تازههای مقالات خارجی مرداد 1400
NO. |
99427 | Retooling Trade Agreements for Social Inclusion/Gregory Shaffer.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.1: 1-43. |
99428 | #MeToo, Time’s Up, and Theories of Justice/Lesley Wexler, Jennifer K. Robbennolt, Colleen Murphy.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.1: 45-110. |
99429 | Fair Use and Its Global Paradigm Evolution/Peter K. Yu.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.1: 111-169. |
99430 | Taming Blockbuster Punitive Damages Awards/Benjamin J. McMichael, W. Kip Viscusi.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.1: 171-221. |
99431 | Institutional Investor Voting Behavior: A Network Theory Perspective/Luca Enriques, Alessandro Romano.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.1: 223-268. |
99432 | The Peculiar Obstacles to Justice Facing Federal Employees Who Survive Sexual Violence/Gregory C. Sisk.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.1: 269-293. |
99433 | Liability for Data Injuries/Jay P. Kesan, Carol M. Hayes.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.1: 295-362. |
99434 | The Holocaust Expropriated Art Recovery Act of 2016: An Ineffective Remedy for Returning Nazi-Looted Art/Soffia H. Kuehner Gray.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.1: 363-399. |
99435 | Prison Gerrymandering: Locking Up Elections and Diluting Representational Equality/Faith Stachulski.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.1: 401-428. |
99436 | Madness in Medicare: Bayou Casts Uncertainty Over the Future of Nursing Facility Bankruptcies/Samuel J. Seneczko.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.1: 429-462. |
99437 | Secret Policies/Louis J. Virelli, Ellen S. Podgor.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.2: 463-505. |
99438 | The Trajectory Of American Corporate Governance: Shareholder Empowerment and Private Ordering Combat/Jennifer G. Hill.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.2: 507-562. |
99439 | Nationality Bans/Tally Kritzman-Amir, Jaya Ramji-Nogales.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.2: 563-613. |
99440 | Finding Reasonable Royalty Damages: A Contract Approach to Patent Infringement/Daniel F. Spulber.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.2: 615-700. |
99441 | Giving Personal Injury Attorneys Who Run Misleading Drug Ads a Dose of Their Own Medicine/Lars Noah.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.2: 701-742. |
99442 | Building Broken Children in the Name of Protecting Them: Examining the Effects of a Lower Evidentiary Standard in Temporary Child Removal Cases/Yeoeun Yoon.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.2: 743-771. |
99443 | Preventing a Favela Whitewashing: How a Tax Code Revision Can Mitigate the Danger of Bare Title Rights to Rio De Janeiro’s Slum Residents/Krista Evensen.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.2: 773-799. |
99444 | Orcas, and Tigers, and Painted Dogs, Oh My! The Need for Targeted Zoo Safety and Security Regulations/Allyson R. Coyne.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.2: 801-831. |
99445 | Justice on the Line: Prosecutorial Screening Before Arrest/Adam M. Gershowitz.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.3: 833-873. |
99446 | Much Ado About Hold-Up/Jorge L. Contreras.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.3: 875-905. |
99447 | Falling Between the Cracks: Understanding Why States Fail in Protecting Our Children from Crime/Michal Gilad.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.3: 907-949. |
99448 | The Lost History of Insider Trading/Michael A. Perino.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.3: 951-1004. |
99449 | The Behavioral Economics of Lawyer Advertising: An Empirical Assessment/Jim Hawkins, Renee Knake.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.3: 1005-1037. |
99450 | Rethinking Copyright and Personhood/Christopher S. Yoo.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.3: 1039-1077. |
99451 | The Faceless Coin: Achieving a Modern Tax Policy in the Changing Landscape of Cryptocurrency/Aaron Hsieh.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.3: 1079-1116. |
99452 | Breaking (from) Board: Putting Student in Student-Athlete NCAA Basketball Transfer Regulations/David A. Martin.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.3: 1117-1153. |
99453 | Implications of Extrajudicial Enforcement of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act for Anti-Corruption Compliance and Ethics Programs/Paul E. McGreal.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.4: 1151-1172. |
99454 | My Theory of Everything: The Evolution of Corporate Governance in the 40 Years Since Passage of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act/Ira H. Raphaelson.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.4: 1173-1204. |
99455 | The Outsized Influence of the FCPA?/Veronica Root Martinez.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.4: 1205-1225. |
99456 | Toward an Interest Group Theory of Foreign Anti-Corruption Laws/Sean J. Griffith, Thomas H. Lee.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.4: 1227-1266. |
99457 | Has the FCPA Been Successful in Achieving Its Objectives?/Mike Koehler.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.4: 1267-1319. |
99458 | Prioritizing Process: Empowering the Corporate Ethics and Compliance Function/Nicola Faith Sharpe.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.4: 1321-1351. |
99459 | Crafting a Better Industry: Addressing Problems of Regulation in the Craft Beer Industry/Andrew J. Miller.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.4: 1353-1384. |
99460 | Protecting the H-1B Visa: A Promise to Hire American in the Nation of Immigrants/Julie Monroe.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.4: 1385-1414. |
99461 | Paying Prices for Swiped Devices: Addressing the Issue of Medical Identity Theft from Unencrypted Stolen Laptops/Michael Paluzzi.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.4: 1415-1445. |
99462 | Interstate Circuit and Conspiracy Theories/Barak Orbach.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.5: 1447-1495. |
99463 | Government-to-Robot Enforcement/Susan C. Morse.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.5: 1497-1525. |
99464 | A Political Interpretation of Vagueness Doctrine/Guyora Binder, Brenner Fissell.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.5: 1527-1588. |
99465 | Lenders’ Roles and Responsibilities in Sovereign Debt Markets/Susan Block-Lieb, W. Mark C. Weidemaier.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.5: 1589-1636. |
99466 | The Paris Paradigm/Frederic Gilles Sourgens.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.5: 1637-1699. |
99467 | Conditioning Citizenship Benefits on Satisfying Citizenship Obligations/Michael S. Kirsch.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.5: 1701-1740. |
99468 | Sticks and Stones May Break Your Bones, But Words Can Also Kill: Limiting Criminal Liability for Words/Kaitlin M. Phillips.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.5: 1741-1769. |
99469 | A Defendant’s Race as a Determinant of the Outcome of His Lawsuit/Samantha Saddler.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.5: 1771-1798. |
99470 | Chasing the Deadly Dragon: How the Opioid Crisis in the United States is Impacting the Enforcement of Drug-Induced Homicide Statutes/Hailey Varner.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2019; No.5: 1799-1827. |
99471 | Toward a More Explicit, Independent, Consistent and Nuanced Compelled Speech Doctrine/Vikram David Amar, Alan Brownstein.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.1: 1-45. |
99472 | A Tale of Two Markets: Regulation and Innovation in Post-Crisis Mortgage and Structured Finance Markets/William W. Bratton, Adam J. Levitin.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.1: 47-121. |
99473 | Rules for the Heavens: The Coming Revolution In Space and the Laws of War/John Yoo.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.1: 123-194. |
99474 | Lower-Income Tax Planning/Manoj Viswanathan.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.1: 195-231. |
99475 | Stopping the Resurgence of Vaccine-Preventable Childhood Diseases: Policy, Politics, and Law/Hillel Y. Levin … [et al.].- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.1: 233-272. |
99476 | Taxpayers Paying to Pay More in Taxes: Inadequacies in Disclosure Requirements for Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying in Illinois/Lauren DeCarlo.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.1: 273-305. |
99477 | Irrigating Industry: Is the Great Lakes Compact Being Drowned for Industrial Gain?/John V. Casey.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.1: 307-340. |
99478 | Gambling on Sports Data: Protecting Leagues’ High-Level Data from Sportsbooks/Aaron Feld.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.1: 341-374. |
99479 | Addiction, Responsibility, and Neuroscience/Michael S. Moore.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.2: 375-470. |
99480 | The Rise and (Potential) Fall of U.S. Cartel Enforcement/Vivek Ghosal, D. Daniel Sokol.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.2: 471-507. |
99481 | A Short Treatise on ESports and the Law: How America Regulates Its Next National Pastime/John T. Holden, Marc Edelman, Thomas A. Baker.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.2: 509-581. |
99482 | Analyzing Law School Choice/Christopher J. Ryan.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.2: 583-620. |
99483 | Cop Fragility and Blue Lives Matter/Frank Rudy Cooper.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.2: 621-661. |
99484 | Can the ACLU and John Legend Make Prosecutorial Elections Matter? Or Does America Need to Change Its System?/Reva Ghadge.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020: 663-696. |
99485 | You Can’t Say That: Constitutionality of Injunctions as a Remedy in Defamation Cases/Mackenzie Salvi.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.2: 697-726. |
99486 | Taking a Gamble: Analyzing how the Regulation of Loot Boxes in Video Games May Change a Billion Dollar Industry/Tyler Hamilton.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.2: 727-761. |
99487 | Escaping the Fingerprint Crisis: A Blueprint for Essential Research/Meghan J. Ryan.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.3: 763-810. |
99488 | Hacking Cybersecurity Law/Jeff Kosseff.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.3: 811-849. |
99489 | Using Religion to Protect Transgender Employees from Discrimination/Dallan F. Flake.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.3: 851-888. |
99490 | Future Work/Jeffrey M. Hirsch.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.3: 889-958. |
99491 | The Problem of Online Manipulation/Shaun B. Spencer.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.3: 959-1005. |
99492 | Shipping The Old Man Across the Sea: The Importation of Books in the Public Domain Abroad/Matthew H. Hartzler.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.3: 1007-1043. |
99493 | Sixteen Candles on My Wedding Cake: Implications of Banning Child Marriage in America/Marie Johnson-Dahl.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.3: 1045-1096. |
99494 | Guns in the Private Square/Cody J. Jacobs.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.4: 1097-1139. |
99495 | Whose Robot Is It Anyway? Liability for Artificial-Intelligence-Based Robots/Omri Rachum-Twaig.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.4: 1141-1175. |
99496 | Crime Because Punishment? The Inferential Psychology of Morality and Punishment/Jessica Bregant, Eugene M. Caruso, Alex Shaw.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.4: 1177-1207. |
99497 | The Internet of Children: Protecting Children’s Privacy in a Hyper-Connected World/Eldar Haber.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.4: 1209-1248. |
99498 | Personal Genetic Testing and the Fourth Amendment/Ayesha K. Rasheed.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.4: 1249-1287. |
99499 | Unclear Conscience: How Catholic Hospitals and Doctors are Claiming Conscientious Objections to Deny Healthcare to Transgender Patients/Esther Ju.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.4: 1289-1325. |
99500 | #MeToo: A Look at the Influence and Limits of Hashtag Activism to Effectuate Legal Change/Ann Nenoff.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.4: 1327-1359. |
99501 | One Small Plot for a Man, or One Giant Easement for Mankind? A New Approach to the Outer Space Treaty’s Property for Mankind Principle/Matthew T. Smith.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.4: 1361-1391. |
99502 | Response to the University of Illinois Law Review Symposium On 51 Imperfect Solutions/Jeffrey S. Sutton.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.5: 1393-1400. |
99503 | Radical State Constitutionalism/Jason Mazzone.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.5: 1401-1413. |
99504 | A Nonpartisan Necessity: State Constitutional Law as an Evenhanded Source of Rights/Justin Walker, Alex Van Dyke.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.5: 1415-1430. |
99505 | Constitutional Rights Before Realism/Jud Campbell.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.5: 1433-1454. |
99506 | The Domino Effect in State Takings Law: A Response to 51 Imperfect Solutions/Maureen E. Brady.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.5: 1455-1477. |
99507 | Disuniformity of Federal Constitutional Rights/Joseph Blocher.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.5: 1479-1499. |
99508 | First Amendment Lochnerism and the Origins of the Incorporation Doctrine/James Y. Stern.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.5: 1501-1540. |
99509 | The Civil Rights Juggernaut/Richard A. Epstein.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.5: 1541-1570. |
99510 | Yes, It Is Your Fault: Cracking Down on College Coaches and Administrators Who Ignore Abuse/Cody Statum.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.5: 1571-1601. |
99511 | Me, Myself, and I: Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Criminal Sentencing/Steven Tinetti.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2020; No.5: 1603-1636. |
99512 | The role of EIOPA in consumer protection/Surd Kovats.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2013; Vol.7, No.6: 291-300. |
99513 | Is it time for firms to reconsider their approach to settling enforcement action?/Sarah Thomas, Harry Edwards.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2013; Vol.7, No.6: 301-303. |
99514 | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and Bank of England memorandum on resolving globally active systemically important financial institutions/Paul Davies.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2013; Vol.7, No.6: 304-309. |
99515 | Interpreting the EBA’s powers: a case comment on the EBA’s Board of Appeal Decision 2013-008, 24 June 2013/Dominic Janssen.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2013; Vol.7, No.6: 311-314. |
99516 | LIBOR reform and contractual continuity – issues for the financial markets/Kate Gibbons, Deborah Neale.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2013; Vol.7, No.6: 315-321. |
99517 | Financial regulatory developments/Herbert Smith Freehills.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2013; Vol.7, No.6: 323-330. |
99518 | EU regulatory developments/Clifford Chance.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2013; Vol.7, No.6: 331-337. |
99519 | Whistleblowing protections and judicial activism in the US Supreme Court/George Gilligan.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 4-7. |
99520 | Common cause: institutional corruption’s role in the Libor and the 4pm fix scandals/Gregg Fields.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 8-12. |
99521 | Disputatious allies or political rivals? Intergovernmental relations in financial regulation in the aftermath of the Standard Chartered settlement/Justin O’Brien.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 13-19. |
99522 | Financialisation of global markets: the role of private sector accounting standard setting/Deborah Anderson, Tomo Suzuki.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 20-26. |
99523 | The shareholder value mythology and the market communion/Nihel Chabrak.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 27-38. |
99524 | The impact of financialisation on international corporate governance: the role of agency theory and maximising shareholder value/Thomas Clarke.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 39-51. |
99525 | Innovative enterprise and shareholder value/William Lazonick.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 52-64. |
99526 | Foreign investment law and policy in Australia: a critical analysis/Megan Bowman, George Gilligan, Justin O’Brien.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 65-77. |
99527 | Financial regulatory developments/Herbert Smith Freehills.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 78-85. |
99528 | EU regulatory developments/Clifford Chance.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.1: 86-92. |
99529 | Extending the regulatory perimeter: mapping the IOSCO agenda/Greg Medcraft.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 95-97. |
99530 | Reinventing regulation/Deen Sanders.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 98-102. |
99531 | Too big to insure? Tabulating the costs of failure/John Morgan.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 103-106. |
99532 | Australia’s Financial System Inquiry: some preliminary observations/M Scott Donald.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 107-110. |
99533 | Interview with Professor Patrick Honohan/Patrick Honohan.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 111-114. |
99534 | Culture and the future of financial regulation: how to embed restraint in the interests of systemic stability/Justin O’Brien, George Gilligan, Seumas Miller.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 115-133. |
99535 | Banks: conduct costs, cultural issues and steps towards professionalism/Roger Mccormick, Chris Stears.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 134-144. |
99536 | Who put the lie in LIBOR (and who should take it out)? Civil LIBOR litigation in the US/Samantha Strimling, Eric Talley.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 145-154. |
99537 | The corruption of financial benchmarks: financial markets, collective goods and institutional purposes/Seumas Miller.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 155-164. |
99538 | Banking compliance and dependence corruption: towards an attachment perspective/Kate Kenny.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 165-177. |
99539 | Hanging together or hanging separately: is competition law in the process of eclipsing financial regulation?/Rob Nicholls, Justin O’brien.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 178-184. |
99540 | EU regulatory developments/Clifford Chance.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.2: 185-191. |
99541 | The ASX Governance Council and independent boards/Peter Swan.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 196-198. |
99542 | Should the FSI revisit the philosophy of financial services regulation?/Pamela F Hanrahan.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 199-203. |
99543 | Cartels – time for clarity/Kon Stellios, Ben Hancock.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 204-213. |
99544 | Insider trading enforcement in Australia/Victor Lei, Ian Ramsay.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 214-226. |
99545 | SEC capture by revolving door: strengths and weaknesses in the evidence base/Laurence Tai, Daniel Carpenter.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 227-240. |
99546 | The fiduciary duty to protect: the forgotten duty in pension fund investment/Jay Youngdahl.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 241-248. |
99547 | Too big to fail or too hard to remember? Lessons from the New Deal on dealing with systemically important institutions/Justin O’Brien.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 249-259. |
99548 | The rules on lending flexibilities and absorption of losses: what is legally possible at IMF and European level?/Gianni Lo Schiavo.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 260-270. |
99549 | China’s ongoing exchange rate reform: new developments but old uncertainties/Shen Wei.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 271-281. |
99550 | Sovereign wealth funds in the mutation of global finance/Michel Aglietta.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 282-296. |
99551 | EU regulatory developments/Clifford Chance.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.3: 297-305. |
99552 | FSB issues regulatory framework for haircuts on non-centrally cleared securities financing transactions/Habib Motani, Jacqueline Jones.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.4: 311-314. |
99553 | Something to remember him by: Commissioner Joaquin Almunia’s farewell gift/Rob Nicholls.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.4: 315-317. |
99554 | A new European capital market/David Harrison.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.4: 318-321. |
99555 | Trust me … I’m a (systemically important) bank! Institutional corruption, market-based industries and financial benchmarks/Seumas Miller.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.4: 322-325. |
99556 | Securities lending, empty voting and corporate governance/Paul Ali, Ian Ramsay.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.4: 326-341. |
99557 | High-frequency trading and dark pools: sharks never sleep/Thomas Clarke.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.4: 342-351. |
99558 | Bank resolution in the UK: creating a culture of early intervention/Alan Davies.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.4: 352-360. |
99559 | Smog, self-interest and regulating markets: the commons approach and the establishment of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme/George Gilligan, Dixon Song.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.4: 361-372. |
99560 | Fixing the fix: governance, culture, ethics and the extending perimeter of financial regulation/Justin O’Brien.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.4: 373-388. |
99561 | EU regulatory developments/Clifford Chance.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2014; Vol.8, No.4: 391-399. |
99562 | Capital Markets Union for Europe: a commitment to the Single Market of 28/Wolf-Georg Ringe.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 5-7. |
99563 | The (neglected) value of board accountability in corporate governance/Marc T Moore.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 10-18. |
99564 | Accountability and short-termism: some notes on loyalty shares/Jeroen Delvoie, Carl Clottens.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 19-28. |
99565 | Convergence around concepts of actual board effectiveness in hard and soft law/Abigail Stewart, Terry McNulty.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 29-39. |
99566 | The personal accountability of bankers/Bob Ferguson.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 40-49. |
99567 | Smoke and mirrors? Disqualification, accountability and market trust/Joan Loughrey.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 50-62. |
99568 | HSBC: will the sword of Damocles fall?/Justin O’Brien.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.1: 63-73. |
99569 | Turning the building blocks into a powerhouse: the global implications of the Fair and Effective Markets Review/Justin O’Brien.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 87-89. |
99570 | No thought for tomorrow: young Australian adults’ knowledge, behaviour and attitudes about superannuation/Paul Ali … [et al.].- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 90-105. |
99571 | The Australian superannuation system post Stronger Super: views from fund executives/Adam Butt … [et al.].- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 106-112. |
99572 | Criminal forms of high frequency trading on the financial markets/Jonathan Fisher … [et al.].- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 113-119. |
99573 | Twelve recommendations for the ESA review/Bert Van Roosebeke, Anne-Kathrin Baran.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 120-129. |
99574 | Failures in the prudential regulation of banks in the UK and US: will the lessons be learnt?/Nigel Clayton.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 130-153. |
99575 | Liability of the arranger of a syndicated loan: methods of protection/Andrii Zharikov.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 154-158. |
99576 | Temporary write-down CoCos and the incentive to monitor and discipline/Ayowande A McCunn.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.2: 159-165. |
99577 | Regulation and power: the dynamics of the professionalisation project/Justin O’Brien.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 173-176. |
99578 | Who decides whether bail-in is legal? What comes after Cyprus and Greece?/Christian Duve, Philip Wimalasena.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 177-186. |
99579 | EU Capital Markets Union: the good, the bad and the ugly/Nicholas Dorn.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 187-190. |
99580 | Capital Markets Union from the perspective of the banking industry and prudential supervision/Kern Alexander.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 191-195. |
99581 | Challenges of financialised firm behaviour for Capital Markets Union/Ismail Erturk.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 196-201. |
99582 | Capital Markets Union and ending short-termism: lessons from the European Commission’s public consultation/Dieter Pesendorfer.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 202-209. |
99583 | Dismantling the EU insider dealing regime: the Supreme Court of Greece’s muddled interpretation of inside information/Panagiotis Staikouras.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.3: 210-216. |
99584 | Financial benchmarks: proposing a governance framework based on stakeholders and the public interest/Iris H-Y Chiu.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.4: 223-242. |
99585 | The new EU market abuse regime and the derivatives markets/Kern Alexander, Vladimir Maly.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.4: 243-250. |
99586 | Regulation of peer-to-peer lending in Hong Kong: state of play/Adrian Fong.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.4: 251-259. |
99587 | Regulating by numbers: the trend towards increasing empiricism in enforcement reporting by financial regulators/George Gilligan … [et al.].- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.4: 260-282. |
99588 | Professional standards and the social licence to operate: a panacea for finance or an exercise in symbolism?/Justin O’Brien … [et al.].- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2015; Vol.9, No.4: 283-292. |
99589 | Financial reporting and audit failures in transition economy: examples of auditors in China’s financial market/Heather Lee.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 4-15. |
99590 | The spirit of the law over its letter: the role of culture and social norms in shielding cooperative banks from systemic shocks/Andrea Minto.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 16-26. |
99591 | Seven deadly sins: retrospectivity, culpability and responsibility/Roger McCormick, Tania Duarte, Chris Stears.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 27-37. |
99592 | Making a case for Islamic finance in India/Meenakshi Ramesh Kurpad.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 38-45. |
99593 | Use of non-public information acquired during takeover due diligence process: analysing the position in India/Pravesh Aggarwal.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 46-53. |
99594 | What is a bank resolution measure – and what is not?/Valia Babis.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2016; Vol.10, No.1: 54-55. |
99595 | Good culture: what does it look like and how do you get there?/Carlos Conceicao.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 69-71. |
99596 | MiFID II: regulating high frequency trading, other forms of algorithmic trading and direct electronic market access/Danny Busch.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 72-82. |
99597 | From enforcement to prevention: international cooperation and financial benchmark reform/Andre Dao, Andrew Godwin, Ian Ramsay.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 83-101. |
99598 | Reducing legal risk within the financial sector: the European approach on financial collateral arrangements and its limits/Rocco Steffenoni.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2016; Vol.10, No.2: 102-110. |
99599 | Shooting Fish in a Barrel: Investor Protection in the Aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis/Justin O’Brien.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 117-122. |
99600 | Corporate governance, financial institutions and the social licence/Pamela Hanrahan.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 123-126. |
99601 | Market quality, market reforms and investor familiarity: evidence from the Indian stock market/Kiran Kumar Kotha, Vijaya B Marisetty.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 127-132. |
99602 | Mandated divorce: company boards, incentives and performance/Peter L Swan.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 133-138. |
99603 | The search for sustainability in financial markets: carbon bubbles, shifting tectonic paradigms, and natural capital coalitions/Thomas Clarke.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 139-149. |
99604 | Redeemable shares issued by hedge funds: a wrong turn in Cayman?/Daniel Harris.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 150-155. |
99605 | Tone from the top: influencing conduct and culture/Greg Medcraft.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2016; Vol.10, No.3: 156-158. |
99606 | State helps those who help themselves: State aid and burden-sharing/Valia Babis.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2016; Vol.10, No.4: 167-172. |
99607 | Operationalising a stakeholder conception in company law/Iris H-Y Chiu.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2016; Vol.10, No.4: 173-192. |
99608 | Ways to implement global financial initiatives of the G20 after the financial crisis: the enforcement roles of the BCBS and the IASB/Heather Lee, Brossa YH Wong.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2016; Vol.10, No.4: 193-200. |
99609 | Corporate Restructuring under Relative and Absolute Priority Default Rules: A Comparative Assessment/Jonathan M. Seymour, Steven L. Schwarcz.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2021; No.1: 1-36. |
99610 | The Tragedy of Wasted Funds and Broken Dreams: An Economic Analysis of Childhood Exposure to Crime and Violence/Michal Gilad, Abraham Gutman.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2021; No.1: 37-96. |
99611 | Paying for Law School: Law Student Loan Indebtedness and Career Choices/Christopher J. Ryan.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2021; No.1: 97-137. |
99612 | A Taxonomy of Police Technology’s Racial Inequity Problems/Laura M. Moy.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2021; No.1: 139-192. |
99613 | Patents as Signals of Quality in Crowdfunding/Christopher A. Cotropia.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2021; No.1: 193-227. |
99614 | Out of the Rough: How the PGA Tour Can Be Held Accountable for Fan Safety/Randy Gerlach.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2021; No.1: 229-260. |
99615 | The United States’ Climate Patenting Behavior After the Paris Agreement Withdrawal Announcement: An Empirical Analysis and a Fast-Track Proposal/Prateek Viswanathan.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2021; No.1: 261-308. |
99616 | Unsolved Mystery (Diagnosis): Treating Rare Diseases as a Public Health Care Crisis/Brian A. Smith.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2021; No.1: 309-358. |
99617 | Corporate Crimmigration/Brandon L. Garrett.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2021; No.2: 359-398. |
99618 | Service Members’ Reactions to Amends for Lawful Civilian Casualties/Jennifer K. Robbennolt, Lesley Wexler.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2021; No.2: 399-457. |
99619 | Fintech’s Role in Exacerbating or Reducing the Wealth Gap/Pamela Foohey, Nathalie Martin.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2021; No.2: 459-505. |
99620 | Buying Secrecy: Non-Disclosure Agreements, Arbitration, and Professional Ethics in the #MeToo Era/Maureen A. Weston.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2021; No.2: 507-544. |
99621 | We Are the River/David Takacs.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2021; No.2: 545-605. |
99622 | How the House Sues/Ben Miller-Gootnick.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2021; No.2: 607-657. |
99623 | Poodle Pandemonium: Emotional Support Animals and the Covenant of Quiet Enjoyment/Kathleen E. Okon.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2021; No.2: 659-699. |
99624 | Have We No Decency? Section 230 and the Liability of Social Media Companies for Deepfake Videos/Nicholas O’Donnell.- University of Illinois Law Review. 2021; No.2: 701-739. |
99625 | Just when will a corporation be prosecuted to a judicial conclusion?/Justin O’Brien.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 1-3. |
99626 | Penalties regimes to counter corporate and financial wrongdoing in Australia – views of governance professionals/George Gilligan … [et al.].- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 4-12. |
99627 | The market impact of high-frequency trading systems and potential regulation/Tim Klaus, Brian Elzweig.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 13-19. |
99628 | A question of trust: post-truth paradigms and the challenge to financial regulation/Justin O’Brien.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 20-32. |
99629 | Catching up with Indonesia’s fintech industry/Kevin Davis, Rodney Maddock, Martin Foo.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2017; Vol.11, No.1: 33-40. |
99630 | The global evolution of corporate prosecutions/Brandon Garrett.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2017; Vol.11, No.2-3: 55-60. |
99631 | Deterring white-collar crime: insights from Australia’s insider trading penalties regime/Pamela F Hanrahan.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2017; Vol.11, No.2-3: 61-74. |
99632 | A personality theory of white collar criminals, near-criminals, and others involved in bad corporate actions (and what law should do about it)/Claire A. Hill.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2017; Vol.11, No.2-3: 75-82. |
99633 | The FX Global Code: transcending symbolism?/Justin O’brien.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2017; Vol.11, No.2-3: 83-95. |
99634 | Instrumental and expressive governance: corporate and white-collar crime in contemporary society/Joe McGrath.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2017; Vol.11, No.2-3: 96-104. |
99635 | Considerations for the beginning of the end of LIBOR/Kate Gibbons, Toby Mann, Rebecca Hoskins.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2017; Vol.11, No.2-3: 105-109. |
99636 | Do it once, get it right: Wholesale regulatory intervention in price and cost disclosure/Nicholas Morris, Rob Nicholls.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2017; Vol.11, No.2-3: 110-116. |
99637 | Bonds and restructurings: corporate bond considerations in the design of debt restructuring frameworks in emerging market economies/Simon Brodie.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2017; Vol.11, No.2-3: 117-125. |
99638 | MiFID II and MiFIR: stricter rules for the EU financial markets/Danny Busch.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2017; Vol.11, No.2-3: 126-142. |
99639 | Twin Peaks in South Africa: a new role for the central bank/Corlia van Heerden, Gerda van Niekerk.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2017; Vol.11, No.4: 154-162. |
99640 | Retail Market Conduct Reforms in South Africa Under Twin Peaks/Andrew Schmulow.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2017; Vol.11, No.4: 163-173. |
99641 | A credit lens: implementing twin peaks/Gail Pearson.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2017; Vol.11, No.4: 174-182. |
99642 | Australia’s Trek towards Twin Peaks – Comparisons with South Africa/Andrew Godwin.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2017; Vol.11, No.4: 183-193. |
99643 | Letter from Melbourne: a decade of living dangerously/Justin O’Brien.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 1-6. |
99644 | From symbols to systems: progress in the reform of Australia’s private sector whistleblowing laws/Kath Hall, A. J. Brown.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 7-17. |
99645 | Global corporations, bribery and corrupt practices: Anti-bribery laws and the limits of state action/Roman Tomasic.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 18-30. |
99646 | Corporate criminal liability for foreign bribery: perspectives from civil law jurisdictions within the European Union/Peter Lewisch.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 31-38. |
99647 | Observations on the utility of FX global code/David Lynch.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2018; Vol.12, No.1: 39-43. |
99648 | Corporate Liability and the Criminalisation of Failure/Liz Campbell.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 57-70. |
99649 | Depositor preference and deposit insurance schemes – challenges for regulatory convergence and regulatory coordination in Asia/Angus Chan, Andrew Godwin, Ian Ramsay.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 71-85. |
99650 | French implementation of the EU CSR Directive: sustainable corporate governance has begun/Catherine Malecki.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 86-92. |
99651 | Vulture litigation in the context of sovereign debt: global or local solutions?/George Pavlidis.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2018; Vol.12, No.2: 93-99. |
99652 | The global financial crisis: ten years on and corporations, markets and morals/Justin O’Brien.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2018; Vol.12, No.3: 111-119. |
99653 | Trust and accountability in the digital age: Reporting the dystopian present/Justin O’Brien.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2018; Vol.12, No.3: 120-132. |
99654 | Finance and fairness: enhancing the customer dispute resolution scheme (CDRS) in the Qatar financial centre (QFC)/Andrew Dahdal.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2018; Vol.12, No.3: 133-140. |
99655 | European hedge funds: share restrictions, incentives and performance/Soumaya Ben Khelifa.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2018; Vol.12, No.3: 141-158. |
99656 | The Hayne royal commission and trust issues in the regulation of the Australian financial sector/George Gilligan.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2018; Vol.12, No.4: 175-185. |
99657 | The governance and regulation of the superannuation industry: systemic failure in the Australian retail sector/Thomas Clarke.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2018; Vol.12, No.4: 186-192. |
99658 | Twin Peaks 2.0: reforming Australia’s financial regulatory regime in light of failings exposed by the Banking Royal Commission/Andy Schmulow, Karen Fairweather, John Tarrant.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2018; Vol.12, No.4: 193-202. |
99659 | The regulation of short sales: a politicised topic/Elizabeth Howell.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2018; Vol.12, No.4: 203-209. |
99660 | The amendment of the U.S. stock act and the prices of stocks most held by congress/Benjamin M. Blau, Ryan J. Whitby, Josh Wilson.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2018; Vol.12, No.4: 210-227. |
99661 | The problematic American experience with deferred corporate prosecutions/Jed S. Rakoff.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 1-2. |
99662 | Resilience as the organising framework for reform: the dangers of metaphors in financial regulation/Justin O’Brien.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 3-16. |
99663 | Climate change and fit and proper-testing in the Dutch financial sector/Iris Palm-Steyerberg.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 17-29. |
99664 | The regulation of crypto assets in Malta: The Virtual Financial Assets Act and beyond/Christopher P. Buttigieg, Christos Efthymiopoulos.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 30-40. |
99665 | Credit intermediation and the European internal market for mortgage credit/Diederik Bruloot, Evariest Callens, Michiel De Muynck.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 41-53. |
99666 | Investment managers, ESG and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict/Daniel A. Harris.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 54-64. |
99667 | Corporate culture and the search for authenticity/Justin O’Brien.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2019; Vol.13, No.2-3: 77-80. |
99668 | From Campbell to Hayne: W[h]ither Australia? Australian financial regulation and supervision at a cross-roads/David G Millhouse.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2019; Vol.13, No.2-3: 81-98. |
99669 | Causes and solutions for misconduct in the financial services industry/Shann Turnbull.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2019; Vol.13, No.2-3: 99-113. |
99670 | The Hayne Royal Commission – just another piece of official discourse?/George Gilligan.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2019; Vol.13, No.2-3: 114-123. |
99671 | Twin peaks after Hayne: tensions and trade-offs in regulatory architecture/Pamela Hanrahan.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2019; Vol.13, No.2-3: 124-130. |
99672 | The HEM and Hayne’s normative principles – credit data and the individual/Gail Pearson.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2019; Vol.13, No.2-3: 131-140. |
99673 | Because They Could: trust, integrity, and purpose in the regulation of corporate governance in the aftermath of the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry/Justin O’Brien.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2019; Vol.13, No.2-3: 141-156. |
99674 | The Hayne report – one giant leap forward for Australia/Terry Marsh, Gene Phillips.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2019; Vol.13, No.2-3: 157-161. |
99675 | Empirical analysis supports the Hayne long run reform thesis/David G Millhouse.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2019; Vol.13, No.2-3: 162-187. |
99676 | Shrinks in the boardroom: the pathology of ignorance/Justin O’Brien.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2019; Vol.13, No.4: 199-202. |
99677 | Access to confidential information in the financial and banking sectors: judgements of the Court of Justice in Altmann, Baumeister, UBS and Buccioni/Carla Farinhas.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2019; Vol.13, No.4: 203-210. |
99678 | Anti-money laundering regulation of crypto assets in Europe’s smallest member state/Christopher P. Buttigieg … [et al.].- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2019; Vol.13, No.4: 211-227. |
99679 | Professional secrecy of supervisory authorities under MiFID: no longer sacred?/Liebrich M. Hiemstra.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2019; Vol.13, No.4: 228-233. |
99680 | Rethinking spot FX regulation/Min-woo Kang.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2019; Vol.13, No.4: 234-243. |
99681 | Public enforcement in China’s securities markets: is it a law matter?/Chi Zhang.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2019; Vol.13, No.4: 244-249. |
99682 | Engage with Illicit Financial Flows/Alex Erskine.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2019; Vol.13, No.4: 250-253. |
99683 | Too Small to Debar? Too Small to Disgorge Illegal Profits? What About the Senior Executives, Including the CEO?/Eduardo Alonso Olmos.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2019; Vol.13, No.4: 254-260. |
99684 | The moral foundations of stakeholder capitalism/Justin O’Brien.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 1-4. |
99685 | EU regulation and supervision of securities business: a critical analysis of the challenges faced by the National Competent Authorities of small EU and EEA EFTA Member States/Christopher P. Buttigieg.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 5-21. |
99686 | Accounting and financial reporting of economic entities: adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to the standards of the European Union/Tatyana V. Bodnar … [et al.].- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 22-28. |
99687 | Claim trading as a misuse of law/Ing. Jitka Matejkova, Bc. Ondrej Pavelek.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 29-32. |
99688 | Regulating initial coin offerings and DAO tokens under the EU’s financial instruments framework/Niels Vandezande.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 33-38. |
99689 | The dark side of licensing cryptocurrency exchanges as payment institutions/Hossein Nabilou.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 39-47. |
99690 | A critical examination of the VFA framework – the VFA agent and beyond/Christopher P. Buttigieg, Gerd Sapiano.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 48-58. |
99691 | A symbolic legislative gesture? An argument for active enforcement of the insider trading prohibition in Myanmar/Matilda Gillis.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 59-64. |
99692 | How exceptional is Australian financial sector misconduct? The Hayne Royal Commission revisited/John Singleton, James Reveley.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 77-83. |
99693 | W[h]ither Australia? Will Parliament Act?/David G. Millhouse.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 84-101. |
99694 | The Pros and Cons for Insider Trading Regulation in Zimbabwe/Howard Chitimira, Pontsho Mokone.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 102-109. |
99695 | Banking on AI: mandating a proactive approach to AI regulation in the financial sector/Jon Truby, Rafael Brown, Andrew Dahdal.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 110-120. |
99696 | Choice of law and jurisdiction in banking and finance contracts after Brexit: a perspective from Europe/Oriol Espar, Jesus Castell.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 121-127. |
99697 | Hail the new private debt machine: private equity, leveraged loans, and collateralised loan obligations/Vincenzo Bavoso.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 141-150. |
99698 | Will the COVID Pandemic Spark a Return in GFC-Type Financial Market Litigation?/Joseph Heller, Gene Phillips.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 151-155. |
99699 | Non-bank financial intermediation in Malta/Christopher P. Buttigieg, Mariana Gkoutse, Theresa Fenech.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 156-169. |
99700 | Short-run performance evaluation of under-priced Indian IPOs/B. R. Manjunath, J. K. Raju, M. Rehaman.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 170-175. |
99701 | New Forms of Money for the Twenty-first Century and the Legacy of France’s Assignat Experiment/Phoebus L. Athanassiou.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2020; Vol.14, No.3: 176-181. |
99702 | AFCA: the first foothill between Australia’s Twin Peaks/Andrew Schmulow … [et al.].- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2020; Vol.14, No.4: 201-222. |
99703 | Trade finance in Qatar: blockchain and economic diversification/Andrew Dahdal, Jon Truby, Husam Botosh.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2020; Vol.14, No.4: 223-236. |
99704 | REMIT: ten years and counting: An exploration of the regulatory paradigm for commodity derivative trading in the energy market/Liebrich M. Hiemstra.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2020; Vol.14, No.4: 237-248. |
99705 | Critical review of the international and contractual measures for optimal restructuring/Ferdous Rahman.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2020; Vol.14, No.4: 249-254. |
99706 | The impact of data breaches on corporations and the status of potential regulation and litigation/Tim Klaus, Brian Elzweig.- Law and Financial Markets Review. 2020; Vol.14, No.4: 255-260. |
99707 | A tale of unintended consequence: corporate membership in early UK company law/Colin Mackie.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2017; Vol.17, No.1: 1-37. |
99708 | Reforming the law of secured transactions: bridging the gap between the company charge and CBN Regulations security interests/Iyare Otabor-Olubor.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2017; Vol.17, No.1: 39-72. |
99709 | The extent and intensity of insider trading enforcement – an international comparison/Lev Bromberg, George Gilligan, Ian Ramsay.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2017; Vol.17, No.1: 73-110. |
99710 | Central counterparties and sale and repurchase agreements: regulating financial markets in the light of yet another false dawn/Harry McVea.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2017; Vol.17, No.1: 111-135. |
99711 | Non-financial reporting, CSR frameworks and groups of undertakings: application and consequences/Daniel Gergely Szabo, Karsten Engsig Sorensen.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2017; Vol.17, No.1: 137-165. |
99712 | Business restructuring law in Europe: making a fresh start/Gerard McCormack.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2017; Vol.17, No.1: 167-202. |
99713 | Shareholder primacy, controlling shareholders and Malaysia’s Companies Act 2016/Aiman Nariman Mohd-Sulaiman, Shanty Rachagan.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2017; Vol.17, No.1: 203-224. |
99714 | From private clubs to for-profit markets: an overview and assessment of the rules on demutualisation of securities exchanges 2015 of Nigeria/Wiseman Ubochioma.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2017; Vol.17, No.1: 225-251. |
99715 | Law, trust and institutional change in China: evidence from qualitative fieldwork/Ding Chen … [et al.].- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2017; Vol.17, No.2: 257-290. |
99716 | Central Counterparties (CCPs) and the law of default management/Jo Braithwaite, David Murphy.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2017; Vol.17, No.2: 291-325. |
99717 | Managing the risks of equity crowdfunding: lessons from China/Lin Lin.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2017; Vol.17, No.2: 327-366. |
99718 | United States’ bankruptcy jurisdiction over foreign entities: exorbitant or congruent?/Adrian Walters.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2017; Vol.17, No.2: 367-404. |
99719 | An empirical look at the consequences of oppression actions in Singapore/Hans Tjio.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2017; Vol.17, No.2: 405-426. |
99720 | A new milestone in corporate regulation: procedural legalisation, standards of transnational corporate behaviour and lessons from financial regulation and anti-bribery regulation/Iris H-Y. Chiu, Anna Donovan.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2017; Vol.17, No.2: 427-467. |
99721 | The unconvincing rise of the statutory derivative action in Hong Kong: evidence from its first 10 years of enforcement/Felix E. Mezzanotte.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2017; Vol.17, No.2: 469-496. |
99722 | Cross-border reincorporations in the European Union: the case for comprehensive harmonisation/Carsten Gerner-Beuerle … [et al.].- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2018; Vol.18, No.1: 1-42. |
99723 | Coordinated efforts to regulate overseas listed Chinese companies: a historical perspective and recent developments/Flora Huang, Xinmin Liu, Horace Yeung.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2018; Vol.18, No.1: 43-74. |
99724 | Brands and corporate power/Andrew Griffiths.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2018; Vol.18, No.1: 75-112. |
99725 | Controlling shareholders and fiduciary duties in Asia/Ernest Lim.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2018; Vol.18, No.1: 113-150. |
99726 | Corporate illegal conduct and directors’ liability: an approach to personal accountability for violations of corporate legal compliance/Michael Nietsch.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2018; Vol.18, No.1: 151-184. |
99727 | Regulating squeeze-out techniques by controlling shareholders: the divergence between Hong Kong and Singapore/Christopher Chen, Wei Zhang, Wai Yee Wan.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2018; Vol.18, No.1: 185-216. |
99728 | An inquiry into the meaning of possession and control over financial assets and the effects on third parties/Elena Christine Zaccaria.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2018; Vol.18, No.1: 217-246. |
99729 | Finding our way: secured transactions and corporate bankruptcy law and policy in America and England/Sarah Paterson.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2018; Vol.18, No.2: 247-276. |
99730 | Strong shareholders, weak outside investors/Maria Gutierrez, Maribel Saez Lacave.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2018; Vol.18, No.2: 277-309. |
99731 | Name and shame – director attendance disclosure and practice/Larelle (Ellie) Chapple … [et al.].- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2018; Vol.18, No.2: 311-337. |
99732 | The regulation of the financial sector in China: a tale of two governments/Weiping He.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2018; Vol.18, No.2: 339-380. |
99733 | Corporate governance that works for everyone: promoting public policies through corporate governance mechanisms/Barnali Choudhury, Martin Petrin.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2018; Vol.18, No.2: 381-415. |
99734 | Re-examining the law and economics of the business judgment rule: notes for its implementation in non-US jurisdictions/Aurelio Gurrea-Martinez.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2018; Vol.18, No.2: 417-438. |
99735 | Securing corporate opportunities in Europe – comparative notes on monetary remedies and on the potential evolution of the remedial system/Marco Claudio Corradi.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2018; Vol.18, No.2: 439-473. |
99736 | The new hedge fund activism: activist directors and the market for corporate quasi-control/Anna L. Christie.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2019; Vol.19, No.1: 1-41. |
99737 | British Home Stores collapse: the case for an employee derivative claim/Neshat Safari, Martin Gelter.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2019; Vol.19, No.1: 43-68. |
99738 | Transplanting Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code into Singapore’s restructuring and insolvency laws: opportunities and challenges/Gerard McCormack, Wai Yee Wan.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2019; Vol.19, No.1: 69-104. |
99739 | Limited partnership law and private equity: an instance of legislative capture?/Elspeth Berry.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2019; Vol.19, No.1: 105-135. |
99740 | The corporate legal person/Susan Mary Watson.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2019; Vol.19, No.1: 137-166. |
99741 | Exploring the effects of the bonus cap rule: the impact of remuneration structure on risk-taking by bank managers/Andreas Kokkinis.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2019; Vol.19, No.1: 167-195. |
99742 | In two minds: the governance of ring-fenced banks/Thom Wetzer.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2019; Vol.19, No.1: 197-249. |
99743 | Say on purpose: lessons from Chinese corporate charters/Li-Wen Lin.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2019; Vol.19, No.2: 251-275. |
99744 | Equity crowdfunding in Hong Kong: potential, challenges and investor protection/Emily Lee.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2019; Vol.19, No.2: 277-302. |
99745 | Empirical analysis of the statutory derivative claim: de facto application and the sine quibus non/David Gibbs-Kneller, Chidiebere Ogbonnaya.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2019; Vol.19, No.2: 303-332. |
99746 | Assessing the effectiveness of the UK’s insolvency regulatory framework at deterring insolvency practitioners’ opportunistic behaviour/John M. Wood.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2019; Vol.19, No.2: 333-366. |
99747 | Scrutinising the legality of cross-border mergers: finding the proper approach/Philip Morrison.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2019; Vol.19, No.2: 367-386. |
99748 | The customisation effect of pre-arranged sales under Anglo-American insolvency law and practice: accountability deficits and possible remedies/Bo Xie.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2019; Vol.19, No.2: 387-419. |
99749 | Whistle-blowing as a corporate governance mechanism: South Africa and Nigeria in perspective/Uchechukwu Nwoke.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2019; Vol.19, No.2: 421-450. |
99750 | Bankers’ remuneration and political incentives in Chinese state-owned commercial banks: regulation and practice/Longjie Lu.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2019; Vol.19, No.2: 451-503. |
99751 | Corporate groups, common officers and the relevance of capacity in questions of knowledge attribution/Colin Mackie.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2020; Vol.20, No.1: 1-38. |
99752 | Of rights and rescue: a curious confluence?/Sandra Frisby.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2020; Vol.20, No.1: 39-72. |
99753 | Misreading the directors’ fiduciary duty of good faith/Daniel Attenborough.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2020; Vol.20, No.1: 73-98. |
99754 | The rise, fall and potential for a rebirth of receivership in UK corporate law/Kayode Akintola, David Milman.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2020; Vol.20, No.1: 99-119. |
99755 | The (re)introduction of dual-class share structures in Hong Kong: a historical and comparative analysis/Robin Hui Huang, Wei Zhang, Kelvin Siu Cheung Lee.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2020; Vol.20, No.1: 121-155. |
99756 | China’s enterprise bankruptcy law, building an infrastructure towards a market-based approach/Rebecca Parry, Yingxiang Long.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2020; Vol.20, No.1: 157-178. |
99757 | The crystallisation of floating charges: rethinking the conceptual framework/John Quinn.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2020; Vol.20, No.1: 179-198. |
99758 | Companies and UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goal 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure/Janice Denoncourt.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2020; Vol.20, No.1: 199-235. |
99759 | Partnerships and legal personality: cautionary tales from Scotland/Laura Macgregor.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2020; Vol.20, No.1: 237-262. |
99760 | Which related party transactions should be subject to ex ante review? Evidence from Germany/Andreas Engert, Tim Florstedt.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2020; Vol.20, No.2: 263-290. |
99761 | Growth and the lost legitimacy of business organisation: time to abandon corporate law reform/Michael Galanis.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2020; Vol.20, No.2: 291-325. |
99762 | The anatomy of Singapore’s statutory derivative action: why do shareholders sue – or not?/Samantha S. Tang.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2020; Vol.20, No.2: 327-357. |
99763 | Business judgment and director accountability: a study of case-law over time/Andrew Keay … [et al.].- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2020; Vol.20, No.2: 359-387. |
99764 | Judicial diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific: theory and evidence from the Singapore-initiated transnational judicial insolvency network/Emily Lee, Eric C. Ip.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2020; Vol.20, No.2: 389-420. |
99765 | Legal approaches to management of the risk of cloud computing insolvencies/Rebecca Parry, Roger Bisson.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2020; Vol.20, No.2: 421-451. |
99766 | A flexible model for efficient employee participation in UK companies/Andreas Kokkinis, Konstantinos Sergakis.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2020; Vol.20, No.2: 453-493. |
99767 | The social enterprise company in Europe: policy and theory/J. S. Liptrap.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2020; Vol.20, No.2: 495-539. |
99768 | Say on pay regulations and director remuneration: evidence from the UK in the past two decades/Betty (H.T.) Wu, Iain MacNeil, Katarzyna Chalaczkiewicz-Ladna.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2020; Vol.20, No.2: 541-577. |
99769 | The Lloyds case judgment: illuminating on practice but not on law/Edward Walker-Arnott.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2020; Vol.20, No.2: 579-597. |
99770 | Why is Huawei’s ownership so strange? A case study of the Chinese corporate and socio-political ecosystem/Colin Hawes.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2021; Vol.21, No.1: 1-38. |
99771 | Material Adverse Change uncertainty: costing a fortune if not corporate lives/Narine Lalafaryan.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2021; Vol.21, No.1: 39-84. |
99772 | The contours and content of the creditors interests duty/Rosemary Teele Langford, Ian Ramsay.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2021; Vol.21, No.1: 85-108. |
99773 | The effectiveness of disclosure law enforcement in Australia/Jenifer Varzaly.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2021; Vol.21, No.1: 135-177. |
99774 | Reconceptualising Scottish limited partnership law/Jonathan Hardman.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2021; Vol.21, No.1: 179-217. |
99775 | The relevance of public law to private ordering: the consequences of uncertain judicial review for stock exchange self-regulation/Jonathan Chan.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2021; Vol.21, No.1: 219-251. |
99776 | The law on CSR in India: an analysis of its compliance by companies through corporate disclosures/Akanksha Jumde.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2021; Vol.21, No.1: 253-282. |
99777 | Enforceable undertakings’ practices across Australian regulators: lessons learned/Marina Nehme.- Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 2021; Vol.21, No.1: 283-319. |
99778 | Why the Politics of Literacy?/Chelsey Hauge, Jennifer Rowsell.- Studies in Social Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 1-9. |
99779 | An Immigrant Alphabet (Visual Essay)/Wendy Ewald.- Studies in Social Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 10-19. |
99780 | Recognizing Young People’s Civic Engagement Practices: Re-thinking Literacy Ontologies through Co-Production/Kate Heron Pahl.- Studies in Social Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 20-39. |
99781 | Re-Imagining Research Partnerships: Thinking through Co-research and Ethical Practice with Children and Youth/Diane R. Collier.- Studies in Social Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 40-58. |
99782 | Two-Row Wampum Reimagined: Understanding the Hybrid Digital Lives of Contemporary Kanien’keha:ka Youth/Curran Katsi’sorokwas Jacobs.- Studies in Social Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 59-72. |
99783 | It’s Me Trying My Best to Bring Awareness to the Issues: Narrative Assemblage and Visual Text-Making as Sociopolitical Inquiry in Canadian History/Michelle A. Honeyford, Timothy S. Beyak, Felix Sylvester Hardman.- Studies in Social Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 73-93. |
99784 | A Literacy of Armed Love: Confrontation and Desire in Aesthetic and Critical Projects/Anne E. Crampton.- Studies in Social Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 94-117. |
99785 | A Production of Survival: Cancer Politics and Feminist Media Literacies/Chelsey Hauge, Kate Reid.- Studies in Social Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 118-141. |
99786 | Embodying Difference: A Case for Anti-Racist and Decolonizing Approaches to Multiliteracies/Sara Schroeter.- Studies in Social Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 142-158. |
99787 | Soaring Eagles: Indigenous Youth Speak Out!/Peter Vietgen.- Studies in Social Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 159-170. |
99788 | Reimagining Home in the Wake of Displacement/Parin Dossa, Jelena Golubovic.- Studies in Social Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 171-186. |
99789 | (Re)Constructing and Resisting Irregularity: (Non)citizenship, Canada’s Interim Federal Health Program, and Access to Healthcare/Laura Connoy.- Studies in Social Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 201-220. |
99790 | Unsettling Pedagogy: Co-designing Research in Place with Indigenous Educators/Laura Schaefli, Anne Godlewska.- Studies in Social Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 221-243. |
99791 | Granny Solidarity: Understanding Age and Generational Dynamics in Climate Justice Movements/May Chazan, Melissa Baldwin.- Studies in Social Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 244-261. |
99792 | Remembering George W. Smith’s Life Work: From Politico-Administrative Regimes to Living Otherwise/Chris Hurl, Janna Klostermann.- Studies in Social Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 262-282. |
99793 | Last Bastion Nevermore! A Qualitative Exploration of the Australian Government’s Fifth National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan from the Perspective of Lessening Mental Stigma and Sanism in the Workplace/Damian Mellifont.- Studies in Social Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 283-303. |
99794 | Non-disabled Space Invaders! A Study Critically Exploring the Scholarly Reporting of Research Attributes for Persons With and Without Disability/Damian Mellifont.- Studies in Social Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 304-321. |
99795 | Is it Resolved? One Story of Academic Contrapower Harassment and Cyberbullying.- Studies in Social Justice. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 322-331. |
99796 | Migration, Intersectionality and Social Justice/Daiva Stasiulis, Zaheera Jinnah, Blair Rutherford.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 1-21. |
99797 | Elimi(Nation): Canada’s Post-Settler Embrace of Disposable Migrant Labour/Daiva Stasiulis.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 22-54. |
99798 | Performing Nanay in Winnipeg: Filipino Labour Migration to Canada (Creative Intervention)/Geraldine Pratt … [et al.].- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 55-66. |
99799 | Punishing Survivors and Criminalizing Survivorship: A Feminist Intersectional Approach to Migrant Justice in the Crimmigration System/Salina Abji.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 67-89. |
99800 | The Invisible Women: Migrant and Immigrant Sex Workers and Law Reform in Canada/Jamie Chai Yun Liew.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 90-116. |
99801 | We the People… (Creative Intervention)/Mestizo Arts & Activism Collective.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 117-121. |
99802 | Caution (Creative Intervention)/Mestizo Arts & Activism Collective.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 122-124. |
99803 | Fake or Real Marriage? Gender, Age, Race and Class in the Construction of Un/desirability of Marriage Migrants in South Korea/Jiyoung Lee-An.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 125-145. |
99804 | Unequal Interdependency: Chinese Petty Entrepreneurs and Zimbabwean Migrant Labourers/Ying-Ying Tiffany Liu.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 146-165. |
99805 | The Migrant Nurse Dilemma (Creative Intervention)/Duduzile Sakhelene Ndlovu.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 166-168. |
99806 | Nervous Conditions on the Limpopo: Gendered Insecurities, Livelihoods, and Zimbabwean Migrants in Northern South Africa/Blair Rutherford.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 169-187. |
99807 | A Creative Storytelling Project with Women Migrants in Johannesburg, South Africa (Dispatch)/Rebecca Walker, Elsa Oliveira.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 188-209. |
99808 | Negotiated Precarity in the Global South: A Case Study of Migration and Domestic Work in South Africa/Zaheera Jinnah.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 210-227. |
99809 | You are an Immigrant Too / You Would Leave Too (Creative Intervention)/Moozhan Ahmadzadegan.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 228-230. |
99810 | On Migration and Indigenous Sovereignty in a Chronically Mobile World/Soma Chatterjee, Tania Das Gupta.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 246-267. |
99811 | Enacting a Latinx Decolonial Politic of Belonging: Latinx Community Workers’ Experiences Negotiating Identity and Citizenship in Toronto, Canada/Madelaine Cahuas, Alexandra Arraiz Matute.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 268-286. |
99812 | Narrating Colonial Silences: Racialized Social Work Educators Unsettling our Settlerhood/Abdelfettah Elkchirid, Anh Phung Ngo, Martha Kuwee Kumsa.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 287-305. |
99813 | Disability’s Circularity: Presence, Absence and Erasure in Australian Settler Colonial Biopolitical Population Regimes/Karen Soldatic.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 306-320. |
99814 | Contesting Settler Colonial Accounts: Temporality, Migration and Place-Making in Scarborough, Ontario/Paloma E. Villegas … [et al.].- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 321-351. |
99815 | Transnational Modernity/Coloniality: Linking Punjab’s Canal Colonies, Migration, and Settler Colonialism for Critical Solidarities in Canada/Jaspreet Ranauta.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 352-370. |
99816 | Decolonizing Refugee Studies, Standing up for Indigenous Justice: Challenges and Possibilities of a Politics of Place/Sedef Arat-Koc.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 371-390. |
99817 | Against National Sovereignty: The Postcolonial New World Order and the Containment of Decolonization/Nandita Sharma.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 391-409. |
99818 | Re-placing Place in Internationalised Higher Education: Reflections from Aotearoa New Zealand/Vivienne Anderson, Zoe Bristowe.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 410-428. |
99819 | Theorizing Our Place: Indigenous Women’s Scholarship from 1985-2020 and the Emerging Dialogue with Anti-racist Feminisms/Elaine Coburn.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 429-453. |
99820 | Dreams of a Black Commons on Turtle Island/Rachel Zellars.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 454-473. |
99821 | Lessons from No Ban on Stolen Land/Harshita Yalamarty.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 474-485. |
99822 | Reflections on Conversations and Dialogues with Recent Settlers/Adrian M. Downey.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 486-495. |
99823 | Pacific Academic Migrants: Re-shaping Spaces in Dynamic Times/Kabini Sanga, Martyn Reynolds.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 496-504. |
99824 | Reflections on Teaching Critical Migration Law in a Settler-colonial Context/Amar Bhatia.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 505-514. |
99825 | Toward an Understanding of International Students within Canadian Settler-colonial Capitalism/Bianca Gomez.- Studies in Social Justice. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 515-525. |
99826 | Historic and Contemporary Environmental Justice Issues among Native Americans in the Gulf Coast Region of the United States/Jessica L. Liddell, Catherine E. McKinley, Jennifer M. Lilly.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 1-24. |
99827 | Examining Gender and Resistance with Filipina Hong Kongers through Cellphilm Production and Collaborative Writing/Casey Burkholder, Jianne Soriano, Alecxis Ramos-Pakit.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 25-42. |
99828 | Use of Arts-based Research to Uncover Racism/Trehani M. Fonseka, Akin Taiwo, Bharati Sethi.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 43-58. |
99829 | Facilitators and Inhibitors of Mental Discrimination in the Workplace: A Traditional Review/Damian Mellifont.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 59-80. |
99830 | Social (In)justice and Rental Housing Discrimination in Urban Canada: The Case of Ethno-racial Minorities in the Herongate Community in Ottawa/Joseph Mensah, Daniel Tucker-Simmons.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 81-101. |
99831 | Constructing Another World: Solidarity and the Right to Water/Caitlin Schroering.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 102-128. |
99832 | I Cannot Hide My Anger to Spare You Guilt: On BLMTO and Canadian Mainstream Media’s Response/Valentina Capurri.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 129-144. |
99833 | Giving Voice in Research: Critical Community Reflections/Chelsea Jones, Bonnie Cummings-Vickaryous, Katherine Taylor.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.1: 145-154. |
99834 | Cripistemologies of Disability Arts and Culture: Reflections on the Cripping the Arts Symposium/Eliza Chandler … [et al.].- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 171-179. |
99835 | Finding Language: A Word Scavenger Hunt/Vanessa Dion Fletcher, Max Ferguson.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 180-183. |
99836 | Letting Bodies be Bodies: Exploring Relaxed Performance in the Canadian Performance Landscape/Andrea LaMarre, Carla Rice, Kayla Besse.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 184-208. |
99837 | Neurodivergency and Interdependent Creation: Breaking into Canadian Disability Arts/Becky Gold.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 209-229. |
99838 | Communicating Access, Accessing Communication/Eliza Chandler, Esther Ignagni, Kimberlee Collins.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 230-238. |
99839 | Blind Visuality in Bruce Horak’s Through a Tired Eye/Mary Bunch.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 239-258. |
99840 | Reflexive Sketches during the Cripping the Arts Symposium/Jenelle Rouse.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 259-264. |
99841 | Stitching Language: Sounding Voice in the Art Practice of Vanessa Dion Fletcher/Stephanie Springgay.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 265-281. |
99842 | Interview with David Bobier/David Bobier, Esther Ignagni.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 282-287. |
99843 | Beyond Measure? Disability Art, Affect and Reimagining Visitor Experience/Christine Kelly, Michael Orsini.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 288-306. |
99844 | Representing Disability, D/deaf, and Mad Artists and Art in Journalism: Identifying Ableist Fault Lines and Promising Crip Practices of Representation/Chelsea Temple Jones, Nadine Changfoot, Kirsty Johnston.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 307-333. |
99845 | Disability and Deaf Futures/Taeyoon Choi … [et al.].- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.2: 334-343. |
99846 | Youth and Social Media: From Vulnerability to Empowerment and Equality/Karen Louise Smith, Leslie Regan Shade.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 344-354. |
99847 | Ethical Dilemmas in Resistance Art Workshops with Youth/Chloe S. Georas, Jane Bailey, Valerie Steeves.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 355-374. |
99848 | Producing Authenticity: Urban Youth Arts, Rogue Archives and Negotiating a Home for Social Justice/Stuart R. Poyntz.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 375-396. |
99849 | Expression in the Virtual Public: Social Justice Considerations in Harvesting Youth Online Discussions for Research Purposes/Jacquelyn Burkell, Priscilla Regan.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 397-413. |
99850 | iPads, Free Data and Young Peoples’ Rights: Refractions from a Universal Access Model During the Pandemic/Karen Louise Smith.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 414-441. |
99851 | Ethical Approaches to Youth Data in Historical Web Archives/Katie Mackinnon.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 442-449. |
99852 | From Data Ethics to Data Justice in/as Pedagogy/Andrea Zeffiro.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 450-457. |
99853 | Unconventional Labour: Environmental Justice and Working-class Ecology in the New South Wales Green Bans/Paul Bleakley.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 458-474. |
99854 | Contagious Terror: Violence, Haunting and the Work of Refugee Protection/Azar Masoumi.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 475-496. |
99855 | Protecting Cisnormative Private and Public Spheres: The Canadian Conservative Denunciation of Transgender Rights/Alexa DeGagne.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 497-517. |
99856 | The Consequences of the Austerity Policies for Public Services in the UK/Tania Arrieta Hernandez.- Studies in Social Justice. 2021; Vol.15, No.3: 518-537. |
99857 | Yahoo Boys Phenomenon in Lagos Metropolis: A Qualitative Investigation/Samuel O. Adejoh … [et al.].- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 1-20. |
99858 | Emotional Competence and Sexting among University Students/Kristina Sesar, Arta Dodaj, Ana Kordic.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 21-37. |
99859 | Understanding the link between Sextortion and Suicide/Mirjana Gavrilovic Nilsson … [et al.].- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 55-69. |
99860 | Stolen Identity Valuation and Market Evolution on the Dark Web/Chad M.S. Steel.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 70-83. |
99861 | Clustering Cyberspace Population and the tendency to Commit Cyber Crime: A Quantitative Application of Space Transition Theory/Nuttapol Assarut, Piyabutr Bunaramrueang, Patanaporn Kowpatanakit.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 84-100. |
99862 | Guarding against Cyber-Trespass and Theft: Routine Precautions from the Hacking Community/Nicholas Chavez, Gisela Bichler.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.1: 101-116. |
99863 | Impact of Cybercrime and Trust on the Use of E-Commerce Technologies: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior/Richard Apau, Felix Nti Koranteng.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 228-254. |
99864 | Ensuring the Information Security of Information Communication Technology Users in Russia/Anna Zharova.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 255-269. |
99865 | A New Legal Framework for Cross-Border Data Collection in Crime Investigation amongst Selected European Countries/Borka Jerman-Blazic, Tomaz Klobucar.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 270-289. |
99866 | Understanding Cybercrimes in Vietnam: From Leading-Point Provisions to Legislative System and Law Enforcement/Hai Thanh Luong … [et al.].- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 290-308. |
99867 | Pathways and Motivations for Cyber Fraud Involvement among Female Undergraduates of Selected Universities in South-West Nigeria/Yetunde O. Ogunleye, Usman A. Ojedokun, Adeyinka A. Aderinto.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 309-325. |
99868 | Neo-Economy and Militating Effects of Africa’s Profile on Cybercrime/Benjamin Okorie Ajah, Onyejebu Dominic Chukwuemeka.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 326-342. |
99869 | Yahoo-plus in Ibadan: Meaning, Characterization and Strategies/Olayinka Akanle, Babajide Richard Shadare.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 343-357. |
99870 | Meaning Associated with Experiences of Cyberbullying: Cyber Victimization within the Netflix Series 13 Reasons Why/Molly-Gloria Harper.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 358-378. |
99871 | The War must be Sustained: An Integrated Theoretical Perspective of the Cyberspace-Boko Haram Terrorism Nexus in Nigeria/Macpherson Uchenna Nnam … [et al.].- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 379-395. |
99872 | Risks of Online Victimisation Among College Students’ on Mobile Social Networks/Juliyanti Jalil, Grant Sinnamon.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 396-417. |
99873 | Revenge Pornography or Non-Consensual Dissemination of Sexually Explicit Material as a Sexual Offence or as a Privacy Violation Offence/Miha Sepec.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 418-438. |
99874 | Anonymity, Membership-Length and Postage Frequency as Predictors of Extremist Language and Behaviour among Twitter Users/Hollie Sutch, Pelham Carter.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 439-459. |
99875 | A Study on Youth Prostitution using Mobile Application: Focusing on Korean Youth/Yoona Lee, Jisun Choi, Bong-Gyu Song.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 460-477. |
99876 | Cybercrime Glamorization in Nigerian songs/Oludayo Tade.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 478-492. |
99877 | Understanding Cybercrime Victimisation: Modelling the Local Area Variations in Routinely Collected Cybercrime Police Data Using Latent Class Analysis/Mohammad Shan-A-Khuda, Z. Cliffe Schreuders.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 493-510. |
99878 | Anti-language, Slang and Cyber Scam Subculture among Urban Youth in Southwestern Nigeria/Temitope Michael Ajayi.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 511-533. |
99879 | Sexting and Mental Health among a Spanish College Sample: An Exploratory Analysis/Aina M. Gasso … [et al.].- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 534-547. |
99880 | University Students’ Awareness of Social Media Use and Hate Speech in Jordan/Faisal al Serhan, Mokhtar Elareshi.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 548-563. |
99881 | Artificial Intelligence and Problems of Ensuring Cyber Security/Zarina I. Khisamova, Ildar R. Begishev, Elina L. Sidorenko.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 564-577. |
99882 | Image-Based Abuse, Non-Consensual Pornography, Revenge Porn: A Study of Criminalization and Crime Prevention in Australia and England and Wales/Majid Yar, Jacqueline Drew.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 578-594. |
99883 | The Facebook Conundrum: Is it Time to Usher in a New Era of Regulation for Big Tech?/Sara M. Smyth.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2019; Vol.13, No.2: 578-595. |
99884 | Project Leaked: Research on Non-Consensual sharing of Intimate Images in Brazil/Leandro Ayres Franca, Jessica Veleda Quevedo.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 1-28. |
99885 | Why has it been so difficult to Counteract Cyber Crime in Nigeria? Evidence from an Ethnographic Study/Olayinka Akanle, Babajide Richard Shadare.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 29-43. |
99886 | Assessing the Impact of Civil Gang Injunctions on the Use of Online Media by Criminal Street Gangs/Jared R. Dmello, Gisela Bichler.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 44-62. |
99887 | From a Vulnerability Search to a Criminal Case: Script Analysis of an SQL Injection Attack/Anna Leppanen, Tero Toiviainen, Terhi Kankaanranta.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 63-80. |
99888 | Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Trends in Cybercrime Research: An Examination/Brian K. Payne, Lora Hadzhidimova.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 81-105. |
99889 | The Impact of Low Self-control on Past and Future Cyber Offending/Brooke Nodeland, Robert Morris.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 106-120. |
99890 | Sexual Behaviours in Indecent Images of Children: A Content Analysis/Ricardo Tejeiro … [et al.].- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 121-138. |
99891 | Understanding Target Suitability in Cyberspace: An International Comparison of Cyber Victimization Processes/Fernando Miro-Llinares, Jacqueline Drew, Michael Townsley.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 139-155. |
99892 | Cybercrime in Vietnam: An Analysis based on Routine Activity Theory/Trong Van Nguyen.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 156-173. |
99893 | Factors Associating with Social Media related Crime Victimization: Evidence from the Undergraduates at a Public University in Sri Lanka/Suresh Nalaka, Hemantha Diunugala.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 174-184. |
99894 | Examining the Effect of Victimization Experience on Fear of Cybercrime: University Students’ Experience of Credit/Debit Card Fraud/Mohammed A. Abdulai.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 157-174. |
99895 | A Basic Principle of Physical Security and Its Link to Cybersecurity/Seungmug (Zech) Lee.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 203-219. |
99896 | Cyberharassment Awareness Course (Cybac): Influences from Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programmes for its Design and Functions/Liesl Conradie … [et al.].- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 220-235. |
99897 | Harmful Discourse on Social Media: The Triggering Factors of Persecution Acts in Post-Truth Era/Bagus Sudarmanto, Adrianus Meliala.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 236-253. |
99898 | The Myanmar Conflict: A Role of Cyberspace in Counterinsurgency/Jan Kleiner, Ondrej Supka.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 254-266. |
99899 | Gender, Self-Control, and Opportunity: Applying the General Theory of Crime to Online Harassment/Jaeyong Choi, Nathan E. Kruis.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 267-282. |
99900 | Pattern of Cybercrime Awareness in Imo State, Nigeria: An Empirical Assessment/Ogochukwu Favour Nzeakor, Bonaventure N. Nwokeoma, Peter-Jazzy Ezeh.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 283-299. |
99901 | African Insurance (Spiritualism) and the Success Rate of Cybercriminals in Nigeria: A Study of the Yahoo Boys in Ilorin, Nigeria/Isiaka Monsurat.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 300-315. |
99902 | Needs Assessment of Cybercrime and Digital Evidence in a UK Police Force/Z. Cliffe Schreuders … [et al.].- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 316-340. |
99903 | Effective Information Security Strategies for Small Business/Lisa Lee Bryan.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 341-360. |
99904 | What’s in a Name? Using Words’ Uniqueness to Identify Hackers in Brute Force Attacks/Amit Rechavi, Tamar Berenblum.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.1: 361-382. |
99905 | Fighting Cybercrime: A Review of the Irish Experience/Catherine Friend … [et al.].- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 383-399. |
99906 | Hate Speech Propaganda from and against Muslims in Facebook Posts/Clara Herlina Karjo, Andreas Ng.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 400-416. |
99907 | Defining Cybercrime in Terms of Routine Activity and Spatial Distribution: Issues and Concerns/Troy Smith, Nikolaos Stamatakis.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 433-459. |
99908 | Rising Trend of Phishing Attacks on Corporate Organisations in Cross River State, Nigeria/John Thompson Okpa, Benjamin Okorie Ajah, Joseph Egidi Igbe.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 460-478. |
99909 | Netflix as a Piracy Disruptor? A Cross-Sectional Test of Accessibility and Affordability on Interest in Piracy/David Makin, Oliver Bowers.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 417-432. |
99910 | Not Your Typical Social Media Influencer: Exploring the Who, What, and Where of Islamic State Online Propaganda/Megan Stubbs-Richardson … [et al.].- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 479-496. |
99911 | Global Surge in Cybercrimes – Indian Response and Empirical Evidence on Need for a Robust Crime Prevention System/Mohammed Shamiulla Arab.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 497-507. |
99912 | Relationship between Religious Identity and Cyberbullying: The Case Study of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran/Seid Mahdi Seidzadeh Sani, Zahra Farhadi Alashti.- International Journal of Cyber Criminology. 2020; Vol.14, No.2: 508-522. |
99913 | The Puzzle of the Dignitary Torts/Kenneth S. Abraham, G. Edward Whitet.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.2: 317-380. |
99914 | Activist Directors and Agency Costs: What Happens When an Activist Director Goes on the Board?/John C. Coffee … [et al.].- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.2: 381-466. |
99915 | Gender Parity: The Increasing Success and Subsequent Effect of Anti-Male Bias Claims in Campus Sexual Assault Proceedings/Weiru Fang.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.2: 495-467. |
99916 | Impersonal Personhood: Crafting a Coherent Theory of the Corporate Entity/Bryan P. Magee.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.2: 497-527. |
99917 | Regulatory Takings and the Constitutionality of Commercial Rent Regulation in New York City/Henry R. Topper.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.2: 529-556. |
99918 | The Fair Labor Standards Act at 80: Everything Old is New Again/Kati L. Griffith.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.3: 557-605. |
99919 | How Essential are Standard-Essential Patents?/Mark A. Lemley, Timothy Simcoe.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.3: 607-642. |
99920 | Energy Exactions/Jim Rossi, Christopher Serkin.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.3: 643-713. |
99921 | Suicide and Euthanasia: The International Perspective on the Right to Die/Zachary A. Feldman.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.3: 715-744. |
99922 | On the Basis of Sex(ual Orientation or Gender Identity): Bringing Queer Equity to School with Title IX/Chan Tov Mcnamarah.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.3: 745-802. |
99923 | The Thirteenth Amendment: Modern Slavery, Capitalism, and Mass Incarceration/Michele Goodwin.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.4: 899-990. |
99924 | Local Evidence in Constitutional Interpretation/Brandon L. Garrett.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.4: 855-898. |
99925 | Toward a Horizontal Fiduciary Duty in Corporate Law/Asaf Eckstein, Gideon Parchomovsk.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.4: 803-853. |
99926 | Property, Dignity, and Human Flourishing/Gregory S. Alexander.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.4: 991-1046. |
99927 | Hertz So Good: Amazon, General Jurisdiction’s Principal Place of Business, and Contacts Plus as the Future of the Exceptional Case/D. E. Wagner.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.4: 1085-1132. |
99928 | Rethinking Just Compensation: Dignity Restoration as a Basis for Supplementing Existing Takings Remedies with Government-Supported Community Building Initiatives/Alyssa M. Hasbrouck.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.4: 1047-1083. |
99929 | Speech, Intent, and the President/Katherine Shaw.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.5: 1337-1400. |
99930 | The Endogenous Fourth Amendment: An Empirical Assessment of How Police Understandings of Excessive Force Become Constitutional Law/Osagie K. Obasogie, Zachary Newman.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.5: 1281-1335. |
99931 | The Paradox of Source Code Secrecy/Sonia K. Katyal.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.5: 1183-1279. |
99932 | An Empirical Investigation of Third Party Consumer Litigant Funding/Ronen Avraham, Anthony Sebok.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.5: 1133-1181. |
99933 | Traveling While Hispanic: Border Patrol Immigration Investigatory Stops at TSA Checkpoints and Hispanic Appearance/Pablo Chapablanco.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.5: 1401-1456. |
99934 | Politics and Authority in the U.S. Supreme Court/Joshua B. Fischman.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.6: 1513-1592. |
99935 | Aiding and Abetting in International Criminal Law/Oona A. Hathaway … [et al.].- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.6: 1593-1641. |
99936 | Staying Faithful to the Standards of Proof/Kevin M. Clermont.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.6: 1457-1512. |
99937 | Locked Up, Then Locked Out: The Case for Legislative – Rather Than Executive – Felon Disenfranchisement Reform/Amanda J. Wong.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.6: 1679-1718. |
99938 | Incorporating the Fresh Start Into Sovereign Debt Restructuring Through Odious Debt/Matthew B. Masaro.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.6: 1643-1677. |
99939 | Privacy as Pretext/Susan Hazeldean.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.7: 1719-1774. |
99940 | Does the Clear and Present Danger Test Survive Cost-Benefit Analysis?/Cass R. Sunstein.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.7: 1775-1797. |
99941 | Oversight Failure in Securities Markets/Yesha Yadav.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.7: 1799-1866. |
99942 | Incarceration or E-Carceration: California’s SB 10 Bail Reform and the Potential Pitfalls for Pretrial Detainees/Ashley Mullen.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.7: 1867-1902. |
99943 | To Know Our Enemy: How and When the International Laws of War Define Whom the President May Fight in the War on Terror/Gianni P. Pizzitola.- Cornell Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.104, No.7: 1903-1933. |
99944 | A Computational Analysis of Constitutional Polarization/David E. Pozen, Eric L. Talley, Julian Nyarko.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.1: 1-84. |
99945 | The Audiences of Statutes/David S. Louk.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.1: 137-225. |
99946 | Virtual Briefing at the Supreme Court/Jeffrey L. Fisher, Allison Orr Larsen.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.1: 85-136. |
99947 | Affordable Renewables – Unjust and Unreasonable?/Grace Brosofsky.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.1: 227-260. |
99948 | Extending United States v. Mendoza: Why Defensive Nonmutual Issue Preclusion is Unavailable Against the Federal Government/Jake E. Goodman.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.1: 261-286. |
99949 | The New Migration Law: Migrants, Refugees, and Citizens in an Anxious Age/Hiroshi Motomura.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.2: 457-547. |
99950 | The Six-Month List and the Unintended Consequences of Judicial Accountability/Miguel F. P. de Figueiredo, Alexandra D. Lahav, Peter Siegelman.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.2: 363-456. |
99951 | You Might Be a Robot/Bryan Casey, Mark A. Lemley.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.2: 287-361. |
99952 | Queer Eyes Don’t Sympathize: An Empirical Investigation of LGB Identity and Judicial Decision Making/Jared Ham, Chan Tov McNamarah.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.2: 589-638. |
99953 | Domesticating Comity: Territorial U.S. Discovery in Violation of Foreign Privacy Laws/Corby F. Burger.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.2: 549-588. |
99954 | Remutualization/Erik F. Gerding.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.3: 797-867. |
99955 | Cryptocommunity Currencies/J.S. Nelson.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.3: 909-958. |
99956 | Artificial Agents in Corporate Boardrooms/Sergio Alberto Gramitto Ricci.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.3: 869-908. |
99957 | A Democratic Political Economy For the First Amendment/Nelson Tebbe.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.3: 959-1021. |
99958 | Defined Contribution Plans and the Challenge of Financial Illiteracy/Jill E. Fisch, Annamaria Lusardi, Andrea Hasler.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.3: 741-796. |
99959 | Corporate Law and the Myth of Efficient Market Control/William W. Bratton, Simone M. Sepe.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.3: 675-739. |
99960 | Are Publicly Traded Corporations Disappearing?/Margaret M. Blair.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.3: 641-673. |
99961 | An Essay on the Quieting of Products Liability Law/Aaron D. Twerski.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.4: 1211-1232. |
99962 | The Paradoxical Impact of Scalia’s Campaign Against Legislative History/Stuart Minor Benjamin, Kristen M. Renberg.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.4: 1023-1091. |
99963 | Torts as Private Administration/Nathaniel Donahue, John Fabian Witt.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.4: 1093-1170. |
99964 | The Corporate Privacy Proxy/Shaakirrah R. Sanders.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.4: 1171-1209. |
99965 | Closing the Racial Gap in Financial Services: Balancing Algorithmic Opportunity with Legal Limitations/Julia F. Hollreiser.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.4: 1233-1260. |
99966 | Executive Privilege – With A Catch: How a Crime-Fraud Exception to Executive Privilege Would Facilitate Congressional Oversight of Executive Branch Malfeasance in Accordance with the Constitution’s Separation of Powers/Anthony W. Wassef.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.4: 1261-1296. |
99967 | Chevron as Construction/Lawrence B. Solum, Cass R. Sunstein.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.5: 1465-1487. |
99968 | Legitimate Interpretation – Or Legitimate Adjudication/Thomas W. Merrill.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.5: 1395-1463. |
99969 | MDL as Category/Zachary D. Clopton.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.5: 1297-1342. |
99970 | Why has Antitrust Law Failed Workers?/Ioana Marinescu, Eric A. Posner.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.5: 1343-1394. |
99971 | Demanding Trust in the Private Genetic Data Market/Benjamin T. Van Meter.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.5: 1527-1560. |
99972 | International Cultural Heritage Law: The Link Between Cultural Nationalism, Internationalism, and the Concept of Cultural Genocide/Ashley Mullen.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.5: 1489-1526. |
99973 | Against Prosecutors/I. Bennett Capers.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.6: 1561-1609. |
99974 | FRAND and Antitrust/Herbert Hovenkamp.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.6: 1683-1744. |
99975 | Equity, Punishment, and the Company You Keep: Discerning A Disgorgement Remedy Under the Federal Securities Laws/Theresa A. Gabaldon.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.6: 1611-1681. |
99976 | Disciplinary Sodomy: Prison Rape, Police Brutality, and the Gendered Politics of Societal Control in the American Carceral System/David Eichert.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.6: 1775-1808. |
99977 | Developing a Digital Property Law Regime/Kevin Dong.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.6: 1745-1773. |
99978 | Constitutional Rights in the Machine-Learning State/Aziz Z. Huq.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.7: 1875-1953. |
99979 | Presidential War Powers, The Take Care Clause, and Article 2(4) of the U.N. Charter/Brian Finucane.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.7: 1809-1873. |
99980 | In Defense of Breakups: Administering a Radical Remedy/Rory Van Loo.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.7: 1955-2021. |
99981 | Too Much Acting, Not Enough Confirming: The Constitutional Imbalance Between the President and Senate Under the Federal Vacancies Reform Act/Christopher D. Johnson.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.7: 2023-2058. |
99982 | The Death of Retaliatory Arrest Claims: The Supreme Court’s Attempt to Kill Retaliatory Arrest Claims in Nieves v. Bartlett/Michael G. Mills.- Cornell Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.105, No.7: 2059-2102. |
99983 | Democracy and the Preservation of Minority Identity: Fragmentation within the European Human Rights Framework/Stephanie E. Berry.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2017; Vol.24, No.3: 205-228. |
99984 | Protection of Indigenous Peoples’ Traditional Lands and Exploitation of Natural Resources: The Inter-American Court of Human Rights Safeguards/Alejandro Fuentes.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2017; Vol.24, No.3: 229-253. |
99985 | The Uncomfortable Balance between a Minority and a People: The Global/Local Disconnect/Parvathi Menon.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2017; Vol.24, No.3: 254-272. |
99986 | Greenland, the Faroes and Aland in Nordic and European Co-operation – Two Approaches towards Accommodating Autonomies/Sarah Stephan.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2017; Vol.24, No.3: 273-301. |
99987 | Self-determination and Autonomy: Between Secession and Internal Self-determination/Peter Hilpold.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2017; Vol.24, No.3: 302-335. |
99988 | Democratic Theory and Constitutional Design: Hearing Persistent Electoral Minorities/Harry Hobbs.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2017; Vol.24, No.4: 341-389. |
99989 | The Right to Political Participation of Indigenous Peoples: A Holistic Approach/Alexandra Tomaselli.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2017; Vol.24, No.4: 390-427. |
99990 | Self-determination and Self-governance for Communities Relocated across International Borders: The Quest for Banaban Independence/Jane McAdam.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2017; Vol.24, No.4: 428-466. |
99991 | Legal Pluralism and Reasonable Accommodation of Religious Diversity/Dolores Morondo Taramundi.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2017; Vol.24, No.4: 467-483. |
99992 | Left Behind? A Critical Study of the Russian-speaking Minority Rights to Citizenship and Language in the Post-Soviet Baltic States. Lessons from Nationalising Language Policies/Lilija Alijeva.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2017; Vol.24, No.4: 484-536. |
99993 | The Resurgence of the Niger-Delta Avengers (NDAS) Group in the Niger-Delta Region of Nigeria: Where Does the Economic Deprivation Lie?/Seun Bamidele.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2017; Vol.24, No.4: 537-552. |
99994 | The Constitutional Right to Self-determination as a Response to the Question of Nationalities in Ethiopia/Getachew Assefa.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.1: 1-50. |
99995 | Indigenous Peoples of the Russian North and Their Right to Traditional Fishing/Ekaterina Andreyevna Zmyvalova.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.1: 51-83. |
99996 | The More, The Better? Assessing the Scope of Regional Autonomy as a Key Condition for Ethnic Conflict Regulation/Felix Schulte.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.1: 84-111. |
99997 | The Double Exclusion of Bedouin War Widows/Ya’arit Bokek-Cohen, Smadar Ben-Asher.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.1: 112-131. |
99998 | Asymmetrical Recognition. Group Vulnerability and Group Rights, beyond Cultural Identities/Fabio Macioce.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.1: 132-151. |
99999 | The Rohingya Minority of Myanmar: Surveying Their Status and Protection in International Law/Md Jobair Alam.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.2: 157-182. |
100000 | The Rights of the Indigenous Peoples of Brazil: Historical Development and Constitutional Acknowledgment/Pedro Calafate.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.2: 183-209. |
100001 | The Myth of Colonial Protection of Indigenous Peoples: The Case of the Chittagong Hill Tracts under British Rule/Mohammad Shahabuddin.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.2: 210-235. |
100002 | Mental Health and Human Rights: Brazil and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights Jurisprudence/Carla Aparecida Arena Ventura.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.2: 236-260. |
100003 | Insurgency in the Indian Northeast: Student Voices from Kolkata/Kunal Mukherjee.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.2: 261-282. |
100004 | Universal Health Coverage for Undocumented Migrants. The Spanish Case/Maria Dalli.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.2: 283-299. |
100005 | Critical Mass and Insecurity in Minority Language Policy/C.F. Huws.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.2: 300-316. |
100006 | Hate Groups and Muslim Population Changes in the Fifty States: Does the Presence of Muslims Encourage Hate Group Formation?/Daniel Hummel.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.2: 317-332. |
100007 | Federalism and Development: The Ethiopian Dilemma/Assefa Fiseha.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.3: 333-368. |
100008 | No Way Home for the Chagossians: Law and Power Politics/Caecilia Alexandre, Konstantia Koutouki.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.3: 369-400. |
100009 | The Immigrants’ and Refugees’ Right to Family Life: How Relevant are the Principles Applied by the European Court of Human Rights?/Georgios Milios.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.3: 401-430. |
100010 | Abuja Peoples of Nigeria as Indigenous Peoples in International Law/Sylvanus Gbendazhi Barnabas.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.3: 431-457. |
100011 | The Limits of Europeanization on the Minority Rights in Serbia: The Roma Minority/Teresa Cierco.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.3: 458-484. |
100012 | Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) of Indigenous Peoples before Human Rights Courts and International Investment Tribunals: Two Sides of the Same Coin?/Belen Olmos Giupponi.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.4: 485-529. |
100013 | Revisiting the Place and Use of Territorial Autonomy under International Law/Nora Ho Tu Nam, Yonatan Fessha.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.4: 530-560. |
100014 | Community Government for Cultural Minorities – Thinking beyond Territory as a Prerequisite for Self-government/Bertus De Villiers.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.4: 561-590. |
100015 | Political Severance – Secession Referenda, Their Convocation and Ratification: A Comparative Study/Lorne Walker-Nolan.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.4: 591-620. |
100016 | Can Non-territorial Autonomy Serve as an Analytical Term? Between Thick and Thin Approaches/Alexander Osipov.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.4: 621-646. |
100017 | Ethnic Conflict and Violence in Myanmar: The Exodus of Stateless Rohingya People/Mahanam Bhattacharjee Mithun.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.4: 647-663. |
100018 | The Status of the Bihari Community in Bangladesh under Domestic and International Law/Md. Kamrul Hasan Arif.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2018; Vol.25, No.4: 664-678. |
100019 | Cultural Autonomy for Minorities in Hungary: A Model to Be Followed or a Futile Promise?/Athanasios Yupsanis.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019; Vol.26, No.1: 1-39. |
100020 | Addressing the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to Resources in Malaysia: A Procedural Justice Approach/Izawati Wook.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019; Vol.26, No.1: 40-66. |
100021 | The League of Nations and Minorities: The Non-receivability of Non-treaty Petitions/Roser Cusso.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019; Vol.26, No.1: 67-91. |
100022 | Minority Protection in the European Union: To Protect or Not to Protect?/A. Asli Bilgin.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019; Vol.26, No.1: 92-115. |
100023 | From Syria to the Land Down Under – the Land of Opportunity?/Naomi Birdthistle, Antoinette Flynn, Susan Rushworth.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019; Vol.26, No.1: 116-137. |
100024 | Adopting a Rights-based Approach to Non-communicable Diseases among Indigenous Peoples in Africa/Ebenezer Durojaye, Mariam Wallet Med Aboubakrine.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019; Vol.26, No.1: 138-155. |
100025 | Property Rights and the Protection of Subsistence in Article 1(2) of the Human Rights Covenants/James Summers.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019; Vol.26, No.2: 157-188. |
100026 | Minority Over-representation through Seat-cap Imposition and Regressive Representation: Self-determination Versus Pre-determination in Consociational Democracy/Masataka Kimura.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019; Vol.26, No.2: 189-215. |
100027 | Tourism and the Protection of the Cultural Rights and Identity of Indigenous Communities in the Light of the IACHR Judgment in the Comunidad Garifuna Triunfo de la Cruz y sus miembros v. Honduras Case/Sabrina Tremblay-Huet.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019; Vol.26, No.2: 216-241. |
100028 | The Politics of Homosexuality: Perseverance of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (lgbt) Community in a Repressive Social Milieu in Afghanistan/Hafizullah Emadi.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019; Vol.26, No.2: 242-260. |
100029 | Group Rights, Collective Goods, and the Problem of Cross-border Minority Protection/Annamari Vitikainen.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019; Vol.26, No.2: 261-288. |
100030 | Political Ideology and Cultural Diversity in South Korea: Toward a Theory of Group-differentiated Rights/Onjung Yang.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019; Vol.26, No.2: 289-303. |
100031 | Erratum to The Limits of Europeanization on the Minority Rights in Serbia: The Roma Minority [25:3 International Journal of Minority and Group Rights (2018) pp. 458-484]/Teresa Cierco.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019; Vol.26, No.2: 305-334. |
100032 | Consociation as a Guarantee for the Protection of Minority Rights in Ethiopia/Belachew Girma Degefie.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019; Vol.26, No.3: 335-372. |
100033 | Defining People and Indigenous People in International Human Rights Law and Its Application in Indonesia/M. Ya’kub Aiyub Kadir.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019; Vol.26, No.3: 373-408. |
100034 | Equal Access for Roma Minority: A Question of Political Will or Competence of eu Institutions – a Focus on Hungary/Sharmin Chowdhury.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019; Vol.26, No.3: 409-435. |
100035 | Europeanisation as Legitimacy to Identify as a National Minority: The Turkish Community in Greece/Tamara Hoch, Sebahattin Abdurrahman.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019; Vol.26, No.3: 436-460. |
100036 | Reasons Behind the Forced Migration of Bangladeshi Hindu Religious Minorities to India/Mahanam Bhattacharjee Mithun.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019; Vol.26, No.3: 461-483. |
100037 | Ensuring National Minorities’ Interests while Establishing Electoral Boundaries in Ukraine: The Example of the Hungarian National Minority/Halyna Dovhan.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019; Vol.26, No.3: 484-501. |
100038 | The Push to Protect the Oneness of English as a Judicial Language in the Southern Cameroons Jurisdiction of Cameroon/Eric Herman Ngwa Nfobin.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019; Vol.26, No.4: 503-574. |
100039 | No Country for the Low-end? – An Intersectional Analysis of the Status of Migrant Women Workers as Domestic Helpers and Relevant Laws in China/Qinxuan Peng.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019; Vol.26, No.4: 575-599. |
100040 | An Ancient People Struggling to Find a Modern Voice – Experiences of Australia’s Indigenous People with Advisory Bodies/Bertus De Villiers.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019; Vol.26, No.4: 600-619. |
100041 | The Addis Ababa Integrated Master Plan and the Oromo Claims to Finfinnee in Ethiopia/Abebe Gizachew Abate.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019; Vol.26, No.4: 620-638. |
100042 | Human Rights and the Commons: Exploring Approaches to the Governance of Land and Natural Resources beyond Indigenous Peoples’ Rights. The Case of Peasants/Stefania Errico, Priscilla Claeys.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.1: 1-33. |
100043 | Pluralism, Tolerance and Control: On the Millet System and the Question of Minorities/Ergun Cakal.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.1: 34-65. |
100044 | The (In-)Validity of Turkey’s Reservation to Article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights/Thomas James Phillips.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.1: 66-93. |
100045 | Minorities and Statelessness: Social Exclusion and Citizenship in Cambodia/Christoph Sperfeldt.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.1: 94-120. |
100046 | Land Grabbing and Customary Land Rights in Uganda: A Critical Reflection of the Constitutional and Legislative Right to Land/Jean-Claude N. Ashukem.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.1: 121-147. |
100047 | The Myth behind the Discrimination of Minorities in Syria and Egypt: The Economic Inclusion of Christians/Hani Anouti.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.1: 148-170. |
100048 | Chasing The Dream – Self-Determination on a Non-territorial Basis for the Noongar Traditional Owners in the South West of Australia/Bertus De Villiers.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.1: 171-193. |
100049 | Healthcare Services Utilisation by Eritrean Immigrants in Indianapolis, Indiana, United States of America/Nthomeni Dora Ndou … [et al.].- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.1: 194-209. |
100050 | Identifying the Catalysts for Systematic Deprivation of Hindu Women’s Right to Property: An Appraisal from the Political Contours of Bangladesh/Md. Al-Ifran Hossain Mollah.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.1: 210-222. |
100051 | Free, Prior and Informed Consent: Between Legal Ambiguity and Political Agency/Martin Papillon, Jean Leclair, Dominique Leydet.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.2: 223-232. |
100052 | Interpreting FPIC in UNDRIP/Dwight Newman.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.2: 233-250. |
100053 | From Individual to Collective Consent: The Case of Indigenous Peoples and undrip/Richard Healey.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.2: 251-269. |
100054 | Consent, Resistance and the Duty to Consult/Avigail Eisenberg.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.2: 270-290. |
100055 | Mobilising Free, Prior and Informed Consent (fpic) from Below: A Typology of Indigenous Peoples’ Agency/Almut Schilling-Vacaflor, Riccarda Flemmer.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.2: 291-313. |
100056 | The Transformative Potential of Indigenous-Driven Approaches to Implementing Free, Prior and Informed Consent: Lessons from Two Canadian Cases/Martin Papillon, Thierry Rodon.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.2: 314-335. |
100057 | The Politics of Free, Prior and Informed Consent: Indigenous Rights and Resource Governance in Ecuador and Yukon, Canada/Roberta Rice.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.2: 336-356. |
100058 | Shifting the Focus: Viewing Indigenous Consent Not as a Snapshot But As a Feature Film/Michael Coyle.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.2: 357-376. |
100059 | Protecting Minorities from Discrimination and Mass Violence through Provisional Measures Indicated by the International Court of Justice/Gregor Maucec.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 377-409. |
100060 | Evaluating the Benefits of State-Led Language Preservation Efforts/Matt Watson.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 410-441. |
100061 | Development as a Threat to Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Indonesia/Mirza Satria Buana.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 442-471. |
100062 | The Narrative Policy Framework and Sticky Beliefs: An Experiment Studying Islamophobia/Randy S. Clemons … [et al.].- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 472-500. |
100063 | Labour Market Integration of Indigenous Youth in the Republic of Karelia, Russia/Ruslan Garipov.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 501-529. |
100064 | What Predicts Religious Tolerance? Education or Religiosity in Pakistan’s Multi-religious Society/Saba Hanif, Majid Hassan Ali, Janelle Carlson.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 530-554. |
100065 | The Legal Protection of Minorities from International Law and Arab Mashreq Perspectives/Jamal Barafi, Nael Georges.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 555-579. |
100066 | Interaction between Protection of Sunni Minority under International Law and National Security of Islamic Republic of Iran/Mostafa Fazaeli, Mousa Karami, Sorayya Asadi.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 580-602. |
100067 | The Relevance of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ Standards on the Right to Prior Consultation in the Domestic Sphere. A Review of the Peruvian Jurisprudence/Amelia Alva-Arevalo.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 603-624. |
100068 | Local Issues and Perspectives: The Role of Federal Government’s Intervention in the Minority Fulani Herdsmen and Majority Local Farmers’ Crisis in Nigeria/Seun Bamidele.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 625-644. |
100069 | Improving Cultural Heritage Policy for the Preservation of Historic Minority Quarters/Ahmadreza Shirvani Dastgerdi, Giuseppe De Luca.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 645-661. |
100070 | The Legal Struggle of Gujarat Muslims to Access Pre-Matric Scholarships/Vahida Nainar.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.3: 662-673. |
100071 | Examining the Suitability of the International Minority Rights Regime as an Avenue for Advancing Self-Determination Claims/Rhys Carvosso.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.4: 675-727. |
100072 | The Principles of the Flourishing Community: A Case Study of the Persecuted Ahmadiyya Muslim Community/Rameez Raja.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.4: 765-795. |
100073 | The Caste as Discrimination Based on Work and Descent in International Law: Convincing or Compromising?/Bhimraj M.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.4: 796-825. |
100074 | The Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh: Non-refoulement and Legal Obligation under National and International Law/Kamrul Hasan Arif.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2020; Vol.27, No.4: 855-875. |
100075 | Right of Indigenous Communities to Prior Informed Consent under Article 7 of the Nagoya Protocol and a Comparative Analysis of Its Implementation by India and Bhutan/Mohit Gupta.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2021; Vol.28, No.1: 1-28. |
100076 | The Inadequacies of the French System Regarding Access and Benefit-sharing and Its Evolution through the Recognition of the Notion of Local Community in the Nagoya Protocol/Pierre-Alain Collot.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2021; Vol.28, No.1: 64-90. |
100077 | Striking a Balance between Free Association and Regulating Membership of a Community: Exploring s 235 of the Constitution of South Africa/Bertus De Villiers.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2021; Vol.28, No.1: 91-116. |
100078 | Exclusion of Muslims in Eastern Europe and Western Europe. A Comparative Analysis of Anti-Muslim Attitudes in France, Norway, Poland and Czech Republic/David Andreas Bell, Zan Strabac.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2021; Vol.28, No.1: 117-142. |
100079 | Conceptualising Syrian War Migrations: Displacements, Migrants’ Rights and the Major Reception Regimes/Marko Valenta, Jo Jakobsen.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2021; Vol.28, No.1: 143-166. |
100080 | Property Rights and Governance of Land Resources in Pastoral Areas of the Oromia Region, Ethiopia/Fekadu Beyene Kenee, Gadissa Tesfaye, Jebessa Teshome.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2021; Vol.28, No.1: 167-186. |
100081 | Minorities among Minorities: The Case of Hindu Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh/Mahanam Bhattacharjee Mithun, Ahamedul Arefin.- International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2021; Vol.28, No.1: 187-200. |
100082 | The Renminbi and Systemic Risk/Chris Brummer.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2017; Vol.20, No.3: 447-507. |
100083 | Reforming the Governance of International Financial Law in the Era of Post-Globalization/Carlo de Stefano.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2017; Vol.20, No.3: 509-533. |
100084 | The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: Bringing Asian Values to Global Economic Governance?/David M. Ong.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2017; Vol.20, No.3: 535-560. |
100085 | Is it Rational and Consistent? the Wto’s Surprising Role in Shaping Domestic Public Policy/Emily Lydgate.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2017; Vol.20, No.3: 561-582. |
100086 | The Evolution of the EU External Trade Policy in Services – CETA, TTIP, and TiSA after Brexit/Panagiotis Delimatsis.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2017; Vol.20, No.3: 583-625. |
100087 | Balancing Efficacy with Policy Space: the Treatment of Public Services in EU Trade Agreements/Luigi Pedreschi.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2017; Vol.20, No.3: 627-647. |
100088 | Reforming Investor-State Dispute Settlement: A (Comparative and International) Constitutional Law Framework/Stephan W. Schill.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2017; Vol.20, No.3: 649-672. |
100089 | Rethinking Subsidy Disciplines for the Future: Policy Options for Reform/Gary Horlick, Peggy A. Clarke.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2017; Vol.20, No.3: 673-703. |
100090 | The Workload of the WTO Appellate Body: Problems and Remedies/Claus-Dieter Ehlermann.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2017; Vol.20, No.3: 705-734. |
100091 | International Investment Law through the Lens of Global Justice/Steven R. Ratner.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2017; Vol.20, No.4: 747-775. |
100092 | The Use of Most-Favoured-Nation Clauses to Import Substantive Treaty Provisions in International Investment Agreements/Facundo Perez-Aznar.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2017; Vol.20, No.4: 777-805. |
100093 | Implementing the No Harm Principle in International Economic Law: A Comparison Between Measure-Based Rules and Effect-Based Rules/Jelena Baumler.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2017; Vol.20, No.4: 807-828. |
100094 | What use is an unloaded gun? The substantive discipline of the WTO TBT Code of Good Practice and its application to private standards pursuing public objectives/Enrico Partiti.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2017; Vol.20, No.4: 829-854. |
100095 | Seeds, Trade, Trust: Regionalization Commitments under the SPS Agreement/Naoto Nelson Saika.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2017; Vol.20, No.4: 855-881. |
100096 | Export Restrictions in Plant Breeder’s Rights/Matthew Kennedy.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2017; Vol.20, No.4: 883-903. |
100097 | The United Kingdom’s Post-Brexit Trade Regime with the European Union and the Rest of the World: Perspectives and Constraints/Giorgio Sacerdoti.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2017; Vol.20, No.4: 905-926. |
100098 | Why Is There So Little Litigation under Free Trade Agreements? Retaliation and Adjudication in International Dispute Settlement/Geraldo Vidigal.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2017; Vol.20, No.4: 927-950. |
100099 | Old Wine in a New Bottle: The EU’s Response to the Expiry of Section 15(a)(ii) of China’s WTO Protocol of Accession/Andrei Suse.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2017; Vol.20, No.4: 951-977. |
100100 | Financial Disputes in International Courts/Federico Lupo-Pasini.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.1: 1-30. |
100101 | Lost in internationalization: Rise of the Renminbi, Macroprudential Policy, and Global Impacts/Weitseng Chen.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.1: 31-66. |
100102 | Liberalization at the Speed of Light: International Trade in Electricity and Interconnected Networks/Manuel Sanchez Miranda.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.1: 67-101. |
100103 | Between Member-Driven WTO Governance and Constitutional Justice: Judicial Dilemmas in GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement/Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.1: 103-122. |
100104 | The Potency of the SPS Agreement’s Excessivity Test: The Impact of Article 5.6 on Trade Liberalization and the Regulatory Power of WTO Members to take Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures/Hanna Schebesta, Dominique Sinopoli.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.1: 123-149. |
100105 | The Rise of Populist Nationalism and the Renegotiation of NAFTA/Simon Lester, Inu Manak.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.1: 151-169. |
100106 | The Principle of Independent Responsibility of the European Union and its Member States in the International Economic Context/Emilija Leinarte.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.1: 171-191. |
100107 | Human Rights, Justice, and Courts in IEL: A Critical Examination of Petersmann’s Constitutionalization Theory/Tao Li, Zuoli Jiang.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.1: 193-211. |
100108 | International Economic Law without Human and Constitutional Rights? Legal Methodology Questions for my Chinese Critics/Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.1: 213-231. |
100109 | Another Digital Divide: The Rise of Data Realms and its Implications for the WTO/Susan Ariel Aaronson, Patrick Leblond.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.2: 245-272. |
100110 | How a TPP-Style E-commerce Outcome in the WTO would Endanger the Development Dimension of the GATS Acquis (and Potentially the WTO)/Jane Kelsey.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.2: 273-295. |
100111 | Digital or Trade? The Contrasting Approaches of China and US to Digital Trade/Henry Gao.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.2: 297-321. |
100112 | Understanding the Role of the WTO in International Data Flows: Taking the Liberalization or the Regulatory Autonomy Path?/Nivedita Sen.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.2: 323-348. |
100113 | Using Trade Facilitation to Assist MSMEs in E-Commerce in Developing Countries/Rutendo Tavengerwei.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.2: 349-378. |
100114 | Exit from Trade Agreements: A Reputational Analysis of Cooperation and Fairness/Rachel Brewster.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.2: 379-393. |
100115 | Single Undertaking, Different Speeds: Pliable Models for Decision-making in the WTO/Alex Ansong.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.2: 395-410. |
100116 | The WTO and the Rise of Plurilateralism – What Lessons can we Learn from the European Union’s Experience with Differentiated Integration?/Robert Basedow.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.2: 411-431. |
100117 | Ensuring Continued Support for the Rules-Based Multilateral Trading System: The Need for a Public-Private Approach/Dylan Geraets.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.2: 433-450. |
100118 | Busier than Ever? A Data-Driven Assessment and Forecast of WTO Caseload/Joost Pauwelyn, Weiwei Zhang.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.3: 461-487. |
100119 | The IMF’s Jurisdiction Over The Capital Account – Reviewing the Role of Surveillance in Managing Cross-Border Capital Flows/Menno Broos, Sebastian Grund.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.3: 489-507. |
100120 | Trade, Technology, and Transitions: Trampolines or Safety Nets for Displaced Workers?/Michael Trebilcock, Sally Wong.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.3: 509-545. |
100121 | Income Tax and Nondiscrimination in the GATT/Vincent Beyer.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.3: 547-566. |
100122 | To Be or Not to Be with Targeted Dumping/Kyounghwa Kim, Dukgeun Ahn.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.3: 567-598. |
100123 | Disciplining Service Sector Subsidies: Where Do We Stand and Where Can We (Realistically) Go?/Pierre Sauve, Marta Soprana.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.3: 599-619. |
100124 | Renewable Energy Subsidies and WTO Law: Time to Rethink the Case for Reform Beyond Canada -Renewable Energy/Fit Program/Ilaria Espa, Gracia Marin Duran.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.3: 621-653. |
100125 | Renegotiating International Investment Law/Timothy Meyer, Tae Jung Park.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.3: 655-679. |
100126 | Implementing Transparency and Public Participation in FTA Negotiations: Are the Times a-Changin?/Maria Laura Marceddu.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.3: 681-702. |
100127 | Missing Investment Treaties/Rodrigo Polanco Lazo, Valentino Desilvestro, Azernoosh Bazrafkan.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.3: 703-731. |
100128 | The Global Pact for the Environment: Freshwater and Economic Law Synergies/Brian McGarry.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.4: 745-767. |
100129 | International Data Flows and Privacy: The Conflict and Its Resolution/Aaditya Mattoo, Joshua P. Meltzer.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.4: 769-789. |
100130 | Evolutive Interpretation by the WTO Adjudicator/Gabrielle Marceau.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.4: 791-813. |
100131 | A Closer Look At WTO’s Third Pillar: How WTO Committees Influence Regional Trade Agreements/Devin McDaniels, Ana Cristina Molina, Erik N. Wijkstrom.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.4: 815-843. |
100132 | The Obligation of Regulatory Stability in the Fair and Equitable Treatment Standard: How Far Have We Come?/Federico Ortino.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.4: 845-865. |
100133 | A Theoretical Reflection on the OECD’s New Statistics Reporting Framework for the Mutual Agreement Procedure: Isolating, Measuring, and Monitoring/Qiang Cai, Pengfei Zhang.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.4: 867-884. |
100134 | Non-Market Economies, Significant Market Distortions, and the 2017 EU Anti-Dumping Amendment/Sherzod Shadikhodjaev.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2018; Vol.21, No.4: 885-905. |
100135 | The Rule of Law in Times of Technological Uncertainty: Is International Economic Law Ready For Emerging Supervisory Trends?/Shin-yi Peng.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.1: 1-27. |
100136 | China’s Approach to the Belt and Road Initiative: Scope, Character and Sustainability/Heng Wang.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.1: 29-55. |
100137 | Beyond History and Boundaries: Rethinking the Past in the Present of International Economic Law/Rafael Lima Sakr.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.1: 57-91. |
100138 | The Historical Lens in International Economic Law/Steve Charnovitz.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.1: 93-97. |
100139 | TURK-SWITCH: The Tariff-Leverage and Legal Case for Turkey’s Switch from EU-Turkey Customs Union to FTAs with the European Union and Beyond/Juscelino F. Colares, Mustafa T. Durmus.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.1: 99-123. |
100140 | The Dark Side of Implementing Basel Capital Requirements: Theory, Evidence, and Policy/Aurelio Gurrea-Martinez, Nydia Remolina.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.1: 125-152. |
100141 | Capturing Commitment in Informal, Soft Law Instruments: A Case Study on the Basel Committee/Enrico Milano, Niccolo Zugliani.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.2: 163-176. |
100142 | The Governance of Global Banking in the Face of Complexity/Matteo Ortino.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.2: 177-204. |
100143 | The European Union in the Transnational Financial Regulatory Arena: The Case of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision/Annamaria Viterbo.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.2: 205-228. |
100144 | Public Administrative Law in a Globalized Concept: Legal Nature of the Collaboration of the EU and the Basel Committee/Erzsebet Csatlos.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.2: 229-245. |
100145 | Governance of the Global Financial System: The Legitimacy of the BCBS 10 years after the 2008 Crisis/Jose Gustavo Prieto Munoz.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.2: 247-260. |
100146 | Basel and the IASB: Accountability Interdependencies and Consequences for Prudential Regulation/Jan Riepe.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.2: 261-283. |
100147 | WTO Dispute Settlement Post 2019: What to Expect?/Joost Pauwelyn.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.3: 297-321. |
100148 | Trade and Women – Opportunities for Women in the Framework of the World Trade Organization/Rohini Acharya … [et al.].- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.3: 323-354. |
100149 | To fuse, Not to Fuse, or Simply Confuse? Assessing the Case for Normative Convergence Between Goods and Services Trade Law/Pierre Sauve.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.3: 355-371. |
100150 | Greening the WTO Environmental Goods Agreement, Tariff Concessions, and Policy Likeness/Petros C. Mavroidis, Damien J. Neven.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.3: 373-388. |
100151 | Regulating Cross-Border Data Flows in a Data-Driven World: How WTO Law Can Contribute/Andrew D. Mitchell, Neha Mishra.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.3: 389-416. |
100152 | Subsidies for Illegal Activities? – Reframing IUU Fishing from the Law Enforcement Perspective/Jaemin Lee.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.3: 417-438. |
100153 | Are Retaliatory Trade Measures Justified under the WTO Agreement on Safeguards?/Yong-Shik Lee.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.3: 439-458. |
100154 | Challenging Unwritten Measures in the World Trade Organization: The Need for Clear Legal Standards/Cherise Valles, Vitaliy Pogoretskyy, Tatiana Yanguas.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.3: 459-482. |
100155 | Towards a Coherent Theory of Panel Recommendations for Expired Measures/Prakhar Bhardwaj.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.3: 483-502. |
100156 | The CETA Opinion of the European Court of Justice and its Implications – Not that Selfish After All/Christian Riffel.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.3: 503-521. |
100157 | The Smoot-Hawley Fixation: Putting the Sino-US Trade War in Contemporary and Historical Perspective/Simon J. Evenett.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22: 535-555. |
100158 | WTO’ing a Resolution to the China Subsidy Problem/Chad P. Bown, Jennifer A. Hillman.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.4: 557-578. |
100159 | Undermining the Consensus-Building and List-Based Standards in Export Controls: What the US Export Controls Act Means to the Global Export Control Regime/Cindy Whang.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.4: 579-599. |
100160 | Beyond Rational Choice: International Trade Law and The Behavioral Political Economy of Protectionism/Anne van Aaken, Jurgen Kurtz.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.4: 601-628. |
100161 | Investment Wars: Contestation and Confusion in Debate About Investment Liberalization/Jonathan Bonnitcha.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.4: 629-654. |
100162 | Toward a Geoeconomic Order/Anthea Roberts, Henrique Choer Moraes, Victor Ferguson.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.4: 655-676. |
100163 | Heterodox markets and market distortions in the global trading system/Andrew Lang.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.4: 677-719. |
100164 | At the Vanishing Point of Law: Rebalancing, Non-Violation Claims, and the Role of the Multilateral Trade Regime in the Trade Wars/Nicolas Lamp.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.4: 721-742. |
100165 | Forced Technology Transfer and the US-China Trade War: Implications for International Economic Law/Julia Ya Qin.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2019; Vol.22, No.4: 743-762. |
100166 | Trumping Capacity Gap with Negotiation Strategies: the Mexican USMCA Negotiation Experience/Amrita Bahri, Monica Lugo.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.1: 1-23. |
100167 | Reimagining Trade-Plus Compliance: The Labor Story/Kathleen Claussen.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.1: 25-43. |
100168 | A Really Big Button That Doesn’t Do Anything? The Anti-NME Clause in US Trade Agreements Between Law and Geoeconomics/Geraldo Vidigal.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.1: 45-64. |
100169 | Trade in Services in the African Continental Free Trade Area: Prospects, Challenges and WTO Compatibility/Regis Y. Simo.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.1: 65-95. |
100170 | ASEAN at the Crossroads: Trap and Track between CPTPP and RCEP/Chien-Huei Wu.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.1: 97-117. |
100171 | Energy Pricing Policies and the International Trade Regime/Tom S. H. Moerenhout.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.1: 119-141. |
100172 | Clash of Trade and National Public Interest in WTO Law: The Illusion of Weighing and Balancing and the Theory of Reservation/Csongor Istvan Nagy.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.1: 143-163. |
100173 | Digital Trade Provisions in Preferential Trade Agreements: Introducing a New Dataset/Mira Burri, Rodrigo Polanco.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.1: 187-220. |
100174 | Agreement Forthcoming? A Comparison of EU, US, and Chinese RTAs in Times of Plurilateral E-Commerce Negotiations/Ines Willemyns.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.1: 221-244. |
100175 | Chinese Puzzle: Anatomy of the (Invisible) Belt and Road Investment Treaty/Julien Chaisse, Jamieson Kirkwood.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.1: 245-269. |
100176 | The Achmea Judgment and the Applicability of the Energy Charter Treaty in Intra-EU Investment Arbitration/J. Robert Basedow.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.1: 271-292. |
100177 | The Remains of the Day: The International Economic Order in the Era of Disintegration/Francesco Montanaro, Federica Violi.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.2: 299-322. |
100178 | International Economic Law and Disintegration: Beware the Schmittean Moment/Alessandra Arcuri.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.2: 323-345. |
100179 | Economic Disintegration? Political, Economic, and Legal Drivers and the Need for Greening Embedded Trade Liberalism/Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.2: 347-370. |
100180 | Making the WTO (Not So) Great Again: The Case Against Responding to the Trump Trade Agenda Through Reform of WTO Rules on Subsidies and State Enterprises/Robert Howse.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.2: 371-389. |
100181 | Integration and Disintegration: Trade and Labor Market Integration/Margaret E. Peters.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.2: 391-412. |
100182 | Disintegration and Change in the International Law on Foreign Investment/Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.2: 413-429. |
100183 | (Dis)integration in Global Resource Governance: Extractivism, Human Rights, and Investment Treaties/Lorenzo Cotula.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.2: 431-454. |
100184 | International Investment Agreements, Human Rights, and Environmental Justice: The Texaco/Chevron Case From the Ecuadorian Amazon/Lorenzo Pellegrini … [et al.].- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.2: 455-468. |
100185 | From Monetary to Fiscal to Political Union: A Progression to Integration or a Recipe for Failure?/Massimo D’Antoni.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.2: 469-488. |
100186 | Differentiated Integration and Disintegration in the EU: Brexit, the Eurozone Crisis, and Other Troubles/Menelaos Markakis.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.2: 489-507. |
100187 | Money Laundering and Central Bank Governance in The European Union/Panicos Demetriades, Radosveta Vassileva.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.2: 509-533. |
100188 | Facilitating Access to Cross-Border Supplies of Patented Pharmaceuticals: The Case of the COVID-19 Pandemic/Frederick M. Abbott, Jerome H. Reichman.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.3: 535-561. |
100189 | Women at the Frontline of COVID-19: Can Gender Mainstreaming in Free Trade Agreements Help?/Amrita Bahri.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.3: 563-582. |
100190 | Selective Reshaping: China’s Paradigm Shift in International Economic Governance/Heng Wang.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.3: 583-606. |
100191 | A New Chinese Economic Order?/Gregory Shaffer, Henry Gao.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.3: 607-635. |
100192 | Interface 2.0 in Rules on State-Owned Enterprises: A Comparative Institutional Approach/Ru Ding.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.3: 637-663. |
100193 | MCDF: A New Beacon of Multilateralism in Development Finance/Bin Gu.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.3: 665-684. |
100194 | Facts, Evidence and the Burden of Proof in the World Bank Group Sanctions System/Joachim Ahman.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.3: 685-702. |
100195 | To AB or Not to AB? Dispute Settlement in WTO Reform/Bernard M. Hoekman, Petros C. Mavroidis.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.3: 703-722. |
100196 | Cybersecurity, Technological Neutrality, and International Trade Law/Gabriele Gagliani.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.3: 723-745. |
100197 | Taxes and Custom: Tax Treaties as Evidence for Customary International Law/Celine Braumann.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.3: 747-769. |
100198 | Is Data Localization a Solution for Schrems II?/Anupam Chander.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.3: 771-784. |
100199 | Nations and Markets/Harlan Grant Cohen.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.4: 793-815. |
100200 | Reforming WTO Conflict Management: Why and How to Improve the Use of Specific Trade Concerns/Robert Wolfe.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.4: 817-839. |
100201 | China’s Going Global Policy: Transnational Production Subsidies Under the WTO SCM Agreement/Victor Crochet, Vineet Hegde.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.4: 841-863. |
100202 | The EU in Search for Stronger Enforcement Rules: Assessing the Proposed Amendments to Trade Enforcement Regulation 654/2014/Wolfgang Weib, Cornelia Furculita.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.4: 865-884. |
100203 | Explaining the Limits of the WTO in Shaping the Rule of Law in China/Ming Du, Qingjiang Kong.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.4: 885-905. |
100204 | A Story Half Told – Selective Benefit Assessment in the New US CVD Rule for Exchange Rates/Jaemin Lee.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.4: 907-928. |
100205 | Investment Law before Arbitration/Jarrod Hepburn … [et al.].- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.4: 929-947. |
100206 | Metanarratives as a Trap: Critique of Investor-State Arbitration Reform/Ksenia Polonskaya.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.4: 949-971. |
100207 | Multilateralizing Investment Facilitation at the WTO: Looking for the Added Value/N. Jansen Calamita.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.4: 973-988. |
100208 | Anti-Corruption Provisions in International Investment Agreements: Investor Obligations, Sustainability Considerations, and Symmetric Balance/Yueming Yan.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.4: 989-1013. |
100209 | Taxation of Digital Services Under Trade Agreements/Chris Noonan, Victoria Plekhanova.- Journal of International Economic Law. 2020; Vol.23, No.4: 1015-1039. |
100210 | Medical Malpractice Litigation in North Carolina: What Claims Get Paid, and for How Much?/Catherine T. Harris, Ralph Peeples.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.87, No.3: 645-661. |
100211 | Law’s Enterprise: Argumentation Schemes and Legal Analogy/Brian N. Larson.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.87, No.3: 663-721. |
100212 | The Regulatory Ratchet: Why Regulation Begets Regulation – Fatal Flaw in the Market for Health Care/Mark R. Lee.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.87, No.3: 723-759. |
100213 | Political Discrimination by Private Employers/R. George Wright.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.87, No.3: 761-785. |
100214 | An Extradited Defendant’s Ability to Challenge Sentencing: A glimpse into an Unpolished Piece of the Treaty Power/Candra Connelly.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.87, No.3: 787-806. |
100215 | Welcome to the Gun Show: Will the Court Make a Killing in the Name of Self-Defense? The Circuit Split Over Core Rights Under the Second Amendment/R. Betsy Emmert.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.87, No.3: 807-828. |
100216 | Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. v. Superior Court of California, San Francisco County, et al: A Death Knell for Nationwide Class Actions?/Annie McClellan.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.87, No.3: 829-849. |
100217 | Everything in its Right Place: The Supreme Court and the Bankruptcy Fraud Exception/William Miller.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.87, No.3: 851-869. |
100218 | The Aftermath of Matal v. Tam: Unanswered Questions and Early Applications/Andrew M. Lehmkuhl.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.87, No.3: 871-889. |
100219 | A Preliminary Look at State Structures for Regulating Financial Services/Elizabeth F. Brown, Edward F. Buckley.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.87, No.4: 891-944. |
100220 | A Quixotic Quest Over Befogged Terrain? How to Choose and Contest a Deposition’s Location Under Federal Procedural Law/Amir Shachmurove.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.87, No.4: 945-976. |
100221 | Stem Cell and Biotechnological Patentability and Research in the European Union: An Interdisciplinary Approach/Jacqueline Hill Tudor, Jarrod Tudor.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.87, No.4: 977-1041. |
100222 | Legal Pluralism and Indigenous Peoples Rights: Challenges in Litigation and Recognition of Indigenous Peoples Rights/Morad Elsana.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.87, No.4: 1043-1075. |
100223 | To Regulate or not to Regulate? A Comparison of Government Responses to Peer-to-Peer Lending Among the United States, China, and Taiwan/Chang-hsien Tsai.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.87, No.4: 1077-1122. |
100224 | Altera Corp. v. Commissioner: A Rare Government Victory in Transfer Pricing/Seth Brian.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.87, No.4: 1123-1143. |
100225 | The Importance of Drug Quantity in Federal Sentencing: How Circuit Courts Should Determine the Mandatory Minimum Sentence for Conspiracy to Distribute Controlled Substances in Light of United States v. Stoddard/Elizabeth McKinley.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.87, No.4: 1145-1165. |
100226 | Epic Systems Corp. v. Lewis: Individual Arbitration and the Future of Title VII Disparate Impact and Pattern-or-Practice Class Actions/Carson E. Miller.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.87, No.4: 1167-1189. |
100227 | CRISPR has Already Revolutionized Genetics, Why not the Obviousness Standard too?/Kris Schroder.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.87, No.4: 1191-1212. |
100228 | The Ohio Data Protection Act: An Analysis of the Ohio Cybersecurity Safe Harbor/Daniel Shinkle.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.87, No.4: 1213-1235. |
100229 | A Tax Theory of the Firm/Richard Winchester.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.1: 1-65. |
100230 | When Should You Abstain? A Call for a Global Rule of Insider Trading/Ido Baum, Dov Solomon.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.1: 67-100. |
100231 | Secondary Legislation/Jennifer M. Kinsley.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.1: 101-128. |
100232 | Preserving Due Process: Applying Monell Bifurcation to State Gang Cases/Fareed Nassor Hayat.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.1: 129-168. |
100233 | Sticking Points: Epistemic Pluralism In Legal Challenges To Mandatory Vaccination Policies/James R. Steiner-Dillon.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.1: 169-237. |
100234 | A Constitutional Limbo: Searches of Electronic Devices at the International Border/Michael Soder.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.1: 239-271. |
100235 | Let Legislators Legislate: The Circuit Split Over Allowing Members of Congress to File Interlocutory Appeals to Avoid Litigation/Matthew Higgins.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.1: 273-288. |
100236 | Section 14(e)’s Culpability Requirement: Scienter v. Negligence/Edward Rivin.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.1: 289-311. |
100237 | The Marketplace of Twitter: Social Media and the Public Forum Doctrine/Elijah Hack.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.1: 313-338. |
100238 | The Kirby Cop-Out: How Strict Adherence to Kirby’s Bright-Line Attachment Rule Undermines Sixth Amendment Protections/Clayton Prickett.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.1: 339-364. |
100239 | Fractured Justice: An Experimental Study of Pretrial Judicial Decision-Making/Prentiss Cox.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.2: 365-396. |
100240 | Using Central Counterparties to Limit Global Financial Crises/Christoph Henkel.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.2: 397-473. |
100241 | Too Big a Fish in the Digital Pond? The California Consumer Privacy Act and the Dormant Commerce Clause/Russell Spivak.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.2: 475-514. |
100242 | Federal District Court Decisions on the Admissibility of Expert Witness Testimony: An Empirical Study and a Revision of the Conventional Narrative in the Toxic Tort Context/George Horvath.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.2: 515-558. |
100243 | Is a Word Just a Word? Whether Sadism Should Be a Required Element of an Eighth Amendment Excessive Force Claim/James Riley Able.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.2: 559-579. |
100244 | Establishing a Reporter’s Right of Access to All Court Documents Under the First Amendment/Kaytlynn Hobbs.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.2: 581-599. |
100245 | What is Actual Knowledge? Analyzing the Circuit Split on ERISA’s Statute of Limitations After Sulyma v. Intel Corporation Investment Policy Committee/Adam Ares.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.2: 601-613. |
100246 | EAR vs. DBSI: A Battle Royale Over Sovereign Immunity and 11 U.S.C. 544(B)(1)/Collin Hart.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.2: 615-636. |
100247 | Milly Rocking Through Copyright Law: Why the Law Should Expand to Recognize Dance Moves as a Protected Category/Elijah Hack.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.2: 637-651. |
100248 | Indenture Trustee Duties: The Pre-Default Puzzle/Steven L. Schwarcz.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.3: 659-684. |
100249 | The New Fiduciaries/Natalya Shnitser.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.3: 685-706. |
100250 | The Oregon Stewardship Trust: A New Type of Purpose Trust that Enables Steward-Ownership of a Business/Susan N. Gary.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.3: 707-733. |
100251 | The Rise of Business Trusts in Sustainable Neo-Innovative Economies/Lee-ford Tritt, Ryan Scott Teschner.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.3: 735-766. |
100252 | Business Trusts in China: A Reality Check/Lusina Ho.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.3: 767-795. |
100253 | A Theory of the Business Trust/Eric C. Chaffee.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.3: 797-842. |
100254 | Commercial Trusts in U.S. Legal Thought: Historical Puzzles and Future Directions/Thomas P. Gallanis.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.3: 843-855. |
100255 | Please Remain Standing: Using Fed. R. Civ. P. 15(d) Supplemental Pleading to Cure Defects in Standing/Carson E. Miller.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.3: 857-878. |
100256 | Who Carries the Burden of Proving Causation in an ERISA Section 409(a) Suit for Breach of Fiduciary Duty?/Edward Rivin.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.3: 879-890. |
100257 | A Tale of Two Sales: How a Secret Sale Remains a Bar to Patentability Under the AIA/Kris Schroder.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.3: 891-910. |
100258 | Local Right-to-Work Ordinances: Why 14(b) of the National Labor Relations Act Preempts Political Subdivisions from Regulating Union-Security Agreements/Michael Soder.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.3: 911-936. |
100259 | Murphy v. NCAA: Why States in Need of Revenue Should Challenge the Constitutionality of 15 U.S.C. 381/Owen Walsh.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.3: 937-958. |
100260 | First Amendment Cynicism and Redemption/Erica Goldberg.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.4: 959-1007. |
100261 | Why Federal Magistrate Judges Can Improve Judicial Capacity/Anthony Marcum.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.4: 1009-1036. |
100262 | Erasing the Bias Against Using Artificial Intelligence to Predict Future Criminality: Algorithms are Color Blind and Never Tire/Mirko Bagaric, Dan Hunter, Nigel Stobbs.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.4: 1037-1081. |
100263 | Artificial Intelligence, Legal Change, and Separation of Powers/Andrew C. Michaels.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.4: 1083-1103. |
100264 | Zoning for All! Disparate Impact Liability Amidst the Affordable Housing Crisis/Quinn Marker.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.4: 1105-1127. |
100265 | Keeping up with the Commutations: The Judiciary’s Authority After an Exercise of Executive Clemency/Brianna Vollman.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.4: 1129-1147. |
100266 | Sacked by the Clock: Analyzing Statute of Limitations Defenses in the Context of Football-Related CTE Lawsuits/Nick Eaton.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.4: 1149-1166. |
100267 | Determining Jurisdictional Venue for Crimes on Commercial Carriers/Madeline Pinto.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.4: 1167-1188. |
100268 | The Time Between the Theft and the Injury: Standing Requirements Based on a Future Risk of Identity Theft After a Data Breach/Jameson Steffel.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.88, No.4: 1189-1213. |
100269 | Lorenzo v. SEC: Blurring the Line Between Primary and Secondary Securities Fraud Liability/Brian Elzweig.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.1: 1-29. |
100270 | Big Brother is Watching: Law Enforcement’s Use of Digital Technology in the Twenty-First Century/Samuel D. Hodge.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.1: 30-54. |
100271 | Myth, Manipulation, and Minor League Baseball: How a Capitalist Democracy Engenders Income Inequality/Phillip J. Closius, Joseph S. Stephan.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.1: 84-106. |
100272 | Freedom of Speech as a Right to Know/Tao Huang.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.1: 106-139. |
100273 | Shortening the Leash: Emotional Support Animals under the Fair Housing Act/Katie Basalla.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.1: 140-157. |
100274 | Are Judges Policymakers? A Constitutional Rebuff to Judicial Reform/Zach Hullinger.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.1: 157-175. |
100275 | Speaking of Direct Democracy, Judicial Review of State Ballot Initiative Laws Under the First Amendment/Trane J. Robinson.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.1: 176-204. |
100276 | The Functional Approach to the Ministerial Exception: Applying the Exception to Employees who Minister/Maria Ruwe.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.1: 205-230. |
100277 | The Case Against LaCroix: Moving Beyond the Ingredient List in Natural Litigation/Christy Wyatt.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.1: 231-255. |
100278 | Monopoly and Monopsony: Antitrust Standing, Injury, and Damages/Tirza J. Angerhofer, Roger D. Blair.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.2: 256-285. |
100279 | Populism and Transparency: The Political Core of an Administrative Norm/Mark Fenster.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.2: 286-343. |
100280 | Lawyers on Auction – Protecting Class Members/Ittai Paldor.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.2: 344-387. |
100281 | The Law of Trusts and Collective Action: A New Approach to Property Deadlocks/Amnon Lehavi.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.2: 388-431. |
100282 | Revolving Doors – We Got It Backwards/Hadar Y. Jabotinsky.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.2: 432-454. |
100283 | The Power of Suggestion: Can a Judicial Standing Order Disrupt a Norm?/Kimberly A. Jolson.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.2: 455-482. |
100284 | Untangling Discrimination: The CROWN Act and Protecting Black Hair/Alesha Hamilton.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.2: 483-508. |
100285 | On American Demagoguery to National Security/Jennifer Brumfield.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.2: 509-529. |
100286 | The Exclusionary Rule, and the Problem with Search and Seizure Law Under the Ohio Constitution/Corey Bushle.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.2: 530-551. |
100287 | Facial Recognition and the Fourth Amendment in the Wake of Carpenter v. United States/Matthew Doktor.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.2: 552-574. |
100288 | Injured by a Text: Article III Standing for TCPA Texting Claims/Quinn Marker.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.2: 575-596. |
100289 | Where’s the Beef?: A Guide to Judges on Preemption of State Tort Litigation Involving Branded Drugs/Victor E. Schwartz, Christopher E. Appel.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.3: 597-627. |
100290 | Objective Punishment/Anthony M. Dillof.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.3: 628-667. |
100291 | POTUS and Pot: Why the President Could Not Legalize Marijuana Through Executive Action/Robert A. Mikos.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.3: 668-686. |
100292 | John Murphy’s Gifts to the College of Law/Joseph P. Tomain.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.3: 806-809. |
100293 | Seize the Day: Renewed Hope for the Permissibility of In Rem Counterclaims Against the United States Government After the Fifth Circuit’s Substituted Opinion in $4,480,466.16?/Evan Gildenblatt.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.3: 687-709. |
100294 | You’re the Problem, Officer: Whether Executive Officers Should be Subjected to the Same Standards of Liability as Directors Under Current Corporate Governance Law/Margo Brandenburg.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.3: 710-730. |
100295 | Where’s the Meat? A Constitutional Analysis of Arkansas’s Law Prohibiting the Use of Meat Terms on Plant-and Cell-Based Products/Christy Wyatt.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.3: 731-756. |
100296 | Standing Up for Consumers: Whether Third Party Payors Can Establish Standing to Sue Against Drug Manufacturers under Civil RICO/Brianna Vollman.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.3: 757-778. |
100297 | End of Life Uncertainty: Terminal Illness, Medicare Hospice Reimbursement, and the Falsity of Physicians’ Clinical Judgments/Jameson Steffel.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.3: 779-805. |
100298 | Bostock v. Lexmark: Is the Zone-of-Interests Test a Canon of Donut Holes?/Joseph S. Diedrich.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.4: 814-831. |
100299 | Our Most Sacred Legal Commitments: A Digital Exploration of the U.S. Supreme Court Defining Who We Are and How They Should Opine/Eric C. Nystrom, David S. Tanenhaus.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.4: 832-881. |
100300 | Divorce Without Marriage: Taxing Property Transfers Between Cohabiting Adults/Keeva Terry.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.4: 882-909. |
100301 | Delegating Immigration Admission Powers to the States/Christian Vanderhooft.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.4: 910-962. |
100302 | The Doctor Will Judge You Now/Blair E. Thompson.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.4: 963-1002. |
100303 | Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: The Taxing Risk When Invoking the Fifth Amendment on a Tax Return/Jacob Hoback.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.4: 1003-1025. |
100304 | The Right to Remain Silent: First Amendment Rights of Physicians in States with Narrated Ultrasound Laws/Sabrina Jemail.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.4: 1026-1044. |
100305 | Tainted From Their Roots: The Fundamental Unfairness of Depriving Foreign Nationals of Counsel in Immigration Court/Jehanzeb Khan.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.4: 1045-1065. |
100306 | Debunking Twombly/Iqbal: Plausibility is More than Plausible in Ohio and Other States/Matthew Marino.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.4: 1066-1088. |
100307 | Preclearance and Politics: The Future of the Voting Rights Act/Paige E. Richardson.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2020-2021; Vol.89, No.4: 1089-1109. |
100308 | The Logic of Comparable-Case Guidance in the Determination of Awards for Pain and Suffering and Punitive Damages/Hillel J. Bavli.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.85, No.1: 1-31. |
100309 | [Take From Us Our] Wretched Refuse: The Deportation of America’s Adoptees/DeLeith Duke Gossett.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.85, No.1: 33-89. |
100310 | Taxing Fictive Orders: How an Information-Forcing Tax Can Reduce Manipulation and Distortion in Financial Product Markets/Ilya Beylin.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.85, No.1: 91-130. |
100311 | The $1.5 Billion General Motors Recalls at the Dangerous Intersection of Chapter 11, Article 9, and TARP/Sally McDonald Henry.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.85, No.1: 131-184. |
100312 | Syria: A Case Study in International Law/Christopher M. Ford.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.85, No.1: 185-229. |
100313 | ICRICT Looking to a Future of Actual Tax Reform: An Organizational Analysis of the Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation/Brendan C. Chisholm.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.85, No.1: 231-250. |
100314 | R.I.P. Employer Intentional Torts: The Debilitating Application of Ohio Revised Code Section 2745.01/Brice Smallwood.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.85, No.1: 251-278. |
100315 | A Forgotten Unfairness: Taking a Bite out of State Occupational Certification and Registration Regulations/Brett Niehauser.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.85, No.1: 279-300. |
100316 | Determining Whether the Environmental Protection Agency Has Proper Authority Under Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act to Enforce President Obama’s Clean Energy Plan/Stephen J. Otte.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.85, No.1: 301-317. |
100317 | The Law May Cave, But Economics Will Not: The Road to Paying Student Athletes is Longer Than We Think/Nicholas Kitko.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.85, No.1: 319-345. |
100318 | The Sharing Stick in the Property Rights Bundle: The Case of Short Term Rentals and HOAs/Donald J. Kochan.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.3: 893-922. |
100319 | The Unreasonable Seizures of Shadow Deportations/Mary Holper.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.3: 923-970. |
100320 | Can Health Care Law and Policy Be Guided By Basic Values?: The Crucial Role of Perfectionist Solidarity/R. George Wright.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.3: 971-995. |
100321 | Creating an Article I Immigration Court/Rebecca Baibak.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.3: 997-1018. |
100322 | Ohio’s Standing Requirements and the Unworkable Public-Rights Exception/Kristen Elia.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.3: 1019-1045. |
100323 | Why Ohio Should Recognize the Right to a Jury Trial in Involuntary Commitment Proceedings/Katherine McDonald.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.3: 1047-1071. |
100324 | Disparate Impact 2.0: Karlo Provides a Long-Awaited Update for ADEA Subgroup Plaintiffs/Zachary J. Weber.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.3: 1073-1097. |
100325 | Prodigal Reasoning: State Constitutional Law and the Need for a Return to Analysis/Benjamin White.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.3: 1099-1124. |
100326 | Prosecutorial Discretion in Criminal Tax Obstruction Cases: How DOJ Internal Policy Limited the Crime of Corruptly Obstructing the IRS Until the Supreme Court Stepped In, and Why Tax Criminals Will Still Get Convicted/Kathryn W. Booth.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.4: 1125-1174. |
100327 | The Need for a Lenient Admissibility Standard for Defense Forensic Evidence/Myeonki Kim.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.4: 1175-1209. |
100328 | Assessing the Impact of Trade and Investment Policies: Toward an Era of Enlightened Policymaking?/Fernando Dias Simoes.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.4: 1211-1250. |
100329 | Intellectual Property License Contracts: Reflections on a Prospective UNCITRAL Project/Andrea Tosato.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.4: 1251-1297. |
100330 | Challenge Accepted: A Reconsideration of Regulatory Takings Jurisprudence Under the Privileges or Immunities Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment/Joe Brammer.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.4: 1299-1322. |
100331 | A Tougher Road to Conviction: A Case Study of the Prosecution of Corrupt Public Officials in a Post-McDonnell World/David Paul Dornette.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.4: 1323-1351. |
100332 | Legislators Livin’ on a Prayer: The Fourth and Sixth Circuits’ Application of Town of Greece on the Question of Legislator-Led Prayer/Tori Gooder.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.4: 1353-1377. |
100333 | Promoting Private Enforcement of the Voting Rights Act and the Materiality Provision: Contrasting Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless v. Husted and Schwier v. Cox/Megan Hurd.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.4: 1379-1399. |
100334 | Direct Evidence or McDonnell Douglas: How Today’s Paternity Leave Policies are Paving the Way for Title VII’s Newest Wave of Direct Evidence Jurisprudence/Annie McClellan.- University of Cincinnati Law Review. 2018; Vol.86, No.4: 1401-1422. |
100335 | Closely held family business agency costs between owners/Nirosha Hewa Wellalage, Stuart Locke.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2016; Vol.7, No.4: 287-305. |
100336 | Corporate governance performance of publicly listed companies in India: a cross-sectional industry analysis of BSE 200/Ajaz Ul Islam.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2016; Vol.7, No.4: 306-324. |
100337 | Impact of family ownership on idiosyncratic risk/Ramanathan Geeta, Krishna Prasanna.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2016; Vol.7, No.4: 325-352. |
100338 | Culture inclusive Shariah corporate governance as a risk mitigation tool in Islamic banks/Jawahitha Sarabdeen.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2016; Vol.7, No.4: 353-376. |
100339 | Executive compensation, corporate governance and firm performance: evidence from India/Palanisamy Saravanan, Maram Srikanth, Suhas M. Avabruth.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2016; Vol.7, No.4: 377-403. |
100340 | Do firm-level variables affect corporate governance quality and performance? Evidence from India/Ashima Arora, Varun Bhandari.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2017; Vol.8, No.1: 1-24. |
100341 | Guiding the governance system for the future using dynamic modelling techniques/Josiane Fahed-Sreih, Joe Khalife.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2017; Vol.8, No.1: 25-43. |
100342 | Industrial democracy and corporate governance: two discourses of reform in liberal-market economies/Bernard Mees.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2017; Vol.8, No.1: 44-60. |
100343 | Income diversification, bank stability and owners identity: international evidence from emerging economies/Naima Lassoued, Houda Sassi.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2017; Vol.8, No.1: 61-80. |
100344 | Corporate governance in India – the paradigm shift/Neeti Shikha.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2017; Vol.8, No.2: 81-105. |
100345 | Ownership structure and the performance of Chinese-listed firms after the share reform: latest evidence from the manufacturing sector/Domenico Campa.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2017; Vol.8, No.2: 106-127. |
100346 | Institutional ownership and the spillover effects of shareholder activism/Surendranath Jory, Thanh Ngo, Khoa Huu Nguyen.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2017; Vol.8, No.2: 128-155. |
100347 | Does shareholder activism improve operating performance of targeted companies: a re-examination of CalPERS’ focus list program/Steven X. Zheng, Ke Zhong.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2017; Vol.8, No.2: 156-173. |
100348 | Board diversity, corporate governance quality and excess CEO pay: evidence from South Africa/Billy Kobina Enos, Ernest Gyapong.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2017; Vol.8, No.3-4: 175-204. |
100349 | Board sub-committees and earnings quality/Nigar Sultana, Steven F. Cahan, Frank Zhang.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2017; Vol.8, No.3-4: 205-235. |
100350 | Dissemination of corporate information via social media and networks in Africa/Ehab K.A. Mohamed, Mohamed A.K. Basuony, Mostaq M. Hussain.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2017; Vol.8, No.3-4: 236-267. |
100351 | Impact of transformational leadership and corporate governance on business performance/Fikret Sozbilir, Salih Yesil.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2017; Vol.8, No.3-4: 268-280. |
100352 | The transformation of ownership structure and changes in principal-principal conflicts: evidence from corporate governance reforms in South Korea/KwangWook Gang, Changyong Lee, Han-Gyun Woo.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2017; Vol.8, No.3-4: 281-301. |
100353 | Ethical code of conduct: state of corporate governance in India/I. Sridhar.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2017; Vol.8, No.3-4: 302-312. |
100354 | The effect of governance attributes on corporate dividend payouts policy: evidence from Jordan/Amneh Alkurdi, Yasean Tahat, Hamzah Al-mawali.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2017; Vol.8, No.3-4: 313-334. |
100355 | Impact of the presence of women on public sector and private corporations in Quebec: what may be learned from the multiple discourses of board members?/Sophie Briere … [et al.].- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2018; Vol.9, No.1: 1-22. |
100356 | Corporate governance and systemic risk of Tunisian banks/Aymen Mselmi, Boutheina Regaieg.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2018; Vol.9, No.1: 23-51. |
100357 | Ownership structure, hedging incentives and exchange rate exposure/Ekta Sikarwar, Ganesh Kumar Nidugala.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2018; Vol.9, No.1: 52-72. |
100358 | Audit committee roles, responsibilities and characteristics in Ghana: the perception of agency stakeholders/Teddy Ossei Kwakye, Godfred Matthew Yaw Owusu, Rita Amoah Bekoe.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2018; Vol.9, No.1: 73-90. |
100359 | Factors influencing adoption and disclosure of voluntary corporate governance practices by the Indian listed firms/Veerma Puri, Manoj Kumar.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2018; Vol.9, No.1: 91-126. |
100360 | Corporate governance and postcolonialism: the experience of Sri Lanka/Athula Manawaduge, Anura De Zoysa, Kathy Rudkin.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 127-148. |
100361 | Audit committee characteristics, board ethnic diversity and earnings management: evidence from Kenya and Tanzania/Nelson Waweru.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 149-174. |
100362 | Agency costs in US banks – have the factors changed post crisis?/Mahendra Raj, Rajesh Kumar, Sujit Sukumaran.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 175-200. |
100363 | Transparency and microfinance institutions’ risk in Sub-Saharan Africa/Haileslasie Tadele, Helen Roberts, Rosalind H. Whiting.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2018; Vol.9, No.2: 201-226. |
100364 | Reviewing and revisiting the use of corporate governance indices/Shinu Vig, Manipadma Datta.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2018; Vol.9, No.3: 227-241. |
100365 | The impact of ownership structure on dividend policy and cash holdings for Chinese privatised firms/Ohaness G. Paskelian, Stephen Bell, Julia Creek.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2018; Vol.9, No.3: 242-259. |
100366 | Corporate governance in Lebanese banks: focus on board of directors/Abdul-Nasser El-Kassar … [et al.].- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2018; Vol.9, No.3: 260-299. |
100367 | Influence of board characteristics on CSR: a study of Indian firms/Neeti Khetarpal Sanan.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2018; Vol.9, No.3: 300-315. |
100368 | Governance mechanisms and earnings management practices: evidence from Egypt/Ahmed Abousamak, Tamer Mohamed Shahwan.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2018; Vol.9, No.3: 316-346. |
100369 | Do female directors create value for the shareholders? Case study of New Zealand publicly listed companies/Nirosha Hewa Wellalage, Stuart Locke.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2018; Vol.9, No.4: 347-371. |
100370 | Public pension funds as shareholders and firm performance/Naufal Alimov.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2018; Vol.9, No.4: 372-400. |
100371 | Towards a more accurate audit assessment: can corporate social performance provide clues?/Angie M. Abdel Zaher, Dina M. Abdel Zaher.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2018; Vol.9, No.4: 401-427. |
100372 | Audit committee director-auditor interlocking, audit pricing and industry specialisation/Xiaolu Xu, Susan M. Albring.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2018; Vol.9, No.4: 428-461. |
100373 | Does good governance lead to better financial performance?/Supriti Mishra, Pitabas Mohanty.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2018; Vol.9, No.4: 462-480. |
100374 | Disclosures of unethical practices: framework for the promotion of whistle-blowing in Nigeria’s corporate governance/Jirinwayo Jude Odinkonigbo, Ndubuisi Nwafor, Uchechukwu Nwoke.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2019; Vol.10, No.1: 1-19. |
100375 | Corporate governance in India – battle of stakes/Neeti Shikha, Rishika Mishra.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2019; Vol.10, No.1: 20-41. |
100376 | Does corporate governance influence the working capital management of firms: evidence from India/Punam Prasad … [et al.].- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2019; Vol.10, No.1: 42-80. |
100377 | The nexus between effective corporate monitoring and CEO compensation/Anam Tasawar, Mian Sajid Nazir.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2019; Vol.10, No.1: 81-94. |
100378 | Influence of female board members on financial performance of listed companies in New Zealand/Greg Clydesdale, Baiding Hu.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 95-112. |
100379 | Fair value hierarchy in financial instruments disclosure – do audit committee and internal audit matter?/Lakshi Devi Boolaky Doorgakunt.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 113-133. |
100380 | Does dividend payout policy matter for firm performance in India?/Naliniprava Tripathy.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 134-148. |
100381 | Analysis of corporate value statements: an empirical study/Mussie Tessema … [et al.].- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 149-164. |
100382 | Capturing the elusive convexity of the relationship between acquirer’s announcement returns and the cash portion of M&A payments/Tarcisio da Graca.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2019; Vol.10, No.2: 165-184. |
100383 | Analysis of the global energy industry, climate change and financial matters: the need for effective corporate governance/Todd Broker, David Durr, Lawrence Murphy Smith.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2019; Vol.10, No.3-4: 185-208. |
100384 | Discretionary accruals and ownership structure: empirical study from Jordan/Adel Almasarwah.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2019; Vol.10, No.3-4: 209-247. |
100385 | Tax governance: the balance between tax regulatory requirements and societal expectations/J. Christian Plesner Rossing, Thomas Riise Johansen, Thomas C. Pearson.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2019; Vol.10, No.3-4: 248-274. |
100386 | Does corporate governance index impact on environmental disclosure? Evidence from India/G. Ezhilarasi.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2019; Vol.10, No.3-4: 275-310. |
100387 | Ownership identity and cost of debt in an emerging market: pre- and post-crisis analysis/Imad Jabbouri, Maryem Naili, Chaimae Nouina.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2019; Vol.10, No.3-4: 311-334. |
100388 | Impact of blockholder promoters on debt financing of Indian firms/Anuja Sethiya, M. Thenmozhi.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2020; Vol.11, No.1: 1-22. |
100389 | Capital contribution, insider ownership and firm performance: evidence from Indian IPO firms/Bhawana Jain, Sangeetha Gunasekar, P. Balasubramanian.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2020; Vol.11, No.1: 23-46. |
100390 | Does ownership structure influence the relationship between firms’ political connections and financial performance?/Saidatou Dicko.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2020; Vol.11, No.1: 47-75. |
100391 | Testing the demand for monitoring and advisory roles of independent directors: a case of Indian corporate boards/Shivan Sarpal.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2020; Vol.11, No.1: 76-107. |
100392 | Mandatory financial reporting frequency and market efficiency: evidence from Malaysia/Bee Wah Ooi … [et al.].- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 109-128. |
100393 | Predicting the threat of shareholder activism among Indian firms: development and application of shareholder activism prediction model/Ajaz Ul Islam, Sanjay Kumar Mishra, Vikas Srivastava.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 129-151. |
100394 | Board independence and disclosure quality of the UK Investor Relation Magazine Award winning public firms: a matched-pair analysis/Nooraisah Katmon, Omar Al Farooque.- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 152-201. |
100395 | Women’s leadership, performance and governance in Lebanese microfinance institutions/Miriam Aziz … [et al.].- International Journal of Corporate Governance. 2020; Vol.11, No.2: 202-221. |
100396 | The Mixed Legacy of Magna Carta for American Religious Freedom/Steven K. Green.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 207-226. |
100397 | Is It Unconstitutional to Prohibit Faith-Based Schools from Becoming Charter Schools?/Stephen D. Sugarman.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 227-262. |
100398 | Church Corporations and the Conflict of Laws in Antebellum America/Kellen Funk.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 263-284. |
100399 | The Justiciability of Religion/Satvinder S. Juss.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 285-310. |
100400 | In a Place Parallel to God: The Draft, the Demonic, and the Conscientious Cubist/Nathaniel Berman.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 311-339. |
100401 | The Judgment of Pontius Pilate: A Critique of Giorgio Agamben/D. L. Dusenbury.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2017; Vol.32, No.2: 340-365. |
100402 | Legal Polycentrism: A Christian Theological and Jurisprudential Evaluation/David VanDrunen.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 383-405. |
100403 | Buddhist Law in Early Tibet: The Emergence of an Ideology/Fernanda Pirie.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 406-422. |
100404 | Obeah, Vagrancy, and the Boundaries of Religious Freedom: Analyzing the Proscription of Pretending to Possess Supernatural Powers in the Anglophone Caribbean/Danielle N. Boaz.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 423-448. |
100405 | Witches, Odin, and the English State: The Legal Reception of a Counter-Cultural Minority Religious Movement/G. J. Wheeler.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 449-469. |
100406 | The Right to Ritual Slaughter in Africa: A Comparative Constitutional Analysis/Enyinna S. Nwauche.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2017; Vol.32, No.3: 470-490. |
100407 | The New Genealogy of Religious Freedom/David Decosimo.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2018; Vol.33, No.1: 3-41. |
100408 | Judging Religion and Judges’ Religions/Howard Kislowicz.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2018; Vol.33, No.1: 42-60. |
100409 | Jewish Law, State, and Social Reality: Prenuptial Agreements for the Prevention of Divorce Refusal in Israel and the United States/Amihai Radzyner.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2018; Vol.33, No.1: 61-88. |
100410 | Temporary Marriage: A Comparison of the Jewish and Islamic Conceptions/Yehezkel Margalit.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2018; Vol.33, No.1: 89-107. |
100411 | Why Does Religious Establishment Need to Justify Itself?/Andrea Pin.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 134-136. |
100412 | The (Not So) Exceptional Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution/Brett G. Scharffs.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 137-154. |
100413 | The Catholic Church Tested for Confessionalism: The Vatican II Doctrinal Principles/Matteo Visioli.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 155-171. |
100414 | Religious Freedom Without Equality? Religious Minorities and the Establishment of Religion in Argentina/Juan Martin Vives.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 172-191. |
100415 | The Bureaucratization of Religion in Southeast Asia: Expanding or Restricting Religious Freedom?/Mirjam Kunkler.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 192-196. |
100416 | Buddhist Bureaucracy and Religious Freedom in Thailand/Tomas Larsson.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 197-211. |
100417 | Bureaucratic Islam Compared: Classificatory Power and State-Ified Religious Meaning-Making in Brunei and Singapore/Dominik M. Muller.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 212-247. |
100418 | The Political Origins of Islamic Courts in Divided Societies: The Case of Malaysia/Kikue Hamayotsu.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 248-270. |
100419 | Eat, Pray, Regulate: The Indonesian Ulama Council and the Management of Islamic Affairs/Stewart Fenwick.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 271-290. |
100420 | The Bureaucratization of Muslim Marriage in Indonesia/Eva F. Nisa.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2018; Vol.33, No.2: 291-309. |
100421 | Making the Case for Religious Freedom in Secular Societies/Mary Ann Glendon.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 329-339. |
100422 | Faith-Based Arbitration Evaluated: The Policy Arguments for and Against Religious Arbitration in America/Michael J. Broyde.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 340-389. |
100423 | Shari’a as Taboo of Modern Law: Halal Food, Islamophobia, and China/Matthew S. Erie.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 390-420. |
100424 | Hong Kong’s Chinese Temples Ordinance: A Cautionary Case Study of Discriminatory and Misguided Regulation of Religious Fraud/Jianlin Chen.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 421-446. |
100425 | Pope Francis, True Religion, and Religious Liberty/Joel Harrison.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 447-480. |
100426 | Accommodating Religious Law with a Civil Legal System: Lessons from the Jewish Law Experience in Financial Family Matters/Avishalom Westreich.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2018; Vol.33, No.3: 481-503. |
100427 | Napoleonic Freedom of Worship in Law and Art/Levi Cooper.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 3-41. |
100428 | Varieties of Burden in Religious Accommodations/Anna Su.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 42-63. |
100429 | Reproductive Politics and Populism: Pentecostal Religion and Hegemony in the Philippines/Giovanni Maltese.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 64-84. |
100430 | Medical Referral for Abortion and Freedom of Conscience in Australian Law/Joanne Howe, Suzanne Le Mire.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2019; Vol.34, No.1: 85-112. |
100431 | Biblical Law in Greco-Roman Attire: The Case of Levirate Marriage in Late Antique Christian Legal Traditions/Yifat Monnickendam.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 136-164. |
100432 | On Blood, Power, and Public Interest: The Concealment of Hindu Sacrificial Rites Under Indian Law/Deonnie Moodie.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 165-182. |
100433 | Reconciling John Milbank and Religious Freedom: Liberalism Through Love/Alex Deagon.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 183-209. |
100434 | Same-Sex Relations and the Catholic Church: How Law and Doctrine Have Evolved, 1820-2020/Charles J. Reid.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2019; Vol.34, No.2: 210-244. |
100435 | Higher Education for Haredim in Israel/Tova Hartman, Chaim Zicherman.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 273-283. |
100436 | From Law to Dharma: State Law and Sacred Duty in Ancient India/Mark McClish.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 284-309. |
100437 | Family, Nation Building, and Citizenship: The Legal Representation of Muslim Women in the Ban Against the Bigamy Clause of 1951/Rawia Aburabia.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 310-331. |
100438 | Child Law in Muslim Jurisdictions: The Role of the State in Establishing Filiation (NASAB) and Protecting Parentless Children/Dorthe Engelcke, Nadjma Yassari.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 332-335. |
100439 | Filiation and Adoption Among Muslims in India: The Quagmires of a Religious Minority Law/Jean-Philippe Dequen.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 336-355. |
100440 | The Status of Children Born out of Wedlock and Adopted Children in Indonesia: Interactions Between Islamic, Adat, and Human Rights Norms/Euis Nurlaelawati, Stijn Cornelis van Huis.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 356-382. |
100441 | A Step Too Far? The Journey From Biological to Societal Filiation in the Child’s Right to Name and Identity in Islamic and International Law/Shaheen Sardar Ali.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 383-407. |
100442 | Establishing Filiation (Nasab) and the Placement of Destitute Children into New Families: What Role Does the State Play?/Dorthe Engelcke.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2019; Vol.34, No.3: 408-432. |
100443 | Punishment, Forgiveness, and Mercy/Jeffrie G. Murphy.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2020; Vol.35, No.1: 5-16. |
100444 | Justice, Mercy, and Equality in Discretionary Criminal Justice Decision Making/Albert W. Alschuler.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2020; Vol.35, No.1: 18-32. |
100445 | Justifying Blasphemy Laws: Freedom of Expression, Public Morals, and International Human Rights Law/Neville Cox.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2020; Vol.35, No.1: 33-60. |
100446 | The Legal Notion of Traditional Religions in Lithuania and Its Sociopolitical Consequences/Egdunas Racius.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2020; Vol.35, No.1: 61-78. |
100447 | The Political Theology of Justice Hugo Black/Brett Bertucio.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2020; Vol.35, No.1: 79-101. |
100448 | Law, Religion, and Society in China: A Contested Terrain/Joshua T. Mauldin.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2020; Vol.35, No.1: 102-112. |
100449 | Freedom in Handcuffs: Religious Freedom in the Constitution of China/Songfeng Li.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2020; Vol.35, No.1: 113-137. |
100450 | The Relation Between Confucianism and Chinese Politics: History, Actuality, and Future/Lei Sun.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2020; Vol.35, No.1: 138-148. |
100451 | Subordination, Separation, and Autonomy: Chinese Protestant Approaches to the Relationship Between Religion and State/Pan-Chiu Lai.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2020; Vol.35, No.1: 149-164. |
100452 | Religion and Politics in Africa: Three Studies on Nigeria/Mohammed Bashir Salau.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2020; Vol.35, No.1: 165-177. |
100453 | On the Solely Jurisdictional Reading of Nonestablishment/Franklin I. Gamwell.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2020; Vol.35, No.2: 198-214. |
100454 | Engagements and Entanglements: The Contemporary Waqf and the Fragility of Shi’i Quietism/Haider Ala Hamoudi.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2020; Vol.35, No.2: 215-249. |
100455 | The Limits of Liberal Inclusivity: How Defining Islamophobia Normalizes Anti-Muslim Racism/Rebecca Ruth Gould.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2020; Vol.35, No.2: 250-269. |
100456 | Witch-Killings and the Law in Uganda/Rukundo Solomon.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2020; Vol.35, No.2: 270-296. |
100457 | We Shouldn’t Wait for Heaven: How Head/Body Transplantation Causes Us to Reevaluate Halakhic Conceptions of Life and Death/Ira Bedzow, John Loike, Noam Stadlan.- Journal of Law and Religion. 2020; Vol.35, No.2: 297-320. |
100458 | She Could Steal, but She Could Not Rob: Punishment Inflation in Burglary Statutes Nationwide/Candace McCoy, Phillip M. Kopp.- Journal of Legislation. 2019; Vol.46, No.1: 1-33. |
100459 | Americans in Waiting: Finding Solutions for Long Term Residents/Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia.- Journal of Legislation. 2019; Vol.46, No.1: 34-45. |
100460 | The Family Office Rule: A Re-Examination/Kevin Asencio.- Journal of Legislation. 2019; Vol.46, No.1: 46-68. |
100461 | Back to the Farm: A Call to Re-Invigorate New York City’s Biosolid Program/Brendan Collins.- Journal of Legislation. 2019; Vol.46, No.1: 69-92. |
100462 | Debts Paid: Ending Criminal Disenfranchisement/Tyler Knutson.- Journal of Legislation. 2019; Vol.46, No.1: 93-113. |
100463 | The Indefensible Gay Panic Defense/Devan N. Patel.- Journal of Legislation. 2019; Vol.46, No.1: 114-133. |
100464 | Why Conservative Religious Organizations and Believers Should Support the Fairness for All Act/Chris Stewart, Gene Schaerr.- Journal of Legislation. 2019; Vol.46, No.2: 134-206. |
100465 | RLUIPA at 20: A Quantitative Study of Its Impact on Land Use and Religious Minorities/Lucien J. Dhooge.- Journal of Legislation. 2019; Vol.46, No.2: 207-244. |
100466 | Does Objectives-Based Financial Regulation Imply a Rethink of Legislatively Mandated Economic Regulation? A Literature Review/Bryane Michael, Say-Hak Goo, Svitlana Osaulenko.- Journal of Legislation. 2019; Vol.46, No.2: 245-275. |
100467 | The Relationship Between the Bill of Attainder Clause, The Use of Sanctions as a Regulatory Tool for Foreign Trade, and Corporate Personhood/Alina Veneziano.- Journal of Legislation. 2019; Vol.46, No.2: 276-302. |
100468 | Federal Legislation Still Has a Role to Play in the Fight for Student-Athlete Compensation/Brandon Beyer.- Journal of Legislation. 2019; Vol.46, No.2: 303-325. |
100469 | Clarity or Confusion?: The Common Law Economic Substance Doctrine and Its Statutory Counterpart/Summer Desloge.- Journal of Legislation. 2019; Vol.46, No.2: 326-345. |
100470 | #CourtsToo: Constitutional Judicial Accountability in the #MeToo Era/Zachary Johnson.- Journal of Legislation. 2019; Vol.46, No.2: 346-370. |
100471 | New Evidence for the Broad View: Reconsidering the Absolute Priority Rule in Individual-Debtor Chapter 11 Cases Post-SBRA/Justin J. Maroni.- Journal of Legislation. 2019; Vol.46, No.2: 371-394. |
100472 | Cyber-Security, Privacy, and the Covid-19 Attenuation?/Vincent J. Samar.- Journal of Legislation. 2021; Vol.47, No.1: 1-38. |
100473 | Thinking Like a Lawyer About Legislation: Implementing Legislative Decision Theory Through Improved Citation/Hugh L. Brady.- Journal of Legislation. 2021; Vol.47, No.1: 39-80. |
100474 | Regulating the Political Wild West: State Efforts to Disclose Sources of Online Political Advertising/Victoria Smith Ekstrand, Ashley Fox.- Journal of Legislation. 2021; Vol.47, No.1: 81-111. |
100475 | Reforming and Clarifying Special Immigrant Juvenile Status/Brad Reynolds.- Journal of Legislation. 2021; Vol.47, No.1: 112-132. |
100476 | The Lack of Regulation in Preventing Greenwashing of Cosmetics in the U.S./Alexa Riccolo.- Journal of Legislation. 2021; Vol.47, No.1: 133-155. |
100477 | Michigan’s Driver’s Licensing Legislation: The Road to Unlicensed Drivers/Alexa Tipton.- Journal of Legislation. 2021; Vol.47, No.1: 156-178. |
100478 | Challenges of Leadership in the Twenty-First Century/Leon E. Panetta.- Journal of Legislation. 2021; Vol.47, No.2: 1-7. |
100479 | Criminalizing Material Support to Domestic Terrorist Organizations: A National Security Imperative/Jimmy Gurule.- Journal of Legislation. 2021; Vol.47, No.2: 8-37. |
100480 | Legislative Actions to Promote and Enforce Ethical Conduct in Government/Christine Todd Whitman.- Journal of Legislation. 2021; Vol.47, No.2: 38-43. |
100481 | Propaganda by Permission: Examining Political Activities Under the Foreign Agents Registration Act/Tarun Krishnakumar.- Journal of Legislation. 2021; Vol.47, No.2: 44-74. |
100482 | Vaccination Evasion: Legislating a Solution Through a Revised Vaccinate All Children Act of 2019/Sophia C. Aguilar.- Journal of Legislation. 2021; Vol.47, No.2: 75-104. |
100483 | Care in the Time of Covid: Addressing the State of Family and Medical Leave in Light of the Covid-19 Pandemic/Emily Kowalik.- Journal of Legislation. 2021; Vol.47, No.2: 105-132. |
100484 | The Corporate Transparency Act: A Step Toward Broken Shells/Brendan O’Leary.- Journal of Legislation. 2021; Vol.47, No.2: 133-155. |
100485 | For the Forgiveness of Sins: A Comparative Constitutional Analysis and Defense of the Clergy-Penitent Privilege in the United States and Australia/James Grant Semonin.- Journal of Legislation. 2021; Vol.47, No.2: 156-192. |
100486 | Carlen v Drury (1812): The Origins of the Internal Management Debate in Corporate Law/Victoria Barnes, James Oldham.- Journal of Legal History. 2017; Vol.38, No.1: 1-26. |
100487 | Defending the Accused: The Impact of Legal Representation on Criminal Trial Outcomes in Victoria, Australia 1861-1961/Alana Piper, Mark Finnane.- Journal of Legal History. 2017; Vol.38, No.1: 27-53. |
100488 | Female Husbands, Community and Courts in the Eighteenth Century/Caroline Derry.- Journal of Legal History. 2017; Vol.38, No.1: 54-79. |
100489 | Scottish Legal History Group Report 2016.- Journal of Legal History. 2017; Vol.38, No.1: 80-83. |
100490 | Migrations of Manuscripts 2016/John Baker.- Journal of Legal History. 2017; Vol.38, No.1: 84-113. |
100491 | Writing Histories of Law and Emotion/Merridee L. Bailey, Kimberley-Joy Knight.- Journal of Legal History. 2017; Vol.38, No.2: 117-129. |
100492 | Emotions in the Early Common Law (c. 1166-1215)/John Hudson.- Journal of Legal History. 2017; Vol.38, No.2: 130-154. |
100493 | Narratives of Feeling and Majesty: Mediated Emotions in the Eighteenth-Century Criminal Courtroom/Amy Milka, David Lemmings.- Journal of Legal History. 2017; Vol.38, No.2: 155-178. |
100494 | She Felt Strongly the Injury to Her Affections: Breach of Promise of Marriage and the Medicalization of Heartbreak in Early Twentieth-Century Australia/Alecia Simmonds.- Journal of Legal History. 2017; Vol.38, No.2: 179-202. |
100495 | Narrative, Law and Emotion: Husband Killers in Early Nineteenth-Century Ireland/Katie Barclay.- Journal of Legal History. 2017; Vol.38, No.2: 203-227. |
100496 | The illegal sentences which magistrates were daily passing: The Backstory to Governor Richard Bourke’s 1832 Punishment and Summary Jurisdiction Act in Convict New South Wales/David Andrew Roberts.- Journal of Legal History. 2017; Vol.38, No.3: 231-253. |
100497 | The Origins of Trade Secrecy Law in England, 1600-1851/Sean Bottomley.- Journal of Legal History. 2017; Vol.38, No.3: 254-281. |
100498 | Bentham on the Interpretation of Laws/Xiaobo Zhai.- Journal of Legal History. 2017; Vol.38, No.3: 282-307. |
100499 | John Vincent’s Reading at Gray’s Inn, 1668/9, on the Merchants’ Assurances Act 1601/Jeffrey Thomson.- Journal of Legal History. 2017; Vol.38, No.3: 308-333. |
100500 | In fabrorum potestate: Plautus and the Mother’s Power in Ancient Rome/Maria Elena Roccia.- Journal of Legal History. 2018; Vol.39, No.1: 1-17. |
100501 | The Origins of Alien Status in the English Common Law/Paul Brand.- Journal of Legal History. 2018; Vol.39, No.1: 18-28. |
100502 | Jeremy Bentham and Equity: The Court of Chancery, Lord Eldon, and the Dispatch Court Plan/Chris Riley.- Journal of Legal History. 2018; Vol.39, No.1: 29-57. |
100503 | King Charls His Case: The Intended Prosecution of Charles I/Sean Kelsey.- Journal of Legal History. 2018; Vol.39, No.1: 58-87. |
100504 | Scottish Legal History Group Report 2017.- Journal of Legal History. 2018; Vol.39, No.1: 88-91. |
100505 | Migrations of Manuscripts 2017/John Baker.- Journal of Legal History. 2018; Vol.39, No.1: 92-112. |
100506 | The Right to Shoot Himself: Secession in the British Commonwealth of Nations/Donal K. Coffey.- Journal of Legal History. 2018; Vol.39, No.2: 117-139. |
100507 | Judging a Judge: A Reappraisal of Lord Mansfield and Somerset’s Case/Alexander Jackman.- Journal of Legal History. 2018; Vol.39, No.2: 140-156. |
100508 | The Failure of the First Income Tax: A Tale of Commercial Tax Evaders?/Katherine Cousins.- Journal of Legal History. 2018; Vol.39, No.2: 157-186. |
100509 | Constitutional Rights in the Irish Home Rule Bill of 1893/Tom Allen.- Journal of Legal History. 2018; Vol.39, No.2: 187-215. |
100510 | Changes to Common Law Printing in the 1630s: Unlawful, Unreliable, Dishonest?/Ian Williams.- Journal of Legal History. 2018; Vol.39, No.3: 225-252. |
100511 | Felony Forfeiture at the Manor of Worfield, C.1370-C.1600/Spike Gibbs.- Journal of Legal History. 2018; Vol.39, No.3: 253-277. |
100512 | Thirteenth-Century Origins of Punitive or Exemplary Damages: The Statute of Westminster I (1275) and Roman Law/Jason Taliadoros.- Journal of Legal History. 2018; Vol.39, No.3: 278-306. |
100513 | The Contribution of Contemporary Mathematics to Contractual Fairness in Equity, 1751-1867/Ciara Kennefick.- Journal of Legal History. 2018; Vol.39, No.3: 307-339. |
100514 | The Emergence and Development of Statutory Process for the Compulsory Purchase of Land for Transport Infrastructure in England and Wales, c.1530-1800/Stephen Gadd.- Journal of Legal History. 2019; Vol.40, No.1: 1-20. |
100515 | Rebutting the Presumption: Rethinking the Common Law Principle of Marital Coercion in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century England/Emily Ireland.- Journal of Legal History. 2019; Vol.40, No.1: 21-43. |
100516 | It is necessary that the issue be heard to cry or squall within the four [walls]: Qualifying for Tenancy by the Curtesy of England in the Reign of Edward I/Gwen Seabourne.- Journal of Legal History. 2019; Vol.40, No.1: 44-68. |
100517 | Scottish Legal History Group Report 2018.- Journal of Legal History. 2019; Vol.40, No.1: 69-71. |
100518 | Migrations of Manuscripts 2018/John Baker.- Journal of Legal History. 2019; Vol.40, No.1: 72-94. |
100519 | Family Law(s) under the Roman Empire/Yifat Monnickendam, Paul J. du Plessis.- Journal of Legal History. 2019; Vol.40, No.2: 107-109. |
100520 | The Limits of Legal Pluralism in the Roman Empire/Kimberley Czajkowski.- Journal of Legal History. 2019; Vol.40, No.2: 110-129. |
100521 | Greek Influences on Roman Dowry Law/Michael Leese.- Journal of Legal History. 2019; Vol.40, No.2: 130-154. |
100522 | Herod the Great and the Iudicium Domesticum: Legal Pluralism to Die For/Thomas A. J. McGinn.- Journal of Legal History. 2019; Vol.40, No.2: 155-181. |
100523 | Did Roman Treatment of Freedwomen Influence Rabbinic Halakhah on the Status of Female Converts in Marriage?/Yael Wilfand.- Journal of Legal History. 2019; Vol.40, No.2: 182-202. |
100524 | Marriage and Family Law in the Ancient Church Order Literature/Joseph G. Mueller.- Journal of Legal History. 2019; Vol.40, No.2: 203-221. |
100525 | The Transportation of Bigamists in Early-Nineteenth-Century England and Wales/Rebecca Probert, Liam D’Arcy-Brown.- Journal of Legal History. 2019; Vol.40, No.3: 223-252. |
100526 | Lambe v Finch (1626): An Early Seventeenth-Century Expectant Heir Chancery Suit in Context/Helen Saunders.- Journal of Legal History. 2019; Vol.40, No.3: 253-269. |
100527 | Construction and Execution of Trusts in Chancery, c. 1660-1750/David Foster.- Journal of Legal History. 2019; Vol.40, No.3: 270-297. |
100528 | Inequality, Just Price and Bad Bargains: Contracting Attitudes after the South Sea Crash, 1720/Stephen Bogle.- Journal of Legal History. 2019; Vol.40, No.3: 298-325. |
100529 | The Evolution of Manor Courts in Medieval England, c.1250-1350: The Evidence of the Personal Actions/Chris Briggs, Phillipp R. Schofield.- Journal of Legal History. 2020; Vol.41, No.1: 1-28. |
100530 | Charitable Endowment and Social Change: Cy-Pres Orders and Schemes, 1837-1901/Charles Mitchell.- Journal of Legal History. 2020; Vol.41, No.1: 29-59. |
100531 | Professional Liability and Forensic Science in the Context of the Lex Aquilia/Ido Israelowich.- Journal of Legal History. 2020; Vol.41, No.1: 60-77. |
100532 | Scottish Legal History Group Report 2019.- Journal of Legal History. 2020; Vol.41, No.1: 78-81. |
100533 | Migrations of Manuscripts 2019/John Baker.- Journal of Legal History. 2020; Vol.41, No.1: 82-107. |
100534 | On Legal Biography/Victoria Barnes, Catharine MacMillan, Stefan Vogenauer.- Journal of Legal History. 2020; Vol.41, No.2: 115-121. |
100535 | Sir Edward Fry: Law, Science and Religion/Catharine MacMillan.- Journal of Legal History. 2020; Vol.41, No.2: 122-142. |
100536 | Interrogating the Self-told Narrative: Lord Lindley’s Autobiography, his Life and his Legal Biography/Victoria Barnes.- Journal of Legal History. 2020; Vol.41, No.2: 143-163. |
100537 | The Disruptive Power of Legal Biography: The Life of Lord Phillimore – Churchman and Judge/Charlotte Smith.- Journal of Legal History. 2020; Vol.41, No.2: 164-185. |
100538 | Feminist Legal Biography: A Model for All Legal Life Stories/Rosemary Auchmuty, Erika Rackley.- Journal of Legal History. 2020; Vol.41, No.2: 186-211. |
100539 | Collusive Litigation in the Early Years of the English Common Law: The Use of Mort D’Ancestor for Conveyancing Purposes c. 1198-1230/William Eves.- Journal of Legal History. 2020; Vol.41, No.3: 227-256. |
100540 | Ownership in the Seventeenth-century Admiralty Court/George F. Steckley.- Journal of Legal History. 2020; Vol.41, No.3: 257-289. |
100541 | Towards a Characterization of Race Law in Medieval Wales/Matthew Frank Stevens, Teresa Phipps.- Journal of Legal History. 2020; Vol.41, No.3: 290-331. |
100542 | Trials by Ordeal in a Kentish Court in the Early Thirteenth Century/Henry Summerson.- Journal of Legal History. 2020; Vol.41, No.3: 332-342. |
100543 | Restitution in the conflict of laws: characterization and choice-of-law in Australia/Andreas Karl Edward Sherborne.- Journal of Private International Law. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 1-34. |
100544 | Post-dispute agreements on choice of law/Y.L. Tan.- Journal of Private International Law. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 35-70. |
100545 | Rome I Regulation: binding authority for arbitral tribunals in the European Union?/Davor Babic.- Journal of Private International Law. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 71-90. |
100546 | Choice of court agreements under Brussels Ia and under the Hague convention: coherences and clashes/Matthias Weller.- Journal of Private International Law. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 91-129. |
100547 | The origins of the Scottish forum non conveniens doctrine/Ardavan Arzandeh.- Journal of Private International Law. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 130-151. |
100548 | Private international law principles for ubiquitous intellectual property infringement – a solution in search of a problem?/Andrew F. Christie.- Journal of Private International Law. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 152-183. |
100549 | Reciprocity and the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments: a lot of bark but not much bite/Beligh Elbalti.- Journal of Private International Law. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 184-218. |
100550 | Maintenance surveyed/David McClean.- Journal of Private International Law. 2017; Vol.13, No.1: 219-229. |
100551 | Just how free is a free choice of law in contract in the EU?/Peter Mankowski.- Journal of Private International Law. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 231-258. |
100552 | Constitutionalizing Canadian private international law – 25 years since Morguard/Joost Blom.- Journal of Private International Law. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 259-293. |
100553 | Freedom of establishment, conflict of laws and the transfer of a company’s registered office: towards full cross-border corporate mobility in the internal market?/Johan Meeusen.- Journal of Private International Law. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 294-323. |
100554 | The recast of the Insolvency Regulation: a third country perspective/Nicolo Nisi.- Journal of Private International Law. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 324-355. |
100555 | A new frontier for Brussels I – private law remedies for breach of the Regulation?/Ian Bergson.- Journal of Private International Law. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 356-385. |
100556 | Exclusive choice of court agreements: some issues on the Hague Convention on choice of court agreements and its relationship with the Brussels I recast especially anti-suit injunctions, concurrent proceedings and the implications of BREXIT/Mukarrum Ahmed, Paul Beaumont.- Journal of Private International Law. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 386-410. |
100557 | The Asian Principles of Private International Law: objectives, contents, structure and selected topics on choice of law/Weizuo Chen, Gerald Goldstein.- Journal of Private International Law. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 411-434. |
100558 | The statutist trap and subject-matter jurisdiction/Maria Hook.- Journal of Private International Law. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 435-462. |
100559 | State of play of cross-border surrogacy arrangements – is there a case for regulatory intervention by the EU?/Chris Thomale.- Journal of Private International Law. 2017; Vol.13, No.2: 463-473. |
100560 | Service of proceedings on the defendant as a safeguard of fairness in civil proceedings: in search of minimum standards from EU legislation and European case-law/Fernando Gascon Inchausti.- Journal of Private International Law. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 475-518. |
100561 | Trust jurisdiction clauses: their proper ambit/Adam S. Hofri-Winogradow.- Journal of Private International Law. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 519-545. |
100562 | International surrogacy before the European Court of Human Rights/Claire Fenton-Glynn.- Journal of Private International Law. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 546-567. |
100563 | The hearing of the child in the Brussels IIa Regulation and its Recast Proposal/Benedetta Ubertazzi.- Journal of Private International Law. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 568-601. |
100564 | Just a click away? Jurisdiction and virtually carrying on business in Canada/Sophie Stoyan.- Journal of Private International Law. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 602-632. |
100565 | The partially modernized Chinese conflicts system: achievements and challenges:/Jie (Jeanne) Huang.- Journal of Private International Law. 2017; Vol.13, No.3: 633-654. |
100566 | Acts of state and the frontiers of private (international) law/Andrew Dickinson.- Journal of Private International Law. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 1-37. |
100567 | Interpreting non-exclusive jurisdiction agreements/Louise Merrett.- Journal of Private International Law. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 38-65. |
100568 | Effect of exclusive choice-of-court agreements in favour of third states within the Brussels I Regulation Recast/Alexander Richard Eduard Kistler.- Journal of Private International Law. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 66-95. |
100569 | Recasting West Tankers in the deep water: how Gazprom and recast Brussels I reconcile Brussels I with international arbitration/Youseph Farah, Sara Hourani.- Journal of Private International Law. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 96-129. |
100570 | A theoretical perspective of the public policy doctrine in the conflict of laws/Kenny Chng.- Journal of Private International Law. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 130-159. |
100571 | Establishing habitual residence of adults under the Brussels IIa regulation: best practices from national case-law/Agne Limante.- Journal of Private International Law. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 160-181. |
100572 | Operating across national and linguistic borders/Ana M. Lopez-Rodriguez.- Journal of Private International Law. 2018; Vol.14, No.1: 182-192. |
100573 | Assumed jurisdiction in Canada: identifying and interpreting presumptive connecting factors/Stephen G.A. Pitel, Vaughan Black.- Journal of Private International Law. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 193-224. |
100574 | Party autonomy, inconsistency and the specific characteristics of family law in the EU/Lara Walker.- Journal of Private International Law. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 225-261. |
100575 | Enforcement of foreign commercial judgments in China/King Fung Tsang.- Journal of Private International Law. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 262-294. |
100576 | Jurisdiction agreements in Chinese conflict of laws: searching for ways to implement the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements in China/Yong Gan.- Journal of Private International Law. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 295-318. |
100577 | Third-Party effects of the assignment of claims: new momentum from the Commission’s Capital Markets Union Action Plan and the Commission s 2018 Proposal/Hendric Labonte.- Journal of Private International Law. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 319-342. |
100578 | Party autonomy in Vietnam – the new choice of law rules for international contracts in the civil code 2015/Thi Hong Trinh Nguyen.- Journal of Private International Law. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 343-367. |
100579 | The regulation of patrimony within civil law systems: from a unitary to a divisional approach in the management of patrimonial assets and its effects on private international law rules/Giulio Peroni.- Journal of Private International Law. 2018; Vol.14, No.2: 368-382. |
100580 | A child-friendly area of freedom, security and justice: work in progress in international child abduction cases/Maria Caterina Baruffi.- Journal of Private International Law. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 385-420. |
100581 | International child abduction and the best interests of the child: an analysis of judicial reasoning in two jurisdictions/Charlotte Mol, Thalia Kruger.- Journal of Private International Law. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 421-454. |
100582 | Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in the absence of the debtor and his assets within the jurisdiction: reversing the burden of proof/Hayk Kupelyants.- Journal of Private International Law. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 455-475. |
100583 | Implications of Article 81(1) TFEU’s recognition clause for EU conflict of laws rules/Aleksandrs Fillers.- Journal of Private International Law. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 476-499. |
100584 | The nature and enforcement of choice of law agreements/Mukarrum Ahmed.- Journal of Private International Law. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 500-531. |
100585 | Mixed contracts under the Brussels Ia Regulation: searching for a jurisdictional identity/Diletta Danieli.- Journal of Private International Law. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 532-548. |
100586 | The extent of jurisdiction under the forum delicti rule in European trademark litigation/Torsten Bjorn Larsen.- Journal of Private International Law. 2018; Vol.14, No.3: 549-561. |
100587 | Choice of law in relation to matrimonial property in the 21st century/Rhona Schuz.- Journal of Private International Law. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 1-49. |
100588 | Understanding public policy limits to the enforceability of forum selection clauses after Douez v Facebook/Liam W. Harris.- Journal of Private International Law. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 50-96. |
100589 | Singapore as a centre for international commercial litigation: party autonomy to the fore/Adeline Chong, Man Yip.- Journal of Private International Law. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 97-129. |
100590 | Enforcing ECOWAS judgments in Nigeria through the common law rule on the enforcement of foreign judgments/Muyiwa Adigun.- Journal of Private International Law. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 130-161. |
100591 | Contribution of the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts to the codification of party autonomy under OHADA Law/Justin Monsenepwo.- Journal of Private International Law. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 162-185. |
100592 | Chinese private international law and online data protection/Jeanne Huang.- Journal of Private International Law. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 186-209. |
100593 | Product liability and protection of EU consumers: is it time for a serious reassessment?/Giorgio Risso.- Journal of Private International Law. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 210-233. |
100594 | The flowing tide of parties’ freedom in private international law: party autonomy in contractual choice of law in China/Guangjian Tu.- Journal of Private International Law. 2019; Vol.15, No.1: 234-246. |
100595 | Some critical comments on the new Swedish rules on non-recognition of foreign child marriages/Michael Bogdan.- Journal of Private International Law. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 247-256. |
100596 | A first principles approach to couples’ property in the conflict of laws/Maria Hook.- Journal of Private International Law. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 257-287. |
100597 | Personhood and status of legal persons in private international law/John Robb.- Journal of Private International Law. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 288-314. |
100598 | Choice of law for property issues regarding Bitcoin under English law/Michael Ng.- Journal of Private International Law. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 315-338. |
100599 | The concepts of injustice and public policy in Article 6(c) of the Hague Choice of Court Convention/Johannes Landbrecht.- Journal of Private International Law. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 339-364. |
100600 | Application of the EU Succession Regulation in practice: The case of Latvia and beyond/Toms Krumins.- Journal of Private International Law. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 365-392. |
100601 | Notaries and their debt-collection writs under the Brussels Ia Regulation. A difficult characterisation/Martina Mantovani.- Journal of Private International Law. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 393-417. |
100602 | The Ethiopian federation and private international law: the contours of the federal and the state governments’ jurisdictions/Mekuria Tsegaye Setegn.- Journal of Private International Law. 2019; Vol.15, No.2: 418-443. |
100603 | Asserting personal jurisdiction over non-resident class members: comparative insights for the United Kingdom/Rachael Mulheron.- Journal of Private International Law. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 445-489. |
100604 | Recognition of jurisdictional determinations by foreign courts/Richard Garnett.- Journal of Private International Law. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 490-515. |
100605 | Gateways within the Civil Procedure Rules and the future of service-out jurisdiction in England/Ardavan Arzandeh.- Journal of Private International Law. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 516-540. |
100606 | Party autonomy in choice of court and jurisdiction over foreign-related commercial and maritime disputes in China/Liang Zhao.- Journal of Private International Law. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 541-574. |
100607 | Rethinking the characterisation of issues relating to securities/Maisie Ooi.- Journal of Private International Law. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 575-604. |
100608 | The operation of Article 4 of Rome II Regulation in English and Irish courts/Chukwuma Samuel Adesina Okoli, Emma Roberts.- Journal of Private International Law. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 605-625. |
100609 | The interpretation and application of Article 13(1) b) of the Hague Child Abduction Convention in cases involving domestic violence: Revisiting X v Latvia and the principle of effective examination/Onyoja Momoh.- Journal of Private International Law. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 626-657. |
100610 | Regulation, global governance and private international law: squaring the triangle/Matthias Lehmann.- Journal of Private International Law. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 1-30. |
100611 | Moving towards harmonisation in the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgment rules in Asia/Adeline Chong.- Journal of Private International Law. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 31-68. |
100612 | Re-enfranchising the investor of intermediated securities/Maisie Ooi.- Journal of Private International Law. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 69-111. |
100613 | Legislative inaction and judicial legislation under the Ethiopian private international law regime: an analysis of selected decisions of the Federal Supreme Court’s Cassation Division/Mekuria Tsegaye Setegn.- Journal of Private International Law. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 112-137. |
100614 | Choice of law for surrogacy agreements: in the in-between of status and contract/Sharon Shakargy.- Journal of Private International Law. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 138-162. |
100615 | Dimensions of coherence in EU conflict-of-law rules/Felix M. Wilke.- Journal of Private International Law. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 163-188. |
100616 | International commercial litigation in English-speaking Africa: a critical review/Chukwuma Samuel Adesina Okoli.- Journal of Private International Law. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 189-203. |
100617 | The Hague 2019 Judgments Convention – from failure to success?/Peter Arnt Nielsen.- Journal of Private International Law. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 205-246. |
100618 | The Hague Jurisdiction Project – what options for The Hague Conference?/Eva Jueptner.- Journal of Private International Law. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 247-274. |
100619 | Enforcement of mediation settlement agreements in the EU and the need for reform/Haris P. Meidanis.- Journal of Private International Law. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 275-299. |
100620 | Choice of court agreements and derogation from competition law/Kazuaki Nishioka.- Journal of Private International Law. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 300-319. |
100621 | Concurrent liabilities and jurisdiction over individual contracts of employment under the Brussels Ia Regulation/Michiel Poesen.- Journal of Private International Law. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 320-333. |
100622 | The EU Succession Regulation and forced heirship: a potential violation of German public policy?/Dorota Miler.- Journal of Private International Law. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 334-349. |
100623 | Hayk Kupelyants on sovereign defaults before domestic courts/Matthias Lehmann.- Journal of Private International Law. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 350-359. |