تازه‌های مقالات خارجی دی 1400


تازه‌های مقالات خارجی دی 1400 




103375 Le temoignage comme preuve. Itineraires judiciaires des victimes. Presentation du dossier/Milena Jaksic, Nadege Ragaru.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.102: 229-240.
103376 Retrouver les victimes. Naufrages et rescapes au proces de Nuremberg/Guillaume Mouralis.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.102: 243-260.
103377 Temoigner au proces de la catastrophe Xynthia. Dimensions juridiques et morales de la parole des victimes/Sandrine Revet.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.102: 261-278.
103378 Une justice cousue de fil blanc. L’epreuve sociale des victimes dans la justice penale inquisitoire au Chili (1991-2004)/Jeanne Hersant.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.102: 281-296.
103379 Des proces rwandais a Paris. Echos locaux d’une justice globale/Sandrine Lefranc.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.102: 299-317.
103380 La discrimination sur le lieu de travail: elements pour une comparaison transatlantique/Daniel Sabbagh.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.102: 321-332.
103381 Le decloisonnement des communautes linguistiques dans le monde academique est un defi comparable au decloisonnement des disciplines/Julie Ringelheim.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.102: 337-345.
103382 Les profondes transformations que connait le droit pourraient avoir des effets jusque dans les structures de nos subjectivites/Pierre Guibentif.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.102: 347-356.
103383 Les reparations au titre de l’esclavage colonial: l’impossible paradigme judiciaire/Magali Bessone.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.102: 359-377.
103384 Comprendre l’Etat sous le regard de la transparence/Jean-Francois Kerleo.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.102: 379-396.
103385 Pierre Legendre ou le droit du point de vue de l’anthropologie dogmatique/Baptiste Rappin.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.102: 397-411.
103386 Les formes ordinaires du consentement. Consciences du droit dans la consultation gynecologique/Lucile Quere.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.102: 413-432.
103387 Ecrire le droit, ecrire les sciences sociales/Julie Saada.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.102: 435-446.
103388 Hans Kelsen et le chatiment des criminels de guerre de l’Allemagne nazie/Charles Leben.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.102: 447-457.
103389 Motifs non-juridiques des jugements internationaux et definition du droit/Jean-Francois Perrin, Luc Gonin.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.102: 459-473.
103390 Les algorithmes dans le droit: illusions et (r)evolutions. Presentation du dossier/Christophe Dubois, Frederic Schoenaers.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.103: 503-515.
103391 Rule-Based Systems for Decision Support and Decision-Making in Dutch Legal Practice. A Brief Overview of Applications and Implications/Ivar Timmer, Rachel Rietveld.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.103: 517-534.
103392 Le travail des juges et les algorithmes de traitement de la jurisprudence. Premieres analyses d’une experimentation de justice predictive en France/Christian Licoppe, Laurence Dumoulin.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.103: 535-553.
103393 Entre necessite et opportunites: la digitalisation de la justice belge par l’ordre des avocats/Christophe Dubois, Valerie Mansvelt, Pierre Delvenne.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.103: 555-572.
103394 The Socio-Legal Relevance of Artificial Intelligence/Stefan Larsson.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.103: 573-593.
103395 Des machines et des hommes. La guerre n’aura pas lieu/Warren Azoulay.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.103: 597-606.
103396 Qu’est-ce que l’analyse juridique de (x)? Pour une explicitation/Rafael Encinas de Munagorri, Carlos Miguel Herrera, Olivier Leclerc.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.103: 609-628.
103397 Refonder le Conseil superieur de la magistrature dans la Tunisie post-Ben Ali: corporatismes juridiques et nouveaux arrangements institutionnels/Eric Gobe.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.103: 631-648.
103398 De missionnaires a consultant.e.s. Les transformations de l’expertise juridique europeenne en matiere d’egalite/Sophie Jacquot.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.103: 649-667.
103399 L’entreprise publique: un statut fragilise ou protecteur? Missions de service public et rapport a l’Etat de l’entreprise La Poste/Nadege Vezinat.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.103: 669-689.
103400 Epurer et punir: la justice confrontee a ses dilemmes/Daniele Lochak.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.103: 693-708.
103401 Ordres juridiques, ordres mafieux/Deborah Puccio-Den.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2019; No.103: 709-718.
103402 Le droit et les crises: apres la crise financiere un chantier a ouvrir. Presentation du dossier/Pierre Guibentif, Thierry Kirat.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.104: 23-33.
103403 Crises economiques, crise du droit du travail? Quelques lecons de Weimar/Michel Coutu.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.104: 35-51.
103404 Crise, banque et mondialisation: retour aux fondations et perspectives critiques sur l’empire des normes bancaires/Pauline Begasse de Dhaem.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.104: 53-68.
103405 La crise de la regulation par la sanction ex post: les nouvelles voies de la regulation financiere, de la crise des subprimes au trading haute frequence/Frederic Marty … [et al.].- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.104: 71-87.
103406 Les effets de la crise financiere sur l’experience du droit et du changement social: le cas portugais/Pierre Guibentif.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.104: 89-104.
103407 Dissoudre l’evenement ou exposer la crise? Le systeme, le repertoire et les cles juridiques d’une prosperite sans croissance/Antoine Bailleux.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.104: 105-122.
103408 Transformation, modernisation, deshumanisation de la justice: l’exemple de l’Angleterre et du Pays de Galles/Geraldine Gadbin-George.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.104: 125-143.
103409 Some Specific Central European Experiences May Help to Increase Understanding of the Legal Reality in The Western Countries/Balazs Fekete.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.104: 149-157.
103410 Le plus grand probleme me semble etre l’extreme politisation de la justice/Angelica Cuellar Vazquez.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.104: 159-163.
103411 L’echec de la democratie industrielle aux Etats-Unis: retour sur les mirages de l’Industrial Pluralism/Bernard Baudry, Herve Charmettant.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.104: 167-186.
103412 Dependance economique dans les relations de sous-traitance: quels criteres ? Le cas des chauffeurs-livreurs de la messagerie/Petronille Reme-Harnay.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.104: 189-209.
103413 L’Index de la securite juridique, ou comment promouvoir le droit continental par le biais d’un indicateur/Nathan Genicot.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.104: 211-233.
103414 Les fins de la loi, la fin de la loi/Benjamin Morel.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.104: 237-247.
103415 Les cultures juridiques a l’epreuve de l’enquete: Presentation du dossier/Amelie Marissal, Charles Reveillere.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.105: 279-287.
103416 Quelle place pour la critique a la Cour penale internationale? Analyse grammaticale de ce qui fait la force d’une institution faible/Charles Reveillere.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.105.
103417 Transferts et cultures juridiques. Pourquoi l’Angleterre victorienne n’a-t-elle pas adopte les tribunaux de commerce?/Claire Lemercier.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.105: 309-324.
103418 L’usage dramaturgique de la culture juridique dans la construction d’une juridiction transnationale/Emmanuel Lazega.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.105: 325-341.
103419 Cultures juridiques et internationalisation des elites du droit. Le cas des juges de la Cour internationale de Justice/Amelie Marissal.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.105: 343-359.
103420 Universite francaise: mort sur ordonnance?/Corine Eyraud.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.105: 363-378.
103421 Les acteurs economiques dans les conseils d’administration des etablissements d’enseignement superieur. Du cadre juridique aux pratiques/Marianne Blanchard … [et al.].- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.105: 383-405.
103422 La reactivation par le haut de la tradition de piete filiale en Chine: enjeux et defis/Helene Piquet, Andre Laliberte.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.105: 407-427.
103423 Geneses du droit de l’identite de genre. Approche des configurations sociojuridiques/Alexandre Jaunait.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.105: 429-450.
103424 Emotions, droit et politique. Bilan et perspectives interdisciplinaires/Laurence Dumoulin, Cecile Vigour.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.105: 455-472.
103425 Pour une approche moins exclusivement positiviste de la jurisprudence administrative/Jean-Bernard Auby.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.105: 473-478.
103426 Peut-on se deprendre du pouvoir du chiffre?/Albert Ogien.- Revue Droit et Societe. 2020; No.105: 479-488.
103427 End-of-Life Care for Federally Incarcerated Individuals in Canada/Adelina Iftene, Jocelyn Downie.- McGill Journal of Law and Health. 2020-2021; Vol.14, No.1: 1-50.
103428 Interpreting Eligibility Under the Medical Assistance in Dying Law: The Experiences of Physicians and Nurse Practitioners/Thomas McMorrow … [et al.].- McGill Journal of Law and Health. 2020-2021; Vol.14, No.1: 51-107.
103429 Genetic Counsellors, Legal Recognition, and the Road Less Travelled/Dimitri Patrinos … [et al.].- McGill Journal of Law and Health. 2020-2021; Vol.14, No.1: 109-158.
103430 Old-fashioned Nordic penal exceptionalism: the case of Iceland’s open prisons/Francis Pakes.- Nordic Journal of Criminology. 2020; Vol.21, No.2: 113-128.
103431 Exploring the unintended consequences of implementing electronic monitoring on sentencing in Norway/Synove N. Andersen, Jordan M. Hyatt, Kjetil Telle.- Nordic Journal of Criminology. 2020; Vol.21, No.2: 129-151.
103432 Time cycles of homicide in the early modern Nordic area/Janne Kivivuori … [et al.].- Nordic Journal of Criminology. 2020; Vol.21, No.2: 152-169.
103433 Experiencing police violence and insults: narratives from ethnic minority men in Denmark/Mie Birk Haller … [et al.].- Nordic Journal of Criminology. 2020; Vol.21, No.2: 170-185.
103434 Revealing hidden realities: disclosing domestic abuse to informal others/Susanne Boethius, Malin Akerstrom.- Nordic Journal of Criminology. 2020; Vol.21, No.2: 186-202.
103435 Characteristics and recidivism in relation to arrest: differentiating between partner violent perpetrator subtypes/Joakim Petersson, Susanne Strand.- Nordic Journal of Criminology. 2020; Vol.21, No.2: 203-222.
103436 Capricious credibility – legal assessments of voluntariness in Swedish negligent rape judgements/Lisa Wallin … [et al.].- Nordic Journal of Criminology. 2021; Vol.22, No.1: 3-22.
103437 The lottery of rape reporting: Secondary victimization and Swedish criminal justice professionals/Caitlin P. Carroll.- Nordic Journal of Criminology. 2021; Vol.22, No.1: 23-41.
103438 Non-reporting of sexual violence as action: acts, selves, futures in the making/Maria Hansen, Kari Stefansen, May-Len Skilbrei.- Nordic Journal of Criminology. 2021; Vol.22, No.1: 42-57.
103439 Avenger in distress: a semiotic study of Lisbeth Salander, rape-revenge and ideology/Tea Fredriksson.- Nordic Journal of Criminology. 2021; Vol.22, No.1: 58-71.
103440 Understanding intimate partner violence in context: social and community correlates of special and general victimization/Maiju Tanskanen, Janne Kivivuori.- Nordic Journal of Criminology. 2021; Vol.22, No.1: 72-89.
103441 An influential child of its time: Victim Support Sweden and the changing discourse on violence against women/Carina Gallo, Kerstin Svensson.- Nordic Journal of Criminology. 2021; Vol.22, No.1: 90-105.
103442 Young people’s victimization and safety perceptions along the trip/Vania Ceccato, Linda Langefors, Per Nasman.- Nordic Journal of Criminology. 2021; Vol.22, No.1: 106-125.
103443 The Enduring Salience of State Constitutional Law/Jeffrey S. Sutton.- Rutgers Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.70, No.4: 791-801.
103444 Recognition of Environmental Rights for Pennsylvania Citizens: Pennsylvania Environmental Defense Foundation v. Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania/John C. Dernbach, Kenneth T. Kristl, James R. May.- Rutgers Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.70, No.4: 803-856.
103445 Baby Ninth Amendments Since 1860: The Unenumerated Rights Americans Repeatedly Want (and Judges Often Don’t)/Anthony B. Sanders.- Rutgers Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.70, No.4: 857-903.
103446 State Constitutional Protection of Civil Litigation/Robert F. Williams.- Rutgers Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.70, No.4: 905-935.
103447 State Court Protection of Individual Constitutional Rights: State Constitutional Structures Affect Access to Civil Justice/Justin R. Long.- Rutgers Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.70, No.4: 937-973.
103448 Comments on Robert Williams’s State Constitutional Protection of Civil Litigation/David Schuman.- Rutgers Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.70, No.4: 975-978.
103449 State Structuralism – A Reply to Professor Long/Jonathan L. Marshfield.- Rutgers Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.70, No.4: 979-981.
103450 Tort Reform – How the Phrase as Heretofore Enjoyed Subjected Wrongful Death Plaintiffs to Noneconomic Damages Caps in Missouri, Dodson v. Ferrara, 491 S.W.3d 542 (Mo. 2016) (En Banc)./Francisco F. Guzman Andrade.- Rutgers Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.70, No.4: 983-1013.
103451 State Constitutional Law – Due Process – New Mexico Supreme Court Upholds Criminal Assisted Suicide Statute, Declines to Find Fundamental Right to Physician Aid in Dying. Morris v. Brandenburg, 2016-Nmsc-027, 376 P.3d 836./Amy E. Pearl.- Rutgers Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.70, No.4: 1015-1034.
103452 State Constitutional Law – Due Process – Florida Supreme Court Protects Workers’ Compensation Claimants By Striking Down the Legislature’s Restrictive Attorney’s Fee Schedule. Castellanos v. Next Door Co., 192 So. 3d 431 (Fla. 2016)./Jason M. Russell.- Rutgers Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.70, No.4: 1035-1059.
103453 May a Stream Become a Torrent: Alaska Creates a Roadmap for the Reform of Eyewitness Identification Due Process Law. Young v. State, 374 P.3d 395 (Alaska 2016)./Zachary Sisco.- Rutgers Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.70, No.4: 1061-1082.
103454 A New Guard at the Courthouse Door: Corporate Personal Jurisdiction in Complex Litigation After the Supreme Court’s Decision Quartet/David W. Ichel.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.1: 1-61.
103455 Right to Life: Interest-Convergence Policing/Mitchell F. Crusto.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.1: 63-133.
103456 Hobby Lobby’s Conflated Corporate Tax Exemption and Its Impact on I.R.C. 501(C)(3)/Kenya J.H. Smith.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.1: 135-188.
103457 Validation and Verification Vignettes: More Results from an Empirical Study of Consumer Understanding of Debt Collection Validation Notices/Jeff Sovern, Kate E. Walton, Nathan Frishberg.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.1: 189-285.
103458 Still Living After Fifty Years: A Census of Judicial Review Under the Pennsylvania Constitution of 1968/Seth F. Kreimer.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.1: 287-456.
103459 The Revival of a Twenty-Year Circuit Split Featuring a Medical Residency Program Twist: An Analysis of Doe v. Mercy Catholic Medical Center and the Applicability of Title IX Remedies/Nicole Dlugosz.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.1: 457-507.
103460 Individually-Focused Deterrence: A Proposed Incentives-Based Non-Prosecution Strategy for Second Chances and Its Constitutional Hurdles/Kevin M. Levy.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.1: 509-536.
103461 P(L)Aying to Win: Loot Boxes, Microtransaction Monetization, and a Proposal for Self-Regulation in the Video Game Industry/Kishan Mistry.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.1: 537-577.
103462 Facilitating the Compliance Function/Jennifer M. Pacella.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.2: 579-588.
103463 Involuntary Civil Commitment: A Solution to the Opioid Crisis?/Candice T. Player.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.2: 589-631.
103464 Buried Alive: The Reboot of the Equal Rights Amendment/Gerard N. Magliocca.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.2: 633-665.
103465 Postmortem Defamation in a Society Without Truth for the Living/Reid Kress Weisbord.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.2: 667-707.
103466 The Innovation of Crime: Defining Criminal Culpability in the Digital Age/Amanda A. Navarro.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.2: 709-735.
103467 What’s the Problem?: Why Increased Regulation for Mutual Funds Might Hurt Both Private Firms and Individual Investors/James Clancy.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.2: 737-762.
103468 Stormy Waters for The Internet’s Safe Harbor: The Future of Section 230/Emily Lagg.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.2: 763-794.
103469 Improving Health Outcomes and Lowering Costs: Attorneys as Proactive, Paid Providers Treating Social Determinants of Health/Frank Griffin.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.3: 795-841.
103470 Bone Crusher 2.0: The Fourth Annual Greg Lastowka Memorial Lecture/James Grimmelmann.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.3: 843-854.
103471 Continuing to Resolve Surrogacy Uncertainties in a Post-Baby M Modernity/Tara Richelo.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.3: 857-907.
103472 Tri-Parenting on the Rise: Paving the Way for Tri-Parenting Families to Receive Legal Recognition Through Preconception Agreements/Mallory Ullrich.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.3: 909-936.
103473 Thoughts on Zaibert’s Rethinking/Michael T. Cahill.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.4: 937-944.
103474 State Punishment and Meaning in Life/Youngjae Lee.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.4: 945-958.
103475 Justice or Mercy?/Vera Bergelson.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.4: 959-976.
103476 Selective Incompatibilism, Free Will, and the (Limited) Role of Retribution in Punishment Theory/Luis E. Chiesa.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.4: 977-1001.
103477 The Place of Retributivism in Punishment/Ekow N. Yankah.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.4: 1003-1019.
103478 Responses to Critics/Leo Zaibert.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.4: 1021-1066.
103479 Legal Injection? The Constitutional Frailty of Lethal Injection and the Legal Justification for Nitrogen Hypoxia/Austin Hilton.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.4: 1067-1095.
103480 No Disclaimer for the Domestic Support Evader: Why Alimony and Child Support Obligors Should Be Barred from Their Right to Disclaim Inheritances/Fabian N. Marriott.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.4: 1097-1124.
103481 State Constitutionalism in the Age of Party Polarization/Neal Devins.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.5: 1129-1176.
103482 What Florida’s Constitution Revision Commission Can Teach and Learn from Those of Other States/Mary E. Adkins.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.5: 1177-1231.
103483 The People and Their Constitutions/Jonathan L. Marshfield.- Rutgers Law Review. 2018-2019; Vol.71, No.5: 1233-1246.
103490 Statutes of Limitations: Claims Forgotten, Forgiven, or Foregone?/George Rutherglen.- Rutgers Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.72, No.1: 1-37.
103491 Statutory Realism: The Jurisprudential Ambivalence of Interpretive Theory/Abigail R. Moncrieff.- Rutgers Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.72, No.1: 39-158.
103492 Keeping The Garden in the Garden State: How New Jersey Farming Legislation Has Failed to Adequately Protect Farming/Spencer Mizerak.- Rutgers Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.72, No.1: 159-188.
103493 Driving the Industry Crazy: Classifying Ride-Share Drivers Following Dynamex/Alaina Billingham.- Rutgers Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.72, No.1: 189-213.
103494 Third-Party Student Surveillance: Is Monitoring Student Speech Going to Prevent the Next School Shooting?/Amanda Cipriano.- Rutgers Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.72, No.1: 215-245.
103495 Who Needs Legislators? Discrimination Against Sex Workers Is Sex Discrimination Under Title VII/Derek J. Demeri.- Rutgers Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.72, No.1: 247-280.
103496 Interpretations by Treasury and the IRS: Authoritative Weight, Judicial Deference, and the Separation of Powers/Islame Hosny.- Rutgers Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.72, No.2: 281-349.
103497 The Coastline Paradox/Ryan B. Stoa.- Rutgers Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.72, No.2: 351-400.
103498 The Severe and Pervers-Ive Standard of Hostile Work Environment Law: Behold the Motivating Factor Test/Kenneth R. Davis.- Rutgers Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.72, No.2: 401-453.
103499 Quantifying Reasonable Doubt/Daniel Pi, Francesco Parisi, Barbara Luppi.- Rutgers Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.72, No.2: 455-508.
103500 Pharmaceuticals in the Environment: An Innovative Prescription/Jeanne E. Stahl.- Rutgers Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.72, No.2: 509-541.
103501 Showdown at High Noon: Whether a Person Injured by a Liberator 3d-Printed Firearm Can Recover on a Product Liability Claim Under the Third Restatement/Connor Mannion.- Rutgers Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.72, No.2: 543-575.
103502 Protecting Against Ultron: Exploring the Potential Criminal Liability of Self-Programming Deep Learning Machines/Priya Persaud.- Rutgers Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.72, No.2: 577-604.
103503 Keep Your Family Close and Your DNA Even Closer: Protecting DNA Privacy Expectations after Carpenter v. United States/Alexis Smith.- Rutgers Law Review. 2019-2020; Vol.72, No.2: 605-628.
103504 The Murdering of Children/Melissa J. Tetzlaff-Bemiller.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2018; Vol.23: 7-24.
103505 Coordinated Community Response: Toward a More Systematic Response to Domestic Violence in an Urban Setting/Denise Paquette Boots … [et al.].- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2018; Vol.23: 25-42.
103506 Feminist Pathways and Female Homicide Offenders/Alesa Liles, Stacy Moak.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2018; Vol.23: 43-60.
103507 Durkheim, Totemism, and The Manson Family: Theorizing on the Relationship Between Religion and Violence/Danielle Sutton.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2018; Vol.23: 63-79.
103508 A Decade After Virginia Tech: Considerations of Campus Safety and Security for Higher Education Institutions/Daniel Adrian Doss.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2018; Vol.23: 81-99.
103509 The Relevance of Bias Violence in the 21st Century/Kayla Allison.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2018; Vol.23: 101-117.
103510 Solving Homicides: Understanding Trends and Patterns in Police Clearances of Lethal Violence/Wendy C. Regoeczi.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2018; Vol.23: 121-138.
103511 Police Violence Across the Racial-Spatial Divide/Malcolm D. Holmes.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2018; Vol.23: 139-158.
103512 A Multi-Level Theory of the State’s Monopoly on Violence: Explaining the Effect of the Police on Violence/Paige Vaughn.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2018; Vol.23: 159-176.
103513 Considering an Alternative Capacity to Desire: Institutional Anomie Theory, the American Dream, and the Ontological Turn/James B. Pratt.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2018; Vol.23: 177-196.
103514 Global Trends in Homicide/Mateus Renno Santos, Alexander Testa.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2018; Vol.23: 199-222.
103515 It Is Less About Wealth or Poverty Than With Equality and Formal Social Control: An Analysis of the Determinants of the Homicide Rate in 145 Countries of the World/Claire Chabot, Marc Ouimet.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2018; Vol.23: 223-240.
103516 Murder in a Twin Island Paradise: Trends and Strategies Implemented to Address Criminal Homicide in Trinidad and Tobago/Ericka B. Adams, Claudio G. Vera Sanchez.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2018; Vol.23: 241-255.
103517 Is Crime Rising or Falling? A Comparison of Police-Recorded Crime and Victimization Surveys/Barak Ariel, Matthew Bland.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2019; Vol.24: 7-31.
103518 Using Freedom of Information Requests in Socio-Legal Studies, Criminal Justice Studies, and Criminology/Kevin Walby, Alex Luscombe.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2019; Vol.24: 33-46.
103519 Criminal Group Dynamics and Network Methods/Marie Ouellet, Sadaf Hashimi.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2019; Vol.24: 47-65.
103520 Innovative Methods of Gathering Survey Data on Violence Against Women/Walter S. DeKeseredy.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2019; Vol.24: 69-84.
103521 Methods of Male Sex Work Research: Recommendations and Future Research Opportunities/Navin Kumar.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2019; Vol.24: 85-99.
103522 Employing Mixed Methods: The Case of Elder Financial Exploitation/Julie Brancale, Thomas G. Blomberg.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2019; Vol.24: 101-114.
103523 Perceptions of School Safety in the Aftermath of a Shooting: Challenge to Internal Validity?/Jennifer O’Neill, Timothy McCuddy, Finn-Aage Esbensen.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2019; Vol.24: 115-132.
103524 Methodological Challenges in Collaborative Research with Immigrant Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence in Canada/Nawal Ammar, Arshia U. Zaidi.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2019; Vol.24: 135-149.
103525 The Uses and Limits of Photovoice in Research on Life After Immigration Detention and Deportation/Sarah Turnbull.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2019; Vol.24: 151-164.
103526 Agency Records as a Method for Examining Human Trafficking/Valerie R. Anderson, Teresa C. Kulig, Christopher J. Sullivan.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2019; Vol.24: 165-178.
103527 Searching for Extremist Content Online Using the Dark Crawler and Sentiment Analysis/Ryan Scrivens … [et al.].- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2019; Vol.24: 179-194.
103528 Does Deradicalization Work?/John Horgan, Katharina Meredith, Katerina Papatheodorou.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2020; Vol.25: 9-20.
103529 Navigating Radicalization Concepts: A Role for the Harm Principle/Keiran Hardy.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2020; Vol.25: 21-35.
103530 Radicalization as Transformative Learning: A Theoretical and Illustrative Exploration/Alex Wilner, Claire-Jehanne Dubouloz.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2020; Vol.25: 37-53.
103531 Advances in Violent Extremist Risk Analysis/Paul Gill … [et al.].- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2020; Vol.25: 55-74.
103532 Counter-Radicalization as Civic Integration/Therese O’Toole.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2020; Vol.25: 77-93.
103533 The Role of State Violence in the Adoption of Terrorism/Stephen Chicoine.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2020; Vol.25: 95-114.
103534 The Securitization of Muslim Civil Society in Canada/Fahad Ahmad.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2020; Vol.25: 115-133.
103535 Countering Violent Extremism, Safeguarding and the Law: A Practitoner’s Perspective on Protecting Young and Vulnerable People from Exploitation/Carys Evans.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2020; Vol.25: 135-151.
103536 Clearing the Smoke and Breaking the Mirrors: Using Attitudinal Inoculation to Challenge Online Disinformation by Extremists/Kurt Braddock.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2020; Vol.25: 155-166.
103537 Hatred She Wrote: A Comparative Topic Analysis of Extreme Right and Islamic State Women-Only Forums/Ayse Lokmanoglu, Yannick Veilleux-Lepage.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2020; Vol.25: 183-205.
103538 Former Extremists in Radicalization and Counter-Radicalization Research/Ryan Scrivens, Steven Windisch, Pete Simi.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2020; Vol.25: 209-224.
103539 Examining Prevent from a Former Combatant Perspective/Tom Pettinger.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2020; Vol.25: 225-241.
103540 Engagement, Desistance, and Revolt: What Do We Know about Terrorists Who Turn into Informants?/Stefano Bonino.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2020; Vol.25: 243-257.
103541 We Wouldn’t Let Known Terrorists Live Here: Impediments to Radicalization in Western Canadian Prisons/William J. Schultz, Sandra M. Bucerius, Kevin D. Haggerty.- Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. 2020; Vol.25: 259-275.
103542 The Claims of Official Reason: Administrative Guidance on Social Inclusion/Blake Emerson.- the Yale Law Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.128, No.8: 2122-2216.
103543 Bias In, Bias Out/Sandra G . Mayson.- the Yale Law Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.128, No.8: 2218-2300.
103544 Jury Selection as Election: A New Framework for Peremptory Strikes/Ela A . Leshem.- the Yale Law Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.128, No.8: 2356-2411.
103545 Zoned Out: How Zoning Law Undermines Family Law’s Functional Turn/Kate Redburn.- the Yale Law Journal. 2018-2019; Vol.128, No.8: 2412-2473.
103546 The Lessons of Lone Pine/Nora Freeman Engstrom.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.1: 2-76.
103547 Sex in Public/Elizabeth Sepper, Deborah Dinner.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.1: 78-147.
103548 How to Save the Supreme Court/Daniel Epps, Ganesh Sitaraman.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.1: 148-206.
103549 Miss-Conceptions: Abortifacients, Regulatory Failure, and Political Opportunity/Rachel Frank.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.1: 208-250.
103550 Disparate-Impact Liability for Policing/Alisa Tiwari.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.1: 252-306.
103551 Bans/Joseph Blocher.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.2: 308-376.
103552 The Statutory Separation of Powers/Sharon B. Jacobs.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.2: 378-444.
103553 The #MeToo Movement Migrates to M&A Boilerplate/Anna Windemuth.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.2: 488-547.
103554 Constraint Through Independence/Daniel B. Listwa, Lydia K. Fuller.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.2: 548-610.
103555 Secret Reason-Giving/Ashley S . Deeks.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.3: 612-689.
103556 Paid on Both Sides: Quid Pro Quo Exchange and the Doctrine of Consideration/Jedle Winsohn.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.3: 690-772.
103557 Fidelity and Construction/Amul R. Thapar, Joe Masterman.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.3: 774-810.
103558 Public Rights of First Refusal/Peter Damrosch.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.3: 812-864.
103559 Keeping Litigation at Home: The Role of States in Preventing Unjust Choice of Forum/Cara Reichard.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.3: 866-923.
103560 Plessy Preserved: Agencies and the Effective Constitution/Joy Milligan.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.4: 924-1018.
103561 The New National Security Challenge to the Economic Order/J . Benton Heath.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.4: 1020-1098.
103562 Sex as a Pedagogical Failure/Amia Srinivasan.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.4: 1100-1146.
103563 Reflective Remedies/Mitchell Chevu Johnston.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.4: 1148-1212.
103564 Better Together? The Peril and Promise of Aggregate Litigation for Trafficked Workers/Nikko Price.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.4: 1214-1275.
103565 Probable Cause Pluralism/Andrew Manuel Crespo.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.5: 1276-1391.
103566 The Strategies of Anticompetitive Common Ownership/C. Scott Hemphill, Marcel Kahan.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.58: 1392-1459.
103567 The Law of Informational Capitalism/Amy Kapczynski.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.5: 1460-1515.
103568 A Federal Builder’s Remedy for Exclusionary Zoning/Eric E. Stern.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.5: 1516-1566.
103569 The Power of Police Officers to Give Lawful Orders/James Mooney.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.5: 1568-1598.
103570 Respect, Individualism, and Colorblindness/Benjamin Eidelson.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.6: 1600-1675.
103571 The Wandering Officer/Ben Grunwald, John Rappaport.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.6: 1676-1782.
103572 Building a Law-and-Political-Economy Framework: Beyond the Twentieth-Century Synthesis/Jedediah Britton-Purdy … [et al.].- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.6: 1784-1835.
103573 Sincerity, Religious Questions, and the Accommodation Claims of Muslim Prisoners/Adeel Mohammadi.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.6: 1836-1886.
103574 Island Judges/James T. Campbell.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.6: 1888-1945.
103575 Law Within Congress/Jonathan S. Gould.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.7: 1946-2028.
103576 Competition Wrongs/Nicolas Cornell.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.7: 2023-2077.
103577 Unconstitutional Incarceration: Applying Strict Scrutiny to Criminal Sentences/Salil Dudani.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.7: 2112-2177.
103578 Rulemaking 101/Brendan Costello.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.7: 2178-2230.
103579 Commonsense Consent/Roseanna Sommers.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.8: 2232-2324.
103580 Federalism by Contract/Bridget A. Fahey.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.8: 2326-2416.
103581 The Facebook Oversight Board: Creating an Independent Institution to Adjudicate Online Free Expression/Kate Klonick.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.8: 2418-2499.
103582 The Law of Presidential Transitions/Joshua P. Zoffer.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.8: 2500-2572.
103583 Colonizing History: Rice v. Cayetano and the Fight for Native Hawaiian Self-Determination/Lisset M. Pino.- the Yale Law Journal. 2019-2020; Vol.129, No.8: 2574-2605.
103584 Expounding the Constitution/Farah Peterson.- the Yale Law Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.130, No.1: 2-84.
103585 The First Amendment and the Right(s) of Publicity/Robert C. Post, Jennifer E. Rothman.- the Yale Law Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.130, No.1: 86-172.
103586 The Attorney General’s Settlement Authority and the Separation of Powers/Simon Brewer.- the Yale Law Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.130, No.1: 174-224.
103587 Condemning Worship: Religious Liberty Protections and Church Takings/Patrick E. Reidy.- the Yale Law Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.130, No.1: 226-274.
103588 Retroactive Adjudication/Samuel Beswick.- the Yale Law Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.130, No.2: 276-365.
103589 Distorted Choice in Corporate Bankruptcy/David A. Skeel.- the Yale Law Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.130, No.2: 366-426.
103590 Labor’s Antitrust Problem: A Case for Worker Welfare/Eugene K. Kim.- the Yale Law Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.130, No.2: 728-476.
103591 When Marriage Is Too Much: Reviving the Registered Partnership in a Diverse Society/Mary Charlotte Y. Carroll.- the Yale Law Journal. 2020-2021; Vol.130, No.2: 478-544.
103592 Prior Appropriation and the Commons/Robert Haskell Abrams.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.37, No.2: 141-189.
103593 An Analysis of the International Climate Change Adaptation Regime and its Response to Global Public Health Concerns/Lauren Cullum.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.37, No.2: 191-228.
103594 The Legal Landscape of America’s Landlocked Property/John W. Sheridan.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.37, No.2: 229-258.
103595 Incorporating Analysis of Sea-Level Rise Into Environmental Impact Reports/Emily Warfield.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2019; Vol.37, No.2: 259-276.
103596 From Attleboro to EPSA: The Pace of Change and Evolving Jurisdictional Frameworks in the Electricity Sector/Michael Panfil.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.38, No.1: 1-36.
103597 Integrating Green Infrastructure Into Stormwater Policy: Reliability, Watershed Management, and Environmental Psychology as Holistic Tools for Success/Reshmina William, A. Bryan Endres, Ashlynn S. Stillwell.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.38, No.1: 37-59.
103598 California Carbon Offsets and Working Forest Conservation Easements/Jess R. Phelps, David P. Hoffer.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.38, No.1: 61-77.
103599 Downsizing National Monuments: The Current Debate and Lessons From History/Grant Horton.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.38, No.1: 79-103.
103600 A Perfect Storm: Environmental Justice and Air Quality Impacts of Offshore Oil and Gas Development in the Arctic Outer Continental Shelf/Race, Kayla.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.38, No.1: 105-161.
103601 The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act and the Common Law of Groundwater Rights – Finding a Consistent Path Forward for Groundwater Allocation/Eric Garner … [et al.].- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.38, No.2: 163-215.
103602 The Price of Sovereignty in the Era of Climate Change: The Role of Climate Finance in Guiding Adaptation Choices for Small Island Developing States/Lauren E. Sancken.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.38, No.2: 217-258.
103603 The Operationalization of the Principle of Free, Prior and Informed Consent: A Duty to Obtain Consent or Simply a Duty to Consult?/Claudia Iseli.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.38, No.2: 259-275.
103604 Establishing Floating Offshore Wind Development in Oregon: Lessons From East Coast State Policy Tools Promoting Offshore Wind/Andy Su.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.38, No.2: 277-308.
103605 When the Well Runs Dry: Groundwater Policy and Sustainability Post-Agua Caliente/Alec D. Tyra.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2020; Vol.38, No.2: 309-338.
103606 Retooling Environmental Justice/Rachael E. Salcido.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2021; Vol.39, No.1: 1-38.
103607 Can the U.S. Constitution Encompass a Right to a Stable Climate? (Yes, it Can.)/James R. May, Erin Daly.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2021; Vol.39, No.1: 39-64.
103608 Climate Change and the Vulnerable Occupied Palestinian Territories/Lena Freij.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2021; Vol.39, No.1: 65-88.
103609 Fracking in Pueblo and Dine Communities/Melodie Meyer.- UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. 2021; Vol.39, No.1: 89-122.
103610 Alibaba, Amazon, and Counterfeiting in the Age of the Internet/Daniel C.K. Chow.- Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business. 2019-2020; Vol.40, No.2: 157-202.
103611 The Indian Securities Fraud Class Action: Is Class Arbitration the Answer?/Brian T. Fitzpatrick, Randall S. Thomas.- Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business. 2019-2020; Vol.40, No.2: 203-225.
103612 Do You Accept These Cookies? How the General Data Protection Regulation Keeps Consumer Information Safe/Jayne Chorpash.- Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business. 2019-2020; Vol.40, No.2: 227-249.
103613 Reds, Whites, and Sulfites: Examining Different Organic Wine Regulation Practices in the United States and the European Union/Ryan Puszka.- Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business. 2019-2020; Vol.40, No.2: 251-274.
103614 Inefficiency of Specific Performance as a Contractual Remedy in Chinese Courts: An Empirical and Normative Analysis/Lei Chen, Larry A. DiMatteo.- Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business. 2019-2020; Vol.40, No.3: 275-332.
103615 Can Smart Contracts Enhance Firm Efficiency in Emerging Markets?/Kevin J. Fandl.- Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business. 2019-2020; Vol.40, No.3: 333-361.
103616 Establishing Economic Independence in Haiti Through Public-Private Partnerships and Foreign Direct Investment/Jasmine Armand.- Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business. 2019-2020; Vol.40, No.3: 363-390.
103617 A New Development in Private Equity: The Rise and Progression of Special Purpose Acquisition Companies in Europe and Asia/Brandon Schumacher.- Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business. 2019-2020; Vol.40, No.3: 391-415.
103618 Chasing the Fruits of Misery: Confronting the Historical Relationships Between Opioid Revenues, Offshore Financial Centers, and International Regulatory Networks/Stephen Wilks.- Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business. 2020-2021; Vol.41, No.1: 1-47.
103619 Mechanisms for Consultation and Free, Prior and Informed Consent in the Negotiation of Investment Contracts/Sam Szoke-BurkeSam, Kaitlin Y. Cordes.- Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business. 2020-2021; Vol.41, No.1: 49-87.
103620 Crowding Out Theory: Protecting Shareholders by Balancing Executives’ Incentives in France, the United States, and China/Palden Flynn.- Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business. 2020-2021; Vol.41, No.1: 89-113.
103621 Comparative Analysis of U.S. and Saudi Arabia Investment Funds Regulations/Gabriella Tang.- Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business. 2020-2021; Vol.41, No.1: 115-138.
103622 Forget BIT: The Impact of RTA on FDI and Economic Growth – A Comparison of Brazil and Mexico/Rosa Meguerian-Faria.- Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business. 2020-2021; Vol.41, No.2: 139-174.
103623 Self-Regulation in the Derivatives Markets: Stability Through Collaboration/Heath P. Tarbert.- Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business. 2020-2021; Vol.41, No.2: 175-212.
103624 Outsourcing the Police: How Reliance on the Private Sector for Law Enforcement Threatens Privacy Legislation Around the World/Karl Colbary.- Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business. 2020-2021; Vol.41, No.2: 213-243.
103625 Send the Word Over There: An Offshore Solution to the Right to Be Forgotten/Jay Kaganoff.- Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business. 2020-2021; Vol.41, No.2: 245-271.
103626 When Allahu Akbar Becomes a Crime: The Israeli Case/Yael Efron, Mohammed S. Wattad.- UCLA Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law. 2020; Vol.18, No.1: 21-45.
103627 International Human Rights Law and Religious and Cultural Law: Breaking the Impasse/Hallie Ludsin.- UCLA Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law. 2020; Vol.18, No.1: 47-86.
103628 Sources of Saudi Conduct: How Saudi Family Law and Royal Polygyny Produce Political Instability/Ryan Riegg.- UCLA Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law. 2020; Vol.18, No.1: 87-128.
103629 Globalizing Anudo v. Tanzania: Applying the African Court’s Arbitrariness Test to the UK’s Denationalization of Shamima Begum/Amanda D. Brown.- UCLA Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law. 2020; Vol.18, No.1: 129-177.
103630 China’s Repression of Uigher Muslims: A Human Rights Perspective in Historical Context/Engy Abdelkader.- UCLA Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law. 2020; Vol.18, No.1: 1-20.
103631 Instrumentalisation of Tort Law: Widespread yet Fundamentally Limited/Pieter Gillaerts.- Utrecht Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 27-42.
103632 The Role of Belgian and Dutch Tort Law in the Legal Battle Against Damage as a Result of Smoking Behaviour/Ilse Samoy, Christopher Borucki, Anne Keirse.- Utrecht Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 78-98.
103633 When Healthcare Goes up in Tobacco Smoke: A Selective Healthcare System from a (European) Human Rights Perspective/Christopher Borucki.- Utrecht Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 6-26.
103634 Cornucopia and the Grapes of Wrath: A Social-Philosophical Perspective on the Regulation of Risks and Side-Effects of Food and Drink/Ubaldus de Vries.- Utrecht Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 129-140.
103635 Sugar Kills: Towards a Duty to Warn in Respect of High-Sugar Products?/Louise Vytopil.- Utrecht Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 114-127.
103636 Supervision Practice in the Face of Emerging Health Risks: How Market Dynamics are Forcing Enforcement Officials to Stretch their Mandate/Aute Kasdorp, Judith van Erp.- Utrecht Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 99-112.
103637 The Regulation of Trans Fats in Food Products in the US and the EU/Suzanne Andrea Bloks.- Utrecht Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 57-76.
103638 Modern Theories of Product Warnings and European Product Liability Law/Thomas Verheyen.- Utrecht Law Review. 2019; Vol.15, No.3: 44-55.
103639 Experimental legal methods in the classroom/Arthur Dyevre, Michal Ovadek.- Utrecht Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 1-11.
103640 Is revision of the council of Europe guidelines on electronic evidence already needed?/Remigijus Jokubauskas, Marek Swierczynski.- Utrecht Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 13-19.
103641 An intuitive approach to hard cases/Tomasz J. G. Zygmunt.- Utrecht Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 21-38.
103642 Importance of judicial decisions as a perceived level of relevance/Terezie Smejkalova.- Utrecht Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 39-56.
103643 The use of non-domestic legal sources in Supreme Court of Canada judgments: Is this the judicial slowbalization of the court?/Klodian Rado.- Utrecht Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 57-85.
103644 Divided but harmonious? The interpretations and applications of article 31(3)(c) of the vienna convention on the law of treaties/Ivo Tarik de Vries-Zou.- Utrecht Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 86-100.
103645 Clear skies or turbulence ahead? The international civil aviation organization’s obligation to mitigate climate change/Baine P. Kerr.- Utrecht Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 101-115.
103646 Environmental Criminal Enforcement in Poland and Russia: Meeting Current Challenges/Denis Solodov, Elzbieta Zebek.- Utrecht Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 140-149.
103647 The Application of Shariah Finance Rules in International Commercial Arbitration/Ahmad Q. Farah, Rasha M. Hattab.- Utrecht Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.1: 117-139.
103648 The Impact of a Human Right to Water on the Sustainable Balance of Water Uses under the UN Watercourses Convention/Antoinette Hildering.- Utrecht Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 7-16.
103649 The Sustainable Human Right to Water as Reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals/Otto Spijkers.- Utrecht Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 18-31.
103650 The Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation: An Assessment of Its First Dozen Years/Henry F. Carey.- Utrecht Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 33-46.
103651 How the European Citizens’ Initiative Water and Sanitation is a Human Right! Changed EU Discourse on Water Services Provision/Jerry van den Berge, Rutgerd Boelens, Jeroen Vos.- Utrecht Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 48-58.
103652 Constitutionalising a Human Right to Water in the Southern African Development Community/Michelle Barnard.- Utrecht Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 60-73.
103653 Localizing the Human Right to Water in Lagos State, Nigeria/Pedi Obani.- Utrecht Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 75-84.
103654 Participation in the Implementation of the Human Right to Water in Tunisia/Tobias Schmitz, Bas Rensen.- Utrecht Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 85-95.
103655 Realising the Human Right to Water in Costa Rica through Social Movements/Gabriela Cuadrado-Quesada.- Utrecht Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 96-109.
103656 The Right of Access to Water in the Context of Investment Disputes in Argentina: Urbaser and Beyond/Yulia Levashova.- Utrecht Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 110-123.
103657 Exploring the Road to Justiciability of the Human Right to Water in Suriname/Daphina Misiedjan.- Utrecht Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 125-135.
103658 The Human Right to Water and the Realisation of Water Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory/Ahmed Beshtawi.- Utrecht Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 137-148.
103659 Human Right to Water in the Helmand Basin: Setting a Path for the Conflict Settlement between Afghanistan and Iran/Farnaz Shirani Bidabadi, Ladan Afshari.- Utrecht Law Review. 2020; Vol.16, No.2: 150-162.
103660 When Protest Goes to Sea: Theorizing Maritime Violence by Applying Social Movement Theory to Terrorism and Piracy in the Cases of Nigeria and Somalia/Patricia Schneider.- Ocean Development and International Law. 2020; Vol.51, No.4: 283-306.
103661 Relevant Coasts and Relevant Area in the Maritime Delimitation of the EEZ and Continental Shelf/Yurika Ishii.- Ocean Development and International Law. 2020; Vol.51, No.4: 307-329.
103662 From Rocks to an Archipelago: The Brazilian Interpretation and Application of Article 121 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea With Respect to the St. Peter and St. Paul Insular Features/Alexandre Pereira da Silva.- Ocean Development and International Law. 2020; Vol.51, No.4: 330-357.
103663 Maritime Delimitation Between China and North Korea in the North Yellow Sea/Huaigao Qi.- Ocean Development and International Law. 2020; Vol.51, No.4: 358-385.
103664 The Genesis of Article 234 of the UNCLOS/Jan Jakub Solski.- Ocean Development and International Law. 2021; Vol.52, No.1: 1-19.
103665 Developing China’s Legal Regime for International Deep Seabed Mining – The Present and Future/Hao Shen.- Ocean Development and International Law. 2021; Vol.52, No.1: 20-40.
103666 The Adjacency Doctrine in the Negotiation of BBNJ: Creeping Jurisdiction or Legitimate Claim?/Jinyuan Su.- Ocean Development and International Law. 2021; Vol.52, No.1: 41-63.
103667 The Passage Regimes of the Kerch Strait – To Each Their Own?/Alexander Lott.- Ocean Development and International Law. 2021; Vol.52, No.1: 64-92.
103668 Protecting Submarine Cables From Physical Damage Under Investment Law/Wenlan Yang.- Ocean Development and International Law. 2021; Vol.52, No.2: 93-112.
103669 Identifying Exclusionary Agreements: Agreement Type as a Procedural Limitation in UNCLOS Dispute Settlement/Hayley Roberts.- Ocean Development and International Law. 2021; Vol.52, No.2: 113-142.
103670 Australia as a Middle Power: Challenging the Narrative of Developed/Developing States in International Negotiations Surrounding Marine Genetic Resources/Ethan Beringen, Nengye Liu, Michelle Lim.- Ocean Development and International Law. 2021; Vol.52, No.2: 143-168.
103671 Just a Harmless Fishing Fad – or Does the Use of FADs Contravene International Marine Pollution Law?/Robin Churchill.- Ocean Development and International Law. 2021; Vol.52, No.2: 169-192.
103672 A Liberal Maritime Power as Any Other? The Soviet Union during the Negotiations of the Law of the Sea Convention/Pierre Thevenin.- Ocean Development and International Law. 2021; Vol.52, No.2: 193-223.
103673 Experiencing Critique/George Pavlich; No.1: 95-112.
103674 Legal Critique: Elements for a Genealogy/Anton Schutz; No.1: 71-93.
103675 Legal Practice and Modes of Dying Bruno Latour, Technology and the Critical Legal Instance/Patricia Tuitt; No.1: 113-129.
103676 Oubliez Critique/Costas Douzinas; No.1: 47-69.
103677 Levinas, Israel and the Call to Conscience/Amanda Loumansky; No.2: 181-200.
103678 Sinthome Law: Theoretical Constructions upon Lacan’s Concept of the Sinthome/Jamie Murray; No.2: 201-230.
103679 Freedom and Sovereignty a Fatal Relationship Outlined with Jean-Luc Nancy and Marquis De Sade/Jorn Ahrens; No.3: 301-313.
103680 Interrupting the Myth of the Partage: Reflections on Sovereignty and Sacrifice in the work of Nancy, Agamben and Derrida/Johan Van Der Walt; No.3: 277-299.
103681 Laws of Deliberation: From Audaciousness to Prudence … and back/Pablo Sanges Ghetti; No.3: 255-275.
103682 Love and Communism: Jean-Luc Nancy’s Shattered Community/Catherine Kellogg; No.3: 339-355.
103683 The Sense of Freedom. The Surprise of Being-in-Common/Perin Matteo; No.3: 315-338.
103684 Cassirer in Davos. An Intermezzo on Magic Mountain (1929)/Deniz Coskun.- Law and Critique. 2006; Vol.17, No.1: 1-26.
103685 Did We Really Get Rid of Commands? Thoughts on a Theme from Elias Canetti/Andrea Brighenti.- Law and Critique. 2006; Vol.17, No.1: 47-71.
103686 Ethics of Emotions as Ethics of Human Rights: A Jurisprudence of Sympathy in Adorno, Horkheimer and Rorty/Jose Manuel Barreto.- Law and Critique. 2006; Vol.17, No.1: 73-106.
103687 Law’s (Masculine) Violence: Reshaping  Jurisprudence/Rosemary Hunter.- Law and Critique. 2006; Vol.17, No.1: 27-46.
103688 Paradise Lost…: The Meaning of Modernity and the Antinomy of the Law/Oscar Guardiola-Rivera.- Law and Critique. 2006; Vol.17, No.1: 107-127.
103689 Human Rights Human Bodies? Some Reflections on Corporate Human Rights Distortion,The Legal Subject, Embodiment and Human Rights Theory/Anna Grear.- Law and Critique. 2006; Vol.17, No.2: 171-199.
103690 To Wonderland Through the Looking-glass: Conceiving a Critical Legal Argument for Contractual Justice in the South African Law of Contract/A. J. Barnard.- Law and Critique. 2006; Vol.17, No.2: 153-170.
103691 Constitutionalism and imperialism Sub Specie Spinozae/Scott Newton.- Law and Critique. 2006; Vol.17, No.3: 325-355.
103692 Habermas and Deleuze on Law and Adjudication/Alexandre Lefebvre.- Law and Critique. 2006; Vol.17, No.3: 389-414.
103693 The Partisan: Carl Schmitt and Terrorism/Tarik Kochi.- Law and Critique. 2006; Vol.17, No.3: 267-295.
103694 The philosopher’s courtly love? Leo strauss, eros, and the law/Matthew Sharpe.- Law and Critique. 2006; Vol.17, No.3: 357-388.
103695 Ethics in the workplace/Sally Wheeler.- Law and Critique. 2007; Vol.18, No.1: 1-28.
103696 His master’s voice: H.L.A. Hart and Lacanian discourse theory/Jeanne L. Schroeder.- Law and Critique. 2007; Vol.18, No.1: 117-142.
103697 Spectres of Coke: Judicial Supervision as a Revolutionary Inheritance/Jacques de Ville.- Law and Critique. 2007; Vol.18, No.1: 29-54.
103698 Superego, special juries and a split law: eighteenth-century adultery trials viewed through Zizek’s lens/Marie Hockenhull Smith.- Law and Critique. 2007; Vol.18, No.1: 91-116.
103699 Treating Life Literally/Adam Sitze.- Law and Critique. 2007; Vol.18, No.1: 55-89.
103700 From walls to membranes: fortress polis and the governance of urban public space in 21st century Britain/Anne Bottomley, Nathan Moor.- Law and Critique. 2007; Vol.18, No.2: 171-206.
103701 Structured Like A Monster: Understanding Human Difference Through A Legal Category/Andrew N. Sharpe.- Law and Critique. 2007; Vol.18, No.2: 207-228.
103702 Feminism and the siren call of law/Maria Drakopoulou.- Law and Critique. 2007; Vol.18, No.3: 331-360.
103703 Return of the fetish: a plea for a new materialism/Oscar Guardiola-Rivera.- Law and Critique. 2007; Vol.18, No.3: 275-307.
103704 Who are ‘we’? Don’t make me laugh/Carrol Clarkson.- Law and Critique. 2007; Vol.18, No.3: 361-374.
103705 Writing the Rwandan Genocide: The Justice and Politics of Witnessing after the Event/Eugene McNamee.- Law and Critique. 2007; Vol.18, No.3: 309-330.
103706 Authors’ Rights As An Instrument Of Control: An Overview Of The Ideas Of Authorship And Authors’ Rights In Socialist Yugoslavia, And How These Ideas Did Not Change To Reflect The Ideals Of The Socialist Revolution/Natalija Grgorinie, Ognjen Raden.- Law and Critique. 2008; Vol.19, No.1: 35-63.
103707 Kant’s Project of Perpetual Pacification/William Rasch.- Law and Critique. 2008; Vol.19, No.1: 19-34.
103708 The Expressionless Law, Ethics, and the Imagery of Suffering/Panu Minkkinen.- Law and Critique. 2008; Vol.19, No.1: 65-85.
103709 The Secret Clauses of the Liberal Utopia/Slavoj Zizek.- Law and Critique. 2008; Vol.19, No.1: 1-18.
103710 Sovereignty Without Sovereignty: Derrida’s Declarations Of Independence/Jacques De Ville.- Law and Critique. 2008; Vol.19, No.2: 87-114.
103711 Postmodern Jurisprudence: Contesting Genres/Bronwyn Statham.- Law and Critique. 2008; Vol.19, No.2: 139-164.
103712 Sovereignty Without Sovereignty: Derrida’s Declarations Of Independence/Jacques De Ville.- Law and Critique. 2008; Vol.19, No.2: 193-223.
103713 The Aporia of Collective Violence/Leonhard Praeg.- Law and Critique. 2008; Vol.19, No.2: 193-223.
103714 Uses Of Blood: Re-Reading Matt. 27:25/Andrew Simmonds.- Law and Critique. 2008; Vol.19, No.2: 165-191.
103715 A New Alliance of De-legalisation and Legal Formalism? Reflections on Responses to the Social Deficit of the European Integration Project/Christian Joerges.- Law and Critique. 2008; Vol.19, No.3: 235-253.
103716 Governance, Proceduralisation and Justice: Some Challenges to the Legal Paradigm/Jennifer Hendry.- Law and Critique. 2008; Vol.19, No.3: 345-361.
103717 Introduction to The Special Issue: Governance, Civil Society and Social Movements/Michael Blecher.- Law and Critique. 2008; Vol.19, No.3: 255-233.
103718 Justice Under Global Capitalism?/Gunther Teubner.- Law and Critique. 2008; Vol.19, No.3: 329-334.
103719 Mind The Gap/Michael Blecher.- Law and Critique. 2008; Vol.19, No.3: 297-306.
103720 Reframing Political Freedom In The Analytics Of Governmentality/Roberto Ciccarelli.- Law and Critique. 2008; Vol.19, No.3: 307-327.
103721 Critical Normativity/Joseph William Singer.- Law and Critique. 2009; Vol.21, No.1: 27-42.
103722 Rethinking the Notion of a ‘Higher Law’: Heidegger and Derrida on the Anaximander Fragment/Jacques de Ville.- Law and Critique. 2009; Vol.21, No.1: 59-78.
103723 Strategies of Rupture/Emilios Christodoulidis.- Law and Critique. 2009; Vol.21, No.1: 3-26.
103724 uBuntu, Pluralism and the Responsibility of Legal Academics to the New South Africa/Drucilla Cornell.- Law and Critique. 2009; Vol.21, No.1: 43-58.
103725 At the Walls of Athens: What Remains?/A. J. Barnard-Naude.- Law and Critique. 2009; Vol.21, No.2: 177-192.
103726 Editors’ Introduction: ‘The Politics of the Border/The Borders of the Political’/Ben Golder,Victoria Ridler, Illan Rua Wall.- Law and Critique. 2009; Vol.21, No.2: 105-111.
103727 Otherwise than Hospitality: A Disputation on the Relation of Ethics to Law and Politics/Gilbert Leung, Matthew Stone.- Law and Critique. 2009; Vol.21, No.2: 193-206.
103728 Particular Rights and Absolute Wrongs: Giorgio Agamben on Life and Politics/Jessica Whyte.- Law and Critique. 2009; Vol.21, No.2: 147-161.
103729 The Politics of Caesura: Giorgio Agamben on Language and the Law/Daniel Paul McLoughlin.- Law and Critique. 2009; Vol.21, No.2: 163-176.
103730 A Figure of Annihilated Human Existenc: Agamben and Adorno on Gesture/Alastair Morgan.- Law and Critique. 2009; Vol.21, No.3: 299-307.
103731 Agamben and Marx: Sovereignty, Governmentality, Economy/Arne de Boever.- Law and Critique. 2009; Vol.21.
103732 I Would Prefer Not To: Giorgio Agamben, Bartleby and the Potentiality of the Law/Jessica Whyte.- Law and Critique. 2009; Vol.21, No.3: 309-324.
103733 Imperatives Without Imperator/Anton Schutz.- Law and Critique. 2009; Vol.21, No.3: 234-243.
103734 In Force Without Significance: Kantian Nihilism and Agamben’s Critique of Law/Daniel McLoughlin.- Law and Critique. 2009; Vol.21, No.3: 245-257.
103735 The Power of Thought/Alex Murray, Thanos Zartaloudis.- Law and Critique. 2009; Vol.21, No.3: 207-210.
103745 A Counterpoint to Modernity: Laws and Philosophical Reason in Plato’s Politicus/Costas Stratilatis.- Law and Critique. 2011; Vol.22, No.1: 15-37.
103746 Doing Justice to Existence: Jean-Luc Nancy and ‘The Size of Humanity’/Ignaas Devisch.- Law and Critique. 2011; Vol.22.
103747 Native American Identity and the Limits of Cultural Defence/Alexander V. Kozin.- Law and Critique. 2011; Vol.22, No.1: 39-57.
103748 Paper Covers Rock: In Search of the e-record Model/Jacques Mourrain.- Law and Critique. 2011; Vol.22, No.1: 59-78.
103749 A Quandary Concerning Immanence/Anton Schutz.- Law and Critique. 2011; Vol.22, No.2: 189-203.
103750 Becoming-Animal, Becoming-Detainee: Encountering Human Rights Discourse in Guantanamo/Andreja Zevnik.- Law and Critique. 2011; Vol.22, No.2: 155-169.
103751 Between Constitutional Mo(nu)ments: Memorialising Past, Present and Future at the District Six Museum and Constitution Hill/Stacy Douglas.- Law and Critique. 2011; Vol.22, No.2: 171-187.
103752 Foucault s Critique: A Topology of Thought/Erzse’bet Strausz.- Law and Critique. 2011; Vol.22, No.2: 119-133.
103753 On Justice/Thanos Zartaloudis.- Law and Critique. 2011; Vol.22, No.2: 135-153.
103754 Culpability and the Politics of Love/Veronique Voruz.- Law and Critique. 2011; Vol.22, No.3: 205-225.
103755 Government(ality) by Experts: Human Rights as Governance/Bal Sokhi-Bulley.- Law and Critique. 2011; Vol.22, No.3: 252-271.
103756 Plasticity and Post-Colonial Recognition: ‘Owning, Knowing and Being’/Brenna Bhandar.- Law and Critique. 2011; Vol.22, No.3: 229-249.
103757 The Molotov Milkshake: Corporate Social Responsibility and the Market/L. M. Moncrieff.- Law and Critique. 2011; Vol.22, No.3: 274-293.
103815 [Disability] Justice Dictated by the Surfeit of Love Simone Weil in Nigeria/Oche Onazi.- Law and Critique. 2017; Vol.28, No.1: 2-22.
103816 Dreams and Nightmares of Liberal International Law: Capitalist Accumulation, Natural Rights and State Hegemony/Tarik Kochi.- Law and Critique. 2017; Vol.28, No.1: 23-41.
103817 Keyu and Others (2015): Derridean Hauntology and Lacanian-Zizekian Psychoanalysis in Between the Lines/Linda Roland Danil.- Law and Critique. 2017; Vol.28, No.1: 43-60.
103818 The Commons as a Legal Concept/Maria Rosaria Marella.- Law and Critique. 2017; Vol.28, No.1: 61-86.
103819 Smoke, Curtains and Mirrors: The Production of Race Through Time and Title Registration/Sarah Keenan.- Law and Critique. 2017; Vol.28, No.1: 87-108.
103820 Dismay, Dissembly and Geocide: Ways Through the Maze of Trumpist Geopolitics/Philip Conway.- Law and Critique. 2017; Vol.28, No.2: 111-118.
103821 The Denier-in-Chief Climate Change, Science and the Election of Donald J. Trump/Kari De Pryc, Francois Gemenne.- Law and Critique. 2017; Vol.28, No.2: 119-126.
103822 Trumpism and Being in Worlds that Fall Between Worlds/Lilian Moncrieff.- Law and Critique. 2017; Vol.28, No.2: 127-133.
103823 Earthbound Law: The Force of an Indigenous Australian Institution/Stephen Muecke.- Law and Critique. 2017; Vol.28, No.2: 135-143.
103824 Civil Death in the Dominion of Freedom: Liberia and the Logic of Capital/Shane Chalmers.- Law and Critique. 2017; Vol.28, No.2: 145-165.
103825 An Uneven and Combined Development Theory of Law: Initiation/Susan Dianne Brophy.- Law and Critique. 2017; Vol.28, No.2: 167-191.
103826 Legal Punishment and Its Limits The Future of Abolitionism/Catherine Kellogg.- Law and Critique. 2017; Vol.28, No.2: 195-213.
103827 The Work of Humiliation A Psychoanalytic Understanding of Checkpoints, Borders and the Animation of the Legal World/Juliet Brough Rogers.- Law and Critique. 2017; Vol.28, No.2: 215-233.
103828 From Fear to Anxiety An Exploration into a New Socio-Political Temporality/Andreja Zevnik.- Law and Critique. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 235-246.
103829 Fear and Anxiety The Nationalist and Racist Politics of Fantasy/Ari Hirvonen.- Law and Critique. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 249-265.
103830 ‘She Reigns and He Does Not Govern’ The Discourse of the Anxious Hysteric in Post-apartheid South Africa/Jaco Barnard-Naude.- Law and Critique. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 267-287.
103831 Humiliation, Justice and the Play of Anxiety in Competing Jurisdictions/Juliet B Rogers.- Law and Critique. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 289-305.
103832 A Break/Elena Loizidou.- Law and Critique. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 307-322.
103833 Our Democracy, Our Identity, Our Anxiety/Angus McDonald.- Law and Critique. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 323-343.
103834 Before the Law Criminalization, Accusation and Justice/George Pavlich.- Law and Critique. 2017; Vol.28, No.3: 345-365.
103835 Refugees and the Borders of Europe: A Minor Contribution/Elena Loizidou.- Law and Critique. 2016; Vol.27, No.1: 1-4.
103836 A-Legality and the Death of the Refugee/Patricia Tuitt.- Law and Critique. 2016; Vol.27, No.1: 5-8.
103837 The Continuing Relevance of the Convention?/Michelle Everson.- Law and Critique. 2016; Vol.27, No.1: 9-12.
103838 Aylan Kurdi: The Human Refugee/Nadine El-Enany.- Law and Critique. 2016; Vol.27, No.1: 13-15.
103839 The Redundant Refugee/Stewart Motha.- Law and Critique. 2016; Vol.27, No.1: 17-21.
103840 Architecture of Sovereignty: Bosnian Constitutional Crisis, the Sarajevo Town Hall, and the Melee/Elena Cirkovic.- Law and Critique. 2016; Vol.27, No.1: 23-44.
103841 Hearing Voice: A Theoretical Framework for Truth Commission Testimony/Mickey Vallee.- Law and Critique. 2016; Vol.27, No.1: 45-61.
103842 Hobbes’ Frontispiece: Authorship, Subordination and Contract/Janice Richardson.- Law and Critique. 2016; Vol.27, No.1: 63-81.
103843 The Horizons of the Constitution: Politeia, the Political Regime and the Good/Alun Howard Gibbs.- Law and Critique. 2016; Vol.27, No.1: 83-102.
103844 Walter Benjamin and the Re-Imageination of International Law/Matthew Nicholson.- Law and Critique. 2016; Vol.27, No.1: 103-129.
103845 Death as a Penalty and the Fantasy of Instant Death/Kelly Oliver.- Law and Critique. 2016; Vol.27, No.2: 137-149.
103846 Kant with Freud: Derrida’s Analysis of the Ancient Dream of Self-Punishment/Michael Naas.- Law and Critique. 2016; Vol.27, No.2: 151-169.
103847 Mastery Over the Time of the Other The Death Penalty and Life in Prison Without Parole/Amy Swiffen.- Law and Critique. 2016; Vol.27, No.2: 171-186.
103848 Derrida and the Philosophy of Law and Justice/Simon Glendinning.- Law and Critique. 2016; Vol.27, No.2: 188-203.
103849 Post-secular Messianism Against the Law Judith Butler on Walter Benjamin and ‘Sacred Life’/Karyn Ball.- Law and Critique. 2016; Vol.27, No.2: 205-227.
103850 Avowal and Criminal Accusation/George Pavlich.- Law and Critique. 2016; Vol.27, No.2: 229-245.
103851 Abstraction Beyond a ‘Law of Thought’: On Space, Appropriation and Concrete Abstraction/Chris Butler.- Law and Critique. 2016; Vol.27, No.3: 247-268.
103852 After the Critique of Rights: For a Radical Democratic Theory and Practice of Human Rights/Kathryn McNeilly.- Law and Critique. 2016; Vol.27, No.3: 270-288.
103853 Legal Subjectivity and the ‘Right to be Forgotten’ A Rancierean Analysis of Google/Susanna Lindroos-Hovinheimo.- Law and Critique. 2016; Vol.27, No.3: 289-301.
103854 Post-Marxism and the Politics of Human Rights Lefort, Badiou, Agamben, Ranciere/Daniel McLoughlin.- Law and Critique. 2016; Vol.27, No.3: 303-321.
103855 Adorno, Freedom and Criminal Law: The ‘Determinist Challenge’ Revitalised/Craig Reeves.- Law and Critique. 2016; Vol.27, No.3: 323-348.
103856 The Limits of Critique and the Forces of Law/Daniel Matthews, Scott Veitch.- Law and Critique. 2016; Vol.27, No.3: 349-361.
103857 Burqa Avenger: Law and Religious Practices in Secular Space/Giorgia Baldi.- Law and Critique. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 31-56.
103858 Mother India: The Role of the Maternal Figure in Establishing Legal Subjectivity/Kanika Sharma.- Law and Critique. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 1-29.
103859 The Form and Content of the Greek Crisis Legislation/Dimitrios Kivotidis.- Law and Critique. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 57-81.
103860 ‘Omnus et Singulatim’: Establishing the Relationship Between Transitional Justice and Neoliberalism/Josh Bowsher.- Law and Critique. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 83-106.
103861 Making Use of Paradoxes: Law, Transboundary Hydropower Dams and Beyond the Technical/Kenneth Kang.- Law and Critique. 2018; Vol.29, No.1: 107-128.
103862 The Politics of Blockchain/Robert Herian1.- Law and Critique. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 129-131.
103863 Blockchain Control/Jannice Kull.- Law and Critique. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 133-140.
103864 Legal Engineering on the Blockchain: ‘Smart Contracts’ as Legal Conduct/Jake Goldenfein, Andrea Leiter.- Law and Critique. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 141-149.
103865 No Gods, No Masters, No Coders? The Future of Sovereignty in a Blockchain World/Sarah Manski, Ben Manski.- Law and Critique. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 151-162.
103866 Taking Blockchain Seriously/Robert Herian.- Law and Critique. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 163-171.
103867 The Laws of Image-Nation: Brazilian Racial Tropes and the Shadows of the Slave Quarters/Mauricio Lissovsky, Marcus V. A. B. De Matos.- Law and Critique. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 173-200.
103868 Bourdieu’s Five Lessons for Criminology/Victor L Shammas.- Law and Critique. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 201-219.
103869 Gender, Sexuality, Asylum and European Human Rights/Thomas Spijkerboer.- Law and Critique. 1400/10/05; Vol.29, No.2: 221-239.
103870 Vilhelm Lundstedt’s Legal Machinery’ and the Demise of Juristic Practice/Luca Siliquini Cinelli.- Law and Critique. 2018; Vol.29, No.2: 241-264.
103871 Forms of Authority Beyond the Neoliberal State: Sovereignty, Politics and Aesthetics/Chris Butler,  Karen Crawley.- Law and Critique. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 265-270.
103872 Corporations, Sovereignty and the Religion of Neoliberalism/Timothy D. Peters.- Law and Critique. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 271-292.
103873 ‘Life is Not Simply Fact’ Aesthetics, Atmosphere and the Neoliberal University/Karin Van Marle.- Law and Critique. 2018; Vol.29, No.3: 293-310.
103877 Heteronormativity and the European Court of Human Rights/Paul Johnson.- Law and Critique. 2012; Vol.23, No.1: 43-66.
103878 The International Criminal Court and Africa: Exemplary Justice/Edwin Bikundo.- Law and Critique. 2012; Vol.23, No.1: 21-41.
103879 The Targeted Killing Judgment of the Israeli Supreme Court and the Critique of Legal Violence/Markus Gunneflo.- Law and Critique. 2012; Vol.23, No.1: 67-82.
103880 The Turn to Imagination in Legal Theory: The Re-Enchantment of the World?/Mark Antaki.- Law and Critique. 2012; Vol.23, No.1: 1-20.
103881 Aleatory Materialism and Speculative Jurisprudence (I): From Anti-Humanism to Non-Humanism/Kyle Mcgee.- Law and Critique. 2012; Vol.23, No.2: 141-162.
103882 Becoming a ‘Bastion Against Tyranny’: Australian Legal Education and the Government of the Self/Matthew Ball.- Law and Critique. 2012; Vol.23, No.2: 103-122.
103883 Habermas Contra Foucault: Law, Power and the Forgotten Subject/Jacopo Martire.- Law and Critique. 2012; Vol.23, No.2: 123-139.
103884 Law, Diagram, Film: Critique Exhausted/Anne Bottomley, Nathan Moore.- Law and Critique. 2012; Vol.23, No.2: 163-183.
103885 Encountering the Past: Grand Narratives, Fragmented Histories and LGBTI Rights Progress/Kay Lalor.- Law and Critique. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 21-40.
103886 From Social Uprising to Legal Form/Anastasia Tataryn.- Law and Critique. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 41-65.
103887 Law of Denial/Basak Ertur.- Law and Critique. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 1-20.
103888 Modern Constitutional Legitimacy and Political Theology: Schmitt, Peterson and Blumenberg/Nathan Gibbs.- Law and Critique. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 1-20.
103889 Policies, Technology and Markets: Legal Implications of Their Mathematical Infrastructures/Marcus Faro de Castro.- Law and Critique. 2019; Vol.30, No.1: 91-114.
103890 Against Exclusion: Teaching Transsystemically, Learning in Community/Sara Ramshaw.- Law and Critique. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 131-136.
103891 Legal Education Beyond the Academy: The Neoliberal Reorientation of Public Legal Education/Lisa Wintersteiger.- Law and Critique. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 123-129.
103892 Limits to the Politics of Subjective Rights: Reading Marx After Lefort/Christiaan Boonen.- Law and Critique. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 179-199.
103893 On the Undecidability of Legal and Technological Regulation/Peter Kalule.- Law and Critique. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 138-158.
103894 Property and the Interests of Things: The Case of the Donative Trust/Johanna Jacques.- Law and Critique. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 201-220.
103895 Regulatory Threats to the Law Degree: The Solicitors Qualifying Examination and the Purpose of Law Schools/Richard Bowyer.- Law and Critique. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 117-121.
103896 The Contradictions of Conscience: Unravelling the Structure of Obligation in Equity/Matthew Stone.- Law and Critique. 2019; Vol.30, No.2: 159-178.
103897 Across Islands and Oceans Re-imagining Colonial Violence in the Past and the Present/Honni Van Rijswijk, Anthea Vogl.- Law and Critique. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 294-311.
103898 From Cairo to Jerusalem Law, Labour, Time and Catastrophe/Mai Taha.- Law and Critique. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 243-264.
103899 Inhabiting the Ruins of Neoliberalism Space, Catastrophe and Utopia/Chris Butler.- Law and Critique. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 225-242.
103900 Rethinking Critique Becoming Clinician/Leticia Da Costa Paes.- Law and Critique. 2019; Vol.30, No.3: 265-289.
103901 Constituent Moment, Constituted Powers in Chile/Fernando Atria.- Law and Critique. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 51-58.
103902 I Nomi Degli Dei A Reconsideration of Agamben’s Oath Complex/Robert S. Leib.- Law and Critique. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 73-92.
103903 Introduction Chile’s Constituent Moment/Emilios Christodoulidis, Marco Goldoni.- Law and Critique. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 1-5.
103904 Is the Constitution the Trap Decryption and Revolution in Chile/Ricardo Sanin Restrepo, Marinella Machado Araujo.- Law and Critique. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 41-49.
103905 Negative Mythology/Shane Chalmers.- Law and Critique. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 60-72.
103906 On Crime and Punishment Derrida Reading Kant/Jacques De Ville.- Law and Critique. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 94-111.
103907 What Constitution On Chile’s Constitutional Awakening/Octavio Ansaldi, Maria Pardo Vergara.- Law and Critique. 2020; Vol.31, No.1: 7-39.
103908 Experimenting with Law: Brecht on Copyright/Jose Bellido.- Law and Critique. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 127-143.
103909 Laws of Inclusion and Exclusion Nomos, Nationalism and the Other/Liam Gillespie.- Law and Critique. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 164-179.
103910 Spinoza’s Conception of Personal and Political Change A Feminist Perspective/Janice Richardson.- Law and Critique. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 145-162.
103911 The Responsible Migrant, Reading the Global Compact on Migration/Christina Oelgemoller, Kathryn Allinson.- Law and Critique. 2020; Vol.31, No.2: 184-207.
103912 An Apocalyptic Patent/Alain Pottage.- Law and Critique. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 239-252.
103913 In the Air of the Natural History Museum On Corporate Entanglement and Responsibility in Uncontained Times/Lilian Moncrieff.- Law and Critique. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 253-273.
103914 Laws for the Anthropocene Orientations, Encounters, Imaginaries/Kathleen Birrell, Daniel Matthews.- Law and Critique. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 233-238.
103915 Legal Imaginaries and the Anthropocene Of and For/Anna Grear.- Law and Critique. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 351-366.
103916 Obligations in the Anthropocene/Peter D. Burdon.- Law and Critique. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 309-328.
103917 Re-storying Laws for the Anthropocene Rights, Obligations and an Ethics of Encounter/Kathleen Birrell, Daniel Matthews.- Law and Critique. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 275-292.
103918 Rethinking the Encounter Between Law and Nature in the Anthropocene: From Biopolitical Sovereignty to Wonder/Vito De Lucia.- Law and Critique. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 330-349.
103919 Rhythms of Law Aboriginal Jurisprudence and the Anthropocene/Kate Wright.- Law and Critique. 2020; Vol.31, No.3: 293-308.
103920 Blasphemy in an Age of Corroding Secularity/Jasper Doomen.- Law and Critique. 2021; Vol.32, No.1: 51-67.
103921 Corporate Law Versus Social Autonomy Law as Social Hazard/Michael Galanis.- Law and Critique. 2021; Vol.32, No.1: 1-32.
103922 Of Rebels and Disobedients: Reflections on Arendt, Race, Lawbreaking/Ayca cubukcu.- Law and Critique. 2021; Vol.32, No.1: 33-50.
103923 The Spatio-Legal Production of Bodies Through the Legal Fiction of Death/Joshua David Michael Shaw.- Law and Critique. 2021; Vol.32, No.1: 69-90.
103924 Between Pragmatism and Predictability: Temporariness in International Law/Monika Ambrus, Ramses A. Wessel.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2014; Vol.45: 3-17.
103925 Temporariness and Change in Global Governance/Rene Uruena.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2014; Vol.45: 19-40.
103926 Temporary International Legal Regimes as Frames for Permanent Ones/Jean Galbraith.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2014; Vol.45: 41-65.
103927 The International Rule of Law Time After Time: Temporary Institutions Between Change and Continuity/Sofia Ranchordas.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2014; Vol.45: 67-91.
103928 International Law and Time: A Reflection of the Temporal Attitudes of International Lawyers Through Three Paradigms/Christian Djeffal.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2014; Vol.45: 93-119.
103929 (Inter)Temporal Considerations in the Interpretative Process of the VCLT: Do Treaties Endure, Perdure or Exdure?/Panos Merkouris.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2014; Vol.45: 121-156.
103930 Shifting Demands in International Institutional Law: Securing the United Nations’ Accountability for the Haitian Cholera Outbreak/Kate Nancy Taylor.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2014; Vol.45: 157-195.
103931 Protecting Human Rights During Emergencies: Delegation, Derogation, and Deference/Evan J. Criddle.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2014; Vol.45: 197-220.
103932 Temporary Protection: Hovering at the Edges of Refugee Law/Jean-Francois Durieux.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2014; Vol.45: 221-253.
103933 Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: Enhancing Flexibility in International Climate Change Law/Harro van Asselt.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2014; Vol.45: 255-286.
103934 Commissions of Inquiry: Flexible Temporariness or Permanent Predictability?/Christian Henderson.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2014; Vol.45: 287-310.
103935 Special Temporary Measures and the Norm of Equality/Adeno Addis.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2014; Vol.45: 311-330.
103936 Paradise Postponed? For a Judge-Led Generic Model of International Criminal Procedure and an End to  Draft-as-You-Go/Michael Bohlander.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2014; Vol.45: 331-355.
103937 Platforms, Protestors and Provisional Measures: The Arctic Sunrise Dispute and Environmental Activism at Sea/Richard Caddell.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2014; Vol.45: 359-384.
103938 Jus Cogens and the Humanization and Fragmentation of International Law/Maarten den Heijer, Harmen van der Wilt.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.46: 3-21.
103939 Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of Jus Cogens/Dinah Shelton.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.46: 23-50.
103940 Understanding the Jus Cogens Debate: The Pervasive Influence of Legal Positivism and Legal Idealism/Ulf Linderfalk.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.46: 51-84.
103941 Jus Cogens as a Social Construct Without Pedigree/Jean d’Aspremont.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.46: 85-114.
103942 Audience and Authority – The Merit of the Doctrine of Jus Cogens/Alexander Orakhelashvili.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.46: 115-145.
103943 Genesis, Function and Identification of Jus Cogens Norms/Stefan Kadelbach.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.46: 147-172.
103944 Jus Cogens as the Highest Law? Peremptory Norms and Legal Hierarchies/Thomas Kleinlein.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.46: 173-210.
103945 In Quest of the Practical Value of Jus Cogens Norms/Elizabeth Santalla Vargas.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.46: 212-239.
103946 Constitutional Conversations in the Anthropocene: In Search of Environmental Jus Cogens Norms/Louis J. Kotze.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.46: 241-271.
103947 Non-refoulement as Custom and Jus Cogens? Putting the Prohibition to the Test/Cathryn Costello, Michelle Foster.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.46: 273-327.
103948 Improving Compliance: Jus Cogens and International Economic Law/Thomas Cottier.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.46: 329-356.
103949 Jus Cogens in International Investment Law and Arbitration/Valentina Vadi.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.46: 357-388.
103950 Immunities of International Organizations Before Domestic Courts: Reflections on the Collective Labour Case Against the European Patent Organization/Cedric Ryngaert.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.46: 393-408.
103951 Judicial Review on the Island of Saint Martin: An Example for The Kingdom of the Netherlands?/Roel Schutgens, Joost Sillen.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.46: 409-420.
103952 Between Pretence and Practice: The Dutch Response to Recommendations of International Human Rights Bodies/Jasper Krommendijk.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2015; Vol.46: 421-438.
103953 The Paradoxical Place of Territory in International Law/Martin Kuijer, Wouter Werner.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2016; Vol.47: 3-17.
103954 A State Without Territory?/Veronika Bilkova.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2016; Vol.47: 19-47.
103955 Territory in the Law of Jurisdiction: Imagining Alternatives/Cedric Ryngaert.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2016; Vol.47: 49-82.
103956 Cartographies of the Present: Contingent Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity/Sara Kendall.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2016; Vol.47: 83-105.
103957 Data Territories: Changing Architectures of Association in International Law/Fleur Johns.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2016; Vol.47: 107-129.
103958 Spoofed Presence Does not Suffice: On Territoriality in the Tallinn Manual/Lianne J.M. Boer.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2016; Vol.47: 131-145.
103959 Cybercrime, Evidence and Territoriality: Issues and Options/Jan Kleijssen, Pierluigi Perri.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2016; Vol.47: 147-173.
103960 Reconfiguring Territoriality in International Economic Law/Alessandra Arcuri, Federica Violi.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2016; Vol.47: 175-215.
103961 Extraterritorial Obligations and the Obligation to Protect/Sigrun Skogly.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2016; Vol.47: 217-244.
103962 Citizenship at Home and Across Borders/Ernst M.H. Hirsch Ballin.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2016; Vol.47: 245-262.
103963 Territoriality and Asylum Law: The Use of Territorial Jurisdiction to Circumvent Legal Obligations and Human Rights Law Responses/Hemme Battjes.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2016; Vol.47: 263-286.
103964 Schrodinger’s Cake? Territorial Truths for Post-Brexit Britain/Ciaran Burke, Olafur Isberg Hannesson, Kristin Bangsund.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2016; Vol.47: 287-312.
103965 The Dutch Contribution to the Armed Coalition Against ISIS/Gelijn Molier, Martijn Hekkenberg.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2016; Vol.47: 315-336.
103966 The Dutch Referendum on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement: Legal Implications and Solutions/Guillaume Van der Loo.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2016; Vol.47: 337-350.
103967 The Netherlands: A Tax Haven?/Eric C.C.M. Kemmeren.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2016; Vol.47: 351-375.
103968 Recent Developments Regarding the Direct and Indirect Application of Treaties by Dutch Courts: Fresh Approaches to Self-Executing, Non-Self-Executing and Non-Binding International Law/Joseph Fleuren.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2016; Vol.47: 377-393.
103969 The Development of the US and the EU Preferential Trade Agreement Networks: A Tale of Power and Prestige/Panayotis M. Protopsaltis.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.48: 3-36.
103970 From the Tripartite to the Continental Free Trade Areas: Designs, Outcomes and Implications for African Trade and Integration/Gerhard Erasmus, Trudi Hartzenberg.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.48: 37-56.
103971 From TRIPS to FTAs and Back: Re-Conceptualising the Role of a Multilateral IP Framework in a TRIPS-Plus World/Henning Grosse Ruse-Khan.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.48: 57-107.
103972 External Consultants as Actors in European Trade and Investment Policymaking/Fernando Dias Simoes.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.48: 109-138.
103973 Prosumers: New Actors in EU Energy Security/Rafael Leal-Arcas, Feja Lesniewska, Filippos Proedrou.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.48: 139-172.
103974 The Evolving Role of Sub-National Actors in International Economic Relations: Lessons from the Canada-European Union CETA/Ohiocheoya Omiunu.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.48: 173-205.
103975 The Potential of Transnational Regulations: The Interactions Between Traditional and Non-Traditional Sources of International Economic Law/Gabriel Webber Ziero.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.48: 207-229.
103976 International Regulatory Cooperation in the Field of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures: Drawing Multilateral Lessons from the Regional Dimension/Svetlana Chobanova.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.48: 231-265.
103977 The Growing Tendency of Including Investment Chapters in PTAs/Maksim Usynin, Szilard Gaspar-Szilagyi.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.48: 267-304.
103978 Trade in the Digital Era: Prospects and Challenges for an International Single Window Environment/Abhinayan Basu Bal, Trisha Rajput.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.48: 305-326.
103979 Between Shifts and Continuum in Cooperation: The International Securities Regulatory Regime and its Gradual Evolution/Monique Egli Costi.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.48: 327-377.
103980 The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in (National) Action: The Dutch Agreement on Sustainable Garment and Textile/Antoine Duval, Enrico Partiti.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.48: 381-409.
103981 Recognition of Sign Language Under International Law: A Case Study of Dutch Sign Language in the Netherlands/Swen Meereboer, Kika Meereboer, Otto Spijkers.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2017; Vol.48: 411-431.
103982 Populism and International Law: What Backlash and Which Rubicon?/Janne E. Nijman, Wouter G. Werner.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.49: 3-17.
103983 Trump, International Trade and Populism/Lukasz Gruszczynski, Jessica Lawrence.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.49: 19-44.
103984 Populist Paranoia and International Law/Aaron Fichtelberg.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.49: 45-67.
103985 Is There a Populist International Law (in Latin America)?/Alejandro Rodiles.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.49: 69-95.
103986 Populism, International Law and the End of Keep Calm and Carry on Lawyering/Christine Schwobel-Patel.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.49: 97-121.
103987 People, Politics and Populism in International Criminal Law: The Mungiki as Kenyan Ethnos and Kenyan Demos/Edwin Bikundo.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.49: 123-142.
103988 Populism and Human Rights/Veronika Bilkova.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.49: 143-174.
103989 Reclaiming the Keys to the Kingdom (of the World): Evangelicals and Human Rights in Latin America/Rene Uruena.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.49: 175-207.
103990 Addressing Economic Populism Through Law – A Case Study of the World Development Report 2017/Lys Kulamadayil.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.49: 209-220.
103991 Climate Action as Positive Human Rights Obligation: The Appeals Judgment in Urgenda v the Netherlands/Laura Burgers, Tim Staal.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.49: 223-244.
103992 Pursuing Justice for MH17: The Role of the Netherlands/Marieke de Hoon.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.49: 245-270.
103993 What a Drag(net): Dutch Surveillance Laws in the Light of European Union Data Protection Law/Mistale Taylor.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2018; Vol.49: 271-283.
103994 The Phenomenon of Yearbooks in International Law: An Introduction/Otto Spijkers, Wouter G. Werner, Ramses A. Wessel.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 1-6.
103995 The Turn to History and the Year of the Yearbook of International Law/Matilda Arvidsson.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 9-20.
103996 A Case in the Politics of Form: Yearbooks of International Law/John D. Haskell.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 21-35.
103997 Archiving Legality: The Imperial Emergence of the International Law Yearbook/Sara Kendall.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 37-44.
103998 On Yearbooks/Jan Klabbers.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 45-57.
103999 African Yearbook of International Law: A Quarter-Century of Contribution to the Development and Dissemination of International Law/Fatsah Ouguergouz.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 61-73.
104000 Australian Year Book of International Law/Donald R. Rothwell.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 75-84.
104001 The Canadian Yearbook of International Law/Annuaire canadien de droit international: Founding, Function, Future/John H. Currie.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 85-97.
104002 Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs: Contributing to the Grotian Moment in Asia/Ying-jeou Ma, Chun-i Chen, Pasha L. Hsieh.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 99-109.
104003 Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law on the Occasion of Its 10th Anniversary: Achievements and Perspectives/Pavel Sturma.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 111-119.
104004 Ethiopian Yearbook of International Law: Towards Diversifying and Democratizing Voices in the Making and Development of International Law/Zeray Yihdego, Melaku Desta, Martha Belete.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 121-130.
104005 Finnish Yearbook of International Law – Past, Present, and Future/Tuomas Tiittala.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 131-135.
104006 Annuaire Francais de Droit International/Mathias Forteau.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 137-148.
104007 German Yearbook of International Law: Origins, Development, Prospects/Andreas von Arnauld, Daley J. Birkett.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 149-168.
104008 The Past, Present and Future of the Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law – An Evolving Story/Marcel Szabo.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 169-181.
104009 Indonesia and the Absence of a Yearbook on International Law/Arie Afriansyah, Hadi Rahmat Purnama.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 183-193.
104010 Italian Yearbook of International Law: Genesis, Development and Prospects/Riccardo Pavoni.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 195-210.
104011 The Development and Future of the Japanese Yearbook of International Law: From Japanese Perspectives to International Academic Forums/Keiichiro Niikura, Koichi Morikawa.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 211-225.
104012 Mexican Yearbook of International Law: A Concept for Researching, Disseminating, and Teaching International Law/Manuel Becerra-Ramirez.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 227-238.
104013 There Was an Idealism that This Information is Useful – The Origins and Evolution of the Netherlands Yearbook of International Law/Otto Spijkers, Dimitri Van Den Meerssche.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 239-252.
104014 The Palestine Yearbook of International Law: A Medium for a Principled International Law on Palestine and the Palestinian People/Ata R. Hindi.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 253-264.
104015 Polish Yearbook of International Law: A History of Constant Change and Adaptation/Lukasz Gruszczynski, Karolina Wierczynska.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 265-276.
104016 Anuario Espanol de Derecho Internacional: History, Functions and Future/Eugenia Lopez-Jacoiste, Maria Jose Cervell Hortal.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 277-286.
104017 Fundamental Rights in Digital Welfare States: The Case of SyRI in the Netherlands/Sonja Bekker.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 289-307.
104018 The Continuing Saga of State Responsibility for the Conduct of Peacekeeping Forces: Recent Practice of Dutch and Belgian Courts/Natasa Nedeski, Berenice Boutin.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 309-332.
104019 The Enemy of My Enemy: Dutch Non-lethal Assistance for Moderate Syrian Rebels and the Multilevel Violation of International Law/Tom Ruys, Luca Ferro.- Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 2019; Vol.50: 333-376.
104020 The Little Word Due/Andrew T. Hyman.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.1: 1-51.
104021 Questioning the Necessity of Concealed Carry Laws/William J. Michael.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.1: 53-69.
104022 Dismantling the Private Enforcement of the Privacy Act of 1974: Doe v. Chao/Hong Haeji Esq.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.1: 71-111.
104023 A Preliminary Consideration of Issues Raised in The Firearms Sellers Immunity Bill/Frank J. Vandall.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.1: 113-137.
104024 Being the Government Means (Almost) Never Having to Say You’re Sorry The Sam Sheppard Case and the Meaning of Wrongful Imprisonment/Jonathan L. Entin.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.1: 139-179.
104025 The Fiduciary Duty of Care A Perversion of Words/William A. Gregory.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.1: 181-206.
104026 Charles Demore v. Hyung Joon Kim: Antoher Step Away from Full Due Process Protections/Brian Smith.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.1: 207-252.
104027 Not Just Old Wine in New Bottles: Kentucky Ass’n of Health Plans, Inc. v. Miller Bottles a New Test for State Regulation of Insurance/Matthew G. Vansuch.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.1: 253-298.
104028 Alice in Wonderland Meets the U.S. Patent System/Jay Dratler Jr..- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.2: 299-336.
104029 Comment The Tiger Woods Case-Has The Sixth Circuit Abandoned Trademark Law ETW Corp. v. Jireh Publishing, Inc./Joseph R. Dreitler.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.2: 337-355.
104030 Selecting an Appropriate Damages Expert in a Patent Case; An Examination of the Current Status of Daubert.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.2: 357-367.
104031 Third Strike or Merely a Foul Tip: The Gross Disproportionality of Lockyer v. Andrade/Joy M. Donham.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.2: 369-411.
104032 Treat all Men Alike An Analysis of United States v. White Mountain Apache Tribe and Suggestions for True Reparation/Joel A. Holt.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.2: 413-461.
104033 United States v. American Library Association: The Choice Between Cash and Constitutional Rights/Barbara A. Sanchez.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.2: 463-502.
104034 Sell-ing Your Soul to the Courts: Forced Medication to Achieve Trial Competency in the Wake of Sell v. United States/Elizabeth G. Schultz.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.2: 503-550.
104035 Introduction to the Judicial Symposium/Deborah L. Cook.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.3: 551-553.
104036 Commission on the 21st Century Judiciary/Thomas J. Moyer.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.3: 555-565.
104037 Financing Ohio Supreme Court Elections 1992-2002 Campaign Finance and Judicial Selection/Nancy Marion, Rick Farmer, Todd Moore.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.3: 567-595.
104038 Public Financing for Non-Partisan Judicial Campaigns: Protecting Judicial Independence While Ensuring Judicial Impartiality/Phyllis Williams Kotey.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.3: 597-623.
104039 In the Wake of White How States are Responding to Republican Party of Minnesota v. White and How Judicial Elections are Changing/Rachel Paine Caufield.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.3: 587-623.
104040 The Intention of the Settlor Under the Uniform Trust Code Whose Property Is It, Anyway/Alan Newman.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.4: 649-705.
104041 The Administrative Tribal Recognition Process and the Courts/Roberto Iraola.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.4: 867-894.
104042 The Good American Legislator Some Legal/Robert F. Blomquist.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.4: 895-949.
104043 Should Attorneys Have a Duty to Report Financial Abuse of the Elderly/Carolyn L. Dessin.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.4: 707-723.
104044 A Behavioral Analysis of Predatory Lending/Patricia A. McCoy.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.4: 725-739.
104045 Unconscionability as a Contract Policing Device for the Elder Client: How Useful is It/Robyn L. Meadows.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.4: 725-739.
104046 The Corporatization of Academic Research Whose Interests Are Served/Risa L. Lieberwitz.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.4: 759-770.
104047 Tenure: Endangered or Evolutionary Species/James J. Fishman.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.4: 771-787.
104048 The Modern University and Its Law School: Hierarchical, Bureaucratic Structures Replace Coarchical, Collegial Ones; Women Disappear from Tenure Track and Reemerge as Caregivers: Tenure Disappears or Becomes Unrecognizable/Marina Angel.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.4: 789-802.
104049 What Should Law School Student Conduct Codes Do/Steven K. Berenson.- Akron Law Review. 2005; Vol.38, No.4: 803-851.
104051 The Politics, and Place, of Gender in Research on Crime/Candace Kruttschnitt.- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.1: 8-29.
104052 How the U.S. Prison Boom Has Changed the Age Distribution of the Prison Population/Lauren C. Porter … [et al.].- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.1: 30-55.
104053 Differentiating Serious Adolescent Offenders Who Exit the Justice System From Those Who Do Not/Carol A. Schubert, Edward P. Mulvey, Lindsay Pitzer.- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.1: 56-85.
104054 Can Rational Choice Be Considered a General Theory of Crime? Evidence From Individual-Level Panel Data/Thomas A. Loughran … [et al.].- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.1: 86-112.
104055 The Influence of Early School Punishment and Therapy/Medication on Social Control Experiences During Young Adulthood/David M. Ramey.- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.1: 113-141.
104056 Institutional Ineffectiveness, Illegitimacy, and Public Support for Vigilantism in Latin America/Amy E. Nivette.- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.1: 142-175.
104057 A Theory of Crime Resistance and Susceptibility/Robert Agnew.- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.2: 181-211.
104058 Voluntary Organizations and Neighborhood Crime: A Dynamic Perspective/James C. Wo, John R. Hipp, Adam Boessen.- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.2: 212-241.
104059 Why Is Involvement in Unstructured Socializing Related to Adolescent Delinquency?/Evelien M. Hoeben, Frank M. Weerman.- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.2: 242-281.
104060 Violence Begets Violence … But How? A Decision-Making Perspective on the Victim-Offender Overlap/Margit Averdijk … [et al.].- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.2: 282-306.
104061 Debt Problems and Crime/Mikko Aaltonen, Atte Oksanen, Janne Kivivuori.- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.2: 307-331.
104062 How Judges Think About Racial Disparities: Situational Decision-Making in the Criminal Justice System/Matthew Clair, Alix S. Winter.- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.2: 332-359.
104063 Incarceration and Population Health in Wealthy Democracies/Christopher Wildeman.- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.2: 360-382.
104064 Indefinite Punishment and the Criminal Record: Stigma Reports Among Expungement-Seekers in Illinois/Simone Ispa-Landa, Charles E. Loeffler.- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.3: 387-412.
104065 Family Matters: Effects of Family Members’ Residential Areas on Crime Location Choice/Barbara Menting … [et al.].- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.3: 413-433.
104066 Spatial Dimensions of the Effect of Neighborhood Disadvantage on Delinquency/Matt Vogel, Scott J. South.- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.3: 434-458.
104067 Incentives for Collective Deviance: Group Size and Changes in Perceived Risk, Cost, and Reward/Jean Marie Mcgloin, Kyle J. Thomas.- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.3: 459-486.
104068 Violent Offending and Victimization in Adolescence: Social Network Mechanisms and Homophily/Jillian J. Turanovic, Jacob T.N. Young.- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.3: 487-519.
104069 Cynical Streets: Neighborhood Social Processes and Perceptions of Criminal Injustice/Mark T. Berg … [et al.].- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.3: 520-547.
104070 Crime Diversity/P. Jeffrey Brantingham.- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.4: 553-586.
104071 Revisiting the Criminological Consequences of Exposure to Fetal Testosterone: A Meta-Analysis of the 2d:4d Digit Ratio/Travis C. Pratt, Jillian J. Turanovic, Francis T. Cullen.- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.4: 587-620.
104072 The Implications of Arrest for College Enrollment: An Analysis of Long-Term Effects and Mediating Mechanisms/Alex O. Widdowson, Sonja E. Siennick, Carter Hay.- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.4: 621-652.
104073 General Theory of Spatial Crime Patterns/John R. Hipp.- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.4: 653-679.
104074 Risk, Race, and Recidivism: Predictive Bias and Disparate Impact/Jennifer L. Skeem, Christopher T. Lowenkamp.- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.4: 680-712.
104075 Age, Gender, and the Crime of Crimes: Toward a Life-Course Theory of Genocide Participation/Hollie Nyseth Brehm, Christopher Uggen, Jean-Damascene Gasanabo.- Criminology. 2016; Vol.54, No.4: 713-743.
104076 Subnational Determinants of Killing in Rwanda/Hollie Nyseth Brehm.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.1: 5-31.
104077 Paternal Incarceration and Children’s Risk of Being Charged by Early Adulthood: Evidence From a Danish Policy Shock/Christopher Wildeman, Signe Hald Andersen.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.1: 32-58.
104078 Interorganizational Utility of Welfare Stigma in the Criminal Justice System/Armando Lara-Millan, Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.1: 59-84.
104079 Heuristics and Biases, Rational Choice, and Sanction Perceptions/Greg Pogarsky, Sean Patrick Roche, Justin T. Pickett.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.1: 85-111.
104080 Contextualizing Community Crime Control: Race, Geography, and Configurations of Control in Four Communities/Andrea Leverentz, Monica Williams.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.1: 112-136.
104081 Can Hot Spots Policing Reduce Crime in Urban Areas? An Agent-Based Simulation/David Weisburd … [et al.].- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.1: 137-173.
104082 Judicial Rotation as Centripetal Force: Sentencing in the Court Communities of South Carolina/Rhys Hester.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.1: 205-235.
104083 Interrogating Race, Crime, and Justice in a Time of Unease and Racial Tension/Ruth D. Peterson.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.2: 245-272.
104084 Consequences of Incarceration for Gang Membership: A Longitudinal Study of Serious Offenders in Philadelphia and Phoenix/David C. Pyrooz, Nancy Gartner, Molly Smith.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.2: 273-306.
104085 How and Why Does Work Matter? Employment Conditions, Routine Activities, and Crime Among Adult Male Offenders/Robert Apel, Julie Horney.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.2: 307-343.
104086 Role of the Street Network in Burglars’ Spatial Decision-Making/Michael J. Frith, Shane D. Johnson, Hannah M. Fry.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.2: 344-376.
104087 Age and Its Relation to Crime in Taiwan and the United States: Invariant, or Does Cultural Context Matter?/Darrell Steffensmeier, Hua Zhong, Yunmei Lu.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.2: 377-404.
104088 Juvenile Waiver as a Mechanism of Social Stratification: A Focus on Human Capital/Megan Bears Augustyn, Thomas A. Loughran.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.2: 405-437.
104089 Marriage, in-Laws, and Crime: The Case of Delinquent Brothers-in-Law/Lars Hojsgaard Andersen.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.2: 438-464.
104090 Explaining the Gender Gap in Crime: The Role of Heart Rate/Olivia Choy … [et al.].- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.2: 465-487.
104091 Toward an Analytical Criminology: The Micro-Macro Problem, Causal Mechanisms, and Public Policy/Ross L. Matsueda.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.3: 493-519.
104092 Facial Profiling: Race, Physical Appearance, and Punishment/Brian D. Johnson, Ryan D. King.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.3: 520-547.
104093 Stress, Genes, and Generalizability Across Gender: Effects of Maoa and Stress Sensitivity on Crime and Delinquency/Jessica Wells … [et al.].- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.3: 548-574.
104094 On the Reliability and Validity of Self-Reported Illegal Earnings: Implications for the Study of Criminal Achievement/Holly Nguyen, Thomas A. Loughran.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.3: 575-602.
104095 When Policy Comes to Town: Discourses and Dilemmas of Implementation of a Statewide Reentry Policy in Kansas/Andres F. Rengifo, Don Stemen, Ethan Amidon.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.3: 603-630.
104096 Neighborhood Social Control and Perceptions of Crime and Disorder in Contemporary Urban China/Lening Zhang, Steven F. Messner, Sheldon Zhang.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.3: 631-663.
104097 The Language of Stigmatization and the Mark of Violence: Experimental Evidence on the Social Construction and Use of Criminal Record Stigma/Megan Denver, Justin T. Pickett, Shawn D. Bushway.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.3: 664-690.
104098 The Funny Side of Drug Dealing: Risk, Humor, and Narrative Identity/Timothy Dickinson, Richard Wright.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.3: 691-720.
104099 Does the Gender Gap in Delinquency Vary by Level of Patriarchy? A Cross-National Comparative Analysis/Jukka Savolainen … [et al.].- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.4: 726-753.
104100 Ecological Networks and Urban Crime: The Structure of Shared Routine Activity Locations and Neighborhood-Level Informal Control Capacity/Christopher R. Browning … [et al.].- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.4: 754-778.
104101 Crime, Fear, and Mental Health In Mexico/Andres Villarreal, Wei-Hsin Yu.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.4: 779-805.
104102 Applying a General Strain Theory Framework to Understand School Weapon Carrying Among LGBQ and Heterosexual Youth/Deeanna M. Button, Meredith G. F. Worthen.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.4: 806-832.
104103 Age, Period, and Cohort Effects on Death Penalty Attitudes in the United States, 1974-2014/Amy L. Anderson, Robert Lytle, Philip Schwadel.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.4: 833-868.
104104 Parenthood as a Turning Point in the Life Course for Male and Female Gang Members: A Study of Within-Individual Changes in Gang Membership and Criminal Behavior/David C. Pyrooz, Jean Marie Mcgloin, Scott H. Decker.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.4: 869-899.
104105 Street Network Structure and Crime Risk: An Agent-Based Investigation of the Encounter and Enclosure Hypotheses/Daniel Birks, Toby Davies.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.4: 900-937.
104106 Racial Discrimination, Racial Socialization, and Crime Over Time: A Social Schematic Theory Model/Callie H. Burt, Man Kit Lei, Ronald L. Simons.- Criminology. 2017; Vol.55, No.4: 938-979.
104107 Studying Crime Trends: Normal Science snd Exogenous Shocks/Richard Rosenfeld.- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.1: 5-26.
104108 Toward a Bifurcated Theory of Emotional Deterrence/Justin T. Pickett, Sean Patrick Roche, Greg Pogarsky.- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.1: 27-58.
104109 Testing The Transitivity of Reported Risk Perceptions: Evidence of Coherent Arbitrariness/Kyle J. Thomas, Benjamin C. Hamilton, Thomas A. Loughran.- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.1: 59-86.
104110 Do Cellmates Matter? A Causal Test of the Schools of Crime Hypothesis with Implications for Differential Association and Deterrence Theories/Heather M. Harris, Kiminori Nakamura, Kristofer Bret Bucklen.- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.1: 87-122.
104111 Tracing Charge Trajectories: A Study of the Influence of Race in Charge Changes at Case Screening, Arraignment, and Disposition/Besiki Luka Kutateladze.- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56: 123-153.
104112 Revisiting Juvenile Waiver: Integrating The Incapacitation Experience/Megan Bears Augustyn, Jean Marie Mcgloin.- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.1: 154-190.
104113 The Role of Turning Points in Establishing Baseline Differences Between People in Developmental and Life-Course Criminology/John H. Boman, Thomas J. Mowen.- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.1: 191-224.
104114 Correlates of Violent Political Extremism in the United States/Gary Lafree … [et al.].- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.1: 233-268.
104115 Poisoned Development: Assessing Childhood Lead Exposure as a Cause of Crime in a Birth Cohort Followed Through Adolescence/Robert J. Sampson, Alix S. Winter.- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.2: 269-301.
104116 Reassessing the Breadth of the Protective Benefit of Immigrant Neighborhoods: A Multilevel Analysis of Violence Risk by Race, Ethnicity, and Labor Market Stratification/Min Xie, Eric P. Baumer.- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.2: 302-332.
104117 Marketized Mentality, Competitive/Egoistic School Culture, and Delinquent Attitudes and Behavior: An Application of Institutional Anomie Theory/Eva M. Grob, Andreas Hovermann, Steven F. Messner.- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.2: 333-369.
104118 Does Undocumented Immigration Increase Violent Crime?/Michael T. Light, Ty Miller.- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.2: 370-401.
104119 Experience of the Expected? Race and Ethnicity Differences in the Effects of Police Contact on Youth/Lee Ann Slocum, Stephanie Ann Wiley.- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.2: 402-432.
104120 Not Even Our Own Facts: Criminology in the Era of Big Data/James Lynch.- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.3: 437-454.
104121 Retracted: Lynchings, Racial Threat, and Whites’ Punitive Views Toward Blacks/Eric A. Stewart … [et al.].- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.3: 455-480.
104122 Body-Worn Cameras as a Potential Source of Depolicing: Testing for Camera-Induced Passivity/Danielle Wallace … [et al.].- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.3: 481-509.
104123 The Trade in Tools: The Market for Illicit Guns in High-Risk Networks/David M. Hureau, Anthony A. Braga.- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.3: 510-545.
104124 Privatizing Punishment: Testing Theories of Public Support for Private Prison and Immigration Detention Facilities/Peter K. Enns, Mark D. Ramirez.- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.3: 546-573.
104125 Does Increasing Women’s Education Reduce Their Risk of Intimate Partner Violence? Evidence from an Education Policy Reform/Abigail Weitzman.- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.3: 574-607.
104126 How Collective Is Collective Efficacy? The Importance of Consensus in Judgments About Community Cohesion and Willingness to Intervene/Ian Brunton-Smith, Patrick Sturgis, George Leckie.- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.3: 608-637.
104127 Avoiding the Runaround: The Link Between Cultural Health Capital and Health Management Among Older Prisoners/Meghan A. Novisky.- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.4: 643-678.
104128 Credentialing Decisions and Criminal Records: A Narrative Approach/Megan Denver, Alec Ewald.- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.4: 715-749.
104129 Prison Officer Legitimacy, Their Exercise of Power, and Inmate Rule Breaking/Benjamin Steiner, John Wooldredge.- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.4: 750-779.
104130 Police Culture and Officer Behavior: Application of a Multilevel Framework/Jason R. Ingram, William Terrill, Eugene A. Paoline.- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.4: 780-811.
104131 Policing Through Subsidized Firepower: An Assessment of Rational Choice and Minority Threat Explanations of Police Participation in the 1033 Program/David M. Ramey, Trent Steidley.- Criminology. 2018; Vol.56, No.4: 812-856.
104132 One gang dies, another gains? The network dynamics of criminal group persistence/Marie Ouellet, Martin Bouchard, Yanick Charette.- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.1: 5-33.
104133 Putting homicide followed by suicide in context: Do macro-environmental characteristics impact the odds of committing suicide after homicide?/Emma E. Fridel, Gregory M. Zimmerman.- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.1: 34-73.
104134 Roads diverged: An examination of violent and nonviolent pathways in the aftermath of the Bosnian war/Stephanie M. DiPietro.- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.1: 74-104.
104135 Heterogeneous effects of adolescent violent victimization on problematic outcomes in early adulthood/Jillian J. Turanovic.- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.1: 105-135.
104136 Beyond the dichotomy: Incarceration dosage and mental health/Lauren C. Porter, Laura M. DeMarco.- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.1: 136-156.
104137 Cumulative impact: Why prison sentences have increased/Ryan D. King.- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.1: 157-180.
104138 Reimagining Sutherland 80 years after white-collar crime/Sally S. Simpson.- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.2: 189-207.
104139 Assessing the effects of body-worn cameras on procedural justice in the Los Angeles Police Department/John D. McCluskey … [et al.].- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.2: 208-236.
104140 Neighborhood immigrant concentration and violent crime reporting to the police: A multilevel analysis of data from the National Crime Victimization Survey/Min Xie, Eric P. Baumer.- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.2: 237-267.
104141 The times have changed, the dope has changed: Women’s cooking roles and gender performances in shake methamphetamine markets/Jessica R. Deitzer, Lindsay Leban, Heith Copes.- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.2: 268-288.
104142 Putting a price on drugs: An economic sociological study of price formation in illegal drug markets/Kim Moeller, Sveinung Sandberg.- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.2: 289-313.
104143 Criminal network security: An agent-based approach to evaluating network resilience/Scott W. Duxbury, Dana L. Haynie.- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.2: 314-342.
104144 Role of voice in the legal process/Liana Pennington, Amy Farrell.- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.2: 343-368.
104145 Inequalities and crime/Karen Heimer.- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.3: 377-394.
104146 Linking parental incarceration and family dynamics associated with intergenerational transmission: A life-course perspective/Peggy C. Giordano … [et al.].- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.3: 395-423.
104147 Producing race disparities: A study of drug arrests across place and race/Shytierra Gaston.- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.3: 424-451.
104148 Does gang membership pay? Illegal and legal earnings through emerging adulthood/Megan Bears Augustyn, Jean Marie McGloin, David C. Pyrooz.- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.3: 452-480.
104149 Learning on the job: Studying expertise in residential burglars using virtual environments/Claire Nee … [et al.].- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.3: 481-511.
104150 Development of impulsivity and risk-seeking: Implications for the dimensionality and stability of self-control/Walter Forrest … [et al.].- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.3: 512-543.
104151 Consequences of mental and physical health for reentry and recidivism: Toward a health-based model of desistance/Nathan W. Link, Jeffrey T. Ward, Richard Stansfield.- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.3: 544-573.
104152 Taking sides: Gender and third-party partisanship in disputes/Ethan M. Rogers … [et al.].- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.4: 579-602.
104153 Sexual victimization against transgender women in prison: Consent and coercion in context/Valerie Jenness, Lori Sexton, Jennifer Sumner.- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.4: 603-631.
104154 The commemoration of death, organizational memory, and police culture/Michael Sierra-Arevalo.- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.4: 632-658.
104155 Fight or flight: Integral emotions and violent intentions/Timothy C. Barnum, Starr J. Solomon.- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.4: 659-686.
104156 Testing a rational choice model of desistance: Decomposing changing expectations and changing utilities/Kyle J. Thomas, Matt Vogel.- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.4: 687-714.
104157 Structural discrimination and social stigma among individuals incarcerated for sexual offenses: Reentry across the rural-urban continuum/Beth M. Huebner, Kimberly R. Kras, Breanne Pleggenkuhle.- Criminology. 2019; Vol.57, No.4: 715-738.
104158 Employer aversion to criminal records: An experimental study of mechanisms/Naomi F. Sugie, Noah D. Zatz, Dallas Augustine.- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.1: 5-34.
104159 School punishment and interpersonal exclusion: Rejection, withdrawal, and separation from friends/Wade C. Jacobsen.- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.1: 35-69.
104160 Evaluating the shared and unique predictors of legal cynicism and police legitimacy from adolescence into early adulthood/Amy Nivette, Manuel Eisner, Denis Ribeaud.- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.1: 70-100.
104161 Testing hot-spots police patrols against no-treatment controls: Temporal and spatial deterrence effects in the London Underground experiment/Barak Ariel, Lawrence W. Sherman, Mark Newton.- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.1: 101-128.
104162 Together despite the odds: Explaining racial and ethnic heterogeneity in union dissolution after incarceration/Alex O. Widdowson … [et al.].- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.1: 129-155.
104163 Criminal records and college admissions: A modified experimental audit/Robert Stewart, Christopher Uggen.- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.1: 156-188.
104164 Continuing education: Toward a life-course perspective on social learning/Peggy C. Giordano.- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.2: 199-225.
104165 Nerve and violent encounters: An assessment of fearlessness in the face of danger/Chris Melde, Mark T. Berg, Finn-Aage Esbensen.- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.2: 226-254.
104166 I was a homo thug, now I’m just homo: Gay gang members’ desistance and persistence/Vanessa R. Panfil.- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.2: 255-279.
104167 Does it matter if those who matter don’t mind? Effects of gang versus delinquent peer group membership on labeling processes/Molly Buchanan, Marvin D. Krohn.- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.2: 280-306.
104168 Does contact with the justice system deter or promote future delinquency? Results from a longitudinal study of British adolescent twins/Ryan T. Motz … [et al.].- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.2: 307-335.
104169 Similarity between deviant peers: Developmental trends in influence and selection/Daniel T. Ragan.- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.2: 336-369.
104170 Race and policing in the 2016 presidential election: Black lives matter, the police, and dog whistle politics/Kevin Drakulich … [et al.].- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.2: 370-402.
104171 Feminist criminology in an era of misogyny/Meda Chesney-Lind.- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.3: 407-422.
104172 Long-term consequences of being placed in disciplinary segregation/Christopher Wildeman, Lars Hojsgaard Andersen.- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.3: 423-453.
104173 Institutional anomie and cross-national differences in incarceration/Douglas B. Weiss, Alexander Testa, Mateus Renno Santos.- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.3: 454-484.
104174 Perceived arrest risk, psychic rewards, and offense specialization: A partial test of rational choice theory/Kyle J. Thomas, Thomas A. Loughran, Benjamin C. Hamilton.- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.3: 485-509.
104175 Neighborhood climates of legal cynicism and complaints about abuse of police power/Bill McCarthy, John Hagan, Daniel Herda.- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.3: 510-536.
104176 Pubertal timing and adolescent delinquency/Rebecca Bucci, Jeremy Staff.- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.3: 537-567.
104177 The public salience of crime, 1960-2014: Age-period-cohort and time-series analyses/Luzi Shi, Yunmei Lu, Justin T. Pickett.- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.3: 568-593.
104178 Fearful futures and haunting histories in women’s desistance from crime: A longitudinal study of desistance as an uncanny process/Tea Fredriksson, Robin Galnander.- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.4: 599-618.
104179 The organizational justice effect among criminal justice employees: A meta-analysis/Scott E. Wolfe, Spencer G. Lawson.- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.4: 619-644.
104180 Locking up my generation: Cohort differences in prison spells over the life course/Yinzhi Shen … [et al.].- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.4: 645-677.
104181 Institutionalizing inequality in the courts: Decomposing racial and ethnic disparities in detention, conviction, and sentencing/Marisa Omori, Nick Petersen.- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.4: 678-713.
104182 Threat, emboldenment, or both? The effects of political power on violent hate crimes/Laura Dugan, Erica Chenoweth.- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.4: 714-746.
104183 Redemption and reproach: Religion and carceral control in action among women in prison/Rachel Ellis.- Criminology. 2020; Vol.58, No.4: 747-772.
104184 Race, ethnicity, and social change: The democratization of middle-class crime/Michael L. Benson … [et al.].- Criminology. 2021; Vol.59, No.1: 10-41.
104185 In the eye of the beholder: Meaning and structure of informal status in women’s and men’s prisons/Derek A. Kreager ….- Criminology. 2021; Vol.59, No.1: 42-72.
104186 Confinement as a two-stage turning point: Do changes in identity or social structure predict subsequent changes in criminal activity?/Audrey Hickert … [et al.].- Criminology. 2021; Vol.59, No.1: 73-108.
104187 The contemporary transformation of american youth: An analysis of change in the prevalence of delinquency, 1991-2015/Eric P. Baumer, Kelsey Cundiff, Liying Luo.- Criminology. 2021; Vol.59, No.1: 109-136.
104188 Picking battles: Correctional officers, rules, and discretion in prison/Kevin D. Haggerty, Sandra M. Bucerius.- Criminology. 2021; Vol.59, No.1: 137-157.
104189 Romantic partners and young adult offending: Considering the role of partner’s socioeconomic characteristics/Alex O. Widdowson, Carter Hay, Sonja E. Siennick.- Criminology. 2021; Vol.59, No.1: 158-190.
104190 Sanction risk perceptions, coherence, and deterrence/Timothy C. Barnum, Daniel S. Nagin, Greg Pogarsky.- Criminology. 2021; Vol.59, No.2: 195-223.
104191 Selection, stability, and spuriousness: Testing Gottfredson and Hirschi’s propositions to reinterpret street gangs in self-control perspective/David C. Pyrooz … [et al.].- Criminology. 2021; Vol.59, No.2: 224-253.
104192 Self-reported experiences and consequences of unfair treatment by police/Christopher R. Dennison, Jessica G. Finkeldey.- Criminology. 2021; Vol.59, No.2: 254-290.
104193 I don’t have time for drama: Managing risk and uncertainty through network avoidance/Jamie J. Fader.- Criminology. 2021; Vol.59, No.2: 291-317.
104194 Examining the county-level political considerations associated with declining reliance on the death penalty from 1990 to 2010/Ethan Amidon, John M. Eassey.- Criminology. 2021; Vol.59, No.2: 318-350.
104195 Changing routine activities and the decline of youth crime: A repeated cross-sectional analysis of self-reported delinquency in Sweden, 1999-2017/Robert Svensson, Dietrich Oberwittler.- Criminology. 2021; Vol.59, No.2: 351-386.
104196 Social media, socialization, and pursuing legitimation of police violence/Tony Cheng.- Criminology. 2021; Vol.59, No.3: 391-418.
104197 Reconsidering the gang effect in the face of intermittency: Do first- and second-time gang membership both matter?/Megan Bears Augustyn, Jean Marie McGloin.- Criminology. 2021; Vol.59, No.3: 419-453.
104198 Authoritarian exclusion and laissez-faire inclusion: Comparing the punishment of men convicted of sex offenses in England and Wales and Norway/Alice Ievins, Kristian Mjaland.- Criminology. 2021; Vol.59, No.3: 454-479.
104199 Prosecutors, court communities, and policy change: The impact of internal DOJ reforms on federal prosecutorial practices/Mona Lynch, Matt Barno, Marisa Omori.- Criminology. 2021; Vol.59, No.3: 480-519.
104200 The long arm of parenting: How parenting styles influence crime and the pathways that explain this effect/Leslie Gordon Simons, Tara E. Sutton.- Criminology. 2021; Vol.59, No.3: 520-544.
104201 The accumulation of disadvantage: Criminal justice contact, credit, and debt in the transition to adulthood/Laura M. DeMarco, Rachel E. Dwyer, Dana L. Haynie.- Criminology. 2021; Vol.59, No.3: 545-580.
104202 Immigrant status, citizenship, and victimization risk in the United States: New findings from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)/Min Xie, Eric P. Baumer.- Criminology. 2021; Vol.59, No.4: 610-644.
104203 God is real: Narratives of religiously motivated desistance/Stephanie M. DiPietro, Timothy Dickinson.- Criminology. 2021; Vol.59, No.4: 645-670.
104204 The ties that bribe: Corruption’s embeddedness in Chicago organized crime/Jared Joseph, Chris M. Smith.- Criminology. 2021; Vol.59, No.4: 704-736.
104205 Life lessons: Examining sources of racial and ethnic disparity in federal life without parole sentences/Brian D. Johnson, Cassia Spohn, Anat Kimchi.- Criminology. 2021; Vol.59: 704-737.
104206 The Dubitante Opinion/Jason J. Czarnezki.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.1: 1-7.
104207 Plan Sponsor Fiduciary Duty for the Selection of Options in Participant-Directed Defined Contribution Plans and the Choice Between Stable Value and Money Market/Paul J. Donahue.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.1: 9-33.
104208 The Fox is Guarding the Henhouse: Enhancing the Role of the EPA in FONSI Determinations Pursuant to NEPA/Wendy B. Davis.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.1: 35-72.
104209 Antipodal Invective: A Field Gude to Kangaroos in American Courtrooms/Parker B. Potter Jr..- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.1: 73-149.
104210 Forty-Two The Hitchiker’s Guide to Teaching Legal Research to the Google Generation/Ian Gallacher.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.1: 121-205.
104211 Sui Generis’: An Antitrust Analysis of Buyer Power in the United States and European Union/Richard Scheelings, Joshua D. Wright.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.1: 207-243.
104212 Dudley Do Wrong: An Analysis of a ‘Stop and Identify’ Statute in Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District of Nevada/James G. Warner.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.1: 245-288.
104213 Unintended Consequences of the Fourteenth Amendment and What They Tell Us About Its Interpretation.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.2: 289-321.
104214 Chief Justice William Rehnquist: His Law-andOrder Legacy and Impact on Criminal Justice/Madhavi M. McCal, Michael A. McCall.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.2: 323-372.
104215 The Clash of Legal Cultures: The Treatment of Indigenous Law in Colonial and Post-Colonial Africa/Justice Modibo Ocran.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.2: 465-481.
104216 Professor Nimmer Meets Professor Schauer (and Others): An Analysis of ‘Definitional Balancing’ as a Methodology for Determining the ‘Visible Boundaries of the First Amendment’/Norman T. Deutsch.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.2: 483-539.
104217 Newdow Calls for a New Day in Establishment Clause Jurisprudence: Justice Thomas’s ‘Actual Legal Coercion’ Standard Provides the Necessary Renovation/James A. Campbell.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.2: 541-592.
104218 Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain and the Alien Tort Statute: How Wide Has the Door to Human Rights Litigation Been Left Open/Carolyn A. D’Amore.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.2: 593-633.
104219 Analyzing U.S. Commitment to Socioeconomic Human Rights/Philip C. Aka.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.2: 417-463.
104220 A Brief Essay on the Importance of Time in International Conventions of Intellectual Property Rights/Vincenzo Vinciguerra.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.3: 635-648.
104221 Intellectual Property Rights in Virtual Environments Considering the Rights of Owners, Programmers and Virtual Avatars/Woodrow Barfield.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.3: 649-700.
104222 An Analysis of the Legality of Television Cameras Broadcasting Juror Deliberations in a Criminal Case/Daniel H. Erskine Esq.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.3: 701-738.
104223 Hollywood’s Disappearing Act: International Trade Remedies to Bring Hollywood Home/Claire Wright.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.3: 739-861.
104224 Phillips v. AWH: Changing the Name of the Game/David Potashnik.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.3: 863-903.
104225 Introduction Fourth Remedies Discussion Forum/David F. Partlett, Russell L. Weaver.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.4: 905-908.
104226 What Makes the Collateral Source Rule Different/Michael B. Kelly.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.4: 1171-1182.
104227 Remedies, Neutral Rules and Free Speech/David F. Partlett, Russell L. Weaver.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.4: 1183-1189.
104228 A Cap on the Defendant’s Appeal Bond Punitive Damages Tort Reform/Doug Rendleman.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.4: 1089-1170.
104229 Celebrity Newsgathering and Privacy The Transformation of Breach of Confidence in English Law/John D. McCamus.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.4: 1191-1215.
104230 The Constitutional Jurisprudence of Sandra Day O’Conor: A Refusal to ‘Foreclose the Unanticipated’/Wilson Ray Huhn.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.4: 373-415.
104231 A Survey and Some Commentary on Federal Tort Reform/Michael P. Allen.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.4: 909-941.
104232 The Struggle Over Tort Reform and the Overlooked Legacy of the Progressives/Rachel M. Janutis.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.4: 943-973.
104233 Restriction of Tort Remedies and the Constraints of Due Process: The Right to an Adequate Remedy/Tracy A. Thomas.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.4: 975-1000.
104234 Statutory Caps and Judicial Review of Damages/Colleen P. Murphy.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.4: 1001-1017.
104235 Ratios, (Ir)rationality & Civil Rights Punitive Awards/Caprice L. Roberts.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.4: 1019-1046.
104236 The Logic of Legal Remedies and the Relative Weight of Norms: Assessing the Public Interest in the Tort Reform Debate/Irma S. Russell.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.4: 1053-1067.
104237 Let the Damages Fit the Wrong An Immodest Proposal for Reforming Personal Injury Damages/Elaine W. Shoben.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.4: 1069-1088.
104238 Looking Back and Looking Forward Sarbanes-Oxley and the Future of Corporate Governance/Scott Harshbarger, Goutam U. Jois.- Akron Law Review. 2006; Vol.39, No.4: 1-53.
104239 Back to Basics: Harmonizing Delaware’s Law Governing Going Private Transactions/Clark W. Furlow.- Akron Law Review. 2007; Vol.40, No.1: 85-129.
104240 A Study on Rule 145 of the Securities Act of 1933 How to Provide Clarity and Predictability in Rule 145 Transactions/Kab Lae Kim.- Akron Law Review. 2007; Vol.40, No.1: 131-173.
104241 Competing With Delaware: Recent Amendments to Ohio’s Corporate Statutes/David Porter.- Akron Law Review. 2007; Vol.40, No.1: 175-205.
104242 Looking Back and Looking Forward: Sarbanes-Oxley and the Future of Corporate Governance/Scott Harshbarger, Goutam U. Jois.- Akron Law Review. 2007; Vol.40, No.1: 1-53.
104243 Why Martha Stewart Did Not Violate Rule 10b-5: On Tipping, Piggybacking, Front-Running and the Fiduciary Duties of Securities Brokers/Ray J. Grzebielski.- Akron Law Review. 2007; Vol.40, No.1: 55-83.
104244 Tribal, State, and Federal Cooperation to Achieve Good Governance/Elizabeth Burleson.- Akron Law Review. 2007; Vol.40, No.2: 207-253.
104245 Facing the Klieg Lights: Understanding the ‘Good Moral Character’ Examiniaton for Bar Applicants/Aaron M. Clemens.- Akron Law Review. 2007; Vol.40, No.2: 255-310.
104246 The Right to Freely Have Sex Beyond Biology Reproductive Rights and Sexual Self-Determination/Yakare-Oule Jansen.- Akron Law Review. 2007; Vol.40, No.2: 311-337.
104247 Off to Elba! The Legitimacy of Sex Offender Residence and Employment Restrictions/Joseph L. Lester.- Akron Law Review. 2007; Vol.40, No.2: 339-389.
104248 Refusing to Remove an Obstacle to the Remedy The Supreme Court’s Decision in Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales Continues to Deny Domestic Violence Victims Meaningful Recourse/Nicole M. Quester.- Akron Law Review. 2007; Vol.40, No.2: 391-434.
104249 Chimeras: Double the DNA-Double the Fun for Crime Scene Investigators, Prosecutors, and Defense Attorneys/Catherine Arcabascio.- Akron Law Review. 2007; Vol.40, No.3: 435-463.
104250 Judicial Notice and the Law’s ‘Scientific’ Search for Truth/Christopher Onstott.- Akron Law Review. 2007; Vol.40, No.3: 465-491.
104251 The Printed Publication Bar After Klopfenstein Has the Federal Circuit Changed the Way Professors Should Talk About Science/Sean B. Seymore.- Akron Law Review. 2007; Vol.40, No.3: 493-527.
104252 eBay v. MercExchange: Traditional Four-Factor Test for Injunctive Relief Applies to Patent Cases, According to the Supreme Court/Sue Ann Mota.- Akron Law Review. 2007; Vol.40, No.3: 529-543.
104253 Gonzales v. Raich: How to Fix a Mess of ‘Economic’ Proportions/Gregory W. Watts.- Akron Law Review. 2007; Vol.40, No.3: 545-585.
104254 Reversing Time’s Arrow: Law’s Reordering of Chronology, Causality, and History/Bruce G. Peabody.- Akron Law Review. 2007; Vol.40, No.4: 587-622.
104255 Thomas Jefferson and the Establishment Clause/Mark J. Chadsey.- Akron Law Review. 2007; Vol.40, No.4: 623-646.
104256 Citizens Not Subjects: U.S. Foreign Relations Law and the Decentralization of Foreign Policy/Nick Robinson.- Akron Law Review. 2007; Vol.40, No.4: 647-715.
104257 Interstate Agreement for Electoral Reform/Adam Schleifer.- Akron Law Review. 2007; Vol.40, No.4: 717-749.
104258 Statutory Misinterpretations: Small v. United States Darkens the Already Murky Waters of Statutory Interpretation/Michelle Schuld.- Akron Law Review. 2007; Vol.40, No.4: 751-788.
104259 Jurisprudence du Conseil constitutionnel/Sophie Hutier … [et al.].- Revue franc. de droit constitutionnel. 2017; No.111: 713-747.
104260 Lignes directrices du contentieux juridictionnel des elections parlementaires au Cameroun: contribution a l’etude d’une justice constitutionnelle provisoire/Eric-Adol T. Gatsi.- Revue franc. de droit constitutionnel. 2017; No.111: 1-25.
104261 Les trois ans du parquet financier: economie d’une institution financiere/Anne-Charlene Bezzina.- Revue franc. de droit constitutionnel. 2017; No.112: 795-819.
104262 Le survivant designe: un exces de l’ordre de succession presidentielle americain?/Nolwenn Duclos.- Revue franc. de droit constitutionnel. 2017; No.112: 881-897.
104263 Jurisprudence du Conseil constitutionnel/Guylene Nicolas … [et al.].- Revue franc. de droit constitutionnel. 2017; No.112: 941-976.
104264 Droit constitutionnel etranger. La separation des pouvoirs au bord du precipice: le role du contre-pouvoir de la Cour constitutionnelle dans la procedure de destitution du President en Coree du Sud/Soyeon Shim.- Revue franc. de droit constitutionnel. 2018; No.113: 219-243.
104265 La Suisse et la classification des regimes politiques dans la doctrine publiciste francaise/Arthur Braun.- Revue franc. de droit constitutionnel. 2018; No.114: 259-283.
104266 Le xxve amendement: comment remplacer un president americain?/Arnaud Coutant.- Revue franc. de droit constitutionnel. 2018; No.114: 301-315.
104267 La modulation des effets dans le temps des declarations d’inconstitutionnalite prononcees dans le cadre de questions prioritaires de constitutionnalite: typologie des solutions et perspectives/Manuel Eynard.- Revue franc. de droit constitutionnel. 2018; No.114: 317-342.
104268 Les enseignements des experiences europeennes du vote electronique/Benjamin Morel.- Revue franc. de droit constitutionnel. 2018; No.114: 371-394.
104269 Pour la constitutionnalisation de l’etat d’urgence/Pierre Esplugas-Labatut.- Revue franc. de droit constitutionnel. 2018; No.115: 485-495.
104270 La protection de la sante par le Conseil constitutionnel: un parfum francais aux notes d’Italie/Fanny Jacquelot.- Revue franc. de droit constitutionnel. 2018; No.115: 513-531.
104271 La societe d’histoire de la Ve Republique/Didier Maus.- Revue franc. de droit constitutionnel. 2018; No.115: 705-711.
104272 Les cinq mythes de la gouvernance d’entreprise: perspective economico-juridique nord-americaine/Ivan Tchotourian, Jean-Christophe Bernier, Charles Tremblay-Potvin.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2017; Vol.T.XXXI, No.2: 5-39.
104273 La notation financiere: instrument de l’action publique europeenne/Caroline Lequesne-Roth.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2017; Vol.T.XXXI, No.2: 41-81.
104274 Algorithmes de prix, intelligence artificielle et equilibres collusifs/Frederic Marty.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2017; Vol.T.XXXI, No.2: 83-116.
104275 La moralite publique comme exception: l’apport potentiel des enseignements de la Cour europeenne des droits de l’homme pour une interpretation renouvelee au sein de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce/Kristine Plouffe-Malette.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2017; Vol.T.XXXI, No.3: 5-32.
104276 La Banque centrale europeenne et la crise des dettes souveraines: politique monetaire, politique economique ou etat d’exception?/Guillaume Gregoire.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2017; Vol.T.XXXI, No.3: 33-54.
104277 Integration, exequatur et securite juridique dans l’espace OHADA. Bilan et perspective d’une avancee contrastee/Serge Christian Ekani.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2017; Vol.T.XXXI, No.3: 55-84.
104278 Le chalandage de traites a l’epreuve des accords d’investissement de nouvelle generation/Quoc Chien Ngo, Van Anh Ly.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2017; Vol.T.XXXI, No.3: 85-108.
104279 Est-il pertinent de durcir le droit europeen de l’environnement?/Beatrice Boyer-Allirol, Elena M. Barbu.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2017; Vol.T.XXXI, No.3: 109-124.
104280 Les marches du droit. Rapport introductif/Guy Canivet.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2017; Vol.T.XXXI, No.4: 9-33.
104281 Le marche francais de la mediation de la consommation/Sabine Bernheim-Desvaux.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2017; Vol.T.XXXI, No.4: 35-44.
104282 Le prix des services juridiques/Christoph A. Kern.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2017; Vol.T.XXXI, No.4: 45-59.
104283 Le prix des services juridiques entre defaillance de la reglementation et defaillance de marche?/Frederic Marty.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2017; Vol.T.XXXI, No.4: 61-82.
104284 Le controle de la qualite de la prestation fournie par l’avocat: le mecanisme de l’evaluation en ligne/Cathie-Sophie Pinat.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2017; Vol.T.XXXI, No.4: 83-102.
104285 La mecanisation du droit peut-elle triompher de l’avocat?/Philippe Fortuit, Farah Nemira Hamidou.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2017; Vol.T.XXXI, No.4: 103-109.
104286 Services juridiques a l’entreprise et creation de valeur selon Gilson/Benoit Mario Papillon.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2017; Vol.T.XXXI, No.4: 111-125.
104287 Les marches du droit. Conclusions/Loic Cadiet.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2017; Vol.T.XXXI, No.4: 127-134.
104288 Le contrat international de construction/Ali Bencheneb.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2018; Vol.T.XXXII, No.1: 5-15.
104289 Fake news et droit de la concurrence: reflexions au prisme des cas Facebook et Google/Walid Chaiehloudj.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2018; Vol.T.XXXII, No.1: 17-40.
104290 Le couple droit/economie dans la theorie et le droit international du developpement/Pascal McDougall.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2018; Vol.T.XXXII, No.1: 41-74.
104291 La clause d’exception du tabac au sein de l’Accord de partenariat transpacifique: une victoire pour la sante publique?/Aminata Sissoko.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2018; Vol.T.XXXII, No.1: 75-105.
104292 Qu’est-ce que le droit prive reglementaire europeen? Enjeux et perspectives/Guido Comparato.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2018; Vol.T.XXXII, No.2: 123-135.
104293 Entre droit prive reglementaire et droit prive fonde sur l’autonomie/Hanoch Dagan.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2018; Vol.T.XXXII, No.2: 137-157.
104294 Droit prive, reglementation et justice/Martijn W. Hesselink.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2018; Vol.T.XXXII, No.2: 159-180.
104295 La transformation du droit prive par la concurrence/Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2018; Vol.T.XXXII, No.2: 181-210.
104296 Economisation ou experimentalisme dans le droit prive sectoriel de l’Union europeenne?/Yane Svetiev.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2018; Vol.T.XXXII, No.2: 211-240.
104297 La concurrence des normativites: hypothese, methode et thematiques/Malik Bozzo-Rey … [et al].- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2018; Vol.T.XXXII, No.3: 247-250.
104298 La concurrence normative transnationale/Gilles Lhuilier.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2018; Vol.T.XXXII, No.3: 251-267.
104299 Concurrence des normativites: un point de vue economique/Bruno Deffains.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2018; Vol.T.XXXII, No.3: 269-279.
104300 La normativite au pluriel: depasser le prisme de la concurrence, construire des methodes de combinaison/Jean-Sylvestre Berge.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2018; Vol.T.XXXII, No.3: 281-292.
104301 La concurrence des normes globales/Benoit Frydman.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2018; Vol.T.XXXII, No.3: 293-304.
104302 La normalisation technique en Europe. L’Empire (du droit) contre-attaque/Arnaud Van Waeyenberge.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2018; Vol.T.XXXII, No.3: 305-317.
104303 Standardisation in the internal market for services: An effective alternative to harmonisation?/Barend van Leeuwen.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2018; Vol.T.XXXII, No.3: 319-332.
104304 Quand le tiers est aux abonnes absents: a la recherche des institutions perdues/Romain Laufer.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2018; Vol.T.XXXII, No.3: 333-349.
104305 La fin des vautours? Retour sur le contentieux strategique des dettes souveraines/Caroline Lequesne-Roth.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2018; Vol.T.XXXII, No.3: 351-367.
104306 La concurrence des normativites au coeur de la labellisation du bien-etre animal/Regis Bismuth … [et al.].- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2018; Vol.T.XXXII, No.3: 369-392.
104307 Ordre public economique et pouvoirs prives economiques: le droit de la concurrence coeur de l’ordre public economique/Patrice Reis.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.1: 11-22.
104308 Topographie des rapports pouvoirs prives economiques et ordre public economique autour de la figure generale du standard/Jean-Sylvestre Berge.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.1: 23-33.
104309 La concentration des pouvoirs economiques prives: une perspective d’economie institutionnelle du droit/Frederic Marty.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.1: 35-48.
104310 Les pouvoirs prives economiques a l’epreuve de la loi francaise sur le devoir de vigilance/Larios Mavoungou.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.1: 49-62.
104311 La regulation, enjeu majeur de l’ordre public economique: l’exemple des demarches de Responsabilite sociale des entreprises des pouvoirs prives economiques/Orianne Thibout.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.1: 63-74.
104312 La reglementation des aides d’Etat dans l’Union europeenne comme mise en oeuvre combinee d’un ordre public economique composite/Mehdi Mezaguer.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.1: 75-89.
104313 La regulation des marches financiers entre pouvoirs prives economiques et ordre public economique/Marina Teller.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.1: 91-103.
104314 L’arbitre, juge des parties et/ou regulateur?/Lois Dossios, Jean-Baptiste Racine.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.1: 105-122.
104315 Rapport de synthese: la fragilisation de l’ordre public economique et le controle des acteurs prives dans un environnement globalise/Benoit Frydman.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.1: 123-130.
104316 Le role de la volonte des parties dans les recours a l’encontre des sentences arbitrales internationales/Van Dai Do.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.2: 141-164.
104317 Justice en ligne ou nouveau Far Www.est? La difficile regulation des plateformes en ligne de reglement extrajudiciaire des litiges/Alexandre Biard.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.2: 165-191.
104318 Valeur de l’entreprise et droit de l’insolvabilite: De la theorie de la negociation aux negotiauctions/Giulio Cesare Giorgini.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.2: 193-210.
104319 La protection des algorithmes par le secret des affaires: Entre risques de faux negatifs et risques de faux positifs/Frederic Marty.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.2: 211-237.
104320 La nature du capital a la lumiere du droit comptable, clef de voute des metamorphoses de l’entreprise/Jennifer Bardy.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.2: 239-264.
104321 La regulation des plateformes digitales: propos introductifs/Henri Culot, Alain Strowel, Enguerrand Marique.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.3: 271-274.
104322 L’emergence et le developpement des plateformes digitales: les enseignements de la theorie economique de la firme/Alexia Autenne, Elisabeth De Ghellinck.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.3: 275-290.
104323 Les plateformes: assureurs du XXIe siecle?/Anne Trescases.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.3: 291-304.
104324 Bonnes pratiques contractuelles et protection des consommateurs dans l’economie collaborative/Denis Voinot, Aurelien Fortunato.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.3: 305-314.
104325 Le travail dans l’economie digitale: le dilemme entre realite et norme, et les aspects sociaux du travail sur plateforme/Elena Signorini.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.3: 315-327.
104326 Plateformes numeriques: developpements recents en matiere fiscale/Marie Lamensch, Edoardo Traversa.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.3: 329-346.
104327 Tarification algorithmique et collusion tacite en vertu du droit de la concurrence/Richard Steppe.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.3: 347-361.
104328 Plateformes digitales et Etats: la coregulation par les donnees. Le cas des requetes gouvernementales/Julie Charpenet.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.3: 363-381.
104329 La regulation des fake news et avis factices sur les plateformes/Enguerrand Marique, Alain Strowel.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.3: 383-398.
104330 Vers un cadre de la regulation des plateformes?/Vassilis Hatzopoulos.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.3: 399-416.
104331 Mise a l’epreuve du systeme de reglement des differends de l’OMC. Est-ce un rejet du multilateralisme ou une mise en cause de l’ordre economique actuel?/Batyah Sierpinski, Helene Tourard.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.4: 423-447.
104332 Les modes alternatifs de resolution des litiges administratifs en Afrique noire francophone/Eric M. Ngango Youmbi.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.4: 449-476.
104333 L’OIT, les normes et l’histoire/Dorothea Hoehtker.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.4: 477-500.
104334 La portee du caractere extraterritorial du Reglement general sur la protection des donnees/Eva Thelisson.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.4: 501-533.
104335 Compliance: externalisation et tierce introduction en matiere de lutte anti-blanchiment/Iris M. Barsan.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2019; Vol.T.XXXIII, No.4: 535-557.
104336 Quelques reflexions sur l’interpretation des conventions internationales du travail par le juge national/Thomas Lieby.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2020; Vol.T.XXXIV, No.1: 5-31.
104337 Le statut des decisions anterieures dans la jurisprudence de l’OMC: contours de l application de la regle du precedent dans le contentieux commercial multilateral/Herve Agbodjan Prince, Marwa Semhat.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2020; Vol.T.XXXIV, No.1: 33-66.
104338 Le consommateur et le commerce des energies renouvelables en Afrique subsaharienne/Francis Riche Bilong Nkoh.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2020; Vol.T.XXXIV, No.1: 67-96.
104339 La quadrature du cercle? Concilier le droit de la consommation et l’economie circulaire/Hans-W. Micklitz.- Revue intern. de droit economique. 2020; Vol.T.XXXIV, No.1: 97-125.
104340 Changes in Governance: A Cross-Disciplinary Review of Current Scholarship/Scott Burris, Michael Kempa, Clifford Shearing.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.1: 1-66.
104341 The Myth of Mental Disorder: Transsubstantive Behavior and Taxometric Psychiatry/Steven K. Erickson.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.1: 67-121.
104342 Contractual Choice of Law in Contracts of Adhesion and Party Autonomy/Mo Zhang.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.1: 121-173.
104343 Foolish Consistencies and the Appellate Review Of Courts-Martial/John F. O’Connor.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.1: 175-230.
104344 Comity of Errors When Federal Sentencing Guidelines Ignore State Law Decriminalizing Sentences/Hon. James A. Shapiro.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.1: 231-274.
104345 A Herculean Task for Judge Hercules: Analytical Avoidance in Iran v. Elahi/Anneliese Gryta.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.1: 249-290.
104346 The Political Discourse of Amnesty in Immigration Policy/Bryn Siegel.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.1: 291-335.
104347 University of Akron School of Law Commencement Address/Michael S. Greco.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.1: 337-345.
104348 Daubert, Probabilities and Possibilities, and the Ohio Solution A Sensible Approach to Relevance Under Rule 702 in Civil and Criminal Applications/Andrew W. Jurs.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.2: 609-649.
104349 Biological Evaluations Blood, Genes, and Family/Janet L. Dolgin.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.2: 347-398.
104350 Reconciling Cultural Diversity and Free Trade in the Digital Age: A Cultural Analysis of the International Trade in Content Items/Claire Wright.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.2: 399-505.
104351 The Myth of the Unbiased Director/Regina F. Burch.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.2: 509-556.
104352 Can’t Settle, Can’t Sue: How Congress Stole Tort Remedies From Medicare Beneficiaries/Rick Swedloff.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.2: 557-608.
104353 Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Fourth Amendment Right: Samson Court Errs In Choosing Proper Analytical Framework, Errs in Result, Parolees Lose Fourth Amendment Protection/Rachael A. Lynch.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.2: 651-693.
104354 The New Face of Women’s Legal History: Introduction to the Symposium/Tracy A. Thomas.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.3: 695-700.
104355 The Ladies Health Protective Association: Lay Lawyers and Urban Cause Lawyering/Felice Batlan.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.3: 701-731.
104356 Anna Moscowitz Kross and The Home Term Part: A Second Look at the Nation’s First Criminal Domestic Violence Court/Mae C. Quinn.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.3: 733-762.
104357 Southern Free Women of Color in the Antebellum North: Race, Class, and a ‘New Women’s Legal History’/Bernie D. Jones.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.3: 763-798.
104358 Dangerous Woman: Elizabeth Key’s Freedom Suit – Subjecthood and Racialized Identity in Seventeenth Century Colonial Virginia/Taunya Lovell Banks.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.3: 799-837.
104359 Rape, Affirmative Consent to Sex, and Sexual Autonomy: Introduction to the Symposium/Jane Campbell Moriarty.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.4: 839-846.
104360 Copulemus in Pace: A Meditation on Rape, Affirmative Consent to Sex, and Sexual Autonomy/Dan Subotnik.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.4: 923-956.
104361 Rethinking Affirmative Consent in Canadian Sexual Assault Law Neoliberal Sexual Subjects and Risky Women/Lise Gotell.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.4: 865-895.
104362 The Trouble with Drink Intoxication, (In)capacity, and the Evaporation of Consent to Sex/Dr. Sharon Cowan.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.4: 899-922.
104363 Constructing Consent: Legislating Freedom and Legitimating Constraint in the Expression of Sexual Autonomy/Vanessa E. Munro.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.4: 923-956.
104364 After Rape Law Will the Turn to Consent Normalize the Prosecution of Sexual Assault/Donald Dripps.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.4: 957-980.
104365 An Analysis of Thirty-Five Years of Rape Reform: A Frustrating Search for Fundamental Fairness/Richard Klein.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.4: 981-1057.
104366 License to Harass: Holding Defendants Accountable for Retaining Recidivist Harassers/Kerri Lynn Stone.- Akron Law Review. 2008; Vol.41, No.4: 1059-1090.
104367 Not the City of God The Multiplicity of Wrongs and Rules/Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr..- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.1: 1-11.
104368 Rationalizing the Constitution The Military Commissions Act and the Duboius Legacy of Ex Parte Quirin/Chad DeVeaux.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.1: 13-103.
104369 Examining Crack Cocaine Sentencing in a Post-Kimbrough World/Michael B. Cassidy.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.1: 105-134.
104370 To Catch the Lion, Tether the Goat: Entrapment, Conspiracy, and Sentencing Manipulation/Derrick Augustus Carter.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.4: 134-184.
104371 Religion in the Schools: On Prayer, Neutrality, and Sectarian Perspectives/Mark Strasser.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.1: 185-241.
104372 Calculating Credibility State v. Sharma and the Future of Polygraph Admissibility in Ohio and Beyond/Vincent V. Vigluicci.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.1: 319-354.
104373 The Science and Statistics Behind Spanking Suggest that Laws Allowing Corporal Punishment Are in the Best Interests of the Child/Jason M. Fuller.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.1: 243-317.
104374 Scholar, Father, and Friend: A Tribute to Professor Justice T. Modibo Ocran/Edward L. Gilbert.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.2: 355-356.
104375 Back to the Future: Lorraine v. Markel American Insurance Co. and New Findings on the Admissibility of Electronically Stored Information/Hon. Paul W. Grimm, Michael V. Ziccardi Esq, Alexander W. Major Esq.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.2: 357-418.
104376 Electronic Discovery Bibliography/Paul Richert.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.2: 419-430.
104377 The American Suppression of the African Slave Trade: Lessons on Legal Change, Social Policy, and Legislation/Paul Finkelman.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.2: 431-467.
104378 Neuroscience and Health Law: An Integrative Approach/Stacey A. Tovino J.D., Ph.D..- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.2: 469-517.
104379 Disappearing Ink: The Emerging Duty to Remove Invalid Policy Provisions/Robert L. Tucker.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.2: 519-605.
104380 A Comparison of Laws in the Phillipines, the U.S.A., Taiwan, and Belarus to Regulate the Mail-Order Bride Industry/Roxanne Sims.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.2: 607-637.
104381 Wilson v. Wilson The Effect of QDROs on Appealing Divorce Decrees/Joshua A. Dean.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.2: 639-679.
104382 Foreword to the Neuroscience, Law & Government Symposium/Jane Campbell Moriarty.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42: 681-686.
104383 Remarks: Neuroscience, Gender, and the Law/Stacey A. Tovino JD, PhD.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.3: 941-953.
104384 Asperger’s Disorder, High-Functioning Autism, and Guardianship in Ohio/Michael E. Bloom.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.3: 953-1002.
104385 Law and the Revolution in Neuroscience: An Early Look at the Field/Henry T. Greely.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.3: 687-715.
104386 The Future of Neuroimaged Lie Detection and the Law/Joelle Anne Moreno.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.3: 717-737.
104387 Visions of Deception: Neuroimages and the Search for Truth/Jane Campbell Moriarty.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.3: 739-761.
104388 The Right to Silence as Protecting Mental Control/Dov Fox.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.3: 763-801.
104389 How Privacy Killed Katz: A Tale of Cognitive Freedom and the Property of Personhood as Fourth Amendment Norm/Christian M. Halliburton.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.3: 803-884.
104390 His Brain Has Been Mismanaged with Great Skill: How Will Jurors Respond to Neuromimaging Testimony in Insanity Defense Cases/Michael L. Perlin.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.3: 885-916.
104391 Neuroscience and Juvenile Justice/Jay D. Aronson.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.3: 917-930.
104392 Black Boxes: fMRI Detection and the Role of the Jury/Julie Seaman.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.3: 931-939.
104393 Infinite Hope – Introduction to the Symposium The 140th Anniversary of the Fourteenth Amendment/Elizabeth Reilly.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.4: 1003-1018.
104394 Rebuilding the Slaughter-House The Cases Support for Civil Rights/David S. Bogen.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.4: 1129-1164.
104395 The Use of the Fourteenth Amendment by Salmon P. Chase in the Trial of Jefferson Davis/C. Ellen Connally.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.4: 1165-1200.
104396 Horror of a Woman: Myra Bradwell, the 14th Amendment, and the Gendered Origins of Sociological Jurisprudence/Gwen Hoerr Jordan.- Akron Law Review. 2009; Vol.42, No.4: 1201-1244.
104403 Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right Federal Death Eligibility Determinations and Judicial Trifurcations/Michael D. Pepson, John N. Sharifi.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43: 1-49.
104404 The Timing of Facial Challenges/Timothy Sandefur.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.1: 51-77.
104405 Indispensable Logic: Using the Logical Fallacy of the Undistributed Middle as a Litigation Tool/Stephen M. Rice.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.1: 79-105.
104406 Save the Children The Legal Abondonment of American Youth in the Workplace/Seymour Moskowitz.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.1: 107-161.
104407 Education for Judicial Aspirants/Keith R. Fisher.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.1: 163-201.
104408 Exxon Shipping Co. v. Baker: Why the Supreme Court Missed the Boat on Punitive Damages/Maria C. Klutinoty.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.1: 203-245.
104409 From Armbands to Douchbags: How Doninger v. Niehoff Shows the Supreme Court Needs to Address Student Speech in the Cyber Age/Allison E. Hayes.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.1: 247-289.
104410 Another Missed Opportunity in Shoemaker v. Gindlesberger: Strict Privity Lives On in Ohio Legal Malpractice Cases/C. Chase Senk.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43: 291-330.
104411 Carpe Diem Privacy Protection in Employment Act/Ariana R. Levinson.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.2: 331-443.
104412 Jon & Kate Plus the State: Why Congress Should Protect Children in Reality Programming/Dayna B. Royal.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.2: 435-500.
104413 Corporate Social Responsibility and the New Governance: In Search of Epstein’s Good Company in the Employment Context/Michael B. Runnels, Elizabeth J. Kennedy, Rev. Timothy B. Brown S.J..- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.2: 501-535.
104414 If You Want Something Done Right: Chicanos Por La Causa v. Napolitano and the Return of Federalism to Immigration Law/Randall G. Shelley Jr..- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.2: 603-639.
104415 The New Era – Quo Vadis/Jack P. Sahl.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.3: 641-676.
104416 Electronic Data, Electronic Searching, Inadvertent Production of Privileged Data A Perfect Storm/Donald Wochna.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.3: 843-868.
104417 From GATS to APEC The Impact of Trade Agreements on Legal Services/Laurel S. Terry.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.3: 869-977.
104418 The Changing Landscape for In-House Counsel Multijurisdictional Practice Considerations for Corporate Law Departments/Carol A. Needham.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.3: 979-1001.
104419 What We Don’t Know Can Hurt Us: The Need for Empirical Research in Regulating Lawyers and Legal Services in the Global Economy/Carole Silver.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.3: 1003-1073.
104420 Professional Responsibility in an Uncertain Profession Legal Ethics in China/Judith A. McMorrow.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.3: 1075-1099.
104421 Waiting For Good Dough Litigation Funding Comes To Law/Stephen Gillers.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.3: 1-19.
104422 Sports and Entertainment Agents and Agent-Attorneys: Discourses and Conventions Concerning Crossing Jurisdictional and Professional Borders/David S. Caudill.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.3: 965-712.
104423 Ethical Responsibility and Legal Liability of Lawyers for Failure to Institute or Monitor Litigation Holds/Nathan M. Crystal.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.3: 713-725.
104424 Multijurisdictional Practice and the Influence of Model Rule of Professional Conduct 5.5 – An Interim Assessment/Arthur F. Greenbaum.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.3: 729-768.
104425 Exporting American Legal Ethics/James E. Moliterno.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.3: 767-782.
104426 The Legal Ethics of Metadata Mining/Andrew M. Perlman.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.3: 1-15.
104427 Inside, Outside: Cross-Border Enforcement of Attorney Advertising Restrictions/Margaret Raymond.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.3: 797-819.
104428 Supervising Offshore Outsourcing of Legal Services in a Global Environment: Re-examining Current Ethical Standards/Mark L. Tuft.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.3: 821-841.
104429 Symposium The Future of Summary Judgment Foreword – Summary Judgment and the Influence of Federal Rulemaking/Bernadette Bollas Genetin.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.4: 1107-1138.
104430 Must, Should, Shall/Steven S. Gensler.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.4: 1139-1164.
104431 Six Summary Judgment Safeguards/Edward Brunet.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.4: 1165-1188.
104432 Summary Judgment, Pleading, and the Future of Transsubstantive Procedure/Stephen B. Burbank.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.4: 1189-1194.
104433 Dropping the Spear The Case for Enhanced Summary Judgment Prior to Class Certification/Linda S. Mullenix.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.4: 1197-1244.
104434 Summary Judgment in the Shadow of Erie/Jeffrey O. Cooper.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.4: 1245-1263.
104435 Reconstructing Pleading: Twombly, Iqbal, and the Limited Role of the Plausibility Inquiry/Stephen R. Brown.- Akron Law Review. 2010; Vol.43, No.4: 1265-1301.
104436 Corporal Punishment and Child Development/Jason Fuller.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.1: 5-66.
104437 Collective Justice or Personal Gain An Empirical Analysis of Consumer Class Action Lawyers and Named Plaintiffs/Stephen Meili.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.1: 67-135.
104438 Growin Up: An Assessment of Adult Self-Image in Clinical Law Students/Judith L. Ritter.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.1: 137-165.
104439 Beyond the Sex-Ed Wars: Addressing Disadvantaged Single Mothers Search for Community/Helen M. Alvare.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.1: 167-220.
104440 Minimizing Liability for Church-Related Counseling Services Clergy Malpractice and First Amendment Religion Clauses/Constance Frisby Fain.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.1: 221-260.
104441 Partner Capture in Public International Organizations/Christopher G. Bradley.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.1: 261-301.
104442 Obama, the Fourteenth Amendment, and the Drug War/Martin D. Carcieri.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.1: 303-331.
104443 Is International Law Really Law Theorizing the Multi-Dimensionality of Law/Elizabeth M. Bruch.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.2: 333-373.
104444 Is the Quest for Corporate Responsibility a Wild Good Chase The Story of Lovenheim v. Iroquois Brands, Ltd./D.A. Jeremy Telman.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.2: 479-527.
104445 The Challenge and Dilemma of Charting a Course to Constitutionally Protect the Severely Mentally Ill Capital Defendant from the Death Penalty/Lyn Entzeroth.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.2: 529-582.
104446 Relevance is Irrelevant: A Plain Meaning Approach to Title VII Retaliation Claims/Eric Ledger.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.2: 583-615.
104447 Interlocutory Review of Litigation-Avoidance Claims: Insights From Appeals Under the Federal Arbitration Act/Roger J. Perlstadt.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.2: 375-423.
104448 A Triptych of Regulators: A New Perspective on the Administrative State/Yair Sagy.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.2: 425-477.
104449 DOMA and Diffusion Theory Ending Animus Legislation Through a Rational Basis Approach/David J. Herzig.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.3: 621-678.
104450 Why Lawyers are Different and Why We are the Same: Creating Structural Incentives in Large Law Firms to Promote Ethical Behavior – In-House Ethics Counsel, Bill Padding, and In-House Ethics Training/Ronald D. Rotunda.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.3: 679-726.
104451 The Next Stage of Health Care Reform: Controlling Costs by Paying Health Plans Based on Health Options/Dale B. Thompson.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.3: 727-768.
104452 United Nations Peacekeeping Operations and Security and Reconstruction/Muna Ndulo.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.3: 769-807.
104453 Creating the Public Forum/Samantha Barbas.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.3: 809-866.
104454 Do Law Schools Mistreat Women Faculty Or, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf/Dan Subotnik.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.3: 867-893.
104455 Holding on to What is Most Precious: Ohio Juvenile Law after In re C.R./Rose Semple, Esq..- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.3: 895-930.
104456 Symposium Erie Under Advisement The Doctrine After Shady Grove; Forward Erie’s Gift/Jay Tidmarsh.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44: 897-906.
104457 Shady Grove and the Potential Democracy-Enhancing Benefits of Erie Formalism/Jeffrey W. Stempel.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.4: 907-978.
104458 Maintaining Uniform Federal Rules: Why the Shady Grove Plurality was Right/Mark P. Gaber.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.4: 979-997.
104459 The Fruits of Shady Grove: Seeing the Forest for the Trees/Glenn S. Koppel.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.4: 999-1066.
104460 Reassessing the Avoidance Canon in Erie Cases/Bernadette Bollas Genetin.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.4: 1067-1137.
104461 Defining the Word: Maintain Context Counts/Jack Friedenthal.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.4: 1139-1145.
104462 The Tempest: Shady Grove Orthopedic Associates, P.A. v. Allstate Insurance Co.: The Rules Enabling Act Decision That Added to the Confusion-But Should Not Have/Donald L. Doernberg.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.4: 1147-1209.
104463 Finding Nino: Justice Scalia’s Confrontation Clause Legacy from its (Glorious) Beginning to (Bitter) End/Jolle Anne Moreno Professor.- Akron Law Review. 2011; Vol.44, No.4: 1211-1256.
104464 ChooseYourJudges.org Treating Elected Judges as Politicians/Ric Simmons.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.1: 1-61.
104465 Exposing the Hocus Pocus of Trusts/Kent D. Schenkel.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.1: 63-135.
104466 Second Level Agreements/Yafit Lev-Aretz.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.1: 137-199.
104467 Initial Impressions Trademark Protection for Abbreviations of Generic or Descriptive Terms/Mary LaFrance.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.1: 201-241.
104468 Beyond Incentives: Expanding the Theoretical Framework for Patent Law Analysis/Ofer Tur-Sinai.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.1: 243-289.
104469 Is the Quest for Corporate Responsibility a Wild Goose Chase The Story of Lovenheim v. Iroquois Brands, Ltd./D.A. Jeremy Telman.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.1: 291-339.
104470 Using It For All It’s Wuerth: A Critical Analysis of National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh v. Wuerth as Applied to Medical Malpractice in Ohio/Christy L. Wesig.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.1: 341-387.
104471 Symposium: Union and States Rights: Secession, 150 Years After Sumter, Preface/Neil H. Cogan.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.2: 389-393.
104472 Still Too Close to Call Rethinking Stampp’s The Concept of a Perpetual Union/Daniel W. Hamilton.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.2: 395-403.
104473 James Madison and the Constitution’s Convention for Proposing Amendments/Robert G. Natelson.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.2: 431-448.
104474 Secession and Breach of Compact: The Law of Nature Meets the United States Constitution/Stephen C. Neff.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.2: 405-429.
104475 States’ Rights, Southern Hypocrisy, and the Crisis of the Union/Paul Finkelman.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.2: 449-478.
104476 The Fourteenth Amendment and the Unconstitutionality of Secession/Daniel A. Farber.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.2: 479-512.
104477 Judging in a Vacuum, Or, Once More, Without Feeling How Justice Scalia’s Jurisprudential Approach Repeats Errors Made in Plessy v. Ferguson/Chris Edelson.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.2: 513-566.
104478 Symposium Remedies for Big Disasters The BP Gulf Oil Spill and the Quest for Complete Justice, Introduction/Tracy A. Thomas.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.3: 567-573.
104479 Unconventional Responses to Unique Catastrophes/Kenneth R. Feinberg.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.3: 575-582.
104480 Doing Justice in the Face of a Disaster/John C.P. Goldberg.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.3: 583-589.
104481 SuperBias: The Collision of Behavioral Economics and Implicit Social Cognition/Justin D. Levinson.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.3: 591-645.
104482 The Inquisitorial Advantage in Removal Proceedings/Won Kidane.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.3: 647-718.
104483 Birthright Citizenship, Illegal Aliens, and the Original Meaning of the Citizenship Clause/Matthew Ing.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.3: 719-748.
104484 Splitting the Baby: Immigration, Family Law, and the Problem of the Single Deportable Parent/Timothy E. Yahner.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.3: 769-800.
104485 A Tribute to The Honorable Sam H. Bell (52)/Richard L. Aynes, Margaret Andreeff Matejkovic.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.4: 801-809.
104486 The Changing Face of Legal Education: Its Impact on What It Means to Be a Lawyer/Thomas D. Morgan.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.4: 811-842.
104487 Sex Slavery in the Lone Star State Does the Texas Human Trafficking Legislation of 2011 Protect Minors/Cheryl Nelson Butler.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.4: 843-885.
104488 The Duke Rape Case Five Years Later: Lessons for the Academy, the Media, and the Criminal Justice System/Dan Subotnik.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.4: 887-925.
104489 Response to The Duke Rape Case Five Years Later: Lessons for the Academy, the Media, and the Criminal Justice System by Dan Subotnik/Tracey Jean Boisseau.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.4: 927-943.
104490 Peacemaking and Provocation: A Response to Professor Tracey Jean Boisseau/Dan Subotnik.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.4: 945-948.
104491 Recognizing an Academic Freedom Exception to the Garcetti Limitation on the First Amendment Right to Free Speech/Carol N. Tran.- Akron Law Review. 2012; Vol.45, No.4: 949-987.
104492 Franchisees in a Fringe Banking World Striking the Balance Between Entrepreneurial Autonomy and Consumer Protection/Robert W. Emerson.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.1: 1-48.
104493 Shari’ah Law as National Security Threat/Cyra Akila Choudhury.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.1: 49-116.
104494 Realsim Over Formalism and the Presumption of Constitutionality: Chief Justice Roberts’ Opinion Upholding the Individual Mandate/Wilson Huhn.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.1: 117-135.
104495 The Need for Prompt Action to Revise American Law Schools/Richard A. Westin.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.1: 137-167.
104496 When Tigers Bare Teeth: A Qualitative Study of University Patent Enforcement/Jacob H. Rooksby.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.1: 169-205.
104497 The Akron Law School: The Early History of the University of Akron School of Law: 1921-1959/Margaret E. Matejkovic, Richard L. Aynes.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.1: 207-251.
104498 The Unconstitutionality of Ohio’s House Bill 125: The Heartbeat Bill/Jessica L. Knopp.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.1: 259-286.
104499 The Modest Effect of Minneci v. Pollard on Inmate Litigants/Alexander Volokh.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.2: 287-329.
104500 Factoring the Seriousness of the Offense Into Fourth Amendment Equations: Strip Searches in Detention Facilities – Atwater Strikes Again/William A. Schroeder.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.2: 331-412.
104501 Florence v. Board of Chosen Freeholders: Police Power Takes a More Intrusive Turn/Wayne A. Logan.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.2: 413-432.
104502 Bright Lines, Black Bodies: The Florence Strip Search Case and its Dire Repercussions/Teresa A. Miller.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.2: 433-472.
104503 The New State Postconviction/Giovanna Shay.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.2: 473-488.
104504 Developmental Detour: How the Minimalism of Miller v. Alabama Led the Court’s Kids Are Different Eighth Amendment Jurisprudence Down a Blind Alley/Mary Berkheiser.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.2: 489-517.
104505 Lawyers Professional Independence: Overrated or Undervalued/Bruce A. Green.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.3: 599-639.
104506 Prime Time for Japan to Take Another Step Forward in Lay Participation: Exploring Expansion to Civil Trials/Matthew J. Wilson.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.3: 641-674.
104507 Privatizing Human Rights Creating Intellectual Property Rights From Human Rights Principles/David S. Welkowitz.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.3: 675-626.
104508 Transitional Justice and Local Ownership: A Framework for the Protection of Human Rights/Andrew B. Friedman.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.3: 727-761.
104509 Revival: AToward a Formal Neutrality pproach to Economic Development Transfers to Religious Institutions/Ryan A. Doringo.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.3: 763-798.
104510 Is Meaningful Peer Review Headed Back to Florida/Brendan A. Sorg.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.3: 799-836.
104511 Symposium The Next Generation of Environmental and Natural Resources Law What Has Changed in Forty Years and What Needs to Change as a Result/Kalyani Robbins.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.4: 837-839.
104512 The Increasing Privatization of Environmental Permitting/Jessica Owley.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.4: 1091-1131.
104513 Hite v. Falcon Partners: A Model Rule for Marcellus and Utica Shale States Precluding the Use of Delay Rental Payments to Extend the Primary Term in an Oil and Gas Lease/Aaron Richardson.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.4: 1133-1163.
104514 Replacing Sustainability/Robin Kundis Craig.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.4: 841-880.
104515 Environmental Law and the Collapse of New Deal Constitutionalism/Arthur F. McEvoy.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.4: 881-908.
104516 Recovering From the Recovery Narrative: On Globalism, Green Jobs and Cyborg Civilization/Michael Burger.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.4: 909-932.
104517 Adaptive Management and the Future of Environmental Law/Eric Biber.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.4: 933-962.
104518 Aligning Regulation with the Informational Need: Ecosystem Services and the Next Generation of Environmental Law/Keith H. Hirokawa, Elizabeth J. Porter.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.4: 963-991.
104519 Looking Back to the Future: The Curmudgeon’s Guide to the Future of Environmental Law/Denis Binder.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.4: 993-1016.
104520 Power to the People: Restoring the Public Voice in Environmental Law/Albert C. Lin.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.4: 1017-1045.
104521 Toward Regional Governance in Environmental Law.- Akron Law Review. 2013; Vol.46, No.4: 1047-1090.
104522 Access to Justice Without Lawyers/Benjamin P. Cooper.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.1: 205-221.
104523 What it Means to be a Lawyer in These Uncertain Times: Some Thoughts on Ethical Participation/Susan Carle.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.1: 223-254.
104524 Not So Secure: Should Social Security Benefits Be Considered in the Good Faith Analysis Under/Casey J. Davis.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.1: 255-297.
104525 Attorney as Ethicist/Terry Szmagala.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.1: 31-36.
104526 Regulating Electronic Legal Support Across State and National Boundaries/Cassandra Burke Robertson.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.1: 37-50.
104527 Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow: Ethics 20/20 Amidst a Changing Profession/Thomas Ross.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.1: 51-64.
104528 Administrative and Interim Suspensions in the Lawyer Regulatory Process – A Preliminary Inquiry/Arthur F. Greenbaum.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.1: 65-120.
104529 The Client Who Did Too Much/Nancy B. Rapoport.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.1: 121-133.
104530 What Are Lawyers For/Daniel Markovits.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.1: 135-147.
104531 Ethics 2020 Successfully Achieved Its Mission It Protected, Preserved, and Maintained/James E. Moliterno.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.1: 149-176.
104532 Law Schools and the Legal Profession A Way Forward/Peter A. Joy.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.1: 177-203.
104533 Real Metamorphosis or More of the Same: Navigating the Practice of Law in the Wake of Ethics/Jack P. Sahl.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.1: 1-29.
104534 School Bullying Litigation: An Empirical Analysis of the Case Law/Diane M. Holben, Perry A. Zirkel.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.2: 299-328.
104535 The Politics of Procedure: An Empirical Analysis of Motion Practice in Civil Rights Litigation Under/Raymond H. Brescia,.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.2: 329-373.
104536 Why the Judicial Elections Debate Matters Less Than You Think: Retention as the Cornerstone of Independence/Layne S. Keele.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.2: 375-430.
104537 Full Disclosure: Cognitive Science, Informants, and Search Warrant Scrutiny/Mary Nicol Bowman.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.2: 431-496.
104538 Re-evaluating the Role of Companion Animals in the Era of the Aging Boomer/Rebecca J. Huss.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.2: 497-549.
104539 Implicated But Not Charged: Improving Due Process for Unindicted Co-Conspirators/Raeed N. Tayeh.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.2: 551-586.
104540 Defining the Wingspan of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act/Ashley R. Fiest.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.2: 587-612.
104541 Personal Jurisdiction: A Doctrinal Labyrinth with No Exit/Simona Grossi.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.3: 617-662.
104542 Bellwether Trial Selection in Multi-District Litigation Empirical Evidence in Favor of Random Selection/Loren H. Brown, Matthew A. Holian, Arindam Ghosh.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.3: 663-691.
104543 Judicial Decisionmaking, Empathy, and the Limits of Perception/Nicole E. Negowetti.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.3: 693-751.
104544 How Bad Law, Bad Economics and Bad Policy Positively Shaped Corporate Behavior/Megan Wischmeier Shaner.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.3: 753-807.
104545 Trading with Foreigners: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of China’s Core Interests in Trade and Foreign Policy/Phoenix X.F. Cai.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.3: 809-849.
104546 United States v. Mobley: Another Failure in Crime of Violence Analysis/Samantha Rutsky.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.3: 851-890.
104547 An Introduction to the Women in Law Symposium/Tracy A. Thomas.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.4: 891-895.
104548 Professional Women Silenced by Men-Made Norms/Maritza I. Reyes.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.4: 897-974.
104549 Gender Differences in Dispute Resolution Practice: Report on the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Practice Snapshot Survey/Gina Viola Brown, Andrea Kupfer Schneider.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.4: 975-996.
104550 Physical Attractiveness and Femininity Helpful or Hurtful for Female Attorneys/Peggy Li.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.4: 997-1017.
104551 Women in Litigation Literature: The Exoneration of Mayella Ewell in To Kill/Julia L. Ernst.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.4: 1019-1053.
104552 The Soldier and the Imbecile: How Holmes’s Manliness Fated Carrie Buck/John Kang.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.4: 1055-1070.
104553 Conceived Laws and Exploitative State: Toward Decriminalizing Prostitution in India/Yugank Goyal, Padmanabha Ramanujam.- Akron Law Review. 2014; Vol.47, No.4: 1071-1121.
104554 Chief Justice O’Connor’s Juvenile Justice Jurisprudence: A Consistent Approach to Inconsistent Interests/Yvette McGee-Brownv, Kimberly A. Jolson.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.1: 57-78.
104555 Flexible Predictability Stare Decisis In Ohio/Richard Garner.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.1: 15-33.
104556 City of Norwood v. Horney-Much More Than Eminent Domain: A Forceful Affirmation of the Independent/Kathleen M. Trafford.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.1: 35-56.
104557 OConnor’s Firsts/Phyllis L. Crocker.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.1: 79-89.
104558 Covering Up an Infection with a Bandage: A Call to Action to Address Flaws in Ohio’s/Justin M. Burns.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.1: 91-128.
104559 Mortgage Foreclosure Proceedings Where We Have Been and Where We Need to Go/Bryan E. Meek.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.1: 129-161.
104560 Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor: A Legacy of Judicial Independence/Pierce J. Reed.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.1: 1-14.
104561 Challenges Under Truth In Lending: Suing For Rescission, Giving Clear and Conspicuous Notice/Elwin Griffith.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.2: 163-213.
104562 Legal Agreement/Andrew Tutt,.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.2: 1-48.
104563 Mama’s Baby, Papa’s Maybe Disestablishment of Paternity/Vanessa S. Browne-Barbour.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.2: 283-313.
104564 Beware of Government Agents Bearing Trojan Horses/Brian L. Owsley.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.2: 315-347.
104565 Safe From Subpoena The Importance of Certificates of Confidentiality to the Viability and Ethics of Research/Emily Haney-Caron, Naomi E. Goldstein, David DeMatteo.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.2: 349-382.
104566 Justice Before Generosity: Creditors Claim to Assets of a Revocable Trust After the Death of the Settlor/Lauren Ashley Gribble.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.2: 383-418.
104567 Protecting Patients: A Proposal For Codifying The Reasonable Innovation Rule/Stephanie M. Mehle.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.2: 419-454.
104568 Untangling the Strings: Transfer Taxation of Retained Interests and Powers/Matthew A. Reiber.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.3: 455-483.
104569 Better Late Than Never: Incorporating LLCs Into Section 4943/Elaine Waterhouse Wilson.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.3: 485.
104570 Bogus Refunds & Bad Penalties: The Feckless and Fixable Refund Penalty System/Del Wright Jr..- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.3: 547-603.
104571 The Same Sex Marriage Tax Shelter: What’s Love Got To Do With It/Stephen T. Black.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.3: 605-639.
104572 Distinguishing Deductible Repairs from Capitalized Improvements: An Expectations Approach/George Mundstock, Thomas J. Korge.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.3: 641-662.
104573 Schoppe v. Commissioner: The Federal Circuit Split Regarding the Application of the Automatic Stay Provision/Nathaniel Tucker.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.3: 663-695.
104574 Back to Class: Lessons from the Roberts Court Class Action Jurisprudence/Bernadette Bollas Genetin.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.4: 697-720.
104575 Front-Loading, Avoidance, and Other Features of the Recent Supreme Court Class Action Jurisprudence/Richard D. Freer.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.4: 721-755.
104576 The Class Abides: Class Actions and the Roberts Court/Elizabeth J. Cabraser.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.4: 757-801.
104577 Employment Discrimination Class Actions After Wal-Mart v. Dukes/Michael Selmi, Sylvia Tsakos.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.4: 803-830.
104578 The Roberts Court and the End of the Entity Theory/Andrew J. Trask.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.4: 831-860.
104579 The New Class Action Federalism/Mark Moller.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.4: 861-862.
104580 The Practical Approach How the Roberts Court Has Enhanced Class Action Procedure by Strategically Carving at the Edges/Paul G. Karlsgodt.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.4: 883-922.
104581 Can You Trust Your Trust: Analyzing the Decision And Implications of Rachal v. Reitz on Arbitration Provisions in Trust Agreements/Michael Tipton.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.4: 979-1007.
104582 The Roberts Court and Securities Class Actions: Reaffirming Basic Principles/Eric Alan Isaacson.- Akron Law Review. 2015; Vol.48, No.4: 923-977.
104583 Liberty at the Borders of Private Law/Donald J. Smythe.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.1: 1-61.
104584 Plea Bargaining as Dialogue/Rinat Kitai-Sangero.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.1: 63-89.
104585 Alimony’s Job Lock/Margaret Ryznar.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.1: 91-113.
104586 The Five Days in June When Values Died in American Law/Bruce Ledewitz.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.1: 115-178.
104587 Fundamental Unenumerated Rights Under the Ninth Amendment and the Privileges/Adam Lamparello.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.1: 179-206.
104588 From Nipples to Powder/Marian Kousaie.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.1: 207-247.
104589 Not in My Hospital: The Future of State Statutes Requiring Abortion Providers/Daniel J. Glass.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.1: 249-285.
104590 Introduction to Socio-Economics: An Ethical Foundation for Law-Related Economic Analysis/Robert Ashford.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49: 287-309.
104591 Why Working But Poor The Need for Inclusive Capitalism/Robert Ashford.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.2: 507-537.
104592 Result Inequality in Family Law/Margaret F. Brinig.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.2: 471-506.
104593 Socio-Economics: Challenging Mainstream Economic Models and Policies/Stefan J. Padfield.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.2: 539-552.
104594 Adding Insult to Death: Why Punitive Damages Should Not Be Imposed Against a Deceased/Alec A. Beech.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49: 553-586.
104595 Fighting Collateral Sanctions One Statute at a Time: Addressing the Inadequacy/Sarah Wetzel.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.2: 587-626.
104596 Values and the Law: 2010 AALS Annual Meeting Luncheon Keynote Address/The Honorable Guido Calabresi.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.2: 311-317.
104597 What Does the Minimum Wage Have to Do with Reproductive Rights/Terry O’Neill.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.2: 319-327.
104598 The Socio-Economics of the Federal Estate Tax Why Do So Many People Hate (or Love) This Centenarian/Richard Gershon.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.2: 329-337.
104599 Homeschooling’s Harms: Lessons from Economics/George Shepherd.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.2: 339-370.
104600 Economic Ideology and the Rise of the Firm as a Criminal Enterprise/William K. Black, June Carbone.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.2: 371-407.
104601 A Socio-Economic Approach to Antitrust: Unpacking Competition, Consumer Surplus, and Allocative Efficiency/Jeffrey L. Harrison.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.2: 409-432.
104602 The General Theory of Second Best – An Overview/Robert Ashford.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.2: 433-436.
104603 The General Theory of Second Best and Economic-Efficiency Analysis/Richard S. Markovits.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.2: 437-469.
104604 What’s the Harm of Trademark Infringement/Rebecca Tushnet.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.3: 627-646.
104605 Intellectual Property Revenue Sharing as a Problem for University Technology Transfer/Jennifer Carter-Johnson.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.3: 647-670.
104606 Are Universities Special/Shubha Ghosh.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49: 691-694.
104607 Curated Innovation/Lital Helman.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.3: 695-737.
104608 Transplanting Organ Donors with Printers: The Legal and Ethical Implications of Manufacturing Organs/Katherine A. Smith.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.3: 739-769.
104609 Northwestern, O’Bannon and The Future Cultivating a New Era for Taxing Qualified Scholarships/Kathryn Kisska-Schulze.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49: 771-812.
104610 The Quagmire of Mortgage Short Sale Transactions Under Current Homeownership/Tracie R. Porter.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.4: 813-862.
104611 Getting Back to the Grassroots of Tax Administration: Because We the People/Frank Wolpe.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49: 863-923.
104612 All is Whale That Ends Whale The Deficiencies in National Protection for Orca Whales in Captivity/Hillary T. Wise.- Akron Law Review. 2015-216; Vol.49, No.4: 925-954.
104613 An Introduction to the National Park Service Symposium/Sarah J. Morath.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.1: 1-3.
104614 The National Park Service at 100/Donald J. Hellmann.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.1: 5-80.
104615 The National Park System and NEPA Non-Impairment in an Age of Disruption/Jamison E. Colburn.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.1: 81-110.
104616 Alaska: Extraordinary Parks, Extraordinarily Complicated/Julie Lurman Joly.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50: 111-125.
104617 Conserving Parks, Transforming Lives: How the Student Conservation Association/Liz Putnam.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.1: 127-139.
104618 Running the Race: An Evaluation of Post-Race-to-the-Top Modifications to Teacher Tenure Laws/Kimberly M. Rippeth.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50: 141-174.
104619 Justice Scalia’s Eighth Amendment Jurisprudence: An Unabashed Foe of Criminal Defendants/Michael Vitiello.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.2: 175-202.
104620 The Death Penalty and Justice Scalia’s Lines/J. Richard Broughton.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.2: 203-226.
104621 Originalism and the Criminal Law: Vindicating Justice Scalia’s Jurisprudence – and the Constitution/Adam Lamparello, Charles E. MacLean.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.2: 227-267.
104622 Justice Scalia as Neither Friend nor Foe to Criminal Defendants/Tung Yin.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.2: 175-202.
104623 Sound Principles, Undesirable Outcomes: Justice Scalia’s Paradoxical Eighth Amendment Jurisprudence/Mirko Bagaric, Sandeep Gopalan.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.2: 301-351.
104624 The Next Best Defendant: Examining a Remote Text Sender’s Liability Under Kubert v. Best/Christopher P. Edwards.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.2: 353-382.
104625 Tax Treaty Models – Past, Present, and a Suggested Future/Doron Narotzki.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.3: 383-423.
104626 Cut – and That’s a Wrap – The Film Industry’s Fleecing of State Tax Incentive Programs/Randle B. Pollard.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.3: 425-450.
104627 A Philosophy Toolkit for Tax Lawyers/Bret N. Bogenschneider.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.3: 451-459.
104628 Clash of Cultures: Epistemic Communities, Negotiation Theory, and International Lawmaking/S. I. Strong.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.3: 495-535.
104629 Buckle Up: State Child Safety Restraint Laws Need to be Strengthened to Better Protect Children/Ellen A. Black.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.3: 537-574.
104630 A Compromise – Adding a Knowledge Requirement to Rule 13b2-2 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934/Danielle K. Shaffer.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.3: 575-603.
104631 No Child Left Behind: Extending Ohio’s Pretermitted Heir Statute to Revocable Trusts/Danielle J. Halachoff.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.3: 605-636.
104632 Patent Submission Policies/Ryan T. Holte.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.4: 637-698.
104633 Reconsidering Experimental Use/Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.4: 699-723.
104634 Copyright Easements/Jason Mazzone.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.4: 725-763.
104635 Redefining the Intended Copyright Infringer/Yvette Joy Liebesman.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.4: 765-816.
104636 Charitable Trademarks/Leah Chan Grinvald.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.4: 817-864.
104637 Trademark Boundaries and 3D Printing/Lucas S. Osborn.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.4: 865-902.
104638 Human Capital as Intellectual Property Non-Competes and the Limits of IP Protection/Viva R. Moffat.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.4: 903-931.
104639 Comment: An Examination of the Impact of Malpractice Law on Telepsychiatry Clinicians & Clients with Suicidal Ideations/Tristan Serri.- Akron Law Review. 2017; Vol.50, No.4: 933-964.
104640 Unmasking the Teen Cyberbully A First Amendment-Compliant Approach to Protecting Child Victims/Benjamin A. Holden.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.1: 1-54.
104641 Third Generation Discrimination: The Ripple Effects of Gender Bias in the Workplace/Catherine Ross Dunham.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.1: 55-98.
104642 For the Greater Good The Subordination of Reproductive Freedom to State Interests in the United States and China/Marisa S. Cianciarulo.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.1: 99-141.
104643 Reconstructing the Voice of Authority/Susie Salmon.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51: 143-187.
104644 The Misapplication of the Lautenberg Amendment in Voisine v. United States and the Resulting Loss/Cynthia M. Menta.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.1: 189-218.
104645 Dissecting the ABA Texas Capital Punishment Assessment Report of 2013: Death and Texas/Patrick S. Metze.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.2: 219-260.
104646 The Hardship That is Internet Deprivation and What it Means for Sentencing: Development/Mirko Bagaric, Nick Fischer, Dan Hunter.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.2: 261-323.
104647 Power in the Age of In Equality: Economic Abuse, Masculinities, and the Long Road to Marriage Equality/Arianne Renan Barzilay.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.2: 323-366.
104648 Promoting Retirement Security for Low-Income Workers in Illinois: An Analysis and Lessons for Other States/Philip C. Aka, Chidera V. Oku, Murna Habila.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.2: 367-466.
104649 Access to Adjudication Materials on Federal Agency Websites/Daniel J. Sheffner.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.2: 447-506.
104650 Choice of Law in Ohio Two Steps Routinely Missed/Richard S. Walinski.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.2: 507-535.
104651 Fixing a Non-Existent Problem with an Ineffective Solution: Doe v. Snyder/Joshua E. Montgomery.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.2: 537.
104652 On Moral Grounds Denouncing the Board’s Framework for Identifying Crimes of Moral Turpitude/Frank George.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.2: 577-605.
104653 Attorney Negligence and Negligent Spoliation: The Need for New Tools to Prompt Attorney/Paula Schaefer.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.3: 607-637.
104654 The Sedona Principles (Third Edition): Continuity, Innovation, and Course Corrections/Thomas Y. Allman.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.3: 889-918.
104655 Asymmetry and Adequacy in Discovery Incentives: The Discouraging Implications of Haeger v. Goodyear/Jeffrey W. Stempel.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.3: 639-682.
104656 Breaking the Boilerplate Habit in Civil Discovery/Steven S. Gensler, Lee H. Rosenthal.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.3: 683-719.
104657 Practical Ways to Achieve Proportionality During Discovery and Reduce Costs in the Pretrial Phase of Federal Civil Cases/Judge Paul W. Grimm.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.3: 721-748.
104658 Self-Destruct Apps: Spoliation by Design?/Agnieszka McPeak.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.3: 749-763.
104659 Discovery Innovation: Discovery Reform and Federal Civil Rulemaking/Brooke D. Coleman.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.3: 765-782.
104660 Initial Disclosures: The Past, Present, and Future of Discovery/Brittany K.T. Kauffman.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.3: 783-816.
104661 Still a Failure: Broad Pretrial Discovery and the Superficial 2015 Amendments/George Shepherd.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.3: 817-855.
104662 U.S. Discovery in a Transnational and Digital Age and the Increasing Need for Comparative Analysis/Vivian Grosswald Curran.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.3: 857-887.
104663 Long Gone! When to Recall Discharged Juries/Maria T. Ciccolini.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.3: 919-950.
104664 Access to Justice: Impact of Twombly & Iqbal on State Court Systems/Danielle Lusardo Schantz.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.3: 919-950.
104665 Criminal Trademark Enforcement and the Problem of Inevitable Creep/Mark P. McKenna.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.4: 989-1023.
104666 Super Bowl I, Jazz Radio, and The Glass Menagerie: Copyright, Preservation, and Private Copies/R. Anthony Reese.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.4: 1025-1067.
104667 The Porous Court-Agency Border in Patent Law/Saurabh Vishnubhakat.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.4: 1069-1092.
104668 The Lost Tort of Moral Rights Invasion/Patrick R. Goold.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.4: 1093-1124.
104669 Intellectual Property, Traditional Knowledge, and Traditional Cultural Expressions in Native American Tribal Codes/Dalindyebo Bafana Shabalala.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.4: 1125-1161.
104670 The (Re)newed Barrier to Access to Medication Data Exclusivity/Srividhya Ragavan.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.4: 1163-1196.
104671 Harmonizing Cultural IP Across Borders: Fashionable Bags & Ghanaian Adinkra Symbols/J. Janewa Osei-Tutu.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.4: 1197-1227.
104672 For Whom the Bell (Equitably) Tolls: ERISA Compliance and Denial of Benefits Notices Circuit Split/Sarah Smith.- Akron Law Review. 2017-2018; Vol.51, No.4: 1229-1262.


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