an Undergraduate International Business Law Course/Diane May, H. Vernon Leighton.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2013; Vol.30, No.2: 295-319.
131856 Case Study: Using the Supreme Court’s Affordable Care Act Decision to Introduce Judicial Review Philosophies in a Legal Environment Course/Jennifer L. Chapman.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2013; Vol.30, No.2: 321-345.
131857 Building the Manager’s Tool Box: Reflections of a Former Business Dean on the State of Law in the Business Curriculum/Henry Lowenstein.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2013; Vol.30, No.2: 347-378.
131858 The Socratic Method 2.0/Matt Hlinak.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2014; Vol.31, No.1: 1-20.
131859 Going Online: Building Your Business Law Course Using the Quality Matters Rubric/Lucas Loafman, Barbara W. Altman.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2014; Vol.31, No.1: 21-54.
131860 Outrage and Engage: A Story of Eminent Domain/Patricia Pattison.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2014; Vol.31, No.1: 55-87.
131861 A Comparison of Active Learning and Traditional Pedagogical Styles in a Business Law Classroom/LeVon E. Wilson, Stephanie R. Sipe.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2014; Vol.31, No.1: 89-105.
131862 Transitioning a River Outfitter to the Next Generation/Debra D. Burke, Carroll A. Brown.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2014; Vol.31, No.1: 107-169.
131863 A Jury of Their Peers: Turning Academic Dishonesty into Classroom Learning/Peter Prescott, Hilary Buttrick, Deborah Skinner.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2014; Vol.31, No.2: 179-206.
131864 Advising Students or Practicing Law: The Formation of Implied Attorney-Client Relationships with Students/Patricia M. Sheridan.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2014; Vol.31, No.2: 207-232.
131865 Using Scaffolding to Improve Student Learning in Legal Environment Courses/Diane May.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2014; Vol.31, No.2: 233-248.
131866 Teaching United States v. Windsor: The Defense of Marriage Act and Its Constitutional Implications/Corey Ciocchetti.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2014; Vol.31, No.2: 249-289.
131867 Teaching Consumer Price Discrimination: An Interdisciplinary Case Study for Business Law Students/Matthew A. Edwards.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2014; Vol.31, No.2: 291-324.
131868 Teaching Behavioral Ethics/Robert Prentice.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2014; Vol.31, No.2: 325-365.
131869 Contract Formation and Performance Under the UCC and CISG: A Comparative Case Study/Kurt M. Saunders, Leonard Rymsza.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2015; Vol.32, No.1: 1-46.
131870 Transforming the Legal Studies Classroom: Clickers and Engagement/Susan Park, Denise Farag.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2015; Vol.32, No.1: 47-90.
131871 A Stealth Drug Recall: Who Protects Consumers and Shareholders?/Susanna Monseau, Nancy Lasher.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2015; Vol.32, No.1: 91-129.
131872 Covenants Not to Compete in Employment Contracts: Worth a Closer Look in the Classroom/Tonia Hap Murphy.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2015; Vol.32, No.1: 131-171.
131873 Grand Canyon Skywalk: Views of Law and Ethics/Lorrie Willey, Debra D. Burke.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2015; Vol.32, No.1: 173-221.
131874 Reconciling Teaching and Research in Law: An Expatriate Law Teacher’s Interdisciplinary Reflection/Ming-Sung Kuo.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2015; Vol.32, No.2: 229-254.
131875 Flips and Flops: A New Approach to a Traditonal Law Course/Tanya M. Marcum, Sandra J. Perry.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2015; Vol.32, No.2: 255-286.
131876 Ben and Jerry’s Struggles with Corporate Social Responsibility in an International Context/J. Haskell Murray.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2015; Vol.32, No.2: 287-312.
131877 Choosing Values: Public-Private Relationships in a Global Economy/Larry A. DiMatteo, Virginia G. Maurer.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2015; Vol.32, No.2: 313-344.
131878 Deconstructing Bistro 24 for a Traditionally Underserved Student Population/Charles E. Thomas.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2016; Vol.33, No.1: 5-22.
131879 Flipping and Moocing Your Class Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the MOOC/Matt Hlinak.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2016; Vol.33, No.1: 23-35.
131880 Deal-Making 2.0: A New Experiential Simulation in Contract Negotiation and Drafting for Business Students in the Global and Digital Age/Bruce W. Klaw.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2016; Vol.33, No.1: 37-69.
131881 Law as a Teacher of Society: Reflections on Title VII After Fifty Years/Andrew Little.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2016; Vol.33, No.1: 71-96.
131882 Closing the Loop or Jumping Through Hoops: The Impact of Assessment on the Legal Studies Curricula/Donna Steslow, Nancy Lasher, Sue Kong.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2016; Vol.33, No.1: 97-127.
131883 The Great Wall of FERPA: Surmounting a Law’s Barrier to Assurance of Learning/Henry Lowenstein.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2016; Vol.33, No.1: 129-164.
131884 The Selfie-Made Man: A Case Study in Law, Ethics, and Instagram/Lee B. Burgunder.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2016; Vol.33, No.2: 181-233.
131885 Reimagining the Group Project for the Business Law Classroom/Patricia Sanchez Abril.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2016; Vol.33, No.2: 235-262.
131886 Law in Translation: Challenges and Opportunities in Teaching International Students in Business Law and Legal Environment Courses/Laura R. Dove, Natalie P. Bryant.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2016; Vol.33, No.2: 263-291.
131887 Take Me Out to the Ballgame, but Keep Me Away from the Concession Stand Workers: A Hypothetical Case Involving Negligent Volunteers at Ballparks/Jennifer Cordon Thor, Kenneth M. York.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2016; Vol.33, No.2: 293-316.
131888 Rock, Paper, Protest: The Fight for the Boreal Forest/Sally Gunz, Linda Whittaker.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2016; Vol.33, No.2: 317-360.
131889 Teaching Business Law from Literature: Lessons to Be Learned from the Novel Mildred Pierce and the Road to Entrepreneurial Success/Joseph Labatt, Michael Forrest.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2016; Vol.33, No.2: 361-377.
131890 The Shirts on Our Backs: Teleological Perspectives on Factory Safety in Bangladesh/Lucien J. Dhooge.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2016; Vol.33, No.2: 379-413.
131891 Nondisparagement Clauses in Severance Agreements: A Capstone Contracts Exercise/Tonia Hap Murphy.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2017; Vol.34, No.1: 5-40.
131892 You’ve Got A Deal! Using the Film Draft Day to Teach Fundamental Contract Law and Analytical Skills/Judith Kish Ruud, William N. Ruud, Farzad Moussavi.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2017; Vol.34, No.1: 41-61.
131893 Teaching the Business Law and Ethics of Arbitration After Concepcion/Dale B. Thompson.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2017; Vol.34, No.1: 63-88.
131894 Applying Legal Concepts to Business in a Legal and Ethical Environment of Business Course: The Build-a-Business Project/Ryan C. Grelecki, Susan L. Willey.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2017; Vol.34, No.1: 89-126.
131895 Rodolfo’s Casa Caribe in Cuba: Business, Law, and Ethics of Investing in a Start-up in Havana/Adam J. Sulkowski.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2017; Vol.34, No.1: 127-162.
131896 Are Your Workers Employees or Independent Contractors? Three Exercises to Help Students Accurately Classify Workers/Leila G. Lawlor, Susan L. Willey.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2017; Vol.34, No.2: 167-205.
131897 Teaching the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act to Legal and Ethical Environment of Business Undergraduate Students Through a Role-Play Experiential Learning Exercise/Konrad S. Lee, Matthew I. Thue.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2017; Vol.34, No.2: 207-240.
131898 A Case Study in Securities Law: SEC v. Baker/Edward J. Schoen, Diane Y. Hughes, Michelle A. Kowalsky.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2017; Vol.34, No.2: 273-315.
131899 Beyond Millennials: Engaging Generation Z in Business Law Classes/Elizabeth A. Cameron, Marisa Anne Pagnattaro.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2017; Vol.34, No.2: 317-324.
131900 Business School Learning Goals: The Legal and Regulatory Context of Organizations in a Global Economy/George J. Siedel.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2017; Vol.34, No.2: 325-339.
131901 Applying the Fraud Triangle to Higher Education: Ethical Implications/Debra D. Burke, Kenneth J. Sanney.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2018; Vol.35, No.1: 5-43.
131902 How Shorebilly Brewing Company Won the Trademark Battle, but Lost the War: A Cautionary Tale for Entrepreneurs/Michael R. Koval.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2018; Vol.35, No.1: 45-82.
131903 The Meaning of Sex: Using Title VII’s Definition of Sex to Teach About the Legal Regulation of Business/Debbie Kaminer.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2018; Vol.35, No.1: 83-122.
131904 Law and Entrepreneurship Education: A Proposed Model for Curriculum Development/Jason Gordon, Vlad Bursuc.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2018; Vol.35, No.1: 123-141.
131905 Americans with Disabilities Act Scavenger Hunt/Ursula Ramsey.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2018; Vol.35, No.1: 143-164.
131906 The Future of Work, Business Education, and the Role of AACSB: Keynote Address to the Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Annual Meeting, Savannah, Georgia, September 8, 2017/Caryn L. Beck-Dudley.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2018; Vol.35, No.1: 165-170.
131907 Benchmarking and Accreditation Goals Support the Value of an Undergraduate Business Law Core Course/Christine Neylon O’Brien, Richard E. Powers, Thomas L. Wesner.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2018; Vol.35, No.1: 171-189.
131908 Fostering Civic Knowledge in Introductory Business Law and Legal Environment Courses: A Closer Look at Freedom of Speech/Tonia Hap Murphy.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2018; Vol.35, No.2: 195-230.
131909 Climbing Bloom’s Ladder with the Confidential Settlement/Eric D. Yordy, Amy Criddle.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2018; Vol.35, No.2: 231-254.
131910 Toward a More Perfect Pedagogy: Developing Constitution Week Activities to Support a Business Law and Ethics Curriculum/Matt Roessing, Jehan El-Jourbagy.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2018; Vol.35, No.2: 255-275.
131911 The Flipped Classroom: Engaging the Student in Active Learning/Mystica M. Alexander.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2018; Vol.35, No.2: 277-300.
131912 On the Future of Business Law/Robert C. Bird.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2018; Vol.35, No.2: 301-320.
131913 A Constructivist Approach to Using University Special Collections to Explore Legal Principles/Julie Furr Youngman.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2019; Vol.36, No.1: 5-30.
131914 Introducing Global Content in a Business Law Course Using the Amanda Knox Murder Trial/Kabrina Krebel Chang.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2019; Vol.36, No.1: 31-57.
131915 Engaging Legal and Ethical Environment of Business Students with Create a Law Days/Cristen W. Dutcher.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2019; Vol.36, No.1: 59-81.
131916 Study Abroad on the Resume/William K. Templeton, Robert B. Bennett, Kimberlee D. Goad.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2019; Vol.36, No.1: 83-102.
131917 An Experiential Contract Negotiation Exercise for Business Law Students/Justin R. Blount.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2019; Vol.36, No.1: 103-133.
131918 Insights from the Top: A Panel Discussion with Business Law Faculty in Academic Administration/Caryn L. Beck-Dudley … [et al.].- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2019; Vol.36, No.1: 135-146.
131919 Modeling the Message: Closing the Knowledge Gap in Business Law and Ethics Classes/Todd Haugh.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2019; Vol.36, No.2: 159-188.
131920 Welcome, Y’all! Introducing Legal Environment and Business Ethics Courses with Paula Deen/Laura R. Dove, Natalie P. Bryant.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2019; Vol.36, No.2: 189-211.
131921 Climate Change Disasters and Environmental Law/Andrea Giampetro-Meyer.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2019; Vol.36, No.2: 213-236.
131922 The Right of Publicity: Worth a Closer Look in the Classroom/Tonia Hap Murphy.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2019; Vol.36, No.2: 237-279.
131923 Environmental Law: Instructional Strategies for Engaging Students in the Debate on Climate Change Regulation/Aubree L. Walton, Kaimee K. Tankersley.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2019; Vol.36, No.2: 281-331.
131924 Engaging Chambers of Commerce: Connecting Business Law Students with Local Business Professionals/Matt Roessing, Jehan El-Jourbagy.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2019; Vol.36, No.2: 333-358.
131925 HBO for ADR: Using Television’s Silicon Valley to Teach Arbitration/Michael R. Fricke.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2019; Vol.36, No.2: 359-380.
131926 The Importance of Truth Telling and Trust/Kenneth J. Sanney … [et al.].- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2020; Vol.37, No.1: 7-36.
131927 Bringing the Federal Trademark Registration Process to Life: Major League Baseball Expands to Portland/Nathaniel Grow.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2020; Vol.37, No.1: 37-52.
131928 From Remembering to Analyzing: Using Mini Mock Arguments to Deepen Understanding and Increase Engagement/Julie Furr Youngman.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2020; Vol.37, No.1: 53-85.
131929 Special Report: The Summit on the Academic Profession of Business Law/Robert C. Bird, Cheryl Kirschner.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2020; Vol.37, No.1: 87-109.
131930 Ever Vigilant: A Call to Action for Legal Studies Faculty/Marisa Anne Pagnattaro.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2020; Vol.37, No.1: 111-115.
131931 Dick and Jane Hire a Lawyer: A Case-Based Examination of How Business Professionals Can Work Effectively with Legal Counsel/David L. Nersessian.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2020; Vol.37, No.2: 123-160.
131932 Are Employer Social Media Policies Out of the Spotlight? A Class Exercise to Introduce Changes to the NLRB’s Legal Standard for Evaluating Workplace Rules/Cheryl L. Black, Susan L. Willey.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2020; Vol.37, No.2: 161-184.
131933 Teaching Workplace Privacy Issues with a Big Data Group Project/Perry Binder, Susan L. Willey, Harold A. Weston.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2020; Vol.37, No.2: 185-244.
131934 Learning Law Through Pleadings of the Rich and Infamous/Hilary Silvia.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2021; Vol.38, No.1: 5-35.
131935 The Name Game: Merging the Business and Law of Trademarks/Daniel R. Cahoy, Tonia Hap Murphy.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2021; Vol.38, No.1: 37-73.
131936 Teaching Legal Elements of Commercial Real Estate Leases to Business Undergraduate Students Through an Interactive Experiential Learning Exercise/Konrad S. Lee, Laura Kent-Jensen.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2021; Vol.38, No.1: 75-95.
131937 Winning with Integrity: An Open Systems Stakeholder Approach to Teaching Law and Management in the Anthropocene/Constance E. Bagley.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2021; Vol.38, No.2: 101-129.
131938 Finding Meaning in Our Scholarly Efforts: A Perspective on Research and Teaching Synergies/Daniel T. Ostas.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2021; Vol.38, No.2: 131-138.
131939 Combining Business Law with Business Theory: An Experiential Classroom Crossover Activity/Jehan El-Jourbagy … [et al.].- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2021; Vol.38, No.2: 139-166.
131940 The Legal Learning Cycle: A Process-Based Approach to Legal Studies Education/David Orozco.- Journal of Legal Studies Education. 2021; Vol.38, No.2: 167-196.
131941 Monitoring, Cajoling and Promoting Dialogue: What Role for Supranational Human Rights Bodies in the Implementation of Individual Decisions?/Clara Sandoval, Philip Leach, Rachel Murray.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.1: 71-100.
131942 A Parliamentary Perspective on the Implementation of the Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights/Pierre-Yves Le Borgn.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.1: 199-203.
131943 Behind the State: Domestic Mechanisms and Procedures for the Implementation of Human Rights Judgments and Decisions/Rachel Murray, Christian De Vos.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.1: 22-47.
131944 The Dynamics of Domestic Human Rights Implementation: Lessons from Qualitative Research in Europe/Alice Donald, Anne-Katrin Speck.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12: 48-70.
131945 Balancing Specificity of Reparation Measures and States Discretion to Enhance Implementation/Rachel Murray, Clara Sandoval.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.1: 101-124.
131946 Identifying and Assessing the Implementation of Human Rights Decisions/Alice Donald, Debra Long, Anne-Katrin Speck.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.1: 125-148.
131947 The European System of Human Rights Protection: No Rolls-Royce, but a Solid Engine Fit for the Future? In Conversation with Council of Europe Insiders/Anne-Katrin Speck.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.1: 149-156.
131948 Until We Find Marco Antonio/Lucrecia Molina Theissen.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.1: 157-162.
131949 Perspective from the African Court on Human and Peoples Rights/Ben Kioko.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.1: 163-170.
131950 The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and Implementation of Recommendations in Individual Cases/Elizabeth Abi-Mershed.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.1: 171-177.
131951 It Takes a Village to Implement a Judgment: Creating a Forum for Multi-Stakeholder Involvement in the Czech Republic/Vot Alexander Schorm.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.1: 193-198.
131952 Implementation of Judgments: Practical Insights from Civil Society/Erika Dailey.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.1: 224-229.
131953 The Justice Spring of the Judicial System in Guatemala and the Implementation of the Judgments Issued by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights/Wendy Johara Maldonado Urbina.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.1: 211-216.
131954 Practice of the Belgian Constitutional Court in the Implementation of the Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights: An Insider’s Perspective/Sarah Lambrecht.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.1: 204-210.
131955 The Role of National Human Rights Institutions in Implementing Decisions of the Inter-American System: Three Recent Examples from Costa Rica/Montserrat Solano Carboni.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.1: 217-223.
131956 Implementation of UN Treaty Body Decisions: A Brief Insight for Practitioners/Kate Fox Principi.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.1: 185-192.
131957 The Potential of Domestic and International Courts to Protect Women s Right to Family Life in the North Caucasus/Vanessa Kogan.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.1: 237-243.
131958 Addressing the Implementation Crisis: Securing Reparation and Righting Wrongs/Rachel Murray.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.1: 1-21.
131959 Forum: Human Rights Practice in the Age of Pandemic/Richard Carver.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.1: 247-249.
131960 Digital Dead Body Management (DDBM): Time to Think it Through/Kristin Bergtora Sandvik.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.1: 428-443.
131961 Human Rights and British Citizenship: The Case of Shamima Begum as Citizen to Homo Sacer/Mercedes Masters, Salvador Santino F Regilme.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.2: 341-363.
131962 Pandemic Powers: Why Human Rights Organizations Should Not Lose Focus on Civil and Political Rights/Eda Seyhan.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.2: 268-275.
131963 Affirming Radical Equality in the Context of COVID-19: Human Rights of Older People and People with Disabilities/Supriya Akerkar.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.2: 276-283.
131964 Africa, Prisons and COVID-19/Lukas M Muntingh.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.2: 284-292.
131965 In its Nature How Stealth Authoritarianism Keeps Stealing Along During the Pandemic, and How Can it be Stopped?/Andras Kadar.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.2: 293-300.
131966 Indigenous Peoples and Litigation: Strategies for Legal Empowerment/Jeremie Gilbert.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.2: 301-320.
131967 Food Matters: Trafficked Transnational Migrants Experiences and the Matrix of Food (In)Security/Annie Isabel Fukushima.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.2: 364-386.
131968 Evaluating National Preventive Mechanisms: A Conceptual Model/Richard Carver, Lisa Handley.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.2: 387-408.
131969 The Urban Politics of Human Rights Practice/Paula Fernandez-Wulff, Christopher Yap.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.2: 409-427.
131970 Why Political Appointments to Truth Commissions Cause Difficulties for these Institutions: Using the Crisis in the Transitional Justice Process in Nepal to Understand How Matters/Jeremy Sarkin, Ram Kumar Bhandari.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.2: 444-470.
131971 The Practitioner’s Bookshelf: In Praise of the Human Rights Textbook/Brian Phillips.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.2: 471-477.
131972 A Wake-Up Call in Our Upside-Down World: Three Starting-Points for Advancing Health Rights and Social Justice in a Post-Pandemic Future/Alicia Ely Yamin.- Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2020; Vol.12, No.2: 268-275.
131973 Advisory Opinions/Anthony Aust.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2010; Vol.1, No.1: 123-151.
131974 Lost in Translation: Plurilingual Interpretation of WTO Law/Bradly J. Condon.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2010; Vol.1, No.1: 191-216.
131975 Continuity and Discontinuity in International Dispute Settlement: An Inaugural Lecture/James Crawford.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2010; Vol.1, No.1: 3-24.
131976 The Case for Host State Claims in Investment Arbitration/Gustavo Laborde.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2010; Vol.1, No.1: 97-122.
131977 On the Reasoning of International Arbitral Awards/Pierre Lalive.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2010; Vol.1, No.1: 55-65.
131978 Dispute Settlement Regimes Intermingled: Regional Trade Agreements and the WTO/Gabrielle Marceau, Julian Wyatt.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2010; Vol.1, No.1: 67-95.
131979 Arbitrators and Accuracy/William W. Park.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2010; Vol.1, No.1: 25-53.
131980 International, Mixed, and Private Disputes Arising Under the Kyoto Protocol/Chester Brown.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2010; Vol.1, No.2: 447-473.
131981 Private International Law Disputes before the International Court of Justice/Stephanie De Dycker.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2010; Vol.1, No.2: 475-498.
131982 The Representations of International Arbitration/Emmanuel Gaillard.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2010; Vol.1, No.2: 271-281.
131983 Good Faith Use of Dictionary in the Search of Ordinary Meaning under the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding/Chang-Fa Lo.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2010; Vol.1, No.2: 431-445.
131984 Soft Law in International Arbitration: Codification and Normativity/Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2010; Vol.1, No.2: 283-299.
131985 The WTO Appellate Body: A Model for an ICSID Appeals Facility?/Donald McRae.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2010; Vol.1, No.2: 389-429.
131986 The Abyei Arbitration and the Use of Arbitration to Resolve Inter-state and Intra-state Conflicts/Wendy J. Miles, Daisy Mallett.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2010; Vol.1, No.2: 313-340.
131987 The Power of States to Make Meaningful Promises to Foreigners/Jan Paulsson.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2010; Vol.1, No.2: 341-352.
131988 The Dog That Barked But Didn’t Bite: 15 Years of Intellectual Property Disputes at the WTO/Joost Pauwelyn.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2010; Vol.1, No.2: 389-429.
131989 Full Protection and Security/Christoph Schreuer.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2010; Vol.1, No.2: 353-369.
131990 The Prevention Principle: A Pragmatic Framework to Prevent Destructive Conflict/Daniel Shapiro, Adam Kinon.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2010; Vol.1, No.2: 301-312.
131991 Is there a Need to Revise the New York Convention?/V.V. Veeder.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2010; Vol.1, No.2: 499-506.
131992 The MFN Clause in Investment Arbitration: Treaty Interpretation Off the Rails/Zachary Douglas.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2011; Vol.2, No.1: 97-113.
131993 The Distinction between Interpretation and Application of Norms in International Adjudication/Anastasios Gourgourinis.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2011; Vol.2, No.1: 31-57.
131994 The Interplay of International Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: the Softwood Lumber Controversy/Leonila Guglya.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2011; Vol.2, No.1: 175-207.
131995 The Use of Precedent by International Judges and Arbitrators/Gilbert Guillaume.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2011; Vol.2, No.1: 5-23.
131996 The Representation of States before ICSID Tribunals/Sebastien Manciaux.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2011; Vol.2, No.1: 87-96.
131997 Consumer Arbitration in the EU: A Forced Marriage with Incompatible Expectations/Maud Piers.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2011; Vol.2, No.1: 209-230.
131998 How Narrow are Narrow Dispute Settlement Clauses in Investment Treaties?/August Reinisch.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2011; Vol.2, No.1: 115-174.
131999 Soft Law and Law Jobs/W. Michael Reisman.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2011; Vol.2, No.1: 25-30.
132000 A Taxonomy of International Rule of Law Institutions/Cesare P.R. Romano.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2011; Vol.2, No.1: 241-277.
132001 The Concept of Law in Transnational Arbitral Legal Orders and some of its Consequences/Thomas Schultz.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2011; Vol.2, No.1: 59-85.
132002 On Good Faith Use of Dictionary in the Search of Ordinary Meaning under the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding A Reply to Professor Chang-Fa Lo/Isabelle Van Damme.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2011; Vol.2, No.1: 231-239.
132003 Domesticating the New York Convention: the Impact of the Federal Arbitration Act/George A. Bermann.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2011; Vol.2, No.2: 317-332.
132004 Weight of Evidence Generated through Intra-Institutional Fact-finding before the International Court of Justice/Katherine Del Mar.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2011; Vol.2, No.2: 393-415.
132005 Avoiding Duplicative Litigation about Arbitration Awards within the EU/David Holloway.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2011; Vol.2, No.1: 435-457.
132006 A Fuller Concept of Law Beyond the State? Thoughts on Lon Fuller’s Contributions to the Jurisprudence of Transnational Dispute Resolution A Reply to Thomas Schultz/Ralf Michaels.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2011; Vol.2, No.2: 417-426.
132007 A Psychological Perspective on the Facilitation of Settlement in International Arbitration Examining the CEDR Rules/Sophie Nappert, Dieter Flader.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2011; Vol.2, No.2: 459-470.
132008 The Competence of the International Court of Justice and the Doctrine of the Indispensable Party: from Monetary Gold to East Timor and Beyond/Alexander Orakhelashvili.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2011; Vol.2, No.2: 373-392.
132009 The Twelfth Camel, or the Economics of Justice/Francois Ost.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2011; Vol.2, No.2: 333-351.
132010 Arbitration in Autumn/William W. Park.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2011; Vol.2, No.2: 287-315.
132011 Allocating Adjudicatory Authority: Most-Favoured-Nation Clauses as a Basis of Jurisdiction A Reply to Zachary Douglas/Stephan W. Schill.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2011; Vol.2, No.2: 353-371.
132012 Legitimacy and Reflexivity in International Investment Arbitration: A New Self-Restraint?/David Schneiderman.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2011; Vol.2, No.2: 471-495.
132013 Debating Autonomy and Procedural Justice: The Lex Mercatoria in the Context of Global Governance Debates A Reply to Thomas Schultz/Peer Zumbansen.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2011; Vol.2, No.2: 427-433.
132014 Satisfaction as a Form of Reparation for Moral Damages Suffered by Investors and Respondent States in Investor-State Arbitration Disputes/Patrick Dumberry.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2012; Vol.3, No.1: 205-242.
132015 Philosophical-Policy and International Dispute Settlement: Process Principle and the Ascendance of the WTO’s Concept of Justice/John Martin Gillroy.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2012; Vol.3, No.1: 53-87.
132016 A Clearer Rule for Dictionary Use Will Not Affect Holistic Approach and Flexibility of Treaty Interpretation A Rejoinder to Dr Isabelle Van Damme/Chang-Fa Lo.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2012; Vol.3, No.1: 89-94.
132017 Looking for Legitimacy: Exploring Proportionality Analysis in Investment Treaty Arbitration/Erlend M. Leonhardsen.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2012; Vol.3, No.1: 95-106.
132018 Legal Reasoning of International Investment Tribunals: A Typology of Egregious Failures/Federico Ortino.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2012; Vol.3, No.1: 31-52.
132019 Frivolous Claims in International Adjudication: A Study of ICSID Rule 41(5) and of Procedures of Other Courts and Tribunals to Dismiss Claims Summarily/Michele Potesta, Marija Sobat.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2012; Vol.3, No.1: 137-168.
132020 Proposed Amendments to the Indian Arbitration Act: A Fraction of the Whole?/Sumit Rai.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2012; Vol.3, No.1: 169-204.
132021 Mainstreaming Human Rights: The Contribution of the International Court of Justice/Bruno Simma.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2012; Vol.3, No.1: 7-29.
132022 The International Court of Justice’s Use of the Vienna Convention in the Interpretation of Boundary Agreements: 2000-10/Alberto Alvarez-Jimenez.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2012; Vol.3, No.2: 409-443.
132023 Moral Damages in Investment Arbitration: A Role for Human Rights?/Conway Blake.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2012; Vol.3, No.2: 371-407.
132024 Corruption, Jurisdiction and Admissibility in International Investment Claims/Cameron A. Miles.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2012; Vol.3, No.2: 329-369.
132025 Reports of [Maffezini’s] demise have been greatly exaggerated/Francisco Orrego Vicuna.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2012; Vol.3, No.2: 299-327.
132026 Diplomatic Protection Revival for Failure to Comply with Investment Arbitration Awards/Victorino J. Tejera Perez.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2012; Vol.3, No.2: 445-475.
132027 Holding States Responsible for Terrorism before the International Court of Justice/Kimberley N. Trapp.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2012; Vol.3, No.2: 279-298.
132028 Judicial Activism in International Law A Conceptual Framework for Analysis/Fuad Zarbiyev.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2012; Vol.3, No.2: 247-287.
132029 Good Faith, Abuse of Process and the Initiation of Investment Treaty Claims/Eric De Brabandere.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2012; Vol.3, No.3: 609-636.
132030 Adjudication, Arbitration and the Turn to Public Law Standards of Review: Putting the Precautionary Principle in the Crucible/Caroline E. Foster.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2012; Vol.3, No.3: 525-558.
132031 Standard of Review and Scientific Truths in the WTO Dispute Settlement System and Investment Arbitration/Yuka Fukunaga.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2012; Vol.3, No.3: 559-576.
132032 Experts in WTO Dispute Settlement/Gabrielle Z. Marceau, Jennifer K. Hawkins.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2012; Vol.3, No.3: 493-507.
132033 Scientific Fact-finding by International Courts and Tribunals/Makane Mo‎گse Mbengue.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2012; Vol.3, No.3: 509-524.
132034 Deference in Investment Treaty Arbitration: Re-conceptualizing the Standard of Review/Stephan W. Schill.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2012; Vol.3, No.3: 577-607.
132035 Law and Science in the Interpretation of the Law of the Sea Convention: Article 76 Between the Law of the Sea Tribunal and the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf/Tullio Treves.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2012; Vol.3, No.3: 483-491.
132036 Introduction: Courts and Tribunals and the Treatment of Scientific Issues/Laurence Boisson de Chazournes.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2012; Vol.3, No.3: 479-481.
132037 Review of the Dispute Settlement Mechanism Under the International Civil Aviation Organization: Contradiction of Political Body Adjudication/Jon Bae.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.1: 65-81.
132038 Balancing Investment Protection and the Public Interest: The Role of the Standard of Review and the Importance of Deference in Investor-State Arbitration/Caroline Henckels.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.1: 197-215.
132039 The Authority of Domestic Courts in Adjudicating International Investment Disputes: Beyond the Distinction Between Treaty and Contract Claims/Thiago Braz Jardim Oliveira.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.1: 175-195.
132040 The Proper Interpretation of Disguised Restriction on International Trade under the WTO: The Need to Look at the Protective Effect/Chang-Fa Lo.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.1: 111-137.
132041 Emerging Powers in International Dispute Settlement: From Legal Capacity Building to a Level Playing Field?/Mihaela Papa.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.1: 83-109.
132042 The Use of Dictionary by the WTO Appellate Body: Beyond the Search of Ordinary Meaning/David Pavot.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.1: 29-46.
132043 The Judicial Task of Administering Justice in Trade and Investment Law and Adjudication/Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.1: 5-28.
132044 The Diversity of Contemporary International Dispute Resolution: Functions and Policies/W. Michael Reisman.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.1: 47-63.
132045 Mass Claims in International Law/Friedrich Rosenfeld.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.1: 159-174.
132046 From Florence to London via Moscow and New Delhi: How and Why Arbitral Ideas Migrate/V.V. Veeder.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.1: 139-157.
132047 Procedural Issues Relating to Shared Responsibility in Arbitral Proceedings/Freya Baetens.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.2: 319-341.
132048 Procedural Aspects of Shared Responsibility in the WTO Dispute Settlement System/Lorand Bartels.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.2: 343-359.
132049 Understanding the Authority of International Tribunals: A Reply to Professor Jan Paulsson/Julio Cesar Betancourt.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.2: 227-244.
132050 Judicial Settlement of International Environmental Disputes: Current Problems/Alan Boyle, James Harrison.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.2: 245-276.
132051 Procedural Aspects of Shared Responsibility in the European Court of Human Rights/Maarten Den Heijer.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.2: 361-383.
132052 Comment on Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann’s The Judicial Task of Administering Justice in Trade and Investment Law and Adjudication/Itzchak E. Kornfeld.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.2: 219-226.
132053 Conflicting Decisions in International Commercial Arbitration/Pierre Mayer.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.2: 407-419.
132054 Introduction: Procedural Aspects of Shared Responsibility in International Adjudication/Andre Nollkaemper.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.2: 277-294.
132055 Procedural Aspects of Shared Responsibility in the International Court of Justice/Martins Paparinskis.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.1: 295-318.
132056 Shared Responsibility Aspects of the Dispute Settlement Procedures in the Law of the Sea Convention/Ilias Plakokefalos.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.2: 385-405.
132057 Gazing at the Crystal Ball (again): State Immunity and Jus Cogens beyond Germany v Italy/Andrea Bianchi.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.3: 457-475.
132058 Systemic Bias and the Institution of International Arbitration: A New Approach to Arbitral Decision-Making/Stavros Brekoulakis.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.3: 553-585.
132059 Of Plumbers and Social Architects: Elements and Problems of the Judgment of the International Court of Justice in Jurisdictional Immunities of States/Carlos Esposito.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.1: 439-456.
132060 Editorial: Argument and Decision in a Developed System/Tom Grant.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.3: 421-438.
132061 What a Difference a Year Makes: The International Court of Justice’s 2012 Jurisprudence/Sean D. Murphy.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.3: 539-552.
132062 Wither Aut Dedere? The Obligation to Extradite or Prosecute after the ICJ’s Judgment in Belgium v Senegal/Andre Nollkaemper.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.3: 501-519.
132063 Effects of Foreign Judgments Relating to International Arbitral Awards: Is the Judgment Route the Wrong Road?/Maxi Scherer.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.3: 587-628.
132064 Awarding Compensation in a Fragmented Legal System: The Diallo Case/Geir Ulfstein.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.3: 477-485.
132065 Business as Usual? The International Court of Justice’s 2012 Judicial Practice: Facing New Procedural and Jurisdictional Questions/Andreas Zimmermann.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.3: 521-537.
132066 Diallo: Between Diplomatic Protection and Human Rights/Annemarieke Vermeer-K‎يnzli.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2013; Vol.4, No.3: 487-500.
132067 New Clothes for the Emperor? Consultation of Experts by the International Court of Justice/Caroline E. Foster.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2014; Vol.5, No.1: 139-173.
132068 International Arbitral Awards Reasons: Surveying the State-of-the-Art in Commercial and Investment International Dispute Settlements/Marta Infantino.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2014; Vol.5, No.1: 175-197.
132069 Correctness as the Proper Standard of Review Applicable to True Questions of Jurisdiction in the Set-Aside of Treaty-Based Investor-State Awards/Celine Levesque.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2014; Vol.5, No.1: 69-103.
132070 The ASEAN Protocol on Dispute Settlement Mechanisms: An Appraisal/Gino J Naldi.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2014; Vol.5, No.1: 105-138.
132071 State-to-State Investment Treaty Arbitration and the Interplay with Investor-State Arbitration Under the Same Treaty/Clovis J. Trevino.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2014; Vol.5, No.1: 199-233.
132072 Judicial Restraint in Investment Treaty Arbitration: Restraint Based on Relative Suitability/Gus Van Harten.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2014; Vol.5, No.1: 5-39.
132073 Legal Responses to Corporate Manoeuvring in International Investment Arbitration/Tania Voon, Andrew Mitchell, James Munro.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2014; Vol.5, No.1: 41-68.
132074 Bad Faith Conduct of States in Violation of the Fair And Equitable Treatment Standard in International Investment Law and Arbitration/Deyan Draguiev.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2014; Vol.5, No.2: 273-305.
132075 Limiting Jurisdictional Fragmentation in International Trade Disputes/Pamela Apaza Lanyi, Armin Steinbach.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2014; Vol.5, No.2: 372-405.
132076 Trials of Ordeal in the International Court of Justice: Why States Seek Provisional Measures when non-Compliance Is to Be Expected/Erlend M. Leonhardsen.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2014; Vol.5, No.2: 306-343.
132077 Enforcing Judgments of International Courts in National Courts/Richard Frimpong Oppong, Lisa C. Niro.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2014; Vol.5, No.2: 344-371.
132078 Inequality of the Parties before the International Court of Justice: Reflections on the Appellate Jurisdiction over ILOAT Judgments/Christian Vidal-Leon.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2014; Vol.5, No.2: 406-430.
132079 Strategies of Engagement with Scientific Fact-finding in International Adjudication/Jean DAspremont, Makane Moise Mbengue.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2014; Vol.5, No.2: 240-242.
132080 Enforcing Pacta Sunt Servanda? Conoco-Phillips and Exxon-Mobil Versus the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela/Juan Carlos Boue.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2014; Vol.5, No.2: 438-474.
132081 Haircut Undone? The Greek Drama and Prospects for Investment Arbitration/Ioannis Glinavos.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2014; Vol.5, No.3: 475-497.
132082 The Emergence of a Doctrine of de jure horizontal stare decisis at the Caribbean Court of Justice: Fragmentation or Pluralism of International Law?/Jason Haynes.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2014; Vol.5, No.3: 498-530.
132083 In Accordance with Which Host State Laws? Restoring the Defence of Investor Illegality in Investment Arbitration/Jarrod Hepburn.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2014; Vol.5, No.3: 531-559.
132084 Compromissory Clauses as the Gatekeepers of the Law to be Used in the ICJ and the PCIJ/Matina Papadaki.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2014; Vol.5, No.3: 560-604.
132085 Dealing in Power: Gatekeepers in Arbitrator Appointment in International Commercial Arbitration/Magdalene DSilva.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2014; Vol.5, No.3: 505-634.
132086 The Freedom of Arbitrators to Conduct Collective Proceedings When the Rules are Silent: Considerations in the Wake of the Abaclat Decision/Orlando Federico Cabrera Colorado.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.1: 163-187.
132087 Taxation-Based Investment Treaty Claims/Matthew Davie.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.1: 202-227.
132088 An Uncharted Question of State Succession: Are New States Automatically Bound by the BITs Concluded by Predecessor States Before Independence/Patrick Dumberry.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.1: 74-96.
132089 South American Countries Bilateral Investment Treaties: A Structuralist Perspective/Maria A. Gwynn.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.1: 97-111.
132090 The Arbitral Role in Contractual Interpretation/Joshua Karton.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.1: 4-41.
132091 The Problem of Accommodating Indigenous Land Rights in International Investment Law/Mihail Krepchev.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.1: 42-73.
132092 Towards a New Interface Between Brussels I and Arbitration?/Antonio Leandro.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.1: 188-201.
132093 Intra-EU Arbitral Awards vis-a-vis Article 107 TFEU: State Aid Law as a Limit to Compliance/Pietro Ortolani.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.1: 118-135.
132094 The Termination and Suspension of Bilateral Investment Treaties due to an Armed Conflict/Josef Ostransky.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.1: 136-162.
132095 Neither Rock Nor Hard Place? The Foreign Sovereign Compulsion Defence in Antitrust Litigation/Qingxiu Bu.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.2: 427-453.
132096 Remedies in Investment Treaty Arbitration/Berk Demirkol.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.2: 403-426.
132097 Resolving Concerns of Treaty Shopping in International Investment Arbitration/John Lee.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.2: 355-373.
132098 Safeguarding Public Welfare?Intellectual Property Rights, Health and the Evolution of Treaty Drafting in International Investment Agreements/Bryan Mercurio.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.2: 252-276.
132099 ICSID Annulment Procedure and the WTO Appellate System: The Case for an Appellate System for Investment Arbitration/Yenkong Ngangjoh-Hodu, Collins C. Ajibo.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.2: 308-331.
132100 Human Rights in Investor-State Arbitration: The Human Right to Water and Beyond/Tamar Meshel.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.2: 277-307.
132101 The Project of System-Internal Reform in International Investment Law: An Appraisal/Joshua Paine.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.2: 332-354.
132102 Arbitral Decision-Making: Legal Realism and Law & Economics/Thomas Schultz.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.2: 231-251.
132103 The Availability of Moral Damages to Investors and to Host States in ICSID Arbitration/Inna Uchkunova, Oleg Temnikov.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.2: 380-402.
132104 Different Conceptions of Amiable Composition in International Commercial Arbitration: A Comparison in Space and Time/Regis Bonnan.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.3: 522-545.
132105 The ICJ’s Handling of Science in the Whaling in the Antarctic Case: A Whale of a Case?/Guillaume Gros.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.3: 578-620.
132106 The Evidential Weight of Experts before the ICJ : Reflections on the Whaling in the Antarctic Case/Lucas Carlos Lima.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.3: 621-635.
132107 The ICJ’s Engagement with Science: To Interpret or not to Interpret?/Makane Moise Mbengue, Rukmini Das.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.3: 568-577.
132108 Objective Reasonableness as a Standard for International Judicial Review/Stephen R. Tully.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.3: 546-578.
132109 Targeting Compliance: Prospective Remedies in International Law/Geraldo Vidigal.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.3: 462-484.
132110 Moral Damages in Investment Arbitration: Diverging Trends/Juan Pablo Moyano Garcia.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2015; Vol.6, No.3: 485-521.
132111 Foreign Investment, Development and Governance: What international investment law can learn from the empirical literature on investment/Jonathan Bonnitcha.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2016; Vol.7, No.3: 31-54.
132112 Political Risk Insurance as Dispute Resolution/Clint Peinhardt, Todd Allee.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2016; Vol.7, No.1: 205-224.
132113 Political Risk and Investment Arbitration: An Empirical Study/Cedric Dupont, Thomas Schultz, Merih Angin.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2016; Vol.7, No.1: 136-160.
132114 Secrecy in International Investment Arbitration: An Empirical Analysis/Emilie M. Hafner-Burton, David G. Victor.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2016; Vol.7, No.1: 161-182.
132115 Diplomats Want Treaties: Diplomatic Agendas and Perks in the Investment Regime/Lauge N. Skovgaard Poulsen, Emma Aisbett.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2016; Vol.7, No.1: 72-91.
132116 Inside the Black Box: Collegial Patterns on Investment Tribunals/Todd Tucker.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2016; Vol.7, No.1: 183-204.
132117 Investment Treaties and the Internal Vetting of Regulatory Proposals: A Case Study from Canada/Gus Van Harten, Dayna Nadine Scott.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2016; Vol.7, No.1: 92-116.
132118 Recent Trends in Investor State Dispute Settlement/Rachel L. Wellhausen.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2016; Vol.7, No.1: 117-135.
132119 Do BITs Work? Empirical Evidence from France/Jason Webb Yackee.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2016; Vol.7, No.1: 55-71.
132120 Towards a New Heuristic Model: Investment Arbitration as a Political System/Cedric Dupont, Thomas Schultz.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2016; Vol.7, No.1: 3-30.
132121 Presentation of the International Court of Justice over the Last Ten Years/Ronny Abraham.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2016; Vol.7, No.2: 297-307.
132122 Selection of the International Court of Justice as a Forum for Contentious and Advisory Proceedings (Including Jurisdiction)/Dapo Akande.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2016; Vol.7, No.2: 320-344.
132123 Article 38 of the ICJ Statute and Applicable Law: Selected Issues in Recent Cases/Sienho Yee.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2016; Vol.7, No.2: 472-498.
132124 Outcome Paper for the Seminar on the International Court of Justice at 70: In Retrospect and in Prospect/Amelia Keene.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2016; Vol.7, No.2: 238-265.
132125 Working Methods of the Court/Alina Miron.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2016; Vol.7, No.2: 371-394.
132126 Fact Finding and Evidence Before the International Court of Justice (Notably in Scientific-Related Disputes)/Loretta Malintoppi.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2016; Vol.7, No.2: 421-444.
132127 Is Investor-State Arbitration Public?/Jose E. Alvarez.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2016; Vol.7, No.3: 534-576.
132128 Are National Courts and International Arbitral Tribunals in Two Worlds or One?/Campbell McLachlan.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2016; Vol.7, No.3: 577-595.
132129 The Three Challenges of Stateless Justice/Pietro Ortolani.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2016; Vol.7, No.3: 596-627.
132130 Celebrating 20 Years of Dealing in Virtue/Thomas Schultz.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2016; Vol.7, No.3: 531-533.
132131 Prejudgment Interest Rates in International Investment Arbitration/Christina L. Beharry.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.1: 56-78.
132132 Has the Fair and Equitable Treatment Standard Become a Rule of Customary International Law?/Patrick Dumberry.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.1: 155-178.
132133 Reconceptualizing Failure to State Reasons as a Ground for Annulment under Article 52(1)(e) of the ICSID Convention/Charalampos Giannakopoulos.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.1: 125-154.
132134 Compliance with Provisional Measures Indicated by the International Court of Justice/Massimo Lando.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.1: 22-55.
132135 Provisional Measures and the Margin of Appreciation before the International Court of Justice/Cameron A. Miles.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.1: 1-21.
132136 Novelty in International Investment Law: The Brazilian Agreement on Cooperation and Facilitation of Investments as a Different International Investment Agreement Model/Nitish Monebhurrun.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.1: 79-100.
132137 Climate Change and Arbitration: Annex Time before there won’t be A Next Time/Risteard de Paor.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.1: 179-215.
132138 Settlements in Investor-State Arbitration: Are Minority Shareholders Precluded from Having its Treaty Claims Adjudicated?/Daniela Paez-Salgado.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.1: 101-124.
132139 Investigating the Value of Site Visits in Inter-State Arbitration and Adjudication/Michael A. Becker, Cecily Rose.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.2: 219-249.
132140 The South China Sea Arbitration and the Finality of Final Awards/Stefan Talmon.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.2: 388-401.
132141 The Development of Custom in Territorial Dispute Settlement/Brian McGarry.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.1: 339-365.
132142 Inside Contracting Parties Minds: The Decision-making Processes in Cross-border Sales/Luiz Gustavo Meira Moser.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.2: 250-279.
132143 An Incomplete Revolution: Enhancing the Security Council’s Role in Enforcing Counterterrorism Obligations/Vincent-Joel Proulx.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.2: 303-338.
132144 Identity of Claims in Investment Arbitration: A Plea for Unity of the Legal System/Michal Swarabowicz.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.2: 280-302.
132145 The International Court of Justice and the Irony of System-Design/Jean dAspremont.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.2: 366-387.
132146 Judicial Review of International Adjudicatory Decisions: A Cross-Regime Comparison of Annulment and Appellate Mechanisms/Freya Baetens.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.3: 432-459.
132147 International Dispute Settlement in Cultural Heritage Law and in the Protection of Foreign Investment: Is Cross-Fertilization Possible?/Catharine Titi.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.3: 535-556.
132148 Forget About Mavrommatis and Judicial Economy: The Alleged Absence of a Dispute in the Cases Concerning the Obligations to Negotiate the Cessation of the Nuclear Arms Race and Nuclear Disarmament/Lorenzo Palestini.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.3: 557-577.
132149 Arbitrator’s Conduct on Social Media/Suar Sanubari.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.3: 483-506.
132150 Interstate Arbitration in International Tax Disputes/Ilias Bantekas.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.3: 507-534.
132151 Towards a Theory of Spontaneous Legal Standardization/Bryan Druzin.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.3: 403-431.
132152 Loss Aversion Bias or Fear of Missing Out: A Behavioural Economics Analysis of Compensation in Investor-State Dispute Settlement/David Collins.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.3: 460-482.
132153 Rethinking Consent in International Commercial Arbitration: A General Theory for Non-signatories/Stavros Brekoulakis.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.4: 610-643.
132154 Whither the Proof? The Progressive Reversal of the Burden of Proof in Environmental Cases before International Courts and Tribunals/Ginevra Le Moli, Parthan S Vishvanathan, Anjali Aeri.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.4: 644-672.
132155 The Emerging Global Right to Investment: Understanding the Reasoning behind Foreign Investor Rights/Nicolas M Perrone.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.4: 673-694.
132156 Arbitral Lawmaking and State Power: An Empirical Analysis of Investor-State Arbitration/Alec Stone Sweet, Michael Yunsuck Chung, Adam Saltzman.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.4: 579-609.
132157 Claims by Dual Nationals under Investment Treaties: Are Investors Entitled to Sue Their Own States?/Javier Garcia Olmedo.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2017; No.4: 695-727.
132158 To Be or Not to Be a (Dead) Father/Maria Aristodemou.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.1: 103-122.
132159 Sovereigns, Sterling and Some Bastards too!: Brexit Seen from Shakespeare’s King John/Gary Watt.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.1: 58-82.
132160 Shakespearean Legal Thought in International Dispute Settlement/Thomas Schultz, Francois Ost.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.1: 1-27.
132161 International Adjudication, Rhetoric and Storytelling/Andrea Bianchi.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.1: 28-44.
132162 Measure for Measure on Trial A Shakespearean Mock Trial/Lorenzo Zucca, Lord Judge.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.1: 123-143.
132163 Literary and Dramatic Disputes in Shakespeare’s Time/Barbara Lauriat.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.1: 45-75.
132164 The Great Matter of King Henry/Ian Ward.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.1: 1-20.
132165 Territoriality in Investment Arbitration: The Case of Financial Instruments/Caroline Kleiner, Francesco Costamagna.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.1: 315-338.
132166 The Margin of Appreciation, Subsidiarity and Global Challenges to Democracy/Eyal Benvenisti.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.1: 240-253.
132167 Saying Credibly What the Law Is: On Marks of Authority in International Law/Fuad Zarbiyev.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 291-314.
132168 Margin of Appreciation and Democracy: Human Rights and Deference to Political Bodies/Shai Dothan.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 145-153.
132169 Supranational Courts and The Law of Democracy: The European Court of Human Rights/Richard H Pildes.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 154-179.
132170 The Brighton Aftermath and the Changing Role of the European Court of Human Rights/Oddny Mjoll Arnardottir.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 223-239.
132171 Rebalancing European Human Rights: Has the Brighton Declaration Engendered a New Deal on Human Rights in Europe?/Mikael Rask Madsen.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 199-222.
132172 All Roads Lead to Strasbourg?: Application of the Margin of Appreciation Doctrine by the European Court of Human Rights and the UN Human Rights Committee/Yuval Shany.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 180-198.
132173 Treaty Abuse-Why Criticism of the Doctrine is Unfounded/Ulf Linderfalk.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 254-290.
132174 When is an Expert not an Expert?/James Flett.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.3: 352-360.
132175 Different Forms of Expert Involvement in WTO Dispute Settlement Proceedings/Cherise Valles.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.3: 367-378.
132176 Expert Scientific Evidence in a Broader Context/Joan E Donoghue.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.3: 379-387.
132177 Symposium The Expert in the International Adjudicative Process: Concluding Observations/Jean-Marc Sorel.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.3: 473-476.
132178 Judging Best Available Science: Emerging Issues and the Role of Experts/Kate Cook.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.3: 388-400.
132179 Some Views from the Crucible: The Perspective of an Expert Witness on the Adversarial Principle/Geoffrey Senogles.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.3: 361-366.
132180 Expert Evidence and the Challenge of Procedural Reform in International Dispute Settlement/Brendan Plant.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.3: 464-472.
132181 Parties Engagement with Experts in International Litigation/Kate Parlett.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.3: 440-452.
132182 Experts before ITLOS: An Overview of the Tribunal’s Practice/Philippe Gautier.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.3: 433-439.
132183 One Size does not Fit All Uses of Experts before International Courts and Tribunals: An Insight into the Practice/Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Makane Moise Mbengue, Rukmini Das, Guillaume Gros.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.3: 477-505.
132184 The Expert in the International Adjudicative Process: Introduction to the Special Issue/Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Helene Ruiz Fabri, Makane Moise Mbengue, Rukmini Das, Guillaume Gros.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.3: 339-344.
132185 The Assessment of Expert Evidence in International Adjudication/Isabelle Van Damme.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.3: 401-410.
132186 The Search for Objectivity: The Use of Experts in Philip Morris v Uruguay/Jose E Alvarez.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.3: 411-422.
132187 Legal Basis and Procedures for Consulting with Experts and International Organizations in WTO Dispute Settlement/Marisa Goldstein.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.3: 423-432.
132188 Experts before the International Court of Justice: What for?/Mohamed Bennouna.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.3: 345-351.
132189 Experts in Investor-State Arbitration: The Tribunal as Gatekeeper/Melida Hodgson, Melissa Stewart.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.3: 453-463.
132190 Too Many Butterflies? The Micro-Drivers of the International Investment Law System/Jorge E Vinuales.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.4: 628-653.
132191 The Frailties of Maps as Evidence in International Law/William Thomas Worster.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.4: 570-589.
132192 Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform and Theory of Institutional Design/Georgios Dimitropoulos.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.4: 535-569.
132193 Exit from International Tribunals/Joost Pauwelyn, Rebecca J Hamilton.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.4: 679-690.
132194 International Investment Law and the Public Law Analogy: The Fallacies of the General Principles Method/Daniel Peat.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.4: 654-678.
132195 Is an Interim Measure of Protection Ordered by an Arbitral Tribunal an Arbitral Award?/Jonathan Hill.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.4: 590-608.
132196 Jurisdiction in Franchising Agreements: In Search of Efficiency/Maria Asuncion Cebrian Salvat.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2018; Vol.9, No.4: 609-627.
132197 Revisiting Unilateral Exploitation of Mineral Resources in Disputed Water under United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: Any New Matter Arising?/Joseph Onele.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.1: 160-173.
132198 Does the Monetary Gold Principle Apply to International Courts and Tribunals Generally?/Ori Pomson.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.1: 88-125.
132199 The Assignment of Investment Treaty Claims: Mapping the Principles/Nelson Goh.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.1: 23-41.
132200 The Right to Be Unheard: Recognition and Enforcement of Anti-Suit Injunctions Issued by Arbitrators in the EU/Pawe  Marcisz, Aleksandra Orze -Jakubowska.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.1: 1-22.
132201 Margin of Appreciation as an Indicator of Judicial Deference: Is It Applicable to Investment Arbitration?/Yuka Fukunaga.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.1: 69-87.
132202 Inter-State Compulsory Conciliation Procedures and the Maritime Boundary Dispute Between Timor-Leste and Australia/Anais Kedgley Laidlaw, Hao Duy Phan.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.1: 126-159.
132203 Between Rights and Remedies: The Access to Investment Treaty Arbitration as a Substantive Right of Foreign Investors/Relja Radovic.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.1: 42-68.
132204 Revisiting the Dispute Requirement in International Interpretation Proceedings: Deeds, not Words/Antoine Cottin, LL.M, Panagiotis A Kyriakou.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 307-327.
132205 The Social License to Operate: An Emerging Concept in the Practice of International Investment Tribunals/Mihaela-Maria Barnes.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 328-360.
132206 The Principle of res judicata before the International Court of Justice: in the Midst of Comradeship and Divorce between International Tribunals/Benjamin Salas Kantor, Maria Elisa Zavala Achurra.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 288-306.
132207 The Shape and Structure of the Usable Past: An Empirical Analysis of the Use of Precedent in International Adjudication/Niccolo Ridi.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 200-247.
132208 Un-procedural Customary Law/Lorenzo Gradoni.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 175-199.
132209 State Responsibility for Corruption in International Investment Arbitration/Isuru C Devendra.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 248-287.
132210 Applicable Law Provisions in Investment Treaties: Forever Midnight Clauses?/Dafina Atanasova.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.3: 396-422.
132211 The Evolution of Public Policy and Judicial Function in English Law/Stavros Brekoulakis.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.3: 472-495.
132212 A Data Analysis of the Iran US Claims Tribunal’s Jurisprudence Lessons for International Dispute-Settlement Today/Damien Charlotin.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.3: 443-
132213 Adverse Inferences and Penalty Default Rules in International Investment Arbitration: A Policy Approach to the Production of Evidence/Aikaterini Florou.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.3: 423-442.
132214 Transnational Public Policy as an International Practice in Investment Arbitration/Jean-Michel Marcoux.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.3: 496-515.
132215 Mirages of an Intellectual Dreamland? Ratio, Obiter and the Textualization of International Precedent/Niccolo Ridi.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.3: 361-395.
132216 Why Allianz v West Tankers Still Applies under the Brussels Regulation (Recast): An Analysis of Nori Holdings v Bank Otkritie [2018] EWHC 1343 (Comm)/Serena Lee, Myron Phua.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.4: 520-541.
132217 The Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Bringing the Findings of Social Psychology into the Debate/Myriam Gicquello.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.4: 561-581.
132218 The Problem with Public Morals/Caroline E Foster.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.4: 622-655.
132219 Functional Justiciability and the Existence of a Dispute: A Means of Jurisdictional Avoidance?/Manuel Casas.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.4: 599-621.
132220 Reforming Judicial Supervision of Chinese Arbitration/Meng Chen.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.4: 542-560.
132221 Studying Country-Specific Engagements with the International Court of Justice/Margaret A Young, Emma Nyhan, Hilary Charlesworth.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2019; Vol.10, No.4: 582-598.
132222 Trackers and Trailblazers: Dynamic Interactions and Institutional Design in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights/Paula Baldini Miranda da Cruz.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.1: 69-90.
132223 Press Freedom and Investor State Dispute Settlement: Past, Present and Future/Aphiwan Natasha King.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.1: 150-174.
132224 Abuse of Process: An Impossible Dialogue Between ICJ and ICSID Tribunals?/Carlotta Ceretelli.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.1: 47-68.
132225 China’s International Commercial Court: Background, Obstacles and the Road Ahead/Sheng Zhang.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.1: 150-174.
132226 The Application of Teachings by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea/Sondre Torp Helmersen.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.1: 20-46.
132227 Groupthink Bias in International Adjudication/Philipp Gunther.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.1: 91-126.
132228 The Asymmetric Judicial Dialogue Between the ICJ and the IACtHR: An Empirical Analysis/Paula Wojcikiewicz Almeida.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.1: 1-19.
132229 From Conventions to Protocols: Conceptualizing Changes to the International Dispute Resolution Landscape/Yvonne Guo.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 217-241.
132230 Order of Provisional Measures in Ukraine versus Russia and Mixed Disputes concerning Military Activities/Xinxiang Shi, Yen-Chiang Chang.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 278-294.
132231 The Emergence of the Concept of General Principle of International Law in Investment Arbitration Case Law/Patrick Dumberry.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 194-216.
132232 The Discursive Construction of Facts in International Adjudication/Ana Luisa Bernardino.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 175-193.
132233 The Discursive Construction of Facts in International Adjudication/Ana Luisa Bernardino.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 175-193.
132234 Parallel Proceedings under Chinese BITs: The Case of Hela Schwarz GmbH v PR China/Shen Wei.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 335-363.
132235 Dispute Settlement Mechanism in a Mixed-Mixed Agreement: Some Loose Ends. The Economic Partnership Agreement EU-ECOWAS-WAEMU/Gloria Fernandez Arribas.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 319-334.
132236 Reparation by Pecuniary Means of Direct Moral Damages Suffered by States as a Result of Internationally Wrongful Acts/Ceren Zeynep Pirim.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 242-261.
132237 Precedent in the WTO: Retrospective Reflections for a Prospective Dispute Settlement Mechanism/Mariana Clara de Andrade.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 262-277.
132238 Between National Interests and Global Business: China’s Possible Reservations to the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements/Wei Cai, Jonathan Kolieb.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 295-318.
132239 The Tribunal with a Toolbox: On Perenco v Ecuador, Black Gold and Shades of Green/Jason Rudall.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.3: 485-500.
132240 Indian Princely States and the 19th-century Transformation of the Law of Nations/Prabhakar Singh.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.3: 365-387.
132241 The Missing Elephant in the Room the Jurisdiction of International Human Rights Tribunals over International Humanitarian Law/Ka Lok Yip.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.3: 388-408.
132242 Keeping with the Times, Revisiting the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration/Gracious Timothy Dunna.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.3: 459-484.
132243 The Singapore Convention: Towards a Universal Standard for the Recognition and Enforcement of International Settlement Agreements?/Clemens Treichl.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.3: 409-429.
132244 Judges ad hoc and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea: An Overview of its Practice/Sandrine De Herdt.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.3: 438-458.
132245 The Missing Reading of the Parable: Comment on The Twelfth Camel, or the Economics of Justice, by F Ost [(2011) 2(2) J Int Disp Settlement 333-51]/Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.3: 430-437.
132246 International Judicial Cooperation in Game Theory/Zheng Tang.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.4: 522-548.
132247 The 1971 and 2019 Hague Judgments Conventions: Compared and Whether China Would Change Its Attitude Towards The Hague/Wenliang Zhang, Guangjian Tu.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.4: 614-637.
132248 Frivolous and Abuse of Process Claims in Investor-State Arbitration: Can Rules on Cost Allocation Become Solution?/Ksenia Polonskaya.- Journal of International Dispute Settlement. 2020; Vol.11, No.4: 589-613.
132249 Rights and Rhetoric: The Politics of Asylum and Human Rights Culture in the United Kingdom/Shami Chakrabarti.- Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.32, No.1: 131-147.
132250 The Human Rights Act: A View from Below/Ruth Costigan, Philip A. Thomas.- Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.32, No.1: 51-67.
132251 Convention Compliance, Public Safety, and the Social Inclusion of Mentally Disordered People/Phil Fennell.- Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.32, No.1: 90-110.
132252 11 September 2001, Counter-terrorism, and the Human Rights Act/Conor Gearty.- Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.32, No.1: 18-33.
132253 An Equality and Human Rights Commission Worthy of the Name/Anthony Lester, Lydia Clapinska.- Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.32, No.1: 169-186.
132254 Human Rights in the Scottish Courts/Tom Mullen, Jim Murdoch, Alan Miller, Sarah Craig.- Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.32, No.1: 148-168.
132255 Shooting Felons: Law, Practice, Official Culture, and Perceptions of Morality/A.W. Brian Simpson.- Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.32, No.2: 241-266.
132256 Hart Interviewed: H.L.A. Hart in Conversation with David Sugarman/David Sugarman.- Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.32, No.2: 267-293.
132257 Social Science and Diffusion of Law/William Twining.- Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.32, No.2: 203-240.
132258 Victims Rights in Criminal Trials: Prospects for Participation/Jonathan Doak.- Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.32, No.2: 294-316.
132259 Precautionary Maybe, but What’s the Principle? The Precautionary Principle, the Regulation of Risk, and the Public Domain/Mike Feintuck.- Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 371-398.
132260 (Re)constructing the Head Teacher: Legal Narratives and the Politics of School Exclusions/Daniel Monk.- Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 399-423.
132261 The Empire Strikes Back: Press Judges and Communication Advisers in Dutch Courts/Lieve Gies.- Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 450-472.
132262 Citizenship and the Biopolitics of Post-nationalist Ireland/John A. Harrington.- Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 424-449.
132263 The Potential and Limits of Consumer Empowerment by Information/Geraint Howells.- Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.32, No.3: 349-370.
132264 Magistrates Everyday Work and Emotional Labour/Sharyn Roach Anleu, Kathy Mack.- Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.32, No.4: 590-614.
132265 Regulating More Effectively: The Relationship between Procedural Justice, Legitimacy, and Tax Non-compliance/Kristina Murphy.- Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.32, No.4: 562-589.
132266 On the Consequences of Defensive Professionalism: Recent Changes in the Legal Labour Process/Daniel Muzio, Stephen Ackroyd.- Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.32, No.4: 615-642.
132267 Harnessing the Power of the Past? Lord Hoffmann and the Belmarsh Detainees Case/Thomas Poole.- Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.32, No.4: 534-561.
132268 Securing Liberty in the Face of Terror: Reflections from Criminal Justice/Lucia Zedner.- Journal of Law and Society. 2005; Vol.32, No.4: 507-533.
132269 Positive Action for Women in Employment: Time to Align with Europe?/Noreen Burrows, Muriel Robison.- Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.32, No.1: 24-41.
132270 Affirmative Action in Women’s Employment: Lessons from Canada/Nicole Busby.- Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.32, No.1: 42-58.
132271 Preferential Treatment, Social Justice, and the Part-time Law Student-The Case for the Value-added Part-time Law Degree/Andrew M. Francis, Iain W. McDonald.- Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.32, No.1: 92-108.
132272 Rethinking the Merit Principle in Judicial Selection/Kate Malleson.- Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.32, No.1: 126-140.
132273 Minority Business Enterprise Programmes in the United States of America: An Empirical Investigation/Martin J. Sweet.- Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.32, No.1: 160-180.
132274 Quotas for Women! The Sex Discrimination (Election Candidates) Act 2002/Aileen McHarg.- Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.32, No.1: 141-159.
132275 Strategizing for the Future through the Civil Partnership Act/Lisa Glennon.- Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.32, No.2: 244-276.
132276 An Unfortunate Coincidence: Jews and Jewishness in Twentieth-century English Judicial Discourse/Didi Herman.- Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.32, No.2: 277-301.
132277 The Climbie Inquiry-Context and Critique/Judith Masson.- Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.32, No.2: 221-243.
132278 The Aliens Act 1905 and the Immigration Dilemma/Helena Wray.- Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.32, No.2: 302-323.
132279 Ranking of United Kingdom Law Journals: An Analysis of the Research Assessment Exercise 2001 Submissions and Results/Kevin Campbell, Alan Goodacre, Gavin Little.- Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.32, No.3: 335-363.
132280 Waiting for Enron: The Unstable Equilibrium of Auditor Independence Regulation/David Kershaw.- Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.32, No.3: 388-420.
132281 Prosecuting Gross Medical Negligence: Manslaughter, Discretion, and the Crown Prosecution Service/Oliver Quick.- Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.32, No.3: 421-450.
132282 Regulation and Social Solidarity/Tony Prosser.- Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.32, No.3: 364-387.
132283 The Deep Colonizing Practices of the Australian Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody/Elena Marchetti.- Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.32, No.3: 451-474.
132284 Fairness in Caontext/Michael Adler.- Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.32, No.4: 615-638.
132285 State, Citizen, and Character in French Criminal Process/Stewart Field.- Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.32, No.4: 522-546.
132286 Rights of Non-humans? Electronic Agents and Animals as New Actors in Politics and Law/Gunther Teubner.- Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.32, No.4: 497-521.
132287 English Law’s Epistemology of Expert Testimony/Tony Ward.- Journal of Law and Society. 2006; Vol.32, No.4: 572-595.
132288 Constitutional Violence/David Bates.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.1: 14-30.
132289 The Normality of the Exception in Democracy’s Empire/Peter Fitzpatrick, Richard Joyce.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.1: 65-76.
132290 Performing Power: The Deal, Corporate Rule, and the Constitution of Global Legal Order/Fleur Johns.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.1: 116-138.
132291 Post-Apartheid Social Movements and the Quest for the Elusive New South Africa/Tshepo Madlingozi.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.1: 77-98.
132292 Undoing Legal Violence: Walter Benjamin’s and Giorgio Agamben’s Aesthetics of Pure Means/Benjamin Morgan.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.1: 46-64.
132293 Veiled Women and the Affect of Religion in Democracy/Stewart Motha.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.1: 139-162.
132294 Democracy’s Empire: Sovereignty, Law, and Violence/Stewart Motha.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.1: 1-2.
132295 Church, State, Resistance/Jean-Luc Nancy.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.1: 3-13.
132296 Sovereignty, Exception, and Norm/Andrew Norris.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.1: 31-45.
132297 The Embedded Nature of Rural Legal Services: Sustaining Service Provision in Wales/Alex Franklin, Robert G. Lee.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.2: 218-243.
132298 Governing Genetic Databases: Challenges Facing Research Regulation and Practice/Susan M.C. Gibbons, Jane Kaye, Andrew Smart, Catherine Heeney, Michael Parker.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.2: 163-189.
132299 Public (Interest) or Private (Gain)? The Curious Case of Network Rail’s Status/Robert Jupe.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.2: 244-265.
132300 Researching and Theorizing the Processes of Professional Identity Formation/Hilary Sommerlad.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.2: 190-217.
132301 Law’s Empire: Socio-legal Empirical Research in the Twenty-first Century/Paddy Hillyard.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.2: 266-279.
132302 The Criminalization of Social Security Law: Towards a Punitive Welfare State?/Philip M. Larkin.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.3: 295-320.
132303 Governance through Publicity: Anti-social Behaviour Orders, Young People, and the Problematization of the Right to Anonymity/Neil Cobb.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.3: 342-373.
132304 The Social Licence as a Form of Regulation for Small and Medium Enterprises/Gary Lynch-Wood, David Williamson.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.3: 321-341.
132305 Women Solicitors as a Barometer for Problems within the Legal Profession-Time to Put Values before Profits?/Lisa Webley, Liz Duff.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.3: 374-402.
132306 From a Civil Libertarian to a Sanitarian/Lawrence O. Gostin.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.4: 594-616.
132307 Ordinary Folk and Cottaging: Law, Morality, and Public Sex/Paul Johnson.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.4: 520-543.
132308 Beyond Legalism: Towards a Thicker Understanding of Transitional Justice/Kieran McEvoy.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.4: 411-440.
132309 Inheritance in Socio-Political Context: The Case for Reviving the Sociological Discourse of Inheritance Tax Law/Ann Mumford.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.4: 567-593.
132310 Robust and Raring to Go? Judges Perceptions of Child Witnesses/Fiona E. Raitt.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.4: 465-488.
132311 In the Interests of Clients or Commerce? Legal Aid, Supply, Demand, and Ethical Indeterminacy in Criminal Defence Work/Cyrus Tata.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.4: 489-511.
132312 The Regulation of Xenotransplantation in the United Kingdom After UKXIRA: Legal and Ethical Issues/Laura Williamson, Marie Fox, Sheila McLean.- Journal of Law and Society. 2007; Vol.34, No.4: 441-464.
132313 Child Maltreatment in Diverse Households: Challenges to Law, Theory, and Practice/Julia Brophy.- Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.35, No.1: 75-94.
132314 Perspectives on Parenting Responsibility: Contextualizing Values and Practices/Val Gillies.- Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.35, No.1: 95-112.
132315 Holding Parents to Account: Tough on Children, Tough on the Causes of Children?/Laurence Koffman.- Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.35, No.1: 113-130.
132316 Adoption Support and the Negotiation of Ambivalence in Family Policy and Children’s Services/Barry Luckock.- Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.35, No.1: 3-27.
132317 The State as Parent: The Reluctant Parent? The Problems of Parents of Last Resort/Judith Masson.- Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.35, No.1: 52-74.
132318 Youth Crime: Whose Responsibility?/Alex Newbury.- Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.35, No.1: 131-149.
132319 Shadow Writing and Participant Observation: A Study of Criminal Justice Social Work Around Sentencing/Simon Halliday, Nicola Burns, Neil Hutton, Fergus McNeill, Cyrus Tata.- Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.35, No.2: 189-213.
132320 Whose Justice? Rethinking Transitional Justice from the Bottom Up/Patricia Lundy, Mark McGovern.- Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.35, No.2: 265-292.
132321 Of Rights and Rhetoric: Discourses of Degradation and Exploitation in the Context of Sex Trafficking/Vanessa E. Munro.- Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.35, No.2: 240-264.
132322 Second-chance Punitivism and the Contractual Governance of Crime and Incivility: New Labour, Old Hobbes/Simon Mackenzie.- Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.35, No.2: 214-329.
132323 To What Extent Do Third Parties Influence Business Compliance?/Vibeke Lehmann Nielsen, Christine Parker.- Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.35, No.3: 309-340.
132324 Health, Social Movements, and Rights-based Litigation in South Africa/Marius Pieterse.- Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.35, No.3: 344-388.
132325 Constitutionalizing Employment Relations: Sinzheimer, Kahn-Freund, and the Role of Labour Law/Ruth Dukes.- Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.35, No.3: 341-363.
132326 The Scope of Criminal Law and Criminal Sanctions: An Economic View and Policy Implications/Roger Bowles, Michael Faure, Nuno Garoupa.- Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.35, No.3: 389-416.
132327 Money Laundering and Globalization/Peter Alldridge.- Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.35, No.4: 437-463.
132328 Women Judges: Gendering Judging, Justifying Diversity/Dermot Feenan.- Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.35, No.4: 490-519.
132329 Disability Rights Commission: From Civil Rights to Social Rights/Agnes Fletcher, Nick OBrien.- Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.35, No.4: 520-550.
132330 The Unbearable Lightness of Being? Shifts Towards the Virtual Trial/Linda Mulcahy.- Journal of Law and Society. 2008; Vol.35, No.4: 464-489.
132331 Environmental Governance: Reconnecting the Global and Local/Robert Lee, Elen Stokes.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.1: 1-10.
132332 Free Trade: What is it Good For? Globalization, Deregulation, and Public Opinion/Emily Reid, Jenny Steele.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.1: 11-31.
132333 Modern Interpretations of Sustainable Development/Andrea Ross.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.1: 32-54.
132334 Environmental Justice Imperatives for an Era of Climate Change/Mark Stallworthy.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.1: 55-74.
132335 (Re)Connecting the Global and Local: Europe’s Regional Seas/Stuart Bell, Laurence Etherington.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.1: 75-93.
132336 Framing the Local and the Global in the Anti-nuclear Movement: Law and the Politics of Place/Chris Hilson.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.1: 49-109.
132337 Globalizing Regulation: Reaching Beyond the Borders of Chemical Safety/Veerle Heyvaert.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.1: 110-128.
132338 The Globalization and Re-localization of Material Flows: Four Phases of Food Regulation/Robert Lee, Terry Marsden.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.1: 129-144.
132339 The New Collaborative Environmental Governance: The Localization of Regulation/Neil Gunningham.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.1: 145-166.
132340 Seen but Not Heard? Parallels and Dissonances in the Treatment of Rape Narratives across the Asylum and Criminal Justice Contexts/Helen Baillot, Sharon Cowan, Vanessa E. Munro.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.2: 195-219.
132341 After Dark and Out in the Cold: Part-time Law Students and the Myth of Equivalency/Andrew Francis, Iain McDonald.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.2: 220-247.
132342 Regulation and the Role of Trust: Reflections from the Mining Industry/Neil Gunningham, Darren Sinclair.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.2: 167-194.
132343 Understanding Offenders Compliance: A Case Study of Electronically Monitored Curfew Orders/Anthea Hucklesby.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.2: 248-271.
132344 Courts, Human Rights, and Transitional Justice: Lessons From Chile/David Sugarman.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.2: 272-281.
132345 The Dangers of Hanging Baskets: Regulatory Myths and Media Representations of Health and Safety Regulation/Paul Almond.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.3: 352-375.
132346 The Ties That Bind: Multiculturalism and Secularism Reconsidered/Brenna Bhandar.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.3: 301-326.
132347 Pornography, Pragmatism, and Proscription/Clare McGlynn, Ian Ward.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.3: 327-351.
132348 Diversity in the Judiciary: The Case For Positive Action/Kate Malleson.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.3: 376-402.
132349 Spectres of Transnationalism: Changing Terrains of Sociology of Law/Roger Cotterrell.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.4: 481-500.
132350 Max Weber on the Labour Contract: Between Realism and Formal Legal Thought/Michel Coutu.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.4: 558-575.
132351 How Law Changes the Environmental Mind: An Experimental Study of the Effect of Legal Norms on Moral Perceptions and Civic Enforcement/Yuval Feldman, Oren Perez.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.4: 501-535.
132352 Intellection and Indiscipline/Peter Goodrich.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.4: 460-480.
132353 Individual Adoption by Non-Heterosexuals and the Order of Family Life in the European Court of Human Rights/Linda Hart.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.4: 536-557.
132354 Interdisciplinarity and the Authority Paradigm: Should Law Be Taken Seriously by Scientists and Social Scientists?/Geoffrey Samuel.- Journal of Law and Society. 2009; Vol.36, No.4: 431-459.
132355 Mainstreaming the Sex Industry: Economic Inclusion and Social Ambivalence/Barbara G. Brents, Teela Sanders.- Journal of Law and Society. Vol.37, No.1: 40-60.
132356 What’s Law Got To Do With it? How and Why Law Matters in the Regulation of Sex Work/Jane Scoular.- Journal of Law and Society. Vol.37, No.1: 12-39.
132357 When (Some) Prostitution is Legal: The Impact of Law Reform on Sex Work in Australia/Barbara Sullivan.- Journal of Law and Society. Vol.37, No.1: 85-104.
132358 The Movement to Criminalize Sex Work in the United States/Ronald Weitzer.- Journal of Law and Society. Vol.37, No.1: 61-84.
132359 Cultural Criminology and Sex Work: Resisting Regulation through Radical Democracy and Participatory Action Research (PAR)/Maggie ONeill.- Journal of Law and Society. Vol.37, No.1: 210-232.
132360 Conditional Rights, Benefit Reform, and Drug Users: Reducing Dependency?/Neville Harris.- Journal of Law and Society. Vol.37, No.2: 233-263.
132361 Cartel Laws Undermined: Corruption, Social Norms, and Collectivist Business Cultures/Andreas Stephan.- Journal of Law and Society. Vol.37, No.2: 345-367.
132362 The Exclusion of (Failed) Asylum Seekers from Housing and Home: Towards an Oppositional Discourse/Lorna Fox OMahony, James A. Sweeney.- Journal of Law and Society. Vol.37, No.2: 285-314.
132363 The Strategic Use of Demand-side Diversity Pressure in the Solicitors Profession/Joanne P. Braithwaite.- Journal of Law and Society. Vol.37, No.3: 442-465.
132364 Regulating Law Firm Ethics Management: An Empirical Assessment of an Innovation in Regulation of the Legal Profession in New South Wales/Christine Parker, Tahlia Gordon, Steve Mark.- Journal of Law and Society. Vol.37, No.3: 366-500.
132365 Shopping in the Public Realm: A Law of Place/Antonia Layard.- Journal of Law and Society. Vol.37, No.3: 412-441.
132366 Rural Identity in the Twenty-first Century: A Community of Crofters or Crofting Communities?/Nicole Busby, Calum Macleod.- Journal of Law and Society. Vol.37, No.4: 592-619.
132367 Making the Case for Socio-legal Research in Land Law: Renner and the Law of Mortgage/Lisa Whitehouse.- Journal of Law and Society. Vol.37, No.4: 545-568.
132368 Queer Kinship Practices in Non-Western Contexts: French Polynesia’s Gender-variant Parents and the Law of La Republique/Aleardo Zanghellini.- Journal of Law and Society. Vol.37, No.4: 655-671.
132369 The Meta-regulation of Transnational Private Regulation/Jacco Bomhoff,  Anne Meuwese.- Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.38, No.1: 138-162.
132370 New Foundations of Transnational Private Regulation/Fabrizio Cafaggi.- Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.38, No.1: 20-49.
132371 Competition Law and Transnational Private Regulatory Regimes: Marking the Cartel Boundary/Imelda Maher.- Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.38, No.1: 119-137.
132372 Embedding Economic Relationships through Social Learning? The Limits of Patient and Public Involvement in Healthcare Governance in England/Peter Vincent-Jones.- Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.38, No.2: 215-244.
132373 Social Solidarity and the Power of Contract/Kenneth Veitch.- Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.38, No.2: 189-214.
132374 Enduring Love? Attitudes to Family and Inheritance Law in England and Wales/Gillian Douglas,  Hilary Woodward,  Alun Humphrey,  Lisa Mills,  Gareth Morrell.- Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.38, No.2: 245-271.
132375 Ancillary Relief: Complicating the Search for Principle/Alison Diduck.- Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.38, No.2: 272-300.
132376 Police Cooperation across the Irish Border: Familiarity Breeding Contempt for Transparency and Accountability/Dermot P.J. Walsh.- Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.38, No.2: 301-330.
132377 The FSA’s Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) Initiative: What is So Good About It and Why It May Not Work/Andromachi Georgosouli.- Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.38, No.2: 405-427.
132378 The Scholarly Process/John P. Heinz.- Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.38, No.3: 428-448.
132379 Images of Welfare in Law and Society: The British Welfare State in Comparative Perspective/Daniel Wincott.- Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.38, No.3: 343-375.
132380 Can the Law Speak Directly to its Subjects? The Limitation of Plain Language/Rabeea Assy.- Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.38, No.3: 343-375.
132381 John R. Commons and Max Weber: The Foundations of an Economic Sociology of Law/Michel Coutu,  Thierry Kirat.- Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.38, No.4: 469-495.
132382 Liberal Forms of Governing Australian Indigenous Peoples/David McCallum.- Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.38, No.4: 604-630.
132383 The Competition for Pupillages at the Bar of England and Wales (2000-2004)/Anna K. Zimdars.- Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.38, No.4: 575-603.
132384 Gender Diversity in the FTSE 100: The Business Case Claim Explored/Mark McCann,  Sally Wheeler.- Journal of Law and Society. 2011; Vol.38, No.4: 542-574.
132385 A Socio-legal Analysis of an Actor-world: The Case of Carbon Trading and the Clean Development Mechanism/Emilie Cloatre,  Nick Wright.- Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.39, No.1: 76-92.
132386 Introduction: Material Worlds: Intersections of Law, Science, Technology, and Society/Alex Faulkner,  Bettina Lange,  Christopher Lawless.- Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.39, No.1: 1-19.
132387 The Materiality of What?/Alain Pottage.- Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.39, No.1: 167-183.
132388 The Regulation of Nicotine in the United Kingdom: How Nicotine Gum Came to Be a Medicine, but Not a Drug/Catriona Rooke,  Emilie Cloatre,  Robert Dingwall.- Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.39, No.1: 39-57.
132389 Nanotechnology and the Products of Inherited Regulation/Elen Stokes.- Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.39, No.1: 93-112.
132390 The Donor-conceived Child’s Right to Personal Identity: The Public Debate on Donor Anonymity in the United Kingdom/Ilke Turkmendag.- Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.39, No.1: 58-75.
132391 Share and Share Alike? Hedge Funds, Human Rights, and Owning Enterprise in Britain/David Bholat, Alison Dunn,  Joanna Gray.- Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 185-212.
132392 Whither the Law and the Law Books? From Prescription to Possibility/Roger Brownsword.- Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 296-308.
132393 Jurisdiction and Scale: Rent Arrears, Social Housing, and Human Rights/Dave Cowan,  Caroline Hunter,  Hal Pawson.- Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 269-295.
132394 I Just Wanted Him to Hear Me: Sexual Violence and the Possibilities of Restorative Justice/Clare McGlynn,  Nicole Westmarland,  Nikki Godden.- Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 213-240.
132395 There’s Nothing New in Dying Now: Will Welfare Attorney Decision Making at End of Life Make a Real Difference?/Jo Samanta.- Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.39, No.2: 241-268.
132396 Bridging the Gap-Non-state Actors and the Challenges of Regulating New Technology/Carolyn Abbot.- Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.39, No.3: 329-358.
132397 Beyond Constitutionalism Beyond the State/Gavin W. Anderson.- Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.39, No.3: 359-383.
132398 A Tale of Two Chinese Courts: Economic Development and Contract Enforcement/Xin He.- Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.39, No.3: 384-409.
132399 Amnesties in Transition: Punishment, Restoration, and the Governance of Mercy/Kieran McEvoy,  Louise Mallinder.- Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.39, No.3: 410-440.
132400 Constitutionalism as Fear of the Political? A Comparative Analysis of Teubner’s Constitutional Fragments and Thornhill’s A Sociology of Constitutions/Jiri Priban.- Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.39, No.3: 441-471.
132401 Making Monsters: The Polygraph, the Plethysmograph, and Other Practices for the Performance of Abnormal Sexuality/Andrew S. Balmer,  Ralph Sandland.- Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.39, No.4: 593-619.
132402 Marginalized Mothers, Reproductive Autonomy, and Repeat Losses To Care/Pamela Cox.- Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.39, No.4: 541-561.
132403 Using the Wrong Policy Tools: Education, Charity, and Public Benefit/Alison Dunn.- Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.39, No.4: 491-514.
132404 Tort Law Culture: Image and Reality/Richard Lewis,  Annette Morris.- Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.39, No.4: 562-595.
132405 Expert Evidence, Judicial Reasoning, and the Family Courts Information Pilot/Tony Ward.- Journal of Law and Society. 2012; Vol.39, No.4: 515-540.
132406 Introduction: Moving Towards an Economic Sociology of Law/Diamond Ashiagbor,  Prabha Kotiswaran, Amanda Perry-Kessaris.- Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.40, No.1: 1-6.
132407 Relational Work and the Law: Recapturing the Legal Realist Critique of Market Fundamentalism/Fred Block.- Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.40, No.1: 27-48.
132408 Maine (and Weber) Against the Grain: Towards a Postcolonial Genealogy of the Corporate Person/Ritu Birla.- Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.40, No.1: 92-114.
132409 From Credit to Crisis: Max Weber, Karl Polanyi, and the Other Side of the Coin/Sabine Frerichs.- Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.40, No.1: 7-26.
132410 Do Feminists Need an Economic Sociology of Law?/Prabha Kotiswaran.- Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.40, No.1: 115-136.
132411 Anemos-ity, Apatheia, Enthousiasmos: An Economic Sociology of Law and Wind Farm Development in Cyprus/Amanda Perry-Kessaris.- Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.40, No.1: 68-91.
132412 Choreographing Justice: Administrative Law Judges and the Management of Welfare Disputes/Vicki Lens,  Astraea Augsberger,  Andrea Hughes, Tina Wu.- Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.40, No.2: 199-207.
132413 Homosexuality and the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights: What Can Be Learned from the History of the European Convention on Human Rights?/Paul Johnson.- Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.40, No.2: 249-279.
132414 Replacing Provocation in England and Wales: Examining the Partial Defence of Loss of Control/Kate Fitz-Gibbon.- Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.40, No.2: 280-305.
132415 The Common Law Clean Up of the Workshop of the World: More Realism About Nuisance Law’s Historic Environmental Achievements/Ben Pontin.- Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.40, No.2: 173-198.
132416 Juridification and the Construction of Social Citizenship/Anne-Mette Magnussen, Even Nilssen.- Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.40, No.2: 228-248.
132417 The Developing Habitus of the Anti-Social Behaviour Practitioner: From Expansion in Years of Plenty to Surviving the Age of Austerity/Kevin J. Brown.- Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.40, No.3: 375-402.
132418 Weber Reading Stammler: What Horizons for the Sociology of Law?/Michel Coutu.- Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.40, No.3: 356-374.
132419 Miscarriages of Justice and the Discourse of Innocence: Perspectives from Appellants, Campaigners, Journalists, and Legal Practitioners/Sion Jenkins.- Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.40, No.3: 329-355.
132420 Culturally Unsuited to Property Rights?: Colonial Land Laws and African Societies/Robert Home.- Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.40, No.3: 403-419.
132421 Loan Sharks v. Short-term Lenders: How Do the Law and Regulators Draw the Line?/Abdul Karim Aldohni.- Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.40, No.3: 420-449.
132422 Popular Music and Copyright Law in the Sixties/Jose Bellido.- Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.40, No.4: 570-595.
132423 Northern Lights: From Swedish Realism to Sociology of Law/Roger Cotterrell.- Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.40, No.4: 657-669.
132424 Identifying Points of Contact and Engagement Between Legal and Environmental Education/Jane Holder.- Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.40, No.4: 541-569.
132425 Discolouring Democracy? Policing, Sensitive Evidence, and Contentious Deaths in the United Kingdom/Greg Martin,  Rebecca Scott Bray.- Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.40, No.4: 624-656.
132426 The Political Origins of English Private Law/Dan Priel.- Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.40, No.4: 481-508.
132427 Second-hand Emotion? Exploring the Contagion and Impact of Trauma and Distress in the Asylum Law Context/Helen Baillot,  Sharon Cowan,  Vanessa E. Munro.- Journal of Law and Society. 2013; Vol.40, No.4: 509-540.
132428 Developing Two-tiered Regulatory Competition in EU Corporate Law: Assessing the Impact of the Societas Privata Europaea/Martina Eckardt,  Wolfgang Kerber.- Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.41, No.1: 152-171.
132429 Preventing the Next Financial Crisis? Regulating Bankers Pay in Europe/Andrew Johnston.- Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.41, No.1: 6-27.
132430 Harmonization Process for Effective Corporate Governance in the European Union: From a Historical Perspective to Future Prospects/Veronique Magnier.- Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.41, No.1: 95-120.
132431 Understanding the Board of Directors after the Financial Crisis: Some Lessons for Europe/Joseph A. McCahery,  Erik P.M. Vermeulen.- Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.41, No.1: 121-151.
132432 Stepwise Progression: The Past, Present, and Possible Future of Empirical Research on Law in the United States and the United Kingdom/Michael Adler, Jonathan Simon.- Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.41, No.2: 173-202.
132433 The Shifting Balance of Power in the Regulatory State: Structure, Strategy, and the Division of Labour/Donald Feaver, Benedict Sheehy.- Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.41, No.2: 203-226.
132434 The New Puritanism: The Resurgence of Contractarian Citizenship in Common Law Welfare States/Philip M. Larkin.- Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.41, No.2: 227-256.
132435 Socio-legal Studies in Aotearoa/New Zealand/Kim Economides.- Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.41, No.2: 257-282.
132436 Combating Child Sex Tourism in South-east Asia: Law Enforcement Cooperation and Civil Society Partnerships/Melissa Curley.- Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.41, No.2: 283-314.
132437 Interpreting the Politics of the Judiciary: The British Senior Judicial Tradition and the Pre-emptive Turn in Criminal Justice/Harry Annison.- Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.41, No.3: 339-366.
132438 What is the Use of a Human Right to Development? Legal Pluralism, Participation, and a Tentative Rehabilitation/Joseph Markus.- Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.41, No.3: 367-390.
132439 A Fresh Look at Stock Market Short-termism/Marc T. Moore,  Edward Walker-Arnott.- Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.41, No.3: 416-445.
132440 Relational Human Rights: Shed-DNA and the Identification of the Living Disappeared in Argentina/Noa Vaisman.- Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.41, No.3: 391-415.
132441 Financial Advice, Differentiated Consumers, and the Regulation of Equity-release Transactions/Lorna Fox OMahony,  Louise Overton.- Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.41, No.3: 446-469.
132442 Bridging the Gap: A Relational Approach to Contract Theory/Hugh Beale.- Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.41, No.4: 641-651.
132443 Criminal Jury Trials in 2030: A Law Odyssey/Jacqueline Horan,  Shelley Maine.- Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.41, No.4: 551-575.
132444 The Lost Art of Regulated Tolerance? Fifteen Years of Regulating Vices in Amsterdam/Wim Huisman, Hans Nelen.- Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.41, No.4: 604-626.
132445 Would John Stuart Mill have Regulated Pornography?/Clare McGlynn,  Ian Ward.- Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.41, No.4: 500-522.
132446 The Scottish Independence Referendum 2014/Tom Mullen.- Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.41, No.4: 627-640.
132447 Is There an Informative Effect of Law? An Experimental Test/Jose A. Noguera,  Jordi Tena-Sanchez,  Francisco J. Leon.- Journal of Law and Society. 2014; Vol.41, No.4: 576-603.
132448 Recovering Lost Lives: Researching Women in Legal History/Rosemary Auchmuty.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.1: 34-52.
132449 The United Kingdom’s First Woman Law Professor: An Archerian Analysis/Fiona Cownie.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.1: 127-149.
132450 Judah Benjamin: Marginalized Outsider or Admitted Insider?/Catharine MacMillan.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.1: 150-172.
132451 Ivor Jennings’s Constitutional Legacy beyond the Occidental-Oriental Divide/Mara Malagodi.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.1: 102-126.
132452 Judicial Pictures as Legal Life-writing Data and a Research Method/Leslie J. Moran.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.1: 74-101.
132453 Watching Women: What Illustrations of Courtroom Scenes Tell Us about Women and the Public Sphere in the Nineteenth Century/Linda Mulcahy.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.1: 53-73.
132454 From Legal Biography to Legal Life Writing: Broadening Conceptions of Legal History and Socio-legal Scholarship/David Sugarman.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.1: 7-33.
132455 Revolution Blues: The Reconstruction of Health and Safety Law as Common-sense Regulation/Paul Almond.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.1: 202-229.
132456 Title by Registration: Instituting Modern Property Law and Creating Racial Value in the Settler Colony/Brenna Bhandar.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.2: 253-282.
132457 Legal Education, Social Mobility, and Employability: Possible Selves, Curriculum Intervention, and the Role of Legal Work Experience/Andrew Francis.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.2: 173-201.
132458 Fishing for Precarious Status Migrants: Surveillant Assemblages of Migrant Illegalization in Toronto, Canada/Paloma E. Villegas.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.2: 230-252.
132459 Trust and Legal Governance: A Case Study of Ethiopian Criminal Justice/Rasmus H. Wandall.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.2: 283-307.
132460 Romalpa and Contractual Innovation/James Davey,  Cliona Kelly.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.3: 358-386.
132461 Am I Free Now? Overseas Domestic Workers in Slavery/Virginia Mantouvalou.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.3: 329-357.
132462 Karl Polanyi and the Problem of Corporate Social Responsibility/Lilian Moncrieff.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.3: 434-459.
132463 Professional Minimalism? The Ethical Consciousness of Commercial Lawyers/Richard Moorhead,  Victoria Hinchly.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.3: 387-412.
132464 Implementation in International Business Self-regulation: The Importance of Sequences and their Linkages/Tony Porter, Karsten Ronit.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.3: 413-433.
132465 Country Rag Merchants and English Local Currencies in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century/Iain Frame.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.4: 588-610.
132466 Roger Cotterrell and Law’s Sociology of Law/Michael King.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.4: 649-656.
132467 The Impact of Socio-legal Studies in Family Justice: From Oxford to Whitehall/Mavis Maclean.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.4: 637-648.
132468 From Brand Performance to Consumer Performativity: Assessing European Trade Mark Law after the Rise of Anthropological Marketing/Luke McDonagh.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.4: 611-636.
132469 Judges, Conflict, and the Past/Kieran McEvoy,  Alex Schwartz.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.4: 528-555.
132470 Radical Transactionalism: Legal Consciousness, Diverse Economies, and the Sharing Economy/Bronwen Morgan,  Declan Kuch.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.4: 556-587.
132471 Riders on the Storm: Wales, the Union, and Territorial Constitutional Crisis/Richard Rawlings.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.4: 471-498.
132472 The Legal Case File as Border Object: On Self-reference and Other-reference in Criminal Law/Irene van Oorschot,  Willem Schinkel.- Journal of Law and Society. 2015; Vol.42, No.4: 499-527.
132473 The Trials of Lizzie Eustace: Trollope, Sensationalism, and the Condition of English Law/Ian Ward.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.1: 66-84.
132474 Flesh of the Law: Material Legal Metaphors/Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.1: 45-65.
132475 Is the Blush off the Rose? Legal Education Metaphors in a Changing World/Michelle LeBaron.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.1: 144-165.
132476 Debating Rape: To Whom does the Uncanny Myth Metaphor Belong?/David Gurnham.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.1: 123-143.
132477 Metaphor as Analogy: Reproduction and Production of Legal Concepts/Angela Condello.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.1: 8-26.
132478 We Want to Live: Metaphor and Ethical Life in F.W. Maitland’s Jurisprudence of the Trust/Adam Gearey.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.1: 105-122.
132479 M. NourbeSe Philip’s Zong!: Metaphors, Laws, and Fugues of Justice/Anne Quema.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.1: 85-104.
132480 A New Leviathan: Benefit Sanctions in the Twenty-first Century/Michael Adler.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.2: 195-227.
132481 A New Leviathan: Benefit Sanctions in the Twenty-first Century/Michael Adler.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.2: 195-227.
132482 Socio-legal Studies in France: Beyond the Law Faculty/Renaud Colson,  Stewart Field.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.2: 285-311.
132483 Inheritance Families of Choice? Lawyers Reflections on Gay and Lesbian Wills/Daniel Monk.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.2: 167-184.
132484 Privacy and Search Engines: Forgetting or Contextualizing?/Sylvia de Mars,  Patrick OCallaghan.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.2: 257-284.
132485 Connections and Tensions Between Nationalist and Sustainability Discourses in the Scottish Legislative Process/Andrea Ross, Rhys Jones.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.2: 228-256.
132486 What’s the Use of a Hashtag? A Case Study/Helen Carr,  Dave Cowan.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.3: 416-443.
132487 The Cogs and Wheels of Reflexive Law Business Disclosure under the Modern Slavery Act/Shuangge Wen.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.3: 327-359.
132488 Inventing Drugs: A Genealogy of a Regulatory Concept/Toby Seddon.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.3: 393-415.
132489 Developing a Public Interest Mandate for the Governance and Use of Administrative Data in the United Kingdom/Graeme Laurie, Leslie Stevens.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.3: 360-392.
132490 Disability Discrimination Law in the United Kingdom and the New Civil Rights History: The Contribution of Caroline Gooding/Nick OBrien.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.3: 444-468.
132491 Judicial Activism in the Name of the Nation: Reneging on the Integration of Immigrants in Greece/Dia Anagnostou.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.4: 596-618.
132492 Sociology of Law in Germany: Reflection and Practice/Alfons Bora.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.4: 619-646.
132493 If the State Decertified Gender, What Might Happen to its Meaning and Value?/Davina Cooper,  Flora Renz.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.4: 483-505.
132494 European Data Protection Regulation and Online New Media: Mind the Enforcement Gap/David Erdos.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.4: 534-564.
132495 Driving Priorities in Risk-based Regulation: What’s the Problem?/Robert Baldwin,  Julia Black.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.4: 565-595.
132496 Political Reliability and the Chinese Bar Exam/Rachel E. Stern.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.4: 506-533.
132497 The Problem with What is ? Questions, the Literalism of Islamic Law, and the Importance of Being Islamic/Mairaj U. Syed.- Journal of Law and Society. 2016; Vol.43, No.4: 661-671.
132498 The Growth of Debt and the Debt of Growth: Lessons from the Case of Argentina/Pablo J. Lopez, Cecilia Nahon.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.1: 99-122.
132499 Legal Pluralism, Gendered Discourses, and Hybridity in Land-titling Practices in Cambodia/Mikael Baaz,  Mona Lilja,  Allison Ostlund.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.2: 200-223.
132500 Bent into Security: Barrister Contribution to a Skewed Order in Two Terrorism Prosecutions in Australia/Willem de Lint,  Wondwossen D. Kassa.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.2: 169-199.
132501 Sacred Spaces, Sacred Words: Religion and Same-sex Marriage in England and Wales/Paul Johnson,  Robert M. Vanderbeck.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.2: 228-244.
132502 Companions on a Serendipitous Journey/Nicola Lacey.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.2: 283-296.
132503 Employee Insolvency Priorities and Employment Protection in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom/Federico M. Mucciarelli.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.2: 255-282.
132504 Collective Litigation and the Constitutional Challenges to Decriminalizing Homosexuality in Singapore/Lynette J. Chua.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.3: 433-455.
132505 The Reasonable Man, his Nineteenth-century Siblings, and their Legacy/Chris Dent.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.3: 406-432.
132506 Between Law and Transnational Social Movement Organizations: Stabilizing Expectations of Global Public Goods/Mark Hanna.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.3: 345-373.
132507 The Dock on Trial: Courtroom Design and the Presumption of Innocence/Meredith Rossner,  David Tait,  Blake McKimmie,  Rick Sarre.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.3: 317-344.
132508 Seeking Shelter in Personal Insolvency Law: Recession, Eviction, and Bankruptcy’s Social Safety Net/Joseph Spooner.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.3: 374-405.
132509 A Sociology of Legal Distinctions: Introducing Contemporary Interpretations of Classic Socio-legal Concepts/Jiri Priban.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.S1: S1-S18.
132510 Theory and Values in Socio-legal Studies/Roger Cotterrell.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.S1: S19-S36.
132511 Promoting Dialogue Between History and Socio-legal Studies: The Contribution of Christopher W. Brooks and the Legal Turn in Early Modern English History/David Sugarman.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.S1: S37-S60.
132512 Semantics or Sustainability: Socio-legal Research in Family Law, or Sociology of Law and Family Justice/Mavis Maclean.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.S1: S61-S73.
132513 Visions of Contract/Sally Wheeler.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.S1: S74-S92.
132514 Producing the Product: A Case Study of Law and Its Absence/Helen Carr, Dave Cowan, Alison Wallace.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.S1: S93-S110.
132515 An Examined Life: Research into University Legal Education in the United Kingdom and the Journal of Law and Society/Fiona Cownie,  Anthony Bradney.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.S1: S129-S143.
132516 Starting Out on a Judicial Career: Gender Diversity and the Appointment of Recorders, Circuit Judges, and Deputy High Court Judges, 1996-2016/Michael Blackwell.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.4: 586-619.
132517 Overseeing Criminal Justice: The Supervisory Role of the Public Prosecution Service in China/Yu Mou.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.4: 620-645.
132518 Power Relations in Employment Disputes/Emily Rose,  Nicole Busby.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.4: 674-701.
132519 Renegotiating Social Citizenship in the Age of Devolution/Mark Simpson.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.4: 646-673.
132520 Family (Law) Assemblages: New Modes of Being (Legal)/Frederik Swennen,  Mariano Croce.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.4: 532-558.
132521 The Effects of Changes to Legal Aid on Lawyers Professional Identity and Behaviour in Summary Criminal Cases: A Case Study/Lucy Welsh.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.4: 559-585.
132522 Bodily Integrity, Embodiment, and the Regulation of Parental Choice/Marie Fox,  Michael Thomson.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.4: 501-531.
132523 On the Perimeter of the Lawful: Enduring Illegality in the Irish Family Planning Movement, 1972-1985/Emilie Cloatre,  Meiread Enright.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.4: 471-500.
132524 Redefining the Corporation for a Sustainable New Economy/Beate Sjafjell.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.1: 29-45.
132525 Regulating Law Firms from the Inside: The Role of Compliance Officers for Legal Practice in England and Wales/Sundeep Aulakh, Joan Loughrey.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.2: 254-281.
132526 Love as a Disadvantage in Law/Renata Grossi.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.2: 205-225.
132527 Sympathetic Symbols, Social Movements, and School Desegregation/Marisela Martinez-Cola.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.2: 177-204.
132528 Policy, Practicalities, and PACE s. 24: The Subsuming of the Necessity Criteria in Arrest Decision Making by Frontline Police Officers/Geoff Pearson,  Mike Rowe,  Liz Turner.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.2: 282-302.
132529 Techniques of Knowing in Administration: Co-production, Models, and Conservation Law/Maria Lee,  Lucy Natarajan,  Simon Lock,  Yvonne Rydin.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.3: 427-456.
132530 Guilty Pleas in an Inquisitorial Setting An Empirical Study of France/Laurene Soubise.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.3: 398-426.
132531 Using Hawkins’s Surround, Field, and Frames Concepts to Understand the Complexities of Special Measures Decision Making in Crown Court Trials/Samantha Fairclough.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.3: 457-485.
132532 The Meat in the Sandwich: Welfare Labelling and the Governance of Meat-chicken Production in Australia/Christine Parker,  Rachel Carey,  Gyorgy Scrinis.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.3: 341-369.
132533 Adjudicating Fear of Witchcraft Claims in Refugee Law/Jenni Millbank,  Anthea Vogl.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.3: 370-397.
132534 Law and ANT (and its Kin): Possibilities, Challenges, and Ways Forward/Emilie Cloatre.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.4: 646-663.
132535 Creating a New Type of Labour Law Enforcer: The Law Technician in Prato/Louise Munkholm.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.4: 538-562.
132536 Transitional Justice, Education, and Sexual Violence Stigma: The Results of a Schools-based Study in Bosnia-Herzegovina/Janine Natalya Clark.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.4: 509-537.
132537 Eviscerating Historic Treaties: Judicial Reasoning, Settler Colonialism, and Legal Exercises of Exclusion/Michael McCrossan.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.4: 589-619.
132538 Feminist Relational Contract Theory: A New Model for Family Property Agreements/Sharon Thompson.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.4: 617-645.
132539 It’s All About Justice: Bodies, Balancing Competing Interests, and Suspicious Deaths/Imogen Jones.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.4: 563-588.
132540 Reading Durkheim in Darkness/Carol J. Greenhouse.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.4: 664-678.
132541 Societal Constitutions in Transnational Regimes: An Introduction/Jiri Priban.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.S1: S1-S4.
132542 Quod omnes tangit: Transnational Constitutions Without Democracy?/Gunther Teubner.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.S1: S5-S29.
132543 Constitutional Imaginaries and Legitimation: On Potentia, Potestas, and Auctoritas in Societal Constitutionalism/Jiri Priban.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.S1: S30-S51.
132544 The Citizen of Many Worlds: Societal Constitutionalism and the Antinomies of Democracy/Chris Thornhill.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.S1: S73-S93.
132545 The Right of Resistance as a State Law Basis for Transnational Regimes Self-contestation/Daniela Bifulco,  Angelo Jr. Golia.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.S1: S94-S113.
132546 Constitutionalizing Connectivity: The Constitutional Grid of World Society/Poul F. Kjaer.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.S1: S114-S134.
132547 Transnational Networked Constitutionalism/Oren Perez,  Ofir Stegmann.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.S1: S135-S162.
132548 Regulating Scientific Research: A Constitutional Moment?/Gert Verschraegen.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.S1: S163-S184.
132549 When Societal Constitutionalism Encounters Private International Law: Of Pluralism, Distribution, and Chronotopes/Horatia Muir Watt.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.S1: S185-S203.
132550 Financial Markets and Societal Constitutionalism/Cesare Pinelli.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.S1: S204-S219.
132551 Transnational Health Law Beyond the Private/Public Divide: The Case of Reproductive Rights/Atina Krajewska.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.S1: S220-S244.
132552 The Olympic Charter: A Transnational Constitution Without a State?/Antoine Duval.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.S1: S245-S269.
132553 Global Law Before the State? On Canon Law as a Transnational Regime/Ino Augsberg.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.S1: S270-S286.
132554 Constitutional Mobilization and Contestation in the Transnational Sphere/Paul Blokker.- Journal of Law and Society. 2017; Vol.45, No.S1: S52-S72.
132555 Beyond the Shareholder Corporation: Alternative Business Forms and the Contestation of Markets/Nina Boeger; No.1: 10-28.
132556 Corporate Enterprise as Commonwealth/Stephen Healy; No.1: 46-63.
132557 Alternative Imaginings of Regulation: An Experiment in Co-production/Morag McDermont; No.1: 156-175.
132558 Telling Stories Beautifully: Hybrid Legal Forms in the New Economy/Bronwen Morgan; No.1: 64-83.
132559 Introduction: Law for a New Economy: Enterprise, Sharing, Regulation/Bronwen Morgan,  Amelia Thorpe; No.1: 1-9.
132560 Regulating Crowd Equity Funding the Why and the How/Marina Nehme; No.1: 116-135.
132561 An Ecological Approach to Regulatory Studies?/Christine Parker,  Fiona Haines; No.1: 136-155.
132562 BorrowMyDoggy.Com: Rethinking Peer-to-peer Exchange for Genuine Sharing/Devyani Prabhat; No.1: 84-98.
132563 This Land is Yours: Ownership and Agency in the Sharing City/Amelia Thorpe; No.1: 99-115.
132564 Of Bodies and Burkinis: Institutional Islamophobia, Islamic Dress, and the Colonial Condition/Kimberley Brayson.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.1: 55-82.
132565 Social Science and the Governance of Crime: Crime Prevention Policy Making during the 1980s/Tim Hope.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.1: 141-168.
132566 In Dependence: The Paradox of Professional Independence and Taking Seriously the Vulnerabilities of Lawyers in Large Corporate Law Firms/Emma Oakley,  Steven Vaughan.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.1: 83-111.
132567 Revisiting the Role of Negotiation and Trivialization in Environmental Law Enforcement/Ole W. Pedersen.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.1: 29-54.
132568 Ritual Individualization: Creative Genius at Sentencing, Mitigation, and Conviction/Cyrus Tata.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.1: 112-140.
132569 Birds Behaving Badly: The Regulation of Seagulls and the Construction of Public Space/Sarah Trotter.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.1: 1-28.
132570 Making Sense of the Numbers: The Shift from Non-consensual to Consensual Debt Relief and the Construction of the Consumer Debtor/Katharina Moser.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.2: 240-270.
132571 A Strategic Approach to Regulating Unacceptable Forms of Work/Deirdre McCann,  Judy Fudge.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.2: 271-301.
132572 Beyond the Gaze and Well Beyond Wolfenden: The Practices and Rationalities of Regulating and Policing Sex Work in the Digital Age/Jane Scoular,  Jane Pitcher,  Teela Sanders,  Rosie Campbell,  Stewart Cunningham.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.2: 211-239.
132573 Law and Rhetoric: Critical Possibilities/John Harrington,  Lucy Series,  Alexander Ruck-Keene.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.2: 302-327.
132574 On Being Able to Walk Twenty Metres: The Introduction of Personal Independence Payments/Peter Alldridge.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.3: 448-475.
132575 Procedural Innovation and the Surreptitious Creation of Judicial Supremacy in the United Kingdom/David Campbell,  James Allan.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.3: 347-366.
132576 The Economic Sociology of Labour Law/Ruth Dukes.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.3: 396-422.
132577 Constrained Waiver of Trial Rights? Incentives to Plead Guilty and the Right to a Fair Trial/Rebecca K. Helm.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.3: 423-447.
132578 Tacticians, Stewards, and Professionals: The Politics of Publishing Select Committee Legal Advice/Ben Yong,  Greg Davies,  Cristina Leston-Bandeira.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.3: 367-395.
132579 Socio-legal Studies in Poland: Great Heritage, Empirical Accomplishments, Contemporary Challenges/Grazyna Sk pska.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.3: 476-496.
132580 Lessons from Orgreave: Police Power and the Criminalization of Protest/Joanna Gilmore.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.4: 612-639.
132581 The Way in Which Fee Reductions Influence Legal Aid Criminal Defence Lawyer Work: Insights from a Qualitative Study/James Thornton.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.4: 559-585.
132582 Reading Foucault: An Ongoing Engagement/David Garland.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.4: 640-661.
132583 Lay Participation in Danish Crime Trials: On the Interaction between Lay and Professional Judges during Deliberation/Louise Victoria Johansen.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.4: 589-611.
132584 Cause Lawyers, Political Violence, and Professionalism in Conflict/Kieran McEvoy.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.4: 529-558.
132585 Learning from Elsewhere: From Cross-cultural Explanations to Transnational Prescriptions in Criminal Justice. An Introduction/Renaud Colson,  Stewart Field.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.S1: S1-S11.
132586 Explaining, Interpreting, and Prescribing: Some Tensions and Dilemmas in the Comparative Analysis of Youth Justice Cultures/Stewart Field.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.S1: S51-S72.
132587 The Challenge of Universal Norms: Securing Effective Defence Rights Across Different Jurisdictions and Legal Cultures/Jacqueline Hodgson.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.S1: S95-S114.
132588 Understanding Transnational Policy Flows in Security and Justice/Trevor Jones,  Tim Newburn.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.S1: S12-S30.
132589 Whose Best Practices? The Significance of Context in and for Transnational Criminal Justice Indicators/David Nelken.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.S1: S31-S50.
132590 In a World of Their Own: Security-cleared Counsel, Best Practice, and Procedural Tradition/John D. Jackson.- Journal of Law and Society. 2019; Vol.46, No.S1: S115-S135.
132591 Constitutional Review in the Member States of the EU-28: A Political Analysis of Institutional Choices/Pablo Castillo-Ortiz.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.1: 87-120.
132592 Smoke Free? Public Health Policy, Coercive Paternalism, and the Ethics of Long-Game Regulation/John Coggon.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.1: 121-148.
132593 The Legal and Social Construction of Value in Government Procurement Markets/Richard Craven.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.1: 29-59.
132594 Jurisdiction in Trans Health/Chris Dietz.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.1: 60-86.
132595 Law and Speed: Asylum Appeals and the Techniques and Consequences of Legal Quickening/Jessica Hambly, Nick Gill.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.1: 3-28.
132596 Couldn’t You Have Got a Computer Program to Do That for You? Reflections on the Impact that Machines Have on the Ways We Think About and Undertake Qualitative Research in the Socio-Legal Community/Linda Mulcahy, Sally Wheeler.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.1: 149-163.
132597 Tax Fraud and Selective Law Enforcement/Rita de la Feria.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.2: 240-270.
132598 Participation as a Framework for Analysing Consumers Experiences of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)/Jane Williams,  Chris Gill,  Naomi Creutzfeldt,  Nial Vivian.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.2: 271-297.
132599 Economic Crises, Crisis of Labour Law? Lessons from Weimar/Michel Coutu.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.2: 221-239.
132600 Making the State Responsible: Intersex Embodiment, Medical Jurisdiction, and State Responsibility/Fae Garland, Mitchell Travis.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.2: 298-324.
132601 The Remarkable Rise of Law and Historical Memory in Europe: Theorizing Trends and Prospects in the Recent Literature/Uladzislau Belavusau, Aleksandra Gliszczynska-Grabias.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.2: 325-338.
132602 Jurist in Context: William Twining in Conversation with David Sugarman/William Twining, David Sugarman.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.2: 195-220.
132603 Paedophile Hunters, Criminal Procedure, and Fundamental Human Rights/Joe Purshouse.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.3: 384-411.
132604 Judicial Procedural Involvement (JPI): A Metric for Judges Role in Civil Litigation, Settlement, and Access to Justice/Ayelet Sela, Limor Gabay-Egozi.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.3: 468-498.
132605 Gendered Objective Patent Law: Of Binaries and a Singularity/Jessica C. Lai.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.3: 441-467.
132606 Ultimate Legality: Reading the Community of Law/Peter Fitzpatrick, Tara Mulqueen, Abdul Paliwala, Anastasia Tataryn.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.3: 363-383.
132607 The Limits and Promise of Instrumental Legal Analysis/Jacob Eisler.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.3: 499-512.
132608 Competing Narratives in a Case Biography: A Tale of Two Citadels/Caroline Jones, Jonathan Montgomery.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.3: 612-640.
132609 Transnational Law and Development as a Means to Reshape States and Rights/Johanna Del Pilar Cortes-Nieto.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.4: 694-701.
132610 Labour Constitutions and Occupational Communities: Social Norms and Legal Norms at Work/Ruth Dukes,  Wolfgang Streeck.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.4: 612-638.
132611 Gendering the Legal Complex: Women in Sri Lanka’s Legal Profession/Dinesha Samararatne.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.4: 666-693.
132612 Disability Law as an Academic Discipline: Towards Cohesion and Mainstreaming?/Anna Lawson.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.4: 558-587.
132613 Reinterpreting Law’s Silence: Examining the Interconnections between Legal Doctrine and the Rise of Immaterial Labour/Emily Rose.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.4: 588-611.
132614 Beyond Social Constructionism? Cicourel and the Search for Ecological Validity/David Nelken.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.4: 535-557.
132615 Reviewing Directors Business Judgements: Views from the Field/Andrew Keay,  Joan Loughrey,  Terry Mcnulty,  Francis Okanigbuan,  Abigail Stewart.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.4: 639-665.
132616 Transnational Jihadism and the Role of Criminal Judges: An Ethnography of French Courts/Sharon Weill.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.S1: S30-S53.
132617 Partition by Degrees: Routine Exceptions in Border and Immigration Practice between the UK and Ireland, 1921-1972/C. R. G. Murray,  daniel wincott.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.S1: S145-S163.
132618 The Rule of Law in Fragile States: Dictatorship, Collapse, and the Politics of Religion in Post-Colonial Somalia/Mark Fathi Massoud.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.S1: S111-S125.
132619 Politics by Other Means in South Africa Today/Peter Brett.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.S1: S126-S144.
132620 Caught in an Authoritarian Trap of Its Own Making? Brazil’s Lava Jato Anti-Corruption Investigation and the Politics of Prosecutorial Overreach/George Meszaros.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.S1: S54-S73.
132621 Introduction: Wars on Law, Wars through Law? Law and Lawyers in Times of Crisis/Sara Dezalay.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.S1: S1-S13.
132622 Law against the Rule of Law: Assaulting Democracy/Ivan Ermakoff.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.S1: S164-S186.
132623 From Car Wash to Bolsonaro: Law and Lawyers in Brazil’s Illiberal Turn (2014-2018)/Fabio De Sa E Silva.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.S1: S90-S110.
132624 The Fight against Corruption in Brazil from the 2000s: A Political Crusade through Judicial Activism/Fabiano Engelmann.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.S1: S74-S89.
132625 Law’s Wars, Law’s Trials/Richard l. Abel.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.S1: S14-S29.
132626 The Changing Position of Legal Academics in the United Kingdom: Professionalization or Proletarianization?/Anthony Bradney, Fiona Cownie.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.S1: S227-S246.
132627 Left Pessimists in Rose Coloured Glasses? Reflections on the Political Economy of Socio-Legal Studies and (Legal) Academic Well-Being/Richard Collier.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.S2: S244-S261.
132628 The Many Beginnings of Philip Aneurin Thomas/Linda Mulcahy.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.S2: S191-S208.
132629 Administrative Justice in Wales/Sarah Nason,  Huw Pritchard.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.S2: S262-S281.
132630 Of Mines, Mining, and Imagining: Rights without Society?/Lydia Morgan.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.S2: S282-S301.
132631 Legislating for a Pandemic: Exposing the Stateless State/Edward Kirton-Darling, Helen Carr, Tracey Varnava.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.S2: S302-S320.
132632 Home: A Vehicle for Resistance? Exploring Emancipatory Entanglements of Vehicle Dwelling in a Changing Policy Context/Rhiannon Craft.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.S2: S321-S338.
132633 Socio-Legal Studies in 2020/Sally Wheeler.- Journal of Law and Society. 2020; Vol.47, No.S2: S209-S226.
132634 Governing canal life/Dave Cowan,  Barbara Hardy.- Journal of Law and Society.‎ ۲۰۲۱; Vol.48, No.1: 40-59.
132635 A reflection on 30 years of complementary collaboration/Yves Dezalay, Bryant Garth.- Journal of Law and Society.‎ ۲۰۲۱; Vol.48, No.1: 3-24.
132636 Unsecured lending and the indigenous economy in Australia and South Africa/Andrew Hutchison, Dominique Allen.- Journal of Law and Society.‎ ۲۰۲۱; Vol.48, No.1: 84-105.
132637 Capabilities, capacity, and consent: sexual intimacy in the Court of Protection/Jaime Lindsey, Rosie Harding.- Journal of Law and Society.‎ ۲۰۲۱; Vol.48, No.1: 60-83.
132638 Mavericks or misconstruction? A reply to Campbell and Allan/Stephanie Palmer,  Stevie Martin.- Journal of Law and Society.‎ ۲۰۲۱; Vol.48, No.1: 106-119.
132639 Supremacy and hegemony: a reply to Palmer and Martin/James Allan,  David Campbell.- Journal of Law and Society.‎ ۲۰۲۱; Vol.48, No.1: 120-124.
132640 Communities of scholars and communities of practice/Lynn Mather.- Journal of Law and Society.‎ ۲۰۲۱; Vol.48, No.1: 25-39.
132641 Legal mobilization without resources? How civil society organizations generate and share alternative resources in vulnerable communities/Mark Aspinwall.- Journal of Law and Society.‎ ۲۰۲۱; Vol.48, No.1: 202-225.
132642 Independent separate legal representation for rape complainants in adversarial systems: lessons from Northern Ireland/Mary Iliadis, Olivia Smith, Jonathan Doak.- Journal of Law and Society.‎ ۲۰۲۱; Vol.48, No.2: 250-272.
132643 The provenance of what is proven: exploring (mock) jury deliberation in Scottish rape trials/James chalmers,  fiona leverick,  vanessa e. Munro.- Journal of Law and Society.‎ ۲۰۲۱; Vol.48, No.2: 226-249.
132644 Guilty pleas in children: legitimacy, vulnerability, and the need for increased protection/Rebecca k. Helm.- Journal of Law and Society.‎ ۲۰۲۱; Vol.48, No.2: 179-201.
132645 From contestation to conviction: terrorism expertise before the courts/Tasniem Anwar,  Marieke De Goede.- Journal of Law and Society.‎ ۲۰۲۱; Vol.48, No.2: 137-157.
132646 Law and the construction of Jewish difference/Mareike Riedel.- Journal of Law and Society.‎ ۲۰۲۱; Vol.48, No.2: 158-178.
132647 Seeking campus justice: challenging the criminal justice drift in United Kingdom university responses to student sexual violence and misconduct/Sharon cowan,  vanessa e. Munro.- Journal of Law and Society.‎ ۲۰۲۱; Vol.48, No.3: 308-333.
132648 Neoliberalism, family law, and the devaluation of care/Anna Heenan.- Journal of Law and Society.‎ ۲۰۲۱; Vol.48, No.3: 386-409.
132649 Tick the box and move on: compartmentalization and the treatment of the environment in decision-making processes/Caer Smyth.- Journal of Law and Society.‎ ۲۰۲۱; Vol.48, No.3: 410-433.
132650 What about the poor people’s rights? The dismantling of social citizenship through access to justice and welfare reform policy/Jennifer Sigafoos, James Organ.- Journal of Law and Society.‎ ۲۰۲۱; Vol.48, No.3: 362-385.
132651 Contractual provision of public services, commitment, and trust/Tony Prosser.- Journal of Law and Society.‎ ۲۰۲۱; Vol.48, No.3: 434-454.
132652 Naming, blaming, claiming: an interview with Bill Felstiner, Rick Abel, and Austin Sarat/Annette Olesen, Ole Hammerslev.- Journal of Law and Society.‎ ۲۰۲۱; Vol.48, No.3: 295-307.
132653 Finding a way to live with the past: self-repair, informal repair, and reparations in transitional justice/Sunneva Gilmore, Luke Moffett.- Journal of Law and Society.‎ ۲۰۲۱; Vol.48, No.3: 455-480.
132654 Asset Securitization and Asymmetric Information/Edward M. Iacobucci, Ralph A. Winter.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.34, No.1: 161-206.
132655 Bilateral Accidents with Intrinsically Interdependent Costs of Precaution/Dhammika Dharmapala, Sandra A. Hoffmann.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.34, No.1: 239-272.
132656 Civil Litigation with Mandatory Discovery and Voluntary Transmission of Private Information/Amy Farmer, Paul Pecorino.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.34, No.1: 137-159.
132657 Racial and Sex Disparities in Prison Sentences: The Effect of District Level Judicial Demographics/Max Schanzenbach.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.34, No.1: 57-92.
132658 Recollection Bias and the Combat of Terrorism/W. Kip Viscusi, Richard J. Zeckhauser.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.34, No.1: 27-55.
132659 The Dirt on Coming Clean: Perverse Effects of Disclosing Conflicts of Interest/Daylian M. Cain, George Loewenstein, andDon A. Moore.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.34, No.1: 1-25.
132660 The Effect of Ownership Structure on Insurance Company Litigation Strategy/Dana A. Kerr.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.34, No.1: 273-294.
132661 The Filtering Effect of Sharing Rules/Giuseppe Dari Mattiacci, Gerrit De Geest.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.34, No.1: 207-237.
132662 Words That Kill? An Economic Model of the Influence of Speech on Behavior (with Particular Reference to Hate Speech)/Dhammika Dharmapala, Richard H. McAdams.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.34, No.1: 93-136.
132663 Discrimination and Nepotism: The Efficiency of the Anonymity Rule/Chaim Fershtman, Uri Gneezy, andFrank Verboven.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.34, No.2: 371-396.
132664 Enforcement, Private Political Pressure, and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade/World Trade Organization Escape Clause/Kyle Bagwell, Robert W. Staiger.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.34, No.1: 471-513.
132665 How Do Changes in Welfare Law Affect Domestic Violence? An Analysis of Connecticut Towns, 1990-2000/Jennifer Nou, Christopher Timmins.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.34, No.2: 445-470.
132666 Is the International Court of Justice Biased?/Eric A. Posner, Miguel F. P. de Figueiredo.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.34, No.2: 599-630.
132667 Juror Understanding of DNA Evidence: An Empirical Assessment of Presentation Formats for Trace Evidence with a Relatively Small Random Match Probability/Dale A. Nance, Scott B. Morris.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.34, No.2: 395-444.
132668 Power Plays and Capacity Constraints: The Selection of Defendants in World Trade Organization Disputes/Andrew T. Guzman, Beth A. Simmons.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.34, No.2: 557-598.
132669 Public versus Private Enforcement of International Economic Law: Standing and Remedy/Alan O. Sykes.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.34: 661-666.
132670 The Effects of Seeking Punitive Damages on the Processing of Tort Claims/Thomas A. Eaton, David B. Mustard, andSusette M. Talarico.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.34, No.2: 343-369.
132671 Trade Remedies and World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement: Why Are So Few Challenged?/Chad P. Bown.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.34, No.2: 515-555.
132672 Who Should Pay for Bankruptcy Costs?/Arturo Bris, Alan Schwartz, andIvo Welch.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2005; Vol.34, No.2: 295-341.
132673 Demand for a Jury Trial and the Selection of Cases for Trial/Joni Hersch.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.35, No.1: 119-142.
132674 Divorce Laws and the Structure of the American Family/Stephane Mechoulan.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.35, No.1: 143-174.
132675 Product Defects and the Value of the Firm in Japan: The Impact of the Product Liability Law/Sumiko Takaoka.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.35, No.1: 61-84.
132676 Subsidizing Addiction: Do State Health Insurance Mandates Increase Alcohol Consumption?/Jonathan Klick, Thomas Stratmann.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.35, No.1: 175-198.
132677 The Appeals Process and Adjudicator Incentives/Steven Shavell.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.35, No.1: 1-29.
132678 Debiasing through Law/Christine Jolls, Cass R. Sunstein.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.35, No.1: 199-242.
132679 The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit’s Impact on Patent Litigation/Matthew D. Henry, John L. Turner.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.35, No.1: 85-117.
132680 A Demand Side Theory of Antitakeover Defenses/Sharon Hannes.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.35, No.2: 475-524.
132681 A Strategic Interpretation of Legal Transplants/Nuno Garoupa, Anthony Ogus.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.35, No.2: 339-363.
132682 Asbestos Litigation: Procedural Innovations and Forum Shopping/Michelle J. White.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.35, No.2: 365-398.
132683 Conflict or Credibility: Research Analyst Conflicts of Interest and the Market for Underwriting Business/James C. Spindler.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.35, No.2: 303-325.
132684 Does Wrongful Conviction Lower Deterrence?/Henrik Lando.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.35, No.2: 327-337.
132685 Murky Waters: The Law and Economics of Salvaging Historic Shipwrecks/Paul Hallwood, Thomas J. Miceli.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.35, No.2: 285-302.
132686 Public Policies and Private Decisions: The Effect of Child Support Measures on Marriage and Divorce/Vicky Barham, Rose Anne Devlin, andJie Yang.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.35, No.2: 441-474.
132687 The Effect of Judicial Independence on Courts: Evidence from the American States/Daniel Berkowitz, Karen Clay.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.35, No.2: 399-444.
132688 The Effects of Seeking Punitive Damages on the Processing of Tort Claims/Thomas A. Eaton, David B. Mustard, Susette M. Talarico.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2006; Vol.35, No.2: 343-369.
132689 Comparisons of the Incentive for Insolvency under Different Legal Regimes/Elizabeth Klee, Lewis Kornhauser.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.36, No.1: 141-170.
132690 Economic Efficiency, Nuisance, and Sewage: New Lessons from Attorney General v. Council of the Borough of Birmingham, 1858-95/Leslie Rosenthal.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.36, No.1: 27-62.
132691 If Only Half of International Agreements Have Dispute Resolution Provisions, Which Half Needs Explaining?/Barbara Koremenos.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.36, No.1: 189-212.
132692 Post Siliconix Freeze Outs: Theory and Evidence/Guhan Subramanian.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.36, No.1: 1-26.
132693 Punishing the Innocent along with the Guilty: The Economics of Individual versus Group Punishment/Thomas J. Miceli, Kathleen Segerson.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.36, No.1: 81-106.
132694 The Effect of Judicial Expedience on Attorney Fees in Class Actions/Eric Helland, Jonathan Klick.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.36, No.1: 171-187.
132695 The Problematic Value of Mathematical Models of Evidence/Ronald J. Allen, Michael S. Pardo.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.36, No.1: 107-140.
132696 Total Liability for Excessive Harm/Robert Cooter, Ariel Porat.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.36, No.1: 63-80.
132697 A Unilateral Accident Model under Ambiguity/Joshua C. Teitelbaum.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.36, No.2: 431-477.
132698 Contingent Fees, Moral Hazard, and Attorney Rents: A Laboratory Experiment/Michael McKee, Rudy Santore, andJoel Shelton.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.36, No.2: 253-273.
132699 Contractual Holdup and Legal Intervention/Steven Shavell.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.36, No.2: 325-354.
132700 Mandatory Disclosure and Stock Returns: Evidence from the Over the Counter Market/Allen Ferrell.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.36, No.2: 213-251.
132701 Qualified Ratification: Explaining Reservations to International Human Rights Treaties/Eric Neumayer.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.36, No.2: 397-429.
132702 Sanctions by Social Norms and the Law: Substitutes or Complements?/Yoshinobu Zasu.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.36, No.2: 379-396.
132703 The Condominium versus Cooperative Puzzle: An Empirical Analysis of Housing in New York City/Michael H. Schill, Ioan Voicu, Jonathan Miller.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.36, No.2: 275-324.
132704 The Economics of Stigma: Why More Detection of Crime May Result in Less Stigmatization/Alon Harel, Alon Klement.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2007; Vol.36, No.2: 355-377.
132705 A Primary Activity Approach to Proof Burdens/Chris William Sanchirico.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.37, No.1: 273-313.
132706 Bias in Judicial Citations: A Window into the Behavior of Judges?/Stephen J. Choi, G. Mitu Gulati.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.37, No.1: 87-130.
132707 How Much Irrationality Does the Market Permit?/Alan Schwartz.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.37, No.1: 131-159.
132708 Judicial Fact Discretion/Nicola Gennaioli, Andrei Shleifer.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.37, No.1: 1-35.
132709 On Optimal Legal Change, Past Behavior, and Grandfathering/Steven Shavell.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.37, No.1: 37-85.
132710 Social Distance and Self Enforcing Exchange/Peter T. Leeson.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.37, No.1: 161-188.
132711 The Effect of Conflicting Moral and Legal Rules on Bargaining Behavior: The Case of No Fault Divorce/Tess Wilkinson Ryan, Jonathan Baron.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.37, No.1: 315-338.
132712 The Fairness Opinion Puzzle: Board Incentives, Information Asymmetry, and Bidding Strategy/Yasuhiro Ohta, Kenton K. Yee.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.37, No.1: 229-272.
132713 A Switching Costs Explanation of Tying and Warranties/Edward Iacobucci.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.37, No.2: 431-458.
132714 Completing Contracts in the Shadow of Costly Verification/Albert Choi, George Triantis.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.37, No.2: 503-534.
132715 Does Nonprofit Status Signal Quality?/Anup Malani, Guy David.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.37, No.2: 551-576.
132716 Realistic Standards: Optimal Negligence with Limited Liability/Juan Jose Ganuza, Fernando Gomez.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.37, No.2: 577-594.
132717 Taxing Cap and Trade Environmental Regulation/Ethan Yale.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.37, No.2: 535-550.
132718 The Human and Economic Dimensions of Altruism: The Case of Organ Transplantation/Richard A. Epstein.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.37, No.2: 459-501.
132719 Transnational Forum Shopping as a Trade and Investment Issue/Alan O. Sykes.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2008; Vol.37, No.2: 339-378.
132720 Advantage Defendant: Why Sinking Litigation Costs Makes Negative Expected Value Defenses but Not Negative Expected Value Suits Credible/Warren F. Schwartz, Abraham L. Wickelgren.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.38, No.1: 235-253.
132721 Asymmetric Information and the Law of Servitudes Governing Land/Antony Dnes, Dean Lueck.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.38, No.1: 89-120.
132722 Implicit Quotas/Roland G. Fryer.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.38, No.1: 1-20.
132723 Legal Change: Selective Litigation, Judicial Bias, and Precedent/Thomas J. Miceli.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.38, No.1: 157-168.
132724 Negative Liability/Giuseppe Dari Mattiacci.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.38, No.1: 21-59.
132725 Plaintiphobia in State Courts? An Empirical Study of State Court Trials on Appeal/Theodore Eisenberg, Michael Heise.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.38, No.1: 121-155.
132726 The Economics of Presidential Pardons and Commutations/William M. Landes, Richard A. Posner.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.38, No.1: 61-88.
132727 The Influence of Retention Politics on Judges Voting/Joanna M. Shepherd.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.38, No.1: 169-206.
132728 The Role of Politics and Economics in Explaining Variation in Litigation Rates in the U.S. States/Tonja Jacobi.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.38, No.1: 205-233.
132729 All or Nothing versus Proportionate Damages/Shmuel Leshem, Geoffrey P. Miller.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.38, No.2: 345-382.
132730 Are Pay Now, Terms Later Contracts Worse for Buyers? Evidence from Software License Agreements/Florencia Marotta Wurgler.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.38, No.2: 309-343.
132731 Bargaining around Bankruptcy: Small Business Workouts and State Law/Edward R. Morrison.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.38, No.2: 255-307.
132732 Citation to Legislative History: Empirical Evidence on Positive Political and Contextual Theories of Judicial Decision Making/Michael Abramowicz, Emerson H. Tiller.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.38, No.2: 419-443.
132733 Conflicts of Interest, Disclosure, and (Costly) Sanctions: Experimental Evidence/Bryan K. Church, Xi (Jason) Kuang.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.38, No.2: 505-532.
132734 Constitutional Agreement during the Drafting of the Constitution: A New Interpretation/Ben Baack, Robert A. McGuire, T. Norman Van Cott.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.38, No.2: 533-567.
132735 Do Norms Reduce Torture?/Michael J. Gilligan, Nathaniel H. Nesbitt.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.38, No.2: 445-470.
132736 Less Can Be More: Conflicting Ballot Proposals and the Highest Vote Rule/Michael D. Gilbert, Joshua M. Levine.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.38, No.2: 383-418.
132737 The Laws of Lawlessness/Peter T. Leeson.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2009; Vol.38, No.2: 471-473.
132738 A Theory of Loopholes/Leo Katz.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.39, No.1: 1-31.
132739 An Empirical Study of Compensation Paid in Eminent Domain Settlements: New York City, 1990-2002/Yun chien Chang.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.39, No.1: 201-244.
132740 Attorneys as Arbitrators/Stephen J. Choi, Jill E. Fisch, A. C. Pritchard.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.39, No.1: 109-157.
132741 On the Design of the Appeals Process: The Optimal Use of Discretionary Review versus Direct Appeal/Steven Shavell.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.39, No.1: 63-108.
132742 Revisiting the Debate over Attorneys Contingent Fees: A Behavioral Analysis/Eyal Zamir, Ilana Ritov.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.39, No.1: 245-288.
132743 Saving Your Home in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy/Michelle J. White, Ning Zhu.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.39, No.1: 33-61.
132744 The Fashion Lottery: Cooperative Innovation in Stochastic Markets/Jonathan M. Barnett, Gilles Grolleau, andSana El Harbi.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.39, No.1: 159-200.
132745 The Market Reaction to Legal Shocks and Their Antidotes: Lessons from the Sovereign Debt Market/Michael Bradley, James D. Cox, andMitu Gulati.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.39, No.1: 289-324.
132746 Bayesian Contractual Interpretation/Yair Listokin.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.39, No.2: 359-374.
132747 Borrowing and Nonborrowing among International Courts/Erik Voeten.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.39, No.2: 547-576.
132748 Consent and Exchange/Oren Bar-GillLucian Arye Bebchuk.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.39, No.2: 375-397.
132749 Decoupling as Transactions Tax/Nuno Garoupa, Chris William Sanchirico.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.39, No.2: 469-496.
132750 Inferring the Winning Party in the Supreme Court from the Pattern of Questioning at Oral Argument/Lee Epstein, William M. Landes, Richard A. Posner.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.39, No.2: 433-467.
132751 Punitive Damages in Securities Arbitration: An Empirical Study/Stephen J. Choi, Theodore Eisenberg.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.39, No.2: 497-546.
132752 The Evolution of a Legal Rule/Anthony Niblett, Richard A. Posner, Andrei Shleifer.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.39, No.2: 325-358.
132753 Witness Intimidation/Brendan OFlaherty, Rajiv Sethi.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2010; Vol.39, No.2: 392-432.
132754 An Institutionalization Effect: The Impact of Mental Hospitalization and Imprisonment on Homicide in the United States, 1934-2001/Bernard E. Harcourt.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.40, No.1: 39-83.
132755 Household Consumption and Personal Bankruptcy/Ning Zhu.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.40, No.1: 1-37.
132756 Judicial Deference to Inconsistent Agency Statutory Interpretations/Yehonatan Givati, Matthew C. Stephenson.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.40, No.1: 85-113.
132757 Motions for Lead Plaintiff in Securities Class Actions/Stephen J. Choi.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.40, No.1: 205-244.
132758 Optimal Remedies for Bilateral Contracts/Francesco Parisi, Barbara Luppi, Vincy Fon.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.40, No.1: 245-271.
132759 The Right to Withdraw in Contract Law/Omri Ben-Shahar, Eric A. Posner.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.40, No.1: 115-148.
132760 Bargaining with Double Jeopardy/Saul Levmore, Ariel Porat.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.40, No.2: 273-293.
132761 Do Standards of Review Matter? The Case of Federal Criminal Sentencing/Joshua B. Fischman, Max M. Schanzenbach.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.40, No.2: 405-437.
132762 Does Law Matter? Theory and Evidence from Single-Subject Adjudication/Michael D. Gilbert.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.40, No.2: 333-365.
132763 Judicial Expenditures and Litigation Access: Evidence from Auto Injuries/Paul Heaton, Eric Helland.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.40, No.2: 295-332.
132764 Soft Negligence Standards and the Strategic Choice of Firm Size/Juan Jose Ganuza, Fernando Gomez.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.40, No.2: 439-466.
132765 The Economics of International Refugee Law/Ryan Bubb, Michael Kremer, David I. Levine.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.40, No.2: 367-404.
132766 The Multiple-Stage Process of Judicial Review: Facial and As-Applied Constitutional Challenges to Legislation before the U.S. Supreme Court/Stefanie A. Lindquist, Pamela C. Corley.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2011; Vol.40, No.2: 467-502.
132767 Game-Theoretic Bankruptcy Valuation/Barry E. Adler.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.41, No.1: 209-238.
132768 Human Rights Violations after 9/11 and the Role of Constitutional Constraints/Benedikt Goderis, Mila Versteeg.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.41, No.1: 131-164.
132769 Loss Aversion, Omission Bias, and the Burden of Proof in Civil Litigation/Eyal Zamir, Ilana Ritov.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.41, No.1: 165-207.
132770 Prosecution Associations in Industrial Revolution England: Private Providers of Public Goods?/Mark Koyama.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.41, No.1: 95-130.
132771 The Public Utility Pyramids/Paul G. Mahoney.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.41, No.1: 37-66.
132772 When and Why Individuals Obey Contracts: Experimental Evidence of Consent, Compliance, Promise, and Performance/Zev J. Eigen.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.41, No.1: 67-93.
132773 When Is Compliance with the Law Socially Desirable?/Steven Shavell.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.41, No.1: 1-36.
132774 Do Judges Vary in Their Treatment of Race?/David S. Abrams, Marianne Bertrand, Sendhil Mullainathan.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.41, No.2: 347-383.
132775 Do Lawyers Really Believe Their Own Hype, and Should They? A Natural Experiment/Zev J. Eigen, Yair Listokin.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.41, No.2: 239-267.
132776 Evidence of Discrimination/Nicola Persico.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.41, No.2: 321-346.
132777 Racial Disparities in Wiretap Applications before Federal Judges/Thomas J. Miles.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.41, No.2: 419-458.
132778 Subjective and Objective Indicators of Racial Progress/Betsey Stevenson, Justin Wolfers.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.41, No.2: 459-493.
132779 The Economics of Necessity/Keith N. Hylton.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.41, No.2: 269-289.
132780 The Evolution of Gender Employment Rate Differentials within Racial Groups in the United States/Candace Hamilton Hester, Chris Meyer, Steven Raphael.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.41, No.2: 385-418.
132781 Who Should Be Immune from Tort Liability?/Gerrit De Geest.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2012; Vol.41, No.2: 291-319.
132782 Assessing the Contribution of the Deinstitutionalization of the Mentally Ill to Growth in the U.S. Incarceration Rate/Steven Raphael, Michael A. Stoll.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.42, No.1: 187-222.
132783 Conceptualizing Contractual Interpretation/Alan Schwartz, Joel Watson.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.42, No.1: 1-34.
132784 Detecting and Punishing Unconscious Bias/Philip E. Tetlock, Gregory Mitchell, L. Jason Anastasopoulos.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.42, No.1: 83-110.
132785 Discovery and Disclosure with Asymmetric Information and Endogenous Expenditure at Trial/Amy Farmer, Paul Pecorino.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.42, No.1: 223-247.
132786 Negligence, Strict Liability, and Collective Action/David Gilo, Ehud Guttel, Erez Yuval.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.42, No.1: 69-82.
132787 Strategic Citations to Precedent on the U.S. Supreme Court/Yonatan Lupu, James H. Fowler.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.42, No.1: 151-186.
132788 Testing for Change in Procedural Standards, with Application to Bell Atlantic v. Twombly/William H. J. Hubbard.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.42, No.1: 35-68.
132789 The Law and Policy of Judicial Retirement: An Empirical Study/Stephen J. Choi, Mitu Gulati, Eric A. Posner.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.42: 111-150.
132790 A Fundamental Enforcement Cost Advantage of the Negligence Rule over Regulation/Steven Shavell.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.42, No.2: 272-305.
132791 Case-by-Case Adjudication and the Path of the Law/Anthony Niblett.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.42, No.2: 303-330.
132792 Does Information about Arbitrators Win/Loss Ratios Improve Their Accuracy?/Alon Klement, Zvika Neeman.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.42, No.2: 369-397.
132793 Does Separation of Powers Promote Stability and Moderation?/Matthew C. Stephenson.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.42, No.2: 331-368.
132794 Jury Size and the Hung-Jury Paradox/Barbara Luppi, Francesco Parisi.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2013; Vol.42, No.2: 399-422.
132795 A Model of Cause Lawyering/Scott Baker, Gary Biglaiser.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.43, No.1: 37-63.
132796 Decomposing Racial Disparities in Prison and Drug Treatment Commitments for Criminal Offenders in California/John MacDonald, Jeremy Arkes, Nancy Nicosia, Rosalie Liccardo Pacula.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.43, No.1: 155-187.
132797 Does More Speech Correct Falsehoods?/Edward Glaeser, Cass R. Sunstein.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.43, No.1: 65-93.
132798 Forfeiture of Illegal Gains, Attempts, and Implied Risk Preferences/Murat C. Mungan, Jonathan Klick.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.43, No.1: 137-153.
132799 On the Interaction between Legal and Reputational Sanctions/Edward M. Iacobucci.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.43, No.1: 189-207.
132800 Optimal Agency Bias and Regulatory Review/Ryan Bubb, Patrick L. Warren.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.43, No.1: 95-135.
132801 Bias in the Legal Profession: Self-Assessed versus Statistical Measures of Discrimination/Heather Antecol, Deborah A. Cobb-Clark, andEric Helland.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.43, No.2: 323-357.
132802 Climate Impacts on Economic Growth as Drivers of Uncertainty in the Social Cost of Carbon/Elisabeth J. Moyer, Mark D. Woolley, Nathan J. Matteson, Michael J. Glotter, David A. Weisbach.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.43, No.2: 401-425.
132803 Does Class Size Affect the Gender Gap? A Natural Experiment in Law/Daniel E. Ho, Mark G. Kelman.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.43, No.2: 291-321.
132804 Inferences from Litigated Cases/Daniel Klerman, Yoon-Ho Alex Lee.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.43, No.2: 209-248.
132805 On the Evolution of Collective Enforcement Institutions: Communities and Courts/Scott E. Masten, Jens Pr‎يfer.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.43, No.2: 359-400.
132806 The Economic Value of a Law Degree/Michael Simkovic, Frank McIntyre.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2014; Vol.43, No.2: 249-289.
132807 The Representation of Females in Criminological Research: A Content Analysis of American and British Journal Articles/Lorine A. Hughes.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005; Vol.16, No.1-2: 1-28.
132808 The Wounds of Savagery: Negro Primitivism, Gender Parity, and the Execution of Rosanna Lightner Phillips/Trina N. Seitz.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005; Vol.16, No.1-2: 29-64.
132809 Probation Officers’ Views on Supervising Women Probationers/Magnus Seng, Arthur J. Lurigio.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005; Vol.16, No.1-2: 65-85.
132810 Women Police Stations as a Dispute Processing System: The Tamil Nadu Experience in Dealing with Dowry-Related Domestic Violence Cases/Mangai Natarajan.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005; Vol.16, No.1-2: 87-106.
132811 Self-Reports of Traumatic Events in a Random Sample of Incarcerated Women/Sarah L. Cook … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005; Vol.16, No.1-2: 107-126.
132812 Women Prisoners at the Dawn of the 21st Century/Natalie J. Sokoloff.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005; Vol.16, No.1-2: 127-137.
132813 Male Peer Support and the Police Culture: Understanding the Resistance and Opposition of Women in Policing/Cortney A. Franklin.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005; Vol.16, No.3: 1-25.
132814 Surrendering Solidarity: Considering the Relationships Among Female Correctional Officers/Nicole E. Rader.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005; Vol.16, No.3: 27-42.
132815 The Role of Different Developmental Experiences: A Theoretical Examination of Female Persistence/Elaine Gunnison, Lisa M. McCartan.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005; Vol.16, No.3: 43-65.
132816 Restrained Voices: Female Inmates’ Views of Health Services in Two Ohio Prisons/Nawal H. Ammar, Robert R. Weaver.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005; Vol.16, No.3: 67-89.
132817 Specialized Domestic Violence Courts: Improvement for Women Victims?/Martha L. Coulter, Abigail Alexander, Victoria Harrison.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005; Vol.16, No.3: 91-106.
132818 Wrongful Convictions Among Women: An Exploratory Study of a Neglected Topic/Mitch Ruesink, Marvin D. Free.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005; Vol.16, No.4: 1-23.
132819 Undercover as Sex Workers: The Attitudes and Experiences of Female Vice Officers/Lynda M. Baker.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005; Vol.16, No.4: 25-41.
132820 Modeling Substance Use and Related Risk Behaviors Leading to Criminal Justice Involvement Among Young Adult Women/Seana Golder.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005; Vol.16, No.4: 43-72.
132821 All in the Family: Gender, Family Crimes, and Later Criminality/Brian K. Payne, Randy R. Gainey, Crystal S. Carey.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005; Vol.16, No.4: 73-89.
132822 Women Police: The Use of Force by and Against Female Officers/Amie M. Schuck, Cara Rabe-Hemp.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005; Vol.16, No.4: 91-117.
132823 Exploring Agreement on Appropriate Responses to Domestic Violence and Sexual Trauma Across Victim Advocates, Mental Health Service Providers, and Substance Abuse Treatment Providers/Denise C. Herz, Meghan Stroshine, Kristen Houser.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005; Vol.16, No.4: 119-144.
132824 Women as Breadwinners: The Gendered Nature of Side-Bets and Their Influence on Correctional Officers’ Commitment to the Organization/Marie L. Griffin.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005-2006; Vol.17, No.1: 1-25.
132825 Exploring the Social World of Aging Female Prisoners/Jennifer J. Krabill, Ronald H. Aday.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005-2006; Vol.17, No.1: 27-53.
132826 A Descriptive Comparison of Criminality, Substance Use, and Mental Health Among Two Samples of Female Offenders/Michele Staton Tindall … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005-2006; Vol.17, No.1: 55-74.
132827 The Successful Completion of Probation and Parole Among Female Offenders/Stephanie Carmichael … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005-2006; Vol.17, No.1: 75-97.
132828 Revisiting Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory to Better Understand and Assist Victims of Intimate Personal Violence/James F. Anderson, Kimberly Kras.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005-2006; Vol.17, No.1: 99-124.
132829 Women and the Criminal Justice System: Improving Outcomes Through Criminal Justice and Non-Criminal Justice Responses/Faye S. Taxman, Karen L. Cropsey.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005-2006; Vol.17, No.2-3: 5-26.
132830 Research to Action: Informing Policy Makers About the Needs of Mothers and Children at Risk of Separation/Patricia E. Allard.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005-2006; Vol.17, No.1: 27-42.
132831 Differences Among Children Whose Mothers Have Been in Contact with the Criminal Justice System/Susan D. Phillips … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005-2006; Vol.17, No.2-3: 43-61.
132832 Predictors of Loneliness Among Court-Involved and Substance Abusing Mothers/Elizabeth Lehr Essex, Donna Petras, Carol Rippey Massat.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005-2006; Vol.17, No.2-3: 63-74.
132833 Beyond Gender Responsivity: Considering Differences Among Community Dwelling Women Involved in the Criminal Justice System and Those Involved in Treatment/Sheryl Pimlott Kubiak, Cynthia L. Arfken.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005-2006; Vol.17, No.2-3: 75-94.
132834 Maximizing Success for Drug-Affected Women After Release from Prison: Examining Access to and Use of Social Services During Reentry/Patricia O’Brien.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005-2006; Vol.17, No.2-3: 95-113.
132835 Power Inside: A Grassroots Program for Women Survivors of Traumatic Violence, the Street Economy, and the Criminal Justice System/Jacqueline Robarge.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005-2006; Vol.17, No.2-3: 115-125.
132836 Defining a Research Agenda on Women and Justice in the Age of Mass Incarceration/Jeremy Travis.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005-2006; Vol.17, No.2-3: 127-136.
132837 Women and Drug Use: The Case for a Justice Analysis/Beth E. Richie.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005-2006; Vol.17, No.2-3: 137-143.
132838 Joan Petersilia: A Life of Policy-Relevant Corrections Research/Jodi Lane.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005-2006; Vol.17, No.4: 1-17.
132839 I’ll Come Back and Stalk You: Contradictions of Advocacy and Research for Women Criminologists/Lois Presser.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005-2006; Vol.17, No.4: 19-36.
132840 Karla Homolka – From a Woman In Danger to a Dangerous Woman: Chronicling the Shifts/Jennifer M. Kilty, Sylvie Frigon.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005-2006; Vol.17, No.4: 37-61.
132841 Violence, Privilege and Power: Images of Female Delinquents in Film/Dawn K. Cecil.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2005-2006; Vol.17, No.4: 63-84.
132842 Are We There Yet? The Progress of Women in One Large Law Enforcement Agency/Kimberly A. Lonsway.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2006-2007; Vol.18, No.1-2: 1-48.
132843 Gender and Policing: Do Women Accept Legal Restrictions More Than Their Male Counterparts?/John A. Eterno.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2006-2007; Vol.18, No.1-2: 49-78.
132844 Portrait in Blue: A Demographic and Behavioral Profile of Police Sexual Harassers/Sue Carter Collins.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2006-2007; Vol.18, No.1-2: 79-106.
132845 Female Police Officers’ Job-Related Attitudes: A Comparative Study of Taiwan and the United States/Doris Chu, Ivan Y. Sun.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2006-2007; Vol.18, No.1-2: 107-130.
132846 Women in Parole: Gendered Adaptations of Female Parole Agents in California/Connie Ireland, Bruce Berg.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2006-2007; Vol.18, No.1-2: 131-150.
132847 Social Workers’ Perspectives on the Victim Impact Statements in Cases of Sexual Assault in Canada/Janice Du Mont, Karen-Lee Miller, Deborah White.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2006-2007; Vol.18, No.3: 1-23.
132848 The Domestic Violence Experiences of Women in Community Corrections/Rachel Bridges Whaley … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2006-2007; Vol.18, No.3: 25-45.
132849 An Intermediate Sanction That Fosters the Mother-Child Bond: A Process Evaluation of Summit House/Pauline K. Brennan.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2006-2007; Vol.18, No.3: 47-80.
132850 Sexual Assault Training of Law Enforcement Officers: Results of a Statewide Survey/Linda M. Kinney … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2006-2007; Vol.18, No.3: 81-100.
132851 Comparing the Effects of Treatment on Female Juvenile Gang and Non-Gang Members/Pamela J. Schram, Larry K. Gaines.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2006-2007; Vol.18, No.4: 1-15.
132852 Stirred, Shaken, or Blended: Gender Differences in Processing and Treatment of Juvenile Offenders/Nicole T. Flynn, Roma S. Hanks, Lindsey Gurley.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2006-2007; Vol.18, No.4: 17-36.
132853 Rape Victim Advocates’ Knowledge and Insight on Rape Laws/Shana L. Maier.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2006-2007; Vol.18, No.4: 37-62.
132854 Sex Discrimination Lawsuits in Law Enforcement: A Case Study of Thirteen Female Officers Who Sued Their Agencies/Kimberly A. Lonsway, Angela M. Alipio.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2006-2007; Vol.18, No.4: 63-103.
132855 The Impact Imprisonment has on Women’s Health and Health Care from the Perspective of Female Inmates in Kansas/Janice Proctor.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2009; Vol.19, No.1: 1-36.
132856 Keeping Families Together: The Importance of Maintaining Mother-Child Contact for Incarcerated Women/Zoann K. Snyder.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2009; Vol.19, No.1: 37-59.
132857 A Contemporary Snapshot of Policewomen Attitudes/Philip E. Carlan, Elizabeth C. McMullan.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2009; Vol.19, No.1: 60-79.
132858 Female Delinquents and Restorative Justice/P. J. Verrecchia.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2009; Vol.19, No.1: 80-93.
132859 He Versus She: A Gender-Specific Analysis of Legal and Extralegal Effects on Pretrial Release for Felony Defendants/Jeremy D. Ball, Lisa Growette Bostaph.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2009; Vol.19, No.2: 95-119.
132860 Girls, Why Do You Want to Become Police Officers? Career Goals/Choices Among Criminal Justice Undergraduates/Youngyol Yim.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2009; Vol.19, No.2: 120-136.
132861 The Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner and the Successful Sexual Assault Prosecution/John A. McLaren, Verna Henson, William E. Stone.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2009; Vol.19, No.2: 137-152.
132862 Criminal Justice Hollywood Style: How Women in Criminal Justice Professions Are Depicted in Prime-Time Crime Dramas/Kimberly A. DeTardo-Bora.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2009; Vol.19, No.2: 153-168.
132863 A New Look at the Gender Gap in Offending/Callie Marie Rennison.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2009; Vol.19, No.3: 171-190.
132864 Sentencing Female Drug Offenders: Reexamining Racial and Ethnic Disparities/Matthew S. Crow, Julie C. Kunselman.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2009; Vol.19, No.3: 191-216.
132865 From the Inside Out: Efforts by Homeless Women to Disrupt Cycles of Crime and Violence/Jennifer K. Wesely, James D. Wright.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2009; Vol.19, No.3: 217-234.
132866 Attitudes of College Students Toward Women in Policing/Calvin Wesley Haba … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2009; Vol.19, No.3: 235-250.
132867 Youth Resilience: Can Schools Enhance Youth Factors for Hope, Optimism, and Success?/Frances P. Bernat.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2009; Vol.19, No.3: 251-266.
132868 Relational Violence in Women’s Prison: How Women Describe Interpersonal Violence and Gender/Rebecca Trammell.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2009; Vol.19, No.4: 267-285.
132869 Older African American Women and Barriers to Reporting Domestic Violence to Law Enforcement in the Rural Deep South/Bronwen Lichtenstein, Ida M. Johnson.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2009; Vol.19, No.4: 286-305.
132870 Women on Parole: Understanding the Impact of Surveillance/Tara D. Opsal.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2009; Vol.19, No.4: 306-328.
132871 U.S. Supreme Court Cases on Gender and Criminal Justice from the 2008 Term/Nicholas C. Godlove.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2009; Vol.19, No.4: 329-332.
132872 Assessing Racial Disparities in Parole Release/Stephane Mechoulan, Nicolas Sahuguet.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.1: 39-74.
132873 Do Institutional Investors Value the Rule 10b-5 Private Right of Action? Evidence from Investors Trading Behavior following Morrison v. National Australia Bank Ltd./Robert P. Bartlett.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.1: 183-227.
132874 Does the Endowment Effect Justify Legal Intervention? The Debiasing Effect of Institutions/Jennifer Arlen, Stephan Tontrup.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.1: 143-182.
132875 Does the Social Cost of Carbon Matter? Evidence from US Policy/Robert W. Hahn, Robert A. Ritz.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.1: 229-248.
132876 Free at Last? Judicial Discretion and Racial Disparities in Federal Sentencing/Crystal S. Yang.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.1: 75-111.
132877 Testing for Racial Prejudice in the Parole Board Release Process: Theory and Evidence/Shamena Anwar, Hanming Fang.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.1: 1-37.
132878 The Hierarchical Influence of Courts of Appeals on District Courts/Christina L. Boyd.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.1: 113-141.
132879 An Economic Analysis of Black-White Disparities in the New York Police Department’s Stop-and-Frisk Program/Decio Coviello, Nicola Persico.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.1: 315-360.
132880 An Empirical Study of Political Bias in Legal Scholarship/Adam S. Chilton, Eric A. Posner.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.2: 277-314.
132881 Decriminalizing Delinquency: The Effect of Raising the Age of Majority on Juvenile Recidivism/Charles E. Loeffler, Ben Grunwald.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.2: 361-388.
132882 Disgorgement Damages for Accidents/Robert Cooter, Ariel Porat.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.2: 249-276.
132883 On the Equilibrium Effects of Nudging/Ran Spiegler.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.2: 389-416.
132884 Price Caps in Multiprice Markets/Oren Bar-Gill.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.2: 453-476.
132885 The Failure of Constitutional Torture Prohibitions/Adam S. Chilton, Mila Versteeg.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.2: 417-452.
132886 Do Attorney Surveys Measure Judicial Performance or Respondent Ideology? Evidence from Online Evaluations/Thomas J. Miles.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.S1: S231-S267.
132887 Do the Justices Vote Like Policy Makers? Evidence from Scaling the Supreme Court with Interest Groups/Joshua B. Fischman.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.S1: S269-S293.
132888 Is Justice Really Blind? Race and Reversal in US Courts/Maya Sen.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.S1: S187-S229.
132889 Judicial Decision Making: A Dynamic Reputation Approach/Alma Cohen, Alon Klement, Zvika Neeman.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.S1: S133-S159.
132890 Judicial Noncompliance with Mandatory Procedural Rules under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act/M. Todd Henderson, William H. J. Hubbard.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.S1: S87-S105.
132891 Partisanship in State Supreme Courts: The Empirical Relationship between Party Campaign Contributions and Judicial Decision Making/Michael S. Kang, Joanna M. Shepherd.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.S1: S161-S185.
132892 Revisiting the Ideology Rankings of Supreme Court Justices/Lee Epstein, William M. Landes, Richard A. Posner.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.S1: S295-S317.
132893 Salience Theory of Judicial Decisions/Pedro Bordalo, Nicola Gennaioli, Andrei Shleifer.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.S1: S7-S33.
132894 The Law and Positive Political Theory of Panel Effects/Emerson H. Tiller.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.S1: S35-S58.
132895 The Politics of Opinion Assignment and Authorship on the US Court of Appeals: Evidence from Sexual Harassment Cases/Sean Farhang, Jonathan P. Kastellec, Gregory J. Wawro.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.S1: S59-S85.
132896 The Role of Competence in Promotions from the Lower Federal Courts/Stephen J. Choi, Mitu Gulati, Eric A. Posner.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.S1: S107-S131.
132897 A Bayesian Framework for the Precautionary Principle/Nabil I. Al-Najjar.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.S2: S337-S365.
132898 Abating Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Electric Power Generation: Model Uncertainty and Regulatory Epistemology/Alan H. Sanstad.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.S1: S423-S445.
132899 Gambling over Growth: Economic Uncertainty, Discounting, and Regulatory Policy/Daniel A. Farber.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.S2: S509-S528.
132900 Introduction: Legal Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty/David Weisbach.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.S1: S319-S335.
132901 On Sturdy Policy Evaluation/William A. Brock, Steven N. Durlauf.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.S2: S447-S473.
132902 Randomizing Regulatory Approval for Adaptive Diversification and Deterrence/Charles F. Manski.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.S2: S367-S385.
132903 Rationally Arbitrary Decisions in Administrative Law/Adrian Vermeule.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.S2: S475-S507.
132904 Regulating Ambiguous Risks: The Less than Rational Regulation of Pharmaceuticals/W. Kip Viscusi, Richard J. Zeckhauser.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2015; Vol.44, No.S1: S387-S422.
132905 A Theory of Whistleblower Rewards/Yehonatan Givati.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.1: 43-72.
132906 Evenwel, Voting Power, and Dual Districting/Paul H. Edelman.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.1: 203-221.
132907 Law Enforcement in a Federal System: On the Strategic Choice of Sanction Levels/Tim Friehe, Thomas J. Miceli.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.1: 73-103.
132908 Punitive Police? Agency Costs, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Procedure/Dhammika Dharmapala, Nuno Garoupa, Richard H. McAdams.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.1: 105-141.
132909 Sharing Residual Liability: The Cheapest Cost Avoider Revisited/Emanuela Carbonara, Alice Guerra, Francesco Parisi.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.1: 173-201.
132910 The Prison Boom and Sentencing Policy/Derek Neal, Armin Rick.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.1: 1-41.
132911 Black Sheep or Scapegoats? Implementable Monitoring Policies under Unobservable Levels of Misbehavior/Berno Buechel, Gerd Muehlheusser.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.2: 331-366.
132912 Is the Government Fiscally Blind? An Empirical Examination of the Effect of the Compensation Requirement on Eminent-Domain Exercises/Ronit Levine-Schnur, Gideon Parchomovsky.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.2: 437-469.
132913 Is the Government Fiscally Blind? An Empirical Examination of the Effect of the Compensation Requirement on Eminent-Domain Exercises/Ronit Levine-Schnur, Gideon Parchomovsky.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.1: 437-469.
132914 Justice Is Less Blind, and Less Legalistic, than We Thought: Evidence from an Experiment with Real Judges/Holger Spamann, Lars Kl‎نhn.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.2: 255-280.
132915 Prenups/Peter T. Leeson, Joshua Pierson.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.1: 367-400.
132916 Relative Judgments/Adi Leibovitch.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.2: 281-330.
132917 Supreme Court Justices Loyalty to the President/Lee Epstein, Eric A. Posner.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.2: 401-436.
132918 The Heavy Costs of High Bail: Evidence from Judge Randomization/Arpit Gupta, Christopher Hansman, Ethan Frenchman.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.2: 471-505.
132919 The Supreme Court, the Media, and Public Opinion: Comparing Experimental and Observational Methods/Katerina Linos, Kimberly Twist.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.2: 223-254.
132920 A Query-Theory Perspective of Privacy Decision Making/Idris Adjerid, Sonam Samat, Alessandro Acquisti.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.S2: S97-S121.
132921 Ambiguity in Privacy Policies and the Impact of Regulation/Joel R. Reidenberg, Jaspreet Bhatia, Travis D. Breaux, Thomas B. Norton.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.S2: S163-S190.
132922 Contracting for Privacy Precaution (and a Laffer Curve for Crime)/Ian Ayres.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.S2: S123-S163.
132923 Contracting over Privacy: Introduction/Omri Ben-Shahar, Lior Jacob Strahilevitz.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.S2: S1-S11.
132924 Do Privacy Notices Matter? Comparing the Impact of Violating Formal Privacy Notices and Informal Privacy Norms on Consumer Trust Online/Kirsten Martin.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.S2: S191-S215.
132925 Is Privacy Policy Language Irrelevant to Consumers?/Lior Jacob Strahilevitz, Matthew B. Kugler.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.S2: S69-S95.
132926 Optimal Defaults in Consumer Markets/Oren Bar-Gill, Omri Ben-Shahar.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.S2: S137-S161.
132927 Simplification of Privacy Disclosures: An Experimental Test/Omri Ben-Shahar, Adam Chilton.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.S2: S41-S67.
132928 Self-Regulation and Competition in Privacy Policies/Florencia Marotta-Wurgler.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2016; Vol.45, No.S2: S13-S39.
132929 Adam Smith, Prophet of Law and Economics/Paul G. Mahoney.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.46, No.1: 207-236.
132930 After the Override: An Empirical Analysis of Shadow Precedent/Brian J. Broughman, Deborah A. Widiss.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.46, No.1: 51-92.
132931 Board Interlocks and Outside Directors Protection/Michal Barzuza, Quinn Curtis.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.46, No.1: 129-160.
132932 Jurors Presumption of Innocence/Nicholas Scurich, Richard S. John.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.46, No.1: 187-206.
132933 Mandatory Minimums and the Sentencing of Federal Drug Crimes/David Bjerk.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.46, No.1: 93-128.
132934 Vicarious Liability for Managerial Myopia/James Cameron Spindler.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.46, No.1: 161-185.
132935 You Are in Charge: Experimentally Testing the Motivating Power of Holding a Judicial Office/Christoph Engel, Lilia Zhurakhovska.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.46, No.1: 1-50.
132936 Affiliation Bias in Arbitration: An Experimental Approach/Sergio Puig, Anton Strezhnev.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.46, No.2: 371-398.
132937 Discretionary Disenfranchisement: The Case of Legal Financial Obligations/Marc Meredith, Michael Morse.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.46, No.2: 309-338.
132938 Harmful, Harmless, and Beneficial Uncertainty in Law/Scott Baker, Alex Raskolnikov.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.46, No.2: 281-307.
132939 Patient Patents: Can Certain Types of Patent Litigation Be Beneficially Delayed?/Doug Lichtman.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.46, No.2: 427-448.
132940 Shared Ownership of Intangible Property Rights: The Case of Patent Coassignments/Andrea Fosfuri, Christian Helmers, Catherine Roux.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.46, No.2: 339-369.
132941 Stretch It but Don t Break It: The Hidden Cost of Contract Framing/Richard R. W. Brooks, Alexander Stremitzer, Stephan Tontrup.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.46, No.2: 399-426.
132942 The Inevitability and Ubiquity of Cycling in All Feasible Legal Regimes: A Formal Proof/Leo Katz, Alvaro Sandroni.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2017; Vol.46, No.2: 237-280.
132943 Detection and Correction of Case-Publication Bias/Edward K. Cheng.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.47, No.1: 151-180.
132944 Does Reason Writing Reduce Decision Bias? Experimental Evidence from Judges in China/Zhuang Liu.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.47, No.1: 83-118.
132945 Improved Statistical Methods for the Calculation of Damages in Discrimination Lawsuits/Scott Susin andIoan Voicu.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.47, No.1: 209-234.
132946 Reputation and Litigation: Why Costly Legal Sanctions Can Work Better than Reputational Sanctions/Scott Baker, Albert H. Choi.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.47, No.1: 45-82.
132947 The Legal Academy’s Ideological Uniformity/Adam Bonica, Adam Chilton, Kyle Rozema, Maya Sen.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.47, No.1: 1-43.
132948 What Drives Bankruptcy Forum Shopping? Evidence from Market Data/Jared A. Ellias.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.47, No.1: 119-149.
132949 Copyright Protection and Cumulative Creation: Evidence from Early Twentieth-Century Music/Stephanie Holmes Didwania.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.47, No.2: 235-268.
132950 Estimating the Effect of Leisure on Judicial Performance/Tom S. Clark, Benjamin G. Engst, Jeffrey K. Staton.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.47, No.2: 349-390.
132951 Judicial Effort and the Appeals System: Theory and Experiment/Eberhard Feess, Roee Sarel.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.47, No.2: 269-294.
132952 Legal Centralization: A Tocquevillian View/Bertrand Crettez, Bruno Deffains, Olivier Musy.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.47, No.2: 295-323.
132953 On the Perils of Commitment to Punishment when Criminals Are Strategic/Shaun Larcom, Mare Sarr.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.47, No.2: 391-418.
132954 Tailoring Negligence Standards to Accident Records/Alice Guerra, Tobias M. Hlobil.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.47, No.2: 325-348.
132955 The Systems Fallacy: A Genealogy and Critique of Public Policy and Cost-Benefit Analysis/Bernard E. Harcourt.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.47, No.2: 419-447.
132956 A Property Rights Approach to Temporary Work Visas/Alessandra Casella, Adam B. Cox.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.47, No.S1: S195-S227.
132957 Circles of Trust: A Proposal for Better Migrant Screening/Tom Ginsburg, Alberto Simpser.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.47, No.S1: S229-S245.
132958 Global Reputation for Guest Workers/Moran Sadeh.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.47, No.S1: S247-S269.
132959 Guest Worker Programs and Reasonable, Feasible Cosmopolitanism/Richard Arneson.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.47, No.S1: S169-S194.
132960 Labor Immigration Policies in High-Income Countries: Variations across Political Regimes and Varieties of Capitalism/Martin Ruhs.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.47, No.S1: S89-S127.
132961 On the Rights of Temporary Migrants/Christian Barry, Luara Ferracioli.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.47, No.S1: S14-S168.
132962 Optimal Design of Guest Worker Programs: An Introduction/Adam S. Chilton,Tom Ginsburg, Eric A. Posner.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.47, No.S1: S1-S4.
132963 Reflections on the Role of Law in the Gulf Migration System/Andrew Gardner.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.47, No.S1: S129-S147.
132964 Testing for Repugnance in Economic Transactions: Evidence from Guest Work in the Gulf/Michael A. Clemens.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.47, No.S1: S5-S44.
132965 Why Countries Sign Bilateral Labor Agreements/Adam S. Chilton, Eric A. Posner.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2018; Vol.47, No.S1: S45-S88.
132966 Active Firms and Active Shareholders: Corporate Political Activity and Shareholder Proposals/Geeyoung Min, Hye Young You.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.48, No.1: 81-116.
132967 Constitutional Folk Theories as a Guide to Constitutional Values? The Case of the Legislative Veto/Edward H. Stiglitz.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.48, No.1: 45-79.
132968 Costly Pretrial Agreements/Luca Anderlini, Leonardo Felli, Giovanni Immordino.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.48, No.1: 159-188.
132969 Follow the Leader? Testing for the Internalization of Law/Shaun Larcom, Luca A. Panzone, Timothy Swanson.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.48, No.1: 217-244.
132970 Rent Seeking and Bias in Appeals Systems/Tim Friehe, Ansgar Wohlschlegel.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.48, No.1: 117-157.
132971 The Insignificance of Clear-Day Poison Pills/Emiliano M. Catan.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.48, No.1: 1-44.
132972 To Serve and Collect: The Fiscal and Racial Determinants of Law Enforcement/Michael D. Makowsky, Thomas Stratmann, Alex Tabarrok.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.48, No.1: 189-216.
132973 Conforming against Expectations: The Formalism of Nonlawyers at the World Trade Organization/Julian Nyarko, Jerome Hsiang.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.48, No.2: 341-375.
132974 Deterrence, Contagion, and Legitimacy in Anticorruption Policy Making: An Experimental Analysis/Amadou Boly, Robert Gillanders, Topi Miettinen.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.48, No.2: 275-305.
132975 Engineering the Rule of Law in Ancient Athens/Robert K. Fleck, F. Andrew Hanssen.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.48, No.2: 441-473.
132976 Mandatory Disclosure: Theory and Evidence from Industry-Physician Relationships/Daniel L. Chen, Vardges Levonyan, S. Eric Reinhart, Glen Taksler.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.48, No.2: 409-440.
132977 Policy Disagreement and Judicial Legitimacy: Evidence from the 1937 Court-Packing Plan/Alex Badas.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.48, No.2: 377-408.
132978 Preferences for Criminal Justice Error Types: Theory and Evidence/Yehonatan Givati.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.48, No.2: 307-339.
132979 Price and Prejudice: An Empirical Test of Financial Incentives, Altruism, and Racial Bias/Kristen Underhill.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2019; Vol.48, No.2: 245-274.
132980 Disagreement and Capital Structure Complexity/Kenneth Ayotte.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.49, No.1: 1-32.
132981 Disclosure Rules in Contract Law/Oren Bar-Gill, Ariel Porat.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.49, No.1: 103-152.
132982 Harm Displacement and Tort Doctrine/Yehonatan Givati, Yotam Kaplan.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.49, No.1: 73-101.
132983 Is Police Behavior Getting Worse? Data Selection and the Measurement of Policing Harms/Aurelie Ouss, John Rappaport.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.49, No.1: 153-198.
132984 Judicial Elections and Criminal Case Outcomes/Gregory DeAngelo, Bryan C. McCannon.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.49, No.1: 199-242.
132985 Promises, Reliance, and Psychological Lock-In/Rebecca Stone, Alexander Stremitzer.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.49, No.1: 33-72.
132986 Leniency and Damages: Where Is the Conflict?/Paolo Buccirossi, Catarina Marvao, Giancarlo Spagnolo.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.49, No.2: 335-379.
132987 Procurement and Accidents: The Liability Curse/Juan-Jose Ganuza, Fernando Gomez.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.49, No.2: 381-429.
132988 Cybercrime and Punishment/Ye Hong, William Neilson.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.49, No.2: 431-466.
132989 Short and Distort/Joshua Mitts.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.49, No.2: 287-334.
132990 On the Redesign of Accident Liability for the World of Autonomous Vehicles/Steven Shavell.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.49, No.2: 243-285.
132991 Extension: Lawyers Role-Induced Bias Arises Fast and Persists despite Intervention/Holger Spamann.- Journal of Legal Studies. 2020; Vol.49, No.2: 467-485.
132992 Human Trafficking: The Local Becomes Global/Frances P. Bernat, Tatyana Zhilina.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2010; Vol.20, No.1-2: 2-9.
132993 International News Coverage of Human Trafficking Arrests and Prosecutions: A Content Analysis/Erin Denton.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2010; Vol.20, No.1-2: 10-26.
132994 A Legal Response: Measures Against Human Trafficking in Japan/Minoru Yokoyama.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2010; Vol.20, No.1-2: 27-39.
132995 Taking Trafficking to Court/May-Len Skilbrei.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2010; Vol.20, No.1-2: 40-56.
132996 Victims of Sex Trafficking in Turkey: Characteristics, Motivations, and Dynamics/Oguzhan Omer Demir, James O. Finckenauer.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2010; Vol.20, No.1-2: 57-88.
132997 Pimp Control and Violence: Domestic Sex Trafficking of Chicago Women and Girls/Jody Raphael, Jessica Ashley Reichert, Mark Powers.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2010; Vol.20, No.1-2: 89-104.
132998 Understanding the Complexities of Human Trafficking and Child Sexual Exploitation: The Case of Southeast Asia/Ashley G. Blackburn, Robert W. Taylor, Jennifer Elaine Davis.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2010; Vol.20, No.1-2: 105-126.
132999 T Visas: Prosecution Tool or Humanitarian Response?/Joycelyn M. Pollock, Valerie Hollier.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2010; Vol.20, No.1-2: 127-146.
133000 Doors Wide Shut: Barriers to the Successful Delivery of Victim Services for Domestically Trafficked Minors in a Southern U.S. Metropolitan Area/Joan A. Reid.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2010; Vol.20, No.1-2: 147-166.
133001 Methodological and Ethical Challenges to Conducting Human Trafficking Studies: A Case Study of Korean Trafficking and Smuggling for Sexual Exploitation to the United States/Kyungseok Choo, Joon Oh Jang, Kyungshick Choi.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2010; Vol.20, No.1-2: 167-185.
133002 Human Sex Trafficking: The Global Becomes Local/Frances P. Bernat, Heather C. Winkeller.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2010; Vol.20, No.1-2: 186-192.
133003 An Exploratory Examination of a Gendered Model of the Effects of Role Stressors/Eric G. Lambert, Irshad Altheimer, Nancy L. Hogan.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2010; Vol.20, No.3: 193-217.
133004 Maintaining Separate Spheres in Policing: Women on SWAT Teams/Mary Dodge, Laura Valcore, David A. Klinger.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2010; Vol.20, No.3: 218-238.
133005 The Effect of Victim Attitudes and Behaviors on Sexual Assault Victimization Severity: An Examination of University Women/Cortney A. Franklin.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2010; Vol.20, No.3: 239-262.
133006 Police Sexual Misconduct: Female Police Officers’ Views Regarding Its Nature and Extent/Timothy M. Maher.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2010; Vol.20, No.3: 263-282.
133007 Policing Intimate Partner Violence in Rural Areas and Small Towns: Policies, Practices, and Perceptions/Joseph A. Schafer, Matthew J. Giblin.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2010; Vol.20, No.4: 283-301.
133008 A Woman’s Life Before Serving Life: Examining the Negative Pre-Incarceration Life Events of Female Life-Sentenced Inmates/Margaret E. Leigey, Katie L. Reed.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2010; Vol.20, No.4: 302-322.
133009 Risk and the Female Offender: An Analysis of Classification and Supervision Issues/Laurie A. Gould.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2010; Vol.20, No.4: 323-342.
133010 Traditional Gender Role and Rape Myth Acceptance: From the Countryside to the Big City/Laura L. King, Jennifer J. Roberts.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2011; Vol.21, No.1: 1-20.
133011 Engaging With Criminal Prosecution: The Victim’s Perspective/Melissa E. Dichter … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2011; Vol.21, No.1: 21-37.
133012 Police Response to Intimate Partner Violence in Canada: Do Victim Characteristics Matter?/Betty Jo Barrett, Melissa St. Pierre, Nadine Vaillancourt.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2011; Vol.21, No.1: 38-62.
133013 An Analysis of Advertisements: A Lens for Viewing the Social Exclusion of Women in Police Imagery/Cara Rabe-Hemp, Dawn Beichner.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2011; Vol.21, No.1: 63-81.
133014 Investigating Trauma History and Related Psychosocial Deficits of Women in Prison: Implications for Treatment and Rehabilitation/Angela K. Fournier … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2011; Vol.21, No.2: 83-99.
133015 Assessing the Needs of Women Recently Released From Prison/Kathleen J. Bergseth … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2011; Vol.21, No.2: 100-122.
133016 When Screams Are Not Released: A Study of Communication and Consent in Acquaintance Rape Situations/Jacob Bucher, Michelle Manasse.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2011; Vol.21, No.2: 123-140.
133017 Rape Crisis Centers and Programs: Doing Amazing, Wonderful Things on Peanuts/Shana L. Maier.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2011; Vol.21, No.2: 141-169.
133018 The Gender Gap in Support for Capital Punishment: A Test of Attribution Theory/Denise Paquette Boots, John K. Cochran.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2011; Vol.21, No.3: 171-197.
133019 Filling in the Holes: The Ongoing Search for Self Among Incarcerated Women Anticipating Reentry/Vicki Hunter, Kimberly Greer.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2011; Vol.21, No.3: 198-224.
133020 Incarcerated Parents and Health: Investigating Role Inoccupancy Strains by Gender/Holly Foster.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2011; Vol.21, No.3: 225-249.
133021 Intersections, Immigration, and Partner Violence: A View From a New Gateway – Baltimore, Maryland/Natalie J. Sokoloff, Susan C. Pearce.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2011; Vol.21, No.3: 250-266.
133022 Gender Diversity and the Prospects for Progressive Prison Reform/Jeanette M. Hussemann, Joshua Page.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2011; Vol.21, No.4: 267-289.
133023 The Gender Paradox in Prison Suicide Rates/Meredith Huey Dye.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2011; Vol.21, No.4: 290-307.
133024 She’s Way Too Good to Lose: An Evaluation of Honolulu’s Girls Court/Janet T. Davidson, Lisa Pasko, Meda Chesney-Lind.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2011; Vol.21, No.4: 308-327.
133025 For Better or Worse? Gender and Perceptions of Formal and Informal Justice Systems in Afghanistan/Lynne L. Manganaro, Amy L. Poland.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2012; Vol.22, No.1: 2-29.
133026 The Role of School-Related Bonding Factors and Gender: Correlates of Gang Membership Among Adolescents/Beth Bjerregaard, Joseph A. Cochran.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2012; Vol.22, No.1: 30-53.
133027 Campus Crime Beat: The Challenges of Doing Feminist Criminology in the Academy/Meda Chesney-Lind.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2012; Vol.22, No.1: 54-67.
133028 In Her Own Voice: Presentations on Women, Crime, and Criminal Justice at American Society of Criminology Meetings From 1999-2008/Bitna Kim, Alida V. Merlo.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2012; Vol.22, No.1: 68-88.
133029 The Masculine Yardstick of Physical Competence: U.S. Police Academy Fitness Tests/Corina Schulze.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2012; Vol.22, No.2: 89-107.
133030 Gossip in a Maximum Security Female Prison: An Exploratory Study/Tomer Einat, Gila Chen.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2012; Vol.22, No.2: 108-134.
133031 From Angela Davis to the Long Island Lolita: An Analysis of Contemporary Women’s Prison Narratives/Rebecca L. Bordt.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2012; Vol.22, No.2: 135-155.
133032 Converging on Empathy: Perspectives on Baltimore City’s Specialized Prostitution Diversion Program/Corey S. Shdaimah, Shelly A. Wiechelt.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2012; Vol.22, No.2: 156-173.
133033 Gender Disparities in Sentencing Departures: An Examination of U.S. Federal Courts/Jill K. Doerner.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2012; Vol.22, No.3: 176-205.
133034 The Judge Didn’t Sentence Me to Be Raped: Tracy Neal v. Michigan Department of Corrections: A 15-Year Battle Against the Sexual Abuse of Women Inmates in Michigan/Rachel Culley.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2012; Vol.22, No.3: 206-225.
133035 Women in Law Enforcement: Subverting Sexual Harassment with Social Bonds/Jill Harrison.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2012; Vol.22, No.3: 226-238.
133036 Reinventing the Matron: The Continued Importance of Gendered Images and Division of Labor in Modern Policing/Don L. Kurtz, Travis Linnemann, L. Susan Williams.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2012; Vol.22, No.3: 239-263.
133037 Psychosocial Contributors to Delinquent Decision Making: Toward a Conceptual Framework for Adolescent Female Offending/Brett Johnson Solomon … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2012; Vol.22, No.4: 265-288.
133038 Gray Matters: Gender Differences in the Physical and Mental Health of Older Inmates/Margaret E. Leigey, Jessica P. Hodge.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2012; Vol.22, No.4: 289-308.
133039 Significant Gender Differences in Factors Related to the Detention of Youthful Offenders/Christopher A. Mallett, Linda M. Quinn, Patricia Stoddard-Dare.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2012; Vol.22, No.4: 309-326.
133040 Moving On or Dropping Out: Police Processing of Adult Sexual Assault Cases/Kathleen D. Kelley, Rebecca Campbell.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2013; Vol.23, No.1: 1-18.
133041 Gender, Indigeneity, and the Criminal Courts: A Narrative Exploration of Women’s Sentencing in Western Australia/Samantha Jeffries, Christine E. W. Bond.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2013; Vol.23, No.1: 19-42.
133042 Mothers Facing Imprisonment: Arranging Care for Their Adolescent Children/Catherine Flynn.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2013; Vol.23, No.1: 43-62.
133043 Relationships Among Trauma Exposure, Familial Characteristics, and PTSD: A Case-Control Study of Women in Prison and in the General Population/Christine E. Grella, Katherine Lovinger, Umme S. Warda.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2013; Vol.23, No.1: 63-79.
133044 They Arrested Me – And I Was the Victim: Women’s Experiences With Getting Arrested in the Context of Domestic Violence/Melissa E. Dichter.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2013; Vol.23, No.2: 81-98.
133045 When Abuse Happens Again: Women’s Reasons for Not Reporting New Incidents of Intimate Partner Abuse to Law Enforcement/Angela R. Gover … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2013; Vol.23, No.2: 99-120.
133046 Issues in Female Inmate Health: Results From a Southeastern State/Kathryn D. Morgan.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2013; Vol.23, No.2: 121-142.
133047 Comparing Gender Across Risk and Recidivism in Nonviolent Offenders/Leah A. McCoy, Holly A. Miller.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2013; Vol.23, No.2: 143-162.
133048 A Critical Examination of the Causal Link Between Child Abuse and Adult Dating Violence Perpetration and Victimization From a Propensity Score Matching Approach/Wesley G. Jennings … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2013; Vol.23, No.3: 167-184.
133049 The Substance-Related Etiology of Teen Dating Violence Victimization: Does Gender Matter?/Jennifer M. Reingle … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2013; Vol.23, No.3: 185-208.
133050 A Gendered Approach to Understanding Intimate Partner Victimization and Mental Health Outcomes Among College Students With and Without Disability/Heidi L. Scherer, Jamie A. Snyder, Bonnie S. Fisher.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2013; Vol.23, No.3: 209-231.
133051 Examining Parental and Peer Social Support as a Buffer Between Dating Violence Victimization and Negative Outcomes Among Female Adolescents/Tara N. Richards, Kathryn A. Branch.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2013; Vol.23, No.3: 232-246.
133052 Teen Dating Relationships and Outcomes of Well-Being: Examining Gender Differences in Nonviolent and Violent Dating Relationships/Deeanna M. Button, Susan L. Miller.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2013; Vol.23, No.3: 247-265.
133053 All in the Family: The Role of the Sheriff’s Wife in 20th-Century Mom and Pop Jails/Rick Ruddell, Ken Leyton-Brown.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2013; Vol.23, No.4: 267-285.
133054 Why Girls? Using Routine Activities Theory to Predict Cyberbullying Experiences Between Girls and Boys/Jordana N. Navarro, Jana L. Jasinski.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2013; Vol.23, No.4: 286-303.
133055 Responding to Child Sex Trafficking: Transnational Advocacy Networks in the Greater Mekong Subregion/Deanna Davy.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2013; Vol.23, No.4: 304-325.
133056 Gender and Other People’s Money: An Analysis of White-Collar Offender Sentencing/Kristy Holtfreter.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2013; Vol.23, No.4: 326-344.
133057 Reliability, Validity, and Item Response of the Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Score Among Incarcerated Women/Seijeoung Kim, Jessica Mazza.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2014; Vol.24, No.1: 1-21.
133058 Gender and Juvenile Drug Abuse: A General Strain Theory Perspective/Garrett E. Grothoff, Kimberly Kempf-Leonard, Christopher Mullins.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2014; Vol.24, No.1: 22-43.
133059 Trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Substance-Using Women Entering Cook County Jail/Christy K. Scott, Victoria H. Coleman-Cowger, Rodney R. Funk.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2014; Vol.24, No.1: 44-61.
133060 Peer Group Delinquency and Sexual Victimization: Does Popularity Matter?/John Stogner … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2014; Vol.24, No.1: 62-81.
133061 The Depiction of Female Municipal Police Officers in the First Four Decades of the Core Cop Film Genre: It’s a Man’s World/Franklin T. Wilson, Ashley G. Blackburn.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2014; Vol.24, No.2: 83-105.
133062 Small Screens and Big Streets: A Comparison of Women Police Officers on Primetime Crime Shows and in U.S. Police Departments, 1950 to 2008/Lorraine Evans, Kim Davies.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2014; Vol.24, No.2: 106-125.
133063 Sexual Orientation and the Effects of Intimate Partner Violence/Maria D. H. Koeppel, Leana A. Bouffard.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2014; Vol.24, No.2: 126-150.
133064 Promoting Well-Being and Desistance Through Sport and Physical Activity: The Opportunities and Barriers Experienced by Women in English Prisons/Rosie Meek, Gwen Eleanor Lewis.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2014; Vol.24, No.2: 151-172.
133065 Mad, Bad, or Sad? Dutch Female Beggars and Vagabonds Sent From the State Labor Institution to the State Mental Asylum at the Turn of the 19th Century/Marian Weevers, Catrien Bijleveld.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2014; Vol.24, No.3: 176-192.
133066 Sometimes One Does That With Blinders On: Revisioning Care for Violent Girls/Robin A. Robinson, Judith A. Ryder.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2014; Vol.24, No.3: 193-208.
133067 From Asylums to Jails: The Prevailing Impact on Female Offenders/Lanette P. Dalley.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2014; Vol.24, No.3: 209-228.
133068 The Role of Intensive Case Management Services in Reentry: The Northern Kentucky Female Offender Reentry Project/Danielle McDonald, Staci L. Arlinghaus.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2014; Vol.24, No.3: 229-251.
133069 Missouri’s Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity Acquittees, 1980-2009: Is Gender Important When Comparing Female and Male Insanity Acquittees and Convicted Offenders?/P. Ann Dirks-Linhorst.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2014; Vol.24, No.3: 252-277.
133070 Exploring Gender-Based Disparities in Legal Protection, Education, Health, Political Empowerment, and Employment in Failing and Fragile States/Laurie A. Gould.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2014; Vol.24, No.4: 279-305.
133071 Mapping the Killer State: Gender, Space, and Deaths Due to Legal Intervention in Mexico (2004-2010)/Rodrigo Meneses, Gustavo Fondevila.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2014; Vol.24, No.4: 306-323.
133072 The Truth Behind the Lies: The Complex Motivations for False Allegations of Sexual Assault/Eryn Nicole O’Neal … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2014; Vol.24, No.4: 324-340.
133073 Examining the Traumatic Effects of Sexual Victimization on the Health of Incarcerated Women/Ronald H. Aday, Meredith Huey Dye, Amanda K. Kaiser.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2014; Vol.24, No.4: 341-361.
133074 The incidence of child abuse in serial killers/Heather Mitchell, Michael G. Aamodt.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2005; Vol.20, No.1: 40-47.
133075 Police systems and systems thinking: An interpretive approach to understanding complexity/A. Steven Dietz, Oscar G. Mink.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2005; Vol.20, No.1: 1-16.
133076 New approaches to disaster mental health: What did we learn from September 11th?/Peter A. Weiss.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2005; Vol.20, No.1: 48-55.
133077 Problematic police performance and the personality assessment inventory/William U. Weiss, Sarah N. Zehner, Emily DeCoster-Martin.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2005; Vol.20, No.1: 16-21.
133078 An investigation of biographical information as a predictor of employment termination among law enforcement officers/Adrianne M. Brennan, Robert D. Davis, Cary D. Rostow, Matrix Incorporated.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2005; Vol.20, No.1: 1-7.
133079 What do we know about interrogation in the United States?/J. P. Blair.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2005; Vol.20, No.2: 44-57.
133080 The Cross+check system: Integrating profiling approaches for police and security investigations/Geoff Dean.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2005; Vol.20, No.2: 20-43.
133081 Research on multiple murder: Where are we in the state of the art?/Craig Dowden.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2005; Vol.20, No.2: 8-18.
133082 Police uniform color and citizen impression formation/Richard R. Johnson.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2005; Vol.20, No.2: 58-66.
133083 Universal and Systematic Design Instruction for accommodating diverse learning styles in criminal justice/Thomas E. Baker, Lorren Wolfer.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2006; Vol.21, No.1: 1-22.
133084 Employee assistance for law enforcement: A brief review/David B. Goldstein.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2006; Vol.21, No.1: 33-40.
133085 Cumulative career traumatic stress (CCTS): A pilot study of traumatic stress in law enforcement/Ellen K. Marshall.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2006; Vol.21, No.1: 62-71.
133086 The relationship between Body Mass Index and abnormal psychological and personality variables/Miranda J. Ours, William U. Weiss, Cary Rostow, Robert Davis.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2006; Vol.21, No.1: 54-61.
133087 Occupational stress and psychological functioning in law enforcement officers/Rebecca M. Pasillas, Victoria M. Follette, Suzanne E. Perumean-Chaney.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2006; Vol.21, No.1: 41-53.
133088 The acquisition and retention of Job-specific Spanish vocabulary by English-speaking law enforcement officers/Doreen M. Blandino, Mark G. Rivardo.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2006; Vol.21, No.2: 68-82.
133089 An examination of stress hardiness, dysphoria, and anger among police recruits exposed to stressful police academy training/Billy J. JamesWill, WilsonMichael J. McMains.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2006; Vol.21, No.2: 37-54.
133090 A cognitive model of firearms policing/Emma L. Kavanagh.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2006; Vol.21, No.2: 25-36.
133091 A survey of pre-employment psychological evaluation tests and procedures/John T. Super.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2006; Vol.21, No.2: 83-87.
133092 The Development of a Thurstone Scale for Identifying Desirable Police Officer Traits/James E. Guffey, James G. Larson, Loren Zimmerma, Brenda Shook.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2007; Vol.22, No.1: 1-9.
133093 Community Correction Officer Perceptions Of Ex-Offender Reentry Needs And Challenges/Elaine Gunnison, Jacqueline B. Helfgott.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2007; Vol.22, No.1: 10-21.
133094 Behind the Blue Line: Investigating Police Officers Attitudes Toward Rape/Amy Dellinger Page.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2007; Vol.22, No.1: 22-32.
133095 Advances in Offender Profiling: A Systematic Review of the Profiling Literature Published Over the Past Three Decades/Craig Dowden, Craig Bennell, Sarah Bloomfield.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2007; Vol.22, No.1: 44-56.
133096 Kocsis, R.N. (2006): Criminal Profiling: Principles and Practice/James S. Herndon.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2007; Vol.22, No.1: 57-58.
133097 Michale J. McMains and Wayman C. Mullins (eds): Crisis Negotiations/Vincent J. McNally.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2007; Vol.22, No.1: 59-60.
133098 Promoting Capabilities to Manage Posttraumatic Stress, Perspectives on Resilience/Scott Burke.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2007; Vol.22, No.1: 61-63.
133099 The Game of Probation/John W. Stickels.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2007; Vol.22, No.1: 33-43.
133100 Defining the Field of Police Psychology:Core Domains & Proficiencies/Gary S. Aumiller, David Corey.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2007; Vol.22, No.2: 65-76.
133101 The Effect of a Standard to Improve Person Descriptions by Children/Kristjan Kask, Ray Bull, Indrek Heinla, Graham Davies.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2007; Vol.22, No.2: 77-83.
133102 The Impact of Officer and Agency Characteristics on the Likelihood of Arrest in Domestic Violence Situations among Rural Law Enforcement Officers/Eric G. Lambert, Nancy L. Hogan, Shannon M. Barton, Shanhe Jiang, Lois Ventura, Terry Nerbonne.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2007; Vol.22, No.2: 91-101.
133103 Prediction of Police Officer Performance Among New Mexico State Police as Assessed by the Personality Assessment Inventory/David W. Richardson, Susan B. Cave, Linda La Grange.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2007; Vol.22, No.2: 84-90.
133104 Police Stress: A Structural Model/Risdon N. Slate, W. Wesley Johnson, Sharla S. Colbert.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2007; Vol.22, No.2: 102-112.
133105 An Assessment of the Validity of Polygraph Examinations for the Psychophysiological Detection of Deception: A Judicicial Opinion and Research Study Review/Jerry D. Yocom.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2007; Vol.22, No.2: 113-119.
133106 Predicting Institutional Violence among Death Row Inmates: The Utility of the Sorensen and Pilgrim Model/Jacqueline K. Buffington-VolKeilenlum, John F. Edens, Andrea Keilen.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2008; Vol.23, No.1: 16-22.
133107 An Examination of Officer Stress: Should Police Departments Implement Mandatory Counseling?/Philip E. Carlan, Lisa S. Nored.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2008; Vol.23, No.1: 8-15.
133108 Psycho-semantic Spheres of the Personality Among Correctional Facility Employees/Semyon Ioffe, Maxim Konobeevsky.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2008; Vol.23, No.1: 23-34.
133109 A Comparative Test of Clinical Judgment Versus Actuarial Prediction of Future Violence/Jennifer Elizabeth Smee, Thomas G. Bowers.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2008; Vol.23, No.1: 1-7.
133110 Texas Criminal Defense Attorneys Perceptions of Crime Victim Involvement in Criminal Prosecutions/John W. Stickels, Sara J. Mobley.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2008; Vol.23, No.1: 35-44.
133111 Body Disposal Patterns of Sexual Murderers: Implications for Offender Profiling/Eric Beauregard, Jessica Field.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2008; Vol.23, No.2: 81-89.
133112 The False Recognition Effect in Criminal Profiling/Craig Bennell, Rebecca Mugford, Alyssa Taylor, Sarah Bloomfield, Catherine M. Wilson.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2008; Vol.23, No.2: 71-80.
133113 An Introduction to the Special Issue on Criminal Profiling/Craig Bennell.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2008; Vol.23, No.2: 49-50.
133114 A Failure to Find Empirical Support for the Homology Assumption in Criminal Profiling/Brandy Doan, Brent Snook.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2008; Vol.23, No.2: 61-70.
133115 L. J. Alison (Ed.), The Forensic Psychologist s Casebook: Psychological Profiling and Criminal Investigation/Karla Emeno, Rebecca Mugford, Alyssa Taylor.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2008; Vol.23, No.2: 100-102.
133116 Hicks, S. J. & Sales, B. D. (2006). Criminal Profiling: Developing an Effective Science and Practice/James S. Herndon.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2008; Vol.23, No.2: 98-99.
133117 Investigating the Reliability of the Violent Crime Linkage Analysis System (ViCLAS) Crime Report/Melissa M. Martineau, Shevaun Corey.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2008; Vol.23, No.2: 51-60.
133118 Taming the Beast: The UK Approach to the Management of Behavioral Investigative Advice/Lee Rainbow.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2008; Vol.23, No.2: 90-97.
133119 Trauma Resilience Training for Police: Psychophysiological and Performance Effects/Bengt B. Arnetz, Dana C. Nevedal, Mark A. Lumley, Lena Backman, Ake Lublin.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2009; No.24: 1-9.
133120 Dell P. Hackett and John M. Violanti, Police Suicide: Tactics for Prevention/Thomas E. Baker.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2009; No.24: 66-67.
133121 Effect on Eyewitness Accuracy When Witnesses Are Told versus Not Told That They Will Be Allowed a Second Viewing/Tara S. Duckworth, David S. Kreiner.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2009; No.24: 30-35.
133122 Jamshid A. Marvasti (Ed.), Psycho-Political Aspects of Suicide Warriors, Terrorism and Martyrdom; A Critical View from Both Sides in Regard to Cause and Cure/David R. Englert.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2009; No.24: 59-60.
133123 Valuation of Services Offered by Mental Health Professionals in Swat Team Members: A Study of the Lubbock, Texas Swat Team/Kevan D. Galyean, Jeffrey N. Wherry, Andrew T. Young.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2009; No.24: 51-58.
133124 Boone, K. B. (Ed.), Assessment of Feigned Cognitive Impairment: A Neuropsychological Perspective/Tim Gust.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2009; No.24: 61-65.
133125 Youth, Police Legitimacy and Informal Contact/Lyn Hinds.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2009; No.24: 10-21.
133126 Identifying and Managing Stress in Child Pornography and Child Exploitation Investigators/Meredith Krause.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2009; No.24: 22-29.
133127 Eyewitness Memory in Context: Toward a Taxonomy of Eyewitness Error/Matthew J. Sharps, Jessica Janigian, Adam B. Hess, Bill Hayward.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2009; No.24: 36-44.
133128 Publication and Research Trends in Police Psychology: A Review of Five Forensic Psychology Journals/Brent Snook, Brandy Doan, Richard M. Cullen, Jennifer M. Kavanagh, Joseph Eastwood.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2009; No.24: 45-50.
133129 An Investigation of Biographical Information as a Predictor of Employment Termination among Law Enforcement Officers/Adrianne M. Brennan, Cary D. Rostow, Robert D. Davis, Benjamin D. Hill.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2009; No.24: 108-112.
133130 Patrol Officer Perceptions of Agency Rewards and Punishments: A Research Note/Richard R. Johnson.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2009; No.24: 126-133.
133131 Mind the Gap: Attitudes about Miranda Warnings among Police Chiefs and Citizens/Brian K. Payne, Wendy P. Guastaferro.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2009; No.24: 93-103.
133132 Impression Management in Police Officer Candidacy on the MMPI-2/William U. Weiss, Peter A. Weiss,  Scharee Cain, Brittney Manley.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2009; No.24: 120-125.

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