تازههای مقالات خارجی بهمنماه 97
NO. |
65862 | The Blurred Blue Line: Reform In An Era Of Public And Private Policing/Seth W. Stoughton.- American journal of criminal law. 2017; Vol.2: p. 117-156. | |
65863 | State v. Brelo and the Problem of Actual Causation/Ben Gifford.- American journal of criminal law. 2017; Vol.2: p. 157-186. | |
65864 | The Co-Production of Security in the United States and France/Thierry Delpeuch, Jacqueline E. Ross.- American journal of criminal law. 2017; Vol.2: p. 187-216. | |
65865 | Healthcare’s Ticking Time Bomb: The 60-Day Rule and Kane/Vincent A. Recca.- American journal of criminal law. 2017; Vol.2: p. 239-252. | |
65866 | Changing Tack in the Night: The Supreme Court s Misapplication of Katz/Ari Herbert.- American journal of criminal law. 2017; Vol.2: p. 253-260. | |
65867 | Med-Arb: How To Mitigate the Risk of Setting Aside or Refusal of Recognition and Enforcement of a Med-Arb Award/Sarah Benzidi.- American Journal of Mediation. 2017; Vol.10: p. 1-36. | |
65868 | The Past, Present, and Future of the Doctrine of Manifest Disregard/Carl Mudd.- American Journal of Mediation. 2017; Vol.10: p. 1-24. | |
65869 | ADR That is Out of This World/George Khoukaz.- American Journal of Mediation. 2017; Vol.10: p. 1-21. | |
65870 | Early Non-Military Intervention to Prevent Atrocity Crimes/Sarah Lesser.- American Journal of Mediation. 2017; Vol.10: p. 1-39. | |
65871 | Victim Offender Mediation – A Case Study and Argument for Expansion to Crimes of Violence/Bhavya Mahajan.- American Journal of Mediation. 2017; Vol.10: p. 1-25. | |
65872 | Independent Contractors or Employees? Why Mediation Can Help UBER and its Drivers Solve the Mystery of How to Define Working Individuals in a Sharing Economy Business Model/Ethan Rubin.- American Journal of Mediation. 2017; Vol.10: p. 1-32. | |
65873 | Iran: The Formation of Trans Identity and Possible Paths Toward the Acceptance of Greater Gender Deviance/Sohayl Vafai.- Berkeley Journal of Middle Eastern & Islamic Law. 2018; Vol.9, No.1: p. 1-33. | |
65874 | An Estoppel Doctrine for Patented Standards/Robert P. Merges, Jeffrey M. Kuhn.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.1: p. 1-50. | |
65875 | Should Greenhouse Gas Permits Be Allocated on a Per Capita Basis?/Eric A. Posner, Cass R. Sunstein.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.1: p. 51-94. | |
65876 | The Federal Courts as a Franchise: Rethinking the Justifications for Federal Question Jurisdiction/Gil Seinfeld.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.1: p. 95-160. | |
65877 | No Way Out: An Analysis of Exit Processes for Gang Injunctions/Lindsay Crawford.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.1: p. 161-194. | |
65878 | Enterprise Liability: Reviewing and Revitalizing Liability for Corporate Groups/Meredith Dearborn.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.1: p. 195-261. | |
65879 | Against Moral Rights/Amy M. Adler.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.1: p. 263-301. | |
65880 | The Perilous Dialogue/Laura K. Donohue.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.2: p. 357-392. | |
65881 | Philosophy and the Politics of Unreason/Paul W. Kahn.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.2: p. 393-405. | |
65882 | Warrantless Wiretapping, FISA Reform, and the Lessons of Public Liberty: A Comment on Holmes s Jorde Lecture/Paul M. Schwartz.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.2: p. 407-432. | |
65883 | Citizenship, Organizational Citizenship, and the Laws of Overlapping Obligations/Orly Lobel.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.2: p. 433-499. | |
65884 | Experimentation on Prisoners: Persistent Dilemmas in Rights and Regulations/Keramet Reiter.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.2: p. 501-566. | |
65885 | Enforcing Nonenforcement: Countering the Threat Posed to Sanctuary Laws by the Inclusion of Immigration Records in the National Crime Information Center Database/Laura Sullivan.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.2: p. 567-600. | |
65886 | Respect and Resistance in Punishment Theory/Alice Ristroph.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.2: p. 601-632. | |
65887 | Yellow by Law/Devon W. Carbado.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.2: p. 633-692. | |
65888 | Out of the Shadows: Preventive Detention, Suspected Terrorists, and War/David Cole.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.2: p. 693-750. | |
65889 | A Tale of Two Lochners: The Untold History of Substantive Due Process and the Idea of Fundamental Rights/Victoria F. Nourse.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.2: p. 751-799. | |
65890 | Ideology and Exceptionalism in Intellectual Property: An Empirical Study/Matthew Sag, Tonja Jacobi, Maxim Sytch.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.2: p. 801-856. | |
65891 | Lessons from Punjab s Missing Girls: Toward a Global Feminist Perspective on Choice in Abortion/Mallika Kaur Sarkaria.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.2: p. 905-942. | |
65892 | Rational Ignorance, Rational Closed- Mindedness, and Modern Economic Formalism in Contract Law/Shawn J. Bayern.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.2: p. 943-973. | |
65893 | Constitutional Constraints/Richard H. Fallon.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.4: p. 975-1037. | |
65894 | Judging Journalism: The Turn Toward Privacy and Judicial Regulation of the Press/Amy Gajda.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.4: p. 1039-1105. | |
65895 | What’s Wrong with Victims Rights in Juvenile Court?: Retributive Versus Rehabilitative Systems of Justice/Kristin Henning.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.4: p. 1107-1170. | |
65896 | Courting Genocide: The Unintended Effects of Humanitarian Intervention/Jide Nzelibe.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.4: p. 1171-1218. | |
65897 | The Guantanamo Game: A Public Choice Perspective on Judicial Review in Wartime/Josh Benson.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.4: p. 1219-1277. | |
65898 | Defrauding the American Dream: Predatory Lending in Latino Communities and Reform of California s Lending Law/Nicole Lutes Fuentes.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.4: p. 1279-1335. | |
65899 | Headwinds to a Clean Energy Future: Nuisance Suits Against Wind Energy Projects in the United States/Stephen Harland Butler.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.5: p. 1337-1375. | |
65900 | Capital Crime: How Californias Administration of the Death Penalty Violates the Eighth Amendment/Sara Colon.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.5: p. 1377-1417. | |
65901 | Full Faith and Credit for Status Records: A Reconsideration of Gardiner/Shawn Gebhardt.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.5: p. 1419-1457. | |
65902 | Accountability for Private Military Contractors Under the Alien Tort Statute/Jenny S. Lam.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.5: p. 1459-1499. | |
65903 | Criminal Lying, Prosecutorial Power, and Social Meaning/Lisa Kern Griffin.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.6: p. 1515-1570. | |
65904 | Judicial Opinions as Public Rhetoric/Erwin Chemerinsky.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.6: p. 1763-1784. | |
65905 | The Marriage Cases Reversing the Burden of Inertia in a Pluralist Constitutional Democracy/William N. Eskridge.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.6: p. 1785-1852. | |
65906 | Achieving Impartiality in State Courts/Chief Justice Ronald M. George.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.6: p. 1853-1865. | |
65907 | North Coast Women’s Care: California’s Still-Undefined Standard for Protecting Religious Freedom/Sumeet Ajmani.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.6: p. 1867-1876. | |
65908 | In re Bay-Delta: CEQA Decision Adds Certainty to Water Planning/Jeremy Brown.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.6: p. 1877- 1885. | |
65909 | In re Lawrence: Preserving the Possibility of Parole for California Prisoners/Joey Hipolito.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.6: p. 1887-1897. | |
65910 | Silicon Valley Taxpayers Association: Local Voters, State Propositions, and the Fate of Property Assessments/Michael J. McCarthy.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.6: p. 1899-1908. | |
65911 | Rico v. Mitsubishi :The Inadvertent Disclosureof California’s Flawed Work Product Doctrine/Mark Rumold.- California Law Review. 2009; Vol.97, No.6: p. 1909-1917. | |
65912 | A Structural Vision of Habeas Corpus/Eve Brensike Primus.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.1: p. 1-57. | |
65913 | Climate Change, Dead Zones, and Massive Problems in the Administrative State: A Guide for Whittling Away/J.B. Ruhl, James Salzman.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.1: p. 59-120. | |
65914 | Teachable Moments: The Use of Child-Centered Arguments in the Same-Sex Marriage Debate/Ruth Butterfield Isaacson.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.1: p. 121-157. | |
65915 | Immigration and Abduction: The Relevance of U.S. Immigration Status to Defenses Under the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction/Catherine Norris.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.1: p. 159-195. | |
65916 | Autonomy, Imperfect Consent, and Polygamist Sex Rights Claims/Jacob Richards.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.1: p. 197-243. | |
65917 | The Dual Lives of Rights: The Rhetoric and Practice of Rights in America/J. Harvie Wilkinson III.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.2: p. 277-326. | |
65918 | Post-American Securities Regulation/Chris Brummer.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.2: p. 327-383. | |
65919 | Compensating for Executive Compensation: The Case for Gatekeeper Incentive Pay/Sharon Hannes.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.2: p. 385-437. | |
65920 | Supplementing the DSHEA: Congress Must Invest the FDA with Greater Regulatory Authority over Nutraceutical Manufacturers by Amending the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act/Rahi Azizi.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.2: p. 439-479. | |
65921 | Assembly-Line Justice: A Review of Operation Streamline/Joanna Jacobbi Lydgate.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.2: p. 481-544. | |
65922 | Finding a Common Yardstick: Implementing a National Student Assessment and School Accountability Plan Through State-Federal Collaboration/Marc Pilotin.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.2: p. 545-574. | |
65923 | The Filipino Veterans Equity Movement: A Case Study in Reparations Theory/Antonio Raimundo.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.2: p. 575-623. | |
65924 | What Does Richard Posner Know About How Judges Think?/Craig Green.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.2: p. 625-666. | |
65925 | A Right to Marry?/Martha C. Nussbaum.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.3: p. 667-696. | |
65926 | Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off: Can States Abolish the Institution of Marriage?/Pamela S. Karlan.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.3: p. 697-707. | |
65927 | Response to Martha Nussbaum/Michael Warner.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.3: p. 721-729. | |
65928 | Preventing State Budget Crises: Managing the Fiscal Volatility Problem/David Gamage.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.3: p. 749-811. | |
65929 | How Not to Lie with Judicial Votes: Misconceptions, Measurement, and Models/Daniel E. Ho, Kevin M. Quinn.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.3: p. 813-876. | |
65930 | The Inevitability of Theory/Richard Lempert.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.3: p.877-906. | |
65931 | Bentham on Stilts: The Bare Relevance of Subjectivity to Retributive Justice/Dan Markel, Chad Flanders.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.3: p. 907-988. | |
65932 | Forgotten at Guantanamo: The Boumediene Decision and Its Implications for Refugees at the Base Under the Obama Administration/Sonia R. Farber.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.3: p. 989-1022. | |
65933 | Post-Racial Racism: Racial Stratification and Mass Incarceration in the Age of Obama/Ian F. Haney Lopez.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.3: p. 1023-1073. | |
65934 | Election Administration Reform and the New Institutionalism/Heather K. Gerken, Richard L. Hasen.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.3: p. 1075-1100. | |
65935 | A Final Toast to My Network/Philip P. Frickey.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.4: p. 1101-1109. | |
65936 | Practical Reason and the Scholarship of Philip P. Frickey/Daniel A. Farber.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.4: p. 1111-1131. | |
65937 | Indian Water Rights, Practical Reasoning, and Negotiated Settlements/Robert T. Anderson.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.4: p. 1133-1163. | |
65938 | Reconciling Equal Protection and Federal Indian Law/Bethany R. Berger.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.4: p. 1165-1197. | |
65939 | Canon Shortfalls and the Virtues of Political Branch Interpretive Assets/James J. Brudney.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.4: p. 1199-1233. | |
65940 | The California Proposition 8 Case: What Is a Constitution For?/William N. Eskridge.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.4: p. 1235-1252. | |
65941 | The Last Indian Raid in Kansas: Context, Colonialism, and Philip P. Frickeys Contributions to American Indian Law/Sarah Krakoff.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.4: p. 1253-1285. | |
65942 | Theorizing Disagreement: Reconceiving the Relationship Between Law and Politics/Robert Post.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.4: p. 1319-1350. | |
65943 | The Continuity of Statutory and Constitutional Interpretation: An Essay for Phil Frickey/Ernest A. Young.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.4: p. 1371-1392. | |
65944 | Full Faith and Credit in Cross-Jurisdictional Recognition of Tribal Court Decisions Revisited/Craig Smith.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.4: p. 1393-1436. | |
65945 | Retribution and the Experience of Punishment/John Bronsteen, Christopher Buccafusco, Christopher Buccafusco.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.5: p. 1463-1496. | |
65946 | A Remedy for Every Right: What Federal Courts Can Learn from California’s Taxpayer Standing/Anne Abramowitz.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.5: p. 1595-1629. | |
65947 | Law, War, and the History of Time/Mary L. Dudziak.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.5: p. 1669-1709. | |
65948 | Privacy Torts: Unreliable Remedies for LGBT Plaintiffs/Anita L. Allen.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.6: p. 1711-1764. | |
65949 | Beyond Privacy, Beyond Rights Toward a Systems Theory of Information Governance/Viktor Mayer-Schonberger.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.6: p. 1853-1885. | |
65950 | Prosser’s Privacy Law: A Mixed Legacy/Neil M. Richards, Daniel J. Solove.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.6: p. 1887-1924. | |
65951 | Prosser’s Privacy and the German Right of Personality: Are Four Privacy Torts Better than One Unitary Concept?/Paul M. Schwartz, Karl-Nikolaus Peifer.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.6: p. 1925-1987. | |
65952 | Privacy An Endless Debate/Spiros Simitis.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.6: p. 1989-2005. | |
65953 | Reunifying Privacy Law/Lior Jacob Strahilevitz.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.6: p. 2007-2048. | |
65954 | Cracks in the Foundation of Federal Law: Ameliorating the Ongoing Mortgage Foreclosure Crisis Through Broader Predatory Lending Relief and Deterrence/Katherine M. Lehe.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.6: p. 2049-2091. | |
65955 | Sex Offender Civil Commitment: The Treatment Paradox/Jeslyn A. Miller.- California Law Review. 2010; Vol.98, No.6: p. 2093-2128. | |
65956 | Googling Freedom/Anupam Chander.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.1: p. 1-45. | |
65957 | Recognizing Constitutional Rights at Sentencing/Carissa Byrne Hessick, F. Andrew Hessick.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.1: p. 47-94. | |
65958 | Fixing Failed States/John Yoo.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.1: p. 95-150. | |
65959 | Rethinking Miranda: The Post-Arrest Right to Silence/Stephen Rushin.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.1: p. 151-178. | |
65960 | Left Out at Sea: Highly Migratory Fish and the Endangered Species Act/Taiga Takahashi.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.1: p. 179-233. | |
65961 | Regulatory Fictions: On Marriage and Countermarriage/Elizabeth F. Emens.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.1: p. 235-272. | |
65962 | Why the Center Does Not Hold: The Causes of Hyperpolarized Democracy in America/Richard H. Pildes.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.2: p. 273-333. | |
65963 | Debating the Causes of Party Polarization in America/Paul Frymer.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.2: p. 335-349. | |
65964 | What Pildes Missed: The Framers, the True Impact of the Voting Rights Act, and the Far Right/David M. Kennedy.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.2: p. 351-357. | |
65965 | The Limits of Electoral and Legislative Reform in Addressing Polarization/Nolan M. McCarty.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.2: p. 359-371. | |
65966 | Moderation and Coherence in American Democracy/Michael W. McConnell.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.2: p. 373-388. | |
65967 | The Rise and Fall of the Implied Warranty of Habitability/David A. Super.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.2: p. 389-463. | |
65968 | Reassessing the Role of the National Research Council: Peer Review, Political Tool, or Science Court?/Ian Fein.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.2: p. 465-555. | |
65969 | Maintaining Healthy Laboratories of Experimentation: Federalism, Health Care Reform, and ERISA/Michael Serota, Michelle Singer.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.2: p. 557-604. | |
65970 | Beyond Experience: Getting Retributive Justice Right/Dan Markel, Chad Flanders, David Gray.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.2: p. 605-628. | |
65971 | The Persistent Cultural Script of Judicial Dispassion/Terry A. Maroney.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.2: p. 629-681. | |
65972 | On the Meaning of Horizontal Agreements in Competition Law/Louis Kaplow.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.3: p. 683-818. | |
65973 | Structuring a Sustainable Letters of Marque Regime: How Commissioning Privateers Can Defeat the Somali Pirates/Todd Emerson Hutchins.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.3: p. 819-884. | |
65974 | People v. Robinson: Developments and Problems in the Use of John Doe DNA Arrest Warrants/Micah Sucherman.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.3: p. 885-913. | |
65975 | Fact and Fiction About Facial Challenges/Richard H. Fallon.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.4: p. 915-974. | |
65976 | Federalism and the Taxing Power/Ruth Mason.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.4: p. 975-1035. | |
65977 | Tent Cities: An Interim Solution to Homelessness and Affordable Housing Shortages in the United States/Zoe Loftus-Farren.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.4: p. 1037-1081. | |
65978 | The Power of Procedure: The Critical Role of Minority Intervention in the Wake of Ricci v. DeStefano/Joanne Villanueva.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.4: p. 1083-1115. | |
65979 | Regulating the Plea-Bargaining Market: From Caveat Emptor to Consumer Protection/Stephanos Bibas.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.4: p. 1117-1161. | |
65980 | Masculinity as Prison: Sexual Identity, Race, and Incarceration/Russell K. Robinson.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.5: p. 1309-1408. | |
65981 | Tribal Control in Federal Sentencing/Emily Tredeau.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.5: p. 1409-1437. | |
65982 | Hybridizing Jurisdiction/Scott Dodson.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.6: p. 1439-1484. | |
65983 | Emotional Regulation and Judicial Behavior/Terry A. Maroney.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.6: p. 1485-1555. | |
65984 | Climate Regulation and the Limits of Cost-Benefit Analysis/Jonathan S. Masur, Eric A. Posner.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.6: p. 1557-1599. | |
65985 | Debt Collection in the Information Age: New Technologies and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act/Colin Hector.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.6: p. 1601-1633. | |
65986 | Moving the Virtual Border to the Cellular Level: Mandatory DNA Testing and the U.S. Refugee Family Reunification Program/Emily Holland.- California Law Review. 2011; Vol.99, No.6: p. 1635-1682. | |
65987 | Why Party Democrats Need Popular Democracy and Popular Democrats Need Parties/Ethan J. Leib, Christopher S. Elmendorf.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.1: p. 69-113. | |
65988 | Rules, Principles, and the Competition to Enforce the Securities Laws/James J. Park.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.1: p. 115-181. | |
65989 | The Uneven Bulwark: How (and Why) Criminal Jury Trial Rates Vary by State/T. Ward Frampton.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.1: p. 183-222. | |
65990 | The Birth of Death: Stillborn Birth Certificates and the Problem for Law/Carol Sanger.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.1: p. 269-311. | |
65991 | Fiat Flux: Evolving Purposes and Ideals of the Great American Public Law School/Christopher Edley.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.2: p. 313-330. | |
65992 | John Yoo’s War Powers: The Law Review and the World/Janet Cooper Alexander.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.2: p. 331-364. | |
65993 | Sprawl’s Shepherd: The Rural County/Michelle Wilde Anderson.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.2: p. 365-380. | |
65994 | Feminist Legal Scholarship: A History Through the Lens of the California Law Review/Katharine T. Bartlett.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.2: p. 381-429. | |
65995 | Centennial Reflections on the California Law Review’s Scholarship on Race: The Structure of Civil Rights Thought/Richard Delgado.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.2: p. 431-462. | |
65996 | Contracting Around Liability Rules/Mark A. Lemley.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.2: p. 436-486. | |
65997 | Justice Breyer, Professor Kahn, and Antitrust Enforcement in Regulated Industries/Howard A. Shelanski.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.2: p. 418-517. | |
65998 | The Rise and Fall of Judicial Self-Restraint/Richard A. Posner.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.3: p. 519-556. | |
65999 | Was There Ever Such a Thing as Judicial Self-Restraint?/Lee Epstein, William M. Landes.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.3: p. 557-577. | |
66000 | When Was Judicial Self-Restraint?/Aziz Z. Huq.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.3: p. 579-605. | |
66001 | The Transformation of Judicial Self-Restraint/Pamela S. Karlan.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.3: p. 607-619. | |
66002 | Judicial Supremacy and the End of Judicial Restraint/Larry D. Kramer.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.3: p. 621-634. | |
66003 | Information Lost and Found/Frederic M. Bloom.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.3: p. 635-690. | |
66004 | Anticipating and Reducing the Unfairness of Monsanto’s Inadvertent Infringement Lawsuits: A Proposal to Import Copyright Law’s Notice-and-Takedown Regime into the Seed Patent Context/Michelle Ma.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.3: p. 691-720. | |
66005 | Birth Control Sabotage as Domestic Violence: A Legal Response/Shane M. Trawick.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.3: p. 721-760. | |
66006 | Rights To and Not To/Joseph Blocher.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.4: p. 761-815. | |
66007 | The Law of Cyber-Attack/Oona A. Hathaway …[et all.].- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.4: p. 817-885. | |
66008 | Structural Constitutionalism as Counterterrorism/Aziz Z. Huq.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.4: p. 887-949. | |
66009 | Coerced Debt: The Role of Consumer Credit in Domestic Violence/Angela Littwin.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.4: p. 951-1026. | |
66010 | Shariah and Citizenship How Islamophobia Is Creating a Second-Class Citizenry in America/Yaser Ali.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.4: p. 1027-1068. | |
66011 | How Jewish Laws of Resistance Can Aid Religious Freedom Laws/Daniel Kazhdan.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.4: p. 1069-1100. | |
66012 | The Constitutional Conservatism of the Warren Court/Justin Driver.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.5: p. 1101-1168. | |
66013 | Marriage Inequality: Same-Sex Relationships, Religious Exemptions, and the Production of Sexual Orientation Discrimination/Douglas NeJaime.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.5: p. 1169-1238. | |
66014 | Punishing Pregnancy: Race, Incarceration, and the Shackling of Pregnant Prisoners/Priscilla A. Ocen.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.5: p. 1239-1311. | |
66015 | The Plasticity of Harm in the Service of Criminalization Goals/Avani Mehta Sood, John M. Darley.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.5: p. 1313-1358. | |
66016 | Regulating the Social Pollution of Systemic Discrimination Caused by Implicit Bias/L. Elizabeth Sarine.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.5: p. 1359-1399. | |
66017 | Introducing Abusive: A New and Improved Standard for Consumer Protection/Rebecca Schonberg.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.5: p. 1401-1443. | |
66018 | When to Hold, When to Fold, and When to Reshuffle: The Art of Decisionmaking on a Multi-Member Court/Diane P. Wood.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.6: p. 1445-1477. | |
66019 | Dissent Dissentals and Decision Making/Marsha S. Berzon.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.6: p. 1479-1492. | |
66020 | The Academic Study of Decision Making on Multimember Courts/Kevin M. Quinn.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.6: p. 1493-1501. | |
66021 | Transcending the Tacit Dimension: Patents, Relationships, and Organizational Integration in Technology Transfer/Peter Lee.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.6: p. 1503-1572. | |
66022 | Crimes, Widgets, and Plea Bargaining: An Analysis of Charge Content, Pleas, and Trials/Kyle Graham.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.6: p. 1573-1630. | |
66023 | Rape Trauma, the State, and the Art of Tracey Emin/Yxta Maya Murray.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.6: p. 1631-1710. | |
66024 | Bivens’s Revisions: Constitutional Torts After Minneci v. Pollard/T. Ward Frampton.- California Law Review. 2012; Vol.100, No.6: p. 1711-1744. | |
66025 | The Case for Online Obscurity/Woodrow Hartzog, Frederic Stutzman.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.1: p. 1-49. | |
66026 | The Borat Problem in Negotiation: Fraud, Assent, and the Behavioral Law and Economics of Standard Form Contracts/Russell Korobkin.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.1: p. 51-106. | |
66027 | Pirates vs. Private Security: Commercial Shipping, the Montreux Document, and the Battle for the Gulf of Aden/Joel Christopher Coito.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.1: p. 173-226. | |
66028 | Reining in Lincoln’s Law: A Call to Limit the Implied Certification Theory of Liability Under the False Claims Act/Christopher L. Martin.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.1: p. 227-275. | |
66029 | Property’s Constitution/James Y. Stern.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.2: p. 277-326. | |
66030 | From Independence to Politics in Financial Regulation/Stavros Gadinis.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.2: p. 327-406. | |
66031 | Citizen Spouse/Kerry Abrams.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.2: p. 407-444. | |
66032 | Law and Local Activism: Uncovering the Civil Rights History of Chambers v. Mississippi/Emily Prifogle.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.2: p. 445-519. | |
66033 | Financial Conflicts of Interest and the Funding of New Orleans’s Criminal Courts/Micah West.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.2: p. 521-552. | |
66034 | De Facto Immigration Courts/Stephen Lee.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.3: p. 553-608. | |
66035 | Innocence Interrupted: Reconstructing Fatherhood in the Shadow of Child Molestation Law/Camille Gear Rich.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.3: p. 609-698. | |
66036 | A Fiduciary Theory of Judging/Ethan J. Leib, David L. Ponet, Michael Serota.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.3: p. 693-753. | |
66037 | Why Treaties Can Abrogate State Sovereign Immunity: Applying Central Virginia Community College v. Katz to the Treaty Power/Philip Tassin.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.3: p. 755-812. | |
66038 | Bodies and Bureaucracy: Legal Sex Classification and Marriage-Based Immigration for Trans People/Olga Tomchin.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.3: p. 813-862. | |
66039 | Sham Constitutions/David S. Law, Mila Versteeg.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.4: p. 863-952. | |
66040 | Negligent Misrepresentation as Contract/Mark P. Gergen.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.4: p. 953-1011. | |
66041 | Immigration, Asylum, and Citizenship: A More Holistic Approach/Julian Lim.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.4: p. 1013-1077. | |
66042 | Navigating Jus Ad Bellum in the Age of Cyber Warfare/Reese Nguyen.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.4: p. 1079-1129. | |
66043 | Rousing the Sleeping Giant: Administrative Enforcement of Title VI and New Routes to Equity in Transit Planning/Jerett Yan.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.4: p. 1131-1183. | |
66044 | Appellate Review of Social Facts in Constitutional Rights Cases/Caitlin E. Borgmann.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.5: p. 1185-1248. | |
66045 | Sticky Slopes/David Schraub.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.5: p. 1249-1313. | |
66046 | Intellectual Property Doctrine and Midlevel Principles/David H. Blankfein-Tabachnick.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.5: p. 1315-1359. | |
66047 | Foundations and Principles Redux: A Reply to Professor Blankfein-Tabachnick/Robert P. Merges.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.5: p. 1361-1386. | |
66048 | Equity’s New Frontier: Receiverships in Indian Country/Ziwei Hu.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.5: p. 1387-1436. | |
66049 | Racial Dimensions of Property Value Protection Under the Fair Housing Act/Swati Prakash.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.5: p. 1437-1497. | |
66050 | Beyond Uniqueness: Reimagining Tribal Courts’ Jurisdiction/Katherine Florey.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.6: p. 1499-1564. | |
66051 | Democracy and Renewed Distrust: Equal Protection and the Evolving Judicial Conception of Politics/Bertrall L. Ross II.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.6: p. 1565-1640. | |
66052 | Clearinghouse Overconfidence/Mark J. Roe.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.6: p. 1641-1703. | |
66053 | Gandhi and Copyright Pragmatism/Shyamkrishna Balganesh.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.6: p. 1705-1762. | |
66054 | Unless and Until It Proves To Be Necessary: Applying Water Interest To Prevent Unjust Enrichment in Interstate Water Disputes/Chad O. Dorr.- California Law Review. 2013; Vol.101, No.6: p. 1763-1817. | |
66055 | What an Originalist Would Understand Corruption to Mean/Lawrence Lessig.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.1: p. 1-24. | |
66056 | Corruption Temptation/Guy-Uriel E. Charles.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.1: p. 25-36. | |
66057 | Is Dependence Corruption the Solution to America’s Campaign Finance Problems?/Bruce E. Cain.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.1: p. 37-47. | |
66058 | Recruiting Terrorism Informants: The Problems with Immigration Incentives and the S-6 Visa/Emily Stabile.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.1: p. 235-276. | |
66059 | Using Fee Shifting to Promote Fair Use and Fair Licensing/Peter S. Menell, Ben Depoorter.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.2: p. 53-85. | |
66060 | Before Marriage: The Unexplored History of Nonmarital Recognition and Its Relationship to Marriage/Douglas NeJaime.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.2: p. 87-172. | |
66061 | Indigenous Peoples and the Jurisgenerative Moment in Human Rights/Kristen A. Carpenter, Angela R. Riley.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.2: p. 173-234. | |
66062 | Temporary Constitutions/Ozan O. Varol.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.2: p. 409-464. | |
66063 | Indescendibility/David Horton.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.3: p. 543-601. | |
66064 | Human Rights Backsliding/Andrew T. Guzman, Katerina Linos.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.3: p. 603-654. | |
66065 | Smooth and Bumpy Laws/Adam J. Kolber.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.3: p. 655-690. | |
66066 | An Ad Hoc Rationalization of Employer Wrongdoing: The Dangers of the After-Acquired Evidence Defense/Joseph Spadola.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.3: p. 691-727. | |
66067 | Drones and Jones: The Fourth Amendment and Police Discretion in the Digital Age/Andrew B. Talai.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.3: p. 729-780. | |
66068 | Fetal Protection Laws: Moral Panic and the New Constitutional Battlefront/Michele Goodwin.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.4: p. 781-875. | |
66069 | Reconciling Personal Information in the United States and European Union/Paul M. Schwartz, Daniel J. Solove.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.4: p. 877-916. | |
66070 | Finding a Path Through the Political Thicket: In Defense of Partisan Gerrymandering’s Justiciability/Easha Anand.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.4: p. 917-970. | |
66071 | Juggling Rights and Utility: A Legal and Philosophical Framework for Analyzing Same-Sex Marriage in the Wake of United States v. Windsor/Chris Bower.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.4: p. 971-1013. | |
66072 | Angela Harris: The Person, the Teacher, the Scholar/Rachel F. Moran.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.4: p. 1015-1026. | |
66073 | Angela Harris and the Racial Politics of Masculinity: Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman, and the Dilemmas of Desiring Whiteness/Camille Gear Rich.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.4: p. 1027-1052. | |
66074 | Juggling Rights and Utility: A Legal and Philosophical Framework for Analyzing Same-Sex Marriage in the Wake of United States v. Windsor/Chris Bower.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.4: p. 971-1013. | |
66075 | Too Much Information: How Not to Think About Privacy and the Fourth Amendment/David Alan Sklansky.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.5: p. 1069-1121. | |
66076 | The Geography of Racial Stereotyping: Evidence and Implications for VRA Preclearance After Shelby County/Christopher S. Elmendorf, Douglas M. Spencer.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.5: p. 1123-1180. | |
66077 | Citizens of Empire: Puerto Rico, Status, and Constitutional Change/Sam Erman.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.5: p. 181-1241. | |
66078 | Undoing Race? Reconciling Multiracial Identity with Equal Protection/Lauren Sudeall Lucas.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.5: p. 1243-1301. | |
66079 | Equality with Exceptions? Recovering Lawrence’s Central Holding/Anna K. Christensen.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.5: p. 1337-1368. | |
66080 | The Limits of Quantification/Cass R. Sunstein.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.6: p. 1369-1421. | |
66081 | Quantifying Regulatory Benefits/Richard L. Revesz.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.6: p. 1423-1456. | |
66082 | Quality Control: A Reply to Professor Sunstein/Lisa Heinzerling.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.6: p. 1457-1467. | |
66083 | Breaking Bad? The Uneasy Case for Regulatory Breakeven Analysis/Daniel A. Farber.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.6: p. 1469-1493. | |
66084 | Chronicle of a Death Foretold: The Future of U.S. Human Rights Litigation Post-Kiobel/Roxanna Altholz.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.6: p. 1495-1552. | |
66085 | Regulating Sexual Harm: Strangers, Intimates, and Social Institutional Reform/Allegra M. McLeod.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.6: p. 1553-1621. | |
66086 | Gaming Sovereignty? A Plea for Protecting Worker’s Rights While Preserving Tribal Sovereignty/Jonathan Guss.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.6: p. 1623-1669. | |
66087 | Starving the Vultures: NML Capital v. Republic of Argentina and Solutions to the Problem of Distressed-Debt Funds/John Muse-Fisher.- California Law Review. 2014; Vol.102, No.6: p. 1671-1725. | |
66088 | Taxing the Cloud/Orly Mazur.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.1: p. 1-65. | |
66089 | Offer and Acceptance in Modern Contract Law: A Needless Concept/Shawn J. Bayern.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.1: p. 67-101. | |
66090 | For the General Welfare: Finding a Limit on the Taxing Power after NFIB v. Sebelius/Jonathan S. Sidhu.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.1: p. 103-139. | |
66091 | From Ladies First to Asking for It: Benevolent Sexism in the Maintenance of Rape Culture/Courtney Fraser.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.1: p. 141-203. | |
66092 | Second-Order Regulation of Law Enforcement/John Rappaport.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.2: p. 205-272. | |
66093 | A Provocative Defense/Aya Gruber.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.2: p. 273-333. | |
66094 | Constitutionalism and the Foundations of the Security State/Aziz Rana.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.2: p. 335-385. | |
66095 | Placing a Limiting Principle on Federal Monetary Influence of Tribes/Cody McBride.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.2: p. 387-431. | |
66096 | Designing for Robustness: Overcoming Systemic Risk in the Political Branches/Will Schildknecht.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.2: p. 433-466. | |
66097 | Inexcusable Wrongs/John C.P. Goldberg.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.3: p. 467-512. | |
66098 | Robotics and the Lessons of Cyberlaw/Ryan Calo.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.3: p. 513-563. | |
66099 | Disciplined Devolution and the New Education Federalism/Martin A. Kurzweil.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.3: p. 565-633. | |
66100 | Habeas Corpus and the American Revolution/Amanda L. Tyler.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.3: p. 635-698. | |
66101 | Circumventing Concepcion: Conceptualizing Innovative Strategies to Ensure the Enforcement of Consumer Protection Laws in the Age of the Inviolable Class Action Waiver/Aaron Blumenthal.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.3: p. 699-745. | |
66102 | Identity and Form/Jessica A. Clarke.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.4: p. 747-838. | |
66103 | The Uneasy Case for Marijuana as Chemical Impairment Under a Science- Based Jurisprudence of Dangerousness/Andrea Roth.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.4: p. 841-917. | |
66104 | Don’t Ask, Must Tell And Other Combinations/Adam M. Samaha, Lior Jacob Strahilevitz.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.4: p. 919-987. | |
66105 | An Alternative View of Immigrant Exceptionalism, Particularly As It Relates to Blacks: A Response to Chua and Rubenfeld/Eleanor Marie Lawrence Brown.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.4: p. 989-1017. | |
66106 | When Neurogenetics Hurts: Examining the Use of Neuroscience and Genetic Evidence in Sentencing Decisions Through Implicit Bias/John Pyun.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.4: p. 1019-1045. | |
66107 | The Other War at Home: Chronic Nuisance Laws and the Revictimization of Survivors of Domestic Violence/Anna Kastner.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.4: p. 1047-1079. | |
66108 | Waiving Disqualification: When Do Securities Violators Receive a Reprieve?/Urska Velikonja.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.5: p. 1081-1037. | |
66109 | Stare Decisis in the Second-Best World/Randy J. Kozel.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.5: p. 1139-1193. | |
66110 | Regulating Sex Work: Erotic Assimilationism, Erotic Exceptionalism, and the Challenge of Intimate Labor/Adrienne D. Davis.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.5: p. 1195-1275. | |
66111 | Marital Supremacy and the Constitution of the Nonmarital Family/Serena Mayeri.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.5: p. 1277-1352. | |
66112 | Recovery and Preemption: The Collision of the Medicare Secondary Payer Act and the Medical Device Amendments/George Horvath.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.5: p. 1353-1403. | |
66113 | Toxic Spring: The Capriciousness of Cost-Benefit Analysis Under FIFRA’s Pesticide Registration Process and Its Effect on Farmworkers/Danica Li.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.5: p. 1405-1447. | |
66114 | Naturalizing Immigration Imprisonment/Cesar Cuauhtemoc Garcia Hernandez.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.6: p. 1449-1514. | |
66115 | The Fair Market Value of Public Resources/Bruce R. Huber.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.6: p. 1515-1559. | |
66116 | Student Debt and Higher Education Risk/Jonathan D. Glater.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.6: p. 1561-1614. | |
66117 | Forgiveness, Law, and Justice/Martha Minow.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.6: p. 1615-1645. | |
66118 | Seeking Emotional Ends with Legal Means/Kathryn Abrams.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.6: p. 1657-1678. | |
66119 | The Difficulties of Democratic Mercy/Aziz Z. Huq.- California Law Review. 2015; Vol.103, No.6: p. 1679-1701. | |
66120 | The Same-Actor Inference of Nondiscrimination: Moral Credentialing and the Psychological and Legal Licensing of Bias/Victor D. Quintanilla, Cheryl R. Kaiser.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.1: p. 1-[74]. | |
66121 | The Constitutional Challenge to Teacher Tenure/Derek W. Black.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.1: p. 75-148. | |
66122 | Policing Sex, Policing Immigrants: What Crimmigration’s Past Can Tell Us About Its Present and Its Future/Rachel E. Rosenbloom.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.1: p. 149-199. | |
66123 | Deep Critique and Democratic Lawyering in Clinical Practice/Sameer M. Ashar.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.1: p. 201-231. | |
66124 | When Disruption Collides with Accountability: Holding Ridesharing Companies Liable for Acts of Their Drivers/Alexi Pfeffer-Gillett.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.1: p. 233-267. | |
66125 | Copyright and Good Faith Purchasers/Shyamkrishna Balganesh.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.2: p. 269-322. | |
66126 | Measuring Political Power: Suspect Class Determinations and the Poor/Bertrall L. Ross II, Su Li.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.2: p. 232-391. | |
66127 | Copwatching/Jocelyn Simonson.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.2: p. 391-445. | |
66128 | Rules, Standards, Sentencing, and the Nature of Law/Russell D. Covey.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.2: p. 447-496. | |
66129 | Statelessness and Child Marriage as Intersectional Phenomena: Instability, Inequality, and the Role of the International Community/Sheila Menz.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.2: p. 497-543. | |
66130 | Improvisational Unionism/Michael M. Oswalt.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.3: p. 597-670. | |
66131 | Big Data’s Disparate Impact/Solon Barocas, Andrew D. Selbst.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.3: p. 671-732. | |
66132 | Stars, Dragons, and the Letter .M: Consequential Symbols in California Prison Gang Policy/Katie Lynn Joyce.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.3: p. 733-767. | |
66133 | When Loving Is Not Enough/Elizabeth M. Toledo.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.3: p. 769-803. | |
66134 | The Internet of Things and the Fourth Amendment of Effects/Andrew Guthrie Ferguson.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.4: p. 805-880. | |
66135 | The Sex Bureaucracy/Jacob Gersen, Jeannie Suk.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.4: p. 881-948. | |
66136 | Standard White: Dismantling White Normativity/Michael Morris.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.4: p. 949-978. | |
66137 | The Racial Politics of Protection: A Critical Race Examination of Police Militarization/Fanna Gamal.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.4: p. 979-1008. | |
66138 | The Poultry Products Inspection Act and California’s Foie Gras Ban: An Analysis of the Canards Decision and Its Implications for California’s Animal Agriculture Industry/Kathryn Bowen.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.4: p. 1009-1041. | |
66139 | Furthering the Fiduciary Metaphor: The Duty of Providers to the Payers of Medicare/Isaac D. Buck.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.5: p. 1043-1094. | |
66140 | Remaking Energy: The Critical Role of Energy Consumption Data/Alexandra B. Klass, Elizabeth J. Wilson.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.5: p. 1095-1158. | |
66141 | Criminal Behavior as an Expression of Identity and a Form of Resistance: The Sociolegal Significance of the Hawaiian Cockfight/Kathryne M. Young.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.5: p. 1159-1205. | |
66142 | Obergefell v. Hodges and Nonmarriage Inequality/Melissa Murray.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.5: p. 1207-1258. | |
66143 | A Hot and Cool First Amendment: Analyzing Speech Effects in a Shifting Media Environment/Sean Howell.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.5: p. 1259-1297. | |
66144 | A Velvet Hammer: The Criminalization of Motherhood and the New Maternalism/Eliza Duggan.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.5: p. 1299-1332. | |
66145 | Identity Entrepreneurs/Nancy Leong.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.6: p. 1333-1399. | |
66146 | The Constitutional Law of Agenda Control/Aziz Z. Huq.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.6: p. 1401-1461. | |
66147 | Between Indigence, Islamophobia, and Erasure: Poor and Muslim in War on Terror America/Khaled A. Beydoun.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.6: p. 1463-1501. | |
66148 | Towards Moderate Teacher Tenure Reform in California: An Efficiency-Effectiveness Framework and the Legacy of Vergara/Stephen Chang.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.6: p. 1503-1551. | |
66149 | The Supreme Court as a Filter Between International Law and American Constitutionalism/Curtis A. Bradley.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.6: p. 1567-1578. | |
66150 | Who’s Afraid of International and Foreign Law?/Jenny S. Martinez.- California Law Review. 2016; Vol.104, No.6: p. 1579-1589. | |
66151 | Tailoring a Public Policy Exception to Trade Secret Protection/Peter S. Menell.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.1: p. 1-63. | |
66152 | Wage Slave or Entrepreneur?: Contesting the Dualism of Legal Worker Identities/V.B. Dubal.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.1: p. 65-123. | |
66153 | From Stopping Black People to Killing Black People: The Fourth Amendment Pathways to Police Violence/Devon W. Carbado.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.1: p. 125-164. | |
66154 | Learned Hand’s Paradox: An Essay on Custom in Negligence Law/James A. Henderson.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.1: p. 165-177. | |
66155 | A Source of Error: Computer Code, Criminal Defendants, and the Constitutiona/Christian Chessman.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.1: p. 179-228. | |
66156 | It Wasn’t Me Unintended Targets of Arrest Warrants/Brandon V. Stracener.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.1: p. 229-261. | |
66157 | From Selma to Ferguson: The Voting Rights Act as a Blueprint for Police Reform/Jason Mazzone, Stephen Rushin.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.2: p. 263-334. | |
66158 | Information Libertarianism/Jane R. Bambauer, Derek E. Bambauer.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.2: p. 335-394. | |
66159 | Backdating Marriage/Peter Nicolas.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.2: p. 395-441. | |
66160 | Embracing the Machines: Rationalist War and New Weapons Technologies/John Yoo.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.2: p. 443-499. | |
66161 | Polluted Politics/Lora Krsulich.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.2: p. 501-538. | |
66162 | The Private Nondelegation Doctrine: Preventing the Delegation of Regulatory Authority to Private Parties and International Organizations/James M. Rice.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.2: p. 539-572. | |
66163 | Embracing the Machines: Rationalist War and New Weapons Technologies/John Yoo.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.2: p. 443-499. | |
66164 | An Excess of Discretion? Thayer’s Triumph and the Uncodified Exclusion of Speculative Evidence/David S. Schwartz.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.2: p. 591-598. | |
66165 | Tagmarks/Alexandra J. Roberts.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.3: p. 599-666. | |
66166 | LGBT Identity and Crime/Jordan Blair Woods.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.3: p. 667-733. | |
66167 | Limitless Worker Surveillance/Ifeoma Ajunwa, Kate Crawford, Jason Schultz.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.3: p. 735-776. | |
66168 | Leadership Crimes/Saira Mohamed.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.3: p. 777-835. | |
66169 | Gendering Disability to Enable Disability Rights Law/Michelle A. Travis.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.3: p. 837-884. | |
66170 | The Mellow Pot-Smoker: White Individualism in Marijuana Legalization Campaigns/David Schlussel.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.3: p. 885-927. | |
66171 | Regulating Arbitration/David L. Noll.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.4: p. 985-1054. | |
66172 | Reckless Discrimination/Stephanie Bornstein.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.4: p. 1055-1110. | |
66173 | Technoheritage/Sonia K. Katyal.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.4: p. 1111-1172. | |
66174 | Towards an International Right to Claim Innocence/Brandon L. Garrett.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.4: p. 1173-1221. | |
66175 | Under the Cloak of Brain Science: Risk Assessments, Parole, and the Powerful Guise of Objectivity/Jeremy Isard.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.4: p. 1223-1257. | |
66176 | The Information-Forcing Role of the Judge in Multidistrict Litigation/Andrew D. Bradt, Theodore Rave.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.5: p. 1259-1308. | |
66177 | Abandoning the Federal Role in Education: The Every Student Succeeds Act/Derek W. Black.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.5: p. 1309-1373. | |
66178 | Agencies as Adversaries/Daniel A. Farber, Anne Joseph O’Connell.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.5: p. 1375-1469. | |
66179 | Aquifers and Democracy: Enforcing Voter Equal Protection to Save California’s Imperiled Groundwater and Redeem Local Government/Louise Nelson Dyble.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.5: p. 1471-1511. | |
66180 | Transborder Data Privacy as Trade/Margaret Byrne Sedgewick.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.5: p. 1513-1542. | |
66181 | A Crime at Any Age: Intimate Partner Abuse in Later Life/Taylor Jillian Altman.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.5: p. 1543-1565. | |
66182 | Foxes at the Henhouse: Occupational Licensing Boards Up Close/Rebecca Haw Allensworth.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.6: p. 1567-1610. | |
66183 | A Roadmap for Autonomous Vehicles: State Tort Liability, Automobile Insurance, and Federal Safety Regulation/Mark A. Geistfeld.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.6: p. 1611-1694. | |
66184 | Federalism 3.0/Heather K. Gerken.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.6: p. 1695-1723. | |
66185 | Gerken’s Federalism 3.0: Better or Worse Than It Sounds?/Robert Cooter.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.6: p. 1725-1737. | |
66186 | Federalism All the Way Up: State Standing and The New Process Federalism/Jessica Bulman-Pozen.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.6: p.1739-1750. | |
66187 | American Colonialism and Constitutional Redemption/Seth Davis.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.6: p. 1751-1806. | |
66188 | A Right To Rational Juries? How Jury Instructions Create The Bionic Juror In Criminal Proceedings Involving DNA Match Evidence/Pooja Chaudhuri.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.6: p. 1807-1825. | |
66189 | The Multiracial Option: A Step in the White Direction/Alynia Phillips.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.6: p. 1853-1878. | |
66190 | locked together/in this small hated space: Recognizing and Addressing Intimate Partner Violence Between Incarcerated Women/Emma Mclean-Riggs.- California Law Review. 2017; Vol.105, No.6: p. 1879-1909. | |
66191 | Reclaiming the Constitutional Text from Originalism: The Case of Executive Power/Victoria Nourse.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.1: p. 1-44. | |
66192 | Is Qualified Immunity Unlawful?/William Baude.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.1: p. 45-90. | |
66193 | Favoring the Press/Sonja R. West.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.1: p. 91-134. | |
66194 | Nothing Less Than the Dignity of Man: Women Prisoners, Reproductive Health, and Unequal Access to Justice Under the Eighth Amendment/Estalyn Marquis.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.1: p. 203-230. | |
66195 | The Aerospatiale Dilemma: Why U.S. Courts Ignore Blocking Statutes and What Foreign States Can Do About It/M.J. Hoda.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.1: p. 231-261. | |
66196 | Why Courts Fail to Protect Privacy: Race, Age, Bias, and Technology/Bernard Chao… [et al.].- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.2: p. 263-324. | |
66197 | Valuing Black Lives: A Constitutional Challenge to the Use of Race-Based Tables in Calculating Tort Damages/Kimberly A. Yuracko, Ronen Avraham.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.2: p. 325-372. | |
66198 | Governance by Contract: The Implications for Corporate Bylaws/Jill E. Fisch.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.2: p. 373-409. | |
66199 | Procedural Retrenchment and the States/Zachary D. Clopton.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.2: p. 411-480. | |
66200 | The Case of the Armenian Catholicosate in Sis: Places of Worship and Religious Freedom Claims Before the European Court of Human Rights/Carla Gharibian.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.2: p. 481-509. | |
66201 | The Duty to Appropriate: Why Congress Has a Constitutional Obligation to Fund Criminal Law Enforcement/Daniel Martin.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.2: p. 511-539. | |
66202 | On Love and Lawyering: A Celebration of the East Bay Community Law Center/Seema N. Patel.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.2: p. 541-546. | |
66203 | The Not-Quite-Accidental Genius of EBCLCs Consumer Justice Clinic: Lessons for Legal Services Providers/Ted Mermin.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.2: p. 547-555. | |
66204 | Discover Our Model: The Critical Need for School-Based Immigration Legal Services/Prerna Lal, Mindy Phillips.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.2: p. 577-591. | |
66205 | Wrong Turn on the Ex Post Facto Clause/Paul D. Reingold, Kimberly Thomas.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.3: p. 593-630. | |
66206 | The Rise of Federal Title/Gregory Ablavsky.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.3: p. 631-695. | |
66207 | Saving Governance-By-Design/Deirdre K. Mulligan, Kenneth A. Bamberger.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.3: p. 697-784. | |
66208 | Detaining Families: A Study of Asylum Adjudication in Family Detention/Ingrid Eagly, Steven Shafer, Jana Whalley.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.3: p. 785-868. | |
66209 | Stays/Portia Pedro.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.3: p. 869-928. | |
66210 | Global South Empowerment or Business as Usual: The Challenges Presented by the New Development Bank’s and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s Accountability Mechanisms/Sarah I. Mirza.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.3: p. 929-958. | |
66211 | An Analysis of the Lack of Protection for Intangible Tribal Cultural Property in the Digital Age/Chante Westmoreland.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.3: p. 959-990. | |
66212 | Procedural Experimentation and National Security in the Courts/Shirin Sinnar.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.4: p. 991-1060. | |
66213 | Debunking Pre-Arrest Incident Searches/Joshua Deahl.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.4: p. 1061-1127. | |
66214 | Patriotic Philanthropy? Financing the State with Gifts to Government/Margaret H. Lemos, Guy-Uriel Charles.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.4: p. 1129-1193. | |
66215 | Trademark’s Judicial De-Evolution: Why Courts Get Trademark Cases Wrong Repeatedly/Glynn S. Lunney.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.4: p. 1195-1275. | |
66216 | Presidential Obstruction of Justice/Daniel J. Hemel, Eric A. Posner.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.4: p. 1277-1333. | |
66217 | The Changemaker Lawyer: Innovating the Legal Profession for Social Change/David Nahmias.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.4: p. 1335-1378. | |
66218 | Consumer Protection for Criminal Defendants: Regulating Commercial Bail in California/Mel Gonzalez.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.4: p. 1379-1436. | |
66219 | A Theory of Corporate Joint Ventures/Sarath Sanga.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.5: p. 1437-1475. | |
66220 | Remedial Convergence and Collapse/Leah Litman.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.5: p. 1477-1528. | |
66221 | Legislating for Litigation: Delegation, Public Policy, and Democracy/Sean Farhang.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.5: p. 1529-1614. | |
66222 | Redefining the Legality of Undocumented Work/Jennifer J. Lee.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.5: p. 1617-1656. | |
66223 | All Disputes Must Be Brought Here: Atlantic Marine and the Future of Multidistrict Litigation/Jordan F. Bock.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.5: p. 1657-1688. | |
66224 | Are Women’s Spaces Transgender Spaces? Single-Sex Domestic Violence Shelters, Transgender Inclusion, and the Equal Protection Clause/Rishita Apsani.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.5: p. 1686-1753. | |
66225 | Rethinking Political Power in Judicial Review/Aaron Tang.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.6: p. 1755-1826. | |
66226 | Lactation Law/Meghan Boone.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.6: p. 1827-1883. | |
66227 | Considering the Context of Online Threats/Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky, Linda Riedemann Norbut.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.6: p. 1885-1929. | |
66228 | The Keyes of Constitutional Law/Justin Driver.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.6: p. 1931-1943. | |
66229 | Racial Justice in the Age of Diversity/Goodwin Liu.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.6: p. 1977-1986. | |
66230 | The Accumulation of Disadvantages/Owen Fiss.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.6: p. 1945-1976. | |
66231 | Second Redemption, Third Reconstruction/Richard Primus.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.6: 1987-1999. | |
66232 | The Constitutionalization of Disparate Impact Court-Centered and Popular Pathways: A Comment on Owen Fiss’s Brennan Lecture/Reva B. Siegel.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.6: p. 2001-2022. | |
66233 | The Pharmaceutical Access Act: An Administrative Eminent Domain Solution to High Drug Prices/Brittany S. Bruns.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.6: p. 2023-2065. | |
66234 | Color as a Batson Class in California/Emily Rose Margolis.- California Law Review. 2018; Vol.106, No.6: p. 2067-2098. | |
66235 | Judicial Deference Allows European Consensus to Emerge/Shai Dothan.- Chicago Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.18, No.2: p. 392-419. | |
66236 | The United Nations Security Council’s Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect: A Review of Past Interventions and Recommendations for Improvement/Jared Genser.- Chicago Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.18, No.2: p. 420-501. | |
66237 | We Only Spy on Foreigners: The Myth of a Universal Right to Privacy and the Practice of Foreign Mass Surveillance/Asaf Lubin.- Chicago Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.18, No.2: p. 502-552. | |
66238 | Erosion of the Rule of Law as a Basis for Command Responsibility under International Humanitarian Law/Amy H. McCarthy.- Chicago Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.18, No.2: p. 553-593. | |
66239 | The Rise of Risk in International Law/Stephen Townley.- Chicago Journal of International Law. 2018; Vol.18, No.2: p. 594-646. | |
66240 | Commentary: Applying the Rule of Reason in the Post-Actavis World/Saul P. Morgenstern, Adam M. Pergament.- Columbia Business Law Review. 2018; No.1: p. 45-69. | |
66241 | The Rule of Reason in the Post-Actavis World/Michael A. Carrier.- Columbia Business Law Review. 2018; No.1: p. 25-44. | |
66242 | William Howard Taft, the Origin of the Rule of Reason, and the Actavis Challenge/William H. Rooney, Timothy G. Fleming.- Columbia Business Law Review. 2018; No.1: p. 1-24. | |
66243 | The Hidden Cost of M&A/Caleb N. Griffin.- Columbia Business Law Review. 2018; No.1: p. 70-129. | |
66244 | Will Swing Pricing Save Sedentary Shareholders?/Anne M. Tucker, Holly van den Toorn.- Columbia Business Law Review. 2018; No.1: p. 130-208. | |
66245 | Catching Disruption: Regulating Corporate Venture Capital/Jennifer S. Fan.- Columbia Business Law Review. 2018; No.2: p. 341-425. | |
66246 | Business Disputes Over Social Media Accounts: Legal Rights, Judicial Rationales, and the Resultant Business Risks/Kathleen McGarvey Hidy.- Columbia Business Law Review. 2018; No.2: p. 426-494. | |
66247 | Grounding Innovation: How Ex-Ante Prohibitions and Ex-Post Allowances Impede Commercial Drone Use/Timothy M. Ravich.- Columbia Business Law Review. 2018; No.2: p. 495-585. | |
66248 | Fostering Ethical Professional Identity In Tax: Using The Traditional Tax Classroom/Heather M. FieldColumbia Journal of Tax Law; Vol.8, No.3: p. 215-265. | |
66249 | A Framework for Testing Regulatory Authority/Ron Creamer, Isaac WheelerColumbia Journal of Tax Law; Vol.8, No.3: p. 326-359. | |
66250 | The Myth of Corporate Tax Residence/David ElkinsColumbia Journal of Tax Law; Vol.9, No.1: p. 1-43. | |
66251 | Who Pays the Price of Civilization?/Eric A. San JuanColumbia Journal of Tax Law; Vol.9, No.1: p. 45-66. | |
66252 | Gallery-Supported Art Exhibitions: Critiquing Crayola/Anne M. ChoikeColumbia Journal of Tax Law; Vol.9, No.1: p. 67-112. | |
66253 | Soldiers with Fortunes? Rethinking the Tax Treatment of Fallen Combatants/Jeffrey A. CooperColumbia Journal of Tax Law; Vol.9, No.1: p. 113-139. | |
66254 | Social Impact Bonds: A Tax-Favored Investment?/Orly MazurColumbia Journal of Tax Law; Vol.9, No.1: p. 141-175. | |
66255 | On the Threshold: Smallness and the Value-Added Tax/Emily Ann SatterthwaiteColumbia Journal of Tax Law; Vol.9, No.2: p. 177-227. | |
66256 | Schrodinger’s Currency: How Virtual Currencies Complicate the RIC and REIT Qualification Requirements/Laura D. PondColumbia Journal of Tax Law; Vol.9, No.2: p. 229-249. | |
66257 | Automation And The Income Tax/Jay A. Soled, Kathleen DeLaney ThomasColumbia Journal of Tax Law; No.3: p. 1-48. | |
66258 | Determining An Asset’s Tax Basis In The Absence Of A Meaningful Transfer Tax Regime/Jay A. Soled, Richard L. SchmalbeckColumbia Journal of Tax Law; No.3: p. 49-75. | |
66259 | Chinese State Capitalism And The International Tax Regime/Cameron RotblatColumbia Journal of Tax Law; No.3: p. 77-138. | |
66260 | Managing Migration Through Crime/Jennifer M. Chacon.- Columbia Law Review. 2009; Vol.9: p. 135-148. | |
66261 | Duty-Defining Power And The First Amendment’s Civil Domain/Timothy Zick.- Columbia Law Review. 2009; Vol.9: p. 116-125. | |
66262 | Personal Sovereignty And Normative Power Skepticism/Jody S. Kraus.- Columbia Law Review. 2009; Vol.9: p. 126-134. | |
66263 | Law, Statistics, And The Reference Class Problem/Edward K. Cheng.- Columbia Law Review. 2009; Vol.9: p. 92-96. | |
66264 | The First And Second Amendments/Eugene Volokh.- Columbia Law Review. 2009; Vol.9: p. 97-104. | |
66265 | On Macaws And Employer Liability: A Response To Professor Zatz/Tristin K. Green.- Columbia Law Review. 2009; Vol.9: p. 107-115. | |
66266 | Melendez-Diaz V. Massachusetts, Rodriguez V. City Of Houston, And Remedial Rationing/Jennifer E. Laurin.- Columbia Law Review. 2009; Vol.9: p. 83-91. | |
66267 | A Closer Look At The Federalization Snowball/Abigail R. Moncrieff.- Columbia Law Review. 2009; Vol.9: p. 73-81. | |
66268 | Tax Enforcement for Gamers: High Penalties or Strict Disclosure Rules?/Lawrence Zelenak.- Columbia Law Review. 2009; Vol.9: p. 55-64. | |
66269 | Should Juries Be The Guide For Adventures Through Apprendi-Land?/Douglas A. Berman.- Columbia Law Review. 2009; Vol.9: p. 65-72. | |
66270 | Methodological Advances And Empirical Legal Scholarship: A Note On Cox And Miles’s Voting Rights Act Study/Nancy C. Staudt, Tyler J. VanderWeele.- Columbia Law Review. 2009; Vol.9: p. 42-54. | |
66271 | Historical Practice And The Contemporary Debate Over Customary International Law/Ernest A. Young.- Columbia Law Review. 2009; Vol.9: p. 31-41. | |
66272 | Describing The Effect of Adaptation on Settlement/John Bronsteen, Christopher Buccafusco, Jonathan Masur.- Columbia Law Review. 2009; Vol.9: p. 21-30. | |
66273 | Evaluating The Consequences Of Calibrated Sentencing: A Response To Professor Kolber/Miriam H. Baer.- Columbia Law Review. 2009; Vol.9: p. 11-20. | |
66274 | Retributivists Need Not And Should Not Endorse The Subjectivist Account Of Punishment/Kenneth W. Simons.- Columbia Law Review. 2009; Vol.9: p. 1-10. | |
66275 | Correct Diagnosis; Wrong Cure: A Response To Professor Suk/Joan C. Williams.- Columbia Law Review. 2010; Vol.110: p. 24-34. | |
66276 | Institutional Advocacy, Constitutional Obligations, And Professional Responsibilities: Arguments For Government Lawyering Without Glasses/John C. Dehn.- Columbia Law Review. 2010; Vol.110: p. 73-88. | |
66277 | Converging Trajectories: Interest Convergence, Justice Kennedy, And Jeannie Suk’s The Trajectory Of Trauma/Jennifer S. Hendricks.- Columbia Law Review. 2010; Vol.110: p. 63-71. | |
66278 | Rethinking Immigration Detention/Anil Kalhan.- Columbia Law Review. 2010; Vol.110: p. 42-58. | |
66279 | Some Skepticism About The Separable Preferences Approach To The Single Subject Rule: A Comment On Cooter & Gilbert/Richard L. Hasen, John G. Matsusaka.- Columbia Law Review. 2010; Vol.110: p. 35-41. | |
66280 | Feature Selection Methods For Solving The Reference Class Problem: Comment On Edward K. Cheng, A Practical Solution To The Reference Class Problem/James Franklin.- Columbia Law Review. 2010; Vol.110: p. 12-23. | |
66281 | Building Capacity for The Transnational Regulation of Migration/Cristina M. Rodriguez.- Columbia Law Review. 2010; Vol.110: p. 1-11. | |
66282 | Trade Secrets, Disclosure, And Dissent In A Fracturing Energy Revolution/Hannah Wiseman.- Columbia Law Review. 2011; Vol.111: p. 1-13. | |
66283 | The Pitfalls of Professionalized Prosecution: A Response to Josh Bowers’s Legal Guilt, Normative Innoncence, and The Equitable Decision Not to Prosecute/Stephanos Bibas.- Columbia Law Review. 2011; Vol.111: p. 14-18. | |
66284 | Foreclosures and the Failure of the American Land Title Recording System/Tanya Marsh.- Columbia Law Review. 2011; Vol.111: p. 19-26. | |
66285 | Do Judicial Elections Facilitate Popular Constitutionalism; Can They?/Nicole Mansker, Neal Devins.- Columbia Law Review. 2011; Vol.111: p. 27-37. | |
66286 | Rubin V. Eurofinance: Universal Bankruptcy Jurisdiction or a Comity of Errors?/Rebecca R. Zubaty.- Columbia Law Review. 2011; Vol.111: p. 38-50. | |
66287 | Disregarding the Results: Examining the Ninth Circuit’s Heightened Section 2 Intentional Discrimination Standard in Farrakhan V. Gregoire/Ryan P. Haygood.- Columbia Law Review. 2011; Vol.111: p. 51-65. | |
66288 | Sodomy and Polygamy/Elizabeth M. Glazer.- Columbia Law Review. 2011; Vol.111: p. 66-78. | |
66289 | The Protection of Hot News: Putting Balganesh’s Enduring Myth About International News Service V. Associated Press In Perspective/Richard A. Epstein.- Columbia Law Review. 2011; Vol.111: p. 79-90. | |
66290 | What Happened in Iowa?/David E. Pozen.- Columbia Law Review. 2011; Vol.111: p. 90-102. | |
66291 | The Implications of Disentanglement/Christopher Slobogin.- Columbia Law Review. 2011; Vol.111: p. 103-108. | |
66292 | Metaphor and Meaning in Trawling for Herring/Colin Starger.- Columbia Law Review. 2011; Vol.111: p. 110-121. | |
66293 | The Passive-Aggressive Virtues/Stephen I. Vladeck.- Columbia Law Review. 2011; Vol.111: p. 122-140. | |
66294 | Notes on Borrowing and Convergence/Robert L. Tsai, Nelson Tebbe.- Columbia Law Review. 2011; Vol.111: p. 140-150. | |
66295 | Impartial Patents/Clarisa Long.- Columbia Law Review. 2011; Vol.111: p. 151-157. | |
66296 | The Purpose-Driven Rule: Drew Peterson, Giles V. California, and the Transferred Intent Doctrine of Forfeiture by Wringdoing/Colin MillerColumbia Law Review; Vol.112: p. 228-236. | |
66297 | Nullifying the debt ceiling threat once and for all: why the president should embrace the least unconstitutional option/Neil H. Buchanan, Michael C. DorfColumbia Law Review; Vol.112: p. 32-54. | |
66298 | Marriage as? A reply to marriage as punishment/Brenda CossmanColumbia Law Review; Vol.112: p. 220-227. | |
66299 | Labor speech, corporate speech, and political speech: a response to professor sachs/Matthew T. BodieColumbia Law Review; Vol.112: p. 206-219. | |
66300 | Houston, we have a problem: does the second amendment create a property right to a specific firearm?/John L. Schwab, Thomas G. SpranklingColumbia Law Review; Vol.112: p. 158-171. | |
66301 | Dialogue, deferred and differentiated/Emily Hammond MeazellColumbia Law Review; Vol.112: p. 185-193. | |
66302 | Transaction simplicity/Stephen J. LubbenColumbia Law Review; Vol.112: p. 194-205. | |
66303 | The uncertain future of hot news misappropriation after barclays capital v. Theflyonthewall.com/Shyamkrishna BalganeshColumbia Law Review; Vol.112: p. 134-146. | |
66304 | Of dialogue and democracy in administrative law/Jim RossiColumbia Law Review; Vol.112: p. 147-157. | |
66305 | Messerschmidt and convergence in action: a reply to comments on trawling for herring/Jennifer E. LaurinColumbia Law Review; Vol.112: p. 119-133. | |
66306 | Comment cftc v. Walsh: district court releases funds frozen in civil case to pay for attorney in parallel criminal case/Michael R. HermanColumbia Law Review; Vol.112: p. 108-118. | |
66307 | The unending search for the optimal infringement filter/Sonia K. Katyal, Jason M. SchultzColumbia Law Review; Vol.112: p. 83-107. | |
66308 | Access-to-justice analysis on a due process platform/Ronald A. BrandColumbia Law Review; Vol.112: p. 76-82. | |
66309 | A federal baseline for the right to vote/John M. GreabeColumbia Law Review; Vol.112: p. 62-75. | |
66310 | Military detention in the war on terorism: normalizing the exceptional after 9/11/Jonathan HafetzColumbia Law Review; Vol.112: p. 31-46. | |
66311 | Making a regional district: memphis city schools dissolves into its suburbs/Michelle Wilde AndersonColumbia Law Review; Vol.112: p. 47-61. | |
66312 | Preserving political speech from ourselves and others/Aziz Z. HuqColumbia Law Review; Vol.112: p. 16-30. | |
66313 | Objecting at the altar: why the herring good faith principle and the harlow qualified immunity doctrine should not be married/John M. GreabeColumbia Law Review; Vol.112: p. 1-15. | |
66314 | No exit? Withdrawal rights and the law of corporate reorganizations/Douglas G. Baird, Anthony J. Casey.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.1: p. 1-52. | |
66315 | Blitzing brady: should section 4(a) of the norris-laguardia act shield management from injunctions in labor disputes?/Daniel Belke.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.1: p. 53-96. | |
66316 | Malpractice mobs: medical dispute resolution in china/Benjamin L. Liebman.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.1: p. 181-264. | |
66317 | Antitrust immunity up in smoke: preemption, state action, and the master settlement agreement/Matthew McDonald.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.1: p. 97-137. | |
66318 | Clarifying (or is it codifying?) The notably abstruse: step transactions, economic substance, and the tax code/Philip Sancilio.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.1: p. 138-180. | |
66319 | In defense of big waiver/David J. Barron, Todd D. Rakoff.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.2: p. 265-345. | |
66320 | What’s it to you? Citizen challenges to landmark preservation decisions and the special damage requirement/Matt Dulak.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.2: p. 447-482. | |
66321 | Technological innovation, international competition, and the challenges of international income taxation/Michael J. Graetz, Rachael Doud.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.2: p. 347-445. | |
66322 | On the record: why the senate should have access to treaty negotiating documents/John Love.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.2: p. 483-529. | |
66323 | Deregulate but still disclose?: disclosure requirements for ballot question advocacy after citizens united v. Fec and doe v. Reed/Sean McMahon.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.3: p. 733-776. | |
66324 | The upside of losing/Ben Depoorter.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.3: p. 817-862. | |
66325 | Just undercompensation: the idiosyncratic premium in eminent domain/Brian Angelo Lee.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.3: p. 593-655. | |
66326 | Dividing sovereignty in tribal and territorial criminal jurisdiction/Zachary S. Price.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.3: p. 657-732. | |
66327 | The confusion of fusion: inconsistent application of the establishment clause nondelegation rule in state courts/Jun Xiang.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.3: p. 777-816. | |
66328 | Presidential power, historical practice, and legal constraint/Curtis A. Bradley, Trevor W. Morrison.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.4: p. 1097-1161. | |
66329 | Pulling the trigger: an analysis of circuit court review of the persecutor bar/Martine Forneret.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.4: p. 1007-1050. | |
66330 | The agency costs of agency capitalism: activist investors and the revaluation of governance rights/Ronald J. Gilson, Jeffrey N. Gordon.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.4: p. 863-827. | |
66331 | The exceptions clause as a structural safeguard/Tara Leigh Grove.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.4: p. 929-1005. | |
66332 | Keep’em separated: article i, article v, and congress’s limited and defined role in the process of amending the constitution/Alexander White.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.4: p. 1051-1095. | |
66333 | Trial by preview/Bert I. Huang.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.5: p. 1323-1388. | |
66334 | Conventions of agency independence/Adrian Vermeule.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.5: p. 1163-1238. | |
66335 | Defining found in: constructive discovery and the crime of illegal reentry/Jason D. Anton.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.5: p. 1239-1282. | |
66336 | Casual or coercive? Retention of identification in police-citizen encounters/Aidan Taft Grano.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.5: p. 1283-1321. | |
66337 | Pathetic argument in constitutional law/Jamal Greene.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.6: p. 1389-1481. | |
66338 | Intellectual property defenses/Gideon Parchomovsky, Alex Stein.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.6: p. 1483-1542. | |
66339 | Killing time in the valley of the shadow of death: why systematic preexecution delays on death row are cruel and unusual./Angela April Sun.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.6: p. 1585-1636. | |
66340 | The myth that insulating boards serves longterm value/David Friedman.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.6: p. 1637-1694. | |
66341 | The regulator in robes: examining the sec and the delaware court of chancery’s parallel disclosure regimes/David Friedman.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.6: p. 1543-1584. | |
66342 | The arithmetic of justice: calculating restitution for mortgage fraud/T. Dietrich Hill.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.7: p. 1939-1976. | |
66343 | Predatory pricing and recoupment/Christopher R. Leslie.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.7: p. 1695-1771. | |
66344 | A new new property/David A. Super.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.7: p. 1773-1896. | |
66345 | Legal diversification/Kelli A. Alces.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.7: p. 1977-2038. | |
66346 | Qui tam for tax?: lessons from the states/Franziska Hertel.- Columbia Law Review. 2013; Vol.113, No.7: p. 1897-1937. |