تازه‌های مقالات خارجی دی 1401

تازه‌های مقالات خارجی دی 1401 




133133 Spanish Language Training for Law Enforcement Officers: Study Aid Use, Motivation, and Need to Use Correlate with Vocabulary Retention/Doreen M. Blandino, Mark G. Rivardo, Samantha L. Zbur.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2010; Vol.25, No.1: 43-48.
133134 A Comparison of Law Enforcement Divorce Rates with Those of Other Occupations/Shawn P. McCoy, Michael G. Aamodt.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2010; Vol.25, No.1: 1-16.
133135 Does Lineup Size Matter with Child Witnesses/Joanna D. Pozzulo, Julie L. Dempsey, Kerry Wells.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2010; Vol.25, No.1: 22-26.
133136 Use of the MMPI-2 Restructured Clinical (RC) Scales in Detecting Criminal Malingering/Peter A. Weiss, Katherine J. Bell, William U. Weiss.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2010; Vol.25, No.1: 49-55.
133137 Organizational and Occupational Embeddedness of Federal Law Enforcement Personnel/Ashley E. Johnson, Daniel A. Sachau, David Englert.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2010; Vol.25, No.2: 75-89.
133138 The Psychological Impact on Police Officers of Being First Responders to Completed Suicides/Barry J. Koch.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2010; Vol.25, No.2: 90-98.
133139 An Examination of Authoritarian Personality Traits among Police Officers: The Role of Experience/Louis Laguna, Ashley Linn, Kyle Ward,  Rasa Rupslaukyte.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2010; Vol.25, No.2: 99-104.
133140 Education and Career Satisfaction: Examining the Specifics of the Relationship Among Criminal Justice Graduates/Brian K. Payne, Brenda Sims Blackwell, Sue Carter Collins.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2010; Vol.25, No.2: 105-112.
133141 Secondary Traumatic Stress and Burnout among Law Enforcement Investigators Exposed to Disturbing Media Images/Lisa M. Perez, Jeremy Jones, David R. Englert, Daniel Sachau.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2010; Vol.25, No.2: 113-124.
133142 Officer Preferences for Male Backup: The Influence of Gender and Police Partnering/Philip E. Carlan, Lisa S. Nored, Ragan A. Downey.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2011; Vol.26, No.1: 4-10.
133143 Effects of Experiencing the Eyewitness Identification Procedure on Juror Decisions/Tara S. Duckworth, David S. Kreiner, Kim Stark-Wroblewski, Patricia A. Marsh.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2011; Vol.26, No.1: 11-29.
133144 Forensic Interviews with Children in Scotland: A Survey of Interview Practices Among Police/David La Rooy, Michael E. Lamb, Amina Memon.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2011; Vol.26, No.1: 26-34.
133145 Using Spaced Learning Principles to Translate Knowledge into Behavior: Evidence from Investigative Interviews of Alleged Child Abuse Victims/Alexis E. Rischke, Kim P. Roberts, Heather L. Price.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2011; Vol.26, No.1: 58-67.
133146 Police Empathy and Victim PTSD as Potential Factors in Rape Case Attrition/Lucy Maddox, Deborah LeeChris Barker.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2011; Vol.26, No.2: 112-117.
133147 How Do Police Respond to Stalking? An Examination of the Risk Management Strategies and Tactics Used in a Specialized Anti-Stalking Law Enforcement Unit/Jennifer E. Storey, Stephen D. Hart.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2011; Vol.26, No.2: 128-142.
133148 Enhancing Witness Memory with Focused Meditation and Eye-Closure: Assessing the Effects of Misinformation/Graham Francis Wagstaff, Jacqueline Mary Wheatcroft, Charlotte Lucy Burt, Hannah Jayne Pilkington, Keely Wilkinson, Jennifer Dianne Hoyle.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2011; Vol.26, No.2: 152-161.
133149 Overhearing the Planning of A Crime: Do Adults Outperform Children As Earwitnesses?/Lisa Ohman, Anders Eriksson, Par Anders Granhag.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2011; Vol.26, No.2: 118-127.
133150 An Exploration of the Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance in Police Organizations/Omar Ebrahim Al Ali, Iain Garner, Wissam Magadley.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2012; Vol.27, No.1: 1-8.
133151 Police Psychology in Singapore: The Red Dot Experience/Majeed Khader …[et al.].- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2012; Vol.27, No.1: 24-32.
133152 The Culprit in Target-Absent Lineups: Understanding Young Children’s False Positive Responding/Joanna D. Pozzulo, Julie Dempsey, Kaila Bruer, Chelsea Sheahan.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2012; Vol.27, No.1: 55-62.
133153 Examining Rapport in Investigative Interviews with Suspects: Does its Building and Maintenance Work?/Dave Walsh, Ray Bull.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2012; Vol.27, No.1: 73-84.
133154 A Test of Case Linkage Principles with Solved and Unsolved Serial Rapes/Jessica Woodhams, Gerard Labuschagne.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2012; Vol.27, No.1: 85-98.
133155 Evaluation of Operational Stress in Riot and Crowd Control Police Units: A Global Challenge for Prevention and Management of Police Task-Related Stress/S. Garbarino …[et al.].- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2012; Vol.27, No.2: 111-122.
133156 Personality Profiles of Special Force Police Officers/Sergio Garbarino, Carlo Chiorri, Nicola Magnavita, Sara Piattino, Giovanni Cuomo.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2012; Vol.27, No.2: 99-110.
133157 Validation of a Short Form of the Marlowe-Crowne for Use with Law Enforcement Personnel/Byron Greenberg, Peter Weiss.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2012; Vol.27, No.2: 123-128.
133158 Investigating the Latent Structure of the Theory of Planned Behavior and its Effectiveness in Explaining Intentions to Participate in Counseling among a Sample of Police Officers/Philip Hyland, Daniel Boduszek, Mark Shevlin, Gary Adamson.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2012; Vol.27, No.2: 129-140.
133159 Predicting Police Aggression: Comparing Traditional and Non-Traditional Prediction Models/James Koepfler, JoAnne Brewster, Michael Stoloff, Bryan Saville.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2012; Vol.27, No.2: 141-149.
133160 A Psychological Autopsy of 9/11 Ringleader Mohamed Atta/Adam Lankford.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2012; Vol.27, No.2: 150-159.
133161 The Direction of Deception: Neuro-Linguistic Programming as a Lie Detection Tool/Samantha Mann, Aldert Vrij, Erika Nasholm, Lara Warmelink, Sharon Leal,  Dave Forrester.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2012; Vol.27, No.2: 160-166.
133162 Identity-Lineup Location Influences Target Selection: Evidence from Eye Movements/Ahmed M. Megreya, Markus Bindemann, Catriona Havard, A. Mike Burton.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2012; Vol.27, No.2: 167-178.
133163 Secondary Confessions, Expert Testimony, and Unreliable Testimony/Jeffrey S. Neuschatz, Miranda L. Wilkinson, Charles A. Goodsell, Stacy A. Wetmore, Deah S. Quinlivan, Nicholaos J. Jones.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2012; Vol.27, No.2: 179-192.
133164 Criminal Social Identity of Recidivistic Prisoners: The Role of Self-Esteem, Family and Criminal Friends/Daniel Boduszek, Gary Adamson, Mark Shevlin, John Mallett, Philip Hyland.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2013; Vol.28, No.1: 15-25.
133165 Critical Stress: Police Officer Religiosity and Coping with Critical Stress Incidents/Jason Clark-Miller, Hallie C. Brady.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2013; Vol.28, No.1: 26-34.
133166 Research Note-Strain-Based Work-Family Conflict and its Relationship with Perceptions of Distributive and Procedural Justice among Correctional Staff/Eric G. Lambert, Nancy L. Hogan, Kelly Cheeseman.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2013; Vol.28, No.1: 35-47.
133167 Language Proficiency and Police Officers Lie Detection Performance/Amy-May Leach, Cayla S. Da Silva.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2013; Vol.28, No.1: 48-53.
133168 Interviewing to Elicit Cues to Deception: Improving Strategic Use of Evidence with General-To-Specific Framing of Evidence/Timothy J. Luke …[et al.].- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2013; Vol.28, No.1: 54-62.
133169 The Z Generation: Examining Perpetrator Descriptions and Lineup Identification Procedures/Joanna D. Pozzulo, Julie Dempsey, Jennifer Pettalia.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2013; Vol.28, No.1: 63-74.
133170 Rapid Assessment Exploring Impediments to Successful Prosecutions of Sex Traffickers of U.S. Minors/Joan A. Reid.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2013; Vol.28, No.1: 75-89.
133171 Terrorism Psychology: Theory & Application/Alex W. Stedmon, Glyn Lawson.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2013; Vol.28, No.2: 91-93.
133172 Deception Traits in Psychological Interviewing/Aldert Vrij, Samantha Mann, Sharon Leal.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2013; Vol.28, No.2: 115-126.
133173 Deception in Context: Coding Nonverbal Cues, Situational Variables and Risk of Detection/Ke Zhang, Lara A. Frumkin, Alex Stedmon, Glyn Lawson.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2013; Vol.28, No.2: 150-161.
133174 Children’s Use of a Time Line to Indicate When Events Occurred/Leanne L. Gosse, Kim P. Roberts.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2014; Vol.29, No.1: 36-43.
133175 The Eastern City Gun Project: Exploring Contextual and Operational Variables/Allan Y. Jiao.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2014; Vol.29, No.2: 10-21.
133176 Associated Adults: Prospective Person Memory for Family Abducted Children/James Michael Lampinen, Lindsey N. Sweeney.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2014; Vol.29, No.1: 22-27.
133177 Crime Scene Staging in Homicide/Louis B. Schlesinger, Ashley Gardenier, John Jarvis, Jamie Sheehan-Cook.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2014; Vol.29, No.1: 44-51.
133178 Evaluation of Police Training on LGBTQ Issues: Knowledge, Interpersonal Apprehension, and Self-Efficacy/Tania Israel, Audrey Harkness, Kevin Delucio, Jay N. Ledbetter, Todd Raymond Avellar.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2014; Vol.29, No.2: 57-67.
133179 Examining a Strategy for Improving Candidate Perceptions of Test Fairness/R. Blake Jelley, Julie M. McCarthy.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2014; Vol.29, No.2: 68-74.
133180 Subjective and Non-subjective Information in Children’s Allegations of Abuse/Jennifer E. Newman, Kim P. Roberts.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2014; Vol.29, No.1: 75-80.
133181 Exploring the Disclosure of Forensic Evidence in Police Interviews with Suspects/Lisa L. Smith, Ray Bull.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2014; Vol.29, No.2: 81-86.
133182 Interviewing to Detect Deception: When to Disclose the Evidence?/Marina Sorochinski …[et al.].- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2014; Vol.29, No.2: 87-94.
133183 Does enhanced rapport-building alter the dynamics of investigative interviews with suspected victims of intra-familial abuse?/Irit Hershkowitz, Michael E. Lamb, Carmit Katz, Lindsay C. Malloy.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2015; Vol.30, No.1: 6-14.
133184 Pre-employment screening of police officers: Limitations of the mmpi-2 K-Scale as a useful predictor of performance/Louis Laguna, Joseph Agliotta, Stephanie Mannon.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2015; Vol.30, No.1: 1-5.
133185 Real-time Imaging of Stress-induced Cardiac Autonomic Adaptation During Realistic Force-on-force Police Scenarios/Donatella Brisinda, Angela Venuti, Claudia Cataldi, Kristian Efremov, Emilia Intorno, Riccardo Fenici.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2015; Vol.30, No.2: 71-86.
133186 Potential Motive to Fabricate and the Assessment of Child Witnesses in Sexual Assault Cases/Deborah A. Connolly, Patricia I. Coburn, Angelina Yiu.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2015; Vol.30, No.2: 63-70.
133187 Perceptions of Interpersonal Social Cues Predictive of Violence Among Police Officers Who Have Been Assaulted/Richard R. Johnson.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2015; Vol.30, No.2: 87-93.
133188 Behind the Confession: Relating False Confession, Interrogative Compliance, Personality Traits, and Psychopathy/Simon R. Larmour, Henriette Bergstrom, Christopher T. A. Gillen, Adelle E. Forth.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2015; Vol.30, No.2: 94-102.
133189 Police Officers Perceptions of their Reactions to Viewing Internet Child Exploitation Material/Martine Powell, Peter Cassematis, Mairi Benson, Stephen Smallbone, Richard Wortley.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2015; Vol.30, No.2: 103-111.
133190 Intelligence-Led Policing in Honduras: Applying Sleipnir and Social Psychology to Understand Gang Proliferation/Jerry H. Ratcliffe, Evan T. Sorg, James W. Rose.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2015; Vol.30, No.2: 112-123.
133191 Staged Homicides: An Examination of Common Features of Faked Burglaries, Suicides, Accidents and Car Accidents/Claire Ferguson.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2015; Vol.30, No.3: 139-157.
133192 No Hat or Tie Required: Examining Minor Changes to the Police Uniform/Richard R. Johnson, Darryl Plecas Ed.D., Shawne Anderson M.P.A, Harry Dolan M.S..- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2015; Vol.30, No.3: 158-165.
133193 Child Interviewing Practices in Canada: A Box Score from Field Observations/Kirk Luther, Brent Snook, Todd Barron, Michael E. Lamb.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2015; Vol.30, No.3: 204-212.
133194 Variability in Behavioural Consistency Across Temporal Phases in Stranger Sexual Offences/Sandra Oziel, Alasdair Goodwill, Eric Beauregard.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2015; Vol.30, No.3: 176-190.
133195 Sci., Psi, and CSI: Police Officers and Students  Paranormal TV Consumption, Real-Life Experience with Paranormal Phenomena, and Perceptions of Psychic Detectives/Susan H. Sarapin, Glenn G. Sparks.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2015; Vol.30, No.3: 191-203.
133196 Attrition in Danish rape reported crimes/Nina Beck Hansen, Louise Hjort Nielsen, Rikke Holm Bramsen, Ole Ingemann-Hansen, Ask Elklit.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2015; Vol.30, No.4: 221-228.
133197 Testing the Assumptions of Crime Linkage with Stranger Sex Offenses: A More Ecologically-Valid Study/Chelsea Slater, Jessica Woodhams, Catherine Hamilton-Giachritsis.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2015; Vol.30, No.4: 261-273.
133198 Police Personnel Affective Profiles: Differences in Perceptions of the Work Climate and Motivation/Ann-Christine Andersson Arnten, Nabeel Abd Algafoor, Ali Al Nima, Erica Schutz, Trevor Archer, Danilo Garcia.- 31. 2016; Vol.31, No.1: 2-14.
133199 A Pilot Study Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention on Cortisol Awakening Response and Health Outcomes among Law Enforcement Officers/Michael S. Christopher …[et al.].- 31. 2016; Vol.31, No.1: 15-28.
133200 Coercive Interrogation of Eyewitnesses Can Produce False Accusations/Danielle M. Loney, Brian L. Cutler.- 31. 2016; Vol.31, No.1: 29-36.
133201 Associations between MMPI-2-RF (Restructured Form) and Inwald Personality Inventory (IPI) Scale Scores in a Law Enforcement Preemployment Screening Sample/Paul Detrick, Yossef S. Ben-Porath, Martin Sellbom.- 31. 2016; Vol.31, No.2: 81-95.
133202 Eyewitness Identifications by Older and Younger Adults: A Meta-Analysis and Discussion/William Blake Erickson, James Michael Lampinen, Kara N. Moore.- 31. 2016; Vol.31, No.2: 108-121.
133203 One Way or Another? Criminal Investigators Beliefs Regarding the Disclosure of Evidence in Interviews with Suspects in England and Wales/Dave Walsh, Becky MilneRay Bull.- 31. 2016; Vol.31, No.2: 127-140.
133204 Perceptions of Law Enforcement Officers in Seeking Mental Health Treatment in a Right-to-Work State/Amy K. White, Gregory Shrader, Jared Chamberlain.- 31. 2016; Vol.31, No.2: 141-154.
133205 Effects of the NICHD Protocol Training on Child Investigative Interview Quality in Korean Police Officers/Misun Yi, Eunkyung Jo, Michael E. Lamb.- 31. 2016; Vol.31, No.2: 155-163.
133206 LGBTQ-Affirming Policing: Tactics Generated by Law Enforcement Personnel/Tania Israel, Audrey Harkness, Todd R. Avellar, Kevin Delucio, Jay N. Bettergarcia, Joshua A. Goodman.- 31. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 173-181.
133207 Note on a Training Program for Brief Decision Making for Frontline Police Officers/Bjorn Helge Johnsen, Roar Espevik, Evelyn Rose Saus, Sverre Sanden, Olav Kjellevold Olsen.- 31. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 182-188.
133208 To Behave Like a Liar: Nonverbal Cues to Deception in an Asian Sample/Stephanie Chan, Majeed Khader, Jansen Ang, Jeffery Chin, Whistine Chai.- 31. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 165-172.
133209 Confidently Wrong: Police Endorsement of Psycho-Legal Misconceptions/Chloe Chaplin, Julia Shaw.- 31. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 208-216.
133210 Misremembering Events: Emotional Valence, Psychopathic Traits, and the Misinformation Effect/Kristine A. Peace, Kyla M. Constantin.- 31. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 189-199.
133211 Law Enforcement and the Rights of the Accused: Are the Police Getting a Bad Rap?/Richard Rogers …[et al.].- 31. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 200-207.
133212 Japanese Suspect Interviews, Confessions, and Related Factors/Taeko Wachi, Kazumi Watanabe, Kaeko Yokota, Yusuke Otsuka, Michael E. Lamb.- 31. 2016; Vol.31, No.3: 217-227.
133213 Avoidant But Not Avoiding: The Mediational Role of Anticipated Regret in Police Decision-making/Shanique G. Brown, Catherine S. Daus.- 31. 2016; Vol.31, No.4: 238-249.
133214 Resilience Factors Among Police Investigators: Hardiness-commitment a Unique Contributor/Tonje Fyhn, Kristin Konglevoll Fjell, Bjorn Helge Johnsen.- 31. 2016; Vol.31, No.4: 261-269.
133215 Training in the Strategic Use of Evidence technique: Improving deception detection accuracy of American law enforcement officers/Timothy J. Luke …[et al.].- 31. 2016; Vol.31, No.4: 270-278.
133216 Eyewitness Memory for Firearms: Narrative Accounts and Specific Questioning in the Elucidation of Accurate Information/Matthew J. Sharps, Kaichen McRae, Mitchell Partovi, Justin Power, Alanna Newton.- 31. 2016; Vol.31, No.4: 288-294.
133217 Emotion Regulation in Police Officers Following Distress: Effects of Tenure and Critical Incidents/Melanie A. Thornton, James Herndon.- 31. 2016; Vol.31, No.4: 304-309.
133218 Improving Children’s Interviewing Methods? The Effects of Drawing and Practice on Children’s Memories for an Event/Henry Otgaar, Renate van Ansem, Carline Pauw, Robert Horselenberg.- 31. 2016; Vol.31, No.4: 279-287.
133219 Police Hostage (Crisis) Negotiators in the US: A National Survey/Andrew T. Young.- 31. 2016; Vol.31, No.4: 310-321.
133220 Initiatives that Counter Violent Radicalization but are Perceived as Suitable by Targeted Communities/Rosleenda B Mohamed Ali, Simon A Moss, Kate Barrelle, Peter Lentini.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 43-55.
133221 Law Enforcement Fusion Centers: Cultivating an Information Sharing Environment while Safeguarding Privacy/Jeremy G. Carter, David L. Carter, Steve Chermak, Edmund McGarrell.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 11-27.
133222 Becoming a Game Warden: Motivations for Choosing a Career in Wildlife Law Enforcement/Stephen L. Eliason.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 28-32.
133223 Witness Interview Training: a Field Evaluation/Sarah MacDonald, Brent Snook, Rebecca Milne.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 77-84.
133224 Jurors Perceptions of Evidence: The Relative Influence of DNA and Eyewitness Testimony when Presented by Opposing Parties/Evelyn M. Maeder, Logan A. Ewanation, Jordan Monnink.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 33-42.
133225 When Both Sides are Mistaken: Layperson and Legal Professionals Misconceptions of Canadian Suspects  Legal Rights Upon Arrest/Marc W. Patry, Christina J. Connors, Nicole M. Adams-Quackenbush, Steven M. Smith.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 56-65.
133226 The Influence of a Defendant’s Chronological Age, Developmental Age, and Race on Mock Juror Decision Making/Emily Pica, Jennifer Pettalia, Joanna Pozzulo.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.1: 66-76.
133227 Children’s Reports of Disclosure Recipient Reactions in Forensic Interviews: Comparing the NICHD and MoGP Protocols/Elizabeth C. Ahern, Michael E. Lamb.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 85-93.
133228 Detecting the True Nature of Allegations of Rape/Andre De Zutter, Robert Horselenberg, Peter J. van Koppen.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 114-127.
133229 Training Police Investigators to Interview to Detect False Intentions/Tuule Sooniste, Par Anders Granhag, Leif A. Stromwall.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 152-162.
133230 When an Alibi Is Not Enough: Judgments of Evidence Needed to Lay Charges in a Burglary Case/Kaila C. Bruer, Heather L. Price, Leora C. Dahl.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 94-104.
133231 Police Strategies and Suspect Responses in Real-Life Serious Crime Interviews/Samantha Leahy-Harland, Ray Bull.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 13-151.
133232 A Pilot Study to Develop the Police Transformational Leadership Scale (PTLS) and Examine Its Associations with Psychosocial Well-Being of Officers/S. Hakan Can, Helen M. Hendy, M. Berkay Ege Can.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 105-113.
133233 Swedish Police Officers Job Strain, Work-Related Social Support and General Mental Health/Jonas Hansson, Anna-Karin Hurtig, Lars-Erik Lauritz, Mojgan Padyab.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 128-137.
133234 Police Perceptions of Irrational Unstable Behaviours and Use of Force/Laura J. McTackett, Stuart D. M. Thomas.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 163-171.
133235 Factors Affecting Recognition of Senior Citizens in a Silver Alert/Vicki S. Gier, David S. Kreiner, James M. Lampinen.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 185-196.
133236 Dealing with the Unthinkable: a Study of the Cognitive and Emotional Stress of Adult and Child Homicide Investigations on Police Investigators/Jason Roach, Ashley Cartwright, Kathryn Sharratt.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 251-262.
133237 The Mystery Man Can Increase the Reliability of Eyewitness Identifications for Older Adult Witnesses/Catriona Havard, Phyllis Laybourn, Barbara Klecha.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 214-224.
133238 Consequences of Undercover Operations in Law Enforcement: a Review of Challenges and Best Practices/Devin Kowalczyk, Matthew J. Sharps.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 197-202.
133239 Do Not Lie to Me, or Else: the Effect of a Turncoat Warning and Rapport Building on Perceptions of Police Interviewers/Sarah MacDonald, Zak Keeping, Brent Snook, Kirk Luther.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 263-277.
133240 The Effects of Pre-admonition Suggestions on Eyewitnesses Choosing Rates and Retrospective Identification Judgments/Deah S. Quinlivan …[et al.].- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 236-246.
133241 Coping with Work Stress in Police Employees/Abhay Pratap Singh.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 225-235.
133242 Using an Eye Tracking Device to Assess Vulnerabilities to Burglary/Thomas Zawisza, Ray Garza.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 203-213.
133243 Crimes Against Caring: Exploring the Risk of Secondary Traumatic Stress, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction Among Child Exploitation Investigators/Patrick Q. Brady.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.4: 305-318.
133244 Predictors of Group Performance in a Police Criminal Investigation Department: the Role of Gender Homogeneity, Leadership and Team Characteristics/Jaap Schaveling, Saskia Blaauw, Kees van Montfort.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.4: 358-368.
133245 Lie Detection Accuracy-the Role of Age and the Use of Emotions as a Reliable Cue/Hannah Shaw, Minna Lyons.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.4: 300-304.
133246 Show Me Your Hands! Police and Public Perceptions of Violent Interpersonal Cues/Richard R. Johnson.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.4: 289-299.
133247 Hardiness as a Moderator and Motivation for Operational Duties as Mediator: the Relation Between Operational Self-Efficacy, Performance Satisfaction/Bjorn Helge Johnsen, Roar Espevik, Evelyn-Rose Saus, Sverre Sanden, Olav Kjellevold Olsen, Sigurd W. Hystad.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.4: 331-339.
133248 The Effect of Post-ID Feedback on Retrospective Self-Reports in Showups/Kylie N. Key, Stacy A. Wetmore, Daniella K. Cash, Jeffrey S. Neuschatz, Scott D. Gronlund.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.4: 369-377.
133249 Assessing the Effectiveness of NICHD Protocol Training Focused on Episodic Memory Training and Rapport-Building: a Study of Korean Police Officers/Misun Yi, Eunkyung Jo, Michael E. Lamb.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.4: 279-288.
133250 Observers Real-Time Sensitivity to Deception in Naturalistic Interviews/Drew A. Leins, Laura A. Zimmerman, Emily N. Polander.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.4: 319-330.
133251 The Influence of Police Profanity on Public Perception of Excessive Force/Christina L. Patton, Michael Asken, William J. Fremouw, Robert Bemis.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2017; Vol.32, No.4: 340-357.
133252 Is the Public Willing to Help the Nigerian Police During the Boko Haram Crisis? A Look at Moderating Factors/Stamatis Elntib, Zainab Sani Nass, Maria Ioannou, Saskia Ryan, Paul Christiansen.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.1: 55-62.
133253 Misinterpreting Danger? Stereotype Threat, Pre-attack Indicators, and Police-Citizen Interactions/Kimberly Barsamian Kahn, Jean M. McMahon, Greg Stewart.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.1: 45-54.
133254 Minority Status and Spirituality among Police Officers: Blacks and Women in a Metropolitan Department/Richard Lee Rogers.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.1: 1-8.
133255 The Role of Familiarity with the Defendant, Type of Descriptor Discrepancy, and Eyewitness Age on Mock Jurors  Perceptions of Eyewitness Testimony/Chelsea L. Sheahan, Joanna D. Pozzulo, Jennifer E. Reed, Emily Pica.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.1: 35-44.
133256 A Multidimensional Approach to Ascertaining Individual Differentiation and Consistency in Serial Sexual Assault: Is It Time to Redefine and Refine?/Marina Sorochinski, C Gabrielle Salfati.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.1: 63-83.
133257 In Search of Indicators of Detective Aptitude: Police Recruits Logical Reasoning and Ability to Generate Investigative Hypotheses/Ivar A. Fahsing, Karl Ask.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.1: 21-34.
133258 Informing Police Response to Intimate Partner Violence: Predictors of Perceived Usefulness of Risk Assessment Screening/Mary Ann Campbell, Carmen GillDale Ballucci.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 175-187.
133259 The Emotionally Intelligent Officer? Exploring Decision-Making Style and Emotional Intelligence in Hostage and Crisis Negotiators and Non-Negotiator-Trained Police Officers/Amy Rose Grubb, Sarah J. Brown, Peter Hall.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 123-136.
133260 Job Stress, Job Involvement, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment and Their Associations with Job Burnout Among Indian Police Officers: a Research Note/Eric G. Lambert, Hanif Qureshi, James Frank, Charles Klahm, Brad Smith.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 85-99.
133261 The Impact of Mindfulness Meditation and Self-Compassion on Criminal Impulsivity in a Prisoner Sample/Richard H. Morley.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 118-122.
133262 Planning Ahead? An Exploratory Study of South Korean Investigators Beliefs About Their Planning for Investigative Interviews of Suspects/Jihwan Kim, Dave Walsh, Ray Bull, Henriette Bergstrom.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 158-174.
133263 A Sequence Analysis of Nonverbal Behaviour and Deception/A Marono, DD Clarke, J Navarro, DA Keatley.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 109-117.
133264 Protective Vests in Law Enforcement: a Pilot Survey of Public Perceptions/J. ONeill, S. A. Swenson, E. Stark, D. A. ONeill, W. J. Lewinski.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 100-108.
133265 Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: an Assessment of Offender Characteristics/Alexis Carpinteri, Brandy Bang, Kristin Klimley, Ryan A. Black, Vincent B. Van Hasselt.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 150-157.
133266 Sector Well-Being Differences Among UK Police Custody Staff/C. Robert M. Werner-de-Sondberg, Maria Karanika-Murray, Thomas Baguley, Nicholas Blagden.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 137-149.
133267 Can We Identify Bad Cops Based on History? Base Rates of Historical Markers in Law Enforcement Pre-employment Evaluations/Stephen L. Aita, Benjamin D. Hill, Mandi W. Musso, Wm. Drew Gouvier.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 201-208.
133268 Interrogative Specialists and False Confessions: Debunking the Con Artist Myth/Bradford J. Beyer, James Herndon.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 233-243.
133269 Community Awareness of Patron Banning in Australia: a Brief Report/Ashlee Curtis, Nicholas Taylor, Belinda Guadagno, Clare Farmer, Peter Miller.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 283-287.
133270 Dispositional Mindfulness Moderates the Relationship Between Occupational Stressors and Perceived Stress Among Law Enforcement Personnel/Joshua Benjamin Kaplan, Michael S. Christopher, Sarah Bowen.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 227-232.
133271 Shoot/No-Shoot Decisions: Dissociation, Judgment, and Assailant/Weapon Characteristics/Schuyler W. Liao, Jana L. Price-Sharps, Matthew J. Sharps.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 209-214.
133272 Confessions of a Criminal Psychopath: an Analysis of the Robert Pickton Cell-Plant/Sasha Reid, Jooyoung Lee.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 257-270.
133273 Assessing the Psychological Well-being and Coping Mechanisms of Law Enforcement Investigators vs. Digital Forensic Examiners of Child Pornography Investigations/Kathryn C. Seigfried-Spellar.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 215-226.
133274 The Impact of Beliefs Concerning Deception on Perceptions of Nonverbal Behavior: Implications for Neuro-Linguistic Programming-Based Lie Detection/Flavia Spiroiu.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 244-256.
133275 Associations Between Police Work Stressors and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms: Examining the Moderating Effects of Coping/John M. Violanti …[et al.].- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 271-282.
133276 A Brief History of Personality Assessment in Police Psychology: 1916-2008/Peter A. Weiss, Robin Inwald.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 189-200.
133277 Clusters of Nonverbal Behaviors Differ According to Type of Question and Veracity in Investigative Interviews in a Mock Crime Context/David Matsumoto, Hyisung C. Hwang.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.4: 302-315.
133278 Effects of Mental Strength Training for Police Officers: a Three-Wave Quasi-experimental Study/Erik van der Meulen, Mark W. G. Bosmans, Kim M. E. Lens, Esmah Lahlah, Peter G. van der Velden.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.4: 385-397.
133279 The Dangers of Co-witness Familiarity: Investigating the Effects of Co-witness Relationships on Blame Conformity/Dara Mojtahedi, Maria Ioannou, Laura Hammond.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.4: 316-326.
133280 Do they Aggress Earlier? Investigating the Effects of Ego Depletion on Police Officers Use of Force Behavior/Mario S. Staller, Paul Christiansen, Benjamin Zaiser, Swen Korner, Jon C. Cole.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.4: 332-344.
133281 Secondary Confessions as Post-identification Feedback: How Jailhouse Informant Testimony Can Alter Eyewitnesses Identification Decisions/Preston M. Mote, Jeffrey S. Neuschatz, Brian H. Bornstein, Stacy A. Wetmore, Kylie N. Key.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.4: 375-384.
133282 The Influence of Prior Familiarity, Identification Delay, Appearance Change, and Descriptor Type and Errors on Mock Jurors Judgments/Emily Pica, Chelsea Sheahan, Andrei Mesesan, Joanna Pozzulo.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.4: 289-301.
133283 Shoot/No-Shoot Decisions in the Context of IED-Detection Training and Eyewitness Memory for Persons/Matthew J. Sharps, Megan R. Herrera, David L. Hulett, Amanda Briley.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.4: 327-331.
133284 Assessment of Stress and Resiliency in Emergency Dispatchers/Bryan Steinkopf, Ryan A. Reddin, Ryan A. Black, Vincent B. Van Hasselt, Judy Couwels.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.4: 398-411.
133285 Role Conflict and the Psychological Impacts of the Post-Ferguson Period on Law Enforcement Motivation, Cynicism, and Apprehensiveness/Jose Torres, Timothy Reling, James Hawdon.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.4: 358-374.
133286 Force, Stress, and Decision-Making Within the Belgian Police: the Impact of Stressful Situations on Police Decision-Making/Antoinette Verhage, Jannie Noppe, Yinthe Feys, Eva Ledegen.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2018; Vol.33, No.4: 345-375.
133287 Recent Police Recruits  Existing Knowledge of the Police and Organisational Commitment/Fran Boag-Munroe.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 91-101.
133288 Fantasy, Opportunity, Homicide: Testing Classifications of Necrophilic Behaviour/Mark Pettigrew.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 14-22.
133289 Job Demands, Job Resources, and Well-being in Police Officers-a Resource-Oriented Approach/Christine Wolter …[et al.].- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 45-54.
133290 Serial Homicide Perpetrators Self-Reported Psychopathy and Criminal Thinking/Scott E. Culhane, Stephannie Walker, Meagen M. Hildebrand.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 1-13.
133291 Dance Like No One’s Watching: the Influence of Demand Characteristics When Examining Lineups via Computer or In-Person/Emily Pica, Joanna Pozzulo, Chelsea L. Sheahan.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 23-33.
133292 Depressive Symptoms Among Police Officers: Associations with Personality and Psychosocial Factors/Emily N. Jenkins, Penelope Allison, Kim Innes, John M. Violanti, Michael E. Andrew.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 67-77.
133293 Suicide Prevention in U.S. Law Enforcement Agencies: a National Survey of Current Practices/Rajeev Ramchand.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 55-66.
133294 Police Evaluations of Intimate Partner Violence in Heterosexual and Same-Sex Relationships: Do Experience and Training Play a Role?/Brenda Russell, John A. (Drew) Sturgeon.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 34-44.
133295 Police Profanity and Public Judgments of Guilt and Effectiveness in Officer-Involved Shootings/Matthew J. Sharps, Jaime F. Torkelson, David L. Hulett, Megan L. Kuhn, Clarissa N. Sevillano.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 87-90.
133296 Memory for Cars Among a Female Population: Is the Cognitive Interview Beneficial in Reducing Stereotype Threat?/Lisa Brelet, Magali Ginet, Cindy Colomb, Robin Jund, Michel Desert.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 109-120.
133297 911 Calls in Homicide Cases: What Does the Verbal Behavior of the Caller Reveal?/Jon D. Cromer, JoAnne Brewster, Kethera Fogler, Michael Stoloff.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 156-164.
133298 An Interview Study of the Experiences of Police Officers in Regard to Psychological Contract and Wellbeing/Fazeelat Duran, Jessica Woodhams, Darren Bishopp.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 184-198.
133299 Exploring the Validity of Behavioral Cues Predictive of Physically Resisting Arrest/Richard R. Johnson.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 134-144.
133300 An Examination of Mock Jurors Judgments in Familiar Identification Cases/Jonathan P. Vallano, Jennifer Pettalia, Emily Pica, Joanna Pozzulo.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 121-133.
133301 Challenges for Police Leadership: Identity, Experience, Legitimacy and Direct Entry/James Hoggett, Paul Redford, Deirdre Toher, Paul White.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 145-155.
133302 Psychologists and Psychiatrists in Court: What Do They Know About Eyewitness Memory? A Comparison of Experts in Inquisitorial and Adversarial Legal Systems/Olivier Dodier, Annika Melinder, Henry Otgaar, Melany Payoux, Svein Magnussen.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 254-262.
133303 The Psychology of Internet Fraud Victimisation: a Systematic Review/Gareth Norris, Alexandra Brookes, David Dowell.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 231-245.
133304 Recognition of a Missing Person in a Mock Silver Alert in Relation to Individual Difference Factors and the Effect of an Educational Video/Vicki S. Gier.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 270-284.
133305 Operational Vigilance in Border Security: the Singapore Experience/Vivien Lee, Jansen Ang, Andrew Neo, Lan Yan Goh, Naomi Liew.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 330-339.
133306 Evidence for the Belief in Live Lineup Superiority/Heather L. Price, Madison B. Harvey, Shelbie F. Anderson, Leah Chadwick, Ryan J. Fitzgerald.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 263-269.
133307 Does Attitude Toward Offending Play a Role in a Person’s Compliance with the Law? Procedural Justice, Institutional Legitimacy, and the Perceived Wrongfulness of Offending Behavior/Glenn D. Walters.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 303-313.
133308 Police Officers Perceptions of Their Role in a Mental Health Magistrates Court Pathway/Caroline J. Wesson, Darren D. Chadwick.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 285-291.
133309 Wallet or Gun? Evaluating Factors that Affect Anticipation Ability in a Use-of-Force Scenario/Joel Suss, Alexis Raushel.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 292-302.
133310 Where Bias Begins: a Snapshot of Police Officers Beliefs About Factors that Influence the Investigative Interview with Suspects/Nicole M. Adams-Quackenbush, Robert Horselenberg, Peter J. van Koppen.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.4: 373-380.
133311 Missing Children Photograph Appeals: Does the Number of Appeals Affect Identification Accuracy Following a Short Recall Delay?/Daniel Hunt, Maria Ioannou, John Synnott.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.4: 417-427.
133312 Witnesses Verbal Evaluation of Certainty and Uncertainty During Investigative Interviews: Relationship with Report Accuracy/Rui M. Paulo, Pedro B. Albuquerque, Ray Bull.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.4: 341-350.
133313 The Influence of Familiar and Confident Eyewitnesses on Mock Jurors Judgments/Emily Pica, Chelsea L. Sheahan, Joanna Pozzulo, Jonathan Vallano, Jennifer Pettalia.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.4: 351-361.
133314 The Influence of Familiarity Recency and Eyewitness Age on Mock Jurors Judgement/Lauren E Thompson, Chelsea Sheahan, Emily Pica, Joanna Pozzulo.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.4: 362-372.
133315 Mapping Repeated Interviews/Genevieve F. Waterhouse, Anne M. Ridley, Ray Bull, David J. La Rooy, Rachel Wilcock.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.4: 392-409.
133316 The Relationship Between Facebook Reactions and Sharing Investigative Requests for Assistance/Kimberly F. Brunell, Sarah W. Craun, Briana Davis.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.4: 410-416.
133317 What Do Criminal Justice Students Know About Autism? An Exploratory Study Among Future Professionals/Melanie Clark Mogavero.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2019; Vol.34, No.4: 428-438.
133360 Physical Fitness and Psychological Hardiness as Predictors of Parasympathetic Control in Response to Stress: a Norwegian Police Simulator Training Study/Asle M. Sandvik, Espen Gjevestad, Einar Aabrekk, Peter Ohman, Per-Ludvik Kjendlie, Sigurd William.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2020; Vol.35, No.4: 504-517.
133361 Job Competencies of Border Security Officers in Singapore/Y. S. D. Chia, W. C. Heng, L. Y. Goh, C. H. J. Ang.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.1: 132-144.
133362 Resilience Among Police Officers: a Critical Systematic Review of Used Concepts, Measures, and Predictive Values of Resilience/Kim M. E. Janssens, Peter G. van der Velden, Ruben Taris, Marc J. P. M. van Veldhoven.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.1: 24-40.
133363 The Impact of Resilience Training on Occupational Stress, Resilience, Job Satisfaction, and Psychological Well-being of Female Police Officers/T. ChitraS. Karunanidhi.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.1: 8-23.
133364 Mindfulness Training Reduces PTSD Symptoms and Improves Stress-Related Health Outcomes in Police Officers/Daniel W. Grupe, Chad McGehee, Chris Smith, Andrew D. Francis, Jeanette A. Mumford, Richard J. Davidson.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.1: 72-85.
133365 Memory Reconsolidation Therapy for Police Officers with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder/Nicholas L. Kerswell, Esben Strodl, Deanne Hawkins, Luke R. Johnson.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.1: 112-123.
133366 Stigmatizing Attitudes Toward Police Officers Seeking Psychological Services/Chelsea Wheeler, Arianne Fisher, Andrea Jamiel, Tamara J. Lynn, W. Trey Hill.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.1: 1-7.
133367 Examining the Effectiveness of Mental Health Education on Law Enforcement: Knowledge and Attitudes/Megan Wise, Lisa Christiansen, Casey Stewart.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.1: 49-55.
133368 The Effect of High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise on Chronic Stress and Potential Biomarkers: a Pilot Study/Sally Lark, Rebecca Kurtovich, Ian de Terte, Collete Bromhead.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.1: 41-48.
133369 A Longitudinal Study of Meaningfulness of Work: Its Relations with Job Outcomes in the Police Force/Fai Ho Choi, Wing Tung Au, Otilia Tung Wai Hui, Ka Mei Leung, Sau Mee Chiu, Yang Yang.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.1: 124-131.
133370 Rational Emotive Occupational Health Coaching in the Management of Police Subjective Well-Being and Work Ability: a Case of Repeated Measures/Charity N. Onyishi, Moses O. Ede, Osita V. Ossai, Christian S. Ugwuanyi.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.1: 96-111.
133371 A Qualitative Investigation of the Experience of Mindfulness Training Among Police Officers/Ashley Eddy, Aaron L. Bergman, Josh Kaplan, Richard J. Goerling, Michael S. Christopher.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.1: 63-71.
133372 Mindful Nonreactivity Moderates the Relationship Between Chronic Stress and Pain Interference in Law Enforcement Officers/Dana Dharmakaya Colgan, Ashley Eddy, Sarah Bowen, Michael Christopher.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.1: 56-62.
133373 An Exploration of Well-being in Former Covert and Undercover Police Officers/Liam Scott Curran.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 256-267.
133374 Motivations for Becoming a Police Officer: a Global Snapshot/Stamatis Elntib, Daliborka Milincic.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 211-219.
133375 A National Survey of Police Mental Health Training/Zoe R. Fiske, Dylan M. Songer, Jennifer L. Schriver.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 236-242.
133376 A 2018-2019 Snapshot of Psychological Screening Rejection Rates: Perceived Trends Reported by Police/Public Safety Psychologists/Robin Inwald, Nathan Thompson.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 149-158.
133377 The Impact of Mental Health Resources on Police Officer Action/Kayla G. Jachimowski, Carley J. Smathers, Lindsey N. Smathers, Ryan J. Lemmon.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 193-203.
133378 Stigma of Mental Illness: an Exploration of Rural Law Enforcement Attitudes Toward Mental Health in the Heartland/Ashley Lockwood, Viviana Lizarraga, Spencer Kochanowski, Brooke Mann.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 204-210.
133379 Operational Stress Levels and Adjustment-Neuroticism Among Police Personnel in Goa/Hemangi Narayan Narvekar, Tina DCunha.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 159-169.
133380 Job Stress and Work-Family Conflict as Correlates of Job Satisfaction Among Police Officials/Vijay Viegas, Joslyn Henriques.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 227-235.
133381 The Mental Health and Service Use of Texas Law Enforcement Officers/Grace M. Boland, Temilola Salami.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 288-294.
133382 Police Perceptions of Training on Interactions with Persons with Mental Illness/Meya Richmond, Jennifer C. Gibbs.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 268-275.
133383 Who Gets Burnout and When? The Role of Personality, Job Control, and Organizational Identification in Predicting Burnout Among Police Officers/Sumagna Bhowmick, Zubin Mulla.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 243-253.
133384 How Do Police Officers Experience Interactions with People with Mental Illness?/Linus Wittmann, Astrid Jorns-Presentati, Gunter Groen.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.2: 220-226.
133385 Accounts of Unlawful Use of Force and Misconduct of the Nigerian Police in the Enforcement of COVID-19 Measures/Richard A. Aborisade.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 450-462.
133386 Citizen Journalism and Public Cynicism toward Police in the USA/Lana M. Browning, Mara Merlino, Johnathon Sharp.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 372-385.
133387 Examining Guardian and Warrior Orientations Across Racial and Ethnic Lines/Stacey Clifton, Jose Torres, James Hawdon.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 436-449.
133388 Occupational Stress and Anger: Mediating Effects of Resiliency in First Responders/Jessie N. Doyle, Mary Ann Campbell, Lena Gryshchuk.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 463-472.
133389 Policing in a Pandemic: a Commentary on Officer Well-being During COVID-19/Ann-Marie Edwards, Yasuhiro Kotera.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 360-364.
133390 First Responder Peer Support: An Evidence-Informed Approach/Bradley S. Feuer.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36: 365-371.
133391 Assertive, but Less Competent and Trustworthy? Perception of Police Officers with Tattoos and Piercings/Nicole Hauke-Forman, Nicole Methner, Susanne Bruckmuller.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 523-536.
133392 Evaluation of CIT Components of Guardian Law Enforcement Training/Jacqueline B. Helfgott, Beck M. Strah, Loren Atherley, Elizabeth Neidhart.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 403-422.
133393 There Was No Plan in Place to Get Us Help: Strategies for Improving Mental Health Service Utilization Among Law Enforcement/Meret S. Hofer, Shannon M. Savell.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 543-557.
133394 Using Collaborative, Mixed-Methods Research to Determine Professional Self-care’s Relation to Burnout Among Police Officers at a Sexual Assault Kit Initiative Site/Emma C. Lathan, Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling, James Tres Stefurak, Jessica Duncan.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 423-435.
133395 The Role of Empathy in Professional Quality of Life: a Study on Australian Police Officers Working in Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Investigation/Riana K. Losung, Tara De Paoli, Mark Kebbell, Amanda Bond.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 616-626.
133396 Differences in Mental Health, Help-Seeking and Barriers to Care Between Civilians and Sworn Members Working in Law Enforcement: A Research Note/Krystle Martin, Alifa Siddiqui, Rosemary Ricciardelli, Liana Lentz, R. Nicholas Carleton.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 627-633.
133397 The Influence of Despotic Leadership on Counterproductive Work Behavior Among Police Personnel: Role of Emotional Exhaustion and Organizational Cynicism/Majid Murad, Wang Jiatong, Fakhar Shahzad, Nausheen Syed.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 603-615.
133398 Badge of Honor: Honor Ideology, Police Legitimacy, and Perceptions of Police Violence/Aaron L. Pomerantz, Kevin Bell, Kevin Green, Stephen Foster, Mauricio Carvallo, Peyton Schow.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 473-489.
133399 Does Organizational Climate Moderate the Relationship Between Psychological Hardiness and Adherence to Criminal Investigation Procedure Among Police Investigating Officers/Ifeanyi Collins Umeoji, Chidozie Edwin Nwafor, Harry Obi-Nwosu, Edwin C. Onyeneje.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 506-512.
133400 Law Enforcement Officers  Barriers to Seeking Mental Health Services: a Scoping Review/Nicole K. Richards, Eliana B. Suarez, Jose F. Arocha.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 351-359.
133401 The Role of Military Service and Childhood Adversity in US Law Enforcement Officer Health and Wellness/Elizabeth A. Stanley, Elizabeth A. Mumford, Weiwei Liu, Bruce Taylor, Poulami Maitra.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 490-505.
133402 Emotional Reactivity and Police Expertise in Use-of-Force Decision-Making/Vivian P. Ta, Brian Lande, Joel Suss.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 513-522.
133403 I Didn’t Know What They Wanted From Me the Perspective of Individuals with Mental Disorders on Police Interventions/Linus Wittmann, Gunter Groen, Janusz Ogorka, Astrid Jorns-Presentati.- Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 2021; Vol.36, No.3: 537-542.
133404 Is There a War on Women or Are Females Fine? An Examination of Sex, Gender, and the Criminal Justice Field/Frances P. Bernat, Chamois S. Holschuh.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2015; Vol.25, No.1-2: 6-10.
133405 Senior Female Faculty in Criminal Justice and Criminology: Professors and Associate Professors Navigating Pathways to Success/Frances P. Bernat, Chamois S. Holschuh.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2015; Vol.25, No.1-2: 11-32.
133406 Gender and the Law: 25 Years of Progress?/Joycelyn Pollock, Shannon Cunningham.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2015; Vol.25, No.1-2: 33-49.
133407 Police and the War on Women: A Gender-Linked Examination Behind and In Front of the Blue Curtain/L. Thomas Winfree, Christina DeJong.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2015; Vol.25, No.1-2: 50-70.
133408 Global War on Girls? Policing Girls’ Sexuality and Criminalizing Their Victimization/Meda Chesney-Lind, Alida V. Merlo.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2015; Vol.25, No.1-2: 71-82.
133409 Sisters in Terrorism? Exploding Stereotypes/Kathy Laster, Edna Erez.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2015; Vol.25, No.1-2: 83-99.
133410 Sex, Gender, Multidimensional Value Space, and Social Cultural Resistance – Afrocentrism/Daniel E. Georges-Abeyie.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2015; Vol.25, No.1-2: 100-119.
133411 The Hundred Years’ War: The Etiology and Status of Assaults on Transgender Women in Men’s Prisons/Mary K. Stohr.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2015; Vol.25, No.1-2: 120-129.
133412 Gender and Publication Patterns: Female Authorship Is Increasing, But Is There Gender Parity?/Helen M. Eigenberg, Elizabeth Whalley.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2015; Vol.25, No.1-2: 130-144.
133413 Parenting and Intimate Relationship Effects on Women Offenders’ Recidivism and Noncompliance with Probation/Loretta J. Stalans, Arthur J. Lurigio.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2015; Vol.25, No.3: 152-168.
133414 Gendered Pathways to Recidivism: Differential Effects of Family Support by Gender/Caitlin J. Taylor.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2015; Vol.25, No.3: 169-183.
133415 Assessing the Status of Gender-Specific Programs through the Lens of Juvenile Justice Staff/Jessica P. Hodge, Kristi Holsinger, Kristen Maziarka.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2015; Vol.25, No.3: 184-200.
133416 The Effects of Dog-Training Programs: Experiences of Incarcerated Females/Barbara J. Cooke, David P. Farrington.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2015; Vol.25, No.3: 201-214.
133417 Investigating Life Course Offender Subgroup Heterogeneity: An Exploratory Latent Class Analysis Approach/Elaine Gunnison.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2015; Vol.25, No.4: 223-240.
133418 A Call for Help: Women Offenders’ Reflections on Trauma Care/Flora I. Matheson … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2015; Vol.25, No.4: 241-255.
133419 Partner Violence in Women’s Prison: The Social Consequences of Girlfriend Fights/Rebecca Trammell, Timbre Wulf-Ludden, Denise Mowder.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2015; Vol.25, No.4: 256-272.
133420 Predictors of Violent and Nonviolent Victimization Behind Bars: An Exploration of Women Inmates/Karen F. Lahm.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2015; Vol.25, No.4: 273-291.
133421 New Directions in Intersections, Inequality, and Sentencing/Janne E. Gaub, Kristy Holtfreter.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2015; Vol.25, No.5: 298-312.
133422 The Joint Effects of Gender and Race/Ethnicity on Sentencing Outcomes in Federal Courts/Jill K. Doerner.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2015; Vol.25, No.5: 313-338.
133423 Job Stress and Job Satisfaction Among Jail Staff: Exploring Gendered Effects/Eugene A. Paoline, Eric G. Lambert, Nancy L. Hogan.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2015; Vol.25, No.5: 339-359.
133424 Recommendations for Correctional Leaders to Reduce Boundary Violations: Female Correctional Employees and Male Inmates/Susan J. Jones.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2015; Vol.25, No.5: 360-378.
133425 Masculine, Feminine, or Androgynous: The Influence of Gender Identity on Job Satisfaction Among Female Police Officers/Angela A. Swan.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2016; Vol.26, No.1: 1-19.
133426 Women in Policing: A Longitudinal Assessment of Female Officers in Supervisory Positions in the New York City Police Department/Salomon Alcocer Guajardo.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2016; Vol.26, No.1: 20-36.
133427 Blaming Victims in Cases of Interpersonal Violence: Attitudes Associated With Assigning Blame to Female Victims/Helen Eigenberg, Christina Policastro.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2016; Vol.26, No.1: 37-54.
133428 Victim Blame in Fictional Crime Dramas: An Examination of Demographic, Incident-Related, and Behavioral Factors/Nicole E. Rader, Gayle M. Rhineberger-Dunn, Lauren Vasquez.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2016; Vol.26, No.1: 55-75.
133429 Examining Dose-Response Relationships Between Childhood Victimization, Depression, Symptoms of Psychosis, and Substance Misuse for Incarcerated Women/Stephanie C. Kennedy … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2016; Vol.26, No.2: 77-98.
133430 Continuing Care and Trauma in Women Offenders’ Substance Use, Psychiatric Status, and Self-Efficacy Outcomes/Preeta Saxena, Christine E. Grella, Nena P. Messina.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2016; Vol.26, No.2: 99-121.
133431 Comparing Male and Female Prison Releasees across Risk Factors and Postprison Recidivism/David E. Olson, Loretta J. Stalans, Gipsy Escobar.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2016; Vol.26, No.2: 122-144.
133432 Structural Inequality and Social Support for Women Prisoners Released to Rural Communities/Cathleen E. Willging … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2016; Vol.26, No.2: 145-164.
133433 Sex Trading Among Hazardously Drinking Jailed Women/Yael Chatav Schonbrun … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2016; Vol.26, No.3: 165-179.
133434 Human Trafficking and Slavery in Australia: Pathways, Tactics, and Subtle Elements of Enslavement/Deanna Davy.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2016; Vol.26, No.3: 180-198.
133435 Mother-Child Contact during Incarceration: A Study Based on a National Survey of Women Prisoners/Christine Friestad.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2016; Vol.26, No.3: 199-211.
133436 The Complex Relationship Between Motherhood and Desistance/Ronet Bachman … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2016; Vol.26, No.3: 212-231.
133437 Pseudofamilies, Misconduct, and the Utility of General Strain Theory in a Women’s Prison/Timbre Wulf-Ludden.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2016; Vol.26, No.4: 233-259.
133438 Predictors of Death Sentencing for Minority, Equal, and Majority Female Juries in Capital Murder Trials/Tara N. Richards … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2016; Vol.26, No.4: 260-280.
133439 Combating Violence against Women in India: Nari Adalats and Gender-Based Justice/Sesha Kethineni, Murugesan Srinivasan, Suman Kakar.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2016; Vol.26, No.4: 281-300.
133440 Suspect Survivors: Police Investigation Practices in Sexual Assault Cases in Ontario, Canada/Andrea Quinlan.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2016; Vol.26, No.4: 301-318.
133441 Decentering Motherhood: Reentry Strategies for Women on Parole and Probation/Kaitlyn J. Robison, Michelle Hughes Miller.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2016; Vol.26, No.5: 319-339.
133442 Serious about Change: A Gendered Examination of the Impact of Offense Type on Parole Success/Ashley G. Blackburn, Rebecca D. Pfeffer, Judith A. Harris.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2016; Vol.26, No.5: 340-353.
133443 Sexual Assault Resource Availability on Texas Higher Education Campuses: A Web Site Content Analysis/Cortney A. Franklin … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2016; Vol.26, No.5: 354-380.
133444 Defendant and Victim Sex, Sexism, and Decision Making in an Ambiguous Assault Case/Jennifer Cox, Megan R. Kopkin.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2016; Vol.26, No.5: 381-393.
133445 Beyond Confinement: The Regulation of Girl Offenders’ Bodies, Sexual Choices, and Behavior/Lisa Pasko.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2017; Vol.27, No.1: 4-20.
133446 Policing Race, Gender, and Sex: A Review of Law Enforcement Policies/Andrea J. Ritchie, Delores Jones-Brown.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2017; Vol.27, No.1: 21-50.
133447 Policing Women’s Bodies in an Illiberal Society: The Case of Ireland/Christina Quinlan.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2017; Vol.27, No.1: 51-72.
133448 Patriarchy, Abortion, and the Criminal System: Policing Female Bodies/Meda Chesney-Lind, Syeda Tonima Hadi.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2017; Vol.27, No.1: 73-88.
133449 A Pimp’s Game: A Rational Choice Approach to Understanding the Decisions of Sex Traffickers/Vanessa Bouche, Stephanie Shady.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2017; Vol.27, No.2: 91-108.
133450 Client-Inflicted Violence and Coping Strategies Among Sex Workers in China/Min Liu.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2017; Vol.27, No.2: 109-121.
133451 Curiosity and a Pimp: Exploring Sex Trafficking Victimization in Experiences of Entering Sex Trade Industry Work Among Participants in a Prostitution Diversion Program/Kristine Hickle, Dominique Roe-Sepowitz.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2017; Vol.27, No.2: 122-138.
133452 The Impact of the Rape/Sexual Assault Statutory Aggravating Factor on Death Sentencing Decision Making in Capital Murder Trials in North Carolina (1977-2009): A Propensity Score Matching Approach/Wesley G. Jennings … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2017; Vol.27, No.3: 139-150.
133453 Women Prisoners and the Drive for Desistance: Capital and Responsibilization as a Barrier to Change/Emily Luise Hart.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2017; Vol.27, No.3: 151-169.
133454 Incarcerated Mothers of Minor Children: Physical Health, Substance Use, and Mental Health Needs/Susan J. Rose, Thomas P. LeBel.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2017; Vol.27, No.3: 170-190.
133455 The Impact of Children on Intimate Partner Abuse Victims’ Service-Seeking/Emily Stephens, Heather C. Melton.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2017; Vol.27, No.3: 191-203.
133456 Post-Executive Order 13583: A Reexamination of Occupational Barriers in Federal Law Enforcement/Helen H. Yu.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2017; Vol.27, No.4: 205-218.
133457 Female Police Officers and Their Experiences: The Metropolitan Police of Buenos Aires Context/Roddrick Colvin.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2017; Vol.27, No.4: 219-234.
133458 Canadian Police Mothers and the Boys’ Club: Pregnancy, Maternity Leave, and Returning to Work/Debra Langan, Carrie B. Sanders, Tricia Agocs.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2017; Vol.27, No.4: 235-249.
133459 The Decision to Become a Police Officer in a Legitimacy Crisis/Natalie Todak.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2017; Vol.27, No.4: 250-270.
133460 Effective Parenting and Self-Control: Difference by Gender/Nicole Shoenberger, Gregory C. Rocheleau.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2017; Vol.27, No.5: 271-286.
133461 Age of First Arrest, Sex, and Drug Use as Correlates of Adult Risk Behaviors Among Rural Women in Jails/Martha Tillson, Justin C. Strickland, Michele Staton.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2017; Vol.27, No.5: 287-301.
133462 Girls in Traditional and Gender-Responsive Juvenile Justice Placements/Paula Smith.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2017; Vol.27, No.5: 302-326.
133463 A Phenomenological and Grounded Theory Study of Women’s Experiences in Drug Court: Informing Practice Through a Gendered Lens/John Robert Gallagher, Anne Nordberg.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2017; Vol.27, No.5: 327-340.
133464 Female Officers and Community Policing: Examining the Connection between Gender Diversity and Organizational Change/Amie M. Schuck.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2017; Vol.27, No.5: 341-362.
133465 Discretion and the Sex Dyad: Exploring the Interactive Effects of Offender and Victim Sex on Reporting and Arrest of One-on-One Assaultive Crime/Karen G. Weiss, Lynn A. Addington, James J. Nolan.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2018; Vol.28, No.1: 1-18.
133466 Do the Mental Health Consequences of Sexual Victimization Differ Between Males and Females? A General Strain Theory Approach/Lisa M. Dario, Eryn Nicole O’Neal.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2018; Vol.28, No.1: 19-42.
133467 To This Day She Continues to Struggle with the Terror Imposed upon Her: Rape Narratives in Victim Impact Statements/Gillian Balfour, Janice Du Mont, Deborah White.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2018; Vol.28, No.1: 43-62.
133468 Life Before I Killed the Man That Raped Me: Pre-Prison Life Experiences of Incarcerated Women With Life Sentences and Subsequent Treatment Needs/Gina Fedock.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2018; Vol.28, No.1: 63-80.
133469 A Legacy of Harm: Punitive Drug Policies and Women’s Carceral Experiences in Canada/Emily van der Meulen, Ann De Shalit, Sandra Ka Hon Chu.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2018; Vol.28, No.2: 81-99.
133470 Sentencing Recommendations by Probation Officers and Judges: An Examination of Adult Offenders Across Gender/Michael J. Leiber … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2018; Vol.28, No.2: 100-124.
133471 Expanding the Feminist Pathways Perspective beyond the United States: A Profile of Federal Women Prisoners in Argentina/Emily J. Salisbury … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2018; Vol.28, No.2: 125-151.
133472 Examining Predictors of Parole Release in a Rural Female Jail Population/Katherine Ely, Edward L. Bowman.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2018; Vol.28, No.2: 152-166.
133473 Broken Hearts and Battered Lives: Adverse and Abusive Life Histories and Externalized Responses to Anger as Pathways to Illicit Drug Use Among Incarcerated Women/Melissa S. Jones, Susan F. Sharp, Meredith G. F. Worthen.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2018; Vol.28, No.3: 167-188.
133474 The Direction of Violence Against Women Research and Evaluation/Catherine Kaukinen … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2018; Vol.28, No.3: 189-211.
133475 The Relationship Between Interpersonal Victimization and Women’s Criminal Sentencing: A Latent Class Analysis/Stephanie C. Kennedy … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2018; Vol.28, No.3: 212-232.
133476 BADASSES: The Rise of Women in Criminal Justice/Jacqueline B. Helfgott … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2018; Vol.28, No.4: 235-261.
133477 It Happens All the Time: Women’s Experiences and Normalization of Sexual Harassment in Public Space/Caroline Mellgren, Mika Andersson, Anna-Karin Ivert.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2018; Vol.28, No.4: 262-281.
133478 The Gender in Stories: How War Stories and Police Narratives Shape Masculine Police Culture/Don L. Kurtz, Lindsey L. Upton.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2018; Vol.28, No.4: 282-300.
133479 An Exploratory Analysis of the Strategies Women Employ to Cope with the Challenges They Face in Federal Law Enforcement/Helen H. Yu.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2018; Vol.28, No.4: 301-312.
133480 Structure and Function: Impact on Employment of Women in Law Enforcement/Randa Embry Matusiak, Matthew C. Matusiak.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2018; Vol.28, No.4: 313-335.
133481 Gender and Social Control in Early 20th-Century Pennsylvania: The Role of the State Industrial Home for Women at Muncy in Reforming Fallen Women/Kerry M. Richmond, Reilly Groder.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2018; Vol.28, No.5: 338-350.
133482 A Life-Course Perspective on Incarcerated Women’s Views on Adulthood/Janani Umamaheswar.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2018; Vol.28, No.5: 351-374.
133483 Still Paying for the Past: Examining Gender Differences in Employment Among Individuals with a Criminal Record/Gina Curcio, April Pattavina.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2018; Vol.28, No.5: 375-396.
133484 Hope Springs Eternal: An Exploration of Hope at a Local Jail/A. Elizabeth Stearns, Yang Yang, Linsey Boudreaux.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2018; Vol.28, No.5: 397-417.
133485 Psychotropic Medication Experiences of Incarcerated Women: A Qualitative Inquiry into Conundrums of Access and Identity/Rachel C. Casey, Kia J. Bentley.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.1: 1-13.
133486 A Qualitative Examination of the Self-Medicating Hypothesis Among Female Juvenile Offenders/Paula Smith.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.1: 14-31.
133487 Examining Predictors of Depression Among Older Incarcerated Women/Ronald H. Aday, Meredith Huey Dye.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.1: 32-51.
133488 Mental Health Among Incarcerated Women: An Examination of Factors Impacting Depression and PTSD Symptomology/Mollimichelle Cabeldue, Ashley Blackburn, Janet L. Mullings.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.1: 52-72.
133489 The Impact of Gender Identity on Female Offending: A Quantitative Assessment Using the BSRI/Matthew J. Dolliver.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.2: 73-86.
133490 Sociocultural Determinants of Policewomen-Taxi Drivers’ Interactions on the Major Highways in Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria/Usman Adekunle Ojedokun, Oluwanifemi E. Adeyanju.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.2: 87-97.
133491 The Difference a Job Makes: Licit and Illicit Work Experiences and Aspirations at a Transitional Housing Facility for Women Leaving the Sex Industry/Jennifer Hankel … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.2: 98-111.
133492 Sex-Based Predictors of Male and Female Property Crime Arrest Rates: Disadvantage and Drug Use/Jeffrey J. Roth, Laura L. King.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.2: 112-127.
133493 The Prevalence of Female Representation in Supervisory and Management Positions in American Law Enforcement: An Examination of Organizational Correlates/John A. Shjarback, Natalie Todak.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.3: 129-147.
133494 It’s a Man’s World, Try to Convince the Men Otherwise: The Role of Women in Irish Policing/Courtney Marsh.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.3: 148-162.
133495 Women in Law Enforcement and Police Use of Deadly Force/Camille Deller, Steven C. Deller.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.3: 163-180.
133496 Women, Gender, and Terrorism: Gendering Terrorism/Cyndi Banks.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.4-5: 181-187.
133497 Simply Small Men? Examining Differences Between Females and Males Radicalized in the United States/Rachel Yon, Daniel Milton.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.4-5: 188-203.
133498 Change is the Only Constant: The Evolving Role of Women in the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)/Ruth Gan … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.4-5: 204-220.
133499 Gender Differences in Worry About a Terrorist Attack: A Cross-National Examination of Individual- and National-Level Factors/Leevia Dillon … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.4-5: 221-241.
133500 Testing the Universality of the Gender Equality-Peace Thesis: The Influence of Increased Gender Equality on Terrorism in Turkey/Daren Fisher, Jacqueline G. Lee.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.4-5: 242-265.
133501 The Lethality of Female Suicide Bombers/Nyssa Fullmer, Stephanie Lipson Mizrahi, Elizabeth Tomsich.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.4-5: 266-282.
133502 Suicide squad: Boko Haram’s use of the female suicide bomber/Vesna Markovic.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.4-5: 283-302.
133503 Criminal Court-Ordered Psychiatric Evaluations: Does Gender Play a Role?/P. Ann Dirks-Linhorst, Donald M. Linhorst, Travis M. Loux.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.6: 303-322.
133504 Drug Court through the Lenses of African American Women: Improving Graduation Rates with Gender-Responsive Interventions/John Robert Gallagher … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.6: 323-337.
133505 Defining Gender-Responsive Services in a Juvenile Court Setting/Valerie R. Anderson, Kayla M. Hoskins, Laura L. Rubino.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.6: 338-354.
133506 Mental Health and Women on Probation or Parole: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI-18)/Stephanie Grace Prost … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.6: 355-367.
133507 Staying Out: Reentry Protective Factors Among Rural Women Offenders/Michele Staton … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.6: 368-384.
133508 Who’s Gonna Take My Baby?: Narratives of Creating Placement Plans Among Formerly Pregnant Inmates/Rebecca Rodriguez Carey.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2019; Vol.29, No.6: 385-407.
133509 Thirty Years of Scholarship in the Women and Criminal Justice Journal: Gender, Feminism, and Intersectionality/Brianne M. Posey, Melissa A. Kowalski, Mary K. Stohr.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.1: 5-29.
133510 Women’s Risk and Needs Assessment (WRNA) in the Czech Republic/Tereza Trejbalova, Emily J. Salisbury.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.1: 30-41.
133511 Domestic Violence Legislation in Greece: Analysis of Penal Mediation/Sheetal Ranjan.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.1: 42-68.
133512 Due Process and Seclusion in Argentina: From Words to Facts/Ana Safranoff, Antonella Tiravassi.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.1: 69-90.
133513 The Anonymous Collective: Operations and Gender Differences/Virginia McGovern, Francis Fortin.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.2: 91-105.
133514 More Than Skin Deep? The Effect of Visible Tattoos on the Perceived Characteristics of a Rape Victim/Nesa E. Wasarhaley, Rebecca F. Vilk.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.2: 106-125.
133515 Fast-Tracking Justice: An Examination of the Role of Gender in the Application of Federal Early Disposition Decisions and Other Departure Outcomes for Immigration Offenses/Melanie M. Holland.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.2: 126-146.
133516 War on Drugs, War on Women: Visualizing Female Homicide in Mexico/Gustavo Fondevila, Ricardo Massa, Rodrigo Meneses-Reyes.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.2: 147-154.
133517 Women, Old Age, and Imprisonment in Victoria, Australia 1860-1920/Victoria M. Nagy.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.3: 155-171.
133518 Voter Registration and Jail-Incarcerated Women: Are Justice-Involved Women Civically Engaged?/Amanda Emerson, Molly Allison, Megha Ramaswamy.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.3: 172-187.
133519 Incarcerated Women’s Perceptions of a Reproductive Life-Planning Class: A Qualitative Study/Judith L. Perrigo … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.3: 188-203.
133520 Understanding Women’s Imprisonment in Australia/Lorana Bartels, Patricia Easteal, Robyn Westgate.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.3: 204-219.
133521 The Abyss of Baby Factories in Nigeria/Yinka Olomojobi, Ajoke Oluwakemi Agbetoba.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.4: 220-242.
133522 Crimes of the Crime Fighters: Nigerian Police Officers’ Sexual and Physical Abuses Against Female Arrestees/Richard Aborisade, Similade Fortune Oni.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.4: 243-263.
133523 Understanding Police Misconduct Correlates: Does Gender Matter in Predicting Career-Ending Misconduct?/Janne E. Gaub.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.4: 264-289.
133524 Symbolically Annihilating Female Police Officer Capabilities: Cultivating Gendered Police Use of Force Expectations?/Franklin T. Wilson … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.4: 290-309.
133525 Intensive Parenting Ideologies and Risks for Recidivism among Justice-Involved Mothers/Elizabeth A. Adams.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.5: 316-335.
133526 Managing Motherhood: How Incarcerated Mothers Negotiate Maternal Role-Identities with Their Children’s Caregivers/Ebonie Cunningham Stringer.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.5: 336-355.
133527 Creating and Undoing Legacies of Resilience: Black Women as Martyrs in the Black Community Under Oppressive Social Control/Leah Iman Aniefuna, M. Amari Aniefuna, Jason M. Williams.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.5: 356-373.
133528 Discourses of Good Motherhood and the Policing of Young Parenthood/Amber-Lee Varadi, Rebecca Raby, Christine Tardif-Williams.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.5: 374-390.
133529 Criminalization of Women Accessing Abortion and Enforced Mobility within the European Union and the United Kingdom/Lula Mecinska, Carolyne James, Kate Mukungu.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.5: 391-406.
133530 Female Tactical Members in Correctional Services: No Room for Women/Melissa Kakuk.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.6: 407-426.
133531 When Doing Gender in the Joint: Perceptions of Being an Effective Woman Leader in Corrections/Kimberly Collica-Cox, Dorothy Schulz.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.6: 427-444.
133532 Management of the Sexually Abusive/Harassing Actions of Inmates Directed Towards Correctional Staff: The Impact of Policy and Training Upon Exposure and the Corrections Workplace Culture/Susan J. Jones, Katy Cathcart, Sarah Cooksey.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.6: 445-461.
133533 Rape Myth Acceptance Among Prospective Criminal Justice Professionals/Bitna Kim, Hali Santiago.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.6: 462-479.
133534 When Women Work at the Iron Cage: Gendered Perceptions on Workplace Justice/Ming-Li Hsieh, Francis D. Boateng.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2020; Vol.30, No.6: 480-495.
133535 The Double-Victimization of Criminalized Women in Neoliberal Contexts: The Case of Paraguay/Jose Galeano Monti, Natalie Delia Deckard.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.1: 1-23.
133536 An Early Adverse Experience Goes a Long, Criminogenic, Gendered Way: The Nexus of Early Adversities, Adult Offending, and Gender/Lin Liu … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.1: 24-39.
133537 Genderneutrality and the Prevention and Treatment of Violence – A Dutch Perspective/Martina Althoff, Anne-Marie Slotboom, Janine Janssen.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.1: 40-52.
133538 National Interests Versus Women’s Rights: The Case of Polygamy Among the Bedouin Community in Israel/Sonia Boulos.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.1: 53-76.
133539 We are All Amina Filali: Social Media, Civil Society, and Rape legislation reform in Morocco/Anwar Ouassini.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.1: 77-82.
133540 If Looks Could Kill: Do Characteristics of Female Offenders Influence Death Penalty Sentencing Decisions?/Conner Bell … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.2: 87-107.
133541 Does Having a Minor Child Affect Criminal Charges and Sanctions Imposed on Female Defendants?/Frank A. Sloan … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.2: 108-129.
133542 Does Gender Matter in the Production of Judges? Evidence From the Brazilian Judiciary/Jessica Traguetto, Adalmir Oliveira Gomes.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.2: 130-141.
133543 Is Chivalry Dead?: An Examination of Charge Reductions in One Ohio Jurisdiction/Natalie Goulette.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.2: 142-158.
133544 Gender and the Peremptory Challenge: Separating the Effects of Race and Gender in Jury Selection/Whitney DeCamp.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.2: 159-173.
133545 Women’s Experiences in the Revolving Door of the Criminal Justice System: Implications for Their Imagined Futures/Candace Kruttschnitt, Natalia Bittencourt Otto.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.3: 174-196.
133546 Being a Woman in the Turkish Criminal Justice System/Duygu Hat poglu Aydin.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.3: 197-209.
133547 Legal Implications of Turkey’s Accessions to the Istanbul Convention by Enacting and Refining Its Laws on Violence Against Women/Ayse Gunes.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.3: 210-224.
133548 Women Behind the Bars in Turkey/Gulden Akin.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.3: 225-241.
133549 Using Vignettes to Assess Gendered Responses to Strain: The Role of Negative State Emotion in Predicting Male vs. Female Intentions to Offend/Michelle Manasse, Maria Joao Lobo Antunes, Natasha Ganem.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.4: 242-260.
133550 Stalking State Statutes: A Critical Content Analysis and Reflection on Social Science Research/Caralin Branscum … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.4: 261-282.
133551 Combating Street Harassment: A Challenge for Pakistan/Bilal Ahmed, Farhan Navid Yousaf, Umm-e-Rubab Asif.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.4: 283-293.
133552 Sexual Violence on the Move: An Assessment of Youth’s Victimization in Public Transportation/Vania Ceccato, Per Nasman, Linda Langefors.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.4: 294-312.
133553 Image-Based Sexual Abuse: An Australian Reflection/Asher Flynn, Nicola Henry.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.4: 313-326.
133554 Multiracial Feminism: An Intersectional Approach to Examining Female Officers’ Occupational Barriers in Federal Law Enforcement/Helen H. Yu.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.5: 327-341.
133555 Women in Policing and Legitimacy: A Vignette-Based Study of Symbolic Representation/Amie M. Schuck, Paola Baldo, Christopher Powell.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.5: 342-359.
133556 Some Are Good, Some Are Bad: Perceptions of the Police from Black and Latina Women Living in the San Francisco Bay Area/Ida Wilson, Tamar M. J. Antin, Geoffrey Hunt.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.5: 360-375.
133557 Female Victims of Police Justifiable Homicide/Peggy S. Plass.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.5: 376-390.
133558 Skirts, Stereotypes, and Silences: Representations of Women in Canadian Police Museums/Courtney Joshua, Kevin Walby, Justin Piche.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.5: 391-405.
133559 Seeing Gender in Policing: Uniforms and Perceived Aggression/Rylan Simpson, Alyssa Croft.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.5: 406-421.
133560 Promoting Health, Safety, and Wellness in Los Angeles County Jails: A Process Evaluation of Gender Responsive Programing for Incarcerated Women/Maria Valdovinos Olson, Karen L. Amendola.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.6: 422-444.
133561 A National Survey of Probation Staff of the Needs, Services and Barriers of Female Youth in Juvenile Justice Settings/Danielle E. Parrish … [et al.].- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.6: 445-462.
133562 Gender Differences in Risk Assessment Among Youth Adjudicated to Juvenile Correctional Facilities/Taiping Ho, Gregory C. Rocheleau.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.6: 463-475.
133563 Gender-Responsive Programing in Kenya: Time is Ripe – January 2020/Jacinta Mary Ondeng, Merecia Ann Sirera, Beatrice Kathungu.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.6: 476-493.
133564 Challenges Faced by Women Offenders After Incarceration/Vanessa Ng, Amanda Tang, Jen Ying Zhen Ang.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.6: 494-504.
133565 Predictors of Violence Reported by Female and Male Inmates in Wisconsin State Prisons/D. Alper Camlibel, S. Hakan Can, Helen M. Hendy.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.6: 505-517.
133566 Community Reintegration of Repeat Female Offenders in County Jails/Marisa L. Beeble, Clarice Hampton.- Women and Criminal Justice. 2021; Vol.31, No.6: 518-535.
133567 Law, Technology, and Development: Policy Debates in the New Millennium/Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen, Shubha Ghosh.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.1: 1-5.
133568 Regulation of Technology Transfer to Developing Countries: The Relevance of Institutional Capacity/Kevin E. Davis.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.1: 6-32.
133569 The Global Governance of Communicable Diseases: The Case for Vaccine R&D/Daniele Archibugi, Kim Bizzarri.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.1: 33-51.
133570 Property Rights and the Control of Strategy: Foreign Ownership Rules and Domestic Firm Globalization in Indian Industry/Pradeep K. Chhibber, Sumit K. Majumdar.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.1: 52-80.
133571 Real Estate Transactions: Policy Considerations for Law, Technology and Globalization/Robin Paul Malloy.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.1: 81-99.
133572 Tax Havens: Renegade States in the International Tax Regime?/Lorraine Eden, Robert T. Kudrle.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.1: 100-127.
133573 The Use of USPTO Continuation Applications in the Patenting of Software: Implications for Free and Open Source/Stuart J. H. Graham, David C. Mowery.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.1: 128-151.
133574 The Human Genome Diversity Project: The Politics of Patents at the Intersection of Race, Religion, and Research Ethics/Bita Amani, Rosemary J. Coombe.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.1: 152-188.
133575 Regulating Science and Technology: The Case of the UK Biotechnology Industry/Helen Lawton Smith.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.1: 189-212.
133576 Regulation and Business Behavior/Neil Gunningham, Robert A. Kagan.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.2: 213-218.
133577 Inside the Black Box: How do OSHA Inspections Lead to Reductions in Workplace Injuries?/John Mendeloff, Wayne B. Gray.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.2: 219-237.
133578 When and Why do Plants Comply? Paper Mills in the 1980s/Wayne B. Gray, Ronald J. Shadbegian.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.2: 238-261.
133579 General Deterrence and Corporate Environmental Behavior/Dorothy Thornton, Neil A. Gunningham, Robert A. Kagan.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.2: 262-288.
133580 Motivating Management: Corporate Compliance in Environmental Protection/Neil A. Gunningham, Dorothy Thornton, Robert A. Kagan.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.2: 289-316.
133581 Compliance Motivations: Perspectives of Farmers, Homebuilders, and Marine Facilities/Peter J. May.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.2: 317-347.
133582 Regulation as the Mother of Innovation: The Case of SO2 Control/Margaret R. Taylor, Edward S. Rubin, David A. Hounshell.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.2: 348-378.
133583 The Significance of Marriage: Contrasts between White British and Ethnic Minority Groups in England/Mavis Maclean, John Eekelaar.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.3: 379-398.
133584 Judicial Waivers of Parental Consent for Abortion: Tennessee’s Troubles Putting Policy into Practice/Helena Silverstein … [et al.].- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.3: 399-428.
133585 The Impact of Regulations on Firms: A Case Study of the Biotech Industry/Filippa Corneliussen.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.3: 429-449.
133586 Indigenous Peoples and Sustainable Development Subprojects in Brazilian Amazonia: The Challenges of Interculturality/Paul E. Little.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.3: 450-471.
133587 The Blameworthiness of Health and Safety Rule Violations/Peter Mascini.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.3: 472-490.
133588 Enforced Self-Regulation, Prescription, and Conceptions of Compliance within Small Businesses: The Impact of Enforcement/Robyn Fairman, Charlotte Yapp.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.4: 491-519.
133589 Escaping the Regulatory Net: Why Regulatory Reform Can Fail Consumers/Henry Rothstein.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.4: 520-548.
133590 Does the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Engage in Trial by Media?/Karen Yeung.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.4: 549-577.
133591 Perceptions of the Process: Indian Gaming as it Affects Federal Tribal Acknowledgment Law and Practices/Renee Ann Cramer.- Law and Policy. 2005; Vol.27, No.4: 578-605.
133592 Managing Regulatory Risks and Defining the Parameters of Blame: A Focus on the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority/Julia Black.- Law and Policy. 2006; Vol.28, No.1: 1-30.
133593 Creating Peer Sexual Harassment: Mobilizing Schools to Throw the Book at Themselves/Jodi L. Short.- Law and Policy. 2006; Vol.28, No.1: 31-59.
133594 Justice Without Borders: Human Rights Cases in U.S. Courts/Jeffrey Davis.- Law and Policy. 2006; Vol.28, No.1: 60-82.
133595 Brazilian Environmental Laws and Policies, 1934-2002: A Critical Overview/Jose Drummond, Ana Flavia Barros-Platiau.- Law and Policy. 2006; Vol.28, No.1: 83-108.
133596 Is Fingerprint Identification Valid? Rhetorics of Reliability in Fingerprint Proponents’ Discourse/Simon A. Cole.- Law and Policy. 2006; Vol.28, No.1: 109-135.
133597 Divorce Israeli Style: Professional Perceptions of Gender and Power in Mediated and Lawyer-Negotiated Divorces/Bryna Bogoch, Ruth Halperin-Kaddari.- Law and Policy. 2006; Vol.28, No.2: 137-163.
133598 Steering, Supporting, Enabling: The Role of Law in Local Government Reforms/Veith Mehde.- Law and Policy. 2006; Vol.28, No.2: 164-181.
133599 The Courtroom of the Future is Here: Introduction to Emerging Technologies in the Legal System/Elizabeth C. Wiggins.- Law and Policy. 2006; Vol.28, No.2: 182-191.
133600 Videotaped Confessions: Panacea or Pandora’s Box?/G. Daniel Lassiter … [et al.].- Law and Policy. 2006; Vol.28, No.2: 192-210.
133601 Videoconferencing in Criminal Proceedings: Legal and Empirical Issues and Directions for Research/Molly Treadway Johnson, Elizabeth C. Wiggins.- Law and Policy. 2006; Vol.28, No.2: 211-227.
133602 The Jury Persuaded (and Not): Computer Animation in the Courtroom/Meghan A. Dunn, Peter Salovey, Neal Feigenson.- Law and Policy. 2006; Vol.28, No.2: 228-248.
133603 Courtroom Applications of Virtual Environments, Immersive Virtual Environments, and Collaborative Virtual Environments/Jeremy N. Bailenson … [et al.].- Law and Policy. 2006; Vol.28, No.2: 249-270.
133604 Too Real? The Future of Virtual Reality Evidence/Neal Feigenson.- Law and Policy. 2006; Vol.28, No.2: 271-293.
133605 U.S. Supreme Court Decision Making, Case Salience, and the Attitudinal Model/Isaac Unah, Ange-Marie Hancock.- Law and Policy. 2006; Vol.28, No.3: 295-320.
133606 Institutional Arrangements and the Dynamics of Agenda Formation in the U.S. Supreme Court and Courts of Appeals/Mark S. Hurwitz.- Law and Policy. 2006; Vol.28, No.3: 321-344.
133607 From International Ethics to European Union Policy: A Case Study on Biopiracy in the EU’s Biotechnology Directive/Emilie Cloatre.- Law and Policy. 2006; Vol.28, No.3: 345-367.
133608 Changing Perceptions of Sexual Harassment in the Federal Workforce, 1987-94/J. Mitchell Pickerill, Robert A. Jackson, Meredith A. Newman.- Law and Policy. 2006; Vol.28, No.3: 368-394.
133609 Are Regulators Responsive?/Vibeke Lehmann Nielsen.- Law and Policy. 2006; Vol.28, No.3: 395-416.
133610 Policing By Command: Enhancing Law Enforcement Capacity Through Coercion/Julie Ayling, Peter Grabosky.- Law and Policy. 2006; Vol.28, No.4: 420-443.
133611 Does Chevron Matter?/Mark J. Richards, Joseph L. Smith, Herbert M. Kritzer.- Law and Policy. 2006; Vol.28, No.4: 444-469.
133612 From Manslaughter to Preventable Accident: Shaping Corporate Criminal Liability/Steven Bittle, Laureen Snider.- Law and Policy. 2006; Vol.28, No.4: 470-496.
133613 Blind or Biased? Justitia’s Susceptibility to Anchoring Effects in the Courtroom Based on Given Numerical Representations/Birte Englich.- Law and Policy. 2006; Vol.28, No.4: 497-514.
133614 Private Regulation of Food Safety by Supermarkets/Tetty Havinga.- Law and Policy. 2006; Vol.28, No.4: 515-533.
133615 Cutting the Grass: A Reexamination of the Link between Marital Attachment, Delinquent Peers and Desistance from Marijuana Use/Michael O. Maume, Graham C. Ousey, Kevin Beaver.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2005; Vol.21, No.1: 27-53.
133616 Detecting Spatial Movement of Intra-Region Crime Patterns Over Time/Jerry H. Ratcliffe.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2005; Vol.21, No.1: 103-123.
133617 Measurement Properties of the Communities That Care Youth Survey Across Demographic Groups/Renita R. Glaser, M. Lee Van. Horn, Michael W. Arthur, J. David. Hawkins, Richard F. Catalano.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2005; Vol.21, No.1: 73-102.
133618 On the Complexity and Accuracy of Geographic Profiling Strategies/Brent Snook, Michele Zito, Craig Bennell, Paul J. Taylor.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2005; Vol.21, No.1: 1-26.
133619 Self-Control, Violent Offending, and Homicide Victimization: Assessing the General Theory of Crime/Alex R. Piquero, John MacDonald, Adam Dobrin, Leah E. Daigle, Francis T. Cullen.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2005; Vol.21, No.1: 55-71.
133620 Temporal Linkages in Violent and Nonviolent Criminal Activity/Robert Brame, Shawn D. Bushway, Raymond Paternoster, Terence P. Thornberry.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2005; Vol.21, No.2: 149-174.
133621 A Test of Two Methods of Recall for Violent Events/Jennifer Roberts, Edward P. Mulvey, Julie Horney, John Lewis, Michael L. Arter.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2005; Vol.21, No.2: 175-193.
133622 Comparing the Validity of Prospective, Retrospective, and Official Onset for Different Offending Categories/Lila Kazemian, David P. Farrington.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2005; Vol.21, No.2: 127-147.
133623 Job Access and Homicide Patterns in Chicago: An Analysis at Multiple Geographic Levels Based on Scale-Space Theory/Fahui Wang.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2005; Vol.21, No.2: 195-217.
133624 Extending the Study of Continuity and Change: Gender Differences in the Linkage Between Adolescent and Adult Offending/Alex R. Piquero, Robert Brame, Terrie E. Moffitt.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2005; Vol.21, No.2: 219-243.
133625 Bigger is not Necessarily Better: An Analysis of Violence Against Women Estimates from the National Crime Victimization Survey and the National Violence Against Women Survey/Michael R. Rand, Callie Marie Rennison.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2005; Vol.21, No.3: 267-291.
133626 Disentangling the Effects of Bounding and Mobility on Reports of Criminal Victimization/Lynn A. Addington.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2005; Vol.21, No.3: 321-343.
133627 Exploring the Effects of Changes in Design on the Analytical Uses of the NCVS Data/David Cantor, James P. Lynch.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2005; Vol.21, No.3: 293-319.
133628 Revisiting Respondent Fatigue Bias in the National Crime Victimization Survey/Timothy C. Hart, Callie Marie Rennison, Chris Gibson.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2005; Vol.21, No.3: 345-363.
133629 Social and Scientific Influences on the Measurement of Criminal Victimization/Janet L. Lauritsen.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2005; Vol.21, No.3: 245-266.
133630 A Meta-Analysis of Race and Sentencing Research: Explaining the Inconsistencies/Ojmarrh Mitchell.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2005; Vol.21, No.4: 439-466.
133631 Global and Neighborhood Attitudes Toward the Police: Differentiation by Race, Ethnicity and Type of Contact/Amie M. Schuck, Dennis P. Rosenbaum.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2005; Vol.21, No.4: 391-418.
133632 Self-Control and Social Bonds: A Combined Control Perspective on Juvenile Offending/Douglas Longshore, Eunice ChangNena Messina.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2005; Vol.21, No.4: 419-437.
133633 Statistical Difficulties in Determining the Role of Race in Capital Cases: A Re-analysis of Data from the State of Maryland/Richard Berk, Azusa LiLaura J. Hickman.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2005; Vol.21, No.4: 365-390.
133634 Assessing the Effect of Race Bias in Post-traffic Stop Outcomes Using Propensity Scores/Greg Ridgeway.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2006; Vol.22, No.1: 1-29.
133635 Exploring Some Analytical Characteristics of Finite Mixture Models/Robert Brame, Daniel S. NaginLarry Wasserman.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2006; Vol.22, No.1: 31–59.
133636 On The Application of Fuzzy Clustering for Crime Hot Spot Detection/Tony H. Grubesic.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2006; Vol.22, No.1: 77-105.
133637 The Gender Gap among Teen Survey Respondents: Why are Boys more Likely to Report a Gun in the Home than Girls?/Philip J. Cook, Susan B. Sorenson.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2006; Vol.22, No.1: 61-76.
133638 Examining the Divergence Across Self-report and Official Data Sources on Inferences About the Adolescent Life-course of Crime/David S. Kirk.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2006; Vol.22, No.2: 107-129.
133639 Forecasting Dangerous Inmate Misconduct: An Application of Ensemble Statistical Procedures/Richard A. Berk, Brian Kriegler, Jong-Ho Baek.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2006; Vol.22, No.2: 131-145.
133640 Neighborhood Characteristics, Peer Networks, and Adolescent Violence/Dana L. Haynie, Eric Silver, Brent Teasdale.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2006; Vol.22, No.2: 147-169.
133641 Understanding the Structure of a Large Heroin Distribution Network: A Quantitative Analysis of Qualitative Data/Mangai Natarajan.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2006; Vol.22, No.2: 171-192.
133642 Childhood Behavior and Adult Criminality: Cluster Analysis in a Prospective Study of African Americans/Hee-Soon Juon, Elaine Eggleston Doherty, Margaret E. Ensminger.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2006; Vol.22, No.3: 193-214.
133643 Desistance or Displacement? The Changing Patterns of Offending from Adolescence to Young Adulthood/Michael Massoglia.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2006; Vol.22, No.3: 215-239.
133644 Does Gender Modify the Effects of Race ethnicity on Criminal Sanctioning? Sentences for Male and Female White, Black, and Hispanic Defendants/Darrell Steffensmeier, Stephen Demuth.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2006; Vol.22, No.3: 241-261.
133645 Self-control Depletion and the General Theory of Crime/Mark Muraven, Greg Pogarsky, Dikla Shmueli.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2006; Vol.22, No.3: 263-277.
133646 Crime and Residential Choice: A Neighborhood Level Analysis of the Impact of Crime on Housing Prices/George E. Tita, Tricia L. Petras, Robert T. Greenbaum.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2006; Vol.22, No.4: 299-317.
133647 Population Size, Change, and Crime in U.S. Cities/Thomas Rotolo, Charles R. Tittle.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2006; Vol.22, No.4: 341-367.
133648 Self-control, Victimization, and their Influence on Risky Lifestyles: A Longitudinal Analysis Using Panel Data/Christopher J. Schreck, Eric A. Stewart, Bonnie S. Fisher.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2006; Vol.22, No.4: 319-340.
133649 Self-reports of Police Speeding Stops by Race: Results from the North Carolina Reverse Record Check Survey/Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, Cynthia Pfaff Wright, Ronald Czaja, Kirk Miller.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2006; Vol.22, No.4: 279-297.
133650 Deterrence and Individual Differences Among Convicted Offenders/Greg Pogarsky.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2007; Vol.23, No.1: 59-74.
133651 Differences in the Validity of Self-Reported Drug Use Across Five Factors: Gender, Race, Age, Type of Drug, and Offense Seriousness/Andre B. Rosay, Stacy Skroban Najaka, Denise C. Herz.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2007; Vol.23, No.1: 41-58.
133652 Measuring the Relationship Between Youth Criminal Participation and Household Economic Resources/David Bjerk.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2007; Vol.23, No.1: 23-39.
133653 Using Booking Data to Model Drug User Arrest Rates: A Preliminary to Estimating the Prevalence of Chronic Drug Use/William Rhodes, Ryan Kling, Patrick Johnston.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2007; Vol.23, No.1: 1-22.
133654 Is the Magic Still There? The Use of the Heckman Two-Step Correction for Selection Bias in Criminology/Shawn Bushway, Brian D. Johnson, Lee Ann Slocum.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2007; Vol.23, No.2: 151-178.
133655 Measuring and Explaining Charge Bargaining/Anne Morrison Piehl, Shawn D. Bushway.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2007; Vol.23, No.1: 105-125.
133656 Reconsidering Peer Influences on Delinquency: Do Less Proximate Contacts Matter?/Danielle C. Payne, Benjamin Cornwell.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2007; Vol.23, No.2: 127-149.
133657 Simulation for Theory Testing and Experimentation: An Example Using Routine Activity Theory and Street Robbery/Elizabeth R. Groff.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2007; Vol.23, No.2: 75-103.
133658 A Capture-Recapture Model to Estimate the Size of Criminal Populations and the Risks of Detection in a Marijuana Cultivation Industry/Martin Bouchard.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2007; Vol.23, No.3: 221-241.
133659 Community Variation in Crime Clearance: A Multilevel Analysis with Comments on Assessing Police Performance/Paul-Philippe Pare, Richard B. FelsonMarc Ouimet.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2007; Vol.23, No.3: 243-258.
133660 Space-Time Patterns of Risk: A Cross National Assessment of Residential Burglary Victimization/Shane D. Johnson …[et al.].- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2007; Vol.23, No.3: 201-219.
133661 Understanding the Role of Repeat Victims in the Production of Annual US Victimization Rates/Michael Planty, Kevin J. Strom.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2007; Vol.23, No.3: 179-200.
133662 Does Incapacitation Reduce Crime?/Alex R. Piquero, Alfred Blumstein.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2007; Vol.23, No.4: 267-285.
133663 Incapacitation: Revisiting an Old Question with a New Method and New Data/Gary Sweeten, Robert Apel.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2007; Vol.23, No.4: 303-326.
133664 Revisiting Incapacitation: Can We Generate New Estimates?/Peter Reuter, Shawn D. Bushway.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2007; Vol.23, No.4: 259-265.
133665 The Silence of the Lambdas: Deterring Incapacitation Research/Thomas J. Miles, Jens Ludwig.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2007; Vol.23, No.4: 287-301.
133666 A Comparison of Methods for Analyzing Criminological Panel Data/Julie A. Phillips, David F. Greenberg.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. Vol.24, No.1: 51-72.
133667 Analyzing Criminal Trajectory Profiles: Bridging Multilevel and Group-based Approaches Using Growth Mixture Modeling/Frauke Kreuter, Bengt Muthen.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. Vol.24, No.1: 1-31.
133668 Estimating Mean Length of Stay in Prison: Methods and Applications/Evelyn J. Patterson, Samuel H. Preston.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. Vol.24, No.1: 33-49.
133669 Social Integration, Self-control, and Conformity/Michael R. Welch, Charles R. Tittle, Jennifer Yonkoski, Nicole Meidinger, Harold G. Grasmick.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. Vol.24, No.1: 73-92.
133670 Rape Co-occurrence: Do Additional Crimes Affect Victim Reporting and Police Clearance of Rape?/Lynn A. Addington, Callie Marie Rennison.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. Vol.24, No.2: 205-226.
133671 Specifying the Relationship Between Crime and Prisons/William Spelman.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. Vol.24, No.2: 149-178.
133672 The Conjunctive Analysis of Case Configurations: An Exploratory Method for Discrete Multivariate Analyses of Crime Data/Terance D. Miethe, Timothy C. Hart, Wendy C. Regoeczi.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. Vol.24, No.2: 227-241.
133673 The Gender Gap in Violent Victimization, 1973-2004/Janet L. Lauritsen, Karen Heimer.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. Vol.24, No.2: 125-147.
133674 Towards an Explanatory Taxonomy of Adolescent Delinquents: Identifying Several Social-Psychological Profiles/Tim Brennan, Markus Breitenbach, William Dieterich.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. Vol.24, No.2: 179-203.
133675 Deja vu All Over Again: Investigating Temporal Continuity of Adolescent Victimization/Graham C. Ousey, Pamela Wilcox, Sara Brummel.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. Vol.24, No.3: 307-335.
133676 Overdispersion and Poisson Regression/Richard Berk, John M. MacDonald.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. Vol.24, No.3: 269-284.
133677 Spatio-Temporal Interaction of Urban Crime/Tony H. Grubesic, Elizabeth A. Mack.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. Vol.24, No.3: 285-306.
133678 The Impact of Incarceration in State Prison on the Employment Prospects of Women/Robert J. Lalonde, Rosa M. Cho.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. Vol.24, No.3: 243-265.
133679 A Test of Competing Hypotheses about Homicide Following Terrorist Attacks: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis of September 11 and Oklahoma City/William Alex Pridemore, Mitchell B. Chamlin, Adam Trahan.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. Vol.24, No.4: 381-396.
133680 Modeling the Deviant Y in Criminology: An Examination of the Assumptions of Censored Normal Regression and Potential Alternatives/Christopher J. Sullivan, Jean Marie McGloin, Alex R. Piquero.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. Vol.24, No.4: 399-421.
133681 Not Islands, Entire of Themselves: Exploring the Spatial Context of City-level Robbery Rates/Glenn Deane, Steven F. Messner, Thomas D. Stucky, Kelly McGeever, Charis E. Kubrin.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. Vol.24, No.4: 363-380.
133682 Using State Child Labor Laws to Identify the Causal Effect of Youth Employment on Deviant Behavior and Academic Achievement/Robert Apel, Shawn D. Bushway, Raymond Paternoster, Robert Brame, Gary Sweeten.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. Vol.24, No.4: 337-362.
133683 Can Cohort Replacement Explain Changes in the Relationship Between Age and Homicide Offending?/Robert M. OBrien, Jean Stockard.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2009; Vol.25, No.1: 79-101.
133684 Marriage and Desistance from Crime in the Netherlands: Do Gender and Socio-Historical Context Matter?/Bianca E. Bersani, John H. Laub, Paul Nieuwbeerta.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2009; Vol.25, No.1: 3-24.
133685 Multiple Imputation of the Supplementary Homicide Reports, 1976-2005/James Alan Fox, Marc L. Swatt.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2009; Vol.25, No.1: 51-77.
133686 New Evidence on the Monetary Value of Saving a High Risk Youth/Mark A. Cohen, Alex R. Piquero.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2009; Vol.25, No.1: 25-49.
133687 A Developmental Approach for Measuring the Severity of Crimes/Rajeev Ramchand, John M. MacDonald, Amelia Haviland, Andrew R. Morral.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2009; Vol.25, No.2: 129-153.
133688 Excessive Uniformity in Federal Drug Sentencing/Eric L. Sevigny.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2009; Vol.25, No.2: 155-180.
133689 Offender as Forager? A Direct Test of the Boost Account of Victimization/Shane D. Johnson, Lucia Summers, Ken Pease.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2009; Vol.25, No.2: 181-200.
133690 Rational Choice, Agency and Thoughtfully Reflective Decision Making: The Short and Long-Term Consequences of Making Good Choices/Ray Paternoster, Greg Pogarsky.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2009; Vol.25, No.2: 103-127.
133691 The Sanctions-Perceptions Link in a Model of School-based Deterrence/Robert Apel, Greg Pogarsky, Leigh Bates.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2009; Vol.25, No.2: 201-226.
133692 Assessing the Impact of First-Time Imprisonment on Offenders Subsequent Criminal Career Development: A Matched Samples Comparison/Paul Nieuwbeerta, Daniel S. Nagin, Arjan A. J. Blokland.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2009; Vol.25, No.3: 227-257.
133693 Crime is the Problem: Homicide, Acquisitive Crime, and Economic Conditions/Richard Rosenfeld.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2009; Vol.25, No.3: 287-306.
133694 Do US City Crime Rates Follow a National Trend? The Influence of Nationwide Conditions on Local Crime Patterns/David McDowall, Colin Loftin.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2009; Vol.25, No.3: 307-324.
133695 Measuring and Modeling Repeat and Near-Repeat Burglary Effects/M. B. Short, M. R. DOrsogna, P. J. Brantingham, G. E. Tita.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2009; Vol.25, No.3: 325-339.
133696 Measuring Long Term Individual Trajectories of Offending Using Multiple Methods/Shawn D. Bushway, Gary Sweeten, Paul Nieuwbeerta.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2009; Vol.25, No.3: 259-286.
133697 Disentangling the Crime-arrest Relationship: The Influence of Social Context/Mitchell B. Chamlin, Andrew J. Myer.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2009; Vol.25, No.4: 371-389.
133698 Detecting Specialization in Offending: Comparing Analytic Approaches/Christopher J. Sullivan, Jean Marie McGloin, James V. Ray, Michael S. Caudy.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2009; Vol.25, No.4: 419-441.
133699 Hot Spots of Juvenile Crime: A Longitudinal Study of Arrest Incidents at Street Segments in Seattle, Washington/David Weisburd, Nancy A. Morris, Elizabeth R. Groff.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2009; Vol.25, No.4: 443-467.
133700 How Much Can We Trust Causal Interpretations of Fixed-Effects Estimators in the Context of Criminality?/David Bjerk.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2009; Vol.25, No.4: 391-417.
133701 Modeling the Distribution of Sentence Length Decisions Under a Guidelines System: An Application of Quantile Regression Models/Chester L. Britt.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2009; Vol.25, No.4: 341-370.
133702 Activity Fields and the Dynamics of Crime/Per-Olof H. Wikstrom, Vania Ceccato, Beth Hardie, Kyle Treiber.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.1.
133703 Assessing the Spatial Temporal Relationship Between Disorder and Violence/Sue-Ming Yang.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.1: 139-163.
133704 Is it Important to Examine Crime Trends at a Local Micro Level?: A Longitudinal Analysis of Street to Street Variability in Crime Trajectories/Elizabeth R. Groff, David Weisburd, Sue-Ming Yang.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.1: 7-32.
133705 Modeling Micro-Level Crime Location Choice: Application of the Discrete Choice Framework to Crime at Places/Wim Bernasco.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.1: 113-138.
133706 Permeability and Burglary Risk: Are Cul-de-Sacs Safer?/Shane D. Johnson, Kate J. Bowers.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.1: 89-111.
133707 The Concentration and Stability of Gun Violence at Micro Places in Boston, 1980-2008/Anthony A. Braga, Andrew V. Papachristos, David M. Hureau.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.1: 33-53.
133708 A Multilevel Test of Minority Threat Effects on Sentencing/Xia Wang, Daniel P. Mears.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.2: 191-215.
133709 Project Safe Neighborhoods and Violent Crime Trends in US Cities: Assessing Violent Crime Impact/Edmund F. McGarrell, Nicholas Corsaro, Natalie Kroovand Hipple, Timothy S. Bynum.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.2: 165-190.
133710 Statistical Inference After Model Selection/Richard Berk, Lawrence Brown, Linda Zhao.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.2: 217-236.
133711 The Effects of Multiple Dimensions of Residential Segregation on Black and Hispanic Homicide Victimization/Min Xie.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.2: 237-268.
133712 The Impact of Imprisonment on Marriage and Divorce: A Risk Set Matching Approach/Robert Apel, Arjan A. J. Blokland, Paul Nieuwbeerta, Marieke van Schellen.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.2: 269-300.
133713 Digital Analysis of Crime Statistics: Does Crime Conform to Benford’s Law?/Matthew J. Hickman, Stephen K. Rice.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.3: 333-349.
133714 Estimating Treatment Effects and Predicting Recidivism for Community Supervision Using Survival Analysis with Instrumental Variables/William Rhodes.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.3: 391-413.
133715 Impulsivity, Offending, and the Neighborhood: Investigating the Person-Context Nexus/Gregory M. Zimmerman.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.3: 301-331.
133716 Violent Crime, Residential Instability and Mobility: Does the Relationship Differ in Minority Neighborhoods?/Lyndsay N. Boggess, John R. Hipp.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.3: 351-370.
133717 When does the Apple Fall from the Tree? Static Versus Dynamic Theories Predicting Intergenerational Transmission of Convictions/Marieke Van de Rakt, Stijn Ruiter, Nan Dirk De Graaf, Paul Nieuwbeerta.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.3: 371-389.
133718 Advances and Challenges in Empirical Studies of Victimization/Janet L. Lauritsen.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.4: 501-508.
133719 Communities, Crime, and Reactions to Crime Multilevel Models: Accomplishments and Meta-Challenges/Ralph B. Taylor.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.4: 455-466.
133720 Gold Standard Myths: Observations on the Experimental Turn in Quantitative Criminology/Robert J. Sampson.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.4: 489-500.
133721 Longitudinal Criminology/David F. Greenberg.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.4: 437-443.
133722 Nurturing the Journal of Quantitative Criminology Through Late Childhood: Retrospective Memories (Distorted?) from a Former Editor/John H. Laub.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.4: 421-424.
133723 Some Perspectives on Quantitative Criminology Pre-JQC: and Then Some/Alfred Blumstein.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.4: 549-561.
133724 The Present and Possible Future of Quantitative Criminology/David McDowall.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.4: 429-435.
133725 The Use of Official Records to Measure Crime and Delinquency/Colin Loftin, David McDowall.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.4: 527-532.
133726 What You Can and Can’t Properly Do with Regression/Richard Berk.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2010; Vol.26, No.4: 481-487.
133727 Responsive Regulation and Taxation: Introduction/Valerie Braithwaite.- Law and Policy. 2007; Vol.29, No.1: 3-10.
133728 Constructing Compliance: Game Playing, Tax Law, and the Regulatory State/Sol Picciotto.- Law and Policy. 2007; Vol.29, No.1: 11-30.
133729 The Multiplicity of Taxpayer Identities and Their Implications for Tax Ethics/Michael Wenzel.- Law and Policy. 2007; Vol.29, No.1: 31-50.
133730 Taxes and Transnational Treaties: Responsive Regulation and the Reassertion of Offshore Sovereignty/Gregory Rawlings.- Law and Policy. 2007; Vol.29, No.1: 51-66.
133731 The Challenge of Institutional Integrity in Responsive Regulation: Field Inspections by the Australian Taxation Office/Vivienne Waller.- Law and Policy. 2007; Vol.29, No.1: 67-83.
133732 Culture Change in Three Taxation Administrations: From Command-and-Control to Responsive Regulation/Jenny Job, Andrew Stout, Rachael Smith.- Law and Policy. 2007; Vol.29, No.1: 84-101.
133733 Tax Compliance as the Result of a Psychological Tax Contract: The Role of Incentives and Responsive Regulation/Lars P. Feld, Bruno S. Frey.- Law and Policy. 2007; Vol.29, No.1: 102-120.
133734 Higher Education Loans and Tax Evasion: A Response to Perceived Unfairness/Eliza Ahmed, Valerie Braithwaite.- Law and Policy. 2007; Vol.29, No.1: 121-136.
133735 Taxation Threat, Motivational Postures, and Responsive Regulation/Valerie Braithwaite, Kristina Murphy, Monika Reinhart.- Law and Policy. 2007; Vol.29, No.1: 137-158.
133736 Protection, Parity, or Promotion: Public Attitudes to Cohabitation and the Purposes of Legal Reform/Ian Dey, Fran Wasoff.- Law and Policy. 2007; Vol.29, No.2: 159-182.
133737 Magistrates, Magistrates Courts, and Social Change/Sharyn Roach Anleu, Kathy Mack.- Law and Policy. 2007; Vol.29, No.2: 183-209.
133738 Beyond Compliance Monitoring: New Strategies for Safety Regulators/Andrew Hopkins.- Law and Policy. 2007; Vol.29, No.2: 210-225.
133739 Empowerment of Whom and for What? Financial Literacy Education and the New Regulation of Consumer Financial Services/Toni Williams.- Law and Policy. 2007; Vol.29, No.2: 226-256.
133740 Differential Treatment and Communicative Interactions: Why the Character of Social Interaction is Important/Vibeke Lehmann Nielsen.- Law and Policy. 2007; Vol.29, No.2: 257-283.
133741 Regulation Crisis: Evaluating the Potential Legitimizing Effects of Corporate Manslaughter Cases/Paul Almond.- Law and Policy. 2007; Vol.29, No.3: 285-310.
133742 Interpreting the U.S. Human Trafficking Debate Through the Lens of Symbolic Politics/Barbara Ann Stolz.- Law and Policy. 2007; Vol.29, No.3: 311-338.
133743 Financial Compensation for Victims of Catastrophes: A Law and Economics Perspective/Michael G. Faure.- Law and Policy. 2007; Vol.29, No.3: 339-367.
133744 Where Have All of the Pro-Choice Lawyers Gone? An Analysis of Post-Roe Reproductive Rights Lawyering/Karen O’Connor, Alixandra B. Yanus.- Law and Policy. 2007; Vol.29, No.3: 368-379.
133745 Assessing Need in the United States, Germany, and Sweden: The Organization of Welfare Casework and the Potential for Responsiveness in the Three Worlds/Christopher J. Jewell.- Law and Policy. 2007; Vol.29, No.3: 380-406.
133746 Regulatory Choices: Analyzing State Policy Design/Chris Koski.- Law and Policy. 2007; Vol.29, No.4: 407-434.
133747 Ambivalence, Contradiction, and Symbiosis: Carers’ and Mental Health Users’ Rights/Victoria Yeates.- Law and Policy. 2007; Vol.29, No.4: 435-459.
133748 Developing Codes of Conduct: Regulatory Conversations as Means for Detecting Institutional Change/Karin Jonnergard, Ulf Larsson.- Law and Policy. 2007; Vol.29, No.4: 460-492.
133749 The Pursuit of Grounded Theory in Agricultural and Environmental Regulation: A Suggested Approach to Empirical Legal Study in Biosecurity/Opi Outhwaite, Robert Black, Angela Laycock.- Law and Policy. 2007; Vol.29, No.4: 493-528.
133750 Problematizing Legitimacy and Authority in Law and Policy/Fiona Haines, Nancy Reichman, Colin Scott.- Law and Policy. 2008; Vol.30, No.1: 1-11.
133751 A Norms Approach to Jury Nullification: Interests, Values, and Scripts/Joseph Sanders.- Law and Policy. 2008; Vol.30, No.1: 12-45.
133752 A Just Measure of Forgiveness: Reforming Occupational Licensing Regulations for Ex-Offenders Using BFOQ Analysis/Karol Lucken, Lucille M. Ponte.- Law and Policy. 2008; Vol.30, No.1: 46-72.
133753 Constructing the License to Operate: Internal Factors and Their Influence on Corporate Environmental Decisions/Jennifer Howard-Grenville, Jennifer Nash, Cary Coglianese.- Law and Policy. 2008; Vol.30, No.1: 73-107.
133754 Working to Death: The Regulation of Working Hours in Health Care/Fiona McDonald.- Law and Policy. 2008; Vol.30, No.1: 108-140.
133755 The Governance of Terror: Precautionary Logic and Counterterrorist Law Reform After September 11/Andrew Goldsmith.- Law and Policy. 2008; Vol.30, No.2: 141-167.
133756 Sound and Fury: Pretextual Prosecution and Department of Justice Antiterrorism Efforts/Todd Lochner.- Law and Policy. 2008; Vol.30, No.2: 168-193.
133757 Calling the Judiciary to Account for the Past: Transitional Justice and Judicial Accountability in Nigeria/Hakeem O. Yusuf.- Law and Policy. 2008; Vol.30, No.2: 194-226.
133758 Accountability or Expectations Management? The Role of the Ombudsman in Financial Regulation/Sharon Gilad.- Law and Policy. 2008; Vol.30, No.2: 227-253.
133759 Said and Unsaid: State Legislative Signaling to State Courts over Same Sex Marriage 1990-2004/Scott Barclay, Shauna Fisher.- Law and Policy. 2008; Vol.30, No.2: 254-275.
133760 How Law Thinks of Disobedience: Perceiving and Addressing Desertion and Conscientious Objection in Israeli Military Courts/Hadar Aviram.- Law and Policy. 2008; Vol.30, No.3: 277-305.
133761 Out of Place and Out of Line: Positioning the Police in the Regulation of Financial Markets/James W. Williams.- Law and Policy. 2008; Vol.30, No.3: 306-335.
133762 Control Modes in the Age of Transnational Governance/Dirk Lehmkuhl.- Law and Policy. 2008; Vol.30, No.3: 336-363.
133763 Imperium in Imperio and the Political Origins of the American Labor Conspiracy Doctrine/Jeffrey S. Kahana.- Law and Policy. 2008; Vol.30, No.3: 364-384.
133764 The Problem That Is Global Warming: Introduction/Fiona Haines, Nancy Reichman.- Law and Policy. 2008; Vol.30, No.4: 385-393.
133765 A Regulatory Analysis of International Climate Change Regulation/Donald Feaver, Nicola Durrant.- Law and Policy. 2008; Vol.30, No.4: 394-422.
133766 Global Climate Change and the Fragmentation of International Law/Harro Van Asselt, Francesco Sindico, Michael A. Mehling.- Law and Policy. 2008; Vol.30, No.4: 423-449.
133767 Good Climate Governance: Only a Fragmented System of International Law Away?/Cinnamon Pinon Carlarne.- Law and Policy. 2008; Vol.30, No.4: 450-480.
133768 Climate Change and Global Citizenship/Paul G. Harris.- Law and Policy. 2008; Vol.30, No.4: 481-501.
133769 Turning the Tide: Recognizing Climate Change Refugees in International Law/Angela Williams.- Law and Policy. 2008; Vol.30, No.4: 502-529.
133770 Search and Seizure, Racial Profiling, and Traffic Stops: A Disparate Impact Framework/J. Mitchell Pickerill, Clayton Mosher, Travis Pratt.- Law and Policy. 2009; Vol.31, No.1: 1-30.
133771 The Judicial Transformation of the State: The Case of U.S. Trade Policy, 1974-2004/Nitsan Chorev.- Law and Policy. 2009; Vol.31, No.1: 31-68.
133772 Principals in Practice: The Importance of Mentorship in the Early Stages of Career Development/Fiona M. Kay, John Hagan, Patricia Parker.- Law and Policy. 2009; Vol.31, No.1: 69-110.
133773 Agency Accountability Strategies After Liberalization: Universal Service in the United Kingdom, France, and Sweden/Dorit Rubinstein Reiss.- Law and Policy. 2009; Vol.31, No.1: 111-141.
133774 A Qualitative Study of Judgments in Race Discrimination Employment Cases/Alison Brown, Angus Erskine.- Law and Policy. 2009; Vol.31, No.1: 142-159.
133775 Curbing Consumer Financial Losses: The Economics of Regulatory Enforcement/Michael Faure, Anthony Ogus, Niels Philipsen.- Law and Policy. 2009; Vol.31, No.2: 161-191.
133776 Reconsidering Regulation and Governance Theory: A Learning Approach/John S. F. Wright, Brian Head.- Law and Policy. 2009; Vol.31, No.2: 192-216.
133777 Do Off-Site Adult Businesses Have Secondary Effects? Legal Doctrine, Social Theory, and Empirical Evidence/Richard Mccleary, Alan C. Weinstein.- Law and Policy. 2009; Vol.31, No.2: 217-235.
133778 Theorizing and Generalizing about Risk Assessment and Regulation through Comparative Nested Analysis of Representative Cases/Brendon Swedlow … [et al.].- Law and Policy. 2009; Vol.31, No.2: 236-269.
133779 Regulation and Human Rights in Socio-Legal Scholarship/Eve Darian-Smith, Colin Scott.- Law and Policy. 2009; Vol.31, No.3: 271-281.
133780 Mothers, Extraordinary Labor, and Amacasual: Law and Politics of Nonstandard Employment in the South African Retail Sector/Bridget Kenny.- Law and Policy. 2009; Vol.31, No.3: 282-306.
133781 Deceptive Utopias: Violence, Environmentalism, and the Regulation of Multiculturalism in Colombia/Diana Bocarejo.- Law and Policy. 2009; Vol.31, No.3: 307-329.
133782 Rights-Bearing Street Kids: Icons of Hope and Despair in Brazil’s Burgeoning Neoliberal State/Kristen Drybread.- Law and Policy. 2009; Vol.31, No.3: 330-350.
133783 From Clampdown to Limited Empowerment: Soft Law in the Calibration and Regulation of Religious Conduct in Singapore/Eugene K. B. Tan.- Law and Policy. 2009; Vol.31, No.3: 351-379.
133784 Seeing Jurisdiction: Some Jurisprudential Issues Arising from Law Being … All Over/John Brigham.- Law and Policy. 2009; Vol.31, No.4: 381-404.
133785 Street-Level Bureaucracy, Interprofessional Relations, and Coping Mechanisms: A Study of Criminal Justice Social Workers in the Sentencing Process/Simon Halliday … [et al.].- Law and Policy. 2009; Vol.31, No.4: 405-428.
133786 Beyond the Courtroom Workgroup: Caseworkers as the New Satellite of Social Control/Ursula Castellano.- Law and Policy. 2009; Vol.31, No.4: 429-462.
133787 Court Finance and Court Responses to Judicial Reforms: A Tale of Two Chinese Courts/Xin He.- Law and Policy. 2009; Vol.31, No.4: 463-486.
133788 Reorienting Regulation: Pollution Enforcement in Industrializing Countries/Lesley K. Mcallister, Benjamin Van Rooij, Robert A. Kagan.- Law and Policy. 2010; Vol.32, No.1: 1-13.
133789 Fragile Convergence: Understanding Variation in the Enforcement of China’s Industrial Pollution Law/Benjamin Van Rooij, Carlos Wing-Hung Lo.- Law and Policy. 2010; Vol.32, No.1: 14-37.
133790 Consequences of Decentralization: Environmental Impact Assessment and Water Pollution Control in Indonesia/Adriaan Bedner.- Law and Policy. 2010; Vol.32, No.1: 38-60.
133791 Dimensions of Enforcement Style: Factoring in Regulatory Autonomy and Capacity/Lesley K. Mcallister.- Law and Policy. 2010; Vol.32, No.1: 61-78.
133792 On the Frontlines: Making Decisions in Chinese Civil Environmental Lawsuits/Rachel E. Stern.- Law and Policy. 2010; Vol.32, No.1: 79-103.
133793 The Fiscal Imperative and the Role of Public Prosecutors in Brazilian Environmental Policy/Bernardo Mueller.- Law and Policy. 2010; Vol.32, No.1: 104-126.
133794 Greening Industry Without Enforcement? An Assessment of the World Bank’s Pollution Regulation Model for Developing Countries/Benjamin Van Rooij.- Law and Policy. 2010; Vol.32, No.1: 127-152.
133795 Regulating the Oil Palm Boom: Assessing the Effectiveness of Environmental Governance Approaches to Agro-industrial Pollution in Indonesia/John Mccarthy, Zahari Zen.- Law and Policy. 2010; Vol.32, No.1: 153-179.
133796 Really Responsive Risk-Based Regulation/Julia Black, Robert Baldwin.- Law and Policy. 2010; Vol.32, No.2: 181-213.
133797 Tax Amnesties, Justice Perceptions, and Filing Behavior: A Simulation Study/Silvia Rechberger … [et al.].- Law and Policy. 2010; Vol.32, No.2: 214-225.
133798 Lawyer Specialization-Managing the Professional Paradox/Richard Moorhead.- Law and Policy. 2010; Vol.32, No.2: 226-259.
133799 Gender, Critical Mass, and Judicial Decision Making/Paul M. Collins, Kenneth L. Manning, Robert A. Carp.- Law and Policy. 2010; Vol.32, No.2: 260-281.
133800 Why the Haves Do Not Necessarily Come Out Ahead in Informal Dispute Resolution/Sharon Gilad.- Law and Policy. 2010; Vol.32, No.3: 283-312.
133801 The Government of Health Care and the Politics of Patient Empowerment: New Labour and the NHS Reform Agenda in England/Kenneth Veitch.- Law and Policy. 2010; Vol.32, No.3: 313-331.
133802 The Shifting Sands of Punishment in China in the Era of Harmonious Society/Susan Trevaskes.- Law and Policy. 2010; Vol.32, No.3: 332-361.
133803 The Global Financial Crisis: Learning from Regulatory and Governance Studies/Christopher Arup.- Law and Policy. 2010; Vol.32, No.3: 363-381.
133804 Trust in Authorities and Power to Enforce Tax Compliance: An Empirical Analysis of the Slippery Slope Framework/Ingrid Wahl, Barbara Kastlunger, Erich Kirchler.- Law and Policy. 2010; Vol.32, No.4: 383-406.
133805 Regulatory Disclosure of Offending Companies in the Dutch Financial Market: Consumer Protection or Enforcement Publicity?/Judith Van Erp.- Law and Policy. 2010; Vol.32, No.4: 407-433.
133806 Is the Sum Greater than Its Parts? Circuit Court Composition and Judicial Behavior in the Courts of Appeals/Todd Collins.- Law and Policy. 2010; Vol.32, No.4: 434-453.
133807 A Refugee from Justice? Disparate Treatment in the Federal Court of Canada/Jon B. Gould, Colleen Sheppard, Johannes Wheeldon.- Law and Policy. 2010; Vol.32, No.4: 454-486.
133808 Efficient, Fair, and Incomprehensible: How the State Sells Its Judiciary/Keith J. Bybee, Heather Pincock.- Law and Policy. 2011; Vol.33, No.1: 1-26.
133809 Regulatory Capitalism and the UK Labour Government’s Reregulation of Commissioning in the English National Health Service/John S. F. Wright.- Law and Policy. 2011; Vol.33, No.1: 27-59.
133810 Perceived Distributive Fairness of EU Transfer Payments, Outcome Favorability, Identity, and EU-Tax Compliance/Martina Hartner … [et al.].- Law and Policy. 2011; Vol.33, No.1: 60-81.
133811 Legislating the Family: The Effect of State Family Laws on the Presence of Children in Same-Sex Households/Amanda K. Baumle, D’lane R. Compton.- Law and Policy. 2011; Vol.33, No.1: 82-115.
133812 Regulating-for-Welfare: A Comparative Study of Regulatory Welfare Regimes in the Israeli, British, and Swedish Electricity Sectors/Hanan Haber.- Law and Policy. 2011; Vol.33, No.1: 116-148.
133813 Criminalizing Organizations: Towards Deliberative Lawmaking/Julie Ayling.- Law and Policy. 2011; Vol.33, No.2: 149-178.
133814 Crack Pipes and Policing: A Case Study of Institutional Racism and Remedial Action in Cleveland/Mona Lynch.- Law and Policy. 2011; Vol.33, No.2: 179-214.
133815 Governing Nanomedicine: Lessons from within, and for, the EU Medical Technology Regulatory Framework/Barbel R. Dorbeck-Jung, Diana M. Bowman, Geert Van Calster.- Law and Policy. 2011; Vol.33, No.2: 215-224.
133816 Medical Device Regulation and Nanotechnologies: Determining the Role of Patient Safety Concerns in Policymaking/Christa Altenstetter.- Law and Policy. 2011; Vol.33, No.2: 227-255.
133817 Treating or Tracking? Regulatory Challenges of Nano-Enabled ICT Implants/Eleni Kosta, Diana M. Bowman.- Law and Policy. 2011; Vol.33, No.2: 256-275.
133818 Is the European Medical Products Authorisation Regulation Equipped to Cope with the Challenges of Nanomedicines?/Barbel R. Dorbeck-Jung, Nupur Chowdhury.- Law and Policy. 2011; Vol.33, No.2: 276-303.
133819 Compliance Theory: A Goal Framing Approach/Julien Etienne.- Law and Policy. 2011; Vol.33, No.3: 305-333.
133820 Regulatory Choice for Alternative Modes of Regulation: How Context Matters/Florian Saurwein.- Law and Policy. 2011; Vol.33, No.3: 334-366.
133821 Friends, Enemies, or Strangers? On Relationships between Public and Private Sector Service Providers in Hybrid Forms of Governance/Jeroen Van Der Heijden.- Law and Policy. 2011; Vol.33, No.3: 367-390.
133822 Tendential Autonomy and Conflict Containment in Nonstate Governance Mechanisms/James Lawson.- Law and Policy. 2011; Vol.33, No.3: 391-426.
133823 Understanding the New Regulatory Governance: Business Perspectives/Bridget M. Hutter.- Law and Policy. 2011; Vol.33, No.4: 459-476.
133824 New Governance, Chief Privacy Officers, and the Corporate Management of Information Privacy in the United States: An Initial Inquiry/Kenneth A. Bamberger, Deirdre K. Mulligan.- Law and Policy. 2011; Vol.33, No.4: 477-508.
133825 Corporate Monitorships and New Governance Regulation: In Theory, in Practice, and in Context/Cristie Ford, David Hess.- Law and Policy. 2011; Vol.33, No.4: 509-541.
133826 Global Banks as Global Sustainability Regulators?: The Equator Principles/John M. Conley, Cynthia A. Williams.- Law and Policy. 2011; Vol.33, No.4: 542-575.
133827 New Governance, Old Norms, and the Potential for Corporate Governance Reform/Janis Sarra.- Law and Policy. 2011; Vol.33, No.4: 576-602.
133828 Framing Organizational Reform: Misalignments and Disputes among Parole and Union Middle Managers/Danielle S. Rudes.- Law and Policy. 2012; Vol.34, No.1: 1-31.
133829 Perils of Governance through Networks: The Case of Regulating Payday Lending in Canada/Olena Kobzar.- Law and Policy. 2012; Vol.34, No.1: 32-54.
133830 Violence in and around Entertainment Districts: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Impact of Late-Night Lockout Legislation/Lorraine Mazerolle … [et al.].- Law and Policy. 2012; Vol.34, No.1: 55-79.
133831 Resetting the Relationship in Indigenous Child Protection: Public Hope and Private Reality/Mary Ivec, Valerie Braithwaite, Nathan Harris.- Law and Policy. 2012; Vol.34, No.1: 80-103.
133832 Scaled Down: Perspectives on State and Local Creation and Enforcement of Immigration Law/Doris Marie Provine, Monica W. Varsanyi.- Law and Policy. 2012; Vol.34, No.2: 105-112.
133833 Policy Innovation or Vertical Integration? A View of Immigration Federalism from the States/Lina Newton.- Law and Policy. 2012; Vol.34, No.2: 113-137.
133834 A Multilayered Jurisdictional Patchwork: Immigration Federalism in the United States/Monica W. Varsanyi … [et al.].- Law and Policy. 2012; Vol.34, No.2: 138-158.
133835 The Local Migration State: The Site-Specific Devolution of Immigration Enforcement in the U.S. South/Mathew Coleman.- Law and Policy. 2012; Vol.34, No.2: 159-190.
133836 From Sheriff’s Deputies to Immigration Officers: Screening Immigrant Status in a Tennessee Jail/Amada Armenta.- Law and Policy. 2012; Vol.34, No.2: 191-210.
133837 Negotiating Citizenship on the Frontlines: How the Devolution of Canadian Immigration Policy Shapes Service Delivery to Women Fleeing Abuse/Rupaleem Bhuyan.- Law and Policy. 2012; Vol.34, No.2: 211-236.
133838 Legal Reform and Good Governance: Assessing Rights and Economic Development in Chile/Lydia Brashear Tiede.- Law and Policy. 2012; Vol.34, No.3: 237-262.
133839 Governing Condominiums and Renters with Legal Knowledge Flows and External Institutions/Randy K. Lippert.- Law and Policy. 2012; Vol.34, No.3: 263-290.
133840 The Role of Case Complexity in Judicial Decision Making/Laura P. Moyer.- Law and Policy. 2012; Vol.34, No.3: 291-312.
133841 Entering the Australian Judiciary: Gender and Court Hierarchy/Kathy Mack, Sharyn Roach Anleu.- Law and Policy. 2012; Vol.34, No.3: 313-347.
133842 Justice by Other Means: Venue Sorting in Parole Revocation/Jeffrey Lin, Ryken Grattet, Joan Petersilia.- Law and Policy. 2012; Vol.34, No.4: 349-372.
133843 Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics: The Role of Campaigns in Lawmaking/Sarah Biddulph, Sean Cooney, Ying Zhu.- Law and Policy. 2012; Vol.34, No.4: 373-401.
133844 Roles and Power within Federal Problem Solving Courtroom Workgroups/Danielle S. Rudes, Shannon Portillo.- Law and Policy. 2012; Vol.34, No.4: 402-427.
133845 Mixed Motives: Economic, Social, and Normative Motivations in Business Compliance/Vibeke Lehmann Nielsen, Christine Parker.- Law and Policy. 2012; Vol.34, No.4: 428-462.
133846 State-Sponsored Homophobia and the Denial of the Right of Assembly in Central and Eastern Europe: The Boomerang and the Ricochet between European Organizations and Civil Society to Uphold Human Rights/Ronald Holzhacker.- Law and Policy. 2013; Vol.35, No.1-2: 1-28.
133847 The Odyssey of the Regulatory State: From a Thin Monomorphic Concept to a Thick and Polymorphic Concept/David Levi-Faur.- Law and Policy. 2013; Vol.35, No.1-2: 29-50.
133848 The Paradox of Probation: Community Supervision in the Age of Mass Incarceration/Michelle S. Phelps.- Law and Policy. 2013; Vol.35, No.1-2: 51-80.
133849 Mandate, Discretion, and Professionalisation in an Employment Standards Enforcement Agency: An Antipodean Experience/John Howe, Tess Hardy, Sean Cooney.- Law and Policy. 2013; Vol.35, No.1-2: 81-108.
133850 Messy Business: Media Representations of Administrative Sanctions for Corporate Offenders/Judith Van Erp.- Law and Policy. 2013; Vol.35, No.1-2: 109-139.
133851 Climate Change Litigation: Symposium Introduction/Lisa Vanhala, Chris Hilson.- Law and Policy. 2013; Vol.35, No.3: 141-149.
133852 Climate Change Litigation’s Regulatory Pathways: A Comparative Analysis of the United States and Australia/Jacqueline Peel, Hari M. Osofsky.- Law and Policy. 2013; Vol.35, No.3: 150-183.
133853 EU Climate Change Litigation, the Role of the European Courts, and the Importance of Legal Culture/Sanja Bogojevic.- Law and Policy. 2013; Vol.35, No.3: 184-207.
133854 Negotiating Proximity: Expert Testimony and Collective Memory in the Trials of Environmental Activists in France and the United Kingdom/Graeme Hayes.- Law and Policy. 2013; Vol.35, No.3: 208-235.
133855 Climate Change Litigation, Obsession and Expertise: Reflecting on the Scholarly Response to Massachusetts v. EPA/Elizabeth Fisher.- Law and Policy. 2013; Vol.35, No.3: 236-260.
133856 Explaining the Divergence in Asylum Grant Rates among Immigration Judges: An Attitudinal and Cognitive Approach/Linda Camp Keith, Jennifer S. Holmes, Banks P. Miller.- Law and Policy. 2013; Vol.35, No.4: 261-289.
133857 Inquisitorial Adjudication and Institutional Constraints in Chinese Civil Justice/Xin He, Kwai Hang Ng.- Law and Policy. 2013; Vol.35, No.4: 290-318.
133858 What Workers Want Depends: Legal Knowledge and the Desire for Workplace Change among Day Laborers/Mary Nell Trautner, Erin Hatton, Kelly E. Smith.- Law and Policy. 2013; Vol.35, No.4: 319-340.
133859 A Routine Activities Analysis of White-Collar Crime in Carbon Markets/Carole Gibbs, Michael B. Cassidy, Louie Rivers.- Law and Policy. 2013; Vol.35, No.4: 341-374.
133860 A New Twist on an Old Approach: A Random-Interaction Approach for Estimating Rates of Inter-Group Interaction/John R. Hipp, George E. Tita, Lyndsay N. Boggess.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2011; Vol.27, No.1: 27-51.
133861 Asymmetric Loss Functions for Forecasting in Criminal Justice Settings/Richard Berk.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2011; Vol.27, No.1: 107-123.
133862 Something Old, Something New: Revisiting Competing Hypotheses of the Victimization-Offending Relationship Among Adolescents/Graham C. Ousey, Pamela Wilcox, Bonnie S. Fisher.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2011; Vol.27, No.1: 53-84.
133863 The Effects of Genetics, the Environment, and Low Self-Control on Perceived Maternal and Paternal Socialization: Results from a Longitudinal Sample of Twins/Kevin M. Beaver.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2011; Vol.27, No.1: 85-105.
133864 Thoughtfully Reflective Decision Making and the Accumulation of Capital: Bringing Choice Back In/Ray Paternoster, Greg Pogarsky, Gregory Zimmerman.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2011; Vol.27, No.1: 1-26.
133865 A Longitudinal Study of Escalation in Crime Seriousness/Jiayi Liu, Brian Francis, Keith Soothill.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2011; Vol.27, No.2: 175-196.
133866 Criminal Contemplation, National Context, and Deterrence/Charles R. Tittle, Ekaterina V. Botchkovar, Olena Antonaccio.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2011; Vol.27, No.2: 225-249.
133867 One Bad Apple May Not Spoil the Whole Bunch: Best Friends and Adolescent Delinquency/Carter Rees, Greg Pogarsky.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2011; Vol.27, No.2: 197-223.
133868 Reciprocal Effects of Victimization and Routine Activities/Margit Averdijk.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2011; Vol.27, No.2: 125-149.
133869 Reliability and Validity of Prisoner Self-Reports Gathered Using the Life Event Calendar Method/James E. Sutton, Paul E. Bellair, Brian R. Kowalski, Ryan Light, Donald T. Hutcherson.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2011; Vol.27, No.2: 151-171.
133870 Are US Crime Rates Really Unit Root Processes?/Jemma Cook, Steve Cook.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2011; Vol.27, No.3: 299-314.
133871 How do Visitors Affect Crime?/Earl L. Grinols, David B. Mustard, Melissa Staha.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2011; Vol.27, No.3: 363-378.
133872 How Do They End Up Together? A Social Network Analysis of Self-Control, Homophily, and Adolescent Relationships/Jacob T. N. Young.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2011; Vol.27, No.3: 251-273.
133873 Risk Clusters, Hotspots, and Spatial Intelligence: Risk Terrain Modeling as an Algorithm for Police Resource Allocation Strategies/Leslie W. Kennedy, Joel M. Caplan, Eric Piza.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2011; Vol.27, No.3: 339-362.
133874 The Distribution of Police Protection/David Thacher.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2011; Vol.27, No.3: 275-298.
133875 The Relationship Between Crime and Electronic Gaming Expenditure: Evidence from Victoria, Australia/Sarah A. Wheeler, David K. Round, John K. Wilson.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2011; Vol.27, No.3: 315-338.
133876 The Series Hazard Model: An Alternative to Time Series for Event Data/Laura Dugan.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2011; Vol.27, No.3: 379-402.
133877 A Comparison of Logistic Regression, Classification and Regression Tree, and Neural Networks Models in Predicting Violent Re-Offending/Yuan Y. Liu, Min Yang, Malcolm Ramsay, Xiao S. L, Jeremy W. Coid.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2011; Vol.27, No.4: 547-573.
133878 Estimating the Impact of Classification Error on the Statistical Accuracy of Uniform Crime Reports/James J. Nolan, Stephen M. Haas, Jessica S. Napier.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2011; Vol.27, No.4: 497-511.
133879 Examining the Neighborhood Context of the Violent Offending-Victimization Relationship: A Prospective Investigation/Mark T. Berg, Rolf Loeber.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2011; Vol.27, No.4: 427-451.
133880 Racial Disparity in Police Stop and Searches in England and Wales/Vani K. Borooah.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2011; Vol.27, No.4: 453-473.
133881 Static and Dynamic Indicators of Minority Threat in Sentencing Outcomes: A Multi-Level Analysis/Cyndy Caravelis, Ted Chiricos, William Bales.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2011; Vol.27, No.4: 405-425.
133882 Structural Determinants of Homicide: The Big Three/Maria Tcherni.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2011; Vol.27, No.4: 475-496.
133883 Capital Punishment and Deterrence: Understanding Disparate Results/Steven N. Durlauf, Chao Fu, Salvador Navarro.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2013; Vol.29, No.1: 103-121.
133884 Deterrence and the Death Penalty: Partial Identification Analysis Using Repeated Cross Sections/Charles F. Manski, John V. Pepper.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2013; Vol.29, No.1: 123-141.
133885 Pitfalls in the Use of Time Series Methods to Study Deterrence and Capital Punishment/Kerwin Kofi Charles, Steven N. Durlauf.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2013; Vol.29, No.1: 45-66.
133886 Sanctions, Perceptions, and Crime: Implications for Criminal Deterrence/Robert Apel.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2013; Vol.29, No.1: 67-101.
133887 What Do Panel Studies Tell Us About a Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment? A Critique of the Literature/Aaron Chalfin, Amelia M. Haviland, Steven Raphael.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2013; Vol.29, No.1: 5-43.
133888 Delinquent Behavior, Violence, and Gang Involvement in China/David C. Pyrooz, Scott H. Decker.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2013; Vol.29, No.2: 251-272.
133889 Does Spending Time in Public Settings Contribute to the Adolescent Risk of Violent Victimization?/Richard B. Felson, Jukka Savolainen, Mark T. Berg, Noora Ellonen.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2013; Vol.29, No.2: 273-293.
133890 Gangs and Violence: Disentangling the Impact of Gang Membership on the Level and Nature of Offending/Chris Melde, Finn-Aage Esbensen.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2013; Vol.29, No.2: 143-166.
133891 Strain, Coping, and Socioeconomic Status: Coping Histories and Present Choices/Ekaterina V. Botchkovar, Charles R. Tittle, Olena Antonaccio.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2013; Vol.29, No.2: 217-250.
133892 Terrorism Risk, Resilience and Volatility: A Comparison of Terrorism Patterns in Three Southeast Asian Countries/Gentry White, Michael D. Porter, Lorraine Mazerolle.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2013; Vol.29, No.2: 295-320.
133893 The Age Structure-Crime Rate Relationship: Solving a Long-Standing Puzzle/Patricia L. McCall, Kenneth C. Land, Cindy Brooks Dollar, Karen F. Parker.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2013; Vol.29, No.2: 167-190.
133894 The Effects of Immigrant Concentration on Changes in Neighborhood Crime Rates/John M. MacDonald, John R. Hipp, Charlotte Gill.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2013; Vol.29, No.2: 191-215.
133895 Fixed Sentencing: The Effect on Imprisonment Rates Over Time/Mark G. Harmon.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2013; Vol.29, No.3: 369-397.
133896 Differential Effects of Parental Controls on Adolescent Substance Use: For Whom is the Family Most Important?/Abigail A. Fagan, M. Lee Van Horn, J. David Hawkins, Thomas Jaki.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2013; Vol.29, No.3: 347-368.
133897 Seasonal Variation in Violent Victimization: Opportunity and the Annual Rhythm of the School Calendar/Kristin Carbone-Lopez, Janet Lauritsen.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2013; Vol.29, No.3: 392-422.
133898 Self-Control Theory and Nonlinear Effects on Offending/Daniel P. Mears, Joshua C. Cochran, Kevin M. Beaver.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2013; Vol.29, No.3: 447-467.
133899 The Consequences of Maladaptive Coping: Integrating General Strain and Self-Control Theories to Specify a Causal Pathway Between Victimization and Offending/Jillian J. Turanovic, Travis C. Pratt.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2013; Vol.29, No.3: 321-345.
133900 The Efficacy of Ideographic Models for Geographical Offender Profiling/David Canter, Laura Hammond, Donna Youngs, Piotr Juszczak.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2013; Vol.29, No.3: 423-446.
133901 Estimating the Causal Effect of Gun Prevalence on Homicide Rates: A Local Average Treatment Effect Approach/Tomislav Kovandzic, Mark E. Schaffer, Gary Kleck.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2013; Vol.29, No.4: 477-541.
133902 Heterogeneity in the Frequency Distribution of Crime Victimization/Tim Hope, Paul A. Norris.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2013; Vol.29, No.4: 543-578.
133903 Prisons and Crime, Backwards in High Heels/William Spelman.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2013; Vol.29, No.4: 643-674.
133904 The Effect of Incarceration on Re-Offending: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Pennsylvania/Daniel S. Nagin, G. Matthew Snodgrass.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2013; Vol.29, No.4: 601-642.
133905 The Incapacitation Effect of First-Time Imprisonment: A Matched Samples Comparison/Hilde Wermink, Robert Apel, Paul Nieuwbeerta, Arjan A. J. Blokland.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2013; Vol.29, No.4: 579-600.
133906 A Bi-level Framework for Understanding Prisoner Victimization/John Wooldredge, Benjamin Steiner.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.1: 141-162.
133907 Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Modeling for Analysing Local Patterns of Crime Over Time at the Small-Area Level/Jane Law, Matthew Quick, Ping Chan.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.1: 57-78.
133908 Block Randomized Trials at Places: Rethinking the Limitations of Small N Experiments/David Weisburd, Charlotte Gill.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.1: 97-112.
133909 Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop: Self-Control, Risky Lifestyles, and Repeat Victimization/Jillian J. Turanovic, Travis C. Pratt.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.1: 29-56.
133910 Deterring Gang-Involved Gun Violence: Measuring the Impact of Boston s Operation Ceasefire on Street Gang Behavior/Anthony A. Braga, David M. Hureau, Andrew V. Papachristos.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.1: 113-139.
133911 Forecasts of Violence to Inform Sentencing Decisions/Richard Berk, Justin Bleich.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.1: 79-96.
133912 Rational Misbehavior? Evaluating an Integrated Dual-Process Model of Criminal Decision Making/Jean-Louis van Gelder, Reinout E. de Vries.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.1: 1-27.
133913 Accounting for Projection Bias in Models of Delinquent Peer Influence: The Utility and Limits of Latent Variable Approaches/Cesar J. Rebellon, Kathryn L. Modecki.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.2: 163-186.
133914 Analyzing the Influence of Micro-Level Factors on CCTV Camera Effect/Eric L. Piza, Joel M. Caplan, Leslie W. Kennedy.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.2: 237-246.
133915 Assessing the Effectiveness of Correctional Sanctions/Joshua C. Cochran, Daniel P. Mears, William D. Bales.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.2: 317-347.
133916 Crime Gun Risk Factors: Buyer, Seller, Firearm, and Transaction Characteristics Associated with Gun Trafficking and Criminal Gun Use/Christopher S. Koper.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.2: 285-315.
133917 From Your First Cigarette to Your Last Dyin Day: The Patterning of Gang Membership in the Life-Course/David C. Pyrooz.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.2: 349-372.
133918 Individual Differences in the Deterrence Process: Which Individuals Learn (Most) from Their Offending Experiences?/Sonja Schulz.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.2: 215-236.
133919 Residential Mobility and Delinquency Revisited: Causation or Selection?/Lauren Porter, Matt Vogel.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.2: 187-214.
133920 Superficial Survey Choice: An Experimental Test of a Potential Method for Increasing Response Rates and Response Quality in Correctional Surveys/Justin T. Pickett, Christi Falco Metcalfe, Thomas Baker, Marc Gertz, Laura Bedard.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.2: 265-284.
133921 A Sensitivity Analysis of Egocentric Measures of Peer Delinquency to Latent Homophily: A Research Note/Jacob T. N. Young.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.3: 373-387.
133922 Adverse Neighborhood Conditions and Sanction Risk Perceptions: Using SEM to Examine Direct and Indirect Effects/Byungbae Kim, Travis C. Pratt, Danielle Wallace.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.3: 505-526.
133923 Counterterrorism and Radical Eco-Groups: A Context for Exploring the Series Hazard Model/Jennifer Varriale Carson.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.3: 485-504.
133924 Immigration and the Changing Nature of Homicide in US Cities, 1980-2010/Graham C. Ousey, Charis E. Kubrin.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.3: 453-483.
133925 Partying, Cruising, and Hanging in the Streets: Gangs, Routine Activities, and Delinquency and Violence in Chicago, 1959-1962/Lorine A. Hughes, James F. Short Jr..- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.3: 415-451.
133926 Quantifying the Exposure of Street Segments to Drinking Places Nearby/Elizabeth R. Groff.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.3: 527-548.
133927 Risky Facilities: Crime Radiators or Crime Absorbers? A Comparison of Internal and External Levels of Theft/Kate Bowers.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.3: 389-414.
133928 The Direct and Indirect Effects of Offender Drug Use on Federal Sentencing Outcomes/Cassia C. Spohn, Byungbae Kim, Steven Belenko, Pauline K. Brennan.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.3: 549-576.
133929 Accounting for Racial Disparities in the Nature of Violent Victimization/Mark T. Berg.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.4: 629-650.
133930 Enhancing Consistency in Sentencing: Exploring the Effects of Guidelines in England and Wales/J. Pina-Sanchez, R. Linacre.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.4: 731-748.
133931 Incentivizing Responses to Self-report Questions in Perceptual Deterrence Studies: An Investigation of the Validity of Deterrence Theory Using Bayesian Truth Serum/Thomas A. Loughran, Ray Paternoster, Kyle J. Thomas.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.4: 677-707.
133932 Investigating the Functional Form of the Self-control Delinquency Relationship in a Sample of Serious Young Offenders/Christopher J. Sullivan, Thomas Loughran.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.4: 709-730.
133933 The Impact of Leadership Removal on Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations/Matthew Dickenson.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.4: 651-676.
133934 The Salience of Social Contextual Factors in Appraisals of Police Interactions with Citizens: A Randomized Factorial Experiment/Anthony A. Braga, Christopher Winship, Tom R. Tyler, Jeffrey Fagan, Tracey L. Meares.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.4: 599-627.
133935 Validating Self-Nomination in Gang Research: Assessing Differences in Gang Embeddedness Across Non-, Current, and Former Gang Members/Scott H. Decker, David C. Pyrooz, Gary Sweete, Richard K. Moule Jr..- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2014; Vol.30, No.4: 577-598.
133936 A Field Study of the Presumptively Biased: Is There Empirical Support for Excluding Convicted Felons from Jury Service?/James M. Binnall.- Law and Policy. 2014; Vol.36, No.1: 1-34.
133937 The Influence of Administrative Law Judge and Political Appointee Decisions on Appellate Courts in National Labor Relations Board Cases/Cole D. Taratoot.- Law and Policy. 2014; Vol.36, No.1: 35-67.
133938 Judicial Independence: Evidence from a Natural Experiment/Scott E. Graves, Robert M. Howard, Pamela C. Corley.- Law and Policy. 2014; Vol.36, No.1: 68-90.
133939 Enticing Business to Create a Healthier American Diet: Performance-Based Regulation of Food and Beverage Retailers/Stephen D. Sugarman.- Law and Policy. 2014; Vol.36, No.1: 91-112.
133940 Outsourcing, Discretion, and Administrative Justice: Exploring the Acceptability of Privatized Decision Making/Avishai Benish.- Law and Policy. 2014; Vol.36, No.2: 113-133.
133941 Beyond Endogeneity: How Firms and Regulators Co-Construct the Meaning of Regulation/Sharon Gilad.- Law and Policy. 2014; Vol.36, No.2: 134-164.
133942 Migration and Social Structure: The Spatial Mobility of Chinese Lawyers/Sida Liu, Lily Liang, Ethan Michelson.- Law and Policy. 2014; Vol.36, No.2: 165-194.
133943 What Regulatory State? Explaining the Stability of Public Spending and Redistribution Functions after Regulatory Reforms of Electricity and Rail Services in the United Kingdom and Germany/Geraldine Pflieger.- Law and Policy. 2014; Vol.36, No.2: 195-221.
133944 The Old Jim Crow: Racial Residential Segregation and Neighborhood Imprisonment/Traci Burch.- Law and Policy. 2014; Vol.36, No.3: 223-255.
133945 Teachers’ Duty to Report Child Abuse and Neglect and the Paradox of Noncompliance: Relational Theory and  Compliance  in the Human Services/Kelly Gallagher-Mackay.- Law and Policy. 2014; Vol.36, No.3: 256-289.
133946 Enhancing Tax Compliance through Coercive and Legitimate Power of Tax Authorities by Concurrently Diminishing or Facilitating Trust in Tax Authorities/Eva Hofmann.- Law and Policy. 2014; Vol.36, No.3: 290-313.
133947 The High Court of the People: Popular Constitutionalism in Hong Kong under Chinese Sovereignty/Eric C. Ip.- Law and Policy. 2014; Vol.36, No.3: 314-338.
133948 Delivering Justice in Indigenous Sentencing Courts: What This Means for Judicial Officers, Elders, Community Representatives, and Indigenous Court Workers/Elena Marchetti.- Law and Policy. 2014; Vol.36, No.4: 341-369.
133949 The Limitations of Disability Antidiscrimination Legislation: Policymaking and the Economic Well-being of People with Disabilities/Michelle Maroto, David Pettinicchio.- Law and Policy. 2014; Vol.36, No.4: 370-407.
133950 Antitrust Law and Distributive Politics in the American States/Colin Provost.- Law and Policy. 2014; Vol.36, No.4: 408-431.
133951 Limits on Violence; Limits on Responsive Regulatory Theory/John Braithwaite.- Law and Policy. 2014; Vol.36, No.4: 432-456.
133952 Rule-Intermediaries in Action: How State and Business Stakeholders Influence the Meaning of Consumer Rights in Regulatory Governance Arrangements/Shauhin Talesh.- Law and Policy. 2015; Vol.37, No.1-2: 1-31.
133953 Paradoxes of Family Immigration Policy: Separation, Reorganization, and Reunification of Families under Current Immigration Laws/Maria E. Enchautegui, Cecilia Menjivar.- Law and Policy. 2015; Vol.37, No.1-2: 32-60.
133954 Disaster, Displacement, and Casework: Uncertainty and Assistance after Hurricane Katrina/Susan M. Sterett.- Law and Policy. 2015; Vol.37, No.1-2: 61-92.
133955 Impossible Families: Mixed-Citizenship Status Couples and the Law/Jane Lilly Lopez.- Law and Policy. 2015; Vol.37, No.1-2: 93-118.
133956 Dodging Dodd-Frank: Excessive Speculation, Commodities Markets, and the Burden of Proof/James W. Williams.- Law and Policy. 2015; Vol.37, No.1-2: 119-152.
133957 What He Did Was Lawful: Divorce Litigation and Gender Inequality in China/Ke Li.- Law and Policy. 2015; Vol.37, No.3: 153-179.
133958 The Economics of Disaster Relief/Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, Michael G. Faure.- Law and Policy. 2015; Vol.37, No.3: 180-208.
133959 Legal Intermediaries: How Insurance Companies Construct the Meaning of Compliance with Antidiscrimination Laws/Shauhin Talesh.- Law and Policy. 2015; Vol.37, No.3: 209-239.
133960 Contextual Compliance: Situational and Subjective Cost-Benefit Decisions about Pesticides by Chinese Farmers/Huiqi Yan, Benjamin van Rooij, Jeroen van der Heijden.- Law and Policy. 2015; Vol.37, No.3: 240-263.
133961 Incomplete Inclusion: Legal Violence and Immigrants in Liminal Legal Statuses/Leisy J. Abrego, Sarah M. Lakhani.- Law and Policy. 2015; Vol.37, No.4: 265-293.
133962 Litigant Status and Trial Court Appeal Mobilization/Christina L. Boyd.- Law and Policy. 2015; Vol.37, No.4: 294-323.
133963 Reforming Global Sport: Hybridity and the Challenges of Pursuing Transparency/Kathryn Henne.- Law and Policy. 2015; Vol.37, No.4: 324-349.
133964 Informal Institutions and Judicial Independence in Paraguay, 1954-2011/Santiago Basabe-Serrano.- Law and Policy. 2015; Vol.37, No.4: 350-378.
133965 Judicial Responsiveness to Valence Issues: An Event History Analysis of the Initial Sex Offender Registration and Notification (SORN) Laws/Bianca Easterly.- Law and Policy. 2016; Vol.38, No.1: 4-23.
133966 Linking Law and New Governance: Examining Gaps, Hybrids, and Integration in Water Policy/Cameron Holley.- Law and Policy. 2016; Vol.38, No.1: 24-53.
133967 Is the Expert Admissibility Game Fixed?: Judicial Gatekeeping of Fire and Arson Evidence/Rachel Dioso-Villa.- Law and Policy. 2016; Vol.38, No.1: 54-80.
133968 Legal Compliance in Street-Level Bureaucracy: A Study of UK Housing Officers/Caroline Hunter … [et al.].- Law and Policy. 2016; Vol.38, No.1: 81-95.
133969 Rule of Law against the Odds: Overcoming Poverty and the High Cost of Compliance in the Developing World/Susan L. Ostermann.- Law and Policy. 2016; Vol.38, No.2: 101-123.
133970 Translating Justice: The International Organization of Constitutional Courts/Udi Sommer, Olga Frishman.- Law and Policy. 2016; Vol.38, No.2: 124-142.
133971 Creative Death Penalty Reform in China: The Case of Drug Transportation/Susan Trevaskes.- Law and Policy. 2016; Vol.38, No.2: 143-161.
133972 Judicial Work and Judges’ Motivation: The Perceptions of Brazilian State Judges/Adalmir Oliveira Gomes, Tomas Aquino Guimaraes, Eda Castro Lucas de Souza.- Law and Policy. 2016; Vol.38, No.2: 162-176.
133973 The Forms and Limits of Choice Architecture as a Tool of Government/Karen Yeung.- Law and Policy. 2016; Vol.38, No.3: 186-210.
133974 Ethical Limitations on the State’s Use of Arational Persuasion/Nadia N. Sawicki.- Law and Policy. 2016; Vol.38, No.3: 211-233.
133975 Front-of-Pack Food Labeling and the Politics of Nutritional Nudges/Gyorgy Scrinis, Christine Parker.- Law and Policy. 2016; Vol.38, No.3: 234-249.
133976 The Rationality Paradox of Nudge: Rational Tools of Government in a World of Bounded Rationality/Martin Lodge, Kai Wegrich.- Law and Policy. 2016; Vol.38, No.3: 250-267.
133977 Legal Mobilization and Juridification: Migration as a Central Case/Susan M. Sterett.- Law and Policy. 2016; Vol.38, No.4: 273-279.
133978 Who Files Suit? Legal Mobilization and Torture Violations in Europe/Lisa Conant.- Law and Policy. 2016; Vol.38, No.4: 280-303.
133979 The Paradox of Docket Control: Empowering Judges, Frustrating Refugees/Dagmar Soennecken.- Law and Policy. 2016; Vol.38, No.4: 304-327.
133980 Speaking of Rights: The Influence of Law and Courts on the Making of Family Migration Policies in Germany/Saskia Bonjour.- Law and Policy. 2016; Vol.38, No.4: 328-348.
133981 Frontline Safety: Understanding the Workplace as a Site of Regulatory Engagement/Paul Almond, Garry C. Gray.- Law and Policy. 2017; Vol.39, No.1: 5-26.
133982 Socializing Distrust of the Justice System through the Family in Juvenile Delinquency Court/Liana Pennington.- Law and Policy. 2017; Vol.39, No.1: 27-47.
133983 Small-Group Dynamics, Ideology, and Decision Making on the US Courts of Appeals/Banks Miller, Brett Curry.- Law and Policy. 2017; Vol.39, No.1: 48-72.
133984 Comparative Compliance: Digital Piracy, Deterrence, Social Norms, and Duty in China and the United States/Benjamin van Rooij … [et al.].- Law and Policy. 2017; Vol.39, No.1: 73-93.
133985 Playing for the Rules: How and Why New Christian Right Public Interest Law Firms Invest in Secular Litigation/Amanda Hollis-Brusky, Joshua C. Wilson.- Law and Policy. 2017; Vol.39, No.2: 121-141.
133986 Leaders and Followers: Examining State Court Ordered Education Finance Reform/Robert M. Howard, Christine H. Roch, Susanne Schorpp.- Law and Policy. 2017; Vol.39, No.2: 142-169.
133987 Breaking the Principle of Secrecy: An Examination of Judicial Dissent in the European Constitutional Courts/Benjamin Bricker.- Law and Policy. 2017; Vol.39, No.2: 170-191.
133988 Opinion Construction in the Roberts Court/Adam Feldman.- Law and Policy. 2017; Vol.39, No.2: 192-209.
133989 Managing from the Middle: Frontline Supervisors and Perceptions of Their Organizational Power/Kimberly R. Kras, Shannon Portillo, Faye S. Taxman.- Law and Policy. 2017; Vol.39, No.3: 215-236.
133990 Legal Mobilization within the Bureaucracy: Disability Rights and the Implementation of Antidiscrimination Law in Sweden/Aude Lejeune.- Law and Policy. 2017; Vol.39, No.3: 237-258.
133991 Brokering Access Beyond the Border and in the Wild: Comparing Freedom of Information Law and Policy in Canada and the United States/Alex Luscombe, Kevin Walby, Randy K. Lippert.- Law and Policy. 2017; Vol.39, No.3: 259-279.
133992 Transforming Land-Taking Disputes in Socialist Asia: Engaging an Authoritarian State/John Gillespie.- Law and Policy. 2017; Vol.39, No.3: 280-303.
133993 Divestment, Nonstate Governance, and Climate Change/Neil Gunningham.- Law and Policy. 2017; Vol.39, No.4: 309-324.
133994 A Contest for Legitimacy: The Divestment Movement and the Fossil Fuel Industry/Julie Ayling.- Law and Policy. 2017; Vol.39, No.4: 349-371.
133995 Building Norms from the Grassroots Up: Divestment, Expressive Politics, and Climate Change/Neil Gunningham.- Law and Policy. 2017; Vol.39, No.4: 372-392.
133996 Litigation in the Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement/Benjamin Franta.- Law and Policy. 2017; Vol.39, No.4: 393-411.
133997 The Morality of Divestment/Jeremy Moss.- Law and Policy. 2017; Vol.39, No.4: 412-428.
133998 A Comparison of Ideologically-Motivated Homicides from the New Extremist Crime Database and Homicides from the Supplementary Homicide Reports Using Multiple Imputation/Jeff Gruenewald, William Alex Pridemore.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.1: 141-162.
133999 American Terrorism and Extremist Crime Data Sources and Selectivity Bias: An Investigation Focusing on Homicide Events Committed by Far-Right Extremists/Steven M. Chermak, Joshua D. Freilich, William S. Parkin, James P. Lynch.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.1: 191-218.
134000 Cross-Classified Multilevel Models: An Application to the Criminal Case Processing of Indicted Terrorists/Brian D. Johnson.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.1: 163-189.
134001 Estimating Country-Level Terrorism Trends Using Group-Based Trajectory Analyses: Latent Class Growth Analysis and General Mixture Modeling/Nancy A. Morris, Lee Ann Slocum.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.1: 103-139.
134002 Microcycles of Violence: Evidence from Terrorist Attacks by ETA and the FMLN/Brandon Behlendorf, Gary LaFree, Richard Legault.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.1: 49-75.
134003 Patterns of Onset and Decline Among Terrorist Organizations/Erin Miller.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.1: 77-101.
134004 Space-Time Modeling of Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Iraq/Alex Braithwaite, Shane D. Johnson.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.1: 31-48.
134005 Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Terrorist Attacks by ETA 1970 to 2007/Gary LaFree, Laura Dugan, Min Xie, Piyusha Singh.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.1: 7-29.
134006 Cycles in Crime and Economy: Leading, Lagging and Coincident Behaviors/Claudio Detotto, Edoardo Otranto.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.2: 295-317.
134007 Having a Bad Month: General Versus Specific Effects of Stress on Crime/Richard B. Felson, D. Wayne Osgood, Julie Horney, Craig Wiernik.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.2: 347-363.
134008 Integrated Theory and Crimes of Trust/Scott Menard, Robert G. Morris.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.2: 365-387.
134009 Race and Women’s Imprisonment: Poverty, African American Presence, and Social Welfare/Karen Heimer, Kecia R. Johnson, Joseph B. Lang, Andres F. Rengifo, Don Stemen.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.2: 219-244.
134010 Racial Context and Crime Reporting: A Test of Black’s Stratification Hypothesis/Min Xie, Janet L. Lauritsen.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.2: 265-293.
134011 Specialized Versus Versatile Intergenerational Transmission of Violence: A New Approach to Studying Intergenerational Transmission from Violent Versus Non-Violent Fathers: Latent Class Analysis/Sytske Beseme.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.2: 245-263.
134012 The Transcendence of Violence Across Relationships: New Methods for Understanding Men’s and Women’s Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence Across the Life Course/Kristin Carbone-Lopez, Callie Marie Rennison, Ross Macmillan.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.2: 319-346.
134013 Exploratory Space-Time Analysis of Burglary Patterns/Sergio J. Rey, Elizabeth A. Mack, Julia Koschinsky.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.3: 509-531.
134014 Genetic and Environmental Overlap between Low Self-Control and Delinquency/Danielle Boisvert, John Paul Wright, Valerie Knopik, Jamie Vaske.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.3: 477-507.
134015 Is Plea Bargaining in the Shadow of the Trial a Mirage?/Shawn D. Bushway, Allison D. Redlich.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.3: 437-454.
134016 Neighborhood Cultural Heterogeneity and Adolescent Violence/Mark T. Berg, Eric A. Stewart, Rod K. Brunson, Ronald L. Simons.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.3: 411-435.
134017 Non-Response Bias with a Web-Based Survey of College Students: Differences from a Classroom Survey About Carrying Concealed Handguns/William Wells, Michael R. Cavanaugh, Jeffrey A. Bouffard, Matt R. Nobles.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.3: 455-476.
134018 Scaling Criminal Offending/Gary Sweeten.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.3: 533-557.
134019 Because You’re Mine, I Walk the Line? Marriage, Spousal Criminality, and Criminal Offending Over the Life Course/Marieke van Schellen, Robert Apel, Paul Nieuwbeerta.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.4: 701-723.
134020 Does Self-Control Influence Maternal Attachment? A Reciprocal Effects Analysis from Early Childhood Through Middle Adolescence/Ryan C. Meldrum, Jacob T. N. Young, Carter Hay, Jamie L. Flexon.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.4: 673-699.
134021 Examining What Makes Violent Crime Victims Unique: Extending Statistical Methods for Studying Specialization to the Analysis of Crime Victims/Christopher J. Schreck, Graham C. Ousey, Bonnie S. Fisher, Pamela Wilcox.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.4: 651-671.
134022 Hyperbolic Time Discounting, Offender Time Preferences and Deterrence/Thomas A. Loughran, Ray Paternoster, Douglas Weiss.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.4: 607-628.
134023 Post-release Employment and Recidivism in Norway/Torbjorn Skardhamar, Kjetil Telle.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.4: 629-649.
134024 Race, Space, and Violence: Exploring Spatial Dependence in Structural Covariates of White and Black Violent Crime in US Counties/Michael T. Light, Casey T. Harris.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.4: 559-586.
134025 The Moving Home Effect: A Quasi Experiment Assessing Effect of Home Location on the Offence Location/Andrew Wheeler.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2012; Vol.28, No.4: 587-606.
134026 Are Restorative Justice Conferences Effective in Reducing Repeat Offending? Findings from a Campbell Systematic Review/Lawrence W. Sherman, Heather Strang, Evan Mayo-Wilson, Daniel J. Woods, Barak Ariel.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.1: 1-24.
134027 Crime and Place: A Longitudinal Examination of Street Segment Patterns in Vancouver, BC/Andrea S. N. Curman, Martin A. Andresen, Paul J. Branting.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.1: 127-147.
134028 Early Warning System for Temporary Crime Hot Spots/Wilpen L. Gorr, YongJei Lee.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.1: 25-47.
134029 Is the Shape of the Age-Crime Curve Invariant by Sex? Evidence from a National Sample with Flexible Non-parametric Modeling/Siyu Liu.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.1: 93-123.
134030 Parolee Recidivism and Successful Treatment Completion: Comparing Hazard Models Across Propensity Methods/David J. Peters, Andy Hochstetler, Matt DeLisi, Hui-Ju Kuo.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.1: 149-181.
134031 Supported and Coerced? A Cross-site Investigation of the Effects of Social Support and Coercion on Criminal Probability/Olena Antonaccio, Charles R. Tittle, Jonathan R. Brauer, M. Zakiul Islam.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.1: 49-92.
134032 Broken Neighborhoods: A Hierarchical Spatial Analysis of Assault and Disability Concentration in Washington, DC/Paul D. C. Bones, Trina L. Hope.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.2: 311-329.
134033 How Far to Travel? A Multilevel Analysis of the Residence-to-Crime Distance/Jeffrey M. Ackerman, D. Kim Rossmo.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.2: 237-262.
134034 Monetary Benefits and Costs of the Stop Now And Plan Program for Boys Aged 6-11, Based on the Prevention of Later Offending/David P. Farrington, Christopher J. Koegl.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.2: 263-287.
134035 On the Importance of Treatment Effect Heterogeneity in Experimentally-Evaluated Criminal Justice Interventions/Chongmin Na, Thomas A. Loughran, Raymond Paternoster.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.2: 289-310.
134036 Risky Lifestyles, Low Self-control, and Violent Victimization Across Gendered Pathways to Crime/Jillian J. Turanovic, Michael D. Reisig, Travis C. Pratt.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.2: 183-206.
134037 The Absorbing Status of Incarceration and its Relationship with Wealth Accumulation/Michelle Lee Maroto.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.2: 207-236.
134038 The Effect of Commuting on City-Level Crime Rates/Brian J. Stults, Matthew Hasbrouck.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.2: 331-350.
134039 A Synthetic Control Approach to Evaluating Place-Based Crime Interventions/Jessica Saunders, Russell Lundberg, Anthony A. Braga, Greg Ridgeway,  Jeremy Miles.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.3: 413-434.
134040 An Experimental Evaluation of a Comprehensive Employment-Oriented Prisoner Re-entry Program/Philip J. Cook, Songman Kang, Anthony A. Braga, Jens Ludwig, Mallory E. OBrien.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.3: 355-382.
134041 Examining the Relationship Between Road Structure and Burglary Risk Via Quantitative Network Analysis/Toby Davies, Shane D. Johnson.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.3: 481-507.
134042 Gun Carrying Among Drug Market Participants: Evidence from Incarcerated Drug Offenders/Eric L. Sevigny, Andrea Allen.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.3: 435-485.
134043 Investigating the Applicability of Macro-Level Criminology Theory to Terrorism: A County-Level Analysis/Joshua D. Freilich, Amy Adamczyk, Steven M. Chermak, Katharine A. Boyd, William S. Parkin.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.3: 383-411.
134044 Support for Balanced Juvenile Justice: Assessing Views About Youth, Rehabilitation, and Punishment/Daniel P. Mears, Justin T. Pickett, Christina Mancini.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.3: 459-479.
134045 The Effect of Police Body-Worn Cameras on Use of Force and Citizens Complaints Against the Police: A Randomized Controlled Trial/Barak Ariel, William A. Farrar, Alex Sutherland.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.3: 509-535.
134046 An Ex Post Facto Evaluation of Tactical Police Response in Residential Theft from Vehicle Micro-time Hot Spots/Roberto G. Santos, Rachel Boba Santos.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.4: 679-698.
134047 Disentangling Self-Control from Its Elements: A Bifactor Analysis/Jeffrey T. Ward, Matt R. Nobles, Kathleen A. Fox.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.4: 595-627.
134048 Investigating the Role of Neighborhood Youth Organizations in Preventing Adolescent Violent Offending: Evidence from Chicago/Gregory M. Zimmerman, Brandon C. Welsh, Chad Posick.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.4: 565-593.
134049 Measuring the Effect of Probation and Parole Officers on Labor Market Outcomes and Recidivism/Lars H. Andersen, Christopher Wildeman.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.4: 629-652.
134050 Serving Time or Serving the Community? Exploiting a Policy Reform to Assess the Causal Effects of Community Service on Income, Social Benefit Dependency and Recidivism/Signe Hald Andersen.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.4: 537-563.
134051 Unpacking the Victim-Offender Overlap: On Role Differentiation and Socio-psychological Characteristics/Jean-Louis van Gelder, Margit Averdijk, Manuel Eisner, Denis Ribaud.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.4: 653-675.
134052 Using Path Analysis to Explain Racialized Support for Punitive Delinquency Policies/Christi Metcalfe, Justin T. Pickett, Christina Mancini.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2015; Vol.31, No.4: 699-725.
134053 Addressing Unobserved Heterogeneity in the Relationship Between Crime and Consumer Confidence/Ting Zhang.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.1: 47-59.
134054 Can Item-Level Error Correlations Correct for Projection Bias in Perceived Peer Deviance Measures? A Research Note/John H. Boman IV, Cesar J. Rebellon, Ryan C. Meldrum.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.1: 89-102.
134055 Exploring the Effect of Exposure to Short-Term Solitary Confinement Among Violent Prison Inmates/Robert G. Morris.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.1: 1-22.
134056 Immigration and Crime in the New Destinations, 2000-2007: A Test of the Disorganizing Effect of Migration/Vincent Ferraro.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.1: 23-45.
134057 On the Social Foundations for Crimmigration: Latino Threat and Support for Expanded Police Powers/Justin T. Pickett.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.1: 103-132.
134058 Police, Crime and the Problem of Weak Instruments: Revisiting the More Police, Less Crime Thesis/Tomislav V. Kovandzic, Mark E. Schaffer, Lynne M. Vieraitis, Erin A. Orrick, Alex R. Piquero.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.1: 133-158.
134059 Telling a Similar Story Twice? NCVS/UCR Convergence in Serious Violent Crime Rates in Rural, Suburban, and Urban Places (1973-2010)/Mark T. Berg, Janet L. Lauritsen.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.1: 61-87.
134060 Crime, Employment and Social Welfare: An Individual-Level Study on Disadvantaged Males/G. Mesters, V. van der Geest, C. Bijleveld.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.2: 159-190.
134061 Crime Places in Context: An Illustration of the Multilevel Nature of Hot Spot Development/Rustu Deryol, Pamela Wilcox, Matthew Logan, John Wooldredge.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.2: 305-325.
134062 Crime Continuity and Psychological Inertia: Testing the Cognitive Mediation and Additive Postulates with Male Adjudicated Delinquents/Glenn D. Walters.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.2: 237-252.
134063 Is the Effect of Procedural Justice on Police Legitimacy Invariant? Testing the Generality of Procedural Justice and Competing Antecedents of Legitimacy/Scott E. Wolfe, Justin Nix, Robert Kaminski, Jeff Rojek.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.2: 253-282.
134064 Target Selection Models with Preference Variation Between Offenders/Michael Townsley, Daniel Birks, Stijn Ruiter, Wim Bernasco, Gentry White.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.2: 283-304.
134065 The Scary World of Online News? Internet News Exposure and Public Attitudes Toward Crime and Justice/Sean Patrick Roche, Justin T. Pickett, Marc Gertz.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.2: 215-236.
134066 Using Space-Time Analysis to Evaluate Criminal Justice Programs: An Application to Stop-Question-Frisk Practices/Alese Wooditch, David Weisburd.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.2: 191-213.
134067 Acquisitive Crime and Inflation in the United States: 1960-2012/Richard Rosenfeld, Aaron Levin.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.3: 427-447.
134068 Declines in Crime and Teen Childbearing: Identifying Potential Explanations for Contemporaneous Trends/Cynthia G. Colen, David M. Ramey, Christopher R. Browning.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.3: 397-426.
134069 Dissecting the Prevalence and Incidence of Offending During the Crime Drop of the 1990s/Mark T. Berg, Eric Baumer, Richard Rosenfeld, Rolf Loeber.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.3: 377-396.
134070 Explaining Recent Crime Trends: Introduction to the Special Issue/Richard Rosenfeld, David Weisburd.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.3: 329-334.
134071 Identifying Classes of Explanations for Crime Drop: Period and Cohort Effects for New York State/Jaeok Kim, Shawn Bushway, Hui-Shien Tsao.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.3: 357-375.
134072 The Role of Immigration: Race/Ethnicity and San Diego Homicides Since 1970/Ramiro Martinez Jr., Jacob I. Stowell, Janice A. Iwama.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.3: 471-488.
134073 When Choice of Data Matters: Analyses of U.S. Crime Trends, 1973-2012/Janet L. Lauritsen, Maribeth L. Rezey, Karen Heimer.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.3: 335-355.
134074 Where the Action is in Crime? An Examination of Variability of Crime Across Different Spatial Units in The Hague, 2001-2009/Wouter Steenbeek, David Weisburd.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.3: 449-469.
134075 Crime Clearance and Temporal Variation in Police Investigative Workload: Evidence from National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) Data/Aki Roberts, John M. Roberts Jr..- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.4: 651-674.
134076 Don’t Blow Your Cool: Provocation, Violent Coping, and the Conditioning Effects of Self-Control/Sonja Schulz.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.4: 561-587.
134077 Gender and Age Segregation and Stratification in Criminal Collaborations/Peter J. Carrington.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.4: 613-649.
134078 Replicating Group-Based Trajectory Models of Crime at Micro-Places in Albany, NY/Andrew P. Wheeler, Robert E. Worden, Sarah J. McLean.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.4: 589-612.
134079 Response to Crime Places in Context/Alex Reinhart.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.4: 723-724.
134080 The Recurring Victimization of Individuals with Mental Illness: A Comparison of Trajectories for Two Racial Groups/Christina Policastro, Brent Teasdale, Leah E. Daigle.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.4: 675-693.
134081 Timing of Change in Criminal Offending Around Entrance into Parenthood: Gender and Cross-Country Comparisons for At-Risk Individuals/Mioara Zoutewelle-Terovan, Torbjorn Skardhamar.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.4: 695-722.
134082 Toward a Demographic Understanding of Incarceration Disparities: Race, Ethnicity, and Age Structure/Matt Vogel, Lauren C. Porter.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2016; Vol.32, No.4: 515-530.
134083 A Factor Analytic Model of Drug-Related Behavior in Adolescence and Its Impact on Arrests at Multiple Stages of the Life Course/Matthew D. Phillips.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.1: 133-155.
134084 Conditional Race Disparities in Criminal Sentencing: A Test of the Liberation Hypothesis From a Non-Guidelines State/Rhys Hester, Todd K. Hartman.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.1: 77-100.
134085 Do Crime Hot Spots Exist in Developing Countries? Evidence from India/David M. Mazeika, Sumit Kumar.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.1: 45-61.
134086 Does Mandatory Diversion to Drug Treatment Eliminate Racial Disparities in the Incarceration of Drug Offenders? An Examination of California s Proposition 36/Nancy Nicosia, John M. MacDonald, Rosalie Liccardo Pacula.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.1: 179-205.
134087 Educational Outcomes After Serving with Electronic Monitoring Results from a Natural Experiment/Britt Ostergaard Larsen.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.1: 157-178.
134088 Neighborhood Social Ties and Shared Expectations for Informal Social Control: Do They Influence Informal Social Control Actions?/Rebecca Wickes, John Hipp, Elise Sargeant, Lorraine Mazerolle.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.1: 101-129.
134089 Search for the Hidden Punishments: An Alternative Approach to Studying Alternative Sanctions/Shi Yan.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.1: 21-44.
134090 The Burglary Boost: A Note on Detecting Contagion Using the Knox Test/Joseph T. Ornstein, Ross A. Hammond.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.1: 65-75.
134091 The Role of Site Variance in the American Judicature Society Field Study Comparing Simultaneous and Sequential Lineups/Karen L. Amendola, John T. Wixted.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.1: 1-19.
134092 A Matter of Time: A Partial Test of Institutional Anomie Theory Using Cross-National Time Use Data/Dean Weld, Sean Patrick Roche.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.2: 371-395.
134093 Crime at Places and Spatial Concentrations: Exploring the Spatial Stability of Property Crime in Vancouver BC, 2003-2013/Martin A. Andresen, Shannon J. Linning, Nick Malleson.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.2: 255-275.
134094 Does the Configuration of the Street Network Influence Where Outdoor Serious Violence Takes Place? Using Space Syntax to Test Crime Pattern Theory/Lucia Summers, Shane D. Johnson.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.2: 397-420.
134095 Effect of Rail Transit on Crime: A Study of Los Angeles from 1988 to 2014/Greg Ridgeway, John M. MacDonald.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.2: 277-291.
134096 Estimating Relative Stability in Developmental Research: A Critique of Modern Approaches and a Novel Method/J. C. Barnes …[et al.].- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.2: 319-346.
134097 Examining the Correlates of Sex Offender Residence Restriction Violation Rates/Jason Rydberg, Eric Grommon, Beth M. Huebner, Breanne Pleggenkuhle.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.2: 349-369.
134098 Institutional Placement and Illegal Earnings: Examining the Crime School Hypothesis/Holly Nguyen, Thomas A. Loughran, Ray Paternoster, Jeffrey Fagan, Alex R. Piquero.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.2: 207-235.
134099 Shooting on the Street: Measuring the Spatial Influence of Physical Features on Gun Violence in a Bounded Street Network/Jie Xu, Elizabeth Griffiths.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.2: 237-253.
134100 Smallest is Better? The Spatial Distribution of Arson and the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem/Manne Gerell.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.2: 293-316.
134101 Assessing the Validity of the Law of Crime Concentration Across Different Temporal Scales/Cory P. Haberman, Evan T. Sorg, Jerry H. Ratcliffe.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.3: 547-567.
134102 Measuring Crime Concentration Across Cities of Varying Sizes: Complications Based on the Spatial and Temporal Scale Employed/John R. Hipp, Young-An Kim.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.3: 595-632.
134103 More Places than Crimes: Implications for Evaluating the Law of Crime Concentration at Place/Wim Bernasco, Wouter Steenbeek.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.3: 451-467.
134104 Predictive Crime Mapping: Arbitrary Grids or Street Networks?/Gabriel Rosser, Toby Davies, Kate J. Bowers, Shane D. Johnson, Tao Cheng.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.3: 569-594.
134105 Testing the Law of Crime Concentration at Place in a Suburban Setting: Implications for Research and Practice/Charlotte Gill, Alese Wooditch, David Weisburd.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.3: 519-545.
134106 The Concentration and Stability of Drug Activity in Seattle, Washington Using Police and Emergency Medical Services Data/Julie Hibdon, Cody W. Telep, Elizabeth R. Groff.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.3: 497-517.
134107 The Gains of Greater Granularity: The Presence and Persistence of Problem Properties in Urban Neighborhoods/Daniel Tumminelli OBrien, Christopher Winship.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.3: 649-674.
134108 The Influence of Community Areas, Neighborhood Clusters, and Street Segments on the Spatial Variability of Violent Crime in Chicago/Cory Schnell, Anthony A. Braga, Eric L. Piza.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.3: 469-496.
134109 The Law of Crime Concentration: An Application and Recommendations for Future Research/Aaron Levin, Richard Rosenfeld, Michael Deckard.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.3: 645-647.
134110 The Law of Crime Concentration at Places: Editors  Introduction/Anthony A. Braga, Martin A. Andresen, Brian Lawton.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.3: 421-426.
134111 The Trajectories of Crime at Places: Understanding the Patterns of Disaggregated Crime Types/Martin A. Andresen, Andrea S. Curman, Shannon J. Linning.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.3: 427-445.
134112 Examining Systematic Crime Reporting Bias Across Three Immigrant Generations: Prevalence, Trends, and Divergence in Self-Reported and Official Reported Arrests/Bianca E. Bersani, Alex R. Piquero.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.4: 835-857.
134113 Measuring the Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Police Proactivity/Xiaoyun Wu, Cynthia Lum.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.4: 915-934.
134114 Predictable Policing: Measuring the Crime Control Benefits of Hotspots Policing at Bus Stops/Barak Ariel, Henry Partridge.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.4: 809-833.
134115 Social Control, Trade Openness and Human Trafficking/Bo Jiang, Gary LaFree.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.4: 887-913.
134116 The Crime Kuznets Curve/Paolo Buonanno, Leopoldo Fergusson, Juan F. Vargas.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.4: 753-782.
134117 The Impact of Procedurally-Just Policing on Citizen Perceptions of Police During Traffic Stops: The Adana Randomized Controlled Trial/Nusret Sahin, Anthony A. Braga, Robert Apel, Rod K. Brunson.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.4: 701-726.
134118 The Murder Mystery: Police Effectiveness and Homicide/William Spelman.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.4: 859-886.
134119 The Situational Prevention of Terrorism: An Evaluation of the Israeli West Bank Barrier/Simon Perry, Robert Apel, Graeme R. Newman, Ronald V. Clarke.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.4: 727-751.
134120 The Structure of Citizen Perceptions of Crime and Disorder: New Insights from a Caribbean Community/Edward R. Maguire, Todd Armstrong, Devon Johnson.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.4: 675-699.
134121 Twenty-First Century Punitiveness: Social Sources of Punitive American Views Reconsidered/Elizabeth K. Brown, Kelly M. Socia.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.4: 935-959.
134122 Violence in Urban Neighborhoods: A Longitudinal Study of Collective Efficacy and Violent Crime/John R. Hipp, Rebecca Wickes.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2017; Vol.33, No.4: 783-808.
134123 A Network Analysis of Factors Leading Adolescents to Befriend Substance-Using Peers/David R. Schaefer.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.1: 272-312.
134124 Birds of a Feather Fight Together: Status-Enhancing Violence, Social Distance and the Emergence of Homogenous Gangs/Jason Gravel, Blake Allison, Jenny West-Fagan, Michael McBride, George E. Tita.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.1: 189-219.
134125 Court Sentencing Patterns for Environmental Crimes: Is There a Green Gap in Punishment?/Joshua C. Cochran, Michael J. Lynch, Elisa L. Toman, Ryan T. Shields.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.1: 37-66.
134126 Different than the Sum of Its Parts: Examining the Unique Impacts of Immigrant Groups on Neighborhood Crime Rates/Charis E. Kubrin, John R. Hipp, Young-An Kim.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.1: 1-36.
134127 Examining the Relationship Between the Structural Characteristics of Place and Crime by Imputing Census Block Data in Street Segments: Is the Pain Worth the Gain?/Young-An Kim.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.1: 67-110.
134128 Measuring Disorder: Observer Bias in Systematic Social Observations at Streets and Neighborhoods/E. M. Hoeben, W. Steenbeek, L. J. R. Pauwels.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.1: 221-249.
134129 Revisiting Delinquent Attitudes: Measurement, Dimensionality and Behavioral Effects/Kyle J. Thomas.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.1: 313-341.
134130 Recidivism in a Sample of Serious Adolescent Offenders/Robert Brame, Edward P. Mulvey, Carol A. Schubert, Alex R. Piquero.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.1: 167-187.
134131 Structural Constraints, Risky Lifestyles, and Repeat Victimization/Jillian J. Turanovic, Travis C. Pratt, Alex R. Piquero.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.1: 251-274.
134132 The Impact of Private Precautions on Home Burglary and Robbery in Brazil/Cristiano Aguiar de Oliveira.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.1: 111-137.
134133 What Drives the Relationship Between Early Criminal Involvement and School Dropout?/Iryna Rud, Chris van Klaveren, Wim Groot, Henri‎قtte Maassen van den Brink.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.1: 139-166.
134134 Crimes by Visitors Versus Crimes by Residents: The Influence of Visitor Inflows/Remi Boivin, Marcus Felson.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.2: 465-480.
134135 Criminals and the Price System: Evidence from Czech Metal Thieves/Tomas Brabenec, Josef Montag.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.2: 397-413.
134136 Neighborhood Disadvantage and Neuropsychological Functioning as Part Mediators of the Race Antisocial Relationship: A Serial Mediation Model/Rebecca Umbach, Adrian Raine, Ruben C. Gur, Jill Portnoy.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.2: 481-512.
134137 Place and Punishment: The Spatial Context of Mass Incarceration/Jessica T. Simes.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.2: 513-533.
134138 Policing a Negotiated World: A Partial Test of Klinger’s Ecological Theory of Policing/Travis A. Taniguchi, Christopher Salvatore.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.2: 345-366.
134139 The Short-Term Dynamics of Peers and Delinquent Behavior: An Analysis of Bi-weekly Changes Within a High School Student Network/Frank M. Weerman, Pamela Wilcox, Christopher J. Sullivan.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.2: 431-463.
134140 Using Longitudinal Self-Report Data to Study the Age-Crime Relationship/Jaeok Kim, Shawn D. Bushway.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.2: 367-396.
134141 A Prospective Examination of Criminal Career Trajectories in Abused and Neglected Males and Females Followed Up into Middle Adulthood/Cathy Spatz Widom, Jacqueline Horan Fisher, Daniel S. Nagin, Alex R. Piquero.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.3: 831-852.
134142 A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of the Impact of Public Assistance on Prisoner Recidivism/Jeremy Luallen, Jared Edgerton, Deirdre Rabideau.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.3: 741-773.
134143 A Tale of Two Margins: Exploring the Probabilistic Processes that Generate Prison Visits in the First Two Years of Incarceration/Audrey Hickert, Sarah Tahamont, Shawn Bushway.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.3: 691-716.
134144 Do Schools Cause Crime in Neighborhoods? Evidence from the Opening of Schools in Philadelphia/John M. MacDonald, Nancy Nicosia, Benjamin David Ukert.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.3: 717-740.
134145 Does Eligibility for Tertiary Education Affect Crime Rates? Quasi-Experimental Evidence/Martin Nordin.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.3: 805-829.
134146 Racial Disproportionality in U.S. State Prisons: Accounting for the Effects of Racial and Ethnic Differences in Criminal Involvement, Arrests, Sentencing, and Time Served/Allen J. Beck, Alfred Blumstein.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.3: 853-883.
134147 Why is the Victimization of Young Latino Adults Higher in New Areas of Settlement?/Min Xie, Karen Heimer, James P. Lynch, Michael Planty.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.3: 657-690.
134148 Working with Misspecified Regression Models/Richard Berk, Lawrence Brown, Andreas Buja, Edward George, Linda Zhao.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.3: 633-655.
134149 An Evaluation of Displacement and Diffusion Effects on Eco-Terrorist Activities After Police Interventions/Sue-Ming Yang, I-Chin Jen.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.4: 1103-1123.
134150 During, After, or Both? Isolating the Effect of Religious Support on Recidivism During Reentry/Thomas J. Mowen, Richard Stansfield, John H. Boman IV.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.4: 1079-1101.
134151 Is Gun Violence Contagious? A Spatiotemporal Test/Charles Loeffler, Seth Flaxman.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.4: 999-1017.
134152 Neighborhoods, Individuals, and Instrumental Crime in Russia and Ukraine: A Multilevel Test of Merton’s Anomie Theory/Lorine A. Hughes, Olena Antonaccio, Ekaterina V. Botchkovar.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.4: 1019-1046.
134153 Punishing the Wicked: Examining the Correlates of Sentence Severity for Convicted Sex Offenders/Jason Rydberg, Michael Cassidy, Kelly M. Socia.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.4: 943-970.
134154 The Network Structure of Opioid Distribution on a Darknet Cryptomarket/Scott W. Duxbury, Dana L. Haynie.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.4: 921-941.
134155 When Criminal Coping is Likely: An Examination of Conditioning Effects in General Strain Theory/Sherod Thaxton, Robert Agnew.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2018; Vol.34, No.4: 887-920.
134156 Crime and Inflation in U. S. Cities/Richard Rosenfeld, Matt Vogel, Timothy McCuddy.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.1: 195-210.
134157 Gender and Intimate Partner Violence in Latino Immigrant Neighborhoods/Brian Soller, Alena Kuhlemeier.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.1: 61-88.
134158 Legal Socialization and Self-Reported Criminal Offending: The Role of Procedural Justice and Legal Orientations/Kimberly Kaiser, Michael D. Reisig.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.1: 135-154.
134159 Religiosity, Crime, and Drug Use Among Juvenile Offenders: A Latent Growth Modeling Approach/Sung Joon Jang.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.1: 27-60.
134160 Socialization, Selection, or Both? The Role of Gene-Environment Interplay in the Association Between Exposure to Antisocial Peers and Delinquency/Joseph A. Schwartz, Starr J. Solomon, Bradon A. Valgardson.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.1: 1-26.
134161 State of the Art in Agent-Based Modeling of Urban Crime: An Overview/Elizabeth R. Groff, Shane D. Johnson, Amy Thornton.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.1: 155-193.
134162 The Effect of Removing Sentencing Credits on Inmate Misbehavior/Benjamin Steiner, Calli M. Cain.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.1: 89-108.
134163 Homicide Arrest Rate Trends in the United States: The Contributions of Periods and Cohorts (1965-2015)/Robert M. OBrien.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.2: 211-236.
134164 Illicit Network Dynamics: The Formation and Evolution of a Drug Trafficking Network/David Bright, Johan Koskinen, Aili Malm.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.2: 237-258.
134165 Incarceration and Personal Networks: Unpacking Measures and Meanings of Tie Strength/Andres F. Rengifo, Samuel E. DeWitt.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.2: 393-431.
134166 Racial Disparity in U.S. Imprisonment Across States and Over Time/Walter Enders, Paul Pecorino, Anne-Charlotte Souto.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.2: 365-392.
134167 Selection and Influence: A Meta-Analysis of the Association Between Peer and Personal Offending/Owen Gallupe, John McLevey, Sarah Brown.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.2: 313-335.
134168 The Asymmetric Effect of Bankruptcy Fraud in Sweden: A Long-Term Perspective/Marcus Box, Karl Gratzer, Xiang Lin.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.2: 287-312.
134169 Effect of Gang Injunctions on Crime: A Study of Los Angeles from 1988-2014/Greg Ridgeway, Jeffrey Grogger, Ruth A. Moyer, John M. MacDonald.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.3: 517-541.
134170 Extending Research on Neighborhoods and Crime: An Examination of Mortgage Fraud across Chicago Census Tracts/J. W. Andrew Ranson, Ashley N. Arnio, Eric P. Baumer.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.3: 465-491.
134171 Religious Involvement, Moral Community and Social Ecology: New Considerations in the Study of Religion and Reentry/Richard Stansfield, Thomas J. Mowen.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.3: 493-516.
134172 Toward an Integrated Multilevel Theory of Crime at Place: Routine Activities, Social Disorganization, and The Law of Crime Concentration/Roderick W. Jones, William Alex Pridemore.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.3: 543-572.
134173 To Control or Be Controlled: Predicting Types of Offending in a Corporate Environment Using Control-Balance Theory/Donald E. Hunt, Volkan Topalli.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.3: 435-464.
134174 What They Don’t Know Says A Lot: Residents Knowledge of Neighborhood Crime in Contemporary China/Yinzhi Shen, Steven F. Messner,  Jianhong Liu, Robert J. Sampson.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.3: 607-629.
134175 Criminal Offending and Mortality over the Full Life-Course: A 70-Year Follow-up of the Cambridge-Somerville Youth Study/Steven N. Zane, Brandon C. Welsh, Gregory M. Zimmerman.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.4: 691-713.
134176 Disrupting the Pathway from Truancy to Delinquency: A Randomized Field Trial Test of the Longitudinal Impact of a School Engagement Program/Lorraine Mazerolle, Sarah Bennett, Emma Antrobus, Stephanie M. Cardwell, Elizabeth Eggins, Alex R. Piquero.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.4: 663-689.
134177 Gang Organization and Gang Identity: An Investigation of Enduring Gang Membership/John Leverso, Ross L. Matsueda.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.4: 797-829.
134178 Homelessness and Incarceration: A Reciprocal Relationship?/Julie Moschion, Guy Johnson.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.4: 855-887.
134179 Investigating the Assignment of Probation Conditions: Heterogeneity and the Role of Race and Ethnicity/Anat Kimchi.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.4: 715-745.
134180 Quantifying the Likelihood of False Positives: Using Sensitivity Analysis to Bound Statistical Inference/Kyle J. Thomas, Jean Marie McGloin, Christopher J. Sullivan.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.4: 631-662.
134181 The Effect of Facility Security Classification on Serious Rules Violation Reports in California Prisons: A Regression Discontinuity Design/Sarah Tahamont.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2019; Vol.35, No.4: 767-796.
134182 A Social Interactionist Approach to the Victim-Offender Overlap/Mark T. Berg, Richard Felson.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.1: 153-181.
134183 As Violence Unfolds: A Space-Time Study of Situational Triggers of Violent Victimization Among Urban Youth/Beidi Dong, Christopher N. Morrison, Charles C. Branas, Therese S. Richmond, Douglas J. Wiebe.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.1: 119-152.
134184 Industry Self-regulation Under Government Intervention/Juan P. Mendoza, Henri C. Dekker, Jacco L. Wielhouwer.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.1: 183-205.
134185 Paying Money for Freedom: Effects of Monetary Compensation on Sentencing for Criminal Traffic Offenses in China/Yanyu Xin, Tianji Cai.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.1: 1-28.
134186 Street Egohood: An Alternative Perspective of Measuring Neighborhood and Spatial Patterns of Crime/Young-An Kim, John R. Hipp.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.1: 29-66.
134187 The Crime of Animal Abuse in Two Nonwestern Cities: Prevalence, Perpetrators, and Pathways/Lorine A. Hughes, Olena Antonaccio, Ekaterina V. Botchkovar.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.1: 67-94.
134188 The Effect of Police Use of Lethal Force on Murder Levels in American Cities Before and After Ferguson/Donald Vandegrift, Brian J. Connor.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.1: 235-261.
134189 The Gender Gap in Sex Offender Punishment/Ryan T. Shields, Joshua C. Cochran.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.1: 95-118.
134190 Interpreting t-Statistics Under Publication Bias: Rough Rules of Thumb/Christopher Winship, Xiaolin Zhuo.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.2: 329-346.
134191 Outcome Reporting Bias in Randomized Experiments on Substance Use Disorders/Alese Wooditch, Lincoln B. Sloas, Xiaoyun Wu, Aleisha Key.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.2: 273-293.
134192 p-value Problems? An Examination of Evidential Value in Criminology/Alese Wooditch, Ryan Fisher, Xiaoyun Wu, Nicole J. Johnson.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.1: 305-328.
134193 SQuantitative Criminologytandard Errors in : Taking Stock and Looking Forward/Gary Sweeten.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.2: 263-272.
134194 The Pliability of Criminological Analyses: Assessing Bias in Regression Estimates Using Monte Carlo Simulations/Matthew P. West, Melissa Rorie, Mark A. Cohen.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.2: 371-394.
134195 Type M Error Might Explain Weisburd’s Paradox/Andrew Gelman, Torbjorn Skardhamar, Mikko Aaltonen.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.2: 295-304.
134196 A Comprehensive Application of Rational Choice Theory: How Costs Imposed by, and Benefits Derived from, the U.S. Federal Government Affect Incidents Perpetrated by the Radical Eco-Movement/Jennifer Varriale Carson, Laura Dugan, Sue-Ming Yang.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.3: 701-724.
134197 A Field-Wide Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Putative Risk and Protective Factors for Radicalization Outcomes/Michael Wolfowicz, Yael Litmanovitz, David Weisburd, Badi Hasisi.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.3: 407-447.
134198 Concentrated and Close to Home: The Spatial Clustering and Distance Decay of Lone Terrorist Vehicular Attacks/Badi Hasisi, Simon Perry, Yonatan Ilan, Michael Wolfowicz.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.3: 607-645.
134199 Crime and Terror: Examining Criminal Risk Factors for Terrorist Recidivism/Badi Hasisi, Tomer Carmel, David Weisburd, Michael Wolfowicz.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.3: 449-472.
134200 Dynamic Patterns of Terrorist Networks: Efficiency and Security in the Evolution of Eleven Islamic Extremist Attack Networks/Cassie McMillan, Diane Felmlee, Dave Braines.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.3: 559-581.
134201 Exploring the Determinants of Crime-Terror Cooperation using Machine Learning/Julia Semmelbeck, Clayton Besaw.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.3: 527-558.
134202 Prison and Violent Political Extremism in the United States/Gary LaFree, Bo Jiang, Lauren C. Porter.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.3: 473-498.
134203 Psychological Distress, Terrorist Involvement and Disengagement from Terrorism: A Sequence Analysis Approach/Emily Corner, Paul Gill.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.3: 499-526.
134204 Revisiting the Economics and Terrorism Nexus: Collective Deprivation, Ideology and Domestic Radicalization in the US (1948-2016)/Simon Varaine.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.3: 667-699.
134205 Risk Factors for Violent Dissident Republican Incidents in Belfast: A Comparison of Bombings and Bomb Hoaxes/Zoe Marchment, Paul Gill, John Morrison.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.3: 647-666.
134206 The Application of the Law of Crime Concentration to Terrorism: The Jerusalem Case Study/Simon Perry.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.3: 583-605.
134207 Pathways: Examining Street Network Configurations, Structural Characteristics and Spatial Crime Patterns in Street Segments/Young-An Kim, John R. Hipp.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.4: 725-752.
134208 Maternal Parenting Stress Following Paternal or Close Family Incarceration: Bayesian Model-Based Profiling Using the HILDA Longitudinal Survey/Susan Dennison, Kirsten Besemer, Samantha Low-Choy.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.4: 753-778.
134209 Mapping Attitudes Towards the Police at Micro Places/Andrew P. Wheeler, Jasmine R. Silver, Robert E. Worden, Sarah J. Mclean.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.3: 887-906.
134210 Mobile Phones and Crime: The Protective Effect of Mobile Network Infrastructures/Patrick Felka, Cristina Mihale-Wilson, Oliver Hinz.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.4: 933-956.
134211 Integrating the Literature on Police Use of Deadly Force and Police Lethal Victimization: How Does Place Impact Fatal Police-Citizen Encounters?/Emma E. Fridel, Keller G. Sheppard, Gregory M. Zimmerman.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.4: 957-992.
134212 Are Relational Inferences from Crowdsourced and Opt-in Samples Generalizable? Comparing Criminal Justice Attitudes in the GSS and Five Online Samples/Andrew J. Thompson, Justin T. Pickett.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.4: 907-932.
134213 Measuring the Direct and Spillover Effects of Body Worn Cameras on the Civility of Police-Citizen Encounters and Police Work Activities/Anthony A. Braga, Lisa M. Barao, Gregory M. Zimmerman, Stephen Douglas, Keller Sheppard.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.4: 851-876.
134214 Situational Correlates of Adolescent Substance Use: An Improved Test of the Routine Activity Theory of Deviant Behavior/Ellen de Jong, Wim Bernasco, Marre Lammers.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.4: 823-850.
134215 Drug Dealing and Gun Carrying Go Hand in Hand: Examining How Juvenile Offenders Gun Carrying Changes Before and After Drug Dealing Spells Across 84 Months/Meagan Docherty, Edward Mulvey, Jordan Beardslee, Gary Sweeten, Dustin Pardini.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.4: 993-1015.
134216 Location, Location, Location: Effects of Neighborhood and House Attributes on Burglars Target Selection/Christophe Vandeviver, Wim Bernasco.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2020; Vol.36, No.4: 779-821.
134217 Victimization and Its Consequences for Well-Being: A Between- and Within-Person Analysis/Heleen J. Janssen, Dietrich Oberwittler, Goeran Koeber.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.1: 101-140.
134218 Religion in Civil Society: The Influence of Black Religious Ecology on Crime in the South/Robert A. Thomson.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.1: 73-99.
134219 Plea Bargaining and the Miscarriage of Justice/Michael Beenstock, Josh Guetzkow, Shir Kamenetsky-Yadan.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.1: 35-72.
134220 Don’t Shoot! The Impact of Historical African American Protest on Police Killings of Civilians/Jamein P. Cunningham, Rob Gillezeau.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.1: 1-34.
134221 Hanging Out with the Wrong Crowd? The Role of Unstructured Socializing in Adolescents Specialization in Delinquency and Substance Use/Evelien M. Hoeben, D. Wayne Osgood, Sonja E. Siennick, Frank M. Weerman.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.1: 141-177.
134222 Prying Open the Black Box of Causality: A Causal Mediation Analysis Test of Procedural Justice Policing/Krisztian Posch.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.1: 217-245.
134223 Gender Differences in the Educational Penalty of Delinquent Behavior: Evidence from an Analysis of Siblings/Jinho Kim.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.1: 179-216.
134224 Proactive Police Response in Property Crime Micro-time Hot Spots: Results from a Partially-Blocked Blind Random Controlled Trial/Rachel B. G. Santos, Roberto Santos.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.1: 247-265.
134225 Capturing Crime at the Micro-place: A Spatial Approach to Inform Buffer Size/Alaina De Biasi, Giovanni Circo.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.1: 393-418.
134226 Police Legitimacy and the Norm to Cooperate: Using a Mixed Effects Location-Scale Model to Estimate the Strength of Social Norms at a Small Spatial Scale/Jonathan Jackson, Ian Brunton-Smith, Ben Bradford, Thiago R. Oliveira, Krisztian Posch, Patrick Sturgis.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.2: 547-572.
134227 Modeling the Social and Spatial Proximity of Crime: Domestic and Sexual Violence Across Neighborhoods/Claire Kelling, Corina Graif, Gizem Korkmaz, Murali Haran.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.2: 481-516.
134228 Explaining Crime Diversity with Google Street View/Samira Khorshidi, Jeremy Carter, George Mohler, George Tita.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.2: 361-391.
134229 The Influence of Stadia and the Built Environment on the Spatial Distribution of Crime/Justin Kurland, Shane D. Johnson.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.2: 573-604.
134230 Too Fine to be Good? Issues of Granularity, Uniformity and Error in Spatial Crime Analysis/Rafael G. Ramos, Braulio F. A. Silva, Keith C. Clarke,  Marcos Prates.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.2: 419-444.
134231 Crime Generators in Context: Examining Place in Neighborhood Propositions/Marie Skubak Tillyer, Pamela Wilcox, Rebecca J. Walter.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.2: 517-546.
134232 Who Tweets Where and When, and How Does it Help Understand Crime Rates at Places? Measuring the Presence of Tourists and Commuters in Ambient Populations/Riley Tucker, Daniel T. OBrien, Alexandra Ciomek, Edgar Castro, Qi Wang, Nolan Edward Phillips.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.2: 333-359.
134233 Sobering Up After the Seventh Inning: Alcohol and Crime Around the Ballpark/Jonathan Klick, John MacDonald.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.3: 813-834.
134234 A Network-Based Examination of the Longitudinal Association Between Psychopathy and Offending Versatility/Evan McCuish, Martin Bouchard, Eric Beauregard.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.3: 693-714.
134235 A Natural Experiment to Test the Effect of Sanction Certainty and Celerity on Substance-Impaired Driving: North Dakota’s 24/7 Sobriety Program/Greg Midgette, Beau Kilmer, Nancy Nicosia, Paul Heaton.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.3: 647-670.
134236 Dude, WhereTreatment Effect’s My ? Errors in Administrative Data Linking and the Destruction of Statistical Power in Randomized Experiments/Sarah Tahamont, Zubin Jelveh, Aaron Chalfin, Shi Yan, Benjamin Hansen.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.3: 715-749.
134237 The Topography of Robbery: Does Slope Matter?/Cory P. Haberman, James D. Kelsay.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.3: 625-644.
134238 Exploring the Time-Varying Determinants of State Spending on Corrections/Joshua H. Williams, Michael Campbell.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.3: 671-692.
134239 Third-Party Policing Approaches Against Organized Crime: An Evaluation of the Yakuza Exclusion Ordinances/Tetsuya Hoshino, Takuma Kamada.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.3: 791-811.
134240 Cohort Variation in U.S. Violent Crime Patterns from 1960 to 2014: An Age-Period-Cohort-Interaction Approach/Yunmei Lu, Liying Luo.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.4: 1047-1081.
134241 Describing Changes in Features of Psychopathy Via an Individual-Level Measure of P/Evan C. McCuish, Patrick Lussier.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.4: 891-913.
134242 Are Trustworthiness and Legitimacy Hard to Win, Easy to Lose? A Longitudinal Test of the Asymmetry Thesis of Police-Citizen Contact/Thiago R. Oliveira, Jonathan Jackson, Kristina Murphy, Ben Bradford.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.4: 1003-1045.
134243 Does Prison Deter Drunk-Drivers?/Sara Rahman, Don Weatherburn.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.4: 979-1001.
134244 Are Repeatedly Extorted Businesses Different? A Multilevel Hurdle Model of Extortion Victimization/Patricio R. Estevez-Soto, Shane D. Johnson, Nick Tilley.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.4: 1115-1157.
134245 Is Gang Violent Crime More Contagious than Non-Gang Violent Crime?/P. Jeffrey Brantingham, Baichuan Yuan, Denise Herz.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.4: 953-977.
134246 Accounting for Meso- or Micro-Level Effects When Estimating Models Using City-Level Crime Data: Introducing a Novel Imputation Technique/John R. Hipp, Seth A. Williams.- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 2021; Vol.37, No.4: 915-951.
134247 Introduction: Law, Social Movements, and Mobilization across Contexts/Steven A. Boutcher, Lynette J. Chua.- Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.40, No.1: 5-9.
134248 Lawyers and Embedded Legal Activity in the Southern Civil Rights Movement/Kenneth T. Andrews, Kay Jowers.- Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.40, No.1: 10-32.
134249 We Are the Visible Proof: Legitimizing Abortion Regret Misinformation through Activists’ Experiential Knowledge/Alesha Doan, Carolina Costa Candal, Steven Sylvester.- Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.40, No.1: 33-56.
134250 Legal Mobilization and Analogical Legal Framing: Feminist Litigators’ Use of Race-Gender Analogies/Holly J. McCammon … [et al.].- Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.40, No.1: 57-78.
134251 Where Movements Matter: Examining Unintended Consequences of the Pain Management Movement in Medical, Criminal Justice, and Public Health Fields/Elizabeth Chiarello.- Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.40, No.1: 79-109.
134252 Shaping the Structure of Legal Opportunities: Environmental NGOs Bringing International Environmental Procedural Rights Back Home/Lisa Vanhala.- Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.40, No.1: 110-127.
134253 Public Mass Murderers and Federal Mental Health Background Checks/James Silver, William Fisher, John Horgan.- Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.40, No.2: 133-147.
134254 Death Qualification in Black and White: Racialized Decision Making and Death-Qualified Juries/Mona Lynch, Craig Haney.- Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.40, No.2: 148-171.
134255 Examining Procedural Justice and Legitimacy in Corporate Offending and Beyond-Compliance Behavior: The Efficacy of Direct and Indirect Regulatory Interactions/Melissa Rorie … [et al.].- Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.40, No.2: 172-195.
134256 Hukou Status and Sentencing in the Wake of Internal Migration: The Penalty Effect of Being Rural-to-Urban Migrants in China/Jize Jiang, Kai Kuang.- Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.40, No.2: 196-215.
134257 Mobilizing Doubt: The Legal Mobilization of Climate Denialist Groups/Aaron J. Ley.- Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.40, No.3: 221-242.
134258 The Politics of a New Legal Regime: Governing International Crime through Domestic Immigration Law/Jamie Rowen, Rebecca Hamlin.- Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.40, No.3: 243-266.
134259 Compliance with Food Safety Laws in Germany: Food Businesses in Berlin/Anica Fietz … [et al.].- Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.40, No.3: 267-285.
134260 (Un)Authorized: A Study on the Regulation of Street Vending in Latin America/Rodrigo Meneses-Reyes.- Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.40, No.3: 286-315.
134261 US Criminal Justice Policy and Practice in the Twenty-First Century: Toward the End of Mass Incarceration?/Katherine Beckett … [et al.].- Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.40, No.4: 321-345.
134262 Regulating Spousal Migration through Canada’s Multiple Border Strategy: The Gendered and Racialized Effects of Structurally Embedded Borders/Rupaleem Bhuyan, Anna C. Korteweg, Karin Baqi.- Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.40, No.4: 346-370.
134263 Chinese Medicine sans Chinese: The Unequal Impacts of Canada’s Multiculturalism within a Bilingual Framework/Nadine Ijaz, Heather Boon.- Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.40, No.4: 371-397.
134264 Using Incentives to Increase HIV/AIDS Testing by Sex Workers: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment in China/Margaret Boittin.- Law and Policy. 2018; Vol.40, No.4: 398-423.
134265 Legal-Spatial Consciousness: A Legal Geography Framework for Examining Migrant Illegality/Andrea Flores, Kevin Escudero, Edelina Burciaga.- Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.41, No.1: 12-33.
134266 Driver’s Licenses for All? Racialized Illegality and the Implementation of Progressive Immigration Policy in California/Laura E. Enriquez, Daisy Vazquez Vera, S. Karthick Ramakrishnan.- Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.41, No.1: 34-58.
134267 FU: One Response to the Liminal State Immigrant Youth Must Navigate/Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez, Paul N. McDaniel, Gianni Bisio.- Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.41, No.1: 59-79.
134268 Geographies of Confinement for Immigrant Youth: Checkpoints and Immobilities along the US/Mexico Border/Heide Castaneda, Milena A. Melo.- Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.41, No.1: 80-102.
134269 Expanding Geographies of Deportability: How Immigration Enforcement at the Local Level Affects Undocumented and Mixed-Status Families/Carolina Valdivia.- Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.41, No.1: 103-119.
134270 Dreams Deterred: The Collateral Consequences of Localized Immigration Policies on Undocumented Latinos in Colorado/Lisa M. Martinez, Debora M. Ortega.- Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.41, No.1: 120-141.
134271 Nature versus Nurture: A Comparison of Russian Law Graduates Destined for State Service and for Private Practice/Kathryn Hendley.- Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.41, No.2: 147-173.
134272 Assessing the Impact of State Human Trafficking Legislation on Criminal Justice System Outcomes/Amy Farrell, Vanessa Bouche, Dana Wolfe.- Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.41, No.2: 174-197.
134273 Legal Hybridity, Trust, and the Legitimacy of the Shari’ah in the Bangsamoro/Imelda Deinla.- Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.41, No.2: 198-219.
134274 Consequences of Tit-for-Tat Enforcement: Toward a Hippocratic Principle of Regulatory Implementation/Stig S. Gezelius.- Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.41, No.2: 220-241.
134275 A Typology of Tax Compliance in Developing Economies: Empirical Evidence from China’s Shoe Industry/Xin He, Huina Xiao.- Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.41, No.2: 242-266.
134276 Workplace Violence: Examining Interpersonal and Impersonal Violence among Truck Drivers/Garry Gray, Katie Lindsay.- Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.41, No.3: 271-285.
134277 The Deserving Worker: Decisions about Workplace Accommodation by Judges and Laypeople/Jill D. Weinberg, Laura Beth Nielsen, Kathryn Albrecht.- Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.41, No.3: 286-309.
134278 Managing Dissonance and Dissent: Bureaucratic Professionalism and Political Risk in Policy Implementation/Denise Lillvis.- Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.41, No.3: 310-335.
134279 The Mask of Neutrality: Judicial Partisan Calculation and Legislative Redistricting/Jordan Carr Peterson.- Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.41, No.3: 336-359.
134280 A Better Best Interests: Immigration Policy in a Comparative Context/Michele Statz, Lauren Heidbrink.- Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.41, No.4: 365-386.
134281 Breaking the Divide: Setting Environmental Precedent in the Chicago River/Jordan Besek, Daniel Shtob.- Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.41, No.4: 387-410.
134282 Taking Metaregulation to the United Nations Human Rights Treaty Regime: The Case of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities/Sarah Arduin.- Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.41, No.4: 411-431.
134283 The Coproduction of Primary and Secondary Legislation: Israel as a Case Study of Substitutive Relationships/Nir Kosti, David Levi-Faur.- Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.41, No.4: 432-457.
134284 Cause Lawyering and Movement Tactics: Disability Rights Movements in South Korea and Japan/Celeste L. Arrington, Yong-Il Moon.- Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.42, No.1: 5-30.
134285 State-Level Determinants of Hate Crime Reporting: Examining the Impact of Structural and Social Movement Influences/Heather L. Scheuerman … [et al.].- Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.42, No.1: 31-55.
134286 Is the Process the Only Punishment?: Racial-Ethnic Disparities in Lower-Level Courts/Nick Petersen, Marisa Omori.- Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.42, No.1: 56-77.
134287 Worthy of Justice: A Veterans Treatment Court in Practice/Jamie Rowen.- Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.42, No.1: 78-100.
134288 Coproducing the Endangered Polar Bear: Science, Climate Change, and Legal Mobilization/Lisa Vanhala.- Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.42, No.2: 105-124.
134289 The Politics of Punishment and Protection: A Comparative Historical Analysis of American Immigration Control, 1990-2017/Jize Jiang.- Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.42, No.2: 125-161.
134290 Humor and Persuasion: The Effects of Laughter during US Supreme Court’s Oral Arguments/Siyu Li, Tom Pryor.- Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.42, No.2: 162-185.
134291 Law and Precariousness in an Authoritarian State: The Case of Illegal House Construction in Vietnam/Tu Phuong Nguyen.- Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.42, No.2: 186-203.
134292 The Politics of Symbolic Laws: State Resistance to the Allure of Sex Offender Residence Restrictions/Monica Williams, Erin B. Comartin, Robert D. Lytle.- Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.42, No.3: 209-235.
134293 Court Interpreters and the Political Economy of Bail in Three Arraignment Courts/Andres F. Rengifo, Diba Rouzbahani, Jennifer Peirce.- Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.42, No.3: 236-260.
134294 They Think I’m a Lawyer: Undocumented College Students as Legal Brokers for Their Undocumented Parents/Vanessa Delgado.- Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.42, No.3: 261-283.
134295 How Free Is Sow Stall Free? Incremental Regulatory Reform and Industry Co-optation of Activism/Rachel Carey, Christine Parker, Gyorgy Scrinis.- Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.42, No.3: 284-309.
134296 The devil is in the details: How arbitration system design and training facilitate and inhibit repeat-player advantages in private and state-run arbitration hearings/Shauhin A. Talesh, Peter C. Alter.- Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.42, No.4: 315-343.
134297 Rethinking nongovernmental organizations: Neoliberalism, nonstate actors, and the politics of recognition in the United States/Jara Carrington.- Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.42, No.4: 344-364.
134298 Can a leopard change its spots? Strategic behavior versus professional role conception during Ukraine’s 2014 court chair elections/Maria Popova.- Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.42, No.4: 365-381.
134299 The paradox of regulatory discretion/Despoina Mantzari, Francesca Pia Vantaggiato.- Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.42, No.4: 382-403.
134300 Understanding the place of punishment: Disadvantage, politics, and the geography of imprisonment in 21st century America/Katherine Beckett, Lindsey Beach.- Law and Policy. 2021; Vol.43, No.1: 5-29.
134301 Scaling the baseline: Technicalities and environmental regulation in Owens Valley, California/Alyse Bertenthal.- Law and Policy. 2021; Vol.43, No.1: 30-50.
134302 Critical coverage: How the media criticize supreme courts – Evidence from Israel/Bryna Bogoch, Yifat Holzman-Gazit.- Law and Policy. 2021; Vol.43, No.1: 51-72.
134303 Beyond evidence: Anticipatory regimes in law/Elen Stokes.- Law and Policy. 2021; Vol.43, No.1: 73-91.
134304 Children seeking asylum: Determinants of asylum claims by unaccompanied minors in the United States from 2013-2017/Daniel Braaten, Claire Nolasco Braaten.- Law and Policy. 2021; Vol.43, No.2: 97-125.
134305 Targeted sympathy in whore court: Criminal justice actors’ perceptions of prostitution diversion programs/Chrysanthi S. Leon, Corey S. Shdaimah.- Law and Policy. 2021; Vol.43, No.2: 126-148.
134306 How the Canadian sentencing system impacts policy reform: An examination of the Harper era/Kate Puddister.- Law and Policy. 2021; Vol.43, No.2: 149-169.
134307 The law in computation: What machine learning, artificial intelligence, and big data mean for law and society scholarship/Tania DoCarmo … [et al.].- Law and Policy. 2021; Vol.43, No.2: 170-199.
134308 Restorative nodes of governance in the Anthropocene: Iran’s Kashaf River/John Braithwaite, Honeye Hojabrosadati, Miranda Forsyth.- Law and Policy. 2021; Vol.43, No.3: 205-228.
134309 Privacy protections and law enforcement use of prescription drug monitoring databases/Anne E. Boustead.- Law and Policy. 2021; Vol.43, No.3: 229-261.
134310 The legal complex fractured: Legal professional coalition and collision in Taiwan’s judicial reform/Ching-Fang Hsu.- Law and Policy. 2021; Vol.43, No.3: 262-284.
134311 Numbing the pain or diffusing the pressure? The co-optation of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals’s naming and shaming campaign against mulesing/Lev Bromberg.- Law and Policy. 2021; Vol.43, No.3: 285-313.
134312 Behind the Walls and Beyond: Restorative Justice, Instrumental Communities, and Effective Residential Treatment/Gordon bazemore, jay g. Zaslaw, danielle riester.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.1: 53-73.
134313 The Role of the Juvenile Court Judge Revisited/Leonard p. Edwards.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.1: 33-51.
134314 A Prospective Longitudinal Study of Teen Court’s Impact on Offending Youths Behavior/Andrew Rasmussen, Carol I. Diener.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.1: 17-32.
134315 Breaking New Ground in Juvenile Justice Settings: Assessing for Competencies in Juvenile Offenders/Juliette r. Mackin, judy m. Weller, jerod m. Tarte, laura burney nissen.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.2: 25-37.
134316 Reentry and Removal: Implications for Juvenile Confinement Facilities/David w. Roush, james moeser, timothy b. Walsh.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.1: 1-13.
134317 Juvenile Delinquency Guidelines: Improving Court Practice in Juvenile Delinquency Cases/Sixteen Key Principles.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.3: 41-49.
134318 Judicial Perspectives on Family Drug Treatment Courts/Judge leonard p. Edwards, judge james a. Ray.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.3: 1-27.
134319 Crawford v. Washington One Year Later: Its Practical Effects in Child Abuse and Domestic Violence Cases/Judge david m. Gersten, judge amy karan.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.4: 1-8.
134320 An Empirical Review of Family Group Conferencing in Juvenile Offenses/William Bradshaw, David Roseborough.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.4: 21-28.
134321 Juvenile Court Clinical Services: A National Description/Thomas Grisso, Judith Quinlan.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2005; Vol.56, No.4: 9-20.
134322 Medical Evidence and Expert Testimony in Child Sexual Abuse/Lori d. Frasier, kathi l. Makoroff.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.1: 41-50.
134323 The State of the Debate About Children’s Disclosure Patterns in Child Sexual Abuse Cases/Erna olafson, judge cindy s. Lederman.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.1: 41-50.
134324 Juvenile Diversion: An Outcome Study of the Hamilton County, Ohio Unofficial Juvenile Community Courts/Victoria simpson beck, robert j. Ramsey, judge thomas r. Lipps, lawrence f. Travis.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.1: 1-10.
134325 In My Opinion-Respecting Parent and Child Representation in the Legal Profession/Judge Chris Melonakis.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.2: 39-44.
134326 Advancing Competency Development: A White Paper for Pennsylvania/Patricia Torbet, Douglas Thomas.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.2: 11-25.
134327 Asking the Right Questions: Utilizing a Judicial Checklist to Track the Educational Success of Youth in Foster Care/Susan a. Weiss, debbie staub, paula campbell, sophia i. Gatowski, melissa litchfield.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.2: 27-37.
134328 Reclaiming Futures: A Model for Judicial Leadership in Community Responses to Juvenile Substance Abuse/Judge michael anderegg …[et al.].- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.3: 1-11.
134329 Intervention for Abusive Fathers: Promising Practices in Court and Community Responses/Katreena l. Scott, claire v. Crooks.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.3: 29-44.
134330 Children and Young People in Conflict with the Law: Asking the Hard Questions/Andrew j. Becroft.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.4: 1-37.
134331 Advancing Accountability: Moving Toward Victim Restoration/Valerie Bender, Melanie King, Patricia Torbet.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.4: 53-67.
134332 The RWJF Reclaiming Futures Initiative: Improving Substance Abuse Interventions for Justice-Involved Youths/Laura burney nissen, jeffrey a. Butts, daniel merrigan, m. Katherine kraft.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2006; Vol.57, No.4: 39-51.
134333 Family Values: How Children’s Lawyers Can Help Their Clients by Advocating for Parents/Chris gottlieb, erik s. Pitchal.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.58, No.1: 17-35.
134334 Arkansas Legislative Reforms Provide Framework for Change While Supporting Parens Patriae Philosophy of Juvenile Court/Lauren hamilton, stacy c. Moak, james w. Golden.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.58, No.1: 37-47.
134335 The Transition to Group Decision Making in Child Protection Cases: Obtaining Better Results for Children and Families/Judge leonard edwards, dean inger sagatun-edwards.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.58, No.1: 1-16.
134336 Achieving Timely Permanency in Child Protection Courts: The Importance of Frontloading the Court Process/Judge leonard p. edwards.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.58, No.2: 1-37.
134337 Menacing or Mimicking? Realities of Youth Gangs/James c. Howell.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.58, No.2: 39-50.
134338 Guidelines for Collecting and Recording the Race and Ethnicity of Juveniles in Conjunction with Juvenile Delinquency Disposition Reporting to the Juvenile Court Judges Commission/Patricia torbet, hunter hurst jr., mark soler.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.58, No.2: 51-58.
134339 Aftercare Reality and Reform/Patrick Griffin, Richard Steele, Kelly Franklin.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.58, No.3: 43-57.
134340 Minor Discrepancies: Forging a Common Understanding of Adolescent Competence in Healthcare Decision-Making and Criminal Responsibility/Kimberly m. Mutcherson.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.58, No.3: 1-29.
134341 Public Safety Outcomes of Virginia’s Detention Assessment Instrument/Scott reiner,  jared b. Miller, tripti gangal.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.58, No.3: 31-41.
134342 Perspectives on Therapeutic Jurisprudence in Dependency Court in Cases Involving Battered Mothers/Candice L. Maze, Stefanie A. Hannah.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.1: 33-45.
134343 Visit Coaching: Building on Family Strengths to Meet Children’s Needs/Marty Beyer.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.1: 47-60.
134344 Healing Families: An Outcome Evaluation of a Community Family Court/Marny Rivera.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.1: 17-32.
134345 Troubled Children and Children in Trouble: Redefining the Role of the Juvenile Court in the Lives of Children/Ann Reyes Robbins.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.1: 3-15.
134346 More Good Than Harm: Legal Orphans and the New Jersey Post-Termination Project/Judge Sallyanne Floria.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.2: 1-13.
134347 Targeting Underage Drinking and Driving in Juvenile and Domestic Relations Courts: The Reinforcing Alcohol Prevention (RAP) Program/Kelli England Will,  Cynthia Shier Sabo.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.2: 39-49.
134348 The Court’s Role in Promoting Comprehensive Justice for Pregnant Drug and Alcohol Users/Tourine Johnstone, Monica K. Miller.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.3: 39-54.
134349 Alternatives for Youth’s Advocacy Program: Reducing Minority Youth Incarceration Placements in Cleveland, Ohio/Christopher A. Mallett,  Linda Julian.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.3: 1-17.
134350 Beyond Politics and Positions: A Call for Collaboration Between Family Court and Domestic Violence Professionals/Peter Salem, Billie Lee Dunford-Jackson.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.3: 19-37.
134351 Best Practices for Serving Traumatized Children and Families/Robyn S. Igelman, Barbara E. Ryan, Alicia M. Gilbert, Judge Cynthia Bashant, Katherine North.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.4: 35-47.
134352 How to Maintain Emotional Health When Working with Trauma/Joy D. Osofsky, Frank W. Putnam, Judge Cindy S. Lederman.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.4: 91-102.
134353 Helping Children in the Child Welfare Systems Heal from Trauma: A Systems Integration Approach/Nicole Taylor Kletzka, Christine Siegfried.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2008; Vol.59, No.4: 7-20.
134354 Juvenile Court Variations: Procedural and Processing Differences in a Midwestern State/Elizabeth Ann Maier.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2009; Vol.60, No.1: 37-53.
134355 The New Face of Justice: Joint Tribal-State Jurisdiction/Judge Korey Wahwassuck.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2009; Vol.60, No.1: 1-21.
134356 PACT: A Collaborative Team Model for Treating High Conflict Families in Family Court/Joe H. Brown, Linda Bledsoe, Pamela Yankeelov, Dana Christensen, Noell L. Rowan, Mary Lou Cambron.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2009; Vol.60, No.2: 49-67.
134357 Engaging Fathers in the Child Protection Process: The Judicial Role/Judge Leonard Edwards.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2009; Vol.60, No.2: 1-29.
134358 Families of Origin, Foster Care Experience, and the Transition to Adulthood/Donna Dea Holland.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2009; Vol.60, No.2: 69-87.
134359 Reduction in Recidivism in a Juvenile Mental Health Court: A Pre- and Post-Treatment Outcome Study/Monic P. Behnken, David E. Arredondo, Wendy L. Packman.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2009; Vol.60, No.3: 23-44.
134360 The Need for a Holistic Approach to Specialized Domestic Violence Court Programming: Evaluating Offender Rehabilitation Needs and Recidivism/Wayne J. Pitts,  Eugena Givens,  Susan McNeeley.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2009; Vol.60, No.3: 1-21.
134361 Low-Risk Youths Referred to Pima County Juvenile Court Center Detention Intake: Needs, Detention, and Recidivism/Margaret Frola.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2009; Vol.60, No.3: 45-65.
134362 Education Counts: Turning Crisis Into Opportunity for Adolescents/Judge Judith S. Kaye.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2009; Vol.60, No.4: 1-10.
134363 The King County (Washington) Systems Integration Initiative: A First Look at the Kent District Dual System Youth Pilot Program/Gene Siegel.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2009; Vol.60, No.4: 44-59.
134364 Increasing Family Reunification for Substance-Abusing Mothers and Their Children: Comparing Two Drug Court Interventions in Miami/Gayle A. Dakof, Judge Jeri B. Cohen,  Eliette Duarte.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2009; Vol.60, No.4.
134365 Providing Interdisciplinary Services to At-Risk Families to Prevent the Placement of Children In Foster Care/Deborah J. Weimer.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2009; Vol.60, No.4: 24-43.
134366 Enhancing the Foster Care Review Process: The Case of Kentucky’s Interested Party Review Program/Valerie Bryan,  Crystal Collins-Camargo,  Stephanie Rhee.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2010; Vol.61, No.1: 32-54.
134367 Sanctions in Family Drug Treatment Courts/Judge Leonard Edwards.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2010; Vol.61, No.1: 55-62.
134368 Science in the Courtroom: Vital to Best Interests and Reasonable Efforts/Judge Cindy Lederman.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2010; Vol.61, No.1: 63-68.
134369 Managing and Sustaining Your Juvenile Drug Court/Jacqueline Van Wormer,  Faith E. Lutze.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2010; Vol.61, No.2: 45-53.
134370 The Dichotomy of Judicial Leadership: Working with the Community to Improve Outcomes for Status Youth/Judge Steven C. Teske, Judge J. Brian Huff.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2010; Vol.61, No.2: 54-60.
134371 Tomorrow’s Choices/Judge Lindsay G. Arthur.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2010; Vol.61, No.3: 24-35.
134372 An At-Risk Profile of Probation Supervised Youthful Offenders in a Rural, Midwest County: Significant Gender and Race Differences/Christopher A. Mallett.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2010; Vol.61, No.3: 1-12.
134373 Ten Things Every Juvenile Court Judge Should Know About Trauma and Delinquency/Kristine Buffington, Carly B. Dierkhising,  Shawn C. Marsh.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2010; Vol.61, No.3: 13-23.
134374 Judicial Response to Elder Abuse/Judge Karen Aileen Howze,  Jennifer L. White.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2010; Vol.61, No.4: 57-76.
134375 Understanding the Contribution of Common Interventions with Men who Batter to the Reduction of Re-assaults/Etiony Aldarondo.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2010; Vol.61, No.4: 87-101.
134376 In Love or In Trouble: Examining Ways Court Professionals Can Better Respond to Victims of Adolescent Partner Violence/Judge Eugene M. Hyman, Wanda Lucibello, Emilie Meyer.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2010; Vol.61, No.4: 17-37.
134377 The New Age of Stalking: Technological Implications for Stalking/Cynthia Fraser,  Erica Olsen,  Kaofeng Lee,  Cindy Southworth,  Sarah Tucker.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2010; Vol.61, No.4: 39-55.
134378 Ethical Challenges for the Juvenile Court Judge/Judge Leonard Edwards.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2011; Vol.62, No.1: 1-9.
134379 The Toughest Nut: Handling Cases Pitting Unrepresented Litigants Against Represented Ones/Russell Engler.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2011; Vol.62, No.1: 10-31.
134380 A Unique Bench, A Common Code: Evaluating Judicial Ethics in Juvenile Court/Michele Benedetto Neitz.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2011; Vol.62, No.1: 32-53.
134381 Judicial Involvement in Extra-Judicial Activities Involving Child Welfare Organizations/Jennifer Renne.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2011; Vol.62, No.1: 54-66.
134382 Mental Health Services for Incarcerated Youth: Report from a Statewide Survey/Edward Cohen,  Jane Pfeifer.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2011; Vol.62, No.2: 22-34.
134383 U.S. Judicial Implementation of the Hague Convention in Cases Alleging Domestic Violence/William M. Vesneski,  Taryn Lindhorst,  Jeffrey L. Edleson.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2011; Vol.62, No.2: 1-21.
134384 Show Me the Money: Child Welfare Cost Savings of a Family Drug Court/Scott W.M. Burrus,  Juliette R. Mackin,  Michael W. Finigan.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2011; Vol.62, No.3: 1-14.
134385 Understanding Culture in Kentucky’s Courtrooms: An Essential Tool for Management and Long-Range Planning/Adam K. Matz,  Judge Julia H. Adams,  Deborah Williamson.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2011; Vol.62, No.3: 25-42.
134386 Knowledgeable Judges Make a Difference: Judicial Beliefs Affect Juvenile Court Transfer Decisions/Richard E. Redding,  Kursten Brooke Hensl.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2011; Vol.62, No.3: 15-24.
134387 Knocking on the Door: Juvenile and Family Courts as a Forum for Facilitating School Attendance and Decreasing Truancy/Corey Shdaimah,  Virletta Bryant,  Rebecca L. Sander,  Llewellyn J. Cornelius.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2011; Vol.62, No.4: 1-18.
134388 Use of Evidence-Based Parenting Programs for Parents of At-Risk Young Children/Lynne F. Katz,  Judge Cindy S. Lederman,  Joy D. Osofsky.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2011; Vol.62, No.4: 37-56.
134389 A Systematic Observational Study of a Juvenile Drug Court Judge/Christopher Salvatore, Matthew L. Hiller, Benta Samuelson, Jaime S. Henderson, Elise White.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2011; Vol.62, No.4: 19-36.
134390 Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: Relief for Neglected, Abused, and Abandoned Undocumented Children/Angie Junck.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2012; Vol.63, No.1: 48-62.
134391 Family Finding and Engagement Beyond the Bench: Working Across International Borders/Felicity Sackville Northcott,  Wendy Jeffries.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2012; Vol.63, No.1: 31-47.
134392 Domestic Violence and Immigrants in Family Court/Veronica T. Thronson.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2012; Vol.63, No.1: 63-76.
134393 Judicial Spectrum Primer: What Judges Need to Know About Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders/Sheryl Dicker, Robert Marion.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2012; Vol.63, No.2: 1-19.
134394 Representation of Parents and Children in Abuse and Neglect Cases: The Importance of Early Appointment/Judge Leonard Edwards.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2012; Vol.63, No.2: 21-37.
134395 How Collaborative the Collaboration? Assessing Interagency Collaboration within a Juvenile Court Diversion Program/James G. Dickerson, Crystal Collins-Camargo, Ramie Martin-Galijatovic.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2012; Vol.63, No.3: 21-35.
134396 Family-Centered Practice in Florida: Family Court Actions and Perceptions/Mary Kay Falconer,  Judge Cindy S. Lederman,  Peter J. Pecora,  Christine K. Thompson,  Paul DiLorenzo.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2012; Vol.63, No.3: 1-19.
134397 Transferring Pre-Teens to Adult Criminal Courts: Searching for a Justification/Rick Ruddell,  G. Larry Mays.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2012; Vol.63, No.4: 22-36.
134398 Changing How the System Responds to Status Offenders: Connecticut’s Families with Service Needs Initiative/Stephanie Bontrager Ryon,  Lindsey Devers,  Kristin Winokur Early,  Gregory A. Hand.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2012; Vol.63, No.4: 37-46.
134399 Physical and Emotional Well-Being: Court Performance Measures for Children and Youth in Foster Care/Nora E. Sydow,  Victor E. Flango.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2012; Vol.63, No.4: 1-21.
134400 The Automatic Stay In Family Law Proceedings: Do We Really Have to Stop?/Judge Margaret Dee McGarity.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2014; Vol.65, No.1: 1-9.
134401 The Demise of DOMA? What’s New and What’s Not in Juvenile and Family Law/Beth Allen.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2014; Vol.65, No.1: 11-28.
134402 Third Rail Custody: The Military Case/Mark E. Sullivan.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2014; Vol.65, No.1: 45-72.
134403 Psychological and Biological Processes in Children Associated with High Conflict Parental Divorce/Ryan D. Davidson,  Karey L. OHara,  Connie J. A. Beck.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2014; Vol.65, No.1: 29-44.
134404 A Need for Training: Preparing Juvenile and Family Court Judges on Military-Related Issues/Shawn C. Marsh,  Carlene Gonzalez.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2014; Vol.65, No.2: 13-21.
134405 Realizing the Promise of Well-Being: Longitudinal Research from an Effective Early Intervention Program for Substance Exposed Babies and Toddlers Identifies Essential Components/Lynne F. Katz Ed.D., Mary Anne Ullery Ed.D., Cindy S. Lederman.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2014; Vol.65, No.2: 1-11.
134406 A Community-Based Model for Remediating Juveniles Adjudicated Incompetent to Stand Trial: Feedback from Youth, Attorneys, and Judges/Shelly L. Jackson,  Janet I. Warren DSW,  Jessica Jones Coburn.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2014; Vol.65, No.2: 23-38.
134407 A Primer on Juvenile Protective Legislation/Douglas E. Abrams.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2014; Vol.65, No.3-4: 1-26.
134408 The Double Entendre of Juvenile Prostitution: Victim versus Delinquent and the Necessity of State Uniformity/Ellen B. Fichtelman.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2014; Vol.65, No.3-4: 27-46.
134409 A Study of Maltreated Children and Their Families in Juvenile Court. III. Case Plans/Canan Karatekin, Richard Gehrman,  Jamie Lawler.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2014; Vol.65, No.3-4: 47-67.
134420 Evaluating the Child Abuse and Neglect Institute: Does Training Affect Decision-Making?/Lorie L. Sicafuse,  Steve M. Wood,  Alicia Summers,  Alicia DeVault.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.66, No.1: 1-14.
134421 Exploring the Effect of Arrest Across a Domestic Batterer Typology/Richard R. Johnson, Wendi Goodlin-Fahncke.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.66, No.1: 15-30.
134422 Recidivism and Psychiatric Symptom Outcomes in a Juvenile Mental Health Court/Aaron M. Ramirez,  James R. Andretta,  Michael E. Barnes,  Malcolm H. Woodland.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.66, No.1: 31-46.
134423 Family Drug Court, Targeted Parent Training and Family Reunification: Did this Enhanced Service Strategy Make A Difference?/Jody Brook,  Becci A. Akin,  Margaret H. Lloyd,  Yueqi Yan.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.66, No.2: 35-52.
134424 The Impact of Victim Demographics on Case Outcomes in Delinquency Proceedings: An Empirical Test/M. Dyan McGuire,  Noelle E. Fearn,  Norman White,  Kenneth Mayo,  Megan Ondr.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.66, No.2: 1-17.
134425 Juvenile Shackling Reform: The Judicial Role in Ensuring Trauma-Informed Courts and Why States Are Rethinking Restraints/Judge Donna Quigley Groman.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.66, No.2: 19-33.
134426 Using Outcome Measurement to Promote Continuous Quality Improvement for Children in Foster Care/Victor E. Flango,  Sophia Gatowski,  Nora E. Sydow.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.66, No.3: 19-32.
134427 Loss Due to Death and its Association with Mental Disorders in Juvenile Detainees/Julie Laken Harnisher,  Karen Abram,  Jason Washburn,  Marquita Stokes,  Nicole Azores-Gococo,  Linda Teplin.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.66, No.3: 1-18.
134428 Offenders, Ideologies, and Legal and Extralegal Factors: Juvenile Court Judges Perspectives on Disposition Decisions/Brian J. Smith,  Katherine B. Rosier.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.66, No.3: 33-49.
134429 Evaluation of Implementation of the Kentucky Court Rules of Procedure and Practice: An Approach to Assessing the Impact of Court Reform Efforts/Corey Boes MSW, Crystal Collins-Camargo MSW, Tammi Alvey Thomas MSSW.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.66, No.4: 1-16.
134430 Effectiveness of Functional Family Therapy for Mandated Versus Non-Mandated Youth/Katarzyna Celinska.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.66, No.4: 17-27.
134431 Juvenile Transfers to Adult Court: An Examination of the Long-Term Outcomes of Transferred and Non-Transferred Juveniles/Melanie Taylor.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.66, No.4: 29-47.
134432 NCJFCJ Resolves to Stop Indiscriminate Shackling of Children in Juvenile Court/Melissa Sickmund.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.66, No.4: 49-51.
134433 Trauma-Informed Approaches to Juvenile Justice: A Critical Race Perspective/Shantel D. Crosby.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.67, No.1: 5-18.
134434 An Assessment of Juvenile Drug Courts Knowledge of Evidence-Based Practices, Data Collection, and the Use of AA/NA/Logan A. Yelderman.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.67, No.1: 33-48.
134435 NCJFCJ Resolution Regarding Trauma-Informed Juvenile and Family Courts/Melissa Sickmund.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.67, No.1: 49-52.
134436 Juvenile Waiver 2014: A Review of State Statutes/Brandon L. Bang,  Brianne Posey,  Craig Hemmens.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.67, No.2: 5-48.
134437 Protecting Ohio’s Children: Ohio Juvenile Court Jurisdiction to Prevent Nonparty Interference in the Protection of the Best Interest of a Child/Judge Timothy J. Grendell,  Thomas L. Siu,  Anthony J. Hurst,  Tara Pavlovcak.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.67, No.2: 67-74.
134438 Healing Families: Outcomes from a Family Drug Treatment Court/Jacqueline van Wormer,  Ming-Li Hsieh.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.67, No.2: 49-65.
134439 Family Drug Treatment Courts As Comprehensive Service Models: Cost Considerations/Jody Brook … [et al.].- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.67, No.3: 23-43.
134440 Breaking The Cycle Of Intergenerational Child Maltreatment: A Case For Active Efforts For Dependent Minor Parents And Their Children In State Custody/Eliza M. Hirst Esq., Annika L. Jones MSW.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.67, No.3: 45-65.
134441 Lessons Learned from Developing a Trauma Consultation Protocol for Juvenile and Family Courts/Shawn C. Marsh,  Alicia Summers,  Alicia DeVault,  J. Guillermo Villalobos.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.67, No.3: 5-22.
134442 Empathy through Animals: Generating Evidence-based Outcomes for Empathy Development/Jamie Dawson.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.67, No.4: 43-54.
134443 Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Juvenile Drug Court: Comparisons to Traditional Probation/Ginger Gummelt,  Michael Sullivan.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.67, No.4: 55-68.
134444 How the Framework of Implementation Science Guided an Evidence-Based Dependency Parenting Program Initiative in Florida/Lynne Katz,  Sindy Gonzalez,  Mary Anne Ullery,  Jovasha K. Lang.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.67, No.4: 69-78.
134445 Juvenile Competency and Pretrial Due Process: A Call for Greater Protections in Massachusetts for Juveniles Residing in Procedural Purgatory/Mark Rapisarda,  Wendy J. Kaplan.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.67, No.4: 5-26.
134446 Threats to Perceptions of Fairness in the Termination of Parental Rights/Raymie H. Wayne,  Brenda D. Smith.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. Vol.67, No.4: 27-41.
134447 In Search of a Silver Bullet: Child Welfare’s Embrace of Predictive Analytics/Christopher E. Church,  Amanda J. Fairchild; Vol.68, No.1: 67-81.
134448 Extra-Judicial Conferences in Child Welfare Cases: Reassessing their Role and Implications for Practice and Policy/Kara R. Finck; Vol.68, No.1: 49-65.
134449 Finally Time for Realistic and Determinate Standards in Family Court/Josh Gupta-Kagan; Vol.68, No.1: 31-47.
134450 Making America’s Children Safe Again : Advocating for CAPTA Reform and Beyond/Amy Harfeld,  Kendall Marlowe; Vol.68, No.1: 115-35.
134451 The Illusion of Appellate Review in Dependency Proceedings/Alicia LeVezu; Vol.68, No.1: 83-95.
134452 New Directions For Foster Care Reform/Michael S. Wald; Vol.68, No.1: 7-30.
134453 Building a Resilience-Oriented Child Welfare Court System/Robert Wyman,  Kelly Warner-King; Vol.68, No.1: 97-114.
134454 Race and Gender Recidivism Differences Among Juvenile Mental Health Court Graduates/Monic P. Behnken,  Alison Bort,  Megan Borbon; Vol.68, No.2: 19-31.
134455 An Ecological Examination of Factors That Impact Well-Being Among Developmentally-Disabled Youth in the Juvenile Justice System/Shantel D. Crosby,  Carl L. Algood,  Brittany Sayles,  Jayne Cubbage; Vol.68, No.2: 5-18.
134456 Guardians Ad Litem and Children’s Attorneys in Arizona: A Qualitative Examination of the Roles/Jennifer E. Duchschere,  Connie J. Beck,  Rebecca M. Stahl; Vol.68, No.2: 33-52.
134457 Judges Perceptions of Screening, Assessment, Prevention, and Treatment for Substance Use, Mental Health, and HIV among Juveniles on Community Supervision: Results of a National Survey/Christy K. Scott,  Arthur J. Lurigio,  Michael L. Dennis; Vol.68, No.3: 5-25.
134458 Enhancing Information Sharing in Family Drug Courts: A Lean Six Sigma Case Study/Jamison V. Kovach,  Veronica Curiel,  Alicia Franklin York,  Sarah Bogard,  Lee Revere; Vol.68.
134459 Caught in the Act: States Doing Some Things Right in Juvenile Justice/James C. Howell,  John J. Wilson,  Melissa H. Sickmund,  Nancy J. Hodges,  Megan Q. Howell; Vol.68, No.4: 25-42.
134460 Polygamy In Family Court: A Resource For Judges Dealing With An Unfamiliar Family Structure/Billy Gage Raley; Vol.68, No.4: 5-23.
134461 National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Passes a Set of Practice Reform Resolutions/Melissa Sickmund; Vol.68, No.4: 43-47.
134462 Preventing Homelessness for System-Involved Youth/Linda Britton,  Lisa Pilnik.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2018; Vol.69, No.1: 19-33.
134463 What the Trial Judge Needs to Know about the Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance/Robert E. Keith.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2018; Vol.69, No.1: 5-17.
134464 A  21st Century Developmentally Appropriate Juvenile Probation Approach/Robert G. Schwartz.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2018; Vol.69, No.1: 41-54.
134465 Gault’s Promise Revisited: The Search For Due Process/Jay D. Blitzman.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2018; Vol.69, No.2: 49-77.
134466 When Juveniles Commit Sexual Offenses: Considerations and Recommendations for Judges/Kristan N. Russell,  Shawn C. Marsh.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2018; Vol.69, No.2: 37-48.
134467 Parenting Styles and Juvenile Delinquency: Exploring Gendered Relationships/Mike Tapia,  Leanne Fiftal Alarid,  Courtney Clare.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2018; Vol.69, No.2: 21-36.
134468 Environmental Considerations for Trauma-Responsive Juvenile and Family Courts: A Review of the Literature with Recommendations for Practice/Alicia DeVault,  Vanessa A. Helfrick,  Shawn C. Marsh,  Katie M. Snider.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2018; Vol.69, No.2: 5-20.
134469 Potential Impact of Research on Adolescent Development on Juvenile Judge Decision-making/Colleen M. Berryessa.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2018; Vol.69, No.3: 19-38.
134470 Promoting Stability for Youth Returning from Residential Care: Attorney Perspectives/Patrick M. Tyler,  Alexandra L. Trout,  Jacqueline Huscroft-DAngelo,  Lori L. Synhorst,  Matthew C. Lambert.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2018; Vol.69, No.3: 5-18.
134471 Parents Perspectives on Family-centered Care in Juvenile Justice Institutions/Inge Simons …[et al.].- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2018; Vol.69, No.3: 39-54.
134472 Relative Placement: The Best Answer for Our Foster Care System/Judge Leonard Edwards.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2018; Vol.69, No.3: 55-64.
134473 I Wanna Make My Mom Proud of Me: Embracing Mothers as Protective Factors Against Future Offending in Delinquent Youth/Taryn VanderPyl.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2018; Vol.69, No.3: 65-79.
134474 Neighborhood Disproportion in Juvenile Justice Contact/Jeffrey Sharlein, Malitta Engstrom.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2018; Vol.69, No.4: 25-41.
134475 When Does Race Matter in Juvenile Court Outcomes? A Test of the Type of Offense Hypothesis/Lori Guevara, Zahra Shekarkhar, Kenethia Fuller.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2018; Vol.69, No.4: 5-24.
134476 Exploring the Use of an Emancipation Checklist for Older Youth (18-21) Exiting Foster Care/Alicia Summers, Corey Shdaimah, Victoria A. Knoche.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2018; Vol.69, No.4.
134477 Understanding How School Climate Affects Overall Mood in Residential Care: Perspectives of Adolescent Girls in Foster Care and Juvenile Justice Systems/Cheryl L. Somers, Angelique G. Day, Jenna Niewiadomski, Casey Sutter, Beverly A. Baroni, Jun Sung Hong.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2018; Vol.69, No.4: 43-58.
134478 Reality Tour: Adult Attendees Perceptions about a Community Based Drug Prevention Program/Judith E. Sturges, James Tyler Garlick.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2018; Vol.69, No.4: 59-72.
134479 The deluge/Fleur Johns.- London Review of International Law. 2013; Vol.1, No.1: 9-34.
134480 Dreaming law without a state: scholarship on autonomous international arbitration as utopian literature/Ralf Michaels.- London Review of International Law. 2013; Vol.1, No.1: 35-62.
134481 Laws of encounter: a jurisdictional account of international law/Sundhya Pahuja.- London Review of International Law. 2013; Vol.1, No.1: 63-98.
134482 A thoroughly bad and vicious solution: humanitarianism, the World Court, and the modern origins of population transfer/Umut Ozsu.- London Review of International Law. 2013; Vol.1, No.1: 99-127.
134483 Conducting international authority: Hammarskjold, the Great Powers and the Suez Crisis/Charlotte Peevers.- London Review of International Law. 2013; Vol.1, No.1: 131-140.
134484 A tale of two Schmitts: authority, administration and the responsibility to protect/Daniel McLoughlin.- London Review of International Law. 2013; Vol.1, No.1: 141-147.
134485 International authority, the responsibility to protect and the culture of the international executive/Jacqueline Mowbray.- London Review of International Law. 2013; Vol.1, No.1: 148-157.
134486 The responsibility to protect: practice, genealogy, biopolitics/Ben Golder.- London Review of International Law. 2013; Vol.1, No.1: 158-165.
134487 On international legal method/Anne Orford.- London Review of International Law. 2013; Vol.1, No.1: 166-197.
134488 The lawless line/Sandi Hilal … [et al.].- London Review of International Law. 2013; Vol.1, No.1: 201-209.
134489 Istanbul vignettes: observing the everyday operation of international law/Luis Eslava.- London Review of International Law. 2014; Vol.2, No.1: 3-47.
134490 The institutionalisation of free trade and empire: a study of the 1902 Brussels Convention/Michael Fakhri.- London Review of International Law. 2014; Vol.2, No.1: 49-76.
134491 Beyond redemption? Problematising the critique of human rights in contemporary international legal thought/Ben Golder.- London Review of International Law. 2014; Vol.2, No.1: 77-114.
134492 The case for investigative legal pluralism in international economic law linkage debates: a strategy for enhancing the value of international legal discourse/James Harrison.- London Review of International Law. 2014; Vol.2, No.1: 115-145.
134493 Her proper name: a revisionist account of international law/Yoriko Otomo.- London Review of International Law. 2014; Vol.2, No.1: 149-154.
134494 Taking place: Westphalia and the poetics of law/Peter Fitzpatrick.- London Review of International Law. 2014; Vol.2, No.1: 155-165.
134495 The locations of homophobia/Rahul Rao.- London Review of International Law. 2014; Vol.2, No.2: 169-199.
134496 Weaponising neurotechnology: international humanitarian law and the loss of language/Gregor Noll.- London Review of International Law. 2014; Vol.2, No.2: 201-231.
134497 Mapping the vertical battlespace: towards a legal cartography of aerial sovereignty/Campbell A. O. Munro.- London Review of International Law. 2014; Vol.2, No.2: 233-261.
134498 Chiastic law in the crystal ball: exploring legal formalism and its alternative futures/Justin Desautels-Stein.- London Review of International Law. 2014; Vol.2, No.2: 263-296.
134499 Scotland and England from a union of parliaments to two independent kingdoms/Anthony Carty, Mairianna Clyde.- London Review of International Law. 2014; Vol.2, No.2: 299-328.
134500 People in glass houses: lessons for international law from Margarethe von Trotta’s Hannah Arendt/Deborah Whitehall.- London Review of International Law. 2014; Vol.2, No.2: 329-353.
134501 The day the graffiti died/Amr A. Shalakany.- London Review of International Law. 2014; Vol.2, No.2: 357-378.
134502 The sentimental life of international law/Gerry Simpson.- London Review of International Law. 2015; Vol.3, No.1: 3-29.
134503 Between law and history: the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 and the logic of free trade/Matthew Craven.- London Review of International Law. 2015; Vol.3, No.1: 31-59.
134504 Human rights in international law: three generations or one?/Patrick Macklem.- London Review of International Law. 2015; Vol.3, No.1: 61-92.
134505 Relocation and resettlement from colonisation to climate change: the perennial solution to danger zones/Jane McAdam.- London Review of International Law. 2015; Vol.3, No.1: 93-130.
134506 Framing international migration/Sara Dehm.- London Review of International Law. 2015; Vol.3, No.1: 133-168.
134507 Weighing domestic and international impediments to transformative justice in transition/Padraig McAuliffe.- London Review of International Law. 2015; Vol.3, No.1: 169-197.
134508 Human shields/Judith Butler.- London Review of International Law. 2015; Vol.3, No.2: 223-243.
134509 Peace through law: lessons from 1914/B.S. Chimni.- London Review of International Law. 2015; Vol.3, No.2: 245-265.
134510 Precarious desires and ungrievable lives: human rights and postcolonial critiques of legal justice/Ratna Kapur.- London Review of International Law. 2015; Vol.3, No.2: 267-294.
134511 Zero Dark Thirty: international law, film and representation/Daniel Joyce, Gabrielle Simm.- London Review of International Law. 2015; Vol.3, No.2: 295-318.
134512 War Power, Police Power: a paradigmatic book/Illan rua Wall.- London Review of International Law. 2015; Vol.3, No.2: 322-328.
134513 Always already war power, police power/Caroline Holmqvist.- London Review of International Law. 2015; Vol.3, No.2: 329-334.
134514 Systematic colonisation and the secret(s) of the capitalist mode of production/Yari Lanci.- London Review of International Law. 2015; Vol.3, No.2: 335-342.
134515 War, police, critique/Claudia Aradau.- London Review of International Law. 2015; Vol.3, No.2: 343-352.
134516 Red and dead: reply to critics/Mark Neocleous.- London Review of International Law. 2015; Vol.3, No.2: 353-368.
134517 Value and exchange in multilateral trade lawmaking/Nicolas Lamp.- London Review of International Law. 2016; Vol.4, No.1: 7-55.
134518 The role of law in global value chains: a research manifesto/The IGLP Law and Global Production Working Group.- London Review of International Law. 2016; Vol.4, No.1: 57-79.
134519 Valuing race? Stretched Marxism and the logic of imperialism/Robert Knox.- London Review of International Law. 2016; Vol.4, No.1: 81-126.
134520 It’s not me, it’s the corporation: the value of corporate accountability in the global political economy/Grietje Baars.- London Review of International Law. 2016; Vol.4, No.1: 127-163.
134521 International law, temporalities and narratives of the climate crisis/Julia Dehm.- London Review of International Law. 2016; Vol.4, No.1: 167-193.
134522 Reading The City and the City as an international lawyer: reflections on territoriality, jurisdiction and transnationality/Douglas Guilfoyle.- London Review of International Law. 2016; Vol.4, No.1: 195-207.
134523 Collecting value/valuing collecting/Amanda Perry-Kessaris.- London Review of International Law. 2016; Vol.4, No.1: 211-214.
134524 Victims who victimise/Mark A. Drumbl.- London Review of International Law. 2016; Vol.4, No.2: 217-246.
134525 Spectacle in international criminal law: the fundraising image of victimhood/Christine Schwobel-Patel.- London Review of International Law. 2016; Vol.4, No.2: 247-274.
134526 International law and American foreign policy: revisiting the law-versus-policy debate/Hengameh Saberi.- London Review of International Law. 2016; Vol.4, No.2: 275-306.
134527 Lines in the ocean: thinking with the sea about territory and international law/Henry Jones.- London Review of International Law. 2016; Vol.4, No.2: 307-343.
134528 The persistence of the Sykes-Picot frontiers in the Middle East/Rashid Khalidi.- London Review of International Law. 2016; Vol.4, No.2: 347-357.
134529 Subjects of reason: goods, markets and competing imaginaries of global governance/Sheila Jasanoff.- London Review of International Law. 2016; Vol.4, No.3: 361-391.
134530 (In)dependent lives? International lawyers and the politics of state-building within the Palestinian advocacy field/Michelle Burgis-Kasthala.- London Review of International Law. 2016; Vol.4, No.3: 393-419.
134531 Moral, legal and archaeological relics of the past: portrayals of international cultural heritage law in cinema/Lucas Lixinski.- London Review of International Law. 2016; Vol.4, No.3: 421-437.
134532 Introducing A World of Struggle/David Kennedy.- London Review of International Law. 2016; Vol.4, No.3: 443-449.
134533 Law and lawyers in a world after virtue/Stephen Hopgood.- London Review of International Law. 2016; Vol.4, No.3: 451-466.
134534 From people with projects to encountering expertise: a feminist reading of Kennedy’s A World of Struggle/Gina Heathcote.- London Review of International Law. 2016; Vol.4, No.3: 467-476.
134535 From performativity to the material culture of legal expertise?/Ben Fine.- London Review of International Law. 2016; Vol.4, No.3: 477-494.
134536 A letter from the Haudenosaunee Confederacy to King George V: writing and reading jurisdictions in international legal history/Genevieve Renard Painter.- London Review of International Law. 2017; Vol.5, No.1: 7-48.
134537 The materiality of international law: violence, history and Joe Sacco’s The Great War/Luis Eslava.- London Review of International Law. 2017; Vol.5, No.1: 49-86.
134538 The Anti-Neutral Suit: international legal futurists, 1914-2017/Rose Sydney Parfitt.- London Review of International Law. 2017; Vol.5, No.1: 87-123.
134539 Tom Barker’s To Arms! poster: internationalism and resistance in First World War Australia/Madelaine Chiam.- London Review of International Law. 2017; Vol.5, No.1: 125-152.
134540 A deathless story: the ANZAC Memorial, memory and international law/Charlotte Peevers.- London Review of International Law. 2017; Vol.5, No.1: 153-184.
134541 Economics for progressive international lawyers: a review essay/Robert Howse.- London Review of International Law. 2017; Vol.5, No.1: 187-196.
134542 Legal terrain – the political materiality of territory/Stuart Elden.- London Review of International Law. 2017; Vol.5, No.2: 199-224.
134543 Beyond legal justice: some personal reflections on people’s tribunals, listening and responsibility/Dianne Otto.- London Review of International Law. 2017; Vol.5, No.2: 225-249.
134544 Thinking against humanity/Ayca Cubukcu.- London Review of International Law. 2017; Vol.5, No.2: 251-267.
134545 The global jurist as pedagogue? Ronald Dworkin in post-Junta Argentina/Ruti Teitel.- London Review of International Law. 2017; Vol.5, No.2: 269-287.
134546 Watching Tokyo Trial/Immi Tallgren.- London Review of International Law. 2017; Vol.5, No.2: 291-316.
134547 Karl Viktor Fricker, On state territory (1867)/Monica Garcia-Salmones Rovira.- London Review of International Law. 2017; Vol.5, No.2: 319-339.
134548 The dream of a volkisch colonial empire: international law and colonial law during the National Socialist era/Felix Lange.- London Review of International Law. 2017; Vol.5, No.3: 343-369.
134549 The Treaty 8 typewriter: tracing the roles of material things in imagining, realising, and resisting colonial worlds/Jessie Hohmann.- London Review of International Law. 2017; Vol.5, No.3: 371-396.
134550 Anarchist international law(yers)? Mapping power and responsibility in international law/Richard Joyce.- London Review of International Law. 2017; Vol.5, No.3: 397-424.
134551 Imagining scenes of mass atrocity from afar: maps and landscapes at the International Criminal Court/Sofia Stolk.- London Review of International Law. 2017; Vol.5, No.3: 425-451.
134552 Scholars in self-estrangement (again): rethinking the law of international organisations/Dimitri Van Den Meerssche.- London Review of International Law. 2017; Vol.5, No.3: 455-480.
134553 International criminal justice on/and film/Kirsten Ainley, Stephen Humphreys, Immi Tallgren.- London Review of International Law. 2018; Vol.6, No.1: 3-15.
134554 Working through the cinematography of international criminal justice: procedures of law and images of atrocity/Peter D Rush, Maria Elander.- London Review of International Law. 2018; Vol.6, No.1: 17-43.
134555 Watching the accused watch the Nazi crimes: observers’ reports on the atrocity film screenings in the Belsen, Nuremberg and Eichmann trials/Ulrike Weckel.- London Review of International Law. 2018; Vol.6, No.1: 45-73.
134556 Judgment at Nuremberg: Hollywood takes the international criminal law stand/Eugene McNamee, Maria Andrews.- London Review of International Law. 2018; Vol.6, No.1: 75-96.
134557 You start to feel really alone: defence lawyers and narratives of international criminal law in film/Sophie Rigney.- London Review of International Law. 2018; Vol.6, No.1: 97-123.
134558 The Devil’s party: the discourse of demonisation in a fracturing world/Nathaniel Berman.- London Review of International Law. 2018; Vol.6, No.1: 127-159.
134559 Free trade, protectionism, neoliberalism: tensions and continuities/Marie-Benedicte Dembour, Neil Stammers.- London Review of International Law. 2018; Vol.6, No.2: 169-188.
134560 The academic debate about mega-regionals and international lawyers: legalism as critique?/Ntina Tzouvala.- London Review of International Law. 2018; Vol.6, No.2: 189-209.
134561 Sovereignty and tragedy in contemporary critiques of investor state dispute settlement/Paul Robert Gilbert.- London Review of International Law. 2018; Vol.6, No.2: 211-231.
134562 Contested international agreements, contested national politics: how the radical left and the radical right opposed TTIP in four European countries/Julia Rone.- London Review of International Law. 2018; Vol.6, No.2: 233-253.
134563 Writing the rules of the global economy: how America defines the contours of international investment law/David Schneiderman.- London Review of International Law. 2018; Vol.6, No.2: 255-278.
134564 Justice bubbles for the privileged: a critique of the investor-state dispute settlement proposals for the EU’s investment agreements/Anil Yilmaz Vastardis.- London Review of International Law. 2018; Vol.6, No.2: 279-297.
134565 Writing The Writing on the Wall/Aeyal Gross.- London Review of International Law. 2018; Vol.6, No.2: 303-308.
134566 The law and its politics: reading Aeyal Gross’s The Writing on the Wall/Hagar Kotef.- London Review of International Law. 2018; Vol.6, No.2: 309-314.
134567 International law’s indeterminacy and 1948 Palestine: two comments on Aeyal Gross’s The Writing on the Wall/Nimer Sultany.- London Review of International Law. 2018; Vol.6, No.2: 315-324.
134568 The preoccupations of occupation: Aeyal Gross and The Writing on the Wall/Matt Craven.- London Review of International Law. 2018; Vol.6, No.2: 325-331.
134569 The unbearable lightness of international law/Andrea Bianchi.- London Review of International Law. 2018; Vol.6, No.3: 335-359.
134570 Killing on camera: visual evidence, denial and accountability in armed conflict/Eitan Diamond.- London Review of International Law. 2018; Vol.6, No.3: 361-390.
134571 Listen closely: what silence can tell us about legal knowledge production/Elisabeth Schweiger.- London Review of International Law. 2018; Vol.6, No.3: 391-411.
134572 Beyond transnational criminal law: anti-corruption as global new governance/Radha Ivory.- London Review of International Law. 2018; Vol.6, No.3: 413-442.
134573 The Vitorian recovery and the (re)turn towards a sacrificial international law/Kojo Koram.- London Review of International Law. 2018; Vol.6, No.3: 443-470.
134574 A hearing at the Military Tribunal of Yaounde, Cameroon: lawyers and colonial legacies/Marina Brilman.- London Review of International Law. 2018; Vol.6, No.3: 473-487.
134575 Pathetic fallacies: personification and the unruly subjects of international law/Joseph R Slaughter.- London Review of International Law. 2019; Vol.7, No.1: 3-54.
134576 The invisibility of race at the ICC: lessons from the US criminal justice system/Randle C DeFalco, Frederic Megret.- London Review of International Law. 2019; Vol.7, No.1: 55-87.
134577 Critical histories of international law and the repression of disciplinary imagination/Jean d Aspremont.- London Review of International Law. 2019; Vol.7, No.1: 89-115.
134578 The modern and the traditional: Islam, Islamic law and European capitulations in late Qajar Iran/Pierre-Alexandre Cardinal.- London Review of International Law. 2019; Vol.7, No.1: 117-140.
134579 Sifting through the successful failures and failed successes of international law: introducing two essays on law and failure/Deval Desai, Christopher Gevers, Adil Hasan Khan.- London Review of International Law. 2019; Vol.7, No.2: 143-148.
134580 Freedom at sea/Vasuki Nesiah.- London Review of International Law. 2019; Vol.7, No.2: 149-179.
134581 The crime of apartheid: genealogy of a successful failure/Adam Sitze.- London Review of International Law. 2019; Vol.7, No.2: 181-214.
134582 A critical legal history of French banking and industrialisation: an alternative to the law and development framework/Jamee K Moudud.- London Review of International Law. 2019; Vol.7, No.2: 215-251.
134583 Crafting the lawful truth: Chile’s 1990 Truth Commission, international human rights and the museum of memory/Valeria Vazquez Guevara.- London Review of International Law. 2019; Vol.7, No.2: 253-280.
134584 Material pasts and futures: international law’s objects/Jessie Hohmann, Daniel Joyce.- London Review of International Law. 2019; Vol.7, No.2: 283-292.
134585 Three liberty trees/Susan Marks.- London Review of International Law. 2019; Vol.7, No.3: 295-319.
134586 The Polish Rider: CH Alexandrowicz and the reorientation of international law, Part I: Madras studies/Carl Landauer.- London Review of International Law. 2019; Vol.7, No.3: 321-352.
134587 For whom the bell tolls: London’s Iraq and Afghanistan Memorial 1990-2015/Kate Grady.- London Review of International Law. 2019; Vol.7, No.3: 353-376.
134588 Re-historicising dissolved identities: Deskaheh, the League of Nations, and international legal discourse on Indigenous peoples/Stephen Young.- London Review of International Law. 2019; Vol.7, No.3: 377-408.
134589 Acting beyond the state: towards a cosmopolitan awakening?/Richard Falk.- London Review of International Law. 2019; Vol.7, No.3: 413-416.
134590 A politics of accountability grounded in solidarity/Asli U Bali.- London Review of International Law. 2019; Vol.7, No.3: 417-421.
134591 Situating critique at the very heart of humanism/Vasuki Nesiah.- London Review of International Law. 2019; Vol.7, No.3: 423-428.
134592 The League of Nations, autonomy and collective security/Nigel D. White.- London Review of International Law. 2020; Vol.8, No.1: 89-120.
134593 To see the world in a grain of sand: law and capitalism revealed through the corporation/Dan Danielsen.- London Review of International Law. 2020; Vol.8, No.1: 169-175.
134594 The corporation and three Cokes/Susan Marks.- London Review of International Law. 2020; Vol.8, No.1: 177-181.
134595 The Corporation, Law and Capitalism: reflections on capitalist law and queer resistance/Emily Jones.- London Review of International Law. 2020; Vol.8, No.1: 183-189.
134596 On the methodological limits of the commodity form theory of law in The Corporation, Law and Capitalism/Maia Pal.- London Review of International Law. 2020; Vol.8, No.1: 191-199.
134597 Calling out Monsieur le Capital: remoralisation, subjectivity, agency, and change in The Corporation, Law and Capitalism/Honor Brabazon.- London Review of International Law. 2020; Vol.8, No.1: 201-209.
134598 Writing in the time of coronavirus/Grietje Baars.- London Review of International Law. 2020; Vol.8, No.1: 211-222.
134599 Introduction: Redistributive Human Rights?/Julia Dehm, Ben Golder, Jessica Whyte.- London Review of International Law. 2020; Vol.8, No.2: 225-232.
134600 Humanising not transformative? The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and economic inequality in OECD countries 2008-19/Kari Holmar Ragnarsson.- London Review of International Law. 2020; Vol.8, No.2: 261-286.
134601 Contested language in the making and unmaking of Western Sahara’s extractive economy/Randi L Irwin.- London Review of International Law. 2020; Vol.8, No.2: 317-348.
134602 Of sex and war: carceral feminism and its anti-carceral critique/Mattia Pinto.- London Review of International Law. 2020; Vol.8, No.2: 351-364.
134603 Painting international law as universal: imperialism and the co-opting of image and art/Kate Miles.- London Review of International Law. 2020; Vol.8, No.3: 367-398.
134604 Corporations, comity and the revenue rule: a jurisprudence of offshore/Clair Quentin.- London Review of International Law. 2020; Vol.8, No.3: 399-424.
134605 Normalising global commerce: containerisation, materiality, and transnational regulation (1956-68)/Daniel R Quiroga-Villamarin.- London Review of International Law. 2020; Vol.8, No.3: 457-477.
134606 Just Blowing Smoke? Politics, Doctrine, and the Federalist Revival after Gonzales v Raich/Ernest A. Young.- Supreme Court Review. 2005: 1-50.
134607 Aggravating Youth: Roper v Simmons and Age Discrimination/Elizabeth F. Emens.- Supreme Court Review. 2005: 51-102.
134608 Kelo’s Legacy: Eminent Domain and the Future of Property Rights/Julia D. Mahoney.- Supreme Court Review. 2005: 103-133.
134609 Endorsement Retires: From Religious Symbols to Anti-Sorting Principles/Adam M. Samaha.- Supreme Court Review. 2005: 135-193.
134610 Compelled Subsidization of Speech: Johanns v Livestock Marketing Association/Robert Post.- Supreme Court Review. 2005: 195-228.
134611 The Copyright Paradox/Tim Wu.- Supreme Court Review. 2005: 229-255.
134612 The Judicial Filibuster, the Median Senator, and the Countermajoritarian Difficulty/John O. McGinnis, Michael B. Rappaport.- Supreme Court Review. 2005: 257-305.
134613 Aspen and the Transformation of Harry Blackmun/Dennis J. Hutchinson.- Supreme Court Review. 2005: 307-331.
134614 Curious Concurrence: Justice Brandeis’s Vote in Whitney v California/Ronald K. L. Collins, David M. Skover.- Supreme Court Review. 2005: 333-397.
134615 Clear Statement Principles and National Security: Hamdan and Beyond/Cass R. Sunstein.- Supreme Court Review. 2006: 1-46.
134616 A Note on Rumsfeld v FAIR and the Legal Academy/Richard A. Posner.- Supreme Court Review. 2006: 47-57.
134617 The Federal Judicial Power and the International Legal Order/Curtis A. Bradley.- Supreme Court Review. 2006: 59-113.
134618 Harmonizing Work and Citizenship: A Due Process Solution to a First Amendment Problem/Cynthia Estlund.- Supreme Court Review. 2006: 115-172.
134619 Full of Surprises – and More to Come: Randall v Sorrell, the First Amendment, and Campaign Finance Regulation/Lillian R. BeVier.- Supreme Court Review. 2006: 173-200.
134620 Overlapping and Underlapping Jurisdiction in Administrative Law/Jacob E. Gersen.- Supreme Court Review. 2006: 201-247.
134621 Interstate Sovereign Immunity/Ann Woolhandler.- Supreme Court Review. 2006: 249-296.
134622 Apprendi’s Domain/Jonathan F. Mitchell.- Supreme Court Review. 2006: 297-351.
134623 State Sovereign Immunity and Congress’s Enforcement Powers/John Harrison.- Supreme Court Review. 2006: 353-400.
134624 Presidents, Senates, and Failed Supreme Court Nominations/Keith E. Whittington.- Supreme Court Review. 2006: 401-438.
134625 Significant Risks: Gonzales v Carhart and the Future of Abortion Law/David J. Garrow.- Supreme Court Review. 2007: 1-50.
134626 Massachusetts v EPA: From Politics to Expertise/Jody Freeman, Adrian Vermeule.- Supreme Court Review. 2007: 51-110.
134627 Massachusetts v EPA: Escaping the Common Law’s Growing Shadow/Robert V. Percival.- Supreme Court Review. 2007: 111-160.
134628 Twombly, Leegin, and the Reshaping of Antitrust/Randal C. Picker.- Supreme Court Review. 2007: 161-203.
134629 Abandoning the Guidance Function: Morse v Frederick/Frederick Schauer.- Supreme Court Review. 2007: 205-235.
134630 From Carbone to United Haulers: The Advocates’ Tales/Kenneth L. Karst.- Supreme Court Review. 2007: 237-281.
134631 From Seriatim to Consensus and Back Again: A Theory of Dissent/M. Todd Henderson.- Supreme Court Review. 2007: 283-344.
134632 The New Wheel in the Federal Machine: From Sovereignty to Jurisdiction in the Early Republic/Alison L. LaCroix.- Supreme Court Review. 2007: 345-394.
134633 Habeas Corpus, Suspension, and Guantanamo: The Boumediene Decision/Daniel J. Meltzer.- Supreme Court Review. 2008: 1-59.
134634 Heller and the Critique of Judgment/Mark Tushnet.- Supreme Court Review. 2008: 61-87.
134635 Fig Leaves and Tea Leaves in the Supreme Court’s Recent Election Law Decisions/Nathaniel Persily.- Supreme Court Review. 2008: 89-130.
134636 Self-Execution and Treaty Duality/Curtis A. Bradley.- Supreme Court Review. 2008: 131-182.
134637 Private Claims, Aggregate Rights/Samuel Issacharoff.- Supreme Court Review. 2008: 183-221.
134638 Delegation and Due Process: The Historical Connection/Ann Woolhandler.- Supreme Court Review. 2008: 223-267.
134639 Judging National Security Post-9/11: An Empirical Investigation/Cass R. Sunstein.- Supreme Court Review. 2008: 269-291.
134640 The Classical Athenian Ancestry of American Freedom of Speech/Keith Werhan.- Supreme Court Review. 2008: 293-347.
134641 Lincoln, Emancipation, and the Limits of Constitutional Change/Paul Finkelman.- Supreme Court Review. 2008: 349-387.
134642 Hearsay’s Last Hurrah/David Alan Sklansky.- Supreme Court Review. 2009: 1-82.
134643 Ricci v DeStefano: Affirmative Action and the Lessons of Adversity/George Rutherglen.- Supreme Court Review. 2009: 83-114.
134644 Reversing the Order of Battle in Constitutional Torts/John C. Jeffries.- Supreme Court Review. 2009: 115-137.
134645 Qualified Immunity and Constitutional Avoidance/Jack M. Beermann.- Supreme Court Review. 2009: 139-179.
134646 Constitutional Avoidance and Anti-Avoidance by the Roberts Court/Richard L. Hasen.- Supreme Court Review. 2009: 181-223.
134647 Against National Security Exceptionalism/Aziz Z. Huq.- Supreme Court Review. 2009: 225-273.
134648 Arizona v Gant: Does it Matter?/Barbara E. Armacost.- Supreme Court Review. 2009: 275-317.
134649 Updating Constitutional Rules/Rosalind Dixon.- Supreme Court Review. 2009: 319-346.
134650 What Was Warren Court Antitrust?/Tony A. Freyer.- Supreme Court Review. 2009: 347-395.
134651 Through Streets Broad and Narrow: Six Centrist Justices on the Paths to Inclusion/Kenneth L. Karst.- Supreme Court Review. 2010: 1-33.
134652 Harry Kalven and Kenneth Karst in The Supreme Court Review: Reflections after Fifty Years/Mark Tushnet.- Supreme Court Review. 2010: 35-57.
134653 The Gravitational Pull of Race on the Warren Court/Burt Neuborne.- Supreme Court Review. 2010: 59-102.
134654 Is the Supreme Court a Majoritarian Institution?/Richard H. Pildes.- Supreme Court Review. 2010: 103-158.
134655 The Gay and the Angry: The Supreme Court and the Battles Surrounding Same-Sex Marriage/Pamela S. Karlan.- Supreme Court Review. 2010: 159-212.
134656 International Law and the U.S. Common Law of Foreign Official Immunity/Curtis A. Bradley, Laurence R. Helfer.- Supreme Court Review. 2010: 213-273.
134657 Regulating Patents/Jonathan S. Masur.- Supreme Court Review. 2010: 275-326.
134658 Death Is Different’ No Longer: Graham v Florida and the Future of Eighth Amendment Challenges to Noncapital Sentences/Alison Siegler, Barry Sullivan.- Supreme Court Review. 2010: 327-380.
134659 Understanding Supreme Court Confirmations/Geoffrey R. Stone.- Supreme Court Review. 2010: 381-467.
134660 Hogs Get Slaughtered at the Supreme Court/Suzanna Sherry.- Supreme Court Review. 2011: 1-37.
134661 Arizona Free Enterprise v Bennett and the Problem of Campaign Finance/Stephen Ansolabehere.- Supreme Court Review. 2011: 39-79.
134662 Harm(s) and the First Amendment/Frederick Schauer.- Supreme Court Review. 2011: 81-111.
134663 The New Purposivism/John F. Manning.- Supreme Court Review. 2011: 113-182.
134664 Formalism without a Foundation: Stern v Marshall/Erwin Chemerinsky.- Supreme Court Review. 2011: 183-213.
134665 Not a Winn-Win: Misconstruing Standing and the Establishment Clause/William P. Marshall, Gene R. Nichol.- Supreme Court Review. 2011: 215-252.
134666 The Ordinary Diet of the Law: The Presumption Against Preemption in the Roberts Court/Ernest A. Young.- Supreme Court Review. 2011: 253-344.
134667 The Significance of the Frontier in American Constitutional Law/Justin Driver.- Supreme Court Review. 2011: 345-398.
134668 Commerce Clause Revisionism and the Affordable Care Act/David A. Strauss.- Supreme Court Review. 2012: 1-29.
134669 Enforcement Redundancy and the Future of Immigration Law/Adam B. Cox.- Supreme Court Review. 2012: 31-65.
134670 The Curious History of Fourth Amendment Searches/Orin S. Kerr.- Supreme Court Review. 2012: 67-97.
134671 Confronting Science: Expert Evidence and the Confrontation Clause/Jennifer Mnookin, David Kaye.- Supreme Court Review. 2012: 99-159.
134672 Lies and the Constitution/Helen Norton.- Supreme Court Review. 2012: 161-201.
134673 Bankruptcy Step Zero/Douglas G. Baird, Anthony J. Casey.- Supreme Court Review. 2012: 203-231.
134674 One Voice or Many? The Political Question Doctrine and Acoustic Dissonance in Foreign Affairs/Daniel Abebe.- Supreme Court Review. 2012: 233-254.
134675 To Regulate, Not To Prohibit: Limiting the Commerce Power/Barry Friedman, Genevieve Lakier.- Supreme Court Review. 2012: 255-320.
134676 Carolene Products and Constitutional Structure/Barry Cushman.- Supreme Court Review. 2012: 321-377.
134677 Juvenile Justice in Oregon: Balanced and Restorative Justice in Action/Christina L. McMahan2019; Vol.70, No.1: 59-72.
134678 The Evolution of Balanced and Restorative Justice/Sandra Pavelka,  Douglas Thomas2019; Vol.70, No.1: 37-58.
134679 The Balanced Approach [Revisited]/Melissa Sickmund2019; Vol.70, No.1: 7-36.
134680 Juvenile Justice in Pennsylvania: Mission-Driven; Performance- Based; Outcome-Focused/Susan Blackburn2019; Vol.70, No.1: 73-78.
134681 An Assessment of Judges Self-Reported Experiences of Secondary Traumatic Stress/Charles P. Edwards,  Monica K. Miller J.D2019; Vol.70, No.1: 7-29.
134682 Development and Pilot of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network Trauma-Informed Juvenile Court Self-Assessment/Isaiah B. Pickens,  Michael L. Howard,  Jane Halladay-Goldman,  Keith R. Cruise,  Kate R. Watson2019; Vol.70, No.2: 31-54.
134683 Judicial Educators Perspectives on Trauma Education for the Judiciary/Shawn C. Marsh2019; Vol.70, No.2: 55-66.
134684 Secondary Traumatic Stress in the Courtroom: Suggestions for Preventing Vicarious Trauma Resulting from Child Sexual Abuse Imagery/Shely Polak, Rebecca Bailey, Elizabeth Bailey2019; Vol.70, No.2: 69-75.
134685 Kids are Different: The United States Supreme Court Reforms Youth Sentencing Practices for Youth Prosecuted in the Criminal Justice System/Marsha Levick2019; Vol.70, No.3: 25-44.
134686 Meeting the Mandates of Gault: Automatic Appointment of Counsel in Juvenile Delinquency Proceedings/Mary Ann Scali2019; Vol.70, No.3: 7-23.
134687 The Juvenile Justice Reform Act of 2018: Updating the Federal Approach to Youth Involved, and At-Risk of Becoming Involved, in the Juvenile Justice System/Naomi Smoot2019; Vol.70, No.3: 45-60.
134688 Advocacy Perspectives on the Greenbook: Interviews with Domestic Violence Advocates from Three Federally Funded Greenbook Sites/Lucy Salcido Carter2019; Vol.70, No.4: 77-101.
134689 Research Foundations of Greenbook Interventions to Address the Co-Occurrence of Child Maltreatment and Adult Domestic Violence/Megan R. Holmes,  Anna E. Bender,  David S. Crampton,  Laura A. Voith,  Dana M. Prince2019; Vol.70, No.4: 11-36.
134690 The Greenbook and the Overrepresentation of African American, Hispanic, and Native American Families in the Child Welfare System/Karen Aileen Howze,  Anne K. McKeig2019; Vol.70, No.4: 103-118.
134691 Building on the Greenbook: A Perpetrator Pattern-Based Approach to Improve Child Welfare’s Response to Domestic Violence/David Mandel M.A., Claire Wright B.A.2019; Vol.70, No.4: 103-118.
134692 Evolving Federal Policies and Their Implications for Greenbook Interventions/Kiersten Stewart2019; Vol.70, No.4: 37-48.
134693 The Santa Clara County Greenbook Story: From Theory to Transformation/Judge Leonard Edwards,  Judge Katherine Lucero2019; Vol.70, No.4: 49-76.
134694 The Santa Clara County Greenbook Story: From Theory to Transformation/Judge Leonard Edwards,  Judge Katherine Lucero2019; Vol.70, No.4: 49-76.
134695 Youth Mental Health First-Aid: Juvenile Justice Staff Training to Assist Youth with Mental Health Concerns/Robert Anderson,  Jennifer Treger,  Alicia Lucksted.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2020; Vol.71, No.1: 19-30.
134696 Early Childhood Trauma Impact on Adolescent Brain Development, Decision Making Abilities, and Delinquent Behaviors: Policy Implications for Juveniles Tried in Adult Court Systems.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2020; Vol.71, No.1: 5-17.
134697 Sustained Outcomes? an Exploratory Study of Juvenile Drug Courts and Long-Term Recidivism/Linsey Belisle MS,  Kevin Thompson.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2020; Vol.71, No.1: 63-83.
134698 A model of Social Rehabilitation Treatment for Juveniles: Cognitive and Behavioral Perspective-Practical Aspects/Justyna Siemionow.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2020; Vol.71, No.1: 31-44.
134699 A Survey: Children’s Rights Post Termination of Parental Rights and Pre-Adoption/Theresa M. Pelfrey.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2020; Vol.71, No.1: 45-61.
134700 Exploring the Impacts of Racial Disparity Within the American Juvenile Justice System/Renne Rodriguez Dragomir, Eman Tadros.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2020; Vol.71, No.2: 61-73.
134701 Juvenile Competency to Stand Trial: A Systemic Look Under the Hood: Reasonable Accommodations/Frank R. Ezzo,  Madeline Herman,  Kristyn Oravec.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2020; Vol.71, No.2: 21-31.
134702 Talk to Me: An Analysis of Statutes Regulating Police Interviews of Child Victims/Michael Klein,  Caitlin Dorsch,  Craig Hemmens.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2020; Vol.71, No.2: 5-19.
134703 MMPI-2 and 16PF-5 Personality Traits of Parents Involved in Personality Assessment/Elisa Gambetti,  Micaela M. Zucchelli,  Raffaella Nori,  Fiorella Giusberti.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2020; Vol.71, No.2: 75-89.
134704 Parenting Styles and Children’s Delinquency Reconsidered: An Empirical Assessment/Bora Lee,  Jurg Gerber,  Joseph Cochran.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2020; Vol.71, No.2: 33-59.
134705 Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts: Policy And Practice Scan/Kyungseok Choo …[et al.].- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2020; Vol.71, No.3: 5-27.
134706 Juvenile and Family Court Judges Knowledge and Attitudes About Sex Trafficking of Minors: Associations with Gender, Race, and U.S. Region/Jennifer Cole,  Ginny Sprang,  Christine Leistner.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2020; Vol.71, No.3: 29-41.
134707 Adolescents and Sexual Violations Online/Nicolaj Sivan Holst,  Caroline Adolphsen.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2020; Vol.71, No.3: 43-55.
134708 The Courts, Intimate Partner Violence and Mental Illness: The Case of Dwight Lamon Jones/Neil Websdale.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2020; Vol.71, No.3: 57-85.
134709 An Examination of the Relationship Between Media Exposure and Fear of Victimization: Implications of the Superpredator Narrative on Juvenile Justice Policies/Terrence T. Allen MSSA,  Ahmed Whitt.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2020; Vol.71, No.4: 23-34.
134710 MI Implementation in Juvenile Justice: A Case Report/Merrian J. Brooks DO …[et al.].- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2020; Vol.71, No.4: 53-62.
134711 Feedback on Forensic Mental Health Assessments in a Juvenile Court Clinic Certification Program/Frank DiCataldo,  Rachel L. Serafinski,  Danielle C. Beam,  Thomas Grisso.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2020; Vol.71, No.4: 35-51.
134712 A Roadmap for CANS Validation/David R. Kraus.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2020; Vol.71, No.4: 63-69.
134713 School Shootings and Security Lock-downs: Myths, Positive School Climates, and Safer Campuses/Mallett, Christopher A..- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2020; Vol.71, No.4: 5-21.
134714 Examining Callous-unemotional Traits and Anxiety in a Sample of Incarcerated Adolescent Females/Avital Y. Deskalo,  Nathalie M. G. Fontaine.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2021; Vol.72, No.1: 73-3.
134715 The Impact of Child-Parent Psychotherapy on Child Dependency Court Outcomes/Katherine P. Hazen …[et al].- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2021; Vol.72, No.1: 21-46.
134716 The Human Side of COVID-19/Robert A. Simon,  Judge Dan H. Michael,  Judge Katherine L. Lucero,  Judge Guido A. DeAngelis.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2021; Vol.72, No.1: 5-18.
134717 Family-Centered Practice in Adult Treatment Courts: What Can We Learn from the Family Treatment Court Best Practice Standards?/Margaret H. Lloyd Sieger,  Jeri B. Cohen,  Xholina Nano.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2021; Vol.72, No.1: 95-118.
134718 Contextualizing the Impact of Legal Representation on Juvenile Delinquency Outcomes: A Review of Research and Policy/Stuti S. Kokkalera,  Annmarie Tallas,  Kelly Goggin.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2021; Vol.72, No.1: 47-71.
134719 Supporting and Expanding Statewide CASA Programs/Heidi Brocious,  Kathi R. Trawver,  Rebecca Griffin.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2021; Vol.72, No.2: 41-58.
134720 Reimagining Youth Justice: How the Dual Crises of COVID-19 and Racial Injustice Inform Judicial Policymaking and Reform/Alysha Gagnon,  Samahria Alpern.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2021; Vol.72, No.2: 5-22.
134721 Using Emancipation Checklists with Youths Aging Out of Foster Care: An Example from Prince George’s County/Corey Shdaimah,  Alicia Summers,  Eunsong Park.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2021; Vol.72, No.2: 59-79.
134722 Contributions of Three Criminological Theories to Explore Violent Delinquency of Urban Adolescents in Chicago’s Southside/Jun Sung Hong,  Jungtae Choi,  Luz E. Robinson,  Anthony A. Peguero,  Dorothy L. Espelage,  Dexter R. Voisin.- Juvenile and Family Court Journal. 2021; Vol.72, No.2: 23-40.
134723 Why Terra Nullius? Anthropology and Property Law in Early Australia/Stuart Banner.- Law and History Review. 2005; Vol.23, No.1: 95-131.
134724 Unmanageable Risks: MacPherson v. Buick and the Emergence of a Mass Consumer Market/Sally H. Clarke.- Law and History Review. 2005; Vol.23, No.1: 1-52.
134725 Summary Conviction and the Development of the Penal Law/Norma Landau.- Law and History Review. 2005; Vol.23, No.1: 173-189.
134726 Did the Presumption of Innocence Exist in Summary Proceedings?/Bruce P. Smith.- Law and History Review. 2005; Vol.23, No.1: 191-199.
134727 The Sympathetic State/Michele Landis Dauber.- Law and History Review. 2005; Vol.23, No.2: 387-422.
134728 Record-Keeping and Other Troublemaking: Thomas Lechford and Law Reform in Colonial Massachusetts/Angela Fernandez.- Law and History Review. 2005; Vol.23, No.2: 235-277.
134729 Disaster Relief, Do Anything Spending Powers, and the New Deal/Howard Gillman.- Law and History Review. 2005; Vol.23, No.2: 443-450.
134730 This Death Some Strong and Stout Hearted Man Doth Choose: The Practice of Peine Forte et Dure in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century England/Andrea McKenzie.- Law and History Review. 2005; Vol.23, No.2: 279-313.
134731 Restless Movements Characteristic of Childhood: The Legal Construction of Child Labor in Nineteenth-Century Massachusetts/James D. Schmidt.- Law and History Review. 2005; Vol.23, No.2: 315-350.
134732 Between Dependency and Liberty: The Conundrum of Children’s Rights in the Gilded Age/David S. Tanenhaus.- Law and History Review. 2005; Vol.23, No.2: 351-385.
134733 Codification and the Rule of Colonial Difference: Criminal Procedure in British India/Elizabeth Kolsky.- Law and History Review. 2005; Vol.23, No.3: 631-683.
134734 A History of the Present/Mithi Mukherjee.- Law and History Review. 2005; Vol.23, No.3: 697-702.
134735 Justice, War, and the Imperium: India and Britain in Edmund Burke’s Prosecutorial Speeches in the Impeachment Trial of Warren Hastings/Mithi Mukherjee.- Law and History Review. 2005; Vol.23, No.3: 589-630.
134736 The Historiography of Difference/Kunal M. Parker.- Law and History Review. 2005; Vol.23, No.3: 685-695.
134737 To Soften the Extreme Rigor of Their Bondage: James Stephen’s Attempt to Reform the Criminal Slave Laws of the West Indies, 1813-1833/Russell Smandych.- Law and History Review. 2005; Vol.23, No.3: 537-588.
134738 Boutilier and the U.S. Supreme Court’s Sexual Revolution Boutilier and the U.S. Supreme Court’s Sexual Revolution/Marc Stein.- Law and History Review. 2005; Vol.23, No.3: 491-536.
134739 Institutional Formalism and Realism in Constitutional and Public Law/Richard H. Pildes.- Supreme Court Review. 2013: 1-54.
134740 The South After Shelby County/Nicholas O. Stephanopoulos.- Supreme Court Review. 2013: 55-134.
134741 Sub-Regulating Elections/Jennifer Nou.- Supreme Court Review. 2013: 135-182.
134742 Windsor Products: Equal Protection from Animus/Dale Carpenter.- Supreme Court Review. 2013: 183-285.
134743 Exactions Creep/Lee Anne Fennell, Eduardo M. Penalver.- Supreme Court Review. 2013: 287-358.
134744 Maryland v King: Terry v Ohio Redux/Tracey Maclin.- Supreme Court Review. 2013: 359-403.
134745 Analogy in the Supreme Court: Lozman v City of Riviera Beach, Florida/Frederick Schauer.- Supreme Court Review. 2013: 405-432.
134746 Constitutional Personae/Cass R. Sunstein.- Supreme Court Review. 2013: 433-460.
134747 After Recess: Historical Practice, Textual Ambiguity, and Constitutional Adverse Possession/Curtis A. Bradley, Neil S. Siegel.- Supreme Court Review. 2014: 1-69.
134748 Bad Statutes Make Bad Law: Burwell v Hobby Lobby/William P. Marshall.- Supreme Court Review. 2014: 71-131.
134749 Organized Labor, the Supreme Court, and Harris v Quinn: Deja Vu All Over Again?/William B. Gould IV.- Supreme Court Review. 2014: 133-173.
134750 The Party’s Over: McCutcheon, Shadow Parties, and the Future of the Party System/Joseph Fishkin, Heather K. Gerken.- Supreme Court Review. 2014: 175-214.
134751 Nonsense on Sidewalks: Content Discrimination in McCullen v Coakley/Leslie Kendrick.- Supreme Court Review. 2014: 215-242.
134752 The Religious Geography of Town of Greece v Galloway/Paul Horwitz.- Supreme Court Review. 2014: 243-295.
134753 Civil Liberties Outside the Courts/Laura M. Weinrib.- Supreme Court Review. 2014: 297-362.
134754 Zivotofsky and the Separation of Powers/Saikrishna Bangalore Prakash.- Supreme Court Review. 2015: 1-39.
134755 The New Coke: On the Plural Aims of Administrative Law/Cass R. Sunstein, Adrian Vermeule.- Supreme Court Review. 2015: 41-88.
134756 Tiers of Standing/Owen Fiss.- Supreme Court Review. 2015: 89-114.
134757 The Triumph of Gay Marriage and the Failure of Constitutional Law/Louis Michael Seidman.- Supreme Court Review. 2015: 115-146.
134758 Close Enough for Government Work? Heien’s Less-Than-Reasonable Mistake of the Rule of Law/Richard H. McAdams.- Supreme Court Review. 2015: 147-204.
134759 Actual Expectations of Privacy, Fourth Amendment Doctrine, and the Mosaic Theory/Matthew B. Kugler, Lior Jacob Strahilevitz.- Supreme Court Review. 2015: 205-263.
134760 Not Just About License Plates: Walker v Sons of Confederate Veterans, Government Speech, and Doctrinal Overlap in the First Amendment/Frederick Schauer.- Supreme Court Review. 2015: 265-299.
134761 The Special Value of Public Employee Speech/Heidi Kitrosser.- Supreme Court Review. 2015: 301-344.
134762 Inside the Taft Court: Lessons from the Docket Books/Barry Cushman.- Supreme Court Review. 2015: 345-410.
134763 Fisher v University of Texas and the Conservative Case for Affirmative Action/David A. Strauss.- Supreme Court Review. 2016: 1-24.
134764 The Divisive Supreme Court/Emily Buss.- Supreme Court Review. 2016: 25-75.
134765 Substantial Uncertainty: Whole Woman’s Health v Hellerstedt and the Future of Abortion Law/Mary Ziegler.- Supreme Court Review. 2016: 77-116.
134766 The Structural Function of the Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel of Choice/John Rappaport.- Supreme Court Review. 2016: 117-156.
134767 Police Violence, Constitutional Complicity, and Another Vantage/Allegra M. McLeod.- Supreme Court Review. 2016: 157-195.
134768 Standing in the Shadow of Congress/William Baude.- Supreme Court Review. 2016: 197-231.
134769 Reed v Town of Gilbert, Arizona, and the Rise of the Anticlassificatory First Amendment/Genevieve Lakier.- Supreme Court Review. 2016: 233-299.
134770 Split Definitive: How Party Polarization Turned the Supreme Court into a Partisan Court/Neal Devins, Lawrence Baum.- Supreme Court Review. 2016: 301-365.
134771 Inside the Constitutional Revolution of 1937/Barry Cushman.- Supreme Court Review. 2016: 367-409.
134772 Heckle: To Disconcert with Questions, Challenges, or Gibes/Jeremy Waldron.- Supreme Court Review. 2017: 1-31.
134773 Public Perceptions of Government Speech/Daniel J. Hemel, Lisa Larrimore Ouellette.- Supreme Court Review. 2017: 33-92.
134774 Irreparability as Irreversibility/Cass R. Sunstein.- Supreme Court Review. 2017: 93-114.
134775 Murr v Wisconsin and the Future of Takings Law/Daniel A. Farber.- Supreme Court Review. 2017: 115-167.
134776 Biological Warfare: Constitutional Conflict over Inherent Differences between the Sexes/Cary Franklin.- Supreme Court Review. 2017: 169-207.
134777 Putting the Politics of Judicial Activism in Historical Perspective/Jane S. Schacter.- Supreme Court Review. 2017: 209-272.
134778 A Reader’s Guide to John Milton’s Areopagitica, the Foundational Essay of the First Amendment Tradition/Vincent Blasi.- Supreme Court Review. 2017: 273-312.
134779 Walker v City of Birmingham Revisited/Randall Kennedy.- Supreme Court Review. 2017: 313-336.
134780 Judicial Federalism under Marshall and Taney/Michael Collins, Ann Woolhandler.- Supreme Court Review. 2017: 337-384.
134781 Trump v Hawaii: This President and the National Security Constitution/Mark Tushnet.- Supreme Court Review. 2018: 1-19.
134782 Janus’s Two Faces/Kate Andrias.- Supreme Court Review. 2018: 21-58.
134783 Chevron without Chevron/Cass R. Sunstein.- Supreme Court Review. 2018: 59-79.
134784 Byrd v United States: Unauthorized Drivers of Rental Cars Have Fourth Amendment Rights? Not as Evident as It Seems/Tracey Maclin.- Supreme Court Review. 2018: 81-119.
134785 Stare Decisis – Rhetoric and Reality in the Supreme Court/Frederick Schauer.- Supreme Court Review. 2018: 121-143.
134786 Just Desserts?: Public Accommodations, Religious Accommodations, Racial Equality, and Gay Rights/Pamela S. Karlan.- Supreme Court Review. 2018: 145-177.
134787 Reconsidering Palmer v Thompson/Randall Kennedy.- Supreme Court Review. 2018: 179-212.
134788 The Elephant in the Room: Intentional Voter Suppression/Lisa Marshall Manheim, Elizabeth G. Porter.- Supreme Court Review. 2018: 213-255.
134789 Inverting Animus: Masterpiece Cakeshop and the New Minorities/Melissa Murray.- Supreme Court Review. 2018: 257-297.
134790 Clarifying Murphy’s Law: Did Something Go Wrong in Reconciling Commandeering and Conditional Preemption Doctrines?/Vikram David Amar.- Supreme Court Review. 2018: 299-346.
134791 Functional Equivalence and Residual Rights Post-Carpenter: Framing a Test Consistent with Precedent and Original Meaning/Laura K. Donohue.- Supreme Court Review. 2018: 347-410.
134792 Location Tracking and Digital Data: Can Carpenter Build a Stable Privacy Doctrine?/Evan Caminker.- Supreme Court Review. 2018: 411-481.
134793 The Roberts Court and Administrative Law/Gillian E. Metzger.- Supreme Court Review. 2019: 1-71.
134794 Mississippi Goddamn: Flowers v Mississippi’s Cheap Racial Justice/Paul Butler.- Supreme Court Review. 2019: 73-109.
134795 The Anti-Carolene Court/Nicholas O. Stephanopoulos.- Supreme Court Review. 2019: 111-182.
134796 Trademarks, Hate Speech, and Solving a Puzzle of Viewpoint Bias/Kent Greenfield.- Supreme Court Review. 2019: 183-229.
134797 The Inside-Out Constitution: Department of Commerce v New York/Jennifer M. Chacon.- Supreme Court Review. 2019: 231-269.
134798 Establishment Clause Appeasement/Micah Schwartzman, Nelson Tebbe.- Supreme Court Review. 2019: 271-311.
134799 Precedent and Discretion/William Baude.- Supreme Court Review. 2019: 313-334.
134800 The Supreme Court’s Challenge to Civil Society/Linda Greenhouse.- Supreme Court Review. 2019: 335-353.
134801 To Promote the General Welfare: Why Madison Matters/James T. Kloppenberg.- Supreme Court Review. 2019: 355-384.
134802 Why the Failure of the Prison Service and the Parole Board to Acknowledge Wrongful Imprisonment is Untenable/Michael Naughton.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.1: 1-11.
134803 Young People, Crime and School Exclusion: A Case of Some Surprises/Philip Hodgson, David Webb.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.1: 12-28.
134804 Prison Officers’ Concerns About Blood Borne Viral Infections/Brendan Dillon, Shane Allwright.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.1: 29-40.
134805 Bridging the Gap: Understanding Reassurance Policing/Andrew Millie, Victoria Herrington.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.1: 41-56.
134806 Learning from Near Misses: Interviews with Women who Survived an Incident of Severe Self-Harm in Prison/Jo Borrill … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.1: 57-69.
134807 Evaluating Evidence for the Effectiveness of the Reasoning and Rehabilitation Programme/John Wilkinson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.1: 70-85.
134808 Changing Practices: The Specialised Domestic Violence Court Process/Susan Eley.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.2: 113-124.
134809 Out of this World: The Advent of the Satellite Tracking of Offenders in England and Wales/Mike Nellis.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.2: 125-150.
134810 The Referral of Juvenile Offenders to the Adult Court in Belgium: Theory and Practice/Catherine Van Dijk, An Nuytiens, Christian Eliaerts.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.2: 151-166.
134811 Doing Time and Marking Time 25 Years Later: A Swiss Confirmation of a British Hypothesis/Andre Kuhn, Aline Willi-Jayet.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.2: 167-171.
134812 Places not Cases?: Re-thinking the Probation Focus/Todd R. Clear.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.2: 172-184.
134813 Crime Orientations, Social Relations and Involvement in Crime: Patterns Emerging from Offenders’ Accounts/Clare Fiona Byrne, Karen F. Trew.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.2: 185-205.
134814 Punishing Parents for the Crimes of their Children/Raymond Arthur.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.3: 233-253.
134815 Partnership in Working with Young Offenders with Substance Misuse Problems/John Minkes, Richard Hammersley, Peter Raynor.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.3: 254-268.
134816 The Prison Service Drug Strategy: The Extent to which Prisoners Need and Receive Treatment/Malcolm Ramsay, Tony Bullock, Stephen Niven.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.3: 269-285.
134817 The State of the Prisons: Exploring Public Knowledge and Opinion/Julian V. Roberts, Mike Hough.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.3: 286-306.
134818 What Works in Offender Management?/Gwen Robinson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.3: 307-318.
134819 Are Cognitive Problem-solving Skills Programmes Really Not Working? A Response to Evaluating Evidence for the Effectiveness of the Reasoning and Rehabilitation Programme/Robin J. Wilson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.3: 319-321.
134820 Hidden Injuries? Researching the Experiences of Older Men in English Prisons/Elaine Crawley, Richard Sparks.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.4: 345-356.
134821 An Evaluation of the CARAT Initiative/Karen Harman, Ian Paylor.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.4: 357-373.
134822 Meeting the Needs of Welsh Speaking Young People in Custody/Caroline Hughes, Iolo Madoc-Jones.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.4: 374-386.
134823 Computer Hacking: Just Another Case of Juvenile Delinquency?/Majid Yar.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.4: 387-399.
134824 Co-operation in Drug Treatment Services: Views of Offenders on Court Orders in Scotland/Susan Eley, Kathlene Beaton, Gill McIvor.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.4: 400-410.
134825 Man to Man Violence: How Masculinity May Work as a Dynamic Risk Factor/Antony Whitehead.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.4: 411-422.
134826 Who Needs Theories in Policing? An Introduction to a Special Issue on Policing/Douglas Sharp.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.5: 449-459.
134827 Concepts and Theory in Community Policing/Nigel G. Fielding.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.5: 460-472.
134828 Forcing the Issue: New Labour, New Localism and the Democratic Renewal of Police Accountability/Eugene McLaughlin.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.5: 473-489.
134829 The Disorderly Crowd: From Classical Psychological Reductionism to Socio-Contextual Theory – The Impact on Public Order Policing Strategies/David Waddington, Mike King.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.5: 490-503.
134830 UK Policing and its Television Portrayal: Law and Order Ideology or Modernising Agenda?/Sean O’Sullivan.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.5: 504-526.
134831 Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Police Experiences with the Legitimacy of Street Watch Partnerships/Kate Williams.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2005; Vol.44, No.5: 527-537.
134832 Some Personal Reflections on Probation Training/James Treadwell.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.1: 1-13.
134833 Sickle Cell Anaemia and Deaths in Custody in the UK and the USA/Simon M. Dyson, Gwyneth Boswell.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.1: 14-28.
134834 Sentencing Practice in Magistrates’ Courts Revisited/Roger Tarling.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.1: 29-41.
134835 Repenalisation and Rights: Explorations in Comparative Youth Criminology/John Muncie.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.1: 42-70.
134836 Counterblast: The Criminal Justice Act 2003 – The End of an Era?/Tony Fowles.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.1: 71-73.
134837 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: The Media in Prison Films/Jamie Bennett.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.2: 97-115.
134838 Key Aspects of Psychological Change in Residents of a Prison Therapeutic Community: A Focus Group Approach/Sarah Miller, Carly Sees, Jennifer Brown.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.2: 116-128.
134839 Restorative Final Warnings: Policy and Practice/Darrell Fox, Mandeep K. Dhami, Greg Mantle.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45: 129-140.
134840 Community Punishment or Community Rehabilitation: Which is the Highest in the Sentencing Tariff?/Karen Harrison.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.2: 141-158.
134841 A Comparison of Sexual and Violent Offenders in a German Youth Prison/Daniela Hosser, Christiane Bosold.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.2: 159-170.
134842 Anti-Racist Practice in NOMS: Reconciling Managerialist and Professional Realities/Hindpal Singh Bhui.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.2: 171-190.
134843 Plus Ca Change? Correcting Inuit Inmates in Nunavut, Canada/Tammy C. Landau.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.2: 191-207.
134844 Counterblast: The Inglorious Revolution of 2004: How Crime Pays in Victoria, Australia/Steven Tudor.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.2: 208-211.
134845 Football Banning Orders, Proportionality, and Public Order Policing/Clifford Stott, Geoff Pearson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.3: 241-254.
134846 Dining in: The Symbolic Power of Food in Prison/Rebecca Godderis.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.3: 255-267.
134847 The Youth Crime Reduction Video Project: An Evaluation of a Pilot Intervention Targeting Young People at Risk of Crime and School Exclusion/Laura Bowey, Alex Mcglaughlin.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.3: 268-283.
134848 Scientific Experimentation on Canadian Inmates, 1955 to 1975/Geraint B. Osborne.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.3: 284-306.
134849 Profiling High-Risk Offenders: A Review of 136 Cases/Joanne Wood.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.3: 307-320.
134850 Counterblast Probation: Dead, Dying or Poorly?/Greg Mantle.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.3: 321-324.
134851 Prison Drug Dealing and the Ethnographic Lens/Ben Crewe.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.4: 347-368.
134852 Losing the Plot? Researching Community Safety Partnership Work Against Domestic Violence/Lorraine Radford, Aisha Gill.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.4: 369-387.
134853 Diversifying Police Recruitment? The Deployment of Police Community Support Officers in London/Les Johnston.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.4: 388-402.
134854 Gender, Race and the Death Penalty: Lessons from Three 1950s Murder Trials/John Minkes, Maurice Vanstone.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.4: 403-420.
134855 Counterblast: Women and Criminal Justice: Saying it Again, Again and Again/Loraine Gelsthorpe.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.4: 421-424.
134856 Damage, Harm and Death in Child Prisons in England and Wales: Questions of Abuse and Accountability/Barry Goldson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.5: 449-467.
134857 Can Intergenerational Practice Offer a Way of Limiting Anti-Social Behaviour and Fear of Crime?/Tephen Moore, Elaine Statham.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.5: 468-484.
134858 Racism in Court: The Experience of Ethnic Minority Magistrates/Gwynn Davis, Julie Vennard.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.5: 485-501.
134859 Penal Policy Transfer: A Case Study from Ukraine/Rob Canton.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.5: 502-520.
134860 If Taken in Earnest: Criminal Law Doctrine and the Last Resort/Panu Minkkinen.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2006; Vol.45, No.5: 521-536.
134861 Circles of Support and Accountability: Engaging Community Volunteers in the Management of High-Risk Sexual Offenders/Robin J. Wilson … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.1: 1-15.
134862 The High-Risk Sex Offender Strategy in England and Wales: Is Chemical Castration an Option?/Karen Harrison.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.1: 16-31.
134863 The Reintegration of Sex Offenders: Barriers and Opportunities for Employment/Kevin Brown, Jon Spencer, Jo Deakin.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.1: 32-42.
134864 The Sexual Health and Behaviour of Male Prisoners: The Need for Research/Elaine C. Stewart.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.1: 43-59.
134865 Current Responses to Sexual Grooming: Implication for Prevention/Samantha Craven, Sarah Brown, Elizabeth Gilchrist.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.1: 60-71.
134866 Muslim Converts in Prison/Basia Spalek, Salah El-Hassan.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.2: 99-114.
134867 Reconsidering Respect: Its Role in Her Majesty’s Prison Service/Michelle Butler, Deborah H. Drake.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.2: 115-127.
134868 Institutional Racism, Pre-Emptive Criminalisation and Risk Analysis/Diana Wendy Fitzgibbon.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.2: 128-144.
134869 A Gendered Review of Change within the Probation Service/Jill Annison.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.2: 145-161.
134870 Job Searching with A History of Drugs and Crime/Susan Eley.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.2: 162-175.
134871 Fifty Years’ Hard Labour (A Personal Odyssey)/Herschel Prins.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.2: 176-193.
134872 Everyday Tragedies: Justice, Scandal and Young People in Contemporary Britain/Mark Drakeford, Ian Butler.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.3: 219-235.
134873 Probation and the Tragedy of Punishment/Rob Canton.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.3: 236-254.
134874 Prisoners’ Families and Resettlement: A Critical Analysis/Helen Codd.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.3: 255-263.
134875 Prisoners’ Rights since the Woolf Report: Progress or Procrastination?/Dennis Eady.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.3: 264-275.
134876 Men Researching Men in Prison: The Challenges for Profeminist Research/Malcolm Cowburn.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.3: 276-288.
134877 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Professionally-Facilitated Volunteerism in the Community-Based Management of High-Risk Sexual Offenders: Part One – Effects on Participants and Stakeholders/Robin J. Wilson, Janice E. Picheca, Michelle Prinzo.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.3: 289-302.
134878 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Professionally-Facilitated Volunteerism in the Community-Based Management of High-Risk Sexual Offenders: Part Two – A Comparison of Recidivism Rates/Robin J. Wilson, Janice E. Picheca, Michelle Prinzo.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.4: 327-337.
134879 Individual Differences in Public Opinion about Youth Crime and Justice in Swansea/Kevin Haines, Stephen Case.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.4: 338-355.
134880 Improving the Civil-Criminal Interface for Victims of Domestic Violence/Amanda L. Robinson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.4: 356-371.
134881 Deciding Upon Mode of Trial/Steven Cammiss.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.4: 372-384.
134882 Policing Anti-Social Behaviour: Constraints, Dilemmas and Opportunities/Sarah Hodgkinson, Nick Tilley.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.4: 385-400.
134883 Youth Justice, Social Exclusion and the Demise of Social Justice/Patricia Gray.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.4: 401-416.
134884 The Judiciary as a Primary Definer on Anti-Social Behaviour Orders/Jane Donoghue.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.4: 417-430.
134885 Criminologists Say…: An Analysis of UK National Press Coverage of Criminology and Criminologists and a Contribution to the Debate on Public Criminology/Nic Groombridge.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.5: 459-475.
134886 Constructing British Criminology/Keith Soothill, Moira Peelo.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.5: 476-492.
134887 Children Who Commit Sexual Offences: Some Legal Anomalies and Practical Approaches to the Law/Laura Janes.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.5: 493-499.
134888 Probation Education, Why the Hush? A Reply to Stout and Dominey’s December 2006 Counterblast/James Treadwell, Greg Mantle.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2007; Vol.46, No.5: 500-511.
134889 The Long Life of Liberal America: Law and State-Building in the U.S. and England/William E. Forbath.- Law and History Review. 2006; Vol.24, No.1: 179-192.
134890 Deaths Greatly Exaggerated/Risa L. Goluboff.- Law and History Review. 2006; Vol.24, No.1: 201-208.
134891 In Defense of Traditional Stories and Labels/James A. Henretta.- Law and History Review. 2006; Vol.24, No.1: 209-213.
134892 The Not-So-Strange Birth of the Modern American State: A Comment on James A. Henretta’s Charles Evans Hughes and the Strange Death of Liberal America/William J. Novak.- Law and History Review. 2006; Vol.24, No.1: 193-199.
134893 Worker Lawmaking, Sit-Down Strikes, and the Shaping of American Industrial Relations, 1935-1958/Jim Pope.- Law and History Review. 2006; Vol.24, No.1: 45-113.
134894 Living without Labels/Daniel T. Rodgers.- Law and History Review. 2006; Vol.24, No.1: 173-178.
134895 He Said, She Said: Gender, Reformism, and Family Conflict in Twentieth-Century Guatemala/Katherine E. Bliss.- Law and History Review. 2006; Vol.24, No.2: 423-432.
134896 Gloria’s Story and Guatemala’s Faith: Adulterous Concubinage, Law, and Religion/M. C. Mirow.- Law and History Review. 2006; Vol.24, No.2: 441-446.
134897 How Arbitrary Was Tsarist Administrative Justice? The Case of the Zemstvos Petitions to the Imperial Ruling Senate, 1866-1916/Natasha Assa.- Law and History Review. 2006; Vol.24, No.1: 1-43.
134898 The Hidden Story-Violence and the Law in Guatemala/Pablo Piccato.- Law and History Review. 2006; Vol.24, No.2: 433-439.
134899 Seduction, Sexual Violence, and Marriage in New York City, 1886-1955/Stephen Robertson.- Law and History Review. 2006; Vol.24, No.2: 331-373.
134900 Gloria’s Story: Adulterous Concubinage and the Law in Twentieth-Century Guatemala/John W. Wertheimer.- Law and History Review. 2006; Vol.24, No.2: 375-421.
134901 Female Sexual Potency in a Spanish Church Court, 1673-1735/Edward Behrend-Martinez.- Law and History Review. 2006; Vol.24, No.2: 297-330.
134902 Manor Court Procedures, Debt Litigation Levels, and Rural Credit Provision in England, c.1290-c.1380/Chris Briggs.- Law and History Review. 2006; Vol.24, No.3: 519-558.
134903 Somerset’s Case and Its Antecedents in Imperial Perspective/George Van Cleve.- Law and History Review. 2006; Vol.24, No.3: 601-646.
134904 Nothing But Liberty: Somerset’s Case and the British Empire/Daniel J. Hulsebosch.- Law and History Review. 2006; Vol.24, No.3: 647-658.
134905 The Law and Mob Law in Attacks on Antislavery Newspapers, 1833-1860/Richard B. Kielbowicz.- Law and History Review. 2006; Vol.24, No.3: 559-600.
134906 Imperial Politics and English Law: The Many Contexts of Somerset/Ruth Paley.- Law and History Review. 2006; Vol.24, No.3: 659-664.
134907 Context in History and Law: A Study of the Late Nineteenth-Century American Jurisprudence of Custom/Kunal M. Parker.- Law and History Review. 2006; Vol.24, No.3: 473-518.
134908 Sir John Fielding and Public Justice: The Bow Street Magistrates Court, 1754-1780/J. M. Beattie.- Law and History Review. 2007; Vol.25, No.1: 61-100.
134909 Gun Regulation, the Police Power, and the Right to Keep Arms in Early America: The Legal Context of the Second Amendment/Robert H. Churchill.- Law and History Review. 2007; Vol.25, No.1: 139-176.
134910 Early American Gun Regulation and the Second Amendment: A Closer Look at the Evidence/Saul Cornell.- Law and History Review. 2007; Vol.25, No.1: 197-204.
134911 Imposing the Royal Pardon: Execution, Transportation, and Convict Resistance in London, 1789/Simon Devereaux.- Law and History Review. 2007; Vol.25, No.1: 101-138.
134912 A Civil Inconvenience? The Vexed Question of Slave Marriage in the British West Indies/Cecilia A. Green.- Law and History Review. 2007; Vol.25, No.1: 1-60.
134913 Arms and the Man: What Did the Right to Keep Arms Mean in the Early Republic?/David Thomas Konig.- Law and History Review. 2007; Vol.25, No.1: 177-186.
134914 Mandatory Gun Ownership, the Militia Census of 1806, and Background Assumptions concerning the Early American Right to Arms: A Cautious Response to Robert Churchill/William G. Merkel.- Law and History Review. 2007; Vol.25, No.1: 187-196.
134915 In the Public Interest: Charitable Association, the State, and the Status of utilite publique in Nineteenth-Century France/Christine Adams.- Law and History Review. 2007; Vol.25, No.2: 283-321.
134916 Conflict, Letters, and Personal Relationships in the Carolingian Formula Collections/Warren Brown.- Law and History Review. 2007; Vol.25, No.2: 323-344.
134917 Langdell on Contracts and Legal Reasoning: Correcting the Holmesian Caricature/Bruce A. Kimball.- Law and History Review. 2007; Vol.25, No.2: 345-399.
134918 Managing the Gallows: The Bank of England and the Death Penalty, 1797-1821/Randall McGowen.- Law and History Review. 2007; Vol.25, No.2: 241-282.
134919 The Origin and Early History of the Writs of Entry/Joseph Biancalana.- Law and History Review. 2007; Vol.25, No.3: 513-556.
134920 Of Portuguese Origin: Litigating Identity and Citizenship among the Little Races in Nineteenth-Century America/Ariela Gross.- Law and History Review. 2007; Vol.25, No.3: 467-512.
134921 English Criminal Justice Administration, 1650-1850: A Historiographic Essay/Bruce P. Smith.- Law and History Review. 2007; Vol.25, No.3: 593-604.
134922 The Painful Question: The Fate of Judicial Torture in Early Modern Sweden/Heikki Pihlajam‎عki.- Law and History Review. 2007; Vol.25, No.3: 557-592.
134923 The Mind of a Moral Agent: Scottish Common Sense and the Problem of Responsibility in Nineteenth-Century American Law/Susanna L. Blumenthal.- Law and History Review. 2008; Vol.26, No.1: 99-159.
134924 Scottish Common Sense and Nineteenth-Century American Law: A Critical Appraisal/John Mikhail.- Law and History Review. 2008; Vol.26, No.1: 167-175.
134925 The Federal Posse Comitatus Doctrine: Slavery, Compulsion, and Statecraft in Mid-Nineteenth-Century America/Gautham Rao.- Law and History Review. 2008; Vol.26, No.1: 1-56.
134926 The Metaphysics of Mind and the Practical Science of the Law/Sarah A. Seo, John Fabian Witt.- Law and History Review. 2008; Vol.26, No.1: 161-166.
134927 Shareholder and Director Liability for Unpaid Workers’ Wages in Canada: From Condition of Granting Limited Liability to Exceptional Remedy/Eric Tucker.- Law and History Review. 2008; Vol.26, No.1: 57-97.
134928 Rule of Law in a Brave New Empire: Legal Rhetoric and Practice in Manchukuo/Thomas David Dubois.- Law and History Review. 2008; Vol.26, No.2: 285-318.
134929 Hotspots in a Cold War: The NAACP’s Postwar Workplace Constitutionalism, 1948-1964/Sophia Z. Lee.- Law and History Review. 2008; Vol.26, No.2: 327-378.
134930 The Career of Puritan Jurisprudence/Richard J. Ross.- Law and History Review. 2008; Vol.26, No.2: 227-258.
134931 The Administrative State, Front and Center: Studying Law and Administration in Postwar America/Reuel E. Schiller.- Law and History Review. 2008; Vol.26, No.2: 415-427.
134932 Flemming v. Nestor: Anticommunism, the Welfare State, and the Making of New Property/Karen M. Tani.- Law and History Review. 2008; Vol.26, No.2: 479-414.
134933 Legal or Just? Law, Ethics, and the Double Standard in the Nineteenth-Century Divorce Court/Josephine Hoegaerts.- Law and History Review. 2008; Vol.26, No.2: 259-284.
134934 Aliens, Ambassadors, and the Integrity of the Empire/Clifford Ando.- Law and History Review. 2008; Vol.26, No.3: 491-519.
134935 From International Law to Imperial Constitutions: The Problem of Quasi-Sovereignty, 1870-1900/Lauren Benton.- Law and History Review. 2008; Vol.26, No.3: 595-619.
134936 The Origins of the Concept of Belligerent Occupation/Eyal Benvenisti.- Law and History Review. 2008; Vol.26, No.3: 621-648.
134937 A New Deal for the Nuremberg Trial: The Limits of Law in Generating Human Rights Norms/Elizabeth Borgwardt.- Law and History Review. 2008; Vol.26, No.3: 679-705.
134938 Exceptionalism Again: The Bush Administration, the Global War on Terror and Human Rights/Rosemary Foot.- Law and History Review. 2008; Vol.26, No.3: 707-725.
134939 Sovereign Silences and the Voice of War in the American Conflict over Slavery/David F. Holland.- Law and History Review. 2008; Vol.26, No.3: 571-594.
134940 The Laws of War in Ancient Greece/Adriaan Lanni.- Law and History Review. 2008; Vol.26, No.3: 469-489.
134941 Early Islamic Legal-Historical Precedents: Prisoners of War/Lena Salaymeh.- Law and History Review. 2008; Vol.26, No.3: 521-544.
134942 Taking Legal Realism Offshore: The Contributions of Joseph Walter Bingham to American Jurisprudence and to the Reform of Modern Ocean Law/Harry N. Scheiber.- Law and History Review. 2008; Vol.26, No.3: 649-678.
134943 Rights, Resistance, and Revolution in the Western Tradition: Early Protestant Foundations/John Witte.- Law and History Review. 2008; Vol.26, No.3: 545-570.
134944 Making Mexico: Legal Nationality, Chinese Race, and the 1930 Population Census/Kif Augustine-Adams.- Law and History Review. 2009; Vol.27, No.1: 113-144.
134945 21st Century Fox: Pierson v. Post, Then and Now/Stuart Banner.- Law and History Review. 2009; Vol.27, No.1: 185-188.
134946 Introduction: A Famous Fox, a Surfacing Whale, and the Forgotten Slave/Alfred L. Brophy.- Law and History Review. 2009; Vol.27, No.1: 145-148.
134947 Law, Empire, and Historiography of Modern Sino-Western Relations: A Case Study of the Lady Hughes Controversy in 1784/Li Chen.- Law and History Review. 2009; Vol.27, No.1: 1-54.
134948 Papyrology and 3 Caines 175/Charles Donahue.- Law and History Review. 2009; Vol.27, No.1: 179-184.
134949 The Lost Record of Pierson v. Post, the Famous Fox Case/Angela Fernandez.- Law and History Review. 2009; Vol.27, No.1: 149-178.
134950 Liberal Jurisprudence, Labor Tribunals, and Mexico’s Supreme Court, 1917-1924/T. M. James.- Law and History Review. 2009; Vol.27, No.1: 87-112.
134951 Facts, Information, and the Newly Discovered Record in Pierson v. Post/James E. Krier.- Law and History Review. 2009; Vol.27, No.1: 189-194.
134952 Is Modern Liberty Ancient? Roman Remedies and Natural Rights in Hugo Grotius’s Early Works on Natural Law/Benjamin Straumann.- Law and History Review. 2009; Vol.27, No.1: 55-86.
134953 The Politics of Administrative Law: New York’s Anti-Bureaucracy Clause and the O’Brian-Wagner Campaign of 1938/Daniel R. Ernst.- Law and History Review. 2009; Vol.27, No.2: 331-372.
134954 Control over Marriage in England and Wales, 1753-1823: The Clandestine Marriages Act of 1753 in Context/Rebecca Probert.- Law and History Review. 2009; Vol.27, No.2: 413-450.
134955 Rashes, Rights, and Wrongs in the Hospital and in the Courtroom: German Measles, Abortion, and Malpractice before Roe and Doe/Leslie J. Reagan.- Law and History Review. 2009; Vol.27, No.1: 241-280.
134956 Judicial Free Speech versus Judicial Neutrality in Mid-Twentieth Century England: The Last Hurrah for the Ancien Regime?/Gerry R. Rubin.- Law and History Review. 2009; Vol.27, No.2: 373-412.
134957 The Framing of a Right to Choose: Roe v. Wade and the Changing Debate on Abortion Law/Mary Ziegler.- Law and History Review. 2009; Vol.27, No.2: 281-330.
134958 The One-Drop Rule in Reverse? Interracial Marriages in Napoleonic and Restoration France/Jennifer Heuer.- Law and History Review. 2009; Vol.27, No.3: 515-548.
134959 The Contested Will of Goodman Penn: Anglo New England Politics, Culture, and Legalities, 1688-1716/John M. Lund.- Law and History Review. 2009; Vol.27, No.3: 549-584.
134960 Bringing the Law Back into the History of the Civil Rights Movement/Kenneth W. Mack.- Law and History Review. 2009; Vol.27, No.3: 657-669.
134961 Response to Ken Mack-and New Questions for the History of African American Legal Liberalism in the Age of Obama/Nancy Maclean.- Law and History Review. 2009; Vol.27, No.3: 671-679.
134962 Jean Pfaelzer, Driven Out: The Forgotten War Against Chinese Americans, New York: Random House, 2007. Pp. xxvii + 400. $27.95 (ISBN 978-1-4000-6134-1)./Charles McClain.- Law and History Review. 2009; Vol.27, No.3: 697-699.
134963 Sanctuary and the Legal Topography of Pre-Reformation London/Shannon McSheffrey.- Law and History Review. 2009; Vol.27, No.3: 483-514.
134964 Glimmers of Life: A Conversation with Hendrik Hartog/Barbara Young Welke, Hendrik Hartog.- Law and History Review. 2009; Vol.27, No.3: 629-655.
134965 Tocqueville versus Weber/Michael A. Bernstein.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.1: 235-240.
134966 Raising Revenue and Raising Hell/Christopher Capozzola.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.1: 141-171.
134967 Police Violence and the Limits of Law on a Late Colonial Frontier: The Borroloola Case in 1930s Australia/Mark Finnane, Fiona Paisley.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.1: 173-225.
134968 Felons Effects and the Effects of Felony in Nineteenth-Century England/K. J. Kesselring.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.1: 111-139.
134969 Lawyers, Guns, and Public Moneys: The U.S. Treasury, World War I, and the Administration of the Modern Fiscal State/Ajay K. Mehrotra.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.1: 173-225.
134970 The American Civil War as a Trial by Battle/Cynthia Nicoletti.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.1: 71-110.
134971 He Creditted More the Printed Booke: Common Lawyers’ Receptivity to Print, c.1550-1640/Ian Williams.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.1: 39-70.
134972 James Madison, Law Student and Demi-Lawyer/Mary Sarah Bilder.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.2: 389-449.
134973 James Madison and Common-Law Constitutionalism/David Thomas Konig.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.2: 507-514.
134974 The Authority for Federalism: Madison’s Negative and the Origins of Federal Ideology/Alison L. LaCroix.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.2: 451-505.
134975 The Madison Problem Revisited/Peter S. Onuf.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.2: 515-522.
134976 The Error of Young Cyrus: The Bill of Conformity and Jacobean Kingship, 1603-1624/David A. Smith.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.2: 307-341.
134977 Taking a Nickel Out of the Cash Register: Statutory Renegotiation of Military Contracts and the Politics of Profit Control in the United States during World War/Mark R. Wilson.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.2: 343-383.
134978 The Universal Childcare Debate: Rights Mobilization, Social Policy, and the Dynamics of Feminist Activism, 1966-1974/Deborah Dinner.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.3: 577-628.
134979 What Is in a Name?: Our French Law/Sarah Hanley.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.3: 827-836.
134980 Power, Not Progress: An Alternative Reading of L’Hopital’s Legal Reforms/Amalia D. Kessler.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.3: 837-842.
134981 Civil Law and Civil War: Michel de L’Hopital and the Ideals of Legal Unification in Sixteenth-Century France/Marie Seong-Hak Kim.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.3: 791-826.
134982 Lhopital’s Laws/Marie Seong-Hak Kim.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.3: 843-848.
134983 Lord Nottingham’s Certain Measures/Dennis R. Klinck.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.3: 711-748.
134984 Village Voice or Village Oligarchy?: The Jurors of the Durham Halmote Court, 1349 to 1424/Peter L. Larson.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.3: 675-709.
134985 Fractional Freedoms: Slavery, Legal Activism, and Ecclesiastical Courts in Colonial Lima, 1593-1689/Michelle McKinley.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.3: 749-790.
134986 We Can’t Hide and They Are Wrong: The Society for Homosexual Freedom and the Struggle for Recognition at Sacramento State College, 1969-1971/David A. Reichard.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.3: 629-674.
134987 The Birth of Legal Aid: Gender Ideologies, Women, and the Bar in New York City, 1863-1910/Felice Batlan.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.4: 931-971.
134988 The Two Husbands of Vera Tiscenko: Apostasy, Conversion, and Divorce in Late Colonial India/Rohit De.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.4: 1011-1041.
134989 Escaping the Grip of Personal Law in Colonial India: Proving Custom, Negotiating Hindu-ness/Chandra Mallampalli.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.4: 1043-1065.
134990 Colonial Law and Its Uncertainties/Sally Engle Merry.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.4: 1067-1071.
134991 The Marital Patchwork of Colonial South Asia: Forum Shopping from Britain to Baroda/Mitra Sharafi.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.4: 979-1009.
134992 The Unwritten Law of Executive Justice: Pardoning Patricide in Reconstruction-era New York/Carolyn Strange.- Law and History Review. 2010; Vol.28, No.4: 891-930.
134993 Judges, Juries, and the History of Criminal Appeals/Benjamin L. Berger.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.1: 297-302.
134994 Contumacy, Defense Strategy, and Criminal Law in Late Medieval Italy/Joanna Carraway.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.1: 99-132.
134995 A Legal Tourist Visits Eighteenth-Century Britain: Henry Marchant’s Observations on British Courts, 1771 to 1772/Sally Hadden, Patricia Hagler Minter.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.1: 133-179.
134996 The Court for Crown Cases Reserved, 1848-1908/Phil Handler.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.1: 259-288.
134997 Sovereignty and the Laws of War: International Consequences of Japan’s 1905 Victory over Russia/Douglas Howland.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.1: 53-97.
134998 The Alchemy of Occupation: Karl Loewenstein and the Legal Reconstruction of Nazi Germany, 1945-1946/R. W. Kostal.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.1: 1-52.
134999 The Bench, the Bar, and Crown Cases Reserved/Allyson N. May.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.1: 289-296.
135000 Forgery and the Twelve Judges in Eighteenth-Century England/Randall McGowen.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.1: 221-257.
135001 Informal Lawmaking in England by the Twelve Judges in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries/James Oldham.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.1: 181-220.
135002 Immigration and Techniques of Governance in Mexico and the United States: Recalibrating National Narratives through Comparative Immigration Histories/Theresa Alfaro-Velcamp, Robert H. Mclaughlin.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.2: 573-606.
135003 Marriage and Mestizaje, Chinese and Mexican: Constitutional Interpretation and Resistance in Sonora, 1921-1935/Kif Augustine-Adams.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.2: 419-463.
135004 When the Complexity of Lived Experience Finds Itself Before a Court of Law/Peter C. Caldwell.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.2: 567-572.
135005 Rethinking the Nation in National Legal History: A Canadian Perspective/Philip Girard, Jim Phillips.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.2: 607-626.
135006 Race, Law, and Comparative History/Ariela J. Gross.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.2: 549-565.
135007 Jus Soli and Jus Sanguinis in the Colonies: The Interwar Politics of Race, Culture, and Multiracial Legal Status in British Africa/Christopher J. Lee.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.2: 497-522.
135008 The First Liability Insurance Cartel in America, 1896-1906/Sachin S. Pandya.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.2: 375-418.
135009 Claiming the New World: Empire, Law, and Indigenous Rights in the Mohegan Case, 1704-1743/Craig Bryan Yirush.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.2: 333-373.
135010 All for Keeping His Own Negro Wench: Birch v. Benton (1858) and the Politics of Slander and Free Speech in Antebellum Missouri/Mark M. Carroll.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.3: 835-897.
135011 A Triumph of Freedom After All? Prigg v. Pennsylvania Re-examined/Leslie Friedman Goldstein.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.3: 763-796.
135012 The Terror of their Lives: Irish Jurors Experiences/N‎کamh Howlin.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.3: 703-761.
135013 The Antislavery Judge Reconsidered/Jeffrey M. Schmitt.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.3: 797-834.
135014 Imperial Impotence: Treason in 1774 Massachusetts/Neil L. York.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.3: 657-701.
135015 Judges, Masters, Diviners: Slaves Experience of Criminal Justice in Colonial Suriname/Natalie Zemon Davis.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.4: 925-984.
135016 Prosecuting Torture: The Strategic Ethics of Slavery in Pre-Revolutionary Saint-Domingue (Haiti)/Malick W. Ghachem.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.4: 985-1029.
135017 Resetting the Legal History of Slavery: Divination, Torture, Poisoning, Murder, Revolution, Emancipation, and Re-enslavement/Walter Johnson.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.4: 1089-1095.
135018 Time, Space, and Jurisdiction in Atlantic World Slavery: The Volunbrun Household in Gradual Emancipation New York/Martha S. Jones.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.4: 1031-1060.
135019 Paper Thin: Freedom and Re-enslavement in the Diaspora of the Haitian Revolution/Rebecca J. Scott.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.4: 1061-1087.
135020 Slavery and the Law in Atlantic Perspective: Jurisdiction, Jurisprudence, and Justice/Rebecca J. Scott.- Law and History Review. 2011; Vol.29, No.4: 915-924.
135021 (In)Visible Barriers: The Experience of Asian Employees in the Probation Service/Gurmit Heer, Susie Atherton.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.1: 1-17.
135022 A not so Well-Lit Path: Employers’ Perspectives on Employing Ex-offenders/Ilona Haslewood-Pocsik, Steven Brown, Jon Spencer.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.1: 18-30.
135023 Forensic Science, Wrongful Convictions, and American Prosecutor Discretion/Dennis J. Stevens.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.1: 31-51.
135024 Racist and Political Extremist Graffiti in Australian Prisons, 1970s to 1990s/Jacqueline Z. Wilson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.1: 52-66.
135025 An Australian Profile on Cocaine Supply/James Shearer … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.1: 67-80.
135026 In My Own World: A Case Study of a Paedophile’s Thinking and Doing and His Use of the Internet/David Wilson, Timothy Jones.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.2: 107-120.
135027 Stagnation and Change in Irish Penal Policy/Ian O’donnell.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.2: 121-133.
135028 Prisoners as Citizens in a Democracy/Deborah Cheney.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.2: 134-145.
135029 The Community Dimension of Community Penalties/Anthony Bottoms.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.2: 146-169.
135030 Partnership or Palming Off? Involvement in Partnership Initiatives on Domestic Violence/Kirsty Welsh.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.2: 170-188.
135031 The Sex Offender Register: A Case Study in Function Creep/Terry Thomas.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.3: 227-237.
135032 Pathways Through Crime: The Development of Crime and Desistance in the Accounts of Men and Women Offenders/Clare Fiona Byrne, Karen J. Trew.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.3: 238-258.
135033 What People Think About the Management of Sex Offenders in the Community/Steven Brown, Jo Deakin, Jon Spencer.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.3: 259-274.
135034 Probation and Parole: Overworked, Misunderstood, and Under-Appreciated: But Why?/Mario Paparozzi, Matthew Demichele.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.3: 275-296.
135035 Reclaiming the Criminal: The Role and Training of Prison Officers in England, 1877 to 1914/Helen Johnston.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.3: 297-312.
135036 Fatal Accident Inquiries into 97 Deaths Over Five Years in Scottish Prison Custody: Long Elapsed Times and Recommendations/Sheila M. Bird.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.4: 343-370.
135037 Community Wardens in Scotland: Practitioners’ Views/Daniel Donnelly.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.4: 371-382.
135038 Time Out for Women: Innovation in Scotland in a Context of Change/Margaret Malloch, Gill Mcivor, Nancy Loucks.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.4: 383-399.
135039 Deserting Desert? Locating the Present Role of Retributivism in the Sentencing of Adult Offenders/Gavin Dingwall.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.4: 400-410.
135040 Multi-Agency Work on Sexual Violence: Challenges and Prospects Identified From the Implemenation of a Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)/Amanda Robinson, Kirsty Hudson, Fiona Brookman.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.4: 411-428.
135041 They Hug Hoodies, Don’t They? Responsibility, Irresponsibility and Responsibilisation in Conservative Crime Policy/Jamie Bennett.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.5: 451-469.
135042 Do We Need a Naughty Step? Rethinking the Parenting Order After Ten Years/Elizabeth Burney, Loraine Gelsthorpe.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.5: 470-485.
135043 The Earned Privilege of Family Contact in Northern Ireland: Judicial Justification of Prisoners’ Loss of Family Life/Alice Diver.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.5: 486-500.
135044 OCJS Predicted Recidivism Amongst Admitted Violence Perpetrators: A Comparison of Adults and Youth/Paula Kautt.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.5: 501-511.
135045 The Inside Story: Practitioner Perspectives on Teaching in Prison/Tracy Irwin.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2008; Vol.47, No.5: 512-528.
135046 Vicarious Traumatisation as a Consequence of Jury Service/Noelle Robertson, Graham Davies, Alice Nettleingham.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.1: 1-12.
135047 How Well do Sentencing Guidelines Work?: Equity, Proportionality and Consistency in the Determination of Fine Levels in the Magistrates’ Courts of England and Wales/John W. Raine, Eileen Dunstan.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.1: 13-36.
135048 Crime, Media and Moral Panic in an Expanding European Union/Rob C. Mawby, William Gisby.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.1: 37-51.
135049 Fear and Loathing, Terror and Threat: Are they Tough Enough to Bring Back the Noose?/Mark Pettigrew.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.1: 52-59.
135050 An Evaluation of Youth at Risk’s Coaching for Communities Programme/Vashti Berry … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.1: 60-75.
135051 GPS-Electronic Monitoring and Contemporary Penology: A Case Study of US GPS-Electronic Monitoring Programmes/Ryan Cotter, Willem De Lint.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.1: 76-87.
135052 Preparing for Employment: Prisoners’ Experience of Participating in a Prison Training Programme/Gillian Hunter, Isabella Boyce.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.2: 117-131.
135053 Cavemen in an Era of Speed-of-Light Technology: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Communication within Prisons/Yvonne Jewkes, Helen Johnston.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.2: 132-143.
135054 Do You Get What You Pay for? Assessing the Use of Prison from an Economic Perspective/Kevin Marsh, Chris Fox, Carol Hedderman.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.2: 144-157.
135055 Effective Practice in Mental Health Diversion and Liaison/Francis Pakes, Jane Winstone.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.2: 158-171.
135056 Imitation Gun Law: an Assessment/Henrietta Wheal, Nick Tilley.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.2: 172-183.
135057 Unlocking the Gates: an Examination of MSNBC Investigates – Lockup/Dawn K. Cecil, Jennifer L. Leitner.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.2: 184-199.
135058 Rioting as a Political Tool: the 2005 Riots in France/Fabien Jobard.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.3: 235-244.
135059 Identifying Common Causes of UK and French Riots Occurring Since the 1980s/David Waddington, Mike King.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.3: 245-256.
135060 The Sex Offender Register: Some Observations on the Time Periods for Registration/Terry Thomas.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.3: 257-266.
135061 Victims of Crime in Policy Making: Local Governance, Local Responsibility?/Matthew Hall.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.3: 267-279.
135062 Testing a Civilisation: Charles Dickens on the American Penitentiary system/David Wilson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.3: 280-296.
135063 Speaking up for Probation/Judy Mcknight.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.4: 327-343.
135064 (En)Gendering Responsibilities: Experiences of Parenting a Young Offender/Amanda Holt.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.4: 344-356.
135065 Does the NOMS Risk Assessment Bubble Need to Burst for Prisoners Who May be Innocent to Make Progress?/Michael Naughton.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.4: 357-372.
135066 When do Ex-Offenders Become Like Non-Offenders?/Keith Soothill, Brian Francis.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.4: 373-387.
135067 Detention, Punishment and Children’s Rights: An Australian Snapshot/Michael Grewcock.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.4: 388-400.
135068 A Crisis of Identity: Nacro’s Bid to Run a Prison and What it Means for the Voluntary Sector/Andrew Neilson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.4: 401-410.
135069 Changing Perceptions of Non-Consensual Sex Crime: The Mediation of a Local Newspaper/Keith Soothill.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.5: 446-460.
135070 Public Confidence in Criminal Justice: The Lessons from Miscarriages of Justice/Richard Nobles, David Schiff.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.5: 461-471.
135071 The Importance of Telling a Good Story: An Experiment in Public Criminology/Martina Feilzer.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.5: 472-484.
135072 Improving Public Confidence in the Criminal Justice System: An Evaluation of a Communication Activity/Lawrence Singer, Suzanne Cooper.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.5: 485-500.
135073 Information and Communication Technologies and Policing: The Dynamics of Changing Police-Public Communication in the East End of London/Bridgette Wessels.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2009; Vol.48, No.5: 501-513.
135074 I’m Making a TV Programme Here!: Reality TV’S Banged Up and Public Criminology/David Wilson, Nic Groombridge.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.1: 1-17.
135075 A Retrograde Step: The Potential Impact of High Visibility Uniforms Within Youth Justice Reparation/Nicholas Pamment, Tom Ellis.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.1: 18-30.
135076 Plugging the Prisoner Finance Gap: A Critical Analysis of Financial Support for Newly-Released Prisoners/Yvette Hartfree, Chris Dearden, Elspeth Pound.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.1: 31-41.
135077 More Harm than Good? The Language of Public Protection/Kerry Baker.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.1: 42-53.
135078 Achieving and Managing Equality in the Criminal Justice Process: Do the New Equality Measures Go Far Enough?/Jenny K. Johnstone, Vivian Leacock.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.1: 54-72.
135079 The Courage to Create: The Role of Artistic and Spiritual Activities in Prisons/Rose Parkes, Charlotte Bilby.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.2: 97-110.
135080 Does Overcrowding in Prisons Exacerbate the Risk of Suicide among Women Prisoners?/Lauren Sharkey.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.2: 111-124.
135081 A Preliminary Examination of the Relationship between Organisational Structure and Emotional Burnout among Correctional Staff/Eric G. Lambert, Nancy L. Hogan, Shanhe Jiang.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.2: 125-146.
135082 Gun Violence in Toronto: Perspectives from the Police/Ifeanyi Ezeonu.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.2: 147-165.
135083 Police Disclosures: A Critical Analysis of Some Recent Police Autobiographies/Nick Howe, David Wilson, Diane Kemp.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.3: 203-214.
135084 Police, Probation and the Bifurcation of Community/Wendy Fitzgibbon, John Lea.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.3: 215-230.
135085 Remanded in Custody: An Analysis of Recent Trends in England and Wales/Elaine Player … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.3: 231-251.
135086 The Nuts and Bolts of Risk Assessment: When the Clinical and Actuarial Conflict/Maria Ansbro.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.3: 252-268.
135087 The Challenge in Conducting Qualitative Research With Convicted Sex Offenders/Nicholas Blagden, Sarah Pemberton.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.3: 269-281.
135088 Rethinking the Assessment of Female Offenders/Laura Caulfield.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.4: 315-327.
135089 Enforcing Financial Penalties: The Case of Confiscation Orders/Karen Bullock.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.4: 328-339.
135090 Making Offenders Visible/Terry Thomas, David Thompson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.4: 340-348.
135091 Lay Magistrates’ Interpretations of Substantial Grounds for Denying Bail/Mandeep K. Dhami.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.4: 349-360.
135092 Prison Guards’ Attitudes Towards the Prevention of Sexual Contacts Between Inmates/Claudia Coelho, Rui Abrunhosa Goncalves.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.4: 361-374.
135093 Rehabilitation as Presented in British Film: Shining a Light on Desistance from Crime?/David Saunders, Maurice Vanstone.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.4: 375-393.
135094 Therapy in Prison: Revisiting Grendon 20 Years On/Elaine Genders, Elaine Player.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.5: 431-450.
135095 Risking Therapy/Lorna A. Rhodes.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.5: 451-462.
135096 Forensic Therapeutic Communities: A Critique of Treatment Model and Evidence Base/Richard Shuker.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.5: 463-477.
135097 The Impact of Grendon on Changing Lives: Prisoner Perspectives/Michael Brookes.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.5: 478-490.
135098 Improving Prisoner-Staff Relationships: Exporting Grendon’s Good Practice/Peter Bennett, Richard Shuker.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.5: 491-502.
135099 Grendon’s Contribution to Therapeutic Communities and Personality Disorder/Rex Haigh.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2010; Vol.49, No.5: 503-512.
135100 Understanding Violence in the Society of Captives: Sykes Meets Bourdieu in Prison/Anke Neuber.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.1: 1-16.
135101 The Social Organisation of Penal Tattooing in Two Canadian Federal Male Prisons: Locating Sites of Risk for Empirically-Based Health Care Interventions/Kevin Denys Bonnycastle.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.1: 17-33.
135102 Not in my Backyard? Crime in the Neighbourhood/Trevor Bradley, Michael Rowe, Charles Sedgwick.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.1: 34-51.
135103 Tortious Liability for Released Detainees/Raymond Youngs.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.1: 52-61.
135104 Screening and Brief Intervention of Detainees for Alcohol Use: A Social Crime Prevention Approach to Combating Alcohol-Related Crime?/Adrian Barton.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.1: 62-74.
135105 Going Home for Christmas: Prisoners, A Taste of Freedom and the Press/Ian O’donnell, Yvonne Jewkes.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.1: 75-91.
135106 Justice Reinvestment: Can it Deliver More for Less?/Chris Fox, Kevin Albertson, Frank Warburton.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.2: 119-136.
135107 Children Convicted of Sexual Offences: Do Lifelong Labels Really Help?/Laura Janes.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.2: 137-152.
135108 Explaining Youth Custody in Scotland: The New Crisis of Containment and Convergence/Monica Barry.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.2: 153-170.
135109 Punishing Poverty: The Scaled Approach and Youth Justice Practice/Tim Bateman.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.2: 171-183.
135110 Foreign National Prisoners in the UK: Explanations and Implications/James Banks.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.2: 184-198.
135111 Living in the Aftermath: the Impact of Lengthy Incarceration on Post-Carceral Success/Melissa Munn.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.3: 233-246.
135112 Public Attitudes to the Criminal Jury: a Review of Recent Findings/Julian V. Roberts, Mike Hough.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.3: 247-261.
135113 The Relationships of Prison Climate to Health Service in Correctional Environments: Inmate Health Care Measurement, Satisfaction and Access in Prisons/Michael W. Ross, Alison Liebling, Sarah Tait.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.3: 262-274.
135114 Ethnicity and the British Crime Survey: Issues, Obstacles and Solutions/Paula M. Kautt.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.3: 275-288.
135115 Taking on Trust: New Leadership Perspectives for Probation/John Crawforth.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.3: 289-306.
135116 Relations between Government Researchers and Academics/Roger Tarling.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.3: 307-313.
135117 In Praise of the Carceral Tour: Learning from the Grendon Experience/David Wilson, Roy Spina, Joyce E. Canaan.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.4: 343-355.
135118 The Arts and Prisoners: Experiences of Creative Rehabilitation/Briege Nugent, Nancy Loucks.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.4: 356-370.
135119 Penal Populations in a World in Motion: The Case of the Republic of Ireland (ROI)/Caroline O’nolan.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.4: 371-392.
135120 Time to Reason about Crime: Assessing the Impact of Schizotypal Tendencies on a Crime-Based Reasoning Task/Dean Wilkinson, Tim Jones, Laura Caulfield.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.4: 393-405.
135121 Building Stakeholder Support for a Sex Offender Public Disclosure Scheme: Learning from the English Pilots/Brian Stout, Hazel Kemshall, Jason Wood.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.4: 406-418.
135122 The Iconography of Punishment: Execution Prints and the Death Penalty/Eamonn Carrabine.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.5: 452-464.
135123 Superstition will Add to its Horrors: The Early American Penitentiary and its Gothic Shadow/Michael Fiddler.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.5: 465-477.
135124 Dartmoor: Penal and Cultural Icon/Alana Barton, Alyson Brown.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.5: 478-491.
135125 Ruth Ellis and Public Contestation of the Death Penalty/Lizzie Seal.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.5: 492-504.
135126 Punishing Women, 1880-1905/Jo Turner.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2011; Vol.50, No.5: 505-515.
135127 The Prison is an Outlaw Institution/Loic Wacquant.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.1: 1-15.
135128 Still Entitled to Our Say: Prisoners’ Perspectives on Politics/Cormac Behan.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.1: 16-36.
135129 Ten Years of Monitoring Illicit Drug Use in Prison Populations in Europe: Issues and Challenges/Chloe Carpentier … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.1: 37-66.
135130 Analytical Reflections on Time in Custody/David Hockey.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.1: 67-78.
135131 Learning Lessons from Men Who Have Sexually Abused Children/Matthew Colton, Susan Roberts, Maurice Vanstone.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.1: 79-93.
135132 Courting Compassion: Victims, Policy, and the Question of Justice/Sandra Walklate.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.2: 109-121.
135133 Fear of Crime in Expatriate Australians in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam/John William Coyne, Peter Bell.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.2: 122-132.
135134 Looking for a Fair Country: Features and Determinants of Immigrants’ Involvement in Crime in Europe/Luigi M. Solivetti.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.2: 133-159.
135135 Crime and Criminology in the Eye of the Novelist: Trends in Nineteenth Century Literature/Elizabeth Burney.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.2: 160-172.
135136 Is Probation Still Possible?/Peter Raynor.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.2: 173-189.
135137 Preventing Violent Extremism: Perceptions of Policy from Grassroots and Communities/Suraj Lakhani.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.2: 190-206.
135138 Of Weighty Reasons and Indiscriminate Blankets: The Retention of DNA for Forensic Purposes/Carole Mccartney.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.3: 245-260.
135139 Cut Price Public Protection?/Mike Nash.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.3: 261-273.
135140 Applications to Come off the UK Sex Offender Register: the Position After F and Thompson v. Home Office 2010/Terry Thomas, David Thompson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.3: 274-285.
135141 Do Low-risk Sexual Offenders Need Treatment?/Helen C. Wakeling, Ruth E. Mann, Adam J. Carter.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.3: 286-299.
135142 Investing in Toughness: Probation, Enforcement and Legitimacy/Gwen Robinson, Pamela Ugwudike.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.3: 300-316.
135143 Thinking Beyond Utility: Some Comments on Probation Practice and Training/Malcolm Millar, Lol Burke.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.3: 317-330.
135144 Ageing Child Sex Offenders in Prison: Denial, Manipulation and Community/Natalie Mann.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.4: 345-358.
135145 Routes Out of Prison Using Life Coaches to Assist Resettlement/Marguerite Schinkel, Bill Whyte.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.4: 359-371.
135146 Promoting an Evidence-Informed Approach to Addressing Problem Gambling in UK Prison Populations/Corinne May-Chahal … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.4: 372-386.
135147 Who’s the Daddy? – Ideas about Fathers from a Young Men’s Prison/Rod Earle.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.4: 387-399.
135148 You Can See Your Face in My Floor: Examining the Function of Cleanliness in an Adult Male Prison/Jennifer Sloan.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.4: 400-410.
135149 Carceral Tours and the Need for Reflexivity: A Response to Wilson, Spina and Canaan/Justin Piche, Kevin Walby.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.4: 411-418.
135150 From Counter-terrorism to Criminal Justice: Transformation or Business as Usual?/Mike Tomlinson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.5: 442-457.
135151 Unlocking a Locked-down Regime: The Role of Penal Policy and Administration in Northern Ireland and the Challenges of Change/Azrini Wahidin, Linda Moore, Una Convery.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.5: 458-473.
135152 Legitimacy Through Neutrality: Probation and Conflict in Northern Ireland/Nicola Carr, Shadd Maruna.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.5: 474-487.
135153 Responsible Participation, Community Engagement and Policing in Transitional Societies: Lessons from a Local Crime Survey in Northern Ireland/Graham Ellison, Peter Shirlow, Aogan Mulcahy.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.5: 488-502.
135154 Young People, Conflict and Regulation/Deena Haydon, Siobhan McAlister, Phil Scraton.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.5: 503-520.
135155 Addressing a New Form of Loyalist Extremism? Reflections on the Legacy of the Northern Ireland Conflict/Lyndsey Harris.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2012; Vol.51, No.5: 521-531.
135156 African American Serial Killers: Over-Represented Yet Underacknowledged/Allan L. Branson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.1: 1-18.
135157 The Relationship between Job Stressors and Job Involvement among Correctional Staff: A Test of the Job Strain Model/Eric G. Lambert … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.1: 19-38.
135158 The Division of Labour in Crime Prevention: Crime Science, Criminology and Criminal Justice/Paula Kautt, Ken Pease.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.1: 39-54.
135159 Understanding Deception: Disentangling Skills from Conviction/Les Humphreys, Moira Peelo.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.1: 55-64.
135160 Elusive Evidence: Hard-to-Reach Drug Users and the Missing Values in Drug Policy Decision Making/Andrew Wilson, Philip Hodgson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.1: 65-76.
135161 Risk Aversion and Anxiety in Scottish Criminal Justice Social Work: Can Desistance and Human Rights Agendas Have an Impact?/Jane Fenton.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.1: 77-90.
135162 It’s Always English in the Cop Shop: Accounts of Minority Language Use in the Criminal Justice System in Wales/Iolo Madoc-Jones, Odette Parry.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.1: 91-107.
135163 Understanding the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002: Cash Seizure and Frontline Policing/Frederick Cram.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.2: 121-131.
135164 A Child Killer and Interwar Penal Policy Tensions/Michael Brookes, David Wilson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.2: 132-143.
135165 Some Reflections on the Possible Introduction of Electronic Monitoring as an Alternative to Pre-trial Detention in Belgium/Eric Maes, Benjamin Mine.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.2: 144-162.
135166 Riots, Revolution and Rehabilitation: The Future of Probation/Steve Collett.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.2: 163-189.
135167 Online Child Sex Offenders: Challenges and Counter-Measures/Raphael Cohen-Almagor.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.2: 190-215.
135168 The Politics of Prisoner Legal Rights/David Scott.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.3: 233-250.
135169 Risk Management in the Correctional System of Canada: A Problematic Model/F. Berard, M. Vacheret, G. Lemire.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.3: 251-271.
135170 Inmate Governance in Brazilian Prisons/Sacha Darke.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.3: 272-284.
135171 Persistent Punishment: User Views of Short Prison Sentences/Sarah Armstrong, Beth Weaver.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.3: 285-305.
135172 Desisting from Domestic Abuse: Influences, Patterns and Processes in the Lives of Formerly Abusive Men/David Morran.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.3: 306-320.
135173 Masculinity and Criminology: The Social Construction of Criminal Man/Helen McFarlane.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.3: 321-335.
135174 Rational Choice and Responsibilisation in Youth Justice in Scotland: Whose Evidence Matters in Evidence-Based Policy?/Monica Barry.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.4: 347-364.
135175 Rural Probation Work: Isolation or Autonomy?/John Minkes, Peter Raynor.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.4: 365-382.
135176 The Others: Sex Offenders’ Social Identities in Probation Approved Premises/Carla Reeves.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.4: 383-398.
135177 Democracy on Display: A Case for Public Sanctions/Zachary Baron Shemtob.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.4: 399-413.
135178 Crime and Punishment in Classical and Libertarian Utopias/Vincenzo Ruggiero.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.4: 414-432.
135179 Supervising Rioters: The Role of Probation/Wendy Fitzgibbon, Devinder Curry, John Lea.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.5: 445-461.
135180 Prison for Beginners? The Strengths, Limitations and Potential Applications of Prisoner Handbooks/Elizabeth Yardley, David Wilson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.5: 462-478.
135181 The Meanings of Female Staff in Male Therapeutic Community Prisons: Gender as Symbolism and Specialism/Alisa Stevens.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.5: 479-497.
135182 A Systematic Literature Review of Doorstep Crime: Are the Crime-Prevention Strategies More Harmful than the Crime?/Caroline Gorden, Julian Buchanan.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.5: 498-515.
135183 Ex-military Personnel in the Criminal Justice System: A Cross-sectional Study/Isabelle Bray … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.5: 516-526.
135184 The Registered Sex Offender Population as a Marker of Social Disorganisation/Karen E. Gordon.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2013; Vol.52, No.5: 527-542.
135185 A Future for Probation?/John Deering.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.1: 1-15.
135186 No Substitute for the Real Thing: The Impact of Prison-based Work Experience on Students’ Thinking about Imprisonment/Louise Ridley.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.1: 16-30.
135187 Psycho-sociological Investigation of Criminal Behaviour within a Prison Sample Using Retrospective Data/Daniel Boduszek … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.1: 31-48.
135188 Punish or Reform? Predicting Prison Staff Punitiveness/Dominic Kelly.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.1: 49-68.
135189 Swift, Simple, Effective Justice? Identifying the Aims of Penalty Notices for Disorder and Whether these have been Realised in Practice/Sara Grace.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.1: 69-82.
135190 The Definitional Ambiguities of Kidnapping and Abduction, and its Categorisation: The Case for a More Inclusive Typology/Mohd Kassim Noor-Mohamed.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.1: 83-100.
135191 A Taxonomy of Male British Family Annihilators, 1980-2012/Elizabeth Yardley, David Wilson, Adam Lynes.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.2: 117-140.
135192 Victims Versus Offenders in British Political Discourse: The Construction of a False Dichotomy/Deborah H. Drake, Andrew J. Henley.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.2: 141-157.
135193 Investigating Schizotypy and Crime-Based Reasoning with Qualitative Methods/Dean J. Wilkinson, Laura S. Caulfield, Tim Jones.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.2: 158-172.
135194 The Offender Personality Disorder Pathway: Expansion in the Face of Failure?/Ailbhe O’Loughlin.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.2: 173-192.
135195 Gendered Prison Work: Female Prison Officers in the Local Prison System, 1877-1939/Helen Johnston.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.2: 193-212.
135196 Marginal Crime: The Example of Blackmail in Representing Evolving Crime Narratives/Moira Peelo, Keith Soothill.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.3: 221-236.
135197 The Management of Prisoners Children in the Russian Federation/Judith Pallot, Elena Katz.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.3: 237-254.
135198 The Police, Sex Work, and Section 14 of the Policing and Crime Act 2009/Sarah Kingston, Terry Thomas.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.3: 255-269.
135199 They Died of a Broken Heart: Connecting Women’s Experiences of Trauma and Criminalisation to Survival and Death Post-imprisonment/Bree Carlton, Marie Segrave.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.3: 270-289.
135200 Mental Disorder, Criminality and the Literary Imagination/Herschel Prins.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.3: 290-308.
135201 The British Hitman: 1974-2013/Donal MacIntyre … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.4: 325-340.
135202 The Ripples of Death: Exploring the Bereavement Experiences and Mental Health of Young Men in Custody/Nina Vaswani.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.4: 341-359.
135203 Human Rights and Prisoners’ Rights: The British Press and the Shaping of Public Debate/Des McNulty, Nick Watson, Gregory Philo.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.4: 360-376.
135204 Ambient Hate: Racist Graffiti and Social Apathy in a Rural Community/Jacqueline Z. Wilson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.4: 377-394.
135205 Holistic Community Punishment and Criminal Justice Interventions for Women/Margaret Malloch, Gill McIvor, Cheryl Burgess.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.4: 395-410.
135206 Challenges Facing Young Men Returning from Incarceration in Hong Kong/Wing Hong Chui, Kevin Kwok-Yin Cheng.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.4: 411-427.
135207 Resisting the Audit Explosion: The Art of Prison Inspection/Jamie Bennett.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.5: 449-467.
135208 Opening Doors or Closing Them?: The Impact of Incarceration on the Education and Employability of Ex-Offenders in Ireland/Margaret Fitzgerald O’Reilly.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.5: 468-486.
135209 The Introduction of Community Service Orders: Mapping its Conditions of Possibility/Shane Kilcommins.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.5: 487-510.
135210 A Prototype-Willingness Model of Sexual Crime Discourse in England and Wales/Craig A. Harper, Todd E. Hogue.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.5: 511-524.
135211 Good and Healthy: Foodways and Construction of Identity in a Women’s Prison/Amy B. Smoyer.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2014; Vol.53, No.5: 525-541.
135212 Foreign Bodies: The New Victims of Unethical Experimentation/Paddy Rawlinson, Vijay Kumar Yadavendu.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.1: 8-24.
135213 Corporate Taxation, Corporate Power, and Corporate Harm/Kevin Farnsworth, Gary Fooks.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.1: 25-41.
135214 Ethics and the Crimes of the Powerful/Vincenzo Ruggiero.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.1: 42-56.
135215 Crisis, What Crisis? Regulation and the Academic Orthodoxy/Steve Tombs.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.1: 57-72.
135216 Policing for Whom?/David Whyte.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.1: 73-90.
135217 Making Sense of Facebook Murder? Social Networking Sites and Contemporary Homicide/Elizabeth Yardley, David Wilson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.2: 109-134.
135218 I Blame the Parents: Analysing Popular Support for the Deficient Household Social Capital Transmission Thesis/Alan Collins, Joe Cox, Alan Leonard.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.2: 135-156.
135219 Children First, Offenders Second: The Centrality of Engagement in Positive Youth Justice/Stephen Case, Kevin Haines.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.2: 157-175.
135220 The Impact of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 on Theft and the Custody Threshold/Gary Betts.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.2: 176-192.
135221 Online Fraud Victims in England and Wales: Victims’ Views on Sentencing and the Opportunity for Restorative Justice?/Mark Button … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.2: 193-211.
135222 The LAAF Procedure for Exploring Offenders’ Narratives/David Canter, Donna Youngs.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.3: 219-236.
135223 A Latent Class Analysis of Psychopathic Traits in Civil Psychiatric Patients: The Role of Criminal Behaviour, Violence, and Gender/Katie Dhingra, Daniel Boduszek, Susanna Kola-Palmer.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.3: 237-249.
135224 Becoming a Hitman/David Wilson, Mohammed Rahman.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.3: 250-264.
135225 Howard, Pratt and Beyond: Assessing the Value of Carceral Tours as a Comparative Method/Francis Pakes.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.3: 265-276.
135226 Creativity, Self-exploration and Change: Creative Arts-based Activities’ Contribution to Desistance Narratives/Katherine Albertson (Nee Wilkinson).- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.3: 277-291.
135227 Whole of Life Tariffs in the Shadow of Europe: Penological Foundations and Political Popularity/Mark Pettigrew.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.3: 292-306.
135228 Why Probation Matters/Sue Hall.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.4: 321-335.
135229 Closing the Gap: Confronting the Problem of Hotels as Venues for Child Sexual Exploitation/Linda Hughes-Jones, Susan Roberts.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.4: 336-351.
135230 Doing Well or Just Doing Time? A Qualitative Study of Patterns of Psychological Adjustment in Prison/Esther F.J.C. Van Ginneken.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.4: 352-370.
135231 Documenting Arts Practitioners Practice in Prisons: What Do You Do in There?/Kirstin Anderson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.4: 371-383.
135232 A Social Capital Approach to Assisting Veterans Through Recovery and Desistance Transitions in Civilian Life/Katherine Albertson, Jamie Irving, David Best.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.4: 384-396.
135233 Driven to Kill: British Serial Killers and their Occupations/Adam Lynes, David Wilson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.5: 413-433.
135234 I Hate Talking About It: Identifying and Supporting Traumatised Young People in Custody/Paul Gray.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.5: 434-450.
135235 Rethinking Holocaust Representation: Reflections on Rex Bloomstein’s KZ/Sarah Hodgkinson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.5: 451-468.
135236 Silencing the Other: Gendered Representations of Co-accused Women Offenders/Charlotte Barlow.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.5: 469-488.
135237 The Dark Figure of Disablist Violence/Ryan Thorneycroft, Nicole L. Asquith.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.5: 489-507.
135238 Grace Under Pressure: The Role of Courage in the Future of Probation Work/Anne Worrall.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2015; Vol.54, No.5: 508-520.
135239 The Modern Cives Sine Suffraggio: Dimensions of Criminal Disenfranchisement in Europe/Milena Tripkovic.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.1-2: 4-24.
135240 The Arts of Desistance: Assessing the Role of Arts-based Programmes in Reducing Reoffending/Leonidas Cheliotis, Aleksandra Jordanoska.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.1-2: 25-41.
135241 Making it on the Outside: Towards an Integrated Control Theory for Understanding the Reintegration Process/Ryan Lafleur, Bill O’grady.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.1-2: 42-56.
135242 Prisoner Relationships with Voluntary Sector Practitioners/Philippa J. Tomczak, Katherine E. Albertson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.1-2: 57-72.
135243 Nordic and Scottish Civil Society Organisations Working with Offenders and the Effects of Service Delivery: Is Pursuing Mission Impossible Whilst Bidding for Contracts?/Maija Helminen.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.1-2: 73-93.
135244 An Absent Presence: Visitor Narratives of Journeys and Support for Prisoners During Imprisonment/Chris Holligan.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.1-2: 94-110.
135245 Silo Mentalities and Their Impact on Service Delivery in Prison-Community Transitions: A Case Study of Resettlement Provision at a Male Open Prison/Roger Moore, Paul Hamilton.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.1-2: 111-130.
135246 It’s as if you’re not in the Jail, as if you’re not a Prisoner: Young Male Offenders’ Experiences of Incarceration, Prison Chaplaincy, Religion and Spirituality in Scotland and Denmark/Ross Deuchar … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.1-2: 131-150.
135247 The Meaning of Place and Space in a Probation Approved Premises/Carla Reeves.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.1-2: 151-167.
135248 Treating Sexually Harmful Teenage Males: A Summary of Longitudinal Research Findings on the Effectiveness of a Therapeutic Community/Gwyneth Boswell … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.1-2: 168-187.
135249 Satellite Tracking of Offenders and Integrated Offender Management: A Local Case Study/Kirsty Hudson, Trevor Jones.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.1-2: 188-206.
135250 Socio-Economic Determinants of Crime Rates: Modelling Local Area Police-Recorded Crime/Roger Tarling, Richard Dennis.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.1-2: 207-225.
135251 On the Origins of the Crime Drop: Vehicle Crime and Security in the 1980s/Graham Farrell, Rick Brown.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.1-2: 226-237.
135252 Evaluation of Crime Prevention: Escaping the Tunnel Vision on Effectiveness/Dieter Burssens.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.1-2: 238-254.
135253 A Childhood Cut Short: Child Deaths in Penal Custody and the Pains of Child Imprisonment/Kate Gooch.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.3: 278-294.
135254 Criminal Liability for Deaths in Prison Custody: The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007/David M. Doyle, Suzanne Scott.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.3: 295-311.
135255 Older Prisoners’ Experiences of Death, Dying and Grief Behind Bars/Ronald Aday, Azrini Wahidin.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.3: 312-327.
135256 Women Serving Life without the Possibility of Parole: The Different Meanings of Death as Punishment/Marion Vannier.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.3: 328-344.
135257 Sites of Crossing and Death in Punishment: The Parallel Lives, Trade-offs and Equivalencies of the Death Penalty and Life without Parole in the US/Evi Girling.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.3: 345-361.
135258 The Hammermen: Life and Death as a Gang Hitman in Cape Town/Mark Shaw, Luke Lee Skywalker.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.4: 377-395.
135259 He’s Just Not That Vulnerable: Exploring the Implementation of the Appropriate Adult Safeguard in Police Custody/Roxanna Dehaghani.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.4: 396-413.
135260 Privatising Probation: The Death Knell of a Much-Cherished Public Service?/Paul Senior.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.4: 414-431.
135261 Monitoring, Inspection and Complaints Adjudication in Prison: The Limits of Prison Accountability Frameworks/Cormac Behan, Richard Kirkham.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.4: 432-454.
135262 The Dynamics of Service User Participation and Compliance in Community Justice Settings/Pamela Ugwudike.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.4: 455-477.
135263 Janus-Faced Youth Justice Work and the Transformation of Accountability/Vici Armitage, Laura Kelly, Jo Phoenix.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.4: 478-495.
135264 The Challenges of Outcome Measurement for Arts Practitioners in the Criminal Justice Sector/Caroline O’keeffe, Katherine Albertson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.4: 496-513.
135265 How Well Does Theory Travel? David Garland in the Global South/Jonny Steinberg.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2016; Vol.55, No.4: 514-531.
135266 Sex in Prisoner Power Relations: Attitudes and Practices in a Ukrainian Correctional Colony for Men/Anton Symkovych.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.1: 1-18.
135267 Offending Characteristics of Male Ex-Armed Forces Personnel in Prison/Verity Wainwright … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.1: 19-33.
135268 Rape Politics, Policies and Practice: Exploring the Tensions and Unanticipated Consequences of Well-Intended Victim-Focused Measures/Anna Carline, Clare Gunby.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.1: 34-52.
135269 Legitimacy on Licence: Why and How it Matters/Keir Irwin-Rogers.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.1: 53-71.
135270 Penal Reform and Probation in Europe: Positive Change of Direction, Nudges to the Rudder, or Steady as She Goes?/Vivian Geiran.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.1: 72-91.
135271 A Narrative Based Model of Differentiating Rioters/Dominic Willmott, Maria Ioannou.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.1: 105-124.
135272 Probation, Privatisation and Legitimacy/Gwen Robinson, Lol Burke, Matthew Millings.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.2: 137-157.
135273 Questions of Legitimacy in Probation Practice after Transforming Rehabilitation/John Deering, Martina Y. Feilzer.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.2: 158-175.
135274 The Context and Impact of Being Wrongly Accused of Abuse in Occupations of Trust/Ros Burnett, Carolyn Hoyle, Naomi-Ellen Speechley.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.2: 176-197.
135275 The Managerial Turn: The Transformation of Spanish Migration Control Policies since the Onset of the Economic Crisis/Jose A. Brandariz-Garcia, Cristina Fernandez-Bessa.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.2: 198-219.
135276 Thatcherism, Crime and the Legacy of the Social and Economic Storms of the 1980s/Stephen Farrall … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.2: 220-243.
135277 Rethinking Court-Sanctioned Reintegration Processes: Redemption Rituals as an Alternative to the Drug Court Graduation/Izaak L. Williams … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.2: 244-267.
135278 Women and Drug Policies in Latin America: A Critical Review of the United Nations Resolution Mainstreaming a Gender Perspective in Drug-Related Policies and Programmes/Corina Giacomello.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.3: 288-308.
135279 Vulnerability Discourses and Drug Mule Work: Legal Approaches in Sentencing and Non-Prosecution/Non-Punishment Norms/Nayeli Urquiza-Haas.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.3: 309-325.
135280 Historical Evolution and Global Changes in Women’s Imprisonment in Peru/Chloe Constant.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.3: 326-342.
135281 Families, Lovers, and Friends: Women, Social Networks, and Transnational Cocaine Smuggling from Curacao and Peru/Marion Van San, Elga Sikkens.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.3: 343-357.
135282 Women, Drugs and the Death Penalty: Framing Sandiford/Jennifer Fleetwood, Lizzie Seal.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.3: 358-381.
135283 American Bail and the Tinting of Criminal Justice/Dean A. Dabney, Joshua Page, Volkan Topalli.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.4: 397-418.
135284 Socrates and Aristotle: The Role of Ancient Philosophers in the Self-Understanding of Desisting Prisoners/Kirstine Szifris.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.4: 419-436.
135285 Voices of Quiet Desistance in UK Prisons: Exploring Emergence of New Identities Under Desistance Constraint/Dev Maitra, Robert Mclean, Chris Holligan.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.4: 437-453.
135286 Flipping the Script: Masculinity and Reintegration in a Parolee Mentoring Programme/John P. Walsh, Patrick Gerkin.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.4: 454-479.
135287 Invisible Punishment is Wrong – But Why? The Normative Basis of Criticism of Collateral Consequences of Criminal Conviction/Christopher Bennett.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.4: 480-499.
135288 Seeing What is Invisible in Plain Sight: Policing Coercive Control/Cassandra Wiener.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.4: 500-515.
135289 Inter-Subjectivity and Worker Self-Disclosure in Professional Relationships With Young People: A Psychosocial Study of Youth Violence and Desistance/Pete Harris.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.4: 516-531.
135290 Multi-Method Synergy: Using the Life History Calendar and Life as a Film for Retrospective Narratives/Timothy Kang, Candace Kruttschnitt, Philip Goodman.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2017; Vol.56, No.4: 532-553.
135291 The Mechanics of Reform: Implementing Correctional Programmes in English Prisons/Karen Bullock, Annie Bunce, Charlotte Dodds.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.1: 3-20.
135292 Forging Selfhood: Social Categorisation and Identity in Arizona’s Prison Wildfire Programme/Lindsey Raisa Feldman.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.1: 21-36.
135293 Assessing Convicted Traffickers: Negotiating Migration, Employment and Opportunity through Restricted Networks/Rose Broad.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.1: 37-56.
135294 Manifest Injustice? The Judiciary as Moderator of Penal Excess in the Sentencing of Youth for Murder/Nessa Lynch.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.1: 57-76.
135295 Predicaments in Prisoners’ Institutional Rehabilitation for Parole Release: Some Evidence from Malaysia/Zaiton Hamin, Mohd Bahrin Othman, Rafizah Abu Hassan.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.1: 77-93.
135296 Helping, Holding, Hurting: A Conversation about Supervision/Fergus Mcneill … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.1: 94-106.
135297 Differentiating Contract Killers: A Narrative-Based Approach/Miroslava Yaneva … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.1: 107-123.
135298 A More Nordic Norway? Examining Prisons in 21st Century Iceland/Francis Pakes, Helgi Gunnlaugsson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.2: 137-151.
135299 Testing the Job Demands-Resources Model for Nigerian Prison Staff Job Stress/Smart Otu, Eric G. Lambert, O. Oko Elechi.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.2: 152-181.
135300 Labouring out of Adversity: Maconochie, Political Economy and Penal Labour/J.M. Moore.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.2: 182-203.
135301 Information Pertaining to Released Sex Offenders: To Disclose or Not to Disclose, that is the Question/Margaret Fitzgerald O’reilly.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.2: 204-230.
135302 We Don’t do Measure and Quotes: How Agency Responses Criminalise and Endanger the Safety of Children Missing in Care in New South Wales, Australia/Emma Colvin … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.2: 231-249.
135303 US Newspapers’ Portrayals of Home Invasion Crime/Reginald A. Byron, William S. Molidor, Andrew Cantu.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.2: 250-277.
135304 Politics and Penal Change: Towards an Interpretive Political Analysis of Penal Policymaking/Harry Annison.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.3: 302-320.
135305 Discerning Penal Values and Judicial Decision Making: The Case of Whole Life Sentencing in Europe and the United States of America/Mary Rogan.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.3: 321-338.
135306 Framing the 2011 England Riots: Understanding the Political and Policy Response/Tim Newburn, Trevor Jones, Jarrett Blaustein.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.3: 339-362.
135307 Prison Governors as Policymakers, Phronetic Practices as Enacted Knowledge/Christophe Dubois.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.3: 363-378.
135308 Policy as Practice: Explaining Persistent Patterns in Prostitution Policy/Hendrik Wagenaar.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.3: 379-400.
135309 Securing Prison through Human Rights: Unanticipated Implications of Rights-Based Penal Governance/Sarah Armstrong.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.3: 401-421.
135310 Experts, Expertise and Drug Policymaking/Mark Monaghan, Emma Wincup, Kate Wicker.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.3: 422-441.
135311 Critical Reflections on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the Criminal Justice System: Swedish Female Ex-Offenders’ Narratives of Diagnosis/Linnea Anna Margareta Osterman.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.4: 453-471.
135312 Reducing Prison Sentencing Through Pre-Sentence Reports? Why the Quasi-Market Logic of Selling Alternatives to Custody Fails/Cyrus Tata.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.4: 472-494.
135313 The Benefits of Social Capital for the Wrongfully Convicted: Considering the Promise of a Resettlement Model/Carolyn Hoyle, Laura Tilt.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.4: 495-517.
135314 Building Bridges to the Community: the Kirkham Family Connectors (KFC) Prison Programme/Lauren Jay Hall … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.4: 518-536.
135315 Developing a Voluntary Sector Model for Engaging Offenders/Kevin Wong, Rachel Kinsella, Linda Meadows.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.4: 556-575.
135316 Shaping Priority Services for UK Victims of Honour-Based Violence/Abuse, Forced Marriage, and Female Genital Mutilation/Aisha K. Gill, Pamela Cox, Ruth Weir.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2018; Vol.57, No.4: 576-595.
135317 Can – and Should – Lawyers be Considered Appropriate Appropriate Adults?/Roxanna Dehaghani, Daniel Newman.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.1: 3-24.
135318 Selection in Border Areas: Profiling Immigrants or Crimmigrants?/Tim (T.J.M.) Dekkers.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.1: 25-44.
135319 Reform, Resistance and Managerial Clawback: The Evolution of  Reform Prisons in England/Jamie Bennett.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.1: 45-64.
135320 The Challenge of Redefining the Imprisoned Self as an Artist: The Pedagogical Rituals of a Prison Arts Instructor/Joseph H. Michalski.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.1: 65-85.
135321 Women as Co-Offenders: Pathways into Crime and Offending Motivations/Charlotte Barlow, Siobhan Weare.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.1: 86-103.
135322 Are Hope and Possibility Achievable in Prison?/Alison Liebling … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.1: 104-126.
135323 The Punitive Nature of Pre-Trial Detention: Perspectives of Detainees in Hong Kong/Kevin Kwok-Yin Cheng, Becky Po-Yee Leung.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.2: 143-160.
135324 Progression from Cafeteria to a la carte Offending: Scottish Organised Crime Narratives/James Densley … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.2: 161-179.
135325 The Experience of Prison Recall in England and Wales/Flora Fitzalan Howard.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.2: 180-201.
135326 The Enigmas of Rehabilitation and Resettlement: Forms of Capital, Desistance and the Contextualisation of Carceral-Community Offender Transitions/Roger Moore.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.2: 202-219.
135327 Soldiering On? The Prison-Military Complex and Ex-Military Personnel as Prison Officers: Transition, Rehabilitation and Prison Reform/Dominique Moran, Jennifer Turner, Helen Arnold.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.2: 220-239.
135328 Tracing Imprints of the Border in the Territorial, Justice and Welfare Domains: A Multi-Site Ethnography/Ana Aliverti, Sanja Milivojevic, Leanne Weber.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.2: 240-259.
135329 The Criminal Justice Voluntary Sector: Concepts and an Agenda for an Emerging Field/Philippa Tomczak, Gillian Buck.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.3: 276-297.
135330 It’s Kinda Punishment: Tandem Logics and Penultimate Power in the Penal Voluntary Sector for Canadian Youth/Abigail Salole.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.3: 298-312.
135331 Inside or Outside the Criminal Justice System? The Example of Community Chaplaincy/Jane Dominey.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.3: 313-328.
135332 Peer Support, Desistance and the Role of the Third Sector/Keith Hinde, Rob White.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.3: 329-348.
135333 Politicisation or Professionalisation? Exploring Divergent Aims Within UK Voluntary Sector Peer Mentoring/Gillian Buck.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.3: 349-365.
135334 Doing Public Criminology with the Criminal Justice Voluntary Sector: Methodological Reflections and Considerations/Samantha Mcaleese.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.3: 366-383.
135335 From the Outside In: Narratives of Creative Arts Practitioners Working in the Criminal Justice System/Ella Simpson, Catherine Morgan, Laura S. Caulfield.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.3: 384-403.
135336 Exploring Autonomy in the Finnish and New Zealand Penal Voluntary Sectors: The Relevance of Marketisation and Criminal Justice Policy Environments in Two Penal Voluntary Sector Organisations/Maija Helminen, Alice Mills.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.3: 404-429.
135337 Penal Drift and the Voluntary Sector/Mike Maguire, Kate Williams, Mary Corcoran.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.3: 430-449.
135338 Solid Foundations? Towards a Historical Sociology of Prison Building Programmes in England and Wales, 1959-2015/Thomas Guiney.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.4: 459-476.
135339 Offender Supervision, Prisoners and Procedural Justice/Ian Bickers, Ben Crewe, Renee J. Mitchell.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.4: 477-495.
135340 Role Models or Gateways to Resources?: Contemporary Confusions in Mentoring Practice/Heather Tolland, Margaret Malloch.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.4: 496-512.
135341 It’s Knowing the Right Things to Say and Do: Challenges and Opportunities for Trauma-informed Practice in the Prison Context/Nina Vaswani, Sally Paul.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.4: 513-534.
135342 Why Punish?/Rob Canton, Nicola Padfield.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.4: 535-553.
135343 Obscuring Corporate Violence: Corporate Manslaughter in Action/Jasmine Hebert, Steven Bittle, Steve Tombs.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2019; Vol.58, No.4: 554-579.
135344 The Impact of Jury Service on Scottish Jurors’ Health and Well-Being/Emma Welsh … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.1: 3-16.
135345 The Experience of Electronic Monitoring and the Implications for Effective Use/Flora Fitzalan Howard.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.1: 17-43.
135346 Time Well Spent: Misery, Meaning, and the Opportunity of Incarceration/Kevin A. Wright.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.1: 44-64.
135347 More than Meals: A Narrative Criminological Analysis of Inmate-Authored Cookbooks/A.E. Stearns.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.1: 65-85.
135348 It’s Complicated: Canadian Correctional Officer Recruits’ Interpretations of Issues Relating to the Presence of Transgender Prisoners/Rosemary Ricciardelli, Jo Phoenix, James Gacek.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.1: 86-104.
135349 Home as a Site of State-Corporate Violence: Grenfell Tower, Aetiologies and Aftermaths/Steve Tombs.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.2: 120-142.
135350 Towards a Criminology of the Domestic/Pamela Davies, Michael Rowe.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.2: 143-157.
135351 The Complexities of Home: Young People on the Move and State Responses/Margaret Malloch, Paul Rigby.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.2: 158-173.
135352 Without the Right Support Network I’d Probably Be Either Dead or in the Prison System: The Role of Support in Helping Offenders on their Journey to Desistance/Elaine Batty.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.2: 174-193.
135353 Vigilantism in Ghana: Trends, Victim Characteristics, and Reported Reasons/Millicent Adzimah-Alade … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.2: 194-213.
135354 Professional Perspectives of Youth Justice Policy Implementation: Contextual and Coalface Challenges/Stephen Case … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.2: 214-232.
135355 Conversations in a Crowded Room: An Assessment of the Contribution of Historical Research to Criminology/Henry Yeomans, David Churchill, Iain Channing.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.3: 243-260.
135356 The Great Decarceration: Historical Trends and Future Possibilities/Pamela Cox, Barry Godfrey.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.3: 261-285.
135357 Rikers Island Jail Complex: The Use of Social History to Inform Current Debates on Incarceration in New York City/Jayne Mooney, Jarrod Shanahan.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.3: 286-304.
135358 Policy Responses to Domestic Violence, the Criminalisation Thesis and Learning from History/Lucy Williams, Sandra Walklate.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.3: 305-316.
135359 Excavating Youth Justice Reform: Historical Mapping and Speculative Prospects/Barry Goldson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.3: 317-334.
135360 Guyana’s Prisons: Colonial Histories of Post-Colonial Challenges/Clare Anderson … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.3: 335-349.
135361 Indians are the Majority of the Prisoners? Historical Variations in Incarceration Rates for Indigenous Women and Men in British Columbia/Kris Inwood, Evan Roberts.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.3: 350-369.
135362 Canada’s Open Prisons: Hybridisation and the Role of Halfway Houses in Penal Scholarship and Practice/Katharina Maier.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.4: 381-399.
135363 Authenticity, Coherence, and Power Shifts: A Framework for Assessing Community Engagement Across the Criminal Justice System/S. Rose Werth … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.4: 400-422.
135364 Using A Culturally Safe Creative Writing Programme to Empower and Heal Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Men in Prison/Elena Marchetti, Barbara Nicholson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.4: 423-441.
135365 Organisational Justice and Police Job Involvement in Haryana, India/Hanif Qureshi, Eric G. Lambert, James Frank.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.4: 442-464.
135366 Unpacking Harm: Correctional Officer Framing of Sex Offenders and Protective Custody/Rosemary Ricciardelli.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.4: 465-483.
135367 The Arts, Rehabilitation or Both? Experiences of Mentoring Artists in Prison and Beyond/Shona Robinson-Edwards … [et al.].- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.4: 484-504.
135368 French Prisoners Cast their Vote in the 2019 European Elections: An ad hoc Analysis of their Electoral Choices and Political Attitudes/Martine Herzog-Evans, Jerome Thomas.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2020; Vol.59, No.4: 505-530.
135369 Becoming a Prison Officer: An Analysis of the Early Development of Prison Officer Cultures/Katrina Morrison, Matthew Maycock.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2021; Vol.60, No.1: 3-24.
135370 The Transplanted Appropriate Adult Scheme in China/Yu Mou.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2021; Vol.60, No.1: 25-45.
135371 Rushing Remand? Pretrial Detention and Bail Decision Making in England and Wales/Tom Smith.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2021; Vol.60, No.1: 46-74.
135372 Assisted Desistance in Formal Settings: A Scoping Review/Marie-Pierre Villeneuve, Isabelle F.-Dufour, Stephen Farrall.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2021; Vol.60, No.1: 75-100.
135373 He is a New Man, a Proper Family Man: The Impact of a Specialist Family Wing on the Quality of Family Relationships and Paternal Identity among Imprisoned Fathers/Anna Clancy, Mike Maguire.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2021; Vol.60, No.1: 101-121.
135374 The Role of Needs Assessment in the Effective Engagement of People with Convictions/Kevin Wong, Rachel Horan.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2021; Vol.60, No.1: 122-140.
135375 Rehabilitating Probation: Strategies for Re-legitimation after Policy Failure/Gwen Robinson.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2021; Vol.60, No.2: 151-166.
135376 Give Them Money: An Illustrative History of Forms of Reimagined Rehabilitation in Probation Practice in England and Wales/Maurice Vanstone.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2021; Vol.60, No.2: 167-184.
135377 Designing Solutions for Improved Support within Health, Social Care and Criminal Justice for Adults with Learning Disabilities and/or Autism who Have Offended/Andrea Hollomotz, Jenny Talbot.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2021; Vol.60, No.2: 185-208.
135378 Desistance: A Utopian Perspective/David Patton, Stephen Farrall.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2021; Vol.60, No.2: 209-231.
135379 We’ve all got a big story: Experiences of a Trauma-Informed Intervention in Prison/Madeline Petrillo.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2021; Vol.60, No.2: 232-250.
135380 With Age Comes Respect? And for Whom Exactly? A Quantitative Examination of White and BAME Prisoner Experiences of Respect Elicited through HM Inspectorate of Prisons Survey Responses/Anthony Quinn, Nick Hardwick, Rosie Meek.- The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 2021; Vol.60, No.2: 251-272.
135381 After Government? On Representing Law Without the State/Simon Roberts.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.1: 1-24.
135382 The Best Interests of the Child and Parental Separation: on the Civilizing of Parents/Robert Van Krieken.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.1: 25-48.
135383 Shareholder Primacy and the Distribution of Wealth/Paddy Ireland.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.1: 49-81.
135384 Insurers, Claims and the Boundaries of Good Faith/John Lowry, Philip Rawlings.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.1: 82-110.
135385 A Piece – Neither a Package Nor a Unit: El Greco (Australia) Pty Ltd v Mediterranean Shipping Co SA/Sarah C. Derrington.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.1: 111-120.
135386 Criminal Law and the Sexual Transmission of HIV: R v Dica/Matthew Weait.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.1: 121-134.
135387 Cain and Abel? Trade and Competition Laws in the Global Economy/Andrew Scott.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.1: 135-155.
135388 Anti-Discrimination Rights Without Equality/Elisa Holmes.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.2: 175-194.
135389 Against Lumley v Gye/David Howarth.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.2: 195-232.
135390 Ideas, Norms and European Citizenship: Explaining Institutional Change/Dora Kostakopoulou.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.2: 233-267.
135391 The Licensing Act 2003: Liberal Constraint?/Roy Light.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.2: 268-285.
135392 The Law Commission Consultative Report on Company Security Interests: An Irreverent Riposte/Gerard McCormack.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.2: 286-309.
135393 Proximate Causation in Insurance Law/John Lowry, Philip Rawlings.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.2: 310-319.
135394 Interpretive Legal Theory and the Academic Lawyer/Allan Beever, Charles Rickett.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.2: 320-337.
135395 My tongue is mine ain: Copyright, the Spoken Word and Privacy/Hector L. MacQueen.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.3: 349-377.
135396 Review, Revenge and Retreat/Richard Rawlings.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.3: 378-410.
135397 The Trouble with Moral Rights/Patrick Masiyakurima.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.3: 411-434.
135398 The Limits to European Social Citizenship in the United Kingdom/Philip Larkin.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.3: 435-447.
135399 Towards a Good and Complete Criminal Code for Scotland/Timothy H. Jones.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.3: 448-463.
135400 Post-Contractual Good Faith – A Further Change in Judicial Attitude/Andre Naidoo.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.3: 464-474.
135401 The Liberal Law School, the Restructured University and the Paradox of Socio-Legal Studies/Richard Collier.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.3: 475-494.
135402 Fragmenting Fatherhood: The Regulation of Reproductive Technologies/Sally Sheldon.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.4: 523-553.
135403 Contractual Discretion and Administrative Discretion: A Unified Analysis/Terence Daintith.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.4: 554-593.
135404 Evading Enron: Taking Principles Too Seriously In Accounting Regulation/David Kershaw.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.4: 594-625.
135405 The Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations: Voluntarism’s Bitter Legacy/K. D. Ewing, G.M.Truter.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.4: 626-641.
135406 The Legislative Future of Wales/Timothy H. Jones, Jane M. Williams.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.4: 642-653.
135407 Between Human Rights and the Rule of Law: Indefinite Detention and the Derogation Model of Constitutionalism/Tom R. Hickmann.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.4: 655-668.
135408 Determining the State of Exception: What Role for Parliament and the Courts?/Stephen Tierneyn.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.4: 668-672.
135409 An Unfortunate Outburst of Anglo-Saxon Parochialism/David Dyzenhaus.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.4: 673-676.
135410 Parliamentary Review of Terrorism Measures/Janet L. Hiebert.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.4: 676-680.
135411 The Reasonable Person, The Pursuit of Justice, and Negligence Law/Richard Mullender.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.4: 681-695.
135412 The Recasting of Insolvency Law/Vanessa Finch.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.5: 713-736.
135413 The Effect of Human Rights on Criminal Evidentiary Processes: Towards Convergence, Divergence or Realignment?/John D. Jackson.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.5: 737-764.
135414 The Role of Competition in Determining Corporate Governance Outcomes: Lessons from Australia’s Corporate Governance System/Alan Dignam.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.5: 765-797.
135415 The Human Tissue Act 2004/David Price.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.5: 798-821.
135416 Criminal Justice Act 2003: The Sentencing Provisions/Andrew Ashworth, Elaine Player.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.5: 822-838.
135417 The Admissibility of a Confession against a Co-defendant: R v Hayter/Deirdre M. Dwyer.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.5: 839-848.
135418 Limitation Periods and the Theory of Unjust Enrichment/James Edelman.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.5: 848-857.
135419 A Peculiarly British Protection of Human Rights?/Alison L. Young.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.5: 858-872.
135420 Citizen Redress in Public Contracting for Human Services/Peter Vincent-Jonesn.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.6: 887-924.
135421 Empowerment and State Education: Rights of Choice and Participation/Neville Harris.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.6: 925-957.
135422 Advance Refusals of Life-Sustaining Medical Treatment: The Relativity of an Absolute Right/Sabine Michalowski.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.6: 958-982.
135423 Reforming Liability for Psychiatric Injury in Scotland: A Recipe for Uncertainty?/Donal Nolan.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.6: 983-995.
135424 Loss of the Chance of Cure from Cancer/Jane Stapleton.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.6: 996-1006.
135425 Reprimanding Juveniles and the Right to Due Process/AlisdairA. Gillespie.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.6: 1006-1015.
135426 Equality and Opportunity: Reconciling the Irreconcilable/Timothy Macklem.- The Modern Law Review. 2005; Vol.68, No.6: 1016-1033.
135427 Biotechnology, Bioethics and Law: Europe’s 21st Century Challenge/Noelle Lenoir.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.1: 1-6.
135428 Parliamentary Bills of Rights: An Alternative Model?/Janet L. Hiebert.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.1: 7-28.
135429 The Responsible Subject As Citizen: Criminal Law, Democracy And The Welfare State/Peter Ramsay.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.1: 29-58.
135430 General Product Safety – a Revolution Through Reform?/Duncan Fairgrieve, Geraint Howells.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.1: 59-69.
135431 The WTO Geographical Indications Dispute/Michael Handler.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.1: 70-80.
135432 Guilt and Innocence in the Criminal Justice System: A Comment on R (Mullen) v Secretary of State for the Home Department/Richard Nobles, David Schiff.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.1: 80-91.
135433 Families, Partnerships and Law Reform in the European Union: Balancing Disciplinarity and Liberalisation/Clare McGlynn.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.1: 92-107.
135434 Investigators and Prosecutors or, Desperately Seeking Scotland: Re-formulation of the Philips Principle/Robin M. White.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.2: 143-182.
135435 A Suicidal Woman, Roaming Pigs and a Noisy Trampolinist: Refining the ASBO’s Definition of Anti-Social Behaviour/Stuart Macdonald.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.2: 183-213.
135436 Overreaching In Registered Land Law/Nicola Jackson.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.2: 214-241.
135437 Bubbins v United Kingdom: Civil Remedies and the Right to Life/Neil Martin.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.2: 242-249.
135438 The Concept of Legislation: Jackson v Her Majesty’s Attorney General/Michael Plaxton.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.2: 249-261.
135439 Patterns of Punitiveness/David Nelken.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.2: 262-277.
135440 Accommodating Children’s Rights in a Post Human Rights Act Era/Jane Fortin.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.3: 299-326.
135441 The Anonymous Matrix: Human Rights Violations by Private Transnational Actors/Gunther Teubner.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.3: 327-346.
135442 An Australian Perspective on Class Action Settlements/Vince Morabito.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.3: 347-382.
135443 The House of Lords and the Northern Ireland Conflict – A Sequel/Brice Dickson.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.3: 383-417.
135444 The Politics and Economics of Tort Law: Judicially Imposed Periodical Payments of Damages/Richard Lewis.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.3: 418-442.
135445 Electing the Electorate: The Problem of Prisoner Disenfranchisement/Susan Easton.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.3: 443-452.
135446 Freedom of Religious Expression and Gender Equality: Sahin v Turkey/Jill Marshall.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.3: 452-461.
135447 Liberalism, Normative Expectations, and the Mechanics of Fault/Kyron Huigens.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.3: 462-479.
135448 Media Freedom and Political Debate in the Digital Era/Jacob Rowbottom.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.4: 489-513.
135449 Public Trusts/John Barratt.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.4: 514-542.
135450 Viewpoint Absolutism and Hate Speech/Eric Heinze.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.4: 543-582.
135451 Mortgagee Powers Rhetoric/Matthew Conaglen.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.4: 583-600.
135452 The Homicide Ladder/Victor Tadros.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.4: 601-618.
135453 The Protection of Civil Liberties in the Workplace/Hugh Collins.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.4: 619-631.
135454 Constitutional Rights and Social Welfare: A Comment on the Canadian Chaoulli Health Care Decision/Jeff A. King.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.4: 631-643.
135455 Visions of the Past of International Society: Law, History or Politics?/Anthony Carty.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.4: 644-660.
135456 A Potential Framework For Privacy? A Reply To Hello!/Rachael Mulheron.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.5: 679-713.
135457 The Enjoyment of Rights and Freedoms: A New Conception of the Ambit under Article 14 ECHR/Aaron Baker.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.5: 714-737.
135458 Conceptions Of Liberty Deprivation/Liora Lazarus.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.5: 738-769.
135459 The End of Domestic Violence/Helen Reece.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.5: 770-791.
135460 Challenging the Authority of the Ombudsman: The Parliamentary Ombudsman’s Special Report on Wartime Detainees/Richard Kirkham.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.5: 792-818.
135461 The Doctrine of Precedent and the Provocation Defence: A Comment on R v James/Jesse Elvin.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.5: 819-831.
135462 A Confused Court: Equivocations on Recognising Same-Sex Relationships in South Africa/Graham Gee, Gregoire C. N. Webber.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.5: 831-842.
135463 Human Rights: Where Do We Go from Here?/Laurence Lustgarten.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.5: 843-854.
135464 Deconstructing Deliberation in the Appraisal of Medical Technologies: NICEly Does it?/Keith Syrett.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.6: 869-894.
135465 Protection Against Judicially Compelled Disclosure of the Identity of News Gatherers’ Confidential Sources in Common Law Jurisdictions/Janice Brabyn.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.6: 895-934.
135466 Making War on Terror? Global Lessons from Northern Ireland/Colm Campbell, Ita Connolly.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.6: 935-957.
135467 Tribunal Reform: Proportionate Dispute Resolution and the Pursuit of Administrative Justice/Michael Adler.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.6: 958-985.
135468 Prosecuting the Drug Dealer When a Drug User Dies: R v Kennedy (No 2)/Catherine Elliott, Claire deThan.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.6: 986-995.
135469 A v Secretary of State for the Home Department (No 2): Occupying the Moral High Ground?/Nathan Rasiah.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.6: 995-1005.
135470 Ruled by Law?/Michael Taggart.- The Modern Law Review. 2006; Vol.69, No.6: 1006-1025.
135471 The Fate of Public International Law: Between Technique and Politics/Martti Koskenniemi.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.1: 1-30.
135472 Devolution and its Jurisdictional Asymmetries/C.M. G. Himsworth.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.1: 31-58.
135473 New Forms of Damage in Negligence/Donal Nolan.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.1: 59-88.
135474 Incitement to Religious Hatred: All Talk and No Substance?/Kay Goodall.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.1: 89-113.
135475 Preventing Secondary Victimisation Through Anonymity/Alisdair A. Gillespie, Vanessa Bettinson.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.1: 114-127.
135476 Intoxicated Mistakes about the Need for Self-Defence/Gavin Dingwall.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.1: 127-138.
135477 The Emperor’s New Clothes/Richard Nobles, David Schiff.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.1: 139-160.
135478 Standing Surety in Europe: Common Core or Tower of Babel?/Mel Kenny.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.2: 175-196.
135479 The Justiciability of Resource Allocation/Jeff A. King.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.2: 197-224.
135480 The Case for a Rational Reconstruction of Consent in Criminal Law/Catherine Elliott, Claire deThan.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.2: 225-249.
135481 Tilting at Windmills? Truth and Illusion in The Political Constitution/Thomas Poole.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.2: 250-277.
135482 New Carrots and Sticks: Proposals for Reform of CPR Part 36/Daniel L. Ward.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.2: 278-293.
135483 The New Purposive Interpretation of Statutes: HRA Section 3 after Ghaidan v Godin-Mendoza/Jan van Zyl Smit.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.2: 294-306.
135484 The Burke Case: The Terminally Ill Patient and The Right To Life/Peter de Cruz.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.2: 306-317.
135485 The Truth Will Out? Incoherence and Scepticism in Foundations of Evidence Law/David Hamer.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.2: 318-338.
135486 Spiralling or Stabilising? The Compensation Culture and Our Propensity to Claim Damages for Personal Injury/Annette Morris.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.3: 349-378.
135487 Manifest Madness: Towards a New Understanding of the Insanity Defence/Arlie Loughnan.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.3: 379-401.
135488 Remanding Women in Custody: Concerns for Human Rights/Elaine Player.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.3: 402-426.
135489 The Treatment of Foreign Terror Suspects/Clive Walker.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.3: 427-457.
135490 The Court as Gatekeeper: Customary International Law in English Courts/Patrick Capps.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.3: 458-471.
135491 Not Yet Dead: Wright v Paton Farrell and Advocates’ Immunity in Scotland/Greg Gordon.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.3: 471-483.
135492 The Return of Grand Theory in the Juridical Sciences?/Thomas Poole.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.3: 484-504.
135493 Reflecting on Linkage: Cognitive and Institutional Change in The International Trading System/Andrew T. F. Lang.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.4: 523-549.
135494 Justice Enhanced: Framing an Opt-Out Class Action for England/Rachael Mulheron.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.4: 550-580.
135495 The Concept of Appropriation and The Offence of Theft/Emmanuel Melissaris.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.4: 581-597.
135496 Responsibility Beyond Borders: State Responsibility for Extraterritorial Violations by Corporations of International Human Rights Law/Robert McCorquodale, Penelope Simons.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.4: 598-625.
135497 The Gambling Act 2005: Regulatory Containment and Market Control/Roy Light.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.4: 626-653.
135498 The Seamless Web? Diversion from The Criminal Process and Judicial Review/L. H. Leigh.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.4: 654-659.
135499 Stop and Search Under the Terrorism Act 2000: A Comment on R (Gillan) v Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis/Daniel Moeckli.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.4: 659-670.
135500 Canadian Courts Enforce Foreign Non-Money Judgments/Richard Frimpong Oppong.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.4: 670-679.
135501 Between Constitutionalism and Democratic Experimentalism? New Governance in the EU and the US/Michael Wilkinson.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.4: 680-700.
135502 Freedom and Futures: Personal Priorities, Institutional Demands and Freedom of Religion/Sheldon Leader.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.5: 713-730.
135503 The Future of Staatsrecht: Dominance, Demise or Demystification?/Jo Eric Khushal Murkens.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.5: 731-758.
135504 Identifying Miscarriages of Justice: Why Innocence in the UK is Not the Answer/Hannah Quirk.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.5: 759-777.
135505 Corporate Ownership and Control in the UK: The Tax Dimension/Brian R. Cheffins, Steven A. Bank.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.5: 778-811.
135506 Reengineering the Child Support Scheme: An Australian Perspective on the British Government’s Proposals/Patrick Parkinson.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.5: 812-836.
135507 Schemes of Arrangement and Asbestos Litigation: In Re Cape plc/John Townsend.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.5: 837-847.
135508 Trust of a Non-Assignable Contractual Benefit: Barbados Trust Company v Bank of Zambia/Alexander Trukhtanov.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.5: 848-856.
135509 The Right Decision for the Child/Michael King.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.5: 857-871.
135510 Contract Damages, Corrective Justice and Punishment/Pey-Woan Lee.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.6: 887-907.
135511 Toward a Feminist State: What Does Effective Prosecution of Domestic Violence Mean?/Michelle Madden Dempsey.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.6: 908-935.
135512 Disproportionate and Discriminatory: Reviewing the Evidence on Police Stop and Search/Ben Bowling, Coretta Phillips.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.6: 936-961.
135513 Rethinking Product Liability: A Missing Element in the European Commission’s Third Review of the European Product Liability Directive/Duncan Fairgrieve, Geraint Howells.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.6: 962-978.
135514 Regulating Abortion in the United States after Gonzales v Carhart/Graham Gee.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.6: 979-992.
135515 Evans v United Kingdom: Paradigms Of Parenting/Caroline Morris.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.6: 992-1002.
135516 Missing Bearings – Information Duties of the Seller under Section 35 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979/Vanessa Mak.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.6: 1002-1007.
135517 China’s Laws and Flaws/Tim Murphy.- The Modern Law Review. 2007; Vol.70, No.6: 1008-1022.
135518 Beyond Electocracy: Rethinking the Political Representative as Powerful Stranger/Lani Guinier.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.1: 1-35.
135519 Guantanamo Bay: Towards Legality?/Fiona De Londras.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.1: 36-58.
135520 Really Responsive Regulation/Robert Baldwin, Julia Black.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.1: 59-94.
135521 Reconstructing Insurance Law: The Law Commissions’ Consultation Paper/Rob Merkinn, John Lowry.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.1: 95-113.
135522 To have and to hold? Conversion and intangible property/Sarah Green.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.1: 114-120.
135523 Intention, Fairness and the Presumption of Resulting Trust after Stack v Dowden/Nick Piska.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.1: 120-131.
135524 Domesticating the Sociology of Law/Simon Roberts.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.1: 132-144.
135525 Trusts for Religious Purposes and the Question of Public Benefit/Matthew Harding.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.2: 159-182.
135526 The Open Architecture of European Human Rights Law/Nico Krisch.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.2: 183-216.
135527 Fair Labelling in Criminal Law/James Chalmers, Fiona Leverick.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.2: 217-246.
135528 Demanding Service or Servicing Demand? Charities, Regulation and the Policy Process/Alison Dunn.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.2: 247-270.
135529 Compensation for Commercial Agents/Asma Vranaki.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.2: 271-279.
135530 Intoxicated Consent in Rape: Bree and Juror Decision-Making/Philip N. S. Rumney, Rachel Anne Fenton.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.2: 279-290.
135531 Recovery of Compound Interest as Restitution or Damages/Charles Mitchell.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.2: 290-302.
135532 Neither Parochial Nor Cosmopolitan: Appraising the Migration of Constitutional Ideas/Jo Eric Khushal Murkens.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.2: 303-319.
135533 Pre-Trial Defence Rights and the Fair Use of Eyewitness Identification Procedures/Andrew Roberts.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.3: 331-357.
135534 Ethnic Profiling: A Rising Challenge for European Human Rights Law/Olivier De Schutter, Julie Ringelheim.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.3: 358-384.
135535 In the Wake of Good Governance: Impact Assessments and the Politicisation of Statutory Interpretation/Roderick Munday.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.3: 385-412.
135536 The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 – Thirteen years in the making but was it worth the wait?/James Gobert.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.3: 413-433.
135537 The Law and Incapacity Determinations: A Conflict of Governance?/Aisling Boyle.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.3: 433-463.
135538 Absurd Asymmetry – a Comment on R v Cottrell and Fletcher and BM, KK and DP (Petitioners) v Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission/Richard Nobles, David Schiff.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.3: 464-472.
135539 The Owl of Minerva: Constitutional Discourse Before its Conclusion/Alexander Somek.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.3: 473-489.
135540 Restating the Acquis Communautaire? A Critical Examination of the Principles of the Existing EC Contract Law/Nils Jansen, Reinhard Zimmermann.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.4: 505-534.
135541 An Intentional View of the Copyright Work/Justine Pila.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.4: 535-558.
135542 The Assessment of Gain-Based Damages for Breach of Contract/Ralph Cunnington.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.4: 559-586.
135543 Dedicating Copyright to the Public Domain/Phillip Johnson.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.4: 587-610.
135544 A Strange Sort of Survival for Pinnel’s Case: Collier v P and M J Wright (Holdings) Limited/Richard Austen-Baker.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.4: 611-620.
135545 The House that Dr Beever Built: Corrective Justice, Principle and the Law of Negligence/Christian Witting.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.4: 621-640.
135546 Ascertaining The Corporate Objective: An Entity Maximisation and Sustainability Model/Andrew Keay.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.5: 663-698.
135547 What Liquidation Does For Secured Creditors, And What It Does For You/Rizwaan Jameel Mokal.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.5: 699-733.
135548 Denying Foreign State Immunity on the Grounds of the Unavailability of Alternative Means/Mizushima Tomonori.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.5: 734-752.
135549 Dispersal Powers and the Symbolic Role of Anti-Social Behaviour Legislation/Adam Crawford.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.5: 753-784.
135550 Law Applicable in the Absence of Choice – The New Article 4 of the Rome I Regulation/Zheng Tang.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.5: 785-800.
135551 Police Shootings and the Role of Tort/Phil Palmer, Jenny Steele.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.5: 801-811.
135552 International Co-operation in Cross-Border Insolvency: HIH Insurance/John Townsend.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.5: 811-822.
135553 Beyond Kelsen and Hart? MacCormick’s Institutions of Law/Deirdre Dwyer.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.5: 823-839.
135554 Reforming the United Kingdom Constitution: Law, Convention, Soft Law/Aileen McHarg.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.6: 853-877.
135555 Taxonomies of Squatting: Unlawful Occupation in a New Legal Order/Lorna Fox O’Mahony, Neil Cobb.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.6: 878-911.
135556 Human Rights and Unfair Dismissal: Private Acts in Public Spaces/Virginia Mantouvalou.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.6: 912-939.
135557 Crimes and Security/Victor Tadros.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.6: 940-970.
135558 The Strange Death of Blasphemy/Russell Sandberg, Norman Doe.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.6: 971-986.
135559 Bank Charges and the Core Exemption: Office of Fair Trading v Abbey National Plc/Elizabeth Macdonald.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.6: 987-998.
135560 Light Weapons and the Dynamics of Art 47 EU – The EC’s Armoury of Ever Expanding Competences/Ester Herlin-Karnell.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.6: 998-1008.
135561 Defining Damage in the House of Lords/Gemma Turton.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.6: 1009-1014.
135562 The Thirteenth Chime: Experimentalism and the Global Economy/Andrew T. F. Lang.- The Modern Law Review. 2008; Vol.71, No.6: 1015-1031.
135563 Self-subversive Justice: Contingency or Transcendence Formula of Law?/Gunther Teubner.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.1: 1-23.
135564 Cohabitants, Property and the Law: A Study of Injustice/Gillian Douglas, Julia Pearce, Hilary Woodward.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.1: 24-47.
135565 Cohabitation and Comparative Method/Robert Leckey.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.1: 48-72.
135566 The Reclassification of Extreme Pornographic Images/Andrew D. Murray.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.1: 73-90.
135567 Agency Workers, Employment Rights and the Ebb and Flow of Freedom of Contract/Michael Wynnn, Patricia Leighton.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.1: 91-102.
135568 Governmental Rejections of Ombudsman Findings: What Role for the Courts?/Jason N. E. Varuhas.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.1: 102-115.
135569 Judging Emmanuel Levinas? Some Reflections on Reading Levinas, Law, Politics/Upendra Baxi.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.1: 116-129.
135570 Trust, Distrust and Betrayal: A Social Housing Case Study/David Cowan, Karen Morgan.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.2: 157-181.
135571 Caste Discrimination: A Twenty-First Century Challenge for UK Discrimination Law?/Annapurna Waughray.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.2: 182-219.
135572 Otto Kahn-Freund and Collective Laissez-Faire: An Edifice without a Keystone?/Ruth Dukes.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.2: 220-246.
135573 New Labour’s PPI Reforms: Patient and Public Involvement in Healthcare Governance?/Peter Vincent-Jones, David Hughes, Caroline Mullen.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.2: 247-271.
135574 Resisting the Long Arm of Criminal Antitrust Laws: Norris v The United States/Peter Whelan.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.2: 272-283.
135575 Failing to Protect: Victims’ Rights and Police Liability/Mandy Burton.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.2: 283-295.
135576 Law’s Labour’s Lost/Peter Goodrich.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.2: 296-312.
135577 Choice, Culture and the Politics of Belonging: The Emerging Law of Forced and Arranged Marriage/Mairead Enright.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.3: 331-359.
135578 Constitutional Referendums: A Theoretical Enquiry/Stephen Tierney.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.3: 360-383.
135579 Judicial Responses to Bright Line Rules in Social Security: In Search of Principle/Emma Laurie.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.3: 384-411.
135580 Legislating Against Climate Change: A UK Perspective on a Sisyphean Challenge/Mark Stallworthy.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.3: 412-436.
135581 Article 53(b) EPC: A Challenge to the Novartis Theory of European Patent History/Justine Pila.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.3: 436-462.
135582 Interpreting the Threshold Criteria under section 31(2) of the Children Act 1989 – the House of Lords decision in Re B/Cathy Cobley, Nigel Lowe.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.3: 463-475.
135583 Debating Democracy and the Ban on Political Advertising/Sarah Sackman.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.3: 475-487.
135584 How Hobbes Met the Hobbes Challenge/David Dyzenhaus.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.3: 488-506.
135585 Rethinking the Economic Torts/Simon Deakin, John Randall.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.4: 519-553.
135586 In Defence of Due Deference/Alison L. Young.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.4: 554-580.
135587 A Purposive Interpretation of the National Minimum Wage Act/Guy Davidov.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.4: 581-606.
135588 Contractual Limitations on the Auditor’s Liability: An Uneasy Combination of Law and Accounting/P. E. Morris.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.4: 607-627.
135589 Age Discrimination, Redundancy Payments and Length of Service/Malcolm Sargeant.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.4: 628-634.
135590 Caring for the Disabled? New Boundaries in Disability Discrimination/Pauline Roberts.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.4: 635-647.
135591 Wrongs and Reasons/A. P. Simester.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.4: 648-668.
135592 Straddling Two Worlds: Reflections of a Retired Criminal Cases Review Commissioner/Peter Duff.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.5: 693-722.
135593 Putting Race and Gender Together: A New Approach To Intersectionality/Iyiola Solanke.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.5: 723-749.
135594 A Tort-Based Approach to Damages under the Human Rights Act 1998/Jason N. E. Varuhas.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.5: 750-782.
135595 The United Kingdom’s Immunity from Seizure Legislation/Anna O’Connell.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.5: 783-793.
135596 The Mortgage Arrears Pre-Action Protocol: An Opportunity Lost/Lisa Whitehouse.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.5: 793-814.
135597 N v UK: No Duty to Rescue the Nearby Needy?/Virginia Mantouvalou.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.5: 815-828.
135598 Strasbourg, the House of Lords or Elected Politicians: Who decides about rights after Re P?/Aileen Kavanagh.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.5: 828-843.
135599 Law’s Jewish Question? The Holocaust and Critical Theory/David Fraser.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.5: 844-866.
135600 Problems with the Human Rights Act 1998 and How to Remedy Them: Is a Bill of Rights the Answer?/Merris Amos.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.6: 883-908.
135601 The Great Illusion: Tort Law and Exposure to Danger of Physical Harm/Emmanuel Voyiakis.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.6: 909-935.
135602 Historicising Criminalisation: Conceptual and Empirical Issues/Nicola Lacey.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.6: 936-960.
135603 Negligence, Public Bodies, and Ruthlessness/Richard Mullender.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.6: 961-983.
135604 How to Make a Terrorist Out of Nothing/Jacqueline Hodgson, Victor Tadros.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.6: 984-998.
135605 Hopes, Expectations and Revocable Promises in Proprietary Estoppel/Nick Piska.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.6: 998-1015.
135606 Gentle Civilizer Decayed? Moving (Beyond) International Law/Florian F. Hoffmann.- The Modern Law Review. 2009; Vol.72, No.6: 1016-1034.
135607 Plaintiffs v. Privateers: Litigation and Foreign Affairs in the Federal Courts, 1816-1822/Kevin Arlyck.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.1: 245-278.
135608 The Right to a Father’s Name: A Historical Perspective on State Efforts to Combat the Stigma of Illegitimate Birth in Brazil/Sueann Caulfield.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.1: 1-36.
135609 Agreement Supersedes Law, and Love Judgment: Legal Flexibility and Amicable Settlement in Anglo-Norman England/Richard L. Keyser.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.1: 37-88.
135610 Federalists, Federalism, and Federal Jurisdiction/Alison L. LaCroix.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.1: 205-244.
135611 Too Many Courts and Too Much Law: The Politics of Judicial Reform in Nova Scotia, 1830-1841/Jim Phillips, Bradley Miller.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.1: 89-133.
135612 Freedom By A Judgment: The Legal History of an Afro-Indian Family/Honor Sachs.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.1: 173-203.
135613 Marriage on the Margins: Free Wives, Enslaved Husbands, and the Law in Early Virginia/Terri L. Snyder.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.1: 141-171.
135614 The Killer Behind the Badg: Race and Police Homicide In New Orleans, 1925-1945/Jeffrey S. Adler.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.2: 495-531.
135615 Anglicization and Autonomy: Scottish Policing, Governance and the State, 1833 to 1885/David G. Barrie.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.2: 449-494.
135616 So Foul A Deed: Infanticide in Montreal, 1825-1850/Ian C. Pilarczyk.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.2: 575-634.
135617 Lady Astor and the Ladies of the Night: The Home Office, the Metropolitan Police and the Politics of the Street Offences Committee, 1927-28/Stefan Slater.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.2: 533-573.
135618 At Every Bloody Level: A Magistrate, a Framework-Knitter, and the Law/Carolyn Steedman.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.2: 387-422.
135619 The Sex Side of Civil Liberties: United States v. Dennett and the Changing Face of Free Speech/Laura M. Weinrib.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.2: 325-386.
135620 The Digest of Laws of the Russian Empire: The Phenomenon of Autocratic Legality/Tatiana Borisova.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.3: 601-625.
135621 Judging Empire: Courts And Culture in Rome’s Eastern Provinces/Ari Z. Bryen.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.3: 771-811.
135622 Let Them Make Him Duke to Rule that People: The Law of the Bavarians and Regime Change in Early Medieval Europe/Jonathan Couser.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.3: 865-899.
135623 Zionist Settlers and the English Private Trust in Mandate Palestine/Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.3: 813-864.
135624 From Slave to Litigant: African Americans in Court in the Postwar South, 1865-1920/Melissa Milewski.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.3: 723-769.
135625 The House that Built Holmes/Brad Snyder.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.3: 661-721.
135626 Commercial Forms and Legal Norms in the Jewish Community of Medieval Egypt/Phillip I. Ackerman-Lieberman.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.4: 1007-1052.
135627 The Fugitive Slave Clause and the Antebellum Constitution/H. Robert Baker.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.4: 1133-1174.
135628 The Borrower’s Tale: A History of Poor Debtors in Lochner Era New York City/Anne Fleming.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.4: 1053-1098.
135629 The Use and Abuse of the Law: Public Opinion and United Methodist Church Trials of Ministers Performing Same-Sex Union Ceremonies/Christopher Waldrep.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.4: 953-1005.
135630 Naturals of This Republic: Slave Law, Sovereignty, and the Legal Politics of Citizenship in the Ro de la Plata Borderlands, 1845-1864/Joseph P. Younger.- Law and History Review. 2012; Vol.30, No.4: 1092-1132.
135631 Introducing Applied Legal History/Alfred L. Brophy.- Law and History Review. 2013; Vol.31, No.1: 233-240.
135632 Petitions Without Number: Widows Petitions and the Early Nineteenth-Century Origins of Public Marriage-Based Entitlements/Kristin A. Collins.- Law and History Review. 2013; Vol.31, No.1: 1-60.
135633 The People’s Privilege: The Franking Privilege, Constituent Correspondence, and Political Representation in Mid-Nineteenth Century America/Roman J. Hoyos.- Law and History Review. 2013; Vol.31, No.1: 101-138.
135634 Building Toward Major Policy Change: Congressional Action on Civil Rights, 1941-1950/Jeffery A. Jenkins, Justin Peck.- Law and History Review. 2013; Vol.31, No.1: 139-198.
135635 Arbitration in America: The Early History/James Oldham, Su Jin Kim.- Law and History Review. 2013; Vol.31, No.1: 241-266.
135636 Wronged in Her Dearest Rights: Plaintiff Wives and the Transformation of Marital Consortium, 1870-1920/Kimberley A. Reilly.- Law and History Review. 2013; Vol.31, No.1: 61-99.
135637 Jews or Germans? Nationality Legislation and the Restoration of Liberal Democracy in Western Europe after the Holocaust/David Fraser, Frank Caestecker.- Law and History Review. 2013; Vol.31, No.2: 391-422.
135638 Protective Labor Legislation in the Courts: Substantive Due Process and Fairness in the Progressive Era/Claudio J. Katz.- Law and History Review. 2013; Vol.31, No.2: 275-323.
135639 Equals of the White Man: Prosecution of Settlers for Violence Against Aboriginal Subjects of the Crown, Colonial Western Australia/Amanda Nettelbeck.- Law and History Review. 2013; Vol.31, No.2: 355-390.
135640 Constitutional Principle, Partisan Calculation, and the Beveridge Child Labor Bill/Logan Everett Sawyer.- Law and History Review. 2013; Vol.31, No.2: 325-353.
135641 Our Militancy is in Our Openness: Gay Employment Rights Activism in California and the Question of Sexual Orientation in Sex Equality Law/Katherine Turk.- Law and History Review. 2013; Vol.31, No.2: 423-469.
135642 Remembering Massive Resistance to School Desegregation/Mark Golub.- Law and History Review. 2013; Vol.31, No.3: 491-530.
135643 Seeing the Light: Lysander Spooner’s Increasingly Popular Constitutionalism/Helen J. Knowles.- Law and History Review. 2013; Vol.31, No.3: 531-558.
135644 The People’s Property Law: A Step Toward Building a New Legal Order in Revolutionary New York/Howard Pashman.- Law and History Review. 2013; Vol.31, No.3: 587-626.
135645 Peculiar Quarantines: The Seamen Acts and Regulatory Authority in the Antebellum South/Michael Schoeppner.- Law and History Review. 2013; Vol.31, No.3: 559-586.
135646 A Fine Mixture of Pity and Justice: The Criminal Justice Response to Infanticide in Ireland, 1922-1949/Karen M. Brennan.- Law and History Review. 2013; Vol.31, No.4: 793-841.
135647 The French Revolution, the Union of Avignon, and the Challenges of National Self-Determination/Edward James Kolla.- Law and History Review. 2013; Vol.31, No.4: 717-747.
135648 The Statute of Westminster, 1931: An Irish Perspective/Thomas Mohr.- Law and History Review. 2013; Vol.31, No.4: 749-791.
135649 Understanding Curtiss-Wright/Edward A. Purcell.- Law and History Review. 2013; Vol.31, No.4: 653-715.
135650 Judicial Truth and Historical Truth: The Case of the Ardeatine Caves Massacre/Giorgio Resta, Vincenzo Zeno-Zencovich.- Law and History Review. 2013; Vol.31, No.4: 873-886.
135651 Social Change and Written Law in Early Chinese Legal Thought/Ernest Caldwell.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.1: 1-30.
135652 Possession and Dispossession in Corporate New France, 1600-1663: Debunking a Juridical History and Revisiting Terra Nullius/Edward Cavanagh.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.1: 97-125.
135653 War and Sovereignty in Medieval Roman Law/Ryan Greenwood.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.1: 31-63.
135654 Sex in the Witness Stand: Erotic Sensationalism, Voyeurism, Sexual Boasting, and Bawdy Humor in Nineteenth-Century Illinois Courts/Melissa A. Hayes.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.1: 149-202.
135655 The Preconstruction of Witness Testimony: Law and Social Discourse in England before the Reformation/Tom Johnson.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.1: 127-147.
135656 Apply to Muslims What Was Said of the Jews: Popes and Canonists Between a Taxonomy of Otherness and Infidelitas/Stefan K. Stantchev.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.1: 65-96.
135657 The Right to Asylum: Britain’s 1905 Aliens Act and the Evolution of Refugee Law/Alison Bashford, Jane McAdam.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.2: 309-350.
135658 Empires of Writing: Britain, America and Constitutions, 1776-1848/Linda Colley.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.2: 237-266.
135659 Race versus Religion in the Making of the International Convention Against Racial Discrimination, 1965/Ofra Friesel.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.2: 351-383.
135660 Making the World in Atlanta’s Image: The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, Morris Abram, and the Legislative History of the United Nations Race Convention/H. Timothy Lovelace.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.2: 385-429.
135661 The Age of Constitutions in the Americas/M. C. Mirow.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.2: 229-235.
135662 Evolution Revolution and the Journey from African Colonial Subject to French Citizen/Lorelle D. Semley.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.2: 267-307.
135663 Rethinking People v. Croswell: Alexander Hamilton and the Nature and Scope of Common Law in the Early Republic/Kate Elizabeth Brown.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.3: 611-645.
135664 Public Opinion and the French Capital Punishment Debate of 1908/James M. Donovan.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.3: 575-609.
135665 Publishing Robinson’s Reports Of Cases Argued And Determined In The High Court Of Admiralty/John D. Gordan.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.3: 525-573.
135666 The Transformation of Adultery in France at the End of the Middle Ages/Sara McDougall.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.3: 491-524.
135667 Disciplining the Market: Debt Imprisonment, Public Credit, and the Construction of Commercial Personhood in Revolutionary France/Erika Vause.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.3: 647-682.
135668 Access to Justice: Legal Aid to the Poor at Civil Law Courts in the Eighteenth-Century Low Countries/Griet Vermeesch.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.3: 683-714.
135669 The Somerset Effect: Parsing Lord Mansfield’s Words on Slavery in Nineteenth Century America/Derek A. Webb.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.3: 455-490.
135670 Afterword: Mobile Law and Thick Transregionalism/Engseng Ho.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.4: 883-889.
135671 Paper Routes: Inscribing Islamic Law across the Nineteenth-Century Western Indian Ocean/Fahad Ahmad Bishara.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.4: 797-820.
135672 A Peripatetic World Court Cosmopolitan Courts, Nationalist Judges and the Indian Appeal to the Privy Council/Rohit De.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.4: 821-851.
135673 Circulations of Law: Cosmopolitan Elites, Global Repertoires, Local Vernaculars/Iza Hussin.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.4: 773-795.
135674 The Campaign for Islamic Law in Fiji: Comparison, Codification, Application/Riyad Sadiq Koya.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.4: 853-881.
135675 The Travels of Law: Indian Ocean Itineraries/Renisa Mawani, Iza Hussin.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.4: 733-747.
135676 An Uncertain Inheritance: The Imperial Travels of Legal Migrants, from British India to Ottoman Iraq/Julia Stephens.- Law and History Review. 2014; Vol.32, No.4: 749-772.
135677 When Your Money Is Not Your Own: Coverture and Married Women In Business in Colonial New South Wales/Catherine Bishop.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.1: 181-200.
135678 Citizen Kane: The Everyday Ordeals and Self-Fashioned Citizenship of Wisconsin’s Lady Lawyer/Joel E. Black.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.1: 201-230.
135679 Race, Upper Canadian Constitutionalism and British Justice/Lyndsay Campbell.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.1: 41-91.
135680 Thomas Jefferson and the Uses of Equity/Matthew Crow.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.1: 151-180.
135681 States Rights, Welfare Rights, and the Indian Problem: Negotiating Citizenship and Sovereignty, 1935-1954/Karen M. Tani.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.1: 1-40.
135682 Divided by Law: The Sit-ins and the Role of the Courts in the Civil Rights Movement/Christopher W. Schmidt.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.1: 93-149.
135683 Murder Appeals, Delayed Executions, and the Origins of Jamaican Death Penalty Jurisprudence/James Campbell.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.2: 435-466.
135684 The Origins of Indirect Rule in India: Hyderabad and the British Imperial Order/Kavita Saraswathi Datla.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.2: 321-350.
135685 Prohibition Plebiscites on the Prairies: (Not-So) Direct Legislation and Liquor Control in Alberta, 1915-1932/Sarah E. Hamill.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.2: 377-410.
135686 Rechtsstaat and Recht in West Germany’s Nuclear Power Debate, 1975-1983/Michael L. Hughes.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.2: 411-434.
135687 The End of Entail: Information, Institutions, and Slavery in the American Revolutionary Period/Claire Priest.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.2: 277-319.
135688 Property Law as Labor Control in the Postbellum South/Brian Sawers.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33: 351-376.
135689 Beyond the Pale of Mercy: Victorian Penal Culture, Police Court Missionaries, and the Origins of Probation in England/Sascha Auerbach.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.3: 621-663.
135690 Legacies of British Colonial Violence: Viewing Kenyan Detention Camps through the Hanslope Disclosure/Aoife Duffy.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.3: 489-542.
135691 Marrying Well: Debating Consanguinity, Matrimonial Law, and Brazilian Legal Medicine, 1890-1930/Okezi Otovo.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.3: 703-743.
135692 The Peculiar Anomaly: Same-Sex Infidelity in Postwar Divorce Courts/Alison Lefkovitz.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.3: 665-701.
135693 Olmsted’s Police/David Thacher.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.3: 621-663.
135694 A Manifest Violation of the Rights of Englishmen: Rights Talk and the Law of Property in Early Eighteenth-Century Jamaica/Lee B. Wilson.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.3: 543-575.
135695 Inexperienced Humanitarians? William Wilberforce, William Pitt, and the Execution Crisis of the 1780s/Simon Devereaux.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.4: 839-885.
135696 To Make All Children Equal is a Change in the Power Structures of Society: The Politics of Family Law in Twentieth Century Chile and Latin America/Nara Milanich.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.4: 767-802.
135697 Binding in Conscience: Early Modern English Protestants and Spanish Thomists on Law and the Fate of the Soul/Richard J. Ross.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.4: 803-837.
135698 Environmental Law and the End of the New Deal Order/Paul Sabin.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.4: 965-1003.
135699 Amphibious Power: The Law of Wreck, Maritime Customs, and Sovereignty in Richelieu’s France/Francesca Trivellato.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.4: 915-944.
135700 Legal Pluralism and the English East India Company in the Straits of Malacca during the Early Nineteenth Century/Nurfadzilah Yahaya.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.4: 945-964.
135701 The Internal Forum of the Later Middle Ages. A Modern Myth?/Wolfgang P. Muller.- Law and History Review. 2015; Vol.33, No.4: 887-913.
135702 The Greatest Thrill I Get is When I Hear a Criminal Say, Yes, I Did it: Race and the Third Degree in New Orleans, 1920-1945/Jeffrey S. Adler.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.1: 1-44.
135703 Trial by Jury as Mockery of Justice: Party Contention, Courtroom Corruption, and the Ironic Judicial Legacy of Antimasonry/Elizabeth Bussiere.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.1: 155-198.
135704 Multiple Voices and the Force of Custom on Punishment: Trial of Family Honor Killings in Mandate Palestine/Badi Hasisi, Deborah Bernstein.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.1: 115-154.
135705 Law, Sovereignty, and the War on Smuggling in Coastal China, 1928-1937/Philip Thai.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.1: 75-114.
135706 No Greater Provocation? Adultery and the Mitigation of Murder in English Law/K.J. Kesselring.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.1: 199-225.
135707 The Investigation into the Traffic in Women by the League of Nations: Sociological Jurisprudence as an International Social Project/Paul Knepper.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.1: 45-73.
135708 Once the Jews have been Expelled: Intent and Interpretation in Late Medieval Canon Law/Rowan W. Dorin.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.2: 335-362.
135709 Israel’s 1967 Governmental Debate about the Annexation of East Jerusalem: The Nascent Alliance with the United States, Overshadowed by United Jerusalem/Ofra Friesel.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.2: 363-391.
135710 The Custody Crucible: The Development of Scientific Authority About Gay and Lesbian Parents/Marie-Amelie George.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.2: 487-529.
135711 John Stuart Mill and the Contagious Diseases Acts: Whose Law? Whose Liberty? Whose Greater Good?/Jim Jose, Kcasey McLoughlin.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.2: 249-279.
135712 Under Two Jurisdictions: Immigration, Citizenship, and Self-Governance in Cross-Border Community Relocations/Jane McAdam.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.2: 281-333.
135713 New Light on the Sedition Act of 1798: The Missing Half of the Prosecutions/Wendell Bird.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.3: 541-614.
135714 Merchant Courts, Arbitration, and the Politics of Commercial Litigation in the Eighteenth-Century British Empire/Christian R. Burset.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.3: 615-647.
135715 Accommodating Nazi Tyranny? The Wrong Turn of the Social Democratic Legal Philosopher Gustav Radbruch After the War/Douglas G. Morris.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.3: 649-688.
135716 Judicial Independence in British North America, 1825-67: Constitutional Principles, Colonial Finances, and the Perils of Democracy/Jim Phillips.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.3: 689-742.
135717 Fragmenting the Nation: Divisible Sovereignty and Travancore’s Quest for Federal Independence/Sarath Pillai.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.3: 743-782.
135718 The Rare Infliction: the Abolition of Flogging in the Indian Army, circa 1835-1920/Radhika Singha.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.3: 783-818.
135719 Litchfield Unbound: Unlocking Legal History with Metadata, Digitization, and Digital Tools/Jason Eiseman, Whitney Bagnall, Cate Kellett, Caitlyn Lam.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.4: 831-855.
135720 The Prosecution Project: Understanding the Changing Criminal Trial Through Digital Tools/Mark Finnane, Alana Piper.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.4: 873-891.
135721 The Old Bailey Proceedings, 1674-1913: Text Mining for Evidence of Court Behavior/Tim Hitchcock, William J. Turkel.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.4: 929-959.
135722 Geographical Dimension of Colonial Justice: Using GIS in Research on Law and History/Michael Ng, T. Edwin Chow, David W.S. Wong.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.4: 1027-1045.
135723 Searching for Anglo-American Digital Legal History/Stephen Robertson.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.4: 1047-1069.
135724 Using Vector Space Models to Understand the Circulation of Habeas Corpus in Hawai’i, 1852-92/Charles W. Romney.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.4: 999-1026.
135725 Big Legal History and the Hundred Year Test/David J. Seipp.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.4: 857-871.
135726 Let’s Change the Law: Arkansas and the Puzzle of Juvenile Justice Reform in the 1990s/David S. Tanenhaus, Eric C. Nystrom.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.4: 957-997.
135727 Initial views from the Digital Panopticon: Reconstructing Penal Outcomes in the 1790s/Richard Ward, Lucy Williams.- Law and History Review. 2016; Vol.34, No.4: 893-928.
135728 Narratives of Sodomy and Unnatural Offenses in the Courts of Mandate Palestine (1918-48)/Orna Alyagon Darr.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.1: 235-260.
135729 Concluding Thoughts: Boundary Crossings: Slavery and Freedom, Legality and Illegality, Past and Present/Alejandro De La Fuente, Ariela Gross.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.1: 119-130.
135730 Illegal Enslavement, International Relations, and International Law on the Southern Border of Brazil/Keila Grinberg.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.1: 31-52.
135731 Introduction: A Crime Against Humanity: Slavery and The Boundaries of Legality, Past and Present/Ariela Gross.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.1: 1-18.
135732 Closing the Courtroom: Press Restrictions and Criminal Trials in Late Nineteenth Century Germany/Barnet Hartston.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.1: 201-233.
135733 The Devil’s Daughter of Hell Fire: Anger’s Role in Medieval English Felony Cases/Elizabeth Papp Kamali.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.1: 155-200.
135734 Like the Pirate and the Slave Trader Before Him: Precedent and Analogy in Contemporary Law and Literature/Jenny S. Martinez, Lisa Surwillo.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.1: 81-98.
135735 Social Facts, Legal Fictions, and the Attribution of Slave Status: The Puzzle of Prescription/Rebecca J. Scott.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.1: 9-30.
135736 Blind Justice: The United States’s Failure to Curb the Illegal Slave Trade/Randy J. Sparks.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.1: 53-79.
135737 Every Man His Own Avenger: Landlord Remedies and the Antebellum Roots of the Crop Lien and Chattel Mortgage in the United States/Adam Wolkoff.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.1: 131-154.
135738 The Court and the Old Dominion: Judicial Review Among the Virginia Jeffersonians/Jordan T. Cash.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.2: 351-390.
135739 Dispensing Irregular Justice: State Sponsored Abductions, Prisoner Surrenders, and Extralegal Renditions Along the Canada-United States Border/Benjamin Hoy.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.2: 321-350.
135740 Railroad Land Grants in an Incongruous Legal System: Corporate Subsidies, Bureaucratic Governance, and Legal Conflict in the United States, 1850-1903/Sean M. Kammer.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.2: 391-432.
135741 Marriage Law and the Reformation/Saskia Lettmaier.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.2: 461-510.
135742 Of Coercion and Accommodation: Looking at Japanese American Imprisonment through a Law Office Window/Eric L. Muller.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.2: 277-319.
135743 The Impostor Rule and Identity Theft in America/Jennifer Trost.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.2: 433-459.
135744 Manumission on the Land: Slaves, Masters, and Magistrates in Eighteenth-Century Mompox (Colombia)/Edgardo Perez Morales.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.2: 511-543.
135745 The Hounds of Empire: Forensic Dog Tracking in Britain and its Colonies, 1888-1953/Binyamin Blum.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.3: 621-665.
135746 Culture and the Courts in France: the Plaidoirie Sentimentale in the Nineteenth and EarlyTwentieth Centuries/James M. Donovan.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.3: 789-828.
135747 Enemy Women and the Laws of War in the American Civil War/Stephanie McCurry.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.3: 667-710.
135748 My land is worth a million dollars: How Japanese Canadians contested their dispossession in the 1940s/Jordan Stanger-Ross, Nicholas Blomley.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.3: 711-751.
135749 The Law of the New Hebrides is the Protector of their Lawlessness: Justice, Race and Colonial Rivalry in the Early Anglo-French Condominium/Kate Stevens.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.3: 595-620.
135750 Spectral Legal Personality in Interwar International Law: On New Ways of Not Being a State/Natasha Wheatley.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.3: 753-787.
135751 Natural Rights Dissected and Rejected: John Lind’s Counter to the Declaration of Independence/Neil L. York.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.3: 563-593.
135752 Rethinking the Nineteenth-Century Domestication of the Shar ‘a: Marriage and Family in the Imaginary of Classical Legal Thought and the Genealogy of (Muslim) Personal Law in Late Colonial India/Faisal Chaudhry.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.4: 841-879.
135753 No Minor Matter: Underage Soldiers, Parents, and the Nationalization of Habeas Corpus in Civil War America/Frances M. Clarke, Rebecca Jo Plant.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.4: 881-927.
135754 Executing Humanity: Legal Consciousness and Capital Punishment in the United States, 1915-1940/Daniel LaChance.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.4: 929-967.
135755 Just Another Day in Chancery Lane: Disorder and the Law in London’s Legal Quarter in the Fifteenth Century/Hannes Kleineke, James Ross.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.4: 1017-1047.
135756 Executing Humanity: Legal Consciousness and Capital Punishment in the United States, 1915-1940/Daniel LaChance.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.4: 929-967.
135757 The Prostitution of the Russian Flag: Privateers in Russian Admiralty Courts, 1787-98/Julia Leikin.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.4: 1049-1081.
135758 Compensation of Injuries and Homicide in Ming and Qing Law/Frederic Constant.- Law and History Review. 2017; Vol.35, No.4: 977-1016.
135759 Russian Capitalism on Trial: The Case of the Jacks of Hearts/Sergei Antonov.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.1: 35-76.
135760 On the other hand the accused is a woman: Women and the Death Penalty in Post-Independence Ireland/Lynsey Black.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.1: 139-172.
135761 New Takes on Jim Crow: A Review of Recent Scholarship/Anders Walker.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.1: 173-179.
135762 Affective Debts: Manumission by Grace and the Making of Gradual Emancipation Laws in Cuba, 1817-68/Adriana Chira.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.1: 1-33.
135763 Beneath Sovereignty: Extraterritoriality and Imperial Internationalism in Nineteenth-Century Egypt/David Todd.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.1: 105-137.
135764 Law, Custom, and Social Norms: Civil Adjudications in Qing and Republican China/Xiaoqun Xu.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.1: 77-104.
135765 Heart of Ice: Indigenous Defendants and Colonial Law in the Canadian North-West/Catherine L. Evans.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.1: 199-234.
135766 Peripheral Vision: Polish-Jewish Lawyers and Early Israeli Law/Assaf Likhovski.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.2: 235-266.
135767 Colonial Charters: Possessory or Regulatory?/James Muldoon.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.2: 355-381.
135768 The Law of Negligence as Reported in The Times, 1785-1820/James Oldham.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.2: 383-419.
135769 The Prosecution of Rape in Wartime: Evidence from the Mau Mau Rebellion, Kenya 1952-60/David M. Anderson, Julianne Weis.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.2: 267-294.
135770 Taming the Past: Essays on Law in History and History in Law/David M. Rabban.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.2: 421-428.
135771 Revocation of Citizenship and Rule of Law: How Judicial Review Defeated Britain’s First Denaturalization Regime/Patrick Weil, Nicholas Handler.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.2: 295-354.
135772 Legal Reasoning in a Slave Society (Brazil, 1860-88)/Pedro Jimenez Cantisano, Mariana Armond Dias Paes.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.3: 471-510.
135773 Bayonets in Paradise: Martial Law in Hawai’i During World War/Tom Coffman.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.3: 667-670.
135774 The Long Resistance/Tomiko Brown-Nagin.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.3: 441-470.
135775 A Lost Theory of American Emergency Constitutionalism/John Fabian Witt.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.3: 551-591.
135776 An Honest But Fearless Fighter: The Adversarial Ideal of Public Defenders in 1930s and 1940s Los Angeles/Sara Mayeux.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.3: 616-666.
135777 Lawless Wars of Empire? The International Law of War in the Philippines, 1898-1903/Will Smiley.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.3: 511-550.
135778 A Day in the Life: Aryanization Before the Swedish Supreme Court 1941-42/Anna Wallerman.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.3: 593-617.
135779 Civilizational Exceptions: Ottoman Law and Governance in Late Ottoman Palestine/Ahmad Amara.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.4: 915-941.
135780 No-Fault Divorce Reform in the 1950s: The Lost History of the Greatest Project of the National Association of Women Lawyers/Laura Oren.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.4: 847-890.
135781 Deja Vu and the Gendered Origins of the Practice of Immigration Law: The Immigrants Protective League, 1907-40/Felice Batlan.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.4: 713-769.
135782 Corporate Democracy: How Corporations Justified Their Right to Speak in 1970s Boston/Nikolas Bowie.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.4: 943-992.
135783 In Defense of Progressive Legal Historiography/Laura Kalman.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.4: 1021-1088.
135784 Using the Past and Bridging the Gap: Premodern Islamic Legal Texts in New Media/Mahmood Kooria.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.4: 993-1019.
135785 Space, Law, and Justice in Leibniz: Leibniz as a Theorist of Spatial Justice/Ekaterina Yahyaoui Krivenko.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.4: 891-914.
135786 The Quality of Being French versus the Quality of Being Jewish: Defining the Israelite in French Courts in Algeria and the Metropole/Simon Rabinovitch.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.4: 811-846.
135787 The Reasonable (Wo)man: Physicians, Freedom of Contract, and Women’s Rights, 1870-1930/Lauren Macivor Thompson.- Law and History Review. 2018; Vol.36, No.4: 771-809.
135788 Back into the Days of Slavery: Freedom, Citizenship, and the Black Family in the Reconstruction-Era Courtroom/Giuliana Perrone.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.1: 125-161.
135789 The Great Humanitarian: The Soviet Union, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and the Geneva Conventions of 1949/Boyd van Dijk.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.1: 209-235.
135790 Married Women’s Wills: Probate, Property, and Piety in Later Medieval England/Cordelia Beattie.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.1: 29-60.
135791 Most Hevynesse and Sorowe: The Presence of Emotions in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Court of Chancery/Merridee L. Bailey.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.1: 1-28.
135792 The Problem of Periodization in the History of International Law/Ignacio de la Rasilla.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.1: 275-308.
135793 A Contested Inheritance: The Family and the Law from the Enlightenment to the French Revolution/Hannah Callaway.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.1: 61-87.
135794 Restricting the Juror Franchise in 1920s England and Wales/K Crosby.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.1: 163-207.
135795 Innocent Children and Passive Pederasts: Sodomy, Age of Consent, and the Legal and Juridical Vulnerability of Boys in Buenos Aires, 1853-1912/Julia Ogden.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.1: 237-274.
135796 William Johnson’s Hypothesis: A Free Black Man and the Problem of Legal Knowledge in the Antebellum United States South/Kimberly Welch.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.1: 89-124.
135797 Testimonial Exclusions and Religious Freedom in Early America/Jud Campbell.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.2: 431-492.
135798 More than Mothers: Juries of Matrons and Pleas of the Belly in Medieval England/Sara M. Butler.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.2: 353-396.
135799 Narratives and Normativity: Totalitarianism and Narrative Change in the European Legal Tradition after World War/Kaius Tuori.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.2: 305-638.
135800 Slavery’s Legalism: Lawyers and the Commercial Routine of Slavery/Justin Simard.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.2: 571-603.
135801 The Legislature at War: Bandits, Runaways and the Emergence of a Virginia Doctrine of Separation of Powers/Matthew Steilen.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.2: 493-538.
135802 Sovereignty and Common Law Judicial Office in Taylor’s Case (1675)/David Kearns.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.2: 397-429.
135803 Illegal Under the Laws of All Nations? The Courts of Haiti and the Suppression of the Atlantic Trade in African Captives/Andrew Walker.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.2: 539-569.
135804 A Deep History of Chinese Shareholding/Madeleine Zelin.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.2: 325-351.
135805 Interpreting Article II, Section 2: George Washington and the President’s Powers/Lindsay M. Chervinsky.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.3: 725-741.
135806 Reading the Constitution, 1787-91: History, Originalism, and Constitutional Meaning/Saul Cornell.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.3: 821-845.
135807 The Closing of the Constitution/Kevin Arlyck.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.3: 861-866.
135808 Originalism and the Law of the Past/William Baude, Stephen E. Sachs.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.3: 809-820.
135809 Originalism and the Academy in Exile/Paul Baumgardner.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.3: 787-807.
135810 Two Early Dutch Translations of the United States Constitution: Public Meaning in a Transnational Context/Michael Douma.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.3: 707-723.
135811 Plant Yourselves on its Primal Granite: Slavery, History and the Antebellum Roots of Originalism/Aaron R. Hall.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.3: 743-761.
135812 Common Law Confrontations/Bernadette Meyler.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.3: 763-786.
135813 Amongst the Most Desirable Reading: Advertising and the Fetters of the Newspaper Press in Britain, c. 1848-1914/Anat Rosenberg.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.3: 657-706.
135814 Method and Dialogue in History and Originalism/Logan Everett Sawyer.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.3: 847-860.
135815 Disqualified Witnesses Between Tannaitic Halakha and Roman Law: A Response to Orit Malka/Paul J. Du Plessis.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.4: 947-954.
135816 The Political Functions of (Premodern) Courts and Procedure and Questions of Comparative Method/Amalia D. Kessler.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.4: 937-946.
135817 Of Masculine Tyranny and the Women’s Jury: The Gender Politics of Jury Service in Third Republic France/Sara L. Kimble.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.4: 867-902.
135818 Disqualified Witnesses between Tannaitic Halakha and Roman Law: The Archeology of a Legal Institution/Orit Malka.- Law and History Review. 2019; Vol.37, No.4: 903-936.
135819 Historians at the Court: How Cultural Expertise in Qing Law Contributes to the Invention of Hong Kong Chinese Customary Law/Jerome Bourgon.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.1: 85-98.
135820 Judging the Communist Past: Historians and Cultural Expertise in Polish Administrative Courts/Stanis aw Burdziej.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.1: 99-122.
135821 Accounting for Colonial Legal Personhood: New Intersectional Histories from the British Empire/Antoinette Burton.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.1: 143-150.
135822 Cultures of Sex, Laws of Difference: Age of Consent Law and the Forging of a Fraternal Contract on the Margins of the Nineteenth-Century British Empire/Nafisa Essop Sheik.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.1: 201-218.
135823 The Indian Panchayat, Access to Knowledge and Criminal Prosecutions in Colonial Bombay, 1827-61/James Jaffe.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.1: 47-74.
135824 Precocious Girls: Age of Consent, Class and Family in Late Nineteenth-Century England/Laura Lammasniemi.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.1: 241-266.
135825 Cultural Expertise in Iran: From the Pahlavi Dynasty to Contemporary Diasporas/Soudabeh Marin.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.1: 75-84.
135826 Intertwined Itineraries: Debt, Decolonization, and International Law in Post-World War II South Asia/Kalyani Ramnath.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.1: 1-24.
135827 Expert Testimony in the Social Sciences: A Historical Overview of Contemporary Issues/Lawrence Rosen.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.1: 123-142.
135828 Intimate Violence in Colonial Bengal: A Death, a Trial and a Law, 1889-1891/Tanika Sarkar.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.1: 177-200.
135829 Withholding Consent to Conjugal Relations within Child Marriages in Colonial India: Rukhmabai’s Fight/Kanika Sharma.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.1: 151-175.
135830 The Problem of African Girlhood: Raising the Age of Consent in the Cape of Good Hope, 1893-1905/Elizabeth Thornberry.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.1: 219-240.
135831 Law of Nations Theory and the Native Sovereignty Debates in Colonial India/Zak Leonard.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.2: 373-407.
135832 Secularizing Islam: The Colonial Encounter and the Making of a British Islamic Criminal Law in Northern Nigeria, 1903-58/Rabiat Akande.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.2: 459-493.
135833 Jousting Over Jurisdiction: Sovereignty and International Law in Late Nineteenth-Century South Asia/Priyasha Saksena.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.2: 409-457.
135834 Law, Language and the Printing Press in the Reign of Charles I: Explaining the Printing of the Common Law in English/Ian Williams.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.2: 339-371.
135835 Litigants in the English Court of Poor Men’s Causes, or Court of Requests, 1515-25/Laura Flannigan.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.2: 303-337.
135836 Response to Rebecca Scott’s Discerning a Dignitary Offense/Laura F. Edwards.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.3: 571-583.
135837 I Could Not Come in Unless over their Dead Bodies: Dignitary Offenses/Thavolia Glymph.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.3: 585-598.
135838 Rights, Dignity, and Public Accommodations/Christopher W. Schmidt.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.3: 592-619.
135839 Discerning a Dignitary Offense: The Concept of Equal Public Rights during Reconstruction/Rebecca J. Scott.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.3: 519-553.
135840 The Right to Come and Go/Miranda Spieler.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.3: 555-570.
135841 Public Rights/Joseph William Singer.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.3: 621-629.
135842 The Limits of the Law in Claiming Rights to Land in a Settler Colony: South Australia in the Early-to-Mid Nineteenth Century/Bain Attwood.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.4: 631-657.
135843 The Strange Career of Gross Indecency: Race, Sex, and Law in Colonial Singapore/J. Y. Chua.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.4: 699-735.
135844 The Work of Some Irresponsible Women: Jurors, Ghosts, and Embracery in the Irish Free State/Mark Coen.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.4: 777-810.
135845 South Africa is the Mississippi of the world: Anti-Apartheid Activism through Domestic Civil Rights Law/Joanna L. Grisinger.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.4: 843-881.
135846 Trial without Jury in Guam, USA/Katherine Unterman.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.4: 811-841.
135847 Speaking the Unspeakable: Buggery, Law, and Community Surveillance in New South Wales, 1788-1838/Luke Taylor.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.4: 737-775.
135848 Racializing Mercy: Capital Punishment and Race in Twentieth-Century England and Wales/Lizzie Seal, Alexa Neale.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.4: 883-901.
135849 The Citizen Complains: Federal Compensation for Property Lost in the War of 1812/Craig B. Hollander.- Law and History Review. 2020; Vol.38, No.4: 659-698.
135850 Political Violence and Singular Testimony/Jane Hiddleston.- Law and Literature. 2005; Vol.17, No.1: 1-20.
135851 Written in the Black Letter/Sue Chaplin.- Law and Literature. 2005; Vol.17, No.1: 47-68.
135852 Occupying the Universal, Embodying the Subject/Imani Perry.- Law and Literature. 2005; Vol.17, No.1: 97-129.
135853 Contract, Classicism, and the Common-Weal/Paul Raffield.- Law and Literature. 2005; Vol.17, No.1: 69-96.
135854 A Man of Feelings/Ian Ward.- Law and Literature. 2005; Vol.17, No.1: 21-46.
135855 The Politics and Law of Philoctetes/Joseph Biancalana.- Law and Literature. 2005; Vol.17, No.2: 155-182.
135856 Fences and Neighbors/Zachary Heiden.- Law and Literature. 2005; Vol.17, No.2: 225-248.
135857 Heavy Law/Light Law/Joseph Jenkins.- Law and Literature. 2005; Vol.17, No.2: 249-268.
135858 The Confluence of Law and Antebellum Black Literature/Andrea McArdle.- Law and Literature. 2005; Vol.17, No.2: 183-223.
135859 Satire Bust/Joseph Brooker.- Law and Literature. 2005; Vol.17, No.3: 321-344.
135860 Satura Resartus: Living in the Woods with Bears/Simon Critchley.- Law and Literature. 2005; Vol.17, No.3: 433-441.
135861 Lex Laetans/Peter Goodrich.- Law and Literature. 2005; Vol.17, No.3: 293-319.
135862 Slander and Horse Law in Horace, Sermones 2.1/Michele Lowrie.- Law and Literature. 2005; Vol.17, No.3: 405-431.
135863 A Consuming Dish/Bjorn Quiring.- Law and Literature. 2005; Vol.17, No.3: 397-404.
135864 A Discredited Priesthood/Paul Raffield.- Law and Literature. 2005; Vol.17, No.3: 365-395.
135865 Secondary Satire and the Sea-Change of Romance/Katrin Tr‎يstedt.- Law and Literature. 2005; Vol.17, No.3: 345-364.
135866 Equity in Book V of Spenser’s The Faerie Queene/Andrew Majeske.- Law and Literature. 2006; Vol.18, No.1: 69-99.
135867 Theatricality, Legalism, and the Scenography of Suffering/Julie Stone Peters.- Law and Literature. 2006; Vol.18, No.1: 15-45.
135868 Undesirable Publications/Mark Sanders.- Law and Literature. 2006; Vol.18, No.1: 101-114.
135869 The Nomotop/Peter Sloterdijk.- Law and Literature. 2006; Vol.18, No.1: 1-14.
135870 From the Rack to the Press/Marco Wan.- Law and Literature. 2006; Vol.18, No.1: 47-67.
135871 Panic in The Project/Casey Charles.- Law and Literature. 2006; Vol.18, No.2: 225-252.
135872 The Ghost of History/Anselm Haverkamp.- Law and Literature. 2006; Vol.18, No.2: 171-197.
135873 Collaboration v. Imitation/Anne Jamison.- Law and Literature. 2006; Vol.18, No.2: 199-224.
135874 Jonson’s The New Inn and a Revisiting of the Amorous Jurisdiction/Subha Mukherji.- Law and Literature. 2006; Vol.18, No.2: 14-169.
135875 Imperium Stupidum/Erica Weitzman.- Law and Literature. 2006; Vol.18, No.2: 117-147.
135876 Only Connect Howards End and Theories of Justice/Melanie Williams.- Law and Literature. 2006; Vol.18, No.2: 253-280.
135877 The Haymarket Bomb/Edward de Grazia.- Law and Literature. 2006; Vol.18, No.3: 283-322.
135878 Of Testaments and Tattoos The Wills Act of 1837 and Rider Haggard’s MR. Meeson’s Will (1888)/Cathrine O. Frank.- Law and Literature. 2006; Vol.18, No.3: 323-341.
135879 Law Like Love?/Linda Ross Meyer.- Law and Literature. 2006; Vol.18, No.3: 431-447.
135880 The Children Will Be Subject to the Infamy of Their Deluded and Unfortunate Mother/Marie Hockenhull Smith.- Law and Literature. 2006; Vol.18, No.3: 403-431.
135881 Particular Intentions The Hillmon Case and the Supreme Court/Marianne Wesson.- Law and Literature. 2006; Vol.18, No.3: 343-402.
135882 Chester Himes’s Cotton Comes to Harlem A Reparations Parable/Rosanna Cavallaro.- Law and Literature. 2007; Vol.19, No.1: 103-137.
135883 Prosecutors in Books Examining a Literary Disconnect from the Prosecution Function/Gregg Mayer.- Law and Literature. 2007; Vol.19, No.1: 77-101.
135884 Mar Ukba in the Fiery Furnace A Meditation on the Tragedy of the Norm/Jennifer Nadler.- Law and Literature. 2007; Vol.19, No.1: 1-13.
135885 Shades of Justice The Trial of Sholom Schwartzbard and Dovid Bergelson’s Among Refugees/Anna Schur.- Law and Literature. 2007; Vol.19, No.1: 15-43.
135886 Frakking Toasters and Jurisprudences of Technology The Exception, the Subject and Techne in Battlestar Galactica/Kieran Tranter.- Law and Literature. 2007; Vol.19, No.1: 45-75.
135887 Still Waiting for the Barbarians What is New about Post-September 11 Exceptionalism?/Thomas P. Crocker.- Law and Literature. 2007; Vol.19, No.2: 303-326.
135888 On Freedom and Feeding Tubes Reviving Terri Schiavo and Trying Saddam Hussein/Ruth A. Miller.- Law and Literature. 2007; Vol.19, No.2: 161-186.
135889 Finding a Right to Be Tortured/John T. Parry.- Law and Literature. 2007; Vol.19, No.2: 207-227.
135890 Regarding the Miller Girls Daisy, Judith, and the Seeming Paradox of In Re Grand Jury Subpoena, Judith Miller/Penelope Pether.- Law and Literature. 2007; Vol.19, No.2: 187-206.
135891 Genre’s Judgment Discrediting Torture Testimony in the War on Terror/Nina Philadelphoff-Puren.- Law and Literature. 2007; Vol.19, No.3: 229-245.
135892 Abu Ghraib and its Shadow Archives/Joseph Pugliese.- Law and Literature. 2007; Vol.19, No.2: 247-276.
135893 Mr. Xerox, the Domestic Terrorist, and the Victim-Citizen Masculine and National Anxiety in Fight Club and Anti-Terror Law/Ruth Quiney.- Law and Literature. 2007; Vol.19, No.2: 327-354.
135894 Writing and Terror Don Delillo on the Task of Literature After 9/11/Adam Thurschwell.- Law and Literature. 2007; Vol.19, No.2: 277-302.
135895 The Poetics of Practical Reason: Joseph Raz and Philip Larkin/Adam Gearey.- Law and Literature. 2007; Vol.19, No.3: 377-399.
135896 Breaking the Law in America/Michael Halley.- Law and Literature. 2007; Vol.19, No.3: 471-512.
135897 Law in the Plays of Elmer Rice/Randolph N. Jonakait.- Law and Literature. 2007; Vol.19, No.3: 401-434.
135898 To Kill a Songbird: A Community of Women, Feminist Jurisprudence, Conscientious Objection and Revolution in A Jury of Her Peers and Contemporary Film/Orit Kamir.- Law and Literature. 2007; Vol.19, No.3: 357-376.
135899 Ressentiment as Suffering: On Transitional Justice and the Impossibility of Forgiveness/Panu Minkkinen.- Law and Literature. 2007; Vol.19, No.3: 513-531.
135900 Nova Law: William S. Burroughs and the Logic of Control/Nathan Moore.- Law and Literature. 2007; Vol.19, No.3: 435-470.
135901 A Literary Study of Desires, Fantasies, and Identifications in a Corporate Law Firm: Kermit Roosevelt’s In the Shadow of the Law/Martin Schulte.- Law and Literature. 2007; Vol.19, No.3: 535-542.
135902 The Sovereignty of Pleasure Sexual and Political Freedom in the Operas of Mozart and Da Ponte/Lior Barshack.- Law and Literature. 2008; Vol.20, No.1: 47-67.
135903 The Tribunal de las Aguas: A Minor Jurisprudence, Not Jurisprudentially Minor/Christine L. Green.- Law and Literature. 2008; Vol.20, No.1: 89-113.
135904 The Dance Is One/Nicholas Kasirer.- Law and Literature. 2008; Vol.20, No.1: 69-88.
135905 Facts and Fiction: Literary Instructions on Public School Integration in Ernest Hill’s Satisfied with Nothin/Nghana Lewis.- Law and Literature. 2008; Vol.20, No.1: 115-126.
135906 Thomas Dixon’s A Man of the People: How Lincoln Saved the Union by Cracking Down on Civil Liberties/Brook Thomas.- Law and Literature. 2008; Vol.20, No.1: 21-46.
135907 Vinculum Fidei: The Tempest and the Law of Allegiance/Elliott Visconsi.- Law and Literature. 2008; Vol.20, No.1: 1-20.
135908 What Should Inheritance Law Be? Reparations and Intergenerational Wealth Transfers/Alfred L. Brophy.- Law and Literature. 2008; Vol.20, No.2: 197-211.
135909 Inheritance in Biblical Sources/Calum Carmichael.- Law and Literature. 2008; Vol.20, No.2: 229-242.
135910 Neo-Corporate Star-Making: The Band Wagon and the Charismatic Margin/Jerome Christensen.- Law and Literature. 2008; Vol.20, No.2: 213-227.
135911 Exploring the Boundaries of Law in the Middle Ages: Franciscan Debates on Poverty, Property, and Inheritance/Thomas Frank.- Law and Literature. 2008; Vol.20, No.2: 243-260.
135912 Alain Badiou and Joseph Jenkins: A Discussion Concerning Inheritance Law Reform/Joseph Jenkins.- Law and Literature. 2008; Vol.20, No.2: 151-158.
135913 Somewhere in Time: A Response to Zizek, Santner, and Reinhard’s The Neighbor/Joseph Jenkins.- Law and Literature. 2008; Vol.20, No.2: 159-176.
135914 Inheritances, Gifts, and Expectations/Vincent P. Pecora.- Law and Literature. 2008; Vol.20, No.2: 177-196.
135915 The State of Hopi Exception: When Inheritance Is What You Have/Justin B. Richland.- Law and Literature. 2008; Vol.20, No.2: 261-278.
135916 Inheritance Law, Heritage, Heredity: European Perspectives/Sigrid Weigel.- Law and Literature. 2008; Vol.20, No.2: 279-285.
135917 Judicial Fiction and Literary Fiction The Example of the Factum/Christian Biet.- Law and Literature. 2008; Vol.20, No.3: 403-422.
135918 The Law of the Descent of Thought Law, History, and Civilization in Antebellum Literary Addresses/Alfred L. Brophy.- Law and Literature. 2008; Vol.20, No.3: 343-402.
135919 Henry de Bracton, Renaissance Punishment Theory, and Shakespearean Closure/Harry Keyishian.- Law and Literature. 2008; Vol.20, No.3: 444-458.
135920 Cicero’s Pro Cluentio and the Mazy Rhetorical Strategies of Wieland/Marcia Nichols.- Law and Literature. 2008; Vol.20, No.3: 459-476.
135921 Don’t Go Changing On Richard Weisberg’s Critique of Stanley Fish and Holocaust Denial/Nick Spearing.- Law and Literature. 2008; Vol.20, No.3: 318-342.
135922 This Is No Way to Tell a Story Robert Browning’s Attack on the Law in The Ring and the Book/Laura Struve.- Law and Literature. 2008; Vol.20, No.3: 423-443.
135923 Taking the Home/Jeannie Suk.- Law and Literature. 2008; Vol.20, No.3: 291-317.
135924 To The Pure All Things Are Pure Law, Faith, and Interpretation in the Prose and Poetry of John Milton/Stanley Fish.- Law and Literature. 2009; Vol.21, No.1: 78-92.
135925 Screening Law/Peter Goodrich.- Law and Literature. 2009; Vol.21, No.1: 1-23.
135926 Law, Simulation, and Society from Ibsen to Treholt/Arild Linneberg.- Law and Literature. 2009; Vol.21, No.1: 24-41.
135927 The Rule of Law Through the Looking Glass/Mary Liston.- Law and Literature. 2009; Vol.21, No.1: 42-77.
135928 Comparative Constitutional Epics/Penelope Pether.- Law and Literature. 2009; Vol.21, No.1: 106-128.
135929 Not Rhetoric, Truth/Miguel Tamen.- Law and Literature. 2009; Vol.21, No.1: 93-105.
135930 Wigmore and the Law and Literature Movement/Richard H. Weisberg.- Law and Literature. 2009; Vol.21, No.1: 129-145.
135931 Unspeakable crimes: Charles Brockden Brown’s Memoirs of Stephen Calvert and the Rights of the Accused/Justin D. Edwards.- Law and Literature. 2009; Vol.21, No.2: 214-233.
135932 Equity’s Absence: The Extremity of Claudio’s Prosecution and Barnardine s Pardon in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure/Andrew Majeske.- Law and Literature. 2009; Vol.21, No.2: 169-184.
135933 Give him your word: Legal and Literary Interpretation in Stevie Smith’s The Story of a Story/Bryony Randall.- Law and Literature. 2009; Vol.21, No.2: 234-256.
135934 After Apartheid, Beyond Filiation: Witnessing and the Work of Justice/Michael Rothberg.- Law and Literature. 2009; Vol.21, No.2: 275-290.
135935 Therapeutic Reproduction and Human Dignity/Richard F. Storrow.- Law and Literature. 2009; Vol.21, No.2: 257-274.
135936 Revolutionary Justice in Brecht, Conrad, and Blake/Christopher Tomlins.- Law and Literature. 2009; Vol.21, No.2: 185-213.
135937 Philology and Poetry: The Case Against Descartes/Paul A. Bove.- Law and Literature. 2009; Vol.21, No.2: 149-168.
135938 Legal Stories and the Promise of Problematizing Reproductive Rights/Pamela D. Bridgewater.- Law and Literature. 2009; Vol.21, No.3: 402-414.
135939 Synthetic Science: A Response to Rabinow/David S. Caudill.- Law and Literature. 2009; Vol.21, No.3: 431-444.
135940 Norms and Irony in the Biosciences: Ameliorating Critique in Synthetic Biology/Gary Edmond, David Mercer.- Law and Literature. 2009; Vol.21, No.3: 445-470.
135941 Institutional Pluralism from the Standpoint of Its Victims: Calling the Question on Indiscriminate (In)Tolerance/Jose Gabilondo.- Law and Literature. 2009; Vol.21, No.3: 387-401.
135942 Cruel and Uncaring Doctors/Ruth A. Miller.- Law and Literature. 2009; Vol.21, No.3: 371-386.
135943 Universalism and Particularism in Bioethics: Lessons from Theological Ethics/Michael P. Moreland.- Law and Literature. 2009; Vol.21, No.3: 415-430.
135944 English Negligence Law as a Human Practice/Richard Mullender.- Law and Literature. 2009; Vol.21, No.3: 321-353.
135945 Auschwitz as Nomos of Modern Legal Thought/Tawia Ansah.- Law and Literature. 2010; Vol.22, No.1: 142-179.
135946 This power isn’t power if it’s shared: Law and Violence in Jean Racine’s La Thebaide/Eric Heinze.- Law and Literature. 2010; Vol.22, No.1: 76-109.
135947 Law and Violence/Christoph Menke.- Law and Literature. 2010; Vol.22, No.1: 1-17.
135948 The Ancient Constitution, Common Law and the Idyll of Albion: Law and Lawyers in Henry IV, Parts 1 and 2/Paul Raffield.- Law and Literature. 2010; Vol.22, No.1: 18-47.
135949 Two Copyright Case Studies from a Literary Perspective/David Roh.- Law and Literature. 2010; Vol.22, No.1: 110-141.
135950 William Gilmore Simms and the Literary Aesthetics of Crime and Capital Punishment/John Cyril Barton.- Law and Literature. 2010; Vol.22, No.2: 220-243.
135951 Can Law-and-Humanities Survive Systems Theory?/Thomas O. Beebee.- Law and Literature. 2010; Vol.22, No.2: 244-268.
135952 Symbolic Capital and the State’s Unconventional Weapon Against Insurgent Terrorism: Howard Barker’s Credentials of a Sympathizer/Sinkwan Cheng.- Law and Literature. 2010; Vol.22, No.2: 269-287.
135953 De-Americanizing Law and Literature Narratives: Opening Up the Story/Greta Olson.- Law and Literature. 2010; Vol.22, No.2: 338-364.
135954 Mys-Reading the Past in Detective Fiction and Law/Neil C. Sargent.- Law and Literature. 2010; Vol.22, No.2: 288-306.
135955 African American Literature and Legal History/Jon-Christian Suggs.- Law and Literature. 2010; Vol.22, No.2: 325-337.
135956 The Legal and Literary Complexities of U.S. Citizenship Around 1900/Brook Thomas.- Law and Literature. 2010; Vol.22, No.2: 307-324.
135957 Does the Letter of the Law Always Arrive at Its Destination? A Study in Feminine Psychology/Maria Aristodemou.- Law and Literature. 2010; Vol.22, No.3: 394-417.
135958 Reading Law: On Law as a Textual Phenomenon/Ino Augsberg.- Law and Literature. 2010; Vol.22, No.3: 369-393.
135959 In Search of Heimat: A Note on Franz Kafka’s Concept of Law/Reza Banakar.- Law and Literature. 2010; Vol.22, No.3: 463-490.
135960 Imagining a Different World: Reconsidering the Regulation of Family Lives/Rosie Harding.- Law and Literature. 2010; Vol.22, No.3: 440-462.
135961 Law, Religion, and Constitution of the Vestal Virgins/Inge Kroppenberg.- Law and Literature. 2010; Vol.22, No.3: 418-439.
135962 Truthseeking and Truthmaking in Ovid’s Metamorphoses 1.163-245/K. Balsley.- Law and Literature. 2011; Vol.23, No.1: 48-70.
135963 The Tricksy Word: Richard Weisberg on The Merchant of Venice/Geoffrey Hartman.- Law and Literature. 2011; Vol.23, No.1: 71-79.
135964 African Oral Law and the Critique of Colonial Modernity in The Trial of Jomo Kenyatta/Peter Leman.- Law and Literature. 2011; Vol.23, No.1: 26-47.
135965 Inviolate Personality and the Literary Roots of the Right to Privacy/David Rosen, Aaron Santesso.- Law and Literature. 2011; Vol.23, No.1: 1-25.
135966 The Narrative Impulse in Judicial Opinions/Lawrence S. Zacharias.- Law and Literature. 2011; Vol.23, No.1: 80-128.
135967 Court Trials and Miscarriage of Justice in Dream of the Red Chamber/Xiaohuan Zhao.- Law and Literature. 2011; Vol.23, No.1: 129-156.
135968 Pirates, Partisans, and Politico-Juridical Space/Leif Dahlberg.- Law and Literature. 2011; Vol.23, No.2: 262-281.
135969 Legal Shandeism: The Law in Laurence Sterne’s Tristram Shandy/Laurent de Sutter.- Law and Literature. 2011; Vol.23, No.2: 224-240.
135970 Jacques in the Book (On Apophasis)/Pierre Legrand.- Law and Literature. 2011; Vol.23, No.2: 282-294.
135971 Culpability and Guilt: Child Soldiers in Fiction and Memoir/Mark Sanders.- Law and Literature. 2011; Vol.23, No.2: 195-223.
135972 Making Space: Law and Science Fiction/Mitchell Travis.- Law and Literature. 2011; Vol.23, No.2: 241-261.
135973 The Face to Face Encounter of Art and Law: Abbas Kiarostami’s Close-Up/Cristina Vatulescu.- Law and Literature. 2011; Vol.23, No.2: 173-194.
135974 Three Versions of a Defendant’s Final Statement to the Court/Cornelia Vismann.- Law and Literature. 2011; Vol.23, No.3: 297-308.
135975 Mythology and the Images of Justice/Jacques de Ville.- Law and Literature. 2011; Vol.23, No.3: 324-364.
135976 Madness, Citizenship, and Social Justice: On the Ethics of the Shadow and the Ultramodern/Bruce A. Arrigo.- Law and Literature. 2011; Vol.23, No.3: 405-441.
135977 In judicio stare: The Cultural Technology of the Law/Cornelia Vismann.- Law and Literature. 2011; Vol.23, No.3: 309-323.
135978 Beyond the Legality Principle: Sacher-Masoch’s Economies of Jewish Justice/Erica Weitzman.- Law and Literature. 2011; Vol.23, No.3: 442-470.
135979 Bartleby: A Story of Boilerplate/Tal Kastner.- Law and Literature. 2011; Vol.23, No.3: 365-404.
135980 Queen Caroline’s Pains and Penalties: Silence and Speech in the Dramatic Art of British Women’s Suffrage/Katharine Cockin.- Law and Literature. 2012; Vol.24, No.1: 40-58.
135981 Silent Homosexuality in Oscar Wilde’s Teleny and The Picture of Dorian Gray and Robert Louis Stevenson’s Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde/Antonio Sanna.- Law and Literature. 2012; Vol.24, No.1: 21-39.
135982 Silence in the Courtroom/Andrew Green.- Law and Literature. 2012; Vol.24, No.1: 80-101.
135983 Standing Mute/Tony Ward.- Law and Literature. 2012; Vol.24, No.1: 3-20.
135984 The (Literal) Death of the Author and the Silencing of the Testator’s Voice/Dawn Watkins.- Law and Literature. 2012; Vol.24, No.1: 59-79.
135985 Coercion, Conviction, Conversion: Sovereign Selves and Interior States in Colonial Piracy Trials and Narratives/Erica Burleigh.- Law and Literature. 2012; Vol.24, No.2: 151-173.
135986 The Marriage to a Deceased Wife’s Sister Narrative: A Comparison of Novels/Charlotte Frew.- Law and Literature. 2012; Vol.24, No.2: 265-291.
135987 The Right to Offend? Contested Speech Acts and Critical Democratic Practice/Michiel Bot.- Law and Literature. 2012; Vol.24, No.2: 232-264.
135988 Invincible Eros: Democracy and the Vicissitudes of Participation in Antigone/Dimitris Vardoulakis.- Law and Literature. 2012; Vol.24, No.2: 213-231.
135989 Room for One More: The Metaphorics of Physical Space in the Eighteenth-Century Copyright Debate/Simon Stern.- Law and Literature. 2012; Vol.24, No.2: 113-150.
135990 Seditious Prose: Patriots and Traitors in the African American Literary Tradition/Christopher Michael Brown.- Law and Literature. 2012; Vol.24, No.2: 174-212.
135991 Nanobots Run Amok, or The Future of Law and Literature/Ruth A. Miller.- Law and Literature. 2012; Vol.24, No.3: 295-318.
135992 The Ambiguities of Transitional Narrative in The Porcupine by Julian Barnes/Padraig McAuliffe.- Law and Literature. 2012; Vol.24, No.3: 349-379.
135993 Curiouser and Curiouser: Law in the Alice Books/Catherine Siemann.- Law and Literature. 2012; Vol.24, No.3: 430-445.
135994 Found Innocent: Revealing the Law’s Narrative of Child Witnesses/Ryan Chabot.- Law and Literature. 2012; Vol.24, No.3: 319-348.
135995 Separate Spheres Revisited: On the Frameworks of Interdisciplinarity and Constructions of the Market/Anat Rosenberg.- Law and Literature. 2012; Vol.24, No.3: 393-429.
135996 What the Sirens Sang: A Law-and-Literature Answer/Jeffrey Miller.- Law and Literature. 2012; Vol.24, No.3: 380-392.
135997 air Use and Legal Futurism/Barton Beebe.- Law and Literature. 2013; Vol.25, No.1: 10-19.
135998 Communicating Fair Use: Norms, Myth, and the Avant-Garde/Peter Decherney.- Law and Literature. 2013; Vol.25, No.1: 50-64.
135999 Fair Use and Education: The Way Forward/Peter Jaszi.- Law and Literature. 2013; Vol.25, No.1: 33-49.
136000 Copyright Law and Political Theology: Censorship and the Forebear’s Desire/Joseph S. Jenkins.- Law and Literature. 2013; Vol.25, No.1: 65-84.
136001 Your Right to What’s Mine: On Personal Intellectual Property/Paul K. Saint-Amour.- Law and Literature. 2013; Vol.25, No.1: 103-121.
136002 Ah, you publishing scoundrel!: A Hauntological Reading of Privacy, Moral Rights, and the Fair Use of Unpublished Works/Robert Spoo.- Law and Literature. 2013; Vol.25, No.1: 85-102.
136003 Judges as Bad Reviewers: Fair Use and Epistemological Humility/Rebecca Tushnet.- Law and Literature. 2013; Vol.25, No.1: 20-32.
136004 Lacanian Ethics and Kojevian Dialectics in Mikhail Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita/Robert J.S. Cason.- Law and Literature. 2013; Vol.25, No.2: 206-225.
136005 The Geopolitics of King Lear: Territory, Land, Earth/Stuart Elden.- Law and Literature. 2013; Vol.25, No.2: 147-165.
136006 Rooted and Rootless, Exiled and Belonging: Aporetic Moments of Justice as Law in Camus’s The Guest/Jungah Kim.- Law and Literature. 2013; Vol.25, No.2: 244-267.
136007 Buried Law: Myth, Artifact, Order/Eugene McNamee.- Law and Literature. 2013; Vol.25, No.2: 175-205.
136008 Invitation to a Beheading/Jeffrey Meyers.- Law and Literature. 2013; Vol.25, No.2: 268-85.
136009 Here I stand, I can do no other: Politics, Violence, and Ends in Themselves/Panu Minkkinen.- Law and Literature. 2013; Vol.25, No.2: 226-243.
136010 The Tyrant as Artist: Legal Fiction and Sexual Violence under Tiberius/Barbara Natalie Nagel.- Law and Literature. 2013; Vol.25, No.2: 286-310.
136011 Sexual Assault in the Shadow of the Law: Character and Proof in Samuel Richardson’s Clarissa/Ann K. Wagner.- Law and Literature. 2013; Vol.25, No.2: 311-326.
136012 Toward Tyranny: Geopolitics and Genre, A Response to Stuart Elden/Fionnuala ONeill.- Law and Literature. 2013; Vol.25, No.2: 166-174.
136013 Exemplarism and Judicial Virtue/Amalia Amaya.- Law and Literature. 2013; Vol.25, No.3: 428-445.
136014 The Narrative of Innocence, or, Lost Stories/Ralph Grunewald.- Law and Literature. 2013; Vol.25, No.3: 366-389.
136015 Institutionalizing Exemplary Narratives: Stories as Models for and Movers of Law/Randy Gordon.- Law and Literature. 2013; Vol.25, No.3: 337-365.
136016 Exemplarity and Narrativity in the Common Law Tradition/Maksymilian Del Mar.- Law and Literature. 2013; Vol.25, No.3: 390-427.
136017 People Talking Without Speaking: The Semiotics of the Rabbinic Legal Exemplum as Reflected in Bavli Berakhot 11a/Moshe Simon-Shoshan.- Law and Literature. 2013; Vol.25, No.3: 446-465.
136018 Always Uncertain: The Presumption of Legitimacy in Two fins de siecle/Andrew J. Counter.- Law and Literature. 2014; Vol.26, No.1: 65-85.
136019 Admiration of Nelson Mandela, or The Laws of Reflection/Jacques Derrida.- Law and Literature. 2014; Vol.26, No.1: 9-30.
136020 The Quixote Principle, or Cervantes as a Critique of Law/Laurent de Sutter.- Law and Literature. 2014; Vol.26, No.1: 117-126.
136021 Admiration of Nelson Mandela, or The Laws of Reflection: Translator’s Introduction/Charles Gelman.- Law and Literature. 2014; Vol.26, No.1: 1-8.
136022 Theatrocracy Unwired: Legal Performance in the Modern Mediasphere/Julie Stone Peters.- Law and Literature. 2014; Vol.26, No.1: 31-46.
136023 Law and Literature in Argentina/Jorge Roggero.- Law and Literature. 2014; Vol.26, No.1: 87-104.
136024 Flourishing or Perishing? Law and Literature Airbrushed/Anna Schur.- Law and Literature. 2014; Vol.26, No.1: 105-116.
136025 Ugly, Dirty and Bad: Working Class Aesthetics Reconsidered/Alessandra Asteriti.- Law and Literature. 2014; Vol.26, No.2: 191-210.
136026 Patents as Genre: A Prospectus/Dan L. Burk, Jessica Reyman.- Law and Literature. 2014; Vol.26, No.2: 163-190.
136027 Doubled Jeopardy: The Condemned Woman as Historical Relic/Erin L. Sheley.- Law and Literature. 2014; Vol.26, No.2: 211-230.
136028 The Imaginary Foundation of Legal Systems: A Mimetic Perspective/Olaf Tans.- Law and Literature. 2014; Vol.26, No.2: 127-143.
136029 Cities in the City: Street Art, Enchantment, and the Urban Commons/Alison Young.- Law and Literature. 2014; Vol.26, No.2: 145-161.
136030 It Could Only Happen in England: Law and the State of the Nation in the Plays of Terence Rattigan/Alex Feldman.- Law and Literature. 2014; Vol.26, No.3: 281-302.
136031 Fraternal Fracture and the Court of Law: New Zealand’s 1954 Parker-Hulme Trial/Nadia Gush.- Law and Literature. 2014; Vol.26, No.3: 303-319.
136032 Biopolitics and Thanatopolitics at Guantanamo, and the Weapons of the Weak in the Lawfare over Force-Feeding/Marouf Hasian.- Law and Literature. 2014; Vol.26, No.3: 343-364.
136033 The Damned Dolls/Bruce L. Hay.- Law and Literature. 2014; Vol.26, No.3: 321-342.
136034 Literary Criticism and the Polygraph/Maria Sequeira Mendes.- Law and Literature. 2014; Vol.26, No.3: 261-279.
136035 Heart, Science, and Regulation: Victorian Antivivisection Discourse and the Human/Sara Murphy.- Law and Literature. 2014; Vol.26, No.3: 365-387.
136036 Fragmented Method: Walter Benjamin, Law, and Representation in Joseph S. Jenkins Inheritance Law and Political Theology in Shakespeare and Milton/Matthew Nicholson.- Law and Literature. 2014; Vol.26, No.3: 389-398.
136037 The Betrayed Wills of Kafka and Brod/Nili Cohen.- Law and Literature. 2015; Vol.27, No.1: 1-21.
136038 Defoe contra Arius: The Rationalization of Diabolical Risk/Sharif Youssef.- Law and Literature. 2015; Vol.27, No.1: 75-98.
136039 Towards a New Judicial Scene for Humans and Animals: Two Modes of Hypocrisy/Frans-Willem Korsten, Tessa de Zeeuw.- Law and Literature. 2015; Vol.27, No.1: 23-47.
136040 Trials of History, Scenes of Judgment/Daniel Listoe.- Law and Literature. 2015; Vol.27, No.1: 125-135.
136041 Theorizing Corporate Intentionality in Contemporary American Fiction/Lisa Siraganian.- Law and Literature. 2015; Vol.27, No.1: 99-123.
136042 Poets on Lawyers/Michael Stanford.- Law and Literature. 2015; Vol.27, No.1: 49-73.
136043 A Jurisprudential Tale of a Road, an Office, and a Triangle/Olivia Barr.- Law and Literature. 2015; Vol.27, No.2: 199-216.
136044 Law’s Imaginary Life on the Ground: Scenes of the Rule of Law in Liberia/Shane Chalmers.- Law and Literature. 2015; Vol.27, No.2: 179-198.
136045 The Consciousness of Trees/Margaret Davies.- Law and Literature. 2015; Vol.27, No.2: 217-235.
136046 Bodies in the Water: On Reading Images More Sensibly/Desmond Manderson.- Law and Literature. 2015; Vol.27, No.2: 279-293.
136047 Encountering Law’s Harm through Literary Critique: An Anti-elegy of Land and Sovereignty/Honni van Rijswijk.- Law and Literature. 2015; Vol.27, No.2: 237-252.
136048 Confession, Trauma and the Search for Truth: Bloom’s Trials in Ulysses/Dale Barleben.- Law and Literature. 2015; Vol.27, No.3: 343-364.
136049 Rights, Routes, and Refugees: The Fiction of Caryl Phillips/Stephen Clingman.- Law and Literature. 2015; Vol.27, No.3: 365-381.
136050 Reassembling Privacy: Vernacular Privacy in Law and The Scarlet Letter/Leigh Gilmore.- Law and Literature. 2015; Vol.27, No.3: 295-312.
136051 Slavery as Contract: Betty’s Case and the Question of Freedom/Sora Han.- Law and Literature. 2015; Vol.27, No.3: 395-416.
136052 Flouting and Scouting: Rules and Heroic Exceptions/Jon Kertzer.- Law and Literature. 2015; Vol.27, No.3: 417-440.
136053 Common Law, Cymbeline, and the Jacobean Aeneid/Paul Raffield.- Law and Literature. 2015; Vol.27, No.3: 313-342.
136054 About the Devil, Literature and Arbitration/Carlos A. Matheus Lopez.- Law and Literature. 2015; Vol.27, No.3: 383-394.
136055 At the Crossroads of Law and Society: The Trial of Mendel Beilis/Vivian Grosswald Curran.- Law and Literature. 2016; Vol.28, No.1: 87-95.
136056 The Blood Libel in North America: Jews, Law, and Citizenship in the Early 20th Century/David Fraser.- Law and Literature. 2016; Vol.28, No.1: 33-85.
136057 Stories People Tell: The Blood Libel and the History of Antisemitism/Hannah R. Johnson.- Law and Literature. 2016; Vol.28, No.1: 11-26.
136058 Dreyfus/Beilis/History/Literature: Notes Toward a Memoir/Jeffrey Mehlman.- Law and Literature. 2016; Vol.28, No.1: 3-9.
136059 Love, Story, Law From the Scarlet Letter to Freedom and Privacy/Nili Cohen.- Law and Literature. 2016; Vol.28, No.2: 209-231.
136060 Hybridized Possibilities: China Mi‎فville’s The Scar and The Conjuring of Law/Nathan Doherty.- Law and Literature. 2016; Vol.28, No.2: 233-254.
136061 Art Chasing Law: The Case of Yoko Ono’s Rape/Joan Kee.- Law and Literature. 2016; Vol.28, No.2: 187-208.
136062 Poetic Justice: Law and Elegy in Egil Skalla-Grimsson’s Sonatorrek/Bjarne Markussen.- Law and Literature. 2016; Vol.28, No.2: 153-185.
136063 Reflective Indocility Tariq Ba Odah’s Guantanamo Hunger Strike as a Corporeal Speech Act of Circumlocutionary Refusal/Joseph Pugliese.- Law and Literature. 2016; Vol.28, No.2: 117-138.
136064 Sounds Couth and Uncouth: The Poetics of Harmonic Justice in William Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England/Kathryn Temple.- Law and Literature. 2016; Vol.28, No.2: 97-115.
136065 Yugoslav Literature Under (Il)legal Censorship, 1945-90/Dijana Zrnic.- Law and Literature. 2016; Vol.28, No.2: 139-152.
136066 Love, Story, Law-From the Scarlet Letter to Freedom and Privacy/Nili Cohen.- Law and Literature. 2016; Vol.28, No.2: 209-231.
136067 Corporate Personhood and Modernist Impersonality: Woolf’s Drama/Herschel Farbman.- Law and Literature. 2016; Vol.28, No.3: 379-402.
136068 Sua cuique persona? A Note on the Fiction of Legal Personhood and a Reflection on Interdisciplinary Consequences/Jeanne Gaakeer.- Law and Literature. 2016; Vol.28, No.3: 287-317.
136069 No Body to be Kicked? Monopoly, Financial Crisis, and Popular Revolt in 18th-Century Haiti and America/Malick W. Ghachem.- Law and Literature. 2016; Vol.28, No.3: 403-431.
136070 Braying, Howling, Growling for Justice: Animal Personhood in Law, Literature, and Cinema/Yasco Horsman.- Law and Literature. 2016; Vol.28, No.3: 319-334.
136071 The Turn to Passion: Has Law and Literature become Law and Affect?/Greta Olson.- Law and Literature. 2016; Vol.28, No.3: 335-353.
136072 Corpus Juris, Habeas Corpus, and the Corporeal Turn in the Humanities/Martin A. Kayman.- Law and Literature. 2016; Vol.28, No.3: 355-378.
136073 Free or a Servant?/Bernhard Schlink.- Law and Literature. 2017; Vol.29, No.1: 11-20.
136074 In Praise of Richard Weisberg’s Intransigence/Robin West.- Law and Literature. 2017; Vol.29, No.1: 21-39.
136075 The Uncompromising Richard Weisberg: An Affectionate Critique/Sanford Levinson.- Law and Literature. 2017; Vol.29, No.1: 57-64.
136076 Law and Human Suffering: A Slice of Life in Vichy France/Vivian Grosswald Curran.- Law and Literature. 2017; Vol.29, No.1: 65-76.
136077 The WWII Diary of a Former Hungarian Refugee in US Army Military Intelligence: A Study in Intransigence/Marguerite DeHuszar Allen.- Law and Literature. 2017; Vol.29, No.1: 99-107.
136078 Behind Closed Doors: Spoliation and Restitution in Paris/Eric Alexander Freedman.- Law and Literature. 2017; Vol.29, No.1: 77-98.
136079 Literature and Resisting Injustice: Melville and Hawthorne on Patriarchal Manhood and Homophobia/David A.J. Richards.- Law and Literature. 2017; Vol.29, No.1: 109-122.
136080 Law and Literature the Danish Way on a Danish Crime Story/Karen-Margrethe Simonsen, Ditlev Tamm.- Law and Literature. 2017; Vol.29, No.1: 123-141.
136081 Scott v. Harris: The Supreme Court’s Reality Effect/Peter Brooks.- Law and Literature. 2017; Vol.29, No.1: 143-149.
136082 Human Rights and Anticolonial Nationalism in Sjahrir’s Indonesian Contemplations/Paul Bijl.- Law and Literature. 2017; Vol.29, No.2: 247-268.
136083 Sakura Sogoro: Law and Justice in Tokugawa Japan through the Mirror of a Ghost Story/Giorgio Fabio Colombo.- Law and Literature. 2017; Vol.29, No.2: 329-344.
136084 Law and Race in George Orwell/Douglas Kerr.- Law and Literature. 2017; Vol.29, No.2: 311-328.
136085 Mos Piraticus: On the Haunting and Infesting of the Seas/Peter Goodrich.- Law and Literature. 2017; Vol.29, No.2: 193-221.
136086 From Federal Indian Law to Indigenous Rights: Legal Discourse and the Contemporary Native American Novel on the Indian Removal/Sabine N. Meyer.- Law and Literature. 2017; Vol.29, No.2: 269-290.
136087 The Love Laws: Section 377 and the Politics of Queerness in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things/Leila Neti.- Law and Literature. 2017; Vol.29, No.2: 223-246.
136088 Plasticity, Jurisdiction, and the Interruption of Sovereignty: A Response to Catherine Malabou via Jos‎ف Saramago’s Seeing/Daniel Matthews.- Law and Literature. 2017; Vol.29, No.2: 345-366.
136089 Transcending Law and Literature: Literature as Law in Plato, Vico, and Shelley/Jarrell D. Wright.- Law and Literature. 2017; Vol.29, No.2: 291-310.
136090 When Silence Speaks: Press Censorship and Rule of Law in British Hong Kong, 1850s-1940s/Michael Ng.- Law and Literature. 2017; Vol.29, No.3: 425-456.
136091 A Just (Electric Lady) Land: Jimi Hendrix and John Rawls/Robbie Sykes, Kieran Tranter.- Law and Literature. 2017; Vol.29, No.3: 383-403.
136092 The Dead City: Corporate Anxiety and the Post-Apocalyptic Vision in Colson Whitehead’s Zone One/Erica Sollazzo.- Law and Literature. 2017; Vol.29, No.3: 457-483.

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